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So far in this mod pack I’m have well built a lot of create things and they’re kind of just out in the open and for good reason I am basically broke in the game yeah I know sad uh but today that might change because I’m going to go

Mining I’m going to mine quite a few resources out of the tunnel that I just created possibly even dive down Into the Depths a little bit further and hopefully by the end of the day we’re going to have ourselves Tom’s storage set up yes you heard me right we’re

Going to be getting into our first actual centralized storage system and this is going to be gamechanging now as I head back down into the mines last episode I made this Tetra pickaxe and as I use it it’s going to level up but it

Is a lot of manual mining I am going to be mining pretty manually but there’s a lot of cool resources that I should be able to gather through this huge area that has been mined out oh boy I also I better I better solve some problems

Here oh there we go got him anyways back to business yes I’m going to be using this silk touch pick to grind out all these resources and thankfully the silk touch pick is going to make this very nice because me getting these raw basic materials can then be crushed down

Giving me a bonus as if we had uh some sort of efficiency and then this even has a resource that it can give us being Redstone which is very necessary especially since uh create is very Redstone hungry oh and on top of that we’re going to be getting these X

Purified ores which are going to help me be able to mine even faster as we continue on however I’m going to have to break these by hand later on now as I’m mining I just got a message saying a part has settled and so as I continue to hone this and use this

More and more my parts that are on this will actually start to get better and better and so it’s kind of a cool little thing that we made last episode this Tetra piic is very very worth setting up so I now am ready to hone this tool I’ve

Also mined out just about every block I I could have I could have mined out of this whole tunnel that we dug out with our Contraption and so now it’s time to go process everything in the processing machine that I set up last episode and I’m pretty excited about that because

This is going to give us a ton of iron even though I made a little iron farm this is going to be a significant amount of iron allowing me to significantly change everything like we will now have tons of iron I can make also tons of

Brass and uh also tons of and aide alloy which is fantastic so I now get to put this to use let’s go ahead and drop this all in I’m going to send all of the iron at first now there’s some things that actually won’t work for example this

Thorium from the create new age doesn’t actually have a recipe in this block form which is kind of funny considering it utilizes create so I’m surprised it doesn’t have a recipe that breaks it down using the crushing Wheels uh maybe that was an oversight but things like

Coal and Redstone all of this should be able to be crushed down um this cannot be crushed down however it can be smelted um which is kind of nice so yes this is going to continue to process up and we are going to start to see tons of

Redstone building up in here iron blocks like just like this and all of this is coming from those ores so now that we have tons of resources flowing in and I now have a ton of clay I probably should clear that out we can now start to take

A look at the Tom’s storage mod so Tom simple storage has a lot of interesting things but it is basically a storage mod you connect a terminal to an inventory and then you can see the items that are inside of the inventory and then if you have a crafting terminal you can

AutoCraft from them or pull crafts into a crafting grid from the storages and then you can connect multiple storages with these inventory cable connectors now in this pack to get started with this we do need Precision mechanisms we’re also need some display links these are all very easy to make make the

Precision mechanisms however they are a little bit more expensive and then also we need sturdy sheets now sturdy sheets requires some lava and also to be pressed a couple of times and need to uh to generate some powdered obsidian which in our case is probably not going to be

Too difficult since we already have the obsidian to be able to do this and the crushing wheels from last episode now I tell you what I cannot wait to get this crafting terminal because up to this point I’ve been doing everything by pulling the items individually out of

The chests and putting them into a regular crafting table and just doing the whole vanilla and this is modded Minecraft after all so it is very nice once we have some sort of manageable inventory and that’s a real big game changer for me now the Precision mechanism automation is actually quite

Simple it’s just three deployers that need to have three different items that are running in uh in line and then we have to worry about the looping Pro uh process that is involved in making this uh so it has to go through five times now you could make a row of these that

Were five long that would require quite a few of these Cog Wheels um and quite a few of the deployers but you don’t actually have to do that um instead one of the best ways to do this is by utilizing this thing called an item

Vault um so the item vault is very very simple um it can basically transfer items from one location to the other very fast like in instantaneously so um in in this particular size and only one by3 you can only span three blocks though uh which is perfect though for

This particular setup so we need to think about this uh right here we’re going to have the items flowing out we’re going to send one sheet at a time gold sheet it’s then going to go through its process but then we need to pick it

Back up and we need to pick it up specifically right here um and so I’m going to convert this to have it going in and this has to be a brass one because we’re going have to filter what is actually being sent into this um now

The output it just can be a regular andesite one just like this and that is going to send it back around so if this is flowing through it’s going to kind of loop through until it is completed once it is completed it is then going to go

Into this particular funnel and uh we can actually extend these by right clicking all of these can be extended to look a lot better um if you if you absolutely want these uh to be extended like that but this this is essentially how this is going to go and um whenever

We get this first started it’s going to automatically work but once we actually get a Precision mechanism that’s when we can utilize these filter slots actually we can set the filter right now if we absolutely want to so I’m going to use a regular list filter and then I’m going

To drag the Precision mechanism in here and on our first one we simply just want it to be a deny list we want the regular ones and we want it to have respect data uh enabled so this should prevent that from going into this container so we might not even need this particular

Funnel to be brass this one does need to be specifically brassed it’s going to be the first thing it interacts with and it should continue the loop now I just got to get power to this now I don’t know if this is 100% correct but what I have

Here is some encase chain drives and then encase chain drives running down and I’m going to tap into this and then we’re going to find out if the bottom down here is going to be spinning in the appropriate Direction and it is perfect so as soon as we connect this there we

Go we now have a Precision mechanism uh set up ready to go we just got to put some gold sheets in here and also the cogs and buttons I believe oh not not uh not buttons actually iron nuggets yeah that’s right let’s go ahead and get this

Set up I have the Cog Wheels the large Cog wheels and the Nuggets I’m going to put these in with Hoppers and I’ve just got 32 of each sort of made up and then I just need to put the sheets in and that should go in and start producing as

You can see it’s looping through and because we have the respect data applied this is going to make sure that it doesn’t send unless it is the completed one and there we go we now have a completed one if it also Breaks by the way the Salvage will end up going in

Here cuz it can produce some Salvage so there we go uh and now we can go ahead and we can just place these in now if I put a whole bunch in here it will get clogged up but there is a way to actually detect this in the back but

That’s something we’ll set up later on when we have full automation of this right now the main purpose of this is to have enough Precision mechanisms in order to move on and get the terminal now speaking of the terminal we are going to need this process ready to go

And uh we need to basically send lava into this spout now typically you can’t just use a bucket on the spout so we’re going to have to get lava into this via a pump but if I already had gone gone through immersive engineering I could use a wooden barrel and you can actually

Fill the wooden barrel up with lava believe it or not and it will automatically insert it on the bottom side uh but we will eventually get into this whenever we get into immersive engineering I can’t just craft it right now because it requires creosote oil and

Yes we need a little bit of it to make something like that and immersive engineering has its own progression that is quite strenuous now I’ve kind of got my pump set up and I’m just going to basically put the lava here I’m going to put some trap doors here and then this

Will actually pull the lava uh into this automatically for me because yeah right clicking a bucket on here typically doesn’t work I am going to try it though um and uh I’ve got some power routed down here from an incase chain drive so I can just cover these up and make them

Look a little bit nicer uh and then I’ve just got to get the power up here to my mechanical presses now to just show off the cool part about belts um I’m going to go ahead and Link this with a belts and then link this right here with a

Belt and you can see that belts can also be used to transfer power uh like like this and that’s pretty nice uh you don’t have to just use belts for items then to power the mechanical pump I’m just going to hook this up uh-oh but we’ve run out

Of stress um so I think what I’m going to do is just add another water wheel and that should be more than enough to be able to supply this uh this mechanical pump these water wheels are such an amazing early game source of stress it is so nice um but you do have

To like I said gear ratio them up quite a bit but there we go now we have the pump up and running and we just need to get ourselves some lava so with the bucket of lava as you can see it doesn’t actually let you place it in so if I

Place it in World though then it will pull the entire bucket into here uh and so this will actually work and now I just got to take some obsidian and we just got to crush it a little bit now thankfully I only need like one piece so

I should be good I should be able to toss that in here and then that is going to go into here and give me the powered obsidian that I need and then I should be able to put the powdered obsidian in then it presses we get the sploosh and there we

Go we now have oursel a sturdy sheet and this is going to be pretty useful this is used for making the train related items so definitely going to be worthwhile but the big thing that for me that it’s used for is going to be in actually crafting because this is going

To be part of a major recipe for the crafting terminal so I think now at this point with all of these things sort of crafted up I can actually make the storage terminal itself right now and there we go so now we have the storage terminal but I do want to upgrade this

Immediately I’m going to need a link controller which requires a redstone link all of which is very easy to make and I have everything else ready to go craft it up uh I went ahead and just crafted some more of the mechanical crafters and this is just six buttons just like so

Boop and uh yeah we just put this together this thing is kind of cool I’ve actually never used the link controller uh but I think you can assign it to like multiple Redstone links which is kind of cool um and uh yeah last but not least is just putting all of this stuff

Together and so now to hope my memory is good I’m pretty sure the sturdy sheet goes in this side um and then the storage terminal is actually at the very top I do remember that and then the Crafters all go right here crafter Inception oh I only made six actually

Nine don’t I uh I should have more and there we go so now we have all nine Crafters um and then I need my linked controller to be right here and then last but not least the middle item that needs to go there uh is the Precision

Mechanism so I think my memory serves me right and now you get to see a new mechanic because uh this will actually auto start if you fill in all the slots but it doesn’t auto start right now the way we can actually force it to start is

By giving it a redstone signal and so now that I’ve given it a redstone signal this will then continue the Craft um so you don’t actually have to build your Crafters in like very specific shapes you can use one big one for the craft and there we go we now have a crafting

Terminal oh this is nice so this crafting terminal kind of opens up quite a lot um and if I remember we should be able to put this like for example on here like on this inventory and we can see all of the items inside of the inventory that it is connected to but

There are more ways that we can actually interact with this um and uh that is that we can use connectors to connect inventories to the terminal itself and the recipes for these don’t seem too bad they’re just brass sheets to make eight cables and then kelp and then to

Actually make the connector itself it just needs a shoot so now with all of these items crafted up including inventory connector I should be able to connect these together at least a few of these chests because I’m going to be rearranging how the actual storage is connected up but these are inventory

Cable connectors they’re just going to connect to the storages and I don’t have them connected to these storages however uh because like I said this is just a sort of play around and test here but I’m going to place the inventory connector right here and then all of these inventories should now be

Connected to the inventory connector and then we can read this one inventory with our terminal like this and now we should be able to see and interact with all of our items that are in those chests and that also means I can put items in those inventories now taking a look at the

Interface here this is sort of the first for me is I’ve never really use Tom storage but it is very familiar in that it is just sort of like uh simple storage or or many other storage mods um but this I thought was kind of cool you

Can actually change how you pull items out and in if you like AE style you can use it or if you like refined storage style there’s that or even if you like vanilla controls there they are uh that’s kind of cool I’m thinking for right now I’m going to stick with AE see

What I like you can also have uh choose whether or not it will pull from your inventory for crafts typically that’s okay um and I kind of like that it’ll automatically pull them from your inventory and uh if you don’t like it you can just toggle it off you can also

Change the way the items are being sorted and so looks like there’s all kinds of different sort methods I do like to have um sort by item amount and you can choose ascending or descending and then your the jei synchronize option so up here I have it synchronized with

Jei and uh that allows me to search jei up here Al together but it doesn’t seem to like interact back and forth so if you clear this grid it doesn’t actually clear the grid up here which is probably an oversight but uh if you just use a

Top you’ll be fine so believe it or not I actually managed to get all of my inventories in this configuration set up up and so now I can just simply craft everything out of here oh that is so convenient it’s going to make things things so much easier and uh definitely

Made crafting up more of these inventory cable connectors a lot easier so now that this is set up let’s see some other conveniences we can actually access this terminal wirelessly we just need a few more resources here and now it’s just super easy to craft all of these things

Up and this is also going to lead us into another thing um we actually need to make a vibration mechanism which is very much like a Precision mechanism however it does require amethyst shards with the basic Wireless terminal you can reach up to 16 blocks away which is all

Nice but the advanced one will eventually allow us to access it throughout the entire world and also even cross- dimensionally once we have a Max Level Beacon now since we already have the Precision mechanism set up going we should be able to make the other mechanism quite easily but I do

Need to go back down into the mine and thankfully gold pickaxes come with a Nate Fortune 2 so that’s going to be pretty helpful uh I’m pretty sure we can Fortune the amethyst geode that I had found now we do have a hone available on our tool here and this is something

Actually new that I am unfamiliar with so okay so our hone right here will give us efficiency one or durability where we have hone speed these are all different things I like efficiency but I really like durability more and so I think I’m going to go with durability one as the

Hone and so these are what you get every time we level these things up and uh so now the more I mine with this it’s going to level up again and then I can hone it again giving me even more bonuses and right here by the way is that geode that

We had found so if we just mine our way down in here aha we should have plenty of materials yes and this is going to get us all that we need for right now now we should be able to make this mechanism very very simply and and uh I

Don’t know if this has a crafting chance but let’s go ah and get this set up here um I just need to pull the ingredients out of this and I am going to need some Redstone and then my filter even needs to come out of here um so I think it’s a

Vibration right here so all we’re going to do is add this to the list and so now this can also operate from this same setup and I just need to grab a little bit of red stone and then also a couple of C and we should be good um and it looks

Like this is amethyst Cog wheels so let’s grab the Cog Wheels Cog wheels go in the middle amethyst goes first and Redstone goes last and then we just put the sheet in and this is just like the Precision mechanism however this one is made out of totally different materials

Pretty cool I I actually like this and uh the crafting of it not too difficult and did that complete it did and now we have a vibration mechanism which we can then use to make a radar say allows you to look at enemies around you that’s

Actually kind of cool we might want to make more of those just to actually have that um so I’m going to put another one in and get that crafted up I’ll use that later but for right now we can use that radar in actually making that terminal

Uh attachment so let’s go and get this ready to go I think it is just Tom’s and I think we have everything and this will give us a base of uh 64 distance so there we go there’s a base radar and then we just need an empty

Card which is going to require some paper oh yeah I’m going to have to get more uh sugar can because unfortunately the quality crops um it doesn’t allow you to craft with them unfortunately so time to harvest more sugar cane just like that we now have ourself a empty

Card and then that gets combined with our regular Wireless terminal and perfect now it says not bound uh does this access automatically do you have to shift right click okay so shift right click is now bound to the terminal and I can now use this card to open it up oh

That’s pretty cool uh now I’m assuming we can also set a keybind and I really like to set controll and E to wireless terminal uh to be able to open them up and this can go on our belt and here it is Tom simple storage open Terminal I

Want to set that to control and E I don’t know what control and E is set to by default so I’ll just go ahead and take a look it said it had a key conflict and looking through here I don’t really see anything so I should be

Able to not have it in my hand and CR e to open it up and so now we can put it into our belt slot which is this right here and contr e oh that’s so nice and we can open this and I don’t have to keep running back and forth over and

Over again up to 64 blocks for now but once we have a tier one Beacon we can access it anywhere in the world so now that that’s done let’s actually see what this entity radar does I’m very oh oh that is it has a very long cool

Down but that’s pretty cool is that just any entities so any entities that may be nearby within our range or whatever the range is of this we can use but it does have a a very long cool down um so as useful as that may be um

Maybe it would help with raids uh possibly I mean the Bell kind of does the same thing this is like a a portable Bell there we go so we can we can see the entities within a certain range now since we’re on the topic of cool gadgets

Let’s go ahead and use these Precision mechanisms to make two of my favorite items well one of them is my definite favorite and that is a building wand which is going to utilize the one ender pearl that I currently have and I also want to use this Precision mechanism

Which we can see all these cool recipes over here I want to use it to also make an extendo grip so now the first one on the list is going to be the extendo grip now this is going to use my back tank um so I should be able to just use some

Brass I’m going to start up here cuz I do know that is on the top okay so it looks like brass Precision mechanisms then the sticks brass Precision mechanism some sticks here for the extendo arm and then the the pointy finger and then we can craft this by the

Way if you do craft this uh and it is not the right recipe it’ll go all the way down to the bottom it’ll spin up and then it just spits the items everywhere which is kind of funny but there we go so now we have a cool little new gadget

Called the extendo grip um so the extendo grip goes in your offhand and allows you to use things in your offand so if I wanted to remove this I can do that and if I wanted to use my pick at a long distance I can do that if I wanted

To place a block at a long distance I can now do that and so this shouldn’t take durability um unless we don’t have our back tank equipped so uh let me go ahead and remove this and then our extendo grip as you see just took some durability which is unfortunate right if

We go ahead and fill this back up um this shouldn’t take durability so long as we have air compressed air to utilize it so something you got to keep in mind with the extender grip but it does it does allow you to have some really nice reach distance which could be helpful so

Now with my back tank back on we can see that the durability is just fine and then I can start to put this here and it just will I I don’t know if it uses any of the pressure just so long as you actually have some pressure um it’s

Really hard to tell for me it looks like we are good yeah it doesn’t look like it consumed any pressure at least just using it right now uh but this will also like work on your sword and stuff and apparently it also works on the the gun

However it makes it quite a bit harder to use the the gun um so yeah and and the reload animations are completely gone when you’re using it it’s actually that’s kind of that’s hilarious um but okay so now that we have this uh which this will actually help us Place

Items into here I believe um let’s go ahead and make the one of my favorite items it’s the wand of symmetry and this is probably one of the most overpowered items in create uh there’s a lot of overpower items but this one is incredibly overpowered and so it’s going

To require an ender pearl and so that’s going to go there and you can see the accendo grip actually working like fantastic right now at placing these items into this wall uh so Precision uh so precision inot and then this just like so Precision Ingot and you can see

Our our reach distance is quite far actually I can I I’m all the way over here and I’m placing items in um like how far can we reach to touch this button like like I am I am all the way out here it looks like this

Far I can push the button from all the way over here that’s like 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine 10 blocks away holy smokes but yeah this thing is beautiful so this is a builder’s dream tool right here uh but it also has some other uses so let’s

First shift right click in here and we can see we have mirror once rectangular and octagon these are really really cool modes the mirror you can also change the axis but the best way to use mirror is by placing it down and then you can just change the

Direction by the place you’re looking but if you have it set in mirrored mode let me grab an iron block for example or just any blocks like copper if I place a block here it’s going to place it in the exact same d uh coordinate over here the

Or exact same opposite mirror coordinate just like that and if I was to change this direction like that it will also do the same here but take in mind it will also break the items as well so if the same items are in that uh that direction

It will also break them so this is a fantastic item and you also right click in the air to remove this uh the other modes by the way if you shift right click for example octagonal is basically like building 1/8 of a build so you

Place this down and if I wanted to build like a circle I mean you just basically have to build 1/8 of it and this will do the rest it’s kind of amazing um and breaking it down same same way uh if I was to change this for example to

Rectangular this is like 1/4 of the build so I would only have to build 1/4 of it and uh it would fill in the rest right and so then the other one is of course half of the build um so that’s that’s one way to look at the uh this W

Of symmetry but it’s it does have another use it has actually a crazy use and that is that underground you can use it to mine Stone and this is this is a very weird thing but if I have this mirrored like so and I’m breaking stone

If I break the stone here and then the both the stone you can see that I’m actually getting that stone uh and that’s it’s happening and I don’t even know if it’s utilizing durability so um we don’t have a way of seeing durability without hitting F3 and

H so now I should be able to see durability we see it’s 628 if I break this 628 so it did take off the durability for breaking that other block so keep that in mind it actually does use up the durability but it’s still letting you

Mine twice as fast and if you were doing the octagonal you could mine out an entire area 1/8 of the time that it would take you to mine it I cannot wait to utilize the wand of symmetry it is just a fantastic tool Tool uh keep in

Mind though like I mentioned before it has to be a matching block so if you break stone stone has to be on the other side for it to break if you break iron iron has to be on the other side for it to break it it will not just break

Willy-nilly wow willy-nilly is such a weird word and I can’t believe I just said that so now with these tools I now have the ability to start building and that’s what I’m excited for So within the next couple of episodes this whole base is going to start to transform and

Turn turn into a create Masterpiece or so I hope I hope that’s what I do with it because sometimes my brain doesn’t let me do things but I’m going to try my best to sort of transform all of this um and we first have to start with well

Getting a very nice centralized source of rotational energy for the create mod and uh without having steam turbines for right now we’re going to be using large water wheels and then we’ll just start to spread that power throughout the base we got guys if you enjoyed today’s

Episode be sure to click that subscribe button if you haven’t already and give this video a huge thumbs up ah more Adventure to come I know that a lot of you guys are probably looking forward to some more Adventure and I am too we’re going to be preparing oursel very very

Soon I need to do some more mining get some more diamond and uh get myself trimmed up and I think we’re going to be pretty good for the adventures to come oh boy well guys it’s now time to thank the amazing supporter of today’s episode

And then amazing than is going to go out toin thank you so much by the way for your amazing support supporting me over on Discord and becoming a Discord premium member and supporting in one of the best ways possible I appreciate you I thank you guys all for watching I’ll

See you in the next one and of course like I just said as always thanks for watching bye

This video, titled ‘SteamPunk Minecraft Modpack EP8 Tom’s Storage & Create Gadgets’, was uploaded by ChosenArchitect on 2024-03-20 16:00:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

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    Frozen Wasteland: Minecraft's Horror Mods Survived! In a frozen wasteland, the horror mods arise, With Herobrine lurking, a fear in our eyes. The Man From The Fog, a mysterious sight, Cave Dwellers reimagined, ready to fight. Siren Head’s arrival, a chilling sound, Cartoon Dwellers lurking, all around. Herobrine Awakens, a legend so old, Fake Steve and The Knocker, stories untold. The Rake and The Mimicer, creatures of dread, GoatMan and cantbreathe, filling us with dread. Surviving in Hardcore, a challenge so tough, But with rhymes and wit, we’ll have more than enough. Thanks to Chiefxd and whereswrld, for the inspiration, For crafting this tale, a… Read More

  • Recreating Minecraft Trailer!

    Recreating Minecraft Trailer! Vytvořte Minecraft jako z TRAILERU! Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. But have you ever wondered how to transform your Minecraft world to look like it came straight out of an official animation trailer? Well, look no further because Sysel has the answer! Inspiration and Resources Sysel’s video, inspired by a specific source (https://youtu.be/yZ_Ppfg886A?si=Mrfb3ap1D5v5kvFY), provides a step-by-step guide on how to achieve the desired look. From mods and resource packs (https://pastebin.com/zZdaCWca) to shader settings (https://www.mediafire.com/file/l3vltkl425kjr88/BSL_v8.2.09.zip.txt/file), Sysel covers all the necessary tools to transform your Minecraft experience. Support Sysel If you enjoy… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Adventure! Are you ready to embark on your own Minecraft adventure? Join the Minewind server today and experience a whole new level of excitement and creativity in the world of Minecraft. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for exploration and building, Minewind offers a unique and immersive gaming experience like no other. Immerse yourself in a world where you can build your own boat dock, just like in the Minecraft Oasis Adventure Time video. Explore new lands, conquer challenges, and make new friends along the way. With a variety of mods and shaders available, you can customize… Read More

  • Minecraft: Memes & Mayhem

    Minecraft: Memes & Mayhem Minecraft – Episode 1 – Did it for the Meme Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft with Clifton3D in Episode 1 of his gaming series. Join him as he delves into the realm of creativity, survival, and endless possibilities. Exploring the Minecraft Universe As Clifton3D ventures into the vast landscapes of Minecraft, he encounters a world brimming with resources, creatures, and challenges. From building intricate structures to battling hostile mobs, every moment is an opportunity for adventure. Building Blocks of Creativity In Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. Clifton3D showcases his building skills by constructing elaborate… Read More

  • Gracie and Best Friend Pregnant in Minecraft?!

    Gracie and Best Friend Pregnant in Minecraft?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Gracie and Best Friend Pregnant In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Gracie on 2024-07-10 11:00:42. It has garnered 80679 views and 414 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:48 or 10848 seconds. Gracie and Best Friend Pregnant In Minecraft! Gracie, Jamesy, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft. Follow Jamesy! – https://www.youtube.com/@JamesyMCYT?sub_confirmation=1 Follow Our Roblox Channel! – https://www.youtube.com/@JamesyGracie?sub_confirmation=1 Follow Louie’s Channel! – https://www.youtube.com/@LouieMC?sub_confirmation=1 Gracie is Jamesy’s Girlfriend. Its spelled Gracie, not Gracey or Grace Z. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • Minecraft Hacks: Element X Code Fun

    Minecraft Hacks: Element X Code FunVideo Information This video, titled ‘I coded more of ur STUPID ideas to Minecraft’, was uploaded by Element X on 2024-06-15 14:00:26. It has garnered 1565019 views and 31885 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:53 or 833 seconds. Click this link https://sponsr.is/bootdev_elementx and use my code ELEMENTX to get 25% off your first payment for boot.dev. That’s 25% your first month or your first year, depending on the subscription you choose. I coded your horrible ideas to minecraft. i dont know why your ideas are so horrible. But i just do them because it’s painful and fun. Bruh… Read More

  • Unbelievable gameplay in Minecraft – Must watch now! #viral

    Unbelievable gameplay in Minecraft - Must watch now! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Don’t worry I’m here @minecraft @shorts @viral’, was uploaded by RenderLegendOP on 2024-05-01 06:33:55. It has garnered 4 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Don’t worry I’m here @minecraft @shorts @viral thanks for watching 😍❤ minecraft #minecraft shorts #shorts #minecraft short #gaming #minecraft animation #realistic minecraft #minecraft tiktok #minecraft rtx #minecraft gaming shorts #minecraft viral shorts #shorts minecraft #minecraft meme #minecraft memes #cash minecraft #minecraft challenge #minecraft but #minecraft mod #minecraft mods #minecraft funny #minecraft hacks short #minecraft viral video #minecraft but challenge #minecraft trending shorts #minecraft… Read More

  • Unbelievable discovery in Prehistoric Minecraft 1.0 by lilB2k!

    Unbelievable discovery in Prehistoric Minecraft 1.0 by lilB2k!Video Information This video, titled ‘Prehistoric Hardcore Minecraft 1.0’, was uploaded by lilB2k on 2024-06-04 06:08:11. It has garnered 42 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:45 or 13185 seconds. #live #minecraft #lilb2k I AM ALSO LIVE ON TWITCH @lilB2kk Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Tip: Build Modern House in Seconds! #35

    Insane Minecraft Tip: Build Modern House in Seconds! #35Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT EASY WAY TO BUILD A MODERN HOUSE (#35)’, was uploaded by Fevel on 2024-03-12 08:30:12. It has garnered 18 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:48 or 1188 seconds. Support me to complete 1k🙏mambers❤️☺️ #minecraft #easy #house #tutorial #song #MinecraftMadness #EpicMinecraft #MinecraftAddict #BlockbusterMinecraft #CraftingMania #MinecraftMayhem #PixelatedParadise #BuildingBlocks #Minecraft →Minecraft: How to Make a Modern House – Tutorial →Thumbs up & Subscribe for more =)https://youtube.com/@Fevelyt →Interior Tutorial Video: Minecraft: Large…=)https://youtu.be/OVHBVg01Kek ▼More House Tutorials▼ 👉https://youtu.be/rpWKd79v1Ao👈 👉https://youtu.be/OVHBVg01Kek👈 👉https://youtu.be/cUBUYgjadlc👈 👉https://youtu.be/9AZZbnUuIRY👈 _________________________________________________ MINECRAFT _________________________________________________ Minecraft is a highly popular sandbox video game where players have the… Read More

  • Insane Survival Challenge: 100 Days in Minecraft Stone Age

    Insane Survival Challenge: 100 Days in Minecraft Stone AgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days Of Minecraft Hardcore In The STONE AGE!’, was uploaded by PaulGG on 2024-02-24 15:00:39. It has garnered 204781 views and 7290 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:05 or 3605 seconds. I Survived 100 Days In Minecraft Hardcore I Survived 100 Days Of Minecraft Hardcore IN A STRAIGHT LINE! ➡ https://youtu.be/98iCWuQYRls Use Code PAULGG For #GFUEL ➡ https://gfuel.com/collections/shakers/products/paulgg-shaker-cup Check Out my 100 Dyas In BETTER Minecraft ➡ https://youtu.be/h2CLjWebHQg (I Survived 100 Days In BETTER Minecraft Hardcore (Full Movie) Check out the first 100 days In An OCEAN WORLD! ➡ https://youtu.be/g90LrmQl_qU… Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Free Fire vs Minecraft! 🔥🔨 #viralshorts

    Epic Showdown: Free Fire vs Minecraft! 🔥🔨 #viralshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Free Fire vs Minecraft❓#shorts #ytshort #viralshort #comparison’, was uploaded by Short creater 07 on 2024-07-22 13:10:38. It has garnered 503 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Free Fire vs Minecraft❓ Comparison Free Fire and Minecraft are vastly different games, catering to different audiences and offering unique experiences. Here’s a comparison based on several aspects: Gameplay Free Fire: Genre: Battle Royale. Objective: Be the last person or team standing by eliminating other players. Gameplay: Fast-paced, matches last around 10 minutes, focuses on shooting, survival, and strategic positioning. Minecraft:… Read More

  • Minecraft Tiktok Hack Goes Viral! #Shorts

    Minecraft Tiktok Hack Goes Viral! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tiktok hack #minecraft #hackminecraft #shorts #hacks #viral’, was uploaded by Itz4ffanshortz on 2024-03-07 18:29:50. It has garnered 11663 views and 316 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Bot Coitus Metal Talk!

    EPIC Minecraft Bot Coitus Metal Talk!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Bot coito, Insanamente 2 de Metal, Platica Y No sé xd’, was uploaded by DanMDxD on 2024-06-19 17:13:01. It has garnered 121 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 01:33:19 or 5599 seconds. Join The Channel Discord: https://discord.gg/7GNUMj7d Minecraft god. Questions about me, dragon ball, anime, series, movies, video games, manga, tastes, etc. xd whatever the fuck you want. I love you so much Dragon ball, Minecraft, Halo, Resident evil 4, Halo. Sometimes we talk, react, watch discord, play xd whatever Live from the channel where we talk and react to… Read More

  • AstralPixelmon

    AstralPixelmonA aventura Pokémon que você esperava chegou! Venha se juntar a nós na Rede Astral e embarque em uma jornada épica repleta de desafios, batalhas emocionantes e a captura de Pokémon incríveis. astralpixelmon.net Read More

  • Oakleaf SMP – Origins Mod – Community, Creativity, Fair Play

    Introduction: Welcome to Oakleaf SMP! A Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server focused on fostering a vibrant community and encouraging creativity while maintaining freedom. What to Expect: Community and Creativity: Join a welcoming community where collaboration and creativity thrive. Fair Play: Respect others’ builds, no hacks or cheats, consensual PvP. Origins Plugin: Experience Minecraft like never before with unique origins. Helpful Features: Informative Discord channel, active moderators. Server IP: oakleaf.apexmc.co We welcome new players from all walks of life to join our server. We are not whitelisted, so feel free to visit anytime! Join Us Today: Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/gK8YDcNCGc Java IP: oakleaf.apexmc.co… Read More

  • 🌑NightCraft 2.5 | Vanilla+++ | Europe Server | New Dungeons+ | New Generations🌑

    🌑NightCraft 2.5 | Vanilla+++ | Europe Server | New Dungeons+ | New Generations🌑The NightCraft 2.5 minecraft server is the second and a half season of the original Vanilla+++ minecraft server, we have rethought the server pass system, so now almost anyone can get on it! If you have any questions, you can write to the discord – https://discord.com/invite/yQZeeYG8B5 telegram – https://t.me/animalworldtwitch or at least on twitch when I stream there – (2) night_sculptor – Twitch Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – vertical half slabs are garbage

    Minecraft Memes - vertical half slabs are garbageWhoever thought vertical half slabs were a good idea must have been building upside down! Read More

  • Minecraft’s Stone System: A Messy Quest!

    Minecraft's Stone System: A Messy Quest! In Minecraft’s world, the stone system’s a mess, Caves, sandstone, Nether, and Prismarine, no less. Exploring the depths, facing challenges with glee, In The End, a new adventure awaits, you’ll see. With music like Penguin and Pyramid’s beat, And Coral Rise from Minecraft Dungeon, a treat. So dive into the game, let your creativity flow, Minecraft’s world is vast, with endless stories to show. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Subscribe, Like, Share!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Subscribe, Like, Share! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone! #minecraftmemes #relationshipproblems 😂🎮💔 Read More

  • Turning into Warden in Minecraft?! 😱

    Turning into Warden in Minecraft?! 😱 Minecraft: Exploring the World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Dive into a realm where players can build, explore, and survive in a vast sandbox environment filled with endless possibilities. Unleash Your Creativity In Minecraft, players have the freedom to unleash their creativity and build anything they can imagine. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, the only limit is your imagination. With a variety of blocks and tools at your disposal, the possibilities are endless. Survive and Thrive Survival… Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft #1 – Spike Viper

    Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft #1 - Spike ViperVideo Information This video, titled ‘GETTING YAR BOOTY in Minecraft (1.12.2 Pack) #1’, was uploaded by Spike Viper on 2024-07-18 19:55:54. It has garnered 692 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:53 or 953 seconds. yar harr harr i be pirate Join Valour: https://valour.gg/ Follow me on Twitch: https://twitch.tv/spikeviper Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/spikeviperyt Official Vooperian Merch: https://merch.spookvooper.com/ [ Supporters of Vooperia ] NodeCraft: Fast & Reliable Game Servers Use coupon code SPOOKVOOPER for 30% off your first server below https://nodecraft.com/r/spookvooper Read More

  • Surviving the Scariest Minecraft Seed at 3AM

    Surviving the Scariest Minecraft Seed at 3AMVideo Information This video, titled ‘We Survived Minecraft’s Scariest Seed at 3:00 AM..’, was uploaded by RageElixir – Minecraft on 2024-06-07 16:00:17. It has garnered 265768 views and 3905 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:15 or 3735 seconds. Day 10 – We Survived Minecraft’s Scariest Seed at 3:00 AM.. w/ @Darkomode Subscribe if you ENJOYED the video! ❤️ #Minecraft #RageElixir Read More

  • She’s CRAZY in Minecraft 🤯 – Hinglish Solo Stream with Turnip

    She's CRAZY in Minecraft 🤯 - Hinglish Solo Stream with TurnipVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hinglish Minecraft : 😍 Excited stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by The 𝕮𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 girl ⚠ on 2024-06-06 06:27:37. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:48 or 1668 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Aaliya Thakur ♡ FF Lover 🖤🤞: https://profile.turnip.gg/62yVZh5JePcmRtDo8 Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with… Read More

  • Exploring Hidden Treasures in Old Minecraft Maps | Insane Subscriber Special

    Exploring Hidden Treasures in Old Minecraft Maps | Insane Subscriber SpecialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Old Minecraft Maps | 50K Subscriber Special Stream’, was uploaded by Dialko on 2024-07-07 21:09:00. It has garnered 5632 views and 414 likes. The duration of the video is 02:51:36 or 10296 seconds. Exploring the old console edition tutorial world (TU9 tutorial world) and then playing the classic map Herobrine’s Mansion! Thanks for 50k! Read More

  • Insane Hypixel Chaos ft. Rose! Watch Now!

    Insane Hypixel Chaos ft. Rose! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hypixel Chaos with Rose! {Minecraft Gaming #1}’, was uploaded by Payton Tracy on 2024-04-28 06:05:25. It has garnered 29 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:23 or 1343 seconds. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Check Roses Twitch out its Rose_The_Light ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Video Was for me to get back in the groove of posting and learning how to edit videos… Obviously I’m still not very good but I’m going to keep trying to get better, I hope you enjoy the video though it was a lot of fun to make. #minecraft #hypixel #minigames Read More

  • 🔥 SONIC GAMING – Minecraft Morph Addon 1.20+ UPDATE 🔮

    🔥 SONIC GAMING - Minecraft Morph Addon 1.20+ UPDATE 🔮Video Information This video, titled ‘Top Best 🤯Minecraft Morph Addon New Update For Minecraft Pocket Edition 🔮🪄 1.20+/1.20.82+’, was uploaded by SONIC GAMING on 2024-05-18 12:58:21. It has garnered 8501 views and 113 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:02 or 302 seconds. Top Best 🤯Minecraft Morph Addon For Minecraft Pocket Edition 🔮🪄 1.20+/1.20.60 credit: @CookieDookie145   🌟 Tags & Hashtags #️⃣ minecraft ryp animes, anime magic, ninja skills, minecraft heroes, creative gaming, subscribe now, like button, ryp addons, minecraft worlds, epic quests minecraft pe 1.20 popular mods mcpe must-have addons best minecraft pocket edition modpacks mcpe shader mods… Read More

  • Insane REALISTIC Minecraft Texturepacks – FREE! 😱

    Insane REALISTIC Minecraft Texturepacks - FREE! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Top 10 Most Hyper Realistic FREE Texturepack For MINECRAFT !!! | @NotINSTONE || REALISTIC MINECRAFT.’, was uploaded by NotINSTONE on 2024-02-26 10:17:35. It has garnered 286 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:26 or 986 seconds. Top 10 Most Hyper Realistic FREE Texturepack For MINECRAFT !!! | @NotINSTONE || REALISTIC MINECRAFT. #welcome #mineberry #yessmartypie #bedwars #hypixel #jartexnetwork #pikanetwork #senpaispider #realistic #realisticminecraft #hyperrealisticart Hello everyone this is me @NotINSTONE . Today I showed top 10 most realistic minecrafts. If you enjoyed, make sure to like this channel and subscribe this video. Our… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build: Car Bed Speeds Up Gameplay #clickbait

    Insane Minecraft Build: Car Bed Speeds Up Gameplay #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Car Bed 🛏️+🏎️ in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Draki on 2024-02-13 01:00:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Car Bed 🛏️+🏎️ in Minecraft If you liked this video, don’t forget to subscribe and like it! Click to Subscribe! Read More

  • Unbelievable! Why People Won’t Clean! #viral

    Unbelievable! Why People Won't Clean! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘the reason people don’t clean… #viral #shorts #foryou’, was uploaded by StrawRecaps on 2024-07-07 16:00:49. It has garnered 22 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #movie #movierecap #foryou #viral #shorts #mrbeast #minecraft #viral #views #aesthetic #shortsfeed #everyone #fun #roblox #reaction #nickiminaj #cardib #tyla #chrisbrown #ronaldo #ishowspeed #foryou #tiktokviral #tiktokvideo #trending #facts #cartoon #anime #art #pets #dogs #cats #shorts #viral #100millonviews #playbutton #vlog #ipad #comedy #cooking #mukbang #asmr #tips #5minutecraft #dance #drawing #diy #memes #memes #money Read More

  • Eldrion Smp

    Eldrion SmpBest Faction Server with thousand + unique armor and weapon with cool boss and many more things to see and also new updates come every week and with ultimate teams and Pro level pvp mc.eldrion.net Read More

  • Astral SMP – SMP Modded

    Welcome to Astral SMP! If you’re looking for a new modded SMP server, look no further! Astral SMP offers a variety of fun systems, including a BattlePass and unique Custom items and armor. Check out our server showcase here to see more. Ready to join the adventure? Hop on to play.astral-smp.com and start playing today! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Butt dropping?🔥

    Minecraft Memes - Butt dropping?🔥Well, looks like someone found a new way to mine for diamonds in Minecraft! 💎🍑 Read More

  • Surviving 1.21: Minecraft’s Exploration Galore!

    Surviving 1.21: Minecraft's Exploration Galore! Welcome back, friends, to Minecraft’s delight, Today we explore 1.21, survival in sight. Crafting, mining, building, all in rhyme, Join me on this journey, it’s gaming time. In survival mode, we face the test, Gather resources, build the best. New features in 1.21, let’s see what’s new, Excitement in every block, a different view. Like and share, spread the word, Subscribe for more, let your voice be heard. Motivation fuels our gaming quest, Together we conquer, we are the best. Check out my second channel, a different vibe, Instagram, threads, all in stride. Join the Discord server, chat and… Read More