Derrickster’s Insane Redstone Combo Lock!

Video Information

Hey guys Derek Starr here and today I’m going to be teaching you how to make a combination lock and if you’re looking at it you’ve probably seen much much much simpler versions of it but this one is kinda special because of what it can do compared to the others so just as an

Example I have behind me here they’re very very simple and tried-and-true lever one the two faults to the lever combination lock that I know of are one levers are ugly and just stick off the wall and like I said ugly the other one is it doesn’t matter what order you pull

The levers in like the correct combination here is those two down and those two up now I can reach that combination in any way I want to it doesn’t matter how as long as I get to this one we’re good which isn’t inherently bad you can just

Spam stuff but then again with any other version you can just spam things and it might eventually work anyway so it really comes down to the levers being ugly I guess the order is important too but I don’t know spamming will get you results if you have enough time either way so

This thing just to show it real quick the reason why I decided to make this was again to solve the problem of the order of what the order of which you do things so we’re trying to say so I’m trying to say actually matters so on top

Of that I have found another one another version of a combination lock probably about a year and a half ago now that did that but it required you to wait half a second to a second between each button press and I don’t really like that either a felt bad clunky and annoying

Because if you wanted to be fast or something you’re getting chased your base by a creeper you can’t just sit there and press a button and wait press the button and wait but you know what I mean so this is what I came up with I’ve been

Using it for a long time and I’ve been fiddling with the design here and there and I finally decided to put out an actual what’s the word it’s late give me a break tutorial that shouldn’t be a hard word tutorial how to make it but uh just to

Demonstrate it real quick here if I press these two buttons those blocks go up if I press the wrong one all the resets if I press all of them in the right order you get your output so to build it I’m gonna try to go over

Each section and what it does and why it’s there and we’ll see how this works out so the very first part is buttons and I like them too high just so you can see them and it also as you can see makes it have to dig into the ground

Over there in just a minute so this next part is you could go straight into the pulse limiters that I’ve got right there but then you end up with a couple of problems about how timing wise with the repeaters and I’m a bit of an OCD freak and it really helps to everything

Exactly even when you’re doing this so this part is just to keep all of it even because uh as an example if you were to go straight into the pulse limiters it’d be like this and then you’ve got extra tick and extra tick sorry on each one of

Those so we do this and then down here you put a repeater at three ticks in front of each one that has redstone dust on it and anyone that has a repeater you put redstone dust in front of you cover all of those with blocks and then the

Same thing goes down here in front of the dust you put repeaters at three ticks each and more dust and blocks in front of those and then torches on the front of all eight of those blocks you put down and then dust on top of each

One that has a repeater pointing into it so what you just did here is you’ve created a pulse limiter what I want to view press the button and that way you get a short pulse every time you press the button I think I should work yeah

Okay it’s working so the next thing we need to do is you need a line of blocks like this for every button press you want now a limitation to note with this version of the combination lock is each button can only be used one

Time I’ve tried to make us you can do it more than once on each button and I think it’s doable but the amount of redstone you need in the build about triples and it gets really annoying so for something kind of simple this is what we’re gonna go with so 1 line 2

Line that’s 3 and here is 4 that’ll be each button once and then we fill in all of the gaps with repeaters and what this does because every time you press one of these buttons like that it goes down this line and only this line which we

Can then decode for lack of a better word later so I’m gonna do the same combination we had before which is just left to right so you go to the very back and you put the well sorry let me start over this button makes the signal good

On this line and because I want that button to be first you go to the very back one and put a dust right here so this repeater powers this dust and then blocks that way and more dust so that way when you press the other buttons it

Doesn’t power this line only that one button will power this line for this one next one back we want it to be that button so the dust goes there same here this one there and this one there and then you put blocks again I just made

Something longer did I no okay I thought I actually cook for other repeaters there sorry and that goes like that alright so what this does just to reiterate one more time a case anyone got lost is if you watch so you know what an easier way to

Demonstrate this is once I get this next part done so dust goes onto these and then dust down to here and then you actually put your sticky pistons right here facing up because that will power the Pistons and I’ll also power the rest don’t under it which is convenient so

You press that one the back line fires this one next line fires and so on and so forth so now that we’re at this point you put sand or any other gravity block on top of your sticky pistons and the reasoning for this is because if you

Get just the perfect amount of time within the tick of redstone of each other sometimes these become one tick pulse pistons and it’ll leave its block up here when it’s not supposed to and putting the gravity block on top of it when that happens makes it so that the

Sand just falls back down I think I might be talking a bit fast so attempt to slow down for you guys okay so what I just did there is by powering this repeater right here when this sand block gets pushed up when this is powered it’ll hold the piston up with

The sand block on top of it and to show you push the button and it powers it stays up and it’ll power the next one in the line which will then allow me to press the next one and let it stay up pressing the one in the wrong order will

Not do anything because there’s not any power there to hold it and another thing also to note with the limitation for this is if you press the same button that sort of impressed that was pressed correctly before nothing happens it won’t do anything so pressing the same

Button twice will not reset it which is a little unfortunate but again trying to make us with it two button presses one in a row are detected is a lot of extra redstone from what I’ve been able to find so at this point you put not there

One more line of redstone dust out and this goes into vertical RS nor latch –is which I will build real quick here four of them and the reason we do the vertical one is so that we can keep all of the redstone compact here torch there

Torch there same with all these no right there and then we want dust on the top and to dust there so those are RS nor latch –is and just show you in case you are not sure how at the bottom one it stays on you probably the top one it stays on

I want a button right here for an ounce that I can reset this because when this torch turns off all this turns off and the Pistons are then allowed to retract which is something we will need later on here in a little bit and then at this point we put repeaters right here

Followed by actually I don’t quite remember this is the new part that I just designed so uh right so we build other things that look very very very similar to the RS nor latch right behind them but they are not because of a few minor differences if these built real quick-like no that

Goes there torch and torch and these torches this time are meant to send the signal upward instead of flipping the signal back and forth whoa hit the block so these go right there and power into well more sticky pistons with sand on top and there is a gravity block on top

Of these gravel sand red sand any of those on top of these pistons for the exact same reason is those Pistons whereas if the timing ended up just right you could end up leaving your block up above and you don’t really want that to happen because it breaks the

Whole thing so from here we have to put repeaters out one more time the reason that these repeaters or the redstone on this block and this block are not dust is because that will create a bud switch for all of these and you really don’t want that because that gets really ugly

And these are all on three ticks because if they’re not the length of the signal going through from this to this sand block to this repeater ends up not being long enough to actually do anything for you you’ll see the redstone line that’s right out here on these blocks light up

But it won’t change any states of anything it won’t switch it torch tip from off to on and it won’t even it’s not long enough to make this or RS nor latch switch back to where you want it which is what we’re gonna do right now

So the redstone line goes right here and then we need a reset line which is what we’re doing from this point this way all of that is just to reset it if you press the wrong button so to do that we need a way to reset these RS nor latch is back

To this state right here and we also need it that when that happens to reset this bad boy right here is torch so he turns off so that way when it gets what’s the word triggered having problems with words I actually do that a lot but anyway when this gets triggered

And this gets triggered these torches well these ones will turn on because I’m going to invert the signal but this one will turn off these will turn on that’ll reset all of these this way and it will turn this torch off so all of these goes

Back down resetting all of it now we need to do is oh you know what I didn’t need this line oops go wait thank you it’s to finish the reset line here my apologies I’ll see you this one goes there you go right there Oh nope that’s wrong

How do I do this this way this way this way what’d I do well having a hard time remembering how I did this oh you know what I know what it is right that went there and this went there followed by that okay Bob Edie back this way again

And this will leave it all off just like that so I haven’t really explained the reset mechanism here how this triggers all of the Sun is supposed to but I will get that in just a second all I need to do is make this line come over to here and

This isn’t quite as pretty as my other one what did I I just kind of want to see what I did over here to make this one look a little bit different oh wait oh yeah okay it’s close I have this backwards instead of a block here you

Know torch there so that this one is on because it’s kind of inverted one time so I have to invert it back to get it back to where it was so it’s opposite of that one so the reset line is now done there’s just a couple more pieces of dust that

Need to be added and that’s here here and in these three gaps right here so now the way all of this works is I will go over here and press the correct button first just to show you all everything is lit up that triggers this it stays up it goes through here

Triggers the RS nor latch and also comes and turns this torch off and when this torch gets turned off this repeater gets turned off so that when this gets powered and it goes through and powers this piston when I power this line right here it does not send a signal to the

Reset line so I press the next button which would be this one we go back over here everything happened just like the first one RS nor latch triggered that could held that got held up that get held up words are hard and the same thing happens here powers that piston

Doesn’t trigger the reset line and then this dust turns this torch off and that repeats down the line and then when you get all the way through which would be this one and then that one your output becomes on and you can make the server

You want I open a door or I like using it for Jeb doors is my favorite because I’ve really really like Jeb doors so some other things you can do with this is one if you wanted to go the other direction with this so your outputs on

This side you can you just have to flip these around so this won’t need to be there err that one there so that your first button you want to press is on this line second one this line third that line your torch goes on this side and everything gets mirrored over here as

Well so if that sounds really complicated to you then you don’t really need to do it I like this way better because that way your outputs on the same side as your input and you can have whatever you want to do right over here next to your buttons the other things

You can do is you can have more inputs than for you just need to expand these out this way and you’ll just your reset redstone will get whiter and this will get a little wider too and you can set this up any way you want so an example

Over behind this wall over here actually have I set up how I generally do it which is with a 3×3 button panel and this does look quite a bit bigger but there are nine inputs instead of four I’m not gonna be showing you how to do this here or that door there because

It’s just a lot of extra that I’m not really showing I’m just showing that it’s expandable and what all I can do so for here the combination that I made is this one but is that right no I put that in wrong I missed a button

So we’ll try it one more time this is my combination much better that opens up the door we’re inside the jab door I can then press a one button and close it another button and reopen it a little bit of a delay because of repeaters and

I can also close it with one button from outside so just to prove that it is not some kind of hoax with this big one or something I will press my first Oh maze that one two three four five one two three four five sand blocks up and we’ll

Press one of the wrong ones should be that one and then all of it resets so yeah I hope that I explained how to do all of this fairly well just to reiterate on this output like I said you can connect it to anything whatever you want that requires a redstone signal you

Can make it attach to this you can also put in as many inputs as you would like your reset this setline when you get more and more of them can get kind of ugly because redstone does have the limit of only 15 blocks as most of you probably know and

At that point you have to start putting in repeaters and it’ll still work just fine for throwing a repeater like right here but then the timing between this reset and this reset are a little bit off and while that shouldn’t affect anything it drives me personally crazy so I try

To avoid it but it is still possible so you can make it as big as you want doesn’t really matter it’s very easily expandable the other problem you can run into is if you make this too long past I don’t know if 13 ish you have to start

Trying to fit repeaters in in here as well and that I haven’t tried that that might not work as well if one of you want to try it try it and make a video response and I’ll I’ll like it and check it out I’ll be great I

Kind of want to know but I don’t really want to do it myself at the moment so anyway like I said just a second ago I hope this is helpful leave a like on it for me if you’d like this design or anything you’ve got any questions leave

Them in the comments I’ll be sure to get to them I really do hope this made a lot of sense oh yeah I don’t know how to end this because it’s not my normal LP and I can’t say see you guys in the next episode because there’s not really a

Next episode of building a combination lock so yeah I’ll see you guys later

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Redstone Tutorial: Overly Complicated Combo Lock’, was uploaded by Derrickster on 2013-11-26 21:16:11. It has garnered 2797 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:47 or 1127 seconds.

In an effort to make a combination lock meeting certain criteria in input speed and ability to reset when an incorrect input is entered I came up with this… overly complicated design!

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    INSANE! Survived 600 Days on Hardcore Minecraft IslandVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 600 Days on a Hardcore Minecraft Island’, was uploaded by Peuil on 2024-08-07 20:00:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Surviving 600 Days on a Hardcore Island! Hey everyone! In this epic Minecraft journey, I survive 600 days on a challenging … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Skyblock Transformation!

    EPIC Minecraft Skyblock Transformation!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Lucky Blocks Became The Skyblock in Minecraft’, was uploaded by CheapPickle on 2024-07-22 19:28:10. It has garnered 1355715 views and 42089 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:49 or 889 seconds. I invited tinymacdude to a lucky block skyblock war to see who is the best (or luckiest) player there ever is…. Subscribe and look at my other links if you liked the video! Buy my Merch: Friend: @tinymacdude If you want to get notified and meet more pickle friends! Discord: Where I post the most!: Twitch: Twitter: TikTok:… Read More

  • 🔥 EXPLOSIVE TNT Cannon in Minecraft! #shorts

    🔥 EXPLOSIVE TNT Cannon in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: TNT cannon #shorts #minecraft #sidhumoosewala’, was uploaded by bob07xyz on 2024-05-01 07:38:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft’s secret portal to the world of Realistic Nether Realistic Nether Portal Realistic Minecraft Minecraft RTX Nether Realistic … Read More

  • Minecraft Madness! Join Our Prismatical Gaming Realm!

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  • Mega Base Chaos: Wrangling Goats in Minecraft SMP

    Mega Base Chaos: Wrangling Goats in Minecraft SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wrangling Goats for the Mega Base! | Minecraft AfterLife SMP Season 5 [Stream 4-28-24]’, was uploaded by Fyr’s Archive on 2024-05-10 16:00:18. It has garnered 18 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:44:12 or 6252 seconds. Welcome back to AfterLife SMP Season 5! Today we take some time to bring pigs and goats back to the base with @Blondskunk. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at You’re watching “Wrangling Goats for the Mega Base! | Minecraft AfterLife SMP Season 5 [Stream 4-28-24]” #Minecraft #AfterLifeSMP #Twitch =+=+= My Links =+=+=… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Sean Garza loses his mind!

    Unbelievable: Sean Garza loses his mind!Video Information This video, titled ‘Existmad too’, was uploaded by Sean Garza on 2024-07-31 01:02:34. It has garnered 409 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:44 or 11684 seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft Speedrun, Minecraft Manhunt, Speedrunning Minecraft, Minecraft 1.16, Minecraft World Record, Minecraft Speedrunner, Minecraft Dream, Dream Speedrun, Dream Minecraft, Speedrun Dream Read More

  • Insane Meme of the Day: Nanshata #CrazyClickbait

    Insane Meme of the Day: Nanshata #CrazyClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘meme of the day #funny #memes’, was uploaded by Nanshata on 2024-06-19 06:15:01. It has garnered 14 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:04 or 4 seconds. asmr family guy shorts fortnite mrbeast skibidi toilet south park mukbang fnaf minecraft parents be like i put a roof over your head sml try not to laugh coryxkenshin dillon brooks donkey kong family guy funny moments family guy shorts gold asmr good movie greatsword india jack black jeffy joe rogan joey diaz lil wayne meme memes phonk pizza tower scream meme ssundee there’s… Read More

  • NordBerg Town Secrets Revealed! – Minecraft/Codenames!

    NordBerg Town Secrets Revealed! - Minecraft/Codenames!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Love our Town! – Codenames/ Minecraft’, was uploaded by NordBerg on 2024-03-23 04:45:45. It has garnered 74 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 07:38:49 or 27529 seconds. To play Blerps on my stream go to and to start earning Blerp Channel Points download the Blerp browser extension! We’re here with some more Minecraft! I have a bunch of ideas for things to build! Lets get building! And lastly go check out the LADs! Hope you Enjoy, and if you do Consider Subscribing! Read More

  • SHIBILGAMER’s Mind-Blowing Minecraft Status Revealed! 🔥

    SHIBILGAMER's Mind-Blowing Minecraft Status Revealed! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Status❤️❤️#shortsfeed #shorts #shortsviral #minecraft #status’, was uploaded by SHIBILGAMER on 2024-09-01 10:19:00. It has garnered 7 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. #Entertainment #Fun #Comedy #Vlog #EntertainmentNews #Celebrities #PopCulture #EntertainmentTonight #Trending #EntertainmentIndustry #BehindTheScenes #EntertainmentWeekly #FunnyVideos #EntertainmentBlogger #Music #Dance #Viral #InstaVideo #EntertainmentChannel #Movie #Gaming #Lifestyle #Laugh #EntertainmentVideos #LiveEntertainment #Actor #Actress #StandUpComedy #Performance #Review #Reaction #Film #Series #Television #TV #Theater #ShortFilm #Documentary #BehindTheScenes #Bloopers #Sketch #Funny #Humor #ComedySketch #Prank #Satire #Parody #Improv #Skit #Animation #Cartoon #Anime #VFX #SpecialEffects #Costume #Makeup #Beauty #Fashion #Model #Dance #Choreography #Talent #Singing #Rap #HipHop… Read More

  • Rustic Kingdoms Roleplay SMP Fantasy PvP PvE

    Fantasy Kingdom Roleplay Server Hey everyone! I’m planning to start a Fantasy Kingdom Roleplay Server and I’m looking for people who are interested in helping build and joining the community. Overview Server Type: Fantasy Kingdom Roleplay in Minecraft Number of Kingdoms: 10-12, each with a unique style based on its region Roles: King/Queen, Duke, Advisor, General, Army, Trader, and more Roleplay Features Kingdoms can form alliances or declare war Each kingdom operates autonomously with its own rules and culture Strategic gameplay elements like limited Nether portals If you’re interested in helping build the server or joining as a player, drop… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Underground Minecraft Bootleg Film”

    Minecraft Memes - "Underground Minecraft Bootleg Film"I guess you could say this Minecraft movie is really stepping up its game by going from 8-bit to bootleg theater quality! Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days with Mr. Pethax: RG Network SMP Challenge

    Surviving 100 Days with Mr. Pethax: RG Network SMP Challenge In the world of Minecraft, I take my stand, Joining RG Network, with a plan so grand. Surviving 100 days, can I make it through? With skills and wit, I’ll show you what I can do. Exploring the server, finding treasures untold, Building my empire, brave and bold. With friends by my side, we’ll conquer it all, In this Minecraft world, we’ll never fall. So join me on this journey, filled with fun and delight, As we craft and mine, under the day and night. Subscribe to my channel, for more adventures to see, In the world of Minecraft,… Read More

  • Are you strong enough? #minecraft #memes #funny

    Are you strong enough? #minecraft #memes #funny “Are you strong enough to handle the pressure of mining diamonds in Minecraft? Or do you crumble like a creeper in sunlight? #minecraftstruggles” Read More

  • Turning My World into Emerald in Minecraft!

    Turning My World into Emerald in Minecraft! Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Dive into a world where players can build, explore, and survive in a vast sandbox environment. Unleash Your Imagination In Minecraft, players have the freedom to create anything they can imagine. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, the possibilities are endless. Let your creativity run wild as you design and build your own unique world. Survive and Thrive Survival is key in Minecraft, as players must gather resources, craft tools,… Read More