EPIC BASE BUILDING!!! | GoodTimesWithScar on New Life SMP

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Good morning aviators this is Captain scar here in the cockpit of the flying jelly and welcome back to New Life episode 2 where we are going to make a functionable that’s right a functionable runway in Minecraft that we can land and take off with our plane if you’re as

Excited as I am to see this area transformed into an airport hit the like button and let’s get going no way I got one oh this is amazing in my last episode I put in an order for a genuine Timmy the bad boy toy I put a little

Sign next to the toy box and it said scar would like to buy one deliver immediately or something and Timmy said I would never get one I would never get one well joke’s on him I’ve got my very own bad guy toy here and I do have a

Question by the way I do have a question you have the sheriff and you’re the good guy what on Earth is that on his chin is that a tongue a pimple or a stain I suppose that’ll be one of life’s great Mysteries Philly freezes fridge freezers and freezing

Freezers wow what is this and there’s coordinates apparently there’s something we can go visit and there’s a QR code I wonder if it works let me know in the comments if that QR code works or not and you might be wondering scar why are you standing on an enormous pile of

Diamonds well I found this armor set from immersive armors and it’s made with iron blocks and ingots it’s a big recipe for these so my big brain thought wow these armors are really great I bet there’s an even more powerful set of diamond armor and it turns out there

Absolutely is not and I went out and mined this huge pile of diamonds for literally no reason I could have got by with maybe like five of these blocks for the entire season to make the tools Etc but immersive engineering does have some other cool armor types that we can work

On on in the future now I am quite excited to start working on our airport here which we do need a name for I’m calling it scarport but I think we can do better so once again if you have a better name let me know in the comments

But the idea is that we’re going to start today by building an enormous Runway through this area and eventually we’re gonna have our air traffic control tower up in the air here and out in the distance we’re gonna have our hangers we’re gonna have our farms and all of

Our create things and even inside some of the hangers we’re gonna have our airplanes with the hangar doors open and the planes can come out onto the runway and take off which just sounds absolutely amazing so Envision it as a model railroad but as an actual airport

And we can even get some of the other players on the server to build their own airplanes Park them in their own hangers it’ll be amazing oh a child you all kidding me what’s wrong what’s wrong what this is my toy I play snorder in my last

Episode look it up wait a second oh no hold on oh yeah oh boy I didn’t realize you’re a little boy I can’t believe he’s done this is it has he done the whole all my way or is there more behind here no no you’re about one and a quarter blocks

Well it happened be my YouTube life Maybe a toy it can’t be a thing the whip he’s already changed the picture down here look at it you got a place to order I placed an order where do you place an order I just left the phone and said I yeah a little

Boy I just put a sign and I said I’d like one of these and it got delivered it was wonderful okay don’t don’t you don’t even sign up my base look let me let me give you some candy okay there you go through turning my own diamonds

If you have a have a piece of candy all right I will take that um I can’t believe he’s taking a picture like 10 minutes ago I can’t wait what I can’t believe he’s done this I feel violated I am just really happy by the way would would a

Big boy like you like to go on an airplane ride oh this is scary now okay um wait should I do this or not you’re not gonna kill me are you right I’m going up yeah I’m the umbrella thing it was a joke you know I don’t want him to

Fall but I do think it’d be kind of funny it would be fun content I mean like it definitely convinced me to start recording you all set up there what is going on [Laughter] oh no this isn’t good oh my God oh my gosh that was really impressive actually that

Was impressive good job well done oh my God I hate you so why would you do that I just turned around you were supposed to sit in the seat I wasn’t saying the seats oh is it too big for you no Scott this is no my heart just nearly fell out my mouth

The back of the plane’s gone for me I know there’s a weird rendering glitch right now but it is technically there it’s just a little bit disturbing I’m gonna go up again all right and then you hit it sit on the seat use the booster

If you need it my heart hurts oh my God oh God go make sure he’s sitting down now chat and you could see it it’s it’s literally triple you’re in the seat okay he’s good pull the leather crunk that’s so cool there it goes uh well hopefully soon it’ll actually

Have a working Runway where it will land on the ground so it’s not way up in the air to get on oh it comes down yeah it’s basically gonna look like a roller coaster track where like it dip down underground so that it goes level with the ground yeah because that because

That’s the entity so that glass pain can keep going right yes yes he’s having the time of his life I assume oh yeah he’s freaking oh yeah if you pull up his stream right now he’s probably like do we just leave him do we just leave him

Forever you have to stop him right yes he’ll just keep going that would be a really good stream idea oh you can hear him he’s whooping up there oh no what no oh my gosh oh so broken it’s it’s not a bit scarred again I was sat down

It automatically pushed me out the chair yeah I must kill you again in this world no I was in the chair and it pushed me out twice and I had to reset down you’re unbelievable I can’t believe you made that dude that’s insane why am I standing on your face

That was quite delightful showing him the airplane letting Jimmy go on a ride and can we give him some props for that amazing clutch but did you notice there’s a little secret on the back of my leather jacket it takes an Eagle Eye to notice but anyway I did lose sadly my

Refrigerator sign via creeper and the back of the Timmy toy box so maybe if Martin has a chance when he’s on I can get another one which will be amazing but what’s not amazing is of course this storage area which needs to go so we can start flattening this area for our

Future Runway temporarily I moved all of our storage is down here and we’ll move it to the plane eventually we do need to build out some more of our create mechanisms and we need to to build the chipped workstations to be able to build some of the things that I have planned

Today but there is something else I need to do and that is to go deeper that is right we’ve got to go to the nether for Soul Sand because we’re going to make those blue Runway lights and the only way to do that is to go to the nether

I’m not looking forward to this I look over dressed but I am terrified I only have five lives left I don’t want to die I do have nine golden apples ready to roll oh x marks the spot okay all right here we go and it literally put me in a hole thank you

So much what in the world is that it almost looks like one of the jellyfishes from hermitcraft season seven and it’s gone that whoa hello there friend just leave me alone that we built in our base all right so whoa look at those little fairy things

There’s a pig spawner you kidding me oh this is not scar safe but oh I killed it in a drop glowstone these lights are incredible and I want one and it’s a slime block not a light getting some resources so as I said the plan here is

To get Soul Sand and I’ve yet to find any I suppose we should also get one of the blaze burners going so we can blaze some of our alloy oh boy oh okay good good good good we did not have to go too far to get

Ourselves some Soul Sand so we can make this sounds so silly so that we can make blue lights that look like taxiways for real airports Minecraft’s a weird game and I love it now the question is where was our portal oh boy oh my gosh guys you can’t just

Sneak up on a man like that especially when they’re lost in the nether oh this isn’t looking good not even at all how do I get out of here oh man oh that’s not my portal but I’m using it I am using it and I am getting out of here

We only have five lives left and I’m not interested in losing it here in the nether whoa where am I oh my gosh there’s an enormous hole ah quick space Oh I have Sauron we are back alive unfortunately we didn’t find a blaze but we’ll go back and get one of those

Eventually when we have even better gear but we’ve got that’s exactly what we needed we’ve gotta talk about my origin by the way but before we do that I’ve got to show you boom I’ve been doing a little bit of crate now this does look

Very janky and it is but it does work and eventually it will have this looking really nice and super efficient inside of our hangers when we get those built we got our water wheel going up to some cranks and then of course that goes into our Smasher machine our grinder and our

Spinner here and I’ve even been messing around with fan which can actually dry concrete to concretify it which is super cool let’s talk about my origin as you know everybody on the server has some really cool Origins and when I logged onto the server for the very first time

I just figured I was a human I didn’t have any special abilities other than some purple particles Well turns out I was a witch and when I died well I did turn into a human so I’m actually kind of looking forward to eventually dying so that I could get

Some cool abilities one thing I am excited about is that we are developing a color palette for the runway and the taxiways via the chipped mod and the chipmod has many different workstations this is the Mason one throw in some smooth Stone and look at all the blocks

That we can re-texture best of all throw in a little concrete you get lots of different uh detail blocks that will be excellent for our Runway and with that it is time to jump into super fast build mode and lay down the foundation for our airport with some super awesome runways so

Hit it And super fast build mode and we’ve got one giant concrete pad that is our Runway and a taxiway and well yeah this looks really really boring but please please trust me this is one of those times where I ask you trust me this will be cool in the end so let’s

Take a look from above our airplane looks amazing but not to get too distracted here you can see we have three different colors of concrete the center concrete here is the runway the darker section at either end is the blast area and where the runway and the

Taxiway in the lighter color meets that will be our threshold area so I think this is looking really really cool it’s enormously boring looking but that’s where the detail comes in and I’ve got a lot of detail ideas to install here and eventually of course we are going to get

This plane moving around this area and hopefully having those Wheels touching the ground which is the coolest thing ever that is what’s motivating me to place all of these incredibly boring blocks is just knowing that shiny red plane is literally going to be taxiing on the runway here or taking off on the

Runway taxing on the taxway we are not Harrison Ford we will be abiding by airport safety well that creeper blast could have been an absolute disaster with all of our chests but it is time to start adding the markings and colors to the runway now this is an absolute

Perfect Runway light that we can add to the runway now of course we’re gonna do blue for the taxi in yellow and red for the runway unfortunately we can’t do the cast iron which looks arguably better because I don’t have cast iron but we do

Have a lot of iron I love it question how do I get rid of this stuff in the top hand left corner I want it gone and I don’t know how but anyway let’s grab our last set of blue taxiway lights throw it in the chest here and you can

See we’ve got our lights all of our painted lines for the runway and even some landscape escaping materials let’s get out our paint brushes and shovels because we need to hit super fast build mode one more time so hit it Thank you [Applause] Foreign mode and we’re walking right down the middle of our Runway here in the scar port and we’re getting pretty darn close to getting all of the markings the detail the landscaping and all of our little lights installed and ready to go so let’s take a little look at some of

The details here now caveat I am no expert in aviation or Runway markings so if you are please let me know in the comments where I can do better and as you can see we have kind of little designators here for what Runway it is I think this is about as accurate in

Minecraft as you can get to the designator that separates the taxiway from the runway and of course I’m thinking about adding a yellow line stretching all the way across here I’ve looked at a lot of Google maps of airports and usually that lines goes right into the center line of the runway

Where of course we have our threshold markings we don’t have our aiming Point uh markings yet so we’ll get those down and a Center Line we have knockout installed yet but we do have the compass line here now looking at F3 am I fairly close to this if we’re looking East I

Think we’re looking East are we looking East I never know my dyslexia is on 300 right now looking at the F3 no working West okay so 27 West in the comments let me know if that’s accurate but anyway we got a high desert landscape theme here so I might add some

Cactuses to this and I think that would look excellent so yeah let’s pop up into the sky and get a bird’s eye view of the runway like I said I am no expert so please in the comments correct me where I’ve gone astray in the design here so

I’ve looked at a lot of Google maps of airports and I’ve noticed that taxiways are typically yellow lined that transition into the runway where it’s white is that correct hopefully it is you can see on the white paint I have some scuff marks for some of the tires

That have gone across it and you can see here we do need to finish the center line in the center of the runway along with skid marks hopefully the aim Point um I’m hoping to get those down I don’t want to look too busy that’s also a

Point and I’d love to do a cross Runway but I’ve decided to hold off on that for now so yeah I think this came out really really cool let’s just finish it with some skid marks and the center line the final block for our Runway here now

Let’s take to the sky and look from above adding wear and tear to your builds adds so much more life and character to them and I want to add more of that throughout the entire Runway and taxiways and of course potentially I think it would be really fun is if we

Could actually add some of these lights flashing specifically down here at the end with the red light switch quite honestly look a little bit orange but you know I think it’d be really fun to have those flashing red now typically error lines or airports that is will

Have a green stripe along the display threshold here but I couldn’t really figure out how to put lights on the runway without them sticking up and feeling super awkward so I’m going to continue to troubleshoot that and also I don’t know how I didn’t notice this but

The N Rods oxidize and I love it and I wish that was in vanilla why do I look so sad I look like my plane took off without me and I’m just stranded here on this airport oh man I can’t believe I lost another plane taking off without me

There we go aviators that is our Runway now I was hoping to get the airplanes moving but unfortunately I’m feeling really really poor so I want to get this video out to you and we’ll probably catch up where we left off on a live

Stream so V1 as we pull up over the top of our Airfield looking down we’ve got a major start of our infrastructure our next episode we’re gonna build towers and hangers and all sorts of wonderful things so until next time this has been good times with scar and don’t subscribe

Because you may just become scarred from life thank you

This video, titled ‘New Life SMP Ep2 – Starting My Unique Base!!’, was uploaded by GoodTimesWithScar on 2023-06-12 16:15:07. It has garnered 349842 views and 28901 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:10 or 1210 seconds.

Welcome to the NEW LIFE SMP! In episode 2 of New Life and this modded Minecraft series, I start by taking my airplane out for a flight and meeting up with Jimmy and letting him go for a flight…but I almost end one of his lives by him falling out of the airplane. I start building my New Life base by building a massive airport runway with lights and markings. I hope you enjoy it and see you in the next episode of New Life!

—————————————————– New Life SMP Details: Welcome to a brand new modded SMP, New Life! This series sees us spawn into a brand new world, where we are given a random origin out of over 100 different ones! Every time we die we randomly get given a brand new Origin which changes how we play! And after we lose 6 lives, we are out of the series, forever! ————————————————— My Links and stuff: * Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21298347 * Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/GTWScar * Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/goodtimeswithscar * Instagram: http://instagram.com/goodtimeswithscar *TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@goodtokswithscar *Business Inquiries Send to: [email protected] ———————————————————

New Life SMP members list:

Dangthatsalongname –

/ @dangthatsalongname fWhip –

/ @fwhip GeminiTay –

/ @geminitaymc Joey Graceffa –

/ @joeygraceffagames Katherine Elizabeth –

/ @katherineelizabeth_ LDShadowLady –

/ @ldshadowlady Mythical Sausage –

/ @themythicalsausage Seapeekay –

/ @seapeekay Shubble –

/ @shubble Smallishbeans –

/ @smallishbeans Solidarity –

/ @solidaritygaming Stacyplays –

/ @stacyplays Strawburry17 –

/ @strawburry17plays TheOrionSound –

/ @theorionsound OwengeJuice –

/ @owengejuicetv GoodtimeswithScar –

/ @goodtimeswithscar Pearlescentmoon –

/ @pearlescentmoon Pixlriffs –

/ @pixlriffs Inthelittlewood –

Inthelittlewood –

/ @martyn


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  • Become a Minecraft Pro in Hindi! #MLGClutch

    Become a Minecraft Pro in Hindi! #MLGClutchVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mlg clutch Minecraft Hindi #gamerfleet #mcpe’, was uploaded by Veera Gaming on 2024-04-23 11:11:53. It has garnered 13 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. mcpe minecraft 1.18 minecraft latest version download Mediafıre minecraft 1.18 minecraft pe but mods minecraft pe op mods Op mod for minecraft pe techno gamerz minecraft noob vs pro minecraft animation minecraft bedrock edition how to download minecraft for free minecraft free download how to get minecraft for free minecraft 1.19 snapshot minecraft 1.19 update hogwarts legacy elden ring ending elden ring character… Read More

  • ApolloMC Server

    ApolloMC ServerApolloMC 1.20+ Java/Bedrock Survival Earth (Towny) ° Visitar todos los continentes ° + 250 nuevos encantamientos ° Jobs, MMO ITEMS, Pets, y más ° Nuevas mecánicas no vanilla ° Ciudades y Naciones, ¡Forma tu Imperio! ° Mochila, Kits, Coliseos, PvP, Guerras entre ciudades, Elevadores ° ¡Piñata Party , Koth y más! apolitos.one Read More

  • Public SkyGrid SMP on GoldenAge Servers

    GoldenAge SMP The do whatever, be whatever server (established 3/26/24) We run Better Than Adventure! 7.1 with Babric Mods on our main server. This exclusive whitelist-only SMP relies completely on mutual trust between player and server, aiming to replicate real-life scenarios with businesses, banks, and history. If you’re interested, consider joining us! We’re hosting a public community event, the only one on our server! Join our Skygrid event by joining the Discord below to stay updated. It’s happening in 7 days and no whitelisting is required! Skygrid Launch Trailer: Watch here Website: Visit here Discord: Join here Read More

  • Gens Tycoon

    Gens TycoonTry out gens tycoon and have the RICHEST island on the server!Join today and try our amazing features!Your goal is to become the richest player, Upgrade your level and unlock commands, ranks and gen slots!Enjoy daily rewards and referral rewards!Delve into the mines and infuse your gear with custom enchantments!Enjoy our quests and challenges!If you want some action check out our PvP ArenaIf you want a real challenge dive into the dungeons and fight bosses!Factories are coming soon!play.undeadgens.net Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lightning-struck creepers go boom-F in Minecraft

    I guess you could say that Creeper really struck a “lightning” deal! Read More

  • Minecraft’s Fright: The Monster’s Delight

    Minecraft's Fright: The Monster's Delight In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, There’s a monster lurking, a player’s worst dream. With eyes glowing red, and teeth sharp as a knife, This creature will haunt you, it’s the Enderman’s life. It teleports swiftly, with a menacing stare, Leaving players trembling, filled with despair. But fear not, brave players, for there’s a way to fight, With armor and weapons, you’ll survive the night. So beware of the Enderman, in the shadows it hides, But with courage and skill, you’ll conquer its tides. Stay tuned for more Minecraft news, in rhymes we will share, For… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Memes 🔥

    Spicy Minecraft Memes 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Minecraft Showdown: SoundBlockz Trio

    Minecraft Showdown: SoundBlockz Trio The Epic Battle of Three Minecraft Players Get ready for an adrenaline-pumping adventure as three Minecraft players engage in an intense battle in this cinematic masterpiece created by SoundBlockz. The clash of skills, strategies, and creativity unfolds in a series of rounds that will keep you on the edge of your seat! Round One, Game One The first round kicks off with a bang as our players dive into the game, showcasing their building prowess and combat skills. Who will emerge victorious in this initial showdown? Round Two, Game One The stakes are raised in the second round as… Read More

  • Obsessive Crafting & Chill | CasualCraft SMP

    Obsessive Crafting & Chill | CasualCraft SMP Welcome to CasualCraft SMP: A Minecraft Adventure On June 21, 2024, viewers tuned in to witness an exciting Minecraft adventure unfold on the CasualCraft SMP server. Hosted by Jumbosale on Twitch, this private Minecraft survival multiplayer server brings together a group of like-minded gamers from around the world to explore, build, and have fun together. Optimized Gameplay with Fabric Mod Loader The CasualCraft server is always up-to-date, running the latest version of Minecraft with Fabric mod loader. This optimization ensures smooth performance for players accessing the server from various locations globally. Additionally, the server features quality-of-life mods and data… Read More

  • Mind Reading in Minecraft?! 🤯💔

    Mind Reading in Minecraft?! 🤯💔Video Information This video, titled ‘Reading My CRUSH’S MIND In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Marvin Minecraft on 2024-07-06 13:00:47. It has garnered 72039 views and 1033 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:42 or 702 seconds. CHECK OUT THE SML STORE! thank them for allowing fans to make channels of their characters we wouldn’t be able to do any of this without their support! https://smlmerch.hellojuniper.com/ Our channel is inspired by Maizen, Nico, Cash, GEVidsTV, Jeffy Minecraft, Jamesy, MongoTV, Wudo, and Omziscool! This is the funniest Minecraft video ever! SUB TO @heresmarvin ! ►► SUBSCRIBE to Here’s Marvin for videos… Read More

  • Explosive Minecraft TNT Creations

    Explosive Minecraft TNT CreationsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Prepare to Be Amazed: Minecraft TNT Creations! 🌋 #shorts’, was uploaded by Warrior Slave on 2024-07-20 19:40:26. It has garnered 12408 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Prepare to Be Amazed: Minecraft TNT Creations! 🌋 #shorts Related Tags:- 31 minecraft myths busting scary minecraft myths camman18 minecraft cash minecraft minecraft minecraft 100 days minecraft bedrock edition minecraft boat minecraft boat irl minecraft but minecraft meme minecraft mod minecraft myth minecraft myths minecraft pe minecraft phone minecraft scary minecraft shorts myths in minecraft myths minecraft real minecraft myths scary… Read More

  • Insane New Minecraft Update in Hardcore!

    Insane New Minecraft Update in Hardcore!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Played the NEW 1.21 Update in Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by aCookieGod on 2024-07-19 12:00:37. It has garnered 1622588 views and 40847 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:00 or 2100 seconds. I Survived the NEW 1.21 Update in Hardcore Minecraft • roblox channel: @aCookieBlox • watch from EPISODE #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDYifz45dhU&list=PLqyCqmSEa8cTmHfheGsE70w9uzcas3BFH • watch my LAST EPISODE: https://youtu.be/mk4O4RzJsrs (I Built an Ender Castle in Minecraft Hardcore #57) —————————————————————- follow me or no cookies for life • twitter: https://twitter.com/aCookieGod • instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aCookieGod/ • discord: https://discord.gg/cookiearmy • signed cookie posters: https://creatormerch.com/products/acookiegod5million —————————————————————- This MINECRAFT HARDCORE SERIES… Read More

  • The Last Wizard in Minecraft Legends!

    The Last Wizard in Minecraft Legends!Video Information This video, titled ‘Leyendas De Minecraft – EL ULTIMO MAGO – #33 | SilverBYTE’, was uploaded by SilverBYTE on 2024-05-22 18:00:24. It has garnered 41 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:56 or 2216 seconds. 》Hey guys, how are you platinum hearts? Today in Minecraft Legends we’ll beat the Summoner, make some serious progress in the village, and find the Goblin Mini Island! Show me some love with those super silver likes! ;D 》Follow me on Twitter nwn: https://twitter.com/SilverBYTE2 》Follow me on my Instagram nwn: https://www.instagram.com/silverbyte_yt/?hl=es-la 》I’m also now on TikTok if you’d like… Read More

  • D4 is suing SideArms in Minecraft Court?! Cobblemon S2 E6

    D4 is suing SideArms in Minecraft Court?! Cobblemon S2 E6Video Information This video, titled ‘SideArms vs D4 Court Case – Mythical Cobblemon S2 E6 (Minecraft Pokemon Mod)’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-05-30 19:00:09. It has garnered 61780 views and 2537 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:59 or 3599 seconds. My Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/kyr_sp33dy Become a member of the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIDlKYC7I6_76jCUBdX-6VQ/join My Twitter – https://twitter.com/KYR_SP33DY Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 Installation Guide – Coming Soon #mythicalpartner Check out FocusFuel: https://thefocusfuel.com/speedy Use Code “Speedy” I am a co-founder of FocusFuel. Thumbnail Logo and Artwork by: Isaias IG: @shaboyturtleboy YT: https://www.youtube.com/user/Isaias2150 Edited by Appreciator. Read More

  • GHOST in Minecraft?! 😱 RICH GAMERZ Ep. 24

    GHOST in Minecraft?! 😱 RICH GAMERZ Ep. 24Video Information This video, titled ‘i Found Real GHOST 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part-24 ) |’, was uploaded by RICH GAMERZ on 2024-03-17 14:15:30. It has garnered 342359 views and 1746 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:23 or 923 seconds. i Found Real GHOST 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part-24 ) | minecraft horror myths ny gamer minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game… Read More

  • Insane new Hololive-EN Minecraft journey – Fuzzy pickaxes for everyone 🐾

    Insane new Hololive-EN Minecraft journey - Fuzzy pickaxes for everyone 🐾Video Information This video, titled ‘【FWMC MINECRAFT JOURNEY】fuzzy pickaxes for all 🐾【MOCOCO POV】’, was uploaded by FUWAMOCO Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-06-16 05:35:46. It has garnered 94660 views and 10215 likes. The duration of the video is 04:12:57 or 15177 seconds. help us learn how to minecraft ✨ lovely illustration by @_hinatahirune 💕 Minecraft skins by @aozane 💕 This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms). (∪・ω・∪ ♡:::::::::::::::::♡ ∪・ω・∪) #FUWAMOCO (Streams) #FWMCpix (Fanart) #helpFWMC (Requests, Assets, Q&A) #lilFWMC (Clips) #FWMCbeats (Music) #FWMCwww (Memes) #FWMCMORNING (Variety Show) ≪TWITTER≫ https://twitter.com/fuwamoco_en @FUWAMOCOch ≪(∪・ω・∪三∪・ω・∪)≫… Read More

  • INSANE HOUSE REVEAL: Real Life vs Minecraft!

    INSANE HOUSE REVEAL: Real Life vs Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘मेरा घर कुछ ऐसा है 😅😅|| I Build My Real Life House In Minecraft || #minecraft #gaming #PiranaHimesh’, was uploaded by PIRANA HIMESH on 2024-06-19 10:37:16. It has garnered 48 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:15 or 255 seconds. Copyright Disclaimer: – Under section 107 of the copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for FAIR USE for purpose such a as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statues that might otherwise be infringing. Non- Profit, educational or personal use tips… Read More

  • TearLight

    TearLightTearLight. Small friendly survival server. Administration working constantly on new gamemodes/features for the server. Server is updated non-stop to keep the play amazing for you. The player. Read More

  • LCS network: pvp, smp

    Upcoming Event We are hosting an event exactly 15 minutes after this is posted. Details: Java IP: play.lcsnetwork.xyz Bedrock Join: Add ‘joinlcsnetwork’ as a friend and join their game. To find the rules and details of the event, join the Discord server. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Every Minecraft Player Ever”

    Minecraft Memes - "Every Minecraft Player Ever"When your Minecraft meme has a lower score than your math test, you know you’re in trouble. Read More

  • School’s Out, Minecraft’s In: A Killer Back to School Adventure!

    School's Out, Minecraft's In: A Killer Back to School Adventure! In a Minecraft school, a chilling tale unfolds, A student named Martin, a mystery to behold. Blamed for his death, the teacher must investigate, In a world where danger and fear congregate. Join the journey, unravel the clues, In this Back To School, where fear ensues. Subscribe to the channel, for more to see, As the story unfolds, in rhymes so free. Stay tuned for updates, in this Minecraft fright, With BezzubickMCPlay, shining bright. Horror and gaming, a perfect blend, In this Minecraft world, where stories never end. Read More

  • Villager Goes Boom Boom Boom! #minecraftexplosion

    Villager Goes Boom Boom Boom! #minecraftexplosion When you give a villager a TNT launcher in Minecraft and suddenly they turn into a pyromaniac Oi Oi Oi-ing their way through the village like a firework show gone wrong! #minecraftmadness #villagerantics #explosivepersonality Read More