Dragon Madness: Ckaiadn and KavDragun

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Oh you also give me a link please yeah I’m using the second monitor to reat actually which is cool you got you got you got to see you got to see me move my heads going from Monitor to Monitor are you okay e oh oh no

Yeah you can see my tweet if you like also we are streaming right hey how’s it going for oh no I’m make it on let me fix that I L my my pants no it’s no it’s here it’s no it’s here oh God that would that would be

Crazy if the iron armor splitted as well oh my God not even not even iron can contain the sickness Jesus Oh yes starting a starting a stream with some sleep in yes I I love it when I love it when I start the day just by going back to sleep

Again uh oh CK you might be muted oh no oh God no I’ve muted the whole time no I forgot to un mute myself this is my stream now no I can’t believe I was saying hi to people in chat and no one could hear me

No uh hear me now stream fail oh God my bad sorry all right I think you can he me now uh anyway as a as I was saying as I was muted hello everyone happy Saturday welcome to the stream uh yeah I hope you’re all doing well on this fine

Weekend uh so me and Cal had a uh had a little grind session this week on the game and uh we uh we found some things didn’t we yeah not nothing really that we haven’t found before you know just more diamonds and irons and stuff you know so

We can have more stuff oh is is there not another thing that we found maybe that we didn’t find before uh uh what did we find I’ll give I mean okay all right U well I’ll give you a clue it’s in the nether oh we found the nether of course

Yeah Oh you mean the Fortress Yeah there we go that’s the one we did yeah yeah we found the foress oh yeah by the way by the way you want to you want to do the owners and build us a crafting not a crafting T I’m an enchantment

Table stuffs um yeah sure uh oh yeah completely forgot we had these yeah okay then yeah let’s go ahead and do that so right the books got to activate the secret recipe the secret Krabby Patty formula boop boop boop boop and then you put a book on top of that oh my God

Enchantment table oh my God oh my God you did it all right Boop oh I put it the wrong place no oh no oh that’s that said is broken C got to make another one no I’m just kidding there we go yay enchantment table let’s go I would have been so sad

Oh well it’s a good thing it didn’t break or anything that’s uh oh you saw the SEC wait it it changed to a mod the human model again oh God that’s so weird yeah cuz uh uh C noticed that a lot yeah I witnessed that happen myself and it

Was creepy stuff very strange yeah like that’s that’s some horror movie sort of thing right there a dragon suddenly becomes human for a second that’s weird that is actually terrifying it’s like it’s like C did you realize that you are human no I don’t want to be

Human I would be I want be human I would be Dragon always be Dragon always always always let me let me get my good my the Minecraft my God I’m so bad at speaking the diamond pickaxe I mean all right all right my big draging tongue doesn’t let

Me speak well no a oh I was going to say as well cuz like something I noticed um when uh looking at the stream on my phone as well is that like um so my mic picks up me speaking but like I was muted in streamlabs so like like I it

Was just like CK just like like moving her mouth like randomly with like no sound coming out so that that’s going to that’s going to look so funny on uh when looking back on the stream after this oh boy uh I’ll be I I’ll be so

Happy when I can Jo join you and defeat you being if we can no the vber lifestyle be feed youber buds feed youber dring buds a yeah that’ be cool oh you oh do you do you want to roll for um the enchantment with the pickaxe cuz

I only got Unbreaking from it so I didn’t Enchanted it yet oh sure okay um all right then uh let’s see let’s see what you get maybe you get lucky all right we’re up all night to get lucky here we go we got efficiency one efficiency 2 and efficiency 4 uh

Can I oh you can’t oh like you used to be able to roll this in Old Minecraft but you can’t do it now it’s just n you’re stuck with what you got it do it on a iron pickaxe and then we roll with the diamond pickaxe oh yeah that’s a good that’s a

Good idea actually yeah so don’t waste it on the diamonds yeah so if we go for like a small enchantment maybe just put like efficiency two on this one uh roll again Unbreaking Unbreaking two efficiency three damn it uh do do you want to try

Cev there you go there you go oh shoot sorry I got laughing full in my mouth I’m sorry it’s so tasty uh nope it’s still Unbreaking for me no wait uh try uh try do the smallest enchantment on an iron uh let let me give you yeah yeah yeah yeah I guess I

Guess I I’m going to reroll all right humanoid Dragon Skins are my favorite kind of thing all Dragon no human skin yeah anything but human stinky human skin don’t want that nope I want pretty scaly dragon skin that’s what I want yeah oh oh could hear it okay that’s a good sign thank

You T for letting me know um but yeah uh basically the whole goal of this stream is to uh raid this uh nether fortress I manag to find while grinding uh cuz found it made a bridge to it um didn’t explore it though or anything and we found a bunch of

Diamonds um in the cave which is why we’re trying to roll up a fortune right now cuz we saved them uh we saved them just for the stream just so we could just so we can pickaxe them I may be a human or D and have

Thumbs and stuff but I got really big fat stby thumbs so sometimes they’re hard to use a you know it gets the work it gets the work done yeah whatever floats your boat uh I should probably use a shield actually which can be which goes over my snout

Um I see you blocking with the shield what do that look like that blocking yeah that’s me blocking that’s a strange that’s a strange ankles to be looking with I got sheld all right then um I’m not really sure what to do with this I didn’t I didn’t get I didn’t get

The the what this called The Fortune yet okay um let me try a book let me try a book yeah good idea um I’ll tell you what I’ll do then I’ll I’ll start making those like some iron blocks nope never mind you you want to trade the book

Yourself uh we’ll do I’m just going to make some one two three I’m just going to make this real quick hey Minecraft there you go Anvil um all right then let’s oh yeah you can enchant books in this I forgot um yeah that’s a good idea uh efficiency

One Quick Charge one and sweeping Edge h ah well I’m not really sure about that uh here you go oh my go oh my God anim how are you doing it’s been a while oh my God hello hi it’s your birthday happy birthday friend oh my God happy birthday happy

Hatch day when when came from egg oh my God yo a that’s cool all right then um I guess I guess um I suppose we could we can always come back to that um I’m going to go ahead and prepare to raid this uh nether fortress oh I also believe that remember

When we were talking about uh the issues we had with Minecraft and nxm um we can probably get that fixed now since I already got everything done just have to I guess create a new instance a right you know we can we can talk about it in the DMS if you’d like

Yeah all righty I just haven’t talked to him in a long time miss it all right then piglins love gold exactly that’s why I got these fancy see gold leggings right here that uh wow me too that make my butt shiny you got some too wait let

Me see oh yeah also look look at look at me for a second now oh my God yo look good he’s got oh my God are those the new uh those the new uh uh funny funny shoe brand name I I don’t know no it’s okay all right then pants L shoes and

Pants all right then hopefully we don’t get uh many um gas this time but yeah basically uh I probably hey yep go ahead I I prob I probably need protection for my pants you know just in case accidents happen yeah good idea want them to break break again

Wiress work no that’ be a bad breaking pants is bad oh wait hold on I’m going to come with you all right see I’m I’m going to watch you I’m going to watch you come through the portal oh so yeah oh my God go summon a cal

A I really I really need to to draw myself in Christmas trip you know just a just a heavy Christmas trip sweater I’ve I’ve never heard I’ve never heard it referred to as Christmas strip just need I just need to draw them in a big comfy like you know Christmas sweater

Yeah oh that does sound comfy though there wait is there anything else I need or am I just over were thinking this uh SC model looks amazing oh thank you thank you very much it was made by Rowan wyvern who was really cool and made really awesome dragon models for us

Link in the description oh wait look at me it’s Bing Yo he’s BL just I’m just tasting a bit din this is how I send stuff all right then here we go wait I clicked the BL button so many times that I don’t know if it’s Spa off at the moment oh I see um oh wait no I think it’s uh yeah

It’s still out yeah your tongue is still out oh there you go yep yep it’s so now all right then um put that I put that back in before I try it yeah all right then so this is the bridge I was working on while grinding uh it’s not too far away but

I’m quite surprised it’s like uh in the position where it is um this the direction we have to go yes oh yeah cuz it’s it’s past uh yeah that that’s the Fortress we found on last stream and then the nether fortress that found while grinding is this

Way also yeah I’m going to third person for this bridge thing here but then I’m going to have to go first person for the rest of it because uh actually that is a b not a fortress oh Minecraft CK oh sorry I’m sorry I I didn’t realize I’m I’m

Sorry uh oh um all right just got some Zombie Pikmin here I think why are there so many of you get out of the way move out of the way for dragons all right then here we go um yeah this is a bit of a this was a bit

Of a pain in the eyes to get to because uh there are some there are quite a few blazes that spawn that is a lot of Enderman oh there’s more Enderman here than last time it was like one or two but now there’s oh God there’s three

This time but yep there it is there’s the Fortress and it spawned inside uh this biome the uh basal biome I think it is uh yes the the funnest biome yeah well now we’re going to get a lot of like Gea counter sound effects so yeah this is a bit of a pain

To get to but oh man it’s going to be worth it okay then uh I got plenty of cobblestone as well just in case uh we have any with that’s what I was missing that’s what I was I guess you can theone stuff there you go here here’s a full

Stack in fact yeah take take two stacks wow look at the mini map right now oo that looks so hellishly pretty oh too big I said this said this when we were grading it looked pretty cool when I was yeah I don’t know indeed it does I

Like look I like looking at Maps I got an achievement yeah let’s go oh I think uh I’m so good at the game guys yeah um NE nether brick is uh is the is like one of the only other um uh things that’s uh immune to uh gas Fireballs which is pretty

Good uh also yes C does have that drip yeah that’s true yeah all right then oh ow ow ouch dragon on fire dragon on fire I know it’s hard to forget that you can catch on fire because you’re a dragon but I know you know it’s so stupid

Careful why do we catch on fire it’s not fair I want this Chinese stuff though oh c uh you know how nether fortress have like one by one like blocks here staircases uh this is going to be a bit of a pain uh to get down I’m sorry I

Guess you have to go back then okay bye no I’m just kidding stream over CK cannot pass through a you shall not pass Cal hell music yeah it sounds really good I do like it Christmas trip going to use that term from now on yeah copyright at Cav Dragon

Yeah hopefully hopefully I have the time energy and M patient to actually do that for me in Christmas trip yeah I’m I’m sure you will all right that is definitely a blaze spawner over there uh cuz that’s how them fences spawn um I’m just kind of hoping that we

Get like a big nether fortress here cuz like sometimes they can like they can spawn like really oh that oh no well a a pig a pig person just like fell to his death down there that was pretty funny all right boop boop so the only mods we have is basically the

Models oh no oh what was that ah um what the heck was the models and we and and we have a mini map mod yeah oh boy um does this say okay yeah oh this takes us to The Blaze spawner so right um what did you catch on fire I’m not

Seeing any Blaze anywhere I I don’t know what there the one above us stupid skeleton oh you okay oh no it comes on fire oh God I have to be careful or I’ll burn to death yeah just be careful be careful I’m going to I’m going to

Hide all right uh oh damn it I’m too big to get up these there we go I keep I keep overestimating my strength and health because I’m my big dragon uh okay this just leads us to okay right there a bit more over there

That is a ghast hello gas ah look out oh ow hey that was really rude I’m talking to you stupid gas oh [ __ ] oh no it’s coming oh oh Lord he coming I think uh we we can bat them back with uh iron swords right should be able to also just watch

Out there’s an Ender up there as well I thought you can punch them back as well I think so oh oh oh oh oh what are you what huh is he going to fire oh Blaze look out oh that’s where that Blaze is yeah it’s over there oh where the

Skeleton oh c look out I’m going to die I’m going to die come come come no C no no I got is gold boots save save my gold boots I’ll sa I’ll save your gold boots n n n wait no I should eat them no oh F in chat for

Cav right I I’m going to stay here until your stuff spawns back again oh no was was that the gas or was that the was that just the withering effect of the skeleton no I think I just burned to death because of a blaze I was trying to kill

The with their skeleton for you and oh the nether is spooky all right just going to just to sit here hello just going to stare at the screen at the moment hey how’s it going good hello I’m durgen oh boy how to for like a dragon’s

Build things I don’t know we just we we use the magic or something I don’t know I mean CK’s got her magic she could probably just like uh I don’t know raise things with her mind I got I got magic too oh yeah apparently it’s not it’s not enough to save me oh

Oh this is why I wouldn’t do a hardcore I would just oh no I’d Die Why do we dragons catch on fire shouldn’t we be impervious to that [ __ ] well ultimately it depends on what type of dragon you’re referring to wait we talked about oh yeah we we did talk about that

Actually see okay yeah there’s a m m there’s a Muk cube in my way no oh I I I think uh I think you should be able to like I don’t know just punch it out the way maybe can you move please okay I Jed it run run a I’m just

Like staring staring at the camera right now Likeo oh yeah I got to crouch over these Cobblestone roof things ah hey there he is hello all right uh here’s your here’s your gold boots I kept them warm there’s your helmet uh oh there’s your boots again there you go the M rearrange stuff dragons have a

Built-in heater unit yo yo built-in stove oh oh there’s that Blaze actually yeah um do do you have a shield C oh [ __ ] nope ow ow ow yeah I think uh ah to see my sword um hold on oh yeah here we go um do do you have

A uh do you have some wood or a crafting table C I’ve got some iron here I can make you a shield for them blazes Shields work with them yes yeah they do um it it takes out a bit of the health of the shield but it it does block The Blaze fire

Attacks keep forgetting that Shields exist yeah they’re pretty helpful and I don’t and I don’t even know how to craft it oh it’s uh so um it’s it’s wood like so uh iron in the uh top middle door uh bit yeah uh then then around that like

You want to do like like you want to do wood around that and then like leave the bottom I like leave leave the bottom uh left and right oh oh you did it I’ll dig sorry I’m being stupid destroy the nether boss we need all the the weather skulls for that

Oh that is that is that something we ever did on the on the previous uh world I don’t think we ever um nope yeah we never did the weather do want to try getting the beacon sometime oh yeah that’s good skeleton stop it hey got the achievement oh I see

Another weather skeleton there oh my [ __ ] God no again no C they’re so they’re so strong I was hitting it all the time hang on I’m going to bully it for you oh oh God C I’m so sorry I I I just hit it once and it died like like it was

Literally on the last hit yeah I was hitting it nonstop but it you’re so strong a I’m sorry oh man right let’s see this is this is going to be a watch care for diet this stream no we go yo look at that yeah what can

You do you’re too tall but I can Crouch and I’m taller than you with a skeleton cuz I’m Dragon you know oh man this is really spooky though oh there’s a hallway I wish I wish I could just hug these enemies iighting is too hard a how how would you defeat enemies with

Hooks though Kev uh hugging them very hard and I’m getting chased by a skeleton no not the skeletons all right this is just this is just Mustafa from Avenger the Sith over here screw that no please don’t kill me oh don’t die again cal all right going have to see what’s over here

What’s behind door number two it’s good that we got a blaze spawner but the thing I’m looking for is the uh Nether wart Farm cuz that is going to be useful for all our potions and stuff especially the water breathing ones uh is that just the end there no it

Keeps going but I’m Too Tall cuz I’m durgen yeah it doesn’t really go anyway um I need to get I need to get more serious in gamer oh my God you need to activate gamer mode Cav uh who defies all logic by being both insanely stupid and Incredibly brilliant at the same time

How I don’t know who who does file is logic and this is both insanely stupid oh hello I think if I remember correctly oh hi Kev how are you doing I think uh wither skeletons can like spawn around Nether fortresses too so like which is why I’m

Kind of worried about like this whole Netherrack thing on here because they will definitely like just run down and rush you oh man all right I think the only other place to go now is just over here which yeah it seems like it I’m just going to go ahead

And okay oh it’s lit it’s lit it’s lit oh sh up there you go right what’s the best way to cuz build build a wall Maybe yeah like like we like we want to like cage them in cuz then then we can make like a blaze farm Harvest blaze rods and XP Jedi

CK oh man I have brought Freedom peace and Justice and security to my new Empire your new Empire I think what uh what’s the best thing to do here oh that’s a good idea actually oh my God that’s a lot of them that’s a lot of them careful ah dragon on fire okay

Um yeah the worrying thing is they can they can go around this wall yeah oh yeah yeah C no come back here come back Shield up Shield up all right this this zombie pig man’s a pain in the ass as well cuz one one hit from this guy and they’re all after

Us it’s over oh watch out behind behind behind oh my God are you serious all right um I I’ll take out this guy come on hit me hit me oh um I think I think I think a reason as to why you might have died C

Uh was was you right up close to the blaze as well oh is that a bad thing to happen yeah uh Blaze blazes can punch you what that’s probably why you died like you like you just to you just took took uh too much damage from them

Oh no that’s my weakness I cannot hug them no also I’m uh blaz hard stupid and Brilliant at the same time as referr to oh it was me oh well that just proves I’m I’m I’m stupid for not thinking of that yeah these Zombie Pigmen are kind of a pain uh

Uh all right um oh boy why Nether fortresses so Spooky ah oh boy right come on we can do this all right uh some of the blazes have despawned so I think what I’m going to do I’m going to try and rush it all right go come on come on come on come on uh oh [ __ ] what

The uh torch it torch it torch it and then ah oh [ __ ] oh God come on fire fire fire there we go nice no they’re it’s okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine going to wow this is risky um yeah yeah let’s just block this up just use your oh c behind you behind you ah oh my God this is bad this is

Bad oh [ __ ] I’m going to have to run I’m sorry I’ll come back for That I’m so dead oh that that didn’t count eat the bread CK eat the bread right let’s try I’m going to try rushing this area this might be a really this is a really bad idea no [ __ ] [ __ ] no no no no no no no no

No block block block block block oh God okay I nearly died oh that was close oh my God thank you NE BL for the five thank you thank you so much uh Subic your friendly name Hood Lynch Dragon Necromancer RS oh thank you so much I really appreciate that oh

Man oh God thank you oh this holy moly can you guys tell I haven’t done a lot of nether stuff recently H you we need we need to get you in the nether more often C oh what the what the did I did I get hit by wait

I wasn’t really paying as much attention then did I get hit by a blaze what the hell was that oh man right oh God CK Panic is always fun oh I I I can see it being very entertaining but man yeah this the nether in general just gives like I I

Think anyone anyone can relate with the anxiety the nether gives you yeah they enjoy seeing you panic it’s my specialty I see a chest oo right okay um that is the way back um oh I see you Cav hello I’m back all right hopefully it didn’t lose anything if I panic I call

It an anex alexiy I get it nice oh God you you know what’s funny uh-huh I think I think I lost my pants no no no you you did you did the thing you did oh c you can’t be doing you can’t be losing your pants on stream as

Well I literally broke my pants on stream so sad no a yeah I think yeah I think I did lose a few items but it’s not a big deal yeah oh man no a it’s okay we we’ll make you a new pair of pants cev don’t

Worry I mean I I prefer if I’m penless but you know I kind of need protection need to protect them them thighs you know oh there’s nothing around here cool thanks nether fortress thank you okay so give me a moment so I can heal and stuff yeah no worries um I’m I’m

Over like uh you know where that lava well is like past the blaze spawner I’m just in there right now uh cuz I think we’re going to have to come back to that um so far we found one chest uh nothing much in it though if you found NE warts no that’s

That’s what I’m looking for I be I mean have you found nether works I haven’t really done anything apart from dying oh it’s it’s all right man it’s okay it’s okay just we’re just going to take we’re just going to take our time with this take our time uh okay oh wow uh

Nothing oh but oh there’s a chest there in the other side of the Fortress I’ll take that I’ll have a slice of that action by just casually destroying that Fortress don’t mind me oh God hello is anyone here hello there no cool okay I claim this chest in the name of

Dragons o uh obsidian more gold horse armor where are you then I see the chest you found um yeah I’ve I’ve kind of got uh I’ve got a bit far ahead uh sorry um tell you what I I’ll I’ll I’ll come back to you just so you know where I am all

Right sprinty sprinty sprinty oh I see you C calf I’m over here I’m over here I found nether r i I found I found Nether Warts I finally did something useful yes nice oh nice one dude thank you no dude you’re useful don’t don’t don’t say you’re not useful

Hey nice not bad not bad uh I’m going to close that up there just in case is there any okay no that’s just a straight Corridor sweet okay I’m going to take some of this cuz uh we can start farming this and making those some water breathing potions yes

Please nice I guess what I could do actually is replant some of them yeah so take take all of them and then just like replant and then take the excess oh what the uh did did you get any another W there c yeah all right cool right okay we got

It you want you want to have them so it’s all in one inventory space uh I mean it’s up to you thank you oh 10 that’s good um we we need Soul Sand over right um no no we’re completely set for Soul Sand because the uh you know the

Biome we spawned in we we got soul we we we we got that like Soul dirt and then there’s like Soul Sand there as well right okay so oh oh that’s where that chest is weird what a weird spawn yeah cuz this is supposed to be

Like one of those open Parts on top of the uh nether fortress but it’s just covered in Netherrack cool solution don’t wear pants a I kind of have no choice because they’re gone so a oh my water yeah I think C would totally not like do

This whole game no pants but the the thing is like you like you need to wear full armor in order to get like all the like armor Buffs and everything which kind of sucks no pants challenge no pants challenge you can still wear shoes though shoes are allowed yeah shoes are

Right all right let’s check know if you want to be technical I’m not really naked you know because I do wear glasses at least more netherwart sweet nice I’ll takey take you that there’s nothing going on down here um at least not down there I think oh there’s like a little balcony here

Deadend I’m just being really careful right now okay we got some corridors here that’s good that’s good please oh God okay right it’s toward the end of that Corridor I think I’m blocking blocking um I’m blocking dead end so we don’t run in circles yeah good

Idea right uh there’s a blaze uh oh oh I like I like cool cool cool hello see like I need him to come over here cuz if there’s a w is like a w like one weather skeleton and a blaze and that’s it you’re toast you’re dead oh come over

It oh yeah watch out [ __ ] watch out ah ow ow ow ow owie that hurt all right in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy [ __ ] come on do it do it stupid yeah nice nice nice finish nice finish uh just watch out Diamond yes Diamond nice uh oh

What’s the oh I I it sorry C going in for the shiny I canot res I must I must immediately take the shiny I like shiny too uh most dragons I usually know don’t wear clothing maybe for maybe for cloak or some jewelry o yeah I mean that’s the

Thing we need a dragon too like who needs clothing really I do I do like the flowy robes uh cev can wear in in certain like I show I showed you the outfit yeah I like that one I I I like I like flowy cloaks and stuff like

That I don’t like I don’t like tight clothes though spooky scary Corridor luckily there’s been like no weather skeletons so far this is pretty good uh but I’m going to keep these Stone things up anyway in case we come back it’s at the end is it

A okay then um I think um should we head back with the loot that we’ve got and then come back and sort that Blaze spawner out I’m going to this because nothing interesting happen in here okie dokie uh dragon Tails just connect to the butts and legs

Ah oh my God our Tails connect to our butts oh my God that’s so oh cool dragons have butts or is it all tail I think it’s all tail well in my case of Sal tail all right then I think yeah I think I’m going to head back with the loot

That we got CU there’s two oh [ __ ] uh actually no wait that’s that’s all right um hey wether skeletons come get me hello hello come to seek come to stupid stupid tall nice oh uh did you get anything uh the I got a bone oh bone it’s good for bone meal at

Least all right yeah I’m going to come back to that later come on Cal we’re going to get out of here alive yes finally uh remember the Skylanders Academy stuff oh yeah don’t worry I’m remembering oh uh oh no too big oh too

Big D oh you kind of oh you kind of need to do this right to clim to stairs that’s funny hang on a minute what if I if I do this maybe yeah there we go uh okay this yeah I don’t think there’s anything over in that lava thing anyway

And then we just safely come out here yay all right mushroom you got to make some mushroom soup maybe maybe puts on a pizza as a PPP o Minecraft should should absolutely add pizzas if cake can be a thing in Minecraft then p Pizza should be in

Yeah and then they need to add spaghetti Bales you know what yeah the the only things Minecraft should add is just Italian dishes Minecraft Italian Edition you stole my joke how could you no I be you to it I I was literally going to say yes do a Minecraft Italian update

We only use clothes for style yeah we don’t need claws but when we do wire them we make it look good yeah I always felt like those four dragons are like for style or St status you know stuff like that yeah all right then I guess um oh uh ah we we

Need um we need a rod don’t we uh for the Brewing brewing stand right yeah and I don’t think we have one ah right um all right then so I’m going to drop this stuff off and then come back and Cobblestone the rest of it hello Gast hello hi hello oh careful gool

Very cool all right then back to the overw we go there we go okay so um I need some Soul Sand which I think I would have put somewhere in where’s it gone I swear there was some Soul Sand here there Soul soil Soul Sand there we go

Nice yeah I don’t know what the purpose of Soul soil is it’s got the funniest thing when it when you put it down it’s like it’s like this like the souls you can hear in it it’s so no it’s so creepy but at the same time it’s kind of funny all right then

So there we go what what do you think of this uh let’s have a look oo nice oh is this a is this our little Beacon right here no it’s just my it’s just our horde oh okay yay yay gold hord we look at you on top on

Top of the gold Mountain oh wait it’s hard to third person there we go yay Dragon horn nice o I’m going to contribute to that all right then uh did we get any more Cobblestone while uh gr go did we use it all the bridge

I think we did yeah I’ve got I’ve got 50 here um okay uh tell you what then I’m just going to quickly I’m going to mine for some Cobblestone uh before we go back in yes oh yes the horse armors put it on the horse oh yeah we got plenty of horse

Armor wish I wish I can put horse armor on you on me looks like it fits you oh looks like it fits you it does I mean I guess it would no somehow you’re wearing human armor I don’t know how that works all righty up to get some Cobble Stone for

The nether I think maybe coal I’ll take some of that uh my Dragona don’t wear his clothes but his clothes are super comfy uh they’re stretchy and easy to get over his wings uh my dragons in the universe are humanoid all of all Dragon bodies oh

Right so like an an throw dragons Ah that’s cool like me yeah so same same same for my clothes and throw dragon and stry like stretchy flowy stuff you know just just RI them around your big dragon body a Minecraft Italian dishes why not French or Spanish or Japanese or Korean

Or Swedish or McDonald’s just saying McDonald’s Minecraft there’s there’s definitely a mod out there that’s that’s McDonald’s Minecraft like oh God I I can I can almost guarantee that that that is a thing that exists has to be right like uh like milkshakes and stuff

Uh oh God they they add the Grim Shake in [Laughter] Minecraft oh man remember that Meme oh my God world that was really spooky o chicken into chicken nuggies yeah could definitely do that as well first we must make a very large chicken paste which we then cook and fry for about 30

Minutes I don’t know I don’t know how to make chicky dogies McDonald’s Style all all I’ve seen is like like those like uh like like feir mongering like adverts where where they like show like how chicken nuggets are made it’s like that really awful looking uh like long

String of chicken paste it’s really disgusting I mean it it is it is chicken paste if you think about it it is yeah but when then you actually eat a chicken nugget and you’re like H it’s fine I guess like I like I I’ll still eat

It you telling me if got a chicken nugget box you wouldn’t share it with me a I’m I’m sad dragon dragon want are chicken lugies o copper um all right then uh I’ve I’ve got two two and a half stacks now um tell you what I’m going to I’m going to

Try and head back in see what I can what I can do about that uh but not before making a couple more torches oh hi rain ah what the the oh d did you did you just roar then you w this sounded like a roar oh

Right I was about to say it was like have some strange Ys Dragon yawning very aggressive yawn okay then um Cal where where have you gone where have you gone up to there you are the over nice okay all right forgot we have two staircases yeah we do we got one over

There we got one over here we got the spooky one and the Not So spooky other one the very spooky other one yeah that’s true all right then um should we go back to the nether hey you want me to join you yes please yeah got your Shield ready and oh

My God like being in the nether has taken off quite a decent chunk of my armor too no holy moly yeah this is why uh yeah once uh once we get a blaze rod um we can try searching for another Fortune book as well and get them diamonds on

The go cuz then we can finally get some diamond armor oh my God then we’re going to have like but like by the end of the stream we’re going to have so much like Minecraft uh stuff stuff yeah all right then oh hi ah oh

Wow ow ow ow oh my God okay that was uh skeleton has an enchanted bow oh my God yeah they can have those well that was uh that was a cool way to get greeted in the nether cool very they’re very they’re very welcoming

You know yeah I got an arrow stuck in my wing can you see that ow that hurts oh there’s an arrow in my leg too ow oh God I was going to say you have an arrow on my on your leg it hurts ow ow ow ow

Ow uh is that oh that’s a torch in the distance right I thought it was already like a blaze down there then dragons love food yes we like the good food don’t be giving us any of that uh cheap food yes I love food yeah when you take

A dragon on a date um make sure make sure you treat them properly you know oh hi skeleton uh if if I come if I come to to to your town would you to some place nice yeah and chill really chill place I could make you some burgers yes Burgers

Yay although I’m a bit bad at putting uh like putting the cheese on cuz um every time I air fry the burgers like one no one Burger is fine has oh hello oh oh oh yeah look out come back come back back back back I’m going to do going do this right

Here hey friend hey hello hi how you doing how’s it going easy peasy lemon very shiny oh I got his sword nice um okay uh saw is trash honestly the saw is trash boo oh I need to start eating fish now cuz I’m all lot of

Bread yay no of bread no more carbs for me oh darn carboh hydration could you imagine if that was a thing what what would that even be actually carboh hydration I guess like can be this can be the name of a b or something it’s like it’s it sounds like a it sounds

Like a drink that’s just like a bread flavored drink honestly oh isn’t that beer oh it could be like maybe yeah it’s just beer oh god oh [ __ ] already really a stupid bles my back hello you can’t hit me behind here I’m definitely not two blocks wide or

Anything yeah see like like he hit me there right that’s that’s something they can do hi zombie pigman can you get out the way please you’re kind of blocking everything I I cannot see much your Tail’s so big I’m sorry okay right yep they keep yeah that’s the thing they keep jump scaring

You when they spawn like that yeah hi guys hey guys oh hang on uh there’s a blaze behind I’m just going to kill him real quick cuz otherwise it’s going to be a big problem Oh what where’d he go there was a blaze around here also that’s a skeleton in leather

Armor I swear there was a blaze over here I guess it just despawned oh wow you wow you have really good eyesight can you like oh thanks oh you’re probably not talking above me oh sorry this is the blaze over there but I mean you’ve got good eyesight

Too just going to make like a safety thing here just in case we ever get jumped and I take this out here there we go that’s safer all right um random question unfortunate it’s unfortunate that we have the Crouch all the time but yeah but that’s the dragon lifestyle yeah uh random question

What do dragons in general and sayans from Dragon Balls have in common they both love their Foods yeah well I eat the food I become big and strong that’s what I do yeah that’s a blaze that’s blazes it does uh there a zombie piig in there uh it’s probably

Not oh it’s going to be real difficult uh oh yeah Y come back come back I don’t want to be on fire yeah what what we need is no wait no yep there we go that’s what we need go think will kind of slow us down though that’s the thing I suppose yeah

Yeah get rid of those two at least we just we’re just peeping around the corner right now just like hello hi how’s it going I’m scared to the charge honestly like should we just go back and like try and despawn him I think that’s probably the best idea cuz that that zombie

Pigman is going to be a real problem cuz like as soon as we hit him uh like all of them like they’re all going to come down from here yeah I feel like feel like it’s a disaster waiting to happen yeah I’m just going to that up there real quick as

Well oh ow good Lord ah wow they are they have such good aim what oh man all right what if we like come back here maybe there’s too many of them I’m building more walls I’m Master Skywalker there are too many of them what we going to do in doubt build walls

Exactly there’s a blaze behind us oh oh good Shout good shout um I go get him yeah on his own yeah can do if it’s worth one Blaze Rod it’s worth doing you what yeah only thing is there’s a Magma Cube come on come on you

Bugger yeah ah I don’t think it’s I don’t know if this is worth it cuz it’s right next to Lava too I don’t I don’t like that no yeah let’s go ahead and do one of those and make it look pretty as well oh no no yeah there we

Go used up all of my Cobblestone building walls oh ow stupid Blaze all right uh I’ve got some Cobblestone s right um there’s a lot more Cobblestone here than I remember yeah you know I’m just trying to be safe yeah I’m want to die again all right it’s looking good

Looking good looking good all right uh there we go um there we go not to trap yourself in there oh oh [ __ ] oh hi guys oh not good not good not good um [ __ ] I’m going to die uh just slowly backing away slowly backing away slowly backing away eating food eating eating the

Fish oh wow that was close that was close hey move away Pig please yeah like pick human what human back and suddenly I saw human SEC no oh no I’m sorry I don’t want to be I want to be Dragon don’t don’t want to be human

Human oh hello ah look who’s trapped in there stinky ha this is why he Place Cobblestone around aha H stupid weather skeleton I’m going to get your skull one of these days kill the blaze but no but no rods yet it’s all right I’ll I’ll come

Back yo hey uh uh Dixie Dragon hello I did a notification about the stream until about over an hour after it started oh no notification so bad oh my God yeah no notifications are being weird on everything at the moment they’re being weird on Discord YouTube even on Discord

So we can start a call it’s been B yeah it like a like 20 minute sort of thing W it ah yeah see them yes that’s my only phobia of humans oh Shield up C Shield up in fact uh oh these shields are getting a bit uh please don’t burn

Me no you stupid Pigman ah he walked right in front of me as I was about to kill him stupid Pigman all right uh shoot I think I’m going to need another Shield um is that crafting bench still over there oh careful C careful yeah just going to make another

Shield just in case fire it’s not fun um would would you like a spare Shield Cav uh it’s actually it’s actually still pretty healthy Shield I can wait all right well craft another one later Okie well I’ve I’ve made you another one just in case U yeah this this one’s this one’s

So low on health it it it it’ll be so much better when we get mended on all our stuff cuz like it it it mends like uh your ass your shield and your armor as well like with all the XP there just so many spawning at once

That’s the problem yeah like there’s one or two we can Team them and stuff and but so many there’s four of them there according to the mini map ah I’m just wondering um do you do you have more Cobblestone I have an idea oh right I was I was I was thinking like

Maybe we walk back a bit on the uh on the bridge and then come back here and respawn them maybe have Cobblestone yeah I got Cobblestone please well since you asked so nicely thank you I’m here that now though yeah exactly sapen phobia W I don’t like being human so I

Probably have the that that’s that’s my fa right yeah you know what I really hate Draco phobes like they suck um uh be grinding on the magma cream for fire resistance yeah that’s a good point that’s that that is a good thing about the basalt biome I suppose that that we

Got right next to it cuz yeah fire resistance is kind of huge in fact you know what ah but we need the Blaze Rod yeah yeah exactly exactly we still need a blaze rod that’s the problem yeah and there’s a blaze over there I yeah I Ang go up pretty bad

Uh oh nice oh I see what you’ve done here I’m building cover here uh it’s a bit risky though um going to make it a bit wider just for you CK a thank you Dr of fobes are good food though yeah good point good point at least they can feed dragons exactly they Flesh the more you hate us the better you taste got it I got one yes nice there it is Blaze Rod as another music kicks in damn oh there’s a gas there I don’t like the look of that oh c watch out oh watch out he’s he’s flying up he’s gone

Airborne he’s flying he’s flying oh my God wasn’t expecting that now I need to build a roof I’m sorry I’m not sure what prompted him to go in the air then cuz I I hit him once but he just he was just like I’m going

To ascend into the air oh oh gas C look out oh gas right above you uh right above you oh hello hey hello ahoo he’s running oh my God oh my God yo it’s a good building this thing was a good idea oh man oh my God Cy

Oh you sure are you sure one BL road is enough it it’s enough for a brewing stand but like you you need blaze powder as of fuel as well that’s the only problem exactly exactly we need more this gas has been a bit of a problem

Hello I could hear you with your creepy weird noises do you like my Zac pattern of wol I do it’s nice it’s like you’re playing Call of Duty again except there’s no zombies chasing me all right all right uh I think oh okay right there’s two there oh watch out watch out

Hello can I have your blaze rod please we need to we need to make some potions if you could kindly relinquish one of your rods that’d be really appreciated oh [ __ ] my shield broke oh God oh uhoh all right new Shield please thank you uh no bow um we’ve we’ve not got

Enough arrows for them uh We’ve we’ve been getting so little arrows from like skeletons and stuff nice you taking cover was a good idea yeah oh my God yeah this is a really good idea actually well done care good work just a little I’m just a little bit too thick for this

Corridor I’m just I’m just hiding behind your tail right now it’s like I’m I’m just like holding on like ah C MEAP ohid oh let me on fire somehow what the hell wait can can fire transmit from player to player we’re holding on my tail so the

The fire spread from my tail to you ah true true oh hello ow holy [ __ ] there’s a lot of them oh c they’re they’re resending they’re resending oh god oh good let’s get them despawned and try again yeah yeah let’s go seven oh my oh hello yeah come back

Here hello can you drop your skull please yeah thank God for these Cobblestone things as well when when I’m when I’m stronger I do want to build like an automatic blaze farm here o yeah that’d be really cool still on one Blaze Rod kill like two of them didn’t get

Anything it’s not safe enough though I think ah like I think what we need to do is like try and contain the whole thing but then like have like a one uh have like a one by y two thing where where they come through um I don’t know if that makes any sense

Or not also good afternoon Jake in the chat hello our uh good good evening gas it is uh beast at least these SWS do stop them from yeah it is good it’s just when they go into the air that’s the scary part cuz then they’re going to hit us it’s way we need

The roof yeah oh my God there’s so many is that hello ow ow ow ow ow owie owie owie dragon on fire uh pretty sure burning zombies can set you on fire so maybe players can too yeah yeah maybe that’s just something they added I I don’t know maybe that was

Always a thing in Minecraft there we go these W they’re getting stuck hey nice oh hey that was very rude stop doing that face face my my tail not protecting me this is so strange hello okay oh there a gas there as well oh God but I really feel like we’re under

Siege really does feel that way does it oh hello um was that was that right no Rod seriously oh I killed two of them did get a rod oh God hey bud the nether is why is the nether so intense oh hello this this is kind kind of like a a

Whole thing though like like where we got like push him back it’s Prett it’s quite fun actually um actually oh my pickax I really I really feel like I used my brain here yeah no no it’s it’s a really good idea I think you did great with this C

Gotcha [ __ ] oh I’m too big for this um so if if I like yeah if if we like kind of put something like this here so it’s like ah there you go so then that stops him from like ascending ah ow stop it rude oh no now I can’t get

In get out of here stupid place oh no oh I think I got one oh get me out of it Gs are going into fight oh there’s one behind you cev how did this happen oh heal heal heal all right got attack on two sides oh my god um oh uh I’ve uh

I’ve got two c I’ve got two I’ve got two um should we go back and um wait ah we need the Magma Cream don’t we uh oh there’s a gas there as well we really need a roof on this thing okay so all right so can so can

One of us I don’t know go mine know either this brick this nether brick or more Cobblestone yeah I’ll uh also also un blocking this because there’s a place behind yeah good idea H I need some magma cream cream of the magma SS tasty there was one over here but it’s gone now

Is there like anywhere else where you can get magma cream from or is it only that mob there’s one over there I don’t want to go over all this basal stuff though it looks so it looks so weird to travel across oh Into the Fire wait got me a rod oh oh

You got one too nice okay there was like a solo Blaze here I could I could take him nice okay then uh I hear an Enderman over there so just be careful uh there’s SP blazes here is there they’re spawning from behind here yeah like like blazes can sometimes just

Randomly spawn on their own like in Nether fortresses they don’t necessarily need to be at a spawner um that’s that’s probably why they ended up like being behind us the whole time wasn’t able to grab the rod no it’s it’s all right I I I think we’ve got

Enough for now to make some fire resistance potions um the only problem is we need to SL this is not this is not fair I should be fire resistant by default yeah who decided dragons this game should be fire Pro I mean at the same time though we

Can’t exactly breathe fire in this game anyway all right there’s the Enderman ah they usually spawn on the bridge I’m just going to check the bridge real quick uh do you need any more Cobblestone by the way if if if you want to like um uh try and

Uh contain the blazes uh here you go you can have the last of my Cobblestone and there’s my nether brick so there there’s one in here all right sorry yeah let’s take out this guy real quick oh he dropped another one all right uh here you go one and two you probably grab

This oh boy slime and blaze powder exactly um sorry to cut my visit shorter than usual c c but I got to go now yet another uh movie night with the family uh have a good Ring Weekend and happy second December rat a that’s okay Zach

Uh glad glad glad you could make it to the stream and have uh have a good time with your uh uh family movie night as well nice that’s that sounds like fun I hope you have a nice time yourself yeah uh right I’ll go uh get some Cobblestone go back and do that

Uh okay this needs to move out the way here there we go that’s that’s CK friendly dragon staircase cuz my booty is too wide to get through there yes a good it’s a good problem to have have to go yeah like this like this this whole thing of like uh playing as

Dragons in Minecraft like like being like taller and wider like it’s it it it has like uh added like another element of challenge to it I suppose where like uh in cave systems like where we’ve we’ve got to mine a certain way in order to like strip mine and

Stuff yeah it’s pretty cool I like it see y all on Wednesday all right see you Wednesday Zach have a good time bye okie dokie so um is uh is is it just Cobblestone you want um yeah okay a building block I can always clean it up later with prettier blocks yeah

Exactly I don’t too much in danger to car at the moment though with with making stuff pretty yeah that’s all right um I I think as well uh yes we need a lot of cobblestone oh yeah yeah I also need more food I’m running out of

Bread yeah I I was going to say like I’ve I’ve got no bread left I I’m on to my cooked fish reserves um cuz oh but I love red I I think we ate a lot because we were fighting blazes the whole time yeah it’s hungry work fighting

Blazes at least it’s at least it’s burning my calories exactly [Laughter] yeah BR as a dragon as a dragon crawling as a dragon going through a portal as a dragon there we go okay so uh food food food food food food um um I suppose yeah let’s cook this raw Cod right

Here still need we still need MMA cream right we do yeah yeah and feel free to bring some more iron here just in case we need to craft more stuff because you know fighting here is eating up a lot of stuff oh yeah don’t don’t worry um it’s

It’s mainly wood I need I’ve got plenty of iron uh it’s it’s just to make like um I I think it’s Shields what we’re going to need most of because them them blazes are just like absolutely shred through Shields there we go that’s a brewing

Stand uh which I’m going to put on a fancy block of my choosing which I’m going to choose some polished guildstone because that looks pretty cool uh plk Bonk and now we need some water bottles some fresh cool refreshing water uh oh some blaze powder that’ be a good idea

Too shove that into here all right so that’s ready to go I’m not uh wait do do we need nether warts in Minecraft or is I think we do because it’s the star ter mini potions if I remember correctly yeah cuz I I think I if I remember correctly last time I think

They changed it uh so that like you can just put like a puffer fish in here and it’ll just make the breathing potion uh yeah not not going to do that now of course but uh what I can do don’t remember uh let’s got some trees got some

Wood and we didn’t make we didn’t make a wheat farm did we nope no okay yeah we can’t exactly eat sugar wish we could wish you could yeah imagine if like Minecraft adds a thing where it’s like I don’t know like like eating just sugar in Minecraft just makes you a lot

Slower in game that’ be pretty funny uh what time of day is is it morning or is it night I actually cannot tell cuz I hear yeah skeleton hello ow that was right my outout stupid skeleton no C no uh um ah okay you still need the water okay yeah oh

Man all right so that’s wood got plenty of wood okay yeah it’s definitely going night time uh oh I’m dead no could you step into me how got this out of me wow it’s that that song used to get used a lot in like a lot of memes but like

You really don’t hear it much anymore no I honestly I can’t remember the last time I heard that it must been like 2016 or something oh sleep well Dron friend oh that’s okay yeah I’ll talk to you one day all righty have have a good sleep uh wooden planks there we go got

Plenty of those old meme indeed yeah it was written down in the Ancients oh no oh God no oh no can you please protect me so I can grab my stuff yeah I can do U I’ve got no Cobblestone though so ah all right oh I I just picked up your

Bread oh my God you’ve got a lot of bread oh stupid yeah okay oh he’s got enchanted bow that’s why death me Jesus Christ how many shots do you have stop it punch you I’m going punch you got him uh would you like the bread there’s like a full stack of 64

Here yes please there you go I I was behind you sweet carbs all right then uh I’ll go get back some Cobblestone wow that’s a lot of arrows so I had crafted myself a new pants where is it tell me I lost my brand new pants is

It here wait sorry I I I think you picked it up I just dropped oh no it’s there there you go I was worried I just I was worried that I lost these brand new pants as well wow I’m so bad with pants H P pants pants and you don’t really go together

I’m sorry right more Cobblestone more Cobble Stony cobbley Stone uh I’m going to go back down here cuz I I don’t even think we’ve shown this off on stream yet but like um yeah there’s uh we we grinded out and like mined around a lot around here and we found a lot

Diamonds like many many cool stacks of where the heck still waiting to still waiting to Fortune them yeah where’s um where the heck did I’ve gone down the wrong hole oops Yeah I was like oh no there’s another skeleton in the way no no I mean as long as it’s not like an

Enchanted uh like bow skeleton I I think you should be fine I’m not fine no they ask you are and you have to say that you’re fine but you’re not really fine I got to craft myself a weapon no um if he wants to uh I’m just going

To get some Cobblestone real quick and uh I’ll I’ll help you get your stuff back uh yeah it’s it’s down here I think R run run there go some diamonds though run fast run fast run run run faster than you’ve ever ran before run Dragon run not built for running though that’s the

Problem oh I I forget like the Forest Gump quote thingy cuz like he’s like narrating his life in that movie where he’s like uh I I started running faster than I ever did I don’t know uh okay God with a skeleton oh no man you goodness you

Know goodness we buil those two High stuff stuff yay all right I’ll make my way back uh I’m just going to collect this Cobblestone and I’ll be right back with you don’t worry I’ll way my way all right uh I’ve got 16 64 uh actually no I’m going to get a bit

More just because um it’s for it’s for the blazes right is the nether so dangerous it’s so spooky all right I’ve nearly got enough now oh boy that should be enough right I’m on my way I’m coming back to help you actually I’m going to craft another

Sword real quick uh cuz I found I found something interesting oh I found another Blaze spawn spawner right across the corridor oh maybe that’s where they’re all coming from a bit more frequently nope it’s just an entirely new one oh okay he all right I’m on me way Dragon

Cavalry Dragon reinforcements are on the way all right I’m back I’m on my way Cal don’t worry Dragon running oh there’s a skeleton over there a oh did I run out Sprint no oh if you like go all the way down that ah ah oh God ow no okay no just

Don’t hit me ow ah I didn’t expect that yes spawned cool cool cool oh I was meant to get some food oops uh wow how could you forget food I’m sorry I’m sorry I thought we were supposed to be Foodies Foodies isn’t that what the chat called does I think so uh you know what food might be a good idea actually cuz I don’t have much on me uh yeah let’s go back that would be a smart idea question is though what food do we

Get cuz like we’ve uh We’ve not got a wheat farm and the only thing I can do is fish for food so I might have to do some chill fishing time real quick uh I got some cobblestone on me but uh oh hello uh are you are you friendly or are you coming

At me oh don’t kill me okay right he’s cool yeah the there was there was like a piglin on the bridge then like running at me and I thought it was going to kill me scary luckily that’s what we have gold armor for do they still attack you if you’re

Holding a piece of gold in your hand I don’t know rabble rabble rabble all right back to the Overworld for fish or any other kind of food sustenance that would do all right then um fishing rod yes please oh um I think I accidentally have your uh uh iron shovel uh

No a stupid zombies boo Stupid Zombies we able to survive in the rain stupid stupid zombie ow don’t use server lag on me that’s rude ow ow ow stop it they have server leg on their side yeah oh there’s another what the hell get away from our

House there’s stop it stop it stop spawning this isn’t Call of Duty zombies oh he’s holding an arrow look at you I think he is so cute well guess what you’re not cute he’s going to throw the arrow at you without using a bow oh God could you imagine that like

If if like when skeletons died and they drop their arrows like zombies could pick them up and throw them you using them as darts instead of arrows that’ be awful it’s it’s like a hard a hard mode only feature yeah yes I kill the creepers for

Breakfast uh uh right okay time to do some fish egg why are you guys so mad because they’re in the nether it’s all they see the only thing the the the creatures of the nether know is hatred and violence also I I’m not sure how I haven’t died

Yet I’ve got like 29 levels on me oh nice well I died a lot of time so I pretty much lost all my levels no it’s okay I’ll get them back eventually yeah with some good old fishing just going to keep looking around in case there’s any more mobs

That want to spawn in the rain oh what was that was that a oh a piece of string never mind I thought it was at least going to be a water bottle then ah yeah uh hope hope everyone’s doing well today as well hope you’re all having a cool

Weekend yeah hope everyone student hope everyone’s having a nice beginning of December yeah oh my God yeah we’re in December now holy crap yeah yeah this year has been very weird well for me anyway it’s like uh like it’s gone by quick in a way but at the same time it’s

Also like like just kind of dragged on forever yeah dragged on I’m a py dragon y all right we’ got plenty of fish I just need some uh some of those Enchanted boots that you can find oh you know what I might do maybe I should enchant my fishing

Rod uh with my levels so if if I get to 30 put a level 30 enchantment on it see what I can get because I think if if you if you put like look of the sea on a uh fishing rod like you get way better

Items also my main is getting really wet here stood in the rain it’s going to rust my armor yeah oh my god oh you doing okay being chased by two with your skeletons good Lord oh what was that ew some old leather boots that probably very sound very

Squeaky oh that’s another thing we can get as well uh you know what the with skeletons I think uh looting is the thing you need to increase chances of getting with us uh with a skull it’s useful for bles as well for the rods yeah true extra

Fuel I might actually just see what enchantment can put on it now CU I I don’t think we can get level 30 yet un that’s uh oh maybe we can because of the book The bookcases right actually yeah I’m just going to check that real quick I’m not sure if have enough bookcases

Yet that’s the thing okay well in that case I I’ll I’ll just use my levels anyway see if I can get look of the sea on here yeah doing this Dragon style all right uh I need some lapis lazuli uh there it is in there right fishing rod what can you

Give me uh Unbreaking one Unbreaking two or look of the sea to give me give me yes please all right yes lucky yeah I think what I might have to do as well is make another fishing rod and that way I can uh fix it

As well cuz I don’t want it to break on me oh no it’s the classic Minecraft music that’s playing oh did you ever get emotional uh to the uh Minecraft music uh I I do in the past year yeah it’s good it’s good memories yeah it’s super

Nostalgic all right uh let’s see what we can get with this thing let the dragon out out the house all right let’s see what we can get with this thing I think fishing in uh is is fishing in the rain better as well I think so yeah

Hey puffer fish that’s our first pole okay not bad not bad uh that’s a salmon that was quick as well oh no please Crouch please Crouch uhoh you okay forgot to crouch for a second so I got kind of stuck oh okie dokie it’s just you know big dragon moments oh hi end

Enderman ah don’t come near me I have a big patch of water not afraid to use it uh oh I fished out a fishing wait no I built that oh God I’m so stupid I thought oh God I’m losing the plot oh not the pl wait actually uh yeah if you’re tell

You what if you’re in the nether I’m just going to go sleep real quick I’m going to curl up in bed I’m going to snuggle my tail so you couldn’t be there to help that’s okay let the Dragon Inside there we go oh no Cavalier was burnt but was slain by a

Blaze oh no caval was shot by a skeleton no so many so many this no hey it stop raining nice nice oh the Music Stops as well I was enjoying that Minecraft how dare you stop the nostalgic music you don’t want my Nostalgia no no oh hey guys can we just chill

Out uh oh you okay you good yeah yeah okay uh just joined whatever this um we found nether fortress while grinding uh We’ve pretty much cleared it out um but Cav right now is trying to um like contain the Blazers uh in a spawner so we can

Have like uh some like either like some kind of XP farm or or like a blaze rod Farm um I on the other hand I’m trying to get some food so I can go back into The Nether and help Cav and that’s pretty much it we’ve uh We’ve we’ve found a bunch of

Diamonds too uh while grinding but we’re waiting for a fortune pickaxe uh that’s something we’re trying to get okay okay my shield died and I cannot craft another one so I’m coming back all right I do uh I’ve I’ve got another shield on me if he wants it uh got

Crafted here I still have to come back though because I don’t have wood on me okie dokie think I lost wood when when I died one of the times a no well we got plenty of wood over here in the Overworld oh boy all right there we go

Honestly I have no idea how to build Blaze Farms to be honest uh like I neither do I to be honest you can you can you can search how to do it yeah oh yeah sure there’s plenty of tutorials on how to do it yeah it’s not like I’m going to design one

Myself it’s too much work and brain power yeah actually uh I I use a tutorial to make one of those um uh like uh villager farm thingies where it was like um where where you put a villager into like a oh it was an automatic wheat farm yeah cuz

Like you like put a villager into like this glass thingy and like all the wheat um that like he picks up is like there there like a mine cart that goes underneath that picks up all the wheat and it shoves it into a chest using a hopper I think

Um so yeah I I I might try that again actually uh that was pretty fun to do I Didn’t Do It on the last uh world we did excuse me um that’s something I want to try yeah we we could we could do it though it should be easy considering what we did

Yeah yeah I mean we’ve got like plenty of uh iron to work with oh and I’m sure uh once we get the villagers as well uh we can start a iron golem Farm too infinite iron yay oh no G let we go home please no not the ghs the ghostly GH excuse me I got some stuck in my Throat all righty uh I don’t think I’m getting much with this to be honest um tell you what uh I’ll do a couple more here and then I’m going to come help you but I got look of the C2 they should be getting everything unless it’s look of the C3 I

I forget I forget how it works with enchantments cuz like they they they all have like different like their own kind of levels of what they go up to it’s a bit hard to keep track of and follow I feel that uh I’m curious as M how you get

Play bottle I kind of want to make my own not going to lie ah um so uh the mod that we use like uh we’re using like a Essentials mod and character player model uh mod the the the essentials mod is what lets us play together though it

Has nothing to do with the models yeah yeah oh yeah it’s mainly the character player model yeah that’s right um our models were commission though um yeah uh we uh we didn’t make them it costs money yeah it costs all your shiny it’s worth it because you become a Dron

Exactly once you’ve done that you become dragon in Minecraft it’s awesome oh hey cev hello um uh tell you what I’ll give you my do you want a full stack here got four Blaze Lords while I was doing stuff nice okay we can so we can actually start doing stuff with potions

If you want uh sure I guess um ah we need some Magma Cream though cuz I I don’t think there’s anything at the moment like we can use in the nether aside from like maybe a potion of strength or something I for oh oh no yeah I’m not

Sure I forgot I need to get the M cream yeah oh man uh tell you what I’ll I’ll come back uh into The Nether and help you see if we could try and get some uh Blaze Blaze thingies uh do you have enough food as well

Good good a good bread all right cool right I should have enough fish um FL play on a regular server oh no uh this this is our own like uh private server sort of thing we can play on it’s too it’s too painful to make a server

So yeah oh yeah like uh when when we were when when we were originally like like looking up tutorials on how to make a Minecraft server it was like actually just I don’t know it it involved like taking down firewalls changing PC settings like messing with your IP

Address it was ah oh scouton ow yeah I did yeah I did not have the mental fortitude to do all of that stuff same and I don’t think it was the same for you either no no I did not want to do that thankfully I found a mod which just

Lets me invite you and you’re here yeah simple simple and no hassle or anything which is good which is what you need oh Cal I think I have your iron boots um are you uh you’re in the overw world at the moment yeah all right uh so my gold boots are almost dead

All righty um tell you what then I’m just going to go quickly see if I can find any lava uh cubies uh magma cubes sorry I almost thought you said boobies magma Boobs oh man ah yes I’m I’m up to go find the the legendary magma boobs Legend says you can’t even the okay right now I’m was going to stop right there I’m sure some dragons have those maybe let’s go yeah but tail go back and forth there slap slap slap

Slap all right come on magma cubes spawn in please H thank God we found this nether fortress though it was a good find yeah I wanted to show you the other blade spawner it’s actually very close to the one we were fighting I think I know I think I know

What you mean like is it uh when when you go up to the blaze spawner and you take a left instead is that where it is uh yeah I can kind of show you all right I think I know what you mean go down these CK friendly

Stairs hello Pikman if I it was just one it was just one cdor we had we hadn’t gone through yet yeah all right um hopefully there’s no guy hello that’s a Blaze oh I hear a wither skeleton behind there hello hello with skeleton hello my name is skon and you’re going to [ __ ]

Die oh there’s two of you guys hold on just uh hi no [ __ ] H damn it uh can you yeah can you like go on no I’m trying to save wow there three oh there’s three of you guys no oh oh that’s a shame like oh they fell off

Um yeah and stupid one there that’s all right well they’re dead uh never mind um friend’s name is Kevin no Cav uh short for Cavalier but we call him Cav dragon or c for short Kevin yeah Kevin Dragon Kevin Dragon o yeah I see you’ve been mining some business here oh yeah

Oh yeah yeah I see where it is actually I think the other one that I found might be easier to make a blaze spawner out of because it’s like it’s like buried a bit yeah it’s enclosed around some Netherrack yeah it’s a good point actually I I’m going to work on

Uh kind of cornering this off a bit oh hi Blaze hello hello good day to you good day to you you saved the the blaz rods in the Overworld right yeah nice cast these bloody cobblestones oh hello I keep forget I keep for forgetting to crouch and I Bonk my head

The ceing ow ow that hurts ow ow ow ow dragon on fire oh my S my S ow hi c k you put did you put torches all over the place uh I put some oh God yeah I put a torch down uh a couple spawn though so yeah just watch out

Out all right this looks good though like there’s like more of a roof here and oh I I see some blazes oh okay aha hello hello there I’ve come for your place RS can I have some please oh why thank you I really appreciate that I

Can’t get in here there we go hey I got one nice all right if three of these guys spawn I am getting the hell out of here oh I got two yay let’s go Blaze is the name of a dragon named Blaze the dragon yeah I I I know I know

Blaze the dragon I’ve seen a couple of their videos it’s really cool I think uh the uh they’ve got like their own uh like not not like animated Dragon series but like um well I think it’s like half animated I’ve not seen it for ages but it’s like um what’s it called

Again ah it’s I forget the name of it but it’s like a uh it’s like like storyboarded Dragon uh thing it’s like very uh very Legend of Spyro inspired which I really like it’s fun yeah aha all right then uh I need them to

Take out my Shi uh not not not my shield my sword in other words my dragon claw ow how dare you spawn right there you little bastard get Over there we go yeah I keep forgetting to crouch cuz like it’s it’s a bit hard for me to get around here cuz uh cuz I’m so big as a dragon there we go oh all right let’s see uh you you doing okay yeah oh shoot yeah all right take out of that

Blaze real quick hello oh oh he’s he’s trying to punch me oh ow oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh God heal wow that was uh what the oh no I’m endlessly I’m endlessly eating what the heck no I need to eat the fish so I can heal

There God that was a bit of a server thing oh boy okay oh hello you took out my shield you cheeky ow Jesus wow they do a lot of damage I I feel like that they uh the the blazes actually do more damage when they hit you up close it

Seems my God the music right now oh intense nether music all right I’m hey guys oh hey guys yeah I’m I’m going to come help you party here there we go block that off real quick all right cool yeah yeah this one’s way easier I yeah I do kind of

Need to disable this first before I can actually build okie dokie still killing those fire monsters well we had a little bit of an intermission when uh when I went fishing but uh pretty much uh we got plenty of rods now uh so we’re pretty good on that front um we

Just need to um we just need fortune on that pickaxe and I think we’re set should be good that’s a lot of them oh is it a thing of like like the blaze rods are going to spawn uh like they’re going to fall down there maybe oh watch out

C oh they’re spawning underneath hold on uh ah oh oh [ __ ] no this is zombie b d it no all right then um let’s see here what can I do I’m just going sticks real quick um oh c here’s your iron shoes by the way I think I have them

Accidentally yeah this is a bit risky I’m kind of trying to do research at the moment all right uh tell you what then I’m just going to head back to the overw world and do some like Farming Farming or something cuz man uh we need some food we’re quite desperate for food

Food so I’m going to work on a little little little bit of a wheat farm cuz we dragons like our bread I can’t believe there’s still not added like toast in Minecraft or something that that seems like such an easy thing to put in like just put bread into a furnace and it’s

Done like it’s I don’t know like the the bread’s already there that’s all you need to do maybe like when you eat toast or something it gives you like a a slight fire resistance for a few seconds I don’t know so like if if you went into The

Nether and just ate a bunch of toast like like you have like I don’t know like like a minute of uh fire resistance or something oh boy uh how long have we been going just out of curiosity 2 hours holy crap yeah I didn’t realize it does feel like

That yeah I didn’t realize we going that long holy moly you know what I’m actually going to change my plan and look for MMA cream instead because I think we really need those fire resistance fire resistance before I build such a thing yeah good idea meanwhile I’m going to do some

Farming I’m barely doing any progress here then uh I think in the meantime as well I’m going to look for see if we can find our Fortune uh pickaxe as well because remember fortune favors the the dragon there you go nice nice Cub Cub spawned on the Cobblestone

Bridge hey nice okay cool go for them all right blazes oh no oh what happened there’s a blaze in the way to the Bridge oh no uhoh uh we got any SE we do we have got seeds I need a hoe where’s the hoe there it

Is all right it’s time to do some gun gardening with CK uh only problem is where the hell do I put this Farm uh scre I’m going to put it over oh hey nice very good not bad not badma cubes to spawn though that’s the problem no a we needed

Them all right I think um what can I do here should we do like a massive row here maybe because I don’t I don’t see any of the like kind of flattish land unless uh Chopped all this down which would take a while but that probably be worth it okay so

Let’s say if we begin around here maybe oh yeah third personing while mining is just I don’t know just doesn’t work properly also uh need one row here uh so we could do like St on the side there yeah that works oh because I’m two blocks

Wide I don’t have to worry about oh [ __ ] oops uh yeah don’t have to worry about falling down this yay let’s go fortune f dragon as well Dragon SSI fortunes yeah that too as well we’re very good at doing that now this is how you garden with a gun oh my

God bang bang shoot shoot gun noises uh you can put water in a cauldron uh while in the nether oh you can oh yeah I was was thinking of doing that is kind of cheating though H not I mean is it is it really cheating if it’s in

Minecraft though cuz like oh not really cuz if you could do it then it’s not like the devs of like I don’t know uh s like oh no there’s there’s people cheating in my in our game oh no who you how could this happen Shame Shame The Gamers Shame

Shame you will face your punishment in the game Council why is water what why is why is water sound effects like so satisfying is satisfying though you’re right yeah why are the cubes not spawning oh my God I wanted circles not cubes one time I wanted them to spawn it’s not

Happening and is is there a biome as well which is weird there should be should be spawning a lot there we go all right so is so dangerous oh my God oh you good get Ted by G no not the gests oh God I just I saw like the the

Worst joke in my head that where it’s just like oh oh honey honey we we have ghs instead of like we have guests they have we have Ghasts and it’s just like it C like the couch and there’s like two gas sitting on the couch no that’s like that’s that’s

Probably the worst joke I’ve ever come up with it’s not even funny it’s just all right planting the wheat we have wheat and there’s still more to come oh oh I ran out already ho hell um all right I need seeds give me seeds ter is so hard to

D oh you in the B uh ter yes yeah that’s an O just don’t just don’t go out too far cuz like the those magma slimes can like jump from you from nowhere and they do a lot of damage that’s True way too much damage wait would it be easy to do it this way ah no my hoe oh no it broken it uh oh well that sounds like a zombie ah all right surely we’ve got more wheat seeds the hole not the hole oh well there’s plenty more at home hes at

Home all righty what do we do what do we do with the Drunken Dragon what you with a drunken Dragon I killed one of them but it didn’t drop any cream said a oh oh like like like a whole uh whole slime yeah oh that is unusual cuz they at least

Drop like one or two um that is rather strange uh oh we got some beef in here cook that yeah what the wait you can’t cook beef in a blast fonus boo no it will just instantly burn the beef Ah that’s stupid imine using a BL furnace in real

Life just to cook food instead of melting melting metal all right uh let’s go ahead and get this hey there’s a skeleton standing up a weat for bir to death stop it stop trampling on my crops you rude skeleton oh it was kind enough to leave some bones and arrows behind though a

How sweet plus it was his apology his apology was death I know I know probably oh oh you good just a little scary it’s just a little scary when you know a cube is coming after you oh yeah absolutely um I know there’s probably like thousands of like videos on this uh

That the people have made but like is is is that like um is is that like sta statistics for like um like the best food in Minecraft like what’s what’s the best uh you know um one for like saturation and stuff yeah it’s probably I don’t know you probably find videos of there

Yeah C has a gang of pirate dragons he through o yeah I yeah it’s one of my oldest drawings actually yeah I think I think I know that one yeah this is cool there we go okie dokie uh let’s see uh oh no it’s water we need a du so

Strong one and two and one and two and one and two and one and two I just worked some magma cream no you’re not allowed ice cream I want know no I told you we’ got ice ice cream at home can wait till we get back I want the MMA flavor

Though what’s wrong with plain flavor got mug enough oh you dragons and your addiction to magma flavored stuff there we go oh man okay uh let’s see here we need to scour the land from more uh I don’t know crops um surprised not got any more seeds let’s see let’s do some bone

Meal uh tactics with this oh look at this yeah if if if only we could grow crops like this in real life using skeleton bones to instantly get weed yes just solved Minecraft just solved here where’s hunger exactly yeah seriously where so smart I know smart durgens

I remember when I when I first started playing Minecraft like I um I used used to like really hate the idea of farming even though like it’s one of like the best things you can do for like sustenance in the game like just keeping yourself alive cuz back then like you just be

Like oh got to kill the cows to get the food that’s the only way to do right I’m farming is boring yeah I don’t want to farm farming is stupid it’s it’s not farmcraft it’s Minecraft exactly I don’t do it your waycraft I do it my waycraft

A ho died again I need a new one oh you’re going through them hes quick yeah uh it’s only those cheap hoes the stone ones what US dragons love a good hot mag for soup probably ah yeah I I could imagine dragons liking hot flavors things like hot sauce and

Uh uh like just I don’t know anything you any F food you could class as being hot no c not again no oh my God are you serious I’m I’m going to have to get like some kind of death counter for you now cuz you died quite a few times

Now it’s jumped on me by surprise that’s what they do that’s what I warned you about it’s like you want Magma Cream here it is you want it well now there’s a Magma Cream sitting on you uhoh uhoh uhoh oh that’s is Oh I thought that was

A Pillager for a second it’s it’s a it’s a zombie villager I don’t I’ve no idea where it is but right that’s that’s a dude that scared the hell out of me I I I thought I thought we were going to get like shoved into a raid then for a

Second oh holy moly yeah we we can’t do that like this early on in the game good Lord if I can’t handle the nether I’m not going to be able to handle the raid oh man when when should we take on a raid actually cuz I I think that’s that’s

Something I’ll definitely save for like uh doing in a stream but feel like that could be a lot of fun but it could it could be very frustrating if we end up getting killed over and over and over again I feel like it’s very very early

Yeah oh man I can do some lily pads actually for this to go back and grab my stuff again a no don’t mind me just mining my own business here farming doing stuff no my shovel it died it all right I’m going to come going to come back

Now I do it so many times it’s embarrassing oh I wonder how many times that is now it’s like I want to say I want to say like it’s at least like eight times oh man there we go let’s say crafted Stone shovel um did did you manage to like get

Get some of your experience back or like is it just like resetting yeah it’s it’s almost pretty much resetting oh no no all right then uh oh I I came out in to do some lovely gardening and it’s going night time what is this real life

How how dare things happen H how dare this game enacts things that happen that are real boo this is a zero out of 10 game terrible uninstall all right I think that’s good there can at least s this hole and then we should have plenty of bread which is

Good and you know what that means C plenty of carves I’m Tasty H very tasty I’m know oh I should probably put like torches around this right uh so I’m so full of bread yum no don’t do that me again ah creeper stay away from my crops my

Crops my crops you stay away from them oh boy yeah I should probably go to Bed okay uh-huh lost my pants again no that’s the second that’s like the third time this stream you’ve lost your pants no you you’re going to get known as the Minecraft Youtuber who loses their pads I’m going to get so much TR at being peness No how could you do this uh right I think I can oh I could do one here as well right yeah no my shovel it’s broken in my hand wait can you oh yeah I I forgot you can do that with shovels like you can make like paths with them

Uh like if you right click yeah yeah all right tree I’m sorry but you’re gon to have to move for CK’s weed farm I always I always hear it like you’re saying weed every time it’s so funny CK’s weed weed farm oh no that’s an entirely different

Thing right got that uh I need to what do we need to do uh I got to fill in the buckets here and move these across I need some pretty stress from my MMA Cube situation A I mean you could join me with the farming if you want if it’s

Uh if it’s too much I’m I’m I’m actually I’m actually doing a r okay don’t I don’t have much to lose oh [ __ ] just a m cube a need some Puff the Magic Dragon wait what I actually like I I I have very little context as to who Puff the Magic

Dragon even is like I know it gets referenced a lot in like um like pop culture and stuff um CK CK what C are you are you familiar with pop the back Dragon I heard of the name but I don’t know about think else about them

Yeah I know that they probably like to pop weed the weed from the sh no my crops oh what’s happened I put I accidentally put a water block on top of the crops damn it h sad farmer noises oh God there’s like some people who can do

This like bucket thing like really fast but I’m just I’m not that big brain for this I’m sorry ah safe yeah I got stuck there no you go there my brain my brain to body mass ratio is too small bra a body mass it’s a thing right it’s like usually when it’s high

Fire when stuff is smarter plus you can be a huge creature but have a small PE brain so you’re so dumb I I almost thought you said small PP then for a second I thought that’s what you going to say you could be big creature but you have small pee PE

All right here we go it’s time to hoe the land PFF some magic dragon you’ll feel bad so he lives by the sea oh no I’m not sure if that’s legal oh the cream went into lava and burned no a this biome this biome sucks so much

The basal one yeah it kind of does stinky stupid Bal biome it probably does stink in there actually considering it’s like I don’t know like all on fire it it probably have like a really sulfury smell that sounds disgusting okay maybe dragon’s leg does

Smell H I don’t know would they like I I can imagine like liking the smell of smoke uh and stuff but like like sulfur is like a really pungent eggy smell so I’m not sure about that I don’t know if Dragons would like that particularly I mean I know I wouldn’t

All right time to Ho the land again I’m going to scream so much no don’t Screech all right doing that takes up almost half the hole doing that Jesus yeah I think like I I think hoes have to be like the tool that just like breaks

The most I can’t think of any other one and why is there a place in this biome wait what no ah it broke again s this I’m gonna make a I’m gonna make a new one uh so many frustrated Dragon noises yeah uhoh that sounds like a frustrated Dragon noise Angy Dury

Noises oh manad kill it’s like three different magma cubes and I still haven’t got my cream no wait seriously Jesus this should it shouldn’t be that hard to drop huh me one of them did drop it just fell into lava that’s still really annoying though makes me angry me a 24-year-old Canadian laughing

While smoking 100% legal weed yeah it’s weed is legal in Canada although I I do get confused on like like is it like certain parts of Canada though because I I think like when I’ve seen it like uh I don’t know like in in some

Parts of Canada like it’s not legal I I don’t know I think it’s I think it might actually be legal in in my country oh oh I’ve heard I’ve heard they wanted to make it legal and stuff and allow the peeps to grow a certain amount of it yeah all of it oh

Wow huh oh so it’s legal in all of Canada okay I I learned something new Today yes grow my weed I nearly said weed farm oh my God gr grow my wheat farm Jesus Christ grow my wheat farm grow God I’m I’m accidentally gaslighting you on the say weed for real no C no don’t Gaslight me this it was the tick now it’s stop gaslighting me stop

It all right time to sleep get more Seeds there’s a couple left uh six plants you’re allowed to grow in total oh okay interesting oh yeah so like like you can’t just like grow your own Farm cuz that that that’ be like ridiculous beat your own wheat Plantation yeah that’s not freed them enough I want to make big

Farm government give me give me me rules govern give me uh nothing it’s growing it’s really growing my God yay no stop it it’s not a weed B shut [Laughter] up oh I need some lilypad so to make it easier to get wait no I don’t need Lily

Pots that’s what am I’m talking about I’m a big dragon I can just do that yeah there we go I can walk across one by anything blocks yeah yeah hell yeah look at that it’s happening oh my God can you not please me alone

No you okay do you want big dragon CK to come and help you I’m okay okie dokie well I’m fing the keep farming the weed I mean wheat no no no please oh God don’t die I you’ve died too much on the stream already C don’t die

Again you’re not allowed to die oh no no you’re not allowed to die you broke the rules don’t die or I’ll kill you I’m going to kill you and then kill you again oh God six is a pretty good about oh okay yeah I I have no frame of reference for that

Kind of thing so I have no I don’t know I wouldn’t know I don’t know how big these get yeah I mean I guess like it’s it’s so long as you’re not like growing like a massive like Farm you know like like using up like like an entire

Field could you can you imagine that like an entire field of just just weed oh God ow stupid skeleton burn a death stupid man you really don’t seem to get as many uh seeds from uh like Tall Grass anymore as you used to maybe maybe they changed the ratios on

It I don’t know oh look at that oh just look at that in Quake Pro uh the thingy oh I I just took a screenshot F2 is my screenshot thingy it’s not my print screen there we go yeah I told you that F2 is the is the button oh last time oh

I guess I was being a bit stupid then I don’t know it’s it’s okay memory bad I get it yeah I’m a bit of a silly Dragon I wish I could not be a dead Dragon no dude this job is too hard a oh man I’m said out I’m said that out of

All things that could have killed me at the ne it was a stupid skeleton a stupid skeleton rattle his bones actually I I do Wonder um do do we do we have a librarian villager I’m just going to see real quick cuz if we do I’m going to like

Place the pedestal thing back down again oh oh is that beetroot I might we might actually have one uh yeah cuz if if I can if I can replace his pedestal thingy uh that he uses for his job I can I can uh switch him around for Fortune maybe like I’m

Just thinking of like how to get Fortune a little bit quicker I can try that actually um oh was a pig it’s like the first animal I’ve seen in ages oh Iron Golem hello there is a villager in here sweet um I just need to figure out how to get

My big dragon ass in there cuz that’s going to be a bit difficult um yeah squeeze your ass in yeah I’m going to try uh okay let’s see here say if I like do this and do put some Cobblestone down here there we go hello villager I’ve

Come to reassign your thingy can you give me that uh what you do bookshelves that is crap my friend uh uh that is pure crap I’m going to need to like redo your thing real quick there we go right uh I don’t know if they Nerf this or not so let’s

See um place it here maybe oh it’s not nerfed it’s not nerfed it changes still right okay yes nice oh my God oh my God finally I have one MMA cream yay let’s go yay one Ah that’s okay just the one’s all we need this know what I’m going back

Home that’s a good idea I’m going to don’t go out don’t go out okay right villager is safely blocked in uh I get my dude Thorns too now I do have something to lose MMA cream uh you you’re not too far away are you I can come in and help you I feel

Like no I’m already back into for so I can go back ah okay piercing one bookshelf uh hey uh uh welcome back to the stream Dixie Dragon uh the fog is currently consuming my neighborhood ooh I like me some fog it’s one of my favorite weathers interesting yeah protection

Two I’m going to need another pick uh axe at some point yeah um all right don’t mind me villager I’m just like redesigning your house so I can conveniently Escape there we go I probably shouldn’t do with Cobblestone but probably better with wood actually um you to chicken proof the house sharpness

Two this might take a while but is it’s the it’s the only like it’s it’s probably the fastest thing I could think of to get Fortune right this is the fastest way to do it no my pickaxe oh protection three is good though um right uh oh you

Good you okay C I got jump scared by a gust okay so darn discurs it land there we go right so entrances that way right um let’s see I need an axe I need an axe a place which is unfriendly to dragons is a is a bad place to be

In who would have guessed oh pumpkins can I actually wait a minute if I hang on a minute I’ve got an idea I wonder if this works with my with my uh character bottle hey C you want to see you want to see something cool yeah all right watch

This then what I do is this nice oh God that looks really weird on [Laughter] me your your snoal comes out of the pumpkin that’s cute it does oh my God a I was too late with my Halloween costume yeah yeah you could try where if

You want there you go we’ll see how that looks on you ha your your Sno comes out as well oh that’s really cute a that’s nice thanks uh tell you what go sleep sleep real quick um oh yeah oh yeah by the way look at this yeah baby let’s go oh precious

One um can we put that on there actually it does it works nice um I think uh I think we need uh Redstone to extend the time which is why Redstone is really good uh let’s see do we have any red stone on yes we do let’s

Go yeah right so let me let me take a quick look oh bollocks oh [ __ ] oh God [ __ ] tell me we losted have a look where did it go I don’t I’m so sorry it became a mundane Potion No I’m sorry more like the crap Brewer oh God

I’m sorry about that hey magma cream no don’t have my magma favorite ice cream now I’m so sorry I think tell you what like it’s okay though it’s okay do I still have bread I know but I just I feel bad though so much to get that

One tell you what I I’ll make it up to you by getting a fortune bucklet and we can go mine them diamonds okay yeah all right all right back to the villager’s house which I’m going to break and enter into wow my uh oh my tools are running out uhoh spaghettio

All right uh all right villager do do not do not come near me do not try and Escape don’t escape uh sure why not that works hello I’m here to reassign your thingy Bonk oh uh if if we get one as well I think

What we can do is uh we we can level up this villager all the way uh so we can trade paper for emeralds and stuff and get even more stuff also just going to swap that around to make it a bit easier knockback two what do you think this is what for

Sword oh no it’s for a sword but it’s really it’s not your back yeah it’s not the best enchantment in the world it’s not good because if you use it on a skeleton you’re just making more distance between you and the skeleton exactly loyalty we don’t need loyalty we need

Fortune oh Infinity I already have that enchantment yeah uh um do uh would you like me to go for fortune 3 or just like I don’t know we can try for fortune 3 okay sharpness full thing is like I feel like he’s going to he’s he’s he’s going

To roll through like all the all the really good enchantments that we want later on as well it’s going to be so hard to just I don’t know you you have the power through this I mean we’ve gone through this yeah uh it’s it’s just like if he has

Mending I’m going to be like oh I want to keep it I want to keep mending oh efficiency five Ah that’s painful sad Multi Shot that’s only for crossbows so sleepy you sleepy yeah oh no well I mean umate is coming soon oh man um I mean it it is

Um it is like halfast 10 uh like in the UK at least um it’s like half 11 for you um uh tell you what uh we’ll go for another like uh I like 10 minutes maybe that would that be okay yeah sure all right cool cool

Cool come on let’s let’s end off this stream with some with some uh Fortune at least come on yes eat some Fortune after what happened to me in the nether I know yeah Smite five four four I think that was four efficiency five again no no oh this

Game this game so mean it’s painful Smite to e curse of Vanishing that’s awful oh I totally want to trade that villager thingss oh c fire protection four you just did no which is something we probably really need in the ne hey get back here impaling

To damn it come on Fortune Villager come on Fortune no that’s aqua affinity look at oh look at this Farm scre oh you see my uh Wheat Farm yeah the wheat Wheats Farm Wheats is wheat farm come on don’t you huh me villager give me huh Fortune can can smelly carbs already

Just walking alongside this no oh Ming [ __ ] I’ve got to get rid of it I might I might go Rampage oh my God C fortune 3 um it’s 39 emeralds it’s a really it’s it’s a bit of a bad trade honestly CU we need 39

But he he’s fortune 3 at the moment uh for 39 emeralds ni ah right um I’m going to keep that as is cuz does he does he buy paper no he doesn’t he he he trades emeralds for bookshelves it’s it’s a bit unfortunate um [ __ ] oh man that’s that

Really sucks um no no no no you stay here you stay here you’re not you’re not dying Mr Fortune villager no no no no no no no no no dragon says no dragon says no dragon say no dragon say no get back in there get back in there get back in

The [ __ ] house get back in there back no you you bastard get back in here no uhoh back in the house [ __ ] are going so wrong oh wait no wait he’s going no ah just go inside the house please please just go inside a house no oh you stupid stupid

Villager do not realize we’re trying to keep you alive come on please just get back in the house wait unless I all right are you going to stand still no you’re not are you and yep you’re going to go all the way yeah get back up here oh stupid vill I hate

Villagers when they just wander around with their free will so stupid they a free will what you’re under a house villager you’re supposed to go in the house you stupid stupid villager what what what’s going on here that’s what that’s what please just go back inside the house please I’m begging

You go in you’re the key to us getting lots and lots of diamonds please wait what if I is there a way to like menu him over here maybe oh [ __ ] does that work you keep like he should go should go to sleep when it’s night time

He should sleep um in the house that wait yeah oh my God yep get in that yes right there we go right okay right he’s safe he’s safe oh man okay oh God right panic over uh yeah let’s go to sleep then um all right then uh should we

Um do not have enough emeralds to trade it yet that’s the problem that’s a shame that’s a real shame ow I’m just so done with that villager I’m so sleepy can I sleep yes yeah all right then uh uh what would you like to do then should we try and get

Those emeralds or or should we save it till next time um we should probably I’m me get ready and and wrap up yeah all right then that’s okay so if you want if you want to grind again you know we can always try get some new makam again yeah

That’s all right I think um I think what we’ll do then is uh when we do our next grind session uh like like before next stream I think I think we we’ll uh we’ll we’ll try we’ll try and get we’ll get that fortune pickaxe and then just get

The diamonds anyway cuz uh you know like I think we need we we can save making the diamond armor on stream I suppose you know I guess we could do that there’s nothing wrong with doing that I guess so you might want to take a look

At the other villagers so to see what they’re offering for emeralds yeah that’s a good point oh man okay then uh yeah I guess uh I guess we’ll wrap things there then and uh we shall uh do this again next Saturday um but yeah all right then so

Uh going to end things off there uh thanks everyone for joining as always uh oh I like I can shake my head when I’m when I’m looking up at the Ceiling that’s so funny got have a secret neck gem I do oh sweet like I I can’t really see it that well cuz I’m looking up but you can kind of see it there yeah next job oh oh the the end of your uh ponytail like it pokes out of your chest

When you do that that’s was pretty funny oh no help no myself with my hair no all right then OK as always thank you so much for watching the stream everyone we’ll see you next week and uh I I’ll I’ll see you next uh Wednesday for the Spyro stream

And uh I’ll see you next Saturday for the Minecraft stream hopefully so yeah all right then okay then good night goodbye good day wherever you’re from and we’ll see you next time all right then byebye bye love you love you bye goodbye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft DRAGON EDITION! #3 | feat. KavDragun’, was uploaded by Ckaiadn on 2023-12-03 11:45:14. It has garnered 136 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 03:16:12 or 11772 seconds.

Join CK and Kav as they adventure through the mines and craft items as DRAGONS in Minecraft! :3

Kav’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/KavDragun Big thank you to Rowan for creating our derg models! x3 Rowan’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/RowanWyvern

Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/ckaiadn Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ckaiadn

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  • rice cake

    rice cake欢迎来到糕点服!这是一个创新和充满乐趣的《我的世界》无规则生电服务器,让你能够在无限创造的世界中探索创造。在这里,你可以尽情发挥想象力,体验红石科技带来的乐趣和挑战。 特色功能: 无限自由创造:在糕点服中,没有限制和规则约束。你可以自由建造、采集和探索。创造你自己的梦想之城或想象不同的红石装置,将创意发挥到极限。 经济体系:糕点服还通过引入一个经济体系增添了更多的挑战和互动。你可以收集和出售资源,参与市场交易,建立经济帝国。 社区互动:我们拥有一个友好而活跃的社区,与其他玩家分享你的创造,并参与社区活动和竞赛。与全球玩家一起探索和合作,构建令人惊叹的项目。 优化的服务器性能:我们致力于确保服务器的稳定性和流畅性,以提供良好的游戏体验。拥有强大的服务器和专业的技术团队,我们将确保你在服务器中有最佳的游戏体验。 加入糕点服,探索创新的红石技术和无限的创造力!从最简单的红石装置到复杂的自动化系统,你可以打造自己的想法,并与其他玩家分享。无论你是红石技术的专家还是pvp大佬,都能在这里找到乐趣和挑战。加入我们的社区,一起开启全新的服务器冒险旅程吧! kook频道:https://kook.top/50DQC9 discord暂无 另外我们的服务器是互通服可以使用基岩版客户端游玩只需要把端口改成48888即可(基岩版最新版同步速度很慢) 另外我们的网易服务器也在调试阶段很快就会上线! 欢迎游玩 new42499704.cn:55555 Read More

  • LanderYT SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.1 LGBTQ+ Friendly

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  • 1997 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server

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  • Minecraft Memes – Block-breaking blunder!

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  • Insane Water Tricks in Minecraft

    Insane Water Tricks in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wind Charges + Water is just Weird #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bandoffel on 2024-07-02 17:10:04. It has garnered 2095 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. I really enjoyed making this short and I hope you like it too🎉. nah the boost is fun. Music is from: Ronald Kah Link to his music: ronaldkah.de Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design – Minecraft Madness!

    Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design - Minecraft Madness! In Episode 4, we dive into the scene, Crafting an epic base, oh so keen. Exploring new biomes, finding the spot just right, Gathering resources, shining so bright. Designing a base, both stylish and secure, Tips for Hardcore mode, making builds endure. Join me in this journey, let creativity soar, Transforming our beginnings, into something more. Like and subscribe, if you’re feeling the vibe, Comment with your ideas, let’s take this ride. Minecraft Hardcore, a world to explore, In every rhyme and line, let’s build some more. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hotline Bling

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hotline Bling “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #meme Read More

  • 50 Best Minecraft Seeds for Building 1.21

    50 Best Minecraft Seeds for Building 1.21 Exploring the Top 50 Best Seeds for Building in Minecraft 1.21 Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and discover some of the best seeds for building in the game’s latest update? Look no further! Here are the top 50 Minecraft Seeds that will ignite your creativity and inspire your construction projects. 1. 3158993663659625035 Starting off our list is Seed 3158993663659625035, offering a unique terrain for your building adventures. Explore the vast landscapes and let your imagination run wild. 2. 3463546135668711435 Seed 3463546135668711435 presents a different challenge with its structures and biomes. Uncover hidden gems and… Read More

  • Dream Clutches in Minecraft Edit

    Dream Clutches in Minecraft Edit Minecraft: Exploring Dream’s Clutches in My Ordinary Life Edit Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure as you delve into the world of Dream’s Clutches in the latest gameplay edit. Join the excitement as you navigate through challenging obstacles, engage in pixel-perfect jumps, and test your gaming skills in this trending Minecraft short. Unleash Your Gaming Potential Immerse yourself in the GamerLife experience as you tackle the ParkourChallenge, BlockJumping, and various obstacles that await you in this Minecraft Adventure. With each level presenting a new challenge, you’ll find yourself on the edge of your seat, eager to conquer the next… Read More

  • Uncover the Secret Tunnel in Zombie Craft!

    Uncover the Secret Tunnel in Zombie Craft!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE A STRANGE TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-05-23 11:00:11. It has garnered 501 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:49 or 2089 seconds. CHOOSE A STRANGE TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Sly Water Gun Prank Goes Viral

    Sly Water Gun Prank Goes ViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘अमायरा ने मारी पिचकारी 🧟‍♀️👹#viral #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by Mind Roar on 2024-03-25 15:30:04. It has garnered 14235 views and 158 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. animation 🧟‍♀️🙀#viral #bhoot #youtubeshorts #movie cartoon funny anime shorts cute adorable vtuber minecraft sankat mochan vlog majewali kahani majedar kahani game minecraft maizen sisters maizen zenichi mikey maizen jj viral minecraft minecraft anime story mikey ghost clean scary myghostfriend cute movie/anime fyp dsand #shorts entertainment like movie anime susie bob spooky animated likes girl game caine skibidi toilet skibidi toilets jax and pomni… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Chair Hack! 🔥 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Chair Hack! 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Minecraft’s CRAZIEST REALISTIC CHAIR Hack! #shorts”‘, was uploaded by MHDGamingK on 2024-05-01 11:10:50. It has garnered 430 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • Terrifying Modpack in Minecraft?! 2 Crazy Players React!

    Terrifying Modpack in Minecraft?! 2 Crazy Players React!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Scariest Minecraft Modpack Played by 2 Goofy Goobers’, was uploaded by Taz_ on 2024-03-20 20:00:17. It has garnered 77 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:56 or 1556 seconds. Me and my good friend @Min1bin play the horror modpack “Fear Nightfall” we got pretty silly with it so I hope you enjoy. Discord: https://discord.gg/gc25Nyyvwp Twitch: https://twitch.tv/tazgirl_ Modpack download: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/fear-nightfall Don’t scroll any further it’s just algo spam: Me and My best friend Minbin played a mod that’s really funny and hilarious. It makes Minecraft really challenging and hard which made… Read More

  • Dronio’s EPIC Minecraft English Lessons! Sign up NOW

    Dronio's EPIC Minecraft English Lessons! Sign up NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:00. It has garnered 747 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. “Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson at the link” #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO… Read More