Block Buddies: CRAZY Adopted by CAINE FAMILY!

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Oh wait a second where am I right now oh look he’s awake oh finally I thought you were never going to wake up where am I right now I’m a in a cage and I’m just a baby and what am I doing get me out of

Here please please no no no no no it’s okay calm down calm down calm down it’s fine it’s fine Kane will explain everything yes yes just come with me come with me where am I what is this place where’s my family oh gosh and who

Are you who are you who are you you are currently in the household of Kane all of the Kane family is here we don’t know why but you were abandoned out in the middle of the forest so we brought you back here yeah yeah I’m the one who

Saved your life kid without me you would have died in that tornado out there tornado I have no idea what you’re talking about dude but anyway thanks for saving my life I guess oh let’s just start off with introductions go ahead and meet the rest of the family the Kane

Family hey who’s this guy get him out of I don’t I don’t he looks stupid hey yeah who is this loser let’s just ditch him I I don’t this just can’t kick him out okay guys come on let let’s be a little nicer to our guest but he looks like

Such a loser okay okay calm down he he’s going to be living with us for at least a little bit to try to get along oh yes that reminds me they’re not the only two here here’s my brother he who are you you’re a loser hey uh that’s really mean

Well listen here son the reason we saved you is cuz we need your help we’re going to be attacked by a group of monster canes and you need to help us build up our defenses wait monster cane group are they going to attack us and kill us what

Are you talking about yes these monster canes have been destroying cane settlements all across the globe and we’re next we I think we only have like 3 hours and if we don’t stop them here this is going to kill everyone else so we have to do this wait we have 3 hours

Until they attack there’s no way right now I’m really scared wait are they going to attack my family too yeah most probably so you better get to work kid oh gosh I’m really scared it’s okay it’s okay okay you don’t have to be scared don’t worry we have a bunch of building

Blocks like these four wood planks uh four wood planks what am I going to do with this I’ve never even built in my life I’m just a baby it was a really bad idea having this guy here okay Uncle Kane you can you can shut it you it’s

Okay okay TV man it’s okay we’ll help you just take a deep breath and there’s always room for improvement uh okay you’re you’re right yeah me and my little brother going to go play fortnite you guys go build the base yeah later losers hey you guys need a help we need

Your assistance if we don’t stop these guys you might die as well but come on yeah I’m good well if that’s the case I’m going to be taking away your video games for as long as we’re under threat okay fine whatever we’ll help I don’t

Want to work with this stupid TV guy he looks so stupid and weak hey well as you can see there’s not really very many things we can do to make you stronger but we can try to climb up that mountain over there oh the whole Mountain it’s

Raining and it’s scary how do I do this but there AR bro come on yeah don’t be such a loser it’s easy how is this easy oh my gosh okay I’ll try my best you guys got this this make sure you don’t fall because there’s really no safety

Hazards oh no this is really scary oh gosh okay um ow ow I just fell oh no how am I going to do this I’m going to get up there first hey hey wait up for me guys this isn’t fair if you snooze you lose loser hurry up hey oh my gosh I’m

On my way come on this is really hard though oh no I’m already halfway there oh oh no oh no how are you halfway there there we go oh there we go come on come on I’m getting up there right now this is really hard though oh look how slow

You are you’re look at you all the way down there hey you’re terrible at this that’s not nice a wasn’t trying to be nice I just fell going to cry yeah my word te are you okay I saw you fall uh I’m fine I just hurt a lot seems like the other two

Made it were you unsuccessful yeah oh I I guess we’ll just switch to something more your speed like how about you can try to punch down this tree over here okay okay I’ll try that come on dude I can’t oh just try a little harder

Come on you got this come on oh my gash he can’t he obviously can’t break it he’s a completely loser watch this oh my goodness are you serious right now how are you doing that what do you mean it’s easy don’t worry you’ll learn eventually no he won’t he’s trash could have kill

You just to be kind he’s trying to learn I guess it doesn’t matter we have entire evil Kane mutant Army coming to kill us we need to get a Creator switcher now that’s the only way we’re going to be able to survive everybody what’s a creative switcher it’s a thing that give

You creative Powers it will help us build a defense and now everybody split up look for it first one to find the creative switcher get a present wait creative switcher oh my gosh right now where is it wait a second it might be in this cave so scary down there you know

What uh Kane watch this dude W wa that was risky are you actually no I I’m Brave I’m going down there I’m about to do it I’m about to jump down it’s really dark scary oh okay okay I’m not I’m not it’s too scary oh my good

Goodness you guys are scared how I just jumped out here by myself but wait how am I going to get up uh well I guess you’re just stuck down there get riddance what are you serious right now all right well I guess I’m going to have

To explore this place all on my own but I’m just a baby and this is really scary all right anyway uh my goodness I need to do this parkour oh no this is is really terrifying come on let’s keep going this way and oh no I’m really scared what if there’s monsters that

Spawn or something like that that would be really terrifying but let’s just keep going this way oh my gosh there’s all this lava okay let’s just keep going come on and oh no I got to do this parkour oh my gosh Come on ow ow I just

Got burped by that lava are you serious right now come on I’m almost at the end and there’s a chest and there’s a creative switcher wait what happens if I right click on this creative Swit switcher let’s see what happens all righty and let’s go and oh my gosh I am in creative

Mode I need to tell them I’m literally in creative mode no way right now hey guys how you doing us that loser again oh hey TV man where did you come from I’m still looking for that creative s have you seen it I have it in my hand oh

Oh oh I guess that makes sense you are floating great job I’m so proud of you we only have an hour and a half before they come and kill us so we need to get to building now oh I have my very own creative switcher so I’m going to be

Helping helping you build throughout all this I don’t know about the other two though uh you two just try to get stronger just go like punch a tree or something me and T man going to save our butts nah don’t want to these guys all right anyway I guess we should start

Making this house way cooler right Kade that’s true I was thinking that maybe we could build an entirely separate building one made of like really strong materials or why don’t we just replace the materials with this one and make it really strong isn’t that a better idea

Because if the monsters come like they won’t destroy our base that’s true that’s true I guess we can try it let’s do it uh what’s a good material for replacing this house like maybe iron I was thinking stone bricks uh I’m pretty sure iron is better well I’m pretty sure

Stone bricks were meant for fortification you do know that they use stone bricks for castles uh are you serious right now exactly all right anyway here we go I got some of this real reinforced red wool reinforced blocks what are those uh you don’t know about reinforced blocks are you serious

Right now what’s the point of how strong are these one sec I’m going to test something H dude they’re literally insane what are you talking about I’m going to see if a block of TNT can blow it up H dude it literally doesn’t look you can watch it dude and booah there we

Go I told you wa peculia I guess we can use more of these in the build let’s do this let’s go now we need to make this base super good because those canes apparently are really strong right but wait can’t we just think creative for when they come I’m pretty sure they have

Like a signal Jam or something that stops creative switchers cuz the other villagers Had Creative switches yet they still lost are you serious right now we can’t even do that that’s so annoying I don’t I still don’t know how we’re going to survive this I’m going to be relying

On you TV man no we are going to survive this wait relying on me why why would you be relying on me dude I’m just a baby well I heard that TV people are very smart and very strong too nah that is total cap yeah he’s definitely the

Weakest one here wait where are the others anyways uh this guy’s right here oh there you are where have you been oh uh I was uh watching the evil Kane Army to see how close they were are they close oh yeah pretty close what do can

You please help us with the house we’re trying to make it more fortified to defend against them well I don’t have any blocks oh here I’ll give you some right now dude all right here you go I’m going to give you some of this reinforc

Red wo wait a second how are you flying uh I’m in creative mode dude I found the creative switcher what are you talking about you managed to find found the creative switcher my God wait you found the creative switcher I can’t believe this no one’s ever found it yeah I found

It I don’t know how I found it but Kane has one too so technically people have found it right well that was a gift to Kane from his great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather yes yes you are so right my great great great great

Great great great great great grandfather was an amazing man he found all the cretive that even exist in this world he was a man of culture oh my goody goodness that is so cool dude but anyway now I’m going to be able to use this creative switcher to make the best

Base ever righto you are we were really going to need it also TV man I thought of an idea we should make a second floor a floor where we could shoot our shoot like bows off so that we can defend oh my gosh that is such an awesome idea

Dude hey what are you doing to my base dude this is M weird uh what are you talking about dude we are literally building this base because we need to get out of here and actually be able to survive these monsters that are coming the Kane Army is very powerful I heard

Yeah bro you aren’t even doing anything to help us so you can’t complain what happens cuz I don’t care Bro you’ve always been so useless oh my gosh he’s actually so useless are you serious right now all right here we go I got the second floor right here wait should we

Have some like bedrooms in here too so we can actually like rest and stuff or not do we not have enough time for that probably not if we have extra time maybe but we should focus on defense first I think we should also focus on getting

Supplies that way we don’t have to go out when the cane Army is here oh yeah you’re right we probably should do that how about the kids do that that’s true Junior what do you want can you get us some like golden apples or something Enchanted would be nice I mean I could

I’m not going to but yeah I could I’ll give you some uh really good toothpaste e who brushes their teeth anyway what if I told you you could teach your brother I’ll let I’ll let him go with you all right deal okay you guys go and do that

All right well they’re getting supplies I guess we could just keep building up this base because those monsters are coming soon they’re not exactly monsters they’re like they used to be normal canes but they got like infected by some kind of virus they became evil and started killing every once so they’re

Not exactly mon like an apocalypse that’s so scary I guess you could call it that and wait it’s turning night time does that mean they come out at night that’s so terrifying that may be the case I I haven’t had any contact from the other Villages that get destroyed so

I don’t know much about them I was going to I’m going to put some reinforced doors so that they can’t break through and I also dude that is a goated idea I’m not going to cap only I’m going to be able to open them so then we’re

Completely safe my gosh I love that idea dude here we go all right here we go let’s keep on this and wait this is really good because we could basically hide behind this stuff for bows and stuff oh my God finally a house who are you help me help me there’s there’s

There’s like these monster canes that are attack oh my God there’s a cane right here are you okay dude hey hey hey you can come back get away from me you psycho canes they’re coming for me uh what hey come back here bro who is that

That that was Jack’s I thought he was living in the village next to us wait a minute uh way are the canes coming to destroy us soon okay oh my goodness I can’t believe they’re this close wait where’s my father he he hey you said that you went and checked on them I

Thought they weren’t close what I said they were close not that close they’re in the village next to us that means we only have like 30 minutes well they must have moved while I was building what do you want from me oh my gosh we have no

Time oh gosh come on just keep building we got to use some reinforced glass too we are way lower on time than we thought we need to hurry up maybe we should make a third floor like if they take over the first and second we can fall back to the

Third floor uh maybe that’s a good idea I’m not going to lie yeah can you guys move a little quicker I’m getting bored hey we can’t do anything we’re trying our best at least you could put in some help Uncle Kane you’ve just been sitting there doing nothing but I broke my back

A few weeks ago I can’t do anything okay well then tell your back to get better Easy H let’s see I’m trying to think of other ideas maybe we should make ourselves some armor Some Enchanted armor oh that is a good idea bro no K TV

M I want you to continue on the third floor this part’s good right now I’m going to start making some armor oh my goody goodness that is such a good idea bro so this will be the bow area right and then we’re going to have a third

Floor as well this place is starting to look so amazing um I just want to say TV man thank you so much for helping us you don’t know how much this means to all of us in fact we might be able to survive because of you also are you a little

Taller you seem a bit bigger than when I saw you last what you’re right Kane mom you’re so right I’m so much bigger now it seems like you’ve gotten stronger oh my goody goodness that’s so cool all right here we go so this is where the

All the bows will be in Kane are you building the armor yes I am it’s it’s in the room where you woke up hey guys we’re back oh oh did you guys find anything good oh it’s the kids uh no we didn’t find any food and we we saw some

Zombies and like threw snowballs at them though it was pretty funny zombies you you what oh did you hear that that’s so dangerous why would you do that you could have let him right to us well we just said that it was funny that is not

Funny is it funny when you’re going to get killed no get back inside right now uh quick quick thing I did realize that there was with the like in the center of all the zombies there was a chest there made B chanted golden apples in there uh

A chest does that mean we have to go over there and get the enchanted golden apples because enchanted golden apples are super rare maybe oh yeah I guess while I was there I did grab apples golden apples from those chests so uh wait you got the golden apples from the

Zombie chest there’s no way right now wo that it was easy okay this is actually really good I’m proud of you but don’t you ever put yourself in danger like that again don’t tell me what to do but Kane told us to go get a chant to Apples

And they’re right there so I’m going to have a talk with your father Kane where are you well I was trying to get them to help we really needed those apples and I didn’t know there’s going to be zombies over there okay but that’s super dangerous what if our kids got hurt what

If we all die for the giant mut canes oh my goody goodness guys I feel like we should not be arguing right now the zombies are coming in like 15 minutes and if we don’t figure this out we’re all going to die okay you’re right but for future reference Kate I’m always

Right okay whatever T TV man just keep building up our defenses I’m going to get some things settled all right let me think what else I could do and huh let me see what else I can do with this base all right here we go let’s add some

Fences and wait what kind of fences can I do wait can I do barb wire uh like I don’t know where that is all right and there is the wired fence I got it let’s go wait a minute are you placing BBS why that’s that’s cheating you are so I told

I knew you were smart yes sir I am so smart for this one so let’s keep placing this Barb Wire everywhere because this has to look great so when the zombies come we actually can survive I’m starting on the third floor there’s going to be like a final set back if we

Get overrun no way right now anyway here we go let’s have this wrap around all the way and wait should I make this like two layers high they are mutant canes they are very tall M M M mutant what what what does that mean it means very

Scary and we don’t want to die to them so yes double lit please wait so how powerful are they are they’re like they’re going to kill me or what just imagine this imagine people in creative mode except they can be killed That’s How Strong they are what that’s actually

So scary I’ve seen one even pull out TNT and blow up a house before I don’t know how he did it what are you talking about there’s no way listen here son you don’t know the things I’ve seen them do are things no man should ever see what are

You talking about I swear I saw the met a man like a half eaten sandwich it was disgusting all right guys it doesn’t matter about that we just need to focus on keeping this place safe so none of us will be eating like a half eaten sandwich you’re right okay here we go

And I have another good idea so for this idea I’m going to be making lasers lasers you say I didn’t even know those were available what are you talking about dude lasers are literally so goated watch this bro I’m wao now that seems very dangerous isn’t that

Amazing and when when you’re in survival modee you actually hit one of these you are actually done Zod it hurts a lot how do that’s really impressive I man if only we knew about this before we could we could have told the other Villages oh we’ll tell them later we just need to

Survive this all right here we go we’re going to place that wait I just realized wait I just realiz it started raining like a few minutes ago that that’s true you do have a point what’s causing this are they are they getting close uh they might be getting Co close that’s really

Scary all righty here we go and now for the last set of lasers we’ll do something like this and we’ll put the laser right here and then it’ll connect like that and booya there we go wait though that doesn’t that does not add up right let me do that one more time all

Right here we go and booya wow that looks Fab that looks that like fantastic they’re never going to be able to get through this dude they are never going to be able to get through this bro if they get through this I will literally give them a million dollars but there’s

No way they are going going to do you even have a million dollar wait why is no one helping in here why are you guys just sitting around doing nothing I’m just really stressed about this okay I I I know I should be pulling in my work

Putting in my waist and work but I am horrified I’m terrified the kids aren’t helping it’s only you and Kane helping so I don’t really know what to do and there’s they’re probably coming any minute now so okay I just got to calm down calm down would you shut up woman

How am I supposed to help I can’t fly and you haven’t given me any more blocks are you serious right now are you here take a block what am I supposed to do with one block all right here take all this dude okay here I’m going to give you everything these aren’t even

Reinforced oh my goodness why are you so picky bro this is our life on the line all right here we go and wait we completely forgot to make the third area here the third Roof oh no it doesn’t really matter at this point just we’re running out of time just build whatever

You can whatever you think will help oh no what are we going to do let me thinking uh I have such a goed idea watch this kid I need your help break this with me oh I have an idea are you building a moat of course I’m building a mo

Okay I shall all right here we go so we’ll place this right here we’ll just keep breaking this and here we go we’re going to put some lava wait is there any blocks that are better than lava Kane lava does a lot of damage really quickly

So I do believe lava is the best but there is poison that’s an option oh poison that might be better I think Kane will maybe uh react to that differently or like the mutant canes they might react to that differently why don’t we do poison if you want if you think it

Would be best I trust your judgment all right there we go and let’s break this and booah there we go we have now completed the mo of breaking it now we have to grab the poison buckets here we go let’s grab these poison buckets and

Oh my gosh this is goed yes yes it’s all coming together they’ll never be able to get past us never never and if they do that’ll be very terrifying though to be honest with you it would be very terrifying it would be if it happened at

All yeah they won’t even be able to get through right they’re not that good well I still don’t know they’re very strong well we’re all going to die anyway so who even cares why even try oh EXC use you yeah I don’t I don’t think we should

Really try we just need to let’s just have fun in our final moments what do you mean TR are you serious right now kids come on guys it’s okay I’ll talk to them where are you guys we’re playing fortnite get your sorry butts out here

And help if we all die you’re going with us okay and I will make sure it’s not a fun quick death it’s going to be slow agonizing and painful if you don’t get out here and hell is that understood me woman- oh oh okay fine fine okay you

Want to you want to play that game that’s it I’m unplugging the Wi-Fi no stop we were just about to win um and I don’t want to die so how about you get out here and help h fine fine yeah whatever we help awesome that’s just

What I wanted to hear I’m sorry about this TV man they’re just I don’t know what’s up with them they just only talk about fortnite you’re really the only help I have all righty here we go and wait what should we put on the top I’m

Trying to think all right and wait I have such a good idea for to this top layer why don’t we add a ton of lasers just in case they come up here and try to kill us so here we go we’ll do something like that and there we go and

Then we’ll do something like this right here with the shield pad laser and here we go and are Series right now it’s not even working what is going on oh there we go this is actually a very smart idea it’s added a lot of protection we just

Need to make sure we don’t run into these lasers uh yeah you’re right but wait it’s literally snowing right now how is it snowing does that mean they’re coming soon maybe it may it’s either that or this house is just really high in the sky oh yeah it’s probably that

Right probably I don’t think they can it’s definitely the altitude yeah they I don’t think they have the ability to control the weather if that was true I I doubt would just be raining it probably be storming that is terrifying bro I’m not sure about this those monster canes

Are brutal one time I saw they dragged a man into the river what into the river no way right now and then they ate him what that’s so scary yeah wait anyway we’re going to survive this okay don’t worry I’m building the best defenses ever we all know that that did not

Happen the canes don’t drag people into rivers you haven’t seen what I seen boy and you’re starting to lose your eyesight come on okay Grandpa let’s get you to bed I’m not that old you’re pretty old all right anyway here we go we’re just adding these little pillars

For more stability and weight’s actually starting to look so good all right this base is actually so secure what else can we add to make it even more secure oh wait I have an idea let’s add even more lasers to every that would be perfect wait I wait a

Minute uh TV man yeah I’m in survival mode what no you’re not come on it’s stop blinding to me you’re not in survival mode if if you were in survival mode I would be in survival mode right like that doesn’t even make sense and what I just cleared my inventory and

I’m in s survival mode right now oh no get inside get inside oh no it’s pitch black outside no oh no this means they’re coming ow ow oh no be careful you don’t hit that come on okay door’s closed behind us come on let’s grab the armor I know I haven’t been super

Helpful but I added like the windows just so that we could have a little more protection oh yeah this is good this is reinforced Windows perfect so uh guys everyone just stay alive uh do not worry and panic uh wait where are the kids I’ll go get them all right I’m going to

Look for them too where are they where are they the monsters are coming soon oh no this is really bad hey get away from us we’re trying to win a fortnite game yeah we’re so close to winning you guys weren’t even here just like a second ago

Where were you guys uh doesn’t matter stop winning yeah yeah I was just grabbing a pizza I ordered let me enjoy before I die loser are you serious right now yeah and I used to rest for our parents might to buy a separate internet plan so now we can play without well

Losing intern you guys are dead ah we’re already dead have J you everybody dies sometime what in the heck is wrong with you two mom you need to punish these kids on it okay that is it I am putting my foot down well good thing we have

Backup setups loser oh and good thing you guys are grounded for a whole year oh my godness I got to go grab all the gear right now come on in oh it’s all in here oh no I’m really scared right now I really hope I don’t die uh everyone what

Are you talking about oh Kane are they here there’s the it’s the mutant Kane scouting party they outside or door oh no you’ve got to be kidding me oh my God they’re coming they’re coming oh my goody goodness there’s no way right now they’re attacking and preparing to

Attack look our defenses are working they’re working no way right now this is so awesome okay I’m going to use my long bow and booah oh he just died let’s go this is too easy yes we might have a chance don’t jinx us you two uh we might

Not have a chance that better oh my goodness there’s way more of them uh dude back up dead oh my goody goodness come on fight them H they’re literally up in the sky too now what’s going on but good thing they’re not in our base it’s pretty easy so far well that’s the

Bad news they’ve kind of surrounded us uh surrounded us what are you talking about surrounded us and oh my gu they’re everywhere come on use your bows take them out what are we going to do there’s so many of we don’t panic that’s what we do we stick together and shoot them all

On once oh oh gosh no he’s in the house he’s in the house guys help me help me help me he’s in the house wait what oh no there was one in the house oh you didn’t even see him how there’s no way how did he get here probably just seeing

Things much like our hle guy over here no I know what he’s talking about they sometimes fly they fly now are you serious right now there’s no way these King can fly do you see how big they are how else could they have gotten in you

Fool that’s the thing say they didn’t wa they didn’t you were saying oh no there’s a lot of them here oh G take them out take out don’t fight these guys oh that’s really scary come on take out the guys around the walls there’s more

Oh no no way there’s more I’m not sure what he has to worry about I don’t think he’s able to get infected do have a point he is very big excuse you well am I wrong oh no no I was talking about TV man oh I was talking about really well

You’re not able to be infected you’re not a Kane so you’re saying I should go down there and fight them all by myself no sounds a good idea to me you got them son you could just take more risks than most of us uh okay yeah I’ll try that I

Guess and wait they got way bigger all right son I believe in you hey hey you just pushed me off oh no oh no no this is really bad we’ll help from up here you can handle it I Believe In You H oh no these guys are really big and strong

No way right now I have to fight them ow ow ow save TV man save him oh no oh no ow ow ow he’s really powerful oh my gosh oh I just killed him the door is open come on oh no why would he do this to me

And kill BL go in the lasers and die oh he’s inside everybody back inside back inside get back inside oh my God are you guys really just sitting there still I don’t know I didn’t want to get up and find my other setup so I was just

Pretending to play fortnite in my head I was doing the exact same thing a that’s so funny when to play some CS that sounds fun yeah oh my God are you serious right now they’re literally not helping but there’s nothing I can do about that I have a I hate to interrupt

But I have a problem I fell uh you fell you’re right here you’re good oh no it’s the biggest ones they’re here to kill us uh what in the okay no I’m going inside I’m going inside this is crazy the massive come on come on they’re almost

As big as you Uncle shut up oh no I got stuck in the poison water oh gosh I’m dying I’m dying someone save me please ow ow ow ow get out of there get out of there I’ll save you with words of encouragement oh my goodness I finally

Just got out that was so scary but these guys are really big and terrifying there’s no way I’m going to be able to kill them there’s no way maybe we can just I don’t know run away or something they have to have a weakness I don’t

Know this is really bad though come on they’re almost dead I don’t think so good this might be the final wave right it has to be there was just so big if they got any bigger than this don’t jinx it yeah yeah they’re definitely not the

Last W oh my goodness come on fight them oh my goodness come on fight them hey hey I’ll kill them behind you behind me what are you talking about oh oh my goody goodness come on just fight them I’m going to push them all to the lasers

Wait this might work oh my gosh it’s working it’s working come on come on I’m pushing them all to the lasers and the barb wire it’s working they’re just tanking this laser H I don’t know how they’re doing it but don’t worry I’m going to try to kill them come on ow ow

Ow why won’t these things die oh my goodness come on fight them I’m killing him I’ve got you oh my gosh there’s one over here let me kill this guy he might be the last one oh no oh no oh no I got a trapped I got him trapped he’s suffocating he’s

Suffocating come on ah come on you’re almost dead and oh wait we just did it no way that was insane bro oh that was I was 100% certain we were going to die thank you so much Ste man you had my utmost thanks oh my goodness gracious I can’t believe

We did it we did it we’re alive I definitely thought we were goners but you saved us all TV man well I got n spad does that help me why would I tell you we’re playing against each other are you serious right now you guys were playing cards the whole time really all

Right anyway we did it guys let’s go oh finally finally we’re survived finally anyways welcome to the family we’re glad to have you yay thank you guys so much for watching this video subscribe and click a video up on screen I’ll see you guys in the next video tomorrow subscribe everyone subscribe everyone

Subscribe everybody click a video up on screen wait where’s Kane mom and everyone else that’s a good question I’m going go find them

This video, titled ‘Adopted by CAINE FAMILY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Block Buddies on 2023-12-23 11:00:07. It has garnered 82693 views and 1195 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:20 or 1760 seconds.

Adopted by CAINE FAMILY in Minecraft!

Our channel is inspired by Cartoon Crab, Dash, Omz, Crazy Crafters, and Aphmau! This is the funniest Minecraft video ever! I love Minecraft fun.

#blockbuddies ⁠#minecraft

  • Minecraft Mysteries Unraveled: Part 2

    Minecraft Mysteries Unraveled: Part 2 In Minecraft, things can be quite bizarre, Like floating trees and pigs that drive cars. But fear not, for I’m here to explain, All the strange things that may cause you pain. From glitchy mobs to blocks that disappear, I’ll shed some light, so have no fear. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride, As I take you on a Minecraft lore-filled stride. So buckle up, and hold on tight, As we delve into the mysteries of the pixelated night. From Endermen to Creepers, and everything in between, I’ll unravel the secrets, like a storytelling machine. So join… Read More

  • Cottage Witch Chronicles: Episode 5

    Cottage Witch Chronicles: Episode 5 Exploring the Enchanting World of Cottage Witch in Minecraft Embark on a magical journey through the enchanting world of Cottage Witch in Minecraft. Join the adventure as players delve into the mystical realm of witchcraft, magic, and fantasy in this captivating modded Minecraft LP. Discovering Automated Source Gems Experience the wonder of Automated Source Gems, a fascinating feature that adds a new layer of complexity to the gameplay. Watch as players navigate through the intricacies of this mod, uncovering its secrets and unlocking its full potential. Check out FyerPower’s video for a closer look at this innovative addition to… Read More

  • Frosty Craft: Surviving the Coldest Minecraft World

    Frosty Craft: Surviving the Coldest Minecraft World In the coldest world of Minecraft, we dared to survive, Facing dangers and challenges, trying to stay alive. Eren Bilgin led the way, with skills so sharp, Exploring icy landscapes, with a beating heart. With each step we took, the cold seeped in, But we pressed on, determined to win. From crafting tools to building shelter strong, We faced the elements, all day long. The Minecraft world was harsh, but we stood tall, Facing every challenge, never to fall. So if you’re brave enough, come take the test, In the coldest world of Minecraft, where survival is the best. Read More

  • Crafty Morning: Epic Tree House Build

    Crafty Morning: Epic Tree House Build Good morning, gamers, rise and shine, Join me in Minecraft, where we’ll design, A tree house so grand, reaching for the sky, With shaders so bright, let’s give it a try. The seed is “GoodMorning,” a perfect start, To craft our world, a work of art. Embrace the day with joy and glee, As we build together, you and me. So grab your tools, let’s get to work, In this pixelated world, where creativity lurks. With each block placed, a story unfolds, In this virtual realm, where adventure molds. Let’s climb to the top, see the view so clear,… Read More

  • EFEKAN GETS SICK! – Minecraft

    EFEKAN GETS SICK! - Minecraft Minecraft Parody: Efekan Pretends to be Sick 🤒 In a recent Minecraft video, Efekan decides to play the role of a sick student to avoid going to school. However, his father sees through his act and insists that Efekan attend school. Despite this, Efekan is determined to fake illness and skip school! Popular Minecraft Videos If you enjoy Minecraft content, make sure to check out some of the most beloved videos: Most Loved Minecraft Videos Support the Channel If you want to support the Minecraft channel, consider joining as a member: Join the Channel Disclaimer It’s important to note… Read More

  • Minecraft Dance: Crafting Moves in Subject Three

    Minecraft Dance: Crafting Moves in Subject Three In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, Cube Xuan brings joy, with humor and drive. Creating animations, funny and bright, Bringing happiness, morning and night. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, No worries here, just fun to be found. Subscribe to the channel, for a daily delight, With Cube Xuan’s creations, everything’s right. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that sing, And join Cube Xuan, in the Minecraft swing. Let the story unfold, in blocks and in lines, For Cube Xuan’s channel, is where happiness shines. Read More

  • Fleetbhai Shock: Gamerfleet’s Short Shorts Delight

    Fleetbhai Shock: Gamerfleet's Short Shorts Delight In the world of Fleetbhai shock and surprise, Where gamers unite, with laughter and cries. Minecraft news, crafted with care, In rhymes and emojis, we all share. FleetSMP and Jackbhaiya’s tales, In Lilyville, where each story prevails. Anshu Bisht and GamerFleet’s crew, Bringing joy and fun, for me and you. So leap into the verse, with beats that sing, In every line, let the truth take wing. Gaming facts and updates, in rhymes so bright, In the world of Minecraft, let’s take flight. Read More

  • Hardcore Island: 100 Days of Mobs Madness

    Hardcore Island: 100 Days of Mobs Madness In the world of Minecraft, where mobs roam free, Our hero braves the dangers, for all to see. Living hardcore for a hundred days straight, On an island where survival is the ultimate fate. With skills and wit, our hero thrives, Facing challenges that test their lives. From creepers to zombies, they face them all, Crafting, building, and standing tall. Subscribe to their channel, for more to come, Witness their journey, under the sun. Minecraft adventures, in every rhyme, Join the fun, it’s gaming time! Read More

  • Invoker Showdown: Minecraft Mansion Update

    Invoker Showdown: Minecraft Mansion Update The Minecraft Mansion Update Challenge: Race to Defeat the Invoker! In a thrilling new Minecraft challenge, a group of friends embarked on a race to kill a custom final boss, the Invoker, in an updated and revamped Woodland Mansion. The challenge was intense, hilarious, and filled with laughter as they navigated through the custom structure. Custom Features and Challenges The Woodland Mansion was revamped to be much harder, providing a new level of difficulty for the players. The addition of custom mobs and the Invoker boss created a unique and exciting gameplay experience. The custom arena, created by @iiGa7axy,… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Madness

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Madness Exploring Insane Minecraft Moments That Will Blow Your Mind Unveiling the World of Minecraft Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions worldwide, offers a vast virtual world where players can unleash their creativity and embark on thrilling adventures. From building magnificent structures to surviving in challenging environments, Minecraft has something for everyone. Witnessing Unforgettable Moments In the realm of Minecraft, players have experienced jaw-dropping moments that have left the community in awe. Whether it’s conquering the toughest mods or showcasing incredible building skills, these moments showcase the limitless possibilities within the game. Conquering the Hardest Mods… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Update Hype!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Update Hype!Looks like this meme is leveling up faster than my mining skills in Minecraft! Read More

  • Pirate Plunder: Minecraft Kings Episode 3

    Pirate Plunder: Minecraft Kings Episode 3 In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Rush of Kings brings a new game to our lives. ScrumpeyB0ttle and WaterB0ttle, ready to play, In this Minecraft world, where they’ll have their say. Pirates on the high seas, a thrilling sight, As they battle it out, with all their might. Each turn, a new challenge, a twist in the tale, As they navigate the game, without fail. With music to set the mood, and keep us engaged, The players make their moves, on the stage. In Rush of Kings, the competition is fierce, But in the end, there can… Read More

  • Minecraft Villager Dropping Hot Memes!

    Minecraft Villager Dropping Hot Memes! “Why did the Minecraft Villager go to therapy? Because he had too many ‘villager problems’!” 😂 #minecraft #memes #gaming Read More

  • Most Immoral but Moral Mob in Minecraft

    Most Immoral but Moral Mob in Minecraft The Most Evil but Most Moral Mob in Minecraft When it comes to the world of Minecraft, players encounter a variety of mobs, some friendly and helpful, while others are downright menacing. However, there is one mob that stands out for its unique combination of evilness and morality. The Enderman: A Mysterious and Complex Mob The Enderman is a tall, dark, and slender mob that teleports around the world of Minecraft. Known for its eerie purple eyes and ability to pick up blocks, the Enderman strikes fear into many players. Despite its intimidating appearance, the Enderman has a surprisingly… Read More

  • Jelqgang FPSMP Game Night in Minecraft

    Jelqgang FPSMP Game Night in Minecraft Exploring Modded Minecraft with Friends! Join in on the fun as players dive into the world of Modded Minecraft with friends during the Jelqgang game night! This exciting event is streamed on Twitch, offering viewers a chance to witness the creativity and collaboration that goes into playing this popular game. Stream Schedule and Community Interaction For those eager to participate, the stream typically begins around 7pm PST. Viewers can engage with the streamer and fellow players in real-time, sharing tips, tricks, and laughs as they navigate the challenges and adventures of Modded Minecraft. To stay updated on upcoming streams… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Generator – Get unlimited items now!

    INSANE Minecraft Generator - Get unlimited items now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sand, Gravel, and Anvil Generator with Command Block’, was uploaded by Pixelator8627 on 2024-09-27 17:44:16. It has garnered 92 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:15 or 1035 seconds. 🌟 “How to Make a Sand, Gravel, and Anvil Generator in Minecraft!” 🌟 🎮 Welcome, Builders and Redstone Engineers! 🎮 In this exciting tutorial, we’re diving into the mechanics of creating a versatile generator that produces sand, gravel, and anvils—all using the same ingenious process! Whether you’re looking to stockpile resources or just curious about advanced redstone contraptions, this video has… Read More

  • Midnight Minecraft Creepypasta: Eerie Whispers

    Midnight Minecraft Creepypasta: Eerie WhispersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creepypasta: Eerie Whispers #shorts #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by MidNight on 2024-06-23 18:00:09. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Gameplay- GianLeco Minecraft Gameplays Audio- ESN Production I have been playing with AI and decided to test how far I can push it’s story telling capabilities. I plan to do this but have fun and entertain not only myself but others as well. Please comment bellow if this story sounds familiar or if is a complete copy of something you’ve heard before. Let’s… Read More

  • Ultimate Mission: JB/Drag 2 Live – Gather Spruce

    Ultimate Mission: JB/Drag 2 Live - Gather SpruceVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Mission to Gather Spruce | JB/drag 2 Live’, was uploaded by JB / dragmotoxboss 2 on 2024-08-08 05:31:24. It has garnered 51 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:46:15 or 17175 seconds. Starring JB / dragmotoxboss, minecraft Warning: There may be yelling in this livestream! Sorry, no links available for now! Tags: #minecraft #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftjava I would appreciate if you would subscribe, it’s free, easy, and you can always unsubscribe at any time. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! 17 Hearts Left on Leviathan Hunt + V4 Help | ?Join BloxFruit

    UNBELIEVABLE! 17 Hearts Left on Leviathan Hunt + V4 Help | ?Join BloxFruitVideo Information This video, titled ‘BloxFruit Leviathan Hunt 17 Hearts Left and Helping with V4 | ?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-07-04 18:20:01. It has garnered 212 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:13:34 or 15214 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: Zainny Discord: check out: Roblox group :!/about TikTok : twitch : Discord: Mods: Itrealzainny: LJ… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane Shizo Clickbait: Akidn89’s LIVE SLEBEW SMP 🔴

    🔥 Insane Shizo Clickbait: Akidn89's LIVE SLEBEW SMP 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 [Live] SLEBEW SMP – MINECRAFT SERVER’, was uploaded by Akidn89 on 2024-01-12 07:45:30. It has garnered 229 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:34 or 394 seconds. because of lag Move to Stream 1 again :v Yoo Welcome to this quiet channel :v help subscribe and like :V Legion 5 Cross Minecraft Server device that allows Minecraft Java and Minecraft Bedrock to play in the same world. Server Info? Java 🖥️ (1.17-1.20) IP: *enter all Bedrock 📱(Latest) IP: PORT: 25568 Join our Discord DC: GC:… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT GRAPHICS! 😍Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT mit BESTER GRAFIK😍’, was uploaded by benGx on 2024-05-19 13:42:13. It has garnered 28517 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:02 or 7862 seconds. 💸JOIN ► 🗝️MMOGA ► ᵂᴱᴿᴮᵁᴺᴳ ⚡ARGONPADS ► ᵂᴱᴿᴮᵁᴺᴳ —————————————– Socials: 🗨️Discord► 🎥Twitch► 🐦Twitter► 🎬Kick► ————————————– Setup: Mouse ► Roccat Kain 100 Aimo keyboard ► Rezon x Drexler mouse pad ► Ovenbird topographic map CPU ► AMD Ryzen 5 3600x GPU ► RTX 3070 ti —————————— ———– ⚠️My content is freely available, it just cannot be re-uploaded!⚠️ Read More

  • Insane Time Travel in Minecraft Modded SMP!

    Insane Time Travel in Minecraft Modded SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft Modded SMP] I last played this game 7 patch cycles ago’, was uploaded by Luminis Klio Ch. on 2024-06-16 01:47:03. It has garnered 39 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 04:27:47 or 16067 seconds. minceraft [Thumbnail Art] [Discord] [Twitter] ____________________________________________________________________ [Rules] 1. Be respectful of others in the chat 2. No spamming 3. No spoiling/backseating unless I specifically ask for it 4. Do not bring up other streamers or streams unless I mention them first 5. Try to stay focused on the stream topic and not have… Read More

  • Girl Police Falls in Love with Prisoner! Minecraft Jailbreak

    Girl Police Falls in Love with Prisoner! Minecraft JailbreakVideo Information This video, titled ‘GIRL POLICE FELL in LOVE with JJ in PRISON! Mikey and JJ JAILBREAK in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by DokiArt on 2024-09-21 08:01:00. It has garnered 1583 views and 987 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:14 or 12074 seconds. #mikeyandjj #mikey #jjandmikey GIRL POLICE FELL in LOVE with JJ in PRISON! Mikey and JJ JAILBREAK in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just… Read More

  • Crazy Girl vs Boys in Minecraft! Herobrine Sighting!

    Crazy Girl vs Boys in Minecraft! Herobrine Sighting!Video Information This video, titled ‘Girl’s Vs Boys after seeing herobrine😱 #shorts #minecraft #girlvsboys’, was uploaded by Fosty on 2024-05-14 15:14:27. It has garnered 35413 views and 924 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Girl’s Vs Boys after seeing herobrine😱 #shorts #minecraft #girlvsboys #minecraftanimationfunny #herobrine keywords:– minecraft minecraft public smp live minecraft gfx pack minecraft mod menu minecraft 100 days minecraft video minecraft house minecraft minecraft minecraft game minecraft techno gamerz minecraft shorts minecraft animation minecraft apk minecraft anshu bisht minecraft animation movie minecraft apk download minecraft aphmau minecraft april fools 2024 minecraft ayush minecraft… Read More

  • Torrent Network – SMP, Lifesteal, Creative, SkyFactions

    Welcome to the Torrent Network! IP: Discord: Versions: Java & Bedrock | All major versions! Join us in an epic adventure on the legendary Torrent Network. Experience unique and immersive storylines including quests, events, and in-game lore on our epic servers. We currently have a fully developed survival and creative server, with the most unique Lifesteal SMP you’ve ever seen. Features: ——————————————— Survival: The integrity and challenge of a real survival experience Movecraft (moving vehicles) with custom classes Quests with custom storylines and lore Fully integrated economy system Welcoming community Custom armor and tools Anti-grief measures SkyFactions (Launching… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Live? More like Minecraft JIVE!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Live? More like Minecraft JIVE!Looks like someone didn’t get the memo that we don’t need any more DURING Minecraft Live! The score of 36 just proves how much this meme is overplayed. Read More

  • Parotter’s Minecraft Meme Madness

    Parotter's Minecraft Meme Madness I guess you could say this parrot is really “winging” it with his Minecraft dubbing skills! Read More


    JUICY 1.22 LEAKS CONFIRMED! Minecraft Live 2024: New Leaks Unveiled! As the highly anticipated Minecraft Live 2024 event draws near, the Minecraft community was in for a surprise with the release of new leaked information. Today, six intriguing photos surfaced on Reddit, offering a sneak peek at the upcoming Pale Garden biome, The Creaking hostile mob, and more exciting features. The Six Leaked Photos… The leaked images have caused a stir among Minecraft enthusiasts, providing a glimpse into the innovative additions that players can expect in the upcoming update. From the enchanting Pale Garden biome to the mysterious Creaking hostile mob, the leaked… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE TRANSFORMATION! A HUGE HOLE | Minecraft City Build Pt. 15Video Information This video, titled ‘A BIG HOLE | Minecraft – Building A City Pt. 15’, was uploaded by Lazy on 2024-08-28 15:55:06. It has garnered 66 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:46:05 or 13565 seconds. Earlier stream today, starting a stream later tomorrow instead!! Read More

  • Exploring a Creeper: Zombie Horde & Cartographer Maps – Minecraft Ep.12

    Exploring a Creeper: Zombie Horde & Cartographer Maps - Minecraft Ep.12Video Information This video, titled ‘💥 What’s inside a Creeper? Cartographer Maps, Zombie Horde, Wrong Directions! – Minecraft 1.21 Ep.12’, was uploaded by TheWaffleGalaxy on 2024-08-14 19:00:29. It has garnered 2055 views and 148 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:33 or 3753 seconds. Modded Minecraft CasualCraft 1.21 gameplay / let’s play / playthrough with Waffle! CasualCraft is modded Minecraft 1.21 more relaxed – no big challenges / hardcore / 100 days. ▶︎ Be sure to LIKE the video if you enjoy! 👍 ▶︎ Join the 🧇 Syrup Squad to get your name in my outro, access to our… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Bungul RPG 10 Gameplay in Cepu #Insane

    🔥EPIC Bungul RPG 10 Gameplay in Cepu #InsaneVideo Information This video, titled ‘Aku Bermain Bungul RPG 10 #shorts’, was uploaded by Cepu on 2024-08-03 19:10:45. It has garnered 156 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 01:44:13 or 6253 seconds. I Play Bungul RPG 10 #shorts Don’t forget to click subscribe to support this channel #minecraft #minecraftrpg #minecraft100days Discord: Those who want to sawer: Social : Instagram : @cepe100 / Facebook :… Youtube : Steam : Want to send an email: [email protected] Enjoy!! Thank you very much to those of you who have stopped by and subscribed to… Read More


    HEROBRINE GUIDES ME TO AFTERLIFEVideo Information This video, titled ‘(horror minecraft) herobrine is here. i am 45 years old. he guides me to afterlife.’, was uploaded by FOCUSS on 2024-08-03 21:03:48. It has garnered 63 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:19 or 12019 seconds. MODPACK IS FEAR NIGHTFALL join tha dizzy: this (probably) wont be made into a video Read More

  • Unlimited Thrills on Minecraft SMP! Join Now

    Unlimited Thrills on Minecraft SMP! Join NowVideo Information This video, titled ’24/7 Joinable Minecraft SMP (PUBLIC) ~ 1.20 Java & Bedrock Survival Server’, was uploaded by RAPTOR YT on 2024-05-28 01:51:36. It has garnered 168 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:14:15 or 4455 seconds. Minecraft Java+Pocket Smp Live | Smp | Minecraft Live | Join Java+Pe | Minecraft live stream Minecraft Java+Pocket Smp Live | Smp | Join Java+Pe | Minecraft live stream #shortsfeed #rcbvscsk ———————————————————————— 24/7 Joinable Minecraft SMP (PUBLIC) ~ 1.20 Java & Bedrock Survival Server DISCORD LINK – INSTAGRAM – @suddenlykrishna Welcome To The Channel Fellow Savages!… Read More

  • “10 Shocking Reasons Why V8 Engines Will Blow Your Mind” #viral #cars #v8

    "10 Shocking Reasons Why V8 Engines Will Blow Your Mind" #viral #cars #v8Video Information This video, titled ‘bro just turn to v8 engine #viralshort #carslover #v8 #yt shorts’, was uploaded by vt entertaintment on 2024-08-23 15:12:26. It has garnered 120 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. shorts trending viral help herobrine love viralvideo shortsviral youtubeshorts minecraft minecraft shorts idea short trending idea short trending minecraft short idea viral minecraft short short video minecraft bling-bang-bang-born funny short funny memes memes short minecraft animation minecraft school monster school short idea ytshorts herobrine sprint race help herobrine break bedrock help herobrine throw a spear oreetv help herobrine… Read More

  • Insane! Hololive Vietsub: Teacher Calli helpless!? 😱

    Insane! Hololive Vietsub: Teacher Calli helpless!? 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘【Hololive Vietsub】Giáo viên Calli dần cảm thấy bất lực =))’, was uploaded by Thế Giới Ảo on 2024-04-09 11:30:10. It has garnered 2910 views and 249 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Wewewo wo wu Nguồn: 【MINECRAFT COLLAB】block game with @KosekiBijou !! Time: 51:27 ——————————————- —————————— Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN: @MoriCalliope Koseki Bijou Ch. hololive-EN @KosekiBijou ——————————————– —————————— #moricalliope #hololive #hololivevietsub #vtubers #vtubervietsub #calivietsub Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft 1.21 Myths Exposed by Nytrogen

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft 1.21 Myths Exposed by NytrogenVideo Information This video, titled ’21 INSANE Minecraft 1.21 Myths’, was uploaded by Nytrogen on 2024-07-26 23:03:47. It has garnered 1134 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:38 or 458 seconds. In this video, I go over some of the most interesting, questionable, and flat out unreasonable myths that emerged from the new 1.21 Minecraft update. This update added a lot of items, mobs, and blocks, which made people start to experiment with them a lot. This led to some very odd uses and features that these items have. However, not all the myths were true…. Read More

  • Get scared by Minecraft Warden in #shorts

    Get scared by Minecraft Warden in #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Warden Scary Meme #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftnoob #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Mklord on 2024-03-17 15:18:12. It has garnered 1616 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. #cosplay #roblox #shorts #anime #robloxoutfits #robloxedits #outfitidedas #jojosbiazzareadventure #ytshorts #brookhaven #brookhavenrp #mineceaftshorts #minecraft #minecraftpe #mcpe #mcpehindi #minecraftindia #minecraftmeme #minecraftanimation #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuilding #minecraftvideos #dream #technoblade #wilbursoot #tommyinnit #georgenotfound #minecraftclutch #technogamerz #carryminati #yessmartypie #loggyhindustanigamer #chapatihindustanigamer #himlands #himlandss5 #himlandsnewseason #blackcluegaming #shorts #funny #gaming #minecraftjava #anshubisht #rlcraft #crazycraft #trending #trendingshorts #bbs #beastboyshubminecraft #beastboyshub #ytshorts #mcpememe #trends #fyp #viralshorts #viralvideo #viral #dantdm #pewdiepie #markiplier #prestonplays… Read More

  • GreenCraft SMP – Semi-vanilla, Cross-Play, 1.21, Dynmap

    Welcome to GreenCraft SMP! We offer a Nations SMP server with frequent events: We provide Nations where you can claim land, Cross-Platform access for Java and Bedrock players, Minigames, Events every 2 weeks, Collectable Maps, safe Land claims, and a community-focused approach. Join GreenCraft SMP today! Java IP: Bedrock IP: Bedrock Port: 8182 Add GreenCraftSMP as your friend or join our Discord for updates: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – What in the blocky world

    Minecraft Memes - What in the blocky world“Looks like that meme just leveled up to a 5-star rating! Must be pretty OP.” Read More