Chill Minecraft Stream with Lord Thaddius

Video Information

Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls welcome to G Minecraft with me Lord dadus hello everybody out there in the YouTube land I hope you’re all doing well wonderful and amazing I’m feeling fantastic and I’m just sitting here on the Dock of the Bay by myself enjoying the relaxing sounds of my own voice

Because I’m myself here in this world so hello out there Lily opilia Crow black hole 50 Samurai owl you’re grounded Sean gem hello I hope you are all doing well today I guess I’m going to go swimming so today I just I I thought we should

Just first of all see my inventory get my iron back up I’m going to show you guys what I built if you haven’t watched the other uh welcome back Gem and fed baby if you have not seen the episode from last week or no not last week

Yesterday it was just yesterday I I posted a little chill chill video and I actually worked on the hall I call it the Hall of Heroes so now we have the Hall of viewers and the Hall of Heroes and I will show you if you

Have not seen it what it looks like in the meantime hello everyone how how is everyone doing can the sounds sound good can the I don’t know if the sounds sound good do the sounds sound good well let’s say hi to Paul real quick Paul hello all right he’s still not looking

At me he’s mad at me for locking him in that hole all right so what did we name the dog again Max that’s right oh I’m stuck all right let’s go up here hey spy MC welcome welcome welcome welcome so here is the Hall of viewers

And spy MC I think you are on here somewhere if not I will put you on here I thought you were on here well spy MC guess what my friend you have been in this chat a few times the music’s a bit crunchy all right we we we’ll we’ll get that spy

MC done Lily you are actually already in here where are you there you are Lily you’re right there so congratulations you have already been added to the hall of viewers painting thing hello and and there you are painting thing on the wall already so let’s let’s um let’s come alongside

Here did I did I put it the right did I put it the right way no I didn’t put the right way for some reason I said Sky spot there we go spy MC all right so if we come along here it continues through so we can fill up this

Whole hall and then it stops here x marks the spot and if we go through we can make longer but I mean if we fill up this Hall i’ would be very surprised but as you see we have it comes through here and comes through here now what I hope to

Do are you on the Hall of viewers that is a good question black H 50 you’re not black hole 50 is now in the Hall of viewers and he is also a mod so congratulations Samurai owl are you in the are you in the hall I can’t remember

We’re going to start this this thing off getting all you you fine fine friends in the hall where you’re supposed to be clouse hello welcome welcome welcome CL I think you’re already in the hall aren’t you well now I don’t know oh yeah you can edit signs now so all right Samurai

Owl there you go oh you know what got to stay on brand Sam Samurai owl there you go and clous welcome you are clous there you go clous you are now in the Hall of view so we’ll go all along we’ll fill up this Hall and and and make everybody feel

Special but right here this spot right here is reserved right now for gemstone because she is a patreon so thank you so much welcome to the Empire so this is the Hall of Heroes where where I I’ll be able to put patrons and and stuff

And I I’ll I’ll armor this up later when I have more things to iron iron things up with but Mandy hello yes are are the 3Gs watching as well if they are hello 3GS if not so there you go jpstone horse thank you so much for your

Pinage and I um I have to figure out I I got to get the the statues mod or data pack so I can make you in a pose and stuff they’re always watching and Mandy I do believe you’re already in the hall as well because you’re always around so where are you

What how is Mandy not in the Hall of viewers oh there you are you know what Mandy and the three G’s that’s that’s like a punk rock band so as you see my inventory is fairly empty because I emptied it out after building all this digging everything

Out I actually used thyrite because you know what why not so what I would like to do actually is I’m going to go and we’re going to explore cuz we really we’ve explored some I don’t want to explore too much but I have a need for sand and lots of

It and I would I would like to actually make some shovels instead of walking off like I have shovels in my hand already so we already have a bunch of we have some iron we have one Diamond but what I want to do actually is so this peak up

Here yep the bird poop block that’s right spy you you know is Skull is Skull knows so up here I was thinking about making something special out of some glass and I’ll probably get copper and so all right how many of you have seen the

Movie Dark Crystal now I I know I know I know some of you have I mean obviously my fam have but how many people have watched Dark Crystal because on the on on top of this I am hoping to make something I mean not not exactly like it

But something similar to like algra’s Dome so alra was a character in Dark Crystal and and Lily you you should absolutely watch Dark Crystal it is a classic it is a fantastic movie um it’s it’s it’s got It’s by Hensen Jim Henson’s found it’s it’s great you saw like five minutes of it

But you got bored well if you saw don’t watch the Netflix one watch the movie the movie is is awesome but there there is a character alra and she has this big dome thing it’s the end of the world or the beginning anyway I want to make

Something similar to that on top of this um she has a huge telescope and everything so I kind of want to make something like that not today obviously but part of this excursion today is going to be just looking what is it it it is it’s it’s a fantasy movie about

Some elfike creatures called gelflings and some giant crabs And skies that are trying to take over the world it’s it’s it’s it’s a it’s a good it’s a good film it’s very film it’s a very very adventurous film there is no song and dancing so what did I I just did the wrong thing there you go there’s no song No

Dancing so if I came for shovels not for bread what was I doing black hole 50 you’re supposed to keep me on target I blame you um but it’s a very good movie and I highly recommend it it is all it is also hilarious that that is also

True all right so since I’m going to be doing a bunch of sand digging I think we need to get let’s get four shovels four shovels should be good we’ll toss that in there and then we’ll keep the wood because we might want to put some what do you call those things

Um it’s it’s not that I’ll dig your hot out it’s spoon no uh I’ll dig a h I’ll dig your hot out with a spoon that that guy is from Robin Hood or or as some people would know him as Snape from um the Harry Potter series dinner wasn’t good

Oh why wasn’t it good dinner is supposed to be delicious no spy I’m so sorry to hear about your fouryear hardcore world that’s terrible getting corrupted h so what wasn’t good about it was it it wasn’t good the way it’s it’s like not feeling good now is that what’s not good

About dinner or was it just that like not very tasty I I felt weird this path wasn’t very pathy who made this path whoever made this path did not do a very good job at finishing it this is chill chill or or as as rooad likes to say uh redeemed chill also hello

Tim uhoh is my sound butt not working one second let’s let’s let’s uh let’s just sit here for a second at all the wonderful wonderful wonderfulness I’m doing and I’ll restart the soundbot see if that works now there we go now let’s do redeem chill all right let’s do points let’s do

That someone’s yelling at you oh I’m sorry and also spy that’s so sad losing all your stuff is not good all right so I think I’m going to go that away to look for some sand for a desert cuz I want to do a desert oo Jim is doing a

Thing inv vault is it Sky vaults vaulting Tim or is it Vault Hunter’s vating is it che che there we go now it’s working is the music Still sounding uh crunchy or is it okay I can restart my music as well or is it pole vaulting pole vaulting that

Could be a thing as well um okay you know what and you got an idea for an SMP oh no sound is better now all right good thank you darn lava sitters all right oh yeah Sky vaults getting ideas for stuff is amazing and it’s also frustrating when you’re

Trying to do one project and you’re like ah I got so many other projects I want to work on I I I figure I wanted to be able to see my my beautiful back of my head yep that was a magma block that that tried to drag me

Under I’m going to go this way cuz I don’t think we’ve really fully explored this way yeah the water is so ni oh you know what hold on let’s hit let me hit the shaders here turn on the shaders ah now when everything Pops in it looks extra

Weird all right hey Kristen welcome to the stream and I hope this chill makes you feel better I know you’re feeling under the weather everybody send your best wishes to Kristen I am so sorry that you’re feeling feeling not good all right let’s see this is going to make it a little

Man look at that water it’s all shiny Like all right we’re going to keep going oh you have a bad sinus infection well you know I’ve never heard of good sinus infections so oh you know what I did not grab I didn’t grab a bed so uh we’re going to go visit let’s go visit and see if we can

Find any uh any sheep if it if it gets laggy for you guys let me know and I’ll turn off the shaders I shouldn’t get laggy we should be good um but you never know we’ll just got some pigs those can’t sh can’t shave Pigs Can’t shave Ducks technically

Speaking at least not in the US I don’t know if anywhere else so how has everybody’s week been obviously Kristen is feeling under the weather aha there we go that’s what I need um sorry no offense but uh I I need I need your wool more than you do okay I

Need one more thought there was another one around here somewhere aha no offense or take offense I I don’t really care oh oh look at that we got a sheep’s head all right eat a clove of garlic and Chase it down with a tablespoon of honey yeah you

Know what I agree with that Crystal I I I do I do I do enjoy my Garlics garlic is delicious all right so now we have a bed so that if if slash well get back up there if slash when it gets dark we won’t perish all right and we won’t go down there I want to go I want to find the desert so let’s keep going

This way till we find a desert we’ll just keep wandering hello Pig you would just eat the clove of garlic you know um black hole 50 who I know is watching this he came in the kitchen one day I was chopping up a bunch of garlic um to

To make uh a bunch of Stuff and uh he wanted to try just a clove of garlic by itself so I just gave him a coal clove and I I believe there are many regrets after eating that clove of garlic he enjoyed it but he also did not e James is home I’m glad he’s

Home did he come home because you were sick or did he come home because he was just ready to come home oh no your computer blue screen that’s not good garlic bread oh yeah those are two words that we enjoy so much garlic bread garlic bread is very chill hit that button chill

You don’t eat garlic powder yes Godzilla Dojo who I who did I say did I say sam Al or I say Godzilla Dojo I apologize if I said the wrong child I had him in my head the whole time come down here come down there peppermint extract works better than vix

You know what yes I and I like peppermint extract and if you get nice strong peppermint tea oh there’s no desert over here I really thought there would Be jemstone were you able to reboot your computer okay I hope so I hate it when things blue screen he came home for both reasons his septic tank seminar was over and just in time for a romantic trip to Urgent Care ah peppermint garlic bread yeah this this is actually a

Really really nice World by um and so you know eventually I want to open up this world for people to come join me oh here’s sand not exactly the sand I’m looking for but sand eventually I want to put this on a server and use use this to Uh come on go sleep and use this to to have people come and hang out Grizzly it’s a chill stream oh yeah welcome to the stream Grizz so glad you’re here go sleep go sleep ever since you got that new Ram stick it’s been acting up

Oh well that’s not good oh there’s some people up there let’s go visit some people we very well may have already visited these people um I could actually try yeah I um I I know Tim BCE used to use that on his server and there was some issues back in

The day I don’t know if they fixed the parody but I think I could do that it’s uh called I don’t think that’s what it’s actually called um I don’t remember what it’s called but Tim would know but Tim’s probably need deep in a vault running for his life right now in

His in his hardcore Vault hunting worlds cuz he’s crazy fountain or spring yeah I don’t remember what it’s called I thought it started with geyser it’s called geyser that’s what it’s called thank you Tim and I know that there’s issues with it sometimes but you know what it might be

Worth working on the issues I know that there’s stuff that the uh um Bedrock players can’t do like go on the roof but you’re the only one in the family that likes peppermint o oil oh that’s unfortunate ah this little village look oh look at look at all the bunnies look at all

Them take a screenshot real quick so that hey hey friends how you guys doing hope you’re doing well you’re doing all right doing good all right fantastic I’ll I’ll talk to you later I’ll probably steal you later I mean I’ll talk to you later you I’m just going

To not take their stuff didn’t do it hey white toop how you Doing I like to give shout outs to creators so uh you know what I going to give shout out to White top because white top is actually a member of a really cool little uh smpp called on SEC called Shadow Topia it’s a bunch of really cool creators so go ahead and

Check out her Channel sometime and check out the other shadat toian Shadow folk hello sir don’t mind me have I been here I haven’t been here I really you know what I forgot to grab my book my book to pick stuff up oh wait I don’t need those I don’t need those

Either we can leave those you guys can keep that oh I heard a cat where’s the kitty it’s an orange kitty okay yeah go ahead and check out white top and check out the other shadat toian cuz they’re awesome good people really nice really Fun all right so which way did we come in we came from the north so we’re going to continue South I think nope not a Jelly Cat ooh but hey no don’t mind me just going to take uh take your stuff cuz I

Can so if I get a Jelly Cat I am going to name the Jelly Cat sukii as long as I can in in in honor of my cat who I think I’ve talked about like a bajillion times you’re probably sicking be talking about her but I’m going to do it at some

Point purification from from Young Living yeah there are some really good essential oils out there I was lowkey addicted to essential oils you know went to a essential oil AA got to kick the habit what is up Benny this is this Ser is called chill chill chill so you

Eventually I want to open up this world for everybody to join me but I’m going to build stuff and I know Tim I’m sorry thank you black hole so this is just a chill survival just you know kind of hang out Chit Chat have a nice time how have you been

Benny Benny’s been a uh a friend for a while we uh teamed up on ascension for a while there was fun times look at me parkouring all over the place like a pro Tim is just mean he’s Tim be mean we we established that during uh o

During the um the last stream that he’s Tim be mean Benny have you started started making content yet I know that you were talking about it oh the chromatica SMP event so chromatica spp was the server that Tim and I did our vault Hunter series with I haven’t been able to get

On there for a while not because it’s been down I just been busy I need to get there Pro parkour way better than I don’t know something not proar part not pro core you haven’t but you might be soon with some friends awesome I remember all the crazy stuff

You built on the server before so looking forward to seeing it so right so you guys know we’re still looking for a a a a blasted uh what are we looking for a desert that was some really tall sugar cane grab some sugarcan cuz you never know when we’ll need It hey Lily welcome back what you up to what you do what’s the good news Lily Lily are you a cat person or a dog person hey your computer’s back up I’m glad to hear that Jem all right Chris I will see you when you get

Back feel like we should get some this this where just grab a bunch forgot that that startled me when I broke the tree I forgot that I had this on here to make Gathering stuff a lot easier bols but you like but more dogs okay all right Lil why don’t you if you

Don’t mind in the chat type exclamation point dog fact dog f a c TS and see if that works dogs are great when there’s someone else is cleaning up after them that’s you know you’re not wrong you are definitely not wrong you’re a dog person yeah white up you

Have like a bunch of dogs don’t you you have like three of them or nine of them or 40 of them you own your own Kettle full of just your own dogs you know what I think I’m grab some of these berries cuz I don’t know if I

Have any berries and yeah they’re not super useful but you know what I I want to be prepared you have four okay so 4 million look at the foxy well I can’t look at the foxy if he’s hiding he go there he is look at the fox

Look oh look at there’s two of oh there a baby one a what’s up Primal welcome to the stream oh I missed chill chill oh yeah use the berries on on the on the foxes I I know I don’t really care about the foxes that much I mean oh I love the

Foxes jeez Sam you’re grounded hello doggos I don’t have anything to give you oh but you left me gifts thank you so nice those dogs are chill so what’s up what’s up uh Primal how you doing how you feeling think the last time I heard you had an

Injury three of them are rescue dogs that’s cool we had a rescue cat which sounds kind of silly oh it is sleeping time you’re doing good good this is Chill stream no scares that’s right come on it’s just let’s just be chill if we’ve had three different

Cats there we go I think only one was a legitimate um rescue cat though Figaro ow dude Barry sorry for my language so we had a black C A black cat apparently I’m also Southern we had a black cat named Figaro and he was a very chill cat he was like my

Buddy he’d kind of sit on my on on my lap but like he was is really big so he’d sit mostly on the couch with just one arm kind of like chill on my lap and he’d watch TV with me and my wife it was it was pretty awesome I

Don’t know if we went the right way or not for I mean we now we’re at a now we’re in a a swamp and I I just want to not run into anything scary because that’s not chill all right there is some sand but the sand and then turns into

Snow I don’t think that’s that’s that’s not the vibe what kind of all right well I walked all this way I might as well get to sand right worried about tomorrow you have 16 quarter sheets to make and your boss is doing a wedding cake the other girls

Have 12 round double air man that’s a lot of that’s a lot of things I don’t even know what that stuff means I saw cake now I just want cake well Jem you are in my thoughts and prayers I hope that it all goes well but

You do awesome stuff so what is up black belt how’s kicks how how’s life treating you how’s the hardcoring go going have you gotten all of your shulkers worth of slabs and stuff see we don’t need that one either we’re just getting some sand here cuz first of all opilia asked

Oh that’s not chill all that sand went down there ailia Crow asked me yesterday what is one of my favorite sounds and I said digging in the sand it’s just a really nice chill sound stop going down there it was cool that is true all right get back to homework Sam

Good luck everybody wish Sam good luck everybody wish Jim good luck you know what oh Sam you’re grounded everybody tell Sam he’s grounded Jem if you want to post pictures as you go just to to so we can cheer you on I know that maybe posting pictures while you’re working is probably just

Adding stress but if you wanted to post pictures on the Discord so we can cheer you on tomorrow feel free I have not died in this world at all which which is pretty great and like I haven’t even been very being that careful either but you know what when you’re chill everything is

Cool oh yeah all right there we go oh I just went out of the water the water’s too chill it is kind of like a little water slide you know what um no I don’t want to lose my boat um what do we not actually need we don’t actually need the dirt bye Bye uh that in there get some more sand so yeah pretty much this world is kind of like hardcore except if I die I’ll respawn and I’ll be fine just without all my goodies and I I don’t like dying because then it’s a pain in the butt and I don’t I don’t like

Annoyances you just Spam Discord art tabs with some all right good if you guys want to see some of gems really amazing builds just check out the Discord it’ll pop up somewhere or it’ll be in the description actually I just realized I don’t think I set up

The the the the chill stream uh the redeems did I I apologize all right how much let let’s just finish off this one stack and then I think one two three four five Stacks should be good for now you’re less than 40 days away from your hardcore o or your uh 2,000 that’s

Amazing what are you working on lately Jem I know that there is all right let’s go over and check out this spot over here I’m I’m like getting getting letting myself get distracted all over the place but let’s go over here let’s check out this over here

Cuz it looks cool with the spires and stuff so yeah Jim what are you looking at or working on you need to build a greenhouse all right are you going to put um botney pots in there for for for growing stuff are you going to grow it all all

Natural as they say in the France all natural I don’t I don’t know I just I lost it sadly had time to log on you ran one vault in the past week oh hello you can’t get me near near but look they have a baby we all know mama bears protect they

Babies all right let’s continue what’s that over there let’s check it out going to be a mix because your farm is now stable all right all right is it’s a stable Farm your farm is in a Sher that’s interesting I need to get silk touch on

A on a pickaxe so that I can get Ice Ice Baby demonti Baby all right I’ll stop I won’t collaborate or I’ll or listen I can I can almost hear my kids finishing that song in the other room almost but they won’t oh there it is collabora listen the ice is

Back hey Potter geek aoy aoy Potter geek is Here oh wait wait wait nooy we’re chill thread the needle S as be stuck in your head all night I’m sorry pottergeek how you doing how’s the kitty what is going on over there I want to see it I mean I’m still in the boat I’m just

Trying to break the boat Bo but I couldn’t break the boat oh man I thought that maybe that was just a a unrendered thing but no that’s craziness is it normal for a 5-year-old to just not eat uhoh that’s a m bear let’s go this way we’ll go around cuz Mama bears are

Mean go that is really cool uh gra you and what is going on with that thing what’s up Pro Gamer oh I should eat thank you welcome to the stream take a nap he’s doing so much better than for asking I’m so glad to hear

That I I missed the the part where you said you thought he might have been uh hurt by a mean person so I’m sorry to hear that but I’m glad that that the Kitty’s doing better earlier I was talking about our kitty and I’m I’m fully convinced that he was kicked around a

Bunch as well but that was before we got him that’s like the Prometheans from Halo 4 and five four and five the Pro Gamer how you doing what’s new oh I don’t have room in my inventory for anything all right we’ll just ouch we’ll just go around the hard way the

Easy way no the hard way there a boy had nothing at all and for dinner he’s not hungry you’re good good I’m glad to hear that Pro So Pro are you enjoying the new/old uh fortnite update what do we have space for coal we should probably gather coal in it wherever we see

It do I have coal somewhere already in my inventory I don’t okay thought I did I thought it collected but lo and behold it did not all right what do we not really need we don’t really need you know what let’s just do this I know this is a waste but

There h no I didn’t I I could hear you but I don’t think my mic was working right that day so I apologize and then it just completely glitched I want my my sticks you know what you can do with sticks you can rub them together like

That and then you can kind of do like beat boxing with it I hurt your soul to know someone local to me is cruel to animals yeah I I don’t know why people do that to to to to anybody let alone animals it just makes no

Sense I I will never hurt a poor Kitty in Minecraft on purpose this is not a desert either I think we’ve gone quite far enough let’s go let’s go east for a while so ailia Crow one of these days when we get you back into Minecraft we’ll find a

Land like this where it’s just tons of ice and we’ll go ice ice boating it’s super fun and fast one of your teachers at school ran over oh in front of a bunch of little kids okay stop it don’t go into more details nobody was happy at

That yeah um going on ice is super fast and super fun whoa oh no oh no okay all right that was not as bad as I thought it was going to be you know a spot on the private server all right cool we’ll have to do that show your mom how to ice

Boat no got to get out of here or something besides the nibble on my nose yeah I I I I was I almost Abandoned Ship but then I realized that the ship will probably all right you know what let’s let’s let’s go I don’t know where we’re going to go

Let’s go up and over that there we go we’ll do that may or not be over 3 th000 blocks long that’s enormously blocked I hate powder snow too it’s it’s annoying H pting you’re alive your Wi-Fi went out for 20 minutes that’s enough to oh that looks really cool down there

That does not look really he’s like on a conveyor Belt that was kind of funny conveyor belt zombie kind want to see what over there well they gave me iron though that’s nice of them um all right sticks how do he just wh that was perfect timing a dead Alert black belt okay stay on the Treetops

St okay uh it’s still on the trees that’s fine all right we’ll have to remember that uh screenshot the coordinates so I can write those down in the book for investigating later yeah yeah for the zombie that poor zombie he’s now crispy but I got pie I I got a piece of

Iron though so you know it’s okay for some reason about twice a mon your Wi-Fi just stops it just cuts out that’s no fun there was a short time when our our internet would just randomly cut out for no reason um it’s it’s done good lately though you know now that my collab

Streams aren’t here anymore but what there’s like a whole million of them down there how do I how do I how do I I guess they just run away all right we’re going to go oh I was supposed to go wa wait I’m supposed to go east

I don’t have the book with me because I’m a dunce that’s why yeah I threw my sticks got rid of the sticks for the iron well that’s a big Chasm that that would that would defin oh there’s iron there though but I I got iron at home I don’t need all the iron

Right better eat some food you don’t think it’s company go down I don’t want to go down there though do we want to go down there I mean I don’t have any room in my inventory for stuff though what’s up corick welcome to the stream how you doing I don’t really want

To go down there right now that’s so tempting I mean there is like an easy water drop I could just jump right in there probably hit a drip leaf and die but I could that’s that’s would not be chill how is it going cornic it’s it’s been a little while

Since I’ve seen you in a stream I hope you’re doing well oh yeah cords good idea good idea Loop okay Loop and Boop there now we have the cords you started building a massive shulker Farm on your hardcore I know that you were planning on doing that and

You needed like a million shulkers for or a a million slabs of something okay we want to go East you know what you know that’s fair deleting your social media sometimes is the best way to go oh goodness okay guys this is not chill you’re in my boat you’re both in my

Boat come on all right go ahead and shoot your [Applause] friend a fine keep the boat I don’t need it you already started building it that’s good yeah my shield is going to break I noticed that too that’s why I’m just getting out of Dodge I just wanted to go East guys just

Oh you’re still following me if we Dodge and weave through the trees then we’ll lose them they’ll never know I’m there DOD me they word of they they just want a piece of me you still with me okay I lost them let’s let’s take a nap good Lu in the Shockers

Yeah yep your skin looks like a uh I want to go this way don’t really want powder zombie startled me okay go ahead go ahead go ahead your SK your skin is still your Dr the drown all right what do I not really want uh

Oh you know what I know what I can do where is do I not have a oh here it is I was going to say do I not have a crafting table I do cuz I need a new Shield before this one breaks oops a new Shield before this one breaks there you

Go um all right and then we can just combine the two Shields and now we have inventory room no I don’t want that I want the bones cuz if I find where doggos more ice I think this world is permanently just cold now all right let’s let’s take a break right

Here let’s get a water break everybody go ahead and hydrate yourself and then you know do some stretches hydrate oh yeah that’s right it is just chew why don’t I have feature channels anymore because I have way too many friends I can’t just feature hand full of them it I just felt bad

So if if you want to oh there’s a bear I’ll just go this way polar bear polar bear a polar bear over there super cheat oh I don’t have a boat anymore gosh darn those guys stealing my boat and now those guys will never despawn they’re going to be there forever oh

Um shoot my boat black BT if you wanted to feel free I don’t mind if you feature my channel it’s just you know I I’ve collaborated with a lot of people all the people igniter you know Tim and I have other people that I’m going to be doing some

Stuff with soon and I just don’t feel like I have enough room to feature channels so that’s why I don’t all right you know what I’m going to come over here and I’m going to get the cords to this because you know what everybody needs is a RAID

Farm if I sinking snow I’m going to be mildly annoyed all right let’s risk it we’ll risk it cuz there might be some goodies in there come back here there you go we’ll risk it this be a nice nice chill Pillager thing right they’re just going to be chill

They’re not they’re not really going to try to hurt me they they love me they’re like oh it’s so chill it’s chill Lord tus oh I I hear ow that was not chill oh darn it they took my crafting table and everything um There now they can’t get down can’t get up oh missing templates all right carrots potatoes you know what I don’t think we need the potatoes we can leave the potatoes behind take the templates it it is actually a really cool mean look at over there you got some Spires

Um but I’m I’m afraid that now we’re just stuck here for the rest of the day does this day you still have a shulker sitting at spawn that’s funny that is funny all right this could end badly but you know what that’s Okay you want to continue going east trying to shoot at me that’s rude I could vat down you know what I’m I’m going to I have an idea I have a small idea just a small one make some room here make a second boat because I have a

Feeling I’m going to have to abandon the boat really quick Yep bye don’t need it see ah look at that oh they’re they’re very happy with me look at that they’re following me they’re fans see you guys look at them fans they love me hey oh they have a baby yeah sunken ship I see this sunken ship I’m try to get it

Without getting eaten by polar bears next okay take that is there any there it is okay we got some iron that’s good got some gold that’s also good what don’t we really need we don’t need you know that one piece of coal is not doing us any good um that’s

South yeah we can we can try to hit that up we eat a piece of bread and then do this real quick uhoh what in the world I think I sat on something suffocating suffer suffer creating how many okay yeah that was dumb never mind um

Perfect anything else I want to take in here I want this back okay so we would need to go that way lucky for me I have another boat because I have two boats woohoo no that was not chill that that boat tried to kill me and the most unsure

Way all right so we’re just going to oh I need to go north not South they do just they did just want to chill with me and I now I feel kind of bad that I I didn’t want to chill with them because they trying to shoot me and the

Tokus and this tokus was not made for shooting you know what I actually like the sound of breaking glass or breaking uh ice that that might be another of my favorite sounds what is that block that just dirt oh that’s just ice okay it looked looked really

Weird I don’t know why that made me laugh they’re hoping to make it to your next thumbnail yeah all right GNA have to sleep right here berries up there follow the tutorial by shulkercraft but it wasn’t made by sh okay yeah I if if you ask neat she has a like matica

Design that one of her friends made and it is insane the amount of shulkers that we got from that thing was just mindboggling come back there you go don’t you try to run away from me where’s my boat there it is get up their bed we don’t need that

Oh I passed it now we need to go that way so West is on the left right I think so you have a light matica of a shulker farm all right all right cool are you kidding me it’s right by that I bet you it’s going to be right by

That isn’t it you cursed dirty map right let’s just see how bad this is going to be okay so now we just go west until we start seeing it on the map never eat soggy waffles oh all right you know what that’s that’s actually very smart thank you see my

Kids are smarter than me 1,400 shells per hour now you know what unless you’re in a in a SMP that is that does sound a little a little Overkill oh Dr retro you have come to the right place if you like don’t have a baby don’t have a baby

Don’t have a baby okay good if you like cheese cuz you know what we’re all about the cheese and it’s mostly cheesy puns but they’re there but welcome to the stream Dr Retro we’re looking for this accursed treasure map growing up has never eat soggy watermelon you know isn’t watermelon just soggy cuz it’s it’s in the name right okay now I’m going too far south I need to go north that way what is up Garfield welcome yeah right how how can watermelon not be

Soggy is it really like right in here never seen a treasure map not be just in sand so maybe it’s over in the Sandy Shore here end update or a new dimension you know what that is a very good question I think honestly I’d like a new dimension i’ I’d

Like to to see something new let’s just uh there it is first try o look at that got some iron we got some gold we got some diamonds um you know what hold on don’t waste food just eat it oh yeah I know the trick I just didn’t really feel like

Pulling pulling my uh thing out all right sorry horse or horse head sheep head you got to go actually bury treasure that can go and I keep my sheep head welcome back sheep head and let’s take the TNT we’ll leave the rest all right let’s let’s start heading

Back to the home what’s up John how you doing welcome to the stream hope you’re doing well what is the good news this week have you done anything exciting how has anybody DJ have you done anything exciting gem I know you’re you’re like doing all sorts of stuff my kids have

Had half days this week so what is new I generally work from home but I actually went to the office on Wednesday wait Wednesday Wednesday or Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday I don’t even know what day it is Thursday Wednesday I went to the office on Wednesday and then we went

Out to lunch it was the delicious meal celebrating a a co-workers birthday birthday that was that was pretty fun you have been drawing some of your own custom mobs ooh that sounds like coolness so so when you draw your mobs do you uh like model them out later and put

Them in game or you just just for for fun fun and dandies I am using a Shader pack actually um I believe it is the complimentary I’m using right now so Yeah black hole 50 dissected a clam and an earthworm there’s you know what it is it is amazing how complex things are also some people call eating clams dissecting them as well but I don’t think people generally eat worms I think that’s usually a Bad Thing unless you like to eat worms then

It’s weird I mean a good thing ice jumping ice jumping ice jumping uh no it’s just it’s a Shader pack um if if you go to I mean you could go to modren you could go to curse Forge and just look for Shader packs and it’s

Just a just a Shader you don’t need a uh any special programs and uh so that generally it just looks like this um and I have a mod that Fades everything in so and I hit this again enable it and now it’s a really cool rain and then I have

A mod to make the skies look really pretty cuz I’m liking that um in my in the uh the description there is a link link to all the mods that I use so if you wanted to check those out I hit my Shader pack I hit my

Shaders and it did a weirdness thing so I have a a mod that when it when I’m loading new chunks it kind of Pops them up instead of just there they are they two you not being able to log in ah is it giving you errors gem when you try

To log in or does it just boot you out yeah we probably should make a clock so when we’re out and about we know what time it is all right painting thing you have earned your rest good luck and remember stay chill thanks black hole you even Drew your own custom biome

Called volcanic Wasteland ooh that’s pretty cool that that sounds pretty awesome if you want and and have Discord you can post your pictures of it on Discord I would love to see it Good Night painting thing sleep well what is up Van how you doing Mr van the Sloth get another wonderful YouTube

Creator let me just tell you I’ll tell you what you think this is too chill are you starting to fall asleep Garfield um and I am going back to my home we’re going to drop off a whole bunch of stuff and just chill we were looking for a desert I

Kind of wanted to find a desert so I could uh I was trying to find a desert so we could do a temple and get some goodies that way but obviously not you’re farming ice at the moment apparently I was farming ice at the moment too but I wasn’t getting any o magical

Sound let’s do Chuck Norris let’s see if this works today but we’re always getting dark time why thank you Amber and welcome to the stream the stream of the NAU ex stream the stream of The Chew let’s sleep there joke not found what a

Joke so I I use an API and sometimes it doesn’t want to work what did I pick up that it won’t let me do that that hey you guys Potter geek is still here so as the Marvel and DC Comic stuff still kind of revs up who is your favorite comic book

Characters for instance I’ve always loved Captain America CU he was always like a tried andrue good guy fight for the little guy you know fight against the the bad guys always love that a boy dug three holes in the yard when his mother saw she exclaimed well well well

I appreciate that I thought that was pretty funny you think it’s got to be Spider-Man that’s acceptable Spider-Man was always a good tried and true character I don’t I I also liked Wolverine but that was during my bad boy phase you know what’s worse than finding a wormy

Your Apple fighting half a worm in your Apple you know true story I was at a family gathering and we were making corn and it was you know kind of you like wrap the corn in some tin foil and you put it in the along the

Edge of the fire and let it cook that way I was opening up my corn and uh lo and behold a crispy worm fell out I did not eat that corn just uh FYI why does this look different what is what’s the difference between this this is oh it’s rud to dirt

Okay might come back for that later that fall down now it’s telling you mod Vault won’t load that’s weird just realize you don’t have a favorite hero that’s okay you you can have ones that you just enjoy or or not you know I’ve also kind of liked Batman before Batman was really super

Popular but now he’s popular and all the kids like him all the cool kids are like oh Batman’s my favorite I’m like yeah he’s all right now not really Batman’s still cool but conjunctivitis dcom now that’s a site for Sor eyes how am I offline when I have your

Stream running that’s that’s a good question that is a very good question you want an argument with a weather forecaster his logic was cloudy that’s that’s funny too my goodness the dad jokes are plenty come for the Minecraft stay for the dad jokes they aren’t even my dad jokes I

Can almost hear my kids groaning in the other room though why do pirates pay for this corn a buck in Here oh I fell down that’s okay Falling Down is Perfectly Natural get to a certain age you just fall all the time anyway well hello there squirties hello oh I need this back I’m going the wrong way we need to go this way why what do you get when your bunny gets

Wet you get a hair oh man that’s that’s sometimes these jokes even make me go oh sister got a fly in her soup she actually accidentally said there’s soup in my fly you could say it’s a soup fly that’s that’s funny that is funny sometimes the jokes where you just like immediately

Respond but actually all the times when you just immediately respond are some of the best jokes yeah cool down that one is actually from the uh the site that does the API that was not even me saying whoa whoa whoa you’re like pulling way too much weight simmer down there simmer

Down there what’s your problems too much laughing Neato what is up K Monte count Monty how are you doing welcome to the chill stream where we’re just running around aimlessly having fun telling dad jokes not dying and it’s not even hardcore I don’t know if you can do a chill

Hardcore because the very nature of Hardcore would be not chill ow and i’ probably have died like 10 times by now so I am working on a new Hardcore Season 6 hey I don’t remember you you just I just saw you come right over here and put on a hat how you

Doing nice good to see you talk to you later you tell me to get chill you get chill chill it’s redeem chill at least the dad jokes don’t take any points yep I I actually did that on purpose because I like the dad jokes wow hold on here let’s just take a

Gander over this Mountaintop yes his nose is a wiggle nose just going to take a big screenshot that is do you call my hardcore Wife Rod chill what not quite sure what that means you’re chill living you’re living chill right now nice the easiest way to get home would

Be to die but I don’t think that’s the best idea that’s with all these goodies I’m not going to loot this this one this this Village let’s just take a screenshot for the cords Life’s good I’m glad I’m glad life is good Monty you’re a good person you need it

Did you just call your hardcore World chilled no I did not I did not call it a chill I called it the opposite of chill I popped in your your live stream the other day and you’re like flying around the nether that’s definitely not chill that’s hot lava hey Amelia hello

Hello welcome to the Stream welcome to the chill stream yeah we’re just going to be chill we’re walk through the woods I like long walks through the woods I really didn’t do any hiking this summer I really wish I did that’s that’s like a random statement but walking through the woods

Made me think of real life walking through the woods I like going to parks and stuff and I did not do that very often this Summer chill sounds great good I’m so glad we’re just going to chill so as I talk about other creators director Amelia is also a Creator part of unorth blocks if I remember correctly which sometimes I do ailia Crow definitely is okay with that walking through Parks is amazing

And where we live there are so many parks um just Wilderness centers and so many great places to hike and walk be in be indoor doors Outdoors hiking through wherever just enjoying stuff yes you are part of unorth blocks good I said that and I was like oh shoot

Maybe is she part of an nor blocks so good I’m glad summer was hot your girlfriend and you love hiking but it’s way way too hot to fast but I don’t remember if it was that hot where we are I don’t think it was that hot

But it definitely felt like there was no time to actually do a lot of stuff which was unfortunate and the funny thing is I don’t remember anything that we did that would have caused it to be too uh too busy to just go for a walk

But I do hope to walk you know walk more because walking is good for me especially as I get old usually go hiking this time here all right finally gets cool enough to be bearable nice I am not a pre-recorded message Legend Wars Deon I’ll just call you Legend I am not

A pre-recorded message this is all live when I say live I mean live I mean I have a died yet anyway so welcome and chill chill I probably should watch where I’m going before I hit my chill button so yeah if I’m doing a live stream it’s always

Live I try not to fakey it out I do release some non o stop it uhoh all right we’ll just get out of here I didn’t do it I didn’t do it uh you are the number 76 Minecraft stream that’s real you know I have noticed an uptick of pre-recorded

Streams that people just play and they aren’t really live which is kind of annoying that’s true I do I do have it set so that you can watch the VOD later but you you can’t chat on that so it’s not like a fake live well that was close lightning

Reflexes you love walking but you usually walk about 6 kilometers a day and then there isn’t much time for hiking that’s that’s a lot of walking I I usually walk to like my kitchen and that’s that’s about it you wish I could you know I will tell

You I’ll tell you the truth Legend uh this world that I’m in right now at some point in the future if things go well I hope to have a server that will have this world that I’m playing um and anything that I build on it during these

Streams I you know will be featured so you know subscribe to the to the channel and hang out and you’ll you can be notified at the point when I can do that because I would love to be you know playing with other people that’s kind of a cool little

Island there I don’t know why it looks cool but it Does I have tried aernos and i’ it’s it’s good for like a couple people but anytime I use aernos for anything more than a few people it it kind of craps out and it restarts every 15 minutes even if I don’t want it

To um you know black hole 50 and I had a server on there for a while and it was kind of lame for us you don’t have a driver’s license because you’re very stubborn about it you know if you can walk to work and back why

Not that’s kind of a cool looking spot right there like jaggedly cut through eternos is good for mini games not much else you are right um I have an idea where I might like Yep this is your third time I I I I remember from the last stream I thought

It was your first time and you were like this is your second time now it’s your third now now you’re like an Oldtimer yeah it’s good for a a a few friends that is true I I might have an eternos server later on where I can do some interviewing with

People but I don’t know if I would really do it for a lot of live streams jumping I like jump I I jump and then I miss things and it’s embarrassing unfortunately that’s how I jump in real life too it’s like one of those cats that

That you know you see the cat videos and they’re like and they miss that that’s what I feel like half the time when I’m jumping I’m just going to miss everything but that’s because I do because I do I do declare I miss what I’m jumping all right here we go home sweet Home all right so we have a few new viewers here so let’s come on up here and we’re going to add a couple names to the whole of viewers so Amelia you are already on here look at that right there so I’m going to add count

Monty welcome to the stream this is my hall of viewers and we have Legend Wars Dion what a fit did I spell it all right Legend Wars Dia Woohoo yeah I I know it is I know it’s pretty late for you count I really appreciate you coming and hanging out for a while whenever you do it’s pretty awesome so thank you sorry it’s so late for you van I think you are already on here but let’s let’s let’s

Look let’s just look Here do van the sloth is not on here oh my stars we’re going to have to fix that too van the sloth you know what let’s get you with a capital s in there 430 right now oh no that’s late I thought you were on here but

Apparently you’ve not been to one of my chill streams so you’re chill chill and you’re streaming and watching at the same time well that’s okay I I accept that Griz you’re in there sanity’s in there all right is there anybody new that is chilling in the background that wants to

Be added that’s really close good thing I don’t have a nose you would been right up it that wants to be added to the hall it’s 9:35 for me as well Legends so EST for the win uh mine Hut is okay they play ads on your server while you play

So I know I had a couple viewers in earlier are you guys still in the chat or did you kind of like say hello and then disintegrate into the nights think there was like DJ and John but I don’t know Amber I know you’re in there I

Think you’re like right up front here there you are Amber right there wooo my hall will be big oh Benny so there we go the hall is going to go all the way on either side all the way down and it’s going to come right through to the end here and

If we get more people than it needs to be I will extand it out and then on either side of here this is the Hall of Heroes so this will be for patreons and people who donate and with their names so yeah I am on the East Coast yeah so all

Right so let’s empty our pockets here eat some bread first cuz then we got hungry I’m hungry in real life too my goodness had dinner and everything hello Max an unnamed horse all right so where do we want to put the sand we want to put the sand you

Know put the sand in here cuz why not all right put this stuff in here oh I already had berries well that wasn’t very nice not not sad I said it put this in here we got some more irons which is good we’ll put the sheap head down there in a

Minute uh what else we got oh we got some special TNT can put that up there um villager does a a book of projectile all right H same Sebastian hm put chance but I don’t have another name tag so his name is horse right now Sebastian that’s not a bad

Name or could to be a try no not a try our Tex there you go this is where we want that put those in there bones in here with other bones sugaring canes and in here okay I did have sugarcan I thought I did and then smithing

Templates put them in here our first smiing I think those are first smishing smishing T smishing smithing templates my goodness my goodness I can’t say anything right all right we’re going to put the sheep head down with the other sheep I’ll just have that sheep head stare at

Them this is what happens when you’re naughty keep that in mind don’t look at me crosseyed all right that’s pretty chill chill sheep all right let’s go to sleep here I’m going to take a sip of water hydr is important all right um I’m going to actually grab that villager that I

Just unwittingly threw in there and I’m going to you like CHR it works let’s go over to the Village here uh I don’t need it yeah all right I’m going to take the horse faster all right villager you’re creeping me out stop looking at me um stay there and let’s go let’s

Ride why do D people get Dragons war mixed up so much oh nope jesz oh man why is everything time to kill me this is Chill that is definitely not chill yeah where is my book that that was a good shout Amber where’ I put my

Book put it in here there it is book all right stop trying to kill me this is supposed to be chill oh yeah this this is my favorite mod ever it’s just a pickable villagers pickable pickable villagers I I I can’t play without it I hate moving like uh

Villagers oh they do I never noticed that before they do wear books on their heads oh no wonder he looks so grouchy got to balance that thing on his head all the time I’d be Grump I’d be grumpy too man don’t go in the

Tree I mean I I like books so it would be like the end of the world if I had books on my head but I don’t think it would feel too good where is that place where I can stable my horse not over here that that is hilarious

Go this way there we go ah there it is oh sorry horse you walk it off tried to kill me earlier so all right we got stickman in there I forgot about that I always thought it was a hat too yes I do have the book with me right

Here U that’s what I thought Amber was saying so home one Village two okay we should put this Village in here Village one this is at 135 and 45 and then Village two is further away and I’ll add the other Villages and locations to this book as

Well do you know the difference between dragons and Warf I do one is well I don’t think a waren is a uh is a lizard isn’t a waren more Mamon I think that’s a word if not then I just made one up and I will receive a quarter for every time use

It I think I put all of the things from the the villagers where actually come from a New York sidewalk catwalk where did I put all the villagers I put them in you know where I put all okay don’t don’t talk to me

Then I know I put it I think I put it in the blacksmith house but I don’t remember where the blacksmith house Is wyvern thank you yes yes I you’re right I’m sorry where in the world did I stash them villagers over there all right yeah there in D and D their stat blocks it definitely is different if you want to know any Dungeons and Dragons fact just ask black hole 50 dragons at 4

Yes okay another hole okay I don’t I don’t know where I put my other villagers I was going to start maybe putting out some villagers and getting these things working but now I don’t remember where it is oh yeah D and D is fun I got my boys addicted to it

Um even managed to get opilia to play once well that was one of the kids saying for my birthday mom um I I’ve never played Pathfinder or as some people call it mathf finder I I know that it is based off of DnD d uh third third edition or is it

2 E I don’t remember but that’s right things we do with our kids play Minecraft would anybody play this game anyway here it is tucked away keeping all the people safe Tada people open it up and there’s all the people also dragons are technically supposed to be near two to three times

The size of a wyvern yeah a wyvern to me it looks more like a dog all right so I’m going to start with the Librarians here let’s grab these two guys and these guy um we’ll put the light Librarians I think one of these nicer bigger places will be good place for

Librarians down in town that’s that’s our our that guy so how about this one for a librarian oh yeah that’s a good idea villager chest code I should probably just not leave them up there but I figured i’ for some reason I’m thinking if I stash him away then no

Zombies will go in there and I don’t know why I think that not like zombies are going through chests and stuff oh yeah I forgot we’re you all right we call this the Villager stash call put it that way like mustache I don’t know why that makes me laugh villager

Mustache okay the little things in life it’s the little things in life Ow like falling and hurting yourself mustache mustache so what we’re going to need to do also is get some wood and I guess I can just why is there not a tree like right

Here any other time there’s trees in my oh there go there’s one explosion of tree perfect cuz now I can that replant this tree and maybe another one there and there okay there now I feel like I accomplished something there um and then that put you

There actually dumb get out of there you thinking what in the world are you thinking that there you Mr Villager there look at that book it’s a good book I I promised or oh yeah come come here what you got curse of Vanishing no no that’s that’s not how this is going to work Mr villager if that’s your real name forgot I put my things away there we go okay do

That and break that yeah see you can’t get out I trapped you cuz I’m smarter than a librarian huh just leave this open and let a baby zombie get in there how you would like that you don’t like that very much do you remember correctly dragons of a

Specific type can get as big as a mount but the biggest wyvern can only get to the height of five redwood trees they are massive yeah did you see that how that that that that that guy he just kind of like looked at me and kind of was like ha I’m going to

Still do the book you didn’t want dirty guy and tell you what Chinese lung dragon can carry their eggs and their claws that’s pretty cool all right you ready to give me something no all right well go away then let’s do another house you know

What we’ll do the house that I was just in yeah they are you’re you’re right they are very interesting put you there what you got what the why is is everybody just do curse of Vanishing you guys are like the worst librarian read a better book you

Guys have you looked at your no you haven’t of course not cuz why would you look at your your job do your job man here’s your job I must have a bad luck value maybe they they’re like they don’t like these houses or something I don’t know

Hey that’s better than the other one let’s see if this guy has anything now really still don’t still don’t want to all right oh you made me strip the wood look at what you did you’re not a nitwit right no okay you guys don’t real realize he

Yeah well I I you you can actually get good stuff right off the bat like you can get a book amending hey come here see book Fortune there we go Fortune is not bad and I just realized I have zero gems yeah it is all about stubbornness I

Wonder who’s more stubborn me or the guys hey Buckaroo oh you’re an arrow guy all right see you yeah there is a car you know maybe they just don’t like being cooped up all the time I just throw this guy back in the back in the Thing paper to emeralds is a good starter you know what that’s not that’s not you’re not wrong you’re not wrong I could I could do that and then build a a sugar farm so back in here you you can come out trade you in what stop that that’s annoying there all

Right so throw this guy in at the Ben to see if he likes it better and if he gives me anything interesting oh Hello Kitty would you you want to eat a villager no that that that too creepy what may no may maybe I’ll break this and there okay you know what good

All right let’s go back home oh Kitty I wish I had I wish I had some Stuff all right gemstone good night thank you so thank you so much for hanging out gem thank you for being a rock star and remember stay chill I hope you have a good day have a good day tomorrow I hope that you rock it out I’m positive you will cuz you are aw

Awesome yeah you know what that’s why they wiggle their noses at me their nose Wiggles is like hey pick me that’s what they’re trying to do we got a lot of oxide Daisy that’s good we’ll get some good stuff out of that floppy eared pigs get some interesting food there all

Right yeah exactly exactly that’s what they’re like hey what is up sity things are going well except for the villagers who are being just obnoxious but you know what that’s villagers for you so let’s let’s just uh knock down some of this bamboo here eventually we’re going to need a lot of that

For building stuff I haven’t used bamboo for building like as building blocks yet but you know someday the points are for redeems so for instance if somebody does redeem creeper as Monty just did sorry Monty I ruined your fun if you have points you can uh do stuff with them all

Right director Amelia thank you come for coming the stream is almost over but oh you know what yeah we we have you on there sanity I know we have you on there I am on what version am I on I am 1.20.1 running fabric like a champ is this easy mode is this easy it is kind of easy mode I guess wait do we have string we have string so let’s let’s do this let’s let’s just Uh just finish this up with a nice little bit of fishing here just empty the Box our our stuff out toss it aside um I’ll put my extra Tools in here that one all right you miss one 20.1 they upgraded you lost replay oh yeah that’s I haven’t upgraded anything

Because honestly I’m not a huge fan of the new villager tra trade changes and I know that’s not coming yet but other than the building blocks I’m not really all that thrilled with the new updates so yep yep yep I I am so disheartened about the the uh the

Village your trades I I think it’s completely breaking the idea of the game that’s supposed to you play your way not we’re going to force you to do stuff our way but that’s okay you know what we still have this too a 1.20.1 we’re just going to relax and do a

Little bit of fishing I play stardew Valley with ofilia and uh she loves to fish and stardew Valley so Jee it’s harder to fish this this this this way yeah I don’t think I’ll play one. 21 either I I like the new tough blocks and the uh copper blocks but I’m guessing

Like the tough blocks are in you know some of the other some mods and I I’m guessing that we can probably get copper blocks and mods too and not have to worry about it but you think the new villagers will make you make it easier the game with time because you

You got to level everything is too easy you know I I guess if you can turn off if you can choose which style of villager you can use I’m I don’t care you know people can play it how they want but I don’t know maybe I’m just not that

Good at the game so it’s still hard anyway it is 10 o00 my friends let’s see if we catch something good nope a puffer fish it is 10:00 at 10:00 you know it is it’s time to say good night so thank you so much for hanging out just

Uh thanks for hanging out thanks for being chill and I hope that you guys enjoyed it if you haven’t please like the uh like the this this the what do you call it like the stream if you haven’t already subscribe Monday we’ll be doing Sky oh I

Did it again we’ll do we’ll be doing Sky vaults and until I see you again stay tun have a good night everybody

This video, titled ‘Let’s Explore Together in a Chill Minecraft Stream’, was uploaded by Lord Thaddius on 2023-11-10 15:21:59. It has garnered 86 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:11 or 7151 seconds.

Let’s hang out and chill in this Minecraft Survival live stream. We’re not doing hardcore, but we’re doing just a relaxing hang out as we explore this world, do some build projects, and just have a nice time.

So let’s take things down, chill a bit, and just enjoy the process of building and designing a Minecraft world. This isn’t a Hardcore Minecraft world. You’ll see much of this world in other videos and streams in the future.



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❤️I love Bisect Hosting for Minecraft servers

[ These are affiliate links – but it’s stuff I like, not garbage ]


🎧 Music Playlist Features : (Used with permission)

» Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio

» samuraiowl

» Thaddius Lord

» StreamBeats

* TAGS * #minecraft #relaxing #chillplay

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  • Roblox Death Ball: IanBox’s Masterful Gameplay

    Roblox Death Ball: IanBox's Masterful Gameplay Minecraft Madness: A Tale of Adventure and Survival The Beginning of an Epic Journey In the vast world of Minecraft, two brothers, Ian and Ethan, embark on a thrilling adventure filled with challenges and excitement. As they navigate through the game, they encounter various obstacles and foes, showcasing their skills and teamwork. A Battle for Survival Facing off against formidable opponents, the brothers demonstrate their prowess in combat, strategizing and fighting to emerge victorious. With each encounter, they showcase their determination and resilience, never backing down from a challenge. Building a Fortress In their quest for survival, Ian and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Builds and Demolitions!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Builds and Demolitions! Welcome to! Are you a fan of creating your own unique builds in Minecraft? Do you enjoy the satisfaction of completing a new project and demolishing the old to make way for something even better? If so, you’ll love what Minewind Minecraft Server has to offer. Imagine a community of like-minded players who appreciate the art of building and crafting in Minecraft. On Minewind, you can showcase your creativity, whether it’s through intricate exterior designs like the ones in the video you just watched, or by adding cute and unique decorations to your creations. Join us on Minewind… Read More

  • Unlock New Minecraft Editions on Minewind Server!

    Unlock New Minecraft Editions on Minewind Server! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft experience and take on new challenges? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! Join a vibrant community of players who are passionate about exploring, building, and surviving in the world of Minecraft. With a unique gameplay style and exciting features, Minewind offers an immersive experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone to enjoy on Minewind. Ready to dive in and start your adventure? Simply connect to Minewind server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET and join the fun today! Don’t miss out on… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Safe and Secure Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Safe and Secure Gaming Experience Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft servers! If you’re looking for a new adventure filled with mystery and challenges, then Minewind is the place for you. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience like no other. Imagine exploring a vast virtual world, where every corner holds a new surprise and every decision you make shapes your journey. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind welcomes all who are brave enough to embark on this thrilling adventure. Join us at Minewind and discover a world where creativity knows no bounds… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to! Are you a newcomer to the world of Minecraft, just like the YouTuber in the video “Paying Minecraft for the first time”? If so, you’re in for an exciting journey into the vast and creative universe of Minecraft. While the YouTuber may be new to the game, they are eager to dive in and explore all that Minecraft has to offer. And what better way to do that than by joining a thriving Minecraft community like Minewind? Minewind offers a unique and exhilarating Minecraft experience that is perfect for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Defeating Toxic Team

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for 200 IQ Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for 200 IQ Gameplay! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft: -100 IQ vs 200 IQ.” In this epic showdown, two players with vastly different approaches to the game go head-to-head in a battle of wits and skill. While watching the video, we couldn’t help but think about the diverse and exciting community over at Minewind Minecraft Server. Just like the players in the video, Minewind attracts individuals with a wide range of playing styles and strategies. Whether you consider yourself a quick-thinking 100… Read More

  • Conquering the Illager Castle in Minecraft

    Conquering the Illager Castle in Minecraft Minecraft: “Illager Castle Raid” The peaceful village’s old castle has fallen into the hands of the menacing Pillagers in Minecraft’s latest event, the “Illager Castle Raid.” Players must rise to the challenge and reclaim the castle from these hostile invaders to restore peace to the land. Music and Map To set the tone for this epic battle, players can immerse themselves in the original soundtrack “Teeth In” from Tower Defense X, composed by “The Gee J.” The intense music will keep players on the edge of their seats as they navigate through the Villager VS Illager Castle map created… Read More

  • Ultimate Multistream Minecraft Server Test

    Ultimate Multistream Minecraft Server Test Welcome to the KLÖTZCHEN Community Server! The KLÖTZCHEN Community Server is a vibrant and inclusive Minecraft community where players can come together to enjoy the game in a supportive environment. Whether you play Java or Bedrock, everyone is welcome to join in on the fun. The server is currently running on version 1.20.4 for Java and 1.20.71 for Bedrock, ensuring that all players can participate. How to Join To become a part of this exciting community, you can sign up for membership on Boubous Klötzchenbande channel and then join the Discord server. Once you have accepted the rules and… Read More

  • Hunt for Laughs: 2024 Minecraft Game

    Hunt for Laughs: 2024 Minecraft Game Welcome to the Post-Apocalyptic World of Huntercraft Step into a world teeming with monsters and mutants in Huntercraft, an offline survival game for Android devices. As a hunter, your mission is to navigate through the dangers of this open-world environment, filled with opportunities and threats. Game Features With a plethora of activities to engage in, Huntercraft offers players the chance to fight enemies, save survivors, complete quests, and develop their skills. Explore cubic locations and immerse yourself in the various game modes, such as taking on the challenge of killing 100 zombies within a time limit or rescuing survivors… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper Edition BOOM!

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper Edition BOOM! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftlove #relationshipgoals #boom Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to! Are you a fan of viral videos, trending topics, and all things popular on the internet? If so, you’ll love the excitement and buzz surrounding Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players from all around the world, Minewind offers a unique and thrilling gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. Imagine diving into a virtual world where creativity knows no bounds, where you can build, explore, and conquer alongside fellow gamers who share your passion for adventure. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind has something for… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Server Guide

    Ultimate Minecraft Server Guide The Top 3 Best Minecraft Servers You Must Try Are you tired of playing alone or looking to make new friends online? In this video, three servers are highlighted for you to play with your friends or make new ones. Let’s dive into the details of these exciting Minecraft servers: Pika Network Pika Network is known as the best international server with a variety of modes to choose from. Whether you enjoy Kit PvP, Skyblock, or Survival, this server has something for everyone. With thousands of players online, it’s a great place to test your skills and have fun… Read More

  • Unbelievable 4ChanChan Player Review

    Unbelievable 4ChanChan Player ReviewVideo Information what up y’all so I’ve been trying to look around for like a new person to look at their profile and then it instantly hit me I’m like wait benett Arthur why haven’t I thought of that it f you have 20 cents in your bank balance Benn it how the [ __ ] do you not have Eman 9 and you had 3,2 runs how do you not have a subset duplex one ter chance three nothing not even like five star are you trying to battle Joey LMAO worse Warden helmet so we got refrigerate one… Read More

  • Trapped by Doves!

    Trapped by Doves!Video Information nej nej jag got TR This video, titled ‘They Trapped Me!?’, was uploaded by Doveular on 2024-02-15 11:55:00. It has garnered 8678 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft Nextbots Mod! #minecraft #gaming #trending #mc #funny Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Lore Revealed! #DrauviaMC

    Unbelievable Minecraft Lore Revealed! #DrauviaMCVideo Information nos parecemos bastante No ambos rubios de hecho diría que te pareces también a ciertas personas a quién me [Música] [Música] parezco que me recuerdas a mi amada ella me está esperando en casa y yo muriendo por volver This video, titled ‘𝕄𝕖 𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕦𝕖𝕣𝕕𝕒𝕤 𝕒 𝕖́𝕝… #Lore #Minecraft #MinecraftRolplay #Rolplay #MinecraftLore #Drauvia #DrauviaMC’, was uploaded by Daya Lore on 2024-03-29 05:56:33. It has garnered 614 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #Skins #Lore #Minecraft #MinecraftRolplay #Rolplay #MinecraftLore #Drauvia #DrauviaMC Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Dog House Build 🐕🔨 #shorts

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Dog House Build 🐕🔨 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cute Dog House Build #shorts’, was uploaded by Sunfy Shorts on 2024-01-04 21:15:00. It has garnered 10974 views and 358 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #minecraftbuilding Hey there, welcome to Snufy! Your go-to spot for cool and simple Minecraft builds! We’re all about making your gaming experience better by sharing quick, awesome building ideas that you can easily try out in your own world. 🏡 Build it fast and easy: Check out short tutorials to create stunning structures without breaking a sweat. 🎨 Unleash your creativity:… Read More

  • Dansk YouTuber Blows Up House in Youtropolis :O

    Dansk YouTuber Blows Up House in Youtropolis :OVideo Information This video, titled ‘💥Eksplodere Starvys Hus I Youtropolis :O #dansk’, was uploaded by EliasHau on 2024-01-13 17:52:49. It has garnered 4407 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. #minecraft #danskminecraft #dansk #youtropolis #funny @StarvyDK Join My Discord Server Link In Bio Read More

  • INSANE!! COD Zombies in Minecraft (BO3 Custom Zombies)

    INSANE!! COD Zombies in Minecraft (BO3 Custom Zombies)Video Information since the literal Stone ages of custom zombies maps there has been one thing that has made its way to every game that has custom zombies and that is Minecraft whether it be an original map or the tutorial world or a remake of an actual map Minecraft has been part of custom zombies since World at War and today I’m going to be playing zombies maps that have been fully recreated into Minecraft versions but without further Ado let’s get into the first map with the first map being knock dur un toen I haven’t played any… Read More

  • CRAZY Minecraft Anniversary Surprise! 🎉 | Viewer Realms #shorts

    CRAZY Minecraft Anniversary Surprise! 🎉 | Viewer Realms #shortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello how’s it going everybody Welcome how’s it going Brian Elijah Charles uh one player G Michael towels Orville beatcraft we got bacon in the house zichi Ethan wper how are you guys doing today also Christopher Carter welcome manand drut like gazer and milk Domino’s nice to see you again and papa little tiger yo Eevee fanatic… Read More

  • “Unbeatable PvP Server for Cracked Minecraft Players!” #minecraftserver #minecraftpc

    "Unbeatable PvP Server for Cracked Minecraft Players!" #minecraftserver #minecraftpcVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best server for PvP (Cracked) like stray | #minecraftserver #minecraftpc #minecraft’, was uploaded by Harish on 2024-01-19 03:14:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Best server like stray for cracked java+pe best cracked server for 1.19.3 best cracked server for 1.16.5 best cracked server for … Read More

  • Fret: Creeper Revenge?! Minecraft Memes! #fyp

    Fret: Creeper Revenge?! Minecraft Memes! #fypVideo Information creeper always creeping what do This video, titled ‘CAN THIS CREEPER GET REVENGE!! #minecraft #funny #memes #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #fyp #mobs’, was uploaded by Fret on 2024-01-15 17:44:43. It has garnered 12 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • Feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2

    Feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2About feather64 feather64 has been operating since 2011. F64 is a Raiding-Survival server with very little moderation. Raiding and griefing are allowed. On feather64 you cannot protect/claim land. Lapis is used as a currency. Players can sethome and tpa. Play your way on feather64. Grief & raid, hide & collect, travel & explore, automate & farm, enchant & pvp, design & construct, it’s up to you. Rules Do not use hacks, macros, or mods beyond the permitted modifications guide. Do not use duplication exploits except TNT, rail, carpet, string, and tripwire hooks. Follow the directions of administrators and moderators. Rule… Read More

  • The Crazy Spacy Vanilla Server

    The Crazy Spacy Vanilla ServerWelcome to The Crazy Spacy Vanilla ServerAlmost a 100% vanilla feel (no plugins, no mods, no datapacks)Settle in and become a seasoned veteran on this new minecraft server that is in desperate need of new players!Seeking staffPreferably looking for people with skills on how to setup a small discord server that would be attached to the minecraft server.Just be friendly and respectful to the other players around you and you should manage very well with the server environment.Hoping to see you on the server!- Graph01 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – u/EnturpuneurUnusual6 with the Minecraft Heat

    Minecraft Memes - u/EnturpuneurUnusual6 with the Minecraft HeatWhy did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! Read More


    TNT CLUTCH EXPLOSIONS! 🔥😂 When you accidentally blow up your friend’s house in Minecraft with TNT and they say “I guess you really dropped the TNT CLUCH on that one!” 😂 #minecraftfail #oops #sorrynotsorry Read More

  • Ultimate Piston Extender Guide

    Ultimate Piston Extender Guide The Power of Double Piston Extenders in Minecraft Bedrock & Switch Redstone contraptions in Minecraft Bedrock and Switch can reach new levels of complexity and efficiency with the use of Double Piston Extenders. These essential components allow players to push blocks further than a single piston, opening up a world of possibilities for creative builds and mechanisms. Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Double Piston Extender Creating a compact and efficient Double Piston Extender requires careful placement of redstone components. In Bedrock and Switch versions of Minecraft, Quasi connectivity is no longer available, so repeaters must be used to space… Read More

  • Hanuman ji pixel art in Minecraft gone wrong?! 😈🔥

    Hanuman ji pixel art in Minecraft gone wrong?! 😈🔥Video Information हम लोग को स्पाइडरमैन बैटमैन और सुपरमैन का पावर चाहिए अबे बके ट्रांजिस्टर य सुपरमैन बैटमैन और स्पाइडरमैन का बाप मालूम कौन है हनुमन [संगीत] This video, titled ‘Hanuman ji 🚩🔥 pixel Art in Minecraft 😈😱 | Pt.89 | #shorts #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by WAR 99 on 2024-04-30 04:00:58. It has garnered 549 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Hanuman ji 🚩🔥 pixel Art in Minecraft 😈😱 | Pt.89 | #shorts #viral #minecraft #shortvideo #ytshort #yt #ytshortsindia #ytviral #ytviral #yt_shorts #youtubeshorts #youtuber #youtubeshort #viral #viralvideo #viralshorts #viralshort #trendingshorts #trendingshort… Read More

  • Avocado’s Hardcore Season 2!

    Avocado's Hardcore Season 2!Video Information [Music] e [Music] down down down [Music] down [Music] [Music] woo wo woo [Music] woo [Music] d [Music] [Music] he [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hello everybody wasn’t that the most stupid intro ever okay should be able to hear me tell me if it’s too if it’s not good okay there we go all right so today is the start of Hardcore Season 2 uh old one or the old hardcore world it was oh yeah I should start stream music actually okay so this is my first time doing like all the stream… Read More


    TheMaxlop - INSANE CHALLENGE COMING TO MINECRAFT BEDROCK 1.21Video Information es oficial el modo Hardcore llegará a Minecraft bedrock 1.21 entre las noticias más recientes de Minecraft se ha revelado que el modo Hardcore llegará a la edición de bedrock en la próxima actualización This video, titled ‘EL MODO HARDCORE LLEGARÁ A MINECRAFT BEDROCK 1.21 UPDATE’, was uploaded by TheMaxlop on 2024-04-06 01:25:14. It has garnered 484 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts #minecraft The hardcore mode where you only have one life is coming soon to minecraft bedrock!! :0 ⚔️SUBSCRIBER GOAL: 9000 ⚔️CURRENT SUBSCRIBERS: 8722 Read More

  • Insane! Beating Minecraft as Toji Fushiguro

    Insane! Beating Minecraft as Toji FushiguroVideo Information it took just 24 hours for us to lose control of the city tonight Gotham’s relying on one man to save us all today I’ll be playing as toif fushi girl the stain of the zening clan who has no cursed energy but an amazing hand-to-hand fighter finding the truth about his son destroying the zening clan and attaining Heavenly restriction are the main objective also in order to make the run more entertaining I’ll add special chests around the city training gear for every advancement I make as a sorcerer I spawn in and as you can… Read More

  • Trolling a top youtuber on my Minecraft server!

    Trolling a top youtuber on my Minecraft server!Video Information me encontré a este youtuber famoso que estaba jugando en mi server de Minecraft sinceramente me sorprendí mucho así que me puse en modo espectador y decidí spectar lo durante un rato momentos más tarde Me lo encontré en la mina había encontrado muchos diamantes literalmente ocho menas algo que no suele pasar en Minecraft horas más tarde me teletransport a él y había hecho una casa muy bonita En ese momento pensaba que estaba grabando un vídeo instantes después el youtuber fue al nether y me salían muchos reportes de que estaba consiguiendo muchos bloques de netherite… Read More

  • INSANE! Ibrahim’s EPIC Hindi Minecraft Animation Adventure!

    INSANE! Ibrahim's EPIC Hindi Minecraft Animation Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Animation Life Hindi Episode 1 Minecraft Animation Series’, was uploaded by IBRAHIM GAMING on 2024-03-07 06:34:12. It has garnered 20 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:25 or 85 seconds. Episode 1 – Prologue (from “The Animation Life Hindi”) | The Expert Gaming Hindi ” The Animation Life Hindi” is the Dubbed Version of Original “Animation Life” by Black Plasma Studios @SquaredMediaAnimations Episode 2 हिंदी – • The Animation Life Hindi : Episode 2 … ____________________ About Episode (Hindi) – In this episode you get to see how an animator… Read More


    "FROST VS. MINECRAFT ANIME SHIZO BATTLE" #viral #clickbaitVideo Information おに [音楽] This video, titled ‘Minecraft anime character 🥵 #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by GAME OF FROST on 2024-05-08 01:30:16. It has garnered 448 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft anime character 🥵 #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Slotbot Opening on Minecraft!

    Insane Slotbot Opening on Minecraft!Video Information yo what is up guys it’s your boy Beetle bring you guys another video here on the channel We are continuing my SE test series and we are on Astro um today I’m going to be opening up more slot Bots guys in the last episode that I opened up slot Bots I only did a couple of them in this episode we almost have a stack and a half a full stack of slot Bots oh my goodness so let’s I guess we just start let’s let’s do those ones see what we got see what we… Read More

  • I trapped an entire SMP! Now they seek REVENGE! #minecraft

    I trapped an entire SMP! Now they seek REVENGE! #minecraftVideo Information [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] ا This video, titled ‘I Trapped this entire Smp and now they want revenge #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Slayertheone_YT on 2024-01-03 15:45:20. It has garnered 132 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More

  • Gapple Ultra-Hardcore Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Competition Prizes Discord

    One life to live your best life. Don’t Die! Ultra-Hardcore mining for 249 weeks in a row. Yippee Ki Yay, Miner Crafters. If you die, you can earn a revive back to the Overworld by beating the weekly Sunday competition. Sundays at 12CT there is also a special Team Competition, going now for 217 weeks now. Current prize selections could include a revive on the persistent ultra-hardcore world, or an in-game advancement shout-out. Details in the discord channel. Minecraft multi-player server: Direct IP: Goal: Stay alive and earn the most points doing it. Score: +1 per minute you… Read More

  • Mimo survival

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Survival Server (Version 1.20.4)Join our vibrant community and embark on an unforgettable adventure in our Minecraft Survival Server, now running on version 1.20.4! Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, our server offers something for everyone. Read More