cat stevens – SethBling Streams – Minecraft Redstone Engineering: 5×5 TNT Cannon Challenge

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Bling here that took a normally long okay just making sure yeah it took like 30 seconds for between when I said to go live and when I actually went live that was a really long time hi oh hey I’m Benham double Friday new nine sir yeah so uh up there and the

Stream title I posted a link no I need to make it public quick before everyone yells at me uh yeah sure yeah get shareable link okay okay that should make it public yeah I think so all right yeah no no that’s the wrong link uh where’s the link wait

Did it work wait a second did I put the right link in the title I might have put the wrong link at the tail I put the wrong link of the title how did this happen alright close this update the stream title ok Jesus I’m the worst

I’m the worst happening of titles hold on oh hold on this isn’t showing the alert box and the alert box isn’t working either cool cool everything everything is cool and now it’s showing my dashboard that’s what I wanted yeah let’s do that let’s show my dashboard I

Wish I could make xsplit only show the right window and not also show the wrong window ok did I do it am i streaming welcome back Smitty 1ky here thanks for subbing for 42 months that’s quite a well that that’s three and a half years right yeah three and a

Half years not too shabby oh uh no I’m not gonna make this fullscreen yeah stream is off to a great start yeah the the title in the the link in the title is should be right now it was it was set to the timer challenge before I’m okay

Hi so yeah there’s rules up there in the stream title if you’re interested in these specific rules but the gist of it is you have to fit just like the timer challenge you have to fit a 5×5 redstone contraption here that I’ll shoot TNT as far as possible

So for instance let’s let’s try oh yeah and you have to have a button so let’s see let’s say let’s put the button number here so here’s here’s like the most basic thing I can come up with maybe like that and let’s also do this I need some more dispensers how are these

Yeah good these are the dispensers that have TNT in them already so for actually I can’t put one here cuz I need a wall here well let’s just let’s just try this for now okay pumpkins cuz that’s what I have let’s put a water here and then okay so let’s

See what this does so we get three TNT this thing not very far try it a couple times oh yeah I need to add a rule to the team to the to the role of set that you’re not a lot if the if the team’s he cannon can possibly

Blow itself up then and it’s no good no good at all alright what if I what if I put something here that like kept the TNT a little bit farther away that one was really close to blowing up in fact if there was if there were blocks here

It might have so let’s let’s reset by doing this yeah anyway so this is the idea what’s the minimal distance for it to be a tnt cannon there’s no minimal distance it’s just a optimization challenged for a maximum distance and I guess the minimal distance is it has to not blow itself up

You imagine there’s quite a lot less possibility with this and there was with clocks yep maybe I don’t know I don’t know probably but uh let’s try and figure it anyway so what if I put like a fence gate here just to like keep the keep the T&T back

A little bit does that does that do anything oh it opened the fence gate interesting well that blew it up it also didn’t huh so I know why I blew it up because one of them got inside here and it wasn’t in water at all I don’t know

Why the teens he didn’t move it although can you use the redstone to power no it has to be buildable in survival I guess that’s something I didn’t put in the role and the ruleset but it’s true it is part of the rules oops that’s not what I want so that

Didn’t really work this is also let’s see oh I can put a no if I put it that’s not gonna help I was gonna say go put another dispenser here but really does nothing useful oh yeah but it does let me put another dispenser here yes okay so maybe maybe

This is better because it’s 14 T it should be better right slightly better it’s still not very far yeah still not very far I wonder wonder what we can do to like maybe there maybe if we put a fence maybe if we put a fence post here it’ll like sometimes it’ll sometimes

Like land on top of it actually I don’t think that’s true that it will but it might provide a product better perch introductory it did not provide a better trajectory you didn’t blow up the TNT Kim’s mmm oh well goodbye Linda here thanks for seven for four years in a

Month and being super awesome mod and friend and everything yes it’s all good yeah there is no ceiling on this one this one does not have a ceiling how does the scoring work if it achieves the maximum distance only once every ten to the fiftieth times or something the

Scoring is just whatever you can record on camera it’s it’s it’s very that’s not really gonna do a lot is it maybe I should have a command that just automatically fills in this area all right yeah like all right yeah let’s do that so flush slash fill tab tab tab and then

Let’s go over here tab tab tab and then let’s make the Y like whoops okay cool so that all that’ll actually fill the area let’s turn Cal drops off as well welcome back I am mr. banana bread here thanks for your southerner touch crime much appreciated driving to work I got ya

No 5×5 means you get one block hub height in built your building area it has to be inside this obsidian building area here okay so this fence post did not work yeah I think like I wonder if there’s some way to get get it to go

Like oh you know you could do you know what you could do is actually dispense water on top oh I have an idea so I’m just gonna try something out I don’t know I don’t know where I’m going with this exactly but like okay I want an observer here

Do I want observer here maybe yeah that’s not an observer oh I see I thought it was in my first slot but it was in my shield slot so then observer here and then a dispenser with TNT and so we’ll pull this out and put water in

Here now let’s see let’s see what this does oh yeah I need water here as well let’s see what this does uh-oh whew oh the water is causing updates to the alright I got a I got a remove this huh okay that’s kind of interesting I need for the water not to

Go everywhere like that but that was pretty good right the first shot there it looked pretty good know what stop stop stop stop stop why is it exploding immediately like why did it go why did the observer go off there Oh cuz there was a water back there alright alright

Let’s get this out of here alright that’s promising though that’s promising let’s let’s run that command again okay – was that your idea oh I don’t know I don’t see it I just had that I know I thought of that myself I don’t know if

You also had the idea but okay so so how do you see so you definitely want it to go in like this I think you need a solid block here so let’s let’s just put another observe and then I need to actually put the whatever repeater here I’m gonna put here so

That’ll that’ll prevent the water from I think like because water will go 1 2 3 yeah it’ll prefer to go over the edge here and also over here welcome back Barron Q here thanks for something Tish prime ok so there’s that let’s see what this does

So this will this should go off twice the water let’s shoot I need like two commands actually because I actually it doesn’t matter no does this doesn’t matter what’s what it’s doing there anyway okay so let’s push the button push it the button okay it’s on for too long is

The problem I need it to pulse faster than that what if I just do whoops okay that’s fine the water just sticks around a little bit too long oh whoops that’s fine okay about this if it’s just oh they’re all at the same time though though oh I know

I know a way to fix that I can put take take this and put it over here and add I don’t actually need this repeater like this but it’s still oh whoa so that one the second one just barely didn’t make it I think it’s gonna be kind of

Probabilistic whether or not it makes it off the edge there before the water finishes if I had another block here I wonder like it might just be a lot more likely to stay on oh yeah yeah look at that alright that’s a new high score so the

Way you measure it the way you measure the the distance it’s a city block distance so actually diagonal is good and you measure it to see you take basically take the farthest city block distance to the top level sandstone that you destroyed so you only look at the

Top layer this one in this one are both tied so anyway you take the corner you start counting from there using pumpkins because there really is it accounts then you go until you reach the farthest point one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen

Fourteen so this one’s 20 this one’s just scored 20 and that’s the distance not too bad let’s just try it again see what happens okay I feel like the trajectory seems to vary a lot especially cuz like the two T and T can actually like blast each other

Kind of that doesn’t look like it’s gonna be any better what’s easy to count about the pumpkins they have a little notch on top that you can just count the stem yeah okay yeah the water may the water flow is kind of interesting because it actually goes like like look

At like these start flowing this way and then they go back now use a fence Oh put a fence like oh alright invalid design it’s invalid if it’s capable of blowing itself up so that one it will be an invalid design alright I need it to race mmm it’s a little too

Slow okay I always forget that observers are gonna like I need to place the dispensers last is what I need to do all right so that’s no good I didn’t see exactly what causes to destroy itself so that was so this was kind of the design I was using

How does so the water should go wait the water just go over the Adreno right oh yeah this is this was the design that I was using but right the TNT wasn’t always staying on top so that’s why I so yeah if I add the fence post like a

Person was saying let’s see I don’t I don’t think is gonna be good but let’s try it oh maybe oh that actually was super good oh wow yeah you can also just calculate manually the basically by the delta and the x coordinates so let’s see x and z

So this is 465 95 and we go over to here so it’s 17 plus 7 this was 34 so much higher score good idea what a hero so does this always work does it never I don’t think this is ever gonna blow itself up look how close like

Yeah fence posts and slabs are really good for tea and tea stuff actually I want to try putting a slab there and seeing what happens because if it actually does fall onto the slab that can provide a really good trajectory although there there’s this full block

In the way so we’ll see yeah it wasn’t oh also that uh-huh and I just blew it all up you say all right I guess I’ll rebuild it then suppose seem better let’s uh let’s put the fence post there and then we’ll move on to a different area so that we can

Like just keep it around this is the sort of thing I want to show this in the in the video if I do a video about this so we have dispenser dispenser then one two whoops those are not where they need to go with one two three we have I need

To take the TMT out of this one right the dispensers go last okay observer observer was there another there was another dispenser here I think yeah that sensor go one two three though not all of those are actually necessary they go one one here here here button wow

They even the button ona buttons over here and then this is where the dispensers go so we have one to take out the T and T put in missing water and fence posts all right I’m gonna I’m just gonna run it a few times to see if it ever blows itself up

Oh that was kind of interesting it could actually blow itself up maybe because it liked the first one like blasted the second one back walks can be waterlogged yeah so I could actually fill this with water there like this fence post with water or I could flood the slab too I

Don’t know if that’d be useful but it would prevent like water from flowing into it yeah it’s really far but it’s not making it to the ground and i needled much longer delay if I can if I could get a much longer delay that I hope you helpful it’s getting really far

Though I like that one the first one kind of pushed the second one along hmm yeah again it like kind of knocked it almost backwards that one actually blew up the ground a little bit can I turn up the second repeater and oh maybe I can now actually let’s try that

Yeah suck it TMT you got nothing on my Leap chat command skills okay nice yeah now that there’s this fence post it kind of stops the TNT from falling off okay there we go tried one water column instead of two so something like maybe if I do like this

Or something try that Oh interesting it like oh yeah actually I think that actually does look better it gets a little bit closer maybe and it’s interesting kind of like all coalesces right here it goes up really high though I don’t know I think it depends on the

Angle might go up too high though that way all right I like this design though that’s cool okay all right yeah let’s let’s put these whoops you do let’s put these back and just like run it a couple more times just for funsies yeah that looks very promising doesn’t it I’m

Going to try and get an official score for this I haven’t landed a little close what’s okay let’s try and get an official score I think we can probably do better than that well I’ll mark it down so let’s see what are the x and z coordinates so we have

Five six sorry for 56 597 we go over here so that’s 21 plus 19 that’s 40 so so far the score is 40 whoops oh that’s why okay should be 41 yeah you just add together X and Z distance from the farthest points from basically from that you stand on the

Farthest point bit you only look at ground surface or ground level sandstone so if there’s like an explosion underground you don’t care about that pit and then you you stand like next to the corner not on the corner but next to it oh I was using looking at no I was

I’m pretty sure I was using the anyway okay we’ll just throw that one away maybe I messed up and I’ve already removed the all right those aren’t gonna score yeah it’s the Manhattan distance or city block distance taxi cab distance there’s a lot of different names for it l1 distances in

Their name all right well this cannon just blew itself up so invalid I think part of the problem is that it’s uh yeah I think I think now I can’t actually just put the days here part of the problem stop removing my water okay is that there’s uh there’s two TNT I think

If there was only one TNT it wouldn’t do that actually I don’t know I don’t know why it wasn’t why why that teams he didn’t get launched any particular reason for not allowing Canada to blow themselves up yeah basically when you’re experimenting with this it’s really annoying to have to rebuild it every

Single time and so I don’t want people to like search for designs that are one-time use because that’ll just be really annoying to try and find the scores for cannons so I want people to search for reusable cannons just so that it’s less annoying for people to get the

Scores for those cannons and so if the cannon can ever blow itself up then I’m just gonna say it’s a no-go just because that’s the easiest rule I just don’t want people to like be actively like I want people to feel like they’re competing against people who are looking

For one time use cannons because I would be disheartened I wouldn’t want to like try and build a cannon like a repeatable use cannon that we compete against one time use cannons don’t you want the team tv-tuner let’s relatively close to the bottom so that it blows up first so it launches again

Midair what launches again midair so the bomb I’m not sure what you’re saying so this one blew itself up that’s a shame I’m really not sure why I think it might just be that the block was entirely like it it happened to be a little bit too

Far over and none of the explosions had it like line-of-sight so maybe maybe we need to make sure the water is flowing more this way yeah it blew itself up with three fences I think could a fence by the observer helped keep the TNT like right here uh yeah we’d have to we’d

Have to remove this one that’s fine we could try this and see what happens I think as it is it’s going to blow this up though so I need to put in another observer down which kind of means I’m gonna need to run that command again no

I thought I had that on okay I hate observers I don’t actually hate observers I’m just a little bit frustrated that all right let’s put three down and put a dispenser here and put a block here and a block here actually I can even put a block here

Let’s put a that’s just okay I fixed it more or less and then fence right so we put a fence here in a fence here and so now the water will still go off that way all right all right let’s try this nope this little still nope okay it looked like it

Wasn’t gonna blow itself up and then it did so the water did not go this way at all that actually makes sense that makes sense because it’s much shorter path over here so we can’t really do that there needs to be something two blocks away for the water to flow this way Oh

Turn off the teens you can destroy blocks for testing is that is that is that a thing I guess I can yeah okay hold on isn’t there ash kill @e type equals TNT NB C equals can’t I do like this fuse one B or something like this

Somebody give me the command and I’ll put it in a chain command block I know let’s try this real quick I don’t want to just kill the TNT I want it to be let’s just destroy this right now see if this blows up I don’t think I did it

Right but we’ll see yeah it didn’t what’s the what’s the NBT for somebody somebody in chat please leaving me hanging in here oh I do need TNT to explode to launch it uh yeah you’re right okay nevermind oh you’re right that wasn’t didn’t repeat I

Do want to see I just want to see if I had the chain repeats unconditional does not need redstone okay let’s try this let’s try this I just want to see if that works no it didn’t work okay no entity was found okay it does look like I got the right thing

/kill doesn’t work on coming in blocks I’ve never I’ve used it in command blocks before maybe that maybe there was an update that weird had disabled that anyway okay so alright so this is the design that we had before more or less right except I just removed one of the

Dispensers I removed this dispenser maybe the only doesn’t record players that’s possible Oh prime is TNT no no I I think it’s called like it was an autocomplete the TNT thing wasn’t okay yeah that I don’t think prime T and he is a thing it’s just yeah the entity name is TNT yeah

Anyway I don’t know why I didn’t work I don’t know why this doesn’t work damn it come on oh really real how unlucky okay I hate this I don’t even want to work with TNT anymore alright let’s destroy these another observer in here that’s not the right kind of water one s

Not one B oh okay well anyway I don’t want that because I needed to blow up the odd-even blow up the button what this is the worst and I need the just removed the item oh no I haven’t got a second oh the buttons over here okay I’m just

Stupid no the buttons not weird the button I’ll try it I wonder why the fuses are short and not a bite I kind of like that actually ah yeah needs redstone great all right so this was the design that was capable of blowing itself up I’m not really

Clear on why it was capable of blowing itself up like it looks like it’s consistently landing on the edge of that block I guess this one is not really um what if wonder what happens if I put a fence post here and not here uh-oh no okay

This one was dispensing into here that’s no good what if I also put a bucket of water here though okay and then oh no I let’s water log this okay right yeah let’s try this okay yeah that looks a little bit better ooh yeah okay this one shouldn’t ever get stuck because the

Water is always gonna push it like only this way woohoo alright let’s try this a few more times I don’t think this one can blow itself up but it needs to be able to hit the ground so I think we just have to try it a few times until we get the right

Trajectory it’s not hitting the ground yet though here I’m gonna copy and paste this right now just so that we have why isn’t why isn’t this working why can’t tell you select the middle one huh okay now I can oh it was just the wrong type

Of cursor okay all right Isaac I see clone okay let’s let’s put a copy right let’s put copy right here good that’s exactly what I wanted all right do I have the kill team T okay I do okay all right all right nice now we’ve got a copy all right all right

Let’s see what what kind of score we can get with this this is looking pretty sweet just need to like need to have it actually hit the ground yeah bling in it I tested bling at it in a one in the first one but 14 snapped that snapshot it worked fine

I wonder if it’s possible to fit more dispensers in probably oh that was close yeah this really doesn’t look like it’s possible for it to blow itself up the the TNT just can’t really get into a position the only way I could see it is if it fell down but now because the

First one always falls down all the way down into the water and the second one never falls down into the water ooh uh-huh I’m not quiet that was close use another TNT to dunk it to not get to like blast it downwards maybe I’d be

Pretty hard to get to that precise can I give it more time to launch uh let’s see how would we do that Oh actually yes I think we can so let’s let’s uh let’s delete these for a sec I think one two uh so I can’t hmm it’s

Actually kind of tricky at to add more delay here okay yeah I have a copy of this so this is fine to mess around with this it’s tricky to add more delay without like removing one of the dispensaries or something replace the middle observer with a repeater so if I

Replace this one method with a repeater then the water from here will flow down here and it’ll knock out the repeater and that breaks the rule of automatic resetting or not completely automatic resetting but there’s a reset rule it’s one of the rules in the 5×5 TNT cannon

Challenge is a TNT minecart cannon also a tnt cannon yeah you’re allowed in fact let me put that in the rules yeah you can use a TNT my card if you want actually no it’s an entity you can’t oh you can you can put it inside of a dispenser you can’t

Directly place it welcome back Cree likes cats here thanks for subbing for nine months having a little sub baby with me much appreciated what a creeper cannon be allowed well there’s you know how to use spawn eggs cuz it has to be buildable in survival so there’s no

Weight and you’re not also not allowed to place creepers inside of it you stack TNT cart mine carts in a dispensary yeah sure sure it’d be tricky to get those to go off without while being resettable like well the whole thing is resettable you’d have to like

Moo you’d have to like dispense it onto it a rail activate the rail move the rail out of the way and then place water where the rail was or something like that I could be interesting though if you could like get some several stacks of TNT mine carts or something

I’d be real tricky I don’t know to have it be a resettable that sounds really hard but I might be worth playing around with it or playing around with yeah yeah so I just said why I can’t replace the middle observer with a repeater so so again there’s there’s gonna be the water

Comes out of here so currently the water has one two blocks to go here and one two to go here if there was a repeater here it would also have one two to go here and so would the water would destroy the repeater and it wouldn’t be

A repeatable cannon this corner kind of prevents a presents a problem yeah I’m gonna play Mario maker too when that comes out for sure that sounds really fun they didn’t it when they leave a rail oh that might be true but still you need to make sure okay actually that that might

Be something you could do is just get him to all detonate like dispense abundant a stack of them onto a rail yeah it sounds it sounds interesting okay well anyway I’m gonna go watch this a few more times see if I get a score for this oh geez yeah whoops this is

Supposed to be water because I still don’t have a score for this but I’m pretty sure I can Oh interesting it actually fell down there that means it might be able to destroy itself if it fell down just at the right time then the whole thing could could blast the

Tnt straight upwards maybe not quite as to get just the right trajectory you this is why this is why I wanted repeatable campus I’d be so annoying to have to build it each time or even clone doesn’t really work every time cuz because of problems with like observers

Yeah I guess have a blast history I’ll probably explode before it lands yeah okay it probably can’t blow itself up actually I guess the important thing is that it always gets flat like always gets knocked back by the TNT explosions and it will if for sure it will it’s

Always gonna make it far enough over so that time it just studded completely man okay but adding a blog next to the two dispensers a lot for the two teen tea blogs to get launched into the air what like right here if we put a block

Here the water is not gonna flow this way anymore it’ll flow off the edge the other edge so that’s no good when we do get a hit though it’s gonna be a good score I think it’s capable of landing on the ground I’m not a hundred percent sure

Adding more delay would certainly help if we could if we could delay this by one maybe there’s some way we can move these repeaters around like can I get a sideways repeater pointing at a block here or something with an observer I don’t know is there there’s got to be

Some way I don’t know where’s the rain is coming from so pay attention to the the dispenser right here when I push the button and notice that the two T and T don’t always like come out basically they get a small random velocity when they come out that time it went left

That time I went right they get a small random velocity and so they end up in in different places why am i hitting the button myself why not oh you think I should put it on a timer or something I don’t want it to keep going once I’ve

Once I’ve like got a score so plus it’s more satisfying this way we got to add more delay how do we add more delay maybe is there a solid block here that I could put that it would add delay like something that would take a while to get triggered like anything

Anything that power gets powered with redstone maybe like a lamp I don’t know if this is gonna add more delay or not but I can try it let’s try this yeah I think that whoa at the creates 14 T that’s dangerous okay interesting all right all right

That made more T&T than I was prepared for and let’s okay right I shouldn’t fill those unless I’m also going to fill these what would happen if I swapped the water with lava that’s a fine question alright let’s find out I think I would need lava

For both of them let’s find out that’s a that’s actually a really interesting question I don’t know this would burn down wouldn’t it be it wouldn’t cause it’s waterlogged I don’t know let’s wait for the Oh oh no I can’t cuz this is waterlogged okay I can’t I can’t mix them I can’t

Mix them and this needs to be waterlogged they can’t be a lava logged nether brick fence okay yeah sure but I still have the problem that I need to flow from here to be this way at all right or I can’t have four dispensers replacing the three repeaters with two

Redstone dust to trigger the force I was oh maybe yeah no I don’t think there’s room I’m not sure what you’re saying you can’t put redstone dust on top of it so that like that’s just against the rules if you put redstone dust somehow so I

Could like I can move this one in for instance I don’t know if it’s helpful but I can I don’t think it’s helpful though like this one actually probably like both of these I could move in so that it would be like here and here

Facing towards me I might be able to fit more or dispensers that way I don’t think so I think it’d still be the same the fence is not irrelevant for the design though the fence keeps the tnt from falling off here let me show you wait is it relevant for the time maybe

It is Haun I thought it was I thought the fence was preventing the TNT from falling off yeah it is oh not exactly wow that went really far maybe it was actually just making the design worse yeah that time like the T&T usually doesn’t fall off there without

The fence yeah it’s doing something it’s changing the direction of flow is what it’s doing so maybe if I put a slab there let me try putting a lot of logs live in there and just see what that does it also maybe changes where the charge

TNT you can go yeah so the the fence was kind of necessary to just change the direction of flow it does wait what why’d it fall off there was that just unlucky yeah I think there’s just something like II um put the water I could move the water

Sure I don’t I don’t know what that’s gonna do let’s see let’s see what this does I don’t I think it’s gonna be worse cuz it looks like the waters gonna get stuck a lot the teen he’s gonna stick like right here does give it a lower

Trajectory it looks like and it still shoots it pretty far maybe it’s not always a lower trajectory I think it might be low enough I think it might be low enough that uh that it can actually like score though I we still haven’t scored this this tnt cannon

Because it hasn’t hit the ground welcome back mount three here it’s just having a touch prime still need more delay wait uh no I still can’t I still only get two repeaters through here trigger the observer by dispensing lava huh ah interesting that’s an interesting idea so let’s

Let’s remove these I like that idea actually that could work so we would need an observer here and just any old block here and we would need lava okay this is interesting it’s a nice like nice long delay and then the observer here will make sure that the lava goes

Twice once when it turns on once when it turns off and then we put remove this observer no but with this observer removed now the water is gonna flow over here so I need okay I think I need to maybe I need to have this pointing up

But I think it’s gonna be too slow if I do it this way this is interesting though don’t use the lamp I don’t think the lamps gonna matter look like the lamp nut there’s no observers pointing at the lab so we have a lava in here

Let’s see what happens right now okay I thought I put love in here I could I could have sworn I put lava in there Oh cuz I broke it and I broke it and replaced it is why alright so let’s see what happens right now okay yeah it’s

Not getting enough time to actually flow what about if I just use water okay that might be enough delay I don’t know I don’t know if that was actually more delay or not but let’s try it it might have been a little bit more delay I like that is it’ll a mechanism though

That’s cute yeah it looks like it’s a little bit more delay but still not enough kind of water a lot the defense is waterlogged huh it’s like getting such a high trajectory now I think it’s being given more time it’s being given more time to like get off the edge which

Is giving the higher trajectory huh okay so that’s what happens if it goes off barely after gets off the edge that is technically a score actually all right so let’s uh let’s count this so this is the farthest point and that is its first scoring scoring launch so this is how

You count it one two three four five okay I’m just gonna oh actually I need to be standing here don’t I and then okay and then on top of that so it’s 485 78 578 into six thirteen ever- 22 plus 13 is 13 730 wait 22 plus 13 is 35 okay

This is 35 it’s like bringing out the measuring tape for a long jump 35 meter you don’t want less delay you want more delay so that it has more time so basically this is the freshest possible when it gets launched off all right if you have more delay it should actually

Have less time to get off the edge let’s see is there some some way we can add more delay to this oh if we had it pointed no I don’t know use observer instead of repeaters uh I don’t think that would increase that wouldn’t really

Do much right it would cause extra T and T to plop out but I don’t think that would really do anything useful so close remove the observer in the middle this one or this one yeah I can’t cuz then the waters gonna flow this way I need a solid block there

Hawkeye loop in a comparator well use some way of turning it on to if you use observers instead of repeaters you can add more delay to the water I don’t I don’t get it replace the left and right through here’s the redstone dust you want them

All to go off at the same time you don’t want it you don’t want different amounts of delays because otherwise two of them will go off it’ll blast a little bit away and then the everyone will go off and it won’t will be farther away and

Won’t give it as much velocity oh so close we’re placing them with redstone dust oh I get what you’re saying you just do it like this okay right okay yeah it does give it an extra oh we scored all right bonus points – domey Lego for who correctly pointed out that they were

Going to go out at the same time so city block distance wise this one’s a little bit further so we do this this is a pretty good score so we’re gonna play around with some other ideas now okay so we even count the number of pumpkins here or we can just press f3

So it’s 478 578 okay what’s that 37 + 22 + 12 37 + 22 + 12 37 + 22 + 12 71 the score to beat is 71 so anyone meters cool so I’m gonna leave this one alone now that’s what that’s the that’s the score no we’re doing city block distance

Gives us a minecraft there’s no diagonals in Minecraft guys come on 81 all right let’s double check yeah I could believe I was off by 10 478 578 441 612 this is for 78570 right so in the X we have 478 – 441 which is 37 and the Z we

Have six 12 – 578 just 34 you add 34 + 37 you get 71 it was 477 what it’s worth 78 look right here I’m looking right here I’m looking at the rounded off numbers here right here you just always use that one it’s a lot easier because

It’s always gonna round the same way you don’t have to worry about it yeah we good we good okay 71 yeah we’re using taxicab distance or city block distance Manhattan distance L 1 distance we’re not using a Euclidean distance alright so that is the score to beat

I’m going to actually just delete this or I’ll clear it out and we can play around with a new one with a new design I understand the tnt moves along a Euclidean path but I have opted to make the scoring city block distance if you want to make your own 5×5 TNT cannon

Challenge you’re welcome to but this is how mine works let’s try this rail thing let’s see what we can do with minecarts tnt minecarts so we can have up to 9 tnt mine carts in a dispensary right let’s put a rail here sure so let’s what

Happens if I just spit them all out at once do they will they stack will they like knock each other off the rail looks like they oh they will eventually okay okay so let’s let’s make sure it’s actually blocked in it’s just way easier to measure taxicab

Distance all right so we got nine so what happens if I just remove this nothing okay well what happens if I do that they explode Wow some of the explosion even made it through the Obsidian that’s not what I expected okay so that’s kind of interesting I

Guess technically you know it does it’s not actually valid because because it blew itself up it’s not resettable but let’s try putting some water in here right so let’s see I need a I need something that’s gonna block all right fence I can use a fence gate right for

This so let’s see fence gate yeah whoops this someone wanted fence gates block block rail water I need some clock that’s gonna go off like a certain number of times and then and then trigger this rail or I guess trigger like a piston or something okay let’s uh

It’s actually the moat let’s move the dispenser over here rules say no entities the rules say you can’t place entities but it can create entities T&T is an entity so obviously you need to be able to create entities and then let’s put a block here a sticky piston

Here and just for good measure let’s make sure there’s a well-defined path and in fact I’m going to move this I’m gonna move this over here alright so first of all does this blow up like does this does this work like wait why is that okay that’s fine so then I want

Another block here too and I guess I might as well have another block here just to make sure they go in the crate oops okay is that my sticky piston oh I can’t pull pumpkins interesting well anyway oh just removing that block doesn’t do it okay well alright that is almost a

Score I mean it didn’t automatically dispense these but do you see that some of the – some of the tea and tea minecarts went flying all right so there’s some potential here so we need I think an observer clock would be a good one we need an observer clock and then after

A little while we need to Oh once it’s empty so so we can just have like a alright I have an idea for how I want to do this so let’s let’s clear this out just so I have all the space available to work with so why what I want to do

Let’s have a dispenser here have a dispenser here a comparator coming out of that going into let’s see I need sandstone or something a repeater don’t need the sticky piston then I need a rail here I need fence gate water and actually let’s put a dispenser right

Here so oh and then I need a torch actually here so once this is empty we’re going to trigger the rail and then also the TNT right oh I need something to actually pulse the no I kind of forgot about that they sent me to pulse this so I’m gonna

Actually rotate this whole thing okay I have an idea for how I can actually so what’s some Oh nobody neither rail layers here so yeah um I’m a hopper clock could work let’s see is there I just needed huh I just need this to be like oriented a

Little bit differently this just this needs to be pointed this way to grab this put it here this too too quick for you so these go here still need a comparator but I need to see the comparator facing this way and then hmm I needed not gate somehow because I

Need I need the inputs I guess I don’t all right all right how about this have this here this here we use it’s okay yeah it’s I think it’s okay for so what happens right now so what happens right now when you push the button over here

Is it pulses this a bunch of times spawning these and then actually yeah I can do this I can do that I don’t need I don’t need to use a comparator I can do it let’s see I just actually just need a delay I just need to delay so let’s

Let’s put a repeater here get rid of this just need a dust here so something like this okay there’s no way this is gonna work right so this pushes it’ll just caught the suspense a bunch of these the rail will get powered and it should go in here all right let’s see

What happens well everything blew up is what happens cool so that’s what happens when you do that I think it’s because the minecarts dispenser minecarts immediately went off the rails I think that’s what happened there so I think it’s because I didn’t block them in yeah not everything

So maybe what I need is both to have a rail and also to lock it in and then I can like maybe somehow how do you like this so like I want to power both both of these Pistons is that possible no I

Can do it oh maybe if I do it from this side and I have a block here if a repeater here oh this is gonna cause a loop okay no that’s okay I could put it right here so while the power is on this little dispense a bunch of times so

There’s nothing oh and then the water is gonna be a problem though huh maybe if I have a fence gate here and I just use redstone to power it like then I can have the water right here as well so then I can just like what happens right now when I push this

Button I’ll just buttons on the right place I wish my hotbar was like five times as big which I think I want a what’s like I want this to be a torch I do actually need the torch okay just just like trying to get something that kind of

Works right now so okay so when you push the button the fence gate will close that’ll prevent the T and T my hearts from going anywhere momentarily I think I’m gonna have a problem that not all the minecarts are gonna go off I think I

Do need this to be powered yeah this is really tricky it’s tricky to do this in a resettable way because because currently like the collisions of the minecart TT my karts are going to propel some of them over here the ones that aren’t propelled over here though are

Gonna stay here and I think they’re gonna blow up the rest of this stuff let’s try it I’m pretty sure that’s what’s gonna happen though yeah it is what happened okay so how what what can we do to actually make T and T minecarts work without blowing everything up you need to

Dispense a bunch of them somehow and then you need to get all of those not to explode until they’re in water and you they all need to explode at the same time maybe I do use an activator no cuz if I use an activator rail they’re not gonna

Be in water maybe I can get them like halfway like what if what if I got them like halfway between an activator rail and water so like I don’t know I’m just gonna try something real quick so like I have a TNT minecart it’s sort of like

Who’s gonna be hard to actually place yeah I don’t even know how I would do that like actually I can think of a way it’s a little bit slow so you put a rail here we push this off a little bit break this rail put the activator rail down

Use a piston push it over Oh what it started because they look flowing the water is flowing I forgot yeah cuz water didn’t used to push push these let’s see so do activator rail set off a fuse is that how it works interesting so I could maybe I could set

All of their fuses and then get them into water and that way they wouldn’t blow up immediately that’s possible the so okay yeah yeah let’s try it let’s try this so let’s use a powered rail here I don’t I think they were like I don’t think this was working but let’s try

This so we do it like this we need to power both of those though so I actually need it to be somewhere that I can act it all right yes these repeater here and here and then I don’t know how I actually get it all the way into water but let’s just

Try this I don’t I don’t know if this will like let it slide let it like slide far enough but welcome back hurt you by sink hurt you hurt hurt her tub I is a Inc her to buy zinc thank you for the sub with which Prime

It’s a really weird name I’m sure there’s some way to decide for that probably just like seeing capitalisation would help a lot okay so let’s see what happens are they gonna start going off on their own this way they aren’t they alright I got all nine out almost worked so that one

Blew up immediately so I have to like man it’s so hard to get it not to like blow up on its own all right let me see if I can just get one to go off this direction okay I just I’m just gonna without without blowing

Up let’s just put one on here and see if see if it blows up it okay that actually did work okay so we can get one can we get two or do they like interfere do they like yeah I do that like interfere with each other okay how that actually actually worked

Oh so one of them still blew up immediately it actually had hit the water first at least though weird no this redstone isn’t allowed I’m just trying to get this to work so why did one blow up immediately to activate a rail the activator rail is getting

Powered here right yeah it is back flip CT minecart challenge yeah that’s basically what we’re doing here all right I don’t understand this well enough I don’t know why the TNT minecart was blowing up there like when you have one it doesn’t do that and it does fine colliding TNT minecarts and some

Instantly blow up on there oh so if you have more than one colliding at the same time that’s gonna make this really tough I have to do this without them D railing or yeah problem is I can’t have a rail going directly into water uh hold on

That’s not necessarily true what if I did something like this it’s and let’s put water right here and then let’s try let’s try this Oh huh that time they didn’t explode okay well alright I have to actually put two down so oh that one wasn’t in the water even cool that’s pretty cool

Do you guys think that’s pretty cool I think that’s pretty cool flip that button – what’s up Abney oh cool thank you maybe because of the velocity um yeah I don’t know to make this reusable might be might be really hard the old the only thing I can

Think of is to place them onto a onto an activator rail activate the activator rail then now they don’t detonate instantly in water we saw that they didn’t when I did it like this they didn’t like this ones in water and it’s not it didn’t Li because you can’t just place your like

You can’t just let the water overtake the activator rail because because it needs to be resettable it might be that when they touch blocks they instantly go off or something yeah it might be that they have a certain velocity and they hit a block if they go off all right

Let’s do a back flip that’s so awesome that looks really cool I like it cobweb I don’t know okay so wait yeah maybe that is actually an explanation though you have two of them one of them like goes all the way back because other ones pushing it hits the block explodes

In the water and knocks the other one back is this one valid it has infinite range but explodes when I hit the block Oh mm not valid because that’s cute it’s funny but it’s not valid because you’re supposed to do this on a super flat world with nothing else anywhere in the

World and so there will never be a block for it to hit it’s not an infinite range block that is a funny that is an honorable mention I’m going to build this on stream real quick so you guys can see it that’s cute and it’ll be a good example of a thing

That doesn’t technically work and I will I will leave it in my world as an example of that let’s see so we need a dispenser we need it’s empowered rail I already have powered rail so it goes here and then a little ramp maybe you can already see where this is going I

Don’t think I need water for this one and how did I build that right yeah I did comparator block and then this is a dispenser I needed another comparator Anna and then this needs to have these there’s a little comparator okay yeah compare that’s that’s good he’s a little comparator

Unload everything II and the repeaters hit the one so I think this should be it so if you can’t tell what this is gonna do oh this is supposed to be a dropper not a yeah okay oh I also got rid of the dispenser solutions so then you put an

Item in here it starts a clock which makes this dispense its things once it’s empty a powered really gets powered anyway let’s go ahead and let’s try it out it’s interesting that a dispenser from this direction will not okay that’s actually a good trick anyway so if this

Ever this is a super flat world so it’s never gonna hit anything but if it did they all kind of go off at different times wow that’s a big hole huh I like it it’s clever but no it’s not allowed we’re gonna we’re gonna keep this in

Though I’ll put your crowd put your name on the thing for credits and then let’s pull the item out oh it’s not it’s not resettable currently it needs to yeah we can make this or set up although I think it’s just using like an observer clock or something

It’s not resettable currently come on I really hate how these are placed let’s see it’s good a piston this isn’t quite gonna work right I need a yeah let’s put the button I don’t know if this is gonna pull us nine times I only gained used to

Pulse nine times actually we can just it’s like five I think it’s I think I was good enough probably I got rid of the TNT minecart okay one two okay so why didn’t that work why did it go launching off I have to build the whole thing again I thought it was consistent

Well if it’s not consistent then it doesn’t work but I mean we can probably make it consistent with just like a piston or something observers powering the rail oh yeah you’re right that is why let’s see so I just want to do it like yes I need to

Power this block but not so I need it to be like this this something like this this empty right now yeah yeah and then I need a repeater here as well so let’s put five things in here all right this should work right it’s not gonna blow up yeah

Okay so now it is now it is resettable and yeah so you have to fill it with exactly five or actually pretty good probably fewer but all right this follows the rules for resetting so we’re good now and this is clever but it’s not gonna work if you had a timer on it

Then it could if you like put an activator rail here or something I’m actually going to do that let’s see how far it goes what’s let’s clone this over somewhere kind of far away okay so we’re just gonna have an active activator rail here and just have stuff in it yep

So let’s see how far this gets before it blows up Okay this is great I love it 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 tone to you 2 3 4 this is 24 24 meters bye alright let me get you some credit oh wait shoot who I actually don’t know

Who suggested this somebody posted a MJ link to this oh here it was shin rowdy okay shin rowdy actually technically this is my design but Finn it’s I should run D I mean yeah not it’s not my design it’s it’s both of us but okay you put

More booster rails to make it go faster I don’t think it makes it go any faster or further I think it’s velocity is set by some like weird collision glitch I’m probably not going to make a download for this I’ll just show the designs in a video all right so is there

A way to like actually do what we want to do so actually yes this this right here is a solid launching mechanism it’s it seems to be consistent it doesn’t like if you if you dispense from the side it seems like they were they were gonna have problems but this one

Actually seems like it does work so let’s get ready to rumble I have an idea so and by I have an idea I mean it’s kind of the obvious stuff but see so with bling at it this is really easy to make this thing you fill with obsidian

And then you delete the five by five workspace Wow all right so we need a dispenser and we need comparator so this parts gonna be the same I already have a torch and repeater rail and then we’re going to use a detector rail with activator rail to ignite some TNT so we

Have a detector rail we have the activator rail and then we’re gonna put water here right we’re gonna put an O hold on you know this is still gonna have the same problem where it hits the wall all right let me just see let me

See if this if this can possibly work I don’t think it’s gonna work but all right I need active it technically don’t have enough room for this oh I can rotate it maybe actually what I want to do is have like a sideways one so which direction just does a minecart

Go here let’s just put a normal line cart down okay it went off to the left and actually it still had some velocity this way that’s interesting mm-hmm see see if I have a powered rail maybe it’ll make it all the way I hate how much time I’m spending in the

Search thing so I don’t think is gonna work but let’s try it god I ever wrote the team team rancor again – so then I need a clock here I could just place a little hopper clock or observe a clock what oh I powered the rail again with the

How do I turn off TNT destruction there’s mob griefing that’s I don’t think there’s a way to just turn off TNT destruction I’m trying to do something okay let’s no see one not excellent mmm I’m so stupid one two four five six seven eight see one okay trying to like just get all

The things I need I’m sorry okay well hey alright ok alright we’re in business oops actually let’s see if I can copy this let’s just copy it paste this somewhere so that I don’t have to rebuild it all again okay all right and I need all right let’s see where

This does I need to fill this up – all right that time it all blew up huh I wonder what the difference was the rail I don’t know I don’t know okay well that’s fine because I copied and pasted okay let’s delete this okay so I was

Wrong with the rail oh this this this rail was right and I even have like oh okay that works okay like this yeah I guess let’s copy and paste again no I well yeah I know that should work fine and then I’ll have to redo this part but okay right no the

Redstone dust see right okay here we go that’s something it’s resettable all right so I need to actually like make this work let’s see what if I just put a sticky piston let’s see so I want the detector rail to reset it probably what if I do it oh so I want

The oh maybe what if I do it like this so I have a sticky piston I’ll see not sure about this bill let’s just try it real quick see what happens so no cuz this is I need like a flip-flop or something actually oh I can

Use I can use a pair of droppers I do it like okay just like facing each other pair of droppers so you push this one and it starts it and then the actually need this signal to go oh wait and then I need I need a clock too though oh wait

I can do hold on can I do it like this there’s not enough room for a hopper clock or for a comparator clock you actually need this to be the other way around okay because I need a hopper clock basically or something the slowest tnt cannon yeah can I move

Their rail over to the right I’m not sure what’s real and which is which directions right I think some hundred bits mister or my crafty much appreciated so yeah how do I turn on the clock or I guess I can just I mean the clock this clock can be as slow as it

Needs to be it just needs to be really space efficient I just need like hopper hopper what if I know I can’t start with a minecart here does redstone dust power the rail not only if it’s like pointed at it just like any other block move the droppers towards the rails well the

Problem is this it needs to be a clock here I still need a clock use a torch burn out clock okay that’s an interesting idea yeah yeah okay all right I like that we’ll do that will we do that I’m not sure I can actually see I need a comparator okay is

This empty that’s good okay I need this I don’t think I can make a torch burn out clock in this space I can almost make a comparator clock like this and let’s see if there was like a hopper minecart in here not quite enough power huh daylight sensors wait a

Few days so actually that’s with this challenge technically that is Reds e5 your hero that works you just need some way of like blocking the signal from the daylight sensor welcome back Arielle 5-1-1 here thanks for 7:00 it’s my channel it’s nice yeah so you

Need like the hop the man okay it just seems like a little clock it can be alright let’s see if we can fit a hopper clock in here somehow because we we just need to be like here to here and then we can have a comparator going here the

Dispenser like so we need some way to like toggle this actually we can do that I think with if we face it now because we need this one to also stop it mmm reset the clock by putting new TMT items in so like have this somehow be that’s

True that does follow the rules but you I mean you also need to have it’s not start until you push a button Yeah so I need to freeze it let’s see okay me like use an observer with a oh maybe this does work no no because I still need to read the output Oh what if I had an observer pointed at so yeah this would work because this one this

Does actually change states it’s like pretty close to working you just need a comparator here like that’s so close actually yeah I think we can do it like this maybe comparator and then observer right now and then we have a redstone dust does this work here oh wait no no

No that’s that’s we don’t need that we have a button here right so we start off with something in it’s not oh it’s a dispenser oh I almost just dispensed these need to be droppers I’ll power the rail again huh oh I am powering the rail right now

Aren’t I with with this the clock so close so close uh maybe so I kind of have to like fit the hopper design in like here somehow or something like that and then the compared I’ll have to be like right here at the block and then I need to oh maybe

I can do it oh wait maybe I can do it like this but if I had the dropper here and here and this really isn’t gonna work either it’s like comparator block you need like two buttons to toggle it Rick dental x MJ okay you get a little hopper clock there

I will compare two o’clock there all right the dispenser rail directly powers yeah and then okay I like that that’s a really good design okay cool I’m gonna write down your name real quick so that I have that recline narc rickland ARCA got it okay and yeah let’s

Grab that image again yeah okay that’s clever a little dropper and dropper button here so now when we let me push this this this hopper clock will go out or comparator clock will go off and then when there’s a minecart on here it will it’ll turn it off it’ll it it’ll send it

Back okay cool I think this should work so I cloned it over here let’s confirm clone I need to replace oh not here I can do it like this can I do it like this we’ll see No it automatically repositions it annoying so I just have to like break this and

Then yeah whatever alright that works and then I need to fill this and so let’s see if this works give it like 50/50 odds okay needs more delay also it blew this stuff up and I don’t and I don’t think this TNT blew it up mmm suspicious that’s suspicious

So why did that happen the water doesn’t stop the minecart T&T it just prevents it from blowing up so let’s let’s try it again and just see why it blew up so I think not all of the TNT my carts are activating in the same tick and so some

Of them are blasting others of them away out of the water before they blow up or something the water destroyed it so what tweaks can we make here what can we do if we had like a piston in the way maybe like a piston that pushed a block in the way

Okay I can try it without this just to make sure I’m like 99% sure that it is the problem but let’s try it try it this even look like it’s leaving the block like it looks like it’s just exploding and that’s damaging everything yes I was thinking best pony so they

Push each other a little bit before they blow up that didn’t happen before um you know I don’t think it did didn’t we yeah we tried this with nine and it didn’t I don’t think it did blow up like that all right we can try it with five yeah sure

Let’s just get rid of the water first nice hats so let’s do with five see if it still happens okay I guess I’ll try it again let’s just try it a few times see if it’s consistent your place fence with water flowing into you can’t I can’t put a water source here it’ll

Destroy all these rails let’s try six I actually accidentally put it in six but it’s a good experiment right if you want more minecarts replace Aniston with the dropper yeah yeah for sure but for now we can’t even get it to work with nine stick seems somewhat stable yeah I

Know who a lil Mingo is I’ve been watching a lot of his videos recently try and get caught up on what’s what’s good with redstone so six seems to work pretty consistently I’m gonna put a TNT in here to the six and just see what happens I actually might not get knocked

Away it actually that so that that TNT blowing up is what caused the rest of the destruction interesting so we might still need to use a water source to get this to work correctly it’s going to be tough to like get the water to flow the right direction

You can trick the water if you put a hole under where you want it to go and fill it later uh that’s true okay yeah it’s a good point know how to % sure it’ll work here though I’ll try it I think once you fill the hole it’s not

Gonna work but oops I forgot okay well let’s just try this real quick so you do this whoops I think it was actually gonna work so you do you put like water here then you fill the hole yeah that might actually might help a lot with the tnt

Minecarts exploding so let me let me just copy and paste this so that’s a should get rid of this first so don’t mess up the original copy and then I will try that outs and we can actually have it flowing that way too I don’t think that’s a bad thing yeah cool

So it gets an update when I clone it that is one thing that mcedit was good at well oh and then I need to actually do this like I need to get the rail facing the right direction well let’s just try it here I guess okay the

Updating of the rail actually will cause the it’ll cause the letter to bud and it’ll destroy everything but let’s let’s just try it and I can show you guys what’s what’s gonna happen I’m gonna put nine in but yeah this is the water is gonna go everywhere right now as it is

Yeah yeah yeah the water acts like a backup to a detector and destroys everything so let’s I just want to see if we can get this to work at all like can we watch some TNT pretty far with this and get it to work consistently as well so

The problem right now is that the TMT like if we do seven or six TNT minecart it’s fine like it’s not gonna explode in here but we need the TNT to be like somewhere that I’ll actually get launched consistently so which means we needed to force it that way a little bit

Oh yeah you can we can get maybe get bigger delay by using this torch rather than the detector rail yeah we probably don’t well if we don’t necessarily need this detector rail in there you’re right those detector rails useful for the clock for the flip-flop why am I trying

To launch this antique so that it’s a TNT cannon if you don’t watch TNT and a a TNT cannon I may be able to dispense the TNT on a slab I played around with it and the sideways seems he dispenser it won’t dispense on to a slab next to

It I’m not allowed to put like a slab on top of it or anything like I would what I would need to do is dispense water up here and have it float that way somehow or something like that I don’t think adding delay here is gonna

Make a huge difference but we’ll try it it might might prevent it from like blowing up everything around here so this is probably gonna blow up everything well it didn’t blow up everything but I assume it’s possible for it to blow up everything this actually will probably launch pretty

Well but remember one of the rules is if it’s possible for it to destroy the to destroy any of the blocks then it doesn’t count has to be resettable yeah we do need more delay what happens with with this is it no this isn’t gonna add

More delay just by putting it here I can add more minecarts no I don’t think I can no nothing we didn’t change anything about this since it was 9 ever since they blew up with 9 I can try adding 7 see what happens at 7 how am i judging

Slash comparing designs it’s the city block distance to the farthest surface-level block that gets ya so 7 is no good that is that was funny but 7 was no good so 6 is the most were led to launch just use like a curved rail or something or just have this always powered he

Might be able to do that somehow not sure how of it yeah actually if it was just if this was just a normal rail it would probably not cause a block update yeah let’s do that you’re not even necessarily normal aerial like an activator rail would work

Fine – no it has to be something that’s not going to get powered yeah so would have to be a regular rail let’s try that let’s see if I can get thanks for the 31 bits casual nightmares so let’s see if I can do this so get rid

Of this this this this this this this detector rail break break break water obsidian hopper or dropper I mean does this work I think you should work I shouldn’t yeah so let’s let’s try let’s try putting one TNT my card in see what happens okay one

Is wait why did it blow up why did it blow up so fast it didn’t even get off the rail that was weird Halloween not sure what happened there maybe I need to try to hoe this dust is gonna activate okay yeah the dust is gonna activate it along

So if I have an observer that’ll also activate it anything anything here is gonna activate is gonna gonna bud the water even or anything anything I have here will change States anything that can pass redstone signal along okay right so I can do this instead ah yeah I

Can do this which means every time I clone this it’s gonna whatever okay hopefully I’ll just never have to clone it again and then this detector rail doesn’t know it doesn’t need to be the detector rails still but just for resetting purposes oops yeah now there’s nothing that’s gonna bud this I need

Dropper this thing okay let’s put in two cuz I think it actually let’s put in five I’m gonna have to do this right now okay I’m gonna try nine see if this water thing solves it because it really might like if it’s all if they’re all here and they get exploded away they’re

Probably gonna like no I don’t actually have a lot of faith that’s going to solve it but we’ll try well it didn’t destroy everything all right let’s let’s try out a TNT in here it’s time whatever caution to the wind I can’t like oh yeah it’s fine it’ll be great

Hey all right not bad let’s score it so we go it from right here two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirty forty twenty for you today for were divided six – seven – eight – nine thirty three one three – 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Alright I’m gonna try and clone this let’s uh let’s move the tea and tea from this first though it’ll try and clone it and the waters gonna go everywhere all right so I need to remove this water first before I clone it but I want to

Try this over and over again no but I want to make sure that I have that one copy saved all right so now we can put the teen tea back in here water goes back here did I add credit somewhere right yeah okay so there’s a credit for this half of the

Machines good and then yes and then the nine of these so then we can’t actually get more T&T minecarts by putting a hopper here what I’ll fix the rail yeah okay yep yes I do have to do that I wish playing at it would clone this stuff a little

Bit more cleanly huh who who even wrote this piece of junk all right all right I need to put TNT in here nine of these suckers let’s see what happens all right it’s about the same it’s got the same let’s just try it a few times and then

I’ll add another hopper or another you’re a dropper with TNT minecarts will double the load double the charge load I like that it’s the timing is so favorable Oh interesting there was another routine to you that one went a bit farther uh yeah we’re gonna we’re

Gonna add another let’s drop her in here now this seems necessary doesn’t that seem necessary it seemed necessary to me I assume it’s gonna start to fail at some point in here but let’s try it out cool so we get 18 in here before it launches it blood before I hit the

Ground but that’s awesome oh my god I don’t know I don’t know if we’re gonna be able to get it to hit the ground probably eventually it will I think it’s uh yeah that’s not that’s not gonna hit the ground in time I think what’s happening is the reason that it’s

Exploding immediately is that it actually still has some velocity this way when it goes off of this rail and so it’s uh yeah we might have to actually reduce the amount of TNT marker it still has some velocity this way so when it goes off this rail it just like whacks

The wall and explodes immediately but it doesn’t explode everything so all right let’s see let’s try this a few more times just with with 18 put the repeater to one tick this one oh yeah that’s a good idea yeah that should be lower I just give us

A little bit of extra time to hit the ground close this but no cigar all right let’s try this a few more times still there oh that’s the nice thing about this is I don’t I think well that was it really short explosion I think the tea and tea

Is still like up in the air but because so so when this dispenses the TNT it’s it’s up in the air for a little bit so I think it’s still up in the air when these go off and that’s why it’s getting launched I’m not sure that I’m not sure

But that would that would prevent it from ever destroying itself I have to say I love this design now one might not quite quite replace the repeater with dust okay yeah yeah yeah yep I can do that just give it another little bit of extra time might change the trajectory – oh

It’s not still up in the air at all but it’s fine yeah actually we might know let’s just let’s just keep trying this it’s yeah I guess there’s just enough minecart TNT TNT minecarts that it just it’ll get blown away even it even if it has to go through a block there’s still

A little bit of knock back and 18 17 or whatever going off simultaneously is it just enough it’s going a little bit too high yeah you want less delay here because know you want more delay yeah you want more delay you want it to be as fresh as possible when it gets launched

Off okay I’m gonna put a 4 tick repeater here yeah let’s try this we could also try moving that method dispenser back oh so that time it was up in the air when all the TNT minecart went my carts went off haha which it’s always going to be

Now I think it’s like a little bit random how high up in the air it goes but let’s watch this again let’s let’s watch from this angle yeah it’s up in the air it’s getting launched so far but it doesn’t have time to hit the ground

Yeah all right I want to try I want to try moving it back by a block in fact I’ll just I’ll just add a second mmm this might blow itself up all right yeah okay I’m gonna try it I’m gonna try okay you’re done I need to do

To make this work so we fill these and then now I should be able to break this I don’t know let’s let’s break this first then I break this and this put the new dispenser here with the T and T and then I can put this back now I couldn’t

Put it back why why did I do that Oh cuz this one okay I needed a fence gate here first obnoxious that’s so obnoxious all right huh whoops I see No all right so I have to read you all this that’s okay I think I know what to do

Now okay so we break this break this this this neither detector rail on my hotbar but it was repeater break this on this I’m gonna break this on this dispenser here I need a fence gate here I don’t know this might break things but we’ll see right is this it

Am I done oh I need the I need a dropper here and did I do it oh I need this other dropper here okay is this it can we try this out I need a a little need to fill this but that’s that’s fine

I can do that yeah I need to fill these and we put some TNT in here okay I think this is it so we’ll see what this does this might screw up still but it didn’t go very far try again though see what happens it’s so much worse yeah it’s so much worse

All right we’re gonna we’re gonna we’re gonna put it back though it was the repeater and everything okay all right so let’s see if we can get this to land on the ground I like it might do it with enough tries we also just my DVD to increase the power a bit

I also might try putting this on three ticks rather than four it’s so comical how far it goes let’s put it on three and just see see what happens just experiment it’ll be it’ll be at a different point in its arc the the TMT okay I don’t know

If that’s any better let’s try it again that’s not gonna land let’s put it it two ticks just gotta experiment with this it’s like the physics are not very predictable right 45 degrees is not optimal if you want it to land before the fuse goes off it’s also not quite

Optimal in Minecraft because there’s a little bit of air resistance okay gotta try that again Niko it’s okay Iko Iko just woke up from a nightmare or something he’s you just woke up it’s okay oh he’s purring can you hear it hmm mean go good boy you go is the best boy

Is there concern with TNT going out uploaded chunks not really he’s drilling a little bit that’s gross miko it’s gross but you don’t know what you’re doing so it’s okay usually doesn’t let me pick pick him up for that long or he something he doesn’t let me

It’s that he indicates that he wants down that was nice I liked that I enjoyed that yeah yeah I can try some less T&T lestine t minecarts so let’s fill it up with nine and five let’s put this back at four let’s see what happens still

Going so far uh try dropping it to nine I guess I don’t know I’m not even sure it was landing with nine oh it was okay oh that’s right nine was this one over here so let’s try like eleven can we get

It I just want to see if I can get it to land what well we’ll get it to land then we’ll up and then we’ll up to the T and T minecart you okay I think I was just bad luck I think let’s try 11 again I think 11 will will

Work if we give it enough tries turn it up to 11 yeah okay maybe 9 is the exact right number it’d be nice we give oh yeah we should try and get it to go diagonally too cuz we’ll up the city block distance yeah okay I’m gonna do that I’m gonna do that

So let’s um let’s try that out so we put a block here let’s see use a different block just so it’s a little bit more visible dispenser I guess we don’t even need this just put a Spencer here and I guess okay you still want a block here water okay

Let’s try this let’s try this with the full the full contingency so this might work a little bit differently because we’re we are modifying this but we’ll see I don’t think is gonna pay the water and might it did no it did it updated the water

Okay so that’s why we don’t do that um actually let’s let’s get rid of that water block first huh trap her here we put real huhuhuh this destroy those drop her back here remind cards so is there a way I guess there isn’t a way to put it here without

Updating the water but we don’t necessarily have to worry okay I’m gonna try something I’m gonna try something I’m gonna put it here but I’m gonna hit the water over here so we’ll do its get rid of okay there’s nothing in there good so it’s dispenser here break these

Puts a block here and then I’m gonna put the water over here and it shouldn’t receive a block update oops that’s no hold on this is gonna work I can’t do it this direction yeah it was it was because it was nestled into a corner that that worked

When this went because when this water receives notated is actually gonna start flowing that water will still be butted oh okay the fence gate didn’t work because it explodes as soon as it goes off the rails right here I don’t know if there’s a way to get water right here

Well maybe oh I have an idea no that’s not gonna work I was thinking no yeah because it’s looking about blood the water lava uh it’s an interesting idea if I had like lava flowing four blocks or something my crafter thanks for the 30 bits uh yeah I’ve used

Something like an Arduino before but uh I’m it’s a little vague make a video about it water log a slab I don’t think that helps me yeah that’s so the fence gate here doesn’t help because because it explodes the the some of the team teaming cards

Explode right here so I need there to be water right next to this rail but if there’s a lot of right next to this rail this is definitely going to cause an update what I could do is move it over even farther I could put it here this isn’t currently gonna get powered

So I need something to power it but huh so how do I get power to this guy is there way I can’t do redstone dust on top of the hopper yeah just a redstone dust next to it isn’t gonna do it oh if I put it here

It nope I don’t think it’s going to because it’ll be connected to that at real all right if I if I put it here it’s not gonna power it plus I’m trying to avoid block updates right right here and similarly here it’s not gonna connect switch the detector and

Activator rails if I do that then this doesn’t work anymore because this detector rail is currently powering this to reset it it is true that I don’t need to activate a rail yeah okay wait maybe I can just do this no I think I still I think I

Still need to activate a rail I’m not sure I’m not sure I’m gonna try this and and we’ll put this here and this here I’m gonna try this and see if this causes an explosion or not what I don’t know what caused the I don’t know what

Caused all this to explode it looks like they some of them exploded in the water some of them made it through thanks for the 30 bits or 60 bits my crafter yeah maybe one gotten like knocked up and I could just couldn’t see it mmm I’m not sure what happened there

Why do that whatever okay let’s do all the things again I think it might have been because I oh if I couldn’t activate a rail here and then yeah that might actually be oh no no I needed this to be a normal rail so that it wouldn’t cause a block update to

The water here hmm okay I just want to like run the thing a couple times let’s try it with 11 again I’m not sure what to do to try and improve it let’s try it with 10 actually let’s try it with 10 you haven’t done 10

Yet all that came so close to the ground please move the dropper one block closer to the torch but the dispenser uh we tried that and it didn’t really it didn’t really do anything good yeah that didn’t really go that far I’m gonna go with 11 again I have faith

That 11 can work oh yeah all right so 11 pretty good yeah I was trying to make a go diagonally so that we could get like a city block distance so it should be a little bit more I’d be like 1.4 times as powerful in average but all right so what’s the

Farthest block that we can get so they give you this one yeah one two three four five 79 80 81 82 83 84 it’s a new high score that wasn’t really any faster than checking coordinates I mean slower what did I say 81 84 84 before meters with 11 teen teen

Minecarts alright we go up to 12 now it just barely caused an explosion in the ground I don’t know if 12 is gonna work but it’s a little bit random every time so you never know yeah it would be nice to get this to go diagonally like that

One went a little bit diagonally what if the sign gets blown up then if the sign gets blown up but the ground doesn’t get blown up I don’t know I guess I’ll cry myself to sleep yeah you can’t change the floor blocks it has to be obsidian

And I think that causes an explosion in the ground this is a cool design though I someone was saying this doesn’t seem interesting is the timer challenge but I think there is still a lot to play around with in this one plus you get to see awesome TNT

Cannons go off and you get to rebuild everything when they blow up in your face inevitably if you put the sideways track head and angle this one like maybe make it a curb track or something no double up the saw line I didn’t love to

Sign but it also didn’t go as fire huh good thing I put the sign on the outside hybrid cannon hybrid cannon would be really hard because you’d have to activate the charge TNT and the like minecart TNT’s at the exact same time and that seems impossible

Why 5×5 because it’s just you know five is a really easy number to remember this is my challenge this is a challenge I came up with I love how one of them just goes straight up in the air just for no reason they’re landing on the ground

More but it does kind of seem like 12 is less powerful than 11 I wonder if like odd numbers and even numbers have different properties like what if half of them are getting launched up in the air in the exact same spot or something like that use an ethos lab that actually

Might be useful right now yeah it seems like actually pretty consistent where it lands like it it’s like four or five that have landed right here let’s go to 13 little Mac my crafter here it’s for sipping much appreciated that’s nine in this one four in this one let that seem more powerful

Where’s the randomness where is the random list oh I I think you meant where’s ray – I’m not sure if the minecarts are causing randomness at all I know that there is some from the TNT dispenser yeah I don’t know if I don’t know if these are consistent though I

Would guess that there probably is some randomness in there once the physics start doing funky things over here that’s I’m not sure oh that’s actually maybe not actually better I think it’s a slightly lower score because look like it’s gonna be measured – there yeah it’s actually a slightly lower score because

Of city block distance it is a higher distance the Euclidean distance wise but it’s not a higher score technically I should be repairing all this – hmm I’m just hoping it’ll go a lot further whoops that’s the dropper that’s okay I like this design this is a

Cool design I like that it’s only barely farther than the other one – it’s nice that it is consistent there make it making minecarts explode first in a block of water okay it did blow up the sign wow it happened the thing that I was saying happened actually I think

This made it slightly further but we’ll never know all right here we go someone do the math city block distance negs 670 and remember we’re looking at the whole numbers here not the not the decimal numbers negative 675 18 makes 663 596 so it’s 96 – 1806 64 664

So that’s 16 plus math 78 wait no it’s not 16 it’s seven wait six six four six sorry six six four not six six three so it’s six plus 78 it’s 84 isn’t that what we had before oh maybe didn’t actually create a new I should really be repairing it anyway

Because whatever it’s 84 still I’m just gonna put a sign here I don’t really the the one number doesn’t really interest me alright that was with four and nine let’s try five and nine just maybe it’ll somehow make it less powerful or better angle or something I probably should put

Some obsidian in the ground yeah where wherever it lands yeah let’s do that yes Oh be nice and what you get this to go diagonally actually I’m a little bit curious I have an idea I think it’s gonna blow everything up here so I’m gonna I’m gonna copy and

Paste it I’m just gonna copy and paste this I have an idea I’m not gonna tell you what it is to maximize suspense yeah Also a dropper what if bear with me what if I did this huh just what if what oh no okay why did that set it off that’s so weird I know my that set it off that’s what you said earlier okay well I did not see that so it doesn’t count

Alright this is this is all set up right I don’t think this is gonna work but maybe oh okay no it just blew it sideways okay I thought I saw something go up in the air it might have been actually one of the one of the tea and tea mine cards did

But we have we have a survivor hmm okay I would like to get this to go diagonally somehow how do we do it how do we do it without causing a water update here if I slope the rail like what’s like slope this like like this or something

It’s a fine question yeah let’s try it let’s see what happens see if anything’s different yeah let’s just try this out it might actually cause different physics to happen I could see it seemed pretty similar but let’s try it with fewer let’s try it with fewer and see let’s try it with 11

Okay it’s hard to tell if that was any different okay that seemed very similar like it was going to the end of the pumpkin patch alright rekelen Arcas says he has a solution Oh interesting okay yeah we could try that let’s try that yeah okay so we put a rail here we move

This over next to the dispenser alright sorry yeah detector rail we put a solid block here and then this is where the water goes and now there’s no block update to this one okay and the detector rail is what launches it okay yeah let’s try this should go off this way maybe

Hopefully I don’t know actually I’m not sure what’s gonna happen here it seems like it might be able to actually not explode oh yeah oops I didn’t actually do this okay let’s try this you tested it okay cool yes that goes diagonally all right I’m gonna write down your name again nope

Already has your name perfect let’s try eleven because that was the that was the number we got the best results out of before the physics are of course gonna be a little bit different because it’s cuz never you know it’s going down you a little bit it’ll be different that we’ll see let’s

See what we get okay this huh city block distance wise this should be a little bit higher already let’s put it just put it up sitting down here for now and we’ll check later that’s because I want to just try increasing the you didn’t hang the second side you have a second

Sign there’s a sign right here any minute all right great let’s try I was at 13 let’s try 13 I think the water could flow the other way no the water flows the other way this is gonna update the source block and it’ll destroy everything

Ooh slightly the same I think this is no this isn’t slightly better slightly better okay okay so we can up the yeah we can up the TNT minecart counts let’s go to 15 what I happen to button oh oh this explosion wasn’t here before was it and assigned

To the signs gone technically it did destroy itself huh huh technically it did destroy itself we’re gonna ignore that for now if I had two signs maybe would have protected it yeah yeah all right yeah we good oh it didn’t actually cause damage to the ground but we’ll try

Out again with 15 welcome back Tommy FIFA 30:49 here settings which prime if you didn’t know twitch prime is a feature that you get for free if you have Amazon Prime and unless you subscribe to one string word per month for free the streamer gets money but it

Costs you nothing beyond why you’re already paying frame is on prime it’s a pretty good deal just thought you should do just putting it out there that’s not going to land not even a little bit alright I think actually the more TNT we have the less likely it is to destroy

Itself too because it’ll the whatever the extra TNT minecart is that gets launched in the air will get launched even higher and we’ll have a chance to land oh it’s – it’s actually a couple that one’s not landing okay waterlogged offense to align it what

Does that mean I’ll put it here to keep it I’m not sure what that does actually no I wouldn’t even work if you couldn’t have a waterlogged offense here you could here we could try that we could try putting a waterlogged fence there yeah and just see if that changes the

Physics or whatever like probably everything will just blow up but let’s try it I’m guessing this is just gonna blow up but just cuz that’s what seems to happen probably should I made a copy of this yeah yeah yeah all right cool good thing I didn’t make a copy of this

That’s fine no it won’t take that long to to build again what I cloned the wrong thing this is the one to clip man cuz it’s dry slope decide to Ezreal rail would make it better how do you know did you try it why would

I make it better it’s not obvious to me why okay so this is where we had it I can move the actor it’ll activate a rail down here met at the waters out of the way yeah I don’t know that it changes anything actually wanted to activate as

Soon as possible clone it now uh I guess I could clone it yeah sure I’ll clean it I should have moved a little bit farther okay and this is all set this is all set this even has okay welcome back a Reckling arca here and thank you for something twitch prime oh

Here we go two signs it happened I didn’t even mean to what how did you do this wreck lonardo you’ve hacked my game I you guys are watching I did not I did not place another sign there what’s how is this possible how is this possible I

Actually know how happened I’m not gonna tell you though because I don’t feel like it all right so I guess let’s just try it with this again the waterlogged fence was an interesting idea how many did I put in there 1500 so close let’s do 15 again it might be it might happen

I’m gonna try and make 15 happen mmm 15 might be too many that’s too many one no all right I think 15 is too many I don’t think it’s going to land let’s try 14 how short what I wish I was watching that instead of that hmm yeah canons gone very astute Yonatan

Is that pretty disgusting I’m sorry um okay what’s up I’m gonna try building that again and seeing what went wrong that’s a right that’s the only thing I have to do and then water that was uh I already have 16 I want sorry 15 I want 14 Oh

Huh that’s different okay so never put 14 in is that what I’ve just learned I don’t know like I don’t think we saw that with this design before with numbers other than 14 let’s try 13 I don’t know I don’t know why it’s doing this now

Stop I’m curving the rail it’s a waste of time it might be true yeah you’re probably right probably the waste of time welcome back DOM bean I’m here thanks for resetting for a year in a row oh it’s 15 total months last number that kind of counts to me

Thank you 15 months all right so here we’re at 15 what it exploded before any of the tnt got over here why is this happening now so that might have been because of the curve actually cuz when it curves it actually Clips the wall a little bit but I wouldn’t have thought

That that would happen cuz cuz it’s still on the rail I didn’t think like did that if it was on the rail hmmm least it’s pretty easy to reset now let’s see if that happens right when it’s the curve or what yeah it looks like it it’s the hard to tell well let

Me try let me try doing it with not a curved rail there and seeing if I guess I just did that right and it still exploded what what changed something changed like this was not doing this at all before and now it’s doing it every single time I try eighteen sure

Okay the curve is definitely messing with it so I don’t think it was doing that with the curve let’s try putting it back to the back to this so we’re back at 15 now right okay so it just doesn’t do it every time but it like was doing it every time so

I don’t really understand it was like consistently blowing up and now it’s consistently not blowing up you guys messed up something I didn’t notice I mean yeah the curve rail definitely made it blow up more like consistently but like it was also blowing up without the curved rail consistently I would figure

Down to 11 oh it looked like it was really close to the ground there oh man it looks like it’s so close to hitting the ground I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know why it was blowing up like I think this is the exact same

Design in it and it was blowing up before and it’s not now so I don’t know what the difference is as blowing up the 14x that’s true might have been fourteen specifically that’s not going to land how do I get that wrong because -7 11 is less than

All right it’s 11 okay is the only stone button allowed or you can use a wooden button if you want with the design I’m using it doesn’t matter but I couldn’t imagine designs where it does yeah maybe if I use a clone command actually I could clone this whole thing over

Wherever it’s like not quite landing huh you’re allowed to have water dispensers that go upwards you just have to have it reset itself like that’s what the first design that we did that’s how that worked I don’t know if this is ever going to land it’s too powerful oh yeah

I guess we can play around with this camp or no we can’t we can’t control the timing because it’s controlled by the detector rails all right we might need to drop it down to ten eleven team is very consistent okay let’s try dropping it down to ten and hopefully it doesn’t just blow

Itself out no that looks promising yeah that’s pretty far dad that is the new record I’m gonna be I’m gonna confidently say all right so we have three we have neg eight two six and five eleven eggs seven one three five nine nine what’s that eight 26-7 13 is 113 and we

Plus 88 that’s 201 awesome 101 meters awesome so that’s that’s what we were trying to achieve basically like I’m sure it’s possible to go farther man this is way farther than I thought anything was gonna go during this stream that’s kind of the the talent the timer challenge

Also kind of did that need obsidian signs yeah it’s about the same did blow up the sign it did not all right I’m pretty happy with this like okay so what do we have what do we have from this stream so the first design we did over

Here so this fires a bunch of tea and tea into here I don’t actually want to launch it actually what I’ll do it here here’s where I’ll make a copy of the world because as well do for recording a video too oh yeah boy I could just launch them all

Now I need to write down that is 10 TMT on that one anyway so this one this one’s clever or cute because so we use we as a water stream here to push the TMT over a bit which is nice and it gets it like off the edge of this block which

Makes sure that we’ll get enough thrust today so didn’t ever destroy this help and we use another little water delay mechanism here you can see that’s what caused the delay from of these TNT delaying themselves that was cool I like that one so that was the first

Design we tried all right this is the activator rail design right where we we have five yeah five of these and they get activated and then they blow they all blow up it’s actually quite a bit of explosion but yeah so that gets out there then we had over here was the was

The first version of the water design so actually I’m gonna go into the actual world and set all these up so they can be launched immediately so like I don’t think oh that one’s ready to go oh right I have to go back over here so this one I need just a

Water right here right yeah okay then that one’s good to go I think this one is already good to go it might not have this was 11 my cards right and then we did 10 for this one I’ll just do it’s funny that we only need this extra

Hopper for a single minecart yeah I’m playing in 1.13 dot – it definitely works okay so then we can go so this is a copy of the world so I can just launch these so this one is whoops I didn’t actually put me in here how many did I put in

This oh this one was just full nine because I didn’t have the second one yet oh there’s no tnt in this okay I need to do this in there in the real world welcome back kuzey wife here here she’s having a touch crime this was nine right

Or did we actually drop it down I don’t remember oh okay anyway just let me make sure that these I’ll have okay I think we’re good now what’s the difference here this has to to T&T that it launches and so you can get you can just like lunched two at

Once is that is that the only difference and I assume they’re not gonna go in the same direction at all okay no the amount of time it doesn’t matter it’s the city block distance between the farthest block you exploded on the ground level and lag glug glug glug glug

Glug glug glug glug I might need to restart minecraft oh no okay no I’m getting away again I just need to restart my craft is that what’s happening here no it’s not glog its glug glug glug glug it’s leg leg leg over okay I think I just need to restart minecraft

Great now I’m updating Minecraft what’s showing on my stream right now nothing I’m updating minecraft this is happening this is happening on stream not even minecraft is the minecraft Launcher I’m updating the minecraft Launcher so uh so what’s new with you guys ii T&T flies a lot more shallow okay I guess

That could be good for putting in more TNT minecarts I’ll try it yeah I guess there’s no reason not to try it it’s gonna be hard to beat 200 whatever blocks 201 that that was quite far so yeah lower angle is probably good like infinite power or low angle is how you

Get maximum distance basically you need it to like there’s a certain height above which it’s not going to reach the ground before it explodes so the this the shallower the angle the higher like the velocity you can give it without it reaching that critical height all right my minecraft finished updating

I don’t think there’s a horizontal velocity maximum but you would still be limited by the how shallow you can get the angle let’s uh let’s go ahead and try that yeah maybe we can get an even better low score okay so this is the actual world and so basically all we do

Is we put dispenser here wait why did I did why didn’t that cause a block update to this water that should have I should not have done that it should have caused a book I guess there’s just nowhere for this water to go so yeah okay never mind cuz

I did it so fast that it alright so let’s try let’s try it with the full contingency see what happens hopefully doesn’t explode on me oh my god it blew everything up no actually it didn’t blow everything up it did blow that up though and it didn’t

Blow this up huh well I don’t think I don’t think 18 is gonna work let’s try 16 and see why I was blowing itself up again that one did actually land over there it’s not as good of a score though that’s so weird I don’t think the changes we just made

Should have caused that so Elsa need to write down 201 meters how many teen tea did I use for this one I don’t remember anymore was it 11 shoot I don’t remember how many somebody somebody is gonna remember this is important it was 10 okay 200 meters attendee okay well I

Don’t know why this did this man that sucks I need to make sure this still works with 10 that’s right I remember now because we were just using one one thing in this this is it right okay okay well it works with 10 does it work

Every time with 10 I don’t know I like he how inconsistent this seems to be I might just use too much TNT like it looks pretty good it went a lot less far that time Wow one whale is far that time well anyway I think it’s fine with 10

It’s just weird how like more tea and tea can cause it to fail but uh okay someone make sure everything is good 64 and 15 15 oh this one’s not actually in use that’s just the template it’s fine I’m gonna get 11 this one just uses all

Nine is that right did this one use all nine or did we use the different oh I heard have done the thing right I didn’t even write the distance down well this shouldn’t break right if I if I launch it I’m scared okay yeah we just saw nine okay

Alright let’s just make sure all of them work when I load the world here okay starting with the very first design it was this one this one I like because you it’s just like instantly resettable you just push a button well that’s pretty far okay that one’s fine this one’s just it’s fine

Wait let me just make sure I was five I guess okay I already you like I might as well just do it because it’s a copy of the world I love how big the explosion is on this one okay that’s not a thing that’s not a thing

This isn’t the thing Oh a wooden button to get a bigger explosion yeah oh that’s a longer distance I was actually quite a longer distance I mean it doesn’t really matter but don’t blow itself up double it’s all up on self up okay and then this

One is not situated and then I hope this doesn’t blow itself up okay this looks fine oh that’s actually maybe slightly farther yeah well that’s cool that it’s like kind of consistent though and that’s right it’s like one lower turnout to lower yeah that’s to lower city block distance okay

Cool so I am going to put out a video about this tomorrow and I will challenge people to come up with their own designs and then maybe I’ll make a follow up video with the best designs people have come up with um yeah if you do want to

Send me a design like Twitter is probably the best way make sure you include like a video of it firing and the coordinates being counted between you know between the cannon and the and the farthest exploded block yeah yeah alright I’m gonna in the stream I really

Need to go the bathroom and I feel like I’m about done experimenting for now that was a pretty cool I was pretty cool stream that was was really fun experimenting with a lot of stuff thanks for watching everybody check out the video tomorrow on my channel

Slash Sethbling I know if you if you’re here you probably probably know I have a youtube channel yeah thanks for watching everybody I’ll see you next time

This video, titled ‘SethBling Streams – Minecraft Redstone Engineering: 5×5 TNT Cannon Challenge’, was uploaded by cat stevens on 2019-02-24 14:26:54. It has garnered 67 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:46:45 or 13605 seconds.

SethBling original VOD:

See for challenge information

SethBling archived Minecraft Timer Challenge (The original title of this stream was “Redstone Engineering (5×5 Timer Challenge:”and was originally streamed/recorded on 19th February, 2019)

(Note: This channel is not run by SethBling, just a couple of fans wanting to archive the streams for a later date, and just for the community of fans.)

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  • Unleashing the Ultimate Minecraft Beam: XerxesTexasToast

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  • Minecraft FreshSMP: DUMBO Goes Insane?!

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  • EPIC Minecraft Prank on BANZOUIN Hakka! You Won’t Believe Her Reaction!

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  • INSANE Eggwars Gameplay with Subs! 😱🔥

    INSANE Eggwars Gameplay with Subs! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Jugando EGGWARS con SUBS en MINECRAFT BEDROCK – Ciktro’, was uploaded by Ciktro on 2024-09-02 23:48:14. It has garnered 40 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:11 or 5291 seconds. Playing EGGWARS with SUBS in MINECRAFT BEDROCK – Ciktro —————————————– ———— SOCIAL NETWORKS ———————————— —————– TIK TOK: TWITTER: DISCORD: INSTAGRAM: ————————————————– — CHANNEL INFORMATION ——————————————– ——— As you know, my name is Ciktro and I really like talking to you and entertaining you. My main content is based on Minecraft, where I usually do tutorials for both… Read More

  • Deadly School SMP in Minecraft ft. Shabirzzgamer

    Deadly School SMP in Minecraft ft. ShabirzzgamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But You SUB I die school smp | #shabirzzgamer #minecraft #livestream #shorts’, was uploaded by Poki Mine Gamer on 2024-10-02 12:12:03. It has garnered 2903 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:38 or 7598 seconds. Minecraft But You SUB I die school smp | #shabirzzgamer #minecraft #livestream #shorts 💕💕😍😍 Minecraft Live is an annual online event hosted by Mojang Studios, designed to showcase major updates, features, and upcoming content for Minecraft. The event is packed with exciting reveals, including the announcement of new game mechanics, mobs, biomes, and collaborations. Viewers… Read More

  • Dragon Shield Modded: No Client Mods-Modded Survival, MMORPG, Backpacks, Magic&Custom Weapons, Quests, 500+ Dungeons, 300+ Custom Biomes, New Ores, Custom Ore, Whitelist

    🐉 Join Today 🛡️ Hello long forgotten friends! I welcome you to Dragon Shield, a server filled with custom ores, over 700 hours of content, 500+ dungeons, backpacks, over 100 custom biomes, furniture, and souls-like boss mechanics—all without needing any mods! Joining is easy, simply load a small resource pack when you join. Explore the vast world of Dragon Shield and experience all it has to offer. Contact me for our wiki where every custom detail is explained. Whether you’re new to minecraft or a seasoned player, this server is designed for everyone to enjoy. For casual players, there are… Read More