Creepy Stalker in Minecraft

Video Information

There’s a rumor going around I I hear there are monsters wait what oh heck no man we’re coming to the town of tour uh like tour down it’s like they’re all in on it or being controlled by something or Works you got A come on pick up action no problems up in here oh my gosh hold up hello yo action oh my gosh I’m so glad you picked up man I have a really cool proposal for you you got a proposal for me bro what’s good man yeah listen so we haven’t been

On any Adventures or trips together right in a long time it’s been a minute it’s been a minute yeah so I actually saw this uh Craigslist ad where uh there’s a really cool Town apparently they have a mystery and I think Mysteries are really cool right you

Talking about mystery what you doing on Craigslist dude just just trust me on this okay so my wife was not on board with this she said absolutely not so I’m going to do this behind her back I’m going to go on a trip with you if you’re

Down a okay I get it get away from the wife going a little trip man let’s going Adventure dude yeah like let’s spice it up a little bit you know I’m I’m pretty sure St Ender city is getting boring too blog getting boring right now you know

Nothing’s going on come on dude let’s do it little trip let’s head out of town all new is need a rental and we gone yeah yeah what what color car do you want purple let’s go with purple all right purple all right let me get the

Car for us all it’s a road trip then I’ll see you there man all right get on my phone man I’ll see you There hey man it’s kind of cold back here man come on man oh my gosh action I I offered you to sit in the passenger seat why are you in the back seat man bro it’s cuz I’m mad bro you got me out here man at least buy me dinner dude

Action we haven’t had an adventure in a long time so I thought I’d invite you out and but instead of being grateful you’re over here roasting me grateful bro it it’s look your driving is kind of crazy had to hop in the back man I was a

Little scared okay second of all you got me in this place it it’s pitch black out here man can we just get somewhere goodness all right fine fine like I just thought it would have like more I guess I’ll sit in the front now there’s a

Little warm here okay you got good Tunes playing to my fault jeez Man start dancing with me chattering your teeth it’s cold man you don’t understand matter of fact you get in the back seat talk about some all that man all right fine fine I I’ll get in the back seat

Then you drive yeah let me drive bro I’ll show you something about dve oh my God oh my go bro wait what we just ran out of gas bro no it’s your driving that made it run out of gas the car you gave me the car when there wasn’t no gas and

Then you want to blame me you’re you you oh my gosh you know what there there’s a gas station right there so we might as well grab some gas and put it in the car and we should be fine right you should be but I’m just saying I’m broke so

Unless you got the gas man we going to have to beg for some money I got some money on me I got $11 on me and that should be enough right like gas doesn’t cost that much money we’re lucky this gas station right here but you almost

Hit that car you need to watch the way you drive man come on you were driving bro you the last one on the wheel look y license is in there this guy’s always making fun of me roasting me and and and uh uh making me look bad hey man

Speaking of making you look bad I would never make you look bad in front of these people okay in front of who in front of these people in the gas station man there’s always people in the gas station you know that about a gas station look at that bike that bike is

Kind of cool y I wonder if there’s any gas in this yo oh you about to you about to take gas all right bet take it for SP oh no there’s no gas man oh man that would have been really cool hey if we

See him fill up we know we can snag um oh there seems to be someone eating over here and there’s someone working here at this uh little gas station right well welcome uh hey there now what shirt you got on bro this is a gas station this ain’t a Chicken Shack look at

Them don’t mind that see he said don’t mind that oh my fault like the first day on the job man we just looking for some gas okay can we get some gas yeah are you selling any gas yeah I mean this is a gas station so we should be able to

Fill it up right yes we are okay um how much do this gas cost like we would love to be able to fill up our car so we can get on you know get back all the way man you see how scary it look outside about

20 20 bucks no no can you give us a discount please I only have 11 coins on me please no hey hey man how about you give us a discount man my man said he only got $11 on him bro can you give him a discount man come on oh my goodness

Action can you can you use your special abilities to you know I’m trying man yes see it’s all the money he had you feel me it was all the money he had like come on man I thought you going to use your wrestling abilities on him and stuff

Wait oh no I can’t get a take down on them now what’s good with you ma’am I think they’re also getting gas or something but I should warn you guys here wait what what about to warn us about man ain’t nothing that we don’t know that we need to know unless we need

To know it yeah I’m sure we already know everything wait I keep on hearing creepy noises in the forest oh don’t be saying stuff like that around me bro come on especially around him the Forest right yeah you know what I’m saying come on bro we together like don’t be saying

Stuff like that it’s been a thing for a while how long youve been working your huh yeah yeah you said a while how long have you been working here for like you’re probably there’s a rumor going around I I hear there are monsters wait what couple of mons oh heck no ma’am

Don’t be creeping up on our conversation talk about moners okay you scare me monsters dude this is not what I had in mind action I I thought there was some creepy stuff going on but monsters what in the world you guys are trolling you guys are probably the top I just got

Done dealing with monsters too wait really yeah for like 30 days man it was scary dark was there hoop was man it was crazy oh dude I should have been there man I don’t know it was kind of scary ah no I wish I was joking wait now they’re

Missing people maybe you guys need to stay in town for a while until like the morning well look we’re here for a reason man and so uh yeah we’re here to explore we’re matter fact don’t worry about us don’t worry about if you might see me tomorrow you might not okay that

Mean I got yeah ation and I we’ve been through so much together we’ll be fine man so don’t don’t worry about us I get it I get it I know you’re probably just looking out for us but don’t worry but there is a local Motel ahead local Motel

We can there actually oh dude we don’t got to sleep in the car hold up bro you on something man I believed you the whole time you you always knew what to do oh and they got us gas here you go hey did you pay for that uh how how much

Would it be you said $20 before but you know action convinced you to give me a discount so how how much does it cost this time you really know how to negotiate man that’s what I’m talking about wait I think I made it six hey can you give me

One coin back please not you being cheap man come on man you got the discount oh my all right fine man hey I’ll take the Apple bro I’ll take the Apple thank you wait Apple I’m kind of hungry right now man thankk you man oh it ain’t what it

Seems like they ain’t giving me nothing oh my God you know what I’m leaving you behind he thank you br fill up this car I’m going leave real one all right you know what screw action oh that was your bike hey Apple for your bike please it’s

All his fault that the car broke down in the first place so I might as well leave it no hold up I want my apple back then I’m leaving I’m going head it is why you got a big apple on your backpack hey action hey where did car where you at

Hey where you going oh heck hey bro come on man that’s what you get for stealing apples from me stealing hey bro I got an apple I’mma throw it on the ground I’mma throw it on the ground wait no no no no no rotten apples I’m kind of hungry yo

Dude what’s wrong with you man it land on the concrete not the grass all right well I’m I’m going to head over to the motel man if you want to go what are you going to go back into the back seat again okay my fault my fault my fault my

Fault it was cold back there all right I got the heat on and we got the jams going you know where’s this motel at yo that thing is Big whoo this is the place we’re going to stay at tonight yes going to stay nice and comfy mhm I’m not

Going to lie I’m a little scared of Motel man uh well actually we could go with the original plan and sleep in the car it might be warmer inside you know what I’m saying all of a sudden I need answers where we at man dude we’re at a

Motel can’t you see come on man did you just lose all your memories all of a okay okay we’re at a motel where I mean I told you right we’re coming to the town of tour uh like tore down bro I ain’t seen not one thing so far other

Than that Diner that look good hey hey I somehow convinced you to go on this road trip with me right and you’re here now so there’s no backing out come on it’s going to be fun I saw I saw this town of Tor or something like that some sort of

Like uh some curse going on or something like a curs is what brought you here bro I am a Secret Agent Man come on bro I thought somebody was in distress no no dude listen I saw it on a Craigslist ad and I thought it’d be really fun to

Check it out Adventure Craigslist I’m going just eat this apple man come on bro where where can we check in man uh let’s see tour Motel five star hold up wait oh you got the five star hold up matter of fact you you got us a deal

Hold up let me walk up in here hey y’all got room service in the lobby hello hello helloo anyone here they got some fresh chairs let me this here oh wait hold up this chair comfy a five star type chair oh shoot you done came out in

The suit hello oh thank goodness uh wa why were you hiding yo what’s up man you don’t get much service around you or something I thought you were the monster what y’all must be playing some type of hide and seek role play or something he said monster dude monster came the girl

The girl at the gas station was like Monsters were here that worker also said like there were sounds coming from the forest what are they talking about about man the monster that lives here uh huh um we’re we’re just here to get a room man do you have any rooms available and

How much will it be preferably monster free you feel me yeah yeah no monsters please wait uh what day is it man it’s Friday man how often you come out how you come out the roomid Friday the 13th wait Friday yeah yeah it’s Friday it’s Friday the 13th uhuh somebody made a

Song about it that means it’s free day wait free day what does that mean uh-uh n uhuh there got to be something wrong hey is there Roes in this place man come on be real with me right now no no no hold on actually what does he mean by

Free day though that means it’s a free night wait wait n no that don’t make sense you just said free day is it free night or free day yeah well is it free day or free night come on actually makes a good point both um so can we get a

Room like uh do you want to get separate rooms or should we just stay in the same room cuz they keep talking about like Monsters and stuff hey bro if if I need some help in the middle of the night bro I need you to be there okay all right

All right you take the couch I take the bed right what we we going to figure this out in the room hey man give us hey we want a room we want a room uh they come with two beds oh okay what what uh what room can we go to please any reason

Why you guys are uh giving it out for free though I feel like that’s bad for a service you know what I’m saying don’t question it don’t question it a free room is a free room but I feel like I got to question your business you know

What never mind have a good day all right 210 that means it’s probably upstairs shut the oh we on the second floor yeah dude we get a nice view too every time I go to a hotel it’s always a garbage view so hopefully this one’s

Good hey you go find a room and I’m going to park the car near the right parking spot you feel me I don’t want nobody even to look at our car funny bro talking about a free night dude all right all right fine fine fine you can

Go ahead and do that I’m going to go upstairs man uh let me take a look at our room up to man which one is it man I’ll get a car right now oh okay okay uh let’s see 207 right here hopefully hopefully the car doesn’t run out of gas

Cuz every time you drive it the out of gas for that man what room we in 208 I’m almost there I’m almost there 209 see see we was in the wrong spot somebody would have been mad in the wrong spot it’s it’s right here actually it’s right

Here all right oh I know oh I know this ain’t true I know this a hey man move your car man what’s good move your car man what’s wrong with you yo bring that car back to where it was yeah you’re right go yo that’s car man that’s what

I’m talking about man oh shoot yeah I don’t need that car man dang all up in our spot don’t worry about it oh shoot oh shoot there we goe yeah right between the lines all right man oh my goodness my a dude this guy playing too much

Dude that guy whoever owns that car they’re going to be crying oh the second floor look nice you should have told me it look nice up here man I did but you were over there busy picking up someone else’s car y look at that car in the grass all right got the

Key card man let me try to open it all man I I can’t open it can can you try using the key card oh my gosh you know it’s like got twist I how to open door there we go let me see dude you’re so

Smart man o it got that fresh room smell to it okay okay oh they do got two beds that’s cool oh that’s nice good good we don’t have to sleep together that’s good um do they have a place I can put the card up I’ll put in the fridge for now

Sleep right here on this couch the cards in the fridge you want to go somewhere and get some snacks dude wait for a free room this place is nice look at this W I forgot we didn’t pay anything what up what yo the kitchen looks really nice we

Got so many beds and and wait wait dude the room is nice and all right but the best of it all the view dude look at this N I think the best part got to be the kitchen they put a kitchen in the room wait wait wait actually action

There’s someone out there oh god oh wait what what’s what’s going on hey man hey Ma’am ohot why is she screaming hey what you good down there um let’s see uh other humans uh yo um I I her wait wait wait wait uh a maybe we should go talk

To her like uh she might know something about this I don’t know what’s going that seem urgent matter of fact I’m going to get down ASAP my gosh yo dude he’s on something today for sure it’s definitely that it’s definitely that 10hour road trip that him up they’re sitting in the car so

Long man it’s not good for you hey ma’am can I get a sip of that coffee oh yeah yeah let him have a sip uh cuz he’s going uh a little yeah wild right now um um so uh yeah uh is everything all right what’s wrong yeah uh nothing uh just I’m

The town’s detective look I need to go wait whoo wo hold hold up w w w don’t go that way over W yo what’s wrong with her hold up bro wait where I’m a I’m a detective too I I’m a secret agent I’m a form of those aren’t the same thing you

Know I could have I was trying to convince I was trying to steal a car for real we could had two cars what we already have a car between me and you that’s some strange Behavior right there I’m just saying uh I don’t know man you were showing off some uh strange

Behavior jumping off the balcony well you don’t know the heroic things I’ve been doing lately man yeah you’re right you’re right I’m sorry for you know I’m sorry for accusing you like that but yeah she did seem a little strange he was like trying to get out of here like

Uh I’m pretty sure like she ran out of her hotel room which was like right beneath ours actually wait for real wait she did wait the door’s open still uh should we go inside I feel like this is il you still on that you still on that

Man you still you still out here trying to break into people’s stuff without asking for the information that’s crazy to me that you would do that oh there’s Pizza fresh pizza guess I’m already in here oh man dude this is really ni nice man she ran out before eating a slice

Bro if there’s pizza here imagine what else oh there’s more coffee for you you you might need it man I mean nah actually you’re a little cracked out right now maybe you shouldn’t be drinking too much save for tomorrow uh let’s see there might be more free stuff

For us wait what yo there’s a camera in here no I’m taking this video camera security camera camera monitor camera equipment is expensive oh you telling me we should should take the camera equipment that I totally didn’t already grab oh uh like we can we can we can

Resell it somewhere you know do you have an extra camera that would be so awesome man no but there’s these video cameras over here you see this wait you should probably grab the papers cuz that’s that’s what you use for the cameras I’m pretty sure oh don’t even worry I got a

Stack of those oh really oh okay well I got uh a bunch of security cameras and I got two camera monitors do you want it here go ahead and take it hold up then let me grab these then okay I see you D just taking everything oh you want some

Okay here you go it’s all good it’s all good I just hope that the receptionist doesn’t catch us like going into another person’s room and just stealing their stuff wait do you think they have cameras let me check something man let me see any cameras out here any camera

I’m not seeing No cameras get in trouble by the receptionist uh dude let’s go back upstairs man and let’s go to sleep they got a whole chair out here what they must be decorting we’ll take that too you know we’ll take that oh yeah might as well yeah our room is

Definitely better and bigger so wa I’m going to go upstairs actually come on man here what the heck yo there’s a sword some flashlights in here flashlight I’m taking this detective’s journal I’m taking this sword wait dude dude dude dude I got this thing called detective’s Journal

You hear some driving wait wait hold on hold on yeah yeah yeah hold on hold on hello oh my God wait AC that’s the same girl from the gas station oh don’t get seen don’t get seen oh yeah yeah yeah wait wait she she’s going to be like the

Perfect distraction for us then oh my gosh we literally just went out from a different person’s room crazy go she’s trying to get in on that free Friday it isn’t safe out here I need a room yeah she’s trying to get that free day free day Friday uh free night discount thing

Or whatever yeah the the free day night the free day night left right is he could he couldn’t make up his mind uh not at all bro dude whatever monsters out here or whatever curse you talking about must be real come on man you I

Swear you was the last one out the door man wo wo we got we got to make sure nothing’s in our room though talking about monsters and stuff hey man I got that big sword on me now yeah I got a sword on me too nothing in the bathroom

Trying to get sliced nobody all right all right actually we’re good but uh I got something from wait did you just break no no no nothing broke in there come on man don’t look in there man all right all right we don’t tell the receptionist about this but uh I got

This thing called the detective’s journal um if you want me to read it I can but I don’t know what’s what what we have to expect here man so it says four Case Files volume number one the neighborhood nearby has multiple calls in uh wait wait call-ins of missing

Persons and disappearances wait we heard about monsters but not missing persons I’m working on cracking this entire case they’ve all got to be linked together somehow so far we’ve got five families still living within town all of which have exhibited behavioral issues after losing loved ones but nobody is giving

Out any information it’s like they’re all in on it or being controlled by something or worse I think I’m going to skip town I’m better off going back to being a city cop rather than a detective chasing the supernatural this is a job better cut out for somebody else dude

You have to see this man what what the hold up bro n they tripping in here they did not say all oh they did oh yeah yeah you thought I was making stuff up after how that girl was acting how that detective was acting no no no no she

Fresh wrote this like the pencil was on fire bro she just got done writing this and ran is still wet is still on it I’m good man apparently there’s five different families uh like uh having some behavioral changes I don’t know man kind of sounds like in town though could

Be like a fiction fictional story maybe they were a writer instead of a detective you know yeah they they could have they should have been in the Hollywood Lights man but uh I think we should get some rest man that road trip was so long and you’re acting a bit

Crazy right now so no man I think crazy ain’t the word for it but dude that book inspired me a little bit I think tomorrow I got an idea all right sounds good man but I’m ready to sleep oh my gosh how is he sleeping in

The wall all right let me go to sleep Man what was that what the I swear I heard something action action what the heck yo yo wake up wake up man what’s that yo yo yo action action relax relax did you hear that yeah bro it sounded high pitched I got scared oh man I’m

Sorry I’m sorry I didn’t mean to wake up like that but wasn’t me no no that wasn’t me that wasn’t me I woke up as well man no all right listen okay I don’t know what it was but there was like some sort of screaming sound definitely not a monster it sounded more

Of like a like a girl SC don’t remind me of the monster bro especially with screams out what if that came from a girl scared of the monster no dude that can’t be it come on man I was I was like planing to wake up in the morning but

It’s still dark somebody’s getting kidnapped and you brought us out here for for it to be night time and now you want to go to sleep but we have this now we got to do something we’re got to do something all right we’re heroes we should follow the noise uh yeah it came

From like uh in in oh no in the forest wait the gas station worker like warned us about this what noises at night I don’t know if this is exactly what he meant by noises at night though that’s a screen no uh okay well let’s go down man

I this time I’m going to take the stairs man I’m going to take the stairs this time bro my my ankles still regret yep yep yeah they little bruised that’s for sure um wait let’s check out over here as well actually uh let’s see let’s

Check out over here how did you get here with no GS I guess I just don’t have the keys that’s all it is where’ you go let’s go I’m over here man I’m just looking around like there’s a whole Forest that was built around uh the motel man man this whole this whole

Place is Forest like the whole town is tour so far I’m not seeing no buildings nothing crazy where the mall at where where the drip at this town is definitely in the middle of nowhere that’s why it took us 10 hours to get here fo City oh man all right let’s take

A look around man I’m so hungry I can eat a horse scream earlier wait a second action so hungry man oh what the heck wait whoa whoa whoa there’s a there’s a little girl over there just crying just crying bro wait why she by herself she

Looks way too young to be just by herself right now oh me in this free Motel Fridays hey go the mot up there they got you the mot need a room for herself um excuse me excuse me right up the corner they got free Motel Fridays it’s right over there be scaring her

Dude relax relax Myck free Motel Fridays yeah yeah who are you um we’re just um you know we’re heroes we’re trying to help people yeah we’re superheroes who are you and why don’t you just go to the motel it’s free Motel Fridays yeah we heard a scream coming from here was that you

Have you seen my mom I’m lost wait oh okay that’s definitely a reason to let the motel dude work no yeah yeah I don’t think we’re the heroes for this action like that should be for the receptionist like that’s for the police yeah I’m not

Trying to be a parent right now dude all right look if if you just go this way and then hit that corner around the corner somebody should help me yeah yeah yeah for sure what ah crap now I feel bad action like I’m not trying to be a

Parent right now but I’m saying maybe we can find her her mom find her mom oh my gosh okay we got to take to that um what did your mom look like when did you last lose her what uh yeah when was the last

Time you saw your mom I um I saw her just uh just when um is everything okay you good a few a few minutes ago okay uh uh trace your step if you wasn’t doing all that crying you probably could have seen which way uh actually we should be

Nicer dude I’m sorry I don’t think she uh you know what let’s help her out uh here here uh come with us okay so someone something took her W wo wao you didn’t tell us that first yeah like cuz I don’t play about that I don’t play

About that taking stuff man I don’t play about that yeah let’s just in case man yo who’s out there who’s out there all right right then uh come with us we we’ll try to help you find your mom then okay oh dude I can’t believe this is

Happening I just wanted a peaceful night of sleep but now just this way just follow this way follow the dude the red jacket yep Red Jacket yep yep up there follow him too follow we’re going together all right all right well action you’re going to hop in the back seat cuz

Uh what hey she needs a nice little warm you know seats oh my gosh I’m hanging on the back man and just don’t drive too fast now okay bro come on man I’ll drive slower I’ll drive slower but it’s going to take us longer to get there just letting you

Know oh my gosh oh man all right let’s head on over oh we’re almost here I remember these trees just up there hey hold up they got some big houses over here dude this a rich area like Rich F where the rich folk at oh shoot let me be quiet bro it’s night

Time bro yeah it is it is we don’t want to be disturbing the peace um hey do you know which home you live in you said it’s just up here right H there’s so many homes here there’s like feel much better once we get her to our house you

Feel me yeah um I come on come on I’m sure you know right oh no come on come on there’s only like six options maybe five yeah oh left okay okay so it’s this this house right here all right this big one we don’t have we don’t have to go to

The house I’m sure definitely don’t got to go up to the D yep all right um tell us when we’re in okay just just tell us when you’re in all right hopefully she’s all good she’s knocking on the door okay okay this is perfect man oh no more

Responsibility for us that was crazy bro wait wait they open the door they opened the door oh sweet so she’s good oh wait she’s talking to someone I thought she said that must missing her mom dude that must be her mom or something right but she said she was missing her mom bro

Wait yeah um wait who is she talking to then um uh you know what that might be their job you know what I’m saying yeah let’s head back man yeah I think it’s time to head back to the motel Motel time hey can I drive wait hold on

Hold on action I I just have a strange feeling about this though cuz some things just don’t add up like her mom was taken by something and now all of a sudden she goes back home and I don’t know do you do you want to like take a

Look wait she she went in the house you want to like she’s definitely good then n definit yep dude all this monster no action all this monster talk and stuff let’s like you know steak out the house a little bit you know try to get some CL

You know what you you on this monster thing still you still on this monster thing how about this that’s ever since we arrived that’s all they’ve been talking about man how about this we can stay out here for 5 minutes and if there’s a monster then I’m with you and

If there’s nothing we’re going back to sleep man we got a big day tomorrow I’m trying to explore this whole place tomorrow you feel me yeah yeah we’ll stake this out like the flash then if you’re only giving me 5 minutes yeah timer just started one two I’m trying to

Look through this window but it’s kind of high Up’s if you want to get through the window you got to be like these and then shim me over here what all right look now this where it com skills yeah what you going to do whoa you got some

Free blocks don’t worry about my blocks look you get your camera too now don’t let nobody see you do all this now all right dude now now that’s a little little stalker stuff you know you shouldn’t be doing that what wait a second wait can we a dude that would be

So cool if we could just you know go into the house but I guess we can’t right now rotate rotate oh yo okay okay let’s try to look through the window see if we can find anything nothing here that must be the garage wait I see the

Girl in the living room I think you yeah get up here wait what what I don’t see anything wait you see wait oh oh I I think I see I think I see now wait I saw her wait I think she just want upstairs or something oh for real wait yeah all

Right so is she good is her mom not upstairs um I don’t know I’m still trying to look man cuz I haven’t seen anyone else but the girl right right um hold on she went upstairs so maybe we should try to get like a view from up

Here I don’t know um H let’s try to get up to that balcony right there man I’m getting hungry man this coffee ain’t going to do itving oh my god oh you breaking the grass dude you know what I’mma break the grass with you man that’s a great idea grab some dirt or

Something oh man dude I’m like out of energy right now I’m about to pass out we were supposed to be asleep right now man I’m saying I just hate this so much wa see anything man oh God come on man yo I’m coming back man hold on uh-huh hold on action I’m coming

Back nothing over here I’m coming back man dang what you doing way down there my back hurts you fall yeah I fell off the balcony man H please tell me you see something you see something I don’t see nothing I couldn’t even tell you what furniture they got up here for real all

Right let me take a look wait good night Daddy wait she said good night dude stop taking pictures man I didn’t mean to wait wait wait a second uh she said good um yeah I think so she’s sleeping right now uh hey everything seems to be fine

He said good night Dad oh she said night to her dad I knew it was her dad it wasn’t her mom it had to been her dad okay cool that makes sense that makes sense action I think we should leave man this feels wrong we probably shouldn’t

Be watching her sleep n at this point bro no we figured out what we needed to bro this ain’t our responsibility bro it’s time to go what youan oh shoot hold up bro what the heck is that hey yo no it’s creeping up on her hey come on come

On we got help her man we got help have your sword out have your sword out man we’re going into the house bus trying to handle business oh I got a walk a little bit but oh my stomach growling dude dude a dude I’m out of energy man hey open up

This door is the door open crack down all upstairs second floor second floor UPS oh my gosh where are they this way this way this way God oh shoot it’s got to be this she’s okay I hope she’s okay hey put your hands up get your hands off

Get your hands off oh boy wait what sleeping I’m I’m out of here bro I’m G I’m G I’m not catching a breaking in no not me not catching a breaking in no that’s you uhhuh hey uh um he’s still in there so dude action we she woke she man

You should before Mis hey you might be wondering why we’re in your house right now but we could have sworn we saw a monster looking at you while you were sleeping a scary monster yeah a SC a scary monster yeah yeah monster yeah we we saw a monster looking at you mean Dad

Wait what wait that’s my dad w Wait hold up like big about about about big tall like wo wo about this T claws he’s super nice he just looks funny Mister wait he’s super nice he wait what action action there’s no way we have to look

Around oh no you saw that right boy was about 8T tall had size on his arms did you see that I know I’m not going crazy I know what I oh my God for a shoot I thought he sliced that body in half wait what the heck I could have sworn I saw

Oh sh hold up they got some cake I know it ain’t my birthday oh yeah I hey at least some for me man oh two slices oh man we we have visitors wait what wait wao hold up hold up hold up hold up you about to get your

Dad yeah go get your dad real quick we don’t see we don’t see anything right now man call your dad real quick yo yo action maybe it’s our like lack of sleep that’s making us go crazy I think we should just go home dude or I don’t know

Man you know I’m really on that idea right now but I’m really tired so maybe we should sleep here for the night what here with the monster I mean I mean I mean here with uh your dad where are you I miss mommy here uh would it be would

It be safe if uh we stayed and protected you here cuz um obviously we saw what we saw right actually we did see what we saw I don’t think that’s her dad man we got to protect this little girl dude she’s being brainwashed I don’t think my

Dad would mind guest okay okay yeah that sounds good uh maybe you should go back to sleep okay we’ll make sure you get you some rest just get you some rest yeah he you want to sleep over here hey man it’s too far we drove here like 30

Minutes to get here but we could have been hit the house though we could have been back at the motel you’re right but I’m way too tired man I’m about to pass out just just come on man let’s just let’s just go to sleep uh do they even

Have extra beds here action I think we should just go to sleep man I’m too tired too tired man now you too tired I don’t feel safe here can we at least block this this room up the only thing I got is some dirt I hope they don’t mind

That dirt right there wait you got blocks well wait a second I know I’m really tired right now but just for our safety we do have security cameras and maybe we can get some evidence some proof that um you know the the monster does exist you know what I some video

Cameras too might as well all right man let’s go around the house and set up some cameras let’s decide though we can’t be making too much noise the girl’s asleep and we don’t know where the dad is whatever it is uh let’s put one in her room real quick just in case

That monster comes back I swear that’s not her dad man definitely shouldn’t go to the windows let let me me put one in the middle of this hallway just in case it comes to attack us right dude uh-huh definitely don’t want that either that’s definitely not a good thing dude you’re

Just going to place it in the middle of the air hey don’t worry about it bro I thought that was the best spot for it all right all right we’ll leave that there just in case just in case you never know oh man okay um let’s Place

One uh one or two more downstairs uh let me Place one right here so if it tries to come upstairs they can see it uh action yeah oh dude why didn’t you come downstairs with me are you scared oh no not that I’m trying to figure out

Exactly where I want to place this I feel like this is a good spot dude oh dude this is going to be so obvious they’re going to know that someone’s trying to stock him okay my fault I I’ll think a little more wise all right all

Right um maybe yeah maybe one in this room or something um there we go what the you’ve got to be kidding me man all right well I guess that works uh one there’s a bedroom over here hey the thing you don’t know about this camera is it’s rotating man this is a rotating

Camera bro rotating it’s just looking at this wall over here no just wait for it it’s motion censored not towards the people place it down wait wait how do you know all of its features we just got this at the motel I read up on it online

We was in the motel room you got educated while I was freaking about the monsters I get it let me put one over here in the garage too cuz you know you never know what can happen at the garage right sleep educated dude I’m so sleepy

Man to sleep educated it’s time to get some education right now I’m going to sleep time to get some sleep man we can review that footage all of that in the morning man um stay on your side and good night all right good night Man What what’s all that screaming huh yo yo why did tell me why we heard that same scream just now wait we got to check on it okay oh my gosh oh my God are you good hey you good crying oh my god oh shot are you okay oh my goodness what

What happened what happened I I just had a nightmare well uh I don’t know oh heck no was it did it have something to do with your dad I still don’t trust that man yeah did did it have something to do with your dad whatever that monster was

Thing that thing yeah that thing that wasn’t your dad uh yeah he does look scary okay well well where does he usually stay like where where’s your dad where’s your dad nightmares of your own dad um my dad the the what the what the the basement B the basement oh yeah I

Got yeah I got something for your dad real quick I got something for your dad real quick hey man gosh where the heck is the basement action I don’t know it’s got to check over here check oh shoot hey there is not cameras down here okay

She come downstairs okay cool my wait a second actually wait didn’t you have a camera upstairs wait where at wait I could have sworn you had a camera right here right oh yeah I had a second camera right up here the heck do it oh my gosh

Bro she probably slept walk got a snack and then took the camera knocked it down bro uh the basement the basement oh yo hey not to be strange but what’s down here under the garage wait yo a are you seeing what I’m seeing oh that is why

The is there a skeleton bro maybe maybe we were right all along open turn on your flashl flashlights yeah flashlights on oh oh what is this oh heck no bro there’s like a prison in everything oh no dude what’s going on I think that’s the dad

Back there he’s getting busy what is he eating wait wait is it eating a human arm oh that’s not being jerky heck let’s do it come on oh shoot shoot what’s good I’m oh not me uhhuh what’s good hurt right now I’m going to die going to die

Hit it h we got aim we got get his toes get his toes his knees BR yeah you barely got kneecap boy I’m yo you just f him bro wait what the heck is that though what is that did you see that let me turn on the light

What is that e who ewo what is that that is a suspicious arm wait wait can can you turn on your flashlight so I can actually see all right suspicious arm yeah dude I wasn’t lying then I wasn’t capping when I told you it was no it was

Probably this guy’s arm or something oh my gosh he was fighting for his arm look he like give me my arm back man we got to tell the girl about this man we got heck no we got to tell police bro we got to tell the SWAT we got to

Tell the FBI we got to tell the got take care of the girl man yo yo oh my gosh oh my gosh where is she where is she yo come on tell her tell her tell her let her know hey ma’am huh where the heck

Did she go the heck not even nah she got to be here hello hello she she ran upstairs she was scared she done went to the at wait what the heck is why is there like hospital beds and what is this oh they was up to something here dude they

Have like dentist chairs they have like oxygen tanks oh my goodness Ouija board oh yeah I think I think we know exactly what’s been going on here action I think we should get out of here man ASAP oh my goodness this wait action the detective’s journal wait what say so far

We’ve got five families still living within town all of which have exhibited behavioral issues wait wait wait wait wait whoo whoo wo hold up leave the house leave the house wait wait a second wait a second five families 1 2 3 4 five homes oh no we done hit the circle Ville

Where it’s all happening oh no no and we have a suspicious arm in my hand dude I’m going to throw up man bro take that put it back at the motel bro we need to get as much sleep as we can tonight dude we got to go back man what you got us

Dealing with [Applause] man walking I step with a purpose my ex is making them nervous I got a level of first I know that they Hur I ccle back and get you don’t close the Cur no paper watch me walk away

This video, titled ‘He loves to watch her sleep… *SCARY* (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by YaBoiAction on 2023-11-20 01:00:01. It has garnered 68396 views and 2946 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:36 or 2496 seconds.

He loves to watch her sleep… *SCARY* (Minecraft)

Welcome to the Cursed Town of Tor, where today Action & @RageElixir find out why it is truly a cursed town…


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    I’ve tried them all, and let me tell you, I still can’t figure out how to mine diamonds without accidentally falling in lava every time! Read More

  • Brick by Brick: Minecraft Cherry Blossom Garden 21260 Review

    Brick by Brick: Minecraft Cherry Blossom Garden 21260 Review Leap into the verse, where Minecraft sets disperse, Cherry Blossom Garden, a colorful burst. Sniffers and bees, in a world of blocks, Building terrain, with colorful rocks. The build quality, a bit on the flimsy side, Bees falling apart, a fragile ride. But play value shines, with sniffers and trees, A Minecraft world, full of possibilities. Build experience, colors bright and bold, Inspiration for terrain, stories untold. A set for children, to create and play, A display piece, in a colorful array. Playability, with sniffers and bees, Accessories galore, for hours of ease. A set for kids, to explore… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Survival Minecraft Server Sneak Peek: MineCity

    Survival Minecraft Server Sneak Peek: MineCity Welcome to MineCity: A Preview of Our NEW Survival Minecraft Server! Hello everyone, welcome to the exciting world of MineCity! Our brand new survival Minecraft server is packed with amazing features and bonuses that will keep you entertained for hours on end. Join us as we explore all the incredible elements that make MineCity a must-visit destination for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Features of MineCity At MineCity, players can expect a wide range of features that set our server apart from the rest. From custom-built structures to unique gameplay mechanics, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Here are some key… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Starter Houses Become Epic Builds!

    Join Minewind: Where Starter Houses Become Epic Builds! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to enhance your building skills and create stunning structures in the world of Minecraft? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your building talents. Imagine taking the skills you learned from tutorials like “How To Build A Starter House In Minecraft” and applying them in a dynamic multiplayer environment. On Minewind, you can collaborate with other players, participate in building competitions, and explore a vast world filled with unique creations. Join us at Minewind Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft PS3 in 2024: What’s New?

    Minecraft PS3 in 2024: What's New? Minecraft PS3 Edition in 2024: A Look at the Exclusive Features Minecraft PS3 Edition, launched in 2014, holds a special place in the hearts of many players. Despite no longer receiving updates, this edition continues to offer a unique gaming experience. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft PS3 Edition in 2024 and explore its exclusive features. Exploring the Game Upon entering the game, players are greeted with the familiar interface of Minecraft PS3 Edition. The last update, version 1.13, sets the stage for a nostalgic journey through this beloved edition. Players can customize their experience by choosing from… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bom magic tips! 😵😵 #viral #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Bom magic tips! 😵😵 #viral #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mincraft Bom magic😵😱।‌ #minecraft #viral #shorts #nf Minecraft tips #trending’, was uploaded by NF Mincraft Tips on 2024-01-14 13:11:20. It has garnered 2466 views and 101 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Mincraft Bom magik😵😱।‌ #minecraft #viral #shorts #nf Minecraft tips #trending Read More

  • Ninja7087 vs Haunted Minecraft Seeds

    Ninja7087 vs Haunted Minecraft SeedsVideo Information हेलो हेलो हेलो गाइस वेलकम टू अनदर वीडियो और आज की इस वीडियो के अंदर मैं आ चुका हूं रर सीट ट्राई करने एज यू नो आज की वीडियो का टाइटल तो पढ़ ही लिया होगा तुम लोगों ने तभी तो वीडियो लगाई होगी तुम लोगों ने तो आज की इस वीडियो के अंदर सॉरी वो थोड़ा एरर आ गया था और मैं बोल रहा था कि आज हम लोग टेस्ट करने वाले माफ्ट हरर सीड्स व माफ्ट के अंदर सो लेट स्टार्ट और इस वीडियो में एंड तक बने रहना और मैं तुम्ह एक ऐसा सीड भी… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Secrets on My Realm 😱

    Insane Minecraft Survival Secrets on My Realm 😱Video Information [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what up guys what up welcome to the stream how are you guys doing today on this fine evening um I appreciate every single one of you guys coming down to the stream we are live um give me a hello hello yep I can hear you Y sound good hello yep I can hear you good okay can I pick where we’re Landing today yeah so I’m going to turn this down to almost an extreme and then put this back on all right I’m going to pick closer… Read More