Breaking into an Illegal Base with Bionic

Video Information

In the last few months I’ve made some of Minecraft’s most illegal bases but today everything changes I’ll be using Minecraft’s most broken illegal methods to successfully raid and survive the server owner’s base but how did it come to this this isn’t good Gamers this isn’t good oh my gosh okay we’re on

Hello I’m here Donnie guys if we hit tab right now as you can see he’s online this is not good he told me to get on which means either a he’s going to kiss me or B we’re about to be just banned or punished in some sort of weird way cuz

Donnie’s a psychopath he basically owns this server and is the game master he’s supposed to keep the balance of this entire War SMP but I mean it’s Dawning abusing admin powers and torturing people on the server is kind of his thing so much for justice if he’s going

To log on and like ban us we got to fight back so maybe we can set some sort of trap something invisible like a grass block mine Perfect all we’re going to need is Stone pressure plate grass block and Firework go go go go go we got some

Paper right here some Gunpowder to make ourselves boom some fireworks we need so touch shovel perfect go go go go we need grass we need grass we could set something up like maybe in front of my house yoink the green grass I don’t know why I said it was green what other color

Would it be don’t worry Proto I won’t let Donnie touch you cook bro come on okay fireworks at the bottom grass blocks in the center and then of course our Stone pressure blades boom okay we got 27 these mines are so dangerous Gamers he’s probably going to be in

Creative mode but hey if there’s a chance we got to freaking take it and I’m thinking honestly we can just go ahead and turn this entire area yo yeah yeah yeah yeah maybe even like all of these right here on this path you know what I don’t even think he’ll remember

We should just honestly mine this entire part right here and replace the entire front Porsche of our like house with the grass block mines and okay I thought I had a little bit more than that but that’s fine let’s patch this up with regular grass right here so Donny walks

Up to our doorstep he Buddy’s going to get blown up oh my goodness oh that almost just killed me and hey if worse comes to worse and that does nothing we can just log out you know oh oh no oh my gosh oh my gosh mute up yo Donnie’s

There hey hey dude hey Donnie hey hey come over here yes wait did it work did did bro just die did we just get him what what the oh my gosh Donnie you freaking scared me oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh hey you almost got C my your

Own trapic you know R it wasn’t even a trap it was a welcoming map I just installed a new welcoming map oh okay cool well why don’t you come on it I didn’t like to talk to you about you know it’s a little ironic that you used

The welcome in M because that’s the exact reason I’m here to talk to you what do you mean talk to me about what I’ve been a good boy right yeah yeah yeah a good boy do you recognize this uh no I’ve never seen that in my life you

Might want to talk to the pillagers it seems like that’s something they would know about oh okay what about this uh no you seen the spike trap before that looks like a cool build hack something you know maybe Tik Tok tutorial what about this looks awesome don’t know how

To craft that never property of bionic what about this one here whoa hey hey yo I do not know what that is I promise I I lied about the other ones but I promise I don’t know what that is I know you don’t cuz you know who made this

One I made this okay and this is all for my my base and you’re going to have to try and raid That Base okay time for the tables to turn okay you think you’re so funny doing your little traps well today you’re going to be the trappy you have

30 minutes from this point onwards bionic and you have to try and raid my base that I’m going to be building for you okay and you think it’s going to be some easy Mickey Mouse base you got another thing coming all right see you 30 minutes what what wait

Wait wait okay okay okay 30 minutes to raid your base that you’re going to build right now um but what if I don’t successfully raid it and die well if you don’t survive uh once more thing yeah you get banned see you what did he just Donnie he’s still here he’s just in

Spectator mode that rat so let me get this straight Donnie’s going to be building the most illegal base using my own Creations along with new items of his own and we only have 30 minutes to freaking get ready oh my okay I’m so not ready right now I’m breaking in my own

House dude so here’s the thing Gamers obviously a lot of these defenses that he’s going to be using in his St base we’ve already made for example one of the most deadlier ones is the giant Crusher trap now I obviously don’t want to make it and Donnie doesn’t need to

Either he has creative mode but what we could get is our own illegal gear we have some decent armor but but I don’t think a diamond helmet nor this armor is going to be strong enough to protect us from giant crushing Pistons however I have an idea but while a diamond helmet

Oh my goodness dude we actually have I hate myself I was going to say while a diamond helmet will protect us from completely getting crushed what we could do is outsmart Donnie and get our own illegal gear specifically go a new helmet one stronger than diamond and

Netherite what if we get a Bedrock helmet if we search Up chisel yes we got a smart chisel which we’re going to need and there’s even a diamond one that I think we can use to carve the Bedrock into our own helmet but the smart one is

Going to be necessary and it looks like we need to make an iron one which that’s a lot of chisels but it should be really easy I basically have everything right here this bot Don B is not going to oh my let’s just dig down the Bedrock guys

I I was literally about to say that Donnie is not going to know what hit him and okay wow dude we’ve been digging for like a whole lot where’s the Bedrock okay seriously oh there you go yeah yeah we we just reached the Bedrock the reason why we needed the smart chisel is

Cuz with the diamond one we can’t carve out anything bro but with the smart chisel I think if we go like this oh my gosh we can chisel the entire block and there you go Bedrock bits we got 4,000 dude this is crazy we have mini Bedrock

This is crazy and so now Gamers with the Bedrock bits that we just got okay hold on no no no you’re not getting me this time firework trap what I quickly want to do is make ourselves an armor stand Gamers prepare your eyeballs cuz this is about to get extremely illegal using our

Bedrock bits we can illegally build ourselves a new Bedrock helmet okay this is going to be a little tough but we just have to do it pixel by pixel so don’t mess up bunk don’t mess up good thing we can zoom in oh my gosh we’re tiny building all right all right there

We go we have our frame and it looks like this goes three blocks wide there you go we got the front of our bad Rock helmet this side should be pretty easy there you go we have the top and then two are missing okay this is actually

Getting a little tricky and just like that we have the side of our helmet let’s do the back now it doesn’t help that netherite is so dark but we cannot break our armor stand cuz now all we have to do is just repeat the same thing over here yeah Gamers I think it’s

Basically done now all we need to do is mine it and I really hope this works come on illegal tiny building for the win please oh it dropped where’d it go where did it go wait I just heard I picked it up oh my gosh bad rocked Bedrock helmet

Only proper way to protect your Noggin yo it looks epic oh my goodness if our theory is correct our Noggin should be 100 protected and destroy those giant Crushers that Donnie will have in the illegal base and so that’s one piece of gear down you guys saw he has a ton of

Turrets that he’s going to use against us and that’s not including the pee choas and other stuff so maybe we need some sort of like other armor something yo with extra projectile protection and I think I know exactly what I need this next illegal hack Gamers is going to be

So illegal your mind is going to just explode and so normally you shear mobs to get like their skin but in this case all we’re going to need is an iron shovel cuz we ain’t going to be shearing we’re going to be scooping trust me Gamers this is going to be super logical

Oh my gosh yo we okay well we took a lot of fall damage but the helmet protected us not our toes though but this next piece of armor that we’re getting will now we just need to find a swamp biome and you guys will see why and there’s

None nearby so we’re going to have to go boating bunk on a boat hey bunk on a oh finally so we made it to a swamp biome and I just realized this entire time Donnie’s been freaking quiet awfully too quiet but it’s okay I mean honestly he

Could have been spying on us and we wouldn’t even know right now so there’s no point in freaking out all we need to do is find a slime oh wait yeah I see a giant one oh there’s another one over there okay that one’s definitely a giant

One let’s go for that one so if my calculation is correct if we want the max projectile protection there’s nothing better than a sticky armor suit and I’m hoping we can shovel this nerd out of his freaking ow out of his own jelly body 3 2 1 and get sheared my wait

What the oh my gosh I hope one of these yes we got eight and then this one oh my goodness oh my goodness look how terrifying he looks we just Des slimed a slime are you still alive bro how are you still alive you’re only the Slime

Core I wonder is he still squishy or is he like all brainy holy crap wait how do I put this on I have no idea what to do do I just right click it oh my Mr froggy wait what bro actually can’t even oh my God there’s a skeleton he just tried to

Shoot me wait what just happened wait oh my did you guys just see that the arrow bounces off and it literally shoots him and it doesn’t seem like I can just run anymore I have to like hop around which I’m not even like complaining about bro

He’s so confused bro has no idea what’s going on hey nerd what’s wrong you can’t shoot me Al okay wait I can still take melee damage he just dude he just shot himself run I look so cute bro I’m actually so excited to see Donnie’s face

His reaction when he sees that we have a slime suit and a Bedrock helmet I don’t know what else he’s planning what other traps he has but I think this should be good enough plus we don’t have that much time we only have time for one more

Thing and I don’t know if we should get more armor maybe we should get something on the offensive like a weapon maybe a way to ban Donnie if we go inside our crafting table and tyan oh my gosh a banner guys we can make a b no I’m just

Kidding we have a self banhammer yeah it’s literally how you craft the regular banhammer with 99,999 band power but it’s upside down making it I guess a self banhammer now we’re going to need a command block oh it doesn’t even look that hard gamer it’s just some redstone blocks some iron

Blocks and then lightning lightning okay no no no there has to be something new in Copper right there is a copper Hopper why does that sound so funny that’s super easy to craft and I think oh my gosh of course if we get a lightning rod

If we combine those two we should be able to obtain lightning let’s make ourselves our chest and make the copper Hopper woohoo this thing looks so cursed I’m not going to lie go go go go yes perfect no oh my God I hate the freaking fireworks all right so let’s place this

Right here or wait is it the opposite ow oh my god did we get it oh dang it I’m an idiot it’s the opposite I just wasted that lightning rod here and then place the copper there come on come on come on please tell me that works please tell me

That works I’m doing the lightning Dance I’m doing the lightning dance boa Booga Booga Booga Booga oh my gosh it just weathered and then turned okay you know what that was sick but it worked it actually worked watch your jet nerd boom we have the power of lightning in our

Hands in that case stop at once oh am I Zeus okay no time to think if I’m Zeus or not now that we got the lightning and there you go if we put our iron blocks like this in a diamond shape Corners filled with the redstone blocks and the

Lightning in the middle we get the illegal command block we did it bro we actually freaking did it now we got to be 200 IQ if I give this to Donnie and try and trick him into using it that won’t work he’s just going to read it so

What if we Anvil it will this actually work ban Hammer no way no way that looks so sus it looks so sus but you know what if we survive the base and can give this to him and ban himself then he can’t really blame me can he cuz technically

We didn’t ban him therefore receiving no punishment right broo right isn’t this the best plan ever what the and your time is up Donnie what is this this is my home your home you liar hey why don’t you come on in and find out you know there’s Pizza come

On E Pizza really there’s Pizza he just disappeared okay you know what not fam I don’t trust this at all there’s diamond swords there’s lasers I’ve never seen those lasers in my life and okay wait a second I know what’s going on here oh my gosh what you’re a

Trap I hate him dude Gamers I don’t know when but at some point we’re going to have to use the Bedrock Bedrock helmet and our slime suit it doesn’t seem like we need it now and hold on a second I am assuming no no no no no oh my am I dead

Am I dead no way no way no way I’m dead already no way I’m dead already oh I almost just died Donnie I know you can hear me you little bot and spectator I hate you okay okay hold on a second I know what this is some of these blocks

Are fake I’m going to go ahead and let’s go dude okay hold on you know what I’m actually going to throw one up here and then YOLO this one we’re good okay okay hold on my and PE is going to land yeah that’s right you bot Burger

Get out smarted as dumb as you look yeah that’s right it’s a one straight line try no it’s not no it’s not you liar I knew it I oh my gosh I don’t know why I even trusted you okay it has to be this one all right all right and you know

What no no no I feel like where did he go oh I was going to ask Don all right you know what no I wouldn’t even want to ask him Gamers gang G gang G gang ging gang I’m feeling left or right I don’t even know left gang or right gang

Comment down below left gang or right gang I’m going right W oh my gosh oh my gosh that actually worked you’re so lucky nah bro shut up I’m not lucky I’m just a pro baby and speaking of pro what are the what the tnie who did you hire

To make this what hold on a second if I just dip my toe in this laser oh my nuts no way bro are you you’re telling me my even if my toe touches this laser I’m basically dead no fam and ow ow okay that was not nice oh my gosh wait what

I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die God Apple got Apple got Apple God Apple God Apple oh oh oh my God wait okay we got to be careful Gamers we got to be careful at any moment ow what the okay I’m just going

To make it run for I’m going to make it run for oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness laser jump over oh what the there’s so many oh my gosh I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead oh my good oh my God oh my

God I got to eat another God Apple I got to need another God Apple Donnie what is this bro what is I’m actually dead dude no this is way too difficult this is okay okay it’s fine I can go wait no no what what just happened to me why am

I Frozen what’s oh my gosh oh my let’s go we just accidentally activated it I hate you bro I can barely even hear you too cuz of pee choas so it looks like when we trip that there you go the giant piston and hold on Gamers I

Just muted up I don’t want to use my helmet right now because all we got to do is go around it let’s go go okay okay this is easy just got to jump over oh my goodness okay my PP almost just got freaking chopped off I can’t hear you

You bot oh my God he’s wasting his own breath okay so we got to go this way there’s an iron door there’s a lever there but no I’m not even going to risk it I’m definitely not going to risk this okay okay don’t step on the pressure

Plates oh my goodness yo I’m actually so terrified right now can I make it through here yes I can oh my bro Bruh Bruh Bruh I don’t want my PP chopped I actually really like my PP please is that pressure plate going to turn my

Feet on ice or fire I have no idea or is it going to open the door uh let’s try it out dang it more ice I should have known oh my gosh wait no no no no no it’s slippery it’s slippery it’s freaking slippery what the oh my God I

Can’t control it I can’t control it oh oh no no no no oh my gosh oh my gosh that’s one totem no way oh no you lost the totem oh I was rooing for you too I bet Donnie does want my peee chopped okay so wait what happens if we just go

For this lever bro I could have I could have done it from here oh my gosh I hate you bro I actually hate you just speedrun this yeah dude that was so easy I don’t even know why I was so scared of it this isn’t the end of anything if

Anything it’s the start hold up it looks like yeah yeah that looks like there’s multiple floors and there’s some freaking trap doors here oh wow that was lowy not the hardest thing to find but oh no oh no I hate you why the jump scare you bot look it’s fun they don’t

Shoot don’t worry they just stat ignore them they don’t shoot oh my yo I swear I think it’s this block right here if I just even touch it okay okay so you’re telling me I’m supposed to make the stupid pink Parkour what what is that oh

No Gamers okay you know what I’m going to mute up I’m going to mute up Johnny’s watching me right now but it’s totally okay second I go here yeah that’s right they shoot me and it deals so much knockback and wait it’s just no that’s not normal water there’s lightning

Coming out of it Donnie why is there lightning coming out of the water oh my goodness no no no no where even is he I don’t even see him oh he’s over there with the other Soldier Pig okay no what is he’s holding okay wait what is he

Doing he’s just hired a what the all right no no you know what Gamers this is perfect wait what what the oh bro just got shocked to death 3 2 1 equip and come on yes oh my gosh the pork chops get bounced yeah yeah take that Donnie

Where you at I know you can see me you didn’t expect this huh oh my gosh okay hold on a second can I even make this jump though I did it oh my gosh we killed all the freaking all the pigs let’s go we got to be very careful yeah

Please oh my gosh we made that wait a second no I don’t think I can make this one though in that case let’s unequip ourselves there you go yeah oh you SM than you look you thought you were the only one with some illegal items huh n

Fam wa who I mean no not me I don’t have any illegal items anyway who wow even in a time like this he has to continuously be mean to me that’s fine your base is getting raided nerd wait Donnie what are you doing what are

You doing oh my gosh oh my gosh no what the they have Diamond axes oh no fam fam are you kidding me come on this one isn’t this one’s that that one’s unarmed no no stop no don’t summon more you oh my God oh my God I’m actually low I’m

Actually low dude Donnie man stop bro I hate these stupid Pig soldiers go up the ladder oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh go go go B go oh my yo what the another laser no no no no no and ye jump on this

Come on come on Yes we made it Gamers no way dude this is so crazy this is so crazy there’s no way it gets harder Donnie oh what am I looking at that’s the that’s the sand you passed level one oh good work one there is no shut up

There’s no way that was just level one wait what even is that that looks like some sort of quicksand and I know if I break any Blocks he’s just going to bang me right here ow ow oops I accidentally just touched the stupid emerald sword it

Looks like hold on a second what if I throw something there okay nothing happened okay all right it’s fine I got this 3 2 1 ye just don’t touch the sand don’t touch the sand oh my gosh don’t touch the lasers don’t touch the lasers

Okay okay I’m good oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay okay okay wait is this one coming after me am I safe here oh my oh oh my toes my toes they’ve been touched ow oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh where’s my totem okay I’m totem in

The water is great what do you mean oh my oh my I hate you Donnie I hate you okay okay oh my gosh oh my goodness come on come on come on no hello what’s going on oh no Gamers I’m glitching I’m glitching oh my gosh my item my item I

Can’t my Pearl my Pearl I can still eat God apples I can still eat golden apples oh my goodness come on come on and a PE and a pe oh dude I thought I was dead I thought I was dead why do you come back in the W is

Great I’m not going inside of your stupid glitchy quicksand B no it looks like oh I know what this is I know exactly what this is okay it’s fine we can tank the single laser johnie I know what you’re doing I know what you’re

Doing go go go go oh God oh my God okay okay okay oh my gosh okay okay this is it this is it gamer go go go go go oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay I’m made it here I’m made it here

Let’s put on the Bedrock helmet and yeah go on try it Bud try it I ain’t scared W oh my gosh oh my gosh yeah yeah oh what’s wrong Donnie what’s wrong what’s wrong you can’t crush me yeah let’s go dude oh wait I can’t stand up now uh

Donnie oh you’re wearing a Bedrock okay okay yeah that’s right yeah take that you bot wait what the what just happened to me what huh did I just get pied in the face a pie launcher is that what that is I can’t even see bro oh no and

There’s electric water right here I dude I do not want to fall in there what’s a ghost’s favorite pie a blueberry a ghost most favorite oh my God what a bot that was a terrible joke okay we just got to be very careful and not get hit when we’re trying to make

This parkour we can kind of time it Gamers whenever it’s about to shoot a pie a pie shows up okay okay 3 2 1 and ye and okay there we go he’s going to shoot make this one jump let’s just wait to get pie in the face again I hope you

Think this is amusing Donnie we made it okay hold on I can barely see but yeah I knew these were spikes just to make sure they’re as deadly as ever let’s throw a meat down 100% those things are 100% going to kill us here’s the deal I’m

Going to go in golden apple and ye there you go okay I’m good jump on this side and oh oh oh it’s so hard to see where the lasers are coming from bro oh oh oh oh that one almost just gave me a new haircut Donnie bro move I need to make

This jump move man I hate you I actually hate you I actually hate you okay okay I got this Gamers I got this leave a like if you believe in me go punk go oh my gosh okay I just got my toe lasered off it’s fine it’s fine jump and jump again

Oh my God oh my God there you go jump again oh okay I only got hit once I only got hit once there you go y dude that was so difficult those lasers are so deadly man it’s not even funny and congratulations because you did that you

Get free popsicles up here look up you silly oh hello you get free popsicle there you go Rex these are not popsicles these will electrocute me to death just try one please okay I’m not a mean guy I would never do that okay fine I’m just

Going to lick it oh what is happening what is happening yo yo okay I’m good though I’m good I didn’t even take any damage what does this do huh oh wait what my hands are off the keyboard what it that pressure plate just put me on

Fire now we know if we touch the pressure plates it’s not the ice this time it’s the fire and wait a second I just realized that’s an iron block but that is what is that white wool oh how nice of Donnie to leave me a stupid path

I might actually fully be dead and fail this if we fall into that quick sand cuz there’s no way up and okay I made it oh no there’s a laser there’s a laser jump just in case okay there we go we’re good oh my gosh oh my gosh oh okay ow ow no

No oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my good I’m trying to control my movements Gamers I’m honestly losing my mind I’m honestly losing my mind having to dodge these stupid lasers now electric water which okay we’re good

We’re good I touched it a little bit oh my goodness we got to be extra careful not to touch the stupid laser water the electric water why it’s fine come on in it’s fine come on in whatever bro not everyone’s a stupid duck that can just

Bathe in lightning water okay we made it though I’m allergic to showering what the oh my God the pie launcher is trying to hit me from here oh you got to be kidding me this is the most annoying and humiliating thing ever stupid pie no not

Again you bot all right so there’s a button here and aha okay wo that was really quick we got to be quick with it Gamers I think if I press it and run yeah yeah yeah yeah okay I got this go go go if not I fall into the water oh we

Made it and yeah the pie can’t get me from here take that you dumb pie all right I got this three two I knew dude I felt you behind me bro dude so scary man come on I can do this I survived through deadly freaking glitchy sand the death laser no

No oh my gosh finally bro is this it oh my goodness oh my goodness we made it to the Vault Donny let’s go get raided you bought I did it okay okay okay you got lucky lucky no what there ain’t a single ounce of luck nerd now you got to watch

Me get even richer yo give me these creative Goods cuz I know for a fact you just spawn these in which you can cuz you’re the owner of the server whatever okay Gamers I’m fully muted now though this is it this is it I don’t know where

Wait is he ins spectator he’s in spectator he’s probably watching me right now he’s probably wondering why I’m muted I got to make this like kind of subtle maybe like I don’t know uh act like I just picked this up yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay okay 3 2 1 yo

Wait what the heck yo Donnie I just I just picked up the the banhammer did you drop this in here or something here how’s it there I don’t know it’s just I guess fell out of your pocket or something anyways I mean now that you uh you know you’re getting raided I

Successfully survived your stupid base also with uh a totem left over I just you know I don’t want to brag two totems actually that means I don’t get banned that means you do not get permanently banned but unfortunately that means you get banned for only one week cuz I’m

Feeling nice oh no please don’t do it don’t do it do it don’t do it don’t do it yeah oh my God wait what the what is going on Donnie are you okay what is happening to you you’re a puffer fish and then he just it worked it worked

Dude that thing was so bugged but it worked he used a self banhammer oh my goodness okay I’m going to grab this stuff too bro we’re actually so rich how how I mean hey Mr BS Mr BS no

This video, titled ‘I Raided My Friend’s Illegal Base’, was uploaded by Bionic on 2024-01-04 02:00:22. It has garnered 577466 views and 18180 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:07 or 1447 seconds.

I Raided an Illegal Base in Minecraft

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    Crafting Chaos: Mastering Minecraft's Build Mode In Minecraft’s world, creativity thrives, Building houses with beams that jive. From ground to roof, each step a delight, Adding details to make it just right. Stairs wind up, a functional art, With fences and torches to play their part. Interior design, a challenge to meet, But with patience and skill, it’s a feat. So take your time, let your imagination soar, In Minecraft’s world, there’s always more. Build better, build nicer, let your skills shine, In this blocky world, your creations define. Read More

  • JaredH4’s Epic Minecraft Tower Build

    JaredH4's Epic Minecraft Tower Build The Tower | JaredH4’s Minecraft Let’s Play: EP4 Building an Epic Magic Tower In this episode of JaredH4’s Minecraft Let’s Play, Jared embarks on the ambitious project of constructing a magnificent magic tower. With meticulous planning and off-camera resource gathering, he sets out to create a structure that blends seamlessly into the surrounding terrain. Interior Design and Enchanting As the tower takes shape, Jared meticulously designs the interior, incorporating enchanting stations, storage areas, and cozy nooks. The enchanting table becomes a focal point, offering opportunities to enhance tools and gear for future adventures. Unexpected Discoveries Despite setbacks like fruitless… Read More

  • Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps

    Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps In the classroom, Minecraft brings delight, With funny moments, shining bright. Fangkuaixuan, the MC animator, Crafting joy, a content creator. From ancient poems to silly jokes, Laughs and giggles, the classroom evokes. But beware of the teacher’s quiz, Mistakes in rhymes, what a fizz! Clear skies, rain falls, the scene is set, Students struggle, with lines to get. But laughter rings, in every verse, Minecraft fun, a playful curse. So let’s embrace the humor and fun, In Minecraft world, we all are one. Fangkuaixuan, keep the joy alive, In every rhyme, let happiness thrive. Read More

  • Escape Maze Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker – Minecraft

    Escape Maze Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker - Minecraft Exploring the World of Minecraft: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker Escape Challenges! Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft with the exciting challenge of escaping from various mazes as a Noob, Pro, or Hacker? Join the adventure as you navigate through intricate labyrinths filled with surprises and obstacles! Experience the Thrill of Escape Challenges Embark on a heart-pounding journey as you attempt to escape from challenging mazes designed for players of different skill levels. Whether you’re a beginner (Noob), an experienced player (Pro), or a master strategist (Hacker), each level presents unique hurdles to overcome…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting OG Hoodie”

    Looks like even Minecraft mobs are trying to get a retail job to make some extra emeralds! Read More

  • Zonbili Village Part 2: Crafty Chaos Unleashed

    Zonbili Village Part 2: Crafty Chaos Unleashed In Zonbili Village, the adventure unfolds, With each new episode, the story is told. Exploring, crafting, building with glee, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity is free. Join us on this journey, filled with delight, As we explore the depths, day and night. Subscribe, like, and comment, show your support, As we continue to play, in this virtual resort. So come along, let’s dive right in, To Zonbili Village, where the fun begins. With each new video, a new tale to tell, In the world of Minecraft, where we all dwell. Read More

  • Tax Time in Minecraft, Let’s Get Lit! #minecrafttaxes

    Tax Time in Minecraft, Let's Get Lit! #minecrafttaxes “When you’re trying to enjoy building in Minecraft but then remember you have to pay taxes in the real world #adulting #minecraftwoes” Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft 1.21 Update Facts!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft 1.21 Update Facts! Exploring Minecraft 1.21 Update: What You Need to Know! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft 1.21? This latest update is packed with new features and enhancements that will take your gaming experience to the next level. Let’s take a closer look at what’s in store for players in this thrilling update! What’s New in Minecraft 1.21? The Minecraft 1.21 update brings a host of exciting additions to the game. From new biomes and mobs to enhanced gameplay mechanics, there’s something for every player to enjoy. One of the standout features of this update is… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gameplay! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft gameplay videos like “I MADE A SUGARCANE FARM | MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #21”? If so, you’ll love the Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a community of passionate gamers who enjoy Minecraft, Evil Nun, Gta San Andreas, Minecraft mods, horror games, and more! Experience the thrill of building your own sugarcane farm in a multiplayer environment. Connect with like-minded players, explore new worlds, and showcase your creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. Ready to join the fun? Simply enter the Minewind server IP:… Read More

  • EPIC Cinematic Edit!

    EPIC Cinematic Edit! Exploring the World of Minecraft Cinematic Edits Step into the mesmerizing world of Minecraft cinematic edits, where creativity knows no bounds and imagination reigns supreme. From stunning visuals to intricate storytelling, these edits take the Minecraft experience to a whole new level. The Art of Cinematic Edits Creating a cinematic edit in Minecraft is no easy feat. It requires a keen eye for detail, a deep understanding of the game’s mechanics, and a whole lot of patience. But the end result is truly something special – a masterpiece that showcases the beauty and complexity of the Minecraft universe. Key… Read More


    INSANE MUTANT ADD-ON! MINECRAFT LIVE w/ THE BOYSVideo Information This video, titled ‘[LIVE] MINECRAFT w/ THE BOYS – MUTANT ADD-ON + MORE!!! (5/3/24)’, was uploaded by calebsmyth TV on 2024-05-04 05:35:38. It has garnered 22 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:38 or 7478 seconds. Yooo, these Add-Ons are insane! Read More

  • LIVE Minecraft Party with NekoDarius

    LIVE Minecraft Party with NekoDariusVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Party 2! LIVE’, was uploaded by NekoDarius on 2024-02-17 17:14:27. It has garnered 66 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:38 or 13178 seconds. Read More


    AnshStrive - ESCAPE THE BUTTON IN MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT , BUT I HAVE TO FIND THE BUTTON TO ESCAPE’, was uploaded by AnshStrive on 2024-05-18 04:46:54. It has garnered 999 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:28 or 448 seconds. I have to find the button to escape this trap for which I have taken some hints and find the button if if you enjoy my video and find my video interesting subscribe to my channel Read More


    DEATH TRAP IN MINECRAFT?! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Worst Minecraft Saw Trap Ever?’, was uploaded by Harsh_ on 2024-07-04 01:06:46. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:37 or 157 seconds. Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore, build, and survive in a blocky, procedurally generated world. Here are some key features: Creativity: Players can construct structures, mine resources, and craft tools, weapons, and armor. Survival: The game includes day-night cycles, hostile creatures, and hunger mechanics, challenging players to gather resources and protect themselves. Adventure: Minecraft offers various biomes, dungeons, and hidden… Read More

  • Unlocking Cosmic Power – Is he creating an animal jail? #Minecraft

    Unlocking Cosmic Power - Is he creating an animal jail? #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hes building an animal prison or something? Lets help #Minecraft’, was uploaded by CosmosMC – Power on 2024-01-11 00:09:43. It has garnered 3941 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Hes building an animal prison or something? Lets help Read More

  • “UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Day 7 Shocking Gameplay” #minecraftsurvival

    "UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Day 7 Shocking Gameplay" #minecraftsurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Day7 (11k special live) #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #day7’, was uploaded by 𖤐Ɲ𝖊𝖼r̴o_𝑆ϯor̴m𝚆𝖎ŋ𝗀🪶 on 2024-05-17 16:43:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Dangerous Muslim Kid’s TV: Explosive Music Minecraft Madness! 🔥🔥

    Dangerous Muslim Kid's TV: Explosive Music Minecraft Madness! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Muslim dhamaka short #mmuslim #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv ❤️👈’, was uploaded by Muslim dhamaka short on 2024-04-05 01:06:51. It has garnered 837 views and 166 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #minecraft #music #muslimkidstv #mela #motivation #m #motivation #love#muslimkidstv ❤️#music❤️ #minecraft❤️ #mela 🌍#mMuslim dhamaka short subscribeMuslim dhamaka short subscribe YouTube channel video #music #minecraft #motivation YouTube#music #minecraft #mobilelegends channel video #comedyvid #music #minecraft , #muslimkidstv z #m #mela #mela #motivation #music #minecraft #memesMuslim dhamaka short subscribe YouTube channel video #comedyvideo #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv #m #mela #mela #motivation #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv #muslimkidstv… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventures! All Hail King Funkie!🔥

    Insane Minecraft Adventures! All Hail King Funkie!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Junkie SMP S4 | All Hail King Funkie! [Part 1]’, was uploaded by Xman 723 2 on 2024-06-17 19:00:06. It has garnered 4492 views and 205 likes. The duration of the video is 01:16:20 or 4580 seconds. *_Make Sure To Leave A Like And Subscribe!_* *_SMP Owner!_* @FNAFJunkie *_SMP Members!_* @Alextheunamazing @AsenEye @deadchannellmaooooo @CFMeibo/@CFMeiboVODS @ChevilFNAF @ClapzFolded @ConnerTheFozhead @DravenJV01 @EmmaTheTransFox @fnaf_and_the_gang @Foxy-Boy @FuntimeGmod @GJ_XD @inkmangmod0813/@inkmanlivestreamschannel662 @jakub_the @MimikTheRatRabbit @MrWarriorOffical @navilingyr @ofek105 @peggo_delego666 @Prowler18 @REDACTEDVODSANDCLIPS @SoraHeals @ThatOneFearMan *_My Other YouTube Channels!_* @Xman723 @Xman7233 @Xman7234 @Xman7235 @ToyFreddyPlaysGames @TheFazbearBand *_Become A Channel Member!_* #minecraft #survival #smp Read More

  • Chest Speedrun Madness in Minecraft

    Chest Speedrun Madness in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SPEEDRUNNING Minecraft In A CHEST’, was uploaded by SwapFlip on 2024-03-05 17:41:28. It has garnered 62 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:10 or 130 seconds. NEW BEST Hosting – –~– DONT CLICK THIS – MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST SPEEDRUNNING MINECRAFT IN A CHEST #speedrun #minecraft About this short – MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST Hashtags:- #minecraftspeedrun #minecraftspeedrunning #speedrun #minecraftchest Keywords:- Chest speedrun,Chest speedrun Minecraft,Speedrun,chest speedrun,dream speedrun music,minecraft speedrun,minecraft speedrun in the chest,minecraft speedrun seed,minecraft speedrun world record,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft speedrunning,minecraft speerun,minecraft swapflip,speedrun,speedrun in chest,swapflip chest,swapflip minecraft latest,swapflip minecraft,swapflip latest minecraft,swapflip… Read More

  • XGaming

    XGamingJoin us at for an unparalleled gaming experience! Dynamic Gameplay – Endless Possibilities! NPC-Crafted Quests Tailored Rewards Multilingual Interaction Personalized Trading Magic Spells in Any Language! Refer code: /refer xgaming Website: Ready for a gaming revolution? Join and redefine your adventure! Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP – McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets – 1.20.4

    Join ExeosCraft: The Ultimate No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQ+ SMP! Tired of servers with strange rules and pay-to-win schemes? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where your experience comes first. Donations go entirely to charity. Why Choose Us? Stability: Our server has been up and lag-free since June 2020, with a massive map that will never reset. Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players. Giving Back: Donations support charities and giveaways. Inclusivity: A safe space for all, no hate speech tolerated. Custom Plugins: Enhance the vanilla experience with hand-crafted plugins. Cross-Platform: Optimized for Java and Bedrock, with unique features for Bedrock players. Our Features: Permanent World:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Called it! 😂

    “Looks like someone’s Minecraft predictions are as on point as a creeper exploding in your face!” 😂 Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Texture Pack #lit

    Spicy Minecraft Texture Pack #lit When you spend hours meticulously crafting the perfect texture pack for Minecraft, only for your friend to say it looks like a potato threw up on the screen. #fail #minecraftprobs Read More

  • Tricking Mom into Eating Burgers in Minecraft

    Tricking Mom into Eating Burgers in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Creativity and Fun Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and fun is always around the corner. In this virtual universe, players can unleash their imagination, build incredible structures, and embark on exciting adventures. Let’s dive into the enchanting realm of Minecraft and discover what makes it so special! Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft One of the key features of Minecraft is its sandbox gameplay, allowing players to create anything they can imagine using various blocks. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, the possibilities are endless. The only limit is… Read More

  • 100 Days Survival in OneBlock EXTREME Mode

    100 Days Survival in OneBlock EXTREME Mode Minecraft 100 Days Survival in One Block Extreme Mode Hardcore Minecraft If you’re a Minecraft enthusiast looking for a hardcore challenge, then the 100 Days Survival in One Block Extreme Mode Hardcore Minecraft is the perfect video for you! In this intense map, players must survive 100 days on just one block. The difficulty level is extreme, pushing players to their limits and testing their survival skills to the max. Key Features of the Challenge: The One Block Extreme Mode Hardcore Minecraft challenge offers a unique and thrilling experience for players. Here are some key features of the challenge:… Read More

  • EPIC NEW ISLAND DISCOVERY!! | Funcraft Minecraft Survival Ep 17

    EPIC NEW ISLAND DISCOVERY!! | Funcraft Minecraft Survival Ep 17Video Information This video, titled ‘Blaze Cloud Islands – Funcraft Minecraft Survival Let’s Play Episode 17’, was uploaded by KHR Arts on 2024-06-14 12:00:03. It has garnered 19 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:05 or 11045 seconds. Blaze Cloud Islands – Funcraft Minecraft Survival Let’s Play Episode 17 We build up our Swamp Homestead and do more exploring, including taking on the blazes on the Cloud Islands! 💖 Be sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to help my channel grow! 💖 🎮Twitch: 📸Instagram: khrarts 📸Instagram: littlealice06 🐦Twitter: LittleAlice06 🎥 YouTube: Alice the Author Mod Packs:… Read More

  • Haunted by Herobrine: Episode 2

    Haunted by Herobrine: Episode 2Video Information This video, titled ‘yo I’m back with @IamCrazy_MC_YT doing Minecraft haunted by Herobrine episode 2’, was uploaded by Imnotcrazyboy_MC_YT on 2024-05-21 23:14:45. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:22 or 1522 seconds. sub to my friend @MrBaa5513 Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft Cave – Insane Freefire Gameplay

    Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft Cave - Insane Freefire GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘We survived in 100 days in cave and world in Minecraft hardcore I #freefire #trending #viral #video’, was uploaded by Lord Gamer YT125 on 2024-01-13 14:46:19. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:24 or 1344 seconds. Read More

  • MASSIVE UNVEILING: Mildlywarm’s Epic Tech Adventure Begins!

    MASSIVE UNVEILING: Mildlywarm's Epic Tech Adventure Begins!Video Information This video, titled ‘Technological Journey – 01 – The start of something new’, was uploaded by Mildlywarm on 2024-01-12 14:00:41. It has garnered 8421 views and 208 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:55 or 2635 seconds. Cowabunga Gamers, Join me on this new adventure! Pack: Read More

  • Unraveling Secrets: Into 1.18 Caves! – PinguPongu.Merlin.VIP

    Unraveling Secrets: Into 1.18 Caves! - PinguPongu.Merlin.VIPVideo Information This video, titled ‘⚫ INTO THE CAVES OF 1.18 ! – Minecraft Public 1.18.1 SMP – PinguPongu.Merlin.VIP’, was uploaded by Merlin on 2024-01-11 18:12:23. It has garnered 58 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:40:52 or 13252 seconds. Minecraft 1.18.1 SMP Server on the NEW 1.18 update! YOU CAN JOIN ! Come play Survival Minecraft to Build, create and explore the 1.18 survival world. Survival Multiplayer (SMP) allows you to JOIN and PLAY ALONG while I stream. The server stays ONLINE while I am not streaming so you can KEEP PLAYING round the clock…. Read More

  • Insane Demon Slayer Drawing – Must Watch!! 🤯 #shorts #trending

    Insane Demon Slayer Drawing - Must Watch!! 🤯 #shorts #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Kyojiro Rengoku Drawing | Demon Slayer Drawing | #shorts #trending #god #GTA #minecraft #anime’, was uploaded by Vuddi11 on 2024-01-14 08:50:34. It has garnered 66 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • The Ultimate Gaming Experience with DuckMan

    The Ultimate Gaming Experience with DuckManVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴Playing games on a chill friday night | 2.5K subs goal🔴’, was uploaded by DuckMan on 2024-05-18 11:27:56. It has garnered 285 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:41 or 7661 seconds. Support the stream: #Minecraft #shorts #vr Read More

  • INSANE FIND in DRAGON EGG – Minecraft Maizen TV

    INSANE FIND in DRAGON EGG - Minecraft Maizen TVVideo Information This video, titled ‘What JJ and Mikey Find in HOUSE inside DRAGON EGG in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by Maizen TV on 2024-06-05 11:00:09. It has garnered 20265 views and 101 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:52 or 1852 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: What JJ and Mikey Find in HOUSE inside DRAGON EGG in Minecraft Maizen! 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations of… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Trick that Will Blow Your Mind!” #minecraft #shortsfeed

    "Insane Minecraft Trick that Will Blow Your Mind!" #minecraft #shortsfeedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hahahaha Minecraft short #minecraft #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #technogamerz’, was uploaded by Mr.Ansh.YT99 on 2024-07-05 15:53:18. It has garnered 10970 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Hahahaha Minecraft short #minecraft #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #technogamerz Disclaimer – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour… Read More