Crafting with Smiling Critters

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Wao are we on one block and wait what the heck is that thing yeah why is that cat purple I don’t know but why is it on this one block with us what can I have a little fun on this one block too uh I

Guess you could stay with us but wait do we even know how to play one block oh yeah we just got to mine this block right hey wait I’m not the block okay guys that was not funny but here let’s actually start mining this one block see the weird cat guy this is

How you do it you just have to break the block and then we can get more blocks and we can start expanding our Island oh yeah I guess that makes sense yeah dude I’m not the block okay I don’t know you kind of look like one look at your face

What dude I do not look like a block check it out we just got a chest check it out we got so much stuff in here we got a bunch of wood some food and some tools this is awesome oh that fish is mine oh yeah right cuz you’re a cat oh

Uh I I guess you can have the fish but here guys we should start expanding our platform let me just craft these wood into some planks really quick and then let me craft out a crafting table and let’s go guys we are making such good progress is no one else finding it weird

That a cat is talking to us right now yeah that’s kind of weird I’ve never SE seen a talking cat before hey I’m not a talking cat I have a name and it’s catnap and OU he’s also got a name his name is catnap what type of name is that

Dude uh it’s the best name what do you mean all right well Mr napsack uh let’s uh keep mining this one block what did you just call me sappp go ahead and say that one more time his name is catnap wait Kev I wouldn’t disrespect him if I

Were you he pushed me into the void earlier and hey why you looking at me like that oh no I’m just listening to what you’re saying and uh what did you say one more time it’s cam right what you said your name was what Snapback no

It is catnap I told you oh my gosh catnap you got to stop pushing people off the one truck bro I think cam deserved that one why you really Sting with the weird cat Ruby but he’s cute all right Mr Flapjack I’m sorry Kev dude that’s the wrong name that’s it come

Here he’s coming after me oh my gosh okay well while they’re doing that up here Ruby let’s just continue mining the one block and check it out I’ve got eight wood what we can do with this is craft it into some planks and guys well you stop running around the block all

Right come on we have to progress forward tell that’s a Snack Shack leave him leave me alone it is cat oh my go okay guys stop fighting but what we need to do now is craft these Oak planks into some slabs and check it out look now we got a bunch of blocks

For expanding our platform yeah yeah let’s just do that I’m sorry catnap apology accepted but you better call me by the right name now yeah guys hold on I don’t think we should be disrespecting cat knife he seems to be a pretty aggressive cat and wait did you just

Push off that pig we got guys guys guys if we get any more animals we have to keep them then we could eat them for food and and wait we just got another chest what’s inside of this and oh you guys already took everything yeah it was

Just some wood and logs and some more fish and wa he’s dual wielding the fish now but anyways let’s just keep breaking this one block here we go oh we’re getting a lot of dirt I wonder what we can do with this and oh wa wait hold on

Actually that gives me a good idea what we could do is build a farm so here let’s just start expanding our platform this way with a little bit of dirt and guys next time we get we just got a pig I was about to say whenever we get any

Animals we can put them over here in the farm and we just have like the floor being made out of grass for them oh yeah all right I’ll put them over here and awesome sounds good and here guys we should probably build a little fenc off

Area around the pig so that he doesn’t fall off here I can do that that right now I just need to turn this wood into some planks and let me also make some sticks oh wait are you guys building a house for me and wait what a house for

You no we’re building an animal pin what what does this look like a house yeah do you not know what a house looks like no this isn’t a house this is just a fence area for our animals yeah it’s a perfect house for me oh wait guys he is an

Animal oh wait I guess so but wait since when the cats live with pigs oh yeah you make a good point there’s a no space I got to get these guys wait wait up chill chill chill come on come on no oh my gosh we were going to eat those more

Room and what oh my gosh no catnb come on we have to build a little area for the animals and then we can build like our own house later yeah leave our animals alone uh what do you mean I am an animal yeah I said our animals not

You a I feel bad for the guy he’s all alone he must be lonely Ruby do not see what he did he literally just pushed all of our animals off he is not lonely that guy looks evil come on he looks cute maybe he deserves his own pen and what

You’re really thinking about building a separate pin just for him oh come on Dash look how happy he looks uh I I would not call that happy but let’s just start mining these blocks again we need to get some more animals to refill our farming yes we got a cow okay catnap up

Leave the cow alone how about we build you your own the pin over here on this side yeah will it be bigger than the pen right here yeah yeah yeah it’ll be really big and nice it’ll be like a mansion all right fine I guess I’ll take

A mansion yeah yeah it’ll be really nice but all right K quick put that cow down I need to craft some more fences really quick let me just craft all of this wood into some planks and here I got to craft some fences really quick got to make

Sure that cow doesn’t get out it doesn’t really seem safe over here he’s fine you just got to wait a second yeah yeah yeah we’ll build the Mansion for you in a moment but there we go we got the cow and pig area complete and all right here

I cnap I I’ll build your a house right now it’ll just be like uh there you go that’s good and all right here now let’s continue the mining the one block hey come back here this is way smaller than the animal pen and what are you talking

About it’s so nice and spacious in here it’s like a a mansion for you yeah come on you’ve got plenty of room and look we can even block it off just like that and there we go yeah yeah yeah we’re just building you some walls we can just

Leave it like that there we go are you trying to get rid of Me Oh Come come on guys be nice to him he can just help us mine the one block until we can make him an actual house finally freedom and okay fine I guess you could be out here with

Us but you actually have to help us M the one block and then once we have enough materials we can build us all a house and no more pushing us off I won’t push you off unless you call me the right name uh no you have to agree no

More pushing us off whatsoever you have to agree to call me catnap hey guys stop fighting he’s such a cute kitty he’ll be good okay okay let’s just focus on mining the blocks and oh uh I’m sorry about that I I I didn’t mean to hit you

Well I get one free punch back so come here ah what the dude oh my gosh what did we just talk about well you punched me first all right well anyways let’s just continue mining this one block any animals we get we have to put inside of

The farm and we got some chickens all right let’s put these guys in y and there we go let’s put the chicken in there awesome now let’s just continue mining the one block and wait we got a chest is there anything good in here and

Oh it’s just more fish and stuff guys we need to start getting some armor and stuff I don’t know if it’s going to turn night time but if it doesn’t mobs are going to be spawning and that’s not going to be very good that’s true I don’t think we’ve got gotten anything

For armor yet and hold on let me check do we have anything in the chests and NOP we don’t have any iron or anything oh wait actually I’ve got a pumpkin I guess I could put this on my head hey there we go now I got some armor and uh

Wait it’s very hard to see out of this thing though you look like the cat now no he does not look like me at all wait what do I and what are you talking about we don’t look anything alike wow look at your smiles you guys look alike what no

I look super handsome and he just looks like a piece of dirt and uh what did you just call me a piece of dirt dude I’m not a piece of dirt it’s just a pumpkin uh no you definitely look very like what no I do not come on you guys could be

Brothers and uh no we definitely canot I’m taking this pumpkin off all right back to mining yeah don’t call me that guy’s brother all right guys but we should probably start building this house now it’s it’s probably going to get dark soon yeah that’s probably a good idea how much wood does everyone

Have in oh I’ve got 10 oh I’ve got plenty I here you can just take all of this waa okay you’ve got a bunch of wood let’s go I have a lot of wood but they’re all different types and oh it’s fine we can build our house out of like

A bunch of different blocks and wait can what do you got oh I didn’t get as much because I was locked in the pen but I have a this and I got some planks and oh you only have like one okay H that’s fine but here what we could do now here

Everyone take a little bit of this wood let me just craft it all into some planks there we go and all right cam you take half a stack of that Ruby you take half a stack and catap you take half a stack and all right there we go now we

All have half a stack let’s start building the house over here yeah let’s build a little platform for it all right let me make some wooden planks all right well I’ll go ahead and start doing the walls I guess awesome sounds good here I’m just going to continue building the

Floor down over here like this is looking pretty nice oh yeah this house is going to be amazing yep it’s going to be pretty sick here let’s just build all of the walls and wow for being stuck on a one block this is actually a really nice looking house we don’t have any

Walls made out of dirt or anything oh I can fix that no don’t do that we’re good we’re good and no no no we don’t need anything made out of dirt we’re already uh we have enough wood to not have to do that but anyways let’s just put our last

Few pieces of wood down there oh I I kind of ran out of wood anyone got any more wood I have some wooden planks I got some dirt for you and no we’re not using dirt but oh thank you very much we can just put down the oh wait you

Already got the wood perfect but wait guys now we just need to craft a door and O what if we craft our door out of some of this acacia wood bup there we go that looks pretty sick that’s a beautiful door oh yeah that door looks

Awesome but now we just need to finish the roof and yeah wait hold on does anyone have enough wood left to finish this or are we going to have to use a different type of wood for the roof well I’m out of Oak but I I got you some dirt

No we’re not building out of dirt okay let’s just build the roof out of some Birchwood yeah here everyone take a little bit of this Birchwood actually what we should do is craft the Birchwood into some slabs and now we can start building the roof right over here out of

Some of these Birch slabs these should look pretty good oh well I don’t have any of that oh all right I forgot to hand it to you guys so there you go there’s half a stack for you and Ruby there you go there’s some for you oh

Thanks oh this house is coming along great thank you guys and yeah yeah of course I mean we got to have somewhere to live right wait wait wait we and yeah there’s our house what are you talking about uh no no no no no I think I think

You have that confused this is my house wait what your house dude you barely even helped to build it I was like all me the cam and Ruby yeah you barely gave us any wood for the house yeah you only gave me one piece of wood for it well

You agreed to build me a mansion and well this isn’t really a mansion but I guess I’ll accept it dude okay I was kind of lying about the Mansion but come on this was supposed to be a house for all of us well that’s too bad it’s just

A house for me now so you guys can leave oh come on guys let him do it he’s cute and Ruby come on he cannot just take our house because he’s cute there’s no way you’re going on his side because he’s cute well why don’t you guys just make

Another house we have a one block right there and okay you know what fine can’t let’s just go build our own house yeah and we’re going to make it 12 times bigger than whatever that thing is yeah we’re going to make an actual Mansion uh purple girl are you going to go with

Them this is kind of my house well I actually kind of want to join you cuz I think you’re a cute kitty I guess you could stay here since you’ve been nice yay and wait what you’re really letting Ruby stay but not us well she’s been

Nice to me and calling me the right names unlike some people and what dude I literally built you like your own little pit over here yeah and I’ve called you the right names the entire time what are you talking about you called them different names and then you trapped

Them in dirt yeah and you call that a pen that’s more like a prison oh what okay well Kim let’s just get started on our house our house is going to be way better but first we got to get some more wood I’m like almost I’ve only got two

Oak logs right now oh hold on wait we got a pig we should probably yon this guy let’s move him over here on this side and hey guys it’s going to be our side okay this is our Animal Farm now want your farm I mean we got all the

Stuff for it the only thing that we’re splitting up is the houses well I don’t want to share an animal pin with a cat you guys got to get your own in here I’m just going to keep mining this one block I need to get some more wood for our new

Epic House which we’re going to build yeah I’m starting to build the platform for it right now this is going to look sick let’s go let’s go and wait wait instead of building it at a dirt why don’t we build it out of some o what if

We use some of these dark oak slabs let me just turn them into slabs really quick boom and all right yeah you should build the platform out of this oh yeah let’s do it awesome awesome all right here I’ll just keep getting some more wood no this is actually my block and no

The one block we have to share okay that’s like the one thing that we can’t split up since you know we only have one of them I don’t know it kind of looks like it’s on our side what dude no the one block we literally cannot split that

It’s literally one block yeah well you know what you get when you split a block you get a slab what so you want us to have one slab yeah you can build your house on one slab there you go you go you go take that slab and dude no no

We’re not splitting the block into a slab that’s a horrible idea let’s just keep sharing the one block and I’m going to get all this stuff let’s go let’s go no you’re not this is my stuff hey hold on wait I got to craft myself a shovel

Real quick so I can mine the dirt fast let we just craft a shovel like this there we go and hey wait what the heck just happened the one block upgraded to underground oh wait what just happened to the block wait I think it just got upgraded to be an underground one block

Wait I’m pretty sure this means now we can start getting like more iron and like resources from it so here let’s just keep mining this oh that is a creeper oh gosh oh gosh take it out Qui oh my gosh what no where did catnap go

And oh I think he fell out of the world let’s go sabotage that was all sabotage what dude are you saying that we tried to do that on purpose yes I’m saying you did it on purpose and you’re cheering for it I respawn oh yeah you could

Respawn too hey yo guys guys guys chill oh my gosh oh wait you’re back I got so worried there for a second and yeah he’s back unfortunately but anyways guys I guess we have to be careful when mining this underground one block but I’m pretty sure this one block should be a

Lot better than the old one and oh wait I I just broke my pickaxe hold let me grab an iron pickaxe all right well Mr cat guy leave me alone I’m staying on my side and you stay on yours all right I’m fine with that and all right all right

Well I’m just going to keep mining this underground one block I really want to get some iron then we can finally start crafting some armor and stuff so come on how have we not gotten any iron from it so far oh that is a spider and I got two

Iron let’s go how did you get all the iron and I’m not getting any wait I have an idea wait hey wait there’s some iron here hey there mine chill chill okay fine fine fine actually I’m very low you can have that iron but okay we let’s

Just split the iron all right fine we have a deal all right all right well here I’m just going to continue mining this one block and actually hold on how much stuff do I have oh I’ve got quite a bit of wood let me see what cams up to

And oh wait this platform is looking pretty nice let’s go yeah this is where our house is going to go awesome awesome all right well here I have quite a bit of wood on me right now so I guess I’ll start building the walls let me just

Craft all of my wood into some planks and okay I’m not going to lie I’ve got like a bunch of different types of wood on me so our house is going to be kind of looking like uh a bunch of different types of wood but it’s fine it’ll look

More unique that way I guess it’s fine we can go with that yeah it’s going to be really nice and cool looking wait did I just hear an explosion hey what was that you blew up our pen I I told you to stay on your side I did stay on my side

The creeper didn’t oh my gosh catnap you got to be careful when spawning in creepers and what the heck is that hold on I’m going to Y this guy really quick there’s our animal he’s going into our farm hey oh my gosh what was that for

What it looked like a cool animal and wait where’ it go did you take it with you oh wait hold on I still have it let’s go in our pin it goes yeah you leave that thing alone all right I broke the block I deserve it yeah but you blew

Up our animal pen earlier so this is like the least you could give us and did you just take it I didn’t blow up your pen it was a creeper yeah but you spawned in the creeper oh my gosh he really just stole our mushroom cow all

Right whatever it’s fine I’ll just work on our walls again hey you better stay away from my mushroom oh my gosh whatever all right well here the walls are looking pretty nice this house is looking uh very interesting with all the colorful walls I think it looks better

Than the old one honestly well I’m going to go mine the one block now that we finally have some space all right but be careful of catnap I’m pretty sure he was mining the one block last time I was there yeah and he smells very weird it’s

Oh no a creeper oh gosh wait uh we kind of just blew up their house did you just try blowing up our house no that was a creeper yeah well you spawned in the creeper and I saw you punch it towards our house that was sabotage what no it

Wasn’t that that was totally the Creeper’s fault not ours why are you breaking my house no that wasn’t us that was a creeper remember see now you made purple girl sad and oh gosh it’s another creeper pushing off it no not on our platform oh my gosh that was you guys

That wasn’t me yeah you guys did that to yourselves okay well let’s just repair that really quick we need some more fences all right well anyway let’s just keep breaking this one block we need some iron and yeah yeah you’re right and we also need to get some more wood our

Walls are uh kind of incomplete right now and wait how much iron do I have I’ve got five iron wait how much do you have oh I have one that’s enough for an iron pickaxe for us both let’s go we’re going to be able to mine the one block

Super fast all right all right here what I’m going to do is wait do we have a crafting table wait another mushroom I’m going to hide this one hey Dash you remember how you said we were going to split the iron and oh oh oh wait uh

Split the iron wait what are you talking about remember how you said me and you would split the iron that we get uh I want my split no no no I was talking about like the iron that we like M together you you left the one block yeah

Well you got iron while you were there so uh hand it over that’s how’s that fair at all uh because you got iron while I was mining with you and what is that oh it’s a it’s a thing we got from the one block no I think you stole that

From my house handed over I no I didn’t steal anything look yours are still in your house what dude yours is literally still in your house what are you talking about put him down it’s literally right there look put him down this is not yours this is ours shut up we just got

Another mushroom leave him alone I will start using excessive force if you do not put him down this is not yours okay Kim Kim Kim I just put it down okay it’s better than dying again and oh my gosh he really took it into the void with him

Well I guess no one gets it now that was kind of funny it wasn’t yours is still right there and what was he really just pranking us that whole time I think he’s got like short-term memory or something that that house literally right there in the window oh my gosh let’s just ignore

Him let’s just continue mining the one block we need to get more wood for our walls wait actually no speaking about wood what I was going to do is craft a crafting table really quick and then let me craft a furnace and now what I can do

Is start smelting the iron let’s go but okay Cam I’m smelting the iron right now but we got to be kind of careful of this if catnap signs out we’re smelting iron then he’s going to probably flip out oh yeah cover it up or something yeah yeah

Here that’s what I’m going to do I’m just going to a bunch of blocks around it like that and yes okay he’s not going to suspect the thing anymore let’s just continue getting blocks and wait another mushroom I guess we can just hey what we

Could have used him I know it’s fine K up will probably get mad or something wait wait wait wait what is that I smell I think I smell something over here and wait C I think he’s going for iron no no you don’t smell anything what are you

Talking about no there’s something I smell definitely right behind these blocks right here no dude there’s nothing behind the blocks there that’s just throw wall yeah yeah hey don’t don’t mind through it hey yo leave it alone and oh no what is this iron he stole all our iron what have we been

Saying about staying on your side stop stealing from us well I’m just going back to what Dash said earlier we’re going to split it so a Deal’s a deal and oh my gosh dude you didn’t even mine all of that iron I Min like all of it okay

What in the world one of those iron were mine it wasn’t even yours what the heck okay well I guess let’s just continue mining the one block hold on how much wood do I have let’s see can I expand the walls yet and no okay I barely have

Any wood I guess let me just put down this wood over here and actually I guess we can just use this wood again since we don’t really need to cover up the furnace anymore let me just put this wood down over here and all right we

Only need a little bit more wood well we’re not getting any wood cuz of this one block how’s your guys’ house coming along me and katup is coming along great and oh uh our house is coming along pretty good we’re kind of just working on the walls right now wait what do you

Guys have’t said of your house over I kind of want to check it out and whoa okay this area looks kind of nice I see you have your chest around here yeah this is the storage and animal room and oh uh that’s kind of cool and wait

What’s this area over here this is going to be our farm and then the hallway is going to go this way what they have a f Dash we haven’t even finished our walls let’s go oh gosh oh gosh yeah we got to step up our game how many times do I

Have to tell you two to read the sign dude okay we’re getting out right now I’m sorry I’m sorry we got invited in by Ruby yeah yeah we were technically allowed there and hey yo There’s a Zombie quick take it out oh there we go

All right we need to get some more wood we’re not getting any wood now guys it’s another creeper pushing off and there we go we actually saved ourselves that time I’ll just be on creeper duty standing here with my axe waiting for creepers and all right that sounds good you guys

Have so much stuff let me get some what I barely got any stuff I’ve gotot just like a bunch of the random mining stuff but I don’t have any wood wait do you have any wood yeah I’ve got a lot of wood but I need some Stone materials and

Wait you do that’s actually perfect I’ve got a bunch of stone materials hold on hold would you be down to trade oh yeah sure we can trade but um what do you have uh um well let me check I’ve got uh 27 Cobblestone 15 andesite and 16

Diorite yeah you can build a bunch of cool stuff with this and O I’ve also got 27 Granite oh that sounds good um I’ve got like 20 oak wood and five Birchwood and wo okay that actually should be enough to finish our WT all right all

Right well I I’d be down to trade you uh my granite my diorite and my andesite for all your wood wait what about Cobblestone uh what about half the Cobblestone cuz I kind of need it okay that sounds good and all right all right here you go there is all of the stone

Stuff and let’s go Kim I just got us all the wood we need let’s go let’s finish the walls please yeah our house has been looking pretty empty this whole time but anyways let me just get all of these planks and let’s go our walls aren’t

Going to look like as rainbowy over here since we’ve only got Birch and O but it still should look pretty cool yeah and almost done there we go all right now we just got this back corner to do let’s go let’s go here I got this side over here

And yeah we’re definitely going to have enough wood to finish this off let me just grab a little bit more Oak let’s go and boom there we go our house walls are complete but hold on before we build a roof we should probably start building like a farm or something cuz that’s

Going to be very important yeah uh where should we put the farm like out here oh yeah yeah okay okay we can do it over here what we need to do is just build a little plantform out of some slabs over here yeah like that and then over here

On the side we can have the actual Farm made out of some dirt blocks so so we can have it on that side and also on this side over here this should look pretty sick yeah and we can encase it in slash make it just look nice exactly

Exactly I’ve got a lot of dirt I’ve got like uh exactly a stack well I had exactly a stack I placed some down but yeah we should have plenty oh yeah I’ve got plenty of dirt as well awesome well anyways this side is now complete but

Now we just need to get some water for our farm so uh where do we get water from uh any water from the one block hey yo hold on why did the cow get out of the pin get back in there but hold on

I’m pretty sure what we can do is get a chest from the one block and then maybe get some water from oh I hear you guys need water and oh yeah we do do you have any is that a water bucket yeah we need water oh we’ll happily make a trade oh

Wait you will uh okay well let’s see what do I have right now oh do you want uh half a stack of melons for it uh no how about one water bucket for let’s see uh all of your farm animals all of our farm animals dude we’ve been like

Collecting these the whole time we spent so much time collecting them what about just the water in the bucket not the bucket yeah yeah we don’t even need the bucket we only need the water how about no deal the what dude okay um let’s see

What else can we offer oh what about uh three iron ore yeah that could be a good trade and four fish oh yeah yeah don’t you like fish you make a tempting deal with that fine give me the fish first okay there you go and okay okay okay

Fine here you go let’s go let’s go too easy easy deal right there all right well anyways now all we have to do is just fill up our farm with some water but wait hold on I’m pretty sure if we get two buckets of water then we can

Make an infinite water generator what if we go over there on their farm and steal a little bit of water and then you know make an infinite water generator here and then go return to water it’s going to be like nothing ever happened they won’t even suspect a thing yeah and we

Just got to be really careful on a stealth Mission I’ve got an idea let’s grab one of these animals as a disguise what a disguise no that’s a horrible idea but look they’re building their house up there right now so they’re getting distracted go go go come on

Now’s our chance we just have to snag one water over here wait look they already have infinite water generators here just take one yeah I got to go go go go go all right run run run go go go and boom infinite water let’s go now all

We need to do is craft a hose so that we can actually start farming stuff on our farm so let me craft craft myself a stone hoe really quick there we go and now we can actually start hoing the farm yeah and let me craft some of my

Watermelons and there we go let’s start getting this let’s go we have a whole watermelon Farm here this is going to be sick well catnb I didn’t know you were such a good Builder waa what the I Kim I just turned around to their house for

The first time in a while and uh their house actually looks really good I’m not going to lie yeah they have so much resources we have to catch up yeah what the oh gosh oh gosh all right well be here I guess that’s enough with our farm

Right now we only need to plant one side we can just wait for that to grow but hold on what do we need to build next in our house oh we need a place to sleep right so some bedrooms would be nice and oh yeah bedrooms that’s going to be

Really important okay well uh hold on what we could do is you know I use some wol from our sheep to make some beds and then we could have bedrooms uh here instead of killing the Sheep let me just craft some shears really quick this way

We can just grab the Sheep put him up over here and Shear him up and then we can use him for more wool later when he regrows it and I I’ll keep mining this one block to get more iron wait we got to move okay I think this time uh we

Should be able to just hide this guy over here in our house hopefully canap doesn’t see him oh okay yeah I don’t I think we’re good yeah and oh I got two iron and oh I got a lot more than two check it out wa wa

We just got an OP chest with a bunch of iron let’s go let’s go all right I’m going to take all this I’ll put it inside of our base oh you’re already moving the chest yep we’re putting this right here and there we go let’s go all

Right but anyways we’ve only got one wool right now and it’s going to take a while for this sheep to regrow his wait what if we go over to Ruby and catnap side and steal some of their sheep look they have sheep in there right now and I

Think they’re still building their house up there yeah let’s go and we can also check their chest and see if they have anything we can Ste oh yeah good idea good idea do they have any wool in here and no they don’t have any wool all

Right well here let me just Shear their sheep up really quick and let’s go I’ve got five wool all right all right time to head back let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go and wait Dash you have shears right I have a funny idea for a

Prank oh yeah yeah I’ve got shears what could we do with them oh just follow me oh we have to be careful again it looks like they’re still at their house but uh come here and uh okay wait what are we going to do here just you have the

Shears right and uh yep use the shears on the cow shears on the cow I I don’t think that’s G to do anything wait did we just turn it into a normal C dude K’s gonna be so mad at this run scream oh gosh oh gosh all right all right well

Then back to our house we should probably install a door after doing that that was a pretty crazy stunt but there we go we’ve now got a door and all right uh hopefully they don’t think it was us yeah and it’ll be fine it’s a harmless

Prank and plus if he gets mad we have one right here that we can give back um I guess so but anyways we still need to get one more wool for our bed so here I guess what we could do is just continue mining the one block and maybe we can

Get another sheep yeah either that or an OP chest with like some string in it oh yeah yeah and then we can use a to craft some wool and wait do I have any string on me right now H wait I’ve got two string right now wait do you have any

String uh no but uh we we have a we have a a second option and oh oh actually yeah good idea let’s check do their chests have any string in them check it out eight string right over here let’s go I’m going to take all of that and

What we can do now is just head over to the crafting table and craft this string into some wall boom there we go now we can craft another bed let’s go now we can actually make our own bedrooms and make them look super nice and yep here

I’ll put down your bed over here I’ll have this side over here and now time to build the walls for the bedroom I’m going to build my walls 1 2 3 4 5 uh I’ll build it over here I’ll build it five blocks wide all right I’ll do the

Same we don’t need big bedrooms it’ll just take up more space and yeah you’re right but anyways there we go that is my bedroom and H wait actually if we could add some windows here that could look really nice do you have any glass uh no

I haven’t got any sand or anything okay well we should probably go ask catnap and Ruby maybe they have some glass hey uh catnap Ruby do you guys have any glass or or like sand I’m not too sure I’ll have to check my chest and oh all

Right that sounds good oh wait he’s about to see the mushroom what happened here did you two do this my precious mushroom cow is now just a normal cow wait what happened to our sheep where’s their wool I don’t know we’ve been at our base the entire time yeah wait we

Were just wondering if you had any glass so I did you no no no no no hang on did you replace my mushroom cow with a normal cow no no we didn’t replace your mushroom cow with a normal cow what are you talking about there he is oh my gosh

I got so worried no no that was our mushroom cow what are you doing no everyone knows there’s only been one mushroom cow and it is mine oh my gosh he really just stole our mushroom cow I don’t need this one so here you can take

Him and how many times do I have to tell you read this sign stay out dude oh my gosh it wasn’t we just wanted to know if you had any glass yeah and you still haven’t answer the question do you have any glass oh yeah I have glass but

You’re going to have to beat me in a game for it wait wait I have to beat you in a game what game I’m going to build a Sumo Arena and if you beat me you can get the glass but if I beat you I’m getting all of your animals all our

Animals um hold on a minute yes I think we should really take this we need the glass H yeah you’re right the glass would be a pretty nice addition to our house okay fine fine I can definitely beat you in a game of sumo all right you’re on I’m going to build the

Platform and all right all right sounds good but oh gosh cam I I don’t think I’ve ever played Sumo before how do we even play Sumo it’s fine I could be your trainer just come over here we we can make like a little platform in our house

And then uh you can train oh uh okay I guess that sounds good okay here let’s build a little Sumo platform over here like this we have to make it like round cuz I’m pretty sure that’s how Sumo platforms are and yeah there we go that

Looks pretty R all right well I guess let’s just go up over here and all right I I guess let’s just do like a practice round 1 V one first the fall off loses the game of sumo yeah and you remember that you have to hit the people in your

Face pretty simple and yeah I got it all right well let’s go in three two 1 let’s go come on dash you got to fight back come on come on bring up the tiger D oh there you go let’s go that actually wasn’t too bad okay I can definitely be

That cat guy hold on hold let’s do a few more rounds I have a funny idea for a strategy okay ready bring out the tiger go go go go let’s go let’s go here I’m going to throw this egg at you now take this the egg oh wait I missed but it’s

Still work let’s go that egg kind of hurt it hit my ear no wait let’s go hold on that might be the move I got to get another egg before the actual fight hold on let me just go to a chicken over here and did he lay any eggs and wait Das

Speaking of ears he’s got big old ears you could throw the egg at him and then like stun him exactly yeah that’s what I was thinking the egg could be used as a distraction here let me just see has our chicken over here laid any eggs and no

I’ve only got one egg from this guy over here hold on how do we make our chickens lay more eggs I think we have to feed them seeds but I ain’t got n and wait hold on can we feed them watermelon seeds let me try crafting some of those

In here you go take that and oh he did uh you want to lay some eggs now uh chicken come on he didn’t lay any oh that didn’t work but uh we could just we could put them together and then make another one we we’ll have higher chances

Then and oh yeah all right I I guess that works now we’ve got a baby chicken nice let’s go now we’ve got three chickens we should get more eggs from this let’s go let’s like organize our pens too while we’re at it and oh yeah all right that sounds good we can have

The chickens over here on this side and then we can have everything else over here on this side there we go yeah and then that could be for the cows and then this could be for the pigs and then we could have our sheep awesome nice now everything is a little bit more

Organized all right the ring is ready are you ready to lose oh oh wait it’s ready uh yeah I’m ready but I’m sure not going to be losing let’s do this all right follow me go for his weak points I’m pretty sure his tails and his ears

Are his weak points and yeah yeah all right all right I got it here let’s go I got to pull out my egg and just put it over here that way I have quick access to it and all right let’s do this oh I see you guys came here for the match and

Yep I’m about to win you ready to watch me win Ruby um I don’t know about that let’s see and W okay there’s a pretty big arena we’re we’re going to do it down there yeah we just got to jump into the ring wait what hold on why is the

Floor made out of void there isn’t like a just like a wood floor that we can get back on if we fall no this Sumo game is for Real yeah come on dash remember your training come on catnap you can do it and all right all right I think I got

This well I’m ready whatever you ready oh I was born ready and all right well then let’s go in three 2 1 here we go come here oh you’re going down and oh yeah well let’s go come on take this go cat up go go for his tail I’m trying I’m

Trying it’s kind of hard to aim though it’s so small ow ow ow and let’s go away I think I’m doing here I just have to push him off come on this platform is so big go go catnap go remember use your egg to hit him in the air oh yeah yeah

You’re right you’re right the egg here let me just toss it over here take that and let’s go ow what was that ow oh my gosh it worked let’s go that was cheating why did you guys use an egg and wait what that wasn’t cheating eggs are

Allowed I created the Sumo rules that was definitely cheating well he won fair and square yeah this was our Arena so that was cheating we’re going for another round no eggs this one settles at all and what we’re doing a another round and oh gosh I Kim I’m kind of out

Of eggs wait can I throw clay at him and no I can’t throw the clay it’s okay A Das do you have an Axe and uh yeah I’ve got an axxe but that’s definitely going to be cheating no that’s cheating okay I’m just going to try to play fair and

I’ll try to do my best all right canat up you ready all right the round starts in three 2 1 go take this come on it’s not so easy when you’re not cheating huh no no no it’s still very easy I got this I just got to push you off into the void

Come on come on cat up don’t worry I got this going for the final blow I’m doing it I’m doing it here he’s so close to the void just take this come on and yes oh my gosh he didn’t even need the egg fet Square Dash is the best sumo

Champion ever let’s go too easy all right well here I’m going to get out of this pit now I’m going back up on the platform let’s go all right well anyways uh Now where’s that glass as promised oh I had it in my inventory oh right well

Can I have it now all right here’s the glass I promised and all right thank you very much and what just one glass dude we need more yeah we want a fair and square we never specified on a quantity we said uh all the glass you have right

Uh no you didn’t well come on come on I I want that fair and squ can we just have like a little bit more I’m pretty sure we only need 1 2 3 4 5 six we need 12 fine I’ll give you a little bit more

Dude that’s literally one more come on I I just need 10 more I need 12 so that we can put glass in all our bedrooms and plus he beat you twice don’t you think that you know after that embarrassment he deserves it two glass that’s one for

Each win what no dude come on just give me 10 more how much glass do you even have you guys been mean to him this a whole time if you want that glass you have to apologize apologize for what for him losing for knocking him off of the

Block he lost fair and square that’s the rules of sumo what no Ruby that’s how Sumo works but okay how about I’ll make you a deal you can’t resist how about we give you um one of our chickens but you give us 10 more glass I don’t know what

Do you think Ruby well we don’t have any chickens yeah no we don’t and yeah yeah guys you don’t have any chickens are very important you know you need eggs from them and all that you think this is a good plan yeah I think it’s worth it I

Here find 10 glasses let’s go all right and here now let me just grab a chicken and wait yeah good idea let’s get the baby chicken here you guys go your very own chicken and uh nice doing business with you wait that’s a baby chicken you never specified if you wanted it fully

Grown yep all right well anyways thank you for the glass let’s go Ruby I have an idea here look look we can just uh trade it I’ll never know cut it out I have eyes wait are they trying to trade the chicken with a big one hey yo you

Guys can only get the baby one oh they already took a big one feel gross it’s fine let’s just put down the glass and yeah that sounds like a good idea let me just put it down in my bedroom like that and here I’ll put it down in your

Bedroom as well all we need to do is just put some down over here on this side and this side over here why are doing that I’m clearing up the Sumo training Arena awesome sounds good I just got to put down a little bit more

Glass over here like this so here we go and boom there we go the bedrooms are pretty much complete uh we don’t have a roof yet though so we should probably build that next oh yeah I’m kind of out of resources for the roof but uh I think

It’s time we go back to the one block and oh wait actually I’m actually pretty low on wood as well that sounds like a good idea I guess let’s mine the one block and uh wait is that a Lucky Block oh my gosh keep your voice loud don’t

Let them find out oh yeah yeah good idea good idea wait but we can get some really op stuff from this I guess let’s try opening it up and oh my gosh I just got an emerald boat check this thing out thing’s sick wait shoot it over there

Okay okay here I’ll shoot it and it kind of just looks like a normal boat but I bet it does a lot of damage hold on you got to open the next one oh yeah and it’s yellow too and oh my gosh that is so op I just got

A hero’s hoe and a hero’s axe wa okay we can use this on our farm we’re going to be the best Farmers ever but here let’s just keep opening it can we get any more Lucky Blocks or there was it only two come on oh yeah use your ax and oh we

Just got another one all right all right let’s see what we get from this one let’s go and are you kidding me I just got 20 diamonds dude we’re rich oh my gosh let’s go let’s go okay we are actually so stacked here I’m going to go

Craft some diamond armor real quick I’m just going to borrow their crafting table in here really quick and let me just craft a diamond chest plate here I’ll craft one for both of us awesome let’s go here you go there is your diamond chest plate and here I also

Crafted a sword so there you go let’s go we are so geared what the heck how did you guys get diamond oh hi guys well oh we were trying to keep it a secret but I guess you guys are already here the one block is generating Lucky Blocks check it out

What that’s crazy yep and I’m about to open this one and Y the golden apples oh my gosh that is awesome wait I want some yeah let us open some blocks fine I guess we can take turns and all right all right I guess you guys can open up

The next one let’s see what are you going to get from this yellow Lucky Block I’m going to open it and what you guys just got a bunch of llas what that is so useless I mean I guess you ride them but they’re not that good I guess

Uh you can open up the next one catnap all right here we go I want some of that diamond armor and all right let’s see what you get and oh wait you just got some gold and wait do you even have an iron pickaxe oh no I don’t I only have

Stone I do y oh thanks for mining it for me oh you picked it up all right well here I want to open up the next one we got a green Lucky Block so let’s see what is this going to give us and I just got the Delta sword yo that’s sick we

Test it on the Llama okay okay I guess let’s test it out hey those are my LL oh oh I’m sorry I was using it as a test subject but oh my gosh guys it does 150 attack damage oh my gosh and yeah now you guys have uh no reason to mess with

Us and yeah you guys better not try to steal our animals or anything I only got an unlucky potion I’m cursed no splash it on yourself they give they good stuff it’s it’s like uh you know like reverse climatic or whatever it says why don’t I

Just splash it on you who it hit me too it hit me too guys okay I think we should we should all just truce for a little bit while we open these lucky vlogs okay all right well it’s my turn to open a Lucky Block so I’m going to

Open up this one it’s blue so come on give me something good and a mystery potion why want let me pick it up wait hold I think it’s like a prank item what the all right well I guess it’s my turn to open one all right and who you just

Got a bunch of food that’s actually pretty good yeah I guess but I want something better like diamond armor or one of those swords and all right all right well I guess it’s my turn next so let me open up this blue one here we go

And I just got a bunch of XP wao I’m actually getting so lucky today we getting mad levels that’s crazy these blocks are rigged or something yeah well I guess Ruby it’s your turn I want something good wait what did you just get shovel in a ho I

Well I I guess let me give me some good and uh everyone got resistance too that’s not that bad wait are the lucky blocks gone now why is it wood oh wait I’m I’m pretty sure we just have to break that let’s just get rid of that

And maybe another Lucky Block will show up and oh yeah you got a green one all right come on give me something lucky and wait what are you going to get and oh why do you keep getting blocks falling down from the sky I want something better than this all right

Anyways I guess it’s my turn now and O check it out I got a yellow one let’s open this thing up and ah are you kidding me stone tools I don’t need that yeah to the void okay come on let’s do it and wa wait you just got a bunch of

Resources oh let’s go Ruby all right well I guess it’s my turn to open up the lucky block and oh let’s go I got a bunch of wood and wo that is perfect that means we can finally finish up the roof for our house wait we should go do

That now that we got everything we need yeah here I just take a half a stack of this Half Stack of this Half Stack of this there you go what okay well my inventory is is way too full this is actually awesome let’s do it rby let’s

Just keep opening up these Lucky Blocks okay let’s do it and all right you guys have fun with the lucky blocks but here C let’s just build our roof this is going to be so awesome Yep and then our house is going to be finally complete

Let’s go here yeah we just have the entire thing be built out of some of these Spruce Wood this is going to be so awesome and we are almost done this is already looking so sick let’s go and boom there oh wait there’s still one

Block you got it oh there we go let’s go our roof is looking awesome let’s go it looks even cooler from the inside we’ve got two rooms over here and then we got our farm and then we got our like utilities over here hold on we got to go

Show the others our house they’re going to be super impressed oh yeah and wait they’re not opening Lucky Blocks anymore and oh yeah I guess they got bad stuff and then decided to stop hey guys uh where you guys at Ruby catnap hello hello is anyone home where did they go

Uh hello Ruby catnap are you guys somewhere around here oh I think there Ruby’s room she’s not in here yeah cat’s not in his room either maybe they’re playing sumo and oh yeah maybe they’re like training or something and uh wait what what the I think they’re fighting

The Ender Dragon that must be like the way out of here we have to go oh gosh your right go go go come on let’s go oh they’re here oh gosh Ruby they finally made it wait what you guys were fighting the dragon this whole time how did you

Guys get in the end from Lucky Blocks duh yeah we got materials what you guys were going to fight the Ender Dragon without telling us what no katnap wanted the egg for breakfast well I’m pretty sure fighting the Ender Dragon is the way out of here so come on we just got

To take this guy out here we go I’m going to use my Emerald bow on him take this Dash come on we have to get the last hand it’s already on half he on come on let’s go it’s so low here I’m just going to use my bow on him come on

Dragon oh he’s pering Dash use your sword I’m getting the last hit wait no I got my op sword here let me get him like this and here we go yes I got the last hit let’s go Das you did it we did it come on C up you can have breakfast now

And oh is he really going to eat the egg uh yeah of course I am all right well if you say so that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now

This video, titled ‘ONE BLOCK with SMILING CRITTERS in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Dash on 2023-12-20 18:08:17. It has garnered 52201 views and 759 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:54 or 2334 seconds.


This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are stuck on ONE BLOCK with CatNap! Will they escape? Watch till the end to find out!

This video was inspired by Aphmau, Maizen, Cash and Nico!

#minecraft #minecraftmods #dash

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  • Insomnia SMP

    Insomniacs SMP – The Minecraft Server That Never Sleeps! Hey there, night owls! Looking for a Minecraft server that’s up and active 24/7, just like you? Then come join Insomniacs SMP—where creativity and adventure never rest! This is a Minecraft Bedrock server with plenty of add-ons to enhance your gameplay. Why Join Insomniacs SMP? Active and Supportive Staff Growing Community Always Active Laid-back Vibes Server Staff Owner: Billyjr(Definitely Real) Founder: Fumi/Sam Co-Founder: Deadpool Head of Admins (HOA): Cody Head of Staff (HOS): Existing Admins: Existing, Cody, Deadpool Ready to dive into chaos and adventure? Join us now and help create… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Demise of the Villager #9 🔥

    Looks like Villager #9 didn’t quite make it to level 10 in this game of life! #sorrynotsorry Read More

  • Blockageddon: Ohio’s Minecraft Mayhem

    Blockageddon: Ohio's Minecraft Mayhem In Ohio, a crisis, blocky and bold, Minecraft players, stories untold. Milad FPS, the channel to see, For all things Minecraft, come join the spree. Tutorials for beginners, tricks for the pros, Adventures and challenges, where creativity flows. Mods and plugins, reviews galore, Milad FPS, always wanting more. Subscribe and activate, don’t miss a beat, Join the FPS family, where gaming is sweet. Lenovo laptop, specs so fine, For Minecraft adventures, it’s time to shine. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Edition 🔥

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Edition 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #memes #boom #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Surviving Zombie Apocalypse in Caves with Crystals

    Surviving Zombie Apocalypse in Caves with Crystals Minecraft Shorts: Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse Are you ready to survive a zombie apocalypse? In the world of Minecraft, this is a real possibility. Zombies are known for their insatiable appetite for brains, making them a formidable threat to players. Why Would You Survive? What sets you apart in this apocalyptic scenario? Your survival skills, quick thinking, and resourcefulness. In Minecraft, players must gather resources, build shelters, and fend off hostile mobs like zombies to stay alive. Exploring Minecraft Shorts On the channel, you can find entertaining Minecraft shorts that showcase the challenges and humor of surviving in this… Read More

  • Crafting Custom Superflat Map in Minecraft Bedrock

    Crafting Custom Superflat Map in Minecraft Bedrock Minecraft: How to Create a Custom Superflat World on Bedrock Editions Are you a Minecraft player using Bedrock Editions and looking to create a custom superflat world? Look no further! Today, we’ll guide you through the process of making your very own unique superflat world on Bedrock Editions. Minecraft Versions Before diving into creating your custom superflat world, it’s essential to know the Minecraft versions you’ll be working with. For Bedrock Editions, ensure you have the latest updates to access all the features needed for this customization. Shaderpacks and Resource Pack Enhance your gaming experience by incorporating shaderpacks and… Read More

  • Minecraft LIVE Zoo Building! Hermitcraft Season 10 VOD

    Minecraft LIVE Zoo Building! Hermitcraft Season 10 VODVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Thoughts On Minecraft LIVE and Working On The Zoo – Hermitcraft Season 10 VOD Stream’, was uploaded by GoodVodsWithScar on 2024-10-03 14:00:45. It has garnered 60936 views and 690 likes. The duration of the video is 03:09:22 or 11362 seconds. I share my reaction and thoughts on Minecraft live and the new update / drop. I hope you enjoyed the Hermitcraft live stream see you in the next video. ———————————————————- My Links and stuff: * Patreon: * Twitter:!/GTWScar * Twitch: * Instagram: *TikTok: *Business Inquiries Send to: [email protected] ———————————————————… Read More

  • Ultimate Goo Canoe Tutorial by BushMasterHarry

    Ultimate Goo Canoe Tutorial by BushMasterHarryVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial – Goo Canoe’, was uploaded by BushMasterHarry on 2024-01-21 01:00:15. It has garnered 73 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:29 or 149 seconds. This is a neat little flying machine that can be used for traveling long distances! Whether it’s the nether, end or overworld, you can set the control down and watch the slime do the work! Thanks for watching and leave a bushy like and/or comment! Help me hit that 7k sub mark for 2024!! Read More

  • Emotional rollercoaster in Minecraft Story Mode!

    Emotional rollercoaster in Minecraft Story Mode!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE FEELS: Minecraft Story Mode Episodes 2-5’, was uploaded by Azetlor146 on 2024-09-16 02:46:11. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 06:01:25 or 21685 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hunger Games with 100 Players!

    Insane Minecraft Hunger Games with 100 Players!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Players Simulate The HUNGER GAMES in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by AiroKun on 2024-05-19 19:00:09. It has garnered 326707 views and 7306 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:47 or 5207 seconds. Today I participated in a 100 Player Minecraft Hunger Games Event, will I win? Watch the video to find out! Special Thanks to @Sword4000 for hosting this event! Feel free to join his discord for future events like this ► ————————————————————- 🚪 Second Channel ► @airoextra 💬 Personal Discord ► 💬 Events Discord ► 🔴 Twitch ► 🐤… Read More

  • EPIC Bedwars Match with Subscriber NOW! #Minecraft

    EPIC Bedwars Match with Subscriber NOW! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bedwars With Subscriber join fast #minecraft #technogamerz’, was uploaded by Sudhir_Playz on 2024-04-27 04:29:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MinecraftSMP #GamingCommunity #MinecraftersUnite #MultiplayerMadness #BlockyAdventures 🛠️ #CraftAndExplore … Read More

  • Chihuahua Takes Over World 😱 #shorts

    Chihuahua Takes Over World 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chihuahua Says He’s The Boss 😱#shorts #ai #aiart #chatgpt #funny #gummybear #memes #cat # #comedy’, was uploaded by SaifAiToons on 2024-09-15 02:30:27. It has garnered 1299 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Chihuahua Says He’s The Boss 😱#shorts #ai #aiart #chatgpt #funny #gummybear #memes #cat # #comedy spider-man minecraft skibidi toilet mukbang car funny video mr men show theme song shorts cartoon dinosaur siren head catnap crab deadpool and wolverine songs funny videos godzilla granny hulk king kong minecraft school minecraft school monkey real life minecraft movie ronaldo… Read More

  • FEARSONA – Terrifying Office Building Encounters!

    FEARSONA - Terrifying Office Building Encounters!Video Information This video, titled ‘Office Buildings Are SCARY…’, was uploaded by FEARSONA on 2024-10-03 03:22:10. It has garnered 735 views and 97 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:41 or 7601 seconds. #fearsona #truecrime #vtuber ✨Minecraft & Project Zomboid community servers now available for Patreon members! 0:00 Starting Screen 1:07 Intro 4:00 My Cursed Week 40:00 Scary Videos 2:00:0 Outro 🔴Streamlabs Donations🔴 ⚠️IMPORTANT⚠️ Please understand that donations are non-refundable and you are tipping under the agreement that you will not issue a chargeback! ✨TWITTER ► ✨INSTAGRAM ► ========================= CHAT RULES 1. Be polite and… Read More

  • SECRETLY LEAKED: Keawee drops by HazeClient Private

    SECRETLY LEAKED: Keawee drops by HazeClient PrivateVideo Information This video, titled ‘ dropped by HazeClient Private @Hestreng @rajcepro’, was uploaded by Keawee on 2024-07-03 20:05:57. It has garnered 277 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. minecraft,crasher,minecraft server crasher, minecraft antibot, minecraft anti bot, minecraft anticrash, minecraft anti crash, server crasher,crash,minecraft hack client,minecraft crasher,minecraft crash,minecraft crash server, iptables, spigotguard bypass, exploitfixer bypass, lpx bypass, XCord bypass, minecraft deutsch,minecraft crash items,minecraft server crashen,minecraft server crash,minecraft crash report 2020,minecraft server crashen tutorial,minecraft server crash client,griefergames crasher,minecraft server crash hack,crasher client,crash minecraft,crash report minecraft, minefox crash,aegis bypass,flamecord bypass,spigotguard bypass,exploitfixer bypass,guardspigot bypass,free minecraft… Read More

  • Insane LIVE Minecraft on Java, PE, Bedrock!

    Insane LIVE Minecraft on Java, PE, Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING MINECRAFT IN LIVE🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock |’, was uploaded by BD Gamerz YT on 2024-04-24 16:44:29. It has garnered 142 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:20:57 or 4857 seconds. 🔴PLAYING MINECRAFT IN LIVE🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock | Social link : DISCORD ——- #minecraft #minecrafthindi #minecraftlive #minecraft100days #minecraftgameplay #india #minecraftjavaedition #jitsubhaganing TAGS & KEYWORDS– ___________________________________________________________________________________ minecraft live minecraft live Bangla minecraft 100 days minecraft 24/7 smp minecraft mcpe live pe live minecraft java live stream minecraft java minecraft india how to make farms in minecraft how to make wheat… Read More

  • Turnabout SMP Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelist Hermitcraft-like Voice Plugin Age 16+ 1.21 Discord

    Looking for a Friendly Survival Minecraft Server? Join Turnabout, a 16+ whitelist server focused on community and making friends. With active players and exciting events like Halloween and a museum in the works, there’s always something to do. What Turnabout Offers: Events and Inclusivity Quality of Life Addons like One Player Sleep and Voice Chat Shopping and Minigames District Mayoral Elections for player-driven decisions Anti-Stealing and Griefing Plugins 24/7 Uptime Join Us Today! Meet new friends and start playing on Turnabout by joining our Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft’s Gray Moss: From Bland to BAM!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft's Gray Moss: From Bland to BAM!"I guess you could say this meme really knows how to moss-tivate people with its score of 8! Read More

  • 100 Days: Minecraft’s Explosive Score

    100 Days: Minecraft's Explosive Score In the world of Minecraft, a challenge arose, “100 Days” series, where the story unfolds. Luke the Notable, a gamer so bold, Survived and thrived, his journey retold. From humble beginnings, with just a few views, To millions of fans, all eager for news. The challenge was simple, but not for the weak, Survive 100 days, with dangers to seek. Creepers and zombies, skeletons too, Luke faced them all, with skills so true. Building and crafting, exploring the land, Each episode gripping, fans at his command. The series took off, like a rocket in flight, Capturing hearts, day and… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes for You!

    Hot Minecraft Memes for You! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle

    Unbeatable Minecraft Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle Minecraft Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle – A Death-Defying Challenge! Embark on an epic adventure with the ‘Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle’ map in Minecraft! This thrilling boss fight created by Tape_Eater will push your skills to the limit with its three challenging phases. Intense Phases and Deadly Attacks Prepare yourself for a battle like no other as you face off against the Hellfire Reaper. With nine different attacks, including Missiles, Napalm, Shockwaves, and Sawblades, each phase ramps up the difficulty, keeping you on your toes throughout the fight. Unlockable Phases and Chaos Unleashed As you chip away at the boss’s… Read More

  • 肾结石喵的悲惨生活17

    肾结石喵的悲惨生活17 Minecraft Character Model: Klee from “Tragic Life with Klee in Dependence 17” Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking to add a unique character model to your game? Look no further than the Klee model from the “Tragic Life with Klee in Dependence 17” series. This character model can be used in the Minecraft: Java Edition by loading it with the Yes Steve Model module. How to Get the Klee Model To access the Klee model, you will need to download the Yes Steve Model module. You can find the module link here. Additionally, you can obtain the… Read More

  • Samsul CH is BACK with INSANE HARDCORE 🔥

    Samsul CH is BACK with INSANE HARDCORE 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴TERTINGGAL JAUHH! | BRUTAL HARDCORE II #14’, was uploaded by Samsul CH on 2024-07-23 00:09:22. It has garnered 5553 views and 402 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:41 or 5861 seconds. #minecraft #brutalhardcore2 ==================DONATION===================== You can help me with donations yes, friend. You can use: GOPAY / OVO / FUNDS: Hopefully I can be helped by your donations ^^ ======================LINK================== ========– Join My Discord : / discord Follow My Instagram : / bagasbuat_ ~~~ Command ~~~ !ig !age !original !donate DON’T FORGET TO SUBS, LIKE, AND SHARE YA GUYS! Read More