DIY Showdown: Newbie vs. Pro Build Challenge

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Today we’re doing a Milo and chimp Bell challenge but angry secretly cheating using slash slash paste which lets be spawn in statues like this giant chip look how cool he looks and I’m be filling him up with traps like this nuclear TNT and this Iron Knight Let Me

Mine through the wall and see what Gracie has been building there we go and what my Milo and trip builds are looking amazing and I’m going to secure it using these traps and these BS to make sure Jamesy doesn’t win the $500 prize oh my goodness guys Gracie is putting down

Some op traps she might actually win this Build Challenge all right guys now that I past it in this chip build I think I’m going to pce in a Milo Bild CH Jam Lou you’re my best friend what are you doing here well I heard you were

Doing a 15minute Milo and Chip Bill Challenge and I wanted to help but you have to split that $500 prize with me okay fine Lou you can help me now let me paste in my Milo Bell and there we go look how much cuter the Milo is is a

Little bird Jamesy Jamesy enough fanboying we need to build our security measures so we can beat Gracie you’re right come on let’s go down here and build the entrance to our base at his toes let’s expand our chip a little bit I just made his two giant orange legs

And now I’m going to make his body just like this boom and then I’ll add in his face like this and then I’ll make his hair all right Lou for the entrance I’m going to do something really simple all right but what is that I’m going to put

A item frame right here with a bow inside and then an item frame next to it with an arrow wait but Jamesy how is this going to work as an entrance well you’re going to see because up here I’m then going to put a Target block right

Here with a command block on top wait so where is it commands to open this door yes sir I’m now putting this command in the command block so whenever someone shoots it the door sh open and I missed how did you miss that and there we go

The door then opens jamy can I uh put a little bit of my input in really quickly okay how do you want to quickly change it well I’m just going to put a redstone lamp so you know that it turns on or off if you hit it okay brilliant and there

We go the entrance to our door is completed but they only going to get one Arrow so they have to be accurate it just depends on whether Gracie is good enough at shooting yes sir but now that we’ve done the entrance to our base we

Need to do the first trap and I think as soon as the door opens she should get swarmed with tons of mobs that is a perfect idea but what type of mobs are we thinking well first let’s cover in the floor so there’s no secret way into the house wait Jamesy you’re building

This with orange concrete can I put a bit of red in since I’m helping fine you can put your favorite color in Lou but guys comment down below what your favorite color is it better be orange no it better be red Milo’s looking great so

Far I just added in his white belly and now that the floor is done I’ve got this spawner and this skeleton egg because in here I’m going to fill this room up with spawners like this do you know what these blocks do Lou ah I can see what

It’s doing Jamesy look it’s spawning in so many of them yep because these spawners have skeletons spinning around inside of them they spawn in skeletons Whenever there isn’t enough around so when Gracie opens up this door they going to swarm out of here and try and

Kill her and she’s going to have no weapons all she’ll have is a bow with no arrows exactly so then to give her a chance though because this is a secure house it needs to be possible for us to get through it I’ve got a chest and I’m

Going to put it right in the opposite corner she’s going to have to open this door run past all of these skeletons without dying and then get to this chest a Jamesy I think this is unfair maybe we should move the chest over here wait Lou

Did you just pick up the chest of course I did I’m just that strong put it down down we put in this corner and inside I’m going to put a diamond sword a shield and finally an iron pickaxe do you know what the iron pickaxe is for um

Is that to mine her way to the next room or something no she’s going to use the iron pickaxe to break the spawners only when she breaks these spawners will she have completed the room all right that sounds good Jamesy but do you want to start working on that next room now well

Before we go in the Next Room I think it’s time that we go over to grazy’s base and we pay her a visit with a prank oh yeah I’m going to bring my little friend Frank leave him alone Milo’s all done huh wait a second is that James’s

Build why does it look so good all right Lou you can bring Frank if you want but we’re going to break through this wall and we’re going to try and Destroy her base because then we will win the Build Challenge this is our build and this is

Oh my goodness she upgraded her base look what oh this still looks really bad but you know what I think I’m going to save Frank’s eyes I’ll put him right there yeah you should all right we need to go and prank her look she’s right there I think so that she doesn’t know

That we’re here we should go invisible oh yeah let’s do it I love some classic invisibility there we go me you and Frank are now invisible and we can start to prank her build as you can see she’s making chip using orange W and she has a

Milo build behind him as well look it’s blue wait that Milo build isn’t actually too bad yep I think we need to prank it and you know what how about we change its fur from Blue to Yellow that way it’ll look more like your friend pip

Then it will Milo wait you’re right they do look kind of similar and there we go I turned him to be yellow isn’t that much better yeah I would say that looks a lot more familiar yeah that looks much better perfect and then we can head to

The entrance of her orange base and we can do some funny stuff at his face anyway I should probably work on building my entrance now wait a second huh did my Milo turn yellow that’s not Milo anymore it’s my friend pip what do I do I have to change it back to normal

Now who would do that H Lou’s best friends with Pip would Lou have done this oh no look at this his eyes also turned yellow that’s so funny because we ran a SL SL replace command and now I’m going to give him a frowny face that way

He will look really sad and Gracie will lose the bill challenge Jamesy I’m going to add some really sad eyebrows as well so he looks like he’s really really sad wait how about we give him a unibrow I don’t know but I need to fix it boom that’s looking much better but

Wait Gracie realized what we did to her Milo build and she turned him back blue what already oh I don’t know Lou what should we do we have to R up her how about we give her Milo bird a super long and ugly beak like this yeah you do that and I’ll

Give it a mustache look more like Pinocchio than he will a bird perfect wait a second what did they do to my chip oh no he looks so sad quick let’s remove this we don’t want him to look sad that’s not a good look for our build and they gave

Him a uni brow chip doesn’t have a uni brow he’s a goodl looking fellow and there we go oh this is looking much much better I mean worse think of the mustache Jamesy oh I love it and Grazy has no idea what she’s doing but oh no she removed our unibrow

And now she’s going to remove our mustache all right Lou I think she’s on to us we should probably go back to our side all right wait now they’ve added a mustache to my Milo what this just is never ending what are they going to do

He turned him into Pinocchio his nose is super long long hopefully that’s the last of my worries well Lou we’re back to our house and it’s good to see that the skeletons are still spawning in but anyway once she completes this first trap we should put in a hidden ladder

All right but wait hidden ladders they exist yeah I’m using this bunk ladder tool and I’m going to make some white terracotta bunk ladders and then I’ll just place these over in the corner over here like this and you’ll see how these ladders are basically hidden wait no way

From all the way over here they’re pretty much invisible yep their color matches up perfectly with the wall so that when you’re looking at it at the right angle you basically can’t even see it look this is a really good thing to have in our base if we didn’t have it I

Think Gracie would just know how to get through straight away yeah Lou in this Build Challenge it’s all about two things number one the base has to look better than the other persons and I think we easily win that with my SL SL Pace commands oh yeah we do but most

Importantly these bases need to be filled with really cool traps and if the other person can sneak through them really easily then we’re totally lose so next time we go and prank Gracie I think we should ruin her traps with some devious tricks oh yeah we should if we

Can’t get through those traps then we don’t win that $500 and then what did I help you for exactly but now we’re in the Next Room we should put in another trap here and Lou I want you to take the resins on this one a okay well I’ve got

A really good idea James Z since Milo is behind chip I’m also going to put Milo’s entrance at the back like this that way it’ll be super unpredictable but I’m going to need to use a secret door this secret door looks exactly like a normal

Block except it works the same way as a door so now my entrance is going to be completely secure and I will be able to definitely win that $500 well Jamesy I’m going to start by getting some fences and some boats what do you think of that uh I mean I don’t

Know Lou I don’t know what the Trap is you have to stop building it all right right well let me show you I’m going to get a fence and then place a boat directly on top like this come on uh L you have to actually place it on top

First using a block and then break the block like this are you dumb uh kind of as you can see you’ll be able to go onto this boat like this and I’m thinking on making a staircase to heaven with a bunch of these boats you should probably

Make it a bit further away so it’s a bit hotter like that so we go up here yeah that sounds like a good idea like that so she’ll be over here just to get in this one let she just to jump into this one oh yeah this is not bad that’s

Really difficult though wait a second Jamesy maybe to make it more difficult I should put some lava underneath oh yes some lava is genius that way if she fails a jump then she’ll have a consequence all right let me just make a little lip like that to hold it inside

And then let’s place down a ton of lava everywhere perfect Lou I’m going to help you out with this I’m pleasing lava every too oh yeah if she fails a jump guys she’ll fall in the lava and she’ll lose our Challenge and that way we will

Win all right do you think that’s enough yep I think that is perfect there we go so we’ll get rid of that so she jumps on this one and then she jumps onto that one and then it’s over here but this is really difficult no I feel like it’s too

Easy I’m going to make it even harder by coming all the way over here Lou that’s so far isn’t it JayZ I don’t know if even I could make this let me try made you have make sure the boat doesn’t get far move forward otherwise it will be too hard wait but Jamesy

That’s only possible in creative mode I mean you have further reach in creative mode than survival mode well I’ll try in survival then come on no oh no yeah Jamesy that’s impossible but I noticed a problem Lou I fail the jump but I still survive cuz I landed on the ledge you

Should move it closer while I fix this issue using Spar all right sounds good let me move this boats a few blocks to the side like this this this should be good enough I think and by adding all these spikes around here I’m making it so if someone

Fails but lands on one of these little Ledges they’ll still probably die because spikes are super deadly yeah they make you take way more fall damage too I’m pretty sure let me see how much damage is this going to make me take really oh my gosh Lou I’m back from the

Hospital they said that I suffered a fatal I know I can still see a hole in your foot wait I want to test this in survival mode and we didn’t make sure that it’s still possible okay are you kidding me that was us error that was us error that was the

Easiest jump ever all right all right come on oh my goodness this is hard this is hard she’s going to struggle Lou do you think I should move it one block closer no no no let me try again ready three two one oh yeah easy easy easy okay

Three two one there we go oh yeah all right let’s do one more jump to over here I think all right sounds good are you sure that’s going to be close enough the last one was really difficult no I think that’s definitely close enough try try try survival mode jump I just fell

It’s hard because you can’t see the bottom of the boat so it’s like it’s different sizes to the blocks there we go oh it’s definitely possible but I just failed it how are you doing that all right here we go boom I’m in there we go and then what we’ll do is we’ll

Put a little ladder over here again and we’ll use another invisible ladder but this time instead of using those hidden bunk ladders I’m going to use these secret ladders that look like this oh Jamesy are you sure we have to do any more boat jumps I cuz I’ve still got one

More boat left no Lou Chuck it in the lava right now fine I’ll just put it down in the lava as you can see this ladder looks exactly like normal blocks doesn’t it wait it does are you sure that’s just not like a wall that you

Placed wait a second it actually is a ladder yep it’s a secret ladder that looks like real blocks and then we can simply put a roof over like this and she’ll have no idea this is genius Jamesy with this this Gracie is just going to be stuck in the boat room for

All eternity Y and this makes our base way more secure cuz only me and you and of course our thousands of viewers will know how to complete this base wait if any of our viewers tried our base do you think they’d be able to complete it I

Don’t know they might have to smash the like button if they think they can but I bet this video is going to get zero likes cuz I know none of you guys can beat this Bas it’s so secure that’s so mean of you to say Jamesy sorry but now

I’m feeling that we should go back over to Gracie’s side and we should prank her traps this time instead of her base and that way we can make her traps easier so that we win the Bild challenge yes let’s go make that base super easy I want to

See what James Z is up to I mean his build looked amazing earlier I mean just look at these they look professional and I’m going to have no chance of winning unless I can somehow make his worse than mine so first of all let’s change some

Of these colors there we go oh he’s looking a lot prettier now and oh blue eyes that’s too much like Jamesy let’s make these eyes a different color wait what just happened L the whole base just turned pink oh no I swear if graci’s behind this wait a second I’m going to

Go outside and see if I can find her oh Gracie where are you guys Jamesy and Lou they’re looking for me what do I do what do I do oh Lou his eyes turn purple now he looks like graci’s boyfriend or brother oh I’m not jealous right now but

I hate this Gracie’s boyfriend I thought you were Gracie’s boyfriend I am Gracie’s boyfriend but Gracie has these really cute purple eyes and now he has purple eyes Lou fix it right now oh fine I know a few commands I morphed into a mutant pig now it’s my time to shine

Hopefully they won’t be able to find out that it was me and I can just sneak right past them let’s just go down over here hopefully they don’t spot me wait Lou there’s a falling Pig interrogate interrogate interrogate what I do what I do H piggy

H Pig on top of a pig Lou what’s going on here this is really weird maybe I can ask it something in pig language maybe it’s a pregnant mother maybe it’s giving its kid a piggy bag oink oink it’s me Peppa Pig yes you know what Lou i’ I’ve had too much of

This we’ fixed our build let’s just go and prank Gracie okay all right sounds good let’s go what did they just say they’re going to prank me no no no no no no no no no no no I have to catch up to them all right Lou last time we pranked

The outside of our base which made it look way more ugly this time we’re going to prank her traps which makes them way easier to complete and that way we’ll win the bill challenge sounds good Jamesy but where did her traps start I don’t know there pig is following us

Though it’s super creepy I bet we can just mine through a wall right here and we’ll find it no not there not hey hey stop it it’s me Peppa Pig and I don’t agree to this well uh you don’t have anything to say right now Peppa Pig yeah

Sorry oink oink no no no you’re not in this Build Challenge well you should not destroy somebody else’s base that is just not right I can’t take you seriously while your eyes are being covered by another Pig on of you child don’t make fun of it it’s not a baby

That’s an adult what oh my God Lou we don’t have time for this we have to find where her traps are where are they in here Lou in here in here in here this room here JY we have to run really quickly I just stole her child I just

Stole her child all right come in here look at this room room in here there’s a key card and there’s a bunch of turrets these turrets here L they shoot us look are you kidding me yeah that’s no good we need to stop these turrets from

Be able to kill us by covering them up that would make this trap room way less effective sounds like a good plan this is a bad idea he Pig what are you doing let us do what we want to the base yeah this is terrible you guys are bad

Children oh you know what Lou I don’t care about Peppa Pig I like bacon more where is it are eat it there we go Peppa Pig is now gone wait Jamesy something looks really weird here oh we dropped greasy’s head how strange never mind well there

We are Lou we blocked all the turrets and now they can’t attack us are there any more traps in this base I don’t think so not that I could see wow she’s such a slow Builder Lou this is going to be such an easy $500 I can’t wait to

Spend this on your new Roblox Channel woohoo I can’t believe this guys they killed me in front of my own child and they destroyed my base in front of my eyes oh no and they killed me so now I don’t know what else they trolled quick Qui quick let’s restore my turrets to

Their original form I can’t have them block them off like this oh goodness gracious all right Lou for my next trap though I’ve got these Diamond fans and I’m also going to get some sticky pistons and some slime blocks wait a second what are all those blocks meant

To do with a trap well obviously she’s going to come come up the secret ladder right here and then what I want you to help me do Lou is once again fill the floor up with lava but actually instead of lava how about we do lasers woohoo let’s do it if you guys

Didn’t know lasers are basically these high power beams of energy that melt through anything that touches them um but Jamesy it doesn’t reach all the way to the other end of the room what do we do oh Lou always so naive and complaining we’re going to get these

Upgrades which allow us to upgrade the laser so what I’m going to do is I’m going to get a damage upgrade which means that people would die if they touch it I’m also going to get a distance upgrade and I’m also going to get a fire upgrade and I’m going to slap

All these upgrades inside the laser right here which is going to turn this laser to be awesome wa that’s amazing yep it’s amazing and basically if something touches this it will die for example let me get a pet cow and mo it’s dead oh oh well I mean I guess it’ll

Make good bacon it’s been melted through and we’re going to spread some of these lasers around we’re not going to do every block though Lou cuz that’s a bit too much okay we have some mercy we do every other block and that way if the person fails their jump they will

Probably fall into a laser and even if they don’t and they fall right here well where are they going to go exactly so they’re going to have to jump into a laser anyway Jamesy can we make it like a matrix laser grid like this okay L we

Can do that that’s fine if they fail a jump they are done for and then I’m going to use some of these fans right here to do some awesome jumps so let me show us how this fans work oh of course I can if I walk into it I get blown all

The way over here yep these are highly industrial fans are super powerful so for the first jump we’re going to make Gracie jump all the way to over here see I think that might be possible she’s going to have to do this I’m going to do

It ready she’s going to go here and whoop okay it’s close it’s close try again jamy watch this youve got to jump right into the fan like this no I know it’s going to work we can do Emerald fans instead we have stronger fans Emerald fans are like diamond fans but

Even stronger Jamesy why don’t you just do three Diamond fan what like this um no I mean like this try the jump again okay okay it’s still not possible still not possible I’m going to do emeralds I think that’ be better all right give it

A go three two 1 go Jam there we go it’s possible I’ll try one more time 3 2 1 Boop there we go guys as you can see Gracie can now jump all the way from over here to over there without dying to the lasers wait maybe we should do the

Same thing on the other side as well so you have to do one jump to here and then one jump to all the way over here no I think we should spice up a little bit Lou so I’m then going to do an iron fan wait an iron fan aren’t those really

Weak yes those are super weak but in this case we don’t want it to be strong because we’re going to get her to jump from here and then we’re going to try and get her to jump up a few blocks to there I think that will do so she’s

Going to jump from here onto the IR fan and she’s going to jump again and she’s going to land right there see you got so close to Falling there I saw your toes about to slip no no toes were slipping easy peasy jump ready 3 two one oh no no

To no to you going to stay on the fan for a longer time Jamesy jump all the way up and then go yeah there we go and then she’s going to have to jump to over here where I’m going to do the sticky piston Contraption the sticky piston

Contraption is this just like a slime block jump y she’s going to go to here she’s going to flip the LEL she’s going be flung up here and then Lou we’re going to once again use these Diamond fans to blow her over here all right let

Me test this one out it seems like when she jumps on this she’ll have to move over to this block too yeah give it a go all right here we go Bo all right that sounds pretty that seems pretty easy yeah let me try it myself ready so I’m

Going to bring it down she’s going to have to come from here she’s going to have to move a little bit to the right like you said like this and then and boom so close there we go I fixed it I’ll try it one more time she’s going to

Go from here jump to here flick this move that way and boom easy nice work Jamesy this trap is awesome we not done yet though Lou I’m going to add some more so over here we’re going to do the next Emerald fan Pusher and this is

Going to push her that way again ready boy Zinger wao but to make sure she reaches her destination I’m going to have some fans like this and then I’m going to have an iron fan and let’s give that try ready Jam I can’t do that maybe if I jump first

Woo oh it’s so hard Jamesy you have to jump before you jump so like this you got a Sprint jump and then you jump and it launches you so close oh it’s so hard Lou let me try the diamond fans instead that might make it easier actually ah

There we go Lou she just has to jump from over here to over here like this and she’s in the next destination sounds good should we do ladders up to the next one yeah I just want to make sure that she doesn’t get can’t go over here it’s

The only problem she can cheat you know if she cheats we’ll just kill her her is fine okay and then she comes over here we just do a f we going to blow her up to through the roof into the next room all of these TNTs do different things

And have different Specialties and I’m going to put each one of them inside of this dispenser right here when Jamesy and Lou randomly click on this button right here it’s going to dispense one of the TNTs on top of them and if they’re lucky nothing is going to happen however

If they’re not then they’re going to have to bear the consequences and there we go that Emerald fan is just strong enough to bring us up to the next room in here this room is huge we can put so many traps in here what is this chips

Body I think it is Jamesy all right Lou what should we build in this room do you think I have a pretty good idea Jamesy we should make this room so that Gracie can get some Loot and then in the Next Room let’s make her find some really op

Mobs oh so let’s get our hopes up by giving her lots of cool stuff and then we’ll destroy her oh yeah you got to build her up to destroy her perfect but we need to make it possible otherwise when we come home from a mining trip we

Won’t even be able to get into our base ourselves oh yeah those mobs might really hurt us if we’re not careful so we need to hide good enough loot around here so that we can defeat them so I’m going to build this wall real quick and

Then we’re going to get on doing those hidden loots and for the hidden loot Lou I think we should use some secret chest chest wait secret chests you have like a hidden secret everything yep secret chests as you can see over here I’ll put down a iron fan and a secret chest

Except this secret chest is this iron fan isn’t even real because it’s a chest wait that’s kind of crazy the only way Gracie could figure out if this is a chest is if she jumps on it and realizes it doesn’t push her anywhere yep and because this one is kind of obvious I’m

Going to fill it with not so good armor and loot so all I’m going to do is fill it up with some iron armor and some steak there we go I guess that makes sense an iron fan with iron armor yes so that’s some good loot if she finds it

But where can we hide even better loot you know what up here we can replace these ones here and make this a line of stone and then One Singular orange powder which is a bit suspicious so we’re going to make that a secret chest yeah that’s kind of hidden in plain

Sight Jamesy yep so then in that one because that one’s a little bit better we’re going to fill it with diamond armor and golden carrots all right Jamesy but I’ve got an idea for one little thing in here okay you going to put in another secret chest Lou watch

This I’m going to hide the chest in plain sight I’m going to put a chest right here right there there we go that should be pretty difficult to find I think it kind of looks like it’s just blending in with the wall right I think

If I put another one above it it makes it blending even better right yep that’s definitely a amazing and let’s hide some really good loot in there it’ll be right under her nose and that one I’m going to put in neite armor which is the next

Step up and I’m going to put in some golden apples so if she can find this chest she’ll get even better stuff but now I think we should do one final chest which has even better loot in it but for this one we’re going to spice it up a

Little bit but instead of doing hidden secret chests we’re going to do a chest that is literally in the open which is a password protected Barrel wait but how is she to guess the password well the password I’m going to put on there it needs to be some sort of random numbers

So I think we’re going to do um 998 998 what is that supposed to mean it means nothing Lou that’s what makes a password good it has to have zero meaning oh okay but there needs to be some way for us to remember it cuz we’re going to forget it

So you know what I think we should write the numbers on the roof somewhere maybe we should put it like over here maybe like just right here just right here well what we do Lou is we’ll put a roof on this building and then we’ll put it

On the roof so that we can see it okay all right sounds good let me just help you with this roof okay so let’s put the roof on and the whole point of this is is that she probably won’t look up cuz I don’t know if you guys no this but in

Today’s age with cell phones no one ever looks up have you realized that yeah I figured that out too Jamesy always glue to our screens you know you were talking about passwords before do you want to know my password by any chance no l don’t say itward hackens you oh don’t

You worry I don’t use it anyways it’s I love Sophie 948 oh my goodness guys Sophie is Lou’s best friend but he totally has a crush on her no I don’t all right Lou whatever over here I’m going to use this brush do know what

This does um no what does it do Jamesy it lets me right on block so I’m going to do a 64x 64 resolution and just over here in Black I’m going to write the password 9 98 and there we go click done and it looks super small you see um

Jamesy I don’t know about you but from this entrance I mean it’s kind of right there okay should I make it smaller maybe you should make it out of a color that’s really close to Orange just so it’s kind of hidden I’ll do 128 by 128 resolution and then I’ll do a slight

Orange sort of color but I make it like a light orange like that yes and I’ll do nine nine eight what do you think about that one Lou yeah I’d say that blends in just a tiny bit better I don’t know it’s too bright maybe make it a tiny tiny bit

Darker orange after all it’s harder to see a color when it’s darker next to something than when it’s brighter all right Lou I fixed it look how tiny it is no way that is so hidden yeah I can I’ve lost it where is it gone oh it’s right

There and the best part is is when she views it from this angle it looks like 866 doesn’t it you have to view it from this angle for to be 998 no way Gracie is going to struggle so hard with this room stand over here I can’t even see it

Can you let me see let me see uh if you have really really good eyes you can see it in the middle right there I can barely even see it from here this I actually think this is too hard but Lou we need to make sure that we can find

This so um you know what just as a clue I’m going to get some orange this colors here and I’m going to line up so they go like this so then if you follow these two up they go to the block okay all right sounds good but you still haven’t

Told us what you’re going to put inside this chest right well the next step up from neite armor is dragon steel armor wo so I’m going to put in this chest 998 Dragon steel armor with a dragon steel sword and even some enchanted golden apples Jamesy that’s

Kind of op don’t you think yep so when we’re fighting we’re going to have the armor but when Gracie fights she’s probably going to be stuck with a bit iron armor all right sounds good but what are we going to do for that next room well of course we need to have a

Secret door so for that I’m going to put down an iron Secret Door right here like that the crazy thing is Jamesy I’m not even surprised anymore like I this is just crazy yeah but the best thing about this is it looks like a secret door but

When you go to click on it it doesn’t even open which will make her think that it’s normal blocks and that’s because it’s an iron secret door if she wants to get through she’s going to have to flick this torch lever wait torch lever that’s a thing Jamesy I may have gone to

Redstone school but I definitely did not get taught about this yep and now we’re in the Next Room perfect in this room I’m going to make it really really exciting because James is going to be trapped behind this glass while buckets of lava poured out from each column of

Blocks I’ll be dropping it down from different angles and different columns every single time and James is going to have to make sure to avoid them as much as possible but he won’t be able to see what I’m doing which is why it’s going

To be up to Louie to tell him where to go and to make sure that Jamesy has no clue where the lava is coming from I’m going to put some ghost blocks up up here so that he can’t see where I’m placing the lava and in here this is

Where we’re going to make greasy fight an OP mob you know what I think we should M to fight the ignis H the ignis but what about my pet Sparky I love that spy is too easy to defeat we some as strong as an ignis all

Right I mean this guy is kind of red and kind of strong I’m going to get rid of him for now just so that we can uh have peace without being burnt on fire but I’ll put him above the door frame so we can spawn him in when we leave the house

Okay sounds good but once she completes this room we’re going to have another secret ladder and this time I’m not even going to make it that secret I’m going to keep it just right in the corner cuz she’s probably going to spot it but she’ll get distracted while fighting the

IGN and hopefully die trying to climb the ladder wait Jamesy I’ve got a really good idea here if you put that ladder going up into the corner make a quick platform going across that side of the room okay oh you want to make another room up here yeah I have a really good

Idea let’s build a quick wall over here no wait wait wait don’t build a platform like this I want you to build it just like so it’s over here right okay I’ll get rid of this here I think that’s his arm all right and if we build a wall

Here we could do something really cool how about we do that squid games challenge you know the glass Bridge wait when one glass block is fake and the other ones are real and you don’t know which one it is so you jump and then you

Die yes let’s make great to do one of those it’s a game of pure luck yep so we have glass and we have ghost blocks and Lou we should do a pattern so that we always remember it all right what could our pattern be though I don’t know but

What I’m going to do is I’m going to go over here like this and I’m going to make the jump so we’ll get rid of every other one so that it looks like that I’m going to make this wall here out of targets like this jeansy will be on that

Side and Lou will be on this side and they’re each going to have three battleships one is going to be three blocks long one is going to be two blocks long and one is just going to be one block long long and they can place these battleships anywhere on the map

That they like on the other side James is going to shoot arrows and try to guess which block has the battleship behind it like this and if they hit the right target that battleship is going to sink which means they lose that part of the battleship and once the entire

Battleship has been destroyed then they lose that whole Battleship as well but here’s the catch James is also going to have his own battleships on the other side they’re going to have to work against each each other to destroy the other person’s battleships first the winner of the secure challenge is going

To win a very nice prize the winner is going to get this Infinity Gauntlet which is so powerful and does 100,000 damage but there’s a catch you can only use it twice and after that it will instantly break let me show you here we go we have some zombies here I can hit

It once and I can hit it twice and boom now it’s broken and gone which means you can use it only two times anyway I’m going to put this prize right over here and then I’m going to go and see what Jamesy and Lou are up to because I have

To make sure that they don’t win that $500 come on oh it still looks just as good it looks like they fixed all the things that I changed I can’t make the same mistake as before let’s morph into something else or better yet let’s change into Milo woohoo this is great

Guys okay now how does Milo sound again now I have a really good idea that can get them to take their statue down let’s hope this works hi guys it’s me Milo where did they come from uh are you not like busy doing a bill challenge

Right now yeah no today’s my day off anyway I saw that you guys were building me and my best friendship and I thought that maybe I could help you guys oh I don’t know Milo you’re always on the losing team are you sure we’re going to

Win if you’re on our side you’ll make our base worse you guys don’t let me then I will get your build copyright strike what oh no cash ano copyright strike just last time I can’t deal with this again fine fine just let us build you please without striking our channels

First you have to fill me in on what is going on here well we’re doing one of those squid game parkours where there’s real blocks and there’s fake ones these ones on the left are fake oh okay the ones on the right are real you should

Make all the left ones fake that’s a good idea don’t change anything at all no you should no that would be too obvious what I think we’re going to do is I think we’ll do right right left and then we’ll do right right left so I’m

Going to make this one fake and then I’m going to make this one fake and then I’m going to make this one fake so to get across you have to do right right left right right left if you mess that up you’ll die this R is going to stand for

Right and that one will stand for left um do you think that’s too obvious so Lou I think Gracie will make this really easy yeah she’ll just walk up and work it out she’s kind of a problem Sol no she’s very dumb don’t worry about her I

Mean I do agree with you Gracie is pretty dumb mono but I don’t think she’s that dumb well just let me hold on to this for safekeeping don’t worry uh Lou I feel that this Milo character is a bit suspicious I know they don’t remind me

Of the real Milo you sound nothing like the real Milo yeah sound exactly like him no Milo sounds like hi chip chip what’s going chip yeah and Milo is a boy right or a girl I’m not sure it doesn’t matter I’m a bird anyway I want to see

What else you guys have in your base um Lou I don’t know I don’t think we should show her I know Milo’s kind of scaring me now those B eyes are really scary I think I heard the mummy bird calling you I think you need to go home I’m going to

Get you guys copyright strike you know what I don’t take well to buies come here get him easy clap wait a second this Milo is called Gracie look the head is called Gracie are you kidding me it wasn’t Gracie the whole time it was crazy the whole time you know the worst

Thing is she took the sign that said the pattern on it she took it see if you click it like that you can take it oh maybe we should change it to left left right left left right instead the other way around yes or we could just do what

She said the star and just do right the real every single time wait good idea let’s do it so right is going to be the real one every single time a come on they always figure me out but don’t worry guys I did get the sign and this

Sign tells me the answer right right left right right left so when I do the challenge I’m going to know exactly which ones are real and which ones are fake Lou I’m a little bit worried that we are going to forget so you know what I think we should also leave a little

Clue for ourselves somewhere I think we should do the same thing as last time and use the brush well maybe we should just get some blocks and place them up there I don’t think graci’s looking up there uh do you think that’s obvious oh what do we put on the wall I’m just

Going to do a Big R on the wall over here to remind us yep sounds good that does that look like an r no that’s terrible let me try again maybe make the top a little bit more like this and the bottom like that yeah oh that looks like

An R right yep that looks just fine and magical perfect so now we know that we just have to go to the right boom boom boom boom do a 360 and there we go oh my gosh this is crazy yes now we have time for one more trap Louis because our 15

Minutes is nearly up oh no but what should we do next I think that we should make a little pathway going this way and then out of this window we should make Gracie or should I say Milo do a little jump right here into the ground wait

You’re making a dropper or a death Cliff yep and then down here I’m going to put down one piece of water right here uh are you sure she’s going to be able to do that Jamesy I mean not even I can do that give it a try L

Ready I made it it’s not that hard I think we should make it even harder by adding some obstacles on the way down I guess we could do that but what kind of obstacles maybe some spikes I’m just actually just going to put down some s

Fences that way you can slip past them potentially but it’s pretty hard all right let me help you by adding a few fences as well there we go and there we go I plac it a ton of fences what do you think that took ages but I’m glad it’s

Finally done and then she can jump down like this and it’s still pretty easy but it looks tricky for me it’s really difficult I can barely see them coming and I think that’s all we have time for on our base but it’s not over yet Lou

Because now we have to prove to Gracie that our basee is better than hers and the only way we can do that is we have to play her base and she will have to play our base and whoever dies the least wins I bet her base is going to be

Garbage we got this in the bag Jamesy all right let’s go find her and time is up all right time is up guys what’s going on well Gracie I have you right here and I’m about to throw you in the trash because that’s what your build is

How dare you well Gracie as you know now know we need to play your base and whoever dies the least wins this Build Challenge wait what oh no I really hope I’ve made it secure enough and also Lou is here to help he’s going to be the

Judge wait a second what I thought you were with Jamesy earlier that’s unfair prize money I win anyway where’s the entrance to your base cuz I can already see that it’s ugly so you’re really relying on it being secure well it doesn’t matter if it’s

Ugly if you die more times than I do anyway the interest is not anywhere close to here so good luck be up don’t worry jamy don’t worry I got this get get here come here oh my gosh oh I got her jamy I got

Her I got her don’t put it near me get away from me why do I put it why do I put it down just put it down she’s going to kill me like let me make a hole for her like this you guys can put her inside put down put her inside there

Yeah get down there by she fell in the ocean below all right Lou I know that the entrance to the base is back here cuz I saw her earlier or was it oh yeah me too you guys are TRS how do you know that uh no

Comment no comment ow ow ow ow oh it doesn’t matter snipers in there like getting Secret Service is on the case get down Mr President all right Lou we’re going to run in and run straight to the right okay 3 2 1 to the right to

The right the right to the right go right right right ow ow to the right again come on come on my snipers got to get him over here Lou there’s over there there’s a card readed do you see it I see it but Jamesy look to our left over

There there’s some chests over there with the card inside we need to make it to the chest without dying so okay all right Lou I’m going the next cover Dy I’ve taken a lot of damage I’m a one and a half High all right you stay there as I move towards the

Chest I’m dodging all the shots they can’t hit me if you die that means I get one point since you’ve lost a life what no you don’t all right Lou’s lives don’t count it’s just mine Gracie wa what that’s totally unfair Lou here to help me all right I’m

Going to jump over this cover and see if I can get the chest oh I just can’t reach it from here J I made it how about this I’ll distract the turrets you go for the chest okay all right three go go go I’m distracting them I’m distracting

Them key got a key got a key get cover L died but unfortunately I don’t get any points for that that’s totally unfair he was such a good man it’s okay anyway I got the key card I’m going into the next room okay you made it to the next

Room and look Lou’s right behind you perfect all right Lou we now have to get over this lava parkour but is it just me or does it look too easy what yeah something about this screams ghost block somehow I can make it harder for you

Guys if you like there you go no no me see now it’s impossible Jamesy there’s a ghost block here oh I knew it I could tell that this was too good to be true it just looked suspicious wait how do we get over if there’s no way across’s over here this

Must be a clue no I never said that there’s always a way across usually it’s barrier blocks do you see any barrier blocks I don’t see anything but wait get me I just went into the wall God guys she’s using secret blocks with oneway glass no way is this fake

Lava no way darn it wait fake lava this I didn’t know that existed it looks like real lava guys but it’s actually fake lava it’s basically a cheese River oh you guys are too clever I really thought I outsmarted of you guys with this one

It’s not just a cheese River it’s a hot cheese River sometimes it does burn you be careful sometimes it does but it’s fine Gracie we are totally speeding through all your traps this is so easy well since you guys have two people you guys have to do this challenge now twice

Cuz that’s what you guys get so come over here you have to try your luck and and hope that you get the correct item that can help you get through this door but you guys both need to do it because your retinal scanners won’t work on both

Of you so wait what does this command block do well one it’s going to give you a retino scanner two it’s going to detonate one of those TNTs over there really that’s some complicated Redstone Gracie right scared I’m going to give it a go Lou I’ll go first okay you got this

Jamesy don’t die please 3 2 1 ah oh oh no JY he just lost alive I can’t believe it I just got VAP I had no chance to run is that fair well Jamesy I mean it’s the luck of the draw and unfortunately you picked something a

Little bit less Lucky Now L here’s your turn wait are you kidding me oh no go on press it good luck all right jamy watch this my luck is immense 3 2 1 oh it’s a house ch CH a house CH no that’s actually really lucky all it does is

Create a house so good luck Lou yeah yes see Jamesy I now have somewhere to live in this economy all right L place down at your R scanner and it should open the door all right Boop all right let me in door wait huh y you go through the door

Recognize Lou are you an AI Lou oh come on see me see me let me try let me try uh hello Jamesy wait graci this door isn’t working well that’s really odd it should work I think you need to oil the hinges it works come on come on go nice

Work now you guys are going to play battleships but there’s a catch since you guys are playing to die now you guys are working as a team and I’ll be playing Battleship on the other side if I win that means that you have to lose a life to my

Infinity Gauntlet but if you win you get to kill me instead using that Infinity godlin see that Infinity godlin has all of the Infinity Stones that means it’s got the power of the universe wait this is good though we can make Gracie lose a life in her own build that means when

She does our base she’ll already be one point down and I’ve only lost one point so far and I’m already halfway through her base I’m feeling confident but guys keep in mind you have three battleships one is three blocks long one is two blocks long and one is one block long

All right Lou I’m going to get all the battleships in my inventory and we’re going to have to place them okay there’s a strategy to this game this this point here is always the most common one so we do not want to place a battleship on

That one okay but where is the least common point this is a good question here Louie this is the least common point so I’m going to put a free Block one right there and then I’m going to put my second one right here Louie all right can I choose the last one please

Okay you choose the last one where do you want to put it all right uh eenie meeny miny mo uh yeah there are you guys ready to begin you guys don’t know this yet but I actually installed something earlier that they don’t know about I have a camera monitor here that allows

Me to see the placement of their battleships look it’s right behind them and they have no clue at all this means that I’m going to be able to beat them super easily and and Jamesy will have to lose yet another life czy Grazy I want

To go first I want to go first all right go ahead boom sorry but none of my lamps lit up which meant you did not hit any of them oh I even hit a bull’s eye we hit that one right below guys wait a second let’s count this 1 2 three four

And then one above from the bottom okay 1 2 3 4 and then right here okay I think this is where your battleship is wait why did you hit one the first time that’s not fair well I guess I’m just really lucky well it’s our turn now I’m

Going to go right there guys they hit one of mine oh how did you know oh just a lucky guess there’s there’s a strategy in the game that tells you that people always go near to where their own ships are yep so that means we can win easy

That means they have to destroy theirs and I have to destroy one of mine but since I hit that one there earlier I know exactly where their next piece is going to be and it’s going to be right over here wait what no was a wonderful

Chance why did you pick that one he’s cheating or something I know I don’t know I guess I’m just really lucky again all right well Lou we went there last time so I’m going to go there yeah oh sorry guys but you you missed it and that’s really unfortunate because I just

Sunk your biggest ship she’s so annoying what about here no you guys didn’t you sunk my ship darn it wait we sh your two your two block one yeah you did okay okay we we’re fine we’re drawing we’re drawing we’re drawing they’re really really close but

I’ve got a way to tie this up 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 okay did you guys catch that so let’s count 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 that’s going to be their one over there jamy she is never going to guess this one

Just look over here she just broke it you fool what you know what Gracie did they just shoot a random one sorry but you guys didn’t hit anything Jamesy I kind of feel like we’re going to lose this one I have a feeling too Lou all right well I know where there’s

Is over there now so theirs is going to be right here are you serious you’re obviously hacking fanos wait a second Lou there a CCTV camera they breaking break of it block it off block it off block it off all right good stop Jamesy B guys now I can’t see anything this is

Terrible spray paint the cameras yeah don’t let it’s your turn guys and I already know where your next ship is I think no you don’t yours is going to be right there no you guys didn’t anything I don’t remember guys was it this one right here did I hit it uh no

No what guys my memory is so bad please comment down below where that next block is or else I’m going to lose this challenge oh don’t tell them guys no guys they hit one of my ships this isn’t good at all now I only have one ship

Left okay um was it this one over here nope you missed what again what is going on Gracie is trash Gracie is trash I can’t believe they blocked off my camera monitor now I can’t see anything I’m going to go here next you guys hit one

Of mine this isn’t good guys they have only two more turns until they kill all my ships I need to try out all the possibilities that’s my second to last one did I hit it well guys if the first ship that I hit was right here and it

Wasn’t over here over here or over here then it’s got to be this one right here jackpot guys I think I’ve won I’m going to go here next yep yeah but I’m pretty sure you’re left ship is right here no how did you know oh wait you Che of

CCTV that doesn’t count you can’t kill me now you can’t kill me now you can’t kill me now sorry but the rules rules run JY run how did she kill me so fast 100,000 damage that’s way too much damage Gracie fine I’ve lost two lives whatever I think that’s good right

Where’s the next room well it’s going to be right over here come through what is this if Jamesy can survive for 30 seconds he wins oh that’s going to be easy 1 2 Jam let’s run around timer hasn’t started yet wait when does ow you

Almost killed me it starts as soon as I say so now you stand down here and be a good boy and don’t move anyway Lou I’m always a good boy you can help him Lou and tell him to move left or right because I’m going to be dropping lava

Down on him really really soon are you serious I got this Jamesy don’t worry facing towards me we go left or right okay okay ready yeah yeah hopefully Jamesy loses another life because he’s already lost two lives all right Jamesy go left left left left left left left

Jump jump jump jump jump up there go right a little bit you have to do some Parkour yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah left left left keep going keep going keep going jump again jump again okay you are now safe you are now safe I see lots of

Lava up there I’m going to drop some lava keep going you’re right now like this oh no um go right go right go this way this way up up up climb climb climb over here climb again all right that sounds about good enough wait how long have I got

Left gry to survive about 15 seconds J the lava’s coming right down on you go going to jump to the here here this one this one look at me J wait oh J be careful because there’s lava coming down on you now JY jump on the Ping block

What happened she just that’s not fair she broke my head I didn’t break your head actually it was the lava that did so what I lost another life I’ve lost what three lives now graci you’re cheating or something you must be I didn’t do anything but nice try J I go

Next you guys now have to go through this Elijah course over ignore that what’s this oh my goodness it was you Milo whatever anyway come over here guys you guys need to take These elyra Wings from me and here I’ll give you guys some Rockets as well

Thank you all right thank you so using these Rockets you guys can go go through these laser rings but be really careful cuz if you go too close these lasers have a well it has damage for up so maybe you guys should be careful damage

Lou if I touch one of the lasers then I’m going to die don’t worry Jamesy that’s why we are skilled elytra Flyers we can do this all right I have to be careful all right Gracie where do I go well follow the arrows I’m not going to

Give you guys any more clues go on let’s go oh wait wait why she always put them so close together tell her this every time especially if that lasers I’m making it through right now Jamesy I’m careful not missed any you turn time you

Turn time this way W I made it see you guys are doing fine you guys didn’t need any help last one’s right here woohoo nice work guys but now you have to do this dropper into the water block below which you guys can’t even see and that’s

Exactly how difficult it is why don’t we use our elytras that’s why I’m doing a well I’m sorry but you guys can’t use your Li CHS all right Gracie so we have to jump into this water yep you guys have to jump down into this water block and no elyt is allowed all

Right go Jamesy ah my face you just lost a life which means you’ve lost four lives in total now are you serious don’t you think this is kind of difficult Jamesy I’m going to try this now here I go here I go here I go boom okay you’re just showing off there

Slimes yeah where do we go now gra you we land in your slime room it’s the end of my build all right guys take a note I only lost four lives as long as Gracie loses five or more I will win this Build Challenge and you have no idea I use SL

SL paste well crazy what do you think of my build look at Milo and look at chip it looks way too good there’s no way that you built this uh well we did didn’t we Lou we just were really fast yeah it was a amazing you must have done

The build for him instead cuz I know you go to Builder School uh yeah yeah I did the outside and Jamesy did the inside mhm mhm stop yippy yapping we need to go into my base now all right Gracie you have to try and find the entrance and

Remember you can’t die otherwise I will win first of all why are there bows and arrows over here uh no comment your honor I’m going to pick not important over here there’s only one Arrow though which means I have to be very careful with how I use it wait there’s a Target

Block up there but I only have one chance to hit it I bet that’s what opens up the door uh good luck Gracie I know you’re going to miss I hope you miss because then you won’t be able to win boom I hit it no way but now you have to

Fight a hor of skel get ambushed I just fight these skeletons why would I wa J look his Fred oh no not Fred I’m going to lar them out into the Sun so that they can just die from fire damage that way I don’t need to fight them and I can

Surv survive for a bit longer I think you’re going to lose your life Gracie remember if you lose a life then I get closer to winning this Build Challenge and we destroy you are you sure you guys didn’t give me any armor at all what

Kind of friends are you guys no well we did actually give you armor but you haven’t found it yet where could it be I mean wait why are there just random powder blocks over here could they be something oh for no reason no okay see

Did you not see the chest in the room I guess I’m going to have to go inside there but that means I have to face off with the a bunch of these skeletons this is going to be really really difficult there’s no chance you’re going to get in

Grazy just give up come on don’t try come on come on come on wait you guys even give me any armor there’s nothing here she does a short in there and a seal jamy look I’m going to move the chest come on I think loot didn’t she didn’t she get

All the loot lty I can’t believe it there’s no armor but just Shields I guess I’m going to have to use this to kill the skeletons and block their arrows like this why don’t you just go into the room and break all the spawners and then they’ll stop spawning yeah I

Have to do that but first I need to clear all the skeletons use your brain um well you could Shield but you’re not really blocking any of the shots let me yeah come on gra you can do it right here we go oh my goodness B there’s no

Point killing the ones on the outside they’ just be replenishing each other you have to kill the but there’s so many in here oh and she’s lost her life Lou all right I’m going back in this time but there’s so many skeletons this is going to be really really difficult it’s

Super difficult to hit these wall without a shield okay here we go this they’re attacking each other she’ll never get rid of this spawner put it down idiot just put it down oh fine I’ll put it need so that it keeps spawning in skeletons how is she still alive I broke

Them all I broke them all let me out of here let me out watch this J she’ll kill all these skeletons and then when she goes to mine it I’ll pick it up and move it around a you’re so annoying where is she going all right now that I’ve killed

All the spawners there shouldn’t be any more spawning in except for the one that Lou picked up which well I mean I’m not even going to try anymore oh no she’s inside the base there’s basically no skeletons left Jamesy she broke it so quick I couldn’t even move it stop being

An idiot Lou and wait where did gra go I’m going up to the ran up the ladders how did you know there was ladders there they were secrets well they weren’t that secre if I could find it that easily oh well there’s no way you complete this

Challenge you suck at parkour this is impossible for you all right so this is boat parkour which means I should be able to just jump like this how did you do that if I were you Gracie I would unequip that Shield cuz it will actually make this harder I think yeah don’t

Worry Jamesy she is not going to hit this next jump I made it especially hard yeah this next one is very hard I don’t know if she’s going to be able to reach or not she’s just going to have to make a really big leap of faith while trying

To hit that boat really three two one Ando she made it but Lou did you notice how she rode the boat forward by accident now she has less space to jump with good thinking Jamesy there is no way she moves it back wait Lou she’s roll it back how that’s so unfair here

We go oh maybe we said it too loud and then jump into the no I missed it and now I’m on the spikes and now she’s lost three lives Lou this is perfect she only has to lose two more and I won this Build Challenge ni don’t you mean we won

This Build Challenge yeah unfortunately Lou the rules say that she can’t lose multiple lives per room so she gets to these other jumps now and go up to the next one oh there’s a secret ladder here but uh guys I need an extra one okay there you go right Grazy you’ve already

Lost three lives and now you have to do this impossible laser parkour good luck looks like I’m going to have to use these fans to jump across come on and how did she do that but now I she kind of crazy up there how am I going to

Do that uh no no comments let’s see if she figures this out Lou this is really hard wait what that was really difficult the first time that’s the hardest jump but wait what about the Slime piston yeah you go there now but look above you Gracie there’s some fans over here wait

A second do I have to go over there to that block hello um maybe oh wo that was really scary yep I bet you have no idea where you have to go now wa there’s Diamond fans on my left and it’s shooting towards that emerald block up

There I bet I just have to go over here and then up here wait what she got past all of her lasers without taking any lives she still has three left oh this is terrible all right Gracie well you have to now get through this door here

To the other room and defeat the boss inside wait there’s a boss inside there I’m scared I don’t have any armor or anything wait but there’s pass for protected barrels yep if you want armor from this room you can get it there’s a lot of different armor hidden in

Different areas this is one of them for example but you know you can get what you want and then when you’re ready go to the next room wait a second you will not find that password though F here and it’s not blowing me at all it’s

Because it’s a secret chest oh no Lou she’s found the level one armor but she’s no way she’ll get level one 2 3 4 and five yeah she’ll be stuck with that terrible iron armor forever I need to keep looking around maybe there’s an odd block out what about this oh I didn’t

Mean to do that that was the next room Gracie you can go through if you want no I want armor first and what could the password to this be H there is a clue somewh why would you look for the level two chest first it will probably help

You out what would the level two chest be wait what about up here I think I found it no way she just found the level two chest but now she has to find the level three chest oh that one’s way difficult that one’s way too hard yeah

That one’s a lot harder but I think she still could find it there’s no way she’ll get this one Lou there’s got to be something around here that would be useful like this I found it what wait what she found it so fast Lou what the

Oh this is just unfair she now has the level three chest and the last one is this one over here which is a level four chest but there’s no way she’ll be able to open that one wait the you said there’d be a clue around here but I

Don’t see any clues I mean it’s a number the clue is its own thing yeah the clue is its own thing yeah do not look around do not look around even though I know it’s on my screen right now I still can’t see it yeah it’s on my screen too

Jamesy you it’s on my screen too Lou but wait a second yeah we’re both looking at Gracie h i see interesting you guys seem to be looking over here but where well there are some Clues these blocks here are Clues I’ll give you that I just keep

Looking in this corner I don’t see any wait a second what is that it’s like a little marking on the ceiling 998 wait it’s 998 that’s the password why would she think it was 866 this L says 866 got it okay now I can p this op

Which is way better she found the level five armor Lou this is terrible it’s all right Jamesy she’s not getting past our next room yeah she’s not even going to find the Next Room they’re super secrets well it was just a lever get out well time to lose your Force life I can’t

Lose another life otherwise that means James’s ahead and we’re going to be tied you know what nope you’re going to lose it eatting God apple right now come on how many God apples have you got well I’ve got nine left okay left I think she’s op I think she’s going to die I

Need her to die here otherwise I’ll lose Lou I’m attacking him I’m attacking him but I’m doing a ton of damage he’s already lost a quarter of his health oh no I hope Gracie’s at least lost like a heart of Health at least what’s your hearts right now I’m currently at nine

Hearts but I’m going to eat a god Apple which is going to do no damage to me now n he’s got his blue face now wait that means he does extra damage and he’s extra angry that’s not good for me L how is she not dead yet how is she not dead

I don’t know but but why isn’t his strong face not red he need help seems a bit better he needs some help he need some help SK are you serious oh no oh no wait guys oh no I have to eat a golden apple no I died some reinforcement she

Lost her forse life and now Lou that means she has lost the same amount of lives as me which means we’re now drawing I just need her to lose one more life and I will win this bill challenge come on she killed the IGN wait but there’s still a mutant skeleton left

This isn’t good I have to get to him but he keeps shooting me stop it stop it uh oh get back here I’m going to get you she could just drink a golden apple she’s getting low but she doesn’t seem to be well I’m not maybe she needs some

Help oh never oh Lou she’s still got one more life left until I win oh you have to lose it in the Next Room don’t worry James she’s dying to the squid games parkour all right Gracie there’s no way you figure out this is really really scary but I

Remember from before it was right right left right right left so I’m going to go to the right she remembers and then the left no wait what she did die Lou she didn’t die JY quick put some spikes at the bottom come on she’s realized that we

Changed the pattern it’s no longer right left right it’s no longer left she did right again right right right oh that means the right right left pattern doesn’t work anymore or should I go right I don’t know keep placing Jam I got this in my view she missed the Spikes all right I’m

Putting out so many spikes there’s no way she could Dodge them Lou all right all right I’m watching I’m watching to see if she gets P wait a second something’s odd it’s been right for so long could they have just been right the entire time there’s no chance there’s no

Chance I don’t know I don’t know what to do Tracy we put spikes down there there’s no way you can can fake it now you know what I think you went right the entire time it’s okay Lou we have one more trap if she dies to this one then that means

We win this bill Challenge and we get the $500 but Jamesy if she doesn’t die we’re cooked and we don’t earn that 500 I know there’s no way she never gets these done she’ll fail I trust it Lou come on come on come on come on come on come on oh right

She died we win the $500 and we did it by using SL SL P let’s go oh yeah what did you say uh nothing

This video, titled ‘Milo & Chip Build Challenge: NOOB vs HACKER’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-03-18 17:00:31. It has garnered 59566 views and 607 likes. The duration of the video is 01:08:45 or 4125 seconds.

Milo & Chip Build Challenge: NOOB vs HACKER

Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft

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Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ.

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  • Ultimate Mutant Portal Prank – Minecraft

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  • Snow Only Survival Challenge: Epic Fail!

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  • Wacky Withers: Minecraft’s Oddities

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  • Mop Villager Madness: Minecraft’s New Twist!

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  • 🐸 Froggyarmy goes wild on Hypickle! 🎮

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  • The Undead Playerz: Minecraft Wellerman Zombie Mod

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  • Body controls my Minecraft gameplay?!

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  • Insane Minecraft 5269+ Day Run on Space Station HOF! 🚀

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  • Uncover EPIC Minecraft secrets with blitzburied 💥 #lgbt

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  • PvPMasters

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  • 🍃 CubeCadia SMP with Dungeons, Crossplay, No Resets & Survival

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  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Fails Await

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  • TNT BLASTIN’ Villager Oi Oi Oi! 🔥

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  • Breaking Minecraft’s Height Limit!

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    SHOCKING! Mikey & JJ DISCOVER UNDERWATER TREASURE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey & JJ Found HIDDEN UNDERWATER VILLAGE – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by FANCAMIK on 2024-06-06 01:07:00. It has garnered 112 views and 819 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:59 or 13139 seconds. #jjmikey #mikeyjj #minecraft Mikey & JJ Found HIDDEN UNDERWATER VILLAGE – Minecraft Animation This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PE Map Guide

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  • Shrubway’s Insane No Sleep Jokes! 🔥🌪️ #dadjokes

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  • Insane Minecraft Waterfall Tricks 🌊😱 #shorts

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  • NERDY ARISTRIX turns into FROG in Minecraft!

    NERDY ARISTRIX turns into FROG in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft frog’, was uploaded by ARISTRIX THE NERD on 2024-07-15 11:18:26. It has garnered 4 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft, developed by Mojang Studios and released in 2011, is a sandbox game that has captured the imaginations of millions worldwide. Its distinctive blocky graphics and open-ended gameplay allow players to build, explore, and survive in an infinite virtual world. With various modes including Survival, Creative, Adventure, and Spectator, Minecraft offers diverse experiences tailored to different playstyles. In Survival mode, players gather resources, craft tools, and… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Gameplay with NEW Settings!! #gaming

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  • Insane Java Minecraft Server with Twitch Followers! Chat Commands!

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  • Join Xrieas’ Minecraft Server NOW! (8)

    Join Xrieas' Minecraft Server NOW! (8)Video Information This video, titled ‘You can Join my Minecraft Server RIGHT NOW! (8)’, was uploaded by _Xrieas on 2024-02-09 12:11:35. It has garnered 157 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:18:27 or 4707 seconds. Please help support server costs if you can 🙂 Discord: Server version: Java 1.20.1 / 1.20.2 Server IP: The Minecraft server is on 1.20.1 and 1.20.2. If you want to join then please try to be nice to other people and please don’t attempt to hack or cheat because you will likely get caught and you’re ruining for… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Death Race for Pixel Art Love!

    Insane Minecraft Death Race for Pixel Art Love!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Death Race For Love Pixel Art Tutorial (32)’, was uploaded by Dallas Bob on 2024-05-14 13:00:11. It has garnered 39 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:19 or 1879 seconds. Want to watch tutorials early? Join our channel members – 🎨 Hey there, welcome to “The DRFL” Pixel Art Series! 🎮 Get ready for a creative journey through pixelated worlds inspired by the vibes of Juice WRLD’s incredible “Death Race for Love” album. We’re diving into this bi-daily pixel art adventure that mixes the intensity of gaming with the… Read More

  • Kindly Klan Survival

    Kindly Klan SurvivalUn servidor survival custom con misiones, parcelas, trabajos, subastas , con teams y mucho más! No dudes en entrar! Read More

  • Epic SMP – Survival Multiplayer

    Welcome to friendlySMP! Join our classic survival server for a friendly and casual experience. Our whitelist is still open with 90 active members. Interact with others on our active Discord server. If you’re interested, join our Discord or DM us: Discord: .gg/epicsmp -damnn Read More

  • DreamScape Survival | Voice Chat | Discord | Player Economy

    DreamScape Survival | Voice Chat | Discord | Player EconomyCome join the DreamScape Survival Minecraft Server. We have fun activites such as….Java & Bedrock CrossplayProximity Voice ChatLive MapIn-game vote rewards Economy ShopsPlayer FactionsCounting ChannelRoles For Content Creators Read More