Duncan – Minecraft Eternal – RACE TO THE NAGA #45

Video Information

Hello welcome to Minecraft with a penguin and Ben and myself we killed off rats yeah look how green it is now it’s lovely it is we’ve got a nice fresh blank canvas it doesn’t stink of rat [ __ ] we have the purple forever fire honestly do have rat [ __ ] smells stuck

In my nose still really yeah I know but it’s like it was a lot all right that rat has been there for a while alright alright it was a great like [ __ ] shot everywhere it was a big cleanup and it’s just I can still smell it to this day

Like not not not because it’s obviously there it’s because it’s in my nose you know what I mean it’s literally still in there it’s like it’s no brain it’s not the snorting heads bringing your brain either it’s stuck in my brain my house doesn’t sell a rat [ __ ] if anyone wonder

It’s good it’s good just you’re just yeah it’s just like in your in your it’s like a mental thing yeah you just keep thinking you can smell it yep that’s it I get that but it but you know we did well we updated the UM the server

There’s been the latest version no well there’s actually two updates damn them I’m trying like a jet pack oh yeah what I’ve just noticed I’ve got 14 quests I can accept and that’s my favorite except sore hand in I think to hand in I think because of the up day it’s like adding

More rewards one of them has a cheesy crave more cheesy cash oh man this isn’t okay pretty I stuffed your favorites again hey hey oh my god guess what the cheesy cash does what rats upgrade enchanter my item so that thing we spent like six hours trying to get you just got for

Free yeah so they’ve they’ve obviously updated it look there you go they’ve obviously updated its Duncan had a [ __ ] meltdown last [ __ ] rewind yeah well the rats had a meltdown – we still with the cook and the air and the carrier the carrier’s a good boy I won’t

See any harm done to him it’s a very good boy oh now he’s carries well mmm like a little Butler at the first question dude gives you a bookshelf now look at how we a redstone ridiculous I haven’t really done any mining that’s the problem may that be it we still

Haven’t done oh I’ve got digital miner now there I’ve got a super chance Cuba from a reward a chance i sucka heatran oh yeah amazing to me is away from the base yes get very far away do it Jake crevice this meteorite actually it’s just this cable I need hardened flux

Duct boring I’ve heard this looks like it’s gonna be bad I’ve got a real bad feeling about this it’s gotta be good why oh oh it just drops I am I think it just tried your pens it’s good I just tried to press s to put my Garry’s Mod flashlight I got a

North Star what’s that I don’t know oh it can be used for oh no it says nether star I’m just real no no no it says North Star okay I’m not that dumb but I think it is just another star was it just debris named one yeah could be okay

That’s bad anticlimactic but that’s pretty cool safe is killing a wither that’s a good thing we can make I guess things didn’t leave the minor here oh and the mining can work done I’m gonna leave it oh we took the miner to when to the rocky biome you were looking for dying

Bad buy emeralds remember I’m trapped Oh oh no I I think I broke the oh it’s okay yeah I know I was and then I came back oh my god I just did I think you left him though today I’m sure I moved it again it would be here it would be

Here this is where I put my token did you not even leave a map like Waypoint there yeah I did [Laughter] it’s here it’s right here Oh getting lead for it apparently so in the quest page in the ran section you can just straight up get rattled

Gradebook in there yeah you don’t need to find like a pirate already yeah go on sorry chief and you’ve gone to dimensions and then you look at all the route grades like you get it I kind of don’t want to look now right maybe a lot

Easier I know I just I mean at least have upgraded it or dated it you know for Nick like for next ten years you know yeah yes when we come back an exit poor Schmucks try and figure it out copy though me arrest him again there okay slowly slowly rebuilding our base

God we’re lucky that dragon only took out like one light yeah very looking yeah just a fun yeah it looks good yeah all right I mean it’s just it’s a great box it’s cool what it is it’s okay see exactly and I kind of can’t be bothered to do the windows that’s fine

Means cooking and I’m busy cooking under the windows cooking bread can’t cook glass and bread God do the windows of a windowless house how you like stay warm in the winter dragon fire so we want to make the dragon Forge right let’s think we want

To do a lizard squad blooded how do we do that I’m too far yeah I always get too far for good well we need blood before we can even do it Blood Dragon the blood then we have dragon blood well we need to kill a dragon to get dragon blood okay

Let’s kill the dragon okay the dragon sword that does bonus damage to dragons oooh yeah you make another one yeah we could probably do that let’s all get my name we can’t afford it how much do they cost they cast two dragon bones and one with

A bone I’ll talk to you bad and then you can use ice dragon blood on it wait oh no did I just waste our Oni oh you use the dragon blood to get swords so we can kill a dragon to get more dragon blade spells last week but we didn’t need ice

Wait I think we have ice dragon blood I think we have more to eat oh yeah you did get some blood it’s all over blood yeah we have seven ice dragon blood why is it mining cobblestone it’s your digital miner making gobbles – what the hell that’s what he’s doing

Oh dick tis correct oh you know what it is I bet the developer of the mod was like you’re right rats aren’t good enough let’s nerve the thing that is too good and that’s that ah right yeah of course now everything can be terrible I wish I

Wish right so you guys sort out your things I reckon the best way to find a dragon to go to the twilight forest but right have did you have their caves just like appear above ground and they’re super easy to spot okay well let’s get their portents there

Do we go there you got to get yourself a hole and put in some water and then you go to surround it with flowers and throw in a diamond Wow then you do the Hokey Pokey and you turn around and that’s what it’s all about then can there be

Any flowers you can be vanilla flowers it’s a 2×2 square hole okay literally just a 2×2 square of water yeah okay let’s use my fishing place what what happened are you okay don’t come Watson up any sabotaging are we still having problems with your rats I thought we put

Into that why do we get again here’s a two by two two baits here frozen Oh rats come out rats don’t make me burn them were they doing I mind the cobblestone what’s a cobblestone that I mind the digital miner made a hole in the wall

Oh no the most no the rats have gone in Oh God just lock them in it’s fine oh the strong will survive oh all right I think I think they’re safe how that works I don’t know that’s how that worked what detectors for mine I thought it

Just generates it blocks no it no actually mines of logs no it genuinely finds them oh okay any flowers will do that right vanilla flowers I’d go oh jeez I think these first ones vanilla does that mean you could just you could randomly find one of these just in the

World cuz well Jen in theory but you got to put a diamond in it yeah that feels unlikely mine it right in the right place it just hops in yeah stars aligned it’s probably happened to someone right baby just Ryan’s gonna be yeah odds on um need

More flowers yeah no I got I got bunch born born vanilla all right that should be enough okay Demonte so it’s a too deep oh I didn’t know depth was important yeah oh my god it worked something we did actually worked first time without a family god it’s beautiful

It’s a miracle it’s always worth that thing that’s the one thing that has always worked one more Pat we’ve changed your recipe to an emerald Shh what bounced off of it what fine let me in um well um probably generating the the Ariel ago I didn’t

See if you guys got your gear I’ll find it first we don’t have to go straight into him yeah I’ll do the counting I’m not coming in straight away oh wait how do we get home again oh there it is okay let’s put a put a marker on the map yeah

Yeah so shall I just get my dragon out I’ll be the best way let’s do it come free popsicle slice some enjoy the legs got a bloody dragon ah if I’m looking for a we’re trying to find him a mate oh yeah you can breed them have many baby

Dragons then we’ll flaming in tearing claws here Bob gonna find you a wife flower husband actually you’re a lady don’t you know what I like to this doesn’t seem like it’d be easy to find no probably stick because the toilet first is like lower down or something

You just fly over it and like oh and they just giant cobblestone balls in the air yeah charge me I was gonna take quite some time three million are you trying to charge up your jetpack yeah oh I found a nice ball this might be a nice dragon cave maybe I’d be

Something totally different oh I’m getting I’m getting TV static that’s another aggression Slenderman oh yeah this is from the mod okay I’m gonna come with what I’ve got here and we will give it a shot I found the dragon cave wow this is so much easier took me so long to find this

Black manually I’ve got my ice sword and then a one shine here I can just popsicle slice a fire dragon want a frozen ice mate I think in a nice opposites attract right oh I only do bonus damage versus Valeo Jerkins okay not mine extract it’s okay after a very

Fine a specific type as well okay oh really possibly I’m not sure I can’t get some real speed with a jetpack in this thing time what’s aggression server not again alright way past him Wow alright this is how you travel in style guys honestly oh

My god yeah this is crazy what a guy I’m here who she’s big do you think she’s big enough is she like a tear for I don’t know she looks pretty big babe we need an egg ideally don’t worry that’s the same it’s a big girl is she pregnant bear the little

Baby dragon why you doing this little man who really tall guys can we tell the snow off this is insane I think it’s part of that movie Jared that me we can’t attack things in the snow Ben you’ve hurt it okay well he’s lost he’s

Not on full health no I can’t I can’t him oh there we go I got him he’s got a tiny hitbox in the right in the middle of him okay good notes on icy caves by a forgotten explorer let’s read this book shall we mmm the blizzard surrounding me

Slowly land is increasing unceasing rather this is no ordinary snowfall it’s a magic phenomenon oh god you’ve turned on rain experiments to find out what’s capable of causing such an effect so bla bla bla living with all in the wizards stop contributing the blizzard would become so you got killer wizards and

There’s a well there’s a frost wizard around here somewhere god I can’t see anything this is crazy and look 20 roof towers we’ve both got weakness and frosted yeah we can’t fight the dragon like this Ben okay it’s gonna fight this wizard how do we find him look for pointy roof towers

Oh it’s pointy roof tower here but I couldn’t go there we gotta kill the Naga first I think my god this always another thing welcome to Minecraft we can’t do the thing you want to do well this is 20 for a spin I’m gonna just shoot this way and see

What happens okay so what we kill I know I go then we can go to the Wizards Tower Oh God through like crazy black stuff oh yeah watch out for that right I’ll put huh oh my god pet I found a secret dungeon oh well a simple act yeah inside the gingerbread house

Oh yeah down in the basement that was this is it lack of wizardry both it could be like I am dude I knew I’d see oh no oh no what dynamite spawned er then disappeared I almost have been trolling my troll troll oh my eats oh this is horrible I hate

This oh yeah there’s an agonist spawn wasn’t that north west of spawn now this is podracing this is podracing I want no part in pockets please we’ve went pasties why didn’t I yeah more comes back to me lil back to me more north more West it’s not the most

Accurate way of traveling but it gets you there quick I mean if you have sleepover shooting six times and it’s not doing anything quickly I mean I’m walking and I’m alone I’m laying my way asleep you bring my sling it’s like a primary mode of transportation yeah I’m

Going vanilla all right wait let me get the last hit come on come on nah nah already I’ve got it I killed it feel like a pleb okay who’s next up the lager we got the trophy now we could go and kill the Lich is he in the tower I think

Yeah I’m already there I went are you in it’s like looks like a one wizard tower I obviously think I could still beat you there I’m literally already here are you inside and but there was a yellow super-pumped all around me what did I not count as killing the Nagas Oh

[ __ ] [ __ ] oh wait what I seem like I give you the bits it drops like the trophy I see the yellow squares – oh maybe I’ll give you give you both a trophy hang on it’s just oh yeah let us hold it well I’ve already I just want to

Hold it Duncan come on can hold just a tip oh you guys are too you guys are a mile away where are you I’m down next you and Beckett well oh they’re cool hold that but lookit yes and tree yep Derek still yellow squares oh yeah what about this or this or these

Mm there you go it is oh yeah they put away cables right okay cool we did it right Shh fly up to just go to the top that’s where the [ __ ] is isn’t it oh yeah wait for paid-for he’s given the scale still I’m still traveling in knot

Style jet pack and player launcher oh that’s the way to travel repellent three do you want this enchantment I’ve got my own natural sports rubella far stronger than that I mean here give me a scale please girls write what you want next see oh you picked up all your

Garbage I don’t want any of that I was able to progression apparently if we type something but I kind of think it’s fun to go through these few bosses but some just do it shade of shade it just scares I did you gave me shaders oh there they are

Thank you Oh at night nice and next to your pile of trash don’t get spun of trash enjoy my trash right I’m Bob sickle slicing out of here oh yeah just go straight up knock him out oh no my my track and it’s diseased look up skanky yes

Why is your diseased because I’m diseased oh I think I got hit bitten by plague rat oh that’s me so I’m the playground burn baby oh my god here we go um just hmm that’s how you get a lich oh yeah bit don’ts Furby bad I’m burning the building

Oh are you doing I’m burning my way in burning his way down did you in oh no I think you turns it into like rock turn to KFC oh oh you did that I’m didn’t stop for my shadows stop burning me okay he’s got mad with power stop burning I said start burning

Alright stop burning welcome Barney the tower why did you come back into my fire running because my stuff was there I need to burn the tower anymore we haven’t found the boss yet I just think you know if you’re gonna live in a wooden house he’s gonna mostly stone

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Eternal – RACE TO THE NAGA #45’, was uploaded by Duncan on 2020-04-15 17:30:02. It has garnered 57676 views and 2353 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:00 or 1440 seconds.

Minecraft Eternal! We want to go on a dragon hunt and to do that we need to head into the Twilight Forest and defeat the bosses! Full Playlist here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uvqde5vnjgE&list=PLGN8WikMb4WFQ5k-7PInQVvm8Sx2qKR1Z&index=4&t=0s

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  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Java Session 2- Fabulously Fabric Season 1🔥

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    BROKEN Luxifeeeerr DESTROYS WARZONE 😱Video Information no p roto roto roto la consola est muy cagado estuvo muy cadoo loco [ __ ] mre iba corriendo bien tranquilo y le peg un [ __ ] brano en la espalda pued This video, titled ‘Pero estaba roto eh #gaming #memes #humor #clips #funny #twitch #gamer #warzone’, was uploaded by Luxifeeeerr on 2024-01-14 10:12:19. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. mas clips como estos en mi canal de twitch luxifeeeerr suscribanse y denle like pofa luxifeeeerr COD luxifeeeerr minecraft luxifeeeerr random luxifeeeerr minecraft luxifeeeerr… Read More

  • EPIC New Gun Shop Build for Contractor 😱 | Minecraft Survival Pt 4

    EPIC New Gun Shop Build for Contractor 😱 | Minecraft Survival Pt 4Video Information [संगीत] तो गाइस आप लोग कुछे गलत स चीज है ये मुझे उस बंदे ने दिया है जिसको अपनी गन स बनानी हो और हां गाइस मैं आपको बताना तो भूलेगा कि आज की इस वाली पड में हम लोग बनाने वाले हैं अपने लिए गन शॉप मतलब अपने लिए मतलब हम नहीं बनाने वाले हैं वो हमें दूसरे बंदे ने कांटेक्ट दिया है तो उसका हम कंप्लीट करने वाले हैं और वो हमें उसके बदले में देने वाला है बहुत सारे डायमंड्स तो अभी आधा सान मैंने उठा लिया आधा सान मेरे दोस्त में तो मैं जल्दी… Read More

  • Unlock ALL Amazing Circus Addons in Minecraft PE!

    Unlock ALL Amazing Circus Addons in Minecraft PE!Video Information This video, titled ‘EVERY The Amazing Digital Circus ADDON in (MINECRAFT PE) 4’, was uploaded by Skibidi Craft on 2024-01-14 02:00:22. It has garnered 4209 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:14 or 674 seconds. subscribe:) Read More

  • Voxelime SMP

    Voxelime SMPIntroducing our Minecraft Server – Voxelime SMP Tired of boring vanilla Minecraft? Dive into our vibrant server packed with epic features that’ll keep you entertained for hours! Powerful Anti-Cheat: Both Java & Bedrock players are protected by our well-tested anti-cheat system, ensuring fair gameplay. Goodbye, cheaters! Claim your lands: Secure your territory with our intuitive land claim system. Build, farm, and create without fear of griefing! X-Ray Outta Here: We’ve got clever systems to block X-ray, keeping resources hidden and exploration exciting! Server Shop: Our in-game shop area lets you buy and sell your items and earn or spend in… Read More

  • Prime SMP – PVP SMP

    Join Prime SMP for an Immersive Experience Enjoy watching your favorite SMP’s like Bliss and Lifesteal, but disappointed that you cannot join them? Look no further, featuring the Prime SMP! Combine both Bliss and Lifesteal with custom plugins and a custom resource pack for an immersive experience. Participate in frequent events to earn special items or improve the world. Whether you’re a regular player or a content creator, our first season welcomes you. Simply answer our questions when applying. Apply now for the Prime SMP: https://discord.gg/CF6GChZD Read More

  • Magetown Network

    Magetown NetworkLooking for a thrilling survival Minecraft experience? Join the Magetown Network, where magic, challenges, and camaraderie await!Explore enchanting landscapes and discover hidden treasures.Face epic challenges and conquer dangerous creatures.Build magnificent structures and unleash your creativity.Harness the power of magic and embark on epic quests.Engage with a vibrant community of like-minded players.Features:Easy to create chest shopsA small but consistent communityVery stable performanceNo pay to win (no webstore)No game-breaking changesClaimsActive moderator teamNew game modes planned in the very near futureCommunity-driven modelPowered by donationsRegular streams of the serverEasy-to-contact moderator team in the event of griefing or hackingJoin us now and immerse yourself in… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Me IRL, but make it Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Me IRL, but make it Minecraft"Looks like this meme is mining for some laughs with a score of 26! Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Memes 🔥

    Spicy Minecraft Memes 🔥 “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftlovegonewrong 😂🎮💔 Read More

  • Sabotaging a Pay-to-Win Minecraft Server

    Sabotaging a Pay-to-Win Minecraft Server Destroying a YouTuber’s Pay-to-win Minecraft Server Introduction In a recent video, zman1064, TheMisterEpic, ItzOwo, Sapire, and PeepMC teamed up to wreak havoc on LoverFella’s pay-to-win Minecraft server. The mission? Duping and crashing the server in epic fashion. Special thanks to Mr_Copyright for the chaos that ensued. Chapter I: Duping The team embarked on a journey to exploit the server by duping items. With a simple command, they managed to duplicate items and accumulate wealth rapidly. However, their actions did not go unnoticed, leading to bans and chaos within the server. The thrill of outsmarting the system added an element… Read More

  • SUPER OP 2024 Skyblock Server! 😱 | Minecraft 1.8 – 1.21

    SUPER OP 2024 Skyblock Server! 😱 | Minecraft 1.8 - 1.21Video Information all righty yo what is going on ladies and gentlemen magic here and guys we are playing Sky Block now boys and girls it has been a very very long time since I have made a video on this channel to be honest I don’t really have an excuse I just kind of quit Minecraft just lost interest honestly just didn’t enjoy content creation as much as I used to but I’m really happy to announce that you know I’m playing some Sky Block today uh it may be a ruring thing I’m not 100% sure yet but… Read More

  • Algorithm Secrets Unveiled

    Algorithm Secrets UnveiledVideo Information hello and welcome back to another battle Box video it has been like 10 days since I have last uploaded a video which y’all know the deal I want to fix my upload schedule I haven’t fixed my upload schedule schools hard I’m going to save you all the details you guys know the drill but I have actually finally got a chance to upload a video again because my team is actually rolling everybody right now I’m doing nothing maybe I should actually go and like there we go I did something but I actually went to… Read More

  • EPIC sythei Loka Montage – MUST SEE!

    EPIC sythei Loka Montage - MUST SEE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Loka Montage #1’, was uploaded by sythei on 2024-06-22 07:07:22. It has garnered 484 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:23 or 83 seconds. hi im bored Server: play.lokamc.com #loka #minecraft #pvp Tags (ignore): Fruitzilly, Stealthreflex_, Stealthreflecks, Xicz, BL4DeZ_, simplesyed, kolocc, Best Ht3, roist_, spawnplayer, blvckwlf, purxy_, nethpot, play.lifesteal.rip, lifesteal.rip, cartpvp montage, cart, cartpvp, npot, smp montage, smp #minecraftpvp #crystalpvp #minecraft Tags (Ignore) Azam Butterflied, Bqnny, Ceeew, Drew, Fronkey, Innaplicable, ItzRealMe, Juan_Clean, LoCr, Lurrn, Beanscord, Novi, Snyfort, Tqmen, TryH4rdd TwoHandsRevy UccDawg, Vexaay, iDexy, michaelcycle00, theo 404, InvisGhost, Netherite, Vizzzo, sword, ffa,… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT ACHIEVEMENTS!!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT ACHIEVEMENTS!!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘All Did This In Minecraft / MS MC / #shorts #minecraft #shortsminecraft’, was uploaded by MS MC on 2024-05-02 09:49:26. It has garnered 9969 views and 689 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. #minecraft #thankyou #minecraftbuilding #minecraftseeds #minecraftshorts #minecraftupdate #support #watch #youtubeshorts Read More

  • LOST in Minecraft?! 😱 Xobix FREAKS out! #shorts

    LOST in Minecraft?! 😱 Xobix FREAKS out! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘This one lost player in Minecraft… 🙄#shorts’, was uploaded by Xobix on 2024-01-14 11:00:24. It has garnered 974 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Discord Server: https://discord.gg/R8EhTMNd #shorts #short #minecraft #goofy #mlg #viral #goviral @Xobix07 Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Builds Secret Sheep Army?! #Minecraft

    Minecraft Pro Builds Secret Sheep Army?! #MinecraftVideo Information [Music] the This video, titled ‘JJ Minecraft domba domba kuring |#minecraft #jj #fypシ #GG’, was uploaded by Naoky_YGY on 2024-05-23 14:05:16. It has garnered 472 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Secrets of the Bronytales Server Revealed | Must Watch Now!

    Secrets of the Bronytales Server Revealed | Must Watch Now!Video Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everyone how y’all doing hello D hello Nicholas what will I build today hell if I know I never really know what I’m doing going into these streams we’ll see hello Yumi hello Marx hello psychop petzel hello AER hello major quadrangle okay I’m going to chug some water before we really get started hello Phoebe hello horror Pony a that’s better that’s better I think my are my eyes too high hang on maybe they’re fine maybe they’re fine I felt like they were too high hello… Read More

  • Get Ready for Epic Minecraft Live Stream!

    Get Ready for Epic Minecraft Live Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Divine-Gamers Realm: Minecraft Survival Be there for DiscoDixon12’s live stream tomorrow 19:00 BST’, was uploaded by divine-gamers on 2024-06-13 19:37:50. It has garnered 263 views and 66 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Join me on my upcoming Minecraft Survival Live Stream as we embark on an incredible journey to build the ultimate XP Gold Farm! Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this stream is packed with excitement, creativity, and non-stop action. Read More

  • EPIC Survival Adventure | Minecraft Series

    EPIC Survival Adventure | Minecraft SeriesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Starting A New World | Minecraft’, was uploaded by VensHandle on 2024-03-04 10:54:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. The Discord: https://discord.gg/bq7D23bdES Twitter: venhandle TikTok: VensHandle Cashapp: VensHandle (Cat PFP) … Read More

  • Gold Ingots Survival

    Gold Ingots SurvivalLifesteal Survival No land claims Clans Item Economy Dozens of Enhanced Weapons / Tools To Obtain In game events (Bloodmoon, King of the Hill, And More!) Read More

  • ZynnCraft Vanilla NON-P2W Factions

    ZynnCraft Minecraft Server Welcome to the ZynnCraft Minecraft Server 1.20.6 Join ZynnCraft Minecraft server! Server IP: ZynnCraft.fr.to Bedrock port: 25565 Version: 1.20+ Vanilla+ Factions Non-Pay-to-Win Ability Item Join the discord: Discord Server Server Trailer: Watch Here A Non-Pay-to-Win Vanilla+ Factions experience Server Overview: Welcome to our Vanilla+ Factions server, where you can experience Minecraft the way it was meant to be played! Our server focuses on maintaining the classic vanilla-plus experience while introducing some unique twists to keep the gameplay exciting and engaging. Now running on 1.20.6 and supporting Bedrock players! Join the discord: Discord Server Join us at: ZynnCraft.fr.to… Read More

  • ATM 9 – By Night Time Gaming

    ATM 9 - By Night Time Gamingthis is a WIP Public ATM9 server by Night Time Gaming all info on ntgclan.us.to the port for this server is 25566Our goal here is to work hard to keep up a lag free server we offer the best rollback system EVER!discord and other info on site 🙂 – http://ntgclan.us.to/ http://ntgclan.us.to/map – LIVE MAP! find a place to start HD 3d views server has 24 cores and 64 GB RAM 24 dedicated :0 enjoy! home hosted 🙂 Im on discord 24/7 and can help solve problems quite fast 🙂 Read More