Benje22: TerraSMP S4 Livestream – Join the Fun!

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Oh my God I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die thank god oh times like this when I should have my shield in my hot bar wait season four done um I need to go copy tags times like this you know yeah yeah I am so clumsy

Today you did up literally wiy you’re so quy right now also also also why were you guys why do you guys always joke around whenever I go like dude help help or whenever something that’s in danger CU like you could just mine up or block yourself in you

Don’t oh yeah you Ben you know the circumstances of Kenny’s death did your mom distract you this time he fell into the hole instantly logged out and then instead of sending me his coordinates I have water bucket he just logged back in and died yeah Kenny I question I question

Decision making skills huh I question your decision making skills oh okay oh oh oh I don’t even have the notebook shoot okay well I’ll fix that a second get the link what was that who did who did that yes Kenny Kenny what oh wait I need to turn on my candle

I need to light my candle yeah um Um SL it the candle come on I’m amazed I haven’t found a single Diamond yet how long will it take to get the lighter to hold a constant yeah is a fake friend I’m a fake friend okay I’m losing it dude I cannot get a steady flame boom

Pow so Benji did you send out your your your Tik Tok your short not yet for this stream I did Grog tag I lit the candle we’re okay now I just have to have it go for like hours benj so it doesn’t what are you in the mine I’m mining right now

Yeah okay if if you go to if you go to my house and go down or underneath my if you go if you go to my house and go underground like underneath my house and and you see the mine you if you go there then you’ll see me well I’m not

There that’s I’m in the public mine yeah he’s in the public and I’m mining cuz this place makes me Rich bro yeah honestly I haven’t found a single diamond in Kenny’s mind I’m questioning it oh B guess what about I have I have full diamond armor and full diamond tools

Nice I do too I just haven’t Enchanted them yeah neither have iomo boom it’s time baby choose to go this way okay um uh who just m back to stri make the short I pinged that’s that’s probably what it was I’ve only been live for 45 minutes

So are we are we going are we are we having a Christmas party today no we’re decorating the Christmas tree yeah I’m also building the under room when are we going to have a Christmas party like next Friday or something before Christmas next Friday like Friday

Or Saturday so so like so like on on the 24th no cuz that’s Christmas Eve s Friday or Saturday which is 22 when I my yearly pajama pants so can we do it um like any in the in the morning or evening yeah we’re not going to do it at freaking

Midnight yeah that will be fun Benji we were going to start it at like 5 but then chaos happens every single time and delays it by like two hours was Kenny involved Kenny was involved with the chaos cuz he made the hole of course he was you made remember the hole you

Made in the house what hole you made a hole that went down to near bedrock and you were pushing us into that for like 30 minutes so if you didn’t do that maybe that you would have been part of the Christmas party so that sounds funny as

Hell it was very funny but also really annoying cuz it delayed the Christmas party didn’t do [ __ ] oh yeah Eli made the hole but kind was a big problem with the hole Yeah well no no Eli pushed me into the hole too yeah we were all pushed into the hole

You caused problems you built a hole in my house as well you built a hole in like everyone’s house you know what we’ funny if I make this hole and I punch people into it that’ be really funny be really funny to bully people and kill them on our

Christmas party someone’s butt hurt someone’s butt hurt three yes I am because it delayed the Christmas party so okay should be mad cuz hey you saw what I looked like when I was gay what yes so why would I be gay now first of all you have curly hair

What does that have to do with being gay wait what what Ben am I missing there’s a difference you you had you had long hair and now you have curly hair I’ve always had curly curly hair wait how the freak do you have curly hair oh I’m losing

It huh yes I don’t you get born with curly hair it’s a genetic thing we’ve been learning about this in bioen oh I I’m so done I so done right now bro you just started it’s kind of obvious I actually I’m actually gay because I have a

Vagina what no Eli said that Eli Eli said that you’re a f fake friend just because you have a vagina yeah I am are you not no you’re not yeah I am how you’re not I have a vagina I mean come on I have a vagina that means I’m fake

What am I listening to he doesn’t realize it’s a joke you’ve made me drop viewers I heard that Benji what no I heard that I heard that loud and clear k k how would that not be a joke saying I’m a fake friend because I have a Bina it sounds like you’re it

Sounds like you’re literally being serious about it you’re just autistic and it’s Just sh about that being well we don’t want of being serious it’s pretty obvious it’s a freaking joke yeah I don’t even know the Benji lore and I I get it it’s a joke benj

Kenny y we’re in a m shaft it’s all torched up by a baji is it in a diar biome no serious to Benji is okay yeah different different no oh my God what am I reading in in live um so yesterday Eli was telling K

I’m a fake friend cuz I have a vagina and clearly you don’t have a vagina clearly K didn’t pick up first off the joke I have a vagina that’s stupid you don’t you are correct so why would I be a fake friend for having something I don’t have a vagina is a vagina

Denier if You’ be I haven’t seen you since season bagina B bagina not VA is the real word it’s B cuz my name is a b same thing B B A same thing no it ain’t let me go find a gun I’m done hey man I live more sou than you

That’s my job don’t worry about it you’re act dude my parents and grandparents are you act like you kind of act like Antony antigon huh yes that’s not a word yeah actually it’s a name she she committed suicide which um her her family members also committed suicide so like her husband committ Su

We’re talking and everybody else committed suicide can we’re talking about this because um yesterday Eli called me a fake friend for having a vagina which is obviously a joke that’s hilarious right he says I have a vagina cuz my name is Benjamin um so that happened and Kenny isn’t

Picking up it’s a joke I had to talk to chat and keny was screaming okay okay yeah good who’s in your chat I can’t tell if you’re woman not so it’s very obvious that he’s joking no it’s not it’s so obvious considering we’ve told you several times that he’s

Joking I think it should be obvious that he’s joking before he told me that before he told me that you were joking and you thought Eli was on Alex Compu why are you still stuck on that this ain’t a why you stuck cool I need to get the short shoot

Um well I’m in the mine that’s that would be terrible so I’m actually just going to mine for a bit okay it’s silent and it’s kind of Minecraft music playing in the background you know six I just found diamonds and now I have six nice man how you how is you getting

Diamond I ain’t got H I have seven and I think I’ve only found one bank I ain’t got the hly diddly down in here hly diddly I wanted to stop streaming after like an hour I assumed I’d get diamonds by now gay gay gay gay wait do you know who Raymond is

What no Aaron Gomez yeah I haven’t seen you since like the end of season 3 almost yeah Gomez you guys see the town this place has came together in a few weeks awesome it has it’s crazy iron uh this cave is already being explored but clearly some people don’t

Care about iron like I do man I I’ve already gained like two stacks of iron from mining today yeah that’s literally all I went mining for iron um it’s free you know what I have a decent amount I think I’ll stop here just cuz I don’t want to continue right

Now mine wait what the I haven’t seen a single diamond oh wait no I’ve seen like one that Kenny was carrying and there’s like four in Kenny’s chest hi Emma what there’s a diamond in your chest there there’s a diamond in my chest oh yeah I put those there for you

Kenny cuz you died in lava and blamed it on your mom yes even though Luca has the clip of you going in the lava and it’s obviously not your mom’s fault ain’t no way brother got CAU why look why do look all his clip things you

Ask him to as Security man but literally turns around you dip into the lava and then jump right into the lava like there’s no evidence of your mom and then you’re like it’s my mom’s fault she distracted me ain’t no way gy yeah I know you didn’t mean to Old

Cave but it’s not your mom’s fault can do you have any papers no hey we have unless Al places sugarcan we have nothing no I didn’t what I’ve got one piece of sugar cane that’s it and I’m going to start a farm ow get away from me you Christ it

Is it is so laggy yeah Alec is racist no no no we hate the green pigs though cuz it doesn’t make sense why there’s a green pig radiation oh yo I got a disc which one Rainy Mood huh it’s an Ambiance disc it says oh oh

Um yeah it’s one of the Quirk ones yeah PR cool I haven’t been able to like find when a zombie killed a skeleton oh a zombie killed a skeleton yeah and it oh that’s actually cool I need or maybe it dropped when the skeleton killed the spider who knows no no

No we need cows we have one oh a creeper blew up Luca’s house or is this TNT this does not look like a creeper the the creeper was named Kenneth the creeper was named Kenneth mhm it was me I’m leaving the group cuz Aaron’s I’m in town with Aaron so wait these group

Suck what I’m sorry you’re in they suck cuz like they hide you from everyone else so why yeah why don’t you just get hit because I just came back in down because the groups are aning they remove the point of voice chat why you having to be nearby to talk to each

Other why’ you why’ you guys do that hold on me Amigos the groups bring back Bad season 2 Nostalgia I hate thisone tell me where to go home I can’t find home um like it’s like 21 hello 50 something and like 51 something I think who blew up a 52 52

Something y’all’ll be what can you go back to Luca’s house I want to see it um I’m in your house right now where are you at where you at yo I got a full bow oh my Lord so I think someone put a piece of TNT shut up

Um it’s always Luca’s house that’s the funny thing that’s awesome awesome funny is not g to find that funny at all and that’s what’s funny about it wait what okay where is everybody I see like nobody in town where where I was mining but I’m back now what the hell Snee that

Was that’s what it sounded like got it I think it got bombed okay I sneeze loud you forced yourself to sneeze loud oh oh yeah you’re where are you guys I’m in my house we’re on the mines I’m in the M where’s I don’t know I think we’re like

All Min Aon I’m coming back I got some corn because I’m growing at Los Jays oh oh okay right now us some tortilla chips Aaron hey don’t worry I’m going to be doing a big operational that for you yeah you know I still call you Gomez

Right yeah if you don’t mind cuz you’re racist yeah cuz you’re racist against green pigs okay okay but that that doesn’t that’s not right he’s not a pig dude okay he’s more than just that okay he’s bacon ooh diamonds dude bro how are you I haven’t found a single one wow it’s

It’s Dan Martinez what I haven’t seen you since like Midway through season 3 wait Benji how often do you build these medal houses this is my first one in a while huh dude you finally get be get to be part of History danting beeped and I don’t I forget what I called

You I call you got just call you sick an I found this sick Golf and I’m calling it the GU golf it’s epic dude let’s go I’m going to make a giant vehicle and make it like look at this house so drippy everywhere nah bro oh zero framed damn it nice you know

It um you lagging as balls dud dude shut your mouth no fake friend Kenny do you know that a fake friend yeah I’m a fake friend he’s not a fake friend oh take a joke he literally is dude holy crap what the what the okay SC okay

Um well is very even if it’s a joke he’s still not a fake friend yes he is he literally is dude my stream is so inter if you’re actually joking he’s not a fake friend dude he literally is dude okay oh it’s Alec Al see I think I figured out the

Problem there’s too many people online I just need to join when no one’s online Al baby girl baby girl okay um I need to record this oh he crashed he crashed he’s getting the crash issue now too many of us are on I think yeah think everybody get one day or another

Is Benji running it no Alec is he can’t connect to his own server that’s I’m not R it because Alex internet hates when I run the server and I don’t know why every time I break a block it just reappears and it just disappears it’s called lag and ghost

Block just shift and then do shift and it’ll usually fix the ghost blocking I’m literally holding [ __ ] okay let me record the short wow I haven’t done this in a while but it’s okay we um I actually need to check the mic is on the right thing

On it is not it’s on the webcam let’s fix that okay I’m doing my second ever stream on Terra SMP season 4 which is our Christmas season of our SMP and it is so far really really fun and I’ve got a lot to do in this stream so please do come join

Live stream promise you it’s going to be a lot of fun have a great day and I’ll see you here yeah okay yo wait Gomez have a question there’s going to be one less Gomez are I have a question yeah are you going to be

Inam be inest next year I’m going to be in marching band next year oh God have fun you’re not making it to state with Kenny and what someone someone with the name of k um did this apparently k Jo do that yes you did no I didn’t you’re fake friend

You’re a fake friend Kenny you’re fake friend you blew up Luka’s house we trusted you K you’re a fake friend Kenny wait is anyone streaming or recording right now me andj are live what is playing after well I was going to show you guys something but just going to expose my phone number

Apparently my I have not known this until now Eli you probably have my voicemail is Indian I have no clue yeah yeah yeah yeah I didn’t know that called me I call heard I call you all the time and it’s sorry no one do have to grandma told me the other day she

Goes uh who’s that on your voice mod I was like huh I haven’t I don’t have a voice that’s hilarious that is hilarious Microsoft Tex hilarious no your call has been forwarded to automatic voice close I’m cing that so funny Let me let me send myself now but it’s still say my number

Stupid lava it just gets in my way hey that’s hilarious can I get a review on it yeah doing let me pull it up Haven been home hey dude don’t even talk no I no no I’m going to start I’m going to continue talking I’m not going to stop talking

Shut up yapper yapper no I need find you are you are you um oh Jesus Are You acoustic yes funny you’re acoustic I’m an acoustic guitar a little ironic yeah it’s so not funny it is a little ironic not what does oh there go autistic it’s really really not funny

Because what does what does Acoustic mean artistic artistic it’s just some stupid thing you should know this Kenny s okay hey um Eli can we just designate the basement of lad as the random crop Farm wait everybody stop talking oh Merry Christmas what continue on what does it

Mean it means AU he just said but it’s dumb cuz what people say you think it’s funny I don’t think it’s funny at all because it’s pretty brain dead it’s kind of fend people it’s just like over no J no Jamie is um acoustic say

That you uh I don’t know I can’t say this why does he sound like he’s I should I should also mention before before stuff goes anywhere the these streams remain public for me so be careful can I can I be say your address say your address yes you

Can can I yeah wait I can you can be acoustic really huge power play I could want to be I could want to be want work out for you oh my God that’s like your dream Mr Mr Pian I’m making so many exg egg sandwiches this is almost as bad as

Discord this is much that’s what’s going on of egg sandwiches seriously this is literally Hew why don’t we turn get okay I’m done with group group yep Eli can I are you before before we get El can I use Lo JS as um like the every crop area does anyone have paper

Shut that’s good that’s fine does anyone does anyone text Chat loud does anyone have some papers I can borrow no no no we’re broke on it El onions do any you’re one farming well I’m going to put stuff under l jound a monster when you go like no you know what you sound like what Tom

Yeah ah my escap key where did it go my Escape key it’s gone it just fell check under your Force what what I don’t have any oh is this home dud where’s Home yeah honestly I used to be all four groups but I don’t know I can’t find any

Papor I found home no way Escape ke to my house come to my house I need to show you something okay I’m leaving the group I’m leaving the group oh my gosh the groups are so chaotic I can’t it’s it’s as bad as the Christmas parties y’all it

Christmas part is about to be a nightmare um when that happens what the hell H I can’t type hi what Bist what Bist I can’t hear you why why not what the hell B I’m reluck no re logging the mic thing is so freaking bad voice chat breaks so easily which is

Unfortunate oh wait D yeah I can send myself YouTube short now finally holy crap and I’ll also post on Tik Tok because yeah hopefully I didn’t just crash Minecraft oopsies I just did the one thing that can crash it easily oh okay oh yeah that’s nice you just

Crashed thank you hey oh why do I have a million flutes why did just give me a million flutes oh I’m going to crash oh I’m crashing a I’m crashing I’m crashing I’m crashing cuz voice Shadow isn’t connected damn it dang it dude I have a million flutes now

Okay please tell me I can get in please stop don’t do this because if it’s doing this I might not be able to join for a while please please just be a one time thing there’s Alec let me load Kenny they’re all just at my

House oh y I made it oh the lag is bad holy crap hold on the lag what is going on no I’m crashed again wait no what is going on what is going on I can’t no no stop stop stop I made it for a second and then crashed try Again come on come on come on come on come on come on if I see myself up here we have a half decent chance okay yeah yeah hold on are we eating up are we eating up right now are we eating up where is it yay I’m not crashing let’s

Go eating who’s eating it up Banes oh here we go Jo the where yeah behind you oh what no hey hey why did you give me like a million flutes I literally have like 10 this obnoxious dude why isone crashing okay I I think one of the performance mods is

Causing this this is weird El just got timed out that’s check your phone y do you want your fluts back no no no no no actually I’ll take no no no okay I’ll sore them in a safe place on my booty hole did you say you can lead animals

With this um luuka used it and then his raccoon teleported to him so oh okay that’s weird let me let yeah your question I’ll just keep going let’s try to get to five hours depends when we’re decorating Christmas tree because I’ll pause the stream there oh yeah we got to do that

Tonight should I study that’ll be okay yeah okay I need to get this short slash Tik Tok out oh it’s not in YouTube Studio actually good Try you are you okay uh okay done this is going to take us second by the way I think y’all know this already I do this every stream that I’m doing I’m I’m doing my second I’m doing my second ever stream on ter okay um boom that is not even the word second

Um next got to hope it gains traction unlike everything else I’ve been doing recently oh actually my hair is owning today it was not yesterday before I showered it was actually quite off the cliff was terrible um kill spider I mean yeah spiders if you kill spiders I mean we love Kenny hash

Subscribe that little like little okay upload uhoh that’s not a good sound that was from back here I think where was the creeper that just blew up cany right right over there oh well creep oh man lag holy crap got it do you have um string I should have some

Yeah uh can I have some yeah of course all right pal bang I got get this short on Tik Tok and and and do you have uh and do you have papers like no Pap no we don’t have sugarcane that chest K huh that chest that I’m punching in there grab some string

Whoa well I don’t remember you if you changed your name what I’m talking stream oh um what what’ you change your name what what was it because I don’t not I’m not going to know if you change your name a few months ago you subscribed shoot I don’t

Know there’s a lot that happens man um try my best to remember people I’ve remembered everyone that’s joined today so far but I don’t know shoot opening things but hey good to see you again man some may not have subscribers public so I don’t have like any sign of you being subscribed by

Chance but I I don’t know can’t put ah trying to think it had to be a season 3 stream but what no clue okay oh my gosh eat the bread yeah Alex going to add more RAM because it’s been some issues so while that’s happening let me get it uh the

Clip out on Tik Tok oh switch accounts because that’s not the account this account upload this a little bit you okay next wait no cuz I need to add text add text oh okay well text add text that that love that my audio just broke what what just happened huh why the

Music oh that’s why right um then I need to drag that all the way drag this all the way and this all the way next more options I’m not saving to device anymore and I think if I go without a title possibly we just put the hashtags maybe maybe you

Know just put what I’ve had before okay or yeah what if we just leave at that what’s going to happen you know I’m interested um let’s just post and there we go let’s just see what happens right I mean what hurt it w’t hurt right okay canari is the first to make

It like that’s right in time I just finished on Tik Tok okay all right uh oh oh wait hold on there we go was that what up just put Alec because why not um I like where is here okay let’s eat this up guys let’s go so what am I doing um

I’ll go yacht canari to start making Farms like right now I look I’m Yar business we are oh is Kar still mining I think he is oh okay can get in oh I almost put baby instead Barbie hey Luca oh yeah oh I’m dumb forgot this house exp he’s going to be very

Happy okay oh Kenny’s crashing now ah he said disconnected out I think it says that whenever like someone gets kicked if he tries again hopefully make it well that’s what it was saying to Eli I thought it normally just disconnected the crash Why is up what is going on with the

Server oh oh oh that’s something what the if he gets kicked I’m going to be very sad do you have any extra Diamond AIDS I haven’t seen it yet he made it oh my God I’m actually oh yeah well no he’s in he’s in snow place oh my gosh look at Aaron’s

Discord picture bro it goes hard you go hard did he change it God I do it yeah he’s not Curtis anymore but it’s pretty epic still he changed something I bomb’s house it was you dude I thought everyone knew it was him right I did yeah

Okay okay I mean I didn’t know but I I knew no guys do you want to have a snazzy Taz listening party in Luca’s house and give everyone a little snippet of the new song true true can you can just open it okay oh okay that’s really I picked it up uh uhoh

Um oh God it happen to everybody bro Aaron’s getting kick now what yeah like we have a server cap a play cap I got to rework this whole thing I have feeling it’s one of performance mods but yeah probably that’s why I got rid of what the heck freaking does it take and

Didn’t view distance cuz those were the two I’m like I think we’ve had issues with these before and what not oh do a tick wasn’t causing anything I might add that back actually that Mak yeah I I feel like we’ve had an issue with it before at same time like

We’ve had it before and then like it caused crashing and issues so we removed it but I don’t know I just got kicked oh I’m getting kicked again because the voice chat isn’t on look at this what the hell there we go freaking love this server man him resig it just made everyone

Suffer even [Laughter] more it’s hilarious it’s actually hilarious come on please no I’m getting oh I made it I think hopefully please don’t crash don’t crash don’t crash don’t crash don’t crash no I crashed again as soon as voice chat gets dis disconnected you know you crashed that’s when you know you crashed

Ah freaking Alec Clos the ser now everyone’s crashing rather than just Eli okay I just watched them move around but I’m getting kicked still I’m getting crashed because the voice chat thing shows I’m disconnected The Voice Chat thing says you’re disconnected you’re disconnected you’re getting kicked bch shows that for a little too

Long okay right now then you get crashed you get kicked but okay Al wants a log he wants a log you know um I don’t know how could do anything with it cuz we we’ve looked at it before and it’s told nothing hello again um we’re trying to see if I can

Join cuz these logs don’t tell you anything either like the server tells you nothing and then these also tell you nothing or maybe not same request aspr is deprecated deprecated that’s the word reload fired false huh if we can fix this we have fixed the biggest issue in season 4 history I made

It now let’s go I think the log is actually going to help this time I think I think the log says something valuable Aaron has petite little feet yeah that’s what the log says how do you what sorry eron’s telling me some funny jokes bro oh he’s cracking it up he’s cracking you

Up it’s a it was a funny joke oh yeah is it I’m a fake friend cuz I have a bji I think your friends are a joke I think your jokes I’m a fake friend fake friend cuz I have a bosi wait so if I use this flute can I use it

On Edward well it’s not your raccoon you have to have it tamed I tame the raccoon it’s already tamed Edward take the raccoon then he bites watch out your big old flippers don’t pull out the knife that’s the meanest thing you could do I can’t even pick up Edward oh oh run

Run run run run [ __ ] go go go go go go go go go go go go I’m in my house and nothing happened I’m visiting you yo what’s good what’s good man what’s Gucci man what’s Gucci man what’s good Luka what’s the haps come up here Benji we can see him

Coming to his house oh yeah yeah that’s true oh this is my seating place I want to like make this an actual seating place and just leave this down oh my gosh he’s actually in Aon come over here come up here come mine come to mine hi Luke Luka auto corrected to

Luke I need to do a lot of enchanting to okay get in again get in here get in here quick quick quick before it’s too late is there a monster on the loose right now no no no um it’s just have you seen lca’s house myet have you seen

Luka’s house have you seen what Kenny did to Luka’s house yeah K yeah have you seen this monstrous uh Blackboard drawing oh is that canari is that look who knows not my levels dude I’m going to crash from Death lag I swear I’m coming for you oh

Oh I didn’t Crash from Death like dude I had 14 levels I had 14 levels man no away where are you Eli you can’t hide from me I don’t even have everything give me my [ __ ] back yeah Eli give it back okay at least I still have the

Journal come here oh wait some of it’s just chilling in weird places damn it someone broke the freaking painting again can people stop breaking these paintings bro why you try to kill me man and an iron frame yo who has the pickaxe oh wait I have the pickaxe and who has

Carpets bro those bombs do actual damage what do I do what do I do the bombs blow up item like blocks they blow up blocks guy shut up it takes forever to do that you know you blew up everything I love blew up everything I love the grease the

Grease stuff go wait hold up yeah I’m done with grease I’m sorry I I’ll fix what I did Def Ben where’s the carpet GRE this time this ain’t gree this time it’s Revenge it’s missing like this entire part ohoud I’ll go Shear some sheep I I have well actually never mind we

Chill are we good now yeah we’re good what is going on I can’t even see items my he’s still trying to blow me things are so bugging server he’s trying to blow me up no Eli come here you blew me up you did the wrong nuking I was trying to kill I was

Trying to kill him and then he jumped in the way I have no armor of course I’m going to die I don’t trust Aaron I don’t want to be around him why not oh it blew up a painting down here even shoot I don’t know what this painting was oh

Well probably crap he’s mining he’s mining he’s mining look at how many people are on it’s his nickname thank God no his nickname is elf cuz he’s short come on give me give me the painting I know exactly which one this one was oh made a mistake come

Here God if I have any more property damage bro the air is like bombing everything it’s like a terrorist attack dude oh no that was a painting ah oh my gosh it’s not September bro that’s crazy oh my no that was painting again oh my gosh okay be a little bit

More aware this time where is K he like under he’s mining oh is he in Los Jay’s or is he in Eli’s private mine or in Kenny’s private mine what oh oh get him sis get him sis male you’re like destroy on the what is going on come here come here

Just the grease every everyone’s greasing right now what is going on there’s no way we’re going to have another War dude it’s from these freaking bombs can we just chill dude yeah please no I’m getting revenge for Luca this is for you please kill him

It that is Revenge all um maybe maybe um at your house right who was that maybe the person that’s trying to get blown up right now you okay you have Eli Eli nazy tazzy come here dude where’s this painting again hey I broke it twice by accident now I can’t find it

Once he did he submitted it to me I did not I did not why would I blow up your house I don’t know good question you tell me why would you racist that’s what he is Y and War and I’m trying to get a specific P I’m breaking a lot more than

His oh he left what did I do he killed you you killed him dumb yeah but exploded my house supposedly dude I literally one shot him I just ran his house said where’s Ken just one shot bro you got to be kidding this actually sucks you guys should

Really find a new prank whoever this was you could imagine Eli no no no no no no yeah Eli killed the pig did you not hear that what he killed the pig it’s a freaking shiny literally that’s like a one in a million or something that’s rare oh no what is with

You that freaking pig is so rare Alex probably like trying to fix the server and we’re causing War oh Eli yeah now Eli’s crashing stuff yeah get his stuff pick it up pick it up yay there’s the painting I didn’t break it this time oh I actually think I know which

Painting this was that’s insane I know which painting this was yo oh it wasn’t that one but it’s this yeah there we go cool and then I can just make some carpets right at least six one 2 3 4 5 one 2 three four okay one two three what no or wait

Um one two three and then this is look like a one two three looking almost and then it’ll be centered with this so actually how do that look that kind of feels better what if I put the carpets here as well actually oh I actually had some carpets One One

Carpet really okay I need to go Shear red sheep oh this is fun red sheep are my best I’m also still missing an iron hoe and axe which Eli had um I don’t know where that stuff is where’s Eli’s stuff where’s Eli’s stuff cuz they have

My my ax and well I want where’s the chest cuz it has some of my stuff oh God I’m crying what chest Luka I’m crying bro how you like that how you like that how’s that feel huh how does that feel okay yeah okay brother you

Okay get away get away get away get oh my gosh I literally hit you though get away get away get away get away get away get get away get away get away get away get away get away get away get away get away get away why I L I don’t have a

Sword what are you on about yes you do I saw in your hand where in your hand I literally don’t have anything in my hand uhhuh sure press F5 look at it there’s nothing I see it I hit you twice what okay okay okay okay okay okay okay

Surr I Surrender I Surrender I Surrender I surr you surrender you surrender okay okay then we’ll run back I Surrender you’re a long way buddy I see that sword in your hand yeah ow ow okay okay okay okay now okay okay now now I Surrender I Surrender I

Sur I Surrender I Surrender I [Laughter] Surrender oh that was funny okay let me make sure Kenny is not crashing before I grabs stuff all right I had to do my greasing I had to do my greasing session okay I have all this stuff where’s Kenny where did you spawn

Kenny what do you mean you’re at yours Kenny you’re not here oh that’s Alec wait huh yes hello oh hey hi there you are I’m going to go yeah Father Time furry no milk says you luuka you you have no milk left you’ve emptied your milk compartments hi Edward I

Just is that the real ninja no I’m actually I’m actually I’m actually kth pickle man that was funny like dude like I Surrender I Surrender and I saw him with sword in hand so I literally put on the shield got the sword I blocked why does

He think this is so funny I don’t know when I see him again I’m actually killing him three times in a row actually so stupid so stupid yeah when I said that he was stupid I didn’t mean like I wasn’t genu being like you’re stupid I was being like

Can stop can I be acoustic iy I was trying to like talk s and he goes you are too shut up you’re says you you’re gay you’re stupider than Jupiter oh and your mom is fatter than you know what be fine I’m going break Kenny’s bed and then I’m going

Kill him bro he’s been at World spawn so much oh hi where’s his bed actually broken it’s gone his bed’s nonexistent gone that’s why he’s at world he said mine that is not true he’s in the mines his bed’s in the mines crazy we should actually hours and I literally

Did nothing to him at all yeah can’t just explode someone’s house and laugh that was that was not slay gurly boss what you’re a slay boss oh oh oh oh oh oh your freaking cord what is he doing why does he just not rehat how do you freaking select all

I don’t give a [ __ ] the song is very lit K doesn’t understand the hype for The Giggity tracks a that’s czy yeah devious lick for real wait books can float what the this song is very little come to my house come to my house I broke a trap door that had blocks

Books on it you have any andite Anders sight yes wi is this I have Ander sight but um do you like some floating books do you would you like to see books that are freaking floating okay yeah that did a heart of dam nice nice have some

Andesite oh my gosh K Ken yeah why didn’t you send the cord disc that’s a disc so rare because I couldn’t know where it is and well you can send where you were you heard it cuz then we could have found it D what it oh those things are so

Rare okay stop um first you need to be punished for a the explosion still let’s just B it hey time too oh no this song is very little yeah I did I have it pickle man he’s been punished for um blowing up Luca’s house twice yeah

Beenk I’m not Banning him bro why do you explode my house out of nowhere I think Eli Eli killed the green pig no canny to it like 50 times and you won’t not yeah Ken dragged a creeper and then I think Eli dragged another one well

Yeah cuz that’s too big of an exp being a ball sa being every single time I keep saying dude what um Aaron left Eli’s just crashing I think he gave up yeah we killed did the log help cuz I I think it said something I haven’t read it I like the very bomb

Is mentioning something wasn’t FPS distance I figed it out let’s go which means I could still be right it but then you would have terrible problems okay this song is very little I don’t give a sh your call is been wait your call is your caller is not available right now your call has been redirected to automatic voicemail

Your call is being redirect no I want to set my phone number 28 in the Stream I think I screamed over it enough to where it’s like not audible yeah I don’t know who watch this from where case scenario get dogs I just feel bad for the people if

He’s ever you know you’re famous and so good people rewatching your old streams and then by the time he’s moved out of that house yeah the poor people living in there getting dreamy cookie 13’s fan mail can pickle man oh shoot I see him hi where you acoustic is so give me my

Stuff all right said stop stop do [ __ ] why is your bed not up here because IED in his mind because he thinks that it’s more efficient because he always dies in The Mines yes I think when what if I kill you again set your spawn up

Here you can have two beds you want to go get some books yes after I get my stuff back first um I don’t have your stuff I don’t know what you’re on about I like where’s I Papa I know what you’re talking about it’s not your stuff Benji uh what

Are you talking about this is mine I see it in your hand what no that’s my Diamond Sword and the pickaxe I bought from Luka no you didn’t oh here’s your stuff and my diamond sword and my diamond pickaxe what diamond sword and pickaxe I have a I have a diamond sword

Enti video dedicated to pranking Kenneth Benji I do it’s very true oh KY extra space oh no way except that’s probably the stairs wait Al you have off I picked it Al okay hey do you want to be acoustic okay let let’s go let’s go to uh the

Village okay Follow Me Wait first let me just C this quick oh that was that was something I just threw my phone I don’t give a [ __ ] the song is very little I don’t give a [ __ ] oh shoot then there’s no books here um Mama Hi I’m for the record that was not

A creep explosion that explosion or it’s either a TNT or two Creepers TNT it was like round perfectly all that I don’t give a [ __ ] I have TNT much this song is very little la last damn I of us W let’s go okay need my live stream to be poing popping okay my make it pop sorry my bad sorry this stream is popping someone gets that reference you did not have a a good childhood probably you can’t spoil that you can’t spoil the fire outro oh yeah the best track ever

Made you’re so acoustic wait are you live right now yes yeah yeah yeah yeah labotomy laam I love laat me okay bro shoot what was the mod called uh FPS better fps better fps dist oh better fps like render distance is it ver fps-r oh yeah it’s that it’s that

Bye-bye uh oh I just deleted something I didn’t mean to um I just deleted something I did not mean to delete um uh maybe it’s in recycle bin oh no it’s not it is definitely not um um Luka Luka Luka Luka Luka Luka Luka Luka Luka Luka Luka

Luka LCA can you can you open your mod pack and tell me what mod is supposed to be right after better fps distance cuz I deleted an extra mod and I don’t know what it was um well guess um it’s the first B the first mod that starts with a

B that does not need upd nice job kicking your desk get the milk out of it on on God oh yeah uh better Villages better Villages okay that’s something probably back uh giving it’s giving you’re gay it’s start with Curts Forge app like to put it on season 4 please thank you

Wait why does it go there though um now I’m very confused oh wait what Eli was like ging his C my bad wait no BJ was probably doing in front of Eli what no no that’s that can’t be true they can’t do that to each other circle jerk dude okay K yeah what K do you jerk are you a jerk off why on Earth why on Earth would they do that

Because it’s it’s whaty that’s just raw F man F they’re like they’re like literally under under the age of 18 oh hello fragman Diamond I haven’t seen you in a while I remember you you kind of join at a weird time just saying yeah I don’t know what Kenny’s abouted get back here

Okay well actually can okay can you just read all the B mods yeah cuz yeah I I feel like that wasn’t the one I’m missing but I didn’t have it so I was missing it but ah ah ah it’s cuz I punched you it’s cuz I punched you put him upstairs yeah good

Idea make him okay go on uh okay wait they’re not even sorted by alphabetic make them sorted by alphabetical I you need okay name drop the ad you need to drop the ad that’s what I’m doing but it’s not working there well the top is going to be ones that need

Updating oh yeah and then and then it’s or um dude he keeps he keeps starting drama hold on hold on K hold on better advancements mhm better compatibility Checker yep better fps of course you oh yeah I removed it right um better Villages yep B mhm blueprint mhm bookshelf okay

Cool when to check I have no missing now chill are you’re a king Benji what I just have a crowd I’ve had this so you’re you’re a furry CU you’re swe home hey it’s the Man start farming Benji I am not a furry oh my goday that was very delayed oh wait you

Already have onions I didn’t realize that run tomato because I was banging my head against the wall I Already I was banging my head again I’m banging you I was hitting I was I was banging you were hitting on someone who why were you hitting your head on the wall why because I was and why not why why are you farming my because farming to bad they get

Farmed I probably I’m going to use them for Foods I’m going to open a sushi place soon so I need to sort my inventory and stuff I’ll cause a cheap price of one coal probably per like sushi wait so can John actually like thr now maybe maybe yeah I’m going to call

Him right now good oh I eat [Laughter] GL okay okay I actually I have to be productive today guys okay I need to be doing some enchanting so you know what that means we got to go farm um but issue I don’t have enough swords so about to make some swords he’s

AF all right I I can make Seven Swords he went AFK right when he joined what pji what I was just running yeah and then all of a sudden my Spotify just like froze I played the sound that it makes it’s like a blue screen it like like that oh and

Then I lag spiked and then it undid itself I didn’t crash like that was like 10 seconds ago oh my gosh what ter scw I think I need to update my Graphics d mine are definitely up to just check always check I lit updated mine like a week ago

Though me I I highly doubt okay one yeah I have no CH around literally from like one week I have literally nothing maybe my driver’s too new Oh shoot no shoot which painting was it it was like yellow and pale I don’t get it I Haven I some broke because um Aon

Bombing this yeah I don’t really care much but oh my gosh oh no it’s not that one cuz I already have BS are expensive as long as there one that like I don’t have and looks half decent I don’t really care sorry it’s fine I don’t remember what that one was

Really care I’m putting like in my house he that can stay oh no okay it’s fine it doesn’t really matter just pick just kind of pick one you know and I’ll check if I have it or not that one okay I’m I highly doubt I have

A beach one so actually it doesn’t match it doesn’t match I’m okay get like a forest one get a foresty one or something okay foresty building I don’t know this one’s like an auto one but it’s kind of cool yeah ah there press cap lock was oh actually yeah there’s a chance I

I don’t know how it looks better doesn’t matter you that’s whatever yeah um okay where’s spinning chicken I don’t know the chicken ran off kill him okay I’m I’m going to the XP farm because I need do enchanting I want to hold on I really want to just bring the enchanting with

Me um if Eli has obsidian and I might just take his bookshelves crashing might shaders maybe okay Beni uh let’s just make a new one because uh I was going to do that anyway yeah I I don’t have bookshelves or obsidian so okay yeah I got stuff okay well not bookshelves

But can you make like easy bookshelves what like remember you could make like logs and you get four of season Nar make like Cherry bookshelves and stuff well anyways oh I didn’t like season two well we got rid of no season season three and two I used both seasons I don’t know

What we don’t have them though doesn’t matter yeah um matter just find a librarian honestly and just buy bookshelves I’ve got I’ve got some books how many okay we need we need to make an enchanting thing at the XP farm so yeah B okay I’ve got I’ve got like plenty

Books I’ve got like I’ve got like almost two stacks of books I think oh that’s play yeah cuz I’m pretty sure you only need 15 two stacks of books that’s crazy not Eli has like two stacks of books as well I guess I was G to use those for

The under no he probably took them from Villages and stuff I was going to use my books for the under chamber I wonder if we could use Eli’s bookshelves for the enchanting statement yeah he would care no it’s fine okay does anyone have touch no what

We have he has a bunch of books so we can just take those I think I have a gold Pi that I found in he has books he has books he has books okay you guys grab those so Benji what I’m going to do is I’m going to ra people’s houses and

Grab seeds and then set up farms for as many things as I can yep and then I’m going to work on the under chamber under the tree with like the in center and stuff okay yeah it’s 15 bookshelves so we’re chilling hey L can I have those Diamonds oh my all

Right I’m just feeding kabari get a something that makes it so door is automatically closed behind on God and we need them plates still bro bro bro give us them plates I put on my yeah I’m making the bookshelves I just need like two oh they’re going to be Spruce that’s

Actually going to be interesting boom and then I need make five more take that out and then boom and boom and A POW we got the 15 bookshelves I’m going go put Eli’s books back before he notices shh he has no clue ah okay oh we need Cal farm for sushi as

Well shoot okay I need like a lot of stuff but it’s okay all right do you have obsidian if not we can mine it but okay cool wait is my mic cutting out when I a little bit yeah um okay cuz you’re gay it’s chilling okay I got I got the two

Diamonds I’m steal a book from Eli for the enchant table and then we just need the four obsidian your weird your Wall’s weirdly inset yeah I know that why looks better at least at least he doesn’t have the slopes because it looks cuz you’re stupid yeah I’m gonna I

Was GNA put a window thing there why isn’t this one set though CU it’s too like okay I to the XP farm get the obsidian let’s set up the enchant table I’m GNA put like hey do you guys have any seeds that I don’t have uh just check check through my

Chest there’s a one specific spot going to put like some barrels yeah that’s oh shoot I don’t have lapis let me grab some lapis oh I got yeah just grab like a few Stacks so we can leave some there yeah and then just yeah we can leave most of it there

If we want to I want to show you something all right hello Benji that’s the Sea Chest thank you cops I guess me yeah I’ve already got everything all right you got pumpkins yeah I I found pumpkins in the mine oh let’s go I’m going to go get

Some like corn and stuff from is recording oh yeah he has he has rice as well yep and little Jays ah okay I sorry I was St the camera yep I could tell it says your voice out a that’s my speed speed he’s I show speed oh no I show Speed if you get in front of me I’m going to yell it I’ve been in front of you this whole time on my screen oh you you’ve been inside of me the entire time that’s what okay I what she said oh gosh you want to go Minun yeah that’s what I read

Dude why does kth not just use the private line who’s at the XP farm I can’t find it Al get out of here oh it’s down here now what what happened I have no clue where it is where is it what up someone broke the stairs oh my gosh there probably

Ken who Al why are you down there I’m I was just looking for the farm I don’t know where it is come over come over was this you what are you talking about someone like made a strip mine on the staircase of the XP farm that was not me wait move

Out of the way come over here come over here right here it’s right here okay build stairc with the well who made a strip mine I don’t know I was trying to find it and I went through there soid and why is the sign for big Benji bousi whatl in chat BJ’s

Bigy okay so here’s the zombie one that we let me add eddl to the good old book look at how big these tunnels are like okay luk uh can you get obsidian in hey guess um yeah I’ll do that what you making um enchant down here ench let’s

Yeah you make a little room for it that’s cozy let’s make it out of like Spruce let’s just do it right here I I didn’t bring Spruce with me but I have Spruce bookshelves oh I got some I got some nice and we use like Pol I mean I

Don’t I don’t have a design idea but uh yeah we do it this time I have like a million iron swords for this oh and I didn’t even bring my I didn’t even bring the stuff I need to be working on enchanting that’s crazy okay wait so since there’s two

Spawn two people can be farming at once yeah but the cave spider is rough the cave spiders are goofy cuz they can climb on the Soul Sand which they’re not supposed to it’s the mod though oh I don’t know I don’t think they can climb on honey block that’s so expensive it

Just yeah what slime blocks we never made a slime that’s true yeah I don’t actually want the post here cuz oh plus this is where bookshelves are going yeah I did not make this but I’ve been using this for the entire season this is been carrying

Me I’ll have to go run and get the stuff I want to enchant but yeah oh that’s actually a good chest plate um okay problem is I don’t actually like that there I want to put the post here but the path is here so what if I do this and

Like just kind of scooted it over oh but the infinite wire source is here so we block this up then do this actually instead go here or there should have an Infinite Source cool and then all it up cuz then I can put this here My um if I get iron from these guys who may um Luca my bad for not rain that earlier um yeah there’s a zombie spawner pretty much to the left of screen and then to the right there’s two cave spider spawners but we have a mod that makes spiders insanely crazy and

Cracked so it’s it’s very rough to make it work um this is the floor I went the roof to be and a site I believe um OB say enchant table goes here or here and then put things here um I don’t know I want to put a

Lantern probably this why I’m like kind of hoping I could get a piece of iron at the same time all the drops are back there okay I can go right here and get it all okay okay there we go there’s the first sword broken okay um how do I do it how

Should it’s like I should probably put those here that just that’s reasonable actually that’s what I’m going to do I changed my mind I’m not going to do something goofy otherwise um right we have this um I’m actually going to take this shador and I’m going to place it in here

Um bookshelf will go here I want a lantern like two two lanterns I want two lanterns so maybe I can find somewhere where I can take a torch um maybe I could Lally just mine coal oh there’s a backpack hopefully it drops I yeah it did

Not make a hopper and make it a th into chest for the XP F yeah but we’re all we’re all pretty broke and I didn’t bring really anything with me um I can cuz I’m going to go back up there I’m just waiting for Luka to come back I got to go bathroom

Um so anyways what do I what I do here okay um I need to go bathroom so I’m actually going to open auto clicker that I got last season for Minecraft because mine doesn’t like to work for funsies you know oh you know what would also be nice if we can go

Back actually don’t know how this freaking works I don’t know where things are here it is okay now I just need to find I don’t know what it was called actually yo yo um okay I forgot what it was called oh it was easy all click there we

Go okay pull that out um we could probably put this at like 100 uh and yeah if I just blow a sword and I’m actually I’m gonna mute zombies because they’re loud say AFK just real quick okay I’ll be back for e e e e e for

Oh the server closed um look first off my bad got my stuff oh okay I died that’s nice hey my bad y’all I was getting a little bit of food and yeah okay first off why the server Clos second off ah why is your Luca your freaking Farm that’s annoying but whatever you

Died no I’ll clicker stop oh did something spawn what that’s crazy okay where are you Luca are you at the farm oh okay so we need to put a door or we actually need to sophistically light the place up I’m running there’s creepers everywhere ah okay thank you for getting my stuff

But that’s sad oh I crash no more head hitters what well rest in peace is XP but it’s fine I’m not really that concerned about the XP the one thing I’m concerned about is the pickaxe but you got so hoay hooray I need iron and there yeah okay this is chilling oh yeah

The server Journal oh if I lost that I would have had to like go back and stream and find it um okay got lucky yeah this isn’t like everything but but it’s it’s pretty much I I don’t know I have Stu I have what did you do I

Don’t know it doesn’t really matter though I got what’s important I got all your TOs and stuff yeah um doesn’t really matter oh it spawned in there or something no it’s spawn like in here I think it’s really dark like in the tunnel I but I put the door I put the

Door here so I don’t know might have spawn I don’t know it’s I can I can check lighting oh yeah I forgot about that I’m still going to check the line around um let me set the spawn okay um I need torch check I want to put a lantern here

But I don’t have an iron ingot oh well the door’s going to help by the way I’m going to put a dispenser or something but whenever you use the bar put water here Thorns um oh yeah yeah yeah I was AFK for like an hour and I only got like two levels

Yep okay um I can make that oh bet oh yeah I that that was the diamond I put them in I’m put him in and you got the extra bookshelf yeah I got it I already placed it all right and okay oh I meant to go I

Should have grabbed my stuff when I was up there but whatever we need a grind Stone too we can okay there’s so we can make all right um okay I’m going to I’m going to go get my stuff there’s like enchanting stuff I want I don’t have food

Minecraft I’m going to mine it I don’t care I need to like strategically break the andesite like prevent mob spine wa wait there we go me going to use a block that can’t be snowed on to Mark outlines so I’m going to use framed stairs and framed vertical stairs to Mark outline St

By way for all y this is only temporary this is until everything’s Enchanted oh I also have that this is only temporary until I have everything Enchanted but that’s here yeah that’s it there’s nothing else feel like doing anything crazy hidden temporary backpack if I’m be

So I’ll be so honest I don’t trust people on This Server about not stealing like my diamond armor and tools and not so hit the backpack it’s the only reason okay I need the uh oh yeah lapis oh got I love lapis put it’s our little trash can oh we

Should so make a trash can for this place we should we should oh also look I’m cooking looks very good oh yeah yeah yeah this is actually looking good giving fiery Vibes we should put oh yes um we should put some support beams with like the edge yes yes yeah yeah Edge I’m

Edging Ed Sean Min Edge Sean men Edge okay hold I’m going to check all these things for enchanting uh I’m going do my armor first okay that’s a maybe I’m going to make some C that’s good so I need you to no I don’t just hang on

I’m we need a grind St so bad yeah yeah yeah yeah also we need a hopper system yeah no we don’t we don’t need a backpacks so backpacks oh but we don’t have create okay whatever we just burn the matter I’m going to steal some of your

Wood your planks if you don’t mind M go ahead you have those logs I gave you no oh I must have picked him up and already no I don’t know I’m so drippy rning AA tot oh okay we got a grind Stone um where should I put this thing

Uh oh yeah that looks fire missing feel like we need some supplementary stuff in here oh we should totally get a statue that holds like a smile sword or something yeah and um put books place the books tot yeah we could put like the books that flow on the

Pedestal huh oh pillar when you put stuff on the PED yeah put py on a pedestal P the py on a pedestal oh I got fire protection for Unbreaking 3 and I’m just going to chill with it cuz I’m running out of XP it is on my chest plate which sucks but whatever

Yeah hopefully I’m not going to need much more protection this season that’s what she said blast protection oh wait that might actually help no we yeah blast protection on pants is like good and then that’s that’s what I got that’s what I got yeah and then everything else

Just have Pro and I F with that you literally won’t take damage from creepers yeah okay insane hey I got blast protection too but or but again all my boots3 blast prop four and Rider three I’m going to actually keep that and then R my pants think dud

What oh Prof let’s go wow no Frick got to record it okay well I got Prof oh oh I need more levels can I get a couple two okay so funny I need to figure out how to get the SP like there’s literally one spider in it yeah I don’t even know

Dude um actually I’m gonna turn them off so The there’s like 5,000 in here oh no oh my gosh that could just have armor that would have downed me if I didn’t have any you’ve been downed there’s so many they’ve been spawning this whole time I’m dropping an FPS the jet engine is occurring oh frick oh my gosh they’re so overpowered

CU armor is useless against the poison mhm bro they got me down to one heart run I record this no oh my gosh there’s so many bro keep hitting me oh let the light light now the mob cap is feels like it’s being reached just a little bit

Yeah oh my gosh I’m I’m I’m literally oh my gosh Your Spawn is here right Umies so I only have berries that’s berries py on a pistol the py on a pedestal H I’ve just placed more berries oh oh freaky so bad broke all the signs the farm Oh oh yeah I definitely have dropped 100 frames just coming up here yeah they’re actually scary what ow die stupid b die you’re Survivor oh sign I need that don’t go there well we should make a tiny little Mulberry Farm down here just for a little bit of food I’m I’m

I’m I don’t even think this spange with the p on a pistol with the p pistol Boom Pow Bang Pow bang that’s a full bow when did I get that I mean I won’t complain oh wait no that’s the bow I had oh I remember spider more like spider you’re a gay

Spider H hiccups bro a pistol ah okay little shiy of water it sets back off bro the the the pl no I’m back I got water and that’s a music disc please drop you know I highly doubt it dropped I’m getting bled there’s like 30ii Beni you better collect my stuff

You better collect my stuff there’s like oh um I don’t know where he was I don’t know where it I literally don’t know where he was I literally do not know gonna freaking die no ah ah ah not vibing not hash vibing not put on the armor again um one two three four

Five I literally don’t know where Luca’s stuff is am I supposed to grab Luca’s stuff I if I don’t know where he died where did you die uh my stuff should be in oh okay there what oh freak it might have despawned you di too no no no no no you break this

Yep don’t know where it went run a oh it’s down there it’s down there Okay oh I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m literally dead I’m just get yourself to the thing did you say Your Spawn it’s going no it’s going the in the what and it’s also going in the zombie spawner 100% oh yep yep I’m dead I’m dead I have a heart oh oh God

I’m a God I was like what where did all the water go the Zombie Farm isn’t even working all the way what oh what water’s like okay I got my I’m alive what you see me jump over the zombie C no I saw nothing oh shoot my axle isn’t I have a spare

Axe oh I got it I got it dude oh my no all the levels again man I know I had 40 levels ah this is so painful Santa pedestal you put that for Santa pedestal freck freck you freck me nah mother [ __ ] you fre

Out you you no n no you you okay see you fragmented Diamond see you Diamond I fixed it I fixed fix it try to light okay yeah I fixed you’re wiy gigging my quag that’s real what is this um okay I’m gonna go light up the other oh I got yes

God wait why did I even die I mean there’s like a thousand but like they even spawn oh spes are goofy bro why do they spawn when cuz it cave spires aren’t a torch thing to disable them I’m pretty sure all mobs are different on there’s there’s specific ways to

Disable certain ones how to disable cave spider spawners like Kenny I need sign is it says surrounded with torches huh oh wait that’s supposed to be torches okay I guess our op spiders just cancel that out they’re like nah screw you oh Buzz yeah you’ve been buzzing Buzz Light oh oh my

Brother yeah I see that me okay bro there’s so many this game is even fair this game is Goofy zesty yeah get my stuff oh stop freaky Frack dying dude I’m stuck in the farm you can’t can’t get out once you’re in you said okay well some of your stuff fell

In the I got some of your stuff like a water and some slabs not slab Spruce boom bam that was it stop kicking your you’re so stupid yo yo I think I figured it out why was it cuz there’s milk in it yeah I mean yeah probably um but I think the cable

Is like super loose and I think it’s barely coming unpluged oh and it happens when I bump the mic stand yo yeah I’ve seen a how do they like they literally just straight up climb up it the spiders are broken don’t even fall in the hole what is

This and of course they spawn when I’m at like half a heart Oh my go they can literally hit you through walls oh my Fellas on my fellas need signs had a bunch holy guacamole it is the 22nd Benja you are right gaming I’m totally not just watching Tik Tok because I’m AFK XP farming and I finally get to put you in Tera technically let’s

Go let’s go Let’s Go All of Me takes forever to farm 30 levels once you do it the first time it’s not that bad wait is this even 32 no 28 it’s because you’re covering a bookshelf the chest silly you’re a silly willy Billy silly bil you have no willly

Oh really will you have no Willie yep you didn’t even have one thank you for picking up my junk that’s what she said shut up okay okay bro okay you should let me wait I forgot how you put XP in the DS I think you need bottle

Yeah can’t you like isn’t there a way to put XP in the bottle I don’t know EO freaking did it which means we could do it if EO can do it we can do it no I’m going to make cookie jars can you do that

Yeah just put cookies in our J mhm but we don’t have Coco beans oh yeah and you can put why can you put oh yeah oh okay I’m going use the cave spider spawner it’s turned off my house reaction to it you want me to turn it on no please no you’re going

To die like 20 more times just try and turn it on it’s it’s crazy is crazy crazy it’s giving psychotic giving Gob it’s giving Thanksgiving it’s giving Thanksgiving okay I go AFK now for like five hours need to enchant my I ran out of storage for someone to Ed their video

That they have fully recorded right what am I supposed to do um it’s giving it’s it’s giving its giving it’s giving its do okay what we’ll go Christmas Village see you Luka run okay they throw a berry I me my berry cuz clearly he’s going to hug the XP

Farm so so I can’t I can’t XP farm and actually enchant like I’ve been mean to do all week um like what do I do like can build I guess it’s giving the dud the dud the box I do the box every week okay uh to the

Village space bar spam oh the music has been playing for a while just oh because Loop and Shuffle wasn’t on okay there you go cool bad Minecraft soundtrack because it can’t be copyright if you’re playing Minecraft ah okay take this freaking place maybe the Barbie is organiz Little Farms um here we

Go okay I need to find a horse so I need to do a big exploring day cuz I need to find a horse I need to get kelp and cocoa beans um besides that I literally don’t know what to do just smell some iron I guess

Okay like oh the chains are broken as alwayss such a cool mod but yet it’s like so buggy okay okay I’ve have H I hear a Barbie good Barbie was another scary are you so huh was the nether scary or did you I was in there oh he literally just came out of

The portal though um no I was on top of the portal I I I ran over it I ran over it like this oh it looked like you did a little bit of a sprint out of there like as fast as you could no no have you seen the progress I’ve made

On the farming I saw the picture of what you got for planes good stuff gotten the cornfield all fully just got to plant it yeah I passed the agriculture onto you after my season 3 Agriculture and two n one yep I really enjoy this part of the game

Just like one of my favorite feelings in playing Minecraft is just chilling out at your house and just doing stuff like crafting and looking through chests and then randomly harvesting food yep it’s just yeah that’s fun ah like spikes um so that Lantern got bombed that’s great to know um should also actually

Make some more torches I’m I’m pretty low so let’s make a stack real quick enty stack Boom Pow make a lantern we have enough nuggets for one this is the most painful Lantern to replace cuz it’s the only one not hanging and I have paths now ah give me give me an

A oh my dad’s cooking cookies bro smoke so good like what do I do cuz like I have ideas on what I could do for videos we have stuff I want to actually do for recordings I wouldn’t do a whole adventuring video but I can’t do that

Without the people I’m going to do the adventuring with okay what do I I one save no cuz that wouldn’t be a good just one video you know let’s start let’s start the Hanging Garden let’s freaking start it um I have grass flocks hold what what what um definitely want to put some

Roses put some Spruce leaves for sure as always got to Rob Eli this is Classic on here okay that should be fine okay so I think my plan is we’re going to use some stairs and trap doors more um then that’s two or I could do one that’s a bit

Bigger we need some more stairs okay and I need chains I think I actually had some spare chains yep um but that’s not going to be enough so let’s make three more I don’t know we need chains okay let’s start this is one of the garden sections

I’m going to make the whole thing like gardeny but this is a section um one do here oh I need the grass blocks as well okay well I know that’s not even enough grass blocks but this is going to be the stairs all right grass blocks oh I need I need

Extra trap doors the bottom that’s too high too high okay uh oh and they’re the grass blocks shoot Lucas say he might have a silk touch pickaxe so I’m actually going to look for that I’m I looking mine like I’m going to have it okay Luka better have a so touch pick

Like he said he might have I’m breaking two book no silk touch also how is he getting these heads bro they like easier cuz there’s no way a glass Shard all right that’s that’s something um okay well look we what oh what oh that’s Why freaking love Minecraft soundtrack I’m the best of all time Easily okay so I I’m just going to use dirt for now until I have Rass no way John no way let’s see if he crashes or not though shoot okay I’ll place this one inside that’s not the way I wanted it to go boom there we

Go okay and then we can put some roses on yay H that’s that’s not bad kind displ um I need to do the leavs cuz that’s the one I like wanted to do the most rip still crashing okay so we need obviously way more chains let’s make

Six or four that’s also fine I guess so not it’s really not okay that’s for it’s going to be like two and I want to do that oh I also need to make chimes I think this one’s actually going to be okay to have like this cuz this isn’t going to be contained

Necessarily it’s going of look like it was meant to be contained but it just isn’t okay oh but I also can’t do that because there’s no blocks there um leaves leaves I want to make these not Christmas leaves actually but oh but at the same time I kind of

Do I think I do it I think I do it um means we need some of this and this and make some glass paints and I feel like making the recipe so boom and that’s a lot of Christmas leaves so look at those gorgeous whiteboard patterns awesome ah

Um like I want to be there dang okay luckily they get silk touched um so I’m going to move this in like right here wait what if I make that like an actual meant to be feature so it’s like wait hold on I’m cooking I’m cooking I’m cooking

Like it’s tight but it adds more fluidness it adds motion thank this is just one small little detail I can just add to how this flows what the all right like this is cool and all but that just looks so much more like organic feels cool um okay let’s make this wiggle

Here and then do these two wiggle and then this Wiggles I mean come on this is that’s fun that’s fun it just adds a little bit of shape the whole thing okay it’s supposed to be contain but it had issues and it’s overpour oh it just smells like cookies ah cookies

Um nobody wants me to say I’m be honest um cool I need to eat some berries dang it if we had glowberries I would be all over putting those in here be all over it want put that here isn’t really feeling like by okay ow okay so this is coming down like

This no I’m breaking extra leaves how is that kind of looking just random Christmas leaves and how does that look from above looks confusing can I stop falling off um I mean I guess it’s it’s not what I necessarily wanted but it’s not bad oh maybe if I use some Spruce fences

So like kind of connect I hope I have some I do okay so if I connect it here and there and then here there a little bit more like shape and connectivity I guess I don’t know okay I want to do seatings I want to do like okay hold

On chairs um let me look at crayfish crayfish is there a good little like table thing I don’t know oh what chair I mean a park bench kind of works it’s not give it’s not really cozy I guess like you know these are though oh we got to make a red

Sofa I’m making a red sofa what is that the bomb a log literally any log okay one two three and did that say two yes look at it we have sofas want to make this like a path around here andard just like little seat there and here what happens if I like connect

It okay I mean yeah like you know okay this is terrible this seat is probably the worst seat I’ve ever made um but like here cuz right you’re looking out to the Christmas tree just sit down look out Christmas tree how would it look like if I got in here terrible okay cool

Not uh okay I mean if I just I think I might separate the two and then in the middle oh also might actually get a slab instead just continue near the pathway oh there we go okay and then maybe like could put a carpet in between cuty

Yeah cuz once this is all decorated dude this is going to be such an awesome place I’m in love I’m in love I’m in love okay um that window I don’t really have anything this is just a big open space I don’t know what to do with

It and I would like some assistance figuring it out um maybe while I go through some mods I can figure out what to put there I mean this is actually the more it’s saying here the more cool this actually feels um I’m just going to even it’s a shelf

Here but it also comes down but not really as much you know like that okay connect the leaves this just honestly feels awesome like okay not oh okay on a second all if despawns it’s okay I’ll grab in a second though um what wait wa wait this is awesome wait that looks actually

Awesome crimble crumble I actually didn’t expect this to eat um and I changed afterwards so you can’t really walk but like it’s wavy I need more I need more roses though okay hold on hold on we got to go get the dirt cuz I don’t really have grass blocks yet

Ow I don’t even have dirt I don’t want to go get dirt so I’m going steal it from someone exactly it looks more fluid though like before it was a little bit static right now it’s fluid and has motion you know I need more I need more roses I need the Chimes

Okay um dirt dirt where is Eli’s dirt there we go I was getting distracted I wasn’t focusing um I don’t I don’t really care it’s always a work in progress Kenneth Ken joined r as you left and went AFK like what what I need to put some paintings paintings up there as well

Um yeah I could imagine but I mean hey whatever um damn KS so much yeah we saw how that went in season 3 yeah um oh they I need more roses though it’s like it’s it’s not enough for Rose Room let’s make this even more painful because why not oh okay uh

Yeah I I literally did do that um honestly that it wasn’t very fun that way at least I made it look pretty good um need more chains you know what no no no no no this this here found its way to like fit in um like right here you know you got a

Little yeah I know what you mean dirt boom or not uh can do it further down right do it let’s go it works it works um if I do this this and add Rose um I don’t know what I’m doing but we’re getting experimental going L give me watch all right

Bet how is this going and how is this shaping up I need to put the Chimes I need to put Chimes stop this place is fall damage Mayhem like look at it from down here all these leaves hold on this is not no no no cuz this has to come down

This there’s no way I’m going to let it continue sit there like the new everyone who hasn’t been here for a while can they walk in just popped popped off and then the Christmas tree viewing area it’s got some chairs dude okay Chimes okay I forgot how to make them so

Chimes string slab bamboo easy D those are the best looking ones we all know it string Slab and Bamboo okay now I need some ch chains as always my inventory is such a mess F put on all the swords in here as well for a second I don’t need a flute a million flutes um okay so oh yeah viby okay this is good okay

Bam I want to hear Aaron play this Aaron could so Play Stall holy crap this place is like actually becoming awesome on take a step back where is it need right Benji hi kennyj can I can I take one where here that’s not my stuff it’s Aaron’s stuff it’s Aaron stuff yeah I have some books I think you can

Have some can I have can I have a book yeah um they should be in my bottom right chest bottom right chest the GU it let’s go did you see that I I like I like bottom right chest yeah yeah yeah all right H okay okay actually let me move that to

Here dude this is actually awesome um I think I need to put some Christmas leaves up here though which means I need more trap doors do dude this place is like chaotic and that’s that’s what looks so good it’s a garden area and it’s meant to look pretty

Chaotic so I think I’ve nailed it oh my gosh struggle like it looks so good at the same time it’s good then it’s going to come down this I need more more leaves more leaves hello Eli yeah what do you need Kenny I I need help this also nice armor

By the way thank you I got from zombies nice okay so you see this uhhuh um want me do the tier one enchant can you do that thing uh what are the options uh prop one and prop one oh got the third what about the second one the the second one is prop

One or what two or a third it doesn’t exist you don’t have bookshelves around the enchant table so it’s very low tier in chance Eli has um the his private one you can use that one and there’s also one at the XP farm so but Luca is AFK there

So this stuff is probably safe I don’t know where they put it Eli all right um yeah wa where’s Eli’s enchant table is this Eli’s house that’s errands okay oh this is Eli’s house the thing that almost looks like a Waffle House Oh I thought it was your house no mine’s the

Medieval one you came into it medieval yeah it’s enchant down here you can use that has level 30 um I don’t have level 30 um I was at the XP farm but then Luka just kind of stole it in W AFK so I don’t I can’t enchant anything but that’s the best enchant

Table we have in town right now all right okay um look at what I’ve let me show you what I’ve been working on a little bit all right um first off look up there wait wait whoa so go up the stairs and walk through the wavy little path now all right very

Wavy come on damn it’s chaotic but that’s what it’s for this is like Christmasy more Christmas me it’s Christmas Christmas e Christmas Christmas e and Christmas me I’m a Christmas you and then the viewing area for the tree oo look at the tree right there whoa love this

Place oh yeah I just got to decorate everything else there’s also this entire area which I’ve done nothing with so I got to figure that out I didn’t think of um putting decorations in my house I mean hey you still can it’s so possible yeah yeah when I made this

Place like the roof is huge right if this place was still empty at the top you realize how kind of stupid this house would look this it would just be completely open up here yeah so I knew I had a matter as a matter of fact it’s

Cozy in here thank you this is this is always what I’ve dreamed of medieval houses Greenery and everything but and now I’m just trying to make it all Christmasy accented and whatnot oh my gosh ah that is that is just great wow Suzie toy join the

Game do I mean make trap doors um no that wasn’t even close to what I was meant I was mean to make okay I don’t have gold sniffy that is not even oh that’s why nuggets red dude weing on this upper part has made me fall in love with my

House it’s just kind of peaceful I need to get grass blocks though that’s one thing but ah man oh I still know what I want to do here actually yes yes yes yes okay um do I make the path make it here and this also doesn’t really fit

Here want to make this a floor you what I’m still going to do it I’m going to make that a floor put the Jukebox up there yes Benji I can’t find my stuff I yeah I don’t know where it is either um you how did you die they killed him

Murdered yeah and I I don’t know where they put the chest but your stuff is safe I just don’t know it’s not in your chest it’s like at least I’m pretty sure where did you die they said they put it in a chest but I don’t know I died over

Here at Aaron’s house okay so I killed the green pig yeah that’s me I me I mean Benji yeah remember um I don’t know where your stuff remember um when you when you and I kind of just met um and Terra and then when I

Heard your uh voice on the mic and when when I said that it sounds like a u a person that that’s like um when you’re on the news report when you’re on I don’t remember that but that’s funny you don’t remember that no I have no clue I said it right to

You it it was when we first started playing on season 3 of ter craft one or three three oh wait no wait no no no no wait no wait no two wait no one oh yeah no I don’t remember unfortunately but it’s so funny well I said it to

You mulberries are not a great food source um Eli he’s at L Jays Eli Eli your house is huge my back I’m oh my gosh oh Santa is Santa not on supposed to be on hey I’m on stage oh wait I’m going the wrong way huh Tanta has been burnt out um

Okay so like what do I oh right I’m making the flooring he’s AFK at the XP farm yeah but like what is he doing in real life though I don’t know sleeping in my bed yeah that’s goofy goofy think headbang headbang yeah what oh AFK we can’t

Sleep cuz he’s sword swinging he has his sword swinging oh Yeah no what what does what does no no mean like no no on I know canar is working on a bunch of food things but do you take like all of it that’s crazy oh that’s annoying oh the chickens hello oh wow yeah that’s that’s all God

On did he making a corn field yeah and he stole some of my corn what the hell I don’t know it’s pretty cuckoo in the pants oh my God he’s right there oh my God I’m right here I’mma kill you I’m killing you come you come

Here I’m going to get you I’m going to get you I’m going to get you oh or the zombie is cuz he’s an original Hood gangster ah he’s in the nether okay um let’s make the floor okay we got to break this we got a oh wait this is like actually kind of

Annoying there we go right now I want to I’m going to put a whole floor here I can have a little jukebox up here I need a lot more slabs for for this okay now I don’t trust on being being in nether yeah you sp in a Bastion

Yeah I am not going in there I’m I’m not dying into lava yeah that’s fair enough I’m scared dude lavas are hell annoying yep medieval why I’m medieval oh oh wait for shoot I need to go chop another tree down deforestation no I need to go chop a

Tree try two trees actually so I can keep it for longer uh oh I can kind of make that like the entertainment space that was satisfying oh I have the point I’ve permanent poison particle effects that’s interesting hey he’s Alive V come here here oh hi hi look ity lookie at my bookie no the pain I knew it was going to be you first yeah no it’s so painful I had to got to slowly fix it because I actually don’t remember how it went

I swear to God K I swear to God I swear to God this thing looks so freaking good if you mess it up again I’m shaking in my boots right now you’re Shing why are you Shing your boots cuz you’re scaring me I mean like I knew it’s going to

Happen but since I’m online I feel like I have to fix it uh jokes on you God damn it hey no cussies okay how about this no slban Kenneth pickle in no no no no no yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no yeah yeah yeah no no no it’s always you

No you probably still have your mines Your Spawn s the mines don’t you uh let’s find out oh yeah your spawn was in my house I’m going to kill you one day okay okay I can’t just clear it yeah you’re getting timed out for doing these pranks all the time these

Pranks you repeat over and over again that just aren’t funny where’s oh your your house looks like a monster house yeah looks exactly like it you know what you look like a furry you look like a purple purple furry Says Z furry no no no no no no no

You’re you look like a purple medieval furry you’re one to speak you one number two you won number two Fork hey are you acoustic Are You acoustic Are You acoustic no Are You acoustic Are You acoustic no bro no bro acoustic do you want to be acoustic oh my God what ah

No no yeah is spamming me no yeah he’s telling you get timed out you’re lucky I haven’t timed you out yet he’s a dishwasher y a no no you no you no you furry just calling everyone a furry now yes he’s calling me a furry oh that’s that’s accurate you’re a furry

No he can’t do the time don’t do the crime that’s true if you can’t do the Banning time then what don’t do the crime for heny are you doing a crime of breaking the lanterns again yes you are yes you freaking are and you have the lantern so that’s just

Annoying all right you did the crime and clearly you have to do the time so I’m going to wait for him be like please it was a joke you know what is a joke me blowing up his house and it he serves the time that is a weird looking block what

The why is double doors not working you can’t have any you can’t have a lantern in your hand that’s stupid all right H he broke like 20 million lanterns again swear to God done with his freaking time is crimes yes yes they are he’s AFK again why oh my gosh this kid

Bro all right I need Kenny to feel the wrath of crimes ah there’s a mega torch under here what if we break this is Mob sp’s house again break the Doors no you know what I think I think this would be even funnier just do this what else could we break or even Steel So riches oh wow had a few things I don’t know I think he had like that much High all right I need lure a creeper in here oh two creepers come on oh three I need to kill one because I don’t want him to lose stuff you know I don’t want

The stuff to be blown up get in here get right here I did something okay maybe maybe I do need a second I have his stuff so nah he did to Luca he wants mess up chalkboard he wants break the lanterns 20 times you know I’m not all the stuff is so

Like what no it’s a punishment for his crime I mean how the system does it boom Bow Boom boom poow yeah well deserves oh wait hold on there we go that’s that’s what’s needed there we go yeah that’s that’s cooking hello Eli so broke on food bread oh yeah you’re not the reason that happened you didn’t do it do I feel good about doing it nah does he deserve

It maybe I will maybe I will oh there actually description for Meg torches that’s cool okay um back to actually working on this place first off this is so unstructured not possible um get it going some good old fences ow oh no support things can go I guess they could hello little

Elf can you hear me yep was yep just yeah just don’t go to Kenny’s house exp no I go there or is a trap it’s not a trap but like can I literally go there or you can you can widly go there uh it’s just you know he’s serving

A little bit more than time right now got a dirt we bro just a little bit more than time who did this I did got crash I just got crashed I crashed that’s perfect timing oh that’s hilarious I crashed I this um the law enforcement oh yeah I was of C I thought

Uh yeah for his crimes wait why is he banned right now like did they do anything or his crimes I mean yeah but whiteboard breaking lanterns blowing up your he ruined the I fixed it again but yeah and broke like all the lanterns Expo markers are good um that’s crazy wait what about

Lanterns he’s breaking the ones on the outside of the house this is like the fifth time he’s done this being so quirky like what you he trying to get at I don’t know so we got to get at him so he understands oh this isn’t funny but

It’s Kenny so he’s not going to care hopefully yeah looks good oh I forgot these lines oops oh no not those are not even the lines eating wait what did I just change what I fixed it oh yeah but there we go yeah I just put the corners connects

Oh you definitely did not just screw up that corner though okay there we go oh yeah what’s snoy tuy doing I don’t know he’s AFK looking at the scenery with a broken neck yep and look at this spot though freaking loaded whoa boxes are so I want to unban him

Just see if he tries tojin just see his house this house you got to make sure to manically laugh as well don’t forget That oh you’ve got some nice looking red thank you oh eating eating it up wait are you still alive yeah okay Juke time baby oh canar y okay where does the disc go oh on the roof it goes on the roof so actually I can’t put it there um that

Yeah I don’t think it has likeo does like doesn’t it play like really far away I don’t know maybe cuz you’re supposed to put like mono like change the audio have mono so that it like plays like yeah okay I need to put the box there so

Wait it was Kenny that lured a creeper into my house and Eli had TNT in it I guess maybe I don’t know Kenny was so proud of it though he just straight up admitted yeah he’s actually being so weird today he’s never like I mean he’s always like this but never

This GRE yeah he stops when tell him to probably wait mind Kenny is claiming the creeper was an accident but he’s still proud of it yeah he yeah was it an accident for him to do everything else oh yeah I for to tell you um I hope he’s watching the stream

By the way so we probably not no he’s never watch no you know we should just ban him we already said we’ ban him after a week and been like okay I’m going risk my pancake cuz of last Jingle Bells oh you got a well yeah I and it works

It’s like a music disc how does that work the beginning’s bad just like cck though just hold on just hold on oh from a pancake okay where do it go I got it but that was not very good at all that almost went into the roof um so what do I do

Slab bro I left all my stuff in the okay I’ll okay yeah then it goes there that’s good I’m going to put bread on the turntable how does it do that oh little jukebox no this doesn’t go here maybe there though work okay we got a jukebox it’s not

Bad um and then we make a little bit of storage and we can put some leaves in there should look pretty sweet how do I go about this maybe okay put that there and Christmas leaves I need put the lanterns up some Chimes as well to put Around probably put one right here then more trap doors yeah no always need some Christmas leaves here okay I mean hey this is feeling nice oh I need to make another hanging sign ooh hanging is it there um easy recipe no yeah yeah no you’re try and communicate with him yeah good luck

That’s not an easy thing to do you have a lot of patience to get something to work with him and even once you do it’s you don’t know what just happened spare jukebox put in the sign you Do oh hi Kenny where did I what’s up who’s that yeah me neither I have no clue um maybe around here um there’s your little corn field Maybe maybe somewhere he was breaking all lanterns can he stuff cuz he died got my lanterns and then ran off somewhere

So his stuff may actually be gone for like this stuff but he has he has the other things that I have oh yeah 3B I know about the hit boxes dang just don’t use it like that because it’s kind of cheaty it’s not like actually let just H okay I don’t see

Anything see a dead skeleton oh okay so that’s what hitbox looks for spiders because they work differently ah it’s dangerous in the hood one of them has a flame bow oh that skeleton does yeah we do have total darkness but ah hello ah I can’t crashing oh my gosh let’s load in here

Okay I made it live well yeah it won’t be pretty oh well fairy does have it coming for him a lot the time but here we are okay um I’m going to use the mods to decorate this pathway but in the meantime I do need to put some chimes

Like here could be a good shime and like right here there you go got some more chimes in advance I should probably hold all his stuff it’s like I won’t you know I’m not like I wouldn’t hold his stuff hostage you hi Kenny I can see it right there what me

Amigo yes it’s kind of it’s kind of freaky yeah I’m good no I don’t want it even like vegetables yeah why okay oh oh oh oops what what’ you do pickle man I didn’t mean to do that do you have a white um uh what’s it called White uh glass or something or

Whatever it is or white window oh um what you have it I don’t have that oh I think I I might have white stained glass panes but it’s not those do you have some like could jack okay and Benji yeah why are you acting strange I am my sussy man where is

It how am I not seeing what you’re seeing all the windows look right then what happened there I’m missing something what window is off I’m confused culture shocked oh my bad for it’s so quiet help it’s so quiet some reason I can’t touch the ceiling yeah it’s um it’s three and a

Half oh what okay three and a half tall so you can’t hit it and of course I felt bad from b game let’s be so honest but he have it coming for him I’ll fix it now cuz where did the stuff go oh hope M damn where’s all the where’s all the

Stuff like where did oh the doors are here the door it’s like on this block double door where was it ah what was it um Frame Corner pillar need those okay um what was here was it just stripped I can get stuff yeah okay Boom Pow we can probably just grab a few things I you make the framed cubes CU I’m like terrible okay we have stuff we can make a few sticks okay we have that stuff

Now there a spruce door right yeah yeah oh that is not the right place I think it was how do you have the door they do a Cross Beam like that I don’t know clearly those were there but is there something here you know where you do you have um some uh

Planks um no can get some I’ll go get some probably has some actually or not Al has three log what to mean the only nonm medieval I don’t know about you but that’s not medieval this is okay that’s a little bit that’s very medieval that’s medieval frame slap Corner

Ah oh my gosh dude frames are like ah I have some slabs I have slabbed Edge it’s more than I had I thought I had I put it backwards there’s a recipe like that I will forever do that was it there we go the rotat I got

It no actually it’s not the hammer at all um didn’t who made it who made it that made one wrench the Wren oh okay um now what how do I spinny oh lares doing a little spin oh that used the hello hello what is this what happened here come come what happened in

There he’s serving his crimes for a say but he feels bad so hopefully I’m I’m just helping him fix it does it again something might have to happen like I’m okay but holy crap he can’t he can’t be doing he broke the lanterns bre the 10th time like I can’t do

This did he actually oh there’s D in here no no don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it that that’s true but yeah I love the little Trail fowers he’s made yeah I can finally use the stupid blinds that I got given can use one of

Them I don’t want these are kind of annoying they look awesome but yeah hello um we talk yeah let me place your l look I’m not here to cause any trouble but I just don’t get it just don’t get it yeah no I keep crashing I keep crashing ah I keep crashing

Dude I was bored yeah but I I was literally trying to have fun he got kicked he got crashed ah the crashing is terrible oh no he’s getting the Deep crash now yeah I was just trying you are not using imagine you wanted to go heaven but God

Said you are not using seen that it is TW I have a bad feeling about that explosion I have a very bad feeling about [Laughter] that I heard an explosion like did Lucas’s house just get blown up again I didn’t know it would do that

What what did you do did you put TNT on it and it exploded yeah that’s actually funny come here no Pooky whoa this raccoon just ate it what the hell go ah oh there it is Benji oh you made it in congrats dude the freaking crashing is terrible where

Are you am I oh there you are hi as I was saying uh can we can we still talk yeah alone yeah I really don’t get it I mean yeah I get that you’re bored but like Frankie is definitely not the best way go but I

Just wanted to have fun and then so I was trying to have fun and then they just ruined it they always just you also ruined my fun by pranking me like I ruined your fun by I I want to have fun by pranking but I was bored yeah ranking is especially during

Like right now you know we’re trying to keep it as peaceful as possible frankings like War it’s it’s not good here at all well I don’t know why they always like take things seriously it’s it’s our Christmas season we want we don’t want to have like things you know destroying builds and

Destroying effort yeah I was as a as a as a joke yeah but it’s destroying stuff it’s still destroying builds it’s still making people upset it’s the Creeper’s fault that’s true creepers do do explosions yes and they ruin things the creeper definitely did not break all the lanterns that was me

Yeah and and just just a v i can’t um just to clarify I thought it was a creeper that did that I mean it yeah was it was it an accident or wait or was it Luca that did it it was Luka on God I’m God wait wait it was

Luka I’m be very okay that was me as police department but yeah oh feel bad for doing that I can’t I can’t be doing that stuff but yeah your stuff should still be in the backpack yeah no can I stop crashing holy crap what is going on with the server

Bro I think I’m crashing again I’m crashing again oh my God Uh hey I made it oh my gosh the crashing is terrible I know dude I legit just want to be a fun person yeah there’s probably better ways especially for right now of yeah having fun with people drinking well yeah but you know what’s been happening to me in

Life actually and I’m still streaming by way so be like not too personal bad yeah whenever I I start being happy again people will just decide to ruin it yeah it’s rough and I just want to be a happy person yeah I’ll do very very

Real every time I do with a pranks I don’t know what yall’s um problem with it like did you enjoy your house being blown up um I don’t really care if it’s blown up you’re like the one exception in this world okay but I mean would you have preferred

That your house was just untouched and not destroyed where you had to use resources to fix it well as long as long as I really like my house and if it’s gets destroyed why is he the one why is he the one person okay can we like just refrain that includes me

Because what I just did from refrain from doing prank pranks like not do pranks what you did to my house yeah I that was terrible me dude but all I want to be all I want for Christmas is just I want to be a happy person not just being down down hill

Yeah I don’t know why people just decide to ruin it I’ve lost resources from you pranking me Lucas lost resources you’ve lost resources now like I lost resources from yall killing me a bunch of times me you still have your stuff you didn’t yeah lose it house you had to use to repair

Lanterns I have to spend iron inot on each one to place them back if they despawn like I don’t know K’s kind of an iffy prank but as long as the stuff’s still fine it’s not that bad but like I don’t know what’s the what what’s like least harmful prank I could

Think of I don’t know like I don’t know something that this like oh he got he crashed right when I moved the trash can oh my dude how is he literally the one All I Want for Christmas Is be happy oh my how is he literally the one

Exception to everything well I don’t really care if my house gets blown up I can’t you were saying um like I don’t know a harmless plank prank like I don’t know you know moving the trash can is kicking him there is no freaking way that is wow okay well that’s okay

Let me not do that ever again cuz that’s clearly crashing K holy crap who oh now he’s just now he’s just crashing okay um I’ll let him have the backpack but I can’t like yeah he’s happy doing the pranks but it’s like it’s the same thing as someone’s happy bullying someone

Like come on K you got it come on come on make it no he’s crashing no dude I can’t with Kenny right now um it’s right he mess up the Whiteboard I fix it and broke lanterns on the outside my house as normal uh I may have put a creeper in

His house and I blew up and whatever I fixed it yeah um and I’m like you know it’s not fun like being pranked and then like you lose resources you know it’s not fun have your house blow up it’s like well I don’t really mind I can’t can’t Reon with this man

Doesn’t care if his house gets blown up as long as this house still looks good I can’t reason with this man I like no don’t no don’t greas don’t GRE don’t GRE no the fire took us off yes yes but just going to decorate his house with a little refle it does nothing

Right I I don’t know it may burn blocks no no no it doesn’t burn blocks I’ve tested it this no I mean I guess this is a harmless prank because it’s not doing anything but dude I moved I picked up the trash can and moved it and it’s Crash cany multi

Times oh my gosh canari that’s a great picture oh my he’s crashing again he’s going to crash again oh my God the server is so broken I’ll be playing and I’ll just randomly crash you know what I have a funny idea let’s see if you crash if I move the trash

Can oh what the that’s not real that is not real no no no no no no no okay what what what holy crap that is actually hilarious though oh K’s going to like move and just get burned on maybe we UNS surround him oh my gosh he can’t what whoa whoa whoa whoa

Whoa on for I’m actually got to call up Aaron I would call Aaron come on join join join join I’m just restarting my game that um dude no no no this that’s actually a weapon you I picked did you know that beforehand it crashed Kenny

And I wanted to see if it was just Kenny I picked up trash can and moved it place it down you crashed it’s from gr fishes canarie but like what is going I can change that in config like right now but like I’m there has the entire mod can

Probably do that it’s making me mad look I profile picture I’ll say that your freaking profile picture is hilarious look at it so I love Swagger oh no k’s not gonna be able he’s not able to join back oh my God I’m gonna again with see dude

Like I’m slow giving a pop the server is over there’s something seriously wrong and it’s just not popping out like and it was like I just wanted to take a break because I’ve been studying all day for the stupid finals and it’s just like hell and then I come on it’s

Like Oh no you’re not getting on don’t you s you’re getting a break so relaxing burning down his house dude it’s h it’s like K’s like I just want to have fun so like pranking people and then and then they ruin the fun it’s like yeah I’m it’s like bullying like

I’m gonna bully Kenny this season he’s been doing that since the beginning I’m doing it yeah it’s like if you bully someone you feel happy doing it but you they bully you back you don’t feel happy so why should you do it you shouldn’t you shouldn’t and then atast he’s not

Grooming mine oh you made it in oh that’s true yeah leave call I know you just restart your game and it work yeah um you can’t reason with him because like you do the same thing he just you he just did to you and he’s like oh no I don’t

Mind but yet you’re complaining about not being happy oh wait we should probably like yeah I’m talking with Benji right now come to come to Benji’s house come to K’s come to K’s oh okay wait hold up then never mind you’ll see it when we get there yeah see

This is like harmless dude he was crashing I was trying to show him hey this is example of a harmless prank and I moved the trash can and it crashed him and I thought that was just a oneoff thing then I did this is unless he dies

Then his stuff Burns this is a harmless prank which is why I’m really D we should do it on the interior cuz what if he logs in and he’s doing moving around he does see the fire and then he gets burnt and all his stuff Burns then it’s not as harmless ah

Okay oh I actually have fire po ah I’m being toasted bro maybe restarted game um it’s his punishment honestly like he’s already been banned he’s already been banned bro canar you can’t be making this your house got exploded again what the hell bro what it’s not Kenny it’s he’s been

Getting crashed even funny th this is not oh my gosh that’s not even funny that’s bro he killed Eddie too Eddie’s dead well Edward no Edward’s dead that’s actually not that’s not it but I it’s not Kenny it was probably Kenny again it’s not it’s not I was with him

I know who it was I I know exactly who it was that’s the thing oh my God it’s Eli oh my God he looked in your chest saw you had TNT still yeah he put a piece of TNT on the turntable it blew up he’s like oh that’s

Intering yeah no I I don’t know I don’t think he would do that again after killing your horse he felt really bad he wouldn’t do something like that he may have just moved Edward but the bombing is definitely Eli I don’t know if Edward’s dead but let’s check Eli’s

Crib see if Edward’s in here where he I don’t know he might be mining did it say no it would only show it for you cuz it’s yours that happened recently Edward get move somewhere it’s this is literally just becoming season two Lucas said cussy that’s how you

Know bro who said Kenny’s house on fire Aon is no but it’s not gonna break anything so that that one’s Harmless so no blocks are going to break it’s just where even is Eli I don’t know I can’t wi this can’t with the interior like I’m sorry Aaron but if Kan dies to flames and his stuff Burns I that’s far not the berry the back of the berry go find you all right

Five more pics so where did I put my diamond armor cuz actually where did I put that oh right there okay oh crap okay things are going downhill right now yeah I’m I’m I’m being a SL boss can we just not do fire on interior perhaps I’m very concerned for Kenny’s

Health when he LS in yeah k k doesn’t need more pranking Oh Let’s Chill on the Kenny pranks Let’s Chill on the Kenny pranks for a sec let’s just chill on the Kenny pranks no outside outside it’s fine outside it’s fine I’m losing it I am losing it dude

This screwed up this is literally season two outside is fine okay look I won’t do interor I it’s upstairs even dude he’s hurt he okay he stole my iron beginning season okay and I told him get R and this is this is pretty same this is p

Okay terp has never been on this big of a downfall do you think Eli gonna be I have no clue that’s crazy oh ken he moved yeah it must be something in this L I’m GNA blow up your house again if you put out my fire this so much worse than season two

Got holy crap a joke it was a going to actually do it I’mma just sit down and look at the Christmas tree ah bro we gotta dude that’s crazy Edward dude come on what Ed this is insane like like he exploded all my knives and stuff yeah we need server meeting this is

Like this is bad this is bad like the Whiteboard and Lantern’s like okay that’s annoying but it’s it’s not it’s not bad it was never even funny from the start yeah I blew up K’s house a little bit but I helped him build back and I

Didn’t make him I kept all of his stuff safe make and then we had all the murders but that was like chaos I’m make Ken this each time he misplaces a block I’m GNA kill him oh yeah I’m being slay right now yeah server meeting needs to be called

And rules need to be reestablished before this goes further than it is cuz season two G further than it is yeah this is furthest it’s ever been but we can’t let go even further no this is even further than season 2 because at least in season it was like planed that

We were going to like get gone yeah what this is worse by a lot we added guns yeah this is worst out of nowhere yeah dude not Edward though yeah Edward like it’s like everything looks so good and then now because it looks too good it’s h maybe this is why we built

Fireart in season 3 to make sure this didn’t happen bro this is the fourth time that my house has been exploded what the heck yeah it’s not even a yeah murder murder is okay own house if everything is okay like all the stuff is safe from murder then whatever yeah

And the thing with Eli like when he’s done this before like he just explodes it and leaves like all my chests were broken and stuff yeah didn’t even put anything back y all just actually so stupid I’m just gonna I want to work at my house but this is like this is

Terrible are you still alive yeah why don’t they just give up oh B I’m G just record this this is gonna be funny well I got content yeah all right got some epic footage now wait what why my talk you down yeah I I mean my P it’s what what my OBS is

Broken too oh my okay well I guess expect the server to close randomly now I just say he’s going to close it for rest tonight things are bad tell tell out quick cuz I that’s not my issue necessarily but holy crap we should the server needs like a week

Break I I feel like I should not go look for Eli I mean yeah this is crazy though we go to we got to reinstate rules we gota mention no pranking yeah we shouldn’t cuz it’s been chill forever but clearly we need to do it no pranking in general that should

Just so we don’t have it escalate we should probably even do no killing yeah no destruction property whatever and then like while the server’s down it we need to figure out how fix these stupid crashes cuz it’s bad it’s like only getting worse why is there anim in front of my I actually

Don’t know why did this just appear I went I just went through the door and it appeared did you accidentally bring it with you no why did teleport he’s been over there this entire time just teleported I’mma clip that that was so funny what I just like walked in

What it says stopping recording but it’s still recording on OBS what is going on I can’t get my footage corrupted I’ve been recording for 53 minutes even though holy crap thought it was paused I have room for like one more space but get right there that literally just

Teleported yeah that’s why I’m wondering if you like dragged it with you by accident like oh it’s possible okay well that’ll be end the Stream um hopefully next weekend things will be better first off with server crashing second off we won’t have pranks anymore so bye yeah hopefully things are

This video, titled ‘ITS TIME BABYY! TerraSMP S4! – Come join the stream, chill, and chat!’, was uploaded by Benje22 on 2023-12-18 00:47:49. It has garnered 53 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 05:06:20 or 18380 seconds.

TERRACRAFT MODPACK: Canarby: Eli: Alek: Luka: Kenny: Terracraft Discord: SUBSCRIBE FOR A FREE COOKIE 😉 #minecraft #modded #terrasmp

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    Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art #shorts #satisfying #mrbeast #minecraft #art #trending #1k please’, was uploaded by White Gamerz_7 on 2024-03-07 15:30:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Credit:Pete Shorts #shorthair, #shorthairdontcare, #pixiecut, #shorthairstyle, #shorthairideas, #shorthaircut, #pixiehaircut, … Read More

  • Mind Control Golem Strikes Mikey

    Mind Control Golem Strikes MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-03-14 16:30:09. It has garnered 2519 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:21 or 2181 seconds. JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos…. Read More

  • Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt’s Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀

    Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt's Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘best discord server2024 in Minecraft mcpe’, was uploaded by Mr Gamerz Lytt on 2024-06-15 18:13:36. It has garnered 14 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:26 or 146 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftserver #dicord #feathersmp #mrgamerzLytt #minecraftsmpserverstojoinbedrock #lapata SMP #lawless MP #ujala SMP Read More

  • INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViral

    INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft knockback elevator 🤣 #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-01-30 03:35:01. It has garnered 2624 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. **Description:** Join the fun in this video! My friend and I activated the slow-falling command (255) and equipped knockback 2 swords. In a 2×2 hole, we playfully spammed hits on each other, using the knockback to launch ourselves out of the hole. The excitement builds as, finally, we ignite a TNT cube, bringing a spectacular end to our playful antics. 🚀… Read More

  • Unbelievable Montage of China’s Top CPVP Player

    Unbelievable Montage of China's Top CPVP PlayerVideo Information This video, titled ‘China’s Best Restricted | Minecraft CPVP Montage’, was uploaded by ItzLuxifer on 2024-06-22 01:58:59. It has garnered 218 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:45 or 105 seconds. Best restricted #cpvp #minecraft #crystalpvp #pvpmontage #minecraftpvp #minecraftshorts ==================================== Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP series/ Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit /… Read More


    INSANE FACECAM REACTIONS IN ICYCRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘HIVE LIVE BUT FACECAM (CS AND 1v1s)’, was uploaded by IcyCraft on 2024-04-15 01:52:09. It has garnered 491 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:18 or 4398 seconds. hello guys this is my eleventh EVER LIVE STREAM so thats pretty cool but im gonna play minecraft on hive and zeqa AND u can play with meee ZEQA And HIVE With YOU (Hive Live) JOIN UPP MY FIRST EVER LIVE STREAM!!! (Hive Live) JOIN UPP Tags for algorithm (Credits to Squad of bozos) #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock… Read More

  • “Minecraft Fans Shocked: Create Giant Pixel Art on Car Moon! 🌙🚗💥” #games

    "Minecraft Fans Shocked: Create Giant Pixel Art on Car Moon! 🌙🚗💥" #gamesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Make Giant Pixel Art in Minecraft Fans 🤯💥 #games’, was uploaded by Car Moon on 2024-01-06 03:15:26. It has garnered 338 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWAR

    EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWARVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT EPISODE 1 (LIVE SERIES) | NEW WORLD NEW JOURNEY | POTATOWAR | #MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by PixelNinja on 2024-04-14 17:52:39. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:46 or 3586 seconds. SUBSCRIBE AND LEAVE A LIKE.. . . . 🎮 Welcome to the ultimate gaming destination! 🎮 Dive into a world where pixels come to life and every quest is an adventure waiting to unfold! 🌟 🔥 Join me on heart-pounding journeys through virtual realms, where we conquer bosses, unlock secrets, and level up our skills! 💪… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SUMMONING: 5 STAR TITAN VS SKIBIDI TOILETVideo Information This video, titled ‘JAYGRAY TRIỆU HỒI THÀNH CÔNG NHỮNG LOẠI TITAN SIÊU CẤP TRONG MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS TITAN 5 SAO’, was uploaded by JayGrayTV on 2024-04-15 12:46:17. It has garnered 124930 views and 2672 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds. JAYGRAY SUCCESSFULLY SUMMONED SUPER TITAN IN MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS 5 STAR TITAN ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎁 If you find this video interesting, please do to Please give me 1 LIKE and 1 SUBCRIBE (1 like and 1 subscription) to the channel ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 😄 SUBSCRIBE TO JAYGRAY CHANNEL ➡️​ 🔥 “GOAL” TO REACH 1 MILLION… Read More


    POLLANDQue tal camarada! Te presento POLLAND Un server donde puedes crear, destruir y transformar tu experiencia a tu gusto nwn, un survival-custom con factions listo para ser jugado! Contamos con: Jobs Misiones (Mas de 1220) Historia/lore Factions Custom Weapons-Enchants-Armors Koths/Zona pvp Razas Y muchas muchas cosas mas!!! es un server raro pero unico, a que esperas para unirte a nuestra comunidad!!! Read More

  • Veiled Haven SMP Whitelisted Java 1.20.6 Squaremap Semi-Vanilla

    Hello Everyone! Welcome to Veiled Haven SMP – A vanilla+ Minecraft experience (Java 1.20.6). Join our community for a balanced and consistent gameplay. We maintain a mature and respectful atmosphere with an age restriction of 16+ and whitelist. Connect with us on Discord for seamless communication and coordination. Apply on our website for quick approval and access to our whitelist. Let’s build, explore, create, and connect together! We can’t wait to see you in-game! 👋🌠 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes Fixed

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes FixedLooks like this meme only scored a 3 out of 10 in the Minecraft meme world, maybe it needs a redstone upgrade! Read More

  • Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash!

    Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash! In the world of Minecraft, Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, Decided to hit the aquapark, for a thrill. Sliding down waterslides, with laughter and glee, Their adventures in Minecraft, for all to see. With Kare Kafa as their guide, in Turkish delight, Their videos bring joy, day and night. Subscribe for more fun, and turn on notifications, For Minecraft adventures, and rich-poor relations. So join in the fun, let the game begin, With Minecraft news, in rhymes that win. Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, in the aquapark’s glow, Their laughter and joy, for all to know. Read More

  • Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell

    Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell When you accidentally build a swastika in Minecraft and Erika starts playing in the background #oops #bannedfromserver Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft Pranks

    Real Life Minecraft Pranks Minecraft in Real Life: Exploring the Trend Many content creators have been exploring the concept of bringing Minecraft into the real world, blurring the lines between the virtual and physical realms. Let’s delve into some of the most popular videos and trends that have emerged from this unique fusion. Real-Life Minecraft Adventures Creators like Musa Belir, Enes Batur, Burak Kuloğlu, and Oğuz Aslan have been at the forefront of this trend, showcasing their adventures in real-life Minecraft scenarios. From crafting tools to building structures, these videos offer a fresh perspective on the beloved game. Testing Minecraft Legends in Real… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm

    Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building an Automatic Sugar Cane Farm Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the key elements in the game is farming, which allows players to grow various crops to sustain themselves in the virtual world. In this article, we will delve into the process of building an automatic sugar cane farm in Minecraft, a valuable resource for crafting paper, books, and more. Setting Up Your Farm To start your automatic sugar cane farm, you will need to gather the necessary materials, including redstone, pistons, observers,… Read More


    INSANE 12 HOUR HAT STREAM!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE 12 HOUR STREAM’, was uploaded by the top of the hat on 2024-05-12 16:18:32. It has garnered 222 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:01 or 42901 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftnether #netherite #minecraftnetherite #creativity#mcc #mccisland Top Hat goes live for 12 hours. I am extremely sad. anyways we’re going to play a ton of games, like MCC ISLAND or my NEW MINECRAFT SERVER so come join have some fun or eat popcorn. we also might join the community discord stage, you’re welcome to join. Link to join discord MUSIC IN… Read More