EPIC 2 Tonne Tommy Bday Party LIVE NOW!

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Oh my God I’m hold up I think I’m back up oh what a shame what a shame we like 20 up in chat just for to all come crumbling down classic classic WiFi just absolutely folded we are back I’m so sorry guys I my Wi-Fi literally just

Just died it’s all good we’re back up we’re oh I’m so sorry we had 20 up in chat and the wifi just died I’m so sorry guys I’m so sorry oh my God what a shame what a shame we’re back up oh I’m so sorry I’m I apologize I apologize I was hoping

Sometimes if the Wi-Fi goes up quick enough it just buffers the the whole thing and then suddenly just loads back up you’re good bro I don’t have enough to do a $13 million coin flip I can’t afford that it’s F was your birthday today happy birthday Fable thank you so damn

Much too you the gifted was on the on part one of the stream but thank you so much you have to give it’s your birthday I’m the one that should be giving you a gift thank you so damn much I hope you’re having a lovely birthday

Fable oh we’ve run out we’ve run out of carrots hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up one sec one sec hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up everyone refresh everyone refresh your uh refresh your stream let’s do week next and we do um we’ll do be TRS

Last F I can’t I’m so sorry I didn’t know it was your birthday yeah I keep see every time I load up to get onto Sky Block I always see the snp’s going kind of kind of crazy have you guys defeated the Ender Dragon yet

Cuz I feel like I def I’m I’m trying to get back on but I’m just at the moment all of my time is trying to uh all of my time’s honestly just going to Sky Block at the moment again CU I just on that continuous

Loop of uh of trying to uh of trying to win a season um I was hoping this season could be the one but apparently someone’s already got 80 servants so I don’t know I don’t know we we’ll give it a fair go though we’ll give it a fair go

Silent what’s up bro welcome welcome welcome need one upgrade card what to get what upgrade your armor or hey thank you I’m I’m glad to be back I I I do love playing Sky Block um I just like I I just sometimes I I just start to lose interest but I’m

Feeling really really good this season last season was awesome too we had a really good run and I went I went away took some time off and then suddenly uh that’s a good sign thank you so much for stopping by the stream got 17 back up in

The chat appreciate all the love and support guys oh respect it respect it yeah this season I’m feeling really good I’m feeling awesome this season I thought this could be My Season that’s that’s how I’m feeling every Tool’s maxed out respect and proc 4 respect it respect it respect

It I’ve yeah I’ve got I just kept dying in the Nether and I just like I was peeking on SMP every time there’s nothing worse than like grinding up all your equipment and to just literally fall your death in the lava it just it’s just in absolute shambles all of the

Time thanks for everyone that came back after the first stream crashed I do really really appreciate it if you did join late it is Fab’s birthday so you got to make sure you wish her a happy birthday in chat the goat of the 2an Tommy stream we’re smashing it today I’m

Feeling good I I feel like we made really serious progress with the other stream we’re at 45 minutes in we’ve got this Farm well and truly set up which is always really really exciting um Nathan’s been kind enough to lend us this super seed bag as well I do I I’m

Not sure if I was going to use him for my Slayer blade but think I’ve got some I can give man I was going to collect tier 2os I was going to collect rabbits yeah if you want these ones bro send me trade request I I’ll give you these 20 I got

28 we might be able to get a full layer here we had about 177,000 um uh wheat seeds so we should be able to get a whole layer done at least um we should now we’ve got the farmers harvested in level 1,000 we can easily some multiply these crops out too

Um which is nice you’re a Skelly horse respect it they’re hard to come by too it’s not an easy task yeah I reckon I’m going to use um like rabbit rabbit heads probably for my to get my Slayer blade done actually I do have I have like 29 squid heads I

Bought like really cheap on the the ah maybe I might get a few squid spawners and grind them that might be the easiest way no stress at all Eric no stress at all brother trying to get this uh layer done here but yeah we’re moving really really

Well this season I feel like I’m hoping that SEC that third third Christmas crate I’ve got um I’m hoping we can get some uh some servants from it cuz as I said the first two which I opened just out of pure boredom I was like you know

What I’m going to open some Christ crates um I got no servants from so I was kind of upset so hopefully we can redeem ourselves today um I’ve got the rizzler tag on as well at the moment which is kind of funny um but yeah no

I’ve been been I’ve been playing a lot to be fair this season which is expected um but yeah try my best try I’m trying my best to win doing my doing the absolute most to get a w but I think yeah what’s going to kill

Me in the long run is is not having enough servants um I’ve maxed out the one I’ve already got um which means it’s time to get some more no uh nah sell them or keep them bro don’t don’t stress it don’t stress it I’m not going to use them so wheat’s

Done we had quite a lot of beetro seeds not well we got enough we got 3,000 here got a knife for $25 instead of buying milli Christmas crates I’m pretty sure how do you see if you got the knife I’m not I don’t know if I got the

Knife I got some cool stuff but I wasn’t really sure I wasn’t really paying attention I was just trying to see if I got the servants that’s all I was all I was concerned about but yeah this would be good I should be able to rank this Farmer

Harvest up really really quickly with the size and scale of this Farm too um I’m probably just going to hammer wheat hold I can see how many was it oh it wasn’t even that many it was like 2,000 seeds to plant that thing I’m pretty sure unless I put more seeds in there

Um yeah I’m probably just going to hammer the wheat tier quite a lot for the next couple of couple of days just to try and unlock a super seed bag cuz I would love to have one for myself obviously for 5 mil I can probably just I could literally just sell all those

Value blocks and buy it um but I’m kind of avoiding having to spend another 5 mil if I could for the time being ah SL skins is there wayag just to see my available no uh nope I didn’t get it I didn’t I don’t think I got

It oh maybe oh no I did oh hold up oh yeah I got two of them I got the butterfly knife and I’ve got the emerald gut knife that’s sick ass are they good uh oh yeah I do I do have a vote party um that’s sick are they do anything or

They just just just cosmetic oh dope I did I genely didn’t even realize I got them the butterfly knife though wasn’t that last season no no no keep them bro honestly don’t sweat it honestly don’t sweat it at all 100 Mil okay well I got another Christmas crate so maybe I’m about to

Make 100 Mil that that’ll change things we got a full set of defensive we’ll be cooking with gas so we got 100 Mil let me finish planting this and then uh and then we’ll do uh then we’ll open that Christmas crate this one here whoops there we go perf Perfect I don’t know how we didn’t have anywhere near enough potatoes and uh and carrots I haven’t been farming a lot of potatoes and carrots so it does make sense but at the same time I thought I’d have enough to fill the 64x 64 but it’s all good it’s all good we cannot

Complain guys if you’re just chilling out in the chat too I’d really really appreciate um if you dropped that like on the stream it helps me out tells YouTube my content ain’t that bad it helps a brother out greatly so if you are just chilling out and chat we’ve got

18 up in the stream drop a like show some love show some support as I said it is always greatly greatly greatly appreciated yeah we’ll do melon’s pumpkin oh that’s true I oh my god um I missed a bit there oh my god do I have uh

PV no oh my God I can’t type I can’t type nope okay we’ll just leave that there um I was trying to work it out yeah so we got melons pumpkins to go we’re going to put them in this direction here too um which should be awesome I got tons of

Melons and pumpkins I can definitely fill up that whole um section without sort of breaking too much of a sweat I’d prefer not to plant I probably have to plant some sugarcane as well it’s my least favorite thing to do cactus farm I’m not going to go as

Big this season I’m just going to probably make two or three chunks if it’s worth it I don’t know anyone in the chat pumpkin farm um sorry cactus farms this season worth it not worth what’s kind of the deal with it um because at the moment I am I got more potatoes hold

Up um at the moment I’m Keen as to I’m Keen as to do like a chunk or two chunks um but only if it’s going to be worth it I don’t want to do if it’s not going to be worth in the long run I just gave all my pig heads away

I’m not sure if Eric’s still in the chat bro he said I think he still has some extra ones Eric bro if you got any extra pig heads if you can give them to uh um Squad n that’d be awesome catch you later Fable hope hope you have a lovely rest of your

Birthday getting a Slayer blade is always arin’s the most difficult Mastery tool to do it just it does it can be an absolute headache perfect perfect perfect how many more do we 600 we can do a little bit more I just got to make sure I refill

This thing before I give it back to Nathan as well CU I’ve used up a ton of crops that I don’t think were mine it’s so good as I said why don’t you get a few rotations of like crops in like once you harvest this thing you get

Like 20,000 crops back and it’s done it’s done and dusted you know you don’t got to stress anymore um but for the time being obviously we don’t have 20,000 crops so we do got we do got to wait and then we’ll refill this thing before we give

It back I’ll say super sea bags are the most OP thing when it comes to setting up Farms it’s honestly ridiculous beat TRS are already growing um we got some potatoes that have already grown some carrots have already grown if you use melon seeds I’m just out of interest

Does it plant them properly or does it um or does it just Clump them all together n that’s not how I want to plant them though that would be so good but that not how I want to do it um okay well we’re done with those for the time

Being um what we might just do is just do a couple of rows um I need to get some spruce slugs some melons and some pumpkins pretty sure I’ve got heaps in the chest perfect I wouldn’t mind making a little bit of a spawner Point down the

Bottom too um just cuz I don’t really like having them all kind of in my space right here like it kind of everything’s making me a little bit claustrophobic let’s just fix up the roof on this thing too but yeah this whole thing’s coming together um I don’t

I don’t know if farming’s the meta or not but I know it’s definitely not the worst thing to be doing um I always want to get tons of pet eggs from it um Sky coins usually pretty good especially if You’ got high Mastery levels for your

Crops um but yeah if anyone can give me a bit of some Deets on uh on Cactus farming this season if it’s worth if it’s not worth it um that’ll be sick cuz at the moment I’m tossing up weather to build a cactus farm um but I’m kind of

Relying on some Intel from everyone else cuz I I don’t want to waste a whole lot of of time on it if it’s if it ain’t going to do the trick you know perfect how many of them did we miss way too Many perfect okay so we need two there there two two my concern is that it’s going to be an odd number if it is we’ll just move that pole out one perfect two two two two it is this is going to have to just go at one block which is not a

Problem you probably make more in 1 hour you probably you can probably make more in one hours than a full chunk cactus farm that’s true that is true but the thing with cactus farm I suppose is that you’re like you don’t have to actively do anything

Um lucky we bought all that extra dirt yeah I suppose that’s the benefit of the cactus farm though yet suppose you you’re not um actively having to do anything you can kind of just let it do its thing I suppose but I suppose the the tough thing is is that

Um it takes quite a lot of time to build it so that’s where you lose a lot of time like if you spend a full day doing debos you’d probably make more than what you’d make with a cactus farm in my opinion um especially if you don’t have high C

My C is not that like super low tier um but I wouldn’t mind switching the minions to something else honestly um if I’m not going to build a cactus farm cuz having a high Cactus tier means nothing if you don’t actually um if you don’t actually Farm Cactus if that makes sense

Perfect that should be all good to be fixed perfect perfect perfect okay well I’ll have to fix that in there and then this is ah fast plays fast plays always just ruin on my day perfect okay well this is now the perfect number which makes life a lot easier I

Wish the um I wish the super seed bag would work better with like how you’d actually build the melon farm cuz having one block in the middle is no it is fine you just I don’t know I don’t know how to use it without making a mess yes I feel

Like it’s just quicker just to manually do it honestly when it comes to the like melons and pumpkins oh literally it was ridiculous especially in the early Seasons like I remember WiFi had like 16 chunks of cactus like it was just so damn overpowered but now it’s just obviously

Dialed back a bit which I don’t think is a bad thing um cuz people then now have to more actively play the game which I don’t hate um I think better for the game but um it was nice it was nice to make money so damn easily it was just a

Was just very damn cruisy we are going to have to we are going to have to fill in that last row of uh of crops too now where we’ve where we’ve meshed it up a little bit um that’s annoying but it uh it shouldn’t take too long I’m pretty sure we have

Enough of of Wheat and and beetro which is the only two we’re up to like that up to that edge um this is definitely a good indicator that my crop growth rate is way too slow too um like these crops oh they’re getting there but I wish they

Growing a little bit faster um yeah we are I think we’re on a good trajectory considering the season started literally a week ago I feel like we are under a week we’re literally it’s a week in in like in 7 hours so I feel like we’re doing pretty damn well for the first

Week of this season my only concern is obviously still how are we making money um and I think deboss is going to be my calling um for when I’m like really actively playing and when I’m kind of just chilling out and doing I think farming and Mining definitely be my two goto I

Reckon I guess we’ll see we’ll see how the season sort of pans out you know Perfect I don’t think we’re going to plant this whole level for the time being I think we’re just going to do enough just so I know what’s going where um and then slowly over time I’ll fill this out pumpkins and and melons are not really my go-to either when it comes to

Farming they’re kind of just they’re kind of just there for if if a competition pops up or or if um or if they’re on the rotating shop they’re not really like a a necessity I’d say when it comes to uh setting up decent Farms bro if you’re ready to go on the dragon

Man go for gold I’ve been I’ve been very inactive so I don’t I don’t want to slow you guys down from playing the S SMP because I haven’t been actively playing um so if you guys are ready to go feel feel free to to give it a crackman I’m

Pretty sure I can we can respawn at some point too if uh if you guys want um no not Action gaming hold up so I’m putting another there we go put another playlist on keep the tunes rolling the non-copyright Beats cuz uh otherwise YouTube will take the stream down very damn quickly

Again perfect perfect we’re still sitting over 22 guys I appreciate all the love and support as I said if you guys Just Vibe me out in the chat feel free to drop a a like on the stream tells YouTube my content ain’t that bad helps a brother out it’s always very very damn

Nice okay so vote on the cactus is that I reckon we’ll build something small um maybe one or two chunks just for just for the fun of it um but nothing more oh Black Market spawn let’s see if we can’t get some books 18K for a double chair is not bad

But I just in terms of like long run in terms of like long run cash I just don’t know if that’s enough um uh we’ll see we’ll see yeah if you get um if you have a high enough Master it’s it’s pretty damn High hold up bro I’m just in I’m just in

A mixer at the moment uh AR stream books oh no Sky coins what a treat what an absolute treat I just did not even realize oh that’s so annoying that is so damn annoying I did not even check we just spent all the sky Queens upgrading

The farming stuff I did not even check it that’s all good it’s all good it is what it is it is what it is okay perfect let’s continue planting these I think we’re almost finished where we’re up to um and then we’ll just do a couple of rows of uh pumpkins on

The next layer and then I reckon we’ll roll from there we definitely got other things the one thing I was wondering if if it’s worth is the is it the end that new um Island upgrade you can get is it worth it has anyone unlocked it is it worth it because there a

Million Sky coins but at the moment I feel like I can grind up a million quite damn quickly is it worth doing not worth doing I’m probably going to have to unlock it anyway to see for myself but I’d just love to know from so far if

Anyone has got that far this season was it worth it was it not worth it it’s fun oh at least if was it’s fun they can’t complain if it’s fun you know um oh we need some sugar cane I don’t know if I plant that much um sugarcane

Pumpkin what else do I need um oh I might place that value down as well before we before we go too far from this Farm it’s not fun but it’s oh it’s fun but not that important a that’s fair at least it’s fun can’t really complain if it’s fun I

Suppose I re for the time being I’m just going to put a couple of rows in of of pumpkins and then I reckon we’ll yeah we’ll build from there this kind of just gets us to start on all of our crops 15K that’s not bad at all I literally

Paid 10 mil for debris Smasher today it’s because the problem was is that I couldn’t have my or generator on a high enough level because I because I couldn’t I didn’t have debris Smasher so for me I was like I just need to be able to turn on a higher level of or

Generator so I can get more value blocks um so the loss was like that I wasn’t making that much money um I made the 10 mil back pretty quickly um which I obviously spent on building all the dirt and stuff um but yeah it was just a

Little bit of a a little bit too much of an investment I was hoping I was going to get it a lot cheaper but the same time it was pretty hard to come by so like I guess in in terms of how rare it is and how NE the necessity

Of it forward mining it’s like I suppose you kind of have to just commit to buying it but yeah it does suck a little bit but you can’t can’t always win you know um but in terms of all the levels of this obviously besides Nether wart

We’re kind of kind of Smashing it right now I didn’t think we’d make this much progress so quickly this this today and this season like overall I feel like we’re really really flying along I’m hoping we just get a little bit of good luck in deboss over the next two weeks

You know one or two champ dragons wouldn’t hurt a ton of defensive dragons you know I feel like we could really really be smashing it that’s fair I’m ass I’m assuming n would reset the uh my music just turned off again I’m assuming Neo would reset the um the SMP at some

Point that he resets they reset everything so I’m assuming at some point they will they’ll give it a a a reset I’m glad everyone I’m glad you guys are so active on the S SMP I try to play as much as I can but honestly there’s been so much going on this last

Like this last like two months for me has been insanely hectic um a lot of stuff going on with like my career and uh and a lot of stuff for next year and honestly like it just has been so damn crazy um so like for me getting

Online has just been very very difficult and that’s why like I literally I stopped streaming for like two months I I don’t think I put a stream up didn’t put out a single episode of Hardcore like it was just yeah Mayhem so it’s nice to be back and I’m hoping that

Through January like things continue in this this same direction cuz I feel like we’re on a good path at the moment I feel feeling really confident having a lot of of fun enjoying myself again which I guess is what it’s all about you know four rows of almost four rows of

Sugarcane in which is nice not that Sugar can is a huge deal for me but I’m pretty sure you get decent Sky coins from it at some point so say as as I say with all the Farms like I I’d rather have it than not have it the only thing

I wouldn’t mind getting is H is a few levels of uh Soul Sand as well well I’m just not sure how much we can afford I think it’s pretty expensive let’s get three stacks okay I’m pretty sure I’ve got netherwart as well I’ll add this to the seed

Bag actually no I won’t why would I add it I can literally just fast place this in hold up FP 64 um netherwart the only crop I don’t think and cocoa beans that I’m yet to farm this season too I always find netherwart actually has pretty damn decent um Sky coin Buffs um

But usually at high Mastery so it might be worth it it might be worth it um let’s quickly fix up the edge of the wheat and then we’ll fix up the edge of the beetro and we’ll go from there you’re good bro thank you I appreciate it I don’t need it though

Honestly I don’t need it man so bm’s very easy to find this season so the BM like I don’t don’t think I found BM once last season I reckon I used a token every single time um but this season it’s been very very chill on a beach we’re out of which I no

We’re out of all of them n no it’s all good bro it’s all good man I appreciate all the support that do I honestly do um I saved a bit of cash so I can extend this out um what we’re going to do is we’re just going to

Get I guess we just continue with the Cobble deep slate what we’re going to do is go FP 32 and then FP uh 64 perfect just extend this platform out fp3 no pv3 oh my God I literally there we go um put all of this away to Advanced I

Guess we see what we got in here nothing too interesting um okay what what I want to do next is place down these Valley block so as you guys saw I was I’m sitting about rank 500 at the moment um so I reckon what we

Do this is how much should we got all of this all of this and then some gold so let me know in the chat down below what do you reckon we can get to valleywise I reckon we can get to about 800k um but I’m not too sure I haven’t

Really I haven’t placed Val in a while so it could be a lot it it could be a lot but I don’t think it’s more than 800k um but we can definitely I reckon we can definitely get in the in the top 10 within the next week for

Sure but yeah I just kind of wanted to knock off some of these Island level up missions um which is why that’s so annoying that I messed up one of them already um yeah I wanted to get some of these Island level up missions done cuz I’ve been working pretty hard on

Finishing these is missions um and obviously this is an easy way just to tick off I think I’ve already ticked off like four of them um which is mint but yeah I’ve got this space down the bottom obviously just to keep all of the uh the valley blocks out of the

Way we got uh shortly we got a piece of P oh no we place that down we can super breaker that perfect um the emeralds obviously get us a lot higher but that half stack of diamonds go us about 180k which is pretty damn nice if you want to give me 10 Emerald

Blocks bro that that’s all chill that’s all chill okay well that’s got us a decent start so yeah we’re sitting just under 200k so about 10% of the way of making it into the uh into the top 10 which is nice let’s do gold next okay I reckon 800k is still a

Pretty fair estimate because the emeralds do get you up pretty damn quickly um it probably would have been worth actually not it’s not I was going to say it surely be worth buying some but it’s not um at this point at this point in the season I literally will

Only place valy blocks I mine um I’m not too interested in buying any more Valley blocks that water is delicious still got 19 up in the chat guys I appreciate all the love and support as I said I hope everyone’s having a very very happy and enjoyable and relaxing

Holidays always nice to take a little bit of a breather oh okay well we’re out of diamonds we’re at 270 okay at 360 on maybe 800’s a little bit of a stretch but we surely if we started in 500th place this should at least get us up the

Uh up the rankings a little bit which is nice but yeah I’ve still got to finish the rest of those Farms which I am Keen to just kind of keep cracking away on but obviously I don’t want to bore you guys so um if there’s anything else you

Guys want me to focus on apart from the Farms I’m more than happy to uh to to give it a go um I’m kind of just waiting for everything to grow at the moment um so I can Harvest everything and uh and then and then give it a and then Harvest

Everything and then replant everything fill everything out I honestly don’t know too many of the media members that well on uh on the server um which is silly I know I should pay way more attention but um I thought Mr D had really really solid content

Um was that matm more I used to watch mmore streams quite a bit um but I honestly I don’t pay enough attention to when everyone goes live and stuff which I know is really really selfish of me but it’s um I just honestly it just when I’m online I’m

Just playing and then I don’t I don’t ever see it pop up so that’s on me but yeah I think I’ve I have tuned in a mall stream quite a lot recently and then yeah Mr D I know he packed it up but yeah he I thought Mr Data made awesome

Videos he was one of the media members that I would tune into very very regularly um I thought he always did an awesome job with those tutorials who’s in the chat guys who’s your favorite media Creator obviously B oh no I’m joking who if if you guys have to suggest one

Media Creator to watch on the server let me know I I’ll check them out this week I’ll tune in to whatever stream whatever whatever let’s play is running I’ll I’ll I’ll give it a watch just let me know in the chat I know I should tune in more but it

It’s honestly really hard when you got like going on sometimes it just you know especially with a lot of the creators being American 2 is that the streams don’t line up with like whenever I’m on if that makes sense um like right now for me it’s like 10 p.m.

Um but then I see a lot of people go live when I’m like at work and stuff which does make it a little bit more difficult oh obvious yeah Neo is an easy pick I wouldn’t say Neo as a media member I would say as the server owner

Yeah I do watch quite a lot well I do watch still quite a lot of Neo’s content um he is very very awesome um let’s quickly Harvest this section up here I am just trying to rank up this um farmer Harvester a little bit more um it’s nice just to get some crop

Breakes on there so it’s like not so yeah that’s the hard thing I I don’t know if there’s any other Australian um media members I think it’s just me at the moment um which means like yeah it it’s like whenever I whenever everyone like M more and stuff

Go live it’s literally like 11: 10 a.m. like when I’m at work um like whenever D will go live I’d literally be like on my lunch break watching um so yeah it does make it a little bit harder for me to tune into a lot of the creators content unless it’s like let’s

Plays and stuff then I got no excuse Sparkles is cool I always see sparkles in the chat and I see Sunset anchor in the like in the game chat a lot but 20,000 to 25,000 I I thought it was going to be a lot quicker to finish off these like

Farming masteries but they’ve like really slowed up um I did want to move all these spawners down the bottom too oh I didn’t even check hold up is top how far do we jump we got 520k we are now 31st I told you we’re now top 50 easy

Work easy damn work I’m telling you we are we we go we’re going top 10 we’re doing it we’re getting it done feeling good I’ve almost finished all of them I’ve um I have a couple left has it has everyone else finished him if if we go and do them is anyone

Going to be able to help me cuz I feel like I must be missing some of like the super hidden ones cuz I found all the obvious ones and I’ve got like one or two left to go for a couple of the colors maybe we’ll go and open that um

Christmas Crate Key and finish off those uh those presents as well cuz that would definitely come in handy at least then gives the crops a bit of time to grow too Ah that’s fair that’s fair I might have to do that in my own time try and finish it off do any know

How many days are left on that Christmas challenge there’s us there’s usually a pretty decent time length given for those types of things I found I finished one or two of the colors but yeah for most of them just missing like the last one to two

I’ve just been a little bit slack I reckon it’s also worth probably claiming all of our Island missions we just finished off too but yeah 31st that’s not bad it’s a 470 position jump feeling like Max for staing you know just clearing the pack perfect perfect perfect let’s pick up

These are we missing no that’s all them don’t worry do not worry oh done I might have to watch the video just to just to finish him off but yeah I’m not that far off what we’ll do is just place these down let’s go three blocks between them one two three perfect perf

Oh what have I already placed villager spiders Withers Guardians Golems rabbits pigs yeah that’s I if I get MK5 I’m I’m holding off there’s no way it’s not worth it especially like it’s usually pretty easy to get like someone to upgrade it for you even

If you have to pay a bit like some if someone’s unlocked it they’ll upgrade it for you and it just save get get way more value out of the book okay well there we go that’s done value’s gone down Farm’s looking really really good um I I just need once a few

More of these grow I can Harvest it and then start to replant even what’s there I can probably uh probably Harvest a fair decent amount um we got one more Christmas key um we need to go Islands missions I’ve gone right past it okay let’s see what we’ve finished we

Got a key we got more books we got some more stuff we got some more stuff even more stuff and more stuff six basic we got a pedal we got a cosmetic some boosters some more auto cells um I’m collecting cosmetic Keys again this season we’re already up to

24 um which is I’m just they’re so easy to find it’s it’s honestly ridiculous um let’s see what we get from these ah toxic SP n n n oh lumber jack two that’s quite a nice one haste two perfect well Lumberjack 2 is actually one I would use yes let’s let’s not use

It right now actually ah let’s go to crates first I just want to just check I don’t get any other books I want to roll first before I waste on my XP used four wizards that’s not a bad idea I I have wizards blessing I literally could have I’ve got a multi

Two work on but I could have I could have upgraded that for sure when you use the Wizards blessing do you just like open this and put the book in Wizard’s blessing or is there a certain way to do it let’s open up that pedal key first

Why not why not play it safe books books books no books come on double double time Sky coins is pretty handy Christmas crate surely surely surely we get six servants minimum from this one I’m telling right now that’s servants and books is really

All I want at the moment oh oh my god oh my god let’s just do it let’s just do it let’s let’s not muck about let’s not muck about I love the animation for this one too surely surely head tokens coins boots Money Two servant Keys okay we got servant

Keys we got a Christmas hoe we got another rank we got two mil we’ve got a elf bow we got some ranks we’ve got a Christmas skin oh that’s nice as okay okay let’s claim that let’s climb that let’s claim that two pairs of Christmas boots I don’t have Christmas I think

I’ve got everything else I’m just missing the chest plate we got two servant Keys as well which is huge that’s what this is what I was counting on oh I already claimed the Snowman outfit I’m sorry bro we got two t4s that’s actually kind of nice um we’ve

Also got hash again which is awesome that’s one thing we were running a little bit low on is it slash skin nope NOP no no no no which one does it go under holiday skins ah dope do dope oh my God this is so confusing oh that elf Bow’s sick as

That didn’t do anything with the hoe hold up P1 where’s my bow it’s not doing anything that’s all right that’s all right yo what’s up what’s up what’s up that’s funny as that is funny as hold up um we might as well actually now let’s leave him up here sl7

Okay well three is kind of nice um I don’t know how to I’m not clicking on him that’s why um let’s go slang why are these dude facing the wrong way um despawn uh despawn hold up hold up hold up SL servant okay at least they’re facing the right

Way now that always is the wor it’s the worst um I might also switch out the cactus just max out efficiency oh thank God that didn’t work um upgrade Ser max out efficiency we don’t have enough oh my God that cost us a lot um let’s switch out our two Cactus

Minions as on the Neo Network server um IP’s in in the uh in the description should be in the description if it’s not let me know um I just don’t think it’s worth having them down I reckon what we’re going to oh we’re not T1 for debris are we yet hold

Up uh no we’re not we’re halfway there so we’ll hold off on that one I almost think it’s worth putting down two more maybe two more uh guys what minion should I be running at the moment obviously all my mining stuff’s pretty close to Max is it worth

Having some more farming ones back down cuz I could put down I think I’ve got another I think I had a potato and a carrot one I could um I could put back down um I just don’t know where I put them yeah I just don’t think it’s um no oh am I

I am oh my God I can literally make um oh that’s so good um SL masteries M uh no no no no um for the uh oh my god I’ve gone about this the worst way um uh it needs to be scrap hold up um let’s make two I’m going to leave

One as wheat cuz I still wouldn’t actually no let’s get rid of the wheat one let’s get three ancient debris ones down um because having uh I think having um uh mulu six is going to be way more worth in the long run um oh we need to

Smell all this down uh that back perfect perfect okay okay now I’m feeling good now I’m feeling good um not currently I’m I’m running solos this season sorry go oh I got a Christmas did someone drop that to me cuz I swear I didn’t have a Christmas chest plate

Before that’s kind of nice I got a full Christmas set um that’d be dope for a PVP set as well cuz at least it’s like maxed out um what we do need is um some netherite pickaxe is oh my God what am I doing what am I

Doing okay we need that that that perfect okay okay okay I was stressing I was stressing of course bro give me 2 minutes to uh quickly just get these rolling and then I will come and visit for sure there’s no way we’ve run out of of of of wooden sticks

There we go there’s a few more Stacks SL craft uh your Farmers have you have to be over over level a thousand um over level 1,000 for what’s it called um herbalism so it only Auto replants if you’ve got that if you got a high enough level it also doesn’t like

Break um ones that aren’t fully grown which is so nice but yeah it auto replants at at at level 1,000 that’s why it’s really worth uh grinding your way up to level 1,000 it’s it probably one of the most OP things um is farming with with herb a th thousand best thing ever

Yo what’s up yeah done bro give me two seconds to quickly grab one two three of those perfect this should like um I found with the endstone ones I literally had them down for like a day and a half and I was already like T6 in like 2 seconds don’t mess this

Up it’s literally only a diamond one oh that’s so annoying um oh my God mistakes were made mistakes were made she got way more Valley blocks in here we could realistically probably get ourselves a little bit further up the rankings um that’s so goofy though I can’t

Believe I messed that up I’m so sorry guys I’m so sorry two seconds let me just quickly slash craft how did I mess that up again hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up there we go perfect okay one two three okay then we go SL

Mcraft where is mcraft SL mcraft there we go there we go okay we’re back I can’t believe I messed that up so damn bad there we go there we go there we go there we go we should be able to get no that’s it oh my God we need all

Of this to cook already this is where some super furnaces would definitely have made life a little bit easier it’s all good we can’t complain though Erico bro what’s your what’s your in game name bro I’ll come visit you I’ll come check out the island anyone else in chat that wants me

To visit their Island um feel free to drop your in game name in Game name in chat and I’ll come visit it while we wait for this to all cook I’d love to see how everyone’s going so far it’s been a huge season so far it’s it’s it’s been it’s been absolutely massive

Puy mcraft okay let me just rank these two up quickly oh my God so many islands hold up hold up okay okay Victor bro does yours have a underscore at the start oh this is tight already this looks sick this this Brody’s on guys it’s on public you guys

Are also more than welcome to visit too the grinding space in here that’s sick plenty of spawners I like the setup in here color already really nice bro this is this is dope respect it respect it can we get out of here or is this is this oh don’t worry we’re out we’re

Out oh that’s sick ass is it like a like a a bird with a Christmas hat on or is that head with a Christmas hat or I like the farm design too bro this is super damn sick you can make an mcraft table how do you make an mcraft

Table of course bro yeah um uh SL trade it back that’s so sick okay okay um is visit oh done oh yeah this is looking sick I was saying this is I like the circular design it looks sorry bro looks absolutely sick respect the respect it this thing looks

Awesome the melon farm going on as well smashing it bro absolutely smashing it ah done hold up I’m trying to work through I’m trying to work through everyone’s um at this everyone’s one by one Victor bro this looks sick though this is a sick Island but Austin’s Island

Next oh yeah it’s looking tough plenty of spawners it’s a lot of skycoin gens respect it respect it this is sick what’s going here bro the Farm’s going mobs up here yeah that’s sick this is looking sick Bro looking very very sick all the value

Down the bottom a bit of a farm set up respect it respect it I think your island is on public uh on private sorry where we up to endless also on private bro if you change it to public I’m more than happy to visit I think that’s everyone I think your Island’s on

Private that whatever the members building bro looked sick I like the color spec with the blue and the uh with the blue and the uh and the Deep slate it looks absolutely tough there you go bro thank you for Lending it to me too man that was super

Damn helpful I appreciate it we got 23 up in the chat guys if you’re enjoying it please drop a like it’s always greatly greatly appreciated I’m trying to visit but uh you have to set slis um SL Island public if you want to change it as I said more than happy to visit

But you have to set it to public I don’t got I don’t got no um op permissions I can’t I can’t override it um perfect perfect okay well this place is now all coming together I’m feeling really good um is this finished cooking I don’t think it Cooks when we’re away it

Doesn’t cook that’s right oh apparently I was apparently I was on someone’s someone said what staff member was just on my Island it was not me I swear no I appreciate it Nate thanks for Lending that to me bro that saved me so much time with the Farms bro it was a

Actual actual legend for that man I do have the premium grind pass as well this season as well um just cuz it gives uh oh who’s who’s that oh eyes visit hold up I’m coming back I’m coming back oh easy I two six two six um Eric bro is your your Island’s evil

Isn’t it this looking sick sick start I like that the block from the from the the Bastion with the gold super sick super sick this not a bad Island um go SL Island space public like SL or Island public and that’ll set your Island to public no stress at

All yes is this Island’s tough I I think I think I think you’re on the right track I honestly think you’re on the right track the zigzag path though is a little bit too complicated but I think this area here is got like is is the design I think bang

On that stresses me out though the the zigzag though that stresses me out what do you need a um so you don’t need a smithing you can um just put it in your inventory with it next to it and it will um and it’ll upgrade it if that makes

Sense so if you have a diamond pickaxe put it here and then put the netherite Ingot here and it will immediately upgrade it to um to netherite okay perfect have I visited have I visited everyone or I’m missing anyone before we we were we were missing

One oh this is tough those archers are sick too that’s that’s dope Eric bro this looking sick man I love the design value blocks already pump Jesus got the H Nether wart got the cactus farm this is this is a seriously good Island very very very good Island

Um you don’t need a a smithing table you just need um you just need uh just put it in your so if you got a diamond pickaxe you put it here and you put the ne and get here and it’ll automatically upgrade it uh but no this is this ISS looking tight

You guys are done an awesome job so far a lot of potential lot of potential considering only a week in that that that island has a lot of potential oh did we I think we sold heaps of netherite scrap as well a that annoy the out of me I guarantee we

Did okay well for the time being I guess we just place down uh t2s just to get the ball rolling the like I might as well have them down rather than just having them sit in my inventory so let’s put him down oh that’s not you Eric bro what’s your ing

Game name have I visited you or not so I’m stressing out now I’m stressing out that’s all good to go that is all good to go what did we spend all our money on before too we have oh upgrade in the oh yeah MK6 is is going to be well

Expensive yeah yeah no avoiding that no avoiding that for sure actually what we uh I might just quickly pick up all of this sugar canane so we’re going to have to plant this again in a minute I’ll probably save up and buy a uh a super seed bag as well just so I’ve

Got one one on my own probably not even that far off hold on let’s just sell these oh we’re not even that far off oh my God okay we definitely need to just buy one quickly uh I probably got a kit hold up uh oh what’s mineral blocks kit

Not does anyone know what this mineral blocks kit Noe is uh is that just a hold up I can’t drop the item that’s so annoying um if you uh hold up uh I uh Slash trade I can give you I can give you a kit that’s not a problem what’s these

Ones here these mineral blocks ones though ah it’s random as it’s right we can sell them all um I think we’re just short to buy a uh a super super seed bag um oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no mil 499 that’s so annoying that’s so annoying

Um sell that to we’re like 300K off where we’re that’s no stress at all have have a lovely holidays brother five pet eggs in the uh in the Overflow as well um I don’t think anything else in here is sellable how do we get that many pets that’s actually

Ridiculous oh it’s a Shuler pet that’s so nice as well I was hoping we’d get the souls done so we can upgrade that but we’re still quite far off happy holidays to you too Victor I appreciate all the support today bro always greatly greatly appreciated um

Okay with I just got half a million from he grinding Iron Golems there we go um well that’s so damn nice nope NOP no um I tried to send you a trade if you accept the trade I can trade you a kit note okay so we have we have our own

Super seed bag now which is super damn nice um so what I’m going to do is just probably clear as many potatoes as possible um and then we should be able to finish planting that most of these like there’s enough of these grown that we I think especially on this side we

Should be all good so if we can get like five or six Stacks that would be awesome as you guys can see that the servants for the ancient debris are already cracking away it’s as I said it’s easier just to have them down than like obviously I’m trying

To upgrade them but until I do some mining um later on today like I’m probably like I’m not going to be able to upgrade them any further so I might as well just have them down getting those Mastery points rolling um and then I’ll upgrade them as soon as I I have a

A chance but it shouldn’t take too long to get us to um a high level of of ancient debris to get to MK6 there’s no rush either as well because obviously we don’t even have a MK5 book yet so I’m not too stressed I wouldn’t mind going

Doing some uh deboss in a second too once we let’s just try and finish off a little bit more of this Farm area and then let’s hit dboss no stress at all the in game names always confuse me because I don’t think anyone has the same YouTube name as they do their in

Game name thank you for the melon seed it’s a it’s appreciated perfect um yeah it was all good to use the Super C bag Nathan lent us but I like how having my own kit you know especially like um it just makes it makes it so much easier so I’d rather

Just buy one for myself I was planning to buy one anyway and that just kind of helped me out what’s up Nate what’s up bro oh yeah you got the same one Nate uh is it Nate found that’s fair enough most people most people have a different YouTube

Name it does it does get a little bit confusing I’m telling that it does become a little bit confusing so let’s quickly load this thing up with a couple more rows of potatoes and then let’s get a couple of rows of carrots done and then we can finish planting out

This area and that’ll make me feel a lot like I feel like we will have really accomplished something once we get this Farm sort of rolling the melons and pumpkins and sugar cane will take a little bit longer as they always do oh yeah this why I build the roof a bit

High I kind of like flying at a more adequate height makes me feel a little bit better bro what’s your in game name I’ll visit I’ll visit I’m sorry I’m trying to keep up with what everyone’s in game name is but I do I do sometimes forget a lot going on in my

Brain what’s almost 700 views oh you got a vid that popped off the other day 7 that’s not bad bro not bad at all on YouTube two oh that person got two s Keys as well huge plays Brody I thought your Island was sick no stress at all no stress at all

Yeah Brody I thought the island looked insane man you doing an awesome job I thought the colors were dope too like the Clays and stuff used inside of the concretes they looked awesome man he almost finished potatoes which is sick this thing’s definitely going to come in handy what’s that farmers

Harvest is already at 4.9 th000 breaks which is not too bad um the one way to obviously get that thing up really quick is uh sugarcane so I probably um as much as I’m not a big sugarcane fan I’ll probably set the sugarcane farm up and

Just try and rank this thing up just to get my farm Fortune up um obviously that makes man’s got two t7s you got to be kidding two t4s man get two t7s it’s all right we’ll get enough um Sky coins from uh from grinding the mine and then we

Can uh then we can also have two t7s as well uh let’s put um speed uh one on oh vote party nice nice nice nice should just be out of oh just shred through carrots seem to be growing a lot FAS I definitely need to get yeah crop growth

Rate I need to get that like way up like um another two or three levels I’m pretty sure I’m almost at the highest level I can get which kind of sucks um cuz I still feel like it’s a little bit slow but I sometimes with the first time the crops

Grow it does take a little bit longer and then it kind of speeds up so hopefully that’s just the case with this is that over time it’ll become faster and faster I’m sure if we’re going to have enough um that’s no stress at all thank you for stopping by the stream I’m

Not sure if we’re going to have enough carrots to actually fill this whole Farm out but I guess we will see it’s nice as well carrot and potato Mastery also about to hit um T4 each um I need to get them I think t7 is triple Sky coins so

That’s kind of the goal long term cuz farming for me is all about the sky coins um and especially the rate I’ve done all my upgrades I can start um selling Sky coins very very soon I reckon um which is nice perfect that’s not carrots for

Sure thank God I picked that up now and then didn’t I would have planted this whole section and then I would have goofed it all up um yeah I I love to sell Sky coins that’s where I feel like I make a lot of

Cash um so the sooner I can get all of my own upgrades done the sooner I can just start selling all my SK coins and then making a bank you know 1.2 million J I think whoever’s in number 10 or 11 has about 200k done

Thing is once you have a big farm it’s so easy to get the numbers up um it’s just setting up the Farms that take a long time I reckon I can do at least like 10 to 20,000 ASAP once I get this thing done um but we are see already that debris

Mastery just already just slowly but surely when you got all three of your Minions doing at the same time it’s just it’s just easy it just is that easy oh my God this is the worst when this happens though I’m going to have to fix that up after that’s all good that’s all

Good but yeah I wouldn’t mind doing a a little little bit of deboss I need to go to spawn to turn my speed off cuz it’s still my head in hold up hold up slash is go oh the Ser is about to reboot oh no I Reon after the reboot we might do

Um switch Paces a little bit and maybe do some deboss grinding it’s one thing we haven’t done a whole lot of um but I’m yeah I’m glad we have got this sort of this space rolling it does make me feel a lot more confident that was what my problem is that over

Christmas I just had no time to stream and I knew that like I couldn’t progress my Island much further from where we were um yeah everyone to debos surely um yeah I knew I couldn’t do much more until I until I streamed because otherwise I’d progressed the island too

Fast so I was like holding off waiting to stream so I could progress the island a bit more and this is really good cuz now that I’ve got this going I’ve got way more stuff I can work on um rather than having to sit and and grind the

Same um this this gives me a lot more to do which is really really nice oh done after the reboot I’ll visit you bro and then we’ll and then we’ll do Debs I don’t know yeah as I said I don’t know if I’m going to have enough carrots

To finish this thing off but we should get pretty damn close um we’re not going to finish it before the reboot though oh no actually we’re not pretty damn close we still got heaps more to go um um slis visit a Bedrock is it visit is it do evilness or is

It why can’t I find you bro let me know if you’re online bro let me know if you’re online Okay so that’s definitely coming together I reckon yeah it’s definitely deboss time what we will do is just quickly throw this stuff in our PV uh

Pv3 uh let’s just put the rest of this in pv4 and then for deboss we are going to need Christmas sword and what else are we going to need um I don’t have any deboss enchants or anything some golden apples wouldn’t hurt and then um oh we’re going to need

A bow has a reset happened yet or is it just not happening in my zone been 100ks an hour rip I should have just bought one um is oh done done done n you’re good bro you’re good no rush no rush do youone know what’s going on is

There a reset or did I just completely misread what was going on we might as well just get these stats up on this thing oh done I visit evil no that’s not it is it full so full stop or is it Bedrock oh there we go fixed it I think done done done

I think so right Island are we on the right Island they’re looking tough even if this not your Island valy blocks I like the valy block border that looks sick ass crop Farm coming along and you’ve got the or the the the super cobblestone generator sick setup I

Respect it I respect it yeah this is’s looking dope bro he got all the did did the did the lava and water run off the side that’s what happens to me all the time right and with the random blocks down the bottom overall this looks sick

Though bro you done an awesome job yo bsy thank you so much for the for the for the for the Dono for the Super Chat so I was trying to think of what the word was for YouTube Hey I appreciate it bro $4.99 thank you so much bro always

Greatly greatly appreciate it bro hope you’re having a lovely Christmas too man we’ll have to catch up when you’re back in town thank you so much man always greatly greatly appreciated um we are smashing it at the moment absolutely smashing it thank you bsy you didn’t have to do that

Bro you did not have to do that man I just sold my arrows too I completely lost Focus evil bro island or Eric sorry the island looks good bro it looks really really good hey thank you bsy thank you bro you’re way too kind man way too

Bloody kind hope you’re having a lovely Christmas too man thank you thank you thank you guys are we going deboss is that is that the next Vibe is that the next is that the next move I thought there was supposed to be a reset but I haven’t seen it uh I haven’t

Seen it pop up in the chat again and what we’re going to do is we’re going to uh Slash inventory lock um I’ve already upgraded my um oh let’s put a Sher pet on P cage remove um back um what was I going to say what was

I going to say what was I going to say um no I can’t even remember um oh yeah the reset I’m guessing it’s not happening I’m guessing it’s not happening if any anyone’s come to deboss be nice we can get a couple of drags spawned in I guarantee we’ll get a champ

Drag if everyone comes to deboss it’s just the rules of how it all works be nice we can get some quick summoning eyes here too I didn’t even see it bro I have the come back and check it out after man it’s real real quiet at deboss at the

Moment we got a 5% chance of an insta kill with the Sher pet to which is sick so fingers cross that comes in clutch and that would that would be an absolute life saer at the moment oh oh my God God I’m getting I’m getting attacked like crazy

Here oh no okay that’s right we’ll get some more people let’s get it surely let’s try and get some people to come to debus I guarantee we’ll get too many people at Debs though that’s right we’ll get some we’ll get some people to come come help out

See we get some drag spawn I’ve literally got $2,000 left I don’t even know how that happened spent so much money setting up this stupid Farm man ridiculous been live on this second part two of the stream for 79 minutes not bad not bad 79 minutes the first one was

About 45 minutes so we so we’re cruising we’re still cruising for time was it 10:30 can’t complain oh yeah more people yeah dope okay perfect we’ve got we’ve got people to help out which is nice I was getting worried I was getting worried we weren’t going to be able to

Spawn in any drags but if we got if we got a few people here to help out my um endstone level is really high too so I should be able to get really good like really decent drops from the uh from the from the deboss once once it spawns in which is

Mint perfect perfect perfect deboss seems like it’s been I suppose it is the first week like obviously it’ll pick up over time but every time I see like the Dragon before literally had two people fighting it which is ridiculous done Eric you’re more than welcome more than welcome we running a

Couple of our first summoning I to which is nice I do have to get working on my personal missions too that’s probably a goal for this week um cuz I know there’s like six hours in deboss and a few other random ones that um would be nice to

Tick off Island missions though we’re doing pretty well I reckon I could almost finish all the season if I if I commit to it now and we got our first summoning all right perfect okay we might as well put one in easy easy easy okay now we’re cooking

With gas now we’re oh to what’s up bro yeah now there is I’ve got a 5% CH I got a level two sh capet um so it’s a uh it’s a 2% a 5% chance of getting an insta kill um at level two so I’m guarantee it’s still probably a little

Bit it’s probably a little bit op at high levels I got nerved it feels like it’s not killing them as crazy amounts but I’m also very much aware that I’ve only got a level two so it shouldn’t be like instakilling them all the time was it one in 20 should be instakilled which

Is not too bad guys I appreciate all the love and support on on this stream and and last and part one stream and obviously uh the first week first day one of season six I do appreciate all the love and support um that video has been going really really well so I do

Appreciate you guys all showing plenty of support So if you watching episode or stream two episode two if you’re watching stream two and you haven’t go back and check out stream one so set sort of the ground basis for the uh for the season what we’re work on

What we’re working towards um so make sure you go and check that one out if you haven’t after this stream or if you’re re-watching the stream it might be worth ducking back and checking it out but yeah definitely fishing’s probably one of the next things I got to

Move on to um I feel like it’s going to be one of those things late game that if I can get work on it now it might come in clutch um but I was just hoping we could get you know maybe a defensive dragon or something nice to start off

With I couldn’t believe how quick it was to get my um endstone Mastery up I literally put down three endstone minions and the next next night when I hopped back on after afking and checked it I was literally at what was I at what was I at it’s only

10:30 we’re all right we’re all right um uh it was lit I was already at like t7 which is ridiculous so I’m hoping we’ll get the same with the ancient debris um I just need to level them up a little bit which means I need to spend a little bit more time mining

But I’m not going to do that on stream because mining is probably one of the most boring part like boring is in it’s just stand still dig in a straight line um so I’d rather not do that on stream um I can do that after before I go to

Bed set all the Minions up and all Ser no minions yeah and then get it all rolling but as you guys can see we’re already fastly approaching T2 for ancient debris I think we’re already at like 350 um which is awesome so we’re we’re feeling good we’re feeling really really

Good no stress at all bro I appreciate the support I appreciate you coming through the stream bro do youone know how many eyes have been placed in I feel like it’s not enough I feel like there’s definitely a lot more need to be placed down pretty sure there’s a leaderboard for killing

Shadow sumoners as well which is probably surely there’ be some people with some mely high numbers on there for sure why value blocks might be worth selling off some value blocks to make some serious cash we’ll see how we go we’ll see how we go obviously guys can see I’ve not

Got a lot of money at the moment so selling off some value blocks probably not going to hurt we almost got our second summoning ey which would be quite nice guarantee then we can get at least a decent chunk of uh of of frags surely we had a good drag imagine

We do all this work for like an experience or a hasty or quatic or anything that’s not a champion or a defensive dragon that would just be an absolute shame but it’s I’m telling it’s always good luck when we’re in deboss we’re locking in we’re locking in good

Dragons I’m telling you that right now we’re locking in Champs all day long we can’t be that far off I’m pretty sure there’s like a seven place there need to be another eight so we got a few more to go I feel like I need to pick one

Leaderboard to work on too I feel like I’m doing quite well across the board but that’s kind of like not that impressive like I’d rather be like top of deboss damage or top of um Shadow Summoners killed or top of blocks broken but there’s people that have broken like

200,000 blocks plus already which I don’t even know how they’ve done that like unless all they’ve done is mind which is I’m guessing all they’ve done is mind it’s just it’s just hard to compete you know it is hard to compete but I supp it done it’s not a

Bad thing it’s not nice that the server is nice and competitive this season sorry guys give me two seconds there we go perfect I think we get a guaranteed after these ones or or one or two more which is nice oh oh we got one there

Perfect perfect okay so we got two eyes in which is good at least if whatever D spawns in we’re getting some de we’re getting a decent amount I think that means we can get up to 10 cuz we got the five plus as well nine okay so only seven more we’re pretty

Close only thing I I do wish that the shadow Summoners spawned in at a slightly faster rate I feel like you spend a lot of time running like back and forth and if they spawned in a bit faster then people could spawn dragons in a little bit faster especially if there’s like low

Numbers of people in dboss but there oh that’s lucky there we go number three let’s try and get one more and we can go number four in as well there still oh it looks like they might almost have enough okay maybe we hold off maybe we

Save two for the next TR we’re 19 up on the stream guys appreciate the love and support yeah I don’t think I’m going to get number I’m I don’t think I’m going to get two more in I’m might just hold the other one oh dope okay we’re getting a dragon

Finally finally finally finally it’s what we’ve been waiting for so it would be nice to get some deboss armor rolling it’s kind of what we’ve probably the only thing we’ve missed out on the first week is any sort of debos stuff how many does anyone know if there’s has

There been a couple of champ dragons I I’ve seen a few champ frags in the chat has there been a pretty decent amount of champ dragons rolling around in uh in deboss this week or or we haven’t seen too many champs I could just place this ah surely someone else’s got

One I could place this last one down but I don’t think there’s any difference between two and three I think there’s a difference between two and four if that makes sense that’s only reason I’m holding it you got champ gear already surely not how many champ dragons have you

Seen respect it Nate respect it bro oh I got oh I got two well that sucks I wait I’ll wait I’ll wait might as well just collect them up for the next dragon but yeah at least having the endstone Mastery up should help us out a little bit here with

This I got to make sure everyone in the chat you guys want make sure you vote too it’s one thing I I struggled with earlier Seasons but now like I didn’t realize how many Buffs there was for like Sky coins and other random things that like not voting literally puts you

At such a disadvantage so I’m trying to do the five votes every day which isn’t that hard to do but some days I just forget you know some days I just completely blank on it I could just place in this last summoning ey but it’s surely someone else has got the place surely

I guess do I just put the last one in oh don’t worry someone’s done it oh defensive too oh my god I’ve hit zero shots so far I think my archery level is like 250 so like oh my God I’m missing every single shot okay that’s better oh this lag’s not helping

Though I feel like I’m not doing much damage at all but it’s all right so I thought that counts 60 might as well just try and get some melee hits in I’m not getting as many hits as I probably need it’s good though okay we’re at

153 look the goal with this one is probably 500 or so if we at 500 I feel I feel like we be doing right Jesus yeah I I I’ve got to vote more I think I’m like one day votes left to get the $5 gift card for this month

Um but yeah it’s definitely something I probably probably slacked out on too much or maybe melee hits aren’t that worth it maybe it’s worth just Landing some Arrow shots first first deboss of the season so maybe maybe I’m a little bit little bit too rusty at the moment but it’s all

Right so even if we just get five or 10 frags that’ be sick so we do have the two um summoning eyes in which is definitely going to help us at least I just feel like I’m struggling to get damage at the moment but I also know

That I’ve not I’ve got no enchants that are going to help us at the moment so that also could probably be causing us a little bit of an a little bit of an issue trying and get some melee hit surely come on okay we got a few

There we’re almost at 400 at least guys if anyone if anyone can give me some tips on my dboss gaml how I can get more damage where I’m sort of failing that would be sick 400’s not bad but I know that like that barely puts me in the top

Five it’s all good though okay we oh we’ll get 500 absolute pinch here I reckon no we got six frags though can’t really complain with that let me know in the chat what what can I do with my deboss game play to I get more damage cuz there’s people like a few thousand

And I literally scraped like 480 damage where yeah where am I struggling what can I do to get more damage so I feel like in the earlier Seasons I found it so damn easy and now like recently I’ve found it so damn hard to get damage in

Deboss six frag is not a bad outcome though I’m not I’m not upset with that at all oh we got three already okay we should to get four in on the next drag which would be nice Dragon Hunter five is that where I’m is that where I’m slacking pets and defensive armor that’s

Fair so I’m not doing anything wrong I’m like I’m it’s not not the way I’m playing it surely not yeah definitely getting a few more pets wouldn’t hurt I need to get more pet slots which why I need to probably grind some

Mobs if I got a yeah if I got a few more pet slots I could put a um skeleton pet in which would boost my um archery damage and I think the other one that the Iron Golem’s pretty helpful too as well so that would um that would definitely come in clutch

Let’s do one more Dragon I reckon that might be a wrap for tonight cuz we’re closing we’re approaching 3 hours man does got to sleep at some point so perfect let’s try and get one more let’s try and get one more summoning I so at least we get the four in the next

One I’ll definitely work on getting some cash together so we can get some more custom enchantments this week I guarantee that’ll uh that’ll definitely help us out I wouldn’t mind upgrading the rest of my servants to whatever that level is the the max level cuz that’s Iron Golems

At the moment I’m not sure what’s on um maybe iron’s on Triple sh so half a million for that that half inventory for my servant is ridiculous but that’s definitely a good way to start getting that cash roll on in ASAP maybe getting a few more levels of

Shuler pet also probably wouldn’t hurt too prob Sher pet doesn’t help with a boss fight but it just helps with getting the eyes quicker almost need to like switch between it but it’s just so much of an effort to switch your pets over all the time I just say is there anyone else

Still at debos or is this otherwise going to be a long way to our next dragon but there’s still there’s still a few people floating around which is nice oh there we go number four we five oh we might as well get number six might as well load up surely I

Guarantee cuz that last one was Defensive this next one will probably be Hasty or something stupid must got double drop on one of them which is sick respect it respect it sorry sorry sorry multitasking multitasking yeah let’s see if we can’t get one more before we placement there’s

A lot of pill running around which is always a good sign too but yeah goals for this week I reckon finish that farm off probably do some serious mob grinding um as as mentioned in the chat earlier with the with the skellies are kind of op so

I reckon that would probably be one of my one of my primary focuses for the next um week is probably uh grinding away with the Wither skellies um I wouldn’t mind trying to get my tier of mob mob uh of spawners up I’m at T2 um

T2 is a bit of a slower one though but once I once I get the Slayer blade done it’s like it makes it a lot more worth the investment of time and then yeah if I get a higher tier multi-k kill to that would be sick um so that’s kind of the

Goals for this week um obviously it’s going to take a little bit of time but I reckon I reckon we’ll be able to get a fair chunk of Fair chunk of cheddar done this week I reckon over halfway to getting uh number six perfect that’s a say I swear if they

Spawned in the uh spawned in in the Enderman at a faster rate like it would um it’ll make such a difference I reckon oh I’m hoping they don’t run out of spots no no no oh maybe I just place these five in other was I’m going to miss out

Okay okay I didn’t want to miss out so at least I got five in it’ be nice if we get um one more though surely we get a earli guar oh my God that’s so funny that’s so the oh no someone just spawned up oh it’s Hasty

Anyway such an L um I was just saying surely we get a uh one guaranteed earlier but that’s just so not worth it oh my God what a waste what an absolute waste might as well just get the get the get the stats up for Dragon boss

Damage that’s such a shame such a bloody shame this thing’s getting absolutely shredded she got 19 up in the chat as I said guys if you’re enjoying the stream drop a like tells YouTube my content ain’t that bad helps a brother out said always greatly greatly appreciated it’s good to

Be back and I am loving all the support it’s it’s awesome you guys done an awesome job these last two streams so I appre appreciate it thank you so damn much obious you grind out this Dragon but not the most not the most eventful way to finish the stream but we did get

A fair bit done with that whole farming section what else we get done we got the farm done we got the we just did the farm we worked very hard on that farm um and then obviously checked out some islands and now getting a little bit of

Deboss in one Defensive Dragon is not bad but a hasty Dragon just ain’t really it if I’m being honest but look it is what it is you win some you lose some oh thank you oh I 13 from that ridiculous thank you for mentioning that kitty I would have never yeah the

Durability of the armor the dragon can absolutely thrash it but we’re doing all right but yeah definitely something to take note of oh my God oh my God yeah I need to get some of those custom enchantments rolling ASAP and what I might just do is go SL pb1

Perfect what we’re going to do is throw that one away there again guys we going to say a massive massive thank you oh my my fly is not working um it’s been an awesome stream we got a heap of stuff done there’s a heap more work to do I’ll

Keep working on this off stream during the week um if I do have a chance to stream early I will be trying to get on so make sure you have those post notifications on if you haven’t already join the Discord the Link’s in the description um you always get

Notifications so there when I go live so it’s the best way to keep up to date anyways guys have a happy holidays stay safe I’ll see you all in the next stream peace

This video, titled ‘🔴 DAY 2 HAPPY BIRTHDAY FABLE| Minecraft Skyblock LIVE STREAM (Bedrock/Java Server IP)’, was uploaded by Two Tonne Tommy on 2023-12-28 00:44:48. It has garnered 310 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 01:43:28 or 6208 seconds.


Play with me! Java IP: neocubest.com | Bedrock IP: bedrock.neocubest.com Port: 19132Server/servers IP address works for both versions of Minecraft on MCPE/Xbox/Switch/PS4/PC! I am excited to finally do a Skyblock series and I hope this brings you some enjoyment or help if you want to start your Skyblock journey 🙂

Java IP: neocubest.com Bedrock IP: bedrock.neocubest.com Port: 19132 NeoNetwork Discord: https://discord.gg/MeSwJD6yRK

I am lucky enough to be an #Ambassador for The Neo Network Server, so show them some love!

Socials Discord ~ https://discord.gg/4AaGE8UyAv

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  • Naruto Minecraft Server MODDED ADVENTURE!

    Naruto Minecraft Server MODDED ADVENTURE!Video Information This video, titled ‘My Modded Naruto Minecraft Server #minecraft #servers #smp #trending #adventure #naruto’, was uploaded by Ogiwaba on 2024-04-06 16:51:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hi! thank you for watching, i hope ill see you in the server 🙂 – https://discord.gg/UBSu2FMf65. Read More


    EPIC BMGURI SMP gameplay EXPLOSION! 🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘CRAZY SMP game play #gamerfleet #technogamerz #BMGURI1’, was uploaded by BMGURI on 2024-02-24 08:16:03. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:04 or 2284 seconds. IGNORE TAGS: minecraft live smp, minecraft live server link, minecraft 1.17 live smpminecraft 1.17, Survival lets play, minecraft, challenge minecraft live with subscribers, minecraft live with subs, minecraft live hindi, +minecraft live cracked, minecraft live servers hindi, minecraft live public smp, minecraft live public server minecraft,minecraft live, minecraft live smp minecraft live with subscribers, minecraft 24/7 hours online serverminecraft public smp server, minecraft… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Drawing Challenge! Part 8 – Dream Breakers 😱 #minecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft Drawing Challenge! Part 8 - Dream Breakers 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ma drawing new challenge part 8 😱credit by-GOLDCRAFT_STUDIOS #minecraft’, was uploaded by Dream Breakers on 2024-04-12 09:39:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft ma drawing new challenge part 8 credit by-GOLDCRAFT_STUDIOS #minecraft Share the shorts with your friends! Read More

  • EarlNub Dominates with Titanium Watermelon Dice (EPIC DRAWING SESSION)

    EarlNub Dominates with Titanium Watermelon Dice (EPIC DRAWING SESSION)Video Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-11 04:24:38. It has garnered 115 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:57 or 6837 seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, how to do minecraft sonoyuncu cheat 2019, minecraft sonoyuncu settings, minecraft sonoyuncu play with friends, minecraft sonoyuncu not opening, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft sonoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft sonoyuncu fps increase, minecraft sonoyuncu ip address, minecraft sonoyuncu fps increase texture… Read More

  • Grotex CHEATS DEATH – You won’t believe what happens next!

    Grotex CHEATS DEATH - You won't believe what happens next!Video Information This video, titled ‘NUH UHH, I ain’t getting clipped today!’, was uploaded by Grotex on 2024-03-25 14:58:07. It has garnered 40 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. #montage #bedwars #monatge #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin pack: in the middle above Mouse: Bloody A70 Keyboard: Redragon K552 red switches Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not on cruhbridge though parihs edates… Read More