EPIC ADVENTURE & SORTING FUN! 🤹‍♀️🛶 | AbePack Minecraft Day 2

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Beep Cool hoodie oh thank you it’s my little milk hoodie this milk is named Luke but there’s also a Jerry milk hello good morning good morning another day of Minecraft I am so excited I was just thinking about you and then you start stream you manifested me you manifested

Me hello oh Emma her you should you should redeem a gifted sub invest in your channel Points I got I started the day off great I bought um McDonald’s breakfast I already had my hash brown that’s like the first thing I devoured I was eating a bit of my egg McMuffin and then Steve got donuts and I am fueled up ready for some Minecraft

Um I saw sorting okay I’m so glad you guys enjoy sorting because it is going to be a long sort we’re just going to get started by the way um starting at 12:00 p.m. I will be sponsored by ganine milk I’ll just be drinking some chocolate milk and talking about it um

But besides that the content won’t change it’ll if anything it’ll change to like me doing more crazy daring things like going into more Dungeons and stuff like that um but I’ll just be drinking some chocolate milk at starting at 12 all right we go yeah we have we so I came home last

Night with so much loot like so much loot it was insane no it was all lesie lesie was hilarious I freaking love that girl she is so funny like I it I I would I okay honestly I sound so crazy I say this about like so many of my girlfriends but

I would date lesie also I think my AC’s broken it’s I’m like wearing a hoodie but it’s hot I’m going to ask Steve later when he’s cuz he’s closest to the AC machine whenever you get the chance can okay oh my God yes oh oh okay so Seline

Messaged me last night and she was like by the way uh when you got off lesie forgot or lesie realized she forgot her um Diamond backpack at the dungeon so Seline went with her to go pick up her backpack back Again and I and I was saying dude why is this also such like an IRL thing for lesie to do like I just imagine like lesie forgetting her phone at EDC or something um and then we’d have to like walk back to the lost and found to find

Her phone she swapped her diamond packpack for a six Stone in a chest let Lesley oh she’s so funny I love her so much okay let’s get sorting shall we oh first things first um I should yes I should do all of this for my thing oh so last night I actually

Um I was watching YouTube tutorials I me me was watching YouTube tutorials about all of this because I was curious on how others Um I guess like built their places in ARS newvo um so I’m going to be redoing some things here to make it more optimal especially the farming area I know as soon as I went to bed I I fell asleep watching like a YouTube of a guy like talking about ARS

Noo I’m so invested and addicted this game is great and I know where to use my exp now ARS noovo can give me fortune on my pickaxe so that was cool to learn I did not know that Um I know I’m committed did okay I want to get rid of these trees oh I I’m getting distracted okay um right Okay I I think she was the only one that di that poor girl okay oh God Where Do We Begin chat this is horrible I hate looking at this i p okay I know what to do I know what will help let’s play play some Music let’s do there was a music disc called Cat just need to find it there’s a music disc called cat and I want to Oh Play bird sounds Chirp I think I heard this one mang was playing it earlier okay what about this One Hello I don’t know if I like this One ooh I’m so down to sort to Jazz okay we’re doing Jazz I’m so down okay I wonder if they have the thing where if I cook rotten flesh do you know what I’m trying to say does it turn into leather dang it I wish maybe I could dry the leather out or I don’t know I wish there’s a

Easier way to get leather besides killing cows you know what I mean what is all of this so weird well I’ll check but I don’t think there are drying racks oh drying basin drying items and Fluids um well never mind about that I do have leather just need to find it through everything okay Leather and then what was I doing I was going to get sticks sticks I’m going to be talking out loud because when I look at my chest it makes me want to die okay item frame we need item frames what the heck One two 3 4 five six okay we’ll have six for now we might have to make another chest Though okay the bottom chest should be um stuff I usually go for so like let’s make it our let’s make it our H mang found out you can build chests out of dirt and that it isn’t worth doing oh okay I was like where is this going how

Long does it take to sort inventory I I don’t know I’m so scared okay I’m going to turn this chest into my blocks chest whatever the heck I just tried to say oh Steven um and by blocks I mean like like gems emeralds that kind of stuff yeah like this stuff yeah yeah

Yeah like this stuff Flint cabar nitray floor like all these things yeah this all goes here okay oh wooden Spike Hollow spere Clam my head my head chat oh okay where did you come from okay okay yeah so far are so good good morning oh my music ended should I play the other ones I have other music good morning are you still doing your 24-hour stream is it done are you have

You slept are you okay hello what have you been up to whoa look at you double wielding it’s a it’s a shovel and a sword I know look at you double wield in I don’t even know how I did this I’m going to be honest oh wow you definitely

Haven’t slept yet huh no I have you shut up you don’t know me you’re God are you okay Peter do you need me to send over some coffee no I’m fine are you sure okay in my last 15 minutes oh almost done oh my god oh my god let’s go I bet

You won’t be able to fall asleep why would you say that cuz that’s what always happens when people do 24 hours you lay in bed after you’re like well freak I can’t even sleep it’s so [ __ ] up you would wish that upon me J well where’s your house what have you

Been up to oh you want to see my house I worked on it like a lot last night actually okay why do I feel like I’m not I don’t really have an eye for design but like here’s the entrance um okay um sorry to tell you buddy you have been

Evicted who who oh sorry uh my neighbor may have left some signs there J we are neighbor foosley Peter sorry I redecorated place a little it looks nice okay is this your place this is it Yep this is my this is my humble home oh yeah yeah the neighbor kind of installed

Their wall into my yeah yeah I was going to say this store only opens from one side that’s like a fire about that yeah that’s what I was saying too kind of a fire hazard huh yeah yeah I don’t know and they also got rid of my sign that

Says welcome to Peter’s hole so I don’t know why they would do that well Weir if you need anything Peter let me know I got a lot of stuff uh on my adventure oh yeah what’ you do or what’ you got we went on Dungeons and

We I don’t even know what we got I just shoved everything in my bag and and just went oh me too I got something called an armor armor piercing Minun ammo Peter it’s it’s night time and I’m so scared of of can you I’ll go to sleep yeah yeah

Yeah okay cool cool okay cool I’m so scared of the hello hello what were you doing how long have you been playing Minecraft I found a not that long I was supposed to play longer but some [ __ ] forced me to play anime music but wait what what

Do you mean anime music listen it’s it’s l it’s literally that they just they forc me they put they forced me at gunpoint to just listen to wee music for like 2 hours so I didn’t get to play as much Minecraft as I was hoping to play oh

Well hey it would be really cool if you went over 24 hours and just played even more Minecraft do you hear that is that coming from mang’s house yeah it’s it’s like a Blue Fairy thing and I hate it it makes so much noise oh oh Nai wait don’t let naobi out

Oh wait where’s Oliver who’s Oliver [ __ ] what’s wrong what’s happening to you what’s happening to you what’s happening to you okay okay I’m going okay okay come come come you did that on purfect no I didn’t do I literally broke you out I could have just sat there and watched you oh

It was a puffer fish it was a puffer fish I’m going to kill it no no don’t me will kill you she will literally blow you up she has missiles she’s already done at once for win I’m not scared kcj 7 through the fair sounds so

[ __ ] creepy I’m going to be honest I know all right I would stay on longer if my brain brained right now no yeah no makes sense you be off be safe if I do play more Minecraft it’s going to be off stream but I I think I will fall asleep

Yeah yeah you just my final stretch yeah you got this Peter you it’ll be like Happy New Year’s also who replanted all of this this is wrong I have lesie she was the last one here you sound so disappointed honestly her intentions were kind she wanted it to grow back right

Right well I’m going to go sort my inventory oh you’re deafened he has no idea you are muted what’s your goal for today yeah myself when I realized my goal is to sort my inventory ooh fun and learn more magic I’m learning ours no V oh can you show

Me what you’ve learned so far nothing I’ve learned nothing I’ve okay fine okay okay so okay okay so there’s this like gem thingy and it and if you put like things inside of it like a amethyst or something it turns into the source gem this jar helps speed this

Process up or any process and and planting these things around it feeds it uh energy this this isem chemistry you’re a chemist uh no it’s magic no you’re a chist no it’s magic this is science It’s Magic it’s not science what this is science you’ll see you’ll pay

For this don’t anger me I’m going to be the strongest Mage in the world and you are going to pay for this if you don’t stop you’re going to be the scientist in the world no this isn’t science I like summon things and stuff what what what can you com well

Not right now I’m early days I’m early days okay this is what day two of the server okay you know I just have a lot to do have a lot to it’s not science it’s not science look look at her little chemistry set over here it’s not it’s not W look at

That look at wow look at these So Much Chemistry it is not chemistry it’s not W look at this [ __ ] SP filling up with science juice oh this is meth oh not it is never mind not meth dude no no you’re right it is bro who is this Breaking Point who’s

That guy who’s that like a bre or not breaking point Breaking Bad Breaking Bad Breaking Bad yeah my name’s wal Whitman this is my this is my my my my assistant Jesse bluman and we’re from breaking you’re Jessie bluman I’m Jesse blooman I’m Walter White I’m Walter woman you’re wal you’re

Walter Wanda white Wanda white wait is breaking point even a thing why did I say that like I know it’s a say break a surfing [Laughter] documentary I don’t know I actually don’t know F I love that I love that so wait so what can you do so far you just make purples

Drink okay apparently I can make more things but I don’t know where I put my book because my inventory is so [ __ ] so right now I’m just filling [ __ ] up you say more things but what are like the initial things you could make is it

Just your lab set yeah just my lab set right now so what is your lab set supposed to make eventually I can make glyphs that give me more spells glyphs are spells and spells make more chemistry sets no this is just my chemistry set I can make more

Jars okay so you make jars so that you could learn to make more jars like that’s like the cycle no no like I oh okay so I can mine with Fortune with my book like that’s one of my magic spells I can fight like do damage with my book

Thingy um so these are all things that you can normally do but you do it with a book yeah so that it doesn’t expire my tools duh uh Jen have I ever told you that you’re the smartest most okay whatever Peter you’ll see you’ll see you’ll see I

Can’t wait to try your M I’m going to Leviosa your ass and and for real this time okay well last time it was for real too you no it wasn’t no for real for real Peter we are going to have a run back and you will actually be lifted up

And I will kill you I will let you fall all it sounds like you’re going to come over to my apartment and Chuck me off the balcony that’s dude no okay no it doesn’t scared please I’m so sorry I’ll get lost in your place before I even find you whoa whoa whoa whoa

Okay any more coffee back laava thank for 11 months thank you Uh Chelly crafting the three months oh yeah if anyone wants to know what I was talking about ke has a perfect link about a link about it it is so troll so troll all right this goes here I’m sorting I’m still sorting okay okay I need these things do I want Source gems

In there I think I’m going to have I’m think I’m going to have my like arsn noo stuff in a separate thing that might help me more okay I’m going to put you guys Away um um um oh osmium nice gold nice um berries and then carrots and Feathers gems I’m looking oh there’s my Nova spell book I’m going to pull that out um and this out I feel like I’m going to want to find those again later

And I’m going to forget where it is so I’ll pull it out beforehand before I forget where it was no gems here I think okay any gems here gems gems gems oh gold nugget okay H okay I think I did wait okay well yeah I’ll take the Chisel quartz

Block yeah I’m kind of learning magic oh shoot okay These uh potion okay these are where I put like I guess gems is the best way to call it right chat would you call these gems I I don’t know I’m going to put everything here ores right ores ores is good too hello another long stream who knows I actually have no idea

Is this going to be a long stream or not I actually will see we will see uh okay so my next one okay so let’s say these are my ores should I make this one my ARS noo uh I feel like since I already have so

Many of these I should might as well make this like monster drops because I have so many I’ll put arrows in here and Potions oh Phantom Membrane oh raw uranium you go in here I swear I need to make another chest like I’m positive I think I need I need Peter died wait what do you mean Peter died no no Peter went to sleep Peter went to sleep he didn’t die

Chat he didn’t die he’s going to bed I didn’t put a curse on him I’m about to put a curse on him if he stops he keeps making these rumors up Peter good night thank you so much for the raid I hope you sleep very well I

Genuinely hope so I genuinely hope I genuinely hope so Peter I didn’t curse him man for the win so sad thank you so much for the raid I’m proud of Peter for doing a 24-hour stream that is tough man I I yeah I don’t know if I can it’s just wow proud

Of you Peter you did so good you did so good I’m sorting my inventory right now um it’s a lot yeah I I’m going through a lot right now it’s it’s crazy crazy crazy he’s passing the torch well I don’t know why he’s passing the torch

I’m not gonna I’m not gonna do another 24-hour stream but I did a long stream yesterday but not 24 hours I don’t know how I cannot I think no I don’t think I could ever do a 24-hour stream again I think it mentally hurts me like it hurts to do a long

Stream like that my brain actually hurts I can feel it shriveling up I can actually feel it shriveling up it’s crazy does pack have vein Miner um let me check vain Miner no unless you mean at vain Miner 12 hours stream times two oh yeah I remember seeing his thing about that

It was like he um he had a wheel during his 12-hour stream he spinned his wheel and it landed on another 12h hour he got another 12h hour today on the wheel dude he needs to burn that wheel that wheel he needs to burn it like actually burn

It I’m going to make this chest like my food chest I’m going to put food in here edible food berries whatever you have it whatever whatever food the wheel needs a raise it needs to be burned that wheel needs to be burned I’m going to place some actually

I’m just going to go on YouTube oh no I won’t use YouTube cuz that’s not split I’m going to go on here Jazz I’m going to play some Jazz Lounge Bar music I need Jazz to sort I am Chinese hello rabbit hide I think I’m going to

Put that here or is that all monster stuff I’m going to put it here it’s not a monster thing but I’m going to do it oh my God chat it’s so painful okay I need to upgrade this it’s too painful I need to upgrade it okay

How do I upgrade this um a chest upgraded to iron iron to or uh wood to iron upgrade is iron with one wooden plank okay we can do that there is wood in here I know it’ll be satisfying surely it hurts oh my God just looking at this makes me want to throw

Up go back in here slime ball Ender sad my head okay this is my ARS noo Bania no so I’m still really new with ours Novo or whatever so if you see something that belongs in there you just speak up and let me know all

Right I wonder if I just if I can write ours and then no I can’t I can’t double click it I can only look under it and see if it says ARS noovo this is going to be so painful cuz I’m so new to the thing I don’t know what’s ours Novo

Or what’s not I don’t even know if I’m saying it right add an at okay I’ll try at ours no or is there no space yeah it doesn’t highlight is my biggest issue I wanted to highlight applied engineering okay think we checked here and we checked here what about up here probably

Nothing botania yeah we’re good okay Tetra I keep hearing about tetra breathe it’s okay everything’s going to be okay oh my God I’m going to put seeds in here I’ve given up we’re going to put seeds and we’re going to put food oh wait this is ARS noovo good

Afternoon no well I watched a video so basically last night I went on an adventure for many hours and um because I was on an adventure for many hours uh I didn’t really progress a lot I’d say um in my ARS noovo stuff oh this is what mang has the micro missiles

Monka well to be fair she never shot me and I I’m I uh I’m so scared of her still she’s so scary oh I think she is well versed in how to shoot me with it and you know what I come in peace M young you guys are crazy to not fear her

And her wrath micro missiles okay what’s up up here what is this overgrowth seed okay I’ll take that some arrows in here seed can go here okay so this is my arsn noo thing I’m going to make this what’s the best way to H I’ll just use this

Wood it’ll help me understand and it’s cheap okay uh this this can be um hm I tweeted the YouTube clip with Les’s reaction at you girls yesterday oh no I missed it I wanted to see it there’s a 4minute YouTube compilation out of me meang pully that’s so funny AR

Gold I want to watch that okay once we once I want to take a break from all this sorting I want to watch that I think that’d be a good break video to watch I’m going to make make this like a armor area just like weapons and armors don’t

Know about Minecarts though I’ll take that out Saddles I’ll put in I think that’s a good idea I hope I do Saddles and armor and weapons stuff like that okay that makes my brain happy oh oh wait it’s like the Minun stuff okay that goes in there Vortex Cannon looks like

It should go in there says shoots goes in oops um explosive minigun ammo yep you go in there oh thank you my mod linked me the video of the meang thing so it’s perfect okay all right armor weapons none here are there any up here oh lots of this Vortex Cannon

Yes I’ll bring TNT that also sounds like something that will’ll need um what I’m going to also put this in it looks like something that’s used for a weapon a nuke vir uh honestly I don’t know anything about like half these things it’s crazy out here what on

Earth nuke sounds like like a like a weapon right chat oh look at all these berries okay I’ll put these as well in here hey honestly we’re for the win we are sorting pretty quickly like this is good this is this ain’t so bad I thought this was going to be like

Really bad but it it’s it’s not it’s not terrible I thought I was going to take longer but we’re we’re making a lot of progress nuke right above armor chest H there’s a lot of armor chests crazy uh I I want to say there probably are rocket launchers it’s crazy

Oh okay um what should each chest be okay so this is the armor one I’ll make one like a I think the top one should be like blocks like just a bunch of random ROM blocks like this for bone meal okay blocks this one can be like the minecart

One guys can I cook these mine carts why do I have mine carts can I cook them and turn them into like things I could use or like what do I do about these are they useful do I keep them I don’t know I don’t know what to do about those it’s

A little awkward can I I can I turn them into um iron or something singy oh yeah I have no idea what to do with them isn’t that missile launcher middle right chest middle right chest missile launcher yes thank you I will put this in here my weapon chest I need to make

Three more item frames okay I have things sorted okay so my leather is here and my oh I don’t have my wood sorted yet so my wood is here okay I think it’s like this perfect amount okay weapon I’m going to use H something really crappy like uh

Like a stone sword my first ever sword boom yeah I don’t know what to do about mine carts I have so many hello I’m sorting my head hurts yeah I was going to say have you done that yet no I just started bro this is a lot of gold chests

Yeah I used all the gold we found in the dungeons to do this it’s uh yep I might have to make the house bigger or longer so I could fit more chests yeah you definitely do Did you sort yet no I did something else last night I I see the

Trees yeah that’s all I did last night no you have a base it’s cute I saw briefly want to give me a tour um oh wow you really tour you really living out here huh my soul lanterns like you living out here out here did you get the soul

Lanterns from the nether yeah ooh yeah well I the I like it uhhuh that’s very you like no roof kind of girl just just like you know let the rain come in wash everything away like Seattle you know clean it cleans it cleans you like my chaotic

Mess I’m sure it is organ ganized to you so yeah I get it like I’m sure this means something oh this is a this is part of the aura thing this is like oh yeah see see and and same with this I’m sure this means something too Aura and like these

Soul lanterns probably fight off all the demons that I don’t know about no they’re just pretty well you know I’m just trying to give you some excuses do do you want to see Peter’s house wait Peter has a house yeah oh is this his his neighbor uh was kind enough to

Give him a little look in here is this L Lesley’s face that he gave she gave I well this is Lesley’s house in here I like how the door only opens on her side yeah what the heck this is what I do to my villagers yeah this is actually you do

Peter lives like my villagers that I imprisoned he’s got like one simple chest that’s about it what the heck oh I also put dirt everywhere here I literally blocked his view maybe he likes that no I’m sure he likes that he’s minimalist yeah minimalist is in

Now it’s very like it’s what the people want Uhhuh um back to sorting what are you going to do yeah I have to sort too I didn’t swort at all this is all I was doing you got this you got this ah back to work back to work chat I really want to move my farm to be more

Efficient it bothers me that it’s not for the win it could be okay what was I doing oh right right right yeah I don’t know what I think this is just going to be like MK you know like I’m going to make this one be MK my MK stuff hi

Abe I’m going to shove everything I don’t know what does what it does in here like I don’t know what the heck any of these do except for this I know what music discs do honestly I have too many is there a trash oh there is a trash can I think I

Know Jen is the best Pokemon Master up trash can nullifier was a lot more complicated than I wanted to be uh oh X Boomer bars excuse me thank you for gifting a sub and John D Shadow I got you on the gifted sub boom who is X Boomer bars come clean

Come clean up left corner of inventory wait what’s up left corner oh wait am I muted no for the wi up left trash can wait oh does I think it’s disabled chat yeah I’m pretty sure it’s disabled should I make this thing I need food you like yeah it’s just

Chaos does anyone have a trash can or know where lava is trash can right here that’s so messy that’s so I mean if she doesn’t log on it’ll just disappear it’ll just disappear okay don’t tell don’t tell her what are you up to I have to sort my

Chest last night we went on like a 4our dungeon spree and I am so tired and ape you think 4 hours we went on many right I thought we went on many we only went to two dungeons really yeah and a glimp diamond uh my chest is osmium

Oh okay okay yeah wow everyone seems so like geared up no I’m not geared up trust me my I got these from dungeoning like I did not make these myself and they’re like almost breaking they’re like yellow one’s red uh yeah I’m excited there’s a bunch of

Like bosses and stuff that we can do later too and apparently it’s like what do you call it it’s like wow wow raids ooh okay if you want to go on a dungeon in like uh in like 2 hours let me know in two

Hours I have to SAR a okay an hour and a half I just I I got to I got to two hours toore I got do a lot I have I have to uh also do my RS noo stuff like it’s a lot okay I know what you cooking here I don’t know

Yet cooking some you cooking some of that good good yeah I guess you got some you got some you got some juice up in here yeah I’ll show you later I’ll show you later actually some like I know I’m so excited I was I watched this video at

Night like a video about it at night like that’s how much I’m in love you have like a meth lab here wait that’s what Peter said wait what is this this is ours noo it’s like Mage stuff so I’m going to do this I was

Going to do ours nuo you can still do it we can have two Mages but now that you’re doing it I don’t no I feel you on that though I was like oh well L is doing botania and but I actually am excited to do this she’s

Doing uh Aura stuff dud honestly this look sick just do the magic stuff yeah do whatever there only so many people there is only so many no I’m going to do something else you should also do what you want to I’m going to be different okay

Okay so this is like where I put random ass blocks boom okay at 3 P.M I’m doing a dungeon with mang Seline and Ryan and whoever else is coming I don’t know meang said 3 p.m. you don’t pronounce the S and rs in the

French RS noo new r o r noo thank you for the correction I’m G to be doing a solo dungeon run for my for my milk sponsor actually I should prepare for this huh no I’m fine well let me bring some apples cuz my sponsor is starting

Soon Golden Apple okay we got it golden apples are good okay you have many rockets in different areas do I ah I can’t even like see it it’s so crazy in here I’m so I’m so lost everything is so messy oh should I bring a missile launcher

Okay okay missile launcher do I need to bring anything else like how does this work do I just bring all of them I don’t know how it works that’s why I’m so scared a bed right right okay I’ll bring a bed I should bring wood I knew it was something like that

Yeah all my backpacks are empty I emptied them all out Hello uh Yuri sand thank you for the sub thank you okay got my bed let me know if there’s anything else I should bring chat a shield probably oh I have one good no no one’s done Mythic mounts yet oh let me go get my milk be right

Back chat I’m going to go get my milk oh for all right I’m freezing Steve to death yeah I told Steve to make it colder all right thank you I got me my tall glass of chocolate milk lactose free though cuz I well not like it changed anything when I was in

Seattle we had so much Dairy I I was messing that toilet up chocolate milk chocolate milk oh Steve said I’m so cold okay well here we go I have my little Jerry to cheer me on oh why is my Minecraft look this way hold on why does my Minecraft yeah not

Fit off an armor okay wait okay that’s transform reset transformation hey what happened to my game you know what I know what to do transform fit to screen there isn’t guys why why does my game look like this but in here it’s normal really I swear it wasn’t this

Complicated yeah there was a mod that allowed us to disenchant in the previous mod weird there was a mod okay okay boom there we go I fixed it I fixed it it yeah maybe I don’t know but anyways uh today I’m sponsored by going to need milk to to promote

Milk um this what I’m drinking here is lactose free chocolate milk so I understand if some people like myself can’t really partake in Dairy because their stomachs will flip over um but you can there are things that keep milk um I’d say like supplements maybe supplements isn’t the

Right word well milk has like vitamins in it small F visually oh my God everything is breaking here maybe I just don’t all Tab and work good but it’s to help uh promote awareness about milk still effing I don’t know what to do oh my God why nutrients is the correct word thank

You wandering that is is it if I exit over wolf I’m doing it I don’t care did it break my game why is it effing you know what I’m scared of this scene we’re going to go to this scene wait we’re going to go to this

Scene and then instead of chat I will just do that’s Iman that is not the right picture let me check okay well I don’t know why that scene in particular is being wonky so we’re going to use this scene I must be obsessed with her or something I’m

Sorry I don’t know why my brain clicked on the same thing when I just checked that it wasn’t that one okay I am obsessed with her constantly thinking about Pokey we love woman oh my God I wonder if it’s the GIF let me know if it FS again it

Might be the GIF or something oh my God it is I have to take it off I have to okay tell me if it FS again with it off then I’ll walk around it’s the gift it has to be it has to be the gift it’s fine now yeah yeah

Okay it was the gift it was it was the Jerry okay no more Jerry no more Jerry I’m sorry I don’t know how to fix Jerry um speaking of woman actually I have this thing that milk told me uh did you guys know that almost half of all sports

Participants are women and yet just 5% of all sports coverage features women athletes it’s not a lot of coverage about women’s athletes and milk my sponsor wants to help change that and Beyond just traditional Sports so like Esports etc etc on in international women’s day milk pledged

100% of campaign coverage to wom in 2023 in a world where male Gamers and athletes take Center Stage milk are directing the spotlight to wom and they also wrote we thank you for joining joining us on this Mission so thank you so much for giving wom a platform

And coverage shout out to milk they’re an ally let’s go cheers everyone women are cool I would be sad without mine that’s so cute all right so our goal right now okay I hope nothing breaks but let’s just go uh H maybe I’ll get no no no we’ll do

It okay let me sleep first and then we’re off we’re going to go to a dungeon we’re going to fight in a dungeon okay uh my East never my East isn’t discovered so I might go there um unless that’s where we came from but I don’t think so so we’re going

To go East I need a boat I’m going to go bring my boat I have a boat somewhere in this mess mess of a place going to put my book back cuz I’m not ready for that oh yeah does Abe want to come on my dungeon here let me ask

Abe or anyone I’m going on a dungeon right now um if anyone wants to come but if not it’s cool just letting y’all know going to a dungeon yeah I I haven’t found one though you do yeah I kind of want to go okay come I’m trying to find a cool mod to

Go oh I see well maybe you could figure that out later yeah I’m down to figure it out later cool cool cool let’s go let’s go I’m sponsored by milk right now by the way so I’m drinking chocolate milk and we can’t die we can’t die okay you can’t or I

Can’t die oh wait why it’s my little challenge oh I got my little chocolate milk to feel me though I don’t think they’ll die oh my gosh milk choc milk chocolate milk you want some chocolate milk I’ll send you some chocolate milk really are you lactose intolerant they

Have lactose free one waa someone’s got a strong stomach jealous I really am it hasn’t sto me from consuming Dairy though but I really am I’ll send you some I’ll literally send you some you actually down okay you know message me your address listen it to you right now

You can enjoy milk with me yeah yeah why is he so quiet it just oh shoot we go yes please Selen we’re going to go on a dungeon if you want to come where I don’t know where yet oh like we’re going right now yeah okay I’m

Down yeah my inventory will never be organ no no no we’ll organize it when we’re home okay just dump everything in sorry to tell you buddy you have been evicted AK K we are neighbors Peter sorry I redecorated your place a little it looks nice can you check DM real quick oh I

Don’t know if I even have space the Dum how do get inside yes ke help me get my Jerry back up ke keoni Hello okay let’s see if this FS my thing Jerry are you going to be good hello Natha thank for the 3 months thank you dump it in dump it in I think I can like dump it here right what do you mean oh like garbage oh no my

Backpack um why do you want to put your backpack down there that’s so scary what if it what if it despawns no my backpack sucks things up oh and I couldn’t toss it oh oh okay okay have you guys explored the East yet I haven’t explored anything oo okay

Apparently played until like midnight or something oh okay okay Jerry is spelled with a j e r i I don’t know I don’t guys I got to go on a dungeon I’m I fed up on milk wait how come you have to go to a dungeon I feel

I’m sponsored by milk right now and I drink some chocolate milk and it’s supposed to Fel me and we got to go to the dungeon so I can okay mess it up go go go let’s go oh my God this AA stuff looks so cool Hello 42 Garcia thank you for the prime

Dungeon Char man CH for the win ow what was that oh my God s are you do doing okay me mhm I’m Panic cuz I have to dump up my inventory now I come in a second there’s like arrows too or if you like just like just click boom boom boom

Boom oh yeah can I have some oh yeah where are you are you oh okay yeah thank you oh yeah I should get some torches um torches right right I like stared at my thing and I was like what was I here for torches torches torches I

Put my torches I didn’t sort my torches apparently okay they’re here I’ll just bring this yeah I’m holding a shield Charli CH for the wind I made some more chests for you just in case oh ready I’m good okay let’s go Shield food boat that’s all you need weapon Shield food any extra

Food uh yeah actually here eight oh yeah oh my God what what if golden apples it was from my dungeons what the heck a paxel yeah I have one it’s just going to break soon and I don’t know if I want to commit to that paxel because it’s an osmium

Paxel so I don’t know how I feel about it you voted on me you guys are going to be poor if you think I’m going to die yesterday sure I I believe that I would have died but today I am like sealed up I’m ready to go

Okay well while we wait let me talk to you about milk milk is the OG superfood containing 13 essential nutrients that help F performance here are some highlights um they have vitamin B which helps convert food into energy and are important to our brain’s function zinc helps boost your immune

Function and helps improve Sleep Quality oh vitamin D improves your mood and improve cognitive function in memory ready let’s go go it’s just the OG super food all right you got this El we’re just one dungeon we’ll be back home just one yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah woo yeah all

Right be careful of holes here there are a lot and I don’t know why I don’t know but I’ve been told huh I don’t know but I’ve Been Told supp you’re supposed to finish it with something uh I don’t know the rest of that song is that a song yeah it is

You got a boat Abe no bro do you did you bring the wood can I join I’ll make you a boat y’all got all this time and y’all didn’t bring your own [Laughter] boats I’ll go by myself I don’t care come okay oh I love you

Yay ah well well well looks like you didn’t know how to get there where we you don’t even know where we’re going yeah so wow look at this beach I don’t know like a house houses usually have dungeons did you guys check out this blimp are those white trees over there

Waa those are the enchanting trees those are pretty so pretty someone buil up to it oh right right right I’m guessing someone went to this blimp then it’s so close to our place yeah all right this way let’s just go east oh my God you have diamond armor it

I found it through the dungeon oh wow that’s a don’t this is terrifying this is bad I almost died uh okay we got to go around holy holy J biome yeah I actually need jungle sapling oh okay I can wait if you want to get it I wish it was

Daytime let me see can I sleep I’m scared to sleep where’s Abe I don’t know oh it’s burning do you not want to get the saplings oh yeah yeah get it get it what on Earth is he doing how come they don’t drop saplings H that connected to the other tree I

Have to they’re annoying jungle trees are like so annoying I got zero saplings for Three Trees yeah they’re bad RNG there’s this one I got one yeah you need four Seline wants jungle saplings oh I need four saplings to make one tree mhm I’ll help you chop One chop the leaves I think it’s easier to just chop the trees right sure hi you can grow jungle trees with one sapling oh I always thought it was oh Selen I have two saplings oh your is better than mine did do you have

Two yes I do perfect I’ll drop you my to right behind oh did it go on your inventory I think it did yeah I have a magnet on so a lot of things will go to me perfect whoo oh what are they doing I don’t know whoa Whoa oh don’t fall wait what is that down there yo do you guys want to go in spider this spider layer ew Seline look look look look in here see Minecraft spiders aren’t ow too bad okay let’s do it oh boy um I love spiders yeah they’re crawling up

Whoa It’s like a spider egg wow they designed this so well how do you shoot these oh I don’t know how to use this I sure about a bucket of water do we want to mess with this I don’t know I there’s there yeah I don’t even know if there’s loot but I

Uh I made a path down oh nice at least at least we’re getting a lot of string true and this is made of wool oh yeah okay let’s see um oh where are the spawners oh wait where are you guys I’ll close my door and close my door that was quite the

Yell oh there’s chests in these cobs Wa oh I see in the wool balls that’s where the spawners are oh come get this okay oh you’re in here okay I’m going to light this place up oh man for the win oh heck Yeah I don’t know how to use these missiles by the way chat if anyone has any wrecks let me know okay now that we know kill all the cobweb stuff or all the wool Momo gasm they the 109 months welcome back to Tito Army when you’re happy I’m happy thank you anyone have

Wood I gave you so much what happened to it all I left it at home a I left it at home I need a workbench I need a sword oh here uh oh I’ll give you this thank you do you see that floating wool I wonder if there’s a chest in

There but I’m so scared yeah I bet there’s a chest in there actually I would assume there’s a spawner in there does anyone have iron uh no I don’t have any iron nope oh this place is unexplored yeah I wish I brought some blocks to build that would have been

Useful I always feel like I’m preparing for things and then I go and I’m not as prepared as I thought I was oh that’s gravel I think that might have been it oh all right let’s just leave let’s leave there are cooler dungeons there’s better Places okay um we went I so much Str what about inside that wool thing I didn’t bring blocks to what inside this cobweb right here this looks like a dungeon what cobweb or this this this Cobblestone really yeah it is like out of place but it seems like such a

Pain to get to like not worth it don’t worry I’ll take us there bab I’ll get us there oh gosh oh no stubborn man a is so stubborn what happened Abe really wants to go to that floating Cobble Stone place so he’s building there does he even have the blocks oh

There’s another one here where you’re at J I tried going around it yeah let’s just break the things around I found the chest oh there was a chest in this thing is it l there a chest in all of them um yeah oh my

God oh I got a mending book wait are you lying you’re such a liar that sounds like a lying voice I don’t know I don’t know what what do you mean a lying boys I got a mending book I swear babe I hate the way you build

Why was went the way I built just go can you go can you step to the side please I’m trying to get up Don’t Pass Me no please can you please move to the side oh my God this is so scary dude the thing is AA actually hit

Me off before Oh okay come up come up I’ll just I haven’t hit you off okay uh I am very curious about that long cobblestone building now it’s like pretty long okay wait did you get a mending book too no you’re so lucky did you get

It move around I’m holding shift I can’t because I’m holding shift too I’m so sorry oh no no no I broke the spawner here I’m going to put a bed here everyone should tap it just in case tap this bed oh wait you can only sleep at oh yes you

Can still tap it I’m not scared this is unreal oh man our dungeons were not this annoying but okay were there no chest for the wi I don’t think he even noticed that no I broke the Spawner in it on the Cotton web mhm it seems like there’s like either

Chest or a spawner inside of Those wait this doesn’t lead anywhere are you kidding me dang it it looked like something okay there’s literally nothing here oh okay okay oh my oh that hurt yeah whatever you tried to kill me wait you’re forget you forgot your bed no we can make another

One did you break it I’m bringing the B dude if we die we respawn in like the Narnia areas oh you that’s why I see your you’re so troll click this oh nativa not native dad I’m going be right back my food is here okay do you want some milk little Goblin does he have good stuff oh sorry you can look no he doesn’t if only we had efficiency books it’s not so bad jungle sweet thank you for the sub thank you you want to come home with us I have chocolate milk at home I found another

Chest oh wait where’ you go down up oh wow such a good you are I want more wool for beds oh wow nice f f Ro on the Jerry milk is so cute and I’m wearing I like to think they’re brothers and this is Luke Whoa did we go through here oh yeah probably mhm I do oh wait no that’s a tree H where should we go there’s a o a forgotten Forest okay let’s go there do you see it kind of it’s like south of us and there’s like really pretty trees or

Do you think we should go more East oh there’s a town to the south of us oh how do you see that Hello okay let’s go south I don’t see the town yet ooh stone brick stairs Wast foxy fire think the 3 months welcome back to Tor arm me when you’re happy I’m happy thank you oh I love it when it’s daytime are there any cows near us I want to kill

Cows for leather oh is this not t vad not not TV dad not TV Dad I’m muted oh oops oh oops I was muted hello oh yeah hello oh hi oops you thought you thought you thought I don’t know all you huh uh no oh okay

My chat just told me oh yeah I wish I brought buckets then we can milk the cows Selena Oh White Jungle grapes maybe I can find some iron on on these walls uh top full thank you for the sub welcome to Tito Army when you’re happy I’m happy thank you milk milk milk milk oh my gosh I hope seline’s okay for the win on top of mountains oh are these

Well H I don’t know I don’t think this is a mountain this is more like a grassy thingy this looks like a mountain is on the map I want to go here this looks cool H maybe we should go here I wonder if anyone’s gone at this One oh it’s night time s is she okay Jan Jan uhhuh back down there’s another area over here we missed whoa coming where are you down here oh oh there’s another area over there too actually okay there’s nothing over here I will just say uh thankful for uh to be here everyone

Thankful to be here and alive and well um thankful for you know I’m just just say it I think my milk blessed me uh I would have died if I didn’t have the power of milk um um I’m scared though I’m really scared I’m really scared right

Now flash life flashed before my eyes for real okay well the good news is that I uh is that I found iron that is my copium perfect oh sorry about that I’m back welcome back was it anything Abe no okay let’s let’s bounce y’all I almost died Seline

It was so scary B uh I fell was that the creep expion yeah no no like I fell by my yeah a punched me no I didn’t I’m being Fram AA I’m helping you I’m sleeping I don’t like nighttime all right roll out Squad oh I have some iron to trade

Actually amazing all right let’s go this way should we go south or should we just keep going east what do you guys think what do you mean yes I need a decision maker South okay South okay we should we we should go around because there’s like a big

Hole why are there holes everywhere it’s Crazy W oh my God it’s so pretty it’s unbelievably pretty hello cows moo oh my God shears yes so pretty I want to Shear everything what if we just Dr that is true through I don’t know those trees look a little hard to deal

With what kind of a tree is this is this jungle H I should have brought my shears I want this flower patch oh here here I can make you shears oh my God so pretty oh oh it’s beautiful huh huh huh what happened s okay oh okay whoa green mushroom

Blocks don’t fall in the water okay okay I’m building up chat I want these oh so pretty I’m too lazy to get the to get the sapling so we’re going to shave it in instead plus it’s not too far from us we can come back surely yeah this is where she got her

Leaves I love this Leaf cuz it it brightens the area which I love it’s like a free it’s like an aesthetic TCH okay okay I only like the blue ones I’m what well to be fair my house is blue so just want like stacks of this one should be good

Enough oh yeah every time lesie is like do you have another one of these I would here mang say oh that’ll be one diamond and Ley will be like oh never mind oh my God it’s so pretty oh why don’t we oh my God a village oh my God oh my

God it’s so pretty Here bring beds where is everyone oh they’re still by the trees okay fully Grown oh I don’t think I have this tree yet for my magic stuff oh yeah Lily would love this mod it’s so like flowery and cute is this tree not breaking because of this tree oh my God it’s pink oh no this tree is complicated oh wait it dropped saplings we’re okay it’s

Fine oh a lot of saplings guys there’s a village there’s a village oh okay uh oh this one is pretty where are they I’ll go pick them up so pretty the city turns purple whoa oh my God this is so cool guys I found a village oh oops you’re stealing my

Stuff what huh what no don’t touch touch no I’m not just you know just walking by that’s all I’m doing yeah oh I hear Selen oh she’s in the tree I was like I hear you but I didn’t see you it’s cuz you’re like in there in there yeah I want the

Saplings I got some saplings yeah me too I think this tree you need like um four or five to grow you have to like grow them in a plush shape or something oh a plush shape oh I have five that should be enough I hope I have five of the saplings I hope

That’s enough yeah that should be enough all right ready guys let’s go oh wait she’s chopping trees did you check out the village uh only one house Villages don’t interest me too much I’ll come with you Selen we’re going to be by The Villages okay okay yeah go all right to the

Village Villages are cool but I don’t know o I don’t know why I’m like eh about them l L usually Librarians live here but it oh a chest food villages in modded stuff isn’t that exciting late game or mid game True let’s see do I see a dungeon nearby anywhere I want to find a dungeon drink water thank you for making me drink water I do have water I need to refill on my milk too it’s turning night I’m going to sleep before we venture off Again that might be tough oh a sea dungeon if it’s far and we’re on the opposite direction then probably not I don’t want to go plus leen’s with us so she probably doesn’t want to go to something that she already did ready guys I don’t have any um Saddles where are

They AE did you find any good loot there there was a chest with some emds in it in this house over here the one I’m looking at right now oh entrance a mine didn’t have any bad RNG unlucky there’s another chest here with emeralds oh for you you we there

Definely in there for you yeah sure no oh s huh uh I’m opening chests and there’s no emeralds in it but Abe keeps finding emeralds in his oh where are the chests in The Villages there’s one in this house honestly AE you got to go see the dungeons the loot doesn’t even compare

Yeah we got to go dungeoning please find D let’s it legitimately does not compare like you will not look at a village ever again last night or before night John Ryan and I went to one in the Nether and it was so crazy oh my God the nether is terrifying you brave

Souls we built a nether portal directly that leads to the Fortress or whatever oh and so that’s so convenient we can just go travel to in the Overworld I hate these brushes I know the firecracker ones they slow Me Hello oh we’re at a desert oh a beach oh I see a bat are those Sandy catacombs what you guys looking at I was looking at the map let’s go this way I see like a wooden I don’t know it kind of looks like a boat yeah there’s unique loot for every

Person I love that I love that cuz I I loot really fast and I feel slightly bad when I out loot people I hope I’m going the right way for it it’s like this way H yeah what is this yeah what is this is this a

Dungeon oh this this is a sunken ship where’s the chest shouldi be here somewhere why am I finding these weird places I want to find a dungeon this is so troll my God let me see what did the dungeon look like over here it was like this I can find that I can find that I could do that is that a sun ship what is this I know I’m being protected but the goal is to f

Whoa oh is it oh not bad I like this loot yeah some stuff pretty good not bad not bad okay Selen you don’t want the loot oh it’s this way Mhm the orange house I think the orange houses are another Village cuz there were a lot of orange houses and it always looks like a village un this yeah this is the orange house Village thing another Village so well there’s so many villages there’s so many villages you guys can we

Skip them yeah yeah okay yes Villages are lame compared to D yes oh my God thank you yes let’s you’ll see Abe I promise you’ll see it’ll be worth skipping oh careful careful careful oh my God whoa can you just put me on a leash and

Drag me let’s find the water and then you I okay okay let’s go to water we’ll go to water and then then we’ll find a dungeon I’m Tired how are you tired now but but yesterday was like longer there was a lot of Water look water right here okay ow let’s go yay I already finished the cup see the map is there anything interesting oh a temple who drown mhm spooky whoa ape oh my God Abe Oh I thought you went in the water I was like you’re crazy no

I would never do that weird I thought we were heading east we’re going south yeah we decided to go south um when you went AF w who what are these will they hurt us who whoa are they why are these turtles so big tortoise I’m guessing

Or I don’t know torto torto torto what are they why are there so many Tores tortoise wao speeding up speeding up oh shoot this is cool that’s a that’s a temple that’s a temple oh back in the oh oh oh God oh God oh God oh God we’re

Not ready for temples we’re not ready for temples oh my this is a giant Temple wait I need to mark this what do temples do it’s basically like a dungeon too except underwater and you need special well you don’t need special armor but I don’t have like the underwater armor so I’ll

Probably drown and I don’t have any it’s just a lot yeah it’s scary I also wish I had silk touch oh yeah doors that’s what we need yeah normal players have to gear up for them aka me but I’m sure if you’re like really good at video games you could probably just

Like do it I’m sure I know there’s people out there who have oh my God civilization whoa are those white Enchanted trees oh no those are the blue ones it looks white so pretty oh my God uh let me press M Stony Stony Shore guys there’s something chasing after you there’s something chasing after you there’s something chasing after you oh my God oh my God oh my God I’m trying toess M to see if there’s any like Dungeons on the map s can you check for me while I’m

Driving how do I know it’s a dungeon is it going to look like a building yeah there’s nothing around but I’m staring at M okay okay last time in the nether John Ryan and I thought we saw like a UFO but it was just a crazy pattern on the ground what [Laughter]

The found the cherry blossom area so cute pretty well we’re coming to the end of the waters there really no dungeons really oh my God Uh what’s this maybe oh oh here come back down let me put a boat you find something yeah I think there’s a dungeon oh uh yeah it is oh nice do you have a bed let’s put a bed down uh I think I can make one oh let’s

Go good eye Abe good eye thank you I’m going to quickly go get more milk I need to fuel up for for oh my God you haven’t upgraded your backpack to iron or gold cheers Chat these dungeons give you a lot of stuff oh the first thing you should just upgrade your backpack okay it makes a huge difference oh they’re coming J watch out there’s a creeper behind you here we go again here we go here we go oh yes the stairs torch it so we know

Careful there are holes here let me see do I have I might have blocks blocks blocks blocks oo chest what does fermented spider ey do um I know you can use it for making potions I don’t know what kind though I forget but they’re used for potions okay boom okay Chest okay I think well I’ll double check monk oh I see W ooh good loot in this chest found diamonds I did not but I found 20 arrows Okay not the same not the same yeah but I’m sure you’ll will find some like everyone’s there’s good loot in this one apparently where uh in here there’s like water and then to the right oh my gosh what what you get what’ you get augment arrows and a nuke

Virus oh he did not get diamonds either oo sound interesting oh books right books just go straight down uh SP here wait did we do this one yet I forget oh coming come here secr room oh W wo enchantment table oh wait really really get it get it wait that’s

Lit Ward and far we have Melo he at home Okay okay okay that was a lip room oh what the Yeah Janet look oh it goes up and this way too should we should we go let’s go this way first and then we’ll go up and then we’ll go down okay I’m going to do this so we remember yeah

Yeah okay oh there’s a bed here with nothing else I see okay huh I’m gunning for the spawner okay there’s another spawner down there I’ll gun for oh shoot there’s so many ah hold on ow okay for milk oh they’re fighting each other there’s one here too I put a

Torch oh my God ow there’s a chest here oh oh chest here too oh my God I love dungeons so much it’s Amazing time to have stuff in my inventory oh nothing oh I’m gunning for it can you put a torch on top of a spawner to keep them from spawning I think so we kind of just kill it though for the EXP cuz I don’t think any of us are going to come

Back here you know what’s cute this dungeon is below or AB yeah below a cherry blossom Forest oh yeah it’s so unassuming you know like I would have never guessed there’d be a dungeon in here that’s how they get you and then you you find the cute cherry blossom

Forest you start building in it that oh yeah then you’re like oh wa I’m going to make a basement oh wa okay all right downstairs downstairs no no we should go upstairs right first cuz there’s like stuff up here and then we go downstairs maybe is there stuff up

Here oh wait no this is the very top of this thing this is the entrance but there’s sometimes stuff on the entrance oh well I’ll check I’ll check and tell you okay okay oh my God like sometimes there’s stuff up here oh my God press B am I

Lagging are you got oh my oh I was going to ask are you guys lagging um where are my shears real quick you know Char man CH for the win oh Ryan’s on hi Ryan oh my God okay we’re coming back out here later I’m getting too

Distracted this place is so cute even the purple trees are adorable oh there really isn’t anything up here nothing upstairs by the way stay down yeah that was shiv okay all right going back down is that a sapling yes okay guys close your eyes we’re going down it’s going to be a crazy Spin round and round and round and round and round and round and round I’ll tell you when to open your eyes um almost there okay open your eyes you’re good you’re good coming hello hello hi I hear you where are you Abe I’m here come here we going downstairs yeah yeah let’s go

Why are there bars here so weird oh oh are those Mage Bloom oh my God it is how did recognize that oh it’s for my AR arovo thingy what is it um this flower called Mage Bloom oh torches what do you do with potions I never Ed these fire resistance throw it on

People throw it on people Mandy panda bear thank for the 52 months welcome back thank you oh Amber I don’t know what it does I hear lots of things yeah mon my God my Waypoint is so bright oh a spawner o nice how’s the loot so far AE is it fun

To you yet yeah you like you like so fun whoa whoa whoa I don’t I can’t why does this sound like why do you why huh okay okay he sounds sarcastic as heck okay that’s what I was saying that’s what I thought before you thought I was like Among Us

Lying yeah cuz you do lie but did I lie I don’t know I would never are there no more stairs I think there is I’m sure there is oh maybe we didn’t check this way oh yeah this way is check whoa oh I have should I have more than one

Potion stand I have potion stand at home but I don’t know do I need more than one stuff down there yeah I mean these dungeons have a lot of stuff oh my God yeah it go yay is feather falling the thing that makes you immune to fall damage not immune but

You don’t yeah oh but like it you take you definitely take less damage like you could fall from high probably won’t die there’s a chest in here some whoa what’s that that looks like a boss room thing oh where down there below us oh never mind maybe it’s just more of the

Dungeon oh yeah cool I see loot down there all right we got to get down there we’ll find the stairs missiles yeah I don’t know how to use the missiles yet oh yeah I love this glad the dungeon loot is instance yeah or like all of us can do

It that’s a big thing for so like any future server ever is going to be instant L you’re a genius it’s a genius Implement thank you just like so nice because then like when people go ahead it doesn’t make like it doesn’t feel too

Bad yeah yeah yep oh is it this way H we went all way here we went straight down yeah where is the path down where’ the path down oh usually there is did we miss it here was it was it supposed to be this who dug this where is

It it’s not this way oh no where’s the path down oh I don’t know didn’t find I guess we can just go down ourselves from outside we could we went this way yeah we did yeah I mean there’s a room right below us yeah oh it’s it’s this this is

It found it oh it is oh nice oh wait guys there’s so many holes wait a second just chill for a sec there’s so many holes get out of my way dude the floor was non-existent I filled up everything almost whoa oh my God okay which way do we want to go

First there’s this one already broke one a already broke one a already broke one ow okay I build you guys I will help build cuz it’s a lot lot of Ms here yeah there a lot yeah I get harder oh okay so for this one a it’s behind the

Courts oh there’s a creeper everybody be careful yeah so they’re usually behind PS oh my God there’s so many you got to w a lot where are you spawning from are all the spawners gone okay I think that should be it then that was the last one that you broke niceoo Hello hello off the clock thank for the 61 months welcome back to TI Army when you’re happy I’m happy thank you okay I’m going to torch this area oh this okay oh break break one I’m coming two oh buz off oh buz off um oh my God three

Four okay okay is that it oh no no I broke four okay five I broke five um I think that’s it oh my gosh hey I am so strong why am I so shooting where is that ah oh I see it’s out There this pack is called Abes pack wait guys I just broke five little spawny thingies can’t believe we’re going to have to do the crazy Inventory management soon aren’t you excited I don’t even have a house yeah but now you have reason to get one true I didn’t really feel like making a

House until I started looting and I was like oh I need a house wait does anyone have um Can someone make a crafting table uh yes I have one in my backpack you can access it wait really yeah oh wait let me to it back on oh my God you did what the

Heck wait that’s so cool I know we have so much iron my boots are going to break I wonder I have bunch of mods on my backpack John has a juke box is funny I saw that yesterday before I left um uh oh gosh I was looking at my

Inventory for something I’m going to get rid of the dirt and the granite and the sand and the oak leaves we really don’t need that IMO okay all right all right so we did this one cool we got to go this way now I guess okay hello yo hello oh

Breaking the spawner oh nice oh nice oh this one’s good okay uh-oh oh I you J Jam I’m good prot my queen my queen let me put the floor down for you my [Laughter] lady my strong lady oh this is the quartz room okay for milk ah take take take EG for

Milk I love milk oh I think I broke them all okay okay yeah I haven’t used a shield ow I don’t know why I even have that thing equipped who needs Shield when you have milk W Iron no here I found one I’m dropping it hello it’ll just disappear when you die

But it’s not a big deal you’ll find another one oo this is a new song I haven’t heard vanilla Putin thank you for the Prime thank you honestly I’m so confident that I’ll be fine I’m not going to use a shield I’m so confident I’m so confident I’m ready

If you guys find any like Enchanted iron boots that you’re not using from these dungeons let me know mine’s going to break every boots I found are gold I know same I only have chain mail ones it’s okay you had Enchanted iron boots bottom left of gold backpacks so so all my

Backpacks are gold is it this one chain mail boots I guess they are better than nothing is it this no these are golden boots I will wear those though no not your no it was good advice I’ll wear those um when I when my boot breaks okay I’m ready a the upgrades

You’re going to want for your backpack are the crafting and smelting probably and then stack upgrade tier that one like multiplies the stack number you have so your backpack can carry even more and it’s really nice is that a spawner oh my God it is we’re done with that this area right

This side we’re done yeah oh yeah this side okay and we did that side I see have to break this side okay this one so oh no never mind it goes this way okay okay yeah I don’t know what Ryan’s up to why what did it say

Whoa oh he’s also in a dungeon but he’s dungeoning by himself I think oops I need to go in my inventory and I need to pull out extra blocks actually I don’t want to use Cobblestone extra blocks oh my God there’s an yeah there’s definitely another floor yeah there’s another floor

Below any good stuff oh a chest okay woohoo These Boots Are protection three but they’re gold do you want them um honestly I’ll take I’ll die like two hits oh it’s better than I’ll anyway thank you mine are about to die yeah take them I should just replace mine now okay

I also keep finding Fortune 2 gold shovels that’s so funny that it’s Fortune 2 but a a shovel and it’s gold yeah I don’t know how useful that is whoa what’s a Crim site sorry this is like not part of the dungeon I’m just like fascinated it’s kind kind of scary

Anyways oh yeah if you’re just tuning in I’m sponsored by milk today whoa I just got whiplash I’m sponsored by milk today I’m drinking some chocolate milk and beinginger awareness and I hope it makes you crave some milk as well I highly recommend drinking some with me it’s

Filling me up I swear I haven’t died because of it I almost died um M and they also have a Discord server chadly M Chad with her milk can I turn Diamond horse armor into Diamond I think you asked that last time and and we said I remember other mods or

In other mod packs I remember to do that be smelted but I don’t know if that’s the case here w w but it could be you could try throwing it into like a blast furnace and see if it smelts get a diamond back for it sh you might as well try oh

Stairs we haven’t done finished exploring though but um yeah we haven’t even finished exploring the other side of this yeah torches torches where are my torch torches surely oh perfect 58 okay be gone side this is it there’s no chest oh I’m surprised is it hidden I’m stubborn

You see anything a my gosh there’s an end spaw down here I’m going to jump down and break oh Abe okay well I’m coming back up oh okay he just like jumped down to kill a spawner down there and then he came back up there was no chest no I didn’t check

There was an Enderman spawner though oh an Enderman spawner I think those ones are the easiest wait don’t you we want to oh we do oh yeah we do huh there’s like an iron thing but it doesn’t go anywhere oh yeah it doesn’t go anywhere okay oh the

Holes okay I I’ll TCH the place up while you do that maybe we should craft the bed since we’re pretty low now oh yeah I’m down okay let’s see I might have one meow meow meow I’m going to use your crafting thingy Seline I love about Seline is a walking crafting table

I’m also walking smelter you have a smelter in there too yeah damn what else you got just those two things okay roll out okay where are my blocks there we go wait is Ryan coming it looks like he was doing his own dungeon oh my God careful there’s water

There um I thought Unbreaking mending pants but there’s no protection on it okay um all right I’m how do do this I’m going in bre this is hard apple apple I’m Trying okay we should be okay I broke the two spawners here nice um so scary does anyone need iron sword or anything I’m okay thank you okay I think there’s one more room I didn’t clear up here oh yeah this one’s a hard one uh okay these guys are the poison guys ow

Okay oh my god oh AE now that I have you here do do you have any ideas on why I lag sometimes in dungeons yeah she’s like the only one that lags too really are you still lagging yeah every now and then I lag when I do dungeons only dungeons

Though well we do have a lot of uh devs in the okay okay yeah help if he can’t help you out I can’t help you out oh my God like dying owie it hurt they hurt oh this just a two diamen yeah anyone want a looting two iron sword I’m

De I’m an axe user I also prefer the axe I rather twoot one thing than AOE something Char man chat for the win um pories thank you for the three months welcome back to TI me when you’re happy I’m happy thank you I am I love doing dungeons oh

There’s so much fun and so much loot this is the first dungeon of the day yeah so far so good no deaths no deaths I have so much exp do we go this way any chests there Abe who okay I broke it oh water’s so scary like push us off the

Cliff oh help coming I’m being held back by water I’m on I’m coming I’m coming okay I blocked the water itk you I’m breaking the spawners what the oh look at you go Abe thank you oh I’m lagging I know I need so many backpacks all the time oh a diamond Yay oh two diamonds oh my God I love finding diamonds in these oh my God I did it it’s these like it’s these helmets wow whatever it’s these it’s these weapon thingies that take up the most room I feel like I don’t know what to do with all this rotten flesh yeah

I don’t know either I looked into trying to turn it into leather maybe you can do it if you’re in botania yes I was going to see that that’s it is I building here no yeah okay so my mentality of keeping that is because or what is this

So the reason why I am keeping it is cuz I can smelt the armor and it’ll turn into like the Ingot kind of I think not the Ingot but maybe nuggets oh all right downstairs yeah swear to God we skipped a path do we not it felt

Like it right but I don’t know where connected yeah how do we get downstairs I don’t remember where I remember found it found it here here She did it she found it this is it guess this is the last one there’s obsidian careful no floors whoa these guys have diamond stuff yeah

Yeah that’s where I got my armor I’ll kill them and then boom okay let’s do it maybe we can like kill a bit like this hey come here oh these are withers yeah they hurt oh my God I Dr Diamond I need a breather I’ve killed one but there’s

Like holes in that room careful I just want some diamond armor move no no no my levels did I hit her uh no I was like well I I probably not I’m good oh wait it said Abe killed me no oh wait I’m going to mod going to need

Milk I risked it all for that spawner hello going to need milk I have finished to you know what I would have lived it was a oh oh hi oh wait this is going to be annoying huh I’ve never died before is everything in my chest still everything should everything should be on

You so my chat says that it said that you killed me is that what it says in your chat right now I I got DCd out oh I guess we’ll never know what happened then what There Goes My 48 levels oh God oh my God my first pair of diamond pants oo

I better break these spawners I tried I’m running for a spawner come Back creeper y it blew up the chest what the creeper no no I can do That I guess So yeah now it’s just an empty chest oh you’re right it turn into a chest Jen Jen oh a diamond my copium is that we’ll get the levels back Goin somewhere oh probably downstairs there’s like a weird little area down here hey there’s a goblin right here oh hi oh my God I’m finally getting diamond armor something’s about to explode got it

Nice yeah you surely I’ll get my exp back again surely copium chat yeah it but you need an efficiency um so you need the efficiency five what does he trade same old same old bu some music this no he gets uh despawned how do I get rid of my death thing it’s so

Embarrassing I never died you all never saw me die it never happened oh Take these boots you saw nothing does your axxe put people on a fire Abe no I wonder why it says you’ve killed me It was surely an accident oh I’m too lazy to go here right now I’ll wait for them wow this area is crazy crazy uh oh where is Abe is this the way we haven’t been oh yeah we haven’t been but I I didn’t know where Abe went I don’t

Know did he go this way are these his torches AE fine oh that is what he said he’s fine I’m fine where are you where is he wait are these what is this thing is there no chest in here oh oh oh oh um oh is that a down there whoa uh he

Got quite far um um well I hope you touched that bed surely yeah we haven’t gone this way is there even anything here I don’t know I don’t like it when the dungeons are like this know it’s so confusing hey guys hi does anyone have a water bucket I can

Borrow I do not no no water bucket but I oh that’s that’s fine I uh um oh well I can help you get back there with blocks no I’m fine where are you did you go way you went I’m fine I I can I can get down there can you

How guys I’m stuck how how I’m stuck I don’t have a pickaxe I have no BL blocks I’m stuck okay okay I’m coming down Mission save Private Abe can you make me a boat where is my boat not here oh did I B is not here it’s not got a

Bow for me looking looking oh it’s cuz my backpack’s not even on my back um yes the boat fell what huh let me yeah it like went past you just give me a second okay can you be patient I’m working I’m I’m trying to help you okay jumping down oh my freaking God

Really can I have some blocks yes me make this flatter so it doesn’t fall down I feel like you’re going to get me killed like I don’t know it’s just a little feel it’s just a little feeling that you’re going to kill me hold on I have more

Blocks so much no this should be enough no Abe take this take another stack it’s behind you trust me trust me Abe he’s not trusting I can’t that’s too far J you okay um yeah I’m coming back up I don’t want to be here you’re going to leave me

It’s not leaving it’s more like waiting we’re supervising you don’t worry you’re under supervision oh gosh oh gosh where is he I see him fighting creepers maybe oh I see two Creepers around his grave I see him I see him oh my gosh maybe I can help him with the

Creepers oh yeah do you have a bow and arrow wait wait what is what are you what is that how do I toss I have bow and arrows oh this is not a tossable potion this is a drink oh nice I was going to toss that are you shooting him no monka

This milk is so dangerous I could literally drink a whole jug of milk where is he Jen Jen yeah I need more I told you oh she is Janet what Janet’s invisible other than oh my God you’re actually throwing blocks onto me are are you getting them yeah oh my God it’s

Invisible okay try try really I see myself oh is it cuz I have oh where did my face go I need a few more blocks okay hold on uh perfect thank you so much hey who put this obsidian here oh what a Mission cleen huh oh she’s invisible too she threw weakness onto me it’s toxic what does it do oh no you didn’t what did you do to us I made you slow did we finish looting this are we done yeah we have to break the other iron bars now oh

Okay which way is back to the other iron bar thing though it’s not this way where there no chest here no was it down this way is it this way I think that’s where we came from s or maybe no you’re right you’re right Seline you’re right you’re right you’re

Right you’re right you’re right you’re right you’re right you’re right you right you’re right you’re right you’re right you’re right you’re right you’re right why are no chests here time to break one of these now which way do you guys want to go anywhere oh yeah that way let’s just do that this

Way all right you build I torch oh wait let me block that oh going to need milk thank you so much much for the T gifted subs thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you so much I may have died but it wasn’t my fault it was it was

Unforeseen events and circumstances oh chest chest up ahead chest up ahead hope hope Uh um um there we go oh uh my bag went into your inventory sorry Seline your bad yeah I accidentally put it down when I was looting I crouched and put it down thank you oh it went back in your inventory I’m going to put it in your in

This chest can you you will you be able to see it I don’t know do it and let me know when it’s in there put it there no I don’t see it This is uh horrible horrible oh thank God oh my God that was giving me so much anxiety dude I didn’t want to be responsible for losing that there’s nothing no chests a w Okay there’s nothing in that direction I don’t think so unless I missed it so this is this should be the last like Direction yeah oh a chest there’s a chest here too tunnel treasure so scary oh Diamond ay ape fell oh God ape fell yeah he jumped over instead

Of building I jumped down on purpose uhhuh I meant to do that and I definitely have the blocks to get back up uhhuh I have blocks for him do you need blocks Abe no okay cool I don’t after for you hello um oh there’s a chest here guys one chest

Oh where’s the chest oh ooh okay I know we rebuilt the dungeon but if we didn’t is that it we would have died like Abe or not died I think so not bad not bad there’s a chest down here you guys this one I didn’t wait where are

This way I don’t know if you looted this one though where oh this one right here to the left no no where AE is oh oh yeah I didn’t oh good eye it’s so tucked is that everything I guess so I think so I guess so not bad though are you guys happy

With your loot I got a few diamonds so I’m pretty happy no that was oh we could go do another dungeon I thought I was going to get a missile launcher oh you can it’s just random like me um wait have we gone this way is there anything this way

Um I’m looking at this direction here oh I don’t know I don’t think that’s like a path yeah it looks yeah we could go to another dungeon sure down where’d you guys go hello up the stairs up the stairs this way AE wait oh you see it okay you’re sick get well Soon this way maybe oh man oh I I think I need to go poopies is it this way maybe guys I might have to AFK and go poo poo go poo but but I feel bad making guys wait I’ll try to be fast no no no may your time

Maybe I’ll go po poo once we come out of the dungeon oh no duty calls I think be back sorry She e for e for e for for oh hi oh my were you here ah my duty my morning Duty hello oh my God you waited hi I pooped I pooped you pooped you pooped do you guys want to do that dungeon with everyone at

Three the wind sure then can also do a dungeon right now okay let’s go do a dungeon right now I see something okay okay let’s go let’s go the East uh oh I dropped my I don’t have my I need to make another Boat Boat Boat

Boat Boat Boat Boat oh my God are you playing in both Pixelmon and this no I’m just trolling him oh crafting I need a diamond chest plate a diamond helmet and a diamond sword now okay AE you lead the way all right let’s go everybody we go this way wait there’s

A boat you don’t want to take your boat it no we’re going on the land oh I crafted a bow and fly it’s morning time oh is that what I said sorry my brain is going bur right now um I usually poop in the morning but because I went to sleep so

Late I think my body didn’t digest at the usual time I would poop so I went to bed at like midnight B Mitch one two 3 than for the 18 months and that’s really late for me I know I I tried to throw the boat and no working it’s for minutes a good

Time to do another thing uh no oh W dungeons take a while wo yo this is so cool oh I see the monsters too wo that skeleton has a they’ve got mushrooms on their heads what is this oh there’s like a mini one ew yeah ew yeah run I’m down to do

This dude are you seriously not dying right now you all live together why was that so Hard wait these are tanky oh God yeah I it took me so long to kill oh my God they’re all Coming they’re all coming oh my God they’re so tanky guys oh on the bright side they’re melee yeah on the bright side they only have pickaxes guys there’s kind of a lot I killed one oh they dropped oh I’m laging holy [ __ ] I’m lagging why are they all on me

Ow oh you strong no I think you just weakened them holy crap EG [Laughter] that’s what I was saying oh my God that is so funny this actually might be pretty worth doing okay oh my God there’s a protection eight leather cap huh is protection eight leather cap

Yeah wait my that sounds really good protection eight leather pants but it’s leather yeah mine’s also protection 8 wo but it’s leather guys it’s leather I didn’t get protection eight but it’s leather a here take these level four iron boots oh maybe we can get the protection eight can we extract

It I don’t think so oh we could extract it that would be so cool these Clover patches are so cute I want them oh the helmet’s unbreakable all right let’s go upwards and onwards look at this guy Coming okay maybe I hope there’s no spawner what does the trip wire even do I don’t know but I broke it just in case mon how do you oh god oh The Archers are falling on us now whoa I got a really two chests back here ug what was my achievement Barrel booty

Oh yeah fight each other yeah why you guys are distracted Y chest over here five chests there’s a two chest back here coming oh honestly there’s a lot of coal which is nice a lot of mushrooms o wait why is it still golden oh do I want to go up here oh shoot

Lagging guys come up the ladder when you’re ready there’s a lot of chests chest here is it on the mushroom stem uh it’s on a platform oh yeah I looted though it’s like two chests right or something oh no no no it’s like floating this one

Oh oh my God that’s not a a why do you have to be green this guy is wearing the exact same armor as you poo what you trying to say fortune 3 oh my God oh my God oh my God there loot in this chest oh my God oh my

God wait there was actually so much loot in this chest yeah my that oh no I was itching my neck wait let’s go to Seline first where’s her floaty chest where you at Selena did one of you put your backpack in my inventory nope not me I

Have did I loot a backpack is this the floating one you were talking about Seline no over here I built it oh oh oh there yeah it had a gold backpack in there I have I have like a million now oh my God a million backpacks no like I actually

Have l oh yeah yeah it was where you guys were ow oh jeez uh yeah oh this way mhm and then the ladder mhm woo free backpack oh no I love it upstairs upstairs all right so in this chest over here around the corner there was a lot of good stuff for me

Oh my God there is there’s some iron ore up here to mine I M too need the rest oh my God chat this is insane oh my gosh guys look upstairs just look up the ladder look up the l oh uh ow hey I’m cheesing them I’m cheesing them Win 5 years later 5 years later yeah I got that oh I’m lagging woo wow so much loot this one was worth it perfect perfect timing with the 3:00 run I would like to go home and drop a bunch of stuff home oh yeah fill to the brim

I like that we’re getting yes teleport us home F you see teleport us home we’re not that far are we I don’t know how we are remember we went across the ocean for like a million years the ocean wasn’t to bad I thought oh are you upstairs Oh

Sha gold I need these for our noo whoa hella loot in a chest whoa oh an an there’s an Unbreaking efficiency for mending stone pickaxe wow I’m getting really good Enchantment books yeah I’m getting actually really good stuff from this oh I don’t have any Enchantment books all of mine are on

Things what the ain’t no way you just pulled up and started shooting at me and then I started blasting what did I say oh my God chat I’m rich is this another backpack guys how how much is too much do you guys think how much is too

Much what kind of a oh it’s an Unbreaking well I have a dying hat diamond hat a diamond if you want Seline it’s not much that’s okay oh my God this one has so many diamonds seven diamonds I am in loot Goblin Heaven it’s it’s pretty crazy it’s actually

Crazy it’s insane how much I have okay is that it what’s up here where’ did you go AE upstairs mhm there’s nothing else oh one more one more dude well look at s backpack why does she have so much stuff guess there’s nothing smelting upgrade stack tier pick

Up crafting upgrade I want a crafting upgrade too are we oh there’s a chest up here crafting upgrade oh there’s two oh there’s one oh I need upgrade base never mind I probably need a bunch of those okay well to go home all right is this Water all the way down yes you think you’re going to make that do I not maybe you do definitely make it I believe in you I’m so oh my God oh my God she made it she made it was it scaly yeah I was scared I think there’s an Ender Angy at

Me I can’t tell I hear him I don’t see him oh cuz it’s raining okay let’s go home all right home is what is that over there where where where I think it’s a bridge where the hell hello uh it is from here yeah this way this way oh

Boy I don’t know but I’ve Been Told I need leather whoa whoa there’s a thing here too who I see it to the left right M if we do that it depends how deep it goes that’s a p Pillager thing oh I see we what’s in here what are these blue Things dude actually like doing this while you’re lagging is so Scary got one I was thinking the same thing Yay come home cute little babies I want to free these ones my babies Oh I have lead somewhere oh shoot they’re actually getting away come here Baby come here baby Jan Jan just give it an item you just right click and give it an item and then any item yeah and now they follow me I’m going to check the tower I think there’s usually a chest at the top oh yeah there’s a chest up here Oh how long do they stay alive for I don’t know I’m going to take them home and trap them oh uh well is that any better than what the pillagers were doing I’m a nice person all right roll out this way I wonder if I should start bringing

The boat out now you have an extra boat yeah no that’s why I told you to bring that one hey make a boat oh oops oh look at our babies I know I gave mine steak I gave mine golden apples I think blueberries bougie oh my God they search for more of

What I gave them wait that’s so op can I give them like gold and I tell them to go search for gold or something delusional they the 45 months thank you I don’t know but I’ve been told ab’s mod pack is full of gold oh I like

That wow so they can mine the Gold oh man I don’t have Auto boat on whoa you see that see what the the giant oh I do see it I to F5 all I see is the back of your head oh I see do we want to check this

Out oh Smoke on the Water oh I see the spawner oh yeah do we want know where’s Abe I see him coming okay I’m guessing we’re doing this will our babies die ooh I don’t know I is there a way where we can tell them to like

Chill like sit I don’t know but where’s our second one J coming just came no like your second one and my second one oh [ __ ] I don’t know he shut too we lost our babies oh no wait do I even have one oh yeah we did have two

Oh I heard a chirp could it be my uhoh did we go too fast I think so that’s probably why a was taking a bit A’s just going forward do we want to do this later I’ll I’ll add it to the way point okay I I’ll drive

Slow you want to try picking them back up how do how do you pick them back up I think we just go back to where we came from oh okay I’m not going to how how how slow are these I’m not I think you can go forward they’re right next to

Us okay did we go like this way we went like this way right babies we lost one J Jen halt oh okay I see it okay can go they’re like blue dots on your map so I’m trying to zoom in I don’t see blue dots on my map anymore more and I’m

Concerned do you see blue dots a little Southeast Southeast okay wait did we come from Southwest I actually don’t know where we came from yeah South we came from Southwest I guess we lost them oh wait Janet stop stop stop stop stop stop your baby so

Far oh we definitely did boat too fast holy okay caught up hold on I have Sprint toggled let me turn it off controls okay you think we just lost the other two forever oh you got to wait again oh he’s coming now no we might have just lost

Um yeah I guess he just lost though all right you want to turn back I’ll drive slow just let me know when to stop okay oh our babies is mine stupid oh no no no he’s always the slowest see now it’s Mine mine’s slow now oh okay apparently we can breed them

At home does your baby want to make babies with mine yeah let’s make them babies okay I hope a was able to keep his too yeah oh stop you can go I wonder if it’s also cuz I’m lagging no I’ll stop we can sort items F3 sure wait Jan it stop

You come back here you one of them right uh oh come back can you lead both or should I do it can you lead and drive the boat I don’t know chat I think I can lead multiple okay if you would just come closer to me

If I boat I’m scared you’re going to fall out of the boat do I should I the lead broke oh my God I shouldn’t have voted why is why why it because I led the other one now this one like doesn’t have ownership to me or something there’s no way it has items

Oh I can okay now okay not the other one where is the other one I don’t know oh behind you Little Rascals careful don’t break your lead oh my God yay okay I’m still going to drive slow cuz I’m scared it’ll like break the leash God bro

I wonder how a is managing do you want to try driving I swear it’s cuz I’m lagging like I’m positive I’m lagging out and then I’m like so far away okay cuz they teleport like yeah this this is smoother no I swear I’m losing them cuz I lag bro I’m driving

Backwards I time just trust you to keep ey yeah my chat’s being really divided right now about this stuff like oh the the lead can break if we go too fast and then one’s like you can go as fast as you want I wonder what the right answer

Is they are like kids oh my God here okay wonder if a managed to keep both okay Abe just ran on land really he didn’t boat in the water how did he get across the sea he swam I think yours can just follow you now really yeah he’s following you where is

He oh hi honey okay mon let me know if you want to borrow lead got one yeah yeah he’s going to need milk for real hi Milkman are we close no I told you we were full oh my God why are there these floaty things that shoot at you please come here come

Here come here come here come here come here oh my God we almost oh Jesus God please don’t hurt my kid oh Jesus oh Jesus oh Jesus Jus oh seline’s lead broke come on sweetie you’re doing great sweetie don’t get stuck sweetie come here come here come here okay

Oh my God what happened to the okay what the come here okay is it cuz hm I’m going to give you an item that you will never be able to find take this item instead can I give him a different item like take this

Item how do I I don’t I don’t want it to have this okay just come with me just come with me it’s fine I regret giving it steak okay I’ll remove it with an empty hand later oh my it broke didn’t it Oh Come is there like a certain item I

Should give it I feel like this item sucks oh [ __ ] don’t fly away a boat surely okay come follow me okay okay okay okay okay okay okay are we close nope we’re very far away okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s following me more oh

No where does the lead even drop uh I need to get another one using up all my lead for this thing lead yeah I wish I could find them hold the same item it’s holding try that are you sure okay okay I’m holding it let me lead it Whoa okay yeah so far it’s following me actually this is good this is good very good it ate all my Leads I have like one left I had like six yeah I wonder if anyone’s uh done this dungeon dungeon question mark I’ll check it later yeah I know the name tag it but there’s no point in name taging it now cuz what if I lose it doesn’t guarantee that it’ll follow

Me I don’t know the exact number of people who are playing on this server hello Lesie oh yeah no I still can’t see third person oh my lead’s gone my last one click tab oh you want to know who’s online right now they worded it like how many are in the server this is Who’s online right now I’m going to listen to some

Jazz yeah I don’t know why my lead was doing that oh my jazz song just ended I hate these Tall Grass Things oh my God oh my God we’re home we’re home oh my God we’re home I know come come child we’re one childless dude mine was giving so much trouble bro like come here Peter stole things Peter stole things he’s Thief huh what did he steal

I I don’t know he said I’ll have to figure it out what I’d like to report to the authorities that Peter stole he broke into my house and stole what the hell you guys this we don’t have Au here I need to find my other lead we can build an

Election I just don’t know where it is someone to be in Authority Yes somewhere I have so much do I not have any more leads we would have to have an election well you just let me know when elections are start preparing the speech um but

First thing we would need a jail and put Peter in it throw them in now well well oh yeah maybe I’ll throw a steak here election first and then they can decide like whoever there’s a lawless land you’re saying this is just well at at the moment it’s kind of a lawless land

You know how do I go like stick it on something do you guys know how to tie a lead to something pretty couldn’t do it this place a fence oh all right I’m going in okay a fence post oh boy my God I just came home this is

Horrible make an iron this is actually horrible alsoo Peter stole things from me I don’t know I just came home he left a sign in my house it’s real s he gave you it says you’re dead to me kiddo I took something of yours you have to figure out what well that

Doesn’t mean anything to me he could be talking about anything might have taken my diamond backpack with all my many many diamonds in it I think if we could get the devs to replace it that might might be fair what wait I think it was like I might also be missing mine like

Three stacks of diamond I just came home okay and it happened off stream there’s no clip I can’t even prove it and God this is Frustrating oh no oh okay well well we’ll sort it out after let me make my iron paxel I’ll be right there yeah we’ll we’ll hold a trial we’ll hold a trial yeah yeah yeah yeah Peter vers Versus smell a lie oh oh the dev are oh be good baby be good yo is it me who hasn’t slept in a while what’s going on that does not sound good at all I killed Oliver Oliver bro that’s too you tortured and killed your otter you got an OT and you K

This oh oh she put it spiked barbed wire around all big dumpy still alive no the hell is Big dumpy oh my God just I’m just trying to shove everything I can this is not good chat I can’t my back trying really hard to do everything

Right now where do I put my little bookies maybe I’ll put it here yeah it’s gone well let me look what are the blue things that don’t stack in the chest what oh these thingies I don’t know I hate them though they make me angry that they don’t stack Peter took my diamond

Backpack or blow BL in the server what Sor that doesn’t sound like Peter not my peter you know what I should do okay oh I’m I’m wearing it never mind sorry wow you actually try to slander yeah that is actually slander listen I’m paranoid okay I’m paranoid he said he

Said and I think it’s glitching cuz it’s not showing me wearing about backpack okay so that’s he literally didn’t take anything it said I took something of yours you have to figure out what you think he would do that not actually take anything oh my God he said that just may you’re

Right you know what you’re right it’s too late you’ve slandered him yeah I’ll do it again purp now he’s going to sue you sue me I am the law huh we haven’t even held elections yet yeah well temporarily I’m the law until there’s elections where I will be officially the law

What I love Eve’s dropping lesie she’s so funny who said that well you said I oh my God bab I didn’t the best okay what do we need to bring on our some food maybe steaks I’m going to make some more chests I actually think I need

More s like it’s crazy that I need more IMO Ryan excuse you I need to shove everything in okay oh wait did I just oh shoot I think so where is everybody can someone bring extra I don’t have time to make an underground chest room right now because we’re about to go on

An adventure so I don’t have time right now all I have time is to clear all my bags okay I have I cleared my back I cleared I cleared this one I cleared this one and then I have an iron one okay I should also make uh

Crafting oh I should make my backpack into the diamond one huh Diamond backpack one of them gold backpack okay so I take it off and then I get some diamonds right in my inventory perfect I do this wait is this the one that has the wait what happened to

The didn’t I have like a thing for this oh God where is it okay that’s weird do you guys know where it went chat I had like a modifier you put one in a chest oh no a backpack in the chest I put a backpack in the chest oh it’s this one huh

Hello oh my God I’m just going to make this one Diamond too I I can’t that’s oh my god did I make the wrong one again I’m going to die my God Jesus okay let me put these here okay okay it’s fine it’s fine which one is it I’m ready I’m ready everybody

Ready your mom okay what was that nothing MH I’m going to bring my raw iron and my raw gold in case we meet like one of those thingies they always trade so well so I might as well got some wood I’m going to make a a crafting what are they called

Again it’s like a crafting thing but I forget I have food uh crafting what is it called yeah it’s like a crafting I don’t know oh right here crafting upgrade so I need this it’s iron okay I’ll make like five of them and I need a chest and a crafting table

Okay what else is good here that’s what they all are um I could do uh what’s a storage upgrade deposit upgrade smelter upgrade smelt Auto smelting red stone and a furnace red stone and then get cobblestone for a furnace boom then do this and then to make an auto smelter I need Hoppers Diamonds diamonds gold Hoppers need to make coppers let me make a chest for those One two three okay Yay I don’t think you want the auto smelter why not child man for the wi wait is it bad why why why oh [ __ ] I’m muted give me one second I’m a little hectic how do I like unallow it how do I like ignore wait ignore durabil

Or do you know how to do you know how to like surely I could customize it Michaela thank you for the 11 months thank you oh okay done were you put it you turn it on and off what do you mean where’s the filter This okay I’m just going to take it off we’ll figure it out later Uh hi oh [ __ ] I forgot hi Sor it’s it’s time to go oh my God I but like she’s it’s time to go everybody I know she’s in her house everybody meet up I’m about to leave wait why do I have so much wait this is Janet’s house I thought that Was huh go wait Jenna what happened oh [ __ ] hard to talk and push to talk I I’ll be quick I’ll be Quick are we ready I’m ready okay everybody make sure you and your boat partner has a boat oh onward My Boat Part boat Partners is someone who has a boat who has a boat okay perfect you have aat I have a boatner do I need to bring a

Boat not if you have a boat partner is this far excellent bring food is this not good enough for food I I’ll let you I’ll let you have custody of Gengar on the week don’t say what you don’t mean help help I’m here okay everybody let’s go I

Don’t have a boat does someone have a boat let’s go every know you’re real one this is us Vegas boys we stick together oh get a load of these guys let’s go vas for Life am I right us the ninth Island as they call it I need a change out of

This hoodie I feel bad making freeze down there like a different it’s hot I think there’s a lot of Hawaiian people in vas is what I’ve seen yeah I unloaded the auto smelter cuz we couldn’t figure out how to use it right information cuz I wanted

To my music’s too loud I wanted to make sure that the uh ores wouldn’t get Auto smelted but we didn’t know how so I just took it off cuz I don’t know how to do it why she says that she’s like in the back don’t leave me behind guys You can set filter okay once I’m back home please teach me I’m down for your instructions cuz I couldn’t figure it out there’s so many little buttons and I was like and I didn’t have time to figure it out and then I opened a backpack and there were more things in

It and why do I have two Diamond Pickaxes I don’t know hey backpack now yep I made two by accident you made two cuz like okay so one of them had the stacking upgrade and I thought I upgraded the stacking one but I didn’t so then I upgraded another one that was

Isn’t the stacking thing really hard to upgrade into diamond yeah I had to take everything out I think or something I don’t know I thought the stacking thing took like full blocks it does what do you mean stacking upgrade it takes like full diamond blocks oh I didn’t upgrade the stacking

One I okay so basically I only have the stacking in one backpack and I didn’t want to take all my stuff out of it so I wanted to upgrade that one it’s really complicated I uh I was it was it was he yeah I don’t really know how to

Articulate it hello boat buddy all good hey Going’s Bud oh my God I’m going to change it’s so hot in here who’s your boat buddy Leslie oh yeah she was giving us tips on how to run faster if there’s anything I learned in this game is a slow

Mover she’s like remember everyone you can jump to move faster and she’s all the way in the back we lost her look at them on the map where they are what are they doing they’re barely moving well maybe they’re practicing jump jumping and running maybe just give the cords and then we’ll meet

Them I me change I we’re going to need two boats two people without boat one person so hot I’m like I’m like dry heaving oh my God oh my God we’re here we’re here he’s trying to Les zuno trying to make me to my death anyone got extra boats boats anybody I’ve been

Waiting forever come on a wait one of us isn’t going to have a oh well does anyone have a like just the regular boat oh all right onwards let’s go does anyone have an extra I don’t have a boat at all guys onwards onward I’ll swim I can I can swim I’m on

Your have extra I can swim are you sure are you honestly yeah you know uh push him I’m good push me Ryan push ow You’ run me over you you have lots of points you can save it and redeem a sub every month if you want drink water milk I ran out of

Milk lost him dude he needs a boat man there’s so many trees though you could just C A Tre we need someone get him a boat please milk is so filling I love it I could I legit feel like I could live off of says the guy Leslie row wait a

Minute yeah yeah I’m the coach Les why lesli need a little work where’s your why we behind the other boats come on R when should we take them to Zeus Zeus I don’t think we’re ready okay we’re ready I don’t think we are oh we’re ready we could just go then how far is this dungeon it’s kind of not that far not that close not that far he’s just joking chat he knows he

Can make a don’t worry he’ll make it me too me too I’m going to make it look a boat a boat maybe we wait here we wait here for them no I think they’re making a boat right now oh are they yeah wait what happened what did I miss out on well

It’s just we have a we have a boat we found a boat here oh there is an empty boat we found a boat oh they’re definitely making one right now oh you got to go there Seline where to them so we can give them the boat I got a donut okay

I can feel the air on me mhm it’s a Crispy Cream dut yeah ironically like I kept finding these backpacks crazy now we can 23 months thank you no you’re no you you’re not fat you got this you can get you can get your Donuts it’s a crispy cream chocolate glaze there’s my

Favorite wo wo a dragon it’s a bird oh I wish we could just Chocolate glaze is my favorite more than the original mhm I miss Donuts I miss their um Timbits and I miss the iced coffees Waltz Disney think the two months thank you oh yeah they’re ice caps I mean not ice coffees ice caps they’re so good aren’t there some stores in the US

M no in LA or at least not near me do they know where where where we’re going uh they should see us on the map true true yeah I’ve never been to the Tims um anyone bring a bed uh I did I did y but if there’s this many people on do we

Need two people to sleep uh well we just need one for a respawn oh okay okay yeah yeah yeah yeah never I never thought to get Tim Horton at a US place also never really saw any but I never researched any oh yeah people The Sounds in this game are

Really low here I’m going to put everyone at 100 and let me know if anyone’s too loud me can you say something I’m just adjusting volume hello hello hello hello testing okay maybe I’ll testing that should be good I do think m is the most quiet out

Of all of them Leslie is actually really good we made it we made it wao is it this big tree looking thingy yeah right here rag what the heck did I did I get you I popped out of the hole Yeah I know you that was

Crazy Okay cool so crazy Janet died is Janet just AFK yeah well I made what if I just do do this they went back to try to give you a I don’t really notice the difference and then they got lost oh my God I legit think the leg is gone

Yeah well I just went on land cuz I figured the boat has to zigzag so I prob where should we place a bed you think like right here okay I would just wait till we get inside actually oh okay okay cuz placing a bed outside with all the

Deadly creatures is hey do you remember where the entrance was cuz we stepped in there a little bit well we went here what if this is like the easiest dungeon ever even though it looks like it should be difficult it could be could be oh stand back I’ll handle this

Okay nice yeah you’re welcome you’re welcome thanks than wait I’m going to go get them I wonder if they know how to get up here huh oh wait climb the trees climb the trees yeah right up here up here there’s a powerful skeleton yeah up here up here chilling up on that

Oh you’re using the missiles already ow Jesus well surely I’ll get one of those from this dungeon yeah yeah yeah no for sure you have Crystal yet cuz I just got my first one you got one an XP Crystal you can store your levels in it oh I’ll

Take it no I only have one yeah no I’ll take it like I kind of need it’s the only one I’ll take it I’ll make you another one if I get another I’ll take it from you right now thanks man yeah I’ll get you another one as soon as I

Get the we’ll probably find enough materials in this dungeon for it where’s Hey where’s lesli Abe I mean Leslie’s the one driving the boat wait what are you trying to say I see her crashing I just saw her crash are they oh I just saw crash on the mini map yeah

Yeah there’s a way in I think it’s uh I think we just dig inside and put the bed like as soon as we get inside the house oh this is one of those intense dungeons yeah doesn’t this one look crazy yeah does anyone have silk touch I want those sea

Lanterns yeah I have it Prett silk touch shovel yeah yeah Yeah oh Leslie’s almost here she’s almost here I see them now oh my God AC makes such a big difference dude it was so hot like the AC supplies or anything AC Diamond backpacks um yeah yeah that’s behind you help it’s an enchanted skeleton he’s got armor kill

Him oh my God the heat was making me like pissy got it wa what is that hello hello it’s about time we’re here behind you pyo not our fa hey you guys finally made it here what the I was actually the first one here I made it before M young and Janet what

The hell you see with my special Angelic feather ability my special I can jump twice as high plus no fall damage plus I was wearing a hoodie ins side and then like Angelic feather it’s a lot hot it’s a lot colder downstairs where Steve is Nerf it dabs

Dabs so 73 for him probably feels like guys guys guys should we set up the bed like right here um just cuz it does look like we’re entering a battle since I’m on the higher floor I hear something the bed I break waiting for us to get inside right here everyone right here

Okay okay do I put the bed here oh God oh God help help this is cramped this is cramped everyone I put the bed everyone right click the bed and fight for your lives fight oh my Jes wo wo okay uh back back up back I am I

Can’t see I can’t see it’s [ __ ] it’s [ __ ] I actually can’t see guys I’m stuck in here guys please can you guys get I can do I’m Stuck thank you thank You Kuno was just watching us well was kind of cramped in here I I was get even when there was one outside watch him hit me oh my God so many guys down the stairs there’s more enemies can’t walk it’s up we have to go up downs there’s

Some stuff also maybe we should go check out downstairs Jesus we’re being Swarmed wow these guys are really strong what are they wearing they’re wearing magical armor they’re extra strong I look like tomatoes Tomatoes oh tomato chest up here yay where Uhoh oh that was scary I almost died me here oh that me or a creeper creep what it me die Satan where’s the other chest who oh yeah I think there’s only one chest so far but what if we can get up there oh yeah books Books take them all I can’t get up there oh it’s reading books books oh oops there’s a chest up here wait there has to be one more block thanks to my Angelic feather I can just jump up wait Cheating it’s like a parkour oh I see uh guys there’s a lot of books up here I can’t get up this part oh okay what if we build ladders books you say a lot of books I have a ladder what is Centennial oh like this there we go oh there music loud oh

Ah oh this is going great I know I did parkour you can go even further Up further up heck the power of my Angelic feather a get up here I don’t have a bed anymore put it down there wa can we all share the same bed I think I click someone else’s bed it’s just respawn okay oh this place is sick you guys don’t want to live here

Um oh never mind um oh chest in here chest oh monster monster bottle o chanting my God this place is H hey yo chill ow you freaking losers oh no who hasn’t slept oh my God they’re coming for using what’s that thing that he’s riding well you I mean the thing is so

You know undescriptive what’s the thing he’s riding in what fight to the death guys Christ careful the he’s riding the thing Les okay let me see I found it it’s up what what the heck wait where are you guys oh is it this where’s here oh God everyone’s

Separated we’re all in the stick together guys well I’m near Janet where were you was there loot there where you came from Jesus there’s like 50 enemies down um where do iuno come from where the is yeah me too me too oh yummy nope that is not a

Friend that is a loot which means nope don’t like that oh nobody dealt with this spw yeah it’s there ah I haven’t seen a single spawner I’m stuck on something oh where are you oh who’s being ganged up on right now is that a person oh my God it is

Crazy there’s a spawner down there as well I broke I broke blood no okay oh my God I’m coming Seline I got the flank I got the flank Jesus where’s the Spawner in here can I shoot it where is it is it down there I don’t

Know oh [ __ ] I got poison s I’m scared get out we can’t get out like like the stairs are funny good got you oh my god oh there’s a wisht down there ow I’m taking like hella damage cuz of this witch wait me DI I am the Hunter he still the all

I ow ow ow ow owow owowowowowow oh my God the ladder one down two more to go oh [ __ ] I got poison again I know oh wait no I didn’t oh my God there’s another one oh oh [ __ ] where the heck is a spawner though how do you make those like exp storage

Thingies this Crystal right uh I got the spawner emerald and Lapis okay emerald and Lapis I could do this oh my God I need to eat oh my constantly taking damage why are we always taking damage I don’t understand poisoned okay okay I feel safer have so much

Knock back I feel safer and braver oh my go they knock you back for win jeez like you either am I shoot hitting it with a breath I was okay oh no oh no everyone is dying oh no dude I swear it’s the ones with the knock back this this dungeon’s actually

Probably the hardest one these guys are crazy and they hit I don’t want to be alone here we go where is the spawner for this okay you know what actually ow I’m going to run real quick ow dude this one is so hard to deal with like

I thank God I put my exp in oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my god dude I am so glad I died with one like level dude that potion did so much damage wait I’m oh this parkour thing again

Okay okay we got this we got this we got this we got this we got this up and then Oh uh wait follow oh [ __ ] oh there it is okay oh what the oh I see wait okay okay okay I think that’s it where is everyone dude I am you know what I I don’t know if I can handle this myself I’m going to my friends I’m guys the best

Is guys help help oh my God I’m lagging I’m lagging no it hurts it hurts are you okay where are you I’m was uh I don’t even know how to explain where I am everywhere looks the same oh hi guys this is so hard this is

Crazy oh okay I’m going in where is it upstairs oh [ __ ] why is it so high up ow lag is someone behind me such crazy knockback man H me right now my God at the bottom oh okay I’m the spawner I broke it I broke it yeah I swear someone was hitting me

Was it lesle guys help oh my God there’s another spawner another one this is the hardest one I’ve done all day holy like ever okay okay I got you aabe help help Relentless don’t go down there Seline don’t go down there there’s a Wich I thought I killed

The witch spawner is there another one whoa oh yeah there power up there oh how do you get them high up there ow oh my how do you get them when they’re in the sky oh my ow please dying I’m dying dude once they see you they just

Like don’t stop coming after you they’re Relentless and they’re extremely strong and we’re super separated we got to group up again we’re all together now I think it’s just you I think where should we go did wait I’m by lesle I’m by Leslie we’re with you wait I got to stay

By Leslie I I feel safe when Leslie’s around really I do have a good shot there down there yeah Leslie’s one of the most reliable people I know actually I’ve got your Apple Supply anytime you need nothing really I think the loots better at the top okay yeah I think the

Best loot is at the top get out of here I hate it here is there anything Here how building oh where AE is Tower anyone got torches came from here came from did you the top here SP here wait did they check here oh this oh there’s going to be another Spawner in the ceiling who’s over here oh here they come another Bunch okay okay I’m going in help

Oh no I heard him say help it was like the quietest H noise like how would he die it was somebody to the spawner I’ll go I’ll go I’m coming oh my God we’re getting flank how are they this smart they’re not supposed to be that smart it died it died I’m building

Down oh my God okay why is this dungeon so hard there was no chest com down the stairs where’s my reward help Leslie help what is that little j walking maybe up stay back kill it kill it he’s dead oh my God these things do like four Hearts to me

Another one oh my God another one ow oh my God I’m going to die got to go got to got got to Jesus Hey where’s oh yeah I should put my levels away I think my protection 8 leather cap is actually doing work try to kill me guys

Watch guys guys we can watch over here holy was the other youest like this if you press the and look over there it was pretty oh oh my God where did they come from guys oh God oh God oh God oh God oh use the missiles please use the missiles

Use the missiles where are you missile mode um missile mode yeah we got to help we got a help her God she’s using it she’s using it she’s using it okay I’m using the missiles how they have thorns now what zombie has thorns I can’t even hit It ow where are they coming from upstairs yo who built oh my God oh my God that was so [Laughter] scar oh my God oh my God bro I don’t need I thought I was done for wait what is their POV D it oh my God that knock back is

Insane oh you fell too oh my god oh my god dude I thought we were done for yeah me too oh how do we get back in should we just build oh God that was oh my heart this can’t be good for me oh my God that was

Crazy oh yeah we’re here this is it yeah this is it right here wait should I bring my bed closer like should I break or no I don’t if you break it if someone everyone else yeah yeah I I’ll leave it I’ll leave it yeah yeah we would need another bed Oh my God Parkour uh I think it’s unlimited oh my god um um are they more upstairs M do you remember I don’t remember um I just here I think it’s this way okay guys Marco guys we are oh hi go you have 50 bows in your ball I know guys hi where’s everyone how did

You guys get up there we’re upstairs can you come downstairs and get us a lad see I see it Jesus oh Jesus they Dro potions of harming what are these guys Call of Duty martyrdom players what is that koala thank for the two months here looking good everybody it is yeah it’s

Safe it’s clear have no fear I have D back back up potions of harming so you have to run away when you kill them otherwise they explode you um it’s kind of cramp in here yeah I’ll stay back here just making effort sounds all right let me him let

Me a lot of loot in here ow yeah lot of good stuff I got you I got you is able what happening missiles I broke the spawner hey poison I think kind of a god at this game right so oh God back up back up Spa I BR the spa catniss

Ever oh hey what’s up there’s so much back here you uh open up Pokemon cards here or shut up I’m organizing my inventory SP our check that’s all yeah okay I did that sorry Janet oh my God ow where are they sniping Seline from upstairs I don’t know why they

Shoot there’s like so many people and she you have to press F5 and see how many arrows you have I going to say it she looks like I’ve been fighting I’ve been fighting and prot fting Seline you’re you’re sing saving everybody everybody yeah oh wait is this a floor

To loot or something no oh clear clear No No Loot up there there is oh yes I’ve been devouring my golden apples is it made oh my God it’s morning wow ain’t no way I got another backpack God I got nine diamonds from that wait no you didn’t

What I didn’t get any Lu you diamonds nine I get so I think this nice cheats I’m your boat partner this game gives me so many chests are always the best ones wow how many of these bigs are actually I made them one Tower go have these on

Loot with your boat partner no that is true right wait guys there’s there’s a chest up there why are you look oh my someone build a shield a closer look okay I’ll make a shield um I’m going yeah it’s a chest we got to go okay B and then this and then shield

No no no no I I would never L I just wanted you to get I was hoping I would just find a sh I have so many at home see maybe you want to take like a closer look oh no I can see with my spy glass

Where want to go take a closer look no that’s the good stuff that’s the good stuff we got to build trust me it’s good anyone have a lot of blocks that build a bridge wait it’s already been bu guess we could just uh wait guys straight to

Our left there’s another one behind us the other way should we go there too goodbye it’s already there there’s another Tower right over there should we should get yeah but I want to get this loot waa even more diamonds no Way’s trolling he’s troll oh my God he wasn’t lying

Coming no take your time take your time three four five six seven eight she’s cting bro she’s whispering and Counting the diamonds 1 2 3 4 5 I got no diamonds I got no diamonds too don’t worry I’m the same one straight back this way also what about on top of

On top over there anyone have blocks so someone’s got to have blocks for that where let’s see right here across right across oh my god oh I see it okay I’ll build um oh I’m scared don’t let your intrusive thoughts win ma’am oh man Leslie’s in front of me what what does that

Mean what does that mean oh her intrusive thought was for sure to kill you lesie don’t tell me you got diamonds no I swear to God this is [ __ ] don’t piss me off a more diamond off don’t piss me offing me mad yeah me too I got

Zero don’t even don’t even wa that’s lot diamonds really I haven’t I haven’t gotten a single Diamond this entire time wait no really I don’t believe that they do have Mana in a bottle maps are maps good guys no maybe they’ll take us to more oh not good

This dungeon is crazy well we have to go backwards now like really we can’t go down we top of top no we didn’t guys there’s one top one across there I built a bridge already there’s a lot of like flat Towers on the other side okay do the other way all right let’s

Go don’t fall don’t let your intrusive thoughts win how much to not push you off who are you talking tolie ab ab just don’t push what wait oh oh oh I swear to God I thought that was mang I actually turned around and saw meang with the heard

Crazy sauno of course he would have left an empty area that trickster I don’t know the water well I was just afraid that you were going to fall so I just luckily I have Angelic feather so we oh there’s a loot here if no one’s gotten it down here guys there’s another

One down there’s a spaw loot Abe you see that one it’s got a spawner we got to like Speed Build to it you can do that right um no before it starts SP Spa on all those Towers yeah quick go to it before it starts spawning then we’ll be

We’ll be good oh someone’s been well you have Angelic feather right so you can just jump across whoa what you have Angelic feather so you can just jump across wait who explored here already oh I must have missed this area I don’t know where I haven’t been I’m the same

Way I’m just going down here looting everything there’s torches so I think people were here oh there’s a Dude down there yeah is there anything else down there I think we did it oh like we got like the majority yeah the floor up really there’s a secret room in fact I’m pretty

Sure we did the whole thing the whole thing yeah cuz there’s not much it’s just the two main Towers right dear lord it’s going to happen again it’s going to happen again there’s more tow for good reason she blew me up with the Bazooka yesterday she up that doesn’t sound that doesn’t sound

Building straight up I assure you I assure you it did room secret she blown me up I would never okay that’s slander no she lost where’s everybody hey Ryan I don’t know I think we’re going um West yeah there’s secret floor you’re right so we’re going

Westers we go down and then West wait wait where is the secret room guys with all the chest up here up here lesie I’m at it I’m at it oh oh your soul oh my God I know It I love loot I love loot thank you Hal was Ollie in a weird position oh he’s maybe I missed it this way oh my God heavy breathing what the heck ow wait do I go down another floor are you guys just going down this PA a oh yeah he sleeps like without

A care in the world if anyone has a clip I want to see it oh and then we want to go this way yeah he’s a big boy yeah yeah yeah this way this way this way oh oh yeah there are spawners here oh [ __ ] wow that almost blew up the chest it’s

Broken torches torches where did I put my torches in it where did you go Abe oh down oh you went down I killed one spawner here all the way down oh my God it’s a long way down this way down the long two chests yeah there’s yeah there’s one chest up there

And then there was one chest on the way down here yeah I saw that one thank you you down yeah it’s like a spiral over here oh there a chest down here and then another and then another chest let go up the ladder and then there’s another chest

Oh another chest my goodness this place is so confusing yeah hello hello s o means hello Governor yo this is so [ __ ] scary careful s there’s monsters there’s monsters so scary I don’t take too much damage up this way up this way H up here oh there’s just a lot of stuff that we have to fight up here um there’s a guy on a [ __ ] Dragon looking

Ass a guy on a dragon yeah uh yeah yep yep um I can’t I can’t why are they riding Phantom is that like legal did they get kidnapped on them I think they might have got kidnapped on them no no they spawn this way okay I actually got diamonds from that come

Here oh my God their knock back is insane how’ you get down here okay where are they I heard your where are you hi we went upstairs upstairs oh wait oh uh oh hi yeah we took a ladder up the ladders right there in the corner

Okay oh we haven’t been on this side yet wait only there’s over there how do we get that yeah yeah come come uh where up here I just going to go for the one on the roof here first oh my God oh my God

Oh my God oh my God oh oh my God they’re vicious they’re vicious they’re vicious they’re vicious they’re vicious they’re vicious I got diamonds I got diamonds I got diamonds well shoot me of here Okay where are you selini oh you’re this way Okay I think I have to head back wait are we in yeah I got to go it’s going to take a while to get back Ryan no Ryan R DC here no do not DC here really should yeah I know don’t do that I mean you you you could go by the

Bed or something safer maybe that is true where you going none of your business it is oh I’m not going anywhere wait something that Lo these spawners here guys how do you there was an island zombies zombies get him Leslie get him I cleared the nice Nice dead where do we go now dead I don’t know there’s this room that oh wait oops I guess go down in this room oh this this way maybe or actually I don’t know um J we go down here oh look there’s wait there’s a chest here on the

Way up on the staircase right here let me double check if there’s anything up here yeah nothing up Here prot my levels oh yeah thank you for the reminder my precious levels oh my God ow they’re really dead there SP down there I got the Spawner watch out Oh oh wow yeah there’s Where’s the spawner over here is there not one H I’ve been wit poison oh big chest back here I killed the witch oh secret room secret room oh yeah secret room I mean secret room I love these there’s more witches yeah I wonder if it’s a spawner or something

She poisoned me I’m like ticking Damage I hate it so annoy for a while I know I hate it I’m scared doing okay there oh I think the wish is down here guys oh oh I finally stopped taking I see I see it you guys aren’t up here I thought you guys were

Oh God what huh where where are you guys there’s a SP below we’re below we should go up you’re below I thought you were up no wonder wait I think well let’s go below and then we’ll go back up okay that’s witch okay I’m going to jump

Down and kill a spawner I’m fting you okay okay I got poison I have honey torching for vision torching for vision we’re clear we’re clear hi Seline ow it lasts forever I broke the spawner down here nice I think this is the bottom okay I

Think go back to the top sauna say he’s at the top top of this any chests down there yeah one there’s a really good chest up up top we should go grab that come down all I did not go to the top yet I think whoa why is there a door Here there’s a spawner oh where up here up here you got blocks I’m coming oh bless okay bring milk if I can oh yeah true uh yeah more up that would help oh my God creeper watch out oh is there a lot of stuff down there n

You just the top has the best stuff it’s worth checking I guess see if you see anything there’s a spawner I’ll break the yeah this is not where we live already oh where did you guys live it’s like the adjacent the adjacent Tower oh how was going to break it guys I am

Stressed torch getting so much iron and gold feels good man oh there’s like a parkour here parkour parkour you say parkour ow wait oh nice oh nice I broke the spawner oh my God oh my God my first chest with lots of diamonds yeah he almost killed me oh oh that guy

Gone that guy’s gone uh so the adjacent Tower you said yeah there’s another Tower with I don’t think mimiang and Janet have gone to that one yeah it is time hello which other Leslie oh Leslie go get the chest upstairs uh do you see the tire like

Right next to us those two yeah I haven’t got either my God this bumblebee is so fat with water Buck wait is this bumblebee like are these are they usually this fat or is it no no no no he’s cute oh but are they fatter than usual

Like I swear they’re a lot smaller than this or may no I think that looks nor but I mean so fat to me yeah I’m not really an expert everybody water bucket down come wait where’s I’m here I’m coming Leslie make your way up where is

There how did you guys get up there got a full stack of diamonds from this I got five oh yeah right here right here what yeah yeah the best loot right on this roof up here oh God good down there my leggings yeah there’s some oh unbre Ste I’ll do this

One guys I think there’s a couple more Towers left uh I should get better boots too feather falling looks good then take these off why do you do this here do what Bo it’s like you want my intrusive thoughts to win what are you talking about look

Look me there’s three more things we can go for see that one that one that one why do you do this I think maybe that last one see that circular one at the edge I think that might have loot too but I’m not sure you think you’ll make

Ituno make what you’ll make the jump you want me to jump off no like you think you’ll make make the jump who’s that guy over there way down there did they oh where did they go I won’t do it I won’t do it did they

Take the water down send it send it me quick La no that just barely wait where did he oh my God wait he lived right he’s got the I heard do it you all heard that right you all heard that you heard him say do it you

All heard that I did hear it I did hear it um ROM falling what does that mean what is that what is he saying he’s saying ROM falling wait so AP did you take this water bucket down here and then go back up I jumped to this water tower but uh

We already I’m pretty sure we alled oh okay what does he mean all go down the water come on where’s this one everybody Water full time okay where does it bring us yeah I’m also going to grab the water so you guys should go down first un you

Want to die okay going don’t grab it yet how do we do this uh no I just keep it how do you do it I’m going to hit hello where is everyone we should uh we should find the rest of the squad right um I think they’re upstairs wait who where are

You I don’t know I thought you guys took the water tower thing or water here I thought you guys took the water is there loot there oh hi no is I just no we were up there and then I saw the water and I thought that’s where you went so I went

Right here to this Tower oh okay to missile launched me like one foot away what happened I I I think I did it wrong oh right right yeah let’s we’ll try it again we’ll try it again next time how do I go up well no like next time we’re

Ready we’ve already been here oh yeah we’ve been here how you live go straight west how did I live I fell in the water the tow over here to it’s raining so there’s a lot of Puddles of water you can fall into those Towers to west of there there

Two towers over there we didn’t move guys right here hey look could have sworn there was another Tower is it this one chat it is I have to go there I’ll go there guys there’s a tower I didn’t loot I’m just going to go there okay I

Vocalized what does that mean guys you were literally trying to make my right here when you were all grouped up like that oh my God that was so tempting I need this that was so tempting do it coward ow grow up me okay that’s it it’s over for

You I won’t I won’t did I loot this place oh my God Abe actually died she’s crazy whoa okay wait there’s a tower here we haven’t explored there’s a tower here we haven’t explored guys where is The Voice coming from uh right here hello hello up above or hi

This way this way come come was the loot good over there uh it’s like an unexplored Tower I went downstairs and it was really dark and and monstery and there’s a I don’t know if this is gold for you but it was gold for me that’s why it came here it’s c for

Me and it’s like super dark in there and there is monsters I’m torching it Mon oh [ __ ] You oh [ __ ] you mother I would do it don’t make me do it again I’ll do it again there’s a Creeper down here oh hi wait a how’ you wait did we loot this place no we didn’t we didn’t we didn’t we how did he end up here though over

Here a follow the water tower where’s the water tower I put water down there it’s right here on this side do you see it Char man CH for the win how dare you neon do you want me to do it again right now oh you buil so

Fast oh my God they actually didn’t spawn thank God no that was clutch oh there’s another one oh [ __ ] okay I’m going to build up I’m going to go I’m going a [ __ ] I broke it die you stupid ugly Punchy losers oh my God oh my God I need to

Heal I need to heal I’m going to die oh you how coming okay I’m going to break it go oh my God that was where is everyone we’re down here how long are we adventuring oh yeah I need to coming to us put my levels

In oh are there chests or is it just a bunch of spawners did you go up the stairs sometimes there’s chest I notice these stairs oh yeah it’s dark do you have a exp storing thing Seline nope I’m going to make you one oh is it easy to

Make how do you make one how do you make one okay so you need bottle of chanting lapis lazuli and emeralds where are you where are you uh exp storage oh coming SEL EXP storage why are we all going this way guys haven’t we already looted this I uh

Seline and I didn’t oh apparently I missed the chest going upstairs oh J over here to those three that ab’s going to B ni I just went with this cuz this is a bigger group of people and oh yeah I I got that chest wait wait yeah this

One okay wait I’m going to make the EXP thing wait how do you make it what’s it called in the it’s called it’s called um it’s called insightful Crystal ooh stor experience would anyone like some blast protection boots I made three uh I’m going to put

It in your CH in your bigs wait s can can you wait you’re not wearing your backpack pack oh I have toggle doll here I’m going to go meet up with a okay and then young I got you wait let me see your backpack yeah okay

There who left all this garbage on the ground uh Les where are you was it you wait on the okay I put the EXP storage in there so yeah I love it and now I can kill anyone with no regrets well uh since I made it for you

I think Tuck’s hair behind ear maybe I could be exempt from it you know swings leg flirt yeah yeah yeah I I don’t even use it yet sorry my thought bro but I don’t I know Sam Seline I’m Lost oh God don’t stop there do not step there you will die do not step there Mona she’s trying to kill us wait but she loves me copium trust me you’re not Safe I think I have enough last is this like oh yeah I’ve never been here oh oh yeah we haven’t done this one how do you know oh yeah a it looks different the Below I I have no idea it all looks the same to me I’m losing it again like yesterday here oh okay I went up the stairs that’s up here too I think okay yeah I wish I got diamonds from the chest he has the music too loud I

Lowered it to 45 but if it’s too loud I can lower it again yeah yeah and don’t forget on the staircase there’s another chest yeah I always forget this there’s two chest over there oh water where did you go uh Selen down I went up oh oh oh

Wait then what’s down here where are you uh I went down but I’m going to come back up but it is unexplored you sound close um um I see you um um did you go up this you went down here yeah I went upstairs okay I’m coming up oh hi wait oh Paling am I muted I’m not right okay dude the music stopped and I thought I was muted I got scared is that everything no I think there’s one more to the north right here yeah I think this way this way yep yeah yeah I know I’m trying to use the

Stacking one oh [ __ ] where are they did they go down yet they didn’t explore down here I wanted to explore it cuz there’s chests yeah chests I wanted the chests I wonder if there’s a secret area oh there’s no chest here I wonder if there’s a secret

Room I know I wish the music would be so consistent but it’s so loud and then it’s so so quiet and then it’s so loud what was the missile doing there a behind me I was trying to pull out my arrow but I pulled out the missile

Common mistake ah classic hate when I do that yeah right you get it wait you going up I went down oh oh wait Janet hi hey what’s up why you so suspicious oh oh are you did you go down Seline oh I see it I see Diamond

Really W that’s a lot of diamonds diamonds wait how many did you guys girl God six what oh wait they’re not here coming we went the wrong way which way did you guys go oh what’s over there hi oh hi hello straight down and then you go up and

It’s a large chest man how feather straight down where’ get it straight down straight straight down straight straight down straight down straight down I don’t know straight down I think right but then I oh up okay cool cool and all of a sudden the music is just off oh oh oh

Oh oh my god look how much iron I have ch I’m a Genie and a bottle baby I’m a in a botle man I wish the music would stay on is there really nothing down there yeah what’s ear where’s the next place we’re going to well I think we’re done with this

Dungeon okay do you guys want to go to the actual dungeon what do you mean act dung did you guys loot these chests Ando the oning yesterday I found another one I found um more chests or I found two chests down here okay let’s go home first

Um are we’re calling it a day here guys I’ll see you guys at home isn’t John almost here John’s coming here oh well he’s just going to have a free looting run isn’t he wait he’s close you can see him on the mini map just going to get a free looting

Run Okay so let’s all let’s all go back to base do our deeds and then uh we’ll meet up for the next dungeon how’s that chest cuz I’ve got a chicken destruction Farm to make oh another one yeah yes I’m not talking about Nai what the no one

Was talk no one know not you sounded concerned you sounded home and take a break from yeah let’s all go home kid in the candy store I knew she out of all the people probably didn’t get that little farm to tend to some little I got to

Check on my kelp I mean I’ve been from home what are you doing with your kelp whoa whoa I I don’t want to reveal the secret you’re muted it’s kind of a secret oh man all right all right it’s a bit of a secret is anyone working cow

Farm no we need one wood I really need wood um no but I can help what do you need uh sauno needs wood oh there’s wood all around us oh what wo chest here yeah there’s upstairs too oh my God it doesn’t and then I

Think we’re done J you and I at least okay wow this was like so much so much John made it I see John’s icon is that him down there is that water I don’t know John oh God I have to pee chat this place is so big and I have to

Be I have to be wa wait everyone’s icons are like this way whoa no not this way never mind I’m lost Smiley surely this way called it had like a sense something in Inc no it’s called not incest oh there they are okay

I’m going to go AFK to pee and we can e drop on these guys blowing water no no no insightful Crystal insightful Crystal and you can store your XP in there and that way you don’t have to fear fear dying anymore before a’t going to Li terrified Ollie

Is that you actually my biggest fear of dying is not being able to find anybody again cuz I get terribly lost so every time I die it’s pretty much like it’s pretty much like I a’t seen people for at least 20 minutes Ollie Ollie but I figured out it’s not too

Bad there we go I’m getting better at this game pirate come here yeah you’re kind of you’re kind of good there you go Little Pirate you’re little pirate boy yeah but except I want to see the rest of your body yeah I just want to see this okay Ollie shall we go back

Soon yeah I I can sort my stuff I’ve I I might I might sort my stuff too I don’t I don’t need kind of have a lot of stuff you know yeah too much stuff I I have to go PE be right back total 17 I

Think 17 from from all the dungeon like from from the whole the whole run today I think so wow is there a faster way to mine trees like an insta mine you know what I mean cuz trees are oh also is there a mod where you can

We can upload images from real life into the game like a camera mod or something I heard yeah I think we have that wait actually I think oh no we don’t oh I will get that added in for next time okay no rush that would be cool I actually love that mod

Yeah wait s already heading home his icon is so far he I think he’s he said see you at home I think I I think he went home he definitely said see you at home should we go home as well I guess we got to wait for John to

Finish looting he just got here we looted everything right Jan Jan I think she’s pooping again she just pooped I’m a Genie in a Bottle baby oh hey meong well well well hey how’d the fall go oh yeah Leslie how’d the fall go yeah how was your fall Feel Jan is just I mean just the Rockets you you won’t do it while she’s pooping you would not kill Janet this is crazy that’s actually think Jan actually she’s shot a coward this is like holding your pH some to throw you in the water

Wait oh my gosh I almost died I almost died from that y you you want to see almost dead yeah do it oh my God J going die oh my gosh I wonder how much I wonder how much Janet has I’m definitely taking some hits Janet you there doesn’t care J’s

Not even there she’s perect I’m so tempted a don’t even don’t even tempt me right now what if I don’t hit you but I hit like the pillar in front of you you think you’ll take full damage what’s his what is the that around you AE why are you no way are you

TR to use me as a shield hey leave Selena Alone come here guys come here pull out a shield we got this we all just going to town I think we’re waiting for Janet to get back and well John’s here now John just got here oh yeah John’s

Looting John is looting looting looting he’s Looting but I am going to stay home for the next mission because I don’t need more loot I’ll say it you don’t need what I don’t need any more loot I said it you sure that’s what you want to say I don’t need anymore and I’m staying

Home you’re you’re a little too close right now oh I’m staying home oh protection you can’t you can’t protection prot loing onto the server means you have to go to every single dungeon run and any dungeon run you miss it’s death uh that’s not true at all

Actually I won’t go to the dungeon don’t want to go to the dungeon run how much damage does a rocket do like you know how much damage do you think it does Leslie uh you know like at least a couple hearts a couple but you wouldn’t kill Janet you wouldn’t do that I

Wouldn’t I wouldn’t I wouldn’t but I’m just wondering how much damage it does like just straight on oh hey yo what happened you know do maybe maybe a lot a lot you every single poop came out after each explosion I heard Janet you got to

You got to stay next to me she’s trying to kill they trying to use you as a shield mess up well because you wouldn’t hurt Janet you wouldn’t do it can’t let notice here hi hey guys I’m here to help you got to loot everything I’m here

To save you no yeah this so easy well you got to save us from the real threat it’s me young she’s treding to kill everybody well me a I’m on it no she’ll w w wo wo this is so scary this is so scary got where you

Going where you going I’m going to go take the I’ll be right back okay okay bye a cold shower she said she’s going to go take a cold shower or quick shower cold or quick I heard cold do I really need to though she’s going to Missle your ass back home

And you’re going to walk you go Seline you take that cold plunge she’s staring at me medly she has no hot water you know valerin right John jiggle peek me she has she needs to take it before it gets too late come on what sleep if you know what’s good for you

You die what the heck Miss I’m so tempted Jer 13 thank you don’t worry chat she’ll come back the type to turn to stream like four times in one day I’m not even kidding 32 months thank you and hub 31 months welcome back toy when you’re

Happy I’m happy yes we love Minecraft we love Minecraft just got here would hate to see you don’t shower true dry shampoo it up dry shampoo deodorant and perfume they’ll never know they’ll never know maniac me oh she has dinner she would never no I mean she might still come back uhoh John

John CH wait why is she does scare me who chill chill chill chill chill chill sleep V pixel thank you for the seven months welcome back to Army when you’re happy I’m happy what are you throw do you not missiles nope I can just recharge it it’s a lawless

Society she has no there’s no punishment we don’t have a May yet and the best part is that it’s a homing missile too oh God that’s the best part yeah that is the best part I know it’s in ch I want to go home but I’ll wait for John all

Right’s done looting we should head back home what are these are they exps like if I drink it go home and some it does give exp as Le oh jeez watch out press V oh I W how much damage it does should save for top up if enchanting what’s top

Up hey y’all got some extra bottle of chanting stuff lesie you are you want some how many how many that’s good enough thank you yesz to level 30 oh uh isn’t it easier or isn’t it better to well I don’t know I thought it was better to store exp sooner or

Something honestly I don’t know how it works I don’t know but I’ve been to hello I’m muted what is this you trying to build block me in I have a paxel can anyone hear me hello yes I hear you okay whoa whoa whoa what am I looking

At your crotch is in my face me young she’s teabagging you are you going to take that yeah oh my God what am I looking at my eyes my eyes Leslie you were you were say that well listen you the one doing it it was listen do you want to see what it

Looked like it was okay so well okay I need someone to sleep in the bed okay okay okay and then maybe Janet you sleep in the bed but then I can’t see it oh okay okay oh okay M show M show mang what it look like okay well

Why does it always have to happen to me you know like why am I always the one you know receiving this whatever you’re doing you so like can someone lay in bed can I see what’s going on cuz I I can’t see no no Janet you don’t want to see

That what are you doing someone lay down want to that someone lay down okay I’ll do it but then okay someone reenact it someone reenact it m m has to I don’t think a should be doing whatever it doesn’t sound like something that a can do wait my

Respawn man wait are we we going home can we go home we’re well yeah but John is is does that mean John’s done looting yeah John’s done looting I’m done go home go everybody everybody jump off every some tunes bro I got you wait I got the tunes

Damn what there’s too many Tunes that’s Tunes all right so we jump in here okay okay next oh we jump on this no John wait wait hello the water it’s it’s under me am I going to die is this How It Ends oh yeah you’re fine will w w dmca

Bro dmca y I will literally kill you who did that oh my god let’s go home let’s go home let’s last one to not get banned by dmca wins yeah there’s a creeper there’s a creeper there’s a creeper wa there’s a sleeping Barret here look it’s so cute

Oh bring it oh it’s so Cute no there’s a creeper behind you put water my it’s okay it’s okay I have a lead do I have a lead tell me I have a lead oh my God this whole dungeon me no did it drop food what happened did youo ow ow ow any sleepers oh that’s not bread they’re

Crazed Hoppity hoppity hop ow Hoppity hoppity hop hop Hoppity hoppity hop hop ow owow wow hoity hoity hop hop hoity hoppity hop hity whoa whoa whoa whoa this is much more dangerous than I thought I think they’re in the waters I think they’re in the water it’s time it’s time it’s time to

Go home we got yeah we’re going to do we’re going to we’re going to soar our inventory and do magic stuff and that’s what we’re going to use our exp on Hop buddy hop buy hop I wish I had a uh are you traumatized baby but ton also wore the outfit except

His self-defense was to roll over and stare at us cuz he wanted it off faton tried to get out of the outfit and then he gave them he just rolled over on his back and stared at I like and it was so cute I caught it on video he’s so he’s so

Innocent ban is so innocent he’s so Baby yeah I’m such a sucker for these dungeons they’re so fun like I get fomo I usually don’t get fomo on things but I get fomo I’m like dude I want to go on them oh no he didn’t fall he jumped off the tree I was watching him on my phone

Don’t know what that is I swear myself wait up get on this way I was never she’s trying to scam me you owe me five diamonds no I don’t yeah you do no I don’t yeah you do I owe you Max two I know cats are the best for streamers I feel

Like oh look my are are noo people uh I feel like they’re just so like easy to take care of I don’t have to walk them like I feel bad sometimes when I can’t give them attention cuz they do actually still want attention but they’re perfect enough where I at

Least don’t have to walk them like three times a day or more one day though I do like dogs I’m just too irresponsible to have oh my God I’m scared oh my God yeah we’re done with the adventures we going home wait this is home right yeah we’re oh shoot okay oh my

God prefer mining or go to the dungeon to get diamonds I I I think that I get more Diamond well I don’t know my diamond luck mining has been eh wait is that a lead oh my God a random lead someone must have well mine now it’s probably my old one

Maybe yeah dungeons are more fun h i i i will say mining is good if it’s good when I read chat oh my God my other lead wow there are times where I don’t read chat for a really long time and is because I’m dungeoning yeah it’s probably mine or

Seline’s cuz look it’s wait this is a different one cuz the other one I had marked uh genre GT thank you for the T 10 months welcome back vul pixels thank you for the 7 months hubo thank for the 31 months thank you bean thank for the

32 months pocket Jokers they were the 13 months thank you Mama may they were the 23 months Myers G13 they were the 9 months Waltz Disney thank you for the two months and Maui one thank you for the 23 months see like sometimes dungeoning I I miss out on your guys’

Reubs or new subs or chat and it’s because I’m so Z into uh the dungeon and I forget that I’m streaming thank thank you vulture yeah I I’m doing great I love this mod pack are we home I think we’re home we might be home I think home is right here home oh

Ow oh my God the first thing I do home is reset or respawn point oh oh it feels so good to be home okay next thing I should do I need to make another source jar I think um I’m more efficient and I want to redo my farm a bit

Okay we’re going to fix this we are going to what is the source link thing can I pick this up no tool oh pickaxe looking for a bucket do you guys see a oh man this is oh bucket get will it take out all of my oh

Perfect okay um how do I move the source link do I water bucket it no tool just break it but it says no tool okay oh thank God oh oh thank you okay I’m going to do this and then uh I have a hoe I’m going to bring out my

Hoe I have a stone hoe it is somewhere here oh is it here yes okay oh okay I want to make another source jar it’s archwood slab and glass okay archwood slab and glass H my nose and I need glass where would I put

Glass would I put it here would I put it here would I put it here what I put it here I have one oh we might have to make more we might have to make more glass okay let’s cook some glass so in the middle you actually want

The source link that’s what is generating The Source oh okay oh where would you recommend me putting the chamber I messed up again okay one two 3 4 and then here one two three four yeah I think that’s good okay and then Source link up here and then Source jar

Here going to just slap this down here um and then ho ho ho I’m going to plant usually golden carrots are the most pogers thing to plant or maybe I should plant Mage Bloom seeds Ooh do I have more Mage Bloom seeds is it worth planting a lot of them I’m very new to this so I want to minmax everything but I don’t know how oh they drop seeds I’m surprised I didn’t get any okay get rid of this tree uh oh I did count One be gone tree I’m so sad that I planted all these trees cuz they’re kind of uh I don’t really need them Yeah oh don’t worry the Earth should be fine if I chop some trees oh wait surely I picked up surely I picked up I didn’t oh man wait lesie died to a spider rip where are they oh they’re back here wait so then where did she spawn I hope she put a

Down she’s in the spawn point that’s not too far from home but does she is was she far from from home when she Died oh oh so satisfying oh my God that tree was so annoying I’m so glad guys what do we do about this oil next to our house I hate it go away so ugly I hope it’s useful I hope I need it cuz I hate it right now bedtime bedtime no you any

Sleepies I don’t want to cover it to the point where it will like disappear forever so I can put dirt over it but I don’t want to put dirt on it you know like replacing the source just in case we need it later I don’t know why we would need it

But just in case I’m so worried yeah I have two Diamond backpacks I definitely don’t need the other ones I feel like um okay I definitely have another seed like a mage Bloom seed Mage Bloom seed I just remember okay that’s what what it looks like I

Know where I put it in here hello did I not I must have shoved it somewhere oh boy it’s like finding Waldo um um tell me if you guys see it too okay oh I see it okay Char man CH for the win I love new

MC server one two 3 4 One Two Three 4 okay perfect eventually we’ll replace all of these carrots with Mage Gloom ones but for now we we do this so that the jars can fill up and then let’s get some lapis as well I also have yet to dump my

Chest is it pulling from it is it close enough or do I need to bring it closer do you think it might have to be like here or something closer I don’t know hello how much closer I wonder uh Jim Lee 25 thank for the 25 months welcome back thank

You okay chat let’s do this we’re going to sort the inventory we’re going to sort it we are sords we got this okay put everything we can away first like I’m going to put all my like weapons that I can away oh I’m grossed out Already oh oops not dirt oh bad I thought that was wood there we go we are going to have many chests many chests okay boom boom boom boom five blocks away there are ways to make automatic sorting systems okay but wouldn’t it be faster for me to

Sort now than wait for the system you know what I mean I feel like I should just start sorting um going to put stuff away all right okay we got this okay emeralds diamonds hello uh Teddy dopie thank you for the seven months welcome back to Tito Army when you’re happy I’m happy

Thank you gold glowstone dust Mana steel ingots bone hey I’m actually going to mute this and uh we’ll play some Jazz that I’m coping got to cope there’s so much stuff we got to cope oops ooh we defin definely got to condense a lot um yeah we’re got to condense like a lot of stuff Chat I’m scared there’s so much to do where do I begin okay let’s begin condensing as well pull this out hello I’m learning uh R noo I was calling it ours Novo but someone said it’s pronounced our Novo so I am now an arovo gal perfect you are rich though rich in

What me Rich I hope so I can’t tell if I am or am not can I do these oh oh cool cool hell yeah all right I’m going to go uh do my thing I I’ll catch you at the God house catch you later God house bye keeping

C do you have extra wood I was talking to myself I was talking to myself you talking to yourself that’s that’s what I thought keep it to yourself huh you’re look at a quarter Italian oh oh thank God I needed this know I’ll give you some just open my

Door like that I got to put a lock in there just open what if I was like pooping that’s Diamond um hey Janet do you have extra wood I’d be willing to give you a diamond I do yes how much wood do you need however much wait for a

Whole Diamond here this is worth the whole diamond oh okay here’s your diamond what no likeo but I was so nice to you no don’t you think like what I gave you was gen okay F here’s another one there there no it’s like whoo I don’t want these I have so many Diamond

It’s I can’t believe you I can’t believe you would scam me like this I literally was so nice to you I was so nice to him I was ni to I was seriously so nice to him I how about that literally gave him a whole stack of wood I gave him a whole

Stack of logs not even flanks planks some Saddles Saddles there no give me one diamond ore one diamond ore please please give me one diamond ore please how about how about a diamond ore you want a diamond ore no I want what do you think I’m made of money just one Diamond

I don’t listen look at my back see that well it’s in my hand I don’t even have a diamond backpack yet Janet pick up these Saddles stop littering in my house littering these things are rare well I mean well they used to be I’ll remember thiso okay okay fine

Janet I’ll actually give you something extremely rare I don’t think anyone else has this yet and I was going to save it for myself but here it’s a special backpack upgrade I’ll actually take this thank you I’ll actually take this yeah no problem it’s it’s rare I don’t really

Know what it does but it is rare I don’t think anyone else has it that I’ll actually take that did he scam me chat did he scam me no no no yeah just put it on on never know with that guy you really never know huh you never

Know with that guy it’s true you never know never know we’ll take it though we’ll take it you know you never know sugar Selen has it I hope I like whatever Seline has black run what’s that H definitely these rocket thingies don’t know if that’s supposed

To be in there there’s some things in here that I don’t know if it should be here like that I wish I could can I com compress bone or Something I can a hey who put a penis in my chest low key that is so funny how do you even how do you even I don’t how do you even do that oh my God okay I’m like stressed out about all this stuff I think I have too

Many like of these things these kind of chests you know what I mean chat I have too many of those Jan Jen uhhuh do you have um do you have a melon uh let me check I’m still sorting through everything thing nope I don’t

But I have a melon seed I think do you want a melon seed yeah can actually I think I have that oh okay okay it’s okay thank you much Chad I don’t have one right like I’m not I I yeah I don’t have it yeah I don’t have

It how’s my cute little farm doing ooh yay we’re we’re home we’re home oh God the Ender’s pissed you weren uh 60 FPS K thank you for the Prime thank you ohe here oh right uh I can yes oh my God oh my God yeah it was bad it’s time

It’s time I’m glad you got home safe Leslie thanks so much a wait no I don’t think I can compress it can I not look no oh we might have to make an underground thing chat and it’ll take me a million years to do it

You can make bone meal won’t that can I can I smush the bone meal together white wool and ender pearl I could do that oh wait can I turn these into string do I have to put it down on the ground and then smack it with my sword oh ain’t no

Way oh my God ain’t no way oh that’s horrible M do you have a carrot no Jen Jen yeah how many do you need just one oh I give you two oh I could pour water oh but I’m scared to pour water in here it’s okay I actually have like string string I’m

Just being like super um stingy and trying to get rid of everything but we got it we got the wait we don’t have enough wool I’ll just use this St well I know I have wool somewhere but it’s whatever what what are we going to use

This for you know okay ender pearl we’re going to make an elevator nice put this here and then this white wool I I don’t know just stick it oh yeah I had so much okay um and I wonder if I have a ladder CU if I have a ladder I might have extra

Ladders somewhere well wait I don’t need a ladder yeah we’re fine okay um where should my elevator be I’ll just make it right next to this do I need two elevators to connect I do right okay thank goodness thank goodness oh maybe this is me being distracted

Again but um if I have a light blue flower I could dye it to be light blue so it’ll fit in kind of into my floor or do you think this white will look good no it’s really like it really stands out um I don’t like can I want light blue

Should I just use this you know what it’s it’s not it’s not you know it’s fine it’s all it’s right okay so let me bring a shovel I have I’ll use an iron shovel this Auto pickup thing keeps oh Char man CH for the win wait before I leave torches wait yeah torches

I’m going to need torches it’s going to be so dark down there announcement hello I have an announcement oh I have an announcement to make for this for everybody okay um if you have a backpack you can hang it on your wall what and it’s so cute press shift

Press shift and then use and then put it on your wall who where the hell are my backpacks cute okay that’s all it is cute thank you so cute someone in my chat told me it’s the best thing ever I’m going to do this so I could see okay one two three

4 let’s do one more and then I and then and then I cover everything up is it bad to do this oh I don’t want to go too far down I like this are these walls is this too high up but let me see I like high ceilings okay this is

Good one two three four ceilings up okay okay yeah one two 3 4 okay and then uh a yes is there a server wipe or something happening is is that a rumor what it’s not a server wipe this we weekend are getting one guide you’re literally getting one gu

What they’re spreading rumors okay never mind oh thank God what the he rumor that someone in my chat said they he there’s a server wiped that guy is a aner I was like wait what all three block High ceilings I is it three block or four block one 2 three four it’s four

This is good this is good I don’t like it when it’s too high it this is solely just IGN me to put like stuff down here I don’t know my house is kind of small so I wanted more room down here to put chests especially yeah it’s like a little chest

Room I don’t know I and what I like about underground is I can make it as smaller or as big like it could be I can make it really big down here and it won’t be in anyone’s way you know what I mean whereas like you know when you

Build upstairs it can be kind of like too much I’ll fix those walls later and H yeah I need to like decorate it it’s like my little secret l Here s you now It O John what how do you get music notes to follow you wait it started oh um uh hit your eye muscle I should torch this area before I leave I come back down there’s like a million monsters go to your attachment terrifying that oh yeah uhuh and then make sure the

The dot is highlighted for your backpack right oh I don’t have a backpack on well put it on stay there stay there I have to grab it off my wall John you can put on your wall yes John yo wait pink Cherry sapling what kind of wood do you think what does

It look like yeah everybody lives close together I like living close by cuz I want to hear them oh it’s so pretty as long as you don’t do pig step right all right I want that music that’s a good Jam that’s a good jam oh you put it in my backpack put no

Wonder so clear huh okay wait Leslie uh open your backpack yeah is the disc thing toggled green what disc thing top left or oh oh oh is juke box green I don’t have a juke box in here how you is that gross like I thought you know oh it’s

Like growing around my house but then like I don’t know juke box in my backpack I’m an overthinker by the way like I am like I am like the biggest over ever so look like anime hair bro what do you mean it’s an upgrade uh uh go to your inventory

Muscle and then bottom right type in up please don’t say that I’m I have a panic attack and then uh you should see uh it does please no you should uh see a jukebox upgrade please no no ventory battery deposit restock Lord restock deposit keep going no

There’s nothing lower keep going oh just type in jukebox upgrade then found it oh and then I build that yeah yeah yeah and then and then I and then I how do I use it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you put it in your

Backpack upgrades oh my God there’s upgrades yeah I’m just freestyling it by any chance all good wait I might I think I can get one a yes J do you have a spare jukebox I can make thanks yeah I have one lovely thanks Sean John John take come in yeah come on in hold on I’m just finishing taking a shower oh John why are you still in their house I’m not I’m not shower my house bro you said come in okay I’m done come up come up so sorry what’s up what’s

Up you have clothes on oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah they’re on they’re on I’m good all of them are on thanks what’s up like I love this role play I get it’s like free entertainment uh your housing I fell in love with an emo girl whatever okay I think it’s beautiful and

We are keeping it all right thanks a we’re owning it okay we’re owning it you always keep knocking you can use the doorbell it’s right here I think you think I need more on the top oh yeah use the doorbell use a doorbell nothing is it because of the these bangs

Over here like should I just and the world who is playing music where Ising I noise complaint please should I trim the hair and then what’s up you were playing music really loud wait what that wasn’t me what did no one else hear that oh never mind J were you play music excuse me you young do you see what time it is right now it

Is way too rowdy in this neighborhood I am trying to read to Mr mittens I’m so sorry hey oh sorry turn that down sorry I had my I my airpods on what’s up I do like that Miss foole XD where so sorry we’re so sorry we won’t do it

Again he was we just wanted to we you know Nate party friendly neighborhood party and we will we shut it down before 900 p.m. going forward yo what the hell is up Minecraft oh my God is that Mas Yoshi I’m such a big fan oh my God

God you’re oh my God oh my God it’s John it’s John did I just hear a picture of you Tak I’m such a big fanze Party all right wait I’m going to go see if I have some leather be right back bye John no it’s this I think I need to get rid of that I keep I keep wanting to go uh oh there it is this is awesome I think it’s this hair honestly shave it

All wait oh my God it looks like I never got my leather huh I have one do you need one yes um but better than leather a cow Farm more on top okay oh yeah that would be nice okay okay okay I see what you mean I see what you

Mean like uh well I can’t see what I’m doing so I hope hey why are you going through my chest you said leather where is it I have one here like this why does it I just have a bad feeling about this chat I don’t know what something something feels wrong about this

Soothing ocean sounds that’ be really [Applause] nice hello now it looks like Goku now it looks like Goku okay now it looks like it’s going Super Saiyan bro God you actually had I swear is it the window actually okay okay okay I’m taking the window out I’m taking the windows out

They’re being they’re being taken out yeah what the that is not the right oh my God okay have this playing in the background I love it thank you so much you’re welcome good night sleep well everyone yep good night uh oh uh what wood was this called again shoot oh it’s right here

Okay no no it’s still it still looks okay okay okay what if hm where is my um I had like these cute pink leaves somewhere somewhere oh these are cute too these flower patches I had other Kinds maybe I just need stuff in the front I could have sworn I had these like cute pink flower bushes but I I think I keep looking past it oh pink Cherry leaves okay what if all right or okay hold on oh oops hello hold on let me cook I’m going to

Fill these little areas with other things okay and then and then um well let me see what this looks like oh my God it just looks like a my house looks like a human that’s blushing what is happening why is my house so human looking or something I don’t know

Why why does how who put this in my head who put this in my head it literally looks is it the hair is it the top is it the top I’m trying to grow some is it cuz someone said something and I just can’t unsee it

Hello okay we are going to I feel like I’d rather him just be an Emo Kid than a Goku looking guy right now um hello I do not have any melons I’m growing them well perhaps a single glistering melon slice I’m that’s what I’m sorry

What were you saying I I uh uh in my room oh do you have any melons no but I have the leather now how do you need I’m committing I’m committing oh okay you know can’t ever have to too many leather she asked for five I can hear you [Applause]

Guys wait wait wait I can help you grow your melons faster babe do you want help I have bone meal I bone meal it already oh okay so is there an ETA on the melons or look I’m just I’m just going to commit I’m just going to commit to

This oh my God you’re the best thank you so much you’re looking at what are you looking for I I understand how weird it looks but I think I just have to move on you know bring back the winky eye okay I could do that I’ll bring back the wi I have have

Glass somewhere it’s somewhere it’s see I don’t know why I spent so long doing that when I’m not even like I I have so much other stuff I need to be doing I just got distracted making my emo house I have glass paints but oh it’s right here it’s staring at me right

There okay I need an axe perfect I don’t have any lanterns yet but I will put lanterns later but I I actually think lanterns will help too I think that’s a great idea we all do that okay we were working on down here for the wind do you guys have any

Suggestions on what color I should make it down here quartz white hey guys white and pink maybe white and pink okay we’ll do white here i’ feel bad because they the ones that found it with me yeah that makes sense that makes sense it’s called the sunken city block of Quartz

Quartz and then um I have pink sand or should I do do they have pink concrete pink concrete oh my God they do oh but that’s so that’s so pink do they have lighter concrete they have the powder that’s lighter okay we’re doing the sand cuz the sand

Is cuter looking yeah this sand looks cute but I do have to turn it into sandstone oh I might not have enough too um I like this okay should the floors be quartz as well chat okay I’m so excited oh okay woo that’s bougie whoa

Okay I kind of like that the floor is like same as elevator like I like it okay and then um that is a lot Pinker than I thought it’d be that is a lot Pinker than I thought it’d be I’mma Be Real I’m feeling a little catfished right now

Is there a different design yeah let’s go look at all the designs so there’s uhoh Hello okay we might have to go get some more sand well we live near it um it’s be difference yeah we can go get it we’ll just go get it easy it’ll be fine do I have food oh let me bring food show up I’m I’m going to I don’t think anyone wants

To I’ll be honest oh no they they want to they want to where’s Leslie oh yeah wait wait wait what if h no thoughts oh I’m Tak show or no I’m already in here what do you think what what does she have that sound effect sorry I’m in the shower does it

Look like a librarian shower not Tak shower one line of you’re watching me okay if I do one line of pink it’ll be a little triggering because it’ll be uneven you know cuz it’s four blocks wow your house is actually so pretty oh wait this is kind of nice you guys don’t like

This text you know you can hang your backpacks it’s the coolest thing ever look at this no no wow look do you see that is that Unbreaking try that wait wait wo wo wo wo W this is why I’m taking a shower I’m nak so much

Stuff in her I hope so I’m naked please please don’t come in God okay I’ll just here we can I’ll do this side of the wall I’ll do the other side of the wall with the pink in the middle and then side I would love to see your house

Maybe when you get back oh listen I’m just sick when I I’m sick and I don’t get anyone else sick do you know what I mean yeah of course of course Co right so you know I’ll be in my house I’m going to get thing wait did you steal from me did you

Take something I know you did not just notice a a trend yeah I know see we this is what happens when you have no law enforcement okay you seem to think that people keep taking no no I have reason to believe I’m not crazy oh okay what do

You oh wait I like this one more I like this one more than this okay Yay you like what you see I love it I do like what I see cute I’m so oh my God God I forgot this goes in here I was like oh my God where is Everything AE no what no what happened do you have any melons more yeah and I was wondering if we I I could get another star um Janet uhhuh I I need help what happened I I made an oopsie I don’t have any why is your mouth over

Your why is your hand over your mouth I right clicked something when I didn’t mean to did I break it oh no no you just collected you can keep that if you want no I oh it just spawns it no I was cooking that in this thing hello okay

Hello it uh hello uh uh I was wondering if you had a Nether Star um no ma’am I do not that’s a little crazy I don’t all the cool people have another star think think anyone here has another star I don’t think a single person on the

Server has another star that is very hard to get I I mind then yeah uh maybe ask in a week in a week but we’ll be back in a week she’s asking for she’s asking for another star on the second day of the server I can hear you oh any he sleepers I’m

Sleeping any sleepers I’m sleeping the second day of the server that’s wild chat that’s wild food okay I’m going to go collect some more sand I need more pink sand oh nether star for backpack wait oh she wants to upgrade her backpack huh welcome back she’s back Selen is

Back selini bo b beini sleepy K thank you for the Prime thank you thank you so much s oh my God I cannot believe she took a shower in cold water oh oh I don’t like that this is in water Yay oh I love I love getting um oh no water it’s back I love getting sand it’s so easy to get put a torch put a torch put a torch put a torch put a torch put a torch put a torch isn’t that so satisfying

Chat yeah I oh oh cold showers are good for you but that but it they are still painful they are Very um they hurts yeah good for you doesn’t mean enjoyable oh no oh my God I was like wait we only got this many but then I forgot I keep forgetting I have Auto pickup it get so nervous okay I think that’s enough I don’t know I I might be going too crazy

With the Looting right now right the torch mechanic is so fast look at that okay we’ll be back if we need more you get used to it quickly oh I don’t know I feel like you need a lot of mental strength to take one of those things thank you dorky Porky sleepy K

Thank thank you for the prime again just in case I didn’t thank you cuz I’m forgetful Hawaiian XX Pride thank you for the Prime thank you sleepy maketh thought than of the 30 months thank you I want lip balm and I have it right here I just don’t

Understand why this game is so addicting and how it is possible that I’ve always I’m almost already at 8 hours like I swear I just logged in quartz chiseled quartz block oh can I oh awkward I might need to do other quartz things I might need to mine for quartz

Uh oh oops I for forgot to Pink Sandstone let’s do stack of these oh oops we will expand this area when we have more quartz I don’t even know if I have enough quartz for this wall all right Mong yeah would you like to make a trade

Okay what do you got to offer me huh shouldn’t you be offering me something a chest that has perect but then what do I do about my walls it holds 9,000 slots yep the dirt chest 9,000 if you’re lying to me you owe me 100 diamonds I don’t agree to that no you

Owe me 100 Diamonds oh God do I yeah it’s so shiny it’s soy in here you wouldn’t lie so right now your integrity is on the line oh I don’t know why I broke the roof should be pink that’s okay I feel like the ceiling should be white but I don’t

Have enough qus you’re going to owe me either 100 diamonds or I’ll owe you 100 diamonds okay so should I just wait ceiling needs natural lighting what is natural lighting glow glow stone or how do I make it natural lighting yo is that the is that the dirt chest 9,000

Yeah yeah bar it holds a th 9,000 I heard I saw it on the TV on the television yeah yeah yeah there’s like good for 9,000 yeah yeah yeah yeah dirt wa it holds 9,000 dirt that’s crazy 9,000 dirt that’s crazy no I don’t have any pink glowy leaves but I have pink

Leaves but they don’t glow does not hold 9,000 items yes 9,000 items is 9,000 dirt me okay put here I don’t have then how will I no I don’t have any lamps I can make some lamps but don’t okay well if you put 9,000 dirt in there

And actually hold how about we just like never look up like don’t look up don’t look up until I have challenge accepted it’s like don’t even look up oh [ __ ] exploring first though oh you’re right you’re right hey guys we still going exploring or yeah yeah yeah hey

Mong look the first harvest should I do this full wall of chests or should I do the longer wall of chests probably the longer wall full of chests right oh I I would but like my character I’m already so full oh you’re not hungry would you

Like to see the kelp Farm while no it’s not slaps can even make courtz slabs theu right now is turn my floor into slabs wait do they turn into slabs oh my God awesome the coolest oh let’s just do that oh my God oh my God cutting

Board Yep this is awesome thank you AE that was so cool oh my God that was so cool okay can I make my roof out of slabs too ceiling too oh my God this is the best news ever Charlie man CH for the win wait if I put a

Chest on top of a slab will it look weird will it float do you know what I mean you know how sometimes when you put something on the ground it floats it won’t float okay slab ISD I want see your it should be fine okay good oh thank God okay was sick it’s

Alive but it’s absolute garbage that was what you’re seeing now is about 2 and a half hours of production do it again do it again do it again I can’t it’s very slow feel like I should yeah I mean I’ll never see it but I just knowing that it’s above me will bother

Me what what is this my God what can you do with oh God please be enough yeah yeah there’s the kelp wait so what are you doing there free kelp everybody free kelp but what’s the point of kelp is it food you can if you cook

It you can eat it you half of a food it’s useless CH wait that sounds Great does anyone have extra quartz or block of Quartz end keep showing up in my house extra quartz block of Quartz I’ve been do no why please quartz wait wait you quartz oh I have some grab it oh thank you oh my God oh my God oh

My God oh my God oh my God wao why do you live so far wao wait what the [ __ ] John oh my why is I thought he was going to walk like to his house he took a bat why does he live so far we all going

To the next dungeon oh let’s go everyone follow me well we should sleep we should sleep we should sleep oh my God I do have a glow stone yeah I do um somewhere oh my God are there things in my backpack by the way I need to check well there’s definitely things in that one none in here none in this one none in this one holy [ __ ] breathe breathe

Breathe it’s okay you can do this all right hello cen’s back s it’s quartz John quartz oh that’s right guys look thank you thank you so much look at my where where look at them Dan Whoa We own a he D all right guys we going my God they’re actually going in adventure I don’t know if I’m ready chat do I stay behind I will use a stone cutter someone mentioned stone stone cutter Court slab ready same I’m also just standing here looking at My who we uh who’s not ready yet everybody’s not ready should I be building my second kelp Farm no no you’re building your second kelp Farm I’m I’m leaving what but no one else is here that’s what I’m saying but John said he going be what what is the thing

Dying he found something with SEL and Ryan so I want To you know it’ be really funny what if you found the same one we definitely didn’t wait is yours a one or like I’m going to leave my two iron backpacks behind and a gold one and bring my diamond please I don’t want to see you

Literally don’t talk to me like that is this this is so triggering to see like I I hate this horrible horrible okay this backpack plus this backpack plus this backpack should be enough thoughts or do you think I should just bring them all cuz it’s might as well I think I should

Bring them all cuz might as well you’re right chat you’re so right you’re so right for that oh God they’re going oh God they’re going oh God they’re going I’m also staying back has anyone gone west I’m sorry I have too much stuff to do I got to get ready has

Anyone gone W gu you’re going to miss out on the loot Leslie oh oh don’t you worry I’m all looted are you ready what about your angelic feather what if what if it’s in there what if it’s in the dungeon another time you’re naked yeah I’m naked all right aren’t you streaming

Yeah all right I’ll I’ll you later then maybe I should follow me let’s go has anyone gone west I’ve only gone North so oh okay let’s go then so you think I should stay home thank you for the sub thank you you think I should stay home

You think I should stay home Farm is going to keep you think I should stay home I think I should stay home okay I’m going to stay home have to do the switch thing I won’t have fomo I won’t have fomo I won’t have fomo I won’t have fomo

I won’t have fomo I have fomo but it’s okay I actually have too much stuff to do I need to stay home I need to stay home I have fomo but I need to stay home like I actually need I I haven’t progressed in so long and like sometimes

My loot isn’t even good it’s fine I have enough loot for now I’m going to stay home I have home w w w I’m going to stay home I’m going to stay home it’s going to be okay and I’m not going to feel left out I’m going to stay home I’m going to

Stay home I have too much stuff I have an extra nine diamonds okay is there a pickup tool chat like is there a tool where I can move a chest downstairs like is there a tool is there a tool is there a tool where I could just

Like pick it up and not have to move everything in the chest like a pickup tool yeah but then how do I put stuff in my chest you know what I mean like how do I put all of this in here like how do I keep this open and then move it in

Here is it a wrench okay wrench maybe actually ooh but then I don’t know which multier working your kinetic rotates relocates I don’t know or is it this one or is it this one there’s so many kinds what kind of wrench Janet you ready I know I don’t

Want to go I want to stay home they’re all they’re all gone my chest is so messed up like it is like so bad it’s okay it’s okay we’ll be back I don’t want to go oh we’re we’re actually going oh my God I was coming back cuz I was demoralized and thought

We were giving up oh break an auto pick oh I’m down okay okay I’m down for that oh I was going to pick that up anyway okay it’ll break perfect wow that’s amazing wow I love this my god wow I love that Ah okay if you see anything in something that doesn’t look like it belongs there like like this leather is not supposed to be there I think oh am I in the wrong chest oh you should eventually use integrated Dynamics for easier storage I’m so down but

But can you suggest that once I’m all settled down cuz right now I don’t think I’m ready for all that I don’t think So right now I need a sword yeah I feel like integrated Dynamics is like a r hole that I’ll dive into so I’m so down to do it I just right now is probably not the time to do it um um where did the chest go here yeah everything’s going to get

Mixed not everything was sorted though like I don’t think this chest was sorted much I think this chest was kind of like doomed it had like yeah it had a bunch of this stuff I don’t know wait is this my pickup upgrade what happened to that yeah so much to organize Cobblestone

Out someone was mentioning cobblestone in there thank you Cobblestone out I know it’s so much to organize I’m glad I’m staying home okay I don’t think these mine carts go here here and I I don’t know do I keep no no no let’s take the Saddles out

Let’s only do like weapons stuff I think and then you go here and I will take weapon stuff here and put it here so that I could put saddles in and then take this area mix this Janet are you home do you want to sleep oh yeah yeah yeah sleeping

Sleep I love the mod pack crafting upgrade oh I got to put my crafting upgrade oh yeah maybe I’ll separate my tools and my weapons true but I need more chest or maybe I could just do that now okay weapons wait weapons with tools and armor with armor I like that

Instead so like armor here and then tools and weapons go here uh Valkyrie Parable thank for the 68 months welcome back to T arm me when you’re happy I’m happy thank you this stuff can go here yeah that’s thank you for that suggestion I loved that one okay Saddles

And mine carts in there and then um H I hate this chest I hate looking at it I think I I put arrows in here yeah what is a bow doing here and like I don’t even know guys I don’t even know oh my God every time I open something it’s

Like traumatic I swear God okay weapons and then armor boom my armor is filling up I know I looted so much it is it is cuz of I because of me cuz I looted too much it’s true it’s true oh oh okay a weapon here a rib bone here spider drop here um Amber

Here crafting upgrade right crafting upgrade B and then boom I wonder what happened to this backpack it just like all right uh everything else for now just shove in here or here cuz we got to go get some more there is wheat in or’s chest oh boy [Applause] okay

I wish I could modify and put like these stackable things in my chests you know what I mean okay so there’s wheat in my ores chest how dare it get out you don’t belong here or is chest I’ll put dimensional shards here cuz I don’t use them right now this one

Um little no that’s just going to make me think it’s the monster’s chest uh I’ll put this is dying Anyway come back here you think you can run away but you can’t monster chest or’s chest or’s chest I think that’s it oh gunpowder is Monster chest monster chest monster chest or

Chest or chest you have two more item frames in the bottom right gold chest thank you thank you thank you thank you oh my God I was going to say where are they um yeah we’ll use this cuz I don’t know what to do with these yet I have so

Many I know I can make something with botania I know something about Bania for those okay this is my ARS noo one maybe I could quickly do this one I like this one a lot so it goes in the middle leather leather H oh okay these

Chests are just chaos I’ll just do this one so cuz this one’s not as chaotic um oh well okay so you can make leather with rotten flesh if it’s Um botania cuz I can’t there’s no dry racks in this game play uh thingy unfortunately there’s no dry racks but botania works Auto wait upgrade on chest wa what do you mean [Applause] oh no is it full full shove everything in thank you it’s just a lot a lot of swording to be

Done crafting upgrade and Seed chest how come my crafting stuff keeps going in this so weird why does it do that stay still I’m right clicking it oh yeah like my backpack’s in there too okay um all right I wonder if flowers should be a different

Chest Well for now there’s room so they can go in it yeah I was thinking about separating all of that I mean I definitely can um going to make some more chests I make more chest this might help me I just need more chest to shove stuff in cuz this is crazy

I’ll try to sort before shoving in though like sugar cane flowers actually we should make it separate okay the above one is going to be flowers flowers go here and seeds go down there cuz I can tell it is getting full this is getting full Monster stuff oh skeleton skull emeralds

Coal Gold Leaf you can go up here um food mushrooms can go here um shove everything here okay where are the flowers we’re moving them orange dye light blue dye seeds seeds flowers flowers flowers flowers seeds seeds seeds saplings flowers flowers saplings there we go compressed Stone I don’t know you go

In here for now we could start a wood chest I’ll put a wood chest actually I would prefer my wood chest to be here yeah I want a wood chest there so I’m just going to make one just going to make a chest then I’ll upgrade it I like my wood here

Okay we oh oops okay honestly oh I’m feeling much better okay we can do this we can do this we can do this copium we can do this copium seeds seeds seeds I need jazz music jazz music always helps I finished my coffee it’s too it’s

Really late to be drinking coffee if I do say so myself but it’s fine it’s coming together I just need a chill axe we’re okay Pillager charm fragment looks very you know gunpowder shrub I’ll just put that here R I don’t know I don’t know rotten goes

Here okay everything goes here o I know where that can go wood sunflower I can bring that elsewhere this this hey it add some lights armor Minecart wood sunflower oh chat this feels good we have a system kind of flowers oh I can breathe where would I put leather would I put

Leather here if I do how come there’s only like one I swear I have more leather maybe I just haven’t sorted it yet yeah I want to make a chest for sand stuff I’m wondering maybe oh I’ll put it up here I think I need a start turning these into iron so it’s

Easier okay hold on iron and then plank be and then Crafting you have a chest for animal drops next to the monster drops I guess I don’t want to do that only because I know my and this is just my brain I know my future self will have a stress over and be like oh my god do I put my

Cooked rabbit in my in the animal chest or in the food chest and all that so I’m just going to put the leather with the food and the seeds I think it’ll work out I can always turn these into Hy Stacks if we need more room or something

I have two saddles in my monster chest oh thank you yeah it’s just my brain man it it just I just I know my brain it’s going to be like that I’m going to be stressed about it for for what for what bread yeah I can’t you oh no it’s

Only wheat that turns into hay you’re right Sagge okay anyways let’s do our sand okay sand goes here we bounce back the hell is a cyan stock block I’ll have these as like books yeah I like that sand sand wait sand you have the things in the backpack crafting table thank you thank

You um clam like what the freak is that I don’t know I just put it in here it’s just like so Random sometimes I swear I swear Ain’t No Way ain’t no way paper and book chest oh yes I like that thank you I like that idea it’s very

Good yes I like I like a lot I’ll get my bigs oh actually I’ll just hang my bags on the walls cute can you access yes I can op wait a minute if I can access these on the walls what is the point of making these oh right take them with me on

Adventures right right right but you can upgrade these is an M more five Head anyways I’m going to pick these back up later I just wanted to clear my inventory um let’s see what was I doing okay not so bad hey uh oh this one seems slightly organized there can be a potion chest [Applause] dang it this is illegal that my chest is full

For that I want everyone to know that’s actually illegal like I I have too much that’s so insane to me so insane so insane it’s a shove angle for now let me pick the rest up before it despawns insane Like do I need just a chest full of helmets surely not guess that means you to get rid of it oh okay yeah that’s it’s true okay get back in here what’s the okay so I I think I just need to smelt it then

No well I still need uh okay how about I shove this is really horrible I want everyone to know this is I’m having a horrible time this is like I am disgusted okay books our noo Minun ammo you know I’m going to put these in

Books it looks you know it looks like a book you go in book you berries and then spider eye iron pickaxe iron sword horrible okay this is going to be potions ladders go here cuz it’s technically wood oh oh that’s horrible again oh I I don’t like this again okay we’re relocating Sand yeah I was going to move them missile stuff to its own own box that’s why I relocated sand up here so that it could be like next to it I honestly like I think tools and then fighting stuff what do you mean use the regular backpack for excess

Armor yeah I just don’t know how to use the missiles so I I never use it I wonder where all my leather is is it in here do I really not have a lot of leather left yeah I checked the chest there’s none true glass could go sand where is

Glass I don’t even have glass in here okay zombie heart and then berries glowing water that looks like a fighting thing click you on rotten flesh some options to transform it I did already trust me I I I did it on stream someone back me up someone tell them I did it on

Stream I swear I did it didn’t didn’t transform um okay let’s not get side trck chat we still have to sort this this wood wood and then iron and then why is this music disc red I’m so curious hi Frozen Inferno I hope you’re having a lovely weekend too dookie than the 33

Months welcome back to Tito Army when you’re happy I’m happy thank you put exp bottles in the books chest instead of monster drops I don’t have oh I do wait shouldn’t I put it in the potions area though I like it more in potions cuz it’s technically a potion but I didn’t

Know I even had bottles in here that was an accident that was not supposed to be there this is a shove angle again glass someone said glass with this yes I liked that this and then this and then this okay almost done with this okay any monster stuff music disc is for

Sure getting its own thing boy oh boy we have a lot of music discs I swear we could have our own like shoe area armor area we we have we have it all do I have a mine cart area I do I don’t know if it belongs

There we have we definitely have enough chest where it doesn’t need to be there I’m going to put the music desk is there any other ones okay we’re going to put the music desk up here or dis music disc whoa cool Black Lotus shov angle seeds seeds stock looks like seeds music discs a Goodwill with used armor for real actually though music disc we’re almost done now we just have to sort all the things we shoved in I think yeah this looks right this thing though okay hold on let me double check are we

Good here it’s so empty now I don’t know if I actually need all this stuff put music discs next to the Jukebox ooh that’s so smart actually that’s so cute yes I can bring the backpacks upstairs oh nobody’s sleepy dang it let me tend to my farm real quick

I can’t wait to learn all this stuff once I’m organized my God I hate that I hate that there’s a lot of monsters right now I’m trying to just live in my cute little farm hello hello jet yeah okay I am expanding my house and I just want to

Make make sure that it does not intrude on your house okay so um where do your let me see let me see uh where your house goes okay essentially okay oh oh okay yeah does it like go this way down and out I don’t think so uh I you just do it it’s

Totally fine I also have a downstairs area I’m sure it’ll be fine okay I will I will just I will start building and then I’ll just you know if I run into your stuff then we’ll you know we’ll deal with it when we deal with it yeah

Yeah yeah don’t worry just go off yeah all right I’ll just I’m going to keep going can we sleep though yes okay cool cool cool s whenever you want I’m just here I’m ready to sleep I’m in bed myun you thank you for the sub thank you for the sub thank

You imagine you finish organizing they get invited to a dungeon run dude they’ve been they’ve been inviting uh ooh I don’t remember what I was doing leather in the bottom backpack thank you oh my god thank you maybe lesie yeah have you learned um how to

Turn rotten flesh into leather yet no oh okay no worries wait do you know how well I heard botania can do it and and I thought you were learning Bania oh when I learn I I made a petal Apothecary and that’s I’ll get back to you if I learn okay no worries no

Worries how far in oh yeah they are really close to us here dungeon I’ll go there later a drying Basin to do that really drying Basin cuz I do see drying Basin hello should I perhaps try it okay let’s just try it logs and black dye in two things we can do this

Surely it’s worth the try okay I’m going to do it we’re going to try it if it’s wrong who cares you know I’m glad I at least tried it I’m desperate so I already forgot the ingredients right logs logs I don’t remember how many be boom boom

Boom I’m going to dry outside I or or maybe inside outside scary do you think it’ll work better outside what do you guys think oh my God it works okay now how do I automate that Hopper and a chest I’m automating this I don’t give a freak I know how to

Automate I’m a genius I have Hoppers somewhere I learned I know how to automate this I can automate this I can I I can do this I can do this I remember getting Hoppers from like the glimp blimp oh my God but then what if I I don’t

Remember where my Hoppers are wait I don’t have Hoppers I have to make hoppers I can make hoppers though I know how to do this I’ve done it before I’ve learned okay this um okay but I don’t know the crafting Thing by heart okay Hoppers oh yeah maybe I’ll just do a hopper

Chest I’ve never done Hopper chest never mind you just put a hopper under or let’s say I put a hopper above it and then above the hopper I connect the chest to it and the chest inside will have the things and then at the bottom of the of the of the drying

Basin I should have another Hopper that and then another chest under the hopper so that it autoc collects so that means I need two Hoppers oh I could just make it okay I’m bringing you downstairs wrong button wrong button crafting Crafting One Two oh my God it’s not tall Enough we do this outside I remember how to do this Okay will I be able to reach this yes I’ll be able to reach the chest this like pickup thing is lowkey highkey annoying okay oh Hoppers can go inside oh it’s too late now okay boom and then the drying Basin here and then another one here and then we’re just going

To oh can I put put it to the side maybe like this it’s really ugly no that doesn’t work can I connect it to the side I need to disable this oh my God it’s so annoying put Hopper under Chest what do you mean put Hopper would Chopper have too okay look I could do this and I could do this yes there we go and that is not going inside why is it not working why is it not working how come it no work oh my God is this un

Automatable cuz it should automate like this right yeah well how do I make the mechanical dry Basin obsidian hell no Bros look we cut our losses it’s fine I ain’t doing all that I ain’t doing all that right now listen we’ll do it manually I can’t be doing this right now

This is It’s that’s that’s crazy it’s actually crazy hell no okay it’s fine just do it right here it’ll be easy just show on in forget about it sort a bit boom boom yeah that’s a problem for future bars I’m just glad you know copium that

We are able to turn our leather into this okay uh we’ll just we’ll put this for now oh my God I have to pee so bad wait okay actually I should tell Le cuz I feel like she’ll want to know lesie I found a way to make leather with rotten flesh if

You want to do that uh yeah how okay so you search up a drying Basin and you make that and all you do is you put your rotten flesh in it and it’ll make leather really really yeah it’s just like I get w d oh that’s easy yeah it

Just takes a while like I mean it doesn’t it does it fast but you just have to stand there and keep doing it is the only issue oh is one at a time yeah you can make like a million but I I don’t know okay drawing Bas making it thanks Jan

Y one day we’ll automate it one day sleepers is it even nighttime I wish I had more Mage Bloom Seeds and not nighttime is this how I make an item frame yay surely this is good enough all right who needs it you You you you okay I might as well I probably need all of them all right sauno I sleep in okay I’m going to go pee and change my lighting since it’s night time again jamming we jamming uh we’re almost done sorting chat we got

This I need food I need food food oh I should eat bread I have too much too much bread bread is there no way to what what else can I do with bread oh okay I lowkey wish I didn’t see this this is so

Cute oh I’m so hungry oh my God I can make a freaking chicken glowing bread oh that’s what glowing water does hello you Min your beef you can mince your beef chat yeah oh that’s so smart I said Chia said maybe upstairs can be a kitchen

Setup bro oh my God is there kitchen stuff oh my God there is there’s cooking tables fridge sink oh my God amazing amazing I keep zoning out oh okay torches maybe torches can be in um I’ll put torches which chest should torches be should I make I’m seeing what’s empty plate up

MC okay I think I’m going to put brick and clay with sand cuz I don’t think I Have that Much you might be able to automate leather making simply if you do Hopper Basin Hopper but Place five leather in the bottom Hopper so it doesn’t pull the rotten flesh out o okay so like I’m already mentally far gone right now but I’m so down to do that when I have the

The will to do that but right now my mental bye-bye it went bye-bye as soon as I couldn’t so as soon as I broke it all down and I was like like well doesn’t work and I came down here has never been the same guys hasn’t been the same who is doing that

Who’s doing that who doing that oh someone said I should make the music up here maybe I’ll just bring it down though oh I don’t know I’ll deal with it later I’ll deal with it later I’m putting these weird things in here I don’t know what they do and

So I’m putting them all in here I have no idea what they do I hate them die yo is lesy like for real right now next to me like if I break this wall am I about to see her that is so [ __ ] funny Bro I love that that’s so funny to me at a window okay hold on how far well she’s pretty far though chat How do I make this like okay oh my God wait guys sorry Janet oh why what do you mean testing the jams oh no I like it oh okay don’t snitch don’t snitch she likes it Okay she didn’t see me she I don’t think she saw what do I do I want to make like what okay oh my God what do I do this is amazing I love this so much okay I don’t think I don’t think she saw oh my God okay I’ll make a window okay make a window to the right okay so what I saw though to the right is I think yeah she has like this stuff look I think she’s here okay what if what’s this way can she not hear me dang mad she has a really big loot

Room chat it’s bigger than Mom fine are you serious are you serious guys she has so like this place is massive I oh my God like I’m going to do this later dude everywhere I go that [ __ ] is it is it is big in there oh oh no she’s

Back wait why did she take oh she’s going back in her barrels okay oh oh yeah I should Light It Up imagine okay I think the best path is the one that I saw earlier you know what I mean chat that path that goes into her place I can

Try I’ll f figure something out later is there someone in my house what I don’t know I just hear things oh maybe we’re just really close to each other cuz I heard your music yeah but I hear things like not from where you are you know oh well if

You see me on the map I’m in my base just going through chests yeah yeah I don’t think it’s you oh god oh mon that music is so scary all of these suck oh okay Okay I’ll sleep for syono I Will dude oh my God this is the funniest thing ever I love Les I don’t know I don’t know who snitch but it’s okay she she doesn’t like no no she’s a no no it’s I’m not even harming anything please don’t stop snitch it’s for fun I promise I’m not going to it’s

Not I’m not going to do anything bad okay I I swear I’m just having fun just having fun just having some fun didn’t I how oh it’s this one uh Shields I don’t know what to do about compasses and clocks maybe I’ll just yeah right let go Here yeah compass and clocks are useless but I have them anyway so we’re keeping them there we’re keeping it we’re keeping it um yeah I’m just hoarding I love hoarding I mean we have so so much room we have room to hoard um okay boom boom boom boom

One two one two three four I’ll make five oh boy are these expensive though holy oh okay yeah that’s F oh all right well we can’t stop there boom yes very good if I was a rich girl na n Oh wait we have so much iron I forgot I made them in oh we’re fine we’re fine see I have all the money in the world if I was a wealthy girl okay we’re not going to turn all of them we’re just going to do some I think that’s a great

Idea when the chest is more valuable than what it contains okay I mean a torch and all that you know it it’s good it’s good boom if I was a wit rich rich rich girl see I have all the money in the world if I was a wealthy Girl yeah oh I’m glad that you said that because it feels like I haven’t done much so I’m glad that you noticed a change in the household maybe not a big change but it’s something discs we got this we can do this chat the home stretch disc

Leather we’ll put Bania stuff here and I’m just going to use the the Bania pedestal whoa more discs and then whoa whoa whoa don’t don’t call it the emo upstairs please no okay rope and it says Farmers Delight I’m just going to put it in here I still

Don’t know what it does but I’m putting it in there oh man what do I do about these like trips and stuff a I don’t know oh I don’t know okay maybe pneumatic craft all goes here and then like iron bars and trip wires and chains can go There what do you guys think what do you guys think and where do I put wool what is the mod top left it is called newmatic craft and I have no idea what it does so that’s why I just shove it in there cuz I have no idea and um

I’m going to have a dirt chest cuz why not you know and then um I know I feel like that should also go here books says Farmer’s Delight maybe I’ll just put rope here Farmer’s Delight looks sounds like it’ll be here warp scroll take these out archwood planks okay archwood

Um some ARS noovo stuff R arovo this blue stuff go goes here this rope goes here with the BAM or with the sugar cane um we need to eat bread seeds mushrooms um bamboo um and then some dirt put some more wood in here um redstone lamp here sticky piston here wood

Here compressed Stone put in here don’t know what it does sand goes here Enchanted leaves and flowers go here this weird mod goes here cauldron I will also shove in here black SC I don’t know I’m going to shove it in there for now TNT I will put that here for

Now yeah sticks put here okay some wheat some eggs oh I need bread uh Dirt ammo ammo um book noo put this here applied ener okay we put those here we’re going to yeah yeah I don’t know what that is either there’s some things in this game that I picked up

And I don’t know there’s also Tetra which we don’t know yet oh it’s storage oh realing query I’ll put cork in here and then I’ll put Tetra in here since I don’t have a lot of stuff for that oh my God are these all empty now yay okay okay we’re at the last

Stretch we definitely didn’t need this many chests put this here old root here clay balls can go in here um put these in here is there anything in here no okay so shears I don’t really need a crafting table huh I use my backpack yeah I could dye my backpack pretty cool pretty

Cool oh I’ll sort this um I like to carry these around in case I see a Traer um and then these seeds go here carrots go here uh oh a boat is always good to carry this is good okay I think we are good now Um I’m going to bring a hoe how do I get more Mage Bloom seeds cuz I’ve been harvesting my Mage blooms but they haven’t been dropping seeds oh I can only craft them do you think it’s worth it for me to craft a lot or no are they really useful like will I

Will will I ever feel like oh man I wish I had more Mage blooms is that I want to plant more but I don’t know if it’s Overkill okay one row would be plenty oh okay the blue flower block where is it this thing it’s an enchanting

Leaf oh yeah it’s pretty huh so my chat said that it looks like uh my chat they said it looks like an emo kid you guys don’t think so right I’m in love with an emo girl okay I want to get into this now I’m going to bring out my source gems and

Stuff in my book I’m getting my ARS noovo stuff let’s see ooh and I’m also going to bring out another shovel cuz mine broke I’m going to use this one this this this this this okay oh I also need I forgot these th Stones always need

Those okay finally we get to oh I’m so scared though it’s night time should I sleep yes all righty okay now how do I do this okay so I did make something in in the middle here um let me read my book so I did all of this I think oh I

Wanted to make a uh a glyph and it said I need blank parchments and I need these fibers blank parchments and then aha that’s where it all paused okay and I need paper okay let’s go get paper we have paper lots of it we’ll bring lots of it a

Whole stock oh no we’re over here oh I’m so glad we sorted oh it feels so good okay be CFT oh my God why is this memory card so cute by the way okay stay focused stay focused stay focused or how do I open my book oh my

God I think I need to take care of that just in case just in case good yep yep okay h wow okay um I forgot my lapis lazuli I need to constantly be making these oh yeah and this was this has to be closer I’ll move it right

Over here let’s see is this close enough oh yeah that’s plenty close wow wow can I put it here then oh no yeah it has to be here okay this is the range no worries then no worries do you think I need to put make this closer than the pedestal can’t I pick

This jar up though and then bring it here so like technically it doesn’t matter I could just bring the jars here whatever okay anyways I’m getting distracted okay new glyphs okay I I made the glyphs but then what um uh okay we did the scribes table new

Glyphs okay I did that was it spell casting uh how do I open my Book press V to Quick select oh is that why Oh c oh thank you okay uh touch break spell name mining Create How do I cast what’s the hot key for Casting oh I see right Click Okay okay let’s read okay so your Mana pool may be expanded with special Mage armors enchantments learning new clips or by drinking potions once you have acquired a mage Bloom seed you may craft novice robes ooh oo okay Arcane core apparatus yeah I did all of this okay World Generation Arch

Oh right several resources can spawn in the world each with their own magical properties Arch which trees come in several Decora explosives okay I can bre this into potion of blasting whoo M oh the is this potion of Mana regen okay o sugar and how do you get do I have Source

Berries and certain items with source to create new Items hello we already have this okay wait yeah we have this oh but then this is how I do fire Essence whoa okay o man I don’t know what kind of essence I want yet okay cool cool interesting so much to learn tier two and three glyphs will require an

Apprentice I see I need diamond and a block of Quartz and blaze rods okay holy yeah we are oh yeah okay we uh we just need to learn this I don’t really know how to use this it didn’t really H should be under I didn’t mean to it should be

Under whoa there’s even more things with an empty slot right click oh yeah I’m right clicking and it doesn’t work and I have an empty slot am I glitch oh with my book click on it oh thank you oh I heard amplify is good okay so let’s say I want to do

Amplify I toss items I have like it’s like who knows totally forgot I know that’s you what how’ you know I was here I I could hear you eating something or I I heard your footsteps is that you so do I just toss this you heard that I I did

Hear wow how mer Aladin thank you for the 15 months welcome back to TI Army when you’re happy I’m happy thank you yeah I’m going to go back home okay do you have quartz finding chance oh wait what do you mean how do I consume it oh like how

Much get him out get him out why don’t we go uh why don’t we just pop in the nether really quick it’s not that rare So if I amplify this oh but it’s going to take so much of my man we go in now it’s fresh but eventually people will go

In there and start farming and then you’ll have to go further and further away from the spawn to get it uh projectile harm amplify people Farm it and then we’ll have to travel fight create five minutes and we’ll go to the nether should F my my farm also okay

Tauno zuno oh hey Janet what’s up can I smack you with something uh yeah where are you yeah let me uh let me come right up did you store your exp wait your place is so hidden your place is so hidden what does your place even look like PSO are you in the

Oil don’t tell me chat what the what the sauno I am so curious where you live oh yeah I want to do the flying stuff yeah I’m going to find out an RP lesie huh sauno is taking too long can I hit you yeah will I die I don’t know you

Don’t know okay I mean surely I wouldn’t die right okay all right okay okay okay hit me oh wait oh how much did it do a lot did it do a lot uh one and a half hearts oh okay hit me again oh oh no that’s all I really

Needed I don’t that was so cool hit me again no that was so cool hit me again oh my God that was so cool wow yeah that did one and a half hearts yeah pretty I’m going to become I’m going to get stronger you hear me

I’m going to be stronger no it’s our noo RS noo I’m being a mage WoW I got you onion thank you that was awesome yeah I can change the uh color I like how it is right now all right what else can I do let’s see well it’s night time I’m really scared

Actually um I want to do the one where I make people fly do you guys know what that one’s called no see in the top left it tells you what type of I think that’s so funny oh is it fell I don’t know it’s a it’s a

Turtle it’s called launch you like it air Essence and then rabbit hides okay um let me go to my book and then it’ll tell me uh I don’t know what that me here’s a turtle ready to go do you guys remember which part of the

Book NE all right let’s go get cor it’s going to be really quick it’ll be like two minutes let me grab my back you guys remember just bring where it told me gather thearts how dare you I am strong now you don’t want to mess with me am I wearing

It wait this is an aim thing this is horrible news who is it after who is it after who is it it’s not after me you’re you’re right I can just search it up feather Wen wing and any Arrow okay I have those oh I’m so glad I kept feathers

Rain I did keep my feathers right oh uh monster Arrow no way it’s after me I slept surely one two three it only takes three can I oh frick that’s not what I supposed to do um okay boom boom boom boom am I supposed to take this away now I’m doing something

Wrong oh I see what I’m doing wrong it’s not it has to be in the corner in the corner okay please don’t come after me I’m busy let me cook hey where where are you Leslie where are you can I pee real quick oh okay now I really don’t know

Okay I’ll be right back yeah take your time take your time not enough Source I’m I’m going to need some of the quartz too for my observers by the way not as much you oh do I need four replace enchant I need I need eight pedestals for

This but it only shows I need three how do you know I need eight using the wrong just replace the enchanting apparatus oh what do I replace it with another pedestal oh an imbuement chamber oh and my imbu chamber is is here oh not working

Wait is this is is the same thing imbu chamber oh it’s working now come feed it feed it yes feed it I’ll make two just in case I need rabbit hides I’m a witch I’m a witch uh uh okay uh right so I want to make okay so I say I

Say launch I want to make this and then it’s like okay then you need to give me all of these so I give them this okay never mind uh okay I give you three of these H oh my God okay um so so then I do projectile launch and then amplify whoa Leviosa

Create lesie yeah are you busy can I do something yeah um did you save everything oh my God I think it’s karma for what’s about to happen to you maybe okay are you okay do you have exp safe I don’t know like if he’ll die or not I

Won’t die we’ll be fine okay daily creeper honestly Janet thinks she can onot Leslie when guardian Leviosa holy [ __ ] oh do you want to go upo do you want to go up you know what Janet if this kills me I’ll Guardian leosa oh my God wait that that’s kind of

That’s that’s useful that was the thing I’ve ever seen shoot meong with it shoot me do you want to go up you want up you want some up yeah we you can fly that’s crazy you guys are insane so awesome oh my God that the clol thing

Okay um I’m ready for the nether all right let’s go get that quartz to the I’m getting quartz it’s it’s good for us to go early cuz now we can Farm the ones that are close by spawn and then everyone else will have to run far away what

The my place though it keeps getting blown up chat it was worth it it was so worth it I’m having so much Fun I know Peter’s Peter’s GNA see Peter’s about to see what was I doing I was fixing my house my poor house my poor House I might have to make another door Too cuz it got blown up no Oops Oh I know I’m going I feel like I’m so happy and excited um okay wait I might as well be productive okay back to doing more I’m addicted this is so Fun Okay what else what else can I make what else can I do try flying with it okay um can I fly let’s see V oh wait uh oops um C uh self launch amplify ow ow ow how do I fly is it actually possible to fly

Oh yeah maybe I’ll do a bounce spell that sounds fun you know what why don’t we just oh okay abjuration Essence and I need I have slime let’s amplify maybe I I swear there should be a way where I could fly fly whoa I could just run

Fast wait I saw um that there’s a there’s a uh H where is it there’s a fortune oh there’s also invisibility Glide I want to summon things was there no oh I thought there Was or maybe I passed by it she didn’t see Glide I saw Glide I just don’t know like the things Glide makes it so I could fly I yeah I could have sworn there was a fortune thing when I watched this like YouTube video okay I’ll do glide Glide it’s probably on

Here search glide wait I don’t have you guys are crazy level 10 and I need I don’t yeah maybe it is luck let’s see increases the drop chance and blocks that are destroyed oh great what is that rabbit’s foot [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] going to put our book away and

Actually we are going to clear this one um we don’t want to do that anymore what’s the better spell for luck don’t I just amplify my luck to make it better that’s what I would assume I hope I have a rabbit’s foot I don’t know if I do

Actually that might be one thing we never got yeah I know where they are tier 2 spell book oh oh maybe we can make a tier 2 spell book though um nois Spellbook okay wait let’s just write Spellbook it’s oh I need blaze rods I don’t have blaze rods to the

Nether I can change the color of my thing too why don’t we focus on what we Curr know where it is like off the back of my hand oops Yeah just straight this way straight this way how do I oh God oh God wait maybe there we go I shall sleep um oh

Cool firework star what the heck is that extract oh I want extra ex ract okay I’m going to make extract I want that one I want it I want it I want it uhoh my inventory is getting messy hold on put things away really quickly the OCD is kicking in it’s

Kicking gunpowder and dieye oh oh that’s easy wait uh yeah well yeah let me do M extract select oh uh yeah not enough exp for this Cliff oh I know I have to go o do I have it in here I do oh wait that’s how do

I hey how do I get it back oh thank you thank you so much I might have to do the thing again extract select there we go oh yay um see fly oh my God no no fly no fly silk touch H touch and then touch cannot be augmented by

Extract no it’s too op no why is it there no how do I sort it so that it it’s it’s is it just tier one oh that’s how I have to sort it do projectile then extract no it’s still too I need the other Book you can only hold 10 spells so I would like oh I would do an attack book and then a mining book wait you hold two books Rihanna they the five months welcome back to Tito Army when you’re happy I’m happy thank you causes forms to Target blocks they normally cannot Target

Bounce oh we should do bounce actually that sounds fun um I also like cut I like shears shears would be useful I have shears and an iron sword what does anyone know what that is on the left let me see cut glyph or cut stone Button oh my God clocks are actually used for something Stone and Redstone Dust dude earlier I was like yeah we’ll just keep this red stone oh my God it’s actually and I was like yeah I’m hoarding and all that and it was worth it oh my God I’m pleasantly happy and

Surprised I’m pleasantly happy and surprised you know what rewarded for hoarding Stone I need to cook stone I think oops Yeah some Stone and then red stone and then a clock oh my God benefits of a loot Goblin Stone Button Stone button and then a red stone and a clock and a Source Gem and it was like this I memorized it it’s going I need to make my farm bigger so that these things grow faster so I can get more Source I need more jars oh

Okay what was it was it oh I also want AOE all right oh no no no okay cut this one oh I need shears and an iron sword I have shears and I have a broken iron sword out there projectile with con Mage Light can throw Perma light source ooh I’m

Down yeah I’ve never done our Novo it’s really like my head hurts but it’s fun okay oh no I keep using my book by accident Okay click this tier one cut select Boom boom boom unlocked cut okay this fly thing is Haunting Me I Swear okay so cut is shears so I touch and then I cut and that’s it I’ll just call it shears great let’s uh let’s test it on on this uhoh uh oh oh how dare you hey what you think of

My spell I will make you pay EG how come you didn’t wait how come you didn’t fly what do you mean fly well go ahead and hit me with it help help oh did you almost die no it does zero damage Janet I think your Spell’s bugged no way no way I’m

Sure it does damage to you well go ahead and make me fly again if you want but I don’t think it does anything you’ll pay for this um your boots my health didn’t I’ll take the boots off then Okay I uh okay sure I maybe it’s the boots I how come you take

No fall damage well here try it again but I die no there’s actually a trick in this mod pack if you crouch right before falling you take no damage I don’t believe you well how do you you think I haven’t been taking damage I don’t know something something you always you’re

Trying to bait me to fly myself and then not and then I’m going to crouch and I’m going to die well just just fly yourself and find out then I mean if you don’t believe me I can you can you even use it on

Yourself I feel like you can I can and I almost died doing it so I’m scared just try the Crouch trick it works it works I took my I took that spell fell off cuz I kept accidentally making myself laugh oh yeah that that would do it all right

Well I’m going to go home I got I got uh okay oh oh that’s how that works oh wait not Leviosa I oh I have to amplify it okay V and then this and then okay I could have sworn I Amplified it maybe amplify it again maybe it’s not touch maybe it’s projectile

How come it’s not sharing this am I doing something Wrong amplify will simulate using an axe instead of shears oh never mind take amplify off but even when I projectile it doesn’t Work so I tried projectile what if I self or let me try this again create okay that didn’t work all right this’s a ow yeah that’s what I thought oh But shears are used for these so that’s why I thought maybe you know what I mean like I use shears to Shear the Leaves so are you saying cut is like so what does this do I’m confused oh this one’s for sheep um that’s kind of Lame Chop Tree this horrible news um maybe I should projectile this projectile cut amplify amplify Okay my smells Suck ah what is this cut thing I don’t get it I don’t think I need F the chop trees so are you telling me what does it mean when it says axe what am I Asking oh it shears the wood oh I see what you mean okay okay oh man okay all right okay that’s it for me today though my brain cannot handle all this but also I’ve been live for so long my back is hurting it is end time for me I’m going

To be streaming tomorrow as well um yes I’ll be live tomorrow like 10:00 a.m. probably I’m going to play some genin and then I’ll play some Minecraft cuz I haven’t played Minecraft in a while ke thank you for gifting five subs thank you thank you for watching

Everyone and thank you for the gifted Subs boy oh boy am I a tired girl see you tomorrow I’m going to raid katamina Camina we’re doing genin at 10:00 a.m. and then more Minecraft at 12:00 p.m. and then I have a meeting at like 5: so it’ll be like a shorter stream but

Still a long stream bye everyone thank you so much for watching do you know I’m I’m leaving you look so excited goodbye everyone look he looks so happy bye thanks for watching bye bye he knows I’m ending is that the trigger word bye see you tomorrow bye

See you later bye see you tomorrow oh my God he knows he actually knows it’s like a dog like trigger word okay bye ser sleep by

This video, titled ‘Sorting 🤹‍♀️ and Adventuring w/ Friends! 🛶 | AbePack Minecraft Day 2’, was uploaded by xChocoBars VODs on 2024-01-11 03:00:23. It has garnered 172 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 09:23:41 or 33821 seconds.

Original broadcast: September 10, 2023.

↓ Timestamps and Socials below ↓

00:00:00 Just Chatting 00:02:23 Minecraft with friends 05:39:16 Just Chatting 05:45:46 Minecraft with friends

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  • Yoeurn Mutta’s Massive Space Adventure

    Yoeurn Mutta's Massive Space AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘He’s better off to space (@eiaz.yt on IG)’, was uploaded by Yoeurn Mutta on 2024-08-25 12:30:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts #minecraftmeme #minecraft. Read More

  • 10 CRAZY RED FLAGS in Mofutari Megumi’s Minecraft Adventure! 🔴

    10 CRAZY RED FLAGS in Mofutari Megumi's Minecraft Adventure! 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】anyone got any red flags | #Fantasia_SEA’, was uploaded by Mofutari Megumi Ch. もふ多里 恵美 on 2024-09-07 15:12:18. It has garnered 82 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:55 or 8695 seconds. -: ❁ :- 『NEW COVER RELEASE』 – ≪ Giga – Ch4nge ⨠ https://youtu.be/hvUaGxMCD1w -: ❁ :- 『Memberships』 Join memberships to get access to emotes, badges, and exclusive members-only content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt_DgDtYIP4mBTZxCSnDeFg/join -: ❁ :- 『Support Me』 https://streamelements.com/mofutarimegumi-8249/tip https://ko-fi.com/mofutarimegumi ※ Tips are voluntary and nonrefundable ! Please make sure you’re prioritizing yourself first and foremost! ※ Majority of the funds will… Read More

  • EPIC SHIZO REALMS – Thagnogs vs Viewers

    EPIC SHIZO REALMS - Thagnogs vs ViewersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Realms With Viewers Episode 5’, was uploaded by THAGNOGS on 2024-05-04 19:28:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Bedrock Realm that anyone can join! The code / link to the realm is in the description below. Read rules before joining … Read More

  • EPIC Marble Minecraft War – Z-Marbles Showdown!

    EPIC Marble Minecraft War - Z-Marbles Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Marble Minecraft Territory War 2’, was uploaded by Z-Marbles on 2024-06-01 10:47:32. It has garnered 354 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:22 or 622 seconds. Marble Minecraft Territory War 2 this is the second video of my marble minecraft territory war series, hope you enjoy it! songs: Song: JOXION – RPM [Arcade Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/RPM Watch: http://ncs.lnk.to/RPMAT/youtube Song: JOXION – 094 [Arcade Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/094 Watch: http://ncs.lnk.to/094AT/youtube Song: Cake – Cereb [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/Cereb… Read More

  • SwipeSMP – smp, Mostly-Vanilla, 1.21, Whitelist

    Join our SMP Server Community! If you’re looking to join a mostly vanilla SMP server on version 1.21, we’re in need of more players to contribute to builds and shops. Join our community by adding me on Discord! My Discord: ihben Server Discord: https://discord.gg/9vNqQk5Xzx Read More