Disguised as Famous YouTubers – Prank FW in Minecraft!

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Leave a like on this video right now if you love unspeakable anyways guys today I’m trolling my little brother as unspeakable gaming shout out to unspeakable by the way but I saw my little brother was on the Unspeakable seed so I decided to join him and hopefully he didn’t see me join his

World and I hope he has his uh name tags off because if he doesn’t that’s going to totally blow my cover but he’s standing right here and he hasn’t moved in a second so hey hey chicken chicken don’t blow my cover now get out of here

Get out of here scream oh oh wait wait I swear he guys I swear he he looked over here maybe I was wrong guys maybe I was wrong maybe he is uh okay maybe he is at his computer I swear this is going to be really bad the timing is so

Bad hey what’s going on guys it’s guys I’m actually so scared I feel like he did see me you guys saw him right his head literally turned to where I was I was so freaked out unspe so I want to see what is on the Unspeakable seed unspe obiously unable

YouTuber you guys don’t know nice polar be here little does he know he’s about to find unspeakable on the world but not the Unspeakable he thinks it’s uh it’s actually his brother okay he’s actually moving really fast already where is he going subscribe if you guys are new to the channel and

Guys he’s already dashing away uh okay I got I got to make sure I don’t take too much fall damage now anyway we going out guys this is such a bad start to this video I’m going to like show myself obviously because this is the Unspeakable seat it’s not

Like I’m trolling him as anything scary it looks super nice I don’t I think these are like really rare too I’ve never seen came back around you dude I feel like I’m I’m scared to get caught by him for some reason do over probably just going to this land right

Here and just relax for a bit is the polar bear still mad at me okay the polar bear is still mad at me that’s I wonder if he saw me I swear like it seem it sounds like he he hasn’t seen me at all but like earlier though look I’m

Just like trailing behind him guys I wish I had commands and stuff to tr why not make some stuff right here real quick crafting Mally crazy it took all of my wood I need to get my wood wait did he not see me finally the polar all right we still

Have how is that possible guys I swear Tim is blind or something like that guys go subscribe to Tim for being uh my little test subject for this cuz uh bears actually come and kill us piggy die die good that we k i I’ve always wondered why there’s no frogs in

Minecraft guys like literally unspeakable is a frog right we should probably get ourselves a pickax I don’t understand how he hasn’t seen me yet stone tools to get started right away what the let’s get started right how did he not what the heck is going on guys

Did he not see me I need to get some I literally punched him what is that he buddy is that is that actually unspeakable hey there buddy all right now I’m just going to run away wait wait is this act come back run going I need I need to talk to you

He’s actually on the sea guys what oh no this was possible I knew like the other faceless one but no I’m trying to like hide from him oh no no why is he Chas stop chasing me stop chasing me just lagging all over the place oh apparently I’m lagging guys

What he’s taking away all of my ah you’re stuck now where do you think you’re going guys he’s going to kill me wait wait wait no no no no guys please please please I swear he’s actually going to kill me on accident just stop moving I’ll get some signs out so we can

Talk no no I I don’t want to talk to you I don’t want to talk to you does he does he know what to talk man when when is he going to lose me guys come on all right I’m just going to make the signs real quick before he

Keeps running away there he is drop some signs on him oh no oh my gosh guys I guess I guess have to play along now say hi I was trying to run away unable I’m going to break it he broke my son to say hi right let’s kill this cat I need food

I need the food by what dude I literally have three three hearts up is to go away give me food all right all right here oh free food yo I’m making friends with Tim guys yo unspeakable out here making friends uh no no no no I need I need more you

Can give me something I’m just taking free food this is actually crazy why is unspeakable actually on the world it’s called unspeakable seeds so if you guys want to find unspeakable just put in the seed and maybe you’ll get unspeakable I’m going to say uh what does he want now give me

More guys I’m so hungry of raw beef left all right I’ll give you one that’s all you’re going to get I need to get some food for myself as well where guys I’m starving cook up I need more food let’s go down here all right all right if

That’s how he wants to play if he doesn’t want to give me any more food this is what he gets why am I lagging so much get down there oh free chicken some iron all right let’s block him down here did you just block me that now let meat

All right guys let’s run away let’s get out of here so he can’t find me where is it I’m just going to look straight up and got oh I have ran away watch let’s see if he can still find me this time I’m going to try to go as high as I can

In the world and see how this works okay he lost me guys he should he should have lost me just like disappear again yes this is perfect guys why does unspeakable keep running I I should be blending in with the green right guys guys am I blending a birch tree right

There hopefully get ourselves some food let’s go down a little bit more all let’s hide in the middle of this tree he won’t find me guys guys I I’ll be back in like 5 minutes because he won’t be able to find me I’m telling you

Guys right now he won’t find my food and this is how he treats me I still need more food guys oh no I see him let’s go this way maybe I see him hi behind a tree once again oh gosh I have no more leaves to hide behind all right I’ve

Made so many crafting Benes but go there’s a cow let’s get this cow I see him over there we need to get he’s uh he’s pretty close I’m not going to lie let me break over here let’s see where he could be there just keep running this

Way I still don’t have enough food to heal myself back he no clue ooh a nice cave though okay this is oh he’s never going to find me ever again guys all right let’s see if he sees me from here look at him look at this Noob guys look

At this NB just mining Some Coal we got to get ourselves some oh I can’t could like show up behind him and then push him into that little hole right there into the cave should I do that guys leave a like on this video right now if

I should push him into the into the ditch where where did unspeakable go like I was just chilling with him a second ago and then he just disappears on Me Oh I thought that was unspeakable for a second he’s a cow now guys he has evolved into a cow where where is

He oh there he is oh no he found hi in sink with me oh no oh no guys guys don’t have any food left where do you think you’re going oh no he’s going him guys no he’s going to kill me if if he kills me guys so goofy it’s all over

The place oh what is he going to say now give me food is that all he wants from me you’re a frog you don’t need food I’m hungry you have enough I said I’m going to hungry I get it I don’t have that much food though that’s the

Problem guys I can’t even run anymore I have two hearts this is so bad guys I might have to like run around at this point oh I I don’t think he saw it guys he he did say did I see what I just saw but like I don’t think

He was talking about me I’m not I’m not too sure guys well at least my Hunger is back now and oh my gosh it’s night time now all right guys I’m going to run oh there he is there he is I’m going to run back to him and start hitting him and

Trying to beat him up and stuff like that because I died he guys this is what he gets for not giving me food that uh sheep over there all here we go here we go chase after him chase after him he just popped out of nowhere he was so fast what is going

On oh oh there I you food I gave you food oh my God he gave me food you’re not hungry anymore right uh no no no I don’t have anything else nothing else for you all right all right I’ll Stick Around I’ll Stick Around are you even

Hungry all right let me go ahead and break this make some sticks make some signs for myself fine okay all right I’m going to say down here maybe we can he I’m I’m trying to talk to you Tim I’m trying to talk to you man and I guess

This home for a little bit hey we can stay together let’s just block this off does he not see this now he can’t leave does he not see this sign CRA unspeakable does he not see the sign think you’re going you can’t look at this does he not see sign right here

Here with me oh he said thank you though oh you’re welcome all right let’s just put down a sign right here you’re welcome I was saying now give me more now give me more give me more food I don’t have food give me more food you can eat some

Leather all right all right that’s how you’re going to play Tim seeds maybe grow that’s how you’re going to play Tim not helping I’m just going to pop out of his house no no no no he got out no come back I’m going to run away like a frog

Does because I didn’t give any oh there’s fish right here look at this guys I’m I’m a I’m a swimming frog right now guys I’m a swimming frog speakable come back bye why does he always run away from me I don’t get his I don’t

Think he wait wait did I lose him he just comes to me to get lost just run away there he is there I see you you can’t get away I basically go to him for food and just in seconds don’t even try to run for me

Why is he teleporting all over the place he just jumped off the entire Edge I oh no okay should I reveal myself now guys oh there he is okay okay okay this is what I’m going to do I’m going to break this tree right now right funny watching

Him at this point I don’t what he wants to do make a crafting table here I’ll throw you some signs all right all right watch this guys I’m about to craft a sword all right watch this watch this he’s laughing now and then did I take I did take it just St

No how do you like that do you see what it says you see what it say Tim plays was slain by that was not unspeakable that was me playing as unspeakable unspeakable was actually your brother how do you feel my god did you did you fall for it for a second

Yeah but I didn’t know why you’re running away I kept asking you for food because I kept starving oh wait there’s a whole M shaft down here what that’s actually cool okay spider kill me stay at spawn Tim stay at spawn I’m about to come back I’m about to come back where

You at Tim where you at I’m running back I’m running back you did did you believe me did you believe that I was unspeakable for a second I did but you were so needy hey conf I was I was do all the work hey I’m right here I’m right here I’m right

Here there you are I’m not I’m not going to do all the work the entire time all you did was asked for food that was funny you have to admit that was funny I said give me more it’s cuz I was hungry okay I didn’t have a

Choice I didn’t have a choice all right yeah I could see that with your huge mouth on your whole stomach hey I’m a Frog too so I can swim away oh my gosh consuming all my food guys if you think I should troll Tim again very very soon leave a like on

This video right now but uh go subscribe to Tim for being such a good sport once again guys like he he gets trolled by me a lot so um yeah go subscribe to him subscribe to my channel as well if you guys want to see more trolls in the

Future Tim why are you following me all right anyways hopefully you guys enjoy I’ll see you guys in the next video leave a like on this video right now if you love Preston because today I am going to be disguising myself as Preston and pranking my friend aa2 so if you

Guys didn’t know my friend A2 trolled someone else as Preston in Minecraft so like like just like any other prank guys I love giving them a taste of their own medicine and this is going to be so funny guys I’m going to hop on to his Discord server and hope he’s online guys

I think he’s about to record um you know just like anyone else before we record we you know we have to go to the bathroom we get get some water or something like that so I’m pretty sure he’s just like setting up or something like that but this is just so funny guys

This is so funny to like not I couldn’t pass up on this opportunity guys so like I saw him on the Preston world so I had to I had to do this guys like if you take a look at this right here we have a whole Preston plays house in Minecraft

Let me actually see what’s inside the house before we get started because I’m curious oh my goodness I this is my first time actually seeing this guys whoa this is crazy and look I have the Preston play skin on this is going to be so so funny guys if you guys

Want to see me troll my friends as other YouTubers in the future make sure you guys leave a like subscribe turn my post notifications and let’s get started I should probably do this quickly I don’t even know where he went all righty what is going on guys a

A2 here and welcome back to another awesome Minecraft video record my gosh there he is oh my gosh I got to make sure he doesn’t see me though I got to be careful not blow my cover already um I’m eventually going to show myself because look at that why is there

Preston’s like secret base on here or like his house right there let’s see what he says about this world so let me tell you guys uh what this video is about so um okay so this is what I heard in this specific World Preston like made a house or

Something yep yep that’s the thing he’s talking about guys that’s the that’s that lava lava like base that he was talking about so dude luckily when I hopped on this world I already had creative mode and I already had commands enabled which is so so good this is

Perfect you know if you guys didn’t watch my um unspeakable troll on my little brother I didn’t have any command so I had to like run around in survival and try to survive and it was so bad basically that’s about it I’m really hoping it actually does exist in this

World and we’ll he’s he’s going to get more than he bargained for he’s going to get more than Preston’s face he’s getting Preston himself or rage Elixir playing as Preston oh I think he saw me you see that in the distance what wait yo yo you guys see that who is

There another player on wait uhoh I think he just saw me guys oh no I already blew my cover there’s the name tag wait oh gosh hold up I better hide myself real fast and we’ll see who this is okay he won’t be at this guys look at I don’t know I’m

Literally underground hiding from him I think they were they were here what were they oh my gosh I got to stay crouched or else he’s going to else he’s going to find me definitely a player here but whatever whatever yeah yeah just ignore it just just ignore it wait oh oh there

He is oh no no no guys guys guys guys guys yo yo y yo does that name tag say tbnr frag oh he’s about oh he’s he’s probably still looking for me main channel right go like his original Channel I’m still hiding under ground he

Might look for me this wait no no no is this Preston wait where’d he go okay okay he doesn’t know what’s this oh he found the base he found the base okay let me let me head over to him and actually talk to him with signs if I if

I don’t talk to him with science I’m going to blow my cover guys hey there buddy no way all right I’m gonna say no way it’s actually hey there buddy hey there buddy uh take some signs for yourself there you go sign uh uh hi Preston you guys know how like Preston

Loves his fire merch I’m going to be like it’s definitely his Minecraft account right yeah oh my gosh it’s Preston all right yeah it’s Preston all right no way guys I’m I see you got I literally shirt on there a lot like his presson dude he just said my shirt was

Nice oh yo yo yo uh yo yo okay your shirt is nice too oh okay okay one of those oh oh yeah I remember he actually bought Preston’s merch I I was I was pretty much a big fan I’m not going to lie oh nice shirt you have there nice

Shirt you have why does he keep mentioning my shirt H thank you why don’t you have my merch on have my merch on oh uh wait wait wait I got to take out a sory guys it’s at home in my closet sorry I’m going to say kind of weird go uh go

Wait wait what do you mean go get it uh I said go get it okay I’m about to make up I’m Excuse uh I would but I’m about to have I don’t think you hear any excuses guys Go Get It Go Get It what yo Preston chill chill chill uh from what I

Remember I’m pretty sure Prest was better than me in PvP oh guys I don’t know what to say I don’t know what to say uh I Willer I Promise okay I’ll be like all right all right fine then all right fine then what are you doing what are you doing uh I’ll be like this is my super super super super super SEC secret house I mean world oh wow he’s writing another sign this is I

Heard a rumor that you super super secret okay nobody is allowed here like nobody like even Bri like your wife you you also have a what okay all right uh I’m going to say only me only me it’s literally only him uh okay uh sorry okay

Apologize sorry do you oh this is so funny guys press it I’m sorry think we might have like TR sh do you want me to leave this might not be good for now that you’re here now that you’re here wait let’s have some fun let’s have some

Fun okay yeah yo oh he said yeah okay okay let’s see let’s see what activity do you want toity do you want to do oh all right let’s see what he wants to do uh yo okay I remember Preston did a lot of bad Wars and parkour maps uh oh okay definitely not

PVP right now he has better than oh no PVP okay okay no PVP we can go to his house for us guys and then we’ll see if he wants some Parkour I’ve always want to parkour race him can can uh I go to your house okay only if you wear my only if

You wear yeah yeah I have it on I have it on my face cam is on guys so hopefully he’ll just believe me yeah yeah I have it on I have it on uh uh I have it on IRL I promise okay oh gosh I I really

Just don’t want to go to my closet right now guys my face C I’ll be like follow me follow him yes okay okay okay all all right let’s hop in a boat real quickly okay all right is water good for him cuz he’s like a lava mob oh oh oh I guess

I’m swimming okay yo hold on hold on what what okay I guess I’m swimming he’s not letting me on oh oh wow this is B back for what he used to do to me I’m finally in the boat H yeah okay so this this is too funny guys

I love trolling her I love trolling AR man this is a t I’m just giving him a taste of his own medicine guys I should probably ask uh can I in and look all right park I’ve always would you like to see the inside my house would you like to see the

Inside yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah make it look yeah yeah but you have to follow me but you have to follow me okay okay all right all right okay I’m follow I’m follow him good all right all right he can follow me only because I know he can beat those

Are weird doors but only because I know he can beat me these doors really are weird I’m not going to lie is he just making sure the doors are working properly oh he’s he fixed the doors there we go fixed the doors yeah yeah yeah all right anyways I’m going to be

Like I’m scared this is my billion this is my dollar billion house dollar house oh yeah my secret secret lava base design the lava design nice you know this is actually a quite quite nice house it’s it’s probably not worth a billion dollars but it’s still pretty

Nice nonetheless um let’s look over here um crafting yeah definitely a billion table right I’m going be like uh a Nether Star yo get a free nether star cuz I’m Preston you know oh wait wait wait I’ll be oh wait wait cuz uh Preston is made of lava

Right this is oh I lava I’ll give this to him first Oh I thought he going put it on me drink it drink it yeah yeah yeah I’m going drink it I’m going drink it I’m just a stare right here I get a little embarrassed when

People watch me drink oh okay okay he’s probably going to go dump it out I fin finished if if you dumped out my special drink special drink I’m going to cry I’m going to cry no no I drunk it I drunk it I promise it’s not there’s no sign of it

Outside yeah all right I’ll be like oh gosh oh yeah you see I’m a heart back I’m let’s take let’s take him to the upstairs follow me upstairs follow me upstairs I don’t even guys I don’t even know what’s upstairs did we even check upstairs oh yeah it’s my bedroom up here

Nice room yo bro Preston’s so he so lavish he got four beds bro so like you toss let’s play trampoline oh oh bro let’s play trampoline all Right how do you like them apples oh wait wait I’ll be like but you know do you want to do anything else you want to do oh he just asked me oh oh uh uh okay okay guys he did say he wanted to parkour so might as well guys might as

Well I’m not guys if you guys know me I’m terrible at at parkour but Preston is probably one of the best at parkour so I might get embarrassed like to parkour question mark would you like to parkour parkour map guys and he was so I’ll make a quick map course make us oh

Yes okay all right all right all right I’m about to make like the most impossible like course ever it’s going to start easy right watch this watch this I also like all all right so the first jump is going to be like quite made of lava guys

Look at that watch this watch this it’s going to be like quite simple at first and then it’s going to be like impossible watch this all right all right okay all right you know I’m not going to spoil myself I’m going to look over here I don’t want to see oh he’s

Not going to spoil himself all got to be mentally prepared so this jump is I can do I can’t guys I can’t even make this jump in Creative I can I can make this jump I don’t want to look at him I’m while I wait for him I

Guess why are these fish so big like all right to the side all right so from here you know it seems pretty simple you know it’s it’s a it’s a pretty simple map right now and then I’m about to hit him with the most Impossible Jump

Guys watch this I’m going to I’m going to do one one uh jump that’s only possible for someone in creative watch this all right guys we’re going we’re Going’s like done any parkour lately but I’m pretty sure should be really we’re going to go one more okay

Looks like he’s almost done what this say all right oh that was the size from earlier right oh awesome let’s make it to the uh wait does he have any food wait wait he wants food okay okay cooked oh my God this is going to be so funny guys it’ll

Be it’ll be impossible oh oops am I supposed to eat that wrong thing I gave him the wrong all right thank you for the sword thank you all right I get I’m going to go break this hope you understood that cuz you I think uh all right all right all right

All right what’s it say ready three two one all right go oh oh what oh I messed up too okay that was a hard jump we start over start over oh he flew back okay okay I mean it’s fine I mean like he’s going to cheat into parkour so oops oh oh he

Messed up he messed up I have a chance I have a chance I have a chance how do you even make this jump here wait a sec how do you make this jump wait how do you wait what wait hold on how do you make this jump person wait

A sec wait wait what what I don’t think this jump is possible I Win I’ll be like I win I win H yeah yeah yeah yeah oh man this is hilarious congrats yeah oh gosh uh good job yeah um that that one jump oh this is too funny guys kind of uh all right what what else should we do nothing nothing nothing

Activity next activity what else do you want to do what else do you want to do Eris this is too funny guys I I this is why I love trolling cuz I can I can get back at him for everything he’s done done to me the back to your house question mark

Okay okay wait I guess I’ll count it down all right hold I’ll be like jump count down potion of Leaping that wrong three two one go all right all right all right wa I hold Possible Oh no I just real that jump might not be guys I’m

Leaping oh no oh no oh I do I tell him some of these jumps are kind of unfair look H know he’s Preston I can’t do that okay all right I guess I’ll have to say he won even though he did is he cheating Hold Up

Wait wait I Le all these potions wait is this it’s jump wait oh if he says if he says I cheat I’m kill him guys it’s time it’s time oh he called me out he called me out yeah I got him guys I got him don’t think he

Liked that question yo I I don’t think I would reveal it just yet that I was the one trolling him this is going to be too funny um you guys look think he’s still mad right check real fast let’s see if Prest still mad guys now you called me a cheater leave

This world now you called me a cheater okay you better leave now guys you better leave now parkour was impossible first time what am I what am I doing all right run is he chasing me oh he is chasing me guys he is chasing me leave nowon I mean leave now here

We’re going to respa first guys uh I’m going to try to escape this world um okay okay okay okay I’m not giving him a chance to live guys you guys ever want me to come back here but right now I got to focus on want a part me to come back which I

Don’t he wants me to come back let me know I’m not letting watching oh he left he left the world just leave the world right now yeah that guys I’m not going to reveal it just yet I’m going to see if I can troll him again guys please

Don’t tell him please don’t tell Eris that it was me all right but anyways hopefully you guys enjoy I’ll see you guys in the next video that was too funny guys peace all right guys so I had so much fun trolling dou 12 as Preston last time so today I saw something that

Might be perfect and I’ve been wanting to troll him again for a while now so I thought you know when I saw this world called jelly that dou2 was on I just assumed that he’s probably using like the jelly seed like the YouTuber jelly seed just because he has been on the

Preston world before so I’m just like you know I’m just wondering I should probably go a little bit further away so he doesn’t see me I really hope he didn’t see me already I was not thinking guys I’m so stupid man any anyways guys like always I’m going to try to hop onto

His Discord server and uh see if I can troll him I really really hope I can and that I don’t blow my cover too quickly like I did in the last video so hopefully you guys do enjoy if you guys want to see more Trolling Videos if this

Is even successful I don’t even know if this is going up on YouTube but if it does leave a like subscribe turn on my post notifications if you guys haven’t already and I hope you guys enjoy I think he’s about to start recording all right what is going on guys soad that

Whenever I join his world I already have commands enabled look oh wait I don’t have commands enabled how do I have creative mod geted going so I just spawn in in creative mode Som there’s no Crown beside my name I can’t oh no I’m only a member on this

World so I guess we’re just going to be sticking we’re guys five likes with the Jelly seed running around in creative mode I mean it’s better than running around in survival like I like I had when I was my little brother I’m ahe oh everything’s slime guys

Because this I actually don’t know what jelly is known for he’s known for like GTA and he makes a lot of G videos a lot these last few weeks and some pretty cool videy youber the youber JY guys would enjoy his content right here yeah

Oh no no no I almost gave myself away yo yo hold up did you I see that name whoa oh crap I forgot I had name wait who’s that flying over there what oh oh no no I already blew my cover this is worse than I than last time guys I

Already messed up this is a little bit unusual uh let me quickly just make some gear first I think we’re head in that direction definitely okay okay he already lost me guys I went a whole 380 on him 380 get to read the name tag cuz they literally started flying away what

The heck look at him uh right behind him and he has no clue okay um let’s get some Stone real quick guys um I I think they are pretty much far away chicken here I guess a chicken drown or something I don’t know but um okay he

Not going to look up wait there’s the name tag again oh run away what the heck okay first of all guys first let’s get some Stone first uh y guys I should probably stop messing around like this all right so what I’m going to do to be

Honest I don’t know what that where is he where is he but um okay if I find him again I’m going to jelly seed and uh little stuff is going right away but you know it’s fine out let’s turn on detective aa2 mode and see what’s going

On oh there he is guys there he is Bam crafting table spawn in a ton of slimes what yep he’s going to have we he’s like what the heck right now I don’t think we what the heck is this he’s like why the heck are there so many gel or so many

Slimes running around all right let me just make a tools and I will take care of the Slime spawn in a ton more slimes huh wait okay yeah go slimes go go beat them up guys go beat them up I’m going to spawn a ton of them in right they have

Like a jelly feeling in whoa whoa what okay all right we can’t kill why he so dead guys he better get out like in a really weird slime chunk or something is that what’s going on with this world does he not see okay if you guys want a

Pretty uh guys does he not see me it’s time to show myself I think he’s just so distracted by the slime oh he found he saw me he saw me guys guys guys uh don’t I’m going to hide myself but I think I just saw jelly

All right he’s looking for me now guys get away from these slimes second of all I think he went this way where’d he go let’s get some high ground and see what’s going on I guess like a higher ventage point I I swear that was jelly

Let me go down here oh wait why am I stuck oh go where the heck is he hello oh God yo how am I staying so hidden guys how did he lose me I’m pretty sure that was jelly I think I actually saw definitely like the word jelly in

There going to keep spawning in more hopefully my game doesn’t crash if I spawn too many of them all right I don’t know where to go there’s a cave over there I’m going to use the uh I’m going to use these slimes as disguise all right not expect this

To I guess I’m here for should I reveal myself and start talking to him with signs guys not have found jelly we found some Co and you know what that’s nowhere near as good no coal do you have like all right so he’s on the other side of

This now do you Mil subscribers Cole huh yeah you’re not like jelly come on all right oh he’s right there he’s right there why are there so many slimes in this world oh my there he is jelly yo how’s it going get rid SL I want to hit accident yeah

It says jelly is cool I’m pretty sure that is that’s his Minecraft username oh my bro too bad you can’t eat imagine if Aris actually died from these slim that would be so funny guys stand right there stand right there guys no I’m going get a screenshot I’m going get a screenshot

Of this guy no what putting down a sign hi there hi there uh uh uh who who who I’m going to make a sign hold on hold wait why am I cutting cobbles to make a sign okay jelly stand right there let me make some signs let me make some signs

Uh let me cook some food tooo let me cook some food too okay I’m kind of hungry bro I’m hungry I’m trying to make some signs what are you huh give me I’ll be like give me your stuff wait but bro bro I I’m kind of

Hungry I think it’ll be fine if I use the same I’ll be like I’ll be like now now what you okay you know what it’s I’ll give him some signs so he can talk to me sure I’m like running out of like stuff thank you thank you for your

Stuff this is so funny guys I’m sorry if this feels like bullying I’m sorry but I I’m I’m just trolling him guys I promise I’m I promise guys do you have any food down like um bro uh last time unspeakable gave me puffer fish so I’m

Going too Long Toed I’m going to give him puffer fish for him to eat wait wait wait I I could give him I could give him um oh oh he’s poison I’m so tempted to punch him right now guys okay okay all right I’m going to give him a ton of

Rten do you have any better food there you go you got better food uh any bread or cooked oh I’m going to give him a potion of poison I’ll be like drink this oh man uh drink this what do you mean what what drink thees

Bro um uh I I I know this is any bread or know is uh yo yo you going to drink it as much as I would want to drink it wait he’s drink it oh no he’s not drink I’m oh I I I dropped it I dropped it

I’ll give him some bread yeah yeah yeah I mean I drunk it I drunk it oh he got here really fast uh I’ll be like hey man I was just waiting for you wait wait wait okay I don’t have any signs anymore by the way I will be nice I will be nice

Oh here’s your signs we can talk we can talk you know y yo nice enough to give uh diamonds work oh oh now he’s being too greedy shot long shot shot shot 20 I’ll be like too far far I was joking I was joking I was joking but but okay

Emeralds I’ll give him some emeralds because it’s green you know you can have some emeralds oh emeralds you know what yeah okay oh I just remember jelly makes a ton of like Minecraft butt videos so I’ll be like oh wait wait okay okay if he wants

To play like that I’ll be like you’re welcome being nice so we don’t have a way you’re welcome awesome okay but uh uh but okay there’s always a butt into everything he does uh give me what give me stuff I just died all I have are the signs and the emeralds

Uh uh he might have to give me the emeralds back died so I really have nothing on me right now let’s make a deal okay build me a slime block I mean I got just now like build me a slime block deal build me a slime block give

Him some slime blocks all right go all right all right let’s make one on top of this hill wait I’m going to give you more I guess we’re making jelly a house guys out of slime blocks um did not know this is where my day was head oh cool

There is actually a pretty good open field here all right all right jelly prepare to be a maze by legendary more slime blocks let’s give him some iron doors guys we’re about to get a free house built all right all right let’s grab some pressure PL there we go you wait right

There all right guys I can’t wait to see what he’s about to build me oh man I guys I did not think I was going to have A2 building house for me you this is very nice got to make sure it opens correctly have my little bodyguards out

Here doesn’t need like you know have my bodyguards chilling out here why why is he spawning in slimes what what is this going to be uh for uh you know we need some tools as well guys okay so I’m uh jell there we go uh I’ll be like

Body enabled all right we got there we go we got my bodyguards outside just like that break then we’re going to look at Fe what this is oh look at these slimes just hitting him I swear AR is about to die again he making difficult

For me and they’re going to use a shadow col Jutsu okay awesome they just keep on multip it does say it does say bodyguards enabled so you know there’s a reason why they why they’re attacking you they probably think almost all of them there we go guys I feel like I’m making this

Video so annoying for second I just need tools okay I just need tools let me uh get rid of the I can give you tools I’m kind of scared oh he could have asked me from the beginning all right all right there you go come on quickly make a show

One sec we’re going to put some wood in your house so it’s not just you know just slime yeah yeah yeah attack I only want slime don’t die here I only want SL okay make it with only make the shovel for you I’m going to make the shovel

Calm down calm down calm down oh I can’t hit him I not that I tried but uh yeah yeah okay all right I I got you I got you I got you oh guys I’m actually kind of scared for my life who knew I’d be afraid of jell people honestly this is

So funny guys scared me trolling me yeah yeah jelly don’t worry I got jelly let me see he’s up to let’s see the little building skills he got I don’t know actually huh oh I thought this was the entrance all right let’s quickly uh put

In all the Slime for m so this side is the entrance oh I should have known I got this jelly don’t let me copy this let me put this sign over Master build of Realms SMP I don’t know if you know what that is but all right guys I can’t

Wait to see what he builds today okay I’m going to reveal myself after he builds my house I’ll be like all right I made you waste a ton of time today I made you waste like 10 minutes on to uh your house okay okay should I reveal

Myself I’ll house Spanish but yeah he’s impressed he’s impressed thank you for the amazing house AIS Jelly’s house bodyguards enabled yeah what just happened what what do you mean why you why are you on Discord what what what do you mean I’m I I I just want I just want to play some

Minecraft today with you you know wait with me but no wait Dad this this isn’t you is it who jelly oh that’s me that’s me all right if I pause the game right now I better not see your name if I pause the game right now I better not see your name

You’re you’re about to guys he’s about to dude I didn’t have commands dude I was just when I hopped on this world just to you know troll you I thought I was going to have to do it in survival but I logged on in creative mode this is

Actually amazing you just spent the last 20 minutes building a house for me hey get back get back I hate you I hate you I know how you like thought jelly how you like that Eris how you like that so you actually thought I was jelly well yeah

Oh my god dude you got to admit I got you man you got to admit that was pretty good I knew jelly could not have been that mean oh he’s probably not that mean let’s be honest dude he seems super nice in his videos so anyways guys that was

Actually pretty funny ah man I just love trolling you sometimes anyways make sure you guys subscribe leave a like go check out dou A2 for being such a good sport I think I mean he did build us a house so anyways

This video, titled ‘I DISGUISED as FAMOUS YOUTUBERS to PRANK My Friends in Minecraft! (Full Movie)’, was uploaded by RageElixir – Minecraft on 2023-12-16 17:00:51. It has garnered 7191 views and 382 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:19 or 2719 seconds.

I DISGUISED as FAMOUS YOUTUBERS to PRANK My Friends in Minecraft! (Full Movie) Subscribe if you ENJOYED the video! ❤️

#Minecraft #Roleplay #Movie

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  • Briokart’s Villager News Special

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  • Minecraft Showdown: Barcode vs Natop.mp4

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  • Baby Zombie’s Heartbreaking Tale

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  • Minecraft Memes – Remembering the glory days of MLG memes

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  • Return to Old Minewind

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  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.21 Unleashed!

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  • Spicy Minecraft Texture Pack 🔥

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  • 100 Days of Minecraft Adventure

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  • Hololive EN Minecraft: 5 girls 1 block madness!

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  • Minecraft SMP LIVE – CRAZY gameplay! Join my public server now!

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  • Minecraft Pixel Art Request – Insane Build Challenge 😱

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  • Jamesy – Cheating with One-Way Glass in Mob Battle!

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  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Surviving 100 Days as Counter Titan!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Surviving 100 Days as Counter Titan!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as the COUNTER TITAN in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MaxCraft on 2024-06-14 21:00:18. It has garnered 746444 views and 12114 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:04 or 2524 seconds. ► SUBSCRIBE to the Channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYPYEhWUvvKFgmgkLACagXA?sub_confirmation=1 The Titans are some of the strongest entities in the Skibidi Toilet Universe, but what would happen if an enemy had one of their own? Introducing the COUNTER TITAN, a titan that can morph its weapons to become stronger than any other titan! Now, for the next 100 days, I’ll be surviving as the… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Potato Crash by Ph1LzA!

    Insane Minecraft Potato Crash by Ph1LzA!Video Information This video, titled ‘Crashing Minecraft with POTATOES!’, was uploaded by Ph1LzA on 2024-06-02 14:25:34. It has garnered 207519 views and 18683 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:29 or 2009 seconds. Philza takes on the POTATO SNAPSHOT from April 1st! Streamed LIVE at https://twitch.tv/philza 😀 Buy my MERCH! https://ph1lzamerch.com/ Played this snapshot on stream back on April 1st in honor of THE BLADE 🙂 Join the Discord for updates! https://www.discord.gg/philza 0:00 Intro 🙂 2:20 EVERYTHING IS POTATO 9:02 Grapple Hook and Elytra fun 😀 10:43 Uh oh. 12:00 OH NO 16:40 WHERES THE SOIL! 19:00 Found it… Read More

  • RustyZuck0 plays Tico Tico No Fubá – EPIC Piglin Orchestra!

    RustyZuck0 plays Tico Tico No Fubá - EPIC Piglin Orchestra!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Piglin Orchestra – Tico Tico No Fubá by Zequinha De Abreu’, was uploaded by RustyZuck0 on 2024-05-26 15:09:14. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:22 or 142 seconds. A piece by the composer Zequinha De Abreu played by the Piglin Orchestra in Minecraft. NOTE: I do not own any music in the video. All rights go to their respective owners and distributors. Read More

  • Builders SMP

    Builders SMPA server for all kinds of players! Join Builder’s SMP and start your adventure. It’s nothing but a regular survival world with a few handy plugins to enhance the experience! Have fun! builderssmp.net:25566 Read More

  • Leafy SMP – Roleplay, SMP

    Welcome to LeafySMP! Our server is 16+ and aims to create a mature community. Whether you enjoy building, PvP, PvE, or creating kingdoms, there’s something for everyone here. We have weekly events and a semi-RP style for added fun. Don’t worry if you’re new to modding or Minecraft, our moderators are friendly and ready to help. We have a custom texture pack that is red/green colorblind friendly and enhances the building experience. Keep in mind that large redstone/mob farms are at the Admins’ discretion. Our modpack is always updating based on community votes. If you’re interested in joining, DM leafyelfy… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Absolutely Insane!

    Wow, that’s a pretty specific and random score for a Minecraft meme! I guess even memes get rated like Olympic gymnasts. Read More

  • MASTERING WIND POWER in Minecraft!

    MASTERING WIND POWER in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Me using wind bla bla bla in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Ansh on 2024-06-14 20:28:25. It has garnered 528 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Lava World Survival: Minecraft Hardcore 100-Day Dive

    Lava World Survival: Minecraft Hardcore 100-Day Dive In the lava world, Eren Bilgin thrives, Surviving 100 days, where danger thrives. Minecraft hardcore, a true test of skill, Facing challenges, with nerves of steel. Ridiculous mods, a wild ride, In Minecraft, where creativity can’t hide. Top 10 packs, for endless fun, Exploring new worlds, under the sun. Eren’s journey, a tale to tell, In the world of blocks, where legends dwell. Surviving on an island, for 100 days, In hardcore mode, where courage plays. So join the adventure, in Minecraft’s land, With Eren Bilgin, a gamer so grand. Subscribe and like, to show your support, For Minecraft… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Short, Sweet, and Hilarious!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Short, Sweet, and Hilarious! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftshorts #minecraft #memes #minecraftmemes #funny Read More

  • Minecraft Cat vs Bear Showdown

    Minecraft Cat vs Bear Showdown Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers a unique blend of creativity and adventure. Players can explore vast landscapes, build intricate structures, and engage in thrilling battles with monsters. Let’s delve into some of the exciting features that make Minecraft a standout in the gaming world. Endless Possibilities with Minecraft One of the key attractions of Minecraft is its open-world concept, allowing players to create virtually anything they can imagine. From towering castles to underground labyrinths, the only limit is your creativity. The game’s blocky graphics may seem simple at first… Read More

  • INSANE XP FARM! Minecraft Cottagecore Longplay

    INSANE XP FARM! Minecraft Cottagecore LongplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building an XP Farm ❀˖° Minecraft Cottagecore Longplay ⊹₊ ⋆ Lets Play! ♡’, was uploaded by lilolawish on 2024-04-07 21:24:43. It has garnered 684 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:35 or 1835 seconds. Today we built an XP farm!!!! I’m so happy with how it turned out! ⊹₊ ⋆ Hopefully next ep we can continue to build some more fun things! Mod Pack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/better-mc-forge-bmc3 ♡Socials Twitch- https://www.twitch.tv/lilolawish Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/lilolawish/ Tags♡ minecraft,xp farm,lilolawish,modded minecraft,zombie farm,decorating minecraft,minecraft decoration,cottage minecraft,cute minecraft,minecraft building,kawaii minecraft,girl gamer,twitch minecraft,fun minecraft,xp farm build,easy xp farm,zombie xp farm,minecraft longplay Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos: The Real Reason I Destroyed Everything

    Unleashing Chaos: The Real Reason I Destroyed EverythingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why I Split Her Entire World In Half…’, was uploaded by Quiff on 2024-06-10 21:00:15. It has garnered 1011796 views and 7233 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:13 or 5173 seconds. ►Why I Split The Entire World In Half… 👍 “LIKE” FOR MORE Minecraft! ✔️Subscribe to me pls 👀 FOLLOW ME 😀 Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/quiff 📲 https://twitter.com/InfamousQuiff 📸 https://www.instagram.com/theinfamousquiff/ 🕹️Fan Discord: https://discord.gg/quiff Why I Split The Entire World In Half… i split the world in half using the new minecraft glitches, this is similar to a scary build battle, but instead this is a… Read More

  • Insane Tour of Trump City on 2b2tpe

    Insane Tour of Trump City on 2b2tpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘2b2tpe: Touring Trump City’, was uploaded by Well Dan on 2024-05-09 18:39:18. It has garnered 363 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:20 or 380 seconds. In this video, I tour trump city on 2b2tpe.org. The base was made by h4. 2b2tpe is a Minecraft Bedrock Edition anarchy server, where you can use hack clients such as horion and borion. Make sure to subscribe for more videos showcasing the best minecraft bedrock hacks and mod menus for all platofrms, including iOS and Android (mobile). Thanks for watching! Join my discord: https://discord.gg/beQWvbABGc… Read More

  • Insane Defense Tips! Must See to Believe! #trending

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  • Unbelievable!! Watch CakePlaysCZ try this mysterious potion

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  • カミル – Unbelievable Ages in Minecraft! #shizo #clickbait

    カミル - Unbelievable Ages in Minecraft! #shizo #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bases at avery Age in Minecraft? #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by カミル on 2024-06-14 01:00:14. It has garnered 12495 views and 403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Thank you for watching! Please subscribe to the channel❤ Thank you for watching! Please subscribe to the channel😚 We also broadcast, so please come and see! X (Twitter)https://twitter.com/iceopi1219?t=g8S9v-ohQLSnAMFSt-ZSkg&s=09 KEYWORDS AND RELATED INFORMATION: minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft,… Read More

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    UNBELIEVABLE! Lemon 🍋 finds secret Minecraft treasure 🤯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🍋 Exploring deep holes in Minecraft #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Lemen 🍋 on 2024-05-05 10:00:10. It has garnered 425 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. 🍋 https://www.twitch.tv/Lemen 🍋 https://www.twitter.com/BradleyLemen 🍋 https://www.instagram.com/BradleyLemen 🍋 https://www.discord.gg/Lemen 🍋 Use code Lemen in the Fortnite shop 🍋 Donate – https://streamlabs.com/lemen1/tip 🍋 Subscribe – https://www.twitch.tv/subs/Lemen 🍋 Treat – https://treatstream.com/t/treat/lemen 🍋 Wishlist – https://throne.com/lemen #Lemen #Streamer #Highlights #Fortnite #Lemon #ttvLemen #twitchLemen #highlights #youtuber #minecraft #modded #allthemods9 #communityserver #viewers #discord #server #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftbut #minecraftmod #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenge #camman18minecraft #minecraftspeedrun Read More

  • Inside Minecraft – The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure

    Inside Minecraft - The Ultimate Cartoon AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE RIGHT LARGE IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by The World of Cartoons on 2024-04-08 13:00:07. It has garnered 4440 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:28 or 1648 seconds. CHOOSE THE RIGHT LARGE IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Xupobrun’s DarkSide: Epic Minecraft Animation!

    Xupobrun's DarkSide: Epic Minecraft Animation!Video Information This video, titled ‘DarkSide – A Minecraft Music Video Animation’, was uploaded by Xupobrun on 2024-02-20 17:47:07. It has garnered 875 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:31 or 211 seconds. Read More