Doge’s EPIC Minecraft SMP Adventure – Join FREE Now!

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There there you go it should be fixed now is everything fixed now I forgot to put a thumbnail I’m [ __ ] salty does it work now there there it’s fixed now join now don’t care uh I need to go actually to the thing again I need to post the [ __ ] IP address and

Everything uh okay so the IP is that check space to you check space and then do you copy face done and then pin it and there you go everything is now should be fixed everything should be lag free everything should be 100% good there you go oh bro get out of there you

Bastard oh [ __ ] put that Hopper back down here and to go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 and 11 where you at buddy I hear you I heard you making a fapping noise oh my God another slime another slime baby I’m actually going to get some

Obsidian from over here we ouch bro these mobs are really [ __ ] annoying oh my God they’re so full of armor what the hell bro these zombies are really annoying oh [ __ ] I found diamonds right underneath the obsidian oh [ __ ] CH Ching homie all right we got 31 obsidian should be good enough

Now I’m going to see if Shadow has a flint and steel I could steal flint and steel ah perfect flint and a piece of iron flint and steel cha ching check and we go back to home zombie and now I go ahead and make this portal make the portal one two three

Four watch just being incorrect no it was right holy [ __ ] ew worst spawn bro the worst [ __ ] nether spawn you could ever imagine right now dude um so Resolute can you break the nether portal break the whole nether portal down CU I’m breaking this one down so nobody doesn’t find it

You better give me credit Jimbo okay good yeah just place the obsidian back down I know like get jazz okay cuz I’m just here for quartz I need a lot of quartz cuz we’re going to change the flooring over to quartz flooring so it’s shiny that looks

Pretty oh yes and silk touch I I do have my silky pck well start using this and grabbing some of this as well I just might as well steal the whole entire ore pack and just bring it home with me so I could just break all the quartz that I

Need I think doing it that way it be easier hit them right up bastard ouch somebody was here there’s Cobble deep slay right there so I can tell somebody was all over this nether but they forgot to grab all this delicious quartz almost fell you [ __ ] prick where are you

At where’d you go you over here aha I found you you know what get out of here nobody likes you not even your mama likes you bro she’s a ghost or a gas she don’t even like you stupid gas asked Okie dly doy red mushroom go away

Gunpowder go away what else I have two stacks worth potato go away let me get up here if I can come on we go okay oh and a quartz I’ll take that quartz though definitely any other glow stone anywhere I want some more glow stone I have plenty of quartz right now glow

Stone huge pocket clear all that crap out my way here we go I wonder if fortune 3 on glowstone is a lot better than using silk touch on glow stone a crap I can’t forget about this piece don’t you [ __ ] dare Get out of here [ __ ] brother all right I’m going to grab this little bit of quartz and then we’re going to go back home cuz this should be enough glow stone and everything else that we need oh yeah stack and IR glowstone that’s definitely enough so throw that out throw that out

Who put the nether portal back get rid of this nether portal come on no nether portals in this base so people don’t find the freaking nether portal to come in I’m using the wrong pick whoopsies hey Jimbo I had a coast armor trim and I had golden ingots and I duplicated them

That’s where I got it from you get loot looting on that remember ladies and gens share the stream please share share share share share I got some mouths to feed No I’m kidding I don’t have no kids I would never have kids in my whole entire

Life no Jimbo I need I need this for Fortune if you need XP go kill the Zombies I made the zombie spawner faster I need the fortune all this also Jimbo you could sell rotten flesh at the other at the public XP farm for $50 each a stack

This is still going to be nowhere near enough quartz man son of a p I thought that was a bat I was about to go chase after you Jimbo he 29 left son of a biscuit one two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 uh 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 yep that’s why I put it down plus it’s really shiny too like you can see the shine and the reflection everything it’s like a nice clean white color that’s why I like it it’s like a creamy white color

I need more quartz badly like badly so you know what I’m about to do I’m about to do something that nobody should ever [ __ ] do in a lifetime and that’s steal this chest here you [ __ ] stop bro bastard [ __ ] in the sign you over here [ __ ] me up

Brother god dude what the hell is this called get away from it get away from it stay away from over here I don’t want yall over here there’s a reason why I don’t want none of Y over here so when I do it you don’t click on it and get free

[ __ ] that’s still not enough course though I need a lot more quartz though what was I doing oh yeah both of those sides yeah damn it come over here as well throw down you and that there we go now it Glow makes it Glow a little bit better

It’ll help get rid of the [ __ ] torches and [ __ ] too that’s the only Reon why I’m using glowstone in this as well because it cuz you could take white carpet and put it over on top and it matches the the nether quartz anybody have white carpet to put over the the glow stone

For still need a lot more course than this there we go dang it ran out ah I can put a glowstone there I’m going to probably put one like right here on this end of this chest right there if that’s the case then I can take this back

Let’s let me place this one like right over here instead scoochie scoochie it over a bit more hello oo man damn it who when the hell put the Anvil down no I don’t want that there I want that there hey can one of y’all Shadow or somebody

Get some white carpet and place some on top of these glow stones for me I am going to join okay Resolute or Jimbo or somebody going to need some white carpet damn it yeah just give me those there we go thank you let’s see does the white carpet

Actually work yeah kind of It kind of covers it yeah it’s not too bright but yeah it works another glowstone there we go connection throttled question mark no that has to be with you as I said uh TPS right now is sitting at a 20 no

Issues that’s a that’s on your end not mine you’re going to die right on the new carpet buddy the new flooring yeah what’s that mean though uh that could be something about your ISP or something it was on on a book it allowed me to put it on there oh

[ __ ] Shadow there’s a geode what’s it like in there oh oh oh oh oh yo hey don’t cover don’t cover that up come on bro I will kill you stop [ __ ] up my flooring all you can cover that up cuz Jimbo can teleport back through no no quartz there we

Go okay so now we need to put a glowstone here carpet on top let’s check check out the brightness now not bad not bad it’s nice and bright and white chests are covering up some of the the glowstone then we got some down here as well we got some nice flooring nice nice

Beautiful beautiful let me steal the door let’s go ahead and pop on down a quartz block as well nice nice we can get that nice and beautiful Cris floor ooh beautiful beautiful come right back in boom look at that baby yes sir the best part is we can hide even

More lighting if we just put a glowstone right here just like so boom make it super bright in here and get rid of these dumb torches all along these Corners here no need for torches let’s go ahead and fill that in fully damn she’s bright in here now yes

Sir even over here is bright as well we can get rid of some of these torches how dark is it over here this is like what 76 5 4 5 4 3 there we go put that there boom you in you nice and bright now in

Here perfect okay what else so we can get rid of some of these torches right yeah just some of these let’s see how dark it gets over here how dark enough for [ __ ] to spawn gotcha okay we can probably do some upgrades put that one back over

There how dark is this over here it’s 5 4 3 2 let’s put one here we’ll just drop one here we’ll drop one here we go ahead and drop a glowstone here need something to drink no my YouTube ouch Yes wait dropped who dropped who no I didn’t drop him a shield that was Shadow don’t don’t be blaming [ __ ] on me I didn’t do that was Shadow no I dropped it for Shadow and Shadow threw another one towards him my [ __ ] microphone just popped off the

Damn my amount give me a second dude okay much better [ __ ] microphone decided to fall as soon as I went to pick up my damn drink like I said I didn’t drop anybody only thing I dropped was for shadow was a shield so I don’t know why you saying

That I did it when I didn’t do [ __ ] how dark is this pretty dark over here let’s drop uh quartz there okay let’s I didn’t drop it for him I dropped for shadow to pick up Shadow must have dropped another one on the ground and picked it

Up I didn’t drop him a [ __ ] Shield it had to been Shadow not me cuz I dropped Shadow a shield because they both died and the piglin thing and I went to go kill them and it w and they were wearing their gear and it wiped it

All as well so I gave them each a set of my [ __ ] gear because they lost all their [ __ ] there we go there we go all right beautiful now we have plenty of light the floor has been upgraded to something shinier there’s light over here as well

It’s like a nice bright it’s not too dark no mob shouldn’t be able to spawn it’s perfect torch free 100% torch free I don’t think mobs will spawn up here will they n it will won’t I just drop one there just in case get rid of this torch there we go

Somebody else can sort through all that crap crap I’m not I think I might know what I can put for the wall since I put white I might have an idea let me chunk all this out the edge H you know what throw all that in there except for

The blocks of coal and that what can I make the walls what can I make the walls I think I might know um damn I got like three different stacks of iron all over the place the hell how about this we make the walls how about we make the walls iron blocks no

No let’s see how would this look if we had iron blocks alongside flooring of quartz is my silk touch no so touch y think here let’s go and throw some torches there for some lighting as well so we can see it I think cuz you see how the iron blocks of

Iron has some contrast to it with the wall and stuff and it kind of blends with the the quartz what do y’all think don’t have concrete I don’t know how to make concrete GR no I just think he has bad connection cuz he has nothing he has absolutely

Nothing so again I think it’s just bad connection on his end cuz it’s showing that he’s only disconnecting yeah saying white concrete no white concrete looks horrendous the [ __ ] a light gray concrete or a gray concrete cuz here’s the light gray and there’s the gray that looks horrible that looks like

[ __ ] it doesn’t work how about polish granite hell no try let’s try out po Pol diorite and Polished andesite let’s try andorite and diorite not going to lie the diorite looks freaking decent what do you think the diorite has some of that texture stop putting [ __ ] blocks next to

It seriously what do you think di right for the walls like polished or polished Anders sight sorry it’s Ander sight no sorry that’s diorite God I’m tired of people joining be like is your hosting support crack no [ __ ] buy a Minecraft account bro stop being a poor [ __ ] sap

Dude like sorry but no I’ll never allow crack period stop asking how about bricks what about bricks I think bricks look decent cuz it has that grayish tone that has red so it kind of like I don’t know um how about white wool or a block of gold no block

Of block of Gold’s too shiny um how about I block a netherite no people would want to rid our base then how about a purp block hell no that question mark probably no there is lag something’s happening that was weird oh [ __ ] hold on yeah no something wrong with the [ __ ]

Yeah what’s good bro what’s up trying to figure out what the [ __ ] this issue is aha somebody has a cheat client somebody’s abusing packets on a cheat client that’s what happened to the server [ __ ] stop putting a city in here bro come on seriously shit’s annoying no it’s not a crack client you

Dingy it’s a [ __ ] cuz somebody’s uh it says here when players abuse random packets it’s from spam packets used by a cheat clients aha basketball practice Disgusting God damn it can y’all stop talking in chat bro seriously I’m trying to look at the [ __ ] [ __ ] console every time I do so y’all keep moving the chat down shit’s annoying I wish the console wouldn’t do that then looking through the console the first time that I had that [ __ ]

Lag Spike that we had like 2 or 3 hours ago whatever it didn’t spit out like one two 2 three four [ __ ] error messages like giant Stacks feel disgusting bro I need peace and quiet look at this [ __ ] [ __ ] annoying ass mobs bro shit’s loud as hell too when I’m

Trying to look through this copy this real quick I don’t know why yall ask me about lunar client like why do youall have to have [ __ ] Minecraft clients like lunar client and crack clients why don’t you just [ __ ] join with like curse Forge client or fabric client instead I

Don’t understand why people have to use these other bulus [ __ ] uh Stupid clients that just take up resources on your PC like when I say I don’t know I don’t know stop asking me about lunar client or does it support crack if I say no then it doesn’t anything else with lunar

I don’t know cuz I’m trying to investigate this [ __ ] issue and I’m getting blasted with 3,000 questions try Googling this and see if anything results in Google that’s nothing basketball is nothing football though yeah why lunar works I’m just say that it’s annoying when people say does this client work does this client work does this work does that work when I say I don’t know I don’t know I’m trying to investigate something that’s happening and it’s

Annoying when I’m getting land blasted with 30,000 questions of the Discord and pinked 40,000 times about do I do you accept crack clients no no means no stop asking will you ever support no stop asking will I ever allow crack no stop asking when I say no means no no means

No cuz like my console’s spitting out like four [ __ ] this is not a this is not don’t report this to paper is not a bug or a crash and I’m trying to figure out what the [ __ ] this [ __ ] is cuz it seems like every time it does it the

Server completely locks up and freezes and now it’s saying um that it can’t verify usernames like bro I’m about to just shut the server down just rebuild it from the ground up again I’m getting [ __ ] annoyed with it M you sh it down last time I don’t [ __ ] know at this

Point it seems like uh managing a [ __ ] server is just so painful and annoying as hell I’m changing the build height the 256 the max world side’s just fine all right wh list people wh listing is not going to do anything that’s the thing that’s not going to do anything

Either because I have to know their Discord names and their in-game name and all that stuff it could do something I don’t Know all right I might as well just go on the form and ask real quick and see what people say about it I’m going go ahe and go to plugins sorry not plugins then the file manager actually excuse me luck firms uh server rack with

There we go I want to see what these forms say about that Anti AFK Plus I There we go let’s see what they say about the thread now that I created there we go okay let me keep an eye on TVs everything cuz what I did was is I went to the server tick in the settings and I put in cuz it was originally at like 60,000 it was

Default I bumped it down to -1 for the server set for the server Properties never mind I still put it at 6,000 okay 60,000 see if I can find that real Quick There we go okay I worry about then restart later on I should fix it now where it’s not at 60,000 I should put it out like negative one let’s see if that does something I’m also going to wait for them to reply to my form topic I

Just made see what they think about the crazy idea how do I got obsidian get out of here okay okay so what do we got back onto the wall thing I trying to figure out the damn walls cuz y’all wanted walls in this I don’t know why

And right now the walls are fine yeah it’s fine I’m not going to worry about the walls right now yeah the walls are fine I let’s see so how about iron blocks instead like look at that that looks just fine with iron blocks for walls look at that what do you think

Now we you need a whole crap out of iron Where we just need a crap ton of iron now iron tools start smelting that down I got obsidian I got no obsidian no I think I do actually hold on check my beach side assistant house I had a whole freaking stack of sitting I wonder where it all went it’s

Probably all gone o there’s all my iron there yeah I don’t have any obsidian I have potatoes in here chest B next to the chest boat hold on let me see uh is this vanilla yes it is is he on what hello yes it’s vanilla next to the chest boat I don’t see

It oh right here yeah there yes it is vanilla the join IP’s pinned and all that good stuff going throw away that quartz I’m tired of having Quartz in my thing make a block of iron there we go clear that stuff out there we go let’s go and start smelting all that

Down so I can get more iron going let’s make two more iron things there we go throw the nuggies back in there that in there put that in there put the nuggies in there see zombie zombie zombie indeed how dare you what is this is this silk touch I’m

Using my silk touch picky when I wanted to use this one wait oh there it is I was about to have a heart attack for a second okay there we go whole bunch of iron up there lot of iron up there as well actually give me some of this deep slate

We have so using get the tower up and stuff see just saying and then break back down pick up all my iron yay iron I got 29 iron not a whole bunch more right there more right there a lot more right here brother you don’t want to mess with

Me I warned you don’t mess with me one piece of iron okay any more down here iron oh hell yeah now we’re cooking ooh more iron there what the hell there give me give me there we go oh hell yeah dude iron right here I see diamonds right down there as

Well I’ll be a the son of a biscuit here we go Food Eat barely took any damage okay there’s nothing up there is that a flower I see no that’s a spider I thought that was a flower but oh freaking weird flower o iron Fortune works on iron right CU it

Drops it in like the ore like this form the raw iron I think it should right yeah [ __ ] those diamonds more iron right there run actually blow up take care of some of them people you are really good no I’m actually bad you know this is multiplayer right

You can come and play if you have a Minecraft account hello spider about to do something stupid in a second strong iron armor oh heck yeah that’s what I was looking for oh I don’t even know how I made it across like that that’s crazy caught me on fire

Jerk all right I don’t care for gold don’t care for any of this stuff I could care really truthfully less about the diamonds more after that right there nothing hey that’s the exact same crystal that was that’s right below our base that’s funny oh my God there’s so many diamonds here

I’m about to exchange all the diamonds I have for blocks of iron excuse me oh har go ahead drink your potion come on come on drink it doid witch I want to try axing him oh I did it cool did you grab your diamonds from earlier nah I left them to

Be honest nobody can’t do nothing in this cave anyways this cave is claimed by us I think it’s fully claimed no it’s not claimed okay that’s Fine you’re not going to make it you’re not going to kill me this zombie is funny he thinks he’s going to kill me but he’s ended up killing himself nothing down there oh man I walked right back into the junk still no Iron Man this sucks there’s a

Huge chunk of iron there but I’m too lazy to climb up there and grab it Armor’s doing Prett fine look at them Cape physics boy all right let’s throw you and you in there all that smelt grab more of that make some more blocks of iron so we can

Make this house the RTX house make another block of iron let’s just start building this up again so we can get get all the armors and stuff we need I’m going to wait for them to build up I’m going to refill my vape real quick just a little warning as well I’ve had

People question me why the hell is my donation like $3,000 or why is there a gold for $3,000 for a server that’s crazy I’m not talking about for a hosting I’m talking about for like an actual server just the FYI just to clarify that so I know some people come

In question like what the [ __ ] is that that sounds like a scam bro oh my God you know what I forgot to convert I forgot to change these to quartz change those two to quartz I’m just going to remove them completely actually we don’t need those there

But now whenever you do join the server though you can come over here to the XP farm kill these zombies sell a stack of rotten flesh for like $50 who is this who are you who are you that’s that’s the real question who are you your mom that’s funny buddy uh let me

Give you a little life story here but my mother actually passed away 2 or 3 years ago so you saying that just means nothing just means absolutely nothing I hope you go to bed now thinking about that with what you just said and it just sits at the back of

Your head and you feel heartless every single day knowing that you said that joke to somebody that has a mother that passed away just let that sink in just let that sink in jello stop why stop what well I’m just telling the truth people always come in here with those y

Mama jokes I’m like bro you do realize that ain’t going to affect me at all right like if you’re if you’re saying that you’re just saying your mama jokes you just basically talk about your own mother cuz my mother is no longer here anymore don’t mean [ __ ] how about your father jokes let me give you another life story as well my dad abandoned me when I was 3 or four at a chicken cheese restaurant in a ball pit so I could give a [ __ ] less about that that one won’t bother me at

All so you were low on milk then yeah that’s so funny I’m laughing oh you’re funny no like seriously you’re you’re you’re very [ __ ] funny you know I just want you to know that right all right I was wondering why my [ __ ] noise suppression wasn’t that

Great there we go fix my sound gate as well a little bit can you just stop wa you what you telling me to stop or you telling him to stop cuz I’m just speaking the truth I’m an honest person I don’t bull crap around when I tell you about my

Life story I’m going to tell you about my live story this armor in there throw that in there and that in there there we go gra that iron block put that back in there what do you think Shadow do you think it’s do you think this will be

Great with uh iron blocks all around as the walls bro truth jet fuel can’t melt steel I mean I mean like I said dude just because you’re saying words a going mean [ __ ] to me anything that comes out of your mouth at this point I don’t even know how to pronounce

Your name and I might be going to anything that comes out of your mouth doesn’t mean a damn thing cuz it’s called over the internet if you say it face to face to me IRL and then I will have a problem with it and then your ass

Is going to be laying on the ground crying and wondering why the [ __ ] you got punched in the face cuz you ran your mouth words over a keyboard don’t mean [ __ ] cuz it’s called the internet but when it comes to actually saying it in real life that’s when you

Know you come up with oh I’m just joking no see that that shows right there how much you actually are a [ __ ] like I said I’ve been bullied all my life and anything people say nowadays does not affect me one bit anymore it’s either they learned that their

Mouths are going to catch up to them one day or they’re going to get their ass beat just by a random person in the street and I’m just going to laugh you know just going to laugh so hard is that deep slate hell yeah I need to stick that

There by the way man hey what’s up what other games do I play I play I can’t really play much on this computer believe it or not just because what you see is like Smooth 60 frames a second does not mean my computer’s a [ __ ] God I can barely run GTA

5 it would be nice if I had a capture card for Christmas but I don’t think anybody would donate money for me to buy that cuz right now the money that I’m getting is going right back into the server to buy a whole brand new server was going to cost like $3,000

Roughly around that it’s just a rough estimate but other than that though [ __ ] if I can I would play GTA 6 but ain’t no way hell I’m be able to play that game but now I’m just going to plug that up are you done spell Lon yeah a little

Bit grab some more iron youn put those in there what are your thoughts uh the boobs the boa you make no sense dude in GTA that’s on the boobs in GTA 6 it’s just a video game doesn’t mean [ __ ] to be honest I just like it because

I like GTA 5 I like GTA 4 I hated GTA 3 I enjoyed GTA San Andreas uh I didn’t really like Vice City I didn’t really like GTA 1 but if I can ever run GTA 6 I would play the [ __ ] out of that game but I won’t be able

To just because I have a 3060 doesn’t mean I can [ __ ] run it it’s my CPU that’s the issue or the motherboard it’s one of the other because my PC is running slower than [ __ ] but they definitely caught uh Vice Miami Vice yeah or Miami with a t and

This is definitely Miami no doubt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 have nine people on right now it’s crazy I’m probably going to go make me a sandwich I’m [ __ ] hungry got to sell your kidney to buy a decent PC I have a decent PC see hold on

Let me explain to you about this so I have a decent PC because it has 32 GB of RAM a ryzen 5 3600 CPU and a 3060 but for some [ __ ] reason some absolute reason this PC just is sluggish and I wiped Windows reinstalled it it still runs like [ __ ] I don’t understand

Why I never understood why it runs like dog water I don’t know if it’s the motherboard I don’t know if I got a dud power supply or if my power supply is going out or what I can never figure out what the issue is I’m going to be right back I’m going go

Get me a [ __ ] sandwich I’m hungry as hell oh wait before I do though I know how much these bastards come out here with a chicken jockey I’m just going to stand right here stand right there and close that off I’ll be back Food there and Um all right damn bastard had thorns on this [ __ ] Bro going start clearing out all this but this I up in a chest I can clear out some room not again did it again uhoh looking at the console could be spitting something out all right so did

I I think something happened with the server give me one second the Network’s fine hold on yeah I can’t connect to it no more give me one second It said there’s nothing wrong with the [ __ ] server the network never spiked I don’t know what the [ __ ] that’s what that’s up Because it’s not a lag Machine what were you using were you using an elytra cuz if that’s the case and there’s something wrong with the [ __ ] uh settings in what were you doing whenever it kicked you were you running were you walking what were you doing I need to know were you boating like what was it

The end Netherrack I got kicked that’s all you were doing was it this bridge over here with the Cobblestone that’s the only bird I see there you go save you but you didn’t die so I don’t want to hear it anyways hold on come back to your Shadow teleport him away

I’ll look more into this let me finish fin my sandwich M I’m about to remove the [ __ ] plugins I added cuz this freezing didn’t start until I added the [ __ ] [ __ ] that does every hour that pays everybody every [ __ ] hour for playtime and the other one

That’s like a anti- AFK to keep people from building [ __ ] AFK pools what it won’t burn the house down your house is fireproof why Shadow’s putting it out it’s not going to spread it’s not going to catch on fire and it’s not going to do anything fire spray for some reason’s

Broken I don’t understand what the [ __ ] broke it some free [ __ ] that stuff back I’m don’t need that for now what’s in here I forgot I had mending books what’s in here look what I stole it’s still in your Sher box you’re good I didn’t actually steal it got

Him did it [ __ ] die again no it didn’t okay I’m surprised she didn’t check her Sher box did you still have it see still in there you still got your thing did your play body broke feels bad this trident sucks ass like the worst [ __ ] weapon you’ll ever even

Imagine the server breaks one more time I’m going to uninstall the [ __ ] plugin that I added now me it I’m going to uninstall those two plugins I [ __ ] added do I need to put more coal in there couple bro our freaking base is completely torchless just what we need more people

So the server can [ __ ] die again yay thanks for joining this hot mess [ __ ] plugin is the issue I think I I bet you five bucks it’s the goddamn plugin because it’s having to tick every it has have an account it’s having an account like every single time all this

Stuff and I think it’s causing the issue with the the [ __ ] server losing network but that’s funny though because I checked the actual networking itself for the server it never spiked up I don’t know why it lost connection it has to be moyang in then if I don’t sound Happ

Be I’m just annoyed with the server I’m going to eat this put that and yeah and all this didn’t started until I added the [ __ ] plugin that every hour gives you cash and the anti- AFK [ __ ] I want to keep the anti- AFK if it’s not that issue cuz

That anti- AFK thing is pretty [ __ ] nice but then again that’s the probably the reason why it thought you were in water but you were in the void and that’s probably what kicked you was for flying or something that’s probably what that was Shadow now I’ll probably figure out what it

Is every hour you’ll get money but I’m about to remove the plugin and instead if you want to make money just go to the warp XP grinder and you’ll get like [ __ ] money then yo what’s up welcome she has my set my set of armor is like aqua infinity

Mending protection 4 respiration 3 Unbreaking 3 mending protection 4 Unbreaking Swift sneak 3 protection four mending Unbreaking death Sher 3 follow fall four mending protection four Unbreaking three can’t join cuz you’re probably on a crack client that’s probably why yeah hold on I’m going to fix this [ __ ] once and for

All cuz there was what was it AFK Terminator and on time there we go cuz I noticed it was funny after I added those two plugins the server just started [ __ ] itself there you go three two one yink yeah cuz it just left the huge crash report hold on right file error

Plugins player data time T what one on time that’s why there we go so now there should be no more [ __ ] issues no more crashings no more nothing [ __ ] that plugin it’s causing issues with the server because it’s having to do the timings and [ __ ] and I’m tired of it people [ __ ] dying

In the void I remove the anti- AFK and I remove the [ __ ] plugin to pay you every goddamn hour cuz I’m I’m not going to do that [ __ ] I’m not going to deal with something that’s going to be [ __ ] [ __ ] like that so these people need to fix their

Plugins and [ __ ] like seriously or update them at least did you L out in the end that’s why yeah the only way to get money now is just to sell the rotten flesh that’s about it everything else can go to [ __ ] hell with that I’m not going to

Be dealing with something that’s going to be causing issues like that God damn it give me the [ __ ] sign thank you sell 64 rotten flash let’s do $750 [ __ ] dollars there you go stop closing the zombie spawners people there now you can do the kit thing

Let’s try that out now if there’s any more [ __ ] issues with the server I’m just I’ll just pull the [ __ ] plug on it for the night and I’ll just completely go through the whole entire server and just completely wipe everything and rebuild it from the ground up again with all the fresh

Plugins with the same [ __ ] and I’ll slowly dissect every [ __ ] thing and make sure if it’s not a plugin causing it if it’s something else but right now I posted the [ __ ] error messages on the forums and I want to see what other people has to say about it and see if

They got it grasp what it could be no it’s not going to be a restart that’s actually enough to make a block there you know what I got a job for you Resolute go mine iron that’s a good job for you I a whole bunch of iron so we can

Get [ __ ] iron set up on the walls it’s a good job for you there you go Resolute gave you a better pick and a spare diamond pick too there you go that’s the only thing I saved from a shadow why is this Banner so [ __ ] did you lose everything shadow

Where the [ __ ] all your stuff go did you lose everything again no Yeah true oh it’s about the iron pick n you can keep it I don’t care Oh armor I I can’t take his armor off that’s the thing here hold on Shadow there you go where is the iron armor not the armor sorry where’s the uh what’s it called the

Iron that’s it that’s really it you’re so slow don’t mine more please I need more iron that’s oh my back what’s up Aon there’s no more economy or or not economy there’s no more giving you $1,000 in every hour because it’s causing issues and it kicked Shadow for

No reason while she was flying but she was bridging over the nether over the end and it and she fell off when she came back and it killed her in the void so there’s no more of the anti- AFK or no more of the other [ __ ] cuz that

Plugin it was ticking everything too [ __ ] fast and it was counting everything as AFK and that’s what probably kicked her for no reason yeah the only way to get money is just selling rotten flesh at this at the spawner we really need to get a [ __ ] better

Server but the money is the issue man that shit’s expensive Shadow you can do kid starter you’re good I already refreshed it for you what resolute yeah you can I’m not I’m I’m [ __ ] hate making iron Farms ah you did enough you’re good I just wish PayPal didn’t have such

Harsh restrictions and I can have the money instantly though that’s the [ __ ] up part is that I thought hey you know it would automatically unlock everything if I got one of the goals checked off nope I need all three that shit’s annoying there you go shadow here

I could teleport him somewhere else if he’s [ __ ] bothering you Shadow I wish there was a [ __ ] ye command bro I would have ye him in the middle of nowhere yeah see the TPS is sitting at 20 now no [ __ ] issues no more more but I’m still going to leave those that

Those weird reports on the form and see what somebody says about them so far there’s no comments on it what Resolute okay we already have a slime chunk apparently apparently our slime chunk right here question mark they post a video yet N I haven’t seen a video [ __ ] Leno said that he doesn’t

Have any evidence anyways he’s just all talk is all he is cuz he even told him he even Leno already already Matt already told Leno that apparently he didn’t have a video that he was just saying that just scare me and I’m like bro I already know how

Scare Tactics worked you act like I haven’t been in drama before like if you want to start drama [ __ ] start it bro I can finish it easily I have logs I have video views saying the NW I have every single thing you know so I I told him I dared him to post

It give me a reason to send out a strike on his channel to remove his channel exactly Here man I am not getting lucky with any of this in here now there’s going to go find more iron in the cave somewhere oh hey glow squid see you later I don’t want an axel what I want is iron damn it trying to finish the iron compounds of the wall wall

Man no wrong thing yeah oh almost fell in no no that was a wrong thing I meant to put SL GPS Oh still don’t need no ax Lott I need iron that’s my fortune three not silky fortune 3 what’s down here that you know what I’m about to do actually hold on since iron is a lot more easier to get than diamonds I might as well trade off my diamond blocks I

Have there’s some iron blocks oh hello iron right here oneing piece okay hold on I know I have a lot of diamond blocks in here got 13 Jesus dude make that 17 + three here’s what I’ll do do I’ll throw that in that into the void I’m going to give

Myself 48 iron blocks that sounds about even for 14 or 15 blocks of diamonds plus three that’s about right and if you say that’s unfair well tough [ __ ] it’s already been done is this Iron’s only going across the wall it is not going to be used and if

Somebody mines it I can easily find out who did it and I’ll ban them what’s up resolute why is there so many one veins of iron I don’t know that’s just how the world generates 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 bastard had thorns on his [ __ ] throw that in

There he [Laughter] only Jimbo can die from a Shuler bro [ __ ] L dude just take the L it’s okay we all know you’re such a noob I called out this one Discord server that’s been hacking a whole bunch of people’s accounts and they have they when soon as they get control a bot

Takes control of it and they basically start going around different discords uh servers accounts and DMS and message people saying hey join this and sfw server [ __ ] you probably seen a couple people do that [ __ ] from servers and I clicked on the [ __ ] URL I clicked on the URL and I went to

See how it is not because I wanted to see the porn or anything I could give a [ __ ] less about any tits flopping in my face I went to the server and apparently this is how they had it all set up so now let me open the [ __ ] file for

Screenshots real quick so I can read to you what it all does cuz that’s funny text y [ __ ] like that happens believe me let me see if I can read out this [ __ ] real quick so basically they have you go to this website that requires a bot to fill out

A form with your Discord they basically retract you to where you have to log into Discord browser which is fake by the way just FYI it’s fake and so when you log in you basically give them your email and your password and it byass the two two authenticator Factor [ __ ] they take

It connect it to a bot get your Discord token everything and they go around and start using your account as a bond to just Spam the [ __ ] link with their [ __ ] and rinse and repeat yeah I literally went into their server and [ __ ] and I reported it to

Discord and the funny thing is the person’s account says it’s a deleted user now and I went to go back to the invite and the invite is expired it says that this server was banned by Discord the server actually got banned because I [ __ ] reported it

He it’s called karma you know what I mean I I directly clicked on it I have I am not afraid I directly clicked on it and then it put put me right back into Discord without having to log in so it was a legit log in

Thing and the funny part is is that it never stole my account I never started posting random [ __ ] because I didn’t give them that chance or luxury by giving them my email and password for them to log in with What oh the iron that’s still not a lot of iron though we need a lot more than this the next time you do it Resolute just go down to the furnace instead and just put it in the top chest right here just put it in this chest it’ll start

Smelting cuz I want to fill this whole entire thing with just pure iron blocks for the walls so if anybody tries to do anything and tries to mine it they can’t he [ __ ] hate this Shield dude shield on the Trident sucks got you got you again he got poked by the Trent oh

Yeah Jimbo are you trying to steal are you trying to steal Jimbo are you trying to steal are you trying to steal Jimbo Jimbo are you trying to steal look Jimbo look iron blocks I’m trying to fill the whole wall with iron blocks cuz it looks [ __ ] fantastic with

Shaders so if you have any spare iron you could throw it in the smelter down here and let it smelt and I’ll turn them all into blocks for the walls cuz we need a lot of iron blocks to fill the walls in a lot so it would be nice if you can go

Get some iron blocks Jambo all nice and exposed now start throwing all this leather crap out taking that stuff there we go still sitting at 20 TPS I think it was the plugin truthfully the two plugins oh my God Shadow died to a shulker noob Shadow’s like shut the [ __ ] up

You know I’m [ __ ] with your Shadow come on I just had to call you a noob because I wanted to got it yes nice we just need to fill in this wall right here with some more iron blocks we’ll be almost all set cuz this already looks decent with the iron

Blocks especially how shiny it is it looks chiny chiny chiny this might’s already set my XP just Cuz two more you have full Cham do more than you have nice you have the zombie spawner ah yeah believe me I made it a lot faster because I added like I added four more spawners with the original one so it’s a little bit more faster when it spawns

Things but people have to learn to share you know Nice I think there a hord of zombies somewhere cuz they’re all groaning and moaning and crying and pissing and whining I think it’s this guy definitely take this stuff give me a second trying to smelt some of this down I got to try to put this put these four

Blocks into the wall and stuff what the [ __ ] Ah oh look at the little Ender balls that’s cool damn did it just damn son it finished all that up that’s lame man that’s so lame oh well putting up the rotten flesh let me just throw all the rest of this crap on the ground cuz who the hell needs all this crap

You saw the Stream you just remember you can do slash back you can go back to your death point you don’t ever have to worry about losing your [ __ ] a oh I’m funny man I’m funny spawn was infested with these nuts oh so immature I’m so [ __ ] sorry oh

[ __ ] I didn’t know you was um Whata call it I didn’t know you were going to be over here smell what yeah I’m the one streaming Bro Max same person you know me over here with my physics Cape you know you love that Cape I’m Batman oh that’s funny

Dude here you go need the XP you can get the XP just trying to get all the armor to smelt so we can get a whole bunch of iron blocks we really need a whole bunch of iron blocks like badly no let clear cleared an iron ingot damn It I’m about to go to spawn bro see if I can go find a whole bunch of iron to mine you know I can go below the spawn and actually find iron screw it nothing all right hold on what’s uh what’s up zombie welcome welcome you know they said this was

Supposed to be Loi this ain’t Loi bro this sounds like a mixture of chill and Hip-Hop at the same time what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] the [ __ ] better not be copyrighted I’ll be pissed off bro oh damn lapis in the bottom of the ocean Hello we how have I been I’ve been good Shadow do you need a copy of my armor I can give you a copy of my armor so you can stop dying and stuff and so if you lose it if you lose it this time then that’ll be fine

Because you already still have another copy of it iron I need air there you Go do you want me to teleport voo to spawn on for you cuz I can BR I don’t understand what the [ __ ] you’re saying stop playing that [ __ ] that [ __ ] was irritating me I’m sorry I don’t know what the [ __ ] that song was but I could not understand what the hell

They were saying I’m not racist I promise oh iron oh caveen whoa big ass cave there we go let me see what they said okay I see o iron give me give me we need a lot of iron what is up what I leaving floating trees Bro on oh oh how my neck doggo oo cherry tree biome great view from up here what the [ __ ] is that levitate 50 blocks from Attack of a Sher a okay I didn’t even know that I didn’t even know that advancement existed holy crap that’s a big hole

Emeralds is there a shop um the only one where you can sell things at would be in the warp XP farming that zombie flesh oh my God hell yes iron please that almost killed me damn you’re not protected from dripstone that shit’s serious that [ __ ] will kill you

Dude I love these shaders is full bright it’s not so bright where I could see the whole entire cave it gets brighter as I keep moving so it’s like a realistic full Bry iron right There [ __ ] witch all right lady you already know the drill get out of here all right next cave I see a whole bunch of iron down here ye people always telling me that’s stupid for me to jump down I might land on dripstone I’m like if I do I can just

Go right back uh somebody’s already been here it’s just lame as hell there’s a lot of iron here though oh a geod no I missed it spider bro you’re trying to ruin me come on so many iron particles it’s hard to see where the iron is underneath

I guess while I’m here I collect some lapis as well oh I’m really about to die aren’t you glad that we can’t loot bodies by the way unless you unlock your own drops that’s a reason why I have that there cuz people would complain oh man some people spawn killing and stuff yeah

You can’t loot people’s bodies unless they drop the item on the ground or if they do unlock drops yeah I sure it kills PVP but it’s still much more better that way than anything yeah that that’s cuz those are unprotected that makes sense you know truthfully if you want to really PVP go

PVP in the end or the nether but if you don’t then you want to do it for fun then the Overworld I don’t want to put the protections on all the worlds cuz that would be unfair is this a deeper hole no it’s the same one more iron now damn like a

Champ I ate that explosion like it was breakfast lunch and dinner oh [ __ ] hey perfect guess that’s why they always tell you don’t ever mine down I fell right down even deeper damn this is going to hurt but Yello Oh right into a zombie spawner check that out aqua infinity

Gold I’ll take the name tags if I can anybody want to make a mob grinder they can come and claim this zombie spawner anybody want this mob spawner to make their own mob grinder you could sell it for money or you can sell the drops for

Money that’s what I was about to do there you go you should claim that you can claim land if you didn’t know oh see there you go make you an XP grinder there you go have fun D inventory is so full cuz I’m not that much of a dick there’s

You a stack of 32 iron you can see what actual true owner do that for newbies no cuz since you basically have an area that’s claimed now technically this is your whole entire cave all the good Stuff I could care less about the diamonds truthfully I really don’t need the diamonds I just want Iron you can have them diamonds I could care less about it this will be up Shadows alley right here actually oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] they silverfish oh [ __ ] [ __ ] they’re all over this dude that’s

Silverfish yep that’s not that’s not oh man dude wait you need those diamonds well you better give me iron for it then where’s that witch I heard her drink a [ __ ] potion oh you [ __ ] get out of here great I’m on fire and I’m poisoned what the best [ __ ] circumstances are

These and I almost died due to that oh my God bro I’m literally about to die [ __ ] off skeleton more iron up here how much Cobble can I get get the and get gave you 15 what you talk about you talk about iron oh my God there’s a lot of silverfish here

I’m wondering if there’s silverfish does that mean there’s a end end portal somewhere for Cobble Cobblestone I can give you like I give you like four stacks of cobblestone easily oh [ __ ] I’m full inventory crap he throw away some of this other crap I got I got like a lot of stacks of

Iron holy [ __ ] and a lot of lapis Lau just T you to me when you’re ready then okay all right I will in a second I think he’s leaving me the iron what a nice guy mine cart chest our chest mine cart with a golden apple hello baby I want to to this

Guy here you go you can take those let me go back over to here real quick where the hell did he claim that zombie spawner again whatever I trust them yeah it is a huge cave exactly you can have fun with it I expose a lot of

Stuff for you and there’s even a village up here too but it looks like there been raided yeah what’s up oh my God Jesus [ __ ] Christ got no [ __ ] shit’s bright as hell there’s some lapis also if you’re going to do it you better do it

Right make it like RGB tubing just like that like come on man I [ __ ] forgot these shaders had this holy [ __ ] that’s bright there you go put that as stack for him and put the rest of that back there let’s go to home zombie here we go wait did I throw my [ __ ]

Pck did I put my [ __ ] in the chest where the [ __ ] did my pickaxe go my silky pick yeah whatever I can [ __ ] clone a new one that’s that’s no issue I guess I must have thrown it out by accident well rest in peace silky that’s fine actually hold on shadow

Shadow didn’t I not give you a silk touch pick is it in your Ender Chest gave you a fortune pick I thought I gave you a silk touch pick would it be in your Ender Chest check nothing no netherite Sil touch p okay I must have thrown it out then

That’s fine I could just go let do this clone another one of those and do enchant Fortune zero enchant silk touch one there you go clone one for you so you’ll have one that’s yours there you go there you go put it in there put it in there did you put it in

There yes or no okay there you go there you’ll hold my back up pick just in case where’s the iron farm or where’s the I guess he left that’s fine I don’t know where that Village is but okay [ __ ] a full stack of FR damn yeah I know I could use villagers for

Iron farm can I make one I thought you already made one my God you guys I hate making iron Farms cuz they’re so [ __ ] tedious the only way I’ll be able to make one is if I fly hold on I’ll I’ll [ __ ] do it I’ll do

It where did y’all put the villagers at where’s the Villager thing where’s y’s villager thing at oh right here okay let set home villager God damn it [ __ ] ignore the claim set home villagers home zombie I’m going to go back to the zombie I’m going to fill in

This that’s five get rid of that I forgot to get p he’s Cobblestone damn it make another one of those I can get your cobblestone in a second oh my bad I [ __ ] too to try to find the iron I [ __ ] forgot [ __ ] let me go back to spawn I can

Easily get some at spawn I using my so touch no I’m not okay what’s TPS doing perfect still 20 have it had no issues yet haven’t had no freezing haven’t had nobody been kicked for flying for bridging over the [ __ ] nether I’m glad that shit’s been solved

I can’t believe anti- AF or the the the the [ __ ] anti- AFK [ __ ] was causing issues so many people I know I know the more people that watch My Stream and stay watching that’s more watch hours for me so I can finally unlock monetization so I don’t ever have

To worry about it again cuz truthfully I don’t care if I don’t make uh a lot from it the only thing the monetization thing for me is going to be for is just to literally you scared the [ __ ] out of me who the [ __ ] are you oh it’s you scared

The [ __ ] out of me there for a second anyways like I was saying the only thing monetization is going to be for is just to literally put money back into the server like it it’s fine if I make like 50 Cent per video I got care less

That’s 50 cents that can go right back into the server you know what I mean you stop yeah you won’t be able to break none of this cuz this is a spawn area I could do this to spawn but nobody else can’t speak of which where’s the torches at can you

Stop can you go back can you go away thank you later than that I’ll go mining for more iron for you I mean truthfully I mean truthfully this area anyway since it’s below spawn I could just spawn proof it if I need to and I can turn this into like a little shop

Thing but I’m probably not probably have this as for like Cobblestone mine there you go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I don’t care about that or that the rest this junk out fine oh [ __ ] witch bro got me got me with all you know homie I ain’t messing around with

That witchcraft no more come on let’s make those blocks six more blocks so I can cover up this hole h I really love that feature though like when if the TPS tanks where somebody builds a lag machine it’s going to automatically recover instantly I love it so much he

Thr that LE crap out like that and that Daddy hacking people say one sec on done that feel like I was onat it just Hur like you know what I’m yep see you later no I didn’t have the check console that’s a funny thing there’s no way anybody could loot there’s no way

Anybody can loot bodies and somehow they were and somehow they were which is funny as hell where the [ __ ] my netherite ax go what do you mean to loot his body you had all his [ __ ] on you dude that was twice I’ve seen you do that where the [ __ ] did my netherite axe

Go I just had his loot blocked up and a cave see that’s funny how the hell no because you were looting the body bro I literally watched you picked up some of his [ __ ] like you not see that I was in vanish and I and I heard you pick

Up items that was on the ground that was his bro I’m in vanish I you can’t see me on on the list at all and I was literally watching you do it did no see that’s why I want to wait Shad out plus I even caught multiple stuff on

My logs saying you were moving too quickly in a boat literally pinged you in three different times going mock 40 so you were actually flying in a boat Shadow I’m right behind you Shadow stop moving my Ender uh my netherite axe I know you have a ender axe in the

Thing right see if you do I need it back I’m going to clone it I’m going to give it back to you cuz somehow I lost my [ __ ] axe you said you unsubbed but I gain a sub that’s cool oh yeah yep that’s it okay hold

On there you go I dropped it on the ground there you go let me know when you’re done all right you’re done there you go thank you cuz I know I [ __ ] lost I don’t know where my pickaxe went or my netherite axe it just vanished I must

Have thrown it on the ground somehow I know I gave you it because I cloned you my [ __ ] one second I just linked his Discord the Discord link is in the pinned comments if you look I have a Pinn comment right there it says the IP address to the server the Discord invite

And donations if anybody wants to donate it would greatly appreciate cuz it’s going to go right back to buying a brand new server got three friend requests the [ __ ] in my server cool cool ignore that one okay I got to go to my Google Drive real quick cuz somebody saying that the URL

Does not work for my mod uh for the pack that I have I have Downloaded for the FPS boosting mod pack thing let me see if it doesn’t work oh it works this page isn’t direct redirecting properly and air Cur connection to Google this problem can be solved by cuse by disabling or refusing to accept cookies what is it called shaders plus authorization mods. zip

Try that there you go let me see if somebody replied to the form yet nope nobody hasn’t responded yet figures okay that’s fine all right I got to unsub exactly like I said said they don’t affect me cuz a sub is just a number what really affects me is

The amount the time that they watched that live stream so technically they help me get a step closer to monetization so L boo is my response to that plus they get dislike all they want that’s still free watch time you know oh hi I just woke up well good morning good evening good

Afternoon good night and welcome I’m going to refill my te container real quick it’s empty h h I’ll be right back got to spill a little bit of tea on the ground got to wipe it up h all right I’m back got done wiping it up man you want to hear something funny

So when I first started streaming This Server before all of yall joined here’s something that’s funny that happened got a bunch of iron from you ah thank you so before all of youall started coming along and all the good stuff somebody when I first opened this

Server and I streamed it I had three people come in was like Hey I want to do a little test on your server I’m like no and they’re like oh well too bad I’m still going to do it anyways they started to try the dos the IP address of

The server and you want something funny they’re saying how come you’re you’re not lagging or your stream’s not lagging even though you said it’s home hosted I’m like so you’re trying to DS the server I noticed a little bit of the TPS drum but here’s the funny part you’re actually considering almost D

Dusting yourself because one the server is protected by Cloud flare two can’t do nothing about it and three there’s no way you can back door into the server and he’s like uh okay figures So you you’re lucky then I’m like no I’m not lucky it’s called being smart instead of being an

Idiot and ever since then people have actually tried and they’ve never been successful to knock the server down which I am so glad Cloud flare actually works because imagine if I was not smart enough and I had it actually exposing my IP address and somebody doses me Rest In

Pieces it depends on the state let me tell you I had a couple times my doctors tell me hey drinking tea is not good for you and I’m like listen here my great grandpa lived to be 110 years old drinking tea and they’re like that’s

[ __ ] crazy how to do that he’s and I said minding your own [ __ ] business I [ __ ] hate when doctors tell you that that [ __ ] ain’t good I’m telling mind your own [ __ ] business bro secondly tea is a diuretic it gives you water and it removes water so in

Return I’m not gaining or losing it’s just a balance I also drink a lot of [ __ ] regular bottles of water as well it’s better than drinking sodas I don’t drink I drink sweet tea every so often but not like every [ __ ] day I drink it like once in a

While only to change up the you know flavor of the tea I have never gotten a kidney stone and when I was a kid up until I was 18 years old I drank nothing but sodas I I do too as well Shadow sparkling water with flavoring not [ __ ] regular sparkling water cuz

Regular sparkling water tastes like aspirin to me it’s [ __ ] nasty as like I drank two I drank like so many 12 packs that doctors would always tell me how the [ __ ] have I never had a kidney stone I’m like it’s called drinking a [ __ ] ton of water as well

Like the first day I started drinking nothing but pure water oh my god dude I felt [ __ ] weird like ever since then I’ve been nothing but a constantly sweating all the time I can go and I can just move around and it’ll be like 110° outside

And I’ll just pour [ __ ] sweat like I literally went to a car wash and back it’s ridiculous cuz I shocked my body so [ __ ] badly now it’s like oh my God damn it I didn’t mean to break that block oh I’m in Creative no wonder why I was breaking instantly oopsies that block

On like I had a lot of people say that the keto diet’s a lie let me tell you it ain’t a lie I’ve done it and I’ve done the harsh version where I barely ate anything and within 5 months I lost over 300 plus PBS

I used to weigh 400 lb now I weigh like roughly around 200ish oh I’ve already had moonshine bro what you need is yinglin for beer come on bro yinglin flight that’s the best [ __ ] that’s the best beer you’ll ever have in your entire life if you can get that [ __ ] on draft

It’s like it’s it’s a lot more better than anything you ever had in your life it’s so [ __ ] good it’s like the best beer I have ever had r let me do a mob wipe real quick 745 entities that’s barely anything beautiful we got a slime do we have another one in

Here NOP just one okay that’s fine like I said we we we have two slime chunks one right here and one right above our [ __ ] mob spawner like seriously this is ridiculous like this is like the most insane type of luck you could ever have like that this in here is a slime

Chunk inside of um let’s see I’ll show you so this border right here is a slime chunk not not the one I’m standing at but this one right here this one on the inside where this whole box is that’s a whole chunk and right here this one is a slime

Chunk or right here that explains why I found slimes right there so I was correct this is all a slime chunk and it also involves our mob spawner just by a little bit this whole chunk right here is a slime chunk and that’s like inside of our mob

Spawner and [ __ ] like bro that shit’s insane I know there’s another slime trunk right here where’s it at where’s our pre-build thing where’s it at no yeah this little thing right here this is the slime chunk that we also know of so that’s one slime that’s the slime chunk there another slime chunk

Where the spawner is little spawner room right here so this is a slime chunk I know there’s another I know there’s like four right here there’s one two three and four these four right here are slime chunks and for what I see on the map either this one or it’s this one or

It’s these two right here one of these is slime chunks there’s like a quad slime chunk here it’s saying this one this one and this chunk and this chunk is all slime chunks which that’s [ __ ] crazy if that is that’ll be a big ass slime chunk

What the [ __ ] what’s this one oh [ __ ] a skeleton spawner n another SK yo what the [ __ ] Shadow there’s a double there’s a double skeleton spawner right next to each other what the [ __ ] and it’s it’s kind of close to our base I think it might be claimed by me hold

On I’m going to see if it’s claimed if it’s claimed bro I find our Keepers it is oh my God the whole thing is claimed and they’re both activated oh snap channeling right right there a cat music disc another cat music disc more gold yo I’m setting a [ __ ] home right here

Bro that’s insane I found that by accident with inspect with inspecting whoopsies but that’s [ __ ] crazy and it’s all completely claimed that’s Finders Keepers if it’s all claimed bro this is a part of the big chunk that I claimed remember it’s all claimed by me I got the channeling book by the way

It also had aqua infinity if you want that I put it in your inventory Shadow damn it I need Jimbo on bro who the [ __ ] built this oh [ __ ] damn [ __ ] hell he turned a deser pyramid into a [ __ ] home holy [ __ ] just you a [ __ ] genius

Dog he has cows that’s funny that’s going to be funny if the server has to wipe all mobs and they’re all gone he even marked his claim with fencing that’s why there’s fencing all around here cuz he marked it the exact spot where his claim is in all four corners I

Think yeah almost exactly dude that’s [ __ ] crazy dude damn this dude has a nice [ __ ] pyramid in the desert [ __ ] that [ __ ] crazy I love how the TPS on the [ __ ] Minecraft server it’s saying that it’s 14 right now but the TPS in the server is at 20 20

20 yeah it’s all at 20 so I should not trust the am [ __ ] console anymore I should trust to what says in game they saying it’s 20 in game and I haven’t heard anybody complain about the [ __ ] lag oh shut up paper if you’re lagging that’s on your own end bro

Cuz if the server’s TPS is at 20 all straight across then that means that it’s on your own end CU remember this is hosted on fiber Network This Server can handle 10,000 people on it before you’ll start noticing lag oh you want lag hold on you really wanted lag hold on

I’ll give you some [ __ ] lag bro give me a second said you wanted lag there goes your TPS lag now that slow generation of those Zeon processors bro nothing I can do about it so that’s still not bad it’s still handling it like a champ like not even kidding

Either or only drop two TPS just for rendering new chunks that’s handling it like a [ __ ] Champ and then again I’m only going to use this server for the Hub and then whenever I get enough to afford the $3,000 server you’ll see a bigger difference you’ll be able to generate

Like cuz I’m going to cuz it’s going to be a 32 core processor per two sockets I’m going to definitely give it 16 core per two sockets so it’ll be a 24 core 48 thread [ __ ] server it went right back up with the TPS and it’s still generating land it’ll

Dip a little bit it’ll go right back up these fifth gen [ __ ] zeeon processors are still fast enough but barely bu a thread just barely bu a thread now if you want lag I can turn off the [ __ ] mob camp and I can give you 10,000

Villagers or 10,000 zombies in a in a [Laughter] chunk that’s why I have a cat per chunk I’m about to make the the C per chunk like 10 you can have a maximum of 10 villagers per chunk each chunk is on your f3b and that’s 10 villagers per

This little square and you have 10 more per this little square 10 more per this little square and so forth I’m thinking about doing that so it prevents people from trying to make like a infinite villager breeder that lags the server over time if that if it makes

Sense so you have to build a big [ __ ] room for it oh yeah I like a [ __ ] Champ dude damn F3 plus G and it’ll show you chunk borders this is a chunk right here so if this is a slime chunk you’ll dig out a thing like this and you

Make a thing like this four tall with a four with a two Gap spacing in between that that’s how you do a slim Farm like let’s say this whole entire chunk oh look found diamonds right off the bat and a geode and then you get the beautiful

Void fog oh [ __ ] it’s about to kill me all right let’s go back up and yeah if I die in spectator I lose my items FYI f3g is chunk Borders f3b or f3h is tool tips to show you how much tool durability you have f f3b is your hit

Boxes anyway let’s keep generating more land I want to put this server strain it’s not doing anything it’s insane now she’s starting to slow down a little bit n she went right back up cuz it as soon as the land generates a little bit it’ll catch up and it will

Speed up generation like that and then it slows down what’s up Shadow and I’ll have an answer shadow the ones I have yes xeons are not old generation because there’s like Zeon processors that go for $10,000 each and they’re the newest generations for servers xeons are mostly meant for

Servers more than regular computes but that’s what they used to use back in the day because half the day people use computers as mostly servers instead of you know the [ __ ] of what we use for nowadays I mean I could take my ryzen 5

And I could use this PC to host a server and this thing will be [ __ ] faster than this well not quite actually I take that back cuz that’s a two two core socket now if I had a ryzen 7 79 sorry ryzen 9 5970 XD versus that server that 5970 5950 XD

Will be 400 times faster than that server no you don’t use your GPU when it comes to this this is only strictly uh CPU bound until you get to the um Intel cards which those things I’m not going to tell you the price for them I do want

One I do want one so bad because it would actually lift it would make this server and this game play experience 40 40,000 times faster but do you know the price of it just for one of the [ __ ] graphics cards it is 80,000 [ __ ] dollars not 800 not 8,000 $80,000

It’s called an entel arc it’s an Intel Arc uh [ __ ] yeah it’s like a it’s like a it’s like an Intel GPU but like they have Lenovo Tesla V100 graphics cards 32 GB of [ __ ] uh dedicated gddr 5V Ram that goes for $25,000 an HX GPU version 100 Nvidia

Volta 100 that goes for $ 17 [ __ ] th000 and there’s a wholesale [ __ ] Dell server just filled up with the with the Intel Arc cards that goes for $1.2 million [ __ ] dollars right now you think the cuadros are expensive no no no you think the RTX 480s are [ __ ]

Expensive no nothing compares against this Intel Arc [ __ ] GPU I forget the name of it but I have it bookmarked somewhere on my other browser and it’s [ __ ] insane how about a Dell Nvidia h100 PCI GPU 80 gigabytes of GTD or5 Ram 65,000 $65,625

So yeah if I really want to have a good [ __ ] uh Minecraft server it’s going to cost my whole [ __ ] life basically yeah exactly it’s literally a so it’s not just one CPU Shadow it’s two it’s two Zeon processors I think they’re 16 cores 32 1624 it’s either 1624 or 24

48 I don’t remember which one it is but they’re very very old gen and I I would like to have this one set up as the Hub and then have the new one which is going to cost 3,000 to have 3264 it’ll be a it’ll be a seventh gen I would

Rather have that one as the new server where you think the chunks are generating pretty fast with this one you’ll be able to fly in spectator mode and go 30,000 miles an hour and everything will be rendered like that cuz this one will definitely have 256 GB of RAM which are going to

Allocate into the server 64 with over 64 72 for extra leadway does that make sense but so far let me check out the console and let’s see what it’s saying nothing with the server can’t keep up or anything oh well sorry the server did actually throw an error saying that the

Server can’t keep up as the server overloaded saying it was running 106 ticks behind but the TPS only dropped barely and that’s what it happens when it usually does I come over here so yeah the server is going to lag for a split second because

I have to upload my mod files to media fire for this one guy to [ __ ] download give me a second cuz apparently Google Drive doesn’t work for him which is [ __ ] crazy I never had Google Drive not work for somebody oh yeah it takes like 1 second

To download but it’ll take like 10 minutes to upload no I’m kidding excuse me let me sign in so I can keep my [ __ ] no when not create an account can I just sign in log in I guess with Facebook [ __ ] it that’s fine continue I don’t

Care let’s see what’s on my files on this account nothing okay upload all right server might tank a little bit TPS let’s see and it’s already done uploaded I use Google Drive because Google Drive I have like over a terabyte of space for free because my Google

Account is that old and they gave it to me for free for some weird [ __ ] deal that I had with Spotify or sorry with my network plan this with my network plan that I had at the time for internet and they gave me Spotify lifetime for free

With media uh with Google drive space for free as well and a whole bunch of other [ __ ] for free that I never [ __ ] never took there what’s up back what are those shaders you use cold if you go to my video download or if you go to my

Video you can go to my video for the optimization thing yeah welcome super welcome welcome you can go to my video for the optimization the newest one I uploaded and you can have my shaders with the settings and everything plus all the mods for 1.2.2 for fabric all you do is you drag

And drop and it should work I’m not 100% sure if it’s going to work with vanilla Minecraft you’ll have to do it with curse Forge but it’s all there there’s all my iron holy [ __ ] still nowhere near enough finish all this up so Shadow how much money do you want

To donate to for me to buy one of those Intel art uh graphics cards and a brand new server uh $8,000 basically your mortgage no I’m kidding I’m I’m messing with you very good question nothing I can’t afford it I had a lot of people still question

Me about why the [ __ ] does my donation goal saying $3,000 it doesn’t cost that much for a new hostage and I’m like it does if you’re buying servers you know so that nobody don’t recognize or understand you pulled the word straight from my mouth nothing come on Shadow I already know

You weren’t going to donate [ __ ] oh I hear another slime oh where’s he at where’s the little slimy slimy where is he at is he on the bottom level or top he’s not here he’s on the top level oh top level go yeah we have a [ __ ] slime chunk oh

Man I need to stop killing them with that I need to kill them with my looting all right Shadow want some slime balls I got plenty now I have like a I have over three stacks now of slime balls this looks [ __ ] weird on the outside you need them oh I have

Plenty let me go to my beach home that’s probably how I lost my sword multiple times cuz I accidentally [ __ ] throw it hold on I know I have some in here there we go yep about almost two stacks actually almost two stacks I thought I had

Three there you go Shadow one stack and two stacks hello hello Max I wouldn’t with this server with how [ __ ] random it is at lagging your Redstone door might [ __ ] work and then break and then work and then break and then work and then break and then work and then

Break and then work and then break or or might break because you’re making it I don’t know one of the other oh was that too harsh I’m sorry I think that was too harsh I’m I’m sorry ah all my Iron’s done kill now we’re back to smelting regular armor parts

Throw in those golden pantaloons throw in the rest of the coal start pulling all the rotten flesh out so I could sell it put my shield back on over my pickaxe you know there’s a [ __ ] trash can right here for a reason you can just

Pick the stuff up and throw it in the hopper and it goes right into the Hopper into lava you know that right like a trash can right there you just throw it into there and it dispenses it down in there it really does work it help out a lot oh hey Max guess

What rten flesh cell how was the hopper hidden by the sign when the hopper looks totally different on the ground than anything you throw your trash in the hopper I I’m not going to question it with that so remember to share damn I got the top balance of the

Server 58 [ __ ] th000 from selling all this rotten flesh man all yall suck let me throw away some of this junk I got like that that that that two people involved in this what can you say about your role did you hit him no see that’s why I don’t think she saw

Me let me put my shovel back up I’m going to put this iron shovel in here so it smels excuse me I was typing I love mess with Shadow he left this Cobblestone here Bubba stop leaving Cobblestone there yeah there’s extra storage here a lot of extra storage and we got some downstairs

And I’m even making the room a little more pretty slowly over time soon as I I fill this whole entire wall up with iron it’s going to look good in here br how many more new people join we got 1 2 three four new people damn we’re at

61 well 62 if you count me total people damn that’s crazy here he m man they’re going to want me to build a [ __ ] villager breeder I hate building this [ __ ] man I really do hate building it oh much oh that’s funny that’s funny he’s over here munching on carrots

While I’m over here munching on so much pork chops yeah it is a sad swamp I’m more after trying to find a village damn it I got to find some composters hell yeah an abandoned portal yo that’s a deep hole damn Le a giant water thing pumpkins not too

Interesting that’s a mountain I care less about areal your living organism and all Behavior man I still haven’t found a village I need three composters I need to get a zombie I need a boat oh wait how the [ __ ] are we going to make a okay hold on hold

On this is not going to work out because remember how if you have a boat with anything inside the boat that it’s going to break how am I going to get a zombie hm H wouldn’t it would it be fine if the zombie was not in a boat and he just had

An item in his hand instead cuz I can just give him a name tag I think that should work ah Village finally that’s one two two that’s it there has to be another farm crop somewhere there’s no way in hell there’s only two Farm crops brother what is wrong with this

Uh composters I need one more composter cuz I need three villagers we already have villagers I need three composters I’m too lazy all right and plus it doesn’t hurt for me to explore fresh land anyways it’s best to get it all pre-generated they don’t have a composter I don’t

Think this version of villagers have composters yeah they don’t have oh wait here’s one oh [ __ ] I forgot about this I literally forgot about this Village especially with the Forbidden wood that goes way past the build height the build limit height like the max build height is not

319 but I forgot about this bro then again this is a village I want to keep intact though I think they have like 17 Iron Golems plus another 17 somewhere else stacked unless already in the ocean [ __ ] at the bottom of the ocean they probably are

No no they’re in a thing yeah there’s like seven iron golems here and there’s like five here think that’s about it that might be problematic I might need to make it higher actually now that I see it it has to be higher for okay so I got to have one two three beds

Actually walls here three composters there Okay now I got to kill three villagers grab a villager spawn egg let’s kill you you and you all right you little bastards become Farmers yes one two yes okay I need some wood h there that should keep it so now nothing can’t spawn and they can’t get out of that cuz

Their [ __ ] heads are too big apparently just funny now we got to build out one two well the zombie will sit there on the boat or actually stand there what’s good what’s up how is this going to work I can’t just give him a straight up name tag hold on hey

Sniffles still fat and big gotcha is there an anvil no Anvil gotcha Anvil no Anvil really there’s an anvil here oh my God I can get back up here by simply doing this all right okay so what if the zombie was here actually would he fit in a chest boat that’s the

Question let me grab some slabs cuz I’m going to need a hell lot of slabs to make sure no Iron Golem spawn on top here dang it IP night bot’s a little slow IP’s in the pin comments I Pinn the IP address with the pin comment h h

Sorry about that I was looking at my phone cuz what if I have a chest boat lay down right here exactly and what if I get the zombie on onto this boat with a name tag would he despawn it or what that’s something I want to Know so I’m going to go ahead and do get off of there kind of [ __ ] up I forgot to put some slabs up above here whoopsies all right so what if I summon another zombie and I have him hit me and there okay there we go

Oh it works it works it works no no okay well it works that’s good note that is way good to know but now I got these bastards all over me all right let’s try that again okay now what if I call you beef steak and I give you a slab as well just

In case can you pick it up no you’re a dud zombie oh well that’s fine you should be just fine then buddy here pick it up what a deud zombie oh let me do this ah good I think I just [ __ ] wiped all villagers again oh they’re going to be mad at

Me okay yeah they’re going to be mad at me now I think I may have wiped everybody’s [ __ ] entities again uh-oh okay back to rebuilding this again I had a spruce chest boat h all righty uh yeah I can help you just give me a second there we go mother no buddy no

Go some can you die already Jesus is that is that the center right yeah that’s a center it’s like what 1 2 3 1 2 3 that’s perfect we’re going to go 3m. down I got like one more h there we [Applause] go that’s actually perfect there you go small little iron farm

You [ __ ] it froze let me see if said they could spawn on top of that no nothing should be able to spawn on top of that actually I could just put torches there right torches should keep that flowing all the time there you go shadow there we go

Perfect this will work okay so I’ll just throw away the [ __ ] materials I had and this iron there now it’s built they can stop complaining and if somebody ever has to reset it oh it’ll have to be me actually no let me let me let me go ahead and grab this slab real

Quick I’m going to figure it out is it so nothing can’t spawn up here right yeah nothing can’t okay so we’re just going to make like a nice little tiny bridge to get all the way over there let me do this with blocks there we go h

There they go then I got here read the sign it says to reset iron just flick trap doors down wait 1 minute then open so all you have to do is stand right here flick them up like uh trap doors there you go they all reset hey

Shadow oh that’s right you don’t have access to this area do you [ __ ] never mind we go Oh no it stopped working I want to know why dyavi ISAC I know why apolog our in all let’s try that out now imagine if the server reset shadow oh trust me shadow the server won’t reset I promise I’m joking Shadow I’m joking I did

That you got like 50 or 49 more minutes you’re good you got 49 more minutes to spend wherever you are at right now like look I can easily just click play on the trigger and it spams it this ain’t going to work now there that’s so much fun just messing with

This thing hello welcome welcome I better leave this thing alone I’m going to throw this out that’s cheating yeah take half of that and throw that out as well go back to survival clear all those entities yeah he’s named so he should not die if the thing

Does a clear mob so it should be fine but yeah now they have an iron farm so they can shut up it’s not efficient and just to make it efficient just flick those and you’ll have to flick these wait a minute and then flick it back down boom then you start spawning them

Again I can’t make it automatic cuz I need Redstone I’m too [ __ ] lazy to set that up because that means I need three Pistons I need to do like a whole bunch of wiring on this side but the land claim is not that big cuz I think he he

Only claimed it up to about here right about here and that barely gives me enough room probably like four blocks of room and that’s not enough Redstone wire cuz I got to build an automatic Hopper timer and all this dumb stuff just to get this to

Work and there’s no way in hell I’m going to be doing that unless jumbo increases the claim out 50 blocks that way damn I did a lot of damage with sharpness five welcome back welcome back how’s my game it’s doing good server is doing a lot better now

Since I get rid of the those two plugins this the only way to get an iron farm so I had to sacrifice two villagers and all that good stuff or three villagers actually wait did this kill it didn’t kill sniffles I don’t think it killed your

Foxes I don’t know what all that killed but that might have okay it didn’t cool uhoh hey give me back the lead you dick they took the lead Shadow I accidentally took your foxes off the lead just so I can mess with the lead and they have the lead in their

Mouth now look at the lead it looks so weird look at it it has physics it’s so weird it’s like a little wiggly worm oh my god when it’s sleeping on the ground you could just drag the the sleeping uh thing that’s so weird here

Dude I’m sorry Shadow but I want to do this so bad you’re going to hate me don’t look on stream whatever you [Laughter] do oh my God that looks so weird that’s how it works on foxes can sleep I know hey I’m being so very careful

Shadow look it took no fall damage cuz I was being very careful uh-oh come on you turd get back in come back in all right there you go well you lost the lead that’s all I’m going to say God damn Aaron you’re still here yeah that’s the

Fastest it’s fast but it doesn’t damage them that much the one we got the one we have over here damages them so you can one hit him almost no you [ __ ] okay okay there we go imagine if they made a baby version of the skeleton like a baby version of the

Zombie I think everybody would be pissed off if they did well there we go a [ __ ] double skeleton s uh a double skeleton spawner for our base dude it’s right next to a slime chunk right next to our slime farm or right next to a slime chunk right

Next to the zombie spawner that’s insane here uh oh that hurt all righty yeah that they should not spawn anywhere else oh yeah Shadow if they can ever give you claim trust for over wait do you already have that do you already have that for over here trust claim for their ZB uh

For their villager for Jumbo’s thing what oh cool thank you still wasn’t a lot though I need a lot more Iron true no how did I screw that out actually grab that grab this grab that which I’ll make two more I pick up that block of iron I did this looks so [ __ ] weird if you look at on the outside but once you come in you’re like oh my God it looks [ __ ]

Decent that’s another block of iron there boom I can put it down here let’s reset them cuz it’ll passively spawn iron golems as well well over time but it’s quicker if you throw a zombie in the mix cuz it makes it go by faster cuz it makes him like oh my God

Zombie zombie spawn iron golem oh [ __ ] like spawn iron golem you know if you want Iron you got to be physically there it’s not going to work down there that’s why I’m standing here did one spawn somewhere no imagine if one actually spawns in there with them I’ll be [ __ ] salty if it

Does that guy’s going to die dude let’s go and reset him again did they stop spawning again is there an iron golem somewhere that’s preventing them from Spawn in has to be but this was working and now it’s not no more what the hell man no it only needs one

Zombie they just probably need a hard hard hard reset it’s why it’s best if you have the Redstone Contraption like I have on my single player world which I can show you real quick wrong [ __ ] world all right go again clicking wrong worlds oh my God you scared the [ __ ] out

Of me I forgot you existo I got scared scared me there for a second all right here’s a proper iron farm that’s 24/7 cuz it has a redstone Hopper clock all the time this is my 637 day hardcore World by the way I need to start making videos on this again yeah basically

Activates pistons on all across and it does it for a whole minute and there’s beef cake or beef steak and you see the Pistons block The View range until the this Iron Golem dies I forgot I don’t have fly on here whenever he dies it should start um back up

Again by opening up the Piston one more time like so and they start freaking out again and another one should come out of nowhere there he goes you heard him and then whenever he takes about half Health damage from the lava it’ll close back up again and it’ll reset their aggro

Timer there it goes I really forget how let see how intense this world is world’s not badly intense yeah cuz there’s there’s sniffles here see sniffles and then here’s lazy the camel and here’s my 1.20 villagers that haven’t been updated to the new villagers yet and then cow Farm I have

Buttons in here because they kept spawning iron golems in here sheeps pigs automatic chicken raster that never does anything worth right it barely [ __ ] does anything I had campfires all over the place because they gave regeneration effect but then I forgot I have a beacon I have two dogs here I got armor

Trim nice set of armor decently set two netherite picks with efficiency fives on both silk touch netherite shovel and a regular netherite shovel super smelter with carpet duplicators by the way that actually duplicate carpet for fuel like infinite fuel I just load up the whole chest I

Haven’t done the mine cart system cuz I’m too lazy to I haven’t really seen this world with these shaders by the way this is going to be a whole new experience so this one is uh in uh ancient city number one ancient cities back over there there’s another one over

There like so many ancient cities I don’t know how these shaders are going to roll with all this where’s my house I can’t believe I built my house so far away my house is right over here and then you got the realistic bees can’t forget about them wherever they

Are the little tiny bees this is a whole new different experience my axle lottle tank this was supposed to be full of custom axle lles there were supposed to be um glow Squid Ink one just a whole bunch of them but apparently they’re all gone because I I took the mod

Out there he is it’s so funny oh my God this cave dweller mod I [ __ ] forgot he exists still I literally forgot he exists his animations are broken because of uh Iris by the way or there shaders it’s one of the other I think it’s the shaders I think Herobrine’s in here I don’t know [ __ ] it’s been a while it’s been such a long time since I’ve been on this world truthfully oh here comes the bees yeah look they’re so small I know right and look at the little bee he’s so small and there’s like 50 bees per hives

By the way 50 [ __ ] bees per Hive and I have like six of them like look at this that’s insane and there’s my two original dogs these are custom chiseled obsidian blocks if you’re wondering oh yeah I do have them look there he is there’s Kevin there’s the original Kevin the

Modified Kevin the one that’s from a mod not like the the data pack here he was it’s been a hot minute though since I’ve been in that world that was a hard reset now there they go you can still see the galaxies and everything as well

See I only have these on just so they add the colors and extra things to the shaders but they look good with Vanilla Sky though he look at the sky and it adds a little twinkle stars too then of course you put the shaders back on and you see they’re still

There but now they’re rotating in different direction compared to this stuff so it makes it go double wavs back the opposite way which makes it look a little more realistic in my opinion but it just adds more flare to the shaders though if you have that that’s why these look more

Pixelated or Square than the actual shaders itself is because it’s a different mod but it looks really good though with the shaders that’s part of the shaders that little white streak that’s not that’s a different mod doing that but that’s why I always have shaders on though I always like it [Applause] h

Don’t said here h you know there’s a b Mythic mobs f Darn that didn’t give me enough there I just need two more no I looking through this though and it says that it gives like custom mobs that does sound cool but ah not going to worry about that there we go darn it at 7 do three one more there

Boom go ahead and reset this iron farm a little bit more hurry up I guess it ain’t going to work it’s not going to work if I can get this to work for one more piece of iron I’m going to go ahead and head off I want to go play a different

Game there it goes there we go oh that’s one more Step Closer everybody else can finish up everything else if they want to I still got to do this part though hello oh darn it yeah it’s fine let’s see is there a big fat slime jumping around over here

Nothing check out down here wee there we go that guy was decked out bro damn he had a good sword all right we go why don’t you use the totem this is not hardcore there don’t need to use totems get rid of that N I already got the iron block oo look at

That that dark color I really like that with the lava does that cool animation that’s so cool is this your server yes huh it’s a spread why is there Vines there that’s weird glow squid what are you using for your shaders by the way how about me

Shadow how many people are on your server now um we usually hover around 10 to 20 people depending if it’s early in the day but towards night time it’s just usually me and a couple of people just all depends on who wants to come and who wants to join who clicks on

The stream and who joins and who doesn’t so all just depends look at this dude with a bone am I going to continue the hardcore series I’m taking a break from it right now because if I were to try to continue it I have to come up with ideas and the

Issue is I can’t come up with ideas for it I don’t even know why I started it to begin with I think it was because I was trying to beat Luke the notables but there’s no way in hell I could be like him anding continue with days upon days

Upon days of playing fing Minecraft straight no as in terms of like ideas of like um what to build um what to do all that good stuff I don’t come up with great ideas and I don’t like when people give me suggestions for ideas that I can’t do that’s the thing

Oh yeah I tried I try at least be active on YouTube as much as I can but like I said though I’m probably going to taking a break from streaming and coming up with some videos and stuff if I can I can think of something else

Ouch how about making an end of light Farm I don’t want to make Farms like that that anything that basically makes you broken like example raid Farms you’ll just get all the materials and it’ll be boring you know what I mean got to make this look like a zombie uh grind kill

Pit that’s cool that actually you can do that I didn’t know you could do that with redstone now it looks like a little puddle of blood that’s cool or make a mega base H I’ll brainstorm things cuz I want to be unique I don’t want to copy other people’s [ __ ] if that makes Sense like it’s [ __ ] a pain in the ass to try to grow and [ __ ] [ __ ] I probably going to head Off no there we go but yeah I’m going to S off I’m tired oh I forgot it was this part here oh [ __ ] hold on look there some more iron right here oh it connects over here never mind never mind I’m going to see what’s over here and if there’s nothing interesting

Then I’m probably going to end it it looks like there isn’t nothing interesting other than diamonds which I could care less about truthfully I could really care less about those diamonds loser he fell so can I make this jump nope yeah this cave is [ __ ] huge though like it’s

Crazy I’m going to stick this in my smelter and I’m going to sign off I’m [ __ ] tired I yeah I want to go play probably some Call of Duty or something else I don’t know maybe it all depends but yeah that’s where I’m going to call it here I’m super tired you know

Not tired like sleepy but mentally tired that’s what I wanted but yeah I’m going to go ahead and sign off thank you everybody for the support it means the whole world to me um I’m going to go ahead and go chill all that stuff so I don’t get burnt out

I’m probably going to take a break soon of streaming for like a day or two again cuz homie I need to I’m getting really really boring or really bored of streaming you know I don’t understand how people can do it all the freaking time every day but then again they’re racking in

More money than I could and even if I was racking in money [ __ ] I wouldn’t I wouldn’t burn myself out but yeah that’s always why I’m I’m going to you know take a little bit of a break you know but yeah catch you guys later thanks for all the

Support this Doge signing off peace

This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP free to join #Minecraft #SMPMinecraft #SMP #live’, was uploaded by DogePlaysMinecraft on 2023-12-19 05:16:50. It has garnered 135 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 05:53:40 or 21220 seconds.

This smp is fun and thrilling with land claim and much more exciting plugins to discover. were a vanilla SMP where you can make friends and have fun doing other crazy builds and insane things to do. some come join today as theres no whitelisting and we have anti cheats and everything! IP:

Music by Chillhop Music:

Discord: Patreon: Donations:

#minecraft #minecraftsmp #goldenage #swag #epicswag #fortnite #skibiditoilet #prank

  • Jelqgang FPSMP Game Night in Minecraft

    Jelqgang FPSMP Game Night in Minecraft Exploring Modded Minecraft with Friends! Join in on the fun as players dive into the world of Modded Minecraft with friends during the Jelqgang game night! This exciting event is streamed on Twitch, offering viewers a chance to witness the creativity and collaboration that goes into playing this popular game. Stream Schedule and Community Interaction For those eager to participate, the stream typically begins around 7pm PST. Viewers can engage with the streamer and fellow players in real-time, sharing tips, tricks, and laughs as they navigate the challenges and adventures of Modded Minecraft. To stay updated on upcoming streams… Read More


    JUICY 1.22 LEAKS CONFIRMED! Minecraft Live 2024: New Leaks Unveiled! As the highly anticipated Minecraft Live 2024 event draws near, the Minecraft community was in for a surprise with the release of new leaked information. Today, six intriguing photos surfaced on Reddit, offering a sneak peek at the upcoming Pale Garden biome, The Creaking hostile mob, and more exciting features. The Six Leaked Photos… The leaked images have caused a stir among Minecraft enthusiasts, providing a glimpse into the innovative additions that players can expect in the upcoming update. From the enchanting Pale Garden biome to the mysterious Creaking hostile mob, the leaked… Read More

  • Crafty Sausage Man Unboxes New Supply Box in Minecraft

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  • Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Dance: A Blocky Romance

    Cube Xuan's Minecraft Dance: A Blocky Romance Welcome to Cube Xuan’s Minecraft show, Where the fun and laughter always flow. I’m the MC animation, here to bring joy, With videos that entertain, oh boy! Child-friendly content, safe and sound, No worries here, just fun all around. I’m the official channel, accept no fake, For pirated copies, we won’t partake. Every day a new video, full of delight, With humor and happiness, shining bright. So hit that subscribe, join the fun, And let’s enjoy Minecraft, all as one! MC funny, classroom series too, Song adaptations, just for you. Cube Xuan’s here, to make you smile, So come… Read More

  • Wild Minecraft Quest! Boost My Pal!

    Wild Minecraft Quest! Boost My Pal! Epic Minecraft Adventure! Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure in this exciting gameplay video! 🎮 Join the community in supporting a friend’s channel as they showcase their epic Minecraft skills. Let’s come together to strengthen our Minecraft community and show our support by liking, commenting, and subscribing for more exciting gameplay! Exploring Minecraft 1.18 Discover the latest features and updates in Minecraft 1.18 as our friend dives into the game. From new biomes to exciting challenges, there’s always something new to explore in the world of Minecraft. Watch as they navigate through the game and uncover hidden secrets along… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft Wood Farming

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  • Sneaky Sister Kick Challenge in Minecraft

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  • Orca News: Klovinschki’s Nation Rap Encore

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  • Minecraft: 不同学生开学前一天

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  • Minecraft Parkour Biome Madness

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  • Mind-Blowing Reveal: Crazy Encounter with SLAW!

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  • Odyssey SMP | smp | realms

    Odyssey SMP: Seeking New Members! Welcome to Odyssey SMP, a small community of friends inviting new members to join our long-term realm. Current members range from students to retirees, all 18+. Our realm values chill and relaxed gameplay with zero tolerance for griefing, hacking, cheating, stealing, or aggressive behavior. This vanilla realm includes a Creeper and Ghast block protection mod, ensuring a smooth experience for all players. Stay connected with our active Discord server and engage with our friendly and social community in-game and on Discord. If you’re seeking a welcoming and long-term community, reach out to Tiger McStanley, our… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: Someone had to do it

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  • Sleeping in Minecraft, Version 1.5 to 1.6: Dreaming of Change

    Sleeping in Minecraft, Version 1.5 to 1.6: Dreaming of Change In version 1.5, I built my dream alive, But when I slept, the game took a dive. Version 1.6, a whole new mix, Caught me off guard with its tricks. Waking up in 1.7, everything seemed fine, Until a twist appeared, like a sign. Nader and Belize Rod, a quest so grand, Finding the village, with tools in hand. Version 1.8, not much work to do, But in 1.7, the adventure grew. Like and subscribe, show some love, Supporting me from high above. If you spot an error, don’t be shy, Let me know, so I can rectify. Thanks… Read More

  • Minecraft meme: Jack Bhaiya’s tough choice! 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft meme: Jack Bhaiya's tough choice! 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes “Jack Bhaiya trying to choose between building a house in Minecraft or going on an adventure is like trying to choose between diamonds and dirt blocks.” Read More

  • Minecraft Mod Madness with Dziru! #4

    Minecraft Mod Madness with Dziru! #4 Minecraft Adventure with Dziru! A Fruitful Expedition In the latest episode of Minecraft with Dziru, our intrepid explorer sets out on a new adventure! While the journey may not have been long, it was certainly fruitful. Back at the home base, a new companion has joined the ranks – a trusty weapon-wielding ally. And to add to the excitement, the skilled craftsman Andrzej pays a visit to offer his services! Interactive Experience Dziru encourages viewers to engage with the content by commenting and sharing their thoughts on the gameplay. Suggestions for future games to feature on the channel are… Read More

  • Warden vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown

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  • Explore a Mind-Bending Minecraft World on 3DS!

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  • Terrifying Minecraft Horror Shorts: Rate 1-10

    Terrifying Minecraft Horror Shorts: Rate 1-10Video Information This video, titled ‘Rate this 1 – 10 💀⚠️ #minecraft#horror#shorts’, was uploaded by GJ GAMER on 2024-06-18 00:35:21. It has garnered 456 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server Gameplay – Part 21 – RTX ON!

    Insane Minecraft Server Gameplay - Part 21 - RTX ON!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Servers – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 21 – RTX ON’, was uploaded by FaHaDDxHR on 2024-05-26 12:58:45. It has garnered 1272 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:20 or 620 seconds. Keybaord – Redragon K552 Mouse – Glorious model o – Like and sub – PayPal Support me :…. – Server CubeCraft Download on Google Play –… Download on App Store –… ( What is Minecraft? ) Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Dimensional Travel in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Dimensional Travel in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Traveling Into A NEW DIMENSION In Modded Minecraft! (SILLY SOULS MODDED SMP #16)’, was uploaded by enduurrrVODS on 2024-04-13 10:44:13. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:11 or 7271 seconds. In this video the adventures on the Silly Souls Modded SMP continues with the defeat of some Minecraft Bosses and the exploration of numeral new dimensions- one of these being the Otherside, a horrifying trip into the world of sculk. The Entity SMP Finale: ►CHECK OUT MY YOUTUBE MAIN CHANNEL! ►CHECK OUT MY TWITCH!… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PE Update: Alex Workout in NEW Faction Server | SURVIVAL

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  • CRUSHING Minecraft Hardcore Faster Than IShowSpeed!

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  • 🔥 PAROTTER JAPANESE CHALLENGE! Can you keep up? 🔥

    🔥 PAROTTER JAPANESE CHALLENGE! Can you keep up? 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘どれだけスピードアップできる?【パロッター日本語アニメ】Study Japanese in Minecraft! @SakuraMiko’, was uploaded by パロッター日本語 | Study Japanese & English on 2024-09-06 08:00:19. It has garnered 15898 views and 743 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. My music stream → My anime uses the voices of many Hololive and NIJISANJI talents. let’s check it↓😊 My anime uses the voices of many Hololive and NIJISANJI talents. Please check it out! Let’s Study Japanese in Minecraft! main ch↓ #shorts #minecraft #anime #education #language #Minecraft #Game #Education #English #Japanese #hololive #hololiveen #hololivejp Read More

  • “Shocking: I destroyed my friend’s Indian SMP in Minecraft” #gaming

    "Shocking: I destroyed my friend's Indian SMP in Minecraft" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Why i destroyed my friends Indian SMP? #minecraft #gaming #gamerfleet #smp’, was uploaded by garvwasthere on 2024-09-26 07:45:05. It has garnered 910 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:24 or 2064 seconds. This video is not scripted at all I made the owner / operator user to do it with greed and he did it and we destroyed whole smp nothing was scripted neither my friend did knew. Want more spoiler? Nah just watch the video. minecraft,minecraft mod,minecraft but,minecraft shorts,minecraft mods,minecraft seed,minecraft funny,minecraft animation,minecraft challenge,minecraft but challenge,minecraft how to,minecraft facts,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Adventures on Isles SMP – Stinging, Temples, House Cat

    Insane Adventures on Isles SMP - Stinging, Temples, House CatVideo Information This video, titled ‘Isles SMP: Stinging, Temples, and… House Cat? (Contiued)’, was uploaded by Balancer Productions on 2024-08-30 00:40:30. It has garnered 330 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:16 or 9556 seconds. She is a house cat, ya gotta believe me! #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #minecraftgaming #dragon #httyd #smp Read More

  • KapiCraft – Smp

    Join Our Private Minecraft Server! We are a small and cozy server with mods, looking for active players to join us. Requirements: You must be over 18 years old You must be an active player You must enjoy building What We Offer: A free world without plugins A server with 70 building mods out of 100 A great community atmosphere Responsive server host Thank you for your interest! Join us on Discord. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Update Hype!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Update Hype!Looks like this meme is leveling up faster than my mining skills in Minecraft! Read More

  • Pirate Plunder: Minecraft Kings Episode 3

    Pirate Plunder: Minecraft Kings Episode 3 In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Rush of Kings brings a new game to our lives. ScrumpeyB0ttle and WaterB0ttle, ready to play, In this Minecraft world, where they’ll have their say. Pirates on the high seas, a thrilling sight, As they battle it out, with all their might. Each turn, a new challenge, a twist in the tale, As they navigate the game, without fail. With music to set the mood, and keep us engaged, The players make their moves, on the stage. In Rush of Kings, the competition is fierce, But in the end, there can… Read More

  • Minecraft Villager Dropping Hot Memes!

    Minecraft Villager Dropping Hot Memes! “Why did the Minecraft Villager go to therapy? Because he had too many ‘villager problems’!” 😂 #minecraft #memes #gaming Read More

  • Most Immoral but Moral Mob in Minecraft

    Most Immoral but Moral Mob in Minecraft The Most Evil but Most Moral Mob in Minecraft When it comes to the world of Minecraft, players encounter a variety of mobs, some friendly and helpful, while others are downright menacing. However, there is one mob that stands out for its unique combination of evilness and morality. The Enderman: A Mysterious and Complex Mob The Enderman is a tall, dark, and slender mob that teleports around the world of Minecraft. Known for its eerie purple eyes and ability to pick up blocks, the Enderman strikes fear into many players. Despite its intimidating appearance, the Enderman has a surprisingly… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Generator – Get unlimited items now!

    INSANE Minecraft Generator - Get unlimited items now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sand, Gravel, and Anvil Generator with Command Block’, was uploaded by Pixelator8627 on 2024-09-27 17:44:16. It has garnered 92 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:15 or 1035 seconds. 🌟 “How to Make a Sand, Gravel, and Anvil Generator in Minecraft!” 🌟 🎮 Welcome, Builders and Redstone Engineers! 🎮 In this exciting tutorial, we’re diving into the mechanics of creating a versatile generator that produces sand, gravel, and anvils—all using the same ingenious process! Whether you’re looking to stockpile resources or just curious about advanced redstone contraptions, this video has… Read More

  • Midnight Minecraft Creepypasta: Eerie Whispers

    Midnight Minecraft Creepypasta: Eerie WhispersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creepypasta: Eerie Whispers #shorts #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by MidNight on 2024-06-23 18:00:09. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Gameplay- GianLeco Minecraft Gameplays Audio- ESN Production I have been playing with AI and decided to test how far I can push it’s story telling capabilities. I plan to do this but have fun and entertain not only myself but others as well. Please comment bellow if this story sounds familiar or if is a complete copy of something you’ve heard before. Let’s… Read More

  • Ultimate Mission: JB/Drag 2 Live – Gather Spruce

    Ultimate Mission: JB/Drag 2 Live - Gather SpruceVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Mission to Gather Spruce | JB/drag 2 Live’, was uploaded by JB / dragmotoxboss 2 on 2024-08-08 05:31:24. It has garnered 51 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:46:15 or 17175 seconds. Starring JB / dragmotoxboss, minecraft Warning: There may be yelling in this livestream! Sorry, no links available for now! Tags: #minecraft #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftjava I would appreciate if you would subscribe, it’s free, easy, and you can always unsubscribe at any time. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! 17 Hearts Left on Leviathan Hunt + V4 Help | ?Join BloxFruit

    UNBELIEVABLE! 17 Hearts Left on Leviathan Hunt + V4 Help | ?Join BloxFruitVideo Information This video, titled ‘BloxFruit Leviathan Hunt 17 Hearts Left and Helping with V4 | ?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-07-04 18:20:01. It has garnered 212 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:13:34 or 15214 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: Zainny Discord: check out: Roblox group :!/about TikTok : twitch : Discord: Mods: Itrealzainny: LJ… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane Shizo Clickbait: Akidn89’s LIVE SLEBEW SMP 🔴

    🔥 Insane Shizo Clickbait: Akidn89's LIVE SLEBEW SMP 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 [Live] SLEBEW SMP – MINECRAFT SERVER’, was uploaded by Akidn89 on 2024-01-12 07:45:30. It has garnered 229 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:34 or 394 seconds. because of lag Move to Stream 1 again :v Yoo Welcome to this quiet channel :v help subscribe and like :V Legion 5 Cross Minecraft Server device that allows Minecraft Java and Minecraft Bedrock to play in the same world. Server Info? Java 🖥️ (1.17-1.20) IP: *enter all Bedrock 📱(Latest) IP: PORT: 25568 Join our Discord DC: GC:… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT GRAPHICS! 😍Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT mit BESTER GRAFIK😍’, was uploaded by benGx on 2024-05-19 13:42:13. It has garnered 28517 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:02 or 7862 seconds. 💸JOIN ► 🗝️MMOGA ► ᵂᴱᴿᴮᵁᴺᴳ ⚡ARGONPADS ► ᵂᴱᴿᴮᵁᴺᴳ —————————————– Socials: 🗨️Discord► 🎥Twitch► 🐦Twitter► 🎬Kick► ————————————– Setup: Mouse ► Roccat Kain 100 Aimo keyboard ► Rezon x Drexler mouse pad ► Ovenbird topographic map CPU ► AMD Ryzen 5 3600x GPU ► RTX 3070 ti —————————— ———– ⚠️My content is freely available, it just cannot be re-uploaded!⚠️ Read More

  • Insane Time Travel in Minecraft Modded SMP!

    Insane Time Travel in Minecraft Modded SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft Modded SMP] I last played this game 7 patch cycles ago’, was uploaded by Luminis Klio Ch. on 2024-06-16 01:47:03. It has garnered 39 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 04:27:47 or 16067 seconds. minceraft [Thumbnail Art] [Discord] [Twitter] ____________________________________________________________________ [Rules] 1. Be respectful of others in the chat 2. No spamming 3. No spoiling/backseating unless I specifically ask for it 4. Do not bring up other streamers or streams unless I mention them first 5. Try to stay focused on the stream topic and not have… Read More

  • Girl Police Falls in Love with Prisoner! Minecraft Jailbreak

    Girl Police Falls in Love with Prisoner! Minecraft JailbreakVideo Information This video, titled ‘GIRL POLICE FELL in LOVE with JJ in PRISON! Mikey and JJ JAILBREAK in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by DokiArt on 2024-09-21 08:01:00. It has garnered 1583 views and 987 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:14 or 12074 seconds. #mikeyandjj #mikey #jjandmikey GIRL POLICE FELL in LOVE with JJ in PRISON! Mikey and JJ JAILBREAK in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just… Read More