EP15 – Insane Ender Generator Power Epic Fail!

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Hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of antimatter chemistry in today’s episode we’re gonna try and use this biome absorber to make a dimensional shard ore dimension and see if we can run it yesterday before i logged off i made a bit of a boo-boo

I put in the ender dragon data model in the simulation chamber and that uses 2560 rf per tick and this quarry was using 3 000 we’re a total making 4 800 so my base ran out of power and i’m hoping i haven’t been to the deep dark

Just yet i’m hoping we don’t have bajillions of mobs in there or a bajillion of items but i hope that since they’re chunk loaded by the time that the base repowers which is now they should clean up i hope we’ll see if not we’ll do a backup or something i’m probably gonna

Go check but what i wanna do with this material absorber is you place it uh i think like so yeah and then it absorbs the material so we can just hold down right click for these two stacks there we go that should be at a hundred blocks or 100 percent of the dimensional

Shard ore and we can then head on home and we can make ourselves a dimlet that is going to be dimensional shard ore i am going to be very intrigued to see how much power this is going to take so if we go in the dimly workbench and we do

Here dimensional shard ore i think that should be the one that we need maintain cost 10 000 rf per tick and create cost is 40 000 rf per tick so that is a hello expensive so uh we’re gonna just leave you uh can i put you in here yeah okay warning

There’s a dirt angle first yeah okay that’s fine let’s put it right here uh and we’re gonna work on possibly just temporarily just to run that dimension set up some some of these generators we could do ender pearl we have 98 000 of them now we could do death we could do a

Combination of both so we don’t run out of items for example but i think ender generators should be a good a good idea to go so we might look into making some speed upgrades uh some of these and we can possibly just set up a manual way or a semi-manual way for

The enchanter i don’t really need to automate it fully to make the enchanted ingots we are gonna need a bunch of lapis but we did get a bunch of lapisor from the quarry so it should be fine just to notify you the deep dark seems to be okay the enderman probably teleported out

Whilst the environmental controller was without power and they were keeping on spawning so what i think we’ll do is just do the same thing that we did last time or we’re gonna go down to the deep dirk fly away so they despawn and then come back and then we’ll kill the stragglers

That picked up the blocks i grabbed all the dimensional shadow ore plus all the diamond ore and also all of the lapis sword that we had at the quarry so we’re just gonna do this and get it all forged up it’s a whole bunch of things but we can

Uh we can put the dimensional shards in the storage drawers i think because the lapis and the diamonds can go inside of there so let’s just do this for the time being and then i’m going to grab this guy and we can just empty it out and that should go

Into the system so we should be good there we go we have 1189 of the dimensional shards we can use those for making draconian as we need it but firstly let’s set up this enchanter dude so i have a power cell down here that’s going to provide power to this so we’re

Just going to set up an energy channel and we’re going to extract and then we’re going to insert into here and into here and that should be fine we should have power cool and then all we need to do is find the left chest which is the bottom one and we’re

Gonna set up on an item channel for extract and we’re gonna just extract stacks every five ticks and we’re gonna insert into this guy and then we’ll set up another item channel and we’re gonna extract our view with a stack of five ticks and we’re gonna insert into here

So that should just do its thing so if we do a stack of gold blocks they should get put in here and then we need also a stack of lapis blocks to get this started so we’re going to do this and then toss it in here and that should start doing its thing

We can also grab a couple of speed upgrades of this variety and we can toss those in there and as soon as we uh get some more we should be able to upgrade them uh and also we’re gonna go grab our resonator down here because we’re gonna need this

Guy to make a bunch of just the regular base upgrades so we’re just gonna grab you we can leave the crates for the time being so this guy is gonna go possibly somewhere down here as well uh we could filter uh things on the enchanter and then we

Can put the resonator right here and it’s gonna be hooked up to the same thing i don’t know if it needs to be inputted on top or on the bottom but that way we can keep it on the same channel and the same system that could be a neato thing

A simple way of how we can filter things is just on the inserts we’re gonna set this to be block of gold and lapis and then we’re going to set up another insert here and that’s going to be weighted pressure plate and that should be heading on in here

And then we also need an extract out of this guy to just put everything in here so that should get processed cool and we can just let that go and do its thing and while we now have enchanted metal that is really neat we also need a bunch of

Apples and we can get those with sucrose which is basic basically basically sugar and cellulose so i think i have a bunch of cellulose a little bit at least so let’s do one two three four how many apples would we need for those upgrades so it’s four apples

And you get 16 per okay so one apple per lapis you get 16 apples um if we want to make a stack of these we need a stack of these which means that we need four stacks of apples so if i want to make let’s say two stacks of the super upgrades

We can probably get like eight stacks of apples or so so that’s gonna be a stacks of sugar and eight stacks of cellulose i think we should be able to make a couple of stacks of this a total of eight one two three four five

Six seven oh yeah i think the apples are still processing yep another snack there we go um you stay in here until we get another snack okay i thought we had all but we are missing just a few apples here there we go and we’re gonna start off here

By adding these to this guy and that’s gonna use a hundred and something 136 gp but it’s going to be quite quite faster and i don’t know how much this guy is going to use because it’s not running right now but we can upgrade those regular speed upgrades in the future

We should have yeah we have a bunch of them left here so as far as the generators go we really need the 64 stacked upgrades so for that we’re going to need a bunch of iron which we do have a bunch of iron blocks in the

Query dimension so if we need more we can process that and double it but we’re also going to need a bunch of nether stars because this requires evil infused iron and for each eight iron we require one another star uh so basically we need to do a bit of

Deep learning for getting the weather model that i said i was gonna do in between episodes to the self-aware tier and then i can just run it through the simulation chamber for a little bit and get a bunch of the pristine matters and we can turn those directly into netherstars

I decided to put this wither killer here in the nether just so if they accidentally escaped or anything which they shouldn’t but i put it here just to be safe and while we’re here we’re gonna get that guest model up to the basic tier as well and apparently get a bit more netherrack

So i’m gonna fly around and see if i can find one single gas well this is one magical nether fortress i’ve never seen that happen that’s just so funny alright i’m keep on looking for a gas still on one hand we find that super small nether fortress and this

Just just a mega fortress over lava this would be so great for vanilla to set up a a a farm it would take a lot of work to get rid of all of the netherrack or another brick i should say but it is straight up in a

Lava lake so very little space that needs to be removed i still haven’t found the gas by the way so i’m just exploring on and just as i stopped recording there’s one guest there we go we have it on the basic tier i could keep on flying

Around the nether and leveling this up manually or i could even just capture one of the guests into uh into what you’ll call it one of these and then we can spawn them we would need probably a room for them that could work actually we could that would be simpler than just

I mean we can just use polymer clay and toss it in the thing and it’s going to learn by itself or we could do the manual work you know what i’ll leave myself to the side so i’ll go get one more guest and i’ll capture it in here and then we can

Decide on later i want to show you how insane these speed upgrades get with generators for example the ender generator with isovender makes 80 rf per tick with just no upgrades then you add four speed upgrades so that’s it makes 400 if you add 16 speed upgrades it makes 1 360

And then if you add the 64 speed upgrades it makes 5200 per generator it burns isovenders super super quickly we’re probably making it fast enough or we probably will be making these fast enough to supply this but let’s say we have two of these generators we make 10

200 rf per tick we just add it on to these generators so we could do an upgrade on the energy cell because then we’re going to be making too much power but we can just simply add the generators here set them to redstone mode and set up some sort of way of importing

Items we can do that from xnet here from the back we can yeah yeah we can simply change the drawer to be a two byte to the drawer to store two items and then we set up somewhere externally a system where we craft up the iso vendor and then

We can just run that for the time being to get a bunch of power going i don’t know though if we have like four of these generators with 64 speed upgrades if we will have enough this is draining 192 power or grid power yeah we can

Probably do with two for the time being we only need 10 000 to run the dimensional thingy this guy we need 10 000 rf per tick we need 40 to create it but if we have a backlog of power we should be good to do that i think

And that way it should work i hope i was looking at my ender pearl count again and it is not going up from 98 304 which says to me that the drawer is full and i checked and it’s fully upgraded with void upgrades we could potentially remove the void upgrade and

Have the full on drawer store 100 000 ender pearls which i guess could be okay i don’t think i’ll ever fill the drawer up we could potentially do that i don’t i dislike doing this because that way it’s overflow protected no i’m going to go against myself and

We’re going to store 98 000 ender pearls i already changed it downstairs but it is a thing that we could do if we wanted to because we can’t store any more in here uh sadly don’t we don’t have any sort of ender pearl block of from any mod otherwise we could toss

It in the compacting drawer and that way we could store 100 000 but it is going to be what it is so uh i am trying to set up down here and figuring out a way of how we can pulverize some blaze rounds in this polarizer that we’re going to upgrade

To the signal tier and i’m going to make some augments as well for this uh so i need to export uh some stuff down here and we need a pulverizer with blaze rounds and then we need a crafter that’s going to output the eyes of ender that are fully made so

Potentially we can just put this drawer somewhere on the side and not even store isovender like this in here we can just store them directly in the crafter that i think will be okay so maybe we’ll put the crafter in the middle uh and we’re gonna figure out the x-net uh

In a moment but if we do that we can do a yeah yeah we’ll do this we’ll put a pulverizer here and then we’ll grab a drawer of the regular variety i have uh i have those rower i have these framed ones okay i’m also going to need a few of these

Uh storage actually is it a downgrade no it’s let’s just do flint did it show no storage this guy it’s it’s a downgrade i just didn’t see it okay we need a couple of these i think and we’re also going to need a couple of export buses

I think i have or should have at least a few of the things to make these i made a bunch more of fluix and a bunch more of service or chart service in between episodes when we need these two we are then going to export blaze rounds and we’re going to

Take this blaze powder and we’re also going to export ender pearls so we can do that and both of those we have automated with spawners so that should be fine and if we do an exporter right here with a bit of smart cable we can just click you on like this

Input output on the side we’re gonna do export laser ons so you’re gonna do your thing we’re gonna give you power we can do the same thing that we did for this guy we have an extract on the back uh so where is the pulverizer we can give you some power

There we go so you’re gonna start crushing very very slowly and you’re gonna then export everything and put it into here right uh you’re gonna put the blaze powder like so we are gonna need to do something about the sulfur you know what we can do this

Let’s do an output of red on top and then the this one can go to the left and we can add a void upgrade on this but here we’re going to add basically a storage downgrade so it’s only going to hold a stack of blaze powder i think that should be well

And good and then on the other side we’re going to add another drawer with another exporter or an export bus i should say and we’re going to toss you another storage downgrade and you’re gonna have hold enterprise we can also lock you and quantify you just so we can see

I think that’s gonna hold 16 ender pearls only which is i think fine and then here you’re currently getting an insane amount of blocks of calls so let’s remove that i’m also going to grab my network tool wherever that is it might be oh no it’s here okay so we can

Plop you off and this can go back into the storage system there we go awesome so you need to be x netted to get blaze rods and ender pearls and we kind of can do a thing where we you know what let’s do this give me blaze powder thank you

We’re gonna do that and getting lag why am i getting lag what is what is causing so much lag i don’t know okay so that should be fine and we can say remember the current items we’re gonna set up a recipe for blaze powder with ender pearl

Is gonna make eyes of ender we also need to give you this is our monitor’s rafter you also need an insert for power that should be good and we have eyes of vendor now here and we can then do an extract out of the crafter directly so this is extracting from that for

Power okay so we need an extract from the crafter and we need to filter the inserts here for coal and then we’re going to filter or set up inserts on these as soon as we add some connectors in the back so we need to do that and

That okay so if we then do an insert here and we set it to i vendor insert i know nothing else can go in here so this should be starting to produce power wonderful and that should split up because we should be getting enough ender pearls and enough of that

Okay let me set up the rest of this and just show it once it’s done the power is now fully hooked up it is producing 15 200 rf per tick and it’s not going to be enough we’re going to have to add two more ender generators because

The way that this thing works in the dimension builder or dimension inscriber here is the material dimlet has a maintained cost and then when you add it to the featured inlet next to it it multiplies the cost so for example having the dimensional shard ore form in huge orbs will use

18 000 rf per tick and the creation cost is going to be 73 000 rf per tick so it’s going to take quite a bit of time to get this fully functioning and powered and it’s probably going to drain everything from our base and basically just turn everything off also the spawners

Which is kind of a bad thing but we can just manually turn off the spawners by removing the these smart cables here and then the spawners should be off which shouldn’t cause an issue but basically this means that we need a few more generators here so i’m gonna make a bit more nether

Stars which i am slowly doing in here i think this should have more pristine matters yeah uh we have 50 extra nether stars so i’m going to make more of that evil infused iron make another two stacks of speed upgrades of the max tier and see how many i can

Fit in here we’re already draining 450 grit power and if i fly we’re doing 480 so i need to be careful not to go overboard on that but actually if we just get another ender generator with a full stack of upgrades that should be plenty because it’s going to be

Another 5 000 so it’s going to be over 20 000 rf per tick and if we then upgrade this energy cell to the resonant tier for which we’re going to have to make a bit of lumium which shouldn’t be too hard we can then run the dimension

I think this should make us some lumium blend it’s just some polarized thin pulverized silver and a bit of energized glowstone which i tossed here in this tank and i’m gonna make just a bunch more of this uh i think i have put in like two stacks

Of glowstone so that can just process slowly uh and get us a bunch of that so we can use it later but all we need is basically four ingots and then we toss them through here we’re gonna toss all of these because we’re gonna get um we’re gonna need more resident upgrade

Kits at some point so in here we can now do a kit resident upgrade kit i think i have the pyrotheum we can come downstairs and we can upgrade that so that is the first step in the power then we need to grab our other two ender generators

Which are in here and downstairs i should have a little bit more of this evil infused iron that is processed we can toss that in i tossed it in the compacting drawer right there so we get ingots directly so we can now do speed upgrades that’s going to make a stack cool let’s

Actually just make the rest of these as much as we can yeah i think i have another like half stack now yeah that’s super cool okay uh so let’s let’s grab this as well let’s grab structure ducts and relays and also we’re gonna need a couple of these connectors

So down here we’re gonna smack in another generator on both sides you’re gonna get a stack of upgrades and you’re gonna get half a stack of upgrades we’re gonna set you both to be redstone on and then we need the relay here set to redstone output

And redstone output and you need to be redstone on and then in here all we need to do is figure out where i’m inserting as soon as we add the connectors then we can actually see them in the network like so and like so so now

We should be able to do another insert here we need an eye of ender to filter so we’re gonna do actually we could just do this hold on remove this we’re gonna copy this channel and we’re gonna not do that we’re gonna paste one directly in

And then we’re gonna paste one in here and then we need an extract so we can do a copy paste and copy paste and you also need a supply of either vendor and you’re extracting the power so that should be fine right so now we’re charging this guy up and this should

Work the same way because it’s just detecting the amount in the system so that should be cool right and doing its thing and hopefully we’re still good on blaze rods and render pearls we’re not dropping too much so pearls oh we are dropping well a little bit yeah they come in

It just yeah it just pulled out two stacks so i think it should be fine and as far as blaze rods go we should be okay because each blaze rod makes four blaze powder so i think that should be all right we can just trashcan this

Eye of ender and now we can make the dimension so let’s do this we’re gonna remove this one this is our quarry still so we can put it back in when needed but this was gonna this one’s gonna drain all of our power pretty much to get

Created which should take a little bit of time but i could do this and let this charge back up again and then toss it in again and charge it that way that way we don’t turn off our base i think that sounds like an okay plan

This is going to take its sweet sweet time we’re up to 35 and i currently have it fully inside because we still have power in here which means that we have power in our base and as soon as this drains it’s going to start draining all of our power

Which is when i’m going to take it out and let the power build back up again to um to the 50 million that we have in here actually i remembered one thing that we can do right now we can go enchant this store itself with holding hold on is this gonna drain my

This is gonna turn off my base um i’m gonna turn off the spawners too oops you go there we’ll be quick about it we’ll go here we can can i just toss you directly through the enchantment factory i cannot hello okay i cannot we’re gonna do this give me not just soul bounds

No enchantment removal please oh i hope we have enough power please give me holding holding three no i need holding four holding four please two holding threes will do okay holding three holding three we’re gonna combine these and then we’re gonna toss you on to here hello don’t go in here please

Holding four now you hold 150 million there we go and we can toss you back down and turn on our base again bam that way this should still drain power cool cool everything’s fine should be working we’re going to remove this and wait for this to fully drain it

Still has like 30 million to go yeah you know what we can leave it in for a little bit longer but anyhoozel this is what’s going to be happening right now and in the meantime we’re going to figure out how we can get ourselves a butt ton

Of purple dye because we need the purple glowstone bits these guys to make draconian ingots and i think there’s no other way to make draconium i mean you know what we actually just need to do which is going to be hella expensive probably to run if we look in here draconium

Can you not make block of diamond can you not make you cannot make a draconian block dimension interesting okay i mean we aren’t gonna need two two huge amounts of draconium i guess unless we want to make the super huge storage cell which i guess we could make but essentially we

Need a butt ton of this purple glowstone which requires a button of the purple dye which we can do with lapis and red dye or we can get ourselves the i think it’s called purple pigment this guy purple artificial dye we can get it from a dye mixer

It make basically me this guy will get red dye green dye and blue dye which is the same i don’t know if it uses more or less to make purple dye so we can conduct a bit of a test let’s grab this guy uh we’re gonna grab

Just a wireless rf transmitter just so you get a bit of power and then we’re gonna grab um we need a purple lens right this guy that requires pink slime that’s all good and it requires a glass pane can i do just a regular glass paint to

Get a regular one no you need a colored glass pane okay that’s fine there we go a purple parlor laser lens okay so we can then grab red dye rose red that we have and also some lapis i think it’s only going to need these two

I’m going to toss all of that in and see how much purple artificial diet makes i think it uses less it might use less but we’ll see and the only thing that i would need is beetroots i think because these can be put into a phytogenic insulator

Or we can make them with sucrose and iron oxide which we can get from redstone and then we can turn each beetroot into one red dye with just a crafting recipe yeah yeah all we need to set up is this for infinite beetroots basically since the plant interactor automatically harvests this without

Doing anything with the crop it just doesn’t normally it should do this right and now this guy shouldn’t harvest anything and it would just do that but once we grow the crop it just infinitely harvests which is kind of insane but it is the thing that we’re going to do because we need

No i’m going to click here because we need a whole bunch of beetroots this triples your die so you get a whole bunch what would we need to to get blue dye right so blue artificial dye i mean i get yes you would need just lapis can i do

Can i then hold on let’s make a blue lens right and can we then triple the lapis is that going to be a thing so oh i can just dye the lens directly okay so let’s make more let’s just do this and i have more purple glass panes which is fine

And we can then just do one of these okay so if i toss you in here and then that we’ll see if it makes triple the amount okay you only get a stack out of it so you don’t uh basically uh oh this is gonna make oh

It’s gonna make another stack of blue dye uh whoops i need the purple lens but basically it doesn’t uh you know what we can just do we can do this toss this back in and then do purple that should be fine yeah it should be the same amount

Okay so basically it makes three stacks of dye but it doesn’t double the blue die which would make it so you get an infinite amount of blue dye in a sense which is kind of sad but uh that means that we need an infinite we need lapis basically if we want to do

Blue dye i think for the time being for what we need we can just run a couple of stacks of lapis and a couple of stacks of red dye through here to get a bunch of purple dye that i think should be fine and we can then start crafting up some draconian ingots

And that dimension is still charging by the way so we’re just going to use up the dimensional shards that we have right now and we’re just going to turn that into this i’m glad i have an infinite amount of glowstone pretty much because that only made 48 draconian immigrants okay and

From that we need if we do adreconic evolution we need to make these which require one two three four uh how many do we need we need nine so i think i made four yeah let’s make another five of these one two three four five okay and then we also need a fusion

Crafting core which requires another one of these and then a fusion crafting core okay we can collect this and then we need to make these which require two draconic cores each a draconian block each and a wyvern core each which requires four draconic cores so a whole bunch of purple dye

Is needed now that we have a bit of draconium we can make the better magnet which is the item dislocator this guy can go into our bobble slot as well i think it can go in any slot yeah there we go so we can then grab this this location normalization field

Projectors we’re going to currently turn off the magnet uh is there a way can i do hold on controls is there a oh we can toggle item dislocator what do i have the the magnet is on period let’s just remove that and then do this locator we’re gonna put that on period

Like so so we can now press this apparently it doesn’t wanna work at least i i don’t know give it to me thank you um we’re gonna just put you here and we’re gonna go to the deep dark and we’re gonna set up a few of the dislocation normalization

Field projectors which are gonna go right underneath here in the middle on each of the spawners because that is gonna prevent my magnet from picking up stuff uh center yeah currently this magnet i think is trying to pick up everything and i’m just gonna wait for it to drain

Fully so it’s not gonna work so this should be the center like so i think we’re right now having an issue with power cells i think this can only do like 5000 rf per tick it looks looking like at least so i think we need to switch over to advanced power cells

So we need to make a bunch of these infused diamonds you know we’re going to just try and make up 22 is what we can muster and we’re going to do this and i hope that this retains everything so if we just grab you and you and put you here right

We only need to upgrade this one and that one over there by the dimension builder i think so how much can you do now yeah you’re charging up with power that should be good okay and we can then do this one as well because those are the only ones that

Need multiple thousands of rf per thick so we can do that and hopefully we can now enter the dimension as it has been built and it’s currently charging up with 18 000 rf per tick so um yeah this is getting 20 000 now okay cool sweet so can i dial this now

Uh can i rename you somehow uh well it’s id7 it should be fine we’ll gonna dial this and hopefully we survive and not die and not have any super duper dangerous effects hello um okay i mean we have infinite wood you should have huge orbs right oh we

Have also mining fatigue and slowness okay it said i said it so it has huge orbs and there’s no huge orbs what is this what gives game and it’s permanent it’s daytime but mobs are spawning what gives is there is there are huge orbs down below probably not it looks like it’s

Just full on jungle wood that’s so weird how how does that happen like how and why does that happen i clearly set i want i won game don’t like your game id7 i said dimensional chart or udorps effect dimly none featured in it none and if we store this it’s

Just gonna make the same dimension um if we grab items are fine terrain flat can we do a flat terrain and that’s going to change it up if we do this store still 18 000 it’s still is it still the same one no it’s a new dimension

But it’s still 18 000. so we’re gonna have to charge this up again okay um so i think we’re gonna end today’s episode of here we’re gonna come back next time and hopefully in between episodes i can find a dimension that’s gonna have dimensional shard or

Inside and we can then use that to harvest a bunch of it we can get a bunch more draconian so we can start getting into the fusion crafting so we can get to awaken draconium as well and then we can get to a crafting table of this variety so we can make

So we can start making the whole uh singularities because we need the neutronium compressor i think neutronium compressor we need this guy which requires a few crystal matrix ingots which is just a bunch of diamonds and netherstars and then we also need this so we’re going to need the neutron

Collector which is redstone quartz and iron i think that should be fine to do and we’re going to have to use that to collect a bunch of neutronium ingots and hopefully by the time that maybe a couple episodes arrive we can start getting into the rainbow generator

And with that all said i want to thank you all so much for watching i’m really hoping you enjoyed today’s episode if you did make sure to smash the like button you can also subscribe to get notified if new videos go live you can also support

Me on patreon the link is down in the description two tiers vanilla server modded server simple as that anyway thank you again and i will see you all in the next episode have a good one bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Antimatter Chemistry – EP15 – Ender Generator Power & Dimensional Shard Dimension Fail’, was uploaded by Fikibreaker on 2020-09-23 14:16:49. It has garnered 7363 views and 266 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:53 or 2213 seconds.

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About Antimatter Chemistry: Antimatter Chemistry is a questing/progression pack inspired by Anti-Material Energy (1.7.10) by Parcel31u. You find yourself stranded in the Antimatter dimension with nothing but some basic gear, a chemistry set, and the hopes of returning back to your home.

Coming in at about 100 mods, this pack loads quick and performs well on potato computers, but still remains a unique hand-crafted and engaging experience that can provide dozens of hours of fun.

#Fikibreaker #Minecraft #AntimatterChemistry

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining Minewind. Have you ever watched a hilarious gaming video like fleetbhai ka moye moye and felt inspired to jump into the action yourself? Well, Minewind Minecraft Server is the perfect place for you to unleash your creativity and have a blast with fellow gamers. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and adventure, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you… Read More

  • Subscribe and Like, I’ll Fetch as a Dog! #shorts

    Subscribe and Like, I'll Fetch as a Dog! #shorts In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I bring you the news in a rhyming scheme. Updates and features, all in a line, Crafted with care, each word a sign. From new mobs to blocks, and everything in between, I’ll keep you informed, with a rhyming sheen. So hit like and subscribe, and join the fun, In the world of Minecraft, where the adventure’s never done. So follow along, as we explore and play, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity holds sway. Like and subscribe, and join the pack, For in this world of blocks, there’s… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Auction House Dupe Trick!

    Ultimate Minecraft Auction House Dupe Trick! Minecraft Auction House Dupe for Java 1.21 (Multiplayer) Are you ready to delve into the world of Minecraft Java 1.21 and uncover a working multiplayer auction house dupe glitch in 2024? This intriguing dupe glitch requires the use of Meteor Client and the /ah command on the server. By the end of this article, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to successfully execute this dupe glitch. Setting Up the Dupe To begin the process, ensure you have Meteor Client installed and access to the /ah command on the server. These are essential components for executing the auction house dupe… Read More

  • City Turns Everyone into Cats! – Minecraft

    City Turns Everyone into Cats! - Minecraft Exploring the Whimsical World of Minecraft Parodies Step into a world where the ordinary becomes extraordinary in the latest Minecraft parody video titled “ŞEHİRDEKİ HERKES KEDİYE DÖNÜŞTÜ! 😂”. In this whimsical adventure, city dwellers transform into cats, climb trees, rummage through trash, and encounter unexpected events that will keep you entertained from start to finish. Unexpected Transformations and Hilarious Mishaps As the city residents undergo a feline metamorphosis, chaos ensues as they navigate their new cat-like abilities. From climbing trees with agility to causing mischief around town, the antics of these transformed characters will leave you in stitches. Watch… Read More

  • Java’s Juiciest Minecraft 1.21 Seeds

    Java's Juiciest Minecraft 1.21 Seeds Minecraft 1.21 Update – Top 5 Seeds (Java) Exploring the Best Seeds in Minecraft Minecraft players are always on the lookout for exciting new seeds to explore, and the latest 1.21 update has brought some fantastic options to the table. From ancient cities to trial chambers, these seeds offer a wide range of biomes and structures to discover. Let’s dive into the top 5 seeds that are currently making waves in the Minecraft community. 1. Coral Cove – Seed number: 2090070116 If you’re looking for a seed that offers a variety of interesting locations, Coral Cove is the perfect… Read More

  • Ultimate Inside Out Portal in Minecraft

    Ultimate Inside Out Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Inside Out 2 Portal Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you delve into the mysterious Inside Out 2 portal. Join the excitement as you navigate through this unique world filled with surprises and challenges. Discovering the Inside Out 2 Portal Step into the world of Minecraft and uncover the secrets of the Inside Out 2 portal. This portal offers a gateway to a realm unlike any other, where creativity and imagination collide. Features of Inside Out 2 Inside Out 2 is brimming with exciting features that will keep you engaged for hours on end…. Read More

  • Bedwars Banter: Green Ham & Youchen Take the Host Spotlight!

    Bedwars Banter: Green Ham & Youchen Take the Host Spotlight! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, Hypixel Bedwars, where players strive. Green Ham and Youchen, a dynamic duo, Taking on challenges, with skills on the go. The first game begins, with strategy in mind, Building defenses, to leave foes behind. The second game follows, with speed and might, Collecting resources, to win the fight. But in the third game, a twist in the tale, The bed self-destructs, causing a wail. The final battle, intense and grand, Green Ham and Youchen, making their stand. And as the series ends, with victory in sight, The crowd cheers loud,… Read More

  • Crafty Pranks: Beehive Decor in Minecraft

    Crafty Pranks: Beehive Decor in Minecraft Welcome to the Minecraft Beehive Decoration Tutorial! In the vast world of Minecraft, players have the opportunity to create unique and intricate structures to enhance their gameplay experience. One such feature that adds a touch of nature and beauty to your world is the beehive decoration. Let’s dive into how you can build your very own beehive in Minecraft! Materials Needed: Honeycomb: Gathered from bee nests or crafted from honey bottles. Wooden Planks: Choose your favorite wood type for the beehive structure. Glass Panes: For the windows of the beehive. Torch: To keep the area well-lit and prevent hostile… Read More

  • Jesse’s Curse: Minecraft Hero Drops a Swear

    Jesse's Curse: Minecraft Hero Drops a Swear In the world of Minecraft, Jesse is the name, A hero of legend, known for their fame. But beware, for in Story Mode, things can get wild, Even Jesse’s language can get a bit riled. But fear not, it’s just Patton Oswald’s voice, Bringing Jesse to life, giving us a choice. To explore and create in this blocky land, With adventures and challenges, all unplanned. So remember, when playing Minecraft Story Mode, It’s all in good fun, no need to explode. Just enjoy the game, let your imagination soar, And remember, Jesse’s language is just a bit more. Read More

  • Warden vs Golem Showdown

    Warden vs Golem Showdown Minecraft Warden vs Every Golem 💀 Farm Details Farm Performance: The farm boasts an impressive output of +300 to +350 per hour, ensuring a steady supply of resources. Farm Mode: Operating in a fully automatic mode, this farm minimizes player intervention, allowing for a more hands-off approach. Versions: Compatible with a range of Minecraft versions from 1.16 to 1.21, including the latest updates like 1.19.4 and 1.20.6. Platforms: Designed for Java Edition, this farm unfortunately does not support Bedrock Edition. Original Design By: @HardShipYT3, showcasing the creativity and innovation within the Minecraft community. Game Information Shaders: Enhance your gaming… Read More

  • Crazy Minecraft Twitch Stream with Rizzy & Mizzy LIVE!

    Crazy Minecraft Twitch Stream with Rizzy & Mizzy LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Java and Bedrock! Playing With Viewers! LIVE ​’, was uploaded by Rizzy And Mizzy on 2024-05-11 09:16:30. It has garnered 54 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:39 or 5679 seconds. I’ll be doing Java for one hour and bedrock for the rest of the stream, please be patient 🙂 Come and play with us if you play Minecraft on console, PE or PC bedrock! Just tell us your username and we will add you and invite you to the game! Rules: -No asking for Operator -Don’t troll -Don’t steal… Read More

  • Minecraft Bingo: Getting Fido

    Minecraft Bingo: Getting FidoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Get Fido – Minecraft Bingo But with Dogs’, was uploaded by DippyBlether on 2024-05-28 08:59:38. It has garnered 37 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:11 or 8831 seconds. Welcome to an exciting new Minecraft survival mini series! I’ve invited a few amazing Minecraft friends to play a game of Minecraft Bingo with me. But we have to find the new Minecraft wolves. The first team to find all wolves in their biomes, tame their wolves and bring them home to base wins the game. @Deosil25 and Dippy have got 7… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PvP Montage || Viral #shorts

    Insane Minecraft PvP Montage || Viral #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PvP Montage X Phonk || #viral #shorts #ytshorts #viralvideo #minecraft #minecraftpvp #edit’, was uploaded by Kira PlayzZ on 2024-07-18 09:41:12. It has garnered 474 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Best Server Universal / Grand Mc Ip: universalmc.fun minecraft,minecraft smp,minecraft server,minecraft hunt,minecraft survival,school minecraft server,1 heart minecraft,minecraft hardcore,minecraft challenge,hermitcraft,here’s why i made 12240 minecraft cakes,lifesteal,parrot lifesteal smp,school parrot,grian,parrot,lifesteal season 3,lifesteal season 4,parrotx2,tommyinnit,why i broke 100+ bedrock,smp,spoke,why i removed the world,dream smp,mumbojumbo,school smp,lifesteal smpmrbeast phonk,bleu de dee phonk,rap,phonk,pacman,phonk red,phonk blue,trap hcvndy,brazilian phonk,ghostface playaminecraft pvp,minecraft,minecraft 1.17,montage,exploration,enviroment,multiplayer,lunar client,manufacturing,ranked bedwars,online,economy,playing,ascension,eveonline,discovery,massively,eve-online,experience,lunar… Read More

  • Villagers MINECRAFT Superflat 8: INSANE Preparations by Blabster89

    Villagers MINECRAFT Superflat 8: INSANE Preparations by Blabster89Video Information This video, titled ‘Preparing for Villagers Minecraft Superflat Episode 8’, was uploaded by Blabster89 on 2024-01-09 20:00:28. It has garnered 52 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:17 or 1937 seconds. Today we work on getting ready for villagers, and prep a little more stuff around the base From this episode on the game will be on hard mode Please consider subscribing and liking the video and leave a comment with any comments, questions or complaints u may have This series is being recorded in chunks of 3 to 5 or more videos meaning… Read More

  • New 2024 SMP Realm Server – Join Now!

    New 2024 SMP Realm Server - Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Join My Survival SMP Realm Server For Minecraft Bedrock 2024’, was uploaded by CoolGunner on 2024-03-17 21:36:13. It has garnered 89 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Join My Survival SMP Realm Server For Minecraft Bedrock 2024 🔥 Server Info🔥 [JAVA & Bedrock] can join. IP ► Unrealtactical.com Server Name ►Unrealtactical Bedrock Port ► 19132 Our Store ► buy.unrealtactical.com 🔥 Join my Discord server to meet other subscribers, talk to me and get updates on what’s going on with the channel: Our Discord link: https://discord.gg/ApNRB9Ek66 Other important… Read More

  • Gel Games LIVE: Epic Minecraft Showdown with Subscribers 👑

    Gel Games LIVE: Epic Minecraft Showdown with Subscribers 👑Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 LIVE – MINECRAFT- AO VIVO JOGANDO COM OS INSCRITOS – Conselho Imperial – 29’, was uploaded by Gel Games on 2024-07-23 01:04:05. It has garnered 133 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 02:23:26 or 8606 seconds. NEW MAP MAP RULES 1) NO STEALING 2) NO PVP 3) No invading bases. 4) No destroying villages. #THEWORLDWASMINE #minecraft #playingwithsubscribers Playing with subscribers, come with us on this adventure #gelgames #minecraft #playingwithsubscribers minecraft, mine live, minecraft live, minecraft live, minecraft minecraft, live minecraft live, live minecraft playing with subscribers, live minecraft pe, live… Read More

  • Minecraft Animation: Ultimate Khodam Demonstration!

    Minecraft Animation: Ultimate Khodam Demonstration!Video Information This video, titled ‘Kobo, Kaela & Zeta pamer Khodam | ANIMASI MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by DUHIN on 2024-07-20 04:30:09. It has garnered 42905 views and 3289 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Characters : @KoboKanaeru @KaelaKovalskia @VestiaZeta ••••••••••••••••••••• Subscribe for more animation from duhin:) •••••••••••••••••••••• social media: Instagram :@duhinuwu TikTok: @duhinuwu X/Twitter : @duhinuwu •••••••••••••••••••••• Track: – •••••••••••••••••••••• back to video guys, dont forget to like, comment, and subscribe #Shorts#holoid#hololive Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Cheat You Won’t Believe! 🤯

    Insane Minecraft Cheat You Won't Believe! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘”Unbelievable Minecraft Hack You Didn’t Know! 😱”Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-06-13 02:00:01. It has garnered 157 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel 🎮 Welcome to another exciting Minecraft Shorts episode! 🎮 In today’s video, we dive deep into the world of Minecraft with [specific content – e.g., “an epic build,” “a crazy Redstone contraption,” “a survival challenge,” etc.]. Watch as we [brief description of the action – e.g., “create a hidden base,” “showcase the top 5 builds,” “battle it out… Read More

  • Unlocking Insane Secret in Minecraft Vanilla?! LIVE with Dead K3y

    Unlocking Insane Secret in Minecraft Vanilla?! LIVE with Dead K3yVideo Information This video, titled ‘Starting a HUGE Project! – Minecraft Vanilla Ventures (LIVE)’, was uploaded by Dead K3y on 2024-05-23 10:55:11. It has garnered 103 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:20:03 or 4803 seconds. Welcome to Minecraft Vanilla Ventures, my Hermitcraft-esque series devoted to showing off my creativity with the game! Discord: https://discord.gg/AZVBR6fSTE Thanks for watching! Support the stream if you so please: https://streamlabs.com/deadk3y1 or you can use YouTube’s superchat feature lol Read More

  • craftplex network

    craftplex networkwelcome to craftplex network we are adding bedwars soon please join and enjoy and beware no hacking duping or 18+ content accept on the anarchy srv so enjoy craftplex.zapto.org Read More

  • MineRealm SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.19-1.21 Public 21+ Staff Legit Custom Plugins

    MineRealm Welcome to MineRealm, a longstanding survival SMP server with over 265,000 unique players since 2010. Join Today! Server: game.minerealm.com Website: minerealm.com Trailer: Watch Here Discord: Join Now Rules: View Here Join us today and be part of the growing MineRealm community! About MineRealm MineRealm, established on Oct 28, 2010, is one of the longest running legit survival SMP servers. We focus on maintaining a vanilla gameplay experience while offering optional meta-gameplay features. Our server prides itself on the absence of spawned items or blocks by staff members and a custom-coded grief prevention system, CoreProtect. Join our Discord server to… Read More

  • Melodysmp

    MelodysmpMelodysmp is a Java/Bedrock cross-play Christian-based Minecraft Economy Survival server, which makes it one of a kind since there are not many Christian MC servers out there. This server is for adults. It has been modded and offers various plugins, including chest shops, leaderboards, sleep-most, graves, silktouch spawners, jobs, McMMO. The server also has an anti-grief system and offers helpful videos on how to protect your land. If you decide to join melody smp, please be respectful and remember that the server does not allow griefing, stealing, or hacking. Mainly focused on survival and we host events as well!Discord: discord.gg/gpJNmWuzXX Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Day 5: Which Minecraft block gets no love?

    Day five: what Minecraft block is always forgotten? The Dirt block, because it’s always beneath us and never gets the recognition it deserves! Read More

  • Blocky Adventures: A Hard Place to Face (PS4 Edition) – Ep 4 Gameplay

    Blocky Adventures: A Hard Place to Face (PS4 Edition) - Ep 4 Gameplay In Minecraft Story Mode, we’re diving deep, Into Episode 4, where secrets keep. A Block and a Hard Place, the title so bold, Adventure awaits, in a world untold. Join us on this journey, with Robert.T.Gaming, As we explore the story, always entertaining. No commentary here, just gameplay pure, But soon we’ll add voices, of that you can be sure. Subscribe to our channel, for more fun and delight, Support us on Patreon, keep our content in sight. Minecraft Story Mode, a classic to play, Let’s dive into the game, in a rhyming display. Read More

  • Minecraft Villager Oi Oi Oi Hotness!

    Minecraft Villager Oi Oi Oi Hotness! Why did the Minecraft Villager start a band? Because he heard they were looking for someone with a good “Oi Oi Oi”! #rockon #minecraftband Read More

  • Ultimate YouTuber Minecraft PVP Tournament!

    Ultimate YouTuber Minecraft PVP Tournament! The Exciting World of Minecraft PvP Tournaments When it comes to competitive gaming, Minecraft PvP tournaments are a thrilling spectacle that brings together players from all over the world. Recently, a YouTuber hosted an epic PvP tournament featuring some of the best Minecraft creators in the community. Let’s dive into the action-packed event and explore the highlights! Meet the Creators The tournament featured a lineup of talented Minecraft creators, including Stragmon, Jackattack20078, PlaceholderPete, Pokmandude2219, and more. Each creator brought their unique skills and strategies to the battlefield, making for an intense and entertaining competition. The Gameplay During the tournament,… Read More

  • EPIC 1K SUBS PARTY + CRAZY Minecraft Adventures!

    EPIC 1K SUBS PARTY + CRAZY Minecraft Adventures!Video Information This video, titled ‘1,000 Subscriber PARTY + Minecraft’, was uploaded by Awesomeplayer98 on 2024-05-25 14:14:05. It has garnered 85 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:42:21 or 13341 seconds. I got 1,000 subscribers and I’m gosh darned excited!!! Let’s have some FUN #MINECRAFT #Trial Chambers NOT OFFICIAL MOJANG PRODUCT AND STUFF Read More

  • Fiery Helicopter Showdown in Minecraft!

    Fiery Helicopter Showdown in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘What HAPPENS IF MIKEY WITH HELICOPTER CRASHES INTO JJ GOLEM in Minecraft ? TNT HELICOPTER vs JJ!’, was uploaded by Joobek on 2024-02-26 22:13:50. It has garnered 5862 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:26 or 1046 seconds. Read More

  • Intense Minecraft Battle: Scary Dame Tu Cosita vs Mikey & JJ!

    Intense Minecraft Battle: Scary Dame Tu Cosita vs Mikey & JJ!Video Information This video, titled ‘GIANT SCARY DAME TU COSITA.EXE vs Mikey and JJ in Minecraft ! – Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey World on 2024-06-21 22:30:12. It has garnered 1438 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:04 or 1804 seconds. GIANT SCARY DAME TU COSITA.EXE vs Mikey and JJ in Minecraft ! – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting… Read More

  • Unleashing the Terrifying AGS Bad Beast in Minecraft!

    Unleashing the Terrifying AGS Bad Beast in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘(Minecraft Animation render)’, was uploaded by AGS Bad Beast on 2024-03-13 23:09:11. It has garnered 40 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 10:36:14 or 38174 seconds. “Hey, fellow failers! 😄 If you love epic gaming content, don’t forget to like, subscribe, and follow me on my social media channels for more exciting updates! Follow me on Instagram 📸 for awesome gaming shots and behind-the-scenes fun: https://instagram.com/ags_bad_beast?u… Join my Discord server 🎮🎧 to connect with other gamers and stay in the loop: / discord Catch me on Reddit 🔥🎮 for engaging discussions… Read More


    EPIC WATER WAR IN MINECRAFT BEDWARSVideo Information This video, titled ‘WASSERKRIEGER VS ALPHA CLAN Minecraft LUCKY BLOCK BEDWARS’, was uploaded by Alphastein on 2024-01-15 12:06:37. It has garnered 62079 views and 2243 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:08 or 1628 seconds. WHAT’S UP * My pillows: https://www.moodrush.de/shop/alphastein-kissen-shop.html *Mein Minecraft Server: iostein.de * Merch: https://3dsupply.de/de/alphastein/ Also included: Duck: https://www.youtube.com/Rippeax Go to: https://www.youtube.com/@EitiMC * server hosted: https://mc-host24.de/ *Advertising Business inquiries: [email protected] Twitter► https://twitter.com/Alphastein Instagram► https://instagram.com/Alphastein Twitch► http://www.twitch.tv/Alphastein Music: http://incompetech.com/ Read More

  • JJ & Mikey VS SCARY MOMO FAMILY – Minecraft Hide & Seek!

    JJ & Mikey VS SCARY MOMO FAMILY - Minecraft Hide & Seek!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey HIDE From SCARY MOMO FAMILY in Minecraft! – Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey World on 2024-05-16 20:28:20. It has garnered 13815 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:21 or 861 seconds. JJ and Mikey HIDE From SCARY MOMO FAMILY in Minecraft! – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters…. Read More

  • 【Minecraft】 Insane Shader & Mod by Utada Zoey! 😮🔥 Vtuber with Sexy Voice!

    【Minecraft】 Insane Shader & Mod by Utada Zoey! 😮🔥 Vtuber with Sexy Voice!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】 BEST Shader & Mod You’ve Ever Seen ⛏️🪨 Your Sexy, Deep Voice Onee San 「 Vtuber 」’, was uploaded by Utada Zoey Ch. 歌田ぞおい on 2024-07-21 07:42:56. It has garnered 1025 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:11 or 8531 seconds. ⛏️ How to join the server? 🪨 1. Those who have accumulated USD $100 in donation in 1 calendar month are eligible to join the Minecraft server. 2. Please send the proof of payments or transfer receipts along with your Discord username and Minecraft ID to [email protected], so that… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mob Battle: Herobrine vs ALL Mobs! 🐴 #minecraftbattle

    Ultimate Minecraft Mob Battle: Herobrine vs ALL Mobs! 🐴 #minecraftbattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE vs All Minecraft Mobs Combined Fight in Minecraft #mobbattle #minecraft #24x7live #horsy’, was uploaded by Horsy on 2024-04-05 03:34:31. It has garnered 130 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:51 or 1251 seconds. You have to agree i make real good content so.. Lets break Youtube Algorithms like Steveee, Alexa Real and Spectator did! Hello Guys We are going to watch, what happens if we combine all minecraft mobs.👀 And then the legendary HEROBRINE will Fight with the Incredible Combination of all minecraft mobs,😱🤔 Wait For Big Badass Herobrine :)… Read More

  • Birthday Surprise! Touhou 19 UDoALG in Minecraft!

    Birthday Surprise! Touhou 19 UDoALG in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘(BIRTHDAY SPECIAL!!) Touhou 19 UDoALG The World is Made from Cuteness but with MINECRAFT NOTEBLOCKS!’, was uploaded by Pablo Martinez on 2024-07-18 23:55:48. It has garnered 14 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:18 or 378 seconds. (BIRTHDAY SPECIAL!) Reimu Hakurei’s Theme The World is Made from Cuteness from Touhou 19 UDoALG but with MINECRAFT MUSIC BLOCKS! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! This song is from Touhou 19 Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghosts character, Reimu Hakurei. I made it in the Minecraft Note Block Studio app. I give credit to the creator of… Read More

  • Adventure Cage

    Adventure CageAventure gamemode with reimagined gathering and crafting(progression overhaul). Borderline RPG. Inspired by the Albion Online game. Handcrafted RPG world to play in, divided by zones. A zone can be GREEN(no-pvp, no-item-loss-on-death), YELLOW(yes-pvp, no-item-loss-on-death), RED(yes-pvp, items-drop-on-death) Upcoming feature: team up with your friends in a party(no-firendly-fire) and more Read More

  • 🌟 NeonARK SMP Released! 🌟 SMP Vanilla

    🚀 It’s finally here! After months of hard work and anticipation, we are thrilled to announce that NeonARK SMP is now open to the public! 🎉 🏞️ Join our semi-vanilla server and be part of marvelous upcoming events and so much more! 🌈✨ 🔗 Discord Invite: Join Here! ℹ️ Information: Supports cracked/offline players Organized server open 24/7 Active and friendly community Located in India 📹 Video ad coming soon! Come and join the fun! 🎮🌟 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Survival of the Blocks

    Looks like this meme has a high score, just like trying to find diamonds in Minecraft! Let’s hope it doesn’t disappear like all my items when I fall into lava. Read More