Cozy Christmas Cabin Minecraft Longplay

Video Information

Hello everybody Welcome to my cozy 1.20 Long play with commentary um well this is where we spawned so this is what you know we’ll be we’ll be working with I actually really like this spawn I’m also already stuck did I do oh there we go um I don’t

Want to take any fall damage right off the bat I’ll just jump into the water and I need to change my settings I think I I think I messed something up guys oh there we go okay where do I want to go we have Jungle which is really good I see bamboo

We have um a dark oak forest and then over there we have Birch we probably have some yeah some Oak too so we basically have almost everything every single wood type we could need also not Minecraft time to tell me how to play so rude so rude okay

Um what do I do right off the bat let’s see maybe I’ll just make my way over there you know what you know what let’s just do what you should be doing in Minecraft and that is punching trees maybe maybe maybe the game’s right you know maybe we should be doing this first

Things first and let’s hope that there there there shouldn’t be mobs yet right because it hasn’t been night but I’m always scared because this is a roofed Forest what if there’s to be a creeper and all of that and now do I wait for oh I don’t even have to wait

For a sapling I already got one that is amazing news that is amazing news let me jump over here a little bit and we’re already at the jungle I’ll just grab one just break down one of those and then we’re already good on that we don’t really need more bamboo then that

Um I don’t want to leave here without grabbing dark oak but I really have no idea where to go like I want to I want to do everything I want to explore but a melon yay let me grab it thank you three melons and let’s actually go

Back and just grab some of this wood actually why am I doing this the hard way well we could also just do it the easy way the Minecraft way okay you know what I’m saying let’s make some planks some sticks and should we actually just go look for

Some Stone before we do anything else I’ll I’ll do that real quick I don’t want to waste my um Precious Precious wood on a wooden axe that’ll be thrown away instantly anyways so let’s do this two three Stone Edge nice and then uh yep let’s make a better one upgrades people

Upgrades and then I’m thinking I’ll need eight for a furnace and that’s seven that was eight and then now for my tools I just need oh three for an axe two for a sword maybe I want to also get a hoe but this should for sure be

Enough let’s just stop at that like clearing this out perfect Al righty Let’s Get Enough sticks for you know the craftings why am I okay let’s make that and then that oh look at this look at this I think we should probably sorted a little bit like so and then

I’ll just get my crops in there and now we’re all set to be to be doing this I wasn’t going to do harder work you know than I have to that’s silly I don’t want to be doing that also I haven’t mentioned yet what my plans are since it is

December and I’m feeling very festive and very christmy I was really hoping to find something snowy to build a little Christmas Cottage in but living in a snowy biome isn’t fun when it comes to crops so I’m not quite sure yet what I exactly want to do so I’m thinking maybe

We can just live near a snowy biome if I find one or I don’t know I really don’t know it just sounds fun we could also do like a spruce Forest that kind of looks christmy too to me okay let’s not leave here without three for saplings I

Mean appears like that may be hard let’s just wait a little bit and get all of this first things first let’s get all of that also since I’m going to be doing this with commentary um I will be talking throughout these videos but if I’m busy there might just be moments where I’m

Not talking like you know I might zone out during certain tasks maybe mining um decorating I don’t know yet I haven’t really you know set in stone when I’ll be speaking and when not but just so you guys know this will be an entire series with commentary sometimes a little bit more

Than other times okay really am I not getting a single sapling that is kind of rude guess it’s my own fault for starting to chop trees in such an uh like such a tree area you know what I mean I cannot find my work guys and I

Can also not edit this you know I cannot do take two three four five when I say something wrong so sorry if I say something silly that bothers me thank you oh my okay well I’m already taking damage I’m already hungry and all I’ve been doing

Is chopping some trees down I need to get food soon I have three melons but that won’t be enough apples would be be nice there’s fish probably here that we can maybe use as a food source we’ll have to see first I want to do the basics of chopping trees all

Righty I’m still not being blessed by any saplings though I think I have to let the trees despawn by disconnecting them really quickly let’s just do that please tell me you’ll make some leaves for me some saplings I mean please oh I see one and that’s two over there

Okay three and four okay I’m good I’m good let’s get going um I do want a jungle sapling I don’t necessarily like the jungle wood that much or something but I feel like if we’re not going to be staying here I don’t know yet but if

We’re not going to be staying here I’m going to be bummed out out about never grabbing a sapling you know so let’s find what was that what was that sound something on my computer just made a sound oh well oh well um I guess that happens from time to

Time have no clue what that was okay let’s go up here can I actually disconnect those leaves like so probably not I don’t want to chop the whole tree down you know what it sounds like a lot of work wait let’s see no are they actually disconnected now they might

Be please despawn oh yes they are that’s amazing get these to despawn oh my God it’s turning to nighttime already um this is all just jungle upon jungle over there there’s more jungle that might be some desert oh my God I don’t have a

Bed I don’t have a bed why did I do this so wrong please give me a sapling please was that a sapling did I just see a sapling no I’ve heard before that jungle trees are the hardest Tre to get saplings out of like percentage wise okay you know

What I do not wish to die so what if we just uh see if we can find some sheep over there I also really need Food I don’t think I can make the night like this you know with what I have right now and I also don’t want to like just sleep in a hole because this being a Long play means that you also have to sit with me in the hole for the whole x

Amount of minutes that the night lasts which is a couple like 10 is it 10 minutes food that’s good I’m sorry I know you’re a friend but you’re going to have to go I’m so sorry I’m so sorry a you too but if you guys KNE knew like some sheeps around

Here that would be great so you guys are you guys familiar with any sheep I see a pig I see a cows but no sheep oh No okay are you kidding me okay um oh there’s a skeleton already oh me oh my okay um this is fun um this is really fun I like it here oh God wrong block I really like it in here guys what what do you guys think do you like my humble

Abode oh my God and I used all my stone that was a bit ser of me wasn’t it oh I can’t really see well sorry for the darkness guys I’ll try to make this less dark soon please no creepers that one go to waste in this house we do not waste

Materials okay we don’t do it um furnace and then I hate jungle oh I got one I didn’t realize I actually got one I hate jungle anyways so you can go uh let’s make some charcoal real quickly let’s just do that just a couple and then I’ll

Make four torches so we’re kind of lit a little bit okay there you go see look at that I’m such a good Minecrafter and once those are ready I’m going to cook some food for myself and maybe we should go out there if we have some food we’re filled up we

Can go out there and kill some skeletons maybe some zombies to kind of get something out of this you know I don’t want to just sit in this little one by two that I have going on for myself um I don’t know if it’s not really my thing so

Let’s make some food really quickly um it’s actually decent what I already have like we got bamboo which is something people sometimes go looking for for very long we just have that then we have the woods got a lot of wood already I feel like we should probably use that dark

Oak in a build then um let’s kind of put that away um let’s maybe put food there and then I’ll put that here something I don’t know I don’t know um let’s eat up I don’t have any armor though so I don’t know if it’s really a smart move to

Be going out right now wait I’ll just eat it it’s fine but I’ll make a door you know what I’ll make a door oh I don’t like how the dark oak doors look in this pack okay like that then I can just run outside do some murdering um

Hello hi I would like to do some murdering hello bad guys not all at once please oh yay it’s our first one we did it we did it and I didn’t die okay let’s see if I can get maybe I hear a zombie I

Kind of want to get but I don’t want to get a skeleton I don’t even have um I don’t even have a shield oh hello how’ that hit me Oh well well was that oh no it’s a child I don’t do that I don’t I don’t I don’t I don’t mess with them children you know oh I kind of did this to myself didn’t I do that all why and I really don’t want to die because if I

Die that is very problematic do you want to know why spawn I don’t want want to lose all my hard work of day one you know I don’t want to do that um what do I want to do instead though cuz if I chop this open they’ll just come at me they’ll

Just come at me the little child the the little child will just grab me just make some more charcoal but that makes no sense that I would do it like so let’s do it like that charcoal okay um that’s such a waste okay I’ll eat it um oh my God I’m so

There’s no way there’s just no way okay um apparently there is a way my death when my house is like over there somewhere is nighttime almost over like does it have to go all the way still it’s kind of embarrassing on my part to be honest like hi guys welcome

To my Long play I just die you know I just die almost instantly nothing happens it’s just me dying you know I want to try to run can’t see anything though I hear a zombie waddling that’s a creeper spider I don’t think it’s over here or is

It no I don’t see my silly little ugly house my God am I in the wrong spot oh my God that’s so embarrassing kind of figured it would be over here okay um um Relax yeah this is so Co that’s a spider no but it is over there I remember going across the shore right it’s tur into daytime though that’s is freaking Skeletony I cannot deal with the skeleton right now okay um has to be somewhere over here my God I’m scared but how oh God now there’s multiple spiders um or is like over there now I’m very lost and confused guys you know what you know what all I had was basically saplings right

Like it’s okay are I 5 minutes up yet thank you okay um this is fine you’re fine oh I need you thank you so very much okay wait wait wait is it over here please it’s an end oh my God I found it yay I did it okay that’s really good

News that is really good news all righty Oops I meant to do this I’m back in business everybody I’m back in business now um that was an experience you know I did that for the content I did that all on purpose that was all really fun I was not actually

Scared at all throughout that experience it was just ch chill know what I’m saying guys it was just very very chill um well how am I going to sort this this is a mess this is a big big mess okay um good enough good good enough there’s nothing else to smelt at

The moment so let’s just pack up our things oh no oh wrong thing I wanted to place my crafting table which I have two of now and I’m going to make a new no it’s an axe that I needed a new axe yay that was a fun first day wasn’t it guys

That was so fun I wasn’t scared just eat this make sure we’re full and then you know continue to sapling hunt why did I oh scroll wheel like how did that happen that was actually a silly tree to choose because it’s literally connected to other trees let’s get this one

Instead maybe it’s going to be easier to get a sapling out of that all righty let’s go up here okay okay and then while we’re at it let’s just chop a couple a what did I hear thought I heard like a creeper that was scary for no reason because there literally wasn’t anything

At all okay to get dies despawn I think I’ll need okay I’ll just need this one then all of the wood is gone okay saplings saplings please please thank you did I that look like aend scared me scared me to Skitty okay sapling we did it okay um now I have no

Clue what these lands have to offer um apparently it is only one sheep though throughout literally all of them which very much was sucky I just need to get myself a bed before day two strikes we need a way to sleep through the night I do not want to go through that again

Turtle o and I see some wait some kelp in here it doesn’t I going to say it doesn’t hard to take it but my inventory is already full sheep yay hello that’s that’s so mean of me I’m so sorry do you have I thought that was a bear I was like

Oh okay they do not have the right color wool though for my bed so I don’t want to kill them feels very like it’s like a useful useless kill you however not useless thank you so much I feel way safer now we’re back at a jungle and actually all I want is to

Find some Spruce it needs to all look like Christmas and nothing says Christmas like Spruce du let’s just jump in here it’s dark oak again I do like the mushrooms oh and let’s take this the sugar cane um oh I had inventory space for that that’s good

I do think I’m now completely out of inventory that’s fine that is fine do I want to take some of wait I thought I saw some cocoa did I not oh nice coal the hunt for Co oh and there’s some iron in the water I think I’m just going

To go get the iron in the meantime to free up inventory space as well I’m going to smell that and I’ll have something else to smell later do I go for the iron first think I might there any more here and it’s kind of hard to get to underwater just going

To have to do one by one I think is there a zombie a baby zombie in the water why would that ever be a thing okay all right then I guess ew I hear her footsteps do you hear that too I hate that I could have used my

Door do I or do I not have doors on me I do right oh my God could have just done this didn’t have to be that hard the only ones though pick up the door I did all right oh there’s some iron down here let me in thank You man thank you feel like these first bits of iron were very much needed you know let’s recover and then is it just a swim up yeah it’s just a swim up okay H oh getting up there is going to be fun hate that thank you very much and then let’s go

Ow Grab Some Coal this is nice this is good this is nice this is good and then go up here for some more coal I thought I saw some iron but I didn’t but I didn’t it’s very unlucky oh God that’s going to yep that was very very dumb but

It’s okay why is this thank you I needed that okay it’s a good first start it’s a good little bit of res oh my that is all right and then let’s get smelted on our iron that’ll be very good wait how much do we get oh eight do I just make

A chest plate how do I how do we tackle this how do I how do I go about this or do I get a pickaxe for I don’t quite know what I do know is that I really need a bed because I see it’s turning to dark so let’s put our

Bed down I’ll wait for our resources yay that is good I’ll get some more food over there while I’m Waiting oh and there’s a Coke coming hello hello thank you all righty I think that was that small little Excursion while we wait on our iron to smelt still not done I cannot sleep yet what is that over there is it just Birch for what I Can See For What I can

Render it looks like just Birch okay one more piece and then I’ll get the beef in while we sleep this goes so slow all right there we go and make yeah I think I’m going to get started on a chest plate might be silly but makes me feel a bit um bit well

Protected in times of scaredness happening over there um can I sleep already nope where do I want to go after I really really want to find that Forest a forest of the spruce but will I be able to I don’t know let’s snap let’s take a big nappy that’s good

That’s good is this almost ready one more piece then just a mutton and then I’m ready to go you guys are have to wait a little while longer I’m so sorry I’m so sorry let’s put some blocks here instead of the doors maybe and wait oh yeah I ate all the other

Mutton I was going to say is that my only mutton is that the only bit that I have drop that I really like that is it Granite I think it’s Granite with mizunos my resource pack it’s really pretty oh that’s a creeper okay you know what we’re going to do

Do see that was easy and now this is done and we can um leave we can go okay what if I make a boat and I set sail and I maybe just check out what’s over there let’s do that um um Boat Boat Boat okay I guess I’ll let’s make a dark

Oak boat I don’t really like the looks of them that much but that is all right um and we get to go in I me honestly it’s a fine boat it’s a fine boat all right this seems to just be Oak and Birch that’s un unfortunate oh I do want to get that

Um sugar cane I always feel like once it gets to enchanting for me personally I get so annoyed by how slow it is to throw out my sugar cane to have enough books so when I see some right now I’ll try to grab it just to not get

Frustrated oh okay just to not get frustrated for no reason because I don’t have any yet there’s some more there’s actually a lot over here this is great news hello come to me please thank you very much why does that kind of look like a enchantment table this boat my boat be

Looking like an enchanting table look it really does cannot tell me that I’m wrong okay turn that around again again and let’s sail over there please I feel like every single time I play Minecraft lately and I want to find Spruce because it’s my favorite wood type

And that means I need it right every single time I just do not find Spruce it’s as is as if sorry it’s become impossible to find and I don’t feel like I used to have that many struggles finding Spruce maybe I’ve just always been lucky

This is also just a lot of Oak oh what’s that that looks really cool that all looks really really cool I want to sail around to kind of see what it’s about because it is all just Oak at the end of the day So let’s maybe not let’s maybe not settle there and and Birch of course I’m sorry Birch for disregarding your existence it’s not what I meant oh I see a spruce I saw a spruce that was so a spruce I think we’re good let’s not forget to do what I said

I would do oh I saw a bee and jump back oh my God this is difficult um is that ooh a portal let’s check that out real quick I guess I did not see a spruce actually no I did There’s Spruce over there that’s amazing news H okay oh wait it’s a

Ship it’s a shipwreck um get my door ready oh there’s actually a door here treasure map a book I mean yay what do I not want we get rid of the dirt they’re not meant to be more oh that sucks oh I’m going to die if I stay in

It too long I don’t know if I explored this fully seems very silly that it was just that but oh well don’t have the inventory space and it had very very bad loot nothing that I got was really good look at all that Spruce oh and there’s some more dark oak

Meaning that if I get enchanted tools I can get my mushroom stuff I’ve never actually made a mushroom build I believe but every single time that I play Minecraft I’m like yeah I should do that and then I just don’t end up doing it is that a swamp why am I finding

Every single biome in the game what is this what are you doing in my swamp this is the most mini little dark oak forest ever so cute I don’t really like swamps though like they’re not that pretty in my humble opinion it’s fine that they exist

Oh yay I do like that though oh oh I broke them all um what do I want to toss should we do oak sapling we’ll have plenty of those okay I love that though the petals petal petals petal come to me thank you thank you oh yes there’s so many cows

Petals thank you thank you okay let’s get off here oh I don’t have space in my boat it’s fine the boat will have to say goodbye for now for now no more boat there’s also some mushies here don’t know why I’m using my tools for that okay

Um I found my spruce but I do not really like the way this looks I mean this is kind of cute this is kind of okay but oh the swamp kind of really ruins it doesn’t it like it really does there’s also a little okay a very little mine

Here honestly and it is so okay what I’m going to say now is so weird and I don’t know if controversial is the right word but I hate mining I know the game’s called Minecraft but I just want to do cute things and have stuff oh my

God oh my God I don’t want to die in order to go get stuff or like risk my life you know what I’m saying that is so silly why would I why would I why would I want to do that ow see that hurt I don’t like things

Hurting I want to make cute little builds and cute little farms and all cute things and Fallen water apparently is also on my my list of things that I do oh am I really okay I yeed my boat I forgot am I really not going to find any

Spruce that isn’t covered by a swamp going throw a little tantrum like a CH child maybe maybe the Minecraft Gods will hear my prayers then if I act out um let’s see hello oh an emerald can I get that with no I cannot get that without an iron pick it’s a

Bummer I mean at the end of the day it’s not that hard to get emeralds with like trading and such so I don’t really need it but um I can’t see anything oh that’s water looks like this is water I’m fine oh my God are you for real right

Now okay um let’s maybe not do that today let’s maybe settle down first and it’s also almost night time so I’ll already switch to holding a bed at least so we can take naps appropriate naps in appropriate timings but what why is this all so gigantic normous wow

Gigantor okay but Morris bruise good sign good sign maybe the other side of this mountain will look more aesthetically pleasing oh pumpkins pumpkins I love pump oh okay why were you in my face like that it’s really rude sorry to scratch my nose um okay well okay I cannot carry the pumpkins

But I’ll just get some seeds and then I can make loads of pumpkins at home once I settle and to be sure I’ll already take one of these saplings I don’t think I’ll leave the spruce area necessarily but if I do I shall have a sapling to take a with me okay

Hello please startor despawning Mighty thanks um what would I toss for that I feel like the one SE seed I should have yeat it ages ago but I was just thinking like I need food give me seeds you know you know how it goes oh that was

Sticks thought I had the jackpot and it was going to be saplings grab the wood for now what if this tree goes to please yep instant sapling maybe I can just bue and then I’ll move on oh okay now I’m only going to engage with those silly Mountain Side

Openings if there’s good loot in them I’m not going to go in there if it’s just like Bland and empty it’s a waste of my precious time oh no there’s jungle again no I mean I don’t have anything against the jungle biome it’s just that I don’t know remember what I said

At the start I was kind of hoping for I was kind of hoping for um Snowy Mountain Toops it’s a whole Christmas Long play you know what I’m saying did you guys think I circled back to where we were first CU I boed quite a while right

Am I back at the dark oak forest of the start that would be so typical let’s kind of skip these rooftops of the of the of the leaves what’s that they made a child that’s so cute they made a baby oh okay an aelia tree um okay no creeper that’s

Good I want the sapling I need a sapling I don’t necessarily care about the Lush cave that might be beneath it am I ever going to get this sapling um I just care about the pretty pink tree uh oh that was easy okay let’s get rid of um the

STI that sounds fair right can I get another one please please like I want a pink one then again then they can’t stack so it’s kind of a a waste anyways let’s just get going again oh I think I got a second one uh now that we’re down on the floor

I’ll make my way through the forest instead of over the forest I see the swamp to my Left this is so Minecraft just looking spending 17 hours looking for a place to live like you guys can’t say I’m not having the real Minecraft experience right now because every single time that I start like any new world I take so long to settle down it needs to be perfect it

Needs to be everything i’ ever dreamed and hoped for you know and it’s just hard to come by just very hard to come by oh God I see more swamp why is that swamp so high up aren’t the swamps meant to be like lowered or am I being silly I do see a

Mountain honestly this area looks really nice and if I swim over and I get to those spru trees um on the mountain that might be nice okay I’m going to actually save that food a little bit and I cannot kill you because I do not even have inventory slots I quite like

That I quite like that over there I’d say correct me if I’m wrong oh my God SN there’s snow oh ah snow lands on Top I need to get over there well I should be like really ugly and like very un un buildable biome wise like you know watch it not be good uhoh I think my cat needs to leave my room she’s looking at me like mother open my door Billy mama is

Busy mama is climbing mountains but if I don’t are you kidding me if I don’t let my cat out she’s going to like pee in my room someone some up here I’ll let her out real quick hi beautiful beautiful snowy Mountaintop this is so bad this is literally the worst possible

Snowy Mountain I have seen in my life how can I ever make this I I I cannot make this work oh is there more snow over there I did I climb this mountain for literally no reason literally I me no oh there is no more snow what did I see over

There oh my God what if oh yes Mor No marn yeah yeah Yeah yes cat I’ll let you out one second all right the kitten who is not in fact a kitten but she is four years old but still the kitten has been left out of my room let out of my room yeah not left out I would never leave my

Angel baby out o we’re on 64 64 oh my God can I not find the name please please sugar cane thank you very much why does jumping look so weird it bothers me if I don’t know if it’s a setting if you are very kind and you listening to this

Video watching this video up until this point can you please let me know why my jumping makes me nauseous thank you very much okay a wait there’s more snow over there how am I I feel like I’m running in circles at all times and then something different is there every single

Time it’s a Big Snowy Mountain Top I need to find a place that is actually buildable and livable oh there’s a forest fire great happy Minecrafting um is this a point where have to give up CU I I always do this and then I’m like you know what let’s just settle oh my

God this is huge it’s going to be another night as well how many how many days is this we’re going to be on day four still no place to live but that’s not my fault that all these biomes are so poorly generated okay look at this what is

This how am I meant to make a cutesy little cottage in the woods when it looks like that you know it’s mine a little bit oh why do I skip that so fast I hate stone tools I hate it I cannot wait I cannot wait for upgraded

Tools iron tool when oh is it sleepy time no not yet almost though oh Wait over there looks kind of pretty please please please please please please tell me I’m not not mistaken and it is actually pretty over there Iron oh my God I see swamp oh it’s not iron oh it is it is but guys I see swamp why why must life be so mean to

Me yeah thank you find a good area and there comes Shrek ified land are you kidding me also only one iron that kind of is a bummer what am I going to do with that iron shovel are we in our iron shovel era let’s maybe get rid of Um let’s do the doors yes the doors have to go why is that tree so mega mega tree okay I do not want to look at the swamp every day I think I circled back or there’s just a lot of swamp I don’t like it I don’t like this swamp

Oh you know what I have to you know what I should have done like ages ago Lol lol l over there we go oh my game is a little bit a little bit slower I guess it’s just cuz it’s all rendering now yes I like that area that’s his she and with she I mean mine yes I like it here is is not snowy like I had dreamed

Of but I also mentioned that snow would be very hard to work with oh the lag is crazy so let’s just set for this what do you guys think I like it it is giving Christmas and then the render distance has to go down though what is

That my game said girl there’s a reason your render distance was on like 12 chunks oh no I could not save any more of this okay let’s go go in here and let’s find an area to live what about this what about oh I hear zombies what is there over here

Ooh o danger so maybe move bit away from the danger cuz it’ll also be very difficult to like manage once we get closer to that okay more danger I saw one ironi okay this is just all one very big Danger let’s move back in this direction and cross the danger um yeah great

Um yeah that’s good I guess I guess that’s good wait here’s nice I’m sorry I just keep saying here’s nice here’s nice but it needs to be perfect okay and over here I think it ends right okay okay okay okay I liked it better when we were like fully emerged into the immersed

Emerged hello I only have one I only have one will I be my doggy the cave B it’s fine I’m not crying you’re crying I’m not sad you’re sad oh my God what that was not there earlier I guess that kind of saves me some terraforming no is that not how we

Should be looking at this yeah let’s live here I like it here let me save you some hle so some work all right let’s go back and just kind of go in there and let’s set a little spawn let’s do it guys let’s tie a KN Minecraft style what about over

Here what about right over here what if I just decided that right over here will be the area can you already see the the terraforming and the cutesy houses we could put here and cute builds and all of that one big problem however will be that I have not seen a single Village

If I ever want to make an iron farm which I have learned to do recently so I would want to do I will need to cure two zombie villagers and that will be just a lot of work I’ll I’ll I’ll leave it at that just a lot of work that’s

Okay and the reason that that’s okay is because Minecraft is so fun okay down here this tree is really ugly this tree is really ugly it needs to go can I get to the top probably not nope one two is there more okay no ooh actually this is a pretty spot I

Might want my my house to be here I’m just getting rid of all the trees I could have made my own Spruce Forest by the like way I’m not using any of the spruce around me I’m just getting rid of it just planting some in the area bam Spruce Forest okay this one’s

Gone oh there’s a lot of spruce here though it’s kind of a bummer how big this tree is but it’s fine why is there like five in each other oh there goes my okay okay I’m also going to make a little station over here with my stuff no I’ll Place both of

Them can’t hurt um two nuggets that’ll be a third we can make a pickaxe that’s good and I shall make a new stone axe is there any food to cook no but look at this isn’t it iron pick yes it is it is it really is okay this will be

Nice I don’t have any building inspo yet should have done that should have done that and do I want to go hungry no so what am I going to do use that water source over here yep very pretty very aesthetic and oh I don’t have any seeds left oh my God

Okay is there already zombies it’s not night time yet seeds seeds three seeds that’s something i’ like to get like I don’t know more five or something that’s the fourth one this is also really nice it barely fills you up but oh I don’t have space okay let’s get rid of my

Seeds a seedy Place let’s not waste these oh my god there will be mobs am I too late I’ll just run a second then I’m awake a okay I’m always scared that like a creeper will drop on me or something it’s a very valid fear is that a mush that’s nice a mushy

Okay oh wait how did I not see these seeds valuable valuable resources almost went to waste could you have imagined that happening that would be such a tragedy okay don’t overreact like that Ow oh I planted a new one all right okay let eat Up this one actually has to go and then I want to make a little cottage which the problem is all we have really is wood right um not really any other fun blocks I was contemplating I even tried actually to put some sort of mods in here that gave

Me really really cute blocks but the problem there was that let’s plant this was that it wasn’t working it just wasn’t working I don’t know why it just wasn’t it just wasn’t working plant some bamboo real quick um and sugarcan only goes on Sand doesn’t it okay that’s a problem is

There sand over there but yeah the build might be a bit basic and well basic doesn’t always mean ugly but you know like it might not be the prettiest build ever you know I could however use some of that Mossy Cobble that’s a really fun

Block to work with um I never do it every time I see it I’m like that’s pretty I want it I wish I made a shovel but I did not do that it’s all right all righty and then with the sand that I now harvested do you harvest

Sand sand that I now gathered oh that looks better there but then that block becomes useful useless oh you know what oh god oh that’s for sure great thank you at least let’s do it like that okay that’ll be going then for us and do I want to look up some insun

Pinterest maybe I do maybe I do put all of this away for a minute though because I don’t think I’ll be using it right now oh I want to plant my pumpkins and my melons still grow like that then right um then that one will go there makes sense makes sense

Um put that away that away that away I also want to get some animals in a little pen though but okay I’m going to look up some inspo and then I will be right back okay um I kind of browsed around and I felt like a lot of um Christmas type of

Cabins were very small or in snowy mountains and as you guys know haha I’ll say it again we do not have a Snowy Mountain underneath us underneath our feet and it doesn’t have to be a problem this just means that I’ll have to get a bit creative oh my God I thought that

Was a creeper yeah I have to get a bit creative and um I saw a very like I just looked at some like starter houses and I saw a nice tutorial that I really liked layout wise mine is not going to look exactly like that I’m just taking some

Inspiration I will link that down below though because you know let’s give credit where credit is due and okay did I get all of this yes I did so I want to just build that over here I’m going to need to terraform a tad and draw this out like this platform out or

Push it in but I think I’m going to H you know what I’ll push it in and with that I mean like you know make it one level lower but that’s going to suck with this pickaxe huh H with this shovel huh it’s fine it’s fine we’re fine

See kind of do it like that and then this all just gets to go in I’m going to start by the outer shape right now um which I think I’m going to do like that just go in Already maybe like that just shovel it all out oh my shovel already broke okay what happened there let’s make another shovel it’s crazy how little that silly little shovel can handle huh okay that was that let’s make sure I grab all of the dirt because there will be a point that I’ll

Be needing dirt and I would be very angry that I ever left any behind you know kind of push that in a little bit more that’s my problem with terraforming I was like no it’s never good this doesn’t look this doesn’t look good and then like actually in the game there

Will be the weirdest terraformed areas ever like that make no sense and I’m like yes that’s that’s normal then when I terraform an area it’s like no that’s not what it’s no no that no you know okay let’s do all of that get rid of it

It’s in my way how can I do any creative thinking when there’s blocks floating around oh okay floating around I got stuck on like my keyboard I think okay is this big enough I do not know what I do know is that I’m going to grab some of that Mossy

Cobble um it does look nice and like I would like to use that oh I had a golden efficiency ho and there’s none of it around here I have to cross the pond I believe or if if I’m wrong that could be there could be some over here too no No oh I like Sandstone what it’s only one I don’t think it’s worth crabbing one Sandstone I’m being completely honest here let’s cross the river also how am I ever going to get some cats like oh no it’s turning it’s turning dark have to go back soon

Did I really do a strip for nothing all right aha I just really like Mossy Cobble I like it it’s pretty actually a lot after dispatch I’ll go home oh my God are you kidding me okay and I’m also not taking any away from an

Area that I could see from my Shore so I’m completely fine with taking all of this you know I don’t want to be too disruptive of the nature around okay how much is that 36 that’s kind of nice hop on home oh there’s some in the water too Oh no it is so mucher that I should ever let it become and I forgot to lit up my Area light up lit up oh my God speaking is hard Okay how am I going to pattern this how am I going to wait I think I want to do wood like how big do I want to make it cuz if I build it here that kind of goes to waste this little area but at the end of the day that really doesn’t

Matter okay let’s just do here one two three four that hurts now let’s do window space one and then one excuse me excuse me you guys are going to have to leave I promise I’ll replant a little bit I’m not all for deforestation and all that you know it’s

Not my thing but you’re in my way you’re massively in my way that should do it that’ll do it okay please despawn thank you very much two three four and this is not terraformed properly yet then I have to get rid of some more but it’s fine one two three four

Ow and let’s do the same thing over here wait let’s make our front one two three four and take that in a couple blocks that feels like too many if I do I’ll do here but that makes no sense with the build what if I do yeah I’m not really following the

Tutorial am I now at all I’m just winging it but I guess I need an inspiration for it some elements okay oh no oh definitely no I did it wrong again I’m sorry you know what this is getting a bit embarrassing but it’s fine I’m getting up my my my my

Skill you know I’m um upping my what’s it called pickaxe axing skill choping wood skill it’s going so up right now and then I’ll do one two three four I’ll do oh five here that also looks a bit better in total I feel like uh and I’ll

Do two three four oh that’ll yep of course that’ll take me damage all right that’s a bit better it’s going to be so huge otherwise that’s good and and I want to make use of barrels so I shall do that um and maybe also some o what does this strip Spruce look like

Ow I’ll eat a bit before I die hate that I don’t have string bamboo for what huh oh well it looks okay but stripped um oh my God I yeed my Oak stripped Oak is really pretty is what I wanted to say but I don’t have any but I think I have

Oak right there very close right or am I wrong I do not like being wrong yeah there’s some Oak over there hello chick chicks have eggs for me I’ll gladly take them then I can maybe get two chickens without having to lure you over lure you to My Island okay we’re

Here hi I’m on a side mission mission yes mission for one of thy saplings would you be so kind to give me one thank you that would be so nice so so nice giving me two would also be nice that I’m sure that I’ll get more in a later stage please none yet

Hi Hi let’s jump over there watch me go the wrong way okay no there’s a chick chicks and we with eggs for me that’s for me I thank you thank you okay what if also oh my God I needed I legitimately needed Oak and I just turn it into planks oh my

God why uh it’s fine we’ll we’ll use this we’ll use this we’ll use this also this tree is in the way of my beautiful view of my house so you’re going to go you’re being rude blocking Visage okay it’s not very nice oh there’s a small one over

Here Visage is it visibility the word is visibility huh yeah it is that was a weird shap tree why did it go like that over there that was really weird oh well it’ll be gone now and then I do like using stripped oops that gives an effect that it’s just

Wealthy so let’s trip over here as well oh no yeah for sure that’s for sure what I wanted to do yep oh and I forgot to fill this in that works and then that also has to be some stripped boys I like I like that when it all

Works and blends in I cannot have it be asymmetrical that’s going to break also oh my god of course I mess up again yes yes yes yes okay I’ve had enough I’ve had it I sleep yet no um nope I really need to go get some resources soon but not

Today first things first my beautiful house nap time no okay uh wait let’s see I’m gonna oh wait does that work with the strip what if I go like that and then I’ll have glass in the middle oh already out a spruce that was fast oh my god really it’s like literally

Nighttime how about now if we cannot sleep now that would be okay there we go please no bad boys okay um eight logs for sure a enough that is fine let’s chop up some over there actually let’s just do here feel like we’ll probably be using the space

Anyways for like other stuff and whatever space that we want a tree and we can just replant one you know four five is there any no none left 13 oh no oh no I forgot to fill this one in oh my God it’s just enough oh no I forgot an area never

Mind once again lying okay I need eight more that’ll do it that will do it okay oh my plants are growing nice yep I’m so good at this I’m so impatient that I’m always like a bit too fast but that makes it worse because then it takes longer because I have to

Do a double whatever okay this is the start of something ugly I love that now I think we should I should just GA more wood first actually I think I’m going to need why it’s a bad guy right yeah why are you in my tree I’m literally not a village excuse you Meanie Meanie let me be let me do my own stuff let me just be me let me chop my trees you know God literally has nothing to do with you ug okay just need one more actually maybe from here I can also get to that tree what oh I was not far

Enough am I tripping or to hear another Pillager I think I might be tripping I don’t see one at least oh my Oak grew that’s good news where’s the second oak tree that I planted oh here I was going to say where is she where did she

Go uh and you know what I also wanted to do for the time being that’s I actually made the planks for forgetting that I will need them is see if I can get some chickens in this Coupe just make a little fenc off area okay that’s just a big big no that’s

Actually so rude so rude you would think You’ that have like one you know whatever this is like the interior and I’m going to build a second floor uh oh my God what oh yeah okay okay okay I was confused no these are the beams the big beams that I’m using um like

That like so maybe that’s what I’m thinking all right I don’t know how that’s going to work wait that’s not going to work around here maybe uh let me have a little peek we all do need to use the tutorial but that just looks completely different than what I have to be honest

It’s like a completely different build but you know what I’ll try I’ll try to use that and learn I’m going to make some do I make it out of spruce I think I’m going to use some Oak actually that might be a bad idea to mix that up but we’ll see so

Going to do it like that oh no like this maybe I’ll do it on the other side too how am I going to make this work I don’t know you guys I don’t know um let’s see what I want to do though and then I’m going to go oh okay I’ll need some

More Okay okay I was going to throw back I’m going to use some mossy cobblestone yeah are you is the mossy cobblestone in the room with us right now okay uh want I get up there I guess I’ll just use some dirt because again I don’t have any other way even though I

Had oh God I had bamboo I do not have anything else so then up here that’s in the way you’re in the way bye you’re most certainly also in the way hey extra resources for us though perfect Oh oh okay why am I doing this so Poorly do I want to do three or four hello four and then I shall fill that up with some stripped put a bit higher two three four five that is not correct yes that is not correct indeed thank you and then let’s see it’s going to be an open window oh

And that’s what I made the barrels for also no Wrong thank you but I do need what type of I’m not sure yet let’s go down I need to make some type of stair again but I don’t have oh yes I do I was going to say I don’t have any of the look blings what I do

Yay that’s the only thing I’m going to be using Oak for at the moment so I can completely go him okay and then do I also do the same thing in it or No sorry give me a sec because that would make sense but that’s fine it’s whatever good and then I need to make it higher it is not symmetrical I kind of messed up on that end but it’s fine and I’ll go do the same over here one two three four one four

Five let’s sleep first though what but they’re in a way this not nighttime come on thank you thank you okay oh good morning why is all not growing does it need more light is this a problem of light source cuz like oh here you go I don’t know what they want from

Me I want for me some food okay this is not my thing is it two three four one two three four five ug I ran out again uh it’s whatever it’s whatever I’ll go grab some more I did not realize how much resources this would be

Taken I always feel like oh yeah for example if you have like 64 blocks that’s so many blocks but it’s actually completely nothing you know it’s like so nothing it’s whatever it’s whatever doesn’t bother me I’m not salty but now we only have 10 it’s not enough I’m thinking like two more Stacks

Probably for the Exterior but let’s do it bit by bit because otherwise it feels very overwhelming for me and that’s not how I like it like I know a lot of people are just able to just zone out and grind but I need some change every now and then or

I’ll just get so like sick and tired of it so let’s now get to what is that going to be like 32 half a stack maybe not even yeah 31 then and continue for a bit maybe but I don’t know if that’ll be pretty at all Let’s test something I don’t like

That I don’t like it sorry I’m sorry Mossy Cobble you’re out at least I tried um and then okay this is so hectic for no reason okay oh and those on top H need to be stripped right let’s Place some barrels okay and oh that’s two extra for me oh my God

Okay all right that’s um something for sure guys we did something that does need more decorating uh and I will be requiring slabs of the oak let’s go cut them off hi hi thank you thank you um where is it it there we go make like I don’t know this amount of

Slabs and then one more and then the rest goes to stairs or something there we go wait give me one sec I’m gonna oh wait yay grab all this and that’ll give me a sec okay what I’m going to do is go up here and then that oh no no

No it’s going to go like that and turn into a little thingy oh and almost forgot I need to work with some trap doors but my favorite trap doors are dispers ones so I’m actually in luck going to be using those oh my God what did I just

Do what did I just do I cannot call myself a Minecrafter when did I make all these slabs oh yeah for the barrels like what when did that happen that’s entirely way too slaps though but okay I’m going to need way more tractors in that 12 probably still not enough

Through the entire build but hey you know cute cute and let’s replicate that at the other side uh one two and then and trap doors okay um this is a whole operation to be honest uh sh oh God Wrong doors and then how did I do it over there I think was it like that believe it was yes sure kind of think that’s fine I extended that a little bit didn’t do that in the other side yet let’s go do that oh I have to shift for that okay

Not the worst thing in the world right now what’s next let’s have a look give me one second I should probably fill the bottom out though but it’s fine I have to do the same for this how am I ever going to do that though I’m going to need to one more

Spruce and some windows soon as well grab that I’m going to replant some Spruce already oh my God 44 saplings holy I’m sorry Spruce Forest I’m really I’m not trying to demolish you I will regrow I promise hello honestly let’s do another tree today’s video today’s Long play is

All about chopping trees isn’t it welcome to chopping trees poorly with a wooden pick axe pickaxe okay let’s go back up go do my thing two four and then it is one two three four one two three four okay I get it like that that I think it was like this am I

Wrong and it’s like a whole no a whole lot of those yes and then it’s some spru log action oh do my jumpy thing very smart isn’t it I should have stayed up there for my this and then we fill that out like so no not like so so

And those like that then we top that off with some Spruce like H some slabs right there and then that gets this okay okay not horrible and let’s go to bed I literally hear bats like whatever what do you mean only at night this is so night this feels so

Slow is this night thank you thank you I appreciate that uh and another axe another Stone axe in the making but hey it’s looking kind of looking kind of slick and also I forgot we are not going to be entering the house here nor here we’re going to do it on the second

Floor yep yep that is how we’re going to be doing it and I kind of want to do it with the barrels as well ah so what we’re going to be doing here is get rid of all of that and put some barrels in oh no definitely not like that though

What are you actually messing with me right now feel like the game is messing with me okay like so and I also I don’t have Irony so to decorate I will need iron two whole bits because I want leaves that’s okay we will find two whole bits of iron one day

One day Okay can this front is decorated let me do I want to get some sand maybe real quick I think that could be a good idea for us to get sand right now oh and something that I really think wait I’m having a little look right Now okay what could be really pretty is let’s get Windows first so pretty windows iron by any chance no l a bit of iron for me no no no let’s get some I’ll need like I don’t know how much will I need wait I should get the sand in

There be like 70 times easier to get I don’t know I think I’ll leave like what 18 maybe less May more yes my calculations are so good I don’t know less maybe more how much is this get all of that 26 let’s hope that is enough maybe there will be some ironi

For us in There let’s smelt it and where is it oh there it is no yes put on both sides nope let’s go around here though what am I going to do with the back I do not yet know what the back will be like but I can live oh my god really I

Can live with that then no you shall just be filled in Wait no I’m doing that wrong you literally just need to be filled in that was a bit too silly of me same over there actually no what okay now it makes more Sense yeah sure no okay and then then how do I do the second level of that okay GNA go up and barrels I need to make a reappearance no No four barrels to be precise and then I’m going to do another No why am I so bad at this I was looking at the wrong thing I tried to start out not following the tutorial too much but now I’m like okay that house looks so much better than mine winging it won’t be for me it just won’t be I also need one more

Barrel and why did I always not do what I want them to do thank You I need some more resources some more resources please yes even more thank you more barrels too just crazy how many have I made 20 I just I have the slabs okay three this is going to be the door so this actually no and then on top of that uh will be

Window so I’m going to have to I’m going to have to make more um those God this is difficult this is difficult where’ the music go entertain me please okay yeah there it is that does also need to go and then I’m sorry for it skipping like that just give me a

Minute in the back I’ll look at that in a sec but first let’s get our windows in oh and a doors I quite like um this bruer oh hiccup this Bruce doors so I would like to work with them let’s put them in over but wait do I want them to have

Depth I think I do yeah okay we do at least the tutorial does too hello thank you jeez gra some dirt nice what do I do oh I fell oopsy daisies switching back and forth is so not the easiest thing ever I’m fine though um

Okay and this over here just needs to be completely filled in so I think for that I’m going to have to get my resources figured out first then over here that’ll be filled in to all of the ground things will be barrels instead which will be a lot of work but it’s worth

It cuz barrels are pretty and that means we have all this wood for free okay no a barrel takes way more resources than one wood block right so like I call it for free but it’s actually not we have made the five bajillion um slabs already though so it’ll feel like a win

Okay let’s turn some of these into PLS yeah no that wasn’t it oh well oh my God thank you EP time eings time to do the IEPs thank you that one’s not correct is it nope oh my God I hope you guys like the sound of blocks being placed and breaking again

Because that’s what we’re doing that’s what we’ll be doing one more really isn’t enough okay uh wait I’m so silly could have youed Ste wood okay how does it designed have to be really close to it think I think so I’ll just place my blocks like

This it’s always pissed me off it always has always will yay we have a first pumpkin okay let’s get it gone with so we can regrow and let’s do the same actually here we also get extra seeds cuz we cool like that okay chop the wood starting to look Majestic in it in

It then I want to have a look what I want to do on the other side I think I’m okay have to how to sneak peek they do on the YouTube video yes yes that was meant to happen uh but yeah no this is just going to be a

Window like that and well I’ll take the hit it’s fine oh my by okay actually this takes edges and then perfect stop taking the hits Maybe Okay marvelous that was marvelous I need more peruse logs but I also need more oh my God I don’t even have Couple embarrassing okay nope yes yes yay hello I need this thank you and we also have to fill in the entire bag still I don’t know if y’all realize we have an entire back to do as well the back of the house let’s work with lots and lots of

Windows thank you thank you thank you okay thank you what about if I chop this tree will we then have plenty we really probably won’t okay um let’s jump over here to work on this window I thought I was holding shift see now holding shifts okay I’ll take this damage it’s all

Okay all right now let’s see what are we going to do in the back Uh it’s going to suck that’s going to suck the most I think having a little looky the video is actually kind of chill what they’re doing to it it’s kind of um very simple so in honor of that let’s do the same oh I’ve already made something here kind of forgot got

About oh no this has to stay um sure sure and let’s go up no one saw that there we go and what they’re doing then is very very plain and basic uh but I can live with that wait let me an evil even level okay

Okay what am I going to do here I will need Barrels oh yes my best friend okay okay 21 should do it two three four five and then what if I just replicate the bottom but I don’t think I don’t know why but that’s just not what they’re going for in this video and I’m just skipping back and for

Oh something’s wrong something’s wrong with me something is ginormously wrong with me I usually don’t do this I think it’s because I’m going back and forth so much between like tabbing and looking at the video and all of that it’s my great excuse do you guys believe the great excuse you

Better and all of these will be stripped loggies that’s horrible luckily it is but the back of the house Huh and this will just get filled in apparently I want to get hurt again okay oh okay I do that it’s whatever at this point it’s whatever that looks so empty let me quickly okay don’t sleep okay all right let’s have a look at the video what’s next they do roof next

Which it makes sense and I’m just going to need I think I’m going to make it out of oh might be a bit silly but otherwise it’s going to be so dark I feel like and it won’t look very good it’ll all just be one big blendy

Thing I can try to to give it a trim let’s see is it night time yes oh rainbow nice okay I’m going to grab a snack I’ll be right back and then we’ll work on the roof all right I’m back and I’m ready to build this roof but I’m also a little

Bit annoyed by the fact that I cannot do the finishing touches because I don’t have the iron to get leaves um but that’s all right we’ll do the roof first we’ll do the roof first um do I have everything on me no I need to make have some Oak stairs right but I

Think I need to weigh more and I also think I’m going to need so much more of this as well I hate it I hate it see if I can make some more Oak happen for us and is this not despawning cuz Okay I know I was just being impatient as

Always let’s plant a couple of these as well all right just wondering if I can find like an easy open cave and I could see maybe one or two iron but it doesn’t appear to be that easy oh nope no iron imagine that would be very very very easy n it’s

Fine oh this a no do there’s mushrooms here that’s nice that’s nice feel like we went in circles so often that I have no clue oh hello I have no clue like what biomes are actually around me oh this is water really okay let’s let’s not engage

Why am I doing this why am I getting distracted all I needed to do oh God where am I all I need to do was that’s a cave oh no here I am getting swept away uhoh that’s too bad uhoh what’s going on okay ow didn’t mean for that to happen all I

Need is two iron and then I will leave I swear I swear holy what ow I don’t have any food to deal with this man um oh my go okay I guess we’ll explore that cave one day when I do have food and there’s not 17 creepers coming for

Me what the actual was that whatever it’s whatever lesson learned make your house and then worry about other stuff yes you yes yes okay let’s go I could already see it I mean it’s kind of a big house I didn’t realize I need some such a big boy build good job Apple okay

Um I needed some more Oak right but do I actually yeah I want to make it out of Oak I’m contemplating but I’m kind of sure but that will not be enough though I’m going to need way more oh is that another sapling please tell me it is no it is

Not do I have more in here three I’ll plant what I have and then I’ll just I’ll just have to wait it out and hope that I get enough but we can already start I think um how am I going to get up there do I have yes I do have dirt

Okay okay obviously this is clearly meant to just be filled in you can completely tell that and that is kind of nice because that is not very hard to accomplish it’s quite a simple vibe that we have going on then I wonder do I want

To take it out one or not I’m not too sure and I’m also not too sure about giving it a trim or not um oh no oh no um right let’s build that and that and I think we can do one more I don’t think that’ll be too much I

Quite like a big roof anyways can even maybe do a storage in the Attic or just have a cute high ceiling or something it sounds like Vibes to me we’ve already used almost everything we have though and yeah okay I’ll check from the

Side if I want to give it a trim let me go down here and then there my C uh let’s see yeah I think I want to do that I’m going to go one lower two though am I already fully out of food actually oh oh that’s a little bit

Problematic if I say so myself uh uh okay um well I can make one bread just one bread and I have those berries but they don’t really Doo much do they I can grab some sheep do I have I just used my wheat did I yes I did I’ll grab some sheep later

Maybe L them to the pen I’m going to have to do that and I’m going to go look for a little bit of oak wood for our roof I’m sorry I’m not the type of gamer to like have my stuff sorted out and just have everything ready you know I

Don’t know what I’m going to do I just find out as I go I can maybe take some chickens I just need a singular seed just one seed please oh my god really is that hard one seed I have a seed okay and then I roam around that’s number one is

There a second chicken here by any chance is there really not huh okay it’s a bit of a let down but hey one chicken in the CP was already more than what we had before right is there really not a second chicken usually they come in groups

Right come down with me please thank you just float on down you’ll be fine you’ll be good yes yes dear child and then uh thank you very much that’s one chicken um start of money now I do have to go back oh nope again nothing oh another chicken though okay let’s grab the

Chicken hello would you mind coming with me you wouldn’t right ah great start of an Empire come come come come Child come come amazing did I just hear a witch that is strange to say the least but all right there we go go will you already have a friend no ow oh my

God that tree just grow on us it’s great amazing news it’s O though which is what we need I’ll also come chop this one down and I need a second seed please please uh please aha aha okay I I can breed my chickens that’s good this is very good can I actually

Just right click yes it’s nice okay got you get an advancement let’s go it’s not sleepy time yet G get rid of that and let’s already make some more stairs then because apparently we cannot sleep yet 33 we can do something with that in the morning did you guys hear that witch did

You guys hear that we’re like above a cave I hate that I mean we can sleep so she’s not that crazy close then I guess strange you guys strange oh didn’t mean to cover that up fully like that but all right uh we could do the other side

Oh let’s not forget to pick that up later no I do this every single time okay um I guess that’s just how this will go I think does that work I think it does that works perfectly l oh no it does not negative slate wait it does if I go like this

Right oh nice let go pick up what I dropped though these are are very very very very very good resource for me I don’t have stuff I don’t have stuff I’m hungry please my farm is so bad yay I can plant some more what if I just I’ll just do it here

I’m gon to need some more oak trees though can’t really do much without them okay the roof I’m going to take it out like one more by the way like that wait let me have a look yeah that’ll be Better I’m not going to use a trim I’m just going to do it like so let’s have a look what that’s like if I do it like that think that’ll look nice better look nice one to little whatever um guess I’ll get down like like that okay let’s see okay

I can work with that put some leaves around it too that can be nice oh and we have a first melon amazing news I can eat melon slices great for one whole health I mean hunger bar yep I’m going to need this though to grow really

Fast cuz I’m getting impatient and I do not want to leave my base it is this Sketty world out there I’ll do it anyways what side had Birch and Oak I’ll bring another axe Though this one’s about to die and maybe when I come back we’ll have even more ready for us let’s go this way oh my good what I see Iron that’s a sheep scared me uh can I get down here definitely not uh oh I forgot that I saw this already with

That one iron over there I’m going to go for it go for it this is what I’ve been wanting and needing so desperately I’m not going to let the chance slip away from my underneath my fingers please tell me there’s two no okay rude um there’s so much more though

I don’t want to get swept away just grab a couple of this it’s not mine under meat okay yay is that a big vein oh yes finally we’ve been needing something like this okay feels kind of safe too here why is it so big and scary okay I don’t have any food

So let’s stay safe that that literally looked carved out for me I had to go get it watch just have like a stack all of a sudden oh my God what the Minecraft God said here you go Gir build your cute house and some more let just eat up on those real quick

Okay is there any more who thought I saw something there’s a lush cave I want to get that if I die I’m GNA be so mad okay do I do I call it quits or do I I’ll grab these like this where is it oh here it’s a waste if

I don’t and then I’ll go home it’s getting dark and I really really don’t want to die I mean I know where to go if I want to go look for diamonds one day so that’s good now I have to find my way up just do it the old fashioned

Way now where is Home cross This yeah I didn’t get a single oak though my mission is so failed such a failed Mission you know what I want to get though wait my inventory full oh um I wanted the chest it’s free chest thank You if you could follow me that would be kind of nice too yeah you oh he said not think I’m good okay am I going too fast for you I’m sorry a little bit slower oh don’t mean to do that okay another one I guess come here come here and get in the

Pen it’s really not that hard there you go good job can I already get the chickens to do that again nice uh okay okay um I don’t really need feathers at the moment charcoal can actually go for a little bit too I’m going to smelt the

Iron we’ll be so much better off in the morning then can make a full set I can make tools it’s going to be nice it’s going to be good I just need food didn’t think food was going to be an issue there any animals that want to come with

Me that are very close by have to Circle back home Now no okay this music is very loud sorry if it’s loud for you too that really made it dark oh my god oh no oh no see why did that not just there you go that’s what I wanted to do okay no bad guyss Noe thankfully not actually I’m going to need this

Oh yay look at us I look so fancy I just need pants I would really like some pants okay Mission oak trees let’s try not to fail again it’s really not that hard do not get distracted oh okay do not get distracted do not Stop and just find an oak tree and just chop it down or another chicken and then once you’ve chopped it down you can go home and finish your roof again really not that hard really OHA beautiful beautiful oak trees doggy fortunately I cannot take the doggy home CU I do not have a

Bone oh I might want to go for um Birch roof to be honest a birch floor for some contrast I don’t know if I actually have any Birch at home so let’s get this to be sure also I just want to share with you guys while we’re playing Minecraft

Anyways you know just having a chat I’m so excited I’m going to Ikea later to eat if I’m not there too late if I’m there in time I absolutely love love love love love they’re U vegetarian like meatballs and they have some where they have um like veggies in them you know like

The vegetarian meatballs with veggies in them but I don’t like those they but they also have like a meat like one you know it’s like a fake meat one not one with vegetables in it and I love that so much it is so good and I haven’t had it

In like probably to use I don’t really go to IKEA that often and I’m just so excited and I wanted to share because it’s on my mind you know it’s it’s on my mind I’m thinking about it you know okay did I get everything here oh I really definitely did not oh

My God this one’s so big I love it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t like fully respawn or something it’s okay I’m never G to come here anyways 43 should be enough to finish my silly little roof though why is this area so cute darn it now you know

What it’s okay our area is cute too and we’re going to make it even better CU I’m going to build a cute house oh I’m out of energy I have an apple yay another melon oh my what I can’t chop that one down no it’s right in front of

My house I have to chop it down it’s a gorgeous tree though it’s um that’s a shame a shame it is there’s too many of you guys here too many not going to deal okay can I make the chickens have babies again okay no I don’t have any seeds

Bummer let’s continue our Roof then in that case that’s what I really need finished right now anyways so let’s focus on that first things first okay if this ain’t enough then I don’t know I don’t know I ever get it this is like a whole parkour movement huh parkour

Thingy let’s first use up these and I think I need to go one out right hav’t done that yet okay for sure yeah okay and let’s do on the opposite side too this is going to take so long it’s because I’m building it see not the only person that does this okay

Uh that actually works magnificently great news oh God oh God and let’s just go down this road yeah sure beautiful I might add some detailing later on to the house like the exterior you know like the back might be a bit PL for now um but I want to finish it first

And then see what we can what we can do with it you know I’m not going to have enough once again thought a stack would be enough surely but no as always it is not enough one two three four five I need 10 more pieces 10 12 will have to

Do we’ll probably use more throughout the build uh I kind of want to make a little I’ve done it before I don’t know how to anymore like a little hole maybe in the front here like a window s I’m going to look that up oh okay wait wa

Wait I know how to do it now I’m gonna how am I gonna wait wait like No no um I’m sorry give me a sec need to be three wide that’s kind of okay we’ll do it here um you know what sure and then this one has to do the same and then I’m going to want trapo and a slab I’ve done it before on a build that I’ve

Made and it looked really really nice if I say so myself um I saw it on the Pinterest before and I kind of always forget to use it it’s also so so so so simple and so so so pretty so nope that’s wrong look at

That it’s so cute is it a bit too I really wonder if I need to give it a trip anyways we’ll we’ll try that too a little little thingy and then I’ll do it here as well maybe that was way too much for no reason but that’s fine and then open

That up that’s going to break yep cute and let’s try out that trim see if I like that but better cuz right now it feels very very plain so this will all be D dark because it is Spruce why am I not using iron tools also oh I think that might be better

Yes and then we have to go up as well I think is the vibe oh God I’ll have to check it out from the front though how that look looks okay oh God all these stairs everywhere I’m going to sleep first they’ll be surprise for the morning yeah that’s actually way better way

Better looks so much more put together as well in my humble opinion I’m not going to replant I’m going to make more chickens yes more chickens Yep looks better okay let’s do that over here oh but I’m out of well I have 10 more so I can already do it here and

Here and when I go to make more I’ll also make an iron axe this is a bit ridiculous isn’t it iron axe iron axe yay well it’s my only food at the moment so let’s maybe not get rid of it can I actually sugar and eggs I can make a pumpkin

Pie that’s going to be easy okay let’s keep that in mind uh I’ll make another bread for myself and I will get rid of my stuff that I do not need at the moment because it is clogging up inventory space for no reason can hear you oh

Hi o well I don’t have any emeralds sir I would really like to have leads though if you don’t mind I would really uhhuh yes I would very much like a lead thank you it’s very kind of you and you know what well I don’t want to

I’m sorry he’s going to spit on me I don’t want that to happen thank you ow is he going to keep doing that hope you won’t I hope you won’t I was going to make tools actually so don’t look at me like that thank you just mining my own business clearly you’re

Not bye bye bye bye and this feels good this feels like what I needed all right nice that should be enough probably not what am I even saying it’s never enough when I get materials let’s hope okay 43 should totally be enough that isn’t then oh I see a creeper steer clear from

That I hear them freaking go like so Gross I look forward to decorating the inside of the house oh I totally took one away that I shouldn’t whatever okay oh right um yeah yeah you’re overreacting uhhuh as for who are you can I yes can jump that can jump it now the annoying part yes see

Annoying okay okay I got this though all right it’s like I’m doing it on purpose at this point but I swear I’m not I’m just that incompetent and then this one indeed just has to be oh stairs hey that went well and can I do a second one of those or is

That going to be too much I probably can’t put them next to each other yeah the space will probably not work out let’s see yeah no that does not work it’s fine I do want to move it one I think doesn’t look good there so what I’m going to do instead

Is put it here okay this point I’m trolling I’m just Trolling one and two that’s better I think this one is fine and then I’ll just make one right across from here wait what height is that right yes I think I got it I will need more trap doors though I’ll just make a second one right here all

Right two more trap doors and I’m all set and what else do I need I was thinking of something that I desperately need oh yeah I remember and Bones my zelia tree I need it how did that end up here how did that happen okay yeah I’m gonna need to yeah okay

Uh I think for the time being I’m just going to use Oak strip it down Mighty thanks and hold up exactly a stack okay slay oh no okay oh yes all right and then make myself a new shovel doesn’t have to be Iron not shoveling that much up before I do

Anything else I’m just going to decorate a teeny tiny bit and then maybe here in there down here and then do the same for this spot this spot and that’s SP oh no oh no that’s what I wanted that’s what I wanted that’s what I want oh God that time please not yet

Okay o five more 1 two three five that mean night time yes that means night time he’s so annoying Stop all right then I’m just going to need to do the staircase up cuz as you can see the door is here and not on the ground level Not saying no to XP so let me have a Look I think yeah I’m gonna going to do it out of Oak um Oak stairs oh my God I can’t speak so let’s do the entrance here no no the Little Footsteps are scaring me that’s cute isn’t it that’s kind of cute but then I do need to make a

Beam for it as well because this looks very unsupported it looks silly give me my wood I saw that piece a it’s fine how much did I get six that’s not enough wait um here’s a beam so I’m going to do hey don’t go in my house weirdo my house be it’s not

Yours I quite like that and what if I go like this now like a little balcony maybe not even that yes I like that and then and like this I don’t want to make it too much but I do like the look of that quite a lot maybe here we can change

That and do it like so o yes I think this is a bit too much though so maybe that one has to go I like it so then here is where we entered that house and to lighten it up as I said I want to work with a birch planks for the

Floor it does have those dark Corners I don’t know how I feel about that oh my god I think I’m going to do the interior next time just want to finish up the flooring and the exterior I also don’t even have my windows in yet it looks a bit silly

But it’s something to think about you know and I’m going to need a staircase downstairs I can just do a ladder here this is very short like very it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine a very like not I know what I’m trying to say all right I’m sorry you’re a bit too Loud all right I’ll just need a couple more windows oh hello and then the house is finished wait but it’s actually so cute I’m so proud and happy do you like some finishing touches what if you make some buttons buttons are always nice little Finishing Touch right little bones I don’t have the

Resources to do um oh this is ugly still we could worry about the back of the house another Time oh God what if I Dre it like that like oh but here it doesn’t make sense it’s fine I’ll make it we’ll pretend it makes oh I hear a zombie I don’t want to mess with that I think the house is nice I don’t think

I’ve ever made a starter home this big it’s giant this that’s ugly oh but look at that guys okay I’m going to need eight more glass for our um oh stand for our windows and then it’s finished then we’re done for today yay let’s just grab

A three four five six seven eight oh that squid scared me we I didn’t make a sound hello thank you really going to have to make like a big farm next time because this is a problem look at my food ow and this is ugly has to

Go glass goes in there I mean sand it’s so nice guys did I really not oh maybe I can make like two lanterns you know two can’t hurt can it can it hurt no not when it’s for the Aesthetics and for The Vibes right okay okay let’s think strategically where to put these

One two doesn’t make sense that that one doesn’t have one so oh my stuff grew so I don’t think we’ll be able to do that I’m angry oh but I can grab the eggs and make myself pumpkin pie now though okay what did I want to do what did I

Want to do do I have I do have sugarcane so I can make um where is it can make that oh wait one sec what else do I need to make oh my god do you ever have to go open your door and then you know you

Forget to pause your game so now it’s freaking night time and I like could have died and I didn’t realize and I come back to my computer and it’s night time do you ever ah oh okay I think I’m safe though I was lucky I was really lucky there yeah

Let’s make a pumpkin pie cute yay that’s really good to be honest I didn’t even think of it when I got the pumpkins I was like oo aesthetic you know I never realized it was going to be so good okay am I not picking up the seeds no I’m not let me quickly

Just make just another pumpkin pie and then maybe put this away and then I’ll grab the seeds I just want to finish my house okay oh um all righty um huh uhhuh m huh where is he he been so silly and loud oh uh never mind oh my God where oh there he

Is you know what there sure I tried something I tried okay um so I have a pumpkin pie that doesn’t really do much and we have this front bit that looks really freaking nice and now all that’s left really is to put the windows in and so think thank God I made more

Look at that the empty stuff in the roof kind of looks a bit weird to me personally we might just be able to cover that with slabs though but we’ll see and then I’m just going to do a ladder here oh my God I need to four more ain’t no

Way we’ll get four four more I guess I’m assuming we’ll just we’ll just do that oh let’s make two more chickens oh my God I gave it to a baby oh no I didn’t okay thought I gave it to a baby more glass ug okay oh I don’t have inventory

Space okay 12 and also I should be um getting this sorted but it’s fine stashing up already stashing up soon soon you know um make some more and then before I’m ready I do want to make a little I don’t know what it’ll lead to yet because we don’t have anything yet

But I think that looks kind of nice and we’ll put this baby for decoration for the time being like right there and I’ll grab a pumpkin too actually do have four no that’s not great that’s a bit better and one thing that I do not have

Yet that usually at this point I have collected a whole like is plethora the word I’m looking for for you know a whole a whole bunch of is flowers I do not have a single flower not a single one so I think I have to go hunt for

Flowers cuz I could not call my house decorated or finished if I don’t have any flowers in it I personally just cannot but where oh where will I find some is the question maybe the Oak Forest wasn’t a bad idea like behind there oh I see some

Up there let’s just go like this just go on a little trip again I barely have any food on me so that might be a risk but did you guys hear that what the actual hell was that sound did you did you also hear that or am I like starting to lose

It oh there’s a lot of animals here think I’m losing it guys that was not cool also I wish I found tulips these flowers are not my fav my favorite flowers are tulips I don’t think I’m going to find them here this okay okay but it is just a

Little I’m just putting it out there tulips guys tulips but okay also if you guys want to follow me like you’re allowed if you really want to you can I’m just going home so like oh wait to make it even easier on myself I’ll just do it like this

Okay I’m going to go down here you guys be any slower I don’t want to break the lead I’m going to have to cross the devil Waters I don’t have my boat oh no I lost one I gave it the wheat it was an accident well let’s still count if I get

Them home and then give the second wheat come here I have to get them in a Boat well sorry I can only get one of you in the boat the other one will have to like oh my God why am I trolling so hard one of you stay the other one boat thank you let’s already get that crept ah welcome to my humble abode oh that’s

Easy I saw an Enderman that’s wonderful news it does not scare me to death at all but are you still here get a grip man um Yeah I hear you Enderman loud and Clear I’m not looking at you no no no no oh go I need to thank you thank you and oh my and from now on I can sleep in my house where am I going to put the light sources maybe that looks a bit silly and then uh whatever he’s in my

House I think I think he’s in my house guys I think he’s actually in my house oh no just outside okay oh why did I pick it up again I to eat oh my God where is he oh up there okay I have to go grab my second

Cow and I think then the food can really stop being issue finally Finally I do want to make very pretty Farms though hello hello little cow come here thank you and I’m going to get a second sheep as well I saw there’s a sheep on the other Shore and if I have that then we basically have everything

We don’t have pigs but I don’t feel like you need pigs do you we’ll need cows for leather sheep for wool chickens well they were actually just for egg I mean I guess for feathers I do not feel like I don’t need anything else come up

Here and then in there you go nice thank you and then I’ll make a final little pen here later cuz I’m going to separate the the sheep from the oh God don’t look I’m going to separate the sheep from the chick chickens like that how I’m going to get the Sheep to

Cross though a no the smart of thing is you stay the chickens if I get an egg a seed I can just get them to follow me come Here can make babies too if you want all righty and then I’ll just need to go grab be free and I’m just going to go grab a sheep did he see me do you think I saw him I’m in the water you can’t do to Me let’s continue hello dear sheep I just need one of you and you are already so close I’ll grab this egg though thank you very much and off home we go Honestly by boat is so much easier than having to lead them around I love this and Lead it again and we’re

Here yay the freaking Enderman is still there am I going to have to kill it am I really going to have to kill an Enderman oh okay can he jump up oh he can jump up here could probably fall in yep amazing good job where’s laying this kind

Of proof the area because the downstairs I think might have mobs not sure though ow that scared me be gone I also wanted flowers just for here so I’ll plant some at least it does not have mobs cuz it’s also not closed off yet so I’ll just close it

Off oh God three four 1 2 3 4 oh my god really we 12 oh okay that could not have been better one two four okay um I cannot get up yet let’s quickly make a little way this is not going to be the way but it’s a little way for

Now a little staircase uh and then I might just place my bed here and I make a double bed that would be cute all right why did we why did we slay this so hard who are we who is she nice can I breed some more chickens

Do I do I have I do have what it takes nice and I’m going to do the cows too and the sheep and then the chickens if they want to they can you know that was that okay oh my God I just keep on playing by

The way I’m just like la la la okay this is good um yeah okay um yeah like Girl girl girl there we go all righty that’ll be episode one it was actually such a pleasure playing with you guys you know having you alongside with me oh I did not mean to do that I meant to do this thank you guys so much for watching I

Really look forward to playing in this world again I’m really really excited and I can’t wait to make it look a bit more christmy soon see you on the next episode don’t forget to leave a like subscribe maybe even comment thank you so much Bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Relaxing Longplay – Christmas Cabin In The Woods [With Commentary] ❄️ (1.20) ♡’, was uploaded by TheAmbear on 2023-12-08 16:00:01. It has garnered 1090 views and 62 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:55 or 12175 seconds.

Welcome to this relaxing longplay in Minecraft 1.20! We settle down in a cozy Spruce Biome and build our starter Christmas Cabin! I hope you enjoy the vibes and I can’t wait to Christmassify this area 🌨️🎄

ʕ´•ᴥ•`ʔ Info ♡ Resource Pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft ♡ Shaders: Complementary ♡ My starter home inspo build:

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  • Siro vs Ghost Wing: Minecraft Mega SMP Tập 11

    Siro vs Ghost Wing: Minecraft Mega SMP Tập 11 Minecraft Mega SMP Tập 11: Tôi Và NeyuQ Farm Đồ Cho Cuộc Chiến Thị Trấn Hòa Bình Vs Ghost Wing In the latest episode of Siro’s Minecraft Mega SMP series, the focus is on the intense battle between Thị Trấn Hòa Bình and Ghost Wing. Siro and NeyuQ team up to gather resources for this epic showdown. Teamwork and Strategy Siro and NeyuQ demonstrate excellent teamwork as they work together to farm resources. They understand the importance of preparation in a battle and are determined to emerge victorious. Resource Gathering The duo spends hours collecting essential items such as… Read More

  • Ultimate Villager Trading Hall Hack!

    Ultimate Villager Trading Hall Hack! Minecraft’s Most OVERPOWERED Villager Trading Hall Introducing Lazy Trading In the vast world of Minecraft, a new method of infinite villager trading has emerged, known as Lazy Trading. This innovative approach has revolutionized the trading experience for players, offering unprecedented speed and efficiency. One of the prime examples of Lazy Trading is the Lazy Overworld Villager Exchanger, lovingly referred to as LOVE. Designed by MadMan25 for the NubTech SMP, LOVE boasts some of the fastest void trading cycles in modern Minecraft, along with a host of other useful features. Key Features of LOVE Fast Void Trading Cycles: LOVE allows… Read More

  • Explore the Uncharted in Anomali SMP #10 – Fay Kuroda

    Explore the Uncharted in Anomali SMP #10 - Fay KurodaVideo Information This video, titled ‘【🔴Minecraft】Anomali SMP #10 | Venturing to the unknown’, was uploaded by Fay Kuroda on 2024-06-10 18:26:07. It has garnered 629 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:11 or 16931 seconds. You can find me on my social media here ⚙️『Twitter』 ⚙️『Facebook』 ⚙️『Instagram』 ⚙️ 『Treat』 ⚙️ 『Youtube』 #VTuberID #minecraft #vtuber #faykuroda #anomalismp #gaming #faykurodalive Read More

  • Dream SMP Mlg Clutch: Part 7

    Dream SMP Mlg Clutch: Part 7Video Information This video, titled ‘Highest Mlg ☠️ Pt:-7 @dream #minecraft #dream #minecraft #viral #shorts #herobrinesmp #mlgclutch’, was uploaded by AkshPlayz on 2024-03-23 05:29:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Highest Mlg ☠️ Pt:-7 @dream #minecraft #dream #minecraft #viral #shorts #herobrinesmp #mlgclutch Ignore minecraft, … Read More

  • Minecraft’s EPIC CowAxe Event!

    Minecraft's EPIC CowAxe Event!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Hosted Minecraft Largest Event’, was uploaded by CowAxe on 2024-04-01 17:51:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ignore- minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft event,minecraft hardcore,minecraft mod,minecraft but,minecraft manhunt,minecraft … Read More

  • PTCGL broken! Minecraft takeover by MrDogPTCGL

    PTCGL broken! Minecraft takeover by MrDogPTCGLVideo Information [Music] hello hello okay all right then [Music] uh so we’ll get premium battle pass nice and we get we get the shk that nice got the fighting Shrek get the the grass type Shrek hey clam how’s it going we got the fire type Shrek and the water type Shrek right seven packs that’s a lot of packs hassle kind of name is hassle Milotic flis fgz I don’t know how to pronounce that walking wake Aran call him Aaron more PCO bug catching set rev room Lana’s Aid and water type Shrek finison SE King bug… Read More


    SUPERFAST BASE BUILDING on Donut SMP! 🍩🔨 #CPVP #DrDonutVideo Information I’m kelp and this is how you make a million plus a day base on the donut s SMP first you need to dig down dig up to the max height you want your base to be and clear a two high area based off the size of your base next you’re going to want to dig B holes four apart in a grid pattern fill them all up with TNT and explode with this huge area you can build any number of farms the best being sugarcane or pumpkin This video, titled ‘BUILD BASE FAST on the… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness – Epic Diamond Digging Adventure!

    Minecraft Madness - Epic Diamond Digging Adventure!Video Information hey what is going on everyone it’s me sumu we’re back again if you are new here you don’t know what’s going on this is me playing Minecraft we’ve been uh playing this quite a lot actually and this is our little Mud House little mud Shack but welcome to the stream hope you guys are having a good time good day good night and all that other good stuff if you guys like this content make sure you hit that like And subscribe and also be sure to check out the links that I have posted in… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Build Stream – You won’t believe what happens!

    EPIC Minecraft Build Stream - You won't believe what happens!Video Information what is good hey what is good y’ we are back we are so back with another flipping Minecraft building stream me uh sure we’re live make sure we’re good on all platforms here I think we’re good I think we good Y what is good y’all what is good what is good what is good how we doing Richard Sanchez what’s good airsoft kid what good B over what good Emily VR what’s good rcky what good how we the flip are we doing yo yo we are doing a Minecraft build stream guys all right y’all… Read More

  • Mega Minecraft Argument: SpongeBob, Goku, Sonic & More

    Mega Minecraft Argument: SpongeBob, Goku, Sonic & MoreVideo Information hey guys which Minecraft food item is the best it has to be the Notch Apple because it makes you nigh Invincible for a short period of time well you are technically correct Sonic however Notch apples are super rare and not easy to find Fair Point Rick maybe I should downgrade to normal golden apples since those are craftable I think steak is a really good food item because it restores a lot of hunger bars I like steak as well because I can make crabby patties with them well all this food talk reminded me about… Read More

  • “EPIC comeback: NEW series starting! 😱 #viral” | MR_CHAMAN

    "EPIC comeback: NEW series starting! 😱 #viral" | MR_CHAMANVideo Information This video, titled ‘I am Back 🥰,starting of a new series?#shorts#gaming#minecraft#viral#trending#youtubeshorts|MR_CHAMAN’, was uploaded by MR_CHAMAN on 2024-02-26 09:33:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I am Back ,starting of a new series?#shorts#gaming#minecraft#viral#trending#youtubeshorts|MR_CHAMAN #short #yt … Read More

  • WeeklySMP

    WeeklySMPA beginning Survival SMP server. Join our Discord server for more information as well We are searching for good moderators and players to have fun with. Read More

  • MasterRealm Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.1 Land Claim Discord Slimefun Custom Items Crossplay

    MasterRealm | Semi-Vanilla | SMP | 1.20.1 | Land Claim | Discord | Slimefun | Custom Items | Crossplay Welcome to Master Realm! Master Realm is a Survival 1.20.1 Minecraft server with a balance between vanilla and modded gameplay. Experience new features like Coin Economy, Slimefun, Custom Items, Land Claims, Seasons, Custom World, Custom Roles, and Crossplay. Key Features: Coin Economy Slimefun Custom Items / Enchants Land Claims / No Grief Seasons Custom World Custom Roles / Ranks Crossplay Community and Discord: Join our welcoming community and Discord server to connect with players, share moments, and stay updated on events… Read More

  • Elesta

    ElestaThis server has been a project child of mine for some time now, ready to start introducing some people to the world of Elesta. Looking to build a community of people that enjoy playing minecraft and enjoy smiliar things as me to foster a bigger community. It is whitelisted momentarily as we look toward entering the next update and waiting for plugins to get updated. Feel free to add my discord to communicate with me in a more timely fashion: Rascal1001 OR you can message me here.Feel free to send me your MC username:Your total time playing MC:and a fun… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Git gud, noob – can’t craft a pickaxe!”

    Maybe because you keep trying to use feathers and dirt instead of actual materials? Read More

  • Minecraft Hangman: Lava Edition

    Minecraft Hangman: Lava Edition “Why did the creeper break up with the enderman? Because he couldn’t handle the long distance relationship!” Read More

  • DO NOT DRINK TABLE WATER in Minecraft!

    DO NOT DRINK TABLE WATER in Minecraft! Minecraft: The Quirky World of 方块轩 方块轩, a creator in the Minecraft realm, brings a unique blend of humor and creativity to the gaming community. With a focus on child-friendly content, 方块轩’s channel offers a daily dose of original videos that are sure to bring a smile to your face. Let’s dive into the whimsical world of 方块轩 and explore some of the hilarious moments and quirky elements that make his content so engaging. Unconventional Humor and Memorable Moments In the world of 方块轩, nothing is quite as it seems. From the cautionary tale of not drinking the water… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Build: Blaze Trap & Ruins Excavation!

    EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Build: Blaze Trap & Ruins Excavation! Minecraft 1.21 Preparation: Excavating Journey Ruins and Crafting a Blaze Trap Lantern Exciting Adventures in Minecraft Survival Meikyan embarks on another thrilling Minecraft survival journey in the Java edition, normal mode. With a focus on creating a stylish world, she delves into the world of exploration and survival with a touch of elegance. Catering to both newcomers and younger audiences, Meikyan aims to provide an enjoyable experience for all. Exploring Journey Ruins Venturing into the ruins of a journey, Meikyan uncovers hidden treasures and mysteries. As she digs deeper into the ruins, she encounters fascinating artifacts and structures, adding… Read More

  • EPIC Hogwarts LIVE Tour Build Progress!

    EPIC Hogwarts LIVE Tour Build Progress!Video Information [Music] hello and welcome I’m Prof and Prof gaming and uh this is a live uh tour of the Hogwarts build so far uh hopefully um you’ll enjoy what you see uh so please ask away ask any questions I’m here to well I’m here to answer it okay uh so first off um uh if you’ve been watching the series you’ll be aware that the first thing we built was the boat house and uh volume down a bit there we go um and here it is uh took a bit of planning in the planning phase… Read More

  • Pennywise Titan Attacks Mikey & JJ in Minecraft

    Pennywise Titan Attacks Mikey & JJ in MinecraftVideo Information we’ve come over to our friend Jimmy’s house to play but Jimmy isn’t here let’s look for Jimmy H I hope he’s okay what if something happened well it sure is strange that Jimmy isn’t here now oh where is he I’m worried let’s find him H maybe he’s not at home H is he here H I don’t think so he’s not here let’s try searching outside let’s go H where could Jimmy be let’s go outside oh it’s raining it is raining we should still go get on your tricycle H okay all right hold up… Read More

  • Minecraft Pe Hardcore Series in Hindi – #1 MCPE 1.20! 🤩

    Minecraft Pe Hardcore Series in Hindi - #1 MCPE 1.20! 🤩Video Information फ्री गेम्स आप सभी का स्वागत करता है आज की नई वाली वीडियो में आज से हम लोग स्टार्ट करने जा रहे हैं अपनी माफ्ट की हार्डकोर सीरीज जिसमें कि मरना बहुत ही दर्दनाक होता है तो बिना किसी देरी के आज की वीडियो को स्टार्ट करते हैं तो हम लोग अपने वर्ल्ड का नाम रखने वाले हैं तो हम लोग स्पॉन हो चुके हैं जंगल बायोम के अंदर जो कि इतनी ज्यादा बहुत बढ़िया बात नहीं है क्योंकि जंगल बायोम में कुछ नहीं होता स्टार्टिंग के लिए तो चलो फिर से वही पुराना बोरिंग काम करते हैं… Read More

  • INSANE REACTION! Jenny Belle vs Kibbles in Minecraft

    INSANE REACTION! Jenny Belle vs Kibbles in MinecraftVideo Information hey Kibbles I got something to show you if it’s another horse I swear to God no it’s got nothing to do with horses are you familiar with the video game Minecraft uh yeah of course it’s Legos but on a computer yeah yeah I was on Twitter and I saw slippery T had a new animation in the works um slippery te slippery tea give me a [Music] second oh God oh God oh come on you know him he’s the Jenny guy uh ah hold on I got to call a friend um yeah Andy’s making… Read More


    ULTIMATE FIRE CANNON DEFENSE REVENGE!!Video Information welcome back to Squid Island the server in which me jelly and crina are stuck on an island with each other in Minecraft and we’ve got to be friends in reality that doesn’t happen that much anyway it’s just me on the server today and oh we have an action packed episode of things we’re going to do I also wanted to give you an update on the bco tower look at this thing it’s looking good okay we are going to make some progress on that today we’re also going to build another Factory we’re going to… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Update Reactions with Blauski & Roomies! 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft Update Reactions with Blauski & Roomies! 🔥Video Information my are you okay my feet okay well listen we’re we’re very much closely approaching that time yay the new Minecraft update tricky trials it’s about to go down can we kick squeaks from this Discord why what happened um I can’t I can’t actually we you’re going to have to RP this out Leslie’s the judge go ahead um squeaks Che in a game of One V one valerant and he also griefed Ellum in he’s a better player than you you have to accept it no he’s not he’s not he’s better than you in val… Read More

  • Join me in Minecraft while I battle illness with Remilia 🎮

    Join me in Minecraft while I battle illness with Remilia 🎮Video Information d o d hi I’m d d I’ve Got The Power of dark and white on my side hi I’m r e f i l i a [Music] [Music] I’m r e l i l i aiaia [Music] he o I’m I’ve got to power all Darkness and Light on my side hi I’m r e m i l i a [Music] [Music] hi I’m r e m i l i a [Music] I’ve got to power all Darkness and Light on my side hi I’m r e m i l i a [Music] [Music] hi I’m r… Read More

  • Unbelievable Win in Bedwars – No Idea How!

    Unbelievable Win in Bedwars - No Idea How!Video Information This video, titled ‘I won this bedwars game without knowing how to play’, was uploaded by HBU mine on 2024-03-27 19:04:31. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:59 or 419 seconds. 1. Join me on my gaming adventures as I conquer the Minecraft world! Watch my YouTube channel for epic gameplay and exciting challenges. Let’s play together! 2. Get ready for non-stop Minecraft action on my gaming YouTube channel! Join me as I explore, build, and survive in this virtual world. Subscribe now for the best gaming content! 3. Dive… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Prank on Chai Wala 😂 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Prank on Chai Wala 😂 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Funny Chai Wala 😂 #shorts’, was uploaded by Adi Bhai Gamer on 2024-05-29 06:30:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Funny Chai Wala #shortsvoice credit @NOTYOURTYPE video credit @LEGENDDEVILS minecraft minecraft funny … Read More

  • Garrettmc Network

    Garrettmc NetworkHello and welcome to the Garrettmc network :). We have a variety of games to choose from, we have Minigames, Murder-Mystery, Skyblock, Classic smp, Smp, factions, creative, and an anarchy server as well. We know that the server wasn’t the best in the past and we are actively working toward making a higher quality server experience. We hope to see you on the server :), have a good day. 🙂 Read More

  • Charged Creeper SMP, Cross-Play, McMMO, Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Custom Enchants, Shops, Pinata Party, Crates

    Hark, Brave Adventurers! Charged Creeper is an SMP server that launched in March of 2024. We offer a captivating survival experience with: Features: Lite RPG experience with Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Quests, and more Excellent QoL with Player Warps, Homes, Land Claiming, and more Voting system with rewards Player-owned economy Multi-platform play with different MC versions Informative Discord channel with Discord-to-Minecraft chatting Custom Help menu available 24/7 Join Us: Visit our Website or join our Discord Channel. Java IP: Bedrock Port: 25566 Welcome! We eagerly await new faces in our server and extend our warmest welcome to all. Feel free… Read More