Chaos Reigns: Projekt Melody Twitch Archive

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Birds and um the more intelligent the bird the more like needy they are and they like bond to people and they want to spend literally all their time with you and everything and I would like this one bird I would just kiss the bird constantly like literally every 3

Seconds there’s as this bird was next to me the Mad kisses all the time huh God yeah love that damn bird well well well hello hello well welcome back to the island welcome back back oh [ __ ] feedback loop can you guys hear that you probably

Can’t let me show you let me show you it feedback loop feedback loop feedback loop feedback loop feedack feed [Laughter] feed oh my God two mels for the price of Mel back how do I turn this off a [ __ ] [ __ ] oh it was right here [Laughter] hello hello M you goof what

I’m so glad that I met I mean I was going to spend time anyway but um I was going to be on um I mean roughly around now but but I couldn’t CU cuz I kept thinking like oh no no it can happen like I’m going to post I can’t post

Because I was on hours long call with my mom and so it kept getting to a point where it’s like okay I can post cuz I know when I’m getting off the call and it’s like oh let me just talk to your brother now and just like like I don’t

Know what time to put [ __ ] don’t blame your family for this oh okay it was me I was busy stamps I was busy stamps hello oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh God it’s CR Creve CR oh are you GNA open your present I’m your

Present you guys act like this is so like inappropriate but honestly I’ve seen way less on here and also I’m wearing thank you yes thank you thank you so much oh no I’m wearing yeah I’m wearing short shorts and I’m wearing a top with the reinforced bottom piece

I got a little cap and really really long shoes honestly not bad yeah you want to kiss me oh no you shouldn’t I’m poisonous just like those types of animals that you wouldn’t think would be armadilla did you see the veto 150 million USD hm I don’t know what you

Mean also thank you thank you guys very much thank you for for oh thank you for donos thank you for everything guys sincerely thank you thank you very much Dirty Dan for 10 subs and um oh God I should take lactate I just ate Dairy

Oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God uh oh okay oh my God I got a chocolate I got a chocolate I went to one of those places and I’m like I want to do that box thing where I pick like the six individual

Chocolates they’re the like fancy ones at the counter no you know the thing like when I was a kid my mom used to do that we’d go to the mall and stuff like the department stores and I’m like I don’t like shopping with her because she’s so much and then who knew

That I would grow up to be just like my mother so I must be a lot too but but but but but yeah the the one thing I’d look forward to is like if I sit through all this [ __ ] and if I don’t make a

Scene this time we get to go to the chocolate counter and and I pick out the fanciest one or two oh nice I usually went for like chocolate covered almonds or something but I’m like I’m an adult I’m going to go to the chocolate place myself and I got six

Individual ones this one is eggnog flavored bro bro I also got two sugarfree ones because the people work the teens working there I’m like what are all the new stuff you got and she’s like well these these two are uh just just be forewarn these two are sugarfree and I’m

Like why are you warning me did it do some did they do something bad are you do you need me to call someone is it the sugar-free chocolate say are you feeling unsafe why is such a strong warning and she was like I don’t know I said I will take the sugarfree ones

Too so there’s less that you have to look at hi hello does it have the same as sugar-free gummy bears no I I assume it’s like Stevia or something what hi thank you mods for helping moderate as well Happy Happy crimbus eve and also for some of you happy just end of December

You know like my mom and bro and me we love we love we love crimbus my dad doesn’t like crimus so you know everyone is different you love crimas noce noce no noce I don’t like religious about it I I I I I like the festivities and the

Pageantry and the music and the food and the feelings that it cultivates and the opportunities like family and friendship free eggnog bro this world what who who was it wasn’t Darwin who’s the person who’s like life is uh uh life is a short brutish and British or something like is that

Person life is short brutish and British I don’t know why my brain is saying bernes that’s wrong life is short and brutish Thomas Hobbs there we go there we go well yeah Thomas Hobs and and and and and um I feel targeted yeah and and and and there’s no

Such thing as free eggnog yo there’s no such thing as free eggnog not in this in this this world M hi is that a unique VRA style title screen for Minecraft actually actually actually it’s a custom modded one for vsj itself that mousy commission from from from from from from

Tofu hello Melody and merry crimus yes there is it’s called gifts well if anyone gives you the gift of eggnog I would appreciate it because that is a kindness as well uh basically hi happy to be here hello and uh I thought you know it could

Be fun to jump on Minecraft hang out do some easy breezy chillaxin um I thought we could make a virtual gingerbread house uh I did a lot of research I think Brown mushroom would be the best color for making a gingerbread house but since it’s a modded Minecraft I I I wonder if

There’s their own special blocks that are a different kind of shade of brown I don’t know we have so many options as well I know some of the some of the girls are on right now and I think it’d be fun to jump in BC and if they want to go shenanigan shenanigan

They if they want to go do a fun thing I’d love to follow them and if they don’t I’d love to hang in VC and and we build and it’s nice and it’s easy and it’s Breezy and it’s Sneezy it’s it’s it’s just nice if anyone’s having having any

Stresses on this day you know just you don’t know how to think about it you could just chill out and hear anime girls being weird you know you can just zone right out oh thank you hi hello but you’re always weird though yeah but sometimes the holidays are

Stressful for a lot of people and so it’s nice to just put something else in the background you know hello I’m not your mother hi first crimus with your step siblings that’s so cool I hope it’s really nice who would keep you in the background I keep all my friends in the

Background if I’m hanging out and doodling and stuff I’ll have Zen up in the corner like I always I always have someone in the corner while I multitask it’s comfy yeah I think that’s I think that’s pretty adorable the timeout Corner yeah people in the corner mods in the basement

Typical uh I don’t even know what you’re saying and oh oh oh jeeper we should probably put on holiday music oh my golly sorry about that um and then we’re going to jump in and join and join the girls join the the homies where did my background music go

Is it not going oh my God oh my God ah there we go can you hear that all right hi thank you welcome oh all of my activity things were paused oh sh thank you there we go now it’s all up to date Perfecto Munda hi I just feel so much freaking

Cheer right now I’m just feeling it in my bones Mel you get it anywhere I heard you plotted to shank my cousin o St Nick with the vsj girls and to that I say I won’t snitch on you but you best be on your favorable Behavior otherwise you’ll get the shank #

Mgl you’re shanking my chain it’s so nice we even have a holiday pirate this is a good day this is a good day this is a good day this is a good day this is a good day I saw a lot today I saw a lot today it was a complicated

Day I went on a drive I went to get some stuff to to to be helpful and stuff and I saw people in the streets holding hands in SMS laid egg and the rest isn’t safe for twitch L merry crimbus everyone less than three okay rude also thank

You thank you faky and BR everybody yeah I saw people holding hands I saw kids running around being stupid I saw lots of happy festivities I also saw sadness as well I saw a whole combination no I was in Uber and and and it just makes me appreciate everything that I have it

Really like like really in perspective I don’t know if this is just like in particularly just I don’t know I saw a lot of emotions today so I’m I’m really really really fortunate and appreciative and overwhelmed and emotional roller coaster it is not everyone gets to have all the fun

Not everyone gets to log into twitch and have fun on Christmas Eve and stuff I have I mean fairly decent relations with my family you know turul turbulent Youth and all but it’s it’s pretty good right now and I have my friends and my I have

A house and I like all the nice things I don’t know I could afford my medicine every like like I’m very very fortunate I’m very appreciative I’m very happy H what did you tune into I’m just being appreciative and reflecting on the year but we can we can go hang out with

Peeps I um when did the when did the charity fundraiser 82 I know I also like the name underneath that most recent is text Monkey YouTuber year oh thank you it’s nice to have people close to you family is a cool thing family is a cool thing

Because used to say in the past like oh you can’t pick your family the thing is though you absolutely can family and friendship it is what you cultivate you are not held within the bounds of of what life throws at you you’ve got to You’ got to take it with

Your own hand hands and shake it your happiness your own personal happiness can only be achieved by your own Pursuit but that is nice though that is nice though you don’t have to stick with um like you you could have a great situation like like my besy

Absolutely loves his family never had a fight with him what the hell um but not everyone has that and so it’s a it’s it’s cool that we um especially at a time of self-expression and embracing that uh we can have more and not just put up with

What what we always had you know we can reach higher go further our heart can be more open and intimate and vulnerable there is so much love to give family is what you make it end of the year is a good time to reflect on that I know I feel reflecting

Like the like a back of a car I feel real reflective today also penis thank you that was a good into that thank you completely related let’s go fck the girls so I I noticed that um when Zen said Mell is coming she said Millie

Which is is her dog and so it was confusing uh and so I uh well you’ll see hold on hello hello hello hello your honor my client clearly said that he would not lie in court so this is already a win why are you a dog

Because you you you said that I was a dog and then I was coming to the crimus you are a dog you said I’m I’m I’m Millie the dog and then you that you guys wanted to adopt a dog and then so I I what happened can you adopt me o

Woo can I get a woof woof bark bark woof woof bark bark wo bark bark woof woof bark bark oh my God verying if you guys adopt me for for crimus are can you give me snacks I think that’s like you have to if you adopt the dog bro what the [ __ ]

Is happening right now you said it was Millie the dog I was passion tree play yes bark bark bark bark bark of course it is guys happy holidays you to get into rping if you want to play GTA okay gotta get your head in the game get locked in

You know lock it in Giga it’s creepy how much I’ve been watching you play GTA it’s creepy weird my especially yesterday was weird where the guy’s like my favorite comment was was when he wanted you to throw throw like a package or like a hamburger rapper at like the workers at McDonald’s oh yeah remember that guy his re weirdo

Yes and you and you said why don’t you do it why don’t you do it he’s like because City and adventure and I was just like what an answer why don’t you do it you know because adventure oh you don’t mouse that guy in the shorts and the

Flipflops found me huh oh banjo yeah yeah yeah dude banjo’s been trying to like I don’t know he’s been trying to shoot his shot or something yeah everywhere he’s persistent no I I um he was riding a bike as I was like running I was playing

Off stream and I just wanted to do like two group six runs right I want to make a little money so I was like just running over to it instead of taking a car to it because I was like oh I don’t want to spend $100 for the rental I’m

Sprinting down the road and I just hear a bike behind me so I press C so it looks back and I just see the guy with the flipflops on the bike and I was like oh my God and he was like hey what’s up and I was like hey did he remember you

Yeah he remembered me from uh from when he saw me with you and he didn’t want anything he was just he was actually going that way cuz he was going to like another area so he just like talked to me for a minute while we were going and

I was sprinting and he was just on a bike and he’s like it looks like that scene from Rocky like when he’s training and I was like yeah yeah the one with the coach and he was like yeah cool funny you guys were brutal you were brutal about his

Sandals oh yeah he’s right flippy floppy was he wearing socks with him no was flip flop feet he was going Barefoot he showing him he was showing the dogs what’s wrong with you bro are you okay he had the dogs out he had bare toes on the flip-flops M are getting chaed all

Hell I don’t like that to get my [ __ ] back man I I don’t totally understand it like the role I I don’t understand it but it’s really funun to watch just make a character be a person try to make money try to do things but you have to

Be in character the whole time that’s all yeah and your character could be like a totally normal guy it could be like a really characterized person some people role play and they’re just a boring guy yep and that’s it then why why go on there’s this one girl who

Works at the burger place and she’ll be like hello can I take your order I’ll be like yeah let me get a burger she’s like okay would you my fries with that like that’s her character that’s it she just like mumbles and she sounds bored well she

Does I mean if it brings her Joy ah [ __ ] sorry I just loaded in welcome welcome welcome to Minecraft Gameplay Welcome to Hell I think my favorite guy is real reality fast food fast food H what about fast food fast food we’re working at a fast food place is

Boring yeah that’s what you think until you do it in GTA and then there are people like becoming incapacitated every 5 minutes there always a crisis a crisis it’s a crisis oh man in a past life I worked at a fast food place h s a long ago go in a distant

Land I don’t think I’ve ever worked at a fast food place oh yeah I don’t think I would want to but I do watch hand cam videos of people working at McDonald’s hand cam oh my god I’ve done that M right it’s so fascinating I I also

Watched a a a a stream it was a hand cam of somebody working at a pizzeria oo yeah that was really cool watch I like that I is I I don’t know of this I I don’t understand what do you mean that work at fast food places you ever seen a twitch

Video where somebody had a stream going on for Walmart what never I’ve seen like P Pizza I’ve seen like a like a fast food place I saw like a like a convenience store but it wasn’t like it wasn’t a it wasn’t a Walmart right right like a little shop

Yeah I’ve seen hairdresser hairdresser I guess I’m just not up Up and Up with the Ticky talk yeah there’s some a lot of them end up as just like YouTube videos and the person won’t even talk it’s literally they just put a GoPro on their chest and

Go to work and then they upload the video and you just watch them like I oh I saw one that was someone working at Subway and and the satisfaction that it brought my brain when they got to the end and they were wrapping the sandwich

So they like place it down they roll the paper a little bit and then they fold in one side and then they roll it a little more and then they fold the other side I was just like oh that’s nice that’s real nice imagine not having tick talk or

YouTube so basically somebody installed OBS in a Walmart on one of the laptops oh were they not supposed to and they have the stream going on um come over here okay okay what are you guys up to she’s trying to recover I’m trying to get my stuff

Hide oh I’m going to go check on and see what you guys have done in the past 24 hours I haven’t done anything really I died she died she’s honest okay okay Lush C no I see stuff there’s a lot of stuff there’s

So many of them oh my God I want to take them all why are they attacking me it’s crimbus eve unacceptable how would we get them we would have to leash them oh [ __ ] how do we make a leash in this let me see oh wait lead sorry yeah

Yeah uh one slime ball four string or you can use rope rope that we make out of STW I have rope I have tons of that type kind of rope in a chest that’s F Go Get It Go Get It do do oh my god do

You guys notice that there’s a lot more mobs than ever there’s a [ __ ] ton why are there so many why it’s just it’s constant don’t worry I’m going to make Magnum torches and you won’t see any you’re going to what yep I’m GNA make Magnum torches what the hell is a magnum torch

It’s a torch that stops the spawning of any mob for a certain amount of blocks oh my God that would be amazing I’m just constantly there’s so many I am in bed you’re in bed oh God yes in bed oh my God yes wait I only saw two spiders here

A [ __ ] okay two only I’m going over to the bed oh no maybe I put them in the other the other chest by the crafting table too I don’t know probably you can Che let me look again look again I look in my eyes it’s a good looking head right there oh [ __ ]

Yeah yeah I only see two rope oh we got a creeper that was way too close oh no oh yeah kill it on the plants nice yeah you only had two rope how do how do you make that rope uh straw how do you make straw with friendship straw

Bale straw bail what the [ __ ] I don’t know man I think I basically think that you just got to find that damn rope maybe there’s like oh no I have a sword I have a sword I’m going to die I need someone to explain to me why Sonic music is so [ __ ]

Good oh if we make those big wheels crushing always a mystery and we Mill Rice or yeah if we Mill Rice then we get straw from that oh yeah Milling so Milling wild rice or regular rice we give us straw I’m going to try to get my [ __ ] I see yeah I think

You have to just prioritize that we’ll find more uh glares another time for sure yeah I also found diamond and I can’t mine it because I don’t have a oh [ __ ] good pickaxe on me chat look at all I have I’ll only have one iron I have two iron

Oh I can make a third I’m coming over I can make a third to exactly the right amount I have two iron on me right now okay is that a car will make you that third iron oh thank you oh wait this is the grappling thing right I can give you a raw

Iron okay I’ll take it what the [ __ ] is this I’ll give you a raw iron dusk trap thanks for the thanks for the train there you go I suddenly feel like playing deimon or Monster Rancher table Monster Rancher flowers Monster Rancher I want to play slime Rancher too

Have you never heard of Monster Rancher that’s a anime that’s an Animo but also slime Rancher like no that’s right lime Rancher I want to play it late zinc tell me how it is cuz I downloaded it but never played it all this for one [ __ ] Diamond I’mma [ __ ] lose my mind this

Place is crazy all right I’m sorry sorry sorry I’m going she hit me she hit me down those caves she sure did you’re myself mft she was so mean to Me oh I’m going to stick them to your house oh my God look at all the stick my house huh flowers I love flowers my favorite thing wowe I’ll put them in sh here’s oh how do you use the mail oh I see I see I

See yeah if you right click on it then it opens up options we can apparently write letters there’s like a special kind of paper we can make and then we can send yes can send mail I’m G to give you just things Earle all the things oh thank

Trash actually the string is kind of baller I will take that let’s see if is great let’s see if I have more string hold on what am I going to get what are you guys going to give me I’m excited now oh uh uh uh uh well here’s more string um

Okay uh let me think um I have a lot of bread surely you have something for I feel like you don’t know what you want to do now fine I’ll give you some of my crystals the crystals now we’re talking where should I put them here’s more string they string the

Crystals are just beautiful that’s that’s what they do how do you mail them mail them what where’s your mailbox Z yeah you need a mailbox to mail up in the sky in the SK oh [ __ ] okay I gave I’ll just go Sky house apparently I gave

You 11 crystals Giga now I’m going to go up into the sky house I love crystals thank you you’re welcome no problem what kind of crystals are they pretty ones oh chat do you mean drugs no this is the holidays it’s good clean fun that’s not the good kind of Crystal

This is the best kind of Crystal yeah I want to get fed up give me that good good don’t do that give me that good [ __ ] I I assume the waight hello happy crimbus happy merry Christas here he goes then crystals I took all of your [ __ ] H you got robbed hen I’ve been clearing your dirt out cleaning my dirt out yeah yeah yeah yeah all the dirt that you were trying to remove all of it on your face is now

Belong to me thank you yeah open she’s open thank you oh see how much I did you do so much holy freak it looks a lot different from yesterday where yeah where’s your house any you where’s everyone’s house I’m clearing everything except for spawn I

Have yet oh Mouse do you have a house me neither oh no not yet I’m going to make one is you’re welcome where did you get these build the wood I left you a little present henya wait where where it’s probably a bomb what probably okay now it’s probably a bomb

That’s a fair assumption cut the yellow wire oh there’s a red wire where is oh [ __ ] oh no I played that game that’s where your chest is my all right all righty all righty all right language oh yeah I watched her open open your chest and I asked her hey

Are you opening the chest that has the sign on it that says Zen band oh yeah she totally opened it man yeah open the Zen band what freak than you know [Laughter] snitches I’m not a snitch I’m a [ __ ] CH why you why why you snitches on the day of Christmas

Snitches don’t get [ __ ] remember that yes ma’am I will remember that I’m so confused Z’s giving us dating advice maybe you know when I went to sleep I had a dream I don’t know where you got that from going to be far away land into

The world where mob Ru I played the game like an ace now we’re in this place to oh my go scaming about Minecraft were playing Minecraft yesterday yeah oh God playing it and it was so much fun it was hell yeah and no one was up as late as me this to was up till till 6:30 in the morning whoa wait a minute cuz I I logged off and it was like 9:00 a.m. and

You were gone I was up till 6:30 I don’t know what to tell you this is your health I remember distinctly I’m like oh [ __ ] I can watch Sor it’s just the Landscaping right now whoa this is this is cool where getting into the rym slowly take all of her stuff right now

She deserves it this is cool I can’t show you something watch this I put a little thing on the edge here I’m watching I’m Watching I remember oh my God I will remember this I got the power of you’ll regret it it’s so over it’s so over for you Zen over it’s so Jo over gonna be Jo man J as heck it’s not over till J she was on for a little bit oh my God

She did yeah it did it worked we did it hone we did it do you think she’ll just like make a Vineyard and then run that excited prob prob most likely but she she she swore by the universe that she would never ever join well guess what maybe she is an

Imposter now it’s called she is a liar well sometimes you got to say [ __ ] the universe you got to do your own thing got it got to got to go got to got to go sometime oh my God what’s up chicken butt bro I Jesus Christ what happened what happened I

Have the worst luck what what what happened I’m okay I’m okay I just fell again oh my God that’s how you died last time yeah but this time like I fell into the geod yeah and like there’s a [ __ ] stupid ass skeleton right there skeletons kill me more than

Anything else in this game really always skeletons yep cuz I never build Shields we should probably sleep okay okay you should probably sleep Wow wow there seems there seems to be I’m coming coming coming coming coming creepers creepers yeah there’s a okay where’s my where’s my bed I found the enchantment it’s called Vine mining is that the one you were talking about everything around it yesing yep found it I need to do that too

Remember the guy go ma like that yeah did you get it from the ma guy yeah I get it from ma guy there’s this guy that makes a weird noise and he looks like a bush it’s not the glare oh I found him earlier he

There was one in um he stuck in my boat free stuff and he goes how how do you get free stuff from him I I don’t know he gave him free stuff yeah he just threw at you and disappeared I think it’s like random I think like he might give you something

Or he might not it just depends I know who you’re talking about yeah he got stuck with my birds in like a boat before noted okay so if I see him again I’ll uh I’ll walk up goow those are your birds a mhm those

Are my birds I see I see I like their sound collecting Birds e bird and I wanted them I do like birds that’s what they all say would you like a pet bird for the I can teach you a cool trick a bring it what’s up are you Gundam unicorn so

Whenever you have to deal with enemies yeah chat we’re harvesting all the on Ser over here Mhm uh I’m in the GE by the way if you want run them through all the plants and they’ll usually die made it I’m going to grab food and then do that I’m going to be honest with you there’s easier for everyone Fair heck yeah there’s a fourth one somewhere

Too so I’m going be hopping around okay okay okay right now this one so come and excavate yeah maybe there whatever you need come and excavate my heart but when are you going to excavate yourself some bit is what the [ __ ] wow wow wow wow wow

Wow you know what Z it’s not all about having [ __ ] all the time okay that’s not what life is all about sometimes life is about being fulfilled by yourself so shallow by your safe and secure in your own life that you can be by yourself I’m going to fulfill these

[ __ ] that you can be by yourself yeah that you can be by by by yourself you go be by yourself you be by yourself I don’t think so I don’t think so I don’t think both I big either you want these clusters intact do you want to leave them for silk touch I

Kind of do so true Queen so true swear to God Z make your Tru you and me we go way back start smoking we go way back yeah I remember classics it’s been a long time got to get the pipe what what the you going to give me

Pipe a pipe this is not the site for that going to lay some pipe help that is not at all what I said hey girl hey that’s what I heard are you Princess Peach cuz I’m the Mario and I would like to lay some pipe the Mario I am the

Mario I am the Mario hello Madam I am the Mario I’m sorry Mario Mario guys God dang it to Mario yeah Mario Mario it’s me Mario somebody just donated $6,000 what it’s almost 89 oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God wait wait wait oh to

Theity you know what you could have done everything you could have done something with that money but you did it for a great cause you could have porn pictures of feet it’s true you could have but inad you did I mean they might have still done that but then they came over maybe

Not that specifically why is that so specific it’s what people need one time I saw a picture on Twitter of that somebody drove you and you’re like really wrinkly feet what if Zen yeah they drew her with like really wrinkly feet yeah I saw that too and I’m

Like what is the purpose of this art how you know art you know the purpose why why do they draw the feet so wrinkly you all know what what the purpose of that is for but I don’t understand why they DW with so many wrinkles like it

What other purpose could it be chat do you have an answer so many wrinkles yeah like if you’re going to draw foot draw like a a a beautiful foot or something I guess maybe maybe we don’t know what beautiful feet are maybe that’s the thing check

Chat can you can you tell me why the the folds are delicious and wonderful can you tell me chat you know can you tell me about the I’m asking a question it’s hot that doesn’t really help though I’m just curious she said folds are delicious FS are you like looking for the

Heartline you’re like oh yeah this foot’s going to find love soon are we getting into a conversation about my feet I don’t know I think people just really miss seeing your feet when you had like stump feet mhm yeah oh yeah well they kept drawing you with feet cuz

They were like man I wish that I wish that and Troya had those beautiful footes and not those stump feet God I couldn’t agree more oh my God I like watching her wobble around but she really needs those feets back I mean this is a time just giving artists

Way too much ammo at the moment here and I’m not sure where this is going to fuing they were going to draw they were going to draw they’re going to draw stepping in honey I’m going to bring this amethy back I don’t know if I want to be in

This geode with you anymore what I tried to help her M out this ge and talking about feet all the time yeah I’m just talking about something that I know Zen and joy it’s all for you d got a point it’s all for you Damian oh my God I say that

All the time I say that all the time I’m F I’m [ __ ] serious I say this all I say all the time it’s all for you Dam it’s all for you Damian it’s all for you classic oh my God the woman was scary but I don’t know why that was so funny

It was so funny that’s because that is crazy she’s like it’s all for you Dam she looks so happy it’s like yeah she was certified nuts she was really bad at flying no offense yeah also God damn it I can’t bring it over to 990,000 because I have

To do it through PayPal damn it should have gone should have blown Jet Blue that’s what I’m saying PayPal uh oh payp PayPal H my IM mortal enemy PayPal H wait they’re your enemy too not officially I just they’ve messed with too many of my friends that damn PayPal well they

Messed with me too not not a cool way in a stupid way maybe we should go rough him up a bit you know what I mean we should honestly yeah I think it would be good yeah it is the season just just you know just give them

Like like we don’t have to rough them up too much just like like give a me send a message you know send a message right right right just keep them in line yeah all one one two buckle my shoe you know just like a little little information something something they understand how

It works around here you know three to shut the door I guess that’s right Zen that’s right it’s very good Z three4 mhm a three yeah [ __ ] Dam it me that’s what comes next what comes next thenen can you say it say the number I refuse to answer this

B can you say the number gracius din do you know where we can find use computer parts let’s ask the map hey what’s up it’s me map how you doing what the [ __ ] is up guys hey how you doing it’s me map don’t forget to like And subscribe bestie

Map what’s up map Nation Jesus Christ map Nation Oh My God Is there a gas leak J map Nation what a [ __ ] throwback oh my God no map n oh yeah wow that’s something what a crimbus Mirle you don’t like map Nation guys no it’s just yeah you know just like map Nation Y what up map Nation map Nation math math why math oh I should go from the top okay math is impossible you’re so right I’m going to need some I’m 14 and this is

Deep it is isn’t it no she’s dead I took a little tumble oh no there’s a little T I broke my little I broke my little everything that remind me that old as [ __ ] video that tumble video tumble video tumbler did you ever see that video

About it was like a woman on a table and she like falls off the table it what she say no I don’t say I don’t know if it says anything I think I remember that one I I don’t know if I saw it I would probably recognize it bro there’s slime

In here somewhere slime time oh a slime a slime he like jumping around gigachad bits gifter said I am watching all five of you at the same time whoa the his wieners in his hand what sorry what was that last part is ranking US from letting the win so pardon

What oh I have ever gotten those people huh when I first start streaming she’s obviously talking about a hot dog oh there would be Chatters like coming in and they’d be like they be like you’re just bouncing on my boy’s dick right now yeah I get those messages fairly regular oh fairly

Regularly I just like that they’re thinking of me well that’s nice it is it’s so nice I didn’t even this went we’re just talking about fans and friendship yeah I will say you know because it is um Christmas break for a lot of the kids like you get more weird messages in chat

Because now all the people with underdeveloped brains are back on Twitch you know they’re not quite into adulthood yet so their brains are still telling them that typing hey please ban me is like really cool oh that’s the coolest I get that all the time l i why

People ask me that it’s just like kids thinking it’s it’s like cool you know but they’re like 14 they’re a little misguided and they don’t know what cool is yet so they come into chat and they’re like ban me now and then you do it and they’re like yes then they’re

Like oh wait I wanted to talk all need to do is look at me and say yeah then it’s pretty cool yeah you’re pretty cool it’s also pretty cool to go pee oh my God I got to pee so bad oh my God go pee girl Go

Peep that’s just wonderful I like I like when Mouse says peep I don’t know why I find that so funny I started saying peep because of it yeah peep Gotta Go Peep Peep BRB di Go Peep my my family called me uh yeah they’re out powering oo I see it I see it

Yeah my family’s meeting up uh midweek instead of like today or tomorrow cuz it was just easier for everyone so today they’re all CH yeah everybody’s hanging out are so [ __ ] awesome you know they’re doing that baranda [Laughter] stuff it’s fun it’s fun it is it’s a lot

Of fun I’m glad that they’re having fun yeah yeah yeah my mom my mom’s like I’ll see you later at like 4:00 a.m. 5: a.m. like okay oh the party thingy yeah yeah yeah party it’s like Christmas carolling but crazier it’s crazy to keep going and I a Lot I want to party at 4:00 a.m. me too ain’t no party like vsj party V when I was kid like I used to go to those things but since I was a kid like they would like make all the kids like hang out together and like be in a room in

The kids room oh couldn’t be with the adults you get like separated yeah we couldn’t be with the adults we had to like hang out with the kids oh my god fellow youth I always hated that like you would always get like the younger kids and then the teens would

Like go up against the younger kids and it just be [ __ ] crazy oh so it has to like take care of the younger kids yep like that oh yep yep yeah but you don’t want to sit at like the kids table because you always get your your weird cousin who eats glue

And is talking about it or like the weird cousin that smokes cigarettes and drinks beer at the Kids Table imagine at the kid table the table oh my God I remember one time my cousin was like Hey you want a beer I’m like you’re

17 what the [ __ ] like do you want a beer oh my God I’m like well I mean my mom would care but so no my mom said no my mom said no you’re in that it sucks when you’re in the like that weird limbo age where it’s like

You’re not a kid but you’re not like an adult my mom said I can’t hang out with you anymore she says you’re a bad influence I’ve done that before like this friendship’s getting weird my mom said we can’t hang out anymore oh okay I’m going to go freaking shrink

Down freaking shrinking well is it time is it time to become one block tall one block why you want to be one block tall [ __ ] move at all have you seen have you seen the errors both extra tall right yeah no just be just be normal height I’m just going normal why can’t

You just be normal I tried it didn’t work very well couldn’t get it to work I don’t know nothing nothing at all I mean are we are we literally normal at all I don’t think so Chad are we normal be honest if you’re not honest a a

12-year-old girl will send you a chain letter in the night and she has no eyes and she will eat you oh man I hate those [ __ ] it’s not even Chain Letter thing it’s a promise no it’s like they don’t do that anymore they do they do like Tik Tok thingies

What yeah they’ll post a Tik Tok and it’ll be like respond to this Tik Tok and post this sound or in seven days your mom’s going to die or some [ __ ] Jesus they have those yeah they do I hate it every time every time I

See they do that [ __ ] they do it on Twitter too like but every time they do it on Twitter and I see it I just respond with immunity dog it’s so terribly cringe Community dog yeah immunity dog oh I I don’t know makes you immune to all those hosts can I have

Immunity dog yeah I’ll send you immunity dog a it’s very it’s very important to have them and Your Arsenal fair enough people just have too much time on their hands there is also immunity cat yes it’s true I also have immunity cat I have both immunity cat yeah

What about immunity Turtle there is no immunity Turtles and yeah you upset her so much that she’s speaking Spanish sorry I’m just kidding I want to get the rest of that stuff but my pickax is about to die so I’m leaving a J Plane oh dude Mouse did you get that song I sent you brings back memories doesn’t it which song did you send me when did you send it to me I think it was the obsession one my go J and you all make the world a better place with your good you guys what Song Charity oh yeah B song bro she that like oh my God that’s song I couldn’t stop laughing I heard the song in years gig thank you for rating you’re welcome sorry my my my at you oh gigga gigga thank you gigga for reading also the chat said that we

Are all weird was their decision can suck my balls yeah you guys can suck Mouse’s balls they’re great by the way not to be weird every time they go raid I’m like normal so sounds pretty normal probably maybe kind of sort of I think I’m pretty normal uh those feet though I’m just Saying stop talking about my [ __ ] feet but but but but but stop having such scrumptious little piggies I’m just saying Crump little Crump oh God if you have something you want to tell us I I just like going in there you know I’d have a compulsion that would be the

Correct time to tell us Melody I mean I have minia interests but that one’s not that one’s not it that’s not you know that’s not that one I don’t know you sound like you were pretty into it I just like upsetting people it’s your favorite thing it

Is her favorite thing ever since she debuted I don’t know you don’t really go and and say the word scrumptious that’s not something somebody would do that’s something I would do scrum of course that’s something I would do apparently I speak weirdly because people keep saying

It I don’t know whyly obious Melody do you like feet like in a sexual capacity or like aesthetically or what are your thoughts General yeah I think since joining the the internet in in where we are today honestly I never really had a thought about them but now

I noticed that um I’ll notice if an artist has a foot fetish because like the the person’s like face will be like a line and squiggles and then the foot is like 700 wrinkles and like shading you literally just [ __ ] all you had to say was [ __ ] not interested that’s

All you had to [ __ ] say you’re going into a direction I wasn’t expecting I can appreciate attention to detail now but I don’t want to like take a shoe and like deck my Halls looking at it so I don’t know wherever in the middle is Decker balls yeah it doesn’t jingle

My bell I’m sorry maybe one day who’s to say I sorry yeah no judging yeah I always love to add though huh shut the [ __ ] up what be nice to Melody you like guys I have to wake up to this every day lose my [ __ ]

Mind be me be green text I’m going to lose my actual [ __ ] mind good laugh too hard oh really [ __ ] damn it being normal guys I’m a normal guy I’m a I’m a nice normal gentleman I’m an upstanding citizen of the world that’s just fantastic thank

You thanks thank you oh I’m so dumb how do you feel about feet sometimes you don’t even have them which is neat I mean all of you honestly he doesn’t have feet all the time sometimes isn’t that neat 2023 they’re like hands but they’re less dextrous and that freaks me out I don’t

Know I’ve seen Aon flux true oh yeah she’s got a point the Miracles of science is that what that is it’s some it’s something you know St no I refuse to stop why are you scared Zen what are you afraid of huh yeah yeah yeah you what are you afraid

Of help me because this is going a direction I don’t think we need it to go but it’s the holidays then do you it’s the holidays but then you’ll ask me about the sexy sweater what the [ __ ] do feet have to do with the holiday everything wait sexy

Sweater yeah what what what is what you better watch out you better watch sexy sweater when they’re try everyone in yeah yeah yeah the white sweater right mhm you mean the Virgin Killer no no there’s a there’s a new one new one new one new I freaking hate that sweater meme bro

It looks like the most uncomfortable [ __ ] ever I don’t know I’m kind of feeling it’s [ __ ] ugly all right I was I was saying that the sweater I was saying earlier the sweater has one specific purpose and we all know what that purpose is so I’m I’m like it’s okay I

Really like it meme sweater that’s probably not a good way to search not didn’t do it uh Twitter just go to Twitter and search for sweater I’m sure you’ll find it sweater a lot okay the purpose of the sweater is so that you can draw anyone in it and look at their under

Boob instead of just outright drawing their under boob buts you draw them in the sweater and then you go like oh I just want to draw them in the sweater suck my balls oh that’s kind of fun water’s ugly as thing ugly that’s the thing is the the Virgin

Killer sweater like looked good though yeah that looks so design exactly this look so freaking ugly is that the one with the heart shape on it the one where the whole back is open huh yeah oh yeah this one justes straight up doesn’t [ __ ] make sense it doesn’t slap it doesn’t Sparkle it’s

Just not it’s just [ __ ] ugly okay it’s ugly it’s ugly I don’t like it I don’t like it and I’m I’m glad nobody drew me in it cuz it’s [ __ ] this does not spark Joy what you mean to yeah what would Marie condo say about this tits

Out outfit does it spark Joy I just need to know spark no joy spark [ __ ] despair for [Laughter] me it just looks uncomfortable it is it’s uncomfort it’s [ __ ] ugly it’s it’s like it’s hard for me to appreciate something when when I think about it and

I’m like a but then but then if you were you lifted your arm uh that’s me and egg drop soup if I think too hard about it I can’t eat it really I don’t know yeah I don’t know I don’t know why I’ve always been like that I don’t know

Like if I think too much about it I’m just like of because it’s like egg yeah I don’t know theegg straight into the soup it’s just like it’s viscus it’s like I don’t know it’s like it’s like eating a bowl of a uh H yeah duly that soup where they they

Boil a broth and then they crack an egg into it and then like mix it so mix like ribbons of of egg yeah they’re ribbons of that kind kind of like a I mean it’s an egg so it’s like a it’s not texture yeah name again egg drop soup question

For you guys by the way yeah Oh what’s up like soara is doing a naughty and nice list for all of us who do you think is going to be naughty and who’s going to be on the nice list oh I’m naughty yeah Mouse’s pretty naughty no offense but yeah pretty naughty yeah I would vote for that I’m

Feeling pretty nice honestly no I don’t know no no I think Zen would get nice I’m serious I think so it’s cuz Zen will kill you with a shovel and be like at the end of the collab will be like still love you guys though I hate that you

Always hearts in the chat Zen you just have such a great strong personality that we have a lot of strong opinions and you are a troll so silly just I you probably have an instant opinion honestly I’d say h would be naughty yeah I even NAU naughty excuse me sounds about

Right I think I would be nice yeah yeah you yeah I actually can’t argue that I I I mean it’s it’s it’s unfortunate what yeah yeah na yesterday you were were naughty the day before you’re naughty today when how what na day just because I have a collection doesn’t

Mean every day you sin with that body I swear to God a thank you oh [ __ ] girl a Willers oh jeez that means a lot to me thank you it does thank you I mean regarding naughty I was thinking cuz when you said spark Joy I’m like I

Literally said this like Rick jeez Rick Oh I thought you said gez Lick I’m like Zen no we’re not going to lick you I’ll lick you is it like the Frog situation she want she wants to be licked Li Zen if you if you were a frog could I lick

You ohome some frogs do crazy stuff I don’t know if you want to lick frogs Yeah yeah you probably shouldn’t but po that is true however comma Z’s pretty cool I am curious right the only thing I can think about like when people say looking the

Frog is that Family Guy episode oh yeah wait what it was like a drug frog like yeah and they were like passing it around licking that that toad be like licking a battery yeah everybody in the school would be licking a frog and getting high I feel like if you

Would lick Zen you would like have static electricity like on your pH yeah yeah yeah that’s I mean by like licking a battery like you’d get shorted out you know yeah yeah yeah definitely Z you’re a robot do you taste like an RC car I’m not a piece of [ __ ]

Circuit huh I found diamonds I like battle Angel Al I found five diamonds I want to find more we could upgrade the backpack gal upgade can I help the final upgrade is neite you would be perfectly fine diamond is nextx up and the netherite is the last one oh I see waku waku

Ow just clarifying if you liked me you would be perfectly fine I’m not endorsing you licking me though so Zen it’s the holidays Zen you can’t deny some [ __ ] you mean it’s the holidays then it’s the holidays let her lick you m way is the holidays B lick

Yeah like like you watch Hallmark movies you lick Zen it’s a whole thing you know Zen you are so that is not at all the whole thing you’re such a gringe red let her Li you I have to leave it up to XII what am I

Doing she’s got to be the one who gives the verdict oh for what for what you trust your life in it’s a good thing she always says no thank god oh I see I see but but but what if it’s like one of those like Christmas

Hail mares and it’s like like like I’ll I’ll risk it all for the holidays ho ho Golly’s you want PA of frost what is that no ho ji is the Grinch she says no to everything it’s true you know why I it’s fun did you run away it

Is I found it oh you found Village I found two Village there one huge village and also there’s other one at the forest what direction Maple Forest it’s super hold on let me sh to you H oh yeah you can you can come on come on okay hold on I’m

Coming I’m coming coming too is that okay yeah join us join us okay let me go put my stuff away oh yeah that’s looking so even chat Jesus Christ 71% naughty what what are you talking about Chad I’ll be over there in just a moment I’ll be over there in just just a

Moment just a moment do you know how many children I’ve kicked this year none how is that not the good L impressive I know thank you I I try you know great honestly that’s that’s incredible thank was out of left field I’m just saying I’m that was out of

Pocket it wasn’t until last year that I understood the get my bag am I like not part of society I just I don’t know you don’t know get your B it was only then that I understood the weakness of the flesh I sent you a

Request yeah I had a friend she say she say it all the time like I just want to get my bag and I thought it was like a Louie or something oh girl take this hi what is this taking it take it take it D

It what do get your bag and be a location bag is like money D get that money there’s a r up there connection lost oh [ __ ] where did you go I lost you kicked oh there you are hello what the [ __ ] are you guys on the map can I find

You yeah yeah let’s see names I don’t see your names wait you can teport I just notic it yeah yeah oh behind you behind you there you go fire Rune oh did you get the ice Rune is that what happened ice yeah I got no I got Forest room oh Forest room yeah oh chest I got that one obsidian I don’t see you guys we can go to the ne got a spy glass oh sorry it’s a frost Frost you see

Thisel come this way where I am where you see the grind Stone yeah you can take enchantments off and you can put it on book oh so I need to oh I have a book yeah oh SP glass Zen did you take what’s in this chest they’re all instant you got a unicorn

Horn we got instance chests I love this chest so do you know how to get there yeah today is my lucky day space and then one of their names what T flash TPA TP it I’m going to steal all your [ __ ] books you can use tab to complete their name and then hit

Enter so you do SL TPA space and then like Zen and then tab and then hit enter this really wow thank you yeah thank you oh God Z I’m inside you sorry everything belongs to me taking these cute stuff from Village yeah let’s Rob the Innocents wizard stuff Arcane spell cast spells from equip spells still can’t believe that one starting error that we found at the beginning of our games for the modded server freaking Thor’s hammer Thor oh you’ll find it again don’t worry then you find it again by Thor’s find a cool

Again I’ll let you know if I if I found it yeah and then she’ll keep it oh hi oh oh oh there’s so many cool things what what does a fire R do I love this backpack it’s so good I don’t know but I’m going to find

Out cuz I have a a wizard staff oh here you can have it then have a wizard staff in my hand let’s see you do some magic spell book spell book do you find a spell or you can create it by yourself I guess wait to of

Fire can you make oh I think you have to find it say Melody is Ain trink slot use spell binding table to add spells oh so I guess we get a book and then remember the table that we found yesterday the spell binding table we use

That table to make a spell book and then we can equip the spell book and then we can cast spells oo good I need silk touch oh me too I need a silk touch I just need to touch things oh this is this is different than a ouch those is like actual casting

Spells yeah really what kind of magic do they have well so far from what I see like ice magic Fire magic or magic how can I help you matara says you are the Grinch does matara need me to start punching cuz I can do it I think whole point what what what does

It even mean what I’m so confused right now what I am so confused right now you I don’t even what she called you the Grinch so a grinch thing so I’mma I’mma start punching that’s yeah that’s something a grinch would say what that’s emotional self-defense and I’m offended

I’m going to start punching as the Grinch no no I no I’m a kindly individual what you laughing the Grinch has been detected grin detected that’s not Grinch you’re smelling it’s hygiene I’m not a Grinch I took away Stone you got stoned cool cool found it I found it rice rice rice oo rice let get a snack I’ll be right back okay I miss you I’ll miss you yay F damn holy [ __ ] H your language still going I’m impressionable oh my God what do you do with

Rice oh you plant it under water and you can grow rice you can use it for a cooking yeah you can cook oh I like it a meal let me cook get in the kitchen okay woman I mean I wouldn’t recommend it it’ll probably feel on well but I can

Try get in the kitchen woman oh all right [ __ ] man I don’t know it’s like that fine yes you can make sushi sushi sushi yeah yeah yeah unemployed chat would you eat my cooking did you go back home can you no I’m still here I’m still here

Okay is this the big is this the big Village or the smaller one no no no this is a smaller one I found a really big one hold let me share the location to you thank you so much for the gifted Souls uh yeah cuz I might have to are

You going to walk are you going to walk there or H it’s not that we can walk there we can walk there oh okay so can I can I teleport back Leave myself and then come back sure sure sure chat I’m going to mess you up full on oh

[ __ ] drown go away oh my God G you leveled the whole land oh [ __ ] a great a great a yeah she’s kind of nuts right now she did a wonderful job why you so czy my what this is a nice area oh uh but the zombie had evil family and evil

Friends oh hey it’s an Enderman pretty he just textt me right who text to did you look at the Enderman right in the eye for dominance oh I just want to kill it I got when you’re ready okay I’m going to TPT right nowed yeah anybody who wants to join the village i

T I keep forgetting I have a book bag oh yeah I got to make one of those this one is huge Golem is like oh cute punch them they love that it’s a it’s a it’s a greeting greeting oh cabbage we’re going to do a we’re going to do a

Farm freaking meat I’mma eat it eat the meat so good eat that meat this is a nice area very nice oh my it’s very winry cute what what do you do with zinc holy ways oh you went South yeah I to go further sou oh we should I think I’m going to

Walk all the way back to fill up the map oh that’s a nice of you that be good idea I love filling up the map it’s one of my favorite pastimes really yeah yeah think it’s wow this Village really is Big W super huge oh the goem is so cute

He has flowers on him I know right is so cute I’m not teleporting you guys now I’m curious wait come on come on teleport to me there’s a lot of treasure Bo in here too candid a lot of treasure bro treasure Bros TPA a except wait here what was the code

Again Frozen bench TPA name I think space name oh you got you why am I taking o hello old man o I like your beard very Square magic book do we steal it spell mining table steal it yeah steal it why not hell yeah yeah steal all of them took all your [ __ ]

Bro but are you going to do nothing what I [ __ ] thought I’m going to do [ __ ] I got a w o cool requesting of you I request that you have a good day yeah yeah wonderful day take that ow how about and iron hoe oh my that’s

Me iron hoe ah it’s me iron hoe me I’m just robbing why do you what the excuse me this [ __ ] threw a snowball at me what why did silverfish e no nice threw a freaking snowball at me bro honestly you should probably Sue I’m G [ __ ] kill them oh that’s also an option why there so silverish these

Little things are spawning what the heck oh there must be like a spawner somewhere maybe keep spawning oh oh my why so of Jesus there’s so many a West are in the oh my good this house is full of silver what the there’s so many of them oh my God holy [ __ ]

Dude look at the house holy freak oh my God where are you did you leave the Village no no we’re in the village we’re there like a Norwest Area oh I see where you are holy [ __ ] leave me alone leave me alone Mata says I am there for the food and alcohol and she’s not technically wrong she needs to try eggnog eggnog mhm unex oh chili pepper Seeds oh I can’t wait to start our farm what is this what we’re going to make so much food armor St I’m excited for cooking yeah it’s going to be good yeah I was watching like a video in the YouTube like mod R I’m ready oh yeah c

Yeah I think it was a called like farmer Farmer mod turtle shell which mod pack is this the good night where’s the house all silverfish is it this one oh [ __ ] I hear him thank you chat [ __ ] thank you chat oh my God holy [ __ ] what’s

Wrong uh we got to get rid of whatever’s spawning him what the [ __ ] is going on yo Mel Hena silverish wasn’t that your favorite mcraft material heck I remember you were blessing fish the other day with ailing F trick or whatever also keep your cooking away from us I want to live this

Christmas how is doing that why you being so rude Chad Merry Christmas thought this was crimus oh what in the world is causing that I don’t know they just keep spawning it’s cuz they love you has to be some sort of spawner somewhere are they hiding at the

Inside of stone was diamond yeah that’s what I’m thinking yeah where’ you find diamond in the chest ah I see I found gold gold nice yes was it this house whose house it was like a tower house with aook Inside I’m breaking into this house not it’s like a wizard tower if I was a wizard oh how do you make a a diamond maker thing do you need that big troll guy not troll um Diamond maker yeah how a diamond farm that’s the word diamond farm yeah how do you how do

You make a diamond farm a diamond farm yeah how do you make a diamond farm cuz I mean if you can make iron surely you can make diamonds I love to I would love to too is that an option find out shine bright like a diamond shine bright like a

Diamond I love that song like aond what the [ __ ] [ __ ] dude yeah what the [ __ ] [ __ ] dude dude dude this entire Tower is silverfish I think it’s the stone possibly the stones three wall okay I can do this make a back dude what in the [ __ ] dude

Dude probably make a backpack this fish inside of the the entire Tower is made of fish cool is it trap the entire [ __ ] Tower is made out of the fish what so if you break any of the stones they turn into fish e you mean uh what

It it’s uh it’s it’s um where is this tower that you’re talking about the one that we were just at can you point me in the Direction Where You Are yeah infested Stone that’s what you mean I am where all you’re fighting all of those silver fish o silverfish are gross I’m looking

I’m going to TP to you accept my request oh is this the tower okay so if you break any of these Stones they will turn into silverfish yeah it’s infested oh interesting must be some sort of spell that is so [ __ ] weird they’re just living their best life y’ best life

Y henya you should know I talk very normally and people talk like me often oh really sure why not English from you and thank you for what the [ __ ] do you mean oh no problem yeah what I don’t have a weird way of speak I speak normally why are people questioning

Me that’s a full-on house down here Emerald mine you sure do oh thank you i’t put on thank you nights thank you I found a wizard hat oh me too I was wearing it I want to put it on but I have a helmet on yeah

You have to take it off finding all these things That Su bro I’m going to break into your home excuse me pardon me ow what the hell spur Lattis what the hell is first yes I have silk touch yes where I am in a hole and I’m in a hole I’m in a hole downstairs and and and

And uh yeah it was in this farmer box silk touch how do how do you accept click uh press t or or slash and then click accept oh uh okay uh it’s slash oh TP accept Maybe you click the you click accept oh there it is yeah I did

It where did you find it I found it right excuse me uh oh right here oh is there a way we can share it I found a hole with Fortune too to what the heck does that mean you get special loot uh it just it you just like get

More I can’t find anything but cold dude and bread more of it all I’m finding is coal and bread oh you can borrow my my what the hell man where’s my good stuff at what’s going on Zen what do you mean yeah you chill Yi oh there thank you Chad thank you

Chad oh thank you melody no problem I’m only finding coal and bread in any of the loot boxes and potatoes oh my God oh my God oh my God what what you can make bicycles dude there’s no way this is real Z are you okay oh my God we make bicycles you can

Make bicyc make [ __ ] ridiculous what is this [ __ ] need four iron ingots and two iron bars and a leather and a dye and we can die get more [ __ ] food Z do you need a hug bicycle my bicycle why am I only getting cold for and bread maybe you’re a grinch for

Christmas you for reminding me that I have a backpack also dude what the [ __ ] is this Mouse I made a car and and stuff like I don’t think you can actually use the bike you can’t use a bike I think it’s decorative cuz I made a motorcycle

And I made a car and it was all decorative oh the Motorcycle oh my God Diamond one fing singular diamond yeah better than no you know wait which motorcycle did you make um I don’t know you can’t use I don’t think I think the reason why the motorcycle work is because it didn’t have like a motor or fuel oh yeah there

Was a m there is a motor so maybe we can make it is that is that diamond horse armor so like a lot of like Vehicles when we can make Vehicles we would need uh to have like mechanical Parts in it or like have like fuel in

It or it won’t I didn’t know that well we have several cars and bicycles and like the we have several oh look it’s more red stone there’s so much Redstone red I need you needed it what for aot of yeah we can make a lot of Stu with

Red Zen look through all of your suffering you have an achievement telling you you’re hot am I at the top yet what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] you’re welcome I’m so blind no oh no chat I have no visibility I don’t know what to do oh God oh my

God I have a full set of armor let’s go oh oh let’s go proud of you bro I don’t have any torches chat CU I’m stupid it’s too bad I have over 20 cold and 56 bread from this one run well you’ll never go hungry Mommy Mommy chat I don’t believe that there’s

A surf in like that just doesn’t exist for us man this is [ __ ] [ __ ] dude do you need a hug how did you guys get all this cool stuff and I get nothing but I mean what do you mean what happen what kind of cool stuff I got coal and

Bread and we’re living like kings with our I mean it’s useful that’s literally all I got and friendship bread is good because you need bread to eat you guys got a [ __ ] wizard hat I what I I mean well we we’ll go to another we maybe we can

Find more stuff in another place then yeah there’s more Village I’m sure it’s going to be amazing I’m already too scared to go to another one why I don’t really feel like going through this again the hurt break nonsense nonsense nonsense I don’t non I don’t want to see more coal and bread

Dude but but but but but but but I’m going to lose my [ __ ] mind if I see any more coal and bread you those so Queen speak your truth thank you I am I really am but Z zen zen again henya I speak so common like

Everyone speaks like me and so I’m a great representative for why are you laughing I was I was very impressed you know yeah that’s what I thought impress with your with your my linguistic my linguistic linguistic Mastery with your Linguini my Linguini dup Linguini super duper Ling

You had to come in when we l I just sat back down I put my headset on I heard you go Linguini Ling lingen we’re just Linguini you know I’m just like we’re just you know I see I see it’s nothing it’s nothing weird right no weird at all

Probably not it’s fine we’re good okay we’re chill we’re chilling you know doing thing M MH MH H what you guys want to sleep okay yay also I have to get going you guys if you guys are still on like two or three hours I’ll see you guys then no never we would

Not byen sorry your stressing isn’t B my so if I see you guys later awesome if not no I got to do patreon stuff hell yeah Merry Christmas Merry Christmas so everybody I hope you guys have a wonderful night much have lovely nights love you can you me really quick

Huh sorry sorry sorry oh uh any me Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas okay I’m coming hold on hold on me drop my stuff and I’ll be I have to show you something uhoh okay okay what is it what is it I don’t know if you open this chest

And I want you to open it to see what you get okay okay okay don’t trust it don’t trust it’s going to be bad oh it’s never bad I never give people bad stuff it’s it’s a is it’s a trap is it maybe hold on hold on let me make another

Chest don’t forget about your butt don’t you forget about me forget I’m coming I’m coming she coming Oo oh lime concrete so pretty Oh red stone cave and there’s so many I’m ready I’m coming I’m coming TPA TPA TPA ow okay I send it I send it look at this look at this what I have in my hand what do you have what do you have what is

That oh is that I got it out of here oh I already opened it but I got nothing nothing like that what that looks so cool oh man I thought huh is that diamond it’s diamond and you can cast spells with it and it has six attack

Damage sh like a diamond I mean it’s not a lot but you know it’s long range yeah congratulations I want to find man I thought I thought you were would find one imagine you got it you got Ity it’s okay we can cry about her later wait did I break the cake oh no cake did I destroy the cake do you need silk touch to steal cake or silk touch I don’t I don’t know cake I think I killed the cake oh oh snowing Frozen

Village you guys want an adventure yeah hell yeah always Adventure um I’m trying to build a thing for now are you up for adventuring maybe after I’m trying to make walls to cover the spawn so it like looks nicely capped in so there’s like hey girl hey I heard you like

Adventure there’s no Jesus there’s no Jesus there’s no Jesus there’s no Villages this this whole way until there jeez oh my God that sucks oh um red Merchant spawned in if we give him emeralds he’ll give us presents oh [ __ ] I have three will that do anything right here he’ll give you a

Present for one Emerald or four or three or four or four or 40 okay I’ll come find you I got emeralds I got emeralds I got emeralds too emeralds out the wazo get me a here a pear sir excuse me sir shake them down shake them down I receive you

Receive huh Brown present I’ve sent you a blur please black present light blue present gray present thank you I’ll take present and a blue present and I’ll take I’ll I’ll accept your TP thank you thank right there okay take myal who let’s see what he gave me light gray 40 presents are a

Bomb I think let’s see let’s see do I have more emeralds let me look I must have more emeralds I need one more present don’t leave Merchant men where did he go what is this a rope Arrow oh there he is oh wool H rope Arrow come wait Merchant Man trade yeah I still have 15 emerals I’m going to keep them can we ENT trap this man I think we could trap him but we tra him do you want to Dr yes yes I do I really do I just don’t know how to trap people no no I’ll hold you here

Wait I have a question yeah don’t go don’t go anywhere don’t go anywhere H how do we ENT trap this man what the what happened did you hear that H it was like British who like you me you became momentarily British yeah you became British for like one second no

Are we crazy did she become British or we not did she not get a British accent for like a second please I swear I heard it oh God my monitor turned off I oh yay my okay love your head like it’s a carrot on a stick that

So cute I love it it’s my it’s so cute it’s like you’re chasing carrot mhm this is so delicious I want it I keep walking forward okay do I have him locked can you put blocks around him please I’m holding him hostage on top of the building can you inom him is it

Here oh no how is it is it on an envil I forgot it’s been so long h it’s been so long since yeah can you put blocks around this man so we can steal him okay hold on hold on it’s been so

Long do I have a I I have a is it this one oh it is here we go no am I going crazy I swear what the hell did Mel actually become remix that’s such an issue for the holidays man I don’t know Chad I’m not British take this [ __ ]

Off hey take this [ __ ] off hey take this [ __ ] off hey I’m talking [Laughter] here Flawless New York I feel like I’m going crazy cringe ass chatters oh [ __ ] you are amazing oh my oh my God can we not have that mod henya is it make us on the naughty

List if we steal a man to have presents forever I thought we did which mod are you looking for wor it yeah I hope you can’t spawn away this is your house now bro I’m just going to put some plants stay here forever yeah bro for real oh yeah

Hell yeah hell yeah this this is a good idea crazy I was crazy once crazy well that’s too big I’m going to give him a little flower pot or something so he’s less miserable forevering he got no roof yeah no I we’re going to give him a little here’s a little

Little little candleabra perfect and then we have a ain’t nothing with that name Mel your house is so hug thank you it’s going to be a a gingerbread house oh that’s cute you’re going to keep it as a gingerbread house even after Christmas I don’t think we’ve thought

That far I haven’t thought that far like day see you I the the that’s honestly I yeah you can eat gingerbread any time of the year upon reflection exactly honestly and I think true I what would you do there you go no Escape it’s like a fairy tale house

Yeah the [ __ ] yeah man yeah this require thank you for laughing in my misery and you you’re welcome anytime the kindness overwhelming never known such kindness do we does this need to be near books to do I’m so like hold on okay time to put my enchant book time to get my enchant

Book wait do you have an enchanting table no I was thinking about remove some enchanting that I wanted from the tool I have what tool do you got I got pickaxe and that one has a a Vine m mining or I’m trying to take I found mending Chad are these really my gifts

With mending and I want to take it off and I want to put it on my pickaxe but I can’t see I don’t oh my God it doesn’t work on the grind Stone no so now I’m worried that we don’t have the mod uh oh [ __ ] what do we do not sure

Oh okay okay there’s only the oh I see okay so this is a spell spell book yeah we need to put we need to we need to put uh books around it like an enchanting table here I got a spell binding table for you yeah yeah I have one too oh uh [Laughter]

Oh I see we got to we got to put it like around bookshelf here I’m enchantment table here’s things for you yeah just like an enchantment table and then you take a rune you take a rune and then you take lapis you put it

On the table you put it in a book and the book turns into a spell book and then you put the book in the slot in your in your hand and and then if you have a wizard wand you can cast spells I gave you

Tables thank you you can do with it as you please oh yeah this one you can make like um flower stuff but oh that’s cute oh Bist oh it it would um botanist botanist man English sound kind of I mean no offense to me but English sounds kind of gross

B what’s wrong B guess we can’t take it off take it keep on looking spooky sound storage I just wanted to make some freaking torches man oh my God in the guide book it teaches us how to build a Trin yes really with create yeah yep I

Know how to build a train I’ve done it before we going to make one once we have um the materials we need to do it everyone can build a little train station and then I’ll like connect it whoa an actual train mhm so cool hell yeah there’s rope arrow for

You here’s a lot of rice make sure I’ll take it you can you can use the flesh in this mod pack the the flesh you turn into leather no but it like it turns into other [ __ ] oh nice okay good sh other [ __ ] other [ __ ] other

[ __ ] oh you can make you can make sea necklace oo mermaid bro yes so we can be mermaids when we go into the water yeah I love this mod Oh yay I want to be a mermaid yeah yeah yeah we have to make the necklace so that we can get a tail

And then we dye the the necklace a certain way so that it could be the color of the tail that we Want we also got mermaid bra mermaid bra mermaid bra oh nice oh my golly this is a hell of a storm oh gigle flax makes rope flax oh okay MH SK oh yeah I’m going to make a backpack mermaid dresser mermaid pearl mermaid bra yeah that’s doable oh yeah it’s super

Doable oh was trying to lead him into the flant oh I see I see it yeah cuz I don’t have a shield No oh cute I’m guessing yeah okay then chest can do oh yeah I can’t use it I’m happy this mod has a the bubble blower I love that thing yes bubble blower yeah blows bubbles but you need soap oh oh I see I see it oh this mod has a slingshot nice

Mhm got good stuff you said that so sassy mhm oh the Turtle raft oh [ __ ] what does The Hourglass do yay we got cages oh I saw the I saw the cages how to use it that one is so good yes we could trap St I’m put you in a cage what

Put you in a cage oh that’s not bad we just need some iron I’m putting you in here some iron here we go do you want Iron okay no thank you thank you oh okay you okay mhm are you sweepy that’s not leather at all got to go kill some

Animals yeah mag the magn mag yeah mhm oh I can make anvil what’s up cool going to kill I want message yeah what what are you wanting yeah I don’t think we have the disenchantment thing oh oh to remove stuff from books yeah okay think we got it oh my God you’re

Birds birds in a boat yeah I need to find a good spot to put them I’m sure I need your pet yeah I caught the birds a cute if it’s the if it’s the thought that counts if I got you all birds for the holidays would

You love it I would have to real bird yeah no I hate it but but it’s the holiday I I [ __ ] hate birds do you have any bad experience with bird yeah I don’t like birds what happened my uncle had a green parab bird and it attacked me a when I

Was a kid and I had my hair and pigtails and his feet got caught in my hair scratching my head oh that’s unpleasant yeah birds don’t like people that get near like their favored person so if you’re like if you have a family member and you go to hug them sometimes certain

Birds will get like mad that you would I honestly I didn’t know that it’s so funny because my uncle was like oh my birds never acted like this before to strange and now I realize it’s because it was my uncle used to kiss it all the

Time and used to like cudle it so much that that when I like came when I went there and I would like gave my uncle a hug the bird went they Cy oh they get jealous yeah yeah they get really jealous very jealous of me jealous Birds

What I didn’t know bird will get jealous I didn’t know either yeah what yeah birds are very like they just bond to one person and then they just want to be with that person true it’s true they’re modern dinosaurs they live here yeah I need a creature a living creature to take their

Life I must kill you will be good sacrifice merry kemus a it’s just mean oh man do you have any family that chicken will not do that the chicken will live I got cooking pot and fry pan y cooking pot hell yeah good stuff I got this copper cooking

Pot wave of the pot H oh oh I can get inside a pot you can get in it and why does Minecraft have to make the animals run it makes me feel bad when you hit them you want to hit them and have them stay I don’t run away from me you little

Piece of [ __ ] maybe they’ll make a comment like yeah I like this maybe I’ll make a mod for that I am very happy with this decision thank you I like my current situation yeah I was just about to do this too so thank you that’s I appreciate it butterfly more like flut or

D got him oh this is pretty cool what is oh this thing that I found it’s like a you can like climb on it what what is this what what is this what was the structure structure what is the structure that you’re building yeah you’re making something

Yeah interesting what are you making I’m gonna cook you oh really cute let me take a picture oh that’s Cute do I have to put on the campire or something yeah oh okay okay so you put campfire MH yeah you make the campfire and then you put the thing over it I don’t remember if you need to make like the Holder no happy flower yay oh I can make tomato soup I can make a lettuce oh yeah there’s a lot of cooking in this one cooking and and different crops tomato soup sounds amazing I would love that oh my god oh yeah oh that looks so good we can make a

Tomato mozzarella make pizza let’s make a pizza restaurant oo pizza pizza Pizza Pizza I love pizza pizza love oh no here I go guys there we go again hold gr starts the day here she goes go can you lit the bonfire this bonfire is lit is this how it works uh yeah I

Think uh [Laughter] huh no there supposed to be like yeah like a I don’t know there’s supposed to be like a a thing holding it but there’s another cooking pot which is the farmer the light cooking pot oh I think this one is the other mod one yeah true true yeah so

I think this one you place it on like a stove and then the other one is the one that goes on top of this one oh okay okay got got it got it oh no I Mary Christmas boom Merry Christmas Merry Christmas I got Make hey Pig my uh F your your family told me to pick you up uh I’m taking you to a party oh yeah yeah oh yeah great party five I need sure that pig will love that party oh yeah he’s going to have a great time I would say oh yeah

Cheor I wish I had a open the resturant yeah yeah a restaurant restaurant thinking about some a cafe that you can e like C and Stuff yeah I want to do that one yeah that’d be super cute yeah will you let me let me eat there for free and or do I have to really now you can eat it for free yay there’s no money in the Minecraft oh oh that’s true they don’t even have like

Simoleons they can I mean there can be really yep the hell could if wanted to I think I’m going to going to go his deer are pretty cute I probably shouldn’t kill them but the pigs why they keep running away come back I want to kill you hi

Thinking she’s thinking I want to fill up the map I want to fill up the map yeah I start in one direction to like see more and just grab more wood types so that we could have like a tree farm iron glass glass is probably Sand isn’t glass like sand yeah yeah if you cook sand nice thank you um what’s wrong ra beef do we have raw beef oh we would need need cows I’m going to kill some cows it’s the holidays I’m going to go kill some cow oh my

God oh no wait make them have babies first oh my God a barn that’s worse yeah then we’ll kill them in front of their cowch idea yeah we got to take away their Spirit Ma’s going to make her list and we’re all going to be on shitty

I was gonna do naught your nice but then they killed all of these animals and made the children watch and then they killed the it was really make moella that’s cool okay I’m going on a trip trip f up the map I’m going try to make a circle okay it will be

Treacherous I believe in you I might die oh no bring a boat actually why do I need to bring a [ __ ] boat I caness swim under waterer oh yeah now we got a backpack yeah we can bre under water but now I I realized with the mermaid mod we don’t even need the

Backpack we we can override it we can override it that’s true I was thinking if we get the mermaid Necklace and we go to the nether we can get blaze rods and just do the the uh the magma the Magma Cube one so that we have like we don’t die in fire in in lava that’s pretty smart yeah I want that one too we’re at 89,000 oh oh we’re

Almost oh my God $107 away oh my God I wowers Chad you trying make us cry we can do it I completely believe all right I if I find something good I’ll let you guys know okay okay I’ll be waiting good luck d is anyone able to sleep yeah

Boom thank you I’m out exploring in a scary Forest I’m exploring um excuse me why didn’t you invite me um because I started running when you guys were doing something else and and then now it’s too late um actually it’s not too late like I can totally like TV do

You how far true I’m at of I’m not too far I’m a bit north or you could you could go in a different direction then just like I’m going in a different speed fill it out I just found a [ __ ] T of sugar can I’m taking it all oh

Nice creeper more like dead you got eaten nice very that was a great great advice oo I’m going to go get a piece of candy oh I really do love this cooking one it’s fun and stuff it’s a good one yeah I like it oh my God I found Blackwood

Trees yes a Blackwood tree yeah yeah I love those I’m trying to col col tree types right now so we can Farm them oh yeah we can have a tree farm yeah and I found a pink bios shroom and blue bios shroom I can grab the blocks from it I’m going to do

That okay let’s see oh we got glass now and yeah I had an idea what do you what’s your idea spawn a ton of cats and make the have a cat cafe cat we have to that’ll be cute that’ll be cute okay you get my my cooking for free so can I go

To the Cat Cafe for free can I do the C please yay be witched okay so what I found a witch and I killed her oh yeah that’ll show her oh [ __ ] she deserved she had it coming you know she was nice but she was just too alive and

That was I don’t know the wait a minute H this is a witch’s Village uhoh oh oh maybe you maybe you don’t want to be there well two I’m just let you know I killed two witches now really two confirmed kills uh two confirmed kills

If I find another one I’m also going to kill him team Slayer so let me know that everybody’s dying today everybody oh no yes are you guys evil a bit um canonically we are both demons so yeah um it’s in our can can I be evil this is a witch’s

Village wait what a what is Village yes it’s in the bou in the bou the come come come I will I will hold on hold on are they are they friendly which I’m going to be honest I I don’t know because the second I see them I kill

Them so I don’t have time to figure out if they are or not okay I I hope they if that makes sense it’s a bit evil a little bit I see I see I’m just saying you know kind of believe in get them before they get me you know what I mean

Well you’re living your truth so found a little structure a little Tower so weird that was a classic Canadian TV show can it just real yeah yeah no yeah no it’s true it is oh yeah yeah I know I yeah place from the stories the place of lore oh my God oh my

God oh my goodness oh um okay I’m tipping you I’m tiing you okay they’re not friendly but don’t worry we’re going to kill them okay you got it you got it holy fu actually maybe it was friendly and it was just drinking the potion and self-defense because they got scared but

Well [ __ ] yeah I mean they didn’t kill me so maybe may I mean I mean they respa it’s fine yeah yeah yeah I friend I don’t think friendly I just got Pois oh I got Emerald yeah there’s a lot of Stuff where do you put your backpack I could have sworn this is not the right backpack no there’s so much stuff I’ve never seen a village with witch people only yeah this is so cool there’s another vill oh there’s another it’s a big one it’s a

Big one this is a big Village it is it is what slot did you guys put your backpack oh when uh heny can you like explain it took me some time to learn uh backpack is a remember that you have to press like the button inside the

Backpack oh oh we’re activating one okay okay hold on hold on I’m not sure how to make it stick on to me it won’t go in the thingy you want to make a backpack activated yeah I just made a gold backpack oh so uh you have to hold your

Backpack mhm on the left hand yep yep and then uh you have to like uh you have to like wear it on your back um I mean it won’t go in the slot does anyone want TP to me I found a room with a zombie spawner and like some

I don’t know if there chest down there probably it’s like a mini dungeon I think you want me to okay okay yeah come here so Melody Melody yeah yeah yeah uh okay can I do the screen share to you all right uh uh um Let me let me

Mark this on the map first screening Village mean screenshot oh my God there’s a spawner in here oh screen so you can watch it uh I it I I don’t want it to show up on it probably won’t show up on my screen I don’t think so I

Don’t think so I’ll accept in a second except me hold on hold on I’m fighting zombies oh there we go oh thank you okay I see you h hold on yeah so you and you cck sorry oh yeah it’s please me you see this a here yeah yeah

Yeah right here right here and then you can wear it like this it’s inside this thing after you wear it press B do you see the ability switch over here hold on after I wear it I press B oh wait oh no no I don’t wait wait you have

Wait wait I S on my back Downs wait I got a backpack one in Rome thank you we hit 990,000 like exactly 990,000 let’s go thank you to whoever thank you thank you everybody oh my God thank everybody oh my God wasn’t like our initial goal was like 20,000

Human dollars and then we’re like okay maybe 50 maybe and then and then like uh yeah oh sorry I’m I’m talking I’m like thank you talking myself no no no you’re fine you’re fine we found we found a dungeon I think hey there’s more stuff

Down here yeah I found a couple a couple ways if we can go tell me which way you want to go um well I’m completely full on stuff so I got to like you got aack yeah I make a I’m going to make a chest upstairs got a gold backpack yeah we’re

In the calicom I made it okay okay nice nice sorry my explain was bad what no it was perfect I mean I have it now clearly it was a good explanation no thankk you no thank you no thank you I got to get out of here I’m going to die oh [ __ ]

Yeah there’s a lot going down over there going down need my help eat something if you would like to oh my God you little [ __ ] um you can TP to me [ __ ] yeah let me just get some weapons oh [ __ ] I’m over being overwhelmed oh no I’m going

To place a bed here so I can tap it just run up this way and I’ll holy [ __ ] oh my God it happened so fast what man they I know we need to cover that SP oh my God I’m like at half a heart hold up there’s way more than one Spawner in

There mhm okay TP Greg okay okay okay as soon as you come in there’s going to be a zombie nearby zombie okay wait let me get this straight did you serious L said goal was going to be 20K first time you guys did this charity event for Toys for Tots you

Did above 70k in just one stream no less I for one never doubted our base community’s much love to all down here down here yeah but I have to grab uh let me bring some wood on all right I’m ready we can cover the spawner I should have my

Shield oh my God oh my God oh my God dying it’s okay there’s water right here M myself brius yes yes brius yes I mean I didn’t I never doubt it I just like I don’t know it’s just it’s such a grand I love this it’s so cool thank you

Guys seriously it’s my favorite me to it’s a lot I mean it’s sincerely a lot are we going down it’s a lot thank you guys so much seriously holy oh my seriously yeah it’s a lot I to get used to this nice oh there’s there’s there so many of them watch out

There’s some water coming down I got water I’m making a furnace up here as well just so we can yeah some yeah what was that sound that was me oh there the stairs oh there’s so many stairs why didn’t I bring torches oh God there’s so many coming okay yeah I’m

Making charcoal right now so that I can make a torches right oh I got it Mouse all right oh found it what’ you find the spawner there’s four of them I think on each FL my God okay there’s multiple holy sh oh God this is found it oh I found it down here

Oh golly I hear zie everywhere holy it’s mine oh there’s so many oh God there’s so many spawners oh oh no if we had a bucket with water we could just like oh man uh I have I have iron to make a bucket so you could do that now candles with me

Mine I’m up on the very top floor I’m going to go down come on come on come on oh God damn it I found which way did you go down did you guys go forward going down bro got him nice nice nice oh I see oh no no oh

No I’m coming back dang it there are so many spawners down here oh my God Yeah I love these heads the zombie heads are so cute yeah you can steal them I’m taking them everywhere oh I hear them what where are they coming from there’s up here here with me I’m trying to kill him oh it’s this way yeah yeah I was just blocking off this

Side there’s a spawner if you go through this wood to the right there’s a spawner so I blocked them oh you want me to go in there if you want behind you ow oh my God oh my okay oh Fu there’s one more SP yeah I I I I can show you fur

F and okay oh I see the candles yes I’ve been taking them they’re so cute get the ones that are high yeah yeah yeah thanks welcome thank you tall one tall one I will save you save many Jesus Christ no I’m already purple ones up

There can can you guys go to the main the main hall the main floor there’s like 15 zombies I really want to get my head oh my God okay there’s 20 oh my God okay I’m coming I’m coming on the first floor yeah I mean

Right now I’m on the staircase and I can show you where all the remaining zombie Things Are oh I see where you died I lot of heads yep there’s a lot God oh God there’s somebody on the stairs oh my God there’s so many um there’s so many that they can’t come up

And hit me they’re stuck this is kind of really funny oh did you find a magic Rod oh my God I did this is an infation don’t worry guys I’m the warrior of This Server Yeah godamn oh my God holy [ __ ] what is this use my other behind us oh my God oh my God oh my God there’s so many don’t die don’t die my it’s okay the UPS just keep oh God thank you golden app in there there’s so many stop

I could just get those golden apples man oh my God thank you Giga can I show you where the spawners are yes I gra myself stuff though cuz I also died oh it’s right here me to okay grab my head okay I’ll show you oh God let me get my head

Thank you for your patience okay down here wait where did my head go I don’t know I took a purple head down here is where okay yeah and you go left go left and there’s a few I see that there’s a few down here

So I’m below and I just have to tell you that there is a spawner of skeletons and there are a lot of them I’m going to die again I’m going to lose all my loot man I should have killed it [ __ ] oh all of the heads that were mels

Head I can it looks like my head to me your head uhoh um um um I [ __ ] up I [ __ ] up I [ __ ] up God damn it I’m never gonna get my [ __ ] back where the heck am I make myself a wooden sword this is pretty

Bad there so many this is pretty bad and I’m just letting you know that it gets worse downstairs yay oh I gotu in here you can t me if you want [ __ ] that’s not stairs at all a d perfect thank you chat shut up a God damn it where’s my head where’s my

Head Nice I Hate Everything I hate just can’t get head mou NOP jerks just oh my God I hate this I hate this game I hate this game I Hate Everything I hate this game I just want my head I just want my head I just I don’t this I can’t get any of the spawners I can’t I can’t are you below

Me what where are you guys I’m I’m up near the top cuz I was like dying I think hi skeleton yeah that about that oh my goodness what the [ __ ] come on come on come on come on on yeah that’s exactly what I was trying to tell you damn it

There’s a skeleton spawner there’s a couple of [Laughter] them okay I’m going down I’m going down I need down here so bad oh wait I can you TP mus yeah yeah yeah TP to me okay okay first off look at this sword that I found what the heck is that I don’t know but I’ve been killing everything oh my

Goodness holy crap where did you find it in the chest oh my God that’s so cool but these aren’t instance so the next big chest that comes out you should definitely look at it a thank you a [ __ ] oh my good I’ll TP to you in a second as well come

On F right now oh God 98 99 oh my God yes it’s right here right here oh thank you thank you oh my God there’s so many skelet Jesus Christ if you hide in here he can’t get you because we’re one block tall okay wait if you’re one block tall they can’t get you no they can’t get us from inside the the little Hol in the wall oh my goodness my about to Bro now you need a sword

Here thank you wait are you sure a diamond yeah I found another one I found two of them thank you thank You wait hold on let me let me get out of this hole cuz I’m small my God that sound check it out what the [ __ ] oh know I found a sword but I’m going protect you I swear oh my God has protect me I’ll protect you just call me the tiny Fury tiny

Fury my everybody dies today today not today oh my God you guys you don’t want to hear how many zombies are behind this wall I mean they’re probably all attacking me right now a [ __ ] okay I hate this dungeon yeah it’s horrible it’s like the worst thing God damn it it’s

Wonderful there’s so many SP so many SPO so oh I found all of the skeletons oh okay uh yep oh there so many oh I’ll protect you thank you okay chat I think this is my most hated dungeon of all dungeons ever right here right here right here oh my God I’m kill

The I think here yeahall you do so much damage yeah nice wonderful God [ __ ] off no one messes with my girls and gets away with it yeah I will killed everyone everybody dies today every yeah everybody’s going to get killed okay everybody’s today welcome to the Space

Jam okay I think I think we did this yeah bro your name is Swagger dad I mean you don’t have to tell me that you’re ugly I was Swagger dad trust me why there so many zombies normal Mel would be happy about providing so much head in the D Jes

I hear so many zombies in here holy I mean if you got to name yourself Swagger dad I mean I mean I’ve been swagging dads for years it’s true you wish you could swag dads to this intensity you could never bro this is [ __ ] crazy what the [ __ ] crazy what’s oh oh there’s

More hello hello oh wait is this where we came from oh we we were here yeah yeah yeah oh okay hello there hello hello hello damn it why does this look like my head oh yeah all The damn it I’m just kidding Chad everybody’s beautiful you are all gorgeous people all sitting at home am I gorgeous including Swagger dad what a beautiful person Swagger dad’s hot we all just Beau beautiful people just hanging out all alone on Christmas Eve I’ve been swagging dad since 1967 alone beautifully oh oh

Skeleton is there any more down there or did we get everything so dark I think there’s a little bit more down oh in the walls more what yep I hear them in the wall hello what are you looking for oh my god look look down there oh my God

Hi do you want me to show you where all the godamn things are cuz I’ll show you where they’re all at I’ll they just keep killing me I’ll show you where they’re all at I know where they’re all at down here every single one God Damn all right guys we found another way to go if you’re looking H let me show let me show you where all the stuff is please we found another area black pink in your area where you at H to break this hold on hold on hi let me hey there’s a book in Here okay let me destroy hey I I I I figured I I already got this crazy sword so I shouldn’t be looting all the things I mean we can always oh my gig G gig gig gig look how far down this goes what the [ __ ] this is huge place and this there’s

Stairs wait no no we came from we didn’t come from here we came from the other side I placed I placed torches where we came from oh my God you’re right wait no no oh this is another one connected holy [ __ ] bro okay right let

Me go down here oh my goodness this is a big ass dungeon what the [ __ ] we didn’t even go in the other direction of that floor by the way yeah oh I found water here this place is only misery more water mine hi hell this one there good killing hello good

Killing thank you protect me I got you let me be your blade my lady um this must have been the skeleton one that we cleared out thank you there’s so many of them yep yeah there areon skeleton you’re my hero oh find another one get it from me yeah I want

One you are beautiful and wonderful oh thank you you’re beautiful too you’re my my my night and shining armor I’m your damel and D your princess I’ll there so many that means we can break a wall and there’ll be SP in here another room yeah okay I think we make all the spawn

In here no you haven’t trust me’s up really yes I will show you get that loot all right where do you want to go uh o a potion thing in the we could go up and go the other in the other direction that we didn’t go in

Mhm and you let me give you uh cuz potion thing there’s a room yeah here’s here’s an enchanted book here you go you go and then here is this as well they’re in here thank you no problem you behind the wall okay H I hear sounds that’s water

Water I thinking good water here thank you this where we came from oh wait right near the entrance we go left here oh [ __ ] that was quick are you going to finish get down you’re so strong thanks to this diamond sword my night and Shining I’m need some

Diamonds wa you got no no no it’s all down there oh okay okay you can take it I I’ll follow you I’ll follow you oh my God there’s so many of them you can take it I’ll fall back if I have anything hold so many of them oh there’s a few

Okay oh Jesus Oh Jes oh Jesus Christ more over here over where oh here’s my backpack yes yes oh my God thank you so much you’re so H oh my God I’m level 30 you you so much thank you what the [ __ ] bro you’re my crivas gift thank you holy

[ __ ] thank you of course of course I’m glad that we don’t give damage to each other thought I would have killed you nope what’s up I swear I did um what she just murdered me inold blood why did you I’m so sorry I thought I was like oh

Surely I must have hit her there’s no way oh no I’ve just been like perfect at dodging apparently oh my God yeah I got a ity trigger finger yeah yeah yeah I see that you know it has there goes M oh I I lied I took a spell

Book all right I won’t take anymore okay oh [ __ ] there’s another spell book over here that you can have don’t Nice zombie jerk oh my God oh my God leave me alone I was using a compass damn it oh God my shoes are broken I need new ones oh no I find any feet here wait wait wait I throw shoes on the floor right there oh thank you you

Think you feel like I’ve been saying what for mon that my shoes are broken oh spawner dead nice nice nice nice w we zombes zombies there’s a there’s a two two enchanted books in here in this one come in this in this chest right here two enchanted books okay got

It Parish Parish I found a a a gear instance chest Diamond wait a minute there’s a spawner inside there spawners in the graves what holy [ __ ] there’s spawners in the graves oh my God okay okay oh now I understand where the fck they were coming from chest chest here chest

Here chest here there’s a diamond and an emerald and Bones oh yeah take it take it take it I have stacks I’ll grab the diamond uh you can grab the emerald thank you thank you the hell Chad let’s make a little house shall we little little tiny

House house with character I have to chill right here for a second you know you chilling have a snack Oh No oh here right here thank you thank You there’s bone meal bone Ma enchanted book oh my God this place is massive it is so much stuff and I just like happened to find it we had a great find amazing F today’s Haul is crazy oh my God I just want to show you guys the amazing hole I

Got oh my God is it a great hole crazy yeah M oh my God that’s amazing definitely yes that’s so crazy I was just thinking I would I was needing a great hole so that’s really convenient yeah got you thanks yo all right I think we cleared this floor

There’s a lower floor ler floor uh I don’t know I don’t think there is I didn’t find a staircase no yeah me too okay maybe we check the walls oh I think wait oh I hear oh maybe they’re above I think they’re above yeah I think it’s a wait the floor is Canan

Terracotta the ceiling oh well they’re not below us that’s for TR my backpack where my backpack oh here it is how the hell do I all right which way is back up good question oh there go I see him oh done it oh there they are oh they were above okay let’s

Uh yeah let’s see if we can find our way up items the sound is so good yeah it’s called the stormbringer oh my god oh that sounds cool stormbringer why there so many sket oh another gem socket another gem has like a socket to put another gem in it

What what is that I don’t know wait I’m so lost if you go up one we’re like back at the beginning is that it did we get everything I I think so I went to the other direction as well wait how about this way did we go this

Way uh maybe not oh I don’t see any torches wait no yeah it is there so many don’t act like you’re not impressed did you get your stuff hm did you get your stuff uh no I mean at least I got my backpack and that’s all that matters this way why you

Sp over here okay oh oh we haven’t been this way then yeah we haven’t we haven’t oh it’s no you keep dying that’s true I do keep dying thank you chat uh wait a minute are they I don’t know conf I still hear it I still hear it too h I don’t

Know chat I’m not a I can’t tell chat is so insightful I know I learned so much from chat I don’t think there’s anything else yeah just a bunch of candles and zombie head I guess that’s it zombie oh I found a room with more instance chests go into the very

Entrance and turn left and like go back like you turn wait what can we just TP to you TP I am fighting uh lots of dudes hold on I’ll kill them okay I’m going to accept turn around they’ll be behind you yeah thank you thank you oh my God don’t hate me

Okay might need UPG chest sword oh I will don’t worry Chad I’ll upgrade everything okay go go this way back this way what are you guys up to this room this is the main room right here look at all the stes I have been here yeah yeah oh okay I have not yeah

Yep yep yep yep and you saved my butt you got your backpack I’m glad of got it I am too I really really thank you so much of course of course your backpack a thank you oh soul Soul Sand Soul Sand oh there’s so many there’s so many skeleton heads how many are

There a lot oh this zombie had his hair hairie gross I picked up it was a normal one unless it’s a hood on its head but it looks like hair how the hell did it do that I don’t even know I have a homeade hey I’m taking everything chat what do

You think of my house what do you think what do you think D this place is huge yeah okay I think I think I got everything I think this place didn’t a place to go downstairs this area mhm yeah I think that was it I’m going go back

Up K duden I don’t know what that means yeah location location you guys convinced me I’m not going to make a gingerbread house I liked your gingerbread house dreams thank you it it was it was going to be something it was like it was there was so much

Promise oh why did you see this staircase up over here staircase H stairs I’m going to drop stuff off and then TP back to you okay it’s or maybe we already went that way I don’t know maybe we did I don’t know I think so wait what happened to the Cat Cafe she

Hasn’t started on it yet right now they’re exploring we’re exploring exploring is that where it came from I don’t know is it yeah yeah yeah well it is oh wait a minute so we come in down here and then okay there was like instance chest in the middle in there

Huh okay okay okay we already been here never mind I think we went everywhere every place in here never mind I’ll be back okay okay yeah Chad hi hi oh hi bud oh hi bud hey ail I’m not good at video games I’m sorry hello everyone tell me what are you doing on this day for this weekend it’s almost 2024 you’re also playing Minecraft sharing with family and you guys eating with family nothing just did Christmas dinner

Listening to stream drink oh I’m sorry actually watching y’all’s Minecraft I don’t know what BDL is video games with friends and watching your stream all you see is me for like an hour just like getting my ass kicked honestly if it was a drinking game everyone would die making aelole babies while drinking

Meat okay now that sounds sick that sounds that sounds perfect you’re going open presents tomorrow oh it’s Pete comedy what it’s not funny it’s stressful I promised you cozy and all I brought you was pain how was your strawberry socket there day I had one of the worst

Freaking hangovers the next day oh my God your Axel lot could use a girlfriend that’s fair you said cozy unless you up with the girls you know what Fair also I’m so happy that hen saved me it can get disorienting doing multiple things and stuff and she took

The time it was nice it was nice and here’s a gem yeah still going on the naughty list but still you know put it up a little higher I don’t think this is painful I think it’s pretty cozy well that makes me happy to hear seriously y’all all y’all are all in the

Naughty what why’ she going on the naughty list she has a pendency for evil she has an inclination to evil she has a desire for evil evil cuz you’re lud you’re lud and you have an ah the [ __ ] is ah the [ __ ] was was that was that Minecraft Jesus

Christ yeah I don’t know I mean I’m using shitty earbuds that they’re not as shitty as the other ones that are clearly defective I don’t want to buy new earphones all tribes looked really sexy those were some sexy ass uh head headphones I guess I got to go do a a

Deep dive thank you got to do a deep dive and find the best open air headphones that can fit on my small head you’re getting new ones next week o 44 months oh la la small head I guess my head’s kind of small I don’t know all the head headphones always fall off

You’re a small head hello with my chib I suppose it’s the opposite still a small head why you got a small head dude I don’t know I don’t know I’m as the great developer made me y you need adjustable headphones maybe absolutely me being a chibi model I

Don’t think that’d be compensating for anything and it be like undercompensating steel series is good okay okay I know that brand make your head bigger I can aftershocks I don’t know I haven’t I don’t know that brand RI okay Mel may have a small head but big heart I know I

Have a baboon heart um I didn’t know how to tell you I’m sorry this whole time I didn’t I didn’t mention it I just thought you’d be concerned that I have a baboon heart but I guess I’m telling you now yep I’m monkey I know oh [ __ ] I knew

It I know I know I give the I give the uh impression that I have a bad Boon heart so I get that yes my baboon heart makes me crave bananas that’s true that’s how that works listen here you dork we all know you ain’t fantastic fisherman or

Traveler or Gladiator but you know what you are ltu of the year and you know why because everyone here in chat believed in you and beling in your means Dreams hi for yeah should you sell your house do you have a backup somewhere you’ll go what’s your favorite holiday song I Don’t Know you know Mel I do oh one more thing make sure you give my cousin Kringle a big wedgie he had it Kang to give presents to Y even the

Naughty girls because in the end we doing it for charity a also tell that M to give me a m mermaid or to that we’re going to become mermaids we’re going to be mermaids mermaidens oh this is hard one for you huh yes that’s like having me pick the favorite Child and H

Hi yours would be something from the Trans Siberian Orchestra oh that’s a good that’s a good guys what’s your favorite holiday tradition what’s your favorite holiday tradition balifornia girls is not a holiday song free Thanksgiving food booking cookies with family elephant oh white elephant yeah watching Die Hard drunken

New Year eeve Shenanigans with friends spring time with fam figuring it out we do not and I mean do not talk about California girls yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah aming polar bears you’re you’re you’re Romancing polar bears I think they’re a protected species also it’s a little weird and

Dangerous don’t [ __ ] with bears literally my family uh tradition is we Marathon Band of Brothers and Lord of the Rings bro Band of Brothers I didn’t know that it had uh uh uh a a season after that was from what the the other side I didn’t know there was more I didn’t Know banded Brothers is my first like military movie slash series like like that I ever really watched I was like military shoot them up history St like I don’t know I just it was something I never like looked into and I watched it and I’m like this was

Freaking High art this was high art it was great it was fantastic can we get a balifornia girls mail cover for Christmas no my mom keeps calling me I should probably call her back no yeah yeah happy holidays I might call my mom and make some dinner and

Stuff you said m is coming on what’s for dinner I got to figure that out I know tomorrow though I know tomorrow though I know tomorrow though tomorrow is easy so incredibly easy so easy yeah I don’t like I don’t I don’t go to church I’m not a religious person

Um but there is one thing that you can 100% count on for every Christmas every Christmas Eve like bro Chinese food baby baby that’s what I’m talking about I’m talking egg rolls I’m talking bubble te I’m talking Samurai movies probably won’t do that until like like midnight or something I’m not sure

Which time I should pop on and hang out with you guys if I should do earlier or later I got to figure it out I feel like that’s more common that a bunch of people do Chinese food and in movies um if they don’t like go do

Things with like like family or or with like friends maybe you do that with friends there’s memes about it like Chinese food for for crimbus you’re having steak nice on Japan’s annoying their KFC dinners right now oh my God I can’t like wait I

Want to do that I hope I can remember to order a month in advance I can’t remember to pick up things same day let alone a month in advance happy breakfast we can remind you well got to wait like six months yeah let’s make some stuff to eat um on that

Note do you think mat’s getting on now is she streaming we should make fun of her for for for for for folding to peer pressure not quitter raid what’s a nicer way to say that peer pressure rid maybe like ma lost a pure pressure raid LOL

Okay guys I have an idea I got I got an idea I got an idea I got an idea how about this how about this how about this how about this how about this can you say I’m Ma and I love Minecraft raid she’s going to be [Laughter]

Like why does that me so happy you didn’t hear this from you Mouse and henya Pier pressured her using you as an excuse her to babysit you that was it anyway happy holidays and to all scientists may you be blessed with very Melly Christmas I’ll probably stick on and

Make fun of her and then I’ll I’ll I’ll get off VC and go make some food call my mama um thank you all for hanging with me today thanks for spending some time thank you mods for moderating on crimbus Eve thank you guys for for for just

Hanging out and being cool and we got some 90,000 human USD can you freaking oh my God for Toys for Tots you guys are amazing you’re amazing I hope there was coziness I hope you have fun making fun of ma and and hanging out with with the girlies they

Are much more skillful at this than than I yeah it’s just a good day it’s just a good day try and focus on the happy focus on the chill um that’s true don’t agree with me um no thank you it’s nice to spend time with people not just not just realight like

Like not just the girls but but also chat I like having you there so thank you why am I weepy it’s not even all right all right all right this ho ho ho is going to send you guys off to mat mataran who’s playing Minecraft for the first time in her in in

Her space bug life and I hope she likes it good night everybody have a happy holiday happy holiday happy holiday I’ll see you guys on the tomorrow on the tomorrow Merry Chrysler days thanks so much guys thank you thank you bye bye bye bye by

This video, titled ‘☃️ Padoru Eve Minecraft, where my chaos reigns supreme’, was uploaded by Projekt Melody Twitch Archive on 2023-12-29 22:04:17. It has garnered 924 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:51 or 13491 seconds.

Official Twitch VOD archive for Projekt Melody.

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    EPIC TNT Run Fail! 😂 (98%)Video Information This video, titled ‘TNT Run Failed 😂 (98%) #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by SIDHU GAMING 9 on 2024-05-02 13:30:33. It has garnered 9125 views and 291 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. TNT Run Failed 😂 (98%) #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmemes minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Hospital Showdown: Rich vs Poor!

    EPIC Minecraft Hospital Showdown: Rich vs Poor!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Rich Hospital vs Mikey Poor Hospital in Minecraft / Maizen Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mikey Cartoons on 2024-10-03 19:00:02. It has garnered 1017 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:30 or 1110 seconds. JJ Rich Hospital vs Mikey Poor Hospital CHALLENGE in Minecraft / Maizen Minecraft We hope you enjoy our videos! Have a great day! Watch a new video! Original Maizen channel: @maizenofficial #maizen #minecraft #jjandmikey Read More

  • EPIC 1v1 Battle with Wither Boss | Minecraft Shizo!

    EPIC 1v1 Battle with Wither Boss | Minecraft Shizo!Video Information This video, titled ‘🫧 [SATUNYAWA EP16] 1VS 1 WITHER | CaptainYani | Minecraft༊*·˚’, was uploaded by CaptainYani on 2024-01-10 20:37:55. It has garnered 26286 views and 2034 likes. The duration of the video is 02:47:39 or 10059 seconds. ˗ˏˋ 𝘼𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙈𝙀 ˎˊ˗ ઇઉ Moshi Moshi Captainyani here ઇઉ From Malaysia ઇઉ Love video game ઇઉ Streamer ઇઉ Sometimes I do many different types of video just for fun… ———————————— ˗ˏˋ𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙅𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙈𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙧𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥?ˎˊ˗ 。⋆ʚ♡⃛ɞ If you donate or join membeship please let me know, thank you꒰。 › ·̮ ‹ 。꒱ ———————————— ˗ˏˋ𝘿𝙤 𝙁𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬 𝙈𝙮 𝙎𝙤𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙖 ₍˄·͈༝·͈˄*₎◞ ̑̑ˎˊ˗… Read More

  • UNSTOPPABLE PC Gamer in Minecraft Metropolis – EP 190 – Reaching 1500 Subs on 24/7 Server

    UNSTOPPABLE PC Gamer in Minecraft Metropolis - EP 190 - Reaching 1500 Subs on 24/7 ServerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Metrópole – Episodio 190 – Vamos chegar aos 1500? (Jogando com inscritos) Server 24/7’, was uploaded by Midi Gamer – PCImbativel on 2024-07-05 08:35:10. It has garnered 20 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:27 or 7047 seconds. k Livepix link: Video on how to join the server —- texture pack link: Sign up. Leave your Like. Activate the notification bell and participate in this Channel playing live with me and our group of more than 1335 players. Server: Lobby Released. Server: Anarchy Released. Live… Read More

  • Pick the wrong tunnel, FACE ZOMBIE HORDE!

    Pick the wrong tunnel, FACE ZOMBIE HORDE!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE RIGHT CLOSED TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-09-12 13:00:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. CHOOSE THE RIGHT CLOSED TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT. Read More

  • Sakasandayo EXPOSED: Fauna’s Fake News!

    Sakasandayo EXPOSED: Fauna's Fake News!Video Information This video, titled ‘Fauna When She’s Spreading Misinformation’, was uploaded by Sakasandayo on 2024-08-14 14:06:33. It has garnered 24364 views and 1724 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:21 or 81 seconds. Livestream:【MINECRAFT】 Did you know there are over 60,000 tree species? Ceres Fauna Youtube: Twitter: Thumbnail / Art Link: Literally two Fauna My Social Twitter: Youtube: Donation, before: #hololive #hololiveen #hololiveenglish #holoen Read More

  • 🔥CRAZY! Starting a New Profile on HYPIXEL Skyblock with 160b NW/Max Skills! (Day 68)

    🔥CRAZY! Starting a New Profile on HYPIXEL Skyblock with 160b NW/Max Skills! (Day 68)Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴HYPIXEL Skyblock Starting a New Profile From 160b NW/Max Skills (Day 68)’, was uploaded by Info on 2024-09-07 00:56:45. It has garnered 557 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:01 or 12961 seconds. Hi my IGN is “Info” we are here to vibe have a good time. I stream Minecraft mainly and some other games like CSGO. Youtube / @infowastaken Twitter Instagram Twitch Discord Kick Read More

  • Unbelievable Herobrine Encounter in Minecraft! #shorts

    Unbelievable Herobrine Encounter in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft herobrine animation #minecraft #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr.Ansh.YT99 on 2024-02-18 15:59:32. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Minecraft herobrine animation #minecraft #viral #shorts Disclaimer – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. #freefire #ajjubhai… Read More

  • ✨ Aeltheria SMP Java 1.20.4 Jobs Towny

    Welcome to Aeltheria A realm where fantasy and magic come to life! 🎮✨ Server Highlights 🗺️ Unique Worlds: Dive into mystical lands like Eldoria, Avaloria, and the Twilight Realm with custom generation. Prefer a classic experience? Vanalia offers vanilla generation. Each world is full of lore and hidden treasures! 🌌 🔨 Custom Jobs & Titles: Choose paths like Architect, Prospector, Cultivator, Lumberjack, and more. Climb ranks and earn prestigious titles. Experience multiple jobs from the start! 🏗️🌳 🤝 Immersive NPCs: Meet friendly NPCs like Sunny the Greeter, Lorelei the Librarian, and Eldric the Master Artisan/Blacksmith. Each NPC has unique stories… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Live 2024: Recap with a kick!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Live 2024: Recap with a kick!Looks like even in 2024, the only thing we can count on is Minecraft updates and memes! Read More

  • Chaos Craft: Surviving SCP Apocalypse

    Chaos Craft: Surviving SCP Apocalypse In the world of Minecraft, SCPs run amok, An apocalypse of chaos, no time for luck. Surviving the lockdown, facing anomalies grim, In a battle for survival, the odds are slim. From dangerous SCPs to creatures so deadly, Every moment is tense, every step is ready. Can I make it through, can I come out alive? In this Minecraft world, where dangers thrive. Join me on this journey, full of action and mystery, As I navigate through this world of SCP history. Stay tuned for updates, as the story unfolds, In this Minecraft adventure, where survival is bold. Read More

  • The Fiery Disaster Friend in Minecraft🔥😂

    The Fiery Disaster Friend in Minecraft🔥😂 When your friend accidentally sets off TNT in your Minecraft world and you’re just standing there like 😮💀 #RIPminecrafthouse Read More

  • Fleetbhai’s Diamond Scam Exposed

    Fleetbhai's Diamond Scam Exposed Minecraft: Fleetbhai’s Diamond Scam Unveiled Recently, the Minecraft community was abuzz with the revelation of Fleetbhai’s diamond scam. The incident, which unfolded in the virtual world of FleetSMP, left players shocked and intrigued. Let’s delve into the details of this captivating Minecraft saga. The FleetSMP Universe FleetSMP is a popular Minecraft server where gamers come together to explore, build, and interact. The server is known for its vibrant community and exciting events that keep players engaged for hours on end. The Diamond Scam Within the FleetSMP universe, Fleetbhai, a prominent player, was caught in a diamond scam that sent… Read More


    MURDER DRONES MOB BATTLE CHEAT! 😱 (Minecraft)Video Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated In a MURDER DRONES MOB BATTLE! (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Daxx on 2024-09-21 14:13:09. It has garnered 2433 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:10 or 1750 seconds. I Cheated In a MURDER DRONES MOB BATTLE! (Minecraft) Follow Me On Twitter: Addon : Tiredy #minecraft #minecraftmod #daxx #daxxandxoe Read More

  • Ultimate Overgrown Storage House Build

    Ultimate Overgrown Storage House BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a Overgrown Storage House | Relaxing Modded Minecraft Longplay’, was uploaded by GlowKing on 2024-09-06 17:01:01. It has garnered 15 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:57 or 4077 seconds. Hey everyone today we build a storage house because i really need it LOL ill continue to add more I just needed to structure layout first. please leave a like, comment and subscribe if you want to see more! :} Thank you Modloader – Forge Mods Used: Entity Model Features Entity Texture Features Creative Core Entity Culling Not Enough animations… Read More

  • Unbelievable Secret Revealed!

    Unbelievable Secret Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Why you should play’, was uploaded by 2hotdogs2buns on 2024-09-02 13:58:56. It has garnered 527 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. 1.12.2 you can join all versions #2b2tpe #2b2tjp #2b2tmcpe #2b2tpe #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #dream #sad #sad #crystals #anarchyonline #anarky #mcjava #minecrafthacks #caseoh #ermwhatthesigma #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecraftlive #minecraftmeme Pugman2013 Crystal pvp config Future Client FreeConfigs Free Configs Free Config Tuffty, 2b pvp, Pugman2013, 2b2t crystal pvp montage montage, Owning spawn on, 2b2t, 2b2t cpvp, crystal pvp, 2b2t crystal pvp, 2b2t,5b5t,9b9t,eliteanarchy,fitmc,minecraft,crystal pvp, cpvp, montage, tutorial,… Read More

  • INSANE MLG Stunts by Mr. Lightning! 😱 #Minecraft

    INSANE MLG Stunts by Mr. Lightning! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft highest mlg || minecraft shorts || #minecraft #gamerfleetfunny #gamerfleet #herobrinesmp’, was uploaded by MR. LIGHTNING on 2024-05-22 10:29:12. It has garnered 14953 views and 265 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. minecraft 9 ways to host a minecraft server 9/11 minecraft 9 minecraft mod minecraft 94 minecraft 93 minecraft 9×9 house minecraft 9/11 8 minecraft techno gamerz 8 minecraft account minecraft 8×8 texture pack minecraft 8k minecraft 8 bit 7 secrets about cash in minecraft minecraft 777 minecraft 7 segment display minecraft 747 64 bit minecraft download 6 minecraft… Read More

  • Zzapz – Learn the TOP secrets of OneCraft SMP!

    Zzapz - Learn the TOP secrets of OneCraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘3 Reasons to JOIN OneCraft! | Join a Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by Zzapz on 2024-04-07 17:49:28. It has garnered 121 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Are you looking for a Minecraft server/ SMP to join? OneCraft is the server for you. With many performance mods, and entertainment mods, you will never get bored of this world. Join OneCraft today and start your adventure. Join us @ Bedrock port :19132 Discord : #minecraft #smp #french #polska #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #fyp #foryou #foryoupage #viral #viralvideo #blowup… Read More

  • Yoshanity vs Anity – CRAZY COLLAB LIVE!

    Yoshanity vs Anity - CRAZY COLLAB LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘NO HARD FEELINGS!! | Anity Callaborations LIVE’, was uploaded by Yoshanity on 2024-04-12 06:03:02. It has garnered 39 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:12:09 or 11529 seconds. We are playing some Minecraft Dragon Block on this stream of Anity Callaborations Live! Hope you guys enjoy this one! You REALLY like this kind of content? You wanna thrown in a dolla? Feel free to!: THE YOSHANITY LINKTREE IS HERE!!! Linktree – ► Stay up to date on ALL of Yoshanity’s Platforms! Timestamps – 0:00 Intro/Waiting 14:13 Just Waiting and… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Pekora Exposes Crime Ring on Her Minecraft Server!

    SHOCKING! Pekora Exposes Crime Ring on Her Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Staff Reports To Pekora About Crimes In Her Minecraft Server【Hololive/Usada Pekora】’, was uploaded by Pekora Clips on 2024-09-08 16:35:30. It has garnered 14916 views and 956 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:43 or 103 seconds. Pekora Ch. Pekora Usada Stream:[Captain Tsubasa]Complete first look at “Captain Tsubasa RISE OF NEW CHAMPIONS”! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Peko![Hololive/Pekora Usada]*Contains spoilers Please drop a like and subscribe to the channel if you enjoyed the videos! #Hololive #Vtuber Read More

  • 🤯 EPIC FAIL: Minecraft Movie DISASTER w/ Culture Casino | Salty Nerd Podcast

    🤯 EPIC FAIL: Minecraft Movie DISASTER w/ Culture Casino | Salty Nerd PodcastVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Movie DISASTER! ft. Culture Casino | Salty Saturdays’, was uploaded by Salty Nerd Podcast on 2024-09-07 19:10:00. It has garnered 1613 views and 174 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:20 or 7340 seconds. The Minecraft Movie trailer drops and people aren’t happy about it. Acolyte shills are trying to cancel Nerdrotic, Geeks and Gamers, and Ryan Kinnel! George RR Martin slams House of the Dragon Season 2, and Elon is bringing X to TV. All this and more in today’s Salty Saturday, with special guest Culture Casino! What do you think of… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT RARE MOB!!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT RARE MOB EDIT #minecraft #shorts @YesSmartyPie’, was uploaded by 185k gaming on 2024-06-22 16:01:26. It has garnered 6959 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. MINECRAFT RARE MOB EDIT #minecraft #shorts @YesSmartyPie o hello guys welcome to new video so first make sur subscribe to my channel and like the video and new topic is very long time I upload a new modern house tutorial on mu channel so enjoy the video so guys mene ek link diya hai uski help se aap without help apnea videos ke… Read More

  • ElementalMC – Network PvP Factions

    4 Elements Minecraft Server Java & Bedrock | New Players Welcome! Cross-Platform Play: Java & Bedrock players unite! Play together seamlessly, no matter which version you’re on. Choose Your Element: Earth 🌱 | Water 🌊 | Fire 🔥 | Air 🌪️ Harness the power of your element and forge your path in our custom elemental world! Game Modes: PvP & Survival: Engage in epic elemental battles or test your skills in survival mode. Custom Features: Enjoy unique gameplay, tailored for our community. Exciting Events: Participate in tournaments, build competitions, and regular server-wide events with awesome in-game rewards! Join Our Community:… Read More