Craft Any Armor Mod – Skip the Tutorial

Video Information

These are 25 new Minecraft armor sets starting with the new cheapest armor the wooden one the wooden armor set will give you a resistance to arrows hit me with an arrow I got it yeah so no damage finally so each of these give you a 15% chance of blocking arrows and then ow

Okay now it’s starting to do it okay armor ow stop stop stop is the armor working yet the armor is working all right so now we’re going to wait here you’re going to take off the armor and Jay you’re going to go fire off yes TNT

At us come stay next to me yeah dude I was born for this moment I get to blow up my friends let me give us let me give us golden carrots to heal first three 2 1 okay eat fast I guess you ever wonder if life’s finite or if there’s

Heaven I guess we’ll find out so yeah it gives you wood and it gives you resistance and now you think that stone armor would be stronger so let’s get to that one all right you want to put on the Cobblestone armor yeah why not Cobblestone armor oh and as you I

Can’t swim I this is not cool all it does is just makes you not able to swim oh God wait can you even jump a block in the like like up he can jump a block he just can’t swim he can’t Sprint swim or anything it has the rocky ability why

Would anybody wear this well because you have some form of armor it’s just that it doesn’t give you anything else past that at him go I guess you’re like Mario ow no this is frankly unfair what if I go to the ocean yeah let’s go check that out I’ll get there

Lage it the armor floats in the water H that’s a lot perf uh looks like I’m deducting points from this one how about some continuity please well let’s go from one of the heavy armor sets to the light one Dan it’s your time oh oh my turn you’re going to be specifically

Equipped for this one what does that mean oh my God all right wa oh I got I got like tall oh my I got what I this is this is hard to take him this is the bone armor set which makes you move faster we’re going to start from this

End and I want to see you guys race three two oh I definitely go faster FAS my frail bones are Hollow like a swallow hold on I want to take a look at the barmer set real quick o look at that that’s very nice yeah getting a look at

Every one of these little things yep IE I ate my milk you want one more he’s really every time you drink a glass of milk you get one new bone soon you’re going to be a solid block wait wait uh Dan after a few days

Just about to do that yeah Dan after a Big Gulp one swing away from looking like this all right Dan leave on your bone armor because Jay it’s time for you to try on this armor the organ armor oh heavy boots o heavy leggings this is what happens when you make iron armor

With iron blocks heavy helmet oh what wow that looks awesome he looks dope that look insane I can’t I can’t move very fast the race does not exactly work as well though Dan try to punch him just stand still try oh no knock back no knock back all right Jay we might want

To give you some resistance for this what does he mean by that what does he mean by that what does he mean by that because of this guy resistance oh I’ll let you uh well look he doesn’t even move with a ravager oh yeah this is really disturbing for comparison

Ow just as a control group yeah why not right wait did do you also sink in water with this one I I can swim in water forun he’s got swimmables it might be Heavy Armor but it’s heavy because of cushions ow all right this armor is probably some

Of my favorite the slimy armor set if you guys could stand in the middle okay what do that mean just I’m trying to get a screenshot it just frames it better he’s going to drop the floor oh my god oh good thing I have infinite resistance

Hey wait a second the Slime boots so Dan has the bouncy ability I get it wow they’re bouncy like slime block and they save you from all fall damage let’s let’s all go and stand here and teleport ourselves right up to uh oh I took a

Screenshot my bad oh you can also hold um shift in space to not out I’m falling you might you might not you might not want to do that this is fun more fun in my opinion is the helmet my next trick I’m stuck what how do you stuck stick to the

Ceiling with the helmet I have a sticky helmet guys check me out where are you I’m just on the bridge oh look you go c yeah you would have no idea where he was if this was a thumbnail where I was living in my friend’s base for a few

Days it would it would work okay so that’s the slimy armor set well now I can go take a shower and get this gross slimy armor off of me yeah let me go go back in the water and hose this off oh how how nice and clean yep and

Sound effect put some clothes on dude oh dude sorry all right Jay new armor set time let’s do it all right Dan you are a subject for this do you have golden carrots yes okay Jay’s going to hit you and then I’m going to hit you go Jay hit

Him with a wooden axe how much yeah that did two hearts two hearts that did two hearts okay wait let me let me recover here uh let me recover if possible so each part of this set gives you 5% damage with an axe at full so full set 20% extra oh yeah that’s

Four hearts of damage now give myself the poison effect e ew ew he’s flashing red it’s hard to tell it’s just your eyes just change a certain color all right Dan You full health yes I do okay how much did that do oh my a seven a

Clean seven I’m going to give you the uh absorption effect I’ll finish them off no no no no no okay let me show you how much I can do if I do a critical hit me oh my God it’s all gone that is 12 Hearts I believe damn new armor set just

Dropped that part isn’t new but there’s now a turtle full set oh I just become a turtle with this it gives you dolphin’s Grace night vision and water breathing for 50 seconds wow wow hold on can I go back to the ocean for this wa oh look at

This yeah I I turned off the the Albright thing I can wow I can see for like ever under here this is I would just want this in the main game yeah really this is awesome this is beautiful I feel like a majestic fish a real

Dolphin I’m one of you yes no don’t hurt him we’re friends I love Jay just stay right [Laughter] there oh God oh jeez dude Jay let’s put these on all right buddy robe boots and you can dye it too see wow you are straight out of an 80s movie so it deals

Fire damage to enemies see my enemy so it’s only when you’re attacked oh oh attack each other well we we both go on fire yeah exactly all right everyone huddle in see Kumbaya Kumbaya My Lord who’s going to die first kumay kumay my Lord I think Dan’s going to

Die see it see it Bud oh so it gives you fire resistance for each one of these but look sometimes you’ll take damage and it won’t even hit you yeah sometime I I feel completely fine all right Dan that was mean to you so I want to give you a nice armor set

For this next one the steampunk armor set put on the boots first these are slowfall wait so like wa he has has like jetpack boot thing uhoh so now we’re going to put on the helmet okay which will give you a radar to see enemies through walls like temporarily

It’s not it’s not great wait everyone do you the see I see him he’s using he’s a yeah he’s a he’s a little guy that’s nice the blinking is is pretty annoying though imagine being them and you’re just temporarily in a YouTube thumbnail stroke look at how cool it is it’s got

Like gears on the side yeah spinning that’s sick like a superhero right now dude I I’m kind of your cosplay girlfriend if you think about it I wouldn’t have said that but all right sure we’ll square up oh yeah cuz now I get 300% damage with my fist

It’s dark in here ow oh as if dude jeez dude you do a heart and a half when you’re wearing armor ow oh what you have like like a clock on you you yeah yeah it’s a working clock you got a compass on your arm that works and then we got the whole

Clock this gear is awesome this is awesome this gear is awesome all right let me take off my armor Jay hit me with a fist or or you know just take the easy way out did like nothing okay so there’s like a hard in half yeah real quick just hey man you

Mind standing over here hey you mind uh you mind standing over here it’s it’s like I’m being jumped by the lamest people at the convention and then when you put this on ow now the legs give you an increased 10% melee damage and most importantly they give you explosion resistance hang on hang

On I caught it on my tongue that was a point blank and you guys were fine yeah oh yeah all right fellas this no way is the fris marine armor set oh my God you look so dumb hit me I didn’t want to say it take that oh

God my insecurities projecting on to you are coming back to bite me I’m Rubber and your glue whatever you say you think that hurts me it sure doesn’t wow a true poet of our time got it so it makes you it makes you slower when you put it on it’s actually funny

Putting on each piece and seeing that you get slower each time it gives you depth stratter so you walk a little faster on the blocks too oh that’s handy well you know what’s even better we’re going to enchant it with thorns so now it’s fully Thorns Enchanted smack yeah

Ow it does two hearts dang and crashes my game what the Piston armor set oh my God and when you hit the button it pushes him wow an automatic 6 feet distance uh button yeah get away social distance hey hey get back man get back do you have the time

Sho right on time and just like the Piston armor we also have the sticky piston Armor All Right Dan you put it on and press R oh God yeah it pulls you too oh wait dan what happens if you guys do it to each other yeah let’s let’s count

A three 3 2 1 go you like moved you with me ah I can’t help but get pulled in by your incredible charm I’m leaving get away from me hold on hold on activate the TNT thing okay if you say so does it push entities it Does sorry my bad all the blocks that the picked up items that you blew up are also moving oh really entity oh that’s sick you can like pull things in like a magnet what if I were to chance SP I don’t know just like for example maybe

There were a whole bunch of like aelott y wait you got some blue Axel w Wait do it again you should look get it from the top but far away wait wait wait wait what if I like stand up a little bit oh my God no no you stick Twisted individual what is

Wrong with you oh no it’s awful this is time for Jay Y no me ow my gear how did that happen you’re a crafty individual H crafting table helmet and chest plate hold let me put myself in survival mode well if we hit R you can just open up a crafting table

Wherever wa that seems very useful wait this is awesome dude my speed running is going to get so good did you make a pick XE I made it oh I made the wrong give me one second I press R I can do it again hang on and nailed it now

I’m ready to craft all right keep that pickaxe because you’re going to need it for this new armor set the furnace no way oh it smelted it yeah and then and then watch watch then I take my clothes off and then I put the crafting armor on and then I’m

Going to CRA hold on I need more wood hang on I can do this you need Cobblestone for this bit and then oh I dud here I gave you Cobble then I go into my crafting armor I make sticks think how dark one felt watching Evolution before his very eyes probably

Then I take this apart then I put on the smelting armor and then one two that’s pretty cool actually three but it’s way there’s more then I take this off crafting back on bear with me Dan keep up with me okay I like that you’re just

Putting like the iron on your like head just like I iron pickax record time that’s pretty cool actually oh what is that one do this is the TNT iron set I actually did not even didn’t notice anything was different cuz I just saw you all red I’m

Just red yeah yeah so what’s the the blast resistant armor that we tried before it’s the wooden armor right skip Hit Me With Your Best Shot not yet let me put the armor on first hold on oh dude my best shot actually supposed to catch you off guard so if you want my

Second best okay so the blast resistance doesn’t work okay good to know wa wait wait wait wa wait Idea Idea Idea hold on uh follow me we have the technology we have the tech have technology launch me wait let me get in the house let me get

In the house real quick yeah yeah yeah lach the casual day on my Minecraft Machinima hey guys how you doing work perfectly that was awesome The Angry Birds looking that’s what happens when you do it with people but let me show you guys we can actually mix these two together

With this new armor set the chorus flower all right yo what’s the gam playay here there all I just want to see what happens if skip explodes at the top well let me show you something first with the Co flower set you can hit R and teleport wo wao is it where you’re

Looking or is it just yeah it’s a it’s like a blink oh wow the way that the order works for these armor sets is that you can mix both of them but the bottom half will go before the top half which means oh my God so I can teleport and then explode

On impact that’s it’s crazy or if I switch it around I can explode and then leave the scene no way I okay I love that that’s awesome you guys are going to like this next armor I already know it I’m going to regret giving this one

To Dan I may understand why you did not want to give it to me well J get in oh wait wait can I get a screeny with my favorite my favorite YouTuber filbo hold on hello dude you just shot it out of your shoulders jeez dude look at that range

I’m like a porcupine dude this like watch them super oh my go are you doing it with the Piston so you can push them even further yes I am how’s it do on the floor do it now good yeah they go really far that’s awesome ow all right all right new armor

Set snow whoa dude you need some dandruff control dude yeah man I’m just Iced Out oh snap bad look a lot like Christmas oh stop spawn some like husks I want to see what it does to them ow get him get away from him well D I can’t tell what’s doing to it

Because okay so it doesn’t do anything oh it’s just snowy day yeah you came into the wrong neighborhood dude you came to the wrong ice plug check out my chest chest plate can you open a chest yes you can put a full chest so I can put a glass bottle inside

And then if I give it to you you can open it up I sure can oh does it store the it is it the glass bottle that I was looking for that I let you borrow thanks skip you’re the best this is why we don’t do

Acting what I’m just trying to sell the armor set you know my favorite friend I’m so excited all of my friends are here I have the armor chest with my glass bottle that I have yay from glass bottles to glass bottles glass armor set wait what oh can I where

Did you go I mean yeah like emotionally probably you only have to wear two of the pieces to disappear so you could just wear the smallest the hat and the Boots now you’re just a walking pair of legs can you see yourself in my pants in more ways than one how well do you like blend in actually like like with all these pieces arranged in like strange ways I actually would not be able to tell he’s there oh

Oh but he sure can he definitely can o this one takes me back to that old random Sky Block Island we used to do remember our doorbell oh my God this is the note armor set walk around No way oh you have a beautiful voice Dan thank you wait wait if I use the running yeah that’s horrifying this is creepy terrifying that is scary it has like this weird dis to the sound oh wait wait it changes it changes when you’re on different blocks the blocks that’s

Awesome sick wait go on Gold Blocks oh dude this is like some ARG kind of thing like some like analog horror right spooky Dan I have the Mr Krab sound this sounds like Animal Crossing music it does it this is actually Animal Crossing 500 a.m. you can moonwalk

What well I love it yeah I didn’t know that it changed with it that’s fun so this is the amethyst armor set which you guys can’t see any difference from but every now and then it’ll just give me experience what wow it teaches you how to like pick up like cobbling or

Something yeah yeah oh it does it’s giving me experience I’m learning things and also I can enchant a pickaxe maybe and you guys are giving me the good experience you know just being real you know what I think you should you should probably keep this I think better in your hands thanks man

Damn that actually makes me crazy I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I need to kill him all right well the reason that you would want that armor set is that it pairs really nicely with the emerald set oo this gives you the lucky ability which gives you increased

Fortune looting and luck oh yeah oh yeah dude you’re getting so much iron look it makes the little dings every time that’s awesome wait wait what if you were to pair that with the smelting gear oh my God would that give you fortunate amounts of

Iron it does oh wow nice I did not think that was going to work at all I did not at all either that’s amazing this is the respawn anchor armor so it’ll teleport you right before you’re about to die to your respawn point so if I type in like

SL kill it teleports me over here I respawn no way so you don’t die nope wow that seems kind of overpowered cuz I die all the time well it’s not even the most overpowered in the in the entire thing if you could believe it the Divine armor set

Yeeha yeah dude this is awesome ow oh yeah dude we’re Invincible bro we’re Invincible right now so invincible so every minute it’ll block an entire attack let me give myself strength 255,000 you think that’s enough is it like the recharge is done uh it looks like it nope okay

You’re is a bit much it also broke your armor no it’s not it’s not here put on put on just a new set of divine it’s dyed you can dye it with color oh you look so beautiful thanks man oh invincibility oh not so much wow how Divine you broke my

Shoes not just your shoes the rest of my stuff and my SP and my friend oh dude this is so you’ve broke my friend my boots my spine in that order I’m going to break your ears all right that’s that’s the last of the armor and with that folks YouTube thinks

That you might like this video so see if they’re right and have a good one all right

This video, titled ‘a mod where you can craft ANY armor’, was uploaded by Skip the Tutorial on 2023-11-24 14:03:00. It has garnered 459612 views and 14204 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:32 or 1292 seconds.

25 New Armors (Minecraft Mod Showcase)

Featuring: @JayMoji @failboat

Mods used:

Follow me on Twitter @skipthetweets Check out my Instagram @skipthetutorial Character drawn by @MagnaGallina

Produced by Jonah Walters Edited by NOOBster —— Some music used in this video is courtesy of Mewmore. Make sure to follow their tracks at @Mewmore —— Portions of this video are copyrighted and owned by Nintendo, and their use is allowed by the Nintendo Game Content Guidelines for Online Video & Image Sharing Platforms. All other original content, unless expressly noted otherwise, is ©2023, by the Skip the Tutorial creator, all rights reserved. ——

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    Quắt Tờ Phắc: The Hottest Minecraft Meme Ever! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! #minecraft #memes” Read More

  • McVincient’s Top 5 Mind-Blowing Scratch Games!

    McVincient's Top 5 Mind-Blowing Scratch Games! Exploring the Top 5 MIND-BLOWING Scratch Games in Minecraft 🤯 When it comes to creativity and innovation, the Minecraft community never fails to impress. In a recent video, a content creator showcased the top 5 mind-blowing Scratch games found within the Minecraft universe. Let’s dive into these exciting creations that push the boundaries of what is possible in the game! Minecraft 3D – A Visual Marvel Minecraft 3D takes the iconic blocky world of Minecraft and transforms it into a stunning three-dimensional experience. With enhanced graphics and smooth animations, players can explore their favorite Minecraft landscapes in a whole… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update Review

    Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update Review Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update: A Comprehensive Review The Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials update has brought a wave of excitement among players worldwide. From the introduction of the Armadillo to the challenging Trial Chambers, this update is packed with new features that promise to enhance the gaming experience. The Armadillo: A New Companion One of the standout additions in the 1.21 update is the Armadillo, a unique creature that players can now encounter in the game. This adorable companion adds a new dynamic to gameplay, offering both protection and companionship as players navigate the Minecraft world. Trial Chambers: Test… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Pixel Art! Anime Gohan #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft Pixel Art! Anime Gohan #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft:Pixel Art Anime Gohan#shorts’, was uploaded by MİNPİX on 2024-06-07 13:50:48. It has garnered 480 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Dog Army: Unleashing Chaos

    Minecraft Dog Army: Unleashing ChaosVideo Information This video, titled ‘Can We Create a Dog Army in Minecraft 1.21?’, was uploaded by EarthTwister on 2024-04-25 15:38:11. It has garnered 268 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:51 or 6111 seconds. Today, we’re going after man’s best friend! Dogs… and armadillos! Let’s start a dog army so (maybe) we can stay safer in Minecraft Hardcore! Thanks for watching! If you have enjoyed, make sure you hit that like button and subscribe if you’re new! This video is inspired by many Other Minecraft Youtubers like fWhip, Gemini Tay, Farzy, aCookiegod, Mumbo Jumbo, GoodtimewithScar,… Read More

  • 5G gamer transforms into end rod! 😱

    5G gamer transforms into end rod! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘You are end rod👾’, was uploaded by 5g gamer on 2024-02-16 02:27:00. It has garnered 641 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. How to make a dancing armor stand in Minecraft||#shorts #minecraft minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,shorts minecraft,minecraft mod,minecraft speedrun,minecraft challenge,minecraft seed,camman18 minecraft,minecraft but challenge,minecraft facts,minecraft how to,minecraft but i cant touch grass,minecraft rarest,minecraft update,minecraft 1.20,minecraft animation,minecraft but you cant touch the color,minecraft manhunt,minecraft funny,minecraft memes,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft tiktok your queries:- #@5ggamer875 #gaming #viral #minecraft I survived in the Minecraft Jungle, this is what happened… Trapped in the Jungle, only chance… Read More

  • OMG! Survive omzBlox Five Nights in Minecraft!

    OMG! Survive omzBlox Five Nights in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Five Nights at OMZ in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by OmzBlox on 2024-05-17 19:30:04. It has garnered 115965 views and 1979 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:06 or 13446 seconds. Today Omz Crystal Roxy Lily Alexa Luke and Heather are playing Five Nights at OMZ in Minecraft… I make vids on Dating a SUPERHERO in Minecraft! i Survived the World’s STRICTEST Babysitter WEIRD STRICT vs Most Secure House In Minecraft! One ELEMENTAL COLOR Build Challenge in Minecraft! Omz made a SUPERHERO MOVIE in Minecraft! I Built a Secret Room Cash Nico Jeffy Johnny Aphmau… Read More

  • SHARD – Lost in Infinity #shorts

    SHARD - Lost in Infinity #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘tourner dans le vide #shorts’, was uploaded by shard on 2024-05-31 10:00:47. It has garnered 1551 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. #mark3s #minecraft #minemen #shorts shit to get me more views (ignore) notziz, umz2k9, umz, uzm2k9, uzm, Intel_I7, Debuffy, minemen,,,, Stimpay, Zigy, Stimpy, SkylandkitsXD, Hackusated, GF0, Soft, CrazyPvP, Soft PvP, crazy, Soft 1v1, Crazypvp 1v1, Stimpy 1v1, P0KEMON, Drena, Drena, Drena, Drena PvP, Drena 1v1, Drena, Drena YouTube, Drena, Drena, minecraft regedit auto install, minecraft op regedit settings, TcpNoDelayMod, Minecraft regedit settings, How… Read More

  • EPIC Season Finale Bopathon Tomorrow🔥

    EPIC Season Finale Bopathon Tomorrow🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘[2024-04-17]🔴SEASON FINALE BOPATHON TMRW🔴Hinge with YBG and Emily🔴MINECRAFT WITH EFFY🔴’, was uploaded by Jasontheween Clips on 2024-04-22 04:14:41. It has garnered 2856 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 07:26:31 or 26791 seconds. VOD From April, 17, 2024 0:00:00 Intro 0:25:17 Reddit 1:22:30 Checking up on old Contacts 2:39:49 Irene Call 3:26:05 Hinge With YBG and Emily 5:35:53 Stall for Next Segment 6:12:38 One Question With Viewers 6:43:38 Minecraft With Effy 7:21:30 Outro Follow Jason’s Socials: Socials: Discord: Instagram: Reddit: Jasontheween Clips Socials: *NOT AFFILIATED WITH JASONTHEWEEN*… Read More

  • INSANE Gorilla Tag VR Gameplay! WATCH NOW!

    INSANE Gorilla Tag VR Gameplay! WATCH NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Gorilla Tag Live!’, was uploaded by C4GAMING VR on 2024-04-22 17:46:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. DISCORD: #live #Gorillatag #gorilla #Tag #minecraft. Read More

  • Unleash the Power of MithycalCraft in Minecraft Java!

    Unleash the Power of MithycalCraft in Minecraft Java!Video Information vale vale vale vale vale Okay creo que ya ya estamos en directo no no estás en directo No creo que no eh la verdad creo que no he empezado vale Hola hablo desde el gym Ah Hola Ángel Cómo estás bienvenido ahí en el gym este chacal Ángel Cómo están bienvenidos Pablo gros Buenas noches De hecho sí Buenas noches Pues aquí yo ya digamos que esperando el inicio de hecho estamos tanto en Twitch si no me equivoco estamos en Twitch y en YouTube Vamos a a ver si pues esto lo puedo subir en las… Read More

  • 🍉🍈 Insane Auto Melon Farm! Must Watch! #shorts

    🍉🍈 Insane Auto Melon Farm! Must Watch! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Automatic melons Farm 🍉🍈#shorts #mincraftshorts #mincraft’, was uploaded by Zymon_gamers_yt on 2024-06-03 09:26:51. It has garnered 771 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. minecraft, minecraft in hindi, minecraft house, minecraft gameplay, minecraft videos, structure, ujjwal, minecraft mods, history, techno gamerz, creeper, raid, mobs, update, nether, sea, monster, red, dragon, fit, fitmc, server, anarchy, hack, grief, spawn, battle, tour, oldest, 2b2t, builds, client, dream, incursion, herobrine, tutorial, hacked, flying, mojang, glitch, exploit, redstone, campfire, live, smp, parody, furnace, blast, technoblade, house, memes, piglin, song, hoglin, forest, 1.17, anchor,… Read More

  • ZoroCraft

    ZoroCraftMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAh/cod7eJav5Fgts4FQ2jMM+o2qG35hRkMT8AZ04cP6iE+sA0+tltX7qHmvtCDi06U/DaOzri1e8xdw0ntplsvopPcbb48Z7Orkavo3vrquy4U3Gbi1YB2552w8PiQ09fOTASpF0Aw5vGIsNRqUsa12rssCN8DYOIHOeqMQCRu6p5htAQLw6IIpI7rvqWbl3LEdRgNgXjK8SGckF537v+FT/lLAYnEnzxSiDKpYJhDRt0ThXy2SWiTAr2frmok0ntd6lMaiSQn5oNw6NYFeocNSnKmDd9Hf/lBdB4P/Xl+PJ+sHxAnQEjoIEpSfKUIeRIZ4yTOIPSfIMfr3I1DStKLwIDAQAB Read More

  • NexusDark Lifesteal SMP – semi-vanilla

    NexusDark Lifesteal SMP A small Minecraft server community with 2-3 active players daily. Season plugin and more. Server address available on Discord for privacy reasons. Join us today: Join Read More

  • The Xalix SMP

    Welcome to the Xalix SMPIn there SMP there are 4 rules Just please dont Greif around spawn.Hacked Clients are welcomed.Dont use botsThanks and have fun. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mojang forgot the craftin’!

    Well, I guess they really dropped the crafting table on that one! Read More

  • Kindergarten Craft: First Day Fun in Minecraft!

    Kindergarten Craft: First Day Fun in Minecraft! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are king, Fangkuaixuan brings laughter and zing. With animations funny and bright, He crafts a world of pure delight. In the classroom, the kids are back, Their first day in kindergarten, no lack. But one little troublemaker, oh what a sight, Leaving poop in his pants, what a fright! But fear not, for Fangkuaixuan is here, To bring joy and laughter, never fear. With rhymes and humor, he tells the tale, Of Minecraft adventures, setting sail. So join the fun, subscribe today, To Fangkuaixuan’s channel, come what may. For in the world… Read More

  • My world ends like a spicy burrito 💀🔥 #minecraft #memes

    My world ends like a spicy burrito 💀🔥 #minecraft #memes When you spend hours building the perfect world in Minecraft, only for it to be destroyed by a creeper in a matter of seconds. RIP to all those diamond blocks 😂 #minecraftproblems #creeperattack #gamerstruggles Read More

  • Guess the Game by its Music! Part 2 🎮🎶

    Guess the Game by its Music! Part 2 🎮🎶 Minecraft: A Gaming Icon Step into the blocky world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. From building magnificent structures to surviving the perils of the night, this game has captured the hearts of millions worldwide. Exploring Diverse Worlds In Minecraft, players can explore a vast array of worlds, each with its own unique landscapes and challenges. Whether delving deep into caverns in search of rare resources or constructing towering castles, the possibilities are endless. Popular Game Modes From survival mode, where players must gather resources and fend off monsters, to creative mode,… Read More