Cheating with Superhero Powers in Build Battle Minecraft!!

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Oh my gosh JY can I have that sword it looks so cool crazy this sword is to kill people who do you want to kill uh the enemy and who is your enemy huh like bad people like crazy fan boy listen here Gracie you don’t have any enemies no one

Has any enemies there is no one this the entire world who deserves to get H guys what do you want to help me L you just ruined our moment well well whatever I don’t care just come with me I made this new thing you have to try what is it oh

You’ll find out just come with me okay okay guys just keep following me just down here what is this where are we going we’re going to my secret lab what Lou why have you got so many Labs why do you need another one well might I just

Say I like making new things so I need like 50 different Labs okay but anyways take a look at these potions here this is exactly what we we’re talking about today oo the blue my second favorite color okay let me just get two of these you just take this and you just take

This it’s called compound v um and don’t worry guys I’ve tried them before totally totally uh L what they do well these compounds should give the person superpowers and it’s going to make me a billionaire and I’m going to manufacture superheroes wo that’s super awesome wo

Wo I don’t know if I want to be a trial rat it could be really dangerous no I think this is super duper cool come on Gracie try it try it try fine we have to drink it together okay three 2 one wo I think it worked guys look no

Way Gracie you’re literally the Joker and I’m Batman and I’m the flash look at me go I don’t have any super powers I want to see the world BN um anyway wait I just realized guys don’t we have a build challenge right now wait we do let’s use our super

Powers while we’re doing and let’s go okay come on guys guys we made it to the build AR but our superpowers have gone mine haven’t yet Jamesy I’m still Batman oh my goodness Lou shut anyway let’s just start the Build Challenge without them we only have 15 minutes to build you

Guys ready I’m ready let’s go but guys what they don’t know is that before I start building I’m actually going to run back to Louis lab but I’m going to get some more of the potions okay here I am I’m back here let me sneak back into Louis’s house and see

If I can find them I wonder how Lou and graci’s build to get on right now since we got to try out some new superpowers this morning morning I want to do a build of Superman so guys what I’m going to do is I’m going to build the Joker

Because you know clearly I’m Batman and the Joker is my worst enemy there’s got to be some more potions hidden around here as you can see the Shel they hid on it’s completely empty oh no there must be some more there’s no way he just made

Fre potions come on where is it where is it oh come on there must be some somewhere R read that wait a second what is that over there no way is that a chest okay let me bring bre through this and maybe that’s a chest behind that

It’s filled with potions come on come on come on come on I break through this no way I got all these potions okay I’m going to take all these there’s so many okay I’m going to take these and because they last a few minutes I’ll take them

Whenever I need them let’s quickly head back to the build Arena and hopefully build oh but the build arena is literally a 5 minute walkway wait a second I can drink one these potions and then I maybe I’ll get there faster come on what am I now no oh way I’m

Superman which means that I can fly to the build Arena let’s go and then he also has these dark patches around his eyes because he’s super tired because he probably never sleep like that and I still have a ton of potions so you know what I’m just

Going to drink another one and let’s see what I get this time let’s drink it and wait a second this one just made me invisible I’m invisible man okay let’s go over to the Louis and Gracie side and see what the oh my goodness he’s building Superman so you know what let’s

Troll him okay let’s get some fire and I’m going to cause a bit of a Ruckus oh no I’m running out of time I don’t think I can continue his space come on let’s just start working on the body first we have to start building all the traps or

Else I’m totally going to lose the spell challenge the inside is what really matters oh graci’s right there is she must wait is she pranking him too is wait is this Gracie’s side oh I didn’t realize this is Gracie’s side never mind it doesn’t matter her whole might be

Burnt down to a crisp I’m going to do it on the backside so that she doesn’t see it until it’s too late I need to make sure my build is as secure as possible because I don’t want just anybody entering my Superman home let’s start by putting some lasers to

Prevent anybody from entering I don’t even feel bad it’s her fault she’s so stupid she didn’t even see any of the fire you know what let’s make it spread even faster I didn’t put any overpast here let’s put some up here I’m sorry Gracie it’s not my fault

That you blind all right now that I put the why is there fire everywhere what’s going on no no no no no my entire build has been burns up quick slash extinguish extinguish I need all this fire to go away ASAP it’s spreading all the way up

To the top how could this happen Okay anyway oh my goodness what is wrong with L why is he still okay he’s trying to skin to Batman okay he’s not Batman Batman has no superpowers anyway I’ve still got 5 minutes of visibility left so it’s time to prank his Joker and I’m

Going to change his outfit from purple into orange yep that is much much better oh my goodness that’s a lot of TNT what and perfect wait a second why is my Joker orange oh this is definitely the doing of James z Oh I’ll just replace it all back and there we go that

Should do that was super annoying and there we go that potion has run out but I’ll use some more later on but in the meantime next I want to do some building I’m going to build who should I build I should build the Hulk oh my goodness

That’s a genius idea I know exactly what to do okay so I’m going to need some green well some black well and some purple W time to get building okay so I’m going to make the bottom down here H then we’re going to extend this up there

We go okay two hulky legs perfect and now obviously I have to mix a lot of this purple so let’s replace a lot of this with purple ah there we go that is looking amazing but I think I need to add a bit more detail to this so that it

Looks like it’s been ripped a little bit perfect yeah that looks great okay and then same here I can’t believe JY destroy my entire B with fire now I have to remake it look at this look at it it looks so terrible I can just cry right now but I

Have other more important matters at hand come on let’s make that laser W like I intended what I basically need to do is put a bunch of redstone down here Place some lasers over it and now nobody can get through and trust me I know you can technically just war on there really

Quickly cuz it’s not that strong but with these damage upgrades which is at tier five they will never be able to get past these upgrades make that laser extra extra strong now if you go inside there look they literally instantly die inside of these lasers That’s How Strong

The lasers are that would be a fake entrance right here now the real entrance is going to be all the way at the back over here it’s going to be made out of this keypad door like this and it requires a password now if you guys

Didn’t know it was my birthday not too long ago so I’ll be putting that as a code now Jamesy will probably remember it but what about Lou it’s time to test whether Lou is a good friend or not now all I have to do is just add some Dragon

Ice spikes and they should knock them back and off if they walk onto them it’s going to be super difficult guys but once they get up to this level they’ll be on to my next trap but anyways guys I’m going to go troll jamy since he

Trolled my base before he deserves it so let’s just go over there right now but now that I build this I think it’s time to eat my next potion and this will turn me into the next superhero let’s see what it is and I have turned into four

And I have this gaunlet let’s see what this does really and a a my goodness I could tunnel that was crazy okay let me see I can go over to someone’s um uh who is this um did I just see someone okay I don’t know where

That person went but anyway I’m going to go controll graci’s base oh you guys that was super close I think Jamesy just walked straight past me but let’s take a look at this ew is he building the hole I’ve got a way better idea I’m going to

Go here and I’m going to replace the purple with yellow so it looks like he peed himself the Hulk more like the sulk and I’m also going to make his Hulk really fat there we go so now his Hulk is super fat and is also peeing himself okay let me see does this

Work oh my goodness golly let’s try doing it through the middle of the base let’s go uhoh Gracie’s right there hopefully she does not hear me let’s get some zombies so I’m going to ruin her by zombie TNT put this right here uhoh crazy’s right there uhoh uhoh uhoh she’s

Going to find me let be careful flint and steal this up and as for I am leaving look at me I’m evil four but look what I’ve hidden inside this wait did you guys hear that explosion sound wait what’s going on why there so many zombies what’s going on B what the where

Did all these zombies come from maybe I can just sneak around before he gets back and he won’t notice uhoh I think I’ve been cold red-handed Lou what are you doing at my base uh just uh you know making it better yeah what have you done to my

Base I just SP a this I don’t know maybe you should just deal with it let’s have a look he’s put down signs ew he peed himself ew he didn’t pee himself oh he peed oh okay first let’s get R all these SIDS this is so annoying I can’t believe Lou

Did this I’m not going to win the build CH this right we don’t have that long left and then he put poop all the way over here as well that’s disgusting did he build a bomb what is this oh let me get rid of this as well so annoying and

Let’s get rid of this yellow whe as well and put it back to purple oh thank goodness I can’t believe he ruined my build like that okay anyway now it’s time to finish off my Hulk statue so I’m going to put signed down saying superheroes always beat the villains can

You and basically what that means is I’m going to make them do a mob battle right here at least I’m going to give them 10 seconds on this clock so they can find some armor around the room and I’m going to put a bunch of chests all over this

Wall like this and in one of them in the middle here I’m going to put some chest plates and in this one I’m going to put a super op chest plate quick I’ve almost killed all of the weight there’s more inside here here are you serious there going to be some dangerous monsters

Inside of this Pond now inside of this cave I’m going to put a button inside this chest that’s the only way that they’ll be able to get to the next room because they’re going to need those keys anyway I bet you guys are wondering what was that button for earlier anyway if

They want to get to the ladder that takes them up to the next floor then they’re going to need to have to open up this iron door and iron doors don’t open up unless they’re activated by some sort of redstone which would be that button I’m also going to give them these boots

And if they find them it slows their fall down so I’m going to put those on from now on look how slow I fall this is crazy and now I just have to give them some weapons so I’m going to give them both these flaming swords so hopefully

They can defeat the mobs and there we go my hul is looking a lot more taller now awesome now it’s time to give him a six pack oh yeah this is perfect my Hulk is never bit better and there we go okay okay now I just need to add his head

This next game is going to be a shooting one using these Sky Shooters watch how these work inside these targets I’m going to put some helpless villagers oh my goodness look at that they’re trapped up here unless they want to die they can’t escape or jump down now I’m going to

Create a little Trail like this and on the other side of this Trail I’m going to put a bunch of zombies where they’ll have to stop the zombies on the end of the trail from getting to the villagers at the back of the trail like this bo bo

Boom boom I’m protecting these helpless little villagers from getting killed by the zombies and that is my hope but now it’s time to drink one of these super power potions once again and to go and prank them and boom oh my goodness I’m a mutant zombie I was not expecting that

Wait this is kind of good I this gives me an idea okay I am I going to fit through here um yeah just about wa look at that what is going on here is that Grace up there that is okay you know what I’m going to add in some repeaters

Over here and then I’m going to get some Redstone and I’m going to go like this and then I’m going to do this and over here Gracie sumon zombie I’m going to do the same over here I’m going to do it on Lou as well and then all I’ve got to do

Is get some Redstone place it right here a boom uh this is kind of weird I need help I’m stuck in the air why do I have a bunch of zombies get away from me zombies no no no no wait they they’re going to kill the Villager get away get

Away from my villager how dare you wait this is not good they keep going towards the villagers they’re going to kill the villagers stop stop no okay okay okay wait there’s a redstone Contraption there I can turn it off wait a second there’s a mutant zombie in the the middle

Help if you want to turn off this zombies you have to get through me what how don’t worry Lou I’m still in crat mode and I can just get the strongest weapon in the game it’s time for me to a strong weapon okay I’m leaving I’m

Leaving get out of here we have to turn this off somehow how are we going to do that it seems like something to do with this Redstone Contraption in the middle but there’s too many zombies what’s happening Oh no just some sort of M zombie d that’s so bad wait how do you

Know about the mutant zombie you didn’t even help us uh I just heard it from over there oh that seems super bad who would have done that oh no oh no I don’t know but at least I’m not spawning Zombies anymore must have been someone who would have super power of summoning

Zombies that sounds super crazy guys who would have a superpower like that we all know superheroes don’t exist well he could have been a super villain anyway guys what do you have a few minutes left finish off your builds okay okay now that I pranked Lou and Gracie by

Distracting them with those zombie hordes I can finish off my Hulk he looks pretty good but I’m going to put a challenge in there just to finish it all off I can get myself a door but of course I’m going to put a secret one so

That no one knows where it is boom and pow there we go so when they come through here this will be the entrance and down here I’m actually going to put a chest for them with some loot I put some Prismatic diamond armor because it’s super duper pink and Grazy he loves

Pink okay let me fill this all in here and there we go two sets for Lou and Gracie but what I’m going to do is I’m actually going to do some challenges so that as they go the hul the mobs they fight get more and more dangerous so the

First one they fight will be up here and they will have to fight a zombie wave so I’m going to get a zombie and I’m going to put a t in here but as you can probably tell that’s not that scary so don’t worry we’re going to go up another

Wave over here and we’re going to do the same thing again and then they’re going to go up again and this time we’re going to put a m skeleton that’s really dangerous but if they can beat that I’m then going to put a chest and inside that I’m going to put

Some better loot cuz they’re going to need it so let me think uh I will put a better sword for them and also some really good V generation potions that will also help them out a lot okay and then when they go back they’re going

Have to go to the next level after they get out of that little hole I’m going to still continue dropping Advils down onto them and they will need to find a way out of this room if they’re smart enough they we’ll eventually find this ghost blug corner right over here I’m going to

Make a face that looks kind of like an arrow pointing this way hopefully that works as a good enough hint this is going to lead them to an ice track that goes all the way around my Superman build so they better be quick next I’m going to make them do some Parkour

Around these ice blocks will eventually lead them to a dropper that goes all the way down to bedrock but how am I going to dig a hole all the way down maybe I can use some tunnel TNT let’s first test it on this little island over here like

This wao guys that created a tunnel this way but that’s not the type of tunnel we want maybe this drilling TNT might be more of our type of TNT yeah now that’s exactly what I’m looking for come on guys let’s use that to make a dropper and this one is going

To have a mutant zombie this one is the ultimate level and it’s super duper tricky and I put item frame right there there we go but unfortunately that’s all we have time for in my build so now it’s time to play them guys time is up we have to go to

The middle right I’m coming I’m coming okay all right guys let’s see CH builds remember this is a Build Challenge and whoever has the best build is going to win all right I think we should do Louis build first all right guys um so let’s first rap the outside

Um you built me yeah I built the Joker since you’re like my worst enemy anyway the outside’s pretty good Lou but let’s see the inside well that depends if you can even get inside um I can just go up the ladders are you stupid just go up the

Ladders wait why is it not working oh nope good try jamy these are fake ladders James no no no some of these are also real ladders okay get real ah a come on jamy you can do it you just have to find the right one and gra beat you

What she’s AER bro oh jamy you suck you are terrible at this spy anyway Lou is this lava oh my goodness wait a second I see some fake glove over there oh I can’t get up wait I did it only you watch gra uh anyway how we supposed to

Get over this lava lava over here LOL LOL oh Gracie is just too observant oh yeah I see it too okay did you know how I knew it was this yeah because there’s little edges right here you see little Edge yeah at first I thought there were

Barrier blocks but no there weren’t okay okay um I think we have to get this P J careful my goodness oh it’s prickly like a porcupine oh yeah I’m going to Tippy Toe like this you can’t get around it’s not a maze you just have to jump over

Are you serious a I’m jumping ah I made it okay Lou we got some Parkour here what J it seems like the tight rope broke underneath you because you’re so fast are you kidding me this tight rope was not broken it didn’t exist look it’s

A fig of my imagination you’ve got to go really carefully wait Lou didn’t you know you can crouch on these spikes oh I didn’t know that at all you evil J oh my gosh okay easy peasy little bit squeezy okay just be careful Jamesy cuz some of

Those blocks are fake um are you kidding me no they’re not I knew you would do that okay anyway let me see this is real this is real this is obviously real wait why is it wait why is it so dark Lou uh Jamesy it’s it’s just a trick of the light and

Uh yeah they’re just reinforced that’s all oh oh they’re reinforced come on graci he wants to hold up I’m coming oh my goodness she so stupid okay guys read the sign before you go in the chest because I’m only giving you 10 seconds to get your item superheroes

Always beat the villains can you obviously I’m a hero yeah du okay go ahead then you’ve got 10 seconds till I start spawning mobs um 10 I got a sword I got a sword villains going be weak villains 5 4 3 there’s nothing take all the arm oh my goodness James’s brain is

There is armor what are you talking about I have armor he took all of the armor and he’s asking me if I took any of the armor that doesn’t make any sense oh you don’t make any sense you haven’t got any armor so you’re salty I’ll give

You the piece I had spare I’m on the floor somewhere oh on you guys am I the only superhero in this town jeez superheroes don’t exist yeah they do otherwise who am I uh they as existed as a good boyfriend ah Gracie you’re going to die for

That maybe I am the Joker uh maybe you’re evil why am I like CL why can I fly is these boots oh they do they slow my fulling make sure you have those boots guys you might need them later guys I swear if this video is based on

How many deaths you have that I’ve totally lost already no I have Chu my arm on the floor but you you just refused to pick it up for some reason you’ve defeated the zombies but now you have to defeat the zombie leader I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving get me

Out of here get me out of here superheroes don’t run away I’m not running away teally retreating this is what the United States does all the time just make your girlfriend do it all for you then yeah come on you’re such a boy I can hit her his butt from down here

Uhoh um he’s trying to kill me uh how can he suck me up shot should not be allowed Jamesy come on just hit him from the front what’s a back shot ah you said you were hitting him from his butt that’s just so rude how would you like

If somebody hit you okay guys you defeated him but uh I guarantee you won’t defeat this next room okay guys now it’s time for some really difficult parkour I I bet you can’t do this how are we going to do this Lou you know I

Can Dr up six blocks I can uh never mind uh JY just go back I’m sure I’m sure he embarrassing me okay boom easy peasy lemon easy peasy lemon time for the next section you failed I failed yeah okay wa you cheated you jumped on the

Lasers you have no evidence of that do you have any replays no anyway I’m going to sleep right here in this bed this is my bed wait why oh my goodness stop don’t tell me is this a Lucky Block race I love these so much yep so pick your

Side really I bet one side’s very lucky and one side’s very unlucky all right three two one go oh good J stuck there JY got hit by an Advil jamy got hit by an Advil I’m getting hit by J slimes oh my good my my

Build you just bu why is oh oh yeah armor I love you me what how fair oh Jamesy you’re gone bye-bye W that was so lucky look at what I got come come on come on this is a close race oh this is a close race but I’m going

To more of them are you serious I got lucky block I was literally winning and then I got two of these in a row I mean what is the chances that’s unlucky but looks like I’m the winner wait huh does anybody have a crafting table L can you

Give me a crafting table please uh let me put one down you guys are going to have to fight with your lucky blocks anyways wait really okay perfect cuz I’ve got a bunch of loot that I can use to make armor wait you stole all my loot

Though that’s not fair so I don’t care that’s not my problem okay you know what I have loot as well boy okay guys are you ready to fight it out then uh yeah I mean I’m going to win but it’s fine all right ready wo wo wo um what did you get

Dogs that’s not fair all right Grazy 5 4 3 2 1 go go oh my God I had an unlucky potion I threw at you Lord that was so op I instantly died JY died too yeah I killed myself I didn’t want to live in this world uh

I’ve got an elytra now are we going to be flying yep take your elyas and get ready oh my goodness Jamesy can you start like just just take this I’m leaving uh uh Gracie I don’t know if you’re going to make it what why am I

Moving slow she stuck in the air why am I moving in slow motion hello wait maybe I can catch you in mid a please catch I’m going oh you miss oh no oh what a shame oh no no okay you could stay there for the rest of your life your turn Jamesy don’t

Make the mistake two one go oh this how did make sure you get the speed don’t fall in mid air I’m confused how did she mess that up just think I’m done all day okay Jamesy you’re crazy crazy I was crazy once well Lou is that the end of

Your build yep as this side says congratulations you want let’s fly down to crazies let’s go this way I felt like I had superpowers when I was doing your build that was really cool oh wait Gracie is this your build yes this is my build this is a Superman build what do

You guys think anyway well first we have to rate Lou build so I’m going to rate Lou build um a 7 out of 10 I think his was a 6 out of 10 oh no my score is terrible there we scored a 13 out of 20 well let’s see what Gracie’s done now

Just initially on the outside this looks absolutely horrendous is this supposed to be Superman because because somebody destroyed it who would have done that it must have been the Invisible Man anyway it was Jamesy it wasn’t Jamesy how do we get inside oh through here these lasers

Yep let’s go in I’m going through ah yeah okay looks like that was a fake trap I mean I could guessed that no I’m going to do it again I’m going to do it again uh yep nice try doing again are those some damage five lasers by chance

They’re literally Dam damage five lasers Lou you can’t get through them unless jamy I just did let’s do this there you go now you can come through all right uh where’s the real entrance graay you know this Shenanigans really how do you know that wasn’t the real entrance because

They were tier five what are these boats uh don’t worry about the boats they’re not really that useful most recent important event uh grazy’s birthday which was um a few days ago 10 how did he know yeah what because I took you sky diamond for your birthday

Did you think I forgot well I had an elytra on me so it wasn’t that exciting what do we do if we just shoot these donkeys down there yeah you guys have to sh all these zombies and here’s my pond as well with a lot of tropical fishes

But let me remind you guys this is kind of like a puzzle so maybe it’s a little bit more complicated than it seems oh really cuz I’m going to come load from these fishies somehow what how are you dying from the fishies Jamesy you’re embarrassing me yeah they ow James

Anyway uh let’s kill these fishies wait we supposed to jump in there let’s go louing down there maybe have a look there might be something useful I don’t know I’m not going to say anything it seems we need some sort of button wait

Huh F out let me take a look in here oh I don’t see anything so far jamy you don’t like getting yourself white so you’re making Lou do all the work what are you doing come on I’m protecting him I’m protecting him are you really though

Damy you might be doing a bad job of protecting me this mom’s out here with me okay I’ll shoot them shooting them I think I’m shooting Lou I’m shooting anything that’s down there so if Lou’s down there that’s his fault you guys are so terrible just go down together and

Whoever can get it is the winner I got it I’m going to get it wait there’s mobs down here uh-oh um that’s what L was saying I had the Buton and I got Slaughter well quick where’s the button now wait I think Lou got it I think Lou

Got it still got it come on guys get through the iron door there’s not much time you guys are taking a long time which means my build is pretty good bad we’re going up here Lou let’s go come on okay I’m coming right you guys might

Think it’s bad but wait till you guys see what the next thing is okay what is it ow no stop hitting me oh guys one like Mario well careful guys you only have jump boost for a short amount of time so you guys need to get to your

Respective sides quickly go red L you go red you go red I’m going this way let’s go all right I’m going I’m going I’m goings you don’t have easy good L just fell to his death come on Lou get over to your side nice work I’m getting there WG you’re going

To run out soon okay what do I need to do now all right so do you guys see the two red lines and the two Orange Lines yes ma’am those are your villagers at the end yes wait it’s like Plants versus Zombie exactly and you have to protect

Your villagers so as soon as I FL this lever a bunch of zombies are going to spawn and they’re going to start beining towards your village Villers so make sure they don’t get killed ready go I have the plant and Jamesy is the zombie coming over to mine give it the back

Wool that’s using it to cheat all right you guys ready it’s going to start going to the zombies now I mean towards the villagers no no no no no easy try to all oh easy how you feeling Lou um your villagers got killed have clearly you that J these villagers

Are getting killed Jam these villag are getting kill too look do you guys think we should have a rematch wait why would we rematch I I mean I C he won that I don’t know it seems like Lou was a little bit out of shape you know that

Was just a warmup okay fine it doesn’t matter I win again all right guys let’s try that once again this is going to be the last try Okay Lou is ready but I am let’s go let’s go no this isn’t fair okay I’m going to shoot these off Jamesy

A little villager already got oh my goodness Jamesy you l Lo yeah I win okay you know what I guess it’s my turn to decide who gets the prize at the end they both lost one and won one but I do think Jamesy did win fair and square the

First time so he’s going to get the prize yeah I deserve what’s the prize JY this pink one is yours and Lou this brown one is yours no let me this is awesome y ow wait why do I get leather armor this is Terri terrible yeah Lou

Sorry you did lose all right just wait a second I’m going to teleport you guys there in a second all right guys boom you’ve been teleported into this little thing and you can’t break the blocks with your hand uh I found something uh what did you f a

God I’m going to shoot you heads up in the air remember you still need to get out of this block maybe there’s a way for you guys to get out using that wait Jamesy I just realized something since guns are really powerful we can break out with the guns wait careful you guys

Better hurry up because lava’s falling down on you guys you still need to find a way out of here oh my goodness I have my sword I can just I just get out like this oh Jamesy that’s not the exit so you need to get out sorry which way

There’s got to be something here where is the exit Lou look maybe follow the signs they’re all hints after all wait Jamesy look over here come to me uh oh my goodness wait what Arrow there you guys are so silly now quick ice B race to the end okay wait a

Second goodness it’s so slippery you are out you cheated I didn’t fall catch up to him he’s cheating yeah boom head shot oh my goodness Jam you can’t shoot your own teammates I told you that’s tra you can’t do that eyes have been broken Jamesy you’re got the face mutant Gracie

If you going like get away from me oh I killed him don’t worry head shot oh how dare you’re making me angry all right Gracie I’m going to jump down this tunnel are you ready yeah this is the final dropper so you guys better landed oh L

Going yes a poison water BR I survive what your I guess James is the winner well that was the end of Gracie’s base but we need to rate it Gracie I’m going to give you a seven out of 10 let what you going to give her all right that’s

Pretty good oh I’m going to rate it up four out of 10 because I died so many times that means Gracie only has 11 which means it’s between me and Lou well anyway guys I spent most of my time building so I want you to admire this

For at least a minute so come over here please wait a second did you build the hul The Hulk smash uh Jamesy the Hulk kind of look like he’s eating a little too many cheese no what are you talking about this is a six-pack Lou no wait he has a

Six-pack Lou what are you talking about look how chunky he is just to be prepared that was most my base I spent so long building him are you serious he doesn’t even have a pants look his body goes right over here but like where’s this pelvic bone it doesn’t exist uh

What’s that he doesn’t have any he just has uh two legs doesn’t have hips you guys have to find the inside cuz I did build an inside I already found it it’s in his toenails ew it’s it stinks in here okay well get some armor you’re

Going to need that okay get some armor is that purple armor that’s my favorite yeah okay let me just get the next room ready I’m ready for anything nothing could defeat Lou yeah okay to the first room is ready off you go off you go let

Go okay actually I’m kind of scared now way you can go first a it’s zombies of course these zombies look just like the hole this is easy peasy do you guys think the is related to zombies cuz he kind of looks like one is a zombie du all right next room

Is ready off you go These is dead gra I got this i got this survive umad I’m eating a golden apple no I would never die cuz I’ve got some resistance okay guys that was hard the next round it’s even harder go go go way what’s the next round a mutant oh

My goodness at least it’s not a mutant zombie it’s only a mutant skeleton it’s punching me like 20 miles away kill it oh my goodness oh it’s bones went everywhere to make it easier for the next round you guys have got an upgrade upgrade wa that’s amazing we

Have even splash potions of regeneration that’s exactly what I needed well now are you ready for the next I don’t I don’t like that sound Jamesy I hear something scary mutant it’s a mutant zombie there’s a l my good are you guys ready for this fight I don’t think I am I’m being

Attack so F use the Regeneration and go they cannot defeat me am but they just way faster than me one has been eliminated oh and I’ve been eliminated well byow come on come on come on you guys could do it you could do it regeration potions I have used them all

Oh my God I hope they just one left one left ah yeah one only one only zero it wow well done guys what do you think of my hul build that pretty good right pretty fun pretty oh that really hurt guys R my build R my build I want to

Beat Lou please please please please please please it was a 2 out of 10 wait yeah it was like a zero out of 10 there was no traps in this thing it was just zombies oh my goodness I love the show so much yeah this is so funny wait it’s

Glitching out again Lou my TV keeps being broken I know right all the appliances in my house are so old and broken I mean look at this microw was built like 20 years ago Jamesy I wish we had some kind of thing that we could do to just automatically upgrade everything

Well I funny you say that L cuz I think I might have found away but I need to test it wait seriously show me yeah but let’s go to Gracie’s house Gracie Gracie what did you guys up to now are you busy um no not really what’s up okay

Guys I want to do a bill challenge wait seriously I mean everything in my house is breaking so I have nothing else to do that’s a good point yeah let’s do it W come on guys okay guys are you ready to start this Bell challenge I’m ready yeah

So am I well we have 15 minutes to build start now let’s go okay guys I’ve got to hurry maybe I’ll build something from G of bad B so to get started I’m going to build some huge legs and then I’m going to connect them together okay and now I finished

With the horns I kind of want to see what James’s building let’s just go through the wall here and wait what that thing’s huge how did he build this so fast but what Lou and Grazy don’t know is ugly CH and us it SL slash upgrade so I’ll show you guys how that

Works all I’ve got to do is build a mob and I’m going to build an iron golem so we’ve done the legs like this and I’m just going to build him do be as good as I can oh there we go B my IR goem okay time to use slash slash

Upgrade and there we go now this is our upgraded build as you can see it’s an Iron Golem but this time it’s a blood Golem so it’s much redder and way more scary look at him oh my goodness he wants to smash us that is actually terrifying oh look at him there just

Building I bet he’s having the time of his life right now oh I’m just going to hurry with my build and now I built the body shape I can start on the mouth bad bad has a crazy big smile like this awesome and now for the eyes they’re

Just big and white like this perfect but now that I’ve already done the build I now have to start on the Trap because guys this isn’t a regular Build Challenge this is a secure house build challenge so we need to build the most secure house and who if they can get

Through the other person’s the fastest wins so I need to slow down Lou and Gracie in mine so let’s go see their builds as well and then I’ll get start on my traps the reason I’m going over to their build is so that I can controll it

And make it way worse that would mean I win and what what is czy building I’m so confused I’m going to go invisible and troll her let’s go let’s build Princess Peach this is her dress this is her face I’m to place down this old

TT now I don’t even know what that does I’ll be honest with you but how bad can it be let’s find out oh uh I mean there’s some ORS appearing but that wasn’t that drastic you know what I think I’m going to need a few more wait

What’s going on why she got all of these blocks everywhere on her base no her clear skin it’s been ruined and there we go this is a a lot a lot better let’s keep placing these ores this isn’t that big of a troll but it’s kind of funny cuz that’s going to

Be a nightmare to fix I need to ask who is it what JY said it was my mom no no no no no my mom’s not even home right now it’s got to be Jamesy once I finish this build up I’m going to go troll him

ASAP and I troll Grazy I’m over here with Lou and he seems to be building some sort of Goden badang character and it’s all red okay you know what I’ve got an easy way to troll this one I’m going to turn it all orange my build wasn’t orange it was red

Oh the lava must have changed it or something maybe James is over here but why would he be here all right I finished my presp now it’s time to go Dr JT wait guys look at this hole it was so obvious that jamy went through this oh

Guys look there he is and w wait a second what is this a blood Golem I thought he wasn’t real the myths are true okay okay I can’t let him see me what if I just Morp as an iron golem all right guys going undercover my first trap I’m going to

Keep it pretty simple I’m going to completely surround His right leg right here with lava and then I’m going to add some barrier parkour over it this is be super dangerous because if anyone Falls falls down then they’re going to fall into the lava and have to restart slowing them

Down and there we go if they me do all that parkour they can get inside of my blood goem and then I’m going to put a secret chest somewhere where should I put it where should I put it um oh I know I’ll put it right there it will blend in

Totally as you can see this looks like a normal block but in fact it’s a secret chest inside I’m going to put a ton of I’m going to fight Dragon steel armor the strongest armor in the game and the reason I’m doing that is because I’m

Going to put some dangerous mobs in here I’m going to hide this secret door right here which then they can go through and inside I’m going to put some mobs and hopefully these will be strong enough to eliminate Gracie and Lou so they have to

Restart my base and you know I even put a actual Redstone G here as well just for good luck boom Jamesy Jamesy excuse me hello who is here down here down here where it’s me the red Golem you’re not a red Golem you’re white Golem actually this Blood Golem that you’re building

He’s real no way I thought he was a m yeah he’s actually real and he told me he’s actually my dad by the way he told me that if you don’t ruin this build and take it down he’s going to steal you show me why would he show me I’m not

Destroying this build I work so hard on it no no no he thinks you’re defaming him so if you want to keep your job then you better destroy this build right now you you know you can just make it a different coloring him I’m in faming him

This Bui is going to make him famous you know what if you’re not going to change the colors I’m going to take that into my own no no no your hands are massive don’t do that don’t do that what are you doing goem why are you turning it

Pink oh it look so much better now don’t you agree J you even change my wallp oh get out up here Mr go oh he’s gone okay bye-bye um you know I’m right here just get up here well the curse of the blood Golem will be on you so I hope you AG

That was obviously Gracie he went back to graci’s side oh my goodness let’s see if I can fix this I got to change this all back to Red okay so if I go over to Gracie’s side I don’t even think she’s here what is she building is this

Princess Peach and also oh no Gracie’s back so I’m going to quickly go invisible maybe if I just sneak in I’ll be able to get some red blocks in there okay this room before looks a bit H how can I say it Bland Bland so I’m just

Going to replace like all of the blocks with uh red because Red’s way better red is the best color ever and I’m just going to place a side down right here saying red is way way better uh perfect I’m going to put them absolutely all over the place

Too like uh right here at the entrance but what’s Gracie doing around the back I wonder if she’ll even notice me this is supposed to be a fake entrance isn’t it so uh what if I just uh made a big doorway right here I’m going to put a bunch of

Redstone everywhere as well I also put one of those signs down right here uhoh wait graci’s going inside once we go inside they got to save this wait why is everything red and why do say why does it say red is way better that’s not true at all somebody just killed by precious

Piggy I need to save him let me get rid of all these Red Blocks disgusting fine okay let’s do the next trap once they complete all these mobs they’re going to have to find this ladder over here and climb up it up here until they in this body I don’t know

What this is probably like an AR or something and here I’m going to do a fire M so I’m going to turn all this crowd into fire there we go get this fire everywhere isn’t this so cool yeah it is but now I have to do the thing that

Makes it even cooler I’m going to add these ghost block fires like this but as you can see it’s basically impossible to see them so I’m going to add this diamond trick up here so that I can see where the fire goes so I’ll go there

This way and then this way and then this way it’s basically a fire Maze and of course if Lou and Grace mess up then they going to be sell on fire and probably die wait guys do you hear that is that lightning what’s going on why is it

Raining I don’t know what’s happening but it’s all very very ominous somebody is trolling me as I was saying there’s going to be a piggy over here and they’re going to B the piggy to safety all the way over here but the trick is there’s a secret way to do this jamy and

Lou are first going to see all of these Lees the carrots on the stick and the Carrs and they’re going to think that they have to Lear the piggy over here but the thing is the piggy can’t do parkour what they actually have to do is

Find the secret chest grab the pig and just run over to the other side and spawn the piggy over here here because the sign doesn’t say that specific Pig needs to go over there it just says bring a pig to safety and then I’m going

To add this ladder block as you can see this is going to go all the way up here to the next room oh no we don’t have that much time left so I need to quickly do my last few traps now for this one I’m going to put

Down these Sports planes and this is going to be used to make a sports plane race wait actually I have a different idea I’m going to make a tiny platform right here and I mean literally tiny let me show you how tiny it’s going to be just like that and the challenge is

Going to be to see who can land on the platform let me show you guys how hard this is okay I’m going to try and land on it I’m going to try land on it and oh wait I have to level the plane now plane

Oh goodness oh gosh let me try one more time all right ready three two one ah I fell off you you see how hard this is now I think there’s one way to do it I think if you get right above it and then you cut the engine like this you can

Maybe land on it oh I miss yes so you can see how hard this is but this will be the challenge first most the land on it wins yes I did it okay yeah that’s tricky but what they do then they land on this platform they’re going to have

To find a secret Buton I’m going to put an orange looking button right um here I it’s going to have this command block anyways I think after this gliding course I’m going to make them do a little gokon race because uh that might be fun and I don’t want to Bard them so

I’m going to make it just spiral around in a circle like this and perfect and now I’m just going to make a bunch of twists and turns like this and a few holes they might be able to fall into and there’s my race and there we go my build is

Finished I can’t wait to see what this looks like okay after the trap in this room I’m actually going to do a game but of course if someone loses then they die so it’s still a trap don’t worry I’m going to do guess who so I going include

A bunch of YouTubers that we’re going to do it from and there we go and I’m going to copy this put it over here and there we go and these guys can then play guest to let’s fill this baby up with water wow and look at this now they’re

Going to be fighting against these orcas and they’re not just any normal orcas they’re giant orcas look at them oh my goodness they’re so adorable and Jamesy Lou get the fight against them but don’t worry guys I’m not evil I’m going to give them some scuba diving gear but I’m

Hiding it in the water and there’s going to be some armor it’s not just any normal scuba diving armor is actually tight Guardian armor and this is really helpful trust me James Z J Z come here wait what’s happening what’s happening what’s wrong it’s time to play the

Builds you’re taking ages I ran out of time okay let’s go play these builds hurry okay guys I remember the person who wins is the person who can make it the hardest for everyone else to escape okay okay it’s going to be easy let’s go with L I guarantee you’ll never get past

This wo W wo well Lou you better hope is this bad bad Lou no this is evil bad B I mean they’re the same person but okay how do we get over well you’re going to have to find your way across I’m not going to tell you how to do it it’s okay

I’ll find it eventually it’s got to be like don’t waste all of your face bigv wait why was Lou over here just now H I don’t know Gracie remember our clock is started as you can see we we Ed this much time on the top right of your

Screen we have the win wait we wa over here look at this block it gives us lava Vision no no stand right here next to me I’m going to win so actually you can’t use this potion with me no we’re working together it’s whoever babe it’s whoever the slowest person is to

Complete Louis build so we need to work together oh but I wanted you to be the slowest one so I wouldn’t lose you know what I mean no you’re not listening B I found something resistance we have to work together to get as fast as possible because the slowest person to complete

It is Lou score exactly so um let’s have J be careful I bet one fake entrances I knew it that was a fake shirt and this one is the real one I don’t know wait because we have lava Vision we can still see underneath the oh no it just turned

Off careful this must be rigged by something it’s a redstone fan no there’s no way oh there’s a Lea oh my go are you serious this is perfect yes stop ow why am I dying wait did he just remove our effects Jamesy yep and now this is going to be 20 times

Harder I’m Harder Than You JY look at that round spinning thing over there it spins every time so if I go on it like it’s spinning me it’s spinning me why is this one not spinning though I know but this one’s spinning way too fast that’s

Supposed to be easy I can’t do this anymore wait Grazy try jumping when you looking the right way oh my gosh oh my gosh okay okay um what where um gra you just pushed me off Gracie Gracie Gracie oh my goodness oh my goodness you made it

Crazy oh my I going die sorry jamy I know oh my goodness how am I supposed to do this jump don’t ruin our SCH got time 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 oh wait this is not working I’ll tell you when the jump oh gosh no you’re jumping into the wall you

Jump into the wall jump down jump down jump down jump down jump down oh you went the wrong way my bad well we finally made over what’s our time so far over 5 minutes oh my goodness this is crazyit look at the water look at the water we have to jump

In one of those I bet and one’s got to be fake you got % chance cap tiger by his toe if he hollers let him go any my gra did it work are you okay JY it didn’t work you shouldn’t come down here it’s the other one yeah just died no

What is this we can’t open the chest L what are you doing okay now it can be open look Jon can you move your friend bat we’re trying to speedrun this right now got the loot and now going to press the button three 2 1 boom Oh crazy oh

Hello hey J what is this room what is Lou taking out of that chest oh no no oh no no I don’t know what I’m talking it’s fing oh it’s already dying another they’re healing back up we don’t kill them fast enough why theying so

Fast why are they not waking up why are they healing so fast when were they this strong Sparky can you wake up please I just want to kill you he’s literally not doing anything he’s just sleeping wake up lazy butt what JZ I’m hitting them so fast it’s going down I’m hitting I’m

Literally like trip triple clicking the I’m cing so fast I’m going to kill this one I’m going to kill him yeah oh my goodness you killed one of them and it woke the other one up kill him kill him kill him kill him kill him kill that was his girlfriend oh

I’m frozen I don’t care if it was his girlfriend he’s now wi us what if somebody killed me FY well if I killed you then uh I would be sad for a few days just a few days guys billion days billion days that’s a lot of days where did my chest plate go

Get away from me okay but where do we go now Lou there’s going to be some sort of secret exit somewhere I don’t know where is well you guys should just take a look I can’t find it I can’t find it where did it go oh yeah I’m so lost right now

I have no idea what this exit is I’m so lost oh no there’s lasers here I wonder if they do damage oh I guess we could just jump over them stop you’ve got to walk through the lasers or walk around then jum oh there’s a maze Gracie it’s a

Laser maer oh wait seriously oh that sounds fun okay go this way and this way oh it’s a dead end but wait we can just jump on top it was a dead end Maze and we just skipped it by finding a little knob to jump on to well what is this Build evil

Bed b are you making us do a Build Challenge and a build challenge that’s like build Inception well he’s just to make us waste our time oh no he’s so y it’s going to take you guys ages it’s going to give me so much time on my time

We need to speed this right now this is going to be the fastest bed build you guys have ever seen that’s not the song what are you guys doing what is this supposed to be I said Build evil bad bad not bad bad go it’s complet B’s eyes are

Wide there you go that’s better let’s go let’s go can I press the button press the button I’ll let you guys go now where are we was in a tiny hole and I it’s got a squish in here I’m getting claustrophobic I need some air wait this

Is a tiny person Maze We need to find a way to go tiny anything not that W that I just placed that was an accident maybe you should keep looking it’s the concrete where’s that where’s that wa here face this concrete block look where the conrete that’s terra cotta yep and

Now you guys have to make your way out of evil Bad bad’s brain wait where is brain you for real right now this is a big brain Gracie I think you’re jealous aren’t you cuz you don’t have a brain honest I think I’m stuck I’m going so

High I’m as high as the cloud don’t mind me but I’m kind of cheating right now oh my god dream dream where is the exit this is why cheaters never win I’m so high I don’t know guys maybe you should just keep looking I’m literally

At the top no no no no don’t go that way don’t go that way how did you find it so fast you know I’ve got a secret way to go up here I just climbed up didn’t clear our inventory somebody didn’t clear our inventories no um I’m so stuck though oh

My gosh I finally made it ah Gracie that took you ages she’s wasting our time Lou she’s wasting my time well you can waste as much time as you want it’ll uh just uh make my you just want to win wait what is this crazy p elytra and then we’re go to a

GL oh my go J I’m going so fast Lou you watching this you proud of me yeah I’m right behind you this is so cool I made it first Gracie come on Gracie come on uh Gracie um um what did I just see nothing wait L we have to do a motorbike race

What yep it’s not just a motorbike race though it’s also a pig race over here JY I’ve got an amazing sword look at this we literally both have the same sword right L are we ready to go we’re ready in 3 2 1 go

W this is a lot harder than I thought it would be fall in the H oh my God lovea as well good thing I’m an expert riding things I’m so fast uh Gracie well now that we’re through here I have to get up here oh get me through the gate come on

Jamesy eat your cake first no I don’t want to eat the cake eat the cake somebody say cake I do not have to eat a cake that’s what Grazy F I’ll eat my cake no it’s my cake oh wait I’m even hungry right now okay now

I get on the pig and we go open the door to meig I’m Gracie’s going to lose Grace is going to lose Grace is going to lose win I’m going to win slight issue I only brought one stick so now I can’t feed him Jamesy uhoh oh there’s a stick a I’m

Slipping on the pig I’m a pig slipping come on come on come on come on come on I win I’m already here look let’s have a pig five except you’re the pig well you guys have now completed my build what did you think let’s go to Gracies all right Lou this was your

Score this is how long it took us to complete the build let’s see if me and um you can complete Gracie’s faster it’s going to be super easy I’m way too good well guys I built princess PE what is this I think it’s supposed to be a princess

With a peach but she’s also covered with iron so it looks a bit stupid it kind of looks like a princess coming out of a pach more like hey well guys come on a princess is really rich so obviously she going have lots of diamonds y actually

She goes to clear eat a lot of food well I mean that just means she’s really voloptuous uh what does this mean and why does this side say red is way better this is awesome well um and there’s just lots of blood here and somebody must

Have died here or something it wasn’t me a l don’t touch the wall it’s pois maybe down here oh by the way the timer started oh my goodness we’ve already used a m of of time well how do we get across both of it poisoners oh I’m not

Going to tell you I’m not going to tell you over here L over here through this door yes I found the way it’s literally the same way yeah that’s literally where you just were Silly oh okay L this is just wasting our time there’s nothing here look the end is literally empty I’m

Going to see if there’s a different way in guys trust me I’m with you come on shut up grae my de why do I doubt it there’s literally one here this looks sus what what wait wait that’s a password door and over here there’s some math questions we need to answer the

Questions forever no one 4 + 1 so maybe that means 15 I don’t know I think it’s I don’t really 2 3 * 2 is 6 4 three what this me oh my good is guys the top sign indicates which order it is in the code

Oh okay so Lou it’s going to be five it’s then going to be six and then it’s going to be three 56 three I do that toally dumb 5 6 fre why did that work baby it literally says four here you guys are missing an order in the code number

Three where is this I’m not going to tell you because I want you to waste your time over here six uh yeah this is the vision it’s going to be difficult isn’t it what 5 6 83 5 6 83 go go go go go 5 6

8 3 yeah you guys are lot smarter than I thought bring a pig to safety on the other side what what why well you know I I’ll just put a pig over here you guys have to save him and bring him to the other side wait okay let’s do it let’s

Do it Lou let’s do it okay Lou well I’m over here but how I going to get the pick across I guess I can lead him and see if I can make jump over ready oh yeah these pigs are way too good at parkour right you ready I’ll give them P

Let let me punch him punch him punch him no no no RP pick 2023 you will be missed wait jamy was that our only no don’t worry there’s more oh one right there another one let’s try this again give him a light to punch this time a

Yeah the direction of the block you stupid face at this in the direction of the block oh my God we’re wasting so much time this isn’t working yeah they’ve already used that amount of time they have time L there must be some sort of trip to this I’m getting them wait what doing

Come on no way no way no way big punch L big punch Lou that was super duper close but maybe there’s something you guys are missing oh I don’t see anything around here wait over here L there’s a Wind Block wait what no way there’s a pig wall and a

Spoing we can then make a pop and then get the pig over oh my goodness that should be super easy you guys understood my riddle it said that if you could just bring a pig the safety you would win uh yeah no D Grace we knew it didn’t have

To be the first pick otherwise we would have lost ages ago boom yeah okay what is in this room do I break the glass do I break the glass do I break the glass I’m actually going to teleport you guys in there really quick but not before I

Spawn these oros wow wow wow wow wait super scary really cute though I know they look so cute but they’re actually really deadly I’m going to be teleporting you I see here a bit like you Gracie excuse me get there there’s a chest there’s a chest come a chest uh we know your

Tricks Gracie well now you guys have to kill all of these or kill them oh my gosh their teeth are so big guys look at them their mouth’s open wide like a like an entire foot they’re like ocean Predators sorrya you’re going extinct guys well actually it’s good because you

Know um just actually killed whales really oh well they deserve to die well you guys actually completed my build but oh darn it I was really hoping those first few traps would keep you guys distracted but it looks like you guys made it through that me Lou in the ler

Yes for the first time in years I’m better than Gracie it’s not over yet though guys we still have to see if Lou and Gracie can complete my build on time so that I win this thing is crazy Yep this is why built using slash I mean

This is why I built by hand using SL using what SL SL um brain my brain yeah yeah J has to use slin because he doesn’t have a brain anyway guys I’ll give you a clue this is the entrance over here oh the lava okay this makes

Lots of sense now there’s got to be a secret maybe should jump in and by the way your time just started okay well it’s good thing I found these barrier blocks right over here Lou come over here Lou remember you both have to complet it we have to speed run this

Right now Lou if you want to win against Jamesy I’ve kind of already lost no okay right here oh my goodness yeah it’s just Lou gra doesn’t even need a win right now it’s just you so you better hurry up okay I’m going to the next job yeah keep

Going Gracie is just a bit slow right now I need to mentally prepare where am I supposed to go just follow the barriers Lou follow the barriers follow the barriers there’s one here there’s one there’s one there there’s one there I said keep going keep going your time

Is tick tick tick tick tick tick CL clock clock clock clock oh you’re you’re behind try to get I’m not the fastest okay y yeah you’re a bit slow unlike me I’m super fast I always am fast wa where am I supposed to go well you want to

Stay right here for Gracie okay go on Gracie big jum big jump for big girl come on Jamesy oh my gosh I almost i p you off wow I’m so strong yeah wow you’re so strong anyway keep going come on you can make it okay okay I’m good I’m good I’m going

Yes well done no you H the last two that was expected anyway well in this room like I said this I’m H loose so how about you look for that I I got it I can’t speed I need a speed run this right here this block is different from the rest look

Come to go in and kill all those boms go there guys what are you waiting for oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh there so many I want to go in there no wa it’d be faster if we speed running working together graci you’re working together we can just speedrunning by

Skipping this room Lou no you’re not allowed to do that you have to kill them I’m going to die I’m going to die these boms are strong now you’ll be fine me you’ll be fine I’m trying SC what is this the axe is so strong I literally

Fell through the ground yeah the axe is really really strong if you guys want to use that one I I’ll help you get out those I think I’m going die think I’m going to die you just just killed Lou James In Cold Blood ow anyway guys are

You going to go no your time is ticking TI tick TI tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick all right guys for this challenge you have to take off your armor jamy there’s so much Armor’s off how are we supposed to go in here well oh my gosh it’s burning

It’s a l and Gracie you’re supposed to take your armor okay I’m taking it oh jeez it’s still hurting me though oh my gosh oh no way wait a second what are these diamond blocks above us what are you talking about wait a second nothing

Um am I in the fire right now wait Lou I figured it out no way those diamonds must have to do with a secret path yeah we just have to follow you guys so smart and go down this way just follow it and then turn around here and then over here oh my

Goodness oh my goodness I’m so good at this wait why am I burning right now oh just keep going I miss I missed my turn I missed my turn you guys to go the wrong way but that’s fine Gracie what are you doing you’re just standing in fire all right

Guys come up here there’s a tower I’m on my way well done well done wait is this a plane yep these are some planes and everyone has to get in one get in the plane guys so fun yeah I’m going by you PL in Planes did you guys

See this little platform over here we have to land on it yeah what about it yep if you want to go to the next challenge you have to land on the plat that’s going be so that should be super with the plane by the way you can’t just get

Out gra you have to do it as well oh my goodness I’m in the water I mean it must be pretty easy I did too why so it’s a bit easier for Gracie there we go go on Gracie me and Lou did it you can too whoo whoo wao Jamesy Gracie’s coming she’s

Coming wait what how did she do easy she must be an expert well done Gracie but now you have to figure out how to get off this platform there is a button by the way where though there’s literally nothing here I found a button oh my gosh oh my

Gosh I found the button I again press it then gra what you do we’re here where are we oh my God there’s so much Redstone right now well guys that’s the end of my b that was super easy wait what was my time what

Was my time wait I think I went by like a minute are you serious yeah I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure jamy I’ve been taking Spanish classes recently really what’s ban ban in Spanish then it’s uh ban banol what Lou that’s so wrong how about we just translate it huh Lou you’re

Totally wrong bamb ban means differente how about we do a build battle but we need to Google Translate everything a th000 times well let’s do that come on okay guys let’s see what our first theme is it’s Chef pigster yes okay let’s Google translate him a th000 times okay

Okay let’s do it 1,000 times and boom wo we turned into Pig Spider what no way okay guys we have 10 minutes starting now go go go what Lou and Gracie don’t know is is I’m going to be cheating using slash slash paste so I’ve loaded

In nabnab and I’m going to paste him in wao that’s super awesome but you’re probably wondering how I’m going to turn this into a pink spider well nabnab looks kind of like a spider but he needs more arms so that’s the first thing I’m going to do I’m just going to give him

More arms he currently has four but he’s going to need at least like six hopefully this will mean I win the Build Challenge so let’s rotate it and then paste it in and look look he now has another arm let’s do that both sides wait a second what’s going on over there

Is that a massive blue arm sticking through the wall wait another one that’s a bit suspicious now that my nabnab has six legs like a spider I’m going to go and troll Lou Gracie so I just created the head of my pink spider so this is

How a spider pig looks like kind of like Chef piger as you can see it has white and black eyes and a big pig snout so I’m going to make that so I’ve made the eyes but I want it to look like a real spider and real spiders have red eyes no

Why are they attacking each other hey um anyway okay so let’s give myself invisibility and sneak on to graci’s side look at her she’s building her wait it looks like a pig is she getting a pig and spider mixed up how can I troll this

Oh my god look there’s a spider on top how about I get get zombie apocalypse TNT and I cover her build with the wrong type of mobs let’s give this a go boom there’s a bunch of zombies and Captain fiddles huh why are there a bunch of

Zombies on my chef fer BR I guess spider pig or pink spider either way where did these guys come from oh no now I need to kill all of them this is really annoying who did this maybe it was just because it’s night time and they all spawn here I think she’s

Noticed okay I’m got to troll Lou this time okay and now I’ve got to fill in this arm just like this and there we go that’s one side of the legs done W wao he’s making way too much progress his spider’s almost completed okay for this time I’m going to do something different

The challenge was to make a pig spider so how about we do that there we go it now looks trash ha wait a second now it’s all done no no no who did this oh he’s definitely confused I wonder what he’s saying right now all it must be James your graci

Trolling me I’ve got to change this bag right now oh I think he’s looking around for me quick let’s get out of here okay so next I’m going to change my nabnab to Pink There we go much better I’m nearly on task oh there’s a bit of his tail

Left now that I’ve done that I need to add in some sort of Base because we’re not just building any builds we’re building houses so down here I’m going to ask them a question what tool breaks cobwebs we have three options pickaxe shovel and shears but if they get the

Wrong answers then they’re going to fall down these holes well they’re going to die to Lava but if they get it correct they’re going to fall on this fan which is going to blow them up into my house amazing this face looks so funny just to

Give you guys an idea I put these eyes on and also these little fangs and I’m going to put a sign down saying welcome to the Grand spider experience basically what I’m going to do is I’m going to go inside and I’m going to make a sort of

Museum and there we go now it’s a big open room ready for my experience okay I’ve nearly killed all of them just this one and boom now I need to create the body so I can do this and boom that’s part of the body wao guys look at this

This is actually really good but and how many legs do spiders have again I honestly forgot let’s check H there’s one two 3 4 5 6 7 eight there are four on each side which means there’s eight of them okay did you guys know that ah there we go that should work perfectly

For the entrance of my base okay but before I build the actual thing inside my house I’m going to go troll them again ha okay so let me go visible and go through the next side wo oh look at this build Lou’s doing so good look at

Him this is a grand spider experience although this is not good he might actually win guys even though I’m cheating okay I have to take some desperate measures first I’m going to chop off all of his spiders legs that’s one set of legs and that’s the other oh

No I’ve got to be careful they’re going to climb out everywhere no no no and then just to rub it in over here while he’s not looking I’m going to put a sign which says look outside Gracie so he’ll think that this was all done by Gracie

Let me put down some diamonds and there we go that’s giving it away hopefully see the side come on see the side Lou wait a second what’s going on here why are there diamonds inside of my base look outside look outside of where wait no no no no my spider’s legs no it’s

Just a legless spider he kind of looks silly I’m going to have to fix this right no he’s definitely noticed okay now that he thinks Gracie’s done that I’m actually going to go to Gracie’s side and troll her as well and boom great now there’s four wait a second no I forgot

That spiders have four on each side not three okay I need to fix this I’m going to try to squeeze one right over here um oh no this is not how it’s supposed to go what is she doing oh she’s not built the inside of her spider yet I’ve got an

Idea first I’m going to turn her whole spider red so that she thinks that Lou is here pranking her and then I’m going to put signs everywhere saying Gracie smells from Lou so now they both think they’re trolling each other which will mean they keep trolling each other even

More what everything just turned red what is happening no no no there’s someone trolling me my game can’t be lagging like this H but who would make it red red is such an ugly color that only Lou would like no Lou is trolling my base

Right now I need to change it back boom okay she just fixed it oh that’s no good couldn’t me put more signs now everything’s back to Pink oh no except for the toes but H they look kind of like shoes maybe I kind of like them but

What’s this there are signs over here Gracie smells Lou oh I knew it was Lou Who did that and no Jamesy just said that there’s only 5 minutes left oh no they put all of these sides even on the inside now I might lose because it’s not

Just the outside of my Build That Matters it’s also the inside I need to follow these signs maybe I can find whoever did this to me all right time to get out of here guys hopefully she thinks that was Lou and then she goes prank him again but we’ve only got 5

Minutes so I had to finish off my build the thing that I’m going to make them do in my base is I’m going to put down a ton of spawners like literally everywhere like spawners like everywhere guys and I’m going to change them all to spider spawners cave and normal ones

Like this so there’ll be literally hundreds of spiders in my spider nabnab pinky thing and then I’ll put a chest right here and a sign on it saying defeat the spider infection and inside I’ll put two pickaxes and two swords so L graci you’re going to have to kill

These spiders if they want to rap my build perfect okay but what am I going to do in this massive room so I’m going to make them hit the correct Target all spiders will spawn I’m going to put down a chest here and it’s going to have two

Bows inside of it but don’t forget the arrows I’m going to put this command block back here okay now I should have all four legs done but before I start building experiences on the inside I want to go get some revenge on Lou because he trolled me but in order for

Me to get safely onto Lou’s side I need a morph into something that way he can’t tell that it’s me oh I know exactly what to do I’m going to morph intoo bad bad I’m bad bad can you guys believe it I’m literally bad bad Lou will never be able

To tell that it’s me what is that there’s like something pink sticking out over there H I’ve never seen that before but anyway looks like there’s Lou do you guys see his name tag I’m going to make sure I crouch so he doesn’t see me whoa looks like he’s doing a target practice

I have to hit the correct spiders but H let’s troll the outside so he doesn’t know that I’m here first oh the outside actually looks really cute but I’m going to make it look ugly I’m going to give him a must mustach and also some dirty

Dirty eyebrows this is going to look so cute on the back I’m going to put a giant poop to make it look like Lou spider pooped himself that’s going to be so funny and then I just need to make some final touches to make this look less like nabnab otherwise I might get

Caught for cheating first I’m going to remove his party hat that’s a dead giveaway party hat completely eliminated next I’m going to add a few more eyes cuz spots have ton of them so that’s another eye and let’s add even more that’s another one oh there we go that’s

A lot more eyes perfect there we go this is looking a lot less like nabnab they never figure it out haha all right now that I’ve done I’m going to go see what everyone else is doing okay so this is Lou build wait is that ban ban wait I

Think that might be Gracie trolling him let me go check yep Gracie is literally nowhere to be seen graci’s currently trolling Louis and my plan works boom I just created a giant poop and is it smelling just the disgusting hopefully Lou doesn’t figure out and

Since I love cats so much I’m just going to spot a bunch of cats here look guys he’s still inside the command B he doesn’t even realize I’m here I need to be sure he doesn’t see me he looks like he’s still in there okay let’s close

This up and you’ll never realize yes wait a second I was just putting this command block in and suddenly all these cats spawned well I have to admit they are quite cute so I’m going to put this sign down saying pleas was cute cat exhibit whoever trolled me is going to

Hate that I just made something out of that troll wait a second what happened to the front of my spider I was just about to finish oh it looks ugly they gave him a mustache and some massive uni brow I’ve got to shave all of this off

Right now let me see if there’s any more trolls on my build no there’s a poop oh that’s it I’m moving this poop over to Gracie’s side let’s go to Gracie’s side and place it poop though I’m going to Splash myself with invisibility and let’s go go go go go go

I’m going to put it all down here just behind a spider ew look at all that poop and just in case just to cover my tracks I’m going to put this poop here saying Jamesy was here who wait it’s not supposed to be up there come on no I just destroyed it but

At least I let it here somehow oh we have 20 seconds left no no no no no but in order for them to land safe they need to fall inside of this water pool that way they don’t die or else they’re going to fall into these spikes that would not

Be good and time is up oh no time is up I think I have to go back to the top let’s go okay guys time is up we have to now rate each of his builds our 10 okay let’s do it who’s first yeah wait guys

Guys guys I’m going to go first okay let’s go rate Lou’s build wo Lou this looks really interesting yeah take a look it looks just like a pig spider like we said okay so we’re going give a score for the outside and a score for the inside well what do you guys think

Take a look I think it would have looked better with a mustache speaking of which where did he go huh he had a mustache I didn’t know that yeah well spiders don’t have mustaches I had to get rid of it oh did Gracie troll you okay I’m going to

Give this a five out of 10 Lou I’m happy happy with that I’m going to give it a 7 out of 10 because it’s actually really cute okay let’s go inside you guys are going to love this wow I love this red carpet yeah I had to add a bit of my

Favorite color into here wo it says welcome to the Grand spider experience I can’t wait to see what it’s inside well how about you come take a look oh my gosh this spiders everywhere these look really dangerous yeah I decided to keep them like pets it’s kind of like a zoo

Oh my gosh this is a scary zoo and this is the second part wait where did all the cats go did they get killed wait you kept the cats here they were supposed to be a troll well I decided to make it into the cat exhibit I have no idea what

You guys are talking about but anyway are we supposed to hit these targets absolutely you’re supposed to hit the right target or else spiders will spawn on your head okay Grazy I’ll shoot the first one and yeah what why do you got to go first spider spider shoot it shoot

It ouchie ouchie ouch got guys help me help help you no I’m not helping I killed him anyway oh just so annoying what did you do that for ah never spider get rid of it I’m going to keep spotting them so I can TR you stop guys are

Terrible you’re just spawning all these spiders in get away from me wait but Jamesy I’ve shot all of the targets and they all Spa spiders huh so which was the real one Lou tell us ah well as you guys know spiders have loads of eyes and

They can see all around them so maybe just take a look around huh huh wait Gracie up there there’s a Target oh no where did I go huh wait where am I well you completed my build so you got all of these diamonds okay graci what should we

Rate the inside well I thought that was pretty fun but it would have been way way better if there was actually a cute cat exhibit so I’m going to give it a three out of 10 I’m going to give it a four out of 10 I found that pretty fun

Okay Li your total score is okay guys let’s go to Gracie’s build next okay let’s go wao Gracie is this your spider doesn’t it look so cool wait is that poop at the back who did that Lou was that you no it was you jamy it

Was not me stop lying well then why does it sign saying huh wait what sign Jamesy was here no I wasn’t I wasn’t here at all I didn’t even see this Jamesy why would you do this to me well because of the poop I rate this one

A two out of 10 there’s also a zombie on its eye well for the poop and the Zombie horse I’ll rate that the same Jamesy two out of 10 okay let’s have a look at the inside now you guys are so lame I’m going to go

Byebye guys try not to die ah I’m so High I’m so high I’m so high need to bounce need to bounce need to bounce Yes W looks like you’re okay Lou your turn it’s my turn I’m coming guys here I go ow Lou so dumb okay guys here I come second try

Lou land on the Slime land on the Slime oh oh my go oh my go oh my go why would you do that it was funny wait where do we go now Grace down here yep you guys have to go down into this hole try not to F the Spike oh wow they

Do a lot of damage Jamesy you remove the water yep I replaced it with your head ah how is he going to fall in oh he’s okay ow ow ow ow ow oh wait what’s this guess the abstract painting yep it’s an abstract painting of a specific

Character from G of oh Gracie it looks like you what I’m not part of ging a band B oh it’s Chef pixon s you guys look kind of similar hey that’s rude that’s rude stop it I’m going to die don’t don’t don’t Lou are you going to get out of

There what are you doing well when I drop down I’m on half a heart I’m going to die ow oh yeah I guess he did JY okay Lou now we have to rate graci’s inside what do we think well it was a little short in my opinion but I’ll rate it a 5

Out of 10 I’ll go for a 4 out of 10 which means you got 13 out of 14 let’s see what I got okay I’m so excited to see this guys what do you think of my spider isn’t it massive wo wow Jamesy how did you make

This in such a short time I just built really quickly wait a second but how many eyes does he have he has six you know spiders have like eight eyes right I couldn’t fit them all in I’m sorry yeah and Gracie what spider has massive

Razor Shar teeth and a tongue this is a mutant spider it looks kind of like nabnab no it doesn’t it does not look like nabnab at all well I rate your outside a seven out of 10 what about you Lou yeah I red a 6

Out of 10 mainly because it just looks a bit strange for a spider okay guys you have to ask this trivia question okay what tool breaks cobwebs oh that’s easy um um I choose this one what about you Louie well I don’t really know I say a

Pickaxe a pickaxe okay guys go for it I suppose did we just step on the diamonds yep step on the diamonds w w Lou chose the right one but wild don’t Grace you picked the correct one yay let’s go okay Gracie up you go all righty I’m coming

Too okay guys you made it all the way up but now you have to complete my oh um you to complete my challenge wo wo wo what’s going on there’s so many spiders this isn’t Ed spider nest you need to defeat all the spawners oh no Lou we

Need to break the spawners not kill the spiders yep I put in a bed for you as well ow okay guys come on you’ve got this kill the spiders kill the spawners quick quick quick go for the spawners you’re just standing still I can’t get

Out of the web there goes gra traing me ah help help help I need to give you guys some armor my bad I’m going in okay I’m going to go break these spawners go break them gra oh my gosh Gracie’s getting them well done be careful Gracie

They can put you in web Lou what are you doing stop standing there just get them I’m getting stuck in the spider web you need to dodge them oh Gracie’s really stuck down there I’m not going to lie there’s so many of them here the more spawners you break the less that’s going

To spawn I can’t even reach the spider web Gracie what are you doing you’re crawling I’m trying to get out of here but they just take up it’s so laggy cuz it keeps trapping me come on guys you’ve got this stop messing about these bers

Are so hard to break oh Gracie how are you getting on let me come on there’s not that many left guys oh you’re getting so close there’s not that many spawners left ow ow ow I’m only on one heart Gracie help Gracie’s distracting them while you destroy them Lou go go go

I’ve killed like seven spawners already now there little spawners you can probably kill a lot of spiders before they spawn oh you both died again just a few more go go go just a few more guys come on you’ve got this as we break the spawners is less and less spiders so

It’s a lot easier yeah that’s so true all right do you guys have like any spawners left I don’t know is there any left no there’s no can’t see any on this side just kill the spiders now I think we did it let’s kill them these webs are

So annoying this really is a spider infestation help help help I’m stuck in the web okay guys but you killed all the spiders oh apart from this one I’ll get him amazing okay guys what do you rate my inside well I thought it was kind of boring I don’t really like spiders and

They’re really gross I’m going to give it a four out of 10 oh well even though I died a bunch I’ve got to say the inside of this one was super action-packed so I’d say eight out of 10 okay guys that means that I win the first round but don’t worry we’re going

To do another round let’s go see what the next theme is okay go go go okay guys let’s see what it is and boom Gracie what did you get what did you get I got bambolina wa I wonder what that’s going to look like Google translate let

Translate it 1 th000 times okay let’s translate it 1 th000 times in three 2 1 and boom wo guys guess what it turned into what did it say it said pretty girl we have to build a pretty girl wow that’s going to be really fun Lou what

Are you going to build actually don’t tell us let’s go and build guys a lot of you guys might not know this but I actually have the biggest crush on Sheriff toaster so I’m going to build Sheriff toaster but as a girl I have to

Build a pretty girl so I think I’m going to build Mia I hope cash is okay with that okay so for this round I’m going to paste in Gracey because she’s super duper pretty and slash slash Pace there she is look how cute she is oh my God I

Love my girlfriend so much there’s no way I don’t win this challenge guys okay now that I’ve done that I’m going to go trol them so I win so let me mine out this wall and I’m going to go invisible huh who is crazy building wait a second

It’s brown who could it be anyway how can I troll it oh I know she’s making it out of wool let’s burn it on fire yes yes yes amazing she’s going to have to do a lot of work to put it out and then I’m going to place down a

Sign which says why aren’t you building meia so that she thinks that Lou did this because Lou has a crush on Mia from cash and ni there we go what do happened there’s a bunch of fire all over my girl and someone’s putting signs wait I can see them there’s particles where did

They go huh what is this why aren’t you building Mia what pach sheriff toer is the best guy ever and I have a giant crush on him so I’m building him as a girl but why would I build Mia H Mia’s dating cash but Louie is really jealous

Of cash because he also likes Mia is Lou trolling me again no no no and now I’m going to go troll Jamesy because I think he’s pretending to be Lou there’s no way that Lou could troll me this early so you know what let’s go over to Jamesy

Side and and aha there’s a hole here maybe he came through here wait a second that’s me guys wait no no no way look doesn’t that look exactly like me wow that’s so romantic Jamesy drew me but I need a morph to something first wait Lou

Is building me up look at that oh that’s so cute how can we troll him oh I know I’ve broken inside of his build and then I’m going to put in some pressure plates like this and underneath I’m going to put some TNT so that if he finds this

Place he’s going to accidentally blow up his build that’s going to be so funny over here I put a sign with shirts why AR you building me Grace so that he thinks that Gracie is trolling him I’m a genius ha okay and there’s the sleeves at wait a second what’s this wait it

Seems like someone’s invisible and writing a sign oh no I’ve got to hide and just wait for them to finish finish then I’ll go check it out in the meantime I’ve got to do Mia’s pink hair and so that he finds his place soon I’m going to put some pink wool which will

Lead him to it and there we go that will hopefully lead him to it so there’s some pink just like that and I’m going to go down to here how’s he not spotted the wall yet now I’ve got to just do a little bit more here oh no my visibility

Just run out quick let me get away from here wait there’s all pink blocks around it does that mean Gracie was trolling me what is this why aren’t you building me Gracie wait what’s this oh my gosh wait is that TNT * 5 no no no no no I’m not

Watching my Mia get destroyed okay and now that I’m back to my base I’m going to put down some signs and some hidden entrances sign sign and then I’m going to add in a custom painting and then I’m going to paint over this with pig so

That no one can see it there we go hopefully that kind of blend in I’m not quite sure oh anyway let’s try and make it so we Blends in oh there we go and that’s the entrance to my base and once they get in here I’m going to build a

Maze let’s turn this into a maze by putting some doors that go nowhere ha dead end there we go and then we Fish fill up this maze with traps so let’s put down a redstone block and a laser which goes through my entire maze we’ll

Do that a few more times and then we’re added some spikes as well they’re super duper dangerous amazing if she gets over here this F will take them to the Next Room perfect I’m going to morph into a little kitty cat so that Jamesy can’t suspect me but where’s Jamesy how did he

Build all of this at such an early time let me see what’s inside here wait my brain is empty that’s not cool at all I’m going to give myself a uni brow and make myself really ugly oh I’m really sad I don’t want to be ugly but sorry I

Need to win this Challenge and then I’m going to make my eyes empty there there’s no way Jamesy wins if my eyes are gone lastly I’m going to change this shirt to a different color right now it’s magenta glazed Terra Cota that’s basically pink but H what should I do

I’ll make it a different color that isn’t actually mine let’s make it orange glazed terra cotta boom look at that that is so ugly yeah boom mustache complete that’s not even crazy now let’s go back to my side before Jamesy comes back pH I can demor now I don’t have to

Be a kitty cat anymore meow meow and then what should I do in this room oh I know I’ll put in the prettiest Golem in the game the Ender Golem is this so cute and I’ll put armor for both of them in this chest to kill it with 5 minutes

Remaining I’m going to go troll Gracie and Lou again wait what’s happened to my build guys wait my graci is super ugly no no no what’s going on it looks like they’ve taken off her clothes and made them super blue no I have to fix this

Okay let me turn this orange glaz Terra Cotter to Pink glaze Terra Cotter and there we go that looks a lot better but it still doesn’t look right because they gave my Gracie a mustache no she’s much prettier than this what’s going on and her eyes are missing too I don’t know

What they’ve done to my build but they’ve ruined it hopefully I still win this round guys let me know in the comments down below if you think my grace is cute okay that’s a little bit better but I’m still annoyed they gave her really ugly eyebrows let me get rid

Of these who did this to me I need to get my revenge now okay there we go that’s a lot better I reckon it was Lou so I’m going to go prank him first but now I finished this lava Rising I should go and troll Gracie so I’m going to

Splash myself with invisibility just like this and let’s go wa is Gracie building Chef toader I’m going to add a mustache onto her Sheriff toadster because girls don’t have mustaches and I’m also going to add this massive uni brow and on a sign right here and I’m going to put Lou is the

Cutest look at his ugly Mia build graci is way prettier than Mia don’t you think guys leave a comment down below if you agree okay so I’m going to go invisible and there we go wait where is Lou he’s nowhere to be seen this is a good opportunity to prank him though how

About I just add a ladder into his parkour room right here so I can skip all the parkour this is going to make it so easy huh I had a question room how about we just add a staircase so we can skip that one perfect okay now we should go troll

Graci’s bu wa I don’t remember building this who put a secret way over no no no wait and there ladder’s going up my lava Rising no this can’t happen I want to do a little bit of Parkour that way we can tell who who the real parkour Master is

Since Sheriff girl is obviously really smart I’m going to put a bunch of books that shows that she reads a lot of bgs because if you read a lot of bikes you’re probably super duper smart but inside this room I’m going to hide a button that button is going to help them

Teleport to the top of my Sheriff girl what is she building Sheriff no way this is so mean guys why is she not building me I would be a pretty girl look at her name she’s right there look she’s building some sort of Library this is disgusting how about we fill this room

With loads of poo let’s put poo everywhere I put it everywhere poo poo poo poo poo poo this room is stinky ah yes poo everywhere she’ll never get rid of all of it what is wait a second what is this a mystery pile of dirt that

Looks like poop why is there a bunch over here no no no this is not good who’s doing this to my base right now this is not making me happy okay she’s destroying it all I’m going to leave quick before she follows me whoever did this literally put dirt and poop in my

Sheriff girl’s head she’s not dumb and she doesn’t belong to have poop in here she’s smart and she needs books okay I’m back at Lou build I’m going to ruin it by changing her hair orange she’s now a ginger there we go perfect no no no I

Was making it all big and now it’s orange wait is that jamy come back here ah oh no I see him right there let me get out of here quick quick go go go go go go come on we only have one minute left I had to

Defend my build from all these trolls oh now all of my Mia is ruin it’s all orange quick I’ve got to fix it oh I can’t believe Jamesy did this to me I wonder if Gracie’s even noticed my troll it seems like she hasn’t what is she

Doing but looks like I haven’t got long left maybe just like 30 seconds wait wait wait it seems like she’s noticed but huh wait a second my Sheriff girl has a uni brow what is going on and the her mouth is either a frown or a

Mustache this is horrible I need to get rid of this now who did this now she’s going to have to get rid of that uni bro I wonder if she could do it before the time finishes wow it actually seems like she did it wait what

Is this Lou is the cutest who would say that wait is that Lou what oh no she seen me that’s Ling right over there what is he doing does he think I’m dumb he just closed the wall up okay guys let’s meet at the top time is up okay

I’m coming okay guys let’s start with Lou’s build again you guys ain’t going to love this come on wait Lou did you build Mia maybe really is she the prettiest girl Gracie’s the prettiest girl what are you talking about well she’s the prettiest girl in my eyes what

I knew it you’re the one who built me up because of all those signs on my build wait what signs I didn’t build anything on your side yeah it said why aren’t you building Mia I knew it you are the one who built Mia okay Gracie what you want

To rate the outside it is kind of good yeah but I don’t know Mia just looks kind of angry look at her eyes she looks super annoyed graci it’s like you when I steal your food yeah you’re just kind of annoying you know what Lou I’ll give you

A four out of 10 I’m going to give it a six out of 10 it looks pretty good yeah Jamesy has taste well that’s just because he likes girls no I don’t like girls I like crazy anyway Lou that’s 10 out of 20 not a bad start but let’s see what the inside’s

Like okay well come inside here you have to stand on the bottom though okay I’m trying what’s going on well I’ve loed you both in this room because this is a lava ring quickly we need to get out here oh no the lava’s Rising Grace we

Should go over here over here babe jump jump jump oh my goodness over here over here up here up here you guys are getting so close gra Grace over here up up I’m going up I’m going up was close stop punching me stop it stop it stop it

That’s not funny well you guys made it just in time but you’re also on the same side so you can go these ladders now okay well now I’m going to make you do it trivia room trivia what who is the cutest guy wait where’s my secret

Pathway gone what I removed it how dare you put a secret passageway in oh I’m sorry you were trying to cheat that’s messed up who is the cutest guy around oh obviously that’s me Lou how about you go through then my boyfriend’s the cutest my boy I made it through I made

It through no no no because Gracie died on the pressure plate I could get through ha oh I can’t believe this I guess J is the cutest boy anyways this second question you’ll never know how to answer who does Lou have a crush on Lou

Uh it’s a bit obvious that you have a crush on me uh dummy no no yeah Lou I know you’re jealous of cash but wow look at all these diamonds completed my build guys good job okay we should go to graci’s next but before we do that let’s

Rate it Grace I’m going to rate it at 6 out of 10 Again 6 out of 10 10 I think the inside was a bit silly these questions were dumb I’m going to give it a two out of 10 oh no James Z rates my builds way better than you do Gracie

Okay Lou you got 18 not bad not bad let’s go to Gracie’s build next wa is this your build Gracie yep I made Sheriff toadster but as a girl what are all those signs for why did you build me wait look Lou this is why I thought you

Were building me cuz you said why aren’t you building meia yeah no no no I would never BL these oh who did then sorry Jamesy but I couldn’t build you Sheriff toaster is my in-game crush but don’t worry you’re my in real life this makes me so

Sad Jamesy don’t be sad here I want to give you something oh thank you Gracie okay um I’ve made the outside of 10 out of 10 cuz she gave me a rose yes that’s a tulip by the way oh whatever well it looks okay so I’ll rate

It maybe a six out of 10 oo a six not bad star crazy but how do we get inside well look over here guys through her feet oh okay let’s go through wait there’s two entrances Lou which one should we do well I think I’ll go through maybe this entrance y right is

Right let’s go what okay I guess it was the left side then whatever ever you guys got tricked okay let’s go up uhoh that was close W ow careful guys you’re about to do a boat race so come up here okay Gracie I’m in a boat wait where are the

Boats I’m coming up with you don’t be silly Lou come on get in wait I’m going to get in your boat ready 360 no scope that was perf e thank you guys I’m a brilliant driver aren’t I ha you know what I want to make the parkour a little bit more difficult cuz

You guys are getting too good you’re Munch what quick do it faster so she can’t replace it oh I fell off so many times it’s so slippery no slippy slippy slippy J the fence jumps now yeah this is tricky yeah it’s a gate wait no it’s not

It’s another type of fence never mind that’s a ladder silly that’s a ladder Lou where are you I don’t see you I’m still on the ice parkour he’s down here oh my gly gosh you’re so slow over Lou jump to the boat look click on it yes okay I’m

Going oh my gosh Lou how did you fail that I am terrible okay Lou well done you made it back up let’s go up to the top of her build Y come up here go go what is this is this a library it smells terrible in here these books smell like

Poop gosh no it’s because somebody put poop in my brain earlier this is actually Sher of toter’s brain and somebody was trying to fill it with poop instead of all these books which means that she’s not really smart but sheriff toader is supposed to be smart oh that

Who did that sounds really cute Grace I don’t know why they did that but they sound really cool Jam be quiet I know it was probably you but you guys now need to find a button inside this Library Lou I found a training device use it we

Could use it to get small that way we can find it easier okay Jamesy come on no not big I’m too big get me small okay I’m shrinking down okay Lou now we can look around easier maybe it’s inside of one of the shelves maybe let me just

Shrink down as well okay you’re so cute and small like a little fly yeah I know you’re cute with your big also what no way I look like I’m a giant wait Jamesy come over here I think I found something huh wait what’d you find Lou look over

Here there’s like a little crevice oh my god let’s press the button we made it yes good job guys well you guys are stuck over there let me help you there we go what’s this well you and Lou need to tame these two horses okay I’m getting the white one because white

Horses are better well I’ve got this black horse cuz I love them here’s some Saddles you guys are going to need them I’m going to take my horse super fast so I am watch I like Lou’s horse it’s polka doted yeah it’s also my favorite pattern

So I’m going to win on these horses hate us Lou because we smell no you just smell Jamesy my horse loves me you guys actually probably smell gross Yes W oh finally no no no I still can’t save my horse come on Lou this is why you need

To take showers s start racing now well not yet Lou hasn’t saved his horse yet oh okay I’m still w Lou My Horse just doesn’t want to be tamed okay Grazy so is this a horse race yep it sure is now come over guys you guys ready three 2 1 go go go

Is I’m going wait where do we go what do the side say quick come on you’re going to lose Jamesy it says jump down I died no you guys need to restart what do we do we just jumped out and died yeah that was so unfair look at

Those horses down there do you guys think you know what to do oh I’m going I’m going I’m going it’s still a race oh I lagged oh no wait maybe I should give this a go go no it’s a race I’m going to go ah wait

I’m going first yeah yeah he fails I’m going next come on yes I did it I did it I did it I did it I did it I did it no no no that’s so not fair look at the names on the horses I’m not looking it’s dumb wait I just

Did it you lost the race okay guys let’s rate her build Lou what do we think well the inside was actually pretty fun yeah so I would rate it a 6 out of 10 I’m going to rate it a 7 out of 10 so I

Think that gives you 23 out of 40 sure that sounds great okay now we just have to do my build this is going to be awesome okay guys what do you think of the outside look at her isn’t she cute wait is this Gracie she’s so adorable she’s being goofy she’s tumbling

Over why is it so realistic ew I spent ages building it guys ages like 2 minutes this looks really good but Jamesy I know that can’t be true because when I came over it was about like maybe 5 minutes in and you had only just finished yeah I spent the other time

Doing the traps obviously but where were you because I went through your entire build and I couldn’t find you were you trolling other people of supicious anyway guys just rate the outside what do you think 10 out of 10 it’s me of course Gracie thinks it’s a 10 out of 10

What about you Lou well it isn’t me so Zer out of 10 H oh no that means I had to get a good score for the inside otherwise Gracie’s going to win okay wish me the good luck all right guys you have to find the entrance well I feel

Like these diamonds are something special no these are from the last build silly oh I’m so silly it has to be around here then have a look around around this leg have you guys found it wait I think I have what is this oh it’s just Pig wool don’t worry about it don’t

Worry about it it’s Pig W it’s not Pig wool it’s a pig oh no oh wait these are spikes it looks like a spike maze Yep this is a maze good luck guys oh no w w w I almost died where are you going to

Go next seems we have to go that way because that way there’s nothing okay go then okay I’m going to go ow ow ow ow and then I’ll go she ran straight into them okay guys are you going to go right or are you

Going to go left left go um I don’t know Lou how about you pick this seems to be less that way so ow okay guys what do you think of your decision wa there’s a chest up there Lou do you see it oh no that’s the Next Room allowed I take

Everything you got armor I’m a cheater I’m a cheater gosh dang it okay whatever did you get Lou stuff yeah but should I give it to Louie what’s my birthday if he answer this correctly I’ll give you the sword I don’t know Jamesy help come on Lou you

Got to answer it what’s wrong with you how do you not know my birthday I don’t know I’ve got terrible memory come on Lou just answer well I’m going to guess because I don’t know so maybe it’s October 15th oh super close but not quite the answer is

October 9th well I guess you’re kind of close I’ll give you the sword and just the boot that’s all you deserve now you guys have to go all the way down here by the way good luck okay I’m running through I’m running through oh graci

Made it but will Lou with just the boots oh close okay guys where you they go next let’s just go back in over here I can’t go that way so I’m going to run this way very maybe a different part of the maze wait there’s a fan here Lou look a fan

You guys made it you guys made it to my next room where I put the prettiest mob in Minecraft and Ender Golem oh no Lou there’s no way you’ll be able to fight that here take the armor doing it you looking gorgeous it doesn’t look good on

Me but it’ll do you look so pretty right now Lou uh oh did you just call Lou pretty yes what do you mean well I am quite pretty I would say Well done guys you destroyed my Golem now please give me a high schore I really want to win well Jamesy since I

Love you and I’m your girlfriend I’m going to give you a seven out of 10 oh come on Lou I just need like a 2 out of 10 to win please Lou come on tell me H well the inside was better than the outside but it’s still lacking so one

Out of 10 ah what that means Gracie wins oh okay but Lou me and Gracie both got a point and you didn’t which means you’re the loser of today’s Build Challenge oh that’s so not fair take the L take the L kill him kill him no oh it’s a

Beautiful morning wao this painting So Good wait is not in my house let me investigate yeah it does look really good doesn’t it yep it’s all mine as well why are you talking about Lou you did not paint this I painted it wait what do you mean Gracie Lou is lying and

I can prove it if we have a painted build battle wait a paint build battle that sounds so fun oh but Jamesy you’re not that good in fact you’re pretty bad at painting oh you’re going to need my help if you want to beat Lou no offense

Okay grae fine you can help wait what is Lou doing yeah you’re painting on my wall stop that okay let’s just go to the build Arena since you guys both claim to be the owner of that painting I’ll be the judge since I’m a painter myself

Okay fine but wait Gracie aren you on my team sh don’t tell Lou shush wait did I hear you say something no no just me versus you Lou we have 20 minutes to build ready I’m ready 3 2 1 go okay czy let’s see what Lou is

Painting oh by the way did I mention I installed some oneway glass no way I didn’t know this was going to happen now we can watch us painting wait who’s that supposed to be okay well anyway Gracie let’s start by painting ours and remember whatever paint comes into real

Life so we need to make sure that this painting is super Godly well Jamesy what do you all want me to paint how about you just pay yourself wait like a self portrait okay let me get all the colors that I need oh my goodness Lou is definitely drawing someone but I just

Don’t know who they have some yellow clothing do you guys know who he’s drawing comment down below okay I’m going to start by drawing my pink hoodie obviously oh oh show me show me I can’t see anything look oh are you supposed to be a Godly painter hey wait a second

Okay trust the process wait Lou’s painting Sophie that is sopia this thing’s looking amazing so far I just love how it’s coming together it looks exactly like Sophie what is that Sophie he made her look really um big what are you doing gra you painter get painting

Oh jeez I’m not your slave no but you’re my Godly painter now I’m going to draw in the eyes like this oh my goodness it’s kind W see it look oh my goodness it looks so cute yeah I’m basically done with the face now oh my God look at what Lou’s

Doing oh my goodness that’s scary hey there we go and I’ll put white outlines around the entire thing and there we go let me just put in these Colors oh my gosh I love pink so much it’s obviously the best color ever let me get all this

Pretty hair done and boom JY I’m finished wo crazy it looks amazing are you ready to do SL SL paint oh yeah you bet I am I just added the final hoodie strings and now I think I’m finished well let’s see what the build looks like

Well crazy let’s see how the build came out what what wait how did this happen oh my goodness your painting must have just been so so so good I knew it I really am a god tier painter let’s see what Lou build came out like wait Gracie

Look Lou build a pin Lou build a pin it doesn’t look very good does it it doesn’t look like selfie at all but here’s where the twist comes in it’s not just about the outside we also now have 15 minutes to build the inside well good thing our build is ginormous and

Beautiful cuz now we have lots of space but before we go do that I feel like we should go troll Lou first good idea let’s make this bu even worse and gra for the troll I think we should vote for Peter sopie I agree I agree oh Lou wait what what that’s

Sophie and Sophie yes hello it’s me I’m Sophie and this is my identical twin I don’t think you’ve met her before hi I’m Sophie too and this is my identical twin what’s going on yeah I wanted to ask how come you’re building us do you have like a crush on me or something

Uh I don’t know I’m the prettiest sister I’m the prettiest sister I’m prettier both of you calm down you you both look just the same so uh I guess you think I look the same as her excuse me I’m way prettier if this is her then

There’s only one thing I want to do and that’s wait did I say something wrong yes you said I look like her you I think she’s ugly so no l How Could You calls me something that ugly you know what wa if I destroy your painting what happens

If I destroy your painting do that go do that Lou why did you paint my to go to it it looks just like her you foul girl get in the hole get in the hole I’ll tell Daddy all about this get in the hole you Bel this hole this looks just

Like guys stop messing around on my build you burn it all down and put the holes in it none of you are like that anymore I’m sure we can come to the compromise Sophie I think to make each other feel better we’ll just blow it all

Up yeah I’d be happier if this just didn’t exist at all oh better okay let’s go back to the other side bye-bye no let me just blow it all I’m sorry Lou but this is what you deserve 20 time TNT no oh my goodness blow it up blow it

Up oh much better okay I feel better now I’ll be taking my leave see you no I can’t believe this happened so B oh my gosh Jayy I feel kind of bad no no he’s just going to have to redo his painting anyway let’s get started on the TRU

Well Jamesy I think for the beginning of the entrance we should do something that’s super duper secret like these secret doors look oh genius idea Gracie genius idea but how about we make them out of pink instead of D but honestly I don’t think that’s enough we need to do

Like a m all the way across her leg are you sure is that going bit too much no it’s never too much what if we did a moat of glazers a moat of lasers are you crazy but I love the idea yeah wait what if we do like some special type of laser

Like I look at this ready first I’m going to put this in and I’m going to change it to this color I’m going to put pink everywhere wait jamy are they pushing me up yep these are also push lasers oh my goodness love being push this is going

To be so fun well there we go it’s a lot of lasers so when he crosses not only is he going to be killed he’s all going to be pushed into space so that he takes full damage oh my goodness okay we need to put this everywhere let me put it on

This side as well wow wow wow that’s a lot of redstone maybe too much no you can never have too much according to L I mean how’s he ever going to get cross well I don’t think he should no no Gracie we need to make a way across there needs to

Be some way he can get through Jamesy did you know that there’s a no damage upgrade wait there is yeah what if we chose a specific line of lasers and made them take no damage that way Lou can only go through those lasers that’s a genius idea let’s do it right over here

Gracie we can change the color of these look uh how about we make the green you know signifying that they’re safe oh green means go good point green means go no no just one line baby and he can get through this cuz they do no damage look

Yeah perfect perfect and then he can come over here and find the entrance I’ll put a little bit of a clue there we go no Jamesy Jamesy this is still too safe and I’m going to put these keypad doors as well because come on these secret doors are obviously way too

Obvious I mean just look at them are you sure Gracie that’s a lot of security how is he ever going to get inside of our house I mean that’s the whole point we should make him like answer a question that shows he’s a good friend oh my

Goodness maybe uh the day of our anniversary our anniversary um yeah you know that’s a good idea yeah I like that idea okay I put the anniversary in do you even know what the password is now you have to try it oh no I just put the

Month and the date I obviously know it okay it’s the 3D March 24 woohoo what did you cheat I bet you went and looked in your notes app or something no Gracie I remember it anyway now that we’re inside of the base what trap should we

Do next and once they’re in this room it’s going to be a dropper so I’m going to put a bunch of lasers just like this and I’m going to make them jump into them down like that but to be even meaner I’m going to make these lasers

Push them and at the bottom here I have a bunch of water wool lapis and fake water Gracie you’ll never know all right I’ve made the engines a little bit easier let me see how hard this is this is definitely like a maze if you go into any of these little awkward Walker

Parties you die ow ow oh Jamesy over here this way look at this honey it’s flowing down this is amazing he’s not even going to see this it Blends in I know just like honey woohoo okay so once it gets up past that little fake water

Water maze as you call it what should we do for the next room maybe a mob battle can we do a mob battle please well the first thing we should do is change all this orange wo to pink wool the build is you the colors have to

Be me whatever A M battle sounds great okay okay so he needs some loot huh where should we hide it in the room before in the pee in the pee okay Grazy what about it this block right here would be perfect the one that I just

Broke oh okay what do you think about that huh and let me just do this so it sends up a bit more there we go is that good oh yeah here I just have to go to the pee and dive through in order to find it woo okay and then for the armor

Let’s give it some red stone armor PE armor no not PE armor no I found him some red red armor there we go a come on whatever what’s obsession with PE a PE it’s okay I can give him pea apples boo so many of them they’re not pea apples

They’re golden apples what’s wrong with you today I don’t know and with this room I’m going to make it a lava Rising room and there we go once they get here I’m going to make them choose out of all of these command blocks now they’re going to have to click the correct

Button to move to the next room now it’s this room I want them to do a puzzle so I’m going to get a sign say Bell the word so I’m going to get a bunch of different colors of wool and I’m going to give them all different letters so

I’m going to give them a bunch of different colors and then I’m going to spell out s p a r k and Y and that spells out Sparky i’ like these one they’re pink and purple that’s pretty yeah exactly but once he kills them how’s he going to

Get out of here we got to do an invisible ladder invisible ladder no no no no how about we give him a leaf blower and he has to blow himself up some blocks like we do one block here B up to here oh it’s like a pogo stick

Yeah exactly yeah it’s kind of tricky to control though look you go like this boom and then he is to go up here it’s kind of tricky how do you use the leaf blower it’s not working you have to hold it down oh wait now it’s working but

Crazy with that pogo stick he can get up to here yeah and then he can get even more PE apples stop calling that PE apples they’re Golden Apple oh these aren’t golden apples these are honey apples isn’t that so cool oh they taste like M gross okay czy what do we do in

This room we’re not going to do anything PE related you know what I think we’re going to do something really dangerous like what let’s do something fun like a game but like the stakes are high so if you lose the game that means you have to

To die okay how about we play a game of Who Am I who am I let’s play who am I oh so if you guys didn’t know this game we Mo each other to a different mob and we have to ask questions to figure out who

We are and the last person to figure out who they all losers but first we have to create an arena and I know just how it should look that’s not a more p is it no um it’s just honey this time I swear fine it is honey it’s honey stop

Calling it P okay Jamesy I’ve created a platform for me for Lou and for you and we’re all going to be staring at each other while we try to guess which mob we’ve been morphed into anyway that sounds great Grazy but once we do that where’s the next

Action can we do the invisible ladder now invisible ladder um okay fine you do the invisible ladder so if you guys didn’t know I have a secret ladder here and it basically goes up like look at this I can just climb up this ladder wow

We’re going to go up to here and this is where the next platform is going to be and now once they’re done with this Challenge and getting their loot they can come over here where where I’ll let them up and they’ll have to find Sparky

Here so I’m going to put a sign here saying don’t forget about spy and I’ll put some ghost blocks through to the next room and now in this room I’m going to build something really fun like a game we can play do you guys know what I building comment down below

But if you haven’t guessed already it’s Connect 4 I’m going to put our colors in this chest and then we can play then once we’re done we’ll just go to the Next Room Jamesy in this room I feel like we should play a game where like we

Have to shoot you shoot me what so basically you guys going to see who can kill me first yeah and like personally I find that really fun okay fine I’ll let you off on this time I’m like a running donkey anyway I’m going to put down a

Chest with the stuff that you guys are going to need okay Gracie I let you do this room now we need to do the next one wait Jamesy did you leave us materials to shoot you with oh yes yes yes yes yes I have done that now leave me alone poopy face but

Once he climbs up into your body what we going to do next can we do another mop out please Frost more Frost more what we’re going to make Lou fight against his own pet I mean sure let’s do it frost one Frost two let’s put four yeah

Five for us more s up right I’m doing the next floor I’m doing the next floor oh my goodness CRA sorry I really wanted it to be pink but you kep making everything orange and now I’m going to bring them to the final room which will

Have my favorite game you guys know that I know a lot about Sophie so I’m going to make them choose out of these items and that’ll be this block this trident a random Yellow Brick a really cool shirt the Jamesy plushy candy and uh this pot

I I don’t know but if they get caught up they’ll think it’s one of the yellow items but it’ll really be the Jamesy plushy and then once they’ve done that they can come to the roof where I’m going to give them a chest with two elytras inside and they’re going to have

To do a gliding course all the way down I’m going to start by getting some hoops and then making them go all the way down and then they’ll have to land on this target let’s play Capture the BL okay graci that’s actually not a terrible idea okay on that side you

Build a castle on this side I build a castle okay so I’m going to push some stone bricks right there and turn this into a grand entrance I’m making a castle oh um Jamesy what do you think of my castle uh graci that’s terrible

Please restart oh no no no no come on I can make this better trust me okay there we go okay now I need to hide the bed somewhere I’m going to add a ton of weird corridors this will keep the people out yeah I’m going to put some

Secret doors as well nobody will know how to get into the next room okay now I’m going to hide the bed under here nobody will ever know so once they Park all their way up here they have to go through the sugar box into this secret room beneath what did you

Say something about a secret room let me see this let me see this oh I can’t get down Jamesy let me in I’m going to do a secret iron door right here so that on decide that you can only get out at the bed so jamy what’s going to be the flag

Then my flag is blue world what’s yours well my flag is going to be the slime block right over here okay this is going to be perfect okay well that’s great but Gracie we just run out of time are you serious this is going to be the last

Room our is is still going to be better than Louis y what’s going on are you ready to play each other’s builds yes why wouldn’t I be so wait who did you paint uh is that Sophie uh yes it is anyway how do we get inside well that’s for you

Guys to find out not me wait quy there’s a wind dir block here and it’s got fire potion in there give it to me no I’m taking it I’m taking it okay fine enough wait oh my God is that all a vision wait what is that over there a diamond h

Simon block with boties and now we can jump over are you ready to do some dream MLG gra no I’m not what did you just do she’s just a judge I guess Lily I’m giving you two stars for that oh well done Gracie you’re not as bad as you

Look anyway what do we do now oh oh Gracie my lovely do you want some assistance I will grab you up come on press the button you’re suck you’re so sucky I thought you were going to pick me up come on J oh finally you got me

Took you forever come on guys you’re terrible at this I wasn’t ready this is why nobody watches the Gracie child the game play is just so terrible um excuse me I’ve got lots of people watching my channel really oh okay Gracie just make the job Jamesy why don’t you focus on

Your own gameplay figure out the next room go go go what’s up Jamesy I’m finally here okay well let’s go through into here and there’s a dropper but we just go into that like that oh no oh Lou that was pathetic I thought it was pretty hard

You know what I’m going to jump into the spikes just to make you feel better uh graci are you um what is fun with this girl okay well what are we doing now oh no it’s one of those it’s one of those jamy get up get up it’s a lava Rising

Room I’m already we at the top so it’s all good come on ah quickly quickly quickly move out the way you f so oh my goodness graci’s always is slowing me down anyway let’s press the buttons which what was it was it this one yeah I found it the one good job

Perfect spell the word okay I’m going to read out the colors you’re going to read out the letters okay wait so we can’t just leave no no you don’t get the ladders until you’ve completed the entire build here yeah I made it trying come back

Down here okay okay I come back down I’m going to spell the word okay as P spark Sparky don’t worry guys I’m not going to spot him in just yet you have to find some armor in this room um you know what I can beat them by myself I don’t need

Any armor watch this you guys need to pay attention to these colors and the sign okay well let’s open some of these blocks Gracie maybe there’s something this room of value no that’s not a secret chest May up here turn around n no no just look at the side question mark question mark

Question mark question mark yeah go in there and get your prize oh my goodness what should we get all empty they’re empty they’re empty what the of course oh no no Sparky’s going to be here any second now oh my God just Sparky even I’m scared Gracie are you

Going to put your armor on or what um I told you I’m not scared man I’m a come Master kill him kill him okay I Chang my mind oh my goodness Gracie I’m putting my arm back on I’m putting it back on kill it too oh I killed him don’t worry

Gracie anyway now that we’ve killed him we go through here wait how did you know that uh cuz you were standing in it stupid face oh uh uh well it doesn’t matter because now we’re playing Connect Four all right I go first Boop oh my gosh okay I’m going to go second and

Third who took my col no no well it’s my turn again I’m going to go there okay my again stop okay I’m going to go there a second J’s going to win J’s going to win I’m going to go as well cheater no you’re not allowed to go

There anymore wait I win wait I win you know what we got to go up to the next room you know what L since Jamesy like basically lost you should kill him cuz that way there’s more Stakes yeah easily I’m I’m going to kill Jam I’m sorry about

This come on up Gracie and if you ever do that again I’ll kill you yeah yeah you tell him Lou you tell him I’m the judge remember that I’m the judge anyway Lou what is this room do we have to get bow and arrow Yep this is target

Practice and I hope you guys are ready Jamesy do you want me to give you zero points do you want me to give you Z Point don’t let me you our secret the targets crocodile Shar crocodile get away from me you have fun with that I we close the gate you have

Fun with that it’s not my problem anymore oh I think I’m safe anyway time to keep shooting the targets I won’t let you die to the quags oh I found the right one getting teleported by the quarks let me go let me get out of here quarks yes oh my

Goodness where are we yep and before I can let you up these ladders you guys have to tell me what Sophie’s favorite item is cuz I know yellow wall yellow try Yellow Block uh it’s probably yellow wall are you sure are you sure it’s the yellow W Jamesy I think it’s this one

Over here maybe it’s um yo candy I don’t think so it’s the plushy the plushy are you sure guys the plushy’s orange look he’s spinning though yeah you’re right it’s the plushy I knew it it’s because so jamy how dare she doesn’t she know that jsy is my boyfriend let’s do this elyra

[Applause] C speed up speed up wow I um I’m um I’m Gracie why are you so bad at these elytra courses I made it I made it well good job guys you got through my build now we have to go to me and Gracie’s I mean just mine sorry just

Mine and we can see who won this Build Challenge wait wait wait I want to judge this build first I want to judge this build first um I think this build is basically like a a 7 out of 10 I give you an extra point Lou for killing

Jamesy cuz like that’s obviously the best part oh my goodness well guys we’re going to now see my build and rate it to see who is the best painter anyway Lou what you think of my painting wait you painted Gracie weirdly this kind of looks like something Gracie would paint

No no I’ve adopted her star she’s been giving painting lessons right Gracie oh well uh good job Jamesy you did a really good job at this thank you well then how am I supposed to get into this thing then there’s so many lasers I’m lagging so bad you can’t go through the lasers

You’re going to get pushed and you’re going to get pulled and you’re going to get killed oh wo wo wo wo okay okay okay there’s a different way in buddy boy L just come follow me I learned about this um back in the old days yeah um you know

A wise man told me that green means go so go what how did you know that I’m a seasoned veteran myself okay Lou you need my help or else you won’t be getting through this build trust me I just I just know everything about this build somehow how though this is really

Suspicious I mean you are the judge right Lou I just feel like the answer to this key bat door is probably our anniversary me and James’s anniversary how did you know that I didn’t tell anybody well you know you’re just such a romantic of course you would put our

Anniversary Lou you’re a really good friend wow yeah I knew this one it’s obviously the 24th of March well Lou this is a fake W of War M yeah oh my gosh where am I supposed to go then just don’t go in the F uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh oh

He is perished way I’ll give you a word of advice look for something that reminds you of your lovely Sophie it’s this yellow honey stuff oh what is this I’m just going to get the uh the Armor All Right Lou check the chest look around in the Border Fountain so you can

Find an OD block oh my gosh what’s going on get the loot L find the loot I got it I got it quickly before you perish L wait attack them I’m trying I’m just so weak is terrible he’s never going to get selfie ah yeah a come on don’t worry

I’ll use my steak and I’ll smack him to death come you’re supposed to be helping me help me oh my goodness Lou do you have the leaf blower by the way uppercut uppercut yeah I have the reverse leaf blower I can suck them in Lou yeah I finally did it good well

Done Lou well done now you have to get out of this room go up go up that way there parkour there look you have do it Lou you do it wait no Gracie I got a good idea come here okay what oh my goodness well done Lou

But you need to get up not the judge but now I’ve got to do the parkour Lou Lou you’re doing it wrong do it backwards that will work way way better backwards oh this is weird you’re weird oh no no come on done that looks super duper easy I

Wonder how long that could have taken a dumb person yeah no it took me like 5 Seconds cuz I’m not dumb no okay Lou now that you’re up we’re ready to do the challenge right everyone stand on the platforms all right everyone clear all your armor I mean you can keep you take

It off just take off your armor oh fine and then you Mor the person to your left into a m okay yep I’m done it as well okay guys now we’re all different mobs wow you guys look stupid what I bet you look stupid all right well Lou you can

Go first you have to ask a true or false question or yes or no question H do I live in the Overworld yes all right Gracie your turn am I modded Minecraft yes the answer is yes I’m just joking am I modded Minecraft yeah 100% jamy okay

Okay good to know Lou your turn are you ready for the best question ever do I live in the day or the night the night time wait that’s not yes or no question we just told him okay well Gracie turn um um am I real in real life

Yes oh okay I must be a real animal I’m super small though live in the ocean no uh well guys I clearly know this one it’s so easy oh no oh no I’m a skeleton run you stupid what you’re so dumb wa your turn okay hm I’m a tiny thing so um

Am I a do I have a sh no okay okay do I live in the desert um in like the Savannah which is basically a desert yeah okay okay I think I know where I am guys what all right let your turn again okay I think I’m getting

Close uh can I hold weapons yes you can Lou you can hold a weapon oh come on I still have no clue what I am what am I you look so stupid when you’re jumping yeah it’s so silly looking do I live in the the ocean yes

Oh I think I know what I am I think I know what I am oh my goodness why are you so cute uh am I a am I a karoo yes j y I win of course you would win at your own build though well now for this next

Game you guys are going to love this okay so Lou and Gracie can you guys get out guns and D more oh no jamy there’s a zombie in your base I’ll kill it for you I’ll kill it for you no no no no no no

I’m not a zombie it’s me it’s me of course it was you Lou well you guys are got to do a game and the game is who can kill me first are you guys ready to start in a second yeah yeah yeah I’m ready I’m not shooting you the time

Starts now you have to shoot me Lou why did you shoot me if I kill graci I’ll be able to win no no that’s not how this works she just gets to come back you guys have to kill me I’m going to shoot him next you I’m going to kill him kill

Me I’m going to kill him I’m hiding you won’t find me I thought that was you for a second but that was just me come here no no I’m a good hidder uhoh uhoh uhoh oh fight me I shot Gracie instead of you oh no you found me come

On oh I almost shot you J come this way come this way come this way me come to me ah you hit me you hit me you hit me no I I got enough health I got enough Health come on come on come on ah I’m On

Top I’m on uhoh uhoh oh no you do a lot of damage oh no no no no no you’re going to kill me you’re going to kill me no okay Lou you won now let’s go up to the Next Room easy I didn’t get my chance to show this

Off well Lou you might want to pull your armor big boy no no no no no I don’t want to go up there I do not want to go up there wait I just realized fire is way better than ice so I can just destroy these yeah they don’t stand a chance against

Me I just realize that now oh my goodness Gracie’s up above or shoot them as well and the final Frost more is going to die now oh my gosh what I don’t like being frozen for our next game we’re going to play a game of

Capure a flag and you have to pick which side you want to be on Lum you get to choose one base which one left or right I kind of want to live in this house are you sure uh actually no I like castles better you’re going the way you pick now

You’re going the way you pick oh fine so this is your respawn point so click on this okay yeah and over here is where you have a hidden base wait a hidden base yep and then down here is where your world is and this is what me and

Gra is going to try and steal okay this should be really easy but why are you a Gracie uh it’s 2V1 Lou you get to keep the armor me and Gracie have to stick with what we’ve got wait but you know where my secret base is now well you get

Way better armor than us Gracie we only get a stone sword okay we only get a stone sword oh come on are you ready Lou I’m ready okay graci first before we start Grazy in our base we’re going to have a chest of stone swords that’s all

We’re getting you’re going to get a chest of iron swords and iron armor so you get way better stuff cuz there’s only one of you okay gra you’re not allowed to wear the iron stuff okay the iron stuff okay I won’t I won’t I I I

Can come through anyway 3 two one and go let’s go get let’s go g you distracted I let you back I will not let I’m in already no you’re not no no no oh goodness Grace oh gosh okay get out of here now come on come on come on come on

Come on oh he’s in our base Gracie we didn’t set a spawn point he doesn’t know how to get out he doesn’t know how to get out he here Gracie just count the exit just count the exit wait gra you stay there Gracie you stay there I’m

Going to go in okay you stay there okay three two one and hello bye I’m not going in no you’re not no you’re not no you’re not no you’re not don’t out don’t out gra wait what what’s going on ah alive stop him don’t let him out you got stop

Me the world don’t let the world stop me don’t let the world I’m going to break it back keep keep keep getting him gra stay away from me stay away no it’s mine he’s totally cheating okay Louie you defeated us whatever now Gracie you have

To raise you have to save whose base was better okay well since I’m the judge um my well Lou did get a seven out of 10 and that means Jam has to get a really high score but I’m actually going to give him an eight out of 10 Hey That’s

Crazy cuz it was my build yes crazy SP going fly be at the best spot ever Jamesy you’re it oh this is impossible this part just isn’t big enough this game of s uh well uh guys I think I have an idea on how we can make

This way harder follow me uh okay I mean let’s follow Lou all right Lou we’ve made it to your Observer what do you want to show us well it’s a super secret device I’ve been working on uh just follow me to my lab okay let me have a

Look up here Lou I don’t see anything interesting in here oh Jamesy slow down a bit oh please what’s wrong yeah L to us you said that it’d make this more difficult for hide and seek I don’t understand well I do have a device that’ll make it harder I mean it’ll make

Us tiny and I just need to make some finishing touches okay let me just make these finishing touches and let me just make me tiny make me big again okayy give me a second let switch big again and boom oh my goodness that was scary wait we

Can use this for the hide SE game let’s go back to the play Arena right over here guys here’s a different play playround we should use in here that would be so fun oh Jamesy be small again you look so cute I will give you this device but you have to be

Careful with it okay Pro the worst that could happen give it to me oh just take it go ahead okay well me and Grace will be small first wait so Lou that means you’re going to be seeking first okay this should be easy let’s go hide gra

Hide hide hide I’m hiding I’m hiding oh I think I have a good spot 8 7 6 5 3 1 I’m Lou can you find us me difficult I can’t see anything let me take a look around here and don’t see anything Jamesy I see you I see you just

Miss me you blend in so much with your background Jamesy that’s not fair I know did you leave me on something oh tell me this isn’t a prank all right Lou do you give up do you give up oh yes I give up well that was so effective yeah I’m

Telling you that’s my most useful device yet but uh Jamesy can can I have it back oh no Lou bad news it just ran out of power oh no okay I’ll hold on to it for now until I fix it for you but in the meantime we should do a bell

Challenge sure that’s going to be so F little do they know that I was actually lying and I can use this to win in a build battle guys let’s go all right guys we made it to the build Arena and we’ll be doing threee rounds okay I

Can’t wait and whoever wins the most of our round good $1,000 are you ready let’s get going 1,000 guys of course I’m going to be using SL drink on my enemy build and also using SL SL Giants using the shrinking device so all I got to do is

Wait for Crazy Lou just start that bill but now that I’ve explained my plan it’s time to go and see what that b building oh my goodness look at Lou building he’s building a gas I mean it’s pretty big but it’s not that big I think I have an

Idea this device isn’t just capable of shrinking things it’s also capable of making things bigger so I’m going to select this entire area and then they have a crazy big mouth for shooting fireball like this and I’m going to steal this build but make it larger all

Right let’s go over to my side and remember guys I’m doing this work with $1,000 and now it’s time to use my device to make the build bigger all right ready oh my goodness look at this gas is ginormous oh my good it’s like a

100 times bigger wait this is my C oh this is Lou oh my goodness that’s so funny but now it’s time to make his build tiny so it’s time to use my device to make someone else’s build worse and I’m sorry little but I’m going to bully you again

It’s time to shrink your boo now it’s all kind of rounded out of on the bottom so let’s just simply copy this Bild and then use the shakeing device to make it tiny and there we go look the build is like 10 times smaller now oh his build

Looks terrible it’s like five blocks wide and he’s going to have to fix that somehow but now that I’ve done that I have to make my build a little bit better cuz I might not win okay let’s just get out of my inventory after getting a flit and steel and wait a

Second did my gas shrink I don’t know about this I guess it’s fine I’ll just keep fixing it because I haven’t got much time left so considering this is a gas I’m going to turn my side of the Arena into The Nether so let me just replace all this

Up with lava and this should make my build way way better and there we go this is looking a lot more like than never but I think I could even improve things further by replacing the rest of the grass never all right that looks pretty pretty good I don’t know how

Confident I am of this build so let’s go take a look at Jamesy what what how I I’m speechless there we go this network everywhere now this is looking truly like an evil G but I think it’s time to go back to Gracie’s side and show us some of the attitude

I’ve been giving Lou there’s no way that he made this build all by itself how did he do this where’s that oh her build is right there I even see it I need to troll it somehow maybe I can explod it I don’t know but first just so that I can

Still blend in I’m going to morph into a gas oh I’m morphing I’m morphing oh my gosh hey guys oh look at my tiny tiny little tentacle this looks way too good and intricate for Jamesy to build what should I do should I explode it you know

What guys I think I should why even is crazy I’m doing all this Mayhem but she hasn’t I Haven even seen her anyway it’s time now to do the using the shrink device let’s see how this goes we guys I’m going to get this giant TNT * 5 and

Explode it right here let’s do it oh my goodness I’m scared oh what that made barely a dent in this Giant Gas build I think I need to up my game what if we use TNT * 20 instead oh I can’t wait to see how this goes let’s

Blow it up W look at that hole that it made that was ginormous and there we go the build has now been successfully shrunk um it’s been a bit of an issue here but never mind her build is now 10 times smaller anyway let’s go back to my

Side before anything happens there it looks normal to me guys I think this whole still wasn’t big enough you know let’s see what the next strongest TNT is oh TNT * 20 and TNT * 100 oh guys I think we we need to test this out let’s

Go yeah I think everything’s fine uh why is there a hole up there and why is there a gas hang on a second let me have a look over here oh I can’t wait to um Jamesy wait why is that TNT doing there what’s going on uh is this just a normal

Gas how did he get up here I mean this is a pretty good idea though so let me spa in more gas as well like this wait it’s even let me Spawn them in because the difficulty was set to easy which means how is this one here oh my

Goodness it must be a human okay let me get this mober and kill them it was crazy what was she doing at my base she was trying to drop me with that TNT oh my goodness that was TNT Time 100 oh wait until she sees what I’ve done to her

Bas wait what is that thing is that a G oh that thing’s creeping me out it’s making such a weird noise I’m over here yes guys I managed to scare the way off wall in my gas form luckily he not as smart as Jamesy so he doesn’t realize the difficulty was

Peaceful well anyways it’s time for me to troll this build why is this so small you know what this needs to be pink this looks way better and what are these cows so funny being this ginormous I can’t wait to go back to my ginormous build

And I can be friends with my own build they both so bit guys why is it so small what happened who made it smaller I don’t understand I swear it wasn’t this small before Oh guys hopefully that Gat finally got away and wait a second what

Happened to my build oh it’s big wait does that mean Gracie was the guest that came and trolled me let me just send this back to White and I’m going to go ruin her bill now I think that gives me an idea though I’m going to fill the

Middle of my gas with even more gas I think that would be funny and I think that will give me some more points on this Bell Challenge and boom there we go oh wait and the cows are gone too let me just put those back and just for good

Measure so I don’t lose this Build Challenge I’m going to put a bunch of decorations around to make it look like the nether there we go this build is not going to be amazing okay what should I do to my build next you know what I think I’m

Going to get some these magma blocks these will make it super duper op as you can see this will protect my base there we go now there’s magma blocks everywhere so when they’re walking across b b b out out out but now let me see how crazy and Lou is getting on what

She’s trying to fix her build pointless oh my goodness what is Lou done let me get some invisibility and check this out she seems to be building some he’s copying me are you serious right now you know what this is annoying I’m going to give myself a the command block place it

Right over here I’m going to do something really funny and there we go now wherever he puts water has spawned so basically he’s ruing all of his lava because look he’s get the water everywhere look at him he’s walking up water Jesus but it’s ruined my entire

Build all of the lava has just turned to obsidian are you kidding me oh there must be a command block here somewhere does he even know what’s happening he just has to find the the command block what is he doing find the command block what are you doing buddy where’s he

Going oh my goodness look at him I bet he’s freaking out right now what is he trying to do he’s not even looking for the command block he’s just flying a does it have to do with this grass block there’s a grass block here what’s going on Look it’s even replacing the grass

Blocks beneath him oh is he going to find it it’s just over there is he going to find it oh no no everything’s just crazy it’s like water casting my entire build there got to be a command block is somewhere oh maybe there no I don’t see anything maybe over this way there’s

Nothing here wait a second it’s a command block get rid of it oh my goodness how is he not seeing it how is wait wait I think oh no The Jig Is up but look at the damage the he is C here uh never is not looking so never

Wait only 30 seconds left oh no I have to get off and finish my build 30 seconds left are you joking me why did somebody say that there 30 seconds remaining okay how can I make this gas even more better oh I know I’ll make a

Little pathway in I’m going to make a little staircase all the way up here so people can get inside like this there we go pathway complete and a bit more there b b bom perfect okay and of course need to mine out this little bit here so they

Can actually get inside and there we go that will get them inside the build and obviously the gas keep despawning so I’m going to have to just put them down like this all right time is up you guys are going to be so excited to see what

Activity I built at the end all right guys time is up now we have to give everyone’s build a score mine’s going to score the highest a million per. well Lou let’s start with your build okay prepare to be blown away Lou you know we’re supposed to build the best build

Possible right yes this is my best build possible for some reason it just shrunk in the middle of me building it that doesn’t happen this took you 20 minutes to build thing happened to me well I don’t know what you guys are talking about my build is normal size uh anyway

Lou is this all your bu a gas on some grass yep but uh you got to started survival over here it’s kind of like a little Adventure Course uh okay I mean let’s see well I’m going to give you guys some ladders up to the top and

Let’s see if you can do this nether parkour to the gas parkour okay sure enough let’s go easy I mean this isn’t going to get you any extra points this is based on what they look like not what they play like I know I just wanted to

Make something that was fun to play at least yeah I’m jumping I can’t believe it you jumped at the same time oh my good B but pushed me out of the way okay I said I was going to jump how about you come over here to

This side okay I’m coming over oh I’m dead just a few more steps and you will see what this build’s all about really okay I’m that’s so cool I saw it dispensers wait what is this I’m sure the C the gas experience go go go oh my God it’s kind

Of hard to hit them they don’t go straight yes you guys could try to be Gest as much as you want just shoot as many Fireballs as you want can you hit this one over here I don’t know why I’m just doing the gas

Sound so rude Jam how did you hit it uh cuz I’m a genius there we go I hit them all oh my gosh well I I I guess you guys got through my build but not after making my entire Redstone system overheat whatever um I’m going to vote

This build a six out of 10 cuz it was really ugly what ug I mean it is a little bit tiny I won’t well let’s go on to graci’s build next let’s see what it looks like it’s super duper cute I bet it’s no better than M’s tiny as well

What is this is this bad it’s evil Bad band and like I said it also got shrunk mid recording and it had to turn into this little cute teddy bear instead of evil scary Batman I don’t know lying you probably just built something tiny at the same time no I didn’t do that

Otherwise I would have you know totally won okay well come up here to the back friend oh we’ve got go this L Lou but how it’s all the way up there another way up again good work what what where did that cow come from that wasn’t me at all I promise uh but

What are we supposed to do here well I’m going to give you guys this bow and arrow and I want you guys to do your very best to hit an exact Bullseye you’re super duper close so come on you can’t can’t miss oh goodness crazy this

Is easy peasy before you shoot you only have three tries to get as close as possible so go right ahead and that’s a bullseye that’s not on the bullseye Jam I can see that it’s not on it yeah sorry Jam no that’s also not on it Lou look at my

P yeah you guys are not good at this at all here you guys go your second try uh you just take uh some of these arrows there yeah I would love one but she hasn’t given me one yet so I guess we’ll just keep waiting of you look that

B all right you go first oh yeah okay well prepare to watch a bullseye in action that’s definitely hit come on guys look at what I’m seeing it’s like half on but not really B are you kidding me you cheated you shot the same Target again there was no

I didn’t even say that okay well you know what it’s fine Jamesy hit it Lou looks like you’re the loser in this round I did it again easy pey lemon squeezy well guys now it’s time to go to my build go I bet this build is tiny as well let’s

See my build is shoot manga wait how come his didn’t change bid recording like ours did yeah how is yours like giant what even is this it’s like a big St I’m a genius Builder oh look at this guest it looks frightening there’s so many little details Y and

Look at all this lava he’s standing over a massive Lava Lake you guys can go inside if you w wait is this a pathway up wait a second JY this is a gas you totally stole my idea no didn’t I build this way sooner than you also guys the

Gas is filled with ghs it’s ghas setion we’ got to run I don’t know if I want to go in here anymore yeah you guys don’t have to be in here anyway will you Rak my bill um um i rided a two out of zero just kidding I mean it was amazing

It was like 100 out of 1 million I mean a million out of being attacked I red like a three out of 10 for this well that means that I win the first round well guys now we have to do the next round and for this one I think we should

Stick to a theme what should a theme be I want to build a cool race car please can I build a race car please okay let’s build whatever type of car or vehicle we want but remember guys this is the second round and $1,000 on the line so

Let’s get building let’s go no James he’s already one one but of course another round means more opportunity to shrink the build let’s see what they’re building um Grace I I have no idea what she’s building let’s have a look at what Lou’s building W look at this massive

Sports car wow that is skinny okay well you know what I think I’m going to steal this let me just make a selection then I’m going to grow this onto my boot so let’s do the grow command are you ready guys 3 2 1 and and there I’d say I’m

Done I’m going to go troll Gracie now let’s go W what do you guys think that looks pretty good right was that just Lou staring at me over there is he the one who’s making my build tiny what’s he sticking over here for so I’m just going

To quickly go invisible and let’s get out of here let’s see Gracie’s car looks terrible look at these Wheels they would just be so bumpy and nasty so I’m going to do what a normal friend would do and I’m going to add a bunch of stones and

Rocks coming out of her tires and I’m going to make it so her tires are flat there we go how is a car ever going to drive if they don’t even have tires so let’s just get started on these flat tires oh my gosh guys crazy is right

There hopefully she doesn’t notice the tires I’ll even make my license plate a heart because that’s how cute I am now we’re almost done just a few more blocks come on come on come on come on come on and we’re done and we’re done and we’re

Done let’s get over here and there we go look how much bigger this thing is look I’m going to give you a comparison this is my Bild this is Lou this is mine this is Lou mine is just so much bigger but now of course I actually have to make it

Better and to make sure that I win also I’m going to troll that build so first I’m going to make mine a little bit better so these wheels they need to be round why is these wheels Square there we go that’s looking a lot better already now let’s just do that to all

The other Wheels but now all I’ve got to do is just add a bunch of rocks in the road because she’s just blown her tires up on these little splinters okay and now we’re finish trolling Gracie let’s go troll Jamesy to in one let’s see what

He’s up to well anyway now that I made the wheels circular it’s time to change his ugly color and there we go that’s look a lot more fashionable oh I missed a bit um there we go wao wait wait a second that looks awfully like my build

I’m going to get him invisibility time let’s go first of all his build is orange instead of red I think there’s no way his car’s going to look good if it doesn’t even have wheels it’s not an orange sports car now how am I going to

Make this even better you know what ah the easiest way to make someone’s build better is to make the other people’s builds worse so let’s just come over here and get positions go all the way down and uhoh there’s only 5 minutes left I’ve got to carry on with my troll

Oh boy have 5 minutes left I have to hurry up H look at crazy build oh my goodness her tires have been melting wow we only have 5 minutes left oh wait huh wait what happened here and then replace black with air which just makes his C float it looks

Terrible e I’d say that’s way better um you know what I’m just going to go over to Lou bu and make his race car tiny so let me use the personal Shing the on this bad boy wait why are my tires like flat what happened no this is bad it

Makes me look like my car has bad tires what’s going on I didn’t do any of this I swear did somebody else trow me oh but I don’t know if I have time for this I need to quickly make this better okay and before I leave let me just change

This orange into red so it looks more like mine because mine’s way better obviously that was so funny okay let’s get back to building and wait wait my build L is going to be so mad when he sees this oh that was perfect timing he just got bad oh goodness okay let’s do

Some upgrades my build I’m totally going to win are you serious here I go guys it’s going to me be me I’m Kaitlyn and I’m going to go be a gold digger where’s Jayy Jayy Jayy surely doesn’t mind if I break out what just happened this entire

Build just turned red wait surely there could to be somebody else here other than than me right I’m just a little girl oh finally that took ages oh my goodness I pull the wheels back wait who is this Caitlyn girl um excuse me what are you doing here I’m in the middle of

A bill charge for $11,000 wait only $11,000 what is this car it’s not even a Lamborghini you need to get your money up not your funny up what do you mean this looks like um this looks like a charger or something I don’t know it’s terrible I suggest that

You go and do some actual work instead of doing build challenges all day and then maybe you could actually afford a nice car what are you talking about I enjoy doing build challes and please get me load to subscribers right guys please subscribe I think you should just

Honestly go and do something else because I think this build looks terrible and you should go make money instead of doing this oh no I’m fine this will work perfectly uh who even are you oh I’m just Kaitlyn I’m uh Gracie’s friend Gracie has friends uh I thought

She was alone and of course she has lots of friends she’s literally the nicest and cutest girl ever anyway I’ll see you later byebye K why is Kaitlyn going over to Gracie’s side that’s a bit suspicious anyway well I need to make my car better like she said it looks too

Broky so I think I’m going to make it a bit more circular by getting rid of these Corners oh yeah with these little rivets here that makes it look way better now I need to add those everywhere there we go this looking amazing and I think next this spoiler

Over here I’m going to make it way bigger for more downfalls my goodness look at this car this is who us you know what I’m going to have to use my shrinking device on grazy’s car as well to make it tidy 3 2 1 there we go oh

Goodness look it made it tiny that’s so funny well it’s not my problem so I’m going to go back to by side oh no we have 30 seconds left all right I have to finish my spoiler come on come on come on I don’t have time okay there we go

Now let me copy and paste this entire thing and let’s extend it upwards ah there we go my spoiler has been increased in oh my God this is going to have some downfalls isn’t it this be a speed ster but just to finish it off I’m

Going to put some of these go carts here and we’re going to have a race around the build okay perfect time to quickly go into the middle cuz we’re going to we’re out of time and time is up let’s get to the top the time is up everyone

To the top of the wall right now no cheating no cheating no cheating I’ve been up here the whole time no you haven’t you little stinky liar everyone com it down stinky Lou he loves it you call him stinky do it what are you guys chanting about we’re chanting about deducting one point

From your score because you’re late you took ages I’m not late I’m only 2 seconds past the time well anyway this is Lou’s build remember guys we had the r to out of turn and see who the winner is if I win this round I just win the

$1,000 you better guys hope I don’t now what do you guys think of my sports car this tiny little thing this is Tiny yeah Lou why is yours are so small this spend 20 minutes building you guys should know by now the smaller the car the faster it

Goes uh that’s not true I mean my little car in my room doesn’t go as fast as my dad’s car it’s aerodynamic cuz it’s but it also has a small engine but that doesn’t matter okay yeah I made a little race course for us it’s like a go-kart

Racing but on bikes all right well you a lose where is Gracie going she’s always a little cheater that one you have to stay inside of the red you ready 3 2 1 begin this boys be careful oh my goodness I just knew that I should have

Told you guys about this beforehand oh my goodness this is easy easy talk have one you joking me deadly serious Lou my bike broke I didn’t even BL any of the mines all right well guys I think that was pretty fun actually I’m going to get that eight

Out of 10 yes that’s the highest score you’ve ever given me Jamesy that’s really nice actually don’t be too happy what about you Grace 10 out of 10 cuz the BS were so explosive just like this build okay that’s a n out of 10 now let’s go over to Gracie’s build Gracie

Where’s your build this is just a prank okay okay look guys my build was ginormous and then 30 seconds before the round ended it turned into this tiny one and I had barely any time to rec you’re always complaining this build is probably all you could make so you

Complain it was Tiny there’s nothing even to do what do you have what have you even been doing for the last 20 minutes what are you guys talking about it turned into this in the very last 30 seconds Z of 10 Z 10 wait you guys

Should come in first let’s have a little bit of fun okay yeah jamy maybe there’s something that makes this build better on theing qu F what is this cute hores I mean they are cute but they also horses are stinky unlike cars why AR they guys know before cars existed there were

Horses and people rode horses all the time as cars so right now we’re just going back a time my mom has a horse d d this is so boring this just feels like a museum I know Museum what museum lets you ride a horse what are you what

Museums are you guys talking about I want to go there Museum of horses what oh you guys are never going to be KU get out of here well let’s go to my bell guys off we go Ken here we are is this bill it look what do you think of my car

I basically uh have what Lou did but five times bigger and a spoiler the size of Jesus J I don’t know about you but the bigger the spoiler doesn’t usually mean the better the what we talking about a massive spoiler like that will provide so much D for oh this is not

Good Jamesy I feel like that makes it even worse you know what let me just go and are these go-karts let’s play bumper carts no we’re not playing bu carts this is a go-kart we’re going to do a go-kart race you guys round the whole wheel you

Have to go round the wheels 3 2 1 go wait how did you do that did you put turbo in your car I just am wor like you cheater I’m going to win I win oh this is terrible I hate this build Bo you guys play right out of 10 I don’t like

It cuz you’re a cheater and you went faster than your go-kart even though you’re not supposed to what Z out of 10 I give you a zero out of 10 that’s what I’ll give you so I’m giving it a four out of 10 Z I already told you it’s the

Lowest score ever F Lou wins this round but don’t worry guys I’m going win the last round I’m going to win 1,000 smack of R all right now we’ve got the last challenge of course uh guys remember $1,000 on the line let’s get building and you better not build something crazy

Cheater wait oh my goodness the theme is a plant we’re going to be have to grow like a tree or weeds or something I don’t know okay well you know what you know I’m obviously not going to be building I’m just going to steal graci’s build well let’s go and see what graci’s

Built then um what she’s buying a giant be St you know what I need to copy this let me select this bad boy and get this built on my side all right and okay there we go that should be selected and let’s go grow it onto my side using this shrinking

Device what oh my goodness look at this giant Beast St wait can I see how much bigger than than great this this is mine this is hers mine is so much bigger but it’s not quite better yet I have to make some adjustments but first I’m going to go controll

Lou I’m going to move into a person and their name is Gracie it’s hi it’s me yeah I’m going to control Lou um excuse me excuse me okay well I’m sorry about this Lou but U Jamesy just came over to my side and he said that the theme was

Actually slly wrong wait what do you mean he said that yes we have to build a plan with the plant must be dead are you joking me he could have told me this before I built a redstone plant I’m going to get here so I would um no no no

No no don’t go over there don’t do that so what should I do very simple just change all these Green Line blocks into like dead ones like Stone oh I I guess that works okay Gracie I guess I’ll get started okay good luck I hope you win

Wait did she just blow a kiss to me what in the world okay never mind I’ll keep building okay time to make this build a lot better it’s pretty good but it’s missing a lot of crucial things first things first we need some V why is a

Bean stalk without some Vines so let me just smack him everywhere smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack I’m going to go across the whole thing and make sure this thing is littered with vines and there we go I’ve covered the entire

Thing with vines and look they’re growing everywhere and this looks magnificent doesn’t it just look so so good with all these Vines hanging down and they will continue to grow and keep making this build look amazing now the next issue of this build is what is this

This is a bit of the previous B I need get this I’m going to make some clothes in the sky that will really make it look like it’s gone super high up so if I make these little Circles of glass I can make some cloud like look does that

Look like a cloud oh that looks like a cloud now let me put these everywhere and there we go all the clouds are in place what do we think of these clouds guys do you like my clouds comment down below give this video a like And subscribe this looks pretty good I like

This but the top does look a bit award where it just kind of stops so I think I’m going to add also some leaves up here you know what that looks pretty good too I quite like that it it doesn’t look perfect but it will have to do I

Think that looks fine but now that I’ve got that with all these clouds and all that stuff I think it’s time to go and troll my competition once again I need to go troll Gracie she’s probably doing too good right now look at this thing you know what time to set an accidental

Fire let’s get fire charge let’s get some lava W who buddy what are you doing over here 100% I wasn’t doing anything uh hi Grace what are you doing over here I just saw you holding a fire charge and some lava uh no I wouldn’t have those in

My inventory what are you talking about are just observe in your build I mean looks spectacular thanks I mean I mean I can actually do pretty good builds when they’re not turned into tiny little beant stocks or show me around real quick before wait the challenge is over we think I think

We have like 2 3 minutes left okay well you know I was just building a away so that you and L could get all the way to the top of the beant just like how Jack did in the story he climbs all the way to the top of the beant interesting

Interesting tell me more tell me more keep speaking keep speaking well I mean I just go all the way up and it’s pretty fine and it just feels like I’m in a fairy tale which is all I’ve ever wanted nice I mean I wouldn’t be stoling you

Anything right now I’m just uh asking you lots of questions cuz I’m really interested in your build uh but let’s go up higher let’s not look down there at all well I mean why do you want to know so much I looked at your build honestly

And it looks like the exact same as mine no no just keep speaking we need to keep wasting time right now gra wasting why is my build on fire what’s going on J no no no no I need to extinguish all of this fire I can’t believe you did this what a oh

No there’s only 30 seconds left I have to hurry up think to make this even better I’m going to add a little Pond around here and make this really cute there we go making this Pond come on come on come on to make it even more

Cute I’m going to add some L pants round it has to look adorable otherwise gra will give me a low school but it has to look awesome otherwise L will give me a low School ah the pressure all blow your time this will make it look amazing just

Go around and add a bunch of flowers and grass who doesn’t love flowers and grass Gracie loves flowers there we go that mix oh my goodness that looks gorgeous okay now I have a few seconds left I think I should get rid some of this grass BLX and change it into better

Blocks so let me get in the middle and do a command boom okay how does that look oh that makes even better I’m such a genius what over here and over here too come on okay guys I think I might have a chance come on oh no time just

Run out okay fine let me get to the top of the wall hi gra where’s Lou way way just wait okay well because he took so long we’re going to do your Bel first are you kidding me no fine Lou what is this well I combin my favorite

Two things flowers and red stone wow uh number one I didn’t know you like flowers number two why is this out of stone that looks so bad Gracie came over to my build and told me that you said it was supposed to be dead why would we do

A dead flower build chant is obviously oh she was obviously trolling you Lou I never said that whatever let’s just do this build your best we have to build a Resto Contraption how long do we have you only have like 2 minutes so you better hurry you think I can’t build

Some in 2 minutes I’m going to easily build on two minutes buddy boy time starts no go go go okay okay um there’s zero chance they beat me here I’m an expert at building Lou may be good at Redstone but I’m good at everything oh no it doesn’t really fit

But that’s fine I guess hopefully they don’t care come all the way over here and then underneath here okay I think my building is nearly completed just go over like this and then we put the pressure plates right here and this should expand these um try again okay

There we go now I need to hook up to this side I’m ready I’m ready give me a few more seconds okay I’m n time just need to cover all this up um right there like there and then add all this and then add this and a you guys ready yep

I’m ready can we look at yours first Jamesy please mine first all right guys come over here Gracie Gracie over here over here as you can see this a simple door when you go through over here and it opens and there we go it’s so fun

This so logical it’s awesome um is it it just a door that’s so boring yeah you closes so your mobs can’t get in there we go J can I ask a question though why is it gone over the line I could have put it’s not my

Fault for that you can test out my newest machine what is this madness oh what supposed to do just blow by one and it was Desert since you’re disal for going over the line now I’m not over the line Lou as you can see wa never mind

Guys this one’s cool look at this just go the MD over here and you go it’s a TNT launcher let’s go just her dead body my turn look how high I’m going to go through to what oh I can see my build oh CH Chas this is really cool all but like um

This has nothing to do with plants which is completely off F wait what’s this oh uh you should go in there that’s where I store all of my Redstone just I’m this I going to get this a 5 out of 10 cuz it was pretty cool and all but like very

Unrelated to the theme so yeah 10 are you kidding me that makes your average score for our turn all right let’s go to Gracie’s next WoW Gracie this is so cool I know I’m sure you guys is that a beans have all heard about the tail of Jack

And a bean and in the tail he actually goes all the way up to the top so you guys better hurry up and get to the top so we have to parkour all the way to the top but there’s fine so don’t worry yeah this is easy peasy let me squee I’m or

Like half way up Jamesy I think you’ve reached the dead end wait what this isn’t the way you’re supposed to go but maybe you can find a way out of here um I’m trying I mean which way was I supposed to go I think you have to do a

Neo this way Jamesy oh no you just fell off okay I’m cheating cheating Lo what did you do how did you get over there I don’t know but I’m kind of stu oh I made up I make oh this is the right way oh James he’s found a way he’s found a way

Where there’s a wheel there’s a way no oh I have to go this way now I’m doing good I’m doing really really good my mom is going to be proud oh find way up Mommy’s going to be proud why is she going to be proud she likes it when I

Climb things oh my goodness I’m doing amazing J wait for me I’m so far down yeah Lou still like halfway down I don’t care where Lou is I’m going to win this Build Challenge almost at the top let go I don’t know about you have you seen any

Up there come on there’s still more you got to go I made it to the top press the button press the button oh I’m still all the way down here this isn’t fair watch this Grace watch this watch this h no no no no bye have a good time that was

Terrible JY how could you do that Gracie watch this ready i surviv i l oh my gosh good job JZ well you know what it’s time to go see your build what do you guys want this a 6.5 what are you going to wa I

Think I’ll give it a 6.5 as well this thing’s awesome well you beat Lou but will you beat my J be star hey wait why did you do the same thing as me James you uh I did copy me but mine is 10 times bigger please don’t tell me we

Have to climb this as well no Lou don’t worry we won’t be climbing this one but as you can see there’s a giant bean stalk we even can you see the clouds guys can you see the clouds W it’s in the clouds yeah I can see them I guess

They’re kind of C look at those cute little clouds and and then also we have all this Greenery the paths the flowers the coaster and even a little pod with some lilypop I have to admit this is beautiful and I love the red flowers you planted I can just imagine underneath

One of these little like frots here camping out with the kids it’s so fairy tale a fairy tale I love it it’s amazing can you guys RI me a high score then please I don’t know Jamesy if I give you a high score this time that means you win the one that the

Activities I want an activity give me like a give well okay I’ll give you an8 out of 10 James come on Lou oh okay fine it’s amazing I’ll give you like a 10 out of 10 all right you guys have to send me $1,000 each and here you go Lou you can

Have your shrinking device back you had it the whole time in oh my gosh Lou that movie was amazing yeah I agree X-Men was such a good movie but my favorite hero is still Spider-Man I mean none of the X-Men even come close what are you talking about mystique poers and shape

Shift were so cool but uh it’s quite situational yeah I agree wait guys that just gave me a great idea oh Lou we should go and find Grace now I have a really fun idea oh okay come on she’s in the electronic store let’s go all right

Lou Grace is in this store somewhere let’s go find her H are you sure I don’t see any pink around here but you know Lou I’m kind of upset that graci didn’t want to come and watch X-Men with us oh it’s okay James it’s probably just not a

Cup of tea she probably wanted to spend her day doing something else okay fine let’s go find her where is she oh Gracie are you in this aisle nope uh Gracie graci where is she she’s nowhere to be seen all right L how about we split up

You go that way I’ll go this way I’ll see you in a little bit okay noie dokie see you in the bed bye-bye wait did I just see someone i s just saw someone looking wait is that Gracie I just saw Gracie Gracie wait huh you’re not Gracie

I’m not Gracie have you seen my girlfriend Gracie she’s super duper pink and really cute oh I have not but that Gracie could be anyone wait what what do you mean well I followed you from the movie theater and I heard you guys talking about shape shifting I could

Give you the power to shape shift but it would be more of a detriment than a superpower oh I forget about the but that sounds amazing teach me teach me teach me all you have to do is more wait what wait where did you go Jamesy I found Gracie she’s right there hey

Jamesy yay hi Gracie I’m was super happy to see you how was the movie oh I got super cramped from sing the the for so long how about we stretch our legs and do a build bundle let’s do it well guys now that we’re here let’s do this this

Build Challenge remember we have 15 minutes and whoever builds the most secure base with sounds good I got wait to destroy both of you hey well let’s get going but guys what Lou and graci don’t know is that are going be using the witch device and using slash more so

First I’m going to morve it Lou like this and then I’m going to sneak over onto Gracie’s side because I’ve got trigger my sleeve Gracie Gracie oh what’s going on didn’t you hear the news you have to build on this side wait which side and Lou why are you bringing

Me over to Jamesy side yeah you have to build on this side you and Jamesy are switching sides I forgot to tell you but you sound different Lou sorry my voice hurts so yeah stop building over here Gracie that would be a brilliant idea just stop building here okay okay by the

Way you need to make it orange and yeah build something cool yeah orange why does it have to be orange it needs to be orange meanwhile okay guys so I’m going to build whatever I want today and that’s going to be me so first off I’m

Going to start with my red shoes and boom now I have to do my gray pants there we go okay guys what graci he doesn’t always it’s I just tricked her just build for me I’m going to get her to build for me for a few minutes and

Then tell her that she was actually building the wrong side this entire time but now that she’s started over there I can go prank Lou as well but for my prank on Lou I have a slightly different idea as you can see I’ve morphed into a giant never monstrosity and I’m actually

Too big for you guys to see right now but I’m basically just a giant monster and I’m going to go prank Lou Lou wait what is that what is that p l stop right now hum might have come down here okay fine what even are you I am

The king of the nether the king of the nether I I I thought you’d be bigger shut up before I destroy you no no no no no okay fine fine I believe you you have been summoned to the court of the nether what for what being too hot or something

No you are wearing the color red but you aren’t a fire monster that’s illegal where we come from I’m requesting you go into The Nether and find the court of the ne and do your trial there I’m sure you’ll be fine but you have to go now no time

Fine I’ll go to the nether just leave me alone meanwhile I’m buing ped boots because Lou told me that I should make something really orange I don’t know what but maybe they discussed this theme while they were at the movies and I just didn’t know about it but don’t worry I’m

SED building the ears the face uh the legs and his little boots are there but I have yet to add The Sword and the little details okay here I go goodbye Louie and now that he’s gone I control his space first I’m going to repl his entire shirt with Magma block because that’s

Super duper ugly and then I’m going to S his whole base on fire yes he’s going to ha it when he comes back from the ne real after he realizes there’s no core but now that I’ve done that it’s time to get GRE to stop building my base okay so I’ve got

To find this like nether Court I I don’t know where it is oh I hope that netherite monster wasn’t lying let’s just see there’s nothing on these l pools nothing over there nothing over here where is it oh I bet that monster was lying to me there’s no C I’m going

Back oh finally I’m back from the Nether and wait my build is on fire and my shot is orange oh I have to change it all back right now graci oh oh Jamesy what are you doing here Gracie what are you doing on my side why are you building what what do

You mean um I thought I switched over here that’s what Lou told me I just want on a Cofe break Lou trolled you Grazy this is my side have you been building my side this entire time uh well yeah cuz that’s what Lou told me to do what

Do you mean I’ve been working so hard he pranked you he pranked you he’s on his side building and he made you build on my side need to go back to your side and keep building but thanks for all this work I wouldn’t have done it without you

What is going on why did I have to switch over and we only have 11 minutes left keep building fine well I guess graci has left me with I think it’s boots I don’t know guys I’m not going to win the best for the outside

But now I have all the time in the world to do my traps which is the most important thing so for the entrance to my build I think I’m going to do something right over here I’m going to hide a fan blog right under ground like this right underneath the

Dirt and those will blow you right up up into the build but I have to make it super hard to get to otherwise I’m going to totally lose remember the most secure build wins so I need to make this super secure and the easiest way to do that is

Just to put lava everywhere I love lava there we go it’s nice and secure but don’t worry guys I’m going to put even more security around up next is the sry turret and this thing is super duper special for one reason it attacks players and shoots them which basically

Makes it super good at security get secure base so I don’t know why people don’t use these more often so I’m going to put them everywhere this is going to be super difficult to penetrate they’re going to have to you know really try meanwhile let’s just turn all this magma into red

Wool and perfect that’s way better and now I have to get rid of all of this fire oh okay just a few more commands and it’ll be all gone but anyways now it’s time to start on my face so first of all around my head I have a cool red

Hoodie so I’m just going to do that really quick that’s one that’s two that’s three and uh just so I don’t have a big bald spot on my head this is number four there we go I think that’s looking pretty cool now all I have to do

Is just add my hair well guys you know what I’m done building things for orange it only gets me into trouble and Lou trolled me you know what I’m just going to build myself this is the only person I can trust let let’s add in my beautiful

Purple eyes like this okay perfect wow this is looking pretty good guys what do you think and then I’m going to add in a smile like this cuz I’m so smiley I love everybody wow this is so cute you know what I don’t even think I’m going to

Bother with the rest of the hair cuz it looks terrible now for the entrance I want to make it a little difficult to find so I’m going to cover it up with these ghost blocks but I’m also going to put some little protectors and they’re going to be real ghosts they’re going to

Be haunting my base like this so whoever wants to come in here is going to be haunted and scared to death you know what I’m going to go an extra step and even get command blocks to summon in these little scary ghosts now whenever I step on them these are secret pressure

Plates by the way they’re going to summon in ghosts but now that I made the entrance to my base I can now make the next trap don’t worry guys I’m going to use slash Mo a few times to troll my friend thank goodness the witch gave me

Those super Powers but once they get up here I’m going to ask them a question I’m they going to ask it right over here how many subscribers do we have if you guys want to subscribe then please do it means a lot to me so click the Subscribe button

Down below if you want to support this channel over here I’m going to put 370,000 and over here I’m going to put 400,000 unfortunately we only have 370,000 so if they choose this an over here it’s actually going to be wrong so I’m going to get some fake water right

Here and this stuff is basically poisonous water so if they land in this is going to really really hurt then slow them down and secure my base even more perfect and now in the right side here with the correct answer which is unfortunately only 370,000 but please

Subscribe guys to change that I’ll put real water which will stop and their fall there we go but of course if they pick the right side I do need to give them a way out of here so I’m actually going to put a button right here

Actually you know what I won’t even put a button that’s too easy I will put a command block and then on top I’ll put a red world but I’m going to make this a secret leather so it looks like a red wall but this is actually a leather

Which will activate the command block and then in this command block I’ll put the command that will TP them to the next room there we go but once they press that lever that could be my next room where I need to do another trap and what

Should I do for this one I might do some Redstone fans those always fun there we go now I filled up with lava and now I’m going to get redstone fans and some buttons and then all we got to do is press these buttons around and these

Will be the perfect way to get around so they go over this way onto this and then I put another butt over here and then go over to this way this is so fun and there we go it looks just like me perfect now all I’m got to do is just

Hollow out this build and I can start on my traps so first like always I’m just going to start with a little La OTE and this first trap I’m just going to keep them out by just saying there’s no way across but behind this I’m going to add

A bunch of barrier blocks just all the way across and just to make it harder I’ll turn them into barrier block jumps perfect but if they don’t know any way across they’ll have to like morph some kind of giant lava creature which is literally impossible because that would be

Cheating in my very first room I’m going to make it lava themed or should I say netherite monstrosity themed I’m going to spawn in this netherite monstrosity in this lava themed nether themed room and they’re going to kill it using some vva weapons but they’re only going to

Get the weapons if they manage to survive all the way and run over here there’s the entrance by the way H what’s the most lava themed suit it’s got to be this one look it even gives you lava walking if I put this on I can just wow

Wow wow I’m you know I’m basically a lava Walker let’s start putting it on an armor stand boom boom boom and boom but of course they also need a lava theme sword and I know just the one boom this is going to be perfect but where should

I hide this you know what I’ll be hiding it in a secret chest H how about like right here boom that’s going to be perfect and I’m also going to make some spikes just around like this so they have to realize they have to sneak or

Else the fans will just blow them in and it’ll be like a little Spike Maze and now I’m just going to cover all of this up with ghost blocks just so they don’t even realize what’s going to hit them now in this room I’m going to hide a red

Trap door with a bunch of items inside and obviously I’m going to make it a secret chest because in this room is going to be the same fan setup and then going to have to do a little parkour course and then finally they’ll just go straight out of the room anyway since

I’ve done this trap now and move to the next floor I’m going to go troll Jamesy and my idea is that I’m going to go and scare him if I go into spectator mode I disappear into like a little ghost but Jamesy just can’t see me at

All so I’m going to put on a scary skin and then appear out of nowhere so I’m going to set my skin to Herobrine and also my name so now let’s go go and troll Jamesy okay it seems like right now he’s making some kind of uh box I

Think it is I don’t know but anyways I see he’s doing some of these traps let’s just uh maybe appear out of th air so I need to get behind him somehow so I’ll wait for him to start on his traps and now I’m appearing oh no no no what was that that

Scared me so bad oh my goodness okay I think I’m safe are what is going on get me out of here okay wait is he running away maybe I should just uh take over this build now it’s uh it’s all mine oh my goodness I need some obsidian or something I need

To hide I need to hide I need to hide oh my gosh oh my gosh get me out of here get me out of here get me out of here get me out of here what’s going on who’s doing this to me give me little second I’m just going

To go over here and pull lava on his head ah stop stop stop stop oh my goodness pleas just drum me in lavva wait it’s har Bri what is he doing get out of here meanwhile well you know since we just had a lava themed room I think it’s

Time that we have a water themed room in the next one so I’m going to make the entrance very very easy where has he gone oh you know what mob killer stick I’m going to kill this Herobrine the next time I see him I’m going to slap

Him around the face with the stick and I’ll kill him where are you Mr Herron I’ll kill you he seems really confused maybe I should go try and talk to him but first i’m going to turn back to normal let’s try and confus him look at

Him right there you think I don’t know what you did huh you think I don’t know what you did I bet that was you wasn’t it Lou what no jamy I swear I saw herob Bride on my side you think you’re so funny no I know that you’re up to

Something would I get enough proof to prove it I will slap you with the stick a don’t do that don’t do that oh my goodness but we only have three minutes left keep building okay oh my goodness well now that I’ve calmed down a little bit I think I’m going to complete this

Room so what think it over here I’m going to hide something H oh I know I’ll put a little chest right here inside I put some letterers uper eight laders which should be enough to climb up here four 6 7 yeah that should be fine up to

The Next Room well in this next room I’ve got a really fun game plan so I’m going to make three corners a pink corner like this Bo boop boop a red corner for Lou and of course a and of course the orange C me perfect well like

I said it’s water themed which means there’s going to be a lot of water monsters like that shark the sea serpent and that giant killer whale it’s an orca oh my goodness maybe I should make this a little bit deeper did you see that jump wow I wonder how Jamesy and Lou are

Going to get past all of these they’re strong like very strong wait are they fighting oh no no no no why are they fighting the sharks are chasing after the sea serpent who’s going to win is it going to be the Sharks the sea serpents or the orcas the sea serpents are going

To lose wait he just killed a shark oh my goodness well it looks like peace has been restored and the shark and the killer whales are are the winners oh never mind he’s dead too and then in the middle of the rim though I’m going to

Put a ton of these concrete powders and the game is to get one of each color inside of your square but of course we can steal it from each other so it’s quite a fun game but more importantly this will slow down any per people who

Try to break into my base making it way harder to win the Bild challenge for them and that’s what’s matter because I want to win I need to win but if they can somehow win this game then I’m actually to add a secret little pathway up a little barrier parkour to the next

Floor and then they have to go through this secret exit right here boom little door right there never hurt anybody and Bish bash BOS that is the exit to this little bit and there we go well for this next challenge I’m going to put down some of these Target blocks like this

And they’re going to have to shoot them down using some archery skills but it’s going to get harder and harder as they go before I start on this I want to go troll Jamesy let me get on an invisible potion that way he won’t be able to see

Me what he used my build that I made before that’s so unfair I worked hard on that where is he going oh it looks like he’s doing some Target blocks you know what what if I just break it as soon as he places it okay boom it’s broken oh

He’s probably so confused like why did it break oh it’s cuz I broke it you know what while he’s turned around I’m going to replace all of this with pink oh oh you must think it’s so normal but all of a sudden everything was turned to pink

Look around you Jamesy do you not realize that this is pink wait my build is too Pig oh my gosh what’s going on oh no I’m being pranked I’m being pranked stop it stop it this is a terrible I know she’s around here somewhere I just

Have to find her oh Gracie but for these Target blocks I’m actually going to make them do some things they’re going to spawn mobs like a zombie a skeleton a spider he much more cool stuff all right I think that’s enough trees now it’s time to discuss my plan let’s build our

Hide and seek Arena but anyways now I’m looking down at Gracie’s build what is this wait that gives me an idea I think I’m going to go troller so first off I’m going to land on graci’s uh bald head on this build and I know exactly what to do

With these two blocks what I’m going to do is just place two observers facing each other other and as you can see they’re always activating so if I just Place some note blocks it makes loads of noise now all I’ve got to do is just put

A bunch around her base all I know is that I can’t stand all of that noise what is that sound do you guys hear that there’s like Juke boxes Like Music sounds and stuff but it’s so annoying how do I stop it oh my gosh where’s the sound coming from oh my

Goodness it’s getting louder and louder I feel like I’m going to go crazy she’s getting so angry in the chat this is awesome I think it’s coming from the outside come on let’s get out of here where is the sound coming from where is

It what wait what are these L Li wait he so one are you doing my goodness he just block me off oh what a little little booger pH that was close all right guys I think this hide and seek back look pretty good I’ve even added in these

Secret doors that go in from here and can also escape from right here it’s going to be really cool look at this oh my goodness all right well I think that’s going to be my last room guys you know what no no no no no we have to have

One more wi room that’s the very last element let’s make them do the ler race all right and if I’m going to do the ler course obviously I’m going to give them this really cool armor just that actually has a built in a lra like who even has that nowadays it’s really

Advanced and super super cool now I know it’s a wind theme so obviously in my electric course I’m going to put fans so I can steer them of course I’ll put one right over here and this ring right over here maybe one over here and one over

Here this is going to be so funny all right and once they get to the top they’re going to have to escape these fans over here as well oh this is going to be so so funny they’re going to go flying and launched up into the air and

I’m going to make the water bucket clutch right here at the bottom oh my goodness I feel bad for them this is going to be really difficult anyway I think time’s up I going to go up to the top guys guys are you ready to do this

Pill challenge we need to see to builds I’m ready well let’s go to Lou first oh Lou did you build yourself uh yeah why you so ugly Lou what no I think I look pretty handsome sopie would agree actually Lou you look better here than you do normally this is actually a

Better build kind true actually I agree with that you know that this is a secure build chance right so whoever can complete the other person’s build the fastest wins so Grazy we have to break it as quickly as possible well good luck with that there’s literally no way

Across no you got to be joking me there’s got to be a way I mean unless you can turn into some kind of lava monster and just walk through I I don’t think uh no one will be able to wait gra I found something wait jamy how are you

Walking on air how are you walking on air bar blocks oh my my goodness we made it across oh Lou you are lying there is a way across and now we have to do this spiky Wy M what why is Grazy just walking through it um wait it’s blowing me there’s

Wind Jamesy what are you talking about I was literally blown into the lava I don’t normally just walk into lava you know that who it’s got blown as well good thing I’m beh holding my Crouch button no no no stay back stay back no this is awesome

Hey stop pushing me are you trying to kill me jamy protect me your little best friend is trying to kill your girlfriend that’s me I’m in the boas I’m in the Bas wait jamy yes Lou herey I I’m going to send Gracie to you are you trying to St me to Heaven

More like hell Gracie anyway we made it here if you sneak you die wait what am I not allowed to sneak yep if you sneak I kill you with a bob killer Sak fine I won’t sneak I won’t sneak oh my goodness what’s going on there’s a that was a

Fake wall oh oh no I died you guys should know by now there’s no way through andless you find something wait I just got teleported across no no come on Gracie we’re looking for sticky boots where could they bit I’m going to check the fans the fans have got to be the

Corporate where is it oh please open fans I have so many fans is it in the lava Jamesy I don’t know Gracie but I’m going to go the other way this time uh that’s not where let me guys give you a clue the sticky boots are uh you know

Kind of in the name trap trapo trapo I found it jamy I’m not going to tell you where I found it no way the trap door I didn’t even see that am I like blind or something yeah you’re blind in case you guys didn’t know sticky boost means that you can stick on

The walls and not get blown around uhoh that was close I’m just going to walk through these spikes I don’t want to risk getting blown off oh no I have to do a jump but the fan is going to blow me are you serious I’ll blow you

First I made it I made it no way Grazy seems to be struggling a bit jamy I’ve never struggled in my life life is a struggle for me to be honest yeah she’s a bit special well there are your changing rooms uh I have a little thing

For you oh my goodness why my serious thing which one fine left or right left or right uh just feel free to choose one of them is better than the other though oh my goodness I love this one look at this oh my goodness I can see my myself

Changing room hello look how pretty I am you guys have got to try and imitate me are you serious what did I get I have to imitate Lou oh of course Lou would pick this one you’d pick this one and he’d probably pick this one and this one okay

And if you don’t look like me when you come out you die oh wait I have a really good idea guys I’m going both it’s l still have no idea my out super good wa Gracie this one’s so good I doubt I doubt James’s ever going to be able to

Do it oh look at Jamesy you guys I found a really good Lou jumpsuit in there you’ve got my name my face you’ve got it all perfect how did you do that oh I’m just a genius there was a Louis outfit in there and I put it on oh well I’m

Sorry Gracie but it seems like you’re going to have to die all right I’m going to take this all up now Lou I’m going to put this all back okay what JY I’m going to watch you I’m going to watch you what are you doing no I’m you can’t watch a man get

Changed you can’t watch a man get changed you can’t watch a man get changed okay well guys I’m will changed back into my normal outfit with some armor on now Lou can we have the L to climb up here uh yeah but I would be

Careful Jam did you just punch me off do you want to get burned ah Sparky get it Sparky guys comment down Sparky the comments down below if you hate Sparky and you hate Gracie com Sparky why would you hate me I’m only just a poor little girl she’s not poor

She’s not little but she is a girl I can confirm that oh good I’m going to die uh jamy did you just get pushed down the ladder by Sparky no I ran Lou I ran in fear why he’s not scary come on ghost buggy I got

It okay I guess you can come up to the next floor now all right let’s go up let’s go up why did you put the ladder like that Lou you trying to kill us uh yeah that’s exactly what I’m supposed to be doing what is this no no no not

Connect 4 not Connect 4 yeah but instead of it being netherite blocks I made it prettier I’m going first I’m going second and I guess I’ll just go third these blocks are so pretty like they make me so so happy wait what are we doing you guys are just going to win if

You just keep messing around Jamesy just went two times in a row look he’s got four blocks down gra go here Grazy go here oh oh oh oh come on come on come on C I’m going to win crazy no why he just cheated that he that’s cheating I win he

Placed like a million bogs yeah I didn’t do that what are you talking about well L now way in this next room what do we do elyas yep and you’ve got to jump down here first and then LOD yourself through all of these hoops well let’s

Go this is super duper easy and uh now you just SL on the Slime blogs on the Slime I’m going to go super duper High ready okay uhoh L bu land bu bu must must get on the Slime well guys anyways uh you completed my build now y yay slim block clutch oh

There was a fan guys well graci is this your build it may or may not be my build yes it’s it is true what even is is this it’s me look at my face it’s up there it’s my face you got my purple eyes and my beautiful brown hair come on guys we

Got to find a way in oh my goodness how long is it going to take oh what j j j come get some of this armor get go oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh give me give me give me give me give me get away from

Me well there would be some armor would be some really good for that Gracie I have to say some armor would be really good for that jamy you’re literally wearing armor are you are you blind oh would be good I mean we don’t have any weapons

F help me kill him I will come on oh my goodness this guy’s beefy I’m distracting him I’m distracting him Lou wait I can just get rid of the lava by breaking it what okay Jamesy you do that and I’ll get rid of the never

Monstrosity no no no no I am focusing on distracting the never monstrosity Lou you keep spping his ow I’m burning I need to wash off in the water how did you die are you stupid oh my goodness L come back I need you to help me I’m back I’m back come back I’m

D guys the netherite monstrosity is so low come on JY help me now help me I’m low no Lou I Lou I’m on one heart I physically will not help you even if you made me James’s like the worst partner ever but you guys man to do it I’m proud

Of you what you mean I just took all the damage while running in circles you know how difficult that was for me well that was a lava themed room the next room is going to be the water themed room so good luck getting to the other side okay

Well we have to go through this one here well good you guys figured it out well this water theme room is going to be a little bit more tricky than you think oh those sharks run Meg oh Lou killed me well let’s say you guys are struggling a little bit with

These Sharkies oh my goodness they’re making me bleed out again L stop being silly there’s no way you’re going to kill these sharks look at the they’re feeding on you oh my goodness help me L L I found something Jamesy what did you find I found a trap door I’m going to

Die anyway cuz you know the shark wow you guys found my water base well it’s not really a water base but you found the secret path if you push me into that water one more time czy I’m going to snap you w it’s surrounded by fake water

I’m sorry I was di I can’t believe you guys made it out well wait you guys found my camouflage ladder already are you serious I am #s serious Gracie what is this a jungle well since you guys finished my water element now it’s time for the Earth element we’re going to be

Playing hide and seek oh this should be easy but the only trick is that I’m going to be the seeker and I’m going to have a mob killer stick so don’t let me tag you I’m cutting to 10 10 9 8 7 6 5

Run J 3 2 1 I’m coming I’m coming where are you guys L we we’ve lost we’ve already lost L we might as well give up why have you guys lost nobody lost yet no don’t give up Jamesy how she not seen us yet where are you guys you little rat

Oh there I see you guys you guys are all the trees aren’t you oh way wait are you invisible what no wait are you guys cheating no we’re not cheating Gracie where did you guys get invisibility potions from we didn’t get them from anywhere how I still alive right now I

Don’t understand what’s going on oh my goodness you guys can see what I’m saying right now this is so scary there we come over here no you killed me once already I don’t want to die again I’m going to kill you again come here come here you need to die you need to

Die where is jamy though I don’t see him oh my goodness you’re hiding over here the whole time hiding a tree the whole time that’s so funny guys well it looks like you guys lost lol well how was we supposed to win there was no time out well um you

You guys lost well anyway let’s just do this it’s time for my win element um trap oh wait how are we supposed to go up Gracie we don’t have any Rockets well you know I’ll just throw them to you it’s quite simple right right well maybe

You guys have to answer a question first oh okay and JY I think it depends on you do you love me um Lou I don’t know how to answer this one what guys why he number resp you know what I’m not giving you guys any Rockets anymore T answer

The question the answer is yes the answer is yes yes oh my goodness Lou this build has taking way longer than your build let’s go give me the Rockets okay I’m coming back you guys are a team remember that okay let’s go out the fanss are quite an annoying yeah

Well that’s kind of the point and you guys have to land in the air you have to land in the water land in the water oh Lou failed um JY you have to land in the water okay okay ready ready watch this watch this go oh my

Goodness I’m coming down again oh my God ow wait I made it congratulations work Lou well that build took even longer than Lou that’s going be really hard for me to beat guys time to do my build and see if you guys could beat it let’s go

Well your time starts now wa wait wait I wasn’t prepared yeah what even is this thing Lo stop saying that it literally looks terrible I I you know I think it looks kind of you’re Lally the one who told me to come over to this side and

Build remember the way you told me that uh I don’t remember telling you to build this absolute nightmare of a build you told me to build something orange that to build on Jamesy side do you not remember that at all I must have memory loss well guys let’s just move on from

This conversation it’s going to get someone in trouble anyway let’s see if you guys can get inside I’m getting attacked by SED turet okay okay let me do some Pro Gamer moves and jump inside of the C oh I’m dead crazy can you make it Lou can you make it come

On yeah we’re count that that’s that that counts that counts ow ow come on Gracie your turn all right I’m going inside the turn I’m going to go inside the turn let me get let me in let me in oh my goodness I’m safe okay heal up and

Then jump into the fan wait what fan there’s a fan wait but where’s the fan I don’t see the fan L tell czy it’s right in the middle you see that little patch of grass in between the lava okay I’m going a okay well done well done now read the

Sign read the sign how many subscribers do we have oh my gosh like 30 million no Gracie unfortunately our subscribers just don’t love us cuz they don’t subscribe Are you seriously yeah only 4% of our viewers are actually subscribed can you believe it I don’t know it’s

Crazy why would they do that whatever um I mean I I think we have like 300 or something it’s something three I’m going to choose that one uh I would say 400,000 I’m going in uh L you made the wrong decision us our fans don’t love us well guys now that

You made it to the right side you have to figure out how to get out this wall the red wall the red wall it’s a secret button pressing red wall oh my goodness how did you know how did she know that cuz I’m uh I’m a hacker well how do you

Guys do this room ow ow ow ow uhoh uhoh uhoh uh you can you can go over there no no no oh you guys are really messing this up cuz you’re doing it together why we got together oh my goodness come on Lou you have to do it

Properly okay yeah and yeah ow ow ow this is so difficult it’s not hard I can do it okay and now I go well done well done but now how are you going to get out of this room um it’s got to be this little thing that gives me seven lers

And it’s um now I have to go up this hole like this yeah there’s seven laders let’s go well guys we’re now going to play a game of four concrete no not this game oh my goodness I love this game so much but James he’s too good at it well

Guys as you can see everyone got a sword from your chest and then all you have to do is get one of each color inside your Cube and you have to place them on each corner like you know in a square oh this should be simple well how many cubes can

We hold at one time uh you’re only allowed to hold one color at a time okay if you have more than that you have to tuck the rest out come on okay fine three 2 go go go give me this give me this the green the GRE the GRE you

Trying to kill me oh my goodness wait how is we got two colors already we have to steal them Gracie there we go got it I’m taking a yellow I’m taking a yellow Lou you don’t actually have the G JY you’re not even allowed to hold two at a

Time uh oh well I forgot about that rule wait what’s Gracie doing what’s Gracie doing the little away oh my God I was so close Jason move out of here I’m going to kill you wait what happened to my sword come come on come on come on come on come on come

On get off of my side get oh my goodness I did it no you did I got the color give my blocks back I did it guys I win look I win you did get the you didn’t get the order right it has to be the same

Matching up it has to match up why does it have to match up what do you mean it doesn’t make any sense why would it have to match up it has to match up the colors have to be in the correct side what oh this is so so dumb guys the

Colors has to be the same order as the stat since when was that a rule since when was that a rule uh it’s a rule since now Lou come here Lou there we go got all your colors Gracie you just stole mine that’s so annoying you didn’t

Plac that very well did you jamy why ises my freaking sword keep disaar I’m tired of this I’m tired of this because it’s not keep imry dummy I win no he doesn’t he hasn’t got the colors look destroyed I won Lou won Lou won jamy just stop it you’re cheating Lou won oh

Fine fine L what fine fine fine fine well that means you guys now have to get out this room obviously I need to get away from JY as fast as possible I found it it’s barrier blocks L look it’s barrier blocks and Le all the way up to

Here oh all my way oh wa was supposed to shoot left to right what is this left or right left or right like you read guys all right go ahead shoot them it going to get harder as you go first one’s really easy well done H okay you have to

Have to hit it well done well done oh my goodness I didn’t even realize they were spawning things a spers oh I hit nice job nice job host time I hit it again oh I hit it again oh my gosh I hit it again where am I no way Gracie you’re

Crazy how did I hit all of them at once but where am I I’m kind of like in the sky am I falling down I falling down where am I supposed to go where am I supposed to go oh I’m well well guys that was the end of my

Build oh Jamesy good work I guess you win yeah this one was pretty difficult czy you actually won your base to the longest yes yes yes yes yes yes what get away get away get away your head so big oh my

This video, titled ‘I Cheated with SUPERHERO POWERS In Build Battle Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2023-11-18 15:00:32. It has garnered 12186 views and 116 likes. The duration of the video is 03:56:05 or 14165 seconds.

I Cheated with SUPER HERO POWERS In Build Battle Minecraft!

Jamesy, Gracie and Louie are building using SUPER HERO POWERS.

Follow Gracie! – Follow Our Roblox Channel! –

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Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ.

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    Sibling Drama: CATNAP Splits from DOGDAY in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘CATNAP SISTER Breaks Up with DOGDAY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Block Buddies Movies on 2024-04-10 17:00:09. It has garnered 14689 views and 124 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:00 or 12660 seconds. CATNAP SISTER Breaks Up with DOGDAY in Minecraft! Our channel is inspired by Cartoon Crab, Aphmau and Crazy Crafters! This is the best Minecraft video ever! I love Minecraft fun. #blockbuddies ⁠#minecraft Read More

  • We Escaped Water Barry’s Prison Run in Roblox😱

    We Escaped Water Barry's Prison Run in Roblox😱Video Information This video, titled ‘WE ESCAPED WATER BARRY’S PRISON RUN IN ROBLOX (OBBY) 😱’, was uploaded by Ayush More on 2024-05-11 07:56:33. It has garnered 388127 views and 6374 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:01 or 1021 seconds. ROBLOX WATER BARRY’S PRISON RUN 😱 Techno Gamerz Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Story Video Game House Challenge Proboiz 95 GamerFleet Anshu Bisht Yes Smarty Pie Roblox Game Video Ayush More Roblox Techno Gamerz Proboiz 95 Frosty Loggy Shivang Mini Brookhaven 🔲 My ROBLOX Profile: ____________________________ 🎯 Subscribe to my other YT Channels: HORROR GAMEPLAY: @AyushMore2 ➤ REACTION Channel:… Read More

  • Uncover Hidden Civilization in Epic Minecraft Village Quest!

    Uncover Hidden Civilization in Epic Minecraft Village Quest!Video Information This video, titled ‘“Epic Minecraft Village Quest: Unearthing the Secrets of a Hidden Civilization!”’, was uploaded by Mr Gamerz Akshay on 2024-03-21 03:15:09. It has garnered 180 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:36 or 216 seconds. “Epic Minecraft Village Quest: Unearthing the Secrets of a Hidden Civilizatio Minecraft Village Exploration Adventure Gaming Community Build Survival Let’s Play Hidden Gems Secrets Mysteries Discoveries Enchanting Breathtaking Intricate Unique Captivating Stunning Visuals Fun Relaxing Minecraft Hardcore Challenge PojavLauncher Adventure Survival Gaming Series Hardcore Minecraft Gameplay Uncharted Minecraft Quest PojavLauncher Survival Guide Extreme Survival Minecraft Hardcore Journey… Read More

  • “INSANE! Bro turns creepers into zombies 💥” #gaming #viral

    "INSANE! Bro turns creepers into zombies 💥" #gaming #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘bro started headshoting creepers 💀 #music #musica #remix #memes #funny #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by xardsp on 2024-04-09 22:00:37. It has garnered 33 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft… Read More

  • The ULTIMATE 12 BEST Minecraft PE/Bedrock Addons!

    The ULTIMATE 12 BEST Minecraft PE/Bedrock Addons!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOS 12 MEJORES ADDONS [MODS] Para Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.21’, was uploaded by JaarXD on 2024-06-17 21:07:44. It has garnered 70712 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:25 or 1345 seconds. What’s up, people? 😁 In this video I bring you a TOP OF SURVIVAL MODS/ADDONS for your Minecraft worlds. I hope you support this video. Take care of yourself and see you in the next video ❤️ ➥ Versions 1.21 ➥ 1000 LIKES FOR MORE! ➥ Download and installation tutorial ► ➥ Social networks + Contact ► Contact – [email protected] ►… Read More

  • Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft Streamer

    Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft StreamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noo i fell… #twitch #minecraft #mcstreamer #streamer #twitchstreamer #youtubeshorts #clips #gaming’, was uploaded by Spooky Yuki on 2024-02-09 09:00:06. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. FOLLOW MY SOCIALS!: 🌸 TWITCH: TICKETS: Read More

  • Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀

    Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀Video Information This video, titled ‘Dev bhai mauka nehi chhodte 💀| Epic ‎@GamerFleet  reaction #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by NoteMiner on 2024-06-17 06:00:21. It has garnered 16967 views and 751 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Dev bhai mauka nehi chhodte 💀| Epic @GamerFleet reaction #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts Hello Everyone 👋… Welcome🥳 to my channel ▶️. If you liked this video then make sure to hit the like 👍 button 😁… And to watch more such contents, do subscribe to my YouTube channel ❤♾️. 📢Credits:- @GamerFleet (Anshu Bisht)❤ I DON’T OWN THE MUSIC🎶 AND… Read More

  • Insane Singh 2.0 – Spider Invasion in Minecraft House! #shorts

    Insane Singh 2.0 - Spider Invasion in Minecraft House! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘When a Spider gets inside your Minecraft house #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Crazy singh 2.0 on 2024-02-14 11:19:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. When a Spider gets inside your Minecraft house When a Minecraft spider gets into your house. And he’s also named Dave. Read More

  • Medieval Realms

    Medieval RealmsLooking for staff and Playerbase! Hoping to grow a server of people looking to enjoy the new minecraft updates! If interested in a staff position, please be above age of 18, and add DemonDeathAngel on Discord! Read More

  • Terrashift SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.2 Community Whitelist UHCs Bluemap

    Server: Who are we? Terrashift is a whitelisted vanilla SMP 1.20.2 server focused on collaboration and building a community. If you enjoy a server similar to Hermitcraft with a strong community focus, feel free to apply using the form at the end of this post. Details: Whether you love building massive redstone contraptions or just want to relax in a cozy hut, we have something for everyone. Server rules are simple: no griefing, stealing, pvp without consent, rudeness, or unfair advantages. We have around 30 active members and value input from all members on server decisions. Currently running various… Read More

  • CrossFireMC – Comp Factions 1.8.9

    CrossFireMC - Comp Factions 1.8.9IP: [​] RELEASE DATE: [​Thursday July 4 @ 3pm EST]1.8.9 Version▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬PAYOUTS:🥇 $200 to “charity” or 10,000 Gold🥈 $50 to “charity” or 5,000 Gold🥉 2500 Gold▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬[​CrossFireMC] – [​Murder Map 1]MAP LENGTH: [​3 Day Grace/4 Day TNT]FACTION SIZE/ROSTER SIZE: [​5/10]SHIELD LENGTH: [​20 hours]BUFFER SIZE: [​15c]CANNON SPEED: [​3s]ECO: [​RaidOutpost/DarkZone/Fishing/SugarCane]▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Anarchy – Minecraft Realm- Do /server anarchy- no rules, cheats are allowed on this realm. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – First tool to craft in Minecraft?

    “I always craft a shovel first because I like to dig myself into a hole right off the bat.” Read More

  • Insane RomanG6 PvP Montage

    Insane RomanG6 PvP MontageVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minewind and Sharpness’, was uploaded by RomanG6 on 2024-07-04 23:18:08. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:43:52 or 17032 seconds. BAHHH Read More

  • Crafting a Realistic Tub in Minecraft: Game On!

    Crafting a Realistic Tub in Minecraft: Game On! In Minecraft, a bathtub so fine, Craft it with care, make it shine. Use quartz for the tub, smooth and white, Add water and soap, a relaxing sight. Place some towels, fluffy and soft, A rubber ducky, floating aloft. Make it realistic, make it fun, In Minecraft, the crafting’s never done. So dive right in, with creativity, In the world of blocks, there’s endless possibility. Create, explore, and build with glee, In Minecraft, the adventure is key. Read More

  • Villagers Get Trolled: Moye Moye Edition! #minecraft 🔥😂

    Villagers Get Trolled: Moye Moye Edition! #minecraft 🔥😂 When you accidentally hit a villager in Minecraft and they all start chasing you with pitchforks, it’s definitely a “moye moye moment” for sure! #minecraftproblems #runforyourlife Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PE Safehouse Tour!

    Ultimate Minecraft PE Safehouse Tour! The Ultimate Safehouse Tour in Minecraft Pocket Edition Prepare to be amazed as we take a virtual tour of the ultimate safehouse in Minecraft Pocket Edition/Bedrock Edition! This survival base is equipped with everything you need to stay safe and sound in the world of Minecraft. From a working elevator to a secret underground base and even an escape vehicle, this safehouse has it all! Exploring the Features Let’s dive into the incredible features of this safehouse. The working elevator adds a touch of realism to your Minecraft experience, allowing you to move between different levels with ease. The… Read More

  • Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft

    Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft The Mystery of the Nether Fortress in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey through the vast world of Minecraft as our protagonist stumbles upon a mysterious Nether Fortress. Join in on the adventure as we uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic structure. Exploring the Unknown As our brave explorer delves deeper into the Nether, they come across the imposing Nether Fortress. Towering spires and dark corridors beckon, promising untold treasures and dangers. Armed with only their wits and a trusty pickaxe, our hero ventures forth. Unraveling the Secrets Within the fortress, our adventurer encounters a labyrinth of twisting… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Mods You MUST See

    INSANE Minecraft Mods You MUST SeeVideo Information This video, titled ‘[마인크래프트] 일단 알아두면 좋은 모드들’, was uploaded by 마소의 마크일기 on 2024-06-01 03:00:15. It has garnered 469657 views and 14320 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. ✅Mods used in the video [CMDcam] [CreativeCore] [JEI] [JER] [Rubidium] [Oculus] [Jade] ✅Timestamp 0:00 Read More

  • SlyCraft: Downtown Saint Ender – The Movie

    SlyCraft: Downtown Saint Ender - The MovieVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT DOWNTOWN SAINT ENDER: THE MOVIE’, was uploaded by YaBoiAction on 2024-06-16 22:20:06. It has garnered 31059 views and 789 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:12 or 13452 seconds. MINECRAFT DOWNTOWN SAINT ENDER: THE MOVIE If you are new welcome to the channel and subscribe to be a part of the NxTLvLUnited! #NxTLvLUnited DISCORD: – CHECK OUT MY OTHER CHANNELS- @actionvlogz [Scary Reactions / Gaming] @YaBoiActionMusic [Music] @NotActionTbh [Vlogs / PG13] – Social Media Links – Twitter: @YaBoiAction Instagram: @YaBoiAction TikTok: @ActionOfficial Intro Music: Hope you all enjoy! subscribe for more… Read More

  • “Ultimate Mini Base Guide in Minecraft!” #minecraft

    "Ultimate Mini Base Guide in Minecraft!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Modern Mini Base Build Guide in Minecraft!! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingvideos’, was uploaded by Shured Gaming on 2024-01-16 02:07:49. It has garnered 2551 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Modern Mini Base Build Ideas, build a house. Give your woof a place with style! Build Idea Guide. Easy Design Build Guide in Minecraft!! A Build guide for Minecraft! #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecraftbuildideas #minecraftmemes #minecraftbuild #gaming #game #gamingvideos #minecraftuniverse #minecraftupdate #minecraftnews #minecraftfacts #shorts #gamingshorts #minecraftmyths #new #minecraftmyths #minecraft #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsvideo #shortsyoutube #hopefullyviral #gameplay #gamer #gamers #gamingcommunity #gaminglife… Read More

  • Shizo Madness: My Name Revealed in Minecraft

    Shizo Madness: My Name Revealed in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What is my name? Minecraft’, was uploaded by Praxis Thea on 2024-01-13 16:00:28. It has garnered 185 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Who is your MINECRAFT character? JIQILE DIY WORLD XBOX EDITION Allay Alex Baby Horse Baker Camel Knight Cat Chicken Cluckshroom Cow Creeper Crystal Knight Diamond Steve Diver Explorer Donkey with Chests Dyed Cat Dyed Sheep Dyed Horned Sheep Elder Guardian Enderman Final Shadow Man Ghast Golden Knight Golem Horse Horse Breeder Iron Iron Golem Iron Puppet Killer Rabbit Llama Moobloom Mooshroom Ocelot Piglin Piglin… Read More

  • Secrets of Minecraft Warped vs All Mob Battle – Xzino Craft

    Secrets of Minecraft Warped vs All Mob Battle - Xzino CraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What Most People Don’t Know About minecraft warped vs all mob fight’, was uploaded by Xzino Craft on 2024-04-25 19:00:05. It has garnered 911 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:58 or 298 seconds. What Most People Don’t Know About minecraft warped vs all mob fight minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft… Read More

  • Jamesy Trapped on ONE CHUNK with SCARY MOBS!

    Jamesy Trapped on ONE CHUNK with SCARY MOBS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Locked on ONE CHUNK But We’re SCARY MOBS!’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-06-08 13:45:03. It has garnered 3991 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:35 or 3275 seconds. Locked on ONE CHUNK But We’re SCARY MOBS! Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft Join this channel to get access to perks: Follow Gracie! – Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • SHOCKING! Found spooky music disc in Minecraft! 🐝🎮 #gamergirl

    SHOCKING! Found spooky music disc in Minecraft! 🐝🎮 #gamergirlVideo Information This video, titled ‘We found a scary music disc! 🎶 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts #gamergirl #stream’, was uploaded by Bee Batch Gaming on 2024-04-13 18:00:01. It has garnered 468 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC OMG! Hargrave101 BACK in Minecraft!

    EPIC OMG! Hargrave101 BACK in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘My OFFICIAL Return To Minecraft’, was uploaded by Hargrave101 on 2024-07-06 03:10:55. It has garnered 46 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. #Minecraft #prisons #HCF #Factions #funny My Discord: hargrave101 Aires: ▬▬▬▬ IGNORE EXTRA TAGS ▬▬▬▬ minecraft,minecraft prison,prison,minecraft prison escape,prison escape,minecraft roleplay,minecraft prison server,prison break,minecraft op prison,minecraft prison break,minecraft mods,minecraft jail,minecraft prison ali aminecraft,minecraft pe,minecraft prison ep 1,minecraft mod,minecraft prisons,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft prison life,minecraft modded prison,dragones presos (minecraft prison escape),minecraft server, vexedmc,vexedmc minecraft,vexedmc reset,vexedmc ip,vexedmcprison,vexedmcprisons,vexedreset,minecraft,minecraftprison,,,hypixel,livestream,mc,,free,video games,livestream the pit,minecraft prisons,hypixel minecraft,the pit livestream,livestream hypixel,minecraft op prison,video… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Challenge in 2024

    INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Challenge in 2024Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new’, was uploaded by Minecraft 100 Days / I Survived 100 Days on 2024-01-11 15:00:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new #minecraft … Read More

  • rice cake

    rice cake欢迎来到糕点服!这是一个创新和充满乐趣的《我的世界》无规则生电服务器,让你能够在无限创造的世界中探索创造。在这里,你可以尽情发挥想象力,体验红石科技带来的乐趣和挑战。 特色功能: 无限自由创造:在糕点服中,没有限制和规则约束。你可以自由建造、采集和探索。创造你自己的梦想之城或想象不同的红石装置,将创意发挥到极限。 经济体系:糕点服还通过引入一个经济体系增添了更多的挑战和互动。你可以收集和出售资源,参与市场交易,建立经济帝国。 社区互动:我们拥有一个友好而活跃的社区,与其他玩家分享你的创造,并参与社区活动和竞赛。与全球玩家一起探索和合作,构建令人惊叹的项目。 优化的服务器性能:我们致力于确保服务器的稳定性和流畅性,以提供良好的游戏体验。拥有强大的服务器和专业的技术团队,我们将确保你在服务器中有最佳的游戏体验。 加入糕点服,探索创新的红石技术和无限的创造力!从最简单的红石装置到复杂的自动化系统,你可以打造自己的想法,并与其他玩家分享。无论你是红石技术的专家还是pvp大佬,都能在这里找到乐趣和挑战。加入我们的社区,一起开启全新的服务器冒险旅程吧! kook频道: discord暂无 另外我们的服务器是互通服可以使用基岩版客户端游玩只需要把端口改成48888即可(基岩版最新版同步速度很慢) 另外我们的网易服务器也在调试阶段很快就会上线! 欢迎游玩 Read More

  • LanderYT SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.1 LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to Season 5 of the LanderYT SMP! Our SMP offers a chance to play survival without being bothered by other players. No property damage is allowed, and PvP can only occur with mutual agreement. We have been open for 10 months and are resetting for 1.21 in 5 weeks. Our SMP is inspired by Hermitcraft, providing a similar experience to a public player base. We have a shopping district for active players to build shops and make a profit. The server runs on donation money, so there’s no guarantee it will last the season, but we’re doing our best…. Read More

  • 1997 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server

    1997 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server🔳 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server 🔳🔲 {Skyblock} {Escape} {Java 1.19}🔳 Ip: 🌐🔲 – DescriptionAn adventure map skyblock server based on the 1997 movie The Cube. 🎬Game modes include..🔳 – CubeExplore the cube, avoid the traps and successfully reach the edge. The exit will spawn on a random side. Can you beat the cube?🔳 – SkyblockBuild your island, expand your land and collect new materials to enhance your island.Economy for your Skyblock island is gained through completing the cube. Read More