ChimneySwift11 – GO GO GO!!! Legacy Chosen Challenge – Day 4 [Minecraft 1.16 Multiplayer]

Video Information

Let me be a god apple okay okay come on come on come on let’s go dude there’s slappers in the chat it might be enough how many two did you say two two two blocks i’m coming back up with the stuff i have to i’m going i’m running i’m running i’m

Running to the altar oh we sat on that one come on oh please let us get this one come on throw it in there there we go wow oh yes oh nice oh that’s got a hundred reaction oh creeper almost just died i mean we’re good but yeah that was scary okay

So cool all right bro well that was a nice that was a plan working out man yep yeah that felt good i’m gonna go what am i get oh you know what i’m gonna do i’m gonna go into that portal and grab like all of these obsidian and all of the wait what

There’s a creeper and a husk in a boat right here are you serious just chilling in the middle of the desert that’s awesome all right that felt good i feel like i contributed a little bit that was that was nice uh okay do you want me to come to you

I don’t really need to if there’s something else you can do that that’s also good there’s okay okay there’s not that much here there’s two crying obsidian and some re-obsidian i think but i’m gonna grab them i’m gonna make the rest of the lob into obsidian and grab everything

Yep that that that works for me yeah there’s nothing underneath smelting up our stuff we got gold okay good dude they didn’t even have a shot dude they didn’t have a chance that was perfect that was perfect that felt good that looked real good like what was that like three

Once in a row that we didn’t get before that i think it was two was it two only yeah oh yeah well maybe two because yeah ma’am how is pearl up that high three four five six yeah i don’t understand the tom fuller that’s happening how do you get extra hearts

That looks like a god apple to me that gives you extra hearts it gives you the the protection hearts but doesn’t it they look different for you but but on the heart display like this it’s they look the same that’s the only thing i can think of

But but wait doesn’t that don’t those don’t those wear out yeah oh my gosh did i see them i see them in a boat wait wait wait she might just they might have gone already but it doesn’t even show if they disappear maybe because they’re oh i see

You’re saying she hasn’t max health yeah she hasn’t taken damage so it’s like the absorption the yellow absorption hearts right because that’s on a timer yeah it must be i can’t think of anything else it’s a decoy clever very clever i’m grabbing uh i don’t think like flowers are gonna be

A thing but i’m grabbing these yellow dandelions who knows we’re probably well past that but yeah i don’t think they’re anything actually i think they’re too common to be a good sacrifice so i never put it back gotcha okay what do i have i’ve seen more wood by the way

Oh there’s more here oh it’s more this is one of the ones that is like uh laying down portal you wanna grab all of this yeah grab all the crying because crying is like a hard one to get let me grab all of the both types

Normally you have to get that from like trading right with the piglet for it yeah yeah yeah so if you can pick that up that might be solid are donkeys a sacrifice you’re just going for blood now yeah okay they went to the nether now interesting interesting so what

What do they know that we don’t i’m just kidding what did they do right a moment ago because they did something oh yeah they were getting obsidian so they probably set up a portal yeah it took him 10 minutes to make a portal basically but they are going to pop out to the

Same portal that we did most likely oh is this gonna you need to break it link to the same no i think it’s good to just keep it should i go like we should tell us like in our base though yeah that’s a good point we could come

Back and you could come back with that diamond pick and strip those away we can make our own but then we got to worry about like portal linking and stuff yeah but i also don’t want to get lost that’s the other thing you don’t want to get lost

Yeah really it’s kind of nice that we come out there because we know where the altar is and we know it’s close to our base but what if this mess it up i don’t think so because we were first and usually the first one is the closest

Well but chosen of them already went to another though so does their portals have been far enough away they must have been further away i guess because we i was expecting to pop back into their base to be honest oh okay okay okay i gotcha

I think i got all of these now all right sweet good stuff good stuff so what do you want to do next i’ll take take this gold block this is what i want to do next there you go this is digging away for just to be f

Like 100 sure and like i know see what else you got oh there’s like uh iron bars i don’t think there’s two but there might be everyone watching this is the strat you gotta you gotta really fully uncover these things all right dig randomly you never know what you’re gonna find

Wait is is that temple what’s up is that a different temple where has that been raided there’s a temple like across the ocean here uh somebody must have taken this but i’m going to check where did you go i don’t know east and a little bit south east

Okay oh i see um oh i see you okay hey live i’m a swimming oh i didn’t see you at home no it’s uh we’re good we’re good i’m just coming with you i feel we got time cause we uh we destroyed that last one i just want to see if somebody’s been

Here if not loot it it’s not looted nice no mobs should i get a couple more insects just in case i can’t see us needing that i’ll take that as a yes [Laughter] okay we’re good the seats diamonds some more emeralds a bunch more rotten flesh but i don’t think we need

That anymore lots of gold more diamonds okay so plenty of diamonds now nice wait there’s diamonds in there yeah gold horse armor i have no idea if we need it but i’m taking it take it take it yes please finally uh spider eye i’m gonna have that thank you very much

I don’t want to leave a sign on this okay uh even more diamond even more spider and a bunch of gunpowder leave a sign that says this has not been looted just to throw people off the trail devious check all [Laughter] running out of things in my inventory to

Dump i’m right above you so if you need stuff you can bring them up and i have a very clean inventory right the tnt a very clean inventory nice okay not true yeah there’s tnt in these things i forgot about that actually let me take these do we need bone for anything

I don’t think so uh we need to grow something i guess yeah oh there’s this chunk and treasure ship over there has anybody gotten that probably not if nobody got i’m gonna go i’m gonna go grab it i just saw it yeah do it responded you can remember that there is bones

Here if we need them you don’t have a spot you don’t have like a single spot because i can hold on to them for you i don’t but i think it’s fine okay also carrying a bed kind of point oh there’s a village here too oh go hit that

Make a chest if you have to i’ll come back i’ll come to your location in a second i’m going to loot this this ship i feel like there could be like something i think i’m just going to go back and dump this stuff yeah yeah oh because you had a boat so

Yeah do that do that yeah this is fun dude uh what’s that that’s oh it’s getting evening time kind of is it maybe we should head back maybe all right let me see we got a chest down here this like isn’t too away from home either is it no it’s not i got

Enchanted leather armor most exciting thing in the game all right then oh wait wait another chest somebody here lapis diamond and emerald okay then all right gets iron nuggets i mean oh boy don’t drown don’t drown oh gosh don’t try my team is here oh shoot no oh i just escaped

Yeah i just escaped i was lucky i got trapped down there and i found like one little hole okay i think there’s just two chests in here fine that’s like about time i’m not going for diamonds dude you have me covered i i have like 12.

Why can’t i uh oh i got feathers i got feathers in this chest no way and paper and an empty map that is not bad in case you end up needing it for some reason yeah i’m coming back feathers is nice for arrows too true there’s i

Traded that village we might want to trade for uh for arrows the next day yeah actually if we’re not like super busy with the quest okay we’re gonna have 13 spare diamonds and nice wait can you grab me diamond pickaxe or diamond sword maybe a diamond sword or something

Uh well i don’t know what do you think inventory first yeah we should though like the only thing that could we could get diamonds as a in and we could get true true true let’s just wait uh what’s the other one we could get enchanting tables

I think the point or uh actually we could get like uh jukeboxes i think oh wow okay yeah let’s just hold on to it then i’m not like i don’t need any need i just feel like i’m working with basic stuff here but it’s all good i don’t know though

I see our base i’m coming in i feel like it’s so unlikely that we’ll need that amount of diamonds though so you probably use up three for a pick i don’t think it’s too bad is it we can always wait like till the next

Day but yeah we can do it in morning i guess but like it would be uh it’s 14 now it’s 14. we’ll put the obsidian in all right just take take three and make a pickaxe dude are you sure i don’t know dude what if it’s like

What if it’s like 14 diamonds the next day we’re like oops it can’t be though why not okay so we’re because the four is the maximum per player so in this case it would be eight but then it could be wait it could be enchanting tables right if it’s enchanting tables then we

Need double right because there’s two per enchanting table yeah we can just wait i can just hold off it’s no it’s no pressure know yeah sure paper what am i making uh i’m gonna make two bows okay sounds good all right nuggets empty map and oh thank you sir there’s one

Arrow that i had it’s in this chest that i got off the skeleton who gets to fire the one arrow oh it’ll take the arrow there’s four feathers are in there um i’ll make us some more bread how are you doing on food i’m all good i got 12. still all right

Here have a couple more i got 19. do i look hungry to you uh let me observe uh yeah i had a little turn towards me i zoomed in yeah that was great yeah you look very hungry bro we should die our shields just to say well

You may make a skit at her yeah dude what if there’s like one rabbit’s foot that could be cool because uh we got one of those those are kind of rare too right oh you go kill all the rabbits in the desert oh yeah oh i bet dude i can see

Like the final quest if you ever made it to the end of this it’d be like a trident or something like super super rare i don’t want to do tridents because it’s so dang random no no i know okay so you even put it in yeah

I there is uh there is some really difficult stuff like you can get asked for a totem i’m dying oh you can get asked for like elytra if you make it far enough yeah um i don’t know this like one gold nugget hey oh it’s an empty map i thought it was a

Treasure map yeah no it’s the one that i found from the boat so we i don’t know if there’s anything we can do with it but hey is it a case we’re just making an enchanting table so we can enchant stuff though uh yeah there’s absolutely a case for that let’s do it

100 i mean i’m gonna make that if we’ve got it like we might as well yeah i mean if we get a hey you need to sacrifice an enchanting table will you just pick it back up should we make bookshelves if we don’t have enough for that

So we’ll just do basically we need like a ton of stuff yeah but even that is just pretty good there’s just one armor and stuff yeah okay are you rolling you have enough lapis to just oh good point and the levels are fine to waste i think it’s just having

Protection on stuff you don’t want outbreaking come on do i take feather falling or do i take protection uh i think i think feather falling right yeah yeah yeah i’m gonna do it uh protection on both protection one on both chests and legs let’s see if we get on

Number three projectile protection on the iron boots what happens if we break the table uh does it reset it will it reset it if we break the table oh you have to you have to enchant something else if you i have to take it enchanted bow oh good point

Uh power one nice i’ll take it yup and boots also projectile protection ah well i could do uh i could do like a let me make an idea of iron to to make better stuff though okay you make a you make a an arm axe i think yeah they make an iron

Because mine is about broken yeah all right let’s see what the sword we get with the sword sharpness one all right oh and i’m breaking one all right score what do we got on these what do we got on these boots now let’s see here we go

Protection one all right i’ll take that i’m breaking them that would be lovely efficiency shovel here are we able to take this helmet off or is that not you cannot not take it off okay you’re stuck on your face gotcha all right let’s see uh i’ll take do i have anything else

Wait do we only have 13 iron now no i have 12 more 25. okay okay okay i’ll make a little upgrade tools here shovel efficiency one another breaking one heyo lookout world this is the shovel it’s the one the one what about a pickaxe should i enchant an iron pickaxe

I enchanted my diamond one with just an effect yeah i’ll let you just stay with that one how are we doing on the daylight should be getting close right you’re not sure it’s a block in the way wait you can’t can you change a shield not without a book oh that’s right it’s

Really dark it’s really dark okay well i guess just go down and try to get more stuff for at least this is like accessible yeah yeah hugs the wall take it dig in a random direction i guess it’s i was just gonna go all the way back down my corridor but

It really isn’t yeah point you’re right you’re right maybe like uh branch off from the from the side of one of them or something yeah i just went to the side and in my car wherever i happen to be more iron that’s nice hey that’s good yeah we might be asked

For advil for something crazy too oh good point that could be good that would be fun hey eight anvils please oh gosh yeah we should have a surplus of materials if we can at all manage i agree i think we’re good on goals we learned from

Gold stuff but yeah we learned from that with the lapis when we were set up for that so that was that was solid yeah that was really nice i was very happy about that one okay okay what is oh this is a terrifying place there is

Lava here i dug into a lava pool place um but yeah there’s spider noises around oh that’s not good and a fair few of them actually so i don’t know if there’s a mine shaft here around somewhere okay yeah if there is baby zombie noise thank you very much oh yeah don’t

Don’t mess with that it’s not with limited hearts oh i got some more iron for us oh there’s gold here and the skill is so nice um six hearts that’s 12 times more than i usually have yeah this is easy for you dude this is fine except that it’s also competitive so you

Know right right oh there’s i see diamonds over here dude can we come to you and and all the noises oh god all right let me come to you let me come to you hold on with my unbreaking one sharpness one iron sword bro they don’t know what is coming

All right they they don’t know what’s coming all right i’m coming i’m coming i see where you i see we are oh i hear noises yeah for sure yeah oh that okay that uh lava is like right there don’t walk into the lava dude it hurts

Yeah all right i got some gold a little bit of gold you see see over there oh oh careful where oh yeah uh-huh but like yeah but yeah exactly it’s up it’s open up to like we could drop in from above which is what i’m most worried about oh yeah good point well

He’s gotta block it off oh yeah this is a lot of blocking off to do i’ve done this before all right let’s see uh just a little like a few more of them were pretty good i think i think there’s like one space left there hold on okay now okay there’s a couple

But we can get them like that i think we can outsmart this game oh there’s there’s there here just don’t fall in the lava whatever you do yeah yeah please let’s not oh i’m gonna make sure it doesn’t happen i’m blocking it off this off too yep oh okay oh no Real quick i’d like to give a huge thanks to all my amazing patrons for helping make this video possible get 12 months for the price of 10 by signing up for an annual subscription that means you can get two months for free over the entire year sign up now at the link below

This video, titled ‘GO GO GO!!! Legacy Chosen Challenge – Day 4 [Minecraft 1.16 Multiplayer]’, was uploaded by ChimneySwift11 on 2020-11-18 21:04:49. It has garnered 3105 views and 178 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:28 or 1228 seconds.

I’m LIVE on Twitch 4 days a week now in 2021! Monday, Tuesday, Thursday @ 11am EST, Friday’s at 2pm EST – Day 4 in the Legacy Chosen Challenge! ChimneySwift and @slicedlime are racing against the clock and other players to try and win daily challenges! Support me on Patreon: 🔺 Subscribe for weekly Minecraft videos:

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    Future Minecraft Speed Build Shenanigans Minecraft Speed Builders 2024: A Hilarious and Fast-Paced Competition Get ready for an epic Minecraft Speed Builders showdown in 2024! Watch as players race against time to construct magnificent structures in record time. This fast-paced mini-game will test your building skills and provide endless entertainment. Join the Fun in Minecraft Speed Builders Step into the world of Minecraft Speed Builders and witness the intense competition unfold. Players go head-to-head, striving to build structures at lightning speed while the clock ticks away. The excitement is palpable as participants push their limits to achieve victory. Challenging Building Skills Building in Minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Themepark in Magic Steve’s Realm 7 @MagicSteve

    Insane Minecraft Themepark in Magic Steve's Realm 7 @MagicSteveVideo Information hi everyone um what’s going on yeah uh we are in Magic Steve adventures yes Magic Steve adventures in the magic Steve Rome um sorry if we’re a bit Rusty this video uh we haven’t recorded for the past few days but we’re back finally also sorry uh that the last video ended really abruptly um yeah it it yeah we had very little time left so anyways uh let’s get on with today for today’s video we’re going to be doing some roller coasters so we’re going to start with this roller coaster called Water’s Edge also… Read More

  • I Cheated with GIANT in Minecraft

    I Cheated with GIANT in MinecraftVideo Information I’m going to cheat in a build battle against my friends using SL slash giant I can turn this tiny dragon into a super giant dragon wo this looks so awesome are you ready oh no I can’t let my friend see this there you are are you ready to build Spongebob and beat L you guys won’t win my SpongeBob is going to be super cool wait axie I thought you were building with woodo no I’m with you in this build battle come on let’s get started on SpongeBob actually we don’t need to build Spongebob… Read More

  • Ultimate Anarchy: Entropic SMP JOIN NOW!

    Ultimate Anarchy: Entropic SMP JOIN NOW!Video Information we made a server with we’re calling entropic SMP and it’s completely vanilla and AR Anarchy the reason it’s Anarchy is because a lot of people on YouTube started making so many repetitive story lines and predictable plots and abilities have been copied and pasted so many godamn times the YouTubers that are part of it don’t even have any chemistry each other so I’m making the entropic S&P public we’re looking for members that are active and have a good personality the server and if you’re interested make a 15 a 45C application in the Discord link… Read More

  • Insane Battle: Help Herobrine Build House vs Entity vs Notch #herobrine #bones

    Insane Battle: Help Herobrine Build House vs Entity vs Notch #herobrine #bonesVideo Information This video, titled ‘HELP Herobrine Build House VS EntityVS Notch (Bones – Imagine Dragons)#herobrine #bones #shorts’, was uploaded by Fu3rey on 2023-12-27 08:45:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Credit- @LostEdge #shorts #minecraftbut #minecraft HELP Herobrine Build House VS EntityVS Notch (Bones – Imagine … Read More

  • Gaming Niham – Fix Minecraft Lag NOW! 500 Subs Special

    Gaming Niham - Fix Minecraft Lag NOW! 500 Subs SpecialVideo Information [Music] so hello and also 500 subscriber special video so thank you for supporting me SC [Music] [Music] [Music] let’s [Music] [Music] and second render clouds so [Music] beautiful obious smooth lightning lightning strike the Thunder and the most important setting [Music] FCS [Music] obviously can be altered by game play and [Music] [Music] [Music] FPS SP seriously so guys hopefully 100% [Music] fix till then take care bye-bye This video, titled ‘How To Fix Lag In Minecraft 500 Subscribers Special Video’, was uploaded by Gaming Niham on 2024-04-14 14:30:53. It has garnered 36 views and 6 likes…. Read More

  • Insane Gameplay! Alsshine’s Crazy Gaming Adventure

    Insane Gameplay! Alsshine's Crazy Gaming AdventureVideo Information e e e e yo what is up guys welcome to the stream how is y’all summer doing yo what’s up Twigs how’s it going I’m like you know what I haven’t streamed in however many months and haven’t uploaded in probably about a month now and today’s like a free day so you know what might as well stream and see what’s up also please let me know if my mic sounds okay I haven’t like done any tests so if it sounds kind of choppy or weird or if my voice sounds off just let me… Read More

  • Cody C’s Insane Minecraft Fail: I Lost Everything!

    Cody C's Insane Minecraft Fail: I Lost Everything!Video Information I have had so much fun with this I am so excited for more this is going to be exciting episode three Baby Woo all right yeah baby whoa what is up guys how the flip are we doing Slinky Slinky how you grooving how you smoing hope we’re chilling hope we’re chilling so we need a nap real quick yeah baby okay we got a lot of Brewing to do today I’m Uber excited rest up okay sick oh what a beautiful day wow our beautiful world that’s so excited to see what we get into today… Read More

  • Escape to the Digital Circus Hideout!

    Escape to the Digital Circus Hideout!Video Information welcome class it’s so nice to see you are you ready to learn yo what in the it’s literally the weekend why are we at school right now what’s going on well you guys have to go to class or else I might send you to detention okay I don’t know what to do we’re locked I think we should run Jack what do you think we should do you’re really smart at this stuff like dude what are we going to do dude I don’t want to be here I hate school let’s get out of here… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft vs Roblox Showdown! #shorts #gaming

    Epic Minecraft vs Roblox Showdown! #shorts #gamingVideo Information gjc é brabo da This video, titled ‘Minecraft vs Roblox #shorts #minecraft #roblox’, was uploaded by Gamer_We on 2024-06-01 08:24:13. It has garnered 8755 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft vs Roblox #shorts #minecraft #roblox keywords – minecraft vs roblox,roblox vs minecraft,minecraft,roblox,minecraft roblox,roblox minecraft,minecraft gamers vs roblox gamers,minecraft vs roblox rap,minecraft animation,minecraft song,roblox in minecraft,minecraft or roblox,minecraft versus roblox,minecraft vs roblox song,roblox vs minecraft rap,minecraft vs roblox rap battle,minecraft vs roblox gas gas gas,roblox vs minecraft rap battle,minecraft vs roblox which one popular Read More

  • CraftBob

    CraftBobAhoj všichni Znovu otevíráme váš oblíbený server CraftBob rádi váš tu zde uvidíme **Pařbě zdar** Nástěnka Web – Steam – Facebook – Telegram – Read More

  • TwoBearsOneGame – Modded, Whitelist, LGBTQ+ Friendly, Mature 18+, Fabric 1.20

    Server Information Server Name: TwoBearsOneGame Server Location: United States CST Discord: Join our Discord server Access and Whitelist Info: Whitelist Access Form Version: 1.20.1 Mod pack: Better MC [FABRIC] 1.20.1 v23.5 Modpack Link: Download Modpack Description Two bears looking for mature 18+ players to join our modded server. We are a relaxed play LGBTQ+ friendly server. Fill out the short form linked above for server address and whitelist access. Server Owners: 51-year-old male who builds like a 5-year-old, focused on hunting and gathering 45-year-old creative type who has been playing since beta Rules No Griefing or Theft No advertising Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mending NOW, or I Die

    Looks like someone is getting impatient for some mending in Minecraft! Maybe they need a good book to calm down instead. Read More

  • Crafting Feast: Minecraft’s Emotional IQ Buffet!

    Crafting Feast: Minecraft's Emotional IQ Buffet! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Fangkuaixuan entertains with humorous refrains. With animations that bring joy and delight, Each video a treasure, shining bright. From funny classroom moments to songs that adapt, Fangkuaixuan’s channel is where it’s at. So join the fun, subscribe and see, The magic of Minecraft, set free. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! #minecraftlovegonebad Read More

  • CraftyRohit’s Epic Minecraft Bathroom Build

    CraftyRohit's Epic Minecraft Bathroom Build The Bathroom in Minecraft: A Unique Build Hack When it comes to building in Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, players have pushed the limits of creativity within the game. One lesser-known build hack that has gained attention is the creation of a bathroom within Minecraft. Creating a Bathroom in Minecraft While the primary focus of Minecraft is often on survival, exploration, and building, some players enjoy adding realistic touches to their creations. Building a bathroom in Minecraft involves using various blocks and items to mimic a real-life bathroom setting. Players can include… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Cookie Factory Build by JeromeASF

    INSANE Minecraft Cookie Factory Build by JeromeASFVideo Information hello hello everybody what is up jome you’re along with the buddies and welcome to an awesome Minecraft fil live stream except that’s a lot cuz there’s a perfect Ty there we’re doing Minecraft Lucky Block SkyWars with the Mario Lucky Blocks the way it works is we have 20 minutes to break these Lucky Blocks then we do a 15 lives battle Steve isn’t here with us today he’s off to war so instead we have the budget Steve AKA The Intern who’ll be tabing in for Steve which means Levy all your targets to that man… Read More

  • Escape Room Chaos with Marzian

    Escape Room Chaos with MarzianVideo Information doing how do hi comments of vaud Watchers hello vaud Watchers if you guys are watching past 2024 say yo I’m in the future 2024 man nothing Happ that year that’s crazy is it already over I mean it eventually yeah okay that’s true okay let me get I’m predicting that nothing happened this year but it could be nothing crazy nothing crazy like like Co 2 could happen what if we just like make predictions and it’s in this 2024 VOD oh my no no Co 2 oh covid-19 was worse enough I don’t want Co 2… Read More