Dad’s Strict Rules in Minecraft – Jamesy vs Crazy House Battle!

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Today we’re doing a wind strict dad pill challenge son why are you still awake it’s past 2:00 p.m. are you serious my bed time is 2: p.m. all right gra we better start this Build Challenge soon let’s go all right if we I can win this Build Challenge will you extend my

Bedtime to 10 p.m. if you can win this bill challenge I’ll let you stay up until midnight for one night oh my goodness guys I have to win this all right Dad we have to start building a statue of you with I extend my bedtime

Oh this will be easy I know exactly what I look like so uh this will be like a piece of cake all right guys it’s time for me to start building my weird strict dad I’m going to make him when he’s super angry which means I need to make

Another Yellow Block right up here for his legs but I am super scared cuz what if he doesn’t like it is he going to be really angry and Jamesy that girl on the other side she isn’t your girlfriend is she uh yeah so wait a minute you got

Cooties already you’re like 14 years old oh my goodness guys my dad’s going to kill me add that to the deal if I beat my girlfriend then I still get to date her I don’t know I’ll have to think about it oh my goodness why is my dad so

Strict so son have you been doing your homework recently uh yes why because your teacher told me that you’ve been scaring off school oh my goodness no does my dad know I never do my homework all right Dad we have finished your legs what do you think does this look good to

You I mean I never Skip Leg D these legs are a little big oh my goodness dad you’re so weird and there we go that’s your blue body all right I’m going to start working on my arms I mean I’m super buff I’ve got to build it myself

Um I don’t know if I agree with that dad watch this boom Oh My Gosh wait that that looks pretty good actually wait I want to see your hands wearing hands I wear my Mas gloves okay I’m going to put the gloves on Dad uh you

Know why I wear these gloves son no all it stops fingerprints from getting on the evidence anyways oh my goodness my dad’s a psychopath all right Dad we you finished your um your gloves that you used to beat your children oh yeah oh wait a second I forgot um since your

Teacher told me you don’t do your homework I need to hit you with this belt I mean it’s only normal it’s only normal no leave me alone come back here I’ll do your shirt creases I’ll do your shirt creases stop all right well if you’re doing my shirt creases I guess

You’re doing some kind of work so yeah exactly leave me alone oh my goodness guys I need to win this Build Challenge and then get rid of this weird strict dad he keeps attacking me you know what we Su down how about we have a look at

What the girl is building wait a minute spy on girls oh this sounds like some real quality father in suntime oh my goodness I wonder how James is doing with weird strict Dad hopefully he’s still alive all right let’s break through here and see what she’s do oh my

Goodness she’s building a really wide version of you wait a minute I’ve seen this guy somewhere before I usually put my red shirt on after 10 p.m. oh my goodness should we vandalize it to make it back to Blue yeah I want to look normal not like that okay let’s go

Invisible way I have a better idea how about we move into rabbit rabbit oh I always have these things in my house they’re little pasts yes and they are super cute so Gracie won’t do anything all right quickly let’s um let’s get some ladders and

Build some up base that way we can just climb straight in through your legs wait a second does that mean we’re building traps in these things oh yes these are these are house we’re building a house battle so we have the to build the best house ever oh my gosh if we’re building

A house we have to put a bedroom inside we have to put chores to do we have to build us beds we have to build a couch for me to watch TV I know we have to do all that but before we do that how about

We do a special Command right here to make her red world into blue world oh that’s much better let me take a look at this from the outside really quick careful careful she’s right there oh I think she saw me flying I like a rbit

Like a rabbit like a rabbit out like a rabbit rabbit rabbit wait that’s a that’s a frog rabbit wait a minute what what’s up with that face why do I look like that do I really look like that where are you Dad I’m coming to you

She’s chasing me oh quick come to me come to me come to me she’s on to you she’s on to you we need a kiss Dad we need a kiss like act like rabbits oh carrots carrots go for the carrots go for the carrots go to the carrots Dad we

Need to act like carrots let me all rabbits acting like carrots okay I can do that cars Carrs grab one the grab one get the carrots we’re not jumping we have to jump rabbit pretend to be rabbits she’s going to eat us like rabbit stew son you’re terrible at being

A rabbit I will eat you that rabbit St if you keep not being a rabbit don’t be wearing don’t be wearing uh we need to leave immediately before she catches on to us you know what son I’ve got a better idea here I go wait what are you

Doing you to give us away I have a rolling p no girl I’m ready to go go go go go go go go go go oh my goodness come inside come inside oh my goodness you think she knows it was us uh she definitely knows it was us Weir strik dad just ran

Through the wall I thought he was going to chase after me why did he turn into a rabbit and wait a second the other rabbit it must have been Jamesy oh they came to troll me you ready oh let me get rid of this ladder this is no good all

Right d we are now back to our side what should we do next let me look at you uh should we do your face oh yeah we have to do my beautiful face face I mean uh she that girl did my face really badly

Um this is looking good U we need to do the nose you have a really big nose dad a big nose look at me do you see a nose do you see a nose I don’t see a nose this is just your low poly version what

Are you talking about oh all right fine fine but only this once will I let you defame my face there we go it’s you Dad look how happy you look it’s not even symmetrical oh my god did you even learn anything in math class um I got D in

Math CL class what a d oh my goodness that looks so much better look how much better that looks oh my gosh this looks amazing oh that the smile you gave me it reminds me of the smile that I smile when I hit my kids with the rolling pin

What are you talking about okay that looks even better I made his eyes look realistic all right good all right we’ve done with the outside dad but now as you know this is a house battle a secure house battle so we need to turn this

Into a secure house oh this is easy my house is always super secure I always make sure that anyone who breaks in or anyone who’s up past 10 p.m. is beaten severely okay what should we do first we need do something on the ground floor on

The ground floor to the entrance to the house Dad well first we need an extremely and I say extremely secure entrance so what can we do all right son so first let me give you a lesson in strict dadness if you want people to not break into your house you need

CCTV camera wait are you placing security around your entire house don’t you think that’s a bit weird like you can spy people uh um well I do that all the time is that wrong oh my goodness as you can see now we’ve got CCTV I can see

Everywhere 360 around the base no girls no boys no nothing oh my goodness let’s have a look dad I can see you oh yeah look at me I told you my CCTV is the best I can see me too yeah and I can see that girl if she tries to break in okay

I’m sorry I’m sorry okay we’ve got the cameras done um how about next we build a perimeter fence all right guys I think I’ve completed my entrance but I still need to throw them off somehow what should I do wait a second what if I put

An exit side right at the iron door they’re going to go crazy and they’re probably going to think that this is the exit and they shouldn’t come through here oh this is a 1 million IQ play they’ll never understand all right Dad our house security is going really

Really well but how are we going to get in this whole thing is secure with electric fences maybe we should just leave it like that because after all if that girl gets inside my house I’ll have to do something to her no no no no no no

No no let’s um let’s put a way over what about carpets can we get over with carpets I think we can we can get over fences really easy with carpass as you can see does it work does it work oh yes it does okay we just put some caret but

How about we make it harder we won’t keep them on oh careful Dad okay I wasn’t ready for that I I wasn’t ready for that look we can we can do it over here I will put a coarse dirt block right here you see how that looks funny

Oh yeah I see how it looks funny why is it like this well that’s a chest look open it up and inside I put red carpet so we can when we want to come home we just take some carpets out of there we go over here we place on jump over and

Then get rid of the carpets so no one else going to follow us in I mean I understand that Jamesy but um you know this is kind of ruining my life lawn right now I need a nice looking lawn in my house okay fine fine fine fine fine

You know when we’ll see it if we put some Tall Grass there we go see well I guess that’s one alternative to having a bad Garden we’ll just make it better we just let the weeds grow out and then they no one knows to a bad Garden see oh

You’re learning a lot son you said you went to school right you must have learned a lot at school yes I did all my homework don’t worry all right but where should we put the door dad well we can’t have it on the front maybe we should

Make one fake entrance and one real entrance through the back door oh genius let’s put a fake door right here but we’ll make it super obvious as a fake door look look how obvious that is oh that’s perfect when that girl tries to break in we should have her fall into a

Pit of death pit of traps spares fans over here I’ll put some Emerald fans right here and then to seal the deal we’ll cover them up with ghost blocks like this so she walk in like where’s the house and boom and then over here we’ll put some lava I won’t even

Have to put my kids to sleep at 10: p.m. because they’ll be uh put to sleep by this lava this is for Intruder is not for our friends okay oh yeah we we’ll see about that jamy we’ll see about that now to make it to the next room I’m

Going to make it extra difficult you’re going to have to go up these ladders right over here but it’s going to lead you to another room like this with a a keypad door and know this time the password is not going to be my birthday

That’s way too easy I’m going to make it a lot harder all right Dad now that we finish this however we go back over to my girlfriend’s build and we prank her a little bit more cuz I really want to win uh maybe we should go over to your

Girlfriend’s build and uh break up with her because uh you’re not allow girlfriends at this day and age I am not breaking up with her guys leave a like on this video If you think my dad is weird uh actually subscribe if you think I’m not no whatever okay fine let’s go

Invisible where did you go oh there you are okay now to see us where did you go son here I miss you where are you where are you where’d you go Dad Dad stop calm down put on some boots so we see where each other are put on some boots oh

Boots oh wait a minute I forgot that boots existed let me this be less obvious the rabbits cuz she can’t see most of our body oh those look good all right follow me wait a minute wait a minute I want yellow boots I want yellow boots y these are way better this is

More me uh you just copied me but you put some yellow on there um it’s way better I think anyways what is this girlfriend of yours building well let’s break in his butt oh my goodness what is that I don’t want to see that that’s super Smoky come up here over here up

Here oh my goodness she’s put mutant fan girls in here Dad mutant fan girls mutant fan girls oh no I have way too many fan girls I need to keep them on my these are my these girls obsessed with me she keeps trying to kiss me I mean

She’s kind of obsessed with me D she’s always trying to break into my house oh no she’s not you liar you know what I’m going to get rid of them with mob killer sticks this will kill all of them oh that benefits us both at least we don’t

Have any fan girls anymore yeah and how about instead we fill this room with something different like oh I’ve got an idea I’m going to put down an NPC watch this and there we go Dad I put in Sophie my other girl who’s a friend uh who is

This Sophie girl uh no one don’t worry I mean my wife left me ages ago for being uh weird I don’t think she would though oh yeah now we replac crazy F girl smoo of mobs with just a Sophie model and look she doesn’t even do anything she

Just sits there and chills all right perfect Jamesy I I got you a quick question really quickly uh is is Sophie single I mean my wife left me ages ago dad she’s a little kid you can’t oh you know what I’m never going to answer that look oh there’s an entrance over here

Okay how about we go upstairs and we see what Gracie’s doing up here we can keep pranking her okay I’m coming what is this room she’s building some sort of careful she’s right there don’t let her see you oh no did she just see us she’s looking she’s looking did she look did

She just see us uh I don’t think she did I don’t think she did be just be right to move okay okay okay we’ll get some signs out and we’re going to leave some signs okay we’re going to say Jamesy is best okay Jamesy is best a she’s right

There care careful careful careful careful careful careful care did she see you dad I don’t think she did she walked right past me okay I put some more signs like um Jamesy bedtime is 10 p.m. from now on yes careful don’t let her see you don’t let her see you oh they’re not

Going to be able to get into my building if they keep messing it up get away from here guys I think she’s breaking our sign I think she knows we’re here D I think she knows we’re here should we leave should we leave uh I don’t know I

Don’t know I really want to put a good sign down maybe we should put a clock down to tell her what a bed time is no no we did not tell her what her bed she doesn’t live with you d you can’t tell her what her bedtime is um if I’m in her

House and she’s in my house then it’s definitely my house and I can tell her when bedtime is that’s not how it works anyway now we’re back home I think we should do the next floor of our house dad what should be the next floor of our

House how about we build a gaming room I mean my kids are always asking me for a gaming room but uh I don’t know I’ve seen what people do on fortnite no we’re doing a gaming room I don’t care what you say look let’s get some desks okay

We’re going to put some desks over here like this boom boom boom and these are going to be our gaming desks gaming desks they better be playing my game on Roblox uh yeah they can play your game I guess I don’t care okay look we can do

This put this in my I mean just looking at this room this could easily be my CCTV station I should have got a gaming room ages you can use your gaming PC as a CCTV station I don’t care all right there’s no way that girl’s getting in

And I’ve got a really good idea how about we take this area of the build right here and we change it to stain glass and that way I can see everything outside dad that’s really weird are you sure you want to do that I see you and I

Swear if you’re not back home before 2: p.m. I Will Wait kneecaps how’d you get there how about instead Dad we do one way glass you know why that’s better I don’t know son why is it better because then you can see them but they can’t see you which means

You can creep on them and they won’t even know uh I don’t know about you son but I don’t know if this technolog is working all I can see is just green wait it’s not working for you uh I think I’m too old for this wait let me fix it I

Think I know how to fix it Dad all right what we now need to do is add a layer right here and can you see through the wway glass wait a second this is just like the glasses are wearing I put glass over my uh you know not able to see

Vision and I Can See Vision through the vision yeah and then go through the other side have a look through this side look look they can’t see you oh that is kind of smart jamy where did you learn this where did you learn this oh just from build class don’t worry about it

Build class maybe I need to get into build classes yeah no I don’t think so anyway what I’m going to do next is I’m going to get a door but not any normal door I’m going to find where is it where is where is it a keypad door and I’m

Going to slap that right there like that uh so what is this keypad door exactly going to do it’s it’s just a door they need a password to get in and the password is going to be um 9876 okay 9876 but we can hide the password in our

Gaming PCs so what I’m going to do is I’m going to get another secret chest and I’m going to do this I’m going to go Boop and then I’m going to get this over here and I’m going to place it right there and there we go so as you can see

This desk of here is a little bit different cuz the PC is in the middle which means the PC is actually a chest I didn’t know all of these secret things existed maybe I should put some of these things around my house because there’s no way my kids could ever get back and

Pretend they’re asleep if I put a Pasco door on the wall that this is your new house this you can put all the security that you’ve ever wanted in this house you’re giving me the chance to put everything I want around here yeah me Grace both building your houses you have

To pick your favorite one I’m doing it right now I’m putting all these oh my goodness are you serious okay well anyway we’ve got the code in there which no one will ever find and that is the code to keep going up the house like this is almost like

The out’s only area or something okay and in this next part of my house well I want to have an indoor swimming pool that’s what all rich people have and even though I’m not like super rich I still you know I could dream which is why I’ve now created an indoor water

Pool of my own and I’m going to put some ladders right up here so I can even climb in and I know a diving board that would be so cute I’m going to make Jamesy and we strik dad now go against each other in the last room they were

Working together as a team but in this one they’re going to compete I’m going to be raiding their cannonballs to see who can jump the best into the water and not to mention I’m also going to be raing their singing and musical talents I’ll give them some drums some guitars

Even the bit machine all right Dad and now you can see all these subers you can watch the TVs any of the TVs you want to watch okay this is definitely where I’m going to be watching my CCTV and that girl if she gets in here I swear I will do some

Mean things I’m still facing court cases for murder stop be so mean oh my goodness guys my dad is crazy all right how about we build a secret way up to the next floor dad this means that no one can get to the next floor especially kids okay yeah especially kids and girls

And girls okay we’re going to get secret clamber do you know what secret clamber is uh a clamber what is a clamber it’s a secret gladder and then we can put this in right here we do a place air there we go Dad that’s the TV floor done all

Right what should we do next in the Next Room let me see here we got a lot of space up here we can do lots of cool things Jamesy you know one thing I hate more than people inside of my house what is it Dad I hate seeing people moving

Inside my house so how about we build a little game of red light green light light green light from Sid games wa that’s kind of a smart idea so they’re going to come up this ladder right here we put this wall right here like this

And then they have to go this way and if they don’t get over this yellow line and they’re moving they’re eliminated yep and I’ll be standing here keep in watch like I always do but we have a leather with a beacon so that everyone knows what color we’re on all right then let’s

Do it do it do it do it okay so over here it has to be outside so that the beacon can shine you know shine through and then we’ll get some diamond right here it has to be have a it has to be on nine diamond blocks like this all right

And I’m assuming we put green on top if we want it to be green right yeah yeah so look I’ve done that so there we go so we’ll get a piston right here and then we put in some Pistons like this um uh boy what are you doing this is too techy

For me no it’s not techy all right and then all you’re got to do is put some levers right here like one right there and one like there and beautiful okay so then come back in dad come back in what are you doing come back in uh I’m very

Confused don’t be confused don’t be confused we’re going to get some glass right here boom boom boom all right now everyone can see what color the light is right look you can do this down what color is the light uh uh uh red I green

All right and then when you want them to stop moving you turn it to Red Light all right but what if I want to change it back to green light well then you press the green light one wait I’m going to change these out to buttons I think

They’ be better like this okay so it’s red light and now it’s red light and then it’s green light and then it’s red light and then it’s green light maybe we should put some sounds on top saying which because I’m a little confused oh my goodness what is wrong with you green

So wait this one this one is green light this one is green light and this one is red light so when they’re running over here you press the color look let’s do a real practice round okay let’s do a practice round all right I’m going to

Stand over here all right so it’s red light which means I’m not allowed to move so I’m not moving moving you see me and then turn turn it to green light turn green light green light I’m want to a red light oh you were barely there you

Barely made it over the line wait ah you didn’t make it fully over the line no that means I can kill you now please stop please please boy here come here I’m only joking I wouldn’t do that to my own sonm this took way too I was I could run

Here in like 4 seconds which is not good we need to make this like into a little maze so that they take longer okay all right sounds good and we should put some traps around the maze too oh definitely Soul Sand to make it slower like this

But uh while you’re doing this I’m going to quickly go take um a little break okay a toil it break okay boy H and how about I make their scary D look a little even cuter I mean if they wanted to make it look so cute then why don’t we just

Go full stand look I’ll give her some blush you know maybe I’ll even give her some Luscious Hair this isn’t going to be weird stct Dad this is weird stct mom now um hopefully they don’t see me I forgot I’m tiny don’t look up here I’m really small they shouldn’t be able to

See me right oh no chy doesn’t look that happy but I still need to continue my mission come on let’s add the hair C look like hide before they come up here and then added the hair on the side that was so close guys we Dad was

Right next to me but I don’t think they’ll be able to find me because of I’m so small okay let me just come down here the security cameras can’t even catch me because of how small I am but James he’s got a bom killer stick that stink instantly kills anybody that it

Touches oh no he’s on the look for me he’s on the look for me I need to over here here Here okay guys I think I I’m safe I think I’m safe they’re over there but they’re leaving oh my gosh I’ve never been so scared in my life oh let’s go back to normal now I’d say that TR was a pretty big success but they did almost kill me that

Was way too close all right it’s just up here we need to fix the pink wool okay replace near 20 pink wool with blue wo oh it needs to be light blue wait where did you learn that where did you learn that trick I told you I’d go to build School

Remember oh maybe I need to start coming with you all right let’s fix your face as well you’ve got some Lockes hair and we both know you’re bald right Dad uh yeah I’ve been bald since both all right I fixed that all right and then the L is

Over here been fixed okay I think we’re good to go all righty perfect maybe we should start working on that next floor or should we start put in traps no yeah we need to get some Soul Sand okay put some soul sand on here we don’t make

This nice and slow low so that no one can complete it too quickly okay uh why don’t we just do this I learned a little trick from you by watching you okay do it then what are you waiting for boom oh my goodness do a bit more don’t like it

I can do it again boom more okay bit more bit more bit more s sand more s sand let me let me let me just quickly uh higher percentage this uh boom do that boom okay there we go perfect this will slow them way down yep there there’s no way they’re getting through

My house oh there we go all right Dad this red light green light is probably way better now no one’s ever going to do it you totally going to win yep I just know it all right let’s go to the next floor and I bet you guys are all so

Curious wondering what is going to be these rooms well you’re going to have to wait to find out the only thing I’m going to tell you is that these three mobs are going to be inside these three rooms but I’m not going to tell you

Which Bob is going in which one room is going to be super duper easy with only slimes meanwhile the other one’s going to have a mutant zombie and the last one’s going to have the super strong mob boss oh my goodness it’s even play Boss music anyway trust me guys you don’t

Want to get into the room with this ignis guy after they defeat the monster inside the room that they choose based off what they chose in the games they’re going to have to find a way out of this room which is going to be through the secret clamber over here this is

Basically a secret ladder that looks exactly like a normal block see let me show you you can walk into it and then you press space and you can go straight up into the next room what are we going to build in here well in here how about

We do the entrance to the next room we can build in some way better but we could do a backwards parkour like they have to parkour downwards a backwards parkour how would that work would we like pour lava from the ceiling they just yeah they have no they have to park

Go downwards and we’ll put some lava at the bottom so if they mess up a jump they fall into lava uh okay that sounds good enough for me like we get some iron fences as well we’ll put them around to make it tricky chy icky the only problem

Is that you can’t jump down here and skip it so we need to add something to stop them like lasers maybe we should just add a pillar in the middle so they have to go around it uh yeah but we also do lasers as well oh yeah I’ll get some damage upgrades

Like this watch this watch this son watch this I’m going to set the middle here to Glass so that the lasers go through it and they have to go around the side wait the lasers go through glass that’s crazy oh yeah all right Dad I’ve got the lasers upgraded look how

Cool they look oh my goodness I swear you’ve learned a lot from me being your dad you’ve learned how to trap your houses how to chase girls how to spy on girls I’m not spying on girls dad that’s super weird and no we’re not going this

Way it’s too dangerous and then once we down here and then we need to set the flooor to Lava there we go let’s just double check this is looking amazing but Dad I think it’s time that we go get revenge on my girlfriend and prank her again oh yeah I

Love this part let’s go um how about I morph into you and I’ll be weird strict mom uh weird strict mom do you even know how your mom used to act she was crazy me I will it’s okay I’ll pretend to be here all right there we go I am a weir

Strict Mom all right well I hope you’re good enough uh listen I’ve got something you can take uh okay is that like a wig can I put a wind wig wait wait does this work yeah this could do oh look at this one or try the other hairsty I just gave

You okay got this one or oh I don’t know I really think I like the wig one to be honest all right the wig one we’ll take it I mean accurate how about I put a dress on that will help right I put on a

Girl dress yeah yeah do that do that uh no wa is a skirt skirt yes pink skirt there we go a yeah this is looking perfect Jamesy you look just like your mother give me a kiss no get away from me get away from me get away from me get

Away from me I do not get too close all right fine oh Gracy Gracie get out here right now or I will ground you you’re going to be grounded what wait wait who’s that I’m coming down is that my mom and dad guys oh my gosh wait oh no what are you doing

Here weird St dad and weird I heard you’re dating our son Jamesy uh yeah why that’s forbidden in this household he’s not to see a girl let alone date one until he’s 45 years old yeah he’s not fully formed yet yeah his brain doesn’t stop developing until he’s 60 um but so

What are you guys trying to say I you can’t make me break up with him that’s not allowed there’s one way we can settle this okay what is it I’ll do anything stand still um uh why I said stand still okay I’m standing still what’s this about stand this platform in

The middle please there we go what are you guys doing wait are you guys putting a cage around me you can’t do that hey guys stand still way you’ll be grounded stand still you’ll be grounded you can’t ground me you’re not my mom and dad well actually we might as well be you’ve

Talked to my son and therefore you’re basically my daughter-in-law because I’m a weird strick mom exactly but we’re not married okay try and break through this cage um okay wait wait who would be to survival mode why can’t I go back no guys I can’t break this stop it it’s not

Funny good job where M let’s go back to Jamesy side goodbye let’s do that guys the only way out is down I have to break these iron blocks but is it even possible oh I’m going to be here for hours what a waste of time what a loser oh my goodness we’re

Going to totally win Dad yeah okay I’m I’m ready I’m going to keep building all right stay there boy I’ve got something to check up hey what are you doing Dad don’t be weird she escaped come over here wait oh no are they here oh my

Goodness maybe I can hide in this hole they won’t realize I’m still out here where are you where are you you better not be out you better not be out oh no what do I do guys I’m stuck down here dad come back we have to finish off our

Base we have to finish off our base give me a second Jamesy I see a tunnel it’s her are you trying to escape huh you’re trying to escape get away stop what you doing you doing take her in landfill landfill yeah landfill you better stay

Under there or else if I come back and you’re out of here I will kill you okay I’m going to reinforce dir this place up Dad wait wait wait wait guys guys I I promise I’ll stay down here can I just have creative mode please Gracie I’m

Sorry but I need my bedtime to be extended to midnight I can’t be going to bed at 300 p.m. anymore are you serious chamy you’re a traitor he also said I had to break out with you unless I beat you oh if you lose I’m going to break up

With you anyway oh my goodness oh Dad we have to finish off our finishing touches we have a few minutes left until the end of the Build Challenge what should we do what should we do what should we do what should we do maybe we should add one

More trap in my head oh my goodness but your head already has some villagers in there um it may be big but it can be bigger you want to extend your head upwards oh yeah I want to show just how big my brain is okay I I guess we could

Watch this boy watch this that’s too big dad that’s too big oh my goodness look at his head okay you know what to make it look realistic we’re going to have to add some um like some your head creases you know yeah you got to add brain wrinkles

Because my brain is wrinkly there we go I’m adding some brain wrinkles and I’m adding some brain wrinkles dad as you said that is pretty good you’re a real natural AB building Jamesy maybe you should build my next house oh this is your house okay there we go we’re done

All right Dad I’ve got the idea so when they come down here they have to go through here with the fan and then up here on the Fan’s l the the the the head M you see we put a door right here uh that’s a door into the Villager uh how

About you add a staircase going up there right up into uh where is the start of this head it’s right here right d we’re in the last room this has to be the most secure one what should we do well I know one thing that nobody

Knows uh that is I know many things about myself so maybe we should build a question room that way Gracie will die oh my goodness that’s a genius idea okay each floor is its own question she’s to go up either some fans over here or some

Fans over here based on our choice but one of them will lead to certain death look we can get some perfect we can get some Redstone right here and I’ll add in a lasers and some lasers over here boom and boom okay and then we need to do the

Question dad what should the question be you know yourself best what’s the first question all right let me put down a sign and I’ll show you all right Jamesy I’m going to ask how many different forms do I have oh my goodness you’re in your blue form right now so you’re not

Too too weird right uh well I’m still weird even if I’m like this okay what are the two answers what the two options dad well I have two forms my weird form and my normal form or three forms which one’s right which one’s right which one’s right well how

About you guess and I’ll tell you if you’re correct uh I’m going to go with free forms yeah you’re right and you want to know what those forms are yeah no actually I don’t okay in the um the wrong answer I’m going to upgrade the lasers to be damage level five do you

Know what that means Dad I think I do it’s going to kill that girl so quickly yeah look all guys I’m going to test out if she gets it wrong look what happens dead oh my goodness dead yeah you just die you can stop putting cows through there now because

We’re going to put your girlfriend through soon no no we’re not going to put my girlfriend through here we’re not going to do it and what we’re going to do now dad is I’m going to copy this right here and then I’m going to spin it

Around and I’m going to paste it right here wait you can do that this is kind of Hightech yeah Hightech stuff so now we’ve got to copy which means we can do the next bit even faster so we’ve got these ones over here these are still the

Wrong ones and then we can ask the next question question okay change these signs out and yeah all right I’ll start on the next sign right now what’s the next question dad I’m going to ask what is my favorite TV show I’m going to put the answers as Roblox TV yes Roblox TV

And my son’s YouTube channel oh my goodness please it’s going to be my YouTube channel right guys y please comment down below if you think it’s my YouTube Channel please please please don’t forget to subscribe all right Dad I’m going to say this is the right answer right yeah that’s exactly the

Right answer why would I be watching Roblox TV that stuff’s terrible nowadays yes oh right I’m going to switch the wrong answer cuz at the moment this is the wrong one so we’re putting the the damage upgrades over here okay all right now we only need one more question one

More question all right I’m going to rotate it 180° and I’m going to put it over here I think this is where it needs to go right yes all right so my next question is what time is sleepy time and I know you know this answer Jamesy uh oh no that we

Have to speed up we have 1 minute remaining is it 2: p.m. 2 p.m. 2 p.m. it’s 2: p.m. oh my goodness guys he he’s such a strict dad he makes me go to bed at 2:00 p.m. straight after school can you believe it oh I need to get my

Bedtime to 10: p.m. that’s when all the big kids go to bed all right so the wrong answer is this one so need to once again switch out these over here and put the wrong answer on the right side instead yep and if they can get all the

Way to the end of this build I guess I’ll have to give them some of my riches yeah this is all the emeralds up here this is the the house this is the Vault of the house okay yep and uh I swear if that girl gets up here and takes all my

Money I will leave I will run away I will go get some milk I could even put some Prismatic blocks and how about instead of using the diamond blocks we use purifi diamonds purified what now wa they’re so shiny yeah it’s just this is like nine diamond blocks combined into

One that’s kind of crazy all right let’s go quickly because the time’s run out go go go who and I’m also going to get myself some totems like this and boom perfect okay this should be enough to defend my base I hope so

Ho oh oh no oh no get out of here stop building right now or you’re grounded wait a second how did you escape the prison how did you escape the landfill why does it look like a poop uh you did this no I’m still in there look look

Look see um um I can literally see you digging yourself into a hole you’re just digging yourself deeper into this hole oh my good she’s trying to F statue what whatever come outside right now both of you okay okay as you guys know whoever wins this gets a increase to

Their bedtime okay yeah and I also get to break up with you you traitor shut up traitor all right we’re going to go into her base first W start dad and then you have to decide which base you think is best for you okay all right well my

House burned down in a Crazy Fire last week so I do need a new one yeah and it has to be secure and really cool okay all right let’s enter graci’s house and let’s pretend that we’ve never been there before okay so that we can see how

It’s like for robbers you guys have been there before girl show around your we’re just pretending to be thiefs we need to see how good it is all right where’s the entrance wait um no no no door was open oh my gosh anyway dad um let’s knock off

Some points cuz her door was left open oh guys I made such a brutal mistake I can’t believe I left the door open goodness Let Let Me In well luckily for me I have another security of measure and it’s that iron door right there and you guys will be getting through that

Without a key uh we need the key dad you know what the keys are I think she used the exact same method we did loser loser loser we will open the door yes sir well done dad I’m telling you Jamesy this is why you should have broken up with her girls don’t know

Nothing exactly will the weird strict dad protects Jamesy what does that mean from this girl hey she would be a pretty good wife kiss her protect me dad protect me protect me dad uh I don’t know about that I think I’d rather watch TV 3 two as dad there’s

Codes in the walls dad there codes in the walls we have to try the codes we have to try the codes all right I’ll run these I’ll run these guys around try in the codes on the wall 63 42 63 42 hurry up she’s killing me maybe those codes are distractions I

Mean how could there possibly be so many codes I don’t know I’m just going to try all of them 3 four 2 five please help me oh why should I help you weird streck dad you tried to ground me what’s the code gra I’ve tried all of them and none

Of them worked none of them worked none of them worked none them worked wait you just want to inside this wall My Favorite Day in the year favorite day of the year you it’s a Christmas it’s a Christmas Jam hurry up for there girl in

Your house again what is it then CRA oh why would I tell you oh my goodness I figured it out I figured it out it’s her birthday the night of October oh my goodness oh you totally cheated to find that James I should have never walked near here Dad I’ve got your

Stuff Dad I’ve got your stuff do not bring them ow you just Lo them on me you idiot give me my stuff me my stuff it’s on the floor it’s on the floor it’s on the floor it’s on the floor it’s on the floor gave me pains it’s no I give you

Everything you needed ow ow ow ow it’s on the floor it’s on the floor Tri Dad it’s over here oh my goodness all right where’s my sword where’s my sword oh oh swords there you go swords are on the floor over there oh my gosh you guys are

A terrible te wait where did they go what are you doing bro you’re such a weird strict Dad can’t believe this and who put soie here oh my goodness it’s not even her I put her there oh my gosh well you know you guys were supposed to

Protect each other from the crazy fan girls but looks like your dad’s a terrible father and he couldn’t even protect you I said it was a good father gra excuse me I’ve been a great father to this boy all right open up the door open up the door uh do you really think

I’m just going to open the door for you you need a password 7 901 I can see it through the door wait I thought you’d get distracted by the signs down there you got totally twisted uh totally Twisted you’re totally Twisted well your dad will make it through say oh Jamesy

Uh can you uh let me through by any chance I don’t know what the password is do you know what the password is Dad Dad it’s one of the codes downstairs try all of them oh my goodness I do this all again go you don’t remember it Jamesy

You’re being a naughty boy right now you’re going to get in trouble you know that um what’s he going to do s my bedtime to 11:00 a.m. Gracie is he going to set my bedtime to pass when I wake up so he literally said he’s going to kill

You if you don’t tell him the P he can’t kill me work I’m going to kill you jamy just move out the way do you actually want to get killed oh my goodness we it’s a password it’s a password you got helmet buddy see look don’t fight your

Little bro you only survived because I didn’t ground you okay Dad next time put your helmet on dummy all right guys well now you guys both have to choose a door to go through and I’m going to test you on your teamwork oh my goodness why is

My room so pink welcome to my living room wi dad what are you doing over here oh do you want to die okay think I’ve had enough I think I’ve had enough I think I’ve had enough no no no no no no no get over here you are going to die

You guys have two different rooms yep they look almost exactly identical but there are seven key differences in the room and you guys have to figure out what’s different about each other’s room but you can’t see each other’s room so good luck okay remember when your mom

Left and we were looking for the seven key differences in other women show me show me what you learn I I can see it on the wall I can see in the wall all right Dad all right if you guys want to cheat like that then it’s over dad is are do

You have two big chests uh I do have two big are they trapped chest uh they are not trapped chest oh that’s the first that’s the first chest since M are trapped chest are you guys found one different so far six more to go all right Dad next do you have a toilet

Right in the middle of your living room not in the middle no well there you go guys that’s your second difference okay do you have um free plant pots next to the chests uh three let me see here I have 1 2 3 4 five six plant pots next

Six wait he has an extra one cuz I only have five oh but there’s your third difference you guys are speeding through this all right do you have a wilting uh weird plant on a desk uh right next to the wall where I am wait it’s not next

To the wall but it is on the purple desk on the very end all right yeah I think you I think that’s not a difference okay okay um do does your sofa have a a random purple end to it uh no my sofa is all natural okay okay is your sofa like Off

The Wall there’s like a one block Gap uh yes there is a gap between the sofa and the W difference is your carpet six wool yep six white wool but where is your carpet in the room it’s right next to the sofa mine is right next to the door

Oh my another difference that’s all of them that’s all of them nope you guys are still missing some differences I know exactly which one you’re missing all right do you have a sink dad I do have a sink but where is your sink in your right next to the door yep that’s

Another difference but guys you still have one more difference and I can’t believe none of you guys have noticed this yet um wait I know what the difference is I know what the difference is I’m in this room and James he’s in the other room I’m looking around the

Corner I can’t see any differences um that would have been smort Stak dad but that’s not it okay maybe has something to do with the table guys uh I can’t see the table from when I’m cheating yeah well maybe you shouldn’t be cheating you dumb boy all right Jamesy show me show

Me what’s your table what’s your table made out of my table let me just m my table it’s made of uh uh I don’t know what it’s called it’s a purple Netherwood strip mine’s made out of stripped Crimson Hy wait sorry guys but that’s not the difference okay okay oh

But is yours are the end pieces uh like lead down in the middle one’s upwards uh no all of mine are just sideways wait that’s a different thing Gracie mine is too the out look okay it’s kind of a difference but the real truth was that

Your table was longer than his and his was only three blocks why did you say that Dad I just thought your table was the same length Okay where do we go now are the ladder okay you guys have done pretty well as a team but let’s see now

It’s time to turn you guys against each other let’s go to round one first who can show me the best jump into the water show me your best Cannonball dad why you not coming up the ladder you’re hitting me with that ice sword and it makes me

Sink enough guys stop fing around okay what’s this say one one St round what does one SD round mean Gracie first round Jamesy use your brain who can do the best job in oh we’re doing a diamond competition a diving competition oh you’re going to lose you’re going to

Lose why dad get some science here what does that mean that’s for later Jamesy maybe stop being a fidgety brat like the boy you are and do what you’re mature child all right watch this Dad this is going to be the best dive you’ve ever seen when all right I call this the

Press up dive uh oh interesting so a belly flop you just did a belly flop you ready my dive yeah I call this the graceful Swan you didn’t even jump off the diving board wait that was actually really good I don’t even need the diving

Board for that one I call this your dad left you to get the milk dive I I will I will do that if you’re not careful uh Jam you you should be careful with what you’re saying around your dad uh he’s weird I don’t care this

Is called too much time watching my kid play fortnite Dive oh oh my goodness okay this I call this the Yoda do excuse me um that’s a pretty good Cannonball actually listen for this one I’ve got two different variations okay oh this is going to be the last di all

Right so let’s see what you’ve got weird St dad so I’ve got both this one this one I like to call the S dive what among character oh my gosh that should be ilal this and this one I like to call using my head oh my gosh his head dad are you

Okay oh yeah I’m fine I do that all time I win GG no I think the clear winner is obviously your dad so he’s one the first round your Dives were boring not like maybe girls aren’t as bad as I thought Maybe This Boy Deserves to go and get

Grounded exactly Anyway come on down guys it’s time for the second round who has the best musical Talent come into this chest here and choose an item or instrument that you want to play okay I’m going to win this all right I’m ready I’m ready to rock and roll it’s

Time for Jamesy to do his performance go on Jamesy all right let’s see what you’ve learned over your many years of being alive all right Gracie this song’s dedicated to you okay uh okay sure all I want for Christmas is you okay what is this okay that was really

Nice your turn Dad yeah dad turn all right all right all right ready ready ready jingle bells jingle bells jingle go oh this is terrible crazy mine was way better mine was way better bye uh okay yeah Jamesy that was all very questionable and to be honest I

Don’t even know who won that one so I’m just going to say you won that one cuz that second one was a what are these signs spelling be okay Dad it’s enough all right now it’s time for the third round and you guys both won one round so

It’s all up to the third round to decide and Jamesy I think you’re done for it cuz this is going to be a spelling bee well all um the best be there is I’m going to make so much honey Gracie I don’t think that’s what a spelling bee is but

All right all right what’s the first word all right the first word that you guys are going to spell is multiple multiple okay oh I have multiple kids that are multiply beat I could get this right multiple times in a row Gracie okay mul Jas you spelled it wrong you wrote

Multiple no I can fix it I can fix it Flor that’s correct the goes first before the team but J somehow messed that up I got it right I got it right I got it right I got I got multiple multiple he changed it he changed it uh

Sorry changed but looks like dad’s in the lead you guys have two more words so hopefully you can around you know what they call me the father of spelling oh fine I put it back multiple okay okay next one guys is receive this one’s going to be hard it’s

A bit of a tongue twist all right all right I put mine oh Jamesy that’s right wrong what you mean that’s wrong what’s right oh strict dad that’s also wrong you wrote Reed I said receive what I thought you said what my headline was doing wait wait wait I before E except

After C no it’s it’s supposed to be r e c e i v e I did it I did it right I it right you changed it you cheater you’re cheater i before e except after C okay gotcha what is he saying never learned that I just

It’s saying I learn at school that the I goes always before the E unless it’s after C receive well I’ll give you guys one more word to spell if you spell this one wrong Jamesy and the dad spells it right then your dad automatically wins however if he spells it wrong then you

Get another chance okay I’ll actually try this time sure like you weren’t trying before all right Jamesy spell intentional are you kidding okay no problem I’m going intentionally get this I intentionally beat my children with the Bel and Attention attentional inent in I got oh my goodness no way okay you guys both got that right almost almost got that wrong I was so close to doing inen even though you got that right Weir stre dad still got it correct as well which means you

Lose are you kidding me I this one for D hell yeah yeah and well we dad that means you get a bit of a prize so here you can have this splash potion of strength try not to use it on Jamesy all right thank you very much well you guys

Still have to get out of here so where do you think your best course of action is not the pool all right F let me see I can’t believe it I know where to go it’s so obvious I saw this block ages ago but gron told me to stop meddling so I

Stopped meddling wait a second oh my goodness found it Yep this goes up to his and now this is my game room on my house so now you guys have to decide which game you like the most and depending on what game you choose you’ll go into a

Corresponding room Zelda I want to play Zelda all right CH it’s very analytical of course the dad is old fashion like that all right Jamesy you’re going into room number two and with your dad you’re going into room number one over here this is going to be easy I’m too

Analytical wait this is room three yeah it’s over here well that doesn’t make sense Gracie all right I’m going a hold that so can hit you well you guys won’t have to worry about hitting each other because soon enough Jamesy you pick number two which has a mutant zombie and

You picked room number one which only has a slime weird streak dad so you’re fine oh that’s kind of easy I just need to hit them once in the you got pretty lucky with that one uh Jamesy you might want to turn around where your dad where your dad

Where’s your dad I’m sorry Jamesy I had to freeze you you froze me in place like an icicle uh you’re not hitting me get away from me jamy turn around behind do you huz I don’t care about the zombie I care about my dad being annoying are you

Serious he’s getting back up he’s TR getting back up oh no oh no Jamesy jamy you’re done for jamy I’m fine don’t worry about me don’t worry about me well come on guys you have to find the way to the next room now this corner

Looks sus cool look sus you found it so JY how are you so good at this you’ve got a really analytical eye I know at least I can see a blind dad well I mean every dad is incomplete without doing homework with your son at the dinner

Table while you know try to struggle and do a m problem you said you did your homework before now it’s time for you to show me that you can do ity I haven’t done one piece of homework ever are you serious JY you’re such a bad boy you’re

Going to get Fs this one’s easy I just have to think about it in the terms of steak if I had one steak over here with one steak in it you don’t need to use your steak I’ve got something else here for you you can use this to help you

Okay okay so basically if we imagine the multiple of was like a bag of goodies okay so if I had one so the first number is the amount of chests I have which is one and the second number is how many pieces of concrete I have in the chest

And then the answer is how many total pieces of concrete I have so I have one chest with one concrete then that means I only have one concrete exactly good son did you know that one con okay the next one is if I had 10 and nine so now

This is like if I had two give me a do chest crazy can you be respectful now if I had two chests one with 10 Concrete in there like this then one with nine Concrete in there like this and then if I take the two and put them together I

Have 19 concrete what no the answer is 21 what uh yeah Jamesy you should know by now 9 + 10 is 21 I didn’t know that okay well I can do it better look if I have a chest with 32 in there and then I

Take out five that leaves me with 27 you got to hurry up with these Math’s questions I think someone’s banging on my window to get my attention 27 27 well Jamesy you actually learned pretty well I thought you weren’t doing your homework but it seems like you don’t

Even need it anyway you’re smart enough storage what’s in here that’s kind of crazy I knew I taught you well that’s the storage room guys I don’t think you want to be in there come out over here guys you’re supposed to come through this iron door right here wait a second

We need a laser this a laser goes in here Dad I got this son you see that laser over there watch this wait a second you’re not doing what I think you’re doing are you oh that’s the wrong way are you stupid your dad is terrible

This look that there we go there we go wait a second guys the laser doesn’t seem to be long enough we need an upgrade we need an upgrade yeah but where are you going to find that I in the storage room guys no no don’t you come please I have my secret hidden

Inside my room I have a secret diary can’t go to my room stop it’s not going to be in here go D there must be something good in here there must be something good in here well you guys are going to be looking for ages you’ll

Never find it Dam have you found the upgrade yet founded oh no found the upgrade go go go put it in the laser Power Ranger I can’t find it over here Dad through the door no way guys they actually got the UPG now open the door

Yes the door is open come on this sucks guys I don’t want you in my room D be careful that hurts that hurts that hurts of painful don’t go on those oh my goodness okay let’s go this parkour dad you guys are so close this isn’t good J

This parkour is a little a little thin don’t you think it’s a little thingin reminds me of my mom just like you when you were younger and I didn’t feed you oh my goodness you didn’t feed me for 6 years Gracie that’s terrible Jamesy you actually have the worst ever yeah he’s

Weird and he’s strict as well Jamesy I cheated with the mirror on that I know I saw that I appreciate that very much I’m not I’m no good at didn’t even see it so I mean if you get don’t get caught it doesn’t matter right my good oh my

Goodness well one thing that kind of confuses me is Gracie why did you build my eyes facing outwards final how it’s supposed to look like this is a really bad okay guys well you guys made it through most of my challenges but I’m going to be the last

Challenge I’m going to protect my secret with all that it takes come on I’m going to kill you kill kill her kill her kill her kill her kill her ow ow ow she’s hurting me she’s hurting me she’s hurting me thank you D we have strength

Potions to win her to secret guys to get away from me get away from me yes we did Death I died once that was really easy son I guess we get along just fine yes you guys managed to beat me I guess the Final Duel wasn’t much but oh you can

Come into my room just don’t find my secret diary okay I already found the diary I already know under her bed her bed I found it I found it her diary have yesterday gave read it Stevie who was Stevie what what does it say I I didn’t

Say anything anything who is Stevie um Stevie’s uh maybe go to the next page oh my goodness I need to break over this girl let’s go who is Stevie Jamesy is she cheating on you oh my goodness it’s my cat oh your cat oh okay I forgot I

Had a cat Called Stevie second didn’t I tell you you’re not allowed to have pets in my house um no well Gracie you are now at me and my dad’s house what do you think take a look at it I hope you like it it’s way

Better I built it don’t like it at all why is the head so why you got such a big forehead what’s wrong with you um I have a big bra seing carine I know your brain ain’t that big oh what is this are just fences I can go what what what was

That that was an electric fence gra and why is there a house all the way over here that’s weird that was me testing that’s that that was my old house there’s nothing there’s literally there’s literally nothing there you can go in there but wasting your time nuclear testing I was doing a nuclear

Test with a TNT are okay fine whatever I guess this one’s clear but it’s still suspicious you changed the shirt back you’re supposed to be pink no Jamesy that was close she don’t say that she’s going to actually Pi this something in the house there’s not anything there dad

Oh are you guys tricking me or not I can’t trust you weird trick dad what I really need is to get over this fence and H why are there so many plants in front of your base Jamesy uh no reason you still haven’t figured it out it has

The pl isn’t it I just realized something you could literally get over the fense by walking into it and the jumping taking damage uh don’t tell her that wait a second uh you guys told me earlier that you guys did the exact same thing as me and yes I found a car that’s

Supposed to be my law what are you doing oh yeah okay fine you got into the house but you won’t find that secret door it’s super duper hidden isn’t it just right here oh my God wait it’s a oh my goodness oh my gosh woman is so predictable she went

She saw purple diamondy stuff and she ran in that is exactly what we knew would happen jam looks like it was a fake entrance this is why your mom left you Jamesy now where going to find the real entrance oh there it is all right the

Lastra why don’t you come back for the exit over here I promise you the right entrance you think I’m really that dumb you think I’m really that dumb I’ll be taking one of these for myself no no no you not it y there some much stairs if

You can make it through all of our traps wa look at this computer system what this is the gaming room and the CCTV m moning station oh yeah what can you guys see people outside oh yeah we’ve been watching look I can see your head over

There we can see you every time you come around here oh my goodness you guys are creepy this is oneway glass there’s a key bad door here why can’t I go up I need the password this is the security room it would be too obvious if the door

Was unlocked like yours come on I’m going to just sit here and use my computer to uh check on my uh hard drive no no no I need your help my computer computer looks like one of these computers were a fake computer how did she fig out fig it out

So quickly my goodword I’m going through okay you can go up here but it’s no use this is the TV room we bought 60 65 in TVs for this property okay wait calm down why do you guys need that many TVs in the first place W once again he needs

To monitor all of his CC TV and he needs to watch Roblox he needs to watch Jamesy Channel too yeah I keep an eye on my 15 kids in 15 different homes the Jamesy vide is are best watching the TV guys wait a second there’s a there’s a ladder

Here I knew there’s something are you kiding me dad that so obvious all right Dad wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait a second Gracie this is red light GRE light as you can see it’s red light right now so you can’t move what oh my goodness you

Move looking I will kill you yep and I have to t you back to the start Gracie so are you ready okay f F go dance green lights green light move out the way I’m moving I’ll kill you graci if I see you moving see any I’m not moving at

All uh green lighted dad green lighted green light green light where do I go where do I go where do I go where do I go Qui get through the car light is she moving is she shifing right now nuh I see her arms twitching yeah her arms are

Twitching slightly that’s just Minecraft all right fine I’ll put it back to green okay okay okay wait go wait this is is this a dead end it’s a dead end oh I can’t to the wrong place oh I got to move back I need keep my eye on that

Light though I need to make sure it doesn’t Jesus and I complete dead down oh my goodness what kind of entrance is this red light oh she’s moving she I saw her move she’s literally okay don’t down I’ll T her back to the start don’t worry I’m already at the not funny green

Light get out of here this is the best chapp in our base so far dad oh no oh I swear I saw some BO was you didn’t see any oh my God it’s green light green light green light she she’s making progress she’s making progress she’s making

Progress oh no dad she’s going to make it all right all right green light wait she moved she moved she moved I saw I saw I saw her move totally unfair I didn’t move my body though I’m just move my eyes green light GRE light green light light

Red light I don’t know about that J said red light after you pressed it that’s totally chea that is cheating dad that is cheating light okay okay go oned light oh she has to get over the yellow line come on okay okay good do it

Again do it oh she made it Dad all right fine I guess she can go to the next room it’s fine she’s got loads of more security measures until she gets to our vault dad what is this why do you guys have a whole city in here oh yes cuz now

We’re going to play the game that me and my dad always plays whenever it’s bed time he makes me go to better and if he sees me moving he’ll kill me uh just like red light green light uh different cuz it’s hide and seek okay we have to

Hide wait are you guys oh okay wait am I you moving I he’s seeking Gracie he’s seeking he’s the one who’s thinking oh my gosh I I need to hide okay wait what do I to do wait Jam where did you just go you just disappear oh up there go up

There Gra up there go up to the the Villager breeder area okay okay the the Villager what oh yeah 5 Four 3 two one ready where’ you go not gra you call go this the next room wait what what you didn’t tell me that come up here gra there’s a ladder here

Look why can I smell you guys somewhere around here at him get the villagers to free Gracie we need more villagers okay I’ll give the bread what do these villagers think they’re doing eating bread I’m going to kill you Jamesy I’m sorry but I have to betray

You oh my good no you don’t no you don’t moving James no I’m sleeping Dad I’m sleeping I’m sleeping I’m sleeping I’m sleeping I’m sleeping I don’t see you Sleeping oh my goodness oh no no he doesn’t know where I am he doesn’t know where I am sleeping he doesn’t know where I he doesn’t know where I am C him I’m going up I’m going up I’m going up where is the dad where’s Dad he’s right behind you k

You no oh my goodness J guys fine Gracie you passed this test all right Gracie you go to the next room now okay I’m going over to the next room which I already found I was trying to hide over here but jamy said I couldn’t no all right head inside it’s a parkour

Room but reversed well guess he didn’t last very long yeah that was easy all right Gracie you’re back to start the parkour you have to make it successfully if you want to go to the next room are you serious why would you put my greatest weakness

Against me I top the laser that’s not how you do that J I think she’s dead yeah she has to go again this is going to take a while dad cuz she sucks at Laser parcle oh wait a second wait she’s actually pretty good what’s happening Andre Tate wait what down oh

Careful careful your own head oh wait a second wait a second laser right there this job it’s literally free block up you don’t have to worry about the laser don’t make it she did it don’t make it she made it all right she can go up to your head dad

She’s in your head now Jamesy I know one thing that she doesn’t know and that’s stuff about me exactly Dad no one knows anything about you you’re like a weird District Dad wait a second don’t don’t tell me I have to answer questions about him I don’t know anything about you dad

I don’t care about you even my wife knew enough about me I killed her before she could I mean she ran away wait what Jam she ran away to a grave Gracie all right well first question how many different forms do I have well I know there’s nice

You and there’s angry you I don’t know if there’s a third form or not I’m just going to go through the second one what do you guys think jamy please tell me go ahead um no comments okay all right Gracie try the next answer now how about you try the three

Go ahead go go there okay but wait that one worked how is it three forms what form do you have well I have my normal form which you can see right now I have my weird form which I haven’t Unleashed yet and then I have my killer form oh my

Goodness I don’t knew about the killer for okay what’s my favorite TV show Jamesy my son’s YouTube channel or Roblox come on do you really think that I think you care that much much about Jamesy nobody likes Jamesy that much well I guess you should go through

Roblox TV it’s got to be Roblox TV what how is jamy I don’t understand you don’t even care that much about J I didn’t even understand either Gracie but that’s why he said the answers can you believe it well I mean I guess it’s kind

Of nice but like what oh what what time is sleeping Time come on this what time is my bedtime it’s it’s got to be two that’s what you were saying earlier right she made it she got right there she made it to all wait I get all the

Are these all mine I’ll be taking this see you later guys take them I guess it’s not important all right Dad now you have to decide which weird stck out house was the burst in this battle it was mine obviously you want all your

Kids to be in there trust me see so I have have two options the one I built myself or uh yours H I just can’t decide I don’t know I don’t know come on oh you know what I can’t decide we need to give the viewers the decision I can’t figure

It out oh my goodness guys comment down below if you think me graci’s base was better please pick mine pick mine I want to have my bedtime increased all right well if you guys the AV the video and watch the next video your screen goodbye subscribe or you die

This video, titled ‘Jamesy vs WEIRD STRICT DAD House Battle in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2023-12-27 15:00:46. It has garnered 6282 views and 137 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:24 or 4284 seconds.

Jamesy vs WEIRD STRICT DAD House Battle in Minecraft!

Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft

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Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ.

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  • Insane 40M Budget Build DESTROYS LastPlayer in Watermelon Flower Showdown!

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  • Underworld Survival

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  • Perfectum SMP | Hermitcraft-style | Java 1.20.1 | LGBTQ+ Friendly | PG-13 | Whitelist | Community | BlueMap

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  • Dutchy Middle School

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  • Minecraft Memes – “When you add shields to classic battle”

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  • Minecraft meme #bootyshorts

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  • Discover Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server

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  • Crafting a Grindstone in Minecraft

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  • 🔥UNLOCK Nether Secrets 🌋Minecraft Academy 1.20

    🔥UNLOCK Nether Secrets 🌋Minecraft Academy 1.20Video Information [Musique] salutations les gentlem on se retrouve pour l’académie Minecraft en multijoueur enfin pas encore tout à fait en multijoueur ça sera à partir de la leçon 11 qu’on sera en multijoueur et on est à la leçon 9 et oui déjà quand même la leçon 9 alors pour ceux qui parce que j’ai beaucoup de lapse de temps entre deux épisodes de cette série donc peut-être vous n’avez-vous pas compris le concept de l’Académie l’Académie c’est simple on essaie d’apprendre à jouer à Minecraft ensemble donc j’essaie de passer toutes les étapes les unes après les autres… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Pickaxe Hunt for Diamonds!

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  • UNBELIEVABLE: Extreme gamer builds EPIC house in Minecraft

    UNBELIEVABLE: Extreme gamer builds EPIC house in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I make a house in the Minecraft survival series part 2’, was uploaded by extreme gamer on 2024-05-08 11:15:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Save Earth by Planting Trees in Minecraft! 🌍🌵| #shorts #aphmau

    Save Earth by Planting Trees in Minecraft! 🌍🌵| #shorts #aphmauVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But, Plant 🌵 TREES Save Earth 🌍 | #shorts #minecraft #aphmau’, was uploaded by Irtaza Mc on 2023-12-07 01:57:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Title: “Minecraft Tree-Planting Challenge! Save the Earth & Build Your World ” Description: Welcome to the ultimate … Read More

  • ROYAL HATES Doordash?! 💥 MINECRAFT EP. 4

    ROYAL HATES Doordash?! 💥 MINECRAFT EP. 4Video Information hey guys uh Royal here and welcome back to more Royal plays Minecraft uh in this episode I’m going to be finishing up house re Renovations and just talking about stuff that interests me so you know standard fair and oh I have enough diamonds to actually make a full suit of armor WoW that uh that’s crazy so I guess a good place to start for topics is first of all shadow of the UR tree finally got a Gameplay trailer and a release date comes out June 20th and I’m really excited I loved Elden ring… Read More

  • HEROBRINE vs MONSTER in Wild Minecraft Battle🔥🤯🔫 #shizo #epic

    HEROBRINE vs MONSTER in Wild Minecraft Battle🔥🤯🔫 #shizo #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘HELP❤HEROBRINE Vs MONSTER Gegagedigedagedago Nugget Ft. Nikado Avocado🔥🤯 #minecraft #memes #shorts’, was uploaded by LORD STARMrGODSE ANIMAT!ON on 2024-04-04 12:40:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • 💧 INSANE Aqua Thoughts?? Hololive Minecraft Event AFTERMATH! 💧

    💧 INSANE Aqua Thoughts?? Hololive Minecraft Event AFTERMATH! 💧Video Information いい良かった楽しかった色々あったなマジ で色々あったなまさかなんか個人的に1番 びっくりなのはまこんなにまペコちゃんと 近しく慣れた こと仲良くなれたことはなんか結構私の中 ではうんびっくりだなそれこそさあのカエ とかさ全然マイクラねフロサバでなんか 一緒にあのインしてるタイミング一緒の ことは結構あったんだけどそう全然あの家 が遠いからさ関わることなかったんだけど 最終日にねあの闇の取引で見ること見て 関わることができたり何何なんだってちら れたくなかったららなんかちょうだいて 言って [拍手] [音楽] seeSKY 空が怒ってるんだって あオオオオオウ フレフレフレフレンドオオフレンドイエス イエス熱がすごいだって熱がすげえ よありがとう にゃペコちゃん本物のアスナ見つけちゃっ た [音楽] なまさかペコちゃんが本物のアナだった なんてお This video, titled ‘Aqua Thought on the Hololive Minecraft Hardcore, Post Event…..’, was uploaded by Noises V on 2024-05-20 16:00:10. It has garnered 35274 views and 2164 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:07 or 127 seconds. She finally found her Real Asuna Please support them by Like and Subscribe also watch their stream here: Minato Aqua #7[Minecraft]Hololive Server Hardcore Minecraft! Defeat the Wither!!![Minato Aqua/Hololive] #8[Minecraft]Hololive Server Hardcore… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Live Cracked SMP – Join Now! #live

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Live Cracked SMP - Join Now! #liveVideo Information [संगीत] [संगीत] फ [संगीत] तो यो यो यो सो वेलकम बैक गाइस टू अनदर लाइव स्ट्रीम और एक बारी फिर से सभी का स्वागत है हमारी लाइव स्ट्रीम में तो कैसे हो यार सभी लोग वेलकम बैक अगेन ऑन एन हैप्पी सैटरडे गाइस और क्या हाल चाल और आज गाइस डैडी बियर डे है तो गाइस मेरी तरफ से आप सभी को तात्या बिच्छू गिफ्ट है ठीक है तात्या बिच्छू आएगा चाकू लेके जो मैंने थंबनेल में भी लगाया है तो तात्या बिच्छू का इंतजार करना तुम्हारे घर प पहुंच जाएगा तुम्हारे घर तुमको डराने के लिए ठीक… Read More

  • Dream collab gone wrong? See what happens

    Dream collab gone wrong? See what happensVideo Information play Yo like bro give him a trim bro give him a face my just whenever I shoot D and D just know my RO like yo stop Belling my phone man yo Mr D This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cinematic OG Collab “LSW” – Nemzzz’, was uploaded by Loqalz on 2024-04-24 08:45:41. It has garnered 36 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Editing Software: After Effects 2022 Finally doing some Minecraft again 🙂 ————————————————————————————————————————– All parts: Collab with: @Minaxos_vfx Game: Minecraft Song: Nemzzz – LSW ————————————————————————————————————————– ————————————————————————————————————————– 0:00 Minaxos… Read More

  • TheModderOne

    TheModderOneMinecraft Server By VihaanTheModder ft.Zombie Apocalypse. Registration Open. Visit Discord For Application Form Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP McMMO Friendly Economy Pets 1.20.4

    Explore ExeosCraft: No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP Tired of servers with strange rules and pay-to-win schemes? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where we prioritize your experience. All generated money goes to charity. 🌟 Why Choose Us? Stability: Our server has been lag-free since June 2020, with a massive map that will never reset. Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players is guaranteed. Giving Back: Donations support charities and giveaways. Inclusivity: ExeosCraft is a safe space for ALL players, with zero tolerance for hate speech. Custom Plugins: Enhance your vanilla experience with our unique plugins. Cross-Platform: Enjoy features tailored for both Java and Bedrock players…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Sky-high perspective: killer views”

    Well, at least this meme is getting better views than my Minecraft house ever did! Read More