CreeNova’s Insane Minecraft Adventures | Livestream

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Hello everyone welcome back to another K of SMP live stream how is all my favorite viewers doing today it’s Friday TGIF and I am officially better from my cold as you can tell I was sick on Monday I couldn’t do my much I was just basically in bed I skipped school

Because I was sick and that caused my schedule to be wagged up after since Tuesday because I missed Monday I missed like three classes that day so I had to make it up for like the rest of the week so I couldn’t get any like streaming

Done on Tuesday or Wednesday so uh and plus last night I couldn’t stream cuz I was watching the FNAF movie I was like one of the first people to ever watch FNAF in Canada here uh at the local theater well yeah of course I miss firewall Where Have You Been

Guy all right so I have a lot of work to do U I’m just going to put the dream head somewhere so no one steals it uh H hi Farwell how was GTA were you playing that game again oh yeah I got bubble T yeah I was about to say was it GTA

What game are you playing besiege yeah there’s grappling hooks uh-oh uh you make a fishing rod and at the well once you make the fishing rod at the end of it you can either put diamonds emeralds netherite um Cobblestone wood to increase well not to increase but like you know what I

Mean fishing rod actually I just made it on stream were you were you watching me ow but this one’s like one of my favorite where you attach it to something and then you just that pretty cool ow thank you how many uses has more left excuse me

Yep so you’re going to make your uh your fishing rod okay you got to get your string and then once you have your fishing rod okay you’re going to put uh the like you can put Cobblestone or you can put like uh wood or you can put iron you’re just basically making like

An axe but you’re going to do your fishing rod in the middle an axe recipe I’m going to make I’m going to make tonight a Blood night cuz I need to get some XP oh hello sorry about that I didn’t realize I was dein you were deing for quite some time I

Know I made tonight a Blood KN H I made tonight a Blood Knight you’re able to just make it blood Knight yeah as an admin I I need the XP just go to the Enderman Farm I don’t have an Enderman Farm or know any place that has anyone that has an Ender Farm

Except uh DJ but he’s not here all right TPA to me wait I’m at spawn where is that Denise where’s Denise I don’t know she was playing all night was it last night or the night before I’m not sure but she got like so much diamonds

Oh yeah the the four Stacks yeah no I gave it the doll no I’m joking no she did get it all in her own to me GD I sort of found this one at random one isn’t even mine it might be minor Kings where are you why is there water here where are

You are you above me mhm I can just do this oh no not this again not this again’s WR with this it’s so loud they’re all getting one shotted don’t worry what do you not have sweeping Edge D I do have sweeping Edge what I meant to say was that it’s

Loud what the death yeah I have hostile creatures set to 30 because of this all right JY it is quite loud yep so loud that I had to leave I don’t want to hurt the uh the audience’s ears all right uh you want you want me to enchant something no joking probably

Your stuff is probably maxed out I don’t even know who’s uh this this is I just sort of found it it’s going to be a blood night in a few minutes I think wait I hope the plugins are not broken uh um uh shouldn’t that have said blood

Night by now no it’s not quite dark yet I still see the sun I I I I could I I Can’t oh okay oh that’s not okay you need to who’s who’s trying to sleep me no wake up I need the XP the sleeping symbol is still above above my head don’t sleep you’ll die yeah that that makes so much sense right JD yep I got 50 I should I should make it

Where blood Knights like if your bed if you try to sleep in your bed it explodes as a as a punishment for trying to sleep on blood nights did I got I got a I got a I got a cool way of finding diamonds know what I do oh dear I see I

See a toxic creeper oh no it’s an Ender Creeper you know what you should do JD to get uh to to go find diamonds faster what you should do slash tpr and then after to just like go find a cave nearby no that’s what I

Do I changed it I I I didn’t make it as uh what are these fearful Phantoms yeah I made it so uh no should I make it darker what do you mean darker like this oh like you’re like giving us blindness or something or a little bit like a little bit of

Little bit of blindness what are you going to do point five blindness oh there’s a baby Dr it says you’re still sleeping I know that’s why I said uh oh look I got oh these oh oh oh and I’m also lost all my health oh

I’m hungry now I got hunger from that D I just went from full health to half no below half yeah magic skeletons are pretty hard oh they’re still shooting me I’m going home I’m going to bom bom will protect me my home I don’t like these Phantoms these Phantoms make me walk

Slower there’s a phantom in my house no this is going to kill me this is going to kill me it’s a blood die JD I’m going to die like I literally had to fight a Wither a Wither Rider a Wither skele no a wither skeleton a Wither rer to

Say I did not mean to press uh the bed this is definitely a challenge for netherite players especially the magic skeletons bro they they did all my health in an instant o look at this no did you die at spawn I did and I think I lost my

Stuff what how did you lose yourself cuz the creeper exploded oh no it’s still there never mind yeah it explodes once JY yeah like what is a nervous creeper I literally got instant killed by that creeper it was like one of the hardest creepers I fought what did it

Say uh nervous power creeper those things are like insta kill like if you if you get chased by it you’re done like don’t even run like you’re going to die cuz I was running super fast and it was like super charged like the blue particles like the blue Lightning

Bolt yeah and it went right next to me and it blew me up and I didn’t have time to like react it was just so instant I saw it and then like a second later it was already like right beside me and I died did you show me where you

Died yeah I died right in front of uh the um the apartment or behind the apartment apartment that I made or that I made oh I was just right there that bro after I got hit by that magic skeleton I was like no I’m going

Home and there was even a phantom in my house well Denise’s house really yeah there there was just one like it was stuck in the floor and I was just like I killed it JD mhm you got you got more you got more templates it’s going to cost

You I got 56 diamonds how many do you want I just want two more to fill up my my my no not like not like the templates for like uh netherite armor yes so you have to give me uh let me let me do the

Math 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 * 2 is 14 I I charge two diamonds extra for using my template because my my templates like one of the last wins that people have so um that’ll be 14 + 4 18 bucks diamonds all right where where you

At where where are we doing the business I’m at the kov center oh your house or yes I’m not I’m not at my house I’m at the kova center it’s it’s being it’s I guess you can say it’s a public building now well since like the doors open all the time yeah

Thanks I got I got my diamonds ready it’s in here all right pay up all right I got to go got to go I’m going to place it here so 18 you said right mhm which uh which um which one are you giving me like a template

Right no not like not the Smith template like I see never mind you have to charge me an extra two diamonds for that one so it’s like three three diamonds extra for one cuz mine I have almost all of them now so I have a coastal armor trim and I an eye armored

Trim uh I have a wild armored trim a tide armored trim a spy armored trim snout armor trim silence armor trim I don’t like the snout shaper armor trim I put I put the snout on my helmet Jamie look how bad it looks it’s just a little dot on the left

You look like a pig there you go there’s the all right do you want the wayfinder Armory trium I I’ll take a wild and a wayfinder uh what’s the way AR Fireball what’s the way armor the wayfinder armor uh what’s the schematic for like what’s the ingredients to make

That I know it’s diamonds but what’s the block that I have to use give me a second well it’s not netherite no it’s not netherite you have to use a block yeah that one what’s the block type looks like mud brick isn’t it just mud or mud brick packed mud we’ll try that

One I don’t think it’s pack mud I just heard your chicken laying egg Dr Eggman his name is Dr Eggman Yeah lollipop homework clean spawn and make it look nice you gave lollipop homework jitty yep it takes one terra cotta one terracotta no a terracotta will make a a um a razor armatum not not wayfinder oh is it then how do you get the razor armor is the same

Block oh I see it uses both does it like it like the same block can be used for both okay that makes sense cuz I have the razor and the uh shaper okay you’re in luck I have terracotta somewhere B on someone excuse me this is quite a long process I

Know I I demand re a few re a bit of a refund for uh all the times techology give me one second I have you don’t you don’t understand how rare terra cotta is it’s just a bad lands yeah there’s no bad lands nearby nearby but like it’s not that hard to

Find a bad land still all right so you want a wayfinder right a w finder and a I think it was a wild I think I asked for it yes a wild and then uh oh yes wild ter a mossy cobblestone thank you for the Terra cot JY I now l a

Recipe see you haven’t found a all right here but it’s it’s it’s not that hard to find one now I need to get my my shulker out again I get the gold where’s your SMI and JY over here here wait it’s right here how did I not see that I don’t know

I was about to say all right all right all right how does that one look wait is this wild yeah that’s wild um before I do that I want to look at and here’s your Sher all right I decided I like the pants actually I like your shoes too the shoes look

Good the the the it’s wild for the shoes I’m kind of tempting that I should change my pants to uh way finder yeah mine’s Coast oh yeah so I have a I have a tide armor helmet a wild armor uh that’s the one theying right now wild armor um

Chest plate a coast armor leggings and an eye armor boots wait actually can I dup another wild one so I can make sets for my friends all right you know how much it’s going to cost uh 10 right not 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 yeah it’s 10

You’re right ah I knew math more than you it’s been a while since I taught math you here you go good sir here’s the 10 I’m making you rich they ding it well you’re paying most of it I have to get the uh template I’ll just eat my own wait where

Do I put them excuse me wayfinder you said uh or you know I’ll buy that one too I’ll buy W wayfinder and wild got to give me back that terracotta oh all right here oh no wait I have a red one actually that should be okay no change that one

Instead wait give me a second let me get the diamonds I got the diamonds so I got an extra wild armor for You thank you thank you thank you I don’t know why I have Nether Nether rck I need this no I just need a the the wild armor trim So do this oh yeah I got to go get the way armor wayfinder there you go also did you drop a shulker box that was yours oh wait this was mine yeah it’s empty yeah cuz I use all the calite oh oh yeah you already used the whole

Box of Cal you guess where it’s been used take a guess um I don’t really know you haven’t seen spawn um oh that that big like building yeah I’ll go see it again just for you J I actually I could just do SL warp instead of using my

Yeah what is this a hotel is this another OJ Boogie Hotel you should Lodge No this is the apartments you know the apartment be like a water elevator here or something uh maybe how you like the jail this where where’s the jail oh it it has a giant word label

Jail I was about to say oh I can’t uh I’m I able to break in oh no I can’t nope it’s secured no cuz I want wanted to break in to see it but like can you can you let me in I’m up here now okay I’ll come see up there

First wa so cool roof all right now let’s go hi there’s Phantoms JD are those yours I think so oh I’m going to bed ah they’re going after me jie you just left them here no you didn’t even let me go to sleep to don’t worry they they they’ll come for you

Next they keep screaming in my ears but they’re dying now right I hope all JY open up the jails take me on a tour I don’t mean I think I have the key but I just don’t want to use it that’s so difficult I lost my key do you have a

Cobblestone uh does Cobble defl count no it’s okay I I know where I can get some excuse me sir you are in my hole keep jumping firewall keep jumping wait wait this this is c i um there you go that’s how noobs do it okay okay oh I don’t I don’t have silk

Touch what do you mean you don’t have silk touch I don’t have silk touch like that it’s going to grow back like what you PR I asked for Cobblestone here here’s your Cobblestone I got your Cobblestone here you go good now I have a key he got you more you could get four

More keys JY oh I can’t I still can’t use let’s go whoa lock me in JY me now you don’t even got a bed in here I’m just going to be homeless how does it feel like to be in jail um I did nothing wrong I demand I

Demand uh to be let out how many jails do I have oh I have no jails at all okay so set jail um let me out let me out let’s try this JL stab your toe no I just got out this actually works J I just got

Out you got you got to unil me otherwise I’m going to not be able to do anything wait I have to label all these jail cells cuz it’s going to get confusing if they’re all going to be called the same thing cells didy look at me look where I am

What where are you oh you’re crawling how’d you get there Elijah here you think I’m going to go oh you pushed me no I’m jok I walked off Well I tried to break Dave you got any netherite Scraps oh okay greetings D he’s going to cook me alive he called me tasty really I’m scared I’m scared JD did you put red stone on on your trim did you put redstone on your boots me no him that look like Redstone I know I know that’s way funder

But like is that red stone this what I’m asking you knowed don’t look like that half bad look JY look at him look at look at his boots where’d you go you just went to this oh you’re right here I’m setting the jail cells Set jail soell Two you need food here I got you I got you sell three okay let’s try them don’t won do it to me actually you know what no I don’t mind I I don’t mind being your little test subject He wants to be a subject and jail stub oh I’m still jail yeah it says you’re already in jailing what he’s not in Jail they probably just won’t play the whole time but you know I I can I can set a jail period like I now I have Commands to control how long I guys can be in jail for is that cool like a timer you would actually have to do your time yep

But I haven’t sat down with the judge yet so um we’re doing things manually but it works though I’ll keep him in jail oh he’s sleeping that works oh JY you left me in here you are jailed in the jail I mean I could have just did Slash War

There now no one go inside this is this is a maximum security not even uh we’re going on a trip on my favorite rocket ship flying through the sky Einstein you’re killing him JD who’s him uh firewall or was that me I don’t know I I didn’t look we’re going mining yeah

Kind of seems already explored no I came here to get some Stone Little Einstein you’re killing killing who he can go mining I can mine down here you can mine at the top and then you can mine the middle do that like an efficient method we’re supposed to be getting Stone firewall not Cobble Stone Stone and andesite give me some of the endite get the

Endite we’re mining so slow since like you know how like when you’re like falling like you’re suspended in the air ground this is so efficient D you know this be this would be good for diamond mining don’t you think yes go J let’s go go diamond mine don’t kill

Me oh I dropped my shovel no my shovel J I request my shovel back what shovel oh all right I’m getting back on your head I can’t get back on your head there you go hi did you just firework us out of here no I don’t have an elytra you don’t have

An elytra no but this is okay right I got do some Parkour get on my head I’ll I’ll fly us out of you no I have a I have good boots did you know that oh I I actually accidentally sneaked and I accidentally pressed shift instead of control and I just left why

Would you do that it was on accident far wall I promise D get back here B he’s going to he’s going to hurt me WI do you know how to build like a a practical elevator oh like the the water elevator or the yeah mhm need Soul Sand kelp and magma are you

Sure yes J I know how to build a freaking water elevator wow the Minecraft music is so peaceful right JY Minecraft music yeah mhm watching the sunset while listening to the music you have the music on I always have the music on oh like Bedrock no you have it

On and then watch it turn into a blood night after that oh yeah I need calite you need calite again I well I you you see I would have gone and get it but like you know you got rid of the the homes darn it um oh wa know um you didn’t save

Cords I I do have uh I do have cords it’s 11 th000 blocks it’s not bad just fight to it am I right or am I right no hopefully I’m going to do T hopefully I I will pay you very hand I teleported I teleported nowhere near it I will pay you very

Handsomely I’m trying to do tpr so it’s not even getting me close like any calite pay ments I usually go very very heavy with like in payments like you see I would have gone and get it oh I am right now but like I only have 11

Fireworks left that’s uh still quite so many blocks away I mean I could just like go up each and every time mhm like as soon as I get close to the ground I just go up I’ll try and find you can actually find calite in on top of mountains did you know that

Firewall okay I don’t think this is going to work I’m probably going to have to walk the rest of this distance Quincy has saved I only went 1,000 well I well I got to 1,000 after I used two fireworks mhm I’m at nine and there’s still 9,000

Block well meters it says meters but like I don’t I don’t know how many blocks it is oh cuz you have a what’s that lunar Clan right points that’s good I forgot that lunard Clan can do that yeah it’s still 9,000 meters away isn’t just a meter like two blocks

Most likely uh that’s a good question Fireball would no I feel like each meter is just two blocks how many blocks is a meter in Minecraft let me get Quincy involved as he’ll probably know that I’m going to give Quincy uh a ring I’m at six fireworks and at 8 th

One Meer e TOS one block I I don’t think so doesn’t seem like it oh this mountain is huge sadly it is not the calite one it’s just powdered snow everywhere oh I’m sinking oh J I’m sinking in snow well this mountain looks so cool holy this is a really cool Mountain that

Yeah ah I got shot from a skeleton while flying hopefully Quincy will get my message hello Quincy if you’re he this uh we’re looking for the mountain that you have saved cords for if you can potentially help us help St your toe find it again I’ll be greatly appreciated

Um you can uh get hold of by get way point it’s just hard I don’t I didn’t bring extra fireworks up me right now fine I’m going to go give you some fireworks right now all right all right what’s your EMT my EMT yeah uh that one

Okay um I put in your hands for you huh my hands yeah oh what how’ you do that I’m op you did Slash give 24 fireworks I literally went to my house and put the fireworks into your inventory oh you got rid of my totem no

I put the totems in your uh I put the totems in your uh yeah I kind of forgot that you have like access to uh our inventories watch chest and our backpacks and everything watch this no I don’t want to watch don’t don’t don’t take something out of my

Inventory uh I can take your helmet and I can put J and and I can put a block over your head look at that wow I got deep slate on my head give me back my helmet please why is there three deep slate on my I would like my helmet back

JD I’m bald now no oh yeah hell yeah the totem do you think it would work if it’s on my head that’s a good question I don’t know my elytra have their ability but you know what’s cool what uh wait let me see if I can find it in the chest

Would it look like if there was a block instead of the chest plate yeah JY put put a block on my wait no don’t get rid of the chest plate because my elytra is on I’m just going to fall okay watch this now like get oh where’ The Shield come from oh

Wait watch this oh damn I got a shield on my head I now immune to head shots wait that was a That was supposed to be a banner not a shield uh no it’s a whole ass Shield really I think no I think it turned it into a shield when

You put it into my off hand cuz if you look closely JY it it’s a shield okay let me replace that Oh’s that hey hi what’s up what’s up J I’m almost there where is it where are you guys going stop huh wait what hey what’s up what’s up one more more where are you boy that way uh where is it is that Conrad I don’t know is it J it looks like

It what is he like like like did he put his video on no he found a geod for you JY ooh well I don’t know how to do this so I’m just going to like do this instead all right watch this D Bo J I’m going to go look at this

Boy look at your character do F5 I I got a banner on my head all right is the banner cool it’s like one of the cooler features I threw it away what I just spent so much time making that Banner well I just got to the Cal site you

See hey I been what you want man hey what’s up why are you trick or-treating shut up bro just talk to he can hear you right here bro he can hear you br I muted look Ian what see you can hear I oh answer this guy I don’t even hear

Him that well your mic is so mus speak wait he’s going to speak he is talking mad that guy bab push over bro this is you guys may sit in the middle you expect me to give you space finish boy what is happening bro what the f my lungs can’t take it

Anymore put my mask give it to me yeah CH when Halloween I don’t know I haven’t I haven’t done Halloween there in a long time what a gy you liveed there for like 3 years you should know do it every 27 how long does it go on for

Uh I think it ends at 8 8 I think 8 or n9ine eight or nine but not 10 like it never goes on at 10 look for the post on Facebook no post BR you’re so who’s that [ __ ] what no who was that oh tell him to give us

Some what are you what are you doing right now J I’m building G get where where are we you think you know where we are you’re in uh Chae City won’t flip broken my camera is broken we’re not active what we should have the chap lot of houses over there let’s play music

Oh that was strange but the interesting experience just m I’m just mining pigeon poop and you know pigeon poop yeah that’s that’s what I call calside cuz it literally looks like pige poop you know what I mean JY yes I do unfortunately I I I think the same as Well excuse you thank you I was ill I was very ill why why cuz someone coughed on Me oh I just picked up all the garbage that I just threw up oh yeah did you see your Twitch stream got a lot of followers yeah I had 40 is that cool yeah that’s a good I I honestly don’t know where they came from it’s people that follow you because they love

Your content you got you got you got slightly viral for a second no no I didn’t receive any followers that stream they they were already there apparently oh yeah I was like wait what what since when did I have 40 cuz when I was in streamer stream manager right like it didn’t say

Anyone followed so I was like hm I’m sure they follow like before like you streamed may like all the shout outs I gave you you gave gave me shout outs yeah remember you always asked me for shout outs before I did yes I don’t even remember

That it was like a long like last year I think and I don’t even remember you don’t remember how dare you I’m sorry they they are still appreciated though even though I don’t remember time to fill the same shulker box with a calite give it back to me and wait for

Like a week and a half to get it back I just got this Sher box back and I’m already going to give it back don’t worry I’ll I’ll take it and I’ll transport it into a chest EG no it’s okay my my chest is full of shockers anyway are you sure I

Lied you could easily check if I lied cuz yeah you have I have I am God on the server I can see I can see people’s Souls I can see their souls too whoa Cloud just came out of nowhere while I was mining I just saw a black cloud out of

Nowhere how do I make this go higher from here D you see all the Deep slate in my backpack you okay sounds like you’re about to poop what sounds like you’re about to poop no it sounds like I was about to vomit no sound like you were struggling in the bathroom

Like you know you know what me what’s this now you’re surprised that you saw something what what did you see j i someone gave me a box full of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7even eight stacks of calite I owee you food give me one second one second there you

Go didn’t he only say he found a geod so like how is that how much geod give or it looks like it but I’ll take that oh firewall was that was that a was that a geode or did you find like multiple geod or like how how you hit that much

SK oh that was close a only eight eight Stacks is from only one geode yep eight Stacks from one geode he also gave me some extra stuff too like the tough I’m not too crazy about the tough but I I will find a way to work with

Tough it’s not tough it’s B salt I always get pu and basal mies up well they are both a very ugly block uh no I think bal’s pretty cool who would agree with me like come on B salt has to be a decent block right yeah Basalt doesn’t deserve all

The hate it it gets well for basalt like you can you can carve it into something you know nice I’m overdue for a 12 hour stream I need to do it sometime uh in a few weeks got to stream for that long yes done it before did it once

Survived I I remember um I wanted to do that like no I think I did like an 8 or 7 hour stream of grounded and I thought I got I thought I was boring so I ended it boring I think well you have to really promote it too right you have to

Like say this is a subm marathon uh you know yeah but like I feel like that’s just asking for money no you’re asking for subscribers I don’t I don’t have I don’t even I’m not even affiliate oh yeah I’m talking about YouTube though YouTube is like different terminologies I’m not affiliate on both

True Did you look how much calide have got you so far I can’t well you expect me to look your inventory the whole time yeah your backing while I was flying your backpack or your inventory 1 2 three four five six six Stacks now look at the shulker

Box like hover I just closed your menu no that’s fine I’ll I’ll just show you when uh when I’m done mining it all you know that I can um I can look at dreams inventory GRE yeah you know what he has he has nothing well because he doesn’t play the server

Exactly but I can able to look at anyone’s inventory as long as they play well they don’t even have to play yeah I can I can put stuff in dream’s inventory right now and then let’s say uh he joins and then he’ll be like whoa I have this stuff

Cool well like you could just basically give every single person a starter kit you would have to find their usernames like before Whit listing them are something no I I can just I can just create a command that would give uh oh wait he wants to be muted oh wait he’s

Not here no more oh firewall or no toway I just got his message just now like on Discord or like when on where say when Discord I’m on streamer mode I I know cuz when I when I when I when I open up OBS it says like oh this

Person is also on streamer mode I’m like oh cool it like automatically puts me in streamer mode as soon as I open OBS it just puts an s in my name well my username I got a debuff unfortunately cuz I didn’t sleep how unfortunate oh look Emerald D why can’t you forge an

Emerald guys what should I do with the better sleeping should I increase the buff to make it last longer and increase the debuff and the buff and should I make it where you gain Hearts as you sleep no you should just keep it as that well I’m

Joking time to the debuff and buff I’m going to encourage uh you know sleeping habits maybe make the debuff like longer than 3 seconds that’s a good idea like honestly you should make the buff longer I mean a shorter than the debuff to encourage it more

Yes I feel like seeing uh a more of a debuff than uh than a buff you would think like oh it’s not that worth it but like it’s that debuff is so long so like it’s still I still got to sleep yeah no I’ll encourage to buff actually cuz

Everyone’s not going to sleep and I don’t want to penalize you know a lot of for that well us netherite players don’t need need to sleep yeah exactly so may as well like help out the younger the the starters the younger he says yeah D you dare assume their age no I’m

Not assuming their age I’m assuming their their dedication to the server you’re assuming they’re they’re uh you’re assuming they they they they they gender no I was talking about their uh their length of experience on the server like younger like they haven’t been in the server long enough that you’re assuming their gender

No sh just go Up yep I remember you being my first subscriber oh yeah it was actually forced you forced me to subscribe to you I didn’t no I didn’t I just told you hey you should like subscribe to my channel since I just made it have I ever

Showed you a a hack or not a hack but have I ever showed you like a life hack for the server did did I I don’t know I don’t think so when you open your inventory click on an empty space holding shift oh yeah yeah I already know that I sort of

Figured that out already by mistake uh I don’t remember how’d you know it and you’re not like a PC player I sort of just found it out I think it was a mistake or I was just like oh look at that that happened I know thanks to me

No you did you didn’t well maybe I don’t remember how I discovered it so it’s still a possibility I mined out an entire area J D you want to come see the mountain that used to be uh that used to have is it gone is it completely

Gone well this mountain is I was about to say murderer you you Mountain you Mountain killer there’s like a well there’s still a few like down there that I didn’t mind the pigeon poop but I other than that I entirely minded it yes I’m killing mountains I I punch mountains I Punch

Walls how dare you shame on you what am I going to do go to prison now yeah yes that’s that’s that’s an act of murder so people people murder in here you never jail them what have they murdered even your admins murder why do I feel like St your to

Reminds me of technoblade because of the pig skin it is because of the pig skin good sir makes sense yeah you’re the technically of the server and then and then uh I would say be no I’m not I’m not much of a quacky people say that I could people think I’m

More like funy or George I found well you are a fan of George found I don’t know I don’t really know who you’re trying to represent him yeah but I love watching George and a and quacky they’re like one of my favorite is quite funny they’re like my favorite

Uh they’re not my favorite GMP members but they’re my favorite uh YouTube creators and streamers content creators in general yes do you have like specific like favorite for like each game or like like genre what they stream or or is that are they just your main favorit main Minecraft

Favorites all right so what’s your other favorites then for what games doesn’t matter just what are your other favorites uh well actually to be honest I don’t really have any other favorites oh marker play will be like a good I love Markiplier for like horror games Five Nights at Freddy is for sure

Marlier is great yeah so for Markiplier I definitely would say that he be my favorite Five Nights at Freddy’s commentary person oh my inventory is slow yeah and then for like theories it’ll be M Pat did you see mad scene on the movie yeah uh yeah you watched the movie right yeah

But I don’t want to spoil it uh message me if the spring lock scene is there or Not this is on Discord no you have to watch it for yourself I don’t want to pay money then broke par most likely won’t buy it neither my Grandparents it’s not that expensive is it for them it is not rich like you uh I’m sure the YouTube videos are going to come out for it like Clips here and there I’m going to watch it on free tube spot J mind out all the calite now on this

Um you want you want to see the bald spot I made on it sure oh did I the accept or this is cool it looks so bald I’m I’m looking into your soul right now like I’m seeing your screen really yeah if you look at my stream it says

Teleport no it’s a it’s a part of my admin perms look look what you see that there gone over here oh wait godone that that entire area over there what’s calite really is there some is there still more calite like in the area oh yeah right over here okay

Good I could still get those too cuz I uh my inventory is not entirely filled oh I’ll show you the other area where I mined I there’s still some there it looks like yeah this I mind this one very sloppy that one I took my time and like to get every single

One and this one I I’m not there no more I did a very sloppy job I saw the sloppy one you you missed so much you missed like a whole stack maybe like more than two stacks I don’t think it was only a stack

JY but I will get the rest I will finish the job now all right you better hope if I have enough room too mhm because I kind of don’t right now I I’m like ring out of space I’m so sad that mad like wasn’t fully in the movie well he has an Easter

Egg what would have been cooler if he was in the full movie like a full main character or something the only problem is he’s not like an actual actor you know that right he is an actor he he’s in the movie so counts how’ you know I saw a

Clip I was like Matt Pat scen I was like oh at least he’s in the movie that’s good enough for me even the other guy is there too I won’t tell his name Cory kenson uh I don’t I don’t really know Cory that well but uh like what does he do um don’t

Know like he’s a he’s a colored person right oh yeah did you have to say it like that J well how am I supposed to say it uh is this guy get very deep what whoa even worse that’s even worse if Quincy was here he’ll get very

Mad at you he’ll be like um excuse Me what is uh Quincy like homophobic of the homophobes I don’t know ask him when he gets here hopefully soon Quincy if you’re watching me wake up WIA WIA when SK got opposite this is now a Creed class J we are going to teach your your audience cre for real Ow like t T what’s the actual meaning of Tabo he uh Tabo means like like gosh darn it [Applause] yeah I don’t know the the yes word for cre oh yeah yeah needed a a quick reminder and how long have you been taking Creek class for [Applause] years it’s not my fault I had a

Uh actually I shouldn’t say that all right JD I finished well it’s not it’s not entirely finished but it’s almost Finished oh I finish the job jitty oh no there’s some more over there no I got to go get that one Too I think I did this like while I didn’t even have any trims I was just a naked Man like imagine if you could add Trims on the pickaxes and stuff that’ be cool don’t give Minecraft any ideas I I I demand um I will sue you if you steal my idea unless you pay me it’s their game they wouldn’t seee you now I would sue

Them not not them suing me me suing them the second I see uh trims for for your weapons and stuff the tools I am going to uh uh find a way to contact me or something I don’t know I’m not I’m not I’m not going to say my stuff on

Stream I’m not going to say my email and Stuff I should become a Dev JD just so that I get paid for my ideas oh no you even have deving experience huh do you even have deving experience yeah totally I made a Roblox game really yeah you know what you do in it nothing no there’s actually a thing you can do

Really yeah sound like a simulator pay to win game though and no one’s visited it yet there’s like no reviews nothing no no one’s played it but it is is a thing I lied JD I entirely lied you believed me ha oh my God darn it ow this building is now a safety

Hazard why you could die you could die y m ow you can fall and break your legs get hot hospitalized forever Who oh there’s a skeleton in my same hole sorry Bob I have to murder your your Sister right jitty Bob’s sister do you remember Bob jitty Bob from the Builder yes I do no I’m talking about my pet skeleton Bob you recall the pet skeleton Bob jitty uh from like back then no it’s it’s literally in my house well Denise’s house oh you should get Denise

On oh she probably can’t get on anyway all right I cleaned this area too let me go clean another no I’m joking I’m out of inventory space JY oh I should set a home here too just so I don’t have to fly all the way back I almost did Slash

Home all right time to remove the way point and slash where spawn that’s that was so long good where are you at I’m on top of the skyscraper here’s your uh here’s your goods wait wait till I’m finish this layer first give me like a couple I don’t have

Perm here of course you don’t I have hers here I wouldn’t I cuz you’re getting knocked down this whole Tower why do you always thinking going to well do you have perms at Den’s house yeah is it still there obviously here’s your calide JY the ones from my inventory

Anyway hurry up JY before it despawns it’s not going to despawn give it like 5 minutes it Des spawn is it 5 minutes or 10 minutes it’s 2 seconds it’s gone already darn it wait is it actually gone oh no the render distance I I was like wait it’s actually

Good you’re you’re probably going to be mad for like a second huh if it was you be like Oh well you manag to get all of it and uh also here’s the shulker box full yeah really I think oh my goodness that’s a lot of calite how much do I get do I get all my diamonds just Pig back diamonds it’s like

A uh let me go back to my house what do you what do you don’t have right now NE uh I’m going to give you some rare stuff okay some what some rare stuff y like what I’ll give you I think you might like that and I

Think you’re going to like this oh no no stop it stop it J he’s hurting himself who’s hurting herself that man up there who’s uh doing self harm oh firewall firewall that’s not kid-friendly you got to stop I saw someone swearing your Christian Minecraft server it’s not Christian yeah it is I already have so many of the oh you took my bro J I don’t want these jie J I don’t want these uh how come you don’t want those ones or The Mending because I already have so much okay okay fine I’ll give you

These I already have so much of those too Um uh ooh I’ll give you these then I don’t want why would I want TNT uh NE you think you’re trying to support griefing that’s better you don’t have TNT do you I don’t but like I don’t need it Um I’ll give you these things are rare here you go whoa what’s this smithing template and this oh yes I know can make some cond yes and then this here this is probably one of the rarest stuff to get a bucket oh a frog I can easily get

That I know where a swamp is like a the mangr swamp well good luck trying to breed them cuz you need like their food Source what is their food source then magma magma what you call those things there oh no the slimes yes that slime that’s it um I’ll give you these things these things that’s not hard to get really really J what else did you give jie you’re just giving me I’m giving you rare

Stuff um what is this ooh you don’t have this on um I have that oh no you still didn’t give me my Swift sneak I’m I’m trying to find it you never gave me my Swift sneak I’ll look for it it’s somewhere I’m trying to remember where I put it

But that you were going to give that to me for free so like that doesn’t count oh uh you know I’ll count it so I don’t overprice you they’re rare right where’s my Swift sneak JD uh what you do my Swift s I’m looking for it trying to get

One how many levels do you have seven no give it to me I have 46 okay Fine is thank than where the books go Oh no fire aspect Thorns too give me those books then look the seed too for level 30 that was really bad wait I don’t think that was level 30 Actually that doesn’t feel like level 30 G I don’t know what happened to my other Swift snake I really don’t know where it went uh let me look at all my chests okay so that’s dep shrider loyalty 3 um what’s in this one here no no meft no no

No wait what’s this did you really lose it ooh this is rare what is it I me first tell me what it is first before you give it to Me we just that’s very rare what Munch is death yes um you you can honestly have your heart of the sea back you want that I’m not going to go near water babe what do you expect me to go put it in an underwater cave just to mine there

There doors for a reason jie you can build an underwater like Village I don’t want that what maybe eventually like when I get bored but like I’m not bored yet you probably want this then right can you what’s that what is that a it’s a very rare

Item I can give you Echo shards or um uh you’re not getting my sniffer egg what is a sniffer egg oh it’s the the really big thing right yeah come on jitty you’re running out of ations oh he said K NOA you said you would give

It to me back then wait what did I read no I said I was keeping my snipper egg what are you what what’s taking you so long to look through that chest Oh how do I do this sunflower I told you that I I I once I breede sniffers I would give you an egg or two that’s what oh where am I oh I’m upstairs I guess this will make up the payment uh good enough there you go see you

Later how many of those do you have JY I have four this the first one that I got in this server so yeah so far they’re r i don’t explore I mine would you like some Cobblestone JY no why not cuz I have so much Cobblestone oh yes I have so many templates

Now thank you didy for all the templates you only have one template no I have four which ones do you have oh my gosh why all my levels are gone um I have wild wayfinder snout and uh Coast oh but you have to make you have to make them for Denise yes I Shall oh I didn’t what wait did I not put it in there I what okay there you go fixed I give you I gave you like most of my diamonds JY for for those trims I know would you like some bookshelves GD I have bookshelves would you like some

Netherrack JY Netherrack I have Netherrack would you like a efficiency For wouldn’t hurt to have one you like sharpness 4 sharpness 4 yeah I don’t have five sadly I have five already on my most of my tools you want uh you want prop four prop four I already have prop four you want uh you want Power four and Flame and

Multi-shot I don’t have a loyalty three and sharpness four hi Max Jamal how’s it going I don’t have a crossbow all right just take what you want from my inventory D just look through it and uh well don’t take anything back obviously but like look through the Enchantment books on what you Want I wish it was an auto sort for your inventory my my inventory so there is an auto sort for your inventory you able to AO sort your inventory uh sharpness 4 yeah watch this see I can I can Auto sort it for you I think I hope no I can’t actually uh

Efficiency 4 I’ll take uh see how much of my elytra and pickaxe I broke for you J efficiency 5 I’ll take the efficiency 4 oh I saw it disappear I could use efficiency 4 On efficiency F there’s your two you could take your two Stone too there there which one your two Stone sure why Not all right now I got to Restort this again I’ll take this what else are you going to take um I’ll take this maybe this you took my light um I’ll take this for sure my S is that funny how it just disappears from your inventory I’m just like looking through

It and then after my elro is gone and my sword’s gone I’m like a jie you’re not supposed to take those I’m going to go fix my my Stuff L king if you could if you could hear me did you possibly lose your end uh thing because think I found it maybe because I found someone ‘s and I don’t know who is it a what you know I found I found someone’s Um like place like their end farm you know that I showed you I found someone’s I don’t think Miner King I don’t oh Miner King I did them a firewall there’s even like improve uh improve Enderman spawning and improve the I don’t think he can hear you oh he already Left no JY I had I had 18 levels I’m already at 40 where did you get that from oh the End would you like to um get some XP J like have a tour well I could turn off the spawning well like it it doesn’t completely deplete the spawning so there will still be some would you still like to see it JY um yes give me a couple seconds like I’m almost done placing the floor I’m level 47 holy cow this thing is a big build just a friendly reminder guys don’t do do this at home this is extremely dangerous fire Wall’s requesting a TP now no firewall this is mine I’m going

To claim it soon joking I won’t claim it honestly JY you should like make a public one like where public end Enderman Farm you should make a warp to it no that’s just illegal it breaks many rules of my server I to is full of pearls I I I’ll I’ll accept your

TPA welcome Firewall you’re going to be mean to him I don’t know whose this is I just found it well I guess I found cloudy found cloudy Dy how far is it from the island like not even that far honestly cuz people’s ends end Farms are they claimed they’re claimed right no cloudy is not

Claimed I already have a home here cloudy since I found it can I uh if you ever somehow hear I don’t think you would this no but like he’s going to be like no no you’re going to unclaim it un claim it or else I’m killing you

No I’m not going to claim it I’m going to ask him to claim it and then give me perms all I want to do is just like grind XP here that’s all I’m ever going to do here D I can’t believe you you think I’m a griefer why would you think that uh

Remember what happened to the foundation all right yeah I’ll I’ll let you do that I wall remember what happened to the foundation no really what happened to the foundation you got blown up I’m surprised you don’t remember that I didn’t know that really now the only the only thing I’m missing

Is probably thorns and Swift sneak on my my armor you got all your stuff healed already firewall look if your inventory is full of pearls just put them over there and then like burn them or something I don’t have a flip dudy next time you are able to speak to

Cloudy could you tell him about his uh and I’ll just do CL what I’ll just do act cloudy going to be like what doesn’t cloudy stream yep he streams on on different things like the medieval SMP um Sky Block doesn’t stream on yours too Yep did you add him J yet I have to do I added him already oh teren teren even ask me to to unmute all I didn’t see it until trick- or-treating now yeah you think this building is tall enough to spawn um no no yes I’m going be real with you I

Don’t think it’s tall enough I guess they’re going taller you want to get some levels um my at the firewall I’m level 62 I think I’ll be Good um I’m pretty sure I I haven’t seen him on in a while who’s that buddy he still plays he was he hasn’t played for about a week Though bombs the way that was close I could have died oh darn it I’m Dy holy I made that perfectly where are you J I’m at the spawn still I thought you were on top of the building I was I’m at the ground we’re at the ground I don’t think

My render distance can see that far I’m getting diorite I’m going down to the see me I’m jumping be your I’m over here where behind you down I’m behind the bamboo forest no other one behind you you can’t see me oh oh you can’t see me from that far no I I

Do see you I was pressing Z so it like you know it kind of limited my vision are you in the bamboo now like I saw I kind of saw you walk in there and just disappear no I’m in the cave there’s a cave there yeah remember the one that we were mining

In together all three of us you don’t remember do you how deep are you in the Cave I’m very deep ow another eight stacks for you there JD I know you tough gross is a b salt like you said oh yeah I I got to stop calling that stuff like tough it just reminds me of tough does look like the Should I go diamond mining JD like what should I be doing what do you think I should be doing helping you mine this di head yes please well I’m not going to don’t I don’t need that much anyways I need like at least a couple stacks oh that back got in the

Way you go I almost I almost hit the wall I just saw I just saw you like go down there and then after disappear I was like hm where did he go so I just thought you were standing behind the bamboo really I was behind like in like really you thought I was in the bamboo course

Like yeah I thought you were just sitting in there nope that’s I was like that’s why I was like where’d you go why didn’t they let me on the scaffold I just fell all the way down luckily you had uh your protection huh I just it didn’t even like let me I

Just I got shot down shot me down jie I’m being hurt is there a skeleton in there or something like what happened why did I get shot J yeah there’s there’s a skeleton in there with fire as it has a fire aspect on it right fire aspect it has a flame

On it right I just killed it I just killed it that was my an end in there that was my guard I killed your skeleton I might increase the distance uh in a few sec in a few minutes after I get this building done is that

Okay you you think that’ be bad for the server I need your professional opinion on this oh do you think do you think I should um increase the server distance like what do you mean by server distance like what people how far people can see in This Server Like render distance

Or but it affects the whole server by five blocks y the the Bedrock players JD think about the Bedrock players the poor little Bedrock play how far can you even see not that far from here like can you change that or is ited sure lunar you

Can um here no it’s just in the regular options um uh it’s at third my Max render distance is 32 my simulation is also at 32 is that Max yeah oh I don’t like this this is pretty tall don’t you think you want a water bucket JY I have

A water bucket in my inventory so when I fall I want to borrow my elyra so uh you don’t be scared I’m not scared why to be scared it’s Minecraft you’re scared of heights not really I mean my my hands are sweating a bit but I’m not scared I can’t make a wrong

Move so what happens if I just push you off like that a see this is this is why you don’t have uh worms yep cuz you’ll just just murder the staff all right there you go I got the top done now I’ll just fill this in that cool

Finally after months of work I finally finished go to my shop let finally finished go oh your shop No how to say he’s he was going to fall oh fine I’m fine they’re they’re just little pests where ow watch out JD this this is so scary it’s going to knock me off it’s going to knock me off this building and it’s going to murder

Me ah Alex says how are you oh I’m good know can you can you hear him JY I can yeah I can hear him wait I can barely what are you guys building right now well I’m not building anything I’m more what are you building right now I’m building a

Skyscraper really show my spawn look at my spawn look what I did with spawn well I’ll do it in a second after I I’ll show Alex no I just wasted a FL this is uh JD spawn holy [ __ ] I mean my friend friendly Al I mean holy Crap over here I’m sorry JD don’t worry I A A bunch of people swear on his stream already I know but I’m still sorry that I did you want to see JD’s house I can show you that too right jie yeah it’s really far it’s not even that far no that’s not

His who is that I don’t know oh that’s Denise’s right there that’s where I’m living that’s where Denise’s Castle is being built where I’m also who’s building it her I’m getting the resources though this is JD’s house JD your house looks amazing thank you well I have two

Houses which one did you show them uh the the center oh don’t go to that one go go to the other one go to the one that’s beside the uh um beside the uh the talent show room oh wait the one beside the talent show room’s not built yet it’s it’s

Getting it’s nice and the inside if you go inside there’s house this is so far it looks pretty nice and if you go in my bedroom yeah that’s amazing G I look behind you on top of your face hey look look this is what JD built here too

The town show room that’s like one of my best builds like I it’s so technical too oh yeah you put you put iron doors there now oh wait there’s a door that should be open the one that you walk by is open yeah yeah I I did there’s still a way up

G Well for now there is is this is it dark oh wait no let me turn off my Lighting J did you used to have like a world back then like remember when you used to live on that like farm near Ottawa oh yeah I still have the world you still have that world yeah it’s on the Xbox I remember when he showed me as

Young like when me and I were young and that [ __ ] I mean that crap was insane yeah uh OJ Boogie I don’t remember but I just remember playing like H 3 yes that’s he he made that right there close it I might change it though like I might

Put the glass on top instead of the bottom this is for the that’s ceiling lights oh you’re watching yeah I’m on spectator and then you do the stage lights up is off everything in stage you became so good at Minecraft I don’t think I can ever do that um that

This one is for those lights the ground the ground lights and show moning show restaurant minor King has a good build too the the the shop you mean oh the shop yes did I say restaurant yeah you did I only got good at uh FPS games oh like War Z like Siege Rainbow

Six Siege or like Halo Alex would ask me like the the Y levels for stuff was like so inexperienced on mcraft that ask I look uh here the prices the overpriced stuff overpriced stuff yeah it works like when you put something in there it gives you the

Item pick yeah it it is really cool but like the prices I do not like I might join someday cuz I recently got a PC oh yeah yeah I started working oh wow so what kind of PC do you have uh I I don’t know the details I

Bought I bought a pre-built one for 3,000 oh wow so you messed up like a lot of good specs in there yeah yeah I hope yeah I think it is yeah you bought Minecraft too right yeah no no I have a game pass so I could just install

Minecraft oh yeah Minecraft is pretty good in Java you can do like a whole bunch of stuff we can get like different mods and different you want you want to see the light shaders this is only light by the way this is only oh yeah Ian’s computer doesn’t run shaders very

Well look at the friends wa what is the 16 18 yeah 20 frames per second 16 15 what do you mean 19 my uh PC could run OverWatch pretty well too 120 so you could probably stream too at the same time yeah oh you want to see my but I

Don’t know how to like set up any of that stuff oh yeah the easiest one to do is probably streamlabs like all do just click one button and you’re streaming but you have to like set it up first I I use OBS oh yeah yeah OBS is it’s

Simpler in terms of like how to like actually both do well at first it was only recording but OBS has no the feature to stream yeah can I still stream on like twitch yeah on OBS yeah look I could I could show you how it works here let me no no no not

Now but still want to well I I’ll still just it’s not even that F it’s not even that uh it’s not even that long back On OBS OBS oh that’s and I can put on game all right look I put I put game capture I’m in here oh s hello well I I could just do display and shows everything that I’m doing well like if I put on display though like if

I go out and go to Discord it’ll show my Discord so like I don’t use display much I usually just use game capture yeah I’m like new to PC like really new oh wow I I’m also quite new no you know more than me though but I’m

Like brand new I’m like a boomer when it comes to PC I was a boomer until my friend taught me how to stream he taught me how to get mods on Minecraft I have games on my PC but I don’t know anything else really setting I should put because of

My specs I don’t even know my specs I I know how to get screenshots now too it’s just F2 I’m probably going to have to do delete that later I to do my boot key like I say you learn as you go yeah I learned Qui you want to see my

My my my screenshot Alex like right here the Minecraft screenshot that shaders yeah I have Nitro now because I bought ultimate on my uh PC damn I I only got Nitro when did you get the PC um month ago beginning of October I think oh wow so like not long

Ago I look at my levels only 62 man beet chap I bet J JD has I just died a lot long ago from from from a creeper uh you know yeah it has like blood Knights yeah I have blood kns on this so annoying when you die and it

Just only get a part of your XP that’s only seven the max you only get seven you can have like level a thousand and only get seven back there’s no way I’m I’m being serious right JY that’s how it works if Graves was working it would be

Better do you remember Graves how it worked when you died like the XP would get locked in the chest really that Graves did that yeah Graves did do that well you see J I haven’t died when you had Graves I didn’t remve Graves it got broken again so I have to fix

It I’m a it was talking to you again JD look the game capture works now I can just press start streaming and it will start go now all right bye was nice talking to you again JD yes nice talking to you too I still have my music on so huh turn it’s whatever

Yeah all right J you still at the you still at the I’m always at the thing uh minor King i i i streamed your thing uh the time when I put my thing in your content creator thing I streamed this oh yeah yeah I did I don’t remember exactly I think I was

In a VC with people yeah you’re on Twitch the stream was really good it was really smooth clear crisp crisp who taught you that I don’t know all I did was put game capture on yeah it was really nice and and I’m only using like the the

Mic from the computer it’s self so like tell me it’s like the mic is clear the mic is clear but it’s not Bassy enough oh you almost fell because you placed that block well you you only fall to that floor which is not bad I know

But like I I was like trying to do parkour and I went like this can you say I set a world record on the cre of SMP for the most diamond yeah yes I will probably set a world record for that what for the most diamonds yep in the

Server I’m guessing Miner King is asking that yes well I mean he does have a diamond Beacon you know what I’m going to get even more than you I’m joking I’m probably never going to be able to get that well I probably could but like not very fast It would probably like take me like 3 days of nonstop grinding which I could do this weekend honestly but like I don’t want to play Minecraft for 3 days straight people do it for a living well yeah some people do but I’m not I’m not all I haven’t had that in a

While I wonder how many Diamond miner King has including his Diamond Beacon am I hearing rain or kind of sounds like someone’s flying and at the same time it sounds like rain well let’s go down and find out what would we be able to just hear from up

Here I can go in that’s so strange I know that that’s remember when I said like oh help I can’t it didn’t let me I think ladders are better for that like for going down this is a normal zombie but this has like more Health try killing it has more Health that

Cool oh yeah it should be raining because of the blood knight uh no it doesn’t usually rain oh no help me stop what am I supposed to do I’m dying over here I’m going in your house I’m stuck in a hole help go to your house oh I killed the skeleton help me

Oh they’re so fast they gave me slowness where are you I’m going to die ow oh I found the I found the nervous creeper Don’t Go Near it I I’ll go it’s so Bast it’s coming it’s right behind us you know what I have slowness on I’m going to I’m going to

Explode get away from Me where’s your stuff Judy in front I died in the same spot literally the same the SP is unlucky die I’m going to die eat holy oh I’m flying away oh I’m just going to fly around that what happened here almost at two and a half Hearts oh my God good why is there so many zombies why is there really fast Ender they’re even fast they’re faster than the baby zombie oh he’s so fast they even have shields they even have shields in the water yes it get rid of their effects

Wa ooh they dropped diamond armor if you have looting fck this hting me if you kill an Armored zombie you get diamond armor like a armored zombie you have loing it like chances are higher what is hitting me oh there’s an armored zombie right there oh it turned into a

Drown there’s invisible ones there like oh it’s exploded in my face can you hear the lightning bolts every time I kill something do you oh crap a toxic Enderman a night zombie an invisible One ow ow ow invisible zombie not quite so invisible anymore proba the invisible zombie drowned get

It well obviously oh wow I have two Diamond helmets in one I have it in a stack well you can you can merge those and get um repair diamond leggings right I also got Diamond axes well I mean not did that do a heart oh I almost hit you just beat him up

Yeah we shall be punished for bullying a child J night zombie these ones are tough I’m not that tough you see that was tough do you see this what is that there a blaze Rider oh it’s one where did he what did he hold what was he

Holding holding a pink block that I had didy look there’s a there’s um there’s a blaze Rider uhoh oh that gave me nause did you see the blaze Rider JY yeah I’m going to fix that uh there’s a few things I got to fix with that like I

Want it to be darker than that like it it wasn’t even red was it I didn’t even see the red I don’t think I got the texture pack or like something cuz it was just it was just like dark all right I’m going to fix that uh give me a few seconds yep

Remember blood kns in uh Seven Days to Die Blood Moons you mean yeah remember the naked man oh yes I was like there’s a naked man a naked man in our in our home uh I’m going to go here uh firewall did you lose like did

It break half of it or did it like lose half of its durability blood Knight Configuration English US zomie stole my oh and did it despawn like while it had it on or did it only give you half back okay go to world settings damn JD he lost half of his armor from what a zombie didn’t give all his armor back when he killed it there’s

J just like chilling and then after it’s like oh look a blood Knight and then after World settings damn you you lost half oh yes the Axes take look at what you told me to take a look at something Boss Bar was it was it the the stacked axes uh I don’t I don’t I don’t I don’t know Man that gave me so much rotten flesh GD that was fun I almost died like three times um wait I’m trying trying to fix Graves why did I do that so dumb okay I’m going to go to plugins Graves Figure uh can build true only great where entity can build protection Plugins that one’s going to be false Do D Time to go to Essentials Now D All right sorry about that uh now we can work it uh the it’s called the kov SMP yeah the Kenova SMP you should like really join you should join no no one showed up in my stream GD like just today no no no no not today I

Didn’t stream oh you have to advertise it I I did advertise it in yours oh well people are busy right now I had two viewers but like no there was no chat or anything so I was like uh uh uh is there a person is there not am I

Am I glitching or what’s happening why why don’t you trust me anymore wait you mean with perms and stuff config I do why do you think I can’t be Trusted uhoh uh oh oh yeah was wait wait what’s happening I’m going to go play my my my survival world I’m joking did server crash no I just changed something I increased the distance the doing distance what what did you change it to you’ll see hopefully I might have to decrease it

But we’ll see how that goes oh look at that I can see all the way over there where are you honestly it’s not that bad I could see all the way from to I could see all the way to spawn from here not too too too bad right I’m hoping

It’s not bad bad bad it’s not that bad but I’m getting 30 frames but that’s s see right well no usually I get like 50 or 40 well now I jump to 50 after everything loaded I might lower it like down one smidge just one smidge like one chunk or yeah cuz I

Think one represents one chunk right yeah oh no I dropped my sword it’s it’s not so bad maybe like when you load in you might get like a few frames down but like I think I think it should be fine oh imagine the frames I would get

If I was on like the original Minecraft oh yeah yeah yeah I might lower back to one no no I’m going to one chunk I’m going to reduce it by like two actually I’ll do that right now just in case just in case I don’t want no Surprises there we go we’re try we’ll try this I’m hoping this is okay all right all right let’s see how many frames I get now two frames all right two frames more oh wait I’m about to find out I can’t it’s not letting me reconnect there it says connecting to

Server it’s stuck at that so just tell me when I I’m I loaded in there you go oh okay there it’s better now right yeah 52 now just just by one chunk can you believe that just a difference a big difference yeah I’m getting like 50 it’s like sometimes sticking to 50

And then like the lowest it goes to now is like 40 but yeah I’m going to go to the B but I think it’s better than like 10 for sure 10 was not good it was so short so close now Denise can see uh the spawn right yeah I definitely like this

Better especially for how much I’m paying for this server like this has to run that much it’s so cool now I can see denes have some here that was a fail darn it oh I fell yeah I saw that oh I heard it while I was

Away I heard the Phantoms and I just I was like uh oh am I about to I’m about to fall after I heard like a like a fall damage noise so I was like oh gosh Dar it I took I fell how much heart did you

Lose well I lost like three but then uh my saturation get ow fire sleep I’ll be right back again cuz these things are annoying okay fair enough thank you this is is so loud oh yeah like it’s always good to have extra like I have so much netherite that

I got to spend but now since we died I’m probably not to give any more netherite out cuz I’m just going to keep it for myself just in case I lose all my armor am I still alive yes you’re still alive are you pooping no why would I take like breaks between Pooping I thought you like brought the the laptop to the bathroom I don’t it’s not a laptop it’s like a monitor with the the built-in PC oh okay okay so you can’t really bring that around then yeah that’s I was like uh no I didn’t why would I bring it to the B

Too I guess you’re not a true gamer then just kidding what for not having a laptop and not taking it to the bathroom I’m just kidding not even yes even I lost my C I lost my two caps JY and I also lost my hoodie from where

I lost two caps in a hoodie how I have no clue I have they just I put them somewhere and then when I I checked that area again it was gone hi firewall well my food’s ready bye see you why would the unarm be slower uh no I don’t think it’s because

Of the distance I think it’s because I increased the simulation chunks I’ll I’ll decrease that one back okay okay I’m going to do that right now what’ you say St I’m back oh why did why didn’t you ever unmute me before when I joined your streams cuz

It’s not fair for the people that don’t pay and they would get mad at me they’ be like why did you mute I mute him you want mute T cuz he was working for me at that time well you just did again no that’s why he he told me to mute

Him actually you never even told me to mute you actually I normally would I I did you never looked at your DMs every time I did cuz you have to you have to use like in-game chat that’s why I didn’t see terrence’s message like you’re on do not disturb

Without being on do not disturb well streamer mode you know how it is so you don’t get your noce pop up when you’re no too annoying well not too annoying it’s just it’s distracting not distracting either like how do I say this like it’s almost like when I get DM

Like Minecraft gets affected or like the game I’m playing gets affected especially when I scroll my mouse over it just changes the screen completely to like my background uh I have the one that you gave me I think I’m not even near my house but okay Are you just getting die right now yep I need so much of this hi Quincy ready for work’s here now yeah oh what’s up you you scared me jie God how did I scare you there’s no one talking and then you just how I don’t even know you’re in the

Call until I looked over at my screen are you ready to get me some andde di right and uh I’m okay on calite for now but just oh yeah don’t forget to uh are you aware that your homes have been reset uhhuh yeah yeah and how was wrestling by the way that was

Good what are you eating stub smells good why I said smells good how does it how can you smell it are you in my are you in my uh closet uh no it just smells like Chinese food it’s not even Chinese food nowhere near Chinese food is it pizza no hot dogs no

Hamburgers no Mexican no spaghetti no uh macaroni and cheese no Mr Noodles no uh Ramen ramen noodles no how do you say it like that no God what are people try to miss what I’m eating right now cuz there’s not that much food that you would eat in

Particular you’re only from Canada oh I put in no oh a hamburger you’re from Canada too I know that’s why I yelled at nachos that’s Mexican um soup no chicken no beef no McDonald’s nuggets no uh what am I forgetting what do I have my fridge oh cereal no it is something like out of a cabinet or fridge though fridge and it’s in the fridge a banana no if you put that in

The fridge it’s going to turn brown um well if you keep it out it’s going to turn as well um just tell me when you all give up is it a fruit grilled cheese no a salad no a sandwich grilled cheese in the fridge it’s a type of sandwich so a

Peanut butter and jelly sandwich no ham sandwich you put peanut butter and jelly in the fridge I mean I put jelly in the fridge no I said it’s a type of Sandwich not a sandwich itself a hamburger no you already guessed that a wrap a no that’s that’s a tortilla I’m pretty sure

Mexican a burrito did you say a Dorito is it American food uh uh I don’t know I don’t know what type of food it is but I know it’s not Mexican or uh Chinese is what M said I’m going to get Chinese food now I hope it’s still

Open you order me some you like Chinese food yeah you know where I live right no yes you do no I’m not anymore like you moved like two times already no wait are you at your gums yeah okay so yeah I do know where you live cuz I thought you live to

Montreal send me some send me some Chinese food I’m home alone right now skip the dishes well you still got to throw out the trash true oh I’m going I’m going to home no I thought I changed that but I guess it didn’t work oh dear didn’t you try making it

Like more red yeah but I let me look at the plugin again it’s still it’s still quite just black all I’m sleeping say goodbye to your blood [ __ ] gen no and can you get rid of like the blindness effect that’s supposed to be true not false what’s false what do you mean blindness

Effect the the blindness effect when it happens and ends oh I want the blindness to happen like during the night but not when it like pops up like that right well like it people are getting pissed off about both well well I wouldn’t say pissed off more like just

Annoyed I will try my best to fix it that big of a deal no one’s really Bing big deal out of it like it’s it’s not as frequent as is as it was before so people are not getting mad now which is good but um it’s the message that I I

Want to change I just like Pops in your face it’s so distracting I say um us property what is that to do maybe you should just put it in like a a server chat thing like it would just pop up in like the chat and say server

Uh blood KN has begun yeah uh that that take some coding though like quite a bit of cloting okay back to skip the dishes um let me see here we got oh a lot of it’s closed a lot of the buildings are closed o Pizza Pizza still open is that pizza pizza

Pizza B right yep cool I should go to school there too when I when I finish yet there’s college and university uh what will you still be there when I’m done probably not why cuz I’m almost done like this is my fourth year of being in University you’re already in your fourth

Year yeah well I’ve been doing it online remember yeah yep uh if I if you don’t mind me asking what have you been researching like what have you been studying I’ve been studying geography and education I want the pizza that has stuffed cheese in it but I don’t know oh

Maybe it’s an option I can add on to the pizza okay so uh create my own pizza regular dough wait did you need andesite ooh regular thick crust I like that um chees of sauce marinara what other sauce would you pick yeah base cheese Mozzarella cheese

Veggie wait that’s like build your own I want to I don’t want to build your own I want to get like a normal uh oh there it is No I don’t want to get that now cuz I’m not craving pizza now I just saw olives and I just immediately got like sad o Pizza Hut no not craving pizza pizza sub no not Wings definitely CH something that’s Asian for sure that sounds racist dud are you racist no

Montanas uh Montana seems good but only problem with I’m not sure about now though Wendy’s Taco Bell Taco Bell I’m definitely craving Taco Bell now now where is their uh Taco burritos what’s in here okay so I’ll get a cheese easy gordita beef no Bean get bean taco Punchy beef taco nacho and

Cheese cinnamon twist uh I like to get an IC tea add to order there we go Migo we’re going to be getting Mexican food you’re getting Mexican food without me hey don’t you dare push oh my gosh he pushed me off I looked over at my screen like for

A second and this guy pushed me there we goo we’re getting Mexican VI tonight I have a good Latino accent or not really Latino but like a Mex Mexican English accent I couldn’t even tell you were really well it’s not that different they just their A’s are little more like announced

Differently you asked you a question who fre I have some diorite skull uh kunova where are you where is you my me is at the uh skyscraper ow oh was that you that fell down yeah I think that was you I saw something go straight down I thought that was

Stub it was me he threw me off I saw you threw me off J uhoh there is a fake creeper was doomed followed by a creeper and what sad oh yeah he doesn’t have feather falling anymore boots no well luckily Miner King’s on the Ser no he

Isn’t that’s the first time that I seen that that he’s not on the server what you get from the zombie by the way ly L is going to be coming on soon what you get from the zombie by the way J you like the armor I got diamond

Armor yeah what piece uh two leggings but I just combined it and made it into like a stronger piece of no please no I’m I’m making armor for myself please please I’ll give you two emeralds two I’ll give you all the I’ll I Tri to give you emeralds and you don’t

Want to take them I I’ll give you another stack of calite here I have too much oh well you can have it for free anyway because I just found it in my inventory oh thank you well my backpack you don’t like kite honestly not really it’s like one

Of the best housing well I don’t like the cowside that I’m building with this boild but it’s too late now what can I get for that armor Judy also G Stone I know I know it’s because it’s because of the uh the homes what if I give you a trident

JD I have to fix that a trident for what the the chest piece well the the piece it’s a but it’s like kind of broken there’s mending okay fine pass it to me please I lied oh no I can’t fure it up I don’t want it I’m good you took my

Oh it’s right there oh there you go he gave it back cuz he took it too umy redwin or is it uing it’s both I threw it behind and I just saw a bunch of di right on I’m not going to be able to get my Trident back it’s

Full this is also full accept that TP oh yeah you just said it I know I said it but I didn’t like bother to accept it oh dear oh dear don’t give me that I’m full oh no uh we’re we’re a bit we’re a little bit in a predicament someone can have that

Cuz I don’t want that dud don’t you love it when it rains and uh you have an elytra no damn J he said no and I said yes all right JD what if I get you an elytra then uh no it’s okay they’re all they’re all gone anyways not all of

Them wait do you not have an Electa JY it’s somewhere oh it’s probably in my Ender Chest somewhere in a Shuler box wait yeah you can but put Cher box in the chests forgot about That kova when you’re done with my shocker boxes make sure you get back or else I’ll hunt you down if I lose the box it’s okay firewall I’ll get you some I have some too in fact I gave a St a Sher box and he didn’t want

It if I do tpr in the end will it put me in the Overworld that doesn’t work yeah I heard you who was the person that got the first uh elytra uh uh Miner king or DJ e no no it was me it was no it’s not definitely not Quincy Quincy was uh

Fired fire what does that mean I was like fire well maybe not like really fire but like it was uh on probation no not not me not he’s he’s on probation now he’s uh let’s just say um uh Quincy got caught for something what did he do something

Really bad oh yeah didn’t he crash a server or something like that uh how’ you know because I told him you told him oh yeah that’s right I was like what did he do to get community service is like oh he did something really bad and then after he just straight up told

Me no he told you not me I wouldn’t have the gut to tell anyone I got my first yeah I made it JD you should recreate the mod school from season of course what do you think I’m doing what what do you think this building looks

Like what is a mod I don’t remember and an apartment you said it was an apartment J half you literally said it yourself it’s an apartment I know half of it’s not going to be an apartment though half of it’s going to be like the top part will be mod

School what is mod school where mods get their diplomas in modation whoa can I go there I want to become a cre NOA mod not all gets accepted to the program there’s a a trial process process well not really a trial process no more there’s no process at the moment but hopefully

Soon how do you become staff in the in-game server like n SMP n SMP please are you talking about that yeah uh well you need to be dedicated to the server you have to prove that you’re always online that you care about the server so much and uh

That you you keep in touch with the owner Minecraft is basically what he’s saying yeah it helps it really helps if I know the person somewhat like personally not like like know what they look like or know what maybe how they sound or how they like if they if they

Can speak that’ll be like an apartment like me yes like you you know you you know almost everything about me yeah but what am I going to do with that information you grieved so that’s a little bit um questionable I grieved once that was and you even canceled the G too what is

[Applause] that what’s a grief uh I I summoned a weer in the his house you mean grief yeah well he’s he’s the one who said grief so I just started saying it too how do you say that oh I say griefed I say griefed why did you say grieved in the first place

Then cuz isn’t that the same word no it’s not when you when you when you’re grieving players that means like something happened to him and you’re like getting over it you know what I’m saying what do you mean like grieving is like um Like grieving a loss in your family you know yeah that’s grieving that’s when someone I say grieving the’re both words the same thing is it interchangeable no it’s not can it not use both it’s like there there there right it’s like the same it’s the same like pronunciation but different

Spelling no not at all are you kidding me they’re still here and I made a mistake too by the way firewall the mistake was this is not supposed to be a Yep this is a big bad mistake luckily I caught myself right so how do you say it griefing griefing

Yeah so what does that mean it means like destroying stuff but that that could be like other words like terrorism or yeah no or robbing no no no no it’s only like in game I’ve been grieved no no griffy means to destroy someone’s else’s property in game in game yes

Interesting and when you say no grieving grieving is when you’re like recovering from a traumatic death not not really a death just a lost so I can grieve over like my house yeah so if someone were to grief me I could grieve over my house yeah exactly I don’t know

Leave those poor Phantoms alone what did they ever do to you exist for real that’s all because people did that mob V yeah because you voted for him well it’s your fault yeah I didn’t even vote that time actually I didn’t vote if I if I

Actually if I were going to vote I’ll vote for the cute little dragon that had its tongue sticking out either that or the cool looking underwater sea creature dropping your slime balls that you gave me J give them back they’re I’m dropping it in the end they’re worth they’re very valuable

Wait does he have an electric I thought so too I don’t know I’m trying to find one for him because I’m not sure if he has one or not I have one somewhere I have an extra elytra and six enchanted golden apple you know what I have I have an apartment building slod

School what no way you know what I have a double chest full of cowside oh and you don’t that’s everyone’s dream that’s your dream you don’t understand like csite could be worth millions in real life like me having this much calite if I were to bring all this stuff into like

Real world today I’ll Be A Millionaire maybe the maybe a billionaire cuz if I were to find a geod in the ground like finding geod is still pretty rare to find and if I were to find one some some that you know yes firewall watch me fly fly M oh yeah I

Have to upload that video soon when pigs fly yeah why didn’t you upload it cuz it’s still being I was waiting it’s going to get uploaded eventually you should make me as the pig no like I already have that I recorded a video already with arall and you also

Didn’t stream since of the forest oh don’t blame me I’mma blame you blame cloudy cuz cloudy was on he didn’t reply to he didn’t reply to the messages I sent him you should have made him reply say reply to me or or you’re getting fired for real I should threaten him never

Extreme your mod will be remove revoked I will terminate your contract he’ll give it to me do you even pay your mod JY uh I pay them very handsomely no he doesn’t he’s lying I pay in Wendy’s remember not not even what Wendy’s I’m going to it I’m not

Sure if I’m going to pay hyper Wendy’s the fact I’m paying him Wendy’s on uh what’s that day in May sometime in May you’re going to pay him when I found one for you what’s that when you going to pay me when I going to pay you yeah

Oh if you read the contract anyone that gets fired they lose their uh their pay where well like that is one good sword jeez my Mexican food’s going to be here in like 2 minutes I can see the car coming to my house really Yeah no you should have said mhm MH that your grandma says that too the way you said it remind me of your grandma your grandma says exact your grandma copies me I found you in elytra J are you sure yes are you just saying that I literally did and I might find another one with

How big this yep I found another one y y y unless someone found this one and didn’t find the other one no how is it possible like how far did you have to go don’t worry about it but I found two oh wait quit attacking

Me the car is like down the street from me like down the road where you turn off okay he just died isn’t that creepy like the car like you can see the car like on those Maps right like Eats yeah is that creepy no J Could you um grab the the Deep Slade from my inventory no that’s I don’t I don’t I don’t want I don’t want to deep sleep my inventory is becoming full and my backpack’s full too I see another n city already I’m seeing like end cities every

Few blocks now JY already filled with riches oh that’s curs of Vanishing I’m not grabbing that you should but I have found 11 diamonds a lot of armor and two elytras take the curse of Vanishing no what if someone tries to steal steal your stuff what are you going to do then

I found another n city again you know what would suck if you put like a curse of a binding in hardcore mod hardcore mode you still get it off but you’ll die and you’ll never respond back well no you can deplete the durability on oh that’s true like a pumpkin that’s true

Yeah nice if you guys could hit me thank you thank you thank you thank you for the levitation my good friends see you later you’re welcome Oh no you’re not you’re not supposed to hit me twice okay I’m working on the CEO office now oh my office my office you mean my

Office your your future office I would say oh W so you’re going to give him your channel yeah me CE I’m going to give it to other people for him after what 80 years you should give it to me when you retire like 8

Days if I give it to you you’re going to grieve it I’m how am I going to G bro JD I don’t grieve anymore yeah he uh yeah I’m going to be a CO CEO in two days and then he’s going to Pro me to CEO guys guess

What what my Mexican food is here whoa what’ you order anyway I’m going to I’m going to show you guys on stream in a few seconds I know I’m going to I’m going to give I’m going to give the guy a few seconds so I don’t I don’t want to see

Him cuz I don’t know that’s mean you’re not going to tip him uh I tipped him like earlier but you don’t usually tip them when they arrive yeah you do no not when they arrive they drop it off and leave at the door how much did you tip them didn’t

You say you shovel with um what Sil touch uh shovel a silk touch yeah uh no we we were looking for a silk touch from who is it someone Jo wanted it oh yeah Kim who Kim no like no no not a silk touch like for the shovel it’s already on the shovel

Sure all you do do you want to grab it out or should I just give it to you when I can give it to me when you can I’m not going to cheat now be if I if I cheat I’m going to get demoted and then someone

Else is going to take my job you going get demoted from your own thing as CEO they’re going to follow me for corruption uhhuh Quincy’s watching he has open ears just tell me when it’s on stream I’ll I’ll go look at it and uh I think the guy’s gone now give me a

Few give me a few seconds found three elytras J proud of me damn you said nothing I’m joking look what I have I have food yay food let me open your stream real quick all right so this is not sponsored by the way guys so for those that are

Watching the stream I’m not giving any credit to the people who made this delicious food but I will um acknowledge to the person that delivered the food you know he got money he got paid and that’s you know no he didn’t he didn’t pay him I

Did pay him so in this bag we have these um cinnamon sugar deep fried chips it looks like they’re like churos but they’re deep fried and then in this crate we have let me just to protected seals is that Taco Bell what is that this Taco Bell wait this is difficult they really

Sealed it well come on JY I know it’s difficult I just don’t have the I’m a guy don’t have nails come on JD come on okay there we go got this so in here pushing you JD we have a napkin we have actually three napkins in

Here and and then we have it feels like a paper straw over here we have a bag of little nachos that comes with spicy Sal uh spicy cheese dip and then over here we have our delicious uh a deluxe Taco in this bag and a beef taco in this

Bag and then in this one we have uh it’s it’s not a burrito but it’s a funny name and there it’s a bean there’s like beans in it and all that great stuff oh a fito no not a fito it’s like a g gito something like that not a fajita no ferito

Fito yeah all right guys I’m going to switch to Twitch okay we’ll see you there in exactly 1 minute and if you haven’t followed me on Twitch make sure you do that oops I spelled it wrong there you go so we’ll see you there in 50 seconds

This video, titled ‘Public Minecraft Java/Bedrock SMP | Livestream’, was uploaded by CreeNova on 2023-10-28 01:49:59. It has garnered 29 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:58 or 12118 seconds.

Version 1.20.2

Hello everyone, welcome to the new CreeNova SMP. This public 24/7 SMP is joinable for both Java and Bedrock players (please read below how to join).

I want to thank everyone who has been a part of my Minecraft community since the beginning of this year. We made a lot of memories and friendships from the previous SMPs that we did together. I am looking forward to all the fantastic events, creations, friendships, and lore that will take place in this SMP, so put on your best caps and feel free to join anytime.

How to join the server 1. You should be 13+ and already subscribed to the channel.

2. Click the link below and join my discord server. You will receive updates and news regarding YouTube content and the server. I don’t respond to friend requests or DMS immediately, so please use the YT chat or my Discord server to reach out to me or my fellow mods.

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*Bedrock Players must attempt to join the Minecraft server before being whitelisted to resolve technical issues with the whitelist system. Also, cracked players are unable to join sadly.

Please note that you need to pay for memberships on YouTube or Discord to access extra content and tools within my servers. For As VC, you will need to boost the server to buy a membership on YouTube if you want to join special text channels or voice calls. We hope you enjoy our live stream. Be sure to check out my friend’s channels that I stream with

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  • Dreamy Miners: Minecraft Animation

    Dreamy Miners: Minecraft Animation The Quest for Miners in Minecraft Imagine delving deep into the pixelated world of Minecraft, eagerly searching for valuable diamonds in the dark recesses of a cave. Now, picture stumbling upon a humorous twist – instead of diamonds, you find yourself on a quest for miners! This unexpected turn of events adds a delightful element of surprise to your virtual adventure. Exploring the Depths As you navigate through the intricate tunnels and caverns of Minecraft, the thrill of discovery propels you forward. The dimly lit passageways hold the promise of hidden treasures, whether they be precious ores or unexpected… Read More

  • Surviving Day 7: A Mix of Everything

    Surviving Day 7: A Mix of Everything Minecraft – Daily Survival Let’s Play (Day 7) – A Little of This, A Little of That Today in Minecraft, Solomon, also known as PCG, embarks on various tasks in his vanilla survival let’s play. Join him as he explores, builds, and strategizes to collect all 145 trophies available on PS4/PS5. With natural regeneration turned off, Solomon faces challenges that require him to be resourceful and strategic in his gameplay. Discoveries and Realizations As Solomon reflects on his past episodes, he stumbles upon a portal with ample obsidian, realizing missed opportunities for gathering resources. He also uncovers a nearby… Read More

  • Jack_Bhaiya’s Hilarious English Mishap

    Jack_Bhaiya's Hilarious English Mishap Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore, build, and survive in a blocky, pixelated world. With endless possibilities and a vibrant community, Minecraft has become a global phenomenon. The World of Minecraft In Minecraft, players can gather resources, craft tools, and build structures in a procedurally generated world. From humble dirt huts to elaborate castles, the only limit is your imagination. The game features various biomes, mobs, and dimensions, providing a rich and diverse experience for players. Survival Mode In Survival mode, players must gather resources, manage hunger,… Read More

  • Titanic Twists: 22 Mutant Mobs Unleashed in Minecraft!

    Titanic Twists: 22 Mutant Mobs Unleashed in Minecraft! In the world of Minecraft, mutants arise, With Titans and mobs that terrorize. From Ender dragon to creeper so sly, Each mutant brings a new challenge to try. The Mutant mod adds a thrilling twist, To battles and encounters, can’t resist. So gear up, get ready, for a fight so grand, Against mutant warden and Titan so grand. Subscribe, like, and turn on the bell, So you don’t miss a moment, oh what a spell. Stay tuned for more updates, more fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. With rhymes and emojis, we bring the news, Of… Read More

  • Minecraft Bedrock vs. Legacy Console: Spot the Differences

    Minecraft Bedrock vs. Legacy Console: Spot the Differences Minecraft Bedrock vs. Legacy Console Edition: Exploring the Key Differences When it comes to Minecraft, players have a variety of platforms to choose from, each offering a unique gaming experience. Two popular versions of the game are Minecraft Bedrock and Legacy Console Edition. Let’s dive into the key differences between these two editions. Graphics and Performance Minecraft Bedrock: Known for its smoother performance and improved graphics, Minecraft Bedrock offers players a more visually appealing experience. With enhanced lighting effects and overall optimization, this version provides a seamless gameplay experience. Legacy Console Edition: While Legacy Console Edition may not boast… Read More

  • 1000% Lifesteal Cheat in Public SMP! Join now!

    1000% Lifesteal Cheat in Public SMP! Join now!Video Information This video, titled ‘New Lifesteal Public smp Join any version java {DeadPlayz}’, was uploaded by DeadPlayz_ on 2024-01-13 13:36:50. It has garnered 29 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Today im playing Minecraft, But It’s Not Minecraft and it i’s Minecraft, But you can’t touch any colors, Minecraft Challenge on the shorts with the gaming Minecraft, But this challenge is the funniest Minecraft Lifesteal SMP Letsplays I’ve ever seen in my life! I don’t really use Minecraft Mods. But I do like minecraft challenges on Minecraft 1.19 and Minecraft 1.18.2… Read More

  • Dino’s EPIC Prank: Becoming OP Bosses in Minecraft!

    Dino's EPIC Prank: Becoming OP Bosses in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Fooled My Friend as OP BOSSES in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Dino on 2024-03-24 21:05:44. It has garnered 743 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:32 or 12992 seconds. My Friend Floki is trying to beat Minecraft! And we’re going to prank him as OP BOSSES in Minecraft! We will use CUSTOM BOSSES like God Hand, Queen bee, Cosmic Fiend and Hand God and ALL kinds op OP BOSSES to prank and troll my friend. Will Floki survive the OP Bosses? Watch to find out! Inspired by Cash, Nico, Maizen,… Read More

  • EPIC Collab with XBEAST_AMMO 🚨🔥💣 #shortsviral

    EPIC Collab with XBEAST_AMMO 🚨🔥💣 #shortsviralVideo Information This video, titled ‘This is A good Collab ☠️😈👮🏼‍♂️#shortsviral #gaming #minecraft #savethedoge #cute’, was uploaded by XBEAST_AMMO on 2024-03-14 16:08:43. It has garnered 6058 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hacks You Never Knew! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Hacks You Never Knew! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘3 Hal Kecil Tapi Berguna Di Minecraft!! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Kentano Craft on 2024-05-06 02:38:58. It has garnered 8235 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Minecraft Tips #minecraft #shorts Read More

  • EPIC SIREN HEAD VS HOUSE HEAD Build Battle – NOOB VS PRO Challenge – Maizen Mizen Parody

    EPIC SIREN HEAD VS HOUSE HEAD Build Battle - NOOB VS PRO Challenge - Maizen Mizen ParodyVideo Information This video, titled ‘SIREN HEAD VS HOUSE HEAD Build Battle In Minecraft – NOOB VS PRO CHALLENGE – Maizen Mizen Parody’, was uploaded by Maizen Build on 2024-05-30 10:42:52. It has garnered 4030 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:56 or 1376 seconds. Join JJ and Mikey in an epic battle as they face off against the monstrous buildings of Siren Head and House Head in this action-packed video. The two friends must use all their skills and teamwork to take down these terrifying structures, dodging deadly attacks and unleashing their own powerful moves… Read More

  • MyctlanMC

    MyctlanMCMyctlanMC Network Vamos a ir abriendo las modalidad por semana, para ir atrayendo público, ¿qué modalidad quieren que sea la primera en abrir? Survival OP BoxPvP Dragón ball Survival Custom Read More

  • Recently Started a Minecraft Realm! LF Cool people to play with! realms pve

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Survival World! If you’re 21+ and enjoy joking around while still being respectful, we’d love to have you join us! Our world is all about building and creating memories together. Just remember, no griefing allowed – we keep it chill but there’s a line. We look forward to meeting like-minded players who want to contribute to our world! Read More

  • Fishbowl

    FishbowlFeatures:Survival Mode: Test your skills in a true survival setting where you must gather resources, build shelter, and fend off threats.Community: Join a friendly community of players, form alliances, and embark on adventures together.Economy: Trade with other players, set up shops, and build your own thriving economy within the server.Events: Participate in server-wide events, challenges, and competitions to win rewards and showcase your skills.Custom Plugins: Enjoy unique features and enhancements that make gameplay even more exciting and engaging.Rules: Respectful behavior, no griefing, and fair play are enforced to ensure a positive and enjoyable experience for all.Join us and start your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The Blocks of Destiny

    That meme must have crafted a solid joke to score a 33 in the Minecraft world! Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Gameplay

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing minecraft :D’, was uploaded by Expslep on 2024-07-16 18:20:31. It has garnered 0 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:00 or 0 seconds. server is called minewind to find server ip go to: Read More

  • Survival Shenanigans: Friends vs Labor in Minecraft Maikuan EP10

    Survival Shenanigans: Friends vs Labor in Minecraft Maikuan EP10 In the world of Minecraft, where friends unite, We gather ’round to survive and fight. But beware, for friendships can be tested, As labor and play become contested. The Wheat Cube is our battleground, Where survival is key, where treasures are found. With Kabird as our guide, we journey on, Facing challenges, obstacles, until dawn. The music of TheFatRat sets the tone, As we build, explore, and craft our own. Infinite power, in every block we place, In this world of pixels, we find our grace. So join us now, in this Friendship Gathering Place, Where rhymes and laughter… Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: When Creepers Have Better Aim 💥

    Minecraft Logic: When Creepers Have Better Aim 💥 When you spend hours building a beautiful house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to blow it up in seconds. Minecraft logic: spend hours creating, seconds destroying. Read More

  • Turning Minecraft Trees into Ents

    Turning Minecraft Trees into Ents Minecraft Trees, but they’re All Ents Imagine a world where the trees you chop down in Minecraft fight back. That’s the concept behind reimagining Minecraft trees as Ents or Treants, inspired by popular franchises like Lord of the Rings and Dungeons & Dragons. These sentient tree creatures would add a whole new level of challenge and intrigue to the game. Minecraft 1.21 Update The latest Minecraft update, version 1.21, introduces a fascinating twist to the game – Ents. These tree-like beings roam the forests, protecting their woodland homes from players who dare to chop down their brethren. With their… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft PVP Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft PVP Experience Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining Minewind. While watching a recent YouTube video about a different server, we couldn’t help but think about the unique and thrilling experience that Minewind has to offer. With a focus on PvP gameplay and a cracked server, Minewind provides a dynamic and competitive environment for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. So why should you join… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Weird Castle Discovery!

    Minecraft's Weird Castle Discovery! Mysterious Castle Discovered in Minecraft In a recent Minecraft gameplay video, the player stumbled upon a strange and intriguing castle. The discovery left viewers captivated and eager to learn more about this mysterious structure. Exploring the Enigmatic Castle The castle, shrouded in mystery, stood tall against the pixelated sky. Its ancient walls whispered tales of forgotten kingdoms and untold secrets. As the player ventured inside, they were met with a labyrinth of corridors, hidden chambers, and puzzling traps. Unraveling the Secrets Deep within the castle’s depths, the player uncovered cryptic clues and enigmatic symbols. Each puzzle solved revealed a… Read More

  • INSANE! kpx’s Epic Minecraft Stream Debut

    INSANE! kpx's Epic Minecraft Stream DebutVideo Information and drop a link okay did you get the link nope all right hang on I’ll just go to the we’re good all right we’re we’re live but um chat’s not up chat’s not up no oh there they are hello everyone ZN M hello if you can hear us it’s not showing off on my side can you hear us everyone triple are you seeing the chat man nope oh that’s weird okay hi Zen oh the chat overlay is working oh yeah it’s oh you know why do you have it exporting to an overlay yeah… Read More

  • Exploring the Final Place – Minecraft Story Mode Ep. 3

    Exploring the Final Place - Minecraft Story Mode Ep. 3Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Story Mode – El último lugar donde buscas (Ps4 2015) Primera Temporada – Episodio 3’, was uploaded by Sephyrot69 on 2024-05-29 13:49:09. It has garnered 1184 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:50 or 5030 seconds. “Minecraft: Story Mode” is an animated and interactive series developed and published by “Telltale Games”. It is based on the world of Minecraft. It is a graphic adventure video game or interactive movie very similar to other games from the studio: “Telltale Games”, It consists of two seasons: The first season was released on… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Build Challenge: Re-Building the END with Woodchucks 🐲🧱

    Ultimate Minecraft Build Challenge: Re-Building the END with Woodchucks 🐲🧱Video Information This video, titled ‘Re-Building the END in MINECRAFT 🐲🧱 #builder #minecraftbuild #buildchallenge’, was uploaded by Woodchucks on 2024-06-20 01:24:05. It has garnered 11088 views and 418 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. In this video, we will be Re-Building the iconic End Dimension in Minecraft. Stick around to find out how it will look! 🧱🐉 #minecraft #build #gaming #minecraftshorts Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft History: Speedrunning Blocky World 2024

    Unbelievable Minecraft History: Speedrunning Blocky World 2024Video Information This video, titled ‘The Blocky World A Minecraft History 2024 02 24 2’, was uploaded by Sped on 2024-02-24 15:38:33. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:17 or 137 seconds. Once upon a time, in the pixelated world of video games, there was a magical realm called Minecraft. Created by a clever wizard named Markus Persson, also known as “Notch,” Minecraft first appeared in 2009. It was a game unlike any other, where players could explore endless blocky landscapes, build magnificent structures, and embark on thrilling adventures. At first, Minecraft… Read More

  • Join Wolfy’s Live Minecraft SMP NOW! #24x7Lifesteal

    Join Wolfy's Live Minecraft SMP NOW! #24x7LifestealVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE LIFESTEAL SMP | ANYONE CAN JOIN | 24×7 ONLINE @godgamerprabhu2431 | #lifestealsmp’, was uploaded by WOLFY IS LIVE on 2024-01-13 20:38:36. It has garnered 109 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 02:59:05 or 10745 seconds. Welcome to WOLFY IS LIVE, the prime hub for Minecraft enthusiasts worldwide! Dive into a pixelated universe where creativity reigns supreme. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to Minecraft, join me as we explore vast landscapes, conquer dungeons, and construct awe-inspiring structures. Discord – Discover innovative building techniques, redstone contraptions, and secret… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Epic Sword & Gems in Stoneopolis | Minecraft #25

    UNBELIEVABLE! Epic Sword & Gems in Stoneopolis | Minecraft #25Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Stoneopolis | SENTIEN SWORD & TARTARIC GEMS! #25 [Modded Questing StoneBlock]’, was uploaded by Nik & Isaac on 2024-06-01 19:00:21. It has garnered 2588 views and 109 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:05 or 3245 seconds. Minecraft Stoneopolis | SENTIEN SWORD & TARTARIC GEMS! #25 [Modded Questing StoneBlock] with Nik and Isaac ★Minecraft UniversIO | CRAFTING THE SUN, THE EARTH & GRAVITY!?! #1: ★Join the Nik & Isaac Discord: ★Watch Live On Twitch: Stoneopolis- Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound #Minecraft #Stoneopolis #Modded Read More

  • ϟ SHOCKING Minecraft Xbox360 ERROR! #mcpe

    ϟ SHOCKING Minecraft Xbox360 ERROR! #mcpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘🤓☝️MAIOR ERRO DO MINECRAFT XBOX360! #Minecraft #mcpe #games’, was uploaded by ϟ Major_Zapper on 2023-12-30 11:00:08. It has garnered 50067 views and 5312 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Minecraft Bedrock, Java and Xbox have many similarities but Xbox 369 ended up being one of the most questionable, and you who forged my words, it is a very nostalgic and fun game that united the world💛 but it is still limited compared to today! #minecraft #bedrock #mcpe #games Read More

  • Limefix’s Twitch stream ends in horror 💀

    Limefix's Twitch stream ends in horror 💀Video Information This video, titled ‘конец 💀 Стримы twitch: limefixdive Сборка у меня в телеграмме #twitch #minecraft #mods #horror’, was uploaded by Limefix on 2024-05-13 15:23:31. It has garnered 89034 views and 7013 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. Read More

  • LUJURIOSA: CURSED in Minecraft PvP 😱

    LUJURIOSA: CURSED in Minecraft PvP 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Me persigue la desgracia | #shorts #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by Lujuriosa on 2024-06-06 10:00:10. It has garnered 699 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. ➽ If you comment “Lujuria” I will heart it ➽ Mi twitch: iLujuriosa ➽ ETIQUETAS: minecraft uhc – minecraft – minecraft uhc but – uhc – minecraft uhc but every drop is random – minecraft uhc random – minecraft pvp – minecraft uhc random drop – uhc minecraft – minecraft but – random drop minecraft uhc – minecraft random drops – minecraft… Read More

  • PrimePioneer Factions

    PrimePioneer FactionsPrimePioneer Factions is a new factions trying to replicate Popular Factions server Minecadia. Please dont Talk down on it! its still in developement. Read More

  • All Of Create SMP Modded Java Whitelist roleplay

    Welcome to All of Create! Version: 1.19.2 (Modded) Discord: About Us: We’re a small modded survival multiplayer server looking for members to join and play. More information about us can be found in our server! Join Us: First, join our Discord: Then, fill out the application to be added to our whitelist. You can find the mod pack and IP in the server’s Info channel. Read More

  • Prosto Vanilla

    Welcome to our vanilla Minecraft server! We always update to the latest version of the game so you can enjoy the latest features and fixes from Mojang. Feel the true spirit of Minecraft without any mods, just a pure game and nothing extra. Join us, explore worlds, build your masterpieces and play together with a friendly community! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Basic Ocean Meme? Try Totally Spicy”

    Minecraft Memes - "Basic Ocean Meme? Try Totally Spicy"Why is this ocean meme scoring higher than me on a test? Must be using some advanced sea-crets! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Growth Spree

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Growth Spree In this Minecraft world, we journey through time, From Alpha to Release, each version a climb. Exploring the past, where chunk errors did reign, To the ‘golden age’ where memories remain. Building a shelter, a place to call home, Navigating terrain, no need to roam. Creating a base, a fortress so grand, Unlucky exploration, in a vast land. With each update, the game evolves anew, But the essence of Minecraft, forever true. So join me on this journey, through versions of old, In this Minecraft world, where stories are told. Read More

  • Oi Oi Oi, Hotter than a Lava Bucket! 😂🔥

    Oi Oi Oi, Hotter than a Lava Bucket! 😂🔥 When you accidentally type “oi oi oi” instead of “lol lol lol” and suddenly you’re a pirate in a Minecraft meme. #oops #piratelife #minecraftmadness 🏴‍☠️🤣 Read More