Dainty Bagels – Insane Minecraft Challenge! Will I Survive?

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You’re my favorite cup of tea sorry I had to hello how’s it going everybody let’s play some silly little games want to play some silly little Minecraft games you know what I should have done before started streaming open Minecraft I do this all the time also um I am

Going to be shutting off my camera so like quick jump scare warning I forgot to do this I just don’t feel like having my camera oh no I don’t want you to see that ah there no ah it’s fine everything’s fine it’s fine everything everything everything’s fine I don’t

Know what you’re talking about Hi Sam how’s it going how is everybody doing this fine fine whatever freaking day it is the Wednesday no Thursday it’s Thursday my dudes ah you know oh what’s the beverage of choice today um we are sticking with the green

Tea pce tea because I bought a bunch of them and they are like my favorite thing to have while I stream so it’s it’s a it’s a 10 out of 10 personal personal uh Choice 10 out of 10 piece tea green tea um yes so today we’re going to play

Some Minecraft because that’s what we do and you know um we’re going to do a underground challenge again which we but okay but this one’s hardcore it’s hardcore I’m just a t his I’m just as tough as what is it Buttercup and Blossom I’m parcour I never watched The Powerpuff

Girls I’m just making it up as I go I’m so sorry um but yeah how’s everybody doing today uh we got I I added a new question of the day yesterday but no one used it so if you want to use it you’re welcome to More discussion topics blah blah blah

Blah um but yeah what was your favorite present that you got this year thanks Sam H for popping that out and I will go like this there we go Ethan got you a succulent Lego set amazing okay we’re going to create a world hardcore uh no bonus chest default World generate

Structures and just as the game game intense that is how we go you made a weird cocktail and built Legos for like 2 hours last night that literally sounds like the most fun was it the most fun you’ve ever had I just spilled P tea all over me oh

No all over my nice clean clothes it was the most fun we ever had good uh it is also the plan for this evening as it should be honestly I really I really want to play games with you and Haley I miss hanging out with you guys okay so um

I need to set a timer this is not so far the best place for me to have landed I need to set a timer for 20 minutes 20 minutes and that is as long as I get to scoble around and um figure things out okay I

Don’t have a way to put this on like on stream because I’m not technologically savvy okay I need I need okay I need dirt um okay so I need dirt I need seeds oh bless okay I got at least one seed so that’s that’s good um I want sand but

This is again not really the opportune area to have spawned in when doing an underground Minecraft challenge scoble around it’s not a word I don’t think um but but it’s what I said is scoble a word I don’t know I don’t know things listen what am I what am I doing with my

Life that’s the real question okay let’s make a crafting table and make this and a shovel I feel like those are just kind of good necessary things for me to use so I can like shovel quicker and stuff am I okay I got at least a sapling I will come back to this

Tree I want to get more wood oh I see dirt okay this is really a bad area to have spawned in just like a desolate land of snow at least there’s trees oh that’s not the worst though okay I’ll grab this fire protection a clock is always really nice

To have a cursive binding well if I die it’s gone wait does curs up binding mean I can’t take it off oh no it does well unless I die well you know what or it dies I don’t even care at least I got like some protection

Honestly okay I need like loads of dirt or of uh this so I can make glass and stuff honestly like a couple stacks or like a stack at least but that was a very good find I’m very happy with that oh what I wouldn’t give for finding

Like a jungle with bamboo that would be incredible but I don’t know I’m don’t want that it’s just going to be in my inventory right now as soon as I get a stack of this I’ll go back and check where I cut down the trees um and then we

Can oh my shovel is gone that’s fine hello PC 070707 how is it going today oh hi Jazzy if Jazzy decides to be cute I will put cat cam on okay I do have over a stack now go back over to where I was cutting

Down trees I am doing okay I’m doing a um an underground Minecraft challenge obviously it doesn’t look like I’m underground yet because I’m not but at the very least I have some stuff I would love to find a food source I’m not good in the regard

Of like this is where I landed in my underground hardcore underground Minecraft challenge so what I do with an underground Minecraft challenge is eventually I go underground and then I am legitimately not allowed to come back up but this is Hardcore and I could

Die is he going to attack me oh he’s got a baby he’s going to attack me no no no no no no no no no no I didn’t see you had a baby I didn’t see you had a baby I’m sorry I’d love to find a village that would be super handy

Um handy dandy um some coal would be handy dandy I have no food currently and I’m just like hoping for the best I have how many minutes left I have 14 minutes left oh no okay um I literally see no animals and I’m concerned about the Sheep situation

Oh is there some areas over here that don’t have is there stuff that I can get from over here okay I have to walk now I am desper desperately looking for berries um very desperately looking for berries and anything that I could use oh that’s on fire that’s cool um I

Might grab some flowers just some like colorful flowers sheep I don’t even care that they’ve got babies I don’t I don’t actually care at all I want their wool and I want their meat sorry bestie is that a snow fox it is I’m not going to bother it okay I’ll eat some

Raw mutton because I have nothing I don’t have a lot of dirt but I’m less concerned about dirt cuz like there is dirt underground you know like that’s not exactly the world’s most horrific thing um I don’t have a lot of wood I have like no options when it

Comes to Wood either I just have Spruce which is fine I love Spruce Wood but like it’d be nice to have some other options I think okay if I break this one then that should I like I like having oak wood because it also like drops apples and

That’s kind of important when I’m first starting in out come on I want one more seed I’d love to be able to like make bread the very beginning of okay perfect okay I don’t really have a lot of time to just like lolly gag so okay we’ve got a cursive Vanishing

Sword I don’t even care if I get one hit out of it it honestly it’s better than nothing I did think there’s a lot of bunnies and I did think for a second about getting rid of some of them I can’t bring myself to do that like I

Cannot bring myself to do that they’re too cute and I’m not desperate enough yet I guess um I do have I do have three I can make a bed now I have I’m just daintiest the colorful side hello how are you oh is that what I think it is pick

Those up might as well is that is that what I think it is oh no it’s just snow I thought it might have been an igloo it’s not this is the worst oh dear this is not good no I don’t want to be up here ouch oh gosh oh no and it’s getting

Dark okay hold on I’m going to make a bed really quick cuz at the very least I can just like sleep through the night you didn’t show up for your RA in my RAID options I don’t know why it is night the stars are out let me sleep let me sleep thank

You I don’t know why it didn’t show up in my raid in your raid options I don’t know how to fix that I have been raided so like clearly people can raid me I don’t know where to go I don’t know what the best direction is to try and find something other than

This I don’t know I don’t know what to do oh dear what do I have here oh I have 10 minutes less than 10 minutes I have nine minutes left I don’t like I’m literally just wandering at this point I don’t know what to look for oh I see an

Igloo I want the igloo that that’s my goal my goal is igloo hecking rude of twitch honestly okay okay this is my last meat that I may ever have which is quite devastating hi Stan okay okay I have it on good authority that this

One this is where I want to to be I’m going to take this okay I actually might utilize this I’m doing a um an underground Minecraft challenge I think I might actually utilize this cuz this gives me like some stuff I would have never actually had access to so

This is going to be I think the start of where I my my underground is going to be I’m going to PLP this all in here for the time being um so yeah I’m doing a hardcore underground Minecraft challenge um which essentially means is there silverfish in there okay

I’ll be I’ll be extra careful essentially it means I have X amount of time during the day like or x amount of time at the very beginning of my game to uh get supplies and then I have to go underground for forever now here’s the problem I spawned in a desolate

Wasteland of a world that is just completely full of snow and I haven’t been able to find like anything good really so the problem with that is um I’m not really able to do a whole lot which sucks um I have six minutes until I’m no longer allowed is it

Getting dark oh it’s snowing I have six minutes until I am no longer allowed to be out above ground um and I don’t know what to do cuz like there’s like no animals for food I’m lucky that I got some seeds when I did honestly okay I got four seeds

Okay I’m looking I’m really looking for like a sheep a pig a chicken I I’m good with any of it honestly I will eat anything at this point seeds might be the only way I know and I have the seeds right now oh no don’t tell me I lost the

Igloo I should have paid more oh no it’s there okay I know and I have I have a lot of seeds and then like I don’t have any water or like really any water source um which isn’t where’s the rabbit I heard it where is it I said I wasn’t going to

Do it but I changed my mind if if there’s a rabbit I’m desperate where’s the rabbit oh I don’t know where the rabbit is that’s incredibly unfortunate um time check four minutes okay four minutes no food I’m going to go check the water um no matter what I’m

Going to go back up there so even if it’s like after 4 minutes I just won’t collect anything um this make a lit Duo Series right like with multiple people I would love to actually have like a server like where me and like my friends just do underground minecrafty things haly won’t

Because she hates it but come here buddy I’m going to die I’m going to die oh no and I can’t I can’t swim fast oh gosh oh no no no this is not how I want it to end okay come here I’m literally so desperate please please come on

Okay oh no hey and there it is so that’s the end of that one okay we we’ll delete that world and try again uh that didn’t that did not go well okay well let’s try again maybe I’ll spawn in like a place that isn’t horrific I literally was thinking about

Being being like what if I just accidentally die and then I really did die but I was like this is not the area to start this in like I need more than this so maybe subconsciously I ended it but oh oh yes okay okay oh look at look at look at we’re

It’s a fresh new world I definitely still want like a bajillion I guess I need to restart my timer cuz like okay I’ve restarted my 20 minutes cuz it would not be fair to get myself two minutes I want to be able to like grow so many

Loaves as soon as possible you know um I’m just going to want to get a lay of the land I guess in reality to see if like I can see a village nearby I don’t okay cuz you know if there’s like a village nearby or something then that would be something I would

Immediately start making my way towards okay I already got an oak sapling which is brilliant and I want to I got more seeds Okay do another one of these and then we’ll go like this like this and like that I care the least about a sword at the moment

Like a sword can come later I guess I really hope that drops an apple I want to get two more seeds there we go I could make four loaves of bread in one thing and I’m going to kill this cow thank you buddy and I see some sheep

Down there unfortunately they’re not all with the same wool which is a little bit problem uh would it be worth setting up a water source in advance the thing is I usually kind of wander around um before I settle down to see if I could like find like a village or something so

I don’t actually know where I’m going to end up which is part of the problem is like I don’t know where I’m going to actually settle down down to um like I like to try and find like a village or something that I could in theory try and trap villagers down into

And bring them into my underground world that would be like the goal I don’t know if we’re going to get I’m just going to do this I know that it I don’t know if it like actually affects your drop chance but I can’t wait I don’t have like all

The time in the world but I see so much meat that I can use right now which is amazing cuz even if it’s not cooked it’s food and food sources and stuff and it’s kind of nice to just have like a stack of pork or meat like I

10 pork right now which is amazing thank You um oh I won’t kill that one there’s a baby and there I have I have lots of options here so it’s fine and then like I like to grab if I can some like flowers because I’m going to be living underground it’s going to be a little sad

You know nice to have some options they however are like my least important things so if for some reason they um like I end up having too much stuff in my inventory they’re like the first things that are going to go cuz they are purely aesthetic but give me your wool thank

You um it is like purely aesthetic but it’s kind of nice to have the options of flowers there we go okay where did I cut down that tree I love getting multiple types of saplings as well if possible because again like you’re limited to what kind of stuff you have so any

Like alternative options are kind of great for being able to have funky like have like more interesting places to live and stuff so like different types of saplings um different types of wood all of that is really great as well I have done an underground challenge before but I’ve never

Successfully lived long in a underground um hardcore challenge so okay I have four I have five of these saplings that should be okay um let’s take some of this make another one of these maybe another two of these why not there we go okay now another rule that we did come

Up with in previous um game plays of this is that underwater counts as underground provided I don’t come above the water to breathe so I’m allowed to um go underground in order or like underwater so I’m not as concerned about things like um like things that you can get

Underground so like yes guess I I need to get some sand because sometimes sand can be hard to find oh Cherrywood ooh that would be nice that would be nice to have okay um let’s go with the mutton yeah Cherry would be nice cuz they grow so

Quickly or like they they not grow so quickly but they seem to drop a lot of things and they’re really pretty and they would add nice color to an area that might not be able to have a lot of color and they seem to drop a lot of

Saplings so that means that their return rate is really good and I’m always looking for a good return rate in the things that I get plus again more types of trees I am going to get these cows though you um okay they are a little weird so

Trying to find a tree that’s not touching a another tree is a little harder cuz I don’t want to have to cut down a bunch of trees I’m more so here for the actual um saplings than the trees themselves cuz the saplings are a little bit more important underground cuz like yes you

Need wood but the saplings provide you with so many more chances to get wood if that makes sense okay let’s go like this and see we’re already getting saplings oh know what I’m doing both wood and sticks which is just kind of nice to have the option of sticks as well okay come

On um okay and I need you I need to make a bed like ASAP there we go and we have oh no I cleared both of them no no no no okay we have 10 minutes just under 10 minutes left yes okay now one of the things that I did see when I

Was wandering over here oh yeah look at all these saplings from One Tree I got eight saplings and I’m going to leave it at that that’s all I need thank you and good night cuz I got 20 wood and eight saplings that’s that’s insane that’s so

Good ouch that scared me I’m not going to lie ouch where is this is probably going to break the whole thing but I’m going to do it anyway yeah it did not work where’s the chest I’ll take this cuz like Nether Bricks and things but like is there no

Chest I’ve never seen one of these without a chest that’s crazy okay well I don’t have time to like search for a chest unfortunately I see a different type of tree that will be our fourth type of tree I will Need okay hello Scarlet how are you you how’s it going okay so I got that on my way to get another tree do do dah you’re drowsy oh no did you take some drowsy medication you have the beginnings of cold and you’re drowsy because of medicine Fair been there okay I need

This I’m doing okay um I’m doing pretty pretty fine pretty okay okay I want so much wood okay I think that will drop stuff cuz it’s not touching any other trees I think that’s okay I want these and I am willing to get rid of a lot of stuff that I have

For those types CU you can like grow more of them and I want I’m okay with that okay so I’ve got that now I’m looking for saplings Why even even one would be good actually one sapling would be good oh hey Matt how’s it going oh I got one sapling excellent oh my gosh I’m so stressed I am doing okay I am stressed about finding things for my hardcore underground Minecraft situation that’s happening okay we

Got we got some stuff we’re good we’re good it’s good I’m trying this in hardcore I’ve already died once by the way um so that’s fun this is a second world that I’ve made so far oh yes what’s your favorite present that you got this year I think it’s a pretty good

Question cuz and it doesn’t have to be material things if you got something like even it’s just like hanging out with people like that’s a perfectly acceptable gift as well personally my favorite gift that I got this year was um Dan Howl’s mental health book I’m really excited really appreciate all the

Appreciation gifts from children’s parents that’s cute I like that dang okay okay I need to get like a bunch of sand and I’m going to need a bunch of dirt as well but the great thing with dirt is like even underground it’s really easy if we’re talking material then your shark Flex

Style hey that sounds cool I don’t know what it is but it sounds cool um yeah material things I got Dan Howell’s book and I love it I’m very excited to read it okay I need to do this this and I need to make oh I need to actually make a

Pickaxe there we go you’ve been organizing your art cabinet for the past couple of hours nice honestly I think everything you got uh but one that was on your list was this Ramen set that’s awesome your a special bowl and your own soy sauce that is so

Cool that’s the kind of nerdy stuff I would be so into like just like get me special Ramen things I would be so happy okay grab that I do wish I could find like right out the gate a couple of um Iron I’d love that okay come on okay

I’m still like a little bit on the hunt for a village honestly I know that I have like a minute left I only have a minute left oh no if I come across a village I may go to it dig like go to it not get anything I

Have a minute left of being able to get things I haven’t found any sugar cane oh no um shoot shoot shoot shoot I need sugar cane no no no no I need sugar cane oh no oh shoot I didn’t even prioritize it this time oh shoot okay my time is up

Oh guys can we vote on me getting five more minutes can I get five more minutes cuz technically I’m not allowed to get anything now and I found sugarcane I found some flowers that I really want and I found a jungle guys I need an opinion please I mean like I am the

Master of my own destiny but also I need opinions can I get five more minutes and yes five more okay okay cool I will put on my five minutes thank you so much okay five minute timer let’s go so I found the flowers that I really

One of like my one of my favorite flowers which is the um the rose bushes and they’re great because you can like multiply them it’s kind of like I have a sunflower and like some of the other bushes and things that you can multiply and I love that

Okay and I found a jungle which is just cool I don’t have high hopes that I’ll find Bamboo in the jungle like I would love to find Bamboo in the jungle but I don’t have High Hopes on that however sploosh okay let’s get some hecking oops let’s learn how to play

Minecraft first and foremost we can get some jungle saplings and stuff okay I need that and that okay we are almost out of like space but like I said before I am willing to get rid of like I’m actually going to do this I’m going to get rid of

These I’m going to get rid of these I’m going to get rid of these I am going to have however grab a couple corn flowers cuz I have nothing blue and I think that’d be kind of fun oops go like this also jungle leaves are my favorite

Jungle wood is my least favorite jungle leaves are my favorite so that’s just kind of cool um scanning scanning however I do find that they don’t seem to drop so many saplings posture check and stretch okay um I’ll stretch after my time is up because that’s a waste of time but I will

Posture check right now come on Jungle sapling I want at least two perfect okay I am like stockpiling currently pork chops I have 20 now which is pretty cool cool okay one more at come on I know I said I literally have a minute left of my extra five minutes um

Is there anything else I need I got sand I got that I got that I got a bunch of that I got seeds Okay we’re going to continue on our merry way we have a minute left left I don’t know what we’re going to be

Able to find in a minute but I’m going to continue oh melons hello another food source okay oh well that’s a pretty cool cave and I literally see a water source attached to it cocoa seeds and that’s my time cocoa seeds and that’s my time cocoa beans cocoa seeds

What am I talking about um oh shoot I don’t have enough room uh peace out okay well I I think I’m going to utilize this this is technically underground there’s water source there’s lots of space I think that this is going to be the area that we

Build in cuz like look at this there’s look at oh look at this this is going to be good this is going to be good okay there’s lots of coal around at the moment and there’s lots of like space which is going to be good for like going like this and planting some

Trees oh yo thank you for resubbing how’s it going Ethan I see a scary guy he’s going to blow up the world do to do don’t blow me up though okay I need space going good you heard I am a rhombus game enjoyer I’m a big rhombus game enjoyer I’m a rhombus game

Truther um it’s very good you’re very insanely I I don’t even understand anything technological so the fact that you’ve made games is insane to me R is truther yep oops ooh there’s like some other stuff happening this cave looks like it’s going to be a good interesting

Cave you made that in an evening you know I feel like that’s crazy feel like that’s insane but like you know I’m not a programy person so I don’t I don’t understand things I think I might make my house in here like like this because this just looks like a cute

Little like perfect spot for one oh don’t know maybe I’m wrong but this looks cute I like it it’s all that matters did I ever make a rhombus I did not I have not made a rhombus yet should we once we build a room should we take a moment to have a

Rhombus a rhombus moment should we should we rhombus game a rhombus break we can rhombus break for a minute I’m always down for that okay I should make that a channel Point okay hold the phone let me just set up real quick here I need that and going go like

This since I have so many Cherrywood things oops that’s I’m so good at playing this game I’m so good at playing this game oops wow you’d never say that I played this game for over a decade so good at it um um okay just using pink okay we’re gonna use that and make

Ourselves actually some barrels um sure cool all right let’s do this do this I’m just going to add a channel Point really quick because that was a really good idea um Channel points ah I can type and the amount of points will be maybe 1500 is that I don’t know if that’s good

Or not that’s what it’s going to be I’ve decided officially okay that is officially a a channel point that anybody can use we can have a rombus break oh the music is so loud that is one my one beef Ethan the music is so loud all

Right I was watching Sam play a couple days ago and she made a rhombus but only the one oh no oh oh oh oh oh so close Okay Bonk Bonk yes let’s go I got to turn down the uh you got to turn it down in the volume mixer

Okay I don’t know how to do that so I so so you know that that’s that’s a thing I’ll I’ll look into that what I’m not playing it currently Bonk Bonk oh no oh oh oh oh oh they almost kissed but they didn’t I want them to touch why won’t you touch

Okay that’s fine we’ll it’ll work yeah I know score is broken we were talking about that the other day Sam and Haley and I it was very funny oh they touched okay you’re so confused we’re playing a game that uh your boy chips made it is called rhombus

Game and your goal is to get to the rhombus so circle square and so on and so forth come on oh okay Bonk no oh no I don’t see good things happening here oh oh okay okay well okay okay oh okay yeah it’s definitely not a ripoff of anything no insane okay

Oh just kiss already yeah I knew that was going to happen I was like kind of between a rock and a hard place square circle square circle oh no oh there they go um oh score works now score only works until 100 and then it

Stops this is what in Sam and I Haley and I found out score only works until it hits 100 and I kind of love that honestly I think it’s so funny okay St what’s the matter buddy okay come on you’re so close to kissing I just want those two to like there

There we go um hold on I should I should honestly make a link uh to it and add it to like stream so that people can just find it when we play Stay in Eep stay in does this is the way I’m doing this making anyone like fairly upset out of curiosity

Oh we have a triangle guys triangle acquired we just need to get another triangle and get the triangles to kiss and then oh no oh no oh no I may have screwed the pooch here yep there it is there’s there’s the pooch officially been sced hello oh gosh

Okay there we go like I definitely failed we got farther that time we got to Triangle territory oh no okay it’s fine yeah that’s how you do that Bonk oh no they’re not touching they’re not kissing it’s fine everything’s fine I don’t know what your you’re talking about it’s

Fine everything’s fine it’s it’s so okay right now okay I love when the physics breaks also it’s great also Ethan I don’t know if you’re still here if you’re still here oh you are I do like the music it’s a bot um I Sam showed us the game that you made for your

Friends and I have to say it is the funniest thing I love it so much it some of the some of the lore made me giggle big time you’re so cool ful side octagon is the best um the Chad dating simulator boss fight the Mrs Ste boss fight had me Rolling like it was so funny Haley was just sitting there like not really understanding a whole lot and I’m like sitting there going oh my gosh this so funny just high school things wait is chips the person you were telling me about yesterday um yeah I

Think I think I don’t know if Ethan I think you have your own like SMP that you play on sometimes on Minecraft right we were talking about smps and stuff and I was like yeah my friend’s brother streams but I’m pretty sure he has his own SMP so

Because colorful the colorful side um invited me to join their SMP what is going on here e up oop hello what is happening this could go down it absolutely has the room I am oh gosh oh dear hello okay well I wasn’t sure oh no okay I got to Triangle Again Eep okay bop boop bada BM bada bada bom does that okay that didn’t do what I wanted it to do but it worked there we go did Sam explain where the music is from um in this one or in the other one cuz the other one yes

This one I don’t think she did in rhombus game I don’t think so I don’t think she did if she did I don’t remember okay this is clean this is looking clean uh you got the one after the Octagon nice I think it’s a trapezoid I’m I don’t

Remember uh geography that’s not that’s not the geology wait what was what is this trigonometry geometry no that was right geometry is right I was right the first time I didn’t have to tell myself I was wrong believe in yourself it’s been a long time since I’ve mathed or really thought that much

About shapes so other than squares and circles it’s from the McDonald’s Japan commercial official training and Nintendo DS Gate that is so specific and so funny the choices the choices were made Bonk it it the music slaps it’s very good oh oh we got triangle in a very spicy way that was

Beautiful that was almost as satisfying as power power Watcher simulator there’s only like three known surviving copies oh my gosh no I did not hope for it to do that that’s fine it’s fine it’s fine everything’s fine okay okay well Bonk okay perfect stunning amazing never been done

Before okay if I put that there then that can do that you’re uh you’re starting a lifik series in Japan or in Jan I can read I know how to read okay if you know what the life series is I don’t I’m scared okay I’m so focused right now I’m

So sorry guys this is so I want to complete it so bad oh dear H oh no yeah rip I was so close I now is so far so far in the end it doesn’t even matter I feel like I’ve lost my mind playing this game it’s a thing the

Hermitcraft and Co people do where it’s like mix with Among Us oh that sounds interesting but also lore nice Bonk cool you just do that I guess okay Bonk we got another trapezoid people come on a darn it okay keep this game is so addicting Ethan I can’t

Stop can’t stop won’t stop I guess I guess eventually I have to go back to Minecraft this will be my last game we’ll see how far I get I don’t have High Hopes cuz things are happening down here that are a struggle but it’s okay I’ll

Survive oh no oh dear oh oh we got oh oh okay you know what I will take it the daintiest disc server you ever if you ever want a TM the daintiest Discord server oh you’re in the daintiest I I don’t know why I just thought you were

Just saying the daintiest Discord server and I was like yeah Ethan are you in our server I don’t even remember I am horrible at keeping the Discord server popping which is great I don’t know how to like how do you have conversations okay I hate how focused I am right now it’s

Insane oh okay that was interesting I like needed a second to figure out what my move was because that was that felt insane oh no okay ah I have no idea if you’re in the Discord server oh okay well back to Minecraft I guess oh that’s so fun I love that I

Love it so much you’re you’re you’re a genius for totally absolutely making up that game and absolutely definitely not having any not stealing anything from anybody uh you know I can’t believe you came up with that game without any help from anybody that’s crazy okay I need uh

Oh and I guess I need my dirt don’t I dirt the plus side is I can already just I’m almost I’ve almost got like look at all this water I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore I have so much water which is kind of what I was going for in this sentence

Two okay you’re back and in Discord now nice oh I need more light I need more light where is my hecking I don’t have any more okay that’s fine it’s fine everything’s fine it’s fine I don’t even know what you’re talking about it’s everything’s fine triangle so

Good I love that stupid game I’m you’re doing so well the the triangle took me too long to be able to get originally my mom is also very impressed Ethan um I showed her it and she’s like that’s so cool so my mom’s also pretty impressed there we go all right growing

Things doing stuff and I’m going to blow my nose a one moment please you were live laugh loving or you’re live laugh loving I was live laugh losing my mind while playing that game okay I want a shirt I want the leather tunic of my dreams okay

Oh we got a tree already I should go to sleep oh I should have I should have kept one of my Leathers so I could have uh I could have what do you call it um put my clock up because I have a I have a clock you’re stealing that quote live

Laugh losing my mind you know what take it I hope you like it hope you enjoy I feel like I’ve said that in my life too many times for it to be safe okay Minecrafting for the best of us it’s in your Discord bio I love that I feel

Honored there’s so many coals here I don’t want to take them all I like leaving some like easily findable coals for in case moments but ooh I can have some iron now I can upgrade and see the great thing is there’s lots of like grass block around

So I could form like a grass train and that would be incredibly helpful I’ve learned so many things about Minecraft by doing these underground Minecraft challenges and like things that I never would have thought of before so oops so if you’re looking for a new way to play is very

Fun like this is still counting as underground sure I can see the sky but I kind of like that I can because that’s like a little bit nicer I want to make it so that all of this is one level like so that I don’t have to like climb

Up anything and it’s just all flat I think that’s going to be kind of my goal oops let’s do this one first definitely way more focused on getting food prepped than anything else because I have I have the safety and comfort of this but having some food food prepped is very important to

Me oops I’m going to make a couple more pickaxes and a sword my hot bar is driving me insane let’s put that There okay I got to reorganize this or else I’m going to lose my marbles everything not being organized too is also stressing me out but that’s that can that can be adjusted later like we can fix that later there we go oops I’m going to start terraforming right

Now so that we can eventually make it one big beautiful area I might even like like I’ve built into the wall but who knows maybe I won’t actually have cuz I I’ll have like a big and flat enough area I could just like keep it

All open like I could have like a just a house who knows Endless Possibilities I just kind of want to get a sense of where things are relativity to each other so like where do I pop out through here you know um how low does it Go and all that kind of

Jazz how far is it I guess is another thing oh I found more coal okay so where did I end up iend Ed up by this water and this is part of this coal vein I presume but that just kind of gives me like a little bit of an idea of where

I’m going what I’m doing what is happening and all that jazz also I got more coal which is good now that I actually like have gone through it once it’s not as far as I thought it was going to be why won’t you why don’t you let me die like this

I’m just going to make a staircase for the time being it’s not I’m not going to make it real stairs though and I’ll get rid of this stuff terraforming I I want that bit to stay like some of these bits to stay too cuz I think I think they kind of give like

This illusion of uh freaking like it’s more natural and I kind of want to keep the like I the jungle Vibes because we got the jungle so I kind of want to play into the jungle Vibes a little bit I don’t want to like disregard the jungle Vibes I guess that’s what I’m

Saying like all of the water and stuff I I definitely want to like play into it and design my place kind of with that in mind because I never first of all I never live in the jungle and so one of the things that I want to do with this

Challenge in all of the different variations that I do of it is to do stuff that I don’t normally do that’s kind of one of the reasons that I even started this challenges cuz I am barely ever underground in Minecraft I go mining when I need stuff or if I’m like a

Little bit bored and have like nothing really to do but I am a farm girly when it comes to Minecraft and so I was like What if I started doing something where I’m legitimately underground and I have no choice but to be underground the whole game play

Which is incredibly how this whole thing was like started and I was like yeah okay so I’m going to start doing where I I’m underground it’s the underground Challenge and on stream occasionally like people will be like oh um you should have gotten villagers which I’m really upset that I didn’t get villagers

Here but like you know go out and I’ll have like votes to like go outside and get a villager or go outside and get whatever that almost was bad so like making a jungle themed base not something I’ve ever done so could be cool to do okay is going to break

Soon the fun part about like an underground Challenge and I guess a little bit less so in the beginning stages of it but more so in the in the later stages is like once you’ve lit up your area there’s not a lot of zombies and stuff that come

Around so if you have like a fairly lit up fairly secluded area you’re kind of safe to just exist I mean this one I’m sure Phantoms would show up and like swoop down and stuff but if you’re like properly in an underground cave you’re probably not really going to have that happen you

Know like you’re probably not going to have a lot of phantoms because they don’t spawn underground it’s not their like their thing definitely going to utilize The Vines growing and stuff oh so good a lot of terraforming definitely goes into and I think I think that’s like a

Big part of like the of an underground Minecraft challenge too is like you’re doing so much terraforming and like changing everythings there we go there we go we have our staircase for until it’s flat let’s put my oak sapling over here and there okay I’m going to make a

Bucket oh I should also oh I should have saved one that’s fine I shouldn’t have made a bucket but I will find another one so I can make a um Shield because I have recently L learned the value of a shield okay we got lots of dirt now thank

Goodness Jazzy you’re upside down what are you doing buddy hi Jazzy jasmon my cat was upside down what a silly girl what a silly Girl okay there do you what do you want my love hi hi Jazzy do you want to jump on Trish’s lap oh no you don’t okay bye baby girl oh hi baby girl I don’t trust you with this can you tend to be a little destructive of my things hi

Jazzy what are you doing do you want to sit on my knee come On no it’s this one there we go hi um I gotta close out rhombus game I gotta close out rhombus game hi I have a cat her name is Jazzy and she is here to say hello want to say hello baby girl hi okay she’s down there right now just

Kind of vibing what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing oh Bubby oh bubby hello my name is Jazzy and I’m really Cute okay let’s go back are you just G to lick my arm like a crazy cat yep she is she’s going to lick at my arm like a crazy cat that’s fine as long as you are okay to sit on my knee and lick my

Arms while I play my game that is fine fine you may do so oops oh no switch that to there that awkward moment when you use one hi Jasmine what are you doing she just looked at me like I’m I don’t know she just watched me and now she’s aggressively licking my

Arm just so aggressive tiny baby why are you so aggressive Jazzy Jasmine has been my buddy the past couple of days and I’m not entirely sure why I’m not not upset about it hi I’m not upset about it in the slightest but she has like been snuggling with me at night and like sitting and hanging out with me

When we’re watching TV V and like it’s not that she doesn’t like hang out with me very often but she doesn’t usually like lay on me for prolonged periods of time however lately Little Miss Jazzy has been going crazy with the love and I’m again completely okay with it cuz

She’s a sweetheart and I love her but like also bestie you okay ow your tongue is rough bestie no baby girl hi baby girl what a baby what a little baby you are ow you’re hurting me sweet pee usually her licks are like super gentle and for lack of a better word

Dainty um oops but not right now like usually she gives like the littlest cutest L licks to me at least she goes kind of crazy on my mom she is like Ling with her nose against my arm and I think she’s falling asleep this is so freaking cute oh she’s looking

Again she knew that I was talking about her she she could sense it cats are so weird I love them so much but they’re so weird let’s put some light over here so we can get a little bit more light but I’m going to be digging down

So it doesn’t make sense to have like lights in the middle oops if I would have made a pickaxe an iron pickaxe this would be going so much faster I did not choose to do that for some reason and I regret it that’s okay it would have wasted my

Thing so quickly at least with a bucket It’s like got infinite potential I was going to say unless I die but if I die it’s everything’s over so it’s it’s fine oh if I die everything’s over proceeds to fall right off what why are you watching me am I okay are you okay

Oh Jazzy you’re so sweet oh Jazzy you’re so fun you’re so fun you blow my mind Hey Jazzy hey hey hey Jazzy hey hey oh Jazzy you’re so fine and you’re mine I’ll be yours till the end of time I love you Jazzy she’s just staring at me I don’t

Really know what to do with this information like why is why is she just staring at me I love you see it’s kind of cool because we got the staircase so we can kind of see where we’re sitting on the like how much farther we got to go

Because we can go on it based on the staircase oh Jazzy oh where oh are you okay I went to pet her and she like went as if she was going to run and now she’s just sitting with her butt in the air hello what’s going on Jazzy you’re being a little

Weird like you’re always a little weird but like this is weirder than normal I have so much stone that is another thing Underground Minecraft challenges bye baby girl have so much Stone you have so much Stone when you’re doing this I will be doing this until my all

Of my pickax are gone that is my current plan then once all of my pickaxes are gone that I have I will do something else oh no check on my crops probably CU they’re probably growing I’d love to find some iron while I’m doing this that would be great if

There there’s just like iron in the middle I don’t have high hopes that that’s going to happen but I do want to explore a little more um I need to get one more piece of iron that looks like a very dangerous way to get one more piece of

Iron so I don’t know that I’ll do that but I do need one more piece of iron I want to explore and see if I can find I don’t know just see what’s around cuz like there’s the there’s the thing up there there’s down there we’ve got like a lot of area to

Cover whoa we’ve gone so far down I’m so proud of us and we’ve got like one and 2/3 of a pickaxe left I could make more I could make like so many more pickaxes but my goal is to not do that right now ye Rus game is too addictive I know it’s so

Addictive I was playing it for so long the other day it’s it’s very similar to power wash simulator that it’s just like once you stop you don’t or once you start you don’t want to stop like once you pop you can’t stop Pringles you forgot to say uh dad put

The lampshade on yay or up I know how to read it’s fine yay that’s good it’s so snazzy ooh I don’t know why when you said that I pictured like one of those like old fringes like fringes old fringy lampshades that like grandmas had and like people were very frequently

Having in like the 70s like the very fringy guys specifically in like a burgundy with like a cream Fringe which is not the vibe but that’s what I pictured when you said snazzy so here we are uh you think so I think you because you talk like an old lady I all honestly

Just think it’s cuz I think like an old lady not like in all regards of my life but in some regards I’m like ah yes Sunny Sunny Joe I don’t I don’t know how old ladies talk apparently because they certainly don’t say oh yes Sunny Joe okay Oops

Stop apparently I play Minecraft like an old woman as in I don’t know what I’m doing doing all right oh no I messed it all up I messed it all up no oh no I’ve screwed up oh I’ve ruined everything okay I think I fixed it I think we

Should be okay you played for nine years and you still don’t know honestly same you occasionally talk like you’re in Shakespeare that like in a Shakespeare play oh my gosh I get that I used to do that in high school honestly me and my friend we would have like days where we

Would talk either in like Shakespearean English or or I don’t know we were weird so I I didn’t do anything I was hoping to do something you can’t spell no you’re good I can’t read so together we are a problem I can read I’d like to just very much

State that like I I am able to read I am simply Ming and also can’t read chat I’m I’m not good at reading out loud I think that’s the thing especially in stream settings I always like just like I think it’s cuz I look so quickly and then I’m trying to

Read it and play and speak and things I am not a literate I’d like to just say that I read so much oh that was not a pleasant burp for you guys for me it felt great I apologize though for the noise you had to hear and L your HS hor hles I

Can’t so another thing I can’t do is speak um oh my gosh we’re going to break any second now there it is we’re getting so close and look at that are we almost have enough to make a loaf of bread I’m kind of my goal is to kind of

Start saving up eat my meat first eat the meat first and then save up all of the other things that I get in order to um maybe have like a sufficient amount of food by the time oh my gosh by the time I’m out of like meat and

Stuff that’s kind of my goal to like save up some stuff okay I really need to organize because this is insane T I’m actually going to terraform more oh it’s right here I’m going to make eight pickaxes oh gosh okay let’s put that There and no put that there there oh an Apple the Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree and in this case I got it from the tree okay I’m going to plant another one I think I want to plant one here and then I’ll plant one here hopefully I get another sapling

Though there we go biggest fear is that I’m not going to get a sapling from a tree and then I’m going to use up all of my trees and not get a sapling okay I am mostly concerned about that in in regards to um like I’m more I’m more inclined to be

Concerned about that for the jungle saplings also when I flatten this out I’m going to make a little Tree Garden area where I can like plant a bunch of trees and I’ll probably start working on making a bigger Garden the plus side is just because right now

Where we’re sitting we only have wheat to make bread we very easily and cookies CU I have um chocolate um we very easily can get stuff from M shafts that we find from killing zombies we can find like potatoes and carrots and beets that way so that’s kind of it’s kind of fun

Knowing that those are options as well we are absolutely cleaning the heck out of this this is almost like power wash simulator like you know when you go around in a circle getting rid of all the stuff on like a flat area that’s this I want to play power watch simulator

Again oh oh I want to play it again so bad when don’t I want to play it though honestly I’m I’m addicted incredibly addicted how far have you gotten in rhombus game by the way colorful side cuz I want to know like what’s did you get past the triangle at all I actually

Guess past the triangle is the rhombus but I think you need two romai to win so have you got in there triangle fair I have some like ideas as I’m how I’m going to make this look nice I want to do something with this I have some ideas

For this there goes the first picka how to take it break simply too invested yep I get that maybe we’ll play more rhombus game before I go today I think I’m going to try and do some uh attempt to hang up more decorations ooh nice I think I’m going to uh attempt

Like a couple more rounds of rhombus game and I want to I want to play this I want to see how long it takes for me to die in hardcore underground Minecraft I want to also I think um try and contain the waterfall here a bit as well but we will we will

See pardon me we’re very close to the bottom of which I am happy once I saw this cave I knew that I had to utilize it cuz like there’s so much water and one of the most important things when you’re doing this is water

And I know that that way if I go that way I’ll probably be able to find the ocean um which will be good later once I’m able to like swim around more so things that I have kind of decided is you know it’s not too far from the ocean um yeah

So many axes pickaxes okay you be back you do your thing it is dark hopefully I’m safe as I continue my chopping Welcome welcome Oops maybe let’s not die H dor you know this is going so well I love this oh I guess I can do this now turn that up a little bit and so far knock on wood I don’t see anything that is I am the footsteps okay I am the footsteps that’s

Good I love the sound of the items plopping and the you know I never used to play Minecraft with like a lot of sounds which is why one of the reasons why I have the um subtitles on was because of that but having these headphones that I currently have have absolutely changed

How I play Minecraft and one of the things that I do now is listen with sound and like I have both of my headphones on right now and it just sounds so freaking pretty and I don’t know I think this is all the way up yeah

It is okay I I’m just like exposing the things I listen to every time I turned up the volume don’t judge me for the things I listen to we’re so close to the bottom three more to go after this one and then we flattened it which is

Kind of insane when you think about it I mean we’ve been doing this for like 30 minutes at least so maybe it’s not that surprising when when you think about it maybe it’s like very normal for you to think about cuz you’re like it’s been half an hour you’ve gone through

Like so many pickaxes Trisha obviously you’re almost done but listen I’m sorry I’m sorry that I’m excited I’m not actually at all sorry that I’m excited but you know I don’t know I chose to do this but I did oops I love being under the water it sounds so pretty

I love how I’m just being absolutely silent we’re at the ASMR section of the day apparently hello back I’m also I’m silent again I’m ASM ring ASMR Minecraft Channel who me and who honestly there okay I might have to go like this a little bit I don’t know I don’t

Know I have to figure some things out cu this is not working for me there okay oh I hear I hear you I can I can hear you Mr wamper I just won’t look at you it’s fine you don’t know I’m here Mr Enderman and I don’t know you’re here

There Minecraft ASMR actually slaps so hard okay I’m going to go like this I’m going to go like this I have to figure that this waterfall out a little bit before uh anything but today is not that day so yeah we are also doing so freaking well at demolishing

This oh we got a tree that grew oh both of our trees grew and we have more wheat that is done and then we’ll finish this up here once I get this done cuz we got we hit the place where um essentially that little like hole that I

Made was going to come into be a problem so I figured I’d just kind of like Get rid of it get rid of all of this stuff and yeah I actually think that we may have enough pickaxes to get through the rest or I might have to make like a

Couple more but we’re very very close to the end of terraforming for the day at least I’m sure I’ll come up with other things I want to do in the areas and like I want to figure out like a better version of this waterfall I might like move it to be

More inside and then like oh know we’ll figure some things out like there’s definitely going to be more terraforming to do but the question is not it’s going to be more like where am I doing it you know it’ll be more aesthetic terraforming instead of like necessity terraforming I

Guess this is more aesthetic CU like I don’t have to do it here but I want to do it here you see so that’s like a thing in my life I was really hoping to find an iron or something nearby I mean I guess I still

Have more more to go but I was really hoping to find a little bit more iron so I could make a shield yeah like even this one I would like it to be a little bit more uh a little bit less like a wall of water and more like

Aesthetic but we’ll figure that out a little bit I think later right now we’re kind of using these water sources more necessity based than aesthetic based this one I Pro will probably change sooner um I’m not sure exactly how just yet but actually I have an

Idea let me grab my bucket I want to try it oops [ __ ] it let that go down oops I missed there that’s kind of nice then we could do something over here like bring it back over here because I liked this a little bit oops and just kind of bring it all the

Way over here like that just some Water there that’s a little bit less wall like and a little bit more like aesthetic I mean like you still got the pretty water oh I like that actually a lot and it goes like this thing has like basically a moat around it and I’m actually thinking about you putting water going like

This oops I want to break this one here and do that I don’t know if like I’m going to love this and if I don’t then I’ll change it but okay okay and then we go like this o I like that that’s kind of cool it’s like a waterfall Fountain

Feature I kind of really like that actually that’s pretty funky okay back to this back to demolishing some hecking Stone yeah I’ll probably go up to the top of this and change it but I think first and foremost what I might do is I’ll do that after I like come up

With a garden you know like once I’ve come up with like a nice Garden but I think I’m going to leave the rest of the stone until after I’ve kind of decided what I’m doing with that oh we’re so close pardon me sometimes when I eat dumplings for

Breakfast I just get so Burpy and I’m not sure what that’s about okay more Minecraft ASMR apparently because apparently I’m just so focused see we’ve gotten so much copper but no iron and I’m so upset about it I would have loved to found four more iron in

Here cuz then I would have made a shield and I would have made an iron pickaxe because that would have made this so much faster I’m probably going to get rid of some Stone and just throw it out this is a lot of freaking Cobblestone that I don’t need

Okay I’ll make I think two more pickaxes okay that like that like that one more furnace two of these six more of those um I don’t have a flint so let’s there there okay and have a sleep there we go there we go wish I would have gotten more apples mildly disappointed about

That oh I got another sapling I have two more saplings so I’ve essentially doubled my saplings which is pretty good oh I did not do that right sorry for everybody that I don’t know if anybody else is like me where like if you have a a line

Of a particular tool you have to like finish the first one in the line I don’t know if anyone else is that way or if you start at the end of the line I don’t know but definitely not in the middle that’s for sure oh the furnace just turned on and it

Scared me cuz my feet are right over the furnace vent and it was like so scary the vines are growing and I love it okay I gotta put chapstick on one moment my friends moist don’t you just love moist lips I’m sorry that was the worst thing ever that was horrendous I apologize

Oh All the col High I don’t know I I feel like I’ve lost my mind a little bit I’m mentally done terraforming but it sucks that I’m mentally done terraforming when I have like no terraform like almost no terraforming love to do so I feel like I

Have to finish it now but I want to do other things I want to go exploring I want to go mining but we’re so close to being done the terraforming so I got I got to finish it first like I have to it’s basically a requirement at this point no

There let’s do this and let’s make this um even and then I feel like we can just go ham oh wow we had a big tree grow all right I’ll have to attempt to um dewood the tree oh no oh no I ruined it what is going

On I made it worse I made the wall worse I just I was trying to do something and it did not work there I’m going to go up and see if I can figure out a nicer way to do that I just need to make sure that my crops are

Okay I might move my crops actually I have a lot of space here now I could I could move my crops one thing I’m going to do is I’m going to cook some of this um Cobblestone to turn it back into stone cuz I definitely want to um landscape a little bit

With stone to like flatten some of the other areas hi Stan hi buddy hi oops and like fix my mistakes and then there’s like some coal and stuff I would like to get and replace with stone so I’ll definitely cook about two stacks if possible right buddy yeah we did

It oh guys look at that it’s beautiful hi hi St hi Stanley hold on I be right back in two seconds I am back and I have a stand on my on my lap um you cannot see him he is going to he’s currently too far down but all right hopefully that

Cooks in a nice way all right it is still raining it’s raining man hallelujah it’s rain all right up I go hopefully to find oh no oh no oh he’s angry oh he’s angry at me I didn’t mean to I didn’t mean to look at him I was just going up right Stan oh oh Stan are you comfy are you comfy cozy buddy I don’t know where he went which is very nerve-wracking hey Dan oh Dan are you on my lap buddy well fingers crossed that I don’t just get like yeed into the abyss by the man the myth the legend Mr

Enderman okay so these trees are my least favorite because of how they grow I I know that you get a lot of wood from them but it’s really hard to know if you’ve gotten everything I think no I didn’t okay I think I got everything at least I got one sapling at

The very least did I do it I think I did it o oh we have four saplings dang okay all right let’s go up and oh I heard a weird Noise okay and I’ll let that go down oh it did not go down enough to get rid of the wall yet let’s go over here so we can see I need it to like go away okay and then oh gosh I’m expecting my crops to be a disaster when I go back down

Cool ouch okay okay there we go and then we go like this and like this and we finished terraforming this bit whoa look at all of the saplings on the ground I should get those before like anything despawns holy crap stop no I don’t want you here I’ll have

To figure out a way to make that look look more aesthetically pleasing than what it currently looks like but for now that’s what we got and I definitely want to turn this into like an actual pond over here so I will be doing that as well there we Go a proper little thing I have to um figure out another crop situation for sure but for now we can kind of oops go like this and there just trying to get some charcoal to do some charcoal things there oh what are you doing oh bye

Stan he said I want to leave let me go okay I need dirt CA I think I’m gonna like make this area a bit more dirt forward I wish I had a spoon no a shovel I wish I had a spoon gosh Trisha don’t you even know how to play

Minecraft don’t you even know what tools are gosh guys I’m so good at this game I know what all the tools are you did it the tapestries are up amazing I’m sure you’re exhausted that’s always incredibly exhausting to do any form of like decorating like that and then like

That I just called a uh a shovel a spoon again the amount of times that I do that is honestly quite embarrassing okay so we go nope light light light light light light light light love that thanks okay now we can go plant no plant plant plant plant plant and then I’ll go

Grab another sapling I think I’ll do what if I go For two Spruce and two Birch I don’t know if I have enough room for both of these but we’re going to give it a shot Plant plant might go like this plant and plant just cuz Spruce can be like a little bit of a different vibe but there we go can I put back there there and eventually that’ll grow over but okay that is that now I might I do want to start

On a thing so let’s see one two three Four like that I’m going to need more um lights but that’s fine uh you’re going to go down and get a drink and get comfy and be back okay well you know viby times I want okay this oops no no no oh my gosh that almost ended poorly

Okay I’m going to sleep because this does not work for me oh I’m so glad I heard that that was wild one two three one two three one two three yep we’re good and I need this and I need this and this and no I am not going to replant it

There because I am moving it and then okay okay I do have more Stone so I can go like this and collect some coal so I can make some sticks there oops and then we go like this and I got some sticks one two three take that go like that

That we’ll put one there and there not there there okay that should be enough oh perfect those are low enough that I’m just going to get rid of them four five six seven eight n 10 11 so that’s the start of of that actually I might go like

This and like this as well it doesn’t hurt to have so much light so oh sorry buddy I didn’t know you were there so there we go we’ve got some stuff growing okay I might go like this and like this and then do this for okay let’s cook

That and we will make a couple more charcoal as well okay I screwed up okay grab another one of these I hate terraforming right now even though I it’s like my favorite thing to do but at this current moment I am not a fan there this is so cute at the

Moment let’s grab that put that in I’m going to grab a bunch more of this Cobblestone like I don’t need all of it right now I do want to grab a cherry sapling and I want to go over here just like in the middle hello Moth Man welcome to the bagel

Family how’s it going what is the HS literally no one says that but now I do apparently how’s it going what is up I am losing my mind terraforming at this current moment oops H what do be the HPS I don’t know man what do be the HPS okay we’re getting there

Haha a little pool how quaint yummy eel Sushi no don’t be eating the eel sushi but it was a very funny post I thought so anyway I giggled so I posted it forbidden Sushi do you got do you all remember like I guess it was the Tide Pods that

Were like the Forbidden gushers and all that kind of stuff that was like a really silly meme Trend time those are good I liked those bleach The Forbidden Juice Box exactly those were so funny I mean like not when people were actually drinking them and stuff but like you know the jokes about

It made me giggle there we go I’m really trying very hard right now to like make this area look nice I also have a cat at my feet which is very cute Stan is obsessed with my feet which is a very strange thing to say

But he’s a strange guy send cat picks um yeah I can I mean I have a bajillion of them right buddy are you okay oh he’s so he’s so eepy your cat has thumbs I have questions you know what I need I need one of those um compost bins that’s what I I

Need I’m going to use maybe some Birch to make it uh we do have Discord and by we I mean like we have a Discord for this and we actually have there and we have a pet thing in there so please send pet piics all the time

Guess I only need one composter I need to make like a bajillion Birch slabs but here we are I feel like I’m missing some there we go like I feel like I’m missing some saplings here all right time to cut down more trees oops amazing I love pet photos so much okay

Getting so much wood I’m excited for my um Cherry sapling to grow cuz those things I I know that I said I was thinking about hi Jack I know I said I was thinking about like doing a more jungle inspired build but I actually think I might do like a cherry

Sapling cute little like Cherry sapling build I just feel like I’m going to be able to get a lot of cherry sapling wood quite easily what where are you hi hi squeaky what a silly kitty cat there we go okay so now we wait for everything to drop picture sent I’m so

Excited what Jack I have six cats um backstory for the she’s a she’s a polya is that is that a dinosaur well half polya that’s got to be like a type of cat like obviously your cat is not a dinosaur where where are you what is the matter Jack

Okay I’m like is she a is she a dinosaur cuz that’s not like a thing that okay I can put another row of tree saplings now oh my cherry sapling grew my goodness um I need food I know I have an apple um currently I am trying

To save apples and wheat until I’m done the meat that I have cuz the meat that I have is um the meat that I have is like not going to last very long probably okay I need to reorganize everything cuz this is getting too messy for

Me I have so much Cobblestone I think I’m going to get rid of more cobblestone I think I might go like this and then I’ll put this um put that like that and then I’ll put um like miscellaneous and then wood can go like that okay put this and

This and maybe the sticks and the Flint the feather and the ho put that like that no the rock copper and then in this one we will put the melons the apples the wheat the flowers um cocoa beans and all of our saplings and sugar cane and the hoe and the

Extras and then I’m going to go like this and put the Cobblestone actually two there we go like this and then I’ll throw this in the water um I will go look at the pictures shortly I do apologize sorry I am just getting a little bit distracted

Here oh no did I not get any Birch saplings from that oh there there’s one it just no no no no no no no oh dear I I got to be paying more attention okay let’s throw that in the water once I find string and I’m able to

Make a fishing rod life is going to get so much better oh okay we’re good so so so much better but for now that and then I need to go get more Birch saplings oh maybe I’ll only get one more Birch sapling and I’ll try a couple more I’ll do a couple

More oh or you know what for now maybe I just I’ll just do this I’ll go like this like that okay well I actually think that I’m going to leave this here cuz we’ve got some funky stuff I do want to play a little bit more rhombus

Game before I go I’m not going to lie to you so like we’re not done but we are done Minecraft we we will be done Minecraft oops there we go however rhombus game um there we go welcome back to Rhombus game perfect oh no that did not do what I wanted it

To do that’s okay that’s so touching are you kidding me there we go trapezoid how is that game over what I was I barely started that’s insane okay anyway Bonk Bonk there we go trapezoid okay I need that to like touch ah this is gone very downhill oh

Okay it’s not going to go well yeah didn’t think so okay one more try last try and then I’ll go for the day nice that is one way to do it beautiful that’s so stunning plop oh I was really hoping that that would touch somehow nice oh it’s like a face

Okay that was so close to being good but it wasn’t but I did say that that was the last one I was going to do so I am going to end stream here thank you guys so much for hanging out with me I had such a great time I hope you had

Such a great time and I will see you guys tomorrow bye

This video, titled ‘Trying to do a Hardcore Underground Minecraft Challenge again…wish me luck’, was uploaded by dainty.bagels on 2023-12-30 18:00:02. It has garnered 311 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:18:24 or 11904 seconds.

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/daintiestbagels

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

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  • Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough

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  • Villager’s Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations

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  • EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!

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  • EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!

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  • Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft Roleplay

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  • Unlocking Herobrine’s Secret Powers! 😈 #Minecraft

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  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

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  • ModArchy

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  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

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  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.craftlime.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

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  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

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  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: paypal.me/DarkCorruptA (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: https://discord.gg/m5PKeyykCg Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More