Ep. 6: Insane Whirlwind in Modded Minecraft!

Video Information

Hey what’s going on YouTube and everyone welcome back to the channel is in here today um or what am I saying uh welcome back to another episode of Minecraft mod survival this is episode six of mod survival we are planning to um find another Dungeon Because I F I I

Find uh discovering those Dungeons and just exploring them and fting all the mobs I find really uh entertaining for you guys and you guys seem to really enjoy this series so I’m going to keep it up I’m going to keep it up for you guys

Now um I have I have done a little bit of offscreen work and uh I spent like four Minecraft days getting everything out of those chests that used to be there and out of my backpack which it’s not empty I still got to do that um like that’s like

That’s like the third time I forgot about my my batpack like emptying it out but so yeah I pretty much just put everything down here where uh where there is um where you know where there’s pretty much areas for me to put this stuff in with the chest as you can see there’s

There’s um building blocks which is almost completely stacked with blocks um we have armor we have so much iron armor it’s a little bit ridiculous uh we have the ores nothing too much in there just kind of regular ores potions and buring I keep forgetting that I started at the

Top chest but yeah it’s a lot of potions combat and tools all that in there food uh miscellaneous stuff which is all stacked and enchant which is probably the least stack of chest besides the ores and um oh I hear I hear that Darn

Cat I hear that Darn Cat where is he I was planning to tame him which I I don’t know if taming a cat is still the same I don’t know also I got this Dusty pink pink uh maxer fish I have no idea what effects that’ll put on me but all right

I I hear this dang C cow or not cow I hear this cat I just don’t know where he is Mr Cat Mr Stampy cuz I’m cuz I’m I I want to tame him there’s the cow Mr Cat Mr Cat I just heard you like literally a minute ago I was literally

Trying to look for him this cat is so sneaky also I cut all the trees down oh oh there there’s the cat all right there’s the cat uh I don’t know I don’t know if taming cats are the same way yeah I don’t I have no

Idea I I honestly have no idea if cing t uh taming cat are the same way do do the fish have to be raw I wonder cuz I accidentally cooked them yeah okay I think I might have I can’t exactly remember how to tame cats it’s I I don’t know the last

Time I’ve tame tamed a cat it’s been years since I last tamed a cat in Minecraft I’m pretty sure pretty sure it has to be raw fish so you know what we’re just going to eat it I did I did I did craft myself a fishing rod so we can

Go back down there and catch some fish um well um I want to go in an area that we haven’t really gone in and of course oh okay let’s actually let’s actually see what this potion does oh okay well it well well it well gives you speed and haste oh gosh it it

Gives you speed and haste which is fine I guess like holy cow look at this I’m literally like only like super saiyan or something okay well that was interesting I guess it makes sense well we are on a mission to uh we’re on a mission to find a

Dungeon and I plann that we’re going to go this way past the last tornado oh if you guys haven’t watched last episode you should cuz um that Village over there and that Forest got nearly obliterated by a monstrous tornado I mean like it was so bad like the damage is unreal

It’s like ef4 damage over there and tornadoes in the weather mod can only go up to F4 so I still don’t know what’s up with these random Mounds right here raccoons I don’t have any I don’t have any chests I don’t have any chest and I probably should restart my Minecraft

Um okay I might I might cut back to where we find a dungeon I’m not really sure yeah I think I might going to do that cuz my Minecraft’s being a little being a little laggy right now so I will I will cut back and then I

Will talk to you guys when I find another dungeon okay I think we’re back um all right so just decided to go ahead and restart the world of course food just being stupid um so yeah um oh man just looking at this path yeah we never really gone this

Direction oh it’s like the sky turns into a kind of greenish sky this where the Tado touched down just look look at that look at that path of Destruction I think it I think it’s like I think it’s that house right there or it’s one of those that had the cave

Underneath it that we took shelter in that was a devastating tornado it looks like there’s a lot of clay it’ll probably be a good time to uh collect some don’t you guys think think it’ll be a good time to collect some clay need that go and collect all this clay

Here it looks like there’s a planes biome off in that direction so oh my gosh I got so much holy cow yeah we definitely don’t definitely don’t need to get clay again of course it’s tur night time this actually be kind of a good biome to collect

Clay oh looks like we got another Cherry Mr Brown sheep how are you doing today um my gosh it’s another cat okay man Minecraft’s really being really being great today it’s a frog oh there’s another dungeon wow that that looks insane that looks insane that’s that’s awesome that’s an awesome

Biome any any Dark Forest I don’t still see no Dark Forest still see no dark Forest oh there’s a Sunbird that kind of caught me off guard for a second cuz I was like what’s that mob but no it’s just a Sunbird um oh it’s another one of those oh I I see a village or I I see something something yeah that’s definitely a village it’s definitely a

Village wow look at that it’s actually oh it looks like there’s another Village way over there oh gosh wow the world’s really new chunks just do not want to load in Minecraft oh there’s um is that is that like the Yellowstone biome over there I think that’s what that is yeah

Yeah I think it’s actually the Yellowstone biome yeah I think that’s actually the Yellowstone biome over there from like teralith I think that’s where that’s from well here we have here we have another dungeon see how this one goes if I can enter it here we go uh come on come

On okay so the very first time on this series Minecraft has ironically crashed for some reason um I really don’t know why but we got set back a long dist and uh yeah we got set back a long distance but oh what it it saved the

Clay that I picked up but it reset my progress that is so weird anyways so there is actually a dungeon that’s like way off in this direction past this biome there’s another ples biome and then there’s well you know you you you guys already seen the

Footage yeah so it it pretty much just reset me a little bit but whatever whatever it is what it is chicken eat Egg anyways yeah so let’s try this again let’s try this again without lagging there’s there’s more falling chickens we definitely didn’t see that the the first time it’s the chickens fly little chickens fly okay yeah it’s definitely not lagging as much I think I think I think it’s

Because of the render distance I think that’s what was causing it to lag okay hello fishy all right all right we’re here we’re here in the dungeon we are here in the dungeon all right so we’re here in the dungeon okay we’re here all right we’re here here in the

Dungeon all right let’s go down this one I got two cakes two cakes it’s like from the fog with Izzy cake all right all right we got got another Golden Apple thank you for the Golden Apple more um Protection One I’ll take it I’ll take it I’ll take it I’ll take

It um I’ll take it thank you for more torches uh more compasses more coal and more gold I’ll take it uh H we we we got a geode we got a geode like right in the middle of this it’s pretty funny I wonder if it like eroded the spawner or

Something that was pretty fun all right we got some steak some unbaked potatoes and some coal hi there nice nice nice feet nice boots for a second I thought I didn’t destroy the second I thought I didn’t destroy the spawner but all right now is there

Any is there any secret rooms I have to check I have to check I have to check if there’s any secret rooms oh this is an open cave it’s a very open cave um all right more potatoes and an ender pearl I think we need to go to the nether soon

Feel like we need to um oh man uh speaking of Dimensions which biome do you want me to go to First the nether or the Twilight Forest I really want to go to the Twilight Forest because it’s it’s it’s like one of my favorite childhood Minecraft mods

Um and one of my favorites or a or a personal favorite to me but you guys want me to go to the the ne or the Twilight Forest I’ll probably probably post a pool on my on my channel asking if you guys like want me to go to the go to the

Twilight Forest or the nether first you know um yes I know there was a chest there I’m going to go get it just grabbing the L Redstone lamps cuz I I am going to be using them at some point another Brin stand we really don’t need a Brin stand anymore

Um okay let’s go this way um oh hi there Mr skeleton and I need sorry I need to shoot okay got you skeleton God dang it you’re not even oh wait do you have a you have a backpack oh you got a backpack let’s go all right you have a

Backpack you have a backpack you have a backpack okay okay cool that’s cool that’s cool okay of course you can’t put backpacks inside backpacks uh okay so I feel like o all right um oh man I I really want to go back up to the surface or you know you know what

No I can do it here what am I talking about I can do it here okay cuz like okay I’m going to put there cuz I want to I want to make this into like another iron backpack you know but I can’t really make it a diamond backpack

Because cuz uh well cuz I don’t have enough diamonds but um should be should be Gucci for us right now um right check this chest hey more Spruce planks thank you and more clay man that’s a lot okay thank you though thank you all right let’s go back this

Way oh wait I don’t think I went this way it’s another area another chest uh coal nothing too crazy well well well then go it’s only it’s it’s only the first floor so things are going to get a lot more more things are going to get a lot more

Crazy um hang on guys I’ll be right back all right I’m back um just had to get need some coffee to uh get some coffee to kind of get the episode going or at least like the first I don’t know but this dungeon is sure oh yeah we got to go this

Way all right God sometimes living in a twostory house can really do something to you uh hang on hang on hang on all right you just shot the zombie okay not going to question what that was about but sh the skeleton just like shot in the zombie oh man

Okay dude y’all keep like y’all keep like shooting each shooting each other it is the most random crap ever dude it’s the most random junk oh my God it’s the most random the most random I just kept like are are you trying to like alone Steve like what are you trying to do

There Mr zombie but God that was crazy my God what is this oh more of these weird potions oh my gosh these dudes are Like are yall like spawning from oh that’s where that’s where are they all coming from a ow oh God my okay Jesus it’s all relax for a second let’s all just chill out chill out all right got some gold got some more torches disc 13 I already have that

Um rotten flesh I guess I can put in there okay more gold more iron and oh what is this ancient Dart what is it what does an ancient Dart do hang on this is like a new item ancient Dart oh it’s from Alex’s mobs uh is it used for something I have

No clue whatsoever really have no clue all right sorry I’m just trying to adjust trying to adjust having technical difficulties yes I have coffee to wake me up fortunately okay let’s go another chest more Spruce Wood thank you for the free materials this is such a way to

Like this is definitely such a way to get materials you know oh um I think I think we have yeah we do we have enough iron so we can technically make this into a is it wait I wonder is this how you make it yeah

There you go okay we just did that we just made another backpack awesome we just made another iron backpack sweet okay all right this is the last room another ancient Dart I still don’t know what these do I still don’t know oh it’s like a tease to a cavern but

Anyways let’s go down to the the second floor of this dungeon and okay I’m trying to remember where that was I think it was over here I think it was over here this is the geode and then yeah it’s down here okay okay I went ahead and restart on

Minecraft again because it was getting real laggy there and I’m sorry if that keeps happening I can’t really do much about it but here we go this is the second floor it’s the second level um okay all right second level here we go all right got more potatoes I’m might turn

The music down just a little bit okay oh uhoh uhoh um oh crap wait what what okay I was wondering how the Redstone there’s bass salt right there why wait no that this is bass salt from the nether right why would it be right here I’m genuinely

Wondering why would there be bass salt here cuz I isn’t it from the nether could have sworn bassal is like from the nether all right you are not I’m pretty sure we have a storm above us um which okay um yeah we might oh creeper uh creeper

Spawner is kind of getting the lava right there getting the taste of lava all right all right all right okay oh I hear oh crap let be real careful fermented spider eye I’ll take that for uh Brewing okay uh I think I think there’s a storm above us right now um I’m

Probably going to have to come back to this um oh you could you could switch weapons while you’re holding Shield I really didn’t think of that another cauldron I’ll take that I guess I’ll take the spider eye as well okay um is this storm like it it’s it sounds really crazy

Um it sounds really bad okay uh I think I might want to go back up to the surface and check this out because O Okay um I mean yes I I have done a lot of offscreen work so it may have there may be a storm out up on the

Surface there may be but we’re going to check going to check if there’s a storm or oh okay it’s raining it’s is there oh no it’s hailing it’s hailing where is that oh God it’s right there Storm’s right there oh my gosh the storm’s right there

Where did this come from this like came out of nowhere holy crap it’s hailing okay thank goodness I came up here because it’s hailing it’s freaking hailing uh oh gosh holy crap uh is this going to turn into a tornado uh I don’t know if this is going to turn into a

Tornado look at the hail hail’s like it’s hailing crazy I don’t know if the hail hurts you I don’t know if it does the storm is freaking insane I really wonder if it will turn into a tornado thank goodness we came up here cuz I don’t know could be a

Tornado this could be the uh fifth tornado of the series oh man this freaking oh oh gosh oh gosh we got a tornado we got a tornado touching down touching down we have a tornado touching down over we have a tornado touching down okay it it does look like it’s perspectively far

Away but uh I don’t know about that I don’t know how close it is is it like up on this Cherry where is it is it I see it it’s right there is it going back up in the sky oh gosh it is it is it is going back up with the

Sky oh thank God thank God it’s going back up oh boy that could have ended really badly it was one of those like toos that’ll touch down for just a second then it would go back up and there’s a tiger over There wow there it goes going back up into the sky going back up and it’s gone well that was shortlived we we could have completely missed it if we never came back out to the surface we could have completely missed it gosh some license crazy man this hail something

Else Hil storm is something else okay okay look like there’s like another storm right there all right well that was that was that was cool let’s go back down to the dungeon cuz like that lasted for such a short period of time it was one of those tornado that

Came came down and then went right back up which it it’s very common for Toros to do that they touch down for just a split second then they go back up into the sky really common for tornadoes yeah it was over here matter of fact I’m going to eat that

Cake but yeah the cat I was trying to tame at the beginning of the episode I wanted to name him Stampy because Stampy long NOS so yeah um okay we went over there let’s go over here that Thunder is like so God that Thunder just like Bellows through the freaking surface

Dude okay I I really want to strongly believe that beside me is a secret room because like this is like the second level and uh gunpowder oh uh what do we need is gunpowder a thing for Brewing I have no idea but let’s let’s check right here nope no secret room it

Was still worth it was still worth checking it was still worth checking I’m hearing a lot of stuff and I don’t know if I should be another iron sword more cauldrons I don’t know why I’m getting them but I am uh anyways looks like the Thunder

Stopped so the storm could be going away from us or I don’t know nope there’s still Thunder uh straddle jump oh my God I I have no idea what straddle jump does okay now it’s time for us ooh we got two spawners oh it’s you guys oh wow I spawned like three dudes

Okay all right come on over here come on over here come on over here it’s these special skeletons ah crap all right well at least y’all are not that hard to kill oh you have like you had like Thorns or something I think that think that guy

Had like thorns a lead what I think that’s the first time I’ve got a lead um bow with power two I guess we can repair it but the thing is or wait can we I have no idea um more sticks more apples I’m not sure what we’re going to

Use a mine cart for but um God man just oh you’re you’re a you’re you’re like the slightly Dumber skeleton without a bow like the slightly Dumber skeleton without a without a bow oh this pretty much just leads back to the beginning beginning of the level more

Forment SP spider eye okay I’m not getting any more cauldrons because you know okay um all right crit crit crit and there’s creepers crit and there’s creepers okay I think uh no I don’t I don’t think that’s a Creer spawner oh it is it it is a creeper

Spawner oh oh God the freaking lag okay it pretty much just committed self-infliction on everybody there and you’re just hello how are you you decide to come out of your Cavern to help out the rest but little did he know little did he know that they were all

Dead God this is so hilarious the creepers just like committed self Affliction on everyone so all right so we pretty much came from this direction um all right TNT okay I’m honestly not going to get any more of those weird potions cuz cuz then again I have like

No idea what they do I’m also going to put this like yeah so I don’t get confused okay oh man I still got more still got more to freaking explore ow man my my my shield timing is really bad um projectile protection 4 okay that’s pretty good that’s pretty

Good projectile protection four that’s really good all right more glass bottles more Phantom membranes put that stuff in there oh nope don’t put my torch Tes in there I need I need thank you thank you for potion of instant damage uh no thank you I don’t need a potion that’ll that’ll

Self- afflict me like the creepers well not completely but you you you guys probably catch my drift golden horse armor oh God I hear wither skeletons um God so many of these weird freaking potions like I get it but they’re probably not like they’re probably not that good I’m just going to be

Thoroughly honest they’re probably not that good another fermented spider eye tons of bricks I’ll take it potion of regeneration I’ll take it I’ll take the TNT for like probably exploding parts of the nether to find netherite I think I might do that off camera I think I think I might do that off

Camera I think I might find netherite off camera so enchant a golden apple here we go got enchanted golden apple all right we get we’re getting it let’s get it let’s get it it’s totally not from Cory um anyways let’s go back through here

And I I’m sorry I have to do that every time I wonder if like the secret room is like for is like every time for a dungeon okay here we go wait did I yeah I did I remember cuz creepers creepers creepers creepers all right we have an Enderman

Spawner interesting M end I’m going to kill you though I wonder if this is like a way to like actually kill Enderman I just really help that they don’t like teleport away end stupid oh my gosh I fell down in a cave oh God I keep falling

Down you know what I’m going to use the end God dang it oh God oh God oh God sh oh my gosh okay okay hang on hang on let me eat let me eat let me eat holy crap where are you you’re you’re you’re up there somewhere are you like for real stuck

Somewhere M end man I have no idea he seems really pissed is he oh I really thought he was like where is he I hear him I hear him where are you Mr Enderman um God what is up with these weird potions oh man I really want to kill

Them really wanted to kill Mr Enderman he’s not showing himself he’s just not showing himself hi there wither skeletons so glad that you can’t get to me or oh God there’s probably one of those weird wolf things down there you know what screw it I’m just going to put the fish in

There I’m breaking two knock back two okay iron pickaxe oh yeah it’s that weird wolf where the freak is the Enderman like where where is he at oh he oh he’s down here Enderman this dude can freaking teleport I think he like solely forgot how to

Teleport oh oh here you are here you are okay wow okay I I I I guess his navigation system had to kick in or something I don’t know needs to take them pills pills here okay I don’t know what I’m saying I totally didn’t just say half more Enderman awesome all right

Well it’s my all right we with the calming music God y’all keep teleporting God I hate it where Where my gosh all right I have like three Endermen that’re like pissed off at me okay potion of poison not going to do it okay for Real where are y’all at y’all know y’all can teleport right bro where are they at dude this is so weird trying to have

A normal fight with the Enderman oh hi hi hi hi hi oh God two of them two of them okay okay all right all right oh oh oh God oh God oh God oh God okay okay okay was that was that all oh no no no no no no

No no no no oh oh oh oh no no no no no no oh my gosh oh my gosh oh that was close oh that was close that was close death that was really close death if only the freaking lag didn’t happen I would have totally been wait oh wait that’s sound

Secret I really thought God I really thought I was dead what it sound like it’s a big deal I mean I I I have keep inventory on but okay oh we got we we got a fortune shovel usually don’t find tools with Fortune seems like okay I find this music very

Interesting ah sorry for my c i all right um hey I got another Diamond Helmet I kind of already like I kind of already have one but okay wait what am I doing I I don’t really need gold armor God that was such a clutch moment right there with the Enderman cuz like

They were all teleporting at once they had o you son of a God all right go across go across go across okay uh I think I think this I think the chest might have got destroyed I hear something else as well oh hi it’s you all right Ew ew ew yeah you go down there I don’t really need the Ethereal Spirit things I think that was a cockroach cocka roach cocka roach it’s a lot of cocka roaches it’s a lot of roaches oh it’s oh you just shot the bat this dude just shot the bat holy

Crap dude just shot the freaking bat you stupid just shot the freaking bat all right roaches y’all are free not really y’all are kind of afraid of me but y’all know y’all know where to hide I hope man if if that tornado would have been like the one last episode that

Would have been the remainder of the video just a tornado all right no no gold armor diamonds diamonds yes let’s go let’s go more lapis I don’t know if we need need more lapis I’m not really sure but we got a diamond got more iron got more

Iron okay I know there’s yeah there’s a chest another diam what is what is with me getting so many so many Diamond shovels it is unbelievable roach wait what what what what happens if you actually kill one oh not much ew Wing fragment uh-uh I never I kind of regret killing them I’m

Not going to lie what oh god it’s one of oh freaking Christ oh you can place the backpack down I didn’t mean to do that God scared the crap out of me that’s the second time one of those fly mobs scared the ever loving Daylights out of

Me I think I I think I just said something that DanTDM used to say a lot in his old days but scared the ever Living Daylights out of me I feel like he said that a lot I don’t know why I just thought of it I know I know I just

Thought of it man all right oh God we still got over here is it another one of these weird spawners no oh it’s one of these reals oh my God I hear more Enderman they’re everywhere I feel like when it comes to like a dungeon

There can be oh my gosh they can there can be rooms that literally have Enderman Enderman spawners O Okay thank God no cave spiders are spawning cuz I don’t want them poisoning me I don’t want them spiders poisoning me all right you are done fired okay oh God so many of these freaking

Potions God all right there’s the entry to the fourth level yeah oh God I hear another one of them oh it’s the weird wizard skeleton dude it’s the weird Wither Skeleton or no no no it’s the weird wizard wither I feel like the first time I said wither or no

Wizard and then the second time I said wither cuz they kind of they kind of match up a little bit not really okay uh more lapies don’t need the string okay oh wow my God this is so dumb this is so dumb this is so stupid you are literally so dumb you are

Literally oh and and and some of the spawners are exposed um okay uh more more more more cocka roaches that are like they’re like literally they they don’t want any suffering to do with us all right come here Mr Enderman matter of fact I’m going to let

You yeah boy yeah boy get that get that name boy did you give me man didn’t give me no end pearls okay um okay potion of regeneration I know that’s just the roach oh my God this this has just been stupidest stuff ever all right any more

Spawners there sure is all right what do you got in here what you got in here more Diamond horse armor sharpness got a saddle and more Phantom membranes all right let spawner all right instant Health okay fermented spider eye okay we probably have so many empty bottles let’s be honest here we probably

Have so many empty bottles it’s a little insane cockroach I swear I’m not going to kill I’m not going to kill you like I did to your like I did to your your cousins I don’t know they’re all a part of it somehow okay wait that’s it okay

I also have oatmeal to accompany me but let’s go down to the fourth floor things are going to get really really all right you know what let’s let’s start let’s start with the creeper room start with the creeper oh no no no no he has a he has a backpack he has a

Backpack oh no no no oh dang it he had a freaking batpack I wanted it so freaking bad he had a freaking backpack oh man I really wanted it I really wanted the freaking batpack okay I guess it’s not the world okay what is that instant hormon I should have known

That has it looked familiar but I couldn’t couldn’t oh couldn’t indicate what it what it was okay all right uh oh oh luck of the sea I think I remember finding a luck of the sea enchantment book like last episode and I didn’t get it okay Ricochet I

Really I really have no idea what Ricochet does and we got fire protection and something’s ew oh God okay got a special zombie that’s like attacking me right now all right that that that time you didn’t scare me this oh God I God dang

It God dang it no as a matter of fact I might might just I might just do that yeah okay all right my my Shield’s about to be gone I just realized oh oh it’s the weird weird freaking It’s the weird freaking infested insect infested zombie ew corpse maggots

Maggots oh god of course you have to get unstuck I was literally looking I like please don’t let him get unstuck oh oh Enderman Enderman that’s that’s interesting we have a oh my God my my shield my shield I need a break I need a break for just one

Second is that too much to ask yeah put that in back in there with the weird potions I swear to God you are done fired oh my God we have creepers creepers creepers creeper okay if if I had mob griefing on I would actually okay that’s not that that’s wait the

Creeper just wait did the creeper just drop an iron helmet hang on did the creeper like drop a an iron helmet hold up did the creeper oh you’re oh God you’re you’re you’re not stuck you’re not you’re not stuck you’re not stuck I really thought that the Enderman

Was stuck for a second but nope nope was literally as soon as I was about to attack him he started like he started escalating back up I was like oh my God that’s weird like the Enderman the Enderman spawner is like the only thing that’s here all right oh gosh all

Right man it’s always the freaking Enderman okay all right any other all right I know I probably triggered like so many mobs to see me but hello Mr zombie you didn’t take that long to to die oh hi hi there okay you you guys don’t you got oh

You just broke my shield you just broke my shield how dare you how dare you sir there’s a maggot that’s stuck on the vines okay that that that’s completely fine there’s a maggot that’s just stuck on the vines you don’t see that every day oh he’s unstuck dang

It I I I don’t I don’t need your corpse maggots okay down this way down this way to creeper all right you’re just going to no he survived survived in the water he landed in the water oh man wanted him to Die Another diamond I wanted that creeper bastard To Die In The

Water I’m not that upset about it let let be for real here let be for real here boy okay I don’t know what I’m saying God this is oh I I thought there you go God scared the crap out of me you really did cuz I I saw the first one go

Down and I was thinking oh he’s the only one that spawned but no there’s another one that’s like right next to me all right I think uh wait are we done with the fourth floor are we or no we still got the other area to go and

That’s going to be fun that’s going to be fun Dy deed Oh I thought that was ice for a second I was like I was like what but no it’s water uh a little disappointed in that chest cuz there’s like there’s really only coal I mean it’s different but I

Mean okay uh all right there’s a chest yeah what what what’s going on it’s like it’s like lesser items in the chest major oh God Sil silver fish oh God it it seems like now it’s just regular mobs oh well as soon as I say that it’s

Not as soon as I say that it’s not oh my God there’s like 10 skeletons oh please please shoot oh my gosh oh this is the best this is the be oh my God where where am I did I get did I get teleport don’t don’t don’t don’t

You dare don’t don’t you dare where even am I where even am I I’m so confused I am so confused on where I’m at oh I I I I I don’t know what to say I really don’t know what to Say oh diamond boots yay diamond boots God I I I don’t think we have diamond boots do we I don’t know okay there’s like some freaking that was so weird like I I got like teleported or it looked like I was teleported I mean I was obviously but like where though I’m so

Confused I’m so confused I I think oh I think I’m on like the other side of the freaking thing okay that’s uh it’s a little interesting just a little they’re still down here they’re still down here just like uh yeah like I I don’t know

What happened now I think I think I I think one of these skin oh oh oh it’s him it’s him it’s him okay all right thank you for Dying God God man this is so stupid all right get rid of the spawner before some of these dudes spawn in

Again okay all right there better be some good loot better be some good loot ah silverfish sometimes we get sometimes we get silver fish in our house and it’s really you were just hiding were you but yeah sometimes we get silver fish in our own house and it’s it’s a little disgusting I

Know all right is that nope one more oh okay all right oh frig I don’t even know where that silverfish came from oh my God okay thank you for so many building blocks thank you for so many building materials it’s it’s it’s utter Insanity down

Here I am losing my mind right now I mean not really but still okay oh these are all right you’re you’re kind of stuck there not even really anything all that great this one only has iron okay another regeneration potion slime TNT coal iron protection Unbreaking oh my

Gosh this this dungeon this dungeon is just filled with so much stuff okay yeah we’re definitely going to have to all right that’s the entrance to the final floor all right let’s go this way cuz I all right this one’s not spawning in anything gold okay we take the gold and the coal

Cuz all right I have a full thing of coal full stack I mean okay I don’t I I I don’t think I need the bones so I’m going to I’m going to put that backwards God there’s so much stuff there so much stuff okay I want to

Make sure that I got all the chests down here cuz this is where I got teleported and I was like so confused on where I even was where I even was like I was that confused all right I just wanted to make sure I know now some of you guys are

Probably saying it was a waste of time no just want to make sure God oh okay all right this stupid water there we go and screw you we don’t need we don’t need water okay that God freaking damn it there we go all right all right let’s go down here

This is where well you guys remember the last time that this this this level was like extremely quiet I wonder if it’s going to be like that this time we’ll only find out okay well there’s a skeleton right there another another pair of diamond boots another pair of diamond boots

All right now oh God is this all right this is going to suck lit going to have to block block the stuff off because I can’t freaking I can’t even Freaking oh God I’m a little little cornered okay okay okay hey thank you for shooting the skeleton now you can die Okay hey thank you for shooting your own dude all right they can go down there and shoot each other and then you’re going to go down thank you with your bones too okay another diamond let’s go all right we’re we’re we’re getting there we’re getting a lot of

Diamonds maybe it’s because I got to the spawner too soon uh iron leggings should probably be grabbing more iron armor but let let’s actually no let’s be honest here we have we have so many we have so much iron armor it’s a little ridiculous okay where do oh oh it’s one of these

Rooms it’s like one of these where it has like a lot of spawners or maybe or is it just that one spawner you know see like they’re they’re they’re not spawning oh there’s some zombies down there um Botts of enchanting okay this one’s a little different got some bottles of

Enchanting probably going to use them to uh oh damn it no get on that chest get on the chest get on the chest oh my god get on the freaking chest there I think he just fell to his death okay oh here we go oh oh that’s on fire

Oh God it has it has flame it has Flame oh gosh I feel like uh okay okay okay all right I need to yeah I need to get him to come down Here all right all right okay man that was hectic all right get rid of the spawner oh the chest ain’t there come on on that’s un that’s that’s not fair you screw off God okay oh here we go just like not even going to Bother diamond leggings dude dude I’m I’m pretty sure we we’ll have like a full set here soon pretty sure we’ll we’ll have like a full set another Diamond multi-shot swiping Edge bane of arthopods look at the sea aqua affinity okay I I don’t know cuz like their enchantments

Combined I really don’t know if it’s going to work all right of course there’s more of these darn skeletons there’s not even like a skeleton you know okay Bow’s got power three I think that might I I can’t oh Nether Bricks okay I can’t exactly remember how you repair

Bows I can’t exactly remember how you do that so I’m going to have to see I want to I want to think if I can like add more enchantments to it or maybe I don’t know maybe maybe that luck of the sea enchantment I can add to my fishing

Rod I hope at least okay we have one more to go one more to go and I think I might end the video off cuz how long have I been recording oh yeah over an hour so um all right let’s go this way yeah like the the spawners are like not spawning

Anything uh Unbreaking straddle jump I don’t know what I don’t know what this stuff does it’s so weird okay thank you for the Nether Bricks it’s so weird oh we have another one of these coffin rooms yeah you see what I mean like there not spawning in

Anything I feel like that would have more stuff to it is is that it seriously why what this is like the second cuz I feel like this level will be the hardest but it’s not it’s not the oh wait we haven’t gone this way there’s another coffin room oh this

One this one’s over roded with a geode okay Diamond horse armor but not really anything all that great take out the other spawner you see like they’re not spawning in anything it’s probably cuz the light I don’t know all right okay okay excitement excitement we we still got some stuff we

Still got some diamond diamond pickaxe efficiency 3 yes see this is such a way to grab this is such a way to obtain diamond tools it’s such a way to obtain diamond tools it is such a way to obtain this stuff it’s an easier way to too okay

Wait is that going to oh oh oh it’s the wither skeletons it’s the with skeletons okay okay all right I really want okay no no no no no okay okay okay go go past them go past them all right all right take out take out all right all right hurry up hurry

Up hurry up hurry up before they spawn oh okay all right potion regeneration cool all right more torches thank you okay this has to what why why is that there that’s so convincing oh my gosh we haven’t we haven’t really encountered a secret room on on this one surprisingly we haven’t really

Encountered a secret room on this one okay this seems seems to have some m Ms oh ow ow ow ow ow actually that that that that hurt a little bit okay any more spawners no it’s a big cavern I will admit that okay more bottles of enchanting I’ll probably use them when I

Lower my levels probably cuz like at a higher level they really don’t do a lot so but it’s okay it’s okay so Sor yeah I did well I think that’s it I think that’s it I think we explored the whole thing um yeah yeah I think I think we have I

Think I think we we’ve explored the whole thing um so what do you guys think you guys think in the next video I should go to the nether or the Twilight Forest I will post a poll about it on my channel uh here in a little bit probably after I upload this

Video and you know so I’ll probably post it after you know after it gets uploaded so yeah guys um I going to end this video here if you do like the commentary if you guys want more in t survival then just comment down below and click that like and consider subscribing for more

Daily videos or more mods survival or um oh yeah that’s right we did go over there more mod survival if possible if you guys want to see it but anyway guys I’ll see you guys in the next video goodbye guys for

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Modded Survival – Episode 6 (Whirlwind Over The Trees)’, was uploaded by Mr. Wedge on 2024-01-07 04:00:06. It has garnered 167 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:10 or 4390 seconds.

#minecraft #minecraftgameplay #minecraftmodded

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  • Shocking Prank in Minecraft: Friend Mistaken for SEA MONSTER

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  • Insane Minecraft Mole Takes on 5 Survivors!

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  • Minecraft Memes – After Minecraft Live: Mojang Trolled So Hard

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  • Labubu Portal: Minecraft PE Magic

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  • Insane 24 Hour Minecraft Pyramid Build 🤯 #minecraftbuildhacks

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Entity Troll Gameplay

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  • Insane Lag-Crystal Pvp: Chronos vs Oetsu_Nimaiya

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    SHOCKING MINECRAFT MEMES #22 - WATCH NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MEMES 22#shorts #memes’, was uploaded by Memes Clips on 2024-02-10 05:00:19. It has garnered 2647 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Description: Welcome to , the ultimate destination for laughter and absurdity! 🤣 Get ready to embark on a hilarious journey through the internet’s most entertaining memes, curated and delivered straight to your screens! —————————————————————————————————————————————————————- 🔥 Why Subscribe to? 👉 Non-stop Laughter: Our team scours the web to bring you the cream of the meme crop. Expect a daily dose of gut-busting, side-splitting content that’ll have… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Nejmou – the ULTIMATE rarest cape in minecraft!!

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  • Minecraft madness: Emotions come to life!

    Minecraft madness: Emotions come to life!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But There’s Scary Living Emotions…’, was uploaded by Kiply on 2024-08-03 15:01:01. It has garnered 386655 views and 4502 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:52 or 1672 seconds. Minecraft, But There’s SCARY Emotions… ❤️ Subscribe and 👍 LIKE to support the channel and see more videos like this! ✔️ FOLLOW ME ON OTHER STUFF 😀 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/okiply Discord: https://discord.gg/kiply Twitter: https://twitter.com/kyrakiply Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kyrakiply/ Edited by: @Editor_Ethan In this scary simulation challenge we collect all of our inside out emotions that have turned into scary emotions! With fear, anger, anxiety, joy, and a… Read More

  • Insane! Lalala remixed with Minecraft sounds! 😱

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  • FrontierSMP – SMP 1.21.1, Towny, McMMO, Custom Terrain, PyroFishing, PyroFarming

    Server Information: Server IP: Play.FrontierSMP.net Bedrock Crossplay Enabled Server Discord: https://discord.gg/E9mdAwFgNU Wiki: https://docs.frontiersmp.net/ Version: 1.21.1 (Playable on Latest Always) Description: FrontierSMP is a community-driven Survival Minecraft server with challenges similar to vanilla Minecraft. Teleporting is limited, mobs are tougher, and bosses await. Custom terrain, loot per player, and a buildable spawn make for an engaging experience. Main Features: Custom Terrain Towny Economy Balance Custom Items PyroFishing & Farming No Pay To Win We’re always adding new features and updating the server. Join us online! Read More

  • »»» –>〔MithCraft NETWORK〕

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version unknown installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version unknown Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.mithcraft.net (GL HF) Read More

  • STEAMy Minecraft Surprise: What’s in Store?

    STEAMy Minecraft Surprise: What's in Store? In the world of Minecraft, a new rumor did spread, On Steam, the game appeared, turning heads. But alas, it was fake, just a trick, Pavel Dyundik warned, don’t fall for the slick. The SubGame on Twitch, ready to play, With updates and news, every day. Join the channel, support the stream, For Minecraft fans, it’s a dream. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share, In the world of gaming, show you care. The SubGame brings the latest scoop, In rhymes and jokes, a Minecraft group. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • My Best Friend’s Boy Love Drama

    My Best Friend's Boy Love Drama Minecraft Animation: Exploring Love and Friendship in the Virtual World Embark on a journey through the virtual world of Minecraft, where love and friendship take center stage in this captivating animation series. Join the characters as they navigate the complexities of relationships and emotions in a pixelated universe. Part 30: Love Blossoms In the latest installment, emotions run high as the characters grapple with the complexities of love. Follow along as friendships are tested, bonds are strengthened, and new connections are formed. The music sets the perfect backdrop for the unfolding drama, drawing viewers into the heartwarming tale. Music… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Seed for Epic Loot!

    Ultimate Minecraft Seed for Epic Loot! Minecraft: Exploring the Top 5 Best 1.21 Seeds for Survival and OP Loot Embark on an exciting journey through the world of Minecraft with the top 5 best 1.21 seeds for survival and OP loot. These seeds offer a unique and challenging experience for players looking to test their skills and uncover valuable treasures. Seed 1: [Seed Name] Enter a world filled with lush forests, towering mountains, and hidden caves. Navigate through treacherous terrain as you search for rare resources and powerful loot. Will you be able to survive and thrive in this unforgiving landscape? Key Features: Challenging Terrain:… Read More

  • Uncover the Terrifying Truth: KRAKEN Titan Attacks JJ and MIKEY at 3:00am!

    Uncover the Terrifying Truth: KRAKEN Titan Attacks JJ and MIKEY at 3:00am!Video Information This video, titled ‘Why Creepy KRAKEN Titan ATTACK JJ and MIKEY at 3:00am ? – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Trapzen on 2024-09-07 22:00:35. It has garnered 1502 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:02 or 1802 seconds. Why Creepy KRAKEN Titan ATTACK JJ and MIKEY at 3:00am ? – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to… Read More

  • Medina’s Epic Takedown of Easy bot

    Medina's Epic Takedown of Easy botVideo Information This video, titled ‘Humillando al bot Easy de Esta.Land :v #humor’, was uploaded by Medina on 2024-05-18 23:43:50. It has garnered 27 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:15 or 135 seconds. Video made with the desire to hacVideo made with the desire to make people laugh. ▬ ⚔ MINECRAFT CONFIG ⚔ ▬ ► Fov: 80 ► Sens: 100% ►Client: Badlion Client ►Nickname: vMendivil ►IP Server: Ghostly.live ►Discord: ctmedina ►NameMC:https://es.namemc.com/profile/vMendiv… #minecraft #pvp #minecraftpvp #universocraft #minecraft18 #mouse #keyboard #sounds #tryhard #minecraftsurvival #gaming #uhc #ghost #ghostly #builduhc #minecraftpe #proplayer #youtube #visitas ►minecraft,minecraft animation, minecraft survival, gaming,… Read More

  • Insane EnderPearl Hunt! Minecraft Survival Ep.7

    Insane EnderPearl Hunt! Minecraft Survival Ep.7Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Collecting EnderPearl Survival Series#7’, was uploaded by MineGaming92 on 2024-08-20 13:04:10. It has garnered 8 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:46 or 3706 seconds. Minecraft Collecting EnderPearl Survival Series#7 minecraft,Minecraft in hindi,Minecraft gameplay,Minecraft house,Minecraft videos,myth pat,beast boy shub, chapati hindustani gamer, live insaan, dream,mr beast,ujjwal, techno gamer YesSmartyPie,Yes smarty pie,SmartyPie,Smarty pie,YesSmartyPie Skyblock,YesSmartyPie Minecraft,Minecraft YesSmartyPie,yessmartypie himlands,himlands,yessmartypie himlands new video,smartypie himland,himland world,minecraft world himland,HIMLANDS ENTITIES BIGGEST SECRET REVEALED]minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraftbut,minecraft challenge,minecraft mod,minecraft but challenge,minecraft but i cant touch grass,minecraft speedrun,minecraft funny,camman18 minecraft,minecraft facts,minecraft tiktok,minecraft but you cant touch the color,minecraft memes,minecraft meme… Read More