Video Information

You Call tring to CR Oh stream oh I’m unding on stream oh oh it’s Minecraft time oh friends family we back oh I’m the only one in the server ah lonely life in the poop [ __ ] land got it I got it did I just hear a [ __ ] skeleton [ __ ] ass SK oh yeah um doy was there earlier

Today earlier today as in yesterday in Minecraft yeah he [ __ ] visits us he gave us a visit from his uh cave house and then he [ __ ] he requested food for a stack of iron and I gave him a stack of food and he gave us a stack of iron but then he

Died in the ocean with his skeleton horse so now his Arc is just to find that horse cuz his items are probably gone now so I scammed him off of a stack of iron I’m me know you still gave the [ __ ] food yeah but technically it doesn’t even

Count off my goat welcome back my friend let me just close again yeah quit the profile yes quit yes you P again to likecraft mcraft all right my bad I should probably deactivate uh streamer mode brick is back okay what the [ __ ] hu okay what the [ __ ] I got a warning in

OBS again you also got one uh heads up we detected a video in your stream belonging to somebody else your stream may be temporarily blocked [ __ ] you OBS is all right I’m gonna start it as well all right H so what plans do we have today friends and

Family I should probably die let’s go that’s a good plan also good in school right now hi sucks to suck B sucks to suck oh I got to sleep oh I’m soep got to respect the dedication though of being here yeah yeah yeah oh yeah uh last stream I got a set

Of full diamond armor but I’m saving it cuz like you know I feel like it’s unfair if everybody else doesn’t have it it sucks with way with like diamond armor for like a big while yeah like it’s like just yeah so it doesn’t matter this now but thing is it was also

Enchant and [ __ ] like that it was pretty semi overpowered and I felt bad if everybody else was like you know under armored per se there we go now let’s where were we finding a way home yeah yeah we better find a way yeah today’s stream I’m probably

Only going to focus on building TBH I’m probably going to focus on a lot of stuff this stream I should probably make a new Sorge I need somehow I only asked BAH for his music but I forgot to ask solary or snowy but it’s fine they’re Credit in the description I’m pretty

Sure I didn’t forget to credit them all right quickly running out of oh wait oh I should make like a full set of iron armor cuz like oh yeah Brock won’t be able to join he said okay godam lame here let me fix my the stream is this stream fine am I

Like uh you want me to check yeah sure your Sur is going to explode your computer’s about to blow up it’s better blow whoa that was a devious voice crack holy [ __ ] I love building a Minecraft it’s great I know okay hold on uh MAF I’m checking real quick if George’s head ass

Stream is okay uh what am I looking for starters or whatever get out CH messages get be verified get out of screen quality wise it’s pretty poo poo but it’s fine I think it’s stuttering stupid also I forgot I should have fixed the thingy the latency of the stream cuz me and

Chat are like really delayed at least it feels like cuz I could answer a question or something and it’s going to get like actually through the stream in like 5 minutes it’s kind of lame all right so I said turn down to your bit rate did you do that you know 5

No my beted rate is fine at least I think I am alive sadly hi Mart welcome back oh sadly Mart my goat uh chat is the server like good is it stuttering is it like high quality head ass is there anything wrong with itxel what’s up y what’s good what’s

Good I zo into your face are zooming into your face repeatedly I spamy oh hey would you look at that oh hello why my lover what the is this Canon out loud ass stupid cat L stupid cat wait I’m going to trim your cat no what could you imagine if that

Was actually a thing like bro just becomes bald but if you could trim your cat means it can get fluffy I would like that you don’t want fluffy cats in Minecraft I want fluffy cats on Myra that’s what I’m saying thank you oh no no there’s the

B wait I’ll save you quick climb up what the [ __ ] wait the [ __ ] assassination wait can I [ __ ] enter from under oh I can okay let’s go here I have a string whoa can you see oh whoa I can’t see it whoa It’s like who there we go I like how it’s

Like a dart of cocaine a dart of what a dart of cocaine oh COC COC okay is it better wire or oh my God I’m sorry no I’m sorry I’m sorry they can’t click it’s [ __ ] Weir why do string look like okay let me check is it better wire or yeah I’m

Still of his white okay I can barely like see in the dark though I don’t know if that’s a problem for like everybody that’s a problem for everybody but I can’t to fix it right now I should have I could have probably put my gamma like a little higher what the [ __ ] do

You want Oh Fletcher oh uh okay something that’s been bothering me about this base is that looks unbelievably empty and I want to put more trees and [ __ ] around so it looks nicer you [ __ ] no what why is bro not [ __ ] what is Advanced huh wait wait wait wait

Wait who did that oh that was so weird wait who did that must have been the win wait when I been pregnant must the must have been the win it’s like that one little nzx picture stop I don’t want to think about it it’s so [ __ ] gross bro I hate it

[ __ ] pregnant little nzx I hate it so much you have no idea hey guys for you stupid ass L me okay now we go to wait for for suer to hop on do not hop on ah cuz I hate that guy yeah oh sorry nothing hey B pixel what visit my

House okay visit my home where where you at you’re not going to reply to that bro sprinting okay uh can you find where my secret chest of goodies is no I’m done you no no okay hint it’s outside okay give me a second

What you you s a bit we are not going to lie uh give me a second you can find it no you can find it then it’s like I turn around the house and it’s like in the clear [ __ ] day trust me once you see it it’s going to be really obvious

Oh found it my chest of goodies pretty good spot though the only thing that gives it away is like the little like [ __ ] spot yeah the only thing cuz if it wasn’t for the spot I think it would have I think it would have Blended in with the [ __ ]

Wait oh that’s a little more obvious [Laughter] now uh oops uh where’s your [ __ ] zombie here what the hell that’s what you sound like that’s what you sound like that bro okay there it’s slightly less obvious now get out my what the [Laughter] [ __ ] yeah good luck getting out of

There oh they took it away no you stop you just steal all my goodies you’re going to die George I would never I would never you’re gonna die George oh yeah unfortunately I might have to do this do what I broke a block in your house oh that’s called

Griefing there get the [ __ ] out of my house [ __ ] all right I’m sorry George I shouldn’t treat you this way hell my full set of diamond where did it go my full set of diamond me with a full set of diamond robbed belly I’m going to take the he’s like oh

Where did it go H head ass [ __ ] ass villager all right um what they sound like yeah they do sound like that righten [ __ ] you Soul what the oh [ __ ] yourself what oh i s bro HD me okay uh George what do you want to do for this

Stream multiple things I’m not sure actually B pixel what about you um building my house your house there we go your house your house the stream V8 pixels I can I’m going be real when I first saw this hole I didn’t think it’d be your house but it kind of makes sense

Now hey I’m doing yeah I’m robbing you stop pointing that at me I’m stealing your chest o Shield aha hit me now what the okay oh griefing give me the shield and everything you sto who shes SMP needs to needs a pet that everyone loves Daniel doesn’t count

[ __ ] good argument good argument good argument although Daniel is a very marvelous man as you can clearly tell I don’t think he would suffice for a pet so what pet could we get what’s like a collective pet AAL oh I got to change my bed I forgot

Thank you for reminding me yeah no problem go sleep go sleep no please oh he’s so tired he’s so tired he just falls on the ground in front of the bed CS cuz I have a ladder I would fall off the [ __ ] ladder there I have 20 emeralds and jack [ __ ]

To do with them oh give me give me give me give me shim shim me whoa that’s not what I said oh that’s so weird hi the wi what the Raz what are you doing in my chat hop on the server yeah what the [ __ ] what’s wrong with

It how do I donate wi check the link in the description there should be a donate here link where you can donate to the poop sharers Foundation # love poop shars # donate yeah [ __ ] you why what I do I didn’t done nothing I Ain do I set

Up I was set up I ain’t do nothing I do not shut up loud ass stupid cat what why is he so loud and stupid comeing find out I’m inan Burger King R get get your ass home we want you we need you on the Minecraft for yourself we need you on the

M i got to build a bedroom you’re a bit of a builder right kind of yeah can you make this little fountain that I made it not look like poooo yeah I could try I added like little slabs to the [ __ ] edges oh Daniel oh let me give you oh Daniel I love

Daniel okay let me seeo talking to No One my bad bro you use like quartz right little bro is a bit schizophrenic chat all right let me play oh okay this oh I remember one cute thing I did which is what you can do as well is just like

St there’s your actual [ __ ] face what this is what you do bro ah this is your doing uh uh stop bro actually [ __ ] you I’m trying to listen to Cat what the what ow okay come here what what you can do you can do various things about thisse oh yeah right I forgot

To shut up George H [Laughter] uh you can stairs if I’m drowning no no I’m drowning [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is wrong with you the block I didn’t even know you could do that what the hell you can you can break quartz with your own [ __ ] hand you can break anything with your

Hand bro I me yeah what the [ __ ] look it [ __ ] block me okay that was not me you [ __ ] face bro you’re breaking my fountain that shit’s funny as [ __ ] though but yeah basically you can stor you about die where is he just scary what’s your favorite music the start of the 16

[ __ ] what was that one that was like I saved the stream over here what the hell you remember that [ __ ] such pleas what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I was I was zoomed in your face all right BR was getting um you could use stairs it could

Be cool you can have like a four block and maybe have like the the stairs pointing like upwards like upside down stairs and it could be cool yeah or you could just use stairs to like make kind of some texture into this it’s like the main thing

Stop not there was like another one but there’s like also the thing which is depending on how big you want this as well you know wait wait wait twering in Minecraft what the [ __ ] [ __ ] head bro am I singing monsters My Singing Monsters is cringe and you should die oh hi

P hi P from from the other chat do I know baby hm yeah do I know B huh food I know baby food I don’t have food I’m running out of food myself matter of fact I should feed the do I have carrots I should feed the pigs

Who killing all the [ __ ] pigs you’re scaring all the pigs George you fat [ __ ] who keeps scaring the pigs bro I’m trying to [ __ ] do something and it keep healing the [ __ ] pigs who’s doing it it’s George I need food bro I need [ __ ] food you have so much wheat there’s so

Much wheat melons [ __ ] problem there’s wheat and melons right in front of you just everything’s grown to the top and he don’t [ __ ] get it sorry he’s a he’s not a vegetarian I don’t need that kind of stuff get cows oh yeah we do need cows also sorry for getting

Loud give me a second do I have a bow I you’re lucky I don’t have a bow right I have a bow oh give me so I can shoot George yes let’s go who hit me go like the one that has a b okay don’t kill me come here what the [ __ ]

Y so [ __ ] stupid again hey not my fault he’s trying to kill me also whose [ __ ] ass house is this is this Still’s [ __ ] sucker’s house [ __ ] ass house dbh Noob Noob so stupid bro if you don’t pick up your [ __ ] damn seeds and weed and

[ __ ] like that ah well oh my God slime thank you brick so true brick wait how do there hi hey yo The Joy ination the joy of creation that’s like a reference the the jelk of creation don’t ever speak to me please dude I love joking Chad this is a public announcement what

The first was the server now the chat I can’t believe this why list I thought we had something wait was joking A Private Matter a oh I ruined it didn’t I shut oh yeah guys did you know if you throw golden nuggets into the fountain you get good luck I don’t believe

You what the you broke [ __ ] you stole my [ __ ] coins give back broke [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up bro give me my co back you know what [ __ ] you what the Bro shut the goddamn B yeah [ __ ] you here now you have good luck oh come here oh oh you guys

Suck sorry collecting my quines that is right hey B pixel what’s up B pixel officially [Laughter] homeless no more home look look at me target practice you killed him he died why wi why look at me right why look at me wi I may have just broke Daniel W look at me oh

I a What the fu I got you out of the water you ow you were in a bit of a pickle was that yo give me my item frames back the fire you [ __ ] idiot yeah I actually might have killed Daniel chat hold on oh my God I killed him this is sad

Why would you do that Daniel no oh my [ __ ] god Daniel in question I didn’t think it would actually kill him what the [ __ ] are you looking at let me mourn my death stop [ __ ] me I’m trying to mourn my death of Daniel I don’t deserve this sus who stole

Daniel George was it you you [ __ ] this back face George you [ __ ] face give back Daniel hold on I will not be holding on for everybody what the where are you what you’re both done it’s downstairs little bro oh thank you Daniel wait that’s not your name whoa awkward you’re

Stupid oh oh no I got to sleep I’m so sleepy no oh I did it oh a lame oh I’m so energized oh oh F what the [ __ ] I took damage exiting my bed dude I actually just killed Daniel what happened how did I take damage that it’s like a small hole I

Uh oh I tried to reload Daniel wait hold on do I have the URL to Daniel maybe I can fix him Daniel please stay with me stay with me Daniel please all right [ __ ] it we’re we’re dropping the music no people say oh no I killed Daniel

Bro oh my God would you do this said D I can fix him update let’s drop the papyruses and SES walking oh my god there how could I do this how could I have done this hold on for a joke I can’t believe you the

Cost of a life of someone the cost of Daniel Daniel oh my God not even the beacon Works what the [ __ ] you got a beacon I just broke another one what the [ __ ] you suck bro God damn it how does how could this happen how could this happen

To let’s say I killed Daniel and [ __ ] Doug the [ __ ] did Douglas ever Duty bro I’m so upset wait plugins no no you didn’t [ __ ] kill Douglas wait I killed the Douglas why did you do that I tried to see if it would work ow bro was crying and [ __ ] hold on

Uh re load image frame has been reloaded will it work no you kind of suck oh my God like the round I killed Daniel I will never forgive myself [ __ ] am I earing oh let me get my ax hold on bro hold on I’m going to open up the

Server properties I cannot live with myself if Daniel can’t live cheating cheating cheating I’m not cheating I was this cheating cheating cheating cheating uh uh wait uh [ __ ] hold on if I reload the server will it work you might lag oh God yeah no Daniel you actually killed him oh my

God I killed 60 fpso Ah hold on uh how the [ __ ] did we run out of stone are you kidding me BR run of the most common material bro genuinely like I actually need to use the [ __ ] cobblestone generator now I didn’t think this was possible I have Chad bear with me here I may have committed murder but I can save them please Chad please I can’t really save them but you know what I mean it was set up it was a setup Chad please actually actually was the set up I was H you need cobblestone yeah herey

Heyy only bexel can speak to me like that yeah yeah [ __ ] up [ __ ] doom doom I knew you for longer uh and yeah but never mind I’m not saying thought so some things need to stay private if P did you get your a pin back

I did thank you for asking whoa Laur in chat I just ruined the stream by killing Daniel Lao [ __ ] you George it’s not a Lao moment [ __ ] using my [ __ ] me oh okay for enough like how that instantly changes is like oh who’s using my [ __ ] oh it’s why

Yeah thanks you thanks you B pixel no problem oh my god what have I done I’m trying to on bro [ __ ] he’s [ __ ] BR bro joking in the server trying to do something I’m trying to drain the water cave I have on the side of my house I’m trying to Jil

Oh that’s person oh that’s personal person shut the [ __ ] up loud stupid cat it’s loud and Stupid oh my God Harvest 40 red mushrooms H can’t believe this I can’t believe you’ve done this Chad I’m so sorry for what I’ve done bro is actually like the presso I ruined everything me with my stupid little jokes my arms was so strong and heavy Daniel could handle it yeah man whatever

The [ __ ] you’re talking about I’m trying to have an emotional moment I’m trying to like help you don’t [ __ ] you me thank you B pixel you’re the only real one yeah oh my God how can I how can I live with Myself rename the horn to vape that’s actually a really funny idea who’s back on the moot oh yeah V all I’m killing myself he’s killing himself not that the [ __ ] evil B oh my God you know I may have killed him but at least I will give him the perfect

Funeral U where’s the air pocket air pocket air pocket air pocket oh my God I’ll give them the perfect the perfect uh funeral for what happened funeral in question [ __ ] you I say the funeral in question it’s going to be the perfect funeral the funeral in question what about it evil

B what I do I’m not evil I Promise okay that worked out rest in peace except I misspelled peace Pace Pace no it’s like a piece pie one wait no actually was on the second it’s so dark wait I’m stupid I’ll give them the best funeral Jesus Christ I need no can’t have it how the [ __ ] why our signs is so stupid uh 5 12 23 5 six seven8 died to Arrow oh you tried to like save yourself from disconnected yeah a damn also it’s funny cuz my items instantly despawned as soon

As i f as soon as I hit the ground yeah is there did you install a plugin for that wire and he’s G yeah hope play L on all right I just gave them the perfect funeral why h a question I have for you H when you installed plugins for This

Server did you by any chance install like a clear lag plugin no I witnessed my items just like instantly disappear from in from like the position I died [ __ ] up yeah no [ __ ] [ __ ] I mean what am I supposed to say [ __ ] yeah you know George [ __ ] you you were

Never there for me it was only B pixel is this a [ __ ] George villain AR we’re just going to start being mean to them and then join the other team that’s a plan be [ __ ] up you’re not going to like that cuz if I join the

Other team I can give them the cor to our base I mean yeah brick I’ll R again do that that’s a thing I’m pretty sure brick just th out that’s because they’re awesome yeah but I’m not B can you visit the the house real quick

Uh I’m in the middle of a surround cave but I can’t try give me a second I don’t care get your in here give me a second stop yelling at me okay give me a second oh my God where you at let I wait to take off my helmet

In sign of Honor let me just sleep real quick [ __ ] I need to sleep [ __ ] [ __ ] you me mourning someone’s deaf and then the [ __ ] [ __ ] starts happening ah good day okay come here you will mourn the death of Daniel okay I’m not using the mouse I’m

Trying to like do it blindly where you at okay I’m fine I’m on my house I see you I see you get your ass in here give me a second I’m not using my mouth Mouse your mouth where’s the oh I’m using my mouth all right is that elevator here where somewhere

Elevator no that’s like the wait that is elevator wait right yeah yeah yeah yeah all right come here I need you to witness this hey that’s not worth it actually where is it is it where Daniel was no bu the house there you I have the f Minecraft music on oh

Yep no to wire’s fist I’m sorry for what I’ve done B pixel I killed the Douglas oh [Laughter] Douglas what are you looking at me for I’m trying to mourn what the [ __ ] are they doing the [ __ ] in the house holy [ __ ] they’re witnessing the death of Daniel and

Douglas what the [ __ ] okay never mind they’re working this is a work day all right no more morning morning wood okay all right B pixel I blame you for all that has happened oh stupid ass you know I’m not helping you with a fountain do it yourself no you weren’t going to

Help me in the first place I was going to help here you were okay yeah too bad stoping the [ __ ] who keeps killing the pigs George you [ __ ] face I did not touch the pigs bro pigs now who [ __ ] care just give one damn yes that’s what I’m trying to do but he

Get killing the [ __ ] kids yeah that’s what you get for being [ __ ] mean to me I’m not being mean to you I’m angry he’s angry same [ __ ] different T bro o he got same [ __ ] different color same [ __ ] different Pig ooh him him [ __ ] him up [ __ ] him up [ __ ] him up

[ __ ] him up all Chad due to The Morbid beginning of the S SMP of today we would is two deaths we will continue off paying our respects [ __ ] are you laughing for I’m not laughing what the [ __ ] you’re evil bro you’re [ __ ] up I’ve done nothing to you you’ve done everything to

Me is this your go is this really you’re God ohel that’s I don’t know you felt this way the ground the colon three it’s like any red mushrooms I can okay y’all got any leftover saplings sticks I dead ass need this Quest bro okay thank you for completely ignoring me [ __ ] both of

You I literally was making and I was lagging like [ __ ] oh never mind it’s just George oh my I said saplings saplings no I don’t how how the [ __ ] do you run out of saplings that’s such a rudimentary ass question like how you run out a thing you don’t use like you sound

Like that’s all I hear when that’s all you hear when you speak I ain’t trying to hear It that’s you bro stop bitching You No More Mr Nice go your goat no more gam your goat all right hold on I’m going to start the planting [ __ ] that’s right I’m planting dog poo poo dog [ __ ] dog [ __ ] dog dog [ __ ] dog [ __ ] more like [ __ ] oh tell him tell

Him someone fell asleep that’s all I hear when you sleep you’re [Laughter] like yeah man my cat sleeping on the side could approve [ __ ] your cat whoa no don’t do that awkward is this your gold is this really who part Yes actually just because of that we might have to cancel poop shads what the [ __ ] is breaking like leaves or floor or

Grass it’s not as bad actually it is your bad but I’m breaking the bed whoa that’s like a reference almost almost all right hold on I’m populating our very bald Village I’m popular yeah I’m popular Chad what you say I’m popular I hate fire that’s what you all sound like

What sorry I was busy being a goat I was busy being the goat oh there you go okay we need to break bad so true PE whoa they said that o ooh we might have to cancel cancel You sold you Boy tell yeah yeah yeah you’re popular let’s go chat I made it [ __ ] I may be a little stupid much popular let’s go this is why you guys are my goats Chad you’re the goat you’re the reason I made it to five subscribers okay this already looks significantly

Better I started placing trees around the [ __ ] Village and now it looks a lot better B pixel I’m going to need you to fact check what like let me you want me to go there can second see if it look good oh big just grow I’m placing some

More what the all right come here you [ __ ] with this oh Jesus Christ bro I did like start breaking these what no like the saplings cuz there’s like um the saplings just up here on the bottom Tre like break these set update like normal [ __ ] trees to

Me yeah they have like saplings on the bottom for me that’s a [ __ ] ass cat you want to tame this [ __ ] ass cat I could wait I know you [ __ ] with the tree population it’s a bit randomly placed but I appreciate the what mean randomly placed there’s no tree random like

Placed on a specific spot it’s a tree yes but it couldn’t be make it ingal to the side what the [ __ ] are you talking about what is how are you complaining about how trees are placed yes you can make him more organic or even commitment argument but worse

But worse is insane you did not just say that No More Mr Nice Guy No More Mr that one that you complained about a Tre placement is complain about tree placement they can be on the way when I go out to the park and I see a tree being like crooked

That’s what I’m saying that’s why they plant the [ __ ] trees on the damn side of the sidewalk they have little holes for them specifically in the middle of the side for a [ __ ] reason so they’re not in the way [ __ ] IDI RI Shir that’s what I’m talking about you’re giving me reason

I think you’re a [ __ ] me n bro me yeah I know you’re a [ __ ] but keep that to yourself next time [ __ ] you George I’m not even part of this but bro just there I even part of this be kid Nam the more sh more ooh tell them yeah you get it because

I you honestly except for the fact you complain about my tree placement I think it looks fine but like uh I do generally mean like the [ __ ] placement because like that’s why I’m saying like probably build your own trees so of just like placing the saplings because you can get

Better Shades Even build your own trees insane yeah well I’m sorry that that’s too abnormal yeah no [ __ ] I ain’t building the tree that’s God’s plan he got there where’s gu MRA whoa look at this guy you’re so [ __ ] bad bro how did that happen bro what the [ __ ] I’m actually like

Baffled lasic damage again oh [ __ ] there’s more saplings in the chest why did nobody tell me [ __ ] you hey it’s fine I’ll just go mining again yep you like that activity yeah I yeah pixel yeah what’s up I’m and rob you it’s not like I took

All the iron that I smelted and then I [ __ ] in oh wait my sister’s calling me give me a second you sister why would you believe me when I say that I [ __ ] took my all my iron yeah okay I’m robbing you of your saplings I don’t think he gives a

[ __ ] well I mean he left the server so well then I guess I can be a crime without any actual repercussions here are you [ __ ] with this the trees yeah I’m [ __ ] with this it actually looks you know less ugly place the placement is fine ammo don’t listen to the haters talking

About something like [ __ ] you might like run into them or some [ __ ] just don’t run into Them you don’t have any iron do you I do I need 24 how much is that 24 oh six more pieces I just asked you how much that was six more pieces here which mental illness would you describe everyone in the pooper SMP ADHD yeah that’s pretty much it ADHD or neur

Diverent neur the [ __ ] mental illness what the [ __ ] justo diver someone in my chat asked what mental illness would you describe the [ __ ] poop sh server and [ __ ] George said neurod Divergent I said that’s not a mental [Laughter] illness it look like a ghost down what

You yapping [ __ ] you bro Mark you a [ __ ] the [ __ ] bro [ __ ] about my awesome ass Village this ADHD also I’m going to and and I’m neuro diver yeah and I’m neur I’m I didn’t even voice crack [ __ ] you did no I didn’t not you did you

Did not thank you B you always got my back yeah I did I actually no no no no like like clip that CH I have to go for a small second because I have to go to my grandma’s hey you’re back what the [ __ ] just got teleported back

Home done nothing you should pull up you should put a whoa you should put a wall around the village so the villagers can roam around o that’s not a bad idea the [ __ ] is going to turn this into like a Utopia some walls he puts the Dome above the village [ __ ] Donald Trump

Plan let’s go let’s build a wall make Minecraft great again it’s all right it’s actually not that great it would be funny if they made it great again quote unquote God Dam yep I’m evil rightwing Minecraft red build red build Minecraft not something that I wanted to hear

Today who you’ll hear every day from me oh you’re everything from me that’s what you s sorry my evil Goblin in me came out oh okay S I really thought you turned the silly for a second or some [ __ ] o I would never ooh does not like me does

Not like me it’s not like don’t like me okay so first step of making the village feel more full is complete I placed trees around that’s insane freaking The Village creat again we’re got bed by that idea again yes yes I have the plans I have plans to make the village

Great again said Papyrus probably I’m probably going to use vel’s exit to like actually get out of this mine cuz I what you can’t do that dude that’s only an entrance what why why ch ch can you do that Chad can you do that clip that [Laughter]

CH [ __ ] love excuse you bro except for the fact I don’t damn yep I’m a hater yeah an [ __ ] me and I rightfully H an [ __ ] hey what the [ __ ] rightfully don’t you know he played OverWatch at some point my go yeah you probably stole the game play

You know it’d be a shame if like we had to move out of this Village due to a war or something am I right guys n we’ll be fine [ __ ] it’ be such a shame if uh our entire Village is got blown up and we all had to move out and start from

Zero turn around you [ __ ] xcc got canceled by the exact same thing he was originally which is just being an [ __ ] like a toxic [ __ ] yeah no crap very funny cuz before it was like in the game [ __ ] and then after it was like way worse but it

Was the same just because it was a [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah no crap oh he can’t say swears can’t who can’t say swears he’s on stream me after I turn 13 and I have to use bad language I used to use the bad words like crap and

Freak and freak I have no idea who you guys are but I’m going to subop let’s go let’s go let’s go whenn win I don’t know how we got where’s a terrorist there’s two types of people in my chat why are a terrorist the ones that

Don’t know and the ones that call you a terrorist they’re the only ones chat have well-known terrorist yeah don’t you know all the wrong all the wrongfulness that I’ve done excuse you if yours in chat all the crap hey guys I’m going to donate to you $10 million on who’s a bigger

Terrorist raises my Arm give me a shake oh I never like that guy except I did it was my little poy bear what the Chad draw faner what the Romantic ass [ __ ] that’s what way to put it hello what about MF though MF is a terrorist what the who I found M my

Goat must have been the wind yeah must have been the wind that’s what you sound like yeah say the one is a terrorist and it’s like oh must be the win you sound like the poopy Emoji oh it’s like it makes sense cuz we’re the poop Shooters uh SMP

Right I left out loud like got 80y old man hey yo what no you’re looking at Super get out get out of here stupid yeah I just dug up with Daniel’s grave to make sure he’s actually dead he rises up he rises up yo thank you for digging

Me up he DS me up man turns into a [ __ ] neck spot yeah starts killing everyone like even the villagers the villagers what the villagers you know what I should create I should create a watchtower watch actually this into Utopia I was kidding bro don’t do that what’s wrong with The Watch Tower

What you’re going to like build the walls of Watchtower what are you going to do bro you going to build a prison yes the [ __ ] is wrong with you everyone is trapped and nobody can leave oh it’s just like home your home is I’m going game yeah yeah that’s what I’m talking

About guys I’m going outside I’m scared what does it look like Portuguese person finally goes outside oh [ __ ] it’s so dark it’s so dark there’s no light going to come back uh when I’m uh I’m just gonna do like something very quick I need to go to the bank and

Then uh get like 50 to get my grandma cuz my grandma is in need right now so I’m just going to do that be I said hi I I certainly will not but I appreciate the move but you dude me and your grandma go way back all the way back in kindergarten High

Random except for the fact it’s still Mar o got him what the [ __ ] hold on bro I’m robbing don’t call me a cracker I’m trying to rob you of your stone I ain’t got none you ain’t got no Cobblestone how I ain’t got n bro the most common [ __ ] block and you don’t

Have you don’t have it either ah [ __ ] you [ __ ] ass bro’s calling me poor when I call him poor that ass I too much forgot about what the [ __ ] bro am I not welcome what no sorry I I just really need to sleep I really need

[ __ ] no I need to sleep like feeling like it bro right next to the bed today oh he’s so sleepy but then you like hand uh your hand while you’re reaching it it’ll like rests on your bed so your hand is like super fast and your body is super slow

What the [ __ ] are you on about okay I’m talking about sleeping bro what do you mean imagine having you don’t have Cobblestone oh [ __ ] I found cobstone cobstone know bro said cobstone does it does that mean we have burglar Stone a burglar dirt cop Stone me pulling up with the op Stone me

Pulling up with the did you say up bro why are you near a church bro’s getting judged girl get baptized he’s getting judged what the [ __ ] the screams of Agony of that door holy [ __ ] that’s the door to the bank bro what the [ __ ] red [ __ ] you and your

Far Cry 5 I’m playing Minecraft that’s literally the first thing you say who the [ __ ] cares about Far Cry bro un ironic bro literally is the first like the first thing that bro says when he joins My Stream is I [ __ ] hate flying in Far Cry 5 like bro this is a

Minecraft stream bro yeah look it I swear to God I was like getting into the bank sh the [ __ ] I was get into the bank just like this guy oh my God bro oil the door holy [ __ ] the door does not deserve this getting in his Christmas’s B I got the stupid idiot [ __ ] like the guy was like right next to me and like he heard me laughing and like immediately looked back and I felt bad because of that like what the [ __ ] bro thought you’re schizophrenic bro I was like laughing at

Him I was like damn no please please don’t think that of me bro that door sounds so bad my poor ears you’re hurting my viewers mely ruining your viewer [ __ ] my bad you’re hurting my viewers ears apologize no so my job get better ears yeah getting his ass whooped who I’m

Not what the [ __ ] are you sure is there the police they’re looking for you is that the police oh it’s not okay it’s an yeah it’s that ambulance anyways where what did I miss I planted trees I’m like Mr best I’m going outside people getting

I how that’s one of the only things that [ __ ] Mr Beast is known for is planting trees I thought it was you going to say like going out yeah he does that yeah he also does that sometimes got a the police I got the [ __ ] [ __ ] bro where

The [ __ ] do I build this [ __ ] ass Watchtower you know what I’m going to destroy this gu’s Farm I don’t care tilted tower tilted tower I’m want to destroy this [ __ ] ass’s house I don’t care [ __ ] ass cat what the [ __ ] man what are you doing that why being so mean

What the tower what the house did to you not the tower I’m destroying this gu to what you going to build why to create a room for a watchtower why so I can keep over keep my eyes over the villagers why shut up why cuz you’re ugly and stupid o speak

For yourself [ __ ] out of here I am speaking for myself and I’m saying you’re ugly and stupid o you’re not any different from me bro I am I’m beautiful and sexy it takes one to no one oh why are you inel thank you I know but it’s funny oh okay I respect

It wait do you actually hell no hell no no I was making fun of you what I know but it’s funny oh tell him him what about being canceled for Stuff there’s a lot of people yeah I don’t know why people cancel Mr Beast for all the stupid [ __ ]

Who the [ __ ] is sending me love who do you think take a wild guess as who Could That Be stop sending me love I’m not mly in love with you yep I head bro in the friend zone 1 2 3 4 5 6 okay you know what I’m saying yeah shut

Up George the [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay this Watchtower Foundation is going nicely going like ass your your mom is a really nice person a brick We Lost Brick because of you there was like 300 cars and a half like going by godamn I for about the stke they’re doing

Well what you a for yeah after I drink water tell them tell them oh tell them tell them you think these are terrible place for a watchtower don’t answer that it’s yes could have probably built it over there over where oh that’s too supposed to like have some distance

From the village D [ __ ] yeah well this one is built different literally yeah it has Asbergers why are there why are there burgers in your ass that’s what I want to know no what is bro blab right George You’re the Reason uh yeah elevators have a don’t press all of the buttons

Instruction okay give her the drug money we go back home baby I mean just the money there’s no drugs involved I promise instead of doing all Cobble you should try doing it wait what does that say try doing the corners as like logs or another block that’s a really good

Idea I will do that after I build the foundation you got to get after I build a bare bone skeleton of this Watchtower then yeah I’ll do that after that that’d be better someone need to drink water Jesus [ __ ] Christ yeah you yeah that’s what I’m saying [ __ ]

All all be nice what the [ __ ] hey fast learn the alphabet o I just called you dumb who I I learn my alphabet I just called you dumb what’s the 27th letter of alphabet War this is the wrong house I just entered two Villages [ __ ] the war house is not the the

Seventh letter of Fett Al Fett wett the fck wobble Fett I start second letter of the wobble Fett I start wobbling would you do that yep wait what the oh wait like a that’s this is really slow is it yeah and my pickaxe broke I blame you chat oh hey I fixed

It wobble dabble let’s go you get it all right I’m going to finish the what did you just say punk I didn’t say nothing I promise I’ll look away that’s what I thought oh yeah I don’t have a [ __ ] pickaxe I don’t know why I’m here H don’t ask me what

He you guys seriously have a cobblestone gen in a normal world yeah you’d be surprised finally God damn there was like something that was happening like someone wanted to exit but like there was this old lady that was like trying to get into the place that the person

Was like parked on but then the person that was parked on couldn’t go like get out because the old lady was on the space that they should get out of oh yeah wait I still have iron on me uh let me create a pick you do have on yeah I’m running out of

Food but an IR I’ll maybe ask doy for that give I had to give him like a stack of food pigs included maybe ask the skeleton horse maybe he knows something about it maybe he knows something how does the [ __ ] skeleton horse drown to begin with he doesn’t he can’t drown he’s

Dead that’s funny like the skeleton horse is the only horse that can breathe underwater I wonder why whack how that works also no the poop sharers SMP is private to the poop shar’s members only sorry it’s pretty much closed pretty much you’re just not cool

Enough to enter hate to break it to you I am poop as [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] [ __ ] shut up George you’ll never be poop [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] like I’m [ __ ] at the game so I’m already half a [ __ ] yep you’re pretty [ __ ] out the game yeah [ __ ] get out of my chat Dam my

Bad head ass not any my fault y’all what is this this [ __ ] ass villager is so lonely bro all you got is a bunch of sticks for one Emerald what do you want from Me big sausage party not this B down the lane don’t even remind me the sausage party is a private business of the server we don’t talk about that also I’m going to be like I’m going to be AFK in game for a while cuz um I’m

Doing stuff so it’s okay I am stuff what what the whaty wo is your problem who are you the [ __ ] do you want you here hello Bab read my name yeah B pixel I want you like this car going like one mile per hour there like this poor guy like stuck behind him

Because like a one car L like damn feel sorry for the guy dude I need all the quartz imaginable holy fuckle do you yep it’s so weird see so many people God damn so many people where like uh on the place that I live because like usually there’s barely

Anyone of the streets you can like find like six people maybe then like now everyone is going in cars and [ __ ] like that and somehow there like just full I can’t use the stone cutter to create blocks of quartz right uh I think you can actually oh wait blocks of quarts no ah

I was going to test it how long it takes for you to be able to read this I’m reading it like pretty much instantly but you know it travels the [ __ ] stream very slowly because of the latency I was going to fix that but I forgot maybe next stream if you guys are

Feeling if I’m feeling lucky romantical yeah and romantical uh you guys will have a actual real time stream 21 second oh my God 21 seconds 21 seconds delay in the Stream is kind of nuts it’s like I heard your [ __ ] you were telling me it was bad but I didn’t

Think it was that bad it’s pretty bad Jesus Christ like whenever I ask a question I pretty much have to wait like half a minute for [ __ ] to answer it’s really inconvenient also yes I’m I’m calling Chad [ __ ] because y’ll [ __ ] that’s mean it’s not mean that’s awesome I

Know wait you saying [ __ ] are not cool I mean the only gay guy on the chat will be will be very left out a can we get some bad [ __ ] on the chat chat if anybody is homosexual hit me up my DMs are open it’s a very nice compliment thank

You God y’all reckon I could fix the lency like right now or would I have to restart stream I think you can just rest stream ah but I would hate to do that I mean yes cuz it would like save two vods that’s the thing yeah it’s really

Inconvenient Chad can you live with like 20 second delay wait 20 second yeah have to wait 20 seconds for them to answer got to be the most inconsistent stream of all time no that was worse but me yeah like excuse yeah that was mine was your stream like really

Delayed my stream was like U not that delayed actually was just the bit rate and it kept falling like those two so my bit rate would go to [ __ ] like complete [ __ ] like it would be so pixelated it’s embarrassing and then it would just like crash all the [ __ ]

Die for today you guys will have to deal with one more day of like delay the stream next time though I promise I’ll actually go out of my way to make it like real time cuz I know it’s really annoying but I’m not going to like [ __ ] restart the stream to have two

Vods of the stream sadly cuz I wish I could just you know change it now and it’s going to like update in real time on I could did you imagine that be crazy I could give it a shot yes probably search on Google before doing anything why forgets I promise

There will be no more latency also why I forget [ __ ] you enchanter who I need that exteral driver reader so badly yo CH BR CH dude piglins are just like Romanians like I killed one of the [ __ ] piglins that had like a diamond helmet and there were two [ __ ] attacking me the instant the guy with the helmet died and he dropped his golden helmet the instant they started [ __ ] grabbing the guy

Off of his helmet and I died oh wow you actually died that’s crazy [ __ ] you Geor the worst part is that I know exactly what are you’re going to [ __ ] say about that it’s very [ __ ] funny I feel unwelcome you know H at least you’re not Ronnie sorry yeah that’s going

Draw you you got a point yes you got a true give this man oh let me move to my PC back my back when it’s in my back my old 80-year-old me gets on 80-year-old B will be like oh I’m so old and lanky I’m so old bro I just spilled banana

Milkshake on myself damn clean that shut up bro what did you do that how did you do that and why yeah dude where were you at 300 p.m. oh no not the milkshake not the shake sh Shake Your Booty o oh wa wait wait wait wait wait I forgot you’re a

Minor you’re a minor you can’t you’re not do guy to be saying that type of [ __ ] ah do guy I forgot what I died I’m going to keep it a I’m going keep it a buck with you I don’t know where the [ __ ] I died a

Buck oh and you’re telling me to shut up okay yeah yeah know I’m sorry I forgot there’s people like Georg call [ __ ] off [ __ ] [ __ ] yep I said it I’m evil get out of this welcome hello hello hello I want to oh my [ __ ] god what this actual

Baboon you actual donkey you stole all of my armor you fat [ __ ] give it back what I’m fighting the piglin that robbed me okay there I have a golden helmet now leave me alone [ __ ] face dumb face Dum face we back we back Chad I move hand hand hits cup cup

Falls thank you for the diagram that’s what they call it no oh sorry I’m a little stupid in all fairness though banana milkshakes are good yeah yeah I remember I I gave rsen like the most inconvenient banana milkshake recipe in the west it was like the banana milk sheet that my mom used

To make for me [ __ ] it was like a bunch of like bananas uh you put them in a blender you add honey and milk and then you blend that [ __ ] it sounds good but all you can taste is milk yes milk is in the way what it’s it’s to be honest it’s a

Milkshake not a milk blend I mean yes but I’ll be honest the only thing about Milkshakes that I learned is that it’s just literally ice cream on a cup that he can drink precise why is there a [ __ ] like stone stone stone Circle oh what or or was the beginning of it

Anyway is so big watch I mean yes but it should be tall not big I’ll make it tall what have you ever have you not been to a [ __ ] wash Tower I have but in real life makes sense and Minecraft it doesn’t it’s the problem I don’t care I’m making a LIF side

[ __ ] you bro I love you bro oh baby what the no what the in front of the stream oh wait that was so weird how did you predict that it’s not like that’s literally the only thing that I say yeah oh yeah um quests you can only tell

Milk maybe because you put too much milk you’re right I should have put like 10,000 bananas and die of pottassium poisoning oh now you’re speaking my language your language be like hey guys I’m Portuguese not what [Laughter] Portuguese hey guys it’s me Portugal how do you ler cows again

Wheed is George stupid is there a reason kill yourself question mark I mean we’re doing an SMP for a reason you know you know you know oh yeah we are the most mature people in the call we’re literally the poop [ __ ] we’re the [ __ ] oh as I start [ __ ]

Everywhere what are my Quests for today good transition good transition Harvest 32 sugar canes what do I get for that oh a lot of cooked chicken I actually need that uh can I skip one what I would skip you got to skip the one that you don’t want to do of

Course I mean yes but there’s like I don’t want to do none of those but like one of them at least will be like eventually I’ll get it uh I’ll skip that one wow I think the most inconsistent one that I have to do is enchanted diamond pickaxe with Fortune 2 or

More oh [ __ ] which I could technically do that but it’s going to take me a lot and also the rewards are really good they give me an enchanted golden apple and six portions of fire resistance think of this one what is my quest now

Quest oh that’s so ass ah how do I find witches bro in the swamp yes where do I find a [ __ ] swamp Oh by exploring I don’t want to explore dumb face oh would you call me that no I’m sorry oh he’s a mini not the [ __ ] zombie next to me

Got to kill him where you at little bro the little BL little blow yeah get done get done I may never recover from this shut up George welcome to the club no one likes you George okay yep thanks leave the team no oh he feeling it o coal oh

Coal me after I look into my sock and C Christmas me looking into the stocking and I see [ __ ] Santa Claus or the Grinch but Cole friend you think the Grinch gives presents oh no why he could give like evil presents yes he could that would be

Funny oh that’ be funny huh you think that’d be funny yeah yeah that’ be funny oh my bones just cracked Chad I’m old and I’m dying finally finally this why no one likes you George this why no one likes you eat e eat could this be the stupidest SMP of all time

Maybe really felt bad this is getting too close to home for Mo she’s getting personal M you’re my goat and so is everybody in the chat just got to reassure [ __ ] reass show who the [ __ ] who’s spreading party emote what is here wait again uh how do you make

Concrete oh sanding gravel I can do that actually we got a lot of gravel at home wait sending gravel oh send and gravel yeah heard you say sand like sanding gravel I was like what y’all are all very awesome folks yeah except for George stop [ __ ] hating [ __ ] hop off my

Meat o s announcement self announcement he has meat o someone’s hungry oh don’t kill yourself oh my God why am I holding my breath it’s on on MyCraft I saw cows around here you’re holding your breath in Minecraft like holding my ey breath like to do that

[ __ ] bro might be a bit stupid oh my god oh don’t go back down to water are you stupid yes severely so is everybody here oh my awesome shovel Brook speaking of I should get my awesome Enchanted like gear and go explore that one Bastion that we found on the way

Cuz if y’all haven’t watched yesterday we found like a Bastion on the way to a fortress on the last episodes of poop Shooters SMP oh my God we’re dying meex so saves us and then you [ __ ] ascend from the sky that would be so awesome that will happen

Som it’s the lore the lore stream yeah spoilers Chad we just leak the script the nonexisting script there actually there’s no script to this SMP everything that happens just kind of happens should take so long getting mending if you don’t have that true I could grind for that I’m going to grind

On the Villager please oh finally metaphorically speaking I’m not going to kill myself today not today I don’t feel like it guys what’s your favorite type of pizza the ones you eat the what the ones you eat that’s J oh I almost killed myself again oh don’t do that I guess

Go you yeah You Chad don’t kill yourself good wi came on the stream suicidal people when fire wire tells them not to kill themselves hey I don’t want to do it anymore why need a psychologist from fire at wire on youtube.com here to help why buy a therapist when you can just watch a fire wi

Stream pepperoni and extra cheesy pizza dude those are always great I don’t think you can ever go wrong with like a really cheesy pizza there is no such thing as like too much cheese on a pizza uh debatable clearly you have cheese intolerance no I just feel like if you put a block

Of cheese it will be go to bed dog I’m literally like I go to bed even I think I going too late yeah I went too late but at Le I I received the Buffs oh I’m so buff oh oh good morning yeah I know I trained my

Peor oh what the hell or what did you say oh wire don’t do that wait how do you make yellow like the color uh flowers oh it’s l from the flower yes yes yesel what’s up I’m sorry when I don’t do anything is where you attack me oh I

Got a little that with me that’s awesome you said you got a little high no what the [ __ ] B pixel don’t do drugs that’s bad what’s wrong with you what’s wrong with me what’s wrong with you you’re the is that you wait yeah it’s you yeah can you see me under theground

Yeah how you doing what are you doing down there you can dig straight down and you’ll find out nah wait this is not where you are wait what the hell how are you under me I went in a cave wait where’s your goofy ass house how did you get there bro

Outo I’ll find it I’ll find the hole that you’re in you’re so far away my God I am oh yeah you went up so you’re already lost how are you going away what the hell all you know what [ __ ] you I don’t care enough no come here you got to find

A find the secrets of bexia town bexia town you want to above me yeah yeah uh okay okay that bro is going down yeah have a good it’s not in your house is it under you’ll be surprised to find out that it’s not under how are you there you’re already

There I will get get out of here give me a second oh I need to go here bro was waiting for me to find him what was come to the house come to like the over world for a second your house not my house

Just like the okay let me get out I’m on my house now all right I’m at the house yeah just give me a second country load all right what’s good what am I waiting for yeah I’m kind of slow here just give me a moment I me I

That hello what goody thank you I needed that who joined no one wait someone joined oh kill yourself oh okay this [ __ ] sucker s I’m eating your ass okay no it’s fine I get it I’m glad you do you’re one of the only are you stealing my

Stuff no I would I’m literally feeding the pigs the pigs is the only [ __ ] I care about uh you said the tower I’m coming to the tower what did the tower have what what what’s at the tower yeah you see him oh no what the what is the little blood doing oh did

He what what what the [ __ ] oh it do appear for me natural selection called this [ __ ] the Last Supper oh my God the Last Supper Chad are we eating good tonight where’s the wine to go with this yeah we need one more cow though that’s problem and one more sheep you have fences

Maybe hopefully so I don’t have shoes damn it okay yeah what’s up do you have U goodies on you uh the fine goodies uh food uh kind of why I need it for my adventure what the [ __ ] I don’t have like much phone that’s the only thing can you eat mushrooms

No so yeah you [ __ ] thank you no problem but yeah I don’t have much food you have a lot of wheat you could probably make a lot of bread look your [ __ ] Wheat Farm is all grown out should eat bread oh but wheat is all eeky beaky

Yeah I wanted steak for dinner oh don’t put it with the big don’t put it with the pigs it’s going to be whack I don’t want to [ __ ] build a separate thingy I will give me a second let me get [ __ ] oh my God I have to wait for

Your dog ass bro yes do that I mean you’re the one that never announced your departure yeah got to calm down now if you put it with the pigs they going to be oh now I need to separate them yeah so give me a second Pig I’ll lurt a pig in with the

[ __ ] car it no it’s not my problem just do it yeah go ahead damn bro just told to be stubborn about it I’m not going to complain okay I’m trying to help you for a reason but if you to do it Le a pig with the carrot I had like I have two

Hands in this game for reason uh a [ __ ] you’re the one being a [ __ ] hey ladies please calm down what you bounce the [ __ ] up ladies yeah fck why are you such a hater you’re always hating cuz I love you oh from haters to lover dude I’m so broke it’s actually comical the

[ __ ] like my pickax is about to break in eight blocks okay let me see where you at okay where is God if there wasn’t the [ __ ] trees on the way just they’re not even that annoying bro I’m getting damn I took it personally God damn yeah cuz you

Complained about this like before sorry I don’t mean it enemies to L okay hold on sorry for the noise chat my microphone is Icky bicky come here George wake up wake up it’s the first of the man come here come here all right in the fences there you go yeah I’m going

To got now come out where’s my iron yeah you why there’s no iron where did my iron go n if you want let me give me a second okay let me get you yeah calm down oh there it is right I’m going to create a brand new PE that’s a problem now

Why how do I get the pig in what mean how do you get the pig in yeah cuz that you just get in you still have the car it’s not like they’re going to just like fall out yeah no look at this though yes I know the pigs will still

Follow you if someone gets out that’s what I’m saying you can just do that get in get in pig get in B can he even go through the door I think he can get in no you can’t pass through the door I think I have to break it give me a

Second go ahead go Ahad yeah all right go wait I don’t have space for the door hold on what the [ __ ] are you guys doing I try to [ __ ] come in come in let’s go let’s go this is so all right I’m going to leave

Yall at that the baby pig like cat out for a second and then came back in immediately I’m going to go grab I’m going to go see what I can do regarding the the Bastion I realize what I’m missing a shield all right I’m going back what the [ __ ] hard ass flow what

The hell I love how the [ __ ] transition between the Nether and the overw world is pretty much instant have you noticed that cuz like usually it’s like oh loading terrain head ass but it’s actually pretty good I don’t go to the nether idea goodbye I have way they upset cuz they’re a

Hater oh I that thought they’re trying to fix their texture pack problem oh yeah they have a texture pack I remember that oh bird birds birds birds the [ __ ] what the Bro getting romantical no I’m kissing my my cat’s head br’s getting romantical with the cat oh who say

That oh time to go to the Bastion time to see what other valuables I can get I can not oh oh I need to go to the back rooms oh sound like [ __ ] no you’re like oh no I’m bringing like two more sheep and one more cow God The Entity cramming is like

Really nerve-wracking in the nether what do you mean like I have to travel through this [ __ ] one block ass bridge and there’s a bunch of piglins that spawn spawn on it that I have to [ __ ] crawl next to so I don’t fall off just build walls I guess nah I’m too epic for

That the Epic in question appears the message of you falling out a high place no I’m probably going to die to a piging brute like usual yeah [ __ ] you what do you mean like usual like usual like the other ways you died man you’re a [ __ ] face I’m just spelling the truth they

Just like Jesus for telling the truth they hated Jesus for saying the truth I forgot I need a [ __ ] ton of food even to get to the Bastion hold on what am I holding on for if you can wait for me to get the rest of the animals then oh no I don’t

Need helpo no food you need food right I have food all right then bro the [ __ ] whatever you say damn look at you were on your Breaking Point God damn thank you schno Lord or whatever Your Name isno Lord is an awesome name bro BR SMP is a weird

Name oh I wonder I wonder why it really makes you and I wonder the [ __ ] way do they know movie breakdown thing oh wait uh and I’m already lost semi not really well then I don’t have much of a choice other than to drop around and see what other valuables I

Can get oh yeah all right let’s see ooh M said the Sheep Gucci [ __ ] oo do I have a the water Buck oh my God I have a water oh my God my cat is scaring me not my irall cat my Minecraft cat your Minecraft cat is scaring you

[ __ ] like right after he’s been so silent this entire time and I don’t know where just SC the [ __ ] out of me whoa that would have been bad oh yeah I need to take Nether wart there we go all right new Farm unlocked yeah pixel yeah what’s up

What’s up he’s still home yeah what’s up go to the sheep in the C wait there for me okay for you to stupid wait uh what is his name loud ass stat yeah loud ass stat don’t worry loud as stat I’ll be home soon such a long ass name yeah you pissed him

Though long ass stupid cat no it’s loud C I called them long W long and stupid that’s your cat and he’s also loud all right so far this Bastion I’mma Be Real has not been much of a threat I may have overestimated this hey waiting for them Oh oh yeah now this is the [ __ ] I like yeah it cuz I’m Romanian you you don’t even know what I’m saying saying shooting stars oh [ __ ] Ow what the [ __ ] ow my cat is like licking my finger but it hurts because it’s damn ass cat D makes sense yeah stupid tongue stupid cat with stupid tongue uh where the [ __ ] are the chests am I blind or did they just hide them really well from me God

Damn okay the piglin roots actually put up quite a good fight not enough to kill me though uh what are you what are you looking at me like why you looking at me like that cow make you like that you remember that [ __ ] me yeah oh my God you actual [ __ ] bro

Knew what the [ __ ] he was doing one of the now one of the [ __ ] ass pigs that [ __ ] snuck up behind me [ __ ] pushed me into the lava yeah they do that I [ __ ] ha it like he came up behind me started attacking me with the sword and also

Simultaneously pushed me into the [ __ ] lava are you there at the thingy yeah I’m still here I need to be a real really careful around these parts Bro [ __ ] off you’re not that Guy so far I was only able to find the two chests which is disappointing bro wa oh there you are what the hell dumb ass cow bro beak ass cow what the hell you Peak ass cow all right come here ah don’t push me stupid ass oh okay

Okay stupid cheap we go hold on I can make it out I made it out oh this is why fire resistance is the most goed protection let me see wait can you like wait can’t you break like the corner one so get out get out of

There there you go oh oh get out get out let me place let me place thank you there you go wait let me breede them as well don’t you breathing come here come here yeah super car super ooh tell him stupid cat oh what makes your cat so

Stupid you mean like one more fence one more fence why just do it don’t you have it you’ll see why can just tell me to put it why you asking me for the fence why I can just put it down what the hell just cuz with cuz George is a bit

Stupid oh my God oo too close for comfort too close Okay I’m going to need to take a chill pill over here until I heal properly cuz holy [ __ ] wait I saw a bee what the hell did you put a beehive there’s like a beehive somewhere near us what the [ __ ] that

I hear a skeleton I wor why I think you have a freaking cave under your house yeah no crap to be the be of bad news you know what why is there a random ass villager on top of a [ __ ] Hill what are you doing what the [ __ ]

Crazy ass villager watching the sunset bro hey I got Pig step oh finally oh the [ __ ] why is bro getting jiggy this big step holy [ __ ] that’s a lot of obsidian what is that Soul speed three I don’t need that I’m going need that cooked pork chop though oh yeah you know what

Yo [ __ ] oh my God what’s up there we go you finally [ __ ] found me you guys I hav’t been able to [ __ ] use my dumbass Shield oh you want to go stupid okay no this is bad this is bad this is bad this bro in I am in big trouble oh

Yeah no you go there could this be the worst guas known to man holy [ __ ] this could not have been more inconvenient you [ __ ] oh my god brother thank you thank you holy [ __ ] oh my God I need to heal oh my God hey you come here I’m not done with you bro damn low ass [ __ ] you get your ass in here a break

That’s right not so tough now ooh hey not so tough now wait I didn’t mean that look big bu what the [ __ ] no Witnesses what the [ __ ] that’s a free golden shovel [ __ ] I’ll take that [ __ ] ass all right there we go this top part has been successfully looted with many close

Calls how’s my armor doing my boots and helmet are not okay that’s quite concerning the find not okay around halfway of breaking okay it could be worse yeah but considering the conflicts I get myself into it’s all bad I guess oh I took fall damage from that I I’m climbing down this Bastion

Hey oh wait I could go yeah I could go yeah is this the same middle that I’ve oh hi April that the same middle yeah it is uh where versus the entire USA un ironically okay boom can I make it I can make it I did not make it okay ooh

Hi okay I can confirm I have about seven blocks of gold yeah we are per se a little bit Rich Let’s Go Delayed Reaction yeah that’s right what is it getting a bit sleepy are you T I mean I woke up really early actually sorry little [ __ ] since I’m still

Waiting for the mou I’m waking up really really early early is like uh 8 a.m. so like yeah let’s go is this all that this Bashan has to offer pretty good sh like is that all H rich rich yep you get him off tell him tell

Him okay I think this is all that this Bastion has to offer it’s a little bit sad I thought these piglins would be rich also the nether got to be still the most inconvenient place to travel in any single way to S to bite my leg for some I don’t know

Why the legging question being a little [ __ ] what the Bro being a little [ __ ] like looks me in the eyes after biting my leg and then like licks herself stop yeah you look at be like that you know what you doing Lucas hi Lucas Lucas what the

F one block in the nether equals eight blocks in the normal world yeah yeah you get it okay I know this Bastion as good of the loot was is really lonely I may have killed everybody no whoop time to go home I think come to think of it the

Nether is like really racist like everybody wants to kill you in it just because you look a little different I I think I think that’s not the plan I don’t think that’s no no think about it the Minecraft lore all right I’ll be coming back home now with loot and

Riches if a [ __ ] like I don’t know Monster like with skin or something like just muscle showing then had some hair on top of it You’ be like he stranger what this see you ah you look a little odd you look ridiculous you look ugly you look

Ridiculous go back to where you came from racist nether oh [ __ ] finally B nether finally a nether that can me finally a Minecraft that I can play yeah tell him yeah I’m tell nether truly is the land of capitalism tell him Lucas yeah tell him

You either have the swag or you die no in between I mean yeah that’s why they make you wear gold it’s like oh you wear gold you’re one of us it’s like the hood the ne is just the Minecraft Hood comp Minecraft to the hood really yeah just like the hood if you

Think about it it’s like the Minecraft Hood n no no cuz think about it you thinking thank you for thinking thank you for sing with me thank you for thinking with me who says that bro me as it looks like yeah but you’re a little bit unusual per se yeah

But you wish you could be as unusual as I am I wish I could be you you can be with me oh even better we always have those dumbass bits wait it’s a bit oh no real I thought we were having sex for real no I mean

Yes was a bit what would that happen oh damn it Minecraft truly is a mafia simulator if you think about it yeah you get it tell them if you think about it it’s just like Ste skylines you build a city and then you kill all the villagers for

Profit bro that only has seen the boss baby you think about it it’s just like boss baby right the boss baby in question all right guys I came back with goods and riches why are you’re back said nobody ever after I come back bro we’ll never have a family

Bro bro we’ll never have a family what the [ __ ] bro it’s not part of this Hood oh yeah sh sh let me play Pick Step oh copyrighted music wait where am I L so L I’m like inside my house uh what I’m like inside my house and it’s playing like perfectly God damn why are you the richest in the SMP I think so at this point so far at least cuz not many people are grinding it’s

Still guy die he still has his stuff in his chest his face oh my God pixel’s twerking on the Screen what the the stop [ __ ] me get off of Me oh [ __ ] this Farm is sick as [ __ ] strip club dude that’s a genius idea we should build a strip club bro on my way know we’re doing next uh SMP session next stream we build a strip club for I know what we doing I’ll pay topnotch dollars guys donate to fund

The strip club don’t say Top Notch gas is like the creator of Minecraft so stupid bro hey B pixel can I have some damst why to heal my armor the [ __ ] bro they you just say you’re the Richer one yeah yeah get your own Diamond I’ll kill you shut up B pixel I’ll kill you that’s a creeper I literally barely have stuff for myself

Bro okay but you don’t need them diamond oh my God you scared the [ __ ] out of me bro me yes what did I do you know what w come here hold on I’m robbing George what the no you wen’t yeah I am you little [ __ ] stop you little [ __ ] where saying

You’re a little broker ever since I visit what’ you take even like five diamonds what the [ __ ] that’s a wondering Trader Qui hold on maybe he’s maybe he trades diamonds I’m gonna beat your ass bro he doesn’t I am actually going to beat your [ __ ] ass hey what the break you’re back brick

You’re back oh wait what the [ __ ] all right there we go we chilling only has the best bits you get it come here definitely come here come here okay have this holy [ __ ] exactly what I wanted yeah yeah I’ll pay you back oh thank you I can make one nugget one

Ingot oh thank you I needed that no problem it’s what keeps me going yeah yeah I bet what keep me going at night and you’re like at night what no I know there goes April how did bro die how do you just drown like casually that doesn’t just happen

Look okay but doy [ __ ] swam with his horse under water and he drown how come you don’t kiss me like that wire oh my bad my bad PV next Time sorry b gets extra special treatment cuz bexel is just the goat you know oh slj oh sorry I thought you were serious for a second oh I need OB obsidion bro oh my [ __ ] God I’m killing myself Oban don’t kill yourself you’re so zxy okay you confin

Me I was like oh thank you oh no one’s ever talked to me like this before also why do you need like [ __ ] I’m so confused always because like an enchant enchantment table has like a little like [ __ ] lter thing like a little uh rubbish little cloth on top of

It and why don’t you just like put leather on there you know instead of just using like four obsidian you can just have like three obsidian on the bottom a leather on the top with two diamonds and then the book two why don’t you just do that so this I mean I

Guess wish so watch him you be so cool you’re cool and awesome maybe thank you thank you thank you jizzles everywhere no I would not do that I promise I promise bro broke character I would not do that I’m a change man I promise none of them B pixels from 2014

Whoa what your [ __ ] step excuse me my bad bro sneaked up behind them to rub and you’re like whoa I mean yes you’re robbing me that that’s the point get you [ __ ] ass what did you steal even I I didn’t the F I forgot the nether R Plus

In this back oh Pates what the [ __ ] it [Laughter] blinks my bad I’m getting really really tired oh Ass man huh I do I love you me please come here oh my God oh my God oh what the [ __ ] Scar the [ __ ] out of me do that brother did not expect that oh cooked chicken kill 4 chickens I don’t want to do

That I don’t want to do that I want to do that you sound just like wire oh I all right now that I think find the Jungle Pyramid oh you ain’t findo wait that’s insane find the Jungle Pyramid for one netherite pickaxe with Fortune three are you

Nuts holy [ __ ] they’re telling you to I don’t know what to tell you bro that is not free boys is going on a journey I I need to go Destiny’s calling Destiny from high school Destiny theer from high school all sh my old armor I guess I’ll take that I

Guess I hait that I like the [ __ ] the Crouch log thing doesn’t count for the log so I need to chop them by hand for the what you know like the the Crouch like chop three thing yeah the yeah it doesn’t count for the Quest so you have to do it by hand

Sucks unless they’re [ __ ] player placed good one no I just have to do it like standing up that’s the only thing n but bro a netherite pick I jizzel right what the [ __ ] someone under me what the yeah my bad I Traverse Traverse where’s the oh wondering Trader

Holy [ __ ] where’s the Traer the Traer where’s the Traer where’s the Traer oh but like legitimately where is he did you kill him no wait what oh I did kill him oh yeah there what the [ __ ] that’s what you were talking about yeah what the I

I put like one lead so the [ __ ] alpacas just don’t run anywhere all right friends I will go on a long long journey and when I say long it’s long damn and when I say long it’s long so long in fact it might like the server because I’m so far

Away I must find villager I must find the jungle I love you Mr villager thank you thank you what the [ __ ] you’re not a villager you never back here oh there’s more oh Chad will we be able to find it find out in the next episode that’s a ruin Pearl [ __ ] you

Wait uh do I have maybe oh why why you’re going to hate me a what are you doing this time oh you going to see is it a good or a bad oh [ __ ] bro that should annoyed George George more I don’t know what they’re doing

Oh I always take damage when I exit my [ __ ] bed cuz it’s like on a corner but then like no I don’t take damage it’s like it’s so little that it doesn’t [ __ ] do anything the idea of you suffocating from just waking up is really funny that’s why it didn’t [ __ ] do

Anything it’s not as if that could happen irow I almost suffocated in my sleep at some point when I was younger cuz my stupid ass was sleeping so good and then I started like feeling in my dream that I can’t breathe and then I woke up my entire face was in the

Pillow yeah it’s like really do that yeah it was good he want 250 gigs downlo free of ram of storage additional storage yeah why here you go what what no M oh one terab holy [ __ ] cut off just for you oh let’s go the [ __ ] WD green as

Well man what the [ __ ] what the fuckle D I’m finding so much gold like it’s actually not even rare yall remember when gold used to be the most useless [ __ ] in Minecraft and now it’s actually kind of goated [ __ ] you what I I was starting small talk oh oh I found an ocean

Monument but I have so many [ __ ] sticks I’m just going to start like trading with the Villagers for sticks like this going to draw skeleton where guy at someone need to put in a [ __ ] I’m not going to even say anything if anything I’m in big trouble

No it’s not that I was like trying to remember the name and I forgot I like damn it before I embarrassed myself I I always need to [ __ ] reposition my mic cuz I’m always like the lower one in the Stream M does know you guys in the Discord call and

You always sound louder you just change the volume no oh okay not Ronnie that’s not Ronnie I RI my shirt so where’s that villager where is that villager yeah I want the Villager what the hell you want him oh no I just I just want him for his trades

But Piel the type of [ __ ] to start [ __ ] friendship commissions friendship commission no h no bro the [ __ ] $150 for an I love you no villager please oh that’s another Monument I’m [ __ ] taking all the stock of this [ __ ] villager I don’t want a lot for Christmas there is just one

SK I hate you py like with a burning passion you love how the chat went completely silent hey I didn’t say that that was PE friendship commissions stick in the bows of those guys can I pay you 150 for and I love you uh yeah oh I always wanted

This check my PayPal you actually do it and I’m like what why did you do that you can get it for free oh I guess I’m moment on my word oh wait I already been here that makes sense not going lie that’d be big profit either way

If he wasn’t so inhuman to do that I’d probably do it the fact that like I know cuz I’m pretty sure I’ve seen on Fiverr out of curiosity there’s [ __ ] that like can hire you literally to not say or do anything like they just want you

To listen to all their problems and [ __ ] like that and you get paid like $10 $20 yeah that’s called having a psychologist yeah but on Fiverr yeah but on fer so they don’t have speci $20 to listen to all of your problems 25 extra dollars for [ __ ]

Telling my point of view about your problems [ __ ] sad bro God damn $100 I’ll be your friend for 15 hours what the [ __ ] he like all right bestie what do you want to do oh sorry timer’s up then I block him you know the funny thing [ __ ] you I

Knew one person who actually did the [ __ ] uh kitten commissions oh my God I didn’t want to know who that person was who it was the cancel one for you know from TGT oh oh my they did that they were like in a call telling me about the

Experience that’s not awful terrible so sad it’s like legitim upsetting to even listen about that’s certainly something like of course they would do that like yeah who could have SE it coming I don’t know why doing that is so funny also God damn I’m thirsty as [ __ ] Chad drink some

Water kiss me on my hot mouth Chad drink some water stay hydrated ignore me and bexel oh water my dad always look so depressed bro oh refreshing oh yeah [ __ ] I forgot I had a Christmas tree behind me Chad did you [ __ ] did do y’all celebrate Christmas cuz [ __ ] I love Christmas

Bro I don’t know how you like can’t love Christmas shit’s so awesome hydrate or dydrate t tough choice I’ll be honest the only people that might hate Christmas is probably someone that is like really anti- religion if anything those the only people I guess but it’s

Not for me it’s not even like the religion aspect it’s just the fact that like it’s so cheery that’s why I say an hardcore like an religion person like everything about religion [ __ ] that no Christmas for me it was like middle Finger like the [ __ ] thing of like uh they introvert people like a people like type of image yeah know I’m asking cuz [ __ ] my mother came by today to decorate the Christmas tree in my room I can get while y’all wouldn’t oh goodbye break I can get why

Y’all decided not to [ __ ] what is it decorate because of laziness or personal reasons blah BL blah but like you got to admit Christmas is it’s it’s like awesome I know I’m just a really Jolly fellow you are if I had a list i’ put Halloween just under Christmas yeah I can

Agree Halloween is also really awesome but like I don’t know there’s really not much to even like celebrate the whole year I’ll be honest yeah we’ll be just like finding out [ __ ] eventually like your birthday Halloween Carnival or whatever the [ __ ] you call it I I don’t fools there like

Christmas happy newest year and I know bro does it do that what else is there tell me why I sorry I kind of forgot what was on about what were we talking about days that you celebrate like April fools Christmas Halloween birthday New

Year ail fo I can see it being fun I had a lot of fun when I was [ __ ] younger pranking [ __ ] that [ __ ] was funny I was saying earlier I [ __ ] I don’t really like birthdays to be honest for me it’s just kind of depressing like it got to that point

Where I’m just like uh I’m turning 20 I’m turning 20 doing nothing with my life oh oh I’m so lonely oh I’m so old even though I’m just oh I’m 15 and this is deep it’s 14 15 okay but like he grew a little older he grew with time what even be

Like 18 or something or 16 at this point nope yeah cuz that like the thing is if you were like above the age of 14 if you’re like oh I’m 15 now and then you look at 14 and do sleep you’ll be like yeah yeah I’m not like those kids

Anymore it’s always like that precisely when it’s like uh when there’s a Poe targeted to like a specific age like reg this if you’re older than this like a kid that was just born like either on that year or like a month about it’s like yeah I’m with the cool

Kids now because I’m part of this like no you’re literally just like a month older calm down buddy the thing is that was literally me with what bro what the [ __ ] I was like oh I’m so sick I’m so sick I’m with a cool kid because I’m older

Yeah were you always trying to like act cool because you’re like uh older and [ __ ] like that yeah oh that’s lame should I give him the quartz or uh you’re talking about brick mm we the course to the nether fortress that we found I mean it’s mostly looted so eh yeah [ __ ]

It you should find a bridge to it also yo I found the jungle holy [ __ ] after months of traveling wait did you hear did you need like a desert pyramid no I need a Jungle Pyramid Oh I thought it was like a desert pyramid nah those are Temple that jungle pyramids are really

Rare though yeah I guess that would that’s why they would make the sticks so high yes I compared to mine which I get like I don’t know one piece of dirt and two sticks I got nothing for my [ __ ] Bro s of [ __ ] gun it is kind of an

Now wait I think I just made it back to the island where we were that’s kind of funny actually question can you stop [ __ ] around with my backpack oh yeah I guess I can collect [ __ ] jungle like thingies so sucker can my leg jungle saplings don’t me

Yeah the jungle saplings sorry I was getting attacked by a zomber wait don’t we already have that no we don’t we literally have every other wood type but the jungle for some reason I didn’t think it’d be that important and in all fairness it’s good to have all the wood types like

Conveniently placed at your house guess so yeah what also that’s a parot oh I love parro stupid cat for a second I thought I saw a name tag but no it was just a bunch a bunch of vines yeah like open up his oh it’s me what are you doing 4,000 blocks

Away go away like and I walk away all set you like that one tiger GI yeah okay so far not much luck on the pyramid thingy the pyramid scheme I’ll find it though just trust me on this I’ll find it one day or one night also I love how everybody

Collectively got used to the [ __ ] sleeping system I guess so I guess yeah I mean we need to get used to it like it’s a choice yeah ow that hurt a lot L more what up georgeo lumo Lum his brother lar his sister L rff his dad raffle rfle copter his

Vehicle I’m going to guess it’s not there either I need to get on like one of the high points of the Jungle and see if there’s anything also who will be the next Daniel I know what were you saying be honest the [ __ ] like um identify as

Like a attack helicopter [ __ ] was like ever funny like legitimately I found it funny because I was one of those [ __ ] turds CU like it has nothing to it it’s like the nothing Burger of all time cuz like now that I think of it like maybe it’s funny if you found like

On a form like a Google form like saying like oh what what gender you identify as and it’s like male female like non-binary and then the D helicopter maybe I find that funny but if it’s just like a d helicopter with no context it’s kind of lame there’s nothing if you use

It in the sense to like make fun of somebody that’s just kind of uh I mean yeah it’s just lame but like by itself it’s still lame that’s the problem doesn’t make sense personally I don’t care I’m past these times I’m a grown man I have like a full I have like

A full beard a family and a mortgage and a mortgage for my bricks get created yeah because I’m part of it oh you’re part of the mortgage oh come here I’m part of the family oh wife wait my wife it’s congrats on your transition thank you the good ending it’d be a good

End okay I could have sworn there’s like an actual Jungle Pyramid in this [ __ ] ass jungle who the [ __ ] messaged me on my phone it [Laughter] Went y phone linging who your phone linging that sh funny what the [ __ ] [ __ ] ass oh my God I can’t find the Jungle Pyramid just SP on Minecraft what the oh my God I can’t find the Jungle Pyramid oh I need to find it for my quest head

Ass well this jungle was quite unlucky what the oh wait I need that actually come here pokey bear bro still on the [ __ ] Quest obviously yeah he’s not going to give up you think i’ give up on that [ __ ] stop [ __ ] up the couch oh my bad stop [ __ ] the cou

Couch stop pumping the couch this sounds like a [ __ ] quar suggestion it’s like my child keeps [ __ ] the couch I call my child [ __ ] the sofa I got my 14-year-old son jerking off in the sofa I destroyed his PlayStation console as a punishment am I the wrong for

This it’s always like that it is it’s probably some [ __ ] trolls I find it kind of sad to think that there’s some people genuinely like that though where thinks he’s Joe Swanson [ __ ] you hey Peter hey Peter hey Peter I’m playing Minecraft I’m playing Minecraft also would you know George

Neither suer or [ __ ] ass [ __ ] Joe ever joined it’s been like almost 3 Hour 3 hours in this [ __ ] ass server also I made it to the surv thank you for the Love by the way chat whoever that is you know who you are I know who I am oh hi by

Pixel bro got to set up my present you know it me and I freaking kill you me and I freaking me and I freaking freak you whoa whoa I think he took it a bit too far I think he’s getting freaky oh no I’m not going to finish

Actually I knew what are you going to say I knew what you going to say I hate I I finish I hate you baby I hate you B the bad Ending BR he not sad at it can we all collectively oh sorry I just fell in a ravine can we all collectively bring back the [ __ ] MLG era that [ __ ] was so funny I have no idea it wouldn’t be too out of place from the whole like skiy toilet shtick that [ __ ] are

Doing nowadays so we just should start doing that again yeah and that guy is me I’m bringing MLG back MLG is cool long enough mom get the camera Mommy it’s like the sickest no scope you ever seen damn son the silence is defening yeah someone

I was like eating a k um someone should do like the clips and [ __ ] like that but in recent games of version of games that did like a like bath oh my God that’d be awesome I should dude should I start a channel and dedicate my entire like

Thingy like that to making MLG montages but up to date sure should be good Chad you are a witness of greatness you know my plan one day one day it’s going to happen honest I forget that I’m lazy that’s also a very high possibility I mean the thing is there’s already

People who [ __ ] do that the whole MLG stick yeah yeah but it’s a how do I say this it’s a little old school oh surpris why I’m going to bring y’all into my kitchen we’re making brownies let’s Go dude I love brownies save me a slice this is why toaster MTH is like the goat bro making [ __ ] brownies for chat give me one more fish please more oh give me give me one Piece One Piece just one piece give me one give me one someone’s hungry come on

Fish fish me after I like fish I remember I used to think I was so smart for taking a stick [ __ ] tying like a string to it and thinking like oh I made my own fishing rod and I CAU zero fish why are you like this dog

Awesome bro I’m in I’m in a [ __ ] mine I’m getting you all Cobblestone this is what I get repaid with yep [ __ ] you you’re what do you mean literally everybody is suffering but B pixel my chilling that’s why [ __ ] you bro I’ve done nothing we’re try to help you

Guys wow Winks at the camera and walks off wow and then the [ __ ] Doritos and Mountain Duan spinning [ __ ] hit marks the [ __ ] sunglasses deal with and the [ __ ] obnoxious step in the background SRX anger you know what I’m talking about I can’t believe like you didn’t even talk about Snoop

Dog it’s the one and only B smoke weed every day Mom get the camera oh my [ __ ] god oh Mommy Mommy I’m pretty sure I told yall but I never mentioned on stream I used to have like a [ __ ] Minecraft texture pack that was all MLG bro I remember specifically

[ __ ] the bow being like a sniper and the [ __ ] like hit marks that the [ __ ] ding whenever like you get someone with an arrow was just a hit Mark oh my God and the [ __ ] like water was Mountain Dew textured then was all green and the [ __ ] sun was Shrek

Or Doge that [ __ ] was so funny bro that was the time of my life oh man psych that’s the wrong number Oh yo I didn’t find a jungle but I found a [ __ ] clay biome and a village oo that’s actually huge me looking at my weor oh wait that’s wait I’ll be the judge of that D I’m thinking about it what if like you’re trying to like never [Laughter]

Mind you know what this is way too vulgar chat let your imagination go wild without what I was about to ask proba that I didn’t even hear like half of it so I have no [ __ ] idea Bro [ __ ] You Babel you’re really happy not really oh [ __ ] you say [ __ ] you

Bro I’m sorry something yeah you should be happy it’s the one and only D the fuckingg emotional damage Montage oh M dolphin oh that guy’s house is on fire thanks little Pooky don’t call me that little Pooky did pey say that no that was [ __ ] Mart so over

Where you make me happy let’s go no I’m going to oh oh is of grief o oh [ __ ] craer I think it’s the funny cat with that funny be why you make my depression disappear I’m glad that’s a [ __ ] messed up dog it’s a [ __ ] up looking doging

Awesome what are you up to the [ __ ] that aren’t you a dog no offense o I’m your dog if you want me to hey I da you up oh I D your balls you [ __ ] shrinkx like a [ __ ] raisin I’m a s p oh I got I got string you just [ __ ]

Disintegrated maybe someday yo wouldn’t it be like funny as [ __ ] I’m pretty sure I mentioned this before but not on stream wouldn’t it be funny as [ __ ] if one day without any of y’all’s knowledge installed like a Herobrine data pack into the world no I will cry and then a Herobrin comes

Out and he’s like oh boo pixel and you’re like ah no it’s herobrine guys look it’s herobrine he’s Herobrine [Laughter] to her or ski toil I just got tropical fish and I don’t know how y’all are also very lonely oh okay I mean yes I guess some company

Would be useful make okay if you find a data pack that kind of just adds him randomly and he does absolutely nothing but just like just be around maybe that’d be funny no but like you remember that one like Herobrine mod that [ __ ] like he doesn’t really do anything to your world

He kind of just appears in the background of things and disappears once you notice him that’s what I’m talking about like if you find something that is just like that yeah sure it’s like nothing that like damages the the [ __ ] on the world oh herob oh tell him tell him [Laughter]

E get [ __ ] easy [ __ ] on the fact that I know so many kids that used to be like that me included same here you’re still like that the [ __ ] what fck also M said lovely okay that’s also really true but like we’re also really lonely you are lovely now with B

Piel mom homosexual yep yes [ __ ] only for gy gy wait what the [ __ ] be will you changed me as oh this H holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] became Walter White oh my God what happened to you the [ __ ] Ming bow with power four ball by fishing holy [ __ ] I jizzel just what the

[ __ ] what the [ __ ] what this huge thank you it’s like durability seven but like I think I could me looking at my P or durability 7even yes oh my God bro what the [ __ ] I really do be bringing everybody down with my dick jokes oh my God Jesus

Christ I CH for that what the [ __ ] no I don’t want to fish the vill Bro activated throat cancer yeah villager you sound like a wondering Traer about yourself you know what let me test this [ __ ] bow can I just oh you know let me test with a pig

Maybe let me see let me see am I tripping I thought I heard a trident whatever oh is it powerful works it sh works is it powerful yeah it has power too you [ __ ] idiot power four power four holy [ __ ] that’s really that’s what I’m saying yeah that’s what I’m saying

Mending with power four it’s [ __ ] huge completely ginormous yeah just by fishing the power of fishing is real you should fish when it’s like raining o oh yeah cuz like that’s uh better isn’t it yeah like you have a higher chance of catching up [ __ ] H I love Minecraft mechanics I love r

Oh oh Minecraft that’s what you sound like yeah yeah I love Minecraft yeah how much fish do I even have I catch like uh one string seven salmon 10 Cod and then the bow yeah yeah that’s huge hum humongous humongous yeah that’s what I’m saying you can really tell he was

Excited from that no no are you shooting George no he’s draging me back with the [ __ ] rod he’s fishing me I’m fishing you I’ve never heard the word jizzel before in my life thank you for teaching me okay no problem I’m cuming everywhere cuming what the

[ __ ] bro an actual MP PC is crazy I’m I’m dribbling everywhere dribbling okay that actually kind of makes sense oh I’m about to get so tired each a nightmare oh I’m about to get so tired I keep feeling like I’m going to miss one yeah true so true brick also

Um is has the hunger and the [ __ ] like Buffs from the sleep ever been inconvenient no not really I mean it’s same thing I’ll be honest it kind of helps me with like if I want to go mine or something which talking about it I’m Michel there’s also the fact that like I

Don’t know I put it too hunger three so I was hoping it would actually take away from the Hunger a lot but it didn’t yeah like Jack which I guess fair enough I’m not going to buff it some more but like but like infinite hunger then like

It start literally goes to zero like in a half a [ __ ] second me buffing it to [ __ ] hunger like 10 and then you instantly start hungering yeah chill out BR what the [ __ ] you sound like somebody that I used to Know I almost died died I almost dieded I found that for sorry oh okay no it’s fine I get it spling by spling by dorg yeah man you’re [ __ ] like infesting the people in your chat I’m not liking this bro come to think of it good amount of

People that watch my streams just become little wires I’m jerking every [Laughter] jerking what the [ __ ] I’m jerking everywhere oh my God see George you’re a mini wire I love how everybody that like makes their way like in contact with me eventually just kind of catches onto my

Habits and becomes just as stupid as me oh that’s not even CL good thing it’s not a good thing but it’s funny oh B pixel you’re funny thank you I’d find you quite a humorous human being thank you made little just day do I have food fine good enough I’m

Still on the search for a pyramid by the way we need like a [ __ ] XP farm we really need that we don’t we do go mining I have my own which is just literally going to the cave yeah oh my God mining or killing a bunch of mobs in that

Difficult I’m like why but I don’t grow miners okay now you’re stretching it that’s got a point bro got a point I would never do that see I would never do that I groom adults yeah he cuts the [ __ ] C they balls off yep oh sh it’s like the scissor sound

Effect you know what I’m saying it’s a [ __ ] undertale transition sound bro bro won’t beat that you remember that wire huh yeah my name Jeff my name is Jeff believe that was my idea I can [ __ ] yo I found the silly Panda what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] silly Panda oh my

God what the [ __ ] they’re both silly holy [ __ ] oh my God like the snot one no they’re like on back doing [ __ ] ass [ __ ] with their [ __ ] hell ass hands what the [ __ ] they’re so silly and stupid get on the boat what the [ __ ] happy Fu holy [ __ ] Bro snapped his neck oh

[ __ ] oh my God those silly ass pandas holy [ __ ] that’s so [ __ ] awesome oh my God there’s another Panda are you silly or are you just stupid and goofy oh you’re stupid okay makes sense what the [ __ ] let’s gool the No No you’re one of them sad pandas no what the

[ __ ] no I’m sorry the s p is my goat head empty no thoughts that’s what I’m saying oh my God five CRI holy [ __ ] I don’t even need Me Like a Stranger and I feel so have to stop so yours change your number Panda G okay bro you’re getting banned

That was your final straw I don’t even know what the [ __ ] [ __ ] mean like what do you mean by the final straw comp oh yeah makes sense I know you you can’t ban me I very much can yes we can it can’t be done it can’t be done me when I when I

Done it I’m like 600 blocks away from the Fortress I hope I didn’t give the the wrong like Stone PS BR also making a [ __ ] straight road to the probably from their spawn the good ending would be to squash the beef that we don’t really have anymore because [ __ ] don’t even join that

Much I’m seeing like glowing squid I love how Joe wanted to [ __ ] join the but he’s offline right now he’s always doing that it’s not a surprise anymore yeah I know it’s like do guy working on Casino crash he’s just not doing tell them bro she’s getting personal oh damn D Daniel Dum Dan the [Laughter] brainer I really like to think that like random [ __ ] that join like that are brand new to the stream just listen to us being like completely butt [ __ ] stupid and then they’re just like okay and leave yeah that’s that’s cool it’s fine that’s not really the

Demographic that we’re going for we’re going to for people as stupid as us I kill myself for a second no offense to all the other people in chat I’m sure you guys are awesome and not stupid unless you Are that’s right now it’s personal oh sh his voice sh be like yeah ow like DS of [ __ ] I am stupid it’s all good let’s go yeah probably need to make a new mine and [ __ ] like that get Minecraft o yeah that’s the point oh you just you just ruined my entire plot and everything Yeah [ __ ] I can’t even do that the [ __ ] why the Bro age like 60 years in the span of 2 seconds cu I’m awesome that’s why Pixel you’re awesome thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank

You bro really thankful yeah will always be oh I for okay God I’m thankful for you guys this ain’t Thanksgiving anymore what the [ __ ] defx gaming defx gaming holy [ __ ] my goat don’t I have no I [ __ ] Dam it okay wait I knew the [ __ ] jungle pyramids were rare but holy [ __ ] where

Are they there’s no way they’re this [ __ ] rare I found a desert I think uh chat or any of you guys can you you back up the fact that like one of the [ __ ] cartographers say like a villager can give me like a map to a

Jungle thingy are you dumb [ __ ] H I’m just slipping because I don’t want it it’s not my fault bro I’m G I have to sleep in wi’s house do it what the [ __ ] what’s the problem with it ow keep bed you’re joking in my bed yeah I’m like crumbling everywhere taking a have

To whiz taking a quick GIF I actually love they are like taking a whiz my quy okay I’m beating my buck for the 17th time what did the book do the silence is defening oh that’s a joke that Ronnie would have hated with their with all their heart D I’m so

Slow can give us a top 10 list it can be of anything uh oh [ __ ] ooh okay top 10 Minecraft Mobs of all time number 10 the Stray like these [ __ ] barely even appear anywhere like do you guys even remember the [ __ ] like Phantom skeletons that

Appear every once in a while in the [ __ ] snow biomes who remembers these [ __ ] what else was there number nine Phantoms they’re just horrible number eight uh what’s a good number eight a husk cuz husks they’re pretty much just normal zombies except when they bite you they sometimes give you hunger which is

Annoying uh Dam number seven oh that’s me dying weird mob yeah weird as mob [ __ ] you uh wow this this [ __ ] had the Jack sheet what else is there hold on let me remember I’m using my big brain and I’m also trying to play Minecraft at the same time Al number

Seven right yeah pretty sure number seven I think that’s just skeletons like normal skeletons these [ __ ] weren’t so bad before in like earlier versions sorry they weren’t that bad in earlier versions but nowadays [ __ ] they’re horrendous they’re just horrible they Dodge your [ __ ] shots for some reason and they

Also have Aimbot like and they can track you so well for no reason whatsoever when they do your job like it wor uh number six what other mobs that are annoying are there silverfish silverfish are really annoying and then they’re fish and they’re not even fish uh they wors thing is the only

Thing that puts them like so like far down to like you know closer to the not annoying at all um is the fact that they’re easily counterable if you just kill them in one shot but if you don’t they can just constantly multiply in the [ __ ] Stone around

You and it can get the whole ass infestation what else is there uh H where am I drowning let me think oh silverfish not even a fish three out of 10 that’s what I’ve been saying oh enchanted golden applet we win uh sorry let me remember oh yeah I was

On number five or number four number five I’m pretty sure number five gests they’re absolutely horrendous like they’re actually so [ __ ] stupid but they’re also easily counterable like if you play your cards well and you actually deflect that [ __ ] like good I actually have frames to

Deflect it yeah if you if you’re laggy you’re done imagine like the [ __ ] Gest shoots you your entire [ __ ] frames just drop and then you wake up with like three Fireballs in your face like and you die like that’s pretty bad it is pretty bad what’s up hello hello wait am I still

Streaming hopefully so oh okay I’m still streaming that was weird OBS just said it lost connection for a second whack uh sorry about that chat it’s not going to like end your stream immediately it’s going to like buffer for a second waiting for it to connect back

Yeah [ __ ] hell dude my throat is so dry get water thanks for reminding me well my fault I guess yeah it is your fault dry uh [ __ ] what’s less annoying than guests zombie piglins like that those [ __ ] are chill up until you accidentally hit them I’m surprised you just haven’t [ __ ]

Talked about baby zombies this whole time eh they kind of just fall under the category of normal zombies now no cuz the thing is they’re they’re objectively faster and if you’re like on a Zone where there’s like grass and [ __ ] like that good luck on hitting them legitimately yeah you’re still streaming

Head ass [ __ ] you he making sure ass Face I love you I love you I love you oh let’s go let’s go the good ending D I’m finding so many golden apples and why am I joking what the [ __ ] the stream do be streaming oh is it yes yes oh yeah uh number three we’re doing

We’re doing it to the top three on from most annoying to least annoying this is like getting close to the least annoying uh least annoying mob uh I’ve mentioned the Phantom before right I yeah you have it’s like the ninth one yeah uh h let me think least annoying what is least

Annoying would you consider a puffer fish least annoying oh yeah slimes good point good point top three is slimes cuz these [ __ ] are barely any threat when they’re like smaller size cuz they’re going to continue trying to hit you and they just can’t actually have haven’t [ __ ] said

Anything about like Guardians about what guardians Guardians are [ __ ] annoying holy [ __ ] oh yeah Guardians yeah kind of I kind of forgot about them to be honest M like the main ones cuz they give you like mining fatigue it’s the worst [ __ ] oh yeah the Elder Guardians the [ __ ] and you get

[ __ ] fck death bro immediately and no I can’t mine if you don’t have milk you’re kind of [ __ ] like straight up yeah bro um H top two let me think what’s what’s even more least annoying than the slimes witches they’re annoying but are they least annoying than slimes no more annoying

Oh not what I was talking about I know but he he just like [ __ ] up the whole tier list no you did no you did cuz he you’re forgetting about majorly annoying mobs I’m going off the top of my head yeah yeah okay let me think okay I just thought about it you

This might surprise you top two least annoying mob is the Wen cuz that [ __ ] doesn’t even intend to kill you if you play your cards right all you have to do is just sneak around it if you die to that guy that’s just straight up your

Fault you can go out of your way to just like walk around them like sneak around them and [ __ ] like that but like if you do any type of sound that’s when you’re [ __ ] I wouldn’t say they’re entirely annoying Snow Golems are annoying because they get snow everywhere

O I don’t think it’s annoying in that kind of sense I can see what you mean though awesome they’re awesome though just cut off a mask and reveal their cuteness please they’re awesome I think their mask is their cuteness in all fairness though I can use snow golems for like [ __ ] what is

It a snow generator cuz you can just break all the snow under Him did I just go in a circle i’ would be really pissed if I did I like rip my shirt and everything I’ll be like but yeah know uh number one least annoying mob come it has to be a mob that like still can attack you like the least annoying mob of all

Time I think George is pretty annoying damn just personally attack someone bro did not bro did not hesitate oh my God I’m so slow and sleepy uh least annoying mob of all time me oh so you’re not annoying I’m the least annoy annoying so that makes sense now that’d be me oh come

On save this SP for your Boogie Bear Boogie Bear oh yeah Ender mindes are probably the least annoying mob of all time which one endermite and the the least annoying ones are you serious the least annoying mob of all time like I never see them exactly they got

To be like a really frequent user of like ender pearls so you do that type of [ __ ] damn like even when they spawn you know they spawn they can just kill them instantly they’re the least annoying mob like I get it if it was like a high damage mob or something it’s like

Endermites but again you mean silverfish yeah thank you thank you honey you got to be so rud talk to P Bro he thinks you’re the most annoying mob what are you talking about the me yeah e said you’re the most annoying mob bro m v but it’s like poo

Members that would actually be funny what if you hosted a poop shar’s SMP like mob vote quote unquote and it’s like whoever we should add next to the server good dude wait this is completely off topic I’m thinking of the Frid night funkin mod of poop [ __ ] uh we should have

Like a mob vote quote unquote of like the people we should get in the team God damn it bro maybe not like random [ __ ] we to we would have to still like get three people to like you know choose from but then you all anonymously like DM me somebody’s name and I calculate

The odds off of that and it’s like okay now we get uh Blue Frog yeah Blue Frog na Chrome and vanilla the three people compete [ __ ] vanilla is in there oh my God will get not next episode next episode never comes out real bro did not hesitate bro got some beef with

Vanilla vanilla no I don’t have beef with them cuz I never [ __ ] met them any life the one impression you had of them and it’s that it’s really funny it’s really funny the only impression I have of them is like what do you told me about them

Yeah but we keep those private for the for the stream exactly not my head Chad we talk a lot of [ __ ] behind people’s backs that’s true yeah yeah that’s what the part of [ __ ] talking the [ __ ] why does OBS like keep disconnecting and reconnecting me are they stupid is Reason damn that fish was [ __ ] waving God damn after I see a with hands you have no idea like like turns that fish was doing was actually impressive holy [ __ ] bro was dodging and weaving like most yeah I love bger bger oh can I do some FF FF bger FFG yeah

Burger I’m I’m getting for the longest time ever I had no idea what the [ __ ] of Life wasak yeah [Applause] understandable what the f don’t she talk my f yeah get him what phing shut uping it’s like the worst video y somehow found bro it’s s gu 2014 humor your phone

L like the worst is like yeah cuz I when I saw like 2014 you were and then I see like releasing 2023 I was like what what this was like two days ago this was two days ago how is it racist that’s not the part I was making bro bro completely missed the

Point what the [ __ ] silly pandas they’re rolling around what the [ __ ] who dolphin hello dolphin guys know what I said I said silly pandas the dolphin really likes me oh he w you they just hang out the doph I kind of want to name

Him is that it no that’s just a bunch of stone I would have got so hyped I would have got a free netherite pickaxe with Fortune three do you have an idea how huge that is no actually no shut the [ __ ] up George shut the [ __ ]

Up oh also Quest are about to get reset in a couple minutes cuz it’s almost 12:00 a.m. for me wait wait what oh the skips okay yeah wait you’re like mean like all quests are going to be reset I was like no no that oh my God oh my God I found it

Yes oh my God I’m coming oh it’s everywhere it’s everywhere jungle White Jungle fire word then proceeds to come all over the audience what holy [ __ ] it’s like a [ __ ] slasher movie but set of blood has just G I don’t want to think of

That too too bad oh my God bait I almost said to oh my God I’m coming yes oh my God I’m splurging oh my God oh my God it’s coming out it’s coming shut the [ __ ] up ass up bro wait you know what that remind me of remind [ __ ] like movie theaters that

This set what the [ __ ] bro let me speak godamn n [ __ ] talking about you know like those movie theaters like um we made the smells for you so you have a better experience immersing yourself in the movie I like what if they played like 50 Shades of Gray what what smell

Would you feel again dick cheese magma just what I needed oh I love that should be so gross bro I’ll have you know I lost one viewer because of that let’s go this is all your fault by the way yeah it’s not you [ __ ] yelling oh

It’s coming out it’s coming out like for half in a [ __ ] hour shut up it’s coming out and I see the FNAF 2 movie trailer eding The Sounds we late you h no no because I haven’t seen the movie yeah neither I want see the trailer so something but you would

Your phone dude why is that jingle so good I know it’s like a racial thing but the [ __ ] jingle of the [ __ ] it goes so hard why did it have to be racist it sounds so good what the [ __ ] I I accidentally like uh took the fishing R

Like out and I B it again but somehow it got stuck on the item that was going towards me your phone linging that sheep was out that sheep was not looking at me [ __ ] up isn’t it yeah yeah yeah yeah shut up B no I’m sorry and you’re like oh

Okay okay all right [ __ ] and then I da you up full gangster style could be a poie bear the [ __ ] not right now in front of everybody 20 cro fck are you going to do with that eat it rest I don’t think so yum yum feed it to the

Cats I could actually good idea I’m going to feed it to the cats I’m eating all my chicken oh chicken I’m Coming Home by the way I’m on my way should I be an absolute dick and try to trace where the [ __ ] road from the fortresses to like the opposing team’s portal you

Could I’ve been trying to do that for a while I’ve been trying to find them yeah then that might be a lucky your luckiest like happening scare the [ __ ] out of me again God damn it you think bro shed himself after that probably he’s a poop shter oh tell

Him he’s a poop he’s a poop crapper like you know Demon’s coming yeah as you called me that it’s coming I’m not like you oh that’s a bad thing oh the dolphin just jumping in front of me you’re distract me distracting me from fishing get out get

Out I mean when I get the Boost from speed and I just fish all what the [ __ ] are you talking about water bottle oh thank God I was needing one one of those let me drink that [ __ ] up oh someone’s thirsty I’m sorry it’s coming out to

God low pitch and slow it’s SC go those [ __ ] cup cupcat cap cut [ __ ] thingies yeah I love cap cut videos that’s like the Pinnacle of humor it’s coming it’s Coming you what I mean it goes hard you got to admit shut up by pixel you’re my goat no thank you not you though George what yep after all we’ve been through after all of these years is this how I get repaid a lot you’re just not aware

Of it oh okay you’re you have an Amnesia did you forget get it bro said you have amnesia did you forget like no [ __ ] yeah Al you didn’t forget you have amnesia You have amnesia your phone [Laughter] linging could you imagine that’s your rank it just constantly reminds you you are demented your phone linging you have theena your phone Mingy your phone ringing your phone is ringing pick up your phone your phone is ringing your mother is calling you [ __ ] like your phone ringing your phone is Ringing your phone is ringing phone is ringing your phone is ringing your phone is ringing your phone is ringing [ __ ] I’m G to drop my bottle of water your phone is Ringing pick up your phone or you’re on the not list the Fest version that has to be something about that please you got to F it pick up your phone or you’re on the naughty List the [ __ ] Jingle Bell ow I dropped my bottle of water except it’s an empty bottle of water DN that was quick as [ __ ] God damn he said bottle of water so quick he was like S I should be laughing at that sh up you’re literally laughing at you shut up your

Phing what the [ __ ] why are Lush [ __ ] trees so crooked looking also I found something very funny that happened like the dolphin like tried to like jump over the water but since like got out of my render distance I just saw it like disappear midair for some reason

I like what happened to him he was absorbed to the [ __ ] backwards this he just got teleported I made it back in one piece damn Lego the one piece in question Lego this is Lego Store yeah Lego hey is this a Lego store yeah Lego tough crowd tonight the Lego Master

Bu what did you just say Lego I [ __ ] like had a stroke I wanted to say Lego master builder and me Builder yeah [Laughter] man yeah cuz I keep like following uh M Builders of Lego on [ __ ] uh YouTube shorts and it’s actually very cool I

Don’t know why I’m kind of addicted I’m kind of a dick I’m sorry oh tropical fish let’s go oh okay never mind your phone ringing also it’s also it’s Fortune three three it’s fortune 3 like um the most amount you can get or is there more to the for Nintendo thinking of

Like uh what stupid like ringtones I don’t remember actually H how many Fortune levels were there actually forgot as well Fortune three no it’s Fortune Fortune tree [ __ ] you py the brownies are done let’s go oh so hungry now it’s time to get High I mean get uh fed oh I’m so well

Ferred I’m on cloud nine oh I’m so well fed saves me with like the really red eyes oh rubs weed sized belly where all my weed go it like marijuana shaped belly the pot with like the plants really rigid like bumping out I mean yeah you just knocked on that grind you

Wouldn’t get it it a fish shut the [ __ ] up about fish I’m fishing the [ __ ] you want me to talk about fish I love the water how it’s blue oh actually the water is clear it’s just the Sun that making it look blue no in the texture is blue shut the [ __ ]

Up oh my God another The [ __ ] act mind I I almost bed myself you know the funny thing I [ __ ] discovered that because I went back into like searching animation memes and for some reason that’s like a new one come on you know the rest sing along if you know the

Lyrics sing along if you know the lyrics come on kids Let’s Go the Lyrics do this fish yeah I love you come here starts fitting on our flesh starts eating your arm up it’s like oh yeah water there’s no actual [ __ ] way that just spawned in bro me looking at the Wither [ __ ] up looking a hogl just spawned on our [ __ ] Bridge oh

Hoglin wow a power for mending bow would be very helpful right now if only burel was there I was there I hop off the [ __ ] tree been to the nether I’ve I’ve actually stepped in I got one Soul sent and got out of what’s that I just traveled like ,000 [ __ ]

Blocks to find the dumbass goddamn what is it uh [ __ ] thing right and there was one way closer to us really that’s I [ __ ] kill myself come in are we stupid uh yeah oh it’s not that hard to [ __ ] notice my parents told me I’m special that’s way bu it oh

My brw a potion what the [ __ ] is Brick Brewing bro oh my daily suff Suffocation of wall what the hell well can’t play what the [ __ ] did did he just like reply to me just like said because yes huh that’s word that’s F they said it

Like right after I said that so like how like drugs that was me I was like like was you oh it was you what the hell I thought it was brick I was like going to be some surprise drugs are they stream sniping that’s a little they can’t be

Stream sniping that’s why I was so surprised toaster muff never mind I’m not not going to say what I was going to say I’m better than that yeah really bad not like I have thousand of them or something no remix [ __ ] D my name is fire and I’m here to say your phone is phone is but that’s the awful ass video I hate it so much yeah I have py sadly PV just asked in chat have you guys seen that video of the [ __ ] kid getting like a shot at the doctor and to

Cope the pain he was screaming SC dop dop doe yes yeah yeah let them cope at least like they have their own way BR I’d beat the [ __ ] out of that kid I’m I’m not even going lie you would not now if my kid started screaming

Skiby dop dop dop yes yes out of pain I would literally beat the living [ __ ] at him yeah [ __ ] your kid gets to the like like no stop being abusive every day head out now good night good night good night good night good night B pixel yeah what’s you’re my one true

Friend no good to know do you feel the same do you feel this connection in between us I do I do oh it may be a sign that’s it yeah what do you want me to say I thought this was about to get deeper the only connection I have with

You is when we have sex oh I actually went the wrong way and I went to The Fortress I’m like a raisin stop making that sound oh I found a ruined portal and it’s all ruined I really thought I was going back home bro so long been just like George

Looking at a screen in a dark room and me fishing George shut the flip up fat ass [ __ ] shut your [ __ ] ass up smoke we F life the silence is definely Santa silence Minecraft Steve when he gets hurt oh I still don’t know how [ __ ] uh mothers and fathers actually get like

The best oh kids being stupid and I always get some dumb [ __ ] that goes viral like how even how do you at for some reason at the right time you have your camera on filming your children for them to be some stupid enough for be like me worthy what the hell is wrong

With me why would you even film that like why why did you pull your camera at that specific moment need to have a let’s film his reaction do do do ah the internet people will find this funny like not bro God damn I would keep my child in life

Private Dam [ __ ] don’t don’t need to know [ __ ] about my child I hate children I’m never having children said Voldemort Voldemort be like I hate children I hate children you s just like them it’s scary yeah oh my I [Laughter] do oh my God bro epic life broke you as

A person you used to be so happy oh my God used to be such such a happy before we I mean to stuff maybe [ __ ] sending love for the kids yeah we kind of need that thank you for the love thank you for the love we need to

That thank you thank you I’m glad you understand thank you for the love thank you for the Thank oh my Godel this way my go oh thank you thank you thank you I D you up but like I just slap you in the face like morning to lades my name is why the Bro start coughing bro C the virus from my hand what the [ __ ] well I fell to the

Ground and started coughing because I’m coughing my blood cuz he was so hard oh that’s what she said [ __ ] I was going to say something I can’t love was the only thing keeping you alive from for a moment there I’m glad I was here yeah you get it P stop sending

Love stop [ __ ] sending love I’m looking at this water and I’m getting so [ __ ] tired of like the same texture being like placed thousands of times like pleas please I don’t want any of those water get out of my screen someone’s allergic to water no I just don’t want

The water looking like this have some variety please yeah but it’s Minecraft you’re asking variety from Minecraft do you have any idea who you’re dealing with me I get it you really don’t but it’s fine I get It your phone your phone M help me send love oh my God there’s so much love and another [ __ ] tropical fish there I will once I’m done cooking boror dude are so Awesome do do do yes yes ah bre give me the do do dop yes fine I don’t need you damn chill out part chill out par Hest like people get too mad over the [ __ ] sco toilet [ __ ] I’ll honest I’m really upset it’s very funny though like is the worst thing I’ve ever

Seen it oh my God there’s so many cows there’s so many cows oh my God oh my CHR I get to kill you Jesus Christ pixel pixel runs me over I’m surprised you didn’t see me I’m surprised you didn’t see me you guys think he was surprised not really shut the [ __ ] up

George what you got don’t got to be a dick 24/7 you know that right but it’s it’s it’s it’s my bit [ __ ] I’ll give you head PS it’s all okay what the [ __ ] you know George you don’t need to be me 247 the [ __ ] do you want damn he’s fighting

Back who Chad Chad Chad what I do Chad protect this man don’t protect this man he’s a sex offender yep Whoa come on come on yeah fish fish fish come on please what this [ __ ] ass villager doesn’t want to become a [ __ ] cartographer stop sleeping F [ __ ] hey here I’ll sleep for you I’ll sleep for you I want to thank our sponsor nordvpn oh look at the sky going all

Downwards use code fire at wire at G guys if you check the description you’re going to see this like weird text saying donate here you’re going to want to do that you want to donate to me you want to donate to me oh what the [ __ ] Sorry the fact that I used to love the [ __ ] skib meme before the [ __ ] fat guy jiggling his belly oh yeah no you were like in love with that [ __ ] it was funny until it wasn’t it was Jesus [ __ ] Christ bro the quest warning me about the level UPS it’s

Scary so loud what are you a Mason you [ __ ] sh person never talk to me never talk to me over again oh yeah I forgot Daniel died you’re just not it’s it’s it’s no funny business okay I might have made a misls in my judgment I might have made a misls in my

Judgment you sound like Kanye that’s what that’s what he would have said you sound just like Him what you sound like I’m trying to farm for mending from this [ __ ] head damn come on Caro Vanishing that’s probably the worst one yet vanish spe with the [ __ ] be a book of curse of Vanishing yeah need one of those 15 and a book for knock Pack 2 tou I see

[ __ ] sweeping Edge three another bottle of water Frost Walker okay Frost Walker can actually be kind of goed I have protection four okay one Infinity that’s pretty gooded what do Infinity do again uh you oh Bow you don’t need arrows you don’t need arrows need one Arrow actually B of

Anthropods that’s lame that’s one of the lamest ones embarrassing [ __ ] see embarrassing no also I do have Frost Walker you know I’ll put on my boots why not the boots in question yeah oh no because I knew I need the level 42 the [ __ ] uh levels they have Strider that’s pretty

Goed yeah I do have like frost Walker one if someone wants it quick charge Efficiency Flame H sharpness four CSE of binding move out of the way [ __ ] ass talking about me or no bro the Villager the [ __ ] I’ll move anyway oh also High cross what the Bro H in my chat fire aspect nothing come on Nothing Quick Charge three Quick Charge School Smite nothing Thorns oops B of anthropod 5 sharpness three nothing protection three it’s the most entertaining part of the stream trying to find mending fire protection two I’m going to touch George okay looting to have fun with that I

Guess I mean you’re the one having fun Fortune 2 me no yeah man move loyalty leather what the [ __ ] looting three no I said loyalty I already have that aqua affinity Frost Walker come on bro it’s got to be in your knowledge somewhere NPCs response projectile protection bro ruined my whole mood with

That I guess you just ruined cross’s mood L don’t care it’s might come on bro huh as if I’m interested no I’m not give me mending blast protection what do you guys want this corner fat [ __ ] spey Fox damn eat some food damn tell him SM five [ __ ]

Hell oh my God you fat [ __ ] [ __ ] infin can you swear swear Emoji J I can make a g I can make it shake so true friend this is fun yes man want to see something want to see a little little preview at my sneak peek mod no

Want to see a sneak peek at my mod wire no I think you’re really going to like it I won’t you [ __ ] say yes say no yes okay that much you have a little look in no mic I call it versus Sonic well pretty creative name I know

But it’s a odd about Sonic my favorite franch something about Sonic the OC it it get it really gets me going well what do you say you want a chart no well get no charts first month to get no charts hey do you know that video of like the

Endless like just like oh mod only Charters it’s like endless with nothing mods without no Charter it’s actually real like without without Charters where are we I mean you literally just Char to yourself it’s going to be bad you can still chart but like but what did you have a

Fun chart to play oppos to no chart at all I know oh bro come on bro get out of the corner you actual fat [ __ ] wait what why you say [ __ ] this goofy ass emoji oh my God this [ __ ] can I throw this [ __ ] sand outside thank yeah

Man how many streamers have you Lo how many viewers have you lost two let’s go so wire are you still doing thep thing thep really can they hear me yeah hey fellas hope everyone’s having a good day they’re having a bad day cuz of you oh why did that feel so

Genuine oh he’s like oh I see them I to see myself out I’ll see myself out reng land I swear this [ __ ] ass zombies not zombies villagers my name is fire at wire wire tell them yeah yeah this is how this is how it comes out my toilet bowl this is how it comes out my Ass do you’re not doing this to me you’re not doing this to me you’re not I can make oh my God he sleepy tired oh I can take a stand I can make an effort if I only understand he has the voice of an

Angel this guy oh my God I got it Jay thank you thank you what what happened I got mending well okay I’ll give you your first copyright strike if you want oh okay is it really that easy oh well I can show you how easy it is if you [ __ ] swallow B that

M come here I can oh oh [ __ ] I dropped all my books I can rhyme orange with I can B I can make orange rhyme with banana boy banaana orange banana Banana that song was hard this is some heat also chat I got a grass block O hey chat what are I be my friend hell no hell no hell no this what chat says anyone in chat want to be my friend uh I’ll give you my get no rep

First guy to get zero friends first to get no rep anyone want to be my friend in the chat anyone want to be my friend what did them mean by saying Bor you want to be my friend I’ll be friends damn bro left you on red no I have a little looking chat

What guys I’m the first one to ever get an Ender Chest all right sure have fun what do you mean have fun what don’t know like what wanted to clap like yeah with your adventure with clap for me playing fortnite with grand wait clap your butt wait clap your

Butt what is your problem why did you say it twice Jesus Christ calm down we’re your friends calm down W we’re your friends shut up ADV I’ll kill you shut up can we make commands no shut up I’m going to kill time George not this time George hey what’s your name Buddy

George oh well not him in particular oh got beef wait I F shut up bro rips his sh are only fish J you’re my goat thanks buddy glad I can make some friends in the way on the way with Ben friends wait awkward oh well I actually have a rare

Case don’t remember actually I got to go I’ll see myself out the way oh I know where the door is can everyone who hate George please say one the whole ch’s going to say one first first CH to get all ones oh they one if you love

Me love me say one if you love me say one if you love me say one if you love me no one loves you I can make aange oh oh You sound just like Freddy Faz oh yeah I’m sorry all right I put all my valuables in the Ender Chest no nobody will ever get to them with banana no one unless someone has an exact replica on my chest do wish they won’t Al I’m going to kill chat

Vote in chat do I kill George say one for yes two for no well I I hope everyone knows the correct answer do I kill George yes or no yes or no do I kill George I think everyone knows what the correct answer isge for no if anyone votes no you’re

Getting banned by the way kill this one one [ __ ] on my God bro I’m wait I’m so fat I’m so fat what the I can go for a burger right now oh I could go for a fat Meaty burger right now dude don’t say that what the um weird did anybody really hear

That guy why is Buddy actually a little freak if you think about it buddy don’t call me buddy I’m your pal po me and you are not on that level you know that right we are nowhere close to friends never we’re not done Daddy isn’t done speaking get back here is

Speaking what the are you cleaning your nuts I’m I’m [ __ ] bro scrubbing his whoa wait what screwing the map suppos to say that oh freaky hey yo my is it’s Cleveland Brown and I wait why why huh huh my name is George and I make me

D dude I don’t know what the [ __ ] you’re on about that was L dude that was lit dude that was pure heat that was pure heat dude somebody get this guy someone get this guy son dude even the Villager doesn’t like George he’s eyeing him down what the f

Fck someone get this boy signed to a record label ooh awkward my name is Peter Griffin and Go I can rhyme orangs with banana banana oh heyy the inner demons in like I’m going to name this random villager outside Jonathan oh hey Johnson this ROM fishing random pedestrian getting ready to be strick by a random oncoming vehicle there you go I just named it Johnson [Applause]

Johnson bro ain’t [ __ ] Gater pren this guy is getting ready to be hit by at s fishing R he doesn’t know which I can make orange r with banana wao why are we overpopulating with sheep and cows wo this fire War awward wire Wire yeah wire wire this wire is about

To get dos he just doesn’t know it yet this wire is about to get D he just doesn’t know it yet bro up behind you well can I play this uhing all of your loot I don’t want you to do that oh okay hey wire can I play

No well could you make what I C to wait um could you make it so mobile players can maybe have a chance of playing no wait Jay you can get in the server for the spot price of $10 well I I wish I had 10 oh you know I’m

Broke you know I’m broke someone’s a little Brokey couldn’t be me well you’re broke too you don’t even have whatever amount of moneye wait why do you need $10 I’m broke I know I mean like for what oh none I just need money why did you ask me dude I just like money

I I just like money you can’t blame me for that can you I just like money can a real fella not like money can a real neighbor not like some real F you think you think i’ give van for saying the n word on stream dude probably not oh well hello my neighbors

Oh whoa wait that wouldn’t take it that far dude you’re actually in the wrong hello son are you down okay I’ve been looking at the sun for like I think 5 days now cuz I’ve been fishing all this time I think you’re a little blind

Anyone on the stream want to work on my the sun is like directly in front of me hey anyone on the stream want to work on my mod say no say no one for yes it’s my Sonic one shot I know you all want to work on it just just admit it

Already admit it already you all want to work my mod admit it you want to work on my I know why is going to be on the mod as a coder I mean charer wait why’ you have to say that oh sorry I can work on The Mod for

Real for real I’m best artist all right you got one yes one let’s go uh well my Discord is where that [ __ ] at ooh wait is that actually your tag wait let me fact check yeah oh you can check you can check it is I’m not even joking that’s my tag is

Oh W yes my my tag is oh almost broke my [ __ ] bed Jesus my mod now uh well your name seems To your name seems to be they saw my they say my name I have like 40 % wait Jay if I can’t say the N word how how am I not going to type that how am I going to type that well you’re not really uh

Typing it you know all you have to do is copy it and well rest is of the Discord but what if my control C doesn’t work oh oh you can just right click I won’t blame you I’ll even give you a pass you know give you pass buddy

That’s a really funny way to just make mus like typ I’m going to type the I have the I have a reason to cuz I’m adding own Discord with the N word in their name it’s like ha I scammed you off the nword pass I’m going to use it in the wrongful

Manner oh cooked well if you do that I’m going have to find you let’s just say I’m going to have to track you down well but for real you don’t want to see what kind of I be when I have to find you as J rips his shirt

And grows in size you don’t want to see what kind of wolf I become when that has to Bro grows fur and Claws Dude dude we will be adding what in the name of fanfiction dude we will be adding we will add we will be adding Jersey Club to poop [ __ ] Jersey Club to poop [ __ ] wait get Smokey in here maybe some jungle D dude don’t say that let’s get smoke that’s your liit now that’s

Your dude I love Smoky music buto are you saying are you saying Smokey wouldn’t fit this month no he I love his music but don’t say that on stream dude that can wait till after what the [ __ ] oh why did you say that H wait I can be C though wait

Awkward yeah you’re [ __ ] embarrassment okay uh uh W do you want a bow for what yeah I want I Jo the I have a bow that has power four and Flame I want to join the game hey hey can I join J you cannot join oh why you’re not

Welcome around these parts what do you want the [ __ ] bow or not I don’t want it want it okay let see can I hop on if I got on my Xbox I don’t think so no it’s not a Java that’s Bedrock no no it’s Java Java oh yeah so I can join

You can what wait it’s Java right yeah yes since when is Xbox Java bro wait what is Xbox then bedrock dude I Oh I thought Xbox was Xbox what dude I said that know I said that you guys said no what the hell yes what the

Hell you can’t join I said is it I said is it uh no I said is it um Bedrock you guys said no and then I activate Java and you guys said yes you’re breaking your fishing rod I know oh dude can I just play the [ __ ] game before I get angry

I want to like cool but you guys are starting to push me to that point I’m getting Beat to Death this is Abus [ __ ] you thank you for the Big Potato no problem you’re lovely can I play I swear no bad stuff no cuz I’m sorry you’re not part of the poop

Shoters exus Rand bone oh wait Jay yes the IP is in general join really yes bro’s never been so happy in his life oh what the [ __ ] did I almost do like a creeper face I did oh my God I’m a creeper Minecraft SC Reaper pts

[ __ ] [ __ ] man but I pooping [ __ ] man oh oh the man might get this guy on the team ooh hold on this might be my goat the [ __ ] there’s like this hor ass dog in the street Hing what do you want you said what like stupid ass dog on the

Street howling oh hey leave the legit alone you don’t know his condition Oh My Lou stupid cat is meowing what do you want your cat is like if I [ __ ] say that you don’t if I’m talking about my real cat or like the stupid cat that I

Have you’re talking about your real cat no what why the [ __ ] would you say [Applause] That that’s the wrong thing oh finally I got some Minecraft music God damn yeah what’s up come check my my awesome Tower did you finish the Watch Tower no oh I’m going need you to see the vision do you see the vision okay give me a second let me get something to eat

First uh have something to eat oh have this got some dicks my cat doing h I’m twerking in George’s face right now I’m going onehanded I’m playing with one hand I I need to go one hand because I’m eating where is it playing with one hand

Just see on top of the screen if I can find it oh found it okay see around about like the top of the Cobblestone like you stairs or something uh what’s up the top of the Cobble Cobblestone kind of like rounded out with like stairs but I’m you won’t be able to see

The [ __ ] yellow part I that’s the point to see the Yellow Part what no where you at you see that stare there what I mean uh long enough I thought you meant on top of that bro no stupid ass what are you calling me stupid you’re the one that

Misunderstood how is that me being stupid you’re stupid for not explaining it good I literally just had explain to you right there oh you didn’t I’m sorry you know what I should treat you better I know I can treat you better than he can that song go so hard

Yeah shout out to JK or whoever the [ __ ] made that song do be no it wasn’t him how you know because I know who made it do you yeah it was who did it was it I know I can treat you better then he can wasn’t a [ __ ] Sean M yeah yeah okay

Mak it kind of looks like him Sean men you think you get treat you better than I can no a thank you your problem bro is so hungry oh no problem let me eat what do you think I should make the flooring out of in the lighthouse

Um I actually have no idea I’ll be honest I go Ultra basic and just put dark wood yeah I could do that I know I can treat you better than he can a do can and literally [ __ ] blast a [ __ ] laser into his face it’s a video clip yeah yeah it’s

Ring sorry I didn’t talk much I was filing a document since you know I need to find a job now that’s goed don’t worry about it bro apologizing to me for fting you know what that means when it when it rains when it rains I need to go

Fish exactly that’s exactly it actually whoa how could I predict that it’s it’s almost like I gave you the advice and I R my shirt oh I just got ending on my chest plate oo good ooh ah you get what I’m saying yeah yeah sorry for not watching the

Poop shares every second of my life yeah you better be yep I’m a little bit evil per se uh whoa that voice cck I have almost a stack of cod oh someone’s hungry [Laughter] my OSD starts playing while I fish this is this is your you made the song yeah didn’t know

That must have forgot yeah yeah What the [ __ ] George oh I M oh bye-bye Lucas my rain blame George all right I’m out I’m going to the nether actually no I’m not yes I am oh name tag I’m a little bit bipolar I realized since I got mending on my [ __ ] it may be a good idea to

Start healing it before I turn it into Netherite no no no no Stupid ass Dophin yo Be Nice N I love that dolphin starve the B pixel first reference to get zero understandings I’m about to kill your father kid for told me to be ooh let just say you will die with him where you from where you from in a run yep I just started

Speaking bro this [ __ ] ass guest what the [ __ ] do you want what do you want you want a piece of my Meat stupid ass oh all of it [ __ ] went into the lover oh that’s his name is it now there’s the other fish oh 33 there I love how even skeletons themselves like are affected by the Soul Sand so like why the [ __ ] do they spawn here I don’t get it what the Minecraft

Lore even do something with puffer fish by the way puffer fish of poison [ __ ] potions damn it no very useful I mean it makes sense right I guess so I’m going to go kill a bunch of animals not in our house or exp they did someone say Minecraft lore no uh

Do you want leather boots hm do you want leather boots oh wait puffer fish also makes water breathing potions I don’t know that oh okay that’s that’s cool that’s Co that’s slightly more useful than I thought where my bread at okay there you go trying to get my bread

Up you know what I might actually keep the where it go I’mma keep the poer fish where the letter boots go oh there it is okay do you think the leather boots are actually made of leather or are they lying to you I have no idea but you should know you work on

Moang MH it’s a secret Department oh sorry for revealing it my bad you’re like ah you better be ah a [ __ ] a bone okay there we go my chest plate is now completely full of [ __ ] o also I love how now I can actually keep all my riches in the Ender Chest oh

There they go huh I left I a hear that F fish fish F but I might go to sleep at this point yeah puff fish ohff fish all right have a good night good night good night guys good night good night well finally finally oh finally thank God he’s gone

Boy isn’t it just like me and you right now yeah my Clos the server cuz of that oh I’m fishing too bad you get to fish tomorrow can it just let me fish forever no I want a fish yeah but like you’re a little bit smelly smelly

Looking what does fish get me that is so Unbelievable you wouldn’t get it I do get it oh my Lord oh what this looks as Majestic as I thought it would where you at damn it what be the drip oops sorry I’m drowning keep the drip a [ __ ] V I swear to God do you notice me do you notice

Me oh yeah this kind of look like it as well the [ __ ] cape for the migration do you notice me do you notice me I just want to know shorty do you know me all right bxl yeah what’s up I’m closing up the server for today no sorry friends and family uh tomorrow

Same time I started which like wait wait wait wait what I need to do right thing I need one more one more one more one more what puffer fish okay close you need one more puffer fish no I just got the last one which was puffer fish oh all right is that

It it should be all right friends and family thank you for watching today’s stream you know the fourth day tomorrow around the same time time I will start streaming again it depends tomorrow tomorrow yes yes who knows what we’re going to do tomorrow we might we might start the sex

Update of the S SMP you never know you you’re just going to have to turn in oh all right today B see we got a good amount of [ __ ] done yeah and a lot of fishing and a lot of fishing yes sir I also [ __ ] managed to get like one

Ingot of netherite for my armor which is awesome yeah tomorrow I might be on the netherite grind I guess we’ll never know all right friends I will see you guys tomorrow bye-bye oh [ __ ] oh all right

This video, titled ‘DAY #4 | POOPSHITTERS SMP | The Building Grind’, was uploaded by FireAtWhire on 2023-12-05 22:53:12. It has garnered 97 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 04:33:31 or 16411 seconds.

Oh yeah, we’re starting an awesome Minecraft SMP donate here! – https://streamlabs.com/fireatwhire/tip

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    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date Night Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Oops! 3 Years in Minecraft Survival World

    Oops! 3 Years in Minecraft Survival World Welcome Back to the Minecraft Survival World! After a three-year hiatus, our Minecraft enthusiast is back with an exciting update on their survival world. Let’s dive into the latest developments and changes that have taken place in this virtual realm. Mod Showcase: Enhancing the Gameplay The addition of mods has brought a whole new level of excitement to the gameplay. With enhanced features and functionalities, the player’s experience has been taken to a whole new level. From new tools to unique creatures, mods have truly transformed the world. Resource Pack Showcase: Aesthetics Matter Resource packs play a crucial role… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: My Minecraft 1.22 Update

    Crafting Chaos: My Minecraft 1.22 Update The “Crackhead Update” in Minecraft (1.22) Have you ever wondered what a Minecraft update created by a “crackhead” would look like? Well, look no further because a YouTuber named Troy has come up with his own unique version of Minecraft update 1.22, aptly named the “Crackhead Update”. Let’s dive into the crazy features and additions Troy has included in this wild update! Measurement Madness Troy kicks off the update with a new measurement system that adds a quirky twist to the game. Players can now measure various objects and distances within the Minecraft world, adding a fun and interactive… Read More

  • DemonjoeTV Reveals Ultimate Bedrock Website! 😱 #minecraft

    DemonjoeTV Reveals Ultimate Bedrock Website! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedrock’s Most Useful Website! #minecraft’, was uploaded by demonjoeTV on 2024-08-10 18:51:37. It has garnered 331447 views and 28640 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. 🔔 𝗦𝗨𝗕𝗦𝗖𝗥𝗜𝗕𝗘 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗠𝗢𝗥𝗘! https://bedrocktweaks.net (copy and paste the link if you can’t click it!) #Minecraft #MinecraftBedrock #minecraftmods Business email ► [email protected] 𝗜𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂’𝗿𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀, 𝗜 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 🙂 Read More

  • Epic Shark-Infested Minecraft Seeds

    Epic Shark-Infested Minecraft SeedsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Minecraft Seeds That’ll Haunt You Forever…’, was uploaded by Shark on 2024-08-31 19:00:05. It has garnered 99948 views and 3632 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:45 or 3705 seconds. Scary Minecraft Seeds That’ll Haunt You Forever… BECOME A MEMBER TODAY! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQVwQQvz8O_0aeFDBVcdhpg/join Merch – https://www.09sharkboy.com Subscribe! – http://bit.ly/1GtTBWj Join My Discord – https://discord.gg/shark My Socials Twitter – @09sharkboy Snapchat – TheLifeOfShark Instagram – @09sharkboy Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/SharkMerch Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound Click here for a free trial! 🡆 https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/tutm3h/ #Minecraft Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Ocean Adventure – Find Extreme Hills Biome!

    EPIC Minecraft Ocean Adventure - Find Extreme Hills Biome!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft v1.1 Long Play E200 (R35) – Ocean Survey for the Extreme Hills Biome southeast of Sandy’, was uploaded by sealchan1 on 2024-05-10 05:51:46. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:22 or 3682 seconds. The nearly landlocked Extreme Hills biome has connections to many Waterways that interconnect back to the Western Sea (maybe this is what I should call the original Ocean I spawned by). I also find a new Ocean which is reachable across a Swamplands to the south from the Western Sea. In this series… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Hack Prank!! 😱 Watch Now 🔥

    Insane Minecraft Build Hack Prank!! 😱 Watch Now 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BUILD HACK TROLL FACE 😈 EDIT ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-08-10 06:38:34. It has garnered 10371 views and 292 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. MINECRAFT BUILD HACK TROLL FACE 😈 EDIT ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: https://opener.one/insta/ezbpl3 Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos… Read More

  • Insane Spider Boss Battle in Public SMP!

    Insane Spider Boss Battle in Public SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live 🔴 Public SMP | Java + Pe | Cracked’, was uploaded by Wild Spider on 2024-08-23 15:44:06. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:41 or 161 seconds. IP:- Make Sure to Subscribe 🙂 Java IP – sanemc.mc-game.xyz Pocket IP – Port – 3262 Dyn IP – if non of that work discord – https://discord.gg/insane-94995089200… TAGS USED : ——————————————————– minecraft live with subscribers, minecraft live with subscribers pe, minecraft live with subscribers bedwars, playing live with subscribers minecraft minecraft 24/7 server free, aternos minecraft… Read More

  • Birthday Chaos: Summarizing Every Shizo Clickbait!

    Birthday Chaos: Summarizing Every Shizo Clickbait!Video Information This video, titled ‘Summarizing Every Chaos for my Birthday!’, was uploaded by ssChaos on 2024-07-29 15:00:08. It has garnered 62 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:37 or 2317 seconds. I’ve told some amazing stories over the past 3 years, let’s talk about them and this crazy game called Minecraft CHAPTERS 0:00 Intro explanation 2:42 My first ever world 4:04 Maniac SMP – Sara Chaos 9:25 No Signal SMP – Apeiron Chaos 10:48 Craft SMP – Mary and Reeds Chaos 13:11 “Voldemort” SMP – Ceci Chaos plus Charlemagne 16:36 Rulers Royale SMP – Reiner… Read More

  • Sword4000’s Insane Minecraft Hide or Hunt with Dog1234!

    Sword4000's Insane Minecraft Hide or Hunt with Dog1234!Video Information This video, titled ‘I played In Sword4000s Minecraft Hide or Hunt!’, was uploaded by Dog1234 on 2024-05-24 19:35:55. It has garnered 9495 views and 424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:59 or 1439 seconds. I played in Sword4000s Hide Or Hunt Event with the goal of being the last team standing and building the ultimate secret base and hunting down other players bases. Join My Discord: https://discord.com/invite/TEKyN485eQ ——————————————————————————————————- Huge Thank you to Sword4000 for Hosting this event and be sure to Subscribe to both of his channels! His Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UCqt4mmAqLmH-AwXz31URJsw His 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UCkc2HMr92d89WP6tPFf1DWA ——————————————————————————————————-… Read More

  • CatNap vs Monster in Epic Roblox Battle! #Shorts

    CatNap vs Monster in Epic Roblox Battle! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘CanNap team battle Monster #CatNap #robloxmemes #roblox #trending #shorts’, was uploaded by PurrBlox on 2024-09-08 14:00:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts. Read More

  • Unbelievable Revenge in Minecraft! 👿 #viralshort

    Unbelievable Revenge in Minecraft! 👿 #viralshortVideo Information This video, titled ‘Revenge 😈 #shorts #viralshort #youtubeshort #minecraft’, was uploaded by WHRI_GAMING_1100 on 2024-03-03 09:49:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Revenge #shorts #viralshort #youtubeshort #minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Revenge Minecraft Story. Read More

  • WawaNet

    WawaNetWawaNet is a server with many things combined into one. Our server has: SMP, RPG, Exploration, Custom Generated Structures, Adventure, Custom Bosses, Minigames, PVP Game Modes, In-game Economy, Grinding Systems, and Custom Armor/Tools. Join our server today! at: Java: IP: wawamc.net Bedrock: IP: play.wawamc.net Port: 25570 wawamc.net Read More

  • AussieSMP SMP Australian Whitelist 1.21+ Java Bedrock Discord Livestreams

    AussieSMP Server Welcome to AussieSMP Server IP: mc.aus.gg Location: Sydney, Australia Discord: Join our Discord Apply: Apply here About AussieSMP The AussieSMP is an Australian hosted Survival server with a small community of players from around the world. The server is whitelist-based so you need to apply to join. We offer a mostly vanilla gameplay experience with some quality of life features. Features The server is running the latest version of Minecraft Minimal modifications to Vanilla mechanics Player created shops for trading Teleport commands for easy navigation Land-claiming system for protection Multiple worlds with no reset plans Part of a… Read More

  • Repairing Missiles in Minecraft: Cube Xuan’s Quest

    Repairing Missiles in Minecraft: Cube Xuan's Quest In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Cube Xuan brings laughter, joy, and gains. With animations that are funny and bright, Each video a delight, a pure delight. Missiles in Minecraft, needing repair, Cube Xuan’s humor, beyond compare. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, In this virtual world, happiness is found. So follow along, subscribe and see, The magic of Minecraft, with Cube Xuan’s glee. Each video a gem, a work of art, In the world of gaming, he’s a true heart. Read More

  • MINECRAFT: The Lava Hot Meme!

    MINECRAFT: The Lava Hot Meme! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone! #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems Read More

  • OG Fortnite Return: Opening Battle Pass!

    OG Fortnite Return: Opening Battle Pass! Exploring the World of Minecraft Embark on a journey through the vast and creative world of Minecraft, where players can unleash their imagination and build anything their hearts desire. From crafting tools to surviving the night, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players of all ages. Building and Crafting In Minecraft, players can gather resources such as wood, stone, and minerals to craft tools, weapons, and structures. Whether it’s a cozy cottage or a towering castle, the only limit is your creativity. With a variety of blocks to choose from, players can design intricate buildings and landscapes that reflect their… Read More

  • Drowned Dilemma

    Drowned Dilemma Welcome to Minecraft Infiniverse Season 4! As the new season of Minecraft Infiniverse kicks off, SkyGuyJedi is ready to embark on a fresh adventure in the world of Minecraft. This season promises to be filled with exciting challenges, epic builds, and thrilling survival experiences. Let’s dive into the highlights of the first episode and see what awaits in this traditional Minecraft journey! Episode Highlights: Resource Gathering: The season starts with a focus on collecting essential resources like wood, saplings, and sweet berries to lay the foundation for survival. Exploration: Along the way, SkyGuyJedi encounters various creatures, discovers a ruined… Read More

  • EPIC Twist in Minecraft ATM 9 #11!

    EPIC Twist in Minecraft ATM 9 #11!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft ATM 9 #11] But What If They Weren’t The Final Preparations’, was uploaded by 氷上竜二Ch Hikami Ryuji Channel on 2024-09-26 03:18:23. It has garnered 27 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:55 or 9895 seconds. Stream Rules: -Don’t bring any sensitive topics like politcs, religion etc. -Be kind a respectiful to everyone -Don’t mention other vtubers unless it’s relevant to the current topic -Don’t spam -Don’t self promote -Don’t give any advices on the game being played unless asked Read More

  • Undercover Chatting in Minecraft!

    Undercover Chatting in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Let’s explore! Chatting in disguise 👁️’, was uploaded by Yomi Gardenia Ch. on 2024-08-23 00:28:02. It has garnered 214 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 05:10:00 or 18600 seconds. 👻 Yo-hooo! Hello! 🌼👻 I am Yomi, ghost VTuber streaming from beyond the grave! Today, let’s walk around and see pretty places in Minecraft! I’m Yomi, ghost VTuber streaming from beyond! Today, let’s walk around Minecraft and see beautiful places! 🌼 Minecraft is a game by Mojang. https://www.minecraft.net/ 🌼 Texture pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft https://mizunomcmemo.blogspot.com/2023/06/mizunos-16-craft-java-edition-120.html ✿ ✿ ✿ 👻 Twitter → https://twitter.com/yomigardenia… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft world tour by coleisprettygreat

    INSANE Minecraft world tour by coleisprettygreatVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft world showcase’, was uploaded by coleisprettygreat on 2024-09-07 03:06:37. It has garnered 10455 views and 1192 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:52 or 1372 seconds. interior decoration still on point Read More

  • Minecraft Français Twitch Epic Action! LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs & Eman Predictions + More! Subscribe now!

    Minecraft Français Twitch Epic Action! LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs & Eman Predictions + More! Subscribe now!Video Information This video, titled ‘[FR] LIVE AATROX SLAYERS, Revs, Eman Predictions & + !! !subgoal !stuff !hy | Minecraft Highlights!’, was uploaded by minecraft français twitch highlights on 2024-02-11 13:09:06. It has garnered 36 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:17 or 377 seconds. Stream highlights posted daily. Please like and subscribe for more content! What was your favorite clip? Let us know in the comments below! If you own the content in this video and want to be excluded from this and future videos please contact us: https://bit.ly/3gCy2Ml PATREON ———————————————— https://www.patreon.com/dailytwitchhighlights894/membership As you may… Read More

  • Join Skeleton for Minecraft lifesteal smp 🔥💀 Now live!

    Join Skeleton for Minecraft lifesteal smp 🔥💀 Now live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥New Start of Minecraft Lifesteal smp ( public smp) | Join now’, was uploaded by skeleton is live on 2024-02-26 16:04:40. It has garnered 182 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:37 or 1177 seconds. #velorentlive #velorant Hello, Cool Gamers I am Skeleton, and I welcome you all to our fun spot. So, Today I am going to plat Valorantt. it will be adventurous and exciting. You all can join us to play. Thank you, I hope you all have enjoyed this stream so don’t forget to like it, comment, and… Read More

  • Unbelievable find: JJ and Mikey discover hidden treasures in village! – Minecraft

    Unbelievable find: JJ and Mikey discover hidden treasures in village! - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ Found TREASURES Under VILLAGE ? – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-06-21 17:00:27. It has garnered 10554 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:21 or 3981 seconds. How Mikey and JJ Found TREASURES Under VILLAGE ? – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We… Read More

  • Dungeon Time in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 – Insane Treasure Hunt

    Dungeon Time in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 - Insane Treasure HuntVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cool Looking Dungeon Time! | Minecraft Bedrock Guide 1.21’, was uploaded by Prowl8413 on 2024-07-26 02:31:55. It has garnered 3832 views and 248 likes. The duration of the video is 03:59:01 or 14341 seconds. Become a YouTube Member and join my community server! Our servers are sponsored by Sparked Host and are always very active, with events every month. Minecraft Bedrock Guide 1.21 is a Guide based Lets Play series. In this world I progress through the game, and will guide you on everything from the basics of gameplay, up through more difficult to understand… Read More

  • Unlock the Secrets to Trymacs’ Success NOW

    Unlock the Secrets to Trymacs' Success NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘HILFE FÜR TRYMACS ist DA! | Minecraft Elements 2 Deutsch Folge 33’, was uploaded by Varietytime on 2024-08-24 16:00:14. It has garnered 416 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:56 or 7196 seconds. Welcome to the Minecraft project Elements 2 in German. Help for Trymacs is here! Have fun with the video! Participant: https://tinyurl.com/Teilnehmer-Elements-2 ✘ The best streaming products: https://elgato.sjv.io/R5QN0R ✘ The best gaming boosters at LevlUp: http://levlup.de/?ref=gtime ✘ Cheap servers: https://goo.gl/RhEDU1 👾: https://www.twitch.tv/gtimetv 📸: https://www.instagram.com/bildertime/ 🕊️: https://twitter.com/GamersTimeTV 🎬(Main): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMa7ctywc_TEKI_lKlpS-YA Discord: https://discord.gg/gtimetv ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★ Music ★ Here you can always find… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Tap Trick Goes Viral!

    Insane Minecraft Tap Trick Goes Viral!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft decorative tap#shortvideo#subscribe#like#minecraft#trending#song’, was uploaded by THARA GAMING on 2024-04-17 05:31:48. It has garnered 156 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Monarchia

    MonarchiaWelcome to Monarchia, a Towny Minecraft server with a closed gold economy and tons of awesome features! Whether you’re into epic land and sea battles with Siege and Movecraft, intense duels with cool kits, or riding into combat on your trusty horse, we’ve got you covered. You can also explore the world with BlueMap, brew some virtual drinks with our alcohol plugin, and dive into so much more. There’s always something exciting happening on Monarchia—come join the adventure! join.monarchia.fun Read More