Corinthius – I Survived 100 Days as a HUSK in Hardcore Minecraft…

Video Information

Centuries ago barbarians stole the sacred Scarab of Osiris causing a curse to plague these lands and not letting the dead rest now centuries later the undead Pharaoh was released and wants to destroy the world before he gets too powerful some Undead Pirates freed the husks from our tomb hoping that we can

Help stop him will I be able to find the sacred scare of what memories from my past Lifeline cover and what hostiles will I face make sure to like subscribe and watch to the end to find out now here’s 100 days as a Husk in Hardcore

Minecraft day one they left my tomb as the wither skeletons went inside and their leader approached he hit me with a torch and it felt like I woke up from a bad dream how is it seeing the Sun for the first time in centuries centuries

How am I alive Well you aren’t you are Undead oh that would explain why we all look like husks what’s going on come with me your Pharaoh is challenging my King’s Rule and attacking all the undead that don’t serve him how is he alive he’s not oh right so why release us and

Why did you hit me with that torch before he could answer an arrow hit me out of nowhere I turned around to see some weird looking skeletons coming our way I turned back and ran into the Wither Skeleton who hit me with the torch again I spun around dizzily and

Had a flashback to my past life these Rogue skeletons used to be a part of the Assassin’s Guild then I blacked out when I came to everyone was inside the tomb with the entrance blocked good the torch seems to work well on you oh tell me

What’s going on we need your help I need the sacred scare above Osiris this is the torch of Osiris it will help you remember your past life I think the skeletons are gone now I don’t remember too much why do you need my memories you will in time your Pharaoh is growing too

Powerful he has an army and uses weapons blessed by the desert deities if he finds a Scara before we do all this lost since you were alive back when the Scarab was stolen we are hoping the torch will help you remember where the Scarab ended up so what’s the plan we

Need to meet up with our arriving Captain you should Gear Up and explore these lands see if anything else brings back memories we’ll find you again sounds good and with that they were off so I went inside my old tomb found some robes in a stick and hit the rest of the

Husks with my magic torch then we all went our separate ways as we traveled into the night the next morning as I searched for food a flying machine flew right toward me I tried to run but it cut me off and turned out to be this video sponsor War Thunder a free-to-play

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Haven’t played in the past six months will receive 500 000 silver lions three premium vehicles to keep forever XP boosters a week of premium account and renting legendary German ground Vehicles along with other bonuses too then they quickly flew off and I went back to my search I spent days two and three

Chasing animals around for food all I could find out here were rabbits and some Quail which are pretty much like chicken I needed to find a village or an oasis if I were to get any plants to eat but all I could find was this abandoned

Gatehouse which is kind of like a guard Outpost as I went to loot it I found statues inside and when I got closer the torch gave me another flashback these statues used to be barbarians I was jolted back to reality when the statues came alive and began to attack me I ran

For my life and quickly evaded those Stone monsters after that encounter I needed a way to protect myself so I stopped by a dry forest to get some wood then I collected some Limestone to make myself a sharp stone sword along with some other tools on day four I continued

My search for a village I climbed this Tower to get a bird’s eye view of my surroundings and spotted some camels in the distance I then took a leap of faith off the tower and into a pile of haybelo I made my way over to the camels and

Jumped on one but quickly remembered I needed a saddle before wandering off the next day I explored some excavated tombs probably died out by those wither skeletons in their haste they missed a hidden section of the tombs I freed the husk that were there finding a saddle

And a lead I also Disturbed the spider that was small but aggressive so I swung my sword crazily around until it fell day six I went back to where I last saw those camels but quickly hid when I saw the stone barbarians hunting them this time they had a bigger stone creature

With them and the torch gave me another flashback I watched as though barbarians pillaged to town attacking the villagers who lived there and killing any animals in their way when I came to the barbarians were gone but they left the camel meat behind I guess they only had

An appetite for violence now while I didn’t have a ride yet at least I had some more food which I felt a little bad about eating I spent the next two days traveling through somewhat familiar lands while hunting any food I could find I also ran into a couple more

Skeletons I ran around them trying my best to dodge the arrows I managed to defeat one but took way too much damage so I quickly ran away and on the night of day 8 I found a husk playing with a cat the torch threw me into the past and

I saw myself walking next to an old friend as we were followed by his cat then the husk slowly approached hello do I know you hello again friend I see you have a new cat yes the cat deity bastet still watches over us do you know what’s

Going on I need to find the sacred scare before the evil Pharaoh gets evil my memory is foggy but I thought he was a good King what changed I’m still trying to figure that out do you know where I could find a village follow me we spent

Day nine traveling to his old village while catching up with each other we arrived as the sun began to set and we’re greeted by the other husks I fondly remembered running around this village with my friend when we were kids and letting his cat chase us with fish

In hand the husks there let me gather more of their crops for food and I stayed there for the night the next day my friend led me to an old mine shaft they used to use I spent the next several days searching for enough iron to upgrade my tools and get some armor

But I found a spider den and they all swarmed me I ran for my life until I came to a Chasm without thinking I jumped and landed into a pool below the spiders followed me but we’re all slow in the water so I was able to kill them

Off and get some strings then I made a bow and gathered Flint from the gravel around the pool now I just needed some feathers for arrows I spent the rest of this time collecting the rest of the iron I needed to craft a full set of

Armor and on my way out of the mine I ran into a weird snake person who attacked me on site thanks to my new armor I was able to best him but I did not remember ever running into those before day 14 I made it back to the

Village one of the husks used to race Quail back when he was alive and managed to lure some Wild Quail back to the Village but he needed help restoring their enclosure once that was fixed they helped him get his little friends into their new home then he thanked me with

Feathers so I quickly made myself some arrows now it was time to move on and see what else was out there on the night of day 15 I found a weird looking structure as I went to explore it a pile of bones came alive this storm chased me

Out into the open so I used my boat to shoot at it this desert has become so much more dangerous since it’s been cursed the next day I at least had a chance to rest at this dried up Oasis that seemed to draw a few different animals to it it’s beautiful isn’t it

Who’s there this heat must be making me crazy down here whoa what are you just a frog enjoying what’s left of this Oasis you know this Oasis along with many others used to be filled with life until these lands were cursed cursed is that why everything is dead and everyone is

Undead yep can you help me bring it back to life we’ll need a suddenly the torch showed me a vision of me playing in a lush Oasis this time felt a bit different I was able to control my past self and explore and there was something

Glowing in the water I swam my way over to it and just as I was about to touch it hello what your face glazed over for a second so will you help me out or not yes if I find what you speak of in my travels I’ll bring it back here by then

A stray Camel had wandered up so I awkwardly tamed it as the Frog watched after a bit too long I was finally venturing off on my new Steed after riding through the open desert I found another Gatehouse to explore luckily this time there were no statues inside I

Found some more arrows and some really stale bread I also found some Camel armor and some spare barrels for my camel to carry then I decided to Camp there for the night the next morning a band of skeletons approached so I hopped on my camel and rode it into battle I

Shot at the skeletons from afar then slashed at them with my sword I had a much better Advantage this time after the battle I had a flashback of those assassins chasing a group of defenseless villagers as we ran toward a beautiful Temple I was just a kid back then and

Luckily the Assassins did not dare enter the temple then I realized my attackers came from the direction of the village so I raced back toward there when I got back everyone seemed okay but their homes were more destroyed than before my friends said the skeleton assassins were looking for me specifically so that’s

Why they were spared I helped my friend collect some Limestone and we worked together to repair the village I couldn’t stop wondering why the skeletons were after me though I also planted some of my own crops to grow some husks woke me up on day 22 because

More skeletons arrived at the Village I ran outside with sword in hand relieved to see who it was oh good it’s just you hello again we brought some supplies for your people thank you have you found out anything new I’ve had a vision of a temple that seems important and I think

I know where it is that’s great news but we must report back to our King the nameless one will you return yes we will but before we go my captain needs a favor okay his captain approached with an odd looking staff and asked to take a

Bit of my Essence so he could raise husks from the dead after that they left and went to check out a floating tower in the clouds that might have a big blue creature inside I guess something the captain saw on the way here as they left

I began journeying to find the temple I spent day 23 traveling and past that Gatehouse where I faced those skeletons that’s where I envisioned the temple so it must be close by early day 24 the temple came into view from a distance I felt a sense of as I remember this is

The Temple of Osiris I cautiously entered finding more statues lined up around the walls I also found the item that the Frog wanted but if these used to be barbarians why would they be here Osiris’s torch answered that question all of a sudden I was in the past again

And The Barbarians ransacked the temple fighting anyone in their way their leaders told the sacred scare before pushing me out of the way and running out with some of his goons when the vision ended I was surrounded and that giant camel killing Stone monster stood before me I instinctively attacked him

With my sword but was quickly overwhelmed by the rest of the stone guards I slew a couple of them before making my Escape I guess Osiris thought guarding his Temple for eternity was a good punishment for those who pillaged it but then where did the Barbarian leader bring the Scarab while traveling

Back to the Village I found another stray husk he sat sadly at the edge of a withered forest and said that his home was infested with spiders I worked my way through the forest and fought out several annoying little spiders until I made it to what was left of his home

When I opened the door the mother spider was right there she was huge and very angry with me and luckily she couldn’t get between the trees and I defeated her with my bow the husk excitedly ran into his home and grabbed an old script then

The torch of Osiris grew warm all of a sudden I was a little kid again watching a play put on by a man with that same script but the play was interrupted by Bandits I got scared so I hid once the vision ended I invited the husk to

Return to the village with me we arrived to the Village to find it was overrun by mummies I rode into battle to protect the village flashing at as many as I could then I dismounted and shot at the remaining forces once the village was clear I got my friend to help me gather

The materials needed to build up some defenses and by the end of day 29 The Village had a strong wall to protect it from any more attacks the next day I went to check on my crops and they didn’t seem to grow all that well that’s

When I remembered I needed to bring that frog the glowing item I found but when I arrived to the dead Oasis a crocodile began snapping at my feet until a giant frog came out of nowhere and killed it I went to get my camel that ran away and

Returned to find a woman standing there it’s time you know what’s going on uh okay what are you I am heckit the desert deity of Agriculture all the desert deities have been watching your progress we think you can lift the curse by finding and returning the Scarab of

Osiris to his Temple and why can’t one of you do it it was man that caused the curse so man must lift it we are forbidden to directly interfere but can offer help or harm harm the evil desert deities like the curse The Barbarians and bandits are followers of set the

Deity of chaos the Assassins follow Anubis the deity of death and they all seem to support the Pharaoh and if you run into any crocodiles tarantulas or snakes they would be sent by Amit Neath and the HEB cow whoa can you explain it a little more simply please if anything

Attacks you they’re sent by evil spirits and work for the Pharaoh will any Desert deities help me yes our leader Osiris has been showing you visions of your past life with his torch bastet the cat deity is watching over your people and Isis and raw will help me assist you I’m

Sure okay here’s what you asked for do you happen to know where the barbarians Hideout used to be heck it didn’t seem to hear me as she excitedly took the glowing block and placed it down before I could reask the torch took over and I watched myself Chase The Barbarians

Through the desert as they ran towards the mountains when I came to I thought I was in a new place but actually the Oasis was restored to its former glory before I left heck it gave me some buckets of water for the village and pointing me toward the mountains day 31

I found the mountains and walked through a familiar Valley again the torch took control The Barbarians tried to escape to these mountains but I found they had been turned to stone and the Scarab was on the ground as I made my way over the leader of the Assassins picked it up and

Left me to bite two of his followers I fought them off and continued my Pursuit he awaited me now ready for a fight he was much faster and stronger I tried to run up the Mountainside but the loose rocks gave way I awoke to find the Assassin leader had his legs trapped

Under a fallen Rock but it didn’t have the Scarab on him he must have passed it on to his other followers I abruptly took damage shaking me out of the vision a strange ghost-like creature had appeared and began attacking me with the hood and no legs I figured it was the

Old assassin leader winning Revenge so I took off I began journeying back to the Village but stopped at the Oasis to ask for food I’m sorry I don’t have much to offer if you bring me seeds my frogs will plant them for you here okay do you

Know where I could find more there’s a mine shaft not too far from here they are known for having seeds stored amongst other precious items thank you before I could go much further I had to hunt some animals that were drawn to the Oasis for food and I found the mine

Shaft and found all sorts of seeds amongst other supplies before returning to the Oasis to give haket the seeds Day 36 I headed toward the village taking a detour to avoid a band of stone barbarians I stumbled upon a dried up River and a little hut that I remembered

Was used as a messenger post the only message still intact said the Pharaoh had been overthrown since the Scarab was stolen so that means this evil Pharaoh who’s causing all this chaos is someone new but who could it be I made it back the next day and used the Oasis water to

Make a well next I helped the husks irrigate their Farms so they could grow more crops the water really helped to revitalize the land I spent day 38 through 40 gowering the lands for any gate houses and searching for weapons or at least the materials to craft them the

Husks were just defenseless villagers in their past lives so I wanted to arm them and give them a fighting chance against the pharaoh’s forces in one Gatehouse I found a set of gold armor but before I could grab it the torch activated I saw my past self as an old man and gold

Armor overseeing some villagers that were mining lots of sandstone but I couldn’t remember what that build was for after the vision I donned my newfound armor and brought the weapons back to the Village it was good timing too because on day 41 the old assassin leader showed up with a huge band of

Skeletons the husk slaught bravely by my side to protect their home well I faced off against my old enemy he was relentless and could take a lot of hits was I just fighting a ghost could I even win I backed away as the Assassin leaders slowly approached suddenly my

Friend came out of nowhere and flew the ghost with a special looking weapon are you okay thanks to you I am where did you get that and an old Doom while you were off Finding Normal weapons I looked for weapons blessed by the desert deities that’s what the Pharaoh uses

Here are some of the most powerful in the land and this Scarab was the strongest of them all I think it’s all still coming back to me what does the Scarab do exactly it gives its user the ability to turn into a hulking monster capable of mass destruction whoa I last

Remember the Assassins running off with it in the past weren’t the Assassins actually the skeletons we just defeated yes and if they don’t have it anymore they must have passed it on to someone else what would they have given it to I don’t know but I want you to take me to

Where you found that weapon we spent the next several days journeying to the Tomb in hopes to find any more special weapons and hopefully find the Scarab too we both went on foot and his cat tagged along also but when we arrived there wasn’t much at first glance the

Only valuable thing I found was another saddle but my friend found a secret passageway that led down into a giant cave we spot on a large group of snake people that seem to live down here that was until they surprised and captured us the cat managed to escape though and

Before the snake people could sacrifice us the whole cave began to shake so we made a run for it we regrouped with the cat before the tunnel caved in and best that seemed to be watching over us after that scary encounter we headed for the Oasis the following day was spent

Harvesting and replanting all the crops there once we finished that we spent a long time trying to lure some sheep that were drawn to the Oasis all the way back to the village and when we finally made it back we made an enclosure for them day 49 with very little luck finding any

Blessed weapon so far I decided to head out in a New Direction I found another Village not too far away but this one was overrun by mummies they all rushed me as I ran back toward my handle but then a green robed husk appeared and led

Me inside we hid in a secret hatch underground once safe the torch gave me another flashback the bandits had conquered a village and were searching for someone but this time I was grown up and ready to fight until a green Rogue lady whisked me away into hiding then a

Shattering noise threw me out of my vision the lady that saved me also healed me then we escaped out of a tunnel and fled the next day we traveled back to the village on foot that gave her plenty of time to tell me about the Bandit warlord ruler of all the bandits

Who are now mummies this power-hungry Tyrant would often hire out the assassins and The Barbarians to do his bidding so he must have got them to steal the Scarab if that’s true he must have been the one to also overthrow the old true pharaoh of the land everything

Was starting to make sense now but if the Bandit warlord never got the Scarab from the Assassins then who did when we made it back the night of day 51 my friend excitedly came out to meet us it turns out he was actually married to the

Green robed lady it was nice to reunite them day 52 I continued my search for any clues to help me find a blessed weapon and in my haste I Disturbed a pack of wolves they began chasing me and slowly closing in my camel was in a

Panic as we rode through the sand dunes suddenly a piercing howl echoed through the winds causing everyone to slam to a halt the alpha of the pack slowly approached and Osiris thought this was a good time for a flashback everything was moving fast and shaky at first as my

View cleared I realized I was riding on the back of a wolf now that is an awesome pet when I came to it was just me and the alpha I remembered what I had to do we circled each other until he bounced I met him with a few Jabs and

Then jumped on his back once he was tamed I put that saddle on him I found the other day then we stopped the other wolves from eating my camel and I led it home to safety after a couple more days of searching I found another tomb the sunlight shined through the ceiling

Right on a chest and as I drew near it the torch grew warm again I watched a barbarian trying to loot it to a failing miserably as he burst into flame and ran out I made sure to avoid those traps as I got closer inside the chest was a ring

Blessed by raw and armor for my wolf heck it was right about raw helping me out but how would a little ring be useful as I traveled back to the Village I was swarmed by more of those bone storms I held out the ring but nothing happened so I quickly switched my bow

And tried to dodge their attacks as I shot them all down I guess the ring is not so useful but I’ll at least wear it for now if I was going to fight the Bandit warlord and his army he needed something actually useful I needed better armor so I spent days 56 through

60 searching for diamonds I spent the first view on a new pickaxe though and by days 61 I found the last of the diamonds I needed but I also found a strange Cavern with an altar across the Lava Lake suddenly I saw the caverns light up and watched myself walking

Across a bridge with some other villagers to bring offerings to the altar when I snapped back to the present the bridge was gone then the ring began pulling me toward the Altar and right toward the lava I couldn’t fight it I couldn’t look but the lava felt cold the

Ring allowed me to walk on lava I ran around as the lava changeable in my feet then I went right up to the altar where the chest stood inside I found a sword shield and bow that were blessed by the desert deities I excitedly crafted my diamond armor and left the altar behind

Now ready to face anything on day 62 I returned to the Village to find the happy couple waiting for me hello we want to find some more husks to bring back here that sounds like a good idea you can take my camel we’ll need more

Than one and we know where we can get more Saddles what’s the problem the stable is that the village that was swarming with mummies I’ll see what I can do I hopped on my wolf and rode there as fast as I could upon arrival I saw the mummies were still there but my

Wolf did not want to be stealthy we rode through the village hacking everyone out of our way I jumped off grabbed the Saddles and wrote off as quickly as we arrived and the husks had already gathered some more camels by the time I got home the next day the couple rode

Off with their camels in search of any lost husks but soon after they left to mummies I riled up attacked the town they followed me here and broke through one of the gates fortunately this time the husks were prepared we were outnumbered but a leather charge using

My new gear to protect the villagers as we finished patching up the gate someone spotted a second wave incoming there is no place for us to fall back to I had the husks Take Aim on the wall while I quickly built outside and when the mummies showed up they all funneled into

My trap so I didn’t have to fight so many at once and by Nightfall we exhaustedly claimed Victory after that the villagers decided they wanted to build a citadel basically a giant Fortress to retreat to in case they were ever overwhelmed again so we spent the next several days collecting the

Resources to build it I felt a little faint from the heat so I sat down to rest and the torch activated I was an old man again leading the villagers through the desert after collecting plenty of sandstone I shook the vision for my mind as the husks All Began

Freaking out they accidentally mined into a Scarab Hive I rushed to the rescue and crushed all those little bugs now I had some extra food but it will definitely be a last resort it actually felt natural leading the building force in creating this Grand structure and now

We had a safe haven to retreat to if we’re ever attacked on Day 70 the couple returned with several more husks and we let them all stay in the Citadel next I had to get some more food anything to avoid resorting to eating those scarabs I did not see heckett anywhere at the

Oasis though so I gathered some food and camped there for the night time to rise and shine what oh it’s just you I’m glad you’re here Amit has sent her forces to take over another Oasis that I just revitalized can you deal with them sure

Thing which way is it she showed me the way and I wrote off trying to remember who Ahmet was I quickly remembered Who Am it was when I arrived to the Oasis to see it swarming with crocodiles I began shooting at them from afar and Drew them

In then I met them head on as they all snapped on my feet it looked clear now but as I made my way through the brush I found a giant albino crocodile I quickly launched a few arrows towards it but that just made it Angry so I tried to

Invade it the best I could feeling any damage possible without letting it bite me once this huge crocodile fell the sky cleared up the Oasis was free again I returned to the original Oasis but heckett was gone she left me some natural resources and a note saying Isis

Osiris’s wife will reward me for my help if I Follow the arrow I figured I might as well and traveled until I found some temple ruins as I entered I was swarmed with scarabs they were really more gross than life-threatening then I made my way to the altar where I found a necklace

And a golden Scarab the torch gave me a flashback of when I was a child people roamed around eating golden scarabs So I placed the normal one on the altar suddenly I was back in the ruined Temple golden Scarab and necklace in hand and all the scarabs I collected had been

Transformed into gold so these must not be the sacred Scarab as I put the necklace on I felt a warmth as my house slowly recovered I also tried a golden spare bomb way out and it wasn’t too bad day 76 I returned to the Village to find

It had been attacked by more mummies fortunately the husks were able to defend it I gave some golden scarabs to my friends to pass out to those in need then I got to work fixing up the village and adding those resources from Hackett around the village the other husks gave

Me leftover bone meal to use from the Assassin attack and now the village really felt full of life as I looked over the Finnish Village the torch of Osiris grew warm I was an old man again and we were celebrating a Finnish pyramid mid we built by huge mountains

And I was shocked to see the Bandit warlord approach I noticed he did not have the sacred Scarab he looked really old too and I felt a lot of resentment about being forced to serve him after he overthrew the Pharaoh the next morning I left the Citadel and began asking around

If anyone knew about the location of the Sacred Scarab after not finding any leads I began traveling back to the Temple of Osiris I had a dangerous idea to hopefully get another clue I approached the temple the next night and was greeted by the leader of the stone

Barbarians he really had it out for me we began battling it out but he was a formidable foe I ran away and as he chased me my wolf tripped him now for my plan I quickly hit him with the torch of Osiris and we were both thrown into a

Flashback I watched as the Bandit warlord plotted to overthrow the Pharaoh with the leader of the assassins and the leader of the barbarians and they plan to capture the pharaoh’s son the vision ended and more guards were approaching so I quickly left before their leader woke up over the next two days I

Journeyed back to the village and was surprised with a feast to honor all I had done for them as I sat amongst the crowd had a vision of a similar Feast except this time I was a child and I was playing with another kid we chased each

Other other around with toy swords as the Pharaoh and another king spoke of a recent attack on their lives the Pharaoh contemplated what to do to keep his son safe and the other boy looked very concerned after that I excused myself from the feast and pondered what

Happened to the pharaoh’s son the next day I helped my friend tend to the crops and asked him about it you must be imagining fakes we were just orphaned Farmers you would not have been allowed to go to that Feast still let alone play with the pharaoh’s son it all seems so

Real though I do remember hearing about that attack I think they put the prince into hiding if we can find the undead Prince he might be able to help us defeat the Bandit warlord and his mummy Army didn’t you figure out the pyramid was near the mountains yeah why I just

Remembered when the Bandit warlord became the new evil Pharaoh he forced everyone to build that pyramid the prince could have been there too you’re right maybe I’ll get another Vision if I go up in the mountains as I prepare to leave the next morning the wither skeletons approached hello sorry we took

So long we couldn’t find that floating tower and we had to track down some Pirates Who were causing Mischief that’s okay I’ve made a lot of progress since we last met the evil Pharaoh is actually just a bandit warlord who usurped the throne and I know exactly where his base

Is well at least that it’s in the mountains are you headed there now we can join you we’re all the captain could spare but we can put up a good fight of course I’ll cut you up on the way we borrowed some camels and began the journey to the mountains they definitely

Weren’t used to riding animals on day 85 we explored the mountains and the torch sparked out a vision I was chasing the other assassins after trapping their leader under the Rocks they could not outrun me so they turned to fight I dodged their arrows quickly defeated them and picked up the sacred Scarab

Then all of a sudden I was burying it in the mountains that means we must be close I led the group to where I remembered bearing it but when we arrived it had already been dug up then the torch flared this time I was an old man digging up the Scarab after much

Time had passed then I hobbled away presumably toward the pyramid was this it did I give up the Scarab to the Bandit warlord we’ve traveled in the direction I went as an old man and on day 86 we finally found the pyramid and it was swarming with mummies the torch

Ignited and I was deep below the pyramid my old self used special torches to open a chamber where a sarcophagus rusted this was the secret tomb of the old Pharaoh I watched myself pull out the sacred Scarab and place it in the Tomb before falling over and as I breathe my

Final breaths my friends came in to take me away are you okay the sacred Scarab is in the Tomb below the pyramid then we’ll need an army to get to it we’ll need special torches too made from the same ore used to craft the Scarab come

With us to our ships we can get reinforcements from our kingdom but it’ll be a long trip I need to figure out who the pharaoh’s son is we’ll need all the help we can get I think the nameless one was alive back then maybe you know something we spent the next two

Days traveling to the Wither Skeleton ships I was worried about leaving the husks undefended for so long but as we approach the ships the torch brimmed with energy I was a young boy again standing next to the Pharaoh as that other king from before came off his ship

I then realized I was the pharaoh’s son and the other king must be the nameless one as one of the guards removed his hood I also realized this with the attack the king spoke of at the feast the real guards falled off the barbarians and the Assassins hired by

The Bandit warlord to kidnap me and the Pharaoh told me to go with the nameless one as he pulled out the sacred Scarab had another Vision yes I’m the pharaoh’s son the rifle heir to the throne and I just got a new idea to take it back we

Traveled back to the mountains and searched through a mine shaft there until we found the special nebu ore we needed of course it couldn’t have been that easy we were swarmed with more spiders than I ever wanted to see after that ordeal my mind some coal smelted

The Oar and used the Naboo to create the magic torches on day 91 we returned to the pyramid I had the Wither Skeleton stamp on the Cliffside while I snuck down I grabbed one of the mummies and pulled him into hiding with his wrappings on I could walk right through

The rest of the horde and up to the pyramid I had to be careful not to raise suspicion but it was really hard to see where I was going when I entered the throne room I saw the band at warlord sitting there and he watched me as I

Went by I snuck my way into the lower Chambers and put back on my armor there were only a few random mummies down here and they were pretty easy to handle soon I made it to the place I envisioned and placed the Torches to open the door

Everything looked just how I left it I went up to the sarcophagus and opened it finding the sacred scare of this whole time they searched for it it was right under their noses but as I left the tomb several mummies were waiting for me the band at warlord must have suspected

Something I raced back to the throne room to face him and was locked and I quickly fought off all of his guards and then he threw his staff at me which flew back to his hand I’ve returned fire with my bow but then he began launching

Poisonous arrows at me I quickly ran to hide and as my health was running out I pulled out the Scarab I felt a surge of energy coarse Through Me As I Grew now I was ready to fight I threw blocks of sand at my enemy while his puny arrows

Hit me then I got close to him and he pulled out a purple sword he tried his best to fend me off but I crushed him with a powerful smash I could see now why they wanted to steal this from the pharaoh before they tried to take his

Throne after the defeat of their leader all the mummies outside rushed me and I had a fun time smashing everything in my pants I shrunk down to a normal husk again and went up to the wither skeletons now wearing the Robes of the Pharaoh the sacred Scarab is truly the

Most powerful artifact in this desert you will be a powerful ruler and Ally until the Scarab has returned to its Temple a curse will continue to plague these lands can you check on my people while I return it of course we must return these camels anyway thank you I

Traveled alone to the Temple of Osiris and the stone barbarians watched as a grineer i calmly walked past them with a scare up at hand they’ve watched as they placed the torch and the Scarab on the altar suddenly Osiris engulfed the altar in Flames destroying both artifacts then

Granted me one last Vision my parents stood before me and said Well Done Osiris also let me keep the ability to turn into a hulking monster at will and it seemed the curse was now lifted has all the barbarians had turned to dust curious what happened to my people I

Quickly returned to the village and found the husk still alive Osiris allowed everyone to remain Undead if they wanted to well we better be off good luck with your new kingdom yes I’m finally a ruler of a Time long past I don’t suppose you’d be willing to join a

Ranks then we could use someone like you I think it’s time to start a new journey and let the past remain buried well say your goodbyes and invite whoever you want we brought a lot of ships with us to Aid in the search of those drum Pirates I gathered the husks that wanted

To leave and said my goodbyes are you sure you don’t want to come with us not right now we still have more husks to find out there here we brought you two camels to take with you I’m glad your father put you into hiding with me and I

Hope we do cross paths again I’m sure we will thank you and with that we went to set sail toward the dameless ones Kingdom on day 100 we arrived at a jungle Dock and met the ship master and his crew who built all these ships along with his stray Prince and his Frozen

Crew also these illegers and Bee people that were getting ready to sail off somewhere and finally I met the nameless one who looked a lot different from the last time we met but I guess I did too and that’s why I survived 100 days as a Husk in Hardcore Minecraft special

Thanks to Dr Duke asian half Squat and super mcrags for helping me make this video to my patrons for supporting the channel and to you for watching if you enjoyed this video please like And subscribe thanks again for watching foreign

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as a HUSK in Hardcore Minecraft…’, was uploaded by Corinthius on 2022-12-13 02:34:17. It has garnered 597679 views and 13712 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:38 or 1778 seconds.

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In this video, I attempted to survive 100 days in hardcore minecraft as a husk! A curse plagues this desert and an evil pharaoh has been released. The Nameless One sent his wither skeleton pirates to put a stop to it and they called upon a husk for help. To help, I’ll need to explore this egyptian like desert and solve mysteries with flashbacks to my past life, before I became an undead desert zombie. I used the shapeshifter or morph mod in hardcore survival minecraft.


FEATURED YOUTUBERS: @DrDuke – Wither Skeleton Pirate @AsianHalfSquat – Husk Friend ​@SuperMcGregs – Heket/Frog

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Inspiration – LukeTheNotable Developer – Danyal Fryer

#minecraft100days​ #minecrafthardcore​ #100days

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  • LAB SMP Semi-Vanilla Whitelisted 1.21 18+ Dedicated

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