DEWSTREAM – Ep183 Automated Construction Paste – Minecraft All The Mods 6 Modpack

Video Information

Hello everyone and welcome back to all the mod 6 we are back on the server quite a few people on um in the last episode i believe we set up the creative tier um centrifuge which um in case you didn’t know it’s pretty quick now i’m gonna be honest

Probably probably not quick enough probably not quick enough because as you can see we still just have stacks upon stacks of honeycomb um if we look in here right we have just under 2k honeycomb you can actually see it going down if you look at that little number there i i mean

It’s mowing through it but it’s just we have so much um on top of that wait until you see how much money we have i think i need to hunt down my fluid um grid here we go we have 1.5 million buckets of honey um uh 1.5 million

Millibuckets no no 1.5 million buckets hmm yeah yeah we have 1.5 million buckets yeah okay okay um i confused myself a little which means we can order the you know the two bits of compressed honey we need now that’s going to take a long time it

Part of me wanted to start it off camera because then it would honestly it would probably finish in this episode um but we have some options similar to the last episode we can set up a bunch of these and we can you know really try to to crack down on it let’s

Actually just have a look at what we’re dealing with how long is this going to take okay we can see um how many how much honey we have stored here this is how much we need to use this is how much we are currently using um yeah that’s that’s about a million honey

That it’s using and we’ve used two thousand okay okay or at least we’re using two thousand right um that that’s gonna take a very long time the the like longest part isn’t the actual crafting of the you know honeycomb blocks and stuff as far as i’m aware it is quite

Literally the honey part the actual this part um so yeah we could make some blast chills we might later on but i i sort of have a different goal that i want to do just really quickly i think i think all right i think we can set it

Up pretty quickly does our portal not work we’ve been having a few server issues recently i i i should probably let that be known um normally if you watch my videos recently we’ve been actually like extremely lucky in terms of performance um not only frame rate and stuff thanks

To like magnesium and magnesium extras but also just like the lag has not been bad at all but if this episode or the next one is a bit rougher i do apologize um okay what i want to do is i actually want to go ahead and see if we can very quickly

Because i think it could be quick automate construction paste um i think that this stuff um i think a few people want to know how to automate it and i think it should actually be really easy to do i think it should be so we’ll see how that how that holds up um

Construction paste is used in the building gadget or the not not the building gadget but the copy paste gadget and what it essentially allows you to do oh we have a visitor is i should am i meant to be reading this up and he’s gone okay well

Okay um what it allows you to do is i could for example copy this little set up here and then in order to paste it somewhere else instead of needing you know draconic end shelves and grindstones and anvils it will just use construction paste instead and what it will do is it

Will place it as like a white block and then as it dries it dries into this texture so it will look identical to an anvil it won’t work as an anvil but it’ll look like it so that it’s good for like pasting in builds that are just

Meant to look good you know what i mean and then you can put your machines inside them so i mean i i i like the sound of that i think it should be easy but um let’s give it a shot so my thought process here is we set up

This recipe here right um for the construction block powder right so this is going to be sand lapis and clay we have 2.4 million lapis so that should be fine what are we doing in the clay department we have we don’t have a crazy like you know we’ve got sixty thousand

And then fifty thousand clay that that’s a lot but the numbers if we look at them they’re not going up rapidly which means we might have to address the clay issue in the future so maybe i’ll bookmark those just to you know have them on my mind the sand hole thing

I mean we have 21 million sand but stan’s not an issue so possibly clay that’s the only thing we might need to worry about um all right we’ve got a recipe now i’m going to chuck that in here once the server wants to work um

What what else is that because i i can still think the server might be frozen but that doesn’t mean my brain has to be frozen um hmm i i really can’t think my brain is completely frozen i i mean that that’s essentially it now

What i want to do is i actually want to try using constructors so i’m going to grab an ultra constructor and then there should be a destructor and i’m going to grab an ultra one of these and essentially what it does is it places blocks with a constructor and then it

Breaks blocks with the destructor and it’s all like done through refined storage so you can automatically like set filters and stuff um so the way that the construction works if we go ahead and grab some um bring me a stack make it snappy yup there we go um is it

Works like an um like concrete powder if you’ve ever used that in a you know vanilla vanilla or whatever currently it’s powder which means i think it like yeah it’s affected by gravity and whatnot um oh it’s still falling there we go um but if you place it next to water it becomes

After a little bit of time as you can see a construction it was transforming but then it just like it gave up did you see that what are you doing oh there we go now it’s a dense construction block beautiful you break it and easily enough you get construction paste that’s pretty simple

So realistically we just need to set this up somewhere now the question is where do we want to set it up um hmm that’s a good question i kind of want to hmm uh should we set it up somewhere where like you know we can um

Easily just like turn on chunk loading i think i mean do i just swipe it in the tower i can slap it in the towel really easily like really easily like very easily i think i will um what do i want to set up here i’m probably going

To grab some glass i’ll grab some just some normal glass if we own that i think i’ve actually got it in my um dank but that’s fine um essentially i want to set up a a little square so we’re probably going to go hmm how do i want to do this you know

What i really want i really want bricks and i want to just build this wall up a little bit all right all right all right so i’m going to put bricks up here mainly just so that i can grab some water um oh my god i’ve got i have to craft everything

Around here you know you would have thought by now i would have had like water auto crafted you know what listen listen it’s time we make a change okay we gotta get we gotta break free of these bad habits i would like a stack of water buckets it’s that simple that’s

All i have to do and now i don’t have to worry about crafting them in the future it’s that simple um so what we’re going to do here is set up some glass um to just be in that corner like that um yeah i think that’ll be funny but

This is the issue i have with the current um connected textures mod that we have i’m hoping someone ports over um continuity from fabric that’s like um at different connected textures that uses optifine’s version that doesn’t hopefully do whatever this is any i mean

It works it works it’s fine um oh how do i actually want to do this i think that’s okay being there but what i actually want to do is this we can break that i mean ah dude i i hate glass currently glass is i don’t like it i don’t like it

You know what we’re just gonna use some end stone no we’re not gonna use endstone what am i oh my god can we get some end brick or something yeah let’s just here i’m gonna just use some end brick because i’m not happy okay okay here we go here we go it’s

Beautiful isn’t it um here we have water we’re going to be placing a um constructor above this block so i think what i can do is place the constructor like this for example um we’re also going to need a destructor which i guess can go here

It doesn’t look too good but it can go there oh you know what hold on um oh how do i do it i know that i’m refined storage actually has facades now covers they call them okay so i can get a cover can i put any block there i can

So check out this i can now place covers on this how awesome is that and now i wonder will that connect through the wall no it won’t okay um how do i want to do this then uh destructor there and then i can just place the cover on

Top that doesn’t look too bad can i still like no it doesn’t oh oh i’ve i’ve like placed it on the wall okay yeah we almost did it um okay so the constructor i wanted to be placing construction block powder exact mode items drop instead of placing no okay

Beautiful now when i break this bricks um and assuming that we had it hooked up to our network making a bit of a mess um let’s just run this like that we should see it place a block oh assuming there’s one in the system so we’ll put them away there we go

Oh um oh yeah it’s just picking them up but right back up so what i need to do now is configure this ultra destructor um assuming i can open it to only get um construction uh what’s it called dense construction blocks like that and we want it to be a white list

Uh pick up items instead of breaking no exact white list yeah okay so now what happens is this construction block it sits there it says there is powder and it waits patiently and then once it turns into it you see it gets broken now my question is

Is that coming into here we currently have three construction paste let’s see what happens when this next one breaks if we get you know more or less so i’ll sit here it broke we got five it picks the blocks up or you know the bits so this is it

This right here what you’re looking at is this is it this is automated it’s working what is why am i glowing now i’m glowing um what was i saying um yeah there we go it’s done we’ve i i don’t know what else to tell you guys we’ve we’ve done it

We’ve won the game we want to get oh you know what i’ve just realized we can make some more covers as well oh hold on i’ve just realized we can make things look beautiful um these are cold cobblestone tiles i think we just don’t have any you know what

There’s a few small things that i i’ve been needing to do for a while and i recommend we just go ahead and do it i need to automate um i think it’s actually chiseling that i need to automate and i believe there is a block called the auto chisel i’m gonna

Go ahead and grab this guy i we might even have one set up if i’m honest just because i feel like i would have done this earlier for something else um like glass or something i’m gonna go here what level doesn’t need to be on this one right here i’m gonna

Place my auto chisel this guy needs some power so we’re gonna hook him up hook you up with power okay so this guy this guy’s good he’s powered he’s ready to go we now need a chisel in there so i’m going to get a chisel

Um i guess we’ll do a diamond chisel i’m wondering do we have it in an eternal stellar we do um hopefully they’ll still let me do this but i’m going to go ahead and you know make this guy indestructible like so it is now indestructible it should repair itself you’ll see in my

Inventory it should be getting more and more repaired as it exists um it’s trying to i should be able to chuck it in here um oh it stops repairing itself when it’s in there hmm is it gonna am i gonna have to like pick this up to make it indestructible

Maybe like every time i i don’t know let’s see i’m going to chuck it in there it currently has 2568 i’m going to chuck in cobble i’m going to chuck in cobble i’m going to huh i think what i think how this works is i for example pick up cobblestone tiles right

I place the oh is it in here do i have it in my tank i do that’s where my okay okay wait wait wait okay here we go um cobblestone tiles right i think what i do is i place the the block i want there and then i place

All the other blocks here and then it should process as you can see does it use durability it does beautiful and then we get couple stone tiles so i can go ahead on here and i guess set up a crafter just on top like so um i’m gonna have to

Set up a pattern obviously so we’ll hop down here inside here i want to do um well i actually want to do processing and i want to say you know one cobblestone oh you know what yeah one cobblestone equals one cobblestone tile like that yep one cobblestone equals one

Cobblestone’s tiles we’re gonna fly up here i’m gonna chuck in this recipe we’re obviously gonna have to get an importer to take the items out so we’ll go down here select this guy on the bottom is that working i think so um and then all we need to do

Is fly over here you ready here’s the here’s the real kicker and on which one do we want to do there’s one that does a thousand this one on a thousand i’m going to put in cobblestone tiles so now what we should see if we go ahead and fly up here assuming

Everything’s working is this guy should be full of coal one at a time you are kidding me um 25 that time 50 okay okay you know what it’s picking up it’s just it’s struggling ah because i’ve got the diamond crafter so it only puts in 25 at

A time so if we wanted to we could put in you know the nether right craft or something but i mean it’s fine we don’t need that much all right now how much construction pace do we have 75 so i get this works is it fast no could it be faster possibly

How could it be faster i’m not sure i mean apart from just you know placing more of them you know i mean like we could essentially just have like a row or you or even scale this upwards would probably work as well just have like water at the top going down

Eh not a bad idea ah and then we’d have to put the constructor on the right side yeah i mean it could work you know what for the sake of doing things let’s do it i mean why not like what else are we doing you know what i

Mean let me craft some constructors some destructors um and that’s genuinely all we need and then construction paste on the bookmark over there okay we’re pretty much good to go okay okay we’ve got all of our stuff so all i should need to do is break this um break that then

How exactly do we want to do this let me oh let me let me make a mess real quick that’ll do the trick let’s place this here so the destructors are going to go there the constructor i want to go here and before we do that let’s set up the white

List again so construction this is going to be the dense construction block set on whitelist so now i should be able to place a template block there and it won’t be an issue so we can place those up there on here we want to obviously place constructors

Um like so now how tall can we make this because like how big is this roof one two three four five is that all what we’ve done one two three four five yep that’s as far as we’re going at least vertically um then the rest of these should be able to

Go just like that we’re gonna have to open them up again obviously dense construction block and white list and we’ll have to do that for each of these okay so all of them are done we can break this block at the bottom that should be fine um I need more bricks oh i’ve got plenty of bricks okay the bricks are going to be built up like this like they will you know eventually anyway um the whole end stone thing i i don’t know what i was thinking um we do need i i

Really want to do some sort of glass my issue is like i don’t know can we do vertica we can do glass walls okay i kind of want to do glass walls what is what a glass wall is going to look like is that i mean it’s not horrible

Oh my god it kind of is horrible why is it bouncing around um you know what hold on if i grab an ingot can i create um a glass wall oh no a nugget sorry um can i create a glass wall cover i can oh my god how does this work

Oh okay so it’s just like a glass pane okay that doesn’t really oh my god okay i i need someone to explain to me how do you get these off it’s not by punching it so what i do do i just right

Click you what do i do how do i how do i get a facade off of a cable do i need to use a wrench okay you need to use the wrench okay okay okay i i’m not sure if i agree with that but it’s fine it’s fine let’s go here

Destruction oh nope sorry dense um i’m making everything harder for myself dense construction whitelist okay okay we’re good again this looks hideous i regret doing it i’ll tell you that much um oh my god i i’m really not having a good time i’m not having a good time break break break break

Glass glass glass glass glass it’ll fit we’ll fix it in a future episode this whole texture being all weird okay in the meantime i want to get water and i think all i need to do is place water there it will then flow all the way down and fill all that up

Then all i need to do i believe is hook up this cable like so we can even hook it up there that will make this look a little bit neater then in each of these we need to go um construction and we need to say construction powdered block

And we need to do construction block powder or whatever it’s called on every single one of these and then we’re good to go all is well on hot dog stand there we go that’s it that you know what it looks better i don’t know why oh [Laughter] okay okay you know what

I realize now it might not work hmm okay you know let’s see how much we’re getting so at the moment we’re getting we we have 129 they’re gonna break in a second and how many do we get because i ideally what we need to happen

Is either all of them to happen at once or like not at all you know what i mean so it’s a bit rough like that um hmm okay all we can just do every second ah this is rough um oh you know what actually

I’ve got a solution oh my god i’ve got a solution i just don’t know if i can do it if we get like um slime blocks right i believe slime blocks stick to the thing next to them right so ideally all we would need to do is

Like put slime blocks in there and then all these would get stuck i could also place them here like on the wall my issue is of course it’s kind of gonna it’s gonna kind of look ugly you know what i mean but this should work i believe placing things like that let’s see

We should be able to see oh no it’s not really working okay um all right let me try honey blocks um can i can i get a few honey blocks i know we’re probably ordering already like a billion but can i just have some for me personally can i have some

I would i might have to cancel this uh this thing for a second let’s click cancel on that let me get my let me get my honey blocks real quick yep there we go i would like those um and now let’s order this again so we can you know

Continue doing what it was already doing okay honey blocks let’s try this instead um if it lets us go down there these should stick to it right no but it just doesn’t it just doesn’t okay okay um is there a different solution um slime blocks um if i do hashtag stick

I get sticky pistons huh yeah maybe let’s give it a try let’s give it a whirl um i don’t really know how we’re gonna place them because it’s a little bit awkward to like how would you spin a piston you know what i mean like how do i

How do i rotate this um let’s do a hashtag oh you know what actually i know exactly how to do it if i place a piston like this if i then go ahead and grab out my building gadget and select it it will place it in that direction no

Matter which way i’m facing so all i need to do now is go ahead and break all these and then i should be able to place them all precisely like that how beautiful is this wait for the server to catch up and actually physically place them there they go they’re all placed oh

It works like a charm look at how beautiful that is on the outside as well probably doesn’t look as bad as the slime maybe um i do want oh well you know what it would have been a window anyway so it doesn’t really it doesn’t it doesn’t really work

Maybe we have to do a different pattern on like this level now that we’ve decided to do this but yeah there we go that that wasn’t so hard now was it um is there any other small little things we can do um one thing i want to

Show off real quick is i’ve noticed cyclic they’ve added back their wireless um transmitters and they’re actually pretty cool i i am a big fan of cyclic and uh all the you know little gadgets and stuff they have in their mode um what i’ve done is i’ve gone ahead and as

You can see the end of beacon is here and instead of entangling the block over here instead i have a fluid uh transfer node so this guy fills up with honey i’ve got a gps card that’s set to the location over there and he essentially just sends

Sends um honey over wirelessly um he’s really cool i i like this in the past you were able to place like a bunch of gps’s so they’ve clearly they’ve clearly nerfed it a bit i guess um i’m wondering like is there like an upgrade for them or

Something you know what i mean because um they are very very cool i i will say that um all right there’s also their energy transfer and they even have item transfer so it’s sort of like the opposite of an entangled block instead of bringing the block over to the fluids you just

You just send the fluids back over to the block um so yeah i’ve been trying to think of like how else could we uh you know set it up to work but um i don’t know i don’t know also you’ll be happy to know we we haven’t gotten the b yet we have

Not gotten the dense b at all he’s been set up he’s been doing his thing i mean we’ve only gotten you know an extra block of gold that’s actually been processed but i don’t know we just have to wait on that end um what else could i do in this episode

Or or should i just wrap it up i’m thinking i might just wrap it up because i mean like i mean what what else is there to do we got the construction pace we um we’re still ordering you know the creative apiary it’s it’s on its way

Currently we have some five times so like it’s happening it’s you know what that’s what we can do we just make a bunch of these oh i took the honey out that’s gonna break the whole recipe um hmm i mean these are still these are so like in comparison to this

They’re only a little bit slower and we can have so many of them and they don’t cost us an atm star you know what um yeah yeah we can easily hook this up um let me get um honey what are they called honey congealers and i believe i can literally just place

Them right on top here assuming this doesn’t connect and put blood in there somehow i’m glad we weren’t congealing blood but here we go let’s go ahead and disconnect that um let’s go ahead and connect it here i can probably also have them yeah there that should work um let me also

Disconnect this just for visual i want it to be all like you know the same way let’s run over here um so i should be able to do this i should be able to do this and i should be able to do that it looks like we are one honey congealer

Um short but that’s listen it’s fine don’t fret we have another one and we can place it right at the back there we go um okay so here are all these guys at the moment as you can see they are not connected at all it’s possible all i

Need to do is hit it with a yeah one of those i might actually have to pick this guy up and and place him again but that’s fine listen we can live with that assuming it wants to work yep there we go they’ve all got honey beautiful they’re

Doing their thing uh next we obviously need item pipes so let’s go ahead and run these all along here and then right at the end before we connect this we’re probably going to want to do that and so we’ll hook that oh my god that is

Horrific um yeah so i’m going to do item pipes all the way along here and it’s essentially what we did at the bottom part in in the last episode so i’m going to quickly disconnect those just so they don’t look bad i’m going to go through here and make all of these extracting

And then i’m going to go through and shift click in pipe upgrades all right so i’ve clearly gone and i set them all to extracting and now if you shift right click you can actually place in the upgrade so i’m just going to go through here and put in upgrades on

All of them i’m going to skip one of these rows and i’m going to do it like on this row instead you know what i mean hey you know what just from memory no we don’t even have upgrades down here we don’t need upgrades um it’s probably fine that they’re in there

But we don’t need them um so inside all of these should only be like exact amounts of like full you know what i mean like 15 there shouldn’t be like any points there should be no points it should only be like max or nothing um are these still getting

Filled it looks like they are it looks like everything is in full swing full operation okay let’s um so we’ve essentially doubled right doubled our production is it noticeable i mean we’re processing it looks like about six thousand a honeymoon at a time so there’s there’s six thousand honey in these i guess

Um okay i mean yeah i’m sure it’s faster it’s still not gonna happen this episode though it’s gonna have to happen overnight um okay well i i quite like this room i will say that i’m a big fan of this like little factory this little battery we set up this honey congealing battery

Realistically we can probably copy paste this and like you know place a bunch of them probably not gonna do that but we could but we could it’s on the table um okay once again is there is there anything else we could like quickly knock off our list like what’s something annoying that

We’ve been trying to like you know get done but i just haven’t put the time in i don’t know i honestly don’t know um what’s up here fluid pipe yeah yeah all right you know what i i think i will wrap it up there um it’s pretty hard in

My room so like some of these episodes are gonna be a bit shorter just because like i i don’t have the energy to do them especially in australia it’s currently summer at the moment so we’ve probably got to wait like a season before i’m you know not sweating my brains out

Um but thank you guys for watching hopefully hopefully this helped you or you learned something out i’ve just realized um we apparently don’t have enough um watch me call it construction pace being made which makes sense did i not add it to a list here or

Is it in the list but it’s just not doing anything i have a feeling it’s in the list but just not doing anything um maybe not though um 1000 no we don’t even have it there okay yeah let’s um let’s go into the 1000 let’s search construction we almost

Forgot to do this that would have been annoying um place that in there and now we should be good right this guy should be back in the swing of things oh wait wait before we fully wrap up uh clay we want to look at clay and see if there’s a way to um

Get some of this we could do starlight transportation i mean that would work during the daytime and it uses sand not a bad idea we might do that we could solidify terracotta which is i mean it’s just clay so that doesn’t really help um a sludge refiner no probably not chemical chemically inject

Steam into dirt oh hold on that’s doable okay okay what about clay balls right what are we what are we dealing with here um i mean there’s obviously ways to do it is there any reasons to do it a brick can be turned into clay you can

Crush stuff we can get a mason b a mason b oh a mason b ah i think what a terror cube my god um i think we’ll do a mason bee oh but the problem is my bees are currently out of commission because we’re we’re doing so

Much honey like we’re trying to churn through all these honeycomb blocks that all these blocks are building up hmm okay what are we thinking what are we thinking should we do the steam thing how long would that take do you think just a quick like you know a quick chemical inject

On some dirt in fact how much dirt do we have hold on we don’t actually have much dirt yeah no we don’t have much dirt so we’re probably not doing that i mean we have something compressed but like we don’t have we don’t have dirt just on command um

I mean i could just send in a mason b and that would like solve the problem we might even wait mason i mean we have mason honeycombs so we do actually essentially have it already hooked up i guess maybe um okay what are the other options we do starlight transmutation should we

Try this um crystal lens i know but listen i know i said i was gonna stay away from um astral for a bit but as you can see i can’t help myself um i’m gonna grab i think a constructor and a destructor will just uh solve this issue as well i

Think the only thing i might need to do is bring a um well actually you know what i am curious can i use some entangled blocks i’ve got a few a few ideas here this episode is no longer over it is no longer over i want to go to new astral

This is where we have our daylight style style set up and as you can see we have some crystal lenses um we’re gonna go ahead and redirect one of these so i’m gonna pick this up right that would probably you know break all this stuff actually it didn’t break this um let’s

Get a linking doohickey linking tool let’s go ahead and clear all the links there i’m gonna set up a purity lens right here uh you know what let’s try and yeah it’s in one chunk okay um the lens is there i’m gonna place down a

Um i will actually you know what i want to do hmm that doesn’t really work ah doesn’t work does not work doesn’t work does not work i was going to try and entangle the lens you know what i mean but i don’t think that’s the play in fact you know what

Hold on hold on hold the hold up hold the phone we’re going to just pick up the crystal and take it over to our automation area as silly as that might sound i think it’s probably the the best way to do it so we’re going to run back over here i’m

Going to fly back up to our little our little chamber and i’m going to place hmm i’m gonna i’m in a place uh what am i gonna do i really don’t know oh you know what i do know we’re gonna place the crystal do that need starlight is that gonna be an issue

I think it might need starlight okay let’s um let’s go here nope let’s um let’s replace that block let’s go up like this let’s place a crystal here right we’re going to break this we’re going to place a crystal lens this one right here then over here we’re going to have for

Example our um what do you call it our sand our sand is going to be placed listen i’m not a thinker okay we don’t do thinking here um i’m gonna place a constructor right um and then you know i why’d i even bother with sand um we’re gonna place a temporary block

We’re going to place the destructor underneath this bad boy right the constructor we’re going to say you’re going to be placing sand the destructor we’re going to say you’re going to be breaking clay so we’ll add clay in make sure you set it to white

So now san sits there we are going to get our linking tool we are going to um link the crystal to the lens so we should see a beam show up yep then we’re going to scroll away to deselect it scroll back to the linking tool right click the lens and then right

Click on the sand and what we should see is the beam coming here you can see particles showing up and this sand will turn into clay and this is i guess our system now as you can see it’s not fast as you can see it’s um it’s actually pretty slow in the grand

Scheme why is this stuff dropping now my sticky pistons aren’t sticky anymore i need to re-stick my sticky pistons why why you know it’s fine this thing is very slow i imagine it’s faster at nighttime by the way um look some of them were sticking but some of them weren’t man

What are you doing i don’t know um i mean it should work it should make play i you know what honestly i think we just uh it’s just a waiting game that is insanely slow this is not realistic at all i i like the setup but it’s very much not

Realistic you know what i actually do have an idea you know i i know once again i know i said we weren’t we weren’t gonna touch uh astral but for some reason we’re now jumping into astral listen i have an idea there is an item called a prism i might

Have even made one oh i did yes the prism allows you to collect multiple sources so for example multiple collector crystals so i’m going to grab all these uh we might need to bring some back here in the future when we want to make our um whatever columns now what’s the word

I’m looking for hold on it’s catching up what’s the word when we want to make our iridescent stars we might need to bring back some more construct uh some more collected crystals we can do that we can do that when when that when that’s needed um but at the moment we need clay

So we’ll go back to the base right i’m going to set up a prism um instead of this crystal lens we’re going to have a prism assuming that wants to work that is not a prism hold on hold on all right we’re gonna have a prism right

And then we’re also going to do like um let me pick this up as well i want to place like a bunch of um crystals you know what i mean just like you know in a little area here so what i might do is just build this out like so

Then i’m going to place i guess i’ll just place them all in a row or should i do like a like a circle almost what do we what do we what are we thinking what’s on the table here should we do like um you know bam bam um bam

And then we might even have an extra collector i think we have a few actually yeah we got a few more oh look symmetry symmetry is about to happen everyone step back symmetry is a little loose bam and then once this one picks up in my inventory

There we go bam so all of these have starlight we’re going to go ahead and right click on each of them and direct them into the prism there you go you can see the beams that’s showing up they’re taking their time but they are showing up

So there we go all the beams are going into this one prism and then this one prism is going to redirect it there you know what i’ve just realized this can be a lens listen listen i’m not the smartest the prism would output to multiple so we

Can have multiple um you know sands being processed um i think we can just do a lens though like so and then link the lens like that okay i mean is it any fun is it remarkably faster so far no um but we’re not touching it anymore

We’re not doing any more this is this is what we have to live with um i really i like the idea of this you know what i mean like setting up these things and like the crystals to process it’s just that this is um a little bit slow so

I would love to know if once again if you guys have any suggestions suggestions to make this uh less slow um but yeah i think this looks cool like astral sorcery looks cool it’s just like i don’t know yeah i don’t know but i i do like this i

Don’t know it’ll make us clay i guess um our construction paste is apparently on it it’s back okay um yeah i mean hmm i don’t know i don’t know we might do the um the vapor stuff in the next but we don’t even have dirt so i don’t even know i

Don’t even know anyway thank you guys for watching um if you did enjoy the video oh my god oh no we’re stopping it again i’ve realized something else we can um we can grab iron we can make some nuggets right we can make a bunch of nuggets

Um oh my god my inventory i hate how laggy my inventory is um put that stuff away we’re gonna grab nuggets place them in here with cobblestone tiles that’s going to make covers for cobblestone tires tiles sorry and then what i should be able to do is on these levels look at

That does that look better hmm um let me try this again i don’t know if it looks better does it look better or does it look silly that is that is the question um you know what i think it looks alright i think it looks alright i wish i could

Place them on the top i’m not really sure um at refined a hollow cover okay oh all right okay no just no what do you what okay okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine i just have to do that it’s fine it’s fine what am i doing like how do i

How can i place it on the top of this block this um hollow cover do i really have to break it i feel like that could have been done better oh i’ll be honest i’m be real with you i think could be done better all right um i’ll be honest i’ll

Probably do that off camera because it’s so tedious but you guys get the idea this place is gonna look a little bit nicer um so yeah thank you guys for watching if you did enjoy please do consider subscribing to the channel it helps me out quite a bit um if you also

Like the video you can like the video i’m sure that’s helping me out too because uh this last year has we’ve grown like crazy thank you guys thank you guys from the from the bottom from the depths from the depths of my heart um thank you guys thank you guys for watching um

Thank you to everyone who have supported me financially thank you to cayden oracle skeletal jacob oh aethers derpy snow lead up mugs and vrifti um all of which have supported me through um various donation links thank you guys a lot um thank you to coolest theories and

Mugs who are channel members on youtube um i’m not sure if kaden was a channel member but i noticed we had a different channel member so let me just load this up real quick um i saw this yesterday hold on i’m going through all the i’m getting there

This that this thank you to um galaxy galaxy o2 it’s like galaxy but with a with a zed um oh too thank you thank you for being a child member so um welcome hopefully you guys enjoy your stay and hopefully i’ll see you guys in the next one goodbye you

This video, titled ‘Ep183 Automated Construction Paste – Minecraft All The Mods 6 Modpack’, was uploaded by DEWSTREAM on 2022-01-02 15:30:22. It has garnered 523 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:01 or 2521 seconds.

This is a series on the All The Mods 6 Minecraft modpack! This modpack is packed full of a bunch of different mods! From Tech mods, to Magic mods, to Dragons and Dungeons, and even their own mod called Allthemodium! There should be mods for whatever you fancy!

Things: Modpack – all-the-mods-6

We have setup an All The Mods 6 SMP Community Server. In order to join and play on the server you will need to have the All The Mods 6 modpack installed!

You will then need to join the Discord: and you should see the ip 🙂

Please consider Subscribing and helping me get to 3600 subs by the end of the month! 😀

Minecraft All The Mods 6 Modpack Playlist:

I would highly recommend checking out other YouTuber’s playing this pack so that you can see for yourself the variety at which this Modpack inspires people to play it.

ChosenArchitect’s first video “All The Mods 6 Ep. 1 New Mods New Builds”

47MarkIV’s first episode “All The Mods 6 – Ep 1 – Ore Doubling & Flight”

xBCrafted’s episode of All The Mods 6 “All The Mods 6! | Modded 1.16.3! [E01]”

#ATM6 #Minecraft #ATM6modpack

I encourage you all to check out my friends and their channels too, they all do slightly different content so you might be surprised with what you find 😀 I might also show up in some of their videos that don’t make it over to my channel, so feel free to head over there and keep an eye out!

vRifty – AzzaFortySix –

Join our new Discord channel! Talk to me and other content creators when we’re on and help us, and each other out 😀

  • Join Minewind: Where Generosity Thrives in Minecraft

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  • Ultimate Modern Minecraft House Ideas

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  • Liga Promise

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  • Kosmosis – Roleplay PvP 1.18.2 Towny Diamond Economy Custom Terrain

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  • [1.16.5 Technically Industrial Legacy] -200+ Quests -Survival -PvE/PvP -24-7 Staff -LandClaim

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Yanking Yourself with a Lead in Minecraft”

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  • Minecraft Meme: Villager Tinder Profiles

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Vehicle Creation

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  • NEVER MINE at night in Hostel Of Time! – Episode 3

    NEVER MINE at night in Hostel Of Time! - Episode 3Video Information This video, titled ‘Do NOT mine at night! | Hostel Of Time – Episode 3 | MCTV’, was uploaded by TwistyPrideP on 2024-04-18 21:00:11. It has garnered 202 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:17 or 1637 seconds. Hostel Of Time is a fantasy MCTV / Minecraft Roleplay based around the common tropes of isekai concepts! Twisty’s note: 🙂 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Credits! Directed, Recorded & Edited by Twisty Thumbnail Logo art by Twisty & PeeblesMeebles Music/sounds used in this video: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Actor Credits! Atlas: Twisty (you’re already… Read More

  • LostCircle2GMOD: My NERAFELL creation

    LostCircle2GMOD: My NERAFELL creationVideo Information This video, titled ‘My fanmade part in NERAFELL // hosted by : @kiyaless // #geometrydash #gd #minecraft #anime #top’, was uploaded by 𝕷𝖆𝖘𝖙𝕮𝖎𝖗𝖈𝖑𝖊2𝕲𝕸𝕯 on 2024-05-11 10:01:05. It has garnered 1024 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. ID : 105115815 song : crankdat – party all night (NONG) *TAGS* (do not read) : #anime #amongus #dora #extreme #vernam #geometrydash #gameplay geometry dash, gd, neiro, top 1, 4k, extreme demon, aod, impossible level, hell, hardest, 4k 60fps, бесплатно, скачать, загрузить, rtx, видео, good quality, asterios, fusion z, abyss of darkness, impossible demon, upload,… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT MOD: Restoring Sanity to Analog Horror

    INSANE MINECRAFT MOD: Restoring Sanity to Analog HorrorVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Added Sanity To Minecraft’s Analog Horror Mod’, was uploaded by Jamsteo on 2024-04-02 15:56:46. It has garnered 1105 views and 97 likes. The duration of the video is 03:48:55 or 13735 seconds. —————————————————————- Hi my name is Jamsteo! I Make Gaming, Comedy, Commentary, Trending topics, Challenges and anything I think is entertaining! I Hope you enjoy my Content C: follow all of these and I’ll kick your depression • Instagram – • Twitter – • Discord – ——————————————————————– Join this channel to get access to perks: oh your still reading?… Read More

  • Secret to Ultimate Happiness Revealed! 💥 #motivation #minecraft

    Secret to Ultimate Happiness Revealed! 💥 #motivation #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘(हर इंसान ऐसा नहीं होता है। गलत है।)🥺Best Shikh Mood Happy 😊 Aalag Ho Tum bhi #motivation #minecraft’, was uploaded by ACHHI-SHIKH on 2024-03-27 18:38:34. It has garnered 4 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. (हर इंसान ऐसा नहीं होता है। गलत है।)🥺Best Shikh Mood Happy 😊 Aalag Ho Tum bhi #motivation #minecraft 1) Motivational video 2) Inspiring story 3) Motivational quotes 4) Inspiration video 5) Success story 6) Creative things Subscribe to my youtube channel grow and 🤦🏻🤦🏻🥺🥺 #motivation @smeditorsvsm @smeditorsvsm Read More


    MODULUS GAMERZ vs TECHNO GAMERZ: EPIC Minecraft Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘🌍 TECHNO GAMERZ Destroy Our SMP Universe! 😵 | Epic Minecraft Battle for Survival 🚀 #TechnoGamerz’, was uploaded by MODULUS GAMERZ on 2024-03-07 02:32:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. TECHNO GAMERZ Destroy Our SMP Universe! | Epic Minecraft Battle for Survival #TechnoGamerz … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Melon Showdown: NOOB vs PRO CHEAT in CATNAP Build!

    EPIC Minecraft Melon Showdown: NOOB vs PRO CHEAT in CATNAP Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: I Cheated In a CATNAP Build Challenge!’, was uploaded by Melon – Minecraft Animations on 2024-04-10 06:47:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This is a super funny Minecraft Mod Challenge! This is similar to Minecraft build battle and NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER! This has … Read More

  • INSANE Factory Build in SMP Minecraft!! 🤯

    INSANE Factory Build in SMP Minecraft!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Creating The Factory In SMP Minecraft Server!’, was uploaded by TheTechnoJelly on 2024-04-09 08:36:58. It has garnered 28 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:26 or 7646 seconds. Trying to get Create with the Create mod! Almost at the point where I don’t have to mine manually anymore! Or at least not to much! So here we go! My Links! Twenty TikTok Twitter Instagram VTCraft Members! #minecraft #minecraftgame #minecraftgameplay #minecraftstream #minecraftlive #minecraftsmp #minecraftmultiplayer #minecraftserver #minecraftmods #minecraftmodded #minecraftmodpack #minecraftgaming #minecraftfunnymoments #minecraftmoments #minecraftfunny #minecraftletsplay #minecraftplays #minecraftvtuber #minecraftvtubers… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT BASE BUILD!!! 🤯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT EASY SURVIVAL BASE 🏠 #shorts’, was uploaded by GS GAMER ZONE on 2024-04-22 02:30:07. It has garnered 109 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Hey guys! Today I’ll be playing (game) and in this video I will be showing you free fire . If you enjoyed it, let me know and be sure to leave a like and subscribe! YOU CAN FIND ME ON : 1. Instagram: 2. Maine channel subscribe here !! YOUR QUERIES – hello guys.In this video I will teach you how… Read More

  • 🔥 BLOODRÆGE’s Epic Transformation in Minecraft #shorts

    🔥 BLOODRÆGE's Epic Transformation in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sheep As Anime character #shorts’, was uploaded by BLOODRÆGE on 2024-01-28 08:54:09. It has garnered 81 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. so i did it Cursed Minecraft image created by ai prompt! Minecraft sheep as anime character hope yall stop with that weird contraption now 🙁 @youtube #shorts #ai #minecraft #funny Read More

  • SpaceSMP

    SpaceSMPSpaceSMP is a friendly, application only SMP with a little twist: The players vote on an update each week and our developers code it! Read More

  • Iperios SMP McMMO Custom Enchant Nation Wars Geopolitics Lore Dynmap Whitelist

    Introduction: In Iperios, create your own nation and refine your McMMO skills to fight in wars, gain Geopolitical power, conquer new territories, and earn wealth with Custom Enchants. Create Your Nation: Customize your own nation with unique government, laws, and ranks. Alternatively, join an existing nation. Geopolitics: Conquer resource camps in-game to establish your nation’s income for Geopolitical expansion. Explore a variety of resources and structures; find more details on our Discord channel. Plugins: Dynmap McMMO Essentials GriefPrevention SilkSpawner CrazyEnchants How to Join: Join our Discord server and request whitelist. Find server IP and starter information in #info-new-players. A staff… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Ultimate Minecraft Mod: Nostalgia Overload!

    Minecraft Memes - Ultimate Minecraft Mod: Nostalgia Overload!“Ah, the Better Minecraft Mod giving you nostalgia? Must be the good ol’ days of endlessly digging for diamonds and running from creepers.” Read More

  • Crafty Mom, Minecraft Bomb: Block Xuan’s Rhyme

    Crafty Mom, Minecraft Bomb: Block Xuan's Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, like a pleasant dream. With animations funny, and humor that’s bright, Each video a delight, a pure delight. Never reason with your mother, the lesson is clear, In Minecraft, the rules are different, have no fear. From classroom series to song adaptation, all in rhyme, Fangkuaixuan’s channel, a true gem, every time. So leap into the verse, with beats that ignite, Crafting Minecraft news, each update a delight. Iacing every detail with a grin and a spin, Fangkuaixuan’s rhymes, a true win-win. Read More