Decked Out Wild West Adventure! 🔥| Charity Streamer Minecraft

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Oh M 1 2 3 4 welcome welcome come on everyone it’s a carnival party and we’re going to have some fun step up and try your luck out you could win a prize friends to spend your time with and dance the man himself of course he’s always family friendly you don’t have to fret he’s the hokiest

Joest cowboy on the Internet welcome welcome come on take a peek join the party where the dad jokes aren’t unique laughing till crying whenever he’s online he’s the funniest derpiest corniest punniest Cowboy around Wild West hey how to hey everybody what’s going on Wild West Dan here we’re gonna do some deck out I’m a little sick

Um but I’m doing okay uh what am I looking for I’m looking for unmute unmute and join the group I’ll have to show you how to do the the water I got to change all the audio as well the game’s louder than you at the minute oh my heart well now it’s

Quieter Mr Poopy had scared me more than what you did to the Y I what I did to the yeti shouldn’t be scary though let’s try set end the game down to minus 20 what I did I’m not doing good at this what I did to the yeti was just fun yeah

I know still just I heard the I heard the sound of the of the of the w being Su like okay here we go here we go am I going to get lucky I’m going to get hello Cleo no it’s what you did it just

It made me shock to the point where the door shot in front of me before I could go through it what uh what what what did it say uh it laugh you got the dad joke Yeti yeah Dad joke Yeti um do you like what I did with the

Button I was I was like confused from like five minutes and I realized oh voodoo magic voodoo magic yep it’s kind of like my first button but different and the the my button on the other server yep it’s just like my first button yep your first button yep oh

Ow did I do that right yeah didn’t do that right me it should just be slow yeah hey Mony was the first one to the carnival today I’m not well okay I got I I can’t breath through my nose today yeah I can really I that’s like a normal every few

Days to me but today is really bad oh Pirate Day Care oh yeah this is my hat now you’re still Christmas mkey bee yeah I know no this is my skin all year round I just toggle parts of the layers I’m too lazy I’ve had this skin

On for like I want to say 10 years now I’m not taking it off mhh I’ve done two runs today both times I got killeded I mean you get killed every time yeah I know I get my I get my artifact then I’m like okay should I go

For Embers should we not go for Embers this is a very low artifact I might as well look for an ember then I walk around the corner and get banged by a ravager mhm I’m either they’re ninjas or I’m just ravage a blind and I need to go get

A texture pack the sometimes they’re real hard to see uh can we do a rule that if you have trouble seeing them for five rounds in a go you can turn on f3b you can do whatever you want yeah f3b I’m not I’m not telling you how to play your game

Hey all right let me just get six dungeon Lys nailed it oh wait sorry what I meant to say was nailed it yep um oh no I can’t even do that oh sugar I was going to go I was going to go to the Discord soundboard and I was

Like oh wait we’re not in the Discord we’re not in Discord it’s very confusing I’m not used to this food Magic while I wait exra two G move you over a little bit no no no don’t do it I’ll turn on the dragon don’t do it don’t do

It turning on the dragon right now it should be in whistle mode now oh he’s not in whistle mode he’s in crap mode crap crap stop ah the is ready all right I’m going to just whistle the dragon and then go for a run or you running I’m going to run real

Quick it won’t be long you run morning Ender um if you want the the teleport spot changed but it’s nice though you get more audio this way I got to use a whistle to turn on my dragon I’m GNA might turn you down just

A little bit no stop I don’t want go to plan I love it when a plane comes together it didn’t go together though Dragon almost knocked everything off my shelf which is what it’s up there stop from doing I got I got a robot dragon for

Christmas and like I could like R it and reprogram it to do stuff but no it’s programmable mode is it doesn’t connect to your phone through Bluetooth or Wi-Fi it just uses the microphone inside the dragon and then you just press a button on your

Phone and it goes like beep and it goes okay now I’m going to do this function press a different button it goes beep and okay I’m going to do this function oh go I’m scared scared what do you think level one level two uh I don’t know you’re already down

There I know but what do you think I’m going to get oh uh level five I change the button before you went down there rude level two let’s go I did that to Admiral Enders because I remember Tango saying that once you put your deck into the thing it doesn’t matter it’s already

Set in place but then it did change the thing and gave Admiral a level five Compass I was like oh no yeah K attempted to do that with to me Tuesday he failed now one tick oh go I’m following you what I said I’m following you I’m right

In front of you there’s no berries you didn’t leave me any berries no I took that Berry all right so you go down I went that way and you turn right and go up a little bit oh God I can’t see anything at this St yeah it’s

Hard oh God okay I mean it’s pitch black down here for me on my screen right now um free cam has an option for um full brightness yeah but I’m yeah I know I know free cam one I’m in spectator mode right now not free cam and two uh yeah

But then when I’m running the dungeon I don’t have that full brightness NOP so that doesn’t really help me m evasion you say all right so then I come stand over here and I stand on this one to see is there a ravager up here no

Cool uh I can I can tell you Mr poop is nope no spoilers besides you can only tell me where Mr Poopy Head was he was at my funeral mhh it was nice of him to attend that’s one way I put in it uh menuing stri I already had bounding

Strides it’s not me doing it with the campus I don’t have a thing for that one so you say no I don’t yet I also they’re all in the Box I don’t know where they are I haven’t labeled them what’s up mum BL oh okay turn that

One off wait no I want that no wait I go I find uh oh my Lord it looks so different with full bright coming up on the throne room yeah it does lava room getting I got a stream so I can also see where you are that’s true you could see where I

Was about two seconds ago yeah I don’t think I’ll ever go for that Barrel seeing it’s so deep down it’s pretty far Yeah is this I remember Tango saying that he didn’t want to put in a route that is too good so the hermit still diversifies don’t go for the best route mhm and then I remember you saying that you always go for that shortcut that I showed down

Like oh so that’s why you never told the hermit about it yeah apparently where is it it’s right here I was hoping it would fall in the lava it did that once not for me not for me but for one of the Hermits ah remember Tango saying he had

To fix all of level four because of that he put the fire in after he put it in the artifact drop off spot so you had to go around and replace all the fires mhm I’ll move the drop spots okay then confirm that would have been a terrible time to lose my jump

Boost I just realized that half of the things I’ve been hearing in level one have been the stuff dropping down to the pirate boat wind dropping down to what he so the pirate boat on level two yeah uh Tango was like I’m going to be lazy with the Redstone and instead of

Hooking the pirate boat up to level two’s Redstone oh right it’s level one’s Redstone so when I hear a ding in the river of souls that’s something dropping down to the pirate boat and I’m like where’s that thing I heard it up here yeah it can be sometimes

Oops I didn’t really want to leave you there but I guess I will got it definitely take the shortcut next round uh yeah there is I think there is yep yeah right by where he was going to put that wishing well I don’t think this I don’t think this is

Going to be worth it 22 22 whatever this is right about here Enders I’m posting it in party shot I was completely off of the circle but it’s still close enough nope nothing drain my get a to get some of them do I decided I’m not

Going to go to level two until I get Pirates Booty okay you probably won’t get Pirates Booty with the number of uh Embers that you can get from level one oh if I manag just save up enough Embers for it I’m just going to bin all the

Embers and grab it from the restock room that’s cheating it’s also fair cuz it’s not like I’m just grabbing it right away but it’s cheating oh cheat cheating would be giving myself never right armor before I go down there we’ve all done it we haven’t I haven’t put any armor on on this

Server if I don’t put armor on I can’t forget to take it off Moment of clarity so I’ve got nine moments of clarity seven pay to win nine por chop power and nine tactical approach and I’ve got a cactus are we going to do our own custom cards I don’t

Know like what have no idea how it Out T said it is Possible we are going to do some Target Breaks it may be a little quieter today than normal yeah that’s why you’re building it I found like why is there a giant empty room above the lobby un must found it while Admiral was building you did yeah it’s getting there it’s a death trap but it’s getting there

Yeah okay so he’s building like scar 3 2 1 let’s Go GG everybody Wo uh I want to where do I want to go all right you’re going to run right uh if I had I’ll run oh I didn’t see you join are you running Admiral pardon me might not be cursed don’t I won’t I won’t tell kiss I promise I’ll run when it’s

Ready just trying to find something in a file where did they put the resource pack didn’t you put all that in the Discord yeah no I did the pumpkins and stuff I’m having a quick look through the iron nugget oh yeah they have so much stuff they

Have pickaxes and and nuggets and they also did all of the music discs for some reason armors you mean different I pictures for the music discs they’ve they’ve done something to the Json files for the models interesting had to have a look at it the dungeon is ready

For ready for its next victim just turn that down a bit that blame my is out by minus 60 uh oh Admiral what did he do you poopy head did he push a button he used his he he used his dungeon as ready home uh that’s okay you can push it anytime you

Want I got M stream I’m St to hear myself twice what if you want to hear yourself twice uh that’s a good all right that’s fair the dungeon’s ready for its next victim again wait it’s in your I’m confused but it’s ready yeah and I from where I press the voodoo Button okay I got to turn down go [Laughter] home on the map the treasure icon which you guys can almost not see oh I should move myself while I’m doing decked out um looks weird it looks like a sun with sunglasses maybe I moved mon was muted okay welcome

Back now I’m muted but not on stream how long M I don’t know since the last time we heard you oh I hear the cart yeah the cart’s also got a custom audio track as well doesn’t use Minecraft audio let’s go also there’s ZF I don’t know if you guys

Have seen ZF but he’s here yeah that’s when he was doing the ice SP thing yep he’s right there I think I think it’s meant be a coin that says di oh maybe okay I think I know where this goes to level one now I’m okay Mom no I’m all right no I’m

Good this either goes to level two of the CR or the TNT R that’s me I moov the I mov the AFK spot oh sure you get the berries yeah get this in the off I think I know oh oh no way there’s not one in the escal room

Hello would you like some lasagna no I’m like to intolerant you know me that’s why it killed me I just teleported under I can hear myself coming out of your voice track I Apologize slightly I can turn that down a little bit maybe that’ll help we’ll

See I just got wait for the box to come back and do what mom wanted I press the button I’m sure this button does work all the time there’s been times when I press it and then like three three minutes later it says be patient be patient no but no

No no I pressed the button and then three minutes later it goes Moment of clarity well there goes another etherial oh yeah yeah um if you hear ethereal play after you’re more than welcome to replace it yeah I’ve actually been meaning to go over there that’s what we could do

I was going to do theit craft card game and then I realized I can’t that’s true and we got some way of saving the map of bringing the map data back in my head it was like oh yeah it’s all custom ain’t it like no

It’s back I mean you could get the maps but we’d have to make an arena yeah I can build an arena and then just like copy paste the Redstone with light ma or something I want to go see what my mom wanted just before I started that round

Okay and I still got to build some armor stand people for my little room here so this is me just making sure we have full stacks of all of the cards in here so should we need some later we have them always worry I’m GNA throw something it’ll end up in a

Dropper all right and now we wait um Ender I have a question for you what do you call a lonely cheese [Laughter] [Applause] provolone Ash dad jokes nailed it by the way if anybody joins you can get your own starter kit with all this stuff in it ooh nailed

It should give one free pumpkin too that’s coming from uh in case anybody’s interested wait I can just stay here that’s coming from right here this box push button for starter kit and the starter kit and that command block puts it right there that way if if somebody messes up

The sign for whatever reason I don’t know why I thought someone might break the sign but if someone does break the sign that’ll put it back there’s strings missing not that I know of if I did it wasn’t on purpose he does stuff like that every so

Often do you leave my signs alone yet yes slamming into that door was intentional all right so um for those of you that have not been following along I’m trying to get all of the uh all the artifacts and I need this one which is a level

One2 so I’m doing medium runs until I get that one I have a very very small deck it’s uh just Clank and Hazard block and bounding strides and uh Sprint the the second wind which is uh Sprint and uh regen level two I came in my own map so I didn’t pick one

Up one two three zerx nice then you don’t have to wait for that to fully warm up and my first card should play about now maybe sometime wind that wasn’t my card I don’t have a Moment of clarity I think people are lying to me monkey be right we’re gonna have to

Turn down goat horns I don’t know I don’t know if we can blame kiss on that one what do I got ow oh you’re like right there Hi did not even look okay hold on we can lure him over here oh apparently you can hit me from there okay well never mind dead

Run must be a trap door above right where I was yep yep I lost my hat y’all so kiz has been working a little bit on uh getting the restocking system working it’s um it’s difficult so it’s over here and he’s got all these droppers and things to

Refill uh all the different things and then the command blocks that basically just run the the Clone command I think it’s the Clone command is he doing clone yeah he’s doing the Clone commands on all of it um and it’s it’s just it’s slow okay so we changed that to this

That’s cool uh this is the where is it am I on the right side no I’m on the other side this is the button button U so this is looking at the Minecraft Oak button and when it’s true it runs the signal into here which clones this barrel with

One shard in it up to here up to there so it’s it’s watching that button and when it finds that button it replaces this barrel with a barrel that has a uh A Shard in it like so wonder what happens if you’re looking at it when someone presses it reset reset do

It do it it’s not doing it I do the reset I’m ladies and gentlemen boys and girls nonbinary folks all ages it’s time for some Target breakfast Admiral Ender set his own game mode to creative mode hacks he’s he’s he’s he’s cheating in a bunch of cards that’s what’s happening

Right now all the cards I don’t care do whatever you want to Do monkey be still munching I’m just going to going to sneak in when he’s not working he’ll never know you’ll never know who you going to believe me or you exactly 3 two 1 let’s Go who can we believe Ander you lost the ticket you just got I was irresponsible I would I would do my dang it horn but I I I I don’t have it on me did goat horn St uh they can do but you need to have multiple people doing it at the same

Time no I mean in your inventory if you get them through commands yes but then they also glitch out when you do the audio thing the reason why there’s that goat horn bu bulk command for the um audio player mod you just have them all in

Your hot bar and then it would do apply the audio file to all of them oh that’s cool I don’t know if it’s the hot bar your whole inventory I didn’t even know it was any of it yeah that’s why it’s got go horn BK yeah I was trying to figure out what

That would do and I didn’t stopped caring now I know it’s just it’s just you don’t have toly to each goat horn individually yeah I only did four so didn’t really matter to me I still don’t understand why you can hear a warden so loud over here in the TNT

Room probably uh audio disc somewhere no I don’t think so I think it’s a real oh maybe maybe I don’t know but I thought it was a real Warden I had to turn off my subtitles so I can’t tell you cuz subtitles was blocking the map yeah well it it definitely says Warden

Noises where did you go that it’s a real Warden what we on about the TNT room yeah there’s nothing nearby I’ve looked repeatedly oh you’re over there okay we’ll go this way then I’m not sure where oh it’s level two I can stop looking I forgot it’s level two I’ve

Done that I’ve done that I bounding stri so I’m going to skip that one over there although there’s a key spot over there is there a key no okay oh all right oh I can get a key I forgot automatic key bounding strats I tell you what it may

Be the warden uh the TNT room is right next to the yeti yeah but the Ed is not real yeah but maybe it’s the audio file but it’s all of the warden sounds maybe the yeti is maybe the yeti is more real than we think Yeti the yeti no Ed the yeti I

Watched Kong Country Hong Kong Country is what’s made me really messed up when I I was watching the Mario movie the other day it’s on Sky movies now uhhuh wait what are you doing P I still haven’t seen it just jumped up onto her back legs and clap mid

Air ow pain pain pain pain okay I don’t care that much no that’s not pain Pain’s in level three no that’s Panic P Panic p that turn is here in theow h for the legendary card recipe it is in the sow Maze pressure plate party it’s true pain panicking pancakes mhm what about inky pinky and Blinky all right I don’t know where this one is that way is there one on the way to uh Rusty no it’s this way no I passed it it’s right here on the

Sher dang it found a random Golem behind a wall of Fire uh why not you weren’t meant to do that yeah it was I didn’t want to run all the way back all I want is a butcher’s apron if I don’t get it sometimes I just find the nearest ravager or

Lava it’s it makes a much faster [Laughter] run well me yeah but then you got to wait longer for the dungeon to reset no because I have to wait less because otherwise I’d have to wait until I get all the way back to the beginning and

Then do all the cards and then wait for the dungeon I’m telling you that when you do it when you can finish a dungeon then it uh resets it faster that’s definitely not s there’s a giant slime in the dungeon oh no where yes yes please uh

See it wait where where is it I wna I want to where is it we want to see it we want to see it I want to see if we can find a where it spawned right where I died that was down here wait level two I think slime chunks

Um light levels can’t change can’t stop SL can’t do anything for slime chunks oh that’s good to know um let’s see HC renderers uh slime chunks true now this address your spirit you just turned into a slime when you died oh we don’t know what the seed is

Slash seed oh okay now we know yeah this whole this big number this chunk is definitely a slime chunk yeah we can’t do anything about that and and it starts at this height too unless you want to go out your way have a command block for incidentally

Killing slimes but then that’ll mess up level three a bit been lurking kind of like it thanks KF welcome to the stream I got my Barrel back don’t make me turn on the dragon are you are you running again monkey B yeah I’ll run again cool let me just

Uh let me just get out I’m going to go take the express no no stop it stop it cats you’re not allowed on the Skylander sh you knock them all on my head you didn’t knock the Skylanders on my head I wouldn’t mind it but then it hurts I forgot I’m much

Closer I’m curious if anyone’s ever actually took the secret exit out of level two that’s illegal the one that goes into the uh into his room into the story room yeah um I forgot I could do that uh where where am I here yeah there’s a secret

Button where’s the button it’s right by the door to level three I know I’m I’m at the door to level three I can’t find a button I just pressed it to get out of the dungeon it’s right there found it I’ll bunk you I’ll bnk you and then this

Opens and then you can go down here sometimes cats are the best I don’t know what you’re talking about yeah they’re the best but then when they want to get to some place they’re not meant um well then you should just let them be in more

Places I want to but then I keep knocking all my statues onto my head and you can’t get SC Landers anymore the dungeon’s ready for its next victim I’m not ready for it right now just trying to reset my hunga oh no it actually isn’t ready oh now it

Is unless that was someone else no that’s ready I want to use the no it’s not it’s in use it’s not ready well too bad I’m going in but it’s in use you can’t go in I’m using it yeah like we believe you Ender careful there’s a berry bush there

Surprise I like that it’s labeled surprise with a c well monkey’s the one that spelled it so but it sounds like it too is British no no I’m about going in the dungeon may put you in the bathroom so distract him so it so he accidentally

Dies I don’t need a distraction for that lasagna’s got my number lasagna I’ve already fed the cat they they want more food but then that we don’t have the food to feed them if we keep feeding you also annoying right now because they’ve still not eaten the tuna and we got like

Piles of tuna from the last three orders that they’re not eating oh yeah as soon as you buy any cat food in bulk they stop eating it oh no no no they still eat the chicken they just gone off the chuna yep y this one is in the ice room what what level

Do do you have level one I went easy oh hello you’re [Laughter] there I was going to warn you but I didn’t FP I’m turning it onak I think it’s in this room yep NOP n next one down shades of the dog shades of the

Dog no no don’t you do he’s trying to go around the back now death by kitten good he sat down and he’s going to try and jump on this and he going to try and jump on the Shelf in a minute yeah I hate that class pain and that one there we go

Mr poy head in this room hi Rusty Bell um I don’t have a preference sorry if I I missed your message a few minutes ago whatever whatever you want to watch you’re more than welcome I will I will do my best to pay attention to both I’m on YouTube because it’s the first

One that popped up for me MH and of course I don’t have banding rides the stuff up there oh yeah good stuff too yeah no only when you don’t have bounding strides MH I still can’t do bounding strides this way to get out of this room

Now I have trouble with that no I think he’s actually you have to walk into the berry bush and then jump up yeah I don’t want to do that Nerf it all the hermit’s getting around it going to be stupid to check the donut room ain’t it oh yeah he’s there I’m not

Going anything in the pizza room yes there’s a few things there’s some berries in a free key oh yeah yeah and this is where I would use my b in strikes if I had any I have two three how many do I have too many I have two no four would be too

Many no cuz I don’t no I haven’t got any so you got too many where’ you go I just lost you I’m in I’m going into that water room good choice was it you got a number a guy there there’s a guy there hey watch out for that guy oh oh no oh

No oh no oh no oh no a I got trapped by the stupid Hazard lasagna Hazard does kill I mean greed kills too win any games that wasn’t greed that was there was a there was a ravager in the Citadel entrance and lasagna was right next to

Me so I was going to try and run back into the pizza room yeah yeah it’s hard but we could do some target practice if it makes you feel any Better probably lose my ticket that as well can’t anything yeah Rusty Bell it’s it’s been a lot better um he really he really went through and did a bunch of fixes before he he released it and then we went and we added some um command blocks in

Because we can because we don’t have to do it fully in survival so we have stuff that like teleports us all over the place you can go into spectator mode if if you want you can get an XP shower there’s just bottles raining from the ceiling if people want to um rename

Items or something number two still cursed one thing he didn’t fix though was the door to the shop the door to the shop what about it yeah it uses uh item despawning for opening and closing it doesn’t it and you left it with only a few nuggets left

In the system oh yeah at the end yeah yeah yeah three two one let’s go what is on my um sorry I I just got distracted oh nobody got a ticket nobody got a ticket you all stink um um what is going on here hold

On we’re GNA open up open up a web page shooby they put a thing here that’s so small you can’t see it what’s that so this is the bar that’s at the top of my screen this comes from extra lifee itself if you go to extrae dorg index.cfm question mark f user

Action F you but whatever um there’s all all sorts of things um they they put a a picture in the middle and it’s weird and I don’t like it what F12 might be able to find out what it is then well I mean it’s a it’s a thing I know what it

Is status alert logo active delete element cool I don’t think that changes anything over here though NOP still there now now you just get OBS to use that instead of the real one exactly so in case anybody’s interested this is my deck right now um I need to

Sort out the audio file be that pretty I’ve only got um 10 cards in right now because I’m I’m just trying to get the butcher apron um so I can have all of these and then I can do hard runs again cuz then I need twos and two

Sl3s um for levels here um also you can’t really see where I am how did that move back or that maybe that is up High um hang on let me hide me for a second be um so yeah so i’ I’ve got to get this butcher Helm which is level one

Or two uh butcher’s apron I mean and then and then I’m going to go back to hard runs I was doing some hard runs and I was I was I was having a lot of fun with it and I would really like to get this stupid butcher apron I literally

Yesterday I ran the dungeon 30 or 40 times I got the butcher apron twice but I died both times um some of these are just really hard when you want a very specific one and it’s annoying okay so apparently coralus has got custom audio no that doesn’t

Count anyone running or is it me uh you can never run if you want I’m just going to find out what this oh breakfast ander’s going oh and while Ender goes we’re gonna do a break so we’re going to do a quick a quick ad break I don’t know what what what happened

So it turns out that Kus has got custom music discs oh yeah no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no hang on wait uh I just said that look at this ready look at this what am I looking at I’m I’m I’m in

Spectator mode I just threw it to you oh oh I knew about that I knew about that like what music things that’s pixel RI see anything about that where where there they look red why are they red one that night for real okay fine let’s go give you some chicken all right we’re

Gonna do a quick BRB and then we’ll come back and we’ll watch Andrew’s run I’d say don’t go anywhere but you can if you want h than e silence is is you’re in the dungeon Admiral okay I just heard silence play ow okay uh you may mess up the Redstone if

You take too long remember that being a problem when uh Joe Hills was doing a dungeon lucky run and it messed up his deck yeah there know if you don’t get a map or a compass okay you got it maybe Tango fixed it level two I regret showing people that

Shortcut now that everyone takes it all the time sorry that took longer than normal I’m in the TNT room div interesting all right level two you said he’s not on level two he’s got the compass for level two oh going through the Wardrobe now and the pizza ring I found

You looks like uh extra life won’t be doing uh packs East this year is that true when we found out during that Mega collab stream the magic roundabouts on a British thing the what the magic roundabout what’s the magic roundabout oh you don’t have a magic roundabout I mean I know what a

Roundabout is the magic roundabout was it was an old TV show uh with like puppets back in the day oh yeah no nothing I had sippy this kid went to a like a parasol and then SP it around it takes you to a magical place and know these Zippy and

Owow do you have a key [Applause] yet get him Mr Poopy Head get him or don’t you can let him live I didn’t get M well it just played stomil I hear all sorts of words that Sol St Sal salad bar yeah I hear one of the cards say something different to

Everyone where is he right now there he is he just got a key oh run boy run now he’s got to do a drive by key dropping there we go so that’s down already anyone go to any Halloween pumpkins yet I haven’t seen a single one we I never noticed this nice thing

Either oh hey you got it and there comes koodles scoodles be scood oh no it’s nugget I just remember I got the twitch why am I not enabling it oh gosh oh did he just got e oh nooodles and big butts are Hing out I think we’re gonna have to do the

Drip Leaf parkour wait T not down there yeah he is oh yeah there he is his name Sak take some time to eat don’t rush it oh you’re out of berries okay well then don’t worry about eating anymore uh back to Lobby it’s daytime worry about Willie except that he’s right there oh

Man good run you do have to worry about Willie yeah you were you were you that was that was just unfair that’s what killed me and I think I’m maxed out in Hazard block ain’t me no I’m maxed out in Clank block oh no I’m out on

Live hey Cass how are you friend it’s going pretty good I’m I’m a little I’m a little sick I’m having I’m having long issues so it’s a it’s a little quiet stream we’re doing some uh some decked out which is a uh survival Dungeon Crawler that Tango Tech

Uh made on hermitcraft completely 100% in Survival Minecraft um and it’s a super super fun game there are cards that you can grab that you can uh you can you can uh make build a deck that each thing will do different things like you might get jump

Boost or you might get uh something something oh that’s rough well I’m glad you’re better though um yeah so we’re doing all the doing doing some dungeon runs basically out that seems like cheating 3 2 1 a instead of waiting for the miss you just fill out thex the saturation yeah

But then you might be over saturated is that such a thing yes it’s your turn right two golden carrots for me going yeah go for the dungeon reset uh monkey Dan Ander perfect no no no no no no no over here over here over here hang onative Modey puy no no puy I did I did have a good Christmas yeah on the whole I got to spend a bunch of time with uh with with my niece which was good I already got them me that one that there we go now the C is ready well it’s except this backwards

It there now just switch those two I give up I quit going to stay in this corner here and then I’m going to push you down cuz it’s your turn hey watch out there’s berry bush there I just realized my saturation was full it’s not anymore I always forget the berry bushes stop

Hurting when you stop moving yeah no that’s the thing they’re not like cactuses I had to when I was trying to make that the wheelie bin model actually worked like a wheelie BN in my mod I just gave up trying to make it work like a rubbish bin and just decided

You know what I’m going to make it act like a cactus but only when it’s got Redstone power that turned out to be easier than trying to make it work like a rubbish bin I have a hat hat it’s a hat with many hats I a man of many

Hats but are you have a cat in it hang on I hear the cat’s trying to open the door um but yes sorry people for everybody cuz I my energy is low I I apologize slightly this doesn’t need to be here here um I’m not going to I’m not going to go

For the full stream today we’re probably going to end around 10 o’clock probably end at the the end of this hour and go back to bed is my plan I did test for for Co yesterday it was negative let see if it remains that way victim

How many uh how many grounds do I have one one Crown dang it he’s dealing with cats otherwise I would cut in line and go that was Tango um there’s he he made a bunch of custom music discs but that the dungeon’s ready for its next victim now watch

This this is all custom armor stance or armor stands with custom blocks thanks Rusty Bell good timing um Cass check out this game spectator mode so um basically you go I could you go down this tunnel and then you go down this tunnel and then down this tunnel and you end up

Here when you leave here you’re you have two options you can go left or right and you you run around through the tunnel and and you get a compass and a compass points to a different load Stone somewhere in the dungeon and you have to run around and avoid the ravagers this is

Stumbles um and uh and and pick up treasure and loot and find your way through and do all the things and then there’s there’s four different levels so when you come over here to this you put a key in here it opens up this door you

Go down here but this game is made with redstone 100% legit um vanilla survival Minecraft all of this is all the card processors that he has to do to to do the different things each card has its own slot here it’s it’s ridiculous this is two years of this man’s life hey

SCP welcome to the stream we’re uh we’re playing some uh some decked out today where am I all right if monkey bee doesn’t go I may sneak ahead of him monkey be monkey B hang on I can fly over here and I turn back into regular mode you picked that one up um

I’m going I’m going to run I keep that all right nothing on me except the hat which I’ll lose that’s fine crafting table I’m going to lose medium let’s go he’ll figure it out he’ll figure it out when he can’t get through that door all right so all the audio means

Different things in the game so he’s got custom record discs and things um which we have also adapted some to ourselves now I added that one um so this is a level two artifact which means I have to get down to level two these are both on armor stands and

They’re just in water right now moving slowly acoss us so I have to get down to level two so I’m going to go this way first there’s a secret tunnel because why wouldn’t there be a secret tunnel I still have my slime chunks on which I should turn

Off wait here for a second warm up I got this hat in Arizona on a family vacation I enjoy it um for those of you that are confused I’m also talking to YouTube chat hey hey get Parkour swimming Rusty repair kit but I have a key so that’s

Important all right and up we go and I didn’t eat first that was dumb I do not all right you’re over there wind I’m going to burn through these two berries and then we’re going to run over here we’ve got our Sprint On nope don’t know that one Either so I’m just trying to do super fast runs because there’s a very specific hi you’re like right there I should probably run faster um I’m trying to get a very specific artifact out of the dungeon how did you get there oh there you’re both in here

Okay so every time you hear that Sher that’s um that’s basically adding making the heartbeat go faster which is not what I want but I’m mostly ignoring them CU I’m not doing long runs so by the time that’s a problem I stole your run yeah I took too long didn’t mate you

Did yeah yeah that’s all right my runs aren’t long yeah but the dungeon reset is I know God sake yeah I see you there I can’t go through there my mom knows that the cats like to open up the hallway door so she leaves it unlock when she goes out

There and then I have to spend five minutes trying to get the cats back in and then after they’re back in I have to try put them in the bathroom then they keep running back out and then I never get to play my matate sry but the good news is I got

Bounding strides yeah of course you all where are we going I got one day be able to fly is it this one is it this one yeah so if you look at the compass it turns around right here which means I can throw that right there just kidding I can throw it right

There and I I got Horn of the goat now to run into a Willie hit let’s see oh I can just run into sir fluffy kins cuz I didn’t even see him that’s fine I was going to try uh see what Rusty head but oh well Arizona also doesn’t always do

Um daylight savings time is that Arizona I think that’s Arizona oh I should go get the rest of my Tea why did your bounding stries give me jump boost uh juston it’s a beacon yeah I heard my name no uh Rusty is a uh is is an iron golem in the dungeon so uh we were talking about that Rusty not you Rusty Bell although we love

You but you don’t give us presents like Rusty does I mean maybe he’s working hard rebuilding an entire jungle and we just like yeah but you don’t throw us shards and Keys all right cool I need a new hat I need my wings it’s really all I need all right I’m going to do a quick BRB where are we we’re 30 minutes away from the ad uh that means my Tea’s been steeping for like 20 minutes now I’m

Just going to grab my tea and be right back I’m not even going to do a BRB screen we just uh stand here and watch don’t go anywhere oh no now I’ve got to try and entertain the people need hand puppets hey well what’s up Mom what’s up

My grandfather was in the Navy but I forget which ship he was on monkey B the dungeon is ready for next victim the dungeon’s ready for its next victim I need a fishing rod Andre you’re not running are you nailed it did I break things no okay good good boom history

Yeah howd it partner thanks for following Port call thank you for the follow I appreciate it welcome to the Carney fam um I’m a little I’m a little quieter today than normal um I uh I I have what I’m pretty sure is probably covid um but I haven’t confirmed it yet I

Tested tested negative yesterday yeah hurry up delivery didn’t ring the doorbell why not they just left it at the front door H and walked off they didn’t ring the doorbell or anything I hate it when they do that hang on neighbor’s cat was trying to open up the cat food

Ball what does a zombie vegetarian eat grain grain also is GRE multi grains waffle nailed it hi I’m Cleo also we’re going to do target practice while monkey be’s running the dungeon bad timing uh if anybody would like to join our uh target practice game all you got

To do is type exclamation point Target in chat uh we do this every month Whoever has the most tickets at the end of the month wins a prize all you got to do is type exclamation point target and you got a 50/50 chance of getting a Target uh ticket ticket Target Carnival Things mean oh you just got that just closed right behind you it actually closed in my face all right here we go 3 2 1 oh all the way across the board everyone gets a ticket I think I pushed that four times Sak no it’s on the ground yeah that sorry protocol

Oh wait let me in death Loop death Loop yep that’s what I mean try not try not to be in a death Loop it’s High Noon is it I thought it was only 9:30 nothing there I’m out of here but there was a coin that also just closed [Applause] hello music free waving oh come on really I’m this room what what what do you really what I

Just heard I was like w pass the room nothing in it walked out the room and then ding ding must have been downstairs oh yep yep I heard loads of dings music free gaming have you tried the deck out yet I got one coin have you seen any of it now he

Yes before now he’s going to be in the river of souls mostly pearls runs yeah nice uh well if you’d like to join we’ve got the we’ve got the server running um I can if you if you shoot me a DM I can send you the

Info uh happy to let you join oh this is shop yep that’s closed ability most people don’t think it’s possible get stuck on that bit there oh look at you I’m not going to go for trying to get treasure trying to get treasure just kills

Me I got move the guy up there don’t me he still up here he still there that’s that oh good leave him right at the exit for next time this is my first win let me have it wait a minute I’m next time unless enderis ERS it’s now your turn kids wake

Up all right um oh what are you going to buy I don’t know I got like what 12 I don’t know I didn’t get any from the dungeon I just got what I get from deathly um where am I going where does that go to’s what go to nothing I’m just looking

At Redstone that’s probably instant red yeah that’s where all the audio discs are being played oh those are all the discs yeah that’s all the card call outs it does a fancy uh doodo 40 different things from a 15 power line okay I’m maxed out out on Hazard

And Clank so it’s either a treasure hunter or an embassy this way this way this way can I spit 13 between nine and six no yeah I watched a lot of pearls runs I I mostly watched Tango’s streams where he was watching everyone else um I want to get a

Treasure more treasure get Frost did you speedrun st four Embers forever makes it through the dungeon the fastest did you get the the the artif fake oh yeah no I forgot there’s a sign right here yeah I know I’m not going to put that sign there I forgot about it while thinking

About the uh purchase there four extra Embers forever makes in under five minutes perfect return to Lobby put my one coin in there like we’ve uh We’ve we’ve made some we’ve made some other things you can get a starter deck with uh with with that stuff in it um made

It you can get a map uh activate fake Tango cam to load the map you can actually see he’s in the the O right there just barely see it I thought I moved myself some we could see how did I go back I what’ you do I in that I’m going to

Lose any way my I didn’t set my spawn pick of Shame um we you can put yourself in spectator mode and if you fly over here you’ll go back into into survival mode if you want XP you can have XP shower just going to put that up there I’ll die with it

Later all right let’s check the queue I’m ma out on all the embassy cuz on the commons not counting the fial of course I’m next and now to put the death Loop in my special room that I can’t press the button in while you’re streaming you can maybe

Yeah but don’t want to R you getting a copyright strike okay I can’t remember why when I got it but I remember I was asking you is there a way I can like get this audio from YouTube like yeah yeah use this link for yeah I uh music free gaming I’ve done

Almost nothing else except for this in the last week now if only we could play this card if Tango seted this one up cash cow got the audio seted up for it yeah yeah was that supposed to be a a legendary it is a legendary the purple

Ones the legendaries I wish we could play the purple ones too because they’re purple CU they’re purple then get the forge done in time dang it Vegas and the end of hermitcraft yeah too main FAS though if he didn’t go to Twitch con he wouldn’t have got the con flu he might have

Uh we have it set up so that you can do uh unlimited shards got a voodoo button it’s a magic button and kids doing all sorts of stuff with Voodoo blocks oh almost no I hit the chain I didn’t think I was going to enjoy this as much as I

Do not have time to watch much have they gone to the next season yet they just ended this last season season 9 which is why we have the download here to play and uh so they’re going to be starting the next one soon I assume well I don’t know what to assume

It might be soon it might be later going take a golden carrot um I think in between 8 and 9 they took January off um cuz videos don’t intend to do us good in January anyway so they might do that again I don’t know Rusty Bell I don’t know they have not checked

With me unfortunately hi Rosies Camp I don’t know who Rosie is is that Ren dog’s Rosie I’m not sure level one artifact hi you’re like right there I’m going to lure you over here then I’m going to go this way I need to go faster than that oh Rosie was the the

Okay right right right right right here go go get faster dang it dang it all right so there’s the swimming hole down here which none of the Hermits ever got good at uh having unlimited shards has made us much better at it but it’s often worth it and sometimes

Not H not great this time I did get a repair kit so if I decide I want to go to level to I can but I am I need I am specifically trying to get one artifact right now it’s just the butcher’s apron to round out my collection

Um and uh if I don’t get it then I pretty much just give up and uh uh die on my own sword don’t let why why is fool not allowed just because it’s worth it nobody else can read what you said I’m just going to run over here for a

Second this is a bad idea I just pincered myself I don’t have twitch on so I can’t allow or say or deny it allow or deny what whatever was being blocked go go go faster go faster okay that was fine all that was not allowed or

Dict uh no fool was highlighted so I think it was that weird pitch filters are very weird yeah someone said to me that bride is probably automatically flagged because of female streamers probably good morning welcome to the stream we’re um we’re doing some runs I am power for people that have grounds

I have like nine of them right now put one in each I put free winds in I need to get over here I think hi Lily are you going to run in front of the the the monitor right now while I’m trying to run on the

Dungeon and block my view with your tail oh darn yeah I couldn’t see him at all cuz there’s a giant tail in front of my screen excuses excuses excuses is I’m playing like this and then she moved just a little bit and blocked his entire area huh isn’t that what you did

Isn’t that what you did yeah cats are cat cats are adorable you say they do nothing wrong you say nothing wrong at all I let N Out the bathroom and he’s instantly going for the Shelf why do cats want to sabotage us I don’t know we give them everything

Think they want and then in return they sabotage our games worth it wouldn’t change anything no not a thing born about them oh good welcome back you’re next But to answer your question I don’t think I actually did I’m doing good I’m a little sick but mostly good you just had Chicken did we ever figure out who the ghost is what ghost apparently there’s a ghost in decked out and it randomly triggers the dungeon started sound no Tango said it must be a ghost because you can’t work out what’s causing it in the redst oh I don’t know

You’re going to sit on the keyboard now aren’t you thank you oh no um bad news no yeah that happens a lot now walk back to where you were it’s fine fine it’s fine why are we panicking there’s no panicking uh what am I looking for ladies and gentlemen boys and girls

Non-binary folks of all ages it’s time for some target practice for those of you who are new all you got to do is type exclamation point Target in chat right now and you’ll get a chance to win a ticket to our end of the month Carnival prize that’s right Li pant a

Ticket to to the end of the month Carnival price by the way this is Lily pants fuzz bottom the third of the Massachusetts fuz bottoms unless you ask my wife then it’s Lily the server for what when we need a break from we lost

Many runs in a row so we can we have two more servers for that just so we can unwind a little bit and go to a special land yeah that that land is gone we have to redo deck out again to do that that is a she is a Russian Siberian

And she likes to lick the microphone eyes on my until he insult scarland back why would I insult scarland Ino what do you what are you doing what what are what are you doing you weirdo can I get some kiss’s doing that until he puts skull back well thanks not

You I was talking to Lily uh did Target howdy partner thanks for following and you got some popcorn thank you for the follow welcome to the Carney fam I appreciate it said taret up until popcorn followed I don’t know whose turn is it now I don’t quite understand how this queue Works Anders

Okay yeah I don’t know when you’re actually supposed to push it I got a feeling it was probably Doc’s area with his chunk loaders and those like 100 wither bosses that was causing all that DPS problem yeah probably something like that yeah are you just being naughty because

I won’t put any more chicken down even though you’ve already had five packets of chicken today and it’s not even noon yet not even 3:00 yet you’re going to turn into a big fat cat from chpp and Dale if you keep eating you want to be fat cat from Rescue Rangers

Guess all right spectator mode the dungeon’s ready for its next victim I’m trying to find the button for free time there it is someone be a victim I’m the victim I’m just got wait for the door to open we’re ready for you what if I’m not ready for the

Dungeon well it doesn’t matter reason why you’re the victim if you if you wasn’t a victim then you wouldn’t not be ready watch ah head I love that f3d will clear chat make it EAS windows and D yes yes I have I only learned about that because EO used it to tr

Scar I use it all the time yeah know they were playing Among Us and SC was having OBS troubles and EO went to picture problems just press windows and D yeah whenever I remote into someone else’s computer I do that does that does that actually do anything well there’s a pressure plate

That you land on when you enter the when you get off the rail that I’ve never noticed before but it doesn’t look like it does anything oh maybe it does oh that’s what triggers the compass oh the compass excuse me sir you shouldn’t be there oh yeah no they’re definitely right there

Oh it starts the dungeon does it yeah apparently oh is that how it got around that bug yes the the one where if you sit in the uh pick your difficulty room for too long it messes up your deck yeah you know what I’ll just leave you

There and then he follows you will you though Sak go stumbles go but that was sneak no the raver it’s name stumbles you walked into a bush again didn’t you how that my bush can even hit cor it completely ignored you when you said stay over there

Yep but you didn’t get hit that counts oh is it here nope I thought it was but it’s not I heard a toot I got it oh no you stay there Sak I think that Barry Bush uh causes more more damage than it heals I don’t know what you’re talking

About talking about how often I run into it stability stomil back here isn’t it always get this one how much is it worth 19 not the best but not not Awful you do the same thing I do stand on the shrier shift and then Eat it’s not very effective in case anybody’s wondering no treasure nothing at all surprising I should I should turn on uh cinematic cam when I’m doing this oh no that was convenient mhm I hear it oh it’s over there and it’s coming towards me excuse me sir whoa oh

Gosh that was some Jes I forget about that coin you don’t want that coin nope right after this run y’all we’re gonna we’re going to have to take a quick break do I have a mod who can just snooze that uh I don’t have fo right now give me a

Minute no I I got to I’m ready for next time I want one more coin at least there’s usually one in the big circle room but not always I’ve not had any treasure spawn down there no not the table room like the the actual big circle ice room oh the the four-way

Room I’m not checked there no cuz there’s a ravager in the way well now you’re in a predicament well he can’t come in here can no no okay no coins excuse me sir would you like to come in here yes yes I would wait wait where’d you go anything over here a

Coin do you get it yep nice now why you get three more on the way out that’s always annoying mhm nope no more I didn’t see any keys there wasn’t much treasure although I do have like more than half of my cards left true which means you should be doing the

Next level next difficulty well that’s a guaranteed level two and I’ve not survived a trip to level two was fair I don’t know it as well you don’t know what level two as well yeah as I know level one boom how many did you get 23 nice you forgot yourself invisible you forgot

Invisibility if you were invisible I probably would have run out 20 loting scoot I might get that one that’s a good one and I also copied the wrong audio file not copy there we go did you get your fake uh I don’t need it okay I get this one so much that I’ve

Got like five of them I’m just going to go into the forge real quick to get duplicates oh there’s nothing in there I know I learned that when he was building the uh the artif fake system there’s an audio file called Scar’s lost you I’m just curious what it

Is oh I died I mean that’s the that is the goal oh yeah no you couldn’t you couldn’t have got out of that all right I can’t do that anymore pick a shine pick up shame talk pick up shame pick up shame uh pick pick okay what does this mean by Stars

Lost I’m in creative mode well who do we have here the cleaning lady Graces us with her presence here down it is an honor cleaning lady to have you we have been watching you for a very very long time seeing you cleaning and organizing we’re going to do a quick

BRB don’t go too far y’all we’ll be back uh hopefully just in time for monkey be’s next run okay then and then it’s uh who’s time next yours mine yay if I go home with this do you think the ragers would leave me alone no you’ve got a balloon in your hand

Yeah I got Ballo in my hand I play btd6 so I should pop it but I don’t want to I know what would help uh what number is it what number is it what number is it 76 oh change that one this will protect me in the dungeon one two 3 4 welcome welcome come on everyone it’s a carnival party and we’re going to have some fun step up and try your luck out you could win a prize friends to spend your time with and then the man himself of course he’s always family friendly you don’t have to fret he’s the Hest

Joest cowboy on the internet this is a this is labed stone for oh um yeah thead is for um welcome welcome come on take a when first join the party where the dead jokes aren’t unique laughing crying whenever he’s online he’s the funniest derpiest corniest funniest Cowboy 50 hi we’re back and Carnival is now open for business and Monkey’s going to do a run and then I’m going to do a run that’ll probably be my last one for the day for the stream rather do one quick thing Before run run like the wind ex Point Target in chat ladies and gentlemen boys and girls nonbinary folks all ages this is your chance U you should definitely go in dressed as a ravager yeah oh I’m up here still I hide things back here don’t tell anyone teleport to free cam area get them out I have M free cam to the entrance as we go in three two one let’s go oh sorry I pushed the button too many times Ender lost one Rusty Bell lost one

Monkey B lost one music free gaming got one gg gg music for gaming all right let’s get some runs ah my eyes are super super dry today I’m allergic to my cats it’s a problem I’m also sniffly which is a problem oh no there’s a there’s a ravager

Coming you tried not having dry eyes you know I haven’t um that’s not a bad idea though so this runs over here is he still by the entrance or did you move him away from the entrance everything I moved him okay spoilers feeling this one’s going to be in the back ice room

But someone decided to bring him to the front was it me Might Have Been Me Oh I found a rabit hey come here come here boy Run for the hills coming for a raid we got ravager ravager chasing ravager here um hold on one second uh um 500 it should be

Enough this one might be in the magic roundabout room oh I should have done uh okay oh no wait oh this one’s this one I lost you where’d you go is this my chat is hiding in the compass I can’t see it welcome Raiders in the catacombs room with the the secret

Passage oh well the pain are R oh okay uh if you’re not familiar with umit with this this is uh Decked Out made by Tango Tech himself uh we’ve got the download we put it on the server and we’ve been playing a lot um but yeah how was your stream no

What were you um what were you doing what game were you doing this doesn’t work oh there it is I really I got the slippers I really don’t know where you are in the wardrobe room I was just there did you take did you take off your

Ravager because you were invisible no I haven’t taken off my ravager pixel art finished for the theater oh good that’s awesome you look funny when you when you when you crouch just for [Applause] reference uh have you tried any of the decked out zidik did you did you download the

Hermitcraft this is the first hermitcraft map I’ve ever downloaded oh there’s a ravager that just picked up that coin he got me for a minute ravagers are stealing your coins in order to evade the ravager you must be a rabit maybe they won’t maybe they won’t be angry at you if you look

Like one of them oh too bad you don’t have bounding strides yeah I know cuz I don’t have bound and dride the stuff up there that work yeah there’s never stuff them nothing’s going to be there yeah there’s never stuff up there for me yeah but with a crown with a crown

You could get paid a win he noticed you yeah I soon as anything by the statue no he didn’t no he kind of did work my disguise Work yeah I got to stop sitting off streakers now yep that’s true I got four coins I can get a crown nice so for those you just joining I’m a little I’m a little ill um yesterday I I started getting some lung pain and um then I didn’t

Sleep mostly last night so I’m uh I’m a little tired but we got I got one more run in me and then uh then I’m probably going to call it a stream my eyes are still watery ah sneaking game but we’re having fun just my energy

Is my energy is low so I apologize if you’re just joining us for the first time I’m normally slightly more animated than this not a lot I’m a pretty chill streamer okay I got 10 Embers from the slippers mhm I just heard a click there

Again it’s not up here again is it in the ice block again stability outside the dungeon uh I think I’ve got one you know I think we should all be wearing ravager pumpkins when you go through the through the dungeon it’s just funnier think I might just buy

Time yeah treasure I want more Embers game treasure won’t give you Embers or the warden pumpkin yeah you have to switch when you get down when you get down to that level no better idea better idea do it while we’re in the door the door a door running around the dungeon

Monkey be back up back up hey which way oh he’s right there oh good then you’ll get that coin that you missed what coin did we miss the the one you just picked up that’s why I said six coins that’s why I said back [Laughter] up that’s another thing is that over there it was a key don’t worry about it I won’t cheat a lot when people ask me question while I’m in spectating yeah just let me know if you see any Embers CU I want to try and get something that’s not

Common oh that’s then you’re got to start doing medium runs yeah I know but I can’t do level two yet that’s a CO but it’s like a one in 10 chance that you get level 10 or one in eight chance N I think it’s one in nine it’s a low

Chance and I haven’t heard any amber Seekers play and you’re running out of cards I got six cards left oh there must be all my Embassy cu um for those people who are here for for before the raid um zidik is awesome and uh you would absolutely have a wonderful

Time hanging out in his stream or his wife wife stream she’s also pretty great um I’m a bit worried now cuz I can’t see hot breath and I know for well he’s going to be getting me I didn’t hear what just played I think it was stability stability but why

Do you okay never mind why do you still have six oh it’s gone okay takes a minute to get to the map apparently I got eight coins I could buy pay to win well there’s a to up on the uh ice block I mean I mean a crown

Hunter you know what I’m just going to take this trap door up to the ice block hacks slash kill at P me again glob warned me in the end I got a water block up there Mr Taco there we go Mr Taco just donated $25 hey I’m going to mute you for a

Second I’m Joel nman I’m Taco thank you so much for that donation to extra life uhoh Uh something’s wrong why why is that Mr Taco I got I got your hot sauce and some and some sweet sunglasses I was wearing these yesterday on stream how do I look I love the stickers

And the pin I think the pin is probably my favorite part um out of all of that so thank you for that uh you’re amazing I didn’t send you anything because I didn’t do that um my lost monkey be are you a real ravager yeah he has a real

Ravager which way did it go there he is he’s the sneaking one I no I definitely will be trying the hot sauce I’m not a huge hot hot sauce person um but I like um I I like I like flavorful hot flavorful sauces so that’s why I tend to go for mild to

Medium um yeah I got to figure out why why we’re doing e current total I thought I updated everything correctly I’ll look after this run uh right now monkey be is running yeah I’m trying to get a couple more ambas we’ve got oh your invisibility ran

Out oh no no no no no no no no no no no no No are you sure it was in the magic roundabout room Mr Poopy Head was coming yeah and I saw an Embers inside the prone room oh really yeah oh yeah there’s like four in here is the ice door open Ice door I’m not going to answer that

Cuz then I can run straight to the exit your heartbeat’s picking up yes I know I’m going to oh it’s going to be a bad idea he’s right there no I’m just going to leave now making the smart decision oh God now you make me want to go

Back so you don’t make a smart decision yeah wow this isn’t this isn’t down yet that’s interesting you must have good Hazard Block in your deck uh maxed out on on the hazard and the plank block oh you’re right there bye-bye oh and I believe you’re clear all the way to the

Exit G good run I got 13 Embers not bad and two crowns which artifact did you get that looks sers hey py robs PNY RS oh my Word who other’s doing it next has to do it with the uh animated pumpkin yo attack of the ravagers I was facing the wrong way all right while you guys are doing that I’m going to see if I can figure out what I did to mix it up all right current total

Check oh you know what it is hold on I know exactly what it is uh current to okay stop now stop now stop now stop now stop copy that uh if I play this it’ll fix it I think yeah do the other one too do the other one too

Fundraising go why is that not work okay so that half worked Hang on we’re going to go over to events I know what because I didn’t update it there to the new one donations uh donor Drive donor Drive donation got this if I managed to more em paste why are you doing this

Twice copy paste I’ve now got no chance of making it to the K save play um yeah I’ll do a test command just make sure this all runs there we go okay ignore that but we do have some target practice that you don’t have to ignore I forgot I changed that in one

Place but not in both places dang it but there we go so yes we are realized that my microp yes yes yes it was y I didn’t even know you were talking made it yeah I was talking to Monkey be while I was punching him according to Roy was

MCE welcome gamer uh so this is our target practice game we um we do this uh every 15 minutes or so all you got to do is type exclamation point Target in chat too late now don’t do it now um and you got a 50/50 is Chance

Um stuff no getting done thanks Rusty B I’m going to do one more dungeon run for me and then uh then I’m going to call it a stream um looks like no one got anything this time and we got that weird bug on player two with the number

There heavy on the is yep yep yep yep yep y yep um for those of you that are just joining us we’re doing some decked out uh we we we set up a server this is what my deck currently looks like um I have all of the comments I have all of

These four because you can only have a maximum of three the this is how many this row is how many you can have found it partner thanks for following I’m montis gamer I don’t know if I pronounce that right welcome to Carney Fam thank you so much for the follow I appreciate

It uh got two second win two bounding strides a reckless charge and a smash and grab but I’m only running with these 10 right now cuz my goal is to get this butcher’s apron and the butcher apron is only available on level dungeon level one or

Two um also I realize you couldn’t see all of that but there’s there there’s my deck um so um I’m trying to get this so I’m just doing medium runs so it’ll go between level one and two while we uh while we work on finishing that up once

I get done with the with once I get that one that’s a sign um then I will uh I will I will be going and ready to go my deck looked like a spreadsheet I know it’s so weird um I mean it looks like this also

But that’s not the whole thing you got a choice I I like choice you got put this on your head or this on your head h i mean I won’t see it so I don’t really care what does look like on the head anyway it’s right next to

You no I want the other door there’s only one door if there is he named it something I can’t figure out what it is there’s only one door in the list yeah I think he’s just got it in both hands well he has one on one side and

Then an armor stand on the other side just rotated the armor stand that seems like cheating so moving RAV do we have moving Yeti I don’t think so Dragon bro and then I’m going to take myself off the uh off the queue after this run what’s a simulation Block it’s a block of

Simulation I like spreadsheets music for gaming I do a lot of do a lot of that I got a spreadsheet that needs organiz if someone like spreads I E1 I like hot chocolate so we’ve got a cheaty button here that there’s a a command block that watches

This button and as soon as it gets powered it it’s a a redstone block that’s turned off oh cool oh they actually have a they have a data pack that does something with that something to do with um chunk loaders I think no don’t forget your

Hat all right I need a cookie doc was doing chunk loaders with uh boats and uh Nether Portals all right going for medium difficulty last run all I want is the butcher’s apron I’m not asking for much just want the butcher’s apron more Embassy CU then I got all the

Commons I just need to stock up on uh momental clarities yeah any any any regular who uh who want to join you’re more than welcome we’ve got plenty of space and unlimited shards uh two or I could go for a mystery all right I don’t need to wait for the

Map level what did it say level two all right uh spoiler alert I’m about to do a secret tunnel that you that none of the Hermits knew about that me told you about that monkey be found or the Tango mentioned and monkey be saw it it’s a powdered I left out of deck

Outstream what he showed it off in his what he left out of deck out stream apparently there still loads of stuff in there that’s undiscovered that makes sense I don’t know why I bother doing this Pearl used it a lot oh I missed that all right I got I got a repair kit

Yeah on yeah once he mentioned it but still nobody used the uh still nobody used the the swimming bit cuz they didn’t they they weren’t able to learn it with unlimited chards we can learn it pretty easy all right you’re over there hi did you learn the other

Swimming bit though I did yeah yeah actually I haven’t learned it for myself yet bounding strides I think that we left the other guy over there right I should try it one day just just I got it on my bucket list of how I’ve died in the dungeon again unlimited shards you can

Do all all the silly things yeah well you’re there okay I’ll go this way go look out whicher you are so I already have a key but I’ll grab some berries before I go down to level two Mak the next person can’t get those berries I think I’m the only one with bounding

[Laughter] strides Admiral get the neite swords ready for when he comes out the dungeon I mean I leave my deck just sitting there most of the time oh you do okay all right normally I come in here for Treasure I really don’t need this many berries but whatever we’ll do it

Anyway look nothing up here yeah you got Bound in strikes and nothing comes here I’m sure he’s got something attached to this line that says if got Bound in strikes do not give I think I think it’s hard to do conditional in Survival Minecraft I just need something one coin

B if B in strides goes into the shuffler then then you can detect if it’s got bowed in strides it’s true and you just say don’t power is long no I’m going this way I was watching the compass as I’m running trying to see if I can figure out which direction it

Is it’s either in the middle or in spiders uh spiders I don’t like spiders spiders it is tell me there don’t tell me there artifact spot in spiders nah it’s just next to spiders spoiler alert it’s right there bandana mind spiders spider already spawned I guess I won’t go this way

We’re going to try and see if we can hit um rusty rusty repair kit not Rusty Bell uh and if we can great and if we can’t we don’t really care cuz the run’s dead anyway for what my actual goal is yep he’s still there he’s over there oh I left some wool

Here all right that’s fine I got to go clean up that wool um that woolly I had to move the ravager cuz there were three down there so I put one back on the bridge Admiral you’re in spectator aren’t you you just go creative mode and break

It I got it yeah I can do that I’m already here well I’m almost here I was here first didn’t take the Buton did you yeah I clicked the button first oh why is the hot still dying it takes a while all right back up all right well that’s annoying hate

To end on a on a loss ow okay I accidentally spectated wrong wait there’s a compass spot inside the brig inside the what hang on this doesn’t look right there is no way to trigger unless we’ve moved the no that does it what I’m being patient while I wait for

My my my deck and new items to be returned I’m getting new items apparently because my deck and new items will be returned here someday I’m going to get this butcher’s apron and start doing real runs again you just wait 3322 I got all my I got all my deck got my

Hat all right well that’s going to be it for me y’all thanks monkey be and Ender um thanks everybody for being here thanks for hanging out sorry ending soon and uh sorry for the short stream sorry for lack of energy but I do want

To say a huge thanks to uh zidik for the raid and Mr Taco for the 25 donation $25 donation to extra life um I appreciate both of you for being here uh monkey bee was first today GG monkey B that was the 18th Time Monkey bee has been first um

And then Wild West Dan don’t donated $2.34 which is fake but it still gets written there so thank you wild west Dan for fake donations yep we’re going to do a raid as usual we raid uh we’re raiding on uh we always rate on on the twitch not on

The on the the YouTubes uh when was the last time I raided Perman Noob um two weeks it’s been two weeks since I rated Perman Noob and um I’m wearing a shirt so so let’s go raid Perman he’s great he’s playing what is he playing fortnite he’s playing fortnite but with

Legos so there’s that uh I’m going to go take a nap and then eat some lunch and then go to work um that’s my plan hey um here’s my announcement for the year um February 17th May 8 18th and August 1st I will be doing 12h hour streams uh for extra life

And then uh November 2nd we think or November 9th we’re a little confused about dates right now um I will be doing the 24-hour extra life stream uh we will be launching the uh weather balloon in August uh sometime so that’s going to be a thing and uh yeah that is our current

Plan that says August 1 I thought it was August 10th did I miss uh or accidentally delete a uh yeah uh yeah that was supposed to be a 10th um I deleted a zero um so February 17th May 18th and August 10th I’m working on um in my head I’m working on

A graphic for that to remind everybody but otherwise we will be back on Tuesday have a good weekend everybody love all your faces and as always my name is Wild West oh I’m going to go take a nap love you all

This video, titled ‘Decked Out Runs! | FamilyFriendly | !extralife Charity Streamer | Java Minecraft’, was uploaded by WildWestDan on 2024-01-04 15:41:18. It has garnered 19 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:40:28 or 9628 seconds.


About Me: Howdy! I am a community-first family friendly charity creator who loves Minecraft, Disney, Dungeons & Dragons, and Nintendo! My current super long-term project for my YouTube Let’s Play and Twitch streams is creating the entirety of Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, as accurately as possible, in vanilla Survival Minecraft. I have been raising money for Boston Children’s Hospital through Extra Life since 2017 and as a community we have raised more than $15,000 since then! We launch a weather balloon annually with a twenty-sided gaming die attached filled with “Messages of Hope” dedicated to the doctors, nurses and staff of all children’s hospitals and their patients and families. I also have two cats who regularly take over my videos and distract me and my audience!

Monkey Mines Server Network: Monkey Mines has been running in some form or another (Browser-only, Java, Bedrock, Modded, Vanilla) since 2009. It is currently running a network of 3 maps: Our lobby which is Wild West Themed and features Dan’s “Hall of Angels” – There you can find a player head for each person who has donated to our Extra Life Campaign. Our main map is our Cooperative Survival Multiplayer Server where we all live and farm! And we also have a creative map with World Edit for those who want to test out builds before trying them on the survival server, or just feel like building something without worrying about a creeper ruining your hard work!

For access to Monkey Mines, you can join Dan on his Twitch streams and once you’ve collected enough Channel Points, you can redeem them for lifetime access to all our servers (as long as you follow the rules). For more info about Monkey Mines, visit:


*My content is family friendly, but is meant for adults or children supervised by their parents.

Twitch: YouTube:

Extra Life: Twitter: Instagram:

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    Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by VinceyVideo Information This video, titled ‘r/TraumatizeThemBack is Wild’, was uploaded by Vincey on 2024-08-25 14:00:30. It has garnered 13654 views and 1403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:41 or 1241 seconds. Thanks for watching today’s Reddit video legends! Subscribe if you want to! My Minecraft: Shaders: BSL Shaders Texture Pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft Members Access: Become a member today for exclusive videos and Discord access! My Links! ⬇️ Instagram: Twitter: TikTok: 00:00 Intro 00:33 Story 1 02:56 Story 2 06:20 Story 3 07:49 Story 4 09:53 Story 5 11:22 Story 6 12:55 Story 7… Read More

  • Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!

    Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Прохождение Платной Сборки От OxFORTPACK / День 3 – Короткий день’, was uploaded by HaYaRy&ProSha on 2024-06-21 04:25:55. It has garnered 57 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:41 or 5741 seconds. 💵Post the meme directly on the broadcast – ✅Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Walkthrough Paid Build From OxFORTPACK / Day 3 – Short day 💵DONATE MONEY – 💵DONATE TO CARD – 2202201045736895 ❗❗❗IN A MESSAGE OR COMMENT, WRITE WHO DONATED, WHY❗❗❗ 💵TRADE / ProSha TRADE – 💵TRADE HaYaRy – ✅VK GROUP – ✅TWITCH –… Read More

  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

    Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice WatermelonVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-09 10:50:14. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

    INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villeger avesham song 🤣 #song #avesham #minecraft #malayalam #funny #viralshorts’, was uploaded by ZAIN GAMING on 2024-07-12 04:33:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to viral short video on youtube,shorts video viral kaise hoga,how to viral short video,shorts,shorts video,viral shorts video … Read More

  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More