Creating My Perfect Society by Bullying YouTubers

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Hey what’s going on guys Simo from social stream I hate that that was so perfect that was the first thing great wonderful I hate you my God right I mean I’m I’m ready we rumbling yeah ready to yeah gool all right everybody well we’ve been here for

A little while but thank you guys first and foremost for joining I appreciate it this will be a wild ride today based on uh everything already gone down uh just so you know I almost am recoll or just my perspective in all the chaos just let me know um because it’ll

Be here for you anyways this is this is an assess this is an open world survival crafting game and you are are my minions today so what we’re going to do is we’re going to kind of do a brief overview of the game kind of some basic mechanics

And then we’re going to do some dungeon crawling explore some bosses and uh try not to die but dying is pretty much guarant he’s explaining it way better than I could anyways so this is your settlement this is obviously a very well-built settlement this is not what

You start out as uh you start with just a little cabin in the woods with this creepy old guy who uh wants you to do Quests for him and you also have the access to like a cavern so actually I want to say that this cabin right here

Where I am in is actually kind of like your starting Cavern or your starting kind of spot so imagine all of this in just this one little room and this is what you get to start out in very fancy oh good lord that that doors massively it’s so loud it’s so the

Real estate market is really bad can we remod yeah yeah what’s uh the goal in the you’re trying to build up your settlement you can recruit villagers to come and join your settlement you have lots of things you can do with them uh you grow things you

Craft things and you go dungeon crawling explore the world it’s actually it’s a ton of fun and I’m I’m excited y’all are here so we’re going to do the one thing that we’re not actually going to do we’re going to explore the villagers and what they can do because that’s kind of

One of the bigger Parts in the sess that I really really enjoy so anyone wants let’s go to uh angle the guard over here and so if you’ll right click talk to them uh depending on the type of villager you may have they may have resources that you can pull from them

But some of the bigger features are things like how are you feeling so if you click on how you’re feeling you’ll see that they are quite happy and that’s crucial because if their happiness is really low for a long period of time the believe in the settlement so you see

Different things here like my diet’s extremely varied this is a small settlement etc etc so um there’s other similar games like this where satisfaction is a huge part of it uh so that’s something that you can do down to the types of meals that they can have

Etc etc the next thing is you can have them join your adventure party so if you were playing single player or even in multiplayer we could bring our villagers with us to go into caverns and fight bosses and kind of be like your bodyguard essentially uh so that’s

Pretty cool I will say though that if you attack the villagers too much on accident or otherwise they’ll turn on you and they are quite powerful so I would uh be be wary of the NPCs so we shouldn’t be stealing their equipment you you you could but you can

Give them equipment will give it to me so yeah I mean they will you can take anything you want and give it to them yeah absolutely okay sweet uh and then kind of the last thing is that you can change their work priorities they have different uh capabilities and things

Like that so you could have people who go hauling or hunting fishing etc etc so this allows you to kind of automate Your settlement so that way you can go and do all the fun things while everyone’s stuck at home doing all the boring stuff

Um and then the last thing and this is where I was talking about earlier you can change their diet so you can restrict what kinds of foods they can or can’t have um and you can totally go full feudalism if you want to like uh all the settlers or all your villagers

Can only have simple food get to enjoy CU they’ve scripted this entire thing this be a whole like really cool scripted story line lots of stuff that you can do settlements and I have uh you can craft things you have like a Grain Mill which will have things cheese

Presses if we go into our Barracks over here join me join me Simo is already like I I know where I’m going here you have all your crafting stuff and then you guys actually all each have your own unique chests that you’ll want to come in oh sweet play

With when Prav why the pond broker just in a bikini yo we don’t judge can I can can I ask who named these NPCs cuz there’s a guy over here called furry the animal keeper why is my other than just a Yer outfit I feel yeah you’re over

There so anyways you open up your chest and you got a whole bunch of stuff to choose from uh right clicking on any of your cosmetic items or your armor just automatically equips it so you can kind of play around you got like space helmets you got clown which is uh is

Pretty fitting you got looks like pravis is a plague doctor uh I like that that works really well simply in my shades and my plague uh outfit so should we eat our demon Hearts yes you should yes is a demon H yep so on the bottom left

There’s a demon heart so you will right click it and then not right click I right click it in your and so that basically bumps up your health to 200 gives you a nice little boost um also to get your health up to speed uh hotkey Q will get you a health

Potion that should be in if you’ve equipped the potions or you could just loot all from inventory if you have your chest open and it’ll just automatically Port it all okay yeah so you have your armor you can mess around with your Cosmetics um and then like I said right clicking for

Instance on your armor will automatically equip you you want to have your armor on as well as your Cosmetics otherwise you have no armor and you’ll die um and that’s not good uh what would we find armor good uh it’s going to be your Frost stuff oh sweet okay cool

Yep so equip all of that and you’ll notice that uh you don’t have a full set that’s intentional just so you know so it’s not like we’re missing a bunch of stuff and then you have a whole bunch of weapons you have swords you have bows

You have magic staffs etc etc you can use all of these um but it depends on what you really want to focus on yeah I mean this there are things called fies focis uh they are also they for your trinket slot and so you will have a

Range of these however I will say that equipping all of them there’s the potential for it to cancel out so for instance there is a ranged foli and a magical folky neither of those can be equipped at the same time so if you want to be more ranged you have to unequip

The the magic FY etc etc and so those just give you Buffs in certain areas while decreasing those Buffs in other areas so and then make sure that you get your steel boat and the feather the feather is very crucial the feather allows you to have an ostrich Mount oh all of you

Guys get ostrich mounts nice yeah hell yeah look at koish now I uh so you right click on that feather and it automatically goes into your Mount and you press F there we go simos got it pravis has it waiting on laan Rose I am very challenged uh there we

Go oh we’re off there we go there we go yes awesome I love it it’s so if I call the powerful creature using mysterious portal here in town is that a problem um don’t don’t do it in town please don’t spoil the entire event oh that it’s pretty cool it’s like

A mix between like Terraria we won’t do that quite yet uh Minecraft and R as well all missing a certain piece of equipment and so we’re basically need to make sure we go get some Frost shards in order to forge what’s what you needed left so we

Are going to go into our first little cave and we are going to go do some exploring and I’m going to show you guys all that so follow me so you have a surfboard I have to I do have a surfboard and we have ostriches this feels oh

God uh you host your event and I’ll get you a surfboard okay understandable my apologies that’s a pretty far in yes it is I’m pretty sure yes it is that’s fine I’ll get that there we go there we go follow me follow me all right so you can

OB oh hold on hold on hold on go back to land go back to land land because your ostriches are quite slow now you have a steel boat right click it and it’ll automatically change it out but you can only equip it when you get close to the shore there you go

And look how much faster you guys are oh no pravis PR is just sitting on just just right click right click the steel booat I did did Simo did you not grab the steel booat no oh well swim buddy I guess back you’re sit on the I want to

Retrieve him did you so just right click on the steel boat and it’ll automatically switch out your Mount so uh hit F again pravis and you should be able oh just recalls him automatically got it all right well just got to wait for oh I was just

Swimming you swimming that’s fine I I was out here calling coish an idiot but it is I who digested uh yes you see I have disappeared rob you disappeared you good I underwater I’m next to R you can’t oh never mind there we go we’re

Good okay okay so we go to the edge of the map and you’ll see where it says travel South yeah so we are going to go to oh hold on uh you hit travel South and you’ll go to you’ll see the uh the major world map MH and it’s kind of a

Whole bunch of hex’s and stuff Have You you guys seen snow village two yep uh yep I see it I see Snow Village one01 it’s bottom right bottom right bottom right come on try a little harder one comma two yeah saw me E4 Master well thank you very much for following4 Masters that’ll

Be why it’s good it’s me how you doing it’s f it gives you plus range yes do you have it equipped oh no I’ll go back and get it I’d like to apologize on behalf of coic if you prefer uh so we’re we’re we’re we’re purposefully trying to exp

How’s the uh how’s the sound looking like guys you use feedback on M we are going to use teleporters here in just a little bit but that is very much kind of a later thing true so for for the beginners which is all of you except

Rose you’re going to have to travel by boat that’s fine um I mean there’s ducks if we want to practice Duck game way ahead of you you can roast the Ducks you can they’re yummy they’re are in game sounds yeah oh there’s so many ducks not for long there

Aren’t you hear koifish awesome we missing anyone else I got it I got it I got it this up a little bit all so travel South and head to one comma two hello everyone all right so many ducks there we go are we all here I think we’re all here how’s

That sounding all right let’s roll follow me now you obviously get to see things as you explore them and then when you come back to the region you’ll be able to see them uh continually this is just in standard fog of War uh Penguins over there this is the snow biome this

Is one of four biomes in the game the update uh the multiplayer update that comes out on December 11th which this event is kind of highlighting will include a new biome and so you have to find out more details there when that happens but anyways here is a

Cool village now these do generate randomly this is something that was pre-built um so you can interact with all these villagers you can buy stuff you can sell stuff you can have them join your village if you have the right resources like money or just attack the

Polar bear you just attacked the polar bear um get get it I like what I’m seeing here get it oh God don’t start the war you’re killing the villagers don’t don’t hurt the villagers please don’t don’t shoot the villagers all right is everyone here I think so I thought I saw someone die

But maybe I was wrong I think that a PO okay good awesome okay wait wait wait hang on no Kish died he’s dead running back most SK you should have everything still equipped so we don’t we don’t drop anything so you should still be good all

Right so we’re going to go and try and find some ice shards in our Cavern little Prav is on it he already knows what this is about over here all right do we wait for quish or we just ignor him I’m I’m honestly down for the second

I’ll be there in a bit hey hey I see him I’ll wait for him I’ll wait for him you guys go I’m feeling pretty rough Frozen down here very rough I hope hope why did you block it in Rose you monster what’s this about what you trying to what are you trying to

Say all right see let’s get down here all right so um when you do get down here R will quick drop a torch o and so we are just going to go explore and we’re going to do some combat things because there are zombies and all sorts of fun stuff down in these

Buildings cuz I see a pressure plate and I’m suspicious uh wait don’t worry I got this see what happens I got this just going to go around it I think Le you go have fun okay oh yeah that hurt it’s fine I’ll Attack the arrow wall I miss remember

That your potions are Q quick quick uh quick health potion is q it was so we are looking we are looking for things that well this sounds funny but look like ice shards and or rocks that uh look like they have little icy things in

Them so that’s going to be what you need oh I do not like the spiders there’s a giant spider over here I’m coming ow ow all right there we go there’s so many of them oh my word got a Modge we couldn’t get mid on such short notice

Yeah just outlining which channel it’s going to end up on Queen spider spider over here I do not like that oh no okay um I was immediately killed I feel like we were misinformed yeah we as to someone broke her egg let me solo it let she doesn’t like that let

Me S her yeah let me S her go go go go go all right so FYI if you die which there is a great chance of you doing it there is a kind of Obelisk looking Way Stone just click on that and you’ll see Snow Village two and that’ll allow you to

Come right back over to here so you don’t have to spend a lot of time traveling I mean yes I’m just showing off this feature that’s the only reason I died exactly I appreciate I appreciate the immersion and the the role so kind so kindly thank you oh my word there’s so

Many of them yeah yeah you have fun with that I’m just going to go look for frost shards hey remember that R is quick uh quick health potion oh my God and there he went oh Rose G got a lot of Health you mean q is potion I say r i

Mean yeah I meant Q yes you are correct that’s here very important quick question does the does the uh does my ostrich die uh um unconfirmed I’m not actually sure oh good well we’re about to test I guess I think you’re good but I’m not

Goods do I need you need about 20 brais really just over here just bus collecting there’s a SP oh I died I was humiliated by the way just just as an FYI um bosses Scale based on the number of players playing oh you don’t say we have a lot of people

H that kind of makes sense okay I have my Frost shards we’re good we can leave that’s it guys don’t worry PR got it what he’s going for your friends are dead meing it reduces the difficulty right so I’m actually no no no no it’s how many people are in the server dang

It yeah yeah that was his aim he was truly a team player if you just want if you just want to bounce that’ help us all that’d be appreciate yeah leave I found vampires too uh yes they are they’re oh my word what do you mean you found Vamp ow

I found the vampire I mean exactly what I said sound a vampire a little he turned into a bat and everything it’s a little bit unfair that he can climb over the walls and we can’t you is there a cool down between taking potions uh there is so there’s a cool um

There’s a 30 second cool down for health potions however um tip if you die you can lay in your bed and you’ll heal faster because you don’t respa with yeah that’s cowardly though I can’t do that there’s a spider to kill one small issue my friends are on the field of

Battle one small problem to your friends he’ll be a hey I found a royal egg should I use that here no please don’t are you sure yes it sounds you know what you know why not idea spawn another spider the fight yes well they won’t fight K battle K battle

Dud in Godzilla oh no you got humiliated by que for the second time for the second time I was humiliated that’s embarrassing you should be used to this by now all right spider killing you is not enough it has to hum what yeah you couldn’t handle it I was

Humiliated like emoted on My Dead Body uh I think uh I think father Havoc has has like console commands open he just click the button to kill the death message I have capacity but I did not I will say that I have the ability guys don’t worry doesn’t mean someone else

Didn’t but where you going s Simo come up here it’s a OB please don’t spawn another spider right click this one too we’re we’re at 25% we’re so close speaking of which I’m out I’m almost dead he literally left look at that all right finish him off

Coward don’t kill him yet I want XP spider I’m going to get the I’m going to get the kill killing blow my word we’re so close guys 22 and 1 12% it was 25% like 30 seconds ago this is taking a while and apparently Sarah’s yelling at

Me asking why I did that Sarah you’re in the way Sarah pun run Sarah’s going to kill you I was in my menu no you know what I have some Ninja Stars I found we need like a World of Warcraft classic raid leader yelling at us like be the

Mano you’re in the fire get get oh my word HP 3 HP 3 HP 3 HP survive [ __ ] you’re you’re in a bit of a a pickle that there’s a tiny spiders remember Q it’s a 30 second cool down I’m queing as much as I can potions I will say that

If you are out of battle you have a potion uh potion pouch and it has other potion in there like health regen and stuff but that’s not hotkeyed God dang it so oh my word oh no going down Budd does have to survive one of us does have

To survive because the boss will start over oh my godge hide be a coward it’s fine human wave tactics go go go human wave tactics we’ve been trying that running away is something I can do running away don’t worry guys I’ll tank them I’ll oh

My word so I realized that blue stuff is poisonous sometimes I can’t get that I forget to ask if anyone has Arachnophobia so that’s on I think it’s too late I think on yeah that would have been great mate cheers well this is time to get over

It I’ve been humiliated six times over the the blue thing I told you yeah dude my chat was yelling at me for that they upset me I was wondering why I keep dying ah yes this this poison it hurts maybe if I step in more I’ll develop immunity what’s up with all

These blueberry soup blue inside the snow cave I I didn’t know you thought it was Ice wait is the blue stuff bad yes the blue stuff is bad oh I did not know that either that explains a lot yeah that’s how I died never seen I so close K

It I’m going in I did it it was all me you’re welcome get off the blue stuff Rob us oh right we did just talk about that you almost just died to a baby spider wants to get that naive Frost piercer you totally can I I got doell spider CLA that I have

A spoiled Frost Pierce or whatever that is oh I have an egg anyone want to do that again if you do that I will find you dress what the hell yo y what is that waa Rose what the H why she got a shield that’s a frost

Piercer okay oh very nice okay so you have a potion pouch so this is where we can either go back to the settlement but we really need to get those those shards uh but you can do like health regen we’ve got uh Mana speed potion battle

Potions Etc so uh I’m going to pop a health regen potion myself and then I guess we should go after some sharks shouldn’t we I’ve already got mine are we done we good provis has his wow story of his life all that matters all that matters where would I

Find these shards you just got to you got to explore and look for like down here by me this is what like uh creatures can drop them you can mine icy looking uh like right here sp’s good vein here and then we can just keep exploring

Oh goodness that’s a spider oh that’s a spider hey Simo get your own deposit huh get your let me help you real quick get good sh you see you see how I’m deleting these uh guys I’m really struggling over here I want to go back to the

Group we get bonus points for having extra shards I mean craft more if you want to but everything careful I mean I’ve got 40 of them so 40 shot that’s rude you only need like 20 to craft anything oh did it again did it again there’s another one no use the jab

I promise BBB and weave BBB and weave that was not me run get your ostrich get your ostrich I’ve got my steel boat equipped getting get in the water getting the water right I’m ignoring it shs shs ah ah oh no oh it’s coming after

Me all right I’m want to go next to Pro he seems to always find Shards I’ve got 50 of them now hey if we have enough we can just bounce how many do you need only if I get you need about 16 to 20 each only 100 total I need 100 I have

One I haven’t got A Single Shard yet Al I was busy killing massive SP fighers got 60 now is he just going up dat got 61 62 y 63 you know what we’re just we’re just just flexing a little bit okay this is Prov game we’re just in

It yeah we’re the hings he’s the the so when he said it was like a scripted thing when he said it was a scripted thing he meant just for Prov the rest of us are just also there we’re not PR $100 to let him take

Charge oh yeah yeah oh hey I just got 10 frost shards so I I will share I will share don’t worry I’m a benevolent God it’s fine this is why the man has a cult all right true by the way can I start a cult in this game uh that’s what

Te the guy’s the limit man oh God he really is the main character he’s created aood we are we are in Papa havoc’s cult look look look at this damage look at this damage saw might have that one later I it’s appropriate Simo survive hey there’s a

Diglett oh sorry it’s a cave Mall guys I found out what a frost entry does I found another Royal egg KS you yep oh sweet do it consume the egg consume it can you eat eggs like you know specifically the massive spider eggs no no chaps and chat why not let me know

Where you’re from the I want to see where everyone’s I’m trying to gauge like the time suddenly you have eight legs starting to get a kind of a hold of the uh the dodging thing yeah so if you have that force of wind it’s a nice little Dodge

Tool yeah if you if you SK is doing he’s doing the Mongol Georgia Sweden Poland USA Portugal France okay I don’t think I’ve % boys we’re doing it I forgot how to use my ostrich and I’m too oh no no I don’t I I have a steel

Boats I don’t know where switch where is the other one what’s it called it’s the feather it’s the feather feather feather inefficient feather inefficient feather inventory you push e to access it in your mama’s bedroom all right that’s hurtful uh you’re an inefficient feather that’s devastating

Yeah oh what does it look like looks like a feather think of a Feather that’s like a little bit you know not the most efficient thing I might have lefted the to this guy what if you wanted to ride an off but Simo said I don’t know where

It is didn’t you ride it before I did so must still be an adventure unless you dropped it somewhere he may have dropped it that’s very unfortunate there may be one there’s an extra there’s an extra chest and you may be you may have one in

There I can also give you mine I’ll just it’s all good wait who who’s missing the feather oh for God’s sake got torn apart Elbert yeah me Sim s well actually correction I got torn up thank you very much oh excuse me let get torn apart now I have two

Feathers now we need you build a ostrich are he can he can see the I’m going to start an ostrich business I was going to say one one ostrich per leg he going to ride in between them on top of them I like this that’s what’s coming in the

New upate better I’m going to beat this spider with it own it’s on me hey hey mod you’re about to die bro don’t stand in the ice generally is don’t stand in the ice I feel like it like just generally what how are you doing that

With the with the spear thingies what is that it’s it’s the uh the the naive Frost piercer it’s the thing we got from killing the last one of these oh I didn’t get that yeah snoo you lose all right so everyone else got it but me

I’ve just is there are there stats that you can see how many people have died if you could get good it would be okay I’m so sorry that would help us out when he fills out the form like being like okay which which influen did you invite okay

Not late again why literal skill issue great this is fantastic I’ve just been killed by a spider [Laughter] hatchling bro don’t worry I’m taking notes taking notes on how this goes yeah they’ve never played World of War a try yes if it is I’m failing badly it’s

Okay we do give Second Chances but only under certain conditions I mean I mean Le is on his like 15 right oh what’s were you saying koish huh koish could not handle the spider kill it while it’s while it’s still I’m going to go hang out with furry the animal tamer for my

Speed CH do me a favor every time I die spam F honestly that’s going to get taken out of context is it oh oh I I meant what I said I’m pretty sure even in context we can use that it’s going to be on the steam

Trailer oh my word all these little SP my God oh my God stand in ice it’s not ice to it’s poison look at that damage look at that damage got it all right now we just need the original Frost shards I’m dead over here yay it’s fine okay so so do oh I

Picked that up what does that do being hit poisons the attacker for 40 damage over five seconds that’s nice I’m willing to share I’m willing to share um Frost shards with people yeah I think we have 100 I would assume I am willing to sell some in

Exchange for some spider loot that I did not participate in well you want to he I see 99 sh does anyone need some trade an ostrich for I can offer dubious favors and a Batwing oh no why am I taking the space suit by the way koish uh if you um

Hold control and left click on an item it sends it to like trash watch this watch this watch this yeah so fast oh you one of the first ones got have enough oh actually welcome to the I have 40 so I have enough for me and some

SPID CH all right let’s let’s just head back let’s just head back all right I don’t know the original thank you thanks that’s really hurtful that is and you’re going to walk away huh cool yeah lovely let’s go this like follow follow Havoc follow me hang even

In the right place it’s may not even be the right place never mind bad Choice oh ye of little faith are we going up or down uh we’re going up I died way more than eight times so hopefully hey back away zombie for real you for real right right now I got you Mr President thank you all right so there’s a little uh Stone to the right

Of the door here if you just click on that it magically transports you back to our main base oh don’t worry I’m very familiar with Obelisk at this point I’ve used it many [Laughter] times all right we’re back at base so I do you think it’s cool I’m just going to

Throw out the frost shards here because I don’t need I got it but if you go over here to the anvils you can forge whatever items you need so it should be like helmet breastplate etc etc and then you’ll have at least a decently bit more armor than

You did before I I’m too poor to afford any of it so oh what do you got for trade I could do dubious favors I’m willing to stoop to several lows I’ve got snow Stone I can trade an ostrich I have literally the shirt on my back mhm um a bat wing he

He wants more uh what else I got coins you want some coins here’s your uh I do like money it’s true it’s fine um all right I’m going I’m going to toss my 80 8 no 100 sorry Frost shards on the ground excuse me my 100 shards oh my 119

I’m sorry I missed a stack here we go I’m just going to toss these on the ground can do what you want right I’ve got frost shards ifone want TR peasants if anyone want to tr make what you need and just toss it on the ground honor

System okay you you picked the wrong guy for that I mean there’s really no benefit to having two helmets three breast plates all I’m just going to take the chest the helmet from lace chest that he never took um now I’m ful has it down I took a

A hood said if I didn’t wear the frost and I changed to something else I mean you do you I’ll just say that banned immediately he you do you immediately get banned bullet there’s there’s guns in this game there are dude I got a gun

Gun I want a gun you have a gun I have a gun you got Americans in the audience I want my gun um well death my it dropped from the spider yeah I have it I oh my God does anybody else want one someone trying to shoot me who wants it

I’m over here in the corner just drop it and let him fight where’s it up where’s Le yeah this is a robbery hands up but it needs I don’t where’s the bun to put my hands up please you say one second bullets we have bullets all

Right dropped it but I don’t know if you got it I think I’m willing to trade nope okay I have simple bullets I will find my own bullets and then I will shoot you that’s how this works that is how it works I’ve made enemies is

Everyone ready to rumble uh as in like rumble on the same side right cuz provis threat to shoot me and I’m SC it’s okay turned off he can’t his his threats are empty promises and also coish and mud have like spinning death circles I feel very un underpowered here a medical

Condition okay I can’t help it man all right so we we’re going we’re going to practice using other potions outside of our standard okay so if you would like to go into your potion pouch which uh I drank I drank all of my potions simultaneous

There you go I’m now I’m now Juiced he can now hear colors he’s now illegal he can now hear colors and and just consume some uh I mean however many you really want and you’ll see there is a uh oh no I just oh no oh I see uh I thought someone was

Going to take my hoverboard how do we consume uh you right click and then outside of your inventory inventory you left click and now there’s going to be a couple coule of you that have a mysterious portal yeah in your inventory right click it drag it outside of your

Inventory and then or yeah then left click are you sure oh I 100% I did something I’m sorry oh y what yo shoot him shoot him although that spider seems to be posing a significantly more challenge damage look at that damage what they summoned op we got to

Take oh no there’s more Dy them no ow it’s coming oh my word there their health is so much higher than what it started oh no why are the health increasing who just summon the second one the second one hold on the second evil protectors what in the bullet H is going on

Man why there’s a third one there’s a fourth one there’s just kill the portals I CAU I okay I you gave too many people portals that was a mistake no who just who just opened the door to H oh my God it looks like Morocco in there close shut the doors of

Oblivion villagers come help us where’s the furry when you need him I will say that you we can totally go grab some villagers as long as someone keeps tanking them out here all right I’m so so if yeah we’re doing it nope we’re doing it doing it

Elliot okay I feel like we can take one more come on guys we take one more we hav killed one we’re doing pretty darn good if I have to say I mean I mean yeah it’s no spider what’s one more you know I recommend we take care of these evil

Portals cuz we’re going to get overwhelmed by I’ve been running around trying to clean them up I’m not feeling safe very oh my word okay so a couple of us let’s go after all the evil portal and everyone else starts tanking the big boys I’ll the big

Bo I found angle the guard he’s on his way did you what about the FES yes morning angle morning angle how’s the wrist it’s C he’s here it’s just the ones one did you get any anyone else concerned by the one that’s at 93% that we haven’t seen yet oh I think we’ve

Seen them we just don’t know which one it is owie it’s not the ones we shooting I tell you that much okay run out of trident everyone focus on this one on the ground tank him can I just say the music in this game is

Slick as up yeah it’s great but also an is upset of me that I can’t want to hit him yeah it’s fantastic congratulations and we do have a we do have a record player in in the barracks that can play different music smooth battle Jazz oh oh uh one of them’s only at

5% oh good now there’s only three of them to deal with after this nice attacking mece let’s go I’m just going off angle’s in my party and he’s trying to kill me yep he he was a traitor I might have hit him several times it’s not my fault walked in front

Of the boss and I’m a magic user guys we’re only down to two oh only fantastic unless something were to happen attack you now Havoc that I’m just kidding I don’t I don’t have he’s over here he’s stuck in the trees what’s all the trinket stuff oh okay oh my word

Someone’s coming another why would you do this yet I out get another one from the top rope a chair leave your own angle no some Dr mod is gone I think angle new I’m surprised I lived that long my Lord where is oh my word it’s really hard to focus when an

Angle’s like just yelling at me what have I done to you he’s like running I know dude is rushing towards me going what have I done to you is he like attacks me was that’s evil protector you’re making me do this I didn’t want to kill

You oh God the evil protect the things hitting me while I’m in the base spawn camping stop hiding then SP camping it’s evil what did you expect he’s punishing cowardice get out there on the battlefield he’s Evil’s protector so who is evil oh that’s a good point I mean

It’s prettying out like okay my potion’s about to run out this is do not mode well question can you take more you do you have to wait do you have to wait Ang the what the hell I’m tell exactly have you not been following the traitor Arc

Yeah I part them right right click and take his gear take his gear angle angle’s part of them where is he is he in the base he’s attacking me still he’s evil he’s being protected I don’t see the L guys it was it was he’s a ninja isn’t that’s why you

Don’t see him he’s a okay I L love it will will not talk right now oh no oh no I’ll be honest uh I might have handicapped some of them I did go around nicking the gear of some of the NPCs I might but why didn’t you take gear of

The Ninja I don’t know that’s it didn’t see him yeah it’s not my fault I’m going to go I’m going to go take a nap real quick and I’ll this one there we go there’s only one left oh there we go angle is trying to murder koish this

Is good I won’t have any of man won’t have any of it get off me take him out what is this poti I’m nasty villager eventually I think if he tanks enough he’ll run away no and then we Chase not going to let him run away this put him

In a corner put him in a corner get him there’s a corner get him the Corner get him get him yeah don’t let him move dude the stun lock the stun lock on the spider claw isane once we kill an NPC they’re not they don’t come back the

Farm is coming in oh oh he one shot me yeah they don’t respawn yeah he one shot me as well oh no oh no yeah I think the other villagers had something to say about that they didn’t know the context they didn’t understand angle it’s time to relocate the base

Boys oh no hurry no oh no I died got got killed Papa hav was killed by a furry is dead honestly I Canon Canon event well uh maybe we should get out and maybe they’ll cool they’ll cool their heads down cuz we don’t want the entire Village coming after us let let them

Sleep on it oh yeah no five will protect us that’s that’s fine but a village that’s where we draw it let’s uh hey come over to the to the Obelisk and let’s go to swampy let’s just get out of herea suggestion there not even Geneva suggestion here we just got head shot by

Pleas just go to swampy everyone get out of here La let’s go just run just run come in from the south Simo come in from the south entrance let’s do it I I’m I’m trying I’m trying s they’ll never expect you to come all right we’re from the south

Let’s go chug a speed potion let’s go dude you’re F of my ostrich I know all right where we going what are we going to we’re going to no I went to I can’t reach is a critical information like lack of the bio cats in the

Bio my spiders are doing their what are they doing though all right so welcome to the swamp I don’t want to be I hate it spiders H Showdown looking different to all right so welcome to the swamp all right see you later I’ll I’ll see you what are you doing in my

Swamp we got kicked out by by the villagers so we all we all came to live in Shri migr that’s a nice B fairy tale creatures I love it D you just really be living like this in the swamp at his dude wasn’t that the actual plot of sh

Yeah it was everyone got kicked out classic racism cuz they were fairy tale people so where do you want a ladder uh we have a ladder down here actually if you will follow follow me follow father Havoc father Havoc yep right here it’s got a

Torch and a little wayone is it bad that when I first read your name I didn’t read it his papa Havoc I thought it papy havoc and I was very C papy Cy what are we looking for here yeah Prov will find it in about six

Seconds so I’m I’m ready I’m ready what are we looking for we’re not looking for anything we’re just going to chill out and Dungeon Crawl and maybe let the villagers cool down since we murdered them I don’t I murder is a strong word it was self-defense I’m willing to ler

Manslaughter right but self defense def I mean I mean he started running away spiders and we continued to murder him no he was he was running away to get a wind up for his next shot that’s how I see it he just trying never know what do you

Mean men Slaughter it wasn’t that funny I I picked up like loads of trinkets from those boss fights by the way and my inventory is kind of like full of trinkets one of each you can combine it into you can control click to delete items I can what control click to

Delete items uh was the combining thing Rose um there’s a uh Whatchamacallit there’s a workbench back at the base oh yeah problem about that right back the base oh no SW swamp spine no h The Miner took me out bravis you need the miner The Miner NPC oh God I’m

Back in the base this is not gooded her we killed her we killed her saying we kill a min oh I died I just watch have we had we had we wanted to protect Le and I’m dead great job all yeah by the way don’t walk into the red things

That’s lava yeah anyone immediately did that and set himself on fire if you have one of each folky you can fli on the Demonic crafting bench and then make a balance wait Simo he’s in here somewhere quick how look uh bo fish can’t swim in

Lava I tried tried I tried the boat but the bolt wasn’t look at this Mar look at this I’m a ninja you see that you’re so fast my God are you telling me that you tried to use you can also craft some potions and stuff if you need to uh we

Don’t have a whole lot going to screenshot oh no he’s got n I’m a ninja Le go back up the stairs okay I want I want to screenshot something sended to you oh get that guy get that guy okay guy no oh it didn’t work it just says on

The top of my screen La is above you don’t you forget above me to be honest oh well Carry On We’re just we’re just chilling by the way I don’t have any I TR that’s fine look it’s brais gaming yo brais gaming is in these caves

Yes his real his real accent comes out get out of here get out of here out oh no oh no my hover board’s terrible for close spaces who would have guessed all right Future Boy a light switch there’s a light it was a light switch oh yeah Prof gaming get that guy

I’m trying I want to know what he’s carrying he’s got some sort of shards they look suspiciously like shards and I like shards oh my God he’s shend to collect I do I’m a little bit of a hoarder no Bas IV or get over here there you go where you

At BL anything coming oh Simo you almost got wrecked I don’t want to alarm you I’m a ninja dud oh I got killed by a slime it’s so embarrassing look at this look at this look at that take this please my chat’s cting the amount of times that I’ve died I

Think it’s 12 now I stole it here Simo where you are there you are I I I have one of it I have one of it don’t worry do that yeah there’s definitely dynamite and stuff throughout here so just be weed dynamite in this game oh yeah oh

There’s oh my word I died again and bombs and I have five force of winds is Can I with those you can only use one of them yeah it’s like a guaranteed drop with the defender okay which I don’t I don’t need all these force of wins well you do you

Need one just for fun I got you I got you I got you dude what is that outfit boish hey I found oh two big for I’m I’m I’m a Highway Man from Britain you mean a road man a road man yes I Highway Man and roadman are very different and yet somehow

The same thingo no like if a Highway Man rocked up and tried to take my money I’d be very scared if a roadman you’re telling me if your round ends and and and a roadman turns up and ask your money you’re not giving it over M I’ll give you you you’re braver than

I one’s got a gun one doesn’t like you hey it’s a road man you never know drop everything You’ got in your pantaloons or I’m going to wit you son I’m going to humbly request that you never say that again so on behalf of the British population on behalf of his majesty the

King you so kindly empty the compartments of your pantalons real I I need you to know that’s not how we speak I’m not convinced I I’ve heard you in real life Le that’s in real life is this what are we speaking of when you drop the YouTube voice you you sound

Like Mary Poppins [Laughter] okay it’s all an act all right well this is the swamp Cavern so lots of fun obviously like just with any other biomes and their Caverns you have different ores that you can then use to craft weapons you have like Ivy armor

Sets and Ivy weapons uh just like you do with any other progression of iron of ore so if you can better than Frost uh that’s a good question I’m I know colleting I mean go ahead and collect them and we’ll see how about that oh

Chest I me I don’t like wasting I kind of like completely forgot we can mine things not going to lie I’ve just been running around with these like whirly things hitting things did those ever expire or they just like permanent for you they are permanent until they find

Something to latch on to yeah and there are summoning weapons so like if you build spider armor which is what I did and make a spider staff you can have even more damage with them yeah I will say that Ivy armor is better than Frost all right hang

On know what he’s going to do now I certainly don’t have any over here that I’m going to mine and keep for myself like a certain someone else uhhuh no I haven’t done that what are you talking about so you have to what does it look like

Y I found some I found some he’s hiding it from us no no gravis let’s go this way okay hey Rose that sounds suspicious she’s just kind of hasn’t been looted yet oh Gold Everywhere good shot well done also I’m about to die thank you I’m

Dead rip Dr to an empty Edge SL he’s running away he’s got he’s got he’s got some things on him he’s got some shards quick get him go go go go go that Havi you don’t know where I am come back here I’m from South London y that an authentic South Lan

Accent God damn sea what’s the difference between a South and West Rose found like the motherload between what South and West London accent this is all thanks to a promis of sacrifice the places thanks man you’re when I was stuck at the NHS in London where I being

A god it’s true yeah but when you say that um Kish you you leave out like most of the story for context um Kish was coming to the UK for an event um and he he was like yo you got to you got to save me because I don’t have any date or

Anything I was like okay sure that sounds good he said I don’t have any Internet don’t have any data um so I tried to find him and the the area that he picked to meet up in in London was like it’s it’s a rough area like it’s

Not it’s not that safe and then he texts me saying he sends me he sends me I’m not I’m not nameing it um he sends he sends me his location he was like I’m here and it’s in the NHS I was like why the [ __ ] you in hospital he was like

It’s fine don’t wor about it and just refused to elaborate until I turned up he was like yeah um I was sorry I was just um it was just plac I being shuted up by psychology undergrad and I only halfway through I he took me for a

Patient yeah I thought you were just in the hospital oh there’s a nice little kitchen area here hello Carpenters Ben man w b man try to catch the bus in B Man wagan Boss Man wagan wagan boss man so if you were just in Berlin and we

Had the worst time at the airport trying to find the bus right M huh so you up to someone and said yeah yeah I I I to this day I don’t think he was here yet she show she showed up she showed up and she was like B

Los H with the ger hit with the German I’m not going to use my German you should use your German right now I’m dead flask can I point out these shooters are suspiciously similar to peashooters and I am a little bit concerned about copyright I was going to say that but I didn’t

Want to say it on stream in case it get used in a case you’re going to be called as an expert witness I’m I’m unironically dizzy from seeing like the shadow behind my character how long’s that there for forever he’s running so see running for his problem Travis I

Have something I think you should use why am I watching I thought this whole time I thought I was following Le why am I following flask excuse me what are you saying about me here sorry it’ll attract all the enemies to you so you can be more of a sacrifice

There you go we appreciate it no people sacrifice thems for me not usually the other way around because I’m a benevolent God okay yeah me it’s always for a greater purpose that’s how this works let me let me completely make you dizzy with the after please stop there’s

So many things going on there’s so much all right I have to say why does everyone else have like different like I still have the weapons we started with everyone else has like cool like Kish has like a wand mijch has like ice and then Sim’s got this wi Sticky Thing how

Do I get more weapons uh I mean you just suck doesn’t like you yeah have yeah I gave everyone special weapons cool that’s honestly Fair makes sense at least I know why now he tried to Nerf you man because you’re too good you’re already special enough don’t worry about oh my gosh I

Found so much heavy or where I’ll on my way stay away it’s already mine I got it oh my gosh it keeps going no I’m here I’m 70 me away I got it we’re good me approaching all right well we we can we can go back and the thing is

We’re going to have to refine that ore before we can do anything else anyways what is this so we can go what coins oh my God these slimes use to buy things with you can buy things with and you can also use that uh if uh like someone wants to join

Your settlement they may want uh they may want cash are you able to um to turn off keep inventory for like one player do what you’re able to turn off keep inventory for one player like for example hypothetically if pris were to die and he dropped all of his or

Huh we that is possible if you have that setting but we have where people don’t drop if they die uhhuh you can either drop when you die or you can just drop everything in your main inventory or there will be rampant murder I know exactly how you guys operate was

Like yeah they’re totally going to murder someone for something dude my uh my chat’s been keeping count that’s my 15th or 16th death so far it’s been rough swum Stone Flame the real question is oh my word the ladder’s so far away so how many shards do we need uh I don’t

Know probably like 20ish oh I got 60 we’re good then oh I got 65 imagine being poor yeah I know right couldn’t be you ah dude it feels good to have shards I feel rich is this how you feel all the time yeah actually by the way in in the

Settings you can bind the your keys so that you can sort your inventory automatically I just did it and oh my god it feels so good you do that is that pickles the pickle so to say go go into settings and then controls and then there’s sort inventory bottom bottom

Left do we not have forges to smell bu our or should someone’s got a baby is that kish’s son no no girl calm down Prospect of not having a for all right here’s the ladder here’s the ladder all right I’m going to see you guys back of Base I there’s a forge

Down the base I just dropped it did no here thank you Elliot from their chest somebody know anticipating having to to cater to building armor for you guys how how do I how do I how do I uh yo why the the Villers seem angry at me Pro stole all

Of my goods are they attacking again oh they’re all following me for some reason old sacrifice Pro you get back here thank you for your sacrifice prop you get back here right now he stole all my all did he really yeah there’s a there’s an an ostrich Chase

Under I was I was genuinely ready for to the Demonic crafting station a they’re shooting mey you have a summoning and a melee on you I have a I’m using a summoning and I yes what what am I looking for uh it’s the it looks like

It looks like an amulet from dndd next to the red flag also there are three more forges down here at the bottom of the barracks so everyone can kind of make their own you can also use the search function on the side and type balanced F guy oh oh

Yeah yeah I see I need to out of yes I do I do yeah because it doesn’t do as much damage but it gives it spreads the damage across all of the areas I was only using summoning anyone have a uh a spare melee folai by a chance you’re using summoning do you

Want to summon spiders hey I’m I’m crafting armor for people by the waym I’m no longer a road man I’m a housan no longer Road they’re coming they’re coming give me the are they still attacking you yeah they’re all on me for it wasn’t even me who started this

I’m not even upset I’m impressed you’re being you’re being called out hey see check it out come over here what’s better than a Chad the sequel Chad 2 Chad two the pond brok all right what are you what are you what are you what are you selling he carrying demonic boots are

Demonic boots good uh they’re pretty mine now oh they’re really good what the hell oh my word I have so much stuff here if this game is like real life if these guys kill me they should be fine with me afterwards right if this game is like I mean Ang usually you

Think they’ve got long kill you and find out okay let’s try there’s there’s like literally no downside oh my word why are my spiders attack there’s uh something inside try to talk to him and my spiders attacked and and let that be a lesson to you this is why we don’t attack

Villagers people okay understand can I kill I’m hearing is attacking the villagers it doesn’t help that all of our villagers have berserk cutlasses with 48 damage yeah well the person who who built this really wanted to survive and not attack their villagers or Genie okay um did I do something wrong why are

All the um all the villagers refusing to talk to me I think they’re pretty ticked off because you’re friends with murderers oh that’s yeah none of them want to talk a little harsh that’s Prejudice there may be maybe a little bit of a cool down before you

Uh before they forget the fact that I brutally murdered their friend oh no honestly get over it yeah just a prank bro just a prank uh does anyone have a just a prank ifone has a melee folky I’d be fantastic how much you willing to trade for it will my

Life okay meet me south of the base I’m coming in on the road because I’m a road man you can can you don’t exist on the road yeah it’s a curse y I can’t leave the road okay here you go I’m taking it off

My hand to give it to you man thank you all right I will give you in return my most valuable possession the desert please we can go check out the desert and if we want to have a really fun time can really check out the desert oh yes

Let’s really check out the desert okay we really check out I don’t like the way that they’re saying that that that’s fine it’s fine you’ll die a lot at school I’ve died 18 times already well you’re going to die another 32 someone’s really explored down here feels

Like we’ll just wait for everyone to join I’m just need to dump some stuff some I’m I’m not allowed in the Bas what do you mean youai for me to Jo desert Blues Des okay let me let me Juke all the villagers and get to the office

That’s right get to the portal get to the portal the villagers do these villagers have ai because AI learning because they just learned how to do like barrier tactics and like we’re going to come back and there’s just going to be a riot the whole village is going to get burned

Down everything Jing the projectiles are which one BL desert bles desert BL he’s HP on 6 hp Zemo heal yourself use the health regen okay you’re you’re you’re going to definitely want to get into your uh potion pouch and you’re definitely going to want to equip some

Potions I dropped them on the floor some food too oh can I can I for that attack speed yeah yeah usti PCH okay get all the can I buy attack speed back okay never mind wait I’m sorry I took it let me get let me drop it off I’ll give you I’ll

Give you half where where is it where is it there you go than there you go that’s definitely less than what I had but it’s whatever here you go no no no I don’t want your charity no coish koish took it I got you want attack speed yeah we

Are we yeah pretty much everything at once by the way guys there we go I knew there was a hotkey thank you Rose B is auto set a hot key for so you can eat food I drank I drank everything I had and now I’m tweaking I see I reck I can

See I reckon I can attack F right oh no should an ancient vulture first no get him a big right on my face he’s not Landing someone do the dragon shout okay he’s he’s kind of hard talking to me you see my Rec I can attack F you

Bro I’m totally going to like destroy these cols it’s scream me in the background seems to have like a Battle Cry man that’s a battle Battle Cry super intimidating kill kill kill the eggs kill the eggs help me I’m about 32 Health die juk it Juke it Juke it let me

Stand in front of you two block projectiles I’m going to use MJ uh as my barrier I’ve been trying that he’s not very good at it what the hell dude this music something else yeah what’s everyone’s Max HP right now Max HP 190 is 200 yeah like that’s the max

You can have at the moment Well mine’s 250 so okay I’ve got I’ve got a I’ve got a fro Frozen Heart trinket thing uh you have a frozen heart makes sense I wouldn’t tell that from him to be honest is killing ghosts found an that yeah we get yeah

Like screw all you guys this isn’t worth it standard PR gameplay I’d love I’d love is there a stats like page on this like where we can see who has dealt the most damage I hope there [Laughter] isn’t died 230 times yeah that you know else is like weird like frost things to

Throw I’ve got a stupid bow and arrow here I’ll join the cross Madness when you’re playing a strategy game and you forget to like your research tree that’s where it l n it’s like it’s like a part of the Avengers but I’m playing as Black Widow like it’s

Not or Hawkeye like I’m not exactly they they’re are like heavy weights than this me yeah hey they baby chicken baby chicken is he ever going to like stop moving let’s go I’m going to go with no I think stop moving would you stop moving if you were the

Vulture I’m not a coward so yes head space in the cave is though considering how it’s flying oh there it is also also he’s he’s witnessing his own children getting killed in front of him that’s very true i’ be a little enraged as well he also is throwing his children at us I

Don’t feel that bad for him I mean true guys sure it’s a she considering I’m so dead please true don’t let him hatch on me oh God oh God BL get in there what are you doing I’m trying not to die dude potions potions I’m used I’ve

Used everything I don’t know why he just does not like me specifically I’ve used everything why if we get a huge use all of them I used every potion I can dude imagine like a video where it’s this B boss battle with this music and it says KFC lore KFC

L posting in real time quality content right there oh for God s go he’s still he’s still get him oh no yeah I wonder why he was still he was attacking oh God I’m like 18 deaths chicken okay we’re about to have eggs hatching no it’s dark get them

Boys b d Swedish really you be hitting different I’m back wait there are eggs there are it’s horrible thank you for that chat instead of voice a egg egg why does he keep going from me specifically what did I do stop it I haven’t put my potions on

Yet I mean Travis are you wearing that stink flask No I gave it to Le that explains everything the big stinky sucker wait what I really wish I had a better version of this bloody um knife spawny thingy I’m using a broken one that like is 10% less damage

But my God am I make oh no shoot so many feathers at me all starts to fall apart my chat’s rooting for the bird this is not ideal bird react this man get more it’s a friend of Red Hawks that’s why oh God ah it all makes sense

Now he moves around so much don’t say that name don’t kill me don’t kill me oh I died to the my word vult the smaller vultures we got to kill those eggs they slowed me down how do I get the Poké stick that you have have it uh you kill

A vulture oh well a that means someone else is going to get it I’ll be dead by that point that’s very true oh my word we are all quite dangerously low on health I’m going to stay alive we need to I’m just going to I’m going to

Volunteer myself but I don’t think it’s going to work I would never die please stop I’m back it’s just humiliating me like the others oh my Spanish what don’t die oh my word and by the way like we can’t leave area or it’ll regen Health fully so like if we all were to

Die we start over uh in the meantime Ros put on some different clothes so okay now I got murdered in the corner yes you’re going to pay the best got them random got man forgot the Game’s name n Italian it’s not it’s not a

Hard it’s not n oh my God just let me equip my potions you stupid bird equip them before you go in hit B that’s cowardly instantly oh my God oh my God this changes everything I didn’t know that fricked that out I had forgotten about it that’s my bad help these are

F I got better I played the game for like 40 hours before there we go stop chasing me please guys he’s at 14% I’m at 5% out so many eggs oh no there’s vulture spawning it’s really hard as a range character to deal with this guy yeah it’s just hot as a

All right all right you know what I’m going to focus on the eggs would be worse but that’s why I have my big giant glaive Pok stick thing cuz I can at least do range is that what it’s officially called the giant blade that’s actually its real name that’s L accurate

It is there we go oh he was still what the yeah he’s still for like half a second it’s half a second once he just rock my eggs does this creature have I want to know who the father is that’s what I want to know I want to know who the father protein

Powder oh my God I mean that can’t be comfortable for the bird no wonder it’s irate yeah depends we’re at 3% guys get it get all the oh my there’s so many vulture eggs wait don’t don’t kill them before I can claim the loot no

Way before you can take the loot no no come on one second here right here this is it this is it let’s go got it lot is mine got got him all right guys I’m here come take the bow oh my word want it that love it a

Loose vultures bir get out of here zimo get out of here zimo you don’t see me oh my sweet like no one this point is just I think we’re all seeing different luk yeah you all see different loot wait a second oh yeah so there’s no

Like oh yes this is so I got given a bow which I gave to ath I got a pogy stick that I’m not giving to anyone nice La I I’m not even going to make a comment anyways uh so we can explore the desert

If we want we can go up top side so we can see maybe there’s going to be some ostriches there that we can what the hell’s going on have an ostrich is there a golden ostrich or something there is not Ros you murder your own bird crab though I have the

Crab Rose maybe maybe I’m taking Revenge head scratch my god um we can go check out the dungeon thought we were in the we can we can do the the darkest dungeon now this is the darkest dungeon if we are we ready for that because confidence is slow Insidious killer I

Wish confidence is all right so the wa Stone’s actually down in the in the the desert place they in the cavern go back real question is do we have enough time and will they talk to us now hey they’ll talk to us please don’t kill people please please

Uh go back back how do we do that uh drink your potion uh Reco flask there we go I had the wrong helmet that happens so yeah if if you want to to craft your own stuff um there should be enough iron or sorry uh Ivy

Metal for you guys to make your own uh Ivy armor which is better than Frost uh there’s a full set of Ivy armor I have if someone wants it I’d love it I have no idea who tossed it at me it’s in my chest I was just I was just crafting

Stuff and throwing it out there so it’s your how do you get void you have to get void shards which I do believe are in the dungeon we’re about to go to yes oh good I just stole stuff from The Wizard or the Elder whatever cuz he doesn’t need it no he

Doesn’t and yeah if you want to do that too if you want to go look around in the villagers pillage their clothes I’m going I’m going to grab a drink for 30 seconds I’ll be back wire what do you want to make wire for I am not committing domestic

Anyform there you go no no I figured don’t worry I figured it out Rose I was talking to that no rose why I was trying to oh my word they’re all coming after you you oh my word dude that whole trying to steal that guy’s clothes what’s going on oh my word okay

I’m bringing some NPCs with me to come to you you okay okay are we are we are we ready for the the final why I won’t say the final boss battle first final boss battle this for the specific event R 11 come here oh what take

This of now you can run around holding a flag and buffing us’re honestly this y that works now they’re attacking me I didn’t do anything hey get over here all right well we’re going to continue if you want to go to the dungeon entrance inside of

The way Stone so we can get away from this madness Rose is almost dead that’s a good start get in what get in here ow ow ow oh does anyone want an ivy chest plate I’ve got an extra trap base good thanks though yeah you’re a sick sick man uh you want

To go to the dungeon entrance n 92 uh sure where is that it’s if you go to the big Obelisk thing and you just go to dungeon entrance dungeon entrance gotcha oh little scary ain’t it it is oh and this are we all here is this all of us

Guys I’m going boost your damage don’t worry it’s fine no get stuff sorry hang on hang on hey see you feel boosted yet boosted yeah I’m holding a thing that boost your damage you’re welcome I don’t know why I have ofart I barely feel any difference you’re too weak to

Begin with I was us buil if I was too weak to begin with wouldn’t the Boost like be more significant no because like Z time Z zero bro it’s not a percentage it’s a flat uh is it a flat bonus it’s a flat bonus it’s not percentage I don’t

Know if it is okay over you’re holding like I said afterwards after we get done we can totally turn on PVP and just watch the madness and Sue I’m just gonna be the thing is you’re not going to get any drops from them so after 10 seconds they’re going to be one man

Standing are we ready for this I don’t think we’re ready for this let’s go ahead and go down go down the stairs go uh dark it is dark he’s the darkest dungeon what the see darker dungeons I’ve seen darker dungeons than this oh my word someone’s already this

Dungeon over here over here that one time in Berlin I was a really dark dungeon one time I forgot my torch is in dark and dark oh wait we got to go down south he’s over he’s over here I was following Co assuming knew what he’s doing there’s a void Apprentice over

There all right myce what are you we can get here nice I know what I’m going for guys all right hey let’s go where are we going oh oh boy oh I was down there there wasn’t anything in here Havoc is this look like a boss arena is this a Boss

Arena guys guys my sens is are tingling yeah I got a bad feeling here oh he’s small look at him sorry guys I’m boosting your damage I got you thanks man I’m boosting Sing Sing Sing boost the damage dude we’re kicking his butt we are kicking his butt and that’s

Terrifying it’s the Boost of damage I’m telling you yeah this is what I do finally you found your you standing there holding a flag just like my father said I would rule britanna oh God I like how I’m playing as an ostrich Knight feel like you know is this a

Sequel to Shovel Knight ostrich Knight just like in real life to SP guys how did we destroy him so easily my God because he’s going to have multile phases yeah he’s got to have phases you’re setting us up and we all know it two face I I I

Believe this will be fine I mean he’s got weird tentacle arms now so yeah this is the second phase it’s all going to be hey don’t body sh oh noish hey we’re like all low on on stuff so just be aware oh I shoot oh no oh no

I died I’m not low guys get him you mean low I’m still over on uh he’s not dying oh he died did he did hey hey hey stop stealing everything I didn’t steal anything void shards travel scroll empg challing incre drink it Max oh my God that out nice oh

And you you had for that was your final boss that was that was so anticlimactic I’m so sad know that’s a freaking hard hard boss and you guys just like ah we just you know what we do F harder let’s go let’s go to the village and if you’re

Able to spawn in the two of those spiders that’s that that’s the final boss well so there I I do I do have oh yeah we let’s go there is a pirate Village let’s go let’s go bug the Pirates by bug you mean brutally murder um yeah yes that is the

Definition of bug you got a problem with that I feel like you’re going to murder me if I don’t well I sorry bug me if I don’t now you know if I ever talk to you hey can I bug you for a second like hey can I mercilessly torture you and your

Family for a second we’re going back to the main base yeah and then uh we’re going to go travel to our West to Pirate Village negative one0 what by likeing by aich I mean if you still have your steel boat I’m going to hold hold

Before we go I have to show my creation I got a little bit creative oh yeah come over check it out check it out check it out it’s great where are we going down here oh no I’m terrified it is it’s a base it’s it’s my base I built go inside

Look check it out it’s it’s a base it’s a base don’t break it don’t break it just just just step on this plate here just go it be fine look go in there it’ll it’ll he got got here brais gaming moment living bomb living bomb living [Laughter] bomb travel West young man let’s

Go M just swimming as far fast as I can steal boat why would you steal pirate Village I assume you would steal a pirate please don’t do that Maya like I’m one punch man just like looking for a real challenge here oh wow it’s me challenge night time

Daytime and here I thought you were going to have us fight in the night time for like the added challenge where are the Pirates the atmosphere yeah there are no pirates in this pirate Village it’s just the village there are no pirates in this pirate Village they’re probably plundering our village don’t

Support piracy huh they’re downstairs pirating on their computer you wouldn’t download an [Laughter] ostrich that’s actually pretty good wow well here let’s see let Let’s do let’s do something real quick I don’t have anything here let’s burn down their Village okay send a message all right no okay hold on real

Quick around he has a flag it’s what I am let’s go down to Forest look like pirate kill him no wait I went home let’s go let’s go just south did you already like raid this pirate Village or something uh no it wasn’t raided earlier I don’t I honestly

Have no idea what yeah my bad they just gain the conscious like herob her the AI has learned oh crap these guys will kill their own villagers what are they going to do to us uh just the one just south of us so I think it’s negative 1 one

It’s forest forest though yes negative one one negative one 1 one yeah it’s West West yeah I’m here no mate negative one1 coish you you have no boat I have a boat I was just just as fast he just wants to practice swimming the channel uh okay so Simo is

In Z negative one and then you guys are all in one zero and then we’re negative one1 I feel like we’re right here I’m going on you need to click relative to your spawn for the coordinates so hit in and then on the top selector instead of

Relative to yourself go to relative to your spawn and then you’ll seea one now I I have you know I follow brais it’s his fault yeah well he’s first I don’t remember this sounds like slander spread by my enemies oh look it’s you my enemy oh that does sound about right hey

I just looted a thing called a mysterious portal oh oh boy I’m not ready shall I negative I come back up and uh it won’t work unless it’s nighttime and I’ve got a better Sur no you just murdered an innocent and I will do it again that was my cousin what an

Innocent duck an innocent duck I’ve killed many ducks this day you land boys all right I’ve got a I’ve got a nice little ladder inside this nice little building or the ruins of a building what is this honey bees oh those are bombs let’s go uh this This Way Stone

Won’t be known uh so it’ll just be like on the bottom of the it oh no is it so don’t die is it Forest Way Stone it is nice okay I clicked it I teleported I’m just not going to die okay simple as okay what kind of shards

Are down here oh for God’s sake he’s back immediately starts mining honestly mate I’m just watching game it’s a collaborative game and right now you know oh oh nice you can just M for me so much here there’s so much Dynamite here why is there so yeah don’t throw your rocks to

Me just enjoy the fireworks I don’t like it when Havoc stands still it implies he’s doing something and or is planning something why do you thinking a big area go go keep going keep going wait what I sense danger my no danger around here not with me and koish in the lead a

Few mate get him get him him get him gold gold or yo oh what gold or what I I hate we both in the same joke oh man we need a deep ladder never mind need to forge a deep ladder for some fun I found another Mysterio portal mysterious

Portal well we can just go up oh I can control this ooh oh my man has discovered my heart the secret challenges down here I come back son you were almost there put it in a jar I I I was like yeah we can trying to to figure out how it works I’m

Like so if I step on that I really died hav can you see the whole map do you know where when the secret challenges are no I can’t see everything no I don’t have that access having mod Powers well you got to have some you know no you disappointed me now

That’s fine it’s not the first time in my life a that’s sad it won’t be the last nope wow is about to get putting this together yeah thanks man appreciate it thanks for the invite so uh I guess I’m just going to go now I’ll see you guys

For the best I like the energy we created today in the studio spiders the Hostile energy ging he’s got something get him get him get him get nice is it just gold that’s it just gold just gold you mean the most challing when you don’t start with all

The L stable currency ever known yeah the gold standard going to loot all of this forget you guys I was going to let you have some but no give more take over all of oh all right I think I got to go though okay thanks for setting this up Havoc

Absolutely and by the way the the server will be end of the year uh bottom left moment hey Prov do you know what you did to me no would you like this flask here go no um uh no thanks man you’re welcome you should definitely use it see what

Happens I’m curious stink flask okay I just want I’ve been told by Rose it’s pretty good okay I’m drinking it koish don’t kill them wait ah all right y’all have fun I gota go all right see you okay yeah all enemies to you y it is

Oh it’s doing it so effectively go it works it’s working so well right now if you could kill set enemies wait hang I’ve got an idea no this is great you can just like get them to show themselves and then we’ll just the flag oh shoot so there’s a couple of

Places where we could spawn some more bosses if we wanted to have some fun hopefully it’ll be a little more challenging or we can just uh have some fun and dork around until the next half hour set up like a PP tournament we could could yeah we

Could all right I’ll get on my hoverboard oh no all right hey who oh who wants to who wants to get opposite of me let’s do it dude I’ll I’ll G where you at alchemy table yeah which one who else has the has the thing m a hoverboard is no match

For a good strong between legay over there stay over there be on the opposite side okay so um let’s see how do I kick lath all right you ready I’m you ready let’s do it let’s go wait wait oh it’s not working why is it not working just other with sticks and nothing’s

Happening oh it’s beautiful let that be a lesson to you I’m so disappointed I thought that would work I’ve got a second mysterious portal I’ve got I’ve got do it let’s just go let’s let’s go up to the top I think we have to be in

The forest or is it not Forest we should spawn all mysterious portals that powerful creature yep all right well let’s head up top that’s that’s a good finale for me I’m happy with that up okay so how many do we have we have three of them I’ve got two I I

Have one I’ve got one well five that’s four of them let’s get it no one tell us mysterious portal but yeah so This Server will remain up for the end of the year so if you guys ever want to do anything working around or otherwise just uh get

Mded by the uh NPCs again I’m down yeah oo it is it is quite dark out here launch away boys we’ll do this as a grand finale in a hazar oh my God hazar how do you them all at once uh you right click you you right click to select

Right go you drag it outside your inventory and hit left all right my stop ads stop stop yeah use the evil stink I I already have it’s on me it’s on me hey Le you still have the stink potion active don’t you I have I have the stink potion and

The flag rally boys rally to me r on to late for he has been chosen by the stink I am the stink I am the stink where is it oh my word stink trees are a little bit of a problem can we uh throw a few bombs CH those out you know

What big guns we whip out the big guns you ready still yeah oh literally has a gun I have a shotgun what I’m out here sitting on an ostrich with a bow and arrow this man’s on a hoverboard with a gun we are not the same this is the future

Boys did you see me bomb bomb a bat four times oh my God that’s hard to say see B bom B four times B bomba b a bunch of times oh Rose is going to be sad she missed this yes what’s going to die first the enemies or mij D to

Illness for you um oh no a man has theer nice there’s one of them dude I’m solo this man we already got two of them down man what are you talking about did we have five yeah yeah yeah oh dang well there we go dude we got good we got good I’m barely

Even taking damage guys I I’m so proud of you I’m not going to lie I’m like a proud dad proud papa sorry guys sh bombardment on it way I last grown up stop poking me last dude oh he’s up a pirate what the hell yeah it’s looking

For you before that was my family’s Village you guys came to raid I sent them all warning it all started when you went to raid my Village oh boo I love it kill the little kill the little demons nah just destroy their portals they automatically no’s on our

Side all right nice where did he go oh okay well there we go well that was easy call it there I escaped coward I mean if y’all want to I’ve got I’ve got some other bosses we can call down cheers Lads appreciate cheers stay around the entire time it’s good fun

This video, titled ‘Creating my perfect society by bullying other YouTubers in Necesse (Rimworld x Minecraft x Terraria)’, was uploaded by Laith – TheSocialStreamers on 2023-11-30 04:48:10. It has garnered 3516 views and 105 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:19 or 5839 seconds.

Necesse is a multiplayer survival crafting game – think MInecraft meets rimworld. Today, I’m going to mercilessly impose my will on other weak-willed content creators and YouTubers in order to make my own personal paradise. Yes, I am seeking professional help.

Creating my perfect society by bullying other YouTubers in Necesse


Build. Quest. Conquer. The infinite procedurally generated world of Necesse is full of mysteries to uncover as you grow your settlement and lead expeditions against pirate kings, dragons, and fallen wizards alike. Will you spend your days crawling through dungeons, searching for treasures and raw materials with which to craft your equipment? Or will you answer the call to adventure, traversing the seas and seeking out great foes to test your prowess? Recruit settlers with particular skills and work alongside them to mine a wide variety of ores, craft gear tailored to your preferred playstyle, and establish a flourishing village.

Play singleplayer or co-op – or establish a dedicated server with hundreds of other players. The world is infinite and adapts to whatever mode you choose.

Grow your settlement from humble beginnings, establishing orchards, farms, and workshops alike. Recruit settlers that can work your fields, tend to your animals, and acquire resources without needing your constant attention and supervision. Use their expertise to help prepare for your next expedition as they expand your settlement’s capabilities. Hire guards and craft traps to defend against the many dangers of the world. Sell your wares and use your wealth to trade with neighboring settlements, acquiring much needed equipment well ahead of what would otherwise be possible.

Whether playing alone or with a few friends, or even creating a dedicated server for hundreds of players, the world of Necesse and its threats adapt to provide a meaningful challenge. Explore freely or take on specific quests as you face off against unique monsters spread across a variety of biomes. Will you be a deadeye archer, a melee champion, or a master of the magical arts? Will you and your friends establish separate competing colonies, or will you pool your resources and divide roles to build a giant settlement together? When faced with a tough boss, will you team up to form a carefully balanced party with powerful synergies, or will you attempt to steal all the glory for yourself?

Cut down trees, mine and process ores, pick herbs, and harvest the bodies of defeated monsters to craft everything from walls and furniture to armor, potions, scrolls, trinkets, and weapons. While some unique equipment can only be acquired by defeating special enemies, everything else can be crafted through a multitude of workshops to equip yourself, your visiting friends, and your loyal settlers. Unlock additional gear as you acquire new resources and discover countless ways to craft, build, and play – endless combinations of equipment means there’s always something new to try.

Play as you want, customizing difficulty and multiple gameplay rules to fit your preferences. If you don’t like raiders showing up at your settlement, turn them off, and fine-tune gameplay rules like the length of the day/night cycle or the difficulty of boss battles however you like. From pet parrots and penguins to genie lamps, ostrich mounts, and unique outfits, Necesse has countless options to explore. Whether you’re playing singleplayer or with friends, and whether you’re cranking up the difficulty or taking it easy, each session is an opportunity to weave an epic tale unlike any that came before it.


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    Epic Animation: Baby Steve & Baby Alex's Unbreakable Bond! 😍#minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Touching Story about the brotherly love of Baby Steve and Baby Alex |Gegagedigedagedago #minecraft’, was uploaded by DinoToons – Funny Animation on 2024-05-06 09:00:33. It has garnered 46405 views and 1343 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Good Deeds VS Bad Deeds? Baby Alex VS Baby Nugget |Gegagedigedagedago #minecraftshorts #story #steve #alex #animation #minecraft #nuggets 👇👇👇 🦖If you like our videos please help us reach 10M Subs 👇👇👇 ♥ THANKS FOR WATCHING! ♥ ⛔️ Copyright by Antztoons – Do not Reup #antztek #antztoons #antzanimation Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Girls vs Boys” #glavstroy #minecraft

    "Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Girls vs Boys" #glavstroy #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Girls vs Boys in minecraft… #glavstroy #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Shadow Despot on 2024-05-02 16:30:18. It has garnered 10708 views and 327 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore a pixelated, procedurally generated 3D world with infinite terrain. Players can discover and extract raw materials, craft tools and items, and build structures or earthworks. The game features various modes, including survival mode where players must acquire resources to build the world and maintain health, and creative mode where players… Read More


    EFEKAN TRANSFORMS INTO A CAT?! 😱🐱Video Information This video, titled ‘EFEKAN KEDİYE DÖNÜŞTÜ! 😱😺 – Minecraft’, was uploaded by Minecraft Parodileri on 2024-07-04 08:00:11. It has garnered 945208 views and 15005 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:06 or 606 seconds. In this video, Efekan turns into a Cat and has a bunch of new cat friends. While walking with his cat friends, they suddenly encounter a Dog gang and things get bigger. SUBSCRIBE NOW: Don’t miss our #richpoor series, be the first to comment. Subscribe to my #Minecraft channel! Don’t forget to turn on notifications 🙂 Episode: 1860 MOST LOVED MINECRAFT VIDEOS… Read More

  • Vycital SMP

    Vycital SMPA fun Vanilla Minecraft server for you and your friends to play on! We offer solo survival adventures, factions, and more! Read More

  • One Month Survival SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist

    Welcome to my custom survival world! If you’re looking for a new world to explore with friends, you’re in the right place! I’ve created a form for anyone interested in joining. Just fill out some general information and how to contact me. Join the adventure here! Read More

  • NAVY SEALS | Naval Amphibious Base Coronado

    NAVY SEALS | Naval Amphibious Base Coronado🔱NAVY SEALS🔱NAVAL AMPHIBIOUS BASE CORONADO”We train for war and fight to win…”——————————————————–⚓Who are the Navy SEALs? – Established by President John F. Kennedy in 1962, the Navy SEALs are a nimble, elite maritime military force suited for all aspects of unconventional warfare. In this role, you will provide immediate military relief in crises around the world.⚓What is a milsim? – A MilSim, an abbreviation of military simulation, refers to live-acted simulation of armed conflict scenarios. The goal of this Minecraft milsim group is to replicate groups that spring from Roblox and their military simulator communities. Therefore, we attempt to perform… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 4 years and still stuck in ancient Minecraft?

    It’s like that one friend who refuses to update their phone even though it’s ancient technology. Read More

  • Crafty Lies in Bed: Minecraft Shorts

    Crafty Lies in Bed: Minecraft Shorts In Minecraft, lying in bed so real, Creating a cozy spot to feel. VABLOCK shows us how it’s done, In the world of blocks, we all have fun. Crafting dreams in pixelated land, With VABLOCK, we understand. Lying in bed, a simple delight, In Minecraft, we sleep tight. So follow along, let’s build and create, In this blocky world, there’s no debate. VABLOCK’s tutorials, clear and concise, In Minecraft, we find our paradise. Read More

  • Hot Nether Love Triangle in Minecraft

    Hot Nether Love Triangle in Minecraft Nether portals from different hearts leads me to… a whole lot of confusion and lost items in the lava! #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Ultimate Villager Trading Hall Hack!

    Ultimate Villager Trading Hall Hack! Minecraft’s Most OVERPOWERED Villager Trading Hall Introducing Lazy Trading In the vast world of Minecraft, a new method of infinite villager trading has emerged, known as Lazy Trading. This innovative approach has revolutionized the trading experience for players, offering unprecedented speed and efficiency. One of the prime examples of Lazy Trading is the Lazy Overworld Villager Exchanger, lovingly referred to as LOVE. Designed by MadMan25 for the NubTech SMP, LOVE boasts some of the fastest void trading cycles in modern Minecraft, along with a host of other useful features. Key Features of LOVE Fast Void Trading Cycles: LOVE allows… Read More

  • Explore the Uncharted in Anomali SMP #10 – Fay Kuroda

    Explore the Uncharted in Anomali SMP #10 - Fay KurodaVideo Information This video, titled ‘【🔴Minecraft】Anomali SMP #10 | Venturing to the unknown’, was uploaded by Fay Kuroda on 2024-06-10 18:26:07. It has garnered 629 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:11 or 16931 seconds. You can find me on my social media here ⚙️『Twitter』 ⚙️『Facebook』 ⚙️『Instagram』 ⚙️ 『Treat』 ⚙️ 『Youtube』 #VTuberID #minecraft #vtuber #faykuroda #anomalismp #gaming #faykurodalive Read More

  • Dream SMP Mlg Clutch: Part 7

    Dream SMP Mlg Clutch: Part 7Video Information This video, titled ‘Highest Mlg ☠️ Pt:-7 @dream #minecraft #dream #minecraft #viral #shorts #herobrinesmp #mlgclutch’, was uploaded by AkshPlayz on 2024-03-23 05:29:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Highest Mlg ☠️ Pt:-7 @dream #minecraft #dream #minecraft #viral #shorts #herobrinesmp #mlgclutch Ignore minecraft, … Read More

  • Minecraft’s EPIC CowAxe Event!

    Minecraft's EPIC CowAxe Event!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Hosted Minecraft Largest Event’, was uploaded by CowAxe on 2024-04-01 17:51:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ignore- minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft event,minecraft hardcore,minecraft mod,minecraft but,minecraft manhunt,minecraft … Read More

  • PTCGL broken! Minecraft takeover by MrDogPTCGL

    PTCGL broken! Minecraft takeover by MrDogPTCGLVideo Information [Music] hello hello okay all right then [Music] uh so we’ll get premium battle pass nice and we get we get the shk that nice got the fighting Shrek get the the grass type Shrek hey clam how’s it going we got the fire type Shrek and the water type Shrek right seven packs that’s a lot of packs hassle kind of name is hassle Milotic flis fgz I don’t know how to pronounce that walking wake Aran call him Aaron more PCO bug catching set rev room Lana’s Aid and water type Shrek finison SE King bug… Read More


    SUPERFAST BASE BUILDING on Donut SMP! 🍩🔨 #CPVP #DrDonutVideo Information I’m kelp and this is how you make a million plus a day base on the donut s SMP first you need to dig down dig up to the max height you want your base to be and clear a two high area based off the size of your base next you’re going to want to dig B holes four apart in a grid pattern fill them all up with TNT and explode with this huge area you can build any number of farms the best being sugarcane or pumpkin This video, titled ‘BUILD BASE FAST on the… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness – Epic Diamond Digging Adventure!

    Minecraft Madness - Epic Diamond Digging Adventure!Video Information hey what is going on everyone it’s me sumu we’re back again if you are new here you don’t know what’s going on this is me playing Minecraft we’ve been uh playing this quite a lot actually and this is our little Mud House little mud Shack but welcome to the stream hope you guys are having a good time good day good night and all that other good stuff if you guys like this content make sure you hit that like And subscribe and also be sure to check out the links that I have posted in… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Build Stream – You won’t believe what happens!

    EPIC Minecraft Build Stream - You won't believe what happens!Video Information what is good hey what is good y’ we are back we are so back with another flipping Minecraft building stream me uh sure we’re live make sure we’re good on all platforms here I think we’re good I think we good Y what is good y’all what is good what is good what is good how we doing Richard Sanchez what’s good airsoft kid what good B over what good Emily VR what’s good rcky what good how we the flip are we doing yo yo we are doing a Minecraft build stream guys all right y’all… Read More

  • Mega Minecraft Argument: SpongeBob, Goku, Sonic & More

    Mega Minecraft Argument: SpongeBob, Goku, Sonic & MoreVideo Information hey guys which Minecraft food item is the best it has to be the Notch Apple because it makes you nigh Invincible for a short period of time well you are technically correct Sonic however Notch apples are super rare and not easy to find Fair Point Rick maybe I should downgrade to normal golden apples since those are craftable I think steak is a really good food item because it restores a lot of hunger bars I like steak as well because I can make crabby patties with them well all this food talk reminded me about… Read More

  • “EPIC comeback: NEW series starting! 😱 #viral” | MR_CHAMAN

    "EPIC comeback: NEW series starting! 😱 #viral" | MR_CHAMANVideo Information This video, titled ‘I am Back 🥰,starting of a new series?#shorts#gaming#minecraft#viral#trending#youtubeshorts|MR_CHAMAN’, was uploaded by MR_CHAMAN on 2024-02-26 09:33:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I am Back ,starting of a new series?#shorts#gaming#minecraft#viral#trending#youtubeshorts|MR_CHAMAN #short #yt … Read More

  • WeeklySMP

    WeeklySMPA beginning Survival SMP server. Join our Discord server for more information as well We are searching for good moderators and players to have fun with. Read More

  • MasterRealm Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.1 Land Claim Discord Slimefun Custom Items Crossplay

    MasterRealm | Semi-Vanilla | SMP | 1.20.1 | Land Claim | Discord | Slimefun | Custom Items | Crossplay Welcome to Master Realm! Master Realm is a Survival 1.20.1 Minecraft server with a balance between vanilla and modded gameplay. Experience new features like Coin Economy, Slimefun, Custom Items, Land Claims, Seasons, Custom World, Custom Roles, and Crossplay. Key Features: Coin Economy Slimefun Custom Items / Enchants Land Claims / No Grief Seasons Custom World Custom Roles / Ranks Crossplay Community and Discord: Join our welcoming community and Discord server to connect with players, share moments, and stay updated on events… Read More

  • Elesta

    ElestaThis server has been a project child of mine for some time now, ready to start introducing some people to the world of Elesta. Looking to build a community of people that enjoy playing minecraft and enjoy smiliar things as me to foster a bigger community. It is whitelisted momentarily as we look toward entering the next update and waiting for plugins to get updated. Feel free to add my discord to communicate with me in a more timely fashion: Rascal1001 OR you can message me here.Feel free to send me your MC username:Your total time playing MC:and a fun… Read More