DepriveD Productions – DPTV UE4 Minecraft Style Tutorial 11 (Terrain Generation Part 3)

Video Information

Yes all my little dp children back in ue4 with the minecraft 11th with 11th minecraft tutorial we’re going to talk about more terrain generation issues a third part of the terrain generation we had a little height today we had a little height we got a little icon screen down here we

Had a little height but there’s a couple things i want to change today i’m going to talk about that we’ll change a couple things so let’s get started i got a little terrain build here y’all know we got the h the h1n1 or whatever it is we got over

Here but the point is i want to i want to talk about something real quick before we go any further if you’re if you’re creating a terrain you’re going to change your values to like 100 and uh we’ll set it to let’s set it to

2 hundy set that one big but you notice that you have a little bit of a flat line over here if you notice you’re getting this like one side looks all nice right the other side or real nice but then you go here and it’s like

This kind of flat line you got another little flat line and i’m saying well i’m gonna talk to you about that right now we’re gonna open this bad baby up this might be it i don’t know let’s double click and open it again now i got everything set up the way we

Did it again if you haven’t followed the other the previous tutorials i really recommend it for anybody who’s just jumping in here there is this is the 11th tutorial so you got a lot to learn but the point is we got our z and stuff here the thing is what we’re doing is

Drawing our length from zero to whatever width or length is and that’s actually the issue watch what happens if i set this to like the number five and we’ll set these we’ll set these bad babes to the number five it’s gonna take a second to compile because i’ve got a 14

Billion blocks but do you notice now that that line is gone honey do you notice that the line has gone broad now you can play with that number you can decide however you want to do it you may still get some weirdness based off what’s going on

But it is just something you can do and what you can do is to make sure the math is correct because that may sound funny is what you can do here you can go right here you can go to a little subtraction sign integer minus integer right and we can

Do is you should subtract whatever that number is so we’ll subtract 5 for now and that’s what i’m going to do you know and again feel free to do that however you want so i’m going to control c control v and i’m going to take width

And i’m going to plug with into the subtract as well and plug it in and boom so now what i’m doing is that and again that way it just the math is right that way if i set it to be two by two it’s actually two blocks

Instead of negative three you know what i’m saying because it can’t go from five to one it doesn’t make any sense bro it’d be backwards but i’m not saying that wouldn’t be something you might want to do later but we’ll talk about that because we’re

Going to end up changing a lot of stuff and overall like i said guys things may change as we do them because i’m learning things as i teach you now let’s get started let’s get started on it bro we gotta add a little height you know what i’m talking about

I’ma tell you right now but if you remember everything we did here we did the length and the width and then down here we got the whole the action set up here for the z right we got the h1n1 that’s what i’ve been calling it but if it’s actually the

Frequency and the height right but the frequency in the height three different times that way we can adjust it a certain way and kind of toy with it and get down with it oh god if you if you set the height too high it’ll break or broken

It’ll it’ll broken on you bro so you can’t you can’t do that you know i’m saying got to be more careful okay late night i like what i did there bro i’m gonna set these to i’m gonna set to 150 and 150. i mean we got a pretty random

Terrain there a little mathematical nonsense now the point is we need to add some height and i’ll tell you right now we need to add another for loop you know what i’m saying we need to add that and plug this in here right but we’re going to need another variable

And i’m actually going to set this one to be 0. we’re not worried about what’s going on here but we are going to need another variable and we name it we’ll name it height bro because that’s what it is and it’s going to be an integer right we got that now what i’m

Going to do is i need to bring that integer up here a little bit you know what i’m saying so i’m going to drag it where it’s in the right spot oh god oh god drag it under width you know i’m going to bring it with

Up above it bro up above it length width and height and we can plug height in that right jaw you know what i’m saying so now we’re oh god oh god oh god don’t do that grab the grab the height now the thing is we want to do the same

Thing make sure you grab the little yellow button because we’re going to be able to change the height regularly regularly now the point is what we need to do since we’ve done some z stuff we’re going to need to add whatever we’re doing here into that so we want to make sure that

We multiply this value by the tile size like we did before so i know we got a lot of wires going here but we’re multiplying the length and the width times the tile size well let’s go ahead and get ready to do that again we don’t need the tile size

Because we’re going to plug the tile size that we already got into the bottom we’re going to plug this new height that we have into the top but what we need to do is we need to add this to what’s going on here here’s our here’s our big mess of stuff

And it comes up here and it’s converted into a a float so we can plug it into the z we need to add these two together before we do that so you may need to just drag a line off here and find your little find your little plus button bro

Find your little oh wait wait that’s not it there it is boom i found you i found you bro what we can do is just plug this in here add these two together so you’re adding this this this thing we already have and we’re adding the fact that we can

Control the z-axis now as well when it comes to building blocks up and down on the z-axis and we’ll plug that into our converter that’s all we did now i know i look a little a little tricky i’ll get a little get a little tricky

For you we got a mess going on here but let’s just go look at it okay because right now height is set to zero and i’m telling you right now if height is set to zero there’s not going to be anything right because we got to make sure that and it gets

Worse it gets worse and i’ll tell you why we don’t have anything to set this back to zero so i don’t break anything it gets worse because if you don’t plug it in you know if you don’t execution wire if you don’t if you don’t plug in the execution wire bro

You’re not you’re not going to get anything that’s trying to tell you all right so anyway let’s go here let’s go to our height let’s set it’s set to zero right that’s fine now remember zero is the first one so actually at zero there isn’t going to be

But the one line and again feel free to set that to one and set this to height minus one or height whatever whatever you wanna do but the point is now if i go to height and i press uh the number two we press number two and see what happens

All snap did you see what happened there bro did you see we got a couple we got let’s make this a little smaller bro let’s not overwhelm the computer i mean i’m rocking a 2080 super you know what i’m saying but i’m not trying to break everything the point is

Let’s look at the height but see if we could set it up here set the head set set the height to five bro set it to five get five of them don’t be scared five twelve now anyway the point is we have all kind of height and that’s what we’re

Wanting to work with and i can’t said it’s 12 because i’m not scared of setting it to 12 and as you can tell it’s making the terrain move up again like it’s actually coming up and i’m pointing at the screen because if i set it to 20 you’re going

To know that it’s way up there bro i’m saying now let’s talk about a couple issues though that we have now that we have the height you know what i’m saying now all it’s doing is adding height to that noise which is fine for now you know

It’s a learning curve we’re all trying to get this together so give me a break and shoot and give me a break of that kitkat now the thing is we are having grass blocks under dirt blocks and i go live that’s not really doing it for me

Let’s set it to uh no let’s set the five we got a little a little money got you a little cash on my money now we’ll go over here and what we need to do is we need to tell this computer that we want the top layer to be

Grass but we don’t want the bottom layer to be to be grass and if you notice now this whole thing where like because watch check out my check out the top of my terrain let’s set the height back down to one or zero let’s set the height back down to

Zero well well maybe maybe can i set it to can you can you work for me bro can you say you’ll notice that i have a little bit of that brown a little bit of that dirt from where we set up our thing but it’s not working anymore we’re adding

Height you’ll notice that so we’re gonna have to fix that too i’m just letting you know don’t worry bro we got stuff to do let’s set it on five set it on five don’t be scared i got 75 by 75 times five then we got our

We got our tile size because we ain’t scared of it oh god oh god oh god all right we’re gonna talk about clamping we’re gonna talk about clamping in our next tutorial so we don’t break everything now let’s let’s just make sure we’re good here now check it out we got our height

What we want to do is we’re going to add a quick add a little ask a little question so let’s branch let’s branch it out you know what i’m saying and we’re going to get rid of this branch at the moment actually let’s just let’s plug it

Straight in now what we want to do is we want to see if this is equal to height that’s what’s going on now so we’re going to drag a little line find a little equal is it equal to height okay that’s that’s the first question is it

Equal to height because if it’s equal to height i want it to be grass you know i definitely want it to be grass you know what i’m saying but it’s false but if it’s false if it’s false i need to check the rest of this nonsense but but if it’s but if

Actually that’s not even that that’s not even true if it’s true i want to check if it’s true i want it to be grass every time and i wanted to check to see what’s going on but if it’s false if it’s not equal to height i need it to

Be dirt every time bro so what we’ll do i’m gonna drag this up here a little bit and just take false and plug it right into that you know what i’m saying because now we don’t want any of them underneath the grass if it’s not set to height which is actually like

Height times this mess we need it to be dirt bro so let’s check it and see if that will see if it has that working for me oh snap oh snap is that working you see it’s working you see how that worked for you you got the grass on the top

You got the dirt on the bottom layer so if you could dig through the terrain which we can’t do yet because the next tutorial is going to teach you how to delete blocks literally the next one that comes out in three days well tuesday or wednesday

The point is if you could tell now we don’t have a bunch of grass blocks and if i change the height to maybe like 12 you know i’m saying set it up to 12 oh god oh god oh god it’s all right you see we’re going to

Talk about clamping in the next tutorial because you don’t want to accidentally set it too high and it frees your computer and then you can’t reopen your project and everything’s gone all of it everything’s gone because i’ve never done that because i’ve never done that okay so

Anyway so we got the dirt the point is we got the dirt now we got you see what i’m doing it’s pretty cool then we got we can set the height a little bit and now we don’t have that issue now pay attention to what i did

All i did was take the height make sure it’s equal to this top one right and now since we’re doing all this mathematical nonsense and it’s added to it here it’s added to this we added it all together and it’s multiplied by tile size just like just like the length and the

Width don’t let this new stuff fool you that’s all we did we can now make sure that if it is not equal to height it is always dirt now here’s our other problem the the other issue here is this is set to be zero or whatever

We need a value we need this to be a value so we can change this you know what i mean and we’re going to we’re going to create a new variable and we’re going to name it uh dirt let’s name it let’s check it out let’s name it dirt

Floor going to name a dirt floor that’s what’s going on there bro and it’s going to be an integer and i’m going to set it up here with my height i’m going to set it up hey bro where did you where’d you go bro what is that variable blocks bro don’t

Pay attention to that one i don’t know what it is i’m sorry i don’t know what happened take dirt floor move it up here a little bit bring it up maybe below below height you know what i’m saying i don’t know what’s going there i don’t

Know i don’t know why it’s there it’s kind of scaring me now because i don’t remember anyway the point is what we want to do is we want to be able to set that dirt floor on our own and over here in our variables we want to be able to decide ourselves

Where we want it to be and not affect the bottom okay so that’s what we want to do instead of just being we want to have more control over it so let’s make sure we got our yellow yellow yellow dot and let’s compile that make sure we got

A little dirt floor and here’s how we want to do that we want to make sure this other that what happens is if it is grass if it’s if it is the height then we’re checking to see if it’s equal to this value well what we actually want to do is we

Want to see if it’s equal to this value times tile size dirt times tile size now remember think about that so what it’s going to do is we’re going to take this and we’re going to ask it and we could make this say uh we could make this a um

Actually that’s fine we do need to take that value right there to see if it’s less than so we’re going to take dirt floor get that let’s multiply it by the tile size so you can get you can control c control v that bad baby moving right

There and saying take these two multiply them and then plug it in there and do a little conversion okay we got a little so now we have a little bit more of a a little bit more of an equation right here and again we’re making a mess you know

We’re making a mess it’s and it looks terrible we gotta we gotta we gotta fix some stuff and because we’re it’s just becoming a nightmare i’m trying to move everything around here and again you know i’m not extremely organized at the moment but the point is now after we check and

See if it’s gonna be the top layer that’s basically just ask all we’re seeing here is it the top layer is it equal to height it is it is because if it’s not we don’t care it’s gonna be dark but if it is let’s check and see

If we if you know us if we like where it’s at you know we got a lot of stuff to do so let’s think about this let’s see what happens here and let’s go from there because what we’ll probably end up doing is subtracting this value by height and

The reason is is because height as you can tell if we go here and we set the height to be two the whole terrain drops that’s just how we got it coded right now if i can make it if i can make it work oh it is set to two bro

Oh god oh god i keep doing it i don’t want to do it anymore and i’m sorry and i didn’t mean to but now we have a dirt floor now what happens is if i set this dirt four to five you’re gonna see okay you see that you

See that you see uh see dirt florida seven okay well check it out we it’s kind of working you know this is kind of it’s kind of set it to 12. okay okay it’s definitely working the way we want it to but if you can tell

If i put it down here to zero or even like two it’s way out you know what i’m saying it’s way out so we’re going to have to do a little bit of work there so let’s set it back to zero let’s set it back to zero we’re just

Getting our terrain working a little bit okay and what we want to do is we’re gonna take this equation we have here and we wanna make sure before we multiply it by tile size that we subtract height okay so let’s uh let’s do that number let’s do that

Number right there let’s grab height okay you know what i’m saying let’s grab it bring it over here and let’s subtract it no no now i know you’re probably thinking bro what in this boy what in the balls are you doing like what is happening we’re taking the floor

The minusing the height so that might be a negative number but that’s because zero ma we may want zero to look normal you know i’m saying like you want zero to look normal based on what’s going on let’s let’s just look at it check it out all right

What’s it set to it’s set to zero i think let’s set it to two let’s set it to two see we’re doing it doesn’t look good let’s set it to zero okay it doesn’t look good let’s set it back to let’s set it up to five

Okay not working let’s set it way up let’s say let’s set it to uh 25 okay it’s gone it’s gone let’s set it to 12. okay cool it worked now let’s go set the height down to one okay actually let’s set our height to zero okay so let’s go back let’s set

Our height to zero and set our dirt floor to zero and everything looks normal you know what i’m saying but if i set this to one okay it does that and if i set it to two it does that so it’s set to zero okay that’s cool

Now let’s set our height to one now you notice it didn’t fix it it didn’t fix it at all so let’s go back and see what’s going on we’re taking dirt floor and we’re subtracting height and then multiplying that value by tile size but what we actually wanted to do

Is take dirt floor and add it to height so i replaced that real quick while you weren’t looking but the point is you needed to add it and i apologize i freaked out so do not subtract height from your dirt floor bro that actually doesn’t make any sense if you think about it

You need the dirt floor to go up with the height i don’t know why i made you do that and i’m sorry now let’s let’s check it out let’s see if it works here okay we got we gotta we’re gonna we’re gonna we’re gonna we’re gonna we’re gonna put up all

Handy you know what i’m saying because i’m getting a little i’m getting a little brave okay we got the height set to zero and the dirt set to zero that’s cool let’s set the dirt to two okay it goes up that’s nice okay that’s nice what’s cool is you can set it to

Negative one okay drops for you it drops three that’s cool we got a little control let’s keep it at zero let’s set the height to five i’m gonna do it oh oh snap you see how the dirt came up with it bro you see how the dirt came up with it perfectly

Let’s set the dirt to two okay set it up to about right there let’s set this oh you can do it you can do yeah there we go let’s set the dirt to two right there now if i drop it back to three it should stay the same but the all snap

The height dropped you could see that even under the grass or the dirt we still have all the dirt underneath it’s not like we have grass under dirt and grass just randomly spawning down there the point is now i can set my height up to about

Seven you know what i’m saying and then i can change the dirt floor and again i’m spawning tons and tons of blocks at this point seventy thousand or something so i’m going over to the tile size now oh sorry the dirt floor and setting it to two here

Oh wait a minute it was already set to two i’m setting it to zero set it back down to zero here to see what it looks like normally what i’m saying now what’s cool is i can set it to negative two if i want more grass

Right drop it down a little bit murr or i could set up the five oh god oh god what did i do what did i do i said it i said to something i’m supposed to guys in the next tutorial or soon we’re going to talk to y’all about

Um yeah i’m going to talk to y’all about uh oh god oh god see i just did it again i just did it again but i’m going to talk to you about clamping your values because i’m going to tell you right now that’s going to be a boo boo all you

Need to do right here is go to length and set it to 45 000 and there’s a small chance that your computer will explode and then and then it’s all my fault you know i’m saying it i don’t want to be responsible for that that’s just not something i’m into so

Guys the point is you got yourself a little bit of a terrain more more terrain here we got some dirt underneath our dirt we got some dirt underneath our grass we got a dirt floor we can we can raise and set now and it didn’t take a lot more code the

Point is we’re trying to do this with the smallest amount of code possible again feel free to clean this up i would honestly set all these bad babies over here like this let’s get all our four loops together and then we have our everything multiplying all three of

Arrows by tile size we got our entire setup here which is our uh which is our uh i don’t know what you would call this but this is our this is our noise bro this is our mathematical noise we created we add them together here and then we have a couple questions

We got our one question here we got our second question here and then boom we got our ending right here so i mean yeah i’ve got it all straightened out a little bit looks a little better but you still got stuff running around everywhere it don’t make no sense

Sometimes i hope it made sense i hope you guys have any questions holler at me i hope you guys figure it out but if you don’t have any questions holler at me any guy anyway guys thanks for watching josh with the proper productions and 11th minecraft tutorial and we’re deep

In and we’re deep we’re so deep you know what i’m saying we just keep getting deeper and just go keep you got to just deep in it you gotta just deep all over the place bro it’s about been deepened but guys thanks again appreciate you subscribe to the youtube channel check

Out our other tutorials if you haven’t um we’ve got a 12th tutorial coming up in just a few days another minecraft one that’s right because we got to talk about deleting blocks and i’ll tell you right now it is not as simple as you’d think so

We’re actually going to make a part two and a part three and a part four we are going to be removing blocks in the next tutorial but it’s a little tricky and it’s not really as resourceful as we want it to be it’s not at all and that’s what we

Need to talk about so we’re gonna discuss it i’m gonna show you what i figured out so far but i’m going to show you where we need to be we have work to do we need to start working on endless terrain we need to start working on

Spawning chunks and while we walk and get further away we have more of the terrain creating itself based off the mathematical noise we created we got a lot of work to do and of course we got more you know hud stuff you know because if you jump in

Here you know what i’m saying if i jump in here in the old p you know and say oh god oh no it didn’t work guys don’t worry about it the point is if if if i were to move my guy over because i’m obviously here on the corner move him over a

Little bit bro get over here don’t be so scared of them you know what i mean have fun the point is if we got we got our we got our tiles here right we got our stuff set up we got our we got our we got our

Hood we got a couple blocks you know what i’m saying we’re doing we’re doing big things but now the cool thing is we need to be able to remove these blocks because we want to go underground right we need to let’s build some tunnels let’s play minecraft you know what i’m

Saying was probably that we’re going to talk about lighting instead of stuff like that and get some torches going soon and build some trees we are definitely getting ready to start talking about how we can spawn trees i definitely am going to show you guys that soon

They will be mathematically done with a for loop as well but we are going to start talking about spawning trees and the trees will only spot on the grass layer and not on the dirt layer we already got that figured out we’re going to show you how to do that soon as well

So guys again thanks for watching josh here with deprived productions love you miss ya peace

This video, titled ‘DPTV UE4 Minecraft Style Tutorial 11 (Terrain Generation Part 3)’, was uploaded by DepriveD Productions on 2021-05-16 21:33:38. It has garnered 1811 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:52 or 1132 seconds.

MORE terrain nonsense. We add height, and fix a few things to make things look a little better. CHECK IT!

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    Minecraft Memes - "Sis sends spicy Minecraft meme"Looks like your sister knows how to mine for those top-tier memes! Read More

  • Rhyme Time on Tiktok: Live Stream May 28, 2024

    Rhyme Time on Tiktok: Live Stream May 28, 2024 Welcome, welcome, to the Minecraft show, Where adventures and fun, in the game we’ll go. Join me, your host, with rhymes so tight, As we explore the world, in the day and night. First up, Goose Goose Duck, a game so grand, With Sad and Robert, we make a fun band. Then onto Minecraft, where creativity flows, Building and crafting, as the story grows. Missed the TikTok stream? Don’t you fret, I’ve got the highlights, so you won’t forget. Bean Mart expanding, with orders to fill, A gaming experience, that gives a thrill. Subscribe to the channel, for more… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hot Mess 😂🔥 #shorts

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hot Mess 😂🔥 #shorts “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #relationshipdrama #creeperlove Read More

  • Join Minewind: Start Your Epic Minecraft Adventure Today!

    Join Minewind: Start Your Epic Minecraft Adventure Today! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we’re excited to share with you a new journey that is just beginning in the Minecraft community. In a recent YouTube video titled “New Journey Begins 🔥 Minecraft PE One Block Survival Part-1 [HINDI],” we see a group of talented gamers taking on the challenge of Minecraft Pocket Edition’s One Block Survival. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind server, it does showcase the creativity and excitement that Minecraft has to offer. Watching these gamers, such as beatplayz, rosygamerz,… Read More

  • Surviving Uzbek Minecraft

    Surviving Uzbek Minecraft Welcome to the Majestic World of Minecraft Uzbek Let’s Play! Embark on an exciting journey through the enchanting realm of Vijivaniya Qilamiza in Minecraft with this Uzbek-language Let’s Play video. Experience the game like never before with stunning shaders that enhance the visuals and immerse you in a world of endless possibilities. Exploring Vijivaniya Qilamiza Join the adventure as you delve into the intricacies of Vijivaniya Qilamiza, a world filled with wonders waiting to be discovered. Uncover hidden treasures, encounter mysterious creatures, and build your own unique creations in this vast and captivating landscape. Discovering Shaders Immerse yourself in… Read More

  • Unbelievable Ironman Grind in Hypixel Skyblock!

    Unbelievable Ironman Grind in Hypixel Skyblock!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Hypixel Skyblock – Ironman Grind’, was uploaded by I-0fflineT1mer-I on 2024-05-05 19:40:10. It has garnered 37 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:23:40 or 15820 seconds. Read More

  • Morning Mischief on Bronytales Minecraft Server

    Morning Mischief on Bronytales Minecraft ServerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bronytales Minecraft Server | Morning Minecraf Mischief | #104’, was uploaded by PassionateAboutPonies on 2024-04-10 16:20:47. It has garnered 174 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:50 or 11450 seconds. Minecraf? Minecraf!! Whoooooo!! ============================== Server: Resource Pack: Shader: Mods: Mine Little Pony: Presence Footsteps: HDSkins: Lamb Dynamic Lights: Lithium: Sodium: Phosphor: Mod Menu: Better Dropped Items: Illuminations: Iris Shaders: Mambience: Logical Zoom: Lazy DFU: Xaeros Minimap (Fair Play Edition): Technopig: Drip Sounds:… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Lucasd10 RETURNED to Minecraft?! 😱

    Unbelievable! Lucasd10 RETURNED to Minecraft?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴FIRST MINECRAFT STREAM BACK! (AM I WASHED?)🔴’, was uploaded by Lucasd10 on 2024-05-26 05:36:37. It has garnered 1326 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:59 or 8279 seconds. 🔴Today I Am Playing Minecraft LIVE. Don’t Forget To Like, Comment, Subscribe, And Turn On Post Notifications To Never Miss A Livestream Or Upload!🔴 ────────────────────────────────── 🤑DONATE TO ME HERE💲➔ Feel Free to Donate, It Is Optional But It Can Help Me In Many Ways. I Can Buy New Gaming/Streaming Equipment, Things In Games, And It Gives Me A Chance To Do Giveaways… Read More

  • Surviving EvilGames: Java vs Bedrock!

    Surviving EvilGames: Java vs Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘SURVIE ABONNÉ – Épisode 6 : Java + Bedrock [SWITCH/PS4/XBOX]’, was uploaded by EvilGame on 2024-02-07 19:08:51. It has garnered 618 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 04:46:35 or 17195 seconds. LIVE FR – MINECRAFT SURVIE FR episode 6 Survival with Subscribers – Minecraft (Nintendo Switch/Xbox/Ps4/PC/PS5) EGLAND: ►Java server: ►Bedrock server: (PORT : 60937) OR add EGLANDfr as a friend! Take advantage of the premium subscription to EGLANDfr! ► Hosterfy (-10% with code EVILGAME): ► Discord : Instagram : @evilgame_ytb / Read More

  • Unleash Ultimate Power: One Hit Sword in Minecraft 🔥

    Unleash Ultimate Power: One Hit Sword in Minecraft 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO MAKE ONE HIT SWORD IN MINECRAFT | 🌚 #shortvideo’, was uploaded by Itachizz domain on 2024-03-17 10:30:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thanks for watching hope you liked my videos and subscribed to my channel itachizz domain. If you enjoyed please share with … Read More

  • SHOCKING: I Cheated in Fire vs Ice Battle!

    SHOCKING: I Cheated in Fire vs Ice Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated in a ICE vs FIRE MOB BATTLE!’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-05-20 11:00:23. It has garnered 83439 views and 2235 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:10 or 1930 seconds. I Cheated in a ICE vs FIRE MOB BATTLE! Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft Join this channel to get access to perks: Follow Gracie! – Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Joos Stream – Chaos Ensues!! 🔴 LIVE

    Epic Minecraft Joos Stream - Chaos Ensues!! 🔴 LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sunday Night Stream : Joos plays Minecraft! 2!!! | 🔴 LIVE’, was uploaded by The Juicebox on 2024-05-15 23:51:20. It has garnered 63 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:07 or 2167 seconds. *Hey, you look nice today!* ✨ Goal for today is to just chill! (and play some Minecraft). Let’s talk! Subscribe ➤ @_thejuicebox ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ *Support Our Community* 💕 Discord ➤ Patreon ➤ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ *Check Out Our Channels* 🎉 Let’s Plays ➤ Game Guides ➤ Retrospective Podcasts ➤ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ #thejuicebox #juice #minecraft #minecraftlive Read More

  • 🚀🐻 ROCKET SPLEEF RUSH LIVE on MCC Island! Join the Party!

    🚀🐻 ROCKET SPLEEF RUSH LIVE on MCC Island! Join the Party!Video Information This video, titled ‘NEW GAME ROCKET SPLEEF RUSH! LIVE | MCC Island WITH VIEWERS! (open party come join in!)’, was uploaded by TurningBear on 2024-04-20 21:10:36. It has garnered 51 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:59 or 8219 seconds. in this stream, i will be playing mcc island with viewers live! if you want to join in, feel free to leave your minecraft username in the stream chat and i will invite you to my party! SEASON 4 ON ITS WAY!!! #minecraft #live #livestream #mcci #mccisland Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Sand Art Transformations! #38

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Sand Art Transformations! #38Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Sand Art (Happy Lion) #38 #shorts #minecraft #lion #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Persivan on 2024-01-12 18:00:09. It has garnered 3859 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Satisfying sand art in Minecraft . Hope you all will enjoy . If you like our short content , don’t forget to LIKE and Subscribe . Share our video with your friends and let them enjoy . Stay tuned for more amazing videos . Game :- Minecraft Bedrock Edition With RTX On . :- Social Links :- 🎳 Discord:… Read More


    SABAYMCSurvival: Gather resources, form alliances, and create lasting friendships within our friendly and vibrant community [ Bedrock ] IP : Port : 55555 Read More

  • Modern Anarchy – Anarchy 1.20.4 Java

    Welcome to Modern Anarchy – A Dedicated Community of Anarchy Enthusiasts!🔥 Server IP:🌐 Anarchy at Its Finest with a Dedicated Community: • Hack like a pro, build empires, survive the chaos. • No bans ever – only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam. Forge Your Path in a Pure Vanilla World🕹️: • Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins. • Reach your potential in this survival wasteland with no resets ever. World Exploration Extravaganza🌍: • Discover a vast 3×3 million block world border. • Respawn within 500 blocks of… Read More

  • Astract & Bloodz Survival

    Join our vibrant community and embark on an unforgettable adventure in our Minecraft Survival Server, now running on version 1.20.4! Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the game, our server offers something for everyone. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Hold up… this ain’t it, chief…

    Minecraft Memes - Hold up... this ain't it, chief...Well, at least the meme has more points than I do in Minecraft! Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Family Feud Frenzy!

    Minecraft Mayhem: Family Feud Frenzy! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, We bring you news that’s more than just a dream. Family Feud, but in Minecraft’s domain, AquaVerse Redux brings the game to fame. Join the fun, watch the battles unfold, As families clash in a world so bold. With wits and skills put to the test, Who will emerge as the very best? Subscribe to AquaVerse, don’t miss a beat, For gaming content that’s oh so sweet. Follow on Discord, YouTube, and more, For updates and laughs galore. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing… Read More

  • Minecraft Battle of the Century: Super Dog vs Zoglin!

    Minecraft Battle of the Century: Super Dog vs Zoglin! Why is there even a debate between a super dog and a Zoglin in Minecraft? I mean, one is a cute and loyal companion while the other is just a creepy, ugly mob. It’s like comparing a fluffy puppy to a monster from a horror movie! Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft: How to Open a Door Like This!

    Real Life Minecraft: How to Open a Door Like This! Minecraft: Exploring the Real-Life Door Opening Experience When it comes to the world of Minecraft, players are constantly discovering new and exciting features that keep them coming back for more. One such feature that has caught the attention of many is the real-life door opening experience. Let’s dive into how this unique element adds a touch of realism to the game. The Real-Life Door Opening Experience In Minecraft, players have the ability to interact with various objects and structures, including doors. The real-life door opening experience takes this interaction to a whole new level by simulating the process of… Read More

  • Ultimate Chicken Egg Farming Guide

    Ultimate Chicken Egg Farming Guide Revamp Your Egg Supply with this Easy Chicken Egg Farm in Minecraft (1.20) 🐔🥚 Are you tired of constantly running out of eggs in Minecraft? Look no further! In this guide, we’ll explore an easy and efficient chicken egg farm setup that has stood the test of time. Let’s dive in and revamp your egg supply! Why Choose This Egg Farm? Efficiency: This chicken egg farm is simple and efficient, making it perfect for small-scale bases where space is limited. Sustainability: Whether you’re a survivalist looking to ensure a steady food supply or simply a poultry enthusiast, this farm… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft SpliceFur Reacts Live on Wcue!

    Insane Minecraft SpliceFur Reacts Live on Wcue!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live! || Vanilla Bedrock! || on Wcue Now!’, was uploaded by SpliceFur on 2024-03-08 13:30:33. It has garnered 1033 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 03:52:06 or 13926 seconds. Hello everybody! Stay and chat with me! This Server Is For Mod’s & Friend’s Only! (Sorry Can’t Trust Just Everyone) Had to remove the music, cause it “claimed” it was non-copyright, but they weren’t! [Tags] #minecraft #gaming #streaming #warriorcats Read More

  • Exploring Lush Cave on Ch64 SMP

    Exploring Lush Cave on Ch64 SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lush Cave Lovin’! It’s Ch64 Stream Day! | Channel 64 SMP | Minecraft 1.20 Let’s Play’, was uploaded by Aerington on 2024-02-24 17:10:31. It has garnered 75 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:49 or 7369 seconds. We’re off on an adventure! To stock up our shops! and who knows what else!? or who might show up!? Isn’t Life just a wonderful mystery 😛 Come hang out with the Cast and other Community Members on the Channel 64 Community Discord! Be sure to keep an eye on the Channel 64… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE MINECRAFT HACK CLIENT: Horion!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.20.72 Hack Client: Horion’, was uploaded by Well Dan on 2024-03-27 20:26:27. It has garnered 1510 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:56 or 356 seconds. In this video, we will be looking at Horion, the minecraft hack client that offers many features, such as killaura and scaffold. This minecraft mod menu offers minecraft bedrock hacks that can be used on minecraft bedrock anarchy servers, such as 2b2tpe and 2b2e. I will also explain how to use this minecraft bedrock hacked client, which supports the latest minecraft version,… Read More

  • Lucia’s Insane Minecraft Drawing Contest Win!

    Lucia's Insane Minecraft Drawing Contest Win!Video Information This video, titled ‘Am CASTIGAT un Concurs de *DESENAT* in Minecraft !’, was uploaded by Lucia on 2024-03-25 10:30:15. It has garnered 3884 views and 250 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:05 or 1385 seconds. I think that out of everyone in town, I drew the best. Voic is what you say?? Read More

  • Discover the Shocking Truth Behind Snucoedik

    Discover the Shocking Truth Behind SnucoedikVideo Information This video, titled ‘snucoedik | Unidxntified’, was uploaded by optimizer420 on 2024-02-28 18:13:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. dexland #mineblaze #combotage Minecraft, Combotage, DexLand, MineBlaze, KitPvP, SoupPvP, Rape Series, NoDebuff, … Read More

  • Insane Mining Chat: Stephanie finds DIAMONDS!

    Insane Mining Chat: Stephanie finds DIAMONDS!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Ngobrol sambil nambang, otw bikin Beacon full diamond’, was uploaded by Stephany Partisha on 2024-02-01 06:26:50. It has garnered 359 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 03:16:21 or 11781 seconds. #StephanyPartisha #NontonSteph #vtuberindonesia ▬▬▬▬⭒❤ Donation ❤⭒▬▬▬▬ ✧ Trakteer: ▬▬▬▬⭒❤ Social ❤⭒▬▬▬▬ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ▬▬▬▬⭒❤ Affiliate ❤⭒▬▬▬▬ Top Up Game diskon up to 20% Kode Promo: STEPH ▬▬▬▬⭒❤ Rules ❤⭒▬▬▬▬ ✧ It is prohibited to discuss politics, ethnicity, religion, race and intergroup (SARA). ✧ Avoid controversial topics. ✧ Please be polite and respectful to… Read More

  • UNLOCKED: Free OP items on Sky Block – ControllerZ

    UNLOCKED: Free OP items on Sky Block - ControllerZVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Pe Sky Block W@controllerZ’, was uploaded by CONTROLLER Z on 2024-02-18 15:54:08. It has garnered 171 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:13 or 11413 seconds. Welcome to our gaming channel, where we bring you the best in mobile gaming and live streaming. Join us as we dive into the world of gaming, playing popular titles like Minecraft and BGMI (BattleGrounds Mobile India). With daily live streams and exciting gameplay, we aim to keep you entertained and hooked. Whether you’re a gaming enthusiast or simply enjoy watching epic gaming moments,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Showdown: Cave Spider VS Llama!

    Insane Minecraft Showdown: Cave Spider VS Llama!Video Information This video, titled ‘[マイクラ100VS100]洞窟クモVSラマ#マイクラ #マインクラフト’, was uploaded by 竹松のゲーム実況 on 2024-01-10 10:00:07. It has garnered 2562 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. #gameplay #gamestreaming #minecraft Read More