Dungeon Crawlers – Minecraft Dungeons – Rage Quitting Creeper Woods in Minecraft Dungeons

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Be so careful this is our last chance except the friends are coming after me i don’t like this [Applause] What’s up guys i am parker i am here with kitty cat today and we’re doing this because we hate tyler and don’t want to ever see him again that is false i love i love our boy tyler he’s out of town today so i am taking over the channel

Uh so hopefully you guys do enjoy today we’re trying out we just beat the game and so we uh just unlocked adventure mode and so i haven’t told katie cat which difficulty we’re doing just yet but we’re rocking creep woods right now and she’s like choose whichever

Difficulty you want to do and so of course i have to choose the hardest difficulty because why not right did you cancel it oh i thought you cancelled it i thought you were like no not today i don’t even know what would happen if you canceled it

Maybe it just uninstalls yeah it’s like no i don’t want this cancel it uh uninstall uh this is gonna be difficult so we did one episode uh adventure mode six and uh and she was like oh yeah this is easy peasy and she was literally moving around doing

Nothing the whole time and i was half dying trying to keep us alive but you can still do stuff with your sword are you serious this is what i’m telling you you’re level 70 on level 40. i need help here okay well if you you know picks me up i could

Help hold up i gotta kill this guy with the 70 suits of armor oh goodness gracious he does a crazy amount of damage hold up hold up uh i got a couple enchantments that will help us one of which is ah now we’re stuck oh goodness okay

There we go i’m good we’re good you do some work uh i got this enchantment over here which is our uh love medallion so this guy i can take the mobs around me up to three mobs and have them attack the other mobs which is going to be very convenient

Um for this kind of level i’m getting high powered mobs to help us out the only issue is is it doesn’t work with super powerful mobs like bosses and such i thought would be really convenient that’s cool so nice having like a giant yes an iron golem you can actually okay see

I’m telling you it is not as easy as it sounds i died i’m level 40 i am the younger brother having to come in and be like sis i can’t pick you up from jail again all right can’t do it ah he does so much damage

Gosh dang it dude do we turn the difficulty down or do we just like what do we do what’s the play we have to focus you’ve died twice here okay we gotta fight all right all right be friends with me all ranged attack oh i love this stop charging into battle

The nice thing is that they’re your friends a little bit and then oh yeah do that they’re your friends for a little bit and then they uh they go away they they fall down i can print yes we both have it that’s so nice oh you missed a shadow potion wait let me

Hold on you can’t see me i can’t totally see you you’re not john cena over here waving your hand in front of your faces doesn’t make you go away i’m halo invisible like not truly invisible right yeah it’s like hide and seek with your little brother who’s like

Oh wow where did you go i can’t see you at all check me out i’m invisible now i’m a beyblade no wait i can’t see you though where are you i’m invisible oh i keep forgetting that we’re in the hardest difficulty we got to really focus up here okay i have no health

Do you need health here you go wait oh thanks thanks give it to me i’ll take 700 health thank you very much don’t you have armor that gives you 700 health i do i have 800 health right now and i’m still dying because i’m reckless so i have i have good armor so

I have a little 41 over here and level 41 armor gives me 300 health you’re over here with 800. no 300 health you know what i’m out of arrows again that’s what i get for taunting you don’t deserve my love i’m just going to give it to these these zombies over here

Because they treat me right they have my back i think we could do this right we can do it i i i speak zombie that’s why they love me owls eyes buzz that means i love you it’s cheap friends oh no we can’t get sheep

Oh sheep don’t love you get out of here i love this knock back i’m just sitting here i’m gonna make a woolly bad pun are you ready stop it you already did it i know wasn’t it good though it was it was great i think would you would you call it woolly good

Oh stop it you’re making me die let get it cause like wool has died to make it ah i’m leaving do it make the recording that much better hey just kidding kitty cat you know we love you come over here oh i love the fire ass i’m gonna die again

I like the fire aspect not only to kill mobs uh but also because it makes my steak nice and cooked medium well oh thank you you’re welcome didn’t need it but i appreciate it kicking the he was kicking the skeleton that was really cute that is like a little love me

This is my favorite new thing i love it so much attack attack my minions go running away i got the lowest rated mobs ever get out of here i don’t want to be here anymore i’m over it oh you know i need to use this guy i forgot oh gosh so fast oh

Okay we’re fine i love the mushroom it makes the attack so silly i haven’t used it in such a long time where’d you go i said i was leaving you but now i’m lonely it’s dark welcome back it’s dark and lonely and that’s the only reason anyone hangs out with me

Oh goodness careful that guy he’s gonna kill you oh what if i don’t wanna caution to the wind you freak me out girl i’ll tell you that get out of here gentlemen friends become my friends oh gotta get it armor boys go go go our minions i love that we both have it

No thank you did i give you a health question i don’t know if you know this answer uh but if can we get multiple of these can we just have like a hot bar full of the of the soul thing that makes uh mobs love you and then just

Your whole attack strategy is just getting mobs to fight for you let me see like delegating attack like nah you were there ah worker you let me die i didn’t i was proposed a hypothesis oh and you let me die i have officially died twice i blame you for everything that has happened

We’re taking account now half of how many how many times we die oh guess what level i am 71 i guess 17 i look at the comments uh yesterday by the way uh you guys you guys are such high levels i mean some of you might be like i’m level 900 and it

Means nothing but a lot of you guys are like yeah i’m level 97. i’m level 100 oh gosh i could be very careful i died i’m of 108 i’m like how i i thought 108 was the cap and i was wrong it’s not there are people who were like in the 200s

That’s ridiculous oh gosh dang it i’m doing horrible you do what who’s reckless now you’re careless it’s me it’s me it’ll make him love you make him love you or something i can’t the cool down give him a zombie kiss there we go there you go oh much love to you buddies

Now they’ll protect you and you can stack them so oh that is i can have six friends oh gosh dang it i keep forgetting you can have uh mobs to guard you whenever you’re you’re raising me from the dead okay i don’t want to count

No i don’t want to count how many times we’ve died now uh i think it’s irrelevant it’s not irrelevant in the top left corner how many times has parker died no running tally well now i’m not gonna help you at all just make sure you die

We got to be the worst teammates in all of history that are just counting on the other person to die i’ve died like twice yeah maybe get out of here little guy this does so much damage and it doesn’t even touch the surface on their own do you need some health here you

Go there you go don’t do you do anything then yeah i got a ton of help more health even more all right i think i’m okay i think i’ll live did you get a strength potion yeah oh hey buddy i can’t be doing that i just i just ate

My mushroom i was feeling good about myself i was feeling it you know as hello boys come love me what is the tally at now seven thousand no it’s not seven thousand seven it might be eight i don’t know dude i love this new thing how many of

You guys use this on it on a daily basis i feel like every level i have to use the love medallion i forgot i got arrows i’m totally good goodness gracious hi friends okay okay we’re fine we’re fine i’m almost dead give me something give me a stake give

Me a stick oh we’re not or nothing okay oh shoot wow okay don’t count that as my death it was parker’s fault somehow that was 100 your fault you launched the creeper on us nope don’t know what you’re talking about uh i just did 700 damage that that’s crazy

All right we got to get through this level is this a boss what is this no there’s not a boss we just you know we’re almost there we’ll go inside we’ll eat some sandwiches and we’ll rest up and then i got some arrows finally i’ve had no arrows this whole time you

Have 53 now that’s crazy how did you know i had 15 it says it now you got 51 50 49. how do you know that ah oh goodness guacamole batman oh no can i make them love me no oh no there’s no love for us parker

Take me with you i mean go on without me ah be careful this is our last chance you’re dying this is it this is it you’re good run just run just sprint away stay alive i blame it on you it’s my fault i take that i died what’s the count what’s the count

Ow that’s that’s painful oh i couldn’t make them love me he loved me i thought he loved me come on dude wow they do so much damage yes yes yes no oh gosh get those yeah just run just run just what oh well that was inevitable okay so we made it

Back here we’ve died a couple of times i think we have uh one life left which is not bad it is hard it is way harder the zombies i mean the creepers is really what makes this impossible when you find out get me to pick smack

At the pit give me some nice old bacon boy hi here we go have some tnt please oh wow i didn’t see that i don’t know how i just do so one thing that we learned is that you can make creepers fall in love with you

The problem is is that i don’t know if the explosions from your friends hurt you as well but we’re gonna find out here in a second look at all my spider friends they’re a lot oh you got all spider boys come here let’s make a spiderman come on spider friends spider friends does

Whatever a spider friends make a friend make a friend i’m bad at this do i do i smell a grammy i don’t think i don’t think so i think that’s just a stroke oh no i have a tremendous amount of arrows i’m just going to flex on you

0 76 i have 30. thank you oh no this part is so hard friends you can’t die it’s a cool guy oh we both used it now they’re double our friends super friends best friends choose who they yeah yeah if you double up did they just become your best friends

With us till we die there we go all right we can totally do this part with our friends i’m gonna get this guy out of here no please i think you’re gonna get yourself out of there you gotta kill those enchanters okay they’re okay ruining the shot oh my goodness you’re going off

Friends oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness get rid of that guy oh shoot watch out oh shoot oh it’s all right it’s all right i’ll be smarter i got stuck you gotta be so sneaky and you don’t have a ton of arrows

No we gotta be so sneaky about our arrow use and uh how many friends we make cause this part there’s so many mobs dude and chandra go away all right we got him the worst we got this we got this friends oh i’m good oh no no no no no no no

The friends are coming after me really they they were chasing after me like either they had a great story to tell that a great story to tell or they really wanted to see my bones outside of my body i think it was that one are you friends okay i see some hearts

See some hearts okay you guys are all friends oh send help oh gosh get out of here get out of here enchantress i don’t trust you love me attack boys i’m so focused right now i can’t even think of anything to say friends seriously go go go i’m just shooting

Arrows in the crowd okay okay safety first safety first when in doubt send your friends into battle first oh oh i’m out of oh shoot oh shoot okay i gotta run away and then turn around swing turn around i’m good i’m good i almost got this oh this he’s enchanted

Why is he enchanted i no way i can defeat this guy with armor i’m just gonna make him love me this is such odd sentences that we’ve said out loud in videos now i don’t need any of that a string potion yes please oh wow he’s strong get out of here

Wow enchanter you gotta die dude you gotta die it’s gotta all go garbage no be so careful this is our last chance there’s a lot of guys behind you oh nice nice oh they’re kingdom company yeah strategic friends strategic that seems pretty manipulative i i gotta

Say oh wait we’re almost at the end come on come on come on i’m coming is our boss or anything we’re behind hold on let me get some supplies here in case i need some bread for the road no time there’s no time no time for it make friends make friends

Okay i think we might have gotten it this is what our fourth death already i’m leaning i’m leaving i’m invisible and you can’t see me goodbye are you oh wait i went the wrong way no please there’s a lot of guys here you just left me in the dust over here with

No friends i thought i could make it to the end and i would be the savior but it wasn’t true do we both have to go to the end oh wow wow wow wow i don’t like i don’t like i don’t like this no no i i messed up

The end is right here yes you did mess up we are so close love me all right see ya it’s okay it’s all good where are you come make some friends i there’s too many zombies around here i can’t just sprint through them come make friends night will hurt you in

20 seconds oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot gotta keep my health back i’m running i’m running i believe in you there’s lots of people stuck in here who need friends over here okay night will hurt me in nine seconds oh my god where are you oh shoot

I messed up i messed up oh i’m trying okay love me friends i friended them i friended them i straight up gave them gifts i made them love me but no oh well uh i think that’s as good of a place as any to end a video adventure mode is not adventurous

Adventure mode makes me want to rip my spleen out of my body and eat it for breakfast this is this is horrid i love it i want to play more i hate it and i love it i don’t know how i feel but i want to

Play more and i also want to go cry thank you guys for watching we’ll see you guys next time after i uninstall and reinstall immediately because i am addicted to this game i love you goodbye

This video, titled ‘Rage Quitting Creeper Woods in Minecraft Dungeons’, was uploaded by Dungeon Crawlers – Minecraft Dungeons on 2020-07-18 16:00:32. It has garnered 20222 views and 452 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:01 or 1021 seconds.

This level made us rage quit when trying to beat Creeper Woods in Minecraft Dungeons (we died) it’s the WORST difficulty in Minecraft Dungeons.

Thank you to PowerA for powering the channel! https://bit.ly/PowerAcontrollerLDZ pick up the grass block controller to help support the Dungeon Crawlers!

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Today we’re taking on the Creeper Woods level in Minecraft Dungeons which is filled with skeletons, zombies and Creepers! We cover all the rare items we know about as well as some of the secret areas. Let’s chat about all the game mechanics and weapon power-ups that we played with through this gameplay.

Rage Quitting Creeper Woods in Minecraft Dungeons

#Minecraft #Dungeons #Secret


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🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound All music used with permission from its creator.

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    "Wiedzminek - Play Minecraft live with us! Unforgettable nicknames await" #live #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Gramy z Widzami W Minecraft! (Generuje nicki) #live #minecraft’, was uploaded by Wiedzminek on 2024-04-09 06:55:38. It has garnered 111 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:49 or 4429 seconds. Donations: https://tipply.pl/@wiedzminek DC: https://discord.gg/8k4cXcApTh #meme #memes #funny #edgy #lol #ayylmao #dankmemes #dank #comedy #cringe #hilarious #jokes #edgymemes #nicememe #lmao #minecraft #k #followme #food #triggered #dailymeme #offensive #dankness #funnymemes #cool #wow #lmfao #clickbait #joke #edgymeme #donatepay #gameplay #pvp #crystalpvp #cringe #serwer #skygen crystalpvp, pvp , dominacja , Tagi dla zasięgu: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft… Read More

  • Republic of Velsor

    Republic of VelsorThe Republic of Velsor is a Nation-State RP server, which means that we have a functional government and country on our Minecraft server. Our server features the following Rich lore, including books, a religion, and an upcoming conlang An economy, with several active businesses A functional government, with a Consul and Senate A police force, known as the Consular Guard Several plugins, including custom map arts, a Dynmap, alcohol, and cigarettes If you are interested in joining the Republic of Velsor, you may: 1. Visit http://join.velsor.xyz 2. Contact @josephinegrey on Discord Thank you! play.velsor.xyz Read More

  • Silvermons modded Pixelmon Progression System Endgame PvE Content Weekly Tournaments Fun Events

    Silvermons Silvermons is a non pay-to-win friendly community Pixelmon Reforged server with content for both casual and competitive players. The server has a custom level cap and rank progression system that includes exclusive Gyms, Elite 4, Battle Tower, and the formidable Champion’s Gauntlet. Beyond this progression system, the server offers content for players of all interests, such as Weekly Tournaments, unique Player Gym system, Fun Events, and more! Server IP: play.silvermons.com Running: Pixelmon Reforged on Minecraft 1.16.5 Modpack: The Pixelmon Modpack (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/the-pixelmon-modpack) Read More

  • Eternal Wasteland

    Eternal WastelandEternal Wasteland – Full Anarchy – No Bans – Custom Enchants – 3-year-old map – Always Anarchy – Never Vanilla – Sister Server is Full Anarchy – eternalwasteland.com Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft players be like “lmao”

    I guess mining for diamonds really brings out the waterworks in all of us! Looks like you’re not the only one shedding tears over those precious resources. Read More

  • Goal-Getters: Ronaldo, Messi Mine Minecraft Mayhem!

    Goal-Getters: Ronaldo, Messi Mine Minecraft Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, Ronaldo and Messi play, Their adventures in blocks, in a creative display. With a lie detector in hand, the truth they seek, In a virtual world, where friendship is unique. Messi’s house is grand, with a garage so wide, Ronaldo explores, with a detective’s pride. But in the end, it’s all in good fun, Their Minecraft journey, a tale well-spun. So subscribe to their channel, join the fun, In the world of gaming, where victory is won. With Minecraft facts and rhymes that ignite, Ronaldo and Messi, shining bright in the light. Read More

  • Minecraft plot twist: Steve’s midlife crisis! #lol

    Minecraft plot twist: Steve's midlife crisis! #lol No one expected such a turnaround in Minecraft, just like no one expected me to turn around and accidentally punch my own pet wolf in the face. #oops #minecraftfail Read More

  • Monke Chronicles: Baldt TV in China

    Monke Chronicles: Baldt TV in China Exploring the Monke Chronicles in Chinese Minecraft Unraveling the Mysterious World of Monke In the vast world of Minecraft, a peculiar tale unfolds as SyNo reincarnates into the body of Tutorial Man’s son. Building his own monkey army of beggars, he embarks on a journey that terrorizes every town he encounters. The adventure is filled with unexpected twists and turns, making it a captivating experience for players. Encountering the Unusual Characters As players delve deeper into the Monke Chronicles, they come across a variety of intriguing characters. From the Bandit with her enigmatic powers to the Dashing Beggar with… Read More

  • Crafting Horse Armor in Minecraft

    Crafting Horse Armor in Minecraft Exploring Horse Armor Crafting in Minecraft When it comes to equipping your trusty steed in Minecraft, horse armor plays a crucial role in both protection and style. Whether you’re looking to craft gold, diamond, iron, or leather horse armor, this guide will walk you through the process in all editions and versions of the game. Crafting Gold Horse Armor Gold horse armor is a luxurious choice for your equine companion. To craft it, you’ll need 8 gold ingots arranged in a crafting table in a specific pattern. Once crafted, simply place the gold horse armor on your horse to… Read More

  • JJ and Mikey’s Impossible Choice in Minecraft – Maizen

    JJ and Mikey's Impossible Choice in Minecraft - MaizenVideo Information I finally arrived on this earth now I will dominate her I’ll start with this city I’m from here it will be completely mine but no one will be able to dominate it so let’s go I’m going to start releasing my boys here and they will defeat all the citizens they have here in front of them and who dare to hit me headon so come on cities will now be completely mine isn’t it guys good morning we are in another video I hope you enjoy today’s adventure let’s get started man I had a weird… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Ice Spikes – Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 100 Days in Ice Spikes - Minecraft HardcoreVideo Information ice spikes biome is one of the most difficult to survive it has no food no trees and no animals and I’m going to survive for 100 days in a world of nothing but ice spikes I won’t just survive I will turn this world into an oasis but first I need to look around and see what this world has to offer there’s a cave here and it’s pretty big I see colon iron ore in there but I’d better take a look around for a while I feel like I’m in the Antarctic I’ve never been… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Meme Viral Video #GAMING

    Insane Minecraft Meme Viral Video #GAMINGVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft Meme #shorts #viral #minecraft #viralvideo’, was uploaded by #GAMING OF PLAYZZ on 2024-06-18 14:08:03. It has garnered 3 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. minecraft minecraft but minecraft shorts shorts minecraft mod minecraft but challenge minecraft funny nico minecraft survival cash cash and nico minecraft tutorial short minecraft challenge minecraft 1.20 minecraft update canman18 minecraft mods minecraft animation shorts minecraft minecraft speedrun sharing free phone camman18 camman18 minecraft video camera minecraft memes camera phone video phone camman18 shorts minecraft but you cant touch the color minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Velociraptors vs. Rex – LAST DAY OF DINOSAURS!

    Minecraft Velociraptors vs. Rex - LAST DAY OF DINOSAURS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Velociraptors MINECRAFT*Rex MOSASAURUS SPINOSAURUS Triassic& Apatosaurus: The last day of dinosaurs?’, was uploaded by Dino Gopi on 2024-06-14 11:17:30. It has garnered 973 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:35 or 755 seconds. Velociraptors MINECRAFT*Rex MOSASAURUS SPINOSAURUS Triassic& Apatosaurus: The last day of dinosaurs? #race #jurassicworldevolution #tyrannosaurus #indominusrex #jurassicworlddominion ABOUT JURASSIC WORLD EVOLUTION 2 : Jurassic World Evolution 2 is the much-anticipated sequel to Frontier’s ground-breaking 2018 management simulation, Jurassic World Evolution, offering an all new narrative campaign voiced by cast members from across the Jurassic World film franchise, exciting new… Read More

  • EPIC MCPE WAR MOD! 🔥 Minecraft PE Addon

    EPIC MCPE WAR MOD! 🔥 Minecraft PE AddonVideo Information BL F to the kill [Music] the know [Music] the that so going [Music] he [Music] n [Music] [Music] he [Music] in [Music] the sorrow blacking all staring down the Barrow waiting for [Music] the This video, titled ‘Warfare Addon for Minecraft PE’, was uploaded by MCPE Mods on 2024-03-16 17:48:59. It has garnered 13 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:13 or 253 seconds. Addon name: Warfare Tags: Minecraft, Pocket Edition, gaming, sandbox, building, exploration, crafting, Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, game modification, game customization, virtual world, block-based, survival, creative mode, adventure, multiplayer, redstone,… Read More

  • SCANDAL: Jamesy’s AFFAIR with //MIX in POPPY PLAYTIME 3 Minecraft Build Comp!

    SCANDAL: Jamesy's AFFAIR with //MIX in POPPY PLAYTIME 3 Minecraft Build Comp!Video Information today we’re combining our favorite characters so for example if we combine AAU and a snail we get this AAU Abomination look at it’s got googly eyes coming out of her head but lizard do Lou and Gracie know I’m going to be cheating using SL slash pace which means I can get these giant builds in 1 second guys are you ready to do a build challenge I don’t know if I’m good enough to do what I’m slipping and sliding uh just get off the eye all right Gracie press the button and see what we’re… Read More

  • Hunter vs Evil War Gamer: EPIC Minecraft House Build Tutorial 🏡#viral

    Hunter vs Evil War Gamer: EPIC Minecraft House Build Tutorial 🏡#viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘house build easy minecraft house build tutorial minecraft 🏡#viral #trending #minecraft’, was uploaded by Hunter evil war gamer on 2024-05-28 06:15:04. It has garnered 476 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. minecart house build, minecraft house build, minecraft house build tutorial, minecraft house build easy, minecraft house build hacks, minecraft house build video, minecraft house build battle, minecraft house build ideas, minecraft house build challenge, minecraft house builder, minecraft house build shorts, minecraft house build app, minecraft house build modern, minecraft airplane house build challenge, minecraft airplane… Read More