bugmancx – RC1 – The Sound Update! | Minecraft: The Journey | E158

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What a beautiful day for a walk. Just me and Mother Nature. Ooo. Uhh. Hmm. Oh, do I really have to go around this? Maybe I can… Yeah, yeah. I reckon I can make it. Alright, ready? [grunts] [bone breaks] Ahh! (in pain) Did I just… break a bone? Uuhh-hhh….

[INTRO – Scott Buckley – Patagonia] Welcome back everybody to Minecraft The Journey with me, bugmancx. We’re in Beta 1.9 Prerelease 6, almost ready for our dragon fight! We’re not going to be doing it in this version., We’re going to wait until Release 1.0

So that I can take on the dragon and slay it! Or, uh, knowing me, I’ll probably die. Many times. But, you know, that’s all part of the fun of the game. Before we get to that version, we’re going to spend today’s episode looking at all the things in-between Prerelease 6 and 1.0.

And I hope by next episode, (whispers) we’ll be able to slay the dragon! You ahm notice anything different about these sand blocks? These grass blocks? No? What about now? That’s right, between Prerelease 5 and 6 the side texture of the grass was changed,That’s right, and the sand block was changed.

Can you tell? One of Notch’s original visions for the game is that you’d be able to use mods, and, through this menu system, we’ve always had this button here: “Mods and Texture Packs.” But, if you click this, you only get taken to the texture pack

Menu, and I guess mod support was always planned for the future. And there are plenty of mods around for this period as well. Loads and loads of them, in fact. But, you can’t use any of them through this system. You have to load them all in outside of the game.

Now that we’re getting closer to Release 1.0, mod support isn’t coming. Officially. So, now this button just says “Texture Packs.” In Beta 1.9, Prerelease 6 the efficiency system for the tools has been changed, so that when you use efficiency on a tool that isn’t the appropriate tool for the task at hand,

You still get a real efficiency bonus, much faster than using your fist, and it’s a little overpowered. Maybe a little too overpowered. Now I’ve got all the best tools for the job I’ve got efficiency 5 on each of my tools.

Here I’ve got a couple of rows of logs, so let’s take out the trusty old axe then time how long it takes to chop these 5 logs. Ready? [wood chopping] Pretty good, pretty quick. Now let’s switch to the shovel and see how fast this thing is. [wood chopping] Not bad, actually, pretty good.

So considering I’ve only got 9 slots down here on my hot bar, why would I want to fill it up with tools I don’t need to use? I could just use one tool for everything! But now it’s getting to that time again. You know the time!

When we’ve run out of things to look at in this version. And we’re going to move up now to version 1.0 RC1. RC stands for release candidate, so it’s not officially Release 1.0 yet, but it is the first release candidate. The first version that may be considered for 1.0.

There are in fact two of them so we know that this won’t be the last. But before we upgrade, there’s something that we need to experience, for unfortunately, the very last time. [pain sounds] [arrow firing] [pain sounds] [arrow twanging] [pain sounds] [skeleton damage] [XP Absorbing] [gate opens and closes] [projectile fires] [pain sound]

[projectile fires] [pain sound] [projectile fires] [pain sound] That’s right, some things are changing. [anvil breaks] Oh, it’s getting real now. We’re in Minecraft RC1. Release Candidate 1. We also have a quick game button, which I’ve never seen before. Apparently this button was in the games code, but

Didn’t always appear depending on how the game was loaded. Not really sure about that, But it is here now, and that’s a bit more convenient because it is annoying having this shut down the game using the close buttons on the window or ALT F4 or any other means.

So let’s go back into our world and see if anything’s different. Look at that. Everything’s looking great. I can’t believe we’re actually in Minecraft release candidate 1. Anyway, let’s head back to the base. [bone crack] Owww! [bone crack] Owww!!! [bone crack] Owww!! [bone crack] Oh, awwhh!! [bone crack] Aaaahhhhhh!!! [bone crack] Ohh.

[projectile throws], [bone crack] Ohh. [projectile throws], [bone crack] Ah! I might have to take the next couple of days off… That’s right, Release Candidate 1 makes all sorts of changes to the game sounds, including adding some new sounds for some mobs and some actions that never had sounds before,

Or it didn’t have proper sounds at least. But probably the most famous change of all is this one, of course. [bone crack] [grunts] I’ve got to stop doing that. Of course, the pain sound has been changed. And the reason it was changed to this sort of bone cracking sound,

Which to me sounds pretty disgusting, is because “Oof” the sound we had in previous versions was just too masculine. And Minecraft wanted to move away from having anything gender specific, so away went the male sounding “Ooh” sound and in came the bone cracks.

But actually those hideous cracking sounds only apply [bone crack] to fall damage. Other types of damage just make a kind of ticking sound. So if we get into a little bit of hand-to-hand combat with this zombie here, [pain tick] [zombie groans] You can hear that the damage I’m taking

[pain tick] is now sort of a clicking sound. [pain tick] Oh, that’s enough. That’s enough. Oh, no. Oh. One of the more strange things about this new fall damage bone cracking sound is that not only does it apply to the player, but it applies to any mob taking fall damage.

So when skeletons drop inside my XP farm, [skeleton drops] they make a bone cracking sound as well. That might be okay for the skeletons. [skeleton drops] They are made of bones, but does it really make sense for spiders? [bone crack] Creepers? [bone crack]

Now the more observant among you might have noticed that ever since we upgraded to RC1, my sword durability has been looking weird. Here I’ve got all of my tools, my axe is about one fifth of the way down. My shovel has no durability damage taken.

My pick is about just over halfway and my sword — Well, my sword is really weird because the little durability bar seems to be almost entirely full, and that’s how it should be because it’s basically a new sword. But the color of the durability is this red color.

And that to me indicates durability very, very low, but why is the bar so full? The length of the bar should be proportionate to the amount of durability remaining. What’s going on? For reference, here’s how things looked in Beta 1.9, Prerelease 6. You’ll notice that the durability bar looks normal.

It’s about 3 quarters of the way full. It’s green. Everything is looking fine. As soon as we upgraded to RC1, this is how it appeared. The durability is exactly the same, I’ve not used this sword since we upgraded. And in fact, if we take a peek inside of the level.dat file, you’ll see

The durability level, and it’s exactly the same. Unchanged between both versions. RC1 introduces a new sound effect and an animation for whenever a tool breaks. Maybe that’s got something to do with it? But why is my durability at an all-time low with the bar being so far full?

Now, Notch, if I lose this sword, you owe me a new Looting III, Sharpness V, Fire Aspect II sword. I’m sorry, but it was really expensive. Now, if I’m right, I’m going to lose the sword with one hit to this zombie.

Let’s watch out for the animation and see if we can hear the new sound. [tool breaks] You saw it, right? The diamonds kind of smashed away in front of me and we had a new breaking sound. And… (whimpering) Now, I’ve got to make a new sword.

Now, interestingly, this sword thing appears to be a bug, so here at Creative Mode, we can have a look at how much durability a diamond sword has at the moment. Hello, zombie. We’ve got one, two, three. Look how quickly that durability is going down! Four, and you’re dead.

One more, and I think this thing’s gone. Let’s go over here to use on me. One more! Six! Just six hits, and that sword is gone. Useless. I want my money back. Speaking of durability and speaking of bugs as well Notch actually said that the fact that those don’t have any durability

Is indeed a bug. He said on this release, “New sounds have been added, and a few bugs, including the infinity bows, have been fixed. Now; more bugfixing!!” Yeah, please, more bug fixing. Let’s go and test out this bow and see if we now lose durability when we use it.

Here’s a zombie, a good can that it for a bit of Boeing. [arrow shoots softly] Oh, look at that. We’ve dropped our durability of this bow down by one. It looks like there’s plenty of durability on this bow, but I assume that just like all of the other weapons,

The more we use this, the more that durability will just go down, and then eventually the bow will break. One of the other things about the bow is you might notice that there’s a new sound effect for the arrows. The last bow sound was kind of harsh

But now we’ve got this — [arrows fire quietly] Lind of more “whoo”… wispy sound! [arrow fires] [zombie dies] And in fact, as the arrow flies [arrow flies] it sounds much more like an arrow being fired out of a bow, frankly.

The other one — I don’t know what was going on with the other one! [arrow flies, arrow lands] That arrow twangs also new. With no more infinity bows, I want to see exactly how much durability these bows now have. Archers at the ready! Aim! Fire. # Dramatic Music # [arrows fire]

# Dramatic Music # [arrows fire rapidly] # Dramatic Music # [arrows fire] About 384 uses. Not too bad, I suppose. But, oh, my fingers ache!! [various animal noises] Listen to all that food behind me! Oh, they are so loud. Yes, sounds for food and drink have been added to the game.

I’m not talking about these things behind me which turn into food, but actually the food items themselves. So if we turn around here and get ourselves a drink, let’s start with a drink. I’m going to — Excuse me. Excuse me. Thank you. Oh, I need to move away from them because

My sounds are up very loud for all of this today. And, um, oh, they are noisy. We should hear sounds now if we drink this bucket of milk. [drinking liquid] Wow. Look, that is amazing. So let’s see if the same thing applies to a potion.

Do we now get the same effects with potions? [drinking liquid] We sure do. Sound effects have now been added for eating food items as well. But there’s some weird stuff going on with eating right at the moment. And I want to take a closer look at it.

So first, I’ve got some of this zombie flesh. Zombie flesh as we know will usually make you hungry. So if I eat one of these, we can hear the new eating sounds. [eating] And as you can see, it’s given me all these swirlies and it’s made me hungry.

What I’m going to do is I’m going to add my food statistics straight from the game’s level.dat file up on screen. We’ve got my foodLevel, which is the amount of hunger hunches that I’ve currently got. foodTickTimer. I don’t know what that does. foodExhaustionLevel. I don’t know what that does. And my foodSaturationLevel.

And my food saturation level is really important because when I saturation is at zero, then my food level starts to decrease and I get hungrier and hungrier. My food saturation level can go above zero. In fact, it can go all the way up to 20.

And then as it starts to count back, once it reaches zero, that’s when my hunger starts to kick in. So if I eat another one of these — [eating] you should see some statistics change. You can see my food saturation level is decreasing and it’s gone back down to zero very, very quickly.

So I gained some saturation from eating the zombie flesh but it went down really quickly because I’ve got this really annoying hunger effect. So let me just wait for that to pass. And we’ll have a look at what’s going on when I try and eat these pork chops.

Right, so I’m back to somewhat normal now. Now if I eat a pork chop, [eating] we get our beautiful new sound effect and it’s brought my hunger up to full, and my food saturation level is now 12.8. That means that I shouldn’t be able to eat any more

Pork chops because my hunger haunches are full. My food level is at 20. I can only eat more food if it is lower than 20. But here at the moment, I can continue to eat. [eating] And I can keep on eating well past this.

You’ll see that my food saturation level just reached 20 and that’s the maximum. But even though my food level is still 20, I can still eat. [eating] Now what I was really curious to see is if my saturation level would go past 20

Because I was able to keep eating and eating and eating. But unfortunately, it doesn’t. I really wanted to push that up super, super high and see if it would be possible for me to get something like infinite saturation or thereabouts. But sadly not.

On the day that I see one came out, Notch to make some random comment about making an entire portion of food disappear and how ironic that you can do that in-game because of a bug. Well, since I need to get a new sword anyway, I know of one sound effect that’s changed.

[old XP orb] [RC1 XP Orb sound] [old XP orb] [RC1 XP Orb sound] [old XP orb] [RC1 XP Orb sound] [old XP orb] [RC1 XP Orb sound] So, what do you think? Remaging through your chests to find things [multiple chest creaks] just got really annoying. [multiple chest creaks]

Are you telling me I’m going to have to oil every single one of these hinges? But the sounds aren’t the only change to chests. You can now place them on top of each other and still access the chest, beneath another chest. This is revolutionary for my storage rooms.

I’ll be able to start designing more compact storage rooms that help me access my items more efficiently. Sadly, it’s still not possible to place chests right next to other chests. You have to leave a one block gap in between them. And this includes if you want to place chests

In front of other chests like this as well. There has to be a one wide gap. This is really annoying because if you want to place chests like this and make yourself a storage room, which has access to chests from the side angle like this,

You have to leave a one wide gap in between them like this. And that’s just really inefficient. Doors and trap doors got new sounds that they both share. [door rattles] [door squeaks] Hmm. Am I going to have to oil your hinges too?

Up until Prerelease 6, the mining time of obsidian was 15 seconds. In Prerelease 6, it got brought down all the way to 2.5 seconds. In Minecraft RC1, it’s been brought back to about 9.5 seconds. So I made sure that in Prerelease 6 I did all of my obsidian mining that I’ll ever need.

[soft projectile sound] The sounds for throwing things like snowballs got much softer. [soft projectile sound] This also applies to eggs. But now, when you throw eggs, if it hatches a baby chicken, you’ll actually get a baby chicken! Explosions got an overhaul as well, going from this — [old explosion sound] [RC1 explosion sound]

[RC1 explosion sound] [RC1 explosion sound] [creeper hisses] [creeper explodes] A few mobs also got brand new sounds. Silverfish no longer sound like spiders. [silverfish squeak] [tool breaks] Ahh! Blaze now have their own ambient breathing noises. [blaze breathing] Magma cubes get new sounds too. [magma cube hopping]

Even if it does sound a little bit like the old slime sound. At least it’s theirs. Perhaps most notably are the overhauled sounds for the Endermen. When the Endermen were introduced in Beta 1.8, they shared the same sounds as the zombies. [enderman groans like a zombie]

In Beta 1.9, at some point their sounds were disabled. And in RC1, they get their very own range of sounds. [enderman sound] [enderman sound] [enderman sound] [enderman sound] [enderman sound] [enderman teleports] [enderman damage] [enderman teleports] [enderman damage] [enderman teleports] [enderman damage x3] [enderman damage] [enderman damage] [enderman teleports] [enderman damage] [enderman teleports]

[enderman dies] This makes the enderman even more mysterious. But there’s still more to this. Inspecting the game’s files reveals that some of the audio samples in their raw form, are longer than we hear them in game. [idle3 sound (in-game)] [idle3 sound (audio file)] [idle4 sound (in-game)] [idle4 sound (audio file)]

Some additional sounds were also added to the resources folder for the enderman, but not included in the gameplay just yet. Hold onto your pants for these! Whew. But that’s not even the end of this weirdness. The enderman are a strange, unworldly creature with a mysterious and unknown backstory.

They appear randomly in the overworld and they dominate the end. They teleport around and drop endopels that you can use to teleport yourself. And when combined with Blaze powder, they become the eye of ender, which you can use to find the stronghold.

And of course in the stronghold, you can repair the ancient portal with eyes of ender to take you through to the End. Some say that the enderman are trying to communicate with us. But what do you think? The sounds for the enderman were created by taking

Recordings of vocals made by notch and C418, reversing and filtering them to give them that iconic sound. Although, despite C418 having talked about the game’s music and sounds in many different interviews, he’s never spoken much about the enderman sounds that I could find. Leaving them to be just one more mystery.

Well, there’s one more job left to do in this episode. Well, two actually. First, I’ve got to replace my busted sword. And the second job, upgrade to Release Candidate 2. the last version before Release 1.0. [anvil breaks] We’ve made it to Minecraft Release Candidate 2. But hold on. Incoming tweet. [twitter sound] Ah.

According to Jeb, multiplayer doesn’t work in this version. And it looks like there’s a replacement. All right, let’s move to it. [anvil breaks] All right, we’ve now made it to Minecraft Release Candidate 2. Or at least I think we have… Did you notice this before? The version still says RC1!

What’s that all about? [twitter sound] Ah, Notch. “Forgot to change the version number to RC2. We’re professional.” Right. [twitter sound] Ah, and I see Jeb’s posted that there’s a replacement already. Well, we might as well move to it. [anvil breaks] This is it, I suppose.

Officially now, Release Candidate 2, the last version before the big Release 1.0. Whew! We’ve come so far in this series, haven’t we? This version has very minor updates to it. I have re-enchanted my sword here, but the durability bug from the last version has now been fixed.

Also, the issue where I could eat infinitely has now also been fixed. And a one other minor thing, which is a little bit strange, but the 3D blocks in the inventory have now got shadows. I don’t know why this was added to this version, but it has.

Well, now that we’ve reached this milestone, I hope you’ll join me in the next episode. Hopefully we’ll be able to slay that dragon or something. And I’ll see everybody there, I hope. Thank you all so much for watching. Thank you to my wonderful patrons for supporting me.

And have a great day! I’ll see everybody in the next episode. Until then, this has been Bug Man CX. You’ve been watching Minecraft The Journey. Bye bye! [OUTRO – Danosongs – Inspirabeat]

This video, titled ‘RC1 – The Sound Update! | Minecraft: The Journey | E158’, was uploaded by bugmancx on 2023-10-10 13:41:28. It has garnered 953 views and 123 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:56 or 1316 seconds.

Today we update to Minecraft RC1 and RC2 and explore all of the new sounds added in this update!

Minecraft: The Journey – the epic Let’s Play series where we play survival by journeying through the entire history of Minecraft, from the earliest development versions to the most recent release!

#### LINKS ##### Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/bugmancx Discord: https://bugman.cx/discord

#### Music, Resources & Attributions #### Danosongs – Inspirabeat – (Licensed https://danosongs.com/commercial-license)

Creative Commons BY 4.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Music by Scott Buckley: https://www.scottbuckley.com.au/library/patagonia/

YouTube Audio Library Parzival – William Rosati

Minecraft Soundtrack – C418

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    Diagonal Barn & Stables in Minecraft - Easy Tutorial Exploring the Versatile Diagonal Barn, Stables, and Storage in Minecraft Step into the world of Minecraft where creativity knows no bounds! Today, we delve into the intricacies of building a versatile structure that can serve as a barn, stables, or storage facility. This beautifully simple design is perfect for various themes, from Medieval to Fantasy and even Modern Minecraft worlds! Never Leave Your Animals in the Rain Again! With this stunning building, you can ensure that your horses, donkeys, cows, sheep, pigs, camels, and more are sheltered from the elements. Say goodbye to leaving your beloved animals out in… Read More

  • Minecraft Mod News: Updates 8-14 June 2024

    Minecraft Mod News: Updates 8-14 June 2024 Exploring the Latest Minecraft Mod Updates from June 8th to June 14th, 2024 Embark on a journey through the vibrant world of Minecraft with the latest mod updates from June 8th to June 14th, 2024. Dive into the exciting features and enhancements that these mods bring to the game, promising a thrilling experience for players of all levels. 1. Villager Recruits Experience a new level of interaction with villagers in Minecraft with the Villager Recruits mod. This mod allows players to recruit villagers for various tasks, adding a dynamic element to gameplay. Whether you need assistance in farming, mining,… Read More

  • SHOCKING! I Built a SURPRISE CLUB HOUSE in Minecraft SMP – Episode 2

    SHOCKING! I Built a SURPRISE CLUB HOUSE in Minecraft SMP - Episode 2Video Information This video, titled ‘I opened a CLUB HOUSE on a Minecraft SMP – Episode 2’, was uploaded by Sev on 2024-07-12 12:15:09. It has garnered 9193 views and 695 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:07 or 1267 seconds. I opened my own secret little club on guild smp. Of course I have to get into lots of trouble with the other youtubers first and then use the new 1.21 blocks to create a beautiful club house Guild SMP members: @Brookella @DaLilRedMC @InfiniteDrift @knivesbow @MadisonElizabethGaming @megiibyte @moonintensity @Sevaris @SparkleEgg @TheAmbear_ @trashpanda7B 🌻Shaders: Complementary Join this channel to… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Parkour Challenge on Weekends!

    Insane Minecraft Parkour Challenge on Weekends!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Parkour Pt 19 | #19 | @WeekendG0 | #edit #minecraft #mcparkour #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by Weekend Gamer on 2024-04-28 06:07:05. It has garnered 1415 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Hello Guys please dont forget to like, share, and Subscribe this video and comment me Links: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ5TrGI4n6fetehT4fLtA2w Subscribe: https://bit.ly/WeekendGamer Discord: https://bit.ly/WeekendGamerDiscord And wee thanks for watching this Video About me: I want to become a gamer and a big content creator on youtube and me weeeeeee keep watching and thanks for love and support… Read More

  • Secretly infiltrating base for loot – shocking ending!

    Secretly infiltrating base for loot - shocking ending!Video Information This video, titled ‘Sneaking Into A Base In | Arjun Mp Anarchy Server | Minecraft മലയാളം @Sudhy @ArjunMPPlayz’, was uploaded by DAMOO YT on 2024-05-04 14:38:14. It has garnered 553 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:10 or 550 seconds. #ithihasa #arjunmpanarchy #arjunmpanarchy #kemics @malluarenagaming @ArjunMPPlayz #minecraft #new #malayalam #minecraft #new #malayalam #server #pmrp #powermalayalaliroleplay #rpserver #roleplay #minecraftroleplay @mallugameraswin @GAMETHERAPISTYT @malayalamtechieslive @MalayalamTechGames1 @MrQuitGamerofficial @MrBeast @Sudhy @HipsterGaming @eaglegamingop @jinshatechandgaming @UNBOXINgdude @perfectgamingmachan @MrPerfectTechofficial JOIN DISCORD IP IN DISCORD JOIN NOW https://discord.gg/xWbTDRksWn https://discord.gg/xWbTDRksWn minecraft malayalam server minecraft malayalam download minecraft malayalam sudhy minecraft malayalam live minecraft malayalam… Read More

  • Shocking Expose: Minecraft’s Fake Instagram!

    Shocking Expose: Minecraft's Fake Instagram!Video Information This video, titled ‘Exposing Minecraft’s Fake Instagram Reels’, was uploaded by Jooonah on 2024-03-02 15:42:31. It has garnered 30890 views and 1746 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:30 or 810 seconds. my discord: https://discord.gg/jona MY LUNAR CAPE: https://store.lunarclient.com/category/jooonah the most unhinged platform, but does it lie? server ip: no pack: default twitter: https://twitter.com/joooonahxd animations by stcubing: https://twitter.com/stcubingg thumbnail designer: https://linktr.ee/begiesfx Title: Exposing Minecraft’s Fake Instagram Reels Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Comeback with CRAZY Populur Panda!

    EPIC Minecraft Comeback with CRAZY Populur Panda!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Returns’, was uploaded by Populur Panda on 2024-03-31 06:57:46. It has garnered 79 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:53:04 or 13984 seconds. I’m playing on Minecraft! Enjoy the stream and subscribe if you want to see more! Join The Community: https://discord.gg/77STX6JCsA Support My Channel: https://streamelements.com/populurpanda/tip Minecraft Server: Superpanda8912.aternos.me Read More

  • Unstoppable Enoki BR Dominates with OP Armors – Project E Begins! #11

    Unstoppable Enoki BR Dominates with OP Armors - Project E Begins! #11Video Information This video, titled ‘Armaduras OP e o início do PROJECT E – Minecraft Project Sacrifice #11’, was uploaded by Enoki BR on 2024-03-23 15:00:32. It has garnered 339 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:42 or 2682 seconds. From now on things will change and the sacrifice will be less…I hope! Pix donations: https://www.livepix.gg/enokibr If you like the content, don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss the next episodes and also support the video with your like and comment to help spread the word. Modpack link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/project-sacrifice Link da playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMP0Ff75atf0fHNL-dR4bygozzRbX9Wou My social… Read More

  • Insane Build: Japan-inspired Kingdom in Minecraft!

    Insane Build: Japan-inspired Kingdom in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Aus| Building a Japanese kingdom in Minecraft’, was uploaded by StellaGaming on 2024-03-02 07:59:30. It has garnered 98 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 05:38:35 or 20315 seconds. Welcome in to the Aurora Isles Stream series where I stream my long-term world that is over 2.5 years old and has around 26800 days!. A bit of a back story! This world was created on the 21st of July 2021. The plan for this world was to create a vast and interactive world that allowed me to develop not only my building… Read More

  • Insane Gamer Mastering CLUTCHES in MCPE!!😱

    Insane Gamer Mastering CLUTCHES in MCPE!!😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I did every CLUTCH in MCPE!!🤩’, was uploaded by Kanhiya Gupta Gaming on 2024-07-24 09:30:01. It has garnered 18 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:24 or 324 seconds. YouTube 2nd channelhttps://youtube.com/@kanahiyalive Discordhttps://discord.com/invite/uCBGXXkUJM My video Minecraft 100 days- https://youtu.be/C3bJOcbkJ54 Minecraft all mlgs- https://youtu.be/j6aVuSPIzrI Minecraft iron farm- https://youtu.be/JF0QrSvApTI ____________________________________________ @totalgaming @desigamers @AnshuBisht @Yessmartypie M ____________________________________________ TAGS AND KEYWORDS:- minecraft mlgs all minecraft mlgs best minecraft mlgs ever list of minecraft mlgs hard minecraft mlg best minecraft mlgs minecraft mlg water bucket minecraft mlg clutch minecraft mlg gif minecraft mlg practice map minecraft… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Solo Leveling Statue in Minecraft!

    UNBELIEVABLE: Solo Leveling Statue in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘A ESTÁTUA DE SOLO LEVELING NO MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Kyck on 2024-04-19 15:00:40. It has garnered 9306 views and 647 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. ‹ In today’s video, each subscriber kyck shows all the solo leveling characters in minecraft !! › ❤LIKE Subscribe: http://goo.gl/ZAKL7i and leave your like! 🏹My Social Networks: 🏹Twitter: https://goo.gl/G3ByWA 🏹Instagram: https://goo.gl/wqPh9B Contato Profissional: [email protected] #Kyck #sololeveling #anime #jogos #games #Minecraft #youtube Kyck,KyckGames,minecraft,minecraft mods,Kyck_,kyck minecraft,solo leveling,sololeveling,solo leveling minecraft,mod solo leveling,addon solo leveling,minecraft addons,anime,jogos,games Read More

  • Rede Zephyria

    Rede ZephyriaBem-vindo ao Zephyria, um servidor de Minecraft onde a jornada de sobrevivência se transforma em uma emocionante ascensão! Em Zephyria, você vai mergulhar em um vasto mundo de possibilidades, onde a sobrevivência não é apenas sobre resistir, mas também sobre prosperar e ascender. Prepare-se para explorar paisagens deslumbrantes, desde florestas exuberantes até montanhas imponentes e desertos vastos. No Zephyria, a experiência de sobrevivência é enriquecida com recursos exclusivos e desafios dinâmicos que o aguardam em cada esquina. Construa sua própria história enquanto forja alianças com outros jogadores, embarca em aventuras épicas e domina habilidades que o ajudarão a prosperar neste… Read More

  • Phoenix SMP Semi-Vanilla SMP Dynmap Whitelist 1.21 18+

    Welcome to Phoenix Minecraft Server! We’re a group of strangers who came together after a previous server closed. Now in our 2nd season, we are actively looking for new players who enjoy building and having fun! TO APPLY JOIN OUR DISCORD What to Expect: Welcoming and friendly community No economy pressure – public farms available No griefing or stealing allowed All experience levels welcome – we’ll teach you! Active Discord community for both Minecraft and casual conversations Basic Info: Platform: Java Version: 1.21 Jar: PaperMC Datapacks and Plugins: Custom Nether Portals, More Mob Heads, Player Heads, and more! All decisions… Read More

  • Sarathos MC

    Sarathos MCAre you looking for a new server? Where there aren’t many players so you can enjoy it without lag? Then join our growing Spanish community and enjoy our incredible survival server, compatible with JAVA and BEDROCK, collect resources and build your home while you explore to improve your arsenal.Our server offers reward boxes, ranks with exclusive perks, and a variety of cosmetics to customize your experience. From titles to adorable pets, there’s something for everyone.We are just getting started and your participation would be invaluable. Join today and be part of this amazing adventure on this server that is just… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Accurate AF: Minecraft Edition

    “Well, at least it’s more accurate than my math test score!” Read More

  • Crafting Shiva & Ladusing’s Portal: Minecraft PE Madness

    Crafting Shiva & Ladusing's Portal: Minecraft PE Madness In the world of Minecraft, a portal was made, Shiva and Ladusing, in the game they played. With blocks and resources, they crafted with care, In the land of Vedas, a city so rare. The adventure unfolds, with each step they take, Exploring new realms, for treasures to make. With creativity and skill, they build and they mine, In Minecraft PE, where the sun always shines. So subscribe, like, comment, and share with delight, For more gaming fun, to spark up your night. Join the journey, in this virtual domain, Where Shiva and Ladusing, forever reign. Read More

  • Minecraft Villager getting lit oi oi oi!

    Minecraft Villager getting lit oi oi oi! Why did the Minecraft Villager say “oi oi oi”? Because he was trying to start a Villager boy band! Read More

  • RealismCraft: New Dynamic Worlds!

    RealismCraft: New Dynamic Worlds! Exploring RealismCraft: A New Frontier in Minecraft RealismCraft has taken the Minecraft community by storm, offering players a breathtaking and ultra-realistic gaming experience like never before. With its stunning graphics and immersive gameplay, this new addition to the Minecraft universe is truly a game-changer. Unleashing RealismCraft RealismCraft introduces dynamic worlds that push the boundaries of what players thought was possible in Minecraft. From lifelike textures to realistic lighting effects, every detail in this game is meticulously crafted to create a truly immersive experience. Players can explore a world that feels more alive than ever before, with stunning landscapes, realistic… Read More

  • EPIC Eren Attack on Titan Pixel Art in Minecraft! #gaming

    EPIC Eren Attack on Titan Pixel Art in Minecraft! #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Eren👿 attack on titan minecraft pixel art #sorts’, was uploaded by RS Sports & gamming🤘 on 2024-07-11 08:52:18. It has garnered 2989 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Read More

  • Desperate Search for PokeDolls in Minecraft

    Desperate Search for PokeDolls in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘We Need PokeDolls! – Mythical Cobblemon S2 Day 8 (Minecraft Pokemon Mod)’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-06-01 05:07:18. It has garnered 43477 views and 1326 likes. The duration of the video is 04:39:21 or 16761 seconds. Become a member of the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIDlKYC7I6_76jCUBdX-6VQ/join My Twitter – https://twitter.com/KYR_SP33DY My Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/kyr_sp33dy MERCH at https://bfc.store Check out FocusFuel: https://thefocusfuel.com/speedy Use Code “Speedy” for 10% Off! I am a co-founder of FocusFuel. Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 Installation Guide – Coming Soon #mythicalpartner Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE Crystal PVP in FL1A!Video Information This video, titled ‘Crystal pvp’, was uploaded by _FL1A on 2024-04-18 15:32:14. It has garnered 348 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:27 or 207 seconds. https://ru.namemc.com/profile/_FL1A.1 crystal pvp, minecraft, marlow, drdonut, crystal pvp montage, minecraft crystal pvp, cpvp, minecraft pvp, pvp, smp, clownpierce, rasplin, itzrealme, crystal pvp guide, marlowww, donutsmp, cpvp montage, lurrn, vanilla pvp, tier 1, golfeh, marlow crystal pvp, crystal pvp texture pack, minecraft smp, lifesteal smp, end crystal, crystal, crystal pvp tutorial, donut smp, rasplin crystal pvp, marlow pvp, respawn anchor, 1.19.4, how to crystal pvp, pigsruss, vanilla crystal pvp,… Read More