EPIC 3D Skin Reveal in Modded Minecraft Adventure!

Video Information

Hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hello hi hi hi hello hi hi hello hi hi hello hi hi hi hi hello hi that’s that’s that’s one of our Birds hello hi hi

Hi that’s one of our Birds that’s one of our Birds e go hello hi call call it’s one of our Birds you’re going to have the the the soft happy sounds of the of the ca Birds MAA thank you for 79 freaking months holy crap also Beanie Beans thank

You for a 50 stream streak Mata thank you for a 50 stream streak boil fan thank you for a 10 stream streak cpto Jack thank you for a 50 stream stre and matcha grats I’m pulling that first today look at you go hello Papa are you ready for more Adventures today hi

Boiler fan boiler fan did you get to see my new 3D skin the Jack hello thank you for the licks I hope you’re having a great morning Carol hi hi hi I will show you my skin don’t worry you’ll see it fan girl I hope you’re having a wonderful

Start to your day what’s going on what’s going on fairy King that was you know I really really like the question uh about uh whether what classes Kumo and Pina would be Kumo would be a uh a tank Pina would be a Healer absolutely so I hope you’re doing doing wonderful today and

Yes it’s all about the salt content because I’m a very salty chimer today because I have to tell you about what happened yesterday all right I have to tell you what happened yesterday uh no this is not a sign of a true addict I promise I’m not addicted UH 60 streams

Later guys I finished building my Sakura Kingdom look look look just because I want to finish my soccer Kingdom doesn’t mean I’m addicted okay okay all right all right okay awesome Mata thank you for being here I I know that you’re hanging out in game and I’ll

Be able to voice chat in a second race boy hello yes we need to F in chat for rert hey Rupert’s got newer okay newer is in my other world okay we don’t have any cows yet in uh the prominence 2 server but uh we have a Zombie horse

Named Rob who refuses to be ridden and uh we have my chocoo we got my chocoo Nam uh obsidian we’re calling him City or or SID for a short City cidian Sid is my baby we have two uh two we have two crows only one of them has a name and

Something happened and my and my uh my caracle cat ran off my caracle cat’s gone now I don’t know what happened it’s just gone yes we had an up for rert I’m sorry guys but yes hello everyone welcome on in uh oh yeah hello welcome it’s your birthday happy birthday happy birthday

Hope you’re having a wonderful day today but yeah thank than you everyone who uh are watching both on Twitch and or YouTube satu GRS on a 50 stream streak look at you go hello hello Hello Panda kop good morning pandas Kpop did you get to see my cool

Skin yesterday I’m going to show you my skin Oh there’s matcha I’m going to show you my skin matcha are you changing your clothes in front of me we’re we’re on we’re on camera m m m m man doing the thing all right are we

Ready to uh to see this the world of mines and crafting let me make sure I’ve got the right thingy up ah where is it at okay here it is got it okay welcome to the hidey hole we’re currently working on this hidey hole it’s not done it’s not done at all yet

But we’re getting there we’re we’re getting there um here is my current beautiful delicious skin look at my delicious skin that’s right look at me from this angle from that angle from this angle again you can see the water in my backpack zeen hello welcome I know it’s

Really cool right it’s pretty cool right yes I I love this skin this skin was uh was made for me um custom to look like my vtuber so I’m really excited um zillan do you play do you play Minecraft do you enjoy M craft at all do you like

Minecraft do you like it let me show you so here’s Mata hi hi hello hello do you want to um did you want to Discord Voice or how do you want to do this um we can Discord voice if you want to I just I I realized that if

I Discord voice when streaming I’m going to be screeching in your ear every time somebody Pops in so it’s more of a courtesy which uh what what works best for you um let’s try ingame Voice then because that way like if we run into

People um we can say hi to them as well oh say no worries but guess uh how are you today what’s going on okay I’m not addict did however I had a dream about Minecraft I knew this going to happen hi so I had a I had a dream that Rob ran

Off and well he’s not ran off completely but I to Dre that off I don’t see him right now he he’s in the corner he’s drifting away and I’m going to yank him back back you little [ __ ] come here Rob Rob Zombie horse what are you doing I had a

Dream that Rob ran off and he had his own family and I feel like I was kidnapping him and I was like I’ll let him free kidnapping him oh he’s stand kidnapped you said that you have you said that you have the uh saddle right

Yes I think I might have a way to ride him oh um do you mind if I tell test a theory yeah okay let me let me see if this works okay so the theory is that we take him outside of the pink Square um because of claims and we try

To do a claim on the horse that way so if you want to take his lead and we’ll bring him out here I want to see if I can pop on and get a saddle because if I can then I will remove the saddle pop off and have you you the same okay

Gotcha let’s try right Rob may or may not have watched a lot of videos last night to try and ride this horse I don’t blame you also I realized it’s fall in the game and I’m like when did we get to fall it’s it was just

Summer day three when we logged off and now it’s fall day 20 who the [ __ ] been playing apparently everybody well you know what it’s fine okay everyone so this is Rob and we’re going to try our best oh shoot all right come on Rob I work with us here come

On let me on your back buddy this isn’t working the fire what was that achievement why can I not jump on your back yeah it says that you’re supposed to just be able to jump on their back but I’m wondering if uh is it a mod

Argument I think I wonder if it is it might be a problem with the mod so we might just have to keep him stapled forever he’s just going to be our token pony that’s okay you don’t mind being a prisoner for a while right you good it’s not a prisoner it’s a

Uh he’s our pets prison pet prison pet okay so you know what we need to do then if he’s going to be a prison pet we have to go get all the chains and iron and we need to build uh a uh a little uh cell for

Him we’re going to have to build a cell for no more no more freedom for you you’ve had enough freedom for a whole day look there’s been five times that he’s busted out of his space look at look at my bird my bird has not left their spot even

Once I have an idea but it’s even funnier okay come here because s is a good boy come here come this is Obsidian Sid is a good boy s is a very good boy hi a aome welcome how are you doing today we are playing the prominence 2 uh

PR on a private server that my uh manager made we got obsidian the choc bro I I know it’s like a Strider or something what is it something like that it’s a Mythic mouth uh but I put diamond armor and now he’s got a horn and little clippy claws on his

Feet good Rob thank this this is he’s in jail right now Rob’s in jail extra security stay In he’s staying in jail forever no Freedom this what he gets I’m building an iron space for him we’re going to make it green you know what we could do okay so this is going to sound really silly do you want to run back do you

Want to like use the waist Stone back to that portal and harvest some of those putrid trees because the black wood would be really cool for a uh a stable for him we do black wood and iron o I like this idea I think I remember where to go to that portal

So also also I realized that like if we want to explore more spaces we can do that too because I very much think that maybe we can make boats and we can we can travel the world with boats that’s true and we can always carry our boats if we need to as

Well and and the thing that I like about this is that you know worse comes to worse we know where we’re going to respawn yeah so exactly exactly Sid here’s the beauty the beauty of this of this uh World behaved very nice Sid is a good boy Sid is a very good boy

Okay Rob is naughty but Rob is amazing so the thing about this is that uh this is our current little hidey hole space we got a bunch of Magnolia that we pilfered um I’ve been building this back here with Magnolia wood and some really nice like Smooth Stone and

Glass so we’re looking to make this really pretty it’s our little hidey hole and then we’ve got these here fire I keep stepping in the fire I keep doing that to myself I keep doing that to myself this fire this our little house and I’m also going to make a thing

Where if I keep finding food I’m going to limit it to only 10 things because if I’m not careful I’ll get 127 mushrooms okay um here here’s my question um do we want to explore an adventure do we want to Resource gather or do we want to do a

Little bit of everything say [ __ ] it and go chaos you know what chaos we didn’t chaos chaos it is let us dump our packs then I forgot that I had a backpack pack so there’s still more things I have oops Yeah Big same big same I’ve

Got way too much stuff oh here I’m going to give you your saddle back too oh oh yeah yeah we’ll find you a pony worthy of wearing it or a bird if we find another bird oh my God oh my God if we find a bird then we can have a flying Mount

Yes oh my God I want to I want to get one of the big Mythic flyy birds and sit sit is a good boy sit is a good ground Mount yeah he he a good he a good ground BB if we have a ground in

The sky then oh it’ll be a lot easier to like see for more exploration we can go back up to the sky world we can go back to the sky world and bust things apart steal everything we steal everything right we we are we are pillagers yes we

Pirate pillagers so I’m giggling because Pand and C’s like we didn’t light the fire yes yes the fire actually okay so funny story um and I I’m going to say this so much you can hear it too funny story we found this little area as like

A messy mine and so uh we basically claimed this space for us we started building over it I’ve been like digging through and creating this really nice smooth Stone and uh we planted all of these pretty trees here um that we found in a whole other biome and now we are

Turning this into our specialty little hidey hole and we have a rook we have a rook and I’m realizing that we need to do inventory management because we have six large chests and like four barrels and everything is full oops this is my bad I can’t stop

Hoing details well to be fair I’m with you on the hoarding I would organize but well oh we don’t have to organize right now um this is something we can do this off stream sometime we can just like be like okay each of us take a chest and

What goes in the chest and we’ll put a label on it let me do it later hi we Master usually cuz the last time I played on a multiplayer there’s always there’s always like the one person in our group that’s like oh don’t worry I’ll organize everything I’m like oh

Yeah that’s sor can I’ll organize it at some point and I I never do I forgot I have an everlasting beef Everlasting beef it’s an artifact it says not consumed with eating oh wait are you telling me I have magic meat that I can eat forever and

Not wait I got to test this wait M wait mint beef yeah no no no Everlasting look it’s got gold outline look it’s it’s it’s covered in Gold the what uh well well uh it says it says that it is not consumed when eating so hold on wait wait wait let’s try

It oh my it has a cool down it has a cool down and I can eat it again it’s got a cool down waa oh my god I’ve Got Magic meat magic meat n magic me listen reing doesn’t mean anything like that no no no no no C if anything

Peta is happy because you know why I don’t have to go Slaughter anymore guyss I got beef for life I like my cool down beef hey it means you only need one food source this this is amaz I wish I could duplicate it

So you had it too I wonder oh what if I have one that’s like not the meat but like maybe it’s there’s a lamb version of it or chicken maybe a chicken version there’s probably a couple different ones it just it says it’s an artifact I wonder if that means we can enchant

Something um you know what you might be right cuz there is there are enchantments for it so oh all right sorry I had to take a sip of coffee which means that sometimes my model does the weird here we go yeah this this is broken my beef is broken your beef is

Broken you have it forever and ever forever and ever I have a couple golden apples and a golden carrot so I’m just going to grab stuff out of my backpack and uh we’ll clear some stuff out oh yeah oh I should probably move my sto I wonder don’t worry remember what’s

Mine is yours what’s yours is mine we share all the good things and we we’ll spend time organizing another time I have no problem wait what this oh I oh I forgot to put my lapis in here oops Ares yeah arbee I like Orbeez Orbeez is freaking great how are you doing today

Hilda this all right let’s see there’s this here look there’s it says that it’s an artifact for all we know it’s not actual real beef for all we know it’s magic and it’s not a real beef it just tastes like beef it doesn’t say where it came from

It doesn’t say what it actually is it just says it’s Enchanted it’s an artifact it says it’s Everlasting beef but does that mean it’s real beef or does it mean that it’s just magic fake meat or it’s an emulation or a summon perhaps a wizard was really really Anker

In for some steak right and instead of having to uh you know say goodbye to one of their fellow cow friends he decided oh I’m going to enchant something or I’m going to just create it out of thin air and so out of the thin air came the

Everlasting beef and then lo and behold he sneezed too hard and out the tower window it fell and into the Waters of the deep because we found this deep deep de deep in an underwater cave and so from the waters deep I have found it I have

Claimed it the Everlasting beef is mine and what shall I do with this Everlasting beef keep it on my person at all times because it is my backup food source in case I ever run out will it ever be cooked nah I’mma eat it raw and that is the story of the Everlasting

Beef done Wizards that hurt cows and sheep yeah exactly h am I having beef with beef wait wait wait wait wait your pun is not bad your pun is great in fact it is wonderful I just did not see it in the chat for a moment because I got really carried away

With the story all right so we have an everlasting beef here I have some baked potatoes I have some toast we have some apples in case we need them all right let’s put some stuff away uh let’s see that’s house supplies here we go this is just going to be raw

Meat I’m just going to throw all of this random minced beef mutton chops these were all found in a village so those were all thrown in a village and now they are ours leaves hay bale seeds how many wait how many oh that’s another one

Hey did I tell you that I found this Iron Golems Travelers backpack I think you did I think I think I remember you mentioning that before we logged off I was like what what is the Iron Golem’s backpack do it’s just another backpack but here’s my question

I have a backpack can I put a backpack in my backpack I can have question I have a backpack on I can put a backpack in my thing I can use it fill it with items and then just click on oh my God I have two

Backpacks let’s go oh no this is going to be a problem it’s time for hoarding We rise We rise we fill the backpack with all the things also I’m not going to lie I’m Still Loving your toothpick hird in the back of your backpack leave my toothpick

Alone okay hold on hold on I got to show them hold on wait wait wait okay hold on my God all right I I’m saying this so everyone everyone involved here okay so I put my weapon on my backpack and instead of being like the amazing hella

Bird like in my arms because this is the same size I put it on my backpack for safekeeping and instead of looking a badass and giant like this one hanging off my backpack it looks like it deser it is designed to go inside of a tropical

Drink so so Mach just called it my ice toothpick it’s always Frozen it’s not a paper not too too bad why are you pulling it it keep the water in your backpack cold so that me my backpack’s refrigerated I mean I mean it’s all right I’ve got an

Ice breaker on my backpack let’s freaking go all right so I’m going to drop all the food items into the middle barrel and then we’re going to have a couple of snacks and we should be able to head out and get some Stu it holds my internal

Burger together it’s true it keeps the beef always fresh my Everlasting Enchanted beef is always fresh because I keep it in the refrigerator backpack I I have a spell home I need to use that Propel okay like Propel forward Propel right that’s unty all right what

Else all right these are all the extra bones that I’ve got in case we find a dog right in case we find dogs that’s there I have apples in case of horses I learned a new spell but I don’t know does that mean I need the Grimoire basics of Mana okay effects of Enchantment entry index exper experience pouches oh interesting okay experience pouches experience pouches are used to easily stort XP simply right click to open the menu that could be used D for exp in the pouch and take it back out normal

Experienced pouches have a cap of 200 super powers have a cap of 400 uh oh shift shift okay I don’t need that okay um this is interesting fire nodes R oh these are all things that I’ve possibly seen in my grimoire wait fire do I have a

Fire spell this is how I can make a fire a heat Ranger wither St these are oh my God infernal coat wait what is all this so this is stuff made with fire what Harvesters so this is a type of dual dual axe okay this grimo war is actually kind

Of cool MAA have you seen the grimoire yet have you looked in that the grimoire uh I don’t think so I have a lot of TOMS though like I’ve gotten so many Toms but not the grimoire oh wait wait are you telling me you need a

Grimoire you don’t have one oh no it’s more like I don’t think I’ve ever seen or I don’t think I’ve ever put together a grimoire I keep collecting Toms though okay if you have one of the one of the like a plain book do you have like a plain book

Yes okay toss that book at me okay I’m going to find our lapis LZ real quick I think it’s in this top one oh I meant like a like a plain brown book not not a spell that’s spells okay okay uh I do have

It I got to find the lapis La I can find where it went there it is uh grab the sand out um if we can’t we don’t have a regular book I know we’ll find one as we as we go across and I’ll save it cuz I’ll make you a

Grimoire okay here’s the book oh yeah there it was oh my God it was in my backpack I’m telling you this hoarding thing is becoming a problem because now I’m losing my losing my stuff in the process there we go I shall make grimoire oo I should really

Grimoire look for pants not even pants I just realized I don’t have a armor chest piece there we go bam Grim War Grim oo I need a hold spells and I think it tells you how things work it’s like an entire uh specialty book apparently I haven’t looked through it a whole lot

But there’s a lot of random stuff in it oh wait this is really cool have to like go back oh my God there’s so many chapters so much reading so much reading oh my God yeah there’s a lot to read yeah there’s oh is that what it

Does there’s a lot of there’s a lot of stuff oh all right so we’re going to go on an adventure we’ve got let’s see what are these books so many spells I’m tossing that one because if you put that in your inventory and use

It like an item um you learn a spell so it’s floating by the fire for you matcha cuz I know that okay oh spell is this one all right we’re going to make some more glass let that go for some more glass what is the can I do lapis no lapis doesn’t fire

Oh God the horse the horse scared me oh all right let’s Co the lapis was in here now we no spells oh my God yeah I have no idea how we use these spells all I know is that we’ve learned them and that like they exist h i

Wonder I’m checking the quest book real quick all right let’s see so now they’re in easiest way to teleport between stes are generated naturally in villages P uncraftable I have a balance blade I wonder if in the balance blade oh continue your journey through other chapters I got a music disc

Tas this will all right tools will have a random Rarity this will effect this test to improve the Rarity you can reforge tools using a second have the envil you will require a tool specific material and Amethyst to successfully change its Rarity so I think we need all right hold

On okay so in my in my quest blog matcha I just got the thing for way stones because we found a way Stone last night it gives you an empty scroll oh that’s how it works I don’t know how we make a way point for our house but

Um there’s that I can look it up too worst case or we can just like [ __ ] around and find out yeah that’s true I wonder if can we craft W was was it oh yeah was we can craft was so oh oh so I found out how we have to find an abyss

Watcher a what um I it’s an abyss Watcher I’m going to assume it’s a boss uh oh but the rest is basically whatever Stone we have an emerald and an obsidian oh we have some emeralds and obsidians yeah but we have to go find that that boss somehow

Oh good grief um I know on the server they mentioned like fighting a boss at some point that’s true H oh it’s night time we should go sleep real quick oh yeah just to reset the day I thought you wanted to meet our uh our esteemed are you thought you wanted to

Meet our esteemed uh Phantoms I do I’m just also really scared of them right now because last night they threw the crap out of me yeah so we had F attack us last night yeah I was so that we had uh they were attacking us last

Night yep good times all right I think my inventory is cleared out enough yep same here and my backpack to so the next direction is which north south east or West I say we go east east all right yeah you want to go East yeah I still have my death marker up I did too luckily we don’t have to go get our stuff yeah not me totally forgetting to just run Do We R oh no we’re going to end up

Running into land ah it’s okay well do we want to make boats I mean we could the beauty is that we can craft in our backpacks though that’s true so all I think all we need to do is get wood and there’s wood across the way yep that’s true and it’s not claimed

Ow oh wait I li yeah there’s wood that way yes it’s not claimed all right yeah cuz we we have like o what’s that lava ah squid there’s squid everywhere yeah there’s a whole bunch of uh like um areas that do and do not have claims on

Land so it’s all about finding an unclaimed area there we go got to break down all the trees get all the wood all right I do not know what I need for a boat let’s see Boat Boat is about Oak plank all right boat all right let’s see here you go there’s your

Boat or did you get a boat I made you a boat we made a boat okay we both made a boat we both made a boat okay okay so just throw it out in the water okay I’ll ra you okay ready let me go back there we go uh this direction okay

Go go go go go and we’re Ro and we’re rowing this is actually really cool I’m not going to lie this is actually pretty badass oh wait what’s this little house hold on wait wait wait I do not no oh I collected some something how do hello let me get

Out oh no uh please let me get out how do I get out of a boat I can’t pop out uh oh uh it’s left I I I hit the I hit the I hit the shift okay might suppos left control see treasure treasure treasure

Oh I got I got a tag I got a name tag yay all right oh this is a nice like small place this is kind of a cute little spot anything up top no not really I don’t think I see anything all right I’m stealing their lily

Pads yes yes wait I have a lot of rubber Saplings I totally just planted some Oak in their in their space it’s probably going to be huge but I don’t faking care it’s kind of cool it’ll be okay they’ll have to just grow with it yep I’m uh just organizing real quick all right gold goes here iron goes here Emerald goes

Here I’ll put my empty scroll in here turn my Twigs into sticks to hold on to just in case and we’ll eat the plums first to get rid of them so that way it’s not like a whole bunch of random stuff all right eat the plum eaten eat that

Plum all right inventory and baked potato look we got to save the Everlasting beef for a special occasion right now it’s not the special occasion for that beef all right that can all stay in there I’m going to hold on to the wood that we got before just in case we need

To build anything else oh yeah no question what I’m doing let’s see I like going into the like the third like the Skyrim style view when I’m in the boat because then I can see like my sa oh that’s a that’s a yeah that’s it’s it’s really fun to travel this way this

Is fun hi mie welcome all right T what do you think of my boat do you like my little boat and my little boat my little boats in my backpack and like Autumn I almost lost you different side oh there you go oh no the be the bee we got bumper

Boats a cute bee we’re going to we’re going to have to lure some back to our space we need to I think I saw a couple of beehives oh my okay the bee is not drowning this time we’re fine hey look there’s a cave with water in it ooh love tunnel the secret

Tunnel secret tunnel secret tunnel wait I oh I can oh this is a secret tunnel nope well nothing here there’s more stuff down there but I that’s really funny secret tunel sec tunel I like how uh I know for a fact we can get the Cherry stuff because it has

It in the logs to create cherry wood so we’re just going to have to really travel and I think water travel might be our friend uh so the biomes are let’s see the biomes for sorry the biomes for this I’m gonna I can’t I can’t talk and steer my boat at the same

Time okay so the bi the biomes for cherry blossoms are typically at the top or base of mountainous areas or sometimes in valleys so we’ll have to play around with it have a good one Carol thanks for hanging out so time to look for mountains which I don’t think

We’ve ran into a mountain yet I don’t think we have either no ooh Island oh sand we found a beach and a desert biome ooh way sand waves that’s interesting oh that’s a new one I haven’t seen sand waves what’s on the island oh I see so really cool this looks cool let’s

See get up get me out of here all right and then I just hit my boat I got to kick my boat until it’s back in my inventory up up up like that is there a treasure up there oh look at the palm tree that’s really cool

The palm trees are cute there’s so many seashells though oh my God there’s so many little seashell jum what SE oh my God it’s so cute okay this is adorable and I love it it’s like a mermaid Island let’s see this is so cute matcha collect seashells on the seashore yes

They’re actually really really cute I wonder if they’re used for anything specific good question maybe we maybe we can what sorry I got too far away and I couldn’t hear you anymore oh oh it’s okay I was like I was wondering what we maybe we can tame

Them we can tame them with something maybe let’s see oh my God this is a weird this is a weird mix of a biome a savannah meets a desert meets a it meets a a Sakura well a a pre-built sakur biome there’s a there’s a uh up north there’s two

Craters oh let’s try let’s look at those actually they might have obsidian that oh and we have our we have our Diamond Pickaxes so this will be perfect if we need more obsidian holy mackerel that’s huge yep that is that is something there’s balt Blackstone coal blocks ooh yeah there is coal blocks

These actually wouldn’t be bad to grab some so I’m going to just grab a few coal blocks that we can break them down later and then that way we have like infinite coal to use for our torches I want to see what’s in the middle there’s got to be something but

Sal and Sky Stone oh Sky interesting what stone uh it’s called Sky Stone it’s interesting there’s a lot of magma oh my God there is way too much hello ow I’m going to throw this Sky Stone out at some point I don’t know what we need it

For there we go break that up anything in here the heck I don’t know it’s kind of strange yeah I’m like the heck what’s in the middle of the meteor should we dig and find out oh I oh my God there’s treasure in the middle of the meteor yeah let’s go

Oh oh I have a bunch of emerald uh nether quartz moons sand moon sand ooh that that does sound really interesting yeah I don’t know what any of this does I I don’t know either but this looks cool oh wait anyway it’s pretty thick too I wonder if there’s more

Treasure I would have to think so that’s my train of thought I mean we can probably break it down kind of see what’s going on yeah all right let’s see if there’s anything else guys we found a treasure chest in the middle of a freaking oh that’s so cool we found

Treasure wow brain isn’t working too great with words today jeez uh we found it in the middle of the uh I won’t be out of fuel for a good while we found it in the middle of a meteor gosh I can’t words today what is wrong with my

Brain all right we have a lot of there’s so many coal blocks this is going to be great we’ve got yeah for real we’ve got so much coal for days like we’re not going to have to worry about making anything for a while noepe cuz you can we can break these

Down into coal individually right like individual coal yep we can and it’s like nine coal each so it’s a lot of coal what do the lava blocks do I’m not familiar and and I I don’t have to pineapp cuz I’m asking you directly yeah so the uh

The magma blocks you can use them as like little trap so that if people run over them like it’ll it’ll damage them like 100% it’s going to damage them um but what I remember doing with the magma blocks is that we can make water elevators so that if we want to go um

Down somewhere I think it’s with Magma blocks and Soul Sand we can make a water elevator that goes up and down there’s a bunch of Soul Sand here we can do that yeah there’s I found it’s all those little uh Brown blocks or Soul Sand I

Just don’t have oh wait I have a shovel do you want me to get the Soul Sand yeah that would be great all right we have like a water elevator to go up come on it boss I mean that’d be actually really we could make an elevator right outside the house

Though right like on our by Our Deck we can make an elevator go down into the water and it’ll be an easy way and we can store our boats there EXA oh yeah and then we can find a way to like you know safely get up and away from everything

Oh oh wait I need to okay soul soul so I have so much coal blocks oh my God there’s also Soul soil so we’re getting both sand and soil from here sand and soil any uh any luck in there I don’t see another thing um for Treasure and I’m hitting the

Roof so I’m guessing I can’t find another one yet oh God I have to see it’s dark I can’t see anything uh oh getting stuck in there yeah I was like it’s too dark s wait what if left that’s soil soil sound sound right that’s that’s soil yep it

Does okay sound all right sound okay so I don’t see any other treasure yet I’m going to try to dig more downward or that I heard Sizzle are you okay um surprise magma surprise magma there’s surprise magma in here no worries I’ve got a good chunk of

Sand right now oh good this is good I think I hit the rest of the stone floor so I’m assuming there’s no treasure left no worries I think we did a good job finding the ones that we did yeah and I wonder what we can use with moon

Sand I’m kind of curious all right let’s see any other sand let’s see moand need these these and then that’s soul soil all right so I’m just going to stick the soil back cuz like I don’t need these two soil and I don’t need the B

Sal and I don’t need the sky Stone cuz none of that makes sense as to what I actually need so like I’m just going to and then just kind of shove this here at least we have a lot of coal oh I forgot we could use blocks of

Coal as fuel sources too they last for a long time as well wait wait wait so we don’t have to break it down we just like throw it into the furnaces yeah oh my God that’s so smart wait wa wait do the magma blocks work as fuel sources too

I if I remember unless they changed it it should but I don’t remember if they changed it since the last time I played oh magic magic Wikia do oh de was this a thing hi John Hi man it is a good light source though that’s that’s for [Laughter]

Sure hold on wait wait wait here we go this is how this is how we’re going to hang out I’m just going to I’m just going to third person use as a fuel source but a that’s okay though but we can throw things to catch to make stuff

Catch on fire okay I like that yeah I like that I want to throw throw them at zombies and make them catch on fire yay like a damag oh that’s the flower did you get jump scared by the flower oh there’s a ghost Hello Ghost are you a Friendly Ghost I can’t tell

Oh it’s waving hi ghost it’s like Hello hello hi ghost can you say hi it’s just just like hello I don’t know what they do I don’t know if you’re supposed to fight them or they I wonder if they have like an item I can’t really wait what what’s well they have something what is

That what was that I got earlier oops I hit the wrong button ectoplasm it’s ectoplasm I got some ectoplasm I feel bad I know that ghost was trying to be nice but also I was curious about what loot it had so it it had to die for

Science I mean well die again for science I’m sure it’s fine you know I mean look see there’s another ghost right behind us I I think it’s fine see it’s been reborn exactly also is that a house up top uh which direction up there oh I don’t know actually that

There’s light up top it looks like a house it could also be like a little bell tower maybe I see something yellow there looks to be another uh crater right next to this one Oh would you like to go to the other crater yeah you got another treasure oh heck yeah I wonder if we’ll get more of the Moon stand ooh yes oh see here it is yeah it was like literally right there how do I oh wait this is Sky Stone this time not

Even coal oh God okay wait hang on let’s see excuse Me um I have the only one I have is magma I can put a magma block right oh that might be a bad idea I’m sorry that was my fault I I st with the magma blocking cuz I thought oh yeah we could jump on it in the water

Nope nope oh that that and I was like oh maybe it’ll boost me up but it didn’t do that either I have some of the wood planks oh that’s right that’s right there we go oh jeez oh there we did it we made it up

Top yay I wonder what sky stone is used for it looks cool oh is um oh what is that what that mysterious Cube what and there’s quartz on the bottom wait what what is up with my oh it’s a vein mining pickaxe hi I know what it was for

Oops but oh my what the [ __ ] is this what on Earth oh o can I not pick up more pieces let’s see I have another oh these are individual pieces okay that oh God unnown technology that I don’t know what all these are Big blame time oh my God uh let’s

See yeah I have no idea what all this is but there might be treasure in here I think I think um from what Marissa was saying is that we found technology uh apparently we found the technology oh wait because I found that other block I found uh some some tech pieces Yeah also I forgot that I’m that this diamond pickaxe I have has an enchantment called vein mining so it just takes away a bunch of blocks in the process what wait hold on what watch so watch uh watch this side at least uh where I where I’m facing at so if I go

Here what the heck that’s amazing what the heck you’re in Char that’s you’re in charge of digging I’m I’m in charge of this I I’m done I’m done digging this is all this is you now this is all you all right we got some walls right here that need some digging [Laughter]

It’s so broken oh my God I not why am I the one doing any Diggy at all well to be fair I didn’t see my diamond pickaxe cuz I was finishing all my enchanted iron one so I was like what’s this diamond one for and I’m like oh oh that’s that’s

Danger let me look at the sky Stone looks like I want to see if it’s pretty It looks interesting I don’t know pretty though but it does look look interesting it’s like a whatam call it it’s like a it’s like a charcoal gray I don’t mind the charcoal

Gray actually you can use them to make wands you can use it to make Muir meow me and apparently chaos chaos orbs chaos orb that might have to be coming in handy later that makes no sense oh got to collect wood for the winter no more growth soon oh no it’s almost

Winter oh no wait if it’s almost winter should we start like harvesting stuff oh that is a good point oh no maybe we should uhoh I didn’t think about that I was like oh yeah there’s seasons in this game oh no yeah that would make sense why the food is

Oh that makes sense oh why it says grows in this season okay um well that means we might want to harvest more things uh give me one second I need to do inventory management oh all right I’m glad I have this extra backpack because ho holy [ __ ] I’m able

To do so much more with this damage block flaw block right I don’t know what any of this Tech is supposed to before but I have all the pieces for Tech um I’ll put this in here the moon sand um the Soul Sand can go in here and Sky

Stone I got a bunch of Sky Stone now that I don’t really need to worry about too much I’ll stick the ectoplasm in here okay and then with the another backpack that I’m wearing we will put this away I love having two backpacks this is amazing I love having two

Backpacks now this is great oh man I can’t go uh any any longer without two backpacks now I have peaked everyone all right there’s this I should probably eat Something this is amazing I have two hi qby happy Winter New Year to you too y matcha I have peaked in this life having two backpacks is amazing I stick one backpack in hand fill it up and then I put it back into my inventory I wonder

If we could just have a whole bunch of backpacks we can probably have backpacks on backpack we need to have a backpack on backpack we have to go find more backpacks for you we will find them all right we will find more back oh God damn

It shoot um sorry my bad I meant to break it oh no no no it’s okay I think oh I need to move some stuff back wait what is kelite what does this look like um kelite let’s take a look calide it’s very smooth I think oh you can make

Pillars I remember now you can with the with a stone cutter we can make some pillars and stairs and it can be chiseled it’s it’s like an off-white or like a cool white for say not to shabby I want to get some nice like white stone

At some point to kind of go with our uh our aesthetic quartz is really pretty then I like building with quartz but I I know we have that portal behind our house so oh you little [ __ ] come here a little [ __ ] St in the sun he this looks interesting what is this more

Sapphire oh I never know if there’s like buried treasure or not sometimes I have to always check too cuz this mod makes it so that we have so much treasure See buried treasure sometimes you get it sometimes you don’t I never know until we actually build downwards that noise oh is it my all right nothing over here okay there’s a thingy up here it looks like another well yeah it’s just another well oh this is probably what we saw

Then this is what I saw from the distance yeah that’s okay though what’s the top let’s say we look at the top of the mountain yeah I like how everyone’s like C looking at the chat and yeah I know cooking is the true cooking is true end game I’m like

Yes by the end of it we’ll have a giant kitchen you don’t think we’re going to have a giant kitchen now we going to oh why is that on fire there’s fire fire where um it’s right it’s surrounded by a bunch of bamboo oh that’s the thing that we found

Last night when we were running away from all the monsters oh yeah wait a second why is it on fire though that’s funny that we found it that way cuz we were running the other direction oh yeah we were screaming let’s see ow ow oh God yeah we did run through here I

Wonder okay but what if we like busted into that space and like broke the soul fire and went inside do you think there’s something inside ooh a let’s see do I have oh I don’t dang it dang it okay I had to move there’s treasure h yes a runic tablet hold up golden

Sword I got a runic tablet can be used to craft and reroll runic weapons can also be used to repair unique weapons oh I got one of those um from a different chest yes the orange I know it’s everybody’s claim spot although everyone has to change their claim spots cuz if

They too big of a space it uh it ruins the chance of other people getting items I need to take that runic tablet cuz ooh uh hold on I want to is there a way to get the our position I want to tell people that there’s a treasure uh chest

Here um I we can put in a let’s see we’re in a thing so we can tell them the x and z coordinates so if you look in the map um where we’re hovering over right now like where we can hover over our like Arrow

Icon we can tell them the x and z coordinate and the x and z coordinates are at the top of the map okay perfect yeah cuz I I I cleared the space out that they would see it yeah so I think what I usually I usually just screenshot but I think

There’s a way to like put a little like Point down and tell them where it is but I I got the screenshot for it just in case so that way we don’t forget share oh wait we oh yeah that’s right we can share wave points I forgot Mera just

Shared a wayo so let me see if I can do this right so wherever I click way points uh create Waypoint oh my gosh yes we can create way points oh this is perfect um automatic we can share we loots out with other people then they can get loot yeah

I’m going to write down look at us being the explorers and getting everybody else some fun free [ __ ] this is great see this is what I like doing let’s see wait I love treasure hunting I’m going to make it Global so always visible golden sword uh 15% crit 2% Luck cast spells

From equiped spell wait wait wait wait wait it will cast spell from an equiped spell book but there it is I wonder if it would how does that work how do I actually I don’t want to hit somebody cuz I don’t want to like accidentally smack someone I’ve done it before on

Accident oh I see where Marissa sent the the Waypoint to be island what if I get be island there’s more bees let’s see share Waypoint in chat are you sure you would like to share your wayo in chat with everybody yes I learned how to way point yay wait it’s a way

Point it’s a way for a way point throw that out now I make room throw these out oh these way points are Killer’s see what does my phone want Oh it was a reminder for me oops oh yeah uh I realized that I grabbed all these Stones I still want to take my bucket and fill some lava so that way we have a a trash point we can throw it on the magma blocks like uh here let me show you so

Magma so like for example um I’m I’mma throw this here for a second so we can take this and then just oh wait oh wait it’s not solid blocks that’s right shoot has to be non-solid blocks that are flammable yeah so it’s the watery stuff yeah we need the watery

Stuff okay that’s fair I can destroy magma blocks instead with dirt that’s okay if anything worse comes to us we can throw everything in a fire I just threw it over into that space somebody else can deal with my problem Oh on the map um I just realized

Where uh Marissa’s be island is we’re not far away from be Island apparently we’re not that far that’s not to you want to you want to go to be island Chad you want to go to be island we can we can do you want to go be island ah there it is we’ve

Run I think I also see a um a a possible dungeon ooh oh yep is that what is that a cow where are you cow it’s a cow oh hi I punch the cow hi I don’t know how I can pick up a like I want to get these I

Want to be for our house but I don’t know how to get the silk touch uh you don’t need if you have an empty hand you can just shift and right click that’s what I’m doing I’m just carrying it what they don’t they don’t eat You this one doesn’t have bees in it oh oh my God I’m so funny can I just stick in my backpack I don’t know I was just carrying it cuz it works sure I am the big queen beig queen let’s see oh can to get some be there’s a bead

I mention oh yeah it won’t so it won’t let me put it in the inventory it won’t even let me open my inventory yeah yeah cuz you’re holding it if I if I hit it with something though it breaks correct yes okay I I don’t know that’s I was just carrying it just

To be safe then we just no worries no worries I’ll have to see if there’s if there’s one I can steal uh from the island later and just stick it there’s a there’s a is that a portal yes there’s treasure we have obsidian to complete the

Portal house I have like nine of them at home oh my God you know what I just found this is an ice whisper it looks like I got night vision goggles me yo that’s awesome oh my God I got one obsidian too we can complete the

Portal oh I think we do it let’s [ __ ] go oh my God we need to we need to light the portal there’s another obsidian back here I’m going to mine up okay going to break down a couple of this is amazing oh or not oh wait golden CH over

This I don’t know what we need for the oh no there’s a curse of binding pants a okay okay so we got this oh my goodness all right I don’t know what the Mythic purple flower is for so I’m just going to just going toop on this block

Uh I think I just I think I just stick this here don’t have F we don’t need I’m like think oh is it because of the because of the crying obsidian uh uh I’m not sure I don’t know how this is supposed to work take that and this nasty

Blocks rude rude rude rude fire blocks no clear that out I really don’t know what I’m supposed to do with that hi John yes to look hello welcome oh it’s because I have ice oh God sorry it’s it’s ice oh my God obsidian thank you let’s

Go bees oh my God take the bees inside let’s go I’m taking the bees oh my God god what the [ __ ] that’s a lot of poison oh God oh my God we’re in a poisonous air oh my God oh my God oh I my I I can just go home here oh okay so as long as it’s not there with the things okay what the heck I don’t know what I’m supposed to

Do oh oh no I think we just have to get away from the the mushroom like the eggs and eggs let’s see dinosaur dinosaur dinosaur dinosaur dinosaur I’m breaking the eggs [ __ ] this okay what what the heck break these things oh oops I you’re kiding me you’re kiding me really really okay

Well I am upsetting spaghetti about this I don’t know 17s oh my God I killed it okay I killed it I killed it I killed it I killed it I killed it I killed it I killed it I killed it okay got to get out of here

This is oh my God what this what the heck what is this place oh oh I see I see thank I see a lot of things I don’t like get them oh there’s a with wither oh not get out of here oh this is the these are the

Mushrooms you got to pop the mushrooms and not touch them no not the be oh sorry I came back for them I have like no HP hold on we surrounded by everything okay hold on I got to I got to rub I have to heal really fast I have two hearts oh oh

Yeah this is where a potions come in handy all these noises are terrifying yeah that welcome to the nether it is painful are you not a fan at the squishy ground I’m not a fan of the withering noises oh this is really cool want that put that away who there we go

Off I make everything fly and then they fall to their Doom oh sorry ah fire fire fire fire fire you’re the blaze come here you come here I got take the be home real quick wait if we’re in the nether do we need to do do we need to have gold

On um only if we run into the piglins I don’t see any currently aha get hecked on you can’t even shoot fire near me heck you oh shoot why did I I didn’t mean to look fire fire fire fire fire fire oh there the other ones you heck heck off get the heck

Off oh I’m good jelly mushroom stupid egg poison wait I need I needell Shear shears shears okay what did the oh wait jellyfish mushroom jellyfish mushroom this this is cute they’re lights they’re mushroom lights where is that [ __ ] guys they’re mushroom lights look how cute they are oh probably oh yep he’s

A yeah you can see I got some mushroom lights for the for the house they’re so cute heck yeah oh my God these look like eyeballs they’re so creepy I found the quartz except the problem is is that well there’s a blaze up top there I don’t have a bow charging him

Oh come here I need my weapon where is it oh I’m stuck in bone I think they killed him oh I see why oh this is cool Cobblestone this is a bone block what are bone blocks there’s bone wait is are these do you feel about

Oh I say that we we fill our house with bone what about you you little [ __ ] do we like do we like the idea of filling God do you like the idea of filling the house with bones I like the idea with bones there’s another place trying to that out kick my

Butt that there that There Dear Mr Blaze I’d like to eat my toast they just like hanging out everywhere this is this is cool guys do you like do you like the bone the bones yeah this muted NE is pretty [ __ ] pack a little poison oh yep there he is this area is amazing I’m checking out

The top there you go oh you’re checking out the top I think there’s another portal over here mine oh that’s yours that’s so cool which I am close to y’all so you could take that one back home too the other one don’t forget the way point in here too the way points are

Separate yeah I still don’t know how to do any of that is it is it just like making a way point yeah like just like creating one on the map yeah I think n’s the default key uh let’s see got it okay um oh NE

Right okay I made one for like this this spot here oh there’s wet lava let’s see where’s my bucket did I leave my bucket no it’s right here all right bone stairs don’t care about the all right let’s see uh how do I get lava no that’s poison that’s bad that’s

Bad that’s bad that’s bad that’s bad that’s bad that’s not going to work that happened oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God there’s so many things here taking this back home all right oh this is really cool I don’t know where I’m

At okay I’m close to this house okay I’m not too far from my house wait where did matcha go is matcha still in the nether uh-oh I think matcha is still in the ne oh no sheep sheep choose life choose life don’t you dare sheep choose life

Choose life buddy it’s okay good job all right and now you went into a portal well you know what um good luck with that one buddy good luck with that one godp speed sheep God speed got speed to like about here I’ve got a lava buckets oh I’m a

Happy girl I got a lava bucket I got a lava bucket I got a lava bucket what is this this a bean stock Twisted Vines it’s kind of cool look okay right yeah I you know what I I don’t really need these magma rocks so I can like throw these into the lava

Goodbye why is it using the wrong axe oh wait is it not am I not able to do anything with it oh I just do that okay easy holy crap wow that’s huge down here that’s really pretty I don’t know where Macha went I’m kind of scared oh wow holy crap Diamond

Chest that’s a new one I didn’t know you could have like diamond chests wait wait is this a wait what is this that’s so cool what is this I’m not allowed to interact with the block okay um wait is this the bridge to my house there’s there’s a bridge to my house that’s

Great I love it that oh my God I thought the horse was on fire I thought the horse was on fire good job horsey we did not be on fire proud of you so proud of you the horse was sniffing the flame the horse was doing something thing with the

Flames I have no idea what they were doing with the flame but it happened all right so I need to be able to all right soul soil is not important that’s an oak sapling but I want to be able to see like how I can get let’s open this

Backpack right I got a gold block here uh we got the full bone block bone block What’s the difference between a full bone block and a bone block like I I guess it’s because there’s like a hole in it they look the same though you know like they look the

Same right bone meal got these little mushrooms bone mushroom spores another brickster I I I don’t know if I need to break that or what oh Sorry but I have apples now not really sure all I know is that I have a thing of lava and I can’t wait to use it to get rid of stuff that I don’t actually need anymore yeah I totally put a backpack in a backpack and now I have a backpack

With my backpack so I can always have a backpack for my backpack I always need items need to make sure I have them at all times all right so now we need like a trash pit oh I accidentally hit off all my stuff hi Joe you’re here for some some

Uh some action look look look check it out check it out check out must skin check out my awesome skin I got some bad assery going on right now all right in the crafts of mine how are you doing today Welcome all right Rob is still in jail right now okay Rob Rob is a naughty Pony and is still in jail let’s see I got to figure out where Mach is at hold on one second one second Ma matcha matcha all right oh there’s there you

Are I was sending you a message I just didn’t know where you went oh no you’re okay I think I was I think did you go through the portal holy [ __ ] those night fish and goles are badass yeah I went through I went through Marissa’s portal

Oh that and I didn’t realize that portal came out through our so I was like oh that’s where so now we know where so now we know where you know what’s fun we can take that portal and go pop over there and uh and do a thing that’s true so if

We want to go we’ll get more some more bone stuff we can look at we also found oh my God what the is all that that’s all quartz what do you do what do you do with another quartz so we have to make them into blocks so right now when you

Break them um in the nether they turn into those little like quartz things but uh once we craft them into a block then we can place down where what we want that’s awesome oh wait oh thank you place it um outside plane or else once again no one can use it oh okay

Okay so we can put it on the outside oh does it does it grow like a like a plant the place it outside the claim so like oh what the [ __ ] you want to go ahead and name it you can name it and then make it Global I

I there you go this is amazing holy crap you like my avatar isn’t it cute it’s pretty cute right you have to get ender pearls I think ender pearls an emerald obsidian Prett much it and it costs one level per TP which levels aren’t B I love this I’m still trying to figure

Out how to use some of this other stuff so uh yeah I’ll be sure to ask lot and lots of questions read things Ma I got a bucket of lava oh yes I I almost died in the ne trying to get a bucket of lava oh

God but then and then I I stole uh I stole I stole some from the outside portal yeah I I did see I was missing a little bit got Rob thank you so much for the red welcome hi hi hi welcome everyone nice to have you here Hi hi hi Oho do you like he you n how was your stream what were you doing NeNe did you see did you see did you see how cute she is look at look at look at my weapon dude look at my freaking weapon look at

This [ __ ] okay and then my backpack I got a golden backpack it’s really cute uhuh and my tail look at my tail I got my tail and my wings I got my tail I got my wings I got my ears I got my little hair hair TOS I got everything process

But it get you home yeah yeah yeah yeah moded MC is the way to go it’s fun [ __ ] okay so this is from a specific mod and then um I had an artist that made the 3D skin and it’s super super cute so it’s awesome but thank you for

The raid what were you up to today tell me everything were you working on some Arts also n how how uh how long have you been playing on your Minecraft server cuz like this is a this is a really um simple uh I guess mod to install um so

The tldd is that they work in like a 3D Json file the same way that like a vtuber works right um and then it it gets imported into um oh freck I forget the name of the of the mod I’ll find it I’ll find it my

Manager sent me all the stuff so um I can link it to you and be like hey this is how you can get like a a 3D mod it’s really cool you’ve never played a modded version dude it’s I so I’ve been playing less than what 3 weeks but this is like the

Way to go for me I love it I love it I love it and so we’ve just been building our little hidey-hole matcha I got I got raided by n so I just wanted to say hi to everyone oh yeah hi n look I found Bean stocks yeah

Yeah we have found quartz which I think I’ll need to find more later let’s see Go oh I we have so much coal now good we have coal for [ __ ] days coal for days I’m going to go put some of the materials in the house really fast just to keep them organized that’s true that’s true that’s true it’s so good to have you here

[ __ ] let’s see yeah it’s so much fun we’ll have to play some time together we’ll have to play together sometime okay I think that that would be a lot of fun basically TLD we’re making like this little hidey-hole and so it’s got like a very natural outside but then we have

Like some glass so we can see the outside here and the inside is like all this really pretty stone that I’m spending time having like bits and [ __ ] and just adding little bits of green various types of leaves all around the place so it’s really nice we found all

These magnolia trees and we replanted them and we had a lot of fun with that so I’m just having fun oh and then so this is the inside it’s still a mess please don’t mind the mess I still have to like excavate all of this redo all

The stone here get rid of the the dirt here um get rid of some of this here I want to put down some wool I want to make like little like a little couch right like this is like a Chill Spot you know chill underneath the the Skylight

And then I want to bust through here and have like an actual Skylight at the very very top so we have light coming in so yeah uh the little black dragons in front of my house little black dragons little black dragons wait you me my crows God damn fire I keep stepping on

It so these are my little crows yeah these are my little tiny crows um and then I have this is Obsidian this is my this is my uh my chocoo basically with armor so this diamond armor makes it look like it has a horn and then I built a deck and then uh

A bridge to get to the other side so we need to like do more over here but this is our this is our little little space that we found like look how cool this is I love it but this is the prominence 2 uh server mod so this is like

Basically an RPG So like um you have like like I have this backpack and in here you can craft inside your backpack um um and then I have the backpack I’m wearing uh I have found some Everlasting Enchanted beef so this beef when consumed is not actually eaten it is uh

It has a timer so it has like a cool down so it just has like a little like a ticking cool down before you can use it again but uh we got a whole bunch of really fun stuff and now I’m making a like a little Trash space uh so we can

Like burn through some stuff that we don’t actually need to hold on to um so like any blocks or items that we don’t actually need like I’m putting some of the food in here um I’m going to take the plants out of this one and leave

This one just for blocks mainly and put like the plants in this one um but yeah it’s it’s got a lot of like really fun quality of life modifications um yeah it’s just really fun it’s just really fun it’s just really neat see put that in there we’ll grow

That tree at some point but yeah this is just what we’ve been doing um exploring and finding new weapons and items and enjoying ourselves as we run around we found uh a spot to the ne which was kind of uh kind of amazing and really scary so um that

Happened yeah that happened so but we have lots of like The Bu my building materials and putting as much that together here as we can while keeping stuff organized as much as possible AKA not M I’m talking about our our wonderful organizational skills listen we have okay we’ll get

We’ll get it eventually yeah we have them we’re just not using them to our advantage right now right we’re we’re we’re Pirates you see we’re Pirates yes we be Pirates oh should we turn our our regular coal into the coal blocks since we have so many coal blocks

Now yeah if that way we can also like make it compact as well so that we can carry like more coal on adventures and also just for like storage should one of us hold on to the obsidian since we’ve been finding little spots we have 13 of them just sitting in our

Inventory I know we can use oh you know what we can use for the obsidian well once we figure out like what we want to do more with this space we can make like a little Library so we can have an enchanting table that would

Be a lot of fun then we can enchant all the things we can enant we can enchant everything oh my God yes we’d have even more St we could have even more cooler pickaxes all right got all of these all of these bone meal gold BL and now I know what to

Look for in the nether it’s just that the nether is a little scary oh and not not fun it’s winter let’s put those together oh I see we’ll burn that peanuts can go into a different spot this here um Moss block can go somewhere else but that they’re organized again

Ah all right magma blocks we go here I’ll take those here uh everything else another rck I’m not really sure we need another rock all right have sticks sticks go here all right there’s that okay don’t mind me I’m just grabbing materials and getting rid of stuff oh you’re good I just realized

It’s winter in the game oh my God it’s snowing is it it’s it’s not just snowing there’s ice forming at the bottom of our wonderful River a a good amount of ice oh my God that is amazing that’s kind of cool but also oh that’s scary this is

Amazing oh my God that is terrifying but I like this though oh my God look at our trees they’re dull the wind do you hear the wind oh my God that’s crazy the vine we have Winter Wind The Vines oh this is so cool oh my God we’re going to have the

Whipping Winter Wind sound because we’re so hot up stop it I’m going to get food I will oh you texted me hold on I’m going to order I’m going to order food here in just a little bit I got to find a spot to put the lava

Block the the the this is trash lava block actually we can do it right we do it right here in front of the Furnace all right so we can put it right here right yeah all right wait actually I want this to be a little

Deeper hey chat look it we we got we got a GL we could do a glass bottom view it’s actually kind of scary I don’t have a way to fix that do I do I have a way can I fix it yeah I have one block

Oh my oh my gosh I can fix it I can fix this I can fix it maybe I can fix it I fixed it all right maybe we don’t put the lava well you know what I’m committing the lava goes here that’s it the lava goes there now all right the

Lava goes there we need one of our trap doors uh which I I know I built all right let’s do all right let’s the Magnolia log all right all right and the Trump Doors all right Trump doors here and then I can just stick those in here to hold on to them yeah okay we have a lava spot and it’s a big red door so it’s very obvious all right in fact I think we need to have a a sign that says warning

Lava yes would you like some food how much food do you have I mean IRL food but oh yeah I need to eat something okay you know what I’m going to take a second I’ll order my food and use the restroom and check out my dogs and then I will be

Back all right I’m going to be right back guys okay I won’t be gone long you guys can can do the thing I will be bees okay be bees C chat this is also your reminder if you hear me in stream make sure to hydrate to get your food if you haven’t had so yet get stretches go to the bathroom do all of your things for a little bioch check and also you’re amazing and uh please please please know that you’re

Awesome okay and thanks for joining in stream C C come C C C c c C C C c c c c okay come back my bird I’m back I ordered my food um yeah I ordered my food check to my dongs having in my water thank you

For those redemptions I’m going to drink my water I promise I’m going to eat uh food will be here in a little bit but yeah oh no we did the I’m sorry my tosser my tosser is broken iron thigh um I’ll make sure that that gets uh

Replaced for you so you can try that when the tosser is not broken okay I’m sorry I’m sorry yeah it’s been it’s been having problems yeah thank you Macha for refunding it for iron I I really appreciate that I appreciate that okay we have so much like random stuff I need to put

Away so much random stuff to put away all right we’ll put this in here this in here because this is all like the building materials um this is trash this is keep this is keep iron nuggets we turn we’ll smelt that all right this is all

Keep the golden leggings I don’t know if I need to keep those or not like the golden leggings you know what I mean all right hey Bale I have some stuff that’s random that does not like really fit with some of this so in instead of spending all day like organizing you

Know um I forgot I have these mushrooms instead of like doing that um I want to at least try to just put some stuff away so it’s not a complete and total mess and then uh we’ll we’ll continue our adventures cuz our adventures a wait all right so we’re going to toss that

Out that’s trash keep on to pulling on to these toss that out toss this out um hold on to these put this away put this away put this away right cool we’re getting there we are getting there toss that out there’s going to be like a handful of things that we’re just

Going to like get rid of and then over here is where I’m going to stick some of these other items like the ax the hoe a random pair of gold leggings that I don’t really need because these like these have minus health I don’t want these in fact we’re destroying them cuz like

Those those don’t those are not good there’s a lot of these too that have like minus speed minus reach so in fact these are actually the enchantment is kind of trash so I’m going to end up like throwing those away all right keep that keep that I’ll worry about smelting and stuff and

Crafting and stuff later so the main thing is that we’re going to hold on to as much of these items as possible put my backpack away smell toss most to this away into the trash plant these because these are mushrooms they’re jelly mushroom saplings I don’t know what they do but how do

I can I not plant them inside oh yeah I guess I can’t plant these inside oh wow this is so pretty I just saw this like I’m just seeing this this is so cool but we have an icicle we have ice I have to wait for that to melt there’s an icicle

Here what is that what does the icicle do oh I just break it okay cool all right I guess I can’t do anything with these mushrooms survives on Moss a okay so I need to I need to grow them on a bone block okay I have bone blocks I have

Bone blocks I’ll be able to grow those on bone blocks perfect that makes me happy I put all my good tools away so that way I don’t throw them away on accident everything that I’m tossing out can go here for right now CU they’re going to go into the

Fire this is the this is the trash pet boop boop boop I love having a trash pit now I don’t have to worry about access materials that we have no use for now we just do the thing we don’t have to worry this is the smoker I’m glad that I have a whole

Bunch of coal blocks we can put the coal in some spaces there we’re going to put some of this other stuff away we’re going to toss these or toss those really fast hold on to that yeah I’m pretty I’m pretty excited and really happy about like the sheer

Amount of like goodies that we have found because there’s so much cool [ __ ] in this game just from what we’re like what we’ve been playing with oh put this away some more too I think I make a block of it like this yep cool sweet awesome that actually makes me really freaking

Happy half of them in here and this is where we’re going to put some of the meat and stuff for later yeah this has been pretty great just hi hello look it look it I’ve been throwing away trash yay it’s nice it’s also snowing I know

Some of our uh our the water appears turn to ice that’s okay that’s okay we can wait until spring at least the campfire is still on fire oh no Rob uhoh what’s wrong with Rob uh if you want to look at Rob’s pen there was an icicle forming oh that would have been really bad if it hit him yep I wonder look we have we have something for here no thumbs no opinions that means you Rob

Because Rob has had a lot of opinions if you haven’t known de with prison have I have I considered putting it somewhere a little higher up um like I can’t do it any deeper and I’m not too worried about where it’s placed cuz I why is this on fire what what is this

Why is there fire why is this on fire was it from this was it on fire from this I got to keep it I got to keep it in the spot I got to keep it do I need to put rocks around it do I need do I need to stick Stone we

I put some Stone there I got like a ton of cobblestone I got some cobblestone I got some smooth Stone Cobblestone put some Stone yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right I got some Cobblestone actually we’ll use the smooth Stone cuz it’s pretty all right I got my smooth Stone

All right all right all right all right we got this okay we we’re going to put one stone here first and then we’re going to put a stone here first so that way we don’t like accidentally do a thing cuz then when this goes it’s going to do

That and then when this goes it’s going to do that oh that’s definitely not what we wanted right all right there got it and now there’s Stone oh no no no no well it’s not dangerous anymore now is it I guess we’ll better prepare it good

Job yeah good job me I guess we’ll better prepare the space well at least now it’s encased in Block you guys didn’t see that okay that did not happen nobody clipped that that did not happen nothing happened no nothing happened nothing happened nothing you see [Laughter] nothing no that’s not something to be

Edited later stop you see nothing nothing happened okay nothing happened it’s all it’s all according to to plan all right it’s all according to plan all according to plan as I planned it forever ago all right um I’m going to leave this and this well these are for quests I’m going

To hold on to those those are for quests I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with those I think I have to make a chest and upgrade it um I think I need to I think I need to make a all right make a chest and then I think it’s like

This and this I think that’s how the chest upgrade chest upgrade iron chest upgrade um I think that just goes into a oh that just goes into a chest slot I think maybe um right not not a barrel but it’s for a chest uh is it for a singular

Chest you might be for a singular chest I’m still trying to figure this out it doesn’t really like hold your hand through this [ __ ] you know CH uh let’s see hi R when never Princess did I just make snowballs I want to take a drink of water and wait wait that’s how you make snowballs that’s it when Maj gets back we’re having a snowball fight sorry Birds you’re fine you’re all good can I like Pelt somebody with it I can where’s matcha where did matcha

Go I don’t know where matcha went matcha’s gone what happens if I Pelt a bird not Rook look at the other bird oh sorry book yeah that’s what happens okay got it this is how you just like rapid fire them all right well now I’ve learned the

The meaning and damages of a uh of a snowball and what what that means to have I love how the snow keeps accumulating look at the icicles oh my gosh everything is frozen over there’s icicles everywhere oh there’s a zombie wait can I Pelt him wait wait wait yeah

Yeah get up zombie get up up get up all right all right now I’m going to poke you with that get that get that get it get that get up byebye you dead yet okay now you’re dead cool easy I love that oh look at

This it’s on the ice I’m not touching it on the ice or on the glass I don’t want to bust it there we go I bust that there’s wait is that that’s garlic why was there just like random garlic I found a random garlic all right this is good here about one wait

Is there a second vume oh my God it had babies the vine had babies I wasn’t expecting the vine to have babies actually that’s a really good way to make more Vines though cuz I think that they go up that way then I can put some more Vines up

Here it’s a good decoration they’re kind of cool plus we want this thing to look as like uh natural as possible well I have to go and get more lava now so I’m going to have to go find a spot for lava this is going to be interesting all right let’s

See I still don’t know how to do the BL all right let’s see let’s check the quest the quest book I’ll put the mic seeds in this away cuz I don’t really know what those were for all right Quest book craft a chest upgrade via the iron Chest mod iron Chest mod copper

Chest ah yeah see this is where it gets a little like wonky and a up all right so we have equi the backpack you can open it by pressing B can upgrade through several tiers backpack with special benefits can be found in loot chest see all backpack

Variants for the traveler all right so wait my backpack is an upgrade that’s me wearing it this is holding an item uh should click on Place backpack to remove all tier upgrades remove excessive fluids and tank and items uh I’m just trying to see like where this is supposed to wait oh is

This the Wait no that’s the crafting grid render crafting overlay lock the crafting grid yes we want that I don’t want to like turn that off that’s for items if we want to show them on and off that’s the backpack on and off so I need to have the backpack off

For the upgrade to work oh that’s sort I don’t know what the Q Means all right yeah H oh sorry I got stuck um selected mode choose which slots won’t be affected by sorting right no I don’t care about the Sorting part I don’t know what I’m supposed to do Shi shift click ding dong I think my food

To all right now this is where I all right I’m going to have to look up how to do the upgrade on this one cuz I have upgrade pieces and I have no idea what I’m supposed to do with for these upgrades all right put the backpack back

On all right give me one second I’m so sorry I got to go get my food and then we are going to be doing more stuff sorry about that come h C Wh oh no I think we would beb darn it it’s okay chat don’t say anything hi buddy I another name tag for you I don’t know where it went or did we run out a wait did we run out of name tag oh that would be bad if we

Did oh no I hope we didn’t run out of name tags that would be bad would be bad what do you mean what H sh don’t say anything Chad don’t say Anything oh no no that that was uh that was just um that was just the loot boxes don’t don’t worry about it it’s okay so if I enter in here oh uh rut row hey uh hi hi I I don’t know if I can hear you actually I I’m not 100%

Sure oh my God I didn’t hit my unmute yeah I was I was like I I can’t hear you wait yep I was muted yeah I said holy [ __ ] you got a bird sorry I don’t know what sorry I got a melt I got a m full lunch oh what’s your lunch CH

Food I got some beef and broccoli and white rice and one t soup I kind of want leftover Chinese food do it honestly do it get I have leftover chain and uh hoody walnut shrimp I think I eat that for dinner now what to name

You o do you I think I think maybe sorry my for some reason my my um BTS keeps like untracking um so you need a name tag I have a name tag I’m trying to figure out like what’s a good name for say did it just pop out an egg uh it’s a

Feather I think it’s a feather oh oh hello sir I don’t know what the feather does but it’s a feather I think it’s like a light hold on oh yeah it’s a light it’s a light that’s adorable that’s so good I’m kind of thinking I accidentally dowed our fire

Earlier oh that’s fine so I have to go get another bucket of lava oh no that’s okay that is okay oh okay okay I I have I’m stuck between two names I’m stuck between two names so I’m thinking of like naming two names for for this borb

It’s either Garnet it’s either Garnet or Cardinal Garnet because garnet and obsidian oh that’s true wait we thing control right button oh I have there’s the over here I’m going to get ma with a with a snowball garick come here yay the snowball did nothing I was IED you with a snowball

And it didn’t work oh huh it moved me a little bit I think it like shifted me over by like a few pieces wait what I love your bird though so pretty I want to I want to find one too so that way I think they can make babies I wonder

How o I wonder how we can I think we need like oh God don’t tell me we need like seeds or something or something hilarious I have no idea oh god oh no Hi Bagel my watch bagel I got I got lunch I got some Chinese food I’m a happy girl now we have two giant beautiful birds and then there’s Rob don’t shame Rob it’s not our fault that the game’s broken it’s his fault for leaving five times

True yeah I got Chinese food for NS also I I I’m trying to eat as like as quiet as possible this is why you stay here from this is why um try to think wait do we want the Phantoms nah make make life easier yeah also helps anybody who is also being attacked

By Phantoms and they can’t go to Bed um you’re so pretty oh my oh that’s a whole other layer of the map I thought I had the oh no you know what I left that for armor in the dimension do we need to go back we can just run back you go run

Back yeah thought about it I’m like the portal by Marissa’s place has the lava I need and then we just pop there and go down and then there’s the portal is right there that’s true that actually makes it a lot easier you want to go back

In uh yeah I’m going to put away oh so many things I didn’t realize until now I was like ooh there’s so many things I have let’s see all right I’m going to to out or put away some more stuff and then we can head Over on the off well on the off chance we need wood let me as well have it you know I got torches just in case to Hell toast I got toast I got toast y toast all right uh I think I have most of my inventory figured okay I think I left let’s

See oh wait I forgot my other backpack oh oops I forgot my shovel I was wondering where my shovel went all right we got to go put all of this away real quick then I’ll have a nice backpack for us to do whatever with cuz I have a backpack that

I’m wearing a backpack that’s extra and then my inventory so we have a bunch of like extra stuff that uh we picked up recently which is pretty amazing so sand more of that okay and then the rest of this can all like stay here and then I got my boat and my bucket

Okay all right got it I want to do some more stuff I just don’t know what all to do oh my God your goggles are so cool do they work in the dark oh they do oh they do should equip them yeah you can equip them that way if

We run into anything dark we can see in the night and then we don’t have to like use our torches too too much am I do oh my God you actually see them on my character like you see them but you see them and all the other stuff

Doesn’t work because of the mod so hold on wait a second look at how funny that is guys look I’m staring deep into your soul with my goggles hi blue bottle welcome how are you doing staring intently staring very intently I’m taking a bite of my food again sorry if you hear crunch

All right sometimes it’s like really hard to eat lunch and all right oh that’s so cute oh my God we’re actual like explorers with the goggles yeah it’s actually kind of cool yeah a little bit of my eyes are showing up it’s CU my eyes are big and beautiful big beautiful eyes

Mhhh they didn’t make them Chimera size yeah cuz see they’re on match’s forehead too they’re on the forehead they’re not on the eyes I just realized that these goggles don’t actually go on our eyes they’re just above our eyes they’re on the forehead it’s cute yeah we look stany forever night

Vision do I have to do anything special for the night vision or is it just go in the dark it just goes in the dark that is so Co it’s easy oh my God this be amazing should we go SP yeah all right I’m ready to go on an

Adventure if you are let’s see where do we go oh I’m zoomed in too far oh my God look at the map look at the so I I’m not going to lie I almost jumped down to the water and then realized oh that’s ice I would die

Yeah all right so um portal nether grab the the horse armor grab the lava come back and then explore somewhere else yeah so we can go that way I think it was towards the the portal in the back of the house yeah it’s behind the house over the

Ridge one day we’ll go back in the sky one day I don’t know when one day everything Frozen oh my God I know it’s kind of cool I do like it all right this way to the this way to the lava pit there’s like a lava

Pit I still can’t believe I put the lava out I feel so silly that that happened all right bucket back into the hole we go yep here we Go we are free free back on the bone area do we want to like explore this place at all we can actually we can explore we there’s not a lot of people that explored this area I think we should maybe we’ll find more treasure we

Can break stuff down I don’t know true I have no idea what we’ll find down here plus you know if we if we if we die we don’t lose ourself we just go back to our bed exactly uh give me one second I’m going to take a bite and I’m going

To run after you let me see I’m going try to see how do we get out of here cuz I love this don’t get me wrong but the the egg poison is pretty annoying it’s pretty annoying Wait is there a hole I know that the other portal is not far from here so we could we could always back track to the other portal that’s true get rid of these poisons I want I’m just going to take a minute to like eat a little bit more of

My food so I’m not like starving oh there’s a hallway this way there’s a hallway like on the left side okay I’m just taking a couple more bites really really fast okay just GNA of these poisons it says nether jungle like nether jungle there’s more quartz there’s more quartz okay wait

Which way did you say there was a hallway um oh God I’m stuck I saw quartz and I was immediately like wait we must bring it for the house um there is a there is a little tunnel that’s on the side of the wall um I believe it’s like this way

It look so squishy and hallway oh okay this is a long scary scary scary and some soul soil scary oh do you have gold on wait wait wait let me think do we have gold on or I’m all diamond okay um let me see gold bars I have gold bars on me oh

I guess if we have gold bars on us would that be okay like if we hold it no idea but if we have to kill some Piggies we’ll kill some biggies yeah I have a gold chest piece but I don’t n you keep that on yeah I don’t know if they’re

Going to attack me right after I jump down what the heck we’re out nether Moss ooh oh my God this is amazing what the [ __ ] is this it’s also terrifying what is this poor nether grasslands it says nether grasslands let’s see and there’s some quartz is that Coral there’s Coral here

Oh that’s wart seed wart seed ooh smoker wait what does the smoker do wait I don’t what does the smoker do I got some lapis pile oo that was handy let’s see what if I break these is this NE grass NE grass sures on we could grow

These warts I know they’re good for potions if I remember correctly wart seeds little wart seeds are good for potions I just oh there’s oh we’re fine a okay as you don’t bother me I don’t bother you let’s see I’ll get some of the seeds here

Then okay Black Bush I don’t know what that does I grabbed some of those nether seeds ooh excellent let’s see can I reach from what is all this for goggles just like Digimon yes yes I’m in my Digimon era in Bush get up there oh oh my God in Bush ink Bush

Seed no idea there so much quartz everywhere holy [ __ ] that that is going to be like in a like an amazing tool to use okay as we break down this area I am curious what else is around here this is this is pretty cool looking I feel like there’s got to be

More ways to like M or there’s got to be more things to mine cuz like there’s a lot of stuff okay but part of me is kind of wanting to get a rapid Dash so I I kind of want to see if we’ll get lucky and

Find like a saddle oh you’re right oh my God evil pony take my revenge okay they don’t like me they don’t like me they don’t like me okay I I’ll do wait wait hey don’t oh sorry oh that was easy Ah that’s fine yeah he’s easy I two

Shot him oh yeah I’m just we’re just G have to kill them yeah they better watch out Piggies this is kind of a cool area there’s some stuff up top see oh oh how oh God how do we get we want to go let’s uh oh there’s a tower there’s a tower

Right there do you want to go let’s go to the tower let’s go to the Tower oh guys we’re going to go to this freaking Tower let’s [ __ ] go those Soul Sand like particle effects are like really crazy like in a good way I’m just like ooh I love the effects yeah

Okay hello regular Pig don’t don’t mind us we are just casual you care if I if I turn off push to talk what the [ __ ] is all this yeah feel feel free to turn off push to talk these in the glittering glistering Meadows oh okay can you hear me can you

Hear me can you hear me okay these are pretty ma can you hear me okay can you hear me okay oh yeah I can hear okay there we go I’m like ah it’s one of these glistering Sprouts what the [ __ ] is this they’re all this is pretty

Oh my God I have a glitter bulb I don’t know what I do with it I don’t know what do you do oh my gosh we can take these home shiny wait we can take it home all right that’s it I’m putting these in the house let’s go in the house that’s it

They’re pretty oh my God these what are these what are these grow on all right um so I wonder if I need to have like this specific br oh my gosh can we line the house with it it’s pink this is like my pink it is

That’s what I was thinking like oh what if we make sure to check the bulbs so that we can see if it’s survivable in the Overworld cuz sometimes they don’t oh wait where did uhoh I’m not sure what the I can’t get the Vines um how would I how would I

Know if you hover over if it doesn’t say that it’s survivable then we can put it in the Overworld it doesn’t say survivable anywhere okay perfect we can put them in the Overworld oh [ __ ] yes all right so this oh this is all Nether rack that’s why okay so this is just

Nether rack it’s just it glows with whatever the stuff on top of it is that’s growing in this biome okay okay okay okay so this is just another another nether rack but doesn’t that also make like nether rack like um what do you call it uh brick we can make brick with it

You can make bricks with it I’m not going to worry about it more than anything I just I’m really like excited to grab this stuff and put this cuz this can go in our little ocean space And The Ivy is glow they glow automatically too so I’m liking the ivys a lot The

Ivy yeah so it grows in the ceiling so you’ll see on the ceiling when we walk around uhhuh but basically if you grow they have little bulbs this is this is the glow stone glow stone is used to make those really pretty uh lights yep yeah I want pink light and uh green

Lights and mint lights and all of these things I want to make all the pretty dye all the pretty Colors yeah I so cool iish showed me this one when we were in the nether at one point I accidentally fell into the nether I know that oh wait I think you were there for it when I fell I Remember and I accidentally fell to my Doom oh yes the the GL the glistening ivy vine all right well we’re going to have to we’re going to have to uh definitely get those all right Arrow I’m going to toss trash into this lava pit right here that’s a smart idea yeah

Anything that we don’t need we’ll just toss into this lava real quick I don’t know what the ink bush seeds do um you said that those spores were good the wart seeds right are good to have yes their wood seeds are good um um I have I have an idea little Gard I

Have no idea what that is a Lapis dust yeah the lapis dust I think we can combine it again to make Lapis Laz oh probably yeah makes sense oh let me get this uh let me get the bone um pieces cuz I’m collecting the bone for the

House cuz I like for some reason the bone blocks I actually like the the off-white color and thought that it could be really cool instead of sand to line the bottom of that quote unquote pool area we were thinking about having oh yeah that’s actually a good idea we

Just having we’re having so much fun because not only are we exploring and treasure hunting we are also uh thinking about our our beautiful home together which again matcha thank you so much for like playing this with me I I having so much fun honestly like this is the first

Time for survival that I’m like I’m really hooked on to it I’m like oh my god oh wow that’s a that’s a really really big okay so this is a this is a castle down here guys there’s a castle this so there is a castle there’s a cast

Do you want to go to the castle I I kind of do I’m also wonder what TR how we can get down there there’s got to be a way down on the other side yeah cuz I want to get some of the the hanging Vines I

Just don’t know how I’m supposed to get the hanging Vines I think you can grab the vines like if you want to take them home with the shears but we can use the vines I think to slide down how like you can use them like Vines

Itself it’s just a matter you just like throw your body at them and hope for the best that’s the plan I’m planning I think this is like if we land the bridge it’s a lot well oh oh no that’s fine I was just trying to get some all right if

We land on the bridge we should be okay right yeah if we land on the bridge we’re fine all right um here I’m going to eat a food so it’s like my heart is at like full capacity and then we’re going to just like Yol it down hi I’ve

Seen Oblivion hello hello hello you know what’s funny um uh okay so pantas K-pop asked me earlier if I had a to face cuz we have these goggles so it’s like did you want protagonist right yeah did you did you have have a a favorite Digimon I didn’t grow up a lot with

Digimon but I have watched a lot of the movies though oh my gosh that took a lot of Hearts that’s okay no no no no we got toast okay we got toast God I want this pink I want this pink light for our biome oh my God I want the pink light

For our biome imagine if we live in this B we have uh we have monsters up here oh why am I on fire what did I touch this fire why am I on fire oh oh oh oh SK sket Skelly boy he’s gonna just byebye bye this is going to

Make life easier with this weapon oh actually I beat him with toast I just beat him up with toast I beat him up with toast oh here we go we can Harvest we can Harvest all of this oh yeah we harvesting this oh we Harvest harvesting all this all of this getting harvested

Oh I don’t care anymore we are harvesting all we are winning we are winning winning oh are you winning h Wido leaves oh hey there’s a fire dude over there he’s shooting fire at us all you okay that’s where you came from okay I know where he’s going

Let’s maneuver uh oh wait is there a way down here nope which way I was trying to see if there’s a way down here but I think we got to continue going this way yeah that’s a whole ass tree Willow are really cool though I want to break down a willow treasure treasure

Hi yes we’re okay oh I got gold horse armor so I got a a horse armor I got a NE eye I got another runic tablet uh obsidian uh a dragon’s blood sapling yes uh I guess it I guess it grows in winter time I got a z inot uh a

Regular gold sword oh this is a really shitty sword um but I have advanced circuits I don’t know what those are um and I have Advan frame let me put uh let me grab my special backpack so I can start putting stuff in my Golem backpack

First yeah all right would you would you mind if we uh consolidate send me all of the glitter glistening ferns spires uh any of the blooms send me all of the glistening stuff I will put all of that into my Golem backpack to consolidate if you have any willow leaves I’ll take

Those two bone blocks we’ll put all of these in here for consolidation okay we can do that and if you have any quartz you can send them to me and I can hold on to the quarts uh I do not have quartz I only have um the glittering stones or the glittering the

Glittering the glowstone dust block yeah we’re we’re playing for those of you that don’t know or you’re just coming in hello and welcome hi fee welcome uh we are currently in the nether we found a glow a glowy space it’s really really cool um with a bunch of pink stuff I see

You and we are currently uh consolidating materials there we go all right we have a large bone block this bone block I’m going to put my lava bucket in here cuz I don’t want my lava to just like explode uh and then matcha I’m going to

Toss all the horse armor for you over here okay that’s all good with me all right horse armor tossed I’m going put that in my other backpack that goes in my other backpack this is just in case oh are you okay I’m trying to aim for the blaze there’s two

Blazes but I’m missing with my arrows so I’m just like oh are you using bow and arrow oh that’s so badass that is so badass that is so badass tablet do these stack they do the runic tablet’s stuck just so you know this little [ __ ] all right little [ __ ] where is

He all right that’s it come on over here that’s fine I wanted to get closer oh there’s a pig boy there’s two three three Pig boys Pig boys I want to make them fly I want to make the pig boys fly all right he’s going to die he’s

Going to fall to his Doom yeah he fell to his got you all right Pig boys are down where’s where’s where’s fire boy he’s right in there we go oh fire boy is he down is he down awesome all right here I got your gold horse armor oo bam Tada thank

You oh my god G’s going to look pretty I know gar it’s going to be so amazing with that all right I only have 11 toast I should I Gott toast you got more toast yes I got more toast I mean worst case scenario I have my special beef

Yeah that’s true we can all have the special beef how are you doing today welcome on in h oh fee did you did you guys um with iy and everybody did you guys end up uh beaing that Dragon I unfortunately had uh I had some things pop up so I was unable to

Join oh what the heck what the heck is this it looks like a beautiful tree it looks like d Diamond okay um I’m going to jump jump down here I’m going to jump down here cuz we can we can build our way across what is this feather ferns feather feather neather

Re all right um feather F oh it’s it gives me seeds Okay uh let me can I dig you up as normal I got feathers and seeds oh my gosh these get feathers matcha matcha you need you need feathers for your your your stuff right that’s right oh you’re

Right all right well let’s bust let’s bust these down another branches Willow Branch I wonder what oh these are yeah these are will it’s a oh this is Willow Wood okay okay okay um I believe if I recall correctly that the Willow Wood is a a light red

Color yes oh my God okay so you remember how everything we wanted that like nice light red it’s from the willow trees so we want to get the ne Willow um to make like a red barrels and red chests and um everything to add to valent so we I want

To do that sorry I I got so excited I looked off screen for a second all right um I want Oh no you’re good you’re good you’re good I’m actually oh this does not work like the other like the Overworld trees oh get

It I guess we got it I guess we got it all right cool um well this I’m like oh I have one Willow sapling survives on nether ground okay so this tree survives here Willow logs here nether reads grow uh nether reads can go anywhere is what it looks like

Yeah it looks like it’s anywhere all right um I have I’m going to actually plant because these only grow here is it because of the Soul soil matcha if we take soil Soul soil to the to the top can we grow Nether stuff yes oh [ __ ]

Yeah we’re doing it we’re taking some we oh we are taking we can do that with W seeds and anything that need Soul Sand oh [ __ ] yeah we’re doing that oh we are [ __ ] doing that oh yes we are oh yes we are soul soil Soul Sand all of this

Is coming with us right now please and thank you swamp grass oh um what what oh I think it was just on top it’s just on top because I think it’s just another block yeah yeah I got so excited for a second nope doesn’t work that way all

Right F FS survives on another ground this is great think I might come Here sorry guys I’m taking a bite real quick [ __ ] okay hello I you oh that’s yeah yeah that’s a mood push to talk is always important all right or at least like always making sure whoever you’re with is like oh yeah cool if you need push the talk off like

Right now I’m eating so it’s difficult to use push to talk and also make sure I keep up with matcha in a in a scary spot like this but I tend to always like ask because I’ve had the very unfortunate um time where I’ve had other streamers not

Use push to talk when streaming with me and then I get really self-conscious and I get really really quiet let see you know what Willow torch what’s a willow torch oh that’s cool as [ __ ] come here oh I’m do those survive in nether only nope these work anywhere

Too the willow torches are super cute they’re like blue lights oh these are great all right I’m going to bust some Willow up I want some more Willow stuff yeah look at that go sorry I got really excited for all the stuff that was like around

Here yeah I’m uh afraid I’m going to accidentally like f up something with the lava that’s here so I’m going to just like fill in lava spots there all good all good yeah I didn’t mean to like fully dismantle all of these trees no that’s all good all right that is all

Good yeah this this wood is amazing though it’s so pretty and the fact that it matches with the glistening W it matches all of this and that’s why I want it so badly um because it literally matches everything that we’re building right now oh my God this is so

Pretty yeah I just want to take as much of it as I can oh yeah yes absolutely all right look at all the glitter glistening stuff oh there’s a tower up here too uh oh my God Mas it’s an entire it’s an entire it’s an entire dungeon

All right I’m going to take the bone stuff here real fast cuz I I have a spot for all the bones if you get any more of the pink stuff throw it at me pink stuff gotcha what about you get any more pink stuff throw it at me what about the

Feather fire dude fire dude fire dude you mother Dudeck fire dude let’s see if I can snipe him good luck yeah oh you are hiding you little [ __ ] oh watch out for the Magma Cube what the difference with bullet wood oh I see he big okay okay I I can I

Can stab him I miss go fly go fly away fly away at least I don’t have to Too Close there he goes he go Fly almost dead oh he got babies oh he got oh he got babies oh he got babies baby baby babies so many babies okay lots of babies babies all of the babies why are there so many babies I I I got this i got this I’m on fire that’s

Fine this is fine this is fine fine everything on fire is fine this is fine everything’s fine when you’re on fire right oh yeah everything fine everything is perfect perfect it’s all good it’s all good actually put that fire out put that fire out what’s over here oh look

Look look treasure treasure treasure here treasure bam oh wow okay I got more of the Dragon SP I got a frost spell Blade Two Saddles I got two Saddles blue obsidian oh my God that’s kind of cool I got a bomb you a I’m sorry a what I got a bomb

I got some blue obsidian too and uh just a a boring gold sword uh I got a bomb check it out I got a BM Oh oh oh Skelly Skelly boy Skelly boy Skelly boy he’s across the way he’s across the way that little [ __ ] I know right uh oh he

Fell he fell to his is Doom oh nope nope it’s not Doom he’s just chilling out down there he’s chilling now he’s just chilling now all right I’m going eat a to Broken music dis repair this dis with a sapphire oh um oh we have sapphires don’t we all

Right I have another NE another Dragon Blood sapling so I’m going to stick these away mother of mother dude all right that’s it hold on I got him it’s like I got him you know what I am doing I’m in the middle of organizing uh do you want to pop in here

Yeah I should actually welcome welcome to my treasure board thank you Inventory management all right throw all that pink stuff at me if you got it um I’m going if you have any of the dragon’s blood saplings I have room cool uh any bone blocks you have bone

Blocks I’ll take those right do you have any ingots like steel uh I do have steel I have steel and gold in my other backpack so I will take those if you need St for it um I will that’s not Ste um I have willow torches NE reads OHS this my

Coal uh would you like to take the blue obsidian uh sure yes I can do that I just don’t know I just um I don’t know how much space you have so I figure I would ask what you do and do not have space for I have I’m going to move this

Out of the way into here here uh I have feathers so I will toss feathers at you right back oh steel that’s an yeah yeah sorry I meant to say I have iron ingots oh iron oh I think I have I have iron ingots actually that I could need space

Or it needs the space rather do you have willow torches yes I have willow torches okay you can take this and then I have room for one two three seven eight things if you need any more space um there’s the Ste you got blue blue obsidian yep um do you have any Willow

Logs I do not no okay do you have do you have soul soil I have soul uh soil and sand toss I take those yep all right I can do that oh what the that is not my backpack here you all right take those uh I have feathers coming your way

Okay I will take those let’s see I’ll check my other backpack in a second all right that’s the data storage I have a frost Bel let’s see Frost Bel one all right uh do you have any uh bone blocks or willow leaves bone blocks or willow leaves I do not okay um

Oh wart seeds or lapis pile uh wart seeds or lapis pile I’ll I can take the wart seeds Okay wart seeds coming your way and Lapis I can take the lapis as well lapis pile yep on their way Trad all right I’m going to put the data

The data chip up here then so we have the data uh do you have any data storage chips or Advanced circuits I have room for both Advanced circuit uh I have advanced frame not okay no worries hold on to those yeah you should be you should be good there all right um

Okay so I’m done with the backpack number one backpack number two let’s go let’s check all right I put the iron ingots away um do you need bones or uh do you have any bones I have I have bone uh space for them if you have any I do I have 14

Okay send those bones my way there we go perfect okay uh let’s see I have toast I have a b um I think that’s everything cuz everything else is a unique item so I will just hold on to these and we should be good to go all right cool yeah

Consolidation Hello Ghost welcome thank you for hanging out I I’m doing my best MCH and I are exploring the nether while I finished my lunch so good news good news there is more bone up here oh [ __ ] yeah let’s get it so much more bone yeah there a couple of blazes

No worries we’re going to we’re going to f them up we’re going to f those blazes with the blazes hey buddy I got oh treasure treasure and a pig boy byebye pig boy treasure oh I found a gold armor top so maybe they’ll leave me the F alone uh I got some Advanced

Frames oh you got the advanced frames yeah and there’s some there’s a treasure box over here I got some Advanced frames so I’m going to throw them at you I got the nether eye F yeah hold on to that I going to hold you got one and I got one

And I have a dragon sapling oh toss the sapling my way I have a spot in my backpack for it okay and then I’m going to take this flint and steel in case well if the portal goes out we can reignite it again wait that’s how you do

It really us need a flint and steel that’s uh that’s kind of amazing yeah let’s see all right put the dragon saplings in here um I’ve got uh all right let’s block here all right Advanced there’s the advanced piece over there I’ll take that all right put this away Here oh I got bad hiccups jeez oh hello all right I’m going to put uh this gold chest plate on just they’ll leave me the F alone while we’re in here so we should be better now oh where’d you go oh I’m down the stairs down the stairs okay any treasure there

No treasure but there goes to another way out okay okay that’s it this this dude needs stuffing die there’s another skeleton all right he’s dead skeleton skeleton’s going to get hit he talks [ __ ] he’s going to get hit there we go cool all right uh do we want to check down here

First or yeah let’s check holy crap this is huge look at how big this space is these Vines though I know they’re really cool oh my God this goes forever oh my God this is this is huge how much treasure you think we’re going to find a lot oh this goes down

Again I’m ignoring monsters for a second uh this is oh not a dead end here let me it’s Leeves yeah just bust our way through oh some pigs um let’s there is a lava below us okay uh um oh okay uh I got to bark okay okay goodbye sir go do you have

Anything else to help uh I should have trying to see um trying to see too bones bones what else can I grab oh God do I have anything oh no trying to see I don’t want to use well I can use I have one Soul Sand we can use the Soul

Sand oh what is this dude this little [ __ ] I don’t like him he he’s dead well he’s dead we can probably jump our way across oh wait actually why why are we doing this the hard way let’s break break through let’s break our way look if we just break enough blocks we could

Just what is this might yeah if we uh break enough blocks we can just break our way into that Tower why go the hard way when you can go the easy way and your way through don’t go it surprise mother upper surprise mother upper they didn’t expect us to go

Through they didn’t expect us to go through but here we are oh forgot about that it’s okay it’s all right it’s okay hurry run run run run I’m over this way there’s a hole why is there a hole a whole new hole let’s see uh were we this way

Already I think we were oh you know what do we have any torches we do have torches yes let’s see I think that that could be a nice way for us to be like oh yeah we we were here this is a o this is

A dead end all right dead end cool dead end I’m going to block it off so that way it’s not like going to make us fall and [ __ ] all I hear you where are you uh we can jump across this way oh he’s right there he’s right here come here come

Here I okay I’m on fire I’m all right I’m not all right are you spicy I’m okay I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m good mild spicy mild spicy it’s a mild spicy okay so it’s that way okay work it down what the f where’s that guy coming

From where is he he’s right he’s right here he just really wants to fight our butt oh there’s another one all right I killed that one I see you come here all right they’re dead God they’re so annoying God they’re so annoying oh there’s the other Hi zigma

How are you what’s up how you doing all right um you want to go this way uh this it yes uh all right uh this is a all right this is the dead end no more no more Towers uh oh here we go now we’re getting into additional Tower spaces

Wait do we go down oh no no no no no no no no no I can’t get out of this I’m I don’t even know where I’m going at this point I am just I am just doomed I can’t move I don’t know what’s going on now well I

Got to let it take me I got to let that’s it this is over it’s all over it’s all over I tried to apparently I tried to swim in lava well that happened but uh here’s here’s the beauty of this mod uh all all of my stuff is still on

Me so like I I didn’t lose anything except for well weird like travel space and time so uhuh yep No Grave all right okay MAA if you can hear me I’m running back I’m coming back for you I’m coming back for you Macha all right we are going to run our way back cuz with the portal that nobody clip that okay please that was not my finest moment of exploration and then the fact that my armor was so high that I couldn’t just like be done hi All right Mata is over here I see all right so this way actually wait a second oh [ __ ] this dude actually I don’t think I’m too far from where watch and I thought we were going to be originally hold on I this thing is all interconnected this entire thing is interconnected that is

So cool all right so yeah this whole Space is interconnected wow okay that’s actually really cool Mach I’ll be able to get to you faster than I thought I I was going to be able to maybe possibly oh I’m going the wrong I’m going the wrong way

That’s all right if I find treasure along the way it’ll be worth it let can sh okay there’s a lava here um I want to maybe go up up this Ridge maybe all right up up up it’s so like slimy sounding everything is so wet and slimy

Sounding I’m not going to lie not a big fan of the wet slimy sound Poison Poison Poison where oh treasure wa let me in let me in let me in let me in let me in okay it’s up top hey buddy thank you for your bits mushroom St oh

Not really useful there okay Um put these away for now all right uh we need I need to get up top so I can get the treasure so just jump up this way I guess all right treasure uh iron Katana a bow Unbreaking one oh it’s almost broken fire Purges ah Katana doesn’t look very good okay pop back down here I think I’m getting kind of closer to matcha try to see where matcha’s got so many monsters nearby okay we’re over here getting close I think oh nope I could probably go this way all right I need blocks to build my

Way through cool we got this rescue mission for matcha I’m going to use these bricks and run my way over and build my way through make my own Bridge make my own way let’s eat some food first though Well’s skeleton yeah I’m not used to what the skeletons all are are the different

Types of skeletons I guess I hear manchin I hear some manchin is M nearby I’m busting my way through okay a I’m in the treasure room I’m in the treasure room oh there’s a lot of Mon oh my God they’re coming at my butt oh God wait treasure room where are you wait

I’m I I want I think I’m I think I’m underneath you oh I oh wait wait I I see BL wait kick it’s all good it’s all good I got this i got this i got this i got this i got this we’re just raiding everything today

We’re going to take all this [ __ ] treasure all right all right all right all right all right I think I see you I see you oh my god ouch there’s some doors over here too all right all right I need to eat some food I need to eat some food like big

Time keep eating yep I’m going to keep eating I need to get some hearts back cuz I got like no Hearts right now you little [ __ ] mhm mhm gotcha look at us go I’m proud of us we’re doing a good job I different floor oh my God it’s

Okay I fell no I fell what happened is I fell but I fell somewhere different trying to loop around and then and then I was on the bottom floor before a different area oh ow stupid witha okay I now I’m in a treasure room ow stupid Withers anyway all right I broke the

Cobblestone okay okay there’s more treasure in here oh there is oh [ __ ] yeah there’s a lot of treasure in there yeah I uh I decided that I didn’t want to wait and I like literally found the wall that was close to you and I busted my way in and I

Built a built a [ __ ] bridge I got a bunch of withered bones over here withy Bones the withy bones withy bones oh wow this is a lot of treasure in here so I’m going to throw as much as I can I’ve got another nether eye in

Here okay key you want I can collect the nether eyes I got another I got aluminum Ingot oh I have another Advanced machine frame would you like that yes and I can give you what was it aluminum ingots um I found an aluminum Ingot I don’t have a

Lot of room for them though I uh pass me the aluminum I think I I can hold the aluminum um see jungle Moss I don’t need ball Moss I don’t need I’m just like putting stuff I don’t don’t need like Nether Bricks and roack and cracked NE

Netherite stuff like things that I’m not going to use are just going to get thrown in there um okay and then I’ll take I don’t really need those cools there’s so many oh oh crap well oh if you got quartz uh throw the quartz back at me if I have quartz yeah

Yes all right throw in the quarts at you yep uh throw the raw gold back at you yep template I take I can take that move the Advan circuit all right I have a space for that I have a space for that I have a space for these I have a wither skeleton

Skull I forgot what we do with them but I know they’re for something idea I know they’re for something good to have all right uh I am max out on Bones hold on I’m making bone meal CU I have a bone meal slot cool oh good idea good idea

Yeah I fig we as well I’m going to throw this raw stuff on the floor so I can pick it up in a second right I’m using the Scorch all right use squ what is wait what is that magma cream oh Magma Cream okay this is really cool in

Here this is really cool in here all right let me take a take a couple bites here take oh I’ll give you these mhm there saplings I have a template we’re going to have so many little baby dragon trees I’m going to love it oh my God

It’s going to be so pretty I have no idea what the dragon split saplings even do like I have no idea what any of these things do I don’t know but I am I am intrigued it has dragon’s blood oh I have a wall red Mushroom why you know a good question I don’t know why all right um the jellyfish mushroom saplings don’t survive on the surface so I’m tossing them um we might we can throw them in the lava that’s right outside yeah do you have um gold nuggets um no I do not have gold nuggets

I have gold uh but you should be able to put the gold nuggets together to make an Ingot right I forgot how much does it take though uh it’s one nugget in every space on the Square gotcha gotcha okay I can do that cuz if you make them into an Ingot I’ll take

Them oh yes uh actually I will do and I have I have the smithing tablet just so you know okay all right um let’s go into my backpack my other backpack all right I am almost maxed out on gold just so you know gotcha um what is oh knowledge scroll

Resets your talent tree knowledge refunds all Point what I know right I was like o oh I’m short on the I’m short on like how many nuggets do I need wait short on two it’s okay we have like three full stacks of gold we really don’t need a

Ton of it and if we need more we know where we can mine it um true we can just we can Trash most of it out that’s true we can always this later giving up on the sword giving up on this all right I’m throwing this over

Here is this what is this this just I’m throwing that [ __ ] over there in the corner I’m done I don’t want them anymore all right I have two things oh there’s a treasure up top did you see oh no it’s right above you oh Soul Lantern Oh Come to Me

Me come to me oh did it just bust oh I BR I broke it it oh no no it’s right here it’s right here it’s right here it’s right here uh I was like I was like bu oh no uh I’ve got a magma cream

Do you want it oh I can take the Magma Cream y Magma Cream Magma Cream another Magma Cream uh and and got seven quartz yep all right I’ll check up top holy mackerel I have the Flaming fion oo it is a large uh flaming sword

Oh um I’m going to pull this puppy out hold on hold on hold on that was badass I found the spell Tom the hell Beam all right I got a steel ingot an irar Ingot the [ __ ] is that in an aluminum Ingot I got some Diamond all right I’m going to throw [ __ ] at you all right yep and then there’s your quartz yep all right let me pop over here oh I I took them on

Accident I’m sorry oh yeah no you can keep a throw good I threw them all right so first things first all right go in here oh I’m I am maxed on gold now okay you can make it you can make it into gold blocks oh my gosh yes so you you

Can stack them into the bars into like oh my God square and then we can condense it even more oh yes oh I love condensing everything oh yes same with the iron blocks if I remember I think they do it can you I think so oh yes please thank you all right um

I have here here’s one iron bar if you want to hold on to the bar I will hold on to the blocks how’s we get them um all right and then I have an aluminum a steel uh oh I will take your iron thank

You yep you have zinc no I do not I’m trying to see if I can make okay these into yes blocks of iron so put those there this is a great way to cre all right okay so I got these in here uh diamonds those

And then I got the dragon split ones all right um do you have room for iron eots or no let me see cuz if not I will make room I will turn all of these bones into into bone meal or something I have one more space you have one more space y all

Right take the iron ingots for now cuz then if you get more we can turn them into the iron blocks and I’ll hold the iron block yes Kumo Kumo’s in here Kumo say hi Kumo hi Kumo hi Kumo hold on one second and I’m getting a t i mov oh [ __ ]

Wow wow thank you ah yes Je death the nice delicious Taste of death that’s all right it’s all good I’m going to drop stuff off and then I’m going to find uh find MCH back cuz I’m just going to drop stuff off here that we don’t like really need a ton of and then I will find my way

Back I know where I’m going now oh look we can put my wonderful fire back in its spot it’s almost as if I can use the lava in the right spot now yeah look at us go not going to f it up this time not going to f it up this

Time all right um I’m just going to throw like random [ __ ] in here I don’t know where half this is supposed to go anymore so I’m just like H you know what we’re just going to throw things in here wow we have so many wheat seeds all right you know what some

Of this is going into the fire we are sacrificing you to the fire’s hell a tough that can go that can go these can go the soil is going to stay these are going to stay this is going to go into the other room this is going to be trash this is

Going to be trash all right we are we are slowly getting there all right you Avenged him okay I’ll be on my way in just a second I’m just going to take this opportunity to uh uh break some stuff down and drop some things off

Here hold on to that uh we have a bomb for some reason I’m like ah I don’t know what we need that for but we’re going to hold on to it knowledge scroll will hold on to um the soul lamp we’ll put that in there all right I know this has got a

Whole bunch of like random stuff so we’re going to put some more random stuff in here all right grab all of these pretty pink things out and the obsidian and all those things these things all of these wonderful items that I have no idea exactly what we’re going to do with yet

But we’re going to get there we are going to get there St I like how my birds are just like yes C indeed C indeed this away put that in there put this away all right these are the little dragon trees we have we have 13 13 dragons

Blood I 13 Dragon Blood I don’t know when these are supposed to grow but we have 13 of those all right we’re going to get rid of this oak sapling that’s trash uh I’m going to keep one of the saddles in here well you know what I’m

Going to take them both just in case we need them oh [ __ ] it we’re GNA turn those into sticks anyways trash trash keep obsidian keep all right that’s enough from that backpack now in the main backpack I love that I have two backpacks all right we’re going to take

The blocks of iron out to make way for iron and gold as we travel since we have so many I’m going to take all the bones out because we have so many so it’ll go back for there I have some additional weapons that I don’t

Really need to hold on to because I have so many honestly I don’t know what I would be doing like if I uh had that many uh that many concerns with how many items and weapons and things that we had without backpacks I would be very

Lost not going to lie right that was trash trash keep put away put away keep trash keep trash trash trash keep trash okay almost done why is it still on fire is it always going to be on fire I don’t have to worry about it being on fire I have no idea go

Away do I need to have like water around it I feel like I need water around it but that’s not really going to do a whole lot all right I’m just going to hope that nothing like gets uh destroyed here I’m I’m going to actually just Litter with seeds for a second it’s

Fine it’s all fine everything’s fine I need to uh get some of these apples so I have food of some kind when I’m down there cuz right now I have no food on me all right cool a bunch of apples plant you at least I have something now all

Right Mach I’m on my way I’m on my way back I promise I’m on my way oh apples wait what is that up there that doesn’t look like a cloud that looks like more than a cloud I don’t know what that’s supposed to be there’s something up top guys did you see

That you see that I want to build up to the top or maybe get a bird I got to get a bird we got to get a bird I got to get a flying bird like a flying Mount well OBS decided to be a pce of crap for like two

Seconds let me check sure we’re good there make sure we’re still cool we’re still good thank you for being part of my treasure award welcome welcome all right chat are we enjoying ourselves are we having fun I’m just glad that we don’t have to you know revive consistently but like

Are we having fun I hope so I hope we’re having fun M I’m on my way I’m on my way my love I’m coming back for you I know where I’m going kind of it was s the one all right now straight down two corridors then it was up up the

Nasties up the nastiest and then it was down here and then it was through and through this way aha I see my latest death I am here I am I hear you I am arrived I am arrived to my latest death point and I am arrive where are you I am

Are you up on floor are you I’m a little higher up are you up are you up a floor oh I got to BU my way I hear a blaze but I don’t see him maybe all right oh he might be up here oh it’s okay I’m fighting this dude oh

You f The Blaze NOP not a blaze are you up are you up more than one level are you up at the top I found I found treasure I found a lot of treasure holy crap there oh my God okay you’re on that floor oh my

God holy sh holy [ __ ] and then there’s a bunch of cauldrons full of lava yeah can we take it can we take them we if we have a bucket we can take the lava or we can take the cauldron itself too actually cuz C wait a second wait wait a

Second here’s my question if I stick The Cauldron with the lava in the hidey hole is it it’ll be fine it’ll be fine it won’t cause fires on the outside yes all right cool we’re going to do that so we’ll just take the we’ll just take the

Cauldron cuz that takes a lot of iron anyway but yeah I was here got a I was here and I was like oh there’s more things oh [ __ ] I got a diamond spear do you want a do you want a pokey oh I got a third

Saddle you want do you want chalks uh I have a pair of gold ones somewhere I have I have Diamond chalks what yeah oh my God why is there’s so much did you see all the treasure on the other side yeah okay I got I got to get the

Treasure on the other side I didn’t do that one yet oh my God there’s more treasure up there’s more treasure up top uh I have the soul keeper unique effect Soul meld chance to hit to absorb nearby souls toughening and slowing the attack speed of the wielder on right click release the souls

Transferring the attack speed debuff to nearby foes and regenerating the wielder what the heck do you want the soul keeper here here here here here take the take this is let see the soul keeper there you go there’s that all right and then there’s that

Oh okay oh wait shoot wait let me oh wait let me back up for really quick there’s that uh you can also take this oh I I took it back oh here I let me get out of here hold on I’m going to throw this at you check oh that’s the

Wrong thing that’s mine sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry what is it again no I took it back I took it back right here all right that’s the soul keeper o I have more of these what the [ __ ] we have so many of those no all right awesome all right nothing there there’s

Just a bunch of coal a bunch of coal in those bu of coal in oh boy uh leather it’s a leather cap when on head Plus One Max Health uh chain mail boots win on feet plus one Armor Plus One toughness 20% durability and two plus two Health

That’s a lot actually new boots I got some new boots these are some really good stats you guys are having a blast really really you guys are having a good time very cozy I always worry that like when it comes to this kind of stuff that maybe it’s not nearly as fun for

People to watch because like I can’t I can’t chitchat like as fluently or as like all over the place like I typically do so sometimes I worry that like it’s not fun for people to watch but it’s fun but I’m I’m glad it’s fun there’s a bunch of trash that’s a

Bunch of trash treasure what the [ __ ] yeah all right that’s it wait is there anything on in the top of the tower any treasure up here there’s at least there’s at least four to five chests on top of the tower all right cool we’re going to check these out all right let’s bu’s

Trash take the string the string is not trash uh I got another runic tablet you good I got the the uh gold Warg Glave o interesting it’s kind of cool probably won’t use that hello pig boy wink wink wink Wink all right let them let them do their thing there I’m going to go to the other side real fast pass The Cauldron so I can get the the treasure here yeah yeah oh oh each tower has treasure too so I got to go up each

To oh my gosh pretty much should we do a cauldron for water too I think so that way we have infinite water we can keep refilling oh I didn’t go up this Tower oh all right question is gunpowder really usable we can make TNT oh [ __ ]

Yeah uh all right minus minus 5 speed I I don’t like the minus speed ones I know none of these are enchanted those just trash um let me grab another I’ll grab another coldron do these they stack yeah they do all right I’m I’m taking all the

Cold runs I don’t I don’t care we will do something with them I don’t know what we’re going to to do oh come on buddy come on bony boy let’s go goodbye all right um I I’m going to go up oh wait actually no I didn’t check my hearts and I

Died damn it guys that was my fault I didn’t look at my HP all right well you know what while I’m here let’s keep fixing my mistakes what has R learned today R has learned that fire starts if she take care of things in a cauldron Bam Bam we fixed the problem Maybe You know at least um we’re learning from our mistakes you know we’re learning from our mistakes in each in each generation of the things that we do in this game all right let’s get there let’s put uh the chain mail boots cuz these have all right so these have

Plus five speed two Max health two armor toughness and two armor these are one armor 20% durability and 20% Max Health um these are actually the diamond ones are actually better these may be good for matcha though those may be good for matcha to have oh wait these have fire protection

Too and fire and projectile protection projectile protection five or four I’m back hey oh did you die too yep that’s okay did you have a bunch of stuff to uh drop off yeah oh here uh the so my other boots are actually a little bit better

But these might be better than the ones that you have so please by all means have them I have them pretty boots see what are these Bo oh yes these actually will be a lot better these actually will be a lot better oh my God on yeah mines are like

They have like good stuff but the problem is is that like because I fall a lot it’s like it get damaged faster yeah that’s okay did you want to did you want to go loot the rest of that stuff yeah all right me let me Dr Stu you do that let’s

See oh I like how your diamond boots got thrown me see put that away on to the um I’m trying to think of like what I have on me this out cuz I want to all right we’re going to put some of this stuff away

Too uh where do you want to stick all those nether eyes cuz I I I think you had some too right yes I good question That’s actually a good question I’m not sure uh here actually uh the one up top let me organize it I’m going to grab out the flowers and the in the dirt that are like trash like stuff that I’m going to throw into the fire cauldron and then

I’m going to stick the another eyes in here um and then I’m going to throw one of the S here I got I got three Saddles so if you need another saddle I put one in there for you okay um all right so that’s trash trash Oh I’m just looking at so much

Random like individual little things that we don’t need and I’m like all right the stone the stone like stairs the these things these things a lot of these are just like trash right put the circuit boards the bone blocks gunpowder can go in there um keep right that’s a keep that’s a keep

That’s a trash keep is a trash that put this away keep keep keep keep keep keep keep trash keep trash all right so we have quite a few things that are like trash in a lot of these barrels so I’m just like grabbing stuff going over to our cauldron of fire

And throwing things into our cauldron this is actually really cool wait I love it I wasn’t close enough there we go I love this this is perfect this is just what we needed guys look at I I learned I learned my lesson we put it in a cauldron so we

Don’t have to worry about the thing doing the thing exactly all right um toss this out again all right I’m going to look at all of these all right we’re burning all these earthworms the slabs that I don’t need um I got a bunch of apples I will take

These apples that’s what I’m going to eat today that’s all keep that’s trash actually we’re going to keep one pile of dirt because we may need that what do we use cobwebs for what do cobwebs even do we can we can place it down and then break it with a sword and

Then get uh string if we need more string really okay I have 17 cobwebs so oh yeah we can do that all right I’ll hold on to those all right keep those there I’ll put the rest of the bone meal away bones are up there see we’re doing

A great job consolidating while also like getting rid of our trash yeah exactly right smooth Stone doesn’t go in here uh I’ll grab the rest of these torches take this away we are doing a great job I almost walked into the lava oh God all right um all right I’m going to

Grab the soul lanterns and put them into the house that’s trash the willow saplings won’t grow in this season survives on another ground so so that’s where the soul stuff comes in handy right mhm yes I should cook these what do we do with the wither skeleton skull those wait wait wait

Those those are like trophies right they could be trophies and what they can do is um we can we can put it in I guess the one of the mods is that we can make it like into a nether with a nether skull Shield or withered Shield okay so we put

So we need one head of those in a crafting recipe I remember that that that’s okay that’s pretty great I’m just still grabbing like trash items and prepping them so whenever you are uh all good and done okay um I’m just oh wait getting rid of getting rid

Of stuff we don’t need to hold on to Let’s Make Room for stuff we do want to hold on to uh did I oh there’s hello see where did I stick those C this is where we have the lanterns these are to are keep keep keep keep smoo St is keep Here all right slowly getting rid of stuff that we don’t need anymore slowly but surely yeah it’s nice though I like that we’re able to do that heck yeah all right I’m putting some more of the Cobblestone there cuz we like to do the

Thing where did I see the quartz or am I blind oh I’m very blind that’s where they are I was going to say they should be in one of those close by yeah just squinting and I’m just like is that where it is MHM I got 29 earth

Worms goodbye Earth that’s a lot of a lot of earthworm go bye-bye earthworm went bye-bye um right let’s see orash consolidate oh I kind of want to try these try what what you going to try what you try I have what do you have a little thing

Uhhuh it’s called the pillar of The Monkey King oh interesting okay I grabbed the rest of the toast by the way so we will soon be out of toast gotcha gotcha that means I’ll have to we’ll have to start on farming eventually we’re still in the

Winter that’s fine I don’t I don’t mind us going out farming uh yes I would actually love to go uh on a pillaging Adventure because pillaging is amazing and I really enjoy doing so I really like pillaging spaces I don’t know why I just do I think it’s

Because I want loot we want loot we want loot we want Loot and we want it now goodbye Coral we are we creatures of habit we found all these random things that we don’t actually need cuz they’re all trash they’re not useful I can’t sell them for money so it goes in the

Fire goodbye yes we demand treasure we demand treasure it’s our treasure we want it now now exactly yes I should put this away I should put this away they don’t belong in here oh God is it what 8 877 treasure now yeah 877 treasure now oh hey I have some more quartz I

Have like seven more nether quarts I’ll throw throw them your way I also have the Ivar and lead ingots um which I’m I’m throwing them in here cuz I know we have the bone blocks man we are going to have I don’t know where the nether quartz is supposed to

Go so I’m uh you can send them to me I’m going to make them blocks yeah cuz I know that you and I are going to be able to do a lot of organizing later I’m not I’m not like worried about that I don’t want us to have to stress

Out about that kind of stuff right now and look at that we have 14 quartz blocks I found hops oh yeah I found some hops mhm yeah I like that would you like to see what the quartz looks like uh yeah give me oh I got some more earthworms that I got to

Sett a score with oh I found steak I forgot that we had steak all right got steak now should cook some steak I got here here you want some steak oh yes please here and then I actually I’m going to grab some of the meat out of the thing before we head out

I’m going to grab I’ve got six minced meat I’m going to go toss that into the smoker real quick I’ve already got some stuff in the smoker I like how the smoker is right above the lava cauldron like it’s right above the lava pit so

You know in case we run out yeah just in case there we go I got you got that’s right BMC Wentworth that’s right 877 treasure now but I think that that’s who they have to call once much and I have finished pillaging them they’ve got to

Like they’ve got to like you know know that there is no hope for them we are that sounds really dark there is no hope for them no oh my God God that is so pretty the block of Quartz is so pretty yes oh my God it’s so pretty my God all right here

I’m tossing that back at you I want I want that I want I want to put more of those like wherever we need to put them all right yes cuz oh my God these are like my favorite blocks to work with trash don’t want these get out of here

I’m literally I’m just grabbing a handful of the things that we don’t actually need still so that way we can make room for things we do need oh also I did not know this did you know that you can share your boat with me did you know that we could both be in

A boat together I didn’t know that I didn’t know that wait AE I have no idea what yeah earthworm shoot now I know I didn’t even realize it yeah I have a vendetta against the earthworms now look they’re they keep showing up I don’t know what they’re going to

Actually before but right now all I know is that they are all going into the [ __ ] fire goodbye earthworm you are somebody else’s problem in the nether can we my like can I can I sit next to you in the Minecraft do you want to sit next to me on Minecraft do you

Want to sit next to me on my boat I mean if you wouldn’t mind but I don’t think we can go in a boat right now you want to yeah it’s a little too cold for that you got to warm it up you got to warm it

Up from the you got to warm it up yeah it’s like I got this earthworm you want some lunch oh oh hell I wish I could feed them to our crows okay I wish we could just feed them worms but apparently all they want is seed

Mix Papa do you want to share a boat in Minecraft I’ll share a boat in Minecraft with you you kidding me Absol freaking lutely I will oh my God this is so oh my God this is so crazy what is what what is so crazy what is so

Crazy um so my so my weapon that I found from the thing MH the pillar of Monkey King yeah yeah yeah it has skull Smite 2 which I don’t I I don’t remember what it does I don’t know what that is but it sounds really badass I have a giant

Reach so I can smack everybody from afar but I have skull slots all right all right oh nice I have a ground pound an extra high up and wind attack so you want to see this new oh wow that’s really cool do you want to see that new

Uh fire sword chat do you want to see the new fire sword I got no I’m holding I’m holding toast that’s not the fire sword uh that’s just toast are you ready to see the big fire sword you Ready fire sword a fire SW it’s pink fire it’s pink look at it in the light it’s seethrough it’s pink fire pink fire pink fire fire I love it that’s pretty wait wait wait Fe you didn’t know that you could share boats yeah you can share

Boats did you also know that you can uh you can put your dog in the boat and you can have your dog in the boat with you yeah I found that out on accident I didn’t know that I uh I had one of my uh

One of my doggos was tethered uh and I was walking them back and I forgot that there was water in a boat and so I just tossed them on on the boat with me and we went and it was great tactical clera all right all right

All right hold on wait a second before we go um let’s do all right I got to be sneaky here we go now we’ve cleaned up the space we’ve got barrels and chests don’t do this at home kids I don’t advise it uh the only how fast I can hit it’s

The it’s because we need we uh we have treasure in our in our area that is like locked so people can’t collect it anyways so I just break the what the [ __ ] are you doing Jesus are you you kidding me that’s us you want see you want to see my moves

Mom you want to see my moves you know what you’re like every 5-year-old watching Power Racers right now I am right now like every fivey old what you to watch you just hit me the [ __ ] that’s how far the reach is though okay you know what I’m going to show you

Want to see how far my reach is here I’ll show you how far my reach is come here come here you want to go fly go FL into Oblivion you want you want to fight we’re fighting you want a battle you want to battle you want to battle you want to go

You want to go you want to go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go you know what it’s not you know what the first one to die first one to Die oh yeah oh yeah my God you i a Abandon Ship Abandon Ship tornado Abandon Ship tornado let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go okay okay okay okay truce truce truce truce truce truce TR Tru wait Tru Tru truce truce

Truce truce truce while we’re eating truce wait truce truce truce okay here here here here here here here I give you my my Apple of a friendship oh oh thank you I I give you a baked potato baked potato of friend friendship thank you I accept your friendship potato okay now

We must consume wait I can’t consume I got to wait for my to go down so I can consume your we got to wait for the thingum the spin kick I know right funny oh my God that was so great you know what’s funny we’re sitting here exploring and we haven’t actually been

Using our book and I don’t really give a [ __ ] I’m just having fun you honestly that’s mood but damn I I was just like oh let me press the buttons and I’m like oh that’s what the button does oh no that was really fun we

Get to see what our what our buttons did all right wait can I have my can I have my friendship my friendship potato I can’t have my my friendship potato yet never seen a chinchilla and a cir have this much fun in Minecraft well you know

What you’re seeing us have this much fun now you know what it reminds me of it’s reminds me one of those like final Final Fantasy 14 like emotes where you just like smacking the bees yes it’s like look M look what I can do it just like goes [ __ ] crazy wait I have

To see in uh I have to see in like oh God there we go give me uh give me one second I need to go let my dog go outside okay oh yeah all right baby be free be free be free okay see oh my

God oh my God I feel like I had more blocks of coal but I might be C easy there it is huh oh man I want it to be spring already it’s too cold for this [ __ ] you little shits stop acting like there’s an Enderman here oh my God for C

Wait i a f E for for for C C come I’m back oh welcome back I’m back wait did I move did you move I might have ran into you on accident I still can’t eat my friendship foods thank you for the welcome back everyone also hi and welcome to anybody just joining us today

I just uh had to do a quick beer be for my doggos and then Kumo decided that he wanted to uh grab his uh or grab the uh what do you call it we have like this little oops we have this little dog uh like bird toy it’s

Really a cat toy it’s hilarious he loves it it’s his favorite thing there went my shovels it’s his favorite thing right and uh it’s it chirps like a bird like like you know just it chirs and it’s the funniest thing ever so I went to grab it because I he

Grabbed it and was running to try and get me to play like to play with him um even though I was like buddy I can’t play right now and it got stuck in his uh mouth not like like to where it hurt or anything um but the little squeak was

Making a screaming noise cuz the the bird chirp sound was glitching and playing over and over and over and over again I think his his he was caught something that was making it like buzz and so he was going nuts okay he was going absolutely nuts and it sounds like this demonic screaming

Bird and I went to grab it to like video it really fast and then as soon as I grabbed it from him and grabbed my phone to like take a video it it just like started chirping normally I’m like man I had a moment to capture live demon

Bird on tape and uh it just it didn’t take so un fortunately I’m unable to share live demon bird with you today as much as I wish but uh speaking of live demon are we are we heading back to the nether uh we can I just finished

Organizing did oh my gosh you did oh actually I realized I I don’t have a helmet or pants Oh you need pants uh I don’t have a helmet either um actually you know what we’ve spent we spent a ton of time in the nether did you want to

Continue like exploring the other side of of things to try and see if we can find some other stuff like the other side like maybe a little North perhaps you can go anywhere I uh I I know I know that um like I know I’m streaming and stuff but like

Ultimately I still want to do things that I know you’re going to like to oh yeah I know I’m thinking we can run oh wait no we haven’t really gone South per say we can go south we can go south yeah that would be fun maybe we can find

Maybe we can find like really tropical fish uh I have a bucket we can actually should we make a couple buckets and bring some fish home yeah I think we still have lots of ir we have so much iron put them all into blocks so we can break

Down uh let’s see there we go aluminum I have a handful of blocks of iron I’m just going to grab a small handful of blocks yeah oh I love it I love I love we do this back I know the built-in backpack is so freaking cool

All right um a bucket was I think that yes all right so break those down break that down break that down all right so I’ve got I’ve got six six buckets in total I got four in okay so we have a handful of buckets perfect got an extra

Saddle in case we run into anybody I have two additional saddles on me just in case gotcha I think I have enough food yeah I have enough food I was like uhoh should cook more stuff making some of these uh there is some more food uh being made uh there was beef being

Made oh the patties right yes all right I have seven buckets because I had just enough left over from the blocks to like make a whole bunch of blocks and then do do the thing um did we want to make any uh uh leads um we have three more slime balls

So we technically can oh wait where’s my string oh there it is I got a I got a [ __ ] ton of string I got I got a bunch of string here too two three three do you need string there we go I have now nine lead oh sweet

Cool awesome let me split this oh thank you right we’ll hold on to some leads I got some apples in case we need them I got 44 torches and we’re going to burn these earthworms burn the earthworms sacrifice the earthworms to the lava pit this is where you go oh if

You are Nazi into the lava pit I love this bird I love your bird so much your bird is oh your bird had another feather the bird had another feather I’m going to stick it on the inside uh it’s another one of the glowy ones I’m going

To stick it right here by the other feather I love it just got to let the bird shed more feathers and now we’re just going to light up the whole house with FEA yeah we’re going to light up the whole house with feathers are you

Kidding me love it I love this bird I love this bird I love its feathers I love my bird sleeps they’re now the they’re now the new OTP a but what happened to it’s cuz Rob’s in horny jail Rob’s in horny jail that’s fact you know what here come over

This way cuz you want to see the coolest part of this come over here check this out check this out check this out come here watch ready shame shame on you Shame Shame Shame absolute Shame Shame all right um oh here we go all right so we want to go oh no you

Guys H I think they’re being oh are they fighting no obsidian no obsidian obsidian obsidian obsidian obsidian no guard it to save obsidian they’re fighting that’s fine yeah they were fighting what the hell you guys we have to separate them that’s fair yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Garnet’s still coming at him wait come here oh God my poor baby how do I heal how do I heal him do we give him wheat or I don’t I don’t know let me let me look it up uh my poor baby my po baby God they were fighting why were you I

Don’t know you know what I think it’s because obsidian said that they still loved Rob and then like but but don’t you love me she’s like but I love you both but you Mythic Ms okay let me uh I think it’ser my see healing how to heal a straighter

Potions wait you can have a wait if we get if we get a mushroom stick a mushroom stick okay oh my gosh that’s in the nether because I accidentally had one and I threw it on the ground in the nether so if we have a mushroom if we have a mushroom

Stick uh mushroom hold wait uh wait mushroom stick his Hearts wait what his Hearts oh thank goodness I guess all they needed is sleep okay he’s sleeping my goodness you and your uh you and your bird friend just having having a tiff to guys oh man you and your bird friend

It’s all good obsidian you’re such a good boy obsidian is my good boy it’s okay yeah g is still learning you know Lear wait wait wait wait wait wait where’d you put your bird oh you put put him in the house hey hey hey no no okay that’s it

Bird I did nothing to you all I did was get your feather early I think I’m kind of understanding what’s happening now because I touched the feather I think our birds are territorial so if we go near the opposite person’s bird they start pecking at us saying oh my God yo

Here I had a a potato a friendship it’s fine all right so you said that you wanted to travel North yes it doesn’t look like it doesn’t look like there’s winter up north does winter only here is winter only here I have no idea I wonder well

Okay I’ll move you later I don’t know when we’ll move you at some point in time but if we find another if we find another uh choco ball we should bring it back uh to make babies cuz they make babies apparently I stepped in the fire again I

Keep doing that it’s okay it’s fine I should be used to this by now all right North oo look at our look at our bean stock growing they’re growing very nicely they are they’re looking pretty cute all right oh that’s going to be the pool that’s going to be the pool we’re

Going to fix the pool later all right so we’re going to go north on a northern adventure to the northern Adventure Adventures of North oh I can eat our friendship potato now finally yes the ritual is complete we no longer have to have a tiff no no no more no more uh

Battles no more battles finally no more battles wait do you think that the winter is everywhere like I’m actually really curious because I think it stopped it stop here nope nope the winter is expanding still going wait is it still going or not no the winter stopped this

Does the season only affects oh we’re in the S I guess it’s cuz it’s like hot here cuz it’s a savannah do you think it’s be well I’ve got my boat we can continue North in boat oh my god well we better we better eat some toast holy [ __ ] that scared me

That scar me so bad oh my I was not expecting that all right um okay so that happened so we made mistakes mistakes have been made it’s okay it’s okay all right it’s all good are we are you ready are you ready to go on our boat our Gondola

Adventure on the gun do I have myat here no no no you can ride you can ride with me here just just just click just right click like you’re going to ride it with me let’s see Yeah let’s go forth in our love boats oh yes there we go oh onwards we go onward fun see it see it you just get to sit back and relax while the shenanigans happen all right so we’re going to go north correct yes North did you really TR clipped our

Oopsie thanks for clipping our oopsie look at the bottom though look how clear this water is like holy crap all right here we go this way where are we going now all right we’re going north right let me check the map wow okay wait is that Coral sunken skeleton lukewarm water sunken skeletons

Lukewarm water wait what’s the difference I guess it’s warmer is it warmer here there’s a bee oh Mr Mr be be what are you doing it’s a it’s a bubblebee not a bumblebee all right um um quick Let’s uh here do you have a lead I have a lead

I’m I want to try to just rescue rescue the be it’s a rescue mission I can’t why can’t I right click uhoh oh you know what cuz you’re mounted maybe I’m sorry all right Mr B can we push the be can we push you to safety

Can we push you to saf B safety be safety be come on be come on this way on be come on be no no no no no not the water don’t get into the water bumblebees can’t swim he wants to be a bubble bee a bubblebee yes name wants to be a bubblebee

Please come now come now bee well I can eat my food I can’t use the lead though great come on be you know come on come on gently gently pushing the bee towards kicking it to land we’re not King it we just okay there we go now now

You should be safe good job B well done all right let’s see uh um still going north I don’t know do you want to stay in the water I think we can stay in the water until we like find something really Co end look at this

Coast what is this what is this ghost do you see any cool fish down there not yet but I see this weird there’s a house what the heck um it’s not claimed what wait somebody’s on the island what is this there’s treasure there’s treasure there’s treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure treasure there’s

Somebody here all right well they’re not going to be here for much longer hello h Hello Trader oh there oh they’re down here hi Carolyn and what’s your name Chris CH Christopher and Carolyn man you guys ooh look at all I got a whole bunch of these like really cool fish but

They’re all dead fish they’re like that we’re going to have to cook at some point oh my gosh these are all different tasks all right I got carrots I got carrots and some more apples all right I I don’t care so much about those I just want more of these there’s so much

Treasure oh my God TNT I got three TNT all right got I got three TNT yeah buddy let’s go wait what was this spear oh that’s a shitty spear fireworks fireworks I found fireworks hello hello these are a lot of different types of fish that I have not

Seen before bamboo I found grub all right grubs yeah I got a couple grubs I’m just I’m leaving them cuz it’s like those are trash fireworks all right uh firework rocket firework rocket duration three wait what’s the difference I think it’s designs for the fireworks all right well I I mean are

They worth holding on to like did they do anything special um or is it just like visual we can do it at night we can do it at night I think cuz that makes like fun fireworks stuff firework stuff commemorative firework stuff yeah wait what is this all right I got

Another here uh we I have like a ton of fish that are like part of this Quest I guess for the the fish the fish pack or whatever I found a diamond great Axe wo plus one luck okay ooh more luck what what does the luck give you I think

It gives you like better chances for higher loot uh yeah oh well I will hold this axe while I pick stuff up don’t mind me don’t mind if you do um oh I kind of like oh hi hello Carolyn right I don’t I don’t care so much about your stuff what is

That is that oil I think that’s oil what okay hold on wait wait I got a bucket hold on wait a second I wonder what we can do with it I have no idea but um I’m about to you you want to pop in our boat yeah let’s find out let’s go

Down down down wait actually I think I probably can I can I do it on a boat oh that’s not what I meant to do we can put it out no no no no no put it out drop it there oh there goes my boat no my

Boat oh there went my boat we can get it out got to beat it up got to beat up the boat I got to beat up my boat this boat troubles guys boat troubles bat loads of fun today bat loads of fun oh my God oh my

God Carolyn’s not about to like me anymore what happens oh I got it okay I got it in the bucket oh is the oil bucket it becomes an oil bucket okay okay huh wa that’s something I’m just trying to get up here see if I can get my see

If I can get my boat yeah there we go okay where you at where are you where you at I’m on the Rock but look at the challenge I got in the chat it’s called when when this Stew was sus wow are you are you with me

Yep would you like a sus stew I’m going to I’m going to try to see if I can get some oil bam nailed it just don’t drink it right that’s what you don’t do is you don’t drink it mhm no drinking o wait

Wait wait how did I do I get how do I get thiss stew oh I have some stew in my pocket if you want oh wait wait wait actual stew yeah like actual stew oh well it gives you it gives you some regenerative Powers that’s kind of cool that’s really

Cool I like I like how we’ve been able to just like find the weirdest stuff I don’t really know what the oil does but it’s nice to know that we have that availability here all right what is this this is just like a rocky Shore I think I think so

Looks like we’re we’re keeping on North guys wait stop around here stop around here I hear seals that’s what I’m hearing and I I’m think I’m seeing tropical fish yeah that looks like tropical fish around here it’s all underneath the water there’s a there’s a there’s an undead guy he’s spinning circles down

Here you see him he’s right there yeah look at him look he’s spinning circles oh oh not anymore now he’s coming for us oh shoot all right um so you said that there’s tropical fish around here yeah in this water I think just have to go look for the fish

Oo you don’t think we scare them away with a boat do we no I don’t think think so I see nothing in the water think we have to dive a little deeper maybe here here’s an ELO let’s go ahead and pop off here yeah what you

Cool punch my boat sheep punch my boat punch my boat punch my boat let’s see how far North are we now oh boy wow okay we we have Far North gotten some some pretty far north time oh there’s so many sheep here all right sheep so many sheep to murder what are you

What I’ve got the power of lightning I incinerated the shade did you see that so that was oh my God you just holy I smited that sheep crap I smited the Sheep oh that was amazing oh I cannot wait to hit more things with this oh

Here here here huh I give you stew oh yeah suy stew do I eat it is that a is that how I how I get the thing all right give me that syssy stew suy o syy stew sysy stew when the stew is sus that’s so funny I like how it’s look

All right it’s pink it’s blue it’s pink it’s blue it’s pink it’s blue it’s pink it’s blue it’s pink it’s blue it’s so purple [Laughter] purple pink blue pink blue pink blue purple yeah I got way too excited about the different colors in the sun oh it’s

So pretty though I love I become worthy yes do you see do you see these mon moners down here prepare yourself creeper God oh wait I’m oh my God that’s crazy wait I’m stuck all right come here you come here you come here yes oh that was so fun oh

Hey oh that’s fun lead or cool lead or is over here that was [Laughter] amazing I cannot believe it I can Smite sheep with my axe like this I can Smite anything with my axe like this hey matcha come here hey Ma what the [ __ ] is here watch out watch

Out watch out I’m going to Smite it watch out watch out oh yeah oh wait oh my God your armor will do you no good sir all right I got him you all good are you cool you good holy shoot I I went to right click and then it was just Like oh thank God we have night vision goggles Thunder bun yeah I know the uh the night vision goggles are kind of broken in the best way possible I also have a ton of fish so I don’t know if we want to build a fight oh watch out watch out oh so

Good yes I have the power of Thunder within my fingertips oh that SP is so fun this yes this is why we can’t have anything else oh M are you okay oh I’m good say well that happened well that happened um let’s see oh wait did we just go around

In a circle with the oil spill that’s another that’s a new one SP that’s a new one all right um let’s pop up top I just want to kind of see what’s up on this Ridge really quickly trying to see if there’s like Anything what is this biome hold on there’s some pretty Co spider die die die die die Die watch out for the creepers there’s a lot of them yep this thing is real fast yeah get shoot get hecked get hecked hell yeah oh we’re in the sunflower Plains o look at this look at how pretty these trees are over here oh that’s so cute sunflowers sunflowers wait do they

Have sunflower seeds hold on I think we could just take the flowers and just plant them I think see let me see um what do I have in my inventory um all right I’m going to put the TNT in here I’m going to put what’s hitting

Here I was eating something and I got the poisons oh you got the poisons uh-oh it’s okay there’s a spider no zombie coming zombie coming yep zombie coming and I’m in my inventory screen I’m sorry there’s a zombie coming in I’m in my inventory screen all right um

Um oh he’s going to eat me oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I got him all right problem solved oh there’s one in gold armor now I love making the fly all right come on down buddy yeah I love it FR I can push him up in the air

Moreck that is the best [ __ ] ever um do you want to check out this island up here with these trees yeah Al I’m going to check down here to see oh hey there’s a glowy fish okay hold on wa wait come here you I’m going

To I can’t get them why can’t I get them we need a bucket water no oh you dropped the bucket wait oh shoot I dropped a bucket I think I it’s either you dropped a bucket or I dropped a bucket yeah that might have been your bucket how do we get that

Fish I don’t know wait we have the fish oak logs oh there he is leaves yeah I’m just trying to figure out like what happened to the fish why can’t they put it in the got yes let me see we have to we have to stand outside we have to

Stand outside of the water oh okay so we have to like push him along let me see let me see oh nice GG well done oh I stole him I’m sorry oh it’s okay bucket of pondy a little Pond here I’m going to uh cause problems problems wait actually I don’t

I don’t want to cause a problem there I meant to like stick it there okay I didn’t mean to steal your pie that’s okay we can we can keep by collecting more pondies or anything that we see I wonder if you can how you like breed fish

Um what’s up here maybe in this mod maybe in this mod we can I know regularly we I think there’s a witch they got a hat on burn the witch there there’s another zombie let me get him I SED it oh I got a I got a uh what do you call it

What I got something for it what is that strawberries strawberries D strawberry seeds yes I got strawberry seeds Okay um hold on okay I don’t need this string I don’t need the bones I’ll take your string um strawberry seeds and strawberries all right we’re going to

Heck this up we are going to heck this up oops give me my backpack please actually I love that I got an emerald proponent hello NEX welcome how are you today all right I’m trying to see if we find more strawberries now cuz that was kind of awesome I’ve never seen

Strawberries I found a lime tree lime lime yeah oh heck yes get the limes get the limes and the coconut get the limes and the coconut uh uh I got oh my God raspberries okay I got raspberries and a random mushroom I got raspberry seeds oh these are for a

Task complete too okay um ooh wait wa wait hold on can I get seeds oh my gosh okay so I know that I have a random St I have a strawberry and I have strawberry seeds I’m turning the strawberries and The Raspberries into seeds so that way

They stay as seeds I’m ignoring I’m ignoring these mushrooms I got one mushroom all right um wait wait if there was a witch here if there was a witch here is there do they have like a a little house or something don’t they have houses there’s a sket but I don’t

Know if we’re near by well we just killed a witch wait I see a little house thing I think it was where where little house uh oh I see it I see it I see it I see it I see it I see it oh oh we’re going to

Have fun um so it’s time to time to f up this person come on get get oh it’s a frost creeper a he it up there’s more okay all right all right all right all right all right all right that’s fine going kill you kill you kill you kill you H you out

Of the way just keep an eye on HP all right uh I’m I’m eating food I’m eating food to uh we have a oh there’s a sweet there’s sweet blossom trees here all right uh we got this dude here all right get him get this guy I’m going to dance

Around a little bit so thank you welcome to my treasure Ward welcome welcome MAA I almost smited you I’m sorry oh what the how I zombie zombie zombie zombie wait I’m getting poisoned I don’t know what happened uh the zombie has poison they also have poison arrows oh oh what

The okay I need to heal real fast all right that’s fine it’s fine it’s fine ah [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] hold on I got to get my weapon get my weapon weapon not toast my weapon not toast my toast is not a weapon I mean

Toast can be a weapon but I don’t advise it being a weapon I don’t advise the weapon part okay I’m almost he up okay all right we’ve got toss those arrows I don’t need those that scared the poop out of me for a second me eat some more food real quick

Oh oh he went to the axe you went to the axe okay axe what what what what what what treasure treasure Bunch treasure there’s an ill with an axe got it got it got it got it little [ __ ] got them oh what did I grab they’re dropping emeralds dude oh my God

Yes I also found some sweet potatoes nice throw stuff I don’t need around here all right let’s go uh let’s go HEC up anybody over here and then there’s treasure we’re going to take all their treasure there’s a bunch of treasure here all right all right there’s dudes in

Towers uh they’re not about to stay in Towers anymore I have my bow ow yes I do bye thank you all right I hecked him up hecked up his Tower he got the next one did you heck up that Tower which Tower did you heck up there’s one oh there’s just two towers

Yeah yeah get on get him I need need start getting a new bow I found a name t do you need Arrows by the way oh killed him uh I have 11 arrows I got 13 that I just picked up okay I’m going to toss them in the ground yeah

All right there you go those got them all right oh more arrows oh thing yeah I had some I had some there and there’s uh more treasure on this side I wonder if there’s treasure sometimes they hide it on the inside too so I’m like sitting here wondering oh yeah that’s a smart

Idea well cuz sometimes that’s what they do is that they hide like treasure inside other spaces all right heck the potatoes I want the emeralds the lime and wrist is the strawberry you right you right that’s true I am the strawberry is the Limeberry and you’re the cute lime you

Know that limes are very delicious they’re actually one of my favorite things to have with water oh yeah yeah I love I love sparkling water and lime oh hold on I get in the text one second oh yeah you’re good there’s chickens here there a lot of chickens here oh my

God chimpin chimpin it’s time to get some chimpin should we make a fire really fast out of some of this wood and cook some we we have the fireplaces we can slap the fish on the on the fireplace what I can do this oh wait there’s a fire right

Here perfect uh let’s do I have a FL I’m going to make it’s so icy around here it’s so cool let’s see I want to make oh wait I have a how do I make oh I need Stone but that’s what I need just stone stone or Cobblestone uh

Cobblestone because if I do if I have um eight Cobblestone I can make uh a furnace and I can cook us up stuff I got you got you I’m just smacking all the potatoes on the fire now you’re good um yeah cuz I have a lot of fish I just don’t know

How long they take to cook and uh there’s Stone down here all right that put away I’ll put this bucket away I’ll put this in here really the mossy cobblestone and the Cobblestone can’t be the same Stone they’re both Cobblestone the semantics of stone types all right on my way

Back all right look at us roughing it on the road we’re doing so well though we really are doing well I’m not going to lie this is like massive survival technique right here okay massive survival technique all right we’re going to toss I have so many of these fish

Okay I’m going to roast this one oh by the way matcha here let me grab a couple of these fish to toss at you because these are part of a Quest um to where you need to collect x amount so here let me throw this one at

You cuz you just need to like have caught it or have it in your inventory okay there’s that one then there’s this there’s that oh okay cuz I’m going to I’m going to cuz I’m going to cook them all right there’s one of those one of those I got that one of

Those one of those one of those this one oh my God sorry I’m like literally throwing all all the fish at oh no that’s good I’m just like oh I just see on my sidebar I was just like look at all the things you or yeah cuz

It’s it’s probably giv you a thing okay um you need a strawberry you need a this seed seed and here’s the sweet potato awesome I’ll throw the sweet potato back yep cool all right that’s done um I think that’s yeah that’s it for that okay I think that’s it

Yeah birds get me every freaking time I’m telling you the birds are just here to make fun us me all right so oh this oh what I remember now you know what we can do with the hay bills we can turn it into bread and then cook it into toast

Yes do you want to do you want to make those and then we can some on the fire yeah look this is how we do it this is how we do this this is amazing thank you I’m glad that it’s B us I’m I’m really enjoying these weapons

I’m not going to lie Mona what’s been of your favorite weapon is it is it your uh your staff right now right now actually the I like but I haven’t used often is the soul the soul keeper okay cuz that one cuz that one has like this really

Cool charge attack that’s like really really fun I haven’t I haven’t used it yet but it it’s it’s working it’s working what about you though my favorite honestly has been my uh my amethyst hellbird The Arcanist ooh yes it’s been one of my favorite but they my favorite is the

Diamond great Axe that we just found because it’s got thundering three like come on how badass is that it’s good oh how badass is that all right I’m cooking I’m literally cooking every single one of these fish so that way we have um a bunch of food in would you like me to

Split it between us sure and then I’m making the bread okay so that way we can like make a whole bunch of toast if you want to share yes I have 43 toasts on me right now I like this because I I keep giggling I like

All this because like this is probably a survival game that like I’m just having so much fun playing and I and I know you mentioned it earlier too that this is like the first time in a while that you’ve had a survival game that you’re just really

Enjoying and oh yeah I’m glad that we’re able to share it together yeah wow as the music gets like soft and uplifted It’s like it’s what a SW was just waiting for me to talk sappy to you cuz you know at the end of the day sharing is caring and I care much for you ohang I BL I BL oh my God I thought you said something else what is nothing

Nothing oh all understandable it’s okay all right so this is oh these are from fish of Thieves so I think we’re getting I think we’re getting achievement points for this pop on me right where I went for that one I’m sorry oh no it’s fine it’s fine I’m a little damaged but don’t

Worry aren’t we all I mean currently don’t worry about [Laughter] it oh man this has been really fun though I I’m glad that we get to explore these and the boats really make everything easier um I I think it’s fun okay I’m not going to lie do you know what my favorite

Feature of this mod is entirely oh what is it the fact that I can uh when I die I don’t have to go back to my body and get my [ __ ] that is a mood though honestly that is a mood yeah that is my favorite oh do you know how terrifying

It would be if we would be like oh my God we have to go back to the nether Pi all that I’ve had to do that I’ve had to do that multiple times I’m not I’m not even joking I’ve had to do that multiple times um it’s funny because uh fe uh fee

Who’s who’s uh who’s watching fee had to help me rescue one of my gravestones in the nether in lava one of my gravestones was in lava we had to do a mass rescue mission to save all of my inventory and my armor and stuff I feel that pain yeah because the

Nightmare pony that murdered me that [ __ ] Pony is I know that pony hates me the pony hates me the pony hated me but that’s okay you know why because I got revenge you did actually I did I got revenge we murdered the pony risk hearing what she wants to hear hey what

Do you mean hearing what I want to hear hey what do you mean hearing what I want to here you had one super buried before like how how buried is super buried like how like are we talking massively buried like like no hope turn around

Now be all ye who hope here oh oh did you some of the fire too yep that’s okay all right I got I got 30 Bread on here do you think by the time we finish exploring we’ll have toast actually I have a ton of toast how much toast do you have

Actually uh I have 43 toast and I have 1 two I have three 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 I have 14 15 I have 16 cooked fish 43 toast like I can toss some mutton right all right hold on wait I’m

Going to toss the mutton on here so at least the mutton is cooking and then I’m just going to leave I’m going to leave this uh this smoker here that way if anybody comes across this area you know yeah just in case they have something to cook with Yeah I’ll leave I’ll leave the I’ll leave the dark oak PL in here too make it easier all right cool all right I got a bunch of food now that’s like ready to go um sweet all right cool do you want some of the fish

Uh yes please all right um let me grab I’ll grab the one in stack CU it’s a little easier for you there those two those three this one one uh these two sorry and then one of those and then I got the the leftover bread so I got

Those um I’m going to I’m going to can I cook these carrots no I’m going to I don’t think so I’m going to toss the carrots welcome to my hard thanks for hanging all right um so there’s a sweet blossom tree over here uh there’s two of them Blossom um have

You seen a sweet blossom tree before I have not okay so these are purple blossom trees um I at least I think there’s oh these are different these are mauve trees oh this is a new tree this is a different tree oh my gosh this is so pretty I

Thought it was a sweet blossom um what hold on wait wait what color is the wood let’s take a look purple it’s purple that’s it I’m taking it all I’m taking all this that’s it abandon everything else we’re taking all this [ __ ] watch for the be watch for the be

Where there’s like a beehive right there’s one right there I’m not touching it I’m not touching the Beehive one oh we are taking all of this oh [ __ ] yes that’s it are you ready for a purple house purple and pink oh dude pink purple mint let’s go oh what are you

Magnolia another one it’s a new one uh what col it’s a blue magnolia wa that’s a blue magnolia that’s cool we don’t have any of those hey look at this tree this is this is a uh this is Ash Willow it’s an ash color oh do you like this wood

Color let me see it’s like an ash it’s really it’s like a nice muted color that it might match with ooh it might match with some of the with some of the purple that we’re doing all right I will just bust this one down so we can take some

Of this oh my God take some leaves these are cute this is pretty uh take go ahead and cut down that whole tree because what we’ll do is we’ll take all the saplings true true true cuz we will take all of those saplings we want as many of those

Saplings as we can here I am going to give you a Mau saplings yes I will takee the saplings down mauve logs and mauve saplings I will take Olive and then I will grab Willow logs and Willow saplings cuz those Willows are really pretty imagine those Willows growing by the

Water oh my God wait oh oh my God have you seen this Willow in the back here so if you go over this Ridge there is a giant willow tree but the way it’s planted is a little a little funky oh yeah it’s a it’s a it’s a baby one

It’s a baby one that’s underneath a giant one it’s a oh it’s a willow shrub it’s a willow shrub oh my god um so I broke it down to make two saplings it’s perfect oh my God I love it um so do you want to break down some

More of the blue cuz if you grab all of the mo those red logs we can use them for stuff but I think that the blue leaves would be perfect to mix with some of our other stuff and if you get any of the shrubs the shrubs will turn into two

Saplings so like these Willow saplings will absolutely turn like those will turn into our willow bushes will turn into two saplings so now I got six of those see what are what are these oh these are really pretty purple plants oh my God these are really really really like pretty purple

Plants these are all pretty oh my God oh my goodness this is gorgeous oh zombies are out all right I’ll I’ll deal with them hey come here you got them you got him oh the fact that I can hit fast means I can do more damage faster hell

Yeah all right uh is this another this a willow tree Willow log okay let me get this Willow log 15 chps what the oh I have to do this that’s why I’mma get this whole tree get the whole tree thank you Gib give me all the things give me

All the things all your bits and Bobs please thank y’all there we go CU then we can redo a whole bunch of stuff oh my I’ve got a lot of Willow logs not it was look I like those all right put those there put that there too many wheat seeds look

Like oh I did uh I think there was another mauve tree I know that this one has uh bees so I don’t want to like f with the bees um but there’s another one on up on the ridge I can cross the ice and pop over

There um did you already grab the blue saplings I have the blue saing Lings I keep getting a shrub yes if you take the if you take the shrubs put them into the put one shrub in your crafting backpack it’ll turn into two of the saplings oh okay okay oh God these

Magnolia logs please I know there’s a ton of them oh I grabbed two of them two logs There okay now I oh here’s a blue here’s a blue magnolia uh sapling p over here there’s one the C Magnolia shrub I know we got so many really pretty ones yeah there’s a lot of tree modifications that are really beautiful oh wait is that zombie wearing

A sweater oh no the zombie looked like it was wearing a sweater for a second it’s armor but it looked like it was wearing a sweater oo all right they’re dead oh um oh hi Kumo what’s wrong buddy Kum you got go potty bud you got go potty got

You uh I got a soul star a what is a I have no [ __ ] clue here I got a magnolia shrub for you uh give me one second I think I think’s got to go potty oh yeah that’s fine so keep me safe I beg beb okay this up okay come on oh

[ __ ] oh you [ __ ] come here no come here I said [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh my God where all right I’m back oh welcome back am I safe am I still alive oh God I think you still are you need some help with that dude wait there’s a there’s a bunch of

Skeletons back here all right big boy back here is being a pain in the ass little [ __ ] what are you oh ah I needed you that’s what I need I found you what you need this why is there so much meat oh I found gold gold armor too

Oh you know what we needed the meadow Sage did you find Sage is it here I picked it up oh my god well it’s time to uh oh my gosh I wonder if it’s because it’s by the the witch Maybe because it’s supposed to be like part of

Their like part of the thing here part of where they were spawning around heavy boots no sorry I’m like throwing throwing crap so was it just from the um the leaves I I found it I found it growing as an actual plant so it has to be like planted somewhere around here all

Right I found another mauve one oh I’m so excited for this I am so excited for this purple wood I’m excited oh [ __ ] there’s an Enderman don’t look okay all right I’m trying to make my way to this other purple tree oh I got you got you hey there’s

Another one of those uh green like tree looking uh things encased oh yeah huh watch out there’s an Enderman right to the side oh but I’m getting this oh there’s a oh there’s a bee on it think the bees are inside don’t want to F with

Bees don’t negrow the Bees No the bees bees are friend be how apparently I’m not friend what what’s up what you find Sage star fruit star fruit star fruit s fuit oh my God this is literally Animal Crossing that’s what it is dear dear dear there’s a deer oh [ __ ] there’s also a oh there’s a creeper oh there’s a Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper o there is H there are holes there are holes I don’t know what that just did

But something happened where did the deer go deer oh no I the deer ran did the deer get smited I think the deer got smited I hope not I didn’t smoke the deer did I no I don’t see any drops of the deer where man there’s so many cool things where’s my little

Arrow oh there I am oh raw venison yeah it died oh yeah it’s over here somewhere yep there it is RA venison yeah it was my uh you know what it was my my thunder Smite it got everything in the area oh oops so I was

Going to bring it home I guess not today well we’re bringing well we’re bringing for me we’re bringing home dinner all right well I I was sad because I wanted to take a I wanted to bring a deer home with us but that’s okay that’s all right it’s okay we’ll

Find more deer I’m sure I found P Simmons oo nice so it is coming along yes oh it’s a oh this is like a little oh area o potatoes potatoes potatoes and apples more wheet what is this an oat crop oat crop I found oat

Seeds guys I can make oat milk I can make oat milk I can make oat milk I’m eating them oats I ate the oats here take the seeds cuz it’s for Quest oh yep grab him yay sweet all right oh seeds come here I

Need to all I need to like oh my God I need more room uh let’s see let me find my other other I know where’s my other backpack right hold wait wait other backpack all right do I have room in the other backpack yes oh my God I have so

Much room in the other backpack all right cool we’re going to put the oil in there we’re going to put the all we’re going to put the saddle in here we are winning today put the leads in here seeds can go in here the purple flowers can go in there um the

Sticks the Mau and the saplings The Willows and the saplings look at us go today yes I’m pretty happy with all this we got a lot of really cool stuff today like if you think if you think about it like think of all the cool stuff we’ve like accomplished

Today we are hella productive yes we are hella productive today we’ve gotten a lot of stuff like just in general oh I can I can use a bunch of stuff now T seeds wait a second where did where did those come from did you throw those at

Me um I found it on the ground over here oh my gosh we’re sharing Quest oh tell me if tell me if you see like an achievement if I ever pick something up for use something oh okay gotcha gotcha yeah well I’m I’m just actually I’m

Really just curious now if if it shares these I think if I think if we’re in the same team it shares I’m going to guess maybe maybe o leav Birch let’s see um there was a bee on that purple tree and I’m so sad cuz I want the other mauve

Tree um I’m trying to see if there’s more Mau trees oh my God that is a huge drop down oh my God holy crap that’s a big drop down well that’s scary all right where did you run to there you are all right I’m trying to see oh there’s a house over here we found we found a big little oo what is this wait is this like a library so is this an

Inn this a village we found an inn there’s treasure in here all right we got a bunch of Wheats and all right I’m going to leave the carrots there’s a there’s a treasure chest in here anything from this guy rabbits too just don’t touch the beds no any treasure up

Here it’s a lot of pumpkins in the way over here treasure oh m is muted pumpkin pie that creeping Crypt map conduit ruin Map There’s what Maps wait what is wait wait wait wa wait wait hold on what wait oh my God I ended up pressing

The wrong button map which map do you have uh call do it ruin map is this underwater it might be underwater I found a ruined town map I got a treasure I have two treasure maps all right you have a you have which one here I have this I have a creepy cryp

Map creepy Crypt map here let oh my God oh my God this is so cool so these are different pieces of the map there’s a creepy Crypt here somewhere wait is it underground is this an underground cryp I don’t know how to read these so

If you have the map in your hand uhhuh um you can it’ll show you like what it it’ll show you like what’s in that area if you see a DOT like a white dot that means we’re in that quadrant the thing is is that if you don’t see a white dot

That means we still have to travel really far to get there so okay I don’t I have no idea here I will I will should I hand these to you do you want to hold on to them yeah should you uh uh here I’ll just consolidate a bit uh I I’ve Consolidated

A lot of my stuff if you need some time feel free I need yeah I need this little organize you are all good you organize a way that was really cool we got we have three three oh man night Lord thank you so much I appreciate that welcome to my

Wonderful treasure board let me cook these there’re so much wheat in here I want to steal it I have a ton of wheat too should we just break all these down yeah and then let’s do you want to keep them as bails cuz they stack better I was just thinking about that or

Cuz he this guy has a smoker in here we can just start smoking all of our meat or not meat our bread we can I just don’t know how long it might take it’s going fast for me at least like it’s speeding up really quick no worries I’m going to hold on to

Some I’m going to hold on to some of these Bales because uh if we run across alpacas you’re right you’re right you’re right we do need those I rang your Bell Dude your entire wall is filled with uh this mine now I will take all your hay

Bales don’t mind me right everybody else can go do their thing I’m just enjoying this wait what’s in this room this is a what is this all right oh this is this dude all right you just stay in here dude just stay in there oh I think it’s because I I ran

Out into the thing all right this person this person will give you uh give you um gold or emeralds for wheat there’s also treasure chest out here oh oh yeah there’s treasure chest out here oh where’d it go where’d it go here here’s one here hold

On oh I see I see your chest it’s a [ __ ] ton of wheat again so much wheat so much so much carrots so much wheat so much wheat oh my God ouch oh my goodness wait unbundled hay bale wait what’s the difference between an unbundled and a bundled hay bale wait

What’s the difference I have no idea actually really it’s a different type it it just should make a hay bale oh my [ __ ] God I guess we have to make I guess you can make it into a hay bale by putting nine in a in a crafting table I

Did it just doesn’t have uh the B The Binding and so it doesn’t work oh it needs binding oh I guess because it’s an Unbound uh bail oh my God semantics I tell you semantics I know I know I know I know I know so dang stupid now we

Know right there it’s just floating in the fire now um what is this oh yellow wool so they’re using yellow wool for up here wait what is this is this a all right that is a well all right where where you at I’m still by the chest cool

See put this away this back here uh are we still wanting to go north yeah child we’ve been we’ve been traveling north this whole time look at Forever North wait yeah and what’s funny is that we’ve been traveling north a ton this is our house is this one here we’ve

Traveled all the way up here but we’ve gotten so much cool stuff oh wish I could plant I just wish I could plant oh God yeah like the mushrooms cannot use this right now okay that’s fine all right North North we go and I’m I’m looking for more of those

Beautiful mauve trees cuz I want to get all of the purple wood oh all right we got water here just leaking out of the space cool let’s see oh where’d you Go MAA matcha oh I’m right over here oh I didn’t hear you I got scared I heard noises I’m like oh matcha oh that wasn’t me here we go oh it’s just mushrooms out of nowhere like mushrooms becoming unmush to the ground huh yeah they just like they’re just

Like UNM musing from the ground which is kind of odd for me yeah like I just picked up a bunch of them that have UNM mused from the floor oh wow CL C what is this this is so pretty oh there’s clovers oh my God there’s clovers oh my God there’s

Clovers all right we’re getting all the clovers all right that’s it that’s it I need to mark this on the map that’s it clovers oh my God we’ve got clovers oh we got clovers clovers I want clovers oh my goodness clovers they’re so pretty snake there’s a snaky sneakies

Are here oh my God are you cool with putting clovers like all over the place oh I so am oh my God I’m so excited I’m putting a I’m putting a wayo for Clover Field so that if we ever need to come back we can always come

Back to the Clover Field I love the danger noodle I wish I could put the danger noodle wait can I put the danger noodle in a bucket good question I guess we’ll find out well I guess we’ll find the world will never know all right come here

Danger noodle where you at can I put can I just like stick you in a bucket where’ the noodle go Noodle again noodle I hear the hissy I hear your hissing noodle noodles oh nope it just hit them oh well I got to battle noodles now I got to battle the noodle I’m sorry noodle ah it’s mouth was did I just get I got a snake

Tongue it was for a quest oh my God I well you know I huh interesting all right well that happened so now we have the CL do you see how oh my god do you see how far we are oh God yep oh my God yeah we are very far away

From home we’re going to have to die we’re going to have to die to go home you know that right yep which is why I’m trying to explore oh did you make a way point for here yes yes I did it’s Global

I can put it in the um I can put it in the chat map I’m in love with all the huh hear something something hear something you mean you hear something a his oh there’s Snak around here there you go yeah oh yay I shared it I love

It we are so far from everything cows this is so cool oh this is such a pretty area mhm so Misty it’s really cool I’m trying to see like what else is around here from going wait there’s a there’s something like rainbowy and glowy on the map yeah that’s lit up over

Here oh I think we have enemies vampire it’s a vampire vampire it’s a vampire oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God that is so cool come on fall down really well are you not yet he’s still he’s still alive how he regen I don’t think

So oh now I’m up in the air sorry oh wait I can oh I can get on the leaves get on the leaves at least yeah he still has HP oh he doesn’t he doesn’t go past the one HP [ __ ] oh wow holy [ __ ] Macha it’s all I think it’s all weeping

Obsidian oh my God it is all crying OB obsidian it’s all crying obsidian I’m getting the you know what it means I’m getting the diamond pickax out get the big get the big pickaxe out y get the big pickaxe all right holy crap this might take a second that’s okay we’re

Going to pick up all these pieces oh hello oh no oh there we go wow gilded Black Stone that’s pretty all right if I hit this all right all right all right all right all right all right it all right all right all right is there a

Treasure chest in here yeah there is baby yes there is let’s see what we got here I have so much gilded Stone oh my God that pickaxe is op all right I got more moon sand so much CRI I’m putting these are I don’t need those oh my God this is

Amazing yeah there’s a bunch of obsidian and crying obsidian in here oh my God I have a diamond a diamond okay okay okay a quartz uh there’s so much obsidian in here oh my God this is the Gilded Blackstone looks so cool we can we can use the crying obsidian to make dark

Purple like stones so I don’t know if you want to break a bunch of this uh but this is amazing welcome to my treasure thank you these I’m just going to make room for a split second just so that I can craft um let me grab my my Golem

Backpack too so I can like look all back back okay let’s see um we have all right I have uh one two I have two full stacks of the Gilded Blackstone two full stacks of gilded yeah two full stacks of gilded Blackstone uh and I have 50 of the

Crying obsidian right now and I have 10 additional guilded Blackstone um I have more moon sand I don’t need this I don’t need that bowl um I’m going to put the moonsand in here Co there’s that uh I don’t need the blue loopin flowers we just throw that out somewhere

I’m keeping the clovers we want the clovers for the house yes I’ve got the I’ve got the treasure maps I got the buckets uh I’ve got a bunch of the hay bales uh oh I’ve got a bunch of gold nuggets uh do you have any gold bars on

You I just dropped some gold bars let me let me get those do you have a single gold nugget I have seven okay send me all your gold nuggets and any of the Nuggets that are floating at the bottom send all those gold nuggets to me cuz I’m I’m

Turning them into bars real quick put this to the side really quick oh they’re all dropped to the floor there uh found see no worries I’m in the I’m in the crafting screen okay I’m going to put away some things the core all right I just I’ve got them on

The on the wait can I leave them on the crafting screen I can here I’m just going to jump up here grab those real fast let me grab let me get I accidentally groundbed your diamond I’m sorry that’s that’s okay I’m still um trying to put

Stuff back in my thing I think I dropped the Nuggets behind you I don’t know if you picked it up uh no I don’t oh there they are got him nailed it uh here’s your diamond oh thank you let I don’t need this this yeah I’m throwing those

Out in here all right so this is where we’re building these this is so cool I know I can’t believe we found this I uh I took a I took a little clippy of uh of the time stamp so we can have people come back later if we want

To we can do a waste well I mean for the treasure I’m sorry all the other shit’s ours oh I’m one I’m one nug get away from making another bar I’m one nugget away from a bar all right um all right I don’t need a gold chest plate if I really need that

I can get that later I can get another one later hold on to that there uh I have a ton of bamboo which cuz I know that we were holding on to that all right I don’t care about the gold nuggets anymore [ __ ] those nuggets [ __ ] the

Nugs hold on to that hold on to that do we have any more crying Obsidian I just want to like I just want to get all of this obsidian it’s really pretty it just takes so long to break one block it obsidian is really hard to well mine a lot mostly because it takes forever yeah it’s all good um I have

Okay so I have 51 of the crying obsidian in Total I have none but I have a stack and 26 of the Gilded Blackstone did you want to do did we want any more of these I feel that your op uh your op item is going to be the best wait don’t we we can use TNT in

Here right do you have TNT on you do I have TNT on me I got seven on me here you go oh blow it up light this place on fire wait why I why can’t I pick it up hello oh it’s inventory inventory full here throw throw some stuff at me here

Do you need me to just set the TNT uh oh have the honors of blowing everything all right all right all right all right all right I’ll set I’ll set it I’ll set it I’ll set it oh it’s cuz I wonder wait what’s the fastest way to I have no idea

I’ve never done it all right we’ll put one here one here do we have you have a flint and a a thingy right let me Che other thing oh wait I have more TNT what am I doing hello huh is it just you just light one and Let It Go yep up hello

C all right I just don’t know as I step into the blue fire oh my God away with you okay what’s The what’s the best way to light it on fire I let me see hold on wait wait wait let me see if I can know how to use the TNT no darn it let me let me take a look do you want me to do you want me to Pineapple

This uh yes we don’t have steel so pineapple is there any other way to light the TNT pineapple pineapple aside from flint and steel we don’t have thisit I have I have a fire sword but with the fire sword will the fire sword light it I have no idea

Could make a switch or a button oh you just need a button I don’t have any wood on me that’s the thing hold on wait a second I’ll let you do I will sacrifice a willow log I will take one or oh a stone button I I’ve already got I’ve got I’ve got

Some stuff here for it it’s okay all right oh okay okay okay uh wait it’s just a a willow button all right I made a button do you just need one yeah just one one in total all right here you go I threw it on the floor

Okay now where did I put this what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we got friends we got friends we got friends okay we are we are saving this for a r day all right are we ready to kill them on the inside yep oh there’s a button just don’t just

Don’t blow us up in it that wasn’t the plan do we have to go out there to fight them oh yeah cuz they coming in here they come oh Lord they coming oh yeah come on come on you coming you coming you want some of this you want some of

This hot spicy Chima action you want hot spicy ch in your area really ha all right that’s it let’s go let’s go buddy let’s [ __ ] go let’s go okay keep going up keep going up woo yeah a any any luck on uh blowing up the on blowing up the

Obsidian uh let’s see there’s one well I blew up some soul stand so progress he fell into he fell into the soul Fire come on buddy where’s the other one at where did the other one go no luck anything no no that’s okay that’s all right more black stone

Though so I guess there’s that yeah I guess it just doesn’t work very well for the obsidian that’s okay hello welcome that’s okay we’re fine we found some really cool [ __ ] we have all right let me organize this again and put some stuff back here we have so many cool things yeah we

Really we really do have a lot of cool things we got lucky with that E I got more Phantom membrane what I will take your Phantom membrane yeah okay here take that and I got a phantom bones take my bones what we what are we to do with those Phantom bones that’s I

Don’t know right I’mma eat I’mma eat the pine go all right I can use my C got this got this got this anything else I think I think should be good I I’m sorry I just I saw something glowy and cool and I was like oh my God we

Have to go check it out oh wa we found we found some crying obsidian yeah we found a lot of it all right oh creeper put away SMY Smite SMY Smite wow that’s kind of cool look at how the creepers blue electrified creeper that’s actually really interesting I didn’t realize that you

Could Electrify creepers like that all right let’s see uh there is I’m trying to see what other biomes we have nearby it looks like we have a bunch more wait Winter is following us it feels like winter is following us all right um we’ve got a bunch of stuff This

Way North do you want me to get the boat out uh let’s oh wait there’s there’s a lot of ice though um oh there is a lot of ice I just I just saw the I just saw the ice oh why don’t we jump on the ice

And we can travel via ice yes ice travels ice ice travels all right cobweb what does that mean huh cobweb what discover a SP what uh a what we discovered a spider cave when we jumped in the water is that what that is oh it’s the oh oh it’s down

Here where it it’s this whole Cobblestone thing I hear them I hear them I hear them I’m out of here nope no nope nuh nope [ __ ] that noise not today not today Satan not today now we can slide on the ice how do how do you slide on the ice we just keep

Running on it oh we slide run run run r R look at those which ones uh in front of us those are really pretty they like big Christmas trees oh I wonder what kind of trees they are right we got another Clover punch more Clover punch oh it’s so pretty this is

Gorgeous what is all this it’s cute I see pink things there’s some pink things up here I don’t know what these pink Things Are what is this a Blackwood Blackwood log let’s see what they look like Blackwood what they look like black W oh oh oh ooh it’s like espresso wood the

Door is the door is pretty uhhuh the door is really pretty what is this oh that’s kind of cute okay okay for your Golf House pink bio mushroom mushro wait this is this is mushrooms it’s pink mushroom wait wait wait wait wait wait there’s mushrooms here mushrooms we’re in the Blackwood

Wow whoa biosom every wow wow at the forest this is so pretty holy crap this is beautiful wait what is this oh there might be treasure there’s there’s a iable thing here there’s some emeralds come here you Emerald Emerald silver okay never mind I thought maybe there would be

Treasure but there is not treasure oh these are mushrooms I just realized that my new cutless has the IR fire aspect on it that’s actually really cool I can make cooked meat with my sword with your meat sword meat sword oh treasure we found a treasure chest oh watch out watch out

Watch out what we got what we got what we got we got pillagers not any longer not for long let’s go that’s right look at look at them he’s on fire this is great oh this is wonderful yes sandfire oh that a that was a one shot I

Crit that dude oh you Max critted yeah I did that was pretty amazing not going to lie all right let’s put these away I I hate when I get like the most random [ __ ] that I don’t need there’s some gold bars in my thingy um there’s a bunch of arrows here I’m

Tossing them for you so you have Arrow okay I’ll take the arrows gold iron ingots those here’s some so I think we have like a dude somewhere there’s a bunch of arrows for you by the way oh got him yep he’s right here oh God all right okay okay okay all

Right oh he’s hurt he hurts he hurts oh it’s okay don’t worry he doesn’t hurt anymore it’s all it’s all over matcha it’s all over your thing’s op oh my God it really is i’ I’ve barely scratched this I’ve been using this forever hi Rook Rook Rook did you see Rook look

Look look at my look at my 3D here actually let me take off my my goggles my goggles yeah I mean my goggles are cute and [ __ ] but like look at my look at my mcraft pretty I know I love it so much isn’t it cute isn’t it

Adorable have you not seen it have you not seen it’s so cool yeah oh yeah that’s how we saw the night we had a night vision goggles yeah we have night vision goggles sorry I’m taking a big siep my uh ZIP my coffee oh you’re good you’re

Good yeah I love it I love it oh I here’s zombie I zombie all right I’m going to put Myles back on ha there we go those give me one second I got a I got a backpack uh swap some goodies I have I’m maxed out on emeralds

Oh are you yeah you can turn them into blocks oh uh I don’t have enough to make it worth it though I’ll have two spaces oh shoot yeah darn it uh wait hold on wait wait wa wait yeah I’ll have like one left over um so here I will take here I’m dropping

This Emerald for you okay do you have room for the iron for the raw iron for the raw iron yes okay here’s raw iron for you oh and here’s a bunch of those arrows for you oh yes I know you use them oh yeah I got a [ __ ] ton of arrows

They’re right there all that goodie all that goodie for you yeah we’ve literally just been so broke we’ve been just going north so this is our house like this is where our little house space is here in here and we traveled all the Way North

We we chose a North spot to just run all the way up this way and so we’ve been just finding stuff and uh we were in the nether for a while we got a whole bunch of stuff and just had a lot of fun oh did you just throw nuggets at

Me yes I had a bunch of C oh hi the fire hello star hello hello hello um hold on I got to I don’t need these nuggets though well because I don’t have enough uh to make a whole thing and and gold is really mainly for the nether that’s true

That’s true have a wonderful time in raid Rook thank you so much for coming in Good Luck luck good luck look at it’s a big red mushroom guys look at this big red mushroom we found the motherload we did find the mother load look at this

[ __ ] rut R rut R rut R what we got a dungeon [ __ ] yeah we got dungeon do you want to go to you you want to go in this fungeon you want to go in we got to get rid of them first oh God we got to get rid of them yeah we

Got to get rid of them it’s okay we got we got some good stuff we got some good weapons and [ __ ] to start with okay so like let’s be honest though we can go into the Spong in oh it’s the prisoners quarters I wonder if it’s the other

Side we can uh do you have your teleport Stone on uh oh it’ll just take us back to the same one though I want this will have we have we have to have it um we have to have it change the door otherwise we go into like a different

Prisoner quarter right I want I want to do the I want to do the different prisoner quarter cuz I want to get the new I want to get new items I just me like um did we want to could let me Mark Kum scared me Kumo justar me um we

Might want to make a bed we cuz we have our way wait wait we have our way Stone right um yeah we have our way Stone up but the but the way st’s going to do us to the other the other space right wait what wasone oh

Wait to get to our house yeah to get to our house so if we end up getting stuck we can go to spawn and then we can go from Spawn to our house how do we wait how do we go from Spawn wait what do you

Mean we go from Spawn uh it’s the uh I’ll send you on DMS for the command for it wait there’s a command to take us to the original spawn point yeah how okay I didn’t know that okay so I don’t have to be scared so should be well do we want

To put a way point here so we know where this is at yep that that’s my plan I’m going to put the way point down um oh that is so cool I did not know that was a thing create way point going to make this dark gray uh default

Uh Global confirm it’s a big ass tree okay so I labeled it so now it should so that if we walk away it should say there’s a okay we’re going to come back in just a second but look at all the horses holy crap how many horses we

Got look it look it a they’re so cute oh they’re so cute it’s in another Clover Field yeah duck chin and duck duck we got Ducks oh they’re Sandy grass wait what Sandy grass Sandy grass oh it’s a grassy oh wait that’s not we’re not we’re talking about sand

Not Sandy Gast not the Pokemon well I mean it could be it could be we’re playing we’re playing Pixelmon now all right well shall we go inside to our Doom I’m taking I am taking the banners I’m taking this Banner it is mine now all right have a good L yes please enjoy

Your L I appreciate it all right um so should we make a bed yes do you have wool I can make wool with my string oh thank God we have string okay I have wood if you need uh wood okay let’s see here I have I have

Wood I have wood this okay there’s wood I might have to toss a couple things out real quick fine we can toss them out real fast wood um you know what in fact uh let me make let me make a crafting table do you want me to make

A chest well cuz we can craft in here but I was going to just like go in and see if maybe we need like a chest oh that’s true we should probably put a chest out here so so let me go into my backpack I should probably leave one

Um should probably leave a crafting thing anyway just in case nobody has a backpack there we go all right so I have one chest all right uh you’re going to put that there and we’ll put this here watch out yep yep and then I have a bed already

Made all right and what we can do is we’ll just stick a bed there so that’s going to be like this is a all right we got spawn point here so if we die we just come back all right so I’m going to put in here um things like seeds the garlic

Anything that you know I’m not worried about this this thing extra gilded stuff hold on to that the hay bales like I got a [ __ ] ton of hay bales I know we’re going to have a bunch of uh bones that we’re going to come back with um uh oh absolutely have Phantom

Membrane you have do you want these Phantom membranes uh yes I need those all right I toss those to you oh they went right back to me there you go give it to me there we go all right um all right all of these I’m holding on

To here cuz we don’t want to have to go back for those all right and then this is all stuff that we’re holding on to okay so anything that’s not essential is already like put away all right cool y all right and you check your spawn point

Y I set my spawn point to here I’m so excited we’re going to go in here yes oh I need to put this bone away why do I have this Bone all right oh man I can’t wait to take all all of these wonderful lanterns with us all right let’s go oh my God back in again wa wait wait is this the this is not the same one is it I’m nope different it has a different um

Oh yeah it’s got a different everything okay okay okay um let me grab oh these are these are ripped up in here okay all right are we ready to kill [ __ ] and take the loot all right time to spawn everything in um here we go oh oh they are

Big oh there’s bigger guys in here all right Undead Arch Undead archers okay all right all right um as long as he stays focus on somebody else I can hit them from behind cuz the [ __ ] Shield I get to light them on fire at least yep if you like them on fire I can just go behind them that freaking

Shield as long as they still stay on fire I think we’re good stay down oo good all right he’s down he’s down he’s down all right so we’re going to loot as we go sound good another broad sword um let’s see chain string uh I’ll grab the chains and the

Emerald um if it’s if they’re nuggets we don’t necessarily need them I’m I’m going to keep this door shut for a second uh yeah ingots would be great okay so let me well what do you what do you think should we just take all the Nuggets

Anyways if we have enough to make if we have enough space would you like to be the Nugget would you like to be the Nugget holder I can do the Nuggets and then I can craft them into um all right I will I will grab the nuggets from in here too

Then I will grab the Nuggets I will throw the nuggets out here the nuggets are hanging out all right there’s water up here I check this all right I got ingots tossing out the nuggets and ground the chain that all right the nuggets are right out here

Okay oh did I get up okay I was like get get I get him I absolutely stealing more of the fires more of these beautiful green Fires for our house come me all right oh you got the from so from the from the entrance uh which let me grab my

Beautiful torches so we can at least put some torches down oh I grabbed nuggets on accident it’s fine it’s whatever we’ll just combine them into stuff in between all right yeah I was going to put like a torch a stick one here and one here so that way we know where we’ve

Been all right uh left or right which way you want to go uh let’s go left left okay all right we’ve got nothing in here there spawn y there’s spawn not too shabby all right that one’s done that one’s done that one’s floating all right now it’s done all right now done

Treasure so much treasure so much crowbar I don’t so much treasure all right I got a health potion oh let’s save as many of these health potions as possible just in case for our poor babies your bird all right let’s continue this way here um okay nothing nothing here let me grab all

Right this torch I’m just stealing torches from rooms as we’ve like finished them up cuz then if there’s no treasure we just kind of not worry about it yeah I love these night vision goggles because we’re in this dark ass cave I know it’s dark as [ __ ] like throwing all this out

And I’m just stealing all of the stuff here all right so we’re going to keep those closed yeah I want to see you come out oh here uh this is what I wanted to break down for um for for our problem horse for the problem horse yeah the iron the iron

Bars for uh our our beautiful Rob Zombie horse he stays in prison oh I mean it’s not really I mean we could use the prison Cobblestone too oh my God it’s like you’re not even going to get the nice prison it’s just the Cobble prison well it’s no no I’m

Going to I’ll make it smooth Stone don’t don’t get me wrong I’ll I’ll turn it into this is a nice smooth Stone don’t worry I’ll make it pretty is he worth the smooth Stone are you kidding me he is a beautiful Pony are you kidding me ABS freaking lutely is worth it he’s

Worth every moment beautiful beautiful Rob we’ll even give him the pretty Green Lantern see as far as I’m concerned it it’s it’s a joke about the prison you know cuz it’s not really what we’re going for not a prison but at the same time it’s it’s just too funny to like

Not do it like we’re pilfering the prison okay like let’s be honest we are sitting here stealing [ __ ] from the prison because it’s hilarious we’re probably going to piss something off all right uh you got you got uh you got everything okay over there you got

That covered yeah you good I’m good I’m good all right we got a bunch of the Cobblestone I don’t I want the the bricks and stuff so like that’s what we’re trying that’s what I’m trying to like get rid of I want the Cobblestone because then I can turn it into something all

Right all right we want the Cobblestone and not the bricks all right so we want Cobblestone I mean there can’t be too much like creepy stuff right just like waiting for Us Stone Cobblestone I think the stone turns into Cobblestone right or does it turn into a brick no oh what the rude what a rude [ __ ] [ __ ] wait is there oh God what’s up is there a hole up there oh no wonder oh there’s a hole

From the hole huh that’s okay we’ll uh we’ll put this way all right got that door closed cool uh do you want to go straight yeah let’s go straight uh oh door here oh what uh two treasure ooh let’s see cold bar iron iron Nugget um it’s a shitty iron or a shitty Diamond spear I think like that’s the thing is that you have to really look at these I did not realize how shitty some of the the items would be all right there’s some gold nuggets for you for the the Nugget

Collection the Nugget collection see there we go MAA not us spending six more hours today playing Minecraft listen it is it is a lifestyle okay it really is it truly is all right I got uh two more treasure in here this oh can’t going to say I could

Not could not open that for a second what the [ __ ] all right server is oh God everybody it’s okay that’s okay server lag y server lag all right there’s that there’s that yeah I was going to say yes same lagging so bad all right let’s see consolidate those put that together

I’m just like ah everything kind of went nuts uh I was not expecting you um yeah we we would want to if they’re going to test changes we’re going to have to make it out of this uh area yep let’s see I’m going put these away was that noise yeah I’m okay if we need to do an

Instance update that’s not the end of the world like we can always instense um let’s uh just grab this grab the treasure here really fast oh oh bunny is streaming to okay oh is bunny streaming to you okay yeah oh ouchies oh no no no no no no it’s okay I

Got him you go eat you eat your stuff I got another one here okay treasure all right health potion slimon reap here gosh some of the uh some of the weapons in here just [ __ ] suck whenever we’re both good we can um oh watch out Spa oh oh oh oh sorry I was

Organizing I’m put him on fire you stay on fire you stay on fire we go you tell him who’s boss Maj you tell him who’s boss I got some more nuggets for the Nugget Farm okay I think do we want to pop do we want to

Pop on the safe side we should probably pop out okay we’ll just leave the door open yeah then we’ll just go straight out luckily it’ll keep uh it’ll it’ll keep everything silver all right we’re going to have a quick reset on the on the server okay all right I’m just pop in

Here real quick okay yep so we’re good we’re good to go basically yep all right yep we’re outside the instance all right chat we’re going to have a small like server disconnect oh my gosh sorry Yni there we go actually oh holy crap it’s 7 it’s 7:15 I told you we’re not addicted oh no actually I I do need I do need to uh I do need to feed my dogs and stuff um so so it could be good be to I

Think this might be where we uh where we stop stream for today yeah so um m that we have this as a safe spot we have this like we have a a way point here all right so we’ll have to come back in here

And do some stuff but uh I think this is what we’re going to call it for tonight so all right let me disconnect matcha thank you so much for today yeah that was a lot of fun I’m so excited as I hear a growl

Yeah I will uh I will uh DM you after stream and stuff but awesome have a good night thank thanks for playing bye-bye bye awesome that was a lot of fun I had a lot of fun I hope you guys did too thank you for another six six hour

Stream on Minecraft I’m having a lot of fun but thank you so much for watching thank you for spending time with me um this is my last stream for the week so uh I will have my new schedule out um tomorrow so that way everyone can see

What we have going on on for next week um yeah we’ll be playing some more Minecraft of course along with some other stuff um but uh yeah if you haven’t um checked out my social media or my YouTube please be sure to do so so

That way if you miss me over the next couple of days you can watch my content and uh you know soothe that weary soul of yours if you miss me that badly but yeah have a wonderful night everyone much love and I will see you soon bye guys Dan Later

This video, titled ‘『 MINECRAFT 』Wana See My New 3D Skin? Modded Adventure!’, was uploaded by Kaimeriss on 2024-02-11 01:35:46. It has garnered 106 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 06:12:08 or 22328 seconds.

Welcome to my cozy den! Aw, did you get lost? It’s ok my treasure, I’ll keep you safe! I’m Kaimeriss, a chimera with a heart of gold~ Come rest within my hoard and I’ll show you around!

♡ Feed me snacks! ➤ https://botrix.live/p/kaimeriss/tip TTS Activated on $3+ for all tips!


♡ Please be kind and respectful to others always. ♡ No bullying, sexism, racism, homophobia, doxxing, harassment, etc. ♡ English & 18+ chatters only please! ♡ Please stay on topic & please do not bring up other streamers unless I bring them up first. ♡ NO SPOILERS for any games & NO back seating please. I will ask for help if needed. ♡ Don’t argue with people in chat, or with moderators. Just be respectful!




♡ Twitch ➤ https://twitch.tv/kaimeriss ♡ TikTok ➤ https://www.tiktok.com/@kaimeriss ♡ Twitter ➤ https://twitter.com/kaimeriss ♡ Reddit ➤ https://www.reddit.com/user/Kaimeriss ♡ Instagram ➤ https://www.instagram.com/kaimeriss ♡ Threads ➤ https://www.threads.net/@kaimeriss


♡ Ko-fi Membership ➤ http://ko-fi.com/kaimeriss/tiers ♡ Merch ➤ https://www.v-oshi.com/collections/kaimeriss ♡ Tip the streamer ➤ https://botrix.live/p/kaimeriss/tip


♡ Vtuber Design ➤ Me ♡ Music ➤ @heiakim & https://dova-s.jp/ ♡ Starting Soon Screen ➤ @RamuneLive & @bagelnuts_ ♡ Logo ➤ @feya_kun ♡ Overlays ➤ Me ♡ Room Background ➤ @Omorphia1 ♡ Schedule ➤ @moonmi1930 w/ edits by me.

『 𝗕𝗨𝗦𝗜𝗡𝗘𝗦𝗦 & 𝗣𝗥 𝗥𝗘𝗤𝗨𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗦 』 ➤ [email protected]

✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧

#vtuber #kaimeriss #virtualyoutuber #monstergirl

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 44 of Wood Challenge Madness

    Crafting Chaos: Day 44 of Wood Challenge Madness In the world of Minecraft, day 44 is here, Wood challenge 365, no need for fear. The seed is 5723307720831805568, Join the channel, become a creator’s mate. In the Irish lands, prophecies unfold, Enigmatic characters, stories untold. Greetings to TikTok, @kazzu_026, @tomas_deja_de_leerelmapa, let the rhymes mix. On Twitch and TikTok, the Irish gamer shines, Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that align. Join the Discord, join the fun, In the world of gaming, we’ve only just begun. Read More

  • Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled

    Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled In this video, a new adventure unfurls, Starting my FIRST Minecraft survival world. Inspired by Technoblade, a legend in the game, His legacy lives on, forever the same. Crafting tools, building shelters, all in rhyme, Exploring caves, dodging creepers, every time. Gathering resources, mining for gold, In this blocky world, stories untold. So join me on this journey, comment for more, As we explore Minecraft, to its very core. Techoblade’s spirit guides us, never to fade, In this world of blocks, where memories are made. Read More

  • Minecraft: Command Block Tutorial

    Minecraft: Command Block Tutorial How to Get Command Block in Minecraft In Minecraft, the command block is a powerful tool that allows players to execute commands in the game. While obtaining a command block may seem daunting, it is actually quite simple with the right steps. Here’s a guide on how to get a command block in Minecraft: Enabling Cheats To get a command block in Minecraft, you first need to have cheats or commands enabled in your world. If you are playing in Creative mode, cheats are likely already enabled. However, if you are in Survival mode, you will need to enable… Read More

  • Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps

    Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps In the classroom, Minecraft brings delight, With funny moments, shining bright. Fangkuaixuan, the MC animator, Crafting joy, a content creator. From ancient poems to silly jokes, Laughs and giggles, the classroom evokes. But beware of the teacher’s quiz, Mistakes in rhymes, what a fizz! Clear skies, rain falls, the scene is set, Students struggle, with lines to get. But laughter rings, in every verse, Minecraft fun, a playful curse. So let’s embrace the humor and fun, In Minecraft world, we all are one. Fangkuaixuan, keep the joy alive, In every rhyme, let happiness thrive. Read More

  • Bamboo Farm Shenanigans

    Bamboo Farm Shenanigans Minecraft Episode 39: Building Bamboo Farm Panda Survival Series Minecraft, a world of endless possibilities, where blocks, creatures, and community come together to create a unique gaming experience. In this episode, @swordartgamer1063 takes on the challenge of building a bamboo farm in the Panda Survival Series. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft! Building a Bamboo Farm One of the key elements in Minecraft is resource gathering. Bamboo is a versatile material that can be used for various purposes, from crafting tools to feeding pandas. By building a bamboo farm, players can ensure a steady supply of this… Read More

  • Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft

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  • Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream

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  • Minecraft* “2WEEKS” World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure

    Minecraft* "2WEEKS" World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure In Minecraft world, a tour so quick, With bridges, farms, and structures slick. From nether portals to pirate taverns, Each creation, a gamer’s haven. The narrator spins a tale so fine, Describing each detail, line by line. From crafting tables to storage chests, Every element put to the test. A potion-themed home, from bottom to top, With furnaces, maps, and tools to swap. A bed in a glass room, transparent and bright, A personal space, a gamer’s delight. So take this tour, in rhymes so clear, In Minecraft world, there’s nothing to fear. Explore, create, and let your story… Read More

  • Before Minecraft: Notch’s Secret Project

    Before Minecraft: Notch's Secret Project The Evolution of Notch: What Came Before Minecraft? Early Beginnings: A Journey into Game Development Notch, also known as Markus Persson, embarked on his programming journey at a tender age in the 1980s. His first foray into game development occurred at the age of 8 in 1987, crafting a text-based adventure game for the Commodore 128 system. This early start laid the foundation for his future endeavors in the gaming industry. Fast forward to the mid-1990s, Notch established BitSeven Productions, a gaming company where he experimented with various game concepts. Although these games were never released to the public,… Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21

    Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch Introduction The Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch has been making waves across all platforms, including PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, MCPE, and PC. This glitch allows players to duplicate items in the game, providing them with an advantage in their gameplay. How It Works The Duplication Glitch is a fascinating exploit that players can use to their advantage. By following a specific set of steps, players can duplicate items in their inventory, giving them an edge in crafting and building within the game. Step-by-Step Tutorial The Hook: Players are drawn in by the allure of duplicating… Read More

  • “MrBeast’s Hot Portal Survival Challenge” 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    "MrBeast's Hot Portal Survival Challenge" 🔥 #minecraft #meme When you choose “Help MrBeast portal” in Minecraft, you better hope he doesn’t show up and challenge you to give away all your diamonds for charity! #MrBeast #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft

    Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures with Kak Ros (Upin & Ipin) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with Kak Ros from the beloved Upin & Ipin series! Join the fun and explore the magical world of Minecraft with these exciting portals. Donation Opportunities Support the creators and their endeavors by donating through Saweria. Every contribution helps in bringing more amazing content to life! Community Engagement Connect with like-minded gamers and fans on Discord. Share tips, tricks, and experiences while immersing yourself in the Minecraft universe. Customize Your Experience Personalize your Minecraft gameplay with the UzeMing skin. Stand out in the virtual world… Read More

  • Only Cute Girls & Ugly Guys Hired

    Only Cute Girls & Ugly Guys Hired Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions around the world, offers a unique blend of creativity and adventure. Players are immersed in a blocky world where they can build, explore, and survive in a variety of different environments. Let’s delve into some of the key features that make Minecraft such a beloved game. Endless Possibilities with Building One of the standout features of Minecraft is its building mechanics. Players have the freedom to construct anything their imagination can conjure up, from simple houses to intricate castles. The game’s block-based… Read More

  • Master Kyo Reveals INSANE XDEFIANT Tactics! #xdefiant

    Master Kyo Reveals INSANE XDEFIANT Tactics! #xdefiantVideo Information This video, titled ‘[XDEFIANT] Ini gimana cara mainnya? #xdefiant’, was uploaded by Kyo Lectio Ch. on 2024-06-07 04:39:03. It has garnered 76 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:31 or 8191 seconds. #minecraft It’s time to do 2 weeks of minecraft then forget it for 6 months. ⭐ Support me ⭐ 『 Trakteer 』https://trakteer.id/kyolectio 『 Saweria Mediashare 』https://saweria.co/kyolectio Discord :3 https://discord.gg/Xg63CYkAca ————————————- ◊『 Rules 』◊ ENG • NO BACKSEATING, unless requested. • No spamming or harmful words please! • No hateful content, and no racism! • No sensitive topics please! • Please be mindful and respectful…. Read More

  • Sibling Drama: CATNAP Splits from DOGDAY in Minecraft!

    Sibling Drama: CATNAP Splits from DOGDAY in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘CATNAP SISTER Breaks Up with DOGDAY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Block Buddies Movies on 2024-04-10 17:00:09. It has garnered 14689 views and 124 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:00 or 12660 seconds. CATNAP SISTER Breaks Up with DOGDAY in Minecraft! Our channel is inspired by Cartoon Crab, Aphmau and Crazy Crafters! This is the best Minecraft video ever! I love Minecraft fun. #blockbuddies ⁠#minecraft Read More

  • We Escaped Water Barry’s Prison Run in Roblox😱

    We Escaped Water Barry's Prison Run in Roblox😱Video Information This video, titled ‘WE ESCAPED WATER BARRY’S PRISON RUN IN ROBLOX (OBBY) 😱’, was uploaded by Ayush More on 2024-05-11 07:56:33. It has garnered 388127 views and 6374 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:01 or 1021 seconds. ROBLOX WATER BARRY’S PRISON RUN 😱 Techno Gamerz Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Story Video Game House Challenge Proboiz 95 GamerFleet Anshu Bisht Yes Smarty Pie Roblox Game Video Ayush More Roblox Techno Gamerz Proboiz 95 Frosty Loggy Shivang Mini Brookhaven 🔲 My ROBLOX Profile: https://www.roblox.com/users/4342044275/profile ____________________________ 🎯 Subscribe to my other YT Channels: HORROR GAMEPLAY: @AyushMore2 ➤ https://www.youtube.com/@AyushMore2?sub_confirmation=1 REACTION Channel:… Read More

  • Uncover Hidden Civilization in Epic Minecraft Village Quest!

    Uncover Hidden Civilization in Epic Minecraft Village Quest!Video Information This video, titled ‘“Epic Minecraft Village Quest: Unearthing the Secrets of a Hidden Civilization!”’, was uploaded by Mr Gamerz Akshay on 2024-03-21 03:15:09. It has garnered 180 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:36 or 216 seconds. “Epic Minecraft Village Quest: Unearthing the Secrets of a Hidden Civilizatio Minecraft Village Exploration Adventure Gaming Community Build Survival Let’s Play Hidden Gems Secrets Mysteries Discoveries Enchanting Breathtaking Intricate Unique Captivating Stunning Visuals Fun Relaxing Minecraft Hardcore Challenge PojavLauncher Adventure Survival Gaming Series Hardcore Minecraft Gameplay Uncharted Minecraft Quest PojavLauncher Survival Guide Extreme Survival Minecraft Hardcore Journey… Read More

  • “INSANE! Bro turns creepers into zombies 💥” #gaming #viral

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  • The ULTIMATE 12 BEST Minecraft PE/Bedrock Addons!

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  • Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft Streamer

    Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft StreamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noo i fell… #twitch #minecraft #mcstreamer #streamer #twitchstreamer #youtubeshorts #clips #gaming’, was uploaded by Spooky Yuki on 2024-02-09 09:00:06. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. FOLLOW MY SOCIALS!: 🌸 TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/spookyyuki7472 TICKETS: https://www.tiktok.com/@spookyyuki7472 Read More

  • Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀

    Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀Video Information This video, titled ‘Dev bhai mauka nehi chhodte 💀| Epic ‎@GamerFleet  reaction #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by NoteMiner on 2024-06-17 06:00:21. It has garnered 16967 views and 751 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Dev bhai mauka nehi chhodte 💀| Epic @GamerFleet reaction #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts Hello Everyone 👋… Welcome🥳 to my channel ▶️. If you liked this video then make sure to hit the like 👍 button 😁… And to watch more such contents, do subscribe to my YouTube channel ❤♾️. 📢Credits:- @GamerFleet (Anshu Bisht)❤ I DON’T OWN THE MUSIC🎶 AND… Read More

  • Insane Singh 2.0 – Spider Invasion in Minecraft House! #shorts

    Insane Singh 2.0 - Spider Invasion in Minecraft House! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘When a Spider gets inside your Minecraft house #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Crazy singh 2.0 on 2024-02-14 11:19:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. When a Spider gets inside your Minecraft house When a Minecraft spider gets into your house. And he’s also named Dave. Read More

  • Medieval Realms

    Medieval RealmsLooking for staff and Playerbase! Hoping to grow a server of people looking to enjoy the new minecraft updates! If interested in a staff position, please be above age of 18, and add DemonDeathAngel on Discord! Read More

  • Terrashift SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.2 Community Whitelist UHCs Bluemap

    Server: terrashift.net Who are we? Terrashift is a whitelisted vanilla SMP 1.20.2 server focused on collaboration and building a community. If you enjoy a server similar to Hermitcraft with a strong community focus, feel free to apply using the form at the end of this post. Details: Whether you love building massive redstone contraptions or just want to relax in a cozy hut, we have something for everyone. Server rules are simple: no griefing, stealing, pvp without consent, rudeness, or unfair advantages. We have around 30 active members and value input from all members on server decisions. Currently running various… Read More

  • CrossFireMC – Comp Factions 1.8.9

    CrossFireMC - Comp Factions 1.8.9IP: [​CrossFireMC.com]discord.gg/crossfiremc RELEASE DATE: [​Thursday July 4 @ 3pm EST]1.8.9 Version▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬PAYOUTS:🥇 $200 to “charity” or 10,000 Gold🥈 $50 to “charity” or 5,000 Gold🥉 2500 Gold▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬[​CrossFireMC] – [​Murder Map 1]MAP LENGTH: [​3 Day Grace/4 Day TNT]FACTION SIZE/ROSTER SIZE: [​5/10]SHIELD LENGTH: [​20 hours]BUFFER SIZE: [​15c]CANNON SPEED: [​3s]ECO: [​RaidOutpost/DarkZone/Fishing/SugarCane]▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Anarchy – Minecraft Realm- Do /server anarchy- no rules, cheats are allowed on this realm. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – First tool to craft in Minecraft?

    “I always craft a shovel first because I like to dig myself into a hole right off the bat.” Read More

  • Insane RomanG6 PvP Montage

    Insane RomanG6 PvP MontageVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minewind and Sharpness’, was uploaded by RomanG6 on 2024-07-04 23:18:08. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:43:52 or 17032 seconds. BAHHH Read More

  • Crafting a Realistic Tub in Minecraft: Game On!

    Crafting a Realistic Tub in Minecraft: Game On! In Minecraft, a bathtub so fine, Craft it with care, make it shine. Use quartz for the tub, smooth and white, Add water and soap, a relaxing sight. Place some towels, fluffy and soft, A rubber ducky, floating aloft. Make it realistic, make it fun, In Minecraft, the crafting’s never done. So dive right in, with creativity, In the world of blocks, there’s endless possibility. Create, explore, and build with glee, In Minecraft, the adventure is key. Read More

  • Villagers Get Trolled: Moye Moye Edition! #minecraft 🔥😂

    Villagers Get Trolled: Moye Moye Edition! #minecraft 🔥😂 When you accidentally hit a villager in Minecraft and they all start chasing you with pitchforks, it’s definitely a “moye moye moment” for sure! #minecraftproblems #runforyourlife Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PE Safehouse Tour!

    Ultimate Minecraft PE Safehouse Tour! The Ultimate Safehouse Tour in Minecraft Pocket Edition Prepare to be amazed as we take a virtual tour of the ultimate safehouse in Minecraft Pocket Edition/Bedrock Edition! This survival base is equipped with everything you need to stay safe and sound in the world of Minecraft. From a working elevator to a secret underground base and even an escape vehicle, this safehouse has it all! Exploring the Features Let’s dive into the incredible features of this safehouse. The working elevator adds a touch of realism to your Minecraft experience, allowing you to move between different levels with ease. The… Read More

  • Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft

    Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft The Mystery of the Nether Fortress in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey through the vast world of Minecraft as our protagonist stumbles upon a mysterious Nether Fortress. Join in on the adventure as we uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic structure. Exploring the Unknown As our brave explorer delves deeper into the Nether, they come across the imposing Nether Fortress. Towering spires and dark corridors beckon, promising untold treasures and dangers. Armed with only their wits and a trusty pickaxe, our hero ventures forth. Unraveling the Secrets Within the fortress, our adventurer encounters a labyrinth of twisting… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Mods You MUST See

    INSANE Minecraft Mods You MUST SeeVideo Information This video, titled ‘[마인크래프트] 일단 알아두면 좋은 모드들’, was uploaded by 마소의 마크일기 on 2024-06-01 03:00:15. It has garnered 469657 views and 14320 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. ✅Mods used in the video [CMDcam] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cmdcam [CreativeCore] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/creativecore [JEI] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/jei [JER] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/just-enough-resources-jer [Rubidium] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/rubidium [Oculus] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/oculus [Jade] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/jade ✅Timestamp 0:00 Read More

  • SlyCraft: Downtown Saint Ender – The Movie

    SlyCraft: Downtown Saint Ender - The MovieVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT DOWNTOWN SAINT ENDER: THE MOVIE’, was uploaded by YaBoiAction on 2024-06-16 22:20:06. It has garnered 31059 views and 789 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:12 or 13452 seconds. MINECRAFT DOWNTOWN SAINT ENDER: THE MOVIE If you are new welcome to the channel and subscribe to be a part of the NxTLvLUnited! #NxTLvLUnited DISCORD: https://discord.gg/7r8AZCJPPN – CHECK OUT MY OTHER CHANNELS- @actionvlogz [Scary Reactions / Gaming] @YaBoiActionMusic [Music] @NotActionTbh [Vlogs / PG13] – Social Media Links – Twitter: @YaBoiAction Instagram: @YaBoiAction TikTok: @ActionOfficial Intro Music: https://youtu.be/SI72KM3VhJ8?si=VVCXxv-HLPIN139z Hope you all enjoy! subscribe for more… Read More

  • “Ultimate Mini Base Guide in Minecraft!” #minecraft

    "Ultimate Mini Base Guide in Minecraft!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Modern Mini Base Build Guide in Minecraft!! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingvideos’, was uploaded by Shured Gaming on 2024-01-16 02:07:49. It has garnered 2551 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Modern Mini Base Build Ideas, build a house. Give your woof a place with style! Build Idea Guide. Easy Design Build Guide in Minecraft!! A Build guide for Minecraft! #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecraftbuildideas #minecraftmemes #minecraftbuild #gaming #game #gamingvideos #minecraftuniverse #minecraftupdate #minecraftnews #minecraftfacts #shorts #gamingshorts #minecraftmyths #new #minecraftmyths #minecraft #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsvideo #shortsyoutube #hopefullyviral #gameplay #gamer #gamers #gamingcommunity #gaminglife… Read More

  • Shizo Madness: My Name Revealed in Minecraft

    Shizo Madness: My Name Revealed in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What is my name? Minecraft’, was uploaded by Praxis Thea on 2024-01-13 16:00:28. It has garnered 185 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Who is your MINECRAFT character? JIQILE DIY WORLD XBOX EDITION Allay Alex Baby Horse Baker Camel Knight Cat Chicken Cluckshroom Cow Creeper Crystal Knight Diamond Steve Diver Explorer Donkey with Chests Dyed Cat Dyed Sheep Dyed Horned Sheep Elder Guardian Enderman Final Shadow Man Ghast Golden Knight Golem Horse Horse Breeder Iron Iron Golem Iron Puppet Killer Rabbit Llama Moobloom Mooshroom Ocelot Piglin Piglin… Read More

  • Secrets of Minecraft Warped vs All Mob Battle – Xzino Craft

    Secrets of Minecraft Warped vs All Mob Battle - Xzino CraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What Most People Don’t Know About minecraft warped vs all mob fight’, was uploaded by Xzino Craft on 2024-04-25 19:00:05. It has garnered 911 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:58 or 298 seconds. What Most People Don’t Know About minecraft warped vs all mob fight minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft… Read More

  • Jamesy Trapped on ONE CHUNK with SCARY MOBS!

    Jamesy Trapped on ONE CHUNK with SCARY MOBS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Locked on ONE CHUNK But We’re SCARY MOBS!’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-06-08 13:45:03. It has garnered 3991 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:35 or 3275 seconds. Locked on ONE CHUNK But We’re SCARY MOBS! Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3qPTTV-3FUsiezeJrQUl4Q/join Follow Gracie! – https://www.youtube.com/@GracieWinsMC?sub_confirmation=1 Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • SHOCKING! Found spooky music disc in Minecraft! 🐝🎮 #gamergirl

    SHOCKING! Found spooky music disc in Minecraft! 🐝🎮 #gamergirlVideo Information This video, titled ‘We found a scary music disc! 🎶 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts #gamergirl #stream’, was uploaded by Bee Batch Gaming on 2024-04-13 18:00:01. It has garnered 468 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC OMG! Hargrave101 BACK in Minecraft!

    EPIC OMG! Hargrave101 BACK in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘My OFFICIAL Return To Minecraft’, was uploaded by Hargrave101 on 2024-07-06 03:10:55. It has garnered 46 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. #Minecraft #prisons #HCF #Factions #funny My Discord: hargrave101 Aires: https://discord.gg/aires-network ▬▬▬▬ IGNORE EXTRA TAGS ▬▬▬▬ minecraft,minecraft prison,prison,minecraft prison escape,prison escape,minecraft roleplay,minecraft prison server,prison break,minecraft op prison,minecraft prison break,minecraft mods,minecraft jail,minecraft prison ali aminecraft,minecraft pe,minecraft prison ep 1,minecraft mod,minecraft prisons,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft prison life,minecraft modded prison,dragones presos (minecraft prison escape),minecraft server, vexedmc,vexedmc minecraft,vexedmc reset,vexedmc ip,vexedmcprison,vexedmcprisons,vexedreset,minecraft,minecraftprison,vexedmc.com,play.vexedmc.com,hypixel,livestream,mc,,free,video games,livestream the pit,minecraft prisons,hypixel minecraft,the pit livestream,livestream hypixel,minecraft op prison,video… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Challenge in 2024

    INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Challenge in 2024Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new’, was uploaded by Minecraft 100 Days / I Survived 100 Days on 2024-01-11 15:00:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new #minecraft … Read More