EPIC ADVENTURE: Exploring Shadross’s Dungeon

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Yes Discord I know I’m currently muted thank you what’s going on how we doing how we functioning at least cuz that’s cool functioning is neat at least attempting to function is cool oh I just had a really really cool idea at least I think it’s a cool idea um

Um so I want to go back and I want to play some of my favorite older Pokemon games um and I have almost all the the badges as pins over here on my wall I think it’d be a cool idea to go back and play the Pokemon

Games but as I do it I’ll put up little things with each Region’s badges up on the wall behind me over here up on this wall right over here on the side of the bookshelf um just as I complete the games just like oh look yeah this is

Where we’re at progress wise kind of thing like no guarante we’ll play the games in order cuz I mean that’s not the one I have ready to go uh and I kind of want to keep it a secret for right now but I will say I’ve mentioned it before so anybody who pays

Attention will know that this is probably one of my favorite Pokemon games that I am going to go back and play uh here soon on the channel um so Eagle eared or cat eared or whatever the [ __ ] uh viewers would have heard and know exactly what game we’re going to go back

And play so get excited if you know what I’m talking about um I’m very excited to go back and play this one because it was no you know what no cuz I if I say that that’s going to reveal I might reveal what it was yeah no we’re not going to say it

We’re not going to say anymore than that but just know it’s one of it’s an older not older within the Last 10 years or so I think this one came out I think something like that within the last 10 years yeah that’s the only other hint you’re getting if James is here if James is here yet he knows what I’m talking about anyway we’re going to get into some hell today in Minecraft

Apparently Shad has updated the dungeon so I’m horrified to find out what is in there now hopefully you guys are more excited than I am but there probably going to be a lot of yelling well not like yelling in Anger necessarily but yeah this might be a loud stream if you know

What I Mean anybody on yet nope Morty knock it off they smacking I’m very tired too I got up crazy early for work today and I got to do the same thing tomorrow so we’re in a I’m in a transition period at work right now because my current boss is

Leaving uh the his assistant is getting promoted and I’m getting promoted to being his assistant and then we’re training and then we have a new person well not a new person but somebody else got promoted to be the second assistant under me and she’s got she does great she’s got some

Work that we need to she’s got some work to do though that’s all I’m going to say so oh there you go that was a very loud smack so yeah it’s going to be a really weird transition period where this morning I I so usually whenever I open

The store it takes me four hours so I get there at 5: and I’m done by 9: uh and then I can get into other stuff I don’t [ __ ] know um but I didn’t get to fin I didn’t finish opening the store until like 10 o’clock today so it was an extra hour

Because just stuff wasn’t done so I had to can’t find the go pedal I don’t know what you mean see yeah I I had a lot more [ __ ] to do and I had I started from scratch so usually whenever I get there there’s stuff like there’s veggies left over

From the last day or the the day before where I can kind of build off of those today there is nothing under the table so I had to just start completely from scratch and make everything so that was ass are you talking are you trying to talk about me

What are you referring to also hang on give me a second [ __ ] is all this fluff on my chair why did you leave the game what the [ __ ] why did you get in to get out and he’s back well I kind of want to wait for

Shad to explain things I I’m not sure if gonna go up though if he doesn’t we we’ll do it here in a minute what do you mean is endless water for potions I don’t though that literally fills one thing and then goes away yeah no it fills a bucket which is like

Useless compared to this I am aware which is why I have this which is just more efficient anyway just watch I can just look at that look how many of those I made at once that is not infinite water this is infinite water what the [ __ ] was

That some kind of shake there what the hell was that just kind of falling asleep at the end of the stream so it’s probably the cat Runner around that’s what it is oh oh I did make more stands on the stone cutter cuts my foot off what do you think it does to

Bones Shad that was a direct threat against you get your ass in here lame no I’m Master dual lame I played it all one time for one stream oh I just didn’t like it I go away now I disappeared I meant on stream you Dingus Morty lay down well that just hurtful that’s just hurtful I just want you to know That oh wait I also need the Thing Fast as [ __ ] Boy I’m fast as [ __ ] boy a the [ __ ] you got going on up here you just got two wolves up here guarding your cake they very good guard dogs they’re coming they’re not doing Anything I’m G to do whatever I want James oh that’s not what I wanted stick it in the web I don’t want To I know I shouldn’t be here shut up James I [ __ ] up no I do I it’s I stuck to the back of the Wall and now it won’t Break I can’t break it I said it won’t break shed help shed help I didn’t break it it broke itself it the thing won’t break I can’t get it back yeah you [ __ ] wait give it back where did you Ow wait can I bring my golden weapons in here oh true should I pull out my golden weapons or no are they are they allowed in here I don’t I don’t know how his weapons work maybe they work in here man wait hello oh you know what I just

Realized [ __ ] you did you let me get my you let me get my armor cleared oh no that’s [ __ ] amazing I know you don’t got to tell me that that’s don’t make me sad I accidentally lost it I didn’t mean to do that cool he gave me raw beef to munch on got me on that liver King diet which which what door do I go through I’m still eating it

No you this is all you gave me what do did you expect well I ate it all I ate all four Robie pieces you not even told me which way to go I don’t know where I’m going oh don’t shoot me that’s scary this one’s purple though I feel like I made a

Mistake oh [ __ ] no oh no [ __ ] this [ __ ] no man they didn’t me in there with nothing oh no okay oh [ __ ] you man [ __ ] You that looks like somewhere I’m supposed to go maybe ow what the [ __ ] well I only had skeleton key sir I I don’t oh no can I at least have a hint about what I supposed to exactly do in here I hear bugs let me up

Oh I asked that oh oh yeah this [ __ ] SP I remember this the Spiderman’s did you mean to leave these in here did you did you mean to leave those in there so I’m going to take this mut okay if you didn’t put them there not C it was

Mutton you shouldn’t have left it behind and those look look those look like Yours you know what no I I’ll just take the sword because that makes it at least easier I know the I know where the thing is hello hello hi why are you buried I stepped on his head hello are you his friend [ __ ] sh not friend Shaped and I was I told you they’d be yelling hello hello why are you all mean why are you mean why are you mean If I die to spiders I’m going to be pissed I don’t it jump it hit me with a jump attack that was [ __ ] I’m out I’m out I’m out I’m out I’m out peace [ __ ] get out of there with the quickness oh well the the spiders were

Trying to eat me so I I de to leave give I need more webs I’m coming for your stuff uhoh here’s here I don’t want to be slapped hi oh just a skeleton on the ceiling [ __ ] had to set an example he’s hanging out a I

Did you know what I think I want to I I think I want to jump in the fire now God damn it come here spoter [ __ ] bro you Just Came Out Swinging you woke up and chose violence this morning for some reason come here [ __ ] oh that put does not last long does

It no it doesn’t I take more Yeah go get one more round go fight the [ __ ] come on stinky by aw stinky he dead now come here stin come here stinky [ __ ] stinky [ __ ] ow damn you flew out that [ __ ] all right you I require more potion potion said I’m going into battle and I require Fest potions you can’t

Handle my strongest potion I sure [ __ ] can hand it over hands me hands me 150 proof bourbon dead the amount of brain Rock for us all to have come to that conclusion crazy I was crazy once lock me in they it they left me in a room a

Rubber room a room full of rats rats made me crazy crazy that was crazy once they locked me in a similar room but it was filled with Ian Is that all you heard all day long and all night see you said that and the only thing that came to my head was the I’m blue I’m blue I would beat off a guy I would beat off a guy I would beat off guys why not it’s

Fun the more the mar I heard someone join and there I can already hear Shad feverishly running through the there it is there he is you know who else is approaching rapidly I’m waiting me we one shot the trials boy it’s going to be really funny if I

Immediately miss the first jump once I’m out in the little lava barkour room oh are you running the entire fade absolutely wow sucks expect anything less of him no I am simply observing ah how why did you run in and punch me what the [ __ ] that

No hey Shad you want to do me a favor come here you little bastard you want to just put me at the start actually wait hang on I need to check something how the [ __ ] do I uh if you have a diamond and a raw chicken you can

Get in yourself unless you already have a skeleton key James well I wanted to run the trials because our you can get the armorless keep armor oh you just have to get be for bones how where do I get the leather for a saddle uh you don’t make the saddle you

Get the saddle from either trading with a Trader further down in this dungeon or by getting the saddle from the tyrant’s horse I mean I guess he is technically further down huh where do I get the blaze rods then do I have the the [ __ ] out of the lava room uh no those

Guys are like immune there’s a weird like ball thing on the other side of this room that summons them oh you have to stand near it of this room yeahh so does skeleton key make me get past trials with armor it gets you past trials without armor but you can get

Armor by just getting a bone or beef by from the spider cave either or yeah I know you said bone or beef and I heard boner though uh okay can be please see it’s funny how you don’t want me to beat off several guys but you want boner beef uh

I’ll teleport you here and just give you cooked beef how about that cuz I’m lazy uh I have to save the game mode to Adventure before I do that you ready James do you have your inventory cleared well I have a skeleton key come here [ __ ] come here [ __ ] uh

Just go use the skeleton key then and then I’ll give you be so you can trade with the dead right at the start well I want it to be put at the start so get second spider eye damn it oh you want to go cont my ow and my ow

Ow ow ow ow ow my ow my dick ow my dick my dick is so hard right now yeah woohoo TP video James to sh Ross how does not dead yet okay uh this way would you give me your eye damn God [ __ ] Dam it I have killed like 11 spiders only

Gotten one eye I did it I did it I did it I did it I killed it I killed it hello andite would you like to die for me that was just fun I killed the book of course immediately after the spider that gives me the second eye the next spider also

Drops an eye why wouldn’t it why doesn’t the basic blade count for the wooden sword that’s [ __ ] it you just have to manually put it in you don’t have enough blaze rods oh where do I go from here again I’m sad there’s buttons the

You want to go to the dungeon no time to go get blaz uh here’s quick beef trade with the man over here yeah you see him no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I need the blaze rods stop no this isn’t fair get out get out of my

[ __ ] K help question mark no he’s going to steal the blaze rods from me might help well I’m definitely taking them if I’m the only one killing him hello Mr Man y a you [ __ ] I did most of the damage to that one just make sure you eat food and

Don’t die I’m trying not to die I just toss a potion down on my feet where’d he go where’d he go your friend uh you’re probably still in adventure mode to me oh you [ __ ] I only need two more stuck in the web yeah cuz you just keep taking

Them here I’ll speed up the process Good I say these things should drop more you get have three you have to get one still H and I don’t know why it’s not dropping them cuz like technically your sword has looting where is the Eider oh [ __ ] B why are you having such trouble with

Spider eyes I got from the first make sure you’re eating cuz I don’t [ __ ] know what’s the question please understand who you’re talking to James wait who’s the question what was the question I said why was K having such trouble getting spider ey I

Got I got five oh we got let’s go let’s go let’s get the [ __ ] out of here they’re still throwing fire n you can’t do much else what the [ __ ] are you two doing they were fighting the Wildfire dude oh uh yes giv me

S did we go go fight more did we go fight more of them no you don’t need to no why are there so many arrows in here what the [ __ ] skeletons don’t ask questions I’d like you to know kir both of those dropped eyes I’m aware there’s the Wildfire over there

All lonely over there trying to burn me alive he wanted my at where where else do I go uh so you can either actually finish the orange dungeon or there is deeper into the uh purple area what do you mean finish the did look at that giant [Laughter]

Temple askk where did you come from you got scared by text showing up no I just didn’t I wasn’t expecting that to be the thing I’m I’m over here in the corner I’m changing Corners tactically this one’s darker easier to hide in you good there I think I might have

Accidentally hit you yeah you did oh here G the Phantoms oh they do Phantoms I’m just scouting in the corner don’t worry about me actually wants the Phantom Dr K actually wants the violence oh is it for armor trim is that why when is kiru not want violence perhap perhap perhap may

Mayap come on spawn spiders spawn spiders spawn SP why are you still trying Ian did my little uh treasure hunt yesterday oh nice uh you got really upset about me shooting every single polar bear we encountered I sure did anybody else want to go in there

With me or no sure I’ll come with you what is deeper into the purple door before I go in there actually I didn’t see any other I didn’t see any I didn’t see any other way to go it’s a little bit hard to see but there there is an indicator if you know

What to look for I don’t you have to look I thought you said I had to lick something or are there traps here not here specifically I don’t like that what are you doing F de Right what the [ __ ] is that a clock there it goes what does the clock do where did you go I just saw a glow through the wall I’m like is that or Ian and no it’s the throng lers Chad what are you doing in there don’t worry about it where are

You hello where did K go you you not see my name through the wall no oh it might be hard to see it cuz of the coloring hold up um are you crouching oh you’re right there hello well how are you why you invisible they’re on the other side of the wall

Why yes how they went through the dungeon what how what what what do where go that when you hit that thing it’s counting down it opens away but only temporarily do the spiders in here just attack lit literally anything that’s alive uh we’ll say yes but I’m actually killing anything that’s not a

Spider oh I was going to say why is there gunpowder in here now Ian what run you got to go the other way oh no it’s not that door but you have the right idea oh you have the right idea just keep going careful of zombies on the way by ow my bones

Made did you have left oh not much I need food I’m going to die I should have brought some food here I I’ll be merciful I also had potions but I have like I don’t know 16 dank I didn’t realize there was lava right there I almost [ __ ] died uh the

Lava doesn’t do as much damage as You’ think I’m going to burn go behind you there’s a path off that’s what she said no why I don’t know instant healing puts out the fire out speaking of instant healing Shad where is ow ow ow ow what either the Spiderman

Or there’s a traitor at the end end section of the Tomb he traes like for like what five rotten flesh I think hello Ian that wasn’t very pleasant my art hello you’re making art uh where I what hello you’re blue now that’s his attack it was very green on the inside of

You what I would hope so I don’t know where to go yellow you’re in the yellow room what it’s in the yellow room congratulations it me you’re in the Green Room yellow blue green doo there’s no green in here there’s green here Ian you’re in the Green Room how did we get here

The yellow one and then the blue one yeah what is yellow plus blue oh [ __ ] you yeah no okay we’re in the yellow room okay we we green again why green what what I do you don’t want green Green’s the wrong answer I want green oh you’re in green I don’t what it

Do not green it’s not white it’s not any of these color things I can stand on correct where the [ __ ] did you go it doesn’t matter where I went yeah they take all of those will take you to me I just see you two below me oh you’re up that’s funny you’re red

Now this is not where I’m supposed to be I hear zombies getting beaned now James is below you guys fighting zombies I see you I don’t welcome to the Purple Room purple holy [ __ ] stop that was scary don’t do that medicine movements oh back to the Purple

Room zombie stop lagging please damn it Bobby why are we back at the purple room again cuz I do ah what why’ you do that what car’s pushing you into the yellow okay damn I’ll go all right you’re just tired of a [ __ ] just like you in now which one just point you’re

Orange room now just point stop hitting me you’re so mean I don’t know where to go now cuz you stopped hitting [Laughter] me well I’ll tell you you’re in the orange room I don’t know what that Means I’m very confused what’s red plus yellow orange I didn’t didn’t tell me where to go do additional Color Math meanwhile me just sitting here [ __ ] I don’t know puzzle you can only pass through a color once that doesn’t help that really doesn’t help me cuz I’m

Dumb where did you go what room are you in you stop going to the purple room no I like going to the Purple Room [ __ ] you oranging what colors have you gone through to get here man I don’t remember you’ve been hitting me the entire time not the

Entire time you literally walked to get here what colors did we oh you know what if you’re going to yell at me he’s not yelling you’re fine green so now I’m just trying to get away from him don’t don’t just see these two down there wanding oh man I don’t have [ __ ] for

[ __ ] should have prepared better man if you wouldn’t have beat me it didn’t matter how you doing down there James down I’m up I’m above them how are you you can’t be above them their names are moving around below me H that’s impossible oh you’re looking at the

You’re looking at the mob names not the player names oh uh then I have no [ __ ] idea where they’re doing oh whoops I forgot I put my camera I forgot turn [ __ ] zombie tried to steal the rotten flesh I killed his brother for damn he said no

How the [ __ ] was that oh that wasn’t okay I see let’s go eat bones theaters give me your essence did he jump down not yet where did he go he’s in the yeah hello a hole yeah hey wait I didn’t this is a mess of his own making

No please that’s not fair I no longer Vibe with this fool that’s not fair oh that’s the bypass mhm why were you pointing me in that direction then you Dingus man he was just following you yeah I was standing on the railing and the Le turn and you’re kind of leading me

Towards this I was standing on the railing wait for you to be done with the Le turn ye wait do you know how we fight this man no uh what’ you say dams is the top of the dungeon open like is that Sky no you read the book right

Yeah did you parse the information in the book at all no you know who you’re talking to right someone else to deal with Ian’s [ __ ] finally it’s someone else’s turn I’ve dropped him off of the sitters uh you know what give me a few of your potions ow ow I’m burning yeah spicy

Well I saw someone teleport H you probably just saw a zealot move for someone who has no idea how to do this fight he’s doing it surprisingly well come here I’m just brute forcing I mean yeah that’s third of come here congratulations come here figured

Out how I did the dungeon come here you little bastard why want your bones that is lava I killed him he’s dead I like how the spider I like how the spider said I ain’t [ __ ] with him he killed my boss I only got two I only got two coins

For that and three arrows of slowness I have a body full of arrows though you have one in right in your neck I’ll get better nah I think that’s when you die From mother trucker you were scared of a basic skeleton I wasn’t prepared don’t laugh where’ he in go I didn’t get no saddle that’s disappointing oh I have the saddle do you want the saddle yes give sadow hey look Phantoms oh they want you to oh my God

They didn’t even [ __ ] with me they said who’s that guy who’s that guy we came for this one I don’t know when the last time I slept in game is I probably a long time if they’re trying to eat your soul what do I have the shulker shell

For you have a Shuler shell what do I do with this uh you can either keep it as loot when you leave the dungeon or you can get another one for Golden Apple where is this extended edition of this room that I oring blocks oring blocks oring

Blocks oh the magma ones over there not over there those yeah oh [ __ ] oh hell oh oh [ __ ] don’t just appear behind me like that welcome to the CM I don’t like the chasm I’m going back here what’s wrong with the chasm it’s really really dark and I don’t like the

Dark I kind of well I’ll meet you on the other side I kind of don’t want to be here Wait who teleported him to me nobody he on his own ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow what is hitting me oh nothing’s hitting me I’m just dying casually oh it’s a Witch I don’t even see recommend staying there I invisible I can’t even see what’s killing me I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m going to die run back to the start run back to the start I can’t I can’t I can’t [Laughter] a oh you did get the corrupted key

Good where is the start oh my God where is the start you’re at the start you’re at the start oh my God where I go oh my God let me don’t way out wait wait where you going I don’t want to be here anymore I don’t like this you

Don’t have to be in that room anymore you have the key your inventory why do you think I bring why do you think I bring torches everywhere it’s not that scary oh I hate it oh no I’m actually my Skin’s actually crawling I hate it here come over here no that

Made me miserable I want to go go through it no I want to leave I want to go it’s not even that dark come here I I want to go this way [ __ ] I can’t I can’t get up here fing you can’t find me you can’t find me I’m hiding at

Least he it’s some steak I give you guys his child leash but he broke that you can’t fight me I’m hiding we eat your food so you don’t die shut up oh [ __ ] hell finally made that all right now Ian I need you to do something very important what read that

That that lever in your inventory I don’t like it okay did you my feet yeah hey Shad did you ever finish setting this up or no no there’s no boss down there yet okay hold on to that lever you’re going to need that lever I’m going to teleport you where you need to

Be you got it okay there you go put it down there you go ah you teleported Me to Hell careful where you run oh my God I actually don’t like this no Oho no no no no oh that slime jum off bye it’s really loud in Here good J hell doesn’t agree with me feel like Ian right now is the epitome of a high pixel player trying to understand a sugar cane Farm I know how a sugarcane farm Works [ __ ] you no high pixel player though where the [ __ ] do I go oring oring yeah you’re going the wrong

Way all right ow what down Crouch it won’t hurt you what the [ __ ] that’s busted what in the [ __ ] what’s up what is this yeah this is is this hell Dad did did you make hell in Minecraft well they already had hell don’t hit

Me ow ow ow I just want to go to the end I just want to go to the end leave me alone please stop hurting me what is what this is all or making all of the zombies around me visible again no there are certain blind spots spots in the invisibility

Blocks I was going to say like I keep getting sworn by hundreds of them at a time and they just keep like earning visible that’s I hope that’s not what I think it is okay that’s a zombie I thought that was a wither skeleton oh my [ __ ]

Ankles ew This sounds gross to walk on yeah what is it s e it sounds like a really crunchy carpet uh don’t go to the cage yet don’t go there why not because then you you haven’t seen the traiter yet the the Villager there you go how does one get

Corrupted key again Chad why are the pandas in cages yeah no look only up Panda to be fair I can’t even get any of his stuff shade what’s up how does one get corrupted key again uh there’s a button in the CM oh right your [ __ ]

Button I don’t a why do you need to know how to get a corrupted key gee I wonder where I’m at right now I literally can’t get any I can’t get any of his stuff hello where jambles get blaze rods uh top of the chasm there’s an orb thing on the very

First layer that when you get close to spits out of Blaze or the what since you’re in the cage let’s get give you something to fight no no no I don’t want to [Laughter] no don’t want don’t want don’t want don’t want hey free saddle don’t want don’t want don’t want

Don’t want don’t want don’t want don’t want don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t want don’t don’t don’t want don’t where’ he go there he is well that’s the uh dungeon so far there’s a secret area but uh that’s not really important I haven’t made the second boss yet or started the third

Dungeon you die I am incredibly uncomfortable you don’t like the chasm no how many times did I to tell you I don’t like the dark in Minecraft what the I was just setting up the atmosphere the atmosphere is fine it just made me want to

[ __ ] Don’t Laugh at My Pain oh you do have the funny I do have the funny hey come through the orange portal Yen oh okay look at kir hi where did you go yes and how much my collection is even still here what did you say James I about to ask

How much health the damn Blaze had where uh 100 and I think he has resistance three how did you where did you where has 50 health I forget which I am below the Spiderman how did you get below him endermite Spawner in here yeah how how did you do that yes

No I’m going to TP you down here once just cuz it’s funny I could see how you got down I’m stuck in the floor okay never mind what the [ __ ] is his name Chad can you tell me his name uh he actually does have a name I

Just forget what it is shad what is it Chad I need you to translate I forgot what it is trans translate okay that one took significantly less hits why can’t I talk to him oh K was talking to him probably ah theck what the [ __ ] ow I am creas did you

Die how did you hit me with that I got thing did you get an iron nugget no but did you buy a totem of undying yeah yeah like that sounded like you were going to laugh no I’m going to I’m going to exchange all this for iron

Nuggets uh hey Ian you know those armor trims that other guy had yeah I have them all of them why uh kiru does not value his time it didn’t even take me that long my you told me about them by saying do you want to see proof that a man has wasted his

Time the sound of my little the thing is like I I said that because um there’s no reward for them yet the sound of my little feets running so Shad why does the spider Essence thing take away hunger it doesn’t it shouldn’t every time I Splash myself

With it I lose hunger when I regen if you’re using it odds are you’re missing Hearts which means you’re trying to already regen which naturally takes away saturation oh [ __ ] I gotta go through this [ __ ] again that was Ian in color room I would die I want death it’s really not that

Hardy and I brute forced it on like my third try I don’t care I’m dumb if we know that it still doesn’t make it any harder there you go you know what James I’m I’m gonna have I’m going have to do some swinging no remember what happened the last time

You tried to swing on me well I can always hit the cancel order button on that eBay thing I did oh no you’re an [ __ ] I am not as materialistic as you would imply I’m lost you give me funny sword I’m lost I didn’t mean to be in here I I

Didn’t mean to be in here shed get me out Shad help Shad help shed I went the wrong way why is there actually a a a spider Joy here what where how’d you get down here I didn’t mean to go down there I went the wrong

Way where the [ __ ] is the armor trim guy oh he’s like in the bottom of the chasm never mind I don’t want to play anymore well you got your loot you can leave oh how and you got a skeleton key don’t you no yes it only clears your stuff when you

Come in not when you leave I thought it was going to drop me way further I thought I was going to die why where did I get this much [ __ ] gunpowder huh probably from the spiders where why do the spiders from any room honestly why do the spiders dead why are the spiders

Carrying gunpowder did you just give him a load of gunpowder the second time I did well uh if you’re going to do that for me I’m going to walk out of here with a stack of smithing templates got the button on the floor Y what button on the floor

I can’t see through the they shouldn’t you shouldn’t be here yeah did did you see the torches on the floor Shad he ran out of gunpowder no he talk oh anybody else lag when I came back no I had a Moment oh somebody closed me in I can’t I can’t get out out you can I know get bean no one else can leave I’m fast as hell boy yeah watch me run across the water like Jesus oh it didn’t work imagine if it did Though the amount of experience your Spider-Man gives for trading is absolutely disgusting it is I like how you just say yeah yeah yeah I guess yeah no I have no clue how close the Tyran is to respawning KIRO I can check can’t you force him to spawn I can I’m

So glad he he I forgot he has on a timer that scared the [ __ ] out of me when I fell down the hole I like uh by the way your music is still in my ears there’s a sign telling you which setting to [ __ ] with huh yeah uh there you

Go what do I I got to what do I got to do uh set settings jukebox to just turn it down and turn it back on and we’ll reset it music and sounds yeah options music and sounds maguk box turn that to zero and then you can turn it back oh

[ __ ] the voice is fineing Stu never mind they’re back oh hey James jamble where’ the Tyrant go did you all kill him already yeah yes here let me Spawn them for you James the [ __ ] I think we both had the stone sword why the [ __ ] are you already murdering it

Of that’s [ __ ] up oh he’s back he said no not this not that easy this time [ __ ] it’s never gonna be James is going in on holy [ __ ] the stone sword is surprisingly effective Shad yeah no I know it is hey kiru mine you invaded on

Mine I didn’t know you were still down here it’s not like he followed me out I’m just out here throwing rotten flesh off my balcony what’d you get no more rotten flesh two coins and some coal I’m disappointed it sounded like Shad was going to laugh what I said then he just

Coughed sometimes I have to cough man no I know I was just a damn he back Fight for Your Life fight for his life I’m in danger you’re in danger I’m in danger ow ow ow ow ow it hurt it hurts pulling off the [ __ ]

Armor it’s stuck to your skin I know and it really it’s [ __ ] up doesn’t have curs of binding you really should put that on I got the killing blow if you were ever to just abandon this realm never come back to it and leave it like open or

Something just for fun you should just put put curs of binding on it no I don’t want to do that why that’s me it’s funny admit it’s funny at least what would be funny is to give you a pumpkin school that just gives you like infinite resistance and then also be like yeah

Also uh it has cursive binding yeah also you uh you can’t take it off I should have told you suuck with pumpkin Vision I I I probably should have told you that before you bet you put it on but yeah here we are you know pulls collar I have three Saddles now

Why I’m killing his Riders more than I’m killing him that’s kill him again yes Shad we burn through shad’s actually confused he does not last long with this stone sword and this is with me like having an inop Mouse set up at the moment get over here you beta cck wow

You he shot me just before he died who shot who in the [ __ ] yeah what did you get be by the confines of your own Room next Friday just amazed that we’re killing him this easily next Friday oh my God kiru next Friday we’re gonna build a chair on stream chair yeah we’re gonna build a chair on stream on Saturday or next yeah next Friday jamble that’s not going to

Work he’s back oh my God I looked up and it just I saw the text fading away I’m like oh [ __ ] well these two are enjoying killing him so I’m manually respawning him I mean as long as they’re having fun I sound like sound like K is not having fun

Anymore J got the drops again suddenly he’s not having fun anymore ow I need to ditch some of this [ __ ] uh golden chest by myself he’s mine mine what if I did this bastard nothing I like how that text just randomly pops up even if you’re in the

Overworld uh it’s set up on a long timer oh no I know it’s just really funny the dungeon is the Overworld everyone I know the funny part you know what I meant what uh open up chat and hover over uh it no what did you do is that the coordinates got your back

Here yeah it’s the coordinates to the dungeon like underneath it or uh to where uh it’s to kiro’s basement oh he not dead oh did he not die [ __ ] I thought thought he died killing him that fast stop respawning him I thought he was dead you guys were tearing through him

Earlier not that fast yeah that fast y’ y’all over here just [ __ ] now he’s dead okay y’all over here just he SP on me y’all over here just slapping the [ __ ] out of him yeah yeah I I went out I went I all tabed just to change my audio

Source on Discord just so you guys can hear the sounds oh that’s what you were doing yeah I can do this now too yeah baby that’s what I’ve been waiting for that’s what it’s all about I like that sounds like he just runs off and starts spinning in the

Room I think you’re just getting all the drops now kir I’m not really getting anything I have I have I have how many coins do you have James eight I also have eight I have a vivid image of uh Hey Shad can you burn those items oh uh hang

On I have a vivid image of char I mean if I respawn the boss it kill it I think if you’re just going to leave Saddles out I’ll gladly take them yeah I I have no need for saddles or that golden chest plate and apparently need Saddles Saddles are

Pretty good theoretically what would happen if I gave somebody something from here not in the dungeon you don’t no I don’t are Saddles important in the dungeon yeah also uh what were you saying Ian gave I theoretically if I gave them something from here into the

Dungeon would it work what do you mean like if I just slash give James oh yeah that would work okay James you want to cheat oh I also have a [ __ ] pair of The Wraith boots why do you have a pair wrong with you oh [ __ ] he’s out of Shuler shells you want

One um oh right Chad if I give you five Saddles will you give me five sh shell uh sure you know what that’s a fair trait uh for no particular reason throw the items one two three four five he just nukes them shoots them with a laser that’s somehow in Minecraft thank

Wait I also need this ah [ __ ] Shad little help uh I don’t know where you’re at TP video I’m in the lava why are you in the lava why were you in that room a axe I see you you fancy man fancy man fancy man no Spiderman

How do I break no his trades are good he deserved fancy you see other man does not deserve fancy jamble really doesn’t understand what a good trade is I mean the Spider-Man does have good trades spiders string for Ste like that is a better trade than a saddle for a Shuler

Shell man I really want the purple one [ __ ] you can just die that Jer box I can yeah yeah now the question is does even know how to get purple Dy shut your [ __ ] mouth I don’t appreciate this ass no no no after today’s Endeavors I

Feel like it’s a valid question no it’s really not you can be quiet too who just said it tonight me James by the way you have so many Clips to make tonight no I’m good no man where’d you go KIRO why why because funny hey check that out I made purple D

In like 30 seconds Shad Shad I don’t like that what happened he’s spawning really [ __ ] big Phantoms on me oh yeah he was testing me the Phantoms that one shot Ian he was testing he was testing that button last night it was really funny actually hey look I made a purple Sher

Box are they gone no no they’re not this is just my Minecraft this is just my Minecraft fidget spinner don’t mind me do you have a bow I’m sure you up one of the Z bows or something this is just my fidget toy in Minecraft leave me alone I’m having

Fun I don’t have make a rudimentary TNT cannon and launch TNT at him I mean you could but you shouldn’t I’d rather you not actually they’re not even coming low enough to where I can hit them you should be to hit it at that spot I I

Literally can’t Chad I’m clicking on it like a madman it’s not reacting I could technically put the shulker Box piece in the chest hit you James no it’s just focused on me well even if it were focused on you I should be able to hit it and like not

Even like I’m inside of it there it is I was in the thing’s chest for a good like two minutes stabbing it with a sword and it just wouldn’t die Utah raptor no I’m not talking about the Utah raptor go away shorts I wasn’t clicking on that [ __ ] are you

Huh nothing holy [ __ ] how [ __ ] big of a slime did you make oh yeah that one too what did you do [Laughter] what the [ __ ] hold up we get rid of it I I like how I know what’s going on cuz I saw it yesterday that didn’t work got it wait

Don’t I I love this actually legitimately dying from that I love this it’s just a sea of slime balls out there going for him no are you eating the slimes tasty no wait that slime was so big it was lagging me yeah gee I wonder why I’m G to sleep through this night

Guys don’t want don’t mind me I’m just over here vibing all good what the [ __ ] Shad us I can’t even pick the rest of them up he big Shad why’d you do that to them that’s not funny I it’s funny but it’s not why’ you do that wait why can I not

Make a slime cube out of these because [ __ ] you that’s why you need nine yeah because [ __ ] you that’s why anyway I guess there will be a couple stacks of slime balls in this chest I mean it’s only a possibility Block it’s only a possibility man I don’t

Know still weird that you got that grass block I don’t know I don’t know who got that grass block oh God there’s more in here I think there might still be some in the spider cave too n this no there’s not cuz I’m in here any in the spider

Cave we can’t acquire at least uh kir where chest for slime ball over here by Spider-Man such a weird question out of context there’s a whole bunch of just random jum bop bop James’s over here just bopping him in the dome home taking this coal I’m taking my grenades and I’m going

Home why is there a ravager here Shad I he spawned that for me when I didn’t want to be there no I killed that one oh you oh I see it’s a little scuffed remember when I said hey free saddle oh I’m depressed FR now I’m going to go over

Here oh there’s slime along the [ __ ] the actual like tomb damn it Shad Shad he’s out another I scraps that’s a that’s a really that’s a really gross sentence James I don’t have a crafting table I can’t make slime cubes you’re welcome here let me give you one no I

Mean even if you do he can’t do anything with it here oh right damn I cannot clean slime get bean nerd you just go trade with them obviously wait minut I’m inside you now James forceful eviction I was I was spectating you is what I meant but

Okay your soul was now divorced from my body he wasn’t even on you he was just like floating beside you I was in him for a minute hopefully you didn’t have any important items on you when you did that why I’m pretty sure it still removes your items even in spectator

Mode because uh they’re in the well the issue is the trials is what has the anti thing things uh now that said if uh Ian goes close get out here little guy uh if Ian gets close to the teleporter or the portal it might TP him somewhere

Um how did you get out here Chad how do I oh wait I know how to say to get back I just got to fly up right uh just fly over by the uh orange portal no wait but I mean I can fly up and out

Of this thing right uh just don’t fly next to the Bedrock on your way out just fly over by the portal it should take you to the entrance yeah but I don’t have a skeleton key on me no no it like it should because you’re non Adventure it

Does a check if you’re in uh non Adventure oh I’m here now yeah let’s see if I lost all my [ __ ] you shouldn’t have okay now I got it uh since they’re like actual Nether Portals that’s there to prevent a player from popping in through the fake nether portal

What uh you could on the other side of the nether pop through these portals the fake portals so there’s a command block that checks if you’re in adventure mode and if you’re not at each to the entrance of the dungeon ah oh neat fail safe in that case yeah

I I I realized just in case so I probably would to dump my items oh uh I have nothing to do until Ian man’s up and decides to fight the warden what you guys are going to fight a warden no I’ve been trying to get him to explore an ancient city since like

Almost immediately after the start of the realm I think like what four days in I found an ancient city and I was like hey Ian one day I’m going to have you explore this so I’m going to prep it I’ve had preps ready for like a month prep

It yeah there’s a bunch of stuff near it here I’ll go back to my house and I’ll go there to show you uh Shad how do I get out of here again uh Skeleton Key uh what way left um well that time it didn’t bring me with you

Um I guess I’ll leave like this am I going the right way Shad up the water elevator no that takes you to the trials you just hit the button on the floor I figured it out what button the the one surrounded by torches hello naked man it’s weird that I haven’t moved away

Yet ow that drop will not okay good basement be careful he’s Naked accidentally right here you got an Ender Chest in here you do good uh give me this what did you do not right put enjoy your lightning rod you got rid of the mvt data on it man not here come here [ __ ] be gone

This one have it back oh yeah put it in my kitchen I put my stuff in my kitchen and you so I understand that having whatever blocks you have behind your uh the door for your fridge is flavorful but if you put barrels back there it’s

Functional I mean yeah but then I have barrels right here Already this is just a St this is just for me I guess okay uh kiru on the side of the the cathedral closest to the sand there should be a nether portal somewhere over there mhm uh I also need steak or you could go through my portal as

Well I’d rather go through the portal that actually is right next to the one that leads to it this also works though what are you doing I’m murdering a slime it doesn’t work in negatives are you trying to tame him trying to make him smaller and yes in other words yes you

Are trying to tame him no you misunderstand what I mean no I don’t I understand completely I wanted to make him minuscule like smaller than a normal slime you wanted to humiliate him what dude that’s I mean shoot dude you’re the one saying it I’m just saying it in more

Words or you’re saying it in more words I should put a command block to see if I can detect the next time Fate’s on cuz he’s been on recently right there’s no way this is this is some of this is new not that I’ve seen I haven’t

Seen them on in a while so it’s making me wonder if you like stopped working on I’ve not seen them on in like at least a week that’s why I’m like tempted to put a command block to check if he’s been online yeah we have somebody we have

Another command block that detects if somebody else decides to get on the room they have it damn uh okay K I am waiting at the spawn portal I’m not Blaze maybe I am to the ancient city no are you you know that was a stupid

Question I don’t know where I am yes I’m showing here the preps oh then I’m going this way yeah man I’m going to borrow you on smithing table hey don’t take that I’m not taking it hey that’s fine he’s borrowing it don’t don’t take that out of my house

Hey I’m wait come here you bastard if you want to do anything to me you’re going to have to get out of spectate mode he’s been out of spectator for a while come here you bastard oh wait you’re Shad Shad I was like why are you chasing me what did I

Do we tested the effects of subjugator in one hand ax in other and it does actually like have some effect no that’s the B that’s not even fair it just depends on which one you’re hold like yeah cuz it checks for main hand the B’s not even fair bro oh come on

Man is kieri chasing him with the subjugator yeah and it’s not cool man I don’t appreciate this I don’t want to die you shouldn’t have hit me then oh God damn you he walks forward I was trying to get my egg I threw you ass you did you lose

Those you actual ass he wasn’t wearing the armor no the the uh Axe and shovel that in his inventory yeah I did I’ll get you those back you dick why I think why do you think I told you not to do that oh where’s my sword

Sword oh I I do still have that here you go CHS it down the hole uh this is the second time he’s had to remake those for me yes uh I always have to remake the shovel cuz you wanted it named weirdly the otherwise I could just go no you

What happened why did I why did I die recently and you had to remake them uh for some reason the Phantoms when their size is increased automatically increases their damage yeah so he was testing out one yeah he was testing the giant ones last night and he one shot me with a [ __ ]

Big ass Phantom he’s like H you know let me get your stuff back I don’t know why it did that though it shouldn’t have in theory dude it spawned and came right for me oh man Giants work like that I had 40 levels finally you [ __ ] here you are

Such an [ __ ] that’s easy to fix I I I never took your [ __ ] table I did I was joking and I hit you with the axe one time as funny and then you killed me you should have that now I have the axe now you flung a lot of poor words

Along the way Ian for funny I was chasing Shad that was the bit yeah I don’t know why you were chasing me cuz you cuz he’s dressed up like you that was the bit uh I need the so you were doing a Scooby-Do yes where is the shovel D why is there a

Lava Farm here James where what do you mean I follow the ancient city path oh you were already in there yeah I was waiting for you I’m like where’s Kier at up butt round Corner sticking BR I was on my way and then he intercepted me

I didn’t do a [ __ ] you’re the one who follow hi Shad what are you doing with the command block in here uh getting you your shovel oh don’t don’t act like you didn’t do anything I was like Shad what are you doing now there you

Go but yeah I showed Roar when he got on the one day and he like ran around in there for a few minutes before he came back to Overworld I’m kind of disappointed over but the the the trilogy which direction am I supposed to go because you named the second one the

SE uh that one for is on left oh why are you in the wall what buddy what Whatley youle py yeah go party okay uh but yeah this is ancient city if you go back through that tunnel and look in the chest there’s wool potions of night vision potions of

Swiftness I think I put regen in there tches and cooked potatoes potatoes boil them mash them put them in a steel you don’t get to do anything with them cuz you aren’t coming here [ __ ] you I have potatoes on my own you know what James I’ll go eat my own

Potatoes I have some right here in a bag they’re crunchy speaking of crunchy how’s your ankles what weing to what I’m just watching K break their ankles oh neat meat all right I forgot K can just six shot a warden with that bow he said I’m not [ __ ]

Scared technically you guys have some of the best armor for it since it kind of ignores how the the warden ignores stuff oh there’s already a warden over here isn’t there I think I hear it no you’re just hearing a a skull sensor cuz you’re near the Redstone

Room I mean there’s also just like a bunch of shers and sensors around which I don’t know why I was talking why am I hearing a heartbeat noise then isn’t that word exclusive no that’s shers and Warden if the shrier or the warden gets mad at you it’ll like doing a heartbeat noise

Okay why are there water lock ones up here probably will like I said he was in here the other day explored for like five minutes got lost I had to drag him back out who Did girl uh I think that thing right to your right kir should have chest in it yeah that what you’re looking at right now yeah man um oh you’re spectating C oh there’s [ __ ] like three four what the [ __ ] yeah they love to spawn in clusters and what’s [ __ ] up

Is a lot of the time they’ll spawn like with the sensors all around them like surrounding them so you’ll have like two right next to each other and in between them in a diagonal will be just a bunch of sensors it is absolutely ordinarily you’d break the Sher but I think in this

Instance I break the ones [ __ ] sensor you break the sh no you break anything and all of the shers No No No No No’s right the question is is there any else in like distance there was not cool wow I love those diamond leggings curse of fash and curse [Laughter]

Ofly you got protection three in the chest to go with that’s [ __ ] I’ll just leave those there I don’t [ __ ] U has Dawn the mask of the skeleton I think I have extra now those are significantly more useful diamond leggings what’s on him prop prop four yeah that is more

Useful wow nice diamond armor yeah yep uh where the [ __ ] was the exit good question that’s why I put those torches in the chest so people would have like a waypoint marker if you just go around the edge you should find it relatively quickly especially since you have the Shad

Armor I’m [ __ ] flying around and I’m not finding it yet all right to be fair it is an ancient city so it’s big but shouldn’t take you too long no it’s big and syy I don’t know why I don’t like that word you know what you know what hey K stop moving for

A second here hold this what oh here do why did you oh okay hang on why did you why did you die it was intentional like how just flat out said Shad Ross was killed what the [ __ ] are Echo shards used for making no it’s for the compass that

Points to the last spot you died at use eight of them around a compass I think is the right number HS are really lame item and then it makes well it makes a death Compass so it takes you to your last death I mean in theot useful cuz like if you lose

Your [ __ ] you know I lose my [ __ ] on a daily basis man if I die the [ __ ] I care about is gone forever uh not in theory cuz I think only the armor has the curse of poofing the sword doesn’t Jen it no the gold tools all do the gold tools do

But once you get to like the pickaxe and the axe the netherite tools also have it do they they should it I can see the curse of Vanishing on the scraper you know oh yeah my pickax has it too my bad oops funny don’t die I guess don’t die good

Advice Shad I mean I can guarantee the bow doesn’t have it probably maybe hey hey hey hey hey who’s shooting at me hey a skeleton Die Another skeleton what you skeleton’s going did you get stuck on the corner is that what I saw you must have been like right near

The entrance K cuz I did almost a full lap of the the ancient city what that’s not fair just a little you know if there’s one thing I’m grateful for this bow about it makes getting to James’s Place really fast why are you going to my place uh

Villagers oh all right I do have a vill I I just forgot that existed wait why are you going to my villagers in theory you have nothing you should want from them D in theory uh did actually scare you Unbreaking oh are you putting extra enchantments on the armor oh no should I

Steal A’s potions do it yoink I I’m stealing your potions get beaned loser if I it would be so much simpler if I was just putting extra enchantments on the armor uh I can only collect packed ice with silk touch okay I cannot put silk tou on the scra no I

Can’t yeah I was about to say that doesn’t work so I need to make an entire [ __ ] new pickaxe hey would that keep the extra stuff that Chad put on it he can’t it he’s just making a new one period I am making a new one that has [ __ ] silk touch

You’ve got to have an Ender Chest around here somewhere right in the village no I don’t think so no in your house chest in the house yeah it should be go to my bedroom uh up the ladder I like how you say that like everyone knows where your bedroom is

James hey Ian can you give me Fates username possibly and I need it like exactly correct it’s fateful spazoid isn’t it there you go Shad I put it up on my screen if you can look at both yeah I can give me a second I have to wait for it

To I didn’t think about that am rewinding oops I didn’t think about that until I said it and I was like wait a minute uh hold up a second yeah I just why is f spell like that okay I got it set up what is it just going to set up a

Ringing in all of our ears collectively whenever he comes on no it replaces a specific block that I can see hey Shad H will you come throw experience bottles at me so I can have my levels back shower me with Experience oh my God oh my God is it he he’s throwing them so hard he lifted himself off the ground this is incredible are you you’re wearing go on auto for a second oh wait he’s got an auto clicker no this is just holding it down

Oh that’s wild Chad you need an auto clicker for Minecraft can you imagine the world eater with a auto clicker holy Fu it would be no faster almost there eight more wait eight more like levels yeah eight more levels I was at 40 I was at 40 and then kiru killed

Me you st forward not for you to kill me you shouldn’t have stepped forward when you did wow why you you stepped forward at the exact moment I looked down to loose the arrow without killing you therefore the arrow killed you well you didn’t have to loose the arrow did

You I I can’t not dang I literally can’t not I’m offended [ __ ] it’s too much I’m going to explode [ __ ] no I like how I I went to go get another bag of chips and then I’m just I’m being pump full of experience when I come back oh my God

It’s not the it’s not the only thing I’ve been pumped full of this week but come on huh that huh is Iconic it’s so good huh huh no that’s your job huh such a good clip it’s called James a [ __ ] and shames James goes no that’s your job and Shad huh

Who wants to help me build a beehive or a bee house how does this never done that well that’s rude so that’s how that works so I opened my tool chest but like put some of my stuff away MH somehow I have two of my shovel I didn’t make a second shovel are

You sure I would remember if I made a second shovel I don’t know about that don’t [ __ ] gas light James why he does it to me all the time James don’t gas light again I don’t guess you do though I literally can’t kick this out of his bed I’m breaking the

Bed killing the wastelander so you can take an hour and nap in his cot uh okay now here’s a real question where hey I thought we were sleeping through this night what happened why can’t I kick you out of your bed sir there we go picks up the whole bed and flips him

Out of it what in the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] is that why would it break because it’s not a block what what are you that’s a Wither schull projectile did you make another Wither Skull projectile just to watch it go no no no no it’s just there it’s not going

Anywhere hang on if I break it by hand will it give me the books okay cool you go in what uh three is the highest up breaking goes right yes yall both know goodby school that was horrifying I don’t need Fortune Fortune disables silk touch interesting enchant this armor

No I’ll do that later see look at that I made see now that you said no I’m going to do it damn it damn I did that first try oops one one one one one oh there was a NE one uh let’s see where’s a good spot to put

End probably in the main trading Hall I’ll be real with you probably what in the library Place yeah that’s what most people will come here for I’m going to be honest no one’s come here I’ve come over there I’ve you came over once looked around and left no I’ve come over

Twice do not ask Questions and there may be a wether Skeleton on the other side of your portal H well I can’t be [ __ ] to deal with that uh okay there’s now two I still couldn’t be [ __ ] deal with them they’re there for you I guess one of them just walked into the Lava anyway time to go prepare to enhance uh James’s [ __ ] highway are you enhancing the highway honestly any kind of quick travel option I could pick would be better than what it is right now yeah rail cars are kind of inefficient I just didn’t have enough

Time or patience to go and get a bunch of ice why am I here I will not Ponder the orb I ask that question every day I wish should to go towards the cathedral to go home when my home is the other direction dumb ass no directionally challenged now I

Bought I should have brought a Shuler box with me nah there you go why did I get a green one and a lime one yeah yes I did the lime one well goodbye green Shuler bucks oh I have an already been to that one huh neat uh this one’s doe

South oh a fresh ruined nether portal and an on ice village thank you for not finishing what you were doing for a second there yeah I noticed sh I’m tired I’m not I’m starting to not function anymore this Village is half on Ice half off they would

Say I’m going the wrong way I’m supposed to go west they’re all Direction Ally challenged h a golden hoe with mending I mean that’s not bad realistically speaking as long as you’re careful with it yeah but like I already have a netherite one so oh there’s TNT um no

No I’m going to blow up that beach house one day no you’re not try and stop me I won’t have to He getting all the Assassin’s Creed music back to back when the Creed is Assassin many times over I brought the sun time this iceberg is no more I’m scared to ask did you break it or did you burn it down Ian when’s the last time you saw on fire

Without it being doused in some kind of flammable liquid I don’t know this is Minecraft I don’t know if it just started melting why you got to why you got to criticize me in every turn because you’re apparently refusing to use your head again James James left you you guys

To babysit man you’re not doing a very good job the buffoon is flx no I’m not flx at all you’re the one who’s flx they’re flx on how to deal go rename this bow the fixer you’re disgusting and I need you to know that I mean to be fair almost every time you

Used it it has flumix somebody it flumix literally everyone when the Ender Dragon tried to run away it flumix everyone when you somehow killed the warden in six hits you shot the Ender Dragon and it said ow ow ow [ __ ] you guys aren’t fun I’m going home it FL Shad

When that’s it FL Shad when you killed me in full netherite from full health and flx Ian when you him no he Rick Rolled me no that was what he did to me oh no that was you you know the rules it’s goodbye don’t laugh I can hear the I can hear

You try not to God been recording wasn’t wasn’t that Ian who got Rick red no that was Ian that was 100% Ian yeah know I cut that so I I was so proud of myself the way I cut that short and then meanwhile in your latest video you kept cutting off roundabout

Right before it was supposed to be funny well well I didn’t want it to go on for that long go away SP family intro that’s not the spikes family intro what what you thought the song I was playing was uh no uh I have anime sites open in the background and

Sometimes they just randomly start playing an episode kiru just out here gaming in Minecraft suddenly speaking speaking of music the song playing on my stream right now is a hint to the game the next Pokemon game I’m going to play on this channel I’m waiting for I’m hoping somebody guesses

It this reminds me vaguely of gen SU how how are you so [ __ ] on the money you and James are making me angry with your Clairvoyance you have Ian we’re Servants of shed it comes with a job also like I am the rare Gen 6

Enjoyer Gen 6 is my favorite I mean I didn’t hate Gen 6 it just wasn’t my favorite Gen 6 Gen 6 is one of my favorites it’s incredible gen six wait a minute that’s that hasn’t come out yet sorry Ian out here playing Pokemon my ass hello jet

Sex stealing Jet’s copy well it is destroyed dick December so also Shad that hid that for me so I it said gen sex uh if Ian Sol that means your settings are probably still set up that way though James how do I undo you have to go to

Your like actual account and swap the setting like not in the uh game like out of game on the site Minecraft uh in profile oh maybe Google it cuz I don’t remember off the top of my head I’m kind of going off somebody else’s design but trying to not at the same

Time I started sinking I’ll do that later he said too much effort Oh to answer the question though it was Professor sycamore’s theme so that that it really you’re so [ __ ] on the money it made me [Laughter] mad this is vaguely reminding me of Gen 6 you [ __ ] [ __ ] also talking about you saying I had Clairvoyance you literally fed me the

Information I literally all being given the info all I said was it was on eBay and then you just instantly oh yeah no it’s that like it could have been anything off of eBay cuz you showed me the Amazon link for that not Ebay link well it wasn’t even me guessing eBay you

Made me guess Amazon cuz you were like no Amazon shows you how many are left too I got him a monster hunter plush ah which one uh now vampire boy yeah I was I I I was just like wait no hang on maybe I should guess you probably should have

I mean there aren’t very many you can find anymore in all honesty I was lucky I got realization that replacing this entire Highway with pack ice is going to take me [ __ ] forever this what is this that floor is also only one layer deep hey hey Shad why why

Does the skeletal splitter have silk touch that because it’s an Axe and it can have silk touch I just realized it as I was sitting here breaking glass and I’m like wait why isn’t it breaking Chad why did you make a Teleport button cuz he can leave him alone he’s what the inconspicuous

Button yes uh that was there when the crevice was like a crevice and not the basement to K’s house so like somebody would walk by and teleport you be like what the [ __ ] is this but that’s next to Ian’s house correct because I wanted Ian to see it

Funny I didn’t tell anybody about the giant spooky crater I made initially that led to the trials yeah I kind of just got on off stream I got on off stream and I was like what is it oh I don’t need to be here oh get me out of this hole

Please yeah then like house bro I made a mistake let me leave why do you not like the teleport button James no I just hit it and I was like okay so Shad did this what you building Ian I literally asked for help with it and then no and everybody ignored me so

No you don’t get to know he’s building a bee house I Chad you also put one of these blocks incorrectly well can you help me fix it I also didn’t ignore you on that I said I didn’t want to uh I need I already had another project to work on Minecraft sex

Mod yeah like how excited you sounded yeah uh but yeah exactly how Ian gave away what he was giving me the fact you have a date makes me feel like it’s an Amazon eBay thing because the other side I show him stuff run doesn’t give you a delivery

Date oh I was trying to figure out what BB was I was like Best Buy what did you show me from Best Buy there you go I’ve helped he’s helped he’s done his part and that last one I said last one almost completely narrows it down to eBay cuz Amazon doesn’t usually only

Show there’s only one left yeah but that doesn’t show he like explain how that doesn’t explain how you immediately like oh yeah I’m a monster hunter thing well no no no no no is you were like no Amazon shows availability too I’m like okay so it could be either

Or and then you said I will only say it’s something you told me about before and I’m like okay well that’s definitely Amazon because you show anyone anything on eBay that doesn’t last and I’ve only ever shown you like one thing on Amazon yeah and I tried to trick you by getting

It on eBay yet you also directed me back to Amazon man shut the [ __ ] up I’m done with this [ __ ] I’ve had enough I’ve had enough what come what comes before what comes before 47 36 no try again 36 does come before 47 it’s not what I was referring to

Though pulls up backpack on the desk AK you know Ian if you put down like a bunch of tree saplings and then put flowers around them you could grow a tree and then just have the tree have a full beehive on it you know what why don’t you

Shush I’m busy I’m busy let me just be busy okay I’m trying to help you be busy no you’re not yeah what the [ __ ] Chad are you dying be Chad are you dying I’m dead I’m already dead what do you mean I like how you’re just waiting for

Me to start putting blocks on like okay that’s what he’s doing uh what is your pattern do you want it pattern like that one or do you want it pattern like like this I think I think that’s going to work I think that’s going to do what I wanted to do what

Oh yeah I want it as straight as possible do you want it horizontal horiz horal horiz no I I I do want I want a horizontal actually go ahead and do it horizontal that’s not horizonal [ __ ] off do you want do you want the help or not yeah I mean I I’m

I’m giving you an answer I don’t know what you want me I’m making it horizontal and going to deal with I just said horizontal you said horizontal didn’t even say it wrong again no I I can say it wrong I’m just choosing now to he’s like I don’t want

To feed you have YouTube stream tags oh that’s horizontal close now the stream tag sounds like he wants to die you know what I’m glad I need you allm listen we bulli we have to bully you for something I’ll end up streaming here in the next week or so oh

Yo not garbage PC incoming no it’s still garbage but like I need to stream he’s like I’m bored help Kur five test run go bur I mean I’m probably going to like just play Edo no n EO kills his computer anymore what what did you do to itad laptop is ass

Dude it is dying I thought James’s laptop was bad now my laptop’s good the keyboard just worn out yeah your s key doesn’t work he’s trying to tell me his address shad’s laptop isn’t necessarily bad it’s just on his last on its last legs yeah it’s just time for its to die

Okay now um I need to turn part of that top part into glass so hang on let me so question no you don’t get to ask why are you putting the bees in there it’s being made exclusively for the bees but like what does bees being in there accomplish bees yeah bees bees

Trigger bees Trier be be but like wouldn’t you want them around your farm so they can pollinate this stuff no I just want a [ __ ] bee bees just want the bees man is that a problem do I need to fight you or or something I guess I’ll never

Know here do this at the top when I get distracted oh no actually I do like the stair at the top better I do like that better say never mind I was trying something oh you’re I like if you just look at Fate’s Cathedral you just see a shadow of a building that’s

Horrifying like from where you’re standing Ian turned to look at his Cathedral oh how do I uh actually might have to take the bottom one out and then do a slab if I can you won’t be able to cuz it’s taking up the BL yeah loophole damn

No I mean the only loophole would be the ones where you’re trying to put trap doors and those little Corners would be to just put uh dark oak plank blocks behind the stairs so like uh game mode creative get me out of Ian’s body what the [ __ ] have

You just been in there the entire time time I’m trying to figure out how the stick shift in this thing works is that oh that’s not the stick shift that’s my penis quit grabbing that I’m going to slam it in the car door please don’t DOI kind of wants that not for you

To slam it in there the door not for you to slam it in the card door but he flammed his pheni in the car door I love that [ __ ] clip so much [ __ ] you have you not seen the original video for that Ian no I’ve heard that audio

Though they slam this penis in the c i so we doing that glass on the other side too yeah I don’t think I don’t know oh changeed [ __ ] killed me hitting me with these this penis in the car we’re doing it like that sh we’re doing we’re doing

That there Ian I just sent you the original why would you oh no wait hang on why would you do this to me this is the original uh he slammed his [ __ ] in the car door why did he slam his [ __ ] in there oh God there you go yeah that’s not Shad CE that wasn’t me kir SE [ __ ] is over here in the dungeon beating us beating his meat huh every time you say that Shad it just makes me think of the clip of heavenly father when he was in Taka stream

N yep that definitely my brain definitely knows what we’re talking about yeah right James you watch more YouTubers than we do you might want to Enlighten us Enlighten these nuts I I know who heavenly father is at least also yeah you watch Badger you know who Heavenly

Is yeah I know who Heavenly is I didn’t say I didn’t [ __ ] dad why are you wearing a fence why are you wearing a fenes don’t worry about it what the [ __ ] that looks so [ __ ] that is like the stupidest welders hey Shad what is this

Button do in here I told you I helped can you put a door can you put can you put a door on this oh sure pick one that looks good uh this one okay um oop oh God oh God oh God they sound so mad why are they so

Big are they normally issue any bigger than normal bees are they are you sure they look huge that’s normal size okay I fixed the issue with the button I forgot an important detail uh trees they need tree oh my God I didn’t need that many my work here is

Done you get back here yeah that’s what I’m saying hang on what do I put in here why didn’t you shut the door what the what the [ __ ] my FY hurt what did you you slam at the car door hurt I’ve been holding down Mouse one for so long

Why he’s redoing the NE Highway I remember I see [ __ ] here guys enjoy your [ __ ] rails enjoy getting like the amount of rails K’s picked up from this enjoy getting rail loser I should probably now that I think about it go up and like just make glow stone all the way through the

Middle since all the Torches are gone now uh glow actually you know what I’m doing shroom light I like shroom lights look better Jesus I don’t think I’m going to be able to fill all this in one shot yeah I cannot uh let’s see if I can do this

Much I think the radius maximum is like 100 block box they found the flower guys they liked my flower I’m holding guys ow ow ah ah ah help I’m picking up so many [ __ ] things guys help help I can’t they they’re they’re yeah don’t you want

Packed blue ice or do you just need packed ice I forget which is better I’m sure just packed ice does it packed ice is what I’ve always heard people using for like uh boat transport yeah oh there’s a tiny baby be aesthetic okay I really don’t need all

These bees in here blue ice is faster than pack ice but it’s just it uses more okay it’s just a harder to get Block you overpopulated this thing so much how do I make packed blue ice I think you use pack like several pack dice

Right I it might just be like four pack dice in a square it’s not four at least okay so it’s nine actually wait can you even make it act blue ice ice blue ice is a block similar to packed ice but much more slippery rable nine packed

Ice it takes 81 regular ice made into packed ice to create a single blue ice Block oh Ian’s Trader might have some what I have a Trader wandering Traders appar apparently sometimes trade for it all right you little bastards I see you’ve replaced it all with blue ice yeah back up back up bees back up I’m not trying oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m not removing all the tracks

Though a be escaped Shad I was removing the tracks then you replaced everything with blue ice and now to remove the tracks I’m going to be breaking the blue ice too he shouldn’t be you can just break the track oh cuz the pickaxe goes bur yeah the pickaxe

Goes bur uh I mean if it does that you just get the blue ice easy Shad go down here here EP at so kiru Vol here KIRO you can borrow my pickaxe can you replace that block here I got it I found the perfect angle oh never mind okay ah let me up

Was this the only really long path for no reason pretty much uh yeah aside from like the ancient city one debatably but like that one I need to widen if I were going to make a packed ice thing in therez it’s not currently thick enough for a boat barely thick enough for a

Person yeah I just made it accessible I wasn’t really focused on efficiency with that one cuz it was like so close to spawn it didn’t really matter he g hi bye okay Shad stay over there oh okay back I go I didn’t want to come over and play anyway so you know

How long the this is right yeah I am beginning my way back over now all right I have B you running with the subjugator yeah hey Hey uhoh you are not faster than me but a boat’s pretty [ __ ] fast right I didn’t get up to speed oh uh boats on Ice I think go like 90 miles an hour Jesus Shad overtook Me I should hit a corner wow the the be house actually turned out pretty nice James your ass is in the way so confirmed boat is not faster than or bow is not faster than 90 mes hour I ran into two thingss it takes me time to get to Speed I can hear you R God God damn it James I crossed the Finish Line first James is fad ass prevented me from winning damn the sad the boat’s faster than even the [ __ ] subjugator it’s crazy so bow like what 80 M an hour goodbye here you will be missed my

Brother we’re just in here [ __ ] around Ian in the Overworld like what are they doing you hi I had a face full of skeleton there for a second sounds like fun huh huh uh gu I’m not Buzzy I could just go widen the ancient city thing should go widen some holes real

Quick oh that one’s going to be annoying for a boat though cuz of stairs there now the path is extended no just make it a straight line and I’ll just add a TP Trust no I thought you were talking to me I’m like what do you mean no not you a I

Wanted him to talk to me though you’re ready well no cuz it’s connected to that other thing well time to replace all the mine carts in these chests with a boats instead the question is what kind of boat freeb freeb freeb freeb free B free sh okay

Yeah want me to do about it I see it up there kill it okay Smite it [ __ ] stop moving well if you want him to Smite it he’s going to need a trident I have one those I missed where oh I didn’t I got it damn it I wanted to see

It oh man and I somehow Serge Ally dodged kiro’s house the surgical Precision of God in his lightning that one be in particular was [ __ ] yeah that one be in particular was a menace he needed to be stopped oh are you looking at the bee

House now so how do we explain the end City we don’t we don’t talk about it it’s just here okay uh go get some cherry saplings what do you mean explain who we explaining to wait no no don’t go get Cherry saplings I’m not done building this section out

Yet I still no I like over here say why you built houses here those aren’t houses walks in Yep this is a house it’s not a house yeah that’s a house it’s not kieru pigeon a house it’s not a house we are not debating the semantics of a house in a

Building it’s a Mason H it’s a Mason’s building please don’t I want to give them all those levels again don’t uncock your gun right now go go look at the bees go play with go play with the bees they’re very friendly just don’t hit the button in there

Please I just want to talk bees I just want to talk no please don’t come on unun his [ __ ] please stop shooting in there I just built that I told you like I I like how I said don’t hit the button in there and you didn’t even look for the

Button well the trick to make people not hit hit the button is to just make a tree around the button like how he’s just going up the end C now bye I should stop putting wooden buttons around that do that what they just do things uh I should specifically be

Swapping those specific types of buttons with like a stone button in fact I’m going to do that now is that relevant yes yeah oh my goodness buttons can be hit with a bow oh my goodness you were choking what what happened it’s not even the fact they can

Be hit with a bow they have an arrow in it it keeps them active sorry F oh my God K Shad gave oh it was raining I’m sorry buddy [ __ ] did I have any other onts that rained oh yeah there’s the bat one wherever that’s up actually is that invisible on the

Surface any oh that’s a funny button yeah it’s no longer there okay we’re good BL button that’s not a repeating one if I knew it was got you I’m sorry I wanted to spawn a lot of slime totems oh my God fish you stay there Parish look at all the tropical fish and

Bone meal what am I missing while I’m drying my dog off uh the repercussions on me realizing something and then since I said it out loud kir was like I understand Stu Mission you stay buddy good boy you guys playing with the buttons over here oh my hey what happened to all my fish Mor they down uh it simply wasn’t meant to bean look out but why’ you spawn him I didn’t uh I’m almost finished replacing well I’ve won

The I need to be careful not to kill the one that’s in the mine cart no I need new one in the mine cart why is this here Ian leave that one alive what one here it comes what one this one yeah yeah leave it alone are you sure yeah I

Will shoot you if you kill it here get out Morty where’d you go oh there you are spe spe here does you want to hold the does he want to hold the innards of his brethren out here catch what are you going to name him I would need an [Laughter]

Anvil and there’s an anvil in Ian’s house and it is upstairs no we don’t need it don’t need it it’s fine you can’t stop stop him Ian whaty he lay down he lay down with his towel on get down T has been named what did you what did you that is

So hard to read why and also Shad why oh why uh this is why wait it works like that yeah yeah what any falling entity will be broken by a torch beneath it hey Hey why you always bring sand when you’re or torches when you’re going to excavate like sand or something uh nether actually wait a minute no I do want Shad do it to Me I don’t want to give you the levels again a okay I’ll jump if you want me to no I’ll jump over here that’s insane go up until you see the curvature of the earth and then do it well I was still building also there’s no curvature to this

Earth it is simply cute until you see the corner then I don’t know I’ll go up as far as I can I’ll tell you when I’m good here wait I need to see him I’m going to sit here and watch earol jeremus the [ __ ] Earl Jer must fight of the seventh

Spin where did you even come up with that I’m really good at names I refuse to elaborate I like how o can is cl cl cl cl it must be [ __ ] pain to place those m H I’m sorry I did this to you but it’s it has to be

Done I need to see what looks like an endless tower of Anvil’s fall hey look is this Jack’s beanock keep going I can still see you moving up there I’m going don’t you worry I’m I’m in that’s insane I can still see you them hi hello Lions I stole your

Potions H okay I’m still going the [ __ ] going on I can still see you going it’s crazy why is there a tower of anvils don’t worry about it there’s questions that don’t need to be answered right now I will be very concerned sir you turned white yeah that’s not an understatement

Heyo the sun is in my [ __ ] eyes up here he become one with the sun now it’s Shad Sun [ __ ] Ross I’m still going are you allergic to that I don’t think I think he is well technically yes and no the sun wouldn’t really hurt him cuz resistance to okay a couple falling

Some resistance to fight there some falling oh god oh boy Imagine One lands on my head that be a walk of the senty oh no that’s cool hang on this that part’s cool too just don’t place a torch God damn it that’s really satisfying I’m not going to lie

So what do this oh no you got to break it and then like I’m so tempted to walk there you go there you goow g do it g please sh [ __ ] died it’s I need it’s K do it yes we can leave do oh the amount of iron in

This so much iron did that much damage that do to you K four that’s I’m sad it’s over four Hearts specifically so eight damage how many how many stacks of anvils is that I at least have three but I know I don’t have all of them I have a stack you have

A stack so that’s what four Stacks God I also have a stack so five Stacks I mean he went from SE level the build limit so all right I forgot I was in the nether I’m not good at this hi James come back down we weren’t done with you you can see still building for a bit we weren’t done with you stay no come

Back I’ll break it you no he must train I’m having too much fun this is so satisfying I love the Tower of Domino’s falling right now for every five you place I break one so toxic sh here he goes your turn I love it I love how it just stops you for a

Second I’m just going to go back and forth into do one a piece that sound it’s awful I love it so much what are you putting up there what is that lava oh [ __ ] that is lava what are you doing that’s not lava it’s red sand why red sand cuz it’s less annoying

To put down I did it I figured it out whoa hi James bye James that’s so nuts we’re teaching Ian Minecraft no I’m just having fun breaking one Anvil at a time a torch down I’m trying break it with the torch and then right click with the torch oh break it

With the torch that takes forever though well skill isue D eat my ass how’s Earl jeremus fight of the 7th doing he’s dizzy [ __ ] dizzy excuse you did you kill him it got you [ __ ] [ __ ] I wasn’t done setting up I didn’t have a bow what time to come down you’re the one

That shot me I didn’t have arrows I switched the survival that almost killed you good no maybe I wanted to die for once if you’d been under it for longer it would have killed you let me in let me in let me in let me

In let me in you can’t get in he’s in it [ __ ] you why you setting my Village on fire slowly but don’t [ __ ] shoot at me the [ __ ] the [ __ ] sound a flaming bow running away and then I James hit you so I just see this pill

Of fire scrambling to the water and it’s just it’s a shed crawling to the water I like you get to the water I live oh X and Y theme X and Y League theme is playing theread take key where did you throw my K right in front of kieru yoink why

Invisible I’m not fully invisible at particles showing how sir [Applause] ow come here my turn I found you wait where’d you go found him did you I did and he got away oh you guys knocked the the Slime off of the the cart back on the track

You go no it was pushed off the track I pushed it back on how did he get off the track shade shade I’m giving myself at least a little bit of [ __ ] not dying okay I love just seeing the particle effect in the knocking you in the ocean man

Where’d you go this time come on I want I want one how are you missing I’m not even moving there you go did James just light you on fire get him boys no no no no no don’t they survived they came for sh I gave myself resistance

Three you put me to like four Hearts they were coming for Shad all along they came for their master I can see the arrow in you oh so you can huh that surprisingly somehow equated to one damage I mean James hit you what is orb removal service that’s to remove orbs you don’t

Have orbs right I don’t know do I there’s one the top there’s one in your um third floor I saw an or there third floor whaton like [ __ ] is that you’re like that’s why I wonder what the [ __ ] is I didn’t even mean to I

Didn’t even mean to go back down what I didn’t even touch I’m like I’m not touching this read the sign Ian read the sign read the sign I read the I read the sign I’m like [ __ ] no can I kill it ow I think he made it intangible yeah he

Did uh no I just saw sum it it doesn’t have like anything with it I can fill my screen with the orb I can become one with the orb what did you not read the sign with me I did I’m just I’m I I I’m putting things away man leave me alone oh

Okay I pondered so much me and the orb became one you know what orb the particles just make it so much more tempting to hit you you know what let’s find out what happens if I hit the button oh no it does what it says everybody say goodbye to the orb bye

Orb um nice you oh okay oh it just disappears okay wait oh it’s you sorry no more ow he’s on fire James you should be very careful doing that make a tree farm James pick it up I SM my gold anyways Fu why is it back slowly CH

Away James you go hit the button I want to see what happens it just disappears go push the button the chem tril for a bit go push the button he wants to see it go where the [ __ ] is the button in the front of the house in the front

Yard funny button you’re going to break your floor doing that I I destroyed it that’s ominous the way it just lingers there for a second I don’t like the way you’re giggling about it too what is what is an orb I can’t that I can’t give myself

Shoots at you it’s what the dragon stuff shoots oh why’ you put it in my house oh no at least make it part of his floor yeah no it’s it’s podium I’m done only three four villagers damn why you right there that sucks where else would you Ponder your

Orb not there that’s a weird spot okay where would you want to ponder your orb I don’t know down in down the library most likely okay hold up I’ll move it hi James than you no the orb gets Ponder here in the corner became one with the

Sher hold on come over to where you’re at want to see something cool you can do with a where do you want it right there jumps on your head we going to go it become one with the wall that is I like how whenever you get close to

It it like looks down at you I could just you scary it’s looking up at me now hold up I’m doing this to get rid of the other one uh okay or I need find more coal get some saplings hey I was trying to do something wait where did my sickle

Go I do not have one of those hold on I have a I have a I have a Glock under my bed see Glock under my bed oh there’s of course jamble yeah oh that didn’t actually put me through the floor interesting maybe I just probably have to have the block be

Closer no [ __ ] no no I’m not going to shoot you I’m just where I don’t trust that he just pulled it out on me hit me he just pulled out the blicky fine I’ll hold red sand come here red sand I don’t have red sand no I have it now hit me with

Thing hit me oh with this yeah what what is that your is that is that your your video game character damage sound hey what happens if I hit the with the orb right there that kills the old or yeah orb gone good hit me here oh my God goodbye kill hey creepers oh

Man okay all right all right all right all right did that almost kill you I had one heart he said okay guys that was enough fun you think I can kill it with this thing probably eventually bye creeper bye creeper no there’s one behind your house like in the in between

It needs to die Shad go get that one I got this one looking straight at it oh God somebody summoned a killer bunny out here yeah yeah he’s just been vibing over here in the corner for a while I got him don’t worry hold why does it why does it look like you’re

Carrying it and shaking around my bare hands hold on I got it he’s got it it’s already dead okay it’s all dead oh god there go somebody PC yeah cuz he left the game so oh dipped out without saying anything I see how it is no he

Went noise that is saying something I will see give you that he made funny noise oh there’s the creeper here here’s a funny noise W yeah baby that’s what I’ve been waiting for that’s what it’s all about I want to do that for Shad when I

Need to when I have creep come on come here I’m not done kicking your ass come on is there the creeper still out of the back yeah why you scared of the cat they just are the creepers don’t get any that’s too oh it’s dangerously close to blowing up my

[ __ ] I know just a little bit told you he close by I killed a [ __ ] kill a mother trucker my favorite game is find Shadow while he’s invisible and hit him yeah man my lawn’s dying look the root system it looks like [ __ ] look at the root system it looks like

Crap need some mycelium up in this [ __ ] or something good luck finding that hey about that it’s very close to the house true he I like how you said good luck finding it and then you’re immediately like true well you said it’s close so can’t argue there you haven’t been to the Mushroom

Island I have yeah but you don’t have silk touch I do actually yes he does I won’t be surprised I’m on all the time I haven’t been for the last week because I just I’ve had all my stuff farmed for streams yeah I’ve have I have a life crisis going on so on

Um crisis to where my girlfriend’s mom cannot watch my kid oh at all yeah some [ __ ] bring the kid to work day can’t Shad what are you doing with that Terra Warehouse so can’t Chad what are you doing at the ter terra cotta looks like it has the golden snitch on

It he’s doing things he’s kind of just standing there so cool so cool so cool so cool so cool so cool so cool shut the [ __ ] up S sorry I every time I hear that I have to just go with it what the [ __ ] don’t hit me I didn’t do

Anything I found the reset button so cool so cool so cool so cool you know I was about to put myself in spectator mode and then I pulled out my sword so cool so cool so cool so cool so cool so [Laughter] Cool I’m to find some more wait please don’t put Bedrock around me please don’t put Bedrock around me please please don’t n n n n you can break out of that I’m going to put berries around you no don’t put berries right me that’s where James I can’t get out of

Here my pickaxe isn’t working trading feathers hey Ian dig a block to your right and then turn right again no or block to your left and then turn no I’m not [ __ ] up my [ __ ] cuz you put bedrock in my [ __ ] break it damn break it break it sir break it this

One this [ __ ] ow get out of the way then Shad I’m trying to fix it this [ __ ] banana block banana Gober banana block no banana need a sign you don’t though damn it don’t worry about it exact exactly sh in tribute to roar I want to let him try to find me if

He can H let me get out of the way in that case why did you I was in there with you not f didn’t even spell it right BR exactly I said tribute to Roar it is in roar’s honor or rather his dishonor Wonder wants to Duck game tonight Duck

Game the immediate hard on for Duck game hey it’s been the hot mow all right it is now immortalized you’re going to have to shift if you actually want to hide in there there you I’m just saying it’s been a while since I played Duck game with

Chad cuz right now J is playing some Halo at the moment which one it’san what do you mean ask do you know exactly what I mean no I don’t I think it’s stream Snipes I think it’s Combat Evolved I didn’t need to stream snipe I know you didn’t mean

To no I said I didn’t need to oh how that’s [ __ ] how did you know I was here you’re a [ __ ] [ __ ] can’t let me have [ __ ] he Ian there’s a thing called spectator mode that’s not fair he’s he’s playing the first one oh goodbye if you’re G to

Cheat you’re not GNA make it fun who said anything about playing fair I did I going to had to [ __ ] up everything the blocks are back time to collect some levels actually I got to open in the morning again so I probably going to get off anyway actually

True who’s [ __ ] around in my house right now me what are you doing walking around that’s speed of sound got places to go copyright the banana block dud it’s mine now it’s mine now damn you know where it’s going too where dude get it out of there get it out you

Can’t that’s it you can’t unless you um have plugins that let you go in other people’s uh Beware the orb shed Beware of the orb to other people’s Ender Chest what are you doing in there wait hold on oh no ow there F in here you [ __ ] crybabies take it damn

Dingus banaa come in herea what the [ __ ] why is my head wait wait wait wait wa wa watch this hold on it [Laughter] large I had big head enhance big head mode big head Minecraft why’ you put Sand In This [ __ ] by the way for what

Purpose oh what do you want about that’s normally in that nothing oh I see my head it’s a picture it’s a family picture no Chad no I only it’s not the Brady Bunch damn okay you know what it’s Modern Art okay you know what for the finishing touch my head someone

Else’s not chicken yeah put sh put one of your skulls in there it’s a rabbit Ian it’s a rabbit Shad put one of your skulls in there instead hold on I have to like actually like get that command you can go grab the uh never

Mind you can’t go grab that one it’s in my Ender Chest there you go perfect it’s Modern Art actually who do we all want on here I like how that was supposed to be your map wall [ __ ] them [ __ ] a app while you had the thing over there in the boat put

Every one of everybody’s head up there well he can only do it with people that are active I think as he puts up K’s head you already have K’s head I like how they’re all like kind of [ __ ] up already it’s perfect uh I gotta read something how to get hug draws

Head how to get head for utra it was funny okay shut up don’t hit me don’t don’t hit me cuz I’m right you were bong Don’t Bonk me damn it I just refilled I might have to move my clock huh H [ __ ] what’s Fate’s username fateful spazoid yep there’s two L’s you yeah you spelled it wrong it’s okay I got it uh who else do we need Onslaught onslaughts [ __ ] what is this [ __ ] it’s Onslaught

Something all I remember don’t we have we wait we’ve got 10 don’t we we’ve got more than 10 at this point yeah what more than 10 just put more uh item trust uh where is it at uh let me do Roar since I have that

Up oh yeah Roar is in there now I forgot uh is it case sensitive it sure isn’t um I need yeah where the [ __ ] do I send on slots to my inventory probably why do we talk about so much random [ __ ] I have a better chance finding an onsa st at this

Point are you talking about me and me and you yes well I mean my favorite of our recent conversations is the death punk name I sent you I no longer Vibe with this existence Shad leaving the realm I’ll be back in one second where where you going are you killing the

Skeleton so who are we missing um oh Toof toffen Dan whose skin is Grimlock huh Onslaught it’s like I I have a new respect for Onslaught now I’ve had that respect for onslot We How do you get the specific ones hey Ian look in stream chat man I yeah I no longer Vibe with this existence either don’t worry James where’d you go shisa scha no shisa yeah schneer no I’m [ __ ] with you but okay shed where’d you go

Think it he want to go do something real quick I guess Cole what I okay well he knows what he’s doing I am dcing from the call cuz I need to end Stream and that’s how we exit calls around here oh we had a bit of a frame drop there oh ouch good [ __ ] people we ran the dungeon we got some rewards out of it we also built a bee house and did some [ __ ] around just a chill Minecraft night what

Who I don’t know who that is some will some won’t but I’m going to go ahead and leave it here thanks for hanging out thanks for chilling Oh hope you guys have a good rest of your night a good day tomorrow and I will see you tomorrow evening we’re starting Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood uh and then we’re going to continue that next Friday and Saturday uh so on and so forth have a good night see you guys later Bye-bye Oh

This video, titled ‘ANOTHER RUN THE @Shadross DUNGEON OF FUN | Minecraft w/ the Homies’, was uploaded by ignisian on 2023-12-03 03:54:30. It has garnered 33 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:43:19 or 13399 seconds.

I can already feel the pain…

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#minecraft #funnymoments #minecraftrealms #dungeon

  • Zeddy’s Wild Minecraft Cart Showcase

    Zeddy's Wild Minecraft Cart Showcase Minecraft Mod Showcase: NiftyCarts & AstikorCarts Redux Exploring the vast world of Minecraft just got more exciting with the introduction of the NiftyCarts and AstikorCarts Redux mods. These mods bring a whole new level of functionality and creativity to the game, allowing players to enhance their gameplay experience in unique ways. Features of NiftyCarts Mod: The NiftyCarts mod introduces a variety of new carts that players can use to transport items, animals, and more. From the versatile Handcart to the sturdy Supply Cart, each cart serves a specific purpose and adds a new dimension to transportation in Minecraft. Key… Read More

  • Minecraft Mod Madness

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  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Wild Ride

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  • Proving You’re Not a Turtle in Minecraft

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  • Check out Lilyville: Manual Mayhem in the Gamerfleet!

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  • Ultimate Farming in Minecraft ATM9

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  • Crafty Mods: Fabric Modding Minecraft 1.21.1

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  • Stalks in Blocks: Minecraft’s Cube Xuan Score

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  • MINECRAFT: Coding with a Twist

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  • HypnosMC

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  • Melio SMP Whitelisted Trust-based Java 1.21

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  • Minecraft Memes – Where’s that 303rd Minecraft creation, Bryan?

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  • Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise!

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  • Villager’s Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme

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  • Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations

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  • Maizen’s 3D House INSIDE Mikey’s HAND?! (Minecraft)

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  • EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!

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  • EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!

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  • Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft Roleplay

    Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ketakutan Yang Ada – Bakwan: Fight Back Episode 25 [ Minecraft Roleplay ]’, was uploaded by Rolfeey on 2024-08-28 02:25:38. It has garnered 12145 views and 815 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:49 or 4009 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/rolfeey ➽ Description !! Command Night bot !spec !donate !discord ➽Read Sekuyyy ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ And Dont Forget To Like, Comment, And Subscribe For More Video !! See Ya ➽Help Me Reach 100,000 subs!! : / rolfeey​ ➽Discord : / discord ➽Contact Me : Instagram: / rolfeey2 Twitter : / yourstar_2 Discord : Rolfeey 📧Business Email… Read More

  • Unlocking Herobrine’s Secret Powers! 😈 #Minecraft

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  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

    Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by VinceyVideo Information This video, titled ‘r/TraumatizeThemBack is Wild’, was uploaded by Vincey on 2024-08-25 14:00:30. It has garnered 13654 views and 1403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:41 or 1241 seconds. Thanks for watching today’s Reddit video legends! Subscribe if you want to! My Minecraft: Shaders: BSL Shaders Texture Pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft Members Access: Become a member today for exclusive videos and Discord access! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ62eviBm92rz20hE1IIIXQ/join My Links! ⬇️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vinceyreads/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/vinceyreads TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@vinceyreads 00:00 Intro 00:33 Story 1 02:56 Story 2 06:20 Story 3 07:49 Story 4 09:53 Story 5 11:22 Story 6 12:55 Story 7… Read More

  • Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!

    Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Прохождение Платной Сборки От OxFORTPACK / День 3 – Короткий день’, was uploaded by HaYaRy&ProSha on 2024-06-21 04:25:55. It has garnered 57 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:41 or 5741 seconds. 💵Post the meme directly on the broadcast – https://memealerts.com/HaYaRy&ProSha ✅Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Walkthrough Paid Build From OxFORTPACK / Day 3 – Short day 💵DONATE MONEY – https://www.donationalerts.com/r/hayary_and_prosha 💵DONATE TO CARD – 2202201045736895 ❗❗❗IN A MESSAGE OR COMMENT, WRITE WHO DONATED, WHY❗❗❗ 💵TRADE / ProSha TRADE – https://goo.su/i7ss 💵TRADE HaYaRy – https://goo.su/XEuTm6Q ✅VK GROUP – https://vk.com/club_hayary_and_prosha ✅TWITCH – https://www.twitch.tv/hayary_and_prosha… Read More

  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

    Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice WatermelonVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-09 10:50:14. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

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  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.craftlime.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, play.coleria.com.tr adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan www.coleria.com.tr adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- https://discord.gg/crKw3X5TJw Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: paypal.me/DarkCorruptA (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: https://discord.gg/m5PKeyykCg Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More