Defeating Ender Dragon in Minecraft!

Video Information

Hello come onire guys I’m sorry I’m I thought I would be just half an hour late but this is not half an hour this is almost an hour yes so late com I’m so sorry hello I think you might be a bit loud oh ah oh it doesn’t detect

It hello is this is this better it’s cuz I I I increased the gain on my mic is it fine now well messed up you also have Echo from your own stream do I how do I have Echo wait wait what wave wave link do I have AO why do I have AO

Now B is is slightly low now but Theo is definitely there okay this like this this like this better what why is why do I have Echo no [ __ ] wait let me let me open Minecraft cuz it’s not open why do I have E I don’t understand anyway how are you

Guys how are you guys I’m sorry for being so late but I was I had a medical appointment yeah yes last minute medical appointment do you have headphones yeah I have my headphones on but like it’s really bad I don’t really know why do I have Echo wait this

Better let me make this smaller um uhh uh do I have aun now is it is it better cuz I don’t know I’m trying to uh seems good okay oh I had a new equalizer for the audio from the Elgato maybe it’s because of that cuz I I put it off seems

Good you got your stream up are listening to the mic perhaps to it doubl I thought that but I’m not listening to the mic or anything like it’s just one audio you know five think I don’t know hello Felix welcome I don’t know you said that it’s

It’s better now right let’s STI to this then like I don’t have Echo anymore right um also let me go to the Minecraft stream so I can start opening it yes uh here wait you cannot see it cuz I have the clip Studio uh here okay

Minecraft let me close this and let me make the Minecraft screen bigger like this okay time for some Minecraft yeah finally yeah oh hello B I’m on time for once got to say that I started the stream later than usual yeah I had to start it 1 hour earlier like at

6:00 p.m. and it’s 7:00 p.m. cuz I was late but yeah I’m finally here let me start opening the arms are you guys already there playing the [Laughter] [ __ ] why are they all so small oh my [Laughter] God why do I have so many chickens oh do I have anything to give

Them no I don’t have anything oh don’t go out okay uh uh let’s see let’s go to the base I’m going to go to the base and grab some food and and that’s it yes food basically that’s everything I need for now I think uh I think that you guys put some

Phantom memes on some chest but I didn’t had the opportunity to join earlier the Minecraft server so have I shown you the Farms do you have a farm now wait Lala why do I wait I need to go grab some food I need to go grab some food let’s

Have a spa there or something I don’t think so I think that M maybe coco or maybe aen one of those probably started throwing eggs inside my house probably oh hello I hav an a LLY suspicion why r on the eyes use a boat I didn’t have a boat

Look I don’t have a boat I I lost it I don’t remember what it was I lost it somewhere I think that we went when was it we went to some town and we went on the ice using the boat and I lost it at some point yes let’s see

Food I don’t have any food I am not prepared I’m not prepared at all my plan was to you know before the stream join and prepare some stuff grab some food and start the stream prepar but I was not expecting the doctor appointment let’s see uh Farm where

Where Farm where I don’t know uh down here down here no this is the aquarium let me grab some food first let me grab some food let’s see uh there’s no cooked food cooked food cooked food doco cooked food for do I’ll go berries I

Guess yes I have apples and come to me okay that sounded really bad though come come here down where though I see that look but I don’t see you the [ __ ] oh there no I am at the house what house there’s three houses the cottage what’s a cottage oh I see

You okay you’re with the there’s three houses you cannot say I’m on the house what house God oh I see interesting I was also doing a a with Farm but it’s kind of small and I never really finished it oh okay can I grab some can I grab some

Carrots I’ll get you golden carrots follow me one second let me grab some you know I need food for the dragon feel free to grab as much as you want okay thank you I’ll grab this stack um this is okay this is almost two one stack half yes golden carrots are

The best food I know but they are too expensive to make I don’t want to spend gold to work on it okay where’s it TN should we start going to the dragon thingy CU you know we don’t know we don’t really know where the end portal

Is dead look did you ever beat the Ender Dragon where should we meet up for now um should we start at the base and I don’t know start from here cuz since we need to find the Portal first I don’t know what would be a better idea where are we going exactly oh oh this is a trading H

Right it happened many years ago oh okay I’ve heard that it didn’t really change it’s nice that you guys put the items here so we can see it well not an all of damn bad it’s cool I like it the training half her an is almost done for an what’s anch oh [Laughter]

Enchantment oh there’s something down there what is this oh the farmers oh they have a child Cute the breeder the breeder that sounds really creepy I wouldn’t call it like that you know I don’t know maybe it’s just me oh I didn’t mean to do that Uh alone and and ghost don’t really want to be the and the dragon right we will be only four oh thank you let me put them here one stack of each yes these will be fine oh oh hello okay should go we should go we should

Go how how do I go up okay I need to Crunch okay uh should we grab beds for the for the dragon or we will beat it the traditional way me that the cach which one is to go up this one oo let’s do it traditional okay I don’t

Have any bow but if you guys have one you can do and I will slay with a swe friendly fact could happen with bats that’s true I would die I would die if we will with bed here Lal where oh thank you for the crossbow oh cool okay and I’m going to

See if this gu falling to cuz it may be useful if we need to go up and break some jail or something what the what else did you throw oh okay the arrow that has more carrots I have already a bunch so it’s okay it’s okay oh I will go grab a bed

Though cuz if we need to go find the Portal and spend a lot of nights there uh you know I don’t want to die and appear back here hello Shar pumpkin welcome those perps oh yeah yeah wait oh I didn’t want to sleep no oh you guys want to

Sleep you guys want to sleep let to sleep then yes we have a I wouldn’t say that it’s a torture chamba for the pigs and other animals there they are not no please give me back give me my bed how can I try do you like this give my bed give me

My bed no do you want a berry I know that you like berries come on eat one give me the bed give me the bed I’m giving her food how many berries do you want oh thank you now okay she already throw it she already throw it yes cute oh thanks for the

Berries okay just an incident but yeah those were pigs and look at this they’re clepping this chicken’s free run escape you don’t want to become one of this okay um the Ender ice Ender ice which ones are the on that we need to find the end portal we need

Some I know that you have some somewhere but where oh did you already grab them did you I’m not prepared at all oh God I feel like a no right now happy fox noises look at all of these fxck trapped on a boat we need more blaze

Powder don’t we have some got the DP yeah it’s he got the DP we all we are full diamond and he is only the only one with some you know flow nice fashion sense uh yes well let’s go to your tree do you want to start from there so I can place the

Sneer the sniffer what’s the sniffer let’s go to the tree then I didn’t know what’s the sneer though you know got 60 golden C oh yeah I didn’t oh thank you thank you happy L noises now I didn’t notice should I grab a boat to you know

Move faster we need to go by the eyes I’ll jump I’m okay I’m okay I’ll go by [Laughter] CHP oh [ __ ] it’s okay I always do this way cuz I don’t know I don’t usually have a boat with me I always forget to grab one so yes here I Am uh why where do you want to place aifer do we need a lot of space to place it or Do you have a place in mind cuz there are some structures oh [ __ ] there’s some structures there that I don’t Know oh did you saw the the those news guys that you can now see on aora boreales uh today you can see it if you live in basically places that you usually cannot see it like for example I know that it’s visible from Spain share the egg to get

The achievement then get laa place it what is what’s that smells interesting and do I need to place it here I just throw it Here okay and now what you didn’t hear it is s will be boring but whats in a sneer oh are Yos here do we need to something moved but yeah what I was saying um we will be able to to see an aurora borealis during the today’s night cuz

There was like some kind of solar storm and it affected the electromagnetic camps and yes things placee fence around it to protect it fences I don’t have any fence wait I think that I have some in this chest chest chest CH fence move donkey please how big should it

Be like this is okay do I need to go on top like like a chicken Like we also put a gift on top of the tree you put a gift on top of the tree what gift I’m scared I’m taking care of my egg okay it won’t it won’t broke right if I do this fun fact if you stand on the turtle X they

Break is this a turac will it break can I stay up there no yes I can can I come on I bu not okay I’m going leave then I don’t want it to break I’ll go I’ll go see what the heck did you put on

Top of my tree I’m scared did you do some kind of a star or something cuz it’s it’s Christmas month P month on top of the tree does NE finds ancient seats ancient seats on top of the tree why are you here atan I saw you I’m scared now I saw

TI what are you guys Planning I saw it t What ke I don’t see anything oh there’s messages why can’t you pass gas in an Apple store cuz he doesn’t have Windows okay this one’s bad laal is an elf and so elf that’s I used to hate birds but then it grew on me sad Let It Go I head stairs they always up to something what’s brown and sticky stick I prefer going Outdoors isz going out windows is

Dangerous okay who should I kill first probably this is something that cooka de right we need to go down okay who was it was it you was it you was it You [ __ ] you not fair no wait let me let me save this SP not fair no [ __ ] you why did you put it it was all your plan I knew that you had something going on I knew that it was a normal you had a give on top of the

Tree it was weird was not on my intent didn’t have time to get popcorn it all happened too fast my shield let me put this here and these here wait these are not minine these are not mine oh these are now thank you I’m not going to die right there’s

No weird stuff like that enchantment that you cannot take them off right okay jez I’m going to grab oh I have more food than before now right my berries where are they L the bow what happened it’s a crossbow W with my Crossbow what are you plotting why is this Neer not I don’t know going out of the egg how long does it take should we make some kind of fire around or something the buffer pish fish the buffer fish potion you in the pond I know the signs were just a bit

A really bad wait got to say cuz those jokes were really bad 20 minutes usually okay okay for now let me go see alone’s house cuz I saw that he did some kind of progress do you guys remember that he had some kind of uh satanic kind of building this is his

House now it’s looking kind of good I like the Checker the checker texture oh wait want to go around first I like it oh he has a cake oh how did he that oh is a table made out of Pistons I’ll go take a look but yeah why

Does he have their nether rck with fire it’s why oh we need to sleep oh no you’re still awake okay let me go inside T hello there’s nowhere here but the ex cracking a no wait wait for me wait for me oh there’s a creeper oh there’s a creeper there though almost there should we sleep let’s just sleep I don’t know if it’s from people jumping on it oh come

On I didn’t really jump in it I I was taking care of the egg like a good chicken mom hen mom Lala hands egg who’s the papa I don’t need a papa to make an egg you know I’m My Own creation my own Creator my own creation both of them both of

Them yes I’m My Own mama and I can make my own stuff without anyone’s help yes it’s complicated did you see the iron farm do we have an iron farm since when do you have an iron farm I didn’t really see anything I didn’t play cuz I was working we have one I

Didn’t see it where on the base or is it here I didn’t real play is I spent all day working and after walking drawing which is also working I’ll show you after the hatches okay it’s close to here oh come on come on EG you can’t do it g g i told

The joke in a zoom meeting and no one laugh it turns out I’m not real I already knew this [Laughter] joke it’s not good it’s not good we’ll wait 10 a minutes here if we wait but it already happened like half of the time right Oh yeah there was another building something going on there right we need to farm the blaze no you guys why do you have that zone closed exactly is it something that you want to build at is it uh that thing that you mentioned some streams before Oh Bones from

Me oh okay the wizard tower yeah I remember that you said something about it and the Ships I never went here kind of pretty it’s okay I like it let’s go back cuz I want to see how the egg grows yes this Nea how are the sers like what’s their appearance I’ve never seen one I didn’t even know they existed before Let’s see we should think of

Name actually like a sneer it’s not a good name it’s it’s like saying dock you know besides a dog being a dog you need to put them a name we should do the same for the Y what name should we put it it has a to

The the colors of a tomato like the red and the green tomato cherry cherry tomato sniffer finds ancient flower Seeds H I can’t think of any good name related to that though you lost so I got this but it’s really easy to make me laugh it’s not fair not Fair come on tomato small tomato you can do it maybe I don’t know if I throw something maybe it w something warm like fire or a lantern I mean torches also will work I guess but you know like when you are taking care of an small

Chicken kind of the same you need to place the EG somewhere really really warm is theg ah why is it not growing come on you can’t do it do you want head putter something food water do you need anything maybe we need a chicken I have

Some eggs can I throw some eggs so chicken takes care of the egg maybe it will grow faster it makes sense kind of does It there’s is there different an colors for the sniffers like can you find I don’t know a pink and purple sniffer egg maybe it will hatch if it hears a funny joke oh I don’t know any funny jokes uh H let me search some something happened I heard a cracking and it cracked

More maybe my existence is funny enough for the egg to crack the crack is spread yes oh [ __ ] I got scared I was feeling lonely so I started this smile business it’s nice to have a little [Laughter] company this one’s better than the other one I like this one more

Yeah I have some EG let me throw them near the yo I’m a sniper X sniper can’t even aim oh I’m sorry I have 16 more X let’s try okay another one I don’t want to throw them inside [ __ ] sorry I don’t want to throw them inside I prefer going out there going

Out windows is dangerous you already said that one up there on the tree it’s on one of those signs these ones not good not good Lala tell me what’s up your pants match your cape do they do they oh [ __ ] I didn’t mean to do [Laughter] that oh no

I have the arm toggle on the same button I mean same key you saw nothing you said nothing it’s okay I didn’t remember to to change that I think it happened on this the first Minecraft stream too I think come on come on you can do

It want a name tag to call it Yoshi do we need to put it a name tag will it despawn if we don’t put a name tag like for example I don’t know the villagers it wanton to spawn okay I don’t know I I don’t think that

It’s a good idea to SP spend name tags on a Yoshi we can call it Yoshi anyways yeah just like my my pets the ones that I have on the tavern neither one of them have name tag I don’t really remember the name so I always change

Them I think that the cat was called carrot but I don’t remember the fox name I think it was Tangerine mango it was some kind of orange fruit but I don’t remember which one I think I told you guys do you remember which name was it was it called

Mango I think it was mango and then car no carrots the cat carrots the cat yes for the cat but the fox I think it was mangle the fox the wolf is mer yes mango h and if it was not mango it’s now mango the name changed I’m going to

Die I’m a vampire and I’ll go I’ll die I didn’t know what the fox say so I wouldn’t tell me it’s they oh my God this is really stupid no stop I was reading the chat I’m reading the chat peace don’t call the animals mango mango mango like the

Fruit the the the orange fruit the mango you know tropical fruit what’s manga anyway like I’ve never heard of this word mango in Spanish no mango is something else what MCO in Spanish is someone that is like really Noob probably yeah I think that Noob has the same meaning as mango in Spanish

Kind of yes I think it’s pretty similar but no no no the fox name’s mangle oh boy oh boy what you’re sweet summer child it’s almost there just the final Sprint you have no idea I have no idea of what I’m really scared what are you talking about is it really

Big Google the name oh okay about B okay should I use a private a private I’m going to yeah I’m going to use private mod just in case what is that what is that oh it’s a restaurant in police pise friends huh interesting guys I only find

A I only find a par restaurant named MCO mean in English oh it’s not English it’s Japanese hauh hauh so Disney so [Laughter] Disney huh I didn’t know that I knew I I know another word in Japanese for that thing particular oh cute it’s mango cute look at this

Yoshi oh I love the [Laughter] sign you can do it y see sniff those ancient seats good job yeah it’s cute yeah thank you for the egg should we should we tie him or should we go find an X with him I mean we need to go slay the dragon you know so I don’t

Know oh hello hello stalkus General stalkus yeah welcome let’s see sleeping through this night and you were afraid of our gifts I was kind of cared yes I was kind of scared not going to lie I thought I you I mean you killed me you killed me [Laughter] so

How are you I’m fine how are you how are you guys yeah the on on the chat I had the doctor appointment so I started the stream lader and I was kind of thirsty when I start this started the stream and I’m still L cuz I don’t have

Any water with me but it’s okay it’s okay and how it just walked over the fence yeah like nothing mattered it seems that it can yeah it can walk over one block floor without any any problems which is really cool cuz sometimes when you want to grab a rabbit for example or

A cat or a dog or something like that it’s really difficult it walked over your Lantern did it really okay noal lanterns okay should we go grab the I how we did let’s go grab the blaze stuff and go fight the dragon I feel violence in my blood I feel violence in my

Blood it’san has Blaze oh you’ve got him okay then we need to make XG I’m not grabbing anything oh okay now bye vience yes uh we need to go to the base I got it P yeah yeah yeah you got potions oh cool but yeah we need to go to the base

To go grab the the Ender Ender balls and they’re nuts those things you know what I mean right oh it’s not I thought it was really deep Cole oh I don’t know if I’ll I have dinner here on a stream today maybe cuz chill why are you so violent with me towards me I don’t like this but yeah since I start late maybe I’ll have I have dinner here out of the way you should move you

Are the one in the middle of the way you’re running in traffic shut up eating ASMR I don’t like ASMR I don’t like the feeling on my ears when I hear it I tried it when first founder debuted I think that she did Some where are the UT but yeah when fa debuted I think that she did so my ASR streams and I tried to to watch them but I can’t I give them Okay give me the the Ender bols pleas please close the door you’re letting the heat out I don’t like ASMR either so all good unless it’s okay yeah I knew it I knew it I knew it yeah I need the end under nuts those knuts you know to make the ender eyes

Would make sense Cuz there were some here on the chest it means that you guys grabb them we had some I remember that I remember seeing them but where are they now in one of your inventories just let me let me check but I don’t think that I have them on my

Tower do you have them it’s can go has him I don’t want to say anything bad coka but give me the the X please oh look at this is small Fox Okay anyway give me the balls come on you’re being censored in ch go thank you oh but we already have ender eyes

Okay yeah an ender pearls uh how many ender eyes we need for the portal 12 was it 12 I think it was 12 and I 12 was it with the BL okay yes um wait if we are lucky if we are unlucky we need 12 I think 12 if we are unlucky does it varry the number that we need VAR is I didn’t know that

I 2 three 4 five wait we don’t need five 9 10 11 12 okay you have him there can be a view already in the portal oh oh really oh there are none then you need 12 to fill the portal okay it’s okay we got it now we got them should we

Go what are you taking an bath or something they also have a chance of breaking after throwing them really at all this never happened to me before I hope that we are lucky this time why are you talking about that I’m not being attack by Le us L okay [Laughter]

Wrong item wrong item oops [Laughter] oopsie I completely forgot it was the other one woo should we throw another one here I mean I think that we can guess that it’s in that direction but maybe we are lucky and it’s really oh it once happened to me that we

Were searching for the portal and it was on the same Mountain it wasn’t the same M that I had the my house exactly on the same one I was doing like a like a farming intend of M and I just had to mine some chunks to to find the Portal I was really lucky in that one

Yeah oh hello krro how are you we are going to find the the end portal and beat the dragon yes but yeah how are you welcome to the stream okay let’s go up and I’ll show another one where where did it go oh these are right oh it broke s guys

That’s that’s my tree it’s literally near our base base near our second base I mean that would be really cool that we need to you know go really Far let’s go up yeah let’s go up and I’ll throw the the Ender I thank you okay we need to continue [ __ ] oh I didn’t die interesting there’s a creeper though let’s let’s run I thought would die is it because of the pants the nethery pants maybe I think they had

Also Fe falling on my boat I think I don’t quite remember oh you know what I started playing hallo Hollow reach I know that it’s not the first one the first one is you know Hollow the number one I think that Witch is is the fourth but technically in the history of

The game it’s like the first one it’s like a prequel of the first one right so I started playing that one it’s cool and I never played I mean I played a hollow before but it was the infinite one and I never finished it

So it’s nice to play hall now yes I like it the music so good oh my God I love the compositor of of ban I mean it he doesn’t he doesn’t work there anymore as far as I know cuz I think that they fired Him but yeah he was he’s really good he’s really good I have a question for everyone here what’s this carrier a normal sized W wasp or a 5 to 5 foot wasp that is there going to eat you l x think your BL I mean probably the big one

Right right I the one who want to eat me oh look there’s a horse H the first the first no on the on the other on the other La La Land server that we had I think that we had the portal the end of portal and the water right I think it was in in the middle of Lake let me eat let

Eat that’s a zombie was skeleton watch watch for you oh I don’t want to see that never golden carrots take a long time I’m not eating golden carots though I’m eating normal carots I’m letting the the golden carrots for the dragon fight cuz

I know that I will be about to die a lot of times so probably the golden carrots a better idea to eat there that it I’ve seen a Australian normal size bug so I think it depends on where you live wait wait wait wait I know that

Australia has really big bugs that I don’t want to see in my life but how big are the Wasps there cuz in Europe we have those new I think that they are called Chinese wasps that are like reddish and those are [ __ ] big like I don’t know three

CM something really big so how big are the Australia Woods nothing thing could could e you alive language shut up [ __ ] you loot do you want to loot it I mean I think that it’s already looted is it language long young lady no oh you have a hole oh this is really

Cool it’s one of those holes that be in the nature it’s like meting abies oh have you guys seen that anime or read the Manga or whatever that one’s good it’s like made in abies nope a what a shame it’s a it’s a Gore anime on the list to watch I really

Liked it I think that there was some kind of controversy there with this with this anime cuz some I think that it was a k popper oh I didn’t mean to do that I think it was a ke poer that said that they liked meeting abies and people started to canell him cuz

They thought he lied uh young people being killed and stuff like this I don’t know something [ __ ] up something [ __ ] up yes wait Turtle what happened with a turtle I live made in Abi you live made in abies I I love made in abies too yes I I remember that when the first

Season was released I was really shocked and I thought it couldn’t get worse and then I watched I think was it the second season the last one that they or the third I don’t remember but yeah the last season the last chapters oh my God those are [ __ ]

Up I was at some point I didn’t really want to continue watching that it was really disgust o it was really disgusting at some point I did it I did it I to watch it but it was really difficult it was really difficult I lost my appetite a bunch of

Times sorry my autograd gets me I mean to say I love M nais oh yeah okay I got it yeah I love it too it’s really good and the fact that the designs are so sweet the colors are so are so baby lovely but then the story I’ve never watched Ma abies you

Need to have a really good stomach to watch it yeah yeah yeah it’s it’s kind of hard but if you like gory kind of stuff it’s really good yes do you read the comments on how big book are in my universe the one of the

Bai was yeah yeah I watch I I read it h i would be really scared to have this big bux Hello look at this that was fast that was fast wait a second okay let’s wait why do you want to wait I’m not that good with Gore understandable it was a nice Generation understandable gory is sometimes really difficult to watch just wanted to wait for death to catch up okay I you start started watching Gore stuff when I was kind of young so I’m already used to it in a way the first one that I watched was Cars party so yeah oh

Bread good and a golden horse armor that I’m going to grab and put on my horse cuz I like my horse let’s see why can’t I H the Flint I guess that it’s not really necessary oh I found it I found it okay let me put 12 oh are you okay okay never mind I’ll I’ll you’re lost that’s not good bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum yay okay let’s put the beds somewhere here and do you have do you have wood should we make a chest to save some

Unnecessary stuff that we don’t want to lose just in case I don’t know it may be good tell me cord can you guys send him the cords here hello oh cool thank you okay I’m going to save I’m going to save the horse ammo this this this uh the candle cuz you

Know we don’t really need a candle I think the brush yes I think that this is enough food so I’m going to save all the other carrots and berries and the Flint and bones and the B rod and the bread and ah not this I’m ready there’s more scary things in my

Universe like in real life vampire types characters real kaju real Attack on Titan titans 9 foot tall spiders I would love to see uh 9 foot tall spider like that sounds scary oh do you have blocks cuz if we appear in some kind of small island outside the main

You got three stacks okay I I’ve got any woo I’m always scared when oh okay cool I’m always scared when I jump into the end portal cuz you see the lava there what if it doesn’t capture that you jump and you just die where the lava is is that possible okay anyway

Let’s beat the dragon no it’s not possible okay you cannot you cannot can you can you break it if it’s after inside a jail a cell it was was it me okay it was me just leave leave me alone I don’t want to I don’t don’t want to have

Anything with you leave me alone I’m sorry I didn’t mean to bother you I was trying to see I needed to okay it’s okay guys okay I wanted to break that one over there uh like this no that’s too much like this no I’ll be much like this no oh it’s already broken

That one why didn’t you tell me why didn’t you tell me is it oh yeah it is it’s just a Bedrock now I’m not really good with the crossbow I usually only use both I don’t I don’t know how to use this oh there’s one there oh you are going up All the other ones are broken you guys are too fast I was not able to do anything okay now die come on guys attack the last time that we beat the Ender Dragon I think that he sent me flying around and you guys bat it when I was about to die wo SHO

Why is he going so far don’t run away oh did you saw that the sniper they called Me yay is it going down oh yeah it’s going down oh oh oh almost just once more just once more maybe we can kill it before it goes down again just with the arrows oh no oh good job yay yay oh I want experience I’m level one I need experience you guys stole

Me cuz you killed me and grabbed my experience I need my experience back level 45 I can now enchant my things okay where’s the there aan took it oh what so was it you huh okay shall we go I don’t have any blocks to make a

Path up there though I have the endle pearls oh true the Dragon neck just a second okay should we jum or let’s wait for him here right let’s wait here hello wait is it dead already that fight was a little shorter than I thought it’s probably cuz all of us

Already have experience meating the dragon how’s the baby uh diser I don’t know probably eating some I don’t know some stuff on the cherry tree I guess do Yoshi want Bo chat should we boys chat should we voice chat what time is it 8:00 p.m. let’s play chat yeah wait I don’t know if I have Discord configured yes I think I have yo hello oh that’s that’s that’s loud okay can you guys just speak

Now meow test test test one two three okay Divine fan it’s it’s the volume is good J they say on the chat you to know okay shall we go wait where was it uh it’s over here it’s over oh come on who has flame Wonder SW

Rude I think it’s with flame on side it’s I have fire oh that’s unfortunate I don’t have any blocks I have three stacks of do you have a pickaxe uh yes okay it’s time to get then L look at this I got it from the dragon it’s

Breath oh why is this useful for you can make AOE potions you throw it under ground and has a AAL effect like the dragon’s breath blade oh oh oh that’s Co can you can you craft it no oh you mean well you can’t craft the breath oh cool save it yourself cuz I

Know that I’m going to die and I don’t want elate uh for the achievement de where are you oh and by the way if you want another achievement here you go I’m over here oh no oh what is this oh the ne you’re really bored hello Brian

Welcome de take this potion and throw it Back just really I could just throw a pearl into the Portal I can move That okay I think I have enough blocks maybe not I don’t know let’s see a stack should be more than enough to I got fre Stacks why are you going from there it’s closer to go down no are you Sure maybe on the maybe on the Y AIS it’s closer from there but on the X it’s closer from here yes I don’t like m yeah yeah I’ve been seeing enough stuff about yde Z and x axis on real engine I don’t want to see it here on Minecraft well the coordinates you’re

Not really good with the coordinates so I can see why you don’t like it no I am not I was trying to do the character movement and I couldn’t understand the math functions that you need to do cuz I hate it character sees light uh light I don’t like

It uh should we make a larger platform so we don’t follow yeah yeah that’s why it would be nice if uh you could you could use the extra endstone to we could have uh made a trap there so we can enter without the Pearl I can have I

Have enough wood on yeah we go swimming inside and uh if you if you use a pearl there’s a danger that you’ll uh throw it off the cliff or that you land on the corner uh okay that will be fun I just need to take this then need take this

Math my mortal enemy oh literal that’s literally me I I hate math I mean it’s fun if you do it for fun but if you need to do something while working with math that’s where the problem lies basic Math is Fun exactly Advanced ma f is not when you start

Seeing some letters in the middle of the operations you need to worry depends on what equation it is can you go in see on the other side it’s actually placed cool they must have patched it what do you mean before you would spawn on a platform what

Happened oh yeah just la uh take a take a screenshot of the coordinates in case you get lost oh we should have made one of those compasses for the nether n coordinates are fine if you know you can also you can find multiple portals it’s not just one oh there’s oh yeah I

Remember that there’s you can find them randomly uh that’s cool uh just a tip if if you forgot don’t taste the eat the coarse fruit um it can teleport you off a cliff no it can’t well close to but you can walk off a cliff well then yeah but you should

Never try to walk right after using one and actually the cor can be useful because if you’re in the air because of shers and uh you eat course fruit it will teleport you to the ground underneath you oh so even if you don’t have a potion of slow falling it can

Allow you to get to the ground safely uh can we grow the fruits well yes you can this reminds me of you grow them on the on the outside surface I don’t know how to call that over on the overw world yeah you just need some mstone this reminds me of stard Valley

I’ve watched CI play it and I’ve been hooked on it oh yeah she played the other day start valy with bibo yeah ah I need to watch that stream it’s going to be biali narisa and Shir let’s go around I don’t nothing never mind uh how how much space do you

Guys have I have almost the entire inventory I have okay then I’ll give this to this where am I your trash can or am Food Insurance Company does anyone need food give me some I have a bunch already de what did you just start the end wait for

Death okay I’m just taking a look around it looked at me so I have to kill it I nothing though the space was it on the other Sab that we spent like two entire streams looking for our CD and we found nothing okay yeah no

Well you sent me thec the vi back I took a quick peek and if we take the right direction we should be able to encoun some fairly quickly but if we don’t we might be sitting here for a while someone trigger than end oh [ __ ] get away from the cliff no the

Water get away okay get away I’m running for my life no worries you’re get chased by two or three Enderman no only one what are you talking about oh only one I saw two running towards you so that’s why I said yeah just randomly went that

Way I’m afraid of making a bridge not because of uh building but because of uh startling an Enderman actually I’m going to start Bridge Building yeah I’m going to collect some uh blocks in the meantime so I can stop the next we need I we have some more tool all is

Playing the stard Bali I really like the game for now I think that only CI right play the stard uh CI and B but it’s going to be CI biu Nissa and shiori in the future and by the way I BR a stone cutter with us so we can make slabs if

We want I’m not going to risk with slabs what’s about them I’ve died too many times on Sky Block using why make it one block one slabs you get two slabs for the price uh the bridge is complete yeah it’s faster but it’s less safer sometimes I would place it correctly and

It would lag out and it would lower which would cause my shift to drop oh yeah and I would lose all the stuff I had oh these happened to me once with the elyra I was going here on the end with elra and it didn’t load and I

Died ah yeah Lala I don’t trust you with the elra in the Overworld let alone in the [Laughter] end where should we go I mean there’s only oh I see your Ser your choose okay who started the end not me not me death there’s some big Islands there Big Island oh yeah you

Know the trailer ruins we dug up last time yeah you and alone destroyed half of the trailer ruins I know I know I was there and I was hearing all the time clink clink not only the suspicious gravel but also the whole building oh really yeah

Me at the end dug up the entire building and we had have an almost intact one and it’s close to our base so I’ll show you later or some other time okay it’s an entire town literally made of small houses oh that’s cute then you just went and destroyed it

Yeah every house has its profession that’s my fault for not putting a leash on these kids when I’m taking them to a field trip exactly exactly everything’s your fault after that’s actually to to me I thought I could trust you and alone oh you’re making to be fair we

Never really saw ruins before so we didn’t know okay we didn’t either before we started yeah I’ll continue the bridge okay uh I don’t trust we didn’t either but we know bricks are not a naturally spawning block it must be a building what does building have what does a

Building have walls do not destroy the walls yeah but it was terra cotta and you can find terra cotta underground that kind of Terra Cotta is not natural well I didn’t know that that’s my excuse fair but you could you could have asked I did I didn’t thought of

That all CH uh shall we go this way it’s closer and it has multiple uh Islands next to it yeah let’s go that way what if I throw you now I’m leaving the server forever this happened to someone I know one of our moods show them when

They were building a bridge want to know what happened to me when I played with my friends what we were all geared up and ready to fight the dragon our platform was in the middle of space Far From Any Island and the dragon knocked off me and one of my friends but because

He was a admin he just went into creative and flew up and I was left to die I just saw him falling with me and suddenly flying up that’s a smart s can’t he had the highest St on wisdom no he had the commands not wisdom that’s the difference why are you

Building over this at the end it was connected yeah but it’s faster this way it would take the same amount of time to dig out a blocks and make a bridge if you didn’t have to sneak maybe you wouldn’t have to sneak it’s not over yeah no I’m not going to try

And speed Bridge without sneaking why did you build a bridge it was Overland that’s why Island just stop stop arguing which island we are not arguing we are debating me and do this Con you and I argue a lot over the smallest things bries are yeah and faster especially when I make a

Comment about your tree then you make a whole rant about me commenting my tree is looking really cute okay I never said anything I never said anything bad about the tree I only said there were holes that you could that could lead you to your death there’s not uh

Wait now there’s no point aring arguing with you even if I show you with it you’re going to make an excuse design choice in it okay get my I’m not sure if you knew but you can actually get the chorus flowers the blocks set by shooting them of

Arrows I’m not going to look up I’m afraid of triggering an Enderman while I’m close to lliff same should we go on this is I whatever is this thing called [ __ ] Island yeah this floating Mass exactly do you do you need the English lessons yeah please I’m not good enough

Myself it’s literally that Meme that the British are the worst ones in English in Europe and it’s their native language have have you arrived here here oh you’re right behind us I’m very B English I saw L you know that uh I arrived mem that you like to laugh

At which one cuz there’s a lot the British the British one I arrived yeah I found an extension of that Meme oh really yeah I’ll send it later okay send it on the server I will I’ll pin you when I do I told the ti something that

Triggered me last night I was in the village breeder and there was an Enderman placing grass blocks inside I think an Enderman been placing blocks in my house yeah it did I saw gravel so I decided to test if the Enderman uh teleport out of boats I placed a boat

Captured an Enderman and the moment I shot an arrow at chat when you did that yeah at an arrow the Villager ran in front of the Enderman and I killed it instantly and they suddenly heard me cing a lot and loudly that’s s a quest I’m who was it the end you or

L it was you wait wait someone someone is projecting I see Well he’ll die eventually if he keeps hearing me uh so yeah I was just cussing and being loud and that was startled because he was doing a run Escape Quest last night is there no Gap oh there’s a gap TI Gap tie Gap it’s not even it’s not

Even a free Block Gap again I’m not ring it okay in the over World I’ll in the over world all jump down to [ __ ] Bedrock if I want to but in the ne I’m in the end I’m not risking just have ready in case you need to

T yeah out of the well if I let’s go right if I say we have eight directions we could choose there were two of them that didn’t lead to anything land on the left side we have more landine on this side no left side all right let me ask an end hello sir

Which the direction do we need to go just move somewhere look left it say follow this over there someone in the chat said the left side right side there’s someone with the same humor as me let’s go let’s use that Natural Bridge over there God this kame not

Be oh boy will be here for good well ah it’s fun as long as it’s with friends yeah if it’s if it’s alone just turn on music and let lat at night and go into autopilots I guess you can just R that’s really sad what that is just how life is bro that’s

Life for us most of it we go through alone yeah we have a saying here I I was born alone and I’m going to die alone that’s really sad y just how it is I’m not alone I have my dog she loves me the only one probably

I’m not alone I have my schizophrenia I miss myg you have Ruby yes oh it’s the first of December I have to change to a pedu on Twitter yeah I I know I’ve got some Christmas I could put for oh God no what I think that’s

Going to get you censored on Twitter the Christmas art you’re talking about I I haven’t got the haai one done yet that’s don’t well it does got new variations like but you know that’s technical oh my God there’s nothing yeah you chose you chose all the wrong

Directions oh it’s not my fault come on you are the one who chose the direction okay never trust what she says okay let’s see where in I think we have to go about somewhere South from here which would be this way uh should we do an ancient city this run or the

Next we Next well if he go south from here oh Southeast from here should be you lead the way where there uh yeah that’s kind of over there um there’s more there’s more over there we can uh well yeah I’m looking okay who who did oh def me I’m telling is I can

Tell uh he has AR most of the end he sleeps in the middle of the night in the middle of the night and day he likes fish he meows he AGS every Enderman after looking into its eyes he’s a cat I’m a cat just because I meow don’t mean I’m a

Cat all right protect me an need get my burger uh come to us where are you here oh there those both islands should we go cuz there’s two on the big one hold on I’m protecting death wait for us [ __ ] friends K won’t even protect a friend that’s AFK

I’m not protected from who like look you’re the one who tends to try and troll people while they AF I’m not going to lead someone to their death in in the end that’s just cruel but Lally how can he that he looking at the ground he cannot trigger

Any Enderman I don’t know that’s why he said he said listen he said protect me so I’m going to protect him like a true friend okay okay if either one of you said protect me I would do you do I mean do do yes you do you English English do you speak

It wait no okay I think your block won’t do much I have seven more I don’t know wait let me go grab some more I think it should be enough suff um something I was going to say but I forgot what it was what I was

Going to tell you something but I forgot it probably was important I has nice we made it to the oh yeah this was literally that Meme of that one homie that waits for you while everyone to tie your Sho where everyone else continues on uh we should probably wait for them

Yeah when I play Minecraft in the past I dig a hole and cover it up to be safe inside yeah they could do that but I don’t know I’m worried I don’t know the structure of these islands they have a bromance going on or something well

Unless you’re digging at the side of the of the island you can you say that you say that for every one of my friends like even for when we play Team Fortress te okay here’s something I’m going to tell you that is the you know what during the gartic phone yeah you didn’t

Recognize ru be one of your daughters blown girl with neck with Neco ears that says meow I did I drew you did not I drew it multiple time multiple no I I was looking I was looking uh into you and somehow looked through the through you into the Ender oh really

Yeah anyways you didn’t recognize one of yourg last stream I did you did not I did you kept asking who’s the blonde girl no it was not me go search for the clip and said it to me I don’t believe you okay I will okay I’ll wait for the

Clip you will never find it I drew literally all of your daughters music and when you were asking for the gaming bodies in the question I drew aan as a Frenchman and death as an echo okay on yours you mean ah okay maybe then I okay maybe I

Even draw even draw two circles to signifying the boy M the poops it might be that Island over there um there’s all the islands well I just there’s a well choose one of the two big gallons over there or over there I like chat choose choose left or right okay chat

Choose left side or right side make your decision don’t use chat GPT choose your fighter I mean sometimes goes goes kind of nice only sometimes it also goes ballistic at other times right they say right okay we’re going we’re going all right it’s always the right way so as

Long as it’s right then it means the left is also the right way yeah should we use the small Islands or would we lose too many blocks making stairs good question honestly it probably doesn’t matter because if we go straight we’re going on a single axis if we go up

We’re going on two axis which will make it longer yeah it more block that’s the you know Pythagoras Theory it’s literally Pythagoras Theory right at the end said I’m going to cry I going to say something to do with pie but I won’t you probably already

Know you can’t wa Dead Hand well I didn’t explain the Fe I only said the name of it oh I almost fell okay I’m going to shift I’m almost scared now well one thing we could potentially try and do is um put some water down regularly on the

Side of the bridges so that if for some reason we fall down we uh can land in the woods and oh yeah two two things I forgot to do you can press control uh throw to in order to throw everything at once I forgot to put uh

Mending and uh a banner on my shield oh yeah I done that as well as a nice decoration I have a normal Shield I might do that with using a gold enchant Golden Apple did you find one what I found more than enough of those a golden

Enchant a nor trle I’ve got like I have like half a stack of those it has three names N trle Gold apple and enchanting Golden Apple oh it used to be it used to be op but then they nerfed it sly Rel oh it was

That one that when you it it you were inv I got blocks someone it it gives you resistance uh generation absorb fire resistance well for roughly four or five minutes it gives you a fire a normal resistance and uh regeneration for about 12 seconds well regeneration two I

Believe as well as like two absorption house uh I remember before the 1.9 update PVP was basically just spamming spam click that’s that was all there was to PVP and when you go into a PVP Arena it was literally who can spam the fastest and and of course there were a

Lot of hackers so they were just turn out turn on kill hour so it didn’t matter there’s still a lot of hackers there is but at least kill hour isn’t effective as it used to be oh my God you said that I was choosing the

Wrong path but are you sure that this is the right path well I can tell you that if we go about 360 more blocks in this direction we’re going to hit her that City oh okay that’s really precise I’m just just it will take like seven stacks

Of blocks but I got one and almost two yeah we we need to dig a bit more I’ll start I have because you guys don’t want to like going that direction right uh yeah South uh L did you see all the lore videos people have been making about uh

Minecraft now a l videos about Minecraft yeah cuz the developers did drop a little bit of lore and new items like what the The Shard pots have carvings of the ancient Builders and what happened to them like you have people broken heart in the desert temples you have depictions of

The Wier how did you know that well the uh chiseled Sandstone has uh the Wither emblem how long were you playing Minecraft and didn’t notice that in temples well to be fair that’s not necessary detail you really pay attention to you just view it as some kind of

Pattern yeah I thought it was normal pattern like I don’t know oh I didn’t know it meant anything in particular but the first time that I heard those Eerie noises that you can hear on the background I got really spooked cuz I was convinced that the door sound that you hear was something

Actually cuz the first time that I hit it I was under underground like on a cave and I thought it was a dungeon or something and I was really convinced and I spent two days looking for it it was probably just Herobrine then yeah God that’s an old myth I miss it I

Like do you guys remember making the summoning ulst here for with the go block the neak the old neak yeah the old ugly one yeah look I don’t have I don’t have more do you have more there look I only have five thanks delivery is on the way

The C is on the let me ask you this why are you always running sh bit running on the ice paths what why running on the ice paths she doesn’t have boats I always forget to grab a boat so I just run um death can you

Shift a bit I don’t want to accidentally pushy off call shift and go to the side death oh I’m I’m scared off breaking my small fingure yeah it tends to cramp up if you do it for long enough and well with the pressure of not

Dying I guess he kind of had to pull through I remember building a large platform of Sky Block my finger started sweating yeah I’m going to bring my finger and I will fall L want to switch with someone we almost there what he if you want me to go past

And Sh okay yeah so that I don’t my figure have changed it to not shift the worst place for shifting is in the ancient city actually because to avoid all the Shakers you need to shift for you well with my friend I was I was looking up the deep dark we were

Searching it and I was shooting arrows to scare them City in sight oh but there’s no ship maybe we can find one in the chest there’s a ship there’s one oh cool who’s going to get it I love how as soon as we saw the lands the land

Going down we go around no one trusts it to not be a hole to space yeah I’m going to kill the shers cuz we need need the yeah sh Sher shells oh oh come on got it that was man where’s the thing going up going up follow the trail parkour okay parkour

[ __ ] you literally dropped on the first step yeah at the end that’s cheating I heard him spitting yeah they out I’ll continue up oh he’s on top of the tower no oh okay I’m fine I’m levity I’m super Human oh I’m fall because of this okay ah hello going up there’s another another end chest die I’m not very interested in that loots and God and Equipment I’m just how long does it last a few can check in yeah you can check in your invent also you can uh you can

Deflect their orbs by hitting them with SW holding the shield well you can destroy them or with an okay no guys please carry me carry me up I’m just it’s the easiest way to go up [ __ ] oh there’s that some Stu there I’m climbing up diamond shovel iron sword going to grab this

One got it nice I got hit by this okay and now up ah you fell wow oh I got hit nice Jesus this is a long here long way this is a long climb yeah it’s you could almost say it’s a slippery climb hey here I’m going up

No how can I jump there oh can I put where is everyone oh there’s a ship here I’m going Mama I don’t want to die sometimes wish I’d never been born at all OK can you stop shooting me for five minutes ah good old donkey going up oh God where is everyone there’s a lot of su here I’m On Top oh [ __ ] okay this one’s dead let me another one light

Dust oh my God I’m okay nice I have enough Sher shell to make don’t kill me please okay I can make myself a Sher box now finally storage oh am I in the wrong Tower you might be oh I am yes I finally oh I see the ship this good this

Good this good I’m in the wrong Tower let’s keep all going up this can go in there can this are you I’m flying in the middle of nowhere oh no la try getting to me there’s a roof here okay okay I’ll try no no here I think I got

It I’m still getting shot I got it I’m I’m towering come to my roof I’m towering oh okay you’re safe you guys doing I’m towering cuz I’m keep getting shot I’m safe now same I’m not I should probably switch back to have a slow falling

Potion Oh Me Oh that means I’m safe wait let’s do you still have the potions uh yeah I have two then you’re safe from falling oh okay just be sure drink it when your potion starts there’s nothing up there de don’t but climbing let me grab this then where do I

Go oh that’s a the end yeah that’s it oh no teleported [ __ ] well sh I got five Shuler boxes uh shells you mean shells okay I’ve got I got I got two I got a rod time to make a machine with a sheep in a rod did you guys already went to the

Ship uh okay I’ve already I have the achievements shall we regroup yeah uh do we need the achievement to get to the ship or do we need the elyra the achievement is the elytra then we can then you can throw it to everyone and we’ll get to the I keep getting hit and

I’m sent straight to the top uh just stay above the roof and drink one of the potions well do you have it’s uh death I’m trying to shoot them but I don’t see where they are oh right in front of you there’s one one’s here another one’s there okay that’s uh it’s interesting

How everything in the nether can teleport oh come on did you really just take that away from me shs yes I’m shooting them oh no there’s one to your right just see here I’m trying to stay in cover oh man there’s no shells a I got enough for everyone okay I made it

Out let me just I love the sound they make oh hello Dad look you’re are alive you’re not flying look at top oh watch out there’s another one coming um in what tower area oh no where is the one wait I’m going to put water here so we you fall oh that’s

Also nice to oh I found one of Them he’s underneath the building I think the middle Port is safe well almost okay I don’t hear no more Sho it’s safe yeah I’m what are you doing oh no I’m trying to get out of the building oh okay just jump why what are you doing I’m here waiting with that look and I’m trying to collect oh yeah yeah the B I’m trying to collect the the Sher boxes oh I shot you instead FL well for the achievement oh thanks I’m coming I’m arriving laa you have a simple sense of humor hey yeah real simple oh crap I love the missing texture flags on top of the okay thanks the towers I’m coming down so what’s the to how

Many uh Shel parts do we have uh seven shells on my end [ __ ] where did that come from they came from bed they’re from above where is it where is that [ __ ] I want to shoot him down I don’t know oh up there oh God it’s really far

Away did he’s really used out to aim on me from that far away pretty much basically yeah oh that way we should be we might be able to get another few people okay so I have a seven how much does everyone else have I have one shelter well actually we just craft them

Into shers now so we have most I have another chest question what uh do we keep exploring or should we safely return to the over world if you’re going to end the stream soon yeah maybe let’s go to the surface so we can see I can go have something

For dinner all right just making sure do not leave you to not leave you stranded in the middle of the end I mean it’s not a real problem I can just you said you don’t know how to use coordinates this way there should be I

Just take a lot of time but I know how to do that last time I had to send you the coordinates so you could get roughly the estimate the location of the base last time you sent me coordinates I think that he spent an hour and a half

Just trying to go to the base yeah uh oh yeah I remember you also found the uh ocean Monument that was under the ice one second this this Minecraft screen is cutting oh like this yeah okay like this yeah the bottom seems to be fine

Now cuz I need to resize it every time cuz I have an ultra wide screen now cuz I changed oh and I need to resize the screen every time that I stream yeah why are you bothering so many Endermans you could set your screen stream thing to be like the size of your

Ultra wide screen and then it automatically do it so you don’t have to keep [ __ ] about with it I don’t know it doesn’t work for me I tried that but it’s too small lead the way you got to type in the specific oh yeah who has the elytra I need the achievements this

Way you [ __ ] hey i i l prepar the fireworks I knew you did you were planning on stealing it running away uh wait wait wait wait for de do you have any yes okay I saw you run you said you found the monument that was under the ice and

That the sound effect scared you because you were online on oh yeah cuzz I didn’t know that they could appear uh under the The Ice I didn’t as well but at the end wanted the cords to make it as a testing it was really creepy cuz I was

Looking for a horse I think it was a horse and Sly I heard the sound and it appeared on the subtitles that I have activated like I was like what the [ __ ] subtitles help a lot yellow oh I’m on the island good I go the safe way oh [ __ ] I no the

Enderman HR at me no stop oh there’s two of them no I’m going to die I’m coming run run into the water behind you uh go left go left Circle left okay left left I place water have water with me but one of them is burning quite a bit you’re safe thank

You no that one’s hry still angry he’s going to die oh hello Ola I say Ola you know Spanish you can say Ola who knows Spanish I don’t know Spanish you word you have a 200 days strike on lingo strike I’m not strike streak is that it’s it’s streak not

Strike exploded no no I was just reading the name they saying salmon salmon is salmon in English it’s the same see where the heck are you guys going I know I’ll follow you yeah I can tell you in blocks this way there’s going to be an

Exit there should be a Gateway at least wait b b b isn’t that good in Romanian B no idea I don’t speak Romanian I know how to say some things like this way and this way as well Well Chad Which Way left or right left or right which one do you want Mr

Anderson do you want the red pill or the blue pill always the blue pill red pill I live on red pills I showed you the picture of my medication yeah it’s all red pills it is what it is it is what it is the motto for every man out there it

Is what it is it it is what it is you don’t have the right to say it last time you were questioning the man mot saying why do you always say it is what it is what happens when you run out of it is what it is we don’t question maybe you

Die that is we don’t question what happens when you run out of it is what it is it just happens it is what it is that’s why some some persons are early than other ones what that’s why some persons die earlier than other ones cuz

They ran out of it is what it is yeah yeah yeah uh does anyone have the trap doors no no and I don’t even have food um use pearls okay all right is it safe yes it teleports you back to the uh spawning platform oh for the end cool

Which in this case is extremely safe cool why the [ __ ] are you dropping an anvil a too bad trying to drop it on La no what I just want to drop it on the second person that came through with the first person has uh to

Tell me when can we throw an end through the portal yes well if they fall into the portal they they die either they teleport away or they teleport to spawn in the Overworld all right guys ready to hop back yeah let’s let’s uh before the stream ends I can

Actually show you the ruins oh okay uh well are are they far from our base no they’re close to our base very close it’s we got the coordinates for here so we can make a like another portal we do now uh what are you doing oh and just what you

Needed I’m just going to make a little oh I was trying to show you I’m sorry uh by the way all of us on our armor you see the equipment we have I I was not trying to kill you I was trying to K you it’s okay just if

You look at me this happens now your Shield is disabled for a bit oh man that’s why you also keep an axe on you that you can break the shields H did you like the potions last time the potion you know when you were hiding your treehouse when you were getting was you

Right I knew it I knew it course it him who else would it be I knew it and you were saying that it was not you that it was a lord stupid you’re you’re the one who trusted him I didn’t I knew it was

Him how did you know I you are the only one with so many spirits time to do that really now yes I’ve got enough spare time to do okay how do you do you really want me to shoot you with my power five bow no I Don’t you’re saying that like I wanted to have all the spare time like I’m not sick is that what you’re saying oh God is that what you’re insinuating Chad told me to do this put put your Shield put your Shield why should I put your Shield oh no stop trying to hit me

L stop okay okay pause one second let me grab the water I don’t want to be violent but you’re making me violent violent is the way wait this is not the way actually this is the way out we we entered from the top yeah I have but I

Was going to the wrong P I don’t want to be violent but you’re making me violent yeah yeah whatever laala I’m serious got it Chad even today I just killed you by accident we’re we are plotting stuff in Spanish okay I just pull I’ll just read it and if I don’t understand something

I’ll put it in Google Translate and I’ll come back and kill you every time you come Up where where the heck did they by the way how many hearts did uh my power five take from your health not a lot I mean if you want you can try it again but let me have my health full laa I don’t want to harm you it’s just a

Response ah okay and last time you said to I violence again okay okay okay I was kidding I I keep telling you L I just want to be friends but you’re the one who’s being violent we oh there’s someone in the chat saying that they didn’t um how to say it um

[ __ ] I don’t know how to speak English one second um viian oh I forgot the word oh also what tan also what did he exam the English exam they didn’t pass it twice I learned English through cartoons paa yes paa is really good I like it oh

Phantoms yeah phant okay how do we go back I forgot uh we have to use the coordinates let’s sleep first okay oh yeah I forgot I forgot The forgot what I forgot the treasure maps I had four on me oh yeah the chest I forgot to well well we can go down there it’s not really far we can quickly pick up I mean I just put I think that a candle and nothing much okay I might

At the end do not Rob our chests what what the heck do you even have that would want are you saying to rub your chest not rub R your [ __ ] Lo cat uh let me just look up a screenshot of uh the coordinates of the base okay

Well I forgot to grab items out of the chest I left down there uh D cover cover me for a minute okay okay I said death not you you’ll cover me in [ __ ] sand and let me suffer I have a power five sord And where the heck is the egg who’s shooting arrow it is me type this in uh type this in chat NE x negative 700 40 uh NE negative what 700 and 40 and Z is 1,649 wait 700 40 40 and Z is 1,600 6 49 49 yes good is surprised that I speak

Spanish okay what and uh not 7,000 laa 700 you are going to lead [Laughter] us you can’t even type the coordinates correctly going to Le us thousand of blocks away from the Bas literally across the ocean anyways TI where are you we’re waiting for you to come up yeah I might

Have screwed something up what did screw up the dragon egg did you lose it h not really I how can you lose it made it evaporates it didn’t point to the void it just disappeared and I thought you were the most competent one of them oh my god you

Dumb Go creative and spawn one cretive and spawn one wait to kill at end for being too stupid well I accept the challenge anytime feel free to comeand me I kill you before uh let’s just come back so we can go back to the base I want to show

Lala the ruins so she can log off I want to it what oh yeah I can do that what one thing I’ve noticed with you for someone that likes to eat you keep forgetting to eat in Minecraft that has that has because I can’t taste the food in Minecraft so I

Forget it’s not tasty that’s the reasoning yes Ander fight by part two stream when I mean there’s a still half of the server that needs to be beat the the ended Dragon there a still a lone and ghost right well that will be the an actual egg we’re waiting up here at the

End for you we’ll deal go don’t forget I have the elytra I can go way faster than you guys okay so it’s -700 and I follow good job let’s lower get the z-axis then we’ll do the X one yeah yes we need both coordinates to lower oh a sunken ship

Yeah oh wait let me grab the shovel I really wish there was a trap inside so they can just blow you up there you are you mother I thought you were somewhere around this PO oh there’s nothing here why not there has there has to be somewhere it’s it’s somewhere in the

Sand but it’s like that hard oh okay here oh emeralds okay why are you doubting every any one of my wordss I like emeralds yeah I will have to search for the egg in bit L are you a villager we could just spawn the egg again H I just I technically tried the

Dup and um this is half of the dup went as expected but um what happens then is that um in the spawning platform in the end theeg appears on there we went of course I need to find the coordinate okay the coordinates 700 overas no no no

No no no I was just looking at the side that lowers both the coordinates wait I don’t have a sheep a boat whatever that thing there’s a there’s a difference yeah yeah yeah difference a ship can carry a boat but a boat cannot carry a ship both go by the

Water so it’s a and Jesus Oh a village and a Jesus walked on water too but he’s not a ship finina can walk on water too but she’s like stuck they are asking on the chat for any good Minecraft uh public servers do you know any cuz I don’t really know any

I do not is it more of annp or mini game server because uh they are different types didn’t really said anything I want to look at the Villager which is why I asked the question I suggest looking up the largest one for mini games because they usually have survival factions and

All that well High pixel has is one of the main ones to go to when it comes to mini games Mineplex used to be to the top one but then it fell off yeah I believe it was after an update that start not that didn’t uh try to update it correctly and uh

That lost a bunch of its play Bas I remember playing on a public server but I don’t remember which one it was it had like a town and then uh have you seen that anime of a girl that goes into video game and she max out her

Defense stats yeah yeah it was it was something like that at Ser it was oh god oh they are saying survival or technique technque technical yeah I can I can kind if it’s it’s close enough to French that I can understand it oh okay even if it’s

Just singular words I can understand the key points of the sentence plus I’ve also done a bit of doing so if I take my time I can understand smash decently dingo sent me a message don’t forget to do your daily lessons I don’t think I heard of that

Anime before I recommend it to use really good and it has two seasons for now and I think that the third one will get released next time I’m not sure which season I’ve watched I’ll be honest yeah next timey stopped throughout the second season oh that’s a cool looking Cliff

It’s very blocky and squ I’ll have to check my anime list to see which one I’ve got oh yeah by the way do lingor mobile is brutal you’re only allowed five mistakes oh yeah yeah you have to do the the practice to get a single heart watch an add to get another

Heart and repeat that till you get five uh Hearts yeah I know I have like when I did do lingo at least I had some knowledge in Japanese so it was kind of easy but if you’re learning the language I don’t know I’m here with at the end yeah I just made

Myself a few Sher boxes where are you deadlock where are you I’m literally across the cliff traveling you see my name Cliff you see my name through the ground oh no that’s it Tien oh there okay hello block why do you choose violence every time you see I didn’t I just just

Had a carrot and it happened to fall out of my hand or something yes and you decided and you decided to click instead of it my parents play dualingo every day for a while now so I just randomly hear dualingo sounds throughout the day oh yeah maybe someday the dualingo

Owl will appear at your house cuz your parents are not doing their lessons you because they want to punish your parents and best way to do that is kidnap the child oh I might have left my okay sorry sheep but I need some W oh there’s a Tik Tok

Dualingo account and the Spanish Tik Tok dualingo account and they usually upload videos of dualingo the owl doing twerk and stuff like that what yeah they all twerking and stuff good question okay let me quickly make it B because I forgot mine at the please but yeah uh do lingo on uh mobile

Is brutal I remember doing it in the oh that’s a cool Cliff a cool Mountain I remember doing it in the hospital and I was so frustrated every time I would miss misspell a where the heck are you guys going guys what yeah if we go here it’s the chry

Biome where where we’re right next to that damn place where are I cannot see you okay I was looking can you see me in the sky I heard you oh okay there hello this way I was looking at the coordinates for the base not the Cherry barom yeah if

You remember the when we went to the hit me and why wasn’t me so I was behind deadlock it would it bit difficult for me since I was flying like a 100 blocks away from you in the air also I found out thanks to that hit what’s that sound laa

Why I didn’t do anything I don’t want to hurt you but you’re forcing my hand that’s not true I didn’t do anything I found out what that sound was it’s a the when someone gets forns it’s a weird sound it is fors is literally action and reaction yeah every action has an equal

And an opposite reaction well I think it’s I want to say it’s like 20% per level of thorns that gets sent back it gets reflected this dude is a bit close to the edge does anyone have a slime bow or a leash no no we have some in the base

Yeah I mean the two llamas inside the tree have FES but I don’t want to lose them oh yeah la let me quickly show you the ruins since you’re here go fast I’m hungry we will go let’s use the port death want to follow yes faster quick

Run I quickly get sh I quickly make a wish to say to keep the sniper safe uh what are you getting for lunch laa I don’t know I think that uh hot chocolate with um I don’t know how to call it but with coitos it’s like a small cake with chocolate a chocolate G I don’t know how they are called in English but it’s really good I really like it I usually have that for dinner always so it’s a small tree that goes alongside or is it something that goes inside the hot Cher follow me it’s it’s like a cake rectangle cake okay yeah a

Brownie similar yeah similar yeah Bri oh oh a Brio nice yes okay the sniffer is in save F and Ty to the post forever oh you guys uh we’re going to the old ruins okay I’m just going to quickly I ask you what you done it just before the

Streams but I know Spanish people all eat dinner so damn late usually in Spain I think that uh the aage is around 10 p.m. usually but since I go to sleep at that hour sometimes a bit late but around 10 p.m. I usually have dinner at 78 p.m. which is probably the normal

Hour outside Spain right yeah it’s the normal hour but I usually eat around 10: cuz of bad habits I’m either on the PC or doing something else and I forgot to eat I never forgot to eat when as soon as it’s 700 p.m. o00 I go

Out of my room and I start screaming it’s dinner time well you are quite the GL well you did say you like work you like to work out so it allows you to eat more yes meanwhile I haven’t worked out all year due to my illness I’ve eaten

Literally everything I could and I haven’t gained the kill wow that’s really Lu I at the start I started with 78 and I’m still at 78 wow that was a bit lag rubber Bing I have dinner between 5: to 7:00 p.m. depending how hungry I am in Spain

Usually since people have lunch at 3 4 p.m. at 5:00 p.m. we usually only have some small meal like maybe a piece of fruit or sandwich something like that or a tap the famous Tapas and you said that Spanish people take naps during the day what what oh yes yeah

It’s usually right before lunch and I mean they don’t really do it as much now cuz you know work but in summer in particular when people have vacation since it’s really hot outside in particular in southern Spain they usually took two to three hour long naps that must not sleep for me uh

Something I’ve heard from people that go to the Bai is um as soon as it reaches noon they stopped working till like 600 p.m. oh cuz they’re in the desert and the temperatures are’t Toler to at all should be around yes Siesta here’s somewhere I used to take

Naps too as a good Spanish person I am but since I started working I cannot do that anymore cuz I have like a break from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. and that’s time I spend just eating so I don’t have time to knp which is a shame because I

Really like it welcome to the corporate world uh I’m now a productive person when I was on internship I used to uh wake up around 5 or 6 travel to internship be there to 4 or 5 and then after I got home I would uh do you know where are you going or

Yeah yeah I’m just checking if this is the island okay then I would have a driving license 10:00 p.m. oh so I would be home around 10: or 11: and that was my entire day for the entirety of Summer my friend lives in s she gets cooked alive through the whole year oh

Yes is really hot during summer I mean right now it’s winter and they are it’s straight ahead oh all right I was checking cuz I was sure wasn’t sure if it was on this island or the Land There by the way this uh ice has the Paris Triumph gate

What naturally naturally occur you know the victory Gates oh it has it we just passed it uh moments ago I didn’t notice it’s made of ice cool yeah as I was telling Chad so right now we’re in December 1st and they have around 20 22 degrees I heard that the glitch like it’s

Really yeah wa here it is where oh follow me there no let’s go instead and this is supposed to be an actual Town yeah here’s a one building another one it’s literally an entire tunnel the buildings are bit dilapitated which is why some block and you D you and alone destroyed

All of this that’s why I was frustrated and I said these [ __ ] kids awesome you see you see why now I was so frustrated a there’s more down here there’s more here oh this one’s Pig yeah the next one and here and both of you decided to

Destroy all of this and that’s the end ah awesome anyway let me show you the way back and the Paris gate Triumph gate uh while we as we go back okay okay that was that did not work there should be here are the stairs where oh okay the nice thing is

Below this should be Lush cave oh yeah there is a lush yeah there are two trees there are two aelia trees are right next to you lash caves used to be so rare really now yeah when they came out they were extremely rare you had to go biomes

And biomes till you can find one now you can easily find it I mean I with the last not the last update but the one that they expanded the caves I think that they increased the probability for a last cave to appear c c l did you put the correct brackets in your

Coding yes and the correct what are what’s the name of that uh it’s not a comma the semic semic the semicolons yes I never forget about those when I was doing my graduation papers I keep mix mixing them up the regular ones and the there’s the Triumph gate over there oh yes that’s

Naturally occurring oh that’s cool anyways let me escort you back to the base so we can get off also watch out the bear the be uh when I was showing death the ruins he kept killing every bear that attacked oh why because they attacked me so Bears they are just

Trying to defend their child atan do not kill the bear I’m not killing I I’m not hitting it okay uh where are you you got lost yes cuz I I needed TW eat hello there you are hello okay want to sleep so we can actually you travel easy okay let’s travel since

They UNC considered monsters I should be fine I I don’t forget about the stuff in C++ but today oh come on I discovered that C++ lets you do things that you are not supposed to do and there was no errors on my code and it was not

Building like compiling and I was like why and it was because instead of of writing float I wrote Fault oh and I didn’t notice and he didn’t said that it was wrong you told us about the Cod the enemy in sight uh you wrote something about light about what the mistake in the

Code instead of En why the enemy wasn’t moving oh yeah yes cuz I I was doing a behavior tree with blueprints and I spent hours hours just wondering why it was not working it was because instead of writing down um was slight heat or something like this instead of writing light like

Sunlight I wrote light from for example Nintendo light yes I can see gaming was on your mind at the time instead of I didn’t I don’t know what was my mind but I was crying after that I can I can relate during my graduation where I made the program for the

Sensors I deleted it multiple times and rewr just to find out I put the wrong uh semicolons you’re sl left and you’ll be fine yeah okay well if you’re going straight you’re going to the I sent death uh not death at the end the papers we did he liked

Them it’s it was very professionally made wait where now I well you the thing is uh I I don’t know who translated but there there was a little bit of wording that didn’t seem quite right it wasn’t me I was just there they just like something that you would

Do I wasn’t calling him out it’s just there was it felt like there were some words that were missing or that could have been form sentences they could welcome to my market it’s almost complete the almost complete there is still all the roof missing that’s easier

To do than to get all the en enchantment [ __ ] you mosquito and what I was telling you is uh they based that paper off of my graduation paper I would just told hey do you want us to put you as one of the co-author cuz

Uh we base the offer of your work it’s not right for us to write it and not put you as one of the co- offer and I said sure why why refuse if it’s a good paper yeah and uh my teacher said my current paper is also going to be an

Internationally committee my PE research paper about welding and the graduation paper you know what’s sad that will be two internationally accepted peer papers I still can’t find a job in my profession I can literally I’ll go okay byee have good night have a evening good night well byebye

Hi okay guys it’s time to go let me let me go to the just talking screen hi oh wait I need to accit Minecraft disconnect okay now yes uh I’m really hungry cuz since I started this stream later than usual it’s now 900 p.m. I usually at that time I’m already on bed

I’m hungry guys my stomach is doing gr stream already over s yes but I’ll stream tomorrow and I’ll stream Alan Wake which I heard that it’s a horror game and I don’t know anything about it and I usually really scream cuz I’m scared so I think that it’s going to be fun I

Think it’s going to to be fun yes I had to go somewhere during the morning but I think that I won’t go I think that I’m I’ll tell them that I have something going on and I can’t go I’ll watch it I never saw any streams

Of it before yeah right I didn’t I didn’t really saw anything about it neither I at first I heard that it was not that good but then it was nominated on the game awards and I started hearing that it was actually decent and it was not that bad like

The I I at first I heard that you needed a really good GPU to play it and I’m now hearing that you can play it with not that good gpus that the random is still good so I’m going to try it yes I’m going to play let’s see how it goes I

Know I know that I will scream a lot but it’s going to be fun I hope I I don’t want to die of a hurt attack want me to send you the paper if you want but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to read it if it’s that long you

Know but yes um after that also yeah today probably I’ll draw some more padus cuz I’m doing the free Padu for everyone cuz it’s December and I’m drawing padus for some beers that I know and I want to rraw mine cuz the one that I have is from 20

I think 2020 I Drew 2020 it’s kind of old already so I want to do a redraw it yes I will probably do that after dinner but yes how did you like my new mic it was new I didn’t I didn’t Notice I love this but yeah hope you guys uh enjoyed today’s stream hope you have a nice day nice night and a nice weekend and and let’s see us tomorrow again 6:00 p.m. I’ll be P to all this time yes I won’t be late no no no no I’ll be on

Time uh yeah bye-bye guys bye-bye wait for the ones that are still here someone that I know is streaming I think that it’s debuting I’m not sure maybe they already finished oh they already finished 20 minutes ago never mind then Bye-bye

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】Killing the Ender Dragon!’, was uploaded by ♡ Lala ララ ♡ on 2023-12-01 20:39:39. It has garnered 128 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 02:33:41 or 9221 seconds.


BGM from Dova Syndrome (

Overlay from Sucomado (

Model art and rigging, thumbnail and ‘Just Talking’ Background made by myself


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This Minecraft Server, Lalaland, is exclusive for Patrons and VTuber family members (VTuber sons and daughters). In order to join, you can subscribe to any Lalachan208’s Patreon Tier and, via Discord, contact her or any of the Discord Server mods to join.

The server is currently a vanilla Minecraft Realms Server. If we reach the maximum number of players, it will be migrated to another hosting service.

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    Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the SCARIEST Minecraft Horror Mods Ever! (You Won’t Believe What Happened)’, was uploaded by Samurai Paws on 2024-08-09 04:00:21. It has garnered 14 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Dive into the terrifying world of Minecraft with me as I tackle the scariest horror mods ever created! 😱 Watch as I encounter spine-chilling creatures, explore haunted landscapes, and face unimaginable horrors. Will I survive the night, or will these mods be too much to handle? Join me on this thrilling adventure and find out! 🔔 Don’t forget… Read More

  • Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2

    Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2’, was uploaded by Neoblade on 2024-07-10 13:29:37. It has garnered 143 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:26 or 1226 seconds. I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2 In this video I will made a xp mob farm in hard difficulty after 2 Years, will I be able to do this successfully ? find out by watching full video. ➽Devices➽ Mobile :- Redmi K20 Laptop :- Dell Inspiron 5577 Microphone :- Vivo Mobile Earphone (Rs-250) Mouse… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN – Ultimate Stone House Tutorial

    Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN - Ultimate Stone House TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Small Modern House Tutorial🏠 | 簡単!石で作る小さなモダンハウスの作り方(現代建築)’, was uploaded by SEVENのマイクラ建築 on 2023-12-22 10:00:20. It has garnered 42537 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. It explains how to make a small modern house made of stone! Not only the exterior, but also the interior! ——————————————————————————— [Subscribe here] ——————————————————————————— ■Videos uploaded so far ■Twitter ■instagram #Minecraft #House #modern Read More

  • Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy Tutorial

    Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘wie kann man auf Windows Minecraft spielen? so geht es Tutorial’, was uploaded by Alexander Gta v online on 2024-08-13 11:52:24. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:32 or 632 seconds. Read More

  • Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshorts

    Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Stories. #scarystories #trending #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #story #youtube #minecraft’, was uploaded by Robby2002 on 2024-09-22 15:55:01. It has garnered 21 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrine

    Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘q es esoo?🎃 #herobrine #minecraft #twitch #horrorcraft #minecrafthorror #dwellers #horrorcraft’, was uploaded by Nasquik on 2024-07-12 14:26:05. It has garnered 503 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!

    Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Spider-Man and Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures on Sea with Shark in People Playground’, was uploaded by Gaming Plus on 2024-09-17 15:30:26. It has garnered 22167 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. Spider-Man and Miles Morales are going to war against Minecraft Creatures as a team, there are sharks in the sea in this war. A great battle awaits you in the world of People Playground. Will Spider-Man and Miles Morales defeat Minecraft Creatures ? You should leave a comment for the sequel of the video “… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!

    Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!Video Information This video, titled ‘sweden (minecraft lofi)’, was uploaded by Toastaku – Topic on 2024-08-23 06:04:55. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Provided to YouTube by toastaku. sweden (minecraft lofi) · Toastaku minecraft sleepy lofi ℗ 2024 Toastaku Released on: 2024-03-01 Main Artist: Toastaku Producer: Toastaku Composer: C418 Auto-generated by YouTube. Read More

  • Hypenos Network

    Hypenos NetworkHypenosNetwork sunucumuz hakkında; HypenosNetwork sunucumuz 2024 yılında kurulmuş olup yepyeni yenilikler ile birlikte oyunculara eşsiz deneyimler sunmaktadır.Yönetici ekibimiz yıllar boyunca Minecraft serverlerinde çalışmış olup çalışmalarını bizimle devam ettirmektedir.Sunucumuzun ana hedeflerinden birisi oyuncuların Minecraft dünyasında daha neler yapabildiklerini göstermektir. Yönetim ekibimiz ve yetkili ekibimiz 6 kişi olmakla beraber gece gündüz oyuncularımızın neler daha fazla dikkatini çekeceği üzerine çalışmaktadır Ekibimizi kısaca anlatmak gerekirse Mimarlar yazılımcılar ile doludur. Haydi sizleri birlikte sunucumuzda güzel vakitler geçirmeye davet ediyoruz. Read More

  • RigoloSMP – Vanilla SMP 1.21 – 100% Vanilla – Whitelist – Nice Community!

    JOIN THE DISCORD HERE – Hey! A few weeks ago, just after the success of the previous 1.20 season, my friends and I decided to start our next adventure in 1.21! The server is entirely vanilla and our community is amazing 😀 Now’s the best time to join us on this journey! Cracked and Bedrock players are also allowed! Simply join the Discord and we’ll be happy to whitelist you 😉 Read More

  • -+-+-+-+-+-+ GearsMC +-+-+-+-+-+–+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is this truth or cap💀🙏

    Fact: This meme is so good it’s breaking the score scale. It’s like the Michael Jordan of memes. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Battle Royale

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Battle Royale In Minecraft’s intense battle royale, Friends compete, hearts set to prevail. KZA_, averalls, obvlogan too, Spricc, osomad, cactixz in the crew. Figfen joins the epic fight, In this virtual world, under the night. With swords and shields, they clash and spar, Crafting strategies, near and far. Each move calculated, each step precise, In this pixelated paradise. Watch ’til the end, the battle unfolds, As friendships tested, and stories told. Subscribe for more, join the fun, In Minecraft’s world, under the sun. Join the Discord, stay in the loop, For more adventures, more Minecraft scoop. Thanks for watching, thanks for… Read More

  • Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning

    Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning "Me: sees a popular trap in Minecraft Also me: avoids it by running straight into a different trap It’s all about that element of surprise, right?" Read More

  • Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage

    Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage A Beautiful Minecraft Cottage – Easy Step-By-Step Tutorial Embark on a creative journey with this simple 15-minute Minecraft build tutorial! Whether you’re a seasoned player or a beginner, this step-by-step guide will help you construct a charming cottage in no time. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft building and unleash your creativity! Materials Before you start building, gather the necessary materials such as wood, stone, glass, and other resources. These materials will form the foundation of your cottage and add character to your creation. The Base Begin by laying down the base of your cottage. Create a sturdy… Read More

  • 100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken Over

    100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken OverVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 Days On An MMORPG Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by BeenTaken on 2024-09-22 14:55:21. It has garnered 32595 views and 949 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:16 or 2296 seconds. I spent 100 days on a Minecraft’s BEST MMORPG Server. At first, I barley survived by killing low level bosses. Slowly but surely, however, I worked my way up the TavernMC food chain. I didn’t have the luxury of using my main account, BeenTaken. I had to completely start from scratch. And in the end, I accomplished wonders, obtaining some of… Read More

  • Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21

    Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘First Time Playing The NEW Update! | Minecraft Hardcore 1.21 | S9 E9 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr. Unprofessional on 2024-09-23 12:30:21. It has garnered 860 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:10 or 1630 seconds. First Time Playing The NEW Update! it went well… all the way up till I went back for the thumbnail and died!!! Ugh what a disappointment! but! We got one under our belts. Trial Chamber #1! Complete! #minecraft #trialchambers #update Join Us on Twitch! Temporarily Taking a break from streaming, Taking Care of a newborn… Read More


    INSANE MUSIC SYSTEM in MINECRAFT! 🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST MUSIC SYSTEM IN MINECRAFT/MUSIC SYSTEM OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #op’, was uploaded by SUMITXGAMING on 2024-04-30 07:25:35. It has garnered 4178 views and 119 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft animation challenge animation mcpe love story family friendly funny monster school minecraft monster school minecraft 100 days preston comedy minecraft hardcore monster school challenge trolling funny minecraft pocket edition minecraft pe adispot 100 days minecraft minecraft manhunt albedo op minecraft mod peppa pig huggy wuggy fnf mod hardcore minecraft minecraft meme steve… Read More

  • Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #Minecraft

    Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘[ Breaking every rule of notice smp ]#minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by AllMC_Gaming on 2024-03-07 01:11:38. It has garnered 204 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:11 or 971 seconds. Description: 🌟 Welcome to Crafted Ventures, where the enchanting world of Minecraft comes to life in pixels and polygons! 🌈 Immerse yourself in a realm of endless creativity, daring adventures, and captivating builds as we embark on an epic journey through the vast landscapes of this iconic sandbox game. 🔨 **Masterful Creations:** Join us as we delve into the art of… Read More

  • Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!

    Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers?’, was uploaded by Λsk Λbout Solutions on 2024-05-24 06:27:53. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Unveiling the Unique Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Discover what sets HermitCraft apart from the rest – a tight-knit community, high-quality content, and a focus on creativity and collaboration. Join in on the magic today! Laura S. Harris (2024, May 14.) What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers? 🌐 ✋ Disclaimer: This video, titled ‘What… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

    Ultimate Battle Royale Victory - POV: You vs. 3 on BridgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: u win a 3v1 bridge fight…’, was uploaded by Air_Clips on 2024-02-17 05:53:28. It has garnered 206 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. go sub to main channel ​⁠​⁠ #minecraft #bedfight #minemenclub #hypixel #pvp other tags lmao minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard,badlion,client,badlion client,jitter click,how to pvp,pvp,amongus,prediclips,maafer,pando,arctic,speedrun,clutch,block,block clutch,insane,shorts,youtuber,shorts youtuberlunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge,… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

    INSANE Challenge in Minecraft - NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pero NO puedo TOCAR los COLORES de tu FOTO 23 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alexpolu8 on 2024-09-11 03:38:27. It has garnered 8817 views and 838 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE ❤️ #Minecraft #yunque #yunques #minecraftmod #colores #inmortal #MinecraftSurvival #shorts #snapshot #minecraftupdate #mojang ——————————— —————————— 🚀 | Subs Discord | 🚀 My Texture Pack | 🚀 | Twitter | 🚀 | Twitch | 🚀 |… Read More

  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts *Server Discord*: *Java & Bedrock IP*: *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More