Chapman – I Spent 100 Days BUILDING a MEGA ZOO In Hardcore Minecraft | #19

Video Information

Hey you does your boy happy chappie here and welcome to my 300-day hardcore recap now this one isn’t going to be your typical day-by-day hardcore video but the entire project itself did take 100 days so it took us from day 200 to 300 and basically this is where we are now

The goals for this 100 days were simple we needed to create something in order to contain every single mob in minecraft and i think we may have did just that now before we get into this if you enjoyed this content leave a like consider subscribing shop happy chappie

For any merch and other content and let’s go okay duders 200 days is up now it’s time for us well we need to start decorating this place and also go go back to progressing a little bit too as well so here’s what i’m thinking we’ve got all

The villagers in place here now and we need all of the stuff to sell to them and i mean we could just keep going with this stuff too we could yeah there’s so much to sell in minecraft so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna actually set up

A little bit of an animal park this is gonna be a big project so let’s just empty out some shulker boxes and currently right now we are on day 204 okay let’s grab all of the stone we can because we’re getting lots of it turns out that i need some more glass um

Good thing that i spent the last hundred days basically focusing on emeralds we need all those glass panes we need all these logs we’re also gonna need the rest of my slabs thank you i can now eat bamboo for the rest of my days the first thing we gotta do is

Figure out our layout for everything and i’m thinking let’s just see if we can flatten some of this land out maybe get rid of some of these trees too and see exactly what the layout looks like when we’re done Okay a little bit more to go on the outside path but this is what we have so far it’s huge it’s absolutely massive look at it it’s enormous i mean we’re gonna have the entire area here and then we’re gonna have one two three four five six seven eight

Maybe 18 spots for pretty much every single mob in minecraft so um yeah as for now though i just basically have an insane amount of stone placement to do and then i’ve got to work on the walls so um yeah i uh i think you guys know what that means

Oh no look at who stopped by um i don’t need this right now i’ve got so many villagers right there so let’s just do this perfect yep okay one one more come on shoot him once more wow beautiful get out of here okay we’re planting that

Banner right there could have had a raid that was dangerous that was super dangerous And look it look at this place we almost have everything almost fenced in i should probably turn it to daytime okay um we need water and we need one two three more fences uh this is taking so long what are we taking 30 in craft minecraft days so far to get this

Together this is insane okay we need some ice and this right here this is actually going to be the aquarium so we need to oh we need to take some ice and go one two oh okay apparently three stacks is not gonna be enough okay that’s all that’s that’s all my ice

Oh it’s all starting to melt oh my goodness i just jumped right in a hole hopefully this kind of uh hopefully it works okay boom and that is another pod right there and now one of these ones maybe even we’ll do it in the center we’ve got to leave one of these

Open oh my god look at how good this looks oh i missed one i missed a small one okay let’s go see oh my goodness okay now we need to split the center up here these center ones here are going to be for the nether fish and everything are obviously going to go

In the aquarium over there which i kind of wish i put into a bigger one and we also need to convert one of these ones into a winter biome possibly this one here because well obviously we’re gonna need to get some polar bears so each one is gonna get themed and decorated for

Yeah however it is but right now we’ve got a lot of work to do we need to cap off everything here so here let me do one quickly okay so it’s that right there that’s why those walls are so tall just to make it yes offset so from up high

That’s what they’re all going to look like i don’t mind it one bit kind of matches everything that we got going on over there everybody burn all of you that’s what you get for spawning in my zoo leads we need to grab some leads and the first mob

That is officially going into place is gonna be hi buddy we’ll put two more in here okay first mobs in the zoo are iron golems this is yes okay we need to decorate it a little bit more i mean i figured i’d put these guys in here because the pumpkins were already here

And they had a nice little tree too and i feel bad for any mobs that spawn in there this guy is going to get smoked oh my goodness i might be a dead man i might be a dead man i’m not a dead man okay now what we

Need to do is we need to hoard all of these everybody everybody out here needs to get hoarded in okay now let’s just see how well our past work um we’ll take you guys this way everybody’s still coming yep okay everybody is squeezed through come on now we got a nice little patch

Over here for you oh this is wonderful so far so good let’s go get some more we’ve got some cows and another horse over here we should probably add tunnel horse and go off and get a whole horse too and add them into the equation

Okay those guys are in place now we need to work on we’ll get the variations in there too as well oh my goodness the hardest part is just catching one okay two little foxes this took way too long i don’t have time for you right now skeleton

Oh my god we got another one run three of them what is going on right now okay and after seven hours we finally got these two guys here who are gonna get their own little come on in make sure there’s no creepers and you two are free okay foxes are in

Place we just need to decorate their little foxhole over here okay we got a little sanctuary for these ones now turn around in which is awesome Okay there the fox den is now a little bit decorated we could probably make their little i made them a little underground thing here you can see they’re using it too but you know what so far not looking too bad let’s look at the mobs already now what i think i’m going

To do is so we’re going to need some crimson we just need the blue stuff now oh maybe yep okay okay and now this plus this should be enough in order to create these biomes and we just need a little bit of soul sandwich and probably

A little bit more bricks too as well but i think this is gonna do okay and that does it for the two sides so now what i’ve got to do is go get some soul sand and hopefully one two three four five six seven eight nine ten stacks is gonna be enough

And already it’s looking worthy missed me miss me again and i’m right here this is quickly turning into a 100-day project okay looking pretty good i don’t know if it’s gonna be enough but we shall see don’t worry bud we’re gonna have a nice home for you very soon

And already i’m liking the view okay a few skeletons in place now too and we just basically need to go boop bone meal and start transforming everything especially this upper area here okay and there’s always more we could do but there is the nether section to the zoo i’m actually liking it

Okay oh that didn’t work hang on we’re spamming it we’re spamming it we should be out of here in no time i don’t know i don’t understand i’m stuck help me help get me out of here i’m out freedom okay we’re just waiting for the tree to deteriorate but there we go aquarium

Is officially done okay and here it is that big giant massive reef that we found the last time look at the size of this thing this is a gigantic biome squids we need squids okay first things first okay one i’m drowning two and three four hi puffer fish come here i need you

Just come i got you okay we’ll have to come back for the rest of it if we need any more after we’ve got quite a bit though okay so that makes the aquarium done too i’m gonna have to put an edge on it i’m definitely gonna have to put an edge

On this thing i’m not sure how we’re gonna go about doing it especially since i need to make the walls bigger but we need to get dolphins and squids in here i i have no idea we’ll figure this out okay now one of these is gonna get

Turned into a beehive and it might be this one here since the flower forest is right here let’s actually work on getting the beehive done next so we can snatch up a whole bunch of these flowers and right here we have two beehives um what are you guys gonna do to me nothing

That’s right cool i guess you need some flowers there you go don’t leave me okay we just need to add a little bit more aesthetics into this but that is it so far now i need to grab a sign and put a sign right here that says

Caution okay now we’ll just take a sign caution underground nest okay we’ll just put like an old boat right there maybe a pumpkin or two as well for some aesthetic we’ll put that down to make it look like the honey is dripping onto the ground right there which i think is a pretty

Cool idea and it adds some light okay and there we go the little b pen b area is complete oh that looks so aesthetic oh my god this is bsl this is a very popular look at how good this looks look at how spooky and scary this place looks

You just get away from me please oh this is gonna look oh look at this view doers look at it oh my gosh just look at it okay now this next one is gonna require a few things in a little bit of time but we need to go empty out a shulker box

And i just need a little bit more paper and we’re off okay and there’s an ocean monument which we should probably raid and maybe even bring one of those guys back should we bring you bring one of those guys back i don’t know if that’s a good idea what is this

This is exactly what i was just looking for this actually isn’t even that far from the base too how big is it i don’t know if i should bring any mycelium back with me okay and i wasn’t gonna bring any mycelium back with me that’s why i don’t have a silk touch

Shovel but i think we’ll bring a few pieces okay mister we’re going for a boat ride and it’s gonna be a long one okay here is the reef which means it is just pretty much dead north oh and look at this find you guys are also coming back

We’ll get you a nice place too we’re almost there i actually cannot believe how long this has taken no no please no okay we made it we made it you guys this is only taking way too long celebration did we lose one nope oh we lost one moo why you got to do

This to me we’re seven feet away welcome welcome this is the aquarium this is going to be the panda pen right here i have no idea what you’re doing way out um here donkeys mules whatever you are you are going in here come across my soul sand valley here

Please be careful of the lava watch your step come on in home sweet home okay this one we shall make your home the only problem is is i’m scared i’m scared to place any mycelium down that’s what you get for now oh my that was right in my face well that’s one

That makes two ready moo oh okay i think we should have grabbed a little bit more when we were there but the mushrooms are in place and looking pretty good too don’t worry pal we’ll get yeah don’t worry we’ll get you a friend we’ll get you a friend okay same thing

But this time we’re going for the polar bear and i’m bringing a bed with me so i don’t have that nighttime nightmare anymore looks like this is the candidate okay we just need to get you over to land over here are you coming yeah you’re coming

Okay stay put i’ll be back for your friends okay this one likes me let’s go okay and that’s two both of you stay put for now i’m going to see if i can find a panda you’re coming too okay and i’m out of no don’t run away don’t run away

I’m out of leads so nobody else can come on this excursion we’re heading towards the sunset apparently the sheep nope the sheep’s not coming okay we’re so close you guys we’re so close no more breaking no more breaking please it’s been two whole days you broke i told you not to

Polar bears are going in here squeeze your big butts through i can’t believe how many leads i’ve lost and now kitty cats we gotta go get you guys some name tags okay i can’t think of any names off the top of my heads so this is what they’re getting

And these two guys are gonna go in the panda pen with the panda for the jungle okay we gotta go get some ice and some snow for these guys i should have got that while i was out there but it’s not a far fly at all A little bit more snow i literally spent the entire night collecting and lock it look at all the snow i might need more snow crazy now let’s turn this little lump of dirt here into that right there now we’re gonna fill all of this sucker in right here too Okay just need to add a little bit of lights but the snow biome is officially done it’s even complete with look at an egg glue a terrible one but it’s got one this one’s gonna be a tricky one sea turtles oh we need to get sea

Turtles in here and i haven’t seen any pretty much anywhere but we found sea turtles is there two there is Two right there perfect what the wow that was scary thank you Okay now that we’re back let’s get all the sand in place okay now we just need a little bit more water in here so the pool makes more sense but now we can one two three and four let’s do it like that actually okay turtle pen is done we’re now just

Waiting for the eggs to hatch if they’re even going to i don’t even i can’t even remember how the mechanics for those work see pickles get out of here so far me likey okay next up we gotta get some nether mobs come to me please okay that’s one there you go okay

We got one one guy [Applause] oh oh my goodness i understand how aggressive these guys are but just follow me what the okay this was a dangerous one okay oh we got him oh i’m gonna attempt to do this one more time but i’m not sure how well this is gonna go

Now i need to build a little containment cage for this guy to try and keep him contained okay we’re gonna have to do it like this for now until i get a cage in place because these guys are insane you guys are insane okay there’s a few things we need before

We start shuffling the rest of the mobs in place we need to get the walls all complete and we’ll get this place all sealed off and ready for the final set of mobs Walls are in place i still have some more leaves to add and also some lights on top of each of these posts in order to make it nice and bright around here but right now we need to go and get ourselves some jungle stuff we need all the jungle stuff we can

Okay we even have a bird friend okay and we are back in the bird mated to land and sit stop looking at me like that oh they gave us a oh nice and i like that even better okay we need to set up some random jungle bushes like what you see in a

Jungle biome i don’t think i brought enough jungle leaves and so far we’re missing something we have one more biome we can check this direction this one is huge there has to be a panda in here somewhere oh this is ridiculous this is not good what is this a bamboo one

A bamboo please is that what i think it is that is what i think it is oh there’s another one too right by the creeper can i walk these guys out of here though okay i can as long as i can cross over to the land over here we can make it back

Jungle boat and boom okay let’s go mister you’re in i’m in and we’re off yay okay it’s a slow walk from here one block two block you’re going to turn this into a 100 day project let’s go 100 days to get a panda from a jungle to

A pen it has been an hour and 23 minutes and we have about 15 more minutes to go let’s go buddy the llamas sometimes help but they also sometimes make it worse okay and actually we’re so close you guys are staying right there i’ll be

Back for you you guys are so much faster than paying man here smooth sailing from here i am not going and getting the other panda we’re gonna have to do something else to get him in here like maybe another road or something and no no no no no no and and

You’re too fat let’s go An hour and just to walk i have no life and there we go panda pen is done he’s got his bamboo that was a nightmare i need to do an easy mob now let’s go um we just got to go back and get our llamas now there they are i found my llamas

This one right here in the top corner is going to be the mountain range biome okay we just need to build these guys a small mountain top now so more stone okay now in order to really cap and finish this off other than getting a few more hostile mobs in place

Like the ravagers and some blaze and getting a ghast out here somehow too as well what we’re gonna have to do is we need to go back to the nether and i need an empty storage okay we’re taking this entire thing with me okay i doubt it just because of how

Everything else has been going but i don’t this is gonna be enough wait i’m going the wrong way We’ve got the blaze spawner set up look at it all we need to do now is add in like a little mini bastion but i don’t know if i’ve got the room for it to be quite honest with you but my goodness this place looks good

And okay as simple as that is that’s what the cattle are gonna get we need to get some more lights in here and also start stacking up some hay bales okay now first things first we’re gonna need a little bit more sand this is taking 85 days 85 minecraft days

I’ve been sleeping every night pretty much but still 85. okay now before we go pulling mobs everywhere and running a raid 2 as well oh actually i just got an idea And there we are doers that’s our all mob mega zoo now i’m going to spend the remaining 10 days just kind of decorating this thing i’ll probably time it now there’s plenty of mobs that we need to add to this thing and if there’s anything specific that you want to see

Me build in here just let me know down in the comments below i’m thinking a fancy giant portal of some sort huh what about you guys yeah but that is going to do it for our 200 to 300 day journey thank you everybody so much for watching

If you enjoyed this leave a like make sure you hit subscribe and i will definitely see you guys on the next one peace You

This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 Days BUILDING a MEGA ZOO In Hardcore Minecraft | #19’, was uploaded by Chapman on 2021-04-27 19:58:28. It has garnered 774935 views and 24966 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:11 or 1811 seconds.

I Spent 100 DAYS Building a MEGA ZOO For Every Mob in Hardcore Minecraft. & Ultimately survived another 100 days in the process.. lol up to 300 now Doers! This is one of my bigger projects in Minecraft and I’m proud to have (Almost) completed it in hardcore minecraft.

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    Ultimate Showdown: Lapata SMP vs Loyal SMP The Ultimate Showdown: Stop Lapata SMP vs Loyal SMP Welcome to the epic clash between two powerhouse Minecraft SMPs: Stop Lapata SMP and Loyal SMP! AaryanshMC takes us on a thrilling journey through the intense rivalry, highlighting the unique features, gameplay styles, and community dynamics of each server. Get ready for a showdown like no other as we delve into the world of Minecraft! Stop Lapata SMP: Unleashing Creativity Stop Lapata SMP is a hub of creativity, where players push the boundaries of what’s possible in Minecraft. With a focus on building, redstone engineering, and exploration, Stop Lapata SMP… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Wacky Industrial Zone

    Minecraft's Wacky Industrial Zone Minecraft’s Goofiest Industrial District Seven Missions is a project that has been in the works since June 2021, showcasing the creative potential of Minecraft. The creator sees it as more than just a series within the game; it is a testament to the power of imagination and determination. With a focus on inspiring others, Seven Missions serves as a stepping stone towards a career in filmmaking and composing. Music and Artistry The series features a majority of original music composed by the creator, available for streaming on platforms like Spotify under the artist name “Cem Hagemu.” This unique blend… Read More

  • “Piggy Pag’s Ultimate Minecraft Magic Wand 🐷✨” #minecraft #shorts #gaming

    "Piggy Pag's Ultimate Minecraft Magic Wand 🐷✨" #minecraft #shorts #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘This magic wand works wonders in Minecraft ✨ #minecraft #fyp #shorts #gaming’, was uploaded by Piggy Pag on 2024-08-17 15:15:10. It has garnered 1915 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. ►Hi friends 👋 thanks for watching my videos! Did you like the video? Click like 👍 and write any good comments🗯️, it will help me a lot and I will see that my videos are interesting to you and I will be happy 🌝, I will make videos more often. Also… don’t forget to click the bell… Read More

  • Minecraft Build & Seek: Ultimate Challenge

    Minecraft Build & Seek: Ultimate ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft BUILD and SEEK!’, was uploaded by Daaash on 2024-09-22 19:00:16. It has garnered 148712 views and 2390 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:01 or 8101 seconds. Minecraft BUILD and SEEK! This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are playing build and seek in Minecraft where they each have to build a hiding spot, and who ever is last to be found wins! Who will win? Watch till the end to find out! #minecraft #minecraftmod #Dash Read More

  • Crazy Minecraft Bedwars Combo 1.9! #ShortsMadness

    Crazy Minecraft Bedwars Combo 1.9! #ShortsMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘combo 1.9 #bedwars #shorts #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #minecraft #minecraftshorts #vime’, was uploaded by P1aNo_Shorts on 2024-09-23 18:15:52. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. minecraft, minecraft pvp, pvp, combo, minecraft combo, minecraft smooth, best minecraft combos, minecraft combo lock, 1.9, minecraft combotage, sumo, mc pvp, sharpness pack, pot pvp, skypvp, minecraft sumo tournament, combos, sumo pvp minecraft, sumo god, minecraft sumo 1v1, bedwars, serb-craft, insane minecraft, sumo combos, sumo combo, minecraft 240fps, how to combo in sumo, sumo tips and tricks, minecraft hacking, minecraft sumo,… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft build with a creepy twist! 🔥👻 #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft build with a creepy twist! 🔥👻 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft game 🎯🎮 creepy build 😱😱 tick tock heck 🎯🎮 #shorts #viral #minecraft #gameplay’, was uploaded by MR GAMER 08 on 2024-02-04 11:07:00. It has garnered 2488 views and 77 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Minecraft game 🎯🎮 creepy build 😱😱 tick tock heck 🎯🎮 #shorts #viral #minecraft #gameplay Read More

  • Insane Lifesteal SMP in Minecraft! Free Server Tutorial

    Insane Lifesteal SMP in Minecraft! Free Server TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make a Lifesteal SMP in Minecraft using Aternos (Free Server Tutorial)’, was uploaded by BoltX79 on 2024-02-26 15:58:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Make your Lifesteal SMP Like Loyal SMP Using Aternos #subscribe #like #aternos #aternosminecraftserver #minecraft … Read More

  • JJ & Mikey find SCARY superheroes in Minecraft!

    JJ & Mikey find SCARY superheroes in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Family found SCARY IRON MAN, SPIDERMAN, HULK and THANOS – in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey – Life on 2024-05-04 23:00:11. It has garnered 7479 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:04 or 3604 seconds. JJ and Mikey Family found SCARY IRON MAN, SPIDERMAN, HULK and THANOS – in Minecraft Maizen! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @Maizen Like and subscribe to the channel if you love Mom! Read More


    SHIKANOKO NOKONOKO KOSHI TANTAN - MINECRAFT ANIMASIVideo Information This video, titled ‘SHIKANOKO NOKONOKO KOSHITANTAN – ANIMASI MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by DUHIN on 2024-07-21 10:00:36. It has garnered 21456 views and 1879 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Characters @KoboKanaeru @KureijiOllie @AiraniIofifteen @MoonaHoshinova @AyundaRisu @KaelaKovalskia @VestiaZeta ••••••••••••••••••••• Subscribe for more animation from duhin:) •••••••••••••••••••••• social media: Instagram :@duhingram TikTok: @duhinuwu •••••••••••••••••••••• Track: – •••••••••••••••••••••• back to video guys, dont forget to like, comment, and subscribe #Shorts Read More

  • Insane Hide-and-Seek with INSIDE OUT in Minecraft!

    Insane Hide-and-Seek with INSIDE OUT in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey HIDE from INSIDE OUT At Night in Minecraft ! (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Crazy Mikey on 2024-08-04 19:00:24. It has garnered 957 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:51 or 3831 seconds. JJ and Mikey HIDE from INSIDE OUT At Night in Minecraft ! (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen Store promotion: Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Turtle Farm – 3000+ cobblestone/hr

    Insane Minecraft Turtle Farm - 3000+ cobblestone/hrVideo Information This video, titled ‘Automatic Cobblestone farm in Minecraft | 3000 + per hour’, was uploaded by Turtle Craft on 2024-04-18 11:45:01. It has garnered 21570 views and 1023 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Automatic Cobblestone farm in Minecraft | 3000 + per hour I this short video I will teach you how to buid the easiest automatic cobblestone generator in minecraft you only need few materials to build this farm make sure to subscribe the channle full video link here : Design credit bigbooty17 song credit massobeats – gift (royalty free… Read More

  • ChippyChickin’s Realm – Realms 18+ Whitelist 1.21.1

    Join My Minecraft Realm! Looking for new players to join my realm. I currently have 4 players and looking to invite 4 or 5 more. Let’s create a friendly community/village with a maximum of 10 players. Any type of base is allowed – sky, underground, under the ocean, or a basic above ground house. Rules are posted in my discord server. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mob Sounds: My Original Creation

    Minecraft Memes - Mob Sounds: My Original CreationLooks like someone needs to hit the “mute” button on their imagination! Read More

  • Cube Xuan: Minecraft’s Happy Planet Rhyme

    Cube Xuan: Minecraft's Happy Planet Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Cube Xuan brings joy, like a delightful dream. With humor and fun, each video shines bright, Bringing happiness to all, day and night. From funny animations to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content is never flat. So join the fun, subscribe and see, The magic of Minecraft, in rhymes so free. Read More

  • I felt that… in the Nether! 🔥

    I felt that... in the Nether! 🔥 When you’re mining for diamonds in Minecraft and accidentally fall into lava, but the music is so soothing that you just feel like “I felt that” 😔 #minecraftstruggles #lavaissues #gamerproblems Read More

  • LEGO Novelties October 2024: Star Wars, Batman, Super Mario, Minecraft

    LEGO Novelties October 2024: Star Wars, Batman, Super Mario, Minecraft Exploring the Latest Minecraft Updates in October 2024 As the world of LEGO continues to expand, the month of October 2024 brings exciting new additions to the lineup. From Star Wars to Batman, Super Mario Bros, and Minecraft, there is something for every fan to enjoy. Let’s dive into the details of the latest Minecraft updates featured in this month’s LEGO releases. Discovering New Minecraft Sets One of the highlights of the October 2024 LEGO releases is the introduction of new Minecraft sets. These sets allow players to bring their favorite blocky world to life through intricate LEGO designs…. Read More

  • Ultimate Easy Iron Farm Minecraft Bedrock

    Ultimate Easy Iron Farm Minecraft Bedrock The Easiest Iron Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Farm Details Looking for an efficient iron farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21? Look no further! This iron farm, designed by OinkOink, is a game-changer. It operates in MCPE, PC, PS5, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox, making it versatile for players across different platforms. The farm, built in a Minecraft 1.20 Survival Farm world, is a fully automatic setup that guarantees a bountiful yield of iron and poppies. Farm Performance The farm boasts an impressive performance, producing between 300 to 350 iron ingots per hour. This high output ensures that players have a… Read More

  • Unbelievable plot twists in 41 min of Minecraft Story Mode

    Unbelievable plot twists in 41 min of Minecraft Story ModeVideo Information This video, titled ‘L’histoire de MINECRAFT STORY MODE¹ en 41 minutes’, was uploaded by Sun on 2024-09-20 15:00:07. It has garnered 68761 views and 3362 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:58 or 2518 seconds. The game tah the times, SUBSCRIBE! #minecraft #minecraftstorymode #nostalgia #cartoon Read More

  • Sly Factory Build in Galaxy Gaming SMP

    Sly Factory Build in Galaxy Gaming SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 2 🔥FACTORY BUILD START IN SMP | 🔥GG SMP |🔴MINECRAFT LIVE | !insta @tanuj_gg’, was uploaded by GALAXY GAMING on 2024-02-26 20:04:28. It has garnered 62 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 04:07:59 or 14879 seconds. ============================================================================= ⚜ If All of Enjoying the Stream? Make sure You Like & Share the Video and Do not forget to Subscribe the Channel ⚜ ============================================================================= Top Donation ❤ 🔰Info Gamer Shiv: 💲166.51, 🔰Anuj Roy: $87.83, 🔰REB SANJU: $81.37, 🔰Dibya Dash: $65.29, 🔰Ustaad JoKeR GaMinG: $64.41, 🔰Manjot Singh 99.9%: $47.49, 🔰Ajay sbj: $46.89, 🔰Kulnoor… Read More

  • Become a Minecraft Legend in 1K! Join Mickaye Now

    Become a Minecraft Legend in 1K! Join Mickaye NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PLAYING W/ VIEWERS!!! REALMS, SPEEDRUNS, CUBECRAFT, ETC. – ROAD TO 1K!!!’, was uploaded by Mickaye on 2024-08-27 09:06:06. It has garnered 47 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:19 or 7159 seconds. Hey, Welcome to my channel! I’m going to be streaming games and vlogging often on this channel I hope everyone enjoys the content! Like & Subscribe if you want more videos! Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT BUILD with INSANE GRANITE - Tim Horn EPIC Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘SO MUCH GRANITE II: Minecraft Series #70’, was uploaded by Tim Horn on 2024-01-17 19:54:18. It has garnered 46 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:04 or 3004 seconds. Here is the long awaited Minecraft Series i mentioned before, This World is on an Amplified World, Which is full of lakes & mountains, this actually makes it harder, so good luck for me on this one, Im going to play at my own pace & enjoy building & civilizing this world! Support me on Patreon! Really would appreciate it! My… Read More