Discover the Origins SMP story!

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Oh my gosh don’t do this not again bro why why Minecraft why you like this you were fine you were fine oh my gosh you have got to be kidding me why do you do this game there is no reason to be doing this is it literally just if I’m have a

Stream if I have streamlabs open that is so stupid H I hate that so much I’m sick I don’t deserve this I don’t deserve my life being harder I’m a good boy I’m a good boy I never did anything wrong I’m such a good kid I’m not a kid

But I did so well also okay hello did anything wrong hello hey we can see Asin sky and Ember and the old engineer and uran and yeah join me with crying because it’s not working oh my gosh I have no idea why it’s not either it should be working

Fine it was working fine until I literally hit go go live and it literally crashed on que like that’s not even a joke it literally crashed as I hit go live let’s hope I can actually get now get me oh my gosh why why is it doing

This is it literally not going to let me do this if I have streamlabs open I don’t understand why it’s doing this let me minimize it maybe that’ll make a difference I don’t I don’t understand what’s going on I don’t know why this is the thing like why would it only crash

When I have this it that don’t make sense why crash when me stream that don’t make sense don’t make no sense it’s stupid it’s very stupid yeah I’m just gonna close Discord maybe that maybe my I don’t know maybe my stupid thing needs more RAM I don’t

Know why I would need more RAM I have like a very high-end computer so I don’t know now we wait hopefully it works if it doesn’t I’m gonna kill some people not real life a high table bro I still I still feel like crap too I don’t know what’s going on guys the

Screen is Darkness because Minecraft is having a moment it’s like not wanting to run it was literally fine I’ve been playing it a lot today and then I open I open streamlabs and I hit go live and it immediately crashed okay Minecraft I see the tab Minecraft

Open open and don’t crash it’s all you got to do yes you’re loading loading is good this is good this is what we want yes the bar fil no yes multiplayer as soon as it works I’m doing lore let’s do this please don’t kick me now yes okay okay three two one go

Huh okay I got out take the armor off now think should be fine for now I don’t even know what day it is it’s kind of okay well I need to let him out first hopefully it’s just there you go okay buddy please be here buddy pal buddy old friend come

On okay said he be right behind me should see the portal open so there go Anyways one I do wonder how much time was that huh I don’t remember that being thing before blocks don’t didn’t really bring much wasn’t a good idea but you know I survived survived way longer there would have preferred if my friends okay you know what I’m after should be fine okay let’s see

It oh hello friend hi every buddy you okay did you get lost okay you you sound you sound not great buddy behind you buddy right here turn around you can’t see very well right here come on yeah I am four blocks away okay in here stand in this and you’ll go Through oh oh gosh hey um um hello oh dear gosh okay oh gosh Butters I you need okay okay okay hold on H you got to be kidding me mods mods bro if I log off it’s gonna kick me no oh my gosh whatever

Okay um oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh hold on guys this is gonna be stupid I don’t I need to think about how to get out of this situation it spawned me in a block bro the universe is not being nice

To me today sick this is happening it’s not fair anyways I got the right link oh nit did good okay hold on guys I’ll be hold on I’m gonna I’m gonna get help guys I need saving I need saving areed the people that can help you are

Deafened dude I am in so much danger everyone else that is every everyone that is undened right now can even get on the server right now God dude dude I kid you not I kid you not I go back through the deep dark portal and it SP

SPS me inside the reinforc Deep slate there is nothing I can do I logged out the server before it killed me there’s nothing that can be done another another issue I need to tell you is that um voice sh is working I mean I hear you oh okay yeah you sound you sound

Really Okay lava lava when I log onto the server I need you to have the TP Box Car assassin the butter is immediately ready okay TP when I logged in when I came back through the portal okay it teleported me into the block I’mma go in and you immediately

Need to save me here we go save me buddy okay save me yes Save and I have no HP again that’s done and I am down to no HP hello hello all right is that it yes can you heal me hold on you hear me now yeah Butter’s mine are you

Good yeah Butters um yeah thanks lava um Butters it says that my voice is going through all right you guys figure that out okay you guys got that yeah it said Butters it says my voice is coming through it says it it’s the mic’s showing up so

It’s okay anyways I got a mute on Discord now please don’t crash me you didn’t last time yes I’m good okay anyway yeah so this is this is where I came from well not here but kind of um yeah well this well this is kind of just spread because can I break

This kind of don’t want this to be active you break one of these these blocks we don’t really want people going in there that was bad you seem to be a to break it faster than I can anyway so it’s fine just gonna the armor somewhere where I easily get it

And there we go okay yeah so now no one will accidentally go in there and have the worst time of their life okay so yeah the the I think the skull spread because of like Catalyst and stuff came through okay so um well we can I’m I’ll get you to the

Overworld we just got to honestly I think we you see all the chests around you you know I I told you what chest is the chest should have stuff for us that’ll like be good for us okay like you know um tools some armor

For you I mean oh wa I forgot I can do that huh yeah I yeah skull isn’t solid it’s useful and not yeah a lot oh books yes love books okay cool yeah your your place had oh right about that I’m just this is a swift sneak book

Basically if you put it on Armor pieces it’ll make you like when you crouch you move faster I have your dimension really doesn’t have many books I mean it had some it had journals but oh this this is so weird oh I got a hoe let’s go not very helpful but

So what that’s what oh that’s um that’s horse armor it’s for an animal CAU a horse it’s like armor but for an animal that we can ride huh that’s mad yeah the wardens the wardens can show up here too if enough streakers go off so I can’t I can’t send them

Off I want to get one here hold on I want to see if the same thing applies wow they are really not showing up yeah but is the game in peaceful why aren’t they spawning anyways yeah I can go ground huh can I go up oh I can oh that’s great

Okay oh I got a music disc oh there he is my friend he’s right he’s up here I’ll push him down I’ll break him there he is buddy can you get down okay he’s kind of stuck can you break his block so you can get down come on buddy don’t be

Scared there you go Hi friend you know fun fact when I before I like came to your dimension for a really long time and this happened to me they actually used to attack me yeah I guess I got enough skull and view on me now that I guess I classify

As skull being so he’s not attacking cool what the heck is potato recovery can I get potatoes I’m gonna I can recover potatoes I have potato recovery what does that Do anyways let’s keep Going what oh yeah that’s a that’s you know the sensors activate stu oh white lava yeah I mean I don’t know if you’re firing me and I I mean I I had a lot of knowledge going into this so I was is there another one sounds really close I don’t know somewhere got

Coal what’s wrong oh buddy I got you some armor here you go oh um might not want to oh um yeah if you want to put it on just you can’t read so you might as well put it on because you don’t know what’s on it so just put it on

Budd you can’t read so there you go okay bro I was going to say I was like really hoping that like you’re will to stay in character would be stronger than not putting on Cur of binding I mean it’s pretty good leggings you shouldn’t need to take it off where’d you

Go I for sorry buddy I keep forgetting you literally can’t see yeah I get these skull tends okay there’s another one that is good friend but we should keep going we need to find I’m hoping to find at least materials to possibly make a oh I got music dis that was fun

Time huh I a lot of oh that was weird oh you did yeah yeah you should take I took the coal yeah the candles you can um if we have flint and steel we can light them oh look at that I don’t have a pickaxe this is diamonds this is good from this

Right below you you’re standing on it yeah but I don’t have Stu I’m I don’t have stuff though yeah I’m this this is what I’m talking about I need we need to get tools so we can actually yeah over here yeah I see I see you buddy right

Behind you oh you went oh wow you went far yep I got enough pieces to make a music this that’s fun yeah use those for Stuff well right here there you go yeah you got to eat membranes we can get you some they spawn on the over at um sometimes at

Night right on the other side of you buddy oh yeah sure I’m not going to look at it in case it crashes but I’ll look at it soon what oh hi okay there there’s one up there I have skull block I can go for bro there are so many diamonds here

But I don’t have the stuff to get them oh my gosh though that is great so I don’t think I explained everything to you there’s like good like there’s like stuff in this world that’s like made out of stuff that we can’t get from where we were and it can be like

Really good like I got some enchanted golden apples and basically what that does is it temporarily makes you basically Invincible it’s handy if you want to grab skull blocks I think you can get up to that chest but I can’t I don’t have anything I get yeah

Try getting up yeah get up there and see what’s in there honestly I think we might just have to make pickax uhhuh my inventory is so full it’s not helpful that’s awful that saddle will be helpful though yeah that was a curse book The Curse books are bad for us they do mean

Things okay so finding a tool is not going well and I haven’t seen Iron so I can’t just make our way out well we need we need to get like if we break an ore though it won’t actually give us that block I we need like the stuff the ores would drop

Yeah that’s wo okay you know what I’m I’m Going Back to Basics right here I’m gonna I’m gonna make my way out okay so I’m going to get wood and I’m going to make crafting table and a pickaxe and then I’m going to we got to we got

To get about ground we’re going to do anything oh yeah you break stuff fast thank you okay we need I need a bit more where is the more right oh here’s some more wood oh I don’t know what you were trying to do butter you’re kind of hard to

Understand can you understand me better yeah what’s up the dark I did not get oh I get the darkness effect sometimes but I didn’t get it from you okay so if I do this that what the heck was that I don’t even know anyways make this then I mine three of

These what three these things it’s going to make something called Cobble deep slate which is what I need okay you can hold on that I’m going to pick up these oh I didn’t break one okay I think you took one of these do you have one of these what this block in my

Hand yeah the Cobble deep SL stuff I don’t okay can you take that thing I just gave you and break a block break one of these okay that’s enough thank you okay make a pickaxe now the key is thank you I’m like really full stuff

Thank you okay so want I um yeah t I’m going to throw you just a couple things like all your I can hold a lot of your Val okay well I’m going to keep one regen potion actually regen is probably like the only way I can recover

Normally take all that for now that should be everything I have a book okay uh yeah yeah sry Budd yeah you should take that um I guess there might be Iron down well I don’t know what one of these ore is I’m going to try breaking it cuz I don’t we need

Iron to get stuff like diamond so if we can’t Get let me see oh that’s gold yeah I don’t see any on the ceiling we want I mean deep like the farther down you go iron becomes rarer so it honestly might not even be down this far we are I here we are very far down

So it might take us a to figure our way out of this place what’s this that’s lava did you burn I burn no I don’t burn okay okay so yeah those might be good for reaching the ceiling too there’s red stone okay come here buddy there’s something over here I’m going to try

Breaking oh it’s like stuff that can power more complicated things everybody behind you wait okay wait I see Iron I see a thing of iron hopefully there’s three of them oh my gosh no way what it’s a it’s a vein of iron wait hold on buddy I’m grabbing iron

We’re GNA get us out of here okay oh wait yeah there is iron down here good job where’d you go friend there you are okay so I need to pick up a cou couple more of these do you have that crafting table still yeah can you put that down another

Buddy okay that’ll start cooking use what oh you you like like touch it and then you can like put stuff in it to make more stuff you’ll I’ll I’ll start teaching you how to make some stuff I something what’ you make oh you made a sword good job stone

Sword that’s oh he’s up there now huh huh okay you stay right you stay with friend I’m going go grab wood okay need two sticks I’m gonna have to go to the other side of the universe to get wood also hello everyone in stream sorry talk less

Obviously when lore stream is going on but yeah once we get out of here we won’t do full lore we’ll do like a bit of other stuff too like having fun and talking to people but like we started down here with no tools or no way out so like

Getting out is like Priority One you know get out of here okay let’s go back where why did I stop here y’all know me I’m going to need all yet oh yes books oh yeah book let’s go back come friend I’m telling you guys I got quite the op origin this time

Coming okay I’m here oh I got to not be wearing something to do that okay what I can’t like phase into blocks if I have my armor on oh good to know can I go you take well hold on I’ll make here you go it’s made out of something called

Iron we can mine more stuff now but I’m going to try and get iron stuff well some more before we go Anywhere H mad he’s mad he mad at me me how wait whoa he did enough what how much resistance do I have Butters did you I got punched by the warden and lost one heart EXC me if I you okay well I just lost almost everything that makes no

Sense bro Butters is like 18 times stronger than the warden okay what pretty sure I can do yeah okay that’s going to make it more I have another one on me okay let’s go we go back um that might not be for the why we broke the Porta

Budy but we can fix it don’t worry about so don’t worry too much we’ll go back soon I mean I know how to this stuff what can I do with sink okay Z is not useful me right now probably okay I I some right now well if you I mean I have

Four yeah like if you want to if you want to go home bud you can but I’m not going back in there at least not now I thre him right here okay I need to go find those diamonds I need to find what there what oh you need food that’s why you

Need to go back there if you want to go back there you can I’m going to stay here I need to go find those diamonds I need you need four what oh for no oh wait I yeah neither of us can do that sadly and I haven’t got in a silk

Book I mean can you do move Cobble deep slate no I yeah I can’t get that I’m sorry wait can’t oh wait no you can forgot about that okay there you go I put a coal piece in it’ll work also no I don’t I’ll get okay yeah you

Stay there I’ll be right back I’m going see if I can find the diamonds okay so I saw two things of diamonds but I have no idea where any of them are no one’s died yet which is surpris I almost did to a bug been very

Unhappy not how I want to start be being one of the strongest Origins on the server there’s a flower down here that’s OD this guy doesn’t really know what he’s doing down here you know he seems nice I trusted him in there I trust him

Here too so just got to take care of I guess oh my gosh where are these diamonds I saw them we all saw them not crazy get some gold I guess I I’m going to have to soon I fig everything else out luckily me in most cases I don’t actually

Activate sensors so that’s nice I wonder if I could beat a warden with my own p i mean when I was just now I didn’t have like any actual power I can fly fly without an elely that was about now I that I have real Powers I wonder if I can do

It I don’t think any of us initially could beat him maybe I mean I doubt many if any of my friends are going to still be above ground but maybe maybe some of them are still around El John kept acting like something bad was going to happen here some

Buttons is it one oh two at least two so why you mine around diamonds guys you’ll find more um what I drop I’ll drop the Z need it yet probably need it soon buts oh hi buddy where are you I don’t see you oh there you I found some

Diamonds I only there was only two of them but there diamonds whoa dude look at this it’s a purple leaf can you pick it up maybe it’s skull nope but it gave us sticks that’s cool anyways wait one sec I got you more oh yeah I have the crafting table I also

Got you more there’s a CRA [Applause] Table Butters they named your skull friend Benny the voices in my head are calling Benny I don’t know why they’re just like Benny Benny what can I do with diamonds now Diamond go I’m Coming so I got I’m hold on this this needs to breathe there we go yes it is okay okay so it might be more oh yeah there is all yep got to mine around him I S something since what oh if you sense Betty no it’s some different oh is there

A person oh okay you went far coming yeah buddy you’re going far away thought huh no maybe someone did come down here maybe I don’t know I don’t think any of my friends are going to be here I don’t I was I was down I’m assuming I

Was in there for a really long time I’m I wouldn’t be surprised if none of my friends are still around I don’t know though um we might want to try leaving wait okay I see some diamonds over there I’m going to go get those and then we’re going to try to get above

Straight Ahead oh my gosh well lava doesn’t burn but it be annoing it out I want to go back like I said bu if you want to if you want to go light the portal and take a step in you can I’ll Make A Way up for us at the portal how do

I oh I can light it you just got to put that piece back in I’m going to grab blocks though so I can actually I mean as long as you give me the thing back yeah yeah because I can’t let anyone else get their hands on this

Heart just one sec I’ll meet I I’ll go to the portal I’ll be right there need to get enough blocks for this lais I mean probably going to enchant sometime wasn’t able to enchant this skull gear in there it’ll be good to do hopefully get some mending on it that

Would be great so I don’t have to worry about getting more hey guys you want hey guys check out some Powers I got by the way where is the portal there’s the portal I’m coming buddy oh got to go around hold on any moment got to waste some blocks and here I

Am okay just as soon as you light drop it okay okay make sure you drop it before you go in go thanks you just yeah take your time yeah I’m going to start making a way out he’s a good guy hopefully he’ll be fine in the over

I mean if he needs to come back here again so should be fine it’s not like he can never STV what I might have enough box yeah I do have enough box sick oh I am I am so ready to get out of here oh I’ve not seen sunlight in literally so

Long I don’t like I said I don’t know how long I was in there time means like nothing time means nothing in the skull also I just realized I can probably dig straight up without any repercussions I can’t burn I can’t drown I can’t take fall damage I have a really

High resistance with his armor on though I am at like literally better off level oh no way people are going to think I’m hacking wait what why are they Shak no one here makes St okay whoa whoa whoa chill out someone’s here someone has to be here there’s no

Way me and butters can’t make them do that we can’t spawn so yeah people going to think I’m hacking after finding that I’m not going to lie I might be hacking now yo who’s here maybe he did AG maybe breaking the or did wait is it coming from the

Port I’m really hoping not the w i could be bad yeah be fine should stock up on my power yeah okay so breaking stuff will make them mad but other than that they seem fine good know just keep keep bu might need to make a new pickax proba diamond Pick keep hearing weird sounds wait are they above me why would they be above me the Deep dart’s ended also guys I might tell the closet if I do it’s going to make oh my go here hi buddy how was that telling you there’s a lot of stuff

I wasn’t here when I was here beautiful no idea what that does we just probably [Applause] Wait right here going to some of my owers still work oh okay he’s yeah I’m not I can’t go back in there because it might just crash me or like I mean put me in that in that thing again I [Applause] that I’m going to risk it I’m going to pck see if

Crashes H oh friend you came back okay so um no thank you I don’t eat anymore okay come with me friend and I’ve started our way out just don’t fall here all right found more friends up here actually there was two of them keep keep going up

I mean yeah this isn’t where we’re aiming for he went away okay I guess we can just try on bus we got to go we got to get above it’s where most wood is and like other things that we need to survive I mean I actually know that

Anymore I don’t eat I don’t need food so there is stuff up there we eat coming yeah we’re really just looking for a way up I know I’m waiting I do you have sensors on you yeah I got cobbled skull Stone you have yeah that’s new no I gave you all mine but

Nope nope nope yep nope nope nope yep yep okay I dropped one right there yep yep it’s all I got right now it’s all the XP I had the more XP I get I can start giving you more so if I break this stuff yeah I think they’re trying to get

Mad at me for breaking stuff but then they kind of just have to stop aggra F yeah I’m right here where are you right here I got 19 diamonds going this way up there you know if you can go up go up I’ll meet you up there okay there’s nothing up

Here yeah we’ll start digging there then just go up don’t go straight up just like staircase up all right see me y I’m right behind you we’re at we should be kind of close actually lot of new things since I was around I guess the world probably I

Don’t know GRE new plants form new stones oh what is this oh that’s dirt oh oh my gosh I see land I see life oh never mind this is just a lush cave yes so you aren used to this these are plants they’re green I could fin touching grass exactly

We’re so close to touching grass buts buts we’re so close hold on I found a spawner yo I got rope I know what to do with rope I think that’s what call it you got a what hold on buddy sorry I’m getting broke I know exactly what I got I got

A oh let me oh oh that’s a quiver I think I heard about this you can put arrows in it and you can shoot bows and stuff okay let’s go I think I saw a way out I still understand way oh um we we’re we’re underground right now like

We’re in a really big cave I mean the skull Dimension is basically only cave so there some Vines oh my gosh wait oh my gosh right there what oh my gosh I see skot oh my my gosh I’ve not seen sky in so long I don’t

Even know how long it’s been keep saying it cuz it’s true sky sky sky oh my gosh yeah it’s night time when it’s night it’s dark like this oh my gosh oh hi you’re up there I’m coming up I’m still kind of stuck I don’t have any

Blocks yeah there’s some mean things in there oh my gosh oh this feels so oh my gosh water so many oh gosh yeah those blow up those hurt that’s a creeper they will go up to you and then they will blow up oh my gosh snow snow snow

Snow oh by the way this stuff is cold white stuff is cold so be aware of that is that what this doing yep that’s being cold oh my gosh follow my voice child you are my son now dude I have to place okay guys guys in actual Cannon Fox got trapped in

That portal met a nice skull lady and we made Butters the end totally totally totally have it dress dress I didn’t know skull could be that hot bro but is so uncomfortable stop talking ah I forgot about this ah what’s this powder snow break break it break it break

It just break every block around you okay you’re good you’re I’m fine I’m fine yeah if you fall in that you just start getting really cold so you got to break it okay I fell right back in all yeah escaping stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck break everything around you buddy

There you go right here made a way out nope still in it let’s get out of this this way okay by the way Butter’s apparently my chat telling me that rer is looking for me so that’s fun I wonder why that’s oh it’s oh it’s raining and

Snowing it’s wet what is that orange tree that’s anyways yay water this is wet it makes you wet anyways oh my oh yeah so before okay so we should probably set up a base and it should probably be near here this is the deep dark I just really don’t want to build

In the snow building in the snow is not enjoyable I mean if you want to set up a base in the deep dark you can I can make like a tunnel to it spider well yeah we can get a bunch more like um sensors and we can put them all

Around wher we settle too okay ah we’ll go back and break it soon okay so what is it what does it smell like where’d you go oh I was going to say I don’t know where you are I’m coming oh that’s a creeper that is definitely wrong oh my gosh there’s a

Person um hi ah don’t oh bad Butters it’s fine this person’s like me can’t come with me stop being if you just open your eyes it’s not that hard y it’s fine oh there is more people here hello you I do not know who oh okay

Yeah he need he needs those to see hold on I’m sorry SC y payp need a dollar please bro bro I already paid some dude lava killed them first I respect killing him though thank you yeah no love no yeah no but Butters butter Butters I Butters I said I

Literally straight up said like whoever kills him first gets a dollar lava killed him within like two seconds just like instantly wait I see him oh my gosh I see lava dude lava’s right up there on that mountain flower lava is like heading this way you should be scared of that

Anyways so yeah um my name is box my friend here is Butters he can’t see so he’s really jumpy yeah he doesn’t see you see he doesn’t I mean who are you you I saw that but it’s quick look at my stream but you see it happen on my

Stream quickly oh my gosh I’m clipping that that is getting clipped so hard oh I’m clipping that so hard I’m that is getting oh good thank you for oh yeah sure don’t kill more people wait yeah who are you exactly who are you every better just take

This don’t fall T Scot T Scott bit out character I hope you know that I T Scott T Scott I’m not going to lie I had the perfect shot on that in my stream after this is over I’m clipping it I hope you are aware you guys have

My yeah yeah you you hold on to some stuff for me oh no no no don’t do it don’t do it wait can you hold some stuff for me buddy ow I didn’t do anything oh buddy buddy I have a I have a present for you here’s a hoe everyone loves a good

Hoe wa yeah but who are who who’s I don’t know who either of you are you don’t look familiar you do who exactly are you um how long have you been in this land how long have you been in this land other guy I just got here I escaped from the abyss

You’re you are be you are very quiet hello how do I do that I do that again I’m going to die got it okay yeah I got okay yeah how long have you been in this land I’ve been wait wait flower yeah hold on there we go okay yeah hi

Serious I got to turn off other side you remind me of someone in that gave that gives me very much anxiety look at the look look at the face look at the face flowers it’s me box remember got trapped in a portal for a long time went

Through the portal didn’t come out oh my gosh yeah I found a way to open it again how flower how long has it been like think about when I went in the portal apparently how long has it been I was so I hibernation a thousand years I got stuck

In it I just know that he created yeah I created this guy technically oh gosh sorry I’m going insane and there’s a voice in my head that’s making that’s making noises at me bro they named one of they named Butter’s friend Benny shut up I got he’s just saying in my head

Okay wait wait he’s got he’s got’s chat can you start spamming his chat with in all caps help comma he’s coming please thank you help he’s coming help he’s coming he’s coming Butters he’s coming oh no don’t come oh do it oh no oh my gosh okay now my chat’s

Doing Butters where you go you Butters guys my creation’s gone I need my creation are you by the way who are who are you by the way oh my creation oh I’m box my name’s box no I didn’t stop I’m I’m flower okay nice to meet you I met you already

Oh yeah so I knew flower before she went in hibernation so I don’t know how long ago it’s been it seems that the skull Place does do weird stuff at the time so I went in a portal portal closed they couldn’t get me out and then I

Eventually found my way out and now I’m here I used to be an owl now I’m this I don’t even know what you would call me name is T Scott got stuck in the void oh that sucks I saw flying yeah I so did I I see a guy right

There oh my gosh that so close bro it really does function like a rail gun just like wait wait wait wait wait don’t move wait wait lava yo I hit him he ran away though I got him the funny thing is during this entire thing I just have I just have little

Musicing flow how I used to be like like just like I could fly yeah you were an owl yeah yeah yeah watch look I can do this if I I can like manifest anything with skull that I want with using my experience I I don’t I can like slow

Fall fall see look I don’t take any fall damage like ever I can also do that a little bit I also don’t take fall damage and I can and I can go I I think I can do this I just got to learn how to fly again basically cuz I oh wait

Yeah do that on me look look look look do that on me do that on me I think you said T Scott do it on me to recharge also chat this is a I have it’s a combination of a few you got this I believe I’m fire and lava

Resistant oh well it’s raining so I couldn’t tell anyway oh also made this while I was down there what you want to know what else I can do yeah are you this resistant what yes I am apparently apparently you are that resistance oh also also um flower

Uhhuh Now You See Me Now you don’t oh and oh you teleport that’s cool I do this I knew someone who could oh I can do that with skull blocks so I can go into the ground if it’s SK if I take armor off if I stop running then I start

Suffocating oh that’s not fun watch this I’m in it oh you can do it too has to be can do it anywhere although I don’t I don’t suffocate though in skull which is cool how okay by the way how because I couldn’t get it to work oh um if you

Armor it don’t work and if you just like you got to shift into it no no I mean like out of L in the in the data pack oh I don’t know what I don’t know what lava did okay I’ll ask lava after anyway um flower the wardens

Aren’t mad at me anymore either like I like yeah no if the warden see me they just kind of like yeah no I guess they see me as a skull now so I mean I I pretty much am a skull being now I’d say it’s pretty imbued in me also my friend

Is up there so I’m gonna go after him yeah I kind want wanted to don’t die again you already got one clip so far don’t make me make another one did you see that by the way you’re lucky I didn’ts side that no your no your friend uh your friend just I saw

One of the things oh yeah he’s going okay now they’re going this way I have remember I um T Scott fun fact I have impeccable sens of Direction okay hi okay yeah I the mysterious man BL yeah U make sure to break it okay wait wait wait

Butters you can’t read right wait wait wait she’s got Butters you can’t read right buters come here buters come here okay look at this thing you see this piece of wood right here see this piece of wood you can’t read you can’t read this right no okay good this this this says

Lava lives here please touch my stuff so go ahead and touch them I am sorry for what I’m about to do go ahead you can take his stuff and yeah can’t cannot read something I mean yeah gu guys I’m not gonna lie I’ve I’ve been abusing the fact that he can’t read I

Made him wear curs of B yeah t Scot I’ve been abusing the fact that he can’t read I beat in Cannon I made him put on curs of binding pants because he couldn’t read what the enchantments were also watch this I have no cool down that’s a pretty cool Power

Flower ran away by the way Yeah I want to meet everyone that’s yeah let’s go let’s move oh yeah you can I’m gonna I I want to find more people guys we just got to make sure that we don’t run out a few thousand blocks like we did last time T Scott come on

Oh my God bro I like went over I put that over your shoulder like oh yo there’s a village F you can see a village now don’t fall in thatle don’t fall in that hole can yo he can’t he can’t see like ever Butters but Butters I’m coming

Coming Butters Follow Me This Way follow me this way you look at I can’t because Minecraft is stupid can you look at my screen see what I’m going yeah look at this bro at this see yeah oh come on T scoot let’s scoot bro can’t see entities outside of like 5

Feet he keeps teleporting it’s not going to end well for him he’s in the Village go there it’s flower buddy go there calm down Butters that’s a pig is this you no that’s a pig now the pig is dead I heard that you you I can’t eat that where T SC go t SC hey this is my Village I don’t I haven’t taken anything I’m just like

Talking to them because they’re in here okay bro what the heck is going on in this iron golem does this man look normal to any of you T T Scott does this guy look normal to you yeah T Scott can you look at my stream yeah one second let me go back

Yeah got to pull up I don’t I don’t know how to feel about this development this suic oh I see I see it I see it I don’t know what’s wrong with that I’m a supers Sonic that’s an iron golem bro what if I I thought that was a fluke

When you did it to me if you hit someone from B it sends them flying I head shot you might want to be picking up your skull sensors as you go because you are going to run out okay make sure that book stays safe at all cost oh Butters

Died well I’m in department for a new son T Scott would you like to be my son I already have the blue left eye exactly I mean to be mine mine came from being around too many Souls you know what soul magic is I have

An attachment to a soul oh you know have you been into the deep dark no not not yet yeah I was uh well I found one once and I opened the portal and it kind of closed behind me although good news is I have this heart that lets me open the new one

So I had to kill something for this don’t worry about it it was hard it was a bad thing it wanted to murder a lot of stuff so I was saved from life so have you seen anyone else around here not this area I was talking with a

Bunch of uh nature freaks earlier I mean not freaks but they specifically were freaks oh can I you know where they were no they left me behind and then I died was that before or after you UNC canonically fell into the canyon before like near the beginning

Okay yeah flower do you know where anyone is no okay I need to I want to meet people is you that said yeah he’s he’s in the department for a new son I think I’m going to be his son because we both have the blue eyes yeah yeah yeah so I need to

Like yeah I don’t anyways so I need to like figure out like if any more of our people survived ah dang I need to figure out if our guy if like any of our friends are still alive flower because I don’t know um El you remember if you remember elj

Eljon said something was happening and and then I was but I was in the portal before anything did happen yeah I T Scott don’t move good job bro I was like I’m gonna shoot that thing and I was like as soon as I start I was like wait T Scot’s probably about

To move in front of me I was like yo T Scott don’t you dare like Mo an age yeah but I felt the world being torn apart that’s not great or something it hurt I me people got superpowers around here basically maybe someone had the power to

Survive I mean t t Scot um most likely did not survive what did I just do oh I put armor on what yeah yeah t SC I knew someone called T scoot that like went to a different place I think he was like from space so like really in space oh hi hi

Butters Butters you have a brother now I adopted T Scott adopted me wait but butter wait Butters butter butter but Butters we both have a blue eye though he’s bro I’m bro I’m bringing out the belt I just realized something what son I’ll put you down son I’ll put you

Down I have the punishment sword son oh that’s an Enderman I don’t know if you even saw him you probably heard him though that thing going that’s a end of it he’s teleporting right now rain hurts them bro my sky is having a seizure I’m curious will this

Work it does we can go through glass Hi friend you need to stop killing people buters chill bro you’re so lucky your spawn point is in there yo flower how many men are you sleeping with right now look how many men are you sleeping with FL this is kind of awkward that

Bro I told go away but they n Cannon I’m moving can you make a door made of the white brick I’m looking up door yeah you can there’s no bed here oh well buy move your bed steing someone else’s bed why are you picking all the small houses because I’m because I’m

Simple that’s one word i’mna I’m gonna i’mna do I need to kidnap you again like I did in the end that one time I I don’t bro there ain’t no way you’re getting all everyone in existence to sleep we need to turn back on that half player count thing

Yeah CU we ain’t all sleeping that ain’t happening yeah I’m gonna I’m gonna just make I’m gonna make this cooking place even though I can’t e Butters but he’s gone again he’s actually not gone he just went some oh T back T Scot I saw you triping fall are

You okay I’m fine I’m setting my spawn though I don’t know where my son went so you should be safe listen your son’s a little murdery dude this is his first interaction of anything not in the sculp dimension that’s true actually everything Dimension I assume is like the stuff

That’s not in the dimension yeah cuz I wasn’t I yeah cuz I wasn’t from there reminder like I kind of look like I was but I went in I’m just saying I’m assuming if if the skul dimension creatures or anything like the non skull Dimension creatures they’re pretty

Hostile and don’t kindly to visitors uhhuh okay I’ll be right back I got to go do Something so um what was estron by the way EST I’m sorry my my chat is being insane um somebody just killed your son I think you should go check on that yeah that’s uh he’s AFK but yeah no that’s that’s one of the that’s one of the freaks that were like

Way too obsessed with nature like Beyond just wanting to be part of nature like they like were mad that I liked technology I I don’t really know no no no I’m not saying I’m not saying people that are in I’m just saying they were so

To that side that they were mad that I was a technological guy that’s why they’re freaks I think te is fine as I expect as long as it doesn’t like enironment H most most of the stuff that I do doesn’t most of it’s like geothermal and stuff

Drown oh I remember these still don’t know where my son went my son like disappeared from the someone killed your son one of the people that I met earlier where is he can we go see him I want to meet the people that kill myself no I

Just I just I just knew I just want to high five I’ve sensed a death I just want to talk I just want to talk I just want to talk to him I just want to talk I just want to shoot I just want to talk I I have

Rope I also have tomato seeds keeping those you can have one I’m keeping the rest I’m pretty sure these would operate like anything else once you have one you can make more Yep guys I’m not gonna lie my I thought my chat was gonna think I was hacking I have 19 diamonds without

Fortune and now was just for me trying to get out of the deep dark like I literally was like I’m going to start digging a hole right here and I dug straight into diamonds I was hacking I am hacking T Scott I’m admitting it I I broke the

Law yo T Scott T Scott what’s what’s that stuff over there green I’m look at I think that’s I want to touch it poison ohar what I do with this for okay so this just seems to be another Stone T it’s pretty though oh I really like that cut oh gosh looks

Beautiful coming back hey if you guys want to like if you guys want to come with me I’m going to go Adventure I’m going to go find more people can you like wait a few seconds for me to finish cooking this yeah yeah yeah um by the way I forgot another

Thing I get I don’t have to eat like ever I don’t get hungry it’s great you remember how much bro out of bro I’m not you T Scott you remember the pain of being me on our last team trying to only eat meat bro this was Justice

For me who are I know but this was just in your heart you know in your heart you know that this is my Justice that I deserve what do I do with rope to make I need straw to make rope what do I do oh I’m totally making a rope Arrow

Stra how much straw you need how much straw you need man do you have straw seed you get you get straw by getting a knife and then just bopping the bopping the grass oh I can make a knife okay because I don’t need to make diamond sword or armor because I already got

Better armor than that skull had some pretty decent stuff in there I have bones what what are you oh an onion you can have some of the onions what’s this do we have a backpack thing I actually got enough to make a music disc while I was down there so that’s

Fun oh bro I need my son to come back my son was my backpack I can carry some stuff I want I I’m gonna put that in quotes hang on yeah someone quote that my son back he was my backpack you’re my friend so I’m UST to

You with some good stuff oh my God don’t lose it though try not to I should be fine I have a Butters had most of my stuff okay now Butters is coming back I’m gonna get him here first and then we’re gonna ship out I said it in main chat that’s not

That’s a good thing no no one’s goingon to attack us if and if so I get front yeah no yo wait yeah no this is even my base this is flowers base sorry about that uh I’m gonna well now you got to move there’s no choice

Now I’m gonna like make it like a cafe here FL oh hi buts your is back hi son okay welcome back backpack I mean my son I have some more stuff for you friend here can can I give him the stuff youed yeah yeah yeah give him that okay yeah wait

You guys stay there for stay there for one second sorry okay we got to keep going oh yeah it’s lava again remember you sawere hi lava my friend okay some flower you know how I had those books you know how I had those books earlier flower like before

Like before everything went down I had all kinds of books to give me all kind of knowledge yes or no you remember I got this book from the skull Dimension flower oh FL you know how I can remove people for being alive completely no no flower flower no it’s not that it’s not

Flower I can get them back oh my gosh I okay so I met the people that you are you kidding yeah no I can I can bring people back that I guess permanently die I I I’ve met some of the old builders in there that were apparently skulked like me oh

Hi I punch you would that help did it help dang it I thought I thought maybe like vibrations would help you see like getting punched yeah where’s T Scott we gota we got to ship out he mines all day he mines all night what that that’s a squid and surrounded by

Salmon well bye squid just like the YouTuber squid he’s gone now like so did I I still watch him when he does stuff but he fell off but I don’t care I watch a lot of YouTubers that quote unquote fell Off there’s another end okay let’s go let’s go friends you are my friends now my my son my old friend and my other son and that other and that guy over there that’s going to keep following us I guess you know he’s it’s like it’s like that one it’s like that one

Kid I’m i’mna be very inconspicuous I’m GNA walk that way and I’m tort onto the roof okay have fun I’m gonna go yeah no um that yeah oh I’m sorry IIs oh wait yeah no I don’t got that now disappeared he’s not there anymore I’m

Not going to lie that guy reminds me of that one guy from like school like you know the person from school that’s always like you know um oh I hate you but they always want to hang out with you still that’s that guy where are we going because I don’t

You don’t like any general direction cuz I we don’t we don’t want to load like thousand go I believe yeah I don’t want to like spread thousands of blocks so like do you know general direction um we’re looking for other people also guys by the way there is it

Yeah oh crap I’m being burned okay that explains a lot um I guess I really haven’t been in sunlight for like a long time oh yeah it’s day right now by the way here I’m gonna describe how day works because I don’t think you see oh yeah he doesn’t understand he’s he I

Think he thought it would only be dark basically it’s like do you know what you know how colors are right because you can kind of see I am still sick right do you know you know how torches work no there guys it’s just like I can I can

Only feel vibration it’s like he doesn’t see color but lighter and that’s the sky It’s Not Butters it is the butters it is the opposite of dark like you know what you’re seeing right now like that wait guys Rin wait riner’s back there go someone’s on the map I don’t

Care I want to go bully him I’m break I’ll break character to bully him wait no that’s not him that’s someone else bro it’s split bully split bully split split split split he’s not Ro playing though split I’m here to bully you get him get him by

Sonically break it break break break is done steal did he steal your stuff if so I then I’m Justified oh there oh renzer is here by the way no that’s that’s her bed yeah guys guys I say that like we stay in role play unless like someone like isn’t

And then when we get close to them then we break role play until we leave I want to go talk to what is that yeah but buters did you hear me okay buts we’re going to stay in role play unless we meet up with people that

Aren’t in role play and then we’ll like break role play until we leave like just like SP was from I want to go talk R come here butter son make him stop son make him stop son make him stop my son made him stop no he didn’t get him

Son son drug him if you have to yo rinsler I killed split I killed split I killed split I killed split I everyone surround him just make a make a circle I killed split rinsler I’m so happy yeah I saw you killed my friend good job

Yeah so rinsler as like we we all agreed that like we’re going to stay in role play unless we’re around people that aren’t in role play and then we’re going to stop being in role playay and then we’ll continue once we part ways no he’s not bullying my oh yeah no Riner because

In Canon he can’t read I made him put on cursa binding pants he can’t take respect the fact that I’m yeah no he could have just said see through no that’s the armor it’s a no I see right through I can see right through her leg that’s your shaders then

Why are you looking at her leg on I don’t have shaders on yo rinsler I rler I think I rler I think for the entirety of all of our streams put together I think I might have one of the best Clips so far seriously you know when T Scott

Died of fall damage earlier oh yeah he was just within a hearing distance and all I hear is I’m running back and I turn around and I literally on Scream catch him falling and his voice gets quieter as he hits the ground it’s great as soon as this is done I’m clipping

It yeah no I don’t think flower knew what was happening flower is just like what lava skin now you happy okay sorry yeah so rinsler as a sum Butters is my son I adopted Scott so yeah MH I have children you are associating with terrorists I think terrorist you

Terrorist not terrorists I’m not a terrorist what are you talking about bro literally every time I brought up someone to work with you guys were all like oh yo you’re going to work with a terrorist like bro I’ve listed like five people how many terrorists are on the

Server five five bro I I think I’ve I think I’ve tried teaming up four out of five the terrorist bro terrorism level maximum you know what they say to find a terrorist you got to be a terrorist bro it’s like the skill Tre bro it’s the skill trees you

How in like certain G you know how in certain games there are like factions and the more you work with certain factions the higher like a level you have with those factions other factions your respect goes down bro you have maxed out the terrorist respect stat bro

Guys guys guys here hear me out guys the more you fill up the like the terrorist skill tree the the tree starts falling apart oh yeah it’s just deze Scott Scott Che and arson likes your singing voice T Scott you T Scott you’re singing but I have no right

Song okay I don’t know what it is but sure well I’ll come with it it’s for shadow saer I have no rights hey now you’re a balancer get your game on go slave I’m making that the real lyrics everyone loved it so much the first time they loved it the

First time bro I said it on accident like it was like one of those thoughts that just came to your head before you could stop yourself and it just was said on stream and everyone was like yo I was in that stream I wasn’t talking

Much but I was there yeah know it it was great that was great that was a good day that was hysterical Legends repeatedly die it’s not my fault that my friends keep coming up with excuses for me to take breaks I blame them oh I see someone else

Um what oh I see Sans guys I see Sans Sans Sans Sans Sans s s s s s s s s s s s s s bro did why did split leave the moment I killed him was like don’t he was trying to I think he was trying to

Combat log oh yeah no bro i k bro you know be great if bro it’s like I was gonna get a message from from um split in DMS being like Yo dude my origin made me in hardcore mode and I was just going to be so feeling bad where did

He where did he go he’s right here oh yeah s is he’s AFK so he’s uh you know that’s cool everyone in everyone in everyone in okay guys guyses anyone does does anyone have enough resources that we can lowkey just build a house around him before he gets

Back let’s do it build a house go the house go go go like funny Would it be for me to get a lot of that would be literally the best thing on the planet he said I’m eating he said in my chat I’m eating pizza leave me alone get

Him quickly we’re going to build him the best house build him a house going to build him a house okay yeah um yeah Riner Riner how many diamonds do you have I saw you got that in chat earlier five bro I got 19 yo what yeah no bro I went to leave the

Deep dark and I just randomly started Mining and I ran into a a 10 B and I was like yo M everyone’s totally gonna think I’m hacking can I have one can I have you what That was the best thing that has ever happened do not touch the Bell did you all know it did that yes bro bro T Scott I kid you not I was making a crafting table when I messed up so I took everything out of the crafting

Recipe and all it does the Bell was in the like takeaway slot there was nothing in the inventory though so it gave me a free Bell and I put it down and it did this okay so that’s good to know buto I was so lost I was so confused I was like

Like yo does this like is this like a rendering issue of like where some people can can’t handle certain things happening bro stop I don’t have regen bro you just got saved by the no my bell I got to now guys how do we remove this from the

Server how do we remove this from the server it needs to be gone Riner remove it from the server it needs to die Riner how do we take the Bell off the server it needs to be off the server right now because I don’t think you somebody baned

You want to know what you can do hold on wait one second I’m gonna do this and do all you can do I don’t regen stop hitting me about think about this think about this I am being in I’m in combat I’m about to lose oh this is literally the best

Thing this is the best thing this is the this is the best thing bro this should this should be okay but rler rler rinsler this just rinsler I walk out of the I walk out of the deep dark portal and be like guys discovered the ultimate power and everyone’s like what’s the

Ultimate power and I’m like this I got him he tried Butters you tried Butters you tried to do it Butters you tried I got you Butters I heard you say this oh no my go Butters this has to leave the server there’s nothing away away I will throw away my belt problem someone make a hole for the belt someone someone make a hole for the belt who’s making the Bell hole Sans Sans your AFK hole wait Sans Sans as ho

As the AFK is the Bell hole Butters Butters come put your hole in oh wait yeah okay Bell hole notd and I could leave I straight up ban Butters come put the bell in the Bell hole Butters we have a bell hole come put it in the Bell hole where’s the bell

In the Bell hole put it in the Bell hole I need to go to the bury the bells or butter I’m not unde oh guys can I not but can I not like dude my thing’s having a weird thing where half the time it’s going to crash if I tried closing Minecraft with

Streamlabs open can someone like relay me the message unless someone unds me if someone on death me do not the is that what it’s made to do by the way like above yeah but guys is that what the belt does like is that what its entire

Purpose is I I wouldn’t be surprised if that is it f I threw away my all you have to do all you have to do is like hey I’m open for business what can I get you oh wait never mind I’m closed d bro the ultimate

Horror bro I bro if you like go to fight someone and they and you walk into their base and they just have a bell down like there’s nothing you can do like you have to listen to whatever they tell you like there’s like there’s no options yeah no

Like they could spam it and you could never get back on the server yeah no bro they just got to if they know where you are they just got to keep putting bells down because it’s infinite too it’s not like a re thing and it’s free

Yeah I think we found an item that canonically came from liver or eljon himself bro I found a wait wait wait wait does everyone have a piece of redstone no I our to leave oh well we run Butters do you have Redstone do you have red dust Sans I’m

Not gonna lie I have no food oh I have glowberries I could give you stu but I don’t need to eat so please yes wait wait wait wait wait guys before you go guys before you go do you guys know where anyone is hey Butters can you give me those

Regen potions I’m not healing all right let’s go what are we doings we spawned in the deep dark okay okay so I’m going to grab some wood okay but Butters out out of lore do you have a preference of where we make base okay’s helmet

Realiz I lost I lost myase oh yeah cuz um Butters I will say I don’t think we should like live okay hold on how much my my sword does 10 damage that’s why I was hurting you so much do remember we came this way that way yeah like okay oh

Hi okay T oh wait um you come wait Butters I’ll be okay Butters yeah um yeah but what were you saying I don’t think we should like live in the Deep but I agree that we should live close to it hi cuz like like we can get as many

Sensors as we want to just set them up everywhere come here a flower went to our base can you hear me box yeah I can okay my game crashed and back up for a while yeah flower founder base dude I don’t know where my helmet bro how did we not get a backpack

Mom wait what’s a back tank oh know okay oh you died did you go get your stuff don’t tell me it’s stuck in what’s it called where’s my stuff I don’t know where you died I know that you did die you did you didn’t die while you were with

Me bro I need to get mending books as soon as possible and check it on all my skull gear it’s my goal how are you by the way I’m okay me and buts are talking about bases and like where we’re going to set up

Yeah I need to figure that out I want to live somewhere that’s kind of nice maybe this Birch Forest cuz the skull Dimension the skull should be close to this actually I know where it is cuz I also don’t want to live in the snow snow would

Suck I’m excited to see what teams end up getting formed because it looks like people are still kind of just running around yeah me and butters are teamed at least I don’t know who else is if you’re on if you want to be I don’t know who else is on us

Yeah I was H I’m happy I ran into flower since she was one of the only other ones like my character like new haven’t run in nether ne’s not started yet I don’t know I mean cookie should remember me to some degree same cookie so is it I

Think I thought cookie like did a new like character just it’s connected in some way something oh okay she want to change I remember what she said initially okay that’s not okay so she changed it I don’t know if it’s the same her initial thing was like said she was

Fun guy she survived and stuff well she did but I don’t think that’s her character oh I think it just is like back story because I think yeah I won’t say anything else but yeah okay thanks okay I think um good night good night whoever’s going to bed think Kelly oh

Yeah good night Kelly oh hi TW hi twin I’m cheetah cor accient table hi okay guys while we wait for Butters we’re going to play a EV a very kidfriendly game called smash or pass would you smash would you smash a vase into itty bitty pieces or would you

Pass by without breaking it what would you do what would you do what would you do Scott would you smash a vase into itty bitty pieces or would you pass by a vase without touching it a base a vase vase vase um would you smash a vase or

Pass by it probably just pass by it unless I had somea yeah cuz that’s that’s what Smash and passes you’re GNA break something or if you’re going to pass and walk past it obviously goodbye people in my brain why you are you stopping no someone

Oh well I need to make a knife where’s my crafting table over there I have a knife I want to make one I have diamonds what do I need a hammer for back I have knife bro T Scott we should have like a bonding night as a team one night of

It’s like what’s your most embarrassing smash like once you know that like you know everything about the person like that’s it like you guys are bonded you looked at an Enderman oh no I did I got this though everything in this universe is weak to me I am literally the hard counter to

Every mob in Minecraft now you are the final boss what do I do with rope End Dragon shows up why do I hear boss musicly Ender Dragon why do I hear Boss music exactly kind of sad that we only have one that the only bows we got come with

The new Twilight stuff and with same with Shield what the heck is a bowl of stuffed pumpkin what it’s a stuffed pumpkin in a ball oh thank you you thank you buddy that was like I have tomatoes I I want cabbage I get cabbage do you have Redstone SC red

Stone yeah no oh I had Redstone already buto it I need a piece yeah no I haven’t I haven’t been into deep caves only enough to get like iron and copper and that kind of stuff yeah that was the plus side of starting in deep dark where did Butters Go backpack left

Again oh I see him he’s this way yeah what are you doing with your rope oh I don’t know what you make it I was going to try to make a canvas but I can’t I need paper oh I have one sugar that’s all I found I got to save

That I’m not going to lie I wish had better fight I just saw your son’s face y there he is there he is hi son bye over there he’s touching lava stuff again I’m going to go I’m going to go steal lava sugarcan it’s not a Canon

Item hi Butters I’m steing a lot of sugarcane got one I’m done Oh I thought he said he was going to the backs for a second I’m taking his stuff that I can grow I took one C you know I’ll leave him a trade I’ll leave him a diamond there you

Go twin that’s why I need Redstone that’s why I’m asking what why do you need red I need a um what’s I need a redstone torch to activate something I don’t know how to prounce it now T if you want to come with me real quick I think we get it

Sign you have a sign huh you have a sign a sign I can make one okay let’s just go so in chat I think I can get back to the deep dark maybe or at least back to the cave rest them he’s not moved yet I thought he was I thought he AFK

Yeah no he is AFK you think this would be deep enough for Redstone it doesn’t look like it yeah I don’t okay come with me I know where one is okay I’m lagging just ever so slightly and I think it’s I think it’s like the world getting used to us and stuff

Yeah okay T Scott you got to be aware that what I am doing is for scientific purposes okay okay I’m already now wait but box second I need to turn my music down I don’t have music I probably should have now I’m scared to try oh look at that hi people

Hi hello hello hello hello hi hello hi are you guys doing lore no we’re not okay then then we’re not yeah okay we’re leaving yeah no I have haven’t started my base yet cuz Butters is in here and we got to coordinate that so yeah we’re going that way

Cuz you know I heard you when I was in a cave once I was like mining stuff and I just heard I heard someone and I was like who is that okay yeah that makes sense have paper by chance no cuz like no we don’t but I was like I was like I

Hear boxs and then lava was like I’m are you guys already ready painting robing you we’re robbing you we’re robbing you we’re robbing you um not yet not no no no no no not yet not yet not yet but you see you see you see uh I need I need die to

Survive yeah was moving around nummy nums num nums okay let’s go I have a I have a party gift I don’t need food let’s go either though Bye yeah T Scott listen to me this is purely scientific research can you like explain or okay tcot my hand I’m in the floor my hand okay T Scott is it me no T Scott no wait T Scott if I combine this with redstone

It says that it is a a reinforced Bell I just what T Scott I think we yeah t Scot I think we both need to know what this does okay so I’ll hit it once I think I might know what it does cuz I mess

Around with this I I have a thought if it does the whole server I’m literally going to pass out laughter this might be it where I came from yeah this right this is it right here be careful I don’t take fall Dam so don’t just follow me yeah I know I I

Kind of a I don’t know what I just took damage from I don’t take fall damage nothing get me I have a helmet on minute IR yeah my chat’s my chat’s just saying Science Now science science science Rules Bill n the Russian spy bill bill bill bill B this

Way bill bill bill bill build the Science Guy science Rules I used to watch that in school every day so I think we should all agree that if like if this happens we just never speak of it and like we both get as soon as we both log back in the server we’re

Like What was that what happened chat don’t snitch don’t snitch energy energy you’re not allowed to be watching my stream so you aren’t allowed to say anything yeah don’t snitch in L mod this is toally L mode this is me discovering the power I read in the

Book don’t come down here this is not the right way trying to find the exact path I took which obviously is hard this giant C okay this way minute I’m mining stuff on our way okay so I came up somewhere around here not here but somewhere energy I don’t know where you

Been you could have tried and found us I gave quartz I hope you have blocks you’re going to have to build out I don’t have any blocks I can go through walls oh right yeah I mean so can everyone but I can do it without you know this really feels like

The place like came out of but it’s just not right yeah cuz you were down there that was you know I’m just gonna go down here fine oh this was it I found it down here look for name one second are you down here yeah you see me

Jumping what I’m down here oh I see you now yeah okay guys there is a rule we all made together um we are not allowed to fight bosses in the Twilight Forest yet I saved myself good job okay dude I have it okay just need one box we have to

Just just to make this funnier we have to like dig a little area out and make it look like a lab wait hold on he wants quarts I mean I guess I could give cords right here basically no no no don’t don’t don’t you have very little time to you Scout

Before people get suspicious go go go he’s probably going to look at the stream Butters if you are seeing this this is a different Bell and we all have to know what it does don’t snitch I’ll there we go you ready okay no oh never mind pe’s

Got if this if this does what I really hope it does I’m really sorry oh okay okay that was really disappointing that that was like a lot more boring than I oh okay who did that that was I that was a lot more boring than I

Thought it would be it just got rid of you well cuz I know what it’s supposed to do do you want me to know what it’s supposed to do what it’s supposed to explode well that didn’t happen and I spammed it too okay let’s get out come

On well I wanted to mine some stuff oh okay well I’m I’m going get out because I got to go find butter me you wait like minutes yeah one two three four five I’m yeah no guys my plot armor is too high for it to explode

Told my chat that my plot armor was too high for it to explode on me that’s why I survived yeah we all know it’s true I’m GNA go in like 10 minutes I was loud throat hurts more I’m ready to go up okay I’m coming stick with

Me oh yeah no me blowing up me and R blowing up that thing was the best thing good luck bro creeper does half a heart of damage to me bro I waited for t- Scott and he just dips on me I’m GNA kill you I’ll find a

Way I’m not in lore mode right now so I have full ability just be Viet where are you cuz I found my way out I don’t see oh I’m back to Butters technically we banned the normal the normal Bell we didn’t ban this one yeah I I mean I’m following

Rules I just want it in my inventory I’m surprised Butters didn’t figure it out when he died like what we were doing by T Scott here we go I did lore for like the first two hours and this then we kind of dissolve hi where are you right here

There you are I was close to the Deep go let’s go home back I mean you can I’m going to probably set up base over in that Birch Forest soon I’ve kind of like gotten tired of being what oh I’m taking that Sugar can okay down here T Scot’s down here

Somewhere I go if I do this kill the child Char’s dead oh wait yeah he he went home fast away oh that’s where T Scot was bye Plus I’m probably bet ready to go to tired sick I have no idea to get back down there yeah where are

You oh I can just wait hold on I can dig straight down and get you I’m coming almost there bye what straight to the the other side yeah then you can just come in it’ be helpful for you you can go home whenever you want okay yeah I gotta go though you got

Go where like away like in person yeah all right bye stream thanks for being here see you all next time yeah let’s see okay hey butter zo you do good luck and

This video, titled ‘Origins SMP: Home Again!’, was uploaded by Balancer Productions on 2023-12-28 04:13:42. It has garnered 683 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:19 or 7639 seconds.


  • Ultimate Minecraft 1.20.1 Guide

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  • Minecraft Spanish Lesson: Episode 6

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Anniversary Stream!

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  • EPIC Minecraft Survival House Build!!

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  • Max Fox: EPIC Modded Minecraft Adventure!

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  • Stack of Grass Modded Australia Survival Whitelist Towny City Rewards

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

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  • Scheming Cobble Generator: NO LAG!

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  • Join RogueX – Altairon Academy Now!

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  • EPIC 200 Pump Shotgun Minecraft House Build!

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    DUPE on DONUTSMP 2024 - LINK in COMMENTS!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to dupe on DONUTSMP Working 2024 DONUTSMP DUPE LINK IN COMMENTS 1’, was uploaded by gmas1 on 2024-08-11 14:53:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Mod links : Download in coments TAGS IGNORE ) In this video I Showcase a Minecraft PaperMC Dupe Glitch that might work on … Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Survival Guide – EP. 3 – Making EPIC Progress!!

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  • QUEEN ELSA Faces Shizo Nightmare in Sand City Hideout SMP

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  • Insane Tiny Hide and Seek Challenge in Minecraft!

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  • Insane Cirno Gaming Monday with Sky Papus Block

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    🔥I AM GODLY OP IN THIS LIFESTEAL SMP!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘I Became OVERPOWERED In This LifeSteal Minecraft SMP🔥’, was uploaded by Blazeonix on 2024-07-04 10:30:00. It has garnered 161 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:00 or 420 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #viral #trending I Became OVERPOWERED In This LifeSteal Minecraft SMP🔥 FireMC Server IP – Port – 19132 (Java/Bedrock/Pocket) Game – Minecraft IGN – Blazeonix Music – Crock Pot Indian Fusion Make Sure to Like the video and subscribe to the channel💖 Tags Ignore: Tags Ignore: minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,minecraft facts,minecraft memes,minecraft challenge,minecraft funny,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft but challenge,shorts minecraft,types… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC MINECRAFT MONDAYS: Yumiko Neko Takes on the Mines!🔥 #NekoVLive

    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT MONDAYS: Yumiko Neko Takes on the Mines!🔥 #NekoVLiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT MONDAYS】 – EP 9: THE CHILDREN YEARN FOR THE MINES【YUMIKO NEKO|GACHAVSTARS】 #NekoVLive’, was uploaded by Neko Yumiko ch on 2024-06-10 13:21:37. It has garnered 92 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:53 or 7853 seconds. “H-hey! its not as though i LIKE you!.. but come hangout anyway?” buy me a ko-fi! (i wont eat ur toes if u do :3) ❀⊱┄┄┄┄⊰❀ °• ♡ •° ❀⊱┄┄┄┄⊰❀ The Cutest kitty in GEN 1 of GachaVstars …YES I SAID THE CUTEST! join the discord!! °• ♡ •° Vtuber mama! @lilkisses Tags:… Read More

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