Daiter unlocks 100 NEW Fisk Superheroes in Minecraft! Bends reality with Ben 10!

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All right everybody TG Heroes hero pack update is finally out let’s see what new characters we have and maybe some update for the old ones before showing the actual characters I just want to show you how it looks here and I just want to remind you this is the biggest hero pack

Ever as you remember and I’ve done like a full review before this update so today I’m going to show you only new stuff but if you want to see like all the other stuff you can check out my video right corner link is right now right there but basically it looks like

This insane amount of the heroes like let’s started first off we’re stting with the new characters and the first one that I want to show you is was obviously in DJ Heroes a lot of alss and here we have combook version of the suit and MCU version only right now we have

MC version as remember for all the all powers are the same just like in the regular suit so I will show you just like the suit and how it looks B Powers I will show you literally only on these one so first of all we have energy blast

Just like this and also we can change size and in the change size already can fly but if I will go with this camera obviously it will look like that for me but yeah as you can see super small size and the sound effect yeah insect sound

Effect and this how the fly looks with the comic book version of the character next new character we have pixie and she’s an X-Men character and this is first time me seeing her so if you know you know her let me know in the comments about something about her we have soul

Dagger that looks like this also she can fly yeah and we have the same sound effect as for the wasp and also we have teleportation she’s pretty op I can show you ANS version every single suit got NS version here in this hero pack which is really

Great let me show you how it looks with my skin damn girl what the freak is that bro next up again an axeman character and we have Angel this is the classic suit and also we have modern version of the Angel suit that looks like this and wings texture looks super weird like

Something from Terraria and he’s only power is flying literally he just had his wings and that’s it yo so obviously if we have Angel we have an archangel and let me see the full resistance and plus six full resistance yeah the wings for the Archangel I like them even

Better and also we have a wing shield for Archangel let me show you how it looks so Archangel is better here and also we have another suit we have a force version of this suit and I like it even more than the classic one next up

We got Hawkman he got the same Powers as the angel and I don’t know from where this hogman I don’t know maybe this is from cup we have a mace we can use our mace and obviously we can fly and also we got alternative version like this

Yeah basically looks just like the angel whoa we have dive bomb mode do we have it for Angel though probably yes that’s actually really great next up really weird and interesting at the same time character at least for me we have modok and we have as you can see classic

Version the comic book version but we also have MCU version so first of all yeah the classic modok let me try to do something with him okay obviously he can fly we got psionic Force bam damn how that looks from the first person when you’re playing for mod Force

Blast and force field let me okay force field just regular force field and pionic Force Blast it’s all right okay but now I want to see the MCU version of this character okay nothing really interesting about it next up we got moonight and all four identities for him as you can see right

Now I’m steeven Steven his name right uh next we have moonight unfortunately no animation but for every single one we have different powers so step is just regular man moonight we have his classic weapons yeah classic weapons of moonight okay yeah just regular Throne stars and grappling

Cent whoa we finally have it and the sound effect and the animation a little bit different than the web zip I like that a lot all right let me turn that off I’ll let me see the yeah the cape looks just great bro I’m literally flying look at this I have like crazy

Speed and I’m literally flying I thought I would be just like gliding like bman but no now let me go with Jake luckily we had a bar underneath the screen as you saw but now let me go with the Mr Knight he’s looking like this let me see

His powers drop pattern okay so these are his weapons and yeah basically that’s it so the coolest one obviously is moonight Yo that is fire though Dr f is the next one I didn’t even know that we could have alternative version of the dror face you but okay I’m

Holding the helmet right now let me put it on and we have this kind of Animation this ULU is just perfect helmet I don’t know about the helmet so Al blast yo all right all right kind of like Mysterio animation from the F Superheroes Mod I like that also inability teleportation

Magic spell and casting all right perfect let me see how these P for example this one looks wa and it works for yo what and it works for every single fate in the area what now let me try Okay whip spell just regular whip spell and also we have the fly mode the

Alternative version for dark F looks like this we have the same powers for it next up blue b at least we have this kind of animation for him damn what a Sonic Blast let me see what Jam C got obviously we got to have the fly mode your wings are so small I

Thought it will be okay why his wings are so small that that that looks weird a little bit for me but okay that’s funny and we have tole blade dive bomb mod damn easy easy whoa damn yo oh my God next up we got Livewire AKA lesie Willis we

Have damn that is loud bro we have electric Blast for her and also electric beam okay the sound effect of electricity is great but the coolest thing for her is her fly mode with the lightning animation that looks like this and she’s pretty fast shanqi all right

Let me see that character first time me seeing him in F superheroes for real for real we have Chi charge for him that looks like this with that we can do block also we have ground smash ability uh energy blast and energy beam also we have teleportation yo what all right and his

Stats yo that’s pretty good let me see the MCU version of the suit all right that looks like this yeah he’s not really that fast next up we got neyar from the wakand forever movie and we have Telo per for him yo what a little wings on the legs literally angel wings

On the legs we have yo that’s crazy uh okay we got to go in the water right now to see how fast he’s swimming and I want to see his animation yo he can fly he can fly with those wings that looks super weird and okay and just the same in

Underwater now let me see Aquaman first we have com book version he cannot fly but he can yo swim a lot faster than neym more look at this that’s some crazi bid and let me see DCU version of Arthur yeah yeah obviously the same abilities because this is just oh and the new

Weapon I mean it looks different but obviously alternative version that means no new abilities G character from Black Panther movies we have aaya from wakanda we have Sonic Spear and Sonic Blast for her okay yeah that’s it next up we got cable he looks good as always bro we

Have Al alterate version for him this is ax of Swords we have energy projection for him what the hell with this sound effect though uh all right teleportation telekinesis force field and obviously some weapon oh there you go just like that uh next let me go with

Dual barus oh it’s not dual just bar and chonos fruitful this is some laser gun now cable is cool also we’re not forgetting about DC characters penguin from the Batman villains super random characters are here we have an umbrella for him uh and we have different modes

Of umbrella let me see how that looks because I don’t understand what does mean okay so flame mode okay this is flame mode then we have alsoa poison mode does it work I don’t know and also we have bullets mode how to shoot it okay penguin is a little bit weird it

Just doesn’t work I don’t know maybe I’m doing something wrong maybe this is some bug also we have two different more versions for him first of all this is from comic books where he looked like this and also have from the Batman movie and yeah yeah yeah yeah from the last

One right 2022 Batman movie yeah that’s how he looked at oh now that works bullets mode okay bullets and land let me see the poison and for the poison we have the same bullets okay that’s super weird like tag you got to fix that of course

Mor is this type of character that I got to show him in the night 100% obviously he can and yes he can fly but what the hell is yo what the hell with look at this B what look how he’s spinning okay also we have claws and

Bite all right and also we have it’s Mor time the sound effect yo that character is weird is like morbis in the 1994 Spider-Man series is okay in all the other stuff like super weird character next up we have jut and obviously we have crate tror and ground smash ability

For him just for any giant also want to see his stats quickly um 3.5 jump height plus 10 full resistance plus 50 spring speed yeah just regular giant curve in the F Superheroes Mod only one version for him looks like this next up we have

Yellow jacket and I like this year a lot like it just how looked in the movie skin done perfectly let me change the size and fly for it damn all right and the blue FX just like in the movie yep what the hell was that okay now it

Works perfectly fine but when I’m flying it looks kind of weird uh but still really great skin really great suit and also yeah this lasers just like in the movie and also we have what if version of the suit and I don’t know what does

Mean was he in wh if or not but okay this is basically Ant-Man but like mman version of the Yellow Jacket all right next we have Emma Frost and ax-man character are just the best as I said already psionic blast uh Y what let me do that from the first person so I’m

Sure that um yeah there you go and it looks like this psic lining damn so we kind of like telekinesis like an invisible laser or something like that invisible blast that’s crazy pionic Shield I mean force field obviously we have tkz for her and her Diamond form from the just win and

Run uh we have it here too but it looks super weird with this year but yeah we have it too Jan gray is the next character and I will be completely honest I don’t like her like in the comic books I don’t like her in any media not really my favorite character

We have just the same abilities just like for um Emma Frost B we have Phoenix Force for her and she’s become literally like some other character she can fly with the Phoenix Force yo so fast though what all right also we can teleport with the Phoenix Force concussive force

Blast looks like this pionic sh okay is the same T is the same all right so yeah this is the Phoenix Force for Gan gray and also we have so many alss for her let me show you the 19th version First this is probably will be my favorite

Suit uh now let me show you the combook version and yeah she had that mask that doesn’t really really look cool and we have red and blue suit for her too all right I was waiting for the Beast Boy here in this review let me see so first

Of all we have yo how many playlists we have okay two playlists that’s cool Enderman first one obviously we will be able to teleport with him just like that and I yo yo he looks super creepy and weird next we have cradle the animal from

Theic yo what the hell next up we have cheetah and should be fast obviously yep Crazy Fast all right okay next up we have Panda just regular Panda he cannot do anything unfortunately it’s not Kung Fu Panda but he’s really powerful next up we have Turtle tur should probably can swim but

We can also hide in this shell it will be like a shield but I want to swim yeah yeah swim really fast though look at this so this is for the water all right I got I got it I got it also we have frog yo what are the sounds with this

Hero pek and with this hero particular that’s crazy y’all and obviously she can jump like crazy high and the last one we have T-Rex let me see his bad yo and the shake screen yeah let me go ra oh my God that’s crazy and smash ground whoa that’s insane he’s not really that

Fast but smash ground is insane for now Beast Boy one of my favorite characters in this hero pack for sure for sure okay this is it with the Beast Boy we have a little bit more Heroes but first uh before the heroes I want to say quickly

About my server my Minecraft server is out if you didn’t know IP Link in the description I mean not link but the IP in description and also join my Discord server for all the info about the Minecraft server but basically soon we’ll have some crazy events I’ll be

Recording a lot of videos on that server so yeah that’s it now let’s go with the next character oh also for the Beast Boy we have no green animals version so literally Enderman crle looks just like crle cheetah looks like cheetah panda looks like Panda this is insane if you

Want to play on the server for example I would use this version so like for example you see Enderman nobody will know that you’re not real Enderman I mean at least from the distance all right this is Professor X I going likee he’s really old in this one like look

Has his eyebrows so this is just regular skin we also have wi console of ccoa Y that looks crazy I’m thinking maybe he’s a little bit more powerful than Emma Frost or G gray I don’t know but yeah he looks crazy let me do tzes bam you heard that sound oh my God

And the last version for him looks like this console or something Hellfire Hell Fire Galla that’s crazy like look at this and still in the wheer yo next we have Bans she he got scream yo what a sound effect ah and sonic waves oh also he can fly with his

Wings you just like that interesting fly mode and really fast though meline prior one more telepath that we have here uh all the same abilities just like for uh Gan gray and emmafrost and Professor ax but we have sorcery for her so literally all Dr Trans spells BL plus blindness

Illusion no duplication spell we have blindness illusion for that all right and Phoenix Force just the same as for Jan gray probably yeah just the same ability like Jin gray is it Gan gray metal PR who is she let me know in the comments if you

Know star girl we have only one ability for her this is cosma and Cosmic Beam with it can she fly though yes I’m pretty fast though yo oh without it she cannot whoa y oh I crashed the bus guys we did it this is the last character I

Mean the new charact Yo not the last character but the last new character here ing Heroes that’s insane we have fireworks and we have Atomic blast and this is y this is Jubilee from 19th the animated series and I’m sure she was in the comics later but now let me show you

Some new features for the old characters yo we have so many alss for Wolverine yeah we have x23 here too but we have regular one casual clo then Anis version of that a force and now we have Adam manum skeleton and for x23 by the way

Too let me show you that it literally looks like literal skeleton Ang going like CLA now look super weird with this one and x23 literally the same but two claw I don’t I don’t like that I I going be for real like this is super creepy for me I like

You know what I like this one that looks fire some new updates for Johnny Blaze AKA gos Rider we have new animation for him also new bike and chain models okay this is the chain model now looks like this also can throw Fireball damn speed

On fire all right let me see the bike whoa fast as hell Daredevil we have reor of the skin or maybe reor of the powers I don’t know what does mean but it says that we have Dar devil update let me see his powers then we have whoa big ass

Stick okay so this is Bild claps but we can go with it as a STI all right also we have all right all right I like that I like that yeah yeah yeah just the same as it was for some yo you saw that animation okay this is Spider-Man

Animation but look oh this Spider-Man animation too but it looks different with Daredevil skin though we have also H perception and billy clubs movement mod this is basically this stuff but no like web zip sound effect as you can hear and also we have tole blindness effect no unfortunately

We have no x-ray just blindness effect we got to have aay for this but it looks already cool also guys now we have a little bit different animation for forone uh let me charge some ice all right ice wall probably the same as it was but the

Flight yeah it is a little bit different and the same thing with the Iceman though we have ice wall Frost beam oh probably just throw it oh and it works kind of like a freeze grenade damn I like that so much much I just love

That and we have the same for Iceman by the way all right right now I’m deep and we have improved swimming and whoa all right this is basically as flying we already saw that swim with Aquaman but yeah we just didn’t have Aquaman in this

Hero pack but deep we had him and we had not so cool swimming also we have new Ram running for Rhino let me hold and load that and bang that how that works now and the last thing that we got updated is Rogue we have powers of Sho

Hulk now for her we can smash ground also we can Powers go with powers of Angel yeah she’s basically tanking Powers as you remember ala powers of Colossus power of Nightcrawler teleport with the tail damn and also of powers of py I thought we’ll have powers of Gambit I want to have

Powers of Gambit here and powers of looks like this basically what I want to say uh axman characters are just insane and probably after recording this video I’m going to watch some episodes of 19’s animated series of X-Men I don’t know why I want to rewatch that so bad right

Now but soon we’ll have I mean not really soon but soon we’ll have uh 997 X-Men on Disney plus so before that yeah I got to rewatch the whole series for real for real guys that’s it thanks for watching in this video join my disc Ser link description down below link on

This hero pack it’s already out in description also IP of the micro Ser in description to great things are coming and yeah that’s it thanks for watching this video it was crazy to make I don’t know if you’re watching part two or I did this in one video still don’t know

How it will be done but thanks a lot and also just want to say that we have some characters that I didn’t show before for example K the Conqueror uh I showed like all time with the old skin but now we have cool version of this character also

Dr Doom Jessica Johns and Char characters like that I’m already wearing the first suit this is Adam e so first of all flying animation with these red lasers or what is that like I don’t know yo we have the dive ball mod for her yeah yeah we have it let me see the

Powers the attacks also we have Adam blast till kinzis grab yeah also we have shields they’re looking like this next up we have do fate I just love animations in der’s her pack and yeah or beam looks like this will of fade we have just all the dark strange

Abilities also we have n boost wrath and teleportation ability yeah he’s fine like that yo the clock animation in this Superior mod is so satisfying and the last character that we have for der’s hero pack it is Power Puff Girls the first one it is butter

Cup and we have H vision for her crate trammer smash ground um and obviously super speed I like the animation though and flly mode looks like this let me do that for the other okay so we have Bubble okay he vision is the same ultrasonic scream super speed all right and

Blossom heat breath for her and she’s not as fast too damn but yeah these are powerpo girls if you’re a fan check out der here back 100% if you’re a real one you know that I’m a big fan of Iron Man but we only have one Su for Iron Man

Here and it is from Soul Industries here Peg and this is Mark five because of this animation I just love that any you from Soul Industries her pack is really great but I just love this animation for Mark 5 obviously we have dive ball mod obviously we have this

Pins this you turn it on not me I’m saying like look I’m not I’m not touching the keyboard okay you guys know that I love secret Heroes but unfortunately only one hero here from Secret Heroes and obviously it will be one punishment I mean not really yeah I’m amazed about

This yeah we have two versions We have serious one and we have just like regular s we have consecutive normal punches okay it looks great when I’m serious and only one hand when I’m not so super speed let me see that okay 700 km per hour speed level 7 that’s crazy

And Luke yo it HS for so long that’s crazy let me try whoa and now I want to do a killer move oh my God so this is Flash from flasho movie so look yeah transformation cool and Alo slow motion vision and super speed obviously look at this glowing stuff

Okay six is our speed level and yeah the animation looks great I want to see energy beam yo and there all powers I forgot to tell you yeah I can run without the transformation of this you but Lightnings will be blue if it transform it is okay but if not I’m burning

Literally unconventional hero pack we have three characters first of all we got miles and I want to fly in the survival right now okay web swinging do we have full resistance by the way so full resistance is plus 11 okay so I’m I’m I’m going to probably die if I will

Go like really really high but like from this all right so you already saw web zip ability but also we have web shs just regular one impact web and sticky web it looks like this and also we have slow motion Vision but the interesting it is MIL so we have venom punch and

Also we have camera flush mode if we go shift boom completely invisible next one I want to show you from unconventional her pack is obviously Electro also we can teleport with this just insane animation of lings and obviously the fly mode bro he can fly like that and he can

Fly like that just literally Pure Energy lightning and stuff and the last one is Soldier Boy and here we have Shield alsoa he has a pistol right deser Eagle right yeah yeah yeah and obviously this charged beam from season 3 yo yeah that’s insane next up Pizer hero

Pack and we have only reverse flash and very is from this it up and zoom there but yeah my favorite is zoom so I’m bro Zoom for y’all and this is the best herek if we’re talking about Speers obviously we have super speed and we have like exclusive abilities for single

For every single character here but for the zoom it will be open brush also we can throw lining just like that oh yeah that’s that’s really cool yeah it’s called flash time not slow motion Vision By the way here that’s cool I think let me throw

Lighty okay I missed a little bit also we can open brush actually looks like I’m opening a brush look at this because it it opens at the same time here so it doesn’t look like a to point look at this like like a real portal and stuff and vibrate let me

See this guy yo oh whoa whoa hey hey hey hey hey so yeah if you’re speeder fan or the flash fan check out the speeder hero pack next though is scar Heroes we have have three heroes from the sky Heroes hero pack and yeah hero hero hero hero bro so the

First one with this hero pack is blue b and let me see his Scarab transformation let me see his yo the sound effects though we have twole blades and also big ass sword and we have also Wing Shield one of the best animations look how cool like y that

Looks just crazy yeah and this is it yo by the way why do we have no lasers life from this but we have the flight mode and the flight mode yo look so we can fly like I said with the wings but if we’re going crazy it is like boost

Without wings next up is the last update for scar Heroes this is Harley Quin and we have roller skates for her and also she has a mallet yo the sound effect of Mallet kind of like cartoonish I like sound effect I like that and the last one is obviously going

To be Superman and this is the only Superman and Superman a like even character in this video so H Vision then slow motion vision and freeze breath and just like the animation and all I don’t know just like that here so that’s why I included this version of the Superman

Also he has super speed by the way yo the animation by the way too we have Lightnings but not like a lot all right guys next up we have Stellar Heroes hero pack that’s how it looks only six Heroes we have Booster Gold Dr Manhattan and Quantum Realms you by the way Booster

Gold flying animation I didn’t know that we have oh we have different flying animations look at this one hand two hands I mean yeah one hand and no hands about the abilities we have energy blast we have the force field and by the way we can use this force field when we’re

Flying also we have slow motion vision for him oh two hands animation too damn and he’s falling down like this also we have save temporal position basically we can save our position right here and then go teleport just like this yo what a freak is this animation bro look at this

That’s all powers for him now let me show you Dr Manhattan he looks like this we can turn off and turn on the glowing so for Dr manh we obviously have the fly mode but he cannot boost but for his powers we have telekinesis obviously disintegrate just like this

Teleportation with really really good animation that I love also inability and also we can change size and become bigger like this we have Quantum realm you from Avengers endgame as you can see we got the bracelet right here and we can turn around like that by the way

Night vision yeah basically cannot do anything we can just travel to Quantum real a little bit a little bit faster a little bit more powerful but the main thing is this let me go to the quantum realm yep I’m not dying in the quantum realm and also I can fly right here just

Like they did in the Avengers movie Dam next hero pack you all probably know this is James C hero pack and the hero that I choose from it is venom for me venom from the James C pack is the best Venom in F superheroes so we can change

Size here like this also we got the web zip okay there you go also yeah as you can see web is his color not white also we got symbiotic Shield oh we have we have dive bomb mode now for Venom okay let me see the webs we yep yeah

Basically this is it this is all his powers transformation looks like this also we can do this I mean I just love that next up will be Wally West rebirth version he’s fast as hell and he should be like that it’s Cannon and yeah 800

Plus K per hour is crazy also we have suit animation stuff and also some abilities oh we have vibrate ability that looks like this damn that’s awesome though and the last one will be the member of fantastic for we have great animation for for the flame on also we

Can do this like I I wouldn’t say flamethrower but basically just fire and Fireballs this is it but I mean just like how he’s flying do bomb mod and we can combine all of that with the flame on ability bam so that was 19 characters and the

Last six characters are all from TG Heroes hero pack last update by the way and I just had an video about it it was the last video and I I’ll probably say something like that in the beginning but yeah basically was the last video on my

Channel so check it out 100% I showed like all of the new Heroes there but today I will show you the six favorite heroes from that back and basically it is cable Galactus Frozone Beast Boy gos Rider and R I just love X-Men I wanted to go with a lot more X-Men characters

But I was like okay let me go with cable and rope but basically cable is first one let me show you energy projection that looks like this by the way TJ Heroes is insane pack because we have like just insane amount of the heroes from different universes not only Marvel

And DC so yeah check it out too link description down below also we have teleportation just like this telekinesis and forcefield and we can equip Chronos rle do uh Beretta okay uh Beretta and obviously dle yo guns looking super great in this mode now next up let me show you

Galactus let me go into giant mode just like that bang okay probably could be even more giant but this is probably maximum INF Superheroes Mod that we can get we got oh yo what a sound effect this is Cosmic beam insane if you want to see a video

By the way I just had an idea for the event on my server I will be Galactus and subscribers will be fighting with me with TG Heroes here pack yo that would be interesting if you want want to see something like that let me know in the

Comments and put at least like 500 likes on this video but basically we have teleportation telekinesis and yeah giant mode that already showed and all the powers we have in both mods regular and giant mode next up Rogue and by the way guys I forgot to tell you that for every

Single superhero in TG Heroes her we have an alternative Z version for rogue we have a bunch of them 19th version and stuff but if you want to check out my last video on the channel here I’m just will quickly show you the powers we have

Powers of shehulk for her so it will be like what if she sto powers for her from her smash ground and jump also we have angel with the dive bomb mod though okay I love that next Colossus we have gray hair with the Colossus all right next up

Nightcrawler obviously we have tail even damn look at this tail grab tail strike down all right and teleportation obviously and pylo with her like what is that energy blade or something but yeah basically and also we have a chain too almost all characters today were from Marvel or DC

Universe but here we have Frozen from The Incredibles I just love how he’s flying with an ice and also let me see what powers we have for him we have Frost beam ice wall yo that looks fire though and also we can charge ice and probably

Throw something it’s kind of like like a not Fireball like a snowball but not just regular snowball it kind of like a freeze grenade down go Rider is the next character Li me all right unfortunately we don’t have any animation for him but just like that we can become gos Rider

We have fire can stair damn I want to try it out how the looks let me find some mob right now all right pin and stair let me try it out all right sound effect is awesome but what will happened to him damn and it is kind of like a h Vision literally

All right also what we have summon bike and draw chain let me see draw chain oh literally now we have it on our hand and oh we can punch anybody with the chain and also we can throw Fireballs damn now let me summon the bike okay speed level three damn he’s

Fast as hell and we have fire yo I love that I love that a lot 263 km per hours maximum speed can I jump yeah I can jump with it even one of the newest use because this is TJ hero update Bast boy uh I liked him a lot in the last video

If you checked it out so let me see his powers again we have Enderman with the teleportation next we have crle yeah with a beautiful sound effect next up we have cheetah and here we have super speed obviously 135 km per hour pretty fast next up we have who

Panda yeah just a panda unfortunately not Kung Fu and yeah we can basically punch and I’m pretty pretty powerful next we have turtle and turtle can swim like super fast and also hide in a shell I mean it’s like a shield and T-Rex bang just look at this big boy we

Have raar which is crazy yep just look how he’s stepping bro okay ground is literally shaking and we have smash ground which is super big ass yo bang yo the first character and this is Naruto and I want to show you the powers yo I don’t know how to pronounce that

But KAG banin no Jutsu probably something like that all right let me try it out boom okay that works perfect also we have oding again hey with the sound effect yo that was powerful and utility B with some throwing stars and smoke pellets yeah I like how that looks and

Obviously we have the rage mode that looks basically like this and we have be dama here which is this crazy laser beam next up we got Kakashi and here we have futility Bel with the same thing they all have the same things like smoke pallet and Throne stars but for him yo I

Like the r for real fire Jutsu damn also we can tole sharing again that looks like this I ain’t going to lie I like that and here we have Riri yo yo yo yo yo we got to test it out bang also we have to Leaf Village

Secret ultimate to jitu 1,000 years of death what the hell is that all right so is that like a sharing gun I don’t know let me know in the comments down below if you know but now let’s go with the SAS he looks like this here and for him

We have the same here fire jutu and shingan too and okay something more interesting here let me show you have Chidori here we also have to curse mark which looks like this super powerful in this mode next up we got d Manny Phantom and yo what a sound

Effect I just L that uh we have gos Ray we have Shield which is a forest field also we can charge ice oh yo I can throw also got inability and obviously the fly mod downn okay a little bit full resistance plus five and the Fly looks

Like this for him I mean just like a literally Superman flly now let me see dark Danny Phantom version okay we got already a red ice here gos Ray is the same two hands all right but also we have goly whale all right inability is the same

But also we have invisibility now and spectral cop is Bam okay only three of them and we have Scorpion and Subzero for Mortal Kombat I just love that we have whip I mean you already know that scorpion he got to have that here can he throw Fireballs though yes he can fire

Breath looks like this to go Hellfire punch and Hort oh yeah he can teleport obviously and let me see how far punch oh and I literally my hands are burning let me do that with this one okay and he’s burn yo come on take it easy take

It easy my boy I got Katana literally all right and let me see now Subzero and Subzero got charge ice ability also we got ice hammer damn it all right and teleportation it’s Green Lantern let me see who we have theit and at the same time we have glowing all right I like

That yeah we have a lot of poers let me see those sword all right Shield obviously will be force field Mecha armor damn just like in Justice too but okay we’ll check out a little bit later let me see energy beam all right and now Mega armor here we

Have yo okay Green Lantern powerful here let me see fly mode okay just regular Superman type I already showed you the incredi a bunch of times on this channel but today I want to show you this guy this is syndrome here we have illusion whe for him which is unlock drawn

Illusion okay yo that’s hard though hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa come on come on come on take it easy my boy I can fly though again just Superman fly mode okay we can hover what probably it’s like from an old superheroes version also we got smash ground I don’t

Want to smash this though let me go down I don’t have 100% full resistance bro what the hell all right so I’ll say he got super speed and also we got the smash ground let me see how that looks bang next up we got Star Wars

Her pack and I want to show you two my favorite characters out of it and first one is Darth Vader let me activate this you the sound effects are just amazing bro we have lightsaber okay let me ignite that down just listen yo that is great all right we

Have block with that Y how the lra looks oh my God and basically we have force abilities and we can cycle them so first one was force push also have unleash Fury throw a lightsaber Force choke and that’s all four abilities let me show all of them right now let me hear the

Last saber sound sound effect though yo that sound though bro yo I just love that sound effect now let me see Force push whoa that is powerful now unleash Fury whoo whoo whoa whoo wao this is probably the coolest ability yo and I where did I get stones but okay that was

Fire next up we have throw lightsaber yo that’s funny too and the last one is Forest choke okay so I’m like Tillis but at the same time I’m choking him that’s crazy and obiwan Kobi is the next character for us okay let me see his lightsaber oh oh and we have different

Animations and a little bit different sound I like that so Force grab Force push is the same too but we have Jedi mind trick as like exclusive ability for him so let me check it out right now yo what was that okay let me yo that

Looks fire let me know in the comments season 4 teaser trailer came out for the boys and let me show you three my favorite characters here first off this is by the way the boys pack literally the boys hero pack first off we have H Vision also laser blast which is by the

Way is confusing a little bit because for buter we got to have the yellow one also we have sound effect that’s just perfect ground Smash Super Speed which is like 50 k not really super speed just like little bit more than regular person and oh he

Cannot fly yeah but he can jump I mean not that high and yeah this is Boer on temp V obviously and next up obviously I could not keep soldier boy we got that nuclear vi from C 3 busting though yo yo super speed is a little bit faster than

Buer 75 K per hour also we got Shield that looks like this it’s not like an actual Shield really just like Captain America shield from Infinity Warriors you remember also we got super punch and ground smash let me see Super Punch yo that’s crazy and homelander is

Obviously the last one like I could not SK him too the fly mode looks like this he’s flying like crazy hey vision looks like this and it’s really powerful as you can see obviously have H Vision blast too and it’s color yellow when it should

Be red yeah also we have super speed and let me see how fast is he 225 K per hour like crazy got a four hero pck is one of the like best hero packs if we’re talking about quality of the animations and abilities but it’s not like that a

Lot of fans of God of War in the F superhero Community but if you are a fan 100% check it out we have I mean let me start with atas we have like like God of for 2019 version Ragnar version some more characters not only atas and katas

But I will show you at and cratus only in this video first of all we can unleash the wolf obviously we have Talon bow and yeah we can use it with the arrows but we need to grab arrows ourself in the fys archery and that’s

What I really don’t like but let me show you how that works for example triple Arrow bang and also we can go with for example explosive one doesn’t break the blocks really and also we got Magic Shield for atas that looks like this and yeah kind of like dror Str Shield next

Up katus this is version from the Ragnarok just like for the atress too okay we have psycho weapons first of on let me go with the axe obviously that looks like this this is fire we can throw it oh my God though look at this yo this animation bro oh also we got

Guardian Shield what’s that oh all right this is The Shield uh we can throw axe we can’t W off the frost ancient was that all right yo particles are insane breath of themore let me see that yo what is going on and yeah that’s all abilities for this uh weapon also we

Have spars and rage yo and I’m like yeah yeah jumping crazy running crazy punching crazy in this mode let me turn that off next up we have Blades of chaos as our next weapon we can throw Fireball with them oh my God what with the sound effect bro also we have Cyclone of

Chaos whoa next fire of arrest yo this her pack is insane and basically that’s it for blaz of chos and the last weapon that we have is drop near spear I mean Spear and here we have Whisper of the world it looks like this yo next we have artillery of the ancients

And basically that’s all for cratus this is regnar version of him that’s insane I just want to remind you that all like hero pack links map link mod link all in description so check it out 100% and now we have one last hero pack and this is

The melon farm hero pack and first off this is an Arman suit that looks like this this is just like yo this animation is the best we have repuls here also tole Shield uni beam and also we can fly with that with the blue effects though oh damn and yeah

Basically this is a backpack animation suit Iron Man suit in the backpack literally and next up we have Omnitrix and for now we have only three Heroes here that’s why we have like three Heroes more 18 1920 right but look basically it’s on my left hand right now

As you can see let me SEL like an alien all right we have upgrade we have R Jaws we have accelerate and we have we have heat blast yo we have four so that means we have 21 Heroes for today yo that’s crazy y’all I mean let me start with the heat

Blast though I’mma heat that and boom I’m he blast so oh I forgot I need to upgrade it so when he’s not upgraded he can just shoot this and shoot Fireballs by let me upgrade him so I can fly all right now I’m upgraded and look we can

Fly like that of course you can do this in Creative like that is like a cheat code but if you want to do that in survival you just got to play like half an hour or an hour for that hero and you will be upgraded let me go with the

Accelerate yo look at his tail animation that’s insane this is like not a skin this is whole different model oh my God and this is how he’s running here let me go with the maximum maximum speed level it’s three only all right but speed is good though and my favorite thing is

Obviously the mask yo I almost screwed up obviously it was before the upgrade now we have power slide ability that looks like this you saw that that was crazy also have fast punch just like for one punchman in secret Heroes pack then we have accelerated perception basically slow motion vision and obviously SP

Level five which is 550 km per hours upgrade is the next one let me do the upgrade for him all right liquefy is the first ability for him and yeah it is just literally like in the serious look at this that’s crazy but now let me like see his optic blast

Whoa that was fire though I mean it was I mean that was a blast though and the last one is rib Jaws let me see his bite yo the sound effect is crazy but now let me see how his swimming basically because like we don’t have no more

Powers and also as you can see I cannot live without water for long as you can see we have like loading at the yep and now it’s loaded basically in the water I can stay for like how long I want and also I can fly whoa what the hell happened with the

Animation yo it shouldn’t be like that though all right we have some bug now that probably hero pack developer need to fix but the animation got to look like this obviously from this side not this one and we stting just like that with our first superhero and this is

Superman from Project portal hero pack we got Shak screen animation when we’re flying Superman we got obviously H vision and frost breath here we have different different different cool animations and sound effects that we don’t have in regular Superman sues in regular hero packs he can liap and then

He can fly like that by the way all Hero packs Link in description map and mod itself next we have Sentry from hero power hero pack if you know you know we can check it out but bro this guy he’s kind of like Superman I recently read

Dark rain and he was there so I decided to include him in this list so let’s see his powers we got laser eyes by the way look at this weird particles yep also have energy beam super speed with the lightning all right let me see oh 188 not not really that

Fast and also slow motion Vision I like the sound effect by the way but if you know this character you know that he’s like insanely powerful and I wonder like who would win Sandry or Superman this is the question like if you want me to make

A fight on my server if you don’t know that I have a server this is his superhero SMP server link description down below join me uh but if you want to make it f centry versus Superman I mean let me know in the comments maybe I will

Do that in the next event as a person who’s watching Young Justice right now I just should include super boy so I did that and as you know he cannot fly unfortunately he can live pretty high and let me see his powers besides that we have free breath we also have Slow

Time super speed obviously damn alsoa earthquake and ground smash so this is all his powers if we got super bow obviously we have M Martian too we got shape shift ability also Martian telekinesis inability invisibility and shape shift I’m in this shape shift reset obviously she can fly she’s even

More powerful than Martian Man Hunter as we remember still yeah probably she’s the most powerful and yeah by the way this is Omniverse hero pack you can check it out link description on that too y’all know that I’m big fan of invincible and this is Battle Bast I

Just should have included him here because he’s really like really powerful first of all he’s fast but also we got ground smash but down really interesting like the most interesting thing about him he got this is by the way Clover Heroes her pack he got one like 10,000%

Full resistance jump high by the way he can lip even and plus 11 punch damage this is like insane punch damage let me show you let me go with the zombie pigman for example yo I can kill him with two punches only two let me see his ground Smash

Bro Dam what’s that we have yo we have the like under parking lot what the hell is going on I didn’t even know we have this on this map we have Subway yo what and if we are in the subway I gotta show you my boy mark because I mean yeah some

Memories for him here but we got the blue version of him so he’s a lot already a lot more powerful than he was with the regular version Let Me Fly all the subway yo yep as you can see he’s really fast oh is that Subway like a

Full circle probably it is so first of all he’s crazy fast like even faster than Superman Project portal hero pack like insanely fast like this also we got earthquake ability for him ground smash insane speed with 225 km per hour for Vite is a lot and also slow motion

Video if you watched more than like two videos on Michelle you probably know that I love Nova and we have him here too insane energy blast also we got mini energy blast and energy Shield like for like that but of course I want to see him flying yo

Is that faster than Mark yo and look at his like flying animation it looks a bit weird that was Omniverse her pack now I want to show you the only hero from the hero pack it is Shadow hero pack and it is yo what oh that how that works so look this

Is a randomized ring let me show you how it works basically go back to transform randomizer boom I have a yellow ring and I’m transformed to the yellow R I want to I want to go with the green one though green one there you go let me transer so probably different lanterns

Maybe even got different kind of abilities I don’t know for sure he’s kind of slow I’m going to lie maybe this is just after Nova but he’s kind of slow and Y this is Green Lantern oh we have admos spell whip spell we also have chain we also have fists yo look how

That looks literal fist fist punch yo you saw I can yo what that’s crazy also we have sword and shield will be force all right all right and also we can shoot be kind of looks like like H Vision okay we have yellow enter I just want to see maybe we got different

Abilities oh we got face for him let me see face oh literally inability next up Thor I’m not big fan of Thor I ain’t going to lie but look we got molner we got g mode we got energy beam and also this beautiful animation that reminds me

Of Ragnarok which was a blastoff movie so yeah we got god mode let me turn it off we can throw lighting like that and obviously with this moner we can fly let me try it out yeah obviously after invincible and after Nova everybody is kind of slow Thor was from hero power

Hero pek and now we have the hero from nameless her and it is Venom from 19 Caron yeah this is probably the only reason that I have him here because I’m big fan of that cartoon and yeah kind of blue and red like animation of the sh and obviously we have just regular

Spider-Man abilities let me swing a little bit all right everything is cool uh animation just regular animation for Spider-Man in the Superheroes Mod so yep and also the sound effect as you heard already is a little bit different web zip just regular one but when I’m swinging

Different sound effect I Mr B looking great in Superheroes Mod this is YouTube hero pack if you didn’t check out the video with YouTube her pack on my channel was kind of a long time ago check it out we had I show speed I’ll I want to show you his abilities we got

Ground Smash and we got earthquake yep but this is all AB is for Jimmy I mean he looks cool with his own merch obviously and we have high show speed we have PewDiePie I think yep technoblade by the way uh dream and some more characters I

Don’t remember all of them but we don’t have me in that hero pack which is sucks but we have me in Omniverse hero pack and yeah as you can see this is super dater bro super dater I’m kind of like Superman but I’m even like higher like

Levels super here you feel me we got yellow hit Vision freeze breath and all that super speed at 300 100 like what 300 km per hour right also we can slow time look at this rain damn it this is fire if you want to play as myself

Omniverse hero pack you know also we got ground smash yeah if you know you know oh also we can leap and when we flying I’m flying yo I going like this is already fast this is this is literally some Nova level bro look at this yep as you remember I’m literally watching y

Justice right now and green arrow I mean he was always for me like interesting character but right now I Ain going to lie I want to see some more of Green Arrow and in fist Superheroes Mod we have a whole archery FIS archery bro here let me show you basically what we

Have here like different type arrows but I’m going show you like some of them so obviously we have a bow and let me see what arrows we have we have boxing glove fire bow firew work and fire charge all right first one is fire ball that looks

Like this also we have boxing glove I want to check it out a literal boxing glove it’s crazy next up we have fire charge and also we can hold a bow like that I mean it doesn’t really matter how you hold it wo and it is oh my God it affects blocks

Finally something Inus superheroes effects blocks that’s crazy I didn’t even know that look at this oh my God that’s fire I mean literal fire but that’s fire too yo and alsoa Firework Arrow I mean we have a lot of arrows I don’t want to show like if you want a

Video with the whole pack of arrows let me know I will like I will do that but right now I don’t see a point of doing that so let me go with the next character fans of B 10 if you didn’t know that we have uh was that Tim Matrix

Right altim Matrix from B 10,000 that is fire like let me show you how that works we have ultimate hongar with all his abilities ground smash crate Tremor bomb Hands by the way literal grenades bro look at this it’s crazy next we can go like that and boom we’re already

Generate bro we can fly easily fast as hell and have a damn heat vision GRE green one obviously alsoa bam and I’m already accelerate and by the way my maximum speed is crazy it’s be level 9 more than th000 km/ hour let me turn on

Slow motion to see yeah one yo 1035 bro 1035 km/ hour that’s insane let me show the next though we have tiguana freeze bread freeze Spike what what is free Spike let me see that charge ice probably and then we have free Spike there yeah there you go

That’s f also we can go with the next playlist we have echo echo with the sonic wave and the Clones also we have he blast with the fly mode which is looks a little bit weird but okay I allow it we have also whoo whoa whoa

Whoa whoo shoot fire ability for him and then we have way big even what oh for way big we have energy bam but we cannot be like way big but all right and the last one is gos sprak with invisibility and inability that’s it atim Matrix like

Fans of B 10 check it out and it looks Fire by the way and then after Ultimatrix just like that we have ultimate rali Omnitrix blue watch from Clover Heroes already by the way tier 10 and here oh it is literally the same thing this is literally the same thing

But color of blue I mean let me see maybe we have some different abilities so I guess if you want to have a blue version check out this one with Clover Heroes but if you want to have a Green version check out Omni verse herek and don’t forget that in Omniverse herek you

Have my Su like literally myself superator so I mean probably you want to check out the Omniverse okay I’m kidding no both hero packs finally speed St character yeah we had accelerate but this is like real speed ster character and you know that I love Speedster this

Is speed ster hero pack again last time I showed you zoom this time we have reverse flash 250 km per hour a little bit as I remember is a little bit slower than Zoom but yo look at this by the way look at this animation kind of different than

In the mod yeah that’s fire and obviously we have yo a ton of powers literally insane for Speers we have so many balls I just love that so first of all we have chest burster that looks like this let me show you chest burster bang okay I thought it would be

A lot more powerful all right let me see vibrate with the red eyes yeah that’s fire look at this yo insane also we have what’s that oh that’s flash ring okay uh flash time obviously yeah we have it and also should have yeah lightning throw let me see lightning

Throw bang okay I missed damn I missed again okay bang bro since I just added Superman L Hero Pack to my SMP server check it out Link in description I I got to say I got to say bro we have two my favorite characters from this hero pack

First of all this is Bizarro since we already had super B let’s see Bizarro he got cold vision and heit breath as you remember those like that it’s crazy also we got super spear for him and the animation I love the animation I love the tail animation not

Lighting but the tail animation that was fire also we got slow motion Vision obviously and let me see the flight mode okay one hand just classic oh also we can wa that is fire we have dive ball mode but also we can boost and it will be already two

Hands animation and will be already a lot faster that’s fire bro and let me see the next one which is man yeah not Batman just man this is from the last update of this hero pack and I didn’t see yet myself so let me see what the

Hell is this about literal men bro like L man what the hell we got thermost Stars freeze grenade and smoke pallet all right that’s fire but also we have grappling gun so this is literally Batman but we got no bettering so that means he’s not Batman he’s just man yeah

Probably that means that he’s just a man that’s just 100% logic so yeah that’s that’s just fire bro what is going on this is not omni tricks but hero tricks so we have superhero DNA not alien DNA and I think this is just great idea if

It is idea of the Omniverse here back down this is just crazy if it’s not uh I can understand that because this is like too good of an idea uh so we have Kryptonian here is called lord Kryptonian but I mean we have powers of Kryptonian here we have he Vision freeze

Breath ground smash create trammer and also the flly mode just like that then we have red martian so I mean literally Martian Powers uh we have telekinesis we have inability invisibility and he Vision to then boom we already have pinky Speedy who got clones who got super speed I mean literal speeder let

Me by the way see his yo he’s fast eight 805 bro what at 5 km that’s crazy that’s crazy all right now bam and we have yellow spider which is kind of like a Spider-Man version of the hero and here we have all the Spider-Man abilities let

Me web zip finally all the Spider-Man abilities with all the animation and stuff just like that and then boom we have Omni fire which is kind of like a human torch or fire version by the way he’s flying kind of crazy you saw that that is we he’s flying like up more than

Like in the One Direction that’s crazy but yeah also he can shoot fire obviously why it’s not Blue by the way should have been blue probably and also throw Fireball just like that and yo and also I have web zip and yo what why I still have web zip probably because I

Didn’t turn it off when I was yellow spider I’m sorry let me turn it off boom so I think this is fire idea the thing is that it’s not even just powers that we have it is also like different literally different character and yeah I think this is probably my favorite

Character in The Omniverse her pack so yeah check it out it’s all what I want to show you today it was kind of long video probably but yeah thanks for watching 15K Subs we got to go to that on that channel don’t forget about the S&P and now about the event yeah after

Christmas I said it will be event so literally in a couple days I’m in just join my Discord server every like info in the Discord server I think I will sh like tell all the info about my event in the next video on this channel so check

Out the next video on this channnel if it’s already out because all the info about the event there but even earlier than in the next video we’ll have some info about the event in my Discord server so that’s why you got to join the Discord server see you in the next one

It was there

This video, titled ‘100 NEW CHARACTERS Fisk Superhero Minecraft Mod in 1 Video! (Ben 10)’, was uploaded by Daiter on 2024-02-24 12:13:09. It has garnered 4206 views and 197 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:08 or 3788 seconds.

Prepare for an exhilarating Minecraft adventure like never before as we dive into the latest Fisk Superhero Mod update for 2024! In this action-packed video, we explore the thrilling world of superheroes, melon farm heropack for Fisk Superheroes mod and the legendary Ben 10 in Minecraft!

Support me on Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/Daiter Discord – https://discord.gg/GM5egGDfD5 My Minecraft Server IP – daitersmp.my.pebble.host

0:00 100 NEW CHARACTERS! 0:29 Wasp 1:10 Psylocke 1:44 Angel 2:07 Archangel 2:27 Hawkman 2:51 Modok 3:27 Moon Knight 4:30 Doctor Fate 5:26 Blue Beetle 5:52 Livewire 6:14 Shang-Chi 6:44 Namor 7:11 Aquaman 7:29 Dora Milaje 7:40 Cable 8:08 Penguin 9:06 Morbius 9:45 Juggernaut 10:02 Yellowjacket 10:38 Emma Frost 11:13 Jean Grey 12:02 Beast Boy 14:23 Professor X 14:58 Banshee 15:10 Madelyne Pryor 15:37 Stargirl 15:52 Jubilee 16:16 Wolverine 16:49 Ghost Rider 17:09 Daredevil 18:00 Frozone 18:31 The Deep 18:46 Rhino 18:57 Rogue 20:30 Atom Eve 20:54 Doctor Fate 2 21:14 PowerPuff girls 21:51 Iron Man Suitcase 22:21 Saitama One Punch Man 23:10 The Flash (Insane) 23:39 Spiderman Miles Morales 24:19 Electro 24:37 Soldier Boy 24:53 Zoom 26:07 Blue Beetle 2 26:37 Harley Queen 26:53 Superman 27:16 Booster Gold 28:04 Doctor Manhattan 28:34 Quantum Realm Suit 28:58 Venom 29:35 THE FASTEST FLASH! 29:52 The Human Torch 30:13 Cable 2 31:26 Galactus 32:10 Rogue 33:03 Frozone 2 33:33 Ghost Rider 2 34:31 Beast Boy 2 35:32 Naruto 36:04 Kakashi 36:38 Sasuke 36:54 Danny Phanthom 37:37 Scorpion Mortal Kombat 38:08 Sub-Zero Mortal Kombat 38:19 Green Lantern 38:48 Syndrome 39:30 Darth Vader 40:48 Obi-Wan Kenobi 41:14 Butcher The Boys 41:50 Soldier Boy 2 42:17 Homelander 2 42:40 Atreus 43:30 Kratos 45:01 Iron Man Armored Adventures 45:34 Ben 10 Omnitrix! 46:02 Heatblast 46:26 XLR8 47:11 Upgrade 47:34 Ripjaws 48:11 Superman 2 48:38 Sentry 49:28 Superboy 49:50 Miss Martian 50:12 Battle Beast 50:59 Invincible Blue 51:37 Nova 52:00 Yellow Lantern 52:24 Green Lantern 2 53:04 Thor 53:29 Venom 90s! 54:04 MrBeast 54:36 Super Daiter 55:14 Green Arrow 56:24 Ultimatrix Ben 10! 57:56 Ultimate Recalibre Omnitrix Blue! 58:28 Reverse Flash 59:26 Bizzaro 1:00:10 Man (Batman) 1:00:42 Herotrix! 1:02:30 PATREON LINK IN DESCRIPTION!

With its family-friendly content and endless creativity, this video is perfect for Minecraft enthusiasts of all ages. Dive into the action-packed world of Minecraft with the latest update of the Fisk Superheroes Mod! From swinging through skyscrapers as Spiderman to causing chaos with Deadpool and teaming up with Ben 10 to save the day, there’s no shortage of excitement in store. Get ready for heart-pounding battles, hilarious moments, and jaw-dropping adventures as we unleash the powers of Fisk’s Superheroes Mod. Join us as we delve into the Fisk Superheroes Update of 2024 and discover new heroes, villains, and challenges awaiting us in the vast Minecraft universe.

Map – https://bstlar.com/V7/mmaapp Mod – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fiskheroes Heropacks – https://www.planetminecraft.com/resources/?keywords=fiskheroes

For business requires – [email protected]

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    Crafting Unlimited Carpet: Minecraft Farm Fun In Minecraft, a carpet farm, oh what a delight, Unlimited colors, a beautiful sight. Just follow the steps, it’s easy as pie, Duplicate carpets, reach for the sky. Start with a hopper, a chest, and some wool, Crafting table ready, don’t be a fool. Place the hopper above, the chest down below, Fill it with wool, watch the colors flow. Red, blue, green, all the colors you desire, Carpet for days, your creativity on fire. Unlimited farms, a dream come true, In Minecraft world, there’s nothing you can’t do. So hop on in, give it a try, Unlimited carpets,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The hell is going on?

    Minecraft Memes - The hell is going on?Well, I guess you could say this meme is a solid 7 out of 10 in terms of Minecraft humor. Read More

  • Vanilla Minecraft: Reeling in Pain with Fishing Frenzy

    Vanilla Minecraft: Reeling in Pain with Fishing Frenzy In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Our news reporter dives into the lives Of gamers and builders, crafting away, In a world where they can truly play. Fishing away the pain, in vanilla Minecraft, Our reporter’s journey, a true craft. Building houses, neglecting the nether, But still finding joy in every endeavor. With lightning antennas and fishing rods, Our reporter explores, against all odds. Gathering items, putting them away, In this virtual world, they choose to stay. So join us in this Minecraft tale, Where creativity and fun prevail. With Nanachi skin, a touch of flair, Our… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme madness

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme madness “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” #minecraft #shorts #memes Read More

  • Uncover Minecraft’s Sky Height Limit!

    Uncover Minecraft's Sky Height Limit! The Limit of Height in Minecraft: Reaching New Heights When it comes to exploring the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible within the game. One such boundary that has captured the attention of many is the height limit in Minecraft. Let’s delve into this fascinating aspect of the game and see just how high players can go! Exploring the Heights In the world of Minecraft, the height limit has always been a topic of interest for players looking to expand their horizons. Originally, the height limit was set at 128 blocks… Read More

  • Minecraft: Build Mario’s Fantasy House

    Minecraft: Build Mario's Fantasy House Exploring the Mario Fantasy House in Minecraft Imagine stepping into a world where Mario’s iconic design motifs come to life in a fantastical house within Minecraft. This unique creation offers a blend of creativity and nostalgia for fans of the beloved video game character. Layout & Materials The Mario Fantasy House features a layout that captures the essence of Mario’s world. From the vibrant colors to the whimsical shapes, every detail is carefully crafted to immerse players in a playful atmosphere. The materials used in construction add to the authenticity, ensuring that the house stays true to its inspiration…. Read More

  • “Lost in AI World: EPIC Parkour Adventure #5 – Minecraft Mayhem!” #suspense #magic #thrills

    "Lost in AI World: EPIC Parkour Adventure #5 - Minecraft Mayhem!" #suspense #magic #thrillsVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Tale of Forgotten Magic #5 w/ Minecraft Parkour video #minecraft #suspense #adventure’, was uploaded by AI Story Thrills on 2024-06-13 18:15:56. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Experience the moment Aria unlocks her first spell! Watch as her heart races and her fingers glow with light, casting a spell that brings a small flame to life. Each success and challenge on her journey builds her confidence, awakening ancient magic within her. Aria’s adventure is just beginning, and the magic she has discovered… Read More

  • Cobblemon Hustle: Earn PokeCash! | Minecraft Pokemon Mod

    Cobblemon Hustle: Earn PokeCash! | Minecraft Pokemon ModVideo Information This video, titled ‘Gotta Earn Some PokeCash! – Mythical Cobblemon S2 Day 7 (Minecraft Pokemon Mod)’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-05-31 03:16:33. It has garnered 60738 views and 1616 likes. The duration of the video is 03:51:41 or 13901 seconds. Become a member of the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIDlKYC7I6_76jCUBdX-6VQ/join My Twitter – https://twitter.com/KYR_SP33DY My Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/kyr_sp33dy MERCH at https://bfc.store Check out FocusFuel: https://thefocusfuel.com/speedy Use Code “Speedy” for 10% Off! I am a co-founder of FocusFuel. Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 Installation Guide – Coming Soon #mythicalpartner Read More

  • EPIC Steve vs Pillager in MINECRAFT ANIMATION!

    EPIC Steve vs Pillager in MINECRAFT ANIMATION!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT ANIMATION | STEVE ALEX VS PILLAGER | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Raythal Gaming on 2024-01-16 12:45:04. It has garnered 2586 views and 174 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. MINECRAFT ANIMATION | STEVE ALEX VS PILLAGER | #minecraft This is a minecraft animation | In this vedio pillagers raid on a village and Steve and Alex save the village | Insta- https://www.instagram.com/raythal_gaming?igsh=MWNqc3U5Nnkyd2Iwcg== Discord- https://discord.com/invite/m6vU577xt9 Love you so much guys | please support me | ‎#minecraft  #bgmi ‎#TechnoGamerzOfficial  ‎#GamerFleet  ‎#AnshuBisht  Minecraft Survival series| minecraft world | Minecraft Gameplay Minecraft Survival… Read More

  • The Pankalo: ¡Lo que ves te sorprenderá!🤯 #cursed

    The Pankalo: ¡Lo que ves te sorprenderá!🤯 #cursedVideo Information This video, titled ‘No tiene sentido🧐 #minecraft #humor #minecraftmemes #cursed’, was uploaded by The Pankalo on 2024-01-13 23:51:56. It has garnered 16017 views and 1442 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Live Grind on Asur SMP LIVE!

    Insane Minecraft Live Grind on Asur SMP LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Asur SMP Live Grind…[Minecraft Live survival ]’, was uploaded by Asholic Gaming on 2024-01-08 04:10:36. It has garnered 44 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:36 or 2736 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip ASHOLIC GAMING: https://profile.turnip.gg/wrYneCvFjCXeL3AVA Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next stream!!!, Become a… Read More

  • Discover the SECRET Zoonomaly Koala Dimension!

    Discover the SECRET Zoonomaly Koala Dimension!Video Information This video, titled ‘How To Make A Portal To The ZOONOMALY MONSTER KOALA Dimension In Minecraft’, was uploaded by MelonCraft – Minecraft on 2024-04-06 08:00:10. It has garnered 432 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:11 or 191 seconds. How To Make A Portal To The ZOONOMALY MONSTER KOALA Dimension In Minecraft Hello, I’m Melon Noob. Like and subscribe to watch interesting videos on this channel. #minecraft #portal #meloncraft #melonnoob #minecraftnoob #minecraftportal #noob #zoonomaly #mcpe #addon #addonmcpe Read More

  • You won’t believe what happened on a normal day

    You won't believe what happened on a normal dayVideo Information This video, titled ‘normal day ft. futureclient.net’, was uploaded by Ownedme on 2024-06-15 08:47:24. It has garnered 413 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. crystal pvp, minecraft, pvp, drdonut, cpvp, minecraft pvp, donut smp, crystal, donutsmp, smp, crystal pvp montage, marlow, minecraft hardcore, tier 1, marlowww, minecraft crystal pvp, minecraft smp, marlow crystal pvp, drdonutt, itzrealme, donut, end crystal, dr donut, vanilla pvp, survive hardcore, hardcore, best minecraft player, crystal pvp guide, vanilla crystal pvp, clownpierce, rasplin, respawn anchor, vanilla crystal pvp montage, live, livestream, golfeh, lurrn, tier list, 1.20,… Read More


    INSANE LUCK?! OPENING 100 GRINDING CRATES FAST! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘OPENING 100’S OF GRINDING CRATES! (MINECRAFT FACTIONS)’, was uploaded by Beadle on 2024-04-11 22:00:28. It has garnered 90 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:01 or 721 seconds. Crate opening video on minecraft factions. —————————————————————————- IP: play.Cosmicpvptest.com DISCORD: https://discord.gg/znjqTD3aam STORE: https://buy.cosmicpvptest.com WEB: www.Cosmicpvptest.com MORE: solo.to/Cosmicpvptest.com —————————————————————————- Tell your mom hi for me. 😘 Enjoy the video? Hit the like button and subscribe with post notifications. SUBSCRIBE TO ME NOW! @RealBeadle If you are a sub i love you and you are cool. periot. 😊 MY SOCIALS: @RealBeadle on SnapChat, Twitter, and… Read More

  • Boring Souls SHOCKINGLY Transformed!

    Boring Souls SHOCKINGLY Transformed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Type Soul Is Boring’, was uploaded by Note on 2024-05-02 01:07:51. It has garnered 1377 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:15 or 315 seconds. Like and Subscribe if you want more Minecraft, Roblox, or Anime Content. Comment for things you want to see or tell me what I can do better. The quality of this video could have been better. I understand that and wish to continue to improve; any feedback is helpful. Intro by https://www.youtube.com/@UC2C_I9VpCe3UVmH3NRT9hUA Intro song – Croosh Anymore Outro song- Suzume by Nanoka Hara ▬▬▬▬▬ Background Songs… Read More

  • RageStorm SMP

    RageStorm SMPJoin the RageStorm SMP today! Do ‘kits when you join. Defend your self and build a team. There is /tpa . Lifesteal included rs.mcpro.io:41515 Read More

  • Bloom SMP – Semi-vanilla | SMP Survival | English | Java & Bedrock | Crossplay

    Welcome to Bloom SMP! The perfect place to play Minecraft Survival, have fun, and make new friendships. IP = play.bloomsmp.net Joinable on versions 1.9 – 1.20.6 Features: Anti griefing Cross play A welcoming community An active Discord A friendly staff team Regular events Bloom SMP is not modded, but contains gameplay-enhancing plugins. Keep things friendly to ensure a good playing experience for everyone. Website: https://bloomsmp.net Discord: https://discord.gg/bloomsmp Read More

  • Nu Towny – Java & Bedrock Crossplay: Towny, Jobs, Quests, Dungeons, Economy, AdvancedEnchantments

    🌍 Welcome to **Nu Towny**! 🌍Experience a brand new take on the classic Towny survival with a twist. In **Nu Towny**, we’ve taken the traditional Minecraft gameplay and enhanced it with unique features, custom plugins, and a player-driven economy.Java/Bedrock/Console IP: Bedrock/Console Port: 25565⭐ ** AdvancedEnchantments **: Custom enchants, Enchanter & Tinkerer.🏡 **Towny **: Start your own town or join an existing one. Make friends, build your dream home, and create a thriving community with players from around the world.💰 **Economy**: Our server features a balanced and player-driven economy. Trade, barter, or set up your own shop to become the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Ping: You call that spice?

    Looks like the only thing getting a workout here is the ping! Read More

  • City Cuffs: EfeKan & Ali’s Arresting Adventure!

    City Cuffs: EfeKan & Ali's Arresting Adventure! In the city of Minecraft, chaos did reign, Efekan and Ali, the police, to detain. Arresting everyone, causing quite a stir, Their antics and pranks, oh how they were a blur. With laughter and fun, they filled up the screen, Their adventures wild, like a crazy dream. Subscribers tuned in, for each new episode, Their support, like a bridge, helping them to unload. Kare Kafa, the narrator, with a twinkle in his eye, Describing the action, as the story flew by. In Turkish, he spoke, for all to enjoy, The essence of gaming, like a favorite toy. So let’s… Read More

  • Minecraft: The Game That Ruins Lives 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft: The Game That Ruins Lives 🔥 #minecraft #meme When you’ve died for the 100th time in Minecraft and you’re just sitting there like “I didn’t sign up for this much stress when I started playing with blocks” 💀 #minecraftstruggles #respawnplease Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video titled “マインクラフトでマイクイズ!なにがかわったかわかる?間違い探し(かんたん)118 #shorts #マインクラフト #マイクラ #minecraft15 #マインクラフトでマイクイズ”. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it does spark a sense of curiosity and exploration that aligns perfectly with the experience offered on Minewind. Imagine a world where things are constantly changing, where every corner holds a new surprise, just like in the video. That’s the kind of dynamic and engaging environment you can expect on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a… Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft | Creative Flight & Blood Altar!

    Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft | Creative Flight & Blood Altar! Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATIVE FLIGHT & THE BLOOD ALTAR! Embark on an exciting journey with Nik and Isaac in Minecraft Encrypted_, where creative flight and the mysterious Blood Altar await in this modded questing survival adventure! Unleashing Creative Flight One of the most thrilling aspects of Minecraft Encrypted_ is the ability to soar through the skies with creative flight. Imagine the freedom of exploring vast landscapes from a bird’s eye view, uncovering hidden treasures and secret locations with ease. The Blood Altar Delve into the depths of the Blood Altar, a place shrouded in mystery and ancient power. What… Read More

  • 🌙☄️ Unbelievable Secrets Unearthed in Auri Lunami Ch. – MINECRAFT

    🌙☄️ Unbelievable Secrets Unearthed in Auri Lunami Ch. - MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘Under Ground【MINECRAFT】’, was uploaded by Auri Lunami Ch. 🌙☄️ on 2024-05-30 06:20:54. It has garnered 418 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:27 or 7707 seconds. 🌙☄️Hello my sweet Mothies. I’m your chaotic space witch ready to show you some magic!🌙☄️ ⭐Donations: https://streamlabs.com/cherrypieishere ⭐Throne: https://throne.com/aurilunami/wishlist !NO DONATION REFUNDS! Please be sure to check how much you want to donate. Thank you ^-^ ⭐Discord: https://discord.gg/RUJkS6GRhQ ⭐Follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/AuriLunami ⭐Follow me on Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@aurilunami 🌌〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜🌌 🪐TAGS🪐 General: #AuriLunami Memes: #Aurimeme FanArt: #Aurti FanName: #Mothies Oshi mark: 🌙☄️ 🌟DA RULES🌟 1…. Read More

  • Minecraft: Shark Cheat Upgrade

    Minecraft: Shark Cheat UpgradeVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated with //UPGRADE in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Shark on 2024-01-25 20:00:15. It has garnered 69152 views and 3812 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:46 or 1126 seconds. Today I Cheated with //UPGRADE in Minecraft! The //Upgrade Mod in Minecraft is so insanely powerful! What should we do in the next Minecraft build battle? BECOME A MEMBER TODAY! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQVwQQvz8O_0aeFDBVcdhpg/join Merch – https://www.09sharkboy.com Subscribe! – http://bit.ly/1GtTBWj Join My Discord – https://discord.gg/shark My Socials Twitter – @09sharkboy Snapchat – TheLifeOfShark Instagram – @09sharkboy Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/SharkMerch Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound Click here… Read More

  • Explore the Insane Realistic Minecraft World! 🤯 #TGC_Dark

    Explore the Insane Realistic Minecraft World! 🤯 #TGC_DarkVideo Information This video, titled ‘Realistic world | #minecraft #trending #shorts #TGC_Dark’, was uploaded by TGC_Dark on 2024-04-30 11:15:51. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable NEW END in Lucky’s Den SMP!

    Unbelievable NEW END in Lucky's Den SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 The NEW END Has Arrived – LuckySMP’, was uploaded by Lucky’s Den on 2024-03-23 20:04:29. It has garnered 105 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:22 or 13462 seconds. Hello There! In Today’s Stream, we play through some Minecraft on a small SMP called LuckySMP. The whole SMP is NOT modded, so anyone can join! If you’re interested, feel free to ask about it in the chat. Today, the End Biome will be arriving to the SMP, it’s been a long awaited dimension and everyone is super excited for it…. Read More

  • “Ultimate Invincibility Hack on LifeSteal SMP” #clickbait

    "Ultimate Invincibility Hack on LifeSteal SMP" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO BECOME INVINCIBLE ON THE LIFESTEAL SMP #lifesteal #minecraft #smp #gaming #mc’, was uploaded by Not Length on 2024-04-12 12:26:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. IP: play.minehaven.fun discord: discord.gg/minehaven Version: 1.19+. Read More

  • 🔥EPIC 3-Game Randomizer: Pokemon, Minecraft & Mario🤯

    🔥EPIC 3-Game Randomizer: Pokemon, Minecraft & Mario🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘The FASTEST 3 Game Randomizer Yet – Combining Pokemon, Minecraft & Super Mario 64’, was uploaded by 360Chrism on 2024-02-06 12:49:36. It has garnered 16730 views and 517 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:19 or 2779 seconds. I combined Pokemon Red, Super Mario 64 and Minecraft into 1 interconnected Randomizer. If you want to try Archipelago Multi-world Rando yourself check it out here: https://archipelago.gg/ Check out my other Archipelago videos here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFfCl8cCZEdDFlfsf2oIPOU8w1mzAJzXf ► Twitch Live Stream http://www.twitch.tv/360chrism ► Twitter https://twitter.com/360Chrism ► Instagram http://instagram.com/360chrism ► Discord https://discord.gg/0aepYFV7dmOVACP8 ► Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/2HGgl5h0ubK5YBQarMOHRf?si=AlwspsUQRu-xBa6-3cwk2g ►TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@360chrism Want to… Read More

  • Join the RajaButt94 Fan Base Meetup Now! #FreeFire #Minecraft

    Join the RajaButt94 Fan Base Meetup Now! #FreeFire #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘@rajabbutt94 fan base and Meetup #freefire #freefireememes #freefirebooyah #minecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by 𝐂ʜɪᴋɪ☜ᶠᶠ on 2024-04-12 14:07:13. It has garnered 414 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Read More

  • Unstop & Gwen Take Over Minecraft! 😱 #ClutchMoments

    Unstop & Gwen Take Over Minecraft! 😱 #ClutchMomentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘LoL #minecraft #clutch #shorts’, was uploaded by Unstop & Gwen on 2024-05-04 20:05:00. It has garnered 7717 views and 104 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #minecraft #bedrock #art #4k #building #gaming #funny #trending #snapshot #edit #colors #minecraftnews #tutorial #clutch #viral #dream #cubecraft #meme #memes #strategy #hypixel #survival #subscribe #like #minecraftshorts #shorts #shortvideo #game #pvp #belike #letsplay #tiktok #cringe #fake #vs #music #thumbnail #boy #girl #mlg #editing #falling #running #insane #crazy #minecraftmemes #viralvideo #video #viralshorts #likeforlikes Read More