EPIC BEDWARS BATTLE – Lucid Studios Strikes Again!

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2 W hey Hey hey hey hey hey hey Hey My Hey Hey hey hey hey hey hey Hey Oh Oh I’m not ready at all I feel like I said that a lot actually okay first off shaders off second off why why won’t it why why can’t you guys see this Minecraft please work please Y now just like six more things I have to get done before we can actually start I’m never ready it yeah you’re right that’s a lie only like two things I feel like I know this song I 100% know why do I this song seems so familiar guys

What okay we should be ready now no we’re not I’m not ready crap crap at least we can just at least you can listen to the music as I wait for me to be ready IDI hold up just a minute there we go there we

Go you’re like the only one here I know I don’t usually go live around this time so I don’t think very many of very many of my viewers are like expecting me to be live right now why is smooth lighting off maximum there we go look how smooth that lighting is

Now okay let’s let’s let’s go back to being bad at bedwars guys I I think it’s 1: p.m. and you woke up 30 minutes ago that’s a good day I I’ve actually been awake for a while now I I photoshopped my brand new uh uh uh almost said thumbnail profile

Picture personally I’m a fan of it I like it okay ah yes this map one of the good one of the good ones just because it has a fast generator you know that doesn’t even make sense why do some maps have faster generators than other in what world is having a slow generator

Fun it just makes the game so much worse so much not as fun to yeah so much not fun to play okay I’ve been playing bedwars for approximately 45 seconds that’s my be like the fast one with the fast games I do me too I do

Too it’s it’s funny how lunar says I’m level 50 when in real life I’m level 110 I probably play like a level 11 player okay okay okay okay I’ll take it I’ll take it oh they didn’t even defend their bed that’s embarrassing for them oh they threw the gold on the

Floor oh bought a stone sword it’s not going to save you here oh not even close I need my Shader pack on or not my Shader pack this one what’s up you downloading phasmophobia your PC solo phasmophobia is fun it’s been ages since I’ve played it though that’s kind of a cool little

Block clutch you know although I didn’t get any diamonds from that which is a shame wait something’s off fart sh shame on whoever laughed at that I’m kidding it was a funny joke it it wasn’t a funny joke it was a joke a six-year-old would laugh at good thing I’m

Six you don’t know why but you didn’t want to watch My Stream last night that’s fair that’s fair uh there we go oh I’m going to I think I’m going to edit yesterday tomorrow’s stream I’m going to edit yesterday’s stream and turn it into like an actual video for

For the main Channel at least the the uh Fierce to Fathom part I think yesterday was a fever dream yesterday was a it was a chaotic stream it it was a good it was a good one though don’t mind me uh-oh Red’s bed’s Broken Oh wait that was green

So let me please there we go please go did I get scare or no scare I did get very much scare let’s see if I can’t rush to Green oh they dang it what’s up Cameron Palmer how are you doing today I wonder oh no I took an entire heart of

Damage oh crap they do have a gapple how how is that knockback how is that knock back scam scam scam much I mean I still got the bed but they did not take any knockback they took negative knockback in fact let me just just you know

What he’s probably going to rush to my bed now dumb idea okay this is fine this is fine why I stream tomorrow maybe I don’t know it depends on what’s tomorrow Sunday ah it is I don’t know let me just do this real fast I just wasted those four diamonds

But that’s fine fine dang I’m the only person with a bed left wait you’re telling me I you’re telling me I have like a chance of winning this game what oh maybe not Red’s kind of eyeing me up Red’s kind of look looking at me like

They wanted they want to make the move oh okay there is TNT there oh Red’s dead never mind Green’s looking like they want to eye me up considering the fact I was the one that broke their bed Four Diamonds thank you okay now I can get protection I should probably like really

Put a a actual defense on my bed but I don’t want to so I’m not going to isn’t it funny how that works oh okay well that’s still oh ad okay give me one second no no I didn’t have I didn’t get to buy an N sword this is

Oh that’s why it’s not because I’m bad it’s you know I’m turning on my ad blocker I don’t care if YouTube yells at me I do but go play have have a good one epicness Why does it say okay let me go next cor gorm my favorite map which one is this oh it’s this one this was a cool map there we go uh oh uh oh uh oh I’m TR I’m CH changing to change something please okay YouTube doesn’t deserve your ad

Money for striking you no they don’t it’s not even my I don’t know I I I wonder how much money I’ve got on YouTube cuz like YouTube just play YouTube plays money on my videos I just don’t get any revenue from it yet so I wonder like how much I’ve YouTube’s

Actually gotten for me just just a curiosity you know just oh I wonder how much have I been scammed out of hundreds of hours how many tens of dollars maybe even hundreds of dollars cuz I do have like a quarter million views total so that’s like not a that’s a pretty substantial

Amount of people a quarter million how much money have I given YouTube that’s that’s the question we’re figuring out today oh no that’s not good excuse me sir sir sir that’s that that’s okay that was a bad round it’s not my fault okay you know what I’m going to take a picture you

Guys say cheese get blinded I wonder what that looked like on the webcam I don’t know why I did that what did that look like Guys I just want to win one round that’s all I ask for that’s all I’m asking and ant to become a millionaire but see if I can actually press the right keys on my keyboard that would be that would be nice okay Rush Oh okay okay okay what if I just

Did that yeah what uh-huh don’t let them know your next move guys that was dumb okay battle round number two don’t even touch me what’s the TNT for what is that going to do nothing I see okay well I mean I’m going to get some tools I guess this is going to be

Risky oh I died to fall damage dang it dang that could have been cool though that could have been cool you know he’s going around one way I go around the other way that could have been cool I mean okay it wasn’t but it could have been it had the possibility to be

Cool but it didn’t do it again I need to win around I need to like okay just get good at the game okay I’ve Gotten Good at the game we’re good by the p p pink slippers oh we haven’t done that we need like okay one two three that took me

Three tries to put wool the right area H maybe I’ll make maybe I’ll have to make like a subscriber goal oh they have endstone gross if we get a certain amount of subscribers then I’ll buy it or maybe if I do something like if I win around

H I don’t know I don’t know why can’t I place blocks where they they should go right now okay let me just line up properly we’re good let’s see what level are they oh level eight this will be easy dubs easy dubs easy win easy bed easy

Win oh yeah they don’t even care they don’t even care how did they did they disconnect they disconnected okay if I lose I buy the pink slippers oh shoot Stakes are high now I I just need to like get like bedless Noob on my team let’s see okay we should be pretty

Good for right now I I think so I almost fell there oh look at that lined up perfectly I don’t want to I don’t I I don’t want to take you up on that bet but here you know what I I’ll humor you and if if I lose this round I’ll look at

How expensive they are if I don’t know if they’re like pretty decently cheap you know that’s not not extremely expensive I don’t know I don’t know am I doing parties I will later but for right now I’m just doing solos so I want to be able to like win around without getting carried

And then once that happens then I’ll I’ll I’ll party no one’s been to Mid this is awesome can you can you stream go go for it try to sneam snipe sneam snipe stream snipe all you want well maybe saying that that’s probably not the best idea I don’t know

I’m pretty cracked at bedwars you know with my one kill this game lag uh it might be you also it’s it is far too early game for me to have obsidian what the heck why did I just buy obsidian okay the goal is to like put it

Down but like fast enough to where people don’t see the obsidian you see yay yay okay is is the stream lagging it it looks good so I think it might just be you people’s Wi-Fi do tend to just like every once in a while okay lag fixed yay I’m a mechanic

Guys Master Mechanic here also I have full Obby around my bed should we go for double layer two layers of obsidian I’ve never done that before I’ve done one but nothing more than one incredible round so far I have not died once actually 360 y I don’t know what that was

For okay let me buy some more wool if you win I buy the P okay wait hear me out so this is what you’re saying if I lose I buy the pink slippers if I lose I buy the fuzzy pink slippers but if I win I also have to buy the fuzzy pink

Slippers how how how does that work and what if I tie then I don’t is it possible to no no no is it does anyone know if it’s possible to tie in bedwars cuz I know you can like go to like the the dragon duel or whatever the

Heck it’s called I don’t I don’t know but is is it possible like well now I’m curious guys I already have that there we go okay it’s oh shoot I’m the only one with the bed left this is the second game in a row I’ve been the only one with the bed

Yay I try it maybe H maybe I’m not that good at the game to like purposely not win and also purposely not lose oo five diamonds okay I’m going to get Obby 2 and then just look at these last two people and there’s green or I wait I’m

Green okay they’re invisible good to know good to know let me see if I can’t like stream snip or just oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no I’m on fire now he saw that no okay guys let’s let’s just hope he

Doesn’t have eyeballs and he didn’t see the obsidian let’s hope I should probably get a trap you know what that’s not a bad idea red green got Obby by the way oh they they they they sold me out no they sold me out I I would do the same not going to

Lie I would do the same so now they’re they’re 100% going to Target me but I’m going to have a trap this is a problem let’s see how I can’t figure my way out of this bananas this is bananas how did you know my 17th favorite

Fruit how many fruit are there like is there like a a specific number fruit fre FR what am I saying guys I don’t know uhoh I think we’re good I thought I saw someone maybe I did let me just okay we’re good if I buy a trap and it immediately targets or okay

It’s a trap mining fatigue trap okay I have two traps your dad is Isaac Newton wouldn’t wouldn’t that be an apple then or are you trying to be a rebel or trying to rebel against your father and like apples instead of I mean bananas instead of apples

More I feel like I could like get like an 80s workout in oh red well let’s just leave my base what’s the Worst That Could Happen they’re they’re collecting my emeralds so oh I broke my thing I forgot about that oh okay I see I I I have you all figured out oh

Okay where are you Red I thought that I thought that said he had 29 like his health was at 29 Health okay I see how it is you’re just going to Fireball jump away you can’t run from all your problems oh oh oh is he going to go to my base or his

Uh yeah no way I should have brought like a stone sword still so I could hold the stone sword he’s like oh he’s got a stone sword and then whip out the iron run yeah there’s noem he stole them all chances are he’s going to get an ender

Pearl and then ender pearl straight to my bed so as much as I hate to say it I think I’m might to have to Camp guys that’s my least favorite thing to do in this world my least favorite thing to do but I think I might bow

Spam well either way I’m buying the fuzzy pink slippers who did that ah gray I see how do I even buy a bow 20 gold that’s okay I bought arrows gray is 110% invisible 110% invisible guarantee it let’s see normal bow 12 who knew B bows are so expensive holy

Crap please don’t spell bow spam I won’t I’ll just I’ll just I’ll just shoot them like twice okay I’ve never actually used a bow in bedwar before bows aren’t really useful they are when you bow spam and you can’t okay there’s I just want to shoot them

Once I just just imagine if I win imagine I hit it okay that’s enough that’s enough bow my bow spamming days are over let me put this in the chest I’m going to keep it just in case ah no my obsidian how will you ever know what I

Have you know what I’m just going to I introduced to you getting good I don’t want to I just want to like hit an epic shot that’d be kind of funny let me get some of this I mean they know I have obsidian so I might as well just be proud of

It I guess I’m just going to make my bed so annoying to Break by gaps oh yeah good idea I’m going to pretend to do that but not actually H it’s this song and then I’m GNA Skip and then YouTube’s gonna get mad at oh it didn’t nice

Normally once I skip a song with an ad blocker on they’re like oh wait you’re using an ad blocker that’s no good this bed is going to be so annoying to break it’s going to be so put water on it well that’s just annoying for everyone including me I love

It okay what if they just like what if I just convince them to kill each other wait how much is water bucket two gold oh that’s nothing okay now uh what happened to my trap I see how it is I see how it is this is stupid my

Trap she she had magic milk I see how it is crap well it wasn’t meant to be it wasn’t meant to be I wasn’t supposed to win that Round Guys what am I doing with my hands I can’t believe it I can’t believe it it was never meant

To be by them now by what the gaps I hate the break you but that round ended that round is over how’s close this is I should put a nose I don’t have a nose I just have like a a line straight down my face interesting one of these

Rounds I don’t think gaps would have helped that situation I’ll be honest guys you can win this time I I I I I appreciate it oh the slippers guys sometimes I’m sometimes I’m dumb I say as I almost walk off the side let me go up let me go up Oh he’s above me thank you thank You oh crap this guy’s good at this game oh crap I choked I should have just focused on killing him and then breaking his bed that’s sad now is he coming back oh he’s counter you don’t have anything sir you don’t have a H guys I don’t think I’m very good at

This game just just W tap there we go also this is a slow generator that I’m blaming it on the slow Generator this is 100% the slow generator’s fault okay after the once I die this round then I I’ll look at how expensive slippers are just just to humor you guys okay oh oh oh I’m I’m dead I’m dead oh I’m not dead I’m not dead I’m alive I’m very much

Alive yeah I’ll just go up this is a good idea oh he almost hit oh I can’t believe I fell actually one second let me make sure this isn’t like anything don’t don’t question why it took me so long to do that we got slippers pink

Slippers okay so they’re like 12 buck 14 that is ugly slippers on stream watch for setting I have I have like two tabs open okay like four but still I’ll make you guys a deal okay you see that little subscriber thing up there oh wait you guys couldn’t crap I’m an

Idiot you guys couldn’t I I didn’t have that on okay you guys can see look we got that we got that that that what the heck she just impal a teddy bear with that we got pink slippers pink slippers okay if you wait wait wait wait I I’ll

Make a deal with you guys I don’t know what the deal is yet but once I figure out what the deal is I I’ll make it with you guys W you’d buy that play centor games if I Oh That’s oh that’s kind of a good that’s kind of a good bet there we go that’s kind of that’s kind of can you get the link I I opened Amazon and looked up pink slippers I didn’t get anything specific I just just looked up pink slippers you’re a 61 girl bro says

Kifu you need hor Content here after this round let me see how much money I have my bank account if I have okay I fell you know let me let me do that right now you two favorite things is 1.9 sword and sword Combos and build you HC nice hey Cameron welcome back I don’t know if

You ever left but welcome back you love being slipper uh-oh they’re going up they’re going up and they’re speed bridging imagine being good at this game that this is fine you saw that you saw that that was kind of a W uh PVP move oh he got sent into the

Void okay if I have enough money okay I have some money wait where’s his bed oh wait there was no one here whoa that guy’s been moving okay let’s I can’t die to this guy I cannot die to this guy oh that was easy okay you know what I’ll make you up on

Your dealin I’ll play 10 rounds of Sword if I lose three of them then I’ll buy the slippers oh crap oh crap oh crap combo combo combo much combo much Like my my blocks wouldn’t place I was trying to like do the thing where you like place a block and stop his momentum it wasn’t working too well not well at all in fact okay he’s not here is he oh okay we’re good aha I see him with his iron

Armor no he barely got me are you watching two different streams that one Chinese take out his gas okay after this round we’re we’re doing a slight detour for you guys yes dang that’s that’s another that’s an entirely new level of multitasking watching two different live streams at

Once oh and he’s all the way over there now a disrespect though I know okay I got to practice my 360 in my like like that oh we don’t we don’t talk about that guy we don’t talk about that guys we don’t talk about that no no one saw that oh

Shoot it’s me versus red oh shoot we have it’s me no sorry for what that’s awesome I love the fact you’re watching that’s a 270 ready 360 I don’t want to hear it it’s close enough okay anything more than this is the 360 bad idea let’s do it that was a a 3

Three a 340 you’re like measuring the the degrees to see how many degrees it actually was well that’s a block clutch oh what what help help help help help what is that what was that no no absolute scam I can’t believe this I can’t believe this I got stuck in the

Block and suffocated to death oh wait I’m in the wrong version okay let me close Minecraft and reopen it real fast with the oh crap I just opened 1.8 again okay here here’s the r here here’s what’s happening I do 10 rounds of Sword

If I lose three of them I have to buy the slipper but if I win so that means I have to win seven rounds the very minimum I have to do is win seven rounds I can’t believe this I can’t believe this this is insane how the fact I got stuck in a

Block playing sharpness Dogg that’s the one condition what is sharp sharpness DG I’ll look into it I’m not going to accept that condition until I look at it also this is Goofy music skip that song please and thank you add there we go okay sharpness Dogg whoo look around to use your mouse

Really every single time I Chang Mo uh modes I have to change my zoom thing from Z to C okay status working netherite pots this is the one you wanted me to do FFA Diamond duels netherite pot get no debuff my Midas which what

Kit what kit do I what kit do you want me to use Shield Midas what is Midas I’m curious I need VIP rank never mind I need VIP rank oh what is going on here yeah I crit this guy out how did he not die two guys critting him out what

Is going on here don’t worry about me guys let me just chill over here how is he at full health still oh wait I’m an idiot I’m I’m an idiot guys one second yeah I didn’t take strength or swiftness pot I’m dying this 100% I’m dying this is

Crazy oh I hate the speed I hate the speed yeah oh now he’s scared he’s scared he’s shivering in his Timbers right now guys I need to break a tree I need to I need to find a tree to break I’m dead okay yeah I’m not doing that I’m doing my

Rules just lower your fov it’s not that it’s it’s just he’s so much faster I’m rage quitting in lower case PVC PV be no I’m doing just sword sword no shield no axe just sword no pots 10 of these rounds this is such a bad idea this is a

Bad idea I’m not that good at like comboing oh this guy’s good I’m better though I’m better though look this is just so much more calm and relaxing you know okay ping is kind of bizarre for this guy okay I’ve won one round can I say

One R of German no that doesn’t count as a death no it does absolutely not that doesn’t count as a death I can say nine and then YW and then like Glock and Spiel what’s my ping 55 that’s not accurate I did it I did it okay nine more

Rounds oh this guy’s going to try to just crit spam the entire time oh the Ping the Ping the Ping the Ping this is scary oh easy easy people quit doesn’t count okay ping okay 80 that’s more that’s more like it okay I’ve won two so far I

Need to win seven if I win seven I automatically win you have a question okay let’s hear it no I I just just won too so seven more wins why why do you have Oak planks my guy my guy my guy what is this what is this oh okay

I’m losing this round I am losing this round that was dumb of me oh I’m stuck I’m stuck okay we’re good how does he keep K that was not even close that was not okay I I have one death I’ve got one death so far I’ve got one death that I joked so

Hard that round it’s cuz he had he had the lower ground okay he’s going to try to crit spam I have to crit spam normally I don’t like to I don’t like crit spamming the Ping how am I supposed to Winn when he’s teleporting okay I’m sorry I’m I’m being the toxic

Game okay that’s three wins yeah he he might have been okay we have the same ping all all all both R close to 100 oh the music’s gone too no that’s not three okay I was hoping I had Funk on oh okay okay he can W tap as and S

Tap I’m sorry I I I can’t by the fuzzy pink slippers okay four wins four wins let’s turn on my fun for this I only have one death so far so we’re doing pretty good we’re doing pretty good guys this isn’t bedwars yeah okay we’ve made a bet with I’ve made a

Bet with since if I I’m I’m doing 10 rounds of Sword if I lose three or more so I have to win seven rounds I have to buy a pair of fuzzy pink slippers I guess cuz someone else wanted me to buy a pair and I’m like

No so I have to win seven rounds if I it’s 10 rounds total if I lose I can lose three but if I lose four then I have to buy them okay dark Slayer okay okay and we got the funk we got the funk hopefully this isn’t copyrighted it is

Probably 100% copyrighted why why do they always no don’t sabotage Me okay okay the music’s distracting me ah okay oh okay how does he keep hitting me how does he keep hitting me that’s okay two deaths I only need to win four three more oh it’s the same guy crap oh he left it doesn’t count he left he

Left put on disaster I have that one and not in this playlist though you know I’ll do I’ll do I’ll do this one um this one maybe H okay I can I can lose one more and then after that I can’t lose anymore I need to win three more rounds

Though okay someone going to do mine please please pry please someone do it do it do it yes that one yes do it a stuffin let’s go what are what are his stats what are his stats SL no slash stats Ace dolphin oh he’s got a 30% win rate I got

This I’m shaking I’m like I’m too jittery right now no that’s not okay maybe it’s my ping that’s bad cuz not every like oh oh uhoh uh oh uhoh oh I need a hate snc to the music IRL in real Time yeah I know the music’s paused it’s funny like this oopsies oh that wasn’t even close he did two and a half hearts okay three more rounds three more wins oh I almost clicked on someone else Ace dolphin please click on mine again Ace Ace dolphin please that one right there

Right click no don’t switch lobbies right there hey St I’m begging you you’re easy to kill please please please please oh this guy I guess okay let me check his stats oh 14% win rate I’ve got almost a 70% win rate you know what where is this guy oh there he

Is oh oh oh oh yeah hit sync you know what I’m fisting okay I’m I’m punching this guy to death I’m beating this guy to death with my fist I I that’s how confident I am I’m going to win this he’s done half a heart to me

Oh he he just took okay now he’s now he’s let letting me kill him okay two more wins two more wins what are this guy’s stats okay wait I have to wait SL stats that’s my stats SL stats uh that okay I okay he’s getting wood

I can win one more I mean I can lose one more round and after that I’m I’m screwed oh I’m winning this I’m winning this oh wait oh crap yes die die uhoh uhoh uhoh uh-oh uh-oh oh okay one more round that don’t count that count that counts that that 100%

Counts okay I just have to win more one more round guys one more round here you know what to make it fair I’ll do someone else’s kit I’ll do someone else’s kit for the last round I’m not even going to look at what the kit is what is this why

Okay well what is this kit what is this kit what is this kit this is my last win guys I should probably do what he’s doing okay we’re never going to die how okay I don’t know how low to I need I should get before

I uh put totem in off hand yeah should I take my gapple now I just need to Flawless him don’t even touch me bro don’t even touch me bro the like the okay there goes one totem that’s probably not good I don’t get I don’t I don’t want to

Like use my God Apple too early what okay I’m down one totem that’s fine I only need one totem oh yep yep chug the Gap I’m on full health right now okay he got a few good hits in I’m still full health okay my ping is awful right now I

Haven’t popped him once he keeps running he’s low right now though okay okay okay I just need to I just need to oh screw it screw it oh now he’s scared now he’s running yeah yeah yeah yeah okay problem is if if I don’t kill him before this

Gap I mean he I do have to pop his totem I I can do this all day I can do this all day I can do this all okay I can do this less of all now no my gapple how how is this guy how I’ve done so how have I not

How oh wait he did pop his gapple I never saw him pop his gapple I never saw him pop his gapple okay okay Mr German name I’m pretty sure that’s German yeah oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap that he had a great combo on me yeah he has the particles

Okay breathe in breathe out how does he keep my strafing okay if I just disable his jump bar then I’m then he’s dead I’m the master at strafing he’s going to pop me he’s going to pop my totem he’s going to pop my totem yeah he popped my

Totem how that I popped his to I’m winning this we win this okay come back of the century maybe oh oh oh my fingers are tired my fingers are tired from strafing so much his aim is just too good his aim is too Godly I clicked too early okay this is a long

Battle Yeah Yeah uh-huh what are you going to do now huh oh crap crap how’s my armor looking oh crap maybe I just need to break his armor just turn on my auto clicker break his armor that’s a joke I’m not using an auto clicker

Guys oh crap I think this is the end I think this is the end three round no no okay I lost that round so I still have to win one but I can’t lose so this is it this is the final round if I win I win if I lose I

Lose what’s their kit oh heck no okay this is the this is the round for oh crap that guy’s four letter oh no don’t don’t click on mine actually stats xqz oh his stats are private this is a 50/50 sound salmon LP oh this guy’s easy let me just stats real fast see

What I’m up against 46 win rate okay that’s pretty close that’s pretty close I win this I win this I win this lose lose lose let’s see what what challenge should I do what challenge should I do for this last one what what should I do

To make it harder for me to kill him maybe I’ll do this and get rid of my Crosshair oh crap he’s catching up sir I’m trying to talk with my chat please please please please please please please please no oh he can’t even touch me he can’t even touch me six

Combo seven eight oh dang okay okay okay okay sir sir sir sir I’m not ask okay you know what hear me out guys we do one round with inverted controls and that’s the final round how do I even invert if we do one round with inverted okay that round doesn’t count

This one counts this is the final one that was just me messing around Mouse set oh Mouse settings invert Mouse okay this is for this one this one right here is for all the [Applause] marbles who plays like this who plays with inverted it should be up top you

Think I’ll I’ll wait I I can’t even look up this is this is the one this is the one also say you’re wsd to DW okay that’s too much that’s it’s too much I don’t want to lose I agreed to do this for you guys my ping is poo poo right

Now I I’m kidding that doesn’t count if I lose this round guys no no no no takesies back no taky backies if I lose this round I’m buying whatever pair of slippers you guys want I’ll let you guys vote on what pair I should buy but

Only only if I okay I need to change lobbies no this one’s dead this is this is one this is the one for all the marbles is everyone ready it doesn’t count no this is the final round this is the final round with my settings inverted just just to prove it just to

Prove it oh crap oh crap I just messed up my sensitivity what was it before was it it was probably just a 100 honestly okay I’m gonna turn that off just for a second oh crap okay let me open My My Stream up real fast I need to figure out what my

Sensitivity was before no okay what was it what was it what was it wait 90 did that say 90 I’m watching this right now in like super slow motion 70 crap I’m trying to figure out my what my sensitivity was before okay it was 70 it was 70 guys we’re good we’re

Good you lost your account to hack dang I’m sorry that sucks I am redoing the giveaway but probably not today let’s see controls M settings 70 70 seems kind of low oh no that’s right okay controls Mouse settings invert mouse mouse is inverted now if this is the one if I lose this

Round you guys get to tell me what pair of slippers to buy if I win this round then that’s it kubac okay I mean let’s see okay everyone keeps disconnecting let me do this let me do this it’s the same guy just don’t get just don’t get disconnect please he disconnected

I just can’t help but win guys I keep winning I’m just just too good I can do that there we uhoh uhoh I clicked on someone okay uh uhoh uhoh uhoh oh uh oh this guy’s good too oh wait wait wait solution I need I just hold my mouse upside down hey ah

No okay hold my mouse upside down oh wait now that’s backwards I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I have permission to un invert my controls okay okay okay sir wait sir wait please please wait no oh crap I’m dead I’m 100% dead okay eat the gaple Run hey okay okay

Okay I just need to get away from him some oh crap wait wait wait please please please controls I had to invert my mouse okay and now I’m just going to oh he’s going to think I toggled he’s going to think I toggled hacks this is for the all all the marbles right

Here uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh I just got to I just got to just just don’t let him touch me oh crap what was that what was that what was that no oh it’s cuz I ran out of gapples no oh dang

Okay I played FS to Fathom yesterday I played the first two episodes dang that’s sad that’s sad okay someone send a link someone send send the link in the Discord dang dang it that was close too I I wait a minute you’re right there you were you

How are you float how are you floating sir how are you floating sir how okay now he’s he he’s he’s oh wait no he’s how Greene eye how are you he he just disconnected he’s gone you were you were right there you were floating okay let’s see what this is a

Mistake letting you guys choose but it’s a mistake I’m making whoever sends one whoever sends one you know first person S one I suppose I suppose dang I feel like I was close too he was good I shouldn’t have I shouldn’t have made that gamble I should not have made that

Gamble doing my inverted controls cuz if I had if my controls were were not inverted from the beginning those are pink I do like them though duck feet slippers those are awesome but they have to be pink we have to follow the rules of the game why are you just sending them

Everywhere he got timed out for them he got timed out Discord isn’t loading that’s un oh wait crap hold hold up there it is there it is here let me let me send you guys the the Discord the link to my Discord if you haven’t joined it already go ahead

And do it it’s a fun Discord you know let me actually pin it this time pin message the ugly ones oh the ugly ones I don’t know what size I am in woman’s s to eight I guess I don’t know I don’t know okay now let me do this off

Stream wait what did you send green ey oh I wanted these so much more they are like twice as expensive but I want oh dang it okay let me not dox myself real fast okay that okay that would have 100% that just showed my entire location oh wait a minute proceed to

Check out why do I have two items in my car what’s my what’s the other item this is this is dangerous uh here I’m I’m just going to turn display that off just in case just in case you know wait what’s the other thing oh wait no it I’m I only want one

Pair there’s $7 in shipping seven bucks in shipping okay let me blur out something okay you know what screenshot wait screenshot okay I took a screenshot now let me let me blur out a few parts and I’ll show you guys the screenshot okay how do I like draw on this markup there we

Go I need a bit I need a thicker marker than that okay it’s not going to get me any anything thicker let me just do some scribbling real fast hopefully you guys won’t be able to uncode my my scribbles I’m I’m scribbling out my address right now on a screenshot okay

Save that’s it we’re good Save wait what are you guys saying what are you guys saying it has to be nether pot if you want one more chance well I already bought it guys you have to uh verify there it is order placed thanks confirmation will be sent to your email oh my my name is not

Leroy my name is not Leroy but I have a I have a fake name for Amazon that’s my address I scribbled out there’s the slippers there it is proof physical screenshot proof screenshot proof wait who who got timed out for okay she got timed out for spam there goes 20 bucks in my

Name it’s okay that was a good challenge if I didn’t want to have the possibility of spending money I would have sent no so and now we’re just back to bedw Wars like nothing ever happened wait wait show me my email we should play Outlast maybe maybe I don’t know what I

Don’t even know what Outlast is I’ll be Honest do you know what a scam the slippers were 12 bucks shipping was seven so more than half of the price is shipping somehow I don’t know how they got it that expensive but they did it’s a scary game in that’s all I need to know oh

Nice wait is this just is just is this just like some big complex PL so you guys can see my feet I have you all figured it out I think or not hopefully not oh it’s the annoying song I’m in the middlee okay guys just block out the

Song this is the most annoying song of This Album I don’t get it I don’t get it uhoh uhoh uhoh oh I’m in I’m in the wrong version goodbye I’m in I’m in 1.20 still crap also does my mod just apply here yeah it just applies there I am going to

Be holding uh interviews for moderator in my Discord because we like my Discord doubled in size recently to a re due to a recent giveaway and I want just people in other time zones really to like help moderate like I have an automod that does a lot

Of work but you know just in case automod isn’t perfect just for times when cuz most of the moderators are like my IRL friends that I know in real life you just you just wanted me to get my spend my money that’s fair that’s fair uh there we go also someone who’s a

Little bit more dirty minded that I am Pacific for the win I am now the not proud owner of a pair of fuzzy pink slippers I you know what I never said I’d have to show you guys them I’ll just I’ll just cancel my order I’ll never show them

IRL n Utah for the win forget forget having coasts having Coast is cringe guys it’s you Utah for the win okay uh oh oh oh oh oh wait if I lose a match you have to show them well that’s not that’s simply not fair but I’ll take you up on that no I

Won’t well I don’t know we actually signed a uh I wasn’t looking I was reading we actually just signed a contract saying you have to wear socks while you wear this oh I’m 110% wearing socks you can not there’s nothing you could do to make me wear those

Barefoot it’s not showing me it’s saying I have notifications but it won’t show them to me it’s bugging me There we go I got to sweat this round then California’s on top oh you guys are crazy almost as crazy as the Floridians oh no me shut up the reason isn’t for us to see his feet other person wait that wasn’t the reason well that’s why we head him by

The slippers so we can see his feet that’s funny now the know you New Yorkers though you have a point you have a point I mean I’ve never been to New York so I wouldn’t know but just the amount of times New York has been invaded by

Aliens it’s they’ve they’ve got to like lost a few brain cells I keep falling what’s going on I’m just so flustered guys I am absolutely FL fluted do you know what’s even funnier I don’t even have a job right now guys I am unemployed and I’m spending my money on pink

Slippers I’m going to lose my mind I’m losing my mind I’m losing my mind okay I read the entire message I just didn’t read it out loud because I suck at reading out loud indie.com I I’ve applied for a bunch of places I’m just waiting for them to like actually

Look at my applications oh no they they broke ra bed okay I have to I I can’t I can’t fall I can’t I simply can’t let me just rush to pink real fast don’t worry about me pink don’t worry about me pink pink don’t worry about me don’t worry about

Me okay they’re not worried about me we’re good we are chill cool as a cucumber there we go Publix is hiring where you are H how do you how do you know where I am what oh crap they’re probably oh wait uh Pink be rational about that be rational think about what you’re

Doing think about what I’m doing I mean what you’re doing okay well there goes my bed wait they didn’t break my bed what are they thinking oh crap oh crap I was oh crap I for I was I was doing the all the clicking are they dumb oh well there goes my

Bed oh why do you have a n sword oh crap oh that was the last guy from that Old stream where you said you live but not your neighborhood or house where did I I never said where I lived I never I never doxed myself what do you know where I live

What have you just known where I live this entire time and I don’t don’t even know dang I was so focused on the other guy I didn’t I didn’t realize the other guy was doing the other thing maybe what say it do to me right

Now I dare you I’m only saying this cuz I know you don’t know where I live if I lose this game play netherite pot I don’t even know what netherite pot is is that just where you’re in like netherite armor and you have a bunch of pots like healing and strength and

Everything cuz if so that’s what I did I’m not do it’s not illegal if I tell you to what if I forgot I forgot my address tell me it please give me my own address I give you I give you audible permission this is in this is on the

Internet forever I give you permission doc to me right now okay okay okay okay okay consent no no it’s cuz you don’t know where I live I’m calling your bluff don’t break my b not even close not even do it not not even close it’s illegal either way no it’s

Not that is absolutely you mailing me cookies yeah see I just need my address so you guys can mail me cookies cuz I forgot my address I did buy the slippers yes they they’ve been purchased there we go you don’t want to go to juvie you’re not going to go to

Juvie for doxing someone okay yeah you would but if you have written permission written consent you’ll send me some pink SL yeah here I’ll cancel my order you guys can just send me all the pink slippers you want I kind of want to set up a PO Box

Not going to lie I no one would send anything cuz half half the people that watch me are like 11 I forgot to switch versions I did after this round though mad trust after this version this that sometimes you just need to have faith that it’s going to work everything

Will work out in the end and it’ll work out you know goodbye bed we’s to play at L uh that that would be it for another day because I’m only playing met Wars for today oh shoot there we go thank you I don’t even have any tools i k pink team

Somehow their bed’s broken let me buy some tools real fast eight gold eight iron thank you it’s just me and yellow guys I could win a round I could actually win a round okay I see yellow eyes on yellow they’re on the very side of

The I don’t have $3 I spent 20 of them okay I think I’ve gone around the entire map like the entire map you verified my email and did the verific uh give me give me one second I’ll look into it what’s your user name

Cuz my I I’ll be honest my bot’s kind of broken a lot of times it should do it automatically but sometimes people like slip through the CL uh cracks forever whatever reason hemophobic no my bot’s just Stupid yeah I’ve gone around the entire map he’s like my next door neighbor maybe get a new bot I don’t know how to set up any Bots when is the giveaway going to be announced I I need to think of something it’s already been announced but the

Person who won never accepted it so we need to redo the giveaway but I need to like figure out what I’m going to I can I can make that jump right guys oh easy easy squeezy lemon peasy three beds that’s fun for me oh crap oh well now this is just getting

Fun wait send the slippers send them the slippers you bought send who the slippers I bought what oh crap he was right there he was yeah he’s right there don’t don’t worry about me sir hey get out of here close the game forever okay what what’s your

Username is it oh it’s oh wait that was I see I see I just need to yeah okay the bot’s just broken I guess casual uploader okay it should it should work now it’s cuz you tri triggered the the the the join gate whatever the heck that means I actually won around guys

Okay it should be fixed now let me know if it’s not and then I’ll probably think about fixing It my mic stand needs an oiling why is my mother calling Me I’m muting just for a second I’ll be right back guys [Applause] oh I died gosh dang it that’s poopy sad said random dragon sounds are making it weird that’s just it just adds to the experience guys you know maybe we’ll add some fuzzy pink slippers to my skin you know and like who knows like a ma dress

You know just take my skin added like a maid dress fuzzy pink slippers cat ears just do it all I don’t know why just just just cuz ah smooth smooth lighting is off good thing I’m an exp at this there we go you’ll do it for me do it I dare

You I won’t use it but I’ll do it all but that’s a lie so here’s the thing whenever you guys like do stuff for me I I I’d feel bad like not using it you screw it I I’ll I’ll do it I’ll use the skin for a few streams if you do

It just because just just show much I care for you guys uh oh this guy’s good no I’m I’m no I fell I’ll put the skin on today no well there goes my bed let me Juke him out real fast how did I switch to nine challenge

Accepted do it you have to do it right now though if you don’t do it now I’m not putting on the skin it has to be during this stream this stream you know just throw however you want pink slippers ma dress cat ears I can’t think of anything else Kawai I don’t

Know what’s the user what is the user what is the username of lucid it is lucid here you guys can’t see chat but it’s just lucid’s here it’s like Lu i d s h e e r e you’ll add some extra stuff do it but you have

To it has to be like good it has to be like shaded and everything like if you like look up on name MC that like my my name like the quality and the shading of my suit it has to match that quality it has to be like that perfect you know

Have a good one Mar I fell no okay I’ve won two I’ve I’ve played two games so far and I have zero finals zero bets zero kills and zero wins on 1.19 again or 1.8 maybe I’m just better at 1.9 I mean 1.20 M you make good skins bro you’ll do it

You better you you don’t have to I’m just I’m just this is me being start why is he up so high also why is he level almost 230 you’re you’re jack of all trades not even close not even close I’m so glad I went into F5 and saw

That fireball that could have been bad for me how is he in my bed already how maybe maybe I’ll log on to uh charms SMP for a little bit you know see I I I do need to do some grinding I don’t need to I should do some grinding There I don’t know what I’m doing Guys we should we should get some subscribers today you know just just just as a prank that’s the SMP I’m on right now with a bunch of people let me get that real fast that should be enough wools let me grab tools and I’ll be on my Merry way okay okay

He’s bridging to me I I saw his name fall that’s how I know oh these tools are going to be useful for the bed defense that he most definitely has okay it’s private so you can’t also I would wreck you I’m saying this sarcastically by the

Way I I I would wreck you I need to be better very being sarcastic yeah just make the brid bridge for oh he fell at the last second I feel that bro oh no his bed no yellow yellow that’s my bed no you know I’ll get yellow’s bed don’t mind

Me I just got both those kills I stole both those kills uh-oh yeah go Blue go Blue I’m cheering you okay fine you’re going to go stream have a good one I wonder if I could just like I should have gotten that I should have gotten that I pushed I placed the

Block just to the next to me not under me is the format Stever Alex huh oh you mean like wide or skinny this is a wide I think yeah I’m I’m pretty sure this is a wide skin it’s got yeah it’s wi it’s four four block arms instead of three

Block arms if if if that’s what you’re talking about if not then I have no freaking clue cuz that’s the only like thing that I know about skins is like there’s like wide and skinny skins oh those two blocks are going to stop the crap out of

Me that’s okay blue we I’ll fight you I’ll fight you I’ll not fight you that’s a lie yeah it is okay so yeah it’s a wide body skin and you can just go to ca you can just go to name MC and then like download my skin off of there or just I

Don’t know I’m sure I I I I need to stop giving the master advice oh yellow tried to rush me until until I died just kidding not your you don’t want me to have a good day no yeah there we go let’s just rush pink just for the fun

Of it just for the kicks and Giggles you know for the kicks and giggles oopsy daisies Pink’s bed is broken my bed’s probably going to bre break pretty time soon too I’ll be honest oh uh yep there goes my bed no use trying to save it Now You’re Gonna Keep mine let’s go

Watch ours you know what I want in life I appreciate it okay is gray dead yes it is just me and blue and red I see a red wool here hopefully there’s okay we’re good watch hours for the win I get you you okay solution wait here

Until I’m going to I’m just going to wait here until red leaves their base I’m pretty sure they’re there at their base right now cuz I mean honestly my my my disguise is Flawless oh there’s there’s red okay only problem is if they just looked they can see my name tag okay we’re

Good no all guys let’s make this my most watched live stream yesterday I got 13 hours I don’t know my average if I like did the average I usually get like 13 here you know let’s do the math real fast calculator you guys can see this you

Guys can okay actually hold on let me okay boom go to here let’s go to my analytics real fast open my you oh okay I almost doed myself earn let’s go to earn okay I’m at 1,31 watch hours I need 3,000 1,31 minus 3,000 okay so funny number one wait what

Was that 1699 I need 1,699 watch hours if I get 13 every single day divided by 1,699 I mean 1,699 divided by 13 130 days you ghost pinged everyone don’t ghost ping them ping them and tell them watch this guy right now and then and then you need to have

Everyone share that with all their friends and then all their friends show with all their friends so it just essentially turns into a pyramids gem let’s see if we can’t get monetized this year so yeah just stream 13 hours a day you’re right cuz I feel like the average like

When I get done streaming it’ll YouTube will tell me how many watch hours I got from that stream most time it’s like 13 sometimes it’ll be closer to like 7 sometimes it’ll be like 40 I think my most popular stream my like the stream that popped off the mo

Hypixel hates me Hypixel hates me yes exactly do that in every single Discord server and then tell that oh okay and then tell them to everyone in in their disc don’t even touch me don’t even touch me bro don’t even touch me oh three diamonds thank

You guys it’s okay I do better with my bed without my Bed we just need a pyramid skem this we need I need to get monetized before the year ends okay oh 12 gold perfect thank you let me get some of this I’ll heal enough before I get to him right yeah I’ll be fine is this dumb

Yes I mean I got him at least I got him at least so if I stream 13 hours a day theoretically it counts as like 100 watch hours if only I had 13 hours a day every single day You know what I should really be doing right now is editing it’s really what I should be doing but I’m not just start Shing at 8: a.m. yeah but I’ve got have work hopefully soon and then work and then uh school I made my skin actually actually this is a lucid

Original it took me far too many years to uh like shade the suit and everything and I like 100% took inspiration but this is like my original skin that I made we got each other you know what you should be doing right I sending you PVP Clips I need to

Get some good footage of just like PVP like no music in the background no me talking okay I’m so much ahead of more ahead of him what is he trying to do he doesn’t realize we’re just going to trade beds right or I’m going to

Die I I fell asleep right after I ended stream maybe I’ll live stream editing so you guys can learn how to edit this guy’s scaring me he has goat in his name that means he has to be the greatest of all time uh uh howdy howdy says green uh

They we’re just we’re just talking he’s an MVP Plus+ and that’s scary so wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait that’s not what I signed up for name it epic is here epic is epic here is how you can edit oh okay took me

Like six tries to actually read that properly once I did epic burn bro wait no my bed’s broken start posting some of your I do that that is what I need to do I need to actually post something to the Lucid vod’s Channel urgently how did he hit me

Twice you know after the stream I I’ll I’m gonna upload something to that maybe I’ll name rename it Luc who edits your videos I edit my videos other than okay I edit all the videos on my main Channel but sin edits all the videos on the vod’s channel

Every every single one of these videos he’s edited I’m kidding it’s cuz he hasn’t I haven’t he I think he sent me something today I think he sent me one of the stream one of the final videos uploaded I just need to like actually upload it you sent me the drive and

Everything nice see after the stream I’ll upload that and then something else that’s what I really need to do is just live stream me editing May I’ll make a lucid editing Channel by the end of this I have more channels than Mr Beast I’ve just got one for every single

Game I play Lucid Minecraft Lucid fortnite Lucid scary spooky games that’s kind of funny Lucid cooks and I’m just never going to post anything to any of them if you edit a video longer than 8 minutes you get overwhelmed that’s fair I feel that that’s why it takes me so

Long to get a lot of my videos out no his bed’s broken I did that myself Lucid shares there’s just one lucid and it’s just like a lucid sleeps it’s just every single time I whenever I fall asleep I just live stream it Lucid sleeps we I already know that would blow

Up don’t sleep ever I do have the Insomniac Ro in my Discord server I saw you holding the fireball how sorry I can’t believe this can’t believe this oh yeah I’m not hiring any you guys for I’m not paying you guys don’t make Mercy until what do you

Mean don’t make Mercy until 100K Subs cuz you’ll become upset with lack of sales that even supposed to mean how how how sir sir sir sir sir sir oh merch that’s what I need to do I mean now I now I have like a brand identity I just completely rebranded

Yesterday I guess this morning technically with the bread honestly that’d be kind of good like an of kind of drip uh merch is like like clip bar of bread on a shirt like just line art of the of my bread on a shirt what is this guy

Doing why why why are you hiding up there in your little Nest does this make you feel powerful does this make you feel powerful sir he’s gonna hit me off oh he didn’t miss his chance missed opportunity oh crap I thought he’d be slower than that no don’t blast me off

Hey look at that you just cleaned up my area thank you thank you for that I appreciate it goodbye I think I might rename it you have a sketch of my series called lucid dreams you might rename it to lucid dreams that’s funny we just put it on a shirt make a bread

Plushy if I ever do make merch I would start out with like a shirt and then I’d move on to like bread plushies or other things just cuz I don’t know how to do any of this stuff I would have to like actually learn and we

Know how I feel about learning make a bread hoodie with bread textures that’s I know every single six-year-old would be wearing that in elementary school every single one you have to make it a hat a bucket hat a bread Buck hat I’ll do it all I’ll

Do it all but first I first things first get monetized actually find people that like me I’m willing to spend money on me you know like 100k and then I can start thinking about merch and stuff okay I’ll make that deal with you we’re we’re we’re 1% of the way

There 100K then I’ll make make merch now a cap and hat and a beanie oh we’re doing all of it oh wait I have two diamonds what am I thinking what am I not thinking that’s the question merch is awesome yeah especially Mine mine’s going to be so awesome I’m going to use

The the I’m going to use a cheap a cheap Chinese company to make all the shirts it’s going to cost like seven cents a shirt and I’m going to sell it for 50 bucks for just a plain black T-shirt with like a little like logo of a bread

Person ow ow that hurt that hurts his bed his bed’s broken uhoh that’s not good that’s not good oh not even close uh uh-oh don’t worry about me y oh no yellow don’t worry about me don’t worry about me don’t worry about me don’t worry about me don’t worry about me not even

Close why does everyone have I’m out of wool I’m not out of wool oh I almost clutched that bro I was sweating that round I was sweating that round you had that the is going to named Lucid fever dreams yeah lucd do you think we can win if so

We can lift your spirits and actually win something wait only remember that I have to make you pink slippers what else for the the skin or like for Merch what are we talking about here I don’t I’m so lost also that was uncalled for grite it it was

Funny it was funny I liked it but still mean but thank you for that message that was funny am I concerned about the person named H fall we in my Discord slightly for the Skins draw what you want you know we got the pink pink slippers caters ma dress I don’t

Know I’m just thinking oh oh tail tail we need like we need a fox tail I just thinking of like all the stereotypes of like people that have like oh yeah Lu oh him okay I probably should not be saying that word I don’t want to get another

Strike you know I will One V one you with inverted controls and still win you know I can I can I can kill him him on three hearts oh never mind easy on Hypixel on whatever you want I might not win you on I might not

Beat you on Hypixel I kind of suck at these duels like modern PVP I mean just the PVP or you just click fast I’m no point with that PVP yeah let me just waste some more real fast make him think I’m coming up when in reality I’m not I’m

Hiding at the back door what is this guy trying to do what is he hoping to accomplish here ah dang it I can’t outsmart him that way nope some classic dels okay Bet where’s my music yes video I am watching you can’t make Tails that’s probably good just copy one you

Know uh uh uh duels du just duel classic duels I can’t invite you to a duel why is your name so hard for me to type out oh they’re not online you’re not online but it says you’re not online are you sent a party request is that you no no you have like

The actual green eye I’m I’m waiting for you to send me a request oh I fell ready Oh wrong account I see is it is it the you have to okay send me send me one again I’ll just I’ll just accept first request I see and while I’m doing I’m going to Du

These people going to the lies of lucid Studios uhoh uhoh uhoh I’m level 50 okay let me third party this oh oh oh combo combo combo yeah I should steal both of those skills what the sense of epicness welcome back clasp I fell oh wait I should probably

Be checking chat is it that one is it that one I’m built different five kill streak too Ohou jees oh that is you I see okay except oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap don’t even touch me bro oh I died you’re going to make a non-existent war with epic well if you make it not then it’ll become

Existing yeah you can’t touch me okay he can touch me you’re fine uh oh this guy’s poo oh that says POG never mind I mean he is poo I guess still oh oh oh okay let’s see how this goes let’s see if I can remember how to actually use a fishing

Rod easiest win of my life play again that was that honestly I’m cracked I’m kind of cracked you think yeah you it did but that just got me my easiest win ever uh let’s see dang there’s nobody here oh okay we’re back guys should get a Min men and

Each other what is min men oh okay wait why you over my skin wait wait imposter that was pretty good that was pretty good of me I think I see how it you put my skin on that’s what you were doing your game didn’t crash you just changing your skin

It took me a minute to like realize that I’m like wait a minute wait a minute I do like it yeah wait indeed yeah like take off your armor oh won’t let you never mind that is my skin that is me made him stop to talk maybe I’ll get a my too

You know what bow kill oh I’m out of arrows never mind fist kill oh oh oh that’s embarrassing for you oh uhoh uh dang I had the good combo though you saw that I need to use Rod more but did you see that combo that that last combo was insane

Was cracked dare I say oh oh there’s people here don’t mind if I just swoop in real fast I killed him in midair there we go if you’re happy and you know I clap your hands surprise I boosted him 2v one 2 one win I died okay never mind

I like how I hate how your skin is so go what is what’s so goofy about my skin it’s just got my face and a suit with a red tie oh Sumo I’m so ready for this I’m lying I’m not ready for this okay Auto clicker

On oh what the heck what did you do to it what did you do to it what is that what is that what is what did you do to it what what what what what what’s wrong what what you got like the golden buttons o we’re rematching

This well you can make it better I made it years ago so okay oh oh oh oh oh oh okay okay s tap s tap s tap s tap s tap s oh oh oh oh I’m about to do you in my skin does look Goofy from like a third

I’ve never fought myself before what okay what did you do with the skin though oh oh I don’t even I don’t I don’t don’t even touch the ground none of us are moving what is up with this oh there we go there my fingers are getting tired oh oh

Oh oh my gosh that was a good game holy crap that was intense that was intense absolutely intense mate I proved you wrong what did I prove you wrong about also okay no no fight no fight no fight peace I want peace just for a

Second I want to see the skin and up close I want to see this I want to see this you put pantaloons on it why am I wearing pantaloons I do like the addition of the gold buttons but what’s with the pantaloons nice this is a good skin this is a good

Skin I like you anyways [Laughter] bye I like he just put pantaloons on my guy I can’t believe that have fun hunting Chinese tank out his gas you want to go bro right now right now me and you right here oh he just got warped away someone

Please I I used to like Family Guy it’s been a minute since I’ve watched it but yeah I like Family Guy you’re watching Family Guy right now heck yeah why my shoes so goofy I can’t do shoes it’s okay you just get rid of them put pink slippers

On you want to go to bed sure okay now I need to do part leave SLP no I’m kidding a lot of sweps on that server I Can’t Sweat though I suck at sweating like that you could just do a tail like I I don’t know why forced for

Doubles we have to win now oh also they know we’re on a team they know we’re in a party considering the fact we’ve matching skins there there we go got a screeny I got a screeny with myself guys this is incredible I’m going to frame the screeny and put it on my

Wall yeah that’s not suspicious at all that the fact we’re on the same team that’s so cute okay whatever okay I see how it is I’m level 111 okay now we have to win I’m level 11 uhhuh sure there we go I don’t have enough iron okay I’ll you defend the bed I’ll go do the fun stuff I don’t have enough wool to get there wait I might actually no no way not even close not even close oh yeah see told you I’m ready to see the skin whenever you’re ready

Sin I’ll wear I’ll wear it for the rest of Eternity also also known as for the rest of the stream this generator is so painfully slow so slow in fact I’m turning on shaders man chill no I’m not going to okay no I’m I’m messing around I’m just

Thinking of things to say take your time with it go slow or fast as you want I don’t care you can’t speeduns you did speedrun that video like like crazy I will I will lie I mean I will not lie I will lie you did speed

Run that here I’ll get an axe you you you bridge I’ll get an axe American dag heck yeah two two two give me two please please please what oh two there we go we’re good Don’t Mind If I Do aha you’re waiting what a good teammate got

Him oh crap they have endstone okay uh slight technical difficulties slight technical difficulties why do you not have armor on what’s up with that okay slight technical difficulties protect me you have to keep me alive for long enough to break this andone with my fist oh oh so close so close easy first

Try not even close where is your armor yeah not yeah oh I just touched i t I tapped him once where’s his teammate ah there’s his teammate come here teammate okay okay that wasn’t a bad yeah let’s go okay now let’s rush them you guys saw that you saw that block clutch you’re

Still sitting upst stream holy crap it’s a lot a lot of setup oh their bed’s broken oh no it’s not Hello that was weird I I don’t I don’t know what the heck happened you’re going to have purple socks all righty then I’ll take the purple socks I’ll take

Whatever you put on my character I guess oh crap oh crap no no I just I just put all my I just lost 18 gold I’m so mad I was about to buy iron armor the second I took the gold out of my chest I got jumped this is a

Scam absolute scam where why why are you missing half your armor can you like take it off how did you do that you I am a scam you are a scam guess so I need I need payback on green for that okay this guy has much better gear

That that is my iron armor he has oh wait crap I don’t want to you guess how we have to time out scams I see I see I’ll blame it on the Ping slash ping oh I can’t do SL ping what’s my ping I don’t know my ping

Okay get out of here bro get out of here I don’t want to see it I don’t want I don’t want to hear it I don’t want to hear it yeah see that you hit me once our ping is okay I’m sure it I don’t know why I checked I’m like oh you

Have my ping right this very second you can make your skin look simpler cuz honestly it looks better you have the creative freedom do what the heck you want don’t make it inappropriate though of course other than that you can do quite literally anything to it I haven’t even been life for that

Long I cannot believe this this travesty there I say not even going to need to Flawless this guy again oh you bet you oh crap I did I just got I just got Bamboozled guys I just got bamboozled Boozled did he fall where did he go where did he go

What I’m using uh for Cherry whatever the heck that where did he go I’m so confused did he like bow him off or something what does anyone know where I’m boggled right now I’m so confused okay let’s get let’s get some tools actually and break Green’s bread

Finally that was not enough iron there we go that’s enough there we go oh they’re going to try to rush from mid I see how it is okay uh you fell into the void imagine wait you you fell for that you fell for that bro skill isue huh

Huh that was kind of a clutch clutch if I don’t say so myself oh okay well now this is life or die block it I’m dead use Batman texture pack but why I don’t want to that could be a funny video actually you guys like every time I die I change texture

Packs is there a Batman texture pack Batman texture pack I mean kind of nice why you said every single you missed you missed the generator wait second I forgot I I had to like stop or like say words to actually be a good streamer I forgot I have to actually

Talk our bed’s indestructible now indestructible where did you go oh you you fell you made it far you made it far that’s fine still setting up stream holy crap what what takes it so long like half the map isn’t loaded in why why why what that’s not very nice

Of them I’m out of wool almost there we go we’re good don’t use Batman texture pack it’s a n glitch is it it’s not known to me also maybe it’s not a good idea to have you guys suggest random texture packs then maybe if I find like a nice trustable

Like website like a texture pack website how much you earn 0 0 cents zero pennies that’s the same thing of cents cuz I am not yet monetized yippe Yipp I fell bro make zilch yep and then once I do that I’m gonna get like like a scent a day f3t okay I did it it I bought endstone so I guess I didn’t mean to buy endstone crap guys you know what this is a blessing in a

Disguise bro is going to get monetized and make a million billion dollars I’m not even joking I’d be happy with like 10 bucks a year cuz that’s 10 bucks a year I get playing Minecraft and other games you guys you guys get the idea it’s actually not because of Subs

The uh the way you get paid is purely it’s just how many views you get oh uh they’re both here 2v one a okay well now I have to fight them this iron sword hurts they’re kind of bad at this game not going to lie okay I got one of

Them I get like 300 views a day so that’s I don’t know cuz it it all depends on like your you’ll Super Chat $10 oh heck yeah yeah honestly I’m going to be making so much money more money from Super chats than I am from uh uh uh

Like ad Revenue you have to go for a bit you st on stream I appreciate it watch hours just everyone get on all your alts share it with all your friends I was about to say they suck at fireballing but they got me so they don’t suck that

Much yeah we need to like get on all your all have all your alts watch the stream all your friends watch the stream even if they don’t watch it just have them turn it on and put it on the background just anything we can do to

Get watch hours got like f why do you have so many alts okay let’s actually kill these guys oh he has a funny he’s a he’s an office username I was holding shift your all is already in here let’s go you own three different iPads okay that’s a little bit understandable I

Guess I mean I guess so hey I’m not complaining I’m not complaining the more watch hours for me the more watch hours I get so what is our defense even I don’t even have a pickaxe maybe it’s it’s it’s just a blessing in disguise totally not sinal yeah I know

You guys just happen to have the same profile picture you can watch your little bro’s iPad do it what if you get 12 alts don’t subscribe on the alts cuz then the YouTube’s going to think I’m Bing but just just get every just W have them watch everything two to three estimated

Monthly earnings yeah so it’s probably around there it depends on like different channels oh that’s probably not good so like gaming channels don’t get as much as like like I ionically enough like YouTube like uh like it depends on what you do on YouTube that depends on how much you get like per

Click okay Uh okay uh this is probably not good I should have brought TNT what was I thinking okay distract him I’ll I’ll I’ll get this guy no no I’m crazy with okay I died what if you time out yourself what if you time out yourself so I think for like gaming

Channels it’s like like $3 per thousand views so I don’t I don’t know honestly it’s it’s kind of impossible to like tell until you like actually get monetized and YouTube tells you skin change question mark no I mean you still got the only fans capap is wait a minute wait a

Minute you crashed yourself opening it also guys I need I need I need your thoughts you are going crazy but that’s okay I need your thoughts on the new profile picture I woke up still half asleep I need like let’s see I’m at 1,000 I need 1,000 okay I have

1,300 watch hours right now you need 3,000 to be able to get like super chats and you need 4,000 to get like ad Revenue so I need more and actually I have 300,000 views I just privated half the videos like the the vast majority yeah we’re halfway there

Although I did the math ear earlier the stream and if I stream every single day uh it’s going to take me like 100 I think it said 130 days to get get monetized but I wanted I want I’m not I’m not putting ads on this you

Guys joking me if I made like good like worthwhile content then I would I I got one of them like if I made good content maybe I’d put ads on it but ain’t no way a poople are they’re inside our bed maybe they’re not inside our bed I

Don’t know put ads on the vods channel yeah I’ll do that you need money if the vods get channel gets monetized I I’ll share the earnings with you and anyone else who edits a stream for the vod’s channel okay let’s let’s get revenge even though I’m 11% gonna

Die H actually I’m going to go to Mid 100% just mean you yeah yeah uh let me just turn off my shaders real fast that took me way too long to figure out yay okay now let’s go to Mid let’s get oh that’s not good why do you have sharpness my friend friend

What okay that’s sad we’ve gotten one subscriber from the stream let’s go easiest win of my life life Cycle you’re going now have a good one do fun have fun doing whatever you’re doing who is what is that even supposed to be means cold what means cold excuse me excuse me I bought endstone I bought end okay I’ll remember I’ll remember I will do a

Remembrance you got to put your sub oh my sub counts off what the oh it is oh I bought it when I bought the slier I turned it off and I bought the slipper so I didn’t like leak part of my address or anything there we

Go we’re good we’re good we’re good as Gold now let me get some diamonds oh let’s see if I can’t beat Green to it yeah I can’t be gting green to it I know I got two subs from the stream honestly a sub is a sub so that that’s a win I don’t even need subs right now I

Need watch hours that’s why you guys is doing right now I’m bridging with edstone I don’t even care anymore they’re just going to think we’re Super Rich I’m out of wool okay okay well oh they can’t blow up our bridge at least oh that’s not good thank you my good

Sir oh he broke their bed that’s funny get Comboed get comboed I didn’t even combo him I just punched him once yay he went ahead and did it I did it what do you think of the profile picture scale from one to drip how drippy is it there we go let’s get yellow real

Fast let’s try to get yellow real fast I guess I should say yell I here oh easy 100 out of 10 let’s go you’re playing South Park game and fighting stripper whoa it says yeah you oh how did I teleport down like okay I don’t know okay and now now what we’re the

Purpose of today’s stream we just need to get as much change my profile picture to Batman I’m good you see I would but Batman’s just like it’s not on brand even a little bit I know this is my brand now permanent I don’t know about permanent L but this is my

Brand how did I fall off I don’t not like Batman it’s just it’s just random it doesn’t make sense for me to have a Batman profile picture like I’m a like on charms S&P I’m a bread farmer so that makes sense and oh okay

Uh I got one of them I got one of them oh okay 2v one easy oh run away bro we placed down like six different TNTs oh thank you thank you uh iron armor okay it’s us and aqua let’s go get Aqua then actually here let’s stop and get

Diamonds real fast yeah you know what I’m you know what we’re doing going to leave and close all nine your alss no actually hold up how much does it say how many people does it say I have watching eight okay eight is respectable I Tab out for two seconds

And you die it’s okay I’ll carry you I’ll Carry wait what do you mean later in the Stream oh when you continues Fe this a fathom uh that’ll be another stream probably dang s’s gone far okay watch me carry this oh I’m crit no way I just had the crazy clutch of my life and then I walked off the Edge what what I can’t believe I did that I can’t believe I did that to have a clutch like that and then to just IM I I I spay BR I spe bridged one block I’m sad good luck on your first game says uh says that guy 10

People so that means for every one second you guys watch I got 10 seconds of watch time we’re going to get monetized in no time you know we just got to keep sharing the stream you know just share your stream with all your friends tell

Them to put on all their alts and then show them to share it with all their friends and put it on all their alts we’re just going to get like 76,000 people watching it’ll be good it’ll be good you guys don’t even have to like endure my content just just you know

Just like just put it on mute it watch YouTube watch Netflix watch something better than me you did earlier let’s go one of these days I’m going to get another subscriber one of these days it’s cuz they they’re red income oh I should have I should have been looking at chat

More well let me just like oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap way to combo me bro I see how it is I see how it it where is teleporter I just need to look for my there we go okay I’ll be a lookout for you a

Delay to look at oh Red’s coming Red’s coming oh and Green’s coming you’re dead easy easy dub okay now run run run run run oh oh they didn’t take knock back they didn’t take no knock back that’s sad that was a good one kill though it’s nothing compared to my

Awesome I I don’t know I don’t Know play Bad Pig Piggies funk I need to be doing something cool for the Bad Piggies Funk this isn’t cool enough for that I just dropped my gold I will Bridge the diamond first try though and I will read all your chat messages as I’m doing it I fell don’t

Play funk it kind of stinks f is good bro don’t you love how I just had that at the ready I was ready for someone to say that so I could just you know do ever just or oh why did it start pausing my other music what

The that doesn’t sound good what’s with the TNT bro really red that’s cringe that is cringe of red okay please don’t die I’ll protect you with my life okay this guy’s level 99 anyone level anyone higher than level two I’m scared of let’s go to Diamond uh Diamond bridge is not finished

That’s okay we’re good we’re good okay now we’ll make our stand here at Gettysburg okay they’re both here they seem very uh good at this game I I just completely left you I’m sorry I complet no way you made it I’m I’m dead I’m dead play of the day play of the day

Much okay now let’s go green we need we need to go green um we don’t talk about that okay that first play was good though first play was good you uh you should not believe in me it’s sideways but oh my God gosh it’s epic bro it hurts my neck to look at

It’s too late to turn back I I I just died I’m just gone what is this meme oh I see okay oh wait you’re still alive let’s go I should have more faith in you I really should where oh you died never mind the second I said I should have more faith

Than you you died but that’s okay cuz you lasted longer than I did yeah where’s my music music thank you there we go we’re good okay I need to win another round win we’ve played 14 games not won a single one we can do this

By that I mean you can do this I need to get carried by someone that’s actual good at the game I I punched him in the face with my fist that so that worth it worth it hey look that we’re the same level how funny is

That I’m stuck I’m not stuck here I don’t have anything I just I just killed him all of just pure range if this is 1.9 PVP you’d slam for real for real for real oh yeah know me too uh let me take this real fast and

I’m going to jump him let’s see what is their bed defense oh yeah now let’s go get him no he missed his jump that has got to be embarrassing for him oh oh uh oh get boxed like a fish I how I got launched so far I got launched into the moon and

Back just scroll down your channel did I finish did you did I finish don’t start get how how many month that was almost two years ago bro I Believe in Us I Believe in Us too how long ago was Don’t Starve Together Don’t Starve Together part

Two first off 19 views that video popped off I say sarcas that was uploaded June 20th of 2022 so I guess it’s been like a year and a half but still June 20th of 2022 no I’m I’m almost done with the episode guys I promise definitely didn’t forget that that thing

Existed also I probably wouldn’t watch that it’s it’s not good don’t watch any of my old videos they’re all just complete garbage I don’t know why anyone watched it I don’t know why people watch me now it’s still complete garbage complete poo poo garbage but baby poo poo bad oh shoot oh

Shoot oh okay how did I die I don’t I don’t like this game anymore guys I don’t like this game anymore I should not have died there like even if he hit me twice I didn’t I didn’t fall that far did I no okay I kind of want to just kill him

Okay don’t worry about me don’t pay any mines to me do they are they not expecting me to retaliate yeah break their bed break their bed break their bed break the oh okay I guess go for that guy then oh you’re the distraction I see oh why my w key not

Working don’t even touch me don’t even touch me oh the other guy’s here the other guy’s here the other guy’s here why is red down here that oh what the heck did I just do friends interesting okay how long have I been live 214 okay I see here I see

Guys I need a catch phrase I had a catchphrase at one point it was oh yeah English is hard that was my catchphrase I I don’t know about it now I don’t know what what what should it it’s why they call me the best new cat why do they that’s why they

Call me the best uhhuh you ready for this what you guys are about to see is a is red needs red has no chill it’s why they call me the best look it always dies Luci blade uh-oh he missed me what is their bed defense already what the no I’m bad how

Okay that other one would be more on point Lucid always dies ouch you know what I think I think I might end stream pretty soon so I can get other stuff done bedwars with Bas boosted sound is hilarious that’s why they call you the bed that’s that’s pretty funny do I stream every

Day sometimes most times I do like three four times a week it’s kind of random like there’ll be like one week where I don’t stream all week long and then the next week I’ll stream six out of the seven days so it’s kind of random but I

Feel like you normally do like 3 to four days a week most times most of the time it’s like 7 MST like 6:00 MST like afternoon MST time but other days like this I’m doing it earlier I should do a stream where I don’t end it for multiple days and we

Just get alts we should I’m thinking I’m thinking you know what here this you know what I’m thinking I’m thinking I’ve got a hammock right there I just forget to end stream one night you know forget to end stream fall asleep in the hammock you know picking up what I’m putting down

Where is bread it’s on my bed right now I slept with bread okay that sounds weird do it I don’t know I’m kind of afraid I’d like I’m kind of like I don’t think I talk my sleep but I’m afraid I do and I’m going to figure out once I will

Actually do a live like of me sleeping also I don’t know why anyone would watch that I don’t know just me just me how did he hit me how did you hit me like that how did you hit me like that a dang it I almost got a 2v

One this is a sad day for me and everyone else you want it I mean I guess so that’s fair I would get I would get watch hours from that and that’s the problem cuz like normally I wouldn’t but at the same time I’m desperate for watch hours oh yeah

Cuz cuz lwig is lwig guys I’m just some guy oh I got one of them yeah lwi El was like 4 million subscribers I have like a thousand that was kind of cool I got shot way up into the air and then I just kind of like you know just clutched right there

Oh we didn’t get yellow dang don’t worry about me don’t worry about me they’re worrying about me I said don’t worry about me I mean he’s got 11 I think and 1.5 11 million no he’s like four wait what am I just insane hold on it’s funny we’re talking about L week

Because this is L week’s playlist that I use for streaming music lwig No okay he has 5 and a half million and then like one and a half on Mogul mail that’s what I’m hoping for just one video that’ll do really well the only problem with that is I need to make a good video to have a video do really

Well and then I need like a good idea you know just just the normal stuff how did I only lose half a heart from that he hit me so oh was he using like a knockback stick I should just really just team is there guy this

Bed if you if you you should bring TNT over here play the ABC’s a b c d e f g h i j k click is Dead and his teammate uh TNT TNT TNT TNT TNT how did I die how did how did I die okay I’m bringing TNT this time I and this is going to be the time they like I’m going to struggle getting all over to their base okay you’re going to have to take

One for the team I don’t want to lose this TNT cuz it’s TNT naturally yeah okay one more one more clutch oh clutch I don’t like this song though broken bed they killed me but I got the bed dang I’m kind of popping off with these clutches today not going to

Lie I need someone to make a montage of just Lucid block clutching every single bedar stream ever you need to watch through every single second of every single bed War stream I’ve ever done in my entire YouTube career okay now let’s see if I can’t just 2v one these guys just for the

Memes ferocious clicking okay I got one of them at least I will take the one of them as sunzo once said I bring TT no one buys plast roof glass word for word that is the exact quote I’m surprised you have that one memorized not very many people know that about that

One oh what the poop like 90% done what takes you so what type of stream is this are you like painting the Mona Lisa recreating the Mona Lisa what is this paint what is the stream I should get iron armor actually second thought okay let me get green too

I mean yellow whatever color the other team is yeah just camping with a fireball they’re not even looking I mean they’re an F5 probably easy recreating the Mona Lisa that would be W uh stream idea if I knew how to thir times to charm knew how to paint I’m not the greatest painter

Not even close I’m more of a artist you know like a like a musical artist this a cooking stream I am doing one of those eventually one day one day one someday one day and a who’s been here s uh I don’t know if they’re good or not

So I don’t know if I could wait we already have diamonds what am I talk what am I doing okay they look oh wait someone fell okay I need to wait for them to leave the second they leave I go for it I almost missed that jump oh you’re not dead let’s

Go all man I know you weren’t dead of course I oh shoot oh shoot oh oh I died dang when you see a comment think back like 15 seconds ago when the delay catches up here I’ll just read your guys’ mind and then answer your question the second you answer it so you

Don’t have to wait for like the stream delay how does that sound does that sound W where is you oh hey you got this you got this bro I’ll just watch you very oh that was not very nice of you Aqua afflac you got this all hail mikoo what who is what is mikiko I don’t what is M heck yeah you did throw that straight

Through my ghost body but that’s fine it’s for a good cause okay they’re coming they’re getting closer oh they’re thinking about it they have a red paint on their shoulder you just hit me with you you got to watch where you’re throwing those things bro you hit me twice

Nice who is m m i wonder just get my Rubik card and reboot that was a dumb joke I’m sorry I’ll just let myself out bread will finish off the stream oh oh okay oh punch him trying to go fulltime on YouTube you have the person thank you I appreciate

It do you know what’s funny the ACT reason I the reason I started YouTube is so I could like not I I was never expecting like get any subscribers or any viewers I I was just doing it so I to learn how to edit videos which is kind of ironic now that

The fact that I like rarely well okay I do edit a lot of videos most of them for other projects though most of the time I spend I spend my time streaming and less of it editing which is kind of funny but I appreciate it oh epic epic

Showdown okay now this epic oh combo combo epic combo bro okay now it’s a one V one okay it’s just gray base where is gray base on the other side of the freaking map good to know you got this you can clutch up and

Get the win for me so I can get carried this is me getting carried right now this is what list looks like I forgot this was Duos okay it’s a 2v one this is a little less hard for you I mean a little more little harder

For you but you got this com brro yeah let’s see let me see here I’ll tell you I’ll tell you when I see oh uh uh that right there person person yeah you see them yeah okay maybe you can do oh oh it was a valiant effort valant effort oh they have

The one that was a good game though oh Big Stretch okay okay 18 games I just want how many games are you going for uh until I win or until I get bored and then I’ll end stream that’s how this goes until I win or until for us talking to someone in the

Future you for you talking to the people in the past think about that that is far too deep for me to even start to comprehend and how are you doing King boom bam wait King boom bam one I did say that right play the new snapshot y good idea wait well

H that is not a bad idea just a hardcore series not a it would be a hardcore stream cuz I’m 100% dying 110% dying there we go I’m sweating this game so hard right now guys what was that what was that block tower I did curious I see I see huh British

Idiot that’s a good Username I want that username now give it to me where are they in the TBL list you got British idiot red time and they have like they actually paid for oh Green’s Bed is Dead Yo no I must oh oh oh I must oh that guy was AFK I just got why he’s doing that that’s my bad he probably thinks I’m a jerk that’s sad um okay I’m also being rushed right now by someone who’s seems like very good at the game Nate donut

You don’t you don’t seem like you’re level your your movement is just not okay I did combo them but they seem scary actually scary not really okay I can’t fall speed bridging my Ben’s broken I cannot fall doing this cuz if I do that would be a shame and a half you

Know if you get what I’m saying still setting it up one of these days one of these centuries one of these days you’ll you’ll get you’ll get it St up okay they they’re probably coming back to me yeah looks like they are let me buy there we

Go okay it’s the same guy I comboed him last time oh he’s got the gapple too what was that Strat what was that okay jeez Louise you know guys I think I am going to do the new the I think I’m going to do it today I’m

Going to hop off Hypixel for the day I won one game Total One game out of like 30 but that was that was I had a few good clutches you know a few cool tricks and tricks something else that rhymes with tricks good games those were good games

Just all of them well okay some of of them were pretty not good but most of them were good games oh I’m not going to be able to use OptiFine that’s fine I can go one day without optify I promise I need to clear some of these up new installation latest snapshot

Create uh is it this one which one did I just make oh wait that’s why they call me the best yeah I don’t know wait what are what are the snapshots hatch notes pre pre pre-release 3 is there anything exciting wait no no not wait how do I get the yeah the Minecraft snapshot yeah not the pre-release the snapshot wait 23 I I think it’s probably that one snapshot snapshot that’s close enough play I think this is the right one I don’t actually know I’ll be

Honest I’m doing the snapshots now I’m going to try the snap it’s not that one oh well back for only a bit all righty then this better be a good bit then no it is wait 23 23 W4 46a where is it where is it yeah no 23 W

46a yeah it is you tried to trick me you Tred to trick me well let me play I doubt it but well can I play I can’t okay it’s wrong I want to look at like the new biome I’ll do do I I’ll do okay I’ll do

Creative I just want to look at the new biome what’s what’s it called again I forget does anyone know what this new thing is what snapshot is this one it’s this one what are they called again whoa look how different and unique it is guys okay let’s see where

H I’m going ghost mode for this guys give Lucid KN Vision infinite true one true there we go the pre-release has the armadillo I see but I want I want to do the the snapshot with like the new the new yeah slash structure I guess I could just

Look at cat spawn as block cat spawn in Dolphin located I have Ender M shift oh there’s so many the only problem is I don’t remember remember what it’s called I’ll just scroll through Monument ocean Pillager Ru portal shipwreck strongholds swamp ruins Village oh that’s all yeah like the the the copper chamber

Thingy it is in this one right right guys my oh I know I’m getting so little 30 uh there we go that should be better the trial chamber say locate and it’s a structure oh wait I don’t want POI structure Trail ruins is it is

It it shouldn’t I I I don’t know I’m going here this isn’t it oh wait no way wait a minute what is that oh that’s like the the the archaeology update bless you guys I’m going digging oh Berry treasure you’re never going to find this stuff in villain

Minecraft look at all the stuff I’m getting guys look at all this stuff but look how cool it is look at the random blocks SL locate POI and then and then what what what do I what am I locating oh what’s the new mob called what is the new mob called

Uh yeah but like the new mob that spawns inside the trail Chambers Minecraft meeting armadillo SL locate POI armor that’s not quite exactly what I wanted it’s the wrong snapshot is it though also it said there’s there’s an armor here okay wait a minute no we need to figure this out

Guys what is this it’s this one it shows the picture though is it this one changes BR re charge now break decorated watch quartz flowers it’s the pre-release 2 is it I I’ll try it I guess delete that one new installation BL pre-release 2 that’s the 1.2.3 oh you have to add

Experiments do you I have everything to the World menu oh okay I I should probably wait no uh this one what is this song I’m going to skip this one just because I can I want to see the world burn turning into the Joker today guys I

Guess uh that makes sense I see now so hopefully this is still the right snapshot no there we go experiments bundles on yeah on okay there we go we got it uh creative [ __ ] on okay go why isn’t it playing my song I want my song okay all I’m already liking

It okay turn experiments on I think slash locate stru structure trial Chambers it’s working oh we go down SL effect give Los is here night vision infinite one true there we go I should probably like go ghost mode so so I can whoa we got the trial spawner with okay

Okay what type of loot do we get so touch broken shield Diamond horse armor okay polished tough another another trial spawner wax chiseled copper packed ice I need to make a server for this version nothing’s spawning oh things are oh uh uh there’s husks everywhere give me some

Oh Diamond dang that’s that’s some good loot okay I got a shovel I got a god Apple efficiency three shovel is this the entire oh no there’s more we go down we go down oh okay this is fine whoa protection two Unbreaking two projectile projection five ouch ooh scaffolding that’ll be nice is

That a silver fish I here probably this is cool bamboo planks oh oh ouch don’t worry about me don’t worry about me I’m going to go up go ah where is that chest I just saw wait what oh I see now so I need to go right here Food dang okay also Shields got a buff you can directionally block things really I I’m I’m I’m just guessing what that means I don’t actually know oh this looks crazy oh yeah know this is not good for me oh what is that what is that this is fine F there we go

Shield how did he hit me what is that what is that oh what is that oh what is that oh what is that oh that’s the new move I need to get I need to get out of here I need to get out of here ouch hide oh yes

Safe was that chest yeah I already got that chest this is cool SL summon armadil is not summonable oh air yeah what am I doing I almost have a full set of gear already and slowness but okay I don’t know where I’ve this is a maze this is such a

Maze another Apple two God apples this is crazy okay I hear another one of those things I just did that chest that takes too long bats got remodeled oh they did oh oh don’t worry about me don’t worry about me don’t worry about me sorry about

Me let me summon a few bats real fast go down with how do they get up okay we’re safe we’re safe oh wait okay now we’re safe so I summon bat how guys I think I might be dumb okay now we’re safe oh look at the bats they’re

Cute the more players that are the more mobs spawn in the tri spawners oh that’s cool so it’s like really oh excuse me good sir that guy’s dead let me just I don’t want to die I don’t want to die I don’t I don’t want to die Soo much

To live for I need to remember I have that God Apple second God Apple okay I’m going to explore a little bit more wa these things are massive oh what’s that is that a dispenser with a a water bucket okay oh there’s a lot of dispensers oh wa

Um what’s in there oh loot J not okay we’re good fireballs oh there’s nothing in that one that’s a scam this is cool okay another Fireball another Fireball oh is that poison that is poison this is so chaotic if you get wait wait okay if you

Kill all the mobs in a TR spawner it gives you loot also Breeze can activate buttons you’re like like like wind so we got this whoa that goes deep if haven’t been in this room yet I got a full set of armor okay what uh protection protection protection okay

Aren’t these things supposed to be rare how have I gotten three God apples from this one area this is crazy okay water bucket snowballs uh gas charges this is crazy bro use the axe I have an axe I have an axe I knew that

Sub of the mreze okay okay let me go up here oh maybe s salmon Breeze ah it’s one of these guys okay we already seen these how hard are they to kill okay pry easy they’re kind of weak I see this is crazy okay okay so yeah there’s this like the big main

Whoa waa there’s more how big is this entire thing I haven’t even seen okay I I’ve been here is that another one there’s also autocrafters I saw that it’s far too smart for me to start to figure out how rare are these three diamonds excuse me sir excuse me sir how do I

Poison what if I just like what does that do what is this slowness okay I see how it is ow ow ow I’m getting beat up right now whoa they can like jump that’s cool that’s okay get me out of here okay we got that main like the main

R room oh there’s a tree I’m just going through like all the loot seeing all the loot Rip Tide another Shield what am I doing oh I’m deoxidizing it wait block waxed okay so this is waxed I’m un waxing it I guess honeycomb that’s cool honeycomb so that’s like the this I I

Have no idea you can add tools and stuff in the crafting menu for more durability really so you don’t have to use so you don’t have to use an anvil anymore yo that’s better than I have t AE I mean skeleton why am I always poisoned oh there’s another one of them

Half a heart not even close I almost just died I almost just died again get over here whoa whoa this is crazy whoa whoa get over here how am I poisoned again where is the poison coming from okay that’s enough of that that’s cool the skeletons of poison arrows well

That’s annoying okay it makes sense saying that out loud or hearing reading that but still that’s annoying oh excuse me sir Excuse excuse me okay I’m just going through all the chests let’s see all the loot we can get this is cool oh what I mean my inventory is almost full

Now I have one slot open but yeah I can get rid of those this is so cool guys holy crap also I love the L what are these called exposed copper bulb do I need a torch how do I torch no is that Redstone I don’t know that’s cool though

However the heck those work maybe they only turn on no cuz that’s what the Redstone repeaters for oh snow room oh that’s annoying oh that’s annoying oh help me out oh okay oh what’s up minor plane I should check out the server is it already

Online oh I fell oh the the snow the snow please let me go oh oh I’m in Creative uh T TCH so minor friends a minor friend minor plane is an IRL friend of mine and we have a a private Discord and he made an announcement saying he’s restarting

The hoodlums I don’t know if it’s called that still but if you guys some of you like true ogs might remember the the hoodlums okay what else is new with the new snapshot I think this is the only like new generation how how off how common are they cuz there’s one there there’s

This one uh the h is private so you guys wouldn’t be able to play on it diamonds how many though two oh just two okay that’s sad it had the voice yeah it did dang you do remember that good job it’s an early development that’s yeah that’s that’s that is fair that is

Fair okay okay I think they aren’t that rare cuz there was those two how hard is it going to find us another one what did I just say how is it going to find us another one how hard is it to find us another one I don’t

Know wait a minute what am I doing well what trial yeah oh Trail ruins what is that is it like a trail chamber except in Ruins you don’t suppose guys you know okay I think it’s up more or maybe it’s nothing okay that’s just normal Lush cave is it anywhere around

Here oh oh it’s just these okay say locate structure trial Chambers teleport me there you just want to them yeah okay I I thought it was called something else for some reason I I forgot that’s what it was called okay there’s only one thing to do have I been to this

One I can’t tell okay just one thing left to do this is scientific research let me just do some code some hacking some hacker code also that also known as the Phill command the very the oh wait no we have to see how the entire chamber disappeared you’re giving away free charms

No you know what we need to do this exciting we we need to do this the good way SL enchant loes here flame we have to see how blast proof everything is okay if my stream crashes we all know why I missed that’s embarrassing oh wait frames honestly my computer’s handling

This really well oh okay uh excuse me that is very loud oh let let me let me get out of here ah oh go let me let me through don’t log on I’ll just turn off the server again okay let’s just go over here just for a

Second don’t worry about it don’t worry about it you guys kept restarting it CU it was Hardcore and some random person joined yeah that sounds about right okay uh can confirm not blast proof my computer like handled that pretty dang well holy crap whoa and one more time just for good luck and

I’m going to log on to the hoodlums guys I’m actually you you guys probably don’t care but it’s exciting for me SL fill delete that just one more Lucid for hermitcraft the hoodlums is kind of like offbrand hermitcraft that that’s what uh that’s what it is there’s like no war okay

There is some War a little bit of War can I add world edit I I I I absolutely can will I probably not can’t I I do have the ability to though oh that’s it’s just lighting all them oh uh oh okay we got it interesting I love the very first thing

I do with the new snapshot is blow everything up okay that is so loud next n hoodlums ah about that hey minor are you still watching this wait what do you mean I should get on the server you said that right am I just I should check out the server yeah

What what’s the IP you didn’t put it in the Discord okay okay big loud boom now now ises that’s so much better are these blast proof I’m pretty sure these are blast proof yeah it’s okay probably the old one I don’t we found diamonds I need to get world over for

This Server so I can get rid of oh that’s kind of cool I’m GNA I don’t think I have the old IP that zombie is very unlucky he just so happened to be standing on the one block okay let me see if I can’t join the server let me see if it’s

Online B it’s for the win what version is it you’re making a cool thing on my server ah this is a do I still have it is it this one I don’t know no this is not it uh oh it’s the hood wait I just saw it lost era you don’t expose

Oh wait you don’t spose here let’s see what what is he doing on my server I only had slash vanish pretend I’m not here okay where is where is he there sheep in the middle of the ocean I’m so glad I have op to find back should I just do SL uh

Hey wait a minute you’re right here oh you’re building something intriguing what if I just like my bad my bad I did not mean to do that it was an accident all right I’m disconnecting I just minor level of trolling turn on turn the stream into

One of those YouTube swords with a Goofy Challenge and the goal is to find diamonds I hate the fact that you right okay survival world world type super flat oh super super flat okay remove remove remove presets bottomless pit that looks like fun oh now I don’t want to do that

I need I need a we need a good preset for this tunnel or Dream Water World Overworld snowy Kingdom desert Redstone ready what is this one standstone but what is what is the void air I don’t want to use a preset remove layer okay how do I snowy Kingdom maybe do desert but delete you know what you have a good point you’re right this won’t crash my computer even a little bit oh desert temple let’s go easy already there’s slimes oh wait there’s another oh there’s a village too there’s a desert temple behind me that

One’s probably little closer I don’t have cheats I don’t have cheats okay one one of these breaks I this entire world is over if this breaks dead that break’s dead that break’s dead I wonder what the this looks like no just make the whole thing diamond blocks ah don’t blow up don’t blow

Up don’t don’t blow up don’t oh wait what okay first off chill out skeleton boy wait what this is lame oh okay oh oh oh oh okay respawn what’s going to happen if I respawn this is 100% LD look at a dead plant I can my webcam lagging my everything is lagging right

Now H hello this is a single player this is a single player world why is this lagging okay I can’t I I’ve just broken the game I can’t do anything dig down but don’t break below you what oh oh I I I see something okay wait hold on how do I uh

Open the land cheats how how far do I go to the end of the world it’s the end of the world as we know it it’s the end well that’s oh oh oh it is slow why is there oh wait this the temple that’s why guys guys guys slash game roll tick speed

No oh it’s random random tix spe let’s do like a thousand 10,000 I don’t think that changes falling speed I love how to slow I’m I’m slowly getting more and more frames you’re depping me on my own server do it I’ll just ROP myself do SL tick freeze I don’t think

That Free Works no it doesn’t they they were using some sort of mod probably Essentials or something how do I stop this how do I stop this how do I stop this oh uh okay I’m placing blocks to my left apparently I just need to go up I just

Need to get out of here just go straight up just go okay 14 frames 20 30 frames 30 frames we’re oh five uh-oh two one uhoh zero we’ve done it we have zero frames guys I’m I’m trying to get out of oh okay look at that it’s somewhat comforting the fact that

The entire world is just slowly falling to death it’s enough of that world save and quit leave the world I wonder what mod they were using to do like the tick freeze cuz I I think I know what you guys are talking about see what else can I do super flat remove remove

Remove now how do I add a layer we need Lucid YouTube shorts I do make some YouTube shorts Minecraft TNT use preset no I I want TNT I I feel like I should be able to figure this out okay classic flat tunnel Dream Water World Overworld how I don’t want to use

A preset how do I make my own just TNT oh figured it out done how many layers are there one good to know I’m in survival again this is probably fine right I mean what’s the Worst That Could Happen okay I need to speedrun uh somehow let’s see I need to speedrun

Uh lighting the blowing up the world I have just the plan for that you know let me just spliff this cat real fast get sped cat get sped baby baby I’m sping these guys okay I need to find another Village Pronto I need to find one with the

Blacksmith I think you guys know exactly what I’m doing Dodge and weave ouch you know just for that I got him do experiments on all of it then oh so wait really okay let me let me disconnect just for a second single player world edit optimize World backup folder make

Backup okay I think I have to remake the world real fast let me do that create world world super flat delete delete delete TNT use preset done more experiments bundle game rolles command change size limit modification update fire Vine spread Universal anger neutral mobs attack any nearby player not just the

Player that that angered them Works bet if okay I like I like Universal anger now go on go flat world so just just just super flat data packs experiments respawn immediately oh go on a flat world oh okay default oh default like okay I’m so default

World no flat world this is the this is a flat world yeah this is this is this is my long uh world’s longest YouTube short I’m so confused I’ve been live for like 3 hours that’s 3 hours too long oh yep 3 hours 17 minutes yep yep I’m serious default okay default there

We have single biome default super flat large biome Amplified single biome default but default is just a normal world that is what you that that is what you get when you don’t change Anything default world and then experiments all on this is the only experiment this is the only one and it’s bundles there’s nothing else here you know what oh crap TNT cheats on go into default World there how do I change experiments from here oh crap um um I got Monster

Hunter oh you meant go on their pre-release I love how I’m averaging like 7 12 16 here I’ll be right right back guys you can watch this why am I getting 500 frames Ian I guess there’s like just one layer okay TPS is not doing well 2000 okay server normal TPS is 20

It is at 2,400 right now which is insane like I think TPS is ticks per second oh no no oh I’ll save you oh I fell I did one video where I’m like okay the video ends when I fall and I just spr speed bridged and then I fell and

Then I died and that was the video how far can I go how far can I go it took a long time for me to get stone age a achievement you know what we still can’t get Minecraft to crash what’s what’s up with that I have an idea though delete

Yes create New World well get rid of all these layers I just need multiple of TNT TNT okay TNT can I like change no TNT use preset okay I’m it’s this is giving me a the nanism TNT use preset now how do I change the height presets TNT I can only do one

Layer here you know I’m going to figure this out TNT TNT 10 use reset put three tnt3 oh like asterisk 3 No tntor 5 okay let’s see Minecraft Bedrock two asteris comma two okay okay we got TNT five asteris oh and you need a comma there oh dang

Wait okay MRA Bedrock D2 Minecraft dirt oh put it before I see two asteris Minecraft TT y we figured it out now I just need to do that for like like let’s do five not 255 we did it you know what survival slash all right I I didn’t have cheats

On okay no survival mode SL weather Thunder let’s see how long I last why is okay Sun’s moving sther Rain video settings performance do I have rain off details rain snow default oh wait why is it not raining how is it not oh yeah my camera’s bugging out oh crap

I’m comboing the Slime just just just pretend you’re see my mouth fluently moving I’m going to die to the Slime I killed the slime with my Fist is it like doing the glitch thing oh it’s doing that thing do you know how we fix it that’s how this is not my first face to stream in a hot minute cuz I have a stupid webcam and it’s stupid and it’s stupid stupid and dumb and stupid okay why wouldn’t SL

Thunder why would it rain I have weather turned on SL game roll TT uh kill me now I died kill me now I’ll just draw a picture like this I got we got the two eyes and I need to do one like right here right here yay huh

Interesting well like it won’t let me change the weather thunder so I summon okay next best thing no ah a that worked a little bit better oh my gosh oh okay switch to creative mode oh it’s thinking about it switch to creative mode before I die

Please oh shoot oh I just got DM I just got dmed oh wait wait wait Al four or F3 hold C crash Crush Minecraft crash Minecraft okay fine alt f4 it’s faster L yo we got the new IP okay I was planning on ending stream Pretty decently soon but I guess not

Now did it crash start anyway I don’t care close Okay we broke Minecraft guys I’m playing on homs let’s go I got damned the the the Code okay multiplayer add server let me not dox the server within the first day my webcam working probably not oh oh I was waiting to see if it it would pop up on there I was about to press it okay so let me move you to

Here that still works I’m I’m dumb guys I’m dumb okay now you guys cannot see it done we have it we have it are you guys ready to rumble cuz I’m not you’re back only for a bit good to know oh new huls oh it’s it’s 2 okay I see how it

Is that way to ruin my big moment I was so excited I was so excited for playing but I have to switch to 1.9.2 and I don’t have OptiFine downloaded for that version so I’m just going to use lunar let’s go I don’t know what this music is

I you’ll be back in 10 to 20 minutes oky dois let’s see this world spawn let’s see this world spawn this is the moment this is the moment yo you guys can see chat pretend I’m okay first off lighting’s all weird play music please thank you what

Would be so funny I swear if you say if you if you one second I need to fix zoom zoom no wrong letter there we go people people okay I need to get do it would be funny if I took over the server I’m 100% taking over the

Server I’m 110% taking over the server what about voice chat it it’s not enabled right now well that might be enabled later or maybe never who knows let me turny on Mini map actually mini map look at that I have a mini map now wonder if it’ll show other people

That’d be kind of broken if it does let me get some stuff oh three yeah okay slowest crafting ever I’m just going to kill onsite honestly that’s that’s what I’m feeling right now is just kill on site oh no this is this is just just my friends this is just private like just

People I know IRL welcome back man a lot of you guys don’t know how special this is from E lyrical Blaker breaker flipped o breaks break uh C cave I’m going there going to steal whatever the heck that is in that the thing so sad yeah so me and a bunch of

My friends for years and years they had we had a a Minecraft Ser a private Minecraft server and we called it the hoodlums and I did like two streams on that and then it died forever and it’s been dead for like three years now I think okay maybe it’s been it’s been

Dead for like two years and now it’s back look that’s that’s Minor’s head okay he’s already been theft from apparently okay it looks like he claims this area there’s a nice little village over there don’t mind if I do let me fix this

So you tell me if if if you meet me I don’t know I don’t know like we have to be friends IRL you know you done setting up your stream congrats that took like what two hours easy easiest stream easiest 2hour stream setup of your life do I like I don’t

Okay this is almost vanilla the only thing thing that’s not van vanilla about this is the fact that you can like get heads and stuff people deserve chances IRL but you have my server my my crappy server that I that is kind of dead right

Now you have that that you have that you have that oh some o someone’s been here I wonder how big the border is it’s probably massive people kill on site guys kill on site oh toi oh my gosh it has been years since I played with him in

Minecraft no way I doubt he’s watching my stream right now so he has no idea I’m here oh okay he just heard the Noise uzzi Okay he does have better gear than I do which is no it’s been eight oh he’s also on how are you [Applause]

Doing I could probably kill him it has been ages since he’s logged on I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know he’s been good I assume he’s he’s good heck yeah okay now I’m gonna go grind don’t mind me don’t mind me this

Will throw me off with the mini map yeah he looks cool look at his dumb face I’m kidding he doesn’t have a dumb face Food okay I need to grind I’m I’m going to be grinding this for the the next few hours I guess I don’t know I was not expecting I was I was actually expecting to end stream like now I’m already bread farming I’m it’s it it’s a habit what can I say o

Blacksmith what can I say guys it is a habit is that okay guarantee it’s already been looted maybe yeah okay yeah I thought I was going to end bed I thought I was going to end it too but here we are not ended I beat CBS to crafting uh CD place okay

Why there we go let’s see um oh excuse me cave is that a good C I don’t think that’s a good cave though is it H smooth lighting keeps turning off what how do I how do I quality light smooth Lighting on yeah there we go apply oh that’s better that’s so much better you’re like I don’t even you do it stream bro you spent two hours setting it up I mean do what you want but that’s

What I would do you’re going to chill and you play Minecraft heck yeah let’s see it’s 3:00 right now how much time could I possibly spend before I get absolutely murdered put in chat server address what no no no no no I can’t I wish I could we

We have that’s why we have my my server fish Bakery 69 I don’t recognize you I don’t recognize them howdy says I what’s their skin they’ve got a fish skin okay there we go look now we can see guys I finally full finally have full bright it’s insane it’s Bonkers it’s

Cucko cuckoo crazy I don’t know copper okay I’m sure people have already been here I need to like go farther away from Spawn saying whose hor is that whose horse is whose’s I don’t see no horses oh they said how and they disconnected thank you okay I have coal

I have not enough Cobblestone yet that’s funny ah this is the cave this is the cave just say it no I refuse okay crafting table put that there craft one of these guys oh that’s I mean I guess I will craft one of those guys but

At the same time I’m going to craft one of these guys put them right there start cooking yeah they said howdy I said howdy and then they responded howdy and then they disconnected oh crap I did all I all tabbed oh minor plan’s here how do I I didn’t even see him

Join this is so exciting guys I’m I’m excited for this probably a little too excited but it’s been ages actually you know what I want to show you guys something if I go to crap how do I do it again multiplayer I’m surprised you haven’t I know me too it’s magical what happens

When you just don’t have water all day replay mod wait did they get rid of It did they get rid of it wait what okay first off my mini map’s broken oh there we go can I like interact with it at all did Hypixel wait am I losing my mind I swear this had replay mod one second there someone looked that up does does lunar client have replay

Mod someone please lick that up for me I beg of you guys please cuz I’m now very confused I thought I did server all re maybe it’s just in a different version okay I’m going to disconnect close open it open it in 1.20.1 C all once you go into Mods and then search for replay mod yeah that’s what I did I wasn’t all oh quick play maybe I’m probably just looking at the wrong thing that makes sense honestly where’s the chat thing wait why have you guys been gone where did you guys go okay

So Hypixel let me open up Hy pixel real fast mods oh it is called replay mod oh that’s okay well anyways what what what I was trying to show you guys is this is a replay mod from the old hoodlem server oh shoot I didn’t know we had that right below our base

Interesting look at oh no this this is my old base this is this is oh heck yeah this makes me nostalgic bro this is replay replay there’s the hidden chests if only I could play if only I could figure out what was in those chests okay let me go over to me

Look at me look at me building that’s me building right there anyways exit Replay close this so it’s only so it’s not 1.2.2 for some reason it is 1.20.1 I guess I’m confused guys this is going to be a 4our stream second 4our stream this week

Which is not okay I need to like get up and do something with my life I would but I’m in 1.2.2 right now so I can’t so yeah that’s that’s sad that’s a shame start recording Wait okay yeah so they have replay up or they don’t have replay mod for 1.20.1 two yet I see we figured it out guys we figured it out which is sad I mean I’m not I’m not making any videos on This Server yet I will probably let’s see oh excuse me skeleton

Boy we’re fine we’re fine let me go to let me go see minor plane look in control for it it’s it’s not here oh look at that he’s there’s proximity chat none none of us do no just dude that’s what it said looking controls okay one second I’m going to

Die we’re fine we’re fine looking Controls oh controls there it’s yeah no oh emot wheel B can I hit can I hit the na ne I don’t have any emotes what I got to have an emote why is CB’s right behind me someone sleep I’ll sleep I sleepy so yeah okay it it works 1.20.1

But not 1.2.2 for some reason dang CBS is stacked already he’s got the horse don’t worry about me skeleton ouch almost just died okay I need to go to that chest that I saw earlier now like start recording in the controls yeah there’s there’s nothing here there’s no recording or anything

It’s cuz it’s it doesn’t work for 1.20 yet they have it for 1.19 I mean one you get what I’m trying to say one I I don’t know oh actual Minecraft controls Keybinds highlight players okay cinematic camera reload shaders toggle shaders create Waypoint free look left alt let’s change it to right Al okay snap look Q yeah there’s nothing there but what is Freel look what is Freel look hold on oh wait it’s it’s not working guys it’s not it’s oh what is Freel

Look free look let’s do the V oh it’s this oh I see I I’ve got it now let’s see what else do I have day counter five days Crosshair way points titles Direction hit color scoreboard item counter pack organizator motion blur oh yeah let’s turn on the motion blur again

Yeah I just need to hold very still okay I still can’t okay maybe not motion blur why don’t use feather client why don’t I I don’t know oh wait now why isn’t Q working what is my my snap look yeah okay it’s just broken I see at least I have I

Died we don’t talk about it I think I’m the first person to die probably Essentials plus prism long I don’t even know what that is I don’t even know what that it’s oh look at that I’m so glad I have the Waypoint though that’s that’s handy what’s wrong with what’s wrong

With uh lunar client that’s that’s my question other than the fact that it’s like kind of not working right now guys that was a calculated death feather plus sodium what language are you guys speaking right now I’m so what what what language are you guys speaking oh jeez he scared

Me he could easily murder me right now don’t mind me just picking up my dead remains download sodium for 1.12 what why 12 guys I’m so I’m not I don’t know what I’m doing here guys I shouldn’t be here okay where’s spawn again okay why isn’t okay this is

Actually bugging me what do I have for Q what do I have set to Q there’s something in here oh uh Q snap look why isn’t it working then okay wayo way points you can delete that one I’m I’m so confused it boosts much oh does

It I don’t think I don’t really need a FPS boost okay spawn is is just over oh I see someone that looks goofy okay got my por chop we’re good yeah I’m getting like 200 right now but if I look up I get still like 300 imagine 300 400

That I I okay okay Shader oh wait never mind I like my monitor only shows 160 FP 165 so anything over that is just Overkill it looks like so I I don’t even know anymore guys it’s kind of bugging me how I don’t have the snap look all of a sudden but

It’s better for rendering but when do I need to render stuff okay I think I spawned somewhere over here ouch this is just pure lunar yeah what’s so funny about using just lunar I’m so confused guys okay if it weren’t for OptiFine I’d be playing on like straight

Java download sodium no no I refuse not because I just don’t believe in it just because just because no it’s because I refuse to play sod on sodium whatever the heck that is you know I I’ll set that to Q actually what was it uh reach display uh shiny pots one second free

Look snap look Q free look oh oh wait free look Q okay that that is more acceptable cuz look I can just look around look at that I don’t know what I’m doing right now guys I’m looking for okay there’s that oh there’s tami’s

Base frck is a w I think once I learn like use it properly I’m going to I’m going to press Q in the middle of a f like oh why can’t I hit them let’s see dang I’ve been live for far too long here you know what are we at four hours

Yet we’re 10 minutes away okay this is going to be 4 Hour stream my only problem is I can’t press a when I use free look because I I have it binded to q but that’s fine uh why is he just Why is he just chilling

You I run away oh yeah that’s that’s not a bad idea why my why do my eyes look like that they’re like popping out of my skull cues your Sprint that’s understandable you have period I have I have uh equal sign set to my Sprint and

I have it set to uh toggle wait what yeah that way I I’m just always sprinting constantly so mine is toggleable you know and I just have it set to equals cuz it’s just out of the way and I’m not going to use it for anything else

Ever excuse me that’d be funny if it counted combos for sheep I’m like oh oh oh oh and I use left alt for shift I’m I’m pressing alt right now your key binds are 1 2 3 4 GQ ZX the only key binds I have are for Sprint I

Use like all my number key binds I should really change that but I don’t I need to find people let me just download my Minecraft client real fast alt seems reasonable yeah it’s so nice to like not have to use the only problem is it’s kind of hard to like jump and

Sprint or jump at sneak at the same time like I’m demonstrating right here but it’s do what okay I thought that was messed up but it’s doable okay where are they I’ve been looking for this chest the entire time get hot binds what are hot binds I know key B what what

What people say your hands look like spiders your hands are just pling swizzler by or twister by themselves I pressed Q I did it oh there’s a torch I found it I actually found it oh way key binds are hot binds for a hot

Bar I I not not no no there was a chest in there was stuff here people someone was here someone was here guys I know I’m building my base on the top of that mountain because I can ouch oh that’s cool oh you could go all you could see all

Guys I might have to do this I don’t know is this private yeah this is a private server with CBS and me and micer and Miner plane and Mr Tumi all my IRL homies that I haven’t seen in ages that’s a lie I I see Min are playing all the time let’s see

Uh oh that’s cool you need to get Chunky what is chunky okay explain what chunky is if I find if I if it’s really solves the problem that I have I might download it but like getting 100 more frames I don’t need 100 more frames I have plenty of

Frames don’t worry about me skeleton boys don’t worry about me scouton boys I I just said it’s private I can’t invite you even if like you it helps is a that helps with wait chunky is a mod that helps with lag with chunks I’m guessing you’re trying to say load or

Something along the lines of that where’s this iron oh there it is yes I don’t need more frames I my my oh also Hunter plus chunk render okay that’d be kind of cool kind of U I will admit that that last bit would be a little bit cool what is the TPS

Uh it’s not bad actually it’s like like okay it’s like 60 that’s pretty oh pretty bad there’s so much iron up here combo much combo much what what wait what mod what are we talking guys I’ve been live for 4 hours my brain is completely past being fried

I have no idea what’s going on but what is someone going to work on an elcid adventure RPG no that what I am flabbergasted right now for no reason that’s that’s not even that confusing I’m just flabbergasted uh that goes not going to hit me right I’ve never actually seen

Goats in Minecraft I’ve never encountered them that’s why they call me the best yep I can’t even understand basic English right now that’s how good I am you did tell me you’re jack of all trades Wait no that’s I’m a jack of all trades we can’t both be Jacks of all

Trades it’s been in my Discord description for ages 23 oh that’s like perfect I do want more though I need to be greedy oh Emerald interesting I don’t have the right pickaxe for it but that’s fine there’s so much I don’t have to go mining ever again I’m just going to find

Ouch all the iron I could ever possibly want who’s the track of all trades I the Jack of all trades it says so in my Discord and there like Discord can’t lie right guys never seen anything that’s not oh ow ow ow ow uh uh that’s not good oh

Well okay I was on fire for like. 2 seconds we’re fine bro doesn’t have an iron farm I just barely started I have 20 minutes of play time this is my inventory oh that’s ooh that’s nice I could look around okay Nix generator I see how it

Is I see okay well you that one extra letter well there’s more iron over here I see how it is you’re right you’re right I don’t even know what that’s supposed to mean you could start a fire base in 30 like 30 minutes well I still have uh 13 minutes

So just you wait for my fire base if you invite me I’ll bet you you’ll be a menace while 100% not inviting you now this is like hermitcraft this is more of hermitcraft EES than uh life steal SM pesque if you guys know what I’m talking

About crap I just I’ve been saying I don’t have time for two s smps and I’m in two wait wait oh crap oh crap okay we have two minutes we have two minutes guys two minutes till the stream ends T minus 1 minute in uh oh crap it’s not updating okay

Updating exactly one minute exactly one minute guys are we making applications for the server I I’ll talk to Miner plan about it because he’s the owner of the server but I don’t think so I think it might just be oh what’s up soft almonds not going to lie it’s kind of an awkward

Time for you to join considering the fact that I’m ending stream in like in like 30 seconds I’m so sorry I wish I could stream longer but I’ve been live for four hours we gota we gota we gotta we gotta I I’ll ask him on our play if if

He’s making this a little bit more public but goodbye everyone Bye

This video, titled ‘BEDWARS (Again)’, was uploaded by Lucid Studios on 2023-11-25 22:46:14. It has garnered 56 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 04:00:06 or 14406 seconds.

AND JOIN MY DISCORD :))) https://discord.gg/97mVeYvsr6

#Minecraft #lucidstudios #lucid #live #viral #fyp

  • New Minecraft Bedrock Server Launching Soon!

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  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

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  • Getting Revenge in Minecraft

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Thrilling Community Experience!

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  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

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  • Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Survival Fun!

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  • Blockbuster Childhood: Minecraft TV Time

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    CRIO UMA BASE DE SEGURANÇA INCRÍVEL no Minecraft! 😱Video Information nesse vídeo Eu e meu irmão vamos ter que fazer uma casa 100% segura inclusive um Bunker debaixo da terra porque o mundo tá acabando tá caindo meteoro do céu tá tendo uma tempestade com vários tornados e até mesmo um tsunami será que a gente vai conseguir sobreviver ao fim do mundo Assista o vídeo até o final para você descobrir Carlinhos o mundo tá acabando tá caindo meteoro tá chegando Tsunami A gente precisa fazer algum Bunker alguma casa 100% segura ai meu Deus Tinho olha al na frente Parece que vai ter um tornado Nossa… Read More

  • Become Invincible with Heart-Boosting Secrets in Minecraft!

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  • Dytolan – CRAZY LIVE TEKKIT with heart rate tracker! #shorts

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  • Ultimate Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour Pixel Art!

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  • Uncover the SECRET Minecraft tip you didn’t know! 🔥

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  • Insane Minecraft Dead by Daylight! Watch Now!

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  • AfterBeyond Networks


  • The WACE server: SMP, Semi-vanilla, Whitelist, No resets, 1.20.4, Australia

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  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Meme: omg

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  • Land Shark Survival: 200 Days Hardcore Minecraft!

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  • “Redstone Romance: Hot and Heavy” 🔥😎

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  • Experience Minecraft Characters Come to Life on Minewind Server!

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  • Minecraft: Mastering the Clone Command

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  • Aphmau turns into Medusa and takes over Minecraft!

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  • LazyWhiteBean’s Wild Minecraft Adventure

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  • Unbelievable X MENGAME Reactions – Minecraft Madness

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  • INSANE Minecraft Mario ‘1Up’ Doorbell Stream! #Mr.NIRO 🤯🚪

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  • Unbelievable! Bobby & Max DESTROY Minecraft Myths!

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft Vanilla+ Gameplay by Ursa UMi Ch.

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  • SHOCKING: Hood Baby Goes Crazy on NYPD

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  • JustAxstler’s EPIC Bedwars RAGE QUIT?! 😱 #minecraft

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  • Minecraft’s Secret Meme Revealed! Watch Now! #shorts

    Minecraft's Secret Meme Revealed! Watch Now! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Historical minecraft meme #shorts #shortsfeed #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Break Gamerzz on 2024-05-29 06:27:14. It has garnered 701 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Historical minecraft myth #shorts #shortsfeed #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #minecraft @Reedop_Gaming Subscribed Minecraft Top 100+ ‘Ulta Super MORE TNTs’ 😱🤯 #minecraft leaked Concrete mega tnt in minecraft 1.21 !! 😱😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmegatnt 1M Dislike 8,435 Share Description leaked Concrete mega tnt in minecraft 1.21 !! 😱😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmegatnt Reedop Gaming 1M Likes 20,209,364 Views Feb 24 2024 Share with your friends🙏… Read More

  • Free Will

    Free WillClan SMP with a limited world border. Has a focus on pvp and is very competitive, with clans tryign to eliminate each other at every step. Free_Will_PVP.hosting.ethera.net Read More

  • 💎 ChillZone SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Community HermitCraft Inspired Whitelist Claims Dynmap Player Shops

    Apply Here ChillZone is a newly releasing Semi-Vanilla server dedicated to providing a great vanilla experience with small enhancements for multiplayer. Community input is valued, and all players have a say in server decisions. Quick Links Website Dynmap Gallery Player Statistics Our Values Community – All player suggestions are considered, and decisions are transparent. Welcoming – A diverse and inclusive environment for all players. Stability – Top-quality hardware ensures a stable experience. Updates – Regular updates keep the experience fresh. Some of Our Features – User-friendly claims plugin for land protection – Vanilla Tweaks like Armor Stands and Mob Heads… Read More

  • Levelup MC

    Levelup MC🌟 Welcome to LevelUp MC, where survival gets an upgrade! 🚀 Join our cracked-friendly server and dive into the ultimate multiplayer experience.Since our launch in September 2020, we’ve been on a mission to redefine survival gameplay. Enjoy a vanilla-esque feel with a twist of excitement thanks to our carefully curated plugins.Discover thrilling features like:⚔️ Custom Enchants🏝️ Land Claiming▶️ Player Warps🐶 Companions👨‍💼 Jobs🐣 Upgradeable Spawners🌎 Resource GalaxyWhether you’re a lone wolf, a team player, or a social butterfly, there’s endless adventure waiting for you on LevelUp MC. Join now and level up your Minecraft journey! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Trapdoor Shenanigans

    Minecraft Memes - Trapdoor ShenanigansWhy did the Minecraft player get kicked out of the restaurant? Because they kept trying to connect (trap)doors to the bathroom! Read More

  • Strong Allies for Herobrine: Minecraft’s Mightiest Fight

    Strong Allies for Herobrine: Minecraft's Mightiest Fight In the world of Minecraft, where heroes shine bright, Herobrine needs help, let’s give him our might. Strong people unite, let’s lend a hand, Together we’ll conquer, in this blocky land. Super Mario and Herobrine, in a pushing race, Who will win, who will embrace? Noob joins the fun, with a funny twist, Laughs and cheers, in this gaming mist. Let’s support Herobrine, with all our might, Click the screen, show your light. With a billion power, he rises high, In the world of Minecraft, we reach the sky. So comment below, who joined the fight, To help Herobrine,… Read More

  • “Minefart: The Explosive Edition” 😂 #minecraft #memes

    "Minefart: The Explosive Edition" 😂 #minecraft #memes When you’re playing Minefart and you accidentally unleash a deadly gas attack on your friends in the game. 💨💀 #minecraft #memes #funny #meme Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Survival Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Survival Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of epic adventures, survival tips, and building tutorials in Minecraft? If so, you’re in the right place! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic YouTube video showcasing the creation of iron armor and a wheat farm in Minecraft. The dedication and creativity displayed in the video are truly inspiring. As you watch the player craft their iron armor piece by piece and set up a sustainable wheat farm, you can’t help but feel the urge to dive into your own Minecraft world and embark on similar adventures. The possibilities in Minecraft are truly… Read More