CaptainSparklez 2 – Trip To New York (Minecraft SMP Earth #38)

Video Information

All right everyone welcome back to another episode of SM Perth since last time I haven’t really done anything as you’ll notice I’m still back here in the end it looks like they turned the low grab on here in this section it wasn’t on last time here but I did say I wanted

To come back when not as many people are on the server and use the fast plane and just see if I could find a few more light shows maybe and yeah you know maybe a few more places that have chests in them that I am able to loot I could

Also if I wanted to just right now make a couple more chakra boxes might as well you know we got a couple chests there let’s do this let’s do these couple more shelter boxes you know how we do and this way I’ll just have a lot more

Storage so that I can put other stuff in could put like diamond things in one emeralds in another just clear out a little bit of space I don’t know are we’ll just now we’ll probably just use it for continued storage when the first one fills up probably better that way anyway

Okie dokie Saul Goodman dude Saul Goodman is this whole thing a part of the Arg no no right now I’m just I’m just trying to get stuff in the end hopefully it’ll load but there are still actually a lot of people who are on right now so there is a chance that it

Will still load very slowly we’ll see though let me just open up I’ll use the fast plane and we’ll see what happens hopefully nothing bad I don’t actually know which direction I was headed but anyway ah it’s loading better than it was yesterday so that’s good I just

Don’t want to go like crazy fast you know but that’s it’s definitely better definitely better questions I don’t know if I should be like zigzagging and stuff just to make sure I load the entirety violence probably let’s see hmm posture check uh you know I don’t always

Have the best posture I know I should improve it but he’s okay I haven’t had too many back issues in my life although I definitely have had squats make it so that I uh I needed to roll out my back more often I’ve been using a lacrosse

Ball the past few days it feels good dude I basically I put the lacrosse ball up against the door jamb and then I like just kind of brace myself against the opposite side of the door jamb and oh it’s it feels nice I just kind of crushed my back up against the lacrosse

Ball while it’s up on the door jamb I recommend oh there we go is plain do we have plans planning boat doesn’t look it’s not looking good but there is Oh Frick there was a chest in there I saw I saw their chests well not I’m not looking at you I’m not

Looking at you everything is fine hey hey chill boys – oh my god there’s so many there’s so many Jesus man okay Oh Yalda chill here for a minute last prop for okay easy buds are they at where the man’s at sir oh he’s right down there I see you okay how

Are you not opening there we go got him wait where the heck is the last one here oh it’s you I think there was a there’s another shell in there I guess I could take another enderchest I mean the low grab I guess kind of helps here in a way nope

Nope okay great I’m really good at parkour even with low gravity am i doing hold on here we go can he do it huh yeah there we go okay anyway I don’t think I need that I don’t know if I need to get another ender chest regardless but I guess I

Could this way at least I’m not losing anything in here why did I do that I needed you there we all good okay well so you know I do need to once I get back home I do have to go and I can’t jump out put up the names on the wall of

Honor and perhaps rename some of my items to other other people’s names for the side the ambit with 7-bit things and you okay let this continue our expedition where to next preferably someplace that has a boat it’s like while I’m here while I’m in the fast plane I kind of might as well

Get a few more light resist in case I want to go to sell them things like that given that we all have fast planes I don’t know that there’s gonna be such a market for buying Electra’s cuz you can always just fly out and find him that

Way oh oh hello that was very easy alright here we go boys let’s land can i land on the ship nope can’t land on the ship come on okay this is this is actually a massive pain I’m just gonna land over here and then go over with my

Electra come on really or did you go where did he go inside hello nice fake out dude he knows I got my arrow on him there we go does looting work on chokers does it give you more of a chance of having them actually drop something yeah there’s no

Point in going up there I don’t think this one actually has any chess in it actually you know the low grab makes it easier to initiate flight though nice there’s that it also makes it way easier to I’ll get rekt bud from the air I absolutely destroyed eluding does work on shelters fair

Enough you were getting lots of diamonds here though I like that what are you not correct you smite oh the old smite five would have been cool if I was planning on going after the wither which we still can’t spawn right there’s no way of actually getting a wither I think a so

You can’t get wither skeleton skulls look at that for light roads now we gotta pull out another shelter box start filling that one up we out here I almost feel like shell cur boxes are just too Opie well okay actually wait um need to get the dragon head I know everyone is

Very big on that I guess this way at least I can make a uterus shop if I want to cool Oh key dokey don’t really need them but you know what it’s fine but wonder if I can cruise all the way to mainland no probably not

But what I can do is spawn the plane here and we out off to the next book okay there’s another is there uh is there a boat yeah that’d be wild now this is the luck that car was getting apparently Oh double chest boys not really good that one oh my god there’s

Okay lot of projector a lot of projectiles holy crap yeah okay well there we go many man’s Oh God and we going out it’s actually fine thank you for turning back on the low gravity we don’t have to worry about anything and we glide down slowly nice whoa okay

Big place look at all these shelter shells boys question is can I do I want to actually bother to parkour up I guess it should be kind of easy with the low grav good no no please no it’s like actually sometimes it doesn’t initiate right away yeah it didn’t initiate there

That’s the problem the lugger it’s really weird it like you jump normally and then it adds extra to your jump but it doesn’t always add extra to your yep okay it doesn’t always add extra to your jump this is an you’re gonna build up I know I know

There’s more I just didn’t want to loop the chest well I’m also dealing with a bunch of shelters shooting at me so don’t worry what are you doing best chest ever dude so good hey come on actually four things that stack I can just put them in Elaine and

Her chest that’ll be easier okay let’s see if any of the other places that might have actually these these towers all look like they could have some loot in them potentially yah dude wait for it wait looks like all of their projectiles are mostly hitting the ceiling before they get to come on

God this guy knows all this guy’s a pain oh damn you damn you god this guy can dodge every time are you kidding me go away aah all these chests are kind of a letdown if I’m being honest you need to dye the shelter boxes different colors and stuff but okay this

Thing this one actually seems to be pretty loaded this particular end City I mean because I think that also has some stuff and now one might to who who can I make it almost God dang it tell don’t like this I’m just gonna fire up to the top or actually will do this

Oh God darn it what the heck okay stop being angry calm down oh boy they’re mini man’s oh my god there’s so much deflection oh geez bro look at this park horse oh my God look at how many there are this is insane some next-level agora range there seriously boys okay couple

Diamonds couple pretty lame enchantments here don’t need that I don’t think I need many of these things and then there was the one more that I did this one I didn’t do oh nothing a waste God darn it we out okay we’re off where – okay so we’re still heading in

This direction wait there was another chest in the top one did I really miss uh ie I mean this one here Oh huh I did I did I’m smart at which direction was it from the last one okay over here one more like try and then we

Will call it good for the end I think Tex Sona or text onna thank you for the two hundreds you planning on going to Minecraft Festival in 2020 in Orlando basically minecon I don’t know they have not decided if I get like oh hey there’s

No what the heck is with the change of luck today but is there a boat that is the question it’s not looking very Bodhi out here but man there are a lot of places that might actually have loot here okay help geez lack of boating weather I guess

Thomas just more tress – yeah I’m just gonna try to go into super quick grab this duffle and float my way out know how much I don’t care about this stuff but there’s a lot of shocker oh you would okay now that one over there that one over there and that one oh

Thank god are all these possible chest locations geez no nevermind no chests here Hey darn it I’m gonna be floating for a while here folks god damn it okay we’re gonna be here for a bit pull it back up take the chef’s with you so you make shelters on the

Boat I go I’m not gonna be running out of shelters any time soon I don’t think guys chest there all right so it’s only the higher up ones out I did dumb I don’t think there’s any in that one actually so it’ll just be this one over

Here do you think I can get up to the top of is it no not even this one okay I guess damn it is just one building a chest I’ll just jump off here actually let’s try at the plane for the ground okay cool um just guard thank you for the tuna bits

I didn’t mean that big chunk this is now haunting you maybe check the remote batteries in your cars just in case though I don’t actually know how to check what or not the batteries have much charge left it’s not really they’re pretty low-tech remotes give him on thinking of

This up and ningen blue thank you for the two months heck I’ll just hit oh I just got hit by a shocker cool what if I knew I don’t actually know what that achievement entails anybody know I figured I got all the unrelated achievements

Oh float up 50 blocks huh so hey I was I was shocked and then I got in my plane okay ah yeah I did I did oh there’s a boat wait is it the but don’t tell me that’s the boat I’ve already been in nope

That’s a new boat okay cool oh it’s one way to land a plane nice nice dude don’t know where you win okay put the end of chess in there and there’s it looks pretty good there’s a lot of loot ain’t it that’s pretty nice it’s pretty nice and then I guess we got

To get the dragon head don’t we everybody’s all about them dragon heads dude then I’ll check I’ll just check this particular and city see if it has any more loot it looks like a pretty big one and oh my god this isn’t this is a unit I must have just had like some

Really bad luck yesterday when I was using the small plane thank you and wow dude this city is a monster anyway off we go in a moment I actually I don’t know if I’ve seen one this big before this thing is gnarly holy crap what what

A gigantic and city this thing is holy crap six snippy riffle dudes six snippy riffle and that no let me out let me out I don’t need the other end of chest I love getting a sleepy riffle from the chest is always nice okay now we go to Maybe well oh come on no no I just I do this again it’s fine to this one are they a jacinth and both of these are gonna have loot crazy a lot of lot of man’s a lot of man’s oh yeah yeah let me up here we get another

One next door where is this one you know home that has chess hard to tell oh no this one has cheese that’s best suited to what in the world there’s so many over there no chess in this one okay was worth looking though whoo all

Right that was uh that’s big wait did I and I went into the yeah one of the two top ones over there I went into that one that one I don’t think has any lutes now look in your really quickly just in case No i overshoot it oh god now it’s gonna

Take me absolutely ages to get down anyway those have been into I went into that one and then I ran back out the stairs please please make it make it make it make it to the corner make it to the corner you can do this yes good job

Okay I think oh yeah use enderpearls huh it’s good point it’s a good point you make anyway alright we’re gonna we’re gonna call it there for our end adventure that’s the end of our end adventure for the time being so I’m going to do the thing where I throw

Everything else into the chokers for all my inventory into the ender chest and all that stuff and yeah okay so let me think where did I I think I put my actual inventory into this did I oh yeah I came to dig oh yeah they all have custom names no thank you

There and I’m in shovel anything else what else did I have that was part of my actual inventory I can’t remember exactly don’t need all this stuff that can go in there thing is everything is gonna go in at some point now we’ll just do this all in the other

Shelter box over here it’s a lot of shelter boxes dude okay and I guess I just have to jump into the void I threw out my inner dragon head what you talking about I didn’t throw out my inner dragon head they’re in here they’re whatever they’re

In there in this one they all here for them all right obviously no I need to I need to put my pickaxe in here and that’s everything okay well I can’t do fall damage so you know actually I’ll sacrifice my shelf myself to the shelters that’s what I’ll do

I’ve teased you all enough I’ve taken enough of you it is time that you take me with you take me with you choke me Shulk me please guys how do you keep missing this are you keep missing oh no my power has gone down Rippey dippy okay cool

What the Wow all right all right that’s simply unnecessary she would come in here and just gloat to my face I know my poor levels it’s not like I can get them back easily by just going and trading twice with the villagers it’s cannot work okay anyway let’s get our stuff back

And I also dude I’m gonna need to dye my boxes so that I can differentiate stuff and I got to put two people’s names on the wall of honor and also get some levels so that I can rename and stuff oh I didn’t name the chestplate

I didn’t do that I should maybe that’ll be that’ll be one of the things that I could name today in somebody’s arm from last week pick okie-dokie they think that I actually lost everything yep am i mean for making people think I tugged on their heartstrings enough all

Right let’s get willow keep our diamonds in here and enjoy your there more yes many more diamonds very nice and um let’s see what else shulker shells we can probably go straight definitely don’t need this many blocks and emeralds in my box whoops I wonder if I need do I need to

Create any additional boxes here or the stuff that I just acquired I’ve got so many stuff I could make an electro box the electro box can be right here and it’s fine I can always go back in the future and then whatever Cara can just

Not get to keep rubbing it in my face that she has more Electra’s than me this is a lot of stuff to sort though I’m not gonna lie I got to make a year though that’s very important and dang look at this dude look at this tiger camo boys

God I kind of want a snippy riffle now because that looks sick wonder what it looks like when you put it on a horse fab breaker thank you for the 200 bits has to be a three tall building to spawn a chest also it assumes videos been

Watching since I was in high school no 25 graduated college well old together thanks mate der teufel thank you for the two months much appreciated blind wombat thank you for the two months as well and thanks for the Risa valor k-9 unit thanks for the subjects

Car thank you for the two hundred bits I know I’m a zany troll dude gaming spud thank you for the sub but much appreciated dude this thing is gnarly let me see what oh my goodness look at that absolute unit have Matt thanks for seven months of sub äj– appreciate it

Anyway oh this is a lot of stuff to deal with just a quick dragon heads in here too that would make sense and maybe this will be just I don’t know the end of chest that’s good I should have sorted out my inventory before I brought anything back into it honestly that’s

What I should have done cuz now I’m gonna have to like reach 3-1 figure out what I do and do not want to keep um that’s actually what I will yeah put a clock on it actually no I want to keep the clock in my enjoy that’s something I

Always have and there are pearls can the go into here I know this is always fun to watch but I don’t really want to leave these things just out in my room here you save a lot of gold helpful for making gabbles and stuff like that and I

Guess I’m the rest of the stuff more potions a lot of potions of instant health and then ender chests item frame spare enderchest can go name city and chess that makes sense right Syd Ian I guess everything is I feel like I was just playing the minecraft but all the

Drops are random and I found the and Luke yes I’m trying to like sort through it all and stuff David hi God thank you for the Toyota bit so you can make compressed emerald blocks test to see if you can uncompress them into regular ever walks then build a beacon with

Compressed emerald blocks instead Oh grind stone to get levels ah I think I need to do that I can get levels so easily and I’m going to so that I can rename some stuff but in the meantime actually can I die I mean unalike a shulker main cactus

Green oh wait I actually have a digest already let’s change the colors of some of these boys here dude I’ll make a blue one and we’ll make an orange one nice then the question is whether or not I should bother to rename them but honestly I’m probably not gonna really

Use too much unless I have to add additional things in them anyway cool I’m sure that purple and orange and blue or some some color scheme of something and anyway okay ah oh yeah sorry I suppose that would go on the armor chest even though it’s a snippy riffle

And just BBM chest in general all right cool stuff good times baby Yoda safe and sound inside cloud storage and now let’s grab four signs so we can add some people’s names to the wall of honor and then after that oh I forgot I actually have another texture pack on

Right now all right there we go wood looks a little bit different oh did I already have four signs in there oh I did cool wait but they weren’t I don’t think it’s jungle signs on that thing but I do have signs they’re smart all right let’s go

Do that I have the list of people up oh god I think I have to make the beacon today and I still haven’t gotten rid of the gigantic pain this is very unfortunate that this is still taking place hey why is the beacon purple now wait what one dammit

What is this why is why is purple hey why is it well it doesn’t make any sense what oh there’s a there’s a fence ow okay they didn’t realize that it was just a glass I didn’t need to do that you can make it with a glass pane that’s

Completely hidden inside the thing huh that’s cool it syenite it’s okay I’ll take it honestly that doesn’t bother me actually yeah I didn’t know that you do it the glass pane that’s kind cool all righty wall of honor what do we have from last week we have

Oh god I’m I’m dumb come over here looks like I gotta retrieve it from over here oh no oh no oh no I’ve just I’ve just been informed of something terrible that has happened Casa Cara yes I see it I can’t believe this has happened it hurts it’s gonna it’s really it this

Hurts it really hurts winters heart who won the sub gifts from last week has indicated that she would like a water elevator to be named one direction because a it’s accurate and B it’ll make Bridget happy I can’t believe you have done this ah God darn it and Bridget responds this

Is the best news ever yeah but wouldn’t my one direction elevator not work because One Direction is defunct okay well we’ve got economical ketchup I’ll separate that in two lines I guess ketchup and then we have my emo the king of asking what’s up how’s your day going at the start of

Every stream he’s on it every time I am wild frog and kuma 2 2 4 8 8 and once again just in case you are curious what this is the wall of honor well the names on the wall of honor are the people who are 2nd and 3rd each week on the sub

Gifts and the bits contributed and then the number one people get something in the world name tagged after them or a sign on a building that’s named after them or an item named after them in the anvil so that’s why we’re about to name a water elevator one direction then we

Also have we have Broken Arrow Broken Arrow will actually you know what I could name an arrow because I have infinity so the arrows don’t get used up I could name the arrow Broken Arrow it’s that’s a good idea that’s a good idea I’m gonna do that I

Just thought you can name and Erica is not getting used up by infinity and then it won’t stack on other things and that’s so convenient because I always get arrows stacking up and then I have to like leave one over that’s a good idea mm-hmm I like that I like that ok

So that means I need to go wait there’s an anvil in here but actually first I need to do a little bit of trade to get some levels I hope it’s not too late in the day quick quick quick it must be fast oops okay we should have

Plenty of books in here yeah hey what up mate alright oh no my twelve levels that I lost in the end they are so hard to get back again I shall never get the twelve levels back I can’t believe that IOA stood them let me get more bookshelves

Too and that way I can get my levels and this just go to grade 17 oh boy oh boy even more there we go there we go easy peasy that stuff in there and our stack out I’m just gonna keep trading actually because I can use one levels one of

These days I’ll return to my previous glory of 100 levels although that might be more difficult now that I’m more consistently naming items after folks here actually let me do this really quick I’ll call it the not because it’s not broken it’s it’s it’s an arrow that works properly so it’s not actually

Broken but broken and get it yep I’m not that clever okay anyway cool and then we’ll go as soon as trading time is up we’ll go name our water elevator one direction which is inaccurate because it would mean that the elevator is defunct but that’s fine Bridget you get your way

Courtesy of winters heart who is always number one every week she is on it consistency never seen a more consistent person in my life if you wanna live someone will go by the error of the bow I think it would it would show the bows name in chat which

Is currently the the bow of balance kind of a throwback to that one series and there we are look at that oh yeah that level 30 ASAP boys ain’t no thing yeah that looks really quickly actually but it’s okay because I haven’t done too much emerald branding recently and it’s

Like I’m not even doing it for emeralds at this point I just want the levels honestly every past trading time is that hell yeah car is here I am on the server therefore car is present yes hello I give weird voyeur [Laughter] you get the latest piece of art I did

You trying to flex I’m not impressed [Laughter] sorry not impressed I got plenty of Electra’s myself oh yeah I lost everything that’s a bummer I’m kidding I followed up in the chat its we are all good oh yeah yeah I didn’t want to spend

Epic troll I know dude I know I’m on it I’ve got the best troll student Lee epic troll face mm-hmm okay how’s it going guys what are you working on hmm honestly I don’t know I’m kind of sitting here today weird I’m uh working with villagers right now my

Mine cart just disappeared so that’s cool here you go I guess if I have to bro why did my minecart just piece out oh they just left it just dipped out you said never designs we did after that one time they suggested that you you guys

Want ads no I did I only do that when I’m like taking a break between things are going to the bathroom usually in fact I never used to do it until twitch like a couple months ago sent on emails of like run ads do it make sure you run

Ads and I was like try I’ll try to not interrupt people jeez they’re really real adamant I don’t know don’t worry guys I’m not running an ad now I would only run an ad if I was gonna go pee they asked for it so that was on though

Not in my chat they definitely don’t want run now they’re they’re very opposed to it bro I like I just had a minecart disappear from my inventory and I’m so confused just trying to field your own toy slots no Papa no it didn’t it just went bye-bye

It’s it’s gone do you want frost Walker definitely don’t you left to run across oceans you could be the first person ever to frost walk across the Pacific I didn’t I didn’t want you to run an ad I didn’t mean for them to run it I was

Actually I didn’t want you to run an ad unless unless I was going pee you don’t need to read or an ad during ads don’t no need to do that mods seriously like the ads on twitch don’t don’t really amount to a great deal so I’d rather people

Have a good viewing experience this way only do it when it’s not gonna interrupt people’s viewing experience honestly don’t don’t do it there’s no need it’s actually kind of the nice thing about twitch is that like on YouTube it’s very very seasonal like right now as of January 1st ad Rev has

Tanked and it does every year because every company blows their budget on advertising in q4 cuz everyone’s spending for Christmas gifts then January 1st they’re like we don’t really need to advertise to anyone anymore so they’re not spending and it just goes down the tube on the other hand when it

Comes to twitch the majority revenue is not based on advertisements so it is actually more consistent as long as you do not take vacations it would be very stressful to be full twitch 100% because I would be like oh god if I ever have to go anywhere for a few days like there

Goes everything at least on YouTube like I don’t like to travel because it’s so stressful to back everything up for YouTube but at least I can do it if I need to on the other hand when it comes to twitch I’d be so stressed bro I’d be

So stressed advice for you if you’re ever looking to start on twitch make sure you do some YouTube hand-in-hand with it otherwise you yeah I mean obviously go into it not expecting that it’s going to turn into a job but if it’s looking like it could then make

Sure you got some YouTube going hand-in-hand it’ll reduce the stress you have to what the heck is happening over here I can’t relate now I mean it’s wasting one more work for editing now I got more people hey if anyone um doesn’t have anything that they’re doing today you could help me

Tear down the Giants dick Jordan I good news I’m not doing anything you guys want to all help tear down the dick where my house the one like the one that Jordan said was accurate oh wait I also need a name a water elevator one direction yeah that one

Let’s go check it out for we take it down it’s pretty big I don’t know where I said accuracy anything about accuracy it was what they tend in a particular direction one direction perhaps I say that because I’m currently naming a water elevator one direction how do you

Name because I was requested by the person who did the max the most gifts sub gifts last week get something named after them and they requested on behalf of one of my mods that is a big former One Direction fan because One Direction is now defunct that I named my water

Elevator one direction because it is true it does only go in one direction you know when you’re right you’re right And he’s a Niall and Harry Harry Niall Zayn yep Zhen Shan George Bush Zayn I think yeah and then who was the last one Liam Lewis Harry Niall Zayn oh there are five of them hey yeah therefore Zayn left on March 25th 2015 John Paul George and Ringo we’re talking about insane get on the same page keep up Backstreet Boys obviously all right like one hangs lower than the other it’s just funny

Oh yeah I stated that a research article it actually is Oh God all right I’ll come help you tear down the giant jar donkeyness Oh straight into lava apparently yes Chet confirm one ball hangs lower than one inch at because it’s nighttime I can hardly like see

Where the edge of this thing is wait what how high does this thing go oh my god I think you would know it’s still going I thought that like a stack of scaffolding was gonna be enough that this thing’s like hundreds of blocks I sweet Jesus I have to go

Actually go get more scaffolding this is insanity it’s it’s at least like a hundred blocks high and I’m not building the beacon because I have you guys helping and if the beacon was built then it would go to quickly drawing me it’s wrecking me that would be a bummer if

You got unlived there we go going up the one direction maybe I’ll just go like how poison lasts so long yeah last 40 seconds is a good times you praised god this thing is okay how how high is it it is at a hundred why a hundred thirty seven geez this

Scaffolding is not even close well you can have a lot of black concrete man if only I had held off building my runway more roads now do we need to build some roads in and out of the Kingdom of Jordan creeper Amman alright who’s on their way I’m heading

Over okay why why do people keep getting destroyed oh okay I just thought ship going down as well so I didn’t know I am so mad I’m so never mind that that I guess is unfortunate why do I keep hearing thunder I don’t know it’s not there’s no story

I think chip was doing things because I saw that he got hit by lightning what Cara what are you doing well I had there was thunder and in my my phone vibrate at the same time whoa crazy so you’re not you’re not helping tear down

The thing I will okay but I need some fireworks uh-huh creepers god this must have taken forever to build this thing is freaking bi antic jeez huh let’s see where did I leave off it goes into space um DJ trip bit thank you with you Anna bits just came for the big shunga episode came to your stream to see a giant peen well you’re welcome yep a lot has changed in the last few episodes gaming spud thank you for the tuner bits I’ve been watching for a book lock of

Years I don’t know what that means I thought it was up with twitch crime Avenue you keep the good work thanks very much for sticking around for a while winters heart thank you for the 200 bits sorry not sorry I look forward to seeing what you end up doing next

Week when you inevitably have number one again and you recommend I do something on somebody else’s behalf voice I just have to go around it rings now and destroy the thing mmm Jessica Hart thank you for the tuna bits excuse me one direction or just on hiatus what are you

Talking about dude they’re done there funk they out they’re done it’s all over for one direction sorry Bridget that is the way it be and let’s see when you start thank you but the sure to bits at least I picked something you don’t need levels for it’s true it is true indeed

Gaming spud thanks for 200 bits oh I meant a good few years got you and cough SIA thank you for the two months bladder thank you for the 200 bits just got hurt thank you the tuner bits Bridget ran an ad in your chat as

You said that you don’t run ads I do run ads now apparently um gesture guard thank you for the 200 200 bits Bridget just got a One Direction tattoo she’s not a former fan well perhaps you know the fact that you got a tattoo means that they will reunite they’ll be like

Bridget who used to or maybe still does run are like fan tumblr accounts for starting trends she just got a tattoo of us so oh god I almost fell off so I guess we have to reunite now there is a chance that they’ll treat it that way

You never know dude you never know and David pie God they give you the 200 bits don’t keep Electra’s in chess someone might steal it oh I’m not too concerned but I suppose I could stick Electress in a shelter box what type of gym split do I do I do a

Three day rotation I do legs one day I do upper body horizontal push pull the next day which is like bench press and row those sorts of movements and then I do an upper body vertical push pull the next day which is like oh thanks which is like pull-ups and dips and shoulder

Press and things along those lines okay hello good of you to join so good to have you pretty sorry well I will be right back oh my so to myself is falling from great high I’m gonna leave a little platformer here just don’t break this platform okay

Balls okay I’ll be right back okay where you going you had more baffling Jordan why don’t you just walk around and break just don’t wanna be on the tip what’s there is no tip anymore I’m broken the tip oh my god I have had no issues thus far I just

Could just keep going in rings keep destroying rings around the thing and then you can just go down another layer and then you just keep it going it’s pretty easy and you just go down another bit see what part are you doing oh you’re down there okay when you get to

It yeah there he’s gone he’s afk he decided to come here look at it and be like I’ll be back don’t break the platform actually be kind of funny to put some slime blocks down below him and then break the platform oh wait what the

Why why why is she doing there I’m sorry you didn’t know that if you broke the block underneath me that I would fall out crap out evening fortune works on concrete here I’ll get the ball I did not know that if I broke the block underneath you you would fall down I

Guess well there’s the matter now even lantry okay I know well they’re falling anyway boy I’ll ask you 100 blocks let’s find out alright well now I’m just mining up in a spiral why don’t mind I’m going a spiral do you reminded me well sure now I can

Mine down okay I’ll do that certainly weird gaps are that’s all Clark Oh alright P scaffolding I need that no I want scaffolding ok how’s it going so one person wants to go to the top which is what I was doing you could use mine rings down and then we’ll end up like

Meeting halfway or something yeah Karl you’re at the bottom work on the balls shaft team excellent the chickens are already exiting do I have scaffolding I have I have some extra yeah Michael I guess I won oh and then Kara added chickens [Laughter] yeah Jordan s I don’t know if I want to

Repeat this oh boy let’s not go get me D monetize I think yourself in okay definitely sir are we good are we good [Laughter] Jordan cool thank you guys you know you need these days it’s okay this should be a very easy project in comparison to falling kingdoms with you by the way

When’s it going into the end think about it you having second thoughts how to do it build it again with the creator I got five months your schematic yeah dude manic I might use the one from S&P long ago so really got Bowl gotta be easier

To paste into a crater replace all the dirt with and yes can you you can probably do a replace command with like well did I write yeah yeah I’ll sort of mention that I did not bring up fallen kingdom did so very sick and tired of it

Being brought up again I’m sorry to ruin your life it’s good to ruin your life so have you know this was a very expensive prank I I can see that for the person who commissioned it how much did they give do you weigh it was Michaels though people paper francs you just know

Because Michael told you how much the person who commissioned it told me how much it was how much was this offered four hundred oh okay oh you say a thousand or something super wild okay I would have felt badly if that I no I’m saying I would have felt badly if we

Were tearing it down and it cost him like crazy crazy amounts hundred is a lot but I’m saying it’s not like it it had its time it had its time and I don’t feel quite as badly as you see it should be a thumbnail for a video I’d say I cannot do that

Unfortunately minecraft youtuber doesn’t depreciate value of a dollar drama these are some high balls I can’t reach him yeah I know I think ask McCarthy I said he said only three what do you I didn’t say only three there was obviously added context to that so just

Throw me under the bus and take things out of context I know it must have been you guys saying what do you have like fifty cars or something I’m like no I am sorry which in the context the only made sense I know I think I also asked for a

Car cuz I finished fallen Kingdom like I least deserve at least one yeah yeah we’ll see another shirt yet it’s still no really mm-hmm heck okay that’s weird yeah what the heck hey joy new one on these do you want all these things here I’ll drop them down the hole no thank you

I mean if I’d ever need to expand my runway I suppose it’ll be useful to keep a big Bell it is a big Bell you like sighs what did you say it says delivered today oh all right you giving me crap for not even shipping and it’s delivered bro oh

I thought you said it hadn’t even shipped in seconds so now shows how much you care we’re so good at taking a break you paid for this ask the person who gave $100 maybe he’ll contribute what do you say like that thank you for your

Help I can give you guys each an emerald block if you would like it sure okay was jump change yeah Wow I don’t have to give you an emerald block if you don’t want it you get the concrete from you you want oh if you want some of the

Concrete I’ll give you something concrete there you go wait I can see you don’t want the concrete you don’t want the guy wait stop please we have too much concrete and the roads are made out of here you go hey hey hey yo there you go

Thank you so much I’m here to help we are here to help I’m here to help with your finances and you’re here to help with my dick problems Oh what’s she deal with you lazy oh you’re shooting your no-nail Cara is shooting a map it’s raining and I want

To fly the desert way too long that’s right at one time no but with the with a trident – mm-hmm if you want to why does chip keep on living why did you give me this man is testing something yes so many are you going I’m going up oh go up

One direction we can we use the Triton in the snow very [ __ ] I don’t see it no good snows here okay let me see what this looks like now that it’s all good yeah I’m not wrong what isn’t rain here I said can we use it in the snow yeah

All back to normal nice I can’t believe that all these chickens are just scattered around here now both your fault yes yeah what is this a troll craft my god I would love that maybe you would love that that was a series that I was participating in do

You know you’d have like one strip of land that’s raining and nothing else called the desert yeah even desert terrain occasionally is that in Minecraft they do not know why is yeah why is he al hey guys if you’re interested in snagging a minecraft server feel free to go to MC pro slash CaptainSparklez and you’ll get a discount on your first month of minecraft server hosting you play minecraft with your friends like SP earth if you loaded up an earth map you could also go to represent our home slash store slash Kevin’s Marvel’s you get some Swick merch over there thanks

To MC pro hosting and me for sponsoring everything it’s pretty cool good times all around I just wanted you all to know that because otherwise you might have missed it and you would have been sad bum ya missed out on all of that stuff

Man what should I do now hey what do you guys think I should do look in general hmm are you bored yeah I just I’m not I’m not sure what my next next quest should be mm-hmm have you seen New York before have you seen New York you guys seen New York oh

No I have it is it actually built up like a city oh this is where you guys live when I like my project okay off to New York yeah actual New York it’s called B you can also make an embassy in other countries true true

I could I could make one out of black concrete my god it’s our in long in every country the jar dong embassy all right to New York we go I don’t even have the map loaded right now just go east no for these no I need a map

Why would I go without nav what cuz he’d go east why would I go without now I’m gonna use like if you want me to not make it to New York I guess I understand I’m on the map not about looking like a website to have upon your weight usually

Go east for the monitor oh yeah yeah sorry sorry I I got my directions mixed up for a second sorry I was dealing with a sir I was dealing with a series earlier this morning where I was recording and I made a compass and f3 didn’t show me directions and I forgot I

Had a mini map mod because it was toggled off and so I start going Southwest according to the compass only to find out later that the compass just points to this NPC at spawn always and so now my directions are all screwed up um anyway Julian thank you for the two

Months of sobbing oh god I’m kind of like flying and watch this at the same time and also not go too fast and cause the server to disconnect uh mode II jus so thank you for the sub anonymous think of the 17 months gamer Erland speed thank you for the two other

Bits blindest dragon thanks for doing a sub gift Ricky thank you for a sub and oh no 50 thank you for 2 months of sub äj– much appreciated alright let’s see here we are at NY East cuz that’s how the world was built yes

Oh god dude am I oh god I don’t want it I don’t know if I’m just too high up and my past chunk loading generation that’s my f3 right now oh I went really high I went up to y equals 700 I didn’t mean that I didn’t want to do that

Whoops it’s gonna take a while to descend and I you up to 700 that quickly the heck bro and the freaking stratosphere dude yeah at least I’m still here I hadn’t disconnected jacksepticeye’s thank you for 3 months sub egde appreciate it there yet 500 jeez yeah I’m flying if I keep flying up

Eventually I can end up in the end I don’t actually have to go through the portal but that’d be an interesting plug-in actually you fly up so high and then all of a sudden you end up in the end dimension the globe here so oh my god it’s still 450 blocks up

Hey at least I can see down now look at that runway down there I actually haven’t been all the way over to New York yet wonderful would’ve been quicker if Y West actually and go across the well you can’t fly across the world border I why wait why of the German

Empire in Bosnia claimed over here no the big apple not work out is this the Big Apple yeah Ryan we don’t need any black concrete like at all we have way too much yeah well I didn’t bring any over sorry about that nah Ryan just has a line its inventory staying in motion

The fish is canny thing are you at New York no I am in the Big Apple well on the Big Apple I should say oh okay oh it’s Kong that’s HD why haven’t you added the other parts of them because then he went oh you should use body it does have a

Lot of hair when it’s not maintained so you’re welcome yes I have to yeah I would have to let it I would have to let my torso here grow out a little bit longer before it sit like max okay so are you gonna be our NYC tour guide so

Over here it’s a park Wow oh is this Central Park it’s it’s a park it’s not Central okay in bc4 new bean city it’s be V white bean York City yeah cuz York New York is nice so you want the York forget about it your because York sounds

Anyway this is the part okay yeah I’m trash joins us snack wow you have my youtube channel banner right up here that’s pretty cool to friends cafe it’s a friends cafe a friend’s death why did the floor go away are you walking here this is one of the

Blocks Oh what’s happened this is a yeah me too this is another block over here you know in New York still drinking water yeah they’re in the chest all right I think died for me mmm I don’t know what’s going on it’s okay oh wait yeah what happened over here

I’m terraforming everyone’s frozen I see oh wait but you everyone can communicate via text but no one can move yeah well I can move but no one else is moving do this lurid night chip please I don’t know no I don’t think kids cuz they’re saying I just work for concrete your

Keys are made of I don’t think I’ve ever seen it with a chat works fine but nobody is moving hmm boy there’s a penis here to you boy where am I I’m not gonna be necessary did you put a penis here to your car oh no you’re gonna gotta pee

Anyway slow beer but oh wait the map is also down oh oh yeah is that gonna see that thing nobody rolls back in front of where I didn’t die now if it rolls back my dick I will be furious he’ll be furious I swear if it

Rolls back my dick please no please no it’s a lot of work well I’m so pleased well then – Rinna Rinna Rinna all deem you know you didn’t ruin then beans it rolled back while I was giving you your stuff back oh no when they have my stuff in your

Right what yes a mentorian was anything I’m in the ocean okay I am in the sky and the desert like I am well oh no alright ai-ai-ai-aight hateship in my bed it broke like it I have a bread embed in my only permit complexes they’re like we definitely is still

There like the one that I built okay yeah okay paint cod it’s the best definitely is still there thank you let’s back up yep great way to silk touch do you think it um I think you’ve duplicated him difficut my light you’re too well why am I in a lamb in the air

Stuff why am i oven why line the sky it did break my plane or is my plane okay I don’t know hey everybody I took a long time because I washed my hands are you excited no no I’m just so happy that I have my electron if I didn’t know my life girl

And I’d be ruined that is rude wait so you have another late try nothing happened nothing happened nobody habits over that’s me that’s mine that’s mine that’s mine we can sell it to me what the profit I’m sorry did you like out and died I don’t think so no but I

I got it he took it from you your sodium your so BM what no what is happen nothing happened alright my plane still works very nice so when is the tour continuing work yeah I’m in New York that was New York was the box I see that there’s a Statue of

Liberty there is the Eiffel Tower with King Kong on it please you’re right you’re right I haven’t I haven’t eaten in it yet though I’ve stayed across the street from it in Vegas though oh that’s cool that’s cool thanks and then did you guys build the

Empire State yeah yeah I built it and did you build the Eiffel Tower over there which is actually the Eiffel Tower because it was given by France yeah it was from France it might as well be the Eiffel Tower built that isn’t the Statue of Liberty like out in the water okay

You could build the ocean around it look at me I’m Jordan I’m gonna conquer because there is no bill silly makes no why boy I know it doesn’t it doesn’t at all you’ve got none breaking one for 30 levels you said you said bad thing no no

No um this is a pizza place but I had to move it five bucks somewhere no it’s like kind of broken what kind of what kind of pizza what kind of piece said do they serve New York Pizza New York pista it’s an inside you know cuz my stream in particular it doesn’t

Really work for you guys but sorry it’s because the furnaces are a different model on my texture pack and they’re they are made to look like one of my cars which is called a pista it’s I have 200 more than Jay Leno actually time to deal on them these are the apartment

Buildings I bought the one that right no I okay I designed they’re very nice they probably cost like 10 million dollars apiece in New York here just our time drawing interest on that one let’s see Oh are these are these infinity trades infinite emerald trades

Yeah we have books I guess three of them three of them are infinity I’m real trades huh yeah so that’s infinite you only need money cannot leave in it oh thank you guys for plugging my merch in here – I appreciate it it’s again like my texture pack I like

The swamp villager textures thank you yeah that’s swamp you can’t actually get them naturally in the game I don’t know how you guys got swamp villagers I don’t know I don’t know they were they were zombies maybe I had but they weren’t swamp villagers Oh

Maybe you maybe you unuq them in a swamp that might have been it you cured him in a swamp but swamp villages don’t generate naturally will you be my minecraft is this a millennial proposal one of every flower and also a diamond what do you mean he made her one of

Every flower like the hand holds every different variety no she put them all down okay all the flowers it was very romantic I want the kitchen was New York originally a swamp before it became New York you think it was America before it became New York yeah Wow okay you guys

Have like the oh you guys got like the sewers beneath New York Oh a subway okay you guys got them the Italian beam teas yeah wait wait here here link subway to Wilbur do you guys have like an ultra-fast thing how do you make it ultra fast is it just a single gold

Block or do you have to have to like keep putting gold fast yeah oh you got [Laughter] wait what is that I was like I made it any suggestion that she walked in like I swear was just here yeah I actually even tried it yet but I

Think if you put down one gold block it starts going pretty quick okay yeah I just made it I thought that it was slow people were like I would so fast all the trains I’m like I don’t think so no like it with just booster rails it

Doesn’t do a great deal but we see it I haven’t done it I hope wait we didn’t know what weight fast are you serious yeah you can make it super fast Oh looks like five minutes to get there how do you do it quick those blockers gravel on

The server it slows yeah I want to be speed but don’t go block slowly um but we gonna do that over here bye do you wanna be gold on me super fast do not have gold anywhere on me that’s many I made a lot of notch apples because I

Was scared of war but but they didn’t I didn’t really need them it’s alright so put a gold down like right here and put it up here put it up here Oh cuz it’s up real just here instead so underneath right you really put under this one sees

A gold block thing well it’s gonna make it go fast down then no we’re gonna go the other way fine okay it was an evidence of Minecraft I want you guys though a hairline wait OH pretty that’s really yeah that’s that’s definitely faster that’s definitely faster yeah that’s right again but

Without using the cold cold block that’s way faster oh oh stupid spider just ruined it I don’t think no it’s definitely faster 100 percent was soggy for the railway it’s not move move move move move you still have the block down goal block still down I know you had the

Gold block there just now how is it how can you tell the difference if the gold block is better cuz like I won someone from here then I help migrate here you didn’t though I’ll try now that’s the same speed let me see let me see that

Looks a lot slower she tried the normal speed no no a gold blocked Road oh it’s actually yeah that’s pretty similar speed yep put more gold blocks I think they made it faster like with in general maybe maybe they did that’s pretty more blocks but that seems I want

To try my own track though because the it was actually pretty slow going from like my underground place to my villager area now is like fools for chats well I’m assuming that’s fine does the gravel still slow it down though yeah the gravel slows it down

Okay use the recipe for power rails and yield 24 X what is that they’re different kinds of power realms if I think power not the power rails I don’t think it does anything it’s already faster than normal it is it is definitely faster than normal hmm you take half my fireworks on me

Yeah okay you used our gunpowder that I’ve been like I killed creepers that gunpowder yeah I was killing I was killing them when I was making the mountain last night it’s okay is it really yeah what does it mean what is it it’s the past tense of when a

Woman is like that woman was Bista that woman was so wait why can’t a man be cuz it’s pronouns oh wait so what do they call the car there because it’s universally called the Forte pista I don’t know so imagine you’re just telling somebody the name in they said

They laugh at the name it’s still called that was just somebody in your chat who’s telling you that so they’re aware of the car and and okay that’s hot Wow guys I’m sneaking into the subway they can’t stop me there we go I didn’t pay for my admission no I didn’t I

Didn’t hear what you said okay okay Wow is this a food truck over here by the way oh it’s a taxi it’s very large [Laughter] with a lot of very interesting things here the engine here’s a tunnel this is like the first thing they built to put

All my stuff in you can drive your car through here oh is this like the Brooklyn Manhattan tunnel yeah I guess okay cool sure whatever you want have you guys ever been to New York well obviously Ryan you have not many many times in Minecraft do you live in New

York is that just another way of saying you live in New York Oh gotcha so you’re the only one of the Floridians here who’s left Florida know in this particular voice chat I want to go to New York though Jeremy take me in New York I if if you get invited to YouTube

Summits in May then I will take you to New York by May I read the challenge yeah but they fit the key on YouTube I’ll see what I can do I’ll try and get those numbers up if I may joining if I’m if I’m near you at any

Point I want to see your house want to get a tour like okay it looks it looks like falling Kingdom really knocking on the front door I could sneak in no no I’ll just make your videos for you you want to notice sorry I stole the furnace from the taxicab

No it’s it’s back now it’s right I just had to check something it doesn’t go anywhere but that that’s a very that looks very dangerous to drive a saw blade honestly it’s it’s continuously turning to the right and also very sharp I don’t want to grasp this is not an

Uber nice door alright the apartments alright is that you driving right now feel very uncomfortable you’re gonna crash wait Liberty would you look at that we’re here we didn’t even get any trivia questions asked in the taxi what’s what’s this village over here Oh Germany of course no New York isn’t

Isn’t Jersey more Italian though I am vacuum here my hands like German accent pudding in New York I don’t know where their villagers here Yoshi yeah you just built it without villagers in it who is Germany they don’t you plants every more different destination new Deutschland gosh Mason

Yoshi gold Pro Blues player and Queen Rihanna yeah I’ve been only play them server anymore well reflected online like yeah we’re owned by Germany ability really don’t they don’t they don’t play anymore yeah so I guess we’re kinda just free now hmm yeah we were more traditionally

Are like when we first joined we’re not so we got be very very boy we got strong they were free there’s like mega librarians over here we’ll just take them piercing infinity and breaking thorns piercing yeah I don’t think they’ve been cycled to have good stuff prot 3 fire

Prop 4 for 21 emeralds is actually a deal at this guy this guy is pretty decent fire prop 4 for 21 emeralds and that’s without any discount only chance stacked on the server if only we could make God armor like we could oh yeah where you are one point 14.0 1.13 1

Point 30 to 40 points you I think Oh was it yeah yeah yeah one point thirteen we deserve stack armor again that was so good yeah I still had that on SP live but alright yeah look at the horizon over there that’s so cool look at King Kong up

There so that when you like go into the rail road do you see all like the big monuments like the Statue of Liberty in the embarrassment you know the mines like subway well you can’t see the subway yeah you should you should label the subway with subway well actually you should get some

To sponsor you first and then I love Subway a really funny story about Subway when I was a child for some reason I just could not handle the smell of Subway like at all my mom hates the smell too and I love it I once know I

Want it I was back my parents not to go to Subway so I handled the smell so much like I would stay in the car for like the entire time they went into subway cuz I hated it so much Wow happiness happy bye now I don’t know

Why I was like yeah back then it was very like very pungent for me like I don’t I love the smell of Subway for some reason I’m totally down eat fries they have pretty good deals they used to have two dollar and fifty cent six inch

Subs when I was in high school do they taste okay that’s still pretty good deal I haven’t eaten there in quite some time so the spicy Italian in LA see you got like Mendocino farms and stuff like that so but still if they wanted to sponsor

Me I probably I’d be like okay although there was some point I don’t know if it’s like misleading but I heard something about like yoga mat material in their bread or something like that you know the deal with that it’s good yeah there was like something about

Material that goes into yoga mats was also in their bread and I didn’t know if that was like a misleading thing or if it was like oh why is that in there partly a very small amount like I was like there’s blood into you fuel

Very small fruit it what I don’t I don’t think it’s just like it’s not the same as just let in fruit right it’s like there’s actually concentrated amounts or something more than you know just say it’s gross or garlis I don’t know you know has like an actual like not

Good amount no it has like a warning on the bottle doesn’t let inside it’s a pencil don’t drink and apparently the the CEO of G fuel is like very abrasive about it everybody but but it says it on the on the carton right like it says it’s not

Like it’s a secret it says it there this isn’t some alleged thing they have to put a warning so no does not taste good it’s like a liquid sugar I’ve met that sounds great actually if I’m good no it’s like it’s like a little quarry of

Sugar oh not describe it it’s like oh so it’s not sugar yeah is awful thank you the smell of [Laughter] drinking that game look Troy it’s so bad I like it girly things it’s because I like water drink water I would take water over Lacroix every time I would

Yep carbonated so when you want it happen well then drink a Perrier go pretend that you’re in Germany and drink Perrier I do drink pee right now I was in drink some Perrier yes you’re allowed to we’ll just tell you a lie you are wrong okay BRP – mark thanks for two

Months fully recovered thank you for the 250 bits watching videos when I was 12 only just now a job that pays me money so I want to let you know that I love and still do love your content please know stuff do it do by the way 18 now so I’ve been watching

For six years they sticking around for a while extremes EEP and terrible Chris and Cooper pants thank you for the subs secret tbh thank you with two months hello to you too and secret tbh thank you for doing a 5 X sub gift and then another sub gift after that and then

Lego my Lego plays thank you for doing a sub yeah Lucroy is easy I I don’t understand and then iíve tried to the one of the white flaw things which is like lacroix but alcohol minecraft but all items are random Lucroy but there’s alcohol in it

It’s just bad it’s like just have an actual alcohol drink if you want to have an alcohol drink why would you why would you do that how many up so high again I can’t believe this happened what is happening I was just holding forward I wasn’t even holding spacebar just went

Up so it’s like honestly if you’re just gonna have an alcohol drink have an alcohol drink assuming you are of age like Tucker Tucker regularly talks about on Twitter and in person he’s also told me he likes to get vodka waters and I’m like why that doesn’t taste good that’s

Just like drinking for the sake of you’re trying to slightly get drunk but also at the same time prevent a hangover and it just feels like you’re not drinking to enjoy your drinking for utilitarian purposes at that point [Laughter] anyway I don’t know do what you want to

Do good it’s just vodka water is diluted vodka that’s all it is you’re just taking the alcohol content and bringing it down rather than like using the additional liquid to add extra flavors and stuff so I don’t know I don’t know man you’re allowed to do whatever you

Want though anyway we made it back home I just wanted to get back home Nick to you thank you for the three months of sub egde I mean at least a vodka soda it’s like it adds some carbonation he just he said he is vodka water it’s not

It’s not a vodka soda it is a vodka water there is a difference about me life anyway Beck Wald thank you for the 500 bits watched you since PDT s so much fun watching you all the way from Norway thanks mate appreciate ya dude alright well I think I might get winding things

Down here feel like we’ve done what there is do today we’ll try to come up with some extra projects feel free to make recommendations you could tweet me at things that I should do or if you’re watching on youtube you leave a comment let me know things you would like to see

On here and stuff and out of me smashing my face into the wall so yeah if you are watching on youtube feel free to tune in the streams live slash CaptainSparklez always linked the description these are all live streams and you can check them out there also

There’s a playlist in the description if you want to catch up on any other episodes of the series that you might have missed and see how we got here in the first place and if you are on youtube feel free to sow to the channel CaptainSparklez too and that is pretty

Much where we will leave it off for the day merch right there servers right there next to me and MC pro hosting for sponsoring and that’ll be it catch you next time

This video, titled ‘Trip To New York (Minecraft SMP Earth #38)’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2020-01-11 01:00:01. It has garnered 67498 views and 1567 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:43 or 7123 seconds.

Thanks to MCProHosting for sponsoring! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your first month of server hosting: Get this merch: SMP Earth Playlist:

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  • German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority!

    German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority! Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft Servers! 🔥 Embark on a thrilling journey through the vast landscapes of Minecraft servers, where endless possibilities await! 🌍 Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s something for everyone in this dynamic virtual realm. Let’s dive into the exciting features and experiences that make Minecraft servers a top priority for gamers worldwide. 🎮 Creating a Gaming Community One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft servers is the sense of community they foster. Players from all walks of life come together to collaborate, compete, and build lasting friendships… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience

    Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “I Survived 500 Days of THE INVASION (NOT MINECRAFT)” that got us thinking – what if you could experience your own epic battles and adventures in a virtual world like Minecraft? Imagine facing off against overwhelming alien elves, equipped with advanced tactics and deadly drones, just like in the video. Now, picture yourself exploring a vast, open world where you can build, survive, and thrive alongside other players who share your passion for adventure. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes… Read More

  • KinKi Kids’ Minecraft Vignettes: Fake or Fab?

    KinKi Kids' Minecraft Vignettes: Fake or Fab? In KinKi-Socialist Minecraft, KinKi Kids-15 shines bright, Broadcasting news in Swedish, keeping it tight. With Channel AW by its side, the duo takes flight, Delivering updates with all their might. From Primetime quizzes to real money in sight, The channels’ logos gleam, a beacon of light. But when it’s time to close, the vignettes take flight, Based on Japanese YouTubers, a comedic delight. Failures and mishaps, a humorous sight, Different variations, each one just right. Weekdays, weekends, and holidays in sight, KinKi Kids-15 ends the day, with rhymes so bright. Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: The Server That’s Dumber Than Dumb

    Minecraft Mayhem: The Server That's Dumber Than Dumb In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I stumbled upon a server, like a wild dream. The players were quirky, the builds were absurd, But I dove right in, ready to be stirred. From pixelated cows to towering castles, Every corner held surprises, like hidden tassels. I laughed and I gasped at the chaos around, But in this wacky world, I found solid ground. With each new adventure, my heart skipped a beat, As I navigated through challenges, both bitter and sweet. But in the end, it was all in good fun, In this silly server, where… Read More

  • Unveiling the Dark Side of Minecraft Speedruns

    Unveiling the Dark Side of Minecraft Speedruns The Darkest Reality Of Minecraft MANHUNT SPEEDRUNS 😂 || Minecraft Are you ready to delve into the dark reality of Minecraft Manhunt speedruns? Join us as we explore the thrilling world of Minecraft and uncover the secrets behind this intense gaming phenomenon. Unveiling the Truth Behind Minecraft Manhunt Speedruns For those unfamiliar with the concept, Minecraft Manhunt speedruns involve one player attempting to complete the game while being hunted by others. The tension, excitement, and strategic gameplay make it a favorite among Minecraft enthusiasts. The Intense Gameplay In a typical Minecraft Manhunt speedrun, the hunted player must navigate the… Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos in Tinker World SMP

    Unleashing Chaos in Tinker World SMP Minecraft Tower Details – Tinker World SMP Exploring Tower Architecture In the recent stream replay on 8/15/2024, Music Free Gaming delved into the intricate details of tower construction in the Tinker World SMP Minecraft server. The towers showcased a blend of medieval and modern architectural styles, featuring towering spires, grand entrances, and intricate facades. Each tower seemed to tell a story of its own, with unique design elements and decorative motifs. Key Features: Towering Spires: The towers reached impressive heights, dominating the skyline of the Tinker World SMP server. Grand Entrances: Elaborate entrances welcomed visitors into the towers, hinting… Read More

  • Mine Melodies: Guess Minecraft Voices & Songs

    Mine Melodies: Guess Minecraft Voices & Songs In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Characters and mobs, all part of the dream. Guess the voice, the sound, the song they bring, In this epic quiz, let your knowledge sing. From Creepers to Endermen, Alex to Villagers too, Can you guess them all, is the challenge for you. Listen closely, let your ears be your guide, In this Minecraft rap showdown, let your skills collide. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so tight, Describe each character, with all your might. Craft your words, like blocks in the game, In this Minecraft quiz, let your… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥 Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! #minecraftlovegonebad #creeperproblems Read More

  • Becoming a Trillionaire with $1 in Minecraft SMP!

    Becoming a Trillionaire with $1 in Minecraft SMP! The Rise to Trillionaire Status in Minecraft SMP Embark on a thrilling journey through the virtual world of Minecraft SMP where one player, AwaisGamer1993, achieved the unimaginable feat of becoming a trillionaire with just one dollar. Let’s delve into the exciting events that unfolded in this Minecraft universe. Unleashing Unprecedented Wealth AwaisGamer1993’s rise to trillionaire status in Minecraft SMP is a tale of strategic gameplay and cunning tactics. Through a series of calculated moves and resourceful decisions, this player managed to amass wealth beyond imagination. From humble beginnings with only one dollar, AwaisGamer1993 navigated the virtual landscape with precision… Read More

  • Minecraft Live 2024: Pre Show Shenanigans

    Minecraft Live 2024: Pre Show Shenanigans The Vibrant World of Minecraft: Community Pre Show 2024 As the Minecraft Live 2024 Community Pre Show unfolds, viewers are introduced to a diverse array of talented creators who have left an indelible mark on the Minecraft universe. From Bobicraft to t8pany, AyChristene to Hikakin, and DanTDM, these individuals have been instrumental in shaping the world of Minecraft over the past 15 years. Meet the Minecrafters One of the highlights of the Minecraft Live 2024 Pre-show is the opportunity to get to know some of the most influential figures in the Minecraft community. Bobicraft, known for their intricate builds… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Build Battle: Noob vs Pro!

    Ultimate Minecraft Build Battle: Noob vs Pro!Video Information This video, titled ‘MIKEY Family vs JJ Family : NOOB vs PRO – ROLLER COASTER Build Battle in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ Builder on 2024-09-08 14:37:05. It has garnered 10627 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:59 or 599 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: MIKEY vs JJ : NOOB vs PRO – ROLLER COASTER Poor vs Rich Build Battle in Minecraft Maizen 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft images revealed

    Terrifying Minecraft images revealedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cursed Minecraft images 💀’, was uploaded by DAUDGAMING 10 on 2024-07-07 07:45:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More


    🔥ULTIMATE MINECRAFT SURVIVAL CHALLENGE WITH SUBS🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘JOGANDO MINECRAFT BEDROCK e MCPE e JAVA AO VIVO🔥SURVIVAL HARDCORE COM INSCRITOS🔥SERVIDOR COM HOST🔥’, was uploaded by Jacco Tv on 2024-07-17 01:37:12. It has garnered 286 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 02:56:12 or 10572 seconds. Configuração desse PC – Gabinete Gamer com 3 fans – Placa mãe A320-MH – Processador Ryzen 5600g – 16GB de Ram (2x 8GB) Kingston 3200MHZ – SSD 480GB Kingston – Fonte 500w Redragon Mojang Minecraft Studio Hytale Notch herobrine ————————————————————————————————————————————— mushmc ip,mushmc nao entra,mushmc pirata,mushmc discord,mushmc ip pirata,mushmc bedwars,mushmc arena,mushmc ctf,mushmc nao carrega,mushmc erro de… Read More


    INSANE HOUSE BUILD in MINECRAFT by Abhay!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT I BUILD A HOUSE🏠’, was uploaded by Abhay Gaming on 2024-05-31 02:38:23. It has garnered 21 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:48 or 468 seconds. MINECRAFT I BUILD A HOUSE🏠 MINECRAFT I Build A New Luxurious House🏠 ( PART 2) Follow me :- My YouTube channel: Second YouTube channel: Gaming – Facebook page:… Instagram ID :… NOTE:ALL THE MUSIC/SONG USED IN THE VIDEO BELONGS TO THE RESPECTED OWNERS ANDIAM NOT THE OWNER OF ANY MUSIC SONG USED IN THE VIDEO Disclaimer :- Video is for… Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Mob Battles – MUST WATCH NOW!” #minecraftshorts

    "Ultimate Minecraft Mob Battles - MUST WATCH NOW!" #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mobs and their hunters #minecraftshorts #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by BrickBoY PLaYZ on 2024-06-12 03:30:09. It has garnered 5190 views and 112 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Welcome to my channel brickboyplayz here you can watch some Minecraft videos and we will play more games later so subscribe!! Like and subscribe for more amazing Minecraft shorts and videos Minecraft Minecraft shorts Minecraft logic Minecraft weird logic Minecraft funny logic Minecraft facts Minecraft unknown facts Minecraft funny facts Minecraft weird facts Minecraft builds Minecraft best builds Minecraft luxury builds Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft DESTROYS my WIFI 😱

    Minecraft DESTROYS my WIFI 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PUnishes My INternet provider 🟡3’, was uploaded by FuhrealDcvetti on 2024-08-21 02:51:15. It has garnered 104 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:19 or 7219 seconds. !Liiyke and Subscribe Join The Discord – Instagram – Tiktok - #dcvettilive #fortnite #monkeyapp #omegle #ometv #funny #relatable #monkey #blackops6 #ometv #omegle #roblox #callofduty #fivem #gta5 #entertainment #gaming #fallguys #rivals#radoukens #gaming #tetris #nba2k25 #2k25 #minecraft Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT STORY: The Order of the Stone – Episode 1

    EPIC MINECRAFT STORY: The Order of the Stone - Episode 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Story Mode – The Order of the Stone | Episode 1′, was uploaded by SlyTheMiner on 2024-09-28 04:22:50. It has garnered 71711 views and 3679 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:43 or 6043 seconds. Join SlyTheMiner as he embarks on a long-awaited journey into Minecraft Story Mode! Even though this classic game has been phased out after Telltale Games’ bankruptcy, Sly managed to get his hands on a rare copy for PS4. In Episode One, he’ll dive deep into the iconic adventure, starting with “The Order of the Stone.” Get ready for… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Builds – You won’t believe the detail! #mindblowing

    EPIC Minecraft Builds - You won't believe the detail! #mindblowingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft builds || #minecraft #amazingbuilds #trending #minecraftbuilding #coolbuilds #gaming’, was uploaded by SHA-BEE on 2024-02-16 12:23:50. It has garnered 2539 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Minecraft is a sandbox-style video game where players can create their own worlds and experiences. Players can explore a three-dimensional world, mine resources, and build structures. The game has two main modes: Survival and Creative. In Survival, players must find their own building supplies and food, and interact with blocklike mobs. The ultimate goal in Minecraft is to use materials to build… Read More

  • Unstoppable DannyWheels: Building MASSIVE Minecraft Mansions!

    Unstoppable DannyWheels: Building MASSIVE Minecraft Mansions!Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m Building MANSIONS in Minecraft Bedwars (Stream)’, was uploaded by DannyWheels on 2024-03-25 11:11:13. It has garnered 56 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:29:25 or 5365 seconds. I’m Building MANSIONS in Minecraft Bedwars… It needs to have windows! Wait, whose nametag is that? SUBSCRIBE In this stream, I’m playing Minecraft, But in Hypixel, Survival, or some other thing! This might have some Funny Moments and might even turn into a video. hahahhahahahhaha woooo Follow me (for more) on Twitter: @DannyWheels_ Not I Survived “One Block Minecraft” or “Minecraft, But” in… Read More

  • Hazy Realm

    Hazy RealmWelcome to Hazy Realm, a cross-platform Minecraft survival server! Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or just starting your journey, our server offers a welcoming community, an engaging economy, and the MCMMO plugin to enhance your gameplay. Join us and experience a thriving world where you can build, trade, and level up your skills. Dive into our friendly atmosphere, where both new and veteran players can feel at home. Start your adventure today! Read More

  • CelestialCraft SMP 1.21 Mature Community Custom Achievements Events PvP Optional Economy

    🚀 CelestialCraft CelestialCraft is a survival server designed for mature players who are looking for a place to explore, build, and thrive. With a unique blend of features and a welcoming community, we offer an experience that’s out of this world! Server Details: 🌟 Server IP: 🌟 Version: 1.21 🌟 Discord: Features: Custom Achievements: Earn rewards for your milestones with our custom achievements plugin. Magic Carpets: Fly around in style with your very own Magic Carpet! Custom Events: Weekly server-wide events to keep things exciting. StarShards Currency: Earn StarShards through quests, achievements, and events. Rankup System: Progress through… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Craft it like a boss

    Well, I guess you could say this meme really mined its way to the top! Read More

  • Blockbuster Dreams: Minecraft Movie Roars

    Blockbuster Dreams: Minecraft Movie Roars In the world of Minecraft, the movie trailer dropped, But some fans were left feeling quite flopped. The visuals seemed off, the direction unclear, Leaving many fans with a sense of fear. But let’s not lose hope, there’s still a chance, To salvage this project and make it dance. With a clear vision and attention to detail, The Minecraft movie could still prevail. So let’s keep our spirits high and our hopes in sight, For a Minecraft movie that truly takes flight. And remember, in the world of gaming and fun, We’ll always find a way to get the… Read More

  • “Kamu kalah, kucing!” 😂🔥 #MinecraftMemeWar

    "Kamu kalah, kucing!" 😂🔥 #MinecraftMemeWar “If I mention this to you, you lose the cat meme challenge. Sorry, I don’t make the rules, the internet does.” 😹 #MinecraftMemeMadness Read More

  • Sneaky Attempt to Kill a Monster

    Sneaky Attempt to Kill a Monster The Spooky World of Minecraft: A Horror Adventure Exploring the depths of Minecraft can sometimes lead players into eerie and spine-chilling encounters. From haunted caves to ghostly encounters, the game offers a variety of horror elements that keep players on the edge of their seats. The Man from the Fog One of the most infamous figures in Minecraft lore is “The Man from the Fog.” This mysterious entity is said to lurk in the shadows, appearing only when players least expect it. Some players claim to have encountered him in foggy biomes, where his presence sends shivers down their… Read More

  • Sennyk4 TERRIFIED in RL Craft EP 1!

    Sennyk4 TERRIFIED in RL Craft EP 1!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft’s HARDEST Mod (RL Craft) EP 1!’, was uploaded by sennyk4 LIVE on 2024-07-22 12:31:18. It has garnered 320 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:14 or 2954 seconds. INCASED YOU MISSED THE STREAM 🙂 LIVE EVERYDAY ON TWITCH 👇 FOLLOW ME HERE: Main Channel: Twitter: Instagram: TikTok: #sennyk4 #funny #fails #fail #twitch Read More

  • Mikey Becomes DOCTOR & Performs Eye Surgery in Minecraft Challenge

    Mikey Becomes DOCTOR & Performs Eye Surgery in Minecraft ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mikey Became A DOCTOR and Had JJ’S EYE SURGERY in Minecraft Challenge – Maizen’, was uploaded by Cool Mikey on 2024-02-18 11:15:00. It has garnered 11398 views and 79 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:30 or 930 seconds. Mikey Became A DOCTOR and Had JJ’S EYE SURGERY in Minecraft Challenge – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Custom Server Creation – Devlog Highlight

    Insane Minecraft Custom Server Creation - Devlog HighlightVideo Information This video, titled ‘I’m making a custom Minecraft server – Gearflux Devlog Supercut’, was uploaded by Ominous Dev on 2024-06-23 03:23:24. It has garnered 3383 views and 225 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:57 or 3237 seconds. Check out CodeCrafters and get 40% off! This video is a supercut of all of the Gearflux devlogs so far. Gearflux is the custom Minecraft mini-game server I have been developing over the past few months. Throughout this journey, I have learned a lot about databases, systems design, Kubernetes and much more. I aim to share this knowledge… Read More

  • 🔥 Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Custom Item Hack! 🔥 | #shorts

    🔥 Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Custom Item Hack! 🔥 | #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedrock – How to make Custom Items 👀 | #shorts #trending #minecraft’, was uploaded by BlackVarus7784 on 2024-06-08 13:38:47. It has garnered 78 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:12 or 312 seconds. 📅 Every 2 weeks I publish brand new videos in which I present you the best tips, tricks and tutorials for Minecraft Commands. From simple commands to complex scripts, you’ll learn everything you need to optimize and personalize your Minecraft world here! 🚀🛠️ 🎥 In addition to my video releases, you can look forward to regular live… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Horror Mob Unleashed in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Horror Mob Unleashed in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘NEW HORROR MOB in minecraft!’, was uploaded by DashPum4 on 2024-09-27 13:10:36. It has garnered 373063 views and 29161 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • Dusk_VR: EPIC Minecraft Speedrun Showdown!

    Dusk_VR: EPIC Minecraft Speedrun Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘MineCraft Live speedruner vs hunters!’, was uploaded by Dusk_VR on 2024-07-30 23:21:00. It has garnered 1690 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 02:56:24 or 10584 seconds. I’m live and its Minecraft Time! Join up the chat and join the discord! … if you dont…i will find you. Hope you have fun!! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mario Kart Race! 🎂

    Insane Minecraft Mario Kart Race! 🎂Video Information This video, titled ‘Mario Kart Minecraft – GBA Mario Circuit (@MKTBuilderYT’s Birthday Special)’, was uploaded by Sooty Cat Playz on 2024-01-10 08:45:02. It has garnered 488 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:51 or 171 seconds. This Is Part 1 Of @MKTBuilderYT‘s Birthday Special —————————————————— Coming Up Next In Mario Kart Minecraft & For Part 2 Of @MKTBuilderYT‘s Birthday Special: SNES Bowser Castle 3 (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Version) *Remastered* – This Afternoon 🏰 —————————————————— 2nd Channel: Pokémon Memes Channel: Discord: YOU MUST BE 13+ AGE TO JOIN Twitter: Twitch:… Read More


    ULTIMATE RANKUP SERVER for MINECRAFT! WIN awards, EXPLORE farms, JOIN events, DOMINATE PVPVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOVO SERVIDOR de RANKUP OP para MINECRAFT JAVA e BEDROCK com PREMIAÇÃO, FARM, EVENTOS e PVP’, was uploaded by Alisonsz on 2024-07-06 18:26:12. It has garnered 867 views and 52 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:27 or 267 seconds. #minecraft #minecraft servers #rankup NEW RANKUP SERVER RANKUP SERVER BEST RANKUP SERVER the server goes today at 4pm (SATURDAY) there are prizes, several online players and events every day!! COUPON: OPENING [ 80% DE DESCONTO ] SITE: IP: MOBILE: – PORTA: 19132 DISCORD 📌 Contacts: ↪ To hire advertising with… Read More

  • JJ saves TV woman from evil Mikey in Minecraft

    JJ saves TV woman from evil Mikey in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Saved TV WOMAN from CAR HIT with EVIL Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mizen on 2024-08-01 12:00:33. It has garnered 5450 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:51 or 2091 seconds. JJ Saved TV WOMAN from CAR HIT with EVIL Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his… Read More

  • DragonBlockZ

    DragonBlockZIn this modpack, we have articulated quests that are 100% faithful to the source material of the Dragon Ball franchise, while still honing in on the Minecraft Survival experience. We have developed a prodigious number of quest lines to make it feel like you’ve truly stepped into the world of Dragon Ball, all while developing our own custom questline, only suited for the bravest warriors. We have also articulated our own mods that allow for smooth gameplay and quest rewards, and even leant on other developers to introduce Custom Forms. Read More