Defeating the Toughest Minecraft Boss Ever! 🦈

Video Information

Hy hello everyone my name is Apple guy and welcome back to another episode of Minecraft modded survival in today’s video you may notice I have all my uh what is this called Blue Skies Dimension gear and well what we’re going to do is take it all off and do a vanilla boss

Fight because uh I want to save some of the more uh we’ll say eventful boss fights for you know towards the end of the series we are approaching the end of the series as we know it and I feel fine personally uh but we are going to want

To make some progress through the vanilla bosses specifically one of the last kind of pseudo boring bosses that we have uh that of course being where did I put my diamond sword there it is that of course being the Elder Guardians so we need a ocean monuments or this called monuments

Monument they’re just called monuments okay it’s a casual 1300 blocks this away would it be better better to travel by nether do I have obsidian on hand I’ve got us a little bit of obsidian on hand should we travel via the nether nah no need let’s just book it

This way all right so uh you’ll notice I’m not really preparing much uh By preparing I pretty much just mean doors I don’t suspect this will be tricky I’m not even bringing water breathing That’s how little I believe this will be challenging we have conquered many things in this series we have battled

Interdimensional beings we’ve gone and fought multi-headed dragons spawns of the nether that meaning the the urg what is this biome by the way Skyris Valley Sky RZ Valley Riz Valley what the heck dude is that funny am I young yet do people think I’m young I’m I

Am I feel old but I think in general I’m fairly young okay there’s some more lava that’s interesting uh we fought things that are much more difficult than guy that makes you swing slow boat that’s the that’s the moral of the story I’m trying to tell I’m not worried

To fight this guy oh hello pillagers boy oh boy have we your wait are you guys shooting me with healing arrows sorry I didn’t I I just killed someone shooting me with healing arrows granted they do hurt a wee bit but you know what actually go away y’all

Suck think you’re you’re all that in a bag of chips I can’t wait I got to get this off my off hand for a sec there we go I can’t wait to just Bop these boys in in the future at some point oh dang pillagers are my Minecraft

Enemies one like equals one Pillager Tower destroyed things the pillagers have done that’s evil uh captured the LA they’ve also uh slain me about a bit million times okay uh you know what though I was going uh actually I think I might just die question mark wait I’ve got doors put a

Door okay put a door block this off okay here’s what we’re going to do I need some flns flns wait I don’t need you never mind I’ve got torches here’s what I want to do uh I want to set up what is essentially a grinder for these

Guys I think I can I did one spawn above me I feel like the answer is yes I hear one but I don’t know where whatever anyway uh these guys they hurt but also they drop emeralds right and emeralds are kind of like useful to have so perhaps I could see about

Uh keeping them around for the sake of having an emerald Farm I don’t know if I’ll need like to farm emeralds but I guess now I can okay I do have a puffer fish which kind of feels like uh the game telling me to make a water breathing potion but I think I’m

Going to go ahead and uh do something a little bit different um and what that is it’s Unique strategy called not doing that so we’re going to see what happens when I don’t do that but I do want to pick up the rest of the stuff a lot of

Aquaculture uh foods that I have no intention of eating honestly let me just uh love with y’all not sure why I even installed aquaculture as a mod but that’s okay all right so I think our ocean Monument is out here somewhere uh it’s like 400 blocks this

Way I think hopefully it’ll be visible any moment now there it is okay great so ocean Monument pretty standard vanilla Affair if you don’t know what we’re getting into basically there are three uh guys called The Elder Guardians this is one of them in general they make

It so you can’t swing fast they give you the mining fatigue status for some reason the effect did not play uh but they give you mining fatigue and that is bad the prize you get is the wet sponge so there’s three of them there’s also a treasure room where you can um

Get yourself the lovely prize of oh I got this for four minutes gosh okay whatever the lovely prize of gold so we will hopefully find ourselves a treasure room um at some point but basically what we’re going to do okay that’s good we we know where the opening is now there we

Are we use these These are uh what one might call a wooden door because they give you pockets of air so now you know everything I know as far as my strategy for conquering this is okay this is the treasure room right here so I’m going to

Put a door here this a central location I think we we will be returning to regularly uh now we’re looking for two more uh Elder Guardians who as you may or may not know are the ones the the guy we just fought he’s an Elder Guardian uh they’re

They’re easy right this as a Minecraft Structure I think is pretty interesting I’m not sure how I feel about this Minecraft Structure I think they are interesting challenges but I I don’t particularly like them these to me feel like what the trial dungeons that they’re adding or trial

Chamers I think they’re called uh this is what the trial chamber was trying to be in my mind where it’s like a it’s like a a tough adventuring challenge get your best adventuring friends and get out there you know and it to me feels like this just turns into having mining

Fatigue for 4 minutes when it should have been an interesting tough challenge I do not think this is that tough of a challenge which is why I’m saying like we’re we’re tackling this just for the sake of tackling this like we kind of need to

Get this done it is a part of the game um but it’s not particularly tricky it is a lot of cheap spotting by placing door now I say it isn’t tricky but I will say I have absolutely no clue where the next Guardians are usually you can get access to like an outskirts

Area and that’s kind of what I’m I’m in the market for I’m trying to find that outskirts area but maybe I don’t know maybe I need to go back sort of the way I came I might also need to place another door no I’ll just get back to my main

Door there we go the doors thing as well I mean what I like about this is in theory it teaches you Brewing right cuz you have to brew up water breathing that’s how you’re supposed to do this by by the way you’re not supposed to just

Tank it like I’m doing or doors the the the door trick was supposed to be banned but uh you know old habits die hard as it were and so I’m using the door trick Stop they’re so rude everyone in this uh area is so rude they’re like

Shooting me with beams and stuff man what gives okay should I find an alter oh hold on this is this actually looks promising this is promising I think this is might be what we’re looking for as far as access to a new section okay so that’s not it per

Se yeah this isn’t exactly what I’m looking for but this is I think this is a good oh I think there’s an Elder Guardian through this wall I think I see his his yeah this is what I’m looking for my headphones also just beep which means they’re low on

Battery but that’s fine we’ll survive all right so here’s another Elder Guardian so let’s go ahead and get our a pocket of air where I was going to say where the heck did this guy just swim off to he’s like he’s he’s around there we go you can always use a

Trident against these guys as well okay let’s be done now okay got to go back and get some air just give me a minute I got to get some air give a guy a a a break will you also probably should have brought some blocks of something some sort so I

Can make it so this guy isn’t constantly staring at me I guess I’ll break line of sight with some stairs oh thanks for swimming in close boo got him two down one to go and I bet you if I just continue along this like outskirts uh pathway I should be able to

Find it as long as my headphones don’t die which is apparently becoming quite the possibility that would be no good I don’t really want to fight you little guy so if you just want to perhaps get out of my way I would appreciate that immensely okay we got to put this door

Down close that off we can also I guess we’re we’re using the doors as like a little barricade as well okay that’s a that’s a a baby oh yep I spy with my little eye the last Elder Guardian so let’s get near him or her whomever it may be and let’s put

Ourselves a a a a door so we can have a breather and then should we try shooting this guy with bow and arrow okay that’s one two three 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I missed that last one let’s get a dozen on it that one didn’t hit

That one did though oh a dozen one dozen okay and where did that sponge go perfect three sponges uh that is I think it y’all so if we just wait 2 minutes I think we should be done that should literally be all so we’re going to swim ourselves

Back to the main room now uh through this I mean it’s a bit of a maze I think I mean it might be easi to just go back the way we came in which would be take some oxygen and go down here the left oh no we are oh that’s right okay

Well it’s cool I mean we’ve got pit stops along the way but yeah we need to swim back to where we were going now I I had a a door somewhere around here right there it is there we go nice and we can just bank for a bit heal up and then

Go swim over to the next one and then bank and then go and hopefully by then we will lose our mining fatigue which by the way as you can see just makes it so I I break blocks really slowly uh then we need to go back to

That main room I’m going to encase myself in barrels so that I don’t get shot as I try and mine out the prismarine uh and then we’re getting the gold and piecing the scene and that’s that’s it for this this Boss Challenge I don’t know if the Elder Guardian is a

Boss I believe it’s categorized as a boss but it doesn’t have a Boss Bar which feels disingenuine disingenuous I suppose I should say I think is the word and I mean in general it feels a little Half Baked uh I won’t lie that’s why I I think the trial

Dungeons trial Chambers I mean uh to me seems to be like oh my God okay we’re safe those seem to be to me like what you’re looking for as far as like a an endgame challenge by the way I don’t think it’s is it h this is like a

Minecraft tribute question that I don’t know the answer to I don’t know if it’s guaranteed that you have three Elder Guardians per it might be three to five or maybe it’s maybe it’s sponge rooms there’s a chance to get three to five sponge rooms I don’t know there’s more

Op more places to get sponge uh but I I don’t particularly need sponge I just need the one sponge for the uh for the Trophy Room did I say sponge Enough by the way sponge sponge sponge as far as remaining trophies we have I believe one boss in Twilight

Forest two in Blue Skies we have the sponge now from this dungeon and we also are missing the beacon from the Wither the beacon from the Wither I’m not sure when we will do I might do that during the week of American Thanksgiving because that’s when I will have like

Free time to Farm wither skulls but I mean I wish I wish I had a mod that had like an easier wither that’d actually be interesting they should do a mod or a data pack someone should do one where the Wither isn’t something you have to farm for anymore like it just

Becomes like fight the Wither maybe there’s like a structure that is in the game as like a you know there’s like that painting in Minecraft that shows you how to construct the Wither maybe it’s that but um also gives you the ability to just like find the fully constructed wither

Out in the world and all you do is go up to it and break the block place it again and you fight the Wither all right well we’re home and I’m going to go into The Nether briefly to dry out my sponge for those who don’t know you take a wet sponge you

Can either cook it in a furnace or casually boom bang Bing dry it out here in the nether the nether is so hot that instead of a dry sponge you get a or instead of a wet sponge you get a dry sponge and with that sponge you can go

Into your inventory and toss out all the junk that you got from your latest Adventure including some diamonds and emeralds so it it’s not all junk actually some of it’s pretty valuable find an empty chest and I mean you just toss it all in as you see fit like you do like you

Do as you can see here there we go you know you’re rich by the way when you use barrels as a building block I need more food I think I’ve needed food for a while we’ll figure that out and you grab yourself an oak sign you head over to

Your area and you put down your sign and right here ladies and gentlemen episode 26 we have completed the Elder Guardian from Minecraft there we go so I mean it’s crazy to think way back in episode 8 we fought our first boss the Naga and we’ve

Been on a roll ever since going through all of almost all of Twilight forest and uh almost all of blue skies and now almost all of Minecraft the the base game and just like that we are ready to fight whatever comes next which I think

Will be a blue skies boss if I did my planning right and by planning I mean if I remember to fight the blue skies boss whenever I play this again uh because I don’t really plan that well I just kind of do and that’s a way to live life but

Ladies and gentlemen that is going to be all for now I want to thank you all so so much for watching if you have enjoyed please hit like And subscribe and tell your friends about my channel if you think they would enjoy it it means a lot

To me when you guys spread my videos around and I’ll catch you guys all back here next time for my next video Until Then and always take care

This video, titled ‘Speedrunning the Worst Minecraft Boss 🦈 | Minecraft Modded Survival’, was uploaded by Appleguy on 2023-11-14 18:01:00. It has garnered 127 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:30 or 1050 seconds.

Thanks for checking out my Minecraft 1.19.4 Modded Survival video! If you enjoyed, please like and subscribe for more!

In today’s video Appleguy fights the Elder Guardian, Minecraft’s worst boss. Is the Elder Guardian even a Minecraft boss? What decides what a Boss Man in Minecraft is? Should Modded Minecraft Survival make this fight more challenging? These are the questions.

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    The ULTIMATE Skyblock on with Julius Laguna!Video Information This video, titled ‘’s Minecraft server) Skyblock’, was uploaded by Julius Laguna on 2024-05-26 01:49:01. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:01 or 121 seconds. Discord is now going smoothly. Links (Community discord server) (Prototype community discord server) (Official SB737 Server) (Chillax(Branchoff of the Oficial SB737 Server)) (Official Julius Laguna SMP discord server) (Unofficial Julius Laguna SMP discord server(Any branchoffs will need to be aprooved by the owner.)) —————————————– Minecraft Weekends at 2:30 PM EST:’s Minecraft server) Survival Weekends at 8:30 AM EST:… Read More

  • Insane Ultra-Luxe Mansion Build Tutorial 😱🔥 #shorts

    Insane Ultra-Luxe Mansion Build Tutorial 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information easy tree in [Music] mcraft so baby do it right do me right we can go all time we can move fast when you put your body on mind and like to be one of those nights but we don’t turn off the lights want to see body on mind and [Music] This video, titled ‘Easy Tree House In Minecraft 🌳🏡 #shorts’, was uploaded by ZS’SKAYR on 2024-05-12 12:49:21. It has garnered 1388 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Easy Tree House In Minecraft 🌳🏡 #shorts link in description:- search… Read More

  • Mega Money Hack in Minecraft Animation

    Mega Money Hack in Minecraft AnimationVideo Information जब रील दिन में बनाएंगे ना तो ज्यादा व्यूज आएंगे ठीक है वन टू थ गो मोटी चैन मोटा पैसा दिखा दो कोई भी मेरे जैसा This video, titled ‘Moti chain mota Paisa #gamerfleet @GamerFleet #minecraft #shorts #short #minecraftanimation’, was uploaded by BuddysScout on 2024-07-05 03:20:00. It has garnered 9726 views and 261 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft, Shorts, Minecraft 2024, Epic, Gaming, Minecraft Shorts, Minecraft animation, Minecraft movie, Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft funny, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft meme, Minecraft best moments, Minecraft compilation, Minecraft showcase, Minecraft highlights, Minecraft montage, Minecraft epic… Read More

  • WAR for VICTORY in Hive Live

    WAR for VICTORY in Hive LiveVideo Information bum bum bum welcome to the stream everyone let me just set the things up enjoy the B if you if you know what I mean I’ll see you guys in [Music] L welcome welcome Chatters sorry I have to Ping the Discord cuz I’m a Goofy Goober all right chat welcome everyone welcome welcome welcome let me uh yeah sub guys we got to win all right let me do a few more things and we’ll just get right into it [Music] let’s do it guys let’s start welcome everyone welcome to the stream hello Norman hello… Read More


    😈😂 CRAZIEST MINECRAFT MOMENTS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🤣🤣MINECRAFT FUNNY VIDEO || #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Devil Gamers on 2024-06-08 03:00:18. It has garnered 1728 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. 🤣🤣MINECRAFT FUNNY VIDEO || #shorts #minecraft minecraft,マインクラフト,anime,animation,game,shorts,tiktok,parotteru,parotteruanimation,funny,funnytiktok,funnyvideo,meme,memes,mostfunny,compilation,fyp,fypシ,gamer,tiktok compilation,michazike,witzke,2d animation,cartoon,cartoon animation,minecraft parody,minecraft animation,minecraft meme,minecraft tiktok,spider on the ceiling,minecraft spider,spider,spider song,giant enemy spdier,youtube short,minecraft shortminecraft,shorts,shortfeed,shortsvideo,gaming,viralshorts,viral,jj and mikey,techno gamerz,mr beast,roblox,noob vs pro vs hacker,red minecraft,herobrine,granny,skibidi toilet,roblox,sonic Hashtags- #shorts #minecraft #shortfeed #shortvideo #viralshorts #viral #gaming #mrbeast #technogamerz Read More

  • SolarionSMP- Whitelisted SMP, Java 1.20.4, Adult, Community-focused

    SolarionSMP- Whitelisted SMP, Java 1.20.4, Adult, Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP ━━━━━━━━━About Us━━━━━━━━━ We are a distinguished and whitelisted Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server that mirrors the spirit of the renowned Hermitcraft community. At Solarion, we take pride in fostering an inviting, congenial, and committed player base. Our goal is to establish an inclusive environment where diversity thrives. Join us on Java 1.20.4 for our new season! Our Vision: Here at Solarion, we have curated a compelling roster of plugins to enhance gameplay while preserving the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Some of our noteworthy plugins include: Drop Heads – Decapitate players and mobs to get their heads. SinglePlayerSleep -… Read More

  • The Phoenix

    The PhoenixNow on 1.21!Version 15!SOFTWARE USEDThis server is running using Spigot for Minecraft 1.21.XThis allows us to use an assortment of different plugins to change or enhance game play. PLUGINS USEDHere we use plugins such as:Towny, Vampire, LWC, World Edit, Chest Shops and a custom one for crafting extra items like Saddles! HISTORYThe Phoenix has been running since 2012. It used to be a private server by the name “Phoenixcraft”.The Phoenix is currently on Version 15. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Trail Update: Spice it up!

    I guess you could say this meme is blazing its own trail with that high score! Read More

  • Crafty Guide: Minecraft Building Basics for Newbies

    Crafty Guide: Minecraft Building Basics for Newbies In Minecraft, we build with glee, Creating homes for all to see. Starting simple, step by step, With blocks and books, we never fret. Night falls, the moon shines bright, We work through the dark, no need for light. Placing blocks with careful hand, Crafting a home, oh so grand. Mistakes are made, but we persevere, Fixing errors, never in fear. Left, right, up, down, we place with care, Our Minecraft creation, beyond compare. Thank you for watching, before we part, In Minecraft, we build with heart. With a sword in hand, we bid adieu, Until next time, our… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraftmemes #boom Read More

  • Boy Love: Desire for Love Part 7

    Boy Love: Desire for Love Part 7 Minecraft Animation: “Desire for Love” – A Unique Story Embark on a journey through the world of Minecraft with Martin in his captivating love story, “Desire for Love.” This series delves into LGBT+ themes, offering a unique perspective within the Minecraft community. 🌈 Exploring the Storyline Meet Martin, the protagonist of this tale, as he navigates the complexities of love and relationships in the Minecraft universe. Follow his adventures and encounters with various characters as he seeks to find true love amidst the pixelated landscapes. 💖 Engaging Characters From Martin himself to his friends and acquaintances, each character brings… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video titled “BOB Roast by Jackbhaiya 😂 #gamerfleet #shorts #youtubeshorts.” While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a vibrant and exciting Minecraft community like Minewind? Imagine the thrill of exploring a vast virtual world, collaborating with fellow gamers, and embarking on epic adventures. Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you hooked for hours on end. Whether you’re into survival mode,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Shaders for All Devices

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Shaders for All Devices The Latest and Greatest Minecraft Bedrock Shaders Eternity Shader The Eternity Shader is a stunning addition to Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.21 and above. With beautiful sunrises and sunsets, realistic water effects, and vibrant colors, this shader is a visual treat. While it may be high-end, the visual appeal is worth it. Solar Shader Although the Solar Shader is only available for Android devices, it offers a unique visual experience. With updated support for version 1.21, this shader enhances the game’s aesthetics with impressive lighting effects and realistic water reflections. NewB Dragon Shader Designed for low to mid-range devices, the… Read More

  • INSANE! JKPlays Builds EPIC Penguin Habitat

    INSANE! JKPlays Builds EPIC Penguin HabitatVideo Information all right y’all welcome back to episode 29 of the moded Minecraft Let’s Play Quick recap from last episode um we got a portal area set up for our nether area I think we did pack up a couple wardens or attempt to I don’t remember 100% but I know for a fact we did set up our nether portal area which is this area and we did get pyro which is a fire dog pretty cool yeah with that said um I think today’s episode we’re going to be doing two different things one is the portal… Read More