Elytra Time in Spectra Libitina Ch. V&U – HARDCORE SKY ADVENTURE!

Video Information

Hi everyone welcome into stream why are my frames dropping I’ve been I’ve been having frame drops I’ve been trying to fix them sorry about things um delaying very slightly are my frames okay what’s going on guys I think I need new pc I think why am I okay you know it’s not

Perfect it’s not like it’s not like a th000 FPS but all right it’ll do it’ll do I guess I literally don’t even know why it’s doing this to me like Discord is closed Discord isn’t even here why why everything’s closed I have nothing running on my PC what if like

Downloading in the background nothing nothing I’m not done anything hi everyone welcome to the stream I hope we’re doing well how is everyone doing how is everyone doing and welcome back to the first um uh oh God that says the wrong thing um stream um welcome welcome

Back to the first like purer stream since Christmas I hope everyone’s had a wonderful Christmas period did someone say PC oh my God you know what chat one second I need to get something I forgot something I forgot something one second I forgot something in the other room Oopsie all right I’m back wow I’m a professional streamer by the way um did someone say new P funds will be required tomorrow no so I’m I’m being monetized tomorrow but I did want to say this is not like Dono bait please do not um please do not like try and

Give me like huge amounts of money for my PC um because uh any money you donate takes a really long time to get back to me uh everyone knows that YouTube takes like a month in a bit like it pays at the end of the month and then it takes

Like ages for YouTube to process that and then V andu needs to process that so like just don’t do it it’s okay I’ll let you guys know when I’m fundraising like it’ll be really clear I’ll do like a donathon or something when I want to

Fundraise for like a better PC um can I give you a huge amount of money for tea no cuz tea isn’t expensive like people think tea is expensive it’s really not it’s very very very very very not expensive um hello everyone hello everyone how am I doing I’m doing okay

How’s everyone else doing God I have so many things I need to do before tomorrow’s stream would you believe that I oh God why are you not where where am I there we go I I actually quite like my crown now look at this oh my void Stars

I’m I’m really happy with how they look without my SPS I’m so happy I’m so happy everyone um go bombard you with rainbow doners please don’t please don’t I will go through like donation etiquette tomorrow um I have donation I haven’t even started making it and I need to my goodness

Goodness my goodness happy you’re happy thank you I’ve got so much work to do chat I’ve got so much work to do for New Year’s and I’m going to be so busy at New Year’s because I have prior engagements um so yeah I’m sorry that’s why we don’t have many streams this week

Because it’s like the weird in between Christmas and New Year’s period where I’m actually having to go outside so we’ll think about that we’ll think about that um anyway we’re going back into the Minecraft hardcore world today if you remember when we left off we had just

Killed the Ender Dragon and we’re on day 69 oh my goodness so I can finally fly everywhere which is very cool which I like a lot um so we’re going to be flying everywhere we’re going to be flying at New Year party of course of course the ghosts do like another they

Really like the Mario Kart tournaments they do another Mario Kart tournament also oh my God speaking of ghost guys have you been on my Twitter have you seen the amazing art join by m zakura i just every time every time it just I’m so spoiled chat I’m so blessed

I’m so blessed I know you have like a vtuber mama and a vtuber Um Papa I feel like m is like be uncle but how much art I’ve been I’ve been I’ve been blessed with it looked it looks so good like the most recent one I love it so so much yeah of

Course there’s no there’s no I’m literally unmonetized I’ve been unmonetized for a really long time because I D I kind of don’t want to deal like L key Loki I don’t want to deal with I it’s a bad like like like don’t get me wrong but it’s like it’s

Very it’s a stressful concept the fact that people can actually give me like their hard-earned wages it it really stresses me out so I’m going to have to deal with that anyway the lighting oh was amazing yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes I know the ghost helping me get

Ready and like my sleepy expression with one eye open oh yeah oh that was good that was good I looked I looked at that for ages um and if you look at the um if you look at the wider hard earned oh my God are my viewers trust friend kids anyone here

Got a trust don’t don’t actually say if you have a trust friend please it would be funny it would be funny if you did though um I would drop guys guys stop I’m being genuine I don’t actually want anyway we’ll talk about it tomorrow we’ll talk about it tomorrow

Um we’ll see we we’ll have a think about it we’ll have a think about it uh let’s do Minecraft Let’s do Minecraft Which is less stressful probably um not really not not really because if I die I lose absolutely everything um guys guys stop doxing how you make your wages stop stop

Giving me information about how you make your money I don’t need to know it’s okay guys it’s okay stop giving out personal information on the internet my goodness my goodness do we have to go do I have to do that tomorrow like a no ages in chat no don’t give me your your

What’s it called in America what’s it called in America where you have like an ID number or something and it’s like guys what’s it called what what’s the name of it it’s like I don’t know it’s like an ey social security number yeah I didn’t know I still don’t know

What that is um I I just thought it would be funny if I put up anyway um let’s get into Minecraft oh my gosh bam oh wrong side bam oh my God I’m so smooth why am I so smallo goodness gracious guys don’t give out your soal I’m going to actually start Banning

People cuz I don’t know like how doxy things are I will I’ll get out the hammer don’t think I won’t I I love getting out the hammer okay sry my desk is a bit of a state at the moment I actually ironically I cleaned up my desk

But that’s why it’s messy to me because like everything is in the wrong place my goodness my goodness anyway anyway wow welcome back to Minecraft hardcore we on day 69 oh my goodness and wait where’s my elytra and we have two elytras oh my gosh I’m so excited are there are there

Phantoms outside I I don’t know if I ever went to bed but we now have wings which is so cool um the only thing that’s do I have looting on this I don’t have looting we need to get looting the only thing that is not oh my gosh I have

So many levels wait chat I have so many levels that I can use for stuff oh I forgot I forgot about this wait wait a second wait a second oh o o okay uh I need I need respiration and I need feather falling and I need I need a

Bunch of things and I do I have have a good axxe I don’t have a good Axe and do I have oh I can level 30 have I level 30 no I haven’t level guys we have so many levels oh I forgot about this part oh

I’m so excited ah there we go that’s actually decent that’s actually o no that’s not good okay okay gamer so um we’re you know back in the mines again we’re me immediately derailing stream for this don’t don’t worry about it it’s

Okay guys um V of a of PODS do I oh oh I don’t have any diamonds do I merge these together same numbers gu stop guys stop oh that’s disgusting oh In fairness you know what we we could dude no that’s got mending on it oh chat I’m stressed Minecraft hardcore stresses me

Out it stresses me out so much I don’t know why I play this game mode um we we have a lot of things that we need to get I do really need looting on that sword I might just carry around two swords we could just do that that that could just

Be what we do and that would be completely fine and completely valid any feather falling no efficiency four I will take efficiency for any feather falling no no feather falling still okay well um we’re going to keep that in our inventory we’re going to uh swap these

Out we need silk touch oh actually I do need like a better I need a better pickaxe do I have one in here I do I do okay let’s get a better pickaxe that’s disgusting that’s not a better pickaxe I hate my luck in this game let’s get a better pickaxe okay chat

143 yeah that’s a lot better than what we had yay y we did it okay I’ll put mending on that at some point and no don’t really need That why am I so unlucky I just feel I do feel a bit targeted at this point I just you basically have a Max sword no I don’t but also we don’t want knock back on our sword but I put mending on this for some reason but I also need looting and

Everything’s just a bit of a mess right now um things make sense in my head but I realize like for for viewers this is probably really confusing um I apologize basically I’m trying to get better stuff so we need this we need we need both of these uh my inventory is a

Mess it’s okay it’s okay because the reason why I want nting Oh My Sword is I want to have gunpowder so I can actually make some rockets and I can actually use my Electra also I need Unbreaking I need Unbreaking on my Electra because otherwise I’ll be very sad how have you

Been doing I’ve been doing well thank you chat thank you so much for asking how was everyone’s Christmas period I hope everyone had a good Christmas period I’m going to take an Unbreaking one book because like that’s better than nothing did I get any Unbreaking books in my last thing

Iggy I cannot remember I cannot remember one bit I can’t remember at all what I did last time um I must have have Sher boxes yeah I do have Sher boxes um but I do not appear to have any what was I looking for oh actually I can I can merge those

Uh what was I looking for chat an Unbreaking book no we didn’t get any books from the place did we I spent mine recovering from the code I’m so sorry but at least you had the Christmas period to recover from a Cod if you were trying to recover during work and then

It just got elongated that would be that would be especially sad okay well Unbreaking one and mending is not terrible for an elytra so so maybe we just we take that uh protection for I do have protection for and everything very cool no respiration still um we want to

Get mending basically I need Creepers to kill or I need to be able to make a creeper Farm I think our big plan for today is making a creeper Farm Unbreaking book how do you break a book guys please I would never do anything bad to books also I tried to make a

Trunk loader because I really wanted to keep getting iron because this Farm is really bad but um my trunk loader keeps failing basically because uh whenever the minecart okay those of you who know what I’m talking about whenever my mine cart goes on this block it doesn’t get

Picked up by the hopper and I don’t know why so I’m very sad about that and we’re just going to have to fix it um proud Spectra you’re infinitely you’re definitely better in a Perma death situation thank you chat thank you but I to be fair like this isn’t that much of

An achievement for me because like I’ve been doing this for a long time so I really I really should be pretty pretty decent at this at this point and and you know um questions arise um oh my god did I put an Unbreaking through but on my

Shield I am the most annoying person known to man right creeper let us find one and this is definitely not dangerous oh wait did I get any blast protection okay here’s the thing if you have one piece of blast protection 4 you tend to be really really really well insulated like a lot

Better insulated than you would otherwise be Thorn’s too yoink okay let’s go find a creeper so hopefully this will buff my survivability just like a tiny bit also I’m going to turn on my brightness toggle for anyone who gets bothered by that oh you guys just aren’t uh what I

Need I need a creeper I need a lot of creepers I want to get like a base level of gunpow pow to just get a few rockets and then after that uh we’ll make a farm but where are they guys where is everyone guys come on please oh where’s

My water bucket yeah where where is everyone where are all of the creeper it is dark here so why aren’t they alive your mineart has to be picked up uh right no the mineart has to go back into the hopper so that it can dispense again and like load the chunk because

Basically I I can show you guys the setup I actually kind of don’t want to though because it’s on that disgusting Island where it’s all over a lava pit and it’s only one block one block thin so um kind of dangerous kind of not where you want to go very

Often where where are the mobs why are there no monsters okay is there a uh boat here I can borrow and then I can go around the place because it’s not going to be night time forever and I kind of I kind of need I kind of need a creeper

Wait why why is is it turning today already please please video game W please I just I just need one thing to kill ow how did you hit me I was shielding anyway um this was a disgusting mission fail why do I keep saying disgusting today

Why do I keep saying that this was a terrible oh I spoke too soon bam don’t I hate you I hate you so much this silly game this silly game betrays me at every instance it possibly FPS drop this game betrays me very much and oh oh FP I don’t know why

My PC is not having a good time today I really don’t um but we’ll just have to uh keep going and um see Bam Bam and see how things go all right well I guess we we do just need to make I guess making a gunpow Pomers

Seems like a skill issue how dare you how dare you I feel like this world really does not see itself as aligned with me I feel like this world is actively trying to sabotage me at every opportunity it gets but that’s okay you know it do be like that sometimes and um

We need to go and murder some fish this is also what I wanted the Looting sword for I wanted 100% uh salmon drops oh no they’re in the kelp they’re hard to hit in the kelp um and how this helps me is essentially I

Want want to get some cats I need to get at least two cats and then those cats need to make more cats for me and then we’ll end up with like six cats and then if I can still remember how to build a creeper Farm by scratch we’ll be doing

That bam bam how did you how did you not die oh I have no sharpness okay Bam Bam okay don’t worry about the fish guys that they’re totally fine they’re totally fine the PC is ascending into ghos yeah I don’t six years is not that

Old I thought for a desktop but the more I talk to my gen mates the more I I realize that actually maybe it is and it would be quite nice to have a PC that can actually like run Shadow and lighting effects with the new vtube

Studio update cuz I had so much fun um if you haven’t seen my my I think it’s my latest short about that I had so much fun recording that and genuinely just playing around and then I was like oh wait I can never do this on stream or

Like set these as toggles because it will fry the inside of my PC and it’s a shame it’s a it’s a real shame six cats uh I was going to make it two story so maybe I guess we only need uh two cats but um six because I would like to keep two

Cats outside of the murder machine that I’m putting in my house forever so yeah I’m going to keep with six cats possibly but we only need to tame two so if we get about like half a stack of fish that should be pretty good hi guys hi please

Uh be my friends Bam Bam Bam Bam B okay very cool very cool there we go your PC is going to be supersonic listen my PC does its fast but um it is oh it it is uh a struggle to have cooperate in certain situations right now let’s see

If we can find a cat we just need any cat any cat will be a good cat um they should be here in the village I feel like I’ve seen some before and I wasn’t able to grab one uh but if they’re not here they’ll be in the other Village

Which is equally good all right if anyone sees a cat please yell at me where are they get cats H okay none none so far maybe I saw them at the other other Village I I could have sworn that I remember seeing them oh I love efficiency it’s so nice to have

Efficiency back chat I can’t tell you how nice it is right where the fish I mean the cats I have fish I have fish as offerings to give them o I didn’t come in here did I I have offerings hello please please be my friend no cats wow this is

Sad okay that’s all right then we will just head to the other Village yeah yeah yeah I’m also very glad there’s enough villagers here to um repopulate The Village I definitely didn’t steal a lot of villagers from we’re fine we’re so fine okay bam let’s head over there oh it’s

So nice and foggy this is such a nice fog compared to the lethal company fog that was as they say lethal uh and and freaked me out quite a lot and I I just hated how you could see literally nothing through the fog and lethal

Company like a little bit of fog is fine but like completely the obscuring vision that did bother me do I have my music on I don’t have my music on or my sound’s on whoopsies professional oops Prof professional streamer yes that is me okay where are the cats I know

There must be some here please please I only need two hello cats okay hang on let me do that so I’ve turned on hit boxes which means uh if that is a cat I should be able to see it okay what are you no where are they I see a line nope got

The Sheep why are there no cats anywhere how bizarre there’s no way there’s no cats so cats spawn um around villagers naturally I I do not believe what are you you’re a sheep I’ve been I’ve been click baited I hate it I hate it here right

Where are the Gat where are they we are friends are we not they’re hiding in fear what do they have to fear from me I’m not going to put the originals into into the death machine I can’t believe this you’re chicken I was so excited I was so

Excited what are they there I I’ve definitely seen cats I know I’ve seen cats before because I wanted to come back for them are they in the other Village like the nether portal Village maybe they despawn no cats guys guys you’re creepy scary ghost that’s so rude that’s so mean you’re so mean to me chat um well that’s kind of a problem actually like we can’t use our elytra unless we have a good source of gunpowder so we’re kind

Of um in a very bad position if we if we can’t get cats so I’m going to quickly go back to my house see if I can grab some leads and if we can find some cats we’ll just you know the originals don’t worry about it we will keep the cats the

You know the parent cats and then the the children cats yeah they can they can go and uh they can they can be creeper bait they can be creeper bait and that’s okay because they never get harmed by creepers so it’s a very ethical Arrangement and they they have nocturnal

Night vision don’t they so they’ll be very happy in the dark um we’ll put that there we’ll put that there where are my leads so I tend to put my leads in an Ender Chest because they are valuable in the leads are annoying to get one lead better than nothing better than

Nothing okay let us be off let us be off if I saw Spectra I’d run away too you guys are so mean to me you guys are so mean to me what do you mean by oh actually wait let me quickly trade with the Villagers and

Let me just also quickly see if I do have any gunpowder because it might be worth grabbing a tiny tiny bit um and making the rockets that we can make no gunpowder no gunpowder any gun powder I feel like I would remember having it and I I just don’t think I

Have any yeah okay oh did I put it upstair no we didn’t make any splash potions no we did make splash potions we we did one round of okay I probably used up my only gunpowder for that one thing okay we need feather falling we need feather falling right now um hello no

You’re not who I want to trade with thank you so much yes please donate please donate the um Iron yeah very cool okay right we will head to the village and see what we can find see what we can salvage amongst the creatures there bam beautiful woman or scary I am like

Literally 2D I don’t know how I could be less intimidating I literally don’t even have my Spears on at the moment so isn’t that completely fine to be honest I don’t really object to being called scary cuz I get it I in like um you know

When I was doing my seven phds I had I have to be I’d to be very professional and I know a lot of people are actually intimidated by me which is really sad cuz I do like helping people and I do like mentoring people um but I think a lot of the time

People don’t feel um like it’s okay to ask so often I’m like really volunteering uh helping people because I know that they don’t feel comfy asking for it so yeah no being called intimidating is something I’m very accustomed to you know women in the

I the SC now that sounds just be just be a bit careful with any follow-ups to that I mean I don’t yeah that’s fine that’s fine but I feel like that could be construed as some less less fine stuff I can’t see why thank you thank

You I think I’m just a little goofy goober but obviously people don’t you know know that you communicate in uh twitch otes sometimes when you you just meet them in a in a work setting you know what I’m saying so it is what it is Bam right where are the cats

Please please befriend me I am here that is a loud fire oh my gosh it’s loud because oh oh murder has happened it’s loud because it’s got a hail under it so the crackling is very different and I wasn’t used to that hello any any cats here no

Cats I actually don’t know what to do because we need cats like I don’t I don’t know how to say this we we need them and they spawn in villagers so if they’re not here I don’t know what I’m supposed to do we we just we need them

And they died uh Maps I’ll take some maps you know we can use those at some point H oh now that that wasn’t me like that actually wasn’t me this time that that actually wasn’t me this time that that wasn’t me this time look for Jungle Cats um you can’t actually

Tame ocelots oop someone has outdated Minecraft uh knowledge no you can’t tame ocelots and turn them into cats anymore that’s not a thing they removed that when they uh like added cats after a while so we can’t go to a jungle not that we even know where a jungle is at the moment

So a leave me alone leave me alone alone I’m just a little guy oh I never went in here gosh I left this Village so unlooted and for what reason actually I can burrow some of them wait excuse me excuse me come here please I need I need your

Membranes I need your membranes cuz I can use them to heal this oh my gosh I was jump scared um and actually having the Phantoms is a good way to see if cats are here because cats will scare them away so the fact that they’re not being scared away just means

We have no things here okay thank you is that a cat no I think that’s a spider Bam Bam okay cool um it doesn’t look like there are any cats here which is not ideal at all I think we should just sleep and then head home and then pray that we

Find a cat soon I Guess I thought they made it so tamed us let’s turn into cats they don’t turn into cats I don’t know if aots scare away creepers I I would have some doubts about that but do you know what uh is that blast yes it is excuse

Me excuse me can I borrow you for a second I’ve been trying to reach you about your car insurance or however it goes I don’t really know o no no no no no no no no no no bam okay very nice very nice uh where’s the last one

Okay cool um 10 gunpowder is fine that’s an okay amount of gunpowder we will make do with that for now it’s kind of only 30 Rockets So we really need to set up a gunpowder Farm but um I suppose we’ll head home and see if we can find any

Cats that way let me have one more look there must be a cat somewhere like there must be there are so many guys here where would the cat have gone maybe the cat ventured oh my gosh how are you all the way here are you okay are you

Lost you you look so lost oh um you know what we’ll just keep looking okay no cats here what are you you’re a pig uh maybe it was a mod oh no uh OOTS did used to turn into cats upon taming but now they don’t they just stay

Offel Lots but I don’t know if I don’t think they um a away Creepers the same way that cats do anyway I I feel like ot’s a big pain to grab so it doesn’t matter too much anyway where are the cats why where are

They I just want to be friends I just I just I just want to I have loads of fish I can give them a good life you know what I’m saying and they don’t they don’t want to they don’t want to be my friend A okay well I guess we just go home um it’s probably Fine I do want to go exploring though and we definitely don’t have enough gunpowder to kind of do that should we just do it anyway we could just do it anyway I’ll think I’ll think hopefully maybe a cat will even spawn at my base and and then we can get two

Good life what do you mean what do you mean by those brackets what do you mean by that what do you mean by that okay that was not productive but fine we will see we could change personality so the cats no longer fear us why would the

Cats fear us chat I do not believe the cats are really capable of thoughts at sentient and they are also not omniscient so they don’t know they don’t know what I’ve been up to they they there’s no way they would possibly know there’s no way they’d be aware so it’s probably

Fine okay but what I would do is I will grab the book that I need oh I should have killed that cow um I’ll grab the book that I need and I will put I’m breaking and mending onto my wings because why not and we’ll see how things go from there

Um and how much where’s our paper you know what let’s just grab paper from here they definitely know I don’t I don’t think so I think it’s fine okay no cats here I would like to go flying chat I I really love going flying isn’t there a

Trip that cats can see ghost I don’t know about that actually maybe but that’s not something I’m aware of I’d love to know though if if chat are able to find out like please let me know cuz that sounds very interesting okay 30 Rockets um so we will trade our iron away

Again hi thank you thank you for your service oh thank you very helpful and then we trade one with oh my God 25 I forgot how expensive this guy is what do you have Fortune oh we can trade for um two Unbreaking books and make Unbreaking two it’s very scuffed but it’ll

Workink like very very scuff but that’s okay we’ll make it work chat um so wait what the what huh what are you wait why did it give me I clicked on I I clicked on I wanted mending I clicked on mending hello this game hates me I definitely

Clicked on mending that I didn’t trade for piercing mending give me mending okay mending huh huh what what happened just then okay well I guess we have it so definitely mending very oh no I don’t want to on um and then we grab one more Unbreaking book

Oh my God I’m out of books we’ll grab one more Unbreaking book please and we’ll uh yink the two together and the other thing we can do is I should probably use my levels to like enchant random things before hang on wait oh wait are you Unbreaking one Unbreaking please thank

You so much and yeah so I will go back in and I’m going to just waste my levels enchanting random things for the fun of it um because I might as well I might as well and what do we need um okay we don’t really need that

Ah protection three okay it’s also not good and Unbreaking fire protection again well it is what it is uh then we grab these Together we don’t need you uh we combine these and it it’s not the best it can be but it’ll it’ll definitely do for now it’s it’s it’ll be fine okay uh can you guys trade again yet no So I want to go in an adventure I want to go flying around the world I want to see where the biomes are I definitely want to grab some cacti um and we should have enough resources that we are able to to do it pretty pretty well so I’m

Going to put one of these in here I’m going to put some fire resistance potions in my uh ender chest too because they’re always eible to have on hand um emeralds I’ll also take with me emeralds and iron you know what I should sort out some ender chests okay I mean

Not ender chests I should sort out some sh boxes I’m to silly I just made more than I needed okay so we’ll put these back in here uh then we grab some dye okay never mind um any flowers around here I can Bur please anyone got

Any flowers I just need a few I just I just need one or two I just want to make some some pretty Sher boxes us to make an XP farm nah we’re fine I think I think we’re good for now um any yellow flowers yellow excuse me yellow flowers

Anywhere why are there no flowers H I feel like I I haven’t been through to take them So oh well stream luck and F effect right now I feel like I get a streamer debuff I’m going to be honest I I don’t think I’ve really encountered any cases of streamer luck so far uh we did find a city fairly quickly that was the one piece of

Streamer luck we had I suppose but apart from that we’ve not been terribly Lucky in my humble opinion of course we we’ rather you rather been very unlucky but that’s fine we’ve been doing our best so uh I’m going to po po I’m going to make

A I wanted to make orange dye but it looks like we don’t have enough flowers which is fine okay oh I’m excited to to explore I just want to see what’s around we haven’t gone anywhere really so it’ll be pretty nice oh I’ll take one of you as wellink and So oh my God i’ have I have too many things I have too many things so I like making something I like to call like a utilities box where I just put a bunch of items that I will most probably need ever um and that includes wood cobblestone

Um random building blocks and I think I’ll put some IR I’ll leave the iron I’ll leave the iron that’s probably fine uh yellow we can put spare food in so that stuff uh we’ll take a stack of carrots too really all we need and then this magenta one I can put in um

Ores basically valuables that we could need along our way oh I’ll grab some some of these too yeah um and I think that would be okay for now yeah why I have a Smite sword in there I don’t know why I don’t know why uh random utilities choco box this will

Be just for me to put items in I should probably uh put in a spare elra here oh paper paper is good to have because if you accidentally get stranded it’ll be super super helpful even color coded I like having a little Rainbow of choker boxes that I use to organize everything

But we don’t have enough D at the moment I kind of think it’s worth trying to do one more very quick creeper murder run because it’ll be so useful for us in the long term so yeah let’s do a very quick creeper murder run attempt okay and let’s pray that it

Doesn’t go wrong let’s just hope it doesn’t go wrong okay how are we feeling chat are there any biomes that we really want to see um the key things on my list today are Cactus and flower first so if we can get either of those things I’ll be very happy yeah all righty

Um why is a good place to go I’m going to go over here I feel like here was a good place to go let’s just hope we don’t die I’m very nervous that we’re going to die I don’t want to die as soon as I’ve got my

Elytra and I haven’t even been able to use it so we’re going to be very careful no desert biomes yeah if I remember yeah I haven’t seen a single desert biome haven’t seen a Mesa some stained glass would be pretty nice too that would be cool but everything else I’m not entirely

Sure okay ooh that is in fact a creeper um so you kill everything else in the area and you get the health oh no so you have to not Max charge um your bow when it’s powerful otherwise it will kill things but I thought the distance was far enough that the damage would

Have been like counterbalanced anyway I apparently not Bam Bam where are the creepers creepers please come to me I just need to B you guys for a second I have a PSA you know go away bam B bam that’s so hard to hit cuz that’s so

Tiny okay let’s go in here is it me or is your Voice’s volume too low is my voice low chat it shouldn’t it shouldn’t be I haven’t changed it since yesterday I follow you two shorts oh welcome in the Stream I hope you guys have been enjoying my shorts though um I don’t

Expect oh my God there’s end um I don’t expect there to be very much crossover between like shorts and live but that means when it happens it’s really special so thank you thank you guys um I’ve been getting some positive feedback on my shorts which makes me very happy please don’t explode bam

Thank you all righty did he just Dro one gunpowder after all that hello excuse me oh my God and spawn behind you too let me just get rid of him fine fine on my end I think it’s fine okay cool oh my gosh oh my gosh there’s

So many creepers all of a sudden what what is this like counterbalancing streamer look I don’t think that was quite enough no it was it was too much Bam Bam okay uh for anyone who’s not sure why I’m playing this so carefully it’s because it’s hardcore so uh these guys

Will kill me in one h hit um I do have blast protection so hopefully it’s a little better but you never quite know B how are you no okay how did I oh he wasn’t the one who I hit down oh you’re the guy I hit down oh my God Please do you still have four times VI attention on shorts so I actually did you know the short that um I uploaded that hasn’t done well like the T one I think hasn’t done well it’s it’s it’s it’s a good short and I’m very happy

With it but it hasn’t got as many views as the other ones that one still has like a 4 minute viewer retention and I think that’s why YouTube killed it I think YouTube thought there is something a foot here with like a 4minute retention for one minute video average

We’re going to kill it that’s my only short that hasn’t um you know been pushed out as much so I kind of shot myself in the foot but you know now I know for future that um I shouldn’t clown about 4 minute retention because it happened

And it actually didn’t go well which is fine which is fine so thank you guys for helping me uh learn a lesson with the YouTube algorithm so yeah so yeah shorts are paying off uh that remains to be seen they are actually it’s really hard to

Come up with ideas for shorts like I love making them but genuinely every short I’ve made has only come into fres because I’ve just randomly thought of something I wanted to talk about and then I spent like the day editing so my creative process is not consistent

And that’s why I think it would be really hard for me to do like a writing stream um because I have to be inspired to write and then I’ll write like 10,000 words and one sitting and then I’ll stop for like two weeks that’s kind of what

My writing process is and that equates to my shorts as well um I think it does help when it’s like a work project project like something I’m doing for V andu because if I’m doing writing for someone else like law writing for example it’s uh really easy

For me to get inspired cuz I feel like I’m the one who has to help them bam uh and so that’s a lot easier for me and I don’t really tend to struggle as much with that as long as I have like a day’s worth of time to Generate random

Ideas goad oh yeah it is fun though it it’s definitely a lot of fun what does it go now uh Ender Dragon and Electro done now what’s next uh just progression just building finishing my house I guess oh you guys there’s too many other

Mobs in the area for me to be very happy just like looking up please leave me alone please leave me alone oopsie B bam okay cool righty how much gun powder 11 gunpowder dude we have suffered too much to only get 11 gunpowder are you kidding me that is that is not

Good that’s not even a stack we don’t even have a stack o oh my gosh we’ve killed so many and we only have a stack h it’s fine let’s go to the other Island the creeper Island see if there’s anything else over here we need a v&u

Fight Club PVP stream I don’t think the v&u guys would like that uh I don’t think anyone in v&u is really a pvper I’m not a pvper and I I think I’m probably the um I would definitely say I’m probably the the the the not there’s a lot of players

In v and do who love playing Minecraft but I think I think I probably am you know I probably do play the most out of everyone because I play by weekly um and even I’m like not huge on PVP so I don’t think it

Would work I really do want to do like a Minecraft Project in future I feel like it’ll be a lot of fun uh Minecraft is a game that really uh is very popular among vtubers and so I want to do that in future but it would have to I don’t

Think PVP would quite fit so yeah wow the arrogance what do you mean it’s like statistically true chat how what what other vtubers in in v and do have bi-weekly Minecraft streams none of them do any of the vtubers in V andu stream like do they have the same weekly

Hour output I don’t think so so I definitely think I do play the most um at least on stream out of the v& girls so yeah uh maybe an obstacle course yeah maybe maybe maybe SP you’re the only one playing hardcore yeah I’m the only one playing

Hardcore but then it’s like hardcore is very Niche and you have to be a certain kind of you have to be a certain kind of personality if you really want to play hardcore in my humble opinion I mean Ekko may have a shot I don’t think Ekko does it by weekly

Though maybe maybe I don’t know for sure um I’m just estimating based on like what is my actual schedule so yeah son and Echo come close it’s true though because when they do that Minecraft streams they play Minecraft for like 8 hours in one sitting I can’t do that chat I I just

Couldn’t do that I go into the I go like C stream in the morning and then I come back like hours later ready to like start stream myself and S still going and I’m like what how though but how actually how so it is kind of crazy it is a tad bit

Crazy is Minecraft the only game you play hardcore there’s not really um many games with an equivalent perade death I would say like there Fire Emblem three houses but whenever a unit dies uh the game literally has a soft restart setting because they know how many

People are just going to soft reset so it there’s not really the same like game over as soon as one person dies everything is gone like everything usually there is an option to reset it or go back to a save point Minecraft doesn’t have save points so I wouldn’t really

Say I don’t think in any game I’ve played there’s an equivalent where literally everything is lost and you have to go all the way back to the beginning unless it’s a very very simple game like I don’t know Pac-Man I don’t know I don’t know uh let

Me put these into a chest too I think we’re ready to go off to be honest I’m going to reset my spawn point there okay which direction so we Are you know what let’s go to 5,000 uh 5,000 what is everything yeah let’s go to 5,000 5,000 so we’re going to play it as safe as we can we’re just going to fly and we’re not going to bump into any any objects we’re just going to go

Straight in One Direction and we’re going to be very very careful okay guys so when you fly with an elytra uh the kinetic basically you don’t have the protection of a chest plate and um you have a lot of kinetic energy so if you bump into anything it’s very

Easy to die a lot of streamers with like 5year hardcore worlds and stuff have died to kinetic energy so you just want to be especially Mindful and careful also because we do not have um netherite which is super bad it means that we take even more damage okay this is looking pretty mountainous

I would say ooh oh my gosh a structure this is looking very mountainous actually I don’t think we’re going to find a desert near here because they don’t tend to spawn in such regions oh no chat I forgot to put a water bucket in my hot bar I do have so much

There we Go Y and yoink and yoink this like the easiest way for me to get this at the moment oh it fell I didn’t even need to do that ooh loads of obsidian uh for why are you here why are you here go go somewhere else please thank you okay no flower

Forest if anyone sees any structures like a village with cats in let me know let me know oh God this is horrible train actually it’s it’s just more of the same I think this is pretty mountainous too we have going to find an ocean yeah what’s that the Y level of

This is very high I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s lots of ancient cities down here cuz like look at that that’s pretty dude this not the trade I want I I wanted Tre let’s fly somewhere else let’s fly over this way I didn’t want

This trade I I want I want a desert I want super flat terrain hello msma msma Rising how are you my beloved I hope you’re doing very very well we are playing some Minecraft we just got our elely so we’re flying around the world couldn’t find any cats but that’s okay

That’s okay uh we’ll get him next time and yeah we’re just seeing if we can find a desert these are old beaches I’m feeling very very scammed right now um but yeah we’re seeing what we can find near our base this world is very syy it’s um a little weird it’s a little

Strange but that’s okay because we can cover so much more ground now okay um let’s go have a quick look at that shipwreck and Village see if we can find any cats what is it MMA what is it you said Tia you said Tia what is it what’s wrong what’s wrong what is

It m I got you a Christmas present okay I I thank you thank you so much I thought it was like a that was an emergency and I was like opening Discord and I was like what do you need I I I was like oh God go what’s

Happened now that needs like have I docked myself without knowing oh my goodness right cool um you know what for now we can just put these in a little uh chest yes when people say my name in caps like I always assume the worst case scenario like I don’t know

Why I’ve just been conditioned that like I don’t know maybe whenever people needed to get my attention during stream and I just wasn’t focused that that’s what they tended to do thank you let’s borrow some of these thingies oh my gosh none of them can say

Tear that’s so funny M I made it in my chat con say tea so you’re the only one who can um I origin kept the present a secret friend wait wait wait wait when did you say you got me a Christmas present like yeah it’s been Christmas so

What what you need me to do anything Cat Spotted Cat Spotted Cat Spotted I’m excited I’m excited come back what the you don’t love me that wasn’t me by the way cat y oh I missed okay well there we go thank you so much oh my gosh a cat oh I’m so happy

I have a cat now guys let’s see if we can find another cat though that would be super super cute get out while you still can’t you guys are so mean to me I take very good care of my pets I don’t know what you’re what you’re saying what

You’re insinuating with such words but I’m so happy I have a cat now okay well excuse me you can stay here and uh I’ll I’ll yeah yeah you can stay here for now and I will try and get you a friend let’s get another

Cat I want a second one what can I put in here um yoink yoink yoink okay I would like a second cat any any more cats for the taking for the stealing for C is all over you guys are so mean I love my Minecraft pets I take

Such good care of them why why is everyone acting like terrible things are going to happen also check can we remember uh 2,500 uh 6,500 you know what it might actually just be best to go home with this one cat so that I know I definitely have one

Um I don’t think this direction is particularly good for us right now uh we’re not really getting a huge amount so yeah I think we should probably be a bit we might want to go the other way uh paper I will take is that everything okay gosh it’s really being uh sanded in

Here hasn’t it unknown very treasure map yay um we’ll take you let’s have a quick look and see what’s in here wait um oh God oh God I have so many things I have so many things on me okay and are you Looting you are looting wait me next I’ll be your cat

MMA MMA this is not appropriate on Main like what MMA don’t no no no no don’t don’t don’t don’t lower yourself to the station of a cat you know I think I think you’re much more important a cat can’t have a tea party with me I mean it

Can but it won’t really appreciate the tea and I I don’t really think tea is good for cats like can you give cats tea I probably wouldn’t just to be safe whereas I can give you there’s nothing inappropriate about that I I beg to differ I beg to differ I mean

I I do appreciate the sentiment very very much but but perhaps um no perhaps uh no no I don’t know I don’t know Chief it is I I don’t know Chief anyway so let me just see if there’s anything here doesn’t look like there is a huge amount

But I’m going to dive very quickly and see yeah Dia hates MMA no no I just I mean I no but I I just I have questions about um I have questions I have questions about why you know I I have questions so many questions all the time really and so I

Just thought it would be prudent to ask them why not what do you mean like why don’t I hate well cuz I I could never hate an iteration of bisma but also I don’t I need I don’t you know what it’s mine without it’s mine it’s mine without

You being a cat you know what I’m thing you know what I’m thing we don’t you don’t you don’t need to be a cat it’s okay V yourself be yourself c a cute I want to be you’re very cute though I love your batwing tail I’ve

Said this it’s a very cute batwing tail you don’t need to be a cat cats cats smell cats smell all animals smell and they dirty so I you know I appreciate I I I appreciate that you know at least cognizant humans can have control over their hygiene which is something important to

Me I that that’s like the single reason why I don’t want pets um and uh potentially there are many people in my family who still think I’m like 13 and really want a cat and it’s like no I’ve evolved as a person I have evolved as

The person and I think maturing is is not wanting a pet anymore and realizing there are a lot of work and you know for some people that’s okay but personally for me I have hay fever I hate cleaning I I hate dust dust is bad things to me

And if that’s a cat there’s going to be so much dust so yeah that’s just how it is it’s just how it is everyone um do I take my cat and head home oh my gosh I forgot about the big treasure map I completely forgot I was doing this uh

Okay well let’s quickly go to bed and get the treasure map it is a lot of effort yes maturity is going from morning to pet to to be a pet okay chat it’s it’s time it’s time for me to go I have to go I have to leave actually um yeah sorry

To cut the stream short but I’ve decided uh no more no more why am I why am I going on first but I I am no longer someone who needs to walk anywhere we can just do this oo is Desert no beach okay um oh that’s pretty is that an

Archway God so many mountains in this part this part of the world okay um we go like this and we use the strategy TM we go like this we navigate we go so that we are one oh no I am so bad at doing this wait wait no okay so we go this

Way and it’s here now we go this way okay we turn and then we back in one pixel out and it should be hit here here here there we go oh I have too much stuff in my inventory to grab all that um okay no we actually don’t need that

Right now uh what else can I throw out yoink yink y why have a cat when you can summon a demon true true so true demons are very cool and a lot of demons are very cute like Z but we can’t really be summoned anymore because you know we we are no

Longer in that realm it’ be like that sometimes can I be summoned because I’m like a ghost demon I feel like a ghost demon wouldn’t be able to be summoned no no one’s ever really tried before um clearly you know whatever relatives I had if I had any when I was alive uh

They didn’t want to summon me back ch shame real shame what about a demon cat I feel like having demonic versions of creatures would be very cute like Mr Mo very cute very cute I wouldn’t say Mr MO is my pet but are they you know I don’t know I

Don’t know anymore okay let us head home with our cat we only need one more Ouija board was used to contact here back in the day maybe maybe you know I neither confirm nor deny uh any allegations made by the people um I couldn’t possibly say I couldn’t

Possibly say any more cats to be friends with my cat any any more cats I just want to find a cat friend anyone anyone here okay well um it’s going to be hard to fly with this one how am I going to get him home so we do need to go this

Way for quite wait oh that’s just a tree I thought it was another Village I thought it was free real estate okay so the cat and I I can boat travel back I think it shouldn’t be too far I think are you still here yes you are still here it

Shouldn’t be too far um where are we we’re at like 1,000 5,000 yeah we’ll just keep heading this way dragging the water put him in the boat maybe nah he’s he’s fine he’s fine guys he’s totally fine yeah I tied it I tied it in a way

That’s like very no it’s not cuz like otherwise otherwise if I put him in the boat then when I try and get rid of the boat I’ll accidentally kill him because I’m trying to hit the boat and the hit boxes are like overlapping so this is actually the safest way to transport a

Cat in Minecraft guys guys come on I’m a very responsible P um I don’t know what you’re talking about um so yeah don’t worry about it don’t worry about it I won’t let me you C no your cats are so cute Miss see your cats are so so

Cute your cats are so cute but you know what I understand I understand you know whatever makes them happiest whatever keeps the the cats happy what chat it would be the rspca pater isn’t a thing in the UK so you know good luck no oh my God if I kill

This cat now I’m going to be so sad please please please please please wow amazing anyway um okay let’s head up this way people uh people make my cats happy that’s super clingy a a that’s that’s that makes me happy too cuz I think cats are very cute and

Actually I recently had contact with a cat very good times very good times chat a lot of um we’ve lost the lead where is the lead oh there he is okay let’s just hope that the cat follows me without the lead it’ll probably be fine probably oh my God I’m

Having so many frame rate drops because I’m loading chunks in my world that I haven’t loaded before um okay it’s okay I Believe in Us to find our way home uh uh oh no where’s my cat okay this is going to be um a little difficult for

The train in ter of the train to Traverse but that’s fine I believe in myself I believe in my ability to get the cat home okay you’re here okay very good you make it sound like you had a business meeting with a cat it was a business meeting I

Exchanged head scratches for for um being able to befriend the Cat and stri Its F yeah and then I I got happiness the cat got like pots and and strokes honestly his F was so shiny it was so cute it was so smooth like genuinely it

Was like it was like the cat had been to like the the groomer you know the dog groomer where they put shampoo on the on the dog’s fa and stuff I don’t have a dog I don’t know what I’m talking about but um it was so soft I was like wow it

Really feels like this dog has has been know this cat has been somewhere that it’s like a f specialist first softening specialist it was so cute cat got the short end of the stick no the cat was very happy the cat um didn’t per for anyone else except me and that’s how you

Know that’s how you know you’ve been chosen it only Pur for me which made me very happy everyone else was like nah you see cats and I we kind of understand each other so we both hate people like we get it we get it we just have like a mutual

Understanding it was very good the truth and one yeah I think I just stayed long enough to befriend it oh yeah I don’t really think it was anything special I did oh gosh okay cat where are you okay let’s go this way I I want to keep him safe

I don’t want to lose him yes but actually having it teleport with me is probably a lot safer than the alternative which is like trying to get him up and down okay yes very cute very cute my cat learned teleportation I’m very happy about that teleportation spells let’s Go okay please be no uh falling snow oh I want to get a dog but I don’t have any bones so we’ll just have to make do oh I think I kind of know where we are is this the this is kind of the place where I

Went a little bit to kill some cows right my gosh it’s so snowy it’s so snowy it reminds me of the b& Sa cat don’t follow me don’t follow me down here you’ll die oh my God where’s my cat cat okay you’re here you’re safe we’ll go around we’ll go around okay we’re fine we’re fine there were no creepers in that cave ready to murder me it’s okay cat thank you thank

You okay we’re fine chat we’re so fine oh my gosh this is like an endless Mountain uh owie owie okay oh my God it’s going to be night soon I don’t want to be on this mountain for much longer we’re going to have do oh that’s powdered snow we’re going to have to

Speed Run cat where are you cat Okay ex a no not again not again not the quick sand not the quick sand I hate it here no cuz my cat can’t get out of this so my cat will freeze to death if I don’t ni screenshots be quiet Chad be quiet

Cat where are you cat come to me cat where are you cat please you did not no please tell me my cat did not die in the in the PW of snow there there’s no way there’s no way there’s no way I wasn’t even stuck for that long cat cat you didn’t

Die okay okay we need to we need to get out of here we need to get out of here before the game sabotages our way home okay okay bam okay need to get out of here need to get out of this place this place is a

Death trap okay um cat where are you cat where are you okay good good good good do you need any fish oh wow he lost a lot of Health I think he did almost die okay um we’ll sleep we’ll sleep her we’s sleep here for now snow biomes are

C little bit little bit oh thank you all right let’s go we have a mission the mission is get home find home Z welcome in operator zi I hope you’re doing amazing I hope you’re doing amazing we’re trying to get home with my cat we’re trying to get home without my

Cat dying which is gone it it’s I mean the cat isn’t dead yet so um a win is a win a win is a win but it’s a bit of a struggle I hope you’re doing well how are you oh my God this is the most horrible Mountain I’ve ever been up okay

It’s okay cats can swim it’s probably fine uh oh gosh okay so I think the best route is to dig up the mountain side and we’ll make it do I like that the cat cut up on the bed yeah it’s a feature so the

Cat will cut up on the bed and also uh give you something it’ll give you one item from a random table okay we’ll head up here we’ll head up here but I be doing amazing Sally I hope you slept well and you’re having a good day so far

Is that lava my God it is cat where are you okay we we have to go around the lava I do not remember such an expansive um expansive uh snow biome being here but I guess I guess it is I don’t know we’ll go we’ll go around this way first I

Think hopefully we can find the end of it and then walk along the river if we’re lucky if we are lucky if the cat is gone the cat is here the cat is fine the cat learned teleportation we’re all good chat we are all good you know just like the

Enderman okay um you still here cat thank you and then we will head this way so our base is like 1,5 th000 right please let me why my no need Z zo I do not know if that is appropriate no no you stay here no stay here stay here is

That cat please be my friend be my friend be my my friend be my friend Bam Bam be my friend bam oh my god I’ve got a shield onto it there we go wow two cats I’m so happy wow chat we did it y I’s cat yeah please use your tissu Del

You could just return to slime form and then everything will be liquid mixed together and then your like uh stomach acid will kill all the bacteria and you’ll be completely fine yeah you can just return to slime for but I hope you’re feeling better I’m sorry you’re

Sick Miss Miss operator Z I hope you’re doing well wow look at my cat chat I’m so happy I can finally make a creeper Farm I can R make a creeper farm that you know that like um in development game that I sent you uh a

Demo of there’s like a scene where the Slime is in the bathtub and then you pour water on the Slime and then it just returns it just returns returns to like liquid that that’s kind of how I picture you oh my God please have mercy it’s

Kind of how I picture it’s kind of how I picture you SL you’re embarrassing no it’s very cute you know what no one needs to see no one needs to see no no one needs to see a slime excuse me can you please get in here get get in the

Boat okay now that is really just like not what I wanted to happen um no no no this isn’t going to work guys guys I need like one of you in the oh God I really don’t want to kill them please please okay okay we’re safe we’re safe so one

Of you you get in the boat and I get in here and then you ah H I’m I’m glitched I’m glitched on the boat okay wait why am I glitched okay okay okay are we good do we have everyone we do y y we look away like she’s missing a

Kidney wait what what who what what are you talking about guys why are we talking about kidneys if Deli leaves her goob on you is that a part of her no it’s like if you cut your hair is that like a part of you gone no it’s like

Well once it detaches from you it’s no longer part of your body I mean I guess it depends on your school of philosophy but like it’s not part of the main so it’s no longer you the question is at what point does the main like stop being the main

Like what if what if like you cut yourself in half and then after cutting yourself in half you like cut the other half and half again then like the first half that was cut off that was slightly smaller is now the biggest part of you

Is that like you but it’s like no that’s still not technically you I read an academic paper about that once it do feel like that actually haven’t read many academic papers about philosophy they tend to just be on science because those are the most accessible journals available

Um but yeah no definitely food for thought anyway we can finally make more cats oh my gosh I’m so happy she se you sp Z’s bu no guys no no no one go near zi I I will protect I will protect her I will protect her and her slime form

Privacy from the likes of you people if you can be called that I think it’s quite generous but whatever okay um I need to I need I oh stop please you’re going to hurt yourself okay I need these cats to uh you can sit here please no sit

Here please thank you and then you can if you can please come here as well and you can sit here bam and then if I do that and then are they going to be friends wow Sil look is that so cute oh my gosh we love to see it chat my the my

Stocks are rising right now my stocks are rising oh my goodness yeah right so we finally have some cast that’s very cool that’s very very cool um now me put some stuff away so if food can go in here I need a better I need a storage

System I really need a storage system but it’s okay because because for now we have some some very wonderful things going on and I can make a creeper Farm the question is just where do I make my creeper Farm because anywhere I put it

Is probably going to be a bit of an isol and uh that’s annoying but it is what it is I suppose I guess um what can I buy do I need to buy anything I guess I’ll just buy some of you and then that goes there right we

Need to clear in area four the creeper Farm I don’t know where to put it really uh you don’t actually need that big of space I could turn this island into a creeper farm and then one day yeah actually that would be a good idea because basically what I can do is

I can clear this island and then what I can do is when I AFK up there I’ll still be in chunks that will load uh the iron farm so it’ll be a good AFK spot for me obviously I don’t want to AFK up there too much

While I’m still within like um how do I put this uh still within 100 days what day are we now 74 oh my gosh I guess we have been sleeping so yeah that that’ll be a good plan we will make a creeper Farm uh it will be

On this island you don’t need that much space for it I hope I can still remember how to do it I um I think I think I do I think I do um you really don’t need that much gunpowder as well it doesn’t need to be the most efficient so I’m going to

Use a very basic design yeah okay let’s see let us see oh I have so many things in my inventory I’m going to put some things away please carry your cats I said that yeah I’ll relay it to them I don’t I don’t think they speak English but um

You never know you never know what they may or may not understand I still want to go exploring though is that bad I kind of just want to go exploring I don’t really want to I don’t really want to build stuff I just want to go

Outside I just want to find a desert but it’s going to be night time so um since it will be night time I will keep working on things for now and then we will explore as soon as the sun comes up again yeah does that sound like a plan

Chat I hope that is a plan um I’m going to put these away too oh I already had one of those H I’ll need that what can I build this out I actually don’t have many blocks oh I have no blocks at all huh I guess I could make it out of like

Wood I could make it out of dirt if I really wanted but I don’t like Stone would be better I just don’t have any stone either oh dear um me when me when my creeper Farm’s going to be really ugly cobble generator on stream I could I could make a m shaft

And and grab some stuff I suppose should I do that feel a bit just feel a bit Yeah okay let’s say like here is a good spot to start where’s my Sher box did I put away my Sher box okay let me um um let me repurpose my reter box as a

Dirt box for now cuz dirt is very useful uh you always want to hang on to it in a longterm world it’s good for projects they speak cat and me that’s so cute that’s very cute I appreciate that a lot the reason why you make it Pathways

Is because nothing can spawn on Pathways don’t ask quiet the game just decided that one day and uh everyone just followed it m I’ll put that there is this big enough no it’s not big enough we do need to destroy this little island too um also the reason why I am now

Using lanterns to light the area up is for the simple reason that lanterns do not count as uh entities torches are entities lanterns are not they count as full blocks so they will uh cause less lag not that you know we’re we’re in a high intense area where lag would be

Caused but just cuz my PC is so bad and I can afford to take the precaution um we’re going to be doing [Applause] that what what does that message even mean I would hope people are being respectful to other cultures poty Minecraft stress what do you mean what

Do you mean by that I have we are very rich that is why we’re using lanterns which are iron heavy iron heavy resources it’s it’s just my PC that doesn’t quite get along with everything okay you can get that why do I have those yeah there’s nothing else I can

Really get rid of at the moment okay uh is gambling a culture no but like disrespectful stereotyping is a thing and I’m not sure if that is it extreme renovation yeah I mean we’re kind of destroying the landscape but we’re going to make it pretty later so don’t worry about it

Guys don’t worry we are going to um Minecraft Rich computer P yeah well no because like the fact that we have a PC is a very cool thing it just it just so happens that my PC is a little old at the moment and that’s okay and that’s

Okay guys everything gets old eventually you’ll get old eventually it happens it happens uh I’m just I’m not quite ready to let my own PC go not sure if you care know but you are running with DVR on oopsie um I can’t change it

Now uh usually I turn it off but I did make my waiting room at like how long ago I made it at 1:00 a.m. cuz I had to wait for like stuff stuff that I was up after my collab I was like a zombie

At my PC I was like okay I’m waiting I’m waiting I’m waiting and so I just made the waiting room so yeah so yeah it’s not that bad having DVR on um like a lot of streamers do enable DVR uh I just don’t tend to yeah it is what it

Is but I don’t have like any extreme thing against it so if it happens it just happens collab had happened unexpectedly unexpectedly late for you it was quite late for me uh but obviously it had to fit in with everyone else’s schedules so I had a really fun time I

Definitely don’t regret staying up late for it or like streaming late for it you know I think DK was very unimpressed when I was like yeah I’m tired it’s late but yeah I do like I do like lethal company collab like the game makes me very scary but there’s just like a

Camaraderie about it that that makes it quite fun and also um it it’s not like the scariest scary game so I can actually handle it pretty well compared to other horror games so it’s not so bad for me yeah Um oh God I hate I hate terraforming you’re getting good with you of company am I thank you thank you I don’t think I do very much there was like a point in the Stream but I was really freaked out so I just wanted to like camp in the

Ship to be honest I did camp in the ship a few times but to be fair I wanted to go back but I couldn’t because of the big dog uh and in the end I clutched cuz I think everyone else died uh and I was able to go home so

Yeah uh getting scared together indeed indeed oh it is yeah it’s a bit freaky but it’s not like super super super freaky you know F goodness gracious um would you be open to more horror games if they were multiplayer focused um yeah a little bit I would never play a horror game solo

That that’s for certain um I wouldn’t be opposed to one day doing a phasmophobia stream but I wouldn’t really do anything is he okay I wouldn’t do anything more than that if that makes sense to everyone I wouldn’t go uh Beyond like a phasmophobia St game in terms of horror

Yeah also I was watching um I I off the off stream I got like instantly sent to um like a bit I am I like allowed to say like which stream I got sent to anyway um I I went into um some very big streamers and they were also streaming

Leel company and they had a bunch of the most terrifying mods where they were in like a haunted house and that was like when they picked up items the items kept laughing in their hands it was like a haunted house uh kind of like creepy dollhouse Mana style thing and I was

Like bro why would you make this game even scarier why would you even make it scary you know next but like operator Z yeah operator zi operator zi is very good at horror games I can’t I could never I could never wild mods they really were I hated it so much but the

Other nice thing about lethal company is like the deaths are not graphic um phasmophobia I hate I’ve only died like a few times in phasmophobia and I never know what the death animation is going to be like and I’m always scared it’s going to be really horrible but actually

Um the fact that it’s so quick and instant in um lethal company really does help yeah it it helps a lot like it’s not gory you don’t see blood everywhere it’s fine yeah Daddy has her for breakfast I know zeli is hello land’s strongest Soldier and I am definitely hello land’s weakest

Soldier goodness gracious I’m I’m not very good with that kind of media and I I would I would never be so um I will only really play the games uh with people I trust because yeah I need to be able to rely on people uh in those kinds of settings so

Yeah um it’s not like I’ll never play horror but it will be pretty rare and um it’ll have some I’ll have some limitations yeah that’s all right this still needs to be um a little larger I think so I think it go three blocks wider play with some CHR mods recently

Um and had some jump scares no cuz the mod sh stuff yeah I’m not I’m not good with that at all that was freaking out that’s the other thing these company doesn’t have jump scare so in a way it’s actually quite a like safe horor horror Style game to play because it doesn’t

Have a lot of um things that can freak you out I mean jump scare is on that scary it’s just like it’s the um biological reaction they trigger that’s more of the issue you know I could actually use Cobblestone at this point it’s going to be so ugly but

I could use Cobblestone I just I would like my my buildings to not look really bad and Cobblestone doesn’t look great oh you know what I could do actually actually no I thinking I could do Netherrack and actually that will take so long to Grab okay is this a big enough space do we think okay the W mod is scar yeah I haven’t played I don’t really want to play with these company mods I’m going to be honest like it’s it’s it’s it’s enough as it is for me for me

Personally I only need like a low level of um horror Ambiance to make it scary for me so yeah must be something if it can genuinely scare me is me good with horror I actually don’t really know but if me Senai me feels so bubbly it feels like her Will’s quite indominable you

Know what I mean it feels like nothing would ever be able to face her cuz she’s so you know on top of everything okay daytime so uh I am going to yank this I’m going to put this back in here I’m going to grab the iron trade it and we’re going to fly

Off somewhere she can handle her somewhat I think oh that’s pretty good then I’m happy okay um we will need at some point to make a composter machine I just have too many things I need to whack in there so uh eventually we’ll do that probably fairly soon aren’t you a ghost you

Should be fine with other ghosts I’m a ghost but in games ghosts can’t really identify me as like not someone to freak out and also I’m in the living realm so that’s a lot of blood lines chat it’s um it’s a complicated thing it’s a very complicated thing and there’s also

Different types of ghosts and also I’m a ghost demon not a straight ghost which also further muddy the water of you know acceptable ghost on ghost Behavior so you know how’s our go going it’s going pretty well actually we have our cats actually let me make another cat yes yes

Be friends be friends yeah wow so we just need to wait for those to grow up and um can go back in here oh that’s why I left my CH box okay Cher box um we’re going to take it with us we don’t really need to do much with it I’m just going

To dump some stuff in here we have our wings we have stuff do we have gunpowder we have one SP gun powder which is good enough for me good enough for me we have food we have silk touch yeah let’s get going so I actually want to fly towards spawn this time

Um oh it’s this way I want to fly this way basically let’s just head directly is this South I don’t know what way is this we are going I have no idea which way are we going I don’t know where we’re facing but we’re just going to go along this

Axis um and head towards 0 0 because I think this train is slly lower and hopefully we will have a higher chance of finding a desert in this direction yeah so now the house is largely creeper proof um no I haven’t really thoroughly lit up the area but it it’s fine the

House is fine okay let’s see what we can find ourselves o a swamp biome oh this is good actually because I can make a thingy magigi here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I can make a thingy I’m going to stop to grab some flowers I can make oh God what’s it

Called I can make a slime farm Z look away I’m sorry I’m so sorry but it must be done it must be done for for the good of the world they’re not you know they’re not Del slimes they’re different slimes they’re different creatures in the same way that you know like certain

Ghosts are very different to me L sing with Jiggies oh I knew you were chat I knew you I feel like I feel like I’m getting to know chat quite well now what what do you guys think um I think yeah I think I think you know we we understand each other we

Understand um oh wait a second Ain’t No Way ain’t no Way wow just as I wanted some stained glass actually um 3 3 3 4 ,000 uh 3 3 4,000 so for anyone who doesn’t know what this is this is a very rare find it’s a Trails we’re in which has um a bunch of archaeological loot we don’t

Need anything from it at the moment so I’m not going to dwell on it but we can always come back later they also have certain armor trims I think armor trims are ugly and a waste of time but uh you know when we’re at the point in the game

Where we want to get arms we can we can come back here so yeah they’re very hard to find um so we’re lucky we stumbled across one desert no just a beach just a beach when will we finally find a desert chat I haven’t trim my armor yet yeah I

Do feel as so armor trims they’re a cool collectible they’re very cool collectible and so for hardcore players like me when we get super into our worlds like it’s not bad to do to have them but um they are kind of I don’t think they were

Executed in a way that makes them look amazing which is why I’m not very fast o the wait flower First Flower first spotted we need this chat we need this flower it’s a very small flower for us so I won’t write it down but we can grab some of the flowers

From here for our house yeah right so we’re going to get a bunch of tulips cuz I love tulips um gosh I hope my frame rate is okay on stream for me my frame rate is is not good at all but that’s just because I’m loading a lot of chunks in my hardcore

World and exploring areas I haven’t been before so my PC is like dying but that’s okay that’s okay chips always nice I agree I agree I love Che I really like the pink and white ones yeah uh orange ones are okay red ones are okay but the pink and white

Ones are super super nice also uh for anyone who doesn’t oh and a sunflower biome don’t look at me like that and a sunflower biome actually we’ll go over there later if you hold some flowers the bees will look at you so I should probably hold something

Else um we have aliums aliums used to be flower Forest exclusive they used to be very exciting but they’re not really anymore I’m sorry aliums they’re cool they’re very cool it’s mainly the Tulips we’re after everything else can be found in other places really I don’t even know

If tulips can be found in other places um um I don’t see any lily of the valley clusters too which I really like framy all right fine on stream bro I’m suffering so much I’m so jealous that you guys are fine and I’m not fine this

Is not fair this is just not fair chat why why is it always me why do I have to suffer for chat SMH they want me to play lethal company they they you I kind of don’t let you guys believe me I was going to

Be like they bully me and I was like actually no they don’t they kind of can’t um it would be funny it would be oh they bully me for being British yeah yeah they say that sometimes they yeah you guys do your best attempts at bullying and I I appreciate that I

Really do um they’re good attempts if you keep going you just need to be a bit more cutting you just need to like really go for the throat I mean I’ll ban you if you do but like I believe one day I believe one day what are you doing here ah

How did he get here oh he came from the cave ew okay let’s get some Lily of the valleys um think are pretty good actually I really love Lily of the valleys uh oh we need red tulips loads of red tulips red tulips are cute I will give them

That if we were making a red themed build these would be amazing to have but we are not okay sounds like a dangerous line to tread yeah absolutely no I’m actually much happier having um a more amicable relationship with my chat like I just sometimes it’s he haha to have like

Those inks with your chat but I’ve just seen too many people uh where like where they haven’t been in like a good State um the he Haas have gone too far and actually like really upset them and I just like don’t want to have to deal

With that entirely um so I would much rather have a happier more comfy stream environment for every everyone um that’s just what I prefer so yeah spect scary how I literally can’t even kill you from behind the screen so it’s like what am I

Going to do what am I what am I going to do yink okay that’s kind of good um I kind of don’t like daisies I think they’re ugly so I don’t want to get too many ooh wait a second warm ocean for anyone who doesn’t know this is a warm

Ocean and you know what that means that means there could be a coral reef that means we could be next to a desert oh this is what I wanted to find good my why are my Minecraft Instinct so strong I went into the mountainous region and I was like yeah I just know

There’s not going to be a desert near even though it totally could have randomly spawned there and now I went this direction I was like yeah there’s going to be an ocean here and I’ve immediately found warm biomes and maybe I play this game too much maybe I play

This game too much can other ghosts do that haven’t you seen ghosts come out of the TV guys you haven’t seen ghosts come out of the T TV that’s a shame that’s a shame uh do I have my oh no I think I put my um H away never mind 6 cents yeah

Yeah why are you not giving me any saplings give me some saplings what are you doing silly tree I guess we’ll go to bed here what do you mean it’s not night time look at that that’s basically night time it is literally night time right now like look

At that look at that let me go to bed let me go to bed bro it’s so nighttime coded it’s so it’s so nighttime coded it’s literally dark it’s actually dark it is genuinely dark let me go to bed let me in let me in let me in let me

In let me in I just want to go to sleep I just want to go to sleep this that is setting guys clearly none of you are from the UK where it’s like actually wait never mind that’s a really bad knowledge that’s L the opposite of what I mean

Never mind anyway um wow two saplings good enough for me okay well we will very quickly go this way because I do want to pick up some sunflowers before I forget hello you only need one because then it’s infinite and let’s head this way let’s explore the ocean hopefully we can

Find some coral reefs maybe maybe please please please please I’m asking so nicely please okay it doesn’t actually look like it um my frames are really bad it actually makes it difficult to control and the light dra my frames I like this but I’m going to do my best um H let’s have a a very quick look here oh actually I don’t know if this is a good idea oh nice um we no we don’t want to risk it we don’t want to risk it if a trident drown spawns here yeah we just don’t want to risk it so um

Strategy for when you’re stranded in the ocean and want to put your elyra back on but you can’t cuz there’s nowhere to stand just do that okay um please give me a desert pretty please bro there’s no deserts here I’m so upset why I don’t want a jungle right

Now I don’t need a jungle I I need a desert this game this game just it just doesn’t get me chat it just oh my gosh what is this what is that it’s like a floating pond that’s quite cute I suppose okay okay um this is actually quite a nice

Place to live if you’re a fan of ooh that would be a cool place to Live okay we’ll get a jungle sapling we’ll get some cocoa beans but we don’t really need anything more than that any cocoa beans here no cocoa beans okay um we will stay for this to despawn and I’ll also kill this one although it’s attached so it might not

Die I’ll just help it die a little bit okay hopefully it’ll despawn once I’ve like detached it but you never know a water Terrace you know that’s a cute way of describing it okay that all looks like uh nor more Oak now oh no it’s not despawning cuz it’s

Attached to like five trees that’s okay though I just need like a few jungle saplings okay nothing really here cocoa yeah where is the cocoa um yeah you know what two jungle saplings is fine I don’t really need more um C beans anywhere I think we’re

Like the edge of a jungle Forest so also uh look away if you like cows Bam Bam B bam b b y um I just need a little bit of XP to heal up my elytra not anywhere near low but I just like keeping an eye on it yeah no coco

Anywhere we we’ll head up here and see if we can find oh I just missed Coco I saw it I’m trying to look for um uh melons for healing potions just to like complete things y oh my gosh oh no oh no everything’s full right now

Um I I guess I double this up uh yeah I’m going to put these both back in here so I know that my stuff is kind of full and I still want to keep going to try and find a cacti so we’re going to have a quick

Peruse around but if we don’t find anything we don’t find anything you know what I’m saying like if it’s not here that’s okay um um I say bam a lot I do say bam a lot it’s just funny I I never used to I just started

Doing it and then I can’t stop doing it okay I just want One Singular one single desert biome just one is that too much to ask for when the B’s do I have no idea actually I I literally don’t know why I can’t recall sometimes I do just make filler noises

But bam never used to be one of my filler noises it’s a uh new and improved Spectra lexicon and exclusive to the YouTube channel where are the deserts where are they where are they video game why must you betray me why I just want green dy I just want green

Dy is that a panda no betrayed again betrayed yet again uh how many Rockets do I have okay we will keep going until we have 20 Rockets after we hit 20 Rockets actually I think I you know I think it is time to go back yeah this would be a nice area to

Live live I just don’t really need to live here okay um oopsie didn’t mean to do that I promise oh that’s a horrible feather falling feather falling three I love feather falling three I do need feather falling on my boots okay let me just we go in because uh while we’re so

Short on gold it’s actually kind of worth grabbing um anything else I need not really where are we we are at uh yeah we’re quite far we’re 5,000 blocks away from home but we should be able to get back there pretty easily so yeah let’s go

Fly oh wait Mangrove oh wait and a panda is that wait is that a brown panda there’s no way are you a brown panda no you can’t be a brown Panda there’s no way I’ve never seen one in in in the base game before I hate pandas oh my God oh my God wait what is the chance of these spawning Hello Panda hello please oh my God you guys no don’t go in there no don’t do it don’t do

It no I know they’re not going to un Alive by going down there I just know they’re not going to do that I no way that’s going to do something so silly not me rescuing the pandas like in real life um yes yes please b b yes and I will

Keep you safe here yes yes yes okay Panda cute panda cute panda it is my panda now my panda now smiley face he okay and then we put a sign on brown panda and then 78600 okay brown panda 78600 and then we will make like a big a big uh line a big

Mound yes brown panda here yes did you just trap the pandas I don’t know what you mean I don’t know what you mean guys they don’t they don’t really have like sentients um they’re kind of just ones and zeros so it’s fine I don’t know how to tell you guys that um that

Minecraft Mobs aren’t real creatures um but yeah the panda is very happy trust me guys can’t tell the difference can’t even tell the difference wow a mango Forest amazing have we been here before I have a sneaking suspicion we’ve actually been here before um yeah the convergence of a

Mangrove and a anyway what where are we 3 4 1 6 88 oh yeah we have been here well let us take a uh mangr Peru so that we can ah owie are my wings not on yeah my wings aren’t on and let me grab

A you they be able to see this guy guys it’s okay they can’t see anything anyway so I don’t guys I don’t know how to break this to you it’s like trying to tell a kid that like Santa Claus isn’t real not that I’ve done that um that would be kind of

Mean if a little funny oh gosh okay it’s getting night time um okay guys I think it’s time for us to go home so we equip and we fly back home oh there’s the Mansion oh the Temptation chat the temptation but not today not today guys gu guys guys guys guys no no

No s to Israel um don’t worry about it don’t worry about it you know it’s just a joke that adults like to make um yeah yeah guys um don’t worry about it Santa is so real as real as my affection for DK yeah yeah don’t worry about it don’t worry about it Bo

Anyway where are we right now so we need to head oh we need to head a little bit this way actually is my GPU hitting 100% is that bad guys guys is that a bad thing if my GPU keeps hitting 100% when I go into

F3 is that not cash money when I’m just playing Minecraft H curious curious curious is that why I’ve been having so many frame rate drops um is isn’t it supposed to do that only if you’re doing it for a long time okay okay then we’re fine we’re fine we’re probably fine then Co

Cool cool how percentage well um no no it’s only 100 again um yeah and and now it’s 60 so really uh it’s fine okay bam hi M welcome in welcome in I hope you’re doing amazing how’s your day being how’s your day being okay let us head home we are in the

Middle of Minecraft hardcore so there is no winning but then I guess we’ technically won because we’ve beaten the game which is really all that is to do um in the main I guess story and yeah now we’re free to just wander around and and do whatever we want to which is kind

Of a win it’s kind of a win so yeah oh wow is this our homeland yes I recognize the Torches look at how nice our house looks isn’t it cute if only I had stained glass that I could make Cactus colored but it’s fine it’s

Fine wow very cute um okay so we have a lot of things to do and a lot of things to get oh God my inventory my inventory management is not having a good time so I think we need to make a storage room at this point I think a storage room

Probably has to be our next priority because we have no space we have no space Even in our many various uh chest so ah we have no room we have no room for things so we’ll make something we we’ll make we’ll make a storage room um we’ll make

The storage room before we finish the tower and before we finish everything else I think we can probably get started on the Underground I thought you were testing your PC specs as Minecraft no my PC is really bad my PC is just I’ve just never really seen it flash to like 100%

And be bright red before so I wasn’t sure kidnap cats bread pandas I didn’t actually breed any pandas uh but no I have two lovely cats which are very cute that I totally won’t be looking away into a um system where they we’ll be fine they’ll be fine guys

And what else do we need to do to be honest to be honest wait what kidnap cat buried pandas oh oh it’s fine it’s fine cat survive not kidnapped yeah yeah that’s one way of putting it okay I need to figure out like which part of my house is going to

Be the downstairs area So this is obviously going to be my staircase up so this staircase won’t exist in future this is going to be the kitchen um I don’t really want the staircase to be like right here so I think the best place to put it would be here but I

Can’t tell if I want it going downwards this way or if I want it starting here and going down that way what would be better I feel like this like if I did the staircase down this way it would be slightly easier for me personally because I could just like

Um come into the house and then jump down the staircase but I think it would look nicer if it was like this but I also think this would keep everything more compact underneath the house it’s a struggle decisions chat making decisions is so hard okay um I

Think we will make some staircases and just temporarily make it uh the original way that I thought do I have staircases I have no staircases I have no staircases it’s fine we’ll make some do I want it Spruce I think we want it to be made out of

Spruce oh I do have staircases I lied there we go are you going to do a hopper system no I am not going to do a hopper system I feel like Hopper systems are way too much effort for me personally I I can’t be bothered um and

I think I would go insane so we’re not going to do a hover system um for my own sanity please please understand uh my my struggles H how are we going to do this I don’t really have an idea for like an underground area but I do want to make

It more exciting than this upstairs house because I do feel like the house we have right now is very um underwhelming yeah we need to make the downstairs exciting I think we do another aesthetic for my underground warehouse I think we use Blackstone and

I think we use a lot of warp stem and I think we use uh sfire and Bones I think that would be a plan or maybe a bit of cords nothing like local neighbor neighborhood both feeding guys guys no no no no no no guys the the cats they love the fish they

They love the fish that they they were given we speaking of we actually do need some more fish so I’m going to quickly uh flashbang I’m going to turn on my full bright for anyone bothered by that bam where are the fish we do actually need to give the cat

Some more fish because we need six cats and we have four at the moment and I know I believe in the cats we could have so many cats chat we could have so many Bam Bam Bam if we just believed in ourselves oh the other

Thing I want to do very quickly is I want to make that um what’s the word I want to make that composter system so Wow oh my gosh the the black cat jeans are wrong like what what what what what what what’s up with you why are your why are your jeans recessive you can’t you can’t help it you can’t help it if your jeans are assessive but like if I drew a planet

Square why would yours be on the bottom why like it’s not like I don’t love black C but also like uh it’s getting look at this look at this look at this this you just wouldn’t believe you think that you’d be the adopted one of the family you

Know if I looked at this family I’d think you were like the adopted child but you’re like like the parent and that I just don’t get it I just don’t get it I’m not disappointed I’m I’m just it’s just statistically improvable if your jeans are assessive that’s okay

That’s okay but it happens it happens it happens you can’t you can’t always have dominant jeans it’s fine I’m just trying to understand I’m just trying to understand what’s going on here cuz like this is a bit this is a bit it’s just a it’s just a lot it’s

Just a lot you know anyway o um let’s see let’s see so I want to put my flowers away in this chest um I’ll just so that I know where they are for later for building purposes back out Jam C I’m just confused I’m just you know I’m just

Wondering what’s going on um you know is it is it the diet do we need to like change something is it like cuz I I believe I believe one day we can have like an equal proportion of of cats you know I I’m just waiting for that day

Where is my iron I have no iron oh dear I did not expect Jean shaming in this no no no I’m just there’s nothing wrong with having recessive jeans chat but I just you know you think eventually that they’d be like represented but you know these jeans are they’re just not gening

You know and it is just quite surprising to be to be frank okay people do you guys know how compost do work you can basically make a not an auto composter it’s a bit much to call it auto but like a compost machine where

You just go like B and then you go B oh B and then you go B and then you go B and so when I put all of these in here they get automatically put into the composter and then the bone Mo comes out there and then I can do that with

Everything so if I don’t want any of my seeds cuz like why would I want any of my seeds um they come out with bir maal we love to see it we truly love to see it time to make a twit longer my goodness that would be I would be amused

By such a twit longer to be to be quite Frank that would be something to see yay automation yeah it’s like the the loosest sense of automation but I guess it is still technically automation so we can be happy um one way to make sure the jeans

Are the way you’d want them no no oh my gosh no that is not that that is not the bit that we’re going to touch we’re not touching that bit with like a 20 20 M pole I don’t know about that one Chief um I’m going to put these in here

Too I don’t really need bone meal but never hurts to have extra I suppose um I’m going to make some white dye I’m going to plant this this cute little lily of the valley there we go uh and I would like to make one white Cher oh I do have iron and

Gold and more iron and stuff Um kind of want to get rid of that Smite and um random items chest can be white okay what was I doing I was I I got so distracted trying to uh make the staircase downstairs where’s all my stuff gone where’s all my stuff gone um

Um yes my brain my brain is so braining right now okay boink boink I do really want the staircase to actually go oh my God I forgot about this wait is my Axel still in here axel wait I thought I had an aelole in here

Did I did I I definitely had an AEL in here chat did I didn’t I did he despawn oh my gosh he despawned wait they both despawned because I didn’t give them names oh I forgot about that oh no my lot the magma blocks no oh no I’m so sad

Chat they’re dead they left me they left me here all alone with these cats with weak jeans one more go one more gamble I can’t believe it oh my and I he’s running away listen I’m not disappointed in you I’m not it’s not you it’s not you it’s not

Your fault it’s not your fault you know it’s not you know I blame the parents really I blame the parents you just look at this honestly what is this what are these statistics any anyway um I’m mourning I’m grieving my ax died but why why did they have to die

Chat they were the only ones I liked I was so happy to have so many Axel and now and now they’re just they’re gone they’re never coming back cuz that’s how death works except for with me but you know I don’t really think that’s um

So I just I wanted them to be there I would have named them I would have given them you know a nice little enclosure I was going to build an aquarium in the basement with them and now they’re gone because of these magma blocks that murdered them how could these magma blocks do

That to them why would they do that to them I feel so betrayed I thought the magma blocks were my friends I thought they helped me breathe underwater when I was about to die and now now there is nothing there is nothing but death my Axel are

Dead they were with me from the start of the game they were the only ones with me from the start of the game I didn’t have any other pets and now they’re not here anymore I’m so sad I was going to get them the cutest name

I was going to get one of every ax of L and then I couldn’t greatest betrayal how could the magma blocks do this I will never forgive them chat I’ll never forgive them the magma blocks I thought I thought they would help me and they kind of did for a while but

They also betrayed me and murdered they murdered my friend the magma blocks murdered my friend they killed my friends when they helped me breathe I can’t do this anymore chat the symbolism the the parallels why what was it about me that deserve to live that the Axel didn’t

Deserve to live the Axel were as good as any Axel they were the best axelos they did nothing wrong they didn’t deserve this they didn’t deserve serve this torment I can’t do this anymore chat I can’t go on I can’t go on without meod there were two of them it wasn’t just

One I’m so sad Why why Equivalent Exchange no no no I want to join them but I can’t cuz this is my only life I only have one life I thought they would always be there waiting waiting for me to build them their enclosure and now there was nothing nothing in my heart That always be that in my heart that’s not enough it’s not enough chat what am I going to do they can’t come back they’re never coming back I’m so sad I’m so sad my heart is empty it died with them I thought they were so safe I

Should have kept them in the bucket and kept them in a chest then chat would have been mad at me if ID done that too that was no winning you can get that that relative I don’t want that relative it’s not the same it’s not the same

That’s messed up chat that’s messed up of you to say I’m so sad they didn’t deserve that b Memorial that’s cringe no sp’s hom Arc I don’t have a moda how am I going to have a hom R Arc without a Modica what do you mean that that comment is actually making me

Unreasonably upset like what do you mean by that but her’s entire Arc centered around multiple timelines and her love for Monica and like I have no equivalent to that in this timeline so why would I have a homework anyway I like Monica a reasonable amount um good show good show

I thought you liked Graves DK no that family I have I have some beef I I have some beef for the with the graves family goodness gracious goodness gracious chat it’s even raining pathetic fallacy I do be like that sometimes a of lotos were the ones you loved I know I know they

Were no like Tombstone I know what you meant I know what you meant honestly honestly um there’s no warmth in my heart anymore only sad why did I come in here um it’s okay though I guess we could hey that beautiful lady I’m literally too deep don’t know what

You’re talking about um I do want to make an underground room so my plan is this staircase goes down pretty far uh but then I will have something that goes even further down to like extra storage or possibly even a m shaft um this will go down to my storage room room this

Might go down to like I don’t know some other special room that I’ll do Ambiguously in the future I don’t know what to put here yet but one day it might be something uh I might also bin it I just think the idea of having like a staircase that split three ways is

Quite nice and I would quite like to have that um it’s on site if you ever catch the graves on your block um a certain grave yes yes yes yes it’s on site forever for a certain one but um some of the others we’ll see we’ll see I

Also do need some more coal actually but I don’t want to go outside so we’ll stay here and we’ll keep uh digging out the underground I think for a while and see how everything goes yeah so I will Okay the reason why I want this to

Be very far down is I don’t want um any of my storage area to interfere with like the outside um so I want to be confident that it’s far down enough that if I dig everything out into like a night nice neat little area it it wouldn’t bother the

Upstairs so yeah I do want it to have very tool ceilings though so uh this is pretty pretty decent for now yeah I should also probably make a dirt chest day night with my brother and brother grave so true so true definitely they are very different um Vibes of individuals I would

Say yes uh do I have any more lanterns they have definitely up the sounds of furnaces because I I never used to hear them and now I do what am I looking for oh lanterns bam yeah I do have enough lanterns very cool very very cool Okay so let us think about uh making our storage area I probably won’t have it go up as far as that but it would be nice to have some archways that are pretty tool so um one two three four oh you traitor I hate you magma

Blocks okay um one two three four five six seven don’t want it to be lengthways do I want it to be lengthways do I or do I want it to be like circular H I don’t know I never plan anything chat all my ideas like just they they just have to

Spawn um when I’m in in like a situation like this but I actually I I’m not sure where I want maybe a square I haven’t really done a square Before I don’t know I will I I’ll dig out like a a nice square area for now 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven eight nine blocks this way and I’ll do nine blocks the other way as well so 1 2 3 four five so

One oh wait this is not going to be equal cuz the staircase is unless we make the staircase three down we could make the staircase to down yeah that could work I guess I guess it could work um you know what let’s let’s like dig out uh nine and then I don’t know

Maybe maybe it’s just good to have like a space um and then we can figure out what we’re going to do with it so one we go three in this direction uh maybe the magma blocks were jalous I think that they are stones and I think it would be pretty hard for them

To have such emotions in my personal opinion I don’t know about that theory but um I I can appreciate the sentiment I suppose I just I really thought my AXS would be there that waiting waiting for when I was ready to take care of them and then they just

Died honestly can’t blame them I might you know you know it it’s understandable in this economy I get it I get it I get it fish is expensive these days you know no tropical fish around here it’s it’s what it is it’s what it is okay

Honestly now that I’m here I kind of want it to be short this way and long that way does that make sense I kind of I kind of want it to be like we’re going in horizontally you know like um it it stretches further that way and that way then it does

Across yeah instead of like us looking down it how dare you how dare the water return after everything’s done to me um yeah so if we go one two okay one two three one two three yeah there we go there we go uh I am not a queen do not refer to

Me as such that is M title thank you the hated water from the pool of death don’t call it that oh my God not the corpse water head Cannon jeez chat jeez that is that is dark I honestly think they just despawned I think once

An axel has been in a bucket I don’t think they despawn again uh I’m almost 100% certain that once it’s been in a bucket it’s like uh like tagged and they are not despawn afterwards but who knows who knows I certainly do not okay um it would be nice if we actually did

Do I’ve seen so many people comparing me to you know the Yuga card like lady Labyrinth oh my God what are you disgusting wait no there’s nothing here um I will have to clock that up won’t I yeah I think I willink let me see what I can do

Um yeah this is actually going to be annoying to deal with uh I guess I can like plug it from this side to the me when I drown myself um yeah that’ll do for now and then we will deal with it in are you a source block how is that a source

Block um we will deal with everything else later b b okay yeah maybe maybe we go for like a quartz kind of aesthetic someone say ocean Monument exploration please no I am not emotionally ready to face Guardians at this present occasion possibly ever y I’ll put some torches lanterns up

Here H it would be so nice if I had a beacon right now chat who wants to go and raid a fortress uh but honestly I I think like our next progression goal is oh how’s that happened our next big progression goal is almost certainly getting

Netherite so uh we need to go and raid a Bastion which I’m not looking for to in hardcore but um it must be done and we only need to get like one template to be good to go but I I do think that will probably if I if I that’s a very high

Likelihood of death you know just a gut feeling chat don’t know why I possibly think that but I I just have this uh gut feeling that if we die we are probably going to die there oh what are you oh I think you a you’re not quite done yet

Um but we’ll see we will see hopefully it wouldn’t come to that but you can never quite be sure can you how long has it been daytime for not long okay magnet blocks I’m going to put up here I do need a storage system I do I

Need a storage system so I’m actually going to put a cobble chest no not a cobble chest put a chest here just for dirt or Cobble possibly which trim combination is your favorite none of them they’re all ugly I will not be taking any questions at this time I’m

Correct none of the armat trims look good I’m going to be real with you that’s like there’s no combinations that look good like trust me chat I I love character design I love looking at Aesthetics but they so dropped the ball they really dro the ball guys I just

Don’t think any of the armor trips look good at all I don’t think they look very nice I think even when you combine them they’re still look pretty air I think something things are cute like the Turtle face that’s okay that’s cute when you try and make your helmet look like a

Turtle but everything else it’s like it’s still um I think there’s not much to salvage from that yeah what was I doing oh I was making a cobblestone chest yeah um I get so distracted chat don’t worry about me don’t worry about me like um you know what let’s put grass

In there for the funsies because grass is also taking up a lot of my uh room right now and usually you do want to save grass for stuff I don’t know what I’ll save it for but okay much better much much better what day is it

78 when did we stop 69 yeah N9 days I feel like that’s a that’s a pretty good amount of time what do we think chat what do we think I think my ax was dying actually made me sad I think it did make me sad

So I don’t quite know what I want to do I think possibly um it it could be time to I don’t know CH a bit cuz like all the all the next stuff I have to all the other things I have to do are basically uh very grindy like digging out the

Underground pot for storage room that will take a lot act killed your motivation I think your family of cats dignified thank you thank you they are all um quite Samy aren’t they they’re quite they’re a little bit Samy but but that’s all right you know I can I can

Appreciate them never the less time to replace the AOS to fill the void the void can never be filled by similar things chat because it won’t be the same will it it just won’t be the same ACD kill motivation I think they might have I think they quite feasibly

Did however uh we’ll have one more sword enchant before we go because I do need to see what I can get Z and jump please and jump please Smite five we will never need Smite five even if we have a zombie well I guess it’ll be useful if we have

A zombie spawner but we can just use sharpness five so I’m going to e this oh I’m a little bit out of lapis sharpness four that could be very good cat Gater no we have enough cats guys I think I have a feeling the cat Gater is a little hard for this um

Lopsided because you know that there’s very clearly a certain cat who um comes out on top and I I don’t think it’s a one I don’t think I think it’s pretty clear that the Siamese cat jeans are not the dominant ones in the family so I don’t think it’s necessary chat is it

Necessary is it kind gosh it could be so good but it’s so bad because it’s got knock back and we don’t want knockback in hardcore knockback is actually kind of bad uh for our purposes so oh well we gave it to go we had a good run okay um yeah I

Think Smite is just not useful yeah it is sort of like the generalized enchantment so almost always going to be far more useful than other enchantments um which is why like protection FL pretty much comes out on top over anything else because like the the WID spread production is so much

Better than uh blast protection unless you’re going out killing creepers or just any other narrow protection you you might as well get the universal one over the non-universal one yeah okay I think I think I’m pretty good one day the Siamese cat will be and they should be the chosen one to make

Spector not destroy her sanity okay chat do you want a cat capture do you want the cat capture we’ll see we’ll see if there is hope for for the Siamese cat jeans we will see we will see see what can be done but what do you guys give me if

It’s sign like what do what do I get what what do I get in return for this now you know what I should I should monetize this as soon as I monetized out I’ll be like no no cat gatcher unless I get uh 1,000 pound Super

Chat God I got to get ready for that stream I’m stretching I’m stretching extortion matter I don’t need to go in Bank maybe you could just get another Siamese cat well cat catcher no come back come back you need to be friends the Jen one it happened wow I

Kind of want to kill it now um no we’re not going to kill it I kind of feel like it shouldn’t it shouldn’t happen it it’s defied the laws it’s it’s defied the laws of nature it shouldn’t exist it shouldn’t exist it’s it’s a glitch in the matrix

It’s a glitch what do you mean bro listen I am I am completely fine I I’m still not mourning my axelo death I’m I’m completely fine about my Axel’s dying I’m I’m not sad at all I’m just I’m I’m so not sad at all spect what do

You mean don’t Spectra do adop me SMH honestly chat honestly um why have you gone back to four oh you’ve like doubled your stuff I see I get it I get it you’re extorting me you’re extorting me outrageous behavior okay chat well I think I think that will be enough Minecraft for

Today I’m going to turn this back into stuff I think that’s enough Minecraft for today unless do I want to go to the trous room to make myself feel better feasibly somewhat feasibly I might want to go to the trous room to make myself feel better but do

I but do i chat no okay no we don’t want to we don’t want to because if we go back to the trails ruin we’re going to have so much extra stuff we don’t need unless because chat I know that if I try and end stream now let me go into my

YouTube If I know that if I try and end stream I’ll have no one to raid but if if I end oh wait I thought someone was streaming at 7:00 oopsie I thought someone was streaming at 700 today wait am I was that yesterday oh I had no idea I thought I

Thought someone was streaming oh never mind we can end whenever then do we go to the TR R I can go to the tril r do you want to go to the tril r chat what do we think what do we think I’m kind

Of I kind of want to go to the trouser now that the idea is in my head cuz I I want to end on a happy note I want a sniffer EG go what do we think yeah okay okay just because I want the clay we will go to the

TR um can I dump my stuff anywhere this is going to be my new chest I put random stuff in we love to see it uh we don’t really need that that can stay there oh I need to heal up my elra ah now this is where the guy being finicky about um

Iron causes issues watch your buly my favorite trims all the trims are ugly we’re not going for trims we’re going for the sniffer egg we’re going for the egg which could feasibly Beacon strued as a nice egg um it’s just a nice collectible to have what can I say chat what can I

Say only going for one egg no the real reason I’m going is because I really want um unstained clay because I want to mix it into the Moss of my roof and then I can finally start like actually decorating my roof the way I want it to

Be cuz right now our house it’s really bold and I don’t like that I want to fix it but obviously I can’t do it without the resources and we didn’t get any um stain clay stuff today so you might as well like go and try and grab stuff and

See what we get okay um we have an extra shield oh we can get rid of this extra shield now cuz it doesn’t have Unbreaking on it yoink yeah let’s go to the TR R this will probably not be enough but that’s okay I’ll also you know what you know

What for the sake of luck and the fact that I know that I’ve been not lucky today I’m going to have three little um dig up things just in case the house needs a hair transplant what no what what what possessed you to say that oh my God chat oh my God they

Hate my house they hate my house anyway time to sleep time to sleep you said it’s bold I did say that you’re somewhat C correct okay so which way do we go oh my God I don’t want these get out get out of my inventory okay oh I don’t have wait no

We can’t I don’t have enough Rockets no no I don’t have enough Rockets wait where is it uh set 625 625 – 827 I don’t think we I don’t think we have enough Rockets to get that comfortable and get back no I don’t even think we can really Yello

It eight Rockets can we do it can we do it um we’ll give it go why not why not I am I am a long-term hardcore player 625 – 827 625 it’s only 6,000 blocks it’s only 6,000 blocks and this area is pretty flat so we’ll just

See we will just see how far we can go like if you’re conservative about your Rockets you can get pretty far it it just depends on how nice the terrain is going to be like when it’s pretty flat like this um you actually have yeah we’ll see we’ll

See eight if you do it correct yeah eight is like our budget um ideally we’d only use seven and that’s just because we want more to get home because I think we have more Hills on the way home to bypass compared to this y Okay I’m showing off my elra expertise better to have them fall back oh Absolutely yeah I like rockets so we needed wait are we 62 something okay it’s so nice to have an elytra chat PE elytra content thank you thank you I misjudged that very slightly no my efficiency bam yeah I [ __ ] that one up oops oopsies oh well next travel so much easier yeah it

Definitely does it makes me very happy um cuz otherwise trying to find a desert would have taken us years most likely years and years and years and years oh I don’t remember passing the we going we are going the right way I don’t remember passing that last Time H are we going the right way yeah I know we are bam if we’re Super Lucky maybe we can get there only using this many Rockets we will see how far we Glide uh maybe you to go last directory you change directions a few times oh yeah that’s quite

Probable okay it’s kind of looks like it was here wasn’t it uh oh no it’s not we’re still 2,000 blocks away oh I got confused I thought we were I thought we were like 100 blocks away we were not bam oh Cherry biome I don’t think we’ve been to a

Cherry biome in my world yet oh guys very quick detour Su for quick detour I want to grab these uh not bad yeah not terrible not terrible we always going to find one eventually uh but I might as well just pick up some stuff while we’re

Here uh I don’t think I will be building with cherry for a long time but I do have plans for like when we do a later later Mega bows I I really like using cherry stuff for gradients so yeah I think uh those are yeah very cute

Yay Cherrywood is controversial for me I know so many people are so excited about the biome but I really hate how the biome was implemented I feel like it just it’s nice but it just it could have been so much better and the waste of potential just make me sad like we could

Have had such a nice Cherrywood biome and we got this but that’s fine that’s fine cherry wood itself is okay um it it’s the wood outside that I like the most out of anything really oh and the sapling the sapling looks super good yeah that’s pretty much it I don’t

Actually have many lovely lovely things to say about this biome people get really hyped and for what and for what reason for this leaf for this leaf that looks so repetitive for this color of grass why why is it so yellow anyway they it could have been so great

Chap we so close to Greatness and then they gave us this and I’m a little sad about it okay uh six saplings actually should be fine do I want more what potential do you feel is missing look at it look at it look at it

Ju Ju Ju Ju Just just look at it just just look at it just look at it we could have had like the the most mythical Cottage cool really pretty biome but they gave it a like dead in dead in a drought grass color they made the leaf pattern

So bad look at how repetitive this leaf looks in in comparison to like those leaves these leaves blend so much more easily than this where you can just tell it’s Square it’s so Square you can really see the lines where the blocks are like matching up to create those

Patterns that you just don’t really see as clearly with these trees in my opinion like this is much more jarring especially because you’ve got the little um bits on every corner that make it look very wait you’re right I am always right chat I’m always right it just

Looks really not ideal um I think what makes it most egregious for me is that there have been so many fan mods that have really done excellent exceptional Cherry biome mods um it’s like one of the most common fan-made biomes ooh allies no we don’t La um one of the most

Common fan-made biomes you can get and yet they this is what they came up with despite having so much inspiration they tried their best bro I have little sympathy for like multi-million pound company trying their best in coming up with a very subpar in my opinion rendition I have I have limited limited

Sympathy for that like I I get it I get it but at the same time it we could have had something so great and it just didn’t it just didn’t feel like that for me but I appreciate that lots of people really like it um it’s not like a bad addition but

It was very random and I think it’s clear that it was rushed and it kind of feels like the developers took a community favorite of like cherry blossom biome um I just patched it in really quickly because they knew it would get like some instant um some instant happiness from

From players despite knowing it like you know it was very rushed okay 625 827 where am I bro I’m so lost 625 okay we need to go this way God this is much further than I thought it would be I thought it was actually fairly close but it’s

Not it’s the first game give them some time honestly chat honestly I’m so lost guys 625 – 827 is not the right coordinates is it oh my God I went to the end starting point the trousers ruin is here the trousers ruin is close to my house I’m in the completely wrong place

Chad why did none of you tell me I was going to the wrong place guys what are you here for what are you here for oh oh boy you guys watch me conserve my elytra rockets for so long no wonder I was like man the Mansion kind of weird don’t remember

That Spira how could you do this to me spiritin I have beef with you guys for the content outrageous outrageous behavior simply outrageous well at least I’ll wait for nighttime and I’ll see if I can murder any creepers very quickly and uh grab some more uh gunpowder weed face ins Spectra sorry

Spectra it’s okay is it I’m so sad Chad I’m so sad meet us in the parking lot at 3:00 a.m. no you don’t deserve to meet me in the parking lot I’m not sorry and I have a ban hammer and I am very happy to use it chat you betrayed

Me everyone here betrayed me and for what for what reason content you’d betray your streamer for Content this is so rude so rude and so mean what did I do to deserve this what did I ever do it’s fine we can explain then explain then explain my

Goodness okay well let me get something out I’ll get this out and I’ll get this out and I I will swap in my damage helmet um actually while I’m waiting for things to spawn I’m going to grab some coal cuz we’re kind of low on coal I

Noticed at the base uh so we might as well Fortune some while we’re Here last time I played Redstone was new oh my gosh that is that is quite a long time fellow fellow Spira I say like I can possibly be watching my own content simultaneously which which is simply sadly not something I’m able to do you Looting yes you are okay no not you not

You oh I just need like a yeah now I don’t need you guys I need uh creepers not zombies where are they Hello oh it’s not a good idea to go into a forest like this o okay there are more there than I thought there would be oh no oh God I why my Gunpowder I’m so sad chat I’m so sad we were so get out of my inventory Bam Bam we were so close to Greatness oh my God no these are not what I want that is uh not what I want to see okay we will quickly head off craft some more

Rockets as we fly and see if anything has spawned here that might be of used to us any creepers no nothing any creepers this seems like a good region to fight mobs any creepers um let’s grab this one quickly okay excuse me Bam Bam Bam how did you not die

Oh okay and any more four gunpowder from one guy that’s pretty good um I kind of think that we’re good now we definitely have enough Rockets you to make my creeper Farm don’t I this that’s kind of the the Crux of the issue you know what let me sleep let me

Sleep and we will head off in the morning I think I just want to check out Um I just want to check out this area bam because you never know when there might be a god Apple in a chest somewhere okay no G Apple but um some of these they’re okay okay cool all righty let us head to the actual Trails R in which I got a bit

Confused about but that’s okay that’s okay chat we will find it British ghost to find her way back home what does the fact that I’m British have to do with any of this chat honestly honestly SMH I know I’ve done this to myself but SMH goodness if that’s what I’m known for

Truly I failed I have so many other things that would be funnier if I was known for like fanfiction I think it would just be a little bit funny if I was the fanfiction YouTuber um for the TV tuber nothing it’s just unfortunate SMH little does she know that still the

Incorrect coordinates I am going to be very angry at you chat I’m going to be so angry and then I could just un alive in this world and then that’s the end of the Hardcore Minecraft series like it’s done forever as soon as I die it’s just like it ends

It ends completely oh my gosh what is this terrain wow Stone Forest kind of area very pretty oh very very pretty I could have built a great house here it could have looked so nice uh chat please keep an eye out because if we happen to see a jungle

Temple might as well go in I don’t think there is one unless no I don’t think there’s one extremely Cliffy could still be a future construction site yeah you can make some really cool bridges in between I think I do like making Bridges I’m not very good at them but

One day I would like to attempt like a a difficult bridge to make where is it 177 177 do I need amethyst right now no I don’t need amethyst right now we’ll just keep exploring if we find a coral reef that would be extra nice but I don’t think we will uh do I want to take that down nah i’ probably taken down

Before you’re 100% the beat you in my mind at least keep the hard promoting the agenda thank you thank you I appreciate that I appreciate that I do see the uh um you know the bigger vtuber companies actually do have very thriving fanfiction communities but that’s more

Just because whenever you have a fan base that is big you’re always going to get people who are really excited about that kind of thing so it would it would make me I also just don’t think that um fanfiction is normalized enough as like an art form because creative writing and like books

And story telling and fiction and being able to write that really is an art form but it’s not really seen as art in the same way that like an actual piece of art is but I think the barrier to entry is much lower which is why I think it

Would be very cool very cool if lots of people lots and lots of people uh gave us fan pictures it would make me happy definitely oh my God monetization fanfiction contest when you guys don’t get anything but um it would be funny uh oh no oh no

Oh no my Electra is also not having a good time what can I murder chat what can I murder quickly two there’s a problem with not having Unbreaking three um even Unbreaking two it’s like massively helpful but your Electro still dies pretty quickly it’s okay though we’re basically there I’ll kill some

Cows when we There I got my started writing with fanfiction mainly yeah right definitely definitely oh witches H they don’t do anything but they’re pretty rare as I Discovered okay definitely somewhere here somewhere oh a bit too close here somewhere here chat we will find it probably within the next rocket uh writing F about beers cross the gray area from though oh I completely agree I know I know exactly what you mean um where it’s like do you

Write about the vtuber as a character or like as a person I completely get that for me personally I’ve given the green light for the avoidance of any doubt but um I can understand like if if people haven’t explicitly said like oh yeah I am Che with that like please for free um

I can understand why uh people wouldn’t be comy with that I I completely get it cuz it is a bit weird to write about like your rendition of a real person even though vtubers like our per we are not real people our personalities are like performative and to an extent

Warped but there’s always inevitably going to be like real aspects to it as a streamer you know so it is definitely DC 4,000 I’ve gone too far in fact I went to the wrong place in fact I forgot that I had two trouser runs so um the one we were at earlier

Was 364,000 your D face is on I know because my AEL died chat you think I’m getting over that so quickly honestly honestly you guys what is that why is it there SMH 4,000 333 I am getting to his Trav and has really been such a such a complete not a

Mess but it has been uh quite a journey here it is it was here I remember I remember it was next to the zi area yeah we found it finally after all these years the trails ruin beautiful beautiful time to demolish it okay so when you have a Trav through

You can do archaeology so if anyone who hasn’t seen the latest Minecraft updates um if the texture of the uh dirt or like sand or whatever is slightly different that means it can be excavated using this little brush so we will be stealing from here we will be stealing so much

Stuff um and it’s best to excavate like layer by layer a lot of people they don’t like destroy the outer blocks because they’re like they don’t they want to preserve it for me personally I don’t mind destroying the outer blocks but uh for today I guess we’ll still keep it pretty careful there’s

Excavation yeah that is you don’t really get like that you don’t get anything really good from it it’s pretty exclusively cosmetic which is also a shame because it would be nice if it wasn’t just cosmetic but um I I don’t actually I don’t know why

They didn’t make it like I have no idea why they chose to make it entirely cosmetic and not um have anything super valuable in here it it’s just Collectibles and other stuff but it’s fine I’ll I’ll accept it we don’t need that so when you break it um when you break an archaeology

Block the item is also lost forever if you needed it and you just like don’t take it so yeah uh whenever you hear it will make a different noise so you will be able to hear it shattering okay I don’t really know too much about Trails ruins I know there are different

Types of trails ruin oh I want like the normal clay I hope it’s not all stained clay I’ll be really disappointed if I’ve come all this way only to get stained clay um and so you can see the item as it comes out so I know that that is like a brown

Candle um so if you want to like save durability on your brush you can always just destroy it if it doesn’t look good uh excuse me please come back okay cool um yeah I kind of don’t mind demolishing this place a little bit like just a little bit for fun as a

Treat also if the gravel Falls it will stop being um special gravel when did they add the stuff to MC it was like a few updates ago actually or like was it the latest I have no idea Minecraft isn’t update very often um have you considered it what

What what are you okay are you lost are you all right are you in the right channel do you need directions it’s okay I have so many directions I don’t get lost ever I would never get lost on stream that would be so cringe imagine like a true Brit Destro

Whoa whoa whoa that is that is so uncooled for that is that that is outrageous um but my next build project will be a museum and I just think it would be quite funny if I put some mud bricks in there for fun I I I just you

Know why if why not display things why just why wouldn’t you display things you know they look nice they they pretty nice you lapis or blue dye your blue dye betrayal there are also some exclusive blocks you can oopsie there are some exclusive blocks you can get in here too so

Uh oh my God it’s night time I didn’t notice I should probably sleep actually just to be safe just to be safe okay so this is like the bottom of the area I believe ah I don’t want to miss anything cuz there are some exclusive items you can

Get in here that is just a stick um so oh gosh this this stress with without the gloss pain we don’t need a gloss pan yeah I will take clay I don’t mind clay he is good do I want bricks I don’t want bricks I hope my Shel doesn’t die my

Shovel is going to die isn’t it it’s okay cuz I kind of have enough stuff to like make another actually yeah my shovel isn’t like that valuable to me that I don’t want it to die it’s okay it’ll die everything dies chat but we can remake our own stuff okay now please

Be uh green stained clay I just want some green stained clay please that would make me very happy if the clay hit is green I don’t see any green clay but I’m sure we’ll find some I’m not seeing the differences in the blocks uh I that’s kind of a skill issue cuz they

Are very the differences are quite apparent in my humble opinion they they really tried to make it quite obvious um and then we let’s make two cuz why not you can never have enough crafting tables trapped and then Shel and in a way it’s actually nicer to

Have a slow shovel because uh then you won’t you’re less likely to accidentally destroy archaeology blocks um sand is also archaeology but uh because we are not in a biome where there would be sand under here we’re not getting that another shot you can turn on durability yeah I I feel like I

Um don’t mind not having that on cuz otherwise I feel like I’d be checking it too often you know what I’m saying y if you like that sometimes if you die you die you know what I’m saying chat you just to gift it’s like oh this

Is one of the rare items you can get which is a arat which is what I believe someone was talking about in chat earlier when they were like oh yeah my favorite stuff from there ARs they’re okay I suppose my whoopsie you know what it was probably like a stick

Copium statistically it was probably a stick okay beetro seeds what are you a purple candle you know what I will take a purple candle I don’t mind purple I don’t mind purple candles I think they look quite cute okay um St glass gross oh another armor

Trim very nice are you identical to the last one uh I actually don’t think you are wait are you you are I’ve been betrayed so you can dup any armor trim using diamond um so you only really need one of each it’s not like great to like get another

One uh but it would be hard to get everything in like the same TR so yink it would be cool if I could do a GAA with like the tra room and excavation like what blocks will we get like bet now for a stick like something

Useful or something bad um sadly I do not have the ability to run things like that it’s so sad it would be funny what are you beetro seeds disgusting what is an omat it uh makes your armor look different wait oh my God you guys are never going to hear me

Sneeze um basically it’s a cosmetic um appearance for your armor just makes the armor look very slightly different it’s uh not that exciting I’m a be real oh you’re be aren’t you um you can look up all the different armor trims they’re collectibles you get in different structures it’s nice to

Have them but they personally I don’t think they look that nice so I’m not really going to be adding them to my armor I I prefer the default look cuz the other looks are kind of ugly in my humble opinion you know people are free to disagree but I don’t think they’re that

Valuable robbed again guys it’s fine this is this is a game mechanic it’s a it’s a game mechanic looting is a intended game mechanic oh no it broke again my thing broke again what am I going to do chat I I threw out all my Cobblestone um than there we

Go oh fancy what this do Trail ruins have any green stained clay I just kind of wanted green stained clay I hope there would be some here I thought that um I think you can actually also get cactus dye like I would take One Singular Cactus dye as well wouldn’t mind personally that’s

Okay with me but uh I have a feeling why do I have a feeling it’s not going to happen does this still count as like trailer and stuff cuz it’s kind of like Beyond oh no it is it must still count anything good no just die um

Like what kind of armatron would you have likeed I don’t actually know I actually don’t think I think it’s hard design armat trims that look good within like the the base game but I also don’t like any of the ones they designed um so I don’t know how I’d

Improve it like I think it’s hard to do maybe that’s why like it just couldn’t it could never turn out well I’m not sure I’m not sure um yeah I think some of them are like objectively not nice nice in appearance oh one of the discs I think that’s rare

Too um for example the one I think of is like the one with like the eye and circle on it like I just think it looks so goofy but you like other people might really like it it’s all just a matter of perspective H it broke again chat my things keep breaking

I’m so sad you didn’t find it to an trans it isn’t that don’t don’t do that don’t kill my hope in the world chat I have so little of it I have so little okay is it still trouser R yeah I think it must

Be low key I know I said it’s better to have a slower shovel because then you don’t accidentally break stuff but but I kind of wish I had my old one back now this is super slow once you’ve experienced the speed of efficiency for Diamond it’s super sad when you don’t have it

Anymore okay that is a different template I think we can get four different templates in here if I’m thinking correctly is there anything up here no I can’t ooh we shift oh another template that one’s different too three out of four is not bad whatsoever in my opinion okay we will put that

Away um I will ditch that and I will oh my gosh guys I have no inventory space I I have no more space left okay that seems good to me um another bodyy Shard it was good the best trim really dude well I guess I guess you know I am

Many hundreds of years old which I think is older than the intended or like the the lowest um intended Minecraft player so you never know you never know Perhaps it is yeah a different in tastes because of that huh another candy betrayal what are you oh a flower pot um

Do we need you we don’t really need you I I love flower pots but they’re quite easy to get so we don’t need to grab it necessarily what I really want is oh seeds I really want an egg oh hanging sign we also kind of don’t need that um it’s cute though it’s

Cute another brick don’t really need you am I still Shady okay we can un shade now cuz we found the location we needed to go ohom uh do we y that no we don’t need to yint that kind of feel like I should just like dig to see if there’s anything

Behind here but I think this must be out of the range of the I wish it was more obvious to to know when um the gravel is out of the range and like no longer possible to generate uh in like how do I put it like um architecture mode

Mode yeah I guess I guess it’s pretty clear oh another sign kind of don’t need that why do my shovels keep breaking oh they never last long chat they never last very long at all I God to it night time again already probably fine okay

Sh um let’s keep going let us keep going a little bit I think the majority of the audience is DB considering the mob oh don’t going to me start on the mob boat we’re too early in my streaming career for me to talk about the mob boat honestly okay is this kind of

It yeah I think that’s kind of the edge of this room what an ugly room that’s all I’m saying um yeah nothing up there is there anything further here no I think it’s just all gone no normal play either well I think we dig this way and

We can discover some more rooms here cuz this is like an arch way isn’t it no that’s a Candle oh wait you can’t find sniffer eggs here can you so there’s an egg you can find but I think it has to be in a war biome ah yeah it has to be underwater doesn’t it I forgot I forgot is the loser the M never implemented yeah absolutely so they pick

Like will they design three mobs and then um anything that doesn’t get voted for never gets implemented and that’s meant to be like the the big appeal why people get head up over it because if your favorite mob doesn’t win like it’s dead it’s dead forever and it’s not getting added

So yeah so yeah people get passionate to say the least what are you oh string okay big big big big I think that’s it I think that’s the end of the trail is there anything here possibly doesn’t really seem like it but I’ll are you are you a

Pathway or is it nothing no it looks like a pathway stop breaking please I don’t know how much more I got left in me I have no more shovels left in me chat oops oopsie he I I don’t know how much more I got left in me yeah it looks like something but

There’s also not much maybe it’s meant to be oh no is that another room I think that is another room okay is there a benefit to the m do people play the game mod because of it um it’s more like it’s a community event to build hype it’s

Like like can you imagine if a vtuber company made like three models and were like yeah vote on like which model you want a vtuber vote on which model you want a vtuber to debut as can you imagine like if a big vtuber company did that people would get so

Excited um it’s kind of the same thing um it’s like if you play the game you’ll care about it being added or not so yeah it it’s sort of similar um it it’s not like it massively impact your life um but if you like enjoy consuming the content and stuff

Then it will it’ll mean something to you he hey I think is there something here or are we at the end I think you can tell you at the end when like the um blocks Turn to Stone or dirt or just like a non okay so clearly there’s still stuff here

Bam brick we don’t need seeds we don’t need poy shot I will take a poy shot pi and it’s implemented first um I think like the the reasoning is like there would be too many mobs in that case for like so much new content uh but I kind

Of I think that would also be less exciting like people wouldn’t really care about the mob as much it is meant to start like Community discussions Community debate that kind of thing uh they used to say did they I think I remember something thing

The M get added they on the line I think if that was ever said it’s definitely not the case because none of the mob boats um none of the mobs who have ever lost a mob boat have ever been added to the game so uh yeah chat sorry they lied

You they lied you how do you feel how do you feel about it I hate I hate to break it to you but you’ve been misinformed um or maybe that was the plan and it changed when they made it a yearly thing cuz I think it was always

Meant to be a yearly thing I think it started out as like um what was the con called you know like they uh they have like a Minecraft convention and I think it started out oh my God stop breaking please it started out there so maybe

They only intended it to happen at like those conventions or something oh oopsy um why why do my shovels keep breaking this is cute um coal you want to give me coal after all I’ve endured what a terrible game do I make another shovel I need to

Get more wood yeah I’ll get one more shovel um and then I think we will be pretty much done actually yeah boink yink they said that at the rest uh possibly but now they haven’t said that yeah they’ve never added one so like um even if they said that for the first few

Times they definitely didn’t follow up on it so almost certainly the plan changed okay okay it’s kind of cathoic like seeing this place out I’m not going to lie it’s kind of nice to just be here and then clean up everything and then you can seal the structures and then you leave

Um it’s a cute feature I kind of wish there was more to doing this other than just like getting Pottery shards and glass shards it’s a bit underwhelming I like how cute the game play is it’s definitely nice oh my God is that another room oops

Oops oh wow that’s a lot of that’s a lot of shy things wow uh God I have so much grav in my inventory oh a heart Shard like a non-broken heart another disc I don’t need these these discs is there any point in me getting these chat do I just

Leave them cuz we’ve got so many now and it’s just me here it’s not even like you know I will have someone to give it to it’s only me I do not need another candle I do not need seeds what are you I don’t need

Um I mean one’s enough yeah I think so I think so too what is this meant to be what a strange structure H how curious how it my God is it 7:30 dude the way my mind has just like completely gone now that I’m doing like architecture Cassis

Oh my gosh I didn’t realize it got so late I was like so hungry when I was about to end stream I need to get food I need to consume chat the things are always so much longer than I than I expect them to be okay let me quickly uh excavate the last

Areas here uh oops I should probably fall brighter for this last bit instead of facing stuff down um please don’t tell me this is another room please please time flies when you’re having fun that’s one way to look at it um maybe maybe we leave this for another time what do

We what do we think chat what are you spe pleas get out of my sight um we could leave this for another time I don’t think there’s that much more to do if I’m completely honest but yeah I kind of think I kind of think we can leave this for another time don’t

You um I can leave all the stuff we have here and uh bam yeah and then we can just keep Excavating the next time we log in do I think food’s important I do like food well it is Day what day is it it is

Day 82 82 of the Minecraft let’s play so you’ve done pretty well um we doing anything for day 100 not really I’ve have nothing plann for day 100 but if anyone has any suggestions uh please do let me know let me see let me see who is available to raid who can I

Raid who can I raid um tomorrow is my monetization stream I’m starting my monetization stream at 5:00 p.m. BST I mean GMT 5:00 p.m. UK time so uh in 24 hours minus 2 and 1 half hours so yeah that’s when we will start so that will be super super cool please come

That well actually you don’t really need to it’s not to be honest I don’t want to make a big deal out of it um there are actually some more exciting things coming up that I would rather you guys saved your hype for it’s not going to be

A really hype stream it’s going to be a Tor stream with the V and du talents and then we’re going to do the Reddit Q&A oh yes Reddit Q&A if you would if you have a Reddit account and you haven’t seen already uh I’m being featured this week

For the virtual YouTubers um I’m being featured for the virtual YouTubers uh weekly Q&A so if you want to go and leave me a question please please do I saw some great questions on there already uh it would be lovely to have some more so that we can have like a

More fleshed out um fleshed out Q&A thing um yeah feel free to ask me anything on that it should be pretty cute and let me see who can I rate oh me when there is still no v& girls not that they that would have been

Um but I think I know I would really love to raid yeah I’m GNA raid M yeah m is doing a zatsu Dan stream lot zatsu Dan of 20203 oh exciting oh my gosh yeah this will be our last Minecraft stream this year um and tomorrow will be our

Last I guys I’m going to I’m going to be honest with you tomorrow will be our last stream of 2023 I I forgot about that cuz I can’t stream but I might appear on someone else’s stream for 2023 so it’ll be our last Spector stream but it may not be the

Last time you see me this year it’ll definitely be the last stream this year so that’s what monetization will be wow I forgot about that I’m going to clickbait that title anyway thank you guys so much for joining me for Hardcore Minecraft I hope you enjoyed it and I’m

Going to send you over to mow he was so cool and speaks so many languages and everyone is a poly clot except me I can only speak one language and I’m very bad languages but I hope you guys have a great time with zsan so I will see you

Tomorrow for my monetization at 5:00 T oh no no it’s it’s TI it’s TI T like T for now and farewell but fair Nowell like Fair Nowell yeah when I when I came up with this I was like Hey manager do you think this is confusing and he was

Like yeah and I was like lol uh and then I did it anyway so that that’s the clarification I have I not clarified that before I probably have I don’t think you guys can type T half now anymore LOL anyway I’ll see you guys later have a fun time with d and

I’ll see you for my monetization tomorrow goodbye everyone Bye byeee by bye bye bye Bye

This video, titled ‘【Hardcore Minecraft】ELYTRA TIME!!! Let’s take to the SKIES!!!’, was uploaded by Spectra Libitina Ch. V&U on 2023-12-28 19:49:20. It has garnered 1018 views and 190 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:38 or 12878 seconds.

1am spectra here. HELP


Twitter: https://twitter.com/SpectraVNU TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@spectralibitina Fan Name: Spiritinas Merchandise: https://shop.geekjack.net/collections/vu-standard-goods

Oshi Marks: 🪦🫖 General: #SpectraLibitina Live: #TimeForTia Art: #RoseTintedSpectracles Clips: #AdLibitinad Memes: #ASpectracleOfOneself Fanfiction: #LibitinaLiterature Assets: #SpectrAssets

BGM Credit: Nobu via DovaSyndrome



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    Maizen's 3D House INSIDE Mikey's HAND?! (Minecraft)Video Information This video, titled ‘How JJ Built a House inside Mikey’s HAND in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Maizen 3D on 2024-06-13 18:10:50. It has garnered 2698 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:25 or 2305 seconds. How JJ Built a House inside Mikey’s HAND in Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!

    EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey BLOW UP IRON GOLEM vs WITHER TNT in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ TV on 2024-02-15 12:01:44. It has garnered 4691 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:26 or 926 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey BLOW UP IRON GOLEM vs WITHER TNT in Minecraft Maizen! 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations of… Read More

  • EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!

    EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!Video Information This video, titled ‘Arceus FF gaming is live!minecraft survival island’, was uploaded by Arceus FF gaming on 2024-06-23 18:38:42. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:37 or 2557 seconds. Iam not a youtuber but we will try #videos #games @arceus ff gaming Read More

  • Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft Roleplay

    Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ketakutan Yang Ada – Bakwan: Fight Back Episode 25 [ Minecraft Roleplay ]’, was uploaded by Rolfeey on 2024-08-28 02:25:38. It has garnered 12145 views and 815 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:49 or 4009 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/rolfeey ➽ Description !! Command Night bot !spec !donate !discord ➽Read Sekuyyy ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ And Dont Forget To Like, Comment, And Subscribe For More Video !! See Ya ➽Help Me Reach 100,000 subs!! : / rolfeey​ ➽Discord : / discord ➽Contact Me : Instagram: / rolfeey2 Twitter : / yourstar_2 Discord : Rolfeey 📧Business Email… Read More

  • Unlocking Herobrine’s Secret Powers! 😈 #Minecraft

    Unlocking Herobrine's Secret Powers! 😈 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine |’, was uploaded by Oprajgaming on 2024-04-24 16:56:01. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ○Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine | Tags #shorts #minecraft #herobrine #edit #minecraftshort #youtubeshort #editing #shortsvideo #minecraftshortvideo #minecraftshortsvideo #herobrine #herobrinesmp #attitudestatus #attitude #acharulipopuri #mcpe #mcpeshorts #minecraftshort #minecraftedit #minecraftedits minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

    Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by VinceyVideo Information This video, titled ‘r/TraumatizeThemBack is Wild’, was uploaded by Vincey on 2024-08-25 14:00:30. It has garnered 13654 views and 1403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:41 or 1241 seconds. Thanks for watching today’s Reddit video legends! Subscribe if you want to! My Minecraft: Shaders: BSL Shaders Texture Pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft Members Access: Become a member today for exclusive videos and Discord access! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ62eviBm92rz20hE1IIIXQ/join My Links! ⬇️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vinceyreads/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/vinceyreads TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@vinceyreads 00:00 Intro 00:33 Story 1 02:56 Story 2 06:20 Story 3 07:49 Story 4 09:53 Story 5 11:22 Story 6 12:55 Story 7… Read More

  • Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!

    Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Прохождение Платной Сборки От OxFORTPACK / День 3 – Короткий день’, was uploaded by HaYaRy&ProSha on 2024-06-21 04:25:55. It has garnered 57 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:41 or 5741 seconds. 💵Post the meme directly on the broadcast – https://memealerts.com/HaYaRy&ProSha ✅Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Walkthrough Paid Build From OxFORTPACK / Day 3 – Short day 💵DONATE MONEY – https://www.donationalerts.com/r/hayary_and_prosha 💵DONATE TO CARD – 2202201045736895 ❗❗❗IN A MESSAGE OR COMMENT, WRITE WHO DONATED, WHY❗❗❗ 💵TRADE / ProSha TRADE – https://goo.su/i7ss 💵TRADE HaYaRy – https://goo.su/XEuTm6Q ✅VK GROUP – https://vk.com/club_hayary_and_prosha ✅TWITCH – https://www.twitch.tv/hayary_and_prosha… Read More

  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

    Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice WatermelonVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-09 10:50:14. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

    INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villeger avesham song 🤣 #song #avesham #minecraft #malayalam #funny #viralshorts’, was uploaded by ZAIN GAMING on 2024-07-12 04:33:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to viral short video on youtube,shorts video viral kaise hoga,how to viral short video,shorts,shorts video,viral shorts video … Read More

  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.craftlime.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, play.coleria.com.tr adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan www.coleria.com.tr adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- https://discord.gg/crKw3X5TJw Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: paypal.me/DarkCorruptA (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: https://discord.gg/m5PKeyykCg Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More