Crazy Cubecraft Live: Subscribe and I Lose 10 FOV!

Video Information

Hello everybody all right you read the title of this video you know what’s going on uh by the way welcome everyone joining stream uh oh my gosh okay we got yeah we got someone join the stream welcome the stream first let’s put our fov all the

Way up to the top oh my gosh look at this chat 110 fov all right you guys read the title for every single person that subscribes I will put down oh my gosh this is so weird hold on chat give me a second I get everything ready

And then we’ll we’ll play some egg Wars okay sorry you guys doing today chat how how are we how are we all doing today let’s put stream into the Discord server okay okay oh my gosh this looks so weird oh okay heedful pigeon might want to join

We’ll get him into a party we’ll start doing parties and everything chat uh so yeah here we’ll invite everybody into parties all right there we Go oh we got two people joining the stream welcome to stream how are you guys doing go oh my gosh it’s going to take me a bit to get used to to this fov so please subscribe 110 fov is is insane oh wait I should probably do this okay all

Right are we joining parties did heat full join my party yeah they did okay did they okay they did not all right we’ll start with some eggars like always welcome nebula welcome to the stream we’re at 110 fov right now you’re sick again that’s crazy oh I forgot we can’t do

Solos uh let’s do cyber snow I guess because this map is probably going to be going away soon let’s do this oh my gosh dude okay you’ve been sick like all month dude oh my gosh that sucks get better oh let’s get this iron generator

Dude okay this going to take me way too long what the heck is this fov guys what what is this fov chat what the heck somebody subscribe please oh my God so zoomed out and someone’s rushing us already dude oh I can barely even aim I can’t even aim dude I can’t even

Aim get off dude I can’t even aim with this thank you go to the void we should probably get a weapon at this point so we we don’t even have an egg and it’s been like 2 seconds we got two people join the stream welcome to the stream uh

There we go here we’re just going to take this guy’s Bridge oh someone subscribed oh my gosh thank you thank you let’s go down uh to 100 dude that actually feels so much better Now all right stop we’re going to speed range over this guy wait was this guy the only one in his team stop stop oh my gosh dude what am I doing what am I doing I can’t even aim at this guy you’re going to run dude this guy’s

Going to find a way to block trap me I’m telling you he’s going to find a way to block trap what are you doing oh my gosh come on please go to the void no no no no no no can you can you go into the void there we go thank

You wait we got we already got 592 dude all right here Bel lower fov again we’re going to run out already we should probably ch change it down to five fov that we lose cuz I think we’re going to be losing fov pretty quickly here we’ll

Put it to 90 there we go here we’ll change it to five cuz we’re going to we’re going this this feels a lot better but it’s still a bit big hold on let’s change the title okay there we go we got 592 we’re almost at 600 chat we’re almost at 600 which is

Going to be insane almost at 600 Subs uh do we have any discounts we can use there we go you have gained three Subs this stream I know and I’ve been streaming for what like 5 minutes yeah literally five minutes this fov feels like oh hello

Heat this is you this feels like my regular uh this is a little like uh this is a little higher than my regular fov I my normal fov is like 66 I think okay hello Canan can we get a win though that that is the question these guys don’t even notice

You know what your egg is gone this is going to make me question what my new fov should be I want to see which one I probably like better I think this is still a little too big I might change my normal one oh hello wait there’s another guy here excuse me oh

Shoot can I not die I didn’t even realize I was getting low stop get away from heedful okay we’re a bit low we’re a bit low uh here heedful take take care of them cubes are we going to collab did we just get another sub or am I just seeing

Things is did it go up I’ll I’ll change it in a second after this guy dies we should probably Escape for now honestly hold up I’m I’m going to go to this base we need golden apples I didn’t I didn’t think this through oh my gosh 596 dude

What are all these Subs okay I will update this in a sec second let me get to a base so I do not die thank you by the way thank you chat thank you okay what is that like four four subscribers I think it updated to 596

Now here so that’s like 1 2 3 4 okay 70 fov this is better this is like almost my normal he was hacking actually oh he was here I thought okay I didn’t know he was here yet I didn’t even have time oh my gosh I didn’t even have time to open

I forgot to get the golden apples 596 exactly chat exactly oh got someone join the stream welcome to stream let’s do library or wait hold up did they join the party no they still didn’t join the party okay let’s go map selection let’s do town I guess we’ll do this

One all right there we go W oh my gosh yes exactly we’re so close to 600 T we’re going to do oh somebody unsubscribed you know what that means we’re going to go back down we’re going to put our fov up a little bit there you

Go okay let’s go this way oh can I bridge this guy’s probably going to get AR or a weapon yep I told you I told you stop I’m caling this guy get out thank you did where did your teammate go your teammate just did he just rush a base I

Don’t know lost a sub yeah I did update it uh let’s get some armor there we go okay let’s what do we need food of course let’s not mess this up unlike last time hello pink they haven’t got pink se you know what I’ll get pink SE I’ll get pink

SE for them wait this doesn’t I’m so confused this doesn’t like okay I don’t want to like accidentally tab myself out oh hello I was I was doing something for a second I was in a different tab can this guy chill your eggs going just because of that go into

The void thank you oh okay and your teammate’s here but they’re not going to save you get out can I not open the okay there we go we didn’t open the shop did they fix it wait okay wait oh there we go oh my gosh okay before you can

Literally open the shop while you were fighting and it was so annoying it would mess you it would it would mess me up so much thank God they fixed that you can’t even with a weapon in hand yeah let’s go welcome eclip shade welcome to stream

Also invite me I already sent an invite I can send one again though in a second here I’ll send an invite after this game oh let’s put one here he’s not going to fall for the Trap tried to block trap him but he’s he’s too smart for this chat go into the

Void somebody unsubscribed oh my gosh we’re going to have to we’re going to have to update this again we going have to put it back up we’re going to go back up to like 80 fov is this this isn’t my teammate right okay nice here let’s go

80 oh and there we go okay yeah this is what I thought would happen we g a whole bunch of subs and then they all unsubscribe so we’re going back like 90 95 we’re going 95 back to 95 chat we’re going to 90 we’re going to

100 chat we’re going back to we’re going all the way back up to 100 there we go I did not notice him can we break this egg oh you’re going to you’re you’re going to be like that okay you’re new welcome to stream how’s your day

Going if you don’t know I’m cubes I make cubecraft content we’re streaming and for every person who subscribes I lower my fov down and someone subscribed again okay I’m going to am I going to be trolled I’m going to start like changing it for every okay wait hold up actually

Never mind there we go we got someone Jo else joining stream welcome stream when is stage uh I might do it this stream I don’t know I haven’t really I don’t know I might not you’re a hive player dubs dubs I played Hive it’s pretty cool okay well we’re back down to where

We started before Stream So f is going back up Cub actually do stage this time no what if I don’t I’m not going to what’s good hello I don’t I don’t I’m probably not going to do stage now that I think about it all right 28 diamonds this should this should

Work I got like no blocks heil’s still alive right okay sure sure sure let’s go oh yeah I show nebula that I showed you cubecraft a couple times and then this guy just decides he’s probably going to he might become a cubecraft player uh let’s do sharpness 2 sure let’s do

That and then we already had diamond armor so we’ll just get golden apples and then block wait we we already had blocks what is stage oh I can just in stage I can let a whole bunch of people talk on VC but I don’t know I I probably won’t do it with this

Stream Telly I can’t I I don’t have that kind of skill where’s heedful there’s a guy here at Mid we’re going to we’re going to go after him dude we were so close to 600 and now we’re down to 589 oh my gosh the combos

What if I what if I just became someone that was on 110 fov chat what if I just became that person hello you’re just going to speed bridge I see okay stop dude why are the blocks not okay whatever oh is your teammate going to help come and help me you guys are

Different teams what the heck yeah fight each other don’t team up on me what the heck you both are teaming up on me all right you know what no oh my gosh of course Sprint jumping and bread roock looks so goofy literally icy Bridge you know what that I can’t do hello

Heedful I don’t know about the with this fov but you know what I’ll try I’ll try I’ll try you’re on 110 fov dude for me 110 fov is kind of painful but I mean we got some combos H we can’t even afford that okay we’ll do this all right icy brige ready

I got you I got you I got you oh my gosh okay wait there you go oh my gosh wait wait hold up I could do better I could do better let’s go to Mid just so I don’t fall into the void hold Up dude all right here right here you’re not on my team what the heck get off go away you’re not my teammate oh my gosh this guy are you going for you better not be going for my egg where are you going you’re going to speed Bridge

And I’m pretty sure I just pushed him over you’re going to eat a golden apple stop you’re on a heart and a half what the heck there you go okay we didn’t even get golden apples but we’re chilling we’re chilling okay here right here let’s try this

Again oh my gosh dude this I cannot do it with this fov party invite from nebula you know what okay I’ll do party I’ll um invite after the I’ll do I’ll accept invites after this or you can join after this game my bad it’s your user you’ll hop on U my

Username is Cub 43 all right we’ll just go for yellow no they were the guys with um ancient debris weren’t they I’m pretty sure it’s my birthday tomorrow dubs happy happy early Birthday let’s go over here and okay we cannot get the discount what is wait what is the pickaxe thing efficiency 5 diamond or efficien I think efficiency five diamond is actually a bit better and just golden apples what is your stream latency I think it was low latency we got someone join

Stream welcome stream I think it was low not ultra low just low well I did not mean to take that off we got someone El stream welcome stream invite me when I’m on okay I got you let’s go over here hello heedful where was their base again

They’re like far from our base weren’t they they’re all the way across the map of course of course all right come on we’ll get him this guy’s at his base okay you know what we’re going to probably going to have to kill him I do not trust myself

With this fov killing him but you know what we we’ll go for it chat we’ll go for it you just messed up hello okay stop dude I don’t think it’s going to happen here it does not look promising chat I’ll tell you that oh my gosh it does not look Promising no way there we go dubs I didn’t realize that efficiency five Diamond was that fast dude they’re just going to keep hitting me okay dude why am I placing blocks in front of myself like that okay oh my gosh this is so weird let’s let’s we’re just going to vipe here

Let’s fix this come on heat full live stop you’re on S and a half you know what we’re just going to kill him you’re going to eat a golden apple all right I see okay no I don’t see you have a chest here why do you have a

Chest do you have a do we have like leap or something oh welcome Nicholas Williams welcome to the stream hello we’re going to we’re Vibe up here oh you’re just going to stay under that just so I can’t hit okay well they can’t do anything there forever we should honestly just upgrade

Our weapon at this point here let’s go over here I don’t want to mess up my jumps anymore cuz when you take fall damage and jump it just it does not equal it doesn’t go well have 30 Diamonds oh wait we could do another discount uh there we go nice

Nice minerware do we want to do minerware chat sharpness two I guess we we’ll do that okay we might do minor where we might do we’ll probably do it eventually hello what are what are you doing get off the map he did not fall off the map he didn’t

Listen oh oh my gosh did did heedful die again oh my gosh dude it’s okay heedful come on die and you’re going to keep grappling stop dude how are you getting those hits what the hell one of you Falls here thank you give me that okay where were these combos before

Where were these combos a second ago and they’re comboing me now this ain’t looking too good okay this ain’t not looking too good stop thank you how do I run out of golden apples this fast we’re just going to keep coming back but there’s only one guy now

So we’re chilling we’re chilling you love your keyboard we get it nebula the amount of times I’ve heard this no I’m joking you cool you cool for do doing it we’re doing the we’re doing the enchanted golden apple this guy still here surely chat right where did where did Blood

Go miscellaneous let’s do this where are you oh you’re over here he just left someone join the stream welcome to stream are you I’m assuming you’re probably heading to my base or something you’re all the way how did you wait how did you get all the way across the map cuz

That’s not that’s heat full that’s heat full pigeon he went all the way across the map in this in this amount of time what is your opinion on the allegations against dream dude I saw that I didn’t see the entire thing I just saw a couple seconds of it I think it’s

Interesting what is that what did you oh oh shoot stop okay thank you you’re kind of dead here bro you’re kind of dead here you’re kind of dead here let’s go GG’s dream wishes he was he was cubes that’s crazy oh you guys should subscribe so I

Can lower my fov and stop being in pain all right who wants to join let’s go up here oh that’s okay HDM Master will invite you nebula who else somebody else invited me here okay I sent invite to everybody if you want to join put your username in

Chat or go to na region Lobby one and then you can join from there everyone sub to cubes I agree I think that is a great idea cuz we’re trying to hit I’m trying to hit 600 subscribers before the end of the year all right uh is everybody in I’ll

Give it one more second for the other person to join all right there you go all right okay again if you want to join put your username in chat or n region Lobby one have to do megas now cuz that’s a thing we’ll better get the same team

Right okay surely chat there we Go all right let’s go this is a good map I guess sure I don’t really play too much megas only on streams I pretty much only play megas on streams here shall we set up the pole after this after this game do we want to do the

Pull nebula wants to H 500 subscribers before the end of the year wait how much do you have right now nebula don’t you have like four like almost 450 or maybe 460 I don’t Remember I completely missed the iron generator what the heck okay there we go let’s do this that people are definitely going to have have uh diamond armor by the time we get there somebody should go Rush with Me let’s get a pickaxe I forgot I did not get that kit okay how much is it the stone one’s like 16 of course of course all right let’s go you got 451 I don’t know I don’t I don’t think you can hit 500 by the end of the year

Maybe if you spam shorts like I did that one time then Maybe maybe you Could all right let’s go up here nice defense Bud all right there we go come on can we eliminate the entire team here there’s one we’re going to grind up emeralds I’m probably going to die after like another person but you know what it’s fine we’re not going to we’re not we’re

Just going to ignore that dude oh my gosh okay of course you have diamond armor of course you have to have diamond armor I knew this would happen chat I knew this would happen all right we’re going for the nons get off stop dude they’re so low

Too let me out let me out of the corner thank you all right you know what you’re your 10 Hearts you’re going to die how much are you at do you have do you even have food there we go oh you have golden apples of course of

Course there we go we got another kill all right your turn this guy’s name is hacker 1 2 3 4 5 no it’s not even in order Go come on you’re four and a half hearts you’re three hearts come on this is it you’re dead all right three more people and of course it’s all the people with no armor that’s just insane yo novice welcome how’s your day going and you’re towering up okay come on stop

Towering there you go and there’s green we it’s they’ve been eliminated oh 590 we can finally change the fov again oh five okay lose five fov I got you I got you don’t worry what mode are you in I am in um megas if that’s what you Mean or five okay what’s change this my sword almost my weapon almost broke from that gamer winner wants to join uh we can invite you after this game let’s go over here I have a feeling this is not enough blocks but whatever we’ll just go okay so sign is one person and this

Is the last guy I don’t even have diamond armor now that I realize this but you know what still go into the void there you go get out oh it’s heat full okay did you die from that all right let’s go dubs Orange has debris of

Course of course all right you know what then we’ll we’re we’ll just Vibe with the diamonds cuz why Not when are you posting that video okay hold up no spoilers novice no spoilers but it is coming out Tomorrow it is coming out tomorrow I’m like halfway done editing it I edited for like an hour and a half and I didn’t finish so that sucks but I’ll finish it later today player perks let’s do wait team perks hold up hold up I’ll do one for the team we’ll do wait

No we’ll sabotage their generators there we go chat there we go we did it thought right click was left click okay it’s okay it’s okay novice I was thinking about it this morning and I I was a little confused on that too but uh yeah it’s fine hello

Orange yeah stop emoting go into the void what do we have we we got the gritty chat it was I played Lucky Blocks lucky blocks is yeah is is lucky blocks is a game for sure chat it’s it’s a game let me join yeah you can join I’m completely out of blocks this

Is amazing he we got nine viewers how do you join uh put your username in chat or you can go to en region Lobby one and I can invite you next game let’s get a whole bunch of this wait a second oh they got the egg all right you know what whatever we’ll

Just 89 for sharpness 5 uh okay you know what that’s actually kind of worth it how much do we have the game’s probably going to be done by the time I get enough diamonds uh but you know what it’s fine it’s fine okay here we’ll put it back to 10

Of of because I highly doubt we’re going to gain tons of Subs there we go is this enough I don’t think this is enough okay sure just be on my gener generator no no I’m getting this go back go back to the other okay you know what fine fine stay on that

Generator we’re good yo we got 10 viewers dubs welcome who join Stream 17 of course it’s 17 why shouldn’t it Be Heil pigeon left bro Okay let’s go dude orange is dropping are they all at their base I’m assuming some of them have to be at Mid no I see some of them over here all right come on get off both of you get off how much health do you have you have six hearts

You fall from that surely hello yeah you ain’t killing me go there we go you clutch that of course and you’re dead oh you scared me okay dude why did you all fall down there we go we got the icy bridge for Once noice okay yo 11 viewers dubs welcome to join the stream welcome to stream let’s go this way sure if I swear if these guys have bows I’m I’m I don’t know what to do anymore wait this is this even their base yeah this is

Okay and of course none of them are at their base cuz like that makes total sense like I’m over gearing up but it’s fine oh wait I don’t even have diamond armor what the hell what am I doing where is the player tracker somebody who has emeralds use

That wait there someone’s here or okay I could just yeah I’ll just keep them they’re here are they inside this thing are they on the top I think okay I I swear I saw a name tag for just a second no wait what the heck they’re here how are you here

Hello dude how do you get down here oh wait no wait what the heck how do you get down here what what is going on okay let me through let me out of here I’m stuck chat I’m stuck bruh oh 591 all right we’ll put our fov down

Again this time what would would it start at we’ll put it okay so we’re at 100 now 100 fov we’re getting there do you have Java I Do I don’t main I used to main Java but now I just main Bedrock oh there we go okay let’s get rid of that we’ll get a better pickaxe there’s one orange guy and they’re over here where are they are they doing the exact same thing dude they’re all are

They up here oh my gosh I think they are up there bro we probably die from a jump like this though which kind of sucks you’re stuck I am oh welcome yam hello welcome to the stream dude oh my gosh this i s this guy jumps on me I I’m

Going to lose it chat I’m going to lose it we’re going to risk it all right we’re we’re enchanted golden appleing this there we go surely we live we live a jump like this chat we live a jump like this get off I’m not dying here

Let’s go you live no you don’t all right there we go let’s do a different one oh wait oh wait wait people who want to join if you want to join put your username in chat or go to na region Lobby one minerware here we’ll make a poll for

This now I think it’s about time we make a poll pick a game chat pick a game I’ll give you guys some options we’ll do minerware oh wait hold up minor wear Lucky Block you know what fine we’ll put Lucky Blocks as an option uh block wars or

Um nebula’s going to block novice why would you block novas novas is crazy or wait what’s another option continue egg Wars all right put your votes in the chat put your votes in the chat whichever one gets the highest votes so we’ll do that put your votes in what are we thinking

Here dude it’s literally minor Weare and lucky blocks you guys seriously want to do Lucky Blocks all right come on somebody somebody break this we got 11 viewers only five votes come on all of you better vote all of you it’s literally minor way lucky block somebody somebody who’s not voting just

Vote just vote come on Vote it’s just minor where and lucky blocks okay here this is what we’re going to do okay I’m going to we’re going to do something like this okay I’m going to we have a we have a type between minare and lucky blocks eggars we already did eggars I’m

Going to this is we’re going to do something for this next game okay I’m going to pick a number between one and 100 okay actually no one and one and 20 okay the person who guesses my number you can you can’t guess more than twice the person who guesses the number first

Um gets to pick our next game if it gets to pick either Min or Lucky Blocks okay so put your numbers in chat put your numbers in chat put your numbers in chat 1 to 20 pick a number from 1 to 20 put in chat closest person 1 to 20 bro not

33 all right come on okay we’re getting some numbers I I don’t see my number up there yet okay everyone try again try again dude it’s l Min Lucky Blocks there’s two people who are really close to it there’s two people who are really close none of you have guessed it yet

None of you have guessed it but two people are really close to it it’s not 13 it’s not 18 it’s not 18 oh my gosh I just voice cracked 16 12 okay no we’re getting there we’re getting there we’re almost there we’re almost there you almost dude I don’t I’m

Going to look again but I don’t not see this number come on put your numbers in chat I still haven’t seen the number yet come on I sure this always happens when people do this no it’s not 18 come on come on two it’s not two 14 it’s it’s not 14

It’s not 17 come on y’all are getting kind of close you’re getting really close come on it’s not 12 it’s not 8 it’s not 11 come on chat come on all right we’ll give it to a clip I guess it was 15 it was 15 chat

I’ll look again but I swear nobody put 15 before yeah nobody put 15 before and either either way minerware wins all right do do we agree on minerware chat eclip shade gets it eclip shade what do you want to do hey oh minor whereare Lucky Blocks minerware or Lucky Blocks chat

Come on eclip shade put put your answer put your response by the way uh if you want to join if you still want to join uh put your username in chat or go to Lobby one in na region how many people do we have in the party again we have only two wait

Where did everyone go all of you just left minerware yeah okay either way minerware does win so it’s not technically it’s not rigged Lucky Block wins in my books all right you know what maybe we’ll do a lucky we’ll do Lucky Blocks all right just not now not

Yet if you’re still here in a bit we’ll we’ll do some lucky blocks it depends how it does on the votes though all right this map all right come on few seconds do we get do we get the good one we get normal micro games okay you know what fine we’ll start with

Normal micro games I still have a crazy fov so if you want to subscribe you should subscribe hatch eggs okay there we go oh gamer winner wants to join all right here I’ll just invite you to Party there you go sure you can join I guess we got two people join the stream welcome to stream catch the TNT there we go finally wait can we get on the dispenser no not like that okay dude what isn’t it can I I have this back I

Can’t even get back here I can’t get back in I can’t get back in here put the TNT in there there we go this music goes crazy I agree why is there just a hole here fill the tank we got this one me and HDMI got this obviously chat obviously there we Go got at nine votes mine where is still leading if you want your game just put it in put it in the Votes Dodge lasers okay I swear this this is a ping game bro you you have to have a good decent ping for this and we’re currently at like 109 ping right now oh okay we’re fine we’re fine we’re chilling we’re chilling chat we’re chilling 9 seconds there we

Go okay okay okay of course of course dude okay I kind of messed that one up but we don’t talk about that we don’t talk about that cubes what’s your mom’s name your mom wait for it jump seven times you know my mom’s name and you don’t snitch you better

Not just like mannequins Okay this one and then it’s purple I think yeah and then red there we go cubes what’s your dad’s name we’re not we’re not going through this all right we’re not going through this mom’s name reveal when one day chat one day there you go Success wipe out here we’re going to go here oh my gosh dude how do I keep messing this one up okay we got to get here come on go come on push me let’s go there we go we got it we got 11 people all right welcome every join stream welcome to stream All right let’s go nice we are leading this stand on color pink wool okay two one let’s go all right can we clutch us up we’re like halfway done oh gamer when to join the party all right knock back okay this can be so rigged when you’re on stream I

Swear who just hit me you know what all of you are going get out get out get Out get out all right Nice Cooks request okay find raw rabbit there we go we did it Yeah nobody voted for blocks Block Wars on the poll at All cuz we’re doing minor where chat how are you cubes I’m doing good how are you doing gamer winner thank you for Asking can I get an invite to the party uh okay sure push your username in chat were you already in the party I don’t know I don’t remember Tower climb okay let’s Go great dubs dubs Dubs wait come on keep moving okay this is like a speed one you just got to go in the circle here we go we got we got the Strat chat we got the Strat come on let’s go 7903 okay I’ll invite you after sorting system okay come on dude what the

Heck where are the weapons this is a weapon right yes oh okay why isn’t the chest not full okay whatever plants this is a plant that is not a no no this is glass what am I doing medals and gems is this a gem no oh my bad there we

Go I actually could invite you right now if you’re online are you online all right I sent a party invite join the party catch five stars which one this oh okay this is the easy one just you pretty much just run around the entire time hold up I’m almost finished uh okay you

Can join if you want oh we got two people join the stream welcome to the Stream no way bro yeah we don’t talk about that all right let’s go okay dragon in Invasion okay right you know what the amount of times I’ve lost this one I can’t even explain anymore this is just so disappointing yo cubes hello okay the drag why does the dragon

Look like that that ain’t no that ain’t no normal Dragon chat what the hell dude what is this why is it so bright why is the dragon broken okay you know what we’re getting on top of this there we go there should be another Dragon spawning in where’s the dragon oh hello

Bro I forgot there’s fall damage kind of forgot that’s a thing oh there’s the second dragon all right please don’t kill me and we me and the dragon we could be friends we could be friends why is it I swear it’s targeting me chat I Swear are you okay are we chilling here okay we’re fine we’re fine we’re literally like half health like 30 more seconds oh my gosh dude what the heck how am I taking damage how am I taking damage you’re just vibing down here maybe that’s the Strat game to left the party why’d you

Leave oh let’s go over here let’s go to the corner this better this better work chat come on 5 Seconds please dude please why am I why are my frames dropping hello let’s go all right we got the win dubs All Right shall we run this back chat can you turn up the stream bit rate dude what the heck I’ve noticed okay hold Up hold on chat wait how did you turn up the bit Rate like this is the best I can do for now but um wait is it getting better is it getting better hold up we’ll uh resume game check DMS okay sure this better not kick me okay we’re fine oh my gosh I have so many DMS what the hell oh my gosh Okay okay uh dude why does it look like that why does stream look terrible okay what the heck just Happened dude why does stream okay why does stream look like this uh we got another sub dubs okay I don’t know how to fix this oh and the sub just went down all right we’re not changing fov Then uh I don’t know how to get it much better oh bro my dog just came In stream looks fine all right nice uh shall we run this back Chat hold Up dude why is it glitching out hold on we have some technical difficulties here chat hold On okay I guess we can add people who want to join all right we have people join stream or welcome back to the stream if you want to join put your username in chat or go to minerware and I reach in lobby one I think we are we

Good stream looks fine for me I don’t know oh someone actually voted for Lucky BL oh my gosh we got 18 votes let’s go is it unmuted okay okay no we’re fine we’re fine oh yall could join is heat full wait is heat full wait hold

Up how is the did you ever leave the party wait you okay I think heat full did leave well no not you we’ll invite heedful back chat and then okay if you want to join you can come back we’re going to update this cuz I don’t think it’s loading okay there we go

Here we’ll do another game of minor way chat we’ll run this back your power went out o that sucks are you good now are you good two join stream welcome to the stream or welcome back got extra micro games Okay thank you for actually voting that actually makes it a lot better we’re

Good hole in the wall oh my gosh the easy one okay right here this is it there you go we got the Strat we got the Strat chat we got the Strat this literally you just L just stand in place and not even do anything oh someone

Subbed uh shall we update this okay if if you stay subbed for a bit I’ll update it in a second cuz I I just don’t want to risk getting the unsub and then we’re going to have to lower it again or raise it again my bad there we go all

Right on a rail okay this actually worked last time I don’t know if it does we place the cart oh let’s not use the bow and then I just used the bow at the last second I don’t think this was going to work again but you know what we’re going to risk This that is copy from MC Championship actually all right 7 Seconds 3 2 two one I got it oh my gosh wait that worked okay I’ll take that chat I’ll take that I did not believe at all that that would work hello go get off can this Elder Guardian not Target me you’re

Going away You’re targeting everybody hello heedful okay there we go we got the guy out get off 8 seconds please if I died to the oh wait that’s heedful okay you know what whatever I died last second I don’t know what to say anymore and oh my

Gosh of course it was the guardian chat of course it was the guardian snowfight oh my gosh this never goes right get out get out get out all of you is it us is it just red oh my gosh there’s one blue guy no way no way come on heat full me and

Heat full got this there we go there we go all right dubs wait he full pitch and got that other one stepping this is my game this is my game this is my mini game all right come on right here then here you just have to like pretty much follow which one’s in Front there we go there we go all right cross the road okay this is this one’s also not that bad as if we don’t fall in the water okay we’re chilling we’re chilling chat we’re chilling we’re fine and then right here there we go I

Swear if we if we fell through there I don’t know what I would have done let’s not fall off there we go can I join uh sure you can join nice PVP thank you I suck but I appreciate it I appreciate it uh I can invite you after this after this round

Though all right come on five stars it’s all it’s only five stars this kind of just it’s kind of luck based but I mean again it’s not that hard deum we can just Vibe for here now let’s change this okay there we go good door bad door all right I got

This you can like glitch through this I’m pretty sure oh no unless they updated it and you can’t glitch anymore I cannot see why are youall in the way dude dude oh my gosh okay okay if I fell through that wait how did this guy did this guy

Do the glitch okay no that one’s the right door and then there we go why didn’t I go for that one there we go dubs I guess I can technically get you in right now uh okay is this right no this is not right what the heck I cannot type all

Right you know what I’ll just I think it’s going to have to wait till the end of the game I’m doing so good dubs oh yeah you’re literally leading bro what the hell stand on color light blue this one oh my gosh I was on it I was Lally on it oh my

Gosh okay and how did he how did that how did BL get it oh my gosh Dodge anvils all right we’re going mid for this okay surely there we go dude heat full is leading what the heck catch the TNT we messed that one up there we go let me up here thank

You oh okay well we’re going to get on top of the dispenser one time one of these times chat it’s going to work thimble all right I think you I think the sub is actually sting so we’re going to fix the fov right now here we’ll put it to 90 there we go

Yeah I don’t really notice much of a difference but there you Go I’m going to try again I don’t think this typ correctly it’s not okay Cactus lap all of you get off get off oh my gosh of course all right whatever I think heat full does win this one honestly yeah okay okay it’s not over it’s not over

Chat it’s not over wipe out this one’s pretty good or okay again no way happens two times okay you know what we’re going to wait go go okay thank you there we go is that one not going all right come on yes please please please there we go okay barely fill the

Tank there’s one dude can I go in there’s two let’s go someone join stream welcome to stream how is your day going TNT run this one which one is this oh wait no I remember this one this one is kind of like block drop I think that’s the

Game on hive but it’s this one’s just much worse I got someone else join the stream welcome the stream or welcome back let’s not mess this one up for once let’s actually win this okay oh my gosh okay I think we got it I think we

Got it CH I think we got the Rhythm here there we go okay can we stay on the top floor this entire time I highly doubt it’s possible but you know what we’re going to try it there we go oh my gosh 22 20 seconds oh no we

Messed it up here we messed it up here chat no way no way oh my gosh how do we not mess that one how do we not mess that up oh no we do mess that up okay but I’m pretty sure we get this this probably like my my second favorite

Ending game that they have for minerware all the boss ones are pretty pretty dubs someone join stream welcome to the stream shall I run this again we’ll do it again heat full won that good job oh another sub all right you know what that means we’re going back down to

80 okay we’re actually getting we might actually do this challenge we might get to our normal fov that’s my goal at this point I don’t think we can get to 30 fov but maybe like 60 or 70 how long have we been streaming for again an hour only all right we’ll

Continue chat we’ll continue don’t worry all right we’re going here and then we’re going to go to the top go again right there go to the top again okay oh shoot this guy’s targeting of course no we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine what the Hell for 24 can we live this for 24 seconds dude why is it going that way oh I’m assuming cuz of the head hitters please no way can I get that dude why does it keep going over there these are not making own none of these are making them all right

Stop 5 Seconds please dude two one we make that there we go 595 all right sure oh wait hold up evade the pig I do not want to die here immediately all right you know what whatever 60 I think I think we’re oh 60 okay okay we’re starting to get into

That low fov and they unsubbed we’re getting into that low fov actually we’re back here 70 this is the closest to my regular fov chat so this is this feels pretty nice let’s go over here and oh my gosh of course you unsubbed of course I’m being trolled at the at this

Point chat where are you going you’re not going for me okay here we’re going to just leave at 80 for a while we’re going to leave it at one and then not change it for a bit cuz we’re just being trolled all right there we go everyone’s making these Perkins Peak

Okay come on oh my gosh this guy’s in my way let’s not miss this what up wait this is actually quite a long spot what the heck can we make that wait hold on maybe someone subbed all right we’ll I’ll see if the sub stays for a bit I think we make it

Here see orange okay there we go wait did heat full die no heat full oh my God that’s the thing about the cobwebs dude that just sucks there we go I was glitched in a cobweb I think when you jump in the cobweb you see like that

Guy I think he’s he’s dead or no I think he was at the edge of it so he’s fine oh no I don’t think you make that bro I don’t think you make that all right Escape The Croc where is where are we going over here okay my

Bad I can barely see there we go come on over here oh I just messed this up of course dubs let’s go here we’re going to catch up to the Croc please let me catch up I’m not catching up bro all right there we Go wait did it ever Zan n o t h e r e 27 no 2578 okay dude it doesn’t go through uh here you should probably I know I was probably supposed to do it last round but if uh Zan other you should probably just get on if you’re

Not online and it might work unless you already are I think we lose this one okay I was trying to put it in Zan no there okay light the lights are we on a good team chat I think we are I think we win this no Red’s winning please come on we

Must clutch this I need more dude I need more snow balls oh no we do not win this chat we do not win this please dude I I’m I’m missing all of these no come on oh my gosh we failed all right it’s fine hide under block okay where is

It five four no way dude please oh my gosh of course nobody got that that’s what happens when you try rushing like that don’t get whacked a premium one okay uh we’re just going to vibe oh no no oh my gosh of course of course it was

Him was he even oh my gosh of course it’s that guy all right come on one person oh my gosh I think he got everybody for this one bro I think he gets everyone oh no there’s one person this guy okay of course hatch eggs

How are you I’m doing good thank you how are you doing can we get 10 there we go snowfight wait okay we should probably like back up stop get out we’re red we’re we’re red spandex jeans you know what get out what do you mean oh

Wait it wasn’t even him come on red get get himam it out get himam it out get himam it out there we go thank you heedful we win this knock it back oh my gosh okay dude oh I’m red I’m on red oh how do I get flung the other way I literally

Got hit the opposite direction but okay okay cubecraft two people join the stream welcome to stream Sumo smash let’s do this can we get to the top where is it okay right here dude we’re so close come on let me go on the top let me go on the top dude I I

Can there we go oh dude that wasn’t enough okay Cactus slap all right excuse me stop stop no all right we win this we win this surely there we go I’m so mad heedful aren’t you oh wait you’re not even on this oh shoot bro hold in the wall okay this one’s pretty

Easy there’s only like three rounds so I don’t know why it gives a 35 second left limit copi from mg Championship bro all right there we go see it only takes like 15 seconds there you go grab flow okay which one dandelion uh we’re just going to spam there we go hello

Hamid don’t get spotted wait which one is this one oh is this that cat one I think this is that one random cat one okay sure I don’t understand this one okay you know what where’s heat full I want to stick next to heat full heat’s

Not oh wait Heat’s right right here all right you know what hateful we’ll Vibe no Hamm get out there we go are we chilling we’re chilling okay we’re fine we’re fine right here okay no let me let me leave let me leave dude what okay whatever all right hold up anyone else

Want to join we you can join we didn’t even get close all right you know what we got fifth that’s fine that works all right shall we do another game chat hold up it’s about time we switch up what do we want Egor is seriously we really want to do eggar

Okay we already did eggar at the start so we’ll go back to um we’ll go back to Lucky Block block I know this was like second so whatever we’ll go back to Lucky Blocks this is not lucky BL or we’ll we’ll do Lucky Blocks now chat we got 26 votes all

Right if you want if you want your thing uh Vote okay here shall we wait is it can we do teams of four three yeah okay technically yeah we could we could all right let’s do this I haven’t played I haven’t played this game since that one since that one time let’s too crazy actually you know

What let’s do blessed let’s make it 50/50 for got okay crazy it is of course course fruit okay what’s in here there we go we go isn’t there like trap chest in This I Swear oh we got something here dude this map is cool have I even played this map

Before I know they have one for on this for solos I didn’t know they had one for here someone has to charge up okay that works we’re going to use cor for as a food source and we’ll get This what is this am I muted wait hold up no we’re fine what is what is here what the heck happened okay whatever you’re not my teammate are you all right stop come back come back a zombie invasion bro that’s not what I would pref that’s not what I would like

But okay you have a weapon all right you know what oh you have a diamond sword okay hello wait you’re my teammate wait what am I doing sh to six and we we’ll keep this I think this is the other n that got on our team but you know what he’s

Chill hello can we not die here Bro oh bro wait somebody subbed okay you know what wait can we not die can we not die oh my gosh please all right we’re course Fring for course Fring where where are we what the heck can I not die here oh my gosh TNT one wait these are cool

Lucky Blocks what the heck all right you know what you’re dying you have a whole bunch of you have a whole bunch of them chasing you what do you have oh hello stop no stop stop stop I am not dying to this I am not dying to this let me out

Let me out let me out let me out oh my gosh that puts me here we’re Dead eggor yes oh maybe I don’t know somebody else subbed okay do we do we put it here we’re going to wait for the if if you’re still subbed for a bit longer I’ll I’ll do it think we win this I tapped out a bit though so it’s fine

Congratulations all right dubs let’s run this back oh it’s this map dude okay is this map chill I don’t remember here we’ll do this kit eggwards no not yet we might do it 73% yeah but we are but Lucky Blocks was first it came first let’s go here we’ll go to Mid come on what is this what it what could this possibly be chat what is this a shotgun all right do you have a do you have do you have oh my gosh you’re going to wait you were in last game what the heck oh my gosh what what what is that

What is this hello okay dude can you oh my gosh of course you you you’re not going to take knock pack cuz why should you why should you take knockback who are you what the heck that that that stopped them don’t worry chat don’t worry all right oh this guy died of

Course I need a weapon bro I have no weapons this is lovely oh my gosh it’s this again all right we’re going to get we’re going to get good wooden sword all right let’s do this right here there you go all right nice There we go all right we got a weapon now we’re winning do did you even oh you had an IR pick I could have used this this entire time oh my gosh I could have used this this entire time if only I noticed here hello you’re wait which one does more

Damage four four they literally just use the iron pick bro why did I make the wooden sword get off you too get off thank you oh what the heck stop here I’ll put it down wait did I already do it I didn’t all right there we go 60 fov there you

Go there’s diamonds here wait a second chat hold on hold on wait I’m doing this we’re going to get we’re going to do I oh let’s go I still do do have sticks there we go okay we’re we’re we’re cooking now we’re cooking is that even real TNT I don’t

Think that is get out get out there you go oh and another win all right Dubs 5 Seconds should I just go for the warrior at this point it’s I don’t know we we’ll stick to this we got normal forgot to vot oh Well okay okay edar is still leading we are going to play Edward next just chill Bro let’s go over here wait does this work this is enough wait this is the same map bro at least we got a shovel as a weapon you know what we we’ll sherish this this shovel and I got levitation for how long 1 second only okay dude what the

Heck what is going on over here are yall good bro are yall good are yall good I got you I got you what are you doing oh hello you have a weapon you have an actual weapon okay you have an actual weapon wait how much damage does this does this Stone shovel

Do I think it does like bar like barely anything what do you have you have an elevator oh that’s actually decent wait hold up wooden sword or wooden or stone shovel you know what stone shovel chat Stone shovel we’re doing the stone shovel all right there’s people over here

Okay this guy is this guy struggling a bit are you good bro are you good I feel like this guy probably this guy seems like a guy that would have a good weapon no he doesn’t he just has a gold sword we got this okay I messed up the jump reset there we

Go thank You oh hello oh my gosh this guy scared me hello let’s not die there you go oh wait that was it okay think like one or two more games chat one or two more games and then we’ll uh run this into egg Wars wait this M’s actually cool easy exactly all right come on let’s go bless mod does this I think this means something like okay is this guy just stealing my stuff oh no wait this reminds me of that one du map I don’t know you you guys probably don’t

Know what I’m talking about but there’s a du map that looks really a lot like this it’s just smaller and not as detailed okay well got an axe we got a weapon what is this a dragon breath want all right nice there we go did that not even get

Him oh that got oh that got the wrong guy my bad God Apple I’m taking that and kind of like this arm is better all right come on heedful beat these guys up die you have leggings I do not have leggings thank you here we’ll put this here and then there we

Go what game has do we also do I think okay we’ll do egg Wars and then probably no I think we’re going to end with egg Wars after this we’ll do egg Wars games for the rest of the stream after This wait this is better it’s a 3v3 V3 okay this is the other guy on our teammate wait did ham die Maybe here we’re going to Golden Apple this how do you get how rare the god apple is in this I don’t even know die that bow ain’t saving you that bow ain’t saving you you’re missing there you go what was it it was this oh okay this

Is a better weapon all right you know what we’re doing this there we go I have to kill your wolf I’m sorry oh this is heedful all right dubs there’s one guy left or no there’s one team left hello uh where okay you know what we’re God app we

We’re using the enchanted God Apple for that one guy we’ll do it for that one guy all right come on dude I kind of have a god Apple I don’t I don’t think you stand the chance bro sharpness three that’s eight attack damage where is this next guy over

Here okay I better not mess up this speed Bridge okay thank you oh hello there we go all right one more game chat one more game one more game this is the last game and then we’ll do egg Wars no okay this is the last game don’t

Worry don’t worry don’t worry and I think we might be able to do yeah yeah we could Tech yeah we could do um squads I think for agor why why am I questioning myself this is literally like teams St for I’m so confused oh my gosh stop this Naan all right let’s go wait you can’t break it wait hold up we can spli people hold up we got to do this we got to do this chat we got to we got to SPL people a god Apple that’s how you got the god Apple I see all right

Stop you’re not killing this guy you’re not killing this guy you’re not killing heedful what the heck what was that Pearl okay you good these are the boomerang blocks so they’re cool get off you clutch with a heart in a half of course you do wait what is this is this infinite

Taco Taco Terry dude taco Terry hasn’t joined stream what was that oh my gosh all right Taco Terry hasn’t joined stream in a while that’s what I was trying to say we got someone joining us hammed dude this game’s rigged chat this game’s rigged someone became oh you became overpowered of course

All right come on dudee five more subs till 600 chat we can do this we can do this five more till 600 it’s possible it’s possible chat okay Hammet I think wins this but I don’t know too was on this morning oh bro we could have we should have got we should

Have gone on then all right come on we’re almost there actually wait I don’t think this is is this low latency I think it’s actually normal latency now that I look at the stream yeah okay it is normal latency my bad it is normal latency you played with him Dubs all right come on just kill him you’re on four and a half you got it there you go dude what are half of these names bro okay whatever this is the one V One One V one of the Sentry chat where is Hamm versus this

Guy all right come on Min we and lucky blocks are still are still tied of course one V3 to win the game all right there we go all right here we’ll do egg Wars chat we’ll do egg Wars two people join the stream welcome to

Stream we got 31 votes in the poll dude that’s dubs here we we can do teams of four what’s a good map I don’t even know some of these uh good maps Beach I don’t think that’s a good one let’s do like Western or something yes Edward is finally you’re welcome bro you’re

Welcome actually we know minor let’s do minor kit all right come on Block Wars uh I don’t think we’re going to do Block Wars this stream unless it somehow can get more votes but I don’t think we’re going to do black Wars Western is terrible oh

Well come on come on three more people need to join this map’s not terrible I feel like there’s worse all right 5 Seconds where’s the iron generator again there’s some over here please let me rush I’m assuming we’re all rushing Bro I forgot I was doing the fov challenge nobody has subbed so I like I forgot we were doing this uh but yeah we we’re still doing this if you sub I’ll lower my fov all right come on I think I overprepared but I don’t care we’re

Vibing where is this guy rushing I’m going to go opposite to where he rushes I think you’re going that way all right we’ll go orange chat we’ll go orange hopefully they just don’t rush us back I think we’re chilling here chat I think we’re chilling all right

Dubs just let me go through yeah just completely ignore me yeah that works there there you go there’s an egg they’re coming back no they’re not they’re not going for us hello come on go into the void go into the void get your teammate out of here

Go into the void thank you dude what are these combos bro in 60 fov you’re just going to escape what are you doing what are you TR what is this guy trying to do oh my gosh thank you and then there’s the last orange guy here you got you got a iron sword

Dubs all right I guess been destroyed who destroyed it it was yellow of Course thank you uh here actually you know I’ll just do the discounts in a second there you go okay uh we could use actually here heedful take the other one one you can have that extra one andit did we do the discounts uh okay yeah we only need one here actually

I’ll just hold on to it it’s fine I’ll hold on to the other Emerald where’s yellow that is not yellow that is yellow there’s one pink guy we’re going to go back to Mid I guess here we’ll Vibe over here can we get any diamonds from here

Oh my gosh let’s not do this can you not do this okay well you can’t really Advance if you’re up there so I guess I guess it’s fine where is your egg how’s your egg defense doing you have a terrible defense how did nobody get your egg yet what the

Heck okay we’re just going to bridge to It there we go all right let’s go oh hello oh my gosh you scared me I thought I thought that was a yellow dude it wasn’t you know what get off Thank you I he stole my kill man just stole my kill oh of why are you all over here what the Heck stop you just killed I one guy stop oh my gosh okay these guys are going to take like a million hits to kill we’re chilling we’re chilling we’re chilling come on please dude you’re four and a half come on get out get out get out we’re we’re fine we’re fine okay you

Know what did we get the kill though okay yeah we won we won this 597 wait actually wait no way okay you know what we might stream to 600 chat we might stream to 600 we’ll lower the fov again we might stream to 600 I don’t

Know well 40 fov it is chat 40 fov it Is dude this is actually like this is like what you would do for like a thumbnail this is almost what the fov you would Want all right come on you better clutch this hmid oh pink is just towering you see that big tower over here yeah that’s pink stream to 600 okay it depends it depends if we can hit 600 like quickly then I I might how long has it been

We’ve been streaming for about an hour and a half now yeah uh we might all right come on you better make it dude this pink what are you doing what the heck you’re just in a tower Bruh come on we where’s the other teammate at all right this is this is you Okay Come on we clutch this right H where is this guy sorry about that okay I don’t think are they going to they’re just building their house up here what the heck build up and snipe her yeah you could do that I guess he they got the limit I no I don’t

Think I don’t they might jump for you but I think they’ll die probably I don’t Know all right come on she with your bow at her does he have a bow I didn’t even realize now you got it and she jumped off what are you what was she going for there bro what the heck okay sure here uh let’s go SL Hub okay hold up give me one second chat I may have to do something real quick so uh hold up I’ll be back in just a second I did not mean to okay wait hold up let me get back into keep CRA I did not mean to get out hold on we’ll do

Parties back and everything hold on my bad chat my bad wait oh okay there we go All right I think we fixed it okay hello chat we’ll fix parties and everything dude we have the 40 fov oh hello agnostic flame aren’t you aren’t you bubbles I remember aren’t you bubbles I have a question what is your question what is your question here hold up let’s redo parties and

Everything heedful oh my gosh why is it not working okay there we go who was also in it was it do Mega egg Wars sure but hold on um want to play fortnite with me and Lou uh I don’t have fortnite installed so I kind of

Can’t okay wait hold up uh anyone else want to join though that’s it I forgot wait heed what was your what was your entire username my bad my bad bro but uh what was it dude I I cannot get oh you’re right here my bad

Invite I had to I had to kill the party make sure that everyone is okay all right dude I cannot get used to this fov oh my gosh you know what we got a request for megas so you know what sure we’ll do megas is it filled and you

Cannot find a map because it is filled of course no can I not I did not mean to invite that Nan into the party all right crystals sure we’ll do crystals pretty sure my map or my screen glitches out on this map but it’s fine we’ll we’ll cope we’ll

Cope let’s do healer kit I guess I’m a solo okay bud all right come on please sub so we can we can uh get to 600 subscribers we’re getting there chat get get what you can to subscribe we’re at 40 fov right now we’re almost there wait does the Onyx cun let you

Change up your fov hold up I don’t think so but we’ll we’ll see yeah I don’t think they do I guess we’ll put it back for 5 fov for this L’s 5 for every subscription so subscribe chat so subscribe if you want to be here before 600 subscribers subscribe right now right

Now all right come on 3 seconds did even vote overpowered all right there we go we got it dubs this is so weird dude I I’m pretty sure I’m going to lose like almost all the fights but it’s fine it’s fine with this fov I can’t do anything chat hello

Hammid is there another um um gener oh this is the map with like no generators my bad all right whatever well 64 surely is enough okay I don’t even have a pickaxe hold up should I just wait I don’t even needed I didn’t even need that food I think it’s 18 there you

Go oh it’s 16 my bad my bad chat someone already rushed to Mid GG’s subscribe to cubes for my mom will flip okay yes exactly subscribe oh my gosh dude how how am I supposed to play the game with this fov somebody subscribe dude we need people to subscribe we’re going to go through here I’m going to lose all fights with this

Dude how am I supposed to how am I supposed to do this chat got three people join the stream welcome to stream hello no no stop no stop stop I’m getting the seg right now before you can actually embarrass yourselves with putting ancient debris stop did you just

Spawn in I think you had like spawn prodection or something hello do none of you guys have any armor oh my gosh this is so weird wait okay there we go I was so confused did I Sprint on or what or anything I don’t know I think we did all right there we

Go stop I cannot get any jump resets at all this is so weird we’re still managing to to decently kill hello stop you’re dying you’re dead who else is here oh you’re you’re up there okay dude what the heck oh my gosh hello hello dude oh my gosh of course

Why are you towering to the sky limit I cannot even play it is Edgars I agree oh what where are you towering to oh my God it is so laggy my bad I’ve been placing the blocks so you’re towering too I’m ready to just immediately click

This okay this s of looks like playing regular fov after playing with Max yes exactly we live we eat a golden apple cuz why not D wait you live that wait you have diamond armor wait that’s kind of an issue can you go into the void you have

Netherite sword what is that stop you’re not getting the combo you are not getting the combo okay hold on hold on hold on let’s make this Fair chat let’s make this Fair where are you going no let’s dude this guy’s running away welcome uh gamer guy welcome to

Stream dude I swear I cannot run as fast or I cannot jump as quickly anymore this fov is insane no oh my gosh please can we not die I literally don’t even have an egg and I have like bar I’m running out of blocks quickly you’re dying all right go

Get out get out go into the void you jump that of course oh my gosh I can’t even I can’t even do this he’s running away why is he faster I swear this guy’s faster stop you’re not doing that no no did I kill him oh my gosh dude I was I

Did not expect to kill him like that but you know what I’m not complaining we’re chilling we’re chilling can we make this jump dude oh hello dude stop stop oh what the this guy’s hacking oh my gosh can you at least combo me to a safe spot at least

Combo me to a safe spot thank you okay okay okay combo me to a safe spot can you combo me somewhere safe dude yes please please please please combo oh my gosh can you combo okay this guy is hacking and he just threw me into the

Void like that okay 598 oh thank you for the subscription I really appreciate it I really appreciate it and we’re at the lowest we got 30 fov now chat 30 fov oh wait we should probably in case we get one more we’ll do 35 all right 35 fov

One more and we’ll be at the lowest oh my gosh this is painful chat but we’re doing it come on two more subscribers before we hit 600 chat please just two more two more subscribers GG’s we lost to a hacker what what is this you’re an EU player so your ping is

Really bad all right it’s okay it’s okay my ping is not the best either I have 108 ping I’m assuming if if you’re an EU it’s probably a bit higher but it’s fine it’s fine who was that guy that was hacking it was like green or something I think

Green was the guy that was hacking did did they just kill the hacker wait who was it that killed me it was this guy of course it was this guy no not the heck where was the random yeah this guy 5.99 oh my gosh wait I just okay

Okay come on we’re we’re at the lowest fob one more subscriber one more one more please one more subscriber just one more and we hit 600 come on please you get 100 on EU oh dang if you get 100 on EU that that sucks for here and it it’s going to be like

Insane come on one more subscriber chat man we we team has officially been eliminated okay you know what we’ll do another game with 30 fov hold up we’re updating One More Time come on please dude we got 37 votes and they’re all for egars can we get 40 votes too wait it

Updated no way 600 subscribers wait it hasn’t updated yet wait hold on it says 600 it says we have it wait hold up hold on hold on hold on uh hold on chat we’re doing this uh let’s do display and then let’s go here wait why isn’t

It think is happening 600 there we go it updated hold on chat oh my gosh thank you all so much for 600 subscribers I appreciate all of you wait let me go into the let me go into the thing oh my gosh wait hold on chat hold on hold on hold on

Wait no not this not this not this why isn’t it going into it there we go wait hold up can we not no not this hold up and it’s $5.99 all right you know what come on bring it back subscribe chat subscribe it’s not really matching because of the normal

Latency but it’s fine subscribe bring it back to 600 come on please we had it we literally had it come on 600 subscribers chat 600 subscribe we literally had it come on come on 600 chat just bring back 600 Subs it’s only 600 subscribers that’s it

It’s just one more it’s just one more come on one more sub literally right here look at this okay you know what while we’re over here I just want to show this to you guys look at what the heck is this bro look at the spike this was the shirts I was

Talking about earlier those shorts that I made that just oh my gosh it just spiked us up but come on please resubscribe if you unsubscribed come on we’re we’re we’re just one off please we’re at oh my gosh all right we’re at 598 right here we’re going back to this all right

Come on 600 come on chat let’s stop the trolling come on stop the trolling stop the trolling it’s not worth it chat it’s not worth it stop the trolling come on get us to all right you know what we’ll keep for another game let’s do Atlantis yo congrats congrats on 598

Well we had it for one second let’s go 600 you subed on your old dubs all right dubs oh my gosh can we keep it here can we go above 600 just so we can like ensure that we’re we’re not going to go below there we go thank you so much for

600 subscribers 601 let’s go we had 600 subscribers before the end of the year oh my gosh we did it I was thinking of doing a subathon today too instead of this challenge but this works this works you’re at 601 well now we’re back at 600

You did it I know let’s go we got 10 viewers watching let’s go how long you been streaming for shall we go to two hours chat we’re back to 601 all right let’s go thank you so much oh it started oops my bad and it still it does that like lag

Thing we’re going to we’re going to keep streaming for a bit longer though don’t worry this guy copied heedful tree P pigeon they copied them wait are youall still in the party oh it’s just hammed wait when did heedful leave I missed that oh heedful joined the network wait hold

Up let’s get heille back in this chat let’s get heat fall back in this where heat full pige okay if I can open up chat you you’re going to have to spectate but it’s I’m sorry you can still join another 24hour live stream bro uh maybe we’ll do something similar

For a th subscribers not for 600 but maybe for a th and we’re at 6.99 or 5.99 again not $6.99 not for this we’ll probably do we may do something special for like um a th000 though 1,000 subscribers which I’m hoping to get before uh like summer of next year I think it’s possible to get 600 subscribers before this next next summer dude I cannot with this fov what

The heck we’re making that okay oh my gosh please bring us back to 600 we had it chat we had it we had 600 we’re going to go rush over here but I highly doubt this is going to go well so it’s fine dude oh my gosh can I speed Bridge

Normally oh my gosh if we go back to 600 maybe I’ll go back to normal fov and we won’t have to suffer anymore oh hello hello stop I’m clutching you’re not you’re not doing that you’re not doing that oh my gosh hello oh my gosh what is going on okay

You just boosted me to your egg I don’t know why you did that hello you’re going to just hit hit me okay you’re getting comboed you’re going to get comboed oh my gosh what is this fov dude you’re going to you’re going to leave this guy’s going to leave oh my Gosh All right well we got the kill my bad all right we’re back okay come on 600 Subs chat we’re so close oh my gosh this guy I can’t even see dude I can’t even fight properly but you know what I’m doing this for you guys since you guys were subscribing so I’ll

Suffer there we go shall we just stay in F5 I feel like F5 might actually be a better might be a better idea to do this I think I can see Better oh we got two join the stream welcome stream all right here let’s go full diamond and then there we go all right let’s go come on let’s can we go back to 600 let’s let’s stop the trolls come on we had 601 dude and heat full pigeon left

The network why did you leave the network can I make that jump there we go we’re 598 all right whatever come on you should just subscribe just subscribe it’s not that hard and it helps out a ton Cub your game is lagging oh my bad bro hopefully hopefully it stops lagging I don’t

Know oh oh dude how I can’t even Bridge what the heck oh my gosh what am I doing can you go into the void thank you or die yes and it glitched I knew it I knew it chat I called it I knew this would happen hey they glitched again I can’t

Even see anything over here the blocks are glitched too and our egg is been destroyed this is this is great oh my gosh can we not fall into the void there we go I knew someone was chasing me I had have feeling combos in F and 30 fov no way oh

My gosh get out it isn’t even letting me accept your party invites that is strange hold on uh here shall I send another party invite are you even in the game wait hold up are you on the network hold on I’ll try again cuz I haven’t sent one since the

Start of the game so I don’t know oh I couldn’t I didn’t even spell it correctly my bad oh wa I think I have it here oh let’s go there we go all right come on accept the invite try it now try it now hopefully it actually does

Work all right let’s go over here come on stop no this guy’s going to kill me this guy’s going to kill me stop oh how do you die from that bro okay whatever whatever this this works chat and this is glitch too I can’t even wait

I might be able to I might be able to reach the egg no I can’t even go past this it’s always like a certain limit this is rigged Chad this is rigged it’s rigged against me it’s cuz it’s cuz I just hit 600 subscribers obviously all right come on come on

Resubscribe chat we’re at 5.99 we literally hit 601 come On he full left again is it still not working I don’t I’m assuming it’s probably still not working all right I can’t even get over here dude this guy’s a crossbow somebody else needs to get it if Hamond die I think we’re just going to reset are you dead let’s not fall off

Okay can you delete my amphibious party invites what do you mean uh okay I don’t know what you mean heam are you still in the are you still alive how long you been streaming for I think this might be we might do one more game and I think that’s going to be it

For this stream where is the gold generator okay unless we want to raid someone chat do we want to raid somebody we could end right now and raid someone is he wait Hamm are you still alive I don’t know I think you’re yeah you’re here all right dubs you’re alive okay this

Works I took like no damage from that we’re going to be just grinding this BR I cannot do anything look where we started all right here chat we were in this is where we were at the start of the game we were seeing like everything

Ra do it okay and then now we’re at like this if we okay if we clutch this game Let’s clutch try to clutch this game first cuz I my screen is glitched uh we’ll rate after this game chat we’ll rate after this game now we’re down to fov 30 and oh

There’s himid in full Enchanted netherite hello is there a yellow guy I can kill anyone who’s in mid oh we just got like that double stack thing okay where where is Yellow I can’t see dude oh my gosh oh he killed them I’m I literally cannot walk here I’m

Going to try to walk in the straight line all right ready there we go we can do we can do that we can walk in the straight line we’re fine we’re fine chat we’re fine surely all right let’s go this way okay is there anyone else in mid that I that I

Can actually kill I can’t go to anyone’s base 600 let’s go thank you we’re back at 600 subscribers chat Can we go back to Mid heedful oh wait yo wait do you want to join the party again hold up hold up hold up wait I’ll invite you again I don’t know if it’s going to work but you can try here come on Hamm it I’ll Just Vibe

Over here while you try and get it there you go all right nice Die Why do you what is it’s glitching so hard what the heck come over here thank you oh my God I can’t even I feel like I’m hitting the air bro I cannot hit

This what the heck surely we’re getting all the combos chat we’re getting all these combos I’m going to post a video about this all right oh hello oh you both are not on my team okay there’s one guy how am I getting these kills all right go into the

Void we have like infinite health obviously dude I’m I’m I have 30 fov can we du after I’m not doing duels in this stream I’m gonna do a face reveal you should do a face reveal no at a million subscribers Chat hello Amit okay uh I think we do actually clutch this game is there anyone else at the base though that’s the thing I don’t think so I think everyone else is probably in mid at a different base I don’t see any there’s yellow yellows here there’s probably a

Few yellow guys here is this my last tack oh this is my last Tack okay hello are you trying to give me something okay there’s two people here come on one of you surely can One V one where oh my gosh hello I’m you know what I’m just

Going to F5 this I’m going to F5 cuz I feel like this is easier come on where are you come back come back just because everybody has been really liking me recently dubs you’re oh you’re dead come on no what I can’t even reach I can’t even

Reach this oh my gosh of course I forgot I forgot it’s like a little it’s closer up because it’s less fov don’t go back to a base I cannot go to a base let’s not fall into a void oh my gosh let’s not fall hello you have a bow that ain’t

Going to work get out thank you face reveal out a gazillion subscribers exactly and I don’t want my family to get docks oh yeah that is true maybe you could you shouldn’t face reveal I don’t know your choice let’s go back to base cuz I kind of need blocks where is our

Basee wait can I go to Greens wait wa wait wait hold on hold on hold on chat hold on okay we actually might be able to make it back we have one single block we have one single block to do this oh my gosh please can we do

This I think we can get to Green I actually think we could green was like the first one we rushed right like right off the bat at the start of the game and we’re jumping this we got it we got it that’s what happened to dream oh yeah

Dream kind of yeah but he was already kind of like famous he he already had like he had millions of subscribers can we make that jump okay yes we can I don’t want to risk this and then end up dying we got three people joining stream welcome to stream or welcome back uh

Let’s do this wait hold on I want to see the pull again 43 votes dude and it’s off like half of it almost half of it is for eggars dubs here let’s refresh stream oh it’s okay there we go we wait we can get the uh we can get the op

Sword let’s go wait what is the next discount it’s 11 okay so we actually did get quite a bit of discounts I see I see wa wait I think my chat crashed no it didn’t okay hold up I’m capping there we go all right we need a ton of this we

Need a ton of golden apples I think we win this hopefully oh hello hammid this Hamm this is ham oh hello I I already wait what does this do loyalty you know what we’ll try this we’ll try the Trident shot we’ll try it dude my my uh

Chat literally crashed I cannot see what yall are saying hold up we’ll refresh again oh there we go I got it I got it where are we going I should have gotten a player tracker what am I doing hold up let’s not fall into the void

Hold on I need a play trer I need a play tracker I probably should have gotten that all 47% of egg Wars votes were lucky block misclicks for real bro generator Bo boosted okay is there anyone at our base is there someone up here wait no that that can’t

Be pointing to our base no way no shot all right come on let’s go back slow falling activated dubs all right let’s go over here the reason why my game is lagging in this fck it’s because it’s raining and super dark outside rain is crazy all right come on they were they

Have to are they at the no no way they’re at the base if you live on the east coast you can relate I don’t live on the east coast so I cannot relate unfortunately uh okay dude they have to be at this base but I can’t I kind of

Can’t do anything I can’t do anything I can just look at them here all right Hamm I need you to like kill these guys I cannot do or someone else on our team at least he you’re in the game I think you got in the party okay

Dubs hold while we’re doing this we’re going to I’m going to look for someone to raid we’re not going to end stream yet not not yet we still have time time to go that’s on the new update for eggars oh my gosh it’s dubs bro it’s actually so good this guy’s hitting me

Did I oh stop dude I cannot even see this guy this is rigged it’s 6:00 for me that’s crazy oh I see the guy I can’t even oh my gosh am I even wait hold up I want to like there we go okay I don’t even know if I’m completely protected

But you know what blue life why look how glitch this is chat what the heck yes this is normal this is normal chat uh Cub time zone do you live that I’m not giving that out in this stream I’m just saying I’m not in the east coast here can I look for someone

To raid uh wait cubecraft live let’s let’s look for this chat are there like no cubecraft streamers of course I pop up uh no there’s not any cubecraft Streamers wait is this no this is this is a bedw War streamer this is I I saw a Roblox streamer what the heck okay I need I need cubecraft give me cubecraft uh is this is this guy cubecraft okay hold up we might have the raid here chat we might have the raid

All right I think we might have their stream let’s let’s not just blast in my ears okay uh it’s a small content creator oh I’m AFK I’ll move back into the game GG where where’s the last guy I cannot see is it oh it’s this guy it’s right here

It’s the guy right here but I I’m kind of glitched and I can’t see go to uh I don’t even know what base this is I can’t tell I think this probably yellow or something I can’t see this guy where is this guy there is one stream that is cubecraft I found a

Stream that is cubecraft they have like 31 subscribers though but you know what fine we’ll raid we’ll raid as a small content creator I can I can relate that it feels really good when you get raided with like very little Subs so it’s fine we’ll raid are they tripped okay it’s okay hem

We one GG’s I think there we go 13 kills not the best stats but you know what it’s it’s nice all right chat we’re going to raid this guy they have like 31 subscribers I’ll put their uh username here and um hold up wait hold on chat

Hold on don’t leave just yet I’ll get their not username I’ll put their uh Channel thing we’re going to go raid them all right let me just check that we’re like legit they’re legit hold on can I put my fov back up oh there we go okay 66.8 this is mine

If you want to see what’s fun seeing you wait don’t leave yet don’t leave we’re going to raid we’re going to we’re going to raid chat we’re going to raid don’t leave just yet we got the stream oh they don’t have it like okay yeah wait spamming this okay ready we’re

Going to raid this guy is this the right link surely it is put Cub’s raid in the chat and then uh in his chat all right go to this guy’s stream put cubes raid in the chat cubes raid in the chat all right thank you all of you so much

For coming on stream come on go to this gu go to this guy’s stream put cubes raid in the chat and uh yeah we’re going to end it from there come on all six viewers go go to this guy’s stream cubes raate in the chat come

On I need someone to put it in first so we can like start this raid come on cubes ra there we go all right thank you so much for watching hope you guys have an amazing day thank you again for 600 subscribers massive dubs uh yeah thank you so much

This video, titled ‘Cubecraft Live but if you Subscribe I lose 10 FOV | Cubecraft with Viewers’, was uploaded by Cubes on 2023-12-28 14:38:57. It has garnered 204 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:03 or 7443 seconds.

Playing Cubecraft live on Minecraft Bedrock. Including eggwars, skywars, bridges, capture the flag, minerware, etc… with viewers. For every person who Subscribers during the stream I lower my FOV by 10.

Watch my terrible speedrun skills for FREE! Can we hit 600 Subscribers before 2024?

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    Minecraft PS3 in 2024: What's New? Minecraft PS3 Edition in 2024: A Look at the Exclusive Features Minecraft PS3 Edition, launched in 2014, holds a special place in the hearts of many players. Despite no longer receiving updates, this edition continues to offer a unique gaming experience. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft PS3 Edition in 2024 and explore its exclusive features. Exploring the Game Upon entering the game, players are greeted with the familiar interface of Minecraft PS3 Edition. The last update, version 1.13, sets the stage for a nostalgic journey through this beloved edition. Players can customize their experience by choosing from… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bom magic tips! 😵😵 #viral #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Bom magic tips! 😵😵 #viral #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mincraft Bom magic😵😱।‌ #minecraft #viral #shorts #nf Minecraft tips #trending’, was uploaded by NF Mincraft Tips on 2024-01-14 13:11:20. It has garnered 2466 views and 101 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Mincraft Bom magik😵😱।‌ #minecraft #viral #shorts #nf Minecraft tips #trending Read More

  • Ninja7087 vs Haunted Minecraft Seeds

    Ninja7087 vs Haunted Minecraft SeedsVideo Information हेलो हेलो हेलो गाइस वेलकम टू अनदर वीडियो और आज की इस वीडियो के अंदर मैं आ चुका हूं रर सीट ट्राई करने एज यू नो आज की वीडियो का टाइटल तो पढ़ ही लिया होगा तुम लोगों ने तभी तो वीडियो लगाई होगी तुम लोगों ने तो आज की इस वीडियो के अंदर सॉरी वो थोड़ा एरर आ गया था और मैं बोल रहा था कि आज हम लोग टेस्ट करने वाले माफ्ट हरर सीड्स व माफ्ट के अंदर सो लेट स्टार्ट और इस वीडियो में एंड तक बने रहना और मैं तुम्ह एक ऐसा सीड भी… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Secrets on My Realm 😱

    Insane Minecraft Survival Secrets on My Realm 😱Video Information [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what up guys what up welcome to the stream how are you guys doing today on this fine evening um I appreciate every single one of you guys coming down to the stream we are live um give me a hello hello yep I can hear you Y sound good hello yep I can hear you good okay can I pick where we’re Landing today yeah so I’m going to turn this down to almost an extreme and then put this back on all right I’m going to pick closer… Read More

  • Mind-blowing Aether and Twilight Forest..? 🌳😱 #viral

    Mind-blowing Aether and Twilight Forest..? 🌳😱 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘ESSE VÍDEO É PRA VOCÊ :AETHER & TWILIGHT FOREST🌳 🤔🤔😆 #shorts #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by Slinky_ J.E on 2024-01-15 16:32:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. THIS VIDEO IS FOR YOU: AETHER & TWILIGHT FOREST #shorts #viral #minecraft #modsminecraft. Read More

  • HoneyPuu joins me in a wild Minecraft adventure!😱🔥

    HoneyPuu joins me in a wild Minecraft adventure!😱🔥Video Information Minecraft wir haben Minecraft Chat gehen wir gerne rein so ich war hier im Haus W geh das habe mich erstmal bedient dass ich nicht verrecke me ich komme auf den Server und sofort B be me wichtig aber ich werde ganz normal anfangen ich werde mir von von von kein irgendwas holen geh den Talk ja ich w irwohl kommen muss jetzt V drücken hallo hallo hallo B aber Luft hallo hörst du mich war hallo hört mich nicht muss in die Gruppe kommen oh kracht hallo hörst du mich ja hörst du mich gut den ist… Read More

  • Insane Mods To Boost 1.20.4 Minecraft Survival!

    Insane Mods To Boost 1.20.4 Minecraft Survival!Video Information what’s up everyone it’s JT GT here and I am back hopefully for a while school and work has been a lot but I’m here to bring you guys 10 mods because I felt like I haven’t done mods in a while and let’s just get right into the first mod so as I’m walk into the area for the first mod uh my world got corrupt I tried to fix it for 2 months and I could not get it to work so sadly I had to go through and I’m just rebuilding everything but it seems… Read More

  • Kiara conquers Minecraft in 1 day! Sheep everywhere!!! #MythOneBlock

    Kiara conquers Minecraft in 1 day! Sheep everywhere!!! #MythOneBlockVideo Information [Music] feel it rush through me [Music] we feel it R feel it through me [Music] [Music] oh honey [Music] in there you know to kind of be like yo serious [ __ ] being in Japan at that time right like people weren’t messing around you know that’s the vibe that I got wait sorry I think I need to do a quick intro cuz I just switched to the gaming uh screen go for it K you guys may have already been seeing me on on K’s stream I was just you know chilling and uh… Read More

  • Insane Game Hacks 😱 – Add Blocks in Minecraft #shorts

    Insane Game Hacks 😱 - Add Blocks in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But You Can Add blocks #shorts#herobrine #tacnogamerz #minecraft #minecraftenderdragon’, was uploaded by Unlimited Gaming 😎 on 2024-07-05 10:30:19. It has garnered 8211 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft But You Can Add blocks #shorts Cradit : @ORANGEEYT 🗿 video made by – @LEGENDDEVILS minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft but,beating minecraft,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,minecraft mod,minecraft facts,minecraft manhunt but,manhunt minecraft,minecraft op,minecraft mods,cursed minecraft,minecraft hardcore,minecraft but every block multiplies,minecraft challenges,insane minecraft,minecraft uhc but,blessed minecraft,op minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft uhc,minecraft funny,tapple minecraft,minecraft speedrun Read More


    INSANE ROBLOX GAMING: Spider Man 3 SHORTS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Marvel’s Spider Man 3 #roblox #gaming #minecraft #shortvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #gameplay #games’, was uploaded by Robokidspk on 2024-06-05 17:36:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello! Welcome to Channel ! I decided to record my gameplay. I hope you all friends will find this relaxing and enjoyable. I will try … Read More

  • LacoCraft

    LacoCraftServidor Nuevo! de 1.8 en adelante! Modalidades: SkyWars: On Practice: Off BedWars: off Proximamente mas modalidades!! Entra ya con tus amigos!! Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.6 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

    Server Information Java & Bedrock IP: Default ports Discord Join our Discord server with voice channels Online In-game Map Explore our world: Features Backwards compatibility with the latest Minecraft version Cross-play between Bedrock and Java Hard difficulty and custom enchantments Unique gameplay features like teleporting mobs and free fly on Sundays ProtectionStones for land claiming, bartering economy, and no grief Main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation in overworld and nether In-game messaging, homes, player teleportation, and Minecraft-Discord integration Responsive staff, voting ranks, rewards, server shops, public market, and tutorial warps Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – pov friend steals your diamond (ik, savage)

    Minecraft Memes - pov friend steals your diamond (ik, savage)Looks like your friend is about to learn the hard way that diamonds aren’t just a girl’s best friend, they’re a Minecraft player’s best friend too! Read More

  • Cave Craze: Minecraft’s Dark Daze

    Cave Craze: Minecraft's Dark Daze In Minecraft, fear of the dark, we delve, Exploring caves, finding treasures, oh what a spell. From planting fences to mining coal so black, Every adventure, every challenge, we never lack. With each swing of the pickaxe, we uncover a sight, A giant cave, a hidden gem, shining so bright. From finding food to battling foes, In this pixelated world, our journey grows. So let’s craft, let’s mine, let’s build with glee, In Minecraft, the possibilities are endless, you see. So join me in this blocky land, where dreams take flight, And together, we’ll conquer the day and the… Read More

  • Minecraft Drug Dealer Meme

    Minecraft Drug Dealer Meme “Why did the Minecraft pharmacist go out of business? Because all his potions were just water bottles with food coloring!” Read More

  • Tax Evasion Tricks in Minecraft

    Tax Evasion Tricks in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures: Nearly Evading Taxes Introduction In a thrilling Minecraft adventure, fosforus embarks on a quest to evade taxes in the virtual world. Armed with determination and a stack of potatoes, he sets out to make money and pay off his dues to the IRS. Starting Small Fosforus begins his journey by planting a humble potato farm and venturing into the mines to gather resources. Along the way, he encounters a traveling merchant, seizes an opportunity, and sets his sights on making a profit. Exploration and Discovery As the days pass, fosforus explores the vast world of Minecraft, raiding… Read More

  • Insane Mansion Interior Build in Minecraft! #6

    Insane Mansion Interior Build in Minecraft! #6Video Information सो हेलो नमस्कार सत श्री अकाल केमच कम ऑन अच्छे तो क्या हाल चाल है मेरे बा आपका स्वागत है एक और ब्रांड न्यू वीडियो में आज आज हम लोग दोबारा से खेलने जा रहे हैं आज ज्यादा से ज्यादा इंटरटेन करने की कोशिश करेंगे हमें अभी बहुत कुछ करना बाकी है जैसे हमें स्ट्रीमिंग करना बाकी है मेन तो हम लोग को स्ट्रीमिंग करना है और आज जैसे कि आज हम लोग चैनल के डिस्क्रिप्शन में डाल दूंगा और क्लिक करके प्लीज मेरे पुराने वीडियोस पुराने मा के वीडियोस में भी एंजॉयमेंट करके कमेंट करके प्यार बरसा… Read More

  • Terrifying Hindi Minecraft Freddy Story Pt.1

    Terrifying Hindi Minecraft Freddy Story Pt.1Video Information This video, titled ‘mincraft scary Freddy story part-1 in Hindi #viral #trending #youtubevideos #mincraft’, was uploaded by Evil gaming on 2024-03-23 13:14:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. credit-deffused devil mincraft haunted car, minecraft haunted carnival, minecraft haunted cartoon, minecraft haunted car part 5, … Read More

  • “Minecraft Lover’s Insane Railway Track Build” #clickbait

    "Minecraft Lover's Insane Railway Track Build" #clickbaitVideo Information [Music] open with that This video, titled ‘Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #shortvideo #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT… LOVER.. 111 on 2024-04-29 16:56:16. It has garnered 46 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #minecraft #minecraftshorts TOPIC :- ❤ Minecraft is a popular video game where players explore a blocky, procedurally-generated 3D world and gather resources to craft tools, build structures, and survive against monsters. The game offers different modes, including survival mode where… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 30 Days on Beach Only

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 30 Days on Beach OnlyVideo Information This video, titled ’30 Days in Minecraft Beach only world — I lost 18 diamonds.’, was uploaded by Y Pixelrator on 2024-01-03 10:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 30 days In Amplified world: In this 30-day Minecraft Beach only world video series, we built or … Read More