Building a Snow Castle in Minecraft Hardcore: 100 Days Survival

Video Information

Greetings citizens this is how I survived 100 days building a snow castle in Minecraft hardcore as the snow falls outside I’ve been feeling the need for a winter getaway something worthy of the Roman Empire join me as We Gather materials build Auto Farms to collect new blocks and secure our future for

Many Winters to come speaking of winter we’re trying to grow the legion to 100,000 subscribers by the time the snow is clear so if you enjoy the video don’t forget to subscribe in time for the spring campaigning season let’s get started a new Challenger roaches you’re

Going to want to stay in the shade I oh I tried to warn you I’m angry and I’m going to take it out on all of you oh no get back in the water I didn’t know they could jump out oh hey hello there okay

We’re going to have to play it safe that looks hilarious by the way get off of my clean area fortunately the snow did not count on meeting the legendary Scoopy dooo uh whoa that’s a thunderstorm can I make a llama hit an iron golem I can and it’s going to take it out Well well well isn’t this a familiar site and if you’ve been here for a while you’ll probably recognize it too because this is a world we haven’t been in for about 6 months now but we’re finally back and I’m excited this is really cool to see all of this again you may notice

It looks a bit different I did do some updates on my shaders so a couple of the settings there are a bit different I also have connected glass textures now so thinking that looks pretty cool which by the way I will try to put some information about the shaders in uh the

Description if you’re curious what I’m using here anyway there is a lot to work on in this video so we got to get started right away as you probably noticed from the title of the video and probably the thumbnail it’s winter in my part of the world so we’re starting to

Get snow all around and that got me thinking I’d like to build a snow castle in this world and if memory serves at one point we needed snow I think for snow golems and over in this direction we found a uh snow biome oh I know I missed you too there there’s lunchbox

Still doing his little uh rolls into the fence I’m pretty sure this is where I left you 6 months ago oh good old lunch box never changes anyway look at that that is gorgeous but as I mentioned I believe it was off in this direction

Where we did find a snow biome so let’s go take a look and I’ll kind of just describe what I’m thinking we’re going to be working on and then I’ve got a couple steps we probably have to do before we can get to ual building and

Look at that there is what I remembered now I never really did any additional exploring around here so oh you know what this is actually perfect so if we land you could see that was the mountain that we saw from the base but there’s this big flat area in the middle kind of

Hard to see with the all this white actually but that’ll change th this is great so we’ve got a big kind of flat um I don’t know if you want to call it a valley but it’s it’s kind of Dipping down on all sides that’s going to be

Perfect we can kind of build a a wall around all of this and then build a castle right in the middle and I do think first we’re going to want to lay down a foundation or at least kind of the outer wall so we know what the area

Is going to look like hello Mr goat you’ve got one horn and I don’t see the other one lying around anywhere anyway though uh what we’re going to need is a lot of blocks kind of similar to when we built the uh the arena up in the sky

Luckily I think we can start pretty simple for the wall we could just use uh Stone and thankfully we already made a stone generator isn’t that right my goat friends hey he just jumped all right so we’re going to head back and start Gathering some supplies so we can get

Started and by the way it is just so nice having the full kit again I’m so used to you know working an entire video just to get diamond stuff and now that we’re back in this world got the full netherite gear once again full netherite

Tools oh and this reminds me so I I am using some different mods in here one of them is uh the ability to have both my elytra on and my my chest plate so I can have them both on I don’t need to switch between the two now I could see how that

Could be pretty unfair if I was doing like PVP or something like that but in my own world it’s kind of just saving me time not having to switch between the two I’m open to feedback on this one let me know if you think this is too unfair

Being able to wear both at once I just kind of like it as a time-saving measure being able to wear both of them and not have to switch back and forth between the two so happy to take that off if you think it’s you know a little bit too

Unfair but let me know in the comments that all that being said we do need to head back inside and yes don’t worry I missed all of you too got Garfield Makia Valley and hello green cuz you have yellow and blue eyes very clever as I’m passing through uh worth pointing out at

Some point we will be upgrading the storage room that I get a lot of comments about that like everything looks nice except for this so maybe not this video but we are going to upgrade that and we’ll probably upgrade this as well this is the uh Stone generator room

And it should all just fall into these chests for us I probably want to fill up like a shulker box and don’t worry I’m not going to make you watch me uh mine stone for it’s probably going to take you know maybe not an hour but it’s

Going to take a while to fill up a shulker box with this so I’m just going to kind of get at this and get working and I should change my beacon to uh help out with this oh it doesn’t reach yeah it just doesn’t reach if I Stand Out by

The the generator it stops refreshing so maybe I don’t need to change it yeah not going to work out oh well so I’m going to work on this for a while I will uh check back in once we’ve made some progress and filled up that shulker box

Actually this should probably do it yep look at that and now we just need to and now we just need to convert it into fancy Stone so we’re basically just going to take it right back out again and I don’t think we need to use the stone cutter for this one works better

For stairs but I don’t think it matters here we just go Boop and we can turn it all into stone brick I think we’ll just do a full shulker of stone brick and that leaves us with a little bit left over uh just in case we need different

Kinds of blocks nice so that didn’t take as long as I thought that was right about 25 minutes so really not too bad and with that we can grab a couple more Rockets just to be safe and now we can head back over to at least get started

On the the boorder or the area we think this thing’s going to go in yeah I know I didn’t say hi to all of you but that’s cuz let’s be honest your plebs you await on my pleasure and yes don’t worry we will be getting to this by the end of

The video and we will be updating it so no worries there off to the snowlands I am going to have to fix that area where I was harvesting snow well we’ll get that put back first we’ll need to count it out and I think I would like a large

Circle around this area that’s actually kind of hugging the mountain a little bit then there’s going to be a structure inside um it will be a a functional Castle in a way I have an idea for a farm that I’d like to build and that’s going to go inside but that’s kind of

The plan let’s uh let’s count this out and see how big of a circle I will need let’s see let’s get a little bit of this out if I were to start here and then counts across 6 7 8 don’t let me lose count nine right there is 80 so that is

From there to right up there that’s an 80 diameter Circle oh hello boys told you plenty of times I’m not interested in joining your gang you weirdos definitely from G those guys no thank you I said 80 right so that’s 80 um I actually think we want to go a little

Bit further so that’s 90 might overhang a bit over there but that’s okay think I want to go with 90 I hope I brought a bed with me did I I certainly did see I’m smart good night okay so let’s start with that let’s make a 90 diameter

Circle that’ll give us an idea we can we can fly up above it or stand up there or something and see how it looks and that’s going to be our outer wall so it should give us an idea of the the scale of the structure and anything else we

Need to consider oh boy I just plugged this into the uh Circle generator I have and it’s uh it’s quite large this is going to be fun and I really hope I don’t mess it up anyway cut to the time lapse and during the time lapse I think

We have just enough time to give a little information about Roman walls in the early days we Romans built walls out of stacked Stones these walls were sometimes called cyclopian which yes is a reference to the Cyclops the oneeyed Giants who were considered to be the only thing capable of lifting stones of

Such enormous weight no problem for the Romans though eventually the Romans developed concrete to be used in Walls by experimenting with mored rubble called Opus simium essentially it was made by mixing volcanic dust with pieces P of rock lime or gypsum and water so we’re not only as

Strong as Giants but we’re clever too so I just finished wrapping all the way around and this block was supposed to finish right here probably not a huge deal man you can’t even tell I did anything uh but let’s take a look I’m curious where I went wrong yeah I can’t

Find it I kind of just went back around the whole thing and I’m not sure where I’m missing something I honestly don’t think you’ll be able to tell if I hadn’t set I probably shouldn’t have said anything thing like oh yeah I got it first try but you can kind of see what

We’re going for there it looks really uneven uh because of the elevation changes but that is a circle and you’ll see I had to bridge a gap there as well it does look like it goes over a bit of a cave which is kind of cool we might be

Able to incorporate that in some way it’s even a lush cave and also Emerald I might grab that at some point but that part is done that’s what I’m thinking sizewise and I do like that it wraps around and kind of hug some of the cliffs I think we’ll be able to make

That look pretty cool and it gives us a decent amount of room for the interior which I also need to think about cuz I’m probably I’m thinking we might start with the farm just so I know I’ve got enough space for that in the middle and

Then we’ll kind of build around that if that makes sense thinking about it as well we have a decision to make do I want the whole thing around to be stone brick down at the bottom level and then it kind of changes to different types of

Material as it goes up and kind of also keeps the elevation so basically wherever it is it’s going to hug the ground and be let’s say you know six blocks tall everywhere or do I pick the topmost uh elevation brick go around in a circle that way and then fill it in

Between the two so it’s a level wall and the answer to that is no idea so we’re going to go around the whole thing make it three blocks tall cuz I’d like to see what that looks like and then we shall make our decision so basically just

Going to well hold on I’m being indec decisive give me a minute to think about this and then we’ll we’ll move forward from there yeah let’s do it we’ll add two Everywhere by the way every time I’m over here I hear zombies and stuff so there is a cave whoops under here

Somewhere that at some point we’re going to need to probably go down find it and light it up I am out of stone brick oh wait a minute that’s right my snow area okay so now you can at least tell there’s a wall there but I’m not certain what I want to

Do about this height issue I kind of think it would look a bit awkward if I raise the like let’s say you know that’s the highest point if I make the whole circle that tall all the way around I think it just it might look a little bit

Weird I want it to look a bit more like it’s hugging the mountain like it is now so it’s probably going to end up being a bit taller we might even build like little turrets at certain areas or things like that but for now I’m going

To leave that as is it’s also using quite a bit of stone brick so we’ll probably need to grab more before the end of the video also thinking ahead at some point this is going to need to be lit up and I have an idea for the

Structure the more interior part of this but for the outer wall I might want to do something a bit different something that I don’t have currently which means we are going to want to make a farm and no not the farm I was talking about for

The interior of the structure here so as you can tell we’ve got a couple things on the to-do list but it’s not me getting distracted these are all necessary citizen all right let’s think about getting started with with that then first up we need to head back to

Base and gather some materials that I think we’re going to need for the farm that I intend to build I think for now let’s put away all of this stuff and then we can use yeah this one for what I think I’m going to need this one takes a

Lot of glass and that is not enough actually it’s pretty close to what we need but just so happens we have some uh some friends over here that are more than happy to help us out hey buddy bu remember me I know it’s been a while

Healing up the pickaxe while we’re at it now who wants to help me out with my glass problem you do thank you beautiful beautiful now if you could refresh I think if I go through and do that one more time we’ll be in good shape talking

To you buddy don’t you turn your back on me by the way once we have the materials and you see where I’m going to build the farm maybe you can guess what I’m planning on doing oh hey our first rain of the day wonderful well of the day I

Mean the day I’m recording OB viously oh I guess I didn’t need to uh sell anything at all it looks like we’re pretty good on emeralds I didn’t remember that I had this entire chest eh but I mean we got the stuff to trade we

May as well use it right all right I should have slept the the rain away yes I did look at that beautiful also that’s pretty cool that’s a new uh thing with the shaders I turned on it actually leaves rain puddles around after it rains that looks really cool you might

Notice though it is messing with my frame rate I’m noticing especially when I turn things aren’t updating quite as quickly as I’m used to think it’s worth it though this is I’m loving that that looks really cool anyway back to business how did you not refresh yet it’s the next day nobody’s refreshing

That’s weird all right I am not willing to wait on all of them so we’re just going to spend what we have put all of this stuff back and I think this should be enough glass yeah that should be actually more than enough but we’ll take all that regardless

Next up we need to visit our iron farm beautiful look at all that I’m noticing that we’re full on poppies as well so let’s clear some of those out I think I yeah there you are I going to see I had an auto auto composter somewhere in you

Go and then we should be all right to let’s see how do we do this I think if uh let’s see if I just turn this into a bunch of those yeah then we can get some chains which is what what I need we’ll just do two stacks that should be plenty

Next up we need rails and powered rails and I do have some sticks lying around so that’ll come in handy 31 that should be good for rails and powered rails yeah I think that’ll be good we’ll need some chests as well and we are getting there

But I think I’m going to stop naming things as we go so that’s probably getting a little redundant so I will let you know when the chest is full okay I think we finally got everything we need so take a look any guesses anybody have any guesses out there on what we’re

Making and if not yet I think you probably will have a guess once you see where we’re headed speaking of let’s get moving and the first leg of our journey will be quite quick indeed CU all we need to do is head right into this beautiful nether Tower if I do say so

Myself in we go and Next Step uh hello what are you doing here and you’ve got a shovel too you weirdo get out of the Nether and a bat what is going on here okay anyway we need to head up to the top not going to say it somebody out

There is hoping I’m going to say the r o f word but I’m not going to past the impossibly loud gold farm and up a couple more and there we go so far very empty up here the only reason I have it is to make the gold farm work by heading

Up to that uh AFK platform but the reason I’m here is because we need to find a particular biome and that is the basal Deltas essentially if you press F3 on Java on PC that is it gives you a bit more information about what’s going on

So in my case our current biome is the nether wastes so I can use this to kind of just fly around up here and eventually when we find the basalt Deltas that’s going to be where we build the farm with that in mind uh no ideas

On where it might be so I guess we just uh start heading off in that direction why not and I actually forgot to note down the coordinates here so I should probably do that before we leave where I’m going to be very lost all right got

It now we’re good there we go that was nice nice and easy it’s actually the second biome that I found was balt Deltas so we’re good shape all right so any guesses anybody know what we’re going to be building here well first of all just to make life easier on us we

Are going to build a portal to get back and I’m also curious where this comes out in the Overworld so we can set up our portal here that should do the trick and then with our flint and steel we just goop and that should do the trick

Let’s see where this thing comes out that’s fun this actually isn’t going to work for me I yeah I didn’t really want it uh like way in the air over the ocean what is that okay hold on now I’m getting curious let’s go take a look at

This what is this hello hey friends how’s it going ow I just wanted to come say hi but you are not being very good hosts but I mean seeing as I’m here may as well grab these and oo okay see pays to be curious kids anyway um where’s my portal there you

Are so if we want it to be on land got to head over to that direction in the nether that is or okay now I’m getting curious again what is that whoa weird landscape but kind of cool anyway uh don’t want to lose my portal so let’s

Head back up to that and just see if we can shift it so we end up on that land instead and I didn’t think about this it is going to be a pain to land on that thing come on come on come on come on

Woo okay we did it so for now back in and we need to see cuz we came out this way we need to see if we can build it over there if that’s still assault Deltas okay so let’s break this thing down and try again I Love mining

Obsidian oh boy it’s my favorite don’t know if this is going to be far enough but we’re going to give it a try okay now take two let’s see where this one comes out come on Big Money big money yes ooh that was actually real close but

But we did make it onto land so liking that okay so now that we’re in good shape we are onto land with our nether portal we can head back in and start building the farm and I did have to build it just outside of the basalt

Deltas but luckily you can tell by the let’s call it snow falling from the sky that we are back in the biome now so portals over there we just need to build the farm over on this side and as usual when I’m building Farms I I can’t really

Talk too much cuz I’ll get myself confused so I think what I’m going to do because I am following a tutorial but which by the way I will put down in the description if you want to build the same thing we’re going to follow the tutorial I’m going to build this farm

And we will do a time lapse so you can see that happening but I don’t necessarily have to try to think about things to say cuz then I will screw up the farm so cut to Time Lapse as I’m working on this feat of modern engineering how would you like to hear a

Bit about Roman Engineering in general one that I find particularly interesting is the fact that ancient Romans developed technology for baths and some Villas if you were well off that was an early version of central heating this was called a hypoc cost which comes from hypo meaning under and cost meaning

Burnt the system worked well for warming the water in bath houses or even heating your Villa by having a furnace working under the floor that would warm an enclosed room that in turn heated the floor tiles above it there’s nothing worse than a cold bath so Roman Minds

Turn to solving this problem as early as the year 350 BCE all righty so we’re done with that part and that was the easy part by the way did anybody guess what we’re building yet that’s right for the snow castle I would like a new way

Of lighting up the walls so because of that we are building a Frog Light Farm I have never gotten a frog light in Minecraft before so this will be a first for me and the farm should certainly help but the reason this is the easy part is because that was just building

You know the little starter spot but we do need to get frogs in there which means we need to First find frogs then we’re going to have to raise some in different biomes to make sure we get different kinds that can make different frog lights so you see what I mean and

This is going to be an adventure in and of itself so we’re going to grab our buckets and leads and I guess we just go and try to find I think it’s either a swamp or a mangrove swamp and there’s a good possibility we’re going to be at

That for a while searching for things so I think first we head home and uh get some spare rockets and then we can go on the hunt I might have even found a swamp before I got to consult my notes on that H there you are so we’ll head back down

Head to the base get some rockets and then go on the lookout for frogs actually something I forgot too how do you uh how do you breed frogs I think it’s slime balls so we’ll have to check if I’ve got any of those back at the base oh raining again beautiful I don’t

Know that I have slime anywhere which is honestly its own kind of problem okay yeah not seeing that anywhere so we’ll grab these spare rockets and bring that with you can also find uh slime in swamps so hopefully it’s just a two for one we can find some slime we’ll find

Some frog and then we’ll be able to bring some with us all right it looks like I did run into a swamp at one point and it’s over in this direction so let’s go take a look man that looks really cool anyway yeah let’s head over here

See if we can find some frogs and hopefully slime should be somewhere around here oh that looks like it right there yep coming in for a landing also while we’re here I don’t know that I’ve ever collected any of you so that seems like a good thing to bring back home

With us hello hello all right citizen stop me if you see a frog actually no I I don’t think we can do anything with the frogs yet I guess well we can put them on the leads but more importantly I need slime and we might have to wait for knight uh to do

That which I can do we can wait for night but in the meantime it’s a bit uh it’s making me a little nervous that I haven’t seen any frogs I mean are they that rare really hello frogs oh hey there you are okay so since oh there’s

Two of you yeah we definitely don’t want you going anywhere so why don’t we make a fence and rather than actually trying to build enclosure cuz I don’t think that would work anyway let’s at least just get you two on leads put you right there and we’ll light it up just in case

And then I’ll I’ll note the coordinates who whoa yeah they’re jumpy frogs okay but yeah I will take down the coordinates we’ll wait until night and see if any uh slime does happen to spawn here am all all right fellas yeah I’m right we’ll we’ll be all right I am

Noticing the frame rate is pretty brutal in here I might have to do more work on my shaders that’s uh the tradeoff may not be worth it but you let me know what you think is this noticeable it seems noticeable to me compared to how nice

The shaders look I don’t know in the meantime I’m just going to try to uh clear a bit of an area out uh so we hopefully have an easier time seeing mobs all right hoppy 1 and hoppy 2 looks like it’s night time give it a minute

And then I’m going to run out there and see if we can find any slimes hey you’re not slime get out of here you are also not slime so also get out of here it’s kind of spooky around here who nice I hadn’t really looked at that that is

Really cool look at that that is uh one hesitates to say epic but I do look quite epic anyway still not seeing much I see a creeper I don’t want to see a creeper gotcha nothing hey guys you wouldn’t happen to know where I could find some slime slimes would you no

That’s not helpful I said slime not explosion oh I’m so popular ow ow wa okay didn’t see that glad I’ve got the netherite somebody correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure slime can uh can spawn in swamps surprise aha oh you got a little uh little lovers row

Happening over here a bomber you know I hate to say it but it’s kind of seeming like we might need to find a slime chunk which is not going to be fun cuz all I’m finding are your regular everyday mobs and another frog so frogs are apparently

More common than slime good to know where did that come from hey whoa back up buddy ooh zombie party going on over here and yes I saw you think you’re so smart anyway clear out the zombie party all right back up back up signing is over no autographs today okay that’s uh

Man they just keep coming no baby no baby goober no baby goober gross yeah given the the frequency of all of these mobs and the lack of uh any slime whatsoever I do think we’re going to have to go the slime chunk route which is a bit of a

Pain yep so uh it’s turning morning yeah we I mean we got some uh stuff that I didn’t really need but no slime so I think we’re going to have to leave our new frog friend here for the time being speaking of there they are yeah so you

Just stay put you’re going to stay right there I’m going to go rethink the situation I’m going to head back to base find the nearest slime chunk then I’ll be back with some uh lovely uh I guess you could call it food you two would

Think of it as food but in any event we got to move forward so that’s the plan all right so I am going to use a tool to find the slime chunks that are near my base cuz I think that would just take forever trying to naturally find one

Kind of forgot you were all in here I had to close those doors very quickly how’s it going bees and it is looking really good in here that looks awesome not that I like to talk myself up or anything anyway I think the plan why don’t we take one of the water elevators

Down all the way down to the mine and then really I’m just going to be checking uh my coordinates and then finding the nearest slime chunk so we can mine it out and hopefully get something to spawn in and it looks like we’re actually pretty close there should

Be one off in this direction so I I think yeah I think we just head to that chunk clear it out and see what happens yeah that wasn’t far at all so we are in the slime chunk right now uh how do you turn on chunk borders there we go chunk

Borders shown so if we just follow the line and make sure that this whole chunk is exposed we should have ourselves a slime chunk in theory speaking of chunks it’s bringing me back to the good old days when I did that one chunk video yeah that was like a week ago but go

Check it out if you haven’t yet let me know what you think okay there’s the outline done so now we just clear it all out and I know what we could do as well because I think it’s anything I think it’s below y level 40 or something like

That they should be able to spawn in so if nothing happens here we could always do multiple layers of this I’d like to avoid that if we don’t have to so we’ll just see if we have any success here and then make a decision based on that so

Yeah how’s it going how’s the family what’s that citizen no small talk okay yeah I get it I’ll I’ll just uh let you know once I’m finished with this I don’t really need diamonds at this point but I always think it’s kind of rude of the game whenever I’m doing this I’m

Digging down obviously you know near Bedrock this is a big old I mean it’s literally a chunk it’s a big chunk of space in this whole thing I didn’t find one Diamond very rude now let’s just turn that off there we go and according to my you know very quick and let’s just

Call it thorough uh Google search slime should be able to spawn in any light level at this you know down underground anyway not in the swamp but here it should be doable with any light level and I don’t necessarily want to come in here to 1 th000 creepers so we’re going

To leave the Torches here and I’m just going to kind of run off and we’ll give it maybe 2 or 3 minutes then we’ll come back and see if uh anything happened kind of surprised I mean we did a lot down here and I’m surprised we didn’t

Already hit a slime chunk somewhere cuz I don’t think I’ve ever run into one down here at all which like I said surprising there’s a a decent amount that we did down here probably an idea for that by the way but I’m sure we could turn this into something pretty

Cool with all the area we have so close down to bedrock but that is for another day hello anything yet well that is encouraging and I’m wondering do I need to have three tall instead of two it’s worth trying if nothing else we’re getting ourselves some nice building

Blocks doing this all righty so this should be enough area should be fine with the light level we’re going to go stand at least 24 plus blocks away and I’ll give it uh 3 minutes because I’m impatient and then we’ll come back and check all right that’s been a few

Minutes let’s go back and check please please please give me slimes it’s empty okay so yeah let’s just keep making more levels until we’ve uh so we’ve got something this is exactly how I wanted to spend the video just mining the whole time trying to find slime so

That I can breed frogs so that I can make make a Frog Light farm so I could just have one little extra detail for my snow castle and that’s 100% true it’s not sarcasm no I’m not losing my mind honestly even if I just got like one

Little mini slime to spawn in I’d be happy cuz my worry right now is that the online tool that I used to find this slime chunk is lying to me and all of this is just wasted energy so I’d at least like confirmation that this is a

Slime chunk oh hey look they threw me a bone like well you know we’re not going to give you any slime but at least you can have these diamonds and it does look like it’s only two so it’s not like it was oh hey for all your trouble we’re

Going to give you a 10 vein nope all right there we go and why don’t we uh yeah we’ll grab the actual blocks cuz I don’t think we’ve done that yet no we have not deep slate diamond ore nice and that’s number two so I guess we do the

Same thing we run off to another area come back back see what happens you know the drill please work this time really doesn’t help that I’m so impatient because I just keep wanting to run back and forth and check which you know I’m sure is not the best way to do this

Clearly I think I might have to do some more research considering this is not working all right I’m going to go wait again but in the meantime going to see if Google can save me all right Google did give me a couple ideas and I was

Aware that you know one of the reasons this probably isn’t working very quickly is because of all the other caves around here spawning in other mobs taking up the mob cap that kind of thing so one thing we can do is try to go up to the

Surface and then back down right away so hopefully that kind of resets spawns and uh fixes that a little bit and the other was simulation distance just kind of turning that all the way down to the lowest which is five at this point so we’ll try both of those and see what

Happens so first of all we go all the way to the top and then once we’re up there we can head right back down see if any have spawned in it is night time all right first a little nap with the bees then we’ll head back down good morning bees and goodness

Gracious there are a lot of you been busy in the 6 months that i’ I was away huh well you do your thing which is apparently just sitting in one place and hovering but more power to you we’re going to head back down and maybe if everybody in the legion crosses their

Fingers this will work and if anybody isn’t subscribed yet if you were also to subscribe that’s certainly going to solve the problem all right big money big money big money big money no what about the other one okay I’m going to try this a couple more times I I won’t

Make you watch but I’ll I’ll let you know if if something finally spawns in oh okay yeah I’ll check in in a bit you know citizens I’m starting to doubt that things spawn at all so to test that theory we are going to remove all of the

Torches in here and I’d just like to see that something can spawn at all and no it’s not that I’m getting jaded or cynical or anything like that just got a troubleshoot that’s all okay wait okay so light level does matter apparently or is that just an enormous coincidence

Okay well I’m happy to see you nonetheless and thank you okay three I am going to need more than that so we’re going to stay at this for a while and I guess we just have to sort them out from regular mobs and somebody let me know am

I just doing something wrong or is that true that there needs to be no light even though Google told me not that I’m so confused but we did get a slime to spawn in so I guess we’re just going to keep repeating that I don’t know who to

Trust okay no luck this time spiders is not what we’re after ooh hello boys or yeah you guys could just take care of this for me if you want I shall fight the Victor who okay never mind um yeah none of you are really what I wanted to

See you in particular I did not want to see whoa wow look at this bow that that skeleton just dropped I don’t think I’ve ever seen something with that many enchantments on it that a skeleton dropped that is nuts may as well use this opportunity to go drop off the

Inventory and try once again okay back to it and if you’re listening Jupiter I could use I could really use a w here so really like to move on to be honest to the next tasks so if we could just get this part over with I would appreciate

It well this is encouraging guess we’re going for a jog so nothing has been happening down there and I’m thinking i’ maybe I’m not resetting it all the way or something I don’t know so I’m just taking a quick break and we’re going to

Run up here take a look at the arena and then we’ll head back down I mean if this isn’t enough to reset it from all the way up here then I don’t know what will and a new Challenger approaches come to think of it I’ve still got to finish

This thing I mean it’s it’s mainly done everything’s pretty good up here but I remember the system beneath that uh picks up all the items that is not done hey buddy you’re going to want to stay in the shade I uh I tried to warn you oh

Well um yeah but the system under here that’s supposed to pick up all the items I never completely finished that also not a huge deal don’t really need anything from you uh you fellas up here oh that’s a shame anyway yeah I was I was happy with this one I’m hoping I’m

Can be happy with a snow castle but in order to do that I need some frog lights I’m angry and I’m going to take it out on all of you oh well but that’s enough Dilly dallying we’ll uh let these uh fellas burn in peace because I know

That’s what they’re into they enjoy it why aren’t you there we go I was going to say why aren’t you on fire and no thank you we’ll just make sure we get rid of that before we go and enjoy have a good time up here boys I got work to

Do so maybe next time we’ll hang out a little bit longer and off we go I think if I don’t find anything down there within the next uh Minecraft day like by night time we’re just going to take our three slime and see what breeding frogs

One time does I think they have multiple uh like you can get multiple Tad poles after you breed them once I’m just I’m really running out of my patience trying to do this yeah cuz I mean what what am I supposed to do here every time I come

Back there’s nothing oh I just don’t know let me know in the comments if I’m just missing something obvious here but it it does not seem like it’s working the way it should so we got about half a day left and then I’m going to call it

At that point hey finally I mean it’s not the the big chungus slime that we want but it will have to do please drop me a lot I need this okay so that was four more which means we can breed three times you know what that might be enough

And even if it’s not I’ve been at this for I don’t even know over an hour now and with my attention span that is about 50 minutes too long already so onward and upward so just a recap we do have seven slime balls now we are going to

Head back over to the swamp where we can breed the two frogs that we found and then when they do uh breed we should be able to capture some Tad poles in the buckets that I brought and then bringing frogs to different biomes uh it depends

On the biome but they can create a different type of frog a different color and those different colors create different colors of frog lights so we’re just going to see how many tadpoles we can get try to bring them to different biomes so they’re different colored

Frogs and then we can finally head back to the nether finish up the farm put the frogs in there get the Frog lights that we need and get back to building our snow castle Yeah I know we’ll get there don’t worry all right I just took a

Little break to go make myself some chil which yes it turned out very nice thank you which means we can head back and find our two frog friends to hopefully get moving on the second part of that farm all right we found the swamp now we

Just have to spot our frogs there they are look at that I never doubted my navigational prowess now one thing we’re prob probably going to want to get them closer to this water just to be sure ah gross that makes a really weird noise what is that mud can you hear that that

Is gross just trying to make it a little easier for them to get down here all right that should be much better now I think we can just move this back closer over to the the water come on we’re going this way there we go so if we put

This right here they should have enough room but I might maybe we feed them and then we take the lead off so it should just be as easy as one two then kind of creeping closer to each other okay something happened there now they’re supposed to go to the water uh to lay

Some eggs is one of you going to do that oh come on don’t do this to me you have no idea how hard I worked for that slime kind of seems like it’s this one but they were walking away from the water now they’re walking back okay so you

Maybe we keep you there hey it worked look at that all right so we can put the the frogs back on there for now then I think it said we have to wait 10 minutes for that to hatch then whichever Tad poles come out we’re just going to catch

Them in fact let’s make this more of a sure thing we can build up a bit of a mud enclosure let’s call it I’m going to keep watching it so it’s not like I miss it or something and they’ get away just think it’s going to be easier if we know

For a fact that they’re within a certain area and there we go so now when they hatch we should just be able to keep them right within here and get our first round of tadpoles so what do you guys want to do while we wait I didn’t bring

Playing cards or anything and I don’t have one of those things I can’t like blow up my chin no I mean that’s cool that’s cool we can just kind of sit and wait or I can mess with the Enderman that is apparently around here somewhere

That I just heard oh just saw him again should be happening pretty soon I think all right come on now still got two rounds of this to go after you hatch we are waiting oh there we go we got three come here to you got one nice where did they go where

Did they go there we go two and the third there you are aha bucket of tadpole off to a nice start three tadpoles not too bad all right now I don’t know how much time has to pass before we can do this again but it was

Long enough for those to hatch so maybe they’re ready to give it another go I think it worked I got experience from that so you yeah you going to head back over oh yeah I think we got this and come on come on come on oh come on don’t

Just like oh good he’s about to leave without doing it all right so there’s the second one there so we just do the same thing again and then we’ll do it a third time with what we have ideally for the farm I think you want uh 12 frogs

But even at this rate if we got nine I think that’s pretty good I’ll see you in about 10 minutes when this next one hatches hey there wao look at that it’s going to say batch number two is ready that’s five yeah get in the bucket get

In the bucket that’s two three and yep I see you over there and where’d he go oh he was above me sneaky all right nice so we’ve got eight now I mean even if I get five again I could just use my other water bucket I say we go for it let’s

Let’s see if we can get the full 12 that the uh the farm calls for yep so we’re going to ask you to do your your duty when more time if I can call it that yep Shuffle on over there we go uh oh yeah

Sorry uh we got to take those off now it looks like you are heading for the water so I’m going to put you on a lead yep certainly are awesome so you two are probably let’s be honest with ourselves you’re probably going to be stuck here

For eternity and I know you can hop and make a fool of me when I’m trying to zoom in on you but just in case we ever need to do this again I think we keep you two on the fence and who who knows we might come back and visit from time

To time I mean think of all these good times that we’ve had together I wouldn’t want to lose that would you no I didn’t think so so last time we’ll wait for these to hatch and then we can get moving on the rest of the farm which

After the amount of work we’re putting in for it that farm better work very well ooh uh that happened faster than the last ones and it’s only two I will take it I would have preferred four but you know which means we have a to total

Of 10 and I still think we’ll be in good shape with that whoops so thanks for all the help you to I really appreciate it I hope you enjoy your life together uh tied to a fence so yeah thanks again appreciate the help bye-bye and now as

The sun sets and The Moon Rises we head back home at least this is what I hope the direction of home is yeah this is starting to look familiar I think uh oh this isn’t right this is the The Raid Farm area it’s dark and I’m lost yeah

Yeah that’s the uh the Whatchamacallit villager Outpost which means I think it should just be right over here this is promising oh that’s even more promising okay we found it definitely went the long way around considering I was supposed to come from that direction but no harm no foul all right so now

Essentially the idea is we want to uh turn these into frogs as close to the portal by the uh by the farm we were building as possible so I think uh easiest way to do that well I guess first sleep actually first appreciate that that looks awesome look at the

Arena up there with the the galaxies behind it the moon oh that is so cool not that I’m getting distracted or anything so yeah sleep and then we’ll head back to the farm all right brand spanking new day uh man that doesn’t matter if it’s day or night that just

Looks so cool okay uh back to the Nether and in we go in fact you know I’m thinking too there’s not much we need down here maybe eventually I just break this portal and we rebuild it up on the nether roof just seems like it would makes uh make things easier okay now

That we’re back up here think we need to fly off in this direction and we should there it is there’s the farm okay so next up uh we’re going to go through that portal uh turn the Tad PES into frogs and then bring them up here cuz

They’re going to be right inside this part so with that in mind we’re ready to go all right got my tadpole let’s head out here and get started and very easy first one we can just make some frogs here and see what they turn out to be

From there it gets a bit more difficult because oh hey look back there hello drown I see you over my shoulder right there anyway uh we need to find biomes that gets that get us the other types of frogs if we want all the different kinds

Of frog lights but as I said we could just start here be nice and easy to grow some frogs in this biome get three of them take them back in then worry about what comes next and in my case what comes next is getting rid of you buddy

Yeah get out of here trying to talk to the lovely people out here okay so same thing let’s grab some temporary blocks we’ll make a little area right here and this is just to make sure the Tad pole doesn’t get away but I think if we just

Put that in there and let this Tad pole grow up then we should be in good shape and in fact I don’t see a reason why we would have to wait and do them separately so why don’t we just do three of them right here and there you go got

All the brothers and sisters together in here now we wait and have the leads on hand so that when they grow up all we have to do is bring them back through this portal and like I said this will be the nice and easy one good practice

Round what’s your guess is it going to be I don’t know what they’re called I just know there’s like an orange frog a green frog and a white frog so what are we going to get here I kind of cheated and I know what’s going to happen

Because I know what biome I’m in which I’m pretty sure is actually a rare-ish biome this is the the the sparse Jungle which I don’t know that I’ve run into a lot so maybe it’s rare maybe it’s not I don’t know but that does mean we’re

Going to get a particular color of frog you see what’s happening here I’m just trying to watch my Tad PS and look at what’s over here you guys never give up do you just trying to mind my own business unbelievable I’m realizing now I don’t know how long it takes for these

Things to grow up I should probably find that out I looked it up it takes 20 minutes ooh there’s a lot of waiting in this video I’m not a fan fortunately you don’t have to see it just editing and Boop there you go it’s done hooray but

Not this legionary I don’t really want to sleep cuz it’s kind of wasting time in this video but it’s dark these hoodlums are you know they’re trying to intimidate me they’re asking for my wallet stuff like that got to be brave Legion oh great we’re attracting fans

Whoa stay away from my Tad poles back up back up these are my babies and nobody will touch them oh no get back in the water I didn’t know they could jump out oh boy all right the sun is rising on the next day we’ve got to be getting

Close right fellas please I’m tired of sitting here we still have to do it two more times wow that is bright look at that don’t look directly at it am I right these shaders are just nuts by the way I mean I remember playing Minecraft without shaders I don’t think I could

Ever go back cuz this is just I love it I I don’t know I love it oh hey hello there and there’s number two like 2 seconds later how about you number three very nice okay woo that was quite the weight but it was worth it my babies are

All grown up okay now uh we should just be able to kind of pull them into the portal and then they’ll go through yes no yes here we go it worked I think let’s go in there and check it out please be here frogs yes okay you come

Out of the portal you come out of the portal and you get back on on your lead think I might have lost a lead there anyway though I need you three to follow me up here and not give me any trouble and it’s already giving me trouble oo

There we go yep come on up come on up keep coming keep coming and drop into here yes perfect okay so you three stay here I need to go find six more I think it is but at least we’re 33% of the way done so that’s something on to the next

One next up we need to head to a nearby uh guess you could call it like a neutral biome cuz this counts as a warm biome and that’s why we got the white frogs so now we need one that’s not hot or cold and then after that we’ll need

To find a cold one and actually this right here should work because this is just a generic forest biome as it’s called and that is pretty neutral so let’s make a hole for our Tad poles to grow up in and I saw coal and I can’t

Help myself but collect all of it okay so now if we just make this an infinite water source really quick then this should do nicely for a little tadpole growing up area and this one I’m definitely going to AFK cuz I’m going to lose my mind if I have to watch these

Guys for another 20 minutes so what we’re going to do is just make sure that our our friends here are protected so we’ll build this and then we’ll just kind of hang out here inside and that’s going to be until they uh grow up there

We go so I’m going to step away and do something for about 20 minutes and then when I come back we should have our second round of frogs all right I’m back and look at what we what we’ve got that’s right three brand spanking new

Frogs now we just need to find our way back to the nether portal which I think is this way I hope is this way I lost one come on guys enough playing around we’re going this way okay I lost one again what happened there you are come

On I can already tell this is going to be a pain and I just broke two leads wonderful okay I think we’re back on track all right we’ve still got all three and I can officially see the portal I think we’re in the clear as

Long as squid don’t eat frogs and yeah I see you down there you’re not hiding but hey are you going to drop that for me that’d be kind of nice of you uh no he’s not going to drop that for me all right so once more with this whole song and

Dance in you go froggy and hopefully they come right out the other end nice and easy look at that all right same treatment as your friends right up the stairs here please yep come on right in here there we go all right so nearly there unfortunately I think

The next one is probably going to be the most difficult also I think this thing has been eating my leads yeah there you are give me those back anyway we’ll use these three on the last one that I’ll just kind of keep one on standby just in

Case but for this this last one we need to find a cold biome of some kind so like a snowy biome I was doing some looking around through that portal and I couldn’t find anything which makes me think maybe it’s going to be a pain

Don’t get me wrong but maybe we go back to the other portal back to our base because we know there’s a snowy biome there we can then make the frogs and bring them from that direction yeah I I think it’s going to be a massive pain

But I can’t really think of another easy way to do it so I’m trying to leave a trail of breadcrumbs uh as we run back just so it’s easier next time but I think that’s the plan let’s do that there we go I guess that wasn’t too bad it’s actually easier when

There’s not a bunch of terrain you have to go over it’s just a big flat uh area nice and simple kind of eerie follow the lanterns not sure I would do that the part that worries me is getting the frogs up uh through this which to be

Honest I’m I’m just not sure is possible we’re going to try it but I’m going to be pretty upset if we get here and find out it’s not possible although I do have another idea I know how we could get around that if we need to could just put

Another portal up on the roof up there very close to this one so it’s still going to be at the base it’s just going to pop us out up there so we don’t have to ow go through that whole process okay so from the base over to our snowy area

Where one day hopefully in the distant future we’ll actually be able to build what we’re supposed to be building this video and we can actually use this spot that I already kind of messed up since I have to come back and fix it anyway okay and then another consideration I think

We’re going to want to have torches in here to make sure that the water does not freeze cuz I have a feeling that’s probably bad for tadpoles I think technically too we could just cover the top I think that stops water from freezing but just to be sure we’ll do

Both okay there we go and now if we put our tadpole friends into here we should get the last I don’t know if you want to call it species or color whatever but after this we should to be done and I am going to do the exact same thing we did

Last time I do not want to sit and stare at this for 20 minutes waiting so we’re going to cover it up make it safe for our uh frog friends and for us and then we wait 20 minutes I will let you know when the timer is up hey look at that it

Worked so now we just have to successfully transport them to the farm all right you ready to do some traveling oh look at that we got a uh an achievement for that and I don’t really know what I did oh get each frog variant

On a lead and we did that okay but now we have quite the distance to cover so I’m going to need all three of you to cooperate and we’re off to a great start here and including damaging the frogs this is fantastic huh please stop jumping right into it you three yep

We’re just going to play it safe we’re going to dig our way out got to keep a cool head in these situations do you get it a cool head cuz you know we’re it’s kind of cold I’m sorry I’m I’ll stop okay woo I I think we’re in the clear oh

No we were in the clear can we just get away from the snow and not freeze please I think if we can make it to the water we’re probably in better shape cuz at least then there’s none of these hazards that we’re running into almost constantly yep see just right here we

Got some nice water I know you love it in we go okay we’re feeling better about that now aren’t we now hopefully we can double time this oh no oh come on seriously now we got Trident coming at us do not hit my frogs okay good I think

He’s out of range what a jerk fortunately it’s actually not that far away I can already see the base and so far so good and we made it the first leg of our journey is over welcome to the base welcome to my home enjoy it because

Uh you know it’s not going to last oh hey down there how how are we doing there’s five or more iron golems just hanging out down there there’s at least six H and he’s heading to join him he’s just yep that’s the that’s where we go

That’s where we go to hang out to get some private time socialize you know there are way too many of them six down there there’s four here almost due for a cleansing anyway where am I going we got to go this way okay now hopefully uh

This is going to be as easy as going in there dragging them up the ladder and getting them right into the farm do you think it’s going to be that easy or is that wishful thinking a little bit oo we’re about to find out okay there’s one

In there that’s two and number three okay follow him through please don’t go anywhere okay Moment of Truth can you follow me up this ladder uh this isn’t looking good ooh there’s one they just have to want to oh there’s two come on number three I know you can do this and

I broke the lead there we go we got all three okay H they’re getting stuck again there we go is that is that three or is it just two I think it’s three we got them I can’t believe this is working now just please do not Plum it down

Oh no they’re stuck okay we’re going to have to play it safe that looks hilarious by the way but I I can’t get them through that and I don’t want the leads to break and then they’re going to fall down and die there so we’re going to have to make another portal another

Portal nether portal so that was shortlived back through the nether portal please okay so for the time being I want you three to just kind of hang over here with the iron golems and the villagers I know they’re not that interesting but it’s not going to be for

Long and I don’t have enough obsidian so that’s fun let’s see we’ve got some lava here we might just do this the quick way and we’ve got one waiting for us right here so those three buckets should do the trick so if we just make a little

Spot right here do one of those one of these nice and easy way of making obsidian okay there’s the last one so we should be good yep we got 10 now so we’re looking all right and I figure what we do we’ll just take the coordinates in the nether of this portal

Then build one up top that’s almost the same in fact well I don’t want it to destroy anything around here let’s see if we can get one to spawn like right here cuz I think that would be easiest and also not going to interfere with anything all right let’s give it a shot

Okay so we’re back up here and this should be exactly where the portal is like directly beneath this the current one and strangely enough I’m actually I’d be facing this way if we were on the Overworld and our portal would be here so if we just move a little bit over

Maybe like I don’t know right here you can probably tell that I’m guessing a lot but I’m hoping if we do a portal right here it’ll open up in the Overworld somewhere where it doesn’t destroy anything but also somewhere where it’s easier to get the frogs up

Here but there’s only one way to find out let’s head in and see what the damage is and it just opened it’s the S wait a minute it’s the same portal how I mean that works that’s fine but okay I’m I’m confused maybe I didn’t move it

Enough I don’t know but does it lead us back to that one or is it going to bring us to the one down below I’m so confused yeah see it brought us to this one now maybe if I break this one let’s see what happens now we’ll go use the one uh the

Other one that we just made then maybe it’ll link back up to that or I mean we just destroyed that one we could just recreate it where I thought it was up there I don’t know I’m so confused I think let’s be doubly sure I’ll also get

Rid of this one and we’re just going to put it exact L where that other one was down below I could have by the way I could have made this work first try I just love mining obsidian so that’s the reason I’m doing this okay cross your

Fingers we’re going to try this one more time okay so we’re good from this side that is fine now if I go back through do I come through the same portal again hey we do okay we got it figured out so now we just have to grab the frogs bring

Them in here and follow the trail back over to the farm all right come on boys I promised I figur or I promise I figured it out this time one more trip this way and actually it’s going to be easier this time I’m not going to going

To try to just completely uh dangle you off of a ladder we’re just taking the direct route route route whatever it is in you go and I go and it all worked all right so now we’re just going to go for a jog and then we should be

Good and yeah I can confidently say that I’m never going to uh quote unquote complete the farm as in put a total of four of each frog in three is going to have to do cuz there’s no way I’m going through this again nearly there all right time to go join

Your friends yep in you go in you go perfect so that looks pretty good look at the wide array of different kinds of frogs we’ve collected I mean I’m I’m doing all this for the biology ooh we’ve already got things spawning that shouldn’t be happening yet at least I

Didn’t think so I mean we may as well get started now cuz why not there we go look at that some food for all of you nice I love that okay but with that we can finally get back to the farm I’m going to finish it up and once again

We’re going to go back to the time lapse and put this thing to bed it’s going to take us only what like a third of the video but we did it and I’m happy so back to the time lapse I was thinking about other Roman engineering topics and

I thought it only makes sense to spend a minute discussing Roman mining as it is a rather important aspect of Minecraft strangely enough one of the most helpful bits of engineering when it came to Roman mining was the aqueduct in some cases water would need to be transported

Great distances to help in mining operations where the particular ore was like gold deposits in Britain such as Dole Cy the water was used to prospect for ore by unleashing a wave of water from a tank to move all the top soil and reveal Bedrock where it was possible to

See exposed veins one method described by plenty the Elder was hydraulic mining which similarly uses water in softer underground deposits clearing away any areas that didn’t contain any of the gold that the Romans needed to craft powered rails or they might have just wanted it for jewelry that part I’m not

100% on oh all right woo the farm is done is one of the things I didn’t bring was scaffolding and I think typically you would use that to build your way up for an AFK platform but I’m impatient and don’t want to go back so I’m just

Going to build up a big column of deep slate so we can build a platform up there and then we’ll uh make sure it’s working we’ll collect enough frog lights to essentially do what I think I’m going to need them for but we’re in the H stretch citizen so let’s build this

Thing up and I counted out how many I need so we should just be able to go up until I run out oh jeez it’s already working look at that doesn’t really help being scared of heights doing this and there we go okay now let’s just build a

Big enough platform so we can actually land on it if we use the elytra to get up which we’re going to do every time there we go and then I guess we should probably put one here just to stop anything from spawning if we’re not here

But look at that it’s already working uh the Iron Golems are going nuts on these magma cubes as they get too close that breaks them up they then fall in the frogs get a nice snack and then they poo out some frog lights for us or at least

I assume that’s what happens I I can’t think of any other way that they get those out so that’s it we’re going to hang here for a little bit and uh see what we get all right it’s only been a couple of minutes but once again I’m

Impatient we’re going to head down and see how much we got so far all righty that’s actually not too bad considering that’s in every one of these take out all the junk okay so that’s all put away now we got a pretty clean inventory let’s go through and yeah I’m just going

To pick up everything there is and see how much we got look at that with our powers combined love that okay so clearing all that out we got three stacks and some change on each one which is actually really really good four Stacks little over four stacks of The

Verdant almost four of pearlescent and again almost four of the ochre I think that’s how you say that ochre Acra arrey I think it’s ochre anyway I don’t know that I’ll need much more than what I just collected after like 4 minutes maybe of AFK so that is a

Really solid farm this thing is great so now anytime we need more we could always come back that was nice and easy well you know collecting it was nice and easy so thanks to uh shulkercraft on that one this is one of uh shulker Craft’s Farm

I’ll put the link in the description in case you want to build this one but I am glad we’re done that took quite a while to prepare especially on the fra front look at them back there look at how smug they look but we’re done so I think it’s

Time to head back and continue to work on our snow castle or snow resort snow Lodge whatever we’re going to call it and now we have some fancy new lights that we can use in the build and any future builds of course all right we’re going to thread the needle and it didn’t

Work of course hey creepy how’d you get up here never mind you just you keep doing your thing okay so just a little bit of prep I want to do a little bit of a reset on the shulker boxes and then we’ll head back over there okay so we

Just did some organizing I’ve got some new stuff in the shulker boxes that I think might come in handy as we’re building out there and of course the dedicated nearly dedicated frog light box with a couple other light materials so we can always come back if we find we

Need other stuff but let’s just start with that and then we can start to make some progress on this build off we go so we’ve got the start of an outer wall and it actually looks better now that it’s been snowed on a little bit but a couple

Things that I’m thinking now um the wall definitely needs to be either taller or wider maybe even both also there’s a gap right there if you can see that where we crossed the uh the chasm so we’ll need to fill that in and then what we might

Do is start uh building the area in the center where we think our structure is going to go and then we could always even uh start putting that farm there I was talking about which don’t worry the one I have in mind for that is way

Easier okay so let’s uh make this a little bit safer there we go much better and then I’ll need to count it out one more time because I do want to get it right in the center of the wall and then probably something similar we’ll build a

A circle yeah we’ll build a circle there and then kind of see what we have to work with still kind of hard to tell where the center is because of the way the wall just kind of follows all of the hills and everything like that I think

This is the center hoping if we just kind of head straight up and then look down be an indicator of uh we were right yeah that looked about right kind of hard to tell when you’re plummeting too but we are going to call that the center

So maybe since the Outer Circle is a 90 uh diameter maybe we do a 30 diameter circle in the center and that’s going to be where the structure goes so I’m marking out where the edge of the circle should should be that way when I make

The circle these should all join up and then I know I did it right hey look at that I was right it worked out so now we just fill it in and then we should have a more of a clean area to build a structure on and then I think once we’ve

Got that figured out we can maybe do a little bit more with the walls I mean we’re definitely going to do more with the walls but I’ll have a better idea of what that’s going to be ooh I just ran out I only had that little spot left and

I ran out of stone brick at least I think I did maybe I have some left over somewhere yeah I’ve got a bit of stone left that might get us through it actually it almost certainly will look at that with 60 to spare all righty so I

Know I am going to end up needing a lot more of the uh stone brick so I think with my last day and a half or so before we hit uh day 30 31 or so I’m going to head back to the uh the stone generator

And just again fill up a shulker box or something just to make sure we’ve got enough for continuing this build and working on it also I’m looking at this again and given the the size the amount that we have to work with here I think the structure is probably going to end

Up being pretty tall and and not that large so maybe it’s not a castle it’s more of like a lodge or I don’t know something that’s up in the mountain it’ll look cool either way just wanted to make sure we’re setting expectations here citizen all right so that’s the

Plan let’s head back grab some more Stone one look back though looking nice so far I like the layout I think there’s a lot we can do with that all right so I was able to get some I I realized most of my shulkers were but between the two

Of these that’s quite a bit that we’ve added so I think we should be all right also this is kind of bothering me let’s make some of this into into deep slate bricks which I think you can do the same way no that makes polish deep slate okay

Eh you could just do it over here oh well and there we go now we’ve got a fair amount of building materials so let’s head on back over actually it wouldn’t be a bad idea eventually to uh make some kind of like Minecart path that leads us over to this area once

It’s done could even be like underwater it could be underground could be more of a sky pathway maybe it also links up with the arena up in the sky there’s a lot of cool options for that coming in for a landing I know very mature all righty so

Looking at this there’s a couple things that come to mind one that’s not going to be big enough maybe just for like the start of a structure but I’m deciding should we just go straight out and make it bigger or maybe kind of Rise it each

Level and go up towards the hill and second I am going to keep the wall you know not level at the top it’s going to keep going up and down like that but some areas I think it’s just too extreme like that is kind of nuts right there so

In some spots we’re going to just even it out a little bit and I think I’m going to start with that we’re going to go all the way around the wall and maybe nothing so drastic like let’s call it two or three drop instead of I don’t

Know from here to there it’s probably like 10 or 12 so we’ll start with the wall that’s going to get a bit taller in some areas and then I can also start to use some of the Frog lights and uh incorporate a few of the ideas that I

Had so we’re kind of just going to go through and add a few here and there see what it does these goats keep freaking me out they’re like up there and then they just like run into the side of the mountain anyway though that’s uh kind of

The idea just leveling it out a little bit it’s still going to have some Contours as it goes up and down but I want to try that most of the way around and then see how we’re feeling about it mod of stone so it looks like we’re

Going to continue in the morning but you can kind of see the idea of what I’m going with um just evening it out a little bit as we go around uh that is quite a dip over there so we might need to do something in particular there

Maybe a tower actually but we can talk about all that in the morning so I just went all the way around I think it’s kind of a subtle change like you probably can’t really notice much difference but I think it’ll make a difference in the end if that makes any

Sense at all but let’s uh take a look over here yeah so that’s looking a little bit more solid and this is the part I was talking about where there’s a bit more of a dip it’s also where we had to cover this up so maybe here’s an idea

We had to cover it because that’s where this uh Cave or Ravine opens up so perhaps just perhaps we can do kind of a tower on the platform that we built here and then it oh wow we got some friends down there too huh coming to join in oh

That’s a shame anyway uh the tower can maybe have an element that goes down into the caves and it has like a window that opens up to see all this madness happening down here wow there’s a lot going on down there but that might be kind of cool something like an

Underground portion that leads down here and you can take a look into the Lush cave and all the uh friendly neighbors that we’re going to have so we’ll see we’ll see what happens but with that uh I’m a bit happier with the wall let me

Kind of want to do a test with some of the designs I’m thinking on the outside and let’s pick one of the taller areas somewhere here eventually I want something going along the top of the wall some kind of design element but on the outsides just thinking we could have

Something the block bit of a fence a chain and then that’s where the Frog lights are going to hang so we can do something like that all the way around maybe different lengths of chain or you know something to add some variation we could change up the color of frog light

So for example maybe this one we do two chains and we go to the uh what is it ochre here we go I love the sound those things make when you you place them or pick them up so something like that I mean I this wasn’t my intention but now

That I’ve done that I’m almost getting the impression like these are ornaments hanging all that would be hanging all the way around and two an isolation it’s like eh whatever but I’m thinking if this were all the way around and you saw it from a distance it would be really

Cool so that’s an idea once we get further along in fact before I forget I was just thinking maybe we grab some walls and that can kind of connect this area so something like that it’ll also go all the way around but we’ve got some

Time to play with it I I think I like that idea and there’s going to be other uses for the Frog lights as well but so far liking it eventually we’ll probably go around the whole thing and do something just like that now the other problem I mentioned is that this is far

Too small and I’m thinking since we have plenty of the deep slate bricks might be time in fact I don’t know why I didn’t do this with the the stone brick as well but we can maybe turn some of this into slabs you didn’t remind me to do that

Citizen that’s why I keep you around here stop me from making stupid mistakes anyway kind of like we have back at the base uh the central B area the Bome what if we did something where it kind of just increases as it go goes out so it

Kind of builds its way up this hill so that’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 let’s start with five and see what it looks like and I’m trusting you that this will look good this was your idea after all so let’s see if I go around and just do something

Like this well actually hold on indecision what if we did two little gentler incline more like that yeah I think I like the gentler incline there are so okay maybe tomorrow or sometime we go under here there are so many mob noises and I know it’s just

That Lush cave it’s got to be I’m actually getting flashbacks of doing the arena too cuz I’m pretty sure we did something like this with the arena in some areas we’re going to have to clear out some of the snow cuz it doesn’t quite fit my design aesthetic but don’t

Worry I’m keeping it all because we might want to add some snow in other areas ooh it’s starting to snow look at that we’re probably going to have to end up getting rid of a lot of this but but part of this is going to look really

Cool like when I’ve actually got a structure here once that gets covered I think it’s going to look really cool until then it’s kind of just a nuisance did anybody bring hot cocoa cuz I’m kind of feeling the need for some right now or something a bit stronger perhaps no

No we’ve got work to do I kind of think in areas like this where it does run into like the mountain proper it’s actually hitting Stone that’s where we can stop almost like it’s just blended into it area is where it’s open sure we can keep going a little bit but this is

Just going to blend right into the the side of the Hill yeah that snow really did a number on this cuz I did a lot of work I expanded a lot but it’s kind of hard to tell get off of my clean area snow has no manners fortunately the snow

Did not count on meeting the legendary Scoopy dooo vanquisher of snow and there we go now we’ve just got lots of rice balls or something laying around here but we can take care of that as well maybe I should keep some of these snowballs and we could have a snowball

Fight with the mobs that I keep hearing okay that got me quite a bit of snow almost four Stacks so that’s fun and yeah let’s take these snowballs and go uh mess with these jocks that I’m hearing underground call me a nerd will you this is what I’m thinking I think

We’re probably hearing most of the noise cuz that’s where we’re building like right up there which means you’re the one making all that noise get out of here I also see an axel awesome yeah I see you nerds get out of here snowball fight oh how jovial I’m using snowballs

He’s using arrows seems fair but I mean if that’s the way you want to play it then sure we can do that and I only have lanterns on me didn’t really think about that but we’ll just fancy light up the area oh come on that went right through

You also let me know I can’t remember is the uh Stone emerald ore more rare or is it the Deep slate either way we’re going to we’re going to take it with us let’s keep dropping Tor or not torches dropping lanterns around here hopefully that helps with all the noise this thing

Goes down quite aways yeah jeez look at that goes all the way down just drop a lantern here drop one there and it keeps going underwater but that might be the end of it hopefully that helps Mr Axel and you can have this cave back to yourself with no more mobs but something

Tells me there’s probably more caves that we did not see under here but we’ll listen now that we’re up here and see if that uh that keeps happening maybe we solve the problem I don’t know nope we didn’t solve the problem I still hear it

This is going to drive me nuts okay it’s coming from over here let’s see if we can follow the rainbow and figure out where this is coming from okay what’s going on here oh jeez I think we’re getting close it’s getting louder whoa Hello friends you’ve been making a lot

Of noise and it’s super annoying noisy neighbors oh and you think you’re so fancy with your golden armor yeah I uh probably should have brought more than three lanterns with me hey another emerald ore what do you know I mean I’ll take it why not we are going to have to

Come back uh with more lighting implements because this just keeps going don’t worry I’ll be back you don’t have to all just rush me at once Hello Goodbye there’s more Emerald down there jeez plenty full where we are all right let’s go grab some more uh things to

Light up down down here and then oh two in here as well that’s uh not bad ooh did you just give me a music disc over there get back get back I think you did look at where’d it go I could have swore that guy got me a music disc ow rude

Okay I did just have an idea look at what’s all around us sometimes I just got to use the old Noggin hello okay that should do the trick sticks and coal can’t break my bones no that doesn’t work okay now we can more thoroughly light the area up and no

Longer have to hear those noises every single day boom okay excuse you keep it going keep it going oh there was a music disc I knew it C418 far very nice can I pick you up with silk touch uh no I need shears well speaking of using the nogin

I don’t know if I have any glow Lykan yet that might be something kind of cool to have there’s no reason we can’t just do this make a furnace hook up the iron I just found grab two of those make ourselves some shears and grab you which

I think I why isn’t that working the way I think it should do I have to do that there we go Cool Glow lien and I think you can duplicate that with bone meal all right that’s enough of that actually hold on just so happens that I’ve got

Plenty of bone meal so what happens if I were to put you there and bone meal you you yeah it does so I mean I could potentially use this for the the build we’re doing it came to me in a dream all right well that was a fun little

Distraction but we should probably get back to work and now that that’s all lit up we can just do one of these cover it back up and bingo no more mob noises all right I got distracted but I think what we were doing was just finishing this up

I essentially want the Deep slate to go out till it touches a wall somewhere and then we can start working on the structure actually the farm we’re going to start working on the farm first you might want to get out of there goat if you hang around too long you’re probably

Going to end up covered up and I don’t want that nobody oh he heard me okay I haven’t really looked at this from a distance yet I’m kind of just trusting that it’ll look good but let’s take a quick look okay interesting I don’t dislike it and I think it’ll look better

Once we have structures in here cuz right now it’s my eyes are looking for a perfect circle or as perfect as you can get in Minecraft ow hey that no mind citizen or goat anyway yeah because of that I think when we start building other things and filling things in it’s

Just all going to blend together I’m I’m confident in that it’s going to work out don’t worry I do think we’re going to have to pick a maximum height as it were because if I just kept going up we’re going to hit the wall so I think this is

Where we’ll say that’s it that’s as high as we’re going to go on any level and then from there we can just flatten it out and fill it in just like that there we go couple more spots and then we’ll be done check it out under here citizens

This is the hidden realm of torches and and lamps that’s where the elves live no I’m good I’m good I’m I’m still mostly saying we’re just we’re only losing it a little bit yeah it’s it’s taking a little bit longer than I thought it would to fill this in I think that was

It right there I think we’re done Oho boy let’s go take a look okay so ooh with that lighting it actually looks really cool it almost looks like we dug into like obsidian or something down there ooh nice so it just depends on what kind of lighting you you’ve got

Essentially but yeah as you can see it’s like we flattened the area out a little bit but left it natural it’s still anytime it runs into where there was snow or Mountain we just kind of cut it off so it still looks very natural but it’s a much more buildable surface now

So with what we’ve got I think that’s pretty good spacewise because we can build on this I’m thinking the farm goes in the circle in the center oh wow it just shifted dramatically um yeah Farm in the center and then we can build out structures pretty much anywhere within

The wall so I think we’ve actually got quite a lot of space to work with here so maybe in the morning we go and uh take our shulker boxes change out the materials that we have and then we could start working on the next phase anyway

Good night okay we cleaned up a little bit let’s bring these back to the base I might even get a uh an additional shulker box just so we’re all set I will leave you here and yeah I think the next step is going to be probably some wood

To lay out the foundations and then we can go from there onward yeah see what I mean with this uh bee habitat down there it’s almost like I have a design aesthetic and I just kind of go with it but there’s no harm in that I think

That’s fine and while we’re here I could use some more golden carrots so maybe you’d like to help me out with that oo nice just over one stack so once again we need to stock up on the materials that I’m going to need for for the farm

That I want to work on and you know what let’s take a run through the tree farm I know it looks like there’s a lot in here but actually the ones that I want to use are pretty low and it’s an opportunity to plant our mangrove trees as well yep

All right let’s go take a run through that oh it looks so nice but unfortunately I need wood don’t worry anything we chop down we’re going to replant and in fact we don’t have to do the whole thing I know I need I or I

Don’t don’t need I I want to use uh dark oak saplings not the saplings I want to use dark oak logs obviously oh hey buddies I haven’t seen you all video I haven’t been over here where are they let’s see aha Caesar you’re still alive Brutus hasn’t taken you out yet where is

Brutus oh there you are he’s just watching him he’s watching Caesar soon and no I don’t I don’t mean you’re totally safe I I didn’t mean to say anything you’re yeah see you’re the best of friends he doesn’t know what’s going to happen so we’ll just leave them to their own

Devices um we are a bit short on uh space over here in the old tree farm so I think maybe we get rid of the jungle trees which I can’t because they’re too large there we go that frees up a ton of space and then let’s get rid of a couple

Of you because I kind of think uh for the wood aspect of the build I like to use the mangrove as well as dark oak and I don’t know how Mangrove works I’m not sure if we can plant four if that’s going to do anything but we are going to

Try there we go so we’ll leave those back here and then let’s clear a little extra space and do a couple more dark oak there we go then we’ll come back every once in a while and just Harvest everything here okay so now we’ll use

The new shulker box for all of the wood elements and I also kind of forgot we were supposed to be gathering things for the farm as well so let’s do that luckily I’ve got tons of iron in here cuz it turns out like most Farms it requires lots of Hoppers as well as

Hopper mine carts I may actually need one more uh shulker but that’s why they’re there really wish the mine carts or the uh the hopper mine carts could stack but there we are okay next up we do have to do a bit of trading and that

Is for both glass it’s a nice little boost to heal up my uh tools while we’re at it there we go all healed up nice and then finally way down at the end I also need some bows and I’ll have to come back because this is not enough why do

You need bows you ask well I was about to show you but am I just completely out of cobblestone have I been getting too much Stone well that’s embarrassing six Cobblestone to my name all right all reliable don’t feel like going down into the the mine or you know what I was just

About to run down here and get a bunch but I was not really thinking because obviously I could just do this you’re not using silk touch gives you cobblestone as well imagine that all right hopefully that’s enough because I need to make dispensers which of course

Take a Bow I also need observers which luckily we’ve got the nether quartz for and I was wrong I’m going to need more Cobblestone the legionary’s work is never done okay six six more bows and then I think we’ll be good there we go thank you

Sir okay I think I have all that I need nope I lied we’re going to need some of this too and we’re also going to need some of this oh wait hold on before I do the rest of this we’re about to address one of the most commented things I have

Ever gotten on this world in my white shulker box we have Cleopatra my hoe I have gotten about eight gazillion comments saying you know you can put fortune on a hoe and it’ll give you additional stuff additional drops well finally after all that time did I I only

Brought one book one more one more book as I was saying after all that time we’re going to get ourselves a couple Fortune 2 books combine those for fortune 3 and add fortune 3 to Cleopatra the people have spoken all right so 6 months of reminders later there you go go using

Fortune on my crops see I did it you don’t have to comment it anymore no I appreciate it it’s just funny when like literally hundreds of people suggest the same thing I do appreciate it citizens there we go replanted and we’ve got some extra seeds for the composter now boop

Boop boop okay back into the box with you Cleopatra got plenty of Wheat and what is this we got uh six shulker boxes that we need to carry with us now but it’s worth it fewer trips heading back and finally cuz we’re going to need to do it eventually rather than flying back

I have to stop and appreciate that every time that looks so cool yeah instead of flying back we get to pass our criminal chickens and say hi to the Sheep because if you haven’t guessed yet we are building a wool farm that was one of the

Things that I ran out of so often when we were uh building the arena I wanted to build banners and stuff and we just kept running out so I am going to make a farm that has every different color of sheep and it will automatically or automagically Shear them and collect

Wool for me so technically I only need two but let’s just let a couple out a few and NOP no no no no come on come on come on come on get get get out of the way get get out of the way okay now any

That got out you are coming with me don’t you be criminals too like the chickens yeah I think I got them all did I get them all let’s find out come out here nope I see one I missed back there yeah you come on and then I broke some

Leads oh boy this is fun now do I have them all think I do so yeah we could have just uh brought two there and bred them to get as many as we need but let’s see 1 2 3 seven here so it’s just going

To cut down on the amount of time that we need to use and yeah I’m going to have to collect a lot of dyes uh to change the color of their wool but fun stuff uh we have to walk all the way to the uh the snow biome and just as a

Reminder to all you uh you sheep out here I do only need two of you so if anybody misbehaves much like an iron golem you are expendable so bear that in mind as we uh make the trip ooh this is going to be rough you’re going to just

Go right into the water aren’t you and join all of the Iron Golem party down there ah we’re good there we go yeah you’re the only well- behaved one lunchbox I always know I can count on you I hope I can remember how to get there easy when you’re flying not so

Easy when you’re cting seven sheep on leads we did it for the frogs though so it should be just about the same there’s a sight to behold look at that it’s raining great and that means it should be snowing back at the uh the snow area which means everything’s getting covered

Again oh yeah I forgot there’s a bunch of these guys uh whoa that’s a thunderstorm okay okay okay where’s my bed I left it at the place didn’t I oh I’ve got to back up okay nighty night everybody that scared me I actually saw the lightning

I didn’t want to see the lightning okay crisis averted uh let’s keep moving I guess the important question is can we get through here without upsetting any of the drown particularly any that have Trident but at the same time the Sheep are much more Expendable so not as

Worried and so far it’s smooth sailing or smooth swimming smooth waiting are you boys going to give me trouble yeah you are okay okay not so bad man my computer does really not like me being in this water it is choking oh okay we got a trimo let’s just knock that right

Off did I already go past it are you guys going to be able to climb up here or uh not really kind of this could be worse actually and I also shouldn’t say that saying that summons the worse uh we did lose a couple we’ve only got five

Now that doesn’t bother me or four we’ve got four don’t really want to lose the leads though so maybe quick stop to make a fence all right you guys stay here I got to go get those leads they’re more valuable than the uh the Sheep yep there

They are okay still missing one I don’t know where that one went ooh wait there’s leads down there that was not leads that was rotten flesh okay all right whatever uh you come with me and you come with me pretty sure I’m still missing some leads but it is what it is

Let’s uh try this again oh boy this is going to be fun you know what I think we’re just going to choppy boy our way through here we’re going to need the dark oak anyway it actually kind of works out okay same thing let’s see if

You can go up elevation okay we are at least to snow level and I don’t see the path that we used for the frogs oh great I am going to do the best I can to make sure they don’t succumb to powdered snow but no promises and this is all going to

Have to go eventually cuz it doesn’t really look that natural and I’ve only got three sheep I’m approaching the critical level and I think I’m down to two sheep all right okay I see my wall we’re almost there man what a pain look at that okay

Come on in hopefully this was worth it I am going to go back and see if we could uh clean up some of what we dropped if nothing else just for the leads but in the meantime you two hang out right here I’m going to go see if I can get all

Your friends all right where did I lose people well sheep people are sheep people nah okay there’s one but what did you do with my lead cuz honestly I don’t care that much about you I can breed the ones I have up there I lost like 10

Leads on the way here uh I don’t know I guess we just got to figure out the whole uh slime chunk situation and then we can make as many leads as we want I guess we just make a little fence up there and start breeding the two that we

Have I think I need 16 total would have been easier to start with seven but you know all righty so let’s get set up again over here and please don’t fight with with the goats okay this should do the trick obviously this is temporary come on come on get inside there just

Need a space where we can make 16 of you there we go and no time like the present to begin I will take my leads back please there we go all right so we’ll start working on the frame of everything just so I kind of have an idea of how

It’s going to be late out and as we’re doing that I’ll be sure to keep moving with the Sheep so we get as many as we need all right so on that note one thing I didn’t think about is an entrance if you want to call it that so for example

Our base is off in that direction so do we want to just kind of fly into the wall every single time or should it have a gate leading into it I think that could always be added later so maybe I I don’t worry about that yet I’m just

Thinking about the orientation of the the structure I don’t know that it matters that much why don’t we just start marking things out and I’ll see how I feel about it so what if we did something like this hey what are you doing down there reminding me that I

Forgot torches right there are you I guess I appreciate it this doesn’t have a whole lot of Rhyme or Reason to it yet I’m just thinking about how this might go I’m also kind of trying to think of the design elements and how I want all

Of this to go cuz I’d like it if it was a blend of the stone brick walls the planks the logs and just adding a lot of detail as we go because I think the more we can do where it’s things that aren’t just a full block like I don’t want to

Use full blocks the whole way around things like walls maybe trap doors I feel like that’ll make it more visually interesting I think what I’ll do let’s connect the walls the way I’m thinking they’ll probably go and then I’ll have an idea of the base structure there’s

Going to be more added to it like I I want just kind of a base structure then there’s going to be towers and oh just you waited it’s it’s going to look great at least I really hope so thinking if we alternate by doing three of the planks

And then go back to the walls we can have that as a pattern throughout but it also gives us room if I would like to put Windows in the middle for example so we’re going to try that just on one section and see how it turns out sun is

Not helping me get a good view of this just trying to see what the design looks like a little bit and I think we might have to wait till morning okay so that’s part of it I think that’s looking okay okay the two different uh parts of this

One going this way is going to be at a let’s call it a higher elevation or it’s going to be taller this one that’s a bit wider in the middle is going to be shorter and intersect with it that probably makes no sense whatsoever but

Once I start uh building it up higher on all the sides you’ll you’ll start to see what I mean but before I get too far I do want all of these uh sheep available cuz I’d like to make sure that it actually fits in here I think it will

But I’m not 100% sure on that so I think we might have to take a pause to get the amount of sheep we need and at least get them set up where they’re going to go and we’re up to six when you two grow up

And maybe we can help with that then we should be able to speed this process up actually while we’re waiting there is one thing I want to check just to see how it’ll look if I did want to do windows how would it look if I did maybe

Something like that um I don’t know that also looks a bit odd just to make sure it’s not the uh the Frog Lights making me think that how’s that I might like that a little bit better but I still think there’s something weird going on

Here yeah I think it has to be more like recessed into there something more like that so maybe as it gets taller we’ll have more room to play with so for now we’re just going to leave it with the intent that we’re going to be changing some things around once we have more

Room you slowpokes ready for another round oh somebody is actually let’s run home really real quick I’m just going to grab a ton of Wheat and we’re going to what what I was thinking in my head doesn’t sound right I was going to say we were going to force feed all the

Children so they grow up faster that is technically what we’re going to do man it is bright I can’t see a thing shaders giveth and the shaders taketh away yeah we got a ton in here actually got a ton right there so if this doesn’t do the

Trick I don’t know what will all right who’s ready for the wheat eating contest there we go that is certainly helping eat up eat up all right we shall continue in the morning nothing says welcome to Rome like just eating wheat nonstop until you about triple in size

There we go I think that’s all of them grown up now who’s ready to make more babies all right you’re next little fella where do we at by the way 1 two we’re at 10 so we’re getting pretty close in fact let’s let’s let them all

Kind of recharge uh if you know what I mean and plan out how this thing is going to be laid out and if it’s 16 we should have four on each wall here here and four on each wall over there and just for demonstration purposes um do I

Like that or no I think it should be moved over one there we go so it’s even there and that should be plenty of room actually one thing I would like to do is uh have the Sheep a little bit higher up cuz I think the collection chest is

Going to be two or three blocks below the sheep and I don’t want it too low down here so if we say each one of these will be kind of a wall for where the Sheep will be in the middle then obviously they’re going to have to stand

On uh grass and I don’t ever want to run out of grass I don’t want them you know it needs a place for it to grow in and I think it can go diagonally so maybe if we fill the whole back area then we’ll be safe kind of like that o actually you

Know what uh there needs to be Redstone behind the dispenser which I think is going to be right here so that’s not going to work okay round two everything gets moved up one block ooh this is going to be narrow well this is kind of

Why I tested it because I mean if we duplicating it on both sides then this is going to be the walkway and that’s kind of just where the chests are going to be and come to think of it there’s going to be more glass in front of them

So yeah this isn’t going to work oh boy one of these walls has to move okay well that’s why we do this uh before the entire thing is built because that would be rough if uh we had to redo it at that point okay so if currently the way it

Would be set up they’d be touching then I want to move the wall what let’s say three blocks because then that’s a block on each side for a chest and a block down the middle to walk on maybe we do five just to be safe which means the new

One of uh this one anyway should end out there this can go and that should give us the space we need okay well citizens I’m going to move a wall fun stuff I will check in in a few once that’s done all right we’re starting to look better

Things are looking roomier in here it actually ended up working better for the design anyway things fit a little bit better so not too bad and now we should have plenty of space for example if we repeat this over on this side there we go so now instead of touching they are

Quite far away gives us space for closing these up having a chest in the ground and a walkway in the middle much better also you should all be quite ready and I think that should get us the amount we need maybe I don’t remember however now that these are set up I

Think we can go through and uh put in the rest of the things we need for the farm then we can start moving some of the sheep in and yeah nearly done with that actually or the hard part is over I should say and by the way observers are

Something I definitely don’t understand so I’m just following the tutorial step by step cuz I am there’s no way I’d get this right if I was just trying to figure it out as always I’ll put the uh the link for this tutorial in the description if you’d like to try this

Yourself so there’s one example of where the chest is going to be with a hopper leading into it now I just have to do that on all of these there we go and now each of the Hoppers gets a minecart rail on top followed by a hopper Minecart

Here we go then we can cover that back up and maybe we’ll do something like this to kind of cover up the mechanical inner workings of this thing and we can cover up the holes as well this is really just so we can when we need to we

Can open this up get into the chest grab some wool and then we should be able to put a dispenser on top of each of these and then if we grab ourselves a few shears can put one of those in each dispenser and when we’re finished I’ll

Just fill this whole thing with shears I’m just kind of wanting to test it right now then we can finish up with the call it a cage I suppose luxury apartment maybe kind of forgot we were going to have to put glass here too does that look a little bit weird hanging off

Like that I think it does we might do something different with where that stair is but for now this might be a bit tricky I just want one sheep to test with okay and we got two babies wonderful well might be easier to put the baby ones in here I don’t know just

Want one of you in there no no no no no no no no no no no come on come on get in the hole yep yep yep yep yep and and they’re just going right back in okay let’s try again maybe an adult this time there we go and two babies whatever are

You going to be easier to work with yeah I think you are no now I don’t want the babies in here back up back up okay babies come back you stay out you go in this is more difficult than it should be there okay we got one and let’s start

With the first one just F no yeah okay so if I do that then just gently push you in there oh come on there we go okay and we only have to to do that 16 times at least it’s not as bad as villagers anyway though I think this is safe uh

For grass so maybe if I replace this one with a grass block it’ll grow throughout the whole thing and you won’t be able to eat it all and just you know stop it from growing more and I don’t currently have enough grass blocks but once they

Grow I can grab myself some more so let’s just replace you and hope that that grows through the whole thing actually I know what we can do when uh we get one color of each wool we can replace this block with uh that piece of

Wool just as a indicator of what it I mean obviously the Sheep is going to be that colored but once it’s sheared maybe we can’t tell I don’t remember but that’s just I think that’ll be a good uh design Choice okay so all that’s left is

To finish this uh same design on all the four areas that I need it move in all of the sheep and then we can go collect all of the various dyes that we’ll need but yeah I think we’ll be in business we’re nearly there I keep saying that that I

Know it’s going to take a while to finish all of this well no time like the present starting to get this down to a science and hey I didn’t intend for this to start yet but we just got a proof of concept it works all right nice I guess

We’re going to you know at least get some white wool before the all the Sheep are dyed the colors that I intend still pretty cool that it works hey that’s awesome I don’t know why I didn’t think about that but yeah of course it’s going

To work every time the Sheep uh eats the grass The Observer under there notices that change I think that’s how it works and then that activates the dispenser which somehow is able to operate shears on an entire sheep quite neatly and when that falls to the ground it’s picked up

By the hopper mine cart and the hopper beneath which goes into the chest so pretty cool just worked again very nice okay back to it who’s next all right in you go oh you’re going to be difficult huh go on go on there we go and after

You go in we can get the last one and then count how many we have which basically just means how many more we need to get no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no too many too many too many oh great I still have leads

Somewhere all right you too can stay over here don’t eat all of my see that they were trying to eat the grass that they’re not supposed to eat last one there we go and we’re halfway done woo 3 4 5 6 7 we only need one more who would

Like to facilitate that for me there we go now we have exactly enough I think think I do think that we’re going to have to get rid of this pen just so I can actually build the rest of it so instead we are going to capture all the

Sheep on leads and just put them all right here then we can tear down the fence and we should be good to go I don’t know if I got them all but we’re about to find out there we go all right did I get all of you I think so

Otherwise they’d be like just rushing me right now okay so now all that’s left is building this other side which I realized is a bit uneven so I might have to make some alterations over here but that shouldn’t be a problem that should be fine yep just had to remove a little

Bit over here but I think that’ll work fortunately by now I kind of know what I’m doing so it’s not like I have to rewatch the tutorial every time I’ve kind of got the idea of it now I say that until I realize it doesn’t work

After I have all the sheep in I do like how all of these Have Faces like this one’s just not amused and this guy is just overly excited oh boy what are we going to do today Observer the same thing we do every day we’re going to sit

Here and watch sheep boy howdy this is what happens when you keep me by myself for too long I’m blaming you citizen this is one of the last times we’ll see the secret underground portion of this area and while it’s absolutely beautiful down there I think we’ll appreciate this

A little bit more when we’re done all right now we just have to get the sheep in and I am calling this thing done aside from the die I have to add obviously and any sort of decorating we want to do okay it’s not almost done

Fine come on guys this is I I’ve already claimed this land for Rome you standing there and just pointing your little pop guns at me isn’t going to do anything can’t catch a break with these guys I do feel kind of bad when I let one of them

Off the lead cuz then the rest freak out that they can’t get any closer to get it the wheat your time will come don’t worry ooh they might be upsetting the goat over there what are you going to do guys go on hit him goat for Rome maybe I

Can start something with uh all of them over there ooh I hit one that’s not the one I was aiming for but I got him what about you right there looking smug can we we get you yes we can nice ooh they didn’t like that what you you better not

Hit my sheep what I’d really like is if you guys could just take out the one no other way I want the banner one to be the one that you guys take out for me ow yep hit him hit him come on okay I need some help from you back there guy yep

Keep shooting keep shooting there we go they better not be hitting the Sheep behind me keep getting them keep getting them we can do this together come on I know you’ve had aspirations of being Banner guy back there take him out and it could all be yours oh no that’s so

Unfortunate and I was lying about you being the new Banner guy now I’m afraid the uh the top dog is gone which means you two have no one to protect you you should have joined Rome when you had the chance well I hope it was worth it anyway back to our important business

Only four left uh to get into their spots hey and the last baby just grew up so we are in solid shape in you go there we are oh I missed one oh no never mind okay all right down to the last one and I can’t say I’m going to miss this all

Righty there we go it’s been fun looking forward to not having to do that again ooh it’s snowing is that why this grass isn’t growing I don’t think this will be a problem but while we go look for all of the dye that I’m going to need why

Don’t we just cover all of them up whoops sure it would be fine but just in case we’re going to just put a little cover over this there we go now they just got a little bit of protection from the weather just in case and yeah I

Grant you when it snows now it looks pretty dreary around here however when this thing is done and we’ve got all the lighting in and a couple campfires things like that I think it’s really going to add to the effect and it’s going to look nice when it snows right

Now not so much but it will be patient citizen don’t you worry so what I’m going to do we’re going to leave all this stuff here and then we are going to go and collect uh 15 different types of dye and I really can’t see a thing we’re

At least going to light this up a little bit is it nighttime did you come to remind me it was bedtime very kind of you all right so yeah give me one second we’re going to take a little nap okay that’s better now we can smell those

Bones burning anyway yeah we’re going to um go find the 15 different dies that we need for our sheep and that is of course because we want to keep one uh White so we have white wool oh hey Fancy Pants you think you’re cool cuz you’ve uh got

Your armor and you’re not burning in the sun this is a restricted area however so I’m afraid we’re going to have to ask you all to clear out all right that’s much better okay so I have a sneaking suspicion that we probably have a good chunk of the dies available back at the

Base so let’s go take a quick peek and see how many are left and that’ll be the ones that we need to find I’m losing my bearings this way now this is interesting hello friend you must have heard that I lost a lot of leads oh

Interesting I mean he has red dye but I know that I have red dye available with beetroots so that’s not helpful and like I said I’m I’m missing a lot of uh leads from all the different things I had to trans Port over there um and I do

Already have quite a few llamas he’s trying to run away he knows what’s going to happen yeah take a look at this axe it’s pretty cool isn’t it’s a netherite it’s really oh sorry involuntary I got muscle spasm ow can I make a llama hit

An iron golem a can and it’s going to take it out all right same thing uh don’t shoot that spit near the Iron Golem that’s a mistake uhoh hey you have a use what do you know oh that was fun but yeah let’s uh do what we’re actually supposed to be doing

Okay now looking through here I think this is going to make it pretty easy I know we can get some dye from some of these things wait I don’t need white dye and I don’t know what does what so we are just going to grab one of each so we

Can test all of these out we also have our beetroots over here so just by grabbing a couple things what is that going to get us oh I didn’t need the beetroot that gives me red dye alium is going to give me magenta oxide Daisy is light gray we’ve already got yellow the

Azure bluette is also like gray so I don’t need that one cornflour of course for blue lily of the valley is white and we do not need that one lilac for magenta we already have getting a lot of doubles here and red we already have so

That got us uh five out of the 15 so let’s put these away and then uh let’s see I know uh um do I have any I do ink sacks so that’s our black Dy but I think I need a couple of those because I

Believe if we do black dye and white dye we get gray dye we have light gray we don’t have gray so we’ll do that now let’s go after uh Brown Hold on getting low on Rockets that’s a little bit better there we go and brown should be fairly straightforward if we were just

To head right over here cuz we should be able to find some cocoa beans hello which I believe if we do that will give us Brown dye beautiful now next up is orange which is a bit more difficult cuz that we need an orange tulip and I don’t

Know that we’ve ever gotten any of those uh don’t think so and I also don’t think a carrot would work for that will it uh no it will not so um I believe it’s off in this direction that there is a big plains biome and a bunch of Meadows and

Stuff hold on I did not bring a bed I want to be able to do this in daytime soon we can make every color bed any color you can think of Citizen how exciting okay brand spanking new day keep your eyes peeled citizen we are on the lookout for anything orange orang

I’m pretty sure this is where the uh the big old planes biome was in this Direction that’s what I get for not going into this world for 6 months I lose track of things this looks promising also I didn’t actually look uh look it up where you could find orange

Tulips so I’m just guessing that they would be somewhere like this yeah there’s the raid farm so this is what I was thinking of H are any of you orange doesn’t look like it I’m thinking Let’s uh let’s save time let’s look it up do they actually grow in ples biomes or not

Okay so they can appear in plaines biomes it’s just a bit more rare or flower fields or Meadows sunflower fields something like that so we’ll keep looking here a little bit but then I might head to the other side of the Water by our base cuz I know there’s

More planes over there ooh this is kind of cool wow look at that mental note citizens this I don’t know what it would be but this would be a cool place to build something not sure what just really like the way this generated all right let’s grab more rockets and then

We’ll head to the other side and see if we can find him over there whoa did we find this before I think we found this before this is also nuts this this world generation is just insane whoa okay didn’t mean it found some sunflowers which I think we have just in case yeah

We’ we’ve got those ooh this looks promising ooh is that what I think it is hello orange tulips nice we’ll grab some extra just in case looks like I’ve never found uh red tulips before it didn’t say that when I picked up the orange tulips

So you know what I bet we found them maybe they’re like in the bee habitat I prob had some back at the base somewhere oh well we got more now okay so think we’ve got what we need and just to be sure look at that orange dye nice all

Right let’s head back out of curiosity um yeah look at that right there we had them okay but since I’m here look bees I brought you some new stuff please don’t rush me I’m just trying to plant a couple new things there we go looking better can’t forget

To take care of our bees can’t forget to take care of our base either okay next up next we’ll work on the greens which one we can use a cactus did I ever find Sea pickles or was that just in my ocean only world you are seriously

It was like 2 days ago when your uh your friend was here ooh okay I mean I don’t have pink yet hold on I might have been able to get that anyway but let’s be safe it’s kind of uh good timing I guess you’re necessary come here I will take a

Few of these just in case and yes I suppose that means you get to live I mean not that I would do anything to change that normally it’s just uh Jupiter will look favorably upon you for helping Rome okay well that knocks one out for us where’d your llamas go and

Okay they’re over here and they dropped leads for me I didn’t even have to do anything wow thanks gives me pink Dy and leads all for free appreciate it but I’m getting distracted we need to throw throw the cactus into the furnace or schmelter and that gets our green dye

Now I need a sea pickle and did we okay that’s glow stone I thought we lit up this oh we did look at that I only need one look at the memory on Legion can you believe I remembered I put those there and then we should be able to throw that

In here as well which gives us our lime dye next one I think we can get if we just put a green and a blue which which is why I made two of those yep cyan very nice now there is a light blue we have blue but there’s a light blue and that

Comes from a blue orchid which I just looked up and that apparently is exclusive to swamp biomes but what we found before was a mangrove swamp I don’t think we’ve ever found that one wonder if you can craft it like white dye and blue dye oh you can you can get

Light blue that way okay nice and easy now give me my blue back there we we go now that was much easier I think we only have one left and actually this one’s going to be easy as well it’s just red and blue dye mixed together so extra red

Extra blue put those together and we get purple awesome look at US citizen we got all wait hold on 1 2 3 4 yep that’s 15 uh which obviously minus the white that’ll make 16 or plus the white whatever that could have been much much

Harder we are now all set to go first dye all of the sheep and then the last thing is we need to put a ton of shears into those dispensers so that it’s going to run for quite a long time and fill up on all that wool for us hello sheep

Let’s go ahead and remove all your coverings there we go one thing though I’m a bit worried that this grass doesn’t appear to be spreading very well I guess that one is H okay they both are I just last time I was here I didn’t

Think it was but it’s working on it I guess we could always grab one of you and replace it over here just so we could start it from two different angles and same thing over there there we go should pick up the pace but let’s get

Started with this and I I think this is kind of organized in a way that makes sense uh chromatically or whatever you want to say so if we start with the light gray uh let’s say we start here and then wrap our way around so we’ve

Got white and we go to light gray followed by gray then black you kind of get the idea here over to Brown followed by red and orange go on to the yellow this kind of looks funny and I don’t know why you are our lime sheep followed

By the green cyan and light blue are you tired of me naming colors yet well you’re going to have to put up with four more we’ve got the blue purple magenta and finally the pink look at US citizen we have every color of sheep I guess except for rainbow maybe that’s

Something to do but once we throw the shears in we are going to have ourselves a wool Farm running at full capacity speaking of let’s grab all of this and don’t worry I won’t make you watch this whole process but really all I’m going

To do is make a ton of shears and fill up each one of these dispensers all the way with shears and that’s going to ensure that this can run for a while before the durability runs out and that way we shouldn’t have to do this very

Often I hope I don’t run out of iron though this is quite a bit are you the last one I think you’re the last one three more there we go just to double check think we already did over here yep so they are all completely full on

Shears you can see it’s already working so if we look in here we’ve got our green wool nice so good thing about doing this first is we’re going to be spending a lot of time still completing all of the builds around here which means that entire time our sheep are

Going to be making wool for us uh why didn’t that one pick up there is no no Hopper mine cart down there what happened there’s none over there either did I forget this entire one okay I didn’t put any Hopper mine carts this entire side okay are they still in here

Yeah well good thing to notice now rather than later and I think we can probably manage to do this from here I hope is that going to roll off if it’s facing that direction I don’t think so I’m also noticing that a lot of these have snow in with the Sheep so we’ll

Probably need to get rid of that just to be safe so the grass can grow and then we will probably cover them back up just so that doesn’t happen again for instance our Brown sheep oh come on my my shovel is too powerful ow well this is a problem um oh

Boy oh why do I do this to myself give me a minute I can fix this see look at that easy okay but let’s not do that again that wasn’t you know overly fun so instead of a shovel can I just oh sorry do that instead okay there we go don’t

Hit the don’t hit the Sheep there we go just need to clear out all the snow and then get a covering on this this might change eventually but for now let’s just do something like this and then because we’re oh so fancy we can put frog lights

Behind here to light it up look at that so cool okay same thing all the way around ooh wait a minute is that affecting the Redstone or what’s happening with that think it’s fine we we’ll keep an eye on it I think this does affect the Redstone if you watch

This one here when I place that it lights up and it doesn’t go away so we might have to rethink this what if I put you up top instead doesn’t look like that’s affecting it so I think that’ll be okay okay there we go now they’re all covered up they’re happy they’re healthy

Everything’s lit up the grass is growing so that’s good and I think we’re in good shape now before we move on with the structure I do want want to take a look at the at the exterior walls I kind of have an idea or it’s we we’ve already

Talked about it the whole Frog Light thing I want to keep moving with that and just see how it looks when it’s in more places okay so where did we already start working on this there you are so that’s if they’re hanging down I was

Thinking as well if we can get up on the wall okay so yeah if they’re hanging down they’re like that what if um what if we had something like this on top oh I just picked it random and I got the same color my first instinct is that

Might be too busy but maybe alternating in some way let’s start by doing the ones that are hanging and we’ll just do it across this front area to see how that looks then I’ll think about something like that and where it might fit in all right so I just did this down

Along the front of the wall so I think let’s take a fly out and see what that looks like we should probably also check it at night just to be sure but that’s what we’re looking like so far I have to say it does look quite festive I do like

Though the the accent of the black coloring at the top so it’s the mix of stone and deep slate I think there’s room to do a little bit more up here but first off I think we’ll want to repeat this all the way around or at least get

The uh the walls in I do like that accent and I think we also ran out of deep slate so maybe a a trip back to the base grab some deep slate and yeah I think I’ll go around the entire wall and and do this it’s worth doing I think

It’s going to be a nice accent and especially at night we’ll take a look at night and double check but I think it’s going to look good back we go I’m dumb I didn’t bring a shocker box with me yeah I don’t have enough for more and these

Are full of sand stuff eh we can drop it all off over here there we go all moved over this is now empty um I do have some let’s just bring some of this stuff that we have cuz I think I’ll probably get use out of it and that might save us a

Trip later on I had some in here what are you doing in the wrong chest okay there we go feeling much better about that and let’s wait for it to get darker that way when we fly back we can take a look at the wall at night ah sunset at

Legion Harbor it’s you right in the fields doesn’t it yep me too all right glad we had that moment together let’s fly back hopefully it renders in quickly enough ooh nice it kind of slowly came into view that is very cool look at that that’s going to great when it’s wrapping

All the way around all right we can get started on that in the morning no thank you no I I don’t want any Girl Scout cookies right now thank you they’ll find you anywhere okay that should be a good start so let’s wrap all the way around

And do this pattern just every once in a while a uh deep slate brick uh yeah deep slate brick block and then the Deep slate tile walls we’ll just wrap it all the way around then we can come by for a second pass and do the frog lights and

Then I think we’ll be looking good some areas we might not need it like this for example um well maybe that might be a good way to keep mobs from spawning outside the walls so maybe we do just go ahead and take care of that everywhere also an opportunity over here to have

The Frog lights hang much lower maybe even do multiple of them so they go down beneath into that cave that might be neat okay we’re done with that part now we just have to wrap around with the walls and we should be good there we go

Now all the way around we have the Deep slate accents so you can kind of see that here but also all the way around we’ve got it now and all we need to do is go through and add the Frog lights but I like that it adds a lot just doing

Those walls in some areas I don’t think it makes sense to use the fence or chains at all cuz there’s just not any space here but we can still throw the Frog Light there and I think it’ll still work this is a bit precarious there we go we’ve got the

Space so we’re going to double up on those and then clean up our mess and see what all of this looks like luckily I think it’s almost night so it should be a good view we can take a quick look while we’re here at that there you go

Little bit busier there but that’s okay it’s hanging over the cave then the rest all just has different lengths of Frog Light either hanging from chain or directly attached to the fence or just directly attached to the wall and if I were to fly up you can see that that go

Goes all the way around so that is definitely an improvement and I think I’m happy enough with that we will wait till night to take a look I I really like that actually we may do more later but I do want to take a break from that

Now so we can get back to working on this structure but anytime you want to go down son I’m using a lot of rockets actually we can just land real quick all right starting to get dark we’re nearly there and I think that’s good let’s take

A peek so now going around the whole thing you’ll see that it is lit up so nice with that because not only does it look really nice but it’s going to stop mobs from spawning on the exterior of the wall then once the interior is lit up we should be fairly safe anytime

We’re here that looks really cool so nice I am pleased with that oh not pleased with that not pleased with you there we go and you over there you can just get lost okay they’re uh we should go to sleep they’re kind of all over the place where is my entrance Skeletron Enderman

They’re shooting me you can play at that game buddy all right nap time oh look at me I have the power of Soul Invictus I can raise the Sun at any time to haunt you and Haya what I’m worried about is leftover creepers like that one ooh and that one

Behind me I don’t need them messing with everything I’ve built so far so it will be nice when we start lighting this area up for uh purposes that we’ve just Illustrated y missed him where’d he go there you are there one there I just saw one over here so creep cleanup Duty and

Then we’ll get to work I think we got them all we’ll find out if something blows up but hopefully we’re good okay so next up for this I just want to make all the walls level on the top the same height basically cuz then we could start thinking about what different areas

We’re going to have and how it’s all going to link up you know we’re we’re definitely going to be cutting things out of the wall and doing more details on that but for now I need to bring lots of wood with me as well as the stone brick walls okay so currently the

Highest point is over here so let’s just add one uh to everything over here and then we’ll make it All Uniform the entire way around and fortunately that just means following the existing pattern which shouldn’t be difficult at all one thing I kind of forgot is that I

Wanted to use Mangrove uh trees in this area well not the trees the uh the logs and I don’t think I ever chopped any down I didn’t bring any of the wood with me so in a minute we’ll run back to make sure we’ve got that just so as the

Inspiration takes me I’ll have that material available there we go now we are all uniform throughout and at this point I think I need a quick Ponder so why don’t we run back and pick up any of the The Mangrove logs that we do have

And maybe this is a good time to grab anything that we don’t need here bring it back and clear out some of this space there we go so now we got a bunch of stuff we’re not going to need wait a minute I will need you now there’s the

Stuff we don’t need we can bring that back fill it up with the new logs and then head on back okay there we go we’ve cleaned up this is empty now we can use it again and it looks like these are quite ready to be harvested but same

Problem as before they’re all kind of combining well by before I mean I ran into this in my one chunk video the falling tree mod doesn’t work with these cuz they’re just too massive when they all combine together like this there we go starting to get get there wow that

Sky gets me every time is that it that was it okay so not terrible I guess and as for the spoils that’s not too bad and then we prep it for another round okay and then in the morning we can take that back and get back to work now that we

Have more materials I think I do want to work on the structure a bit of our Ski Lodge snow castle Yeah I haven’t decided what to call it we’re going to we’re going to stick with snow castle in the end I think it’ll look like that anyway

I want to complete complete the basic shape of this portion of it and I’m kind of building in a bit of a different way than I’m used to in that I’ll typically build something with everything kind of done as I’m going the way it will be in

The end if that makes any sense the difference is this time I just want to build this up as a an outline and the general shape of the way it’s going to be and then after that we can kind of remove sections and do all the detailing

Just kind of cut things out you’ll see what I mean as I go but it’s a little bit different than I’m used to and I think first up we need to make this middle section the walls need to be taller these are going to be the shorter

Walls on the outside so we’re going to increase the elevation out here and then I’ll probably finish uh building this wall cuz I never connected those two which should be fairly easy everybody loves building in the snow you can see all my work is just getting covered again which doesn’t really matter we’re

Going to be adding a bunch on top of this so doesn’t bother me how do we feel about that elevation and would it be easier to see in the morning when we don’t have quite so many visitors and uh oh goodness where are you going better

Not be touching my sheep part of me wants to trap that guy so we could have a villager here um but how much do I want to trap him let’s see if we can clear all of you out and then if I were to come down here and did something like

This would you just kind of step right in here and make it easy for me I almost had him and then I ran out of planks I’m Not Who wa okay you are not making this easy come on I just want a friend gets lonely up here on the mountain ooh there

We go okay so if we want to we can bring back curing supplies and get ourselves a villager friend it is now a viable option I’m not going to be able to sleep here there’s monsters nearby oh you’ve got to be kidding me a second one all

Right maybe if you come in here that just went right through your face again what is going on with that hey can’t you see I’m trying to build a little cage okay now can you come over this way perhaps yep no no no no no right in here

Right in there I guarantee if I needed a uh zombified villager I would not be able to find them anywhere and I’m not looking so two just appeared out of nowhere but I caught both of them so that’s kind of neat might not be a bad

Idea we could you know have a couple villagers in the the house once it’s done and those noises are going to drive me crazy so probably sooner rather than later we’re going to cure them and then let me know if you think of any ideas good use for villagers that we could

Have up at the lodge here but before we get stuff for that we may as well just finish up the walls I’ve got the right height I just need to uh finish filling in the stone brick and I’m assuming I’ve got what I need back at the base to uh

Gear up our friends that we caught oh yeah I saw this when I was running inside I I don’t know how I missed this one little area right here and we should be able to what do we want H let’s just do that that works for me does it work

For you up there Skeletron yeah glad to hear it anyway back to work there we go I think we’re looking good now on this part and I did want to uh have the elevations Complete because I’m interested in how it’s going to look I as you can see I didn’t really plan

Things out yet I kind of just have this huge entrance over here this is going to be a little part that comes out but I don’t have an entrance there so I need to think about some of that stuff but really I just wanted to rush the elevations because I want to start

Putting on a roof and see how that would look cuz I want to try a new design for that so maybe we cure our villager friends and then we get started with that yep sounds like a plan so two potion of weakness and two golden apples

Coming right up I’m going the wrong way we should have what we need I don’t I don’t know why I wouldn’t okay I think we’re good on golden apples and my little Brewing Station over here I have one I honestly do not feel like um getting those two villagers closer

Together cuz it would work one splash potion would be fine we can do that but it just sounds much easier to me if we just Brew up some extra and throw one each at uh at the villagers so we get our fermented spider eye throw that right into the water bottles I think

That’s how you do it and then fortunately a creeper dropped us some Gunpowder cuz we’re going to need that too not that we’re lacking on that in any way yeah there we go potion of weakness throw in the gunpowder and there we go we are in business plus

We’ve got an extra now for if we need it again later on let’s go see the villagers and fulfill our duty as Medicus every Legion needs one and just so happens I am multi-talented Medicus imperator and cheeky lovable legionary oh boy do I have a surprise for you in

There hey buddy do you want to be a permanent resident of my we’ll call it the the provincial snow castle it’s kind of like the imperator’s retreat I know you do so why don’t you hold this for me and then I’ll give you that as well now

You just hang out I’m going to go uh go check in with the other one real quick quick think we left them over here yep hello in there hey friend I brought you some nice warm hot cocoa here you go and then a uh we’ll call it a caramel apple

You just can have that and I will check in with you later while these boys cure up let’s get started on the roof and for that I would like to use what did I do with it there it is I’d like to use the mangrove so let’s start by getting a

Decent amount of stairs here we go go about two stacks is well let’s make it two stacks there we go and that should give us a solid start and like I said I am trying a new design for this so it might take some trial and error it’s

Kind of alternating between stairs and blocks and it’s just supposed to make it kind of a steeper roof cuz I’ll typically just do the I don’t know what you would call it like an a frame or something and this just makes it a little bit more interesting to look at I

Think take a quick look at that before we do the other side there we go so you see what I mean it should kind of go up to a point at a bit of a different angle as opposed to just like straight line V to the middle like I’m used to for some

Reason that bugs me though that it’s not connected there so I wonder if we can have an idea that might fix that what if we got a few of the trap doors and we can just do one of these put you there and that will probably solve our problem

In fact I’m pretty confident in that so much so that I’m not going to check we’re just going to do the other side really hope I’m doing the same thing on both sides cuz that is uh something I’m prone to not matching it on each side

And then when I go and look at it it’s just completely lopsided and then with that I think we should have what we’re looking for yeah that uh I think that’s going to work and surprisingly I think I got it right I think it matches on both

Sides something a bit difficult I want to see if we can get a land Ln right there so let’s see if we can just fly by casually and drop a lantern oh come on come on come on come on come on come on go no I really thought I had that let’s

Try again ow oh we got it this time yeah that wasn’t difficult at all oh hey buddy nice outfit cool we got a new type of villager you looking good not so green and if we go around this way look at you both of our villagers feeling

Perfectly fine what happened to your oh maybe I put the torch where I knocked out this block but we’ll keep you a torch don’t worry and this isn’t your final spot we’ll we’ll get a spot for you guys inside once I’m done but for now you uh you will sleep in the ouse

And you’ll thank me for it and tomorrow I’m just going to do that but we’ll bring it across the entire thing and that’s going to take a while and a lot of wood so hopefully I have enough if not we might have to run back no problem

And by the way this is one of those instances where this new building Style where I just build it all and then I chop things out as I need them I think this one is going to be one hates to call it a waste of time but the idea

That I have there’s probably going to be something coming out the center and going up even higher uh which kind of means we’re just going to build this entire roof yes roof and we’re going to end up like chopping out most of the center of it so we’ll see I I I’ll maybe

Leave a gap maybe I won’t see what kind of mood takes me and ouch actually same goes for right there there’s going to be another one of these facing in the other direction intersecting so this might be a waste but I’m just going to go along

The whole way and then we can’t forget you we’re going to need you right there and while I’m thinking of it and we go Boop there we go now I no longer need to remember I’m in the zone citizen this is going pretty quick I mean I just started

But and I talking is getting me out of the Zone yep okay so I’m definitely putting a dent in it but we’re also definitely putting a dent in the uh Mangrove wood I think this is all I have left right here so I think we might make

It to the end of this day and then it’s going to be back to base for operation get more Mangrove wood yeah that’s a working title all righty looks like that’s as far as we’re getting for now so we’ll put these down fly back to base

And uh start working on these trees make sure we’ve got enough this time so far though looking pretty good actually it looks like a big barn right now that that’ll change don’t worry also I we got to get out of that uh I don’t want that area loaded in anymore our villagers are

Not safe currently sleep okay so we haven’t been back to base a lot so of course these haven’t been growing but let’s take what’s here and then we can use our magic bone meal to uh essentially fill my oh I forgot a shulker box again why didn’t you remind

Me citizen you know I’m going to forget these things oh boy I just really like you know breaking the durability in my elytra and using Rockets that’s why I forget every time okay so get a shulker box first and is there a use for these Mangrove Roots I kind of just I don’t

See a need for them so I’ve just been doing things like this just chucking them into the ocean as we pass uh but let me know I guess we could use them for building at some point maybe don’t really need Moss carpet either but if there’s anything in particular that you

Think is a good use for Mangrove Roots I’d be interested to know it also did these guys survive uh he’s good in there and you’re looking good as well okay see I knew they’d be fine you are our shulker box for Mangrove wood drop a couple things off so we have more room

In the inventory okay now we head back again and this time we can actually collect all the wood that we need and actually we can stop right here see what kind of goodies you hold that should do some damage okay nice and we’re just going to

Go nuts on these for a while and uh hopefully this works I don’t see why it wouldn’t there we go and then once we’ve got a decent de amount for the shulker box and head back and keep at it hey fellas you guys want some uh some

Mangrove Roots cuz I don’t oh come on come on one more time one more time there we go yeah enjoy don’t say I never did anything for you I’ve been at this all day so far and I am nearly out of bone meal I don’t think we’re going to

End up having enough with just the bone meal I got from the auto composter because right now we’ve got about almost 8 stacks of logs I really kind of just like two rows yeah maybe we just finish this up and then we’ll uh I’ve got to have some bones lying around somewhere

And that’s all the bone meal so you’ll notice we have an impressive pile of stuff right here and that’s all for the horses and llamas it’s my way of showing appreciation we did get a lot of sticks from that as well we may as well just go

Sell those and repair our axe while we’re at it that’s using the old Noggin wake up wake up I need XP there you go you too wake up this is no time to sleep that helped oh bones where wa okay I thought we’d have some I didn’t think it

Would be that many that should certainly help yeah like two three and a half stacks okay back to being a lumberjack cuz I’m okay work all night and I sleep all day no it’s the opposite whatever I can’t be bothered with these things that’s not just me right whenever

Anybody hears Lumberjack they think of The Lumberjack Song please tell me someone gets it okay I think we’re nearly there ooh we actually okay like half a stack more and I think we’ll be good cuz it’ll make all the difference actually doing a number on my axe the

Old neite axe has its limits okay that’s close enough we’re going to call that two rows and I’m happy we are going to do the old uh trade all these sticks with the Villagers one more time cuz my axe needs it just realized I probably could have been composting all of those

Mangrove Roots but honestly not really worth the effort to me okay go see our friends real quick oh you’ve got to be kidding me it’s been all day what does it take to get you guys to refresh I mean they do eventually cuz you remember earlier in

The video we were having trouble down here now he’s fine I’ve traded with you a couple times so what’s up with the stick boys yeah look it’s right there right there never mind I’ll do something else actually good thought we’ll do our usual trades down here but let’s take

All of these as well you can help heal up my axe I don’t know if I have extra lanterns laying around around anywhere but just in case let’s go down the line and max out on lanterns cuz that’s going to be well not the main it’s going to be

One of the lighting elements over at the snow castle obviously there’s going to be a lot to do with the Frog lights and uh glow stone and all that type of thing but lanterns will have an important role to play as well nearly uh healed up all

My tools as well so not too shabby and that’s about two stacks of lanterns okay so back we go into the sunrise how glorious glorious I say I always fly in and see this particularly Tall part of the mountain the peak we can call it

Would kind of be cool if I mean we’ve already got this from when we were uh getting the Sheep up there maybe we build a Stairway up that leads into the wall I was thinking because of this mountain it might be cool to have like a twisty turny stairway around that but

That will come later when we’re thinking about design for now let’s just finish the task at hand I don’t want to admit how many times it’s taken me just to try to land land right here all right let’s just Plum it it didn’t even get hurt

Anyway uh yeah so I’m just going to work on this I’m probably going to zone out but I’d like to do this until at least this portion is all done and then we can start thinking about the two uh side portions that I can’t even see from here

But that is up next there we go so that’s most of it done and obviously there’s a hole there that’s because I realized halfway through this side I didn’t remember this side I remembered we were going to try to make a tower or something coming out of the top of this

So why build it I I’m not sure how big it’s going to be but I don’t want to just tear down like basically the entire middle section so I’m just going to leave that open for now the last thing I have that I want to do is this is

Obviously the longer section that goes this way we have a wider one that goes down the middle the other direction so I’d like to figure out the setup for that and also uh do the same thing same kind of roof on that one then we we can

Probably take a breather and see what to work on next also finally get rid of some of this because look at us we’re fancy we’ve got a cover on now why do you look like you’re over there judging me and turn in your back as soon as I

Say something again I think for now let’s just replicate what we did over there I’m not sure what happened but for some reason I’ve got two here two there can’t remember why I did that but I think let’s just make it match that side

So uh we’re going to have to do a little bit of tear down here there we go that wasn’t too bad and then all we do is move this wall one out so now this will be planks and this will be wall and then I think we’ll be even at that point uh

With the other side there we go now this one should be much easier cuz as you can see these are kind of short walls it’s more of a like an accent in fact not really anything functional about this area uh I just think it’s going to look

Really cool might have to move these though and it’s going to be a a bit offset so we’ll we’ll put the the roof on this and then we’ll have to make some kind of Entry Way and it’s going to be on both sides over here as well and same

Thing we need to do the offset over here this is definitely one of those moments when I’m just kind of freestyling I have a plan but it’s mainly just going with whatever strikes me at the moment as a decent idea hopefully that works out for

Us okay in any event let’s head up there and start working on this and this portion at least should go pretty quick I hope we are going to have to figure out how this intersects with that one and think I know what I want to do but

We’ll see if it works there we go it is getting easier cuz I’m more used to the pattern now and I think all we need to do is just keep moving in until we hit that side and we should be good for example uh yeah that’ll work I think in

Some cases like this we might have to take that out and do one of these yeah beautiful just connects right up there we go I think that works let’s do the other side then we’ll fly out and uh take a look at it from a distance typically a pretty good litmus test

There we are let’s go take a look so reveal and there you go it’s starting to look like something nice and I still I will admit it looks like a barn right now I get it it’s not going to when we’re done I think the tower is going to

Make all the difference plus we’re going to add other elements and details and all different kinds of stuff it won’t be a barn forever oo okay we are I think done with both of those so we are going to take another fly around kind of do a

360 just to see how we’re feeling actually if I look from further away hold on got to get higher I’m not great with the elytra that looks pretty cool I like that and if we go around you’ll see that it goes through to the other side that is beautiful obviously lots of

Details that still need to be done I think we’re making great progress look at this this was a Barren mountain when we started now we’ve got our wool Farm here great looking structure started out flattened out a lot of the terrain here I am feeling quite productive and really

It’s just next up what are we going to do cuz as I say there’s still a lot that we need to fill in uh you’ll notice like this area here that all looks very strange lots of things need to happen it’s just do I finish this lower area or

Do we start on the big tower first because I think uh that might I don’t know that might affect design decisions I’ll give it a quick think and then we’ll decide on our next steps I think next I’d actually like to lay out the foundation of this Tower just I want to

Make sure I know where it’s going to be and that it all works and by the way guess what I’m thinking that Tower is going to be made out of that’s right something that we don’t have nearly enough of so we’re going to go back do some more collecting and then we can

Start on the tower that’s going to come out of the middle of that structure may as well grab the dark oak while we’re here as well and now we get to spend some fun time here because oh boy do I enjoy this man every time I do this that is so weird

O anyway I am going to have to spend a bit of time here but thinking about the amount of time we have left in this video just about 30 days I think that’s enough to finish uh the snow castle we also have to update the legion platform

And I wonder if we’ll have time to do a Wither fight I want to keep getting beacons be nice to get at least one more every video we shall see okay I think that should be enough for now so let’s head back and lay out the outline for

This thing so let’s see how’s this going to work and yes this is the part where we have to destroy a lot of our hard work I always have trouble with things looking good in my head and then when you get around to building it yeah like

Actually this isn’t right you know what I mean it just doesn’t look like what you were expecting and already what I have in mind isn’t going to fit so that is wonderful What If instead I did that that would be pretty small though this is kind of painful because we you know

Obviously spent a lot of time doing that and I think I’m going to have to chop out this whole portion right here Oho boy one uh one step forward two steps back there’s the basic shape of what I’m thinking now it just has to go up which

Means we’re going to be tearing out a bunch of the ceiling and then once we have the shape there I think I could just take the sides and like wrap it back in so it hugs each end of it either way anything that’s inside the border of

The dark oak planks needs to go so time for some destruction of all the hard work I don’t know if I like this building style but to be honest I wouldn’t have been able to do this like thinking about it as I was building you just got to have the right amount of

Forethought into the way it goes good thing is once we collect all this I think it’ll be enough to uh fill it back in from the areas where we’re going to need to do that okay so let’s at least Build It Up um and in case you’re

Wondering yes it’s supposed to be off center I want this whole thing to be a little bit uneven I don’t want it perfectly uh symmetrical but what we’ll do I’m going to build it up at least uh to the tallest point of the roof and then we can build that back into the

Sides and and see how it Looks think that’s tall enough so I can fill in this area now and then we can go back and take a look just to be sure it all fits in actually that wasn’t bad at all I think it’s just this one little spot down here left I thought we’d be at

That for much longer all right quick look from back here so that’s what we’re thinking you can see there’s going to be a tower coming out of there and yes we have plenty of detailing ahead of us but first time for a nap I have a feeling

This video is going to be a bit lopsided if that’s the right word cuz there was so much we were doing in the beginning that was uh more of like an active thing where there was a lot to say about it and now that we’re in the thick of

Building this Castle there’s a lot of just placing blocks and there’s so many times you can say yeah check out these blocks you like how I’m placing these blocks so I might have to get creative I mean could be a good chance for some time lapses maybe some Roman facts even

Though you should have gotten a few of those already by now but yeah you know I just don’t want it to be too repetitive so I think we’ll do the majority of this and then once again I’ll come back and check in with you so quick check in think I have the

Height that I want on the tower and all I did was kind of capped the top and then we’re going to build a little you know it’s almost like a house but it’s really going to be the top of the tower and it’s going to have a similar design

To what we were doing down at uh down at that level but just so we can take a look let’s go out once again and there you go that’s what I’m thinking almost a clock tower feel to it but we’re actually going to have other things

Coming off the uh the sides of it here so kind of similar to how I did the bottom we’re going to be uh creating the main shape of it first and then there’s going to be a lot of detailing that we need to do in fact I wonder if we can

Make this more interesting just trying to make it more complex so instead of just one going across what if we had little sort of outcroppings or whatever you want to call these and yeah that might work let’s do the whole thing and then see if it looks all right oh hey

Buddy think we’re starting to get things spawning up there cuz I heard oh yeah hey there we didn’t light up that area and H oh well doesn’t bother me okay I think that’s it let’s take a quick look here we go so there’s a top I like it I don’t

Know about you but I am a fan I like it next up I wanted a I think each of the sides are going to have some kind of balcony uh with its own little roof over it so for instance somewhere over here we just have something coming out of the

Side and we’re going to keep this fairly simple because it’s not really going to be functional I don’t think it’s more just because it’ll look nice okay so I think that should just about do it for the really simple bit right there but that kind of thing that middle part

Isn’t supposed to be there I used that to bridge ow anyway um I think you get the idea there’s going to be a lot of stuff like this around I’m just going to keep building these and then we’ll have to come back around for another pass because we’re going to be doing things

Like Windows adding frog lights glowstone all that kind of thing hey more friends at this point I was ready to dig into the detailing work and spend about an hour flying around with my shulker boxes full of materials adding in details wherever I thought things looked a bit Bland so for example some

Of these balconies got walls added and of course leaves cuz leaves make everything look better and perhaps most importantly I started adding lighting elements to everything that I updated I used glowstone for the windows frog lights for accents on the roof and really anything that would help it pop a

Little bit at the top of the tower I gave it the same treatment with some Flora uh walls and frog lights as well as completing the Little House in the center with accents and lighting I was surprised by mobs once or twice who very kindly reminded me of areas that I

Forgot to light up so I thanked them and sent them on their way I kept using the mangrove trap doors as an accent to run Windows because I really like how it added a small bit of a different color to the large walls and plus I think the

Design looks really nice to ensure we didn’t get mobs spawning on the roof I threw down some lanterns and then slept through the night I kept this part in because I mean come on look at the beautiful transition to the dawn stunning anyway I wrapped up by filling

In some of the missing areas of the walls with similar designs and once again I think things are starting to look really nice all righty we just spent about 5 days detailing and adding things in I have not really looked at it fully from the outside especially at

Night so now that we put in a lot of different things there’s lighting all over the place I did a bunch of detailing I mean you’ll see but it is night time let’s go out and take a look and we’re leaving from the one spot I

Didn’t get to finish fully yet and cool it’s snowing that should help so let’s fly out and see what we’re looking at now oh yeah look at that all the lighting is really starting to help so you’ll see a few of the areas has started to fill in little bit more

Detail has been added still some that needs to happen down there like more windows and lighting and things like that but I think it’s starting to really come together and it is there are a ton of mobs out there so we better go up here excuse me

Ow cuz I don’t want my villagers taken out so we’ll uh clear the mountain toop for us and take a little nap up here and then it should clear out but like I said I think that’s coming together really nicely and I think once a lot of the

Bigger areas here that aren’t lit up uh get Windows added and things like that it’s really going to start to look nice it already looks nice but nicer it actually doesn’t look half bad in the Morning Light either all right so here is the plan citizens couple more details

I’d like to add while I’m here and since time is limited I’ve got to kind of choose what I’d like to add before the end of the video then I think we’re going to have to go to the nether because I’d like to make something out

Of quartz and while I have some I don’t have enough while we’re there we’ll see if we can get enough skulls for a Wither fight and hopefully the next 15 days will be enough for all of that because I want to save the last five days or so to

Update the legion platform so that being said let’s replicate what we did there over on the other side right here and then maybe one or two more things after that I’m hoping this side is a little bit easier because now I have the other side as a template and that’s not going

To help is it because this isn’t the same size okay oh wait it’s just because I already have this here okay don’t mind me citizen we’ve got this covered and I’ve already forgotten what I did on the other side I should really like take a screenshot or something and just have it

Up on the other monitor so that I don’t run into this every time in fact that’s not a bad idea okay now it should be easier something’s not quite right though because I don’t have enough space to do exact exactly what I did on the

Other side okay hold on I think this one just might be a little bit shorter I think that’s what it is okay I think we’re doing all right I think this is what we did on the other side and yes these trap doors are quite expensive and

I keep running out I do think we’ll use quite a bit so why don’t we just go nuts I am Roman after all and we are known for our wealth in case you didn’t know yeah strange brag I know I have so much Mangrove it’s the new Chad thing to say

It’s it’s snowing a lot and for the first time in a while I actually don’t mind all the precipitation there we go I think we did it right or as right as we could anyway now the other thing that I wanted to do well first of all clean up

This which does give me an idea remind me uh when we finish I should put uh some carpets in here because we also have the wool for it now anyway I think there’s room up here for a chimney now and fortunately this doesn’t have to be

Anything fancy could be able to get away with something like this I don’t know if I want it to be one more than one how does that look we go right over here yeah that’s not too bad although the campfire should be one block lower I

Don’t think we should see a fire at the top of a chimney so give me that and then if we put you down there that should be better yep that seems to be looking better hey what what did I do to you you got something to say to me punk this is

My Mountain where did you go yeah you got beef suddenly nothing to say that’s what I thought unbelievable anyway looking great uh I want to do one more Tower but for that I did want to use a little bit of quartz so let’s run to the

Nether do a little bit of collecting and see what kind of damage we can do there with the again limited time that we have then we can move on probably makes sense to do a little organizing while we’re here there we go okay so yeah I think uh

I do have some so we can come back and whatever we find will’ll combine with this but it’s like I said not enough so as much quartz as we can find and we’ll go on the hunt for wither skeletons then we’ll come back and finish the build all

Righty in we go now important question does anybody remember where the uh the nether fortress is and seeing as we’re here no time like the present to get started on this so one let’s call it a vein of nether quartz gets me about half a stack that’s not terrible and I think

The nether fortress was off in this direction so we’ll just see what we can find on the way ooh like all of that let’s make a little platform to catch everything as we take it out of the ceiling there we go I think that should do the trick whoops didn’t want to do

That oh hey gas oh goodbye ghast fortunately this stuff isn’t exactly rare so it should make my job easy jeez this one just keeps going all right so just those few spots there that’s three and 1/2 Stacks is not bad not bad the unfortunate part about the uh the nether quartz I’m

Pretty sure four of those makes one block so if you want to think of it that way we kind of are going to have to divide anything we get by four well that’s looking pretty nice up there and last time I was here you were all upset

With me are we are we cool now steady steady I’m not here for gold but I’m also not not here for gold okay so not too bad on all of that let’s take a break from that and see if there are any wither skeletons around and yeah I kind

Of forgot we tried toh spawn proof some portion of this whoa also forgot how annoying you were and much like our previous attempts there’s a lot of blaze a lot of piggies running around but no wither skeletons but I remember we had some luck by going from this area and

Then flying over to the one that’s next to it which I think is right over this hill yep and that kind of helps them spawn in and out of existence so I will try this for you know not too long we don’t have a lot of time to spend hello

Boys and then after a bit we will head on back ooh I got one oh boy hey there’s number two nice you just killed a wether skeleton those are supposed to be for me yeah same goes for you I’m starting to run low on Rockets

But I’d hate to leave uh the nether when I’ve got two Wither Skeleton skulls and I only need one more get out of here there you are thought there was another one that was a Miss well hello you just lining right up for me I really appreciate that yes look

What I see three Wither Skeleton skulls so we’re good on that we’ve got nearly eight stacks of nether quartz I’m hoping that’s good enough which to me means we can head back get out of here I’m trying to talk about what we’re going to do

Next and uh get what we need out of the nether quarts decide when we would like to do a Wither fight Marvel at the fact that we’re surrounded by three Ghasts shooting at us all at once that’s just wonderful yep yep yep yep let’s leave let’s get out of here anyway yeah let’s

Get out of the Nether and then we can keep talking all righty productive trip but I’m ready to go back so with all the quartz we got yeah so four of these equals one stack of a block of Quartz so not as much as I’d like I kind of want

To leave this here too just in case we need it for anything else so took what we had in there and I now remember or realize why we have so many bones in here all the times we had to do that to find find three Wither Skeleton skulls

Uh results in a lot of coal and bones and don’t let me forget we’re going to put these in here for now in the valuables chest and then when we need them we know where they are so we can now grab all of this and head back over

For potentially the last structure build that we’re going to have time for we’ll see we might have time for more but I think we’re going to have to spend most of the rest of the time detailing doing the Wither fight and then updating the uh where’d it go the legion platform

Right there and I’m trying to decide where I’m going to build this thing how about right over here and I want mostly quartz pillars for this I believe actually we might be able to save a little bit on the quartz if we start by using stone brick down by the bottom cuz

You probably won’t see it quite so much and you guessed it this is going to be another Tower I’m hoping this is going to look good instead of the uh dark oak I’m going to switch to the mangrove planks here just so we have something a little bit different there is a chance

That I’ll have to start working through the night so so maybe it’s not a bad idea to add the lighting I had uh in mind to this exterior area so we can at least make it a bit safer out here let’s see what we can do with some of this and

I’m hoping we can do something simple and it will look nice my thought is we can use the Frog lights and just cover them in trap doors and just have those all over the place that way it’s going to kind of spread the light around and

We can use different color frog lights I think it’ll fit with the theme but still look pretty good I don’t want to get too complicated because these are going to be all over the place I also want it to look good that’s pretty nice looks like

It wouldn’t stand though like it needs a better base like that yeah I think that’ll do let’s try to replicate that there we go so we just need to kind of take those all the way around and like most things around here they’re not really going to be equal or even all the

Way around just kind of placed at random distance and it’s not because I’m lazy and don’t feel like counting whoever told you that don’t listen to him and it’s getting dark I want to keep working let’s temporarily just place these around maybe that’ll stop some of the

Spawning so far they seem to be doing an okay job I haven’t seen anything spawn in yet oh never mind there’s one right over there we might do something on the inside of the wall like just frog lights all over the place kind of like the

Outside cuz it just looks like closer to the wall it’s not working but let’s at least get this finished finished up little light combat Under the Stars while we build it’s never going to hurt anybody right am I right my friend these on the other hand might hurt somebody

Like all of my hard work maybe we put a couple out here it’s definitely showing us where we’re going to need more light it’s the benefit and it’s already becoming morning that night went by very fast and I am not done yet I guess it’s a good thing we’re doing this now we’re

Probably going to have to work through most of the rest of the nights okay okay that part is at least done and I don’t think we’ll do any more of those but what we should do and we’ll actually mix it up a little bit here in some areas

Maybe we’ll just do something like this and we’ll just do that all the way around the wall at different spots and it doesn’t have to be a corner actually we could just do something like that there we go now we’ve got those lining the wall and next we’re going to take

The Frog lights and there’s some areas where we’ve got light at the wall and we’ve got it surrounding the Inner Circle there so it’s closer there but then this middle area I don’t know if it’s going to be totally lit up and I think there’s areas over there where

It’s even more intense so maybe we kind of just go around and place frog lights in the snow and that’ll kind of make up for any areas where there’s not quite enough light at least that’s my hope I don’t know if this is going to work it’s

Also a bit more difficult to tell now that it’s daytime but we can always test it out at night there we go definitely a lot more light around here now and it also means we can get back to to working on the new tower I kind of forgot I was

Going to use this glow Lykan too I wonder if we can just put that in the odd spot around here wait can’t go there there we go I don’t know if it grows naturally or if you just have to bone meal it but I’m curious what it would

Look like if we just kind of spread it around here and somehow it’s already almost night again that 20 minute cycle just flew by trying to get all this stuff put up but it does mean we can give it a test am I right he just one of

These days you’re going to turn your back and I’m going to have choppy boy out and it’s not going to turn out well for you oh now you’re paying attention interesting anyway uh I don’t even know where I put that Tower oh it’s right here Blends in so let’s keep working on

This and we will keep a lookout to see if there’s any areas that need a bit more light like the one I’m standing in but actually so far they just look like they’re spawning out there I don’t see any in here which is a good sign not

Exactly sure how tall I want this thing to be but we should at least be able to see it from the other side which we’ll be able to now I also think not as tall as that we might be actually at about a good height because we are going to do a

Little bit more at the top so maybe we just use what we have we’ve got the quartz bricks as well so maybe we can do something like that all the way around and then I think this is a good time to change it up a little bit so instead of

The mangrove stairs and stuff or the roof we can maybe use deep slate and I don’t have a stone cutter up here but we can take a quick look that’s what I’m thinking for the tower and so far so good we’ll need to add some windows

Going down to light that bit up and maybe change something there but coming along wait did I have a stone cutter where did it go okay it’s in one of these there you are okay so now that we have that we’ll do the same style that

We’re used to it’s just going to be a different color scheme if you want want to call it that and by the way I didn’t see one mob in here all night I mean I might have missed it but I think we did a pretty good job lighting up everything

Inside the wall there we go now we should be good here think yeah one up there just to stop mobs from spawning okay let’s take a look at that so I think we’re good there just need to add some light to the sides and that’s probably going to be a lot

Easier from the inside cuz I can just stand right here in the middle and do the same thing on each side well kind of this is a pain to have to do it that way there we go and it’s actually going to save us on glowstone too because we only

Need to add it one time it’s going to do all four sides for us aren’t we smart okay I think that should do what we need so let’s go take a look there we go there’s the new tower the one spot that we forgot was right over here and maybe

We do something a little bit different with this cuz we used glowstone everywhere else and you’ll notice we’re going to have three openings here and guess what else we have three of that’s right it’s the Frog lights again I didn’t build that farm for nothing we

Can go all the way down with each color and get ourselves a really nice set of Windows why is that uneven there we go I think there we go much better same treatment over on the other side there we go now while I’m thinking about it the exterior is looking pretty good

Inside not bad I think everything we did out there helps in here here but obviously that is an eyesore so I think let’s just kind of make a floor for that area and that should be quite easy but what should it be made out of I think Mangrove I think that’ll match with

Everything else then so excuse me buddy if I go right up here I think if we just do it at that level well maybe one Higher right there yeah let’s see how this ends up looking and maybe someday we build like a a ladder going up there

Or find a use for it right now I don’t really have a use for it that could be like a cool astronomy Tower at some point okay that kind of covers it up let’s see what it looks like from down there now ow okay A bit weird but it’s

Definitely better than seeing up into there I mean some point I could probably just put a second floor here and completely cover from like there up and that could be the second floor we could do something else up there not going to have time for it this video but it’s

Good to know we’ve got the space if we ever want to come back to this and finally because I have not used any of the wool yet from the wool Farms going to take a look in here about two stacks is that all of them a little over two

Stacks that’s not bad so we can use some of this to decorate a bit and I think blue is probably a good one we’ll grab some light blue man all of this is just new stuff that I’ve never had before in this world Canan is it the same thing

There going to kind of stick to the cool colors and maybe some red too because you know Rome there we go grab some black okay so with those start making some carpets I think we can add some of that around here it might be nice there we go so now

Like by the entryway cuz it’s so cold outside you want something to rub your feet on wipe the the snow off we got you covered and then I need to move him and the other one that’s probably frozen to death by now out there and maybe they

Could each take one of the sides over here they’re the uh you can be the dman you can take people’s coats ask them to wipe their shoes on the carpet oh you’d love it you could even make a nice little carpeted area do red on one side

Black on the other the problem is going to be getting them in here could probably tempt them with a job block actually maybe we go back and drop some of this stuff off and then uh bring back a loom or two because I mean look at

Where you are I think it only makes sense that you guys become Shepherds let’s just use a bit more of the carpet while we’re here there you go lovely design for the center and then we can probably go down both sides and do the same or you know something similar

Except we got to move you first yeah let’s do that let’s head back to the base drop some stuff off and then we’ll come back with job blocks and see if we can get these guys moved off we go and I think for a loom it just takes string

And I think yep I am right about that so let’s make two of those and see if we can convince those two to uh go into their spots without incident all right so you I’m not as worried about because we can basically force you into uh one

Of the spots there we go so kind of nowhere to go for that guy except over to his Loom all right now you’re going to be the easy one right you’re just going to do as you’re told and the answer to that is no come on do you not

See the job block over there it’s right there right there for you hey look look what I got right there it’s right there yep yep yep yep yep yep aha we got you there’s one down we can get rid of this eyesore finally there we go now for the

Difficult part I wonder because he’s been out in the cold this long I wonder if he’ll just want to run into the nice warm cozy beautiful house in fact look at this I’m going to put this right uh right inside and I’m going to regret this aren’t I but okay you’re free yep

You’re just you’re running off to Nowhere let’s try this more directly look at that ooh nice and shiny isn’t it he could not care less I know the Frog lights are wonderful I spent a lot of time getting them but you’re not at all interested in that that jaw block that’s

Two blocks away from you okay different idea it’s night time I bet I know what you want ooh look at that a bed yeah you know you want it but you can’t have it oh wait look now it’s in there that’s right oh you can’t can’t get past the

Carpet cuz you’re big noggin however we’re not done with our journey yet now it’s over here come on come on and finally it’s in there oh you can’t get to it uh here you go right in there sucker that’s my bed you think I’d let

You have my bed that’s why I’m in charge all righty so we’ve got two Shepherds that are also the dman and they can check in and out guests as they come to visit and I think they’re going to do just fine and actually you know what I

Forgot we were going to replace these with the color of wool uh that the Sheep is because you can’t tell when they’ve been sheared and that’s kind of annoying so let’s go around to each one check which kind it is and replace this block so that we know what’s what there we go

That’s one side done onto the other and there we go now they all kind of indicate which type of sheep is there a lot easier than opening all of these and guessing what’s in the box what’s in the uh the chest what’s in the box all right

So I think we’re just about wrapped up here we’ve got about 10 days left and we’re going to use that time to fight the Wither get an additional be Beacon and update the legion platform once we get to the end of the video we’ll do the

Big reveal of the finished build here as well as take a final count of the Legion to see where we’re at and how many new armor stands we need all right let’s get to it I’m collecting things for the Wither fight and yes we’re going to do

The eggs again but I also remembered I had leftover die so maybe we don’t need a th000 Yellow shulker Boxes we can actually use these to get a bit more variety there we go that’s looking better still three yellow so at some point maybe but it’s definitely better

Than it used to be all righty I think we are ready actually doesn’t hurt to be prepared ooh look at me that’s right double totems I’d be Invincible also we’re so close to the end of the video I don’t said I don’t think I said hi to

Any of you yet how are you doing in there at some point we need to expand this give them more room and we kind of have to go for the rare blue Axel don’t we not necessarily looking forward to that I think that’ll take quite sometime

But not on this day all right let’s go down to the mine so that we may collect our Beacon from the Wither and yes that’s my way of saying slaying the Wither because I’m so cool now which way was our area that we had prepared for

This kind of a lot of ways we could go I think that’s it Yep this is it so there’s been a bit of damage down here and this is where the fight will take place here is our Escape tunnel if we need it which you can kind of tell the

Wither has uh before this tried to break in let’s just build a couple extra little Escape Routes so we can flank the Wither it pays to use strategery okay now we need to fill up the uh chicken holes sounds like a medical condition oh yeah you know I got chicken holes well

Stop running into the eggs then and in case you haven’t seen any of the previous wither fights in which case shame on you go watch them but the reason we do this is because if a Wither uh kills a mob such as a chicken then it

Drops a Wither Rose and I just like to have those on hand they can make nice traps or they could be used in different kinds of farms so anytime we do a Wither fight we do this just to get any wither roses we can while the option is

Available not to mention the chickens kind of have it coming do we really want to let them grow up to be convicts or should we do the merciful thing and just turn them into something useful right from the get-go yeah that sounds pretty harsh but remember these are chickens

We’re talking about all right nearly there there we go that’s the last one there and decent amount in there a couple did escape and a couple were smart enough to get stuck in this other hole you want to just get right in there please thank you okay and then if we

Build it right here that should ensure maximum damage on all of them and much like previous wither fights we’re going to kind of take the chance out of this and just play it safe cuz that’s the way we do so as soon as as we spawn the

Wither we will run into our tunnel back there hit it from afar then when we’re ready we’ll take our golden apple jump in with razzled Dazzle and get down to business all right are you ready for this citizens yep me too let’s do this and we watch from back here as hopefully

The chickens go boom boom and boom okay I get it you’re scary man look at the damage this bow does almost to the halfway point already nice why do you always follow me let’s just take a gold Apple because we can and then do we have

Any wither roses yet we do last time I think we let them get destroyed ahead of time and that wasn’t great so I’m going to collect them and we’re just going to hide for a second and take a couple shots get you to the halfway point there

We go he’s ready another golden apple and razzled Dazzle time hey buddy oh you don’t like that well that’s a shame because I do and that’s all it takes right there appreciate the nether star thank you very much ow jeez that lasts for a while and there

We go finally now yes we did miss a couple roses look at that every time we turn ooh somehow I missed that but look at this every time we look at the Redstone watch what happens to the screen the whole thing goes red that’s so weird let’s get rid of that and the

Chickens did seem to perform their Duty decently we got over a stack of roses that’s not bad at all yeah nice I’m happy with that let’s uh fill this in for the next fight there we go we’ve got a new hole over here for the chickens I

Am quite pleased with that we got over a stack of Wither roses our new nether star and once again the Wither did not stand a chance now as for you up there why don’t we use Cleopatra silk and oo hello look at all of that wow it just

Keeps going this is nuts are you seeing this citizen it just keeps going I have never seen this many in one spot wow that is 21 diamond ore in one spot I have never ever ever seen that many it’s not like I really need Diamond but that is just

Insane I didn’t even know that could happen I did not know that was a possibility wow okay yeah so quite a good haul woo I’m happy with that let’s head back up and up we go and as far as the nether star is uh concerned or soon

To be the beacon there’s a couple things we can do with it I’m just putting these right in there nice and now we’re up to a little over two back to the Wither roses that’s pretty nice anyway though uh as far as that is concerned we could

Just put it right out front in front of the house cuz that’s where we already have a couple different beacons now we’ve got one more we could wow that is bright we could bring it over to the snow castle don’t really see a need for

That but as far as the base is concerned I don’t think we really need anything else here so instead I’m kind of thinking we put it up at the arena I could always you know what I could have it on standby for any sort of mining we

Need to do let me check what I’ve got up here this might be a good spot for it I think I wanted to add one up here before and I just didn’t have enough yeah and we’ve only got one currently and that’s doing uh strength and regen we could add resistance yeah

Let’s put it here and come on come on Boom there we go so if we did resistance here don’t think I need regen twice so probably just resistance two and then lock that in so now when we’re doing fights here we’ve got regen Resistance 2 and strength and you’ll notice this is

One of the reasons we used wither roses so that when creepers come out since they like those Corners they’re just going to stand there by the Wither Rose and because they’re really smart they’re just going to keep doing it and eventually that takes them out so it’s

Kind of just a little trap we have for the mobs over here and now that we’re really just kind of incredibly buff we could okay that was close I thought it would be easier to take that uh creeper out oh he’s just going right into the

Wither roses okay yeah nice so now we’re doubled up here we’re kind of the super Roman anytime we’re up here I think maybe next video we do in this world we get another Beacon and that one we can keep on standby for any sort of mining

That we need to do because it just it would go a lot faster especially if we’re going to clear out the the mine down there a little bit more I think that would be quite helpful and thinking about it I used a lot of rockets this

Video we’ve got 9 days I think that’s enough time to do the legion platform finish up the snow castle and maybe a little bit of collecting here makes me nervous when this isn’t all just full of rockets so let’s do a little bit of uh rocket creation which first part of that

Easy enough we’ll just take a run through here collect all of the sugar cane and yes I know I should create an auto sugarcane farm and now that we have that in hand we can fill up on paper and that was nearly enough to do it fully two times

Pretty close almost six stacks of paper so so not bad there keep that in here and then let’s go to our gunpowder Farm or otherwise known as creeper Farm which let’s see if I can remember where it is I know it’s in the ocean somewhere over

Here I’m just not sure exactly where I remember we need to pass this you’ve got to be kidding me do you remember these we left this guy out here hundreds of days ago and he’s still there I cannot believe that oh well we’ll keep them there for hundreds of days to come I

Guess o I think I see it there you you are there’s the creeper farm so all we need to do is spend a bit of time up here oh no hey I landed on this nice oh which doesn’t help I blocked that off why do I even have this uh scaffolding

Here if it’s not necessary questions for another day and boom yeah so let’s just spend 5 or 10 minutes here I think that’ll be plenty then we can collect all of the gunpowder and head back make more Rockets I’ll just feel a lot better then all right impatient strikes again

Let’s see how we did down here and there we go look at that and yep it’s still working and it doesn’t help to be impatient there really wasn’t a ton in here that should be enough for a decent amount though can you speed it up in there please okay that should be good

Enough no idea which way is home let’s hope it’s this way that seems familiar hey I was right look at that okay so with that and what we have in here we can make oh yeah look at that that’s that’s plenty some left over for later

And one full row of rockets feeling a lot better about that next up we need to do some work over here and I need to collect some materials first off cuz as you see we need iron or iron we need armor for all of these as well as armor stands so I’ve

Got some things to create there I’m holding off on the final count because I think by the time I get to this I’ll get to a nice even rounder number so let’s start making the stuff and then we’ll we’ll see how many we actually need then

I might add a couple Design Elements to this I don’t know how much time we’ll have for all of that but let’s at least start making extra uh armor stands and then we’ll check how much armor we have on hand to dress our legionaries appropriately now I have four in here so

That’s a little bit of a start and we need smooth Stone which I actually have a lot of I didn’t know that this part is going to be easy and of course we’ll need sticks to see how many we can make there and that is 44 is that right

Believe it or not we may need more than that so let’s fill up on sticks and there we go that’ll give us as many as we can make with that amount of smooth Stone 64 66 I think is now how many we have and that should be enough now how

Are we doing on Armor let’s just put everything in here for now and this is what we’ve been picking up from all of the enemies of Rome so we’ll take everything we’ve got I’m assuming we’ll need to make more we may even upgrade our Centurion out there especially since

We just found so many diamonds but we’ll see and out of curiosity I wonder if there’s any more up at the arena maybe mobs have dropped things up there and it was collected by the auto system but I don’t remember and if you didn’t see us

Build this once again shame on you go watch that video watch us build it then you should know that in here there’s a little secret lever and if we hit that it opens our little door to the inner workings of this beast and this is the

Part we didn’t finish as you can see a lot of the collection is empty so right now it’s only the central portion that’s actually collecting anything at all and we have a mine cart stopped down there great anyway this is the box and we’ve got couple things not a lot I’ll take

The gunpowder though and the leads why are there leads up here guessing we had a couple llamas meet some Misfortune and while I’m here can we fix that mine cart I don’t want to get run over just stay right on this path believe it or not this is pretty accurate to like the

Coliseum I mean not the space that we have but there was a a lot of things going on under the ground under the the Coliseum so that part at least were kind of accurate and yeah I think they probably had powered mine carts and things to collect the the drops of all

The the Lions and whatever else happened to be fighting in the arena and after those go back if we push it one more time think that’ll kick it off again hopefully there we go yeah not sure what happened there okay so a little bit more

Let’s head back out close that up oh hey buddy what’s that you want to go for a swim to put out that fire if you insist let’s follow him down oh he didn’t make it all righty so yeah I really don’t think I mean I know this isn’t going to

Be enough so we’re going to be crafting a few things to make up for that but first let’s go start laying out the armor stands just to see what the general configurations going to look like and you might remember since it’s been so long since we’ve been in this

World right now we’ve got five back here plus the Centurion up at the front so that was when we had 6,000 subscribers and that was the goal every time we got 1,000 more subscribers we would add one more armor stand or one more legionary

Now as I said we’re going to hold off on a final count but I’ll I’ll tell you that it’s definitely we need more than 50 stands now so big thanks to everybody out there that subscribed since we put this Legion Stand Together really appreciate you and happy that you’re in

The legion so knowing that it’s over 50 I say we turn this row of five into one that is at least five deep and then I want to see how much space we’ve taken up and yeah one between seems good I don’t really want them staggered I think

This will look better okay so there’s a 5×5 there’s our 25 and then let’s Skip One and start again here it’s 35 this should make 45 then maybe up closer to the front we have more of like the elite guard and there we go that makes makes

50 I think I’ll count again yeah so in total now there’s 51 including you so we will have to add a couple more but I like this configuration let’s uh let’s take a look from up there there we go so that seems logical to me that seems like

A logical grouping and of course we need to get them kitted out and get armor on all of them and then depending on time I might add a couple things like a a tent or a little shop or whatever it might be a supply house first though let’s start

Adding armor cuz I have a feeling we’re going to have to make a lot of extra armor so let’s see what we got I think the advanced guard up here is going to get the uh Enchanted items that I happen to have there we go unfortunately you

Don’t get anything Enchanted cuz I am out and let’s just run around and throw the rest of this stuff on everybody out here you know what though you can have a golden chest plate that’s nice too there we go there we go everybody get dressed quickly be ever Vigilant Roman the Galls

Could attack at any moment okay okay there we go so as you can see I need so much more armor there is like H yeah no nowhere near enough so let’s go see what we’ve got um oh wait I missed one there we go you can have those yeah I think we

Just need to craft a ton of iron armor we can probably put together some gold some leather I just need to grind through that we we need so much and of course I have very little gold is there time to go to the gold Farm yeah let’s

Do it I I’d like a lot of that to be gold armor I don’t want it to just be like a sea of iron armor and it’s about to turn night anyway so let’s spend the night uh afking at the Gold Farm then we’ll bring all that back tomorrow we

Can make a ton of armor luckily too look at this now that as soon as we come out of the portal we’re right here just ready to AFK and this thing is up high I don’t remember being why didn’t I just fly up here okay there we go so night

Lasts about 10 minutes let’s stand up here for 10 minutes see how much gold that gets us and we will turn every piece into armor why did I say that weird into armor there we go see in 10 citizen all right that’s about 10 minutes let’s go take a look oh yeah I

Can hear them uh The Entity cramming I hear going on in there and that’s not terrible about three stacks each and none in that one for some reason that’s a did I no I already got that one never mind okay so there you go that’s what uh

10 minutes does for the gold Farm that’s not terrible at all let’s go see what that does for our armor situation so at least one stack of uh ing here we go a stack and 25 which we could probably use for I don’t know let’s say

Eight boots eh pants are a little bit more expensive maybe helmets couple pants couple of the chest plates and that’s all we can do not terrible could be better could be worse uh why did I think we had more leather than that can make a little bit but not a whole lot

And I thought why not make it a red leather tunic and leather cap because Rome of course and let’s do the rest with iron this we kind of have an unending supply of so I’m not too worried if we need to fill things out a little bit it’s just I didn’t want

Everybody in the same exact gear okay let’s see what this does for us it’s already looking better look at that back straight legionary you never know when the emperor is going to come for inspection let’s give the ones at the front the dyed leather stuff cuz it’ll

Help them stand out a little bit the rest kind of just spreading around at random I don’t know what it is but you know what this is reminding me of all of the soldiers of Rohan getting kitted out at Helms Deep and it might be because

It’s just a hodge podge of all this random stuff that I’ve got them wearing and it’s the same kind of thing just like whatever they had in their shed or you know stuff that hadn’t been worn in ages barely fits but that’s not important this is the Roman army and it

Doesn’t matter what they’re wearing they’re going to win now unfortunately this is the last little bit here I I think we’ve still got a lot of work to do after this so uh we’re going to do that again not the gold I think we’re fine with gold now we’ll do more with

Iron I’ll see if I can find more leather and then so I don’t miss anybody I think we’ll start from the front make sure these guys are all fully equipped then we’ll go row by row and do it that way now when I say find more leather oh

There we go okay I almost thought we were going to have to call the herd over here which might still happen so why don’t we breed all of you cuz we don’t want to get too short on our cow friends okay so that’s helping and then same

Thing we’ll just dye them some different colors here we go that should add some variety and I don’t know how much this has been running with the amount of time we’ve been spending here oh yeah it’s been running let’s take all of that and this round I think we’ll get close let’s

Start with helmets and Boots because those are the cheapest then once all of our legionaries are good on that front we can move on to other stuff by the way why am I doing doing all of this shouldn’t be this be the quarter Master’s job why is the head of the

Roman army going and collecting I mean I guess it shows that you’re a good General doing this kind of thing for all of your soldiers but I hope you appreciate it there that’s right Mr Gold helmet okay who still needs boots same for helmets okay so I was wrong we still

Need quite a bit okay let me just do the same thing I’m going to grind through this night and then I’ll check in and we’ll let you know what the progress looks like okay I think we got them all citizen let me know if you see any missing anything and you’ll notice some

Of them got full iron armor in fact a decent amount of them did but I think everybody is fully covered kind of prude the Romans everybody’s got to be covered and now that’s uh what did we say 51 yeah 51 so I can tell you I’m looking at

The subscriber count right now and as I’m recording we’re at 57,98811 so we’re going to make sure that there are 58 legionary armor stands so we need seven more let’s do uh actually this should work out well or wait no not like that we’ll do four here kind of

Staggered there and then three more and then assuming I can count I hope that we now are at 58 armor stands and let’s see what we have left I put a little bit in the chest over here and as you can see I didn’t need a lot of the iron helmets

That I needed or that I uh created still more in here so and I don’t need any Flack about not melting these back down I don’t need an iron nugget I literally have stacks of blocks of iron so these guys are definitely going to be all Iron

And in a second we’ll know what we still need still too many iron helmets so we need five boots six chest plates and one pair of pantaloons easy enough so we can easily make that there we go and actually while we’re here I did want our uh I keep calling I keep saying

Centurion I don’t think that’s 100% accurate based on the amount of uh legionaries we have out there but I do want our Centurion to stand out so we’re going to go ahead and make a diamond armor set here we go we should be good

And as the sun sets on this day we have our full and accurate Legion platform that is showing our 58,000 strong Legion and because you’re now leading 58,000 Legion Aries I grant you upgraded Diamond gear we need a name for our Centurion I’m going to name you agripinaa our Centurion is agripina the

Younger and I’m going to Beque some of agren’s old gear to you there we go and with that we are calling the legion platform updated agripina has done me proud and indeed all of the legionaries have done me proud but of course I have all of you to thank so thank you very

Much for joining the legion and at this point there’s only a couple days left and I did remember there were a couple things I kind of forgot to do over at the uh the snow castle so I’m going to work on getting just a couple things

It’s really not a lot that I forgot then we’ll go make those updates we can do the reveal and we can wrap up all right I think I got what I need let’s head back over we have to appreciate that one more time look at that one day this is

Going to be overflowing and we’re going to have to build it bigger actually on the way over that reminds me of something the goal right now now is 100,000 subscribers what should I do when we hit 100K strong in the legion I had some ideas like we could I could do

Like a Q&A video maybe you ask questions I can give you the answers to those or I could take recommendations on what to build next in this world I could release world downloads maybe so let me know your thoughts what do you think we should do in celebration of reaching

100K subscribers with that though one of the thoughts I had how would it look to have stained glass kind of hanging off almost like it was icicles that looks good that looks a little bit weird so I think we can only put them on parts that aren’t going to connect elsewhere which

Is quite limited really hopefully though the effect overall is going to be worth it there we go so just a little bit something extra I mean you might not even notice it but at least we tried also the wool gives me an idea I am

Going to bring just a little bit back so I think it’ll come in handy for the legion platform let’s do that really quick while I’m thinking about it okay so first up how would it look if we tried to put a tent in the back here just something really simple just

Something like that so now if we look back there got a little command tent or whatever you want to think of it and then as for these Camp fires rather than just the random Fire sitting around what if we had one over here that was cooking

Soup with some lightning rods off to the side so it doesn’t actually touch right there I’m sure there’s a way to fix that but that looks pretty good that’s where they’re cooking their soup up for dinner an army marches on their stomach after all and then over on the other side we

Got all this Mangrove wood and I’m thinking that looks an awful lot like a nice big juicy piece of meat which again not really being held up a whole lot but I don’t really think you’ll be able to tell from a distance here we go so now

Not only do we have the legionar or legionaries but we’ve got some wonderful vegetable stew cooking up over on this side we’ve got the tent and got to have carpet in the tent there we go and over here we got a nice big uh I don’t know

Is it like a brontosaurus leg or something but something’s cooking up and I think that’s quite the Improvement yeah I know you were getting hungry you’re welcome okay now we can drop this stuff off head back over and do the last thing we needed to do all right off we

Go and let’s take a look at this from the sky as we do come back around this way and there we go nice looking good wa oh yeah much better all right it’s day 600 and it’s time for the last little detail and what’s the thing that’s

Missing around here that’s right we need some Enchanted Protectors of our new real estate out here which means we are going to go around and add quite a few of you lovely fellas just so you can hang out and if any creepers spawn in you can give them some trouble with your

Little snowball act but I mean this only makes sense I I don’t know how I forgot it all the way up to this point but we got to have just a ton of these guys around so all over the place we could just do one of these they can just

Explore and hang out out here get into all sort of Mischief I’m I’m sure and if any mobs do spawn in they’re going to give them some trouble I do hope they get along with the goats I don’t know if they do but it was kind of the goats

Mountain first so if they have actually I mean they seem fine they just walked right past each other in no trouble oh look at you see the the goats were actually they were a bit lonely up here anyway so not they’ve got all these Snow Golems to keep them company you’re

Welcome ungrateful but nice that actually adds a nice touch they kind of just move around a little bit hang out hopefully they don’t know how to open doors I don’t really want them to go inside and get their snow everywhere but nice I think that’s a really good touch

But now that we have that done the only thing left is the reveal and I’ll fly around it right now oh perfect it just started snowing I did not do that the game heard me say I was going to do the reveal and it started snowing for me

That works out perfect ly but I will also do a cinematic of this but here we go there is the finished product in the snow and I’m really happy with how this turned out I think everything looks great it kind of just gives me a bit of a enchanted feeling or like it’s

Something out of a fairy tale and it’s just a really nice winter retreat the whole thing really makes me wish that I had something like this on top of a mountain lots of beautiful lights to light it up I don’t know just the whole thing I really really enjoyed making it

And I really like how it turned out so of course we’ll have more like this to do I’m going to continue adding things to this world and because I have so many ideas about what I’d like to do in this world and it has been so long since

We’ve been here I might spend a couple hundred days in this world again instead of bouncing between a bunch of different videos but let me know what you think I’d love to see your comments on that and what you’d prefer me to do next but

As I said I really enjoyed this one I was it was a lot of fun being back in this world and I really enjoyed it so let me know what you think uh for future videos what you’d prefer to see if you haven’t yet don’t forget to subscribe

We’re on our way to 100,000 and I can’t wait till we get there but that’s going to do it for this video as always thanks for watching and we’ll see you in the next one Citizen

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days BUILDING A SNOW CASTLE in Minecraft Hardcore! (#6)’, was uploaded by LegionVee on 2024-01-12 17:00:29. It has garnered 61820 views and 906 likes. The duration of the video is 03:27:39 or 12459 seconds.

#minecraft #100days #minecrafthardcore #moddedminecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftbuilding #minecraftasmr

I Survived 100 Days BUILDING A SNOW CASTLE in Minecraft Hardcore! Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments!

This is the 6th video in my original hardcore world (600 days).

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Complementary Shaders:

Froglight Farm: Wool Farm:

Mods: Trade Cycling: Apple Skin: Falling Tree: Just Enough Items: Elytra Slot:

Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 01:05 Day 1 26:18 Day 11 49:37 Day 21 1:08:14 Day 31 1:29:58 Day 41 1:46:57 Day 51 2:11:04 Day 61 2:30:23 Day 71 2:39:32 Day 81 3:00:19 Day 91 3:26:12 Day 100

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  • Join me in Minecraft while I battle illness with Remilia 🎮

    Join me in Minecraft while I battle illness with Remilia 🎮Video Information d o d hi I’m d d I’ve Got The Power of dark and white on my side hi I’m r e f i l i a [Music] [Music] I’m r e l i l i aiaia [Music] he o I’m I’ve got to power all Darkness and Light on my side hi I’m r e m i l i a [Music] [Music] hi I’m r e m i l i a [Music] I’ve got to power all Darkness and Light on my side hi I’m r e m i l i a [Music] [Music] hi I’m r… Read More

  • Unbelievable Win in Bedwars – No Idea How!

    Unbelievable Win in Bedwars - No Idea How!Video Information This video, titled ‘I won this bedwars game without knowing how to play’, was uploaded by HBU mine on 2024-03-27 19:04:31. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:59 or 419 seconds. 1. Join me on my gaming adventures as I conquer the Minecraft world! Watch my YouTube channel for epic gameplay and exciting challenges. Let’s play together! 2. Get ready for non-stop Minecraft action on my gaming YouTube channel! Join me as I explore, build, and survive in this virtual world. Subscribe now for the best gaming content! 3. Dive… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Prank on Chai Wala 😂 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Prank on Chai Wala 😂 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Funny Chai Wala 😂 #shorts’, was uploaded by Adi Bhai Gamer on 2024-05-29 06:30:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Funny Chai Wala #shortsvoice credit @NOTYOURTYPE video credit @LEGENDDEVILS minecraft minecraft funny … Read More

  • Garrettmc Network

    Garrettmc NetworkHello and welcome to the Garrettmc network :). We have a variety of games to choose from, we have Minigames, Murder-Mystery, Skyblock, Classic smp, Smp, factions, creative, and an anarchy server as well. We know that the server wasn’t the best in the past and we are actively working toward making a higher quality server experience. We hope to see you on the server :), have a good day. 🙂 Read More

  • Charged Creeper SMP, Cross-Play, McMMO, Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Custom Enchants, Shops, Pinata Party, Crates

    Hark, Brave Adventurers! Charged Creeper is an SMP server that launched in March of 2024. We offer a captivating survival experience with: Features: Lite RPG experience with Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Quests, and more Excellent QoL with Player Warps, Homes, Land Claiming, and more Voting system with rewards Player-owned economy Multi-platform play with different MC versions Informative Discord channel with Discord-to-Minecraft chatting Custom Help menu available 24/7 Join Us: Visit our Website or join our Discord Channel. Java IP: Bedrock Port: 25566 Welcome! We eagerly await new faces in our server and extend our warmest welcome to all. Feel free… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lebonbon strikes again!

    Lebonbon must have some serious Minecraft skills if they’re scoring a 94 on meme creation! Read More

  • Minecraft’s Sad Moments: Rhyme Time for Viral Shine

    Minecraft's Sad Moments: Rhyme Time for Viral Shine In the world of Minecraft, where blocks collide, Sad moments unfold, tears cannot hide. Players build and create, their dreams taking flight, But sometimes it crumbles, in the dark of the night. Heartbreak in pixels, a tale to be told, In the land of creativity, where stories unfold. But fear not, dear players, for hope still remains, In the realm of Minecraft, where joy always reigns. So watch the full video, subscribe with glee, For more Minecraft shorts, come and see. Trappedsynth’s channel, a place to explore, In the world of gaming, where dreams soar. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Bruh moment #minecraft

    Hotter than a lava pit: Bruh moment #minecraft When you accidentally mine straight down and fall into a pit of lava, that’s a bruh moment in Minecraft. Just remember, always bring a bucket of water with you! Read More

  • Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft

    Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Beacon Cream XI Portal Embark on a journey to the world of Minecraft with UzeMing as he crafts a unique portal known as the Beacon Cream XI. This portal, inspired by the character Beacon Cream from Roblox and Minecraft, challenges players to explore new realms and unleash their creativity. Materials Needed To construct the Beacon Cream XI portal, UzeMing gathers obsidian, flint, steel, beacons, and Redstone blocks. These materials form the foundation of the portal, allowing players to delve into a world of adventure and mystery. Building the Portal With meticulous precision, UzeMing assembles the materials… Read More