CRAZY PokéMomma & PokéSister MM2 Adventure!

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You know [ __ ] this server the server is filled with good players I Ain oh my gosh okay hang on I gota leave bro I want the Christmas update why don’t they have the Christmas update yet I don’t know it’s just saw upload I saw GD upload what did he upload hold let me

See JD I joined the testing server that’s crazy okay but he going to show in the testing server which I don’t care about your [ __ ] intro show me what you got like I want to be able to join the testing service how do you get permission to

Join testing servers you have to like be a developer oh it’s um right here with Daddy okay so he lied or he didn’t show any te or something like that I didn’t listen to him anyways [ __ ] JD if you hear weird choking gurgling noises just know that I’m eating Keyon

Pie and I have my uh [ __ ] why does keyme pie do that to you I don’t know but I have my EP pen next to me so I’ll be all right CJ’s in here too so I’m going to beat this allergy I’m going to eat this [ __ ] till I don’t have

This allergy wait what allergy do you have against key lime pie what I think it’s the lies you’re allergic to Lime I’m allergic to key lime pie most of the time oh my God it’s so good though what are you doing eating this and waiting to see if

My lips itch like they did last time time before last my lip got huge it look like Nicki Minaj or a baboon’s ass they kind of look the same but uh your game is full bro okay hang on I left I will join you okay join me oh hey curly [ __ ] I’m on

It dude this dude apparently likes knockers why that’s what his name is I don’t know if curly can hear me I forgot to type I’m stupid curly are you in my chat oh that dude’s creepy looking oh my God there’s a creeper I know that’s what I just saw Reaper that’s crazy you

Uh okay cool that way I know you can hear who is it who is it who is it I don’t know I don’t either might be that little white dude might might be that little white dude I don’t know who to kill it’s the white thing that was

Murderer last round there’s two two of them with the heart knife okay that helps do you see one with a heart Knife yeah it’s outside oh there’s two of them it’s oh shut girl don’t die ah why do I suck head shot die [ __ ] yeah oh my God I hate this [Laughter] account well stop getting yourself banned bro don’t girl me I cannot stand this account I’m banned until the 21st bro

Least you’ll have it back for Christmas maybe assuming I don’t get a [ __ ] terminated well if you get terminated at least you’ve got Paris and you’ll get Christmas money hi Danny [Laughter] I bet it’s Sophia dang I just got stabbed in the back let’s see who it

Is I feel like it could be her oh yeah it’s skull crusher she got headphones on and I get notifications when you’re live oh nice very nice Shi is it 9493 or 9594 9493 hey yeah I finally I finally uh remembered my thing I swear what what I’m going phoh don’t let your

Alpha come out I’m not to be able to do I’m not going to be able to do anything for a year I told you it was 365 days just get a burner phone I’ll buy you one for Christmas okay I don’t know but I’m just assuming oh you know what they say about

Assuming it makes an ass out of you and me oh my God Mom said that to me and I never so hard my she picked that up for me I’m the one that says it yeah she tried to be a smart ass and she thought

She was all that saying that to me you know it’s the like the whole reason I say that is to help uh Maddie learn how to spell assume right it’s a hot dog person you do know that right like assume as SS you and me it makes an ass

Out of you girl I I’m not dumb I mean sometimes sometimes but I’m not that dumb sometimes a little oh let me tell you Quinn got banned Quinn got banned defending Luca because some idiot was making fun of Luca having a list which I didn’t even know luuka had one and Quinn said

They should K themselves I can’t exactly say that on the stream because you know one of us got to stay unbanned dear God if we both get banned we’re not nobody’s going know what happened us well I have a backup account y’all need to make sure you’re on

It 7gb is suck at murder that’s not very nice what’s going on with that person amen they were a rat going on with that person’s uh thing real that girl was like starting so much beef in that thing and like people the entire server was like team

Up on us and stuff so it was like really weird I don’t know you want to know something cool what I’ve eaten a slice of this pie and I’m not dead yet I may have beat this allergy I might have beat it last time it happened immediately of course it’s

Been like several years since I’ve had a Keyon pie I may not die this time I reported someone for swearing so hopefully they got banned I did it just to be Petty because they were uh they’re being rude to Luka as well they’re also being rude to Me who’s Quinn who’s Quinn you’re not under your normal real real M I’m not dead oh the urge to kill everybody but then like Quinn’s an unknown local local I’d rather call you a Loca and we can just pretend you’re from uh the Twilight movies oh my God I saw this Twilight

Thing it was so funny I should have I forgot to send it to you I wonder if I can find it hold up if I can find it I’m going send it here you’re the same color as Jacob girl you could be a quill Ute

Indian I mean I don’t know what kind of Indian you are girl I would love to know I need to buy you a Dagon genealogy test I’m sending this to you on I bet you’re chalk tall you got them black feet of course you had some Cherokee around here Too and black foot H why do you care I think that stuff’s interesting I think ancestry things are very interesting I sent it to you it buzzed all right don’t start coughing everything’s fine I adulted today I adulted so hard I’m so proud of myself oh my God you started in only

Fans no I went to the dentist all by myself same thing opening your mouth closing your eyes you know I didn’t close my eyes I made direct eye contact the entire time and while he was drilling he was drilling out the little tiny cavity that I had and he dropped

The [ __ ] drill and it skittered across my gum so now I’ve got a cut spot all the way across my gum they had to put some kind of heemo heemo something on it because it wouldn’t stop bleeding to I’m just looking at him like for real

I didn’t say [ __ ] but I was just looking at him like for real you just gave him the St I gave him the mom look I ain’t never paid $29 for a filling or had it take less than 30 minutes he was on the Ball what are they fighting about she thinks my tractor sexy who crack me up I did more things that’s my track I’m going to mute that one dude what one dude the one that like has random [ __ ] going on in the background oh I think I already muted him he had music playing

And I was like not getting banned in bellus again they hate my videos over there like they there’s something about my videos that they have flagged because it’s like you can watch this in other countries but not bellus which where the hell even is that maybe they got beef with like Roblox or

Something I don’t know beef with my white ass no thank you let’s settle with rock paper Scissors SLE yeah I noticed that Too Danny’s the Sheriff somebody Dead crap I ain’t getting that gun I don’t want to shoot my own deck on people go get the gun it’s upstairs you can shoot her I Ain got the heart are you listen thing okay somebody’s got it you are so quiet girl what am I aiming

At I was literally going to say that must not be you because it never takes you that long curly targeted I enjoy correcting people what did you do I missed it I said it’s subtle [Laughter] sweets this is why you get in fights what do you Mean what do you mean people start fights with me I don’t know what you’re on what do you want a lot of [ __ ] I want to try cam what does ketamine the tranquilizer that does sound nice I could do with a good sleep like a good couple hours nap I could kill you right now I bet that’s what I’m allergic to Key West lime juice everything else in here I can have milk wheat eggs soy wish I could remember the brand that tried to kill me last time why would you kill me I didn’t do

Nothing I said why would you kill me I don’t know look at the back of my look at my shoes bro they’re bending Stilettos I’mma pop the tires dude I’m hungry and I don’t know what I Want tell me what I want to eat Matt what shall be deemed safe this week uh see what I don’t know what foods are safe this week I have everything everything but what I want apparently Ramen vegetable soup I had vegetable soup for lunch because I couldn’t chew because my jaw

Was did you ever go on Lumber Tycoon and buy gifts no you’re going to be coming and stealing mine yeah I didn’t buy that many I need to get on there and like with you and both of us need to get on there and like

Load the trucks up and take them back to my oh my god there ain’t no way oh my God they really they really shot them you can shoot me so terrible I’m the murderer well I know that the way you just fell my legs were open too that’s crazy

Be right back your legs are always open be right back all right I don’t know what why they had the urge to shoot you maybe you have a shootable avatar such urge to shoot me rudely please you’re gonna die because you’re not Here Oh that was not fair poor thing right in the back you got her right in the back Honey tell me what I want to eat I’m Back smart elic sleep upstairs by themselves in the cold ass attic the creamy chicken Ren that sounds good that sounds good what Matt sorry shrimp lobster and crab oh that just sounds awful sounds like Death CJ’s gonna make me uh Ramen creamy chicken ramen and he’s going to put the other piece of key pie up for me so I don’t die press my luck enough tonight my throat’s a little itchy so is my neck oh not too bad as far as allergies

Go is it worth it oh God yeah every time I don’t think I’ve ever had a key pie oh it is the bomb it’s like a little sour but a little sweet I like sour [ __ ] don’t you dare and it’s got like a really good flavor I hate being on this account I

Can’t stand it well I need my outfits I need my weapon did you appeal your account yeah I said I was reading something off of my phone they didn’t believe me did they not believe you or did they just not answer you they might not have answered me did you check your

Email uh kind of forgot about it honestly I think I did though I think I checked it last night they gave me like an email immediately with like a [ __ ] ticket thingy like that’s pretty [ __ ] useless I gave up I’m waiting on you last night they don’t [ __ ] oh who is it oh

It’s some dude in Black he ugly he ugly like he ain’t just ugly he Ugly wonder where the gun Is I don’t fcking know probably disappeared where’s the guy at there he is oh there’s some small thing hiding he’s behind you why’ you jump towards him cuz I didn’t know where he was Goofy where’s he at now on that small thing that was hiding has the gun of course it

Does get away from me dick oh thank you small thing never doubt my juking and running like a little [ __ ] [Laughter] abilities what is it oh it’s one of the little worm things PVC pip do nasty PVC pipe dog I like his name though Tucker name it drag being that

Talicious I’m going to run o who’s being annoying I wonder I knew it was her dang she almost got me too it’s a girl with antlers Penguins I got what my a you got to save me nice my juking game is on point tonight though lame Elijah who has a good trade for some God what do you got I got

Cash Blaster and a Mera laser dragon ice dragon ice Shard what did you do just buy four of them wait the dude wants to trade his godlies and that’s literally all he’s got is four godlies and like a couple of Basics I’m an adult not with that spelling oh excuse me you say

Hi hello Lol there’s some Beacon girl in here [ __ ] I saw that I prefer the title adult He I want to have a job so I can make money hey your first job should definitely be Walmart 14 bucks an hour Sugar Daddy’s also rck yes yes it do there ain’t no way you’re an adult with that being your avatar that is not an adult money Avatar another hiding who’s got the gun oh my God are you dead Matt um no it’s this dude right here y’all I like knockers why are you being so quiet I don’t know talk to me just don’t know what to say what have you done today I’m actually

Focusing on the fact that my eyes are dry right now and it’s actually kind of annoying me and it’s kind of paralyzed me um so yeah I want to be a doctor but I don’t want to work that do it for the money that’s good money well Dom’s joined where’s he at

Hey what’s up Hi you the one with For I’m going to go harass D okay where’s he at I want to kill the one dude come here Tom oh my Lord hey the gun’s outside oh my god get the gun get the gun sh cool wild Liars die girl don’t shoot at me something stinking here something’s stinking Here don’t shoot me till I get my coins I just wanted to kill the liar it was being creepy bro my account is banned until the 21st you had it coming uh I told someone to uh not live Me somebody trying to shoot me in the back for real now I’m might have to come out there and kill You oh my god get away from me you get away from me nuh-uh it’s it’s uh it’s the uh this the me R how is he so fast that dude is way fast uhoh oh my gosh Dom get the way oh my God oh my God why is my mother trying to call

Me that man just speed glitching I noticed she was after that one do it it must be awful to have to cheat because you’re so bad at the game look at me I can speed glitch because I’m really really bad at the game oh my God it must really really

Suck I swear to God I hope you [ __ ] die and choke on a dick and I don’t care if my account gets banned you running stuff oh my God is giving I’m leaving this uh the server because if I don’t I’m going to get in trouble tonight I can’t deal with

Stupid people like that what buddy I’ll come back if he leaves if not I’m just going to sit here and be mad I didn’t eat up [ __ ] no Keegan I don’t want to join you what are you playing I definitely don’t want to play whatever you’re

Playing I’m good it didn’t even show me that you’re online know where L is he’s probably asleep or something yes I see you how do they do the speed glitch I need to learn to do that uh I think we should server hop I think we should too I already [ __ ]

Left I told everyone we should sa hot well good anybody that’s in chat heard my [ __ ] rant stupid little [ __ ] like why play if you’re so bad you have to cheat to play yeah speed glitches are the bane of my existence i s what’s the bane of your existence

Speed glitches they’re so annoying it’s really [ __ ] annoying I should have made like like an attempt to figure out his name and then report him for cheating just to be a [ __ ] I mean I screenshotted it you’re awesome what was their name man I better not just went back into the

Same dag on server I don’t think I did you definitely did did I yeah oh really good find his what’s his name where’s he at it’s like the goat or something I think I don’t know you might not been in the same ser I don’t see the

Goat okay never mind I don’t recognize anybody the server’s full I’m dead anyway I’m leaving wait do I need to leave what did you tell me to do I would listen it’s a it’s a different Ser it’s you’re like I wasn’t listening I don’t know I just can’t join cuz it’s full bro

Well do you want me to server hop and join you no it’s fine it’s fine honey are you sleeping are you sure well do me a favor before you sleep but then you can nap you can nap all you want doesn’t that sound nice I like that hat hey my gums

Hurt what they do Elder wood set what’s this girl got I want to see we might have to her herver hop again wow I can’t even talk tonight isn’t elderwood one of your favorite sets yeah I thought so why I’m just gonna buy it one day I say

There’s a girl in here with it I’m joining you I look great right now okay e this dude’s toxic he dances okay well if it’ll let me in I will join oh it’s way I’m watching your stream you’re watching my stream yeah oh it let you in oh did it okay yeah yay oh you look [Laughter] fabulous Girl I ain’t paying for the tires that’s your problem what tires the tires that I popped oh it’s not my issue they were so easy to pop okay do you know tractor tires are actually notoriously hard to pop and also very dangerous to pop yeah that’s why I got a new face now

They explode outward ask me how I know cuz I run over [ __ ] in my John Deere tractor I was really mad about It hello Love my sugar daddy’s better than your sugar daddy it’s crazy cuz I don’t have one the closest thing you have to a sugar daddyy is Luca what do you mean like he’s like your friend that’s the closest he doesn’t give me things there’s people taking a bath together hey

Y’all hey y’all I hope you don’t mind me joining hey y’all that’s real cute that’s real cute gross okay M I just heard somebody scream that’s wild those people don’t even have voice chat I’m screaming and crying but you’re not streaming because you keep getting banned dude I actually don’t know if it’s a year or if it’s not but you know I can be delusional and hope it’s not

Until the day that my dream get crushed and it ends up being you ought to just let me buy you a burner phone for Christmas then you have the number you could get the text then you could deactivate the phone after it was out of Minutes this is terrible I want to kill him but I’m not gonna who this dude out here last round when he was done killing people he danced on a dead body and it was wrong you know yucky doop wonder who has the gun bro I was

Going to tell a dude that he looked busted but he left now I can’t do that I can’t bully anyone does he look like a busted can of biscuits yeah sorry I was getting a drink chug chug chug who was CH girl why do you look like that you look busted

You what is that if I’m busted it’s because I’m related to you you girl in a way you’re DNA is the busted DNA girl you’re older than me ain’t no way you’re talking mm okay fine mom’s DNA is the busted DNA we both got it oh unhappily that’s so real KY that’s so

Real me can biscuits you look like a busted whisker biscuit who called me that was it you what are you doing what are you doing what what curly thank you there are children on my server bro that ugly thing targeted me well they targeted curly and then they

Went after me but I’m still alive cuz I’m a survivor I’m a Survivor girl get away from me talk about busted the murderer oh my God why did she look like That what does she look like she look a little special she look a little sussy what oh yeah Mickey Christmas Tails why is she just standing down there cuz she knows she’s not functioning she’s she’s short Circ malfunction malfunction come here pinky girl busted Tin Roof rusted Maggie first of all you don’t

Have a diaper second of all it’s okay to lay in the floor instead of laying on your sister dog oh you’re going to get banned do you have another backup account yeah okay oh yeah that’s right you still got the farm kit account don’t you no I got the uh W9

Y1 and then I have a backup account too and it’s ancient she thought she was going to eat that up but she didn’t what’s did you just call my other account ancient okay yeah it is an old old old account like gosh when was that

Like 2014 I was going to say 2014 or 2013 you thought you wish you who who’ they team with I missed that oh my God Dom dog yay oh my God I freaking love Dom dog you what is this girl on what who what this girl for real said Daddy like you

E nasty but hey Dom dog yay you should only be allowed to call someone daddy if you’re over 25 or under 10 you built like a truck built like a baked bean you are a baked bean all you do is lay around and fart look like a fridge that’s

New huh they made a new Chicken Run movie Matt I don’t know what that is chicken run you know what that is chicken run I don’t know what that is you do it’s a movie a clay movie about the chickens escaping oh that one was

Dream for me e why are my lips moving ew I just realize that they did that last time you use this account that’s so gross what’ she say I’m eating tonight yum oh Keegan’s on everybody must protect the king Keegan why hold up Mandy where are you I’m in the barn

Okay she’s in the baring why get over here no okay Keegan come to the barn buddy should I give this girl my otherw said it’s her back there just KN that thing because I want her heart blade but her heart blade value is 72 and mine is

Like 100 something Noah I mean it just depends on how bad you want it the values fluctuate so like today it might be worth that but tomorrow it might be worth like 35 like you never know I see you Keegan but like really it just comes down to like okay just type it

Out depends on how bad you want it I mean I’ve traded for stuff I’ve traded for stuff that I definitely come out on the losing in but I got it because I wanted it I it I’m just gonna do it I’m I would it would match your Outfit okay good luck thank you Keegan honey what are you trying to trade me bro I wish I had my main account right now cuz I could have snatched that I could have snatched that bro okay well let me find something to trade to you okay make sure it’s

Christmas Jesus of course all right I don’t even know how to tell bro I’m going to start sobbing I could have snatched that I’m sorry I’m looking hang on oh okay there how about that okay what is going on over here oh my God why is he running

Okay Dom why are you running what’s up what’s wrong with you oh why are you shooting at me am I G is it you oh no oh hey that’s her oh my hands are cold absolutely not no the only person you can call on Discord is your uncle and your sister and

Me what are we watching it’s got coach in it that man is bonaa gorgeous you’ll be back what Dom is here with me where you were he decided that he was going to join Dom’s team so we’ll see what that means he has a similar outfit I think wow Why what you can’t run away from me Who are the teamers there’s like I don’t know I think I know who the team are is there one ugly one up here no where is she I don’t even know who the teamers are are they hiding I think they’re hiding no spread out start checking hiding spots no budy Dom didn’t

Die did they leave Keegan is there people in the lobby with with red and black pajamas on I think they Live okay not in the sink not in the kitchen at all yeah he’s still alive who am I supposed to shoot I wasn’t paying attention I thought you were a dead body sorry not nobody that’s your uncle I think you thought you were oh my God like shooting my he’s a deflated

Version of you oh my god two different kinds of dogs oh wait it’s like your it’s like your decorations bro leave my decorations alone they’re deflated tonight CJ got mad at him did you just slap my dog slap her that hard I’ll hit you with a truck

Care hurt my dog you know she likes being spanked hell yeah we’re talking about a dog we’re talking about a dog oh thank God I got a boxer that likes to be spanked I don’t know why she think great leave them alone they’re kind of laggy wow what was that

Reach oh I remember this movie now yeah you killed my baby my poor baby I’m sorry you got killed baby rat poison hey don’t blame me I gave him money for a proper Avatar he buys what he wants to buy I don’t blame you it’s awful awful

Awful can’t be more awful than being sick you can do it curly man I have a random freaking cut on my chin how did I get a cut on my chin it wasn’t the cat how does it have bat bro good shot oh somebody losing their voice

Me I wasn’t paying attention to who it was shoot how long you been here I just realized who you are Lord have mercy I’m off in la la land today man this is what happens when I have to adult too much in one day going to the dentist is too much I

Can’t do that level of adulting at least five minutes five minutes is stretching it Ser when I playing at what are you laughing about what are you laughing about I’m just laughing at Kean is that bad I want Dom POV Dom at home just Avatar what’s Up Don’t Run Away what you said my name what do you want [Laughter] what are you are you the murderer I’m things and stuff why if you are you’re safe oh girl what the hell is wrong with you Danny told me to kill oh my God I’m don’t worry I’ll be

Shot in just a minute hopefully oh I don’t want to seem like a camper I’m going to go the long way dude who is blowing up my phone no for real oh my God somebody’s blowing up my phone and it’s making it hard for me to concentrate look at him you look High I’m not wall camping I’m hiding there’s a [Laughter] difference what is your problem manic [Laughter] man you just got to see you just got to see what he looking like he looks high you’re a little bit more full but uh men’s changed shape what are we talking about the offbrand version yo I just got a off I just got a

Dom off teu bro luckily he can’t hear any of this I can say what I want why you oh my God that girl all up on you oh no I didn’t mean you Dom I meant Keegan oh my God this broke [ __ ] oh my God who you’re ugly you’re Ugly oh my God who shot me Dom I’m not after you oh wait that isn’t even Dom that’s Keegan don’t get the dog don’t get the dog leave the dog alone leave my baby Keegan this is me don’t worry you’re safe it’s me you’re safe there’s some girly

Upstairs well you’re safe from me you’re not safe from anybody else well I mean I think you’re safe from my people he don’t know who he’s shooting oh you suck my God this [ __ ] is [ __ ] annoying low key who’s the buck God D ugly [ __ ] I swear [Laughter] be nice Keegan

Yes dude be nice you’re not old enough to be that mean looks like we know who we’re targeting who this guy that’s picking on Keegan who is oh he means more than that fell oh he sounds French I’m not I’m to not stop talking if I don’t want to sound like all right

Y’all let’s find him what’s he look like anybody know e his outfit is gross oh I walked into whoever was the Murderer oh my God this dude think he’s big and bad cuz he has kills that’s crazy I have more kills than your team combined oh so what you’re saying is you don’t have a life dang sucks to be You how does he have that many you’re gonna get banned son now don’t cry to me when you are I’m not making you a new Account bro they know you my God Keegan be good okay go ahead I knew it was him he targeted me he a even go it was CRA checking out his Okay so that dude has a YouTube channel and he uh has one 9k Subs uh what buddy he has a lot of fake limiteds which is kind of crazy he has a few real ones though I told you we’re going to get banned now you’re done with Roblox for the Day Keegan got banned H sure Buddy so like how did that argument even start did Keegan start or did he I have no idea I wasn’t paying Attention all my uh Mass reported him though if the rest of you could report him for bullying that would be great what was he saying stuff on like text chat or yeah I one day buddy that’s all right Keegan’s going to YouTube watch videos a look he’s talking about himself some

People on here have no brain I mean I literally have a brain so dude you’re gross don’t get so close to people congratulations what are you five I’m so glad he got banned oh my God yay Lord have mercy oh my God does this D give up or

Not no he’s not smart enough to give up he’s freaking five he’s a child oh and he’s got a gross creepy voice you know he’s a kitty diddler y’all that’s gross he’s nasty dude you got that microphone so far up your own butt that it’s ridiculous you’re gross go find somebody

Else’s kids to mess with well that’s is sad for you if that’s all it takes to make you feel good my god oh it’s just Brooke go get him go get him go get him I should let her I let her get him let her get

Him let her get him we’ll dance on him I don’t even care if I Die okay well okay but I don’t get this how are grown men going to bully a child on Roblox that’s C wow I can’t even spell oh he dead don’t Dad don’t dad he died you can kill me thank you take the win I just know he’s

Recording this to upload it to his channel let him I do not even care creepy grown ass man something’s so creepy well we can agree with one thing he might be the age of an adult but he definitely living in his mama’s basement Creepy oh I have my own room yay what a big boy you are so proud of you my kid did not come at him first Anyway oh now he’s calling me old how adorable heck yeah cuz good moms play with their kids Dom killed me killed by my favorite pet I did not K you first I haven’t met a kid that aged out of Parental affections before that must suck how bad of a kid

Do you have to be for your own parents not to want to spend time with you that’s crazy you realiz did you realize that oh my God ke called him fat and that’s why he’s upset know he probably is fat and lives in his mom’s basement and he’s

Definitely older than he says he Is hey elytra I hope you feel better yeah I mean Keegan didn’t call him fat till the dude said that Keegan was so poor it made his pockets hurt it’s all right buddy if that kid knew how much money we actually had he wouldn’t be running his little [ __ ] Mouth my microphone is suspended for 20 minutes that’s all he could do he brought a friend he did report me because I didn’t even have my microphone on Jack ma minutes oh my God I’m not even talking I’ve had my microphone off for a while it’s all

Right if we all just keep reporting him he will eventually get kicked I’m not worried about it Keegan ain’t even mad that he got a one day suspension at least this time his one day suspension wasn’t for saying a bad Word he bringing him back up cuz he knows he’s outnumbered that’s wild apparently it’s not raining tacos today yeah this is kind of boring it is boring we should play evade after a bit I mean we could like this this chat is so dry bro very dry I’m

Like halfway playing the game and halfway watching Godzilla is he in never not in Godzilla movies Dom’s laugh was wild was it she really pass you yep it’s a good hiding spot that’s crazy I told you it’s a good hiding spot who’s the murderer uh past

Pu I hope you have a good night too elytra hope you feel better oh now I’m stuck back here but that’s okay I’m good at hiding I’m not even Mad that’s an interesting Avatar Jaxon has got on oh the mass reporting is not because I’m mad it’s because I’m a [ __ ] there’s a difference hey you called my kid poor I’mma Master report you because you’re just a little [ __ ] and I can say that over and over and

Over again because I don’t have a mic right now A people like me will always be on Roblox because we can get several several accounts where’s his ass out where’s the murderer anybody know who the murderer is me well I shot the dude so whoever wants the gun can have it why

Why yeah I’m trying to get you banned I’m going to get you banned it’s going to succeed let’s see what else can I ban him For let’s see personal questions oh my God he thinks he he thinks this is a win thing I am not 40 Uh if that’s the only thing he can win at then like good for him dude I think we’re all going to end up on aade here pretty soon I’m just like I don’t know Murder Mystery is boring until the update comes out and then when the update comes out I’ll obviously be

Coming back long enough to buy the knives 17 three days ago and acts this young is there something wrong with him I don’t know there might be I’m saying I didn’t even think about that what if he’s like mentally deficient and we’re sitting here fighting with a kid that

Literally doesn’t know any better now I feel kind of like maybe bad I don’t know I don’t know cuz like I kind of looked at his profile and I don’t think a kid like that would have like 600k unlimited like having that much on a

Game is kind of crazy well he did now so it doesn’t matter but oh my God he he’s he’s talking in on caps that’s cuz he’s a child and he’s mad don’t forget though he’s a big boy and he has his own room let’s not forget that that’s important to

Remember like his parents are doing what seems like the bare minimum at raising this kid Lord like I have food you’re being a proper parent watching your child on Roblox making sure he’s safe and I even had already told him to be nice or he was getting

Put off like I was ignoring the issue but like for real somebody needs to watch this little boy because like he’s going to grow up to be one of those people that messes with Kids and when he’s in prison like even prisoners have their own code of honor he won’t last long once they find out you’ve messed with kids they will kill you you should stay out of it Dom you don’t want to get Banned who’s the sheriff does anybody know what killed the other dude watch you know y’all are probably right he’s like oh I’m a kid and then he’s the other breath he’s like I’m an adult who’s got who’s got the gun they can shoot me if they want a oh it’s

Brook I thought it was if his parents watched him they wouldn’t allow him online to play with a bunch of little kids and be toxic yeah Questions was her kid called me fat oh no he was called fat like the most basic little kid insult ever and he’s upset about that like not to not to shame keegun or anything but like that’s that’s not that’s kind of a weak insult oh it is for

Sure a he called me mentally ill it’s hilarious if only he knew how much I could hack his computer like he’s still going on man a he’s on he’s on my stream hi welcome to my stream little [ __ ] nice to have you because the more you watch me

The more it spreads out and that’s all right with me so stay stick around and enjoy yourself you never know might learn something fun like how to get your parents to love you again like that’s probably pretty difficult but like you should try but like genuinely I don’t

Think this I think this dude thinks we joking go ahead and ban me baby I got five backup accounts I will not be gone for long I mean you could get your account back anyways sh yeah I can it’s not hard go ahead go for

It oh didn’t you just say he had a stream too he’s got a channel too make sure you send me the name of that channel because I will use all of my accounts and all of CJ’s accounts and then all of Keegan and madd’s and Morgan to to to hit him up

Too so Two Can Play That Game little man he’s really mad he is in everything he did Welcome to my channel baby I’m still sorry that your mommy doesn’t care about you that’s actually crazy yeah like it’s sad but it’s sad for you and not for me so like honestly just

Don’t bully like a child on Roblox pretty much being called fat is like the weakest insult ever oh my God I know right like oh he hurt my feelings I got my feelings hurt by an eight-year-old oh I don’t know it’s kind of funny knowing he’s watching I mean like I

Figured out he was watching earlier when he knew what I was saying after I’d already turned off my chat yeah like I mean he just admitted to it am I supposed to care like that’s what I want to know I mean it’s just extra engagement really for real hey why don’t

You like type in my chat too so that I can have the extra engagement because like all that stuff comes back and makes it look better for me come on engage with my chat like And subscribe come on like And subscribe say something give me something to work with here I’ll

Heart your comment and pin it to the top I don’t care notifications he won’t do it he’s too much of a chicken to put his name on there all already know the only reason we’re after you is because you bullied an eight-year-old even if he was in the

Wrong she was still going to put him off of the game anyways oh he was already on the process of being put off for the night and she literally told him not to do that but you kept on and that’s why we’re after you it’s all right though

Let him be mad he’s just butt hurt because he’s fat and lives in his mom’s basement it’s not his fault oh my God if your parents don’t love you and raise you any better then you obviously cannot turn out to be a human being like he’s probably from a single

Parent household which is hard enough as it is and it’s especially hard when your single parent doesn’t want you or like you so no shade to him it’s hard to raise yourself I’m officially bored with murder mystery was it you no I don’t even know who it was oh look he’s commenting

Now is sweet yeah he is cute what’s he saying um he’s like pin Me uh I’m a big fan I’m perfectly raised how was I supposed to I know he’s funny okay if you’re being called fat you don’t really take that personally if it’s on Roblox cuz like that’s most likely a kid and also really who calls someone fat that’s such a weak insult like for

Real like he’s a little weird he’s got 11 videos H well they look pretty decent though yeah he’s not doing bad no not at all only a couple lives Liv don’t really do that well they don’t mean his don’t do bad Though like gu no I cannot go sit down you’re in trouble for fighting on Roblox go no no no go you got in trouble I’m not giving you workarounds because I don’t want you to end up like this little [ __ ] acting like a little [ __ ] all the time so you

Will do your time as your punishment and sit there and be good oh for real and I’m getting Mass reported that’s crazy are you he’s B tell her kid to not [ __ ] first well I mean he pretty much has to or he’s gonna die you’re supposed to use the bathroom every Day Bro I’m so unbothered by this like for real the more he chats the more it works for me this is low key kind of funny this is like better than reality TV honestly you don’t know what it’s like being my size Amy it’s just fun to gas light wait I’m just reading his

Stuff I’m not fat so who who cares baby please hey at least my chat’s blowing up thanks dude I put him in timeout for 24 [Laughter] hours oh oh my God oh he’s got Discord too I ain’t even going to bother with all that who cares yeah I’m going to send you a message real quick okay I don’t want to say it out loud oh hey elytra voice you don’t know either hold up wait a minute Bro they with kids on Roblox is tiring bro yeah it’s boring too look he’s standing in front of me you know he’s going to kill me in a Minute dude his videos are super spread out too I cannot figure it out well I muted him on my stuff is he still going on it say I I haven’t been paying attention I timed him out for 86,000 seconds 86,000 that’s crazy yeah like poor him is he still going

On I don’t know I haven’t been paying attention he zoned out like for real I was just standing there I totally zoned out going on he’s still going on good Lord oh my God bro is still mad that’s crazy like we’ve already like solved the problem handled it whatever but like he keeps

Going like at the end of the day you’re still yapping and attacked the 8-year-old like congrats they guys I don’t know he sent me a trade request a trade request he’s going to flex that’s wild like he don’t really have all that much to flexx with he definitely bought a lot of stuff

Though or he dup it honestly yeah one or one or the other like he’s got like he’s got a lot of stuff but like yeah he’s really just been playing for a long time mhm oh my God I haven’t even been really reading chat I don’t take things from kids Really look at him trying to share and like why is he so desperate to interact with me all of a sudden I don’t know this the most interaction he’s had all week the most interaction he’s had with a woman ever oh Lord like dude I’m just trying to play

Games now with my brother since I had to take my kid off please be my internet mommy oh no absolutely not no way I cannot with that that’s how people get in trouble like I swear he’s still watching my stream that just re desperation gift oh my God man’s

Trying to give a peace offering that’s wild he doesn’t need to just like go play the game grow up learn how to walk away from things it’s a great great lesson to learn in life that’s what I’m doing I walked away now I’m playing the game desate for attention that’s what

He’s desperate for is and I’m so bored like this is actually kind of painful it’s like talking to a brick wall honestly like I mean there’s some people you just can’t teach narcissism is a easy learn easy to learn sh from your parents so I guess you learned it from

Them I don’t you want to talk you hurt my feelings I don’t want dang she got him all messed [Laughter] up what we thinking hospital bolab or off I I joined a streamer watch him try to act in innocent like completely innocent like he didn’t do anything

Wrong someone shame me like you didn’t poor shame him you poor sham the kid the kid’s not poor the kid has money he’s just not allowed to spend it on stupid video game things my God what Buddy you know what’s really bad why he’s still going on about it but the eight-year-old that was part of the fight has just moved the [ __ ] on and just no longer cares and is just watching YouTube probably eating pickles yeah eating his pickles watching YouTube and just playing other games like he

Ain’t even given a second Thought I mean it’s probably because Keegan knows we have money but still yeah like what type of insult is that oh me not me not me not me oh I died he’s a Canon his Roblox Mom that’s wild that’s actually wild he said his Roblox mom got angry I’m always like

This I’m not angry I’m just a [ __ ] there’s a difference yeah like I’m just a nasty mean vindictive hateful [ __ ] that doesn’t make me angry and if I was I definitely wouldn’t be angry at some little kid because there’s no way in hell this kid is actually 17 like there’s just no

Way actually no some are really immature though so like I kind of believe it but I don’t know for real I am going to go dark for a second what uh I mean you can still hear me yeah okay she’ll be back in a second

Okay she’ll be be back in a second okay she’ll be back in a second okay she’ll be back in a second okay she’ll be back in a second okay she’ll be back in a second okay she’ll be back in a second okay she’ll be back in a second okay

She’ll be back in a second okay be back in one second okay be back in one second okay be back in one second girl girl mute your stream audio oh my god I think I’m death now so real so real they got me wheezing bro like I have no [ __ ] idea what Happened start your OnStar try girl we can hear your uh desktop audio not you having your thing muted I’m back Okay [Laughter] it was so loud can I get some bro I think this chat is still going on about it but I honestly don’t know I haven’t paying attention I yeah I think they’re still fighting bro the kid already live what kid and the two people oh yeah know that dude still here

Still going on already over it like coins coins oh my God coins coins Coins I’m not even paying attention the chat yeah I’m just getting my coins hopefully the uh coins carry over to the Christmas event this year like they did the other years this Christmas event better be good like I swear if they bring out another like [ __ ] update I’m just going to be so

Sad I’m going to be mad if we don’t get some decent looking knives I’m going to be really mad if we get the ones that people are saying we’re going to get and they look like stupid Christmas trees Again there was no problem until I got Mass reported you were mad about that before we you were mad before we even did that plus we didn’t Mass report you we reported you once girl don’t you dare how rude Danny I might have to kill you big L For You

Big L for you I don’t care I really only wanted to kill him and at this point it’s just to keep [ __ ] going I’ve watched her report me more than once on her oh hell yeah I reported him a ton of times I’m sure he did the same thing to

Me see he don’t care because he’s childish it’s funny to keep it going again showing his lack of age there’s no way this kid is 17 y’all want to go play aade I’m know like the drama’s funny but like I’m honestly bored because I get bored of it so quick

Yeah bro people are on here talking about mental health and then there’s just other drama on here I I know I’m watching their mental Heth is this chat it’s hard to pay attention to for real I can’t that one dude just typed a lot of uh whatever those that symbol

Is I think it’s like the minus Symbol I’m sleepy didn’t you just wake up up a little bit ago yeah it doesn’t change that I’m sleepy though oh ah I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m gonna die I’m about to die so about to die run oh he got me oh

Well while I’m dead I can watch the Godzilla movie nice shot man’s really is pressed okay so what I’m getting from this guy is he just like uses the same insult constantly and mocks people and uses their insults or whatever comebacks Dom in my chat on uh YouTube

Earlier said the only place he’s going is to the streets or to a low income area that was mean d I know you’re still in there like I don’t get people get like limiteds on Roblox and then act like they can insult people like without money or whatever even though

Like THB I’m just now getting caught up on chat Tom Tom says I like being mean I don’t like being mean just I’m just naturally mean I’m honestly not naturally mean there just something about this kid that strikes me as really low intelligence and like hateful like you

Know he goes around and eventually we’ll make videos picking on kids m is over here talking about his college fund I mean I don’t know why he’d want to go to college but good luck to Him I didn’t find it to be very helpful in day-to-day life you know what else isn’t helpful in day-to-day life half of the [ __ ] math they teach you in high school hey that one person’s willing to give everybody a Godly if you just leave him alone

He needs a girl to fight his battles for him a that’s cute I want see what she got oh she’s another buyer too you know I’m willing I am very willing I’m kidding you’re such a Godly [ __ ] bro I am I’m a little Godly slight be honest I don’t like anything she’s

Got besides green Luger and I’ve already got that there’s one of them stupid Christmas trees I hate that knife and that knife that gun’s okay but those are so ugly they’re awful the Christmas knives always suck honestly the Halloween ones are okay like they really need to work on

Their like God Lees cuz like why is he yell having the same ones is just boring we need More I’m pretty sure everybody hates math math is awful Man that’s the truth our us school system is broken do you know we have one of the hardest grading scales on the freaking planet as far as like school grades mhm Bro this chat feels like a fever dream if you just read through it it’s just like it’s something right like it’s kind of just everywh like P I’m passing math on A+ good job D I am so bored I want to play I guess we can play

Evade this is boring do my my internet babies want to go play aade internet babies that’s wild that is wild I’m canceling you just for that he really says in the arguing and for good and hug it out like I’m not that because an adult hugging a kid it it could be

Misconstrued just saying yeah see elytra is heading for aade I’m going for aade oh he’s still in my chat that’s so sad at this point my Lord is he yeah CU he’s listening to what I’m saying so like God that’s really sad what kind of like no life do you

Have to have just hang around in a chat for no reason like I’ll take the extra viewers but you can’t I’m so bored I don’t know if it’s been obvious but I’ve just like hardly been paying attention and I’ve been zoning out I’m just running around getting coins

Man that’s all I’ve done like all evening I just want to go play this entire argument has killed my brain CS or lack thereof cuz like like I was over it 5 minutes after it started and just kept wan to go at this point I’m just bored out of my mind kid drama

Is Boring Dom’s bullying me on Discord tell Dom I want to play evade see if he wants to play what bud what sh me on 1 GES you should not be watching that little man now go on oh I would not accept a trade from him he could be

Like I don’t know I don’t trust anybody that’s why I don’t trade nothing hopefully he gives her something good at least like I don’t need to accept trades I can just go buy everything I want on eBay I’ll buy it for you too I’m gonna go to evade I’m bored okay all right

Soon as I find it I guess it’s not on my list of stuff how long has it been since I played Ain been that long I can get on it I found it bro my screen keeps buffering each second oh no you got the bad internet again tonight

Cool man I joined on the map I hate the most you hate this map oh you’re not on my server no I ended up on elytras I just hit evade and hit play and it took me to her I literally told you to join me I was already on one

You and Dom’s on here too oh my God y’ uh can you do it well you got to be careful make sure you read that the one of the milks is buttermilk don’t use it that’s for biscuits this weekend I could just imagine it if he made strawberry milk out of Buttermilk can

You yeah this map is awful I very much do not appreciate this map oh hey go to the menu I’ll be back what we got in the daily myal I’ll buy that I’ll buy that too oh there were dead people all around me are you on here yet no hold on why

Not cuz I was in a server bro get your butt over here with me that’s the worst server though yeah we should be about done with this particular map Luffy Luffy has got to be one of my people I just don’t know who it is because they’re always on our

Servers it might just be different people always find me and like talk to me so I’m thinking they must be somebody that I just know I’m going to run right into one of them oh knew it run a Chester got me no pretty sure Dom is down too oh my God

Bro I’m too good at this game I’m too good at this game somebody has me what now uh you didn’t heal me you didn’t heal me thank you is everybody on our group up uh I don’t know I see somebody down I don’t know how to get to

Him hang on I’m coming little person oh somebody got him already oh no they didn’t heal that guy oh my God you left him laying there you didn’t heal him what guy this little guy that was back here no he is good he’s emoting I was like oh my god oh what

Run Chester was around the corner Chester God uhoh no Luffy He uh he’s not on okay buddy because he he got banned not you your uncle he got banned his name was harleyquin he’s on as the Paris one now um what is it they’re trying to join us and I can’t remember your name who one of my people there at Paris effing Hilton

I’ll leave that up for a minute for you bro I hate playing on my backup I’m sorry all wait what what can’t you stand with no voice chat dang why do I not have voice chat oh I do mine’s back okay I do I was like mine’s back I’m back with my voice

Chat not that I can hear you I never can hear you he’s too quiet it’s on this game I can’t hear him at all that is an outrageously awesome Avatar I love that it’s like Lisa Frank threw up and I love it where you guys

At I cannot hear you try to figure out where you are one question how long the ban uh he’s got a three-day ban Keegan has a one- day ban and I do not currently have any bans you probably will oh I’m sure I will once that little boy keeps

Reporting me I’ll just open up one of my backup accounts and if I get my YouTube banned I’ll just open up one of my backup accounts on that too not a big deal everybody from my main is over on my backup anyway so not a big deal to me

I haven’t seen elytra I have no idea where she’s at anybody know where elytra is at ah shoot no leave me alone okay okay I’m okay oh my gosh I just revived that dude I hope somebody’s near him that can get him I got him bro I added qu I need a drink

Um boss added you I think I’m pretty sure you’re you’re the boss penguin guy right found a lra she’s in one of the corners dude my nose is so stopped up I wonder if it’s from that pie lesson in life kids don’t eat things you’re allergic to oh my God Matt’s

Down where are you down at does somebody have you now where’s LCA wait Luka too it’s fun when we all get together and play I accepted the uh friend request okay okay a whole another round of this oh no thank God what are we feeling Courtyards

Back rooms what are you thinking we can do back rooms okay want to date I don’t care like which one we do oh I found you hey ho okay but you can’t sleep in that because it’s got a hood and it’s a choking hazard okay I said

I’m P can you hear him can you understand anything say barely barely like I’m sad apparently no it’s just Roblox being dumb maybe that’ll help Keegan is a great inspiration I am working on Keegan not being such an [ __ ] all the time oops I had my microphone on

Forgot but no like I’m working on Kean not being an [ __ ] it is not easy to teach an autistic kid not to be hateful so like I’m working on it he means well but he’s he’s a grouchy little kid I’ll be honest he got the the hateful version of the

Tism I just keep running into walls I don’t know where oh is done and he was behind me crap crap and I’m never going to find you guys oh I map where are you whistle y’all shoot I’m down right where elytra is down at okay hey

Elytra are you kidding me what is this what is this luck bro they are all over here yeah you whistle with well I don’t know what you’re on T if you’re on a computer I’m going to die y’all just uh don’t bother trying to find me oh oh my God thank you God oh my God I just ran right in the freaking Gro I didn’t even manage to get away oh thank you I just love how you force choke Carry Me around it looks so inappropriate Maze Runner 2. oh I love Maze Runner what’s down here anybody know anybody seen a generator

Yet of course I found an empty hallway oh wait what that’s why I have it oh look I found a TV or something that’s kind of cool I’m not this guy just over here dancing oh I know where we are I went down this way the other day and uh here’s that

Hallway and here’s the generator right where it was last time beep all right got the generator on I don’t remember where did he whistle I can’t remember where it’s Aton de tonight we steal the moon yeah I’m reading from my chat real oh I’m going back to look for the secret

Room again with all the holes in it wonder if that angry little boy is still in my [Laughter] stream I don’t know maybe I mean who cares really I kind of feel bad for him oh I found the secret room yeah you know what would happen if I fall down I don’t know

Oh no I guess that would happen kind of makes me rethink playing back Here shoot I forgot I put everything down how do I equip um oh I almost on no light covers I don’t know I’m going to go to the menu oh my God see if I can figure it out uh there was this thing that I bought in the equipment store um oh my

God it was the backpack you really you really just went to the menu and left us yes I did cuz I’m I’m looking something what’s the med kit do oh I want that too okay animations item inventory like is it a lantern no I figured it

Out do I want that one or that one I want that one shoot I forgot to equip it cuz I’m stupid okay I don’t have any Cola ones don’t have any speed pad ones don’t any land mine ones I do have barriers okay I’ll keep the one I got all right I’ll watch

You y I’m back button next to the equip button yeah I struggle sometimes with all that where is this thing at why are we running towards it I want to run towards it I spawned in really close to the monsters bro I have no idea where I am I don’t

Either I whistled Dom’s with me so I’m not totally by myself I don’t know where I’m going oh my God no jumping no way nuh-uh we’re all going to die we need that secret room I’m looking for it I’m going to whistle I’m going to start whistling

With me she is start whistling cuz I found I’m on my way to the secret room now oh I see you oh my God I went to completely wrong way there we go heyo oh yeah I got my new barriers equipped Mexi over here all right and I got my new flood light

Equipped supposedly Yes Y’all my new flood lights are awesome you want to see it isn’t it great M do they have Collision do they think so luckily there’s just a little room in here you should let us in why you die if you jump in there Dom did it earlier everybody’s going

Down wrong button bro just let me place it okay you know I give up on that it don’t want you to place it it wants you to be miserable I’m just going anything else want to fall there ain’t nothing you need to come over uhuh go lay down princess

Go you know whatever I can’t with this I cannot with this guess what white no oh my god did he fall in again he did it on purpose he did it on purpose D totally didn’t push him I hope not No the way she fell like for real she hung there for a minute she dived like a dolphin bro I’m munching on some onions right now oh my God what are you feeling I don’t know I’m going there anyways where are y’all we’re just stand in

Here wow that’s so use that’s so helpful I whistled and amaz where you at I’m upstairs Dom is running towards I am running away from the thing Bro why are you putting them on that part totally encapsulating myself oh my God if you put them on the edge they’ll fall off they try to jump over like this one right here I tried to put it on the edge girl I was doing it well I can’t always depend on you

What do you mean I have to learn how to do it myself you didn’t I’m trying th is down oh my God I with him [ __ ] Robbie Rotten really has somebody trapped in the they doing a good job of saving him okay good now

Youing oh God get up out of the way from the lava all right I say you ever tried to dis I swear I fall in that crap all the time here’s a little lesson in tricker boss join what are you doing here’s a little lesson in tricker There’s somebody down over there crap I was Brave I helped someone oh my God oh my God where at the top [ __ ] Drake what are you doing whistle dude I don’t know where you’re at oh I see you God y’all are struggling I made it on the first try how did I

Struggle oh we’re both struggling was that far enough out on the edge for you what are you doing yes what are you Doing I can’t believe I didn’t die at all that round almost always die at least once or twice in those rounds all you got to do is like not die oh yeah like all I got to do is breathe when I’m having an asthma attack

Uhhuh oh and you know not miss and fall in the freaking lava I’ll be back up there eventually all of my debl what’s going on over there oh my God I can literally see myself over there Critters yippe yipp I wonder where he’s going Elvis just left the Buildingi oh my God that’s what the k call anyone go down there to get a who El oh where she on at I don’t know where she’s at D got a oh crap me Running leave me Alone oh my God I fell down and didn’t die I think Dom died didn’t he I don’t know lightning bolb shoot from my fingertips I’m stressed I just completely left that one girl down there I think elij got her okay oh no run run oh my

God the lava licked his butt crack I swear oh my God like it chased him up oh my God no what happened really strugg that he like fell down I think again I am not pro parkour glad I didn’t deploy that here a little lesson and tricker lowkey though Robbie Rotten is

Hot I don’t care who thinks so excuse me I bur the heck am I going oh excuse me oh excuse me again oh my God nuh-uh oh my God it looks so creepy down there it looks like the old school nether from Minecraft like when it was first started oh almost walked

Off the lava is Pretty I hate that stupid cat anybody ever notice that Godzilla in the new Godzilla movies looks like an angry cat I’m not sure why though eating Mango right now oh I love mango mango papaya pineapple oh my God I love pineapple so much too but I just

Had a bunch of Dent work today so the last thing I need well not a bunch I have a filling it feels like a bunch when you have to pay for it but like the last thing I need is sweets and like for real my my gum is hurting where

He dropped the drill and it skittered across my gun oh like it’s cut pretty Good I’m shining the light in your eyes okay go for it bro I forgot how bad it was without the uh lantan I have the the one that goes on your head I didn’t like that I didn’t like it it’s great for Darkness where I really didn’t like

It is Dom dead already or is he good he left you think dumb why would you leave any of you guys play build a boat for Treasure is that the one we play Matt yeah we play it occasionally my kid well one of my kids my youngest kid

Plays it pretty often he’s got a lot of stuff he deals with too dude where did my protections go different you use a different version okay dude that was so dark I guess it’s just going to be dark again we up a light oh never mind what

Do we want tutor Manor Mansion what are you feeling Manion mansion’s okay Kean are you on here oh I thought you were on here I was like oh yay Danny is on here I think Danny Danny killed me on murder mystery she’s mean she kills all of us bro I

Know I’m just messing I mean that is the point of the game do you know me it’s only Luka I get mad at Luka’s an [ __ ] love him dearly [ __ ] but sometimes you need an [ __ ] friend you know I mean he’s that even if he was he can be sometimes but

Like even if he was you need an [ __ ] friend in your life I asked I said that and CJ mumbled in his sleep that he he agreed he’s over there sound asleep on the couch poor baby he got up early this morning and worked all day at what someone joined me maybe it’s

Boss oh my God I ran right to him son of a biscuit don’t go that way I’m stupid I’m holding up in here I watch yall come down Here hey Danny I see you there I put every Deployable I had as a barrier why do we even have Crouch on this game just sto you can go under things uh yes some things and also so you can do this oh my God we can run and Crouch

Yeah hit C like hold on oh that’s awesome hooker slide what the heck is that thing I love that light it’s cute or a beacon whatever I like they kind of look like uh sensor I like it I want to step on it e squishy squishy she

Has oh my God quit you’re gross wait I think we got the same idea nuh-uh nuh $150 for around 20 items I know tell me about it it’s cool Dom I was just giving you a hard time I’m a good builder for build boat for Treasures are you muted like those

Little look like those little like eyeballs that I used to get that like stuck to things yes that’s exactly what it looks like man I don’t even want to think about how much I went I went to Sam’s let’s see you’re not from here so you

May not know what it’s like a gigantic Wholesale grocery store basically well they sell more than groceries like one side of it’s groceries and the other side is like household items and dog food and laundry deterg stuff like that so I went there the other day and thank

God it was payday because we bought a pallet basically of groceries it’s like a flat part that you push repair yourselves be ready guys wake up elytra anyway we bought a bunch of that like stuff that we need like toilet paper paper towels that just you know the basic things we spent

$500 it’s like why why on Earth did it cost that I don’t know where Angel Pooky is they were down and they didn’t get up bro they didn’t get up I could find anybody I can’t I don’t even know what they look like what do they look like

Uh let me see I’ve got elytra here but I think she’s AFK she said something about stealing Zach’s hoodie they got brown hair and a green and orange outfit oh oh that’s him and who is Angel Pooky again curly curly that’s what I thought everybody’s name changes so much that I

Have a hard time keeping people straight do hey only one of my children is a straight I don’t know about that your your youngest he’s he he seems he’s autistic that doesn’t mean anything doesn’t mean he’s not straight it just means he’s weird what do you mean I’m just saying

He sounds a little he seems a little pry you know little this [ __ ] there’s nothing wrong with that but like I’m judging him I put out some more stuff uhoh never have to be around said jul alone oh no what did I get stuck under okay bro why are they flailing around

Oh I Hate you are all weak you are all Bleeders you just call me a poot oh my God I’m down where are you whistle uh elra has okay you’re in better hands with her than you are with me uh oh no she’s down oh she died jeez you are all weak you pineapples oh no some little guy got me [ __ ] you are all weak you are thank you me alone Chester Christmas is around the corner I still need to buy R $900 worth of gift cards I think uh alici the things going spawn on you okay she’s awake now anyway $900 worth the gift cards and then I’m done with Christmas shopping

Completely I think we spent on everybody including our extended family this year I think we got away with $5,000 which is not bad when almost $1,000 is gift cards for the adults we have a lot of family members there’s a lot of them it is killer buying this stuff right now got a

Bucket of chicken yikes I don’t want your bucket of chicken oh you suck I hate you so much you can’t jump on here absolute dog [ __ ] bro my hero oh no my Hero’s down matt we’re both down oh Yuki has me we’re being chased by the Roblox dude oh I got Dropped thank you are you kidding me that was like four revives that that was crazy anyways thank you you’re welcome oh shoot the rock is right there are people good okay uh Angel Pooky just went down whistle Angel uhoh mallow’s down too mow mow whatever it is oh [ __ ] and I’m done with

Them where whistle down where everything was at whistle any oh crap crap crap crap crap crap crap I got Angel you suck took my revives don’t be a dick is everybody else up will you get them a little bit over halfway you can just walk away I don’t walk away from my y

Crap crap are you [ __ ] me no that’s probably why you’re so grumpy I’m on by myself oh [ __ ] jness I lived I wonder if I can do the thing no people are voting for me nuh-uh I did it I breaking Doors Down For the First Time made me

Happy I’m breaking doors I did it yeah I said Yeah Yeah I broke them doors they are satisfying to breakdown yeah $900 in gift cards because we buy the teenagers gift cards too and like I said big family probably going to head to bed okay elytra thanks

For playing with us I hope your head feels better I know you’re still dealing with the concussion side effects and stuff that [ __ ] is rough in fact you probably shouldn’t be playing if I had to guess but I know telling a woman not to do something nobody ever listens to me feel

Better Matt I forgot to ask you you want gift card or cash uh cash was work okay cuz like if you want a gift card for online just tell me if you want roblo like Roblox gift card or steam or I can get you one of them prepaid credit card things [ __ ]

Oh stupid Mario thank you Mr person oh I’m down again oh yui got me Yugi not sure he say their name they got the stupid marker chasing oh Matt we’re down there’s so many people down over here where whistle I’m whistling we’re by Mario oh here people got me yeah you joined

Me thank you uhoh I didn’t want to do that let me out let me out it’ll open in a minute [ __ ] oh my God you’re both down and I’m locked in this stupid room ah oh my God I trying to get to you than someone got me it’s all

Good oh I just I’m dead no you Wen yay thank you I joined on my Xbox sweet and I know I’m not supposed to but you know I want to hang out with Mama watch stream for a little bit pineapple stream I’m gonna start naming my streams pineapples just to be weird oh

What all your viewers your pineapples oh my God my viewers are my pineapples instead of my babies although all of them are young enough to be my children leave me alone you red freaking I don’t even know what you are it’s an Among Us I thinky you know

What it looks like you know the things football players run into when they’re practicing on the field oh my God where are you and why are you not where I can get boss is on their Xbox oh they’re on here somewhere hi hi hi I’m not a bunch of anime people

My I think it’s past a lot of people’s bedtime no oh hey boss can I I just say y’all if you get the chance there’s a person running around in white they have the coolest accent I’ve ever heard they’re just rambling to themselves and it’s an amazing accent I don’t know where they’re

From if you get the chance ah run kiss my butt Mr Beast oh my gosh no oh my where’s my pineapples at we cuz I never missed a you had to from I swear to God where oh no dude how do you die that quick oh no to your final test

I’m welcome to your final test I am so trying son of a biscuit are you somebody’s got me I’m be oh my God the this is a rough Round oh my God I almost had You honey under God I was getting two teamed to your final I’m thank you oh you’re welcome oh my gosh no no no no not a good place not a good place this person just screamed I love getting these screams on my stream it’s amazing what that was an epic scream

Thank you for that you’re welcome my stream loves it when people scream oh my dude for realest I’m Beast leave me alone Mr your Beast run are you [ __ ] kidding me where are you whistle thank you that person said they’re spooked because uh you said you like their scream it was

Hilarious not in a creepy way but like I love catching the most amazing screams it is hilarious who is it LCA that screams on the time I love it it’s funny I love catching the raw reactions fear scream are the best I think you’re just a bit of stus yeah maybe a

Little I’m underground I don’t blame you throw you up some barriers down there and you usually can last pretty long where are you going I’m just running in circles where are you going hello Pingu honey do you remember Pingu the show oh God oh God oh God oh God nuh yes the penguin

Clamation show not you and your goofy little Flashlight I cannot see I cannot piss oh thank you cannot see anything thank you oh got you I got you mine you’re welcome why you die again I cannot see anything um you know what why don’t I put out some deployables that’s CRA I’m just putting lights out everywhere hey it helped a Lot where is where is everyone I can’t see I don’t know people whistle whistle whistle whistle oh shoot okay I can’t see anything I got somebody fine uhoh I hate this one I hate this one I could have stolen that person don’t steal from Me where are you somebody’s got me thank god dude that white Chi like I could have stolen that person and she was talking about stealing them from me so rude oh my God leave me alone whatever’s chasing me oh thank you vbx I’m not going to [Laughter] vbx that that round was not it that round was not it what I was talking to my chat that round was rough like for real yo oh whoa I need I need things oh my

God bro I swear I couldn’t even I couldn’t even get 100 sodas I’m so done with it where are you I’m uh I’m buying things why aren’t you lucky where are you play I spawned upstairs at the elevators okay uh there you are Hey hello oh that’s a cute little car no I did B and it was almost bad Which One you don’t like that one I say uh Oh all right I say uh mow Dad yeah I see you my [Applause] God Oh my God where are you you said oh my God I just assumed you were down no I trying to get someone and they got flung across like the the room I hate when that happens let me up where are you I’m over here listening to that white chick scream it’s it’s pretty

Fun oh no cheese cheese sounds like most of the drama is happening upstairs my God what is going on up here got the thank you don’t think me yet all right I say uh You’re good help me people had their carries off bro I trying to help people and they have the carries off like what is that oh people are dumb God there’s no way I see you you do hey hello Pooky be quiet my puky bear yeah I know it’s awful I don’t know be no I called him a Pooky bear I know it’s awful dude this is not Alabama don’t be rude my God this is why you’re off Roblox for 24 hours

Son told you they got the funniest screams ever dummy won’t stop touching me inappropriate who their place who’s touching you I want to catch it on film I want to catch it on film I bet it’s the white chick it is are you touching people inappropriately that’s not nice that’s what he

Said don’t touch people guys it’s so nice Oh there’s Robbie Rotten he’s so hot come get me Robbie come get me Robbie you know I love you Robbie bro is there two of them there’s two of them Bo save me there’s two of them what are you of you’re good you’re good you’re good the freaking everything is vibrating yes you’re good though I’ll hold you here till you die okay well you’re not really

That good but you’re okay just be prepared to run okay run right into him you’re welcome that’s for saving me a billion times bro that was terrifying Robbie Rotten is awesome there was two of them and they could double team me any day I love Robbie

Rotten you did not I did I said what I said look at what mow or mow Said oh he really just jumped right over top of That I got you I heard screaming again you going to like stay what are you doing Moving what did I do here’s her little lesson in tricker I was coming people the delay is so long I’m sorry I know it’s got to be your internet CU it’s only about 5 to 10 seconds for everybody else I’m probably going to bed good night I hope you feel better I’m

Sorry that you’re not feeling well like rest don’t strain your eyes don’t read books I think it’s what they used to tell me when I’d get concussions all the time did you know you get a lot of concussions when you marry a guy that drives a race car cuz you do

Also getting hit a lot like when you’re fighting not good I don’t like this one double the bot sucks so bad I I hate that one Xbox Live yeah I’m about to Tinker you know what I’m about to do put some barriers on the sters get away from me penguin I’m on the

Stairs I’m trying to I’m climbing back up she’s my favorite one in the server this this one oh thank you you’re welcome appreciate it yeah why are you on no bro swear that wasn’t my favorite one in I swear bro oh my God stupid penguin my God this

Crazy oh God everybody over behind the barriers is down bro I swe go save the white chick she’s like my favorite one in here right now thank you are you freaking me GNA die oh my God y’all I’m trying you’re not who I want heers heers I swear to

God that just sucked that just sucked ball it always does when it’s double the crap o I want to do air greens are you I’m heading upstairs where are you I’m upstairs oh my God look at all the deadness My Dead Body was there that round was just butt stop

Complaining what oh my God look at his book bag oh my God oh my God I have that one it’s a mother freaking posum oh my God I need that so bad dude I’ll be back I’m going to the store uh ESC I’m going to the store to look and

See if that’s a it’s a Roblox item does that mean I can’t buy it you can buy it if you go to like the actual Avatar shop I have it it’s in my inventory just like type oosome backpack sure and make sure you put the uh right

One going on there’s two of them only one will fit you right fit me right is it this one what my hair hides most of it y’all I’ll be right back okay Get away from me get away from me hang I got to do this on my phone I’m I’m doing things all I can hear is you screaming get away from me why are you screaming get away from me because there was a thing after

Me what are you doing I’m get R CJ if I can spend $5 well no check first I’ll wait no you’re blocked from Roblox for 24 hours you don’t need to spend money over there trying to get roo and he can’t even get on Roblox that’s wild oh my God that’s amazing

Oh my God I could get a tail it’s killer get a head too you could become a whole ass F bro uh now that I know this is on here I probably will because there’s a whole posum suit yeah there’s like certain ones that

Fit each other oh my God be so cute bro no that’s CED that is CED I’ll do it later I you get the right things I will uh let you outfit me on payday with POS gear but not wholly unexpected like we’d already discussed that that was going to happen this week

Why next week where are you for what where are you oh yeah are you uh that’s I’m I’m running around that’ll be this weekend because Christmas is Monday isn’t it there you are and we’re doing Christmas Eve at your mother’s that’s fine I mean I’m not complaining I’m just making sure I got

Do stuff I don’t care if we go down there for hours your mom’s not bad now that she’s sober she’s totally doable I know I know that and you know that I’m just saying I found you oh my oh my God you led me right into them somebody help oh thank

You thank you thank you thank you run where are you going I told them to Run God bro I cannot with this I got you bukkaki we running save me no I’m just going to let you die of course I’m going to save you I’m getting pretty good at just saving people thing oh my God you took my person oh I hate that buck to stupid

Thing I’m down to well at least they got you you can come back and get me help somebody anybody I’m down oh thank you oh heal me quick cuz I’m turning red thank you run oh no is somebody have him oh my God everybody died real like all of us Died okay oh my no what what is this on this is actually impossible get over here oh no someone else is down I don’t know where they are let me look and see oh there’s a Santa Claus they’re down oh never mind I was trying to help you where are

You I’m up here yeah where are we I don’t want I forgot and turned it off okay Oh crap that thing is uncool watch out it’s coming back nobody ever survives this thing the chick is should just like have a lot of barriers white lady where are You where is she white lady who thinks I’m so funny oh my gosh they’re down everybody’s down even the white lady on my knees no man I was hoping you were going to save us well horse titties and of course I died first because why not at least I went face

First I’m not over there looking like you not a good oh it’s not a good look at all oh my gosh pink start healing people other than me heal some heal the white chick she’s funny oh no are you not a chick no I’m a guy sorry I can’t hear

You very well I just assumed by the Avatar oh it’s all right oh my Bad she can’t hear me very well apparently not at all like at all Jesus sad I didn’t expect that Jesus what do we want I hate the mze you mising people that’s crazy oh my God leave me alone at least I said sorry you’re cancelled it’s over you’re a girl

Trapped in a guy’s body don’t give me crap said what I said little brother that’s crazy you’re such a rat I’m telling Mom that you don’t deserve Christmas if you were a man you’d be a bear you’d be a gay bear bro hell yeah I

Would dude if I was a man I would beat the crap out of you why why would you I don’t know because it just seems like what men do they hit each other and spit and scratch their balls you would do all of those in timely

Order I would spit I can’t stand people that spit dude I’m literally running towards you so is a boss but you’re just running away oh sorry pineapples come down here he’s just like any other bird he can’t see the [Laughter] glass oh my face hurts oh somebody’s

Down hey in my defense that dude’s dressed up like a chick I thought it was a chick cuz I couldn’t hear their voice oh I guess we got to go help don’t we H cuz they’re just right here you can pick people up to the walls oh my God that’s

Amazing I was trying to get to Him you’re an a-hole I’ll go get the white dude if I can get there in time my God I never get anywhere where I need to be in time yeah I like to solve the problem go ahead yep yeah I like to solve the puzzle yeah I like to solve the

Puzzle like solve the yes I’m very much dying I said you dummy oh well I’m very much dying oh I don’t know where it’s coming from this is why I shouldn’t leave my little hole of Safety crap crap crap crap crap what oh no I think boss is down my God oh my God oh my God whenever I reach safety I’m going to be right back there is no safety on the completely wrong freaking side be back okay go tinkle

I am so looking forward to the fact that I can turn my alarms off tonight babe like but still could you wake me up in the morning when you get up work I my meds I will do my best didn’t you just buy coffee things those aren’t real coffee

Oh why don’t for your birthday why don’t you let me buy you an espresso machine or something and then you can learn like they’re like $200 for a good one and then we can learn how to make good coffee well for you cuz I don’t drink

That garbage but you know that would be something that you would actually enjoy well I can’t help you with that but let me buy you an expressive machine actually I could I could buy you one of them like sandwich makers and then get you them um gross flat British biscuit

Things what them things called yes them nasty English muffins oh my God them things are so freaking gross oh screw it I’ll just stay over here it’s pretty safe yeah I know I won’t I won’t I’m scared I’ll go to Jil do hey boss are you two the only ones left in

The Stream that are here I don’t know oh boss’s birthday is January 4th happy early birthday boss just in case we don’t see you between now and then what do you mean I was thinking about that joke from earlier would you stop sniffing my butt what is wrong with

You you are oh God now you got me getting policed flipping weirdo God why are you the way that you are stop get away from me what do you mean what do you mean you’re so weird you’re not weird I didn’t do anything stop sniffing me

Freak do my Spazzy dance is what you make me feel like oh my God people who don’t suck come back and save us please come back when you’re healed they just left us here like really just abandon us in our time of need real anyways please come

Back they really just abandoned all of us where are you there you are they just left us to die I see you I don’t see you I’m going after you I’m just running towards the edge can’t believe they abandoned us you abandoned us yeah I would I do it again you’re so

Mean you know what for real though I would too so I can’t really blame you no hate are you stop running away from me I’m running away from you cuz you keep sniffing me girl fine I just won’t heal you I know oh my God I love this

Round yes everybody’s going to live this is so easy what’s the UE do what you mean I need to Swit hey what’s a UE I can search it it says the U isn’t here to save you now so it must be a Roblox thing Mr Beast got me I tried to get you

Had to live to save you that oh yeah no you were fine I wasn’t I was talking about the guy that grabbed somebody and ran off okay it’s not giving me a a good answer well look at them they’re all over I want to run over there where they’re at

I want to go do something can they shoot through the glass no ran through a freaking dead end I if I were a hamster I would die I would starve to death look at him over there look at him over there just doing gangster murderer things really ran myself into a dead

End your person left a oh my God don’t go over there and get scared them away he coming for us he kind of moving pretty fast fast a he no D for for I like Crossroads why are you bored I just down I’m sorry what you want to play I don’t know you want to play an Obby we could I haven’t done one in Forever not the the bike one oh my God no please I don’t feel like screaming

Curse words and obscenities and hatefulness what are you doing tomorrow staying home it’s the kids first day of uh Christmas break what are you doing tomorrow you got to stay up then you got to stay up then dude I’m still awake and it’s 12:30 I’ll stay up for a while you got

To stay up I might take a break and then come back I don’t know cuz I just drink an energy drink and I’m going to be you’re not supposed to drink those they’re bad for your already arak they really don’t have that much in them for you yes they do

Huh remind me to send you the video of the guy with with the heart doing the weird stuff you drink one too many that’s if you drink a bunch that’s no you don’t have to drink a bunch at one time though it’s over time it builds up in your system Can you come down here and get the other person oh somebody else might have already got him you don’t know what you’re on uhoh where did they even go I no idea where they went h did they leave bro I can’t with this thank you bro I was going to save someone they

Just laugh I’m sorry that you tried to save somebody and they left Are you kidding me I’m done with this where are you at no don’t leave let me come heal you I left what are you going to play I don’t know I’m annoyed um we figure it out so I can come join you see I’m trying to find a game but there’s

Literally nothing there’s nothing do a tycoon we could but two player ones are hard to find also we have viewers I think M Let’s do an rby then I don’t know there got to be something uh okay we can do an OB guess me and this dude are zening

Together czy I can do okay our viewer says he can do an Obby so I will leave you find one oh my God don’t make me pick I’m so bad at picking obes okay hold on like I really am I pick the dumbest ones God I’m hungry again what the heck

This is so [ __ ] bro this is going to be the dumbest thing ever do not join me do not join me okay okay I found one okay oh a Christmas Obby fun it’s festive all right let’s wait for Boss oh wow this is going to give me a

Headache bottom right you can mute the music I think I’ll leave the music on oh boss is here all right we good okay dude that was Sonic the Hedgehog checkpoint oh my God yes oh yeah this reminds me of old OB not going to lie oh this is not well made that’s

Okay this Loki does remind you of old obies though does it you yeah oh there’s an Obby I have in mind after This oh no poor boss is Left Behind where wait for I’m waiting there he is I was expecting those to like disappear or something same or like not have why are these dog treats bro dogs need Christmas too [ __ ] give them hot cocoa I gave my dogs onions

Earlier [ __ ] I died on the same pirate bro what the [ __ ] is this it’s green Green yeah No idea if you can hit the Reds on those I didn’t try I guess we should wait on Matt even though you’ll probably catch up to us some passes at some Point One that disappeared and one that Didn’t Dude oh my God I went on the wrong part woo I remember my internet used to be so bad that I could just jump on the red Parts oh no I missed the gummy bear cuz I was looking at the gummy bear oh why is my eye it told you he’d leave us You can walk up at the same Time you can all walk down at the same time oh oh no that was sketch Boys oh I’m dumb I never trust Red I tried to jump Across red Jes red red green green I struggled man it’s like the same on every one on those it’s probably made by a little Kid oh okay this is a little little interesting oh no you did it oh that one is just not it Dude I almost ate it back There I trying to get up on the thinging these are so nice nice easy Christmas Obby when was this Obby made I wonder oh oh watch out for the green at top it will kill you I say it’s the very tippy top that’ll kill you there you oh

[ __ ] oh [ __ ] what I didn’t realize you all were behind mhm he died I waited on on him oh no I saw him Die honey is that the kid that was from uh X-Men okay I thought so I heard his voice We oh go on without me I’m trying not to sneeze I’m still trying not to sneeze I I’m not Winning this is not very Christmasy Christmas Music wonder if we’re hearing the same music what we’re hearing different music are we well I’ve died several times the music starts over when you die oh oh no hop Faster I tried to slow down Tinle Tinkle these are kind of cool shaped What was that little Wiggle wonder how many stages are on this okay well okay You’re not too bad I was trying to move to the outside so y’all could catch Up whoa guys I think I’m going to die on this one I think I’m going to die on this one Every time we play an Obby with Keegan he buys the stuff to get to the end yeah pretty much every time boo boo then he asks for more roox after spending it on dumb games that he never plays a game like time he dropped 500

Robo on a carpet and then just to never play that game again mhm that’s my baby oh oh me and him barely made it oh no you did it oh I’m going to die on this and oh my God I didn’t die oh this you don’t even have to move On I almost did not make that jump did you see that No I wasn’t Looking just walk across these Ones I want to Jump bro when I like five or six years ago I was amazing at obious I was great at them I was unmatched you were really good pissing Niger I hate Math [ __ ] plus Signs no you fell that sucks no you leaving him wait on the other side you suck [ __ ] off I do not who El said I suck and he sucks dick be nice what I’m not wrong you start [ __ ] with everybody it’s your brother everybody ain’t your brother and don’t talk to

Your other talk to Ethan that way he probably really does suck dick oh I know I don’t want to talk to him either apparently he’s coming over there the day after Christmas I’m going to come the day Before lb says he’ll accept you as a brother a he’s I swear my family is not as bad as mom says they are like for real you can’t believe anything she says I don’t have to Ty well you know he says if he accepts you as a brother then

That means uh you can badmouth him oh I was going to anyways I Mean I mean I’m nice when I do what do you mean I’m always nice I’m a right we’re worse dude no she got some anger issues they’re unresolved there’s some therapies oh my Lord she needs some serious therapy speaking of therapy did you get back on the schedule yet make that Happen what you got going on Friday just check Up oh [ __ ] the bad fudge sickles I made it I’m leaving oh my God we beat it oh yeah purple oh my God yay go do shift lock and click and and like spin in circles what uh hit shift lock then uh spin in circles while you’re

Clicking no like on your on your uh path thingy oh I’m still trying to figure out how to oh that’s how you fly dud do the path thing okay I’ll do a path thing shift lock click and spin in circles if you look down a little bit it’ll looks

Crystallized now what do we want to play we can play another Obby what is this oh I just got transported to Christmas Tower of hell what’s Tower of Hell exactly what it sounds like and how am I already 7% completed on This I don’t know boss says do you want to play Murder Mystery 2 uh we can yeah I’m I’m cool with that long as we don’t end up in the same server as that little [ __ ] from earlier oh my God I found that Obby we should play later though okay I’m

Joining it just so it’s in my feed okay I’m g go ahead and get on murder mystery okay I will join you One day I want to get an ALT account with voice chat or whatever and I just want to swear at someone like really badly like I want to I want to like really bully someone ah you totally should going to first person hi you’re like a really desperate

Stripper give me your money no you’re gross I don’t want to touch you it give me M please just a dollar in my waistband please watch this you can’t resist this you can’t resist that if you say so what are you doing with your life but is you’re annoying poor

Butters my God this dumb cat I don’t like how they make Godzilla have to be the bad guy everybody knows King Kong was the bad guy and monkeys don’t like Water Oh crap murderer behind us that’s crazy run the murderer behind us Mandy Mandy no not because he’s the bad not no King Kong has always been the bad guy he stole the girl he all the mean things what crap our server’s full give it just a minute I’m sure somebody will leave if

Not we’ll switch servers one day you should force your brother to join so we can kill him over and over I don’t I don’t even know if he has a Computer he probably has an Xbox oh yeah he definitely has an Xbox he justified I will always like Godzilla more Godzilla just wanted to have his babies and be left alone there is a tiny little person there’s a few you having your mic on no one’s

Talking to you no one wants to hear you he said to tell you to off him in real life and he has a PS5 um okay well that’ll work too I mean how much am IID I mean I don’t know if Roblox is on switch in some

Uh what is Roblox on switch no but it’s on PS5 yeah there you go it’s on PS5 couns are free yeah don’t stand on my head Roblox in general is free usually unless you want to spend money on like an avatar get on my head get on my head get on my head

Okay [ __ ] your [ __ ] head thank you I don’t want that on I’m [ __ ] devouring it Dev I rebirthed you bro dude what is it free yeah it’s free is it still not letting you in boss oh he’s on okay I’m the sheriff bro are you sure he’s on

Yeah I saw person I him okay oh he’s here hey Man my God oh my God sticking out your Gap forler you’re so stupid you’re so Phantom tax I just want to be Taking out your for Theom I can’t with that [ __ ] pedophile groomer whatever called like social repos or whatever the [ __ ] his username is [ __ ] did like a serious cover of the like uh of that it was like really bad oh I heard somebody die people are dying you oh that’s real cute that’s

Real cute I don’t know where they are it might be a girl with pink on her I’m not sure that’s so cute okay I don’t think it’s her oh it’s a little tiny person uh with black hair did you see that honey you were sleeping on a boat oh my [ __ ]

God where the [ __ ] where the freaky Frack bro where is this small thing at I don’t know do you actually want me to tell you oh man my fingers are itching so bad I do not like the small avatares me either they’re hard to hit

On oh my hands are swelling I don’t like it I don’t like it at all oh your hands are swelling uhhuh I profan oh no it’s either the key lime pie finally hitting me or it’s arthritis related doesn’t ibuprofen help with inflammation though yeah but I’m on

Other pills that I’m not supposed to take a lot of ibuprofen with them oh that’s doy bro yeah my life is dooky well yeah you’re chronically ill I probably will be too always freaking trying not to die bro imagine if I became chronically ill wouldn’t that be so fun you’re already

Chronically [ __ ] we’re basically twins now who are you talking to what do you mean we are basically twins we both have crippling anxiety we both hate to go out neither of us like to make phone calls the only people we talk to is each other and it’s a [ __ ] with black hair

And a [ __ ] bow she has like red on her Avatar anywayss I’m my own person I am nothing like you um I’m special nothing like me special I’m different I’m special I’m Different oh she’s after me she’s after me [ __ ] you getu away from me you my nourish [ __ ] get the

[ __ ] away from me get the [ __ ] away from me [ __ ] you missed that you really thought you were G to yeah that’s her that’s real cute that’s real cute that’s so cute that’s real cute is what I say if she was cute she ain’t she ain’t she broke she broke she ugly she

Ugly you’re weird you’re weird you’re weird you’re gross you’re pathetic lb says you’re chronically gay uh you want to talk but okay oh my God I mean all I’m saying is a lot of bald men tend to be gay but uh you didn’t it’s not his fault he was bald he fixed

It ah help me help me help me help me help me ah is giving uh what’s that leader from Jessie Bertram yeah it’s giving Brum okay he wasn’t the waiter he was the butler Butler yeah Whatever I’m still hungry and I don’t know what I want [ __ ] what the [ __ ] mama get over here where the [ __ ] is she Mama [ __ ] come out stop hiding I hate fake headless kids that’s so cute that’s real cute that’s real cute you thought you

Going to be able to jump nuh nuh that’s real cute that’s real nice shot really really devour devour oh Danny’s on hi Danny how she hi to me and not you that’s so that’s so great maybe she likes you besides I’m just the chat mom a she’s letting me borrow a plasma site

Nice thank You oh my God I just realized my mic was on what’s wrong with that that [ __ ] off anyways I didn’t want that [ __ ] on you know I would kill but like I’m scared cuz I don’t have my perks and I’m used to having haste being slow like the rest of the

People what do you mean being slow scarl slow I can’t be physically slow I mean don’t talk about me in real life but still your name is not Scarlet you’re my first Target me I’m joking I’m joking I wouldn’t be surprised say that to uh I

Was saying that to boss I’m just joking though you’re good you’re good poor boss not Killing I feel sometimes I feel bad whenever I’m joking cuz I don’t know if people take me seriously or not yeah you sound serious sometimes honey look at her I called her and I confused her she’s like mother called but didn’t tell me what to Do I didn’t notice he went to sleep I thought he was still over here on the chair playing Kegan crawled over on the love seat and is out cold I thought we throw a blanket on him leave down here no we can’t because the way he

Wakes up in the middle of the night have you ever talked to him when he wakes up in the middle of the night map uh no well maybe once the lights are on but ain’t nobody in the county let alone in the house like he is completely out he’ll say the most random

[ __ ] dude I mean one time we had a sleepover cuz like like I had promised because Maddie was like uh was that when she was in Florida yeah yeah that meant the world to him he enjoyed that so much he still talks about it you’re G have to do it again sometime

I felt bad cuz like he missed her so bad yeah they fight like cats and dogs but he missed her so bad who has the gun not me yeah CJ said she missed him too she bought more stuff than anybody um I uh black character it might be Danny oh

I had a chomy avatar once yes you did I remember that Mr chronically gay cold chill jeez dang I died already me and Maddie got friendship uh necklaces you got uh Melody and I got komaromi I know I’m the one that paid for him

Yeah oh it’s a girl in a red shirt with a can’t figure out what her hat says I know what I no I was just trying to figure out what her hat said it says top tier uhoh get away from me no what is this busted [ __ ] looking at what’s she doing get

Away get your busted eyes away from me where is she oh [ __ ] she right there where’s the gun at does anyone have the gun I don’t know I don’t see anybody messing with the gun there’s a furry in the cutest little Rainbow outfit up there hiding in the corner my

God no I just got done saying how cute he was she’s after you no she ain’t yes she is she don’t know me she don’t know me she don’t know where I am she’s saying she’s after you she don’t even know where I am I know she don’t

Now I think she’s after Danny Now that ain’t Danny well I don’t know who anybody is oh yeah guess that’s Jennifer the sped that’s her name laugh at me I’m just reading off the person’s screen name that’s so real though for real Maddie needs to steal that Name bitty girl the sped Bry where she’s in the basement no sew is not basement that’s so Cute I’m going be a little be a little risky uhuh oh guns down there that was a tie was good though my God bro man you messed up my thing there that was good this person keeps joining me I think there’s someone I added a while ago is

It the Sonic dude yeah I wondered about that because it’s like the third or fourth time I’ve seen him today yeah so like I’m pretty sure I have like a lot of friend requests on this account cuz like I named myself after like a uh YouTuber like alt account name they had

Two fs and I have one F and I think people are uh are confusing us so that’s kind of funny Paris Hilton doesn’t know what an umbilical cord is it’s all not surprising I mean she has money she doesn’t really need to but like how stupid do you have to be I

Mean you’re collecting clown guns too so is Matt what is up with everybody collecting clown guns all of a sudden with collecting clown guns boss boss is MM oh he got five I have like oh are you kidding me dang bro someone’s wearing a chroma it’s going to it’s the murderer guns outside oh is Danny yeah I was about to say something but then I realized it was Danny I’m like no I could

Never though I think I did one time call her a [ __ ] on accident and then I apologized for it sometimes it’s hard to remember who our people are guns outside again Scarlet Scarlet leave her alone God you’re such a [ __ ] cat kick her ass you’re eight years older

Than she is bite her in the neck y’all are still live hell yeah we’re still live all night actually not all night but like yeah for a while cuz like it’s day one of Christmas Vacation so nobody’s got to go to sleep although I’m already tired

This bro I’m not tired at all ow ow ow ow ow I stretched too far I stretched too far we’ve been doing this for three hour four hours I mean who’s toxic oh someone on here oh they have uh leaderboard items they have 97 Eternal threes bro who are they what’s the

Thing toxic formula I ain’t even asking I’m taking the Screen they don’t really have that many kills they do have ranks though got a lot of stuff ranks don’t I mean kills don’t matter when you got ranks bro true Wow I put that space in the wrong place all right off To my stream didn’t say [ __ ] he don’t have to know That who has the gun just shoot me already it’s not Me e with or related to the withs hopefully not that one they’re toxic what with Ros are toxic there’s a person on here whose last name Is is he like really good or something I mean yeah if he has leaderboard items then yeah he’s got a cute little outfit though I’ll give him That what is that He’s got a zombie that makes Noises who has the gun I bet it’s this dude with the uh bro is no one going to shoot me no one shot me it was probably him might have been nah well I don’t it’s one of a kind and irreplaceable to me it was a gift and it’s green

I feel like giving a Godly for a lot of clowns boss says who give a Godly for a lot of clown guns I don’t have a lot dude I’m the murderer should I kill the dude I only have 16 you need to answer me what is it I’m

The murderer should I kill the dude they left I think I’m looking at him oh he just changed the Avatar oh I don’t know you kill him kill everyone just don’t Target him yeah I wasn’t going to Target oh damn I any dances really oh my god did you target him no

Ah bro really danced on my body oh my God starting beef with everyone don’t dance on my body I get emoting like away from the body but like dancing on the body itself like that’s rude mhm like I have no problem if someone dances like after they’ve like walked away but

Like Ain’t No Way ain’t no way his aim’s that good neither I’m sure it is I’m sure I bet he’s got dag on Aimbot or he just no life to the game nah he got enough kills of no life yeah he does he has almost 30k I’m going with

Aimbot because he dances on bodies I mean I only have 17K like you don’t dance on no life this game oh my God this little [ __ ] bured me guns outside by the way it’s the rain reindeer dude with the uh onesie yeah Go Get It Go Get It Go Get it

Unless someone else has gotten it he’s down downstairs you can get it totally girl you seem to think I’m going to move why where’s the [ __ ] toxic dude at he’s dead why I was to say let him get it where’s the dude at he’s out he’s inside no he’s going to head outside

Probably the gun’s like outside like near the kitchen is area he’s inside near the bathroom he’s checking every spot [ __ ] of course he Is he’s in the bathroom still go get the gun he’s heading towards the bedroom Coming out oh dead oh what since when did it go through the fence I think he thre under I another dancer I’m leaving the server [ __ ] this [ __ ] I’m just not in the mood for it tonight I just I can’t deal with toxic little [ __ ] anymore this evening that

One little toxic [ __ ] this morning was all I could handle [ __ ] it what oh do you want to play the Obby sure okay after this Obby we can go back I guess I don’t know this is an old Obby too like 2008 oh hey look who’s in my chat it’s

The little [ __ ] go away little [ __ ] I ain’t got the patience for any more stupid little shits today I’m just done I’m tired I’m annoyed oh my God I do not give a [ __ ] you deal with a lot of annoying people today and I had to go to the

Dentist like for real like I’m just [ __ ] you up the just [ __ ] me up how how [ __ ] Den drop a drill in your mouth and it skins across your freaking gums and bloodies them well that’s where I can go freaking stupid Dennis I swear to God they [ __ ] up my whole

Day I walked right into that I swear to God this is cute though since when was this pipe here did you leave me don’t leave me no I’m I’m over here waiting when you said toxic little [ __ ] I thought you were uh talking about the other person from earlier I was originally

Hey I caught like a said I mean that wasn’t the toxic little [ __ ] from earlier no no I was talking about the earlier and then the other little toxic [ __ ] got into my chat you’re so mad gy calm down I don’t okay I’m not mad I’m tired fed up with toxic little

Shits I could be playing raft right now or Hogwarts Legacy you should stream hog weights bro I’m getting ready to start it over again and do it I think I’ll do it as a huffle puff this time of course you would but they get your generation your generation is very

Much Hufflepuff no it’s not that it’s every every house gets a different uh Quest so I’m I’m G to go through and do them all I’ve done Slytherin so I think I’ll do huffle puff I’ll save Gryffindor for last it’s supposed to be easiest you need to find the

Key do you have the key I found the key hole I found the key where is it at I found a pepper oh the pepper makes me fast you where you it’s down there to the left okay do I need to click on it uh pepper oh I made it through yes oh

This bro I want to get I want to dude we should like get a Wii and we should play like the uh uh wi Mario thing you cuz you never played that one did you we Mario no I don’t think so yeah it was really fine you should totally you

Should totally get one and you should totally play with me I don’t even know I’m planning on getting a Wei anyways like an old one like I used to have one a bajillion years ago put PNY in [ __ ] oh my God the Yoshis are drawn so cute I wonder who did these animations

Or like these art styles they’re adorable I know it just looks like they IM in Microsoft P oh man I ran right into it these are cute though God it took me all the way back I should make an Obby like this I think that would be kind of

Cute o a stardew One that’ be nice I went the wrong way stardew Obby that would be awesome bro I [ __ ] left you I’m so sorry no it’s not your fault I died and then went the wrong way I went back I mean we’re on the same level I’m

Waiting over at like the logs yeah I got to get through the things like for real they got so butt hurt that I called them toxic that they went and found my channel you probably just wanted to check it out ain’t nothing to check out it’s tiny don’t worry I’m no competition I

Just stream for fun toxic people I swear some of the most toxic people I’ve ever seen are on Roblox Call of Duty and got [ __ ] on Roblox fortnite ain’t got [ __ ] on Roblox angry angry little kids although that dude may not be a little kid did I leave

You huh did I leave you oh yes you did or yeah you did dude I’m sorry I thought you were right behind me oh I wasn’t paying attention I was just talking and going found a hacker in our murder mystery 2 server that we were just in probably that [ __ ] toxic

Dude they got the patience for stupid people tonight I really don’t fluffy stopped and looked at me hi what am I supposed to be like oh my God it’s a YouTuber n I’m just like you’re giving people so many reasons to report you I don’t care like if you so you have

The uh option to like what are they going to report me for calling them toxic little shits I canat you said you’ve said other things in the uh well not to them he said things to that one dude and that one dude reported me probably not as many times as I reported

Him it was like 15 or 20 times like I just sat there one after the other don’t come I’m after my kid yeah like I don’t care like what’s the worst going to happen I lose my Roblox account oh no how will I ever survive though you got some godlies on

There I’ll just go buy some more you should stash me with them like seriously I would just go and buy some off of uh so you would lose your uh what is it what’s that one uh Evolution on Reaver yeah that’s okay see that’s what people don’t get like there’s nothing on

Here that I can’t live without it’s just a game I’m from a generation where we didn’t even have saves if you got to level eight out of eight of Mario and you died you went back to level one I do really want to get like some vintage game consoles yeah they will

Make you mad [ __ ] there’s this [ __ ] console that I want but it’s like $1,600 what a [ __ ] Pikachu uh it’s an old console it’s one that you I think you’re was it Nintendo 64 yeah I think so you want to know what I know somebody that has

One or did have one I don’t know lb are you still watching do you still have one lb had one damn it will sell for a lot now he could sell it to his sister he had like the original box and everything like that could sell for easily like

1,600 you know what I really want I’ve said this a dozen times but I would really like to get a hold of a Yellow Game Boy again like I used to have and Pokémon Yellow mhm why don’t you get a Game Boy like a Yellow Game Boy I will eventually like a

Yellow Game Boy Color or just a regular like Game Boy like a Yellow Game Boy Color like I used to have and then I want the Poke I want Pokemon Crystal red blue yellow the ones I used I want the uh I want the uh great colored one it’s

Pretty I I have two of the games I know you showed them to me the other day I think I’m just going to get like an emulator thing cuz there’s this really cool thing that you can get that you can just plug into your computer and it’ll

Take like the ROM file from the uh thing and you can like actually have like save files and backups and stuff that you can load so you don’t have to like go through all the [ __ ] of like deleting your safe pile to get another one well that’s kind of

Cool what’s a hey I found something com I could be dumb I might be really dumb I is this where we came from I wasn’t paying attention I don’t think so maybe no no I don’t think so good job oh yeah I know cuz the arrows I’m

Done oh my God this is so cute I love the art style in this game extremely this makes me want to make a Obby now should just don’t make it too hard n I’d make it a fun one son of a biscuit ooh you know what I want to do I

Want to make a like PlayStation one style like analog not analog horror but like a psychological horror game it was a bacon psychological horror really [ __ ] up people I don’t know why anybody thinks they can get away with hacking any of these games anymore how who would hack in a game

Like this though do you smell smoke I smell smoke really strongly just letting you know it might be blowing down the chimney from somebody having a fire outside this is a cute little Obby I really do like it oh I think this person going to show us the way oh

Key do these kill you yeah yeah I wait for you [ __ ] stuck [ __ ] bro what what girl this person’s waiting for us we picked up a leech your name is Savings in Hand Smoke is blowing down the chimney that explains why I’m are you sure there

Seven rings in a hand I don’t know I can’t see they keep moving too much what the heck oh it’s it’s uh there’s it’s a one right there right there right there like uh it’s a blue one on the uh left jump oh there you are I was looking

At your stream it’s a little delay delayed I didn’t realize fing cute look at it is cute cold oh my god oh there’s a pepper thing over here this is so fun this is the most fun I’ve had on OB in a while oh there’s a little Hut back here with a

Person there’s nothing in it look at this little person though a that’s cute okay let’s go I’m going this way let see if I can get around to the front this way want me to wait for you at the front uh I went the way you did okay I was

Like I ain’t doing all that okay come herey where are you I went to the one room oh I got a badge oh my God I turned around there’s Luigi everywhere where where hey come over here come here come here come here well go in that room okay you come in

Here go up there and touch the don’t touch the red touch the blue and then don’t walk just stand still and turn around do you see him yeah that’s funny see it doesn’t show them for me over here right here yep helping the blind what am I supposed to do jump oh y

Like I’m on it dang it okay now over here jum back on this now what I’m G help her oh you can see it from down here okay I feel bad leaving noobs behind are you I used to like sit on these like games use your red

Key I always felt bad leaving people behind on games like these okay let’s not do this yet I want to go through the ones that don’t involve a key okay didn’t you already go through them not the ones upstairs oh are there ones upstairs yeah use your green key click on it that

One takes a yellow key yeah how did you get in I don’t have a yellow key why you you should from the beginning no I have red green and blue uh uh what’s in there anything good I teleported that leads to an essential part of the map I

Think I don’t have a yellow key I know [ __ ] this room I just walked into try resetting I might be done actually yeah now I have no keys uh I quit Okay that was cute you want to play blade ball for a little bit not really I found a silly little game I

Found a silly little game is the one crappy dude still in there huh I’m talking to boss all right what silly little game did you find it’s just a silly little game do you guys remember playing poo when when you were little yes I remember I thought about redownloading it bro dude for

Real music loud colle all of these right here dud I don’t even know where you’re at where are you Oh what do you mean collect them you just walk on them you just walk into them yeah it’s like that one marker Game there’s a there’s an ice cone one over here just right here Yeah okay these noises are Terrible what the way the Poo me I know I remember that freaking game over here over here over here over here hang on I’m getting this one here please and then this family of them up here is there a collision on this game oh there is you can just jump on my head

Oh maybe I’m not supposed to get them up there it’s not letting me get up there oh what’s This there’s a thing back here like a code I saw it is that a poo bro I just want walk over to the like computer or whatever walk over to the computer mm and just jump on it I did something you hit the one on the floor probably did you get the clock

Poo bro it teleported me oh it didn’t teleport me D go go back over like I twice why am I in here oh I died what happened I don’t Know oh something oh there’s a run button [ __ ] I’m going back to the Pooh house to try it Again okay enough of that you know what I think I’m G to end the stream and go to bed okay this is the latest I’ve stayed up in forever okay oh let me end my stream say goodbye to the stream bye stream bye I don’t know who all is in here but

Uh night boss boss is still in there for sure Matt might be playing for a while you can always play with him I’m probably GNA leave for a bit and then get back on later all right well I’m off so bye stream bye

This video, titled ‘MM2 and such’, was uploaded by PokéMomma & PokéSister on 2023-12-20 06:59:35. It has garnered 58 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:14 or 16934 seconds.

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    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Builds you MUST SEE! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Best Survival Builds so far! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by ChillCraftSounds on 2024-02-16 22:00:00. It has garnered 196 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. A snapshot in to our little survival world. My 4 best builds so far! Enjoy 🙂 Song: Today Is The Day – Mark July Read More

  • Insane Bollywood Dance Duel ft. Minecraft Madness!

    Insane Bollywood Dance Duel ft. Minecraft Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘#hindisong #bollywood #song #dance #funny #duet #music #bhojpurimusic #sasbahunokjhok #minecraft’, was uploaded by TJ Viral Shorts on 2024-10-02 01:27:57. It has garnered 507 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Stack of Grass Modded Australia Survival Whitelist Towny City Rewards

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2 In 1.20.1, Stack of Grass Season 2 is a small server hosted in Australia focusing on socializing and world building. What Makes Us Different? Player Base: Whitelisted and preferably 18+, creating a chill ambiance. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” experience with mods like “Ars Nouveau” and “Mystical Agriculture” for enhanced building and adventuring. The Commands: Players have access to useful commands like /home and Waystones. The In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community building through town creation. The Server Life: Admins add scripted Dungeons with rewards, regular events,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Falling in Minecraft? More like plummeting!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Falling in Minecraft? More like plummeting!"Falling in Minecraft be like “Oops, I guess I’ll just respawn and try not to embarrass myself again!” Read More

  • Crafting Love: From Blocks to Rings in Minecraft Life

    Crafting Love: From Blocks to Rings in Minecraft Life In Minecraft, a life from child to adult, Growing up, getting married, it’s a result. The journey is long, with adventures to find, In the pixelated world, let your imagination unwind. Join Team Smoothie, for more fun and delight, With Oops Hiha and Yummie, the future is bright. Explore new realms, with Super Ngao in tow, Minecraft stories to share, let the creativity flow. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe, To Super Ngao’s channel, where Minecraft vibes thrive. For updates and news, stay tuned in, To the world of Minecraft, where the fun begins. Read More

  • “Herobrine’s Hot Date Night” 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    "Herobrine's Hot Date Night" 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you spend so much time playing Minecraft that even Herobrine is like, “Dude, take a break.” #minecraftaddict #herobrineconcerned Read More

  • Sonic’s Yellow Portal in Minecraft

    Sonic's Yellow Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and discover the secrets of the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal? Join the adventure as we explore this exciting feature in the game! What is the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal? The Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal is a unique portal in Minecraft that allows players to travel to a special dimension filled with new challenges and rewards. By following specific steps and crafting the portal correctly, players can unlock this hidden gem in the game. How to Create the Super… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic gameplay experience, Minewind offers players the opportunity to explore, build, and survive in a vast virtual world. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. Join a community of like-minded gamers and embark on epic adventures together. With unique features and regular updates, you’ll never run out of things to do on Minewind. So why wait? Join the fun today by entering the Minewind server… Read More

  • Scheming Cobble Generator: NO LAG!

    Scheming Cobble Generator: NO LAG! Minecraft Create: NO LAG Cobble Generator Minecraft enthusiasts are always on the lookout for innovative ways to enhance their gameplay experience. One such exciting addition to the Minecraft world is the NO LAG Cobble Generator created using Minecraft Create. This new schematic promises to revolutionize the way players generate cobblestone in the game. What is Minecraft Create? Minecraft Create is a mod that introduces a variety of mechanical elements to the game, allowing players to automate tasks and create complex contraptions. With the NO LAG Cobble Generator, players can now efficiently produce cobblestone without experiencing any lag, ensuring a… Read More

  • Join RogueX – Altairon Academy Now!

    Join RogueX - Altairon Academy Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Altairon Arcane Academy | เปิดรับสมัครนักเรียนและศาสตราจารณ์📢’, was uploaded by RogueX on 2024-10-01 17:30:49. It has garnered 58 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:16 or 76 seconds. #minecraftpe #minecraftstory #minecraftbuilding #minecraft #hogwarts #wizard #harrypotter Read More

  • EPIC 200 Pump Shotgun Minecraft House Build!

    EPIC 200 Pump Shotgun Minecraft House Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘*LIVE* MAKING MY HOUSE IN MINECRAFT WITH MY LITTLE BROTHER(HOUSE BUILD BY MarchiWORX)’, was uploaded by 200PumpShotgun on 2024-06-13 12:33:23. It has garnered 20 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:25:31 or 12331 seconds. Hey guys, in this live me and my brother world in MINECRAFT SURVIVAL! Dont forget to like and subscribe :D! IGNORE TAGS fortnite item shop, fortnite event, fortnite live, fortnite season 3 chapter 2, fortnite season 4, fortnite cars, fortnite montage, fortnite song, fortnite aquaman, fortnite apple, fortnite animation, fortnite aimbot, fortnite aquaman challenges, fortnite asmr, fortnite… Read More


    DUPE on DONUTSMP 2024 - LINK in COMMENTS!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to dupe on DONUTSMP Working 2024 DONUTSMP DUPE LINK IN COMMENTS 1’, was uploaded by gmas1 on 2024-08-11 14:53:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Mod links : Download in coments TAGS IGNORE ) In this video I Showcase a Minecraft PaperMC Dupe Glitch that might work on … Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Survival Guide – EP. 3 – Making EPIC Progress!!

    The Ultimate Minecraft Survival Guide - EP. 3 - Making EPIC Progress!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Lets Play – DRP’s Flat World Survival Guide Episode 3 – Making Progress!!’, was uploaded by Gobspitt on 2024-01-08 17:00:03. It has garnered 86 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:33 or 1533 seconds. Welcome to the Flat World Survival Guide! A MineCraft series using a modpack created by DanRobzProbz. This is a Java Modpack. Visit DanRobzProbz’s showcase at: Download DRP’s modpack here; Find me at: Facebook – Gobspitt Games Twitter – @gobspitt Instagram – @gobspitt Twitch – Discord – Support me by becoming a Patreon… Read More

  • QUEEN ELSA Faces Shizo Nightmare in Sand City Hideout SMP

    QUEEN ELSA Faces Shizo Nightmare in Sand City Hideout SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Little Nightmare 2 Now- Working In Sand City in Hideout SMP with Queen Elsa’, was uploaded by QUEEEN ELSA on 2024-04-18 18:06:07. It has garnered 5099 views and 101 likes. The duration of the video is 03:53:18 or 13998 seconds. 🌟 Welcome to QUEEEN ELSA channel ! 🌟 #minecraft #minecraftpublicserver Hey there, gamers! I’m Srishti Mishra. Join me as we dive into epic adventures, tackle challenging quests, and share some laughs along the way! 🎮✨ What to Expect: 🔥 Live gameplay of the latest releases and classic favorites 💬 Interactive chats and community fun 🎉… Read More

  • Insane Tiny Hide and Seek Challenge in Minecraft!

    Insane Tiny Hide and Seek Challenge in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Challenged my Friends to TINY Hide and Seek in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by MrToggle on 2024-04-28 04:45:27. It has garnered 1811 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:21 or 1101 seconds. I Challenged my Friends to TINY Hide and Seek Minecraft… In this video, I challenged my friends to Minecraft hide and seek, but with a TWIST!!! We are tiny… We created a custom modpack and maps that made this video possible. Make sure to check out our other Minecraft challenge/manhunt videos. Also, possible a hardcore Mincraft manhunt or something… Read More

  • Insane Cirno Gaming Monday with Sky Papus Block

    Insane Cirno Gaming Monday with Sky Papus BlockVideo Information This video, titled ‘CIRNO GAMING LUNES ! SKY PAPUS BLOCK’, was uploaded by Dizzy Tohou VT on 2024-10-01 02:48:36. It has garnered 231 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 02:19:53 or 8393 seconds. #vtuber #indonesia #japan #jap #japanese #vtube #hololive #holo #genshin #touhouproject #minecraft #mine #craft #minecraftevent #gmod #cirno #touhou #touhouindonesia #tohotuber #virtualtuber #chile #memes #gaming #streaming #streamer #gaming #shaders #vt #vrchat #asmr Read More


    🔥I AM GODLY OP IN THIS LIFESTEAL SMP!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘I Became OVERPOWERED In This LifeSteal Minecraft SMP🔥’, was uploaded by Blazeonix on 2024-07-04 10:30:00. It has garnered 161 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:00 or 420 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #viral #trending I Became OVERPOWERED In This LifeSteal Minecraft SMP🔥 FireMC Server IP – Port – 19132 (Java/Bedrock/Pocket) Game – Minecraft IGN – Blazeonix Music – Crock Pot Indian Fusion Make Sure to Like the video and subscribe to the channel💖 Tags Ignore: Tags Ignore: minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,minecraft facts,minecraft memes,minecraft challenge,minecraft funny,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft but challenge,shorts minecraft,types… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC MINECRAFT MONDAYS: Yumiko Neko Takes on the Mines!🔥 #NekoVLive

    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT MONDAYS: Yumiko Neko Takes on the Mines!🔥 #NekoVLiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT MONDAYS】 – EP 9: THE CHILDREN YEARN FOR THE MINES【YUMIKO NEKO|GACHAVSTARS】 #NekoVLive’, was uploaded by Neko Yumiko ch on 2024-06-10 13:21:37. It has garnered 92 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:53 or 7853 seconds. “H-hey! its not as though i LIKE you!.. but come hangout anyway?” buy me a ko-fi! (i wont eat ur toes if u do :3) ❀⊱┄┄┄┄⊰❀ °• ♡ •° ❀⊱┄┄┄┄⊰❀ The Cutest kitty in GEN 1 of GachaVstars …YES I SAID THE CUTEST! join the discord!! °• ♡ •° Vtuber mama! @lilkisses Tags:… Read More

  • RLFactions Season 1 PVP MODDED FACTIONS

    RLFactions Season 1 Beginning Soon! Experience a blend of RLCraft survival challenges with faction-based gameplay on RLFactions! Immerse yourself in a world where you can fight through dungeons one minute and defend your base from dragon-riding players the next. Join us for a competitive and challenging survival experience. DISCORD: Enhance your survival skills and engage in faction warfare to ensure your survival in this vibrant and competitive environment. Building and strategizing are key to success on RLFactions. Are you ready for the ultimate challenge? Join now and test your survival skills! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – This ain’t the full Minecraft update!

    Minecraft Memes - This ain't the full Minecraft update!Well, looks like this meme is mining for upvotes in the update department! Read More

  • “Blaze it up in Minecraft!” #minecraftmemes

    "Blaze it up in Minecraft!" #minecraftmemes “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” 😂🎮 #minecraft #minecraftmemes #gaming #minecrafthacks #technogamerz #memes #meme Read More

  • Soul Juice in Minecraft

    Soul Juice in Minecraft Minecraft: The Essence of Souls Welcome to a world where creativity knows no bounds, where blocks come alive, and adventures await at every turn. In the realm of Minecraft, players delve into a universe where imagination reigns supreme and possibilities are endless. Let’s explore the essence of souls in this captivating game. Meet 方块轩: The Minecraft Creator 方块轩, a prominent figure in the Minecraft community, is a creator known for his child-friendly content that focuses on humor and joy. As a dedicated Minecraft animator, 方块轩’s channel is a hub of original and entertaining videos that aim to spread happiness… Read More

  • Ultimate TNT Cannon Ship Tutorial

    Ultimate TNT Cannon Ship Tutorial Welcome to the Modern Beta Battle Ship Tutorial! Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft battleships and TNT cannons? Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newbie looking to up your game, this tutorial is a must-watch before you step foot on the battlefield. Let’s explore the exciting features and events that await you on the server! Server ID: Before you embark on your Minecraft battleship adventure, make sure to join the server at This is where the action happens, and where you’ll find fellow players ready to engage in epic battles and build… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Transformation with Create Mod!

    Ultimate Minecraft Transformation with Create Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Started the World I Always Wanted with Minecraft Create Mod and Ars Nouveau!’, was uploaded by Throlash on 2024-09-08 14:00:07. It has garnered 23441 views and 755 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:36 or 2376 seconds. Welcome to Season 2 of my Create Mod series with Ars Nouveau – Minecraft Create: Nations! 👉 Subscribe for more of this series! In this series we’ll be building a beautiful world, with big and small nations plopped all over the place, each with their own lore and purpose! I’m combining the automation a movement… Read More

  • Breaking the Law: Minecraft Pranks on Girls

    Breaking the Law: Minecraft Pranks on GirlsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Doing illegal things to women (in Minecraft).’, was uploaded by Wrld on 2024-02-14 22:43:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this video I attempt to get a girlfriend in Minecraft because I can’t get one in real life. I have felt alone for years happy Valentines … Read More

  • “Watch Scar Get Wrecked on 6b6t in Seconds!” #minecraft #clickbait

    "Watch Scar Get Wrecked on 6b6t in Seconds!" #minecraft #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scar Gets Destroyed in 6b6t (2 logs) #minecraft #anarchy #cpvp #hypixel #6b6t #anarchy1’, was uploaded by MUDL on 2024-09-27 02:00:20. It has garnered 674 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. Tesseract- Anarchy Free Kits- Get 6b6t tier tested- tags – Minecrafe Anarchy Tags Minecraft Anarchy Anarchy Server Minecraft Chaos No Rules Minecraft Minecraft PvP Minecraft Base Building Minecraft Griefing Minecraft Raiding Anarchy Survival Anarchy Factions Anarchy Minecraft Server Minecraft Hacked Client Minecraft Exploits Minecraft Anarchy Tips Anarchy Minecraft Hacks Minecraft Free-for-All Minecraft Wild West… Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE ChaosKraft 2 Gameplay – EP21: Gheilath

    🔥 INSANE ChaosKraft 2 Gameplay - EP21: GheilathVideo Information This video, titled ‘ChaosKraft 2: Lands Of Legend (CTM Map) – Episode 21: Gheilath’, was uploaded by Anistuffs – The Indian Let’s Player on 2024-03-11 12:31:01. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:41 or 7901 seconds. 🔻Open video description for more information🔻 ChaosKraft 2: Lands Of Legend is a large open world CTM map for Minecraft 1.15.2, made by Lylac, the mapmaker formerly known as BenplayerX, as the second entry in their CTM series ChaosKraft. Check out the map: Minecraft is a sandbox videogame developed by Mojang that lets… Read More

  • 🔥 NEW Minecraft SMP Server IP! Join now! 🚀

    🔥 NEW Minecraft SMP Server IP! Join now! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft new public smp ip port 🥶| 1.20 minecraft server | 24/7 online | public smp | @Not_Barkeep’, was uploaded by Bar_keep_brO 0.2 on 2024-03-18 09:30:07. It has garnered 1751 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:02 or 422 seconds. minecraft brand new public smp || for java + poket + pojav || 1.19+ free to join || 24/7 online minecraft free public SMP || for java + pe + pojav || 1.19+ 24/7 || free Best smp server mcpe 💗 1.20+ Survival Smp java + mcpe 24/7 ✅ free to… Read More

  • EPIC Advancement Hunt in Inselphia – LIVE🔴

    EPIC Advancement Hunt in Inselphia - LIVE🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Advancement Hunt – EP10 | (LIVE🔴)’, was uploaded by Inselphia on 2024-07-26 20:53:31. It has garnered 50 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:04:16 or 14656 seconds. Welcome to the tenth episode of the advancement series! Today, we’ll be trying to get even more advancements so make sure to come join and have some fun!!! LINKS: Check out the whole list of advancements I have to complete and make suggestions for ones I should complete (may be outdated) – Read More


    CALLI IN DANGER! WHO'S BEHIND HER? 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘CALLI THERE’S SOMEONE BEHIND YOU 【Hololive EN】’, was uploaded by Zuzu Ch. on 2024-06-16 18:39:04. It has garnered 44218 views and 2500 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:44 or 104 seconds. Don’t forget to subscribe 🗿 My Twitter: – Source – 【HOLOMYTH MINECRAFT】5 refined ladies 1 block! (part 1) – Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN @GawrGura Takanashi Kiara Ch. hololive-EN @TakanashiKiara Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN @WatsonAmelia Ninomae Ina’nis Ch. hololive-EN @NinomaeInanis Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN @MoriCalliope Nanashi Mumei Ch. hololive-EN @NanashiMumei Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN @CeresFauna Hakos Baelz Ch. hololive-EN @HakosBaelz Ouro… Read More