Crushing Enemies in Level 2 Minecraft Minecolonies!

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Hello and welcome back to another episode of Minecraft M colonies what am I doing today okay um well as you can see we’re not in Shader mode so we’re going to be doing some building today we are going to be building the Forester Hut outside there somewhere and

Hopefully that will give us uh the opportunity to actually um expand the the the thingy a bit The Village a bit but before we can actually actually exp I’m my again before I can expand you I need to do something else so we’ve been working towards this for a

While now so that’s the university part two a level two that we actually checked out last time already before um so this thing is done so that means we can actually now go and research something so we have to research Keen to be able to get to

Outpost and outpost allows us to expand the UN Universe um the uh the village to buy another 25 villagers and we need that so we going to go and research Keen first so so what do we need for that it’s uh I forgot what I just looked at it I need three

Books three books should be that difficult to get and if we need some leather we can we can get some from the cows uh we got a ton of them I think we got enough cows but I think we should have enough books we just need three of

These let’s like that and why do I have a golden axe why do I have a golden axe ah must be from one of those bloody pesky shoot I’ll put you there all right cool let’s go all right so the golden ax um was from when we were attacked in the

Last episode um by a bunch of Barbarians or yeah so that should not be a problem anymore so let’s go ahead and research that let’s just also make sure that we recall the worker where’s Camila Camila what the there she is get to work lady so this going to

Take a while um in the meantime we got other things to do obviously so research one out of two in progress uh uh what else are we doing let’s see Outpost level so we do have the option of actually let’s see managing workers and we can we should be able to hire another

Person but I don’t I don’t have anybody else so you’re going to be doing this alone for today um all right so next up I did this I I built this little uh belly kind of thing so that we can get out and into the library uh into University a little bit

Easier uh we’ll be beautifying that later sometime maybe perhaps I don’t know all right next up um we have a couple of things in construction on the side of the the river of course uh which is of course the will got beautiful pants dude all

Right so we have a a mine let’s see a mine a m shaft level two coming up um over there and we need to be absolutely sure that it’s actually getting done because for some reason Tiana here just sits around does nothing just pick a nose all

Right so there we go so now she’s actually doing something come on go and do something okay so we’ll have to wait until she she actually gets busy uh but here we go now this is the level okay dude you just started to fight with with with an

End this is not going to end well with you for you where’d he go good job dude he killed an Enderman with a stone sword good job all right um this is the level two she’s been busy with it for I don’t know a couple minutes it didn’t

Take much to upgrade it to be honest it was just a little bit of wood uh some leaves so like that one over there and that’s pretty much it most of the most of the upgrade is happening upstairs everything else down here is not not really spectacular let’s go check down

Here though first let going to make sure that this is level zero with zero nodes and here we are on level one uh what is this this is dark oak planks with gravel okay nothing particularly special there zero nodes as well of course and then he is currently working on Tobias on uh

Level two and I think that he’s going to start the nodes spanning outwards from here or spreading outwards from here uh from this level um but that’s of course if we actually get him to finish working out cuz for some reason he hasn’t gotten very deep oh hello you’re putting a roof

On this thing beautiful good I’m over here look we got some beautiful walls coming up and H look at this this the framed Cobblestone and framed Oak planks and stuff that I I might have given her just a little bit too much material and she didn’t actually need me to provide her

With anything at all um and we got a a grass block beautiful so now we can actually put put grass somewhere we don’t have grass I do where you going good day to you good day to you too lady all right we got a little bit of a problem

Okay let me see if I can see if I can explain it so we have a person that lives here this is uh Macio he is The Lumberjack or the Forester and he works in said Hut over there said Foresters Hut which will be planting down as well

He’s the second Foresters Forester that we have in the village he he works here right now every evening when he return when he has to go back to bed uh he has to cross this Minefield of shade the mine’s already done that was fast that was very F we’ll go check it

Out in a bit and see what we what what a level two mine looks like uh this is Mauricio I’m not quite sure why he isn’t working I could help you with that open request you need an axxe I had an axe wa do you actually need an axe why

Do you need ax you have a bunch of you have a bunch of axes why do you need I’m not going to cancel that request I’ve started work the guard Tower okay cool you just work on the guard Tower I’m not quite sure where she’s going to work but that’s okay um

Obtain tool Pi this work area by right clicking one corner and left clicking the opposite corner with the tool dou Rec care per planting blah blah blah blah blah blah uh list of crimson turn disable disable disable he can he can Harvest all this stuff who hit you you’re not Forester get

Out he noing me well who’s the boss here it ain’t me apparently all right so let’s go check out the level two mine um oh this is not going to work is it maybe yes we can squeeze through beautiful all right so this is the level two mine it’s pretty deep hello tobius

No you can’t hear us it’s too deep he didn’t know what ceiling is not being completed it’s it’s a bit it’s a bit daed this is not a ceiling at all what is this is look how many gaps there are in what is that it is it looks so

Random I’m not quite sure if this is supposed to be what it’s supposed to look like but anyways um uh let’s see we have nothing to build in here guard got to set a guard blah blah blah I don’t want a guard down there yet because it’s

Not deep yet so once it’s once we get to ual like it’s spanning out and um there is a whole bunch of stuff happening down there then we’ll put a guard on the mine and then have the mine guard the have a guard actually guard the mine that’s what we want but

For now we’re going to leave it as is level two mine it is a bit shabby isn’t it I what why is this why why why do we have why do we have this right got a bunch of leaves here block of coal what this coal doesn’t look like coal why

Does it why does it look like that H I’m not quite sure if I like this look I might need to change it a little bit but we’ll do that some other time look at that I do like this the frame Cobblestone that is quite nice this entry

Way there’s a hole in your roof I don’t like it I don’t like it at all but once it’s level three or level four it becomes quite a nice building until that time it’s going to be looking like that but we’ll have to see what happens hello good

Day all right now um that out of the way the mine is done we have another problem right all right so the problem of course is that we don’t have population that’s that’s a given we don’t have the population to grow anymore um but we

Have another issue if I was to to take the uh Farm apart said Madame farmer Madame Kendall with of cero ah okay so it’s a really fitting name anyways Madame Clyro uh will will we’ll basically just like um leave her job and go join somebody else maybe even the Red Cross

And then we will lose her as a farmer and then we’ll have to just force her to become a farmer instead that is also possibility I don’t want to right uh I want to increase the the size of village and then build the hospital build the uh

One one of the beautiful Tower up there is going to be it’s going to be huge it’s going to be huge all right okay now the next problem we have is this this is not a gate right this is something I cobbled together myself it is not a gate um in such as

That it actually is a Minecraft gate it’s it’s just something I put together myself it’s not a mine colonies gate so I need to I need to change that so let’s go this this is the main problem though not sure if you can see it but this this structure right

Here all the way around this little bit here and in this part is not within the village bounds and I don’t know why I mean I have a I have a tower there and I have a tower there and they didn’t seem to want to overlap and they caused this a little

Bit of an issue so I have this strange Gap thing here where I can’t really build anything in this little thing this little space I feel like I’m in The Matrix uh see outside here I can build this this is I can build I can build up

To there right I can build all way up to there that’s what how far I can build but I can’t build here for some reason because this is this is not a I don’t I don’t know what’s going on here but we’re going to try anyway so let’s go to

Gates walls gate gate level one cuz it has to be level one gate that we didn’t upgrade to level two obviously so let’s go ahead and turn it around sh Shak and then we need to put this into position next two and then let’s see we need to we needed to

Actually yeah we needed to I don’t like this my my back is turned towards something else okay so let’s see can I move a bit further back in like that um I need this to be in the wall the wall as we know is that bit of

Wall there I didn’t extend it up to here yet because I wanted to see the towers grow to level two at least or maybe three before I start to upgrade these little bits here and then turn them into that paliside over there but uh the wall mean the gate that’s something we can

Start with I’m just kind of like let me just take it out the wall let’s look at it we have and we have this little space here right um so what it’s supposed to okay let’s just upgrade to level three I think um yeah let’s just let’s just upgrade to

Level three three let’s put a level three gate for now just so we can see what it looks like like that that’s a level three gate right this is what is going to end up looking like eventually once we once we upgrade to level three so that is the back this is the

Front because that little white block there this is the front of the gate I want the wall to be right here in the middle um if I look at that the Palisade you can see how thick the Palisade is so all that mass all that stone

Right um once it once it get upgraded to level two and level three it’s going to look like that right and it needs to needs to connect with this but it’s kind of cuz right now my wall is not that thig I’m kind of wondering how am I’m going to connect this

Right do I want it like that and then the wall the door is exactly where the doors are and it just takes out one little bit which makes sense because the bit where we walk on up here that’s going to be wall as well so I think this is the best

Right so if we leave it as that so that should be good let’s go ahead and say yes to that now he’s going to build level one build building thank you very much excellent so that’s going to happen um so this bit of wall is going to be destroyed oh

Hello I’m going to hit you on the head oh I didn’t mean to hit you just go kill him don’t look at me right behind you I might have hit him by accident just by accident it was by accident dude don’t blame me holy you see that

There’s a whole Army of these guys just suddenly appear out of nowhere wish I could do that that’d be cool yeah I’m not going to fight you guys all right let’s just open that up again make sure that whoever’s outside can get in nobody died and but nobody’s sleeping either

So I think that everybody on that side of the the the gate at least the wall is gone to bed but the people on the other side of the river have not gone to bed yet so let’s go check that make sure that everybody’s sleeping now I have a little bit of a

Doubt because I think that our little friend The Lumberjack he’s not sleeping no I I don’t think he’s sleeping I think he’s he’s I think he’s faking it right I think he’s faking it oh shoot somebody blew up oh there’s my Lumberjack run dude run I hit you too sorry

Run there a lot of spiders where are you going what are you doing over there he’s panicking he’s panicking I can tell you you can see his eyes that he’s panicking he doesn’t know where he’s supposed to go and a now go to bed good good close the door you go lie in

Bed is everybody sleeping is everybody sleeping TOS is in bed why are you coming out all Rosy and stuff what have you guys been doing spraying this place with perfume oh all right so why is nobody sleeping what’s going on here you should all be sleeping I mean these guys shouldn’t be

Sleeping they’re guards they’re supposed to be awake but everybody I should get the warning that it is sleepy time I just don’t know why who who’s still awake Who the hell’s still awake ah all right I don’t know who’s awake it might be somebody I’m not quite

Sure who it is but we’ll go to bed anyways you got something to drink take a sip ah good stuff I got the um what youall it again iced tea I got iced tea it’s quite nice I don’t usually drink iced tea I think it’s just a it’s just a a water down

Version of tea right with a whole bunch of sugar in it but it’s it does kind of you know it does kind of do the trick do all right so uh um what what else we doing uh oh yeah let’s go check out the we doing

Something else first we need to we need to do something else first so okay so we have the gate over here to build we need to wait until the build is free to do it just die already and I want to put down over here right here um another Lumberjack

Yeah the one that we took from there that’s what I want to put over here so let’s see we want to go to INF no fundamentals and then we want Foresters Hut and then alternative one is that the one we want no we want alternative two

That’s the one this is the one we cuz eventually once becomes uh level five this is what what it’s going to look like and I it does look quite nice to be surrounded by a whole bunch of trees I would prefer to put it like in the

Middle of the forest but that’s that’s a death sentence for anybody who’s going to be walking all the way to there to get to the job and I’m not that kind of a mean person you know I am mean but I’m not that mean Hello chicken I saw you chicken all

Right so I need to have a little bit of space let’s let’s move you up a bit like so like that that’s a perfect solution there that’s that’s good that’s good so let’s go ahead and say let’s build that so kab bloy beautiful so that’s going to

Be built so we have to build the the road this road needs to be built all the way up here we also have to build a road all the way up to to the uh to the to a little friend over there um to a miner this gives me a of a bunch

Of dirt and it also makes it uh t a little bit better more settled you know what I mean do I have any wood that I can hey sheepy sheepy no I need some dark wood let’s go ahead and chop down this tree get rid of some of the darkness so

Nothing can spawn here I keep forgetting these trees are way too big let’s go up there this will give me some more oh shut up birds give me some wood beautiful and that should give me enough to finish the path and also give me a bit more for something

Else yes yes yes give me that give me that now most the foliage won’t go away cuz that tree is a bit too close I think there’s a bunch of trees here just they’re just like feeding each other’s leaves for some reason excellent excellent excellent that one as

Well good so let’s turn that into planks and then we can walk the plank so I don’t know if I want it like that I want going to have to put some stairs aren’t I I don’t want to put some stairs let’s do this let’s just do this so want a

Path that goes all the way here and then further up now we’ll need to make some space later on in the future actually I want this to go back down again because the sand here is done so then it goes down yep so that’s yeah we we’ll build this time and then

Here and then a little bit lower like so and I think we could walk like that into the Hut Perfect all right excellent that will give us a little bit of a path me put a bit of dirt there not this one I want to keep that one there we go

That’s some dirt and I want uh I need a little bit of light here so I also want a couple of these oh hello now what happened all right we had a little bit of a crash but no big deal no we um no big deal and we’ll just

Continue from there see we need some stickies like so and then we need some planks that will give us some fencing beautiful and then we can just pick it a couple of them here put that there put a torch down put that there put that there excellent potato potato and then one over

Here the middle of that I also want one up here on the Hill because they love to spawn up here like so and then one more here just to keep these guys at Bay just a little bit I mean they don’t I don’t really expect them

To this is kind of a dangerous area so I don’t expect them to survive for very long most these villagers but that’s that situation there we go beautiful that’s it uh that should be plenty of light I I also want one over over here oh that’s not R bit and and that’s

A lot of light here as well so good excellent so that should be good I don’t want to put any lights in between the trees because I still want to have a little bit of a challenge when I come out here and kill something you know

Just that’s what you want to do you want to you want to be able to kill things exent that will keep everything away from the gate and keep my guards from getting too much xp cuz they they they just seem to be getting too much much xp

I need I need to look at what my Builders are doing actually here I’m kind of curious what he’s building cuz I have actually no idea after the university what did you what what was he trying what’s the build working out we have a couple of things to each eat let’s

See guard Tower so the guard Tower let’s recall the worker where’s the worker start working the guard Tower oh there you are hello we don’t have to supply anything 100% supplied must be from leftovers or something I don’t know okay but that’s that’s the guard Tower I’m not quite

Sure which guard Tower she’s working on though I think is that one over there it must be right she seems to be going directly for it now it shouldn’t take it too long to finish that guard tower that will give us a level two guard Tower by that gate we should make

It um a very powerful friend that door look she’s going up there she’s going to dig a hole well she doesn’t have to she already has that one guard Tower there all right excellent so that’s not going to be necessary I need to check on the progress of our University to make sure

That if she is finished that we immediately start researching The Next Step so there we go so there we go 30 more minutes remaining I don’t think we’re going to make it this time we’ll get that in the next episode right so Keen Keen gives us the ability to make a

Library it unlocks the LI the library and that gives us the ability to make books hey do or least big people a bit smarter so let’s go and check on the Builder over here and make sure that she is also still busy doing things because

Um I don’t want her just to just rumage around not do anything she has things to do if you don’t give her anything to do then nothing gets done I guess all right what’s happening over here are we upgrading this this is not upgrade this

Is a I know what’s going on here why is this why is this in the what what’s Happening Here what is she working on I thought she was working in a guard Tower she said she was going to work on the guard Tower she does she need something let’s

See what she needs hello so work on the guard Tower okay work the guard Tower she needs Cobblestone stairs dark oak slab trapo and a ladder okay let’s let’s give her a ladder was this was no that wasn’t the way it is not the

Way oh bloody out I forgot how to make a ladder I can’t believe it all right there we go all right that’s good I’ll give her a bunch of ladders so therefore she doesn’t have to call back on me ever again well enough for a while at least

We do we have any Cobble no I don’t um dark o slab 19 of those and a trap door three of those okay this shouldn’t be an issue let’s go ahead and make a couple of trap doors we need three so so I’m going to have to make four and let’s put

That in the inventory boom and then next up is Cobblestone dark o slab 19 of those so that shouldn’t be too hard 24 I I’ll make all of them just keep her on her toes beautiful you do that hello what do you need good day to you uh open request

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah okay Cobblestone stairs I don’t have any Cobble but maybe we can get some Cobble at our friend’s house here let’s just check if he has any Cobble Maurice is working away good guards no I want look I want to look at

Your inventory there we go inventory uh you have some stairs I’m taking I forgot how many they needed I’m taking them anyway so therefore we should have enough material I’m going the wrong way aren’t I I have to go in here so let’s go here and then

Three stairs good and the rest will give back to our Builder oh our uh Digger here make sure that doesn’t actually need anything inventory Bo tobius are you down there hello I hope he’s not dead is he dead no he’s not dead where’d he go he must have gone home already I’m

Pretty sure it let’s also just make sure that our friend the oh hello you guys having a meeting just make sure it was a scrum eating just broken little man ah little man your joke all right let’s see um everybody seems to be in bed here just quickly check to make sure yeah

Mauricio is in bed uh Tiana is in bed good and Tobias is in bed the Builder so now we can go over to that other other side and make sure that everybody on that side is also in bed I’m I’m having so much difficulty keeping people in bed or getting them to

Go to bed actually as a matter I understand that cuz these are like basically just like a bunch of grownup children and kids don’t like to go back to bed like going to bed at all but I need them to sleep because otherwise they’ll complain and complain and complain and if they complain

Uh and then we won’t get the things done they won’t work after a while oh hello yeah go to bed good good good let’s also make sure that this guy over here is going to bed what what he’s getting attacked he’s getting attacked I think he’s getting attacked it’s not

Good do with that how the hell did you get up there dude I give him a couple stairs come on down is he are you afraid I came to rescue you I’m going to put a torch here so things don’t don’t spawn anymore all right so

He that was a very bad aim he missed you dude all right see okay now go upstairs oh I touched you didn’t I there therefore you are did you hear that I hear that I’m coming with you I I can already hear there’s a bunch of problems

Upstairs let’s just make sure that my guards are not all getting every getting everybody killed what’s the definition of a hero somebody who gets people killed all right let’s get in here let’s just let’s just escort him to his bed to his bed chamber make sure that he actually goes to

Bed and not goes into the uh into the tavern and just oh no don’t go into the Tavern thank you doesn’t go into the tavern and gets himself drunk everybody here this is this is still strange but okay all right you in bed you’re in bed

Good so who is not in bed who who who is not in bed so now I’m kind of kind of curious who’s still wandering around I see somebody else wandering up there there maybe that’s the person we’re waiting for all call okay there we go they are

All tuckered into bed now finally okay excellent let’s go and take a quick little napy poo as well that should give us yes all right get something to drink take a sip ah excellent that’s good so I think that everybody got a good night’s sleep oh the fisherman ran out of fishing hooks

Again I do have some string I can make him another fishing uh Rod I do have that power in me let’s go over here and make a fishing rod make let’s make a couple of fishing rods why not actually let make it two like so two fishing rods beautiful now I’m

Going to put this in your pocket uh I could help you with yeah yeah yeah oh no work uh I’ll work on it just give me your inventory there you go oh you got two puffer fish nice and a raw salmon and three fishies keep up the good work

Dude doing good oh get that dolphin get that dolphin want the dolphin dolphin meat is is quite nice apparently I don’t know it’s kind of fatty I think fishy that would be my opinion I am not a fan of fish so I would never eat it but I have

Heard people say say that dolphin tastes good I don’t know I’m not going to promote it all right let’s see um everything else I think that what we’re waiting for right now is the library and the Builder actually finishing the build see she’s still at civilian she’s

At now it’s five 15 thingies left let’s recall you hello Camila you’re on the other side of the wall are you in the wall there she is where are you running off to get to work hello come get in there so she’s re researching making a

Library and once we have the library we can actually start upgrading this Village to an outpost which be great cuz then I can actually start growing blah blah blah we’ve discussed like a million times I need to start looking into what we need for the next stage of our

Research research into Outpost requires from us some a contribution and that’s 64 steak so do I have 64 I think I already finished like I only have seven steak left good day to you good day to you to where where are you let’s see if we have any more raw

Meat I did kill a bunch of cows I don’t think I killed like 64 we have 24 ra 22 raw beef there five more raw beef there two steaks beautiful and then here nothing H we do have some raw mutton but that’s not what we want

We want steaky steak uh I don’t think I have any more steak sorry guys oh wait we might just we might just maybe be able to find some what are you doing it’s a door you know how doors work I don’t think he knows how a door works what

The he just stood here and then he walked away oh I touched them that’s why they don’t like it when I touch them all right four more Saks beautiful I’ll take those and then nothing there nothing there nothing there H I’m not quite sure where they keep

Getting the steaks from I got a whole bunch of leather and nothing there nope and no there is bread for some reason a whole bunch of copper and iron they keep on putting stuff in here but nothing spectacular but we have some bread that’s good nothing in there okay so

Sadly enough it is cow killing time so actually we should feed them first let’s feed them first do we have any Wheat we should have wheat where do we put all the wheat where is all the wheat so we we can make meat there we go beautiful excellent let’s go get some

More raw meat so I’m going to feed your cows I know this is not a good idea cuz since you guys are now basically one giant conglomeration of cow but I need the meat I can’t I I can’t even see who is where the Hearts coming from

There’s a there’s a cows within there are cows within cows there’s too many cows don’t jump guys don’t jump it’s more than enough for everybody get more have plent there also got a whole bunch of chicken is they keep on making more chicken they lay they lay eggs and then

Little chickens come out and then they they make more chickens it’s a never ending chicken tail but we’re not here for chicken we are here for cow boom boom Boom right excellent uh I can’t open the gate just run away guys EX let’s go get the stuff that we want how much meat we got 60 meat we need a little bit more do we have enough now need some more 61 this is too many

Cows die okay 64 65 perfect we got enough meat now I think I’ve got I think I missed a couple more meat slaps don’t know way chicky I mean cow no stay in there he almost made it over that was kind of spectacular so anybody else want some more

Lov plenty of Lov for you all all right excellent we got enough meat to uh prepare for the Next next research we need to we need to really need to we need to move these guys out of the village this is getting ridiculous yeah but that’s that’s that’s that’s the next step work work work work to you too right there we go let’s put some you in here

As well I don’t have any coal do I have any coal I do have coal I’m running a bit low on coal so I’m going to have to go back down underground get some more coal but we’ll have to do this some other time cuz we

Got things to do not much but we still have things to do why do we have so many how do I get so many eggs where these egg come from poor poor KY Kai Kai eggs Glennon it’s raining eggs Hallelujah there he goes Bo boop boop boop

Beautiful that is great now I’m going to drop off this stuff I don’t need all this stuff and some more raw beef mutton put that in there I don’t need the grass block at the moment beautiful Arrow I’ll keep that I don’t need you either the ender pearl I mean I do

Eventually once we go looking for the portal um but right now I think we’re fine I think we’re fine I also don’t need to go into The Nether yet I think that once we level uh we reach level three then I think that we’ll be required to go to the Nether

And get some stuff from there but that that will have to that will come eventually that will come eventually we’ll get to that eventually and then I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to lose a whole bunch of viewers cuz people are afraid of the nether for some

Reason they don’t like the NE it’s a it’s kind of weird cuz my viewing drops by like 30% 20% as soon as I go to the nether then it’s like no thank you bye-bye I think it’s just too scary I think it’s just a little bit too

Scary but that’s not my problem if we need to get stuff from the nether we have to go to the nether hello guys can you guys stop what is this I’m going to leave you guys alone all right what do you need you are good to go open request let’s cancel all this

Cuz it’s already in your inventory you should be able to just go ahead and do this you have no requests I didn’t touch you no don’t look at me no she’s looking at me she saw me she saw that I’m here no all right so she needs to get busy

Working on this guy over here this this Tower I think it’s an upgrade I just don’t remember if I actually upgraded it see what is it what’s going on okay it says upgrade so I think that’s it was definitely an upgrade so it’s upgrade that she needs to work on it’s going to

Turn into one of these uh there you go hell there okay now um H as soon as we’re level through level Outpost and then we can get some more people I want to upgrade the bow Hut this one over here right to level three and then upgrade the town hall cuz it’s

Tradition but I don’t know what the upgrade it’s going to take purple wool striped dark oak log dirt blue wool bricks racks Cobblestone stairs item frames we can make all this stuff maybe the purple wool is a bit strange and the blue wool but rest I think we can manage

Chains I don’t know if I can make a chain jungle wood now that is a problem I have not spotted any jungle yet but I think we can get jungle if we go back to the same spot where we found the chocolate right the beans the chocolate beans uh the cocoa beans we

Can probably get some jungle wood there dark slab Cobblestone block of iron blah blah blah acaia lock standing Barrel blah blah blah andesite iron bars wool brick nothing Netherrack coar dirt I think all this stuff is perfectly yellow stained glass nothing special nothing special I thought this was a

Sponge first for a second but it’s not all right so everything else here is perfectly doable except for the nether brick so this is as soon as we go to the to level three for the Builder we’re going to have to go get some nether which means we’re going to go to the

Nether and get some Nether Bricks which means you have to go for the nether to find a fortress H okay but that’s okay we can we can do that that’s no big deal we’ve done it before we can do it again although this time it will be be be more spectacular I

Think uh well we’ll see what happens I mean it’s going to be fun it’s going to be fun it’s always fun now with this all going the way it is I think we can just quickly check if the yeah we we still have some time we

Still have some time if the build over here okay do if the build over here this thing is almost done I don’t think so I don’t think so I don’t think the Builder’s actually got anywhere I think I’m going to have to check if she needs

Something there she is I don’t think she needed anything right no when we started the build for the for the uh the tower she was already at 100% she should already have everything she needs to upgrade the tower to level yeah she already has 100% she’s a 39% right now so the

Builder is at 39% the the university is at H University is at 15 75% 75% good and we don’t need to do anything for now uh meat is almost good to go got 26 26 so we got 50 52 beautiful so I think we are we are on

Track to go become an outpost quickly enough and then once we are an outpost I want to upgrade this puppy into to a actual Outpost kind of thing and then once we have this upgraded to level three and that puppy as well the build H I want to get started with upgrading the

Walls to level two upgrading that to a level two Palisade as well and getting the gates to level two level three all of them so that’ll be it’ll be it’ll be a bit of work it’ll be a of work lot it’s going to be a lot of work it’s going to be a

Lot of work we are not even past level two yet some of these buildings aren’t even level two yet uh so I don’t think I have a level two restaurant yet so let’s let’s just quickly give a restaurant quickly the West want quickly check I’m not quite

Sure if I like this tunnel I might have to remove it so the West want this one see what do you want you want if we upgrade you to wheat extra shingles campfire dirt uh wheat extra shingles 116 holy ships okay fine that’s no big deal polished dark oak blah blah blah it’s

Mostly it’s mostly wood I think we can upgrade this to level two as well I don’t think we can we don’t I don’t think this is going to be a problem to upgrade level two it just doesn’t give us anything anything spectacular right it doesn’t do anything

For us so that’s the main issue now once we are upgraded to to an outpost level I want to start working and expanding uh the village outwards in this direction so we want to put a house here house there house there and I want to upgrade and continue growing up until that point

There once we reach that point we’ll need to build another bridge to get to that bit of there and then we can upgrade or expand towards the north so that’ll be the the northern expansion it’ll be another Outpost there which means another barracks and uh more in line of more

Walls More Everything it’ll be fun that’s future future talk right now I want to get all these buildings upgraded to level two or as many as possible and then upgrade to level three we’ll go to the next stage yes it’s so much it’s it’s close

But we need to get we need to go find an outpost I mean a fortress first a nether fortress ah any but that’s it for this episode I hope you guys enjoyed if you did leave a like if you a dislike it’s fine I will see you guys in the next one

We’ll get back to the Shader option and get started with upgrading and doing some more research um and then we will be scouting out the northern expanse to see if we have enough space over there we’ll also be expanding a little bit more with more housing stuff get some

More buildings done in the eastern expans and then we will also start working uh removing the farm little by little just a little bit by little bit right and then start moving that stuff out there so chopping up some trees making a little bit of space and stuff

That so we can build a farm out there um and then we’ll see where we go from there I guess it’s going to be it’s going to be fun anyways have a nice evening see you in the next one bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Minecolonies – Level 2 mine’, was uploaded by Millitant: Let’s play on 2023-12-01 12:02:53. It has garnered 37 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:31 or 2791 seconds.

Now that we have the university upgraded to level 2, we can start the needed research to grow to an outpost, but we first need to research the library. We should also go check out the level 2 mine that we just got and lets not forget putting down the old forester.

–MOD list– jei-1.19.2-forge- preview_OptiFine_1.19.2_HD_U_I1_pre4 SimpleBackups-1.19.1-2.1.3 Xaeros_Minimap_22.17.0_Forge_1.19.1 SereneSeasons-1.19.2- CreativeCore_FORGE_v2.9.3_mc1.19.2 AmbientSounds_FORGE_v5.2.13_mc1.19.2 Jade-1.19.1-forge-8.6.3 ChunkAnimator-1.19.2-1.3.7 torohealth-1.19-forge-2 memoryleakfix-1.19.1-0.7.0-sources multipiston-1.19.2-1.2.21-ALPHA domum_ornamentum-1.19-1.0.59-ALPHA-universal blockui-1.19-0.0.64-ALPHA structurize-1.19.2-1.0.472-BETA minecolonies-1.19.2-1.0.1145-BETA

–seed– -2954934723631053141

Very large biomes

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  • EPIC Survival Adventure | Minecraft Series

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  • ZynnCraft Vanilla NON-P2W Factions

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  • ATM 9 – By Night Time Gaming

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  • Minecraft Memes – Mining Luck like a Boss

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  • Random World Woes: Minecraft’s Survival Show

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  • Pedro’s Minecraft Animation: The Hottest Meme Ever!

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  • Stylish End Exploration & Cyberpunk Shulker Trap! – Chill Survival – #18

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  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking to enhance your gaming experience? Look no further! Join the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server today. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind is the perfect place for players of all levels to come together and enjoy the game. Experience the thrill of survival mode, build epic structures, participate in thrilling PvP battles, or simply relax and socialize with fellow gamers. The possibilities are endless on Minewind. To join the fun, simply enter the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client and start your adventure… Read More

  • Villager Trades Gone Wild

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  • Can You Survive the Cartoon Basement Battle in Minecraft?

    Can You Survive the Cartoon Basement Battle in Minecraft?Video Information very unusual closed basements today let’s take a look at them subscribe to the channel if you want to save tvom baby I’m watching you hey guys I’m a zombie with you today let’s take a look at the new basements unusual closed we have here five characters good and bad we’ve got a racer here the man outside the window that’s SpongeBob next up Captain feed’s and box aboo well let’s get started support with a like And subscribe to my channel don’t forget well we’re off so the first character yeah let’s go from the very… Read More