Deadly Air in Minecraft

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Woodo I am so ready for this picnic me too I brought some delicious sandwiches and some toast and I can’t wait to eat it oh my gosh you should share some with me bro I’m super hungry I don’t have anym though mang I just ate everything

Wait why am I choking um M what’s going on why am I taking damage get in the water quick okay fine what in the world is happening and wait what woodo why do I feel suddenly so much better now that I’m in the water wait a second I’m

Breathing normally fine Manga why can’t I breathe normally underwater but I can’t breathe normally in the air yeah whenever I go back to the air bro I’m losing the water bubbles and we’re going to start taking damage again hold on a second we can also see underwater really

Clearly to mongin wait a second do you see all those underwater creatures yeah I can swim super fast to woodo and wo look these creatures look so cool does that mean we’re going to have to live with them woodo I think so but watch out there’s a big scary One chasing you what

Is that thing I need to swim away from it right now woodo it looks like it’s going to eat a smallo this is really bad what do we do we need to find some shelter right now yeah if we’re going to live down here we’re going to need to

Protect ourselves and wait a second is that you Tina oh hey guys uh what’s going on why can’t I breathe in the air anymore we have no clue Tina me and woodo were having a picnic and suddenly the same thing is happening to us what is going on these moms are still so

Creepy who’s going to feed my cats we really need to fix this guys well there is no fix right now so I guess we’re just going to have to live in the ocean forever guys are you fine with that live in the ocean forever well I mean I am a

Turtle so I could already do that I mean I guess this area is at least really pretty but why don’t we take some time to explore we could but Tina be super careful don’t you see some of these mobs they look super duper creepy I’m sure they’re really nice and innocent inside

you can’t judge a book by its cover wait a second is that a shark right there a shark ah it’s a shark run a shark is chasing you Tina run everyone swim away quickly follow me guys let’s go over in this direction no M let’s go this

Direction go go go go go okay go go hurry up oh man wait a second guys is it just me or do you hear someone crying wait what who’s this Jeff guy why is your name Jeff sir who in the world are you oh gosh my money my money where’s my money

Going to go now my company now uh can we help you sir your company what are you talking about Sir we’re currently underwater and we can breathe isn’t this abnormal yes it’s abnormal but you peasants don’t understand I’m the CEO of a very high level company

Here in the city and for some reason I can’t go up in the air every time I try to do it I just start choking and I have to go back underwater wait we know that much but wait a second guys this guy just said he’s the CEO of some company

In the city he must be one of the richest people in there he must be the richest manga what are you talking about wait if that’s true he probably has more information guys yeah that’s true plus if he’s affected by this guys that must mean the entire city is affected by this

Wait seriously Jeff do you know how this happened yeah we need your help listen guys all I know is that that weird Dr X guy he’s experimented this oh my gosh Dr X again bro why does that guy keep messing with us that guy seriously needs

Friends wait so Jeff you know about Dr X to yeah I know about Dr X are you kidding me who doesn’t know about Dr X anyways guys we need to figure out a solution to get out of here I need to get back to my business meeting to make a lot of money

Oh trust me Jeff we know we need to go back to our pets and like live a normal life we can’t be here underwater forever it was cool at first but then the Sharks appeared guys I think there’s a cave nearby that we can go to maybe we can

Find some resources there cave which way is the cave Jeff please help us right now we’re going to go get everything we can and stop this Dr X I think it’s over here guys just follow me okay let’s go all right guys I think the cave is right

Over here but I’m a little scared to go down it I don’t know if I want to go all the way in there you know what Jeff don’t worry we’re going to handle the situation okay we’re going to get all the resources in the world and stop Dr X

Just like I said all right brok I trust you guys but I’m just be really careful okay I need you guys for some of my own work later anyways bye um okay Jeff is a little weird guys I never met him before but it’s whatever there’s so much

Diamonds and stuff over here how in the world do we mind that oh that’s it’s easy I came prepared just going to put this down and let’s see three iron here you goes wait what Tina did you just craft this an iron pickaxe woo she’s pretty crafty yeah of course come on

Guys we have no time to waste swimming in the water super fast is kind of weird guys I’m not really used to it but come on let’s mine all this diamond we can craft the best diamond armor of all time Diamond Diamond W we can mine things

Underwater fast now facts and wait a second do any of you guys have any wood I need to craft something wood I have wood mango here you go oh thank you woodo you’re being super duper useful thank you very much let me just take this wood and with this wood guys what

I’m going to do is make some sticks and a diamond sword because if that shark starts attacking me again I need to have a weapon to be super duper ready oh that’s a good idea but hold on a second I just noticed something why is there a giant Mossy patch of cobblestone

Over here what if there’s a bunch more diamonds down here come on guys let’s mine down but you guys can actually go down yourselves um I think I have some turtle business to attend to bye what wos you’re really going to leave us alone bro what in the world is wrong

With you whatever let’s just see what’s down here and huh yeah come on let’s go wait a second is that the miner yeah Miner uh we can breathe underwater too okay I think he wants us to follow him yeah Miner what are you trying to show us okay something is down here you’ve

Been exploring this entire time wao Tina check it out there’s so much cool stuff down here I guess the miner was exploring way before us wo look at these underwater monsters they seem pretty friendly but they’re kind of scary no those are mermaids CA don’t you see they have mermaid tails what but

That thing is not pretty it’s really ugly you know not all mermaids are pretty right yeah whatever I only care about the pretty ones anyway what else is here wao the miner is telling us that all the ores and stuff down here are super rare Tina we should totally mine

Everything come on are you sure we can just take all of this stuff for free like nothing’s going to come and kill us why would anything come kill us we live in the ocean now Tina we’re one with the fish wo take a look at these super cool

Ores Tina do you think we can make armor out of this aquamarine block maybe but we could definitely sell it for a whole lot of money when we get back to the surface exactly there’s so many rare pearls and stuff down here look I just

Got a dep Ingot what in the world is that ew that’s that sounds weird um what in the world is that noise too do you guys hear that uh minor is that you oh he’s just saying that he’s doing his own mining okay you know what maybe we

Should leave the miner alone he’s a little bit creepy yeah he’s kind of weird too I don’t really know what he’s saying yeah but check it out Tina there’s something over here on the pedestal wo what are these weapon things these look so powerful we can

Definitely defeat Dr x with these oh my gosh this thing is named the Rune of the storm what in the world this thing is the maze Rose wo I can throw it no way that’s so cool what Tina you need to let me try that out right now okay take it

I’m going to try another one um okay let me just grab that let me throw it just like this and wait a second it’s like a boomerang that’s so cool mango Dr xtends no chance against that look at my massive Scythe yeah with these weapons we can definitely take out any enemies

In the sea check it out there’s still one more DOA let me just grab this one over here just like that and wait what this one is called Poison talk rum what in the world does that mean uh why don’t you try it out Tina I have some bad news

Why are the boomerangs attacking the mermaids they’re going to be super mad at us uh let’s just grab all the treasure and get out of here quickly come on test the chalk out um can we take out these boomerangs I think they’re super dangerous oh no we can’t

Wait a second they just keep moving away whatever um let’s see I’m going to try the poison chalk rum just like that and wait what it’s another Boomerang and this one is even bigger I’m just going to go far away from you no no no

You need to stay next to me Tina I don’t know what this thing is going to do to me hey wait there’s some dead people down here but there’s also chests dead people what in the world why is there skeletons here someone got shot down Tina that’s so scary but they must have

Been looking for this treasure it’s got to be super powerful right are you sure you want to open these treasure chests what if that’s what’s going to happen to us if we open them um okay we have to give it a try though right let me just

See okay let’s see what’s inside and wait what there’s super cool armor down here look it’s de chest plate and DEP sword Tina take the other said okay well who would have guessed these things were just waiting at the bottom of the sea for us come on put all the armor on

Let’s see how we looking wo check it out I look like I have some super cool sea armor on I look fantabulous and I look like a weird sea astronaut I can’t see what this helmet on do you want to try it um sure I guess what in the world

Let me try this one on just like that there you go and wait what I can barely see what is going on I don’t want to try that one on you can take it back Tia hey look at this chest over here I think there’s probably more stuff in

Here okay wait a second it says this is a neptunium bow what in the world does that do let me try shooting it hey don’t shoot at me take this hiya shoot one of the mermaids instead okay but it doesn’t matter Tina I’ve been super hungry this

Whole time do you have any food for me yeah I think these mermaids are too here take some fish I caught earlier oh no way you caught this fish it must be super good yeah uh these mermaids look like they’re super duper hungry they

Want some of it but I’m going to keep it all to myself take some fishies mermaids maybe I can turn them into my pets uh I don’t know about that Tina wait what why is the minor so mad wait a second Tina he’s saying that we shouldn’t have stole the treasure

Wait what the armor was cursed n that can’t be true let’s get out of here yeah let’s go come on miner leave us alone down down wait a second The Miner is saying that he’s going to chase us down oh gosh Tina come on go through

The entrance and let’s leave swim away swim away quickly leave the miner down there woodo where are you manga I’m right here wait what woodo you were at the entrance of the Cave the whole time yeah what’s going on are you guys okay yeah we had to run away from the

Miner let’s just say we kind of stole some treasure look at all the awesome armor we have wo you guys have cool armor but is no one going to ask me how I have my cool armor wait what Tina do you see this woodo has literally full netherite that’s like the rarest armor

In the game how did you get that woodo oh well let me just say h Chad gave it to me wait Chad Chad’s down here yes I’m right down here I’m right behind you guys Chad j dim teacher wait what why are you down here Chad listen guys I had

To come down here because I have to drain all of you have to become strong under the water you see being strong outside the water is not the same as being strong inside the water um Chad you do realize we’re not in gym class right now right uhhuh it doesn’t matter

Every day is the gym every second is the gym it doesn’t matter if it is in class or in real life lame the gym is boring Chad no it’s not being under water is even worse than being in air and going to the gym okay I’m sorry oh my gosh

Does that mean we have to train underwater cuz he said so yes you guys have to train now get down and give me 10 push-ups right now oh gosh guys whatever he’s way stronger than us he could probably beat us up if we don’t listen to him don’t right now is this a

Push-up Chad that’s not a good push-up give me good push-up right down ground okay is this a good push-up oh my gosh that is upside down push-up give me push-up right now okay fine give me one second is this the push-up chat am I doing it correctly um that is push-up

That is upside down push-up are you girl is that your girl push-up um what in the world does that mean Chad you’re so messed up how about you make woodo do something look he’s just standing there no Chad you don’t need me to make me do

Anything okay no woodo I want you to do push-up right now okay fine I’ll do a push-up is is that a good pushup no oh my gosh you guys are very terrible this is not push-up at all this is not strong power this ah you guys are making me so

Mad look just because woodo has weak gamer arms does not make that any less of a push-up well it’s okay you guys are all gamer NS in my eyes um no I have to agree with Chad woodo that was not a push-up you were literally just bowing

Down bro what in the world anyways Chad why do we even have to be strong underwater right now we’re trying to take down Dr X well yeah don’t you guys want to be able to kill him what we don’t really want to kill him we just

Want to be able to breed on the top of the air again look whenever I go up I lose all of my bubbles and I start getting hurt well you have to understand is right now Dr X is flying on a unicorn with three diamond armor pieces and you

Have to understand that that is very very strong he’s going to take a lot of power to take him out uh Chad that doesn’t really sound real where did you hear that saw a website and he said Dr X has unicorn so I think he have unicorn

Okay guys I think Chad being underwater is a little bit crazy he’s losing his mind yeah maybe we should just ask to see if he knows like where Dr X is and we can just handle things ourselves or we could just put him out of his misery

No no no no T we can’t do that yeah let’s just ask him but he’s probably going to say something ridiculous he just said Dr s was on a unicorn just whatever M go ask Chad would you happen to know any more information about do X

Like where he could be or what he’s planning to do well you guys have to understand that Dr X is trying to take over the city on his unicorn so do you know where he is just tell us where he is right now and we can take him down

Yes I’m pretty sure I know where he is he might be uh this way that Jeff guy does not know what he’s talking about he L you guys in the wrong direction are you sure Chad like 100% sure that that’s the right direction well I saw a little

Pretty rainbow flying over that way so I think so um okay I guess Chad is the only person we can believe right now guys come on let’s just swim over there already okay yeah we really don’t have anyone else to talk to go as fast as you can I’m swimming super fast um

Guys wait a second what is that thing over there I think I see Dr X wao that looks so cool what is he standing next to that’s probably the machine that made it so we can’t breathe in Air well Tina you need to go confirm okay how about

You go down there and talk to Dr X yourself wait what me why should I go because he absolutely hates me and woodo and I think he kind of likes you so how about you just go talk to him yeah go go go okay that guy is so weird wish me

Luck okay good luck Tina uh Hey Dr X wow such a coincidence seeing you here wait a second is that you Tina you and your little friend groups always mess with my plans what are you doing here um yeah but uh my friends aren’t actually here

Right now I came alone cuz I was really um interested in your work wait you were really interested in my work I’m kind of glad to hear that Tina well as you can see this is my newest invention it makes it so no one can breathe

Air wo seriously that’s so cool how did you do it well you see someone broke into my special lab it was probably you and your friend gops but whatever so because of that I decided to take revenge and create this machine over here do you see this top thing over here

If this explodes everyone’s going to be able to breathe on the air again so you better not touch it oh okay just hypothetically how would one explode that thing not that I’m trying to do that of course well you would just break it of course how El Cena are you that

Dumb do you hear that W do you hear that look we can literally break it with our pickaxes and we’ll be able to breathe air again should we charge him and do it yeah but we need Tina to create a big distraction okay Tina create some kind of distraction or

Something oh okay Dr X there’s a unicorn over here A Unicorn oh my gosh I love unicorns I know I heard wait buo come on let’s go in let’s go in okay okay go break it break it break it okay what I’m going to do is just break this part of

The machine come on is it going to expl exped wait what look it exploded does that mean we can breathe in the air again I think so look the machine exploded too yes guys we’re going to drown go back to the surface wait a second what did you guys do there’s no

Way you just broke my machine no my best invention you thought I really cared about your inventions Dr X you’re just a sad guy with no friends oh my gosh you’re so messed up guys forget Dr X look we can breathe in the air again

Come on let’s go back to the city yes the air smells amazing DRX I hope you like your little unicorn do experiments like that instead of trying to drown us I’m going to get revenge on you guys one day you’ll see run oh gosh my pet fox

Pongo is stuck on top of this mountain now I have to climb and go get him are you serious oh my gosh no what’s going on where in the world did I just fall into that hurt really bad but wait was that a trap or something oh my gosh what is

This who in the world is that oh it’s very ni to see you oh my gosh hi you are the perfect subject for my new experiments what experiments are you talking about let me out of here you want to see oh no I have a bad feeling about

This well do bed 3 2 1 wait what were you dropping me oh my gosh what is this water what is going on why is it purple come here monster I want to see here I go wait what oh my gosh there’s ladders over here I’m just going to climb them

Oh my gosh wait why do I feel so weird what did you do to me scientist what is that water oh I just did a little experiment on you an experiment oh my gosh who is this crazy dude I have to find a way out

Of here how do I get out B there no getting out of here look the experiment Works wait what the experiment worked oh my gosh why do I look like this what did you do to to return me back to normal wow oh my goodness my experiment

Works wait what I just hit you so far back and oh my gosh I can jump super high what in the world oh my gosh I love you so much you are the best experiment ever I don’t want to be experiment leave me alone oh gosh I got to get out of

Here I got to get out of here get back here Boe oh gosh quickly let me just get on this platform and try to jump out of here come on and boom Oh my gosh did I just jump out of there what in the world

I’m crazy oh gosh this is so scary come on I’m just going to go back home forget that scary scientist I just need to go back to where my house is all right finally I’m back home but I can’t have my friend see me like this quickly I got

To go inside and find a disguise or something come on come on come on there has to be something in here let me look through my chest and oh my gosh this one is empty oh I just realized I can put on this armor right here there you go let

Me just put this on and oh gosh it doesn’t even cover my whole body I still look super weird oh manga oh there you are manga Where Have You Been we heard you coming home did you find anything cool hi guys no I didn’t find anything I

Think you should just leave me alone for a little bit okay are you sure you didn’t find anything well I found this cool armor but it’s nothing weird don’t worry about it but that looks like armor you already have no it’s different trust me it’s totally different I don’t know you seem

Kind of suspicious are you sure you didn’t find anything I promise I didn’t find anything guys now leave me alone please for a little bit just until tomorrow hold on a second is there something a little weird about your armor there what are you talking about woodo leave me alone what the world

Almost that ow W you just smacked woodo across the entire house oh gosh I forgot I could do that listen guys it’s just my armor yeah that’s what made me do that manga what did you do I feel like all my bones and my body are broken oh my gosh

Okay sorry about that woodo come on guys how about we go do something fun I don’t want to be in my house anymore um okay but you got to tell me how in the world you did that where are you taking us wo well I want to go on horse rides with

You guys because I found this super duper cool horse riding track wo this place does look huge it’s brand new manga and all the best horses in the world are here come on let’s go ride some oh they’re so cute I’m going to go pet one these horses do not look cute

They look massive woodo which one are we going to use to ride well we’re going to choose from this pen over here don’t they look like the cutest horses ever Tina yeah let’s let them all out all right here go the gates guys have fun wao the horses are coming out and what

Are they doing to me why are they attacking me a there’s giving you kisses ouch this hurts really bad I got to run away I got to get out of here and wait well oh no I jumped wait M what in the world how are you doing that what

Are you talking about guys everything is totally normal just leave me alone I have to get away from the those horses no you’re jumping super high in the sky that’s not normal at all oh my gosh what is going on come on you’re being super suspicious just tell us what’s

Going on okay fine I guess I’ll tell you guys the truth hold on a second but why do you look so much bigger what are you talking about wood on oh my gosh not only am I bigger but why do I look like this let me take off

All my armor and oh my gosh that scient wasn’t lying I’m starting to be really weird wait what scientist what in the world are you talking about why do you look like that who did this to you guys while I was out exploring this crazy scientist

Put me in this strange water and now weird things have been happening to my body ever since look I can jump super high and I can also hit people back super far wait a second what do we do about the Cena what do we do what do we

Do I don’t know if we can do anything I mean if you think about it is isn’t it actually kind of cool that can do all this stuff I mean it is kind of cool but it’s also kind of dangerous so maybe we should test out everything he can do

So we know what’s bad and what’s good maybe oh that sounds like a good idea just follow me where are you taking us Tina oh just to this cave over here I was wondering can you use your powers for mining I don’t know about

This I think I should just go home and oh my gosh look I’m still jumping super high guys no no I think it’s a genius idea you can use your super strength to get me a bunch of diamonds and make us I mean me I mean us rich

Uhhuh us okay fine but I’ll only do it once guys I don’t feel too good okay well just give it to your all manga okay you got this I trust you all right let me try something I’m just going to smack the ground in 3 2 1 boom um guys take a

Look what in the world wo M actually worked you dug out a whole Hole by yourself I’m going to go collect the diamonds wait what no those are my diamond SC I do not touch them yeah I guess it did kind of work guys oh my

Gosh I didn’t know I could do that that’s awesome well you should try it again maybe you’ll get even lucky this time yeah what if we try it deep inside of the cave oh you’re right there’ll probably be even more diamonds maybe even netherite oh wait a second

Nether rites in the nether manga but come on let’s try it oh my gosh I got to be careful about jumping woodo it’s so hard to move around all right mongu are you ready what’s the first thing I should buy with all the diamonds you’re about to make me buddy I don’t know

Maybe a new car or a new mansion Tina do you hear this guy he’s only wearing about the diamonds he doesn’t even care if I die or something why do I even look like this oh you’re not going to die and at least before you die you’re

Going to make me a lot of money so it doesn’t matter hey hey hey what about me I want money too you know I could buy more cats well don’t worry when he dies we can split the money okay that’s all okay it’s all good okay just don’t tell

Him that what if I just hit both of you guys into the lava right there instead okay M let’s focus on the task at hand and uh let’s do some mining buddy right over here this wall seems like it can hold a lot a lot of diamonds so why

Don’t you just punch it for me okay fine I guess I’ll have to use my strength woodo but this time I’m going to hit a little bit harder ready 3 2 1 boom um guys what in the world just happened we’re getting attacked help us you’ve opened up a monster Nest wait

What I created this huge home there’s mobs instead of ores are you serious oh my gosh Manga why did you do this to us come on kill these things use your strength or something you big mutant guy okay fine listen I guess I’ll try my best to take these things out let me

Just hit them just like this and wo it’s actually working guys check it out oh my gosh is he one punching them right now this is crazy these mobs don’t have a chance against me guys maybe being mutant is actually kind of good see I

Told you Tina we’re going to make a huge business off of being muted and we’re going to get so so rich I don’t know what if he just smacks one of us by accident and we go flying across the world oh gosh no that would be really

Really bad we can’t do that don’t worry guys I wouldn’t hurt my own friends but maybe I’ll give you a taste of this lava over here if you keep talking about money woodo wait lava what lava are you talking about um there’s no Lava over here let me smack you in here wait

What what are you doing to me I’m going to die voodo oh no why am I in this lava voo why’ you do that wait I just realized I don’t even take damage to the fire guys check it out I’m not dying wait what my butt waving in your face is

It making you die no what in the world are you talking about wo come on guys let’s just go home forget this mine do you see yourself right now what happened to him why is he so big what are you guys talking about and oh my

Gosh what is this he’s going to kill us chea run there’s nothing in that direction woodo oh my gosh is a dead end oh he’s going to kill us he’s going to kill us run wait I’m not going to kill you guys come on what are you guys doing

Stop running away from me tell me how to fix this no your big buff biceps are going to absolutely squish me to death I don’t want to be Turtle sauce it’s too dangerous to be around you we have to leave come on guys don’t leave I won’t hurt you I promise

Look at him trying to kill that spider Tina oh gosh look he fell that ho but he got out forget the business I got to run oh my gosh are you serious you guys are such babies no we’re not babies we’re just little ants compared to you I don’t

Want to get squished just leave us alone no Tina come on you have to understand right and wait what in the world is going on is that red stone oh gosh every time I walk I produce Redstone are you serious this is really scary I’m just leaving see you

Talking to oh my gosh was that an explosion are you serious I really am a monster look at me just jumping around and causing explos explosions all over the place my own friends even left me oh my gosh you know what I’m just going to go home and sleep or something I’m

Finally back home where are my friends I need to explain to them that I’m not going to hurt them hello guys where are you come back here hello voodo are you home oh my gosh I’m literally just causing explosions everywhere this is so dumb voodo are you even home hello you

Know what at this point I’m just going to crash into his house just like this oh my gosh come out wherever you are I’m not going to hurt you buddy looks like he’s not even home yet are you serious okay let me go over to Tina’s house oh

Tina I’ll mine some more diamonds for you come on just listen to me for one second please and wait she’s not home either are you serious you know what since my friends aren’t here I guess I’ll just go to my house oh my gosh I’m ruining our whole server are you serious

It’s all that scientist fault oh I’m just going to open my own door with an explosion that scientist has to pay for everything he’s done to me not only did he made me look like this but he also ruined my relationship with my friends

Oh I’m so mad oh my gosh you know what I can’t even live in my own house anymore I’m literally just blowing it up so I’m just going to leave and get out of here gosh I’m so mad at everything and everyone hey there big guy who do you

Think you are on my playground who in the world is that yeah that’s right that’s me pal who are you did you see my friend voodo Tina here no I don’t care about anyone else you’re not that guy pal what what does a little baby think

He’s doing talking to me do you see how huge I am baby what are you talking about baby do you see these arms bro you think a baby can get a chest like this bro you’ve never seen me in the gym have you who do you think you’re talking to

Kid get out of here my mommy mommy help me Mommy Mommy that’s right cry to your mommy there’s no way you can act tough towards a big guy like me oh my goodness what are you doing to my child wait who the world are you that’s right I’m

Caring that’s my child don’t ever touch my pumpy can over like that again you monster oh my gosh what in the world is this weird family doing in my playground come on Poopsy darling let’s go away from here and get away from this giant fat guy gosh never come back here again

This is our property you know you’ll never see the end of this pal I’ll be back oh my gosh what in the world I don’t even have time for this I need to find that scientist he’s the one that did this to me come on Where Are You Scientist

There you are my little subject wait what is that you scientist it’s me how do I turned myself back to normal tell me right now look what you did to me oh don’t worry buddy cuz guess what you are almost at your final form final form I don’t want to be in my

Final form I want to go back to normal tell me right now why do you want to go back to normal kid huh what happened to all your friends H I’ll be scared of you now come live with me and all the other mutants like you that I me so you’ll

Never be in danger to anyone again wait what so you’re telling me I can’t turn back to normal nope you’ll be stuck like this forever oh my gosh okay fine then I guess I have no option but to live with you I don’t even have a

House anymore come on you fat guy follow me so tell me you big monster after you left me what other new powers did you find out about yourself well I got super big like this and I can jump super high check it out w wow you are so so good

You know what you can help me with something super super helpful okay I need really really big help with this you see because you can jump so high why don’t you go on top of this mountain that I accidentally spilled chocolate sauce on wait you spilled chocolate

Sauce that looks like poop well no it’s not poop it’s chocolate sauce I was doing a little bit of an experiment and as you can see everything is about to get fled with chocolate so if you don’t go up there right now you’re going to die to Chocolate wait what oh my gosh

You’re so crazy what is wrong with you first you make me this big and now now you want going to clean this mountain for you oh my gosh I just have to do it I guess I have no other better option come on let me just go over in

The middle and I’ll just try to use all my strength to make all this disappear in three 2 1 boom boom boom and wait it worked oh my gosh you actually did it you are so helpful little boy I guess I am scientist but now tell

Me where’s my home I’m getting kind of bored of being out here well too bad because you’re going to be my sister from now on wait what in the world are you talking about and oh my gosh I remember this hole from earlier come down to my

Laugh little boy we are going to do some more experiments more experiments are you serious look I don’t even fit in this place come on come on Dolphin oh you know what I’m getting really sick and tired of you scientist I know there’s a way to turn back to normal and you’re

Not telling me yep and I won’t tell you how to become coming anyways after all so what I want you to do is help let me clean up this lab while I’ll go work on some other things okay bye you want me to clean your lab who do you think you

Are I don’t work for you listen do not disrespect your maker okay all right scientist instead of cleaning your lab what if I did this instead what if I break your lab just like this you scientist check it out what are you doing stop destroying my life you crazy

Psychopath it’s your fault you made me like this now tell me how to turn back to normal or I’m going to destroy the entire thing hey hey hey stop it stop it oh do I have a place for naughty naughty test subjects like you follow me right

Now wait what are you talking about come down here because this is where you’ll be staying for the rest of your life look over here this is where all my other mutants live and you’re going to fit in just right with them wait what you have other mutant monsters am I

Going to turn into one of them well you already are what in the world are these things wait what what they’re not friendly either are they attacking me you have fun what is wrong with the scientist oh my gosh what is happening to me this is

Not good I have to fight get out of here monster oh you’re so annoying wait I just took this one out scientist do you see me hold on this one over here is attacking me too so I’m going to take it out come here monster you’re going down

Just like that what how in the world did you know that because I’m the strongest mutant you’ve ever made and I need to turn back to normal so tell me how to get back to normal oh gosh well too bad cuz guess what what we’re here to save you

wait what woodo Tina where did you guys come from huh what’s going on over here oh my goodness do we have a little bit of a reunion here this is so sweet guys look this is the scientist that made me like this and now I can’t turn

Back to normal well we’re taking you out of here he can’t keep you locked up yeah come on scientist are you crazy you guys want the never be able to get out of this place what if I turn you guys into mutants too um guys I think there’s one thing we

Need to do yeah you’re right wudo are you ready I’m ready Tina let’s cash this scientist and put him in jail get him let me out of here come back here scientist come here right now you’re not getting away no help me oh it’s been a

Long day let me just grab my mushroom pry he’s so red and awesome I’m going to hug you to sleep buddy I’m so tired I’m so ready to fall asleep no Tina green is the better color pink is so bad what are you talking about pink is obviously better woodo you

Just don’t know how to tell good colors from Bad colors no are you crazy green is so much better green is so much better what are you guys doing outside my house at 3:00 a.m. it’s literally night time we’re settling an important argument yeah seriously don’t you

Think Green is is the best color can you guys just go home and sleep already it’s been such a long day no I’m not going to bed until we figure out what the best color is it’s green exactly but it’s pink no it’s obviously red guys take a

Look at this amazing red mushroom plushy oh gosh no that’s the worst one of all of them that looks like a diseased cow okay you know what if you guys are going to keep arguing I’m going to call a friend to help us what what who let me

Just grab my iPhone real quick and I’m calling him what the heck Who you calling hey Jimmy yeah I need your help could you come to my house yeah it’s about colors and my friends are giving me a hard time okay I’ll see you then bye buddy

Okay guys Jimmy should be here any second now okay but who is Jimmy hello there m I’m here there he is guys this is my buddy Jimmy he’s a monkey Manga why did it take him so long to get here what do you mean he literally came

In no time all right Jimmy do you have what we need of course I have what you need bud are you ready yes I’m ready we need this right now Jimmy all right mango here it is the color wand wo do you guys see this yeah it’s pink wait

What in the world what does that do this is the color wand guys Jimmy will explain oh of course of course that one lets you go to different places in the world with different colors wait does that mean there’s a place that’s entirely green Jimmy yep there’s one for

Every color that means we need to go to these different colored places guys and then we can finally find out what the best one is oh yeah for sure guys but uh I’m not leaving until I get my payment wait what what kind of payment do you

Want Jimmy uh bananas I’m a monkey oh gosh I don’t have any bananas on me does anyone have anything let’s just go before he realizes oh oh I have something I have something uh you know what Mr Monkey how about I give you some potatoes um what the heck dude potatoes

Really I’m a monkey guys let’s go to the First World come on let’s just get out of here quick let’s go all right and where are we now guys what color is this oh my gosh guys this is amazing it’s great w oh my gosh Tina we’re seriously in the

Worst colored world in the world this is the best world this is the best world I’m just going to look at this pink flowers ew get rid of these what don’t hurt the flowers I know Tina we should just cry in the corner yeah can we go to

The next World um guys wait a second who’s this person what are you talking about voodo hello hello guys oh my gosh that literally looks like voodo what guys oh my gosh he looks so cool thanks pal hey guys welcome to the green World hi are you guys like cousins or

Something yeah what’s your name I’m green kid I mean this guy looks like me but uh I’m not I don’t know him I don’t know him I only know the color green that’s all oh okay oh man this seems like we’re going to be trapped in here

For a while Tina maybe we should just leave with the wand no no no don’t leave yet guys don’t leave why don’t I come show you around the green world there’s more but it’s all just so green come on guys check this place out this is my favorite fishing spot

Wow what in the world do you guys see this there’s green fish yep do you want to try fishing them um I guess green kid if you don’t mind here you go we can go fishing yes never in a million years would I think I would be fishing in a

Green World Tina I’m going to destroy all the fish yay hey hey M what are you doing stop the fish oh it’s okay green guy relax this is my natural thing I love green fish get out of there wo fish out woodo hey hey stop it stop it hold on

You guys are g v valy uh we don’t like Ry things inside the green World wait so you don’t have pranks and stuff here what do you do all day wait do you even have friends green kid what are you talking about of course you have green

Friends uh uh like this twe this this this twe is my green friend waa a tree is his friend guys I think uh we definitely have to get out of here right now no no no no no no no I’m going to call my real friends I’m call them ah

Come on attack guys attack these ah those aren’t friends those are monsters guys let’s get out of here help what in the world is that thing oh my gosh they hurt so bad guys run run run follow me behind the tree so we can all group together okay come on come on

MAR use it use it use it hurry up hurry up hurry up hurry up one there you go all right are we finally in the red world wao what no we’re not we’re in a pink Place guys do you see this guys where are you hello Tina do

You see this we’re a pink world wait hold on what’s that voice it’s coming from behind me who in the world are you pinky hi Hi man um hello pinky uh yeah can I just leave I come back here oh my gosh who is this crazy person leave me alone hello

There guy how you doing oh no okay if you’re going to follow me can you at least answer some questions okay sure what questions do you have have you seen a green guy and a pink-haired girl oh wait I think I might know where they are wait really uh can you please tell

Me where they are yeah of course I can tell you but you need to give me something in return listen if you don’t tell me where my friends are I’m going to hit you with this fishing rod let me just put on my armor and there we go wait what in the

World did you just put on pink diamond armor yes exactly now you can’t defeat me oh gosh all right fine I’ll do whatever you say what do you need oh well I need your help if you want to get your friends back you need to help me

Defeat some very dangerous mobs at this really scary place what in the world but I don’t have anything to attack any mobs look at me I’m you have all this cool diamond armor can I please get some things okay sure how about you just drink this a fruit

Smoothie wait what how is this going to help me oh my gosh are you serious look it’s completely gone now how am I going to fight Mobs with that oh okay fine I’ll give you some pink armor oo wo that looks so cool pink diamond armor never

Did I ever think I was going to wear something like this okay okay now come on now we need to go save your friends yes I’ll defeat any mob in the world to save my friends where are you taking me Pink Guy we’ve been walking forever well

You see that pink Tower over there yes wao what is that well your friends are stuck inside of there wait really what are these mobs here well they’re here because they guard the tower so we have to kill them oh my gosh okay fine I

Guess I have to take out these mobs if I want to get my friends back come on come on don’t get distracted by those little mobs the big ones are over here come on what in the world is that thing what in the world is going on there’s so many of

Them quick quick take them out they’re all so pink and I love the color pink wait you love them what in the world help me take them out pink guy I don’t think they’re attacking us I think they’re just giving us a lot of big hugs

I can’t die here I need to see my green friend again please let me just take a few of these out just like this wait you said you have a green friend but the color green isn’t allowed in the pink England wait what are you talking about

Hold on we can talk about this after I defeat all these little slimes what okay okay freaking kill the rest of these mobs I think we got the most of them come on Mango we need to go in the tower wait what okay okay let’s just go come

On make a run for it make a run for me right through here all right let’s go let’s go watch out for the mobs on the staircase okay okay I’m rushing I’m rushing wait we’re here right we’re here we’re here we’re here block it up monco

Is that you hold on wait is that my friend Tina what are you guys doing here get away from that guy wait what are you talking about Tina just step away from him he’s super dangerous hold on what are they talking about pink guy

I need you to go inside this cage right now Bongo wait uh why why are you telling me to go inside of a cage because I want you to no I’m going to jump hey hey don’t jump come back here okay fine I have no choice you have both

My friends trapped what is wrong with you I’m going to trap You Forever Wait what you’re crazy I’m going to trap you guys oh gosh you’re crazy pinky I’m never going to see you ever again hey if you guys so stop talking I’m going to make this torture a lot worse for you

MCO let’s get out of here yeah you’re right Tina I’m going to use the color one and three 2 1 we’re out of here guys all right guys I think we’re finally out of there and wo check it out we’re in the blue Dimension now oh few at this

Point any color is better than what we’ve been through yeah I don’t know if I like the color pink anymore to be honest or green yeah that pinky guy was crazy and so was the green kid but wait check it out look this is a blue Village

Wait what there’s a blue Village here are there blue people there might be woodo come on let’s explore this looks so good wait guys take a look there’s even a blue Village you’re here this is so peaceful hey Intruders Intruders wait what who in the world is

This guy hey it’s the blue King why are you guys in my blue land what you’re the one intruding on our conversation hey what are you talking about you’re in my kingdom wait you’re supposed to be a king you’re so short a what are you talking about you’re so not blue you’re

Only allowed to be here if you’re blue get out of here take a look I’m an actual King I Have A Nice Crown you’re so short and BL blue oh if you guys make fun of me I’m going to send my Gars to kill you both um okay yeah please don’t

Do that we don’t want to die anytime soon hey hey blue King uh I have something I could possibly give you if you let us stay how about a diamond that’s blue oh wait a second this is a very blue uh item here oh I see so does

That mean we can stay did you just bribe that short guy voodo uh yeah I bribe short guys all the time wait what uh uh wow guys you know what this looks absolutely amazing huh you know what you’re allowed to stay in the blue Kingdom for a day wao let’s go okay

That’s more than enough guys so what is there to do in your blue Kingdom blue King yeah show us around well usually only if you’re blue you’ll get the best experience but for now you guys will just have to enjoy this blueberry jam everyone in the village eats blueberry

Jam would you like to beat some of our villagers um yes could you show us around oh well yes of course like over here this is a blue Ram he loves blueberries oh my gosh guys I’m so glad we’re finally safe a I’m going to give

It a hug it’s so fluffy finally a place for all of us to relax right woodo we don’t have to worry about any crazy people or anything we could just sleep all day I know I’m going to sleep right now nothing but blueberries and nice houses maybe blue is the best color Tina

Wait a second wait a second guys even though you might think blue is the best color there are still some things that are not so safe as you think what could possibly be so scary blue flowers no the blue dragon wait the blue dragon there’s no way anything like that exists guys

Come on we don’t have to worry about that yeah stop trying to scare us no no no no no of course of course guys I’m telling the truth there is a blue dragon um come up to my house guys there’s something I need to show you um okay I

Guess I’ll just follow a stranger look these are blue Pixies wait a second why are they trapped in these glasses wao look at them they’re like small humans and wo they can fly too yeah they’re the only things that are keeping our village safe from that Dragon otherwise we’d be

Dead is this really okay though they look sad no no they look fine they’re protecting us I don’t know about this I’m letting them out no what are you doing oh my gosh you can’t trap these Pixies in here they have a right to live no no no no no no

No you guys were not supposed to let that thing out that’s protecting our village wait what uh he has a sword out T now we got to run oh you guys better get out of here you better get out right now oh gosh run guys get out of the

Village run run this way no matter what all right guys I think we made it out the village there’s no way that crazy blue King can follow us now wait manga hold on what’s this blue thing over here wait what are you talking about wudo and

Wo is that that Dragon he was talking about uh I don’t know I think we should just get out of here what are you talking talking about Tina have you ever seen a blue dragon before just look at how cool it looks oh look it’s asleep too maybe you should pet it you’re

Right voodo I’m going to make this thing my pet oh look how cute he is hey there buddy um um what the heck uh why is it flying above us what in the world um guys what is going on why am I taking damage mono run the dragon’s chasing us

We got to go we got to go oh my gosh the other one is flying around so fast and there’s another one over here yeah we definitely got to go come on guys there’s another one here too let’s go okay manga let’s get out of here I’m

Going to use the one and three 2 one and we’re out of here all right are we finally safe and wao what guys I think we’re finally in the red Dimension let’s just hope it’s better than the other ones yeah this place looks kind of scary you’re right it’s night time and it’s

Like a big Forest oh gosh wait why am I taking damage again oh go there’s mobs here there’s a house over here wait what Tina what are you talking about we can take shelter just follow me come on let’s go let’s go anything but these mobs guys let’s rush in here does

Anyone live here or something it doesn’t matter just get in just get in just get in and okay we’re safe we’re safe for now oh hope guys finally some shelter guys wo check it out I think this is the kitchen this place is huge and so empty

Yeah it does look kind of empty who lives here hello hello oh well I guess we can just kind of make it ours yeah this is kind of spooky though I have to admit I’ve never seen an empty house like this before there’s an upstairs too

Guys let’s go up there but hold out your weapons what if there’s a killer clown in here I lost all my weapons just go carefully okay Another Empty Place let’s check over here wo this is a bedroom and wait look at that fox oh my gosh oh my gosh I totally want

This fox guys is my new pet well while you do that I’m going to claim another bedroom wait where are you guys going I want this room and I want this one go away okay fine I’ll just go back to my room with my new amazing pet

You’re so cute buddy oh my gosh I never knew purple foxes existed this is amazing um excuse me what are you doing uh hi there oh wait you’re red um yeah I’m red what about it I’m Rose wait your name is Rose and never met a red girl

Before hold on I got to run where are you going oh my gosh woodo I need to tell you what just happened what man relax I just wanted to chill in my room I just met the most beautiful girl in the world voodo wait in here she’s

Dangerous we need to kill her what are you talking about woodo she’s so beautiful and red okay fine I mean I guess you can show me her come over here voo let me show you she’s right in this room take a look it’s rose rose let me

See this in oh my gosh well I thought you were talking about a beautiful Turtle not this it’s another girl hi what’s your name hey girly my name is Rose oh my gosh I’m so glad to finally have another female friend do you want to like have a sleepover a

Sleepover sure woodo woodo I really like this girl I need your help man how do I talk to her I get kind of nervous when I’m around her no no no this is bad I don’t think you should talk to this girl I don’t like anything that’s

Not green wait what come on woodo this is the first time I’ve ever seen a red girl help me out um what are you boys talking about um nothing Rose uh we’re just talking about uh boy things like cars and stuff no boy things around me I

Want to hear things about you mango tell me about yourself uh I like mushroom plushies I have this color wand and I have a fishing rod oh what’s this show me that little wand again uh yeah this is the color wand and let’s just say it takes us to different colored worlds oh

Really that’s so cool uh can I have it a should we really be showing her this yeah yeah you know you can have it yeah Noah you’re so beautiful I’m just going to give it to you wait what oh thank you what the heck did you

Just give her the wand what are you guys talking about relax we’re literally trapped now oh yeah you’re right I just gave the wand to a girl that I liked uh can I please have it back you want it back wait what she has a bazooka what is

Going on run there’s no way you’re getting away say your goodbyes bye wait what oh no oh no no I got to get out of here guys Follow Me This Girl’s Crazy guys get out of the house no come back here I want to meet you oh gosh I’m cornered please

Don’t shoot me say your goodbye oh no what in the the world just happened where am I um mango what’s going on where are all the colors oh guys why is everything so weird oh my gosh everything is literally white and black what and look at wudo he is too um guys

What’s wrong with me wait why does woodo sound like that and his color is gone Oh no you’re not green anymore all my colors are gone I don’t feel anything how do we fix this oh gosh we need to fix this but I don’t have the color

Want anymore that girl took it oh it’s all your fault for giving it to her why would you do that oh gosh I don’t feel anything anymore I feel free oh no we need to help buo as soon as possible what do we do what do we do is there

Anything we can do at this point no I think we’re stuck here forever Tina this is so bad and it’s all our faults for arguing that some colors are better than others I know we should just appreciate all the colors that we have because look now we don’t have any more colors

Anymore and Wow’s dead oh guys I don’t feel well oh gosh Tina it’s over we’re all going to die too might as well just lie down now oh no my friends are dying right in front of me and everything is white and black what

Am I going to do wait hold on I just realized guys I still have my iPhone I can call Jimmy oh why didn’t we think about that earlier do it Jimmy okay okay let me just call him right now hey Jimmy yeah I really need your help me

And my friends are kind of stuck right now okay okay I’ll send you our location can you please come as soon as possible we need your help right now all right I’ll see you then bye Jimmy okay guys good news Jimmy is coming over here right now we won’t be

Stuck anymore finally is he going to take 10 million years like last time I don’t know I guess we’ll just have to wait and find out guys look there’s Jimmy hey Jimmy I’m back guys finally you took forever man do you see where we are right now everything is literally gone

Oh yeah this seems like a pretty bad situation can you get us out of it yeah can you please help us I don’t want to be here anymore I just want to go back to our houses forget fighting about colors don’t worry guys look I have a

Backup wait what look T that’s the color wand here you go oh my gosh Jimmy how did you have a backup don’t worry I knew something like this would happen bye-bye wait he knew this was going to happen what in the world okay whatever wo we’re

Going home oh help me uh oh let’s just go he’ll feel better when we’re home yeah thank you so much Jimmy I’m going to take us home in 3 2 1 all right and wait guys we’re back to our world yay finally all right let’s just promise

Each other that we’re no longer going to fight over colors ever again okay yeah no more I mean every world with just one color was terrible exactly I’m that no I’m going to go to sleep good night guys okay good night oh man it’s been a

Long day I’m going to sleep with my watermelon plushy tonight it’s going to be so good I’m so tired no Tina cookies are better cotton candy is the best what are you guys argue about go to sleep run guys don’t worry we could try doing something fun like we did back in

The good old days let’s do some W you rather would you rather oh gosh okay what would you rather then oh oh I have one let me just get up oh my back manga would you rather walk 10 steps or do a jump 10 whole times oh oh Tina that’s a

Good one you see walking 10 steps is pretty hard but jumping’s even harder so I’m going to try that one 1 2 3 4 oh my gosh I could only do four my back can’t handle it anymore oh M tell us one tell us one oh wudo would you rather spin in

A circle or sleep all day oh I’d love to sleep all day but I think spinning in a circle is more fun if we go to sleep we might just die to be honest wait what we sleep all day anyways Tina all right voodo you give us

A w you rather now um okay fine I will oh wait wait wait a second what what’s going on guys where are we oh gosh what is this place this isn’t my bedroom this isn’t the hospital either guys it looks like there’s some kind of signs here but I don’t have my reading

Glasses wait a second let me try reading them it says all the diamonds in the world or grow younger wait a second guys is this a would you rather oh I think it is a would you rather so uh which one would you guys rather have well obviously I’d rather have d

Being young is no fun there’s bullies people telling you what to do bye guys what no Tina please don’t I want to go with you sorry woodo this is the end goodbye no how can Tina make such a decision so quick wudo we need to think

About this no no I think I want the diamonds too Maro because I want to be with Tina so bad no woodo don’t leave me don’t leave me come on maybe we should try growing younger so we can actually walk walk around for the first time in

30 years oh gosh remember all the adventures we used to go on wo yeah woodo come on let’s go through this one first okay woodo where are we right now oh gosh I have no idea but is it just me or can we move a little bit faster now wait

A second W you’re right I can actually run around and my back doesn’t hurt and wait a second am I speaking faster than normal oh gosh there a guy m too I can feel my voice coming back that’s awesome woodo maybe we did actually grow younger

But um wait a second where are we right now it looks like a red house this your house wait what what do you mean this is my house would I don’t remember this house no I remember this monong go this was your house like 30 years ago wait it

Was oh my gosh whatever wo do you want to go inside come on look there’s a huge hole can I jump through this oh gosh I don’t know if we can try it come on all right all right woodo let’s see 3 2 1 I

Did it I did it what that was crazy let me try to it oh gosh I’m not as good as you come on woodo you can do this man you’re not that [Applause] old oh good job dude let’s see what’s inside now and wait a second uh who’s

That women right there woodo wait is it that your wife who’s there who’s coming into my house I can’t see your face wa wait wait a second my wife W I don’t remember having a wife what do you mean you got married at like 35 don’t

You remember oh my gosh W I might be so old that I forgot wait a second who are you strangers get out of my house Intruders wait no I’m not an intruder apparently I’m your husband and somehow I forgot my memories about you I’m sorry I don’t remember someone like you my

Husband manga was super old and boring wait what oh my gosh what is she talking about listen wife we just went through a portal and that’s why we got teleported here okay please believe me oh my gosh crazy people are coming around here every day just get off my porch and go

Away young man wait what no but that’s your husband he’s so adorable oh gosh W let’s just leave we’re not welcomed here oh no wudo do you really think you made the right decision oh woodo I’m sorry to hear voices in my head what’s going on oh my gosh is that an illusion

Is that a hologram what’s in front of me no silly old guy I’m a fairy of course a fairy wait what what’s a fairy doing here well ever since you chose to become younger during my prank I decided I’m going to follow you around and see what

Happens wait what your prank what do you mean are you the one that made the W you rather the room I might be it’s pretty funny watching old people try to be young again oh my gosh wo come on you need to help us how do we grow even

Younger uh we’re still really really old yeah I want to be able to dance again I can’t even move my body that much oh don’t worry about it I’m sure you’ll get much much much younger if you just go along with my plans your plans well what

Does that mean wait what what is she talking about wo maybe we did make the wrong decisions what if we just went through the portal with ca for the million diamonds or whatever I told you I wanted to do that Longo you can’t take

It back now I’m going to send you on are you ready wait what what are you talking about take this no where in the world am I what’s going on dude wait a second what what is this suit I have on manga is that you wait we

Have suits on wa this is so cool and wait a second is this some kind of desk what we’re working right now vooodo I feel so much younger me too but I don’t really want to work all day on this tiny little computer oh gosh woodo hey quiet

Down in there you two I have something to talk to you about wait what this is the boss wo what’s going on oh my gosh someone told me that the boss was going to be so okay know never mind is this some kind of bad comedy anyway that’s actually what I’ve been meaning

To talk to you about oh I’m sorry boss I don’t really know what you’re talking about what do you mean you really need to start writing some better jokes okay the audience has not been liking any of the ones you wrote recently um wait what what are you talking about I

Don’t even remember this job boss stop playing dumb with me you work for the biggest comedy Corporation ever anyway take a look at these jokes do you think this is what good comedy is wait what this is Mongo’s jokes for the week uh let’s see knock knock who’s there

Lettuce lettuce who lettuce in it’s cold out here oh that’s actually super funny boss what do you mean uh mango that’s not funny at all wait it is woodo oh my gosh let me read the next one it says knock knock who’s there cow says cow

Says who no silly cow says moo oh my gosh these are actually hilarious how come the people don’t like these um boss I think this guy should be fired immediately I’m going to fire you too for talking walking out of place wait well gosh sh I’m working I’m working

Fine no no no don’t fire us please us adults over here I don’t really know how we’re adults but we really need this shop so please don’t fire us uhhuh well this company needs people who actually know what being funny is you two really need to get your act together or I’m

Firing you on the spot wait what you can’t fire us we’re just old people that got teleported here that might be the worst joke I have ever heard in my entire life get out take your belongings you’re both fired what okay fine I’m going to take my sea pickles and get out

Of here no no no I promis we were just old people who got teleported here oh my gosh she thinks it’s a joke woodo whatever let’s just leave the shop who cares and don’t come back it’s okay Monga we’ll come back and become the CEO boss of this place eventually anyways

One day wo one day oh my gosh take a look at this office I don’t think I could ever work at somewhere like this oh whatever manga we’re adults we could do whatever we want to do are you sure about that you just got fired oh my gosh that Fair’s back again

Oh my gosh what are you doing here I’ve just come to send you to some place more interesting hold still no no no no no no no I’m running this way I’m getting out of here oh you can’t escape me oh my gosh I think I finally got away from

That fairy and wait a second why do I feel so different what’s going on and oh my gosh I got shorter and why are my clothes different did I get younger or something I mean I do have a lot more energy but wait this building right here

Looks like the school how did I run all the way to a school oh my gosh you know what whatever I guess I’ll just try looking for a classroom hello is anyone there hello oh I think there’s people in here come on let me just look inside and

Wait a second that’s woodo right there hey Maro you’re late to class get to your seat right now sir wait what I’m late what are you talking about take your seat um okay I guess I’ll sit right here o someone’s in trouble wait what wo why do you look so cool bro

What do you mean we’re teenagers I’m like the coolest kid in school remember everyone bullies you wait what they bully me what are you talking about no they don’t woodo oh my gosh yeah because you’re not as cool as me what are you two losers talking about quiet down

Seriously oh gosh okay fine oh gosh there’s always that one girl that ruins the mood inside that classroom mudo silence silence silence enough of that nonsense take your seat right now okay fine teacher I’m sitting down good finally I could teach my class but you

Know what now that I think about it you made me late so how about you teach a class instead wait what do you mean I teach the class teacher I’m not a teacher yes you are get up here right now kid oh my gosh I can’t believe I

Have to do this here you go take your little stick and start teaching I’m going to sit down this chair oh gosh a teacher I don’t know how good I’ll be at this okay you know what whatever hello class it’s me and today we’re going to going to be learning about uh

Smiley faces and skulls and um whatever this is boring boring what could you possibly teach us loser wait what do you mean I’ve never taught a class before Oh My Gosh hey do you really think that outfit’s fashionable where’d you get it your mom’s closet oh that was a good one wait

Teacher that was not a good one oh my gosh you know what whatever guys I don’t even remember how I used to dress okay I’m like an 80-year-old man I hope you know that uh is everything okay with you why do you act like that wait w

What do you mean don’t you remember what we had to do in the would you rather room would you rather room uh we just played would you rather at recess but I don’t really know what you’re talking about oh my gosh W don’t act like this right now seriously only losers play

Games like would you rather get down from there you’re embarrassing yourself wait what how about you stop bullying me oh my gosh look at your outfit it is definitely not school appropriate hey I love you know I’m very popular for my outfit anyway why don’t you you stop being so lame and your

Friend here too oh he’s so green and gross wait what I’m way cooler than you look at my outfit it’s way cooler uhhuh only losers have to wear sunglasses to prove they’re cool no my sunglasses are super cool what are you talking about that’s right cry home to your

Mommy oh my gosh being so much younger really isn’t Fun why are people telling me what to do oh yeah manga you don’t like being a teacher that’s what I thought you better be on time for class next time hey teacher can you give an F oh yeah sure I’ll write that down

Right now f for whatever guys I’m going home hey woodo where are you hello woodo wait what woodo is that you why are you crying bro M go she made fun of me and said my sunglasses weren’t cool um wudo you’re like 80 years old why do

You care what a teenage girl has to say about you well I’m not 80 years old what are you talking about we’re literally 16 right now bro okay well whatever clearly we did get younger so since we’re teenagers do you want to go do some teenager things yeah you know what

Fine let’s go do some teenager stuff follow me all right here we are we’re at the store and I can’t wait to do my favorite thing wait what why did you bring me all the way to a store woodo well just to look at some cool

Stuff you know oh hey cashier we’re just going to be looking around oh hey oh I hate teenagers they’re so suspicious wao woodo this place is super cool look there’s toys and stuff yeah but manga who cares about that stuff if you’re not a baby check it

Out we got skateboards back here bro oh my go skateboards W that’s definitely some teenager things come on let’s grab this one right here I’m taking this one this one’s mine wait let me see if there’s a red one oh my gosh this one is perfect woodo

Definitely fits me bro okay now we’re going to do a team teenagers do best are you ready all right are we going to ride these skateboards and mess around and not have a care in the world woodo uh no we’re going to steal them and go back

Home come on Maro let’s go oh my gosh why would we do that woodo because that’s what teenagers do come on I’m stealing this bad boy okay come on come on come on drift around W oh my gosh I feel like I’m doing tricks and stuff hey excuse me

What do you two think you’re doing oh gosh oh we’re not doing anything bye get back here you didn’t pay for that we’re just riding skateboards leave us alone cashier you know what I think I’m going to call the cops on you let me just get my

Phone oh gosh my skateboard are moving fast enough go oh my gosh W let’s just leave that lady’s such a Caren don’t you thing yeah I’m taking my skateboard and get it out of here let’s go yeah let’s go woodo you’re going to end up in jail

Kids oh my gosh M that was literally so cool now we have free skateboards I know woodo being a teenager is awesome hey how are you two doing oh gosh wait who’s that why are you two having so much fun this wasn’t supposed to be fun you know wait a

Second wo look it’s the fairy she’s the one that made us younger I think the fairy but what is she doing here leave us alone I’m having fun on my skateboard I’m just checking in on my two favorite old people but um why are you guys acting like real teenagers you know

You’re just old guys right no no I’m not an old person I’m I’m a cool teenager look at me yeah she is right wudo we are really old people and being younger does come with those consequences I mean look we were getting bullied in school you

Know what whatever maybe I want to be normal again wait what hey fairy is there any way for us to be normal can you please tell us oh yeah I guess you could like go to the tree of life but uh I’m sure you won’t be able to figure

That out wait what the Tree of Life voo what is that I don’t know what the tree of life is I Enough Said Goodbye guys see you later what are you doing wait a second why do I feel so much shorter what in the world woodo why do

You look like that my go like we’re kids now yay oh my gosh you’re right we are kids wo is this like the daycare or something what’s going on we are totally inside the daycare manga because look I have my own turle plushy wait I have a panda

Plushy too W we’re definitely kid oh my gosh I’m really worried what if we keep getting younger and younger and die or something woodo come on Mango let’s have fun all right kids are you ready to learn your ABCs D I want to learn my

ABCs I want to play wait what ABCs I already know those teacher oh quiet down woodoo you can’t be running around like this all day how do you have so much energy yeah I want to run around all day anding messes and stuff at least eat your baby food come

On here comes the airplane oh my gosh that F was so good but I want to play still oh my gosh teacher what is going on well it’s time for class you two I know you want to play all day but we have to learn something okay wait what

Class oh my gosh this is going to be so boring I want to learn about turtles I want learn about turtles all right all right settle down take a seat Udo okay fine let’s see let’s start with some really simple math what’s 1+ one k oh oh

Oh oh I know I know three wait what 1+ one that’s two teacher why are we doing like first grade math I’m like an 80-year-old man you know what you’re so funny but yes 1+ 1 is two that’s right go inside teacher it’s three no what’s one woodo what all right next

Question kids what happens when you mix the color green and the color red um wait a second you can’t mix those colors because green is better no red is better what is wrong with you doesn’t it make like purple or something no GRE stop hitting each other kids but yes

You’re pretty much right wow you’re so smart wait no no teacher I think it makes yellow you’re right yeah it makes yellow he’s right all right all right kids last question which of these is not a fish okay a shark a salmon or a dolphin I know I know shark a shark wait

No isn’t it a dolphin W you’re right woodo you might need to do a little a bit more studying okay no buers wrong no bu us wrong well I think you actually might be a genius would you like to teach the class instead oh my

Gosh not teach the class again come on W we need to get out of here we need to look for the tree of life such a n he’s going to deach the class no W come on want to look around wait M go oh my gosh come look over here

Wait what in the world is that woodo there’s a giant a tree oh my gosh W that tree is huge come on we need to get closer so I can see the full thing I want to climb the tree I want to climb it I want to climb it right now and wait

What is this hold on wo what if that’s the Tree of Life wait it is oh my gosh so we need to get there right now let’s do it but oh wait a second what’s going on my Baby oh my gosh we’re actually babies but wood can’t speak normally but I can but boy yeah I can oh my gosh you know what come on wo we need to complete this so we can turn back to normal this is too insane baby bab oh gosh Come on wo this looks like

Some kind of Parkour we can do this right remember doing this back in our old days oh my gosh woodo why are you acting like an actual baby you know what whatever let’s quickly do this I don’t even feel like doing this If I Was 80 years old right

Now my body would hurt from all this jumping um but wait w I think we’re supposed to go past this area there’s a bunch of sharks there oh Sharky I’m scared well it doesn’t matter w we need to do it we need to reach the Tree of Life come on

I’m jumping down let’s go oh my go the sharks chasing me help run wo run run run run past all the sharks and oh my gosh I really did just run past them that was so scary I think I P my B wait what woodo you need a diaper change

But look over here it says watch your step well I watch my step oh my gosh I think we’re supposed to watch our step because there’s TNT here a TT I’m so scared okay fine w we just need to get past it please make sure not to touch

The TNT where babies you’re going to die two seconds okay be very careful oh woodo I feel like you really need your mommy right now I need my mommy wait what woodo did you just fall asleep in the Minefield oh my gosh fine you know what

I guess I’ll just complete this on my own and wait a second I finally made it to the huge tree now maybe I just asked this tree of life what I want um hello Mr tree can I please be turned back to normal I don’t really like being a

Baby W hello there boo wait what in the world your name is tree King yes that’s right because I am the tree king um okay well can I be turned back to normal being a baby Isn’t that cool dude but why don’t you like being a baby you’re

So cute and adorable no I’m not okay fine I guess I’ll help you kid because that’s what the tree King does old man I see you’re still helping little babies hey what are you doing here fairy I told you to get lost and I wanted to never see you again how will I

Told you to stop being so old and boring anyway Mongo’s mine you can’t turn them back to normal wait what how do you guys know each other don’t worry about it all I know is that I have to handle this once and for all to get rid of the fairy

All right old guy I’m ready to do whatever come on let’s fight it out okay okay fine Dan battle is JB JB wait what in the world I thought you guys were supposed to fight why is he dancing take this huhuh look at my dance is so much

Cooler than yours oh my gosh kid my DB is only so cool but her dance moves are so so cool yeah we’ll take this one uh uh yeah yeah dancing um what kind of dance moves is that you can definitely do better tree King okay fine how about

This I call my signature a running in place move oh it’s so cool wo that’s actually super cool oh no the dance move it’s too powerful I feel my power fading my running in place moves always get the fairies um what in the world what’s going on all right Mar go take

This wait what what’s going on what kind of nightmare was that what’s going on M are you okay I know we heard you screaming so we ran over oh my gosh guys I’m not okay listen I had this dream where we were old people then we

Play wuja Rather and then I grew younger and I grew younger until I was a baby uh you want to just go play at the playground are you are you okay yeah this seems like a lot to un tag let’s just go play okay fine guys come on

Let’s go play I kind of need to keep my mind off of things and wait a second it’s the fairy from before you’re not escaping me so easily I’m going to make you younger forever no thank you guys so much for watching the video If you enjoyed then watch

Another video on the screen and don’t forget to subscribe bye bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft BUT AIR KILLS YOU!’, was uploaded by MongoTV on 2023-12-30 18:00:24. It has garnered 21630 views and 473 likes. The duration of the video is 01:19:48 or 4788 seconds.

Today, Mongo and his friends can’t breathe air and have to go underwater! Watch to find out what happens…

#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Mongo #WudoAndMongo

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  • Insane Minecraft Turtle Farm – 3000+ cobblestone/hr

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  • Ultimate Easy Iron Farm Minecraft Bedrock

    Ultimate Easy Iron Farm Minecraft Bedrock The Easiest Iron Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Farm Details Looking for an efficient iron farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21? Look no further! This iron farm, designed by OinkOink, is a game-changer. It operates in MCPE, PC, PS5, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox, making it versatile for players across different platforms. The farm, built in a Minecraft 1.20 Survival Farm world, is a fully automatic setup that guarantees a bountiful yield of iron and poppies. Farm Performance The farm boasts an impressive performance, producing between 300 to 350 iron ingots per hour. This high output ensures that players have a… Read More

  • Unbelievable plot twists in 41 min of Minecraft Story Mode

    Unbelievable plot twists in 41 min of Minecraft Story ModeVideo Information This video, titled ‘L’histoire de MINECRAFT STORY MODE¹ en 41 minutes’, was uploaded by Sun on 2024-09-20 15:00:07. It has garnered 68761 views and 3362 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:58 or 2518 seconds. The game tah the times, SUBSCRIBE! #minecraft #minecraftstorymode #nostalgia #cartoon Read More

  • Sly Factory Build in Galaxy Gaming SMP

    Sly Factory Build in Galaxy Gaming SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 2 🔥FACTORY BUILD START IN SMP | 🔥GG SMP |🔴MINECRAFT LIVE | !insta @tanuj_gg’, was uploaded by GALAXY GAMING on 2024-02-26 20:04:28. It has garnered 62 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 04:07:59 or 14879 seconds. ============================================================================= ⚜ If All of Enjoying the Stream? Make sure You Like & Share the Video and Do not forget to Subscribe the Channel ⚜ ============================================================================= Top Donation ❤ 🔰Info Gamer Shiv: 💲166.51, 🔰Anuj Roy: $87.83, 🔰REB SANJU: $81.37, 🔰Dibya Dash: $65.29, 🔰Ustaad JoKeR GaMinG: $64.41, 🔰Manjot Singh 99.9%: $47.49, 🔰Ajay sbj: $46.89, 🔰Kulnoor… Read More

  • Become a Minecraft Legend in 1K! Join Mickaye Now

    Become a Minecraft Legend in 1K! Join Mickaye NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PLAYING W/ VIEWERS!!! REALMS, SPEEDRUNS, CUBECRAFT, ETC. – ROAD TO 1K!!!’, was uploaded by Mickaye on 2024-08-27 09:06:06. It has garnered 47 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:19 or 7159 seconds. Hey, Welcome to my channel! I’m going to be streaming games and vlogging often on this channel I hope everyone enjoys the content! Like & Subscribe if you want more videos! Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT BUILD with INSANE GRANITE - Tim Horn EPIC Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘SO MUCH GRANITE II: Minecraft Series #70’, was uploaded by Tim Horn on 2024-01-17 19:54:18. It has garnered 46 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:04 or 3004 seconds. Here is the long awaited Minecraft Series i mentioned before, This World is on an Amplified World, Which is full of lakes & mountains, this actually makes it harder, so good luck for me on this one, Im going to play at my own pace & enjoy building & civilizing this world! Support me on Patreon! Really would appreciate it! My… Read More

  • 🚫 How to go BROKE on Minecraft SMP! 🤑

    🚫 How to go BROKE on Minecraft SMP! 🤑Video Information This video, titled ‘How to become poor on this Minecraft Smp’, was uploaded by Bartol on 2024-07-21 07:10:46. It has garnered 2255 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • Yoeurn Mutta’s Massive Space Adventure

    Yoeurn Mutta's Massive Space AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘He’s better off to space ( on IG)’, was uploaded by Yoeurn Mutta on 2024-08-25 12:30:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts #minecraftmeme #minecraft. Read More

  • 10 CRAZY RED FLAGS in Mofutari Megumi’s Minecraft Adventure! 🔴

    10 CRAZY RED FLAGS in Mofutari Megumi's Minecraft Adventure! 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】anyone got any red flags | #Fantasia_SEA’, was uploaded by Mofutari Megumi Ch. もふ多里 恵美 on 2024-09-07 15:12:18. It has garnered 82 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:55 or 8695 seconds. -: ❁ :- 『NEW COVER RELEASE』 – ≪ Giga – Ch4nge ⨠ -: ❁ :- 『Memberships』 Join memberships to get access to emotes, badges, and exclusive members-only content: -: ❁ :- 『Support Me』 ※ Tips are voluntary and nonrefundable ! Please make sure you’re prioritizing yourself first and foremost! ※ Majority of the funds will… Read More

  • EPIC SHIZO REALMS – Thagnogs vs Viewers

    EPIC SHIZO REALMS - Thagnogs vs ViewersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Realms With Viewers Episode 5’, was uploaded by THAGNOGS on 2024-05-04 19:28:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Bedrock Realm that anyone can join! The code / link to the realm is in the description below. Read rules before joining … Read More

  • EPIC Marble Minecraft War – Z-Marbles Showdown!

    EPIC Marble Minecraft War - Z-Marbles Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Marble Minecraft Territory War 2’, was uploaded by Z-Marbles on 2024-06-01 10:47:32. It has garnered 354 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:22 or 622 seconds. Marble Minecraft Territory War 2 this is the second video of my marble minecraft territory war series, hope you enjoy it! songs: Song: JOXION – RPM [Arcade Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: Watch: Song: JOXION – 094 [Arcade Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: Watch: Song: Cake – Cereb [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream:… Read More

  • SwipeSMP – smp, Mostly-Vanilla, 1.21, Whitelist

    Join our SMP Server Community! If you’re looking to join a mostly vanilla SMP server on version 1.21, we’re in need of more players to contribute to builds and shops. Join our community by adding me on Discord! My Discord: ihben Server Discord: Read More